Bana Harsacarita TR Cowell+Thos 1897

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this work is dedicated in sincere gratitude for the kindly

sympathy and generous help which he has given to the New

Series of the Oriental Translation Fund. To that generosity is

due the publication of this translation of Bana's old historical


book of which an English translation is now for

the first time presented to those who are interested

in Hindu literature and antiquities, appears to have been

almost forgotten in India. One writer on rhetoric mentions
it by name in his Sahityadarpana as an example of the kind
of prose composition called Akhyayika, and a verse passage
is quoted from it in the older treatise on rhetoric, the

Kavyaprakaga ; yet few native scholars had seen it for many

years, although rare copies did linger unknown in some native
libraries. Professor FitzEdward Hall first introduced it to
the knowledge of European Orientalists in the Introduction
to his edition of Subandhu's Vasavadatta, published at Cal-
cutta in the Bibliotheca Indica in 1859 he discovered three

MSS. more or less complete. An edition with an excellent

Commentary was published at Jatnmu in Kashmir in 1879

(Samvat 1936), and this was reprinted with some variations
in Bombay A. D. 1892 (Qaka 1814), and an independent
edition of the text appeared in Calcutta in 1883, prepared

by Pandit Vidyasagar. Professor Fiihrer has promised a

new edition of the text from a careful collation of all the
MSS. available in India, but his numerous engagements in
connection with the Lucknow Museum have hitherto hindered
him in carrying his undertaking to completion. We have
had to do our best with the imperfect materials at our
command, and we shall mention at the close of this preface

the additional help which we have received in our task from

other quarters.
great merit of the Harsa-carita consists in the fact
that it a very early attempt at an historical romance.

Bana's other work, the Kadambarl 1 and Subandhu's Vasa- ,

vadatta deal with mythological fiction, and everything is

viewed through a highly poetical atmosphere; and the
Dac,a-kumara-carita is equally based on pure imagination,
although its characters, as in the picaresco literature of
modern Europe, are the exaggerated pictures of the vulgar
rogues and ruffians of every great city. But the author of
the Harsa-carita has taken his own sovereign as his hero
and has woven the story out of the actual events of his reign.
The narrative can be often illustrated by contemporary
inscriptions, in fact it is as much based on real events as
Scott's Quentin Durward or Waverley. This gives to it a
peculiar character which distinguishes it from all other works
of Sanskrit literature. In studying any other classical San-
skrit writing we are generally obliged to infer the date of

its composition by a careful examination of the accidental

allusions or the peculiar words and phrases which it may

contain, or by tracing the earliest quotations from it in

subsequent authors it is the special interest of the Harsa-


carita that it treats of a period, which happens to be almost

as familiar to the student of Indian history as the
reign of
any of the early Muhammadan monarchs of Northern India.

Qri-harsa, who gives his name to the story, was the ruler
at whose court the Chinese Buddhist traveller Hiuen
for a time resided, who has left us such a precious description
of India as he actually saw it in the early part of the seventh

century (A.D. 630

644); and, fortunately for us, Qri-harsa
was a king who well deserved to have this strong light thrown
upon his reign. He was the Akbar of the Hindu period of
' '

Indian history ;
and under his wise toleration the adherents of

Translated by Miss Ridding in the present series.

the contending religions, Brahmanism and Buddhism, seemed

to forget their rivalries in a common feeling of loyalty, just
as Rajputs and Muhammadans served Akbar with equal
devotion. The one great difference is that Akbar's reign is

presented to us in broad daylight by such full contemporary

narratives as those of Abu'l Fazl and 'Abd-ul-Kadir Badaum,
which give us a detailed account of every great event and
biographical notices of all the leading personages of the
time while we learn the events of Qrl-harsa's reign only

by the passing allusions of the Chinese visitor or the brief

records of some inscription. Now here our romance comes
in to supply a living and contemporary picture, wherein we
can see something of the India of that time, just as we see
in Arrian and Plutarch something of the India of Alexander's

time ;
but we long in vain for some chronicler who would
have filled in the imperfect sketch with a thousand details
now for ever lost.

Bana's style resembles the estilo culto of Spanish litera-

ture it abounds with double meanings in the words and

veiled allusions in the sentences, so that the reader is apt

to be bewildered by the dazzling coruscations which keep

flashing across his path .Most of these puns and under-

meanings refer to mythological stories, or well-known poetical

superstitions like the parted ruddy-geese on the opposite

banks of a the cakora's red eyes at the sight of
river, or

poison; but some of them undoubtedly refer also to the

events of his time and can only be unriddled now by patient
research and critical insight. Thus Hofrath Prof. Biihler
has shewn that in p. 76 the words at first sight might
seem to mean only that the supreme Lord (Qiva) took
We have tried to preserve this characteristic feature of our
author's style by continually explaining the puns in our notes ; but
we have often omitted them out of consideration to the English reader.

Many of these will be found in the Additional Notes and Corrections


in Appendix B. Appendix A. also contains two long descriptions

omitted from the text.

the hand of Durga the daughter of the snowy mountain";

but under this mythological allusion is concealed a reference
to a contemporary conquest, since the words may be also

translated, "in our monarch a supreme lord has taken

tribute from an inaccessible land of snowy mountains and ;

there are several similar allusions to the king's exploits in

the same passage. Prof. Biihler remarks that the inscriptions
of Amc,uvarman (three of which are dated Samvat 34 and
39) prove that the Qrl-harsa era was introduced into Nepal
during the lifetime of the great King of Thanesar and Kanoj,
who held the whole of Northern India from 606 to 648 A. D.
If an Indian prince adopts a new foreign era, especially one
founded by a contemporary, that may be considered as almost
a certain proof that the borrower had to submit to the
Qaka-kartri or establisher. of the era ." Similarly in p. 57
where we have a description of Harsa's reluctance to become
king, till the Goddess of the Royal prosperity herself forced
him mount the
to throne, in spite of his previous vow of

austerity, we are at once reminded of Hiuen Thsang's .

story that Harsa at the advice of a Bodhisattva, refrained

from mounting the simhasana. So too in p. 168 where the

rising clear-flecked moon (ga^diika) shone like the pointed

hump of (Diva's tame bull, when blotted by mud scattered by
his broad horn?," the 'commentator himself supplies us with

the allusion, as he us in his note on the opening verses


of chap, vi., that Qa9anka was the name of the dishonoured

Gauda king against whom Harsa was marching. Hiuen
Thsang states that Rajyavardhana was treacherously killed
by Qasamka (Che-chang-kia), the ruler of Karnasuvarna in

Eastern India.
But beside these veiled historical allusions, the work has
another interest from the vivid picture which it offers of the
condition of Indian society and the manners and customs of
the period. Bana is not a mere rhetorician ;
his descriptions

Iiid. Ant. xix. 40.

of court and village life abound with masterly touches which

hold up the mirror to the time. Not even the Pali Jatakas
introduce us more directly into the very heart of the period
or give us a more life-like picture. The court, the camp, the

quiet villages, which then, as now, contained the great mass

of the population, and the still more quiet monasteries and
whether of Brahmans or Buddhists, are all painted
with singular power and his narrative illustrates and sup-

plements the Chinese traveller's journal at every turn.

The first chapter gives the mythological history of Bana's

family, the Brahmanical Vatsyayanas, until we come to his
own birth and education, and his spending some years in
travel partly for pleasure and partly to acquire learning.
At length he returns to his home Prltikuta on the Sone,
where after a while he receives (ch. 2) a summons from King
Harsa's half-brother, that he should repair to the court and
renew an intimacy which had been interrupted by some
former acts of indiscretion. He obeys the request and repairs
to the royal camp near the Ajiravati river (on which Qravasti
stood, though it is not alluded to). The King at first receives
him coldly, but Bana soon makes his way and becomes a
favourite. After a while (ch. 3) he revisits his home at the

beginning of autumn, and at the request of his cousins pro-

ceeds to relate the history of the King's reign. This narrative
fills the remainder of the book (pp. 79 260), and is left

unfinished at the end of the eighth chapter.

Prabhakara-vardhana 1 the king of Thanesar, had, by his

queen Yagovati, two sons Rajyavardhana and Harsa, and a
daughter Rajyagri, who was married to Grahavarman the ,

Prabhakaravardhana is described as " a most devout worshipper
of the Sun "in the Sonpat Inscription.
Rajyavardhana is described in the Madhuban inscription as
"a most devout worshipper of Sugata."
The genealogy would seem to be Grahavarman, Avantivarman
(infr. p. 122), Susthitavarman, Qarvavarman, Iganavarman, Igvara-
variaan, Adityavarman, Harivarman ; cf. the inscriptions Nos. 42, 46,

son of the Mukhara king of Kanyakubja. The king dies

while his elder son is absent on an expedition against the
Hunas, but the prince returns at his brother's earnest
summons ;
and in his overwhelming grief, he determines to
become an ascetic and to leave the throne to Harsa. At
this moment, however, tidings arrive that Grahavarman has
been killed by the king of Malwa 1
who has also thrown

Rajya9ri into prison. Rajyavardhana at once determines

to avenge his brother-in-law's death and marches with his
cousin Bhandi and the army, leaving Harsa as his vicegerent.
After a time news is brought that he had easily conquered
the Malwa army but had been
treacherously assassinated by
the King of Gauda 3 Harsa himself now marches against

this new enemy; on his way he accepts offers of friendship

from Bhaskaravarman 4 the King of Pragjyotisa (Assam).

Soon afterwards he meets Bhandi, who is returning loaded

with spoil and bringing the Malwa troops prisoners he ;

announces that Rajyacri has escaped from prison and fled

into the Vindhya forest. Harsa sends Bhandi against the
Gauda king and hastens himself to find his lost sister. By
the help of a Buddhist mendicant he comes upon her, just
as she is preparing to mount the funeral pile, surrounded by
her female attendants. Harsa rescues her from the pile and
takes her with him camp, after making a vow that he
to the
and his sister will assume the dress of Buddhist mendicants
as soon as he has conquered the Gauda traitor and consoled
his subjects in their sorrow for his deceased father.

Harsa's partiality for Buddhists and Buddhist doctrines

47, Corpus Inscr. Ind. in. Adityavarman had as his queen Harsa-
gupta, sister to Harsagupta, of the same Guptas of Magadha, who were
similarly connected with Harsa's family.
Professor Biihler suggests that this is the Northern Malwa about
Fatehpur. He would identify the king with the Devagupta of the
Madhuban Inscription.
Poni in Hiuen Thsang.
C Hiuen Thsang, (Julien), n. 248.
Bhaskaravarma Kumara, in Hiuen Thsang.

is frequently brought out in our story, as the foregoing

sketch will shew, he seems indeed to be more than half a
Buddhist at heart; and it is remarkable that we find a
similar view of his character in Hiuen Thsang's account,

although he may naturally exaggerate the amount of favour

shewn. His language might indeed imply that the king
almost professed himself a Buddhist; but his narrative

clearly shews that he was equally tolerant to both the great

religions of his subjects.
Thus, when he held a great assembly at Kanyakubja,
twenty kings attended it, with the most distinguished
Qramanas and Brahmans in their districts. An immense
sangfiarama was erected with a tower and a golden image
of Buddha, and every day viands were presented to the

Qramanas and Brahmans and, in the disciples' account of


the second assembly held at Prayaga, we find that on the

first day they installed the statue of Buddha, on the second

that of the Sun, and on the third that of Mahe9vara. Hiuen

Thsang says of the inhabitants of Kanyakubja, une moitie
suit la vraie doctrine, et 1'autre s' attache a 1'erreur"; and
our narrative similarly shews us the two religions existing
side by side and in the elaborate description in the eighth

chapter of the Vindhya forest, we find Buddhists and

Brahmans of every sect, all diligently following their own
tenets, pondering, urging objections, raising doubts and

resolving them." When we read these accounts of India

in the seventh century they lend some support to the theory

that later Brahmanism was itself a renaissance, and was

separated by a chasm from the ancient cult, just as the
Sassanian religion was a later revival (after the long Parthian

domination) which turned a longing eye to the past glories

of the Zoroastrian creed under the Achsemenidse.
For our translation we have chiefly used the Bombay
text (though with a corrected punctuation), but we have
collated it with the Calcutta and Kashmir editions. Pandit

Kailasacandra Datta Qastri 1 had published the text and

translation of the fifth book (Benares, 1883), with an

original Sanskrit commentary of his own; this has often

helped us in obscure passages and we have frequently

quoted it. Pandit Ravaji Ramacandra Kale has also pub-
lished (Bombay 1882) a very volume of English
notes to the whole work; this only came into our hands
when our translation was more than half printed, but
we gladly acknowledge our obligations to the author as he
often supplements or improves upon the printed commentary.
When our translation was partly printed we obtained the
help of the valuable MS. (A) which Hofrath Prof. Btihler
has presented to the India Office Library, and he also lent
to us a collection of the various readings of another MS. and
a native scholar's notes on the first book. The MS. A has
been of great assistance to us and we have frequently quoted
it in the later part of our translation and in the Notes in

the Appendix, but as we were not re -editing the text, we

have chiefly consulted it where the native editions seemed
We are painfully conscious of the imperfections of our
translation ;
but we offer it to Oriental scholars as an honest
attempt to help the student in reading a difficult Sanskrit
work which will well repay the trouble of mastering it. The
book is full of Sanskrit lore of every kind but its author ;

was not Gibbon says of Libanius) "a recluse student

whose mind, regardless of his contemporaries, was incessantly
fixed on the Trojan war and the Athenian commonwealth."
He was by no means the mere lover of what was abstruse
and difficult; he had also an eye for the picturesque and the

pathetic, and he could sympathise with the men and women

of his own time; like Apollonius Rhodius, he was a poet
as well as a grammarian.

[He was an
old pupil in the Calcutta Sanskrit College. E. B. C.]

[1] 1. Adoration to Cambhu, who is the main pillar in the building

of the city of the three worlds, beautiful with the moon hung on him
like a white royal chowrie 2 as
kisses his lofty brow.

[2] 2. I worship Uma, whose eyes are closed with the delight of

grasping Hara's neck as if she were fainting at the touch of the

Kalakiita poison which stains it.
3. Adoration to the omniscient Vyasa, the creator among poets,
who made the Mahabharata holy by his speech as the Bharata continent
is hallowed by the river Sarasvati.
4. Most commonly the poetasters of the world have their percep-
tions ruled by desire, loquacious and wilful like red-eyed kokilas ;

[3] 5. Countless such there are like dogs, following their own vile
nature from house to house 3 ,
not many are there like
possessing creative power .

6. poet A
is not reckoned among the good 5 and is detected as a

" Hail to the

The Kashmir text inserts another verse at the beginning;

holy Sarasvati, hail that goddess, who, having her power manifested as the

enlightener of the all, through the gradually evolving faculties commencing

with '

desire,' illuminates the nature of her mansion, the lotus-hearts of the

sages, her, even Sarasvati, I praise."
Chowries and flags are hung on triumphal pillars cf. trailokyamahd- ;

grihastambha (of Visnu), C. I. I. iii. 159 and 160. Note that this verse
occurs entire in an inscript. Ind. Ant. xiii. p. 92.
Or " those are of no account who only give bald descriptions ( jati) from

house to house."
4 There is a
pun in utpadaka, which is also a synonym for the fabulous
animal called the qarabha as having eight legs, four of which are said to

grow on its back (Vdcaspatya lex.).

*0r " is counted as no man," a-na.
thief' 1 by his only changing the words of fonnor writers and l>y his
concealing the signs of different styles .

7. In the North plays on words are mainly admired, in the "West

it is only the sense in the South it is poetical fancy 4 in Gauda pomp
; ;

of syllables.
8. A new subject, a diction not too homely, unlaboured double
meanings, the sentiment easily understood, the language rich in sonorous
words all this it is difficult to combine in one composition.
[4] 9. What has that poet to do with poetry, whose language, going
to the furthest limits of metrical skill 5 , does not fill the three worlds
like the Bharata story ?
10. They upon whose lips abides Sarasvatl, unwearied even at the
end of their 'fits,'
how can such writers of romances 7 escape being
praised as the princes of poets ?
11. The pride of poets verily melted away through Vasavadatta 8
(when came to their ears), as the pride of the Brahman seers 9 through

the (Indra-given) spear of the Pandavas when it came near Karna 10 .

[5] 12. The prose-composition of the revered Haricandra stands

pre-eminent as a sovereign, luminous with its employment of words,
and preserving rigidly the traditional rules of letters 12

13. Satavahana 13 made an immortal refined treasure of song, adorned

with fine expressions of purest character 14 like jewels.

Does this allude to the Caura-pahcdqikd ; or only to plagiarists gene-
rally ? For the poet Caura see Vdsavad. Comm. p. 33.
Or " by his changing colour through fear," or "by trying to change his
low caste."
Or "by his concealing the marks of his chains." For bandha cf.

Kdvydd. i. 47.
Utpreksd, where the comparison is introduced by 'as it were' or
Or " embracing all narratives." For the literary history contained in the
following lines compare Prof. Peterson's Introd. to Kadambari, pp. 68 96.
Ucchvdsa means ' a breathing out and also a division of a narrative.' '

The sk. contains puns in vaktre (also the name of a metre), and kavi$i-ara =
Brahma, on whose lips the goddess rests cf. Kdd. Introd. v. 11. ;

For the dkhydyikd see Sdh. Darp. 568.
8 See Dr Castellieri's
paper in the Vienna Oriental Journal, vol. i., where
he shews that Bana wrote his work especially to surpass Subandhu's
Vasavadatta ; see also our Appendix, notes to pp. 67, 74, 233.
Drona, &c.
10 Does this
refer to Arjuna's attack on Kama with the Aindra weapon,
Mahabh., vin. 4720? n Or "not
stealing from others" (aharl).
Or as applying to a king, " glorious by the rule of his territory, and
preserving all the caste-regulations. "
13 Another
reading is alivahana ; both Satavahana and Qalivahana have
been identified with Hala the author of the Sapta<?ataka, but see Weber, iibtr
das Sapta^atakam, p. 3. 14
Or " of pure description."

14. The fame of Pravarasena 1 bright like a lotus 2, has gone to the

other shore of the ocean by his '

bridge,' like the army of monkeys.

15. Bhasa 3 gained as much splendour by his plays with introduc-
tions spoken by the manager, full of various characters, and furnished
with startling episodes, as he would have done by the erection of
temples, created by architects, adorned with several stories, and
decorated with banners.
16. By whom is not delight felt at the beautiful expressions uttered
by Kalidasa as at sprays of flowers wet with honey-sweetness ?
[6] 17. To whom is not the Vrihat-katha 4 a marvel like Hara's
sportive exertions of power, by both of which Love is kindled and ,

glory done to Gaurl ?

18. My tongue seems checked and dra\vn within my mouth by
Adhyaraja's utsdhas, even when they are only remembered as abiding

in my heart 7 and so it does not attain to a poet's success.


19. Yet still through my loyalty to my lord, undismayed and

eager in the hope of gaining my end, I venture audaciously to plunge
with my tongue into the ocean of narrative.
[7] 20. A narrative, like a bed, which is to wake up its occupant
happily refreshed, is set off by its well-chosen words like feet, luminous
with the clever joinings of harmonious letters 8 .

21. Victorious Harsa who guards the world by a wall of fire of


glorious majesty, a mountain of good fortune 9 for fulfilling the desires

of all his friends.

He seems to have written the Prakrit poem the Setubandha.
Kumuda is also the name of one of Kama's monkeys.
See Weber's Indian Literature, p. 205.
The Vrihat-katha is alluded to in Kadambari (Bombay ed. p. 40).
In the one by Kama's being consumed, in the other by the amatory
legends of the poem or it may mean that
; Kama is personified in the latter,
as Naravahana, one of its heroes.
An unknown poet, unless it refers to Gunadhya, the author of the
Vrihat-katha. Utsdha seems to refer to a pantomimic recitation as well as
to general energy.

though they are not immediately present to me or perhaps

7 I.e. even

" which
though mentioned abide in my heart." This is a hard cloka.
8 Or " with the
fastenings of gold." For cayyd cf. Kdd. introd. 8.
Criparvata is also the name of a range of mountains in Telingana.

Cf. Hall, Introd to Vdsavadattd, p. 11.


THUS In former days the Holy One, the

runs the tale :

Most High, enthroned in his own sphere, [8] was reclining

on his full-blown lotus couch surrounded by Indra and the
other gods and on a certain occasion he was holding a

session,framing questions on the lore of Brahma and
enjoying other blameless discussions. As he so sate, adored
of the three worlds, the Prajapatis headed by Manu, Daksa,
and Caksusa, and allthe great sages with the seven Risis

worshipped him. Some in chorus chanted the Rik hymns

apt for psalmody; some recited the Yajus sentences of
worship some sang aloud the Saman strains of praise.

Others rehearsed the Mantras that reveal the ritual of the

sacrifice. And there, arising from the differences of their
studies, quarrels one with another we heard among them.
Now there was a certain sage, a great ascetic, by nature

excessively choleric, a son of Atri and brother of the moon,

by name Durvasas, and he, while brawling with a second
sage named Mandapala, [9] being blinded by passion made a
discord in singing a Saman. At this silence fell on all the
other sages through fear of a curse, while Brahma in the

sport of another conversation heeded not. But the divine

Sarasvati, a maiden of tender years, now doffing her girlhood
and arrayed in youthful beauty, was fanning the great
Father with a fly-flap held by her arm's waving tendril.
Those sprays, her feet, glowed with a natural red as though
flushed by furious stripes, and her steps were musical with a

Cf. Manu, in. 231.

pair of anklets keeping time with them like two disciples

intoning the Veda word by word. Her
legs produced the
illusion of being the pillars of the portal to the city of Love 1 .

Her hand, like a bud, was laid in sport on the chain of


her girdle, which tinkled like the murmur of love-sick kala-

hanisas. Her body was made pure by a Brahmanical thread,
which, hanging from the shoulder, seemed like a coil of
virtues that had clung to her through dwelling in the
Manasa 2 of the wise : while her necklace, studded with many
a pearl and having a brilliant central gem, suggested the

path of renunciation, leading midway the sun and lined by

many liberated souls 3 . Her quivering lips glowed red as
with lac from the feet of all the sciences, which had entered
her mouth. In her cheek was reflected an image of Brahma's
black deer-skin, as if the moon's deer were come down to
hearken to her honeyed song. [10] One eyebrow like a
creeper was raised in a disdainful curve, and a stream of
tears flowing from the outer corner of her eye seemed to be
washing one ear soiled by the discord while the other ear, ;

revelling in a white full-blown Sindhuvara flower, betokened

as with a gleaming smile the intoxication of knowledge 5 In .

the flowers of her ear-ornament tribes of devoted bees

attended upon her like repeated Oms accompanying the
Qruti. Her form was clad in a silken robe fine and spotless

Cf. Spenser, Faery Queen, Bk. n. c. iii. 27, 28,
'And her straight legs most bravely were embay led
In gilden buskins of costly cordwayne...
Like two fair marble pillours they were seen
Which doe the temples of the gods support.'
Also Vasavadattd, p. 54 (Hall).
There is a pun on mdnasa = (l) mind, (2) lake Manasa.
The Sanskrit here has puns on mukta released and pearl and
' ' ' '

on madhyandyaka 'central gem' and 'spiritual guide through the

centre.' The Comm. quotes a passage to the effect that the ascetic '

who attains yoga and the warrior slain face to face with his foe pass

through the centre of the sun cf. the last note to this chapter.

The eyebrow is compared to a spray used in sprinkling the ear.
6 A
laugh is often called by the Hindus white,' cf. Wilson, Hindu
' '

Theatre,' n. p. 197 and SarasvatI as the goddess of learning is naturally


spoke*n of as intoxicated therewith.


as the fabric of thought. In this guise, shedding on all sides

the moonlight of her teeth, pure as if of the substance of
speech, the goddess Sarasvati, hearing the discord, smiled.
' '

Seeing her so smiling, Wretch

cried the sage, vain !

in the conceit of a grain of ill-got knowledge, dost jeer

at me ? '

With these words, shaking his head so that his

matted locks, streaming from the broken fillet, seemed by
their outpouring yellowness to flood the heavens with an

issuing fire of passion gathering a frown that darkened the


chess-board of his forehead, like the presence of the god of
death, and recalled the crocodile embellishments upon the
faces of Yama's wives ;
with a red eye offering, as it were, an
oblation of his blood to the goddess of pitilessness; imprison-

ing [11] the gleam of his teeth, as if it were his voice flying
in terror at the merciless biting of his lip altering the tie ;

of the black antelope skin a scroll of cursing as it were

which was slipping from his shoulder clasped in every limb ;

by gods, asuras, and sages, who, reflected in his drops of sweat,

seemed to have come for refuge in their alarm at the curse ;

with a hand whose fingers shook with an angry tremor

spurning his rosary as though it were a string of syllables
clinging with supplications to him thus, having first rinsed ;

his mouth from his earthen pitcher, he took the water of

Meanwhile the great goddess Savitri was seated in

corporeal shape near to the Self-existent, wearing a robe

of the silken bark of the tree of paradise and white as a
mass of ambrosia foam. A shawl of lotus filament was
tied in a svastika knot between her swelling bosoms.
Three sectarial lines of ashes, banners of triumph, as it were,
over the three worlds vanquished by ascetic force, brightened
the courtyard of her forehead. Her Vaikaksyaka scarf con-
sisted of a hermit's wrap which hung from her shoulder, white
as ambrosia foam, like a Ganges stream bent to a circle by

Vifardru apparently = bursting.'

1 '

Atapadam: caturaiigaphalakam, Comm. perhaps so called from :

itsfurrowed lines. Regarding this and the next allusion vide further
note in the appendix.

ascetic power. Her left hand held a crystal water-vessel

like the lotus calyx whence Brahma arose ; and her right,
encircled with a rosary and studded with rings of shells,
was raised aloft, the finger of scorn being scornfully waved
as she cried : Fie on thee, sinner, prey to anger, evil of
heart, reft of reason, ignorant of self, [12] false Brahman and
pretended sage, outcast, excommunicate, how comes it that,
bewildered by thine own offence, thou wouldst curse the
divine Sarasvati, mother of the three worlds, fit adoration for

throngs of gods, asuras, sages, and mortal men ?'

So she spoke, and abandoning her ascetic's pillow arose,
and with her the four incarnate Vedas left their cane seats
in wrath, clad in bark garments and holding delicate chowries
of Ku$a fibres, bearing their hermit's staves, and grasping
their round water- vessels like weapons. Under the guise of
sweat soma juice, as it were, oozed from them: their foreheads
gleamed with the pure ashes of the Agnihotra oblation :

their voices echoed the sacred syllable : the quarters of the

heavens were oppressed by the weight of their angrily
agitated matted-locks the daylight was darkened by the

bulging of their black antelope skins flung round as they

girtup their loins and the world of Brahma vibrated with

the coming and going of their passionate panting.

Whereat in vain besought to mercy by the gods, '0
reverend sir, be merciful, she is no victim for a curse ;
vain implored by suppliant disciples, Master, forgive one
fault'; in vain restrained by Atri, 'Balk not, my son, the
fruit of thine asceticism
the sage, beside himself with

passion, let water

fall the
of that curse, crying: 'Ill-

mannered girl, I take away from thee this state of pride

by knowledge won. Begone downward to the world of
mortal men.' But when Savitri would have answered curse
with curse, 'twas Sarasvati that hindered her, saying:
Dear friend, restrain thy wrath : even to Brahmans by birth
merely, uninitiated in heart, respect is due.' [13]
Thereupon, seeing Sarasvati thus cursed, the Lord Brahma
uplifted his form, which wore the white sacrificial thread, as
though his birth from the lotus had left a fibre clinging

about him. With his right hand, which, as its signet ring
sent up a spray of emerald rays, seemed to grasp a cluster of
Ku$a grass for staying a world-dissolution he allayed the ,

tumult of the curse while his teeth shot out pure penetrating

rays like plummet lines for the building of a coming aeon of
bliss, and echoed through the spheres like a drum
his voice

heralding with honour the departure of Sarasvati, as in deep

tones he spake Brahman, the path thou hast followed is

one not frequented by the good. Its final goal is death. The
dust upraised by the steeds of passion in their unbridled
onrush is wont to cloud the vision of such as be not masters
of the senses 3 How
limited indeed the scope of the eye
. !

for 'tis by the purified intellect that the perfected behold all
things good and evil. Nature rejects this union of piety and
wrath as of water and fire. How dost thou, leaving the light,
sink in darkness for the root of all asceticism is patience.

Skilled in discerning the faults of others, thy angry mind,

like an eye inflamed, perceives not the frailty of its own

. How can censoriousness consort with commerce of
great penances [14] Blind verily is that seeing man who is

over-wrathful. Clouded with passion, the mind distinguishes

not what should and what should not be done. First of all
the wisdom of the angry man is darkened then his frowning ;

brow. The flush of passion assaults first the senses, last the
eyes. In the beginning the store of merit dissolves away;
then the oozing sweat. The flash of dishonour flickers;
then comes the trembling of the lip. How ruinous to the
world was the growth of thy matted locks and bark dress,
shoots and bark as it were of the
poison tree Like a pearl !

necklace, this graceless

impulse of thy mind is out of

The origin of darblia = kuca grass from a world-convulsion is stated
Ath. V. 19. 30. 5, and its power to allay passion, id. 6. 43. 1- .
Sutrapatam, cf. Kathas. 14. 30, 24. 93 this passage has a bearing

on the derivation of sutradhara.

There is a pun on two meanings of aksa (1) axle, (2) sense. Cf.
Kad. p. 37, 1. 14.
Dosa means either sin or inflammation of the eye kupita = 'in-
' '
4 ' '

flamed in both senses.
6 Vrittamukta has also per paronomaxiam the sense of '

parivartulamauktika Comm.
round pearls :

harmony, surely, with thy sage's dress. With a heart void

of resignation idly like an actor dost thou wear the
counterfeited semblance of an ascetic. Nought free from
taint can detect in thee.
I Even to this hour thy
but on the surface of the sea of knowledge.
levity floats
None of these great sages are deaf and dumb, impotent and
dull of wit. Why hast thou checked the sinless Sarasvatl,
when thine own heart, the haunt of angry sin, should rather
have been checked ? These are the follies born of their
own heedless slips whereby the undiscerning fall into
Then to Sarasvatl he spake again
Dear child, be not

dejected. Savitrl here shall accompany thee and solace the

pain of severance from us. And the curse shall end when
thou shalt behold the lotus face of thy child.'

So much decreed, Brahma, having dismissed his court of

gods, asuras, sages and mortal men, laid his hand upon the
shoulder of Narada, who hastily approached, and arose for
the performance of his daily rites. [15] Sarasvatl, too, a
little discomfited at the curse, letting fall upon her bosom a

mingled glance of light and dark like a streak in a black

antelope skin, led on by thronging bees caught, like the
incarnate letters of the curse, in the incense of her fragrant

sighs, her hands nerveless with sorrow at the curse, went

with Savitrl to her mansion, her path to the world of men
being pointed out as it were by the down-bent rays of her
nails. And swarms of kalahamsas of the palace, convoked
by the prattle of her anklets, followed after her like the
hearts of the dwellers in Brahma's world.
Meanwhile, as though to bear the tidings of Sarasvatl's
descent, the light-coroneted sun went down to the middle
world. Gradually waned the day, his pools all saddened by
the calamity of the closing of all their lotus beds. Quickly,
as though stung by the angrily bent side-glances of wine-
flushed beauties, the world's sole eye, ruddy as a young

monkey's mouth, lighted upon the peaks of the earth-propping

hills. White were the environs of the heavenly hermitages
with milky streams flowing from herds of cows with dripping

udders ;
washed by the surge of the milky sea in
as though

uproar at the near rising of the moon. Let out for his
evening ramble, the chowrie-cro\vned Airavata was dashing his
tusks at will against the banks of the heavenly stream, while
the sound went up of their crashing against its sides of gold.
The sky displayed a rosy tint, as though smeared with lac from
the feet of thousands of mistresses of the Vidyadharas gone
forth to their trysts. Like the sweat of Sandhya in her

delight at Qiva's worship the evening glow streamed forth


of saffron hue, flushing the heavenly spaces and filled with

the sunset offerings of the saints on their journey along the

sky. [16] Resplendent was the world of Brahma, where

crowds of noble worshipping sages clasped a forest of hands
in evening adoration as though all the lotus beds were come

to show honour to that lotus whence Brahma sprang. And

loudly from the Brahmans uprose the chorus of the third
libation hymn. In the temples of the seven sages the
courts were alltressed with the flames of the lighted
Vaitdna fires as though a camp lustration had commenced

in an army devoted to Dharma. Light were the hermits

from the removal of the poison taint of sin which the
Aghamarsana hymn had stolen away. The sand isles of
Mandakim's stream were purified by rows of ascetics seated
at evening prayer, and the line of its waves was broken by
the gleam 4 of Brahma's floating hamsas. Fragrant with
the scent of their own honey, the night-lotus beds, to the joy
of the bees, commenced to open, like umbrellas of the water

nymphs, seraglio mansions for the wives of the feathered

tribes. Satisfied with their symposiums on the sweet
honey of day-lotuses now languid at day's close, the flamingo
swarms sank to sleep, arching their necks to be scratched
by the soft fibres, and fanning the blue lotus beds with rows
of flapping wings. The evening breeze, soft as the sigh of
night, came making grey the river with the pollen of flowers

is described in 'the Meghaduta 9!. 38.
Diva's evening worship
2 '
Or ' loud in Brahma's praise or ' loudly from Brahma.'
The Aghamarsana hymn is the last in the Rig- Veda. c

4 '

Literally betoothed by the smile.'


on the bank and bearing perfume from the jasmine 1 in the

curls of the matrons of the City of Saints. [17] Throngs of
bees reclined in huts formed by the cavities of lotuses barred
by the tips of filaments erect and stiff as they closed.
Like clustering Kutaja buds in the forest of Qiva's hair
when it tosses in the dance, the star-swarms filled the sky
with their clusters. About the earth the new-born darkness
closed, coppery-hued from the after-effects of the twilight,
coloured like the skin of a ripe date, and thick as the cloud
of doomsday Sharply piercing the mass of soft dusk, the

scattered lamps peeped forth like clusters of Campak buds

about the ear of the goddess of night. Paling with the
lovely effulgence of the crescent moon's rays, the eastern
quarter began to narrow the dusk, like a young sandbank by
Yamuna's banks when the dark water retreats as it dries.

Perturbed, like the spirit of a proud beauty, by the moon's

fingers clutching its tresses, the darkness, in hue like a jay's
wing, a very cluster of curls belonging to the Gipsy of night,
dissolved and abandoned the sky, and cast its gloom upon
the pools of blossoming blue lotuses. The form of the Lord
of White Splendour, now uprisen, assumed the glow of the
Udaya mountain, resembling the lip of the nymph of night ;

and his redness was as though he were covered with blood

oozing from his own deer, now slain by a stroke from the
rending paws of the lion that dwells in the caves of the
valleys of Udaya's peaks. The gloom had waned, as if
washed by the flow of the moonstone's ooze from 5 the
Eastern hill. Like a great ivory crocodile-mouthed conduit
bearing a stream of milk trickling from the world of cows,
the moon's circle had commenced to fill the ocean. [18]
At that evening time Savitri thus addressed

Sarasvati, who, vacant in heart as it were, was lost in tearful


thought :
Friend, my tongue is ashamed to prate to thee,

, = bhupadl, opens at night.

Or 'a black cloud.' 3
I.e. 'rays.'
Her beauty hangs upon the cheek of Night
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear. Romeo and Juliet.
lleud acalacyuta with the Calc. and Kashmir texts.

whose wisdom may instruct the three worlds. Thou knowest

already what arc the ill-mannered ways of fate, unstable,
heedless, like a lowborn person, even of the worthy, incon-
stant, not to be evaded, in no wise pleasurable A mere 1

grain of undeserved humiliation, coming from an inferior,

makes turbid the spirit 2 even of the wise. Even an atom of
misfortune, when watered with ceaseless tears, like a leafless
tree, puts forth a thousand shoots. An over-delicate soul,
like a Mdlati blossom, is withered by the particles of fiery
pain. Like the elephant's goad, even a slight prick of
trouble, assailing the great, suffices to torment. Moreover
our native home, linked to us like a kinsman by the knotted
ties of natural affection, is hard to abandon. Separation
from approved friends, dreadful as the stroke of the wood-
cleaving saw, leaves a fissure in the heart. But thee it
befits not tobe thus afflicted. Thou surely art not the soil
in which should spring up the shoots of the poison plant
of pain. Also, seeing that before and behind us like a ruler
stand our past deeds, potent whether good or evil in pro-
ducing their fruit. [19] wnat occasion have the wise for

sorrowing? Why, pray, do these inauspicious tears defile

a face which is the single lotus of auspiciousness for the
three worlds ?
Enough now of this :
say what part of the
world thou wouldst adorn. On what is thy heart
blest spot
fain to alight ? What holy bathing-places dost thou desire
to grace ? In what fortunate forest seclusions wouldst thou
live the ascetic's
life ? Here am I ready to descend to
earth, a loving friend, well-skilled to serve thee, tried in

friendly offices when we played together in the dust. Cast

thyself henceforth in heart, voice and deed, seeking no other
refuge, upon the author of all knowledge, the bestower of
paradise, the dust of whose feet makes pure both gods and
asuras, whose earring is formed of the moon's digits, even on
Qiva, god of gods, preceptor of the three worlds. In but a
little time he will give thee release from the woe of the curse.'

The ways of fate are here punningly compared to the caprices of
women, cf. vdmdh : striyctfca Comm.
There is a pun on lake Mfumsa made turbid by a falling particle.

To these words Sarasvati, letting fall a pearly white tear-


drop, replied Dear friend, if I go with thee, neither


severance from Brahma's world nor grief at the curse will

cause me any distress : 'tis
only that the happiness of
serving the lotus-throned fills my heart with soft regret.
Furthermore 'tis thou who knowest the abodes where
Dharma can be followed 1 upon earth, the means of mystic
meditation, and how to practise the postures of ascetic
rapture.' So much said she ceased to speak and that night :

she spent with unclosed eyes, sleepless through agitation.

Next day as, heralded by the dawn [20] rosy as an old
cock's comb, the adorable sun, the world's diadem, Mount
Udaya's crest jewel, arose with a form red as with blood
scattered from the mouths of his own steeds cut by the
tossing clanking bit, the keeper of the goose tribes that
draw Brahma's chariot 2 sang aloud in Aparavaktra metre
as he strolled along not far away:
'Wherefore trembles thine anxious glance,
nursling of pellucid Manasa as thy home 1

Descend, O kalahamsa, to the pond


'Again shalt thou return to the abode of lotuses.'

'Tis I, methinks, to whom


Hearing this Sarasvati thought :

he appeals. So be it I must respect the sage's sentence.'


So she arose resolved to descend to the earth, and having

left her attendants prostrate at the separation, parted
from her kindred, and then, like one cut off from the herd,
passed thrice round the four-faced god. At last, courteously
turning back crowds of pursuing devotees, she set forth
accompanied by Savitri from Brahma's world.
Straight she came
the steady-flowing 3 loud-roaring
river Mandakini with milky udders downward streaming*
like the cow of Dharma, a very Malatl wreath for the head

As e.g. Madhyade9a, Manu ii. 21.
The Kashmir and Bombay texts insert here vivicya :
having reflected.'
Or descended from Dhruva,'
i.e. from the star of Dhruva or the
firmament or Visnu cf. Comm. ;

The Sanskrit may also mean with down-raining white

of Qiva 1 . Thick covered were its banks with close-clinging

Balakhilyas The bark of 2
. its trees had been washed by
Arundhati. [21] The clear were tremulous as they stars
crossed its high-leaping waves. Its sand-isles were bristling
beds of floating sesamum seeds and water offered by ascetics.
All white were its banks with offerings to the manes let fall

by Brahma when purified by bathing. Ku $a -grass beds of

the seven Kisis, who had slept hard by, gave token of the
birth-fast for the sun's delivery from eclipse Dappled was .

it with abundant flowers from the service, let fall

by Qacl's
lord when purified by rinsing his mouth. It had garlands
of Mandara blossoms, dropped as the remains of the sacrifice
from (Diva's city. Scornfully had it cleft the rocks of
Mandara's caves. Rippled was its surface with the cup-like

bosoms of unnumbered beauties of Indra's court 5 Its waters .

were resonant with its tumbling over myriad stones and

crocodiles. Masses of the moon's ambrosial dew bestarred
its banks, flowing down from the sun's Susumna ray. Grey
were its sands with smoke from the fire of Dhisana Vidya- .

dharas were flying in terror at its leaping over the sand

lihgas erected by the saints. Such was the river, the cast
slough, as it were, of the sky serpent, the sportive forehead-
ornament of the jester of Indra's world the bazaar street ,

of the wares of Dharma, the shot bolt of the gate of Hell's

city, the silken turban wrap of Sumeru's king the cloth ,

banner of Kailasa's elephant, the track of liberation, the

wheel-rim of the aeon 9 of goodness, the bride of the lord
of the seven oceans .

Passing along its banks Sarasvati descended to the world

of mortals ;
and just as she stood on the edge of the sky she

The heavenly Ganges falls on Diva's head.
Liliputian munis concerning whom many stories are
2 told.
3 For the tilodaJcam cf. Manu in. 210.
An eclipse involves impurity to all people, and so necessitates a fast.
I.e. Apsarases.
6 and the planet Jupiter.
Brihaspati, the purohita of the Gods,
Ganeca ?
8 = Civa.
9 of goodness, (2) chariot.
Yuga=(l) age .
10 =The Milk Ocean or a Mount Candra (Cornm.).
CtiAPTER I. 15

spied a great river brimming with water, pure, cool and

sweet, a daughter of Brahma, by name the Stream of Gold,
but by men called Qona, the pearl necklace, as it were, of
Varuna, the ambrosia cataract of the moon mountain, the
ooze of the Vindhya's moon-gem, a flood of camphor sap from
the Dan dak a forest, the streaming loveliness of the world,
the crystal couch of the sky's beauty [22] At the sight her

heart was taken captive by its beauty, and there upon its bank
she resolved to dwell; so she said to Savitrl: 'Pleasant to me,
friend, is the neighbourhood of this great river, which makes
dull the lustre of Mandakim. Here are honeyed voices of

peacocks, trees having stocks besanded with heaps of pollen,

the entrancing hum of lute-like clusters of scent-intoxicated
bees. My heart prompts me to abide even here.' So as Savitrl
welcomed her words, saying, Thus let it be,' she alighted

with her friend upon the western bank and for a dwelling :

she fixed her mind upon a certain fair creeper arbour by the
shore containing a slab of stone. Then after resting she
soon arose, and having with Savitrl gathered flowers for
worship, bathed next, having in Qiva's honour erected sand

liiigas on the sand-isles, she with deep devotion performed

in full the ritual of clasping of fingers
together with the
Dhruva hymn and preceded by the Pancabrahma prayer 2 ;

lastly afterlong meditation on the eight incarnate forms,

earth, wind, water, sky, fire, sun, moon, sacrificer, she
presented the eightfold offering of flowers, and refreshed
her body with easily gathered roots and fruits and Qona
water, cool and of a sweetness surpassing even ambrosia.
That day passed, she made a couch of flowers and slept on
the stone floor of the creeper arbour. On the morrow she
spent night and day in the same routine.

[23] Now as the days in this wise sped on and time passed,
one morning, when the sun was risen only one watch, she heard
in the northern quarter the
deep clear sound of horses' neighs

I.e. as mirroring the sky. often reclines on a slab.
_A prayer addressed to Sadyojata, Vamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurusa
and Isana. Comm. (We have divided this sentence in our translation.)
As symbolising the eight forms.

filling the thickets of the woods with echoes. Her curiosity

aroused, she came and looking abroad from the bower
beheld at no great distance and speeding towards her a cloud
of dust grey as the leaf which contains the blossoming Ketaki
flower. In due course," as proximity gave birth to distinct-
ness, she saw a troop of horse floating in that huge mass of
dust grey as a (Japhards belly, like a school of crocodiles in
water. Before it ran an army of foot about a thousand strong,
mostly young men, with clusters of crisp hanging hair upon
their foreheads, and cheeks laughing with the bright gleam
of their ear-ornaments girt with scented jerkins spotted with

a powder of black aloe wood paste; their upper garments

formed into turbans sparkling golden bracelets on their left

forearms, daggers fastened in strong knots in their sashes of

doubled cloth tirelessly with bodies thin and hard from in-

cessant exercise leaping like the deer of the winds and spurn-

ing smooth and rough ground, holes, and clumps of bushes ;

clubs at their sides, swords in their hands ;

laden with various
wild flowers, fruits, roots, and leaves for worship and making ;

a ceaseless hubbub with cries of On, on, make speed, make


speed, away, away, make way in front.' In the midst [24] she
discerned a youth in age about eighteen years, shaded by a

sky-reaching umbrella, which with its half-moon, its girdling

heaps of pearls, its inlay of pieces of various precious stones,

and its whiteness as of shells, milk and foam, resembled the
milky ocean voluntarily come to present Laksmi. All about
him was the sparkling light of his ornaments, as if the
horizon of the heavens were keeping close out of passion for
the sight of him. Down to his loins from his topknot hung a
wreath of Malcitl flowers, like a pennon of beauty won by a
world conquest. The red rays uprising from the ruby in his
crest 1 seemed delicate sprays carried by an invisible goddess to
cleanse his travel-soiled form. His hair, wreathed in clusters
of crisp curls and charmingly adorned with a coiled coronet 2
: cudabharanam. Comm.
Mundamala, which occursseveral times in the book, seems to
mean originally Durga's wreath of sculls, and then a wreath of white
flowers. The black hair in contact with the white flowers is compared
to the darkness swallowing the day.

of white Vakula buds, appeared to be swallowing up the day's

contracted blaze. His forehead, all yellow as with arsenic
paste, cast the glow of its beauty upon the heavens, and
being clasped by its natural loveliness, seemed composed of a
second portion of the moon which forms the coronet of Qiva's
matted locks. His wide eyes, whose glances bold in the
confidence of fresh youth's commencement made nought of
the whole world, appeared to create an autumn, clothing the
heavens in myriad pools of opening white, blue and red
lotuses. His long nose was like a river of beauty's water, flow-
ing from beneath the moonstone of his forehead, and bridged
across the stream of his long eyes. His mouth, breathing
a fragrance of mangos, camphor, Kakkola-fruits, cloves, and
coral trees, and resounding with a hubbub of intoxicated

bee-swarms, seemed to emit a very spring together with a

Nandana forest. His innocent smiles, bathing the heavens
with the light of his teeth as he uplifted his face to catch
the jests of his friends around him, [25] created incessantly a
kind of moonlight roaming about the sky. A
three-pointed ear-ornament an emerald set between a pair
of pearls big as Kadamba buds emitted a sheen which
suggested a pendant of green jasmine leaves with their
flowers. His arms, decorated with painted lines of scented
civet powder, resembled a pair of Kama's pennon poles with

rampant crocodiles girdling their tops. His body was

divided by a white Brahmamcal thread, like Mandara en-
circled by the stream of Ganges indignant at the churning
of the ocean His breast, a broad sandbank with two shapely

swelling bosoms for ruddy-geese, and with a coating of

camphor powder in handfuls for dust, seemed a horizon
spread out before him and kept within bounds by the length
of his stout arms. His slim waist was marked off by a tight-

The first portion having been used for Qiva, the second remains for
this hero. The Sanskrit words for 'natural loveliness' may also be
translated 'connate Laksmi,' referring to the birth of Laksml along
with the moon from the ocean.
The Ganges is imagined as seeking to stay the churning by cling-
ing fast to the mountain.

C. 2

drawn lower garment of Harltci* green, of which one corner

was gracefully set in front a little below the navel and the
hem hung over the girdle behind, and which on both sides
was so girt up as to display a third of his thigh. His stout
thighs, glistening with a thick smearing of bright sandal,
seemed to scoff at the length of Airavata's trunk, being

very stone pillars for supporting the granite platform

of his great chest; while his knees issued from huge

'crocodile mouths 2 with hard flesh accumulated by in-

cessant exercise. His shanks were somewhat slim, as if
from the fatigue of supporting the weight of his vast
thighs. His feet, which hung on either side, were red as
two young shoots of the tree of paradise, and the waving
light of their nails formed as it were a row of chowrie
ornaments for his horse.
[26] He was mounted on a great steed, swift as thought, in
colour like a dark Sindhuvdra flower, and with a coat as black
as a golangula ape's cheeks. As it advanced its high prancing
hoofs seemed to rest awhile in the air when it coiled its legs,
and falling to tear up the earth. Every moment the hard
bit clanked when released by the teeth. Upon its forehead

dangled rings of fine gold and the end of the bit rested against
its long nose. It was adorned with tinkling trappings of

gold. Close on either side with their hands grasping the

saddle cloth, two attendants shook white chowries. In front
chanted a bard, whose eloquence caused the hairs on the
young man's cheeks to bristle with delight, as though tiny
stamen filaments from his ear-wreath had become attached
to them. He seemed to reveal a descent of a Kama's aeon, to

produce a cosmos of moonlight, to beget an animate creation

of the substance of smiles, to pave his path with devotion, to
frame a day all of love, to inaugurate a kingdom of affection.
He was to the eye, as it were, a collyrium of allurement, to
the heart an attracting spell, to the senses a powder able
to affect the healthiest for desire a never-cloying delight, for

The Harita is a kind of pigeon.


Makaramukha is a name given to the upper part of the knee;
makaramukham janunor uparibhagah. Comm.

blissa never-failing charm the resurrection day of Love 1

; ,

the elixir of youth, the unshared rule of loveliness, [27] the

triumphal pillar of shapeliness, the capital sum of grace,
the fructuation of the world's good deeds, the first bud of

beauty's creeper, the fruit of Prajapati's studies in creation,

the glory of graciousness, the high-tide of sparkling wit.

By the young man's side, on a horse not close to any

other, was a person wearing a white 2 jerkin and a white
silken turban round his head. Tall, in aspect like a pillar
of molten gold, with a frame hardened in spite of advanced

years by exercise, with short nails beard and hair, bald as a

shell, somewhat stout, hairy-bosomed, dressed handsomely
but with little display, he seemed one to teach even old age
to be decorous, to add weight even to great qualities, to
convert magnanimity itself to a disciple, to provide de-

portment itself with a monitor.

the young man heard of that pair of divinely
shaped maidens for the footmen in the van took it all in
at a glance and in astonishment made their report his

curiosity was aroused, and putting his horse to a gallop, he

rode up to the bower, eager to see them. While still at a

distance, he alighted from his horse, and staying his suite,

approached respectfully on foot attended only by the second
noble personage. [28] Greetings made, Savitri and Sarasvati
duly received them with the usual hospitality of forest life,
beginning with the offer of a seat of twigs and ending with
presents of fruit with flowers. They being seated, Savitri
sate down, and after a not over-prolonged silence addressed
herself to the second of the two, the man of advanced years :


Sir, to make the first address ill becomes women, whose

innate modesty is their all, more especially noble girls,
innocent as woodland fawns. Yet hearing, greedy to learn
the news and emulous of the eye which has been gratified
with seeing, moves me thereto. And indeed even at first
, t sight the good proffer confidence like a gift. Like wine, the

.Kama was killed in anger by Civa.
Read valaksa (for dhavala) with Comm. and the Kashmir text.


feeling inspired by the courtesy shown by a superior makes


even the timid talkative. In the very meek confidence easily

reaches its highest point, like a string passing to the very
end of a plaint bow 2 Moreover, even in the profoundly

wise the previously unknown masterpieces of creation visible

in the world occasion astonishment for the beauty of this ;

high-souled youth is beyond anything in the universe. It is

not the levity natural to young women that compels me
to speak, but the exceeding grace, handmaid of high birth,
that appears in this darling of heaven 3 Therefore relate .

what hapless region has through your coming been desolated

by the spreading plague of separation. What is your
destination? Whose son is this young man, a second
Kama humbling the pride of Qiva's roar? How named
the sire, rich in austerities, whose heart this youth gladdens,
as the Kaustubha jewel gladdens the heart of Visnu, with
an ambrosial shower ? [29] Who was his mother, worthy of
the worship of the three worlds, the parent, like the morning
twilight, of a great splendour ? What fortunate syllables
make up his name ? To inquire concerning your honour also
is the next proceeding of a heart compliant to curiosity.'
She having so spoken, the other courteously replied :

'Lady, kindly speech is a hereditary art among the noble.

Not merely your your heart also is moonlike, bestowing

delight by words cooling like ambrosia dew. Women like

you come into the world as the native soil of nobility, nay,
a greater glory, as the fine arts for forming noble characters 4 .

Not mention conversation, even interchange of glances

with the noble is a great exaltation. Listen then: This young
man, Dadhica by name, the pride of the Bhrigu race, is the
externalized life of the sainted Cyavana ,
that forehead-

Or of the wine courteously offered by a superior.'
The pun here turns on the double sense of atinamre=(l') 'flexible,'

(2) very submissive.'

