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Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231 6345 (Online)

An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at www.cibtech.org/sp.ed/jls/2015/01/jls.htm

2015 Vol.5 (S1), pp. 1824-1829/Hamid and Khorramin
Review Article
Hamid Reza Vakilifard1 and *Manoochehr Khorramin2
Department of Accounting, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Accounting, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University Elites, Iran
*Author for Correspondence

The aim of the present study is to review E-Accounting. The article the data collection instrument of
which relies on laboratory method will explore the topic in a descriptive-analytical way. An attempt was
also made to review the concepts, i.e. accounting, e-accounting, the necessity of e-accounting application,
model, functions, features, advantages and disadvantages of e-accounting, in the first place. The rules of
accounting passed in 1977 as well as the manuals proposed by Accounting Association in 2000 in the
field of financial accounting, and using data electronic media, a change has been made in recording,
transferring, and storing information so that using digital technologies such as the internet and mobile
phones rather than registration of documents on papers has brought up a change and development with
respect to financial accounting. Therefore, it can be claimed that the atmosphere of business would
undertake necessary flexibility by using the instrument, and financial data can be easily and conveniently
accessible to users using computer networks as well as a variety of software application irrespective of
vocational and geographical positions, which in turn lead to better and faster function within transactional
space as well as bringing about saving of time, accuracy, and social value.

Keywords: Accounting, E-Accounting, Model, the Internet, Website

Today, advanced electronic technology has extensively brought about constant change and development
in various departments of accounting, identification, measurement, record, as well as financial reporting
from industrial and economic point of views. This evolves into a vital issue when invoking premier
electronic information technology and using the tools for enterprises and institutions. Therefore, as
accounting literature suggests, most companies, institutions, departments would lose their energy,
accuracy, and social value without regard to this issue; per contra, organization management may expose
its weakness of knowledge, while the use of the technology can facilitate business and administrative, or
personalized communications so that one can achieve true objectives, and offer saving of cost and time in
the current situation. The breathtaking pace of the ongoing research across the globe and massively
compacted information via worldwide web can growingly deepen the information gap for those who are
deprived of necessary knowledge and expertise in an attempt to take benefit from the information. In the
process of accounting, a service used by the premier electronic technology, can itself bring about change
in accounting methods so as to show better and faster performance.
Definition of Accounting
There are a variety of definitions on accounting. In the past, it was referred to as identification, record,
classification, summarization of, as well as reporting, financial events. More recent definitions views it as
an information system; i.e. it includes a system of information that makes necessary information available
to accounting information users through identifying, recording, classifying, summarizing, and reporting
financial events.
The Concept of Electronic Accounting
The changes of technology and constant growth of information and communication technology use are
extensive, which exerts a growing effect on commercial units in general as well as commercial processes.
The process of organizing, recording, processing, and reporting commercial events is evolving every day.
The global advancements in information technology would make information accessible more and
quicker as well as keeping it update. Given the factors, there is no more need to justify the use of
information technology in the modern world. This makes it unavoidable for accounting to apply and use
Copyright 2014 | Centre for Info Bio Technology (CIBTech) 1824
Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231 6345 (Online)
An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at www.cibtech.org/sp.ed/jls/2015/01/jls.htm
2015 Vol.5 (S1), pp. 1824-1829/Hamid and Khorramin
Review Article
the whole or part of new methods in offering services and meeting their obligations. For example, the
instances being used in accounting and information technology are regarded as electronic financial
reporting, which allows for financial information communication with beneficiaries via the internet.
Therefore, such new technologies as the internet and mobile phone are viewed as the key to operational
field and commercial unit activity development and the growth of new opportunities in the units. E-
accounting is a new developed concept in the field of accounting. As a matter of fact, if someone intends
to define it, he needs to define the internet application and the internet technologies. That is to say, the
whole size of operations and transactions such as a website, weblog can be recorded in an online serve or
database. However, in order to do transactions and operations, we need username and password; in which
case user can easily get access to database by choosing them. E-accounting invariably offers a wide
application of data processes and operation via the internet that entails other aspects such as registration,
storage, business activity, production management, procurement and distribution, goods transfer, as well
as after sales service. In sum, electronic accounting revolution has a process-oriented effect. This is
feasible by the use of information banks and worldwide networks. At this moment, International
Accounting Federation has examined all the instruments necessary for E-accounting development and
education, which in turn compatibility and synergy will be followed at international levels. A multitude of
accounting enterprises take benefit from the services internationally. As for the enterprises, overall
discussions on journal office, ledger, record and book keeping, cash management, receivable and payable
accounts, asset management, financial analysis, financial reporting and financial statements can be
pursued online using electronic services.
Statement of the problem and the need for research
The use of E-accounting and the internet are a fast and easy way to perform activities, transactions, and
information at national and internal level, which in turn can help the establishment of communication
better. The application of E-accounting is growingly underway in the face of economic crises. One of the
key questions raised in this respect, given the frequent uses of information and communicative
technologies such as mobiles, emails, computer systems, tablets, electronic payment transfer, as well as
growing interest of people in the technologies and the advantages of using them, is how we can create a
suitable, safe, and reliable space for individuals and enterprises to make case for the advantages and
services offered by them, since one of the key challenges is to gain institutions and individuals trust in
electronic services so that one can reduce available risks in doing so.
The Need for the Application Of E-Accounting
One of the aspects of information technology effect on enterprises and institutions is quantitative and
qualitative changes of information and accounting management systems. And one of the leading
developments is that of data and activity exchange, as well as the expansion of intranet and internet
information networks. Consequently, we can claim that the role of electronic information networks in
releasing financial and business information of organization is unavoidable. Breakthroughs in this regard
have created new expectations based on online information access and immediate reporting. Meanwhile,
the internet is an information technology that takes on the greatest responsibility for altering professional
processes, so we should not the role of planning systems
A wide range of various activities were skipped by (ERP). Planning for human resource which in sum
involves it and aims to gather the whole amount of data and processes of an organization within a single
system, and finally to improve the performance of an organization with seller and customer system, which
leads to an organization of resources planning in a firm. Capable technology was intended for such e-
accounting systems, which is accomplished by means of internet.
The Function of The Internet
The growing development of information and communication technologies, especially the rise of the
internet, have had a remarkable effect on business and economic relationships of commercial unit. Today,
relying on the technologies enterprises and organizations managed to change their own practices to such
an extent that they are able to perform activities with the least time and the best quality and the lowest
price, i.e. e-accounting is the best possible way to reach the goal. To do so, the need for internet is felt

