Lesson Plan For Wednesday

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Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F Date: 30/08/17 Time:

Year: 2/3
Learning Area: Physical Education Topic: Fitness and Team
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)
Experience play activities (VCHPEP007)
Cooperate when experiencing physical activities and movement (VCHPEM012)
Engage in physical activities (VCHPEM014)

Students prior knowledge and experience:

(Outline what the students already know about this topic)
The students have been introduced to the topic in a previous lesson where they
identified through morning fitness.

Learning purpose: (May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content

description here) participate in structured play with significant people and

experiencing objects and environments and learning to react to elements

experiencing a range of ways to play and reacting to and demonstrating a
readiness to engage in play

Learning objectives: Evaluation:

On completion of this lesson, (Explain how you will know that lesson
objective have been achieved / monitor
students will be able to: student learning)
(What will students know and be able to do
at the completion of the lesson specific, 1. Students will demonstrate an
concise and attainable objectives) understanding of cooperative
team-building through
1. Enable students to enable 3 team- partnerships and inclusive
building skills. practices
2. Developing personal and social 2. Demonstrate this understanding
skills, such as cooperation, which by playing a cardiovascular
support inclusive practices. team building game.
3. Incorporate physical fitness.
Preparation and Resources:
(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning environment
will be required)

Students will need


Teacher will prepare

4x cones

Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for educational/

resource adjustments)

Have an awareness of the students who may need more assistance or

Timin Learning Experiences:
1. Introduction: (How will I engage the learners?)

Why do we have these morning fitness?

5mins Answers include: Be healthy, mind, body

Introduce what task they are going to complete.

- Get into pairs
- Students need to do exercises that are team-building exercises
(Hold both arms and pull away, and have to hold each other up)
- Briefly say the rules of scarecrow
1: Aim of the game is to make everyone scare crows, but its the
choice to be friendly with your peers to be alive again!

2. Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the students

achieve the learning objectives? What tasks and activities will the
students be involved in to help achieve the learning objectives?)

1. Chose a player who wants to be it

2. Play 5 minutes of scarecrow and then swap person and rules to
modify it and play for another 4 minutes. (For example, have to
hop everywhere).
(If it rains, put 4 groups and to do the unweave yourself, or create
objects challenge)
3. Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it to
the lesson objectives?)

Ask the students on the importance of working as a team for that

game? And why its important to be there for one another!
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)

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