Art. 61 Graduated Scales

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The document discusses the graduated scales of penalties and the rules for graduating penalties for accomplices and accessories based on the penalty for the principal offender.

The indivisible penalties are: (1) death, (2) reclusion perpetua, and (3) public censure.

When the penalty prescribed for the felony is single and indivisible, the penalty next lower in degrees shall be that immediately following that indivisible penalty in the respective graduated scale prescribed in Article 71 of this Code.

Art. 71.

Graduated Scales

In the cases in which the law prescribes a penalty lower or higher by one or more degrees than another
given penalty, the rules prescribed in Article 61 shall be observed in graduating such penalty.

The lower or higher penalty shall be taken from the graduated scale in which is comprised the given

Art. 71 is Art. 25 classified

In Article 71, the different principal penalties provided for in Art. 25 are classified and grouped into two
(2) graduated scales.

Scale No. 1 - Personal penalties

Scale No. 2 Penalties consisting in deprivation of political rights

Graduated Scales

1. Death

2. Reclusion Perpetua

3. Reclusion Temporal

4. Prision Mayor

5. Prision Correcional

6. Aresto Mayor

7. Destierro

8. Arresto Menor

9. Perpetual absolute disqualification

10. Temporary absolute disqualification

11. Suspension from public officer, right to vote and be voted for, and the right to follow a
profession or calling

12. Public Censure

13. Fine

The ruling in the case of Rivera v. Geronimo to the effect that the penalty next lower from arresto mayor
is arresto menor may be considered overruled.
Q: Why may the ruling be considered overruled?

A: According to he case of Uy Chin Hua v. Dingalasan, in Art. 71 which places destierro below arresto
mayor cannot be disregarded.

Destierro, although a correctional penalty consisting in banishment (Art. 87) with a duration of 6 months
and 1 day to 6 years (Art. 27) is considered not higher than arresto mayor which is imprisonment of 1
month and 1 day to 6 months.

The penalty two degree lower from arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods is destierro in its
minimum and medium periods.


Arresto mayor - med



Destierro - med


- The indivisible penalties are: (1) death, (2) reclusion perpetua, and (3) public censure.

- The divisible penatlies are reclusion temporal down to arresto menor.

- The divisible penalties are divided into three periods, namely:

- (1) the minimum, (2) the medium, (3) the maximum.

Death shall no longer form part of the equation in the graduation of penalties, pursuant to R.A. No. 9346
otherwise known as An Act Prohibiting The Imposition Of Death Penalty In The Philippines.

The negation of the word death as previously inscribed will appropriately downgrade the proper
penalties attaching to accomplices, accessories, frustrated and attempted felonies to the level
consistent with the rest of the penal laws.

1. Principal of a consummated felony the penalty provided by law. (Art. 46)

2. Principal of a frustrated felony one degree lower than that prescribed for a consummated felony.
(Art. 50)

3. Principal of an attempted felony 2 degrees lower than that prescribed for a consummated felony.
(Art. 51)
4. Accomplice of a consummated felony one degree lower than that prescribed for a consummated
felony. (Art. 52)

5. Accessory of a consummated felony 2 degrees lower than that prescribed for a consummated
felony. (Art. 53)

6. Accomplice of a frustrated felony one degree lower than that prescribed for a frustrated felony.
(Art. 54)

7. Accessory of a frustrated felony 2 degrees lower than that prescribed for a frustrated felony. (Art.

8. Accomplice of an attempted felony one degree lower than that prescribed for an attempted felony.
(Art. 56)

9. Accessory of an attempted felony 2 degrees lower than that prescribed for an attempted felony.
(Art. 57)

Art. 61. Rules for graduating penalties. For the purpose of graduating the penalties which, according
to the provisions of Articles 50 to 57, inclusive, of this Code, are to be imposed upon persons guilty as
principals of any frustrated or attempted felony, or as accomplices or accessories, the following rules
shall be observed:

1. When the penalty prescribed for the felony is single and indivisible, the penalty next lower in degrees
shall be that immediately following that indivisible penalty in the respective graduated scale prescribed
in Article 71 of this Code.

2. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed of two indivisible penalties, or of one or more
divisible penalties to be impose to their full extent, the penalty next lower in degree shall be that
immediately following the lesser of the penalties prescribed in the respective graduated scale.

3. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed of one or two indivisible penalties and the
maximum period of another divisible penalty, the penalty next lower in degree shall be composed of the
medium and minimum periods of the proper divisible penalty and the maximum periods of the proper
divisible penalty and the maximum period of that immediately following in said respective graduated

4. when the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed of several periods, corresponding to different
divisible penalties, the penalty next lower in degree shall be composed of the period immediately
following the minimum prescribed and of the two next following, which shall be taken from the penalty
prescribed, if possible; otherwise from the penalty immediately following in the above mentioned
respective graduated scale.

5. When the law prescribes a penalty for a crime in some manner not especially provided for in the four
preceding rules, the courts, proceeding by analogy, shall impose corresponding penalties upon those
guilty as principals of the frustrated felony, or of attempt to commit the same, and upon accomplices
and accessories.

First rule:

When the penalty is single and indivisible.

Q: What are our indivisible penalties again?

A: (1) death, (2) reclusion perpetua, and (3) public censure.

First rule:

When the penalty is single and indivisible.

Ex. Kidnapping and failure to return a minor (Art. 270), reclusion perpetua.

The penalty immediately following reclusion perpetua is reclusion temporal.

The penalty next lower in degree, therefore, is reclusion temporal.

Graduated Scales

1. Death

2. Reclusion Perpetua

3. Reclusion Temporal

4. Prision Mayor

5. Prision Correcional

6. Aresto Mayor

7. Destierro

8. Arresto Menor

Second rule:

When the penalty is composed of two indivisible penalties.

Ex: Parricide (Art. 246) reclusion perpetua to death.

The penalty immediately following the lesser of the penalties, which is reclusion perpetua, is reclusion

Second rule:
When the penalty is composed of one or more divisible penalties to be imposed to their full extent.

One divisible penalty to be imposed to its full extent is reclusion temporal. The penalty immediately
following it is prision mayor.

And the penalty immediately following the lesser of the penalties of prision correccional to prision
mayor is arresto mayor.

Third rule:

When the penalty is composed of two indivisible penalties and the maximum period of a divisible

Simplified rules:

(1) If the penalty prescribed by the Code consists in three periods, corresponding to different divisible
penalties, the penalty next lower in degree is the penalty consisting in the three periods down in scale.

(2) If the penalty prescribed by the Code consists in two periods, the penalty next lower in degree is the
penalty consisting in two periods down in the scale.

(3) If the penalty prescribed by the Code consists in only one period, the penalty next lower in degree is
the next period down in the scale.

If the given penalty is composed of one, two or three periods, the penalty next lower in degree should
begin where the given penalty ends, otherwise, it would no be next lower in degree.

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