Copyright 2014 | Centre for Info Bio Technology (CIBTech) 1825

Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231 6345 (Online)
An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at www.cibtech.org/sp.ed/jls/2015/01/jls.htm
2015 Vol.5 (S1), pp. 1824-1829/Hamid and Khorramin
Review Article
more than ever. As a consequence, we can initially come up with a definition of the internet. The internet
has been defined in a variety of forms. In an overall definition, as opposed to the fact that it looks a single
network at first glance, it is indeed the network of networks. The phenomena is a worldwide tour that
links various computer networks in different size and even personal computers together using a variety of
hardware as well as similar communicative contracts. Some associate the internet with an electronic
spider net that links PCs or computer networks together via telephone lines. Moreover, it allows for an
exchange of information among them in text, voice, image, and video, as well as securing
communication, by allocating specific electronic identities to each of computers.
The Function of Mobile Phones
Mobile phone networks can be taken as one of the technologies which have considerably flourished in
recent years. The technology would allow mobile phone users to get connected from every point within a
geographical range supported by other mobile phone devices and/or ordinary phones. One of the features
made available in the network and welcomed is to enable us to exchange text messages by mobile phones.
The feature which is called short message service is not only used by mobile phone network users, it also
enables us to offer a variety of services via mobile phone devices. Another great and potential application
of SMS is to use it as a means of providing information. SMS can be used to transfer the whole amount of
information comprised of text information to some extent, e.g. stock price, bank account information, etc.
Many commercial and industrial applications have been designed for SMS. For instance, organizations
can stay in contact indirectly with their employees, say sales departments and delivery employees.
The Function And Significance of Electronic Websites
What is an internet commerce website and of what parts is it made? Most of us can answer the question;
like other websites, it consists of static and dynamic parts in which saleable products are offered along
with shopping cart and online payment systems, etc., but what makes an internet commerce site different
from other websites? Did you ever think how successful sites, with respect to internet commerce, such as
eBay and Amazon become by far famous and popular? The most important factor in attracting viewers to
various websites, especially internet commerce, is to hold on to customer service; Definition: it is the
ability of internet commerce owners to satisfy customers needs and demands continually and flawlessly.
The definition seems exhaustive as it gets the point across. As we go to different stores to buy staff and
would expect seller to provide us with necessary information on goods and help us to choose something
appropriate, and if we run into trouble, we come to help us, a virtual and internet store customers need
for seller to help is not less if not more. We can attribute the reason for the need to an act of verticalness
in itself. Most people have ever had internet shopping experience. They can frequently browsing through
the web, while they rarely become a fixed regular of a shopping internet website. Some of their refusals to
do so are as follows:
In most cases, shopping process is lengthy and unclear in these websites as user is forced to go through
several stages to place order, and if the speed of his connection is slow, he will quit completing it and
leave it and never return to your site due to his unpleasant experience
Most users are reluctant to put their personal information in a website, and then they leave it
User newly joined to the world of the web needs help and if they fall short of satisfying answers, they
will certainly leave
The only solution to the above cases is to make customer feel there is someone who can always assist him
with the site, and this would not be feasible unless different customer support practices are employed. A
question is here raised: how can we satisfy our customers? What methods are there to support
customer?the key to communicate with customerthe user who enters a shopping website for the first
time may not purchase anything at all, he wishes to collect information from the web instead. As a
consequence, users trust should be earned once, so he may turn back to buy again. The following cases
are suggested for the support of customer:
The use of phonebut the phone lines should be always open so that user will never have to wait on
the line!