3 The term used here
(devandm priyasya} is that which A9oka uses
of himself in his inscriptions.
4 '
To know her was a liberal education,' Steele.
For the story of this mythical sage cf. Wilson,
Hindu Theatre '

p. 263 n. and reff.


mark of the triad Bhu Bhuvas and Svar, whose invincible

might paralyzed the pillar-like arm of Indra, whose lotus feet
tread rudely on the couch formed by the jewelled crowns of

gods and demons, and who blasted Puloman by the outpouring

of his splendour. His mother was a princess, Sukanya named,
a gem among the maidens of the universe, daughter of the

world-conquering Qaryata, whose train is of unnumbered

monarchs. Observing her to be with child, her father took
her in the birth-month from her husband's side to his own

dwelling, there to bear her child The son borne .

by the
princess was this young man long life be his. [30] And in
the king's house he in good time grew up, lotus-eyed, the
delight of his kindred, like the young lord of stars Even .

when his daughter returned to her husband's house, the

grandfather parted not from this cheery- faced grandson of
his, a solace to the heart. There accordingly he was trained
in all the sciences and the circle of the arts.
'In time, observing him to have attained to youth, his

grandfather, reflecting that his father too should have the

delight of gazing on his lotus face, has now prevailed upon
himself to send him away to his father's presence. But me
let your highness understand to be one named Vikuksi, the

least of servants, minister of the will of

auspiciously- my
named lord Qaryata. master appointed me his attendant
on the way to his father's feet. Our royal house follows the
rule of heredity, and length of service produces in the great
a certain kindly feeling even towards a dependant 4 . Un-
failing indeed is the store of good feeling in the great.
'Some two leagues hence across the Qona is the abode of
the sainted Cyavana, a forest rivalling Caitraratha 5 and by
him entitled Cyavana, an appellation derived from his own

The custom should be noticed.
I.e. the moon.
Na jdyate yatra triptis tad asecanakam viduh.' Comrn. 'that of

which we are never satiated': cf. A. K. Vicesyanighnavarga, 53.

The office of minister was frequently hereditary in Hindu times,
cf. Wilson, Hindu Theatre n. p. 208 n.

The grove of the god Kuvera.

name. That is our journey's goal. If now this is a time for

an act of grace, and your heart is void of contempt towards us,
if such as we are fit recipients of favours and worthy to hear,

let not this our first solicitation of curiosity meet with a

repulse. We
also are fain to hear your highnesses' story.
Your aspect in no way falls short of divinity but our hearts :

are eager to hear your lineage and names. Say therefore

what stock was made enviable by your birth. Who is this

lady near your highness, a coinherence as it were of mutually

exclusive qualities? Thus: with the darkness of her locks
close by, she has a radiance as of the sun ; [31] with the face
of a lotus 1 the eye of a fawn ; wearing the brilliance of the

young day, she has yet the smile of a night-lotus the voice ;

of a lovesick kalahamsa, yet swelling bosoms 2 hands soft as :

day-lotuses, yet hips broad as the rocks of the mountain of

snow 3 thighs like a young elephant's trunk, yet a languid

gait she has not passed the season of girlhood, yet she has

the swimming eyes of love 4.'

Savitri answered: 'You shall hear, my lord, in good
time. Our hearts are fain to stay here many days and the :

distance is
slight. Intimacy will make all clear. Let my
lord not forget people seen only by chance.' After which
reply she became silent. But Dadhica, with a voice which,
resembling the deep mutter of clouds laden with new rain,
set the peacocks dancing in the creeper arbours, gravely
said: 'My lord, her highness being conciliated will be
gracious to us ;
now let us visit my father. Rise, let us
proceed.'Then, the other assenting, he slowly arose, and
with a bow moved away. As he mounted his horse and
departed, Sarasvati gazed for a long time after him with an
eye with straight rigid lashes and pupil motionless as in a

The contradiction turns on the double sense ofpundarika = (1) lotus,
(2) lion.
Payodhardh may also mean 'clouds'; the kalahamsa migrates
during the rainy season.
Snow kills the lotus hence the contradiction.

The words may also mean 'not faithless to Kumara and yet loving
his enemy Taraka.'

picture Crossing the Qona, Dadhica quickly reached the


site of his father's seclusion. But when he disappeared

Sarasvati stood for a long time gazing in that direction,
and could hardly cease looking [32].
Then, when she had remained quiet one short moment
recalling that perfection of form, her heart was filled more
and more with astonishment. Her eye longed to see him
again and something involuntarily drew her glance in the

same direction as before. All uncommissioned her heart

went away with him. Like a new spray upon a young
wood-creeper, love somehow sprang up in her heart. She
passed the day as it were languid, empty, and heavy with
sleep. But when with westward inclining circle the sun's
radiant form, lover of the lotus beds, sprung from the three
Vedas, was nearing the west, with colour golden as a cluster
of Lafigalikas,and brilliance red as an old crane's head,
while the gathering dusk sky-enveloping was befouling the
firmament with a blackness like the bark of a young Tamala,
and slowly slowly the moon was creeping up the heavens,
like a swan of Mandakim, in pursuit of the tinkling anklets
of the roaming mistresses of the saints, at that hour, the very
outset of night, Sarasvati, her twilight worship done, fell with

languid limbs on her couch of young shoots and there

remained. Savitrl also, having performed the evening ritual,
in due course took to her couch of leaves at the usual hour
of rest, and, drowsiness approaching, slept [33].
But the other, though she closed her eyes, enjoyed no
sleep ; her couch of leaves was deranged by repeated tossings
of her limbs, and this was her thought: 'Surely the world
of mortals is above all worlds, since therein are born such

gems, the three- worlds' pride, laden with the company of all
fine qualities 3 Thus: the moon is but a trickling drop

This simile so common in Sanskrit poetry may be paralleled from


Shakespeare Hamlet,' Act n. sc. ii. 465, So, as a painted tyrant,

' '

Pyrrhus stood,' and also Coleridge, Ancient Mariner,'


'As idle as a painted ship

Upon a painted ocean.'
2 ' '
. Kuto* pi=(V) somehow,' (2) from the earth.'
Or 'heavy even for all necklaces.'

of his face's flood of beauty: his glances are beds of ex-

panding lotuses, white, blue, and red the sparklings of his


gem-like avenues of open Bandhukas. To

lips are forest
that body only the disembodied Kama can add a charm.

Happy the eyes, hearts, and young beauty of those women

within whose vision he comes. In displaying him to me
only for a moment my ill-deeds in former births have
wrought their fruit. What resource is open to me now?'
Amid such thoughts as these drowsiness coming over her,
she at length lay still awhile, and falling asleep beheld (in a
vision) that very youth with the long eyes. Through that
second dream-meeting the lord of the crocodile banner, draw-
ing his bow to the ear, dealt her a pitiless stroke. When she
awoke thus smit by Kama's bolt, then came unrest as if to learn
her condition Thus was it with her
. from that hour, [34] :

even though unsmitten by the pollen-whitened wood-creepers,

she felt a smart. Though her eyes might not be hurt by
flower-dust wafted by gentle breezes, yet she would let fall a
tear. Though not bedewed by Qona spray by scattered

myriad fanning hamsas wings, yet a* moisture came upon

her. Though not borne by pairs of rocking Kadambas*,
yet was she agitated by the tossing waves of the sylvan
lotus pools. Though untouched by the smoke of parting
sighs let fall
by severed pairs of ruddy-geese, yet she wore
a pallid hue. Though unstung by the honey-making tribes,
grey with flower-dust, yet she would feverishly start.
After the lapse of some nights Vikuksi returning by the
same route arrived at that place, and, having checked his
attendants as before, approached with his umbrella-holder.
Sarasvati, who had observed his approach from afar, sprang
joyfully up, and, gazing with straining neck like a woodland
fawn, seemed to bathe the way-worn traveller with a glance
that whitened the ten regions of space. When he had accepted
a seat, Savitrl asked him aifectionately My lord, is the young '

prince well ?

He answered, Quite well, your highness, and


he bears you both in remembrance: during the past days,

I.e. as it were, to make a call.
A goose with dark-grey wings.

however, he is somewhat thin in figure, and experiences as it

were an inexplicable and causeless void. [35] Also there will
arrive later
a lady named Malati, commissioned from him to
inquire of you she is a sigh of the prince.'
Hearing this,
Savitri once more spoke

magnanimous prince indeed

: A
to honour with his acquaintance people scarcely known to
him and seen only His mind was, I suppose,
for an instant.

accidentally caught by us for a moment as he passed, like

a shawl by a wayside creeper. In your lord's son true nobi-
lity is not devoid of high birth. A listless world, truly, that
it does not at any price purchase the hearts of the great so
easily won to friendship. This is a pinnacle of nobility in
the great, unattainable by others, whereby they win the
whole world to their service.' Having spent some time
in general 3 conversation Vikuksi went away in the direc-
tion of his choice.
the morrow as the adorable jewel of day arose with
his thousand rays, illimitable in splendour, invading the
starlight, veiling the darkness, eager to expand the red
lotuses, Malati was seen to have crossed the Qona and
to be approaching with a small retinue of attendants 4 [38] .

While still far away, she was looted as it were by Sarasvati's

wishes in her love for Dadhica, hurried on by her eagerness,
met by her longings, embraced by her yearning, welcomed
into her heart, bathed in her tears of joy, anointed 6 by her

smile, fanned by her sighs, arrayed in the light of her eyes,

worshipped with (the flower offering of) her lotus face, made
a friend by her hopes. So she drew near, and, alighting from
her steed, saluted from a distance with bowed head then :

having been embraced by the pair she modestly sate down.

Being courteously addressed by them, she congratulated
herself, and with hands humbly laid upon her head an-

The Comm. explains anvaksam=pratyaksam = 'm person': but
query I

Or '

Uccdvacaik :
prakritavastvasamspar^ibhih, vicitrair iti vd. Comm.
The long description of Malati will be found in the Appendix.
5 Read vilipta with the Kashmir text.

nounced the respectful greeting wherewith Dadhlca had

charged her and in the course of various polite conversation

she won the hearts of Savitri and Sarasvati by her urbanity

of demeanour and courteous address.
When noon had passed in due course, and Savitri was
gone down to the Qona to bathe, Malati sent away her
attendants, and approaching Sarasvati, who was lying on a
couch of flowers, [39] said meaningly to her Lady, I have :

something to communicate in private so I wish you to


bestow on me the favour of a moment's attention.' Sarasvati,

suspecting a message from Dadhlca, wondered what she was
about to say. So concealing with a portion of her shawl of
woven bark a heart which, as if the buds of curiosity were
bursting forth, bristled with the rays from the nails of her
left hand laid against her bosom clinging to a neighbouring

creeper (her hope of life, it seemed) which swayed with her

incessant sighs, while her dangling ear-wreath suggested that
her ear was running forth to listen her blooming moonlike

face flooding the world with an outpouring of beauty like a

stream of passion; buoyed up by swarms of dusky bees
attracted by the fragrance of her flowery couch, like embodied

yearnings issuing forth blackened by the fire of Kama's flame ;

slowly, slowly in the fever of love's dart she uprose from

her couch of flowers, and drawing nigh to her ear the Malati
reflected in her cheek, as if out of shame she would say

Whisper it honeyed voice she gravely said

to me,' with :


Why do you speak thus to me, friend Malati ? Who am

I to grant attention as a favour? Even without asking ,

the charming and lovely are masters of our bodies, our
lives, our all. There is nothing that you are not to me,
sister, friend, loved one, second self. Ordain what task,
small or great, this poor body may perform. This com-

pliant heart has no secrets from you. Deal as you please

with your slave. Reveal, lovely lady, your meaning.'
'Lady,' the other replied, 'you do not need to be told
the delightfulness of mundane things, the importunity of the

Aprdrthito 'without a request'; cf. vidita Kiratarj. I. 2.


V. 1. ativelam ( = atimdtram) for atipecalas in Kashm. ed.

army of the senses, the intoxication of youthfulness, the

restlessness of the mind. [40] The resistless power of Kama is
notorious. Therefore meet me not, I pray, with censure.
My chatter is not due to giddiness, or love of gossip.
There is nothing which great devotion to a master does not
make people attempt. From the very moment, princess,
when the prince beheld you, love has been his spiritual
guide the moon his lord of life the southern breeze his
1 2
, ,

familiar anguish has been in his secret counsels, pain the

friend of his bosom 4 wakefulness his kinsman, yearnings his,

emissaries, sighs his vanguard ,
death his squire, disquiet his
courier, fancies his aged advisers. How am I to speak ?
Should I say he a match for your highness,' your heart

will tell you that; 'of noble character,' that is beside the
mark a man of sense,' that is at variance with his state of

mind '
blessed by fortune,' that depends on you
constant ;

in affection,' that implies experience versed in rendering ;

homage,' that is inappropriate to his princely rank; 'he is

fain to be your slave
a knave's plea you shall till death,' ;

be the mistress of his house,' a seductive tale happy ;

she who owns such a lord,' a partisan's story; [41] 'you are
his death,' an unkind saying; 'you know not worth,' a

reproach ; you have often shown him favours in dreams,'


unsupported by testimony he pleads for his life,' a coward's ;

go and visit him,' a command

' '
act ; though forbidden, he ;

is coming perforce,' mere overbearingness. Therefore, when

I have said that you are beyond the reach of words, the
decision rests with you.'
So much said, she became silent. But Sarasvati with
I am unable to say

eyes wide-open with love replied :

many words. Here am I, lady of smiling speech, at your

There is a pun on guru = (I) great, (2) teacher.
2 allaying his pain by its coolness. Jlviteca may, however,
mean also (1) the god of death, as the moon serves to kindle his passion,
and (2) purohit or spiritual guide : there is a complicated play on these
three senses.
Or a cause of sighing.'

The word paramasuhrid may also mean preeminently an enemy.' '

Or punningly sighs go before his body.'

orders. Take charge of my life.'

Your commands are the

highest of favours,' replied Malati, beside herself with joy,

and bowing passed on her galloping steed across the ona,
and proceeded to Cyavana's hermitage to bring Dadhica.
But the other out of love for her friend made Savitrl also

acquainted with the news. Her mind panting under its load
of longing, she could scarcely pass the rest of the day which
seemed an aeon. But when the adorable sun had sunk with
all his radiance in the west, when the dusk was stilly

descending, and the moon was issuing, like a lion from his
cave, from the eastern quarter now gleaming as with a
smile 1 then SarasvatI sate herself
, down on the Qona sands,
white, delicate as China silk, rolling in waves, like a silken-
soft bed. On her brow was a jewel, the imaged moonlight,
as it were, of Dadhlca's toe-nails as in her dreams she fell in

supplication at his feet. Reflected in the mirror of her

cheek, the moon thus near to her ear seemed to be com-
municating Kama's charge, Fair smiling one, here have I

brought thy heart's darling.' As her hand fanned her moist

cheek, its nails scattered a horizon of rays, like a bundle of
moon-digits converted into a yak-tail fan. Above her heart,
sighing against her bosom, she had just strength to bear a
young lotus stalk, like a rod let fall in sport by Kama across

its Here none but Dadhica may enter.' [42]

portal to say

Thus did she expect him, and this was the thought in her
heart, Since I, even I, SarasvatI, have been enslaved, like
a low-caste woman, by this heart's son Kama, what is
to be expected of other poor excitable maidens ?
With Malati Dadhica came bringing sweet perfumes
like the month of honey, bearing like a hariisa cooling
lotus fibres, his face uplifted in deep joy like a peacock at a
cloud 4 , causing like the Malaya breeze a tremour upon a

I.e. an arch smile at the meeting of the lovers.
The Kashmir text, however, reads stanayantl, which will go with
For vetralata cf. Pancatantra
(Bomb, ed.), p. 16, 1. 1.
G/iana = (l) great, (2) cloud.

creeper-like form all white with moist sandal drawn on, as


it seemed, by the lord of planets with finger-like rays grasping

his locks wafted by the southern breeze potent in kindling


love borne on the billowy current of desire 3

A throng of .

bees crowding towards his fragrance arrayed his willowy

form as with a dark garment the moon's image, gleaming :

within like the ear-shell 4 of love's raging elephant, whitened

the convex of his cheek as with the coy aimless smile of a
first Having arrived and greeted her with a voice

which, broken like a hamsa's, seemed interrupted by a tinkle

of anklets from the loved one taken to his heart, he spent
that fair night in the fashion enjoined by Kama, taught by

youth, [43] dictated by passion, and revealed by insight.

Taking confidence, Sarasvati made herself known to him,
and with her he spent a full year brief as a single day.

Then by ordinance of destiny Sarasvati conceived, and

bare in good time a son graced by all auspicious signs.
Upon him at the very hour of his birth she laid this blessing,
'By my favour all the Vedas with the mystic portions, all
authoritative books, and all arts shall be fully and spon-

taneously manifested in him.' Then bearing Dadhica in her

heart as though to display him with the vaunt of an ideal

spouse, she ascended by the Great Father's will with Savitri

to Brahma's world. She having departed, Dadhica also,
pierced to the heart as by a lightning flash, went away sick
with his loss to the woods to
live as an ascetic having :

appointed as his son's foster-mother a hermit's daughter

named Aksamala, wife to Bhratri, a Brahman of the Bhrigu
race. She had borne a son at the very hour when Sarasvati
gave birth to hers. So the two children gradually grew up
together, fed without favour at the same breast. The one
was named Sarasvata simply 5 the other's name was Vatsa.,

The words may "
I.e. Sarasvati. also mean the creepers clinging
to the sandal and grislea trees."
The Moon.
Utkalikd = (l) wave, (2) agitation.
Because of its whiteness.
6 '
I.e. Sarasvatfs son' :
ukhyd and ndma are here distinguished.

And between the two there existed an enviable affection like

that of brothers.
Now Sarasvata, who through his mother's power was at
the very outset of youth gifted with the full treasure of the
sciences, conveyed it undiminished in the form of words to
his dear confidant and loving twin-brother Vatsa. When
Vatsa took a he made for him in that same nei^h-
wife,' O
bourhood a mansion endearingly named The Pinnacle of
Delight he himself, assuming the hermit's staff, black

antelope skin, bark dress, rosary, girdle, and matted locks,

went to join his father, the ascetic [44].
From Vatsa there proceeded a prolific stock like Ganges

purifying, noised abroad* through the growing fame of the

school established by its founders, upheld on the Almighty's

head, deep in the lore of all arts, honoured of great saints,

potent to shake its foes, stretching far over the earth's

surface, stumbling not in its going
. Wherefrom were born
home-dwelling sages named Vatsyayanas, devoted to Qrauta
lore yet assuming not the false muttering of cranes, vowed
to the '
rules of fasting yet free from the ways of cats,
averse to worldly pretence, bare of all wily, deceitful, guileful
or boastful intent, discarding hypocrisy, trampling on dis-

honesty, tranquil in nature, free from sudden change, reluctant

in heart to reprove others, cleansed from darkness by detach-
ment from the three colours 3 shaken clear of desire
, by deep
thought, wavering not in soul, devoted to their followers, at
rest from all the doubts of different schools, openers of all knotty

points in the sense of books, poets, [45] eloquent, without

envy, fond of charming speech, skilled in clever wit, versed
in urbane ways, connoisseurs of dance, song and music, never
surfeited with tradition, compassionate, pure through truth,
honoured of the good, with hearts melting with a dew of
This is probably the name of Bana's home.
adjectives are all made by means of puns to apply both to the
race and to the Ganges. This paragraph is full of untranslateable puns.
3 and black,
Varnatraya 'the triad of colours,' red, white, is a
synonym for the material world : cf. Cveta9v. Upanis., iv. 5. The pun
is on varnatraya = three castes and andhas = (\) darkness, (2) food.
Their food pure through avoiding the three castes.'

tenderness to beings likewise endowed with all qualities

all ;

yet unconquered by the quality of passion possessed of ,

patience, cheering their dependents not cruel, girt with ,

3 4
knowledge not dull, masters of arts
free from faults, ,

helpful not inflaming
others yet suns of brilliance, without
heat yet sacrificers 6 without crooked ways, happy 7 no rigid
, ,

Stoics, yet abodes of good deeds rewarded unfailing in the ,

performance of sacrifice, dexterous guileless, superior to ,

desire 10 preeminent among the twice born.


Now as this stock persisted mid the flux of things, the

passing of aeons, the descent of the Kali age, the going of
the years, the march of the days, and the lapse of time, [46]
there was in due time born in the expansive Vatsyayana
clan, pressing on in unbroken succession, a certain twice-born

man, Kuvera by name, devoted as the son of Vinata to his

He begat four sons Acyuta, Icana, Hara, and Pa9u-

pata, propagating their race, like the four aeons, through the
power of Vedic knowledge like Narayana's columnar arms

Among them Pac,upata

gladdening the circles of the good .

begat a single high-souled son, by name Arthapati, crest

jewel of all the Brahman schools, profound as the four
oceans, and like a mountain keeping steadfast the law of
by the armies of kings.'
punningly 'inheritors of earth, yet gone to the heavenly
Or 'without swords yet Vidyadharas.' The Vidyadharas are
always armed with swords.
Or without coolness, yet moons.'

Or '
teachers,' taralcd: dcdryd, Comm. : the word may also mean
'constellations,' forming a punning antithesis to adosdh, which may
mean '
not belonging to evening.'
Or fires.'
' r Or
yet serpents.'

Or without pillars, yet caravanserais of holiness.'

Or 'yet Daksas.' Daksa's mythological sacrifice had been inter-

rupted by ^iva.
Or ' without serpents, yet Qivas.'
=(1) parent, (2) teacher. The son of Vinata is Garuda who stole
the amrita to purchase his mother's freedom.
Or of the aeons '
having a race sprung from Brahma's creative
= all beings.
Or of Narayana's arms '

holding the discus and the sword.'


his race 1 . From him were born

eleven pure sons, like the
Rudras, with faces coated with a dew of the moon's am-
brosia and their names were Bhrigu, Hamsa, Quci, Kavi,

Mahidatta, Dharma, Jatavedas, Citrabhanu, Tryaksa, Ahi-

datta, and Vic,varupa. Of whom Citrabhanu was blessed
with a son Bana by a BrahmanI woman named Rajadevi.
The boy, while still a child, was deprived of his mother, who
was taken away through the will of sovereign destiny.
His father, however, conceiving a deep love for him acted a
mother's part, and under his care the boy grew with ever
increasing vigour in his own home.
But when, being now about fourteen years of age, he had
passed through initiation and the associated rites, and had
returned from his teacher's house 3 his father , also, having
performed in full the sacred duties proper to the twice-born
as enjoined in Qruti and Smriti, departed ere he reached the
allotted span to his rest . After his father's decease Bana in
the anguish of a great sorrow, his heart all aflame by day

and night, [47] passed some days, he knew not how, in his
own house. When his sorrow gradually became less absorbing,
he through indulgence in sundry youthful follies, due either
to misconduct arising from independence, to the impetuosity

prevalent in youth, or to the aversion of young manhood to

steadiness, came into reproach 5 . He had friends and com-

panions of his own years, and among them two brothers of
low birth 6 Candrasena and Matrisena, a dear friend the ver-

nacular poet Icjlna, adherents Rudra and Narayana, precep-
Or of the mountain '
with motionless ranges.'
they were moonfaced. There may also be an allusion to the
Soma juice. As a stiataka.
decade,' came to mean
4 tenth
Adacamistha, literally 'not in his
not having attained his allotted span,' because the Hindus regarded a
hundred years as the natural life of man. The father of Bana (who
was 14 years old) cannot have been anywhere near this.
Itvaro babhura may however mean was wild.' The Comm. gives

gamanaala as the equivalent of itvara ; it means '

poor, mean '
in the

6 Pardcavdu = sons of a Brahman and a Sudra woman.
Bhasakavi is explained by the comm. as a writer of songs 01; a
vernacular poet.

tors Varavana and Vasavana, a descriptive poet Vembharata,

a Prakrit poet the young noble Vayuvikara, two panegyrists

Anangavana and Sucivana, an ascetic widow Cakravakika,


a snake-doctor Mayuraka, a betel-bearer Candaka, a young

physician Mandaraka, a reader Sudristi, a goldsmith Camlkara,
a supervisor Sindhusena, a scribe Govindaka, a painter Vira-
varman, a modeller Kumaradatta, a drummer Jimuta, two

singers Somila and Grahaditya, a maid Kurangika, two

pipers Madhukara and Paravata, a music-teacher Darduraka,
a shampooer Keralika, a dancer Tandavika, a dicer Akhandala,
a gamester Bhimaka, a young actor Qikhandaka, a dancing
girl Harinika, a Para^ara mendicant Sumati, a Jain monk
Viradeva, a story-teller Jayasena, a Qaiva devotee Vakraghona,
a magician Karala, a treasure-seeker Lohitaksa, an assayer
Vihangama, a potter Damodara, a juggler Cakoraksa, a Brah-
man mendicant Tamracuda. [48] With these and others for
his companions, pliant from youthfulness, smit with a passion
for seeing other lands, despite the wealth sufficient for a
Brahman amassed by his father and grandfather, despite his
hitherto uninterrupted pursuit of knowledge, he went forth
from his home and, being free from all restraint and seem-

ing bewitched by early youth through a headstrong will, he

brought himself into the derision of the great.
But gradually thereafter by observation of great courts
charming the mind with their noble routine, by paying his
respects to the schools of the wise brilliant with blameless
knowledge, by attendance at the assemblies of able men deep
in priceless discussions, by plunging into the circles of clever

men dowered with profound natural wisdom, he regained the

Katydyanikd : cf.

pa.tica$a.dvarsadeclyam vlram samsthitabhartrikam \

vadanti kdtyayanikam dhritaka$ayavasasam.\\

Comna. and A. K. Manusyavarga 17.

perhaps mean
Pustakrit :
lepyakara Coinm. ;
the word may a
Asuravivaravyasanl : patalabhilal. Comm. Perhaps it means 'a
miner or metallurgist.'
4 '
, Dardurika, explained by Tarauath as meaning potter,' is quoted
by Panim, iv. 4. 34.
c. 3

sage attitude of mind customary among his race. After long

years he returned once more to his own native soil, resort of
Bran mans, shelter of the Vatsyayana line. There, welcomed,
like a feast-day, by kinsmen respectfully announcing their
relationship and renewing after long absence their kindly
affection, he found himself in the midst of the friends of his

youth enjoying almost the bliss of liberation .

Here ends the first chapter, termed the description of the Vatsya-

yana race,' of the Harsa-carita, composed by Qri Bana Bhatta.

Bdlamitramandalasya madhyagato may also, with reference to the
liberated soul, mean in the centre of the mild sun's disc, as the sun
' 3

loses its power to burn in his presence.


with a king of profound wisdom for those who

[49] IT is

have no means of access to him as it is with a well for those

who have no way of descending into it, virtuous royal in-
1 2
tercessors secure the desired success; the day' plants within
the susceptible lotus the beauty given by the sun to help ;

others, without regarding their virtues or faults, is the

passion of the good.

There Bana roamed about happily in the homes of his
kindred seen after a long absence, resonant as they were
with the noise of continual recitation, filled with young
students attracted by the sacrifices, running about like so
many fires with their long tawny braids of hair and their ,

foreheads white with sectarial marks made of ashes, with

the terraces in front of the doors green with little beds
of soma plants all fresh from recent watering, with the
rice and panicum for the sacrificial cakes laid out to
dry, scattered on the skins of the black antelope, with
the oblations of wild rice strewed by the young maidens,
with the fuel, leaves, and bundles of green Ku$a grass
brought by hundreds of pure disciples, filled with heaps
of cow-dung and fuel with the covered terraces in their
courts marked by the round hoofs of the cows as they

The words will also mean " earthen pots furnished with a string."
2 The day, as distinguished from the night, is the intercessor

between the lotus and the sun, as Krisna, the king's brother, is between
Banatind Crl-Harsa.
3 ' " betressed with stalks of
Or, if taken with fires,' tawny flames."
Of. 219.

came in for the daily offerings, dropping the milk which

was to be used for preparing the curds [50] with troops of

ascetics busied in pounding the clay for making pots, with

the sacred limits purified by heaps of udumbara branches
brought to make pegs to mark out the altars for the

three sacrificial fires, with the ground white with lines of

offerings to the Vi9ve Devah, with the sprays of the trees
in the courts grey with the smoke of the oblations, with
the wanton calves sporting about, caressed by the young
cowherds, with the succession of animal sacrifices clearly
suggested by the young spotted goats playing about, all
peaceful through the cessation of the labours of the Brahman
teachers, while busy repetitions were now commenced by the
parrots and mainas, like so many hermitages for the
incarnate Three Vedas.
While he stayed there, Time in his character of Summer,
with his smile white with
the jasmines in full flower,

yawned and swallowed up the two flowery months

At .

first he was gentle and showed compassion to the thirsty

young gardens, as if they were the young children left

behind by the spring when it was conquered and had passed
away and at its first rising by its warmth the hot season [51]

unloosed all the imprisoned blossoms throughout the earth.
The tresses of the fair [damp after bathing] were seized by
the god of love 5 as if they were chowries used at the
coronation of the Spring, the King of Seasons [and so still
wet with the waters of installation] and the Sun made ;

his expedition against the North as if in wrath for the

lotus beds which the winter frosts had burned.
As the forehead-burning sun grew hot, the moons of the
women's foreheads undertook vows of paying homage to him,

Curds composed the Vaigvadeva oblation.


Used in measuring the altar, see Katyay. Stit. v. 3. 14.


3 Caitra and
Vai9akha, i.e. from the middle of March to that of
May. Grlsma is from the middle of May to that of July. Mahakala
contains a punning reference to as the
Qiva in his character

4 As a King at his accession sets prisoners free.
Ragh. xvi. 50.

being decorated with sandal-lines on their foreheads as sec-

tarialmarks, and wearing their curls as the ragged garments
of ascetics, and bearing rosaries with the pearly drops of

perspiration for beads. The women themselves slept away

the day, grey with sandal-wood applications, like the night-
lotuses unable to bear the sight of the sun their eyes, ;

heavy with not bear the light of their jewels,

sleep, could
far less the cruel sunshine. In the sultry season the moon-
light nights grew less and less, like the rivers, which cheered
by the diminishing distance the parted pairs of cakravakas.
on their banks [52]. The fierce heat of the sun made people
long not only to drink water perfumed with the strong
scent of the trumpet-flower, but even to drink up the very
But as the season's childhood passed away and the sun's
rays became hotter, the lakes grew dry, the streams sank
lower, the waterfalls ebbed away, the din of the crickets in-
creased, every thing was deafened by the continued cooing of
the distressed doves. Then the other birds grew audacious,
the wind swept away the refuse, the shrubs grew less dense 1

the hard clusters of the grislea tomentosa were licked by the

young lions in their blind thirst for blood, the sides of the
mountains were wet with the water spouted from the fainting
elephant-herds, and the bees were dumb, as they lay in the
dark patches of the dried ichor of the heat-distressed

elephants. The season appeared with borders painted its

red with the blushing Manddra flowers, while the splitting

crystal rocks were marked by the horns of the

buffaloes as

they were bewildered in the doubt whether what they saw

was a flowing stream of water, the dry creepers rustled in
the sultry heat, the scratching wild cocks were frightened at
the straw- conflagrations in the heated dust, the porcupines
took shelter in their holes, [53] while the pools were dried down
to their muddy bottoms which were discoloured by the fishes
as they lay rolling on their backs, disturbed by the troops of
ospreys hovering in the arjuna trees on the banks and the

From the falling of the leaves.
Jvara. The Schol. takes Kuta as the bird's cry.

world lighted conflagrations like a solemn lustration

its forest

ceremony, and the nights fell into a consumption 1 as the

days lengthened.
The winds raged madly, leaping up in every direction
in the waste places and openly carrying off masses of the
roofs of the watering-sheds, rubbing against the rough
stony places as if they were itching with the irritating
prickings of the ripe stinging bushes of Mucuna pruritus,
gathering a material outline and scattering powder as they
.went, and bearing the sharp shoots of the mucukunda as
their teeth, moistened by the drops in the mouths of the
noisy flying grasshoppers, plunging into the false waters
of the mirage as it trembled as with waves in the heat of the

young sun, hurrying through the desolate tracks rustling

with the dry ^ami-trees, actors in the wild miracle-play
with its passionate circular dances 3 and the uproar of the
hurrying hither and thither of the dust whirlwinds, [54]
blackened with the ashes of the sites of old forest con-
flagrations and gathering up the scattered peacocks' feathers
as if they had learned the ways of wandering mendicants 4 ,

carrying bunches of the rattling dry seeds of old karanja

trees as if they had marching drums, bursting out with
the panting snorts of the buffaloes faint with the heat,
followed as by their children by the long lines of swift
deer springing up, frowning with their curls of smoke-
like chaff, rising as from burning threshing-floors, spread-
ing the waves of hell by their hot mists, shaggy as
with hair by the threads of the bursting silk-cotton pods,
covered with dry leaves as with a cutaneous eruption, [55]
bearing the long lines of grass like a sick man's exposed
veins, shaking the points of the barley-awns as if they
were a beard, taking the shed quills of the porcupines
for their teeth, and the flames of fire for their
whirling up the snakes' cast-off skins as their crests, practis-

Of. Taitt. Samhita ii. 3. 5;
ii. 5. 6.

2 3
For the drabhatl cf. Sahitya D. 420. Read rdserasa.
The Digambara Jamas carry peacocks' tails in their hards to
sweep insects from their path. Sarva-Darc. Sat}tgralui transl. p. 63.

ing on the hot lotus-juices as a preparation for the future task

of swallowing the liquids of the whole world, alarming the
three worlds by the shrill sound of rattling the dry bamboo-
thickets as if they were the drums to proclaim the imminent

drying up of the entire watery element. Their path was

variegated with the scattered feathers of the darting blue
jays, they seemed coloured by the live coals and sparks of
the bursting red g unjd- berries, as if they had caught the
varied hues from the scorching torch of the sun's rays waking ;

up as they wandered the wild sounds of the mountain caves,

skilled in preparing a magic potion to reduce the world to

dust, propitiating the forest-fires with showers of the coral-

tree's flowers as with offerings of blood, with their course
bestarred with burning sand, and bedewed with melted bitu-
men from the heated rocks [50] and scented, as they blew,

with the strong smell of the insects in the hollows of the

trees,which were baked 1 in the fragments of the sparrows'
eggs which had exploded as they grew hot in the forest-
Dreadful forest-conflagrations appeared on every side,
raging as if fanned to fury by a thousand bellows, like exhala-
tions blowing from the cavern-like jaws of old dragons, some-
times like deer 2 quietly eating up the grass at their will,
sometimes like tawriy-coloured ichneumons creeping in the
holes at the bottom of the trees, sometimes like followers
of the Muni Kapila, wearing matted locks, sometimes like
hawks destroying the nests of the birds, sometimes like
women's lower lips red with melted lac, sometimes like

arrows, gaining their speed by the wings of the birds which

they have overtaken, sometimes like those who attain nir-
vana, burning up all the causes which produced them
some- ,

times like lovers, veiled in garments 4 scented with flowers,

This refers to a particular method of pi'eparing drugs, the various
substances being wrapped up m
leaves, covered with clay, and roasted
in the fire.
The word for

(harinaK) might mean yellow and

' '
so babhru
and kapila in the two following similes.
3 4
Or the causes
of birth.' Or '

sometimes as if languid with indigestion, heavy with

fumes, [57] sometimes with an insatiable craving desiring
to devour the whole world, sometimes like very old men,
leaning on the top of a bamboo,- sometimes like a con-

sumptive patient, indulging in a long course of bitumen,

sometimes fat as feasting on every kind of food sometimes
burning fragrant gums like the worshippers of Rudra,
sometimes standing on the bare stems, with the thorny madana
trees 1 burned entirely, roots and branches and flowers,
actors in the wild dance with their quivering flame-locks

outspread, worshipping the Sun with their opened flame-

hands, which shower down the dry bursting grains of parched
wild-rice and make a way through the dried tanks, longing
without disgust for the smell of the raw flesh of the fullgrown
tortoises as they are suddenly offered up as in sacrifice, and
consuming even their own smoke lest it should rise up and
become clouds 2 with quantities of massed insects crackling
in the dry grass like oblations of mustard seed, with the
white shells in the dried lakes breaking into pieces through
the heat like the skins of leprous patients, raining beeswax
in the woods from the bee-hives full of melting honey, as if

they were covered with sweat, with their curls of flames

now all dying away in the salt wastes as if they were

bald, [58] and again, swallowing apparently mouthfuls of

rocks amidst crags which seemed built up of the fragments of
the blazing sun-crystals.
One day during that terrible hot season as he was in his
house, after having eaten the afternoon meal, Candrasena,
his half-brother by a Qudra mother, entered, saying, "A
renowned courier is waiting at the door, sent to you by Krisna,
the brother of Qiiharsa, the king of kings, the lord of the
four oceans, whose toenails are burnished by the crest gems
of all other monarchs, the leader of
all emperors." He replied,
Introduce him without delay."
Then he beheld the messenger entering as he was

This can also mean " standing like Qiva, with

Kama bearing his
flowery arrows consumed by his blazing eye."
Which might bring rain to extinguish them.

brought before him, his legs tired and heavy with the
long journey, with his tunic girt up tightly by a mud-
stained strip of cloth, the knot hanging loose and fastened

up by a ragged clout swinging behind him, and having his

head wrapped with a bundle of letters, which had a deep
division pressed into it by a very thick thread that bound
and he said to him, while he was yet some way off, " Is
all well with my honoured friend Krisna, who is the
disinterested friend of answered, "All
all the world?" He
is well"; and then
making his obeisance he sat down at
some distance and said, after resting awhile, This letter
has been sent by our honoured lord," and he unloosed it and
gave it. Bana took it respectfully and read it to himself. [59]
'"When they have once learned the- news from Mekhalaka,
the wise will avoid all delay as hindering success"; this is
the real essence of the writing, all else is mere rhetorical

Having mastered the contents of the letter

compliment .'

and sent away his attendants, he asked for the message.

Mekhalaka replied, "My lord thus addresses thee in thy

wisdom, Your honour knows that the belonging

to one

gotra, or to one caste, or the being brought up together

or the dwelling in one place or the constantly seeing each

other, or the hearing of each other's mutual affection, or the

conferring of benefits when absent, or a similarity of dis-

position can all be causes of affection but without any cause ;

my tenderly affected with a firm love towards thee,

heart is

even though thou art not seen by me and as though thou

wert a relation near at hand when thou art really afar off,
just as the moon feels towards the lotus-bed, however
distant it may be. In thy absence the king was on various
occasions prejudiced against thee by the malevolent but it ;

was not a true report. There are none so situated, but, even if
they are good, they will have friends, neutrals, and enemies .

Some unworthy remark was uttered concerning thee by some

envious wretch through thy mind being not wholly averse to
the levity of childhood, and others caught it up and repeated
The minds of the unreflecting toss about, rolling to and
1 2 158.
Cf. the Persian phrase Ziydda ci bar-tardzad. Manu, vii.

fro like water. What now shall the lord of the earth do,
when he comes to a settled decision after hearing many
different suggestions Though thou wast far away, yet thou

wast immediately represented by us who sought to know the

real truth. The sovereign has been reminded with regard to
thee that every one's youth in the opening of life is usually
guilty of some levities,' and he at once assented to the ex-
cuse. Therefore [60] your highness must repair to the palace
without delay. I cannot approve thy habits, living as thou
dost thus away from the king amidst thine own friends like a
tree without fruitaway from the sun's beams. Nor shouldst
thou shrink from the toil of court-attendance or feel any fear
of waiting upon him for although it may be true enough,

Alas he who is unskilled in waiting upon a king is like

Kama, he cannot speak out his request, although the

opportunity is come exactly as he had wished, he gives
pain (to his patron) by hundreds of ill-timed petitions for
favours, and by his folly he throws away his livelihood in a
moment 1
;' yet these other common kings are one thing,
and our ambrosial lord is quite another, who puts to shame
such ancient heroes as Nriga, Nala, Nisadha, Nahusa,
Ambarisa, Da9aratha, Dilipa, Nabhaga, Bharata, Bhagiratha,
and Yayati. His eyes are not stained by the deadly poison of
pride his voice is not choked by the convulsive effects of the

baneful drug of conceit his postures do not lose their natural


dignity through any sudden epileptic fit of forgetfulness

caused by the heat of arrogance his changes of feeling are ;

not exaggerated by the fevered outbursts of ungovernable

self-will his gait is not agitated by the unnatural movements

of an access of self-conceit ;
his voice is not rendered harsh

by the words being uttered under a tetanus of hauteur which

distorts his lips. Thus his idea of jewels attaches to men of

pure virtues, [61] not to bits of rock, his taste delights in

These lines must be read with a series of puns, when taken as
referring to Kama. Although his realm and power are sprung from
fancy, Kama cannot be called 'corporeal' (dehl), he gives pain to
lovers by his hundreds of arrows and by his folly he sacrifices his
life in a moment consumed by Samkalpaja is one of the
Diva's anger."
names of Kama.

in heaps of ornaments,
pearl-like qualities, not
his judge-

ment as to proper means is versed in deeds of bounty, not

in the ichor-flowing temples of poor worms of elephants 1 ,

his highest love is for preeminent glory, not for the withering
stubble of this life, his magnificence is devoted to adorning
the different quarters of the earth whose tribute he seizes,
not the dolls which he calls his wives, his notion of bosom
friendship belongs to his well-strung bow, not to the cour-
tiers who live on the crumbs of his board. His natural
instinct is to help his friends, sovereignty means to him
helping his dependants, learning at once suggests helping
the learned and success helping his kinsfolk, power means
helping the unfortunate and wealth helping the brahmans ;

his heart's main occupation is to remember benefits and his

life's sole employment is to assist virtue, his body's one use
isto carry out the dictates of courage, and the earth's to be
an arena for his sword, attendant kings are wanted to amuse
him, and enemies to help his majesty to shew itself. It
could have been by no common merits in former births that
he attained this glorious preeminence so that the shadow of
his feet diffuses an all-excelling ambrosia of happiness round

Having heard this, he said to Candrasena, "Refresh

the messenger with food and clothing, and then let him
rest" [62]. When he was gone and the day had come to a
close, and the afternoon sunshine, crimson like a young crow's

beak, was fading away as if drunk up by the cups of the

closely joined red lotuses, and when the sun, as the speed of his
horses was relaxed, pale-pink like a garland of China roses,
to limp as if he stumbled on the western mountain,
as though his feet had been pierced by the (fancied) thorns
of the lotus-beds, he offered his evening prayers and retired
to his couch, as the early night was hurrying on in the east,
her long locks of scattered darkness seeming to hang dangling
in the air, and her face as it were dark with sorrow for the
moon's absence. He pondered by himself, What shall I do ?

Elephants are one of the component parts of an

army (sadhana) ;

of course there is also a pun 011 ddna.


I have indeed been misunderstood by the king, and this

advice has been given by my disinterested kinsman Krisna ;

but all service is hateful, and attendance is full of evils, and

a court of dangers.
is full My ancestors never had any love
for it, have
I no hereditary connection with it, nor is mine
the consideration from remembering former benefits, nor the
affection caused by service rendered when a child, nor family

dignity, nor the kindness of old acquaintance, nor the allure-

ment of mutually imparting information, nor the desire of
more knowledge, nor the respect paid to one's fine appear-

ance, nor practice in all the turns of voice fit for inferiors,

nor the cleverness needed in the circles of the learned, nor

the skill to win friends by the expenditure of wealth, nor

long intercourse with royal favourites. Still I must certainly

go. Purarati, the venerable guru of the world, will do every-
thing that is proper when I am away." Thus having con-
sidered, he made up his mind for the journey.
The next day, having risen and bathed betimes, and put
on a dress of white silk and repeatedly
and seized his rosary
recited the hymns and one starting on a
sacred texts fit for

journey, after washing the image with milk he offered wor-


ship to Qiva, with lighted lamps, ointments, oblations, banners,

perfumes, incense and sweet flowers [63]. Then, having
offered a libation with profound reverence to the holy fire 2 ,

whose right flame was kindled by a profuse pouring of ghi,

and whose was noisily crackling with the splitting
fiery crest
husks of the restless mustard seeds, which had been previously

offered, he distributed wealth according to his means to the

brahmans, and walked solemnly round a sacred cow which
faced the east, himself decked with white unguents, and

wearing white garlands and white garments, and having

his ears adorned with giri-karnika, flowers, fastened with
the ends of durva-grass, and covered with yellow rocaria
paint, and having white mustard put on his topknot.
All the rites necessary at starting on a journey were
Of. Bk. v. (Text, p. 171. 2.)
The rare Vedic word acu$uk$ani here used for '
is also used ill

the old Bengali poem Candl.


performed for him as by a mother by his father's younger

sister Malatl, clad in white garments and with her heart
overflowing with tenderness, as if she were the impersonate

goddess Sarasvati he was greeted with blessings by the


aged women of the family, applauded by the old female

attendants, dismissed with good wishes by the gurus whose

feet he worshipped, kissed on the head by the elders whom
he himself saluted, while the birds by their omens in-
creased his eagerness for starting and the astrologers wished
their utmost to secure favourable constellations. So in a
favourable moment, looking upon a full water-jar that was
set in the court-yard which was daubed with brown cow-

dung, with a mango-spray placed on its mouth, itself white

with five finger-breadths of flour and with its neck encircled

by a garland of white flowers having paid his homage to


the family deities and being followed by his own brahmans

with their hands holding flowers and fruits and muttering
the apratiratha hymn 3 he went out from the village of

Pritikuta, setting his right foot first.

On the day, having slowly passed through a grove


sacred to Candika which was parched and waterless from the

hot season, and ugly with leafless trees, with figures of the

goddess carved on the trees at the entrance, which received

the homage of passing travellers [64], though dried up, yet
seeming to be sprouting with the thousands of red tongues
which hung lolling from the mouths of the thirsty wild
all astir with the swarms of bees
beasts, flying out of the
masses of honeycomb as they were licked by the monkeys
and bears, and bristling with the hundreds of new shoots of
stout asparagus which had sprung up luxuriantly from the
burned soil 4 he arrived at last at the village Mallakuta.

Called here Mahacveta.
The Coram. seems to explain pistapancdhgulam (cf. text, p. 157. 7)
as flour daubed on with the five fingers moistened with goafs-milk
(iijakaktabhiK), but cf. Morris' note on pancangulika in the Pali Text
Soc. Journ. for 1884.
Rigv. 10. 103.
After the burning of forests plants often spring up whose seeds
had been lying dormant. (Balfour's Hot.)

There he stayed happily, hospitably received by his brother

and his friend Jagatpati who was just like his own heart. The
next day, having crossed the holy Bhagirathi, he passed the
night in a forest-village named Yastigrihaka and the next

he arrived at the royal camp, which was pitched near Mani-

tara along the Ajiravati river; and he stopped near the
royal residence.
Having bathed and eaten his meal and rested, when
only one watch of three hours remained of the day, and
when the king had dined, he proceeded leisurely with
Mekhalaka to the royal gate, one by one observing the many
camps of the renowned subject kings. Here the royal
gate was all dark with crowds of elephants, some brought
to carry turbans of honour, others to bear drums, some newly

bound, others acquired as tribute or as presents, some sent

by the rangers of the elephants' or brought in
the excitement of a first visit to the court or sent at the
time of an embassy or presented by the lord of a wild
settlement or demanded for the spectacle of a mimic battle,
or given or taken by force, or let loose, or set ready for a

watch, or collected to conquer all continents like so many

mountains to make a bridge over the ocean, all gay with
banners, cloths, kettledrums, conchs, chowries, and unguents,
like so many ready-made festival-days for the royal ceremo-
nies when the moon enters the asterisrn Pushya [65]. The
place seemed all in waves with the plunging horses as they
leaped up to the sky in anger against the horses of the sun's
chariot, with their chowries and ornaments serving as wings,
and challenged Indra's horse to a contest by their joyous
neigh, and mocked the whole race of deer as too laggard of
foot, with the foam curling round the corners of their
mouths like a scornful laugh, and set the Royal Prosperity
herself a-dancing as the drum of the ground was struck by
their ceaselessly prancing hoofs 2.
In another part it was tawny with troops of camels sent
Bombay ed. Yashtigrahaka.
The would also take "
Schol. it as meaning striking the earth with
their hoofs."

or being sent as presents or brought back in return for

others which had been sent, tawny like monkeys' cheeks,
like pieces of evening-glow spangled with stars, for their
mouths were ornamented with lines of cowries which were
like so many marks left in counting the number of leagues
which they had travelled, or like red rice-fields covered
with red lotuses, for their ears were gay with red chow-
ries ; karanja forests with hundreds of dry
or like old

pods they were decked with strings of ever-

cracking, for
jingling golden ornaments having long tufts of hair and

variegated threads of wool of five colours hanging near their

ears all tawny-red as monkeys' cheeks.


In another part it was all white with its masses

of white umbrellas, like autumnal clouds white through

having just emptied themselves of their water-stores, or

like trees of paradise whose circles of shade are annihilated

by the splendour of their masses of pearls, or like the

lotuses on Narayana's navel with Garuda's (jewelled) wings
resting close to them, or like tracts of the Milky Ocean with

huge masses of coral shining in them, or like the surface

of the serpent Qesa's hoods with large rubies sparkling
upon it, or like islands in the White Ganges covered
with flamingoes, overpowering the summer-brilliance, and
mocking the splendour of the sun, and drinking up the
sunshine, they turned the earth into a moon, [66] time into
a world of white lotuses, the day into moonlight, and the sky
into a mass of foam, and they seemed to create a thousand

moonlights out of due time and to laugh to scorn all the

pomp of Indra.
In another part it was waving with thousands of stirring
chowries bright like moonbeams, which seemed to spread a
firmament of white lotus-fibres, and to make an autumn
in every direction with forests of kqpa grass 2 blossoming

everywhere, and to abolish the rule of the demon of ill-luck


Vi.smi is called Padmanabha. Garudapaksa may also be a kind of
jewel ;
the white umbrellas were adorned with gems.
Saccharum spontaneum, see Wilson's Hindu Dr. ii.
p. 106, note.
Or "

every haunt of the demon of the iron age."


dark as the disgrace of a coward king, and to turn the day

into continual vicissitudes of going and returning by their
uplifting and lowering, and seemed to steal away the world
as its eight regions were seen for a moment and then lost.
It seemed like a flock of white geese from the shell-
amulets in the elephants' ears, or a forest of heavenly trees
from the elephants' banners, or a grove of ruby trees from
the umbrellas of peacocks' feathers, or the stream of the
heavenly Ganges from the muslin dresses, or the Milky
Ocean from the linen robes, or a grove of plantains from the
flashing emeralds ;
it created as it were a second day by
the morning-rays of the rubies, and made a new sky by the
sapphires, and caused an unprecedented night by the dark-
violet of the mahanlla stones. A thousand Yamunas seemed
to be flowing from the radiance of the emeralds, while the
flashes of the rubies gleamed like charcoal.

[67]The camp was filled on every side with conquered

hostile vassal-chiefs, some who could not find admission
hung down their heads and seemed in their shame to sink
into their own bodies through the reflections of their
faces which fell on their toe-nails, others seemed to present
chowries in obsequious service under the form of the rays
issuing from their nails, which were thrown back from the
ground which was scratched by their bare fingers, others
with the flashing sapphires hanging on their breasts seemed
to be carrying sword-blades suspended from their necks
to propitiate their lord's anger, others with their faces
darkened by the swarms of bees which flocked attracted by
their perfumed breath were as if they wore their beards long
as in mourning for their lost prosperity, othe'rs with circles
of bees flyingup round their crests as if their topknots were
flying away afraid of the coming mortification of paying

homage, honoured even in being conquered, and destitute

of every other refuge, continually asking the servants of
the different domestic porters who at intervals made their
exits and their entrances, and whose track was followed by
thousands of varioussuppliants, Good sir, will it be
to-day ? will the great lord give an audience in the hall

after he has dined ? or will he come out into the outer

court ?" and thus spending the day in the hope of an
Other kings too were there, come from the desire of
seeing his glory, natives of various countries, who were
waiting for the time when he would be visible. There
were also seated by themselves Jains, Arhatas, Pagupatas,
mendicants of the school of Para^arya, Brahman students,
natives of every land, and savages from every forest that

fringes the ocean-shore, and ambassadors from every foreign

country. It seemed like a creation-ground where the

Prajapatis practised their skill, or a fourth world made

out of the choicest parts of the other three its glory could ;

not be described in hundreds of Mahabharatas, it must

have been put together in a thousand golden ages, [68] and
perfection constructed with millions of svargas, and it

seemed watched over by crores of tutelary royal deities.

