Newsletter 2011.01

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Over 800 students from the mid- of their finances to help pay for
Atlantic region gathered in Balti- the seeds we packed and
more’s inner harbor for our annual shipped, and/or to ask Christ
Radiate conference. The theme into their lives the first time.
this year was “Dispel the Dark- I helped collect and count the
ness” showing and encouraging cards that had been laid at the
students to be a light in a darkened foot of the cross (pictured). I
world. was over-
Throughout the whelmed
week students with joy at
had the opportu- the results.
nity to attend Twenty-seven
seminars on Bi- students
ble study, truth prayed to re-
and grace rela- ceive Christ
tionships, the for the first
importance of time, praise
the local church the LORD!
and more. Including
Every year we spend one day fo- faith pledges we raised over
cusing on the world. This year, $75,000, which was our goal!
like last, we spent hours packing Many students made decisions
seeds to ship to impoverished to give a summer or a year to
countries through Crusade’s missions.
Global Aid Network (GAiN). It Thank you for praying and giv-
was so much fun to gather so ing to help make this confer-
many students working together ence possible and successful.
for a common goal. Please join me in praising God
By the last morning of the four for all he has done and will

DEC 2010 / JAN 2011

day conference students were tired continue to do in the lives of
from staying up all night and pack- these students.
ing their days with content. How-
ever, God would still use this day
for His glory! In the morning we
Support Update
As of January 24th I have
asked all the
reached my initial support goal
students to pray and seek God’s
and reported full-time to cam-
will in different areas of their
pus! Thank you SO much for
lives. We passed out challenge
your support, without it I
cards asking students to pledge to
would not be here sharing
give a summer or a year to full-
the Gospel with UVA
time missions, to give faithfully
In January of 2010 Lifelines at UVA began something
that no Lifelines Ministry had done before. We created a
leadership team of students to help us run programs and
develop an evangelistic activity group on campus. After
snowshoeing through the Dolly Sods wilderness our
“hard core” factor got students excited to join us.
Throughout the course of the year the excitement dwin-
dled as well as involvement of students. After much
prayer and planning we decided to give it another shot.
This year we hiked into cabins to stay for a weekend. It
wasn’t as “hard core” but
it gave us was up to the a greater oppor-
tunity to students to take the expose students
to our pro- gramming, cast
vision and make it a develop com-
munity reality at UVA and stay warm!

Eight students joined us in the Shenandoah Valley for

concentrated Lifelines time. We talked about the value
of community with both believers and non-believers. We
talked about group dynamics, conflict and trust. As staff,
we thought the weekend was successful but it was up to
the students to take the vision and make it a reality at

We asked those who wanted to commit to investing time

and efforts into this ministry to come to our meeting on
Tuesday. To our delight every student showed up! We
now are in the process of developing a second evangel-
ism activity group to reach more students in more places
at UVA!

Prayer Requests
> Please pray for our student group as they step out
boldly to reach their peers with the Gospel.
(Michael, Julia, Jessie, Lindsay, William,
Coleman, Liz and Monique)
> Pray for our staff team as we humbly lead these
students and continue to create a new path for out
reach on grounds. (John, Jon, Lindsay, Emily,
Hank and myself)
> Pray for the students who were challenged at Radiate,
that they would not lose sight of what God has
called them to.
> Hank and Emily are planning an evangelistic spring
break trip canoeing in the Everglades. We have
never done this trip before. Please pray for
wisdom as they make decisions and as we try to
recruit non-Christian students.

Pictured from top: William during our community study; Hank, Julia, Wil-
liam and Liz hiking to the cabins; Julia trying to stay warm in 19 degree
weather; Michael, William, Coleman, Jessie, Julia, me, Liz, Lindsay,
Monique and Emily outside the cabin; students watch after throwing a
Christmas tree into the fire; midnight snack of orange cakes made in the fire.

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