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The key takeaways are the various duties and responsibilities of a Head Nurse which include overseeing patient care, supervising staff, ensuring adequate supplies and equipment, and participating in quality improvement activities.

The main duties and responsibilities of a Head Nurse include conducting morning report, assigning staff, making rounds, checking charts and orders, overseeing admissions and discharges, encoding charges, and evaluating staff performance.

During morning rounds, a Head Nurse checks patients' conditions, preparation for procedures, intake/output measurements, specimen collection, IV sites, drainages, trays, and equipment/supplies in patient rooms.

Job Description- HEAD NURSE

Duties and Responsibilities

1) MORNING CIRCLE: Receives endorsement from the right nurse. (i.e. individual
[patient report-condition of patients, orders, incidents, peculiarities etc. Gives
highlights on cc disease and care, as each patient is discussed. Reads and
explains new directives, memos and reminders received.

2) Gives assignments to staff.

3) Makes rounds with the staff who sees each patient taking note of the ff:

a) Patient’s condition-greets the patient. Introduces self and nurse assigned,

feels, pulse, notes colour of skin and patient’s reaction.
b) If patient is for operation, checks on external preparation, NPO, consent for
anaesthesia, pre-med, denture, contact lenses, jewelry, hair, gown, etc.,
advises patient what to do and checks if consent is signed.
c) If patient is for X-ray, checks on preparation, enema, suppository, gown,
necklace, etc ad indicated.\
d) If patient’s I/O are to be measured, sees to it that there is a graduated glass
and fluid I/O sign. Checks on entries I/O sheet.
e) If blood exam, stool exam, urinalysis etc. had been ordered, checks if
specimen were obtained.
f) If on NPO re-instructs patients and relatives not to offer anything unless told
by nurse.
g) If patients have IV or transfusion on, checks IV tag, attached to bottle, with
the number of drops per minute, fluid and drugs incorporated and time to
consume. Checks IV site.
h) Checks drainage from catheters and tubes, noting character and if draining
well and records them.
i) Patient’s tray-takes note how much did the patient eat? Does he need help?
Was he served the right diet?
j) Equipment and supplies in patient’s room and surroundings. Checks patient’s
charts for completeness and proper documentation.

4) Checks on pre-operative orders and completeness of charts of patient’s for

surgery, lab reports that need to be in the chart that consent for operation has
been signed.
5) Checks equipment and supplies-e.g., special equipment such as dressing cart,
emergency cart, steam inhalator, droplights, ambubag, stethoscope, Bp
apparatus, laryngoscope and blades with bulb.
6) Checks equipment borrowed from ___ and /OR from other nursing units. Checks
RIS done by nurse in-charge. Sees to it that stocks are adequate.
7) Makes rounds with doctors as they come. Post orders accurately on kardex and
carries out doctor’s order and informs nursing staff for new orders of their
assigned patients.
8) Receives patient for admission and transfer and pot-operative patients. Carries
out orders immediately. Fills up daily floor census record and calls up dietary for
patients who are admitted or discharged, etc.
9) Encodes charges on computer, checks medication cards and treatment cards
countersigned as necessary. Reports to EDP if computer is not functioning or
10. Checks discharges that clearance slips had been signed, television remote has been
given and comment sheet was provided. Sees to it that home instruction is given and
explained to patient-relative with excess medicines
11. Makes frequent visits to particular patients including those with special nurse and sees
to it that their special needs, including spiritual needs are met

12. Makes rounds to utility rooms, medication, room, etc. To check on cleanliness
orderliness or condition of facilities, equipment and supplies there at.

13. In the absence of the training offices, supervises and follows up new staff on procedures
and charting

14. At lunch time, checks on patient’s trays or delegate one to do the checking and assigns
help to those that need to be fed.

15. After lunch, make rounds to a certain patients’ condition, checks whether or not patient
ate, checks if treatments and medications have been given, and sees to it that patient
are resting and comfortable. Sees to it that lunch trays are collected from patient’s room.