In his astonishment he thought to himself, " Surely such
a vast multitude of living beings as this must have involved
to the creating Principles a destruction of the elements or a
lack of atoms or a failure of time or a cessation of vital power
or an exhaustion of possible forms !" But Mekhalaka, being
recognised from afar by the doorkeepers, asked him to wait
a while, and himself pressed forward unrepelled and entered.
Then in a moment he came out, followed by a tall man
fair likea karnikara flower, clothed in a clean jacket, with his
waist tightly bound by a girdle ornamented with a quantity of

flashing rubies, with his chest broad like a rock of Mount

Himalaya, and having his shoulder rising over it like the

hump of Qiva's bull, and carrying on his breast a string

of pearls like a noose to tame the whole restless race of
deer, and gleaming with two jewelled ear-rings at his ear,
as if
they were the sun and moon brought to be asked
whether even a king of the solar or lunar race were such as
our king ? while the sunbeams seemed to give place to him
through respect for his office, as though they were rebuked
before the stream of beauty which flowed from his face. He

greeted Bana from afar with his long eye as if it were a

C. 4
wreath of full-blossomed lotuses taken up as an offering ,

set in the very centre of stern discipline and yet,

with his topknot bent down to the ground, lifting his
white turban as a token of respect, [69] and grasping in
his left hand his sword, its handle rough with the pearls
which thickly studded it, and in his right his burnished
golden staff of office like a lightning-flash suddenly be-
come motionless. Having come out, Mekhalaka said to him,
This is the chief of all the doorkeepers, the king's special
favourite Pariyatra let him who pursues success treat him

with suitable ceremony." The doorkeeper, having come up

and saluted him, addressed him respectfully in a gentle
voice, "Approach and enter, his highness is willing to see

you." Then Bana entered, as he directed, saying, "I am

indeed happy that he thinks me worthy of this honour."
He next beheld a stable filled with the king's favourite
horses from Vanayu, Aratta, Kamboja, Bharadvaja, Sindh, and

Persia, red, dark, white, bay, chestnut, dappled like part-

ridges, marked with the five auspicious kinds of marks 2 with

eyes spotted with white, or marked with light yellow spots

in groups like the Pleiads with long thin jaws and short

ears, and round delicate well-proportioned throats, [70] with

long upraised curved necks like sacrificial posts, with their

shoulders stout and robust at the joints, their chests full and

projecting, their legs thin and straight, and their round hoofs
hard like masses of iron ;
their round bellies seemed solid,
as if they had no entrails within them, lest they should
be broken by their excessive swiftness, and their broad flanks
were divided by a long depression 3 with the hairs like new

shoots swaying about in the wind 4 They were with diffi- .

culty restrained by the ropes fixed tightly in the ground on

both sides, and they seemed to grow longer as they struggled
with one foot thrust out of the ropes' confinement, and the
studs on their necks were ornamented with cords of many
Cf. p. 25, 1. 27.
Sc. on the chest, back, face and flanks.
Drom doubtful, there is a reading udyacchrom.
Jagatl seems to be used far jagat in this rare sense.

strings, their eyes were closed, and they kept moving their

mouths, which were flecked with bits of foam dark with

the juice of durva grass, while the skin itched and twitched
about and was bitten for a moment and then let go by the
teeth. Some stood, lazily moving their tails, with one side
of their loins drooping as they rested on one hoof, seeming
to ponder in sleep, and slowly uttering interrupted neighs,
while the ground was marked by their hoofs, whose foreparts
rattled with the noise of their foot-rests as they struck upon
them others sought for food, having their longing excited

by the stray morsels of fodder scattered about, [71] while the

pupils of their eyes trembled for fear at the yells of the
angry Candalas who guarded them. They seemed to have
a lustration-fire always near to protect them, from their
bodies being yellow with a saffron unguent rubbed on them,
while an awning was spread over them and the tutelary
deity (Govinda) was worshipped before them. As he looked,
his mind was filled with curious wonder, and he entered a
little further within, and his left hand an elephant-
saw on
stable indistinct owing the distance, but regaling the

nostrils with an odour as of groves of vakula trees 1 in full

bloom which diffused itself far and wide, while the stable
was filled with streams of ichor covered with bees, and its
outskirts were surrounded by a grove of plantain-trees and ,

its height seemed to crowd the very sky.

He asked ''What does the king do here?" The other

replied, "This is his majesty's favourite elephant, his external
heart, his very self in another birth , his vital airs gone
outside from him, his friend in battle and in sport, rightly
named Darpa^'ata 4 a lord of elephants this is his special

pavilion." He replied, O my friend, if he is called Darpa-
<;ata and he has no faults, I may surely see this lord of
elephants, will you take me to him, for I am overcome

by curiosity?" "Be it so," he answered, "draw near by all

From the mada or ichor exuding from the elephants' temples.
Kadall also means a '

flag carried by an elephant.'

Or veiled by a new nature.'

4 '
Keen (or perhaps attenuated and so lacking) in pride.'


means, what harm is there in it ? have a good look at the

lord of elephants."

[72] So he went fonvard in that direction, and there while

he was still at a distance he saw the
elephant Darpagata sur-
rounded by the troops of cataka birds uttering their loud notes
in the sky as they were excited by the deep sound issuing
from his throat (which suggested clouds), and the domestic
peacocks which made the ground resound with their cries,
filling the surrounding space with the spirituous scent of the
ichor which rivalled the full-blown kadamba flowers, like a
rainy season out of its time wearing an embodied form,
throwing off the fourth period of life by an outburst of red
spots on his skin like a lake covered with lotuses brown with
thick drops of honey, chanting as it were a tune for his auspi-
cious entrance upon the fifth period with his shell-ornaments
as they mingled with the deep sound of his flapping ears,

seeming as if for fear of bursting the earth he tried to lighten

his weight by swinging his long huge body with sportive
oscillations on his three feet as they kept varying in constant

motion, as though he were rubbing his body against the

walls of the world, challenging the world-bearing elephants
of the various regions as he threw up his trunk in defiance,
and seeming to be cleaving the pillar of the world with a saw
armed with thick sharp teeth. It was as though the world
could not contain him and he was striving to force a passage
out, while his drivers tried toshew him every service which
could alleviate the hot season, some 1 like clouds with long-
accumulated stores, hurrying up with fresh juicy shoots and
creepers, others like lakes whose waters are variegated with
heaps of Vallisneria plants and lotus fibres scattered on them.
[73] He threatened to block up the whole world with all its
mountain-ranges, seas, continents and forests, with his huge bar
of a trunk, which was all wavy with thin lines of wrinkles

running, round it as if they were marks to 'reckon up the

number of past victories which he had won in battle, while
it was held aloft as if he scented the ichor of some rival

Read lesakaih.

elephant approaching, one of his tusks had its root wet with
spray from a thick piece of plaintain covered with leaves
which was enclosed in the trunk, the other seemed to have
dropped its bough and was as it were all horripilated with
the joy of battle from a quantity of lotus fibres which hung
from it in play. He appeared to vomit whole beds of
lotuseswhich he had eaten in his gambols in the lake,
through the bright colour of the two tusks together, and
spread his own glory through the four quarters of space ;

and he seemed to laugh to scorn the lions who vaunted their

rough play with some poor scarecrows of elephants whom

they had worsted, while he appropriated for himself a silken
veil which might have been taken direct from the heavenly
tree. When he lifted up in play his huge trunk, he seemed
to drop a shower of red lotuses which he had eaten, or to
vomit a quantity of fresh shoots, as he then displayed his
palate which was soft to the touch like red silk. His bright
tawny eyes seemed to emit a stream of honey which he had
drunk up with the mouthfuls of lotuses, while his cheeks
poured out under the guise of ichor a rich mixture of perfumes
as if he had been eating groves of the pdrijdta tree of

heaven, together with mangoes, campakas, lavalls, cloves,

kakkolas, cardamoms, and sahakaras, and perfumed with
abundance of camphor. He seemed to be busy, night and day,
bestowing all the woods on the other elephants by royal
inscriptions of donation, made vocal with the swarms of bees
which hummed round them as if reading them, and scratched
by the half-cut branches of red sugar-cane as by a graver,
and which seemed by a mistake to stay on hand instead of
[74] he was constantly cooled by a
being dispersed abroad ;

trickling garland of ornaments cut out of the moongem* in

the shape of the constellations, and he carried his head high
as if it had been crowned with the tiara of universal empire
This sentence is very obscure ;
hasta-sthiti seems to imply a pun,
as hasta means hand or trunk
' ' '
the trunk is as it were marked all

over with lines which the bees seem to be reading aloud. There is also
the usual pun in ddna as meaning " patches of ichor," and in vibhrama
as mistake and haste.' 2
' c
Or perhaps ice.' '

over compeers; he stood as though he were loyally

all his

fanning the Guardian deity of the royal family who lay

pillowed on his tusks, with his huge ears, which, as they

flapped, seemed alternately to and reveal the

wide world ;
while his tail like some flyflapper
marked with the signs of elephant-empire and handed
down through a long succession of hereditary rulers 1

He seemed to pour out again from his mouth the

rivers which he had drunk up in his triumphal progress of

conquest, in the form of the clear cold water which he

spouted forth and he displayed his sensitiveness to insult by

loud trumpetings which followed various movements of his

body as he heard the drums borne by other elephants, while
all his limbs had been motionless for a moment as he

listened attentively. He seemed to pity himself for not

being in the thick of the fray, and as if ashamed of the
humiliation of bearing a driver he poured out streams of
ichor and scratched the ground with the tip of his trunk ;

his eyes were a third closed as with the languor of intoxica-

tion, when his driver shouted angrily, as he scornfully took
up and dropped the mouthfuls of food, and finally took them
slowly and reluctantly, [75] while the juice issued from his
mouth discoloured, like a stream of ichor, by the dark juice of
the tarriala boughs which he had eaten. He moved restlessly
with pride, he snorted with repressed energy, he swelled
with intoxication, he staggered with youth, he flowed freely
with ichor, he leaped about with conscious strength, he was
drunk with arrogance, he seemed to be ever seeking the
highest place with ambition, he gasped with excitement, he
affected all with his gracefulness, he rained influence on

every side by his beauty.

His nails were smooth, his hair was rough, he was
reverend in face but a gentle disciple in deportment soft ;

as to his head, but firm in his friendships his neck was ;

short but his life was long ; he was stinted in his belly but

lavishly bounteous in ichor ; a very JBalarama in his wild

Ayatavaifica can also suggest a

pun as meaning the backbone.'


exploits, highborn wife in his devotedness a Jina

but like a ;

in patience, a shower of fire in his storms of anger he was ;

Garuda in his power to lift nagas 1 he was Narada in his ,

love of quarrels ,
a thunderbolt without rain in his sudden
attacks, a Makarapower to disturb armies a serpent
in his ,

in the might of his teeth, Varuna in the noose which he held

in his hand, he was Yama's net in entangling his enemies,
he was Time in his buttings 4 Rahu in his grip 5 Mars in his , ,

crooked movements, a circling torch in his rapid rounds.

He was to valour, a very mountain of the jewel which
gives all desires; to chivalrous feeling, a palace-home with
his tusks for two pillars of pearl; [76] to magnanimity, a
heavenly chariot, moving at will, and gay with ornaments,
chowries, and bells to anger, a shower-bath of scented

water, dark with a constant raincloud of ichor to ambition, ;

a temple with a golden image 6 within to pride, a pleasure- ;

hill with streams running down its sides to arrogance, a ;

diamond house with an arch of ivory to royalty, a moving ;

hill-fort with its high frontal-globes as so many towers; to

the earth, an iron wall indented with thousands of arrows 7 ;

to the king 8 a tree of heaven, resonant with hundreds of


bees. Thus he was a music-hall for the dancing of his

flapping ears, a drinking-saloon for the swarms of bees, a
gynseceum for the display of paint and decorations a ,

festival of Kama for the sportive of

gambols intoxication,
a faultless evening for the sight of all the constellations 10 ;

i.e. 'elephants' or 'snakes.'
Narada is expressly called kalahapriya and kalikdraka. Several
instances of his mischief-making propensities occur in the Visnu
3 Vahinl ' ' '
is a river as well as an army.'
Parinati also means power to ripen.' '

6 Or ' in his seizure of the sun.'

Pratima also means the part of an elephant's head between the

Or with loopholes from whence to discharge arrows.'

Bhunandana can also mean " the heavenly garden of the earth."
means "love" and "the marks with red lead on an
elephant's head and trunk."
Naksatra has been used before as an elephant's ornament.

rainy season out of season, for the overflowing rivers of

ichor a deceptive autumn for the perfume of the saptaparna

trees an unprecedented cold-season for the showers of dew,

and a fictitious cloud for the trumpeting thunders.

As he wondered, thinking to himself, Surely in his
creation the i.iountains were used up as atoms, how else
could this astonishing majesty have been produced ? It is
indeed a marvel, a Vindhya with tusks, the primeval Boar
with a trunk !" the doorkeeper addressed him ;
See !

when his enemies, wandering in the forests, would vainly

try by a hundred wishes
to paint again their old glory gone
without leaving a rack behind, and when their minds are
bewildered with devising means to express their imagi-
nations, [77] this lord of elephants, if he comes by chance
into their recollection as they listlessly muse in despondency,
cannot endure as rivals even the world-supporting elephants
in the Manasa lake 3 But come, you will have another

opportunity of seeing him ; you shall now see my lord

hearing these words he with an effort drew away his
eyes which had fallen on the elephant's ichor-bedewed cheek
and were half closed as if intoxicated with the sweet odour ;

and, following the path indicated by the doorkeeper, he

passed through three courts crowded with subject-kings, and
in the fourth he saw King Harsa, in an open space in front
of a pavilion where he used to give audience after eating,
surrounded at a distance by his attendants in a line, all
six feet in height 4 , fair like karnikara flowers, armed and
of old families 5 ,
like so many golden pillars, with his
special favourites seated near him. He was sitting on a
throne made of a stone clear like a pearl, washed with sandal-
wood water, and bright as the moon with its feet of ivory

Which is like that of the ichor.
2 The Kashmir edition rightly reads alikhatam.
Or even the elephants of hope in their minds.'

Or their bodies tall through exercise.'

Or of the pillars, shaped by tools and firmly set.'

Or 'rays.'

and its surface cool to the touch like snow-water, he rested

the weight of his body on his arm which was placed on the
end of the seat, and he seemed to be sporting with his
subject-kings under the far-shining canopy of the brightness
body with the rays of his jewels diffused^ound, as if it
of his
were in a lake delightful in the hot season^, the water of
which was tangled with clusters of the long soft lotus-roots ;

and he seemed made as it were out of the pure atoms of light.

[78] He was embraced by the goddess of the Royal Prosperity,
who took him in her arms and, seizing him by all the royal
marks on all his limbs, forced him, however reluctant, to
mount the throne, and this though he had taken a vow of
austerity and did not swerve from his vow, hard like grasping
the edge of a sword clinging closely to duty through fear

of stumbling in the uneven path of kings, and attended with

all her heart by Truth who had been abandoned by all other

kings, but had obtained his promise of protection, and

waited on reverentially by the reflected images of a fair

handmaid standing near, which fell on his toe-nails, as if

they were the ten directions of space impersonate With .

his long glances which penetrated space he seemed to

examine what the Regents of the different quarters had done
or left undone, while the sun seemed to seek his permission to

rise, as its beams rested on the back of his footstool supported

by jewelled feet, the day made its reverential march round

him, while a clear space was kept in the centre, marked out
by the splendour emitted from his ornaments he burned with ;

vexation when even the mountains did not bow before him,
and so displayed the ocean of his beauty which was white like
sandal- wood, boiling as it were into foam through the heat of
his heroic passion, in his isolated sovereignty feeling indignant
that his own image should be repeated even in the reflections
on the crest jewels of the prostrate kings round his feet, and
keeping his Royal Glory continually sighing under the guise
of the wind of his chowries as she sat fuming with vexed

pride ; [79] he was embraced by the Goddess Qri who came

Cf. Eaghuv. xiii. 67. 2
As reflected ill the ten nails.

to him after spoiling all the four oceans of their


though he gave away thousands of rainbows from the

coruscations of his ornaments and sent them as a present to
Indra, yet he still in his seeming penury rained ambrosia in
his interview? with other monarchs ;
in poetical contests he
poured out a n'ectar of his own which he had not received
from any foreign source he ever shewed his heart in his

confidential intercourse even when

it was not sought when ;

he shewed favour, he seemed to place Glory, though herself im-

moveable, in various positions by his patronage in the parleys ;

of heroes he seemed listening to the whispered kindly counsels

of the Goddess of battles with his cheek horripilated in joy ;

during the recital of the past conflicts of heroes, he ever

turned his eye like a shower of soft cleansing oil on the
loved sword in easy jests flashing from his bright teeth his

clear meaning to the circle of kings standing awed by his

majesty :
abiding in the hearts of all the world and yet never
leaving his own proper place in his greatness, he was beyond

the sphere of all good qualities, out of the range of ordinary

successes, outside of common benefactions, beyond the possi-

bility of blessing, out of the reach of desires, far removed

from fortune, not within the scope of comparisons, out of the
influence of fate, and beyond the past experience of prosperity.
He displayed an avatara of all the gods united in one, as he
had the Aruna the slow-moving thighs
lost delicate feet of 3

of Buddha, the brawny forearm of the Thunderer (Indra),

the shoulder of Justice 4 the round lip of the sun, the mild

look of Avalokita 5 ,
the face of the moon and the hair of
Krisna. [80] His left foot was playfully placed on a large
costly footstool made of sapphires, girt round with a band of

Qri only from one ocean when she became Visnu's queen.
Parityaktam be also taken as neuter with madhu.
The charioteer of the Sun, who was born without feet. Taking
the proper names as adjectives, it is to be read, " he has delicately pink
feet, slow gracefully-moving thighs, his forearm hard as the thunder-
bolt, a bull's neck, a bright round lip, a mild aspect, a moon-face and
black hair."
Represented as a bull.
A Bodhisattva who is especially worshipped in Northern Buddhism.


rubies, were the (dark) head of Kali the demon of the

as if it

iron age, while the surface of the ground was dyed by the
rays which fell on it; like the youthful Krisna when he
planted his foot on the circle of hoods of the serpent Kaliya,
he dignified the earth by the spreading rays Q his toe-nails,
white like fine linen, as with the tiara of His chief queen 1 .

His feet were very red as with wrath at unsubmissive

kings, and they shed a very bright ruby-light on the
crowded crests of the prostrate monarchs, and caused a
sunset of all the fierce luminaries of war and poured streams
of honey from the flowers of the crest garlands of the local

kings, and were never even for one moment unattended, as

by the heads of slain enemies, by swarms of bees which
fluttered bewildered at the sweet odour of the chaplets on the
heads of all the feudal chiefs and they formed as it were

sylvan summer-houses of full-blown red lotuses for the Goddess

Qrl to shelter in as she acted as his shampooer, and bore signs
which told of his sovereignty over the four oceans in their
auspicious marks, such as the lotus, the shell, the fish and
the makara. His two thighs were like two ruby pillars, set
to bear the weight of the earth which rested on his heart,
like two sandal-trees with their roots shining with the rays
from the crest-jewels of the serpents clustered round them,
or like two streams from the ocean of beauty overflowing
and all covered with foam, or like two huge tusks of a
world-bearing elephant, bent through being used to block up
a yawning makara's mouth 2 He shone, like the mountain

Mandara with Vasuki's skin 3 at the churning of the ocean,

with his lower garment which was radiant with shot silk-
threads, washed in pure water, clinging closely to his loins,
ornamented with the rays of the jewels of his girdle, and
white like a mass of ambrosial foam, while he appeared girt
with his thin upper garment spangled with worked stars like
the round world with its surrounding ether cloudless and full

1 2
Of. Bombay ed. p. 186, 8. For the pun see note supr. p. 18.
Each of these epithets applies to Vasuki's skin as well as to the
king's garment and so too
in the next sentence they similarly apply
to Kailasa as well as to the king's chest.

of stars. [81] He shone with his broad chest, like Kailasa with
a cliff of crystal, able to bear the shock of various armies,
too sturdy to be confined within the limits of its garment ,
and made smooth in spite of its hardness by the thousands
of elephants' tusks which had collided against it. His neck
was encircled fry a necklace of pearls like the serpent Qesa,
now sleeping peacefully in the sense of relief at depositing
the burden of the whole earth on his stalwart arm, or like
the dividing-line which draws the boundary between the re-

spective empires of Qrl and Sarasvati over his bosom and face.
His breast was wrapped in a fold of rays from the pearls in
his necklace as if it were a strip of cloth put on to signify
the solemn conferring as a special gift of all the property
gained during one's whole life he was like a jewel mountain,

with outstretched wings of jewels, spread on both sides,


with the red rays of the bracelets as if they were the paths
for the passage of the glory produced by his arm or the
continued streams of honey from the lotuses in the ears of
Qri as she lay on the pillow of his arm, or as if they were
other arms newly budding forth in rivalry of Visnu's four
arms. He at once destroyed the greatness of the four

regions of space and their rulers by his two long arms,

which were as the bolts to blockade the path 8 through the
world-encircling Lokaloka, and as the rock -walls built outside
the moats of the four oceans, and as a cage of adamant to
confine all illustrious kings, and as a jewelled triumphal arch
for the festal entrance of the world's goddess of Victory.
The redness of his lip bedewed all the regions of space like
the exudation of a branch of the heavenly tree, and the lip
itself seemed as if it were the Kaustubha gem, taking its

place as a feature of his face in its desire to kiss its sister

Laksml 4 wt^o sat enthroned there. He displayed at intervals
Empire who
a sudden flash of illumination to the Goddess of
was somewhatx dull and bewildered by nature, through the
' '
Or the shock ,of rivers and the limits of the sky (ambara).
' '

The Comm. do^s not explain the ceremony which this refers to.
3 Cf. Wilson's Visnu Pur. vol. ii. p. 206.
Both being produced at the churning of the ocean.

gleaming he laughed at the sportive

flashes of his teeth as

companions (when he smiled) he seemed to be

sallies of his ;

sending away the lotuses which had come to him in uncer-

tainty whether it was his face or the moon and was dismissing
the autumnal moonlight which had entered unc'-'flr the illusion
that the flash of his line of bright teeth was aoed of lotuses ;

[82] and he made a new anniversary of the churning the ocean

by the odour which exhaled from his mouth perfumed by
the mingled scent of wine, ambrosia, and parijata flowers,
which filled all the regions of space, while the perfume of
his breath was continually inhaled by his overhanging nose
which rose like a bud on his expanded lotus-face. With the
brightness of his milk-white eye he deluged the regions of
space as with a full tide of the milky ocean at the rising
of his unparalleled moon-face, and the chowrie-woman, as
reflected in his stainless cheeks, seemed to be Sarasvati who
inhabited his mouth taking bodily shape ;
while his broad
forehead was reddened by the pink hue of his crest-ornament,
as ifit were the lac
dye of Laksmi's feet which had clung
to it, when he sought by prostration to appease her jealousy
at the preference shewn to Sarasvati. He was listening, like
one skilled in music to lute- players, to the tribes of bees in
his ear-rings, which with restless feet played a tiny lyre

consisting of the end of his ear-ring jewet with the web of

itsrosy rays for strings while his locks were encircled by a

wreath of white jasmine flowers mimicking Durga's wreath of

sculls, and serving as a halo round his moon-face, like a
circle of moonlight from the nails of the Goddess of Empire,
which had remained behind as she grasped his hair in
amorous play. He was consecrated by the light of the pearls
in his top-knot and the dark rays of the emeralds, as they
crossed in their intermingling, as if the braid-like streams
of the united Yamuna and Ganges had come of their own
accord from Prayaga.
His imperial splendour was however eclipsed by the
women, as their foreheads became blackened by the darkness
produced through the ornamental tilaka of black agallochum
being melted by the drops of perspiration, as if it were
a dark
jnark produced by their repeated prostrations at his

feet to incline him to grant their coaxing requests, [83]

propped up as they were, by their flashing pearl-necklaces

which were like so many waves rising from the tossed

Manasa" lake 2 seeming in jealousy to rebuke Qri herself

by the action of their creeper-like eyebrows, tremulous with

a playful motion, dragging him captive as with bonds

by their long sweet-scented sighs which seemed made of

the Malaya wind, with their great jar-like bosoms, encircled
with bands of large Vakula flowers, drawing from him every
drop of contentment with his own proper spouse, violently
dragging him into their hearts, by the attraction of the
rays of the trembling jewels of the necklaces which were
set in motion by the trembling of their bosoms, embracing
him, as with many outstretched arms, with the rays of their
far-flashing ornaments, keeping their minds back, as it
were, which had started off too impetuously, with their open
hands which served as a covering over their mouths which
wore an additional grace from a languid yawn, skilfully
moving their eyes which were half-closed as fainting at the
arrows of Kama and had their corners contracted on account
of the pollen of the flowers in their ears, shaken by the bees
which flew about blinded by intoxication, striking the
lotuses in theirown ears with the sidelong glances of their
eyes shot from under the play of their frowns through their
mutual jealousy, carrying the king reflected in their soft
cheeks, as if he had been drunk up by their eyes whose
lashes were motionless with the flood of joy 3 born of their

unblinking gaze, creating for love's assistance new moon-

rises by their involuntary smiles through the playfulness of
desire, and seeming as in anger to break ever so many of
Kama's useless bows in the form of the rays of the curved
nails as the joints of their fingers gave a loud crack when
their twined hands, as they gesticulated, came into close
contact in the rapid bendings of their limbs. He lay
smiling, while he languidly struck on the head with the bow of 4

Cf. fvltam, Pers. i. 78.
2 '
Or like so many longing regrets rising in the mind.'
The Kashmir ed. reads raci-.

a lute the shampooing attendant, as his lotus feet dropped

from her spray-like hands which were trembling in her per-
spiring emotion [84] while he taught the Goddess of Empire

as well as the lute (both equally dear) while each^had its

kona 1 firmly grasped in his hand. Single as he^lay there, he
was viewed in very different lights by different spectators,
riches called him cold, all faults turned from him as
inaccessible, the senses felt awed at his love of self-control,
the genius of the iron age said he is beyond my reach,' all
vices pronounced him as passionless, dishonour looked on him
as timid Love said, the workings of his mind are hard to

be understood'; Sarasvati complained that 'he is uxorious' 2 ,

other men's wives that 'he is impotent'; ascetics said that

'he is a seer of the highest order,' harlots that 'he is a
deceiver'; his friends thought that 'he is easily led by
' '
others Brahmans that ' he is our ready servant ;
his enemies' soldiers that 'he has faithful allies.' More
truly the lord of Vahim than Qantanu
3 4
more illustrious for

victory than Bhisma, more delighting in the bow than

5 6

Drona, more unerring with the arrow than A9vatthaman,


dearer to Mitra 8 than Karna, more forbearing 9 than Yudhi-

sthira, possessing themight of more elephants than Bhima,
more worthy of figuring in the war of the Mahabharata than
Arjuna. He was as it were the cause of the Golden Age,
the source of the creation of the Gods, the native land of
pride, [85] the home of compassion, the close neighbour of
Purusottama 10 the mine-mountain of valour, the assembly-

Kona seems to mean here the 'bow of the lute and also 'an inter-
mediate direction of the compass for the empire.
As devoted to his lawful spouse, Empire ?
Vahinl means an army as well as the Ganges.
^antanu was the father of Bhisma by the goddess Gaiiga,
Visnu Pur. iv. 20.
Bhisma conquered his senses when he resigned the kingdom to his
half-brother's children.
Or more averse to desire.'

Or more certain to help suppliants.'

8 His friends or the Sun Karna was the son

; of the Sun.
Or 'possessing more land.' 10
Krisna or 'the best of men.'


room for all sciences to Sarasvati, an anniversary of the

churning of the Ocean for ambrosia to Laksmi, an exhibition

of power to Dexterity, a common meetingplace of the

proprieties, a valuation treasures to Beauty, final of her
the atoms of form, an expiation
perfection to^.the creation of
of all past ev*J deeds to Empire, a challenge against all

opposing power to Kama, a means for displaying Indra to

all men as 'the city-stormer,' a visible return of ideal

justice, the seraglio of the fine arts all together, the ultimate
authority for defining good fortune, the final bath which
completes the rites of installation to all monarchs, the
grave and gracious, the awe-inspiring and affable, at the
same moment a holiday and a holy day, the universal
Having seen him, feeling, as it were, at once welcomed
and checked, full of desire and yet satisfied, with his face
horripilated with awe, and with tears of joy falling from his
eyes, he stood at a distance smiling in wonder and pondered,
"This then Emperor Qri Harsa, that union of
is the
separate glories, noble in birth and of well-chosen name,
the lord of the field bounded by the four oceans, the
enjoyer of all the fruits of Brahma's pillar, the world, the

surpasser of all the victories won by all the kings of ancient

times. Through him the earth does indeed possess a tine
King! His youthful exploits, unlike Krisna's, transgress
not right power cause no offence to the
; [86] his freaks of
man of refinement as did those of Qiva his boasts lead to no ;

destruction of families as did those of Indra to that of the

cowpens unlike Yama, he is not too fond of wielding the

rod of punishment; unlike Varuna, his treasure-houses are

not guarded by thousands of pitiless sea-monsters 4 unlike ;

Kuvera, seeking an interview with him is never fruitless;

unlike Jina, the sight of him is never without solid result 5 ;

may also mean demon

Vrisa a slain by Krisua, cf. Visnu P., V. xiv.
Or Daksa,'

Alluding to Indra's name gotrabhid.
Or '
Or '
his darcana (system) has arthavdda.' Should we read
arthdpatti, as the Jainas do not accept this as a pramana ?

unlike the Moon, his glories do not wane. Wonderful is his

royalty, surpassing the gods His liberality cannot find

range enough in suppliants, nor his knowledge in doctrines

to be learned; his poetical skill finds words fail^'as his
valour lacks opportunities to exercise it ;
his pergy wants
scope and his fame sighs for a wider horWn, his kindly
nature seeks in vain more hearts to win, his virtues exhaust
the powers of number, and all the fine arts are too narrow a
field for his genius.

Under this monarch are found only the cloths worn by

devotees in meditation, and not forged documents 2 the ;

royal figures of sculptors and not the vulgar disputes with

kings; only bees quarrel in collecting dews (dues)
the only ;

feet ever cut off are those in metre only chessboards teach ;

the positions of the four members ,' there is no cutting off

the four principal limbs of condemned criminals only snakes ;

hate Garuda the king of birds (dvija-gunt), no one hates

Brahmans or gurus and the followers of the Mimamsa alone

have to ponder problems in administering justice (adhikarana),

while they examine the several adhikaranas or 'cases for
discussion' in their system."

[87] So approaching, wearing the sacred thread, he

uttered his good wishes.
Then on the north not far from the royal palace the
attendant on the elephant chanted this sweet couplet in the
aparavaktra metre;
O young elephant, dismiss thy playful restlessness, follow
the rules of good behaviour, with bent head the heavy hook, ;

crooked like a lion's claws, held aloft, does not spare thee 5."
But when the king heard it and saw him, he asked,

filling the sky with his voice deep like the roar of a lion in a
I.e. the 64 kolas.
This is a double-meaning of the phrase yoga-pattakah ;
and so in
the other sentences.
3 Lit.
in collecting ichor
or '
in giving and taking.'
caturanga 'the four members of an army,' or Chess. The

phrase may also mean the cutting off of the four principal limbs.
The lines can be also taken as a tacit rebuke to the luxurious


C. 5

mountain cave, "Is that Bana?" The doorkeeper replied,

As my Lord commands it is he." " I will not see him

yet, as he has not as yet offered his tribute of respect," so

sayin^Ve turned the long brilliance of his eye, whose pupil
trembled ae it inclined to the corner of the eye, as if he was
shaking a curium variegated across with white and dark silk,
and said to his favourite, the son of the king of Malwa, who
was sitting behind, " He is a thorough petit-maUre." But when
the other paused for a moment in silence at this unexplained

speech of the king and the courtiers were all dumb, Bana
replied, Why, my lord, do you thus address me, as if you
did not know my character and did not believe me, as if you
depended on others for guidance and did not understand the
ways of the world yourself? The nature and talk of people
will always be wilful and various but the great ought to see

things as they are. surely will not regard me with pre-

judice as if I had no special claims. I am a Brahman born

in the family of the Soma-drinking Vatsyayanas. Every cere-

mony was duly performed, as its time came, beginning with

the investiture with the sacred cord [88] I have thoroughly ;

studied the Veda with its six angas, and as far as I was able
I have heard lectures on the castras, and from my marriage
I have been a diligent householder; what signs have I of

being a petit-maitre ? My youth indeed was not without those

follies which are not directly inconsistent with either world,

so far I will not deny; and my heart on this point will

confess a feeling of repentance. But now-a-days, when your
highness, calm in mind like Buddha himself, one who
carries out all the rules for the castes and orders like Manu,
and bears the rod of punishment as visibly as Yama,
governs the whole earth girdled by the seven oceans, and
bearing all the continents as its garland, who would venture
without fear even to act in his own mind the character of
indecorum, that bosom-friend of open profligacy ? I will not
dwell on human beings, in consequence of your power even
the bees drink honey 2 in fear, even the ruddy-geese are
Or '
Kama is a petit-maitre, not I.'

Madhu means wine ' '
as well as '

ashamed of their too great fondness, the very monkeys are

alarmed when they play their wanton tricks, and even all the
Your highness
destructive animals eat flesh with compassion.
will in time know me
thoroughly by yourself, for ji^is the
nature of the wise that their minds never act ^perversely."
Having said this, he was silent. &
The king also, after simply saying, " So we have heard,"
was silent but he did not welcome him with any signs of

favour such as friendly conversation, inviting him to sit

down, he only revealed his inward pleasure by a gracious
etc. ;

glance which seemed to bedew him with a shower of am-

brosia and as the setting sun was verging to the west, [89]

he dismissed his courtiers and entered his private apartments.

Baiia also went out and retired to his place of abode. The

day was now calm and its fierce blaze soft like polished brass,
and the sun 1 the diadem of the western mountain's crest, as

he the sky, was letting fall his rays like the sprays of the
Nicula tree the deserted cow-stations in the forests had

their patches of tender grass covered with families of deer

lazilyruminating the river-banks resounded plaintively with


the cooing of the melancholy female ruddy-geese in the ;

pleasure-groves near the house all the waterpots were being

turned over to fill the basins near the trees, while the troops of
chattering sparrows were sitting on the boughs which formed
their home the companies of hungry calves were drinking

their mothers' flowing udders, after they had returned from

wandering during the day; the sun's round goblet for drinking
the evening libation of the western ocean was sinking covered
with a red glow as if it were plunged into a stream of
mineral veins in the western mountain ;
the religious mendi-
cants were intent on worshipping the shrines, having washed
their feet and hands in the outpour of their water-pots the ;

with the sacred grass spread round it, was blazing up,-

with its hands purified by the sacrificial vessels the devout ;

were duly offering their libations the trees of the

sacrificers ;

groves stood with their monkeys resting from all their tricks,
Read in the Bombay ed. maricimati.
A tree with scarlet myrtle-like flowers in long pendent racemes.


and with the nests of the crows crowded with their inmates
fast asleep ;
the owls, settled in their huts in the hollow trunks
of old trees, were preparing to go out on an expedition; a
thick&r-host of stars was indenting the expanse of the sky,
like a quality of water-drops scattered at the time of the
evening worship by the thousand hands of the sages; the
crest of night floated over the sky like a mountaineer- woman's

topknot the young avatar of evening, dark like Qiva's neck,


was devouring all that remained of the daylight the lines ;

of the lamps shone out as if they were the ray-fingers of

the sun which had entered into the earthly fire at night 2
and had come forth to point in scorn at the darkness; the
gates seemed to announce their closure by the creaking
of the folding leaves; [90] the children were beginning
to long to go to sleep, having enjoyed a good lying in bed
while listening to the long stories of the old nurse the ;

dreadful mouth of early night was beginning to yawn,

with darkness as black as ink or an old buffalo, and

waking up 'the good people

Kama with his twanging .'

bow-string was raining a continual succession of arrows and

stealing the intellect of all the world, the ladies had their
loins jingling with the girdles of many woven threads tied

by their tire-women, while romantic heroines started on their

wanderings in the empty roads, following the guidance of
love the pleasant chatter of the geese in the ponds became

was dulled by the tinkling of the anklets of the

rare, as it
women, and the notes of the cranes, as these grew longer as
they became deeper asleep melted the hearts of separated

lovers; and a number of lamps were scattered about like

the seeds beginning to shoot of the coming day.
He reflected to himself, King Harsa is
very gracious,
since he is still fond of me, though he is vexed at the
rumours which have naturally spread about my many youth-

The Comm. explains vidrdna as alasa, cf. p. 90, 1.
9, 230, 13, and
235, 16.
Taitt. Brahmana ii. 1, 2, 9 ; Raghuv. iv. 1.
The Yaksas or benevolent goblins who attend Kuvera are
4 *
so called. Vidrana.

ful follies; if I had been really under his displeasure, he

would not have honoured me with an audience. He wishes

me to be virtuous; for lords teach proper behaviour to
their dependents even without words by granting +l*&m an

appropriate reception. Shame on me, thus brigaded in my

mind by my own faults, and crushed by neglect, that I
venture to indulge in various fancies concerning this most
excellent monarch. Verily I will endeavour so to act that
he may recognise me in time in my real character."
Having made this resolve, he went out the next day from
the royal camp and remained for a while in the houses of
his friends and relations, until the king of himself learned
his true character and became favourably inclined to him.
Then he reentered again to visit the royal abode [91] and;

in the course of a very few days he was received by his gra-

cious majesty into the highest degree of honour springing
from kindness, of affection, and of confidence, and shared
with him in his wealth, his hours of unbending, and his
state dignity.

Here ends the second chapter entitled The Visit to the King of
the Harsa-Carita composed by Qri Bana Bhatta.


[92] Raining affection on their country 1

thronged by many

devoted people 2 ,

Even as fine seasons are kings born through the merits

of their subjects.
To serve the good, to behold the goddess of glory, to
tread the heavens,
Whose heart is not eager ? aye and to hear the fortunes
of heroes.

ON Bana left the king's presence and

a certain occasion
went to that Brahman settlement to revisit his kin. It was
the beginning of autumn, when the clouds are thinned, when
the cataka is distressed, when the kadamba duck gives
voice, the season deadly to frogs, robbing the peacock of its

pride. Then the caravans of hamsas are welcomed back 3 ,

the sky is like a whetted sword, the sun brilliant, the moon
at her clearest, tender the array of stars. The rainbow of
Indra fades, the girdling lightning is at rest, Visnu's sleep is
invaded 4 the waters run hued like lapis lazuli, the clouds

rolling light as mists leave Indra unemployed. Then closes

the Nlpa, the Kutaja has no flower ;
budless is the plantain,

Or of the seasons 'bringing moisture by their rain.'
Or with people rich in rice.'

The wild geese fly to the hills when the inundations cover the
plains at the beginning of the rainy season, and they return in the
Of. Wilson,
Hindu Theatre,' n. 197.

soft the red lotus,the blue lotus exudes honey the water- ;

lily is a joy, the nights are cool with the Cephalika,


jasmine [93] becomes fragrant the ten regions are all


ablaze with opening night lotuses, grey are the wir^is with

Saptacchada pollen, lovely clustering Bandhujptls form an

unexpected evening glow. The horses h^ve undergone
lustration, the elephants are wild, the herds of oxen in-
toxicated with ferocity. The range of mud diminishes,
sand isles bud forth by the river banks. The wild
rice is parched to ripeness, the pollen is formed in the

Priyahgu blossoms, the cucumber's skin is hardened, and

the reed grass 1
smiles with flowers.
Gratifiedbeyond measure at the news of Bana's favour
with the king, his kinsmen came forth to meet him with
congratulations. In due course he experienced the great joy
of finding himself among his numerous relatives, greeting
some, greeted by others, kissed by some, kissing others,
embraced by some, embracing others, welcomed with a
blessingby some, blessing others. The elders being seated,
he took a seat brought by his excited attendants. At the
receipt of the flower offering and other hospitable attentions
his delight was still further increased, and it was with a
joyous heart that he made his inquiries Have you been :

happy all this time ? Does the sacrifice proceed without

hindrance, gratifying the Brahman groups by its faultless
performance ? Do the fires devour oblations with ritual duly
and without flaw performed ? Do the boys pursue their
studies at the proper time ? Is there the same unbroken

daily application to the Veda ? The old earnestness in the

practice of the art of sacrifice ? Are there the same classes in

grammar exposition, showing respect by days not idly spent

in a series of emulous discussions ? Is there the old logic

society, [94] regardless of all other occupations ? The same

excessive delight in the Mhnamsa, dulling all pleasure in
other authoritative books ? Are there the same poetic
addresses, raining down an ambrosia of ever-new phrases ?"

Cf. Wilson, Hindu Theatre,' n. 196 n.

They replied: "Son, the affairs of us people devoted

to contentment, whose intellectual pastimes are always at

command, and whose only companion is the sacrificial fire,

are of<Jittle importance, so long as the is happily earth

protectedSVy our monarch's arm, swaying the whole world

and long as the body of the king of serpents. We are in

any case happy, but especially now that you, having cast
aside indolence, occupy a cane seat beside our sovereign
lord. All the ceremonies proper to Brahmans are fully
carried out as far as our powers and means permit and in
due season."
Mid such conversations asthese, court news, remembrances
of past boyish sports, and stories of the men of old he amused
himself with them for some time at length rising at noon,

he complied with the usual observances. After dinner his

kinsmen gathered round him. Soon the reader Sudristi was
observed approaching, wearing a pair of silken Paundra
cloths pale as the outer corner of the peacock's eye his sec- :

tarial lineswere painted in gorocana and clay from a sacred

pool blessed at the end of his bath his hair was made sleek

with oil and myrobolan, a thick bunch of flowers, kissing his

short topknot, added a touch of spruceness, the glow of his

lips had been heightened by several applications of betel,

and a brilliance imparted to his eyes by the use of a
stick of collyrium he had just dined [95] and his dress was

decorous and respectable. He seated himself on a chair not

faraway, and, after waiting a moment, set down in front of
him a desk made of reed stalks, and laid upon it a manuscript
from which he had removed the tie, but which still seemed
encircled by the rays of his nails like soft lotus fibres. Next
he assigned a place to a bee and a dove, which he set down
close behind him. Finally, having turned over the inter-
vening leaves marked by the end of the morning chapter ,

he took a small light block of a few leaves, and read
with a chant the Purana uttered by Vayu, the rays of his
teeth seeming to cleanse the ink -stained syllables, and to
Which had been already read.
small door-panel,' from the shape.

worship the volume with showers of white flowers, and his

honeyed intonations like the anklets of a Sarasvati brought

near his mouth, charming the hearts of his hearers.

While Sudristi was thus reading with a chant deMghtful
to the ear, the minstrel Sucivana, who was r\$ far from
him, accompanied the modulation of the charjt by reciting in
a voice loud and sweet this arya, couplet 2 :

' 3
Itself sung by embracing the world,
sages, itself widespread ,

cleansing from sin,

'Methinks this Purana differs not from the achievements of
Harsa !

'Following the law of heredity free from discord, noised abroad ,

by its deeds including all India under its sway, ,

Issuing from a Crlkantha
this chant resembles the sove- ,

reignty of Harsa !'

[96] this Bana's cousins, who had previously ar-

ranged together, looked meaningly at each other, while a smile's
ambrosia whitened the convex of their cheeks 7 There were .

four of them brothers, Ganapati, Adhipati, Tarapati, and

Qyamala, and their aspect was, like Brahma's four faces,
made pure by the study of the Veda 8 ,
their looks, like the
four methods 9
, endearing from the employment of con-
ciliation; men of mild manners, and culture, holding the

The Comm. explains gamakah as points '
of transition from note
to note ;
the Vacaspatya Diet, says svaro yo murchanam eti gamakah
sa ihocyate |Kampitah sphurito lino bhinnah sthavira eva ca \\
dolitau ceti gamakah sapta klrtitah. |

The couplet is replete with puns.
Or surpassing Prithu,' the primaeval king.

Or sound of the flute.'

Or 'with clear rhythm.' Bharatamargabhajanaguru contains a
punning ref. to (1) Bharata, the divine sage of music, (2) the Bharata-
varsa, India.'
an honoured throat '
is the name of Harsa's
ancestral kingdom.
This paragraph is full of untranslateable puns.
Each Veda being promulgated by a special mouth, see Visnu
Pur. i. v.
For the four Methods of Policy cf. Manu 7. 109 the compound :

may also mean with '

their commencement endearing from the employ-
ment of conciliation '
as the first Method, or
with mouths endearing
from repeating the Sanaa- Veda.'

status of preceptors, expounders of Nyaya, deep in the

of able works, receiving only good words 1 both in the world
and in grammar, versed in the acts of all monarchs and sages
of old*~inspired in mind by the Maha-Bharata, acquainted
with all legends, great in wisdom and poetry, full of eagerness
to know
stories^of heroes, thirsting for no elixir but that of
listening to well-turned phrases, foremost in years, speech,
distinction, asceticism, the conference, the festival, in person,
and in sacrifice.
At a
signal from the others the youngest of them with
eyes long as lotus petals, Qyamala by name, much loved by
Bana and disposer almost of his soul, respectfully spoke,
[97] bathing the heavens with the light of his teeth "Friend :

Bana, the king of the twiceborn ravished his preceptor's
wife. Pururavas was severed from his beloved Ayus through
greed a Brahman's gold.
for Nahusa, lusting after another's
wife, became a great snake Yayati took upon himself to.

win a Brahman! woman's hand and fell 6 Sudyumna actually .

became a woman 7 [98] Somaka's cruelty in murdering Jantu 8


is notorious. Through infatuation for the bow Mandhatri went

with his sons and grandsons to hell. Even while an ascetic,

Purukutsa wrought a deed of shame upon the daughter of
Mekala 9 Kuvalayagva, through resorting to the world of

snakes, avoided not the Naga-girl A9vatara Prithu, that fine .

they are called good,' and as grammarians

1 ' '
I.e. they receive only
good words.'
-avitrisiia = '
free from all thirst (= desire) except etc.'
In this speech Bana mentions the various stains on the honour of
all ancient heroes, only Harsa is spotless. Some of the accusations
however rest only on plays of words.
The moon carried off Tara the wife of Vrihaspati. In the next
may also be translated life.'
sentence Ayus
Or '
rake,' cf. Mah. Mah. i. Ixxxi.-lxxxiv.
in. clxxxi.
Or '
follower of women,' Visuu Pur.
cf.iv. i.
He offered his only son Jantu in sacrifice to obtain a hundred sons,
Mah. The vfordjantu also means 'living creatures.'
in. cxxvii.
9 For a legend of some connection between this king and
the river Narmada see Visnu Pur. iv. iii.
This refers to some legend of this king having been drowned while
bathing after hunting. Bhujahga, snake and rake,' contains a pun.
( ' '

of men, did violence to Prithivl.

first In Nriga's becoming a
chameleon 1 a confusion of castes was seen. By Saudasa the
earth was not protected, but confounded 2 Nala, unable .

to control his passion for dicing 3 [99] was overcome f.-y Kali. ,

Samvarana had a weakness for Mitra's daughter 4 .,x'Da9aratha

came by his death through overfondness JOT his beloved
Rama 6
Kartavirya was slain for persecuting cows and

Brahmans. Marutta, though he performed the Bahusuvarna

sacrifice, involving vast expenditure, was not highly honoured

by gods and Brahmans

Qantanu, separated through in-
fatuation from his (loved) river 8 wept all alone in the forest. ,

[100] Pandu in the midst of the woods lost his life, like a fish,
in the heat of passion 9 Yudhisthira, downcast through fear of

his guru 10 diverged from truth in the battle-front.

Thus no
reign has been stainless except that of this Harsa, king of
kings, sovereign of all continents. Concerning him indeed
many marvels are reported : In him we see 11 how a Subduer '

of Hosts has set at rest the moving partisan kings
. In him

Mah. xin. there a pun here, as also mean "a
vi. ;
is it may
confusion of colours."
Mah. i. clxxviii. Naraksita may go with Saudasa in the sense of
Or without control over heart and senses.'

Mah. I. clxxi. By a pun the author implies a weakness '
for his

friend's daughter.'
5 6
Or 'for beloved women.' By Jamadagnya.
Marutta wished to but Vrihaspati, the priest
offer a great sacrifice,
of the gods, refused to officiate, and he had to submit to many indig-
nities before he could secure the services of the Brahman Samvartaka
at Benares, see Mah. xiv. vi. vii.
For the legend of Qantanu's love for the goddess Gaiiga see
Mah. I. xcvi.-xcix. Fa Ami beside 'river' may also mean 'army.'
Mah. i. cxxv.
Drona, see Mah. vii. cxci. The truthful Yudhisthira is once
persuaded to prevaricate, when in order to stop Drona in his career of
victory he tells him that Asvatthaiuan has been killed, meaning an
elephant of that name and not Drona's sou. Drona had said that his
pupil Yudhisthira would never tell a lie even for the sovereignty of the
three worlds.
He proceeds to shew by a series of plays on words how Harsa
fulfils the feats of mythological heroes.
Or 'a Balajit (Indra) has fixed fast the winged in ountains.'

a 'Lord of People' has displayed forbearance towards all

In him a Best of Men has won fame by
' '
other rulers .


king of Sindh*. In him a Man of Might has


pounding a
loosene&,a king 3 from a circling trunk and abandoned an
elephant VNJn him a 'Lord' has anointed a young prince


[101] In him a Blaster has signalized his power by laying low



his enemy 6 at one stroke. In him a Man-lion has manifested


might by cutting down his enemy with his own hand

his In .

him a Supreme Lord has taken tribute from an inaccessible

land of snowy mountains 8 In him a 'World's Lord' has


stationed the world's guardians at the entrance to the

regions, and the treasure of all the earth has been distributed
among the first of the people
These and the like great .

undertakings do we see, resembling those of the first age of

gold. Therefore we are eager to hear from the beginning
onwards in the order of his lineage the fortunes of this
auspiciously named hero, rich in the merit won by noble
deeds. It is long since we first desired to hear. As the
magnet and sapless iron, so do the qualities of
attracts hard
the great even the hard and tasteless minds of insignificant
people much more those of others naturally tasteful and

susceptible. Who could be without curiosity regarding his

story, a second Maha-Bharata ? Pray relate it, your highness !

Let our Bhrigu race become even more pure by the purificatory

Or 'a Prajapati has set the earth upon the hoods of the serpent
Or 'a Purusottama has obtained Laksml by churning the
The king's name was Qrikumara or Kumara Gupta. Harsa rescued
him when encircled in the trunk of a mad elephant, which he then
let loose in the woods. The words may also mean a Bali has set free '

the encircled mountain and loosened a great serpent (

= Vasuki).'
great elephant's name was Darpacata.
Ref. to the god of war, Kumara, and to Harsa's young son.
There is a pun on Arati, king of the demons,' slain by Kumara.

7 There is an involved to the story of the Dwarf Avatar of Visnu.

Thereis a punning ref. to
Diva's taking Durga
to wife.
9 the Brahmans.
I.e. The words also refer to Visnu apportioning
the earth to the other deities as its regents and dividing its treasures

among the early kings.


hearing of the deeds of the royal sage

." So much said he
became silent.
" "
Sir," replied Bana with a smile, your remarks accord
not with fitness. I consider the demands of your, Curiosity

impracticable. People absorbed in their owr^objects are

commonly void of discrimination between ihe possible and

impossible. Attracted by the virtues of others and confused,

I suppose, by passion for hearing stories of friends, the minds
even of the great lose their discernment. Consider, sir On !

the one hand you have a mere student's wit of an atom's capa-

city, on the other his majesty's story [102] commensurate

the whole edifice of Brahma 2 ;
on the one hand a few sounds
with circumscribed letters and the five modes of word-forma-
tion,on the other virtues beyond calculation. Beyond the
comprehension of the omniscient, beyond the capacity of the
god of speech, beyond the strength of the goddess of eloquence,
how much more is he beyond such as I What man could !

possibly even in a hundred of men's lives depict his story in

full ? however, you care for a part, I am ready. In what

way may feeble tongue possessed of a few grains of letters

be of service ? Your highnesses are the audience, the
fortunes of Harsa the theme what more can be said ?

The day, however, is The adorable sun, bright

near its close.

with matted locks of ruddy rays trailing behind, is sinking

in the mass of the evening glow, like the Bhrigu Rama in
the great pool of all Kuraksetra's 3 blood. To-morrow I will
narrate the story." So be it," they all assented, and
rising soon after, he proceeded to the Qona for his twilight
Then, with heat soft as a Malwa woman's wine-flushed
cheek, the day folded itself up. Red exceedingly, as if
through toying with the lotus beds, the sun kissing the dusk
declined following the track of whose chariot horses, the

Or reading rajarsivam$acaritapravanena hearing of the for-

tunes of this royal sage's house.'

I.e. the world.