Copyright 2014 | Centre for Info Bio Technology (CIBTech) 1826

Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231 6345 (Online)
An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at www.cibtech.org/sp.ed/jls/2015/01/jls.htm
2015 Vol.5 (S1), pp. 1824-1829/Hamid and Khorramin
Review Article
The use of emailin order to support customers, we can use the emails below:
[email protected] this email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript
enabled to view it [email protected] this email address is being protected from spam bots, you
need Javascript enabled to view it
Response time should be minimized and user should not be kept on hold.
The use of customer support software and serviceswhich allows for an online talk between supporter
and users and help him with every stage.
We can use the above methods at best in order to ensure users satisfaction and turn him into a customer;
however, as for an internet commerce website and having done the first shopping by user, it is you who
can retain him or lose him.
User will have a pleasant experience with your site and remember you in case his order is received at the
minimum and reasonable time. Never should we forget that trust is the basis of internet buy and sell

Received Benefit: It refers to a level of recognition associated with benefits that the technology of data
electronic exchange can have; the benefits can be obtained directly, such as the reduction of transaction
costs, high quality of information, or it is obtained indirectly which refers to the opportunities influencing
communicative processes of commercial unit, say the increase of operational efficiency and better
customer service offering, and the ability of enterprise competitive increase
Preparation: It refers to a level of financial resources and technology of company. The preparation is
associated with financial benefits available for paying the charge of installation, improvement, and its
implementation as well as current expenses over during the use, when the enterprise is ready enough to
receive the information technology.
External Pressure: It implies the compatibility and effect of organizational environment; the
compatibility would give rise to further competitive pressure and the ability of commercial unit partners
to exchange electronic data.
Sincerity: It refers to the veracity and trust built between commercial enterprises in different sizes and
customers and agencies as well as acting as contributing factor in the compatibility of E-accounting
systems and further coordinating and sharing information data.
Functions of E-Accounting
In the accounting literature, E-accounting is defined as documentation, recording, archiving, summarizing
economic events inside and outside organizations related to commercial unit, offering the summarized
information to interested parties in an electronic environment. The definition can include three categories,
e-tax system, e-banking, as well as preliminary e-accounting. In the process of electronic tax system,
events such as the preparation of tax rates, tax documents, and tax-related liabilities and other related
information can occur in an electronic environment. The policy of e-banking, including bank transaction,
follows an economic construction that occurs in an electronic environment via the internet. Moreover,

Copyright 2014 | Centre for Info Bio Technology (CIBTech) 1827

Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231 6345 (Online)
An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at www.cibtech.org/sp.ed/jls/2015/01/jls.htm
2015 Vol.5 (S1), pp. 1824-1829/Hamid and Khorramin
Review Article
preliminary e-accounting is a structure for activities performed between commercial units and customers
and sellers, as well as maintaining and recording documents, and providing tables in an electronic
environment, and presenting them to individual through the internet.

The characteristics of e-accounting:

An electronic accounting system can be helpful in the effective process of accounting through the
following features:
Multiple user access
Frugality because of service offering to a large number of customers
Sharing one or several database
Multiple site access
Advantages of E-Accounting
It is vital to provide accurate information on accounting. Therefore, in the modern world, the need to
control financial data and awareness of financial situation take on cardinal importance at all geographical
levels. The e-accounting could make it come true, as it helps enterprises keep data in a safe environment
as well as providing easy access to the use of relevant software for users. Therefore, we can point out to
the advantages of e-accounting as follows:
Easy access to computer networks
In case of damage to computer, documents is available on the server
Staff turnover is not an issue in the workplace
Commercially focused organization
No wasting time
Saving in administrative costs
More control by computer systems and accounting software
Transactions can be transferred automatically
Disadvantages of Electronic Accounting
Network security: the data receiving support can only remain on the network
speed: the need for high speed wide internet
Connecting network: internet access and need

Today, change and development in technology bring about change in different parts of accounting.
Therefore, change in recording as well as activities and controlling over transactions and saving in time
and cost is one of the important aspects and conceived as advancement using electronic technology so as
to bring better performance of organization. The technology is viewed as a revolution in changing
accounting, which is called e-accounting. Thus, it is imperative for all the related governmental and

Copyright 2014 | Centre for Info Bio Technology (CIBTech) 1828

Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231 6345 (Online)
An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at www.cibtech.org/sp.ed/jls/2015/01/jls.htm
2015 Vol.5 (S1), pp. 1824-1829/Hamid and Khorramin
Review Article
private department to pay enough and essential attention to the changes in order to deliver better
performance and effectiveness.

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