16. Checks on extra assignments of staff nurses and aides and also on the following:

a. Equipment and supplies from CSS that needs to be cleaned and returned

b. Medicines and supplies that need to be requested for the afternoon and night use

17. Reviews chart for competencies: all doctor’s order are carried out; vs, fluid intake and
output accurately charted, nurse’s notes completed and signed. Makes reminders as

18. Delegates of makes 24-hour patient condition report and submits it to the Nursing
Service Office together with the comment sheets from discharged patient

19.Makes time and assignment schedule as necessary. This may be done at the head
nurse’s convenience, submits to NSO of 1st Wednesday of the current schedule

20. Endorses to the PM nurses going over the Kardex one by one and giving highlights and
pointers as in the morning circle

21. Finalizes endorsement re: equipment, supplies, medicines, keys, new nurses and other
special endorsement

22. Participates actively on various quality activities/program of the hospital and nursing

Other responsibilities:

• Evaluates the performance of nursing staff recommends retention/transfer as the

case may be

• Conducts frequent inventories of drugs and supplies and see to it that used ones are
replaced immediately

• Conducts meeting regularly

• In charge of keeping and checking at regular intervals all the equipments in the unit

• Maintains good relationship with patients/relatives/medical staff and nursing staff

• Supervises the administration of treatment and medication ordered by the medical

• Provide total nursing care to patients and at the same time acts as a team coach of
the nursing care team

• Determines training needs of staff and recommends plans for in-service training and
external seminar and assists in the implementation and evaluation of the service.


• BSN graduate of a reputable college/school of Nursing

• Licensed to practice in Philippines

• Must be Filipino citizen

• With leadership potentials and must be willing to handle responsibility

PM shift

4. Checks the chart and encode in the computer any changes in patient’s diet.

5. Check equipments and supplies with the morning nurses and the ward clerk; sees that
there is sufficient supply for afternoon such as:

a.) Sterile supplies for the dressing cart like cotton balls, OS 4 x 4, dressing kit,
disposable syringe etc.
b.) Stock medicine
c.) Treatment trays – external perineal care tray, enema tray, IV tray, dressing tray

6. Makes rounds with doctors as they come. Transcribe orders accurately on Kardex, check
and affix signature and time on the doctors order sheet after copying

7. Checks discharges – sees to it that patient is given the evaluation sheet. Before the home
instruction and extra medicines are given and explain to relative/patient, ask for the
evaluation sheet.

8. Sends schedule slip to OR for patient who is for surgery X-ray request ultrasound, CT
scan etc.

9. After supper, Head Nurse II will make her rounds and see to it that

a.) All patients are served supper and helpless patients are fed
b.) That all ordered treatment have been done
c.) Take note of the valant rooms that need to be sprayed and report to the Nursing
Supervisor. Check if spraying has been done and ask the janitor to clean the room.
d.) Gives final instructions to patients who are for surgery for x-ray and for blood works.
10. Reviews charts and checks if orders have been carried out and charting in the Graphic
Sheet, I/O sheet, IV fluid sheet, Diabetic sheet, Nurses notes and medication sheet if

12. Checks on medication cards. Set aside all medication cards of patients who are for
surgery, x-ray and blood chemistry. Who needs special preparation like fasting and
endorse properly to incoming duty.

13. Checks and instruct ward clerk the charges medicines to be used the next day
except for too expensive IV medicines inclding supplier, the cotton balls, disposable

14. Sees that the ward is quiet, ligts lowered and patients are comfortable.

15. Reports to the night nurses and finalize endorsement regarding patients,
equipments, supplies, medicines and keys.

16. Participates actively in various quality activities/program of the hospital/nursing

service division

17. Directly responsible to head nursing service division and nursing

supervisors/administrative coordinators/



Graduated from an accredited school or college of nursing

A BSN degree holder/graduate


At least 2 years of nursing experience

Physically and mentally Healthy.

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