Samantapancaka = the whole land of the five lakes,' alluding to

3 '

Parana- Rama's slaughter of the Ksatriyas.


darkness sped like Yarna's buffalo along the firmament. In

due course the bark dresses hanging upon the hut-roofs
of the house ascetics were gathered in along with their
patch e^of red blaze
The heavens were gladdened by the

smoke of tie Agnihotra rite, stealing away the taint of the

Kali age. Th^ sacrificers preserved a rigid silence the :

women around in the restlessness of recreation time.

Bundles of green panicum and rice were being strewn about
for the sacrificial cows after milking ;
the Vaitana fires were
being lighted, the braided ascetics, hairy with black antelope
skins, were seated on their clean mats, [103] the students
mumbled their tasks, the meditating yogis squatted, in the
Brahma posture, innumerable scholars ran about with sounds
of clapping, while, by leave of their wearied old teacher,
a concourse of dolts, dandies, and boys performed their
twilight task by blunderingly belching out the disconnected
lines of their books.
As the evening was now established in the sky and the

lamps called stars were peeping forth, Bana proceeded to the

house, and sate down in the same company with his loved
kinsmen. The first watch having been so spent, he betook
himself to a bed in the house of Ganapati. With all the
others, however, who
in spite of closed eyes obtained no

sleep, waiting like lotus beds for the sunrise, curiosity made
the night wear but heavily away.
Awaking at the fourth watch of the night, the same bard
as before sang a couple of verses :

'Stretching out his foot behind, elongating his body upwards

to full length by bending his spine,
'With bowed neck leaning his mouth upon his breast, tossing
his dust-grey mane,
His projecting nostrils restlessly moving through desire for

fodder, the steed,

Now risen from his bed, gently whinnying paws the earth with
his hoof.
With bent back and loins brought near his mouth, curving his
neck sideways,
'His curls matted about his ears, the horse with his hoof rubs
the corner of his eye,
Cf. Cakuntala 32. Should we read samdhyamsam ?

Inflamed by irritation in sleep, while small bits of chaff cling
to his moving eyelashes,
And his eye is uneasily smitten 1
by his tossing hoar-frost-scat-
tering forehead-tuft.'

[104] Hearing this, Bana dispelled his slumber^and having

arisen, washed his face, worshipped the hol^ twilight, took
his betel at sunrise, and sought the same place as before.
Meanwhile all his kinsmen collected and sat down in a circle
round him. Having learnt their object through the former
discussion, he began to relate to them the fortunes of
Harsha :

"Listen. There is a certain region

Qrikantha, named
peopled by the good, a heaven of Indra, as it were, descended
upon earth, where the laws of caste usage are for ever un-
confused and the order of the Krita age prevails. Owing to
the number of its land lotuses the ploughs, whose shares
uproot the fibres as they scar the acres, excite a tumult of
bees, singing, as it were, the excellencies of the good soil.
Unbroken lines of Pundra sugar-cane enclosures seem
besprinkled by the clouds that drink the Milky Sea On .

every side its marches are packed with corn heaps, like ex-
temporized mountains, distributed among the threshing floors .

Throughout it is adorned with rice crops extending beyond

their fields, where the ground bristles with cumin beds
watered by the pots of the Persian wheel. Upon its lordly
uplands are wheat crops variegated with Rajamasa patches
ripe to bursting and yellow with the split bean pods.
Attended by singing herdsmen mounted on buffalos, pursued
by sparrows greedy for swarms of flies, gay with the tinkle of
bells bound to their necks, roaming herds of cows make
white its forests,
revelling on Vaspachedya* grass and dropping
milk as if the Milky Sea had been drunk by the bull of Qiva

Should we read ahanyamanam 1
By reason of their sweetness, Comm.
But v. Comm. khaladJianadhamabhih Jchalapaldih

by the owners
of the threshing floors.'
Lit. 'To be cut with tears': the name denotes the excessive
tenderness of the grass (cf. Pan. ii. 1. 33).

and then divided up by him into many portions through fear

of indigestion. Like eyes let fall by Indra when blinded by
the smoke of its divers burnt sacrifices, thousands of spotted
antelopes dot the districts. [105] Regions, pale with the
dust of K&taki beds emitting white pollen, gleam like the
approaches of Q va's City when made grey by the sprinklings

of the Pramathas. Pot-herbs and plantains blacken the soil

around the villages. At every step are groups of young
camels. The exits are made attractive by vine-arbours and

pomegranate orchards; arbours, ablaze with Pllu sprays,

besmeared with the juice of hand-pressed citron leaves,
having flower bunches formed of spontaneously gathered
saffron filaments, and travellers blissfully sleeping after

drinking the juice of fresh fruit, very hostels, as it were, with

wood-nymphs dispensing ambrosia orchards, where the fruit,

ripe to bursting, seems coloured by the beaks of the parrots

attacking the seeds, and the flowers are tinged by the cheeks
of climbing monkey tribes. There are lovely groves where
woodrangers taste the cocoa-nut juice, where travelling folk
plunder the date-trees, monkeys lick sweet-scented date
juice, and partridges tear the Aruka to pieces with their
beaks. Not barren are the sylvan hollows of forest pools,

refuge of myriad travellers, encircled with avenues of tall

Arjuna trees and turbid at the edges through the descent of
herds of kine. Troops of camels and flocks of sheep form in
hordes under the guardianship of camel boys. Wandering
droves of mares, besmeared with the sap of crushed saffron
beds, where they roll as if to seduce the steeds of the sun's
chariot, visit the land, roaming like the deer of the Maruts
at will, with snorting nostrils and uplifted heads drinking in
the air, as it were to beget speed in the young lying in their
Seen like wild geese amid the dusk of ever-smoking
sacrifices, the reeds are white upon the earth. The
sound through the animate world like
land's vast resources

peacocks wild at the sound of drums in concert. Good

The god of the Thousand Eyes.
The Maruts are borne in their chariots by deer.

men, in conduct spotless as the moon's rays, adorn it like

pearls. [106] It has the attraction of all-welcoming hosts,

like huge trees 'whose rich fruit is plundered by hundreds
of voyagers. Great men are its bulwarks, clad, x Uke the
feet of the Himalaya, with the hair of deer bearing the

fragrance of civet. Graced is it with ponote like Visnu's

navel, where fine birds* are seated upon lotuses with tall
stalks. Its regions are filled with wide ranches 3 which, like

the turmoil of the churning of the Milky Ocean, wash the

lands with torrents of churned milk. Such is the land of
There did false doctrines fade away, as if washed out by
a rain of tears due to the smoke of the Triple Fire. Sinful

ways vanished, as if consumed by the burning of the bricks

for altars. Demerit was scotched, as if cleft by the
axes which fashioned sacrificial posts. Caste confusion
ceased, as cleansed by a rain from the smoke clouds of

oblation fires. Sin fled/ as if gored by the horns of the

many thousands of presented oxen. Disasters were cut away,
as if excised by numerous axes chiselling stone for temples.
Calamities sped afar, as if routed by the tumult of
munificent rites. Disease was dissipated, as if consumed

by myriad blazing sacrificial kitchens. Sudden death came

not near, as if alarmed by the sharp beat of holy drums
struck at bulls' wedlocks 4 [107] Plagues departed, as if

deafened by the never-ceasing noise of hymns. Overwhelmed,

as it were, by the rule of law, mishap did not arise.
In such a country is a certain district called Sthanviqvara,
blessed, like the world's first youth, with sweet fragrance of

lovely flowers in divers pleasances ; bedecked, like the road

The Sanskrit has a play on the double sense of vrittam = (1) conduct,

(2) round and of gunin = (\} worthy, (2) strung on a cord.

Dvijottama = (1) best of birds, (2) Brahma, (3) Brahman, there being

an allusion to the story that Brahma reclines on a lotus springing from

Visnu's navel.
3 ' ' '
Beside wide ranches mahaghosa may denote mighty rumblings.'
For the letting loose of bulls cf. Wilson, H. D. I. p. 20 n. and reff.
ap. B. and R.

c. 6

to Dharma's gynseceum, with many myriads of buffalos 1

stained from rolling in saffron whitened at its borders, like

a part of the celestial realm, with yak-tail flappers shaken

by the winds; blazing to all the ends of heaven, like the

ericampmelit of the Krita age, with thousands of flaming sacri-

ficial fires ; alk.-ying all inauspicious signs, like the
world's first descent, by the meditation of Brahmarsis seated
in the posture ofthought thronged, like a rival to the

Northern Kurus, with hundreds of great rivers uproarious
with tumult surpassing Tripura, as it were, in having all

itspeople unacquainted with the devastating might of Qiva's

arrow bright, like a replica of the moon world, with rows

of white houses plastered with stucco 4 like a claimant to ;

the name of Kuvera's City, oppressing the world with clank-

ing ornaments of wine-flushed beauties.
Sages entitled it a hermitage, courtesans a lover's retreat,
actors a concert hall, foes the city of death, seekers of wealth
the land of the philosopher's stone, [108] sons of the sword the
soil of heroes, aspirants to knowledge the preceptor's home,

singers the Gandharvas' city, scientists the Great Artificer's

temple, merchants the land of profit, bards the gaming-
house, good men the gathering of the virtuous, refugees
the cage of adamant, libertines the Rogue's Meet, wayfarers
the reward of their good deeds, treasure-seekers the mine,
quietists the Buddhist monastery, lovers the Apsaras' City,
troubadours the festival congress, Brahmans the stream of
There are women
elephants in gait
like yet noble- ,

minded; virgins, yet attached to worldly pomp dark, yet ;

possessed of rubies their faces are brilliant with white

teeth, yet is their breath perfumed with the fragrance of

There is a pun on mahisl, which means 'a crowned
queen' as
well as
a buffalo.' The paragraph contains many other puns.
The Bombay text reads vipaksa 'rival' for viksepa ('threat'?).
Or punningly
Or punningly
Or punningly

visiting vile outcasts.'

Or punningly
past child bearing.'
Or '
dark as night yet bright with red lotuses.'

wine 1 ;
their bodies are like crystal, yet their limbs are soft
as acacia flowers they are unattainable by paramours, yet

robed in bodices ;
wide are their beautiful hips, yet are
3 4
they possessed of thin waists ; lovely are they, yet honeyed
in speech ; they trip not, yet have a bright and captivating
they are without curiosity yet weded.
5 6
beauty ; ,

[109] Their eyes are a natural mundamdla wreath, the

garlands of lotus leaves are a mere burden. The images of
their curls in the convex of their cheeks are ear-pendants that

give no trouble Tanidla shoots are a superfluity.

The talk
of their dear ones forms happy ear- ornaments ; rings and the
like are but affectation. Their cheeks alone give a perpetual
sunshine ;
for pomp only have they jewelled lamps by night.
Tribes of bees attracted by their breath are their beauteous
veils, the duty of noble women their hair-nets. Their voices
alone are their sweet lutes, harp-playing is but an irrelevant

accomplishment. Laughs are their exceeding fragrant per-

fumes needless is camphor powder. The gleam of their lips

is a more brilliant cosmetic ;

saffron unguent is a worthless
blot upon their loveliness. Their arms are the softest of
playfully smiting wands ; purposeless are lotus stalks. Drops
of the sweat of youthful warmth are their artful bosom orna-
ments, necklaces but a burden. Their laps are broad squares
of crystal slabs for their lovers; jewelled couches in their
mansions a needless means of repose. Bees clinging in
greed for such lotuses are their resonant foot-ornaments ;

useless are anklets of sapphire. Domestic kalahamsas,

summoned by the tinkle of their anklets, are the unfailing
companions of their walks attendants are but the accidents ;

of greatness.
In that country there arose a monarch named Puspabhuti,

Or 'with faces pure as Brahmans, yet &c.', wine-drinking being
forbidden to Brahmans.
punningly libidinous.'

3 Or
punningly 'far-famed as wives (Or 'having brilliant reti-

nues'), yet reckoned among the poor.'

Or punningly tart in speech.' '

Or punningly 'they are flushed with wine.'
Or punningly the marriage thread.' '


having, like Indra incarnate, a bow supporting all castes


Meru-like in the attribute of a golden nature, Mandara-like

in attracting glory", ocean-like in observing proper bounds ,

ether-lijf.e in the noising abroad of his fame , moon-like in
his receptivity for arts 5 , Veda-like in truthful speech, earth-
like in [110] supporting all mankind, wind-like in sweeping
away the bad passions of all kings
a Guru in speech, a
Prithu in breast, a Vigala in intellect, a Janaka in asceticism,

a Suyatra in splendour, a Sumantra in secret council, a Budha

in station, anArjuna in brilliance, a Bhisma with the bow, a
Nisadha in frame, a Qatrughna in battle, a Qura in vanquish-
ing armies of heroes a Daksa in fecundity; framed in fine as

it seemed of the compounded splendour of all the primaeval

This king, jealous of the saying this earth was made
a cow by Prithu," made the earth his queen
Now the .

minds of the great are naturally wilful and follow their own
lights. Wherefore from boyhood upwards he, untaught by
any man, entertained a great, almost inborn, devotion towards

Qiva the adorable, readily won by faith, upholder of the

universe, creator of creatures, annihilator of existence. From
allother gods he turned away. Not even in dreams did
he take food without worshipping him whose emblem is the
bull. Devoted to the Lord of Beings, the increate, ageless,
guru of the immortals, the foe of the Demons' City, the lord
of countless Hosts, spouse of the Daughter of the Mountains,
him before whose feet all worlds bow, he thought the three

spheres void of all other deities. The dispositions of his

subjects also were conformable to their monarch's mind.

Or of all colours.'

Or Laksrni.'

3 Or rectitude.'

Or manifesting sound,' which is the property
of akapa.
6 Or assemblage of digits.'

6 Or increate.'

Or 'all earthly dust.'
The name of a Bodhisattva, Comm.
Or perhaps in conquering Qurasena.'

Mahisl may also mean a buffalo-cow.'

Thu s house by house the holy lord of the Cleaving Axe was

worshipped the winds blowing in those pure districts were


fragrant with much resin melted in the sacrificial pits, they


dropped a rain of dew from the milk used for bathing they ,

whirled along petals of Bel twig chaplets. [Ill] K' was with
giftsand presents customary in Qiva's worship that the king
was honoured by citizens, dependants, councillors, and neigh-
bouring sovereigns, whom his arm's might had conquered and
made tributary. Thus they gratified his heart with huge

Qiva bulls white as Kailasa's peaks, and ringed about their

horn-tips with gold-leaf creepers; with golden ewers, with

oblation vessels, censers, flowered cloths, lamps on jewelled
stands, Brahmanical threads, and mukhakogas 3 inlaid with
bits of precious gems. His queens also complied with his
desire, voluntarily undertaking the threshing of the scattered

rice, deepening the glow of their hands by staining the

temples with unguents, occupying all their attendants in
stringing flowers. Now this monarch so devoted to Qiva
heard of a certain great Qaiva saint named Bhaira-
men speak
vacarya, almost a second overthrower of Daksa's sacrifice 4 ,

who belonged to the Deckan, but whose powers, made famous

by his excellence in multifarious sciences, were, like his many
thousands of disciples, spread abroad over the whole sphere
of humanity. Harmony in character conciliates good will even
towards unknown persons; and so, immediately on hearing
of this saint Bhairavacarya, the king conceived towards him,

though far away, a deep affection as towards a second Qiva,

and desired even with longing by all means to see his face.
One day, as the failing light was kissing the western hill,
the portress approached the king, who was in the harem,
and said Your majesty, a recluse stands at the door and

declares that he has come by order of Bhairavacarya.'

I.e. bathing the god's image.
I.e. bulls let loose in honour of
It is difficult to see what this word means : the Comm. says
is a
mukhayuktah kopd mukhakofd ye lingopari diyante. Perhaps it
covering for wrapping the image of the linga.
The real overthrower of Daksa's sacrifice was Qiva himself.
Where he/ the king with profound respect inquired,

conduct him here, introduce him.' The chamberlain did so,


and soon the king saw the ascetic enter, a tall fellow [112] with
arms extending to his knees, emaciated by a mendicant's life
yet from *he stoutness of the bones in his limbs appearing
fat, broad in he head, his forehead undulating with deep
wrinkles, fleshless hollows beneath his eyes, which were
round and ruddy as wine drops, his nose slightly curved,
one ear very pendulous, the rows of his prominent teeth
distinct as seeds in a gourd, his lip loose as a horse's, his jaw

elongated by a hanging chin. A

red ascetic's scarf
hanging from his shoulder formed his vaikaksaka wrap ;

his upper robe, consisting of a tattered rag knotted above his

heart and stained with red chalk, seemed to betoken the
knotted passions of his heart, which he had rent in pieces 1 .

In one hand he grasped his bamboo stool. His left held

a yoke pole resting on his shoulder, where its motionless
point of support was tied with a complicated fastening of
hair rope; to this were attached his dirt-scraper and sieve
of bamboo bark, his loin cloth at the end, his alms bowl
contained in its receptacle, namely a cavity of Kharjura
wood, his waterpot fixed in a triangular support made of
three sticks, his slippers disposed outside, and a bundle of

manuscript bound by a string of stout cord.

As he drew near, the king welcomed him with the usual
courtesies, and when he was seated, asked where Bhairavacarya
was. Charmed with the king's gracious speech, the mendicant
stated that he was staying near the city in a deserted house
contiguous with the woods on the Sarasvatl's banks and he ;


further added His reverence honours your sovereign majesty

with his blessing.' With which words he drew from his
pack and presented five jewelled silver lotuses sent by
Bhairavacarya, which overlaid the harem with a glow of light.
[113] The king, shrinking, as politeness dictated, from
slighting a friend's gift,
but also unwilling to be guilty of too
hasty acceptance, paused a moment wavering, but at length,
We have here a pun on raga '
mortal passion' and also '

yielding to his great nobleness, he took the gifts

and said :

'Our devotion to Qiva, the source of all fruitful results,

produces fruits inaccessible indeed to desire, seeing that we
find such favour with his reverence, the guru of the world.
To-morrow I will see his reverence.' With these; words he

dismissed the ascetic, profoundly delighted at his news.

The next day he rose early, mounted his horse, and with
his white umbrella held above him, and a pair of white
chowries waving, proceeded accompanied by only a few
nobles to see Bhairavacarya, like the moon visiting the sun.

Having advanced some saw one of Bhairavacarya's

distance, he
own disciples approaching, and inquired where his reverence
was staying. In a Bel-tree plantation,' the man replied,

north of yon old temple to the Mothers.' So he proceeded
to the place, dismounted, and entered the plantation.
In the midst of a great throng of recluses [116] he beheld
Bhairavacarya who on seeing him at a distance moved like

the ocean seeing the moon, and, after his disciples had first
risen, rose and went forward to meet the king. Having
presented a gift of Bel fruit, he pronounced a benediction in
tones deep as the roar of Ganges' flood when it was vomited
forth from Jahnu's ear.
The king, whose eyes, expanding their white in pleasure,
seemed to repay the lotuses many-fold, and whose brilliant
crest-jewel, declining upon his forehead, seemed to put forth
a third eye as a manifestation of Qiva's favour 2 repeated his ,

salutation by a bow from a distance while from his ear-


wreath, as he bent down, bees flew away like departing sins

all uprooted by
Qiva worship. 'Approach, be seated here,' said
the teacher, pointing to his own tiger-skin. '
Your reverence,'
the king respectfully replied in a voice flowing like a river of
honey and rich with the passionate throbbing utterance of
lovesick hamsas, 'you ought not to make me suffer for the
faults of other princes. It is surely the bad manners of that

inglorious glory which all kings regard, or else the mean

pride of wealth, which makes the teacher deal so with me.

For the description of Bhairavacarya v. Appendix.
Qiva himself has a third eye in his forehead.

I am no object for ceremoniousness. Enough of formality:

however far removed, in will I am your reverence's disciple. A
teacher's seat should be like himself respected, not desecrated.
Let your highness only sit here.' So much said, he seated
himself o*u x a rug brought by his attendants. Bhairavacarya
likewise, complying graciously with the king's not to be
resisted words, reoccupied as before his tiger skin. All being

seated, the nobles and retinue and also the students, he made
the customary offering of flowers and the like. In due course
captivated by the king's charm of manner, [117] he began to
speak, displaying teeth glittering like devotion to Qiva made
visible, and stainless as a piece of moonlight :

My son,
your exceeding condescension of itself proclaims the majesty
of your virtues. You are a vessel for universal good-fortune.
Your undertakings harmonize with your greatness. I from
birth upwards have never had regard to riches. This poor
person of mine therefore is not sold to wealth, that fuel to
the fire round of vice. My life is sustained by
of the whole
alms. A
few hard-won syllables of knowledge are mine. I
have some small store of merit acquired by humble service
of the holy Master Qiva. Be pleased to appropriate whatever
of this deserves to be of service. Like flowers, the minds of
the good can be bound by very slight ties Moreover good .

men approved by the wise, like good words, at the first

hearing produce a flash even in profound minds. I was being
borne away on the foam-white currents, as it were, of a
curiosity plunging into hidden depths
when your nobility
drew me back by its array of virtues .'

'Your reverence,' replied the king, 'let the bodies of

the good be ever so devoted, their owners alone can be our
friends The mere sight of you has done me infinite good.

By mere coming the teacher has placed me in an enviable


position.' After some time spent in these and various

discourses he went home.
Or 'virtues.'
2 ' '
I.e. of knowledge : the metaphor is from a river vanishing
Or '
I.e. I do not need your services, but yourself.

Another day Bhairavacarya on his part went to see the

king, who placed himself, harem, his court, and his

treasury at the ascetic's disposal. But the sage with a smile

replied What have we children of the woods to do, your

majesty, with power ? Wisdom withers sure enough, like a

creeper, under the blaze of wealth. The Brightness which
shines in us is like that of the firefly [118], which scorches no
other being. Only your majesty's peers are vessels for
fortune.' Then
after staying some time he departed.
The mendicant as before presented five silver lotuses on
each occasion. One day however he entered with something
wrapt in white rags, and, having sat down as before, after a
pause spoke: 'Most fortunate king, his reverence informs your
majesty that he has a Brahman disciple named Patalasvamin,
who from the hand of a Brahmaraksasa 1 took a great sword
called Attahasa. Pray accept of this, a weapon befitting your
majesty's arm.' With these words he removed the cover-
ing of rags, and drew forth from the sheath a sword, like
the autumn sky converted to a scimitar, Kalindl's stream
solidified to rival Visnu's sword, the Kaliya snake in its anger
against Krisna become a weapon, a bit of the black cloud
of doomsday fallen from the heaven foreshadowing a rainfall
to dissolve the world resembling the smile of Hate* dis-

playing a circle of great teeth, or Hari's stout arm with the

fist tightly clenched formed as it were of deadly poison

capable of taking the lives of all the world composed of ;

steel heated by the fiery wrath of fate; in its exceeding

sharpness humming as with rage at the mere touch of the
air; seeming, as its image fell upon the jewelled pavement of
the hall, to cleave its very self in twain jagged in edge with :

rays, like hairs left

upon it after decapitating foes ; mincing
the day, whose light was cut in pieces by an inlay of radiance

flickering like the lightning's frequent flash ;

a side-glance,

Manu xn. 60.
There is a punning reference to the notion of '
sword-edge water.'
Himsa wife of Adharma.
4 Musti may also mean '
hilt.' There is also a reference to a demon
of that name.

as were, of the night of doom, death's ear-lotus, the trium-


phal shout [119] of pitilessness, the ornament of arrogance,

the family friend of wrath, the body of pride, the comrade of
valour, the child of death, the path of approaching glory, the
road of departing fame.
The king took it in his hand, and gazing at it for a
while, seemed, as it reflected his image, to be giving the

weapon a loving embrace At length he gave his message

. :

Inform his reverence that, though too practised in the art of
scorning the acceptance of other people's property, my mind
is unable in his case to commit the impropriety .of going

counter to his words.' Pleased at the acceptance, the

mendicant answered, Fortune attend your majesty I now

take leave of you,' and so departed. The king, naturally

of a warlike humour, felt that by aid of that sword the
earth lay in the hollow of his hand.
The days passing, Bhairavacarya on one occasion made a
secret petition to the king The dispositions of the great,

your majesty, are careless of their own interests, versed in

serving others. To such as your majesty seeing petitioners
is a festival, solicitation is to confer a favour, the acceptance

of gifts by others a boon. You are the centre of all men's

wishes. Wherefore I now address you : Listen by a crore of

muttered prayers have I, in garlands, clothes, and unguents

allof black as enjoined in the Kalpa, performed in the great

cemetery the exordium of the potent rite called Mahakalahri-

daya. Its completion ends with the laying of a goblin. Without
companions this is unattainable. You are capable of achiev-
ing this. Should you undertake the task, there will be three
other assistants one the friend of my boyhood, Tltibha, the

mendicant who visits your majesty; the second Patalasvamin ;

the third a Dravidian disciple of mine, Karnatala by name.

If you approve, let this arm of yours, long as a sky elephant's

trunk, take Attahasa and for one night become the bolt of
one quarter of the heavens.'
To this speech the king, delighted, like one in darkness
We " with his hand which
might, however, translate embracing it

remained motionless as if painted."


[120] who sees a light, at the opportunity of conferring a

I am highly honoured, your reverence

favour, replied : I ;

consider myself favoured by a charge to be shared with your

disciples.' Overjoyed at the king's words, Bhairavacarya

proceeded to make an appointment Your honour, armed

with your sword, will find us in the

empt^ house near

great cemetery here at this hour on the approaching four-

teenth night of the dark fortnight.'
The days having passed and the fourteenth having
arrived, the king after initiation in the
Qaiva ritual fasted.
The sword Attahasa he perfumed and honoured with scents,
frankincense,and wreaths. The day came to a close. A
ruddy hue spread over the heaven, as though some one had
performed a Bali ceremony with sprinkled blood to ensure the
success of the rite. The sun's rayshung down like vampires'
tongues greedy for the scattered blood. As though out of
attachment to the king he too wished to become a warder
of the sky, the sun had occupied the western quarter;
like goblins seemed the lengthening shadows of the trees.
The encircling darkness started up like hell-haunting fiends
to stay the rite. In the firmament the starry clusters
gathered close, as if to look upon a horrid act. Thus at the
dead of night, in the soundless stillness of a sleeping world,
the king, eluding his court and harem, a dagger gleaming in
his left hand, Attahasa drawn in his right, cloaked from head
to foot in the spreading radiance of his sword like a dark
blue silken robe assumed to escape detection, set forth alone
from the city, and reached the appointed spot royal majesty ;

attending unbidden, [121] and success dragged, as it were,

by the hair behind in the shape of braids of bees attracted
by his fragrance.
Then the three, Titibha, Karnatala, and Patalasvamin,
came up and announced themselves, armed like Drona's
son, Kripa, and Kritavarman in the Night Assault, bathed,

garlanded, and strangely attired. About their topknots

of flowers ranged murmuring bees, which formed as it were
a magic hair tie. On their heads they wore turban wraps
with large Svastika knots fastened in the centre of their

foreheads, and resembling huge mystic seals. Their cheeks

were lit with the light of dazzling earrings pendant from the
cavity of one ear, while their mouths were as it were drinking
up the gloom of night in the wish to weaken its roaming
goblins. Jewelled rings dangling from the other ear anoint-
ed them with sparkling lustre like a spell-charmed gorocana
pigment. Brandishing sharp swords, wherein their images
were reflected, they seemed offering human sacrifices to
ensure the success of the rite, while the long-continued
flashes of the steel lined the darkness, as if they would
cleave the night in three with a view to guarding their
several quarters of the horizon. Their bucklers, bearing
crescents and scintillating starlike groups of silver globules,
might be compared to bits of darkness sheared by the hard
sword's edge and forming a second and artificial night.

They wore thick new cloths girt with golden chain-belts,

and daggers were fastened to their waists.
'Who goes there?' demanded the king of the three.
They severally announced their names, and with them at his
heels he proceeded [122] to the silent, deep, and awful grave-

yard, where all was in readiness and pounded resin, flaming in

magic lamps, filled the heavens with incense and smoke, as if
the night were fleeing away with its gloom half-burned by a
scattered mustard charm 1

In the centre of a great circle of ashes white as lotus pollen

Bhairavacarya could be seen, a form all aglow with light, like
the autumn, sun enveloped in a broad halo or Mandara in
the whirlpool of the churned Ocean of Milk. Seated on the
breast of a corpse which lay supine anointed with red sandal
and arrayed in garlands, clothes and ornaments all of red,
himself with a black turban, black unguents, black amulet,
and black garments, he had begun a fire rite in the corpse's
mouth, where a flame was burning. As he offered some
black sesamum seeds, it seemed as though in eagerness to
become a Vidyadhara he were annihilating the atoms of
defilement which caused his mortal condition. The gleam of
The luminous smoke is compared to the half-burnt night fleeing
away into the sky.

his nails falling on the oblation appeared to cleanse the

flames of the pollution due to contact with the dead man's
mouth, while his smoke-inflamed eye flung as it were an
offering of blood upon the devouring blaze. His mouth, show-
ing the tips of white teeth as he slightly opened his lips in his
muttering, seemed to display in bodily shajjg the lines of the
syllables of his charms. The lamps near him were imaged
in the sweat of his sacrificial exertions, as if he were burning
his whole body to ensure success. From his shoulder hung

a Brahmanical thread of many strands, encircling his form,

like a multipleVidyaraja charm.
Having approached, the king saluted, and being welcomed
set about his own task. [123] Patalasvamin chose Indra's
quarter, Karnatala that of Kuvera, the mendicant that of
Pracetas, while the king himself adorned that marked by
Tri9ariku's light .

The warders of the regions having taken their stations,

Bhairavacarya confidently entered the cage composed of

their arms, and proceeded with his awful work. The
opposing fiends having after fruitless resistance and much
uproar been allayed, suddenly at the very instant of midnight
the earth was rent open to the north and not far from the
magic circle, displaying a fissure like the jaws of the mighty
boar of doomsday. Forthwith, like a copper post torn up by
the sky elephants, there ascended out of the chasm a spirit
dark as a blue lotus, with shoulders thick and square as the
Great Boar's, a fiend, as it were, risen from the womb of earth
or the demon up from the cloven hell. The
Bali springing

gleam of&Mdlati wreath amid locks of crisp curled hair, sleek,

dark and growing thickly, produced the effect of a sapphire
temple crowned with the blaze of a jewelled lamp. A
throbbing voice and an eye naturally red suggested one
drunk with the vapours of youth. A necklace tossed about
his throat. Ever and anon he smeared shoulders comparable
to the sky elephants' frontal globe with clay crushed in his
clenched hand. Irregularly bespotted with moist sandal

Tri9anku is
suspended in the southern heavens, see Ramay. I. 60.

paste, he resembled a tract of autumn sky speckled with bits

of very white cloud. Above a petticoat white as the Ketakl
petal his flank was drawn tight by a scarf, the long white
cotton fringe of which, carelessly left loose, hung to the

ground just as if it were the serpent Qesa supporting him

from behind. Hjs stout thick thighs [124] planted slow paces
as if he feared to break through the earth yet they could:

scarce support his mountain-like form with its burden of

overmastering pride. Again and again he doubled his left

arm athwart his breast, raised the right cross- wise, bent his
leg,and furiously slapped his arms 1 with such a noise as
though he would raise a storm to hinder the rite and maim
the animate world of one sense. Ho, my would-be para-
mour of Vidyadharis,' he sneeringly shouted in tones awful
as the echo of Narasimha's roar, whence this conceit of
knowledge or blind reliance on your helpers, that without
making an oblation to me you aspire fool that you are to
success ? What madness is this ? Has no mention come to
your ears after time of me, the Naga Qrikantha, after
all this

whom this region, whereof I am lord, is named ? Against

my will what power have the very planets to move in the
heavens ? What a miserable unkingly king is this, who
accepts favours from such Qaiva outcasts as you Receive !

now along with this wretched monarch the reward of your

misconduct.' When he had said thus much, the three,
Titibha and the rushed upon him but with furious
rest, ;

buffets he dashed them, armour, swords and all, to the

Never before had the king heard himself reviled. His
limbs, albeit unwounded, poured forth a stream of furious
sweat, water of the sword-edge, as it were, drunk in many a
battle. His hair bristled like an array of arrow heads shot
out in hundreds to lighten him for the fray. Even Attahasa,
mirroring the constellations, seemed to proclaim his un-
bending spirit by a contemptuous smile showing clearly a
row of white teeth. As his hands moved restlessly in the

An Indian challenge to combat.

act of tightening his girdle, their horizon-like gleam of nails

[1 25] seemed a demon-quelling

charm circle, blocking the wide
heaven to guard against escape. Scornfully he cried, 'Ho,
serpent, crow, are you not ashamed to demand an oblation in
the presence of such a royal flamingo as I ? But what avail
these taunts Valour dwells in the arm,
? ot in the voice.
Take to your weapon. Not thus are you my match. My
arm untaught to smite the weaponless.' With still greater

Approach, what care I for

disdain the Naga replied :

swords ? With my two arms will I crush your pride,' and so

slapped his arms. Ashamed to vanquish a weaponless foe
with weapons, the king, flinging away sword and buckler, girt
up his loins outside his cloak for a fight with fists. So they
fought till their furious slapping had bedewed them with a rain
of blood from lacerated arms, which falling like stone pillars
almost converted the whole world into sound. Soon the king
smote the serpent to the earth, and having seized him by the
hair, had drawn Attahasa to strike off his head, when amid the
wreath on his shoulder he detected the sacred thread. For-

bearing his weapon, Villain,' he cried,

this then is the seed
of your career of ill-doing, this is whence you proceed without
fear in your wicked courses,' and so let him go. Straightway
as in a moment he beheld a great brightness ;
a perfume as
of lotus beds opening in autumn smote upon his nostrils;

instantaneously he heard a tinkle of anklets, and guided his

glance in pursuit of the sound.
In the centre of the sword resting in his hand, like a
lightning flash in the womb of a black cloud, he beheld a
woman whose radiance seemed to swallow up the night.
Her hands were like red lotuses. Like seaside coral beds
clinging to her feet trailed the web-like rosy glow of her soft
toes. [126] Disguised as her white toe-nails she bore along
the splintered moon-disk, as if for fear her lotus hands should
close 1.
Clasped anklets lay about her ankles, as though in
her coming she had burst from a prison of thick linked
chains. Out of a dazzling white silken robe, embroidered

The night-lotus would close in the absence of the moon.

with hundreds of divers flowers and birds, and gently rippled

by the motion of the breeze, her form rose up as from an
ocean's waters. The tribali clasped her waist like the three-
foldGanges pleased at her birth from the deep Her round 1

bust with its prominent bosoms was like the sky displaying
the sky- elephants' frontal bones, and across her bosom, like
the dew on the trunk of Airavata in his time of rut, lay a
necklace with lustrous pearls like stars of autumn. Swayed
like white chowries by her soft, soft breathing, the light of
the necklace seemed to fan her. Her hands bore a naturally
rosy tint, as if they had caught a vermilion tinge from slap-
ping the forehead of a rut-blinded scent elephant Her .

flashing ear-ring shone like the second half of Hara's crest
the moon, curved to a circle. Clinging about her ear was an
ornament of Apoka shoots like a cluster of the Kaustubha's
brightness. Her forehead lacked not a great sectarial line
dark as elephant's ichor, like an unseen umbrella's circular
shadow 4 . Moon- white sandal, like the glory of the kings
of old, brightened her form from hair-parting to feet.
Flowery wreaths, dangling from her throat and kissing the
ground, flowed over her like rivers finding their repose in
ocean Limbs soft as lotus fibres voicelessly proclaimed her

lotus birth.
Who art thou, lady ?

cried the king unappalled,


wherefore hast thou come withinmy sight Hero,' she said, ?


almost overpowering him with an unabashed ness at variance

with her sex, know me to be that deer whose pleasure haunt

isNarayana's breast, the banner-pennon of Prithu, Bharata,

Bhagiratha and the other kings of old, [127] the gay doll upon
the victory columns of heroes' arms, the flamingo wantoning

Laksm! rose from the deep at the churning of the ocean.


Laksml's elephant is referred to. The gandhadvipa is a particularly
powerful kind of elephant.
Civa wears a crescent moon this was the second or absent half.
The umbrella being a sign of sovereignty. Mada is described as
dark like Tamala shoots in Kadambar! p. 243 I. ; tamala-pallava-rasa-
fydmena madajalena.
I.e. as if they were the rivers which had flowed into the ocean from

which she had risen at its churning.


with yearning to sport upon the waves of battle's bloodshed

stream, the peacock of the thickets of kings' white umbrellas,
even the lioness whose caprice is to roam in the forest of
sharp scimitar edges, the lotus bed of the pools of sword-edge
water. I am ravished by this thy valorous spirit. Crave of
me a boon : I will give thee thy heart's desirg,'
Heroes are unwearied in serving others. So the king
bowed to her, and heedless of his own advantage, besought
the success of Bhairavacarya. Highly gratified, the goddess,
anointing the king with her wide-open eyes like a milk ocean
thrown over him, replied So be it/ and added, Because of
' '

this magnanimity of thine and because of thy superlative

devotion to the holy Lord Qiva thou, like a third added to
the Sun and Moon, shalt be the founder of a mighty line of

kings persisting unbroken upon earth, daily increasing in

greatness, full of matchless heroes elate with purity, high-
fortune, truth, munificence, and fortitude. Wherein shall
arise an emperor named Harsa, governor Hari9candra like
of all the continents, world-conquering like a second Man-

dhatri, whose chowrie this hand, spontaneously abandoning

the lotus, shall grasp.' So saying she vanished.
The heart of the king was beyond measure gratified to
hear this. Bhairavacarya himself, having by the words of
the goddess and the full performance of the rite instantly
acquired the hair-lock, diadem, earring, necklace, armlet,
girdle,hammer, and sword, became a Vidyadhara. Address-
ing the king he said The wishes, O king, of indolent

feeble-minded people embrace not remote objects but the :

favours of the good are of their very nature far-reaching.

[128] To bestow unimagined even in dreams, who

this boon,

except your majesty had power ? A man of light qualities is

lifted up like a scale by the acquisition of a mere particle of

success. Having been served by your virtues and having at-

tained my purpose through none other than you, I am inspired

by the immodesty of an infatuated heart. And so it is my

wish to win remembrance by endeavouring in whatever way
I can to afford you some grain of assistance.' The stout
hearts of the wise, however, are proof against reciprocation of
C. 7

favours, and the king therefore refused, saying, By your

reverence's success my task is finished ; let your reverence

proceed to a station according with your wish.'

After this reply from the king, Bhairavacarya, now on
the point of departure, warmly embraced Titibha and the
others, and regarding the king with a
tearful eye like a
blue lotus-bed streaming with frosty dew, Friend," he re-
sumed, should I say I am going,' that were a poor token of

affection 1
if I

say mymake life is yours,' 'tis ;

this poor body your own' would imply the creation of an un-

you have purchased me bit by bit,' the bits

real distinction ;

' '

fallshort of your kindnesses ; you are my kinsman would '

place a distance between us


heart remains with you
my '

would want evidence ;

a success which severs us is torment
would not find credence; 'your kindness was unmerited' a
keep me in remembrance a command.
' '

mere reiteration ;

At least in all talk of ingrates and all narrations of ignoble

people let me be remembered as one remorselessly bent on
his own advantage." So speaking, he mounted to the sky,
lashing the constellations with pearls that started from a
necklace burst in his speed, and passed in an orbit cleaving
the planet clusters to a station fitting his good-fortune.
Deign, O king, whenever necessary to

Qrlkantha also spoke ;

favour with your commands one bought by your valour and

taught discretion,' [129] and so with the consent of the king

entered again the same fissure in the earth.
By this the night was nearly spent. Fragrant with the
breath of opening day-lotus beds, frosty as if with sweat from
the sport of ravishing shawls from the bosoms of forest
nymphs, the sylvan breeze had begun to blow, attracting the
bees by its perfume, lulling the night-lotuses to sleep, chilled
'?JT and fT are roots of ill-omen, which must not be used in
conversation. When Macaulay talks of the Lucknow people singing
songs in Hastings' honour
Hdthl par hauda ghore par zin
Jaldl jdo jaldl jdo Warren Ifusti/t.'
Howdah on elephant, saddle on horse
'Ride on in triumph W. H.'
they meant
Go to hell, go to hell quickly, W. H."

by the night's ending, and interspersed with rime. Scorched

it were
as by the sighs of ruddy-geese in the anguish
of their severance, the night subsided into the western
ocean. The lotus beds peeped forth, as if curious to view
the bodily presence of Laksmi. As the birds awoke, the
forest,quivering in all its creepers beneath he soft breeze,
rained down showers of hoar-frost, like bunches of flowers. With
their noisy imprisoned bees the closing night-lotuses hummed
like auspicious horns to awake the beauty of the day-lotuses.
The stars, buds of the creepers of night, clustered together in
the western sky, as if wafted on by the panting breath of
the rising sun's chariot-horses. Occupying Mandara's peak,
the Seven Sages became grey, as if coated with pollen from
thickets of heavenly creepers rocked by the gentle breeze.
The Starry Deer as it sank seemed like a fallen goad 1 of the
gods' elephant.
Taking Titibha and the others, the king, whose limbs
were befouled by the give and take of battle with the demon,
bathed in the pure water of a sylvan pool. He then entered
the city, and next day gratified all three with unguents, food,
and clothing immediately after his own person 2 .

After the lapse of a few days the mendicant, despite the

king's remonstrances, departed to the woods. Patalasvamin

[130] and Karnatala, men of a warlike spirit, remained in the

king's service. Elevated to a fortune beyond their wildest

dreams, drawing their swords in the midst of the royal guard,
occupying the front rank in the battle, now and then on occa-
sion of story-telling appointed to narrate various actions of

Bhairavacarya and incidents of their own childhood they


arrived at old age by the king's side.

Here ends the third Chapter entitled The Exposition of The King's
Ancestry of the Harsa-Carita composed by Cri Bana Bhatta.

A reference to the shape of the constellation, i.e. Capricorn, Comm.
According to the Comm. he first makes the ascetic's friends bathe

and then bathes himself.

Caicaeavntttintah seems to be here used much in the same way as
the Welsh Mabinogion, which originally meant amusements of youth
' '

but came to be the name for the collection of Welsh heroic legends.


[131] No alliance 1 wish they even in dreams, they make no joining

of hands 2 ;

By the sole power of their name do the great become liege

lords of the wedded earth !

Like thetusk set at a wide interval 3 in the capacious month

of the elephant-headed god, so in a royal house though

There arises but one like to Prithu, causing all monarchs 4 to
shake !

From 5
this Puspabhuti there issued a line of kings, as
from Visnu a lotus whose calix the best of the twice-born
voluntarily occupied as from the ocean a treasure of jewels

attended by Laksmi 7 as from the orient mount a troop of


planets including Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, the Moon, the Sun,

and Mars 8 as from the might of Sagara a sea capable of

supporting a commerce of greatness, as from Qura a Hari

race boasting a Durjaya and a Bala 9 In which line were .

Or punningly strategy.'

Or grasping of taxes.'

There is a pun on pratimd = (l) likeness, (2) the space between
the tusks in an elephant's mouth. Ganesa has only one tusk.
4 Or 'mountains.'

Only a 'smalL '}art of the puns in this paragraph is susceptible of
trapj^iojii. The w>rds for Visnu ('lotus-eyed'), ocean ('collection of
'jewels'), Orient Mou\it ('source of greatness'), might of Sagara ('one
mighty as Sagara'), Uiira ('hero') may all apply to Puspabhuti, the
others similarly to the race.
Or whose treasures were grasped at will by the best of the twice-

born ( = Brahmans).' Brahma is the best of the twice-born.

Or 'attended by splendour.'
Or including teachers, wise men,

poets, artists, men of might, and

Or boasting
invincible might.' Durjaya and Bala are Visnu and

born kings free from the stain of violating Dharma, [132] as

living beings came from the commencement of the golden age ;

dominating the world by their splendour, like the rays from

the source of light ; thronging the regions with their armies
in array, like the hillssprung from Brahma strong to ;

support the world, like the sky elephants borr^from Brahma's

hand rising in might to guard the oceans, like clouds from

the season of rain bestowing the fruits of desire, like trees


of Paradise from the Heavenly Garden; embracing all beings,

like the variations of existence sprung from Visnu.
The line so proceeding, there was born in course of time
a king of kings named Prabhakaravardhana 2 famed far and ,

wide under a second name Pratapa9ila, a lion to the Huna

deer, a burning fever to the king of the Indus land, a troubler
of the sleep of Gujarat, a bilious plague to that scent-elephant
the lord of Gandhara, a looter to the lawlessness of the Lats,
an axe to the creeper of Malwa's glory. From his members
of royalty the coronation water purged no foulness but filthy
lucre 3 Even an enemy's life, that coward's darling, when

kept like a straw in the mouth of battle 4 filled him with


shame. It was torture to him to be accompanied in battle

even by his image in the sword-blade which his hand bore,
torture that even his bow bent to the foe in conflict. A
proud man, he was vexed by his proud ambitions. Steadfast
he kept his royal majesty, as if pinned by the implanted 5
arrow-points of countless foes. [133] Levelling on every side
hillsand hollows, clumps and forests, trees and grass, thickets
and anthills, mountains and caves, the broad paths of his
armies seemed to portion out the earth for the support of
his dependants. By deterring all enemies his own prowess
Or 'drink.'
the Sonpat seal (Corpus Inscr. Ind. in. pp. 231-2) Harsa
mentions his father under this name.
Meaning that at his coronation his ministers distributed money.
To carry a straw in the mouth was a sign of surrender : cf.

Acworth's '
Maratha Ballads,' p. 43 :

And 'twixt the teeth a straw is fit

For curs who arm but to submit.'

There is a play on antaryata, which, taken with 'foes,' means 'dead.'

annoyed him as much as that of others, leaving his passion

for battle ungratified. In the seraglios of slain rivals his
valour was, as it were, materialized in the form of the five
elements, fire in the women's hearts, water in the hollows of
their eyes, wind in their sighs, earth upon their forms, ether
in the vacant^ solitude As in a mirror, his glory was

matched in those gems among ministers who attended him-.

Once more his greatness was made to glow by the fire of

was digested by the heat of his courage,

his valour, his success
the growth of his race was fostered like a bamboo by the
water of the sword's edge, his valorous deeds were proclaimed
by the mouths of the wounds which his steel dealt, his

grasping of tribute by the callosity of the bow string.

furious onslaught he counted a present, war a favour, the

approach of battle a festival, a foe the discovery of a treasure, a

host of enemies the acme of prosperity, a challenge to conflict
a boon, a sudden onset an ovation, the fall of sword strokes a
shower of wealth. Beneath his rule the golden age seemed
to bud forth in close packed lines of sacrificial posts, the evil
time to the smoke of sacrifices meandering over the
flee in

sky, heaven to descend in stuccoed 4 shrines, Dharma to

blossom in white pennons waving over temple minarets, the
villages to bring forth a progeny of beautiful arbours erected
on their outskirts for meetings, alms' houses, inns, and women's

[134] Mount Meru to crumble in a wealth of

marquees ,

utensils all of gold, a very cornucopia to bear fruit in bowls

of riches lavished upon Brahmans.
This king had a queen, YacovatI 6 by name, noble as
Qahkara's Parvati, but remaining SatI in another incarnation ,

holding the heart fast like Visnu's LaksmI, with sparkling

Or '
their vacant hearts.'
His ministers were gems reflecting his greatness.
Or punningly '
his hand's grasp.'
Sudhd = (l) stucco, (2) ambrosia.
5 is a hut erected on the sacrilicial ground
for the sacrificer's family.
The Sonpat seal has Yacowatl.
I.e. she was sati (l) noble, (2) cobkunCt
blonde,' whereas Parvatl's
other incarnation was


glancing eyes
like the moon's Rohim, mother of all her

people like Prajapati's Buddhi, descended from towering

kings like the ocean's Ganges, deft in compliance to his
will like the hanisa-kings Hamsi, with an adoring world
at her feet 4 like Dharma's Triad, never abandoning his side

night or day like Vasistha's Arundhatl. She was endowed

with the gait of a hcvnisa, the voice of a cuckoo, the
answering love of a ruddy-goose, the full bosoms of the rainy
season, the laugh of wine, the manifold worth of a treasure,
the rich gifts of a golden shower, the enfolded charms of a
lotus, the fruitfulness of a flower, the adorableness of the

twilight, the moon's freedom from heat, a mirror's responsive-

ness to all creatures, Samudra's 6 intuition of character, the
Supreme Spirit's universal penetration, the scriptures' stain-
less principles. She was honey in converse, ambrosia to those
who sought delight
rain to her servants, beatitude to her
friends,bamboo-like to her elders. The pride was she of the
family of smiles, the penance purity of womanhood, the
fulfilment of Kama's ordinances, [135] the Eureka 8 of loveli-

ness, the ovation of passion, the fruition of beauty's wishes,

the special providence of charm, the genesis of affection's
ancestry, love's boon-winning, grace's perfect creation, youth's
majesty, intelligence's cloudless rain glory's lustration, good- ,

ness' bloom of beauty, Dharma's heart's delight, Prajapati's

creation of the atoms of bliss the quietude of quiescence, :

the decorousness of decorum, the nobility of high birth, the

temperateness of temperance, the stand of steadfastness, the
witchery of grace. Such was the queen, the centre of all

Or punningly 'stars.'
Or mountains.'

Or visiting Manasa.'

Or schools
' '
the Triad : is the three Vedas.
Or clouds.'

He is the inventor of palmistry : a literalrendering would be in

knowledge of the characters of others she was the essence of Samudra's

Or reading trisyatsu to the thirsty.' '

Vyuttkdnabuddhir = thQ resultant thought of a yogin's meditation.


' '
Cloudless rain is a synonym for a marvel.' Comm. '

creatures' love, confidence, duty, and felicity, who upon the

king's bosom shone like Laksmi on the bosom of Hell's

The king was by natural proclivity a devotee of the sun 1

Day by day at sunrise he bathed, arrayed himself in white

wrapt his head in a white cloth, and kneeling eastwards

upon the grourKI in a circle smeared with saffron paste,

presented for an offering a bunch of red lotuses set in a pure
vessel of ruby and tinged, like his own heart, with the sun's
hue 2 Solemnly at dawn, at midday, and at eve he muttered

a prayer for offspring, humbly with earnest heart repeating

a hymn having the sun as its centre 3 .

The heavenly will can be won to favour

its worshippers.

So it
happened that on the occasion of one hot season the
king slept on his palace roof white with stucco spotless as
the moon-light and the queen lay on a second couch at his

side. [136] The night was near

its close, and the lord of stars

was declining with faded radiance, robbed of his beauty by

the approach of dawn. A cool frosty dew was falling, like the
moon's sweat evoked by his delight as his finger tips 4 touched
the lotus beds. Smit by the breath of intoxicated sleeping
beauties, the seraglio lamps staggered as if drunk. The
king slept. The stars mirrored in his white nails seemed to
be stroking his feet. His limbs were carelessly extended, as
consigned to the queens of the quarters. The beauty of his
lips fanned him with wine-perfumed breath like the wind of

her own lotus-like hand acting as a fan. In the clear surface

of his cheek the imaged moon shone like a topknot of white
flowers displacedby the clutching of hair in amorous dalliance. '

Suddenly with a cry Help, my lord help the queen !

leapt up, a tremour swaying her willowy form, and her

tinkling anklets seeming to call out to her attendants.

On the Sonpat seal Harsa attaches the epithet param&dityabhak-
tali to his father, brother, and other members of the family.
There is a pun on anurakta = (I) devoted, (2) reddened.
Of. Weber Ind. Stud. ix. 91.
I.e. 'rays.'
I.e. the personified beauty of his face.

Instantly, scorched as it were in both ears by a cry for help

such as never in all the world he had heard, much less in his
queen's mouth, the king awoke from sleep. With a right hand
that trembled with rage he drew from beside his head a sword
whose glittering edge drew a line like a prolongation of his
ear- wreath across the night. His left hand swept aside his
robe of fine muslin, as if it were the intervening ether.
Loosened by his hand's furious movement, his golden
bracelet flashed upon the heavens, as if his heart were

roaming in search of the cause of alarm. He brought his

down with a stamp that shook the palace.
left foot furiously

His necklace, which had fallen in front of him, having come

within range of his sword edge, shone like a severed portion
of the moonlight. Inflamed with rage and sleep, as if

stained with betel from Laksnri's kisses, his eyes cast a

glow upon the whole circle of the heavens, [137] while a
dark trident-shaped frown seemed to bring night back

again, as he leapt up hastily crying, Fear not, my queen,

fear not'. When however on casting his glance in every
direction he saw nothing, he inquired of the queen the cause
of her fright.

By this the women

of the night watch had run up like

family goddesses, and the servants who slept near were all
awake. So now that the alarm which had made her heart
I know now,
tremble had subsided, the queen replied :

my lord. I saw in a dream two shining youths issue

from the sun's disk, filling the heavens as with radiance of
morning, and turning the whole world as it were into light-
ning. They wore crowns, earrings, armlets, and cuirasses :

swords were in their hands: they were bathed in blood

cochineal red. All the world bowed before them with up-
turned faces and hands joined reverently at their foreheads.
Accompanied by one maid like a moon incarnate, who
issued from the ray Susumna, they lighted upon the earth,
and while I screamed, cutopen my womb with a sword and
essayed to enter. My heart quaked, and I awoke with a cry
to my lord.'

At that juncture the morning horn rang out at the porch,


like the first utterance of the king's glory proclaiming the

vision's fulfilment. Briskly sounded the tom-toms, as if to
announce a coming exaltation. The daybreak drum boomed,
as if pleased to be struck with the stick. Victory Victory ! !

pealed the loud voices of those who recited well-omened calls

from sle'ep. In the stable yard of the favourite horses the
slowly rising marshal chanted a Vaktra and an Aparavaktra
verse, as before the sweetly neighing steeds he scattered
emerald grass a-drip with frosty water :

[138] 'By misshapen trees a treasure, by flashing light a tine

'By an omen the approach of luck is clearly in the

world revealed !

'As the dawn, his harbinger, announces the sun, as the

speeding blast the rain's approach,
Even so the appearance of a previous vision foretells
good, yea and evil hap to men !

At these words the king's heart was filled with delight.

'Queen,' said he, 'you are dejected at the hour of joy. Your
parents' prayers are answered. Our wishes are fulfilled. Our
family goddesses have accepted you. In his graciousness
the holy god of the radiant crown 1 will grant you joy, and
that soon, by the gift of three noble children.' So much said,
he descended and performed the customary ceremonies.
Yasovati also was cheered by her husband's words.
After the lapse of a short period of time his majesty
Rajyavardhana came first of three to being in the queen's
womb. Even as he lay in the womb his glory shed a pallor
over his mother. Oppressed as it were by the weight of his
virtues, she could not support her frame. As if satisfied
with the ambrosia of his outpouring loveliness, she became
averse to food. Languid with the slowly growing burden of
her child, she yet insisted on being conveyed with the sup-
port of friendly hands to salute her parents, who would have
stayed her. In her lassitude she could be seen, like a doll-

propped against the nearest walls and trunks of trees.

She could not lift her feet, which seemed checked by bees
I.e. the Sun.

greedily settling upon such lotuses. Slow, slow was her

gait, as if she were conducted by domestic hcntisas clinging
in greed for lotus threads to the rays of her toe-nails. Seek-
ing a support, she would put forth a lotus hand even towards
forms reflected in jewelled walls, much more then towards
her women friends. She longed to
the rays of

gemmed pillars, much more the house-creepers. Her house-

hold duties she had scarce strength to command, not to

speak of performing them. Needless to say that her feet

were wearied by the burden of her anklets, even her
imagination failed to mount the palace. She could not
support even her limbs, much less her ornaments. [139]
The very idea of climbing play hills made her bosom
tremulously heave. When she should have risen in welcome,
her child, as if through pride, kept her motionless with slender
hands in vain applied to the points of her knees. All day
long her downcast glance was turned in joy upon her zone,
her lotus face brought near her bosom as if longing to see her
child had drawn it inwards. With her child in her womb,
arid her husband in her heart, she bore as it were a double

majesty. Resigning her form to her friends' bosoms, she set

her feet on the laps of her handmaids, on the heads of her
co-wives. When the tenth month arrived, she brought forth
my lord Rajyavardhana, a prince composed as it were of

lightning atoms to quell the cabals of all kings capable of ;

supporting the whole world's weight, as if endowed with the

mechanism of ^esa's hood heart-shaker of all kings 2 as if
; ,

constructed with the limbs of sky elephants. His birth was

a birth of joy to the people, who became as it were dancing
incarnate. For one month, which seemed a day, the king
held a great festival, innumerable blown horns noisily

sounding, hundreds of beaten tom-toms merrily booming,

a world filled to overflowing with the burden of deep-
rumbling drums, the hearts of all mankind ravished in a
madness of delight.

Or punuingly
1 '
to clip the wings of all mountains,' referring to
a feat of Indra.
Or ' mountains.'

A second period having elapsed, in the month of plan- 1

tains, when the bud is on the Kadamba tree, the barley

blades grow in clusters, the red-lotus stands erect, the cdtaka's
heart expands, and the dwellers in Manasa are dumb, in that
month Harsa came to being at once in the heart and womb
of Ya9ovatl, even as Krisna in Devaki. Gradually once more
her willowy form, arrayed as it were in all her child's pure
worth, assumed a pallid hue. As pregnancy came on, her
cup-like bosoms grew dark in their tender nipples, as if
stamped an emperor to drain. Like a river of milk let

into her face for her bosom's supply, her eye, long, moist 2 and

white, assumed a sweeter expression. Slow grew her gait

beneath the load, as it were, of a frame weighed down by the
whole array of auspicious marks. As she moved tardily
about, [140] the earth, clasping her lotus feet mirrored in
the spotless mosaic, seemed to pay her a prelude of worship.
All day long as she lay on her couch, the reflection of figures
embroidered in the awning rested on her cheek's clear round ,

likea Laksmi awaiting the child's birth. In the night time,

when she had mounted the roof, the moon's disk imaged in
her round bosom, when bared of her shawl in the pangs of
pregnancy, appeared like a white umbrella mysteriously held
above her child. Even the chowrie women on the painted
walls waved their chowries while she slept in her apartment.
In her dreams all the four sky-elephants seemed to con-

secrate her, bearing water in folded lotus leaves held by

their trunks. When she awoke, the puppet servants in the
chamber on the roof raised not once alone the cry of

Victory ! If she called to her maids, incorporeal voices

went forth, crying Say your commands.' Even in play she

would suffer no violation of her will 4 Moreover a wish grew


upon her to bathe even in the united waters of the four great

he month Qravana, i.e. July August. The plantain

flowers all the year, but especially in the rains.
2 =
There is a pun in snigdha (l] charming, (2) viscous.
Da9akumaracarita I. p. 73 (Bomb.) 1. 12.
This and the following contain allusions to the superstition that
the mother's mind echoes the thoughts of her child hence the reference

to the four oceans the limits of Harsa's empire &c.


oceans. was her heart's desire to roam round sand isles

in creeper arbours by the sea shore. Even on occasions of
urgency her brow would capriciously move. Despite the
jewelled mirrors close to her hand she was bent on seeing
her face in a drawn sword's blade. Supplanting the lute, the
bow's twang, ill-suiting a woman, was pleasing in her ear.
Her eye was gratified by lions in their cages. Even in

saluting her parents she scarce could bend her apparently

stiffened head. Her friends, never for an instant leaving
her side, brightened the house, as in anticipation of the
approaching birth festival, with eyes wide-open in joy, as
though strewing on every side a ceaseless protective charm
in the shape of a rain of blooming lotus petals, white,
red and blue. Great physicians holding various herbs sat
in theirproper places, supporting her as the mountains
support the earth. In the knots of her necklace-cord were
fixed fine jewels, [141] like the hearts of the oceans come
with Laksmi.
At length in the month Jyaistha, on the twelfth day of
the dark fortnight, the Pleiads being in the ascendant, just
after the twilight time, when the young night had begun to

climb, a sudden cry of women arose in the harem. Hurriedly

issuing forth, Suyatra, daughter of Yagovatl's nurse and her-
king's feet, crying Good news
self dearly beloved, fell at the !

your majesty, you are blessed with the birth of a second sou,'
and carried off the customary festal spoil 2 .

At that very instant approached the astrologer Taraka, a

man very highly esteemed by the king. Hundreds and hun-
dreds of times he had shown supernatural insight by announc-
ing facts beyond the ken of man, a calculator, deeply read in

Vividhosadhidharas applies also to the mountains. So also pra-
castaratnani in seqq. has a twofold application.
For purnapatra the Comm. quotes
anandado hi sauhardad etya vastrddikam baldt \

ajdnato haraty eva purnapatram tu tat smritam \\

The Vacaspatya quotation is clearer, if we read eva in the second line.

harsdd utsavakale yad alaiikdrdm^ukddikam \

Ctkrisya grihuate purnapatram p&rnakaqi emt tat \\


all the treatises on astronomy, extolled and liked among all

astrologers, endowed with knowledge of the three times, and a


king!' he cried; was on a day like this,

Maga . Give ear, 'it

free from the taint of all evil conjunctions such as malignant

aspects of the sun and moon, at a moment like the present,
when all the planets were similarly at their apexes, that
Mandhatri came to birth. Since then in all the intervening
time no second has in the whole world been born at a conjunc-
ture so fit for an universal emperor's birth. [142] The son
now born to your majesty shall be coryphaeus of the Seven
2 3
Emperors bearer of the Seven Imperial Signs and the

Great Jewels 4 lord of the Seven Oceans, performer of all


sacrifices of Seven Forms

the peer of him of the Seven

Steeds 6.'
Instantly unblown horns rang out spontaneously loud and
sweet. Unbeaten boomed the consecration drum deep as the
roar of oceans in turmoil. Unstruck the auspicious tabors
pealed. Like a timbrel proclaiming security to all the world,
the tabor's echo thrilled through the aerial spaces. Tossing
their manes, the horses neighed with joy, while their muzzles
were graced by wisps of green Durvci sprays which they
haughtily took. Sportively uplifting their trunks as if
dancing, the elephants trumpeted in sounds grateful to the
ear. Soon a heavenly breeze, fragrant with perfumes of wine,
blew like a sigh of Laksmi letting fall the disc 7 In the courts .

of the sacrificers the unfed Vaitana fires blazed up with flames

curving to the right to foretell the coming luck. From the

earth uprose great treasures, enclosed in cups bedecked with

For the Bhojakas or Magas see Wilson's Visnu P. (Hall's ed.),
vol. v. p. 382.
These are Bharata, Arjuna, Mandhatri, Bhagiratha, Yudhisthira,
Sagara, Nahusa.
The signs are peculiar formations in hands, feet, &c.
The six great jewels are enumerated in the verse
manyacvakaricakrdni vara strl parinayakah \

sad etdni tu ratnuni manlsibhih \\

Rig. V. x. 124. 1 (Sayana), and Weber Lul Stud. ix. 120.
8 = the Sun.
The weapon of her husband, Visnu. ,

chains of gold. In the shape of echoes from the beaten tabors

the regents of the sky seemed joyfully to give forth a clamour
of congratulation to the heavens. At that moment white-clad
Brahmans approached with the Veda on their lips 1 like the

to foster the new-born Like

Prajapatis of the golden age,

Dharma incarnate came the family priest jyith lustral water

and fruits ready in his hand. Like immemorial customs the
arriving elders of the family could be seen. Away ran dis-
their faces hairy with long
orderly crowds of freed prisoners,
matted beards, their bodies black with many a miry smirch,
like the kindred of a waning Kali age. Like camp lines of a
now departed wickedness [143] seemed the rows of shops, given
up to general pillage In a great throng of boys danced the

old nurses, encircled, like the young mother's tutelary deities

incarnate, in a troop of dwarfs and deaf people with laughing

upturned faces So proceeded the great birth festival, the

order of the royal household gone, the pretence of chamber-

lains laid low, the macebearers robbed of their maces, entrance
to the harem no wise criminal, master and servants reduced
to a level, young and old confounded, learned and unlearned .

on one footing, drunk and sober not to be distinguished, noble

maidens and harlots equally merry, the whole population of
the capital set a-dancing.
From the morrow onwards the wives of the neighbouring
kings could be observed in thousands approaching the palace
from every side. Amazonian nations they seemed, pouring
onwards, wide-opened mines, Krisna's mistresses on the march,
families of Apsarases lighted upon the earth. After them
followed servants bearing garlands in wide baskets, with bath

powder sprinkled upon the flowers ;

dishes laden with bits of

camphor, clear as crystal granules jewelled caskets of saffron


scents ivory boxes, studded with rows of sandal-hued Areca


nuts and tufted with slim Khadira fibres dripping mango oil ;

Brahmamukhas has two senses, (1) as in text, (2) 'headed by
Brahma.' There are other puns in addition.
2 Cf. Carlyle, Frederic, n. 195.
JatamatridevatdmarjarananCi bahuputraparivdrasfttikagrihe sthap-
yate. Comm. the tutelary deity of a new mother, with a cat's face and

surrounded by a crowd.of children, is set up in the lying-in chamber.'


vermilion and powder boxes red and pink, with murmuring

bees sipping Parijata perfumes ;
betel trees with bundles of
nuts 1 hanging from the young slips. As they danced, the
quarters of the heavens rang with jewelled anklets clashing as
their feet knocked together 2 .

[144] Thus rthe festal jubilation gradually blossomed

forth. Here young people, of ancient noble houses and
unused to dancing, showed by frolics their love for the
king. There drunken slave women allured the favourites,
while the monarch himself looked on with a secret smile.
In one place respectable old feudatories were, much to his
amusement, clasping the necks of the intoxicated bawds
of the capital in a furious dance. In another place naughty
slave boys, set on by a glance from the sovereign, betrayed
in songs the secret amours of the ministers of state. Else-
where wanton water-girls raised a laugh by embracing aged
ascetics.Elsewhere again in the eagerness of ardent rivalry
throngs of slaves carried on a war of foul language. In
another place chamberlains knowing nothing of dancing
were, to the entertainment of the maids, violently forced
to dance by the king's women. The festival showed moun-
tains of flower heaps, rum -booths like shower-baths, Nandana
forests of Parijata scent, a hoar-frost of camphor dust, a
booming of drums like Qiva's laugh 3 a hubbub like the

ocean-churning, vortexes of dancing rings, a horripilation of

rays from jewelled ornaments, a very tiara of sandal forehead
marks, a never ceasing propagation of echoes, an endless
efflorescence of tokens of favour.

Young men frolicked in thousands, prancing, like Kam-

boja steeds, with garlands of Kecaras* hanging upon their
shoulders, leaping with dancing eyes like spotted antelopes ,

Read -vltikuvltakdmcca. explained by B. and R. as cut
1 '
\ ltilca is

areca nuts in cube form covered with roots and folded in a betel leaf.'
2 Read caranakuttana- in place oicaraiian! h/ftana-.
Literally 'possessing a Qiva (Attalutsa "the God of the loud
laugh") in its booming drums.'
Or punningly '
Their eyes are compared to the spots of the antelope.

rending the earth with furious stamps, as did the sons of

Sagara with spades. Scarce could the earth sustain the tramp
of troubadours dancing to time. Smash went the pearls
in the ornaments of the young princes slapping each other
in their play. [145] Minium dust crimsoned the shell of
Brahma's egg 1 in every part, as with the l^ood of a repro-
duced Hiranya-Garbha foetus. The heavens gleamed with
clouds of perfume powder, as if Mandakim had disclosed a
thousand sand isles. Yellowed with scattered scent dust, the
daylight glowed, as though Brahma's lotus, ground by the
rocking world, had stained it with clouds of pollen from its
filaments. Men tripped over heaps of pearls that fell from
necklaces broken in collisions.
In this place and in that harlot-women danced to the
accompaniment of instrumental music. Tambourines were
slowly, slowlythumped reeds sweetly piped, cymbals tinkled,

string drums were belaboured, the low gourd lute sang, gently
boomed the kahalas with their brazen sounding boxes, while
all the time a subdued
clapping proceeded. Even the clank
of jingling anklets kept time pace by pace, as if intelligent, with
the clapping. Whispering softly, like cuckoos, in low passion-
ate tones, they sang the words of vulgar mimes, ambrosia to
their lovers' ears. Wreaths were about their brows, and
chaplets round their ears, upon their foreheads sandal marks.
With upraised creeper-like arms, vocal with rows of bracelets,
they seemed to embrace the very sun. Like Kashmir colts,
they leapt all
aglow with saffron stains*. Great garlands of
amaranth hung down upon their round hips, as if they were
ablaze with passion's flame. Their faces, marked with rows of
vermilion spots, seemed to wear the rubric of the edict plates
of Love, [146] whose ordinances none may resist. Dusty
were they with camphor and perfumes scattered in handfuls,
like roads frequented by the desires of youth. Like women
chamberlains of a children's festival, they lashed the young folk
=the world.
As applied to the colts kunhmapramristi means
rolling in saf-
3 '
Lit. mind-chariots.'

} 8

with great wreaths of flowers. With tossing forehead marks

and earrings they swayed like creepers of Love's sandal tree.
Like waves of passion's flood, they gleamed all resonant with
the cries of anklets adding music to their steps. As to what
was proper to be said or not, they were as void of discrimination
as the childish flay of happiness. While the rapid booming of
the drums 3 thrilled through their lithe frames, they cast off
flower pollen, like Ketakls. All day their faces were, like red
lotuses, abloom ; by night they slept no more than night
lotuses. As ifpossessed, they were surrounded by throngs
of princes . Like endearments, they stole away the heart ;

like songs,they kindled the flame of desire; like the symptoms

of stoutness they gave rise to joy.
, Adding passionateness
to passion itself, a glow to love, a joy to joy, a dancing motion
to dancing, festivity to festival, in ogling they seemed to
drink with the white (shells) of their eyes, in scolding to im-
prison in cages of rays from their nails, in gestures of anger
to lash with curling eyebrows, in making love to pour a rain
of all (sweet) feelings, in deftly moving to scatter transfor-
In other places, where under the terror of chamberlains'
wands the people had made room, [147] the king's wives
essayed the dance, a brilliant throng with a forest of white
parasols held above them, as if they were wood nymphs roam-

ing beneath trees of paradise. Some, wrapt in loose shawls

hanging from both shoulders, swayed as if mounted on play
swings. Some, with wavy robes torn by the edge of golden
armlets, were like rivers lined by crossing ruddy-geese.
Others, whose bright side glances were bounded by earrings
entangled in tufts of white waving chowries, were like pools
The Bombay text has lasantyo flashing.' The words for forehead
' '

marks' and 'earrings' may be for the sake of the simile translated
bunches of leaves.'
Or punningly of hamsas.' '

Or punningly with the ketak'is
the booming of clouds.'
4 Or '
5 It is a great cause of congratulation when a Hindu grows fat,
they hold itimplies a virtuous life and a good conscience.
The Bombay text has vilesur for virejur.

with hamsas plucking at forests of blue lotuses Others, from .

whose tripping feet trickled a dew of lac-reddened sweat
that besprinkled the palace hanisas, resembled moonlight

nights when the twilight casts a glow upon the moon's disk.
Others, with brows curved in derision at the contortions of
chamberlains bending beneath golden girdles placed about
their necks, seemed love-nets with outstretched arms for

All womankind being thus set dancing, the earth, crimsoned

by trickling lac from their feet, seemed rosy with the flush of
love. Their round gleaming bosoms made the festival like a
mass of auspicious pitchers 3 Their tossing arms caused the

world to seem nought but rings of lotus roots. Their sparkling

playful smiles created as it were a season all of lightning
flashes. The days seemed dappled by the light of dancing
eyes. Brilliant ear chaplets of Cirlsa flowers cast a green
tint upon a daylight seemingly of parrots' tails. Dark
hanging Tamala sprays of braided hair shed a blackness as of
collyrium on the prospect. Uplifted tendril-like hands made
all creation gleam like one red lotus-bed. The radiance of
rainbow-tinted gems infused a colour of jays' wings into the
sunlight. Echoing with clusters of tinkling ornaments, the
heavens seemed nought but clanging bells. Even old ladies
shouted like maniacs. [148] Old men even lost all shame,
as though bewitched. The wise forgot themselves, as if
intoxicated. Even hermits' hearts were all agog for a dance.
The king gave away all his fortune. Heaps of wealth, like
Kuvera's treasuries, were plundered by the folk on every side.
This great festival ended, another period of time passed
gradually by. Rajyavardhana was now nearing his sixth year,
while his majesty Harsa could just manage five or six paces
with the support of his nurse's finger. His majesty wore upon
his head a mustard amulet, like a spark of his valour's fire just

peeping forth. His form was stained yellow with gorocaria,

Their eyes are the blue lotuses, the white chowries the hamsas, and
the earrings their beaks.
2 '
Or punningly speeding rays.'
A pitcher full of water is an auspicious onien.


as if his inborn warrior's prowess were coming to light. His

neck was ornamented with a row of great tiger's claws linked
with gold, like buds of pride bursting from his heart. He
could manage a child's first indistinct cries, the prelude as it
were of truth. His innocent smiles won his kinsmen's hearts,
as flowers do bee s,.
Tiny c
teeth, growing like buds of happy
smiles and watered with the dew of his mother's cuplike

breasts, were beginning to adorn his lotus mouth. The

womenfolk in the harem safeguarded him like honour; the
ministers of state preserved him like a state secret the ;

young nobles held fast to him as to virtue ;

his kindred
cherished him
like the family prestige the swords of guards ;

caged him in like a lion's whelp.

It was at this time that queen Ya9ovatl became pregnant
with Rajya9ri, even as Naray ana's form with the earth. And
when the time of her delivery was come, as the pool gives
birth to the lotus bed with its long red stalks and roots 1 , as
the rains to the autumn sweetly vocal with wild geese 2 as the ,

spring to woodrows with their limbs all fair with flowers, [149]
as the sky to the shower of wealth flashing with grains of

gold, as the tide to gems with a flood of light, as the new-

moon time to the crescent which delights all men's eyes, as
QacI to Jayanti a sight for a thousand eyes as ,
Mena to
Gauri wooed by all mountains 5 so YaQovati gave birth to a

daughter, who added to the two sons formed a further orna-

ment, like the line of a necklace above her two bosoms.
About this time Ya^ovatl's brother presented his son
Bhandi, a boy about eight years of age, to serve the young
princes. Tufted with tossing side-locks of curly hair, the
boy was like a reborn Kama with his head encircled by the
smoke line of the flame of (Diva's anger. Darkened on one
side of hisbody by an earring of sapphire, whitened on the
other by the light of a pearl in his ear-ornament, he was like
Or punningly with long '
lotus eyes.'
Or with a voice sweet as a

Or tender as flowers.'

Sahasraksa is also a name of Indra, '
for the God of the Thousand
Or 'kings.'
/ 117

a compound Avatar of Visnu and (^iva. A diamond bracelet

bound about his stout forearm suggested a rejuvenated
Para9u-Rama, betokened by the cord of his axe, which was
all worn away in his
itself slaughter of the Ksatriyas.
Curved bits of coral were tied to his neck string, as if he
were a reincarnate Hiranyaka9ipu wearing bits of Narasimha's
claws broken against his adamantine breast. Though still a
child, he bore himself stiffly, like a seed of the tree of valour.
To additional son the king's regard was equally

attached, as (Diva's sight to his third eye. [150] The princes

also, the heart's joy of all creatures, derived a greater

splendour from the company of this naturally courtly child,

as do April and May when accompanied by the southern
Malaya breeze. Growing in due course step by step with a
fourth brother, as itwere, namely the people's joy they ,

came to manhood. With stout thighs like pillars, forearms

broad as propylaea, long arms like bars, wide chests like
panels, stately as tall ramparts they were like the gateway

of a great city strong to afford refuge to a whole world.

Charming were they and not to be gazed upon, like
sun and moon overpowering the Avorld by the flame of their
flashing splendour and effulgence manifested, like fire and ;

wind, in radiance and power adamantine in the hardness of


their frames, like the immovable Himalaya andVindhya in con-

junction ;
fit to bear the yoke of the Krita age, like two great
bulls; like Aruna and Garuda, borne on horses and well-propor-
tioned 4 ;
likeIndra and Visnu, with the gait of elephants 5 ;

like Kama and Arjuna, bedecked with ring and diadem; like
the eastern and western heavens, capable of procuring the
uprising and setting of all great lights. In their over-
For the simile cf. Raghu- V. x. 78.
Or with
tall Sal trees.'
3 Few of the puns in this paragraph can be represented in transla-
tion. The word abhirdmadurnirlksyau may also be taken with fire and

Referring to Aruna and Garuda the compound harivdhanavibliak-
tacanrau will mean having their bodies divided in

carrying, the one,

the Sun, the other, Visnu.'
Or 'mounted on lordly ndgas,' sc. Indra's elephant and Visnu's
serpent Cesa.


weening pride they could scarce contain themselves in the

hovel of earth straitened by the too great proximity of the
shore's boundary They scorned the very shadows [151]

averted from the light they blushed that even their reflec-

tions should approach men's toe-nails they were pained at ;

the coward breaking even of one of their hairs; they felt shame
at the second umbrella mirrored in their crest-jewels. The
name of master, even as given to the Six-faced God grated ,

upon their ears a counterpart, even as seen in their mirror,


caused their eyes to smart ;

to clasp hands even in twi-

light adoration seemed to plunge a spear into their brows ;

the very bow borne by the clouds distressed their hearts:
even painted kings that would not bow appeared to burn their
feet. They honoured not even the sun's light, content with
a bounded sphere they scoffed even at the ocean, whose

Glory was carried away by a mountain (Mandara) they ;

sneered at the potent wind that wore no warlike shape It .

was torture to them that even Himalaya should be fanned

by Yaks' tails, agony that the very seas should have their
conchs, intolerable that even Varuna should be a rival
overlord of the four oceans. The very monarchs, whose
parasols they seized not, they left- void of splendour 5 . Gracious
though uncourted, they poured honey with their lips even
upon unassuming people The stocks of evil kings, however

far removed, their hot anger caused to wither. Day after

day their hands, begrimed with the marks of sword play,
seemed defiled by quenching the fire of all other monarchs'

prowess. By the deep twang of their bows at recreation time

they seemed conversing after recent dalliance with the queens
of the quarters. Thus were the names Rajyavardhana and

Comp. Dryden, 'Cooped up he seemed in earth and seas confined.'

may mean
' '
Jtfdna size,' as well as pride.'
3 At the churning of the ocean : otherwise '
whose glory was
carried off by kings.'
Or made no
5 A pun on chdyd, as meaning shadow and splendour.'
' ' '

Or punningly even upon the temperate their lips, though they

were not addicted to wine, rained wine.'

< /
Harsa proclaimed abroad over all the earth, in so much that
in a very little time they attained to fame in other Continent
Isles likewise.
One day their father, having summoned them, retired
in their company after dinner to his private apartments and
affectionately addressed them

My dear sons, it is difficult


to secure good servants, the first essential of sovereignty.

In general mean persons, making themselves congenial,
like atoms, in combination, compose the substance of
royalty Fools, setting people to dance in the intoxication

of their play, make peacocks of them

Knaves 3 working .

their way in, reproduce as in a mirror their own image.

Like dreams, impostors by false phantasies beget unsound
views. By songs, dances, and jests un watched flatterers 4 ,
like neglected diseases of the humours, bring on madness.
Like thirsty cdtakas, low-born persons 5 cannot be held fast.
Cheats, like fishermen hook the purpose at its first rise in

the mind, like a fish in Manasa. Like those who depict

infernos, loud singers paint unrealities on the canvas of the
air 7 Suitors 8, more keen than arrows, plant a barb in the

heart. [153] For these reasons I have appointed to wait

upon your highnesses the brothers Kumaragupta and
Madbavagupta, sons of the Malwa king, inseparable as my
arms from my side they are men found by frequent trials

untouched by any taint of vice, blameless, discreet, strong,

and comely. To them your highnesses also will show a
consideration not enjoyed by the rest of your dependants.'
Pdrthiva has double meaning, (1) royal, (2) earthen, the substance
of earth.' Similarly samavdya and dravya.
Mayura beside 'peacock' means also 'rogue's jests.' Bdlicd/i,
(1) children, (2) triflers, alludes to the play of children making the
peacocks dance.
Pallavika has double meaning (1) knave, (2) tendril.
Vdtikdh = (V) knaves, (2) connected with the humours. A vitiated

state of the wind is said to cause madness.

6 Akullna as
applied to cdtakas means 'not resting on the earth.'
' '

Thirsty goes also with flatterers.

6 Jdlikdh has both meanings.
7 canvas.
Ambara=(l) ether, the vehicle of sound, (2)

Atimdrga\idh = (\) importunate persons,

8 keen arrows.
\ (

So much said, he ordered the chamberlain to summon the

pair. After a brief interval the two princes, whose eyes

were fixed upon the entrance, saw Kumaragupta, the elder
brother, entering with the chamberlain. He was a young
man neither very tall nor very short, in age about eighteen
years. He planted weighty steps, as if to steady the ground,
which trembled with the movements of numerous kings. A
pair of rather slim shanks, issuing from not over-prominent
knee joints, sallied as it were from thighs showing thick hard
flesh ofcompact growth due to incessant practice in leaping.
His hollow sides tapered at the waist, as if his middle, like that
of Mandara, had been rubbed down by the serpent Vasuki when
whirled about in the fury of gods and Asuras. A chest of vast
breadth offered room for unbounded feelings of respect for his
master. With quiet and graceful motions his pendulous arms

appeared to be carrying him across the not easily traversed

ocean of manhood. Upon his stout forearm, where it was
marked by the bowstring's scar, shone a spray of light from
the jewelled bracelet of his left wrist, like a sprouting bud of
his valour's fiery flame. From the jewel of his ear-ornament
there descended upon his huge shoulder a tawny light, like
an antelope skin worn in sign of dedication to the use of
arms 1 His face, whose cheeks reflected the decorated figures

of armlets with upstanding points, suggested a moon with

Rohinl set in its heart. A
downcast eye with pupil fixed
and still seemed to give a lesson in decorum to the lotuses,
whose are uplifted with desire for Laksmi 2
face* [154] .

For a he bore an Amlataka flower, like his loyalty,


upon his head. He displayed a graceful flexibility such as

might have been presented by a nation of bows affrighted by
his merciless breaking of their rings. He derived a dignity
from senses conquered even in boyhood and, like conquered
foes,kept well under his control. The law of princely nobility
was the trusted mistress whom he followed. Resplendent as
he was, the noble nature within made his brilliance soothing
as a sun with a moon inside it. From the hardness of his
Of. Manu ii. 41.
Or 'glory.' This priuce, thouy/idesirousof glory, had a dowucast look.

frame he seemed to wear down the very n^ountains. His
happy graciousness was as if he were selling to joy the
people whom he purchased by his look.
Behind him came his younger brother Madhavagupta,
who for height and dignity 1 resembled a moving realgar
mountain. In the guise of a low topknot of Mdlatl flowers
great glory seemed to be imprinting upon his head a father's
kiss at going forth. His meeting brows seemed to bespeak
the late union of those irreconcilables, youth and decorum.
With profound gravity he kept his gaze fixed, like his loyal
devotion, upon his heart. Cooled by a smearing of the
purest sandal paste and provided with a pillow in the shape
of his necklace, his breast was like a broad slab of moonstone
for glory to rest upon when wearied by her round of brief
visits tonumberless rival kings. He had the eye of a
gazelle, the nose of a boar, the broad shoulders of a buffalo,
the forearm of a tiger, the prowess of a lion, the gait of an

elephant, bribes, as it were, offered by the frightened crea-

tures after losing all else in the chase.
[155] Entering, they bowed from afar till their four limbs
and heads touched the ground, then assumed a suitable posi-
tion indicated by a kindly glance from the king. After a
momentary pause he gave them instructions from that day
forth to wait upon the princes. As your majesty commands

they answered, and rising, saluted Rajyvardhana and Harsa

by swaying their heads again and again to the earth. They
on their part saluted their father. From that hour the two
were, like opening and shutting, never absent from the range
of the princes' eyes, like inspiration and exspiration, night
and day before their mouths, like a pair of arms, ever
constant at their side.
Meanwhile Rajya9ri gradually grew up in daily increasing
familiarity with friends expert in song, dance &c. and with
all accomplishments. In a comparatively limited period she
came to maturity. On her alone fell the glances of all kings,
Or punningly '

Gurund = (1) great, (2) father.
3 Sc. thfir knees and hands.

like the targe, and sending envoys, monarchs

arrows on
sought her hand.
One day the king, standing on the roof of the seraglio,
heard a man in the outer court sing an arya couplet which
had suggested itself to him :

'At the time of the bosoms' 1 swelling, growing with the

p&ssing of each rainy season,
'A daughter brings low her father, like a river its bank,
in a whirlpool of agitation.'

Hearing this, the king dismissed the servants, and said to

the queen at his side: 'Our darling Rajya9ri, my queen, is

now grown a young woman. The thought of her, like her

noble qualities, never for a moment leaves my heart. As
soon as ever girls near maturity, their fathers become fuel to
the flame of pain. The swelling of her bosoms darkens my
heart, as clouds the day. [156] It is a law of right, by whom-
soever framed not with my consent, that children born of
our body, dandled at our breasts, never to be abandoned, are
taken from us by the unexpected arrival of someone unknown
to us. Truly, these indeed are the brandmarks of this tran-
sientlife. Herein has sorrow's fire more than in aught else
a power to burn, that whereas both are our offspring good
men grieve at a daughter's birth. Hence is it that to their
daughters noble men offer water even at birth" in their tears.
For this fear sages, neglecting marriage, dispensing with
domestic life, take refuge in desolate forests. indeed Who
can bear to part with a child? The more that suitors'
envoys flock in, the deeper does wretched anxiety retire, as if
abashed, into my heart. What can we do ? In spite of all,
householders must follow the ways of the world. In general
too, though a bridegroom may have other merits, the wise

especially incline towards good family. Now at the head of

all royal houses stand the Mukharas, worshipped, like Qiva's
foot-print, by all the world. Of that race's pride, Avanti-
varman, the eldest son, Grahavarman by name, who lacks
not his father's virtues, a prince like the lord of planets
Or punningly '
Water is offered to the dead at a funeral (jalanjali): see Cole-
brooke's Essays, vol. n. p. 177.

descended upon earth, seeks our daughter. / Upon him,

/ it

your majesty's thoughts are likewise favourable, I propose to

bestow her.'

To these her husband's words the queen with tearful

eyes and a heart alarmed by love for her daughter replied :

Mothers, your majesty, are to their daughters no more


indeed than nurses, useful only in rearing them. In their

bestowal the father is the judge. Love for a daughter
however far far exceeds love for a son, pity causing the
difference. My lord only knows how all our lives long she is

a care to us.'

His resolution taken

in the matter of his daughter's

bestowal, the king sent for his sons and acquainted them also
with his purpose. Then on a day of good omen, in the
presence of the whole royal household, he poured the
betrothal water upon the hand of an envoy extraordinary,
who had arrived previously with instructions from Graha-
varman to sue for the princess.
having gleefully departed with his mission
accomplished, the royal household, as the marriage days
drew near, assumed an aspect brilliant, charming, exciting,
and auspicious. All the world bedecked itself with betel,

perfumes, and flowers, distributed with a lavish hand.

From every country were summoned companies of skilled
artists. Under the charge of royal officers came whole
villages, bringing loads of serviceable gifts.
conveyed presents from many a king. The favourites busied
themselves in the disposal of troops of relatives, come in
answer to invitations. Leather workers, wild with intoxi-
cation having been treated with wine flourished in their
hands drumsticks, with which they sharply struck the festal
drums, till
they boomed again. Mortars, pestles, stone blocks
and other utensils were bedecked with pounded perfumes .

Successive trains of troubadours, appearing on every side,

crowded the courts, where images of Indranl were being set
up. Carpenters, presented with white flowers, unguents,
For pistapahcaiigula cf. supra p. 45, and the Jataka (ed. Fausboll)
II. p. 256, 11/2-3. f

and clothes, jjv'imied out the marriage altar. Workmen

mounted on ladders, with brushes upheld in their hands
and plaster pails on their shoulders, whitened the top
of the street wall of the palace. Torrents of water from
pounded saffron now being washed stained the feet of the
nation. The courtyards were seas of elephants and horses,
suitable for bridal gifts, which were undergoing inspection.
Throngs of astrologers, set calculating, investigated the
characteristics of different moments. Crocodile-mouthed
conduits, conveying scented water, filled a variety of pleasure
ponds. The outer terraces resounded with the din of gold-
workers engaged in hammering gold. Plasterers were

beplastered with showers of sand which fell over them

from freshly erected walls. A
group of skilled painters
painted auspicious scenes. Multitudes of modellers moulded

clay figures of fishes, tortoises, crocodiles, cocoanuts, plan-

tains, and betel trees. Even kings girt up their loins, and
busied themselves in carrying out decorative work set as
tasks their sovereign, being variously engaged in polishing
mosaic floors of red lead, or erecting the posts for marriage
platforms, which they strewed with handfuls of liquid citar-
pana pigment, reddened with cochineal disposed about
them, and adorned at the top with mango and Afoka twigs.
[158] From the furthest orient had come the queens of all
the feudatories, noble, high-bred, shapely, well-clad, un-
widowed dames with lines of vermilion powder glittering
on their foreheads. Thronging the household, they sang
sweet well-omened songs containing allusions to the bride
and bridegroom's families or with fingers steeped in divers

colours dyed neck-strings; or employed their skill in leaf and

plant painting to adorn polished cups and collections of un-

baked clay-ware; or stained skeins of cotton thread for
bamboo baskets and fabrics of wool for marriage amulets ;

or manufactured cosmetics, compounded of

paste saffron
clotted by bala^aim essence, and face unguents adding dis-
tinction to beauty; or made strings of cloves mingled with
Kakkola fruit, containing also nutmegs, and large bright
lumps of crystalline camphor threaded jn the intervals.

The palace was arrayedin textures

on every side
like thousands of rainbows, textures of linen, cotton, bark
thread, muslin, and shot silk, resembling sloughs
silk, spider's
of snakes, soft as the unripe plantain's fruit, swaying at a
breath, imperceptible except to the touch. Some were being
made by ancient city matrons, cunning in divers ways of
cutting and measuring; some, made already, were being dyed
by washermen, who beamed with respect for the courtly old
ladies of the harem ; some, after dyeing, had been shaken
by servants clinging to either end,and were drying in the
shade; some, now charm of sprays
dry, were having all the
reproduced in their twisted shapes some cases the
in :

spotting with saffron paste had been begun, and in others

the fragile stuffs were torn, while grasped by servitors,
who lifted their arms to clutch them. Couches, whose gay
coverlets cast the hainsa tribes into the shade ;
bodices over-
laid with starlike pearls; countless thousands of canvas
and cloth pieces, divided up for various uses; [159] awnings
bright with soft, freshly dyed bark silk marquees, whose;

roofs were covered all over with garments, and posts swathed
in strips of variegated silk all these gave to the court an

aspect brilliant, attractive, exciting, and auspicious.

The queen Ya9ovatl, though only one person, seemed in
the flurry of the marriage festival multifariously divided, her
heart being with her husband, her curiosity with the bride-

groom, her love with her daughter, her attentions with the
invited ladies, her injunctions with the servants, her body

accompanying her motions, her eyes busy in looking after

things done and omitted, her joy permeating the festival.
The king likewise ever and anon despatched a female camel
to his gratified son-in-law, and however apt the servants,

intently watching his face, might be in executing his orders,

yet in the distraction of fatherly affection he did everything
in person along with his two sons.
Thus the royal household became as it were the essence

of freedom from widowhood; a world seemed born full of

auspiciousness; the prospect seemsd composed of troubadours,
the sky turned into dfums, the roaming domestics to be all
\j ,

ornament, creation looked nought but relatives, time appeared

composed of bliss, the splendid festival seemed to blossom forth
with all Laksmi's bloom. It was as if there were a treasure
trove of happiness, a realisation of life's purpose, a ripening
of good deeds, a youth of felicity, a new reign of delight,
a fulfilment tim/?- of desires. Calculated as it were by the
people's fingers, watched
by the banners on the highways,
welcomed by reverberations of auspicious music, invoked
by astrologers, attracted by wishes, embraced by the hearts
of the bride's women friends, the marriage day arrived.
[160] Instantly at dawn all strangers were expelled by
the chamberlains, and the royal family was drawn apart.
Anon the groom-in-waiting, having entered, introduced a
young man of fair exterior, saying, A betel-bearer, your

majesty, by name Parijataka, arrived from the bridegroom's

presence.' With a graciousness due to esteem for his
son-in-law the king inquired of the man while still at a


Young sir, is Grahavarman

Hearing the well 1

king's voice, he advanced a few paces at a run, and stretching

out his arms, courtier that he was, bent his head for some time
to the earth then rising said, He is well, as your majesty

observes, and sends respectful greetings to your majesty.'

Understanding him to have come Avith tidings of the bride-
groom's arrival, the king after offering hospitality sent him
back with this charge, At the first watch of the night see

that no mishap arise owing to the passing of the marriage

the day was ended, having transferred to the
bride's face as it were the beauty of all his lotus beds, while
the sun glowed like the foot of the bridal day's loveliness ;

when the pairs of ruddy-geese were parting in shame, as it

were, that their love should be eclipsed by the bride and
bridegroom's affection; when, flecked like a pigeon's throat ,

the afterglow, with its delicate texture of red silken rays,

' '
The word kapotakantliakarbure is best taken with the afterglow

and not with what follows karbura may mean yellow or golden.' ' ' '

For the 'yellow' cf. Psalm 68. 13 Sept. Trrepuye? Trfpiarfpas irepiijp-

gleamed like the banner of felicity in the skyvwhenthe dark,

like the dust of the bridegroom's approachh/g train, was be-
smirching the heavenly spaces, and, as if all ready to effect the
favourable conjunction, the starry array was rising while, ;

like an auspicious marriage bowl, the moon's disk was shoot-


ing up with ever growing halo of whiteness from the Udaya

hill, and, as the lovely radiance of the bride's face swallowed

up the dusky gloom, the night-lotus beds with faces supine

seemed to scoff at the idly-risen moon [161] then true to his:

time the bridegroom drew nigh. Before him with red gold-
studded chowries incessantly flashing ran footmen, like desires
with the topmost shoots of passion standing out. The horizon
was filled with troops of horses, which were welcomed, as it
seemed, by answering neighs from the prick-eared steeds of
the capital. Throngs of mighty elephants with chowries
waving at their ears, arrayed in trappings all of gold,
with gay housings and twanging bells, seemed to re-form
the darkness dissolved by the rising moon. He came
mounted on an elephant whose muzzle was bedecked with
a zodiac of pearls 2 even as the lord of night rides the eastern

heaven. All about him was a hubbub of dancing troubadours

shrilling forth the notes of divers birds, as when the new spring
comes with his groves
. An array of lamps, incensed with
dripping perfumed oil, made yellow all the world as with a
cloud of saffron toilet powder. His head, with its flowery
topknot set amid a blooming jasmine wreath, seemed to laugh
to scorn the moonlit evening with its halo and its moon.
He had formed for himself a mock vaikaksaka wrap with a
wreath of flowers, like a flowery bow taken from Kama
vanquished by his beauty. Joyous with the low hum of bee
tribes delirious with pride in the fragrance of the flowers,
he resembled a Tree of Paradise born and descended again
with Qrl upon the earth. His heart drawn on as in eagerness
Vardhamana also means a dish.' '

Naksatramald = (1 ) the moon's asterisms,'
' '
(2) a string of 27 pearls.'
Beast and Man in India, p. 225
Cf. Kipling, In Western India:

the bridegroom rides, covered with tinsel and gay clothing, in the midst
of a moving square of artificial flowers and bushes, counterfeiting a
garden, borne on long platforms on the heads of coolies.'
to behold his Yew bride's countenance, he appeared almost to
fall forward on liis face.

On his arrival at the gate the king and his sons, accom-
panied by their royal retinue, went forth on foot to meet him.
Dismounting he bowed, and the king with outstretched
arms gave him a hearty embrace, like Spring embracing
Kama. Next in order he embraced Rajyavardhana and
Harsa, and the king, taking him by the hand, led him
within doors, where he honoured him with a seat equal to
his own and with other attentions.
Soon Gambhlra, a wise Brahman attached to the king,
said to My son, by obtaining you Rajya9rl
has at length united the two brilliant lines of Puspabhuti and
Mukhara, whose worth, like that of the Sun and Moon houses,
sung by all the world to the gratification of wise men's ears .

Previously you were set fast by your merits on the king's
breast, like the Kaustubha jewel on Visnu's. [162] But
now you are one to be supported, like the moon by Qiva, n
his head.'
Even while he spoke, the astrologers, approaching the king,
said, Your majesty, the moment approaches let the bride-

groom proceed to the bridal house.' The king bidding him

rise and go, Grahavarman entered the women's apartments,

and, disregarding the thousands of glances that like opening

blue lotuses fell upon him from women curious to see the
bridegroom, passed on to the door of the bridal house, where
he stayed his attendants and entered.
There amid a company of relatives, friends, and servants,
mostly women, he espied his bride, whose face, hidden, like
the morning twilight, by its roseate veil 8, dulled the gleaming

lamps by its radiance. Not too tightly embraced by woman-

hood, which seemed alarmed by her excessive delicacy, she

appeared, by the long soft sighs which her bosom, choked with

Or of Budha, the regent of Mercury and son of the moon, and

Karna, the son of the sun.'

Or '
There is a pun in aruna, which also denotes the dawn.' The dawn '

also dims the lamps. t


fright, could scarcely utter, to

bemoan her derating maiden-
hood. Trembling she stood motionless with bashful ness, as if

fearing to gazing with a quiver of terror in her mind at that


lotus-red hand so soon to be grasped so might Rohinl gaze at


the moon when near eclipse 1 Her body was white with sandal,

as though born of a (white) lotus bed whos$ amassed loveli-

ness had been a gift from the moonlight. fragrance of A
flowers breathed about her, as if she had come forth from the
heart of spring. The perfume of her breath attracted the bee
tribes, as if she were sprung from the Malaya breeze. Love
followed in the train of one who seemed a reborn Rati. Com-
pounded of gem-like natures, brilliancy, loveliness, intoxi-

cation, fragrance and sweetness, the product of the Kaustubha

jewel, the moon, wine, the tree of paradise, and ambrosia, she
seemed a second Qrl formed by the ocean in his rage with
gods and asuras [163] The soft light of an earring produced

an ear-pendant of pearly rays like clusters of white Sindhuvara

flowers. Her cheek's surface, a glade all green with the
emerald glow of her ear-ornament, formed a pleasance, as it
were, for the fawnlike gleam of her eye and thus she seemed

to chide her shamefaced friends and heart, which, bewildered

by the interesting spectacle of a bridegroom ever and anon ,

essayed to raise a glance.

No sooner had that thief of hearts made his entrance
than he was delivered over by his bride into the clutches of
love. Most deftly he performed all that in the marriage hall
the bridegroom is made to do by women with faces lit by a
mocking smile. Then, his bride having been arrayed in the
dress proper for the ceremony, he took her by the hand, and

going forth, came to an altar whitened with new plaster and

surrounded by invited kings, as when the slopes of Himalaya
were girt by mountains gathered to the wedding of Qiva and
Rohinl the red one gazes at the white moon when near eclipse.
' '

The naksatras are the moon's wives.

The first Cri or Laksml was produced by the ocean (always spoken
of as rich in jewels) at the mythical churning along with the objects
mentioned in this sentence.
Or lovely.'
Or perhaps eager ttsee the bridegroom and the ceremony.'

c. 9

Parvatl. Gleaning around it were earthen dolls, whose

hands bore auspicious fruits, and which had five-mouthed
cups bristling with dew-besprent blades of barley and enemies,
faces painted with soft colours 1 Brahman witnesses busied

themselves in kindling the flame, which smoked under logs

heaped up by th~ teachers. Close to the fire unsoiled green
Kuca grass was set, and hard by were bundles of pounding
stones, antelope skins, ghee, garlands and fuel, while a ,

sparkle of parched grain was mixed with dark Qami leaves

placed in new baskets. This altar the bridegroom ascended,
as the moon with his beauty mounts the heavens. As the
god of the flowery bow came with Rati to the red Acoka, so
he drew near the fire with its tremulous sprays of red flame.
The being fed, [164] he marched round towards the right,

attended by the very flames, which as if curious to see the

bride's face took a rightward twist. And as the rice oblation
was let fall, the blaze, whitened by the gleam of nails, seemed
to smile in amazement at the bride and bridegroom's unpre-
cedented grace of form.
Anon a tempest of tear drops, clear as great pearls, showed
itself in the bride's face, which yet displayed no discomposure,

and, as if to quench the fire's image in her cheeks' clear oval,

she burst into weeping. With eyes brimming with tears the
women of the family raised a lugubrious cry. All the bridal
rites being fully completed, the husband bowed with his wife
to their parents, and then entered their chamber. About its
portals were figured the spirits cf Love and Joy. Bees going
before like friends raised a hubbub. The charmed lamps,
which lighted it, swayed in the wind of the bees' wings, as
if trembling in fear of a blow from their ear-lotuses. At the
foot of a blossoming red Acoka carved on one side stood the

god of love aiming his shaft, the arrow drawn to the string,
and a third of his eye sideways closed. A fair well-upholstered

So the Kashmir and Bombay texts and the commentator. The
Calcutta text has amairamukhaih '

The Bombay and Kashmir texts read -mut-, 'spoons,' 'ladles,

a j ao vhich
seems preferable.
3 The nails represent the teeth shown in smiling.
bed with pillows was guarded on the one p^ae by a golden
rinsing vessel, on the other by a golden figure holding an
ivory box, like LaksmI incarnate with an upright lotus stalk
in her hand. At the bed's head stood a night bowl of silver
bedecked with lotuses, like the moon come to join company
with the flowery god. *
There, while the bashful young bride slept with her face
averted, the bridegroom spent the night in gazing at her im-
ages in the mirrors of the jewelled walls, like family goddesses
come in curiosity to hear their first words and seen through
jewelled .loopholes. Abiding in his new father's house, by his
noble nature raining ambrosia as it were upon his new
mother's heart, he spent ten blissful days, ever varying with
continually renewed tokens of favour and then, leaving regret

like a palace porter behind, [165] and taking all men's hearts
with him like provisions named in the dowry, he managed to
secure his dismissal from the king and set out with his bride
to his native country.

Here ends the fourth chapter entitled The Exposition of The

Emperor's Birth of the Harsa-Carita composed by Crl Bana Bhatta.


[166] As the inconstant lightning, having shown a splendpur,

lets fall the thunderbolt,
Fate after ordaining happiness to men superadds heart-
rending affliction.
As Ananta, moving his coils, lays the mountains in
ruins, so does the one endless time by its revolu-
Lay great souls low in the dust, many together, re-

specting none.

Subsequently the king one day summoned Rajyavardhana,

whose age now fitted him for wearing armour, and, as a lion
despatches his whelp against the deer, placed him at the
head of an immense force and sent him attended by ancient
advisers and devoted feudatories towards the north to attack
the Hunas .

For several stages my lord Harsa followed his march with

the horse. When however his brother had entered the region
which blazes with Kailasa's lustre, being at youth's adven-
ture-loving age, he spent several days away from camp on the
skirts of the Himalaya, where lions, c,arabhas, tigers, and
boars are plentiful, a fawn-eyed hunter with his bright form
dappled by the radiant glances of love-smit wood-nymphs.
His bow drawn to the ear, he emitted a rain of shining shafts,
which in a comparatively few days left the forests empty of
wild creatures.
One day however at the fourth watch of the night 8 dawn ,

Cf. Visnu Pur. vol. n. pp. 133, 134.
Or perhaps anxious
(for their proteges).'
This is a sign of near fulfilment.

being almost come, he saw in a vision a lior/ burning in an

overpowering forest fire, which reddened the whole sky with
a sea of flickering flame. [167] Into that same fire he saw the
lioness, leaving her cubs, hurl herself with a plunge. At this
the thought arose in his heart 'Stronger of a truth than
steel are the bonds whose tissue is love, when even brutes are
drawn on by them to acts like this.' On awakening his left

eye incessantly throbbed a mysterious tremour overspread


hisframe his heart started without cause from its internal


for no reason at all a profound dejection came

moorings ;

over him. What could it mean? Various conjectures wracked

his mind, until losing all self-command he bowed his face in

thought, so that the fixed pupils of his partridge eyes seemed

to make the earth for an instant a bed of sprouting land-
lotuses. A void as it were was in his heart during that day's
sport, and,when the sun had ascended to mid-day, he
returned home, where, lying on a bamboo couch stretched
on the ground with a pillow white as moonshine and cool
saftdalunguent covering its frame, he remained with small
hand-fans softly waving on either side, full of apprehension.
Anon he beheld afar off a certain Kurangaka approaching
with a a forehead- wrap of rags of deep indigo hue 2
billet tied in .

Weariness and heat had combined to give him such a black-

ness of body, that he seemed turning into charcoal through
some inner fire of grief. Disguised as the dust excited by
the quick trot of his hurried approach, the very earth appeared
to pursue him out of curiosity to learn news of its king.

Flapped by the opposing breeze, the long hem of his robe

fanned both his flanks, just as if his rapid advance had given
him wings. Impelled from behind by his master's charge,
drawn on from the front by prolonged emissions of weary

breath, the sun's image shaped in his oozing forehead seeming

to snatch at the writing in eagerness to learn its import, his

body empty of every sense, as if he had dropped them in his

haste, he stumbled vacantly upon an even enough road, as

The right would have foretold good news.
The darkcolour symbolizes the bad news.
though overweighted by the purport committed to the letter.
[168] One mightfbompare him to a fragment of a black cloud
soon to let fall a thunderbolt of ill-news, a smoke whorl of a
fireof sorrow soon to blaze, a seed of a paddy of sin soon to
bear its harvest a very courier of ill-omen.

At that sight Harsa's heart was cloven by a terror

taking shape from the previous succession of evil omens.
Approaching with a bow, Kurarigaka presented first the
despondency seated in his looks and then the writing, which
the prince took in his own hand and read. With its contents
affliction penetrated to his soul, and, looking the picture
of desolation 1 ,
he inquired what was his father's sickness.
With eyes dropping tears and lips the faltering accents Kur-
angaka made a two-fold answer It is, my lord, a violent

fever.' At this news Harsa's heart was instantly splintered

into a thousand pieces. Anxious for the preservation of his
father's life, he rinsed his mouth and conveyed to Brah-
mans the whole of his regal equipage, jewels and gold and
silver to a vast amount. Then without taking food he started
up and calling to a youth who stood in his presence sword to
forehead, ordered him to saddle his horse. The grooms having
hastilyrun up to bring it, he mounted and set out alone with
a tremour at his heart.
Startled by the conch's sudden call to horse, the cavalry
made ready and came galloping in, troop after troop,
in haste;
from every side, filling the abyss of heaven with the loud
tramp of resonant hoofs. On the way deer, passing from
right to left foreshadowed the approaching end of the lion

king. Facing the sun's flaming circle, a crow on a burnt-out

tree uttered its dreadful cry, as if to cleave the prince's heart.

Straight against him came a naked bedecked with pea-

cock's tail-feathers ,
a fellow all lampblack as it seemed with

apo. Kailacandra Datta's text reads Ciciy/Mt-fipo 'with

confusion in his looks.' For the idea in acagrahanipo cf. c. vi. p. 202,
11. 9-11 (text).
The opposite
of the prackiksina or respectful order. The insolence
of the deer betokens the lion's death.
To sweep insects out of his path for fear uf taking life.

the collected filth of many

days besmirching h^ body. [169]
This inauspicious celebration of his the
departure deepened
prince's apprehensions. His heart softening with filial love,
surmising now this, nowthat; his eyes immovably fixed upon
his horse's shoulder ;
followed in silence for all amusing talk
was at an end by his royal escort; he in a single day accom-
plished a distance amounting to many daysf journey. When
the adorable sun, despondent as it seemed at the news of the

king's sickness, bent downwards with waning splendour, he

refused, despite the frequent admonitions of Bhandi and the
other affectionate nobles, to take food. Footmen being sent
ahead to secure a relay of villagers to show the best way, he
passed the night in the saddle.
On the morrow at noon he reached the capital, but its

sounds of triumph were departed, sunk the booming of its

drums, checked its minstrelsy, its festivity expelled. No

troubadours sang, no merchandise was exposed for sale in the
shops. Here and there gleamed the smoke whorls of the
Kotihoma rite 1 which, twisted by the force of the wind, re-

sembled crumpled horns of Yama's buffalo ploughing up the

place, or death's net lines encircling it. Overhead roamed
flocks of crows, which, cawing harshly in the day time, like
the tinkle of iron bells adorning Yama's buffalo, announced
the approach of calamity. Here loving kinsmen were keeping
a appease Ahibradhna lying before his image. There
fast to ,

young nobles were burning themselves with lamps to propi-

tiate the Mothers. In one place a Dravidian was ready to
solicitthe Vampire 3 with the offering of a skull. In another
an Andhra man was holding up his arms like a rampart 4 to
conciliate Candi. Elsewhere distressed young servants were
pacifying Mahakala by holding melting gum on their heads.
In another place a group of relatives was intent on an oblation
of their own flesh, which they severed with keen knives. Else-

An oblation to propitiate adverse planets.
Qiva. The Bombay text reads Ahirbudhna.
Amarddako VetCilo^ liaudradevatiiblieda ity anye. Comni.
Kailagcandra Datta reads -dntra-
entrails of a sacrificed animal,'
for -bdhuvapra-.

where again [170] young courtiers were openly resorting to

the sale of hunfan flesh. Thus the capital seemed polluted
with the ashes of cemeteries, encircled by ill-omens, pillaged
by fiends, swallowed up by the Kali age, hid beneath mounds
of sin, sacked by the raids of demerit, victimized by the
taunts of transience, appropriated by the mockeries of fate ;

vacant, wrapped la slumber, robbed, abashed, deluded, fallen

in a swoon.
No sooner had he entered than in the bazaar street amid
a great crowd of inquisitive children he observed an Inferno-
showman 2 in whose left hand was a painted canvas stretched

out on a support of upright rods and showing the lord of the

dead mounted on his dreadful buffalo. Wielding a reed-wand
in his other hand, he was expounding the features of the next
world, and could be heard to chant the following verse :

Mothers and fathers in thousands, in hundreds children

and wives
Age after age have passed away: whose are they, and
whose art thou ?
With this still further rending his heart Harsa arrived in
due course at the palace door, now shut to all the world.
Dismounting, he perceived a young physician named Susena
coming out with a disquieted mien, like one reft of his senses.
After receiving his salute the prince asked whether there was
any improvement in his father's condition or not. 'Not at
present,' was the reply, but there may be when he sees your

The Kashmir text, however, and Kailac. read adhikaraih ('rule')
for dhikkaruih.
Yamapattaka one who exhibits pictures of Hades.' Of. Kipling

'Beast and Man in India' p. 123: 'One of the most popular of the
pictures sold at fairs is a composition known as Dkarmraj, a name of
Yama, the Hindu Pluto, and also broadly for Justice. The Judge is
enthroned and demon executioners bring the dead to receive their doom.
The river of death flows on one side of the picture and those go safely
across who hold a cow by the tail, while others are torn by terrible
fishes. Chitragupt, the clerk or recording angel of Yama, considered to
be the ancestor of the kayastk or clerkly caste, sits in an office with
account books exactly like those of a Hindu tradesman, and according
to the record of each soul, punishments or rewards are given. ..Duts or
executioners torture offenders, while the blest sail upwards in air-borne

highness.' So amid the salutations of the chamberlains he

slowly entered the palace. There he found people bestowing

alltheir goods in presents, worshipping the family gods,

engaged in cooking the ambrosial posset performing the Six ,

Oblation sacrifice 2 offering tremulous Durva leaves besmeared


with clotted butter, chanting the Maha-Mayurl hymn 3 purify- ,

ing the household, completing the rites fof keeping out the
spirits by offerings. Earnest Brahmans were occupied in
muttering Vedic texts; [171] (Diva's temple resounded with
the murmur of the Hendecad 4 Rudra
(^aivas of great holi-
to ;

ness were bathing Virupaksa's image with thousands of vessels

of milk Seated in the courtyard were kings, distressed in

mind at failing to obtain a sight of their sovereign bathing, :

eating, and sleeping had become mere names to them, and their
clothes were foul from neglect of the toilet, while they passed

day and night motionless as though pictured, awaiting

bulletins from the king's personal attendants who came

bursting in from the inner apartments. On the terrace was

a woe-begone group of less intimate servants, discussing the

king's sad plight in whispers here was one imagining errors


on the part of the doctors, there one reading out descriptions

of incurable diseases, one recounting bad dreams, one im-

parting stories of demons, one publishing communications

from astrologers, one droning out portents one again reflect- ;

ing upon the transiency of things, chiding this mutable

world, censuring the mockeries of the Kali age, and accusing
fate another indignant with dharma and reproaching the

gods of the royal household ;

a third commiserating the lot
of the afflicted young nobles.
Scanned by his father's servants with eyes that brimmed
with fast flowing tears, the prince passed on into the third

milk, ghee, and rice offered as a life-preservative to the gods.


Prajdpate svdlid' iti sanndm devatdndm nCima grikltvd sanndm

2 '

evdhutlndm praksepah saddhutihoma ucyate. Comm.

Mahdmdyurl Bduddhawdya. Comm. Cf. Bendall, Catal. Nepal
MSS. p. 49.
Civamantrah. Comm.
Or perhaps washing

Diva's thousand
milk vessels.' Virupdksa=*
because of his third^ eye.

court, where he now detected an odourboiling oil, of

butter and dec^tions emitting a steam scented with various
herb draughts.
In the White House a deep silence reigned. Numerous
lackeys thronged the vestibule a triple veil hid the salon the
; ;

inner door was closed the panels were forbidden to creak

; ;

closed windows Kept out the draughts 1 Anguished attend- .

ants, chamberlains furious at a tramp of footsteps on

the stairs, orders issued in noiseless signs.
all [172] Not
quite near the king sat a man in armour in a corner stood ;

one bearing a gargling bowl, flurried by frequent summonses;

in the Moon Chamber crouched the silent ministers of state ;

the screened balcony was occupied by women of the family

distracted by profound grief; in the quadrangle a cluster of

despondent servants. A few loving friends had been admitted.

The physicians were in terror at the deep-seated ravages of the
disease, the king's advisers sunk in dejection, the purohit stupe-
fied; friends despaired, pandits were torpid faithful feudatories ,

inagony the chowrie-bearer had lost his wits, the bodyguard


was emaciated with grief. The favourites saw the accomplish-

ment of their wishes fade away beloved princes, having ;

out of loyal affection abandoned sustenance, fainted with loss

of strength young nobles were prostrate on the ground from

night-long watching. Grief lay heavy on a group of heirs to

ancient houses the chamberlains were shrivelled up with

sorrow ;
the court poets had laid aside their glee confiden- ;

tial servants uttered despairing sighs from the pale lips


of the king's mistresses the betel stain had fled.

The head cook was intent on the preparation of the diet
ordered by perplexed physicians. Attendants were drinking
streams of water from uplifted cups 3 in order to distract the
pain of the king's dry mouth. Gourmands were being fed to
relieve his craving. All the dealers were busy in providing a

Or 'small apertures had been formed to secure ventilation,' as


Kaila9candra Datta, which seems preferable.

half-dead for nidrdna. The Kashmir
' ' '

Kaila9C. reads viprdna

text has vidruna, which is probably right, cf. text p. 89 1. 12 and note.
But v. corntn.
ucca$akam apagatapdnablidjanam empty cups.'

pharmacopoeia of drugs. One might infer the sick man's

fearful thirst from the incessant calls to
yhe waterman.
Butter-milk was freezing in pails packed in ice a collyrium- ;

stickhad been cooled with camphor powder placed on a moist

white cloth; in a new vessel besmeared with wet clay was whey
for a gargle. Water trickled from soft bundles of fibres covered

with delicate (red) lotus leaves; on the ground where were

cups of drinking water lay bunches of blue lotuses with their
stalks. Boiled water was being cooled by passing in a stream
from cup to cup red sugar diffused a pungent odour. On a

stand stood a sand jar for the sick man's eyes 1 to rest upon ;

fresh water-plants were coiled round a dripping globe [173] a ;

crystal platter gleamed with parched groats and barley-meal; a

paste of flour and curds was held in a yellow emerald cup a ;

collection of crystal, pearl, and shell vessels was sprinkled with

powders and infusions of cooling herbs. Piles of myrobalans,

citrons, grapes,and pomegranates were at hand. Lustral
water was being scattered by fee'd Brahmans. A flat stone
was stained with forehead unguents which a maidservant was
There he saw his sire preparing by a camp-lustration, as it
were, of burning fever for the conquest of the next world.
On a couch uneven 3 from his restless movements he tossed
like venom -tortured Qesa on the Milky Sea. Like the drying
ocean of doomsday 4 he was white with a dust of pearl powder 3
, ;

but black death was uprooting him, as the black demon" up-
rooted Kailasa. As they touched him, the hands of the
attendants engaged in ceaselessly smearing him with sandal
were as white in the palm as if turned to ashes by contact
with his burning limbs: while in the guise of the sandal

For -iintaracaksusi read -iituracaksu$i with Kailacc. In the next
Kailacc. reads -galagolayantrake coiled round tlie neck of

a globe for -galadgolayantrake.
Or, if we omit pita with Kailac. and take ma3dra = nllamani, 'a

sapphire cup.'
Literally 'wavy.'
Ksayahlle = (l) at doomsday,
* death.
(2) at his
Or 'pearls, sand, and dust.'
DofHnano vddkikRdifCuaca,
. Comm. The demon is Ravaua.
ointment his abiding glory seemed to be saying farewell on his
departure to another sphere. Incessantly applied petals of
red, white, and blue lotuses seemed to blot his body with the

falling glances of death.

On his head a thick 2 silken cloth bound round his hair
told of never-ceasing shocks of pain, and, swollen with intoler-
able anguish, a \ietwork of dark veins stood out upon his
forehead's page, a dreadful spectacle, as if death's finger were

drawing lines to show the number of days ere the end. As

ifin horror at the sight of death's approach, the pupils of his

eyes had retreated a little inwards. A

stream of hot breath,
rippled by waves of grey rays which issued from a line of dry
teeth, suggested a river seen in a mirage. A tongue darken-

ing, as if scorched by that burning breath, bespoke the con-

vulsions of an appalling complication. On his breast lay
gems, pearl-necklaces, sandal, and moonstones, as if he were

making himself meet for the sight of death's emissaries.

Tossing his arms in the contortions of his agony, he seemed

seeking to cool the feverish heat with a shower bath formed
of rays from the nails of his vibrating hands. Even his
images, as they on the neighbouring liquids, jewelled

floor, and concave mirrors, [174] seemed to bespeak the

extremity of the heat
A swoon, whose touch brought

relief, he honoured like a wife in whom was all his trust.

All about him, noted by the affrighted physicians, were
symptoms of death, like the letters of Yama's summons.
On the eve of the Great Journey, he was leaving to his
kinsmen's hearts the inheritance of his pains, while, wedded
as he his bodily charm was as if in
was to soul-weariness,
jealousy deserting him. Against him disease had concen-
trated its powers; emaciation let fly all her darts. Helpless-
ness had taken him in hand: pain had made him its province,
wasting its domain, lassitude its lair. Stung was he by
dejection, appropriated by self-abandonment, enslaved by

Sthamuna abiding = (1)

everlasting, (2) staying behind on earth.



Kaila^c. reads nibaddha- bound about him for nivida-.

2 '

3 I.e. by retreating into these cool objects. <


sickness, dandled by death, the target of the south quaffed ;

by qualms, devoured by sleeplessness, swallowed by sallovvness,

gulped down by spasms a captive to calamity, a prey to

pains, a city sacked by

torments fate laid hands upon him,

destiny descried him, transience sniffed upon him, nothing-

ness overbore him; mortality had taken his measure affliction

seized her advantage, distraction made him^ier dwelling; he

was on the confines of doom, on the verge of the last gasp, at
the outset of the Great Undertaking 3 at the portal of the ,

Long Sleep, on the tip of death's tongue; broken in utterance,

unhinged in mind, tortured in body, waning in life, babbling
in speech, ceaseless in sighs; vanquished by yawning, swayed

by suffering, in the bondage of wracking pains.

Seated by his side and touching him on head
and breast
was queen Ya9ovati, her eyes swollen with ceaseless weeping,
her body grey with various medicinal powders, fanning him,
though her hand grasped a chowrie, only with her sighs, and

crying again and again My lord, are you asleep?


At this spectacle the prince's mind, devastated by the

first shock of grief, became apprehensive of destiny, and he

deemed his father already a dweller in the realm of death.

[175] For a moment he was as it were divorced from con-

sciousness. Discarded by firmness, tenanted by agitation,
left empty of delight, mastered by
despondency, he seemed
to have a heart of fire within him. Stricken as it were by
deadly poison, his swooning senses left him in a darkness
beyond the gloom of hell, a vacancy exceeding that of space,
and he was at a loss how to act. He brought his heart into
contact with fear, and his head with the earth.
As soon as the king perceived his darling son while still
at some distance, swayed even in that extremity by over-
powering affection, he ran forward in spirit to meet him, and

putting out his arms, half rose from the couch, calling to him
Come to me, come to me.' When the prince hastily drew
The region of the god of death.
Kail&9c. reads parikalpitam for parikalitam. Not so the Kashmir
Kail^c. reads praiftsasya 'journey' for prayasasya.

9 \
\ .


near with dutifully downcast looks, he raised his son's head

by force, and, tft'dng him to his bosom, seemed in his fondness
to plunge into the heart of the moon's disc, to dive in a great
lake of nectar, to bathe in a mighty torrent of haricandana sap,
to be sprinkled by the waters of Himalaya
Limb pressed .

to limb, cheek joined to cheek, closing eyes which flowed with

incessant drops forming on their lashes, he held his son in a

long embrace, forgetting all the torment of the fever. At

length reluctantly released, the prince drew apart and bowed

low ; then, having greeted his mother, returned and sat down
near the couch, where his father gazed upon him with eyes
that seemed to drink him in with their fixed unblinking look.

Again and again he touched him with trembling palms, and,

speaking with some difficulty was dry through
for his throat

sickness, 'My boy,' he said, 'you are thin.' Whereat Bhancli ex-
plained that it was three days since the prince had taken food.
At this the king, after a long sigh, found strength to say
in tear-choked accents 'I know, my boy, your filial love and

exceeding tender heart. At times
overmastering, like this

family affection distracts even a sober man's

mind. For this reason you must not give yourself over to
sorrow. Consumed as I am by the fever's fierce heat, I am
still more so by your distress. Your leanness cuts me like a
sharp knife. Upon you my happiness, my sovereignty, my
succession, and my life are set, and as mine, so those of all
my people. The sorrows of such as you are a sorrow [176] to
people on earth; for no families of small worth are adorned
by your like. You are the fruit of stainless deeds stored up

in many another life. You bear marks declaring the sove-

reignty of the four oceans, one and all, to be almost in your
grasp. By your mere birth my end is attained, I am free
from the wish to live. Only deference to the physicians
makes me drink their medicines. Furthermore, to such as

All these images suggest '
coolness or relief from the heat of the
Head apasritya with Kail^c.
3 '

Kaila9c. reads
Idricesu vidhuresu '
in such afflictions as this.'
Kaila9C. reads phalam asyuneka, explaining ast/a as
= afr//i.

you, who through the merits of a whole people are born for
the protection of all the earth, fathers are j>mere expedient
to bring you into being. In their people, not in their kin,
are kings rich in relatives. Rise therefore, and once more
attend to all the needs of life. Not till
you have eaten will I
myself take my diet.'

these words the flame of sorrow blazed up still more
fiercely in the prince's heart, as if to consume it. One short
moment he paused, and then being again charged by
his father to take food, he descended from the White House
with these thoughts in his mind This great crash 3 has :

come without warning, like a bolt from a cloudless sky.

Even a common grief is a breathing death, a disease without
antidote, a plunge into fire without being reduced to ashes, a
living abode in hell, a shower of coals without light, a sawing
in twain without cleavage, a lancet's stroke that leaves no scar.
What then of deeper afflictions ? What shall I do now ?'
Escorted by one of the king's officers, he proceeded to his
own apartments, where he partook of a few mouthfuls, mouth-
fuls which, as if of smoke, evoked tears, as if of fire awoke a
burning in his heart, as if of poison brought on swoons, as if
of mortal sin aroused disgust, as if of alkali inflicted pain.
While rinsing his mouth, he ordered his chowrie-bearer to
fetch tidings of his father's state. Having gone and returned,
the man reported that the king still remained as before :

whereat the prince in distress of mind rejected the betel,

and when the sun inclined to setting, summoned all the
physicians in private, and with a despairing heart inquired
what steps under such circumstances should be taken. [177]
'Your highness,' they answered, 'reassure yourself: in a very
few days your father will be reported restored to his proper
self and pristine condition .'

Among their number, however, was a young doctor of

svayam sukham with an easy mind.'

Railage, reads for

punah punar again and again.'
Kaila9<5. reads
Mahapralayo om. Kailac.
Prakriti, as the comm. observes, is an ominous word, implying
'ante-natal state.'

Punarvasu'a race named Rasayana, a youth of about eighteen

years of age, holding an hereditary position in the royal house-
hold, in which he had been cherished like a son by the king.
He had mastered the Ayur Veda in all its eight divisions,
and, being naturally of an acute intellect, was perfectly
familiar with the diagnosis of diseases. He now stood silent
and tearful with \lowncast looks. Being appealed to by the
Friend Rasayana, tell me the truth, if you see any-

unpromising,' he replied To-morrow at dawn,


thing at all

your highness, I will state the facts of the case .'


At that very instant the keeper of the palace lotus pools,

comforting a ruddy-goose, chanted aloud an Aparavaktra
couplet :

freely abandon grief

Fortify,bird, thy heart pursue
; ;

the path of discretion :

'With the beauty of the red-lotus pools the sun hies himself
to Sumeru's peak.'

Versed in the omens of words, the prince on overhearing

this relaxed
hopes his for his father's longer life. The
physicians gone, he lost and at nightfall went
all fortitude,

up again to his father's presence, where in anguish of heart

he spent a sleepless night prolonged by grief, listening with-
out cessation to his father's cries such as, 'The heat is terrible,
bring pearl necklaces. Harini place jewelled mirrors on my !

body, Vaidehl anoint my brows, Lilavati with bits of ice


give me camphor powder, Dhavalaksi apply a moonstone to !

my eye, Kantamati! set a blue lotus on my cheek, Kalavati!

give me a rubbing with sandal, Carumata [178] make a !

brisk breeze with a cloth, Patalika assuage the heat with !

lotuses, Indumati ! refresh me with wet clothes, Madira-

vati !
bring lotus
fibres, Malati wave a palm leaf,

Avantika bind tight my whirling head*, BandhumatI

! !

support my neck, Dharanika! place an ice-cooled hand upon

my bosom, Kurangavati !
shampoo my arms, Valahika !

Yathavasthitam masculine = 'the king's real
may however be
condition so Kaila9c. trans. in the comm. he gives prakritam.

Pataya (Kaila9c. pataya]. patum kuru 'make brisk.' Comm.


3 Lit.
'imprison my runaway head.' Kail^c. notes a var. lee.

squeeze my feet, PadtnavatI clasp tight my body, Ananga-


sena! what hour? Vilasavati sleep will^not come, tell !

stories,KumudvatI !'

At dawn the prince descended, and, though a horse was

held in readiness by a groom advancing to the palace door,
went on foot to his own quarters. There in hot haste he
despatched express couriers and swift camet riders one after
another to procure his brother's coming. After washing his
(tear-soiled) face he rejected the toilet appurtenances brought
by the Hearing from distracted young princes stand-

ing before him an indistinct murmur Rasayana, Rasayana,' he


asked Well, friends, what of Rasayana ?,' whereat they all at


once became silent. Being further pressed, however, they

with sorrowful reluctance explained Your highness, he has '

entered fire.' The prince became (ashy) pale, as if scorched

by an inner fire, and his grief-blinded heart, torn up by the

roots, refused to be steadied. 'A noble man,' he thought,

would rather not be than like an ordinary person utter
unwelcome and distressing words. His generous nature,
maintained in trying circumstances, has like unadulterated
gold acquired a greater brilliance by entering fire.' Again
he thought 'Rather was this to be expected of his love. Was
not my my mother his mother, we his
father his father,
brothers? [179] Even when other masters are taken away,
a life retained is a cause of shame in the world how much :

more my auspiciously-named father, who was

in the case of
to his dependants ambrosia itself, a veritable kinsman, un-

failing in favours In burning himself he has acted as the


time demanded. Nay, what does fire destroy of him who

abides in glory steadfast to the world's end ? He has but fallen
in the flames ;
'tis we who are burnt. Blessed indeed is he, a
chief among the but hapless this royal house,

deprived of such a noble youth. As for me, what exacting

task, what relic of duty, what preoccupation prevents this un-

feeling life from even now going its way

? What hindrance

The Kashmir text reads prasthanisthuraih, perhaps to be taken
as one word, 'bent on departing' Kaila$c. has prasthah for pranah.

The Comm. (prastha agwgaminah} .

evidently read prasthdh.
c. 10

is there that bursts not in a thousand parts?' Thus

my heart
sorrow-stricken, he went not to the royal lodging, but disre-
garding every duty, threw himself upon a couch and remained
wrapped in his shawl from head to foot.
Such being the prince's state and the king's condition
remaining the same, the hands of the people seemed rivetted
to their cheeks, Streams of tears modelled upon their eyes,
their looks fastened on the ends of the noses, sounds of wailing

graven in their lamentations a natural growth upon

their tongues, sighs budding on their mouths, syllables of
woe painted upon their lips, sorrows stored up in their hearts.
Frighted, as it were, by the fire of scalding tears, sleep dwelt not
in the hollows of their eyes smiles vanished, as if dissipated

by the wind of sighs speech, as if consumed to nothingness


by hot pain,went not forward. Even in tales no jests were

heard : none knew whither musical parties had gone. Dances
were as much forgotten as if they belonged to the past of
previous births even in dreams no finery was used. There

was not even a rumour of pleasure the very name of food :

was unspoken. Groups in taverns were like flowers in the


sky troubadours' voices seemed conveyed to another world

: :

[180] recreation appeared to belong to a different cycle of

existence. Again, it seemed, was Kama scorched by a fire,
that of sorrow : even by day none left their couches. In slow
succession too there appeared in the world portents many
and great together on every side, betokening the fall of a
lofty spirit and filling all creatures with apprehension of the

king's death.
Thus first the earth, heaving in all her circle of great

moved as though she would go with her lord. Next

hills 2 ,

the oceans, as though remembering Dhanvantari 3 rolled ,

I.e. were non-existent.
The Kiddcala's are seven in number, viz. Mahendra (the Northern
parts of the Ghats), Malaya (the Western Ghats), Sahya (Northern parts
of Western Ghats), of Gond-
(^uktimat (doubtful), Riksaparvata. (Mts.
wana), Vindhya, Pdriyatra (Central or Western Vindhya).
Or 'seeking (another) Dhanvantari' to heal the king. Read
Dhanvantarer with Kailagc., who also has ature tasmin for antare
tasmin. Dhanvantari was produced at the churning of the Ocean.

with waves noisily plashing upon each other. High in the

heavenly spaces, apprehensive of the king's rwnoval, appeared
comets like braided locks with awful curls of far-extended
flame 1 Beneath a sky thus lowering with comets the world

seemed grey, as with the smoke of a Long Life sacrifice

commenced by the sky regents. In the sun's circle, now
shorn of its radiance and lurid as a bowl of heated iron,
some power, studious of the king's life, had presented a human
offering in the guise of a horrid headless trunk. The lord of
white effulgence, gleaming 'mid the round rim of his flaming
halo, seemed to have raised a rampart of fire in alarm at
Rahu's greedily opening jaws. The quarters, won by the
king's valour, glowed red as though they had in anticipation
entered fire 2 All crimsoned with flowing showers of bloody

dew, the earth, his spouse, appeared to have shrouded

herself in a gown of red cloth to die with him. The portals
of the heavens were blocked with untimely masses of dark
cloud, as though the regents, fearing the tumult of the
monarch's death, had closed their iron door-panels. Loud
grew the awful, heart-riving bursts of thunder-storms, crash-
ing like the patter of drums that are beaten at the out-goings
of the king of the dead. The sun's brilliance was dimmed
by dust-showers brown as camel-hair, which started up, as
it were, beneath the hoofs of Yama's approaching buffalo.

Rows of jackals lifted high their muzzles in a discordant

howl, like firebrands catching fire from flames that fell from
the sky 3 In the royal mansion the images of the family

goddesses, [181] whose braided hair at its parting lines gave

forth smoke in token of their distress 4 seemed to be mani- ,

The quarters of the heavens are compared to wives fearing for
their husband's death. Widows wear braided hair. VitatacikhikalCipa-
may punningly mean curly and long
vikatakutiliih as a peacock's out-

spread tail.'
2 '
There are puns in -prastidhitah (also decked in the king's splen-
dour ') and anuraktdh (' red and devoted '). '

3 Cf. the name ulkdmidha = t

Kailac. reads jvCddbhih for
Cf. Vergil Georg. I. 480 '
Et maestum illacrimat templis ebur awa-
que sudant.'

festing their grief by dishevelled locks

. A swarm of bees,

ranging feverishly about the Lion Throne, produced the illu-

sion of Kalaratri's 2 tossing plaits of curling hair. Never for

an instant ceased the croak of crows hovering above the women's
quarter. From the centre of the white umbrella's circle an old
vulture, screaming on high, tore with nimble beak a bit of a gem
the kingdom's fife as it were red as a piece of juicy meat.
Distressed by these mighty signs, the prince could scarce
live through that night. On the morrow a woman ap-
proached from the palace with such a tinkle of ornaments
breaking in her hurried advance that she seemed a procla-
mation of the victory of dismay. The clash of her anklets,
as they moved on her hurrying feet, set the craning hamsas of
the palace cackling, as if from a (respectful) distance they were
What ? What ?

while in a blindness of tears she
seemed to learn the way from tame cranes screeching in answer
to the girdle, which as she stumbled rang upon her broad hips.
Her forehead having been cut in collisions with unnoticed

doors, a mass of blood like a red shawl's fringe covered her

weeping face. Her she was casting away,

cane, which
looked like a stream from her golden bracelet, melted ap-
parently by the heat of grief. Her fluttering shawl, waving in
the wind of her breath, suggested a snake trailing its slough
behind. Hanging over her sloping shoulders, tossed by the
wind, and black as strips of Tamala bark, her hair covered her
bosom in a dangling unbraided mass in keeping with her grief.
As she incessantly waved her hand, which through the pain of
beating her breasts was swollen and dark almost like copper
in the palm, one might have thought it scorched through

wiping away her hot tears. The people near her, imaged in
her cheek, she seemed to bathe in her eyes' broken cascade,
as if they were soon to enter the fire of sorrow. Under the
quivering rays that issued from her restless eyes the very

In times of misfortune the hair of the family goddesses is supposed
sometimes to smoke the smoke is the dishevelled hair.

A form of Durga the name (Kdlardtri= Night of Doom ') is

used here by reason of its appropriateness. The black strings of

bees represent the plaited hair.

day grew black, as if burnt by her grief. It was Vela,


Ya9ovati's head attendant, inquiring of eve^one where the

prince [182] Welcomed by the people's despairing
looks, she drew near, and letting both hands fall upon the
mosaic, so that as she bent her head the rays from her teeth
seemed to besprinkle her pallid lips in a falling shower,

though her husband lives,


Help, help, my lord,' she cried ;

the queen has taken a certain resolution.'

At the news of this further grief the prince, as if his
strength of mind had given way, as if melted by sorrow, drained
by thought, carried off his feet by pain, clasped by alarm to her
bosom, lost all power of action. With returning consciousness,
' '
Callous that I am,' he thought, the assault of grief, oft as it
falls upon my heart,
yet like a hammer's stroke upon hard
flint, evokes fire indeed, but reduces not my frame to ashes.'
Rising, he went in haste to the women's apartments, where
while still at a distance he heard cries like these from queens
resolved to die Beloved Mango, take thought to yourself,

your mother is seeking another home I am going, darling

jasmine cluster, bid me farewell Without me, sister pome-
granate by the house, you are now to be defenceless
Forgive, red Agoka, my kicks and sins in plucking your

sprays for ear-ornaments I see you, seraglio Vakula, wayward

child as you are become through those mouthfuls of wine
Clasp me tight, dear Priyangu creeper I am passing beyond ;

your reach Friend Mango at the porch, you must render me

the funeral libation of water 4 since you are my child See you

forget me your cage What say you ? I

not, brother parrot in !

am taken away from you May we meet again, $arika, in

dreams Mother, to whom shall I entrust the tame peacock
who clings in my path ? Nurse, you must fondle this pair of
hanisas like children Ah hapless me not to have enjoyed

the marriage festivities of this couple of ruddy-geese Go back,

Read pratipurusam with Kailagc.

Tulita is supported by the alliteration :
Railage, has akulita
Sanupuraravena strlcaranenCibhitddanam dohadam yad a$okasya

tatah puspodgamo bhaved ap. Kailagc. Of. Malavikagn. in.
I.e. the jcdanjali offered at a funeral.

fawn deer, mother's darling Chamberlain, fetch my favuiirite

lute, I must embrace it Take a good look at me, Candrasena
VindumatI, this is my last greeting [183] Let go my feet,
girl Venerable old widow friend, why do you weep ? I am in
the hand of fate Chamberlain, old friend, why pass respect-
fully round an unlucky woman like me ? Control yourself,
foster sister, why do you fall at my feet ?
Clasp me by the
neck, sister, for the last time Cruel, I have not seen my
dear friend Malayavati This humble greeting, KurarigavatI,
is for goodbye Sanumati, this is my last obeisance
This, KuvalayavatI, is our final embrace Pardon, friends,
our lovers' quarrels.'
Entering with these sounds burning in his ears, he saw
his mother just issuing forth, after giving away all her wealth
and assuming the vestments of death, with the purpose of
entering the fire, like Sita, before her lord. Still wet from
her recent bath, she resembled the holy Qri just risen from
the ocean. Like the sky with its double twilight tints, she
wore two saffron-brown robes. Enveloping her form, like a
silken shawl, she wore the tokens of her un widowed death,
reddened by a tissue of light from lips stained with the deep
dye of betel Hanging between her breasts was a red neck-

cord, suggesting a stream of blood pouring from a broken heart.

Her necklace, the thread of which was drawn aside by the
hooked point of a cross-bent earring, seemed a halter of white
silk compressing her throat. Her limbs being all aglow with
moist saffron paste, she appeared to be swallowed in the pyre's
devouring flames, while she filled the bosom of her robe with
white tears like flower offerings to its blaze. At every step
she scattered in dropping bracelets a kind of farewell present
to the family goddesses. From her neck down to her instep
hung wreaths of strung flowers, as if she were mounted on a
death-swing with garlands for cords.
An ear-lotus resonant with bees humming within seemed
to be saluting her lotus eyes. The domestic hai]isas, lovers

With reference to Sita '
= '
in presence of.'
Satis are burnt in all their ornaments. Kaila^c. reads avidkava

separately though no widow,' and -patalam ptitala/u.


of her jewelled anklets, moved in a circle round her, as if

to make the ceremonial circuit 1 Her hand carried a picture .

representing her husband, which she held as steadfast as her

heart, where he dwelt, was fixed on death. Lovingly, like
a pennon of wifely love, she clasped her lord's spear-haft,
reverently tied with waving strings of white flowers.
Before the king's umbrella, spotless as Aer life, she shed
tears as to a kinsman.
She was giving instructions to her husband's ministers, who
grasped them with difficulty, their eyes being stopped by
torrents of tears that welled up as they fell at her feet.

[184] Her ears caught the sound of wailing in the house,

where a group of old kinsmen, grieving at their courteous
dismissal, were adding to the clamour. The roars of the

caged lions took her heart captive, resembling, as they did,

her husband's utterance. Her nurse and her conjugal love
had combined to beautify her an old woman and swooning,

familiar both, supported her a friend and agony, comrades in


adversity, embraced her : servants and pain were about her,

clasping every limb great princes and sighs attended her
: :

behind came aged chamberlains and heavy griefs. Even

upon her husband's favourite hounds she cast a tearful eye :

she fell at the feet even of rival queens to even the painted :

figures she offered greeting before even the domestic birds


she clasped her hands to the very brutes she said farewell
: :

she embraced the very trees about the palace.


Mother,' cried the prince while still afar, his eyes filling
with tears, do you also abandon hapless me ? Be merciful

and turn and so in the act of speaking fell at her feet

till was almost lovingly kissed by the light of her
his crest

jewelled anklets. As he lay there with his head touching

her feet, her youngest and dearest son in such distraction of
mind, the queen Yacovati, propped up by a great frenzy of
grief like a mountain, carried away into the Tartarean
darkness of a swoon, overborne by the full tide of love
Read pradaksimkriyamdnam with Kailagc.
Read kidaputrair ucchvasitaicca with Kailacc.
3 '
Cf. Persius Sat. l.!78,
Antiopa aerumnis cor luctijicabtte fulta.'


rising inmight an outburst of accumulated tears long


pent up, could not in spite of all her efforts check the
torrent of her weeping. Her bosom heaved convulsively,
betraying the resistless will of grief: her throat was choked
distressfully with sobs her lip quivered with exceeding

agony, and her tightened nostrils repeated the tremor closing :

her eyes, she deltiged her clear cheeks with flowing rills of
tears then raising her face a little, she covered it with the

hem of her shawl, wherein her shining nails showed forth in a

row, like a spring of lucid tears welling up through the thin
[185] Loud and long she wept like some mean

woman, while with anguished heart and dripping breasts she

recalled to mind from the day of his birth all the childish
years when he lay in her bosom. Then 2 as her thought ,

recurred to home and kin, full oft she moaned, calling aloud
upon her parents, 'Mother! father! look not upon me as a
sinner that in my sore affliction I have set out for the other
world': crying to her dear elder son far away, Alas darling !


that I, all ill-fated, see you not lamenting her daughter, :

now settled in her father-in-law's house, 'Defenceless are


you now :
reproaching fate,
Merciless power, how have I
offended?': inveighing in various
ways against herself, 'No
woman has had such an evil portion as I suddenly reviling

Remorseless one, thou hast stolen me away

' '

death, !

When this outburst of griefhad died away, she lovingly

raised her son, and with her hand wiped his streaming eyes,
melting, seemed to flow only the more when the
which, as if

rays from her nails clustered in masses on his lashes. Her

own eyes also she wiped, as, again and again refilling, they
were distressed by a trickling succession of tiny drops, while
their whiteness, swallowed up by a deep red, departed,
their corners were swoln with scalding tears, and their
lashes bestarred with pearls 4 of lucid dew. Then she set
behind her ear a curl, which, loosened by her distress, clave

Muktakantham '

Insert ca with Kaiha9c.
Or simply '
in torrents.' The rays are the white tears.
-tdra- is omitted by Kaila^c. v

to her tear-moistened cheek :

pushed aside a mass of tresses
entangled with a disordered and fallen ear-ornament drew :

back with her hand a shawl which, being wet and filled with
a torrent of tears, had somewhat slipped : bathed her lotus
face, whose beauty, marked with thin red lines impressed by
the shawl's hem, wore a rippled appearance, with water
poured from a silver flamingo-mouthed vessel tilted by a
hunchbacked girl 1 wiped her hands on a white cloth held by

mutes 2 stood for some time with her eyes fixed immoveably

upon her son's face, and then after many long sighs spoke.
It is not, dear, that you are unloved, without noble

qualities, or deserving to be abandoned. With my very

bosom's milk you drank up my heart. If at this hour my
regard is not towards you, 'tis that my lord's great con-
descension comes between us 3 .
Furthermore, dear son, [186]
I am not, like glory
or the earth, incompassionate, a
requisite of sovereignty, ever craving for the sight of another
lord. I am the lady of a great house, born of a stainless

ancestry, one whose virtue is her dower. Have you

forgotten that I am
the lioness mate of a great spirit, who
like a lion had his delight in a hundred battles ? Daughter,
spouse, mother of heroes, how otherwise could such a woman
asI, whose price was valour, act ? This hand has been clasped
by even such a hero, thy father, a chief among princes, peer
of Bharata, Bhagiratha, and Nabhaga. Upon this head
have the subservient wives of countless feudatories poured
coronation water from golden ewers. This forehead, in
winning the honourable fillet of chief-queen, has enjoyed a

thing scarce accessible to desire. These breasts have worn

robes swayed by the wind of chowries waved by captive wives
of foes; they have been sucked by sons like you. Upon
In this clause read with Kailagc. tarahgitam iva ca, -Idoanyam,
and kubjikd- for kunjikd- : the two last readings are in the Kashmir
text. By a series of puns the queen's face is compared to a lotus,
tarahgitam in this connection meaning 'wave-tossed.'
Kaila^c. has kalamukakara- not loka-. He also inserts dhttuta-
dhaeale before vdsahcakale and reads pdnim for pdnl.
3 '
For '
antaritcl Railage, reads
antaritam.' The sense is the same.
4 ' '
Cf. $urasamagam*ikavyasaninyd lak?myd Kadambarl.

the heads of rival wives have these feet been set ; they have
been adored with diamond-wreaths of diadems by the bending
matrons of a whole capital. Thus every limb has fulfilled its
mission I have spent my store of good works, what more

should I look to ? I would die while still unwidowed. I

cannot endure, like the widowed Rati to make unavailing ,

lamentations for* a burnt husband. Going before, like the

dust of your father's feet, to announce his coming to the
heavens, I shall be high esteemed of the hero-loving spouses
Nay, what will the smoke-bannered one burn
of the gods.
of me, who am already on fire with the recent sight of his

heart-rending pains ? Not to die, but to live at such a time

would be unfeeling. Compared with the flame of wifely
sorrow, whose fuel is imperishable love, fire itself is chilly

cold. How suits it to be parsimonious of a life light as a

bit of rotten straw, when that life's lord, majestic as Kailasa,
is passing away ? Even should I live, yet after the mortal
sin of slighting the king's death the joys, my son, of my son's
rule will touch me not. In those that are consumed by
is ominous, accursed, and
grief felicity unavailing. Not in
the body, dear son, but in the glory of loyal widows 4 would
I abide on earth. [187] Therefore dishonour me no more,
I beseech you, beloved son, with opposition to my heart's

So saying she fell at his feet. But the prince hastily

drew them away, and bending down, held her in both his
arms, and raised her prostrate form. Pondering the in-
evitableness of grief, deeming that act to be the better part

befitting a lady of rank, recognizing her fixed resolution, he

stood in silence with downcast looks.

Cambhund tu hate kdme tatpatnl ratisaujititd
Mwnoha purato dristvd patim bhasmdvacesitam \\

Jdtasanjnd muhurttena vilaldpa ha citradhd

Yadvildpdd vane vdpi samaduhkham abhiit tadd \ \

Kailac. from Skanda Purana.

I.e. fire.
There is a pun in bhutih, which may also denote '
Vifvastdndm vidhavdndm Comrn. cf. A.K

! ^

True even when made timorous by affection, a

is it that,
noble nature resigns itself to what accords with place and time.

Having embraced her son and kissed his head, the queen
went forth on foot from the women's quarter, and, though
the heavens, filled with the citizens' lamentations, seemed to
block her path, proceeded to the Sarasvati's banks. Then,
having worshipped the fire with the blooming red lotus
posies of a woman's timorous glances, she plunged into it, as
the moon's form enters the adorable sun. The other, distracted
at his mother's death, departed 'mid a throng of kinsmen
to his father's side, and found him with his vital forces

nearly spent, revolving his eyeballs as the declining lord of

stars (the Moon) revolves his stars. Overcome with excess of
intolerable grief, robbed by affection of all self-control, he

clasped those lotus feet which had been fondled by the

assembled crests of all proud kings; and uttering a cry,
burst like a common man into a long
of weeping, rain- fit

ing from clouded eyes a most pellucid stream of tears. It

seemed as if an inner fire were melting his moonlike face, the
light-texture of his teeth turning to water, the loveliness of
his eyes oozing out, the ambrosia of his countenance trick-

ling away.
king, whose eyes were closing recovering conscious-

ness as the sound of the prince's ceaseless weeping fell upon

his ear, uttered in faint tones these words "You should not :

be so, my son. Men of your mould are not infirm of heart.

Strength of soul the people's mainstay, and second to it is


royal blood. With you, the vanguard of the stout-hearted,

the abode of all preeminence, what has weakness to do ?
[188] To say you are the lamp of our line were almost

depreciation of one whose brilliance compares with the god

of day. To call you a lion among heroes is like a reproach to
one whose prowess is seconded by penetrating insight 2 . To

But the commentator explains uparudhyamanadristir as having '

his consciousness impeded.' Kaila^c. reads uparirudhyamana- 'eyes

turned up.'
If we keep caurya (which Kaila^c. omits), it will be '
heroism and
penetrating insight.'

declare this earth yours is almost a vain repetition, when

your bodily marks proclaim an universal emperor's dignity. To
bid you take to yourself glory is almost contradictory, when

glory has herself adopted you. 'Succeed to this world' is a

command too mean for an intending conqueror of both worlds.
' '

Appropriate my treasury is a grant of little service to one

whose sole craving is for the accumulation of fame spotless as


Make prize of the feudatory kings is almost

meaningless, when your virtues have made prize of all

beings. 'Support the burden of royalty' is an injunction

misbecoming one accustomed to support the burden of the

Protect the people is but reiteration, when

three worlds.
the sky has your long arm for its bar. Guard well your '


dependants is an incidental duty to a peer of the world's

Guardians. Practise yourself in arms/ to one whose forearm
isblackened by the bow-string's callous brand how can this
' '

advice be given ? Check levity is an utterance without

excuse towards one whose senses even in tender years were
held in check. 'Annihilate your foes' is a suggestion of
your own inborn valour." With these words on his lips the
lion king closed his eyes never to open them more.
In that hour the sun too was reft of the brilliance which
was his life. Ashamed
were of his own sinfulness
as it

involved in the taking of the king's life, he now bent low his
face. As if scorched within by a fire of sorrow for the
monarch's decease, he assumed a coppery hue. Slowly,
slowly he descended from the heavens, as if in compliance
with earthly usage to pay a visit of condolence. As
though to present drew
an oblation of water to the king, he

nigh to the western ocean. As soon as the water was

presented, his thousand hands became red as if burnt in
sorrow's flame. [189]
With radiance thus subdued,
as if the mighty emperor's
death had brought on a deep distaste for life and colour, the
light-coroneted god entered the hollows of the mountain
caves . Cool grew his heat, as though moistened by the

Like an ascetic. <

gathering storm of the people's tears. The world assumed

lurid tinge, as if from the colour of all humanity's tear-
flushed eyes. The day grew black, as if scorched by the heat
of countless people's burning sighs. From the day-lotuses
their glory departed, as though it had started to follow the

king. As the shadows passed on, the earth became

dark as with grief for her lord 1 . Like thfe heirs of noble

houses, anguished cakravdkas, abandoning their wives,

resorted with piteous cries to the outskirts of the water .

Alarmed as it were at their widowhood, the lotuses hid

their treasure chambers 3 . The red glow oozed away, like a

bloody flow from the sky-queens' bursting hearts. In due

course the lord of splendour had gone to the other world,
leaving only the afterglow behind Like a banner of the .

dead, the twilight came all ruddy with a lurid expanse

spreading far and wide over the heavens. Dusky streaks,
like the lines of black chowrie ornaments upon a bier, were
seen obstructing the view 5 night black in all its quarters
. A
was mysteriously built up, like a pyre with black beams of
aloe wood 6 With smiling faces the beauteous night lotuses

adorned themselves in ivory-petalled buds and formed for

themselves white garlands of wreathed filaments, like wives
in readiness to follow their lord to death 7 . Like the tinkling

The puns here turn on the various meanings of chayd (V) bright-
ness, (2) shadow, and cyamd = (l) black, (2) lady. The puns require
the reading parivritta- for parivrita- the shadows have retraced their :

course eastwards.
cf. Comm. vanam
Or ' vicinity of the woods '

toyam vipinam ca.


The nobles seek the woods, the birds the water.

3 The lotuses
are compared to queens, who, alarmed by the breaking
of the royal umbrella (implying the king's death), hide their treasures
(ko$a (\} buds, (2) treasures). Chattrabhahga also refers to the
umbrella-like leaves fading.
As the king himself had gone, leaving only affection behind.
Dar^anapratikulasu taken with the chowries will mean ominous

to view.'
Or with the night '
black in its quarters as aloe wood.'
'Beauteous night lotuses' may also punningly mean 'night
ivory-petalled buds ( = buds with petals white
' ' '
lotuses like Satis :

as ivory ')
also means '

ehrrings of ivory.'

bells of the gods' descending chariot were heard the voices of

birds settling in their nests in the tree tops. In the eastern
quarter the moon appeared in sight, like the umbrella of
Indra come forth to welcome the king on his journey along
the heavens.
At that hour the feudatories and townsmen headed by
the family priest, taking upon proffered shoulders [190]
the bier of this Qivi-like 1 king, bore him to the river
Sarasvati,and there upon a pyre befitting an emperor
solemnly consumed all but his glory in the flames. As
for my Harsa, through all that night, terrible as

BhimarathP, he sat with the princes sleepless on the un-

cushioned ground, surrounded by all the connections of the
royal household in a dumb sorrowing company like an
universal assemblage of living beings while his tears rained

down an outpouring of the flood of affection which,

heated by sorrow's fire, flowed only within. In his heart he
thought Now that my father is taken away, the world of

the living has reached its goal a chasm sunders the progress

of mankind ; the eldorados of desire are laid desolate, veiled

are the portals of joy. Truthfulness is lulled to sleep, the
people's livelihood is made a spoil, vanished is the love of
heroism, sweet speech annihilated. Banished are all kinds
of manly sports, ended is delight in battle, pleasure in the
virtue of others is laid low, men of trust are an exhausted
stock. No place is there for great feats, no profit in the

Qastras, no prop for the spirit of heroism, discernment is

passed into a legend. Let men offer water to might, let the

protection of the people go a begging, let chivalry bind her

widow's braid, let sovereign glory flee to a hermitage 4 let

Civi gave up a part of his own flesh to save a pigeon from a hawk.

Bhimaratlil = the night of doomsday,' or that night in a man's life

2 <l '

which follows upon 77 years, months, and days,' or, according to the
commentator, a river in hell.'
Sc. as at a funeral.
The words samaprayatu
rdjyaprir acramapadam are, as Kaila^c.
observes, ominous of Mdjyacrl's fortunes, since they may also mean let

R. flee to a hermitage.'
the earth array herself in two white robes let merriment wear ,

a pair of bark dresses, let valour mortify herself in forest seclu-

sions, let heroism put on rags. Whither now must gratitude go
to seek him ? Where again will the creator get such atoms for
the construction of great spirits ? The ten regions now find
themselves empty of virtue, the world has become a darkness
unlighted by duty, fruitless now is the bL'th of those who
live by the sword. Without my father whence are to come
those gatherings of heroes when throughout the day the
cheeks of warriors bristle as stories go round full of the
delight of famous fights ? Would that even in a dream I
might once more see his lotus face with its long red eyes 2 !

[191] Even in another birth might I but clasp again those arms
more massive than pillars of steel Even in another world !

might but hear his voice, deep as the roar of the churned
" "
Milk Ocean, calling me son in accents like a torrent of
While the prince was engaged in these and other medi-
tations, the night drew drearily enough to a close. Anon
the cocks began to clamour wildly, as if in grief. The
courtyard peacocks precipitated themselves from the tops of
the trees on the garden mounts 3 The birds, forsaking their

homes, started forth for the forest. The gloom suddenly

grew thin and swooned away. The lamps, as their oil

failed, inclined towards extinction. Robed in the bright

red bark dress of the dawn, the sky seemed to have betaken
itself to a mendicant's life. Like the fragments of the
king's bones, the stars, all grey as a swallow's neck, were
being gathered up by the appearance of morning Droves of .

wild elephants, their humps covered with mountain minerals ,

had set out towards divers pools, rivers, and fords. Like a
Sc. like a widow.
Or of the lotus' buds.'
3 Or for the sake of the implied simile 'houses, hills and trees.'
Or punningly '
Read samucclyamandsu with Kailac. Prabhatasamayena may
also be translated '

by the morning ceremony of gathering the bones


Or punningly 'paving p t, s filled with the king's ashes.'

funeral j)inda ball of pure white rice 1 the moon dropped ,

upon the verge of the western ocean's sand isle. Gradually

his light paled, as if through the smoke which spread from
the king's flaming pyre in his heart appeared a blackness

as of a dark scar due to his burning sorrow for the king:

chastened in mien as it were by the
agony depicted in the
moon-like 2 faces the departed monarch's whole harem, and

distracted with yearning for his already vanished Rohim, he

drew nigh to his setting. Like my lord the king 3 the sun ,

had mounted the heavens, and like the sovereignty, the course
of night had changed.
Roused by the appeals of groups of wise kings, like the
lotus bedsby awaking flamingos, my lord Harsa started up, and
passed with eyes aflame out of the palace. In the women's
apartments only a few sorrow-stricken chamberlains were
left, and the domestic hamsas were dumb and inert now
that the tinkle of anklets had ceased. In the court 4
stood his father's servants, like a herd of wild elephants
whose leader is fallen. Near his post the king's sorrowing
elephant lay motionless and dull with his rider weeping on
his back. [192] The royal steed occupied the stable yard, as
might be known from the lamentations of the marshal. In


the empty audience chamber the clamorous cry of Victory


was still. Thus the prince passed on to the Sarasvati's bank,

and having bathed in the river, offered water to his father.
After the funeral bath, he stayed not to wring his hair, but
having put on a pair of white silk robes, proceeded home full
of sighs, umbrella-less, with none to clear his path, and, though
a horse was led up, on foot while his eyes, flushed like a red

lotus and rivetted to the end of his nose, seemed vomiting forth
his sorrow's flame for fear of burning his father, who now
Or with the moon ' pale as a ball of pure white wax.' Kailafc.
inserts parvctryam at night.'
ridrana, as before,
stupefied.' Prosita may perhaps go with
purandhri, if on pp. 149 sqq. all the queens enter fire.
Read rajamva (for rajatlva) with Kaila?c.
Kaksya may also denote the elephant's girth cord so Kailagc. :

Railage, reads -kvathite 'anguished' and mentions -rya-

thite 'distressed' as an alternative.

survived only in his heart, and his lower lip, though unstained

by betel and now for a long time washed dean, yet, being
naturally red as a spray of the tree of Paradise, appeared by
its colour, asthe hot sighs came forth, to emit lumps of flesh
and blood from a cloven heart.
On the same day the king's favourite servants, friends, and
ministers, whose hearts were held tight by fhe bonds of his
many virtues, went forth, and in spite of the remonstrances
of tearful friends, abandoned their loved wives and children.
Some consigned themselves 1
to precipices: some stationed
themselves at holy fords in the neighbourhood. Some in
agony of heart spread couches of grass, and quieted their
great sorrow by abstinence from food some, beside them-

selves with passionate grief, plunged like moths into the

flame. Some, in whose hearts burnt a fire of fierce pain,
took vows of silence and sought refuge on the mount of
snows some to cool their heat lay on couches of twigs

along the Vindhya slopes, where wild elephants bedewed

their bodies with a shower bath from their trunks. Some,
indisposed for a courtier's life, abandoned the gratifications
within their reach, and lived on a limited diet in vacant
forest openings: some by feeding on became emaciated 3

hermits, rich only in virtue. Some assumed red robes

and studied the system of Kapila in the mountains some, :

tearing off their crest jewels, bound the ascetic's knot upon
their heads, and made
Qiva their refuge others [193] by

enveloping themselves in trailing pale-red rags displayed the

bright afterglow of their love. Others again reached old age
in sylvan hermitages, where the deer licked their forms with
the ends of their tongues 4 : others finally took vows, and
roamed as shaven monks, bearing water in pots and in the

For babandhuh Kaila9c. has babhanjuh. For the custom cf.
Dac.ak. Purvapithikd ucchvds. 4 sub init.
Or as the commentator (pindakdih'farirdih) suggests 'with
emaciated frames.'
3 '
Lit. with prominent veins.'
4 '

Kaila9c. has jihvatala surface of their tongues.'

C. 11

hollows of their eyes, both equally red in colour and rubbed

by their hands.
My lord Harsa's condition underwent no change. Wild
with grief for his father, he turned away from all the avocations
of life,
regarding glory as a curse, the earth a mortal sin', royalty
a disease, pleasures serpents, home a hell, family ties a bondage,
life an
infamy, tne body an infliction, health a blot, vigour a
result of sin, food a
poison, poison ambrosia, sandal a flame,
love a saw, heartbreak a
felicity. He was closely attended
by young nobles of ancient houses, which had enjoyed the
favour of the court for generations, venerable trusted advisers

wearing an inherited dignity, old Brahmans versed in ruti,

Smriti and Itihasa 2 anointed counsellors of royal rank en-

dowed with learning, birth and character, approved ascetics

well trained in the doctrine of the Self,
sages indifferent to
pain and pleasure, Vedantists skilled in expounding the
nothingness of the fleeting world, mythologists expert in
allaying sorrow. Under their influence the prince was never
allowed even in thought to follow 4 the dictates of grief, and

through their solicitations he gradually lost his distaste for

food and the other dues of life. His thoughts recurring
to his brother, thus he mused :
Pray heaven my brother,
when he learns of our father's death, a type of the world's
dissolution, may not after a bath of tears assume two robes of
bark ! or seek [194] a hermitage as a royal sage or, man- !

lion as he is, enter a mountain cave Though his lotus eyes


brim with a flood of tears, may he yet look upon the lordless
Whence the contagion of governing it would excite disgust.
Kaila9c. here inserts adhigatanikhilajinavacanaviditavipantabha-
vasthitayo dharmadegandpatlydmsah pdrd$arinah 'mendicants skilled
in inculcating Dharma and acquainted by knowledge of Buddha's
teaching in full with the contradictions in men's notions of life.'
3 Here Kailacc. has in place of munayah 'samdpritdh sandbhayah
' '

cittajndpca pradhdnasacivdh niskdranabdndhavdcca munayah sympa-

thising dependent kinsmen, great ministers expert in reading people's
thoughts, and sages who acted as disinterested kinsmen.' This agrees
with the Comm.'s sandbhayah sagotrdh, which has no reference to the

Gale, or Kashm. text.

Kaila9c. reads pokdnupravanam anucaritum 'to act in pursuance
of headlong grief.' This also was read by the Comm.

earth 1 Tormented by the poisonous pangs of a first loss,


may the best of men yet remember himself

Never may !

indifference due to the transitoriness of things lead him to

slight the advances of sovereign glory All aflame with the fire !

of direful pain, may he have recourse to the coronation bath !

Once arrived here may he not, when pressed by the kings,

display a contrary mind True, my noble brother was deeply

devoted to his sire. He was for ever singing to me our father's

Think you, Harsa, that any man ever did or will

possess such a stately frame, tall as a golden palm such a ,

great lotus of a face with its upturned looks abloom all

day with ove for the sun's rays such stave-like arms, ,

bright as diamond pillars, such smiles mocking the grace of

the lazy sot Haladhara ? What other is high-minded, valiant,
' '
and generous ? Amid these and other thoughts he could
scarce pass the time, waiting with longing heart for his
brother's advent.

Here ends the fifth chapter entitled The Death of The Great King
of the Harsa-Carita composed by Qri
Bana Bhatta.

Kailagc. with the Comm. understands a negative here and

' '
lates may he not consider the earth helpless but 1 :

2 '
Remember me '

Kailagc. (trans.).
For '-fldghaya mam' Kailagc. reads -claghayam. The Kashmir
text has the unintelligible -$laghay& mam.
Kailac. reads punah (sic) vapuh kancanatalatarupramgupramanam
for punah kancanatalatarupramgu kayapramanam. The Kashmir text

agrees with Kailac. except that it omits vapuh.

5 An allusion to his devotion to the iv. For divasam
sun, cf.
unmukhavikasitam mukhamahakamalam Kailagc. has divasamunmu-

kham vikasitam mukhakamalam. The Kashmir text agrees with those of

Calcutta and Bombay.


195] Even as a conqueror, Death gathers his troop of heroes,

Assembling them from this place and that on the earth,
sending forth his own secret emissaries to bring them

The sin of smiting the confiding rouses the anger of

the mighty to the destruction of the cruel one,
As the twang of the sapling which an elephant breaks
robs the lion of his sleep.

The Brahman who consumes the departed spirit's first

oblation had now partaken of his meal. The horror of the
days of impurity had passed. The various appurtenances of
the royal bier 1 beds, chairs, chowries, umbrellas, vessels,

carriages, swords and the like, now become an eyesore, were

in course of distribution to Brahmans. The bones, in shape
like sorrow's spearheads had been carried with the people's

hearts to sacred fords. A monument in brick had been set up

on the sepulchral pile. The royal elephant, victor in mighty
battles, had been abandoned to the woods. Gradually the
lamentations subsided, the outcries became rarer, the tears
ceased to flow the sighs were less vehement, the exclama-

tions of despair sank to a murmur, the couches of despon-

dency began to disappear. Ears were now capable of

listening to reason, hearts in a mood to be heedful of kind
attentions, the king's virtues could now be computed. Grief

Read nripatilcata- with the Kashmir text for nnpanikata-.
Bead kalpitagokaqalyesu with the Kashmir text. The fragments
of bone are spearheads in the people's hearts.

was becoming a moral theme the poet's pathos 2 had had its

day. Only in dreams was the king present to the eye, only in
hearts did he reside, only pictures retained His outline [196],

only poetry preserved his name.

At this season my lord Harsa, having on a certain
occasion laid aside his occupations, saw himself unexpectedly
surrounded by a great company of silent^downcast nobles
headed by the whole assemblage of his aged kinsmen. At
this spectacle he reflected, What else can it be ? This '

sorrow-stricken throng of people announces my dear lord's

arrival,' and so with a tremour at his heart questioned one of

them, a man of distinguished bearing, as he entered, Come,



speak ;
is my noble brother arrived ? 'As your majesty
' '

says,' he slowly answered, he is at the door whereat the :

prince, whose mind was softened with supreme sorrow added

to brotherly affection, all but poured out his life along with
a gushing torrent of tears.
Anon, heralded by lamentations, which, uttered 4 by the
chamberlain, entered like servants in advance, the elder
brother came in sight amid a throng of servants pale and
worn with many days' neglect of bathing, eating and sleep-
ing, and reduced in numbers by their long and rapid march.

Only one or two, chiefly domestics, could be distinguished.

The umbrella-bearer was wanting, the superintendent of the
wardrobe lagged behind, the pitcher-carrier had collapsed,
the spittoon-bearer was prostrate, the betel-bearer panted, and
the sword-bearer limped. The prince's form was grey all over
with the dust of the roads, as though his helpless heritage 5 ,

the earth, had made him her refuge. Long white bandages,
bound about arrow-wounds received in battle while con-
quering the Hunas, dotted his form like side-glances from his
approaching royal glory. Limbs emaciated, as though for
1 '
Pradecavrittitdm dcrayati declamatio fiebat.'
2 Kaviruditesu = duhkhoddlpanakalesu 'occasions for kindling grief
3 '
placed in
lit. there is probably a pun, the fire of sorrow

(manyu) being placed in the oil of affection.

Or punningly with reference to the servants admitted.'

Kramdgataya cont^ns a pun gathered on his way.'

the preservation of the king's life he had offered their flesh

in sorrow's fire, told of the heaviness 1 of his grief. Upon his
crestless head, with its hair miry and disordered and its

jewel gone, he seemed to bear grief visibly enthroned. His

forehead, lined by sweat oozing under the heat, appeared to
weep with yearning to fall at his father's feet. With a broad
he Ceaselessly bedewed the earth, as though it
river of tears
had swooned on the death of its honoured lord. His grief-
worn cheeks seemed channelled by the fall of that incessant
stream of tears. [197] From his round lips the betel stain had
faded away, as if they were melted through coming in the way
of his burning breath 3 Darkened by the rays of his sapphire

ornament, of which only the amulet was left, the region of his
ear seemed burnt by a great flame of sorrow at the recent
news of his father's death. Though his beard showed but a
faint growth, yet his face, being fringed with a tassel of rays
from the dark pupils of his fixed downcast eyes, looked black
with the long growth of mourning. He was as a lion distres-
sed and left without a refuge by the fall of a great hill 4 like ,

the day turned into darkness and faded in splendour by the

setting of the lord of light, like Nandana robbed of its shade
by the crash of Paradise 5 like a quarter of the
its tree of ,

heavens vacant through the exile of its sky elephant, like

a mountain quivering and rent by a crushing thunder-
bolt 6
. Purchased by leanness, made a bondsman to
misery, a domestic to despair, a disciple to the demands of

grief, appropriated by affliction, dumb with taciturnity,

pressed down by depression, all a sweat through hot pain,

There is an oxymoron in the antithesis between the emaciation of
the limbs and the heaviness of the grief.
'And many a furrow on my grief-worn cheek
Has been a channel for a flood of tears.' Moss.
The commentator, who explains adharavimbenapi as instrumental
of circumstance, must have read this in place of adkaravimbenopalak-
Or '

Kalpapadapo may also mean 'king,' and vickayam 'reft of

6 '
Or by the fall of a thunderbolt upon his^sire.'
culled by melancholy, looted by
adopted lamentation,
by apathy, renounced by presence of mind, disowned by
discernment, repudiated by resolution, he wa*s absorbed in a
sorrow beyond the appeals of the counsels of age, the cure of
good men's eloquence, the scope of sages' voices, the power
of holy writ, the course of wisdom's efforts, the range of

friendly offices, the sphere of sense delight*, the province of

gradual repair*.
Uplifted, as it were, on an agitated sea of stormy surging
love 3 Harsa rose excitedly to meet him.
But his majesty
Rajyavardhana, on seeing him at a distance, felt inclined to let
loose his long-stemmed torrent of tears. Extending his long
stout arms, as if he would make an armful of all his sorrows, he

clasped his brother's neck in abandonment of grief, and draw-

ing him now to his own worn unshawled bosom, [198] now to
his neck, now to his shoulder, now to his cheek, sobbed with
such violence that their hearts were almost uprooted with
their moorings. The king's favourite also, as his sovereign
was recalled to his mind, responded like an echo with vehe-
ment sobs. It was long before the elder brother's tears ceased
to flow, and, like the rain-god in autumn, he very gradually
calmed himself. Then he sat down, and, water being brought
by a servant, bathed his eyes,, which seemed to derive the
foam line of a great torrent from the massed light of the
man's nails, and, often as they were wiped, were robbed
of vision by drops of tears, which, forming at the end of
their lashes, impeded their opening. Then with a piece of
moonlight in the shape of a towel presented by the betel-
bearer he wiped his face, which the hot tears had scorched.

Having spent some time in utter silence, he rose and

proceeded to the bath house.
After a stay there he roughly
wrung his unadorned locks of dishevelled and disordered
hair and with a lip which, as the remnant of its quivering

emotion struggled as it were for existence, seemed to wish to

Read vritam chosen for the sake of the alliteration.
' '

Perhaps we should read kalakramapacayandm gradual

2 '
3 '
For the pun on utkalika agitation and wave cf. text
' ' '

p. 42 1. 9.
Its whiteness and^oolness are compared to moonlight.

kiss even itself now

glorified by the bath, with bathed eyes
whose whiteness seemed to adore the sky regents with a
dropping white 1 lotus petals opening to
flowei* offering of

the autumn moon, he threw himself upon a couch placed on

the courtyard terrace and having a cushion disposed beneath
a low awning. There he remained without uttering a word.
My Harsa
lord also bathed and reclined in silence by
his side, stretched on a blanket laid upon the ground.

Glancing ever and anon upon his afflicted elder brother, he

felt his heart almost split into a thousand parts. For the
sight of a brother is a rejuvenescence of sorrow. To the
people that day was terrible even beyond the day of their
king's death. Throughout the city none cooked, none
bathed, none took their pleasure ; in every quarter there
was no man but wept. Not otherwise did the day pass by 2 .

[199] At length, hued like flesh moistened by a great flow of

blood as if he had just been shaped by Twastri's axe 3
the sun sank, red as madder, in the waters of the western
sea. On the (red) lotus ponds the bee tribes buzzed in
distress at the closing of the calixes. Anguished by the
grief of their spouses at their approaching separation, a
horizon of ruddy-geese fixed a tearful gaze upon their
dear friend, the sun's orb ,
now hued like ablooming
Bandhuka. Musical with bees, graced by kalahartisa
beauties, the (night) lotus pools gave forth a sound like the
plaited bells upon the jewelled girdle of theroaming Qri.
In the firmament the rising clear-flecked moon shone like

the pointed hump of Qiva's tame bull, when blotted with

mud scattered by his broad horns.
At that hour, being solicited by the chief feudatories,
who approached with inoffensive 5 admonitions, Rajyavar-
Read vicada for visada.
to the recurrence of divasah this passage from
Owing doubtless
' ' '

Throughout to pass by is omitted by the Kashmir text.


Twastri was the artist of the gods. For the story cf. Wilson's
Hindu Drama, vol. i.
p. 363.
The pairs of ruddy-geese spend the night on different sides of the
river wailing to each other.
Or perhaps 'not to be resisted.'

dhana reluctantly consented to take food. Dawn having

appeared and all the kings being admitted, he addressed
himself to Harsa, who was standing near, a*s follows My :

dear brother, your situation invites instruction from your

elders. Even as a boy you held fast to our father's habits of
thought, as to the oriflamme of the virtuous
Wherefore to .

one so tractable my heart, softened to compliance with the

decrees of has something to suggest. Do not revert to the

gaucherie so easy to the nature of the young and so much at

variance with affection. Do not like a dullard make opposition
to my wish. You are surely not unacquainted with the uni-
versal practice. What did Purukutsa when Mandhatri, the
three worlds' protector, died ? What Raghu on the death of
Dillpa, whose brow governed the eighteen continents ? What
Rama on the death of Dasaratha, who in the great Asura
battle mounted the chariot of the gods ? What Bharata on
the death of Dusyanta, to whom the confines of the four
oceans were but a cow's puddle ? Enough of these [200] :

did not our father himself undertake the government on the

decease of his auspiciously named sire, who by the pervading
smoke of more than a hundred sacrifices turned the prime
of Indra grey
? Moreover the man whom grief subdues
the learned term coward: for women are the province
of sorrows. what am I to do ? It is some native

cowardice or womanishness which has rendered me subject

to the flame of filial grief. My mountain 4 being laid
low, my tears are all set flowing like torrents. The great
splendour sunk, the lamp of wisdom is vanished from my
darkened prospect. My heart is on fire, and discernment, as
if apprehensive of being itself scorched, visits it never even
in sleep. my manhood is melted like a thing of lac by
a mighty flame of pain. At every word 6 my mind faints like
Or punningly a pennon with a
For go$pada cf. Hesiod Works and Days,' 489.

rrjfjMs Zi/s vot rpi'ro) rjfjiaTi, /^S* aTroAifyot,

ap vn(pj3d\\a>v ftoos onXfiv P.IJT' cmo\(in<av.
3 A
reference to the myth that Indra feared to be displaced by any
one who should perform a hundred horse-sacrifices.
4 5
Or 'king.' . Or 'step.'

a deer smit with a poisoned shaft. Like a misanthrope, my

memory roves in devious wanderings. My firmness has,
like our mother, departed with our sire. Daily my sorrows
increase, like moneys employed by an usurer. My body, as
if laden with a cloud bora of the smoke of sorrow's flame,
rains down a pouring drizzle of tears. 'At death every man

is dissolved into t/he five elements is no true saying of the

childish folk. Our father is become fire only, since he

bums me so. The o'ermastering rebel, grief, having penned
this recreant heart of mine, burns it as the submarine fire
the ocean, rends it as the thunderbolt the hill, attenuates it
as waning the moon, and devours it as Rahu devours the
sun. My heart [201] cannot with mere tears dismiss the
fall of so noble a spirit, stately as Sumeru. At sovereignty
my eye grows disordered, like the partridge's at poison .
mind seeks to avoid a glory, which, as if belonging to out-
casts, is of no noble sort, banner-borne, crimson of hue ,

turbaned with many Like the house

shrouds of the dead.
sparrow, I cannot endure to abide even a moment in a home
which has become a hell 4 I desire therefore in a hermitage

to purge with the pure waters of pellucid streams that run

from mountain tops this fond defilement which clings to my
mind as to a garment. Therefore do you receive from my
hands the cares of sovereignty, a gift not high esteemed
indeed and reft of the joy of youth, like old age, which Puru
welcomed at his father's will 5 Dismissing all the sports of

youth, deliver your bosom like Visnu to the embraces of

Glory I have abandoned the sword." So speaking, he took

1 '
Pancajana people of the five races,' cf. the panca janah of the
The '

grow red' (viraktam also 'disgusted')

partridge's eye is said to
on seeing poison. See Kulluka, Manu, vii. 217.
The Sanskrit words may here mean of no Aryan lineage, outcast

' '
from pure birth, polluting assemblies or perhaps destined to be borne

on the poles of outcasts.'

Or a burnt habitation.'

Yayati, being afflicted by Indra with the curse of old age, pre-
vailed upon his son Puru to take the affliction upon himself.
6 The allusion is to the
youthful sports of Krisna with the shep-
herdesses before Laksm! became his wife.

his scimitar from the hand of his sword-bearer and flung it

on the earth.
At this speech Harsa's heart was cloven as with the
stroke of a sharp-pointed spear, and he reflected : Can my
lord have been angered when away from me by a hint
received from some envious wretch ? Or is he seeking in
this way to try me ? Or is this a mental Aberration born of
grief? Is this perchance not my dear brother, or has he
possibly said one thing and my sorrow-vacant sense appre-
hended another? Did he intend one thing while another
escaped his lips ? Is this a stratagem of fate for the downfall
and ruin of our whole house, [202] an intimation of the
failure of all the garnered merit of my deeds, or a freak of
a whole horizon of disastrous stars ? Or is it a pleasantry of
the Kali age, heedless of my sire's death, that this man has,
like the vilest of mankind, instigated me, as one ready for

any deed, to this atrocious act, as if I were no child of

Puspabhuti's line, no son of our sire, no younger brother of
his own, void of affection and detected in fault ? Tis like
bidding a divine drink wine, a faithful servant outrage his
master, a good man have dealings with the low, a chaste
wife forget her honour.Thus much indeed is seemly, that on
the death of so noble a
sire, a Maudara for churning like an
ocean the whole ring of feudatories drunk with the intoxi-
cation of valorous frenzy, a man should seek a hermitage,
don the bark dress, and practise austerities. But as for this
charge of sovereignty, it is like a rain of cinders on a
drought-parched wilderness, scorching one already scorched.
This is unworthy of my lord. Again, although in this world
a prince without pride, a Brahman without greed, a saint
without anger, an ape without tricks, a poet without
envy, a trader without knavery, a fond husband without
jealousy, a good man free from poverty, a rich man without
harshness, a poor man not an eyesore, a hunter without cruelty,
a mendicant with a Brahman's learning 1 a contented servant,

a grateful dicer, a wandering ascetic without gluttony, a

Or perhaps an orthodox Brahman.'

misanthrope with a soft tongue a truthful minister, and a


king's son without vice are all equally hard to find, yet my
lord himself has been my instructor. Who, I wonder, with
such a father, a very scent-elephant among kings, fallen,
with such a royal elder brother going in his young manhood
to a hermitage, abandoning his throne, and rendering sterile
his great pillar-like thighs and arms, could desire the clod
called earth, defiled by the tears of all men's eyes, or, even
were he an outcast, could court that bawd of the deeds of
warrior families entitled Glory, whose low character is be-

trayed by the tokens of the distorted features of all the vile

parasiteswho hang about the drunken game of wealth ?
How did such a deeply degrading thought enter my lord's

imagination ? [203] What is this blemish observed in me ?

Has Sumitra's son 2 faded from his mind ? Have Vrikodara
and others been forgotten ? Not thus heedless of those who
love him, thus singly fixed upon achieving his own ends, used

my high preeminence to be. Again, my lord being


gone to a hermitage, who indeed could so long for life as even

to entertain a thought of the earth ? The lion has a counte-
nance all glorious with a handsome mane clotted with the

ichor from the heads of mad elephants which his paw, terribly

arrayed with claws sharp as the points of a thunderbolt, has

felled but when he has gone forth to take his pleasure in

the forest, who is left to guard his dwelling in the moun-

tain cave a hero's ally
? for is his prowess. Why is my
lord thus considerate to the jilt glory as not to lead her
disguised as old age, like a woodland fawn, to that same
hermitage, with rags to hide her bosom, and laden with
bundles of Ku$a grass, flowers, fuel, and leaves 3 ? But
what avail these vain and manifold reasonings ? in silence

The Comm. gopyo-dasah points to the reading of the Kashmir
text, which omits parivrad abvhhukmh and has gopyah in place of
Alluding to the far-famed younger brothers of the Ramayana and

Mahabharata, Laksmana and Bhlma.

I.e. 'Why not wait till you are old?' It was not unusual for
Hindu kings to retire in old age to hermitages.,

will I follow in his train. And the sin involved in trans-

gressing my elder's commands austerity in fine shall dispel in
a hermitage." So reflecting, he stood silent *and downcast, in
spirit gone first to the hermitage.

By this the weeping Keeper of the Robes had provided

bark dresses, as previously ordered. The women of the royal
household were screaming, as if their hearts had left them
in alarm at the heavy strokes which their hands dealt (upon
their breasts). Brahmans with uplifted arms were wailing
aloud in horror*. With doleful cries a group of citizens were
engaged in bending before the princes' feet. Ancient
courtiers ran away with tumult in their hearts. Aged
kinsmen leaning on servants entered with trembling forms,
disordered apparel, grief-choked voices, streaming eyes, and
hearts bent on remonstrance. Despondent feudatories

sighed, as prostrate they marked the jewelled mosaic with

their nails. All the people had started with their children
and aged to forest seclusions.
Suddenly a distinguished servant of Rajya9ri, [204] Sam-
vadaka by name, entered with flowing tears in a bewilder-
ment of grief. Uttering a cry, he precipitated himself into
the audience. Thunderstruck at this, Rajyavardhana and his
brother questioned him with their own lips: "Speak, friend!
speak what stroke more unmanning than, the present is

fate,triumphant at the king's death, bringing upon us, in

pursuance of her resolve to increase her efforts for our ruin?"
" "
My lord," the man with an effort replied, it is the way of
the vile, like fiends, to strike where they find an opening.
So, on the very day on which the king's death was rumoured,
his majesty Grahavarman was by the wicked lord of Malwa
cut off from the living along with his noble deeds. Rajya9ri
also, the princess, has been confined like a brigand's wife
with a pair of iron fetters kissing her feet, arid cast into
prison at Kanyakubja. There is moreover a report that the
villain, deeming the army leaderless, purposes to invade and
seize this country as well. Such are my tidings the matter :

is now in the king's hands."

1 2
I.e. senses. , Abrahmanyam.

Instantly at the news of such a fresh, sudden, unex-

pected, unimagined disaster the overwhelming passion of
sorrow, rooted as it was, vanished from a heart previously
unacquainted even by hearsay with humiliation, naturally im-
patient of checks from outside, filled with the pride of early
manhood, claiming a birth from a heroic line, and devoted to
a sisternow suddenly an object of compassion. An awful
paroxysm of wrath leapt fiercely into the recesses of Rajya-
vardhana's heart, like a lion into his cavernous abode. On his
broad brow a deadly frown broke forth, darkening like Yama's
sister and like her wavy with wrinkled lines that writhed

like Kaliya's brood in their fright at Klin's destroyer 2 His .

left hand, proudly stroking his right shoulder huge as a
sky- ,

elephant's frontal hump, rained down upon it a torrent of

rays from its own nails, as if to consecrate it for the enter-
prize of battle toils. [205] His right, whose palm filled with
oozing sweat just as though he had seized the Malwa's
hair to tear him up by the roots and which trembled as if
with yearning to grasp wanton glory's tresses, glided once
more toward his terrible sword. On his cheeks appeared an
angry flush, as if Sovereignty, delighted by his taking up

arms, were celebrating an ovation by scattered vermilion

upturned right foot climbed his left thigh, as
powder His

if, all kings being in his presence, it were filled with the
pride of trampling upon their array of diadems. Imprinted
on the jewelled mosaic, his left foot through the desperate
twitching of his toes spat out a smoke, as though he would
spout a flame to leave the earth widowed of men. His fresh
wounds, bursting in his fierceness, spurted a bloody dew, as if
to awake his valour sent by the poison of sorrow to sleep.
Thus he addressed his younger brother : This task, my noble
brother, is my royal house, this my kin, my court, my land, my

The river Yamuna.
Krisna, see Visnu Pur. v. 16.
The Comm. takes ko$a as an oath at an ordeal ;
but it seems here
used as an expletive, cf. bahudauda.
people sprinkle red powder on one another at the Holi
* The

festival and at other rejoicings, cf. Kathas. 18. 122.


people guarded by their king's club-like arm this day I go to :

lay the royal house of Malwa low in ruin. The repression of

this beyond measure unmannerly foe this*and no other is

my assumption of the bark dress, my austerities, my strata-

gem for dispelling sorrow. Malwas to maltreat the race of

Puspabhuti this is the hind clutching the lion's mane, the


frog slapping the cobra, the calf taking thetiger captive, the

water-serpent grasping Garuda by the throat, the log bidding

burn the fire, the darkness hiding the sun My pain has !

vanished before a more vehement passion. Let all the kings

and elephants stay with you. Only Bhandi here must follow
me with some ten thousand horse." So speaking, he ordered
the marching drum
instantly to sound.
Hearing this command, my lord Harsa, inflamed as he
was with a fit of anger at the tidings of his sister's and
brother-in-law's fate, felt his loving agony grow, as it were,
to a greater height at the order to remain behind. [206]
" "
Speaking out, What harm," he asked, does my lord see in

my attending him ? If I am regarded as a boy, then I should

all the more not be abandoned if as needing protection, the

cage of your arms is an asylum ;

if incompetent, where have I
been tried ? if in want of fostering care, separation makes thin;
ifunequal to hardships, I am classed as a woman if you ;

would have me happy, happiness marches in your train if ;

you think the the journey great, absence is harder to

toil of

support if you
would have me watch over my wife, Glory
resides in your steel if you wish me to guard your rear,

valour is
your rear-guard ;
if you argue that the feudatories
are uncontrolled, they are secured by the bonds of your
virtues if you say a great man must not carry a companion

with him, then you count me as distinct from yourself; if

you say you are marching with a very light train, what
excessive weight there in the dust of your feet ? if you

think it inopportune that two should go, gratify me with the

commission; if you say brotherly affection is timid, the
fault is mutual. Whence this your arm's excessive greedi-

Sc. such as I.

ness that you desire alone to quaff the ambrosia of fame

as white as a mass of the Milk Ocean's foam ? Never
before have I Heen stinted in your favours. Therefore let
my lord be gracious and take me also."
So speaking, he sank his head to the ground and fell at
his brother's feet. But the elder upraised him and said :

Why thus, deartbrother, by putting forth too great an effort
add importance to a foe too slight for our power ? A concourse
of lions in the matter of a deer is too degrading. How
many flames gird on their armour against a sheaf of grass ?
Moreover for the province of your prowess you have already
the earth with her amulet wreath of eighteen continents.
The winds that carry off ranges of great hills arm not against
a trembling cotton yield. The sky elephants, audaciously
familiar with Sumeru's flanks, butt not upon a tiny ant-hill.
For a world-wide conquest you, like Mandhatri, shall grasp,
in the shape of your bow with its curving frame adorned
with bright gold leaf, a comet portending the world's end of
all [207] Only, in the unbearable hunger
earthly kings.
which has been aroused in me for our enemies' death, forgive
this one unshared morsel of wrath. Be pleased to stay."
Such was his answer, and on the same day he set out to seek
the foe.

lord Harsa's brother being thus occupied, his father

laid to rest, his brother-in-law banished from life, his mother
dead and his sister a prisoner, he could scarcely make the

time- pass, alone as he was like a wild elephant strayed from

the herd. Many days having elapsed, on one occasion as with
the night two-thirds spent he lay awake, being still despon-
dent at his brother's departure, he heard the watchman
chanting an Arya couplet:
'Though his virtues be sung by continents, though
rich be his worth like a treasure of jewels 2,
'As a squall a ship, so does fate overwhelm a hero
without warning.'

Or of the ship '
Or of the ship '

though it have amassed the prime of the ocean's


At this his heart was still further grieved by thoughts of

the instability of things but when the night was well-nigh

ended, he obtained a moment's sleep, and in a vision saw a

heaven-kissing pillar of iron broken in pieces. With a
throbbing heart he awoke again, and reflected :
Why do
these evil dreams thus incessantly pursue me ? Day and

night my eye and not the right one flirobs expert in

prophecies of evil. Dire portents again never for a moment
weary of announcing the death of no mean king. Day after

day Rahu, hard by the sun's disc which shows a headless

trunk, is seen to wear a bodily form no longer curtailed 1 .

The Seven Sages vomit eruptions of smoke, swallowed

perhaps in their time of austerity, and cover all the planets
with grey. Every day dire flames are seen in the heavens,
and the star groups fall from the firmament like motes of
ash from the burning. The dimmed moon seems to sorrow
for the downfall of the stars. Each night, as the meteors
flash hither and thither, the heavens with tremulous starry

it were upon a
eyes gaze as mighty conflict of planets in the
abysm. [208] Whistling with bits of gravel and permeated
by huge flying dust clouds, the wind seems transporting the
earth somewhither to signify the transmission of sovereignty.
I see no fair auspice in the hour. Who shall waylay this
fatality in tender growth as an
our stock, which wastes its

elephant a bamboo ? Be it well, in any case, with my lord."

After such thoughts as these he found a difficulty in en-
couraging his heart, which seemed in coward flight from an
outburst of brotherly affection in its midst. Then rising,
he went through the usual round of duties.
When in the audience chamber, he saw Kuntala, a chief
officer of cavalry and a great noble high in Rajyavardhana's

The trunk seen in the sun seems to provide Rahu, an eclipse
demon who is all head, with a body. Varahamihira (iii.) says, if a
staff is seen in the sun, the sovereign will die ; if something in the

shape of a headless trunk, there will be danger from sickness.'

in the sense of melting, his heart moist
Dravad may be taken '

with an oil of brotherly affection bxirsting forth within.' The Kashmir

text reads antarbhinnam.

c. 12

favour, hastily enter with a dejected company entering in

his train. His form was wrapped in a shawl as miry as if
unbeaiable grief had reddened 1 its texture with a smoke of
hot sighs. His looks were downcast, as if through shame at
the preservation of his life, his glance fixed on the end of his
nose, and
his face, hairy with the long growth of mourning,

mutely with uninterrupted tears bespoke his master's fall.

This sight aroused the prince's alarm, but when the time
came to hear the dreadful calamity, he seemed seized in
every limb by all the world powers at once, water in his

eyes, sighs in his moon-like mouth, fire in his heart, earth

upon his breast. From the man he learnt that his brother,
though he had routed the Malwa army with ridiculous ease,
had been allured to confidence by false civilities on the part
of the King of Gauda, and then weaponless, confiding, and

alone, despatched in his own quarters.

Instantly on hearing this his fiery spirit blazed forth in a
storm of sorrow augmented by flaming flashes of furious
wrath. His aspect became terrific in the extreme. As he
fiercely shook his head, the loosened jewels from his crest
looked like live coals of the angry fire which he vomited
forth. Quivering without cessation, his wrathful curling lip
seemed to drink the lives of all kings. [209] His reddening
eyes with their rolling gleam put forth as it were confla-
grations in the heavenly spaces. Even the fire of anger, as
though itself burned by the scorching power of his inborn
valour's unbearable heat, spread over him a rainy shower of
sweat. His very limbs trembled as if in affright at such
unexampled fury. Like Qiva, he put on a Shape of Terror :

like Visnu, he displayed a Man-lion's aspect like the sun- :

crystal hill, he fired at the sight of another's fierce brilliance 3 :

like doomsday, his form overpowered the eye by the brilliance

of twelve suns uprisen like a world-alarming hurricane,

he brought a tremour upon all monarchs like the Vindhya, :

Mud is often described as '
Sc. the fire, as if in fear of a hotter fire, scatters water around.
Or 'a second source of light.'
Or mountains.'

he grew in sublimity of form 1 like a great serpent, he was :

wroth at the insult of a vile king 2 like Janamejaya, intent :

upon burning all
sovereigns : like Vrikodara, athirst for his

enemy's blood : like the gods' elephant, in full career to repel

his foes He represented the first revelation of valour, the

frenzy of insolence, the delirium of pride, the youthful avatar

of fury, the supreme effort of hauteur, the rfew age of man-
hood's fire, the regal consecration of warlike passion, the camp-

lustration clay of resentment.

" "
Except the Gauda king," he cried what man would by
such a murder, abhorred of all the world, lay such a great soul
low, as Agni's progeny did Drona in the very moment when,

having by his arm's undissembling valour subdued all princes,

he had laid the sword aside ? [210] Apart from that ignoble
wretch, in whose minds would my lord's heroic qualities,
alighting like flamingoes upon the lakes, find no favour, spot-
less both as a mass of
Ganges foam, and
recalling the memory
of Para9u-Rama's prowess 6 ? How could he, furious as the
summer sun, which dries the water of the lotus pools, put
forth his hands, regardless of friendly advances 7 to ,
my lord's life ? What shall be his doom ? Into what
creature's womb shall he pass Into what hell shall he ?

fall ? What outcast even would wreak this deed ? My

tongue seems soiled with a smirch of sin as I take the
miscreant's very name upon my lips. With what design did

Mbh. til. 8781 (104). The mountain swelled in order to stop the

path of the Sun and Moon.

Or conjurer.'
2 ' 3
Or snakes.' '

Or against a rival elephant.'

Dhristadyumna killed Drona unfairly, when the latter heard the
news that his son was dead. Dhristadyumna is called the progeny of
fire because he and his sister Draupadl were produced out of the

sacrificial fire. The word may also punningly mean the author of evil '

The word pakapatam may punningly mean either 'favour' or

'flight by wings': for the story of Rama's forming a path over Kailasa
for the wild-geese cf. Mahavlracarita p. 26 (Trithen) and the name
Or punningly 'ray, regardless of their (the lotuses') beauty.'


this mean remorseless being bring my lord to his death,


working his way like a worm into a sandal pillar capable of

delighting a whole world ? Truly now the fool, when in greed
for the taste of sweet savours he laid hands upon my
lord's life as honey, saw not the coming onset of a swarm of
arrows 2 By lighting up this evil path this vilest of Gaud as

has collected only foul shame, like lampblack, to the soiling

of his own house. Though the sun, crest jewel of the world,
may be sunk not the moon, lion lord of
in the west, is there
the one deer that roams the planet thickets, ready at once
by the creator's appointment to quell the darkling foe of the
road of right ? Even when the goad, discipline's lawgiver, is
broken, there exists for a wicked elephant's admonition the
sharper claw, skilled to cleave the thick-boned
lion's still

heads of mad elephants. Who is not bound to punish


such vile jewellers, as it were, who deface the most brilliant

gems ? What now will be the wretch's fate ?

[211] Even as he thus spoke, the senapati, Simhanada, a

friend of his father also, was seated in his presence, a man
foremost in every fight, in person yellow as a hill of orpi-
ment, stately as a great full-grown Sal stem 5 and tree's ,

tall as if ripened
by valour's exceeding heat. He was far
advanced in years and, although he had oft risen from repose

upon a couch of arrows, yet in point of vigorous age he

seemed to scoff at Bhisma. So stubborn was his frame, that
even old age laid but a trembling hand, timidly as it were,
upon his stiff hair. He seemed while still alive to have
been born anew into a lion's nature, compounded of guileless
valour and having for a mane his straight locks white as a
bunch of moonlight. His eyes were veiled by brows whose
With reference to the worm vigataghrinena will mean '
from the heat.'
Or 'bees.'
Or punningly lamp at a loophole.'

Or by paronomasia dims v. vipesena haranam viharo vichaylka-
' '

ranam gamanam ca Comm. The moon is compared to a lion, and the

deer is the Hindu counterpart of the man in the moon.' '

The Comm. has kandam skandhah, which may point to a reading
-kanda- for praka-naa-. t

wrinkled skin hung loose, as if he shrank from the mortal

sin of beholding a new master's face. His terrible visage,
brightened by a thick white moustache which* hid his cheeks,
seemed to pour forth an untimely war time in the shape of
a commencing autumn white with blooming Ka$a groves.
A beard hanging down to his navel played the part of a white
chowrie, fanning his master, who though deajj survived in his
heart. In spite of age his broad chest was rough with great
gashes of wounds opening their lips as if athirst to drink the
water of whetted steel's edge and all across it ran in lines

the writings of many great scars graven by the axe edge of

sharp swords, as though he were making a calculation of the

hour of victory in every battle; whence he might be likened to
an eastern range of hills in motion 2 In the charm of divers

martial exploits he seemed to outstrip the very Maha-Bharata ;

in an unbroken career of slaughtering foes to give a lesson to

Para9u-Rama himself: in ranging oceans and in energy


devoted to winning glory perforce to throw even Mandara

into the shade: [212] in adapting himself to the limitations of
his position 4 to surpass the very sea in steadfastness, rigidity

and elevation to shame even the hills: in circumambient

effulgence of fierce native brilliance to set the sun himself at
nought in the wearing toil of supporting his lord's weighty

concerns to laugh even (Diva's

bull to scorn. Of fury's fire he

There is perhaps a pun here, as the Sanskrit might mean 'an
untimely Vikrama-era commencing with autumn instead of the spring-

month Caitra.
He is compared to an eastern hill because of the long line of

ridges across his breast and also because of the astronomical reference
to the use of this hill in calculating ascensions. The Sanskrit helps the

comparison by means of a pun in parvata.

We have here a punning reference to the ocean-churning, as the
words may also mean 'in revolving in the ocean and attracting
Laksnil &c.'
Vahinlnayaka = (\} leader of armies, of rivers = ocean. '
(2) lord In
not overpassing his bounds,' and 'observing the principles of generalship.'
Ghristapristha literally
= having an abraded back,' an idiomatic

worn out by many labours,' v. Comrn. karyesu ksimtio lokesu

turn for

qhriftupristha ucyate. Tcvarabhara will punuingly mean the weight of'


was the rubbing stick, of valour the lordliness, of arrogance

the arrogant quality, of pride the erysipelas, of violence the
heart, of martial ardour the life, of enterprise the panting

gasp to the infuriate a hook, to noxious kings an elephant's


goad the colophon of chivalry, the family priest of martial


companies, the scale-beam of the brave, the boundary over-

seer of the village of swords, the performer of proud

speeches, the sustainer of the routed, the executor of

pledges, the authority on openings in great wars, the reveille
drum of battle's devotees. His very voice, deep as the boom-
ing of a drum, inspired the warriors with lust for battle,
as he said :

My lord, knaves in themselves most foul mark not how
they are themselves deluded by the foul unresting vixen
fortune, as crows by the koil. The aberrations of success, like
those of the lotus, include the closing of the eyes in error 2 .

Hiding the sun with umbrella shades, the sluggard souls

become unaware of the fierce heat of others. What indeed
is a wretch to do whose looks, for ever turned away through
excess of timidity, have never even beheld the faces of

angered heroes when the fire of rage puts forth its bristles

upon cheeks tawny with the swelling of unparalleled excesses

of passion? [213] Little suspects this miserable man how
like spells wrought by Brahmans
great souls dishonoured, ,

in a moment consummate the ruin of whole houses. Even

against the low the mighty blaze out at a blow Well .

does this deed, so capable of hurling irredeemably to hell,

befit such an outcast from all martial gatherings. To right-
thinking men, who bear in the bow a treasure precious above
all else iu battle, and whose is the sword, that lotus thicket
for the sport of glory's hamsas, even ocean-churnings and the

Or to noxious serpents a Garuda.'

Or punningly the closing of buds at eve.'

The words for timidity and heroes may also mean
' ' ' : '


and 'suns.'
There is a pun in ciprakritah, which means (1) 'dishonoured,'
(2) 'wrought by Brahmans.'
Or even in water electric flashes blaze out.'

appear but mean expedients to bring fame to view

like :

what then of such expedients as his ? Those for whom, as if

themselves incompetent for the task, the very hills appointed
by the creator to support the earth vomit forth iron to assist
the stroke of clublike arms hard as the thunderbolt, how can
such stout-armed myrmidons of spotless fame even in thought
dream aught impossible? Before warrior^' hands, glorious
in power to quell all opposition 2 , the sun's rays (hands) are
in respect of occupying the realms of space maimed. Only by
vulgar report is Yama's dwelling in the southern quarter,
essentially it is in the frown of warriors, where are terrible
spaces curving with wavy lines like the Great Buffalo's
horns 3 Strange that heroes roaring like lions in battle 4 do not

suddenly grow manes along with the thorny hair that bristles
under the joy of conflict The mass of wealth 5 born from

the four oceans has two dreadful crucibles whereby foes are
burnt, the subaqueous fire and the heart of a great hero

How can the fire's natural heat rest before it has em-
braced all oceans 7 ? Idly has the lord of serpents expanded
his vast ponderous hood, when by his coils he supports 8

merely a clod of earth. Only the arms of warriors, adorned

with forearms heavy as a sky elephant's trunk, know how
sweet a taste does the earth provide in the enjoyment of a
supremacy whose edicts are never set at nought, Like the
sun, a king passes his days at his ease with radiance unim-
paired, while with upturned face the goddess of lotuses clasps

1 = Laksnil.
Or '
in overpowering all planets.'
This compound goes with both daksiiiaca, and bhatabhrukutir : in
the former case we must translate lines of the Great Buffalo's horns,'

the Great Buffalo being that of Yama.

There is here apparently a pun on the speaker's own name the :

translation would be letting loose Sitnhauada.'
Or punningly 'cinders.'

The Kashmir text reads mahapurudiiam hrdayam dhdma.

Read payorafin saJiajasya (for payora^isahajasya) with the
Kashmir text.
Or punningly '

by his government.' Bhogin serpent may also

' '

mean king.'

Padm^kara = (Y) the hands of PaclmS, = Qri, (2) lotus bads.

his feet. [214] But the coward is, like the moon, deer-hearted
and pallid of hue
how can his glory abide steady for even

a pair of nights?.? Expansive is the heroic spirit, raining a

spray of boundless glory. The paths of prowess are levelled

by the pioneer valour. The portals of pride by their very
creak dispel its foes. The open realms of space to valour are

lighted by the sh^en of swords. Glory, like the earth, derives

a loving flush from a dewy shower of the enemies' blood.
Like a row of toe-nails, Royalty also glitters more brightly
through rubbing against the grindstone edge of many a king's
diadem jewels. Enemies' looks as well as a man's palms are
darkened by ceaseless practice in arms. Hundreds of bandages
bound about manifold wounds make fame as well as the body
white. Hard strokes of swords, falling upon the cuirassed panels
of enemies' breasts, spit forth not only sparks but also glory.

Whoso, when his people have been slain by the foe, announces
man by the breast beating of his
his heart's grief like a wise
enemies' wives, whose sighs are the wind caused by the
descent of hard scimitars, whose tears are those which drip
and fall on the body of a lifeless foe, who offers water by
the eyes of his enemies' mistresses ,
he and none other
deserves fame. No notion of kindred do the enlightened attach
to bodies evanescent like a vision come and gone in sleep :

with heroes, the conception of body belongs to imperishable

fame. As foul lampblack does not so much as touch the
diamond mirror, naturally brilliant with a radiance of ever

glittering splendour, so sorrow touches not the illustrious.

Once more, you are the vanguard of the stout-hearted, the
captain of the wise, the foremost of the mighty, the champion
of the noble, the forerunner of the illustrious, the prime of
the dauntless. Here also you have cool retreats for the
abode of fortitude, concealed by the shadow of a forest
of strong arms, with the delight of sword-edge water within

reach, and the fire of anger ever smoking in the vicinity :

stout are those walls whose panels are soldiers' breasts.

Literally 'pale of back': jjcuidurapristlia&ya~de$abhasaya nirlaj-
jasya 'shameless,' Comin.
Water is offered to the dead.

Think not therefore of the Gauda king alone so deal that :

for the future no other follow his example. [215] Wave

the chowries of these mock conquerors, Hhese would-be 1

lovers whole earth, by the sighs of the matrons

of the
in their harems. Excise their vicious cravings for the
umbrella's shade by awnings of flocking kites blinded by
the scent of carnage. Dispel with exu/iations of tepid
blood the unhealthy flush of eyes diseased by the side
glances of the harlot, ill-got fame. Assuage by the lancing
of sharp arrows the tumours of preposterous hardihood 2 .

By panaceas of scars from encircling bunches of iron

fetters uproot the stinging pains of feet that wanton with

yearning for footstools. By the letters of stern command

in caustic showers allay the itching of ears alert for the cry
of 'Victory.' Remove the unhealthy rigidity of stiff un-
bending heads by forehead applications of a sandal salve
consisting of the gleam of toe-nails. With levies of tribute
for nippers extract the splinters of unmannerly forwardness
inflamed by the arrogance of wealth. With the radiance of
gemmed footstools for lamps pierce the darkness of soldiers
frowns produced by windy swelling. Overcome the complica-
tions of vain pride with a cure removing heaviness of
head by the lightness of kicks. Soften the hardness of
the bow-string's callosities by the warmth of clasped hands
folded in a perpetual obeisance. Forsake not the path
along which your sire, grandsire, and great grandsire have
marched amid the envy of the three worlds. Relinquishing
the grief proper to cowards, appropriate, as the lion a
fawn, the royal glory which is your heritage. Now that the
king has assumed his godhead and Rajyavardhana has lost
his lifeby the sting of the vile Gauda serpent, you are,
in the cataclysm which has come to pass, the only Qesa 3
left to support the earth. Comfort your unprotected people.

(^raddliakamulca occurs iu this sense in c. III. p. 94. might We
however translate these seekers
after the reverence of the whole earth.'
The Kashmir text has vlrakarya '
of valorous feats.'
A pun in ce$a ((1) left, (2) the serpent (^esa) refers to the eartli-

supporting serpent. .

Like the autumn sun, set your forehead-burning footsteps

upon the heads of kings Let your enemies with nail-

scorching cloudsof smoke from sighs all hot with the vexation
of consecration to new subservience and with dawning light
from a horizon of trembling crest gems give your feet a
dappled hue. Even Para9u-Rama, though reared as a solitary
ascetic among t^he deer, though soft-hearted with the
tenderness of his Brahmauical nature, did yet, when his
father was slain, frame his resolve and one and twenty times
cut down and
eradicated the united power of the Ksatriya
stock, which with the fierce echoing twang of its forest of
bows' notched ends [216] could rob the sky elephants of their
madness, and could inflame the world with fever by its array
of humming bow-strings what then of my lord, the prince

of the magnanimous, whose spirit wields in the native hard-

ness of his frame a thunderbolt ? Therefore do you this very
day register a resolve, and for the wreck of this meanest of
Gaudas' life take up the bow, that pennon of the sudden
expedition of fate busy in gathering lives. My lord's body,
baked in the flame of humiliation, cannot without the cool
application of the crimson sandal-unguent of foes be relieved
of this dire fever of pain. Failing the means of allaying the

pain of insult, Bhlmasena did yet without the device of any

Mandara 2 quaff the ambrosia of foemen's blood, as though it
had been sweetened by Hidimba's kisses. And Jamadagni's
son bathed in pools of Ksatriya gore, whose coolness was grate-
the touch by assuaging the fever of anger's fiery flames.'
ful to

So much said he ended, and my lord Harsa replied :

The advice of your eminence deserves to be acted upon.
As it is, my envious arm looks with a claimant's eye
upon even the king of serpents who upholds the earth.
When the very planet groups rise, my brow longs to set
itself in motion for their repression. My hand yearns to

' ' '

The words for footsteps
and '

may denote rays and

' 5
I.e. to churn it from the ocean. Bhlma had vowed to drink
Duh9asana's blood to avenge the insult offered to Draupadi. Hidimba
is the wife of Bhlma.

clutch the tresses of the very hills that will not bow. My
heart would force chowries upon even the sun's presumptu-

ously bright hands .

Enraged at the title of king, my foot
itches to make footstools of even the kings of beasts. My lip
quivers to command the escheatment of the very quarters
of heaven so wilfully occupied by their headstrong regents.
How much more therefore now that su^h a woeful issue -
has come to pass My mind, brimming with passion, has

no room for complying with the observances of mourning.

Nay, so long as this vile outcast of a Gauda king, this world-
contemned miscreant, who deserves to be pounded, survives,
like a cruel thorn in my heart, I am ashamed [217] to cry
out helplessly with dry lips like a hermaphrodite 3 Until I .

evoke a storm of rain from the tremulous eyes of the wives of

hostile hosts, how can my hands present the oblation of
water ? But small store of tears have these eyes till they have
seen the smoke cloud from this vilest of Gaudas' pyre. Listen
my vow honoured
to :
By the dust of my lord's feet I swear
that, unless in a limited number of days I clear this earth of
Gaudas, and make it resound with fetters on the feet of all
kings who are excited to insolence by the elasticity of their
bows, then will I hurl my sinful self, like a moth, into an oil-

fed flame.'So saying he gave instructions to Avanti, the

supreme minister of war and peace, who was standing near :

Let a proclamation be engraved "As far as the orient :

whose summit the Gandharva pairs abandon when alarmed

by the hurtle of the sun's chariot wheels, as far as Suvela ,

where the calamity of Rama's devastation of Ceylon was

graven by axes hewing down the capital Trikuta, as far as
the western mount, the hollows of whose caves resound with
the tinkling anklets of Varuna's intoxicated and tripping
mistresses, as far as Gandhamadana, whose cave-dwellings
are perfumed with fragrant sulphur used as scent by the
Yaksa matrons let all kings prepare their hands to give

tribute or grasp swords, to seize the realms of space or

Or rays.'

Durjate vyasane. Comni.

The Sanskrit here contains an untranslateable pun.
A mountain in Lanka, Ceylon.

chowries, let them bend their heads or their bows, grace their
ears with either my commands or their bowstrings, crown their
heads with the duJit of my feet or with helmets, join suppliant
hands or troops of elephants, let go their lands or arrows,
grasp mace-staves or lance-staves, take a good view of them-
selves in the nails of my feet or the mirrors of their swords.
Iam gone abroad. r Like a cripple, how can I rest, so long as
my feet are not besmeared with an ointment found in every
continent, consisting of the light of precious stones in the
diadems of all kings?"
Thus resolved, he dismissed the assembly, and having sent
away the feudatories, left the hall once more desirous of the

bath. Having risen, he performed all his daily duties like one
restored to himself. And from the face of the three worlds,
which had heard the vow, the day with heat allayed faded,
like the spirit of self-assertion, away. [218] Later on when
even the adorable sun, reft of his radiance, had disappeared,
as if afraid of the loss of his own sovereignty; when even
the red-lotus beds, apparently through fear, were closing and

hiding the buzzing of their bees

when the birds, motionless

and checking as if in fright the agitation of their wings were ,

becoming invisible ;
when in honour of the afterglow, which,
like the vow, embraced the whole world, all the
people with bowed heads joined a forest of adoring hands ;

when, as if the sky regents, apprehensive of falling from their

station,were erecting a circle of sky-kissing iron bulwarks,
the heavens were being hidden by an array of thick mists ;

Harsa did not stay long at the evening levee. The very
lamps around, whose flames shook in the wind from the
swaying shawls of bending kings, seemed to salute him, as he
dismissed the company, and, interdicting the servants from

entering, passed into the bed-chamber. There he lay

and stretched upon the bed his languid limbs.
As soon as he was left alone with his lamp, fraternal
opportunity like a brigand, held him in
affection, finding its
itsgrasp. Closing his eyes, he beheld his senior living as it
were in his heart. Without a pause his sighs issued forth, as
Or '
arrows.' 2
Or [ partisans.'

if in
quest of his brother's life. Covering his face with a
a white shawl's hem, he wept long
flood of tears in place of
and silently and these thoughts were in* his heart
How :

could such a form as his possibly deserve an end like this ?

Our sire had a hard-knit frame like a broad mass of rock :

but, like the iron-stone from the hills, my brother was harder
still. How after losing him does it becom$ me, heartless that
I am, even to draw one breath ? This is my love, devotion,
attachment ! What child even could approve of my surviving
his death ? Whither so suddenly has that noble unity gone ?
Accursed fate has parted me from him without even an
effort. Unfeeling that I am, my grief has been all this time
obscured by rage fie upon it and I have not even

abandoned myself to tears. Frail beyond question are the

loves of mortals, fragile as a spider's web. Kinship can be
only a conventional tie, if even I sit here apparently self-
contained like a stranger when my lord has gone to heaven.
What profit has dastard destiny reaped by parting a pair of
happy brothers with hearts blessed in the union of mutual
love [219] My lord's virtues, once grateful to all creatures

as made of moonlight, do now that he has passed to another


world verily burn, as if they had caught fire from his pyre.'
These and the like mournful meditations were in his mind.

When day dawned, he gave early instructions to the cham-

berlain that he desired to see Skandagupta, the commandant
of the whole elephant troop.
Summoned by a succession of numerous people running
all together, Skandagupta, not waiting for his elephant,
hastened on foot from his quarters with bustling lictors
forcing the people aside. At every step he questioned
the chief elephant doctors, who bowed on every hand, as
to the night's news concerning the favourite elephants. All
around him was a bustle of groups of people belonging
to the camp. In front ran throngs of unemployed persons 1 ,

come for the purpose of bursting the animals' fastenings

The comm. however explains andyatta hastiparcvaraksinah

phant attendants.'

and looking like Vindhya forests as they filled the expanse

of heaven with thickets of bamboo clumps bedecked with

uplifted peacocks* tails. With them were riders displaying


handfuls of emerald green fodder, soliciting fresh-caught

elephants, or bowing from a distance in delight at getting
prime wild ones, or reporting the approach of rut in one
under their charge^ or ordering the drums to be mounted.
First of all came some who, having been deprived of
their elephants for careless offences, wore their beards

long in mourning, while ragged new comers ran up in

hope of the happiness of securing one. Troops of super-

intendents of decoys, finding at last an opportunity, were
busy with hands uplifted enumerating the serviceable
females. Rows of foresters with tossing badges of twigs
stroveby upraising forests of tall goads to announce the
number of fresh captured elephants which they had secured.
Crowds of mahouts displayed leathern figures for practising
manoeuvres [220] Emissaries from the rangers of elephant

forests, sent to convey tidings of the movements of fresh

herds and momentarily expecting supplies of fodder, reported
the commissariat stores at villages, towns, and marts.
Beneath an aspect of indifference the bearing of a great
minister, upheld by his master's favour, and a natural un-

bending rigidity gave to Skandagupta an air of command.

He seemed to enjoin the very seas to provide a limitless

supply of shells for elephants' ears, to pillage the very hills for
store of red-chalk unguents to paint their heads, to deprive
Indra of his Airavata's charge over the sky elephants. His
tread, heavy as when Kailasa bent beneath the weight of

Qiva's step, sought, as it were, to quell the earth's pride in her

power to support great weights. His swinging arms, which
reached his knees and dangled as he moved, appeared to
plant on either side an avenue of stone pillars for elephant
posts. A somewhat
full and pendulous lip, sweet as ambrosia

and soft as young sprays, suggested a bait to allure the

These were figures of elephants used in training the animals for
Or namita was bent (Kashmir).
' '

elephant of (Jrl.
His nose was as long as his sovereign's
pedigree. A pair of long eyes, exceedingly soft, sweet, white,
and large, as if they had drunk the Milk Ocan, gulped down
the expanse of heaven. His forehead was full and wide
beyond even Meru's flank. His hair, very long, naturally
curling and rejoicing in a soft dark colour as if from
growing in a perpetual umbrella shade, appeared, as its
tresses tossed and quivered like young tendrils, to cut the
sun's rays and despoil them of their light. Though, owing to
the fall of all hostile alliances, he had abandoned the use of
the bow, yet all the ends of heaven heard the echo of his
great qualities
. With a whole army of raging elephants at
his disposal, he was yet untouched by presumption 2 Great .

in station, he was yet full of sweetness 3 royal yet full of :

virtues chief of the generous 3 as of elephants: wearing

his dependence with the enviable undaunted dignity of

sovereignty raised to a position in the king's favour, un-

approachable, like a noble wife, by others and fast fixed by

love to one lord : disinterested kinsman of the wise, un-
salaried servant of the great,
unbought slave of the prudent.
[221] Entering the palace, he saluted from a distance,
leaning his lotus hands upon the earth and touching it
with his head. When he had seated himself in not too
great proximity, Harsa addressed him: 'You have received
a full account of my brother's destruction and my own
intentions. You must therefore hastily call in the elephant
herds out at pasture. The hot pain of my brother's defeat
forbids even the briefest delay in marching.' Thus addressed
Skandagupta replied with an obeisance Let my master :

consider his orders executed. Loyal devotion, however, re-

quires of me a few words. Therefore let your majesty hear.

Or bowstrings.'
1 ' 2
Or rut.' '

Or though made of ashes, yet full of sap.'

Or made of earth, yet consisting of threads.' Cf. Comm. gunas

tantavo 'pi, na hi ghatah pato bhavatlti virodhah in allusion to the

favourite illustration in Hindu logic '
a crock is not a cloth.'

pun on danam ( = (1) a gift, (2) rut) has occurred before in

5 The

Chapter II. .

All that your majesty has undertaken is

worthy of the
Puspabhuti's line, of your own inborn
nobility fostered in

valour, of your aiuis long as a sky-elephant's trunk, and of your

peerless affection for your brother. When even the wretched
worms named snakes brook no insult, how should such
mines of valour as yourself? Yet the story of his majesty
Rajyavardhana hqs given you some inkling into the despi-
cable characters of vile men. Thus do national types vary,
like the dress, features, food, and pursuits of countries,

village by village, town by town, district by district, con-

tinent by continent, and clime by clime. Dismiss therefore
this universal confidingness, so agreeable to the habits of your
own land and springing from innate frankness of spirit. Of
disasters mistaken carelessness frequent reports come
due to

daily to your majesty's hearing

In Padmavati there was

the fall of Nagasena heir to the Naga house, whose policy

was published by a garika, bird. In QravastI faded the glory

of Qrutavarman, whose secret a parrot heard. In Mrittikavatl
a disclosure of counsel in sleep was the death of Suvarnacuda.
[222] The fate of a Yavana king was encompassed by the
holder of his golden chowrie, who read the letters of a
document reflected in his crest jewel. By slashes of drawn
swords Viduratha's army minced the avaricious Mathura
king Brihadratha while he was digging treasure at dead of
night. Vatsapati, who was wont to take his pleasure
in elephant forests, was imprisoned by Mahasena's soldiers

issuing from the belly of a sham elephant

Sumitra, son of .

Agnimitra, being over fond of the drama, was attacked by

Mitradeva in the midst of actors, and with a scimitar shorn,
like a lotus stalk, of his head. Qarabha, the Acmaka king, being
attached to string music, his enemy's emissaries, disguised as

Read abhijanasya or abhijdtyasya for ajdtyasya: the Kashmir
text has abhijanasya abhijatyasya.
This speech refers to a curious mass of unknown legendary
Cf. Visnu P. Wilson's tr. (Hall's eel. vol. iv. p. 217) Mann, vii.

149. 150.
Cf. Kathnsarit. S. ch. 12.

students of music, cut off his head with sharp knives hidden
in the space between the vino, and its gourd. base-born A
general, Puspamitra, pounded his Maurya master

Brihadratha, having displayed his whole army on the pretext

of manifesting his power. Kakavarna, being curious of mar-
vels, [223] was carried away no one knows whither on an
artificial aerial car made by a Yavana condemned to death 1

The son of (^unaga had a dagger thrust into his throat in

the vicinity of his city. In a frenzy of passion the over-
Qunga was at the instance of his minister-Vasudeva
reft of his life by a daughter of Devabhiiti's slave woman

disguised as his queen. By means of a mine in Mount

Godhana, joyous with the tinkle of numerous women's jewel-
led anklets, the Magadha king, who had a penchant for treasure
caves 3 was carried away by the king of Mekala's ministers to

their own country. Kumarasena, the Paunika prince, younger

brother to Pradyota, having an infatuation for stories about
selling human flesh, was slain at the feast of Mahakala by
the vampire Talajangha. By drugs whose virtues had been
celebrated through many different individuals some professed

physicians brought an atrophy upon Ganapati, son of the

king of Videha, who was mad for the elixir of life. Confiding
in women, the Kalinga Bhadrasena met his death at the
hands of his brother Virasena, who secretly found access to
the wall of the chief queen's apartments. Lying on a
mattress in his mother's bed, a son of Dadhra, lord of the
Karusas, encompassed the death of his father, who purposed
to anoint another son Candraketu, lord of the Cakoras,

being attached to his chamberlain, was with his minister

deprived of life
by an emissary of Qudraka. The life of the
the story of the Enchanted Horse in the Arabian Nights.
Pur. iv. ch. 24.
Amravivaravyasaninam 'a lover of snake palaces' or 'treasure
cf. the Comm.'s ahivivaram. This king's councillors on this
caverns :

occasion disguised themselves as vdtikdh, which is perhaps for vatigdh

workers in mines or metals.' Asuravivara occurs supra text p. 108
1. 5 and p. 143 1. 9. In the former passage vdtikah appears and is

explained by the Comm. as asuravivaravyasanina dcdrydh.

Kamandaki, Nltisara, vii. 51.

c. 13

chase-loving Puskara, king of Camundi, was sipped,

he was extirpating rhinoceroses, by the lord of Campa's
soldiers ensconced in a grove of tall-stemmed reeds. Carried

away by fondness for troubadours, the Maukhari fool Ksatra-

varman was cut down by bards, his enemy's emissaries, with

the cry of Victory echoing on their lips. In his enemy's


city the king of the Qakas, while courting another's wife,

was butchered by Candragupta concealed in his mistress'
dress. [224] The blunders of heedless men arising from
women have been brought sufficiently to my lord's hear-
ing. Thus, to secure her son's succession, Suprabha with
poisoned groats killed Mahasena, the sweet-toothed king of
Ratnavati, pretending a frenzy of love, slew the
Kac.i .

victorious Jarutha of Ayodhya with a mirror having a razor

edge Devaki, being in love with a younger brother,

employed against the Sauhmya Devasena an ear lotus

whose juice was touched with poisoned powder. A jealous
queen killed Rantideva of Viranti with a jew elled anklet

emitting an infection of magic powder Vindumati the


Vrisni Viduratha with a dagger hidden in her braided hair 4 :

Hamsavati the Sauvira king Vlrasena 5 with a girdle orna-

ment having a drug-poisoned centre Pauravi the Paurava :

lord Somaka by making him drink a mouthful of poisoned

wine, her own mouth being smeared with an invisible

So much said, he ended and went forth to execute his
master's orders. His majesty Harsa complied with all

the forms of royalty. But while he, according to his vow,

was commanding his march for a world-wide conquest, in
the abodes of the doomed neighbouring kings manifold evil

portents spread abroad. Thus herds of black spotted ante-


lopes roamed restlessly hither and thither, like imminent

glances of death's emissaries . In the courts resounded the

1 2
Kamandaki, Nltis. vii. 52. Ibid. 53.
Brihatsamhita Ixxviii. 1, Kamandaki vii. 53. Read visara.
Cf. Varahamihira, Brihat-Samhitd Ixxviii. 1, Kamandaki vii. 54.
Kamandaki vii. 53.
The India Office MS. has aviprakristakaladristayah.

hum of swarms of honey bees, types of the clatter of deserting

glory's anklets. With streams of flame issuing from cavities

of hideous open mouths, ill-omened jackals cfismally even in
the day time howled long and with no fair presage. Down

swooped vultures, red as young monkeys' faces in the roots

of their wings, as if full well acquainted with dead men's
flesh. All at once the trees in the parks piit forth untimely
flowers, as though to say farewell. Vehemently wept the
statues in the halls, beating their breasts with strokes
of agitated palms. The warriors, as though their heads
had vanished in fear of the near clutching of their hair,
beheld themselves headless in their mirrors. [225] Upon
the crest gems of the queens appeared footprints marked
with wheels, conchs and lotuses 1 The chowries of the .

slave women slipped suddenly from their hands. Even in

lovers' quarrels the soldiers, averted from their mistresses,

turned their backs for a long while away. On the elephants'

cheeks were parted the honey-symposia of the bees. As if
sniffing the scent of Yama's panting steeds refused
buffalo, the

young grass, ripe though it might be. In

to eat the green
the courtyards the sluggish peacocks would not dance, though
coaxed by girls clapping music accompanied by the sound of
tossing bracelets. Near the gateways night after night troops
of dogs howled shrilly without cause, upturning their faqes
as if their eyes were fixed upon the moon's deer. Shaking
her forefinger as if to count the dead, a naked woman wan-
dered all day long in the parks. Upon the inlaid pavements
uprose lines of grass swaying curved hairs upon a
like the
deer's hoofs. With braided and eyes not from col-
lyrium lustrous, appeared in the wine of their goblets the
reflections of the lotus faces of warriors' wives. The lands
shook as if affrighted at their approaching seizure. Upon the

Natural marks on an emperor's feet ;
cf. Varahamihira, Brihat S.
Ixix. 17.
Literally 'clustering': stambakarim'baddhastambam pakvam va
Widows braid their hair and omit the use of colly rium. Bead
with the MS. niranjanalofana-.


bodies of the soldiers a crimson rain might be seen to have

fallen, hue ruddy as blooming Bandhuka flowers, and

suggesting thfr- clots of red sandal juice wherewith doomed

criminals are decked As if to lustrate a doomed glory 2

blazing meteors ceased not to fall in showers, setting the

star-clusters afire with eruptions of incessantly flashing
sparks. At the very firsta furious hurricane swept along,
from every house bearing away, like a chamberlain, chowries,
umbrellas and fans 3 .

Here ends the sixth Chapter entitled The King's Vow of the
Harsa-Carita composed by
Bana Bhatta.

Carudatta in the Mricchakatika, Act x., describes himself, when
led to execution, as dragged like a beast to sacrifice, decked with the

marks of red sandal on his limbs and besprinkled with meal and
pounded incense.'
The meteors act the part of the torch which was carried round the
sacrificial animal, see Ait. Brdhm. ii. 5.
We may here note a few small variations of reading by the Kash-
mir text in the above paragraph (1) for aviprakristah at no great

distance' pravista 'having entered' with 'emissaries,' (2) for ajire 'in
the courts dram' '
dram advdrtham long and
for a long time,' (3) for

with no fair presage' upadviram gavartham 'near the camp for corpses,'
(4) 'in the halls' omitted. There are also unimportant misreadings
prarudhaprasardh for -pranayah 'full well acquainted,' pdnipallavdh for
' '

-pallavdt, casana- for casaka- goblets,' atmapa(hara) seizure,' tarantl

for apaharantl 'bearing away.' The MS. has no. (3), though without
favdrtham, and also the following text :
p. 225 1. 4
aghatanta for
vyaghatanta, 1. 10 katakesu for vdtakesu, 1. 11 niranjanalocanaruci
(? runci), 1. 12 cetljandndm for bhatindm.

[226] To the vowed hero the earth is a courtyard pediment,

the ocean a dyke,

Hell dry land, and mount Sumeru an ant-hill
is !

Strange is it that the mountains bow not when the

stout-armed wields the bow !

Of what account at all are the wretched crows termed

enemies ?

Some days having passed, on a day with care calculated

and approved by a troop of astronomers numbering hundreds,
was fixed an hour of marching suitable for the subjugation of all
the four quarters. The king had bathed in golden and silvern
vessels, like autumn clouds which were skilled in pouring

water had with deep devotion offered worship to the ador-


able Nilalohita 2 fed the up-flaming fire, whose masses of blaze


formed a rightward whorl bestowed upon Brahmans sesa-


mum vessels of precious stones, silver, and gold in thousands,

myriads also of cows having hoofs and horn tips adorned with
creepers of gold-work sat upon a throne with a coverlet of

tiger skin duly anointed

first his bow and then his body

down to the feet with sandal bright as his own fame put on ;

two seemly robes of bark silk marked with pairs of flamingos ;

formed about his head a chaplet of white flowers to be, like

the moon's digit, a sign of the supreme 4 [227] drawn to the

Or '
white,' the rainless autumn clouds being so.
3 This
clause is much curtailed in the Kashmir text, which omits all
mention of gifts to Brahmans, and by a zeugma makes the king sacrifice
the cows.
Paramecvara = (l) kitig, (2) Qiva.

region of his ear a fresh gorocaiia-spoiied Durva spray like

a sprout of light from the emerald in his ear-ornament and ;

wound upon Ms forearm together with the seal-bracelet an

amulet to prosper his going. After being sprinkled on the
head with a spray of lustral water scattered by the hand of
the highly honoured and delighted Purohit, he had sent away
valuable equipages, and divided among the kings ornaments

anointing the heavens with a copious light of jewels, had

loosed the prisoners, and bestowed suitable gifts of favour upon
distressed pilgrims and nobles; and had installed his right

arm, which by a reminding throb at the moment brought itself

as it were to notice, in the office of subduing the eighteen
continents. Finally with all good omens pressing forward
officiously, like devoted servants, in the van, amid a clamour-
ous cry of Victory from the delighted people, he issued

forth from his house, like theGolden Foetus from Brahma's

an age of gold.
egg, to set on foot
The starting place was fixed at a large temple built of
reeds not far from the city and close to the Sarasvati. It

displayed a lofty pillared gateway, an altar supporting a

golden cup adorned with sprays, affixed chaplets of wild
flowers, wreaths of white banners, strolling white-robed
people, and muttering Brahmans. During the king's stay
there the village notary appeared with his whole retinue
of clerks 1 ,
and saying, Let his majesty, whose edicts are
never void, even now bestow upon us his commands for
the day,' so presented a new-made golden seal with a bull
for its emblem. The king took it. As soon however as a ball
of earth was produced, the seal slipped from the king's hand
and fell downwards upon the ground, and the lines of the
letters were distinctly marked upon the nearly dry mud and
soft earth of the Sarasvati's bank. Apprehensive of an evil
omen, the courtiers were depressed, but the king thought in
his heart The minds of the dull are indeed blind to reality.

The omen signifies that the earth shall be stamped with the
single seal of my sole command :
[228] but the rustics
Karani, cf. the Hindi Kinuit, 'a clerk.' The Comm. suggests an
alternative rendering 'requisites for writing.'.

interpret otherwise.' Having thus mentally welcomed the

omen, he bestowed upon the Brahmans a hundred villages
delimited by a thousand ploughs. That dayhe spent in the
same place, and when night arrived, complimented all the
kings and retired to rest.
At the close of the third watch, when all creatures slept
and all was still, the marching drum was beaten with a boom
deep as the gaping roar of the sky elephants. Then, after
first a moment's pause, eight sharp strokes were distinctly

given anew upon the drum, making up the number of the

leagues in the day's march.
Straightway the drums rattled, the ndndis rang out

joyously, the trumpets brayed, the kdhalas hummed, the

horns blared ;
the noise of the
camp gradually increased.
themselves in arousing the courtiers. The
Officers occupied
heavens were confounded by a confused noise of drumsticks
added to a rapid tapping of mallets 2 . Commanders mustered
crowds of barrack superintendents . Thousands of torches
lighted by the people made inroads upon the darkness of

night with their glare. Loving pairs were roused from sleep
by the tramp of the women of the watch
Shrill words of .

command from the marshals dispelled the slumbers of blink -

ing riders. Awakened elephant herds vacated their sleeping
stalls. There was a shaking of manes from troops of horses
risen from sleep. The noisy camp resounded with mattocks
uprooting ground fastenings. Elephant hobbles rattled as
their pins were extracted. Rearing horses curved their
hoofs at the clear low noise of chain-keys brought towards
them. [229] A
clanking sound of halter fetters filled the
ten regions to overflowing, as the foragers loosed the rutting
elephants. Leathern bags, bursting with fullness, were ex-
tended upon the dusty backs of elephants, which had been
A drum which is beaten for a good omen. Gunja or Jcuhja here
the Comm. as a horn with rings of
' '

translated trumpet is explained by

lac $ahkhabhedo yatpristhe jatu parikalitam bhavati.
For this characteristic of breaking -camp in India cf. Twining
Travels in India,' pp. 92 and 484.
3 The Comm. notes a var. lect.
pathlpati with uncertain meaning.
Cf. yamakinyafa c.^iv. p. 137 1. 5 (text).

rubbed down by strokes from wisps of hay. Servants of

house-builders 1 rolled up awnings and cloth screens belong-

ing to tents and marquees. Leathern sacks were filled

to roundness with bundles of pegs. Store-room stewards
collected stores of platters. Many elephant attendants were
pressed to convey the stores. The houses of the neighbour-
hood were blocked with clusters of cups and vessels, which
were lifted upon numerous elephants, while the riders kept
the animals steady. Wicked elephants were loaded with
a cargo of utensils hurriedly tossed upon them by travel-
practised domestics. Amid the laughter of the crowd help-
less bawds lagged as they were with difficulty
dragged along with hands and legs sprawling sideways

Many huge and savage elephants trumpeted as the free play

of their limbs was checked by the tightening of the girth-
bands of their gaudy housings. A jangling of bells taking
place in the elephant troop inflamed all ears with fever.
Camels, as sacks were set on their backs, bellowed at
the outrage. The carriages of the high-born nobles' wives
were thronged with roguish emissaries sent by princes of rank.
Elephant riders, deceived as to the time of starting, searched
for new servants. Highly honoured footmen led the fine

horses of the king's favourites. An array of gay gallants

employed thick unguents to draw circular lines of camphor
on their persons 5 . To the saddles of marshals were fas-
tened martingales with wooden figures of deer 6 , bells, and
reeds attached. [230] Apes were placed among troops of
horses whose grooms were entangled in a network of coiled
Grihacintaka = ? house-artists.'

Nallvahikah karinam vusa(ghasa 1)grahananiyukto Jiastipako me-

thakhyah. Comm.
3 Or dragged by the hands of sideways-bowing servants ?
' '

But the Kashmir arid Bombay texts read varavajini show horses ' '

place of varavajini. We might translate the king's favourite show

5 The Comm. explains naslra as either (1) camphor, as in the text,
or (2) vanguard, which will require the rendering
thick unguents fit
for the adornment of the vanguard.'
Of. Comm. lavanakalayl (sic) 'mrigakritir acedndm ddrumayi
kriyate. t

reins 1 Stablemen dragged along half-eaten shoots to be

eaten at the morning manoeuvres. Loud grew the uproar of

foragers shouting to one another. Much crashing of stables

resounded as the young rearing horses swerved in the con-
fusion of starting. Women, hastening at the call of riders
whose elephants were in readiness, presented unguents for
the animals' heads. The low people of Ijie neighbourhood,

running up as the elephants and horses started, looted heaps

of abandoned grain. Donkeys ridden by throngs of boys
accompanied the march. Crowds of carts with creaking
wheels occupied the trampled roads. Oxen were laden with
utensils momentarily put upon them. Stout steers, driven
on in advance, lagged out of greed for fodder lying near
them*. In front were carried the kitchen appliances of the
great feudatories. First ran banner-bearers. Hundreds of
friends were spectators of the men's exits from the interior of
their somewhat contracted huts. Elephant keepers, assaulted
with clods by people starting from hovels which had been
crushed by the animals' feet, called the bystanders to witness
the assaults. Wretched families fled from grass cabins ruined
by Despairing merchants saw the oxen bearing

their wealth flee before the onset of the tumult. troop of A

seraglio elephants advanced where the press of people gave
way before the glare of their runners' torches. Horsemen
shouted to dogs tied behind them. [231] Old people sang
the praises of tall Tangana horses which by the steady
motion of their quick footfalls provided a comfortable seat.
Deckhan riders 6 disconsolately contended with fallen mules.

The whole world was swallowed up in dust.

Avaraksiny aevabandhanarajjuh Comm.

The Coram.'s prdudhiko yogydzandrtham prasevako yo bukkana
iti prasiddhah seems to point to a reading prdudhike 'bags' for
prdrohake 'shoots.'
Or, taking celam as = vastram, loaded with bundles of clothes.'
3 '

The Comm. however says gardabhaddso banijdni

karmakaro vd, which would require the translation greedy for &c. were
driven on by donkey boys.' Cf. lamband gardabhaddsdh p. 236,1. 9
Vidrdiidh sagokdh Conini. Cf. supra p. 68 note.
There are no mules in the Deckan,' Comm.

At the hour of marching the front of the king's residence

became full of chieftains arriving from every side, mounted
on female elephants, with riders holding up bows striped
with gold leaf, swords grasped by confidential servants occupy-
ing the inner seats, chowries waved by betel bearers, sheafs of
javelins in cases under the charge of those who sat at the back,
and saddles curving with scimitars and bristling with golden
arrows 1 Girths, confining on either side the ends of the

saddle, kept their cloth cushions motionless and gave a firm

seat. The
clash of their swaying foot-rests augmented the
sound from the precious stones in their anklets 2 Their shanks .

were covered with their proper covering 3 of delicate tinted

silk. Their copper-coloured legs were chequered with
mud-stained wraps, and a heightened white was produced by
contrast with trousers soft and dark as bees 4 They wore .

tunics darkened by black diamonds glistening on bright

forms 5 ;
Chinese cuirasses thrown over them 6 ,
coats and
doublets showing clusters of bright pearls, bodices speckled
with a mixture of various colours, and shawls of the shade
of parrots' tails. Fine waistbands 7 were wound about flanks
made thin by exercise. Servants ran up to loose dangling ear-
rings which had become entangled with pearl necklaces, tossed
by their movements. [232] Their ear-ornaments clashed
as they struck against earrings budding with gold filagree
work. The stalks of their ear-lotuses were fixed in their
turbans. Their heads were wrapt in shawls of a soft saffron

-nalaka- 1
Read pddabandha- ('pddakataka, 'anklet') with Comm.
The Kashmir text and the Comm. read -svasthdnasthagita- for

The sense here is far from clear. The Comm. writes pihgd -jah-

ghikd, anyejahghdlety ahull \

satuld ardhajahghikd ity, anye ardhajah-

ghdlety ahull. The Kashmir text reads sitdhgaih for picahgapingaih.

Eead mecakakancukaic.
The Kashmir text and the Comm. read apacita 'parihitam pujitam
(Jastam pattikdthorah katisutram ity arthah, Comm. but the :

Calcutta and Bombay texts read castram 'fine scimitars fastened to


hue. linen turbans 1 inlaid with bits of crest gems.

They had
Clouds of bees formed as it were peacocks' feathers in their
topknots. Their elephants' housings wei bedabbled from
long travel. The recesses of the world were filled with
proud restless warriors along, gay with round
who bounded
Kardaranga shields of various colours and chowries tossing
in front of them. The abysses of the .heavens resounded
with the noise of the tinkling golden ornaments upon hundreds
of prancing Kamboja horses. The sharp tapping of hundreds
of fiercely beaten lamba drums deafened the cavities of men's
ears. Their names were proclaimed aloud. And craning
footmen awaited their commands.
When the adorable sun arose, the signal conch rang out
repeatedly, announcing the moment of the king's arraying
the army. After a brief interval he came forth, riding
upon a female elephant, which by the play of its flapping
ears, swaying as it moved, seemed on this the king's first

expedition to be producing an assemblage of earth-support-

ing elephants for a conquest of the different quarters. An

auspicious umbrella, distinguished by a turquoise rod and,

by reason of the bits of ruby inlaid at its top, glowing as in
anger at the sight of the sunrise this, and a tunic of new
silk, which clung about him, softer than the plantain fruit, as
ifhe were a second king of snakes, recalled the day of the
ambrosia churning when clouds of the Milk Ocean's foam
whitened the skies 3 Raised while still young, like the tree

of paradise, to the station of an Indra, he veneered the heavens

with a powder for placing the whole world at his disposal in
the shape of the pollen from the bunches of flowers in his
ear-wreath, which was tossed abroad by the wind of the
flapping chowries. [233] His splendour seemed to drink up
The Kashmir text and the Comm. read for -colaih -kholaih :

' ' '

kholah cirastram, helmets or turbans.'

I.e. by reason of the reverberations of the sound.
Or punningly wearing robes white as the Milk Ocean's foam.' By

a complicated series of puns the king is compared to the day of the

Ocean churning. The white umbrella is the white-clouded sky and he
with his white robes is the serpent (^esa whirled in the Milky Ocean.
Read lohittiyat(ay}(i with MS. A.

the very rising sun, whose golden image appeared in his

fronting crest-gem. His lip, smeared deep with betel and
vermilion, was like^a seal assigning away the various island con-
tinents in fief to loyal affection 1 while in the guise of a horizon

of light from pearl necklaces, he forced chowries upon the

very heavens. With his brows capriciously raised a third

part in reviewing |;he royal company, he seemed to enjoin
tribute upon even the three worlds. The long rampart of
his arms appeared to embrace the seven great ocean fosses
with protecting love. Tightly embraced by Glory, having
with her all the sweetness of the milky ocean, he was, as if
made drunk in by thousands of eyes upraised
of ambrosia,
in curiosity by the people of the camp. The weight of his
great qualities seemed to sink him deep in royal hearts all
moist with affection the flood of his magnificence to anoint

the very marrow 2 of the beholders. Like the Lord of the

Immortals, he appeared busy in wiping away the stain of
his elder brother's 3 slaughter : like Prithu, sweeping away all

the gathered kings 4 with intent to cleanse the earth: like the
sun, preceded by thousands of ushers, like rays, heralding his
appearance and clearing the way, nimbly moving in deft

performance of their duty, stern in enforcing order, effecting

as it were the seizure of the very regions of space, which were
hidden by the press of frightened fleeing people, teaching the
very wind decorum by swallowing up his goings in a mass of
waving pennons, expelling the very sun's rays, which were
repelled by a cloud of dust upraised by hurrying feet, keeping
aloof the very day, which was hurled aside by the light from
a foliage of golden maces.
Then as the company of kings bowed, with bodies duti-
fully bent down, hearts thrilling with fear, heads all agleam
with the light of golden diadems whose gems were loosened

Anuruga may punningly mean

1 '

Majyanniva, majjdmapi, MS.


3 Indra killed
Vi9varupa, the three-headed son of Tvastri, who was
agraja in the sense of being a Brahman.
Or 'hills,' cf. Visnu-P. i. 13. 82.
Lit. 'causing light,' or 'crying Ho! people.' The other adjectives
have a punning application to the sun.

by their motions, and crests emitting dust from tossing

flowers, [234] the rays of their blazing crest jewels, waving

downwards, aslant, and upwards, seemed like flocks of jays

engaged in producing fair omens 1 . As they soared like

courtyard peacocks to the sky, now dense with cloud-masses

of dust, it was as if the sky-regents were fixing at their
doors festoons sprays from the tree of paradise
of soft .

Thus welcomed with bows, the hero of heroes, purchasing

as it were the kings' souls in the shape of adoration,
distributed among them tokens of his favour, such as quarter

glances, side-glances, full glances, raised eyebrows, half-smiles,

jests, plays upon words, inquiries after their health, return

greetings, careless movements of the brow, and instructions,
according to their several deserts.
The king having started, the echo of musical instruments

spread loudly hither and thither about the four quarters of

heaven, like the snorting of sky elephants affrighted at the
tumult. As, angered against their brethren in the sky,
the elephants emitted their triple flow, the tracks of the
all black with bees, appeared to
ichor torrent, pour thousands
of Kalindi's The sun's radiance being crimsoned
rills 3 .

with masses of vermilion powder, the birds 4 feared that the

sunset was come. The booming of the drums was lost in the
noise of elephants' ear-flapping, strengthened by the uproar
of bees. A
host of waving chowries swallowed up the whole

totality of things moving and motionless. The sky became

an unbroken white with clots of foam, pure as Sindhuvara
chaplets, tossed by the breath of the cavalcade. Forests of
umbrellas, with upright golden stocks and white as massed

Cf. Malati Madhava, Wilson's trans. ' Hindu Theatre,' n. p. 66
'As the countless jewels shoot
Their blaze into the sky, the heavens reflect
The countless hues, as if the peacock's plumage,
Or the mixed colours of the painted jay,
Played through the air &c.'
The clouds represent the doors, the colours of the gems the

leaves of the tree of paradise. Read vandanamdla.

3 The waters of the Kalindl or Yamuna
being dark-blue in colour.
I.e., as the Comm. explains,
the ruddy-geese.'

bunches of Tagaras, drank up the day, and the eight regions

were lost behind their close array. Blinded by a night of
dust, the day blossomed out in a morning light from lines of
coronet gems. The heavens were deafened by the din which
the horses made with their clanging golden and silvern rows
of chariot ornaments. As if to quench utterly the fire of foe-
men's valour, [235J1 the elephants bedewed the circle of the
quarters with a hot drizzle of ichor. The light of crest gems,
flickering like lightning, stole from all eyes the power to
open. The king himself was surprised at his forces, and casting
his eyes in every direction beheld an army starting out of its
encampment, in appearance like the animate world tumbling
at an aeon's commencement from Visnu's belly, the ocean
overflooding the world in a stream from Agastya's mouth, the
Narmada's flood rolling a thousand rills after being dammed
and again by Arjuna's thousand arms. Meanwhile a
let loose

multitudinous babble was going on as follows: 'March on,


my son Good sir, why do you lag ? Here is a galloping


horse.' Friend, you hobble like a lame man, while the

vanguard here is coming furiously upon us.' Why are you

hurrying the camel ? Don't you see, you pitiless brute ,

' '
the child lying there ? Ramila, darling, take care not to
' '

get lost in the dust Don't you see the barley-meal sack

' '
leaks What's the hurry, Go-ahead ?
? Ox, you are leaving
the track and running among the horses.' Are you coming, '


fishwife ? You female elephant, you want to go among


the males.' Hullo, the peasack is awry and dribbling you :

don't heed my bawling.' 'You're going astray down a


precipice :
quietly, you self-willed Porridge man, brute.'

your jar is broken.' Laggard, you can suck the sugar cane
on the way.' '

your bull.'
How long, slave, are you
to gather jujube fruit ?
' '
We have a long way to go ; why
do you linger, Dronaka, now ? this long expedition is at a

Nihfuka here and in 10 and 276 last line (Bomb.

c. viu. p. 263 1.

Ed.) = '
pitiless.' (^uka
in the sense of compassion is quoted by lexico-

graphers, cf. B. and R. s.v.

2 The Kashmir reading prasaraya is perhaps preferable ;
drive on

your bull with the preceding sentence.


standstill for 'The road in front is .all ups

one rascal 1 .'

and downs old fellow, see you don't break the sugar

kettle.' 'The load of grain is too hea-y, Gandaka; the

bullock Quick, slave, with a knife cut
carry it.'
a mouthful of fodder from this bean field [236] who can :

tellthe fate of his crop when we are gone' ?' 'Keep
away your oxen, fellow this field is guarded by watchmen.' !

The wagon is stuck fast harness a strong pulling steer to :

the yoke.'
Madman you are crushing women are your


eyes burst ? You confounded elephant driver, you are



playing with my elephant's trunk.' Trample him, you

savage brute.'

Brother, you are tripping in the mire.'

friend of the distressed, raise this ox from the mud.' This

way, boy in the thick of the dense elephant squad there

! is

no getting out.'
Here groups of elephant men, bachelors, knaves, donkey
boys, camp followers, thieves, serving men, rogues, and
grooms, sated with an easily acquired meal of plentiful readily
pounded remnants of grain, expressed their approval of the
camp in bold boisterous jubilation
There poor 6 unat- .

tended nobles, over- whelmed 7 with the toil and worry of

conveying their provisions upon fainting oxen provided by
wretched village householders and obtained with difficulty,
themselves grasped their domestic appurtenances, grumbling
as follows Only let this one expedition be gone and

done with.'
Let it go to the bottom of hell.' An end to '

this world of thirst.'

Good luck to this servitude of ours.'

Goodbye camp, the pinnacle of all unpleasantness.'

to this
Here swiftly running in a line, as if tied together as it were

Head with MS. A nistheyam.
Or when people are away.'

Yaksapalita, may, however, be a proper name.
4 Atidirdh -pragalbhah, 'bold,' Comm. who also suggests rdndlrah
harlots' sons.'
Read kelikaldih (not kekikaldih) with the Kashmir text and the
6 The Kashmir text and the Comm. here insert -vriddha-, '
Gatasamyogair utpannacittaksobhair,
distracted,' Comm. Read

on board a ship gliding down a very rapid current [237] were

the king's hired porters, cany ing black hard clubs as heavy
as trunks of trees? bearing golden footstools, waterpots cups, ,

spittoons, and baths, pushing every one aside in irrepressible

pride at being in charge of their sovereign's property with
himself at hand also bearers of kitchen appurtenances

with goats attached to thongs of pig-skin, a tangle of hanging

sparrows and forequarters of venison, a collection of young
rabbits, potherbs, and bamboo shoots, buttermilk pots pro-
tected by wet seals on one part of their mouths which were
covered with white cloths, baskets containing a chaos of fire-

trays, ovens, simmering pans, spits, copper saucepans, and

frying-pans Here, with cries of 'The labour is ours, but

when paytime comes some other rascals will appear,' village

servants, set to scareon 3 the feeble oxen tripping at every

step, were indiscriminately badgering the whole body of
nobles. There the whole country side had come in eager
haste from both directions out of curiosity to see the king,
and fools of grant-holders, issuing from the villages on the

route and headed by aged elders with uplifted waterpots,

pressed furiously near in crowds with presents of curds,

molasses, candied sugar, and flowers in baskets, demanding
the protection of the crops flying before their terror of irate

and savage chamberlains, they yet in spite of distance, tripping,

and falling, kept their eyes fixed upon the king, bringing to
light imaginary wrongs of former governors, lauding hundreds
of past [238] reporting ancient misdeeds of knaves.

Others, contented with the appointed overseers, were bawling


their eulogies :
The king is Dharma incarnate ; others, de-

The Kashmir text reads paryanka palanquins and the Comm.

1 '

karakas 'tdmbuladhdrah, 'betel-box.'

The sense of the Sanskrit words is here in several cases
For khetane the Kashmir text and the Comm. read skhalane pre-
rane, which we translate. For khetacetakaih the Kashmir text has
khalacetakaih rascally servants.'
The printed texts here insert some words which recur below ;

v. note on next page and Appendix,


spondent at the plunder of their ripe grain, had come forth

wives and all to bemoan their estates, and to the imminent
risk of their
grief dismissing
lives, begun to fear,* had
censure their sovereign, crying Where's the king?' 'What


right has he to be king ? What a king '

Hares 1 ran !

about hither and thither, pursued by furiously running crowds

armed with clubs, and struck at every pac^ like polo balls 2 :

others were caught by throngs coming upon them all at once

and torn in pieces, while others 3 by skill in plunging between
the legs of divers animals and eluding many riders' dogs by
dodging, managed in spite of showers of clods, clubs, sticks,
axes, stakes, spades, hoes, knives, and poles to effect their

escape, screaming the while with all the energy left them.
Elsewhere a cloud of dust was raised by bands of running
foragers with loins a mass of fodder bundles and grey with
chaff, sickles swinging from one part of their ancient saddles,
loose dirty blankets made of bits of old wool, and, dangling in

tatters, torn jerkins presented by their masters. In one

place riders were intently occupied in rehearsing the ap-
proaching Gauda war Here all the people, busy with

orders to up muddy places, were cutting bundles of


grass. There shrieking quarrelsome Brahmans, mounted

on the tops of trees, were being expelled by the rods of
chamberlains standing on the ground. There village dogs,
entrapped by bits of food were being tied in leashes.

Elsewhere again horses, driven by princes emulous for

victory, enlivened the scene by their collisions.
Thus the camp, exciting interest by manifold incidents,
[239] was like the doom's-day ocean gone abroad to swallow
the world at a gulp, hell formed to embower great serpents ,

Kailasa created for the dwelling of the supreme. Like the

1 Cf. Hdt. iv. 134.
Qirigudakaih : cf. B. and R. giriguda, 'play -ball' and reff. The
Comm. gives the meaning ' clod.'
Insert anyair with MS. A.
The Sanskrit compound here is almost identical with that omitted
above : v. note on previous page.
5 Read grasdkrista '
for grdmakrista with the Kashmir text.
Or kings.'

C. 14

storehouse whence the Prajapatis brought forth the four

ages, it showed a succession of all creatures like austerities, :

itwas replete *vith toil, yet like them bringing the noble
onwards in their way.
With such a spectacle before his eyes Harsa arrived at the
encampment. Reaching his quarters, he heard the stout-
armed princes abound expressing their zeal in such talk as
It was the famous Mandhatri who opened the way to
' 1
this :

world-conquest. With the irresistible onset of his chariot

Raghu in a brief time set the world at peace. Seconded by
his bow, Pandu imposed tribute on the array of kings
haughty in the pride of inherited prowess, nobility, and
wealth. Having crossed the realm of China, the Pandava
Arjuna, in order to complete the Rajasuya sacrifice, subdued
Mount Hemakuta, whose caves resounded with the twang of
the bow-ends of the angry Gandharvas. No obstacle save
resolution do the conquests of heroes know. Though shield-
ed by Himalaya with all its snows, the impotent Druma ,

fearing a trial of strength, bore like a servant the exactions

of the Kuru king. Not too ambitious, surely, of conquest
were the ancients, seeing that in a small part of the earth
there were numerous monarchs such as Bhagadatta Danta- ;

vakra. Kratha, Karna, Kaurava, (^upala, Salva, Jarasandha,

and Sindhuraja. King Yudhisthira was easily content since
he endured quite near at hand the kingdom of the Kimpu-
rushas, when the conquests of Dhananjaya had made the
earth to shake. A
was Candako^a 3 who, having
faineant ,

subdued the earth, penetrated not into the Amazonian realm.

How insignificant is the distance between the Snowy Range
and Gandhamadana The land of the Turuskas is to the

brave but a cubit 4 . Persia is only a span. The Qaka realm

but a rabbit's track. In the Pariyatra country, incapable of

Read tatrabhavata (not -am) with the Kashmir text and the
Druma was the king of the Kinnaras.
There is an oxymoron in the expression alasac Candakogah, since
caiida means violent.'

Read tifhu for kisku with the Kashmir text.

returning a blow, a gentle march alone is needed.

[240]The Deckhan is easily won at the price of valour.
Mount Malaya is hard by the Dardura rotsk, whose cave
temples are pleasant with the .fragrance of sandal branches
tossed by the wind from the southern ocean's waves and ;

Mahendra joins Malaya.'

At the door of his lodgings Harsa graciously dismissed
the chiefs on either side by motions of his brows then ;

entering, he dismounted and retired to a seat in the outer

audience tent, where, after dismissing the assembly, he re-
mained for a short time. Anon the chamberlain, resting
both his hands on the earth, announced that Hamsavega, a
confidential messenger sent by the heir apparent of Assam 1 ,

waited at the gate. 'Admit him at once' the king graci-

ously commanded.
Inspired by courtesy and respect for the
king, the chamberlain went forth in person; and soon
Hamsavega, whose very exterior, delighting the eye with
graceful flexions, belied the weight of his qualities, entered
the palace in courtly style, followed by a long train of men

carrying munificent presents. While still at some distance

he embraced the courtyard with his limbs 2 in homage.
At the king's gracious summons to draw near he approached
at a run and buried his forehead in the footstool the king :

having laid a hand on his back, he approached again and once


more bowed. Finally he assumed a position not far away,

indicated by a kindly glance from the king, who, turning his

body a little aside, sent away the chowrie-bearer standing


between, and face to face inquired familiarly, Hamsavega,


is the noble prince well ?

At this moment,' was the reply,
he is well, since your majesty so respectfully inquires with
a voice bathed in affection and moist with a flow of friend-
ship.'After a momentary pause he went on in courtly terms :


[241] Excepting only a heart replete with respect, a present

worthy of your majesty, who is a vessel for the grandeur of

I.e. hands, feet, and head.
3 For the construction nyastahastah pristhe pdrthivena cf. Raghu.
V. vi. 20 nripdndm crufavrittavamcu, for crutanripavrittavamca.


in the
governing the four oceans, is with difficulty attainable
world. Nevertheless my master, in his endeavour to add
substance to rfis message, has fulfilled the destiny jof this

umbrella derived from Varuna, a family heirloom Abhoga

its name by consigning it to a worthy charge. It mani-
fests many wonder-moving miracles. Every day, to give
coolness to its s^iade, the moon's rays, from their stored-

up thousands, penetrate it one by one. This having en-

tered, pure sweet showers of moon-bright water, skilled to
teach the lore of chattering teeth, drip at will and as long as
desired from its jewelled ribs. Whoso, like Varuna, is or is
to be sovereign of the four oceans, him and no other does it
honour with its shade. Fire does not burn it, nor wind bear
itaway, nor water wet it, nor dust defile it, nor age corrode
it. Let your majesty honour it with a glance. My com-
mission you shall hear 1 in confidence.' So speaking, he
turned round and commanded one of his own men to rise
and display it.
The words were scarcely spoken when the man rose, raised
it aloft, and drew it from its wrapper of white bark-silk. Even

as it was drawn forth in its exceedingly white splendour, it

seemed as if Qiva had burst into a wild laugh, the circle of
Qesa's flattened hoods had leapt gleaming up from hell, the
Milk Ocean had stood fixed in circular shape in the sky, an
autumn array of clouds had joined company in the firmament,
Pitamaha's swan equipage had rested with poised wings in
the ether, the day of the moon's birth from Atri's eye had
appeared to the people with all the charm of its disc of white
effulgence, the instant of the lotus' uprising from Nara-

yana's navel had been revealed, the delight of gazing to

satiety upon the moonlit twilight had been granted to
the eye, a vast round sand-isle of the heavenly Ganges had
emerged in the bosom of the sky, and the day been
exchanged for the full-moon [242] Distressed by
apprehension of a moonrise, the pairs of ruddy-geese in the

Read crosyasi (for frosyati) with the Kashmir text. So the MS.
Read duyamdna (for huyamana) with the Kashmir text.

neighbouring lotus pools slowly and softly parted, dropping

the ends of lotus fibres from their busy beaks. Closing their
voiceless lips in fear of a gathering of autiftnn clouds, the

groups of domestic peacocks turned away in despondency.

In a madjoy at the moon, opening their petals with a
broad gleaming smile, the white lotus beds awoke.
With wonderment in their minds the kjjig and chiefs, as
mounted up in the line of the handle, gazed
their glance
with awe upon that great world-marvel of an umbrella,
which might be compared to the triple world's forehead
mark, the White Island's babyhood, the autumn moon's
partial incarnation, Dharma's heart, the moon- world's palace,
Empire's mouth with white
of teeth, the sky's
its circle

circular hair-parting showing a white line of pearls in

array the moon's halo with its white centre of great efful-

gence, Airavata's round ears at rest in all the loveliness of

their white smiling shells, the world-adored track of Visnu
allpale with Ganges' white eddies Tied around its rim was

a circle of small chowries, made of lotus fibre from Manasa

and resembling the flames of light from Varuna's diadem. To
its point was attached for an emblem a hamsa with pinions

poised as waiting anxiously to hear the tinkle of imperial


glory's anklets. Its charming stock was a smooth miracu-

lously stiffened lotus root from Mandakim, like a Vasuki with

closed hoods, converted to a rod. Its whiteness seemed to
cleanse the outgoing flood of radiance to veil
Zodiac, its

the day, its height to depress the heavens. It was like an

ascent of all fair omens, a white bower for Glory, a cluster
of flowers on the tree-trunk of Brahma 3 the
moonlight's round

navel, the white smile of Fame, the gathered foam of the

water of all swords' edges, the nucleus of heroism's splendou r.
[243] This having been first inspected by the king, the
servants in due order displayed the remaining presents.
Among them were famous ornaments inherited from Bhaga-

The reference is to the galaxy.
The Ganges is said to issue forth from Visnu's foot.
Sc. the world. _

datta and other renowned kings, ornaments which crimsoned

the heavenly spaces with the light of the finest gems the :

prime of sheeny crest jewels pearl necklaces which seemed


the source of the Milk Ocean's whiteness silken towels, :

pure as the autumn moon's light, rolled up in baskets of

variously coloured reeds :
quantities of pearl, shell, sapphire,
and other drinking vessels, embossed by skilful artists :

loads of Kardaranga leather bucklers with charming borders,

bright gold-leaf work winding about them, and cases

to preserve their colour soft loin-cloths smooth as birch

bark pillows of samuruka leather
: and other kinds of ,

smooth figured textures cane stools with the bark


yellow as the ear of millet volumes of fine writing with


leaves made from aloe bark and of the hue of the ripe pink
cucumber: luscious milky betel nut fruit, hanging from its
sprays and green as young harlta doves; thick bamboo
tubes containing mango sap and black aloes oil, and fenced
round with sheaths of Kapotika leaves, tawny as an angry
ape's cheeks bundles contained in sacks of woven silk and

consisting of black aloe dark as pounded collyrium, Go$lrsa

sandal stealing the fiercest inflammation away, camphor cool,

pure, and white as bits of ice, scent bags of musk oxen,

Kakkola sprays, clove flower bunches, and nutmeg clusters,
all masses of ripe fruit: cups of ullaka",
bristling with
diffusing a fragrance of sweetest wine [244] heaps of black :

and white chowries: carved boxes of panels for painting,

with brushes and gourds 3 attached: curious pairs of Kin-
naras*, ourang-outangs, jlvanjivaka birds, and mermen, with
necks bound in golden fetters musk deer scenting the space

all round them with their

perfume female camara deer> :

used to running about the house: parrots, garikas, and

Samuruka is a kind of deer.
The Comru. doubts whether
this is the juice of a kind of fragrant
fruit or a kind of decoction.
3 Sc. to hold
the paints.
The Kinnaras are described as mythical beings in the shape of
men with horses' heads, perhaps originally a kind of ape. Some species
of ape may be meant here.

other birds in gold-painted bamboo cages and


chattering copious wit: partridges in cages of coral: and

rings of hippopotamus ivory, encrusted with rows of huge
pearls from the brows of elephants

Delighted at the sight of the umbrella, the king mentally

welcomed it as a fair omen on his first march, and addressed
himself in friendly terms to Hamsavega, saying I marvel :

not, fair sir, to obtain from the prince, rich in every precious

gift, as the moon was got from the ocean, this great umbrella,
fit to be held above the head of the Supreme. The first

lessons of the great are in conferring favours.' The collection

of presents having next been removed, after a moment's pause,
You require rest, Hamsavega,' he said, and dismissed him
to the chamberlain's house. Rising himself, he bathed, and
then, seeking fair auspices, entered eastward the shade of
The very moment he entered, such a coolness arose
from the shade that the moon seemed to have become his
crest jewel, dew-dropping moon-stones seemed to kiss his
forehead, camphor dust to melt upon his eyes, a frost from
drops of dissolving snow to form pearl necklaces, a rain of
Haricandana juice to fall without a pause upon his breast, his
heart became cool as if made of night-lotuses, an invisible melt-

ing ice seemed to anoint his limbs. Astonished he thought,

[245] 'What but an undying alliance could be a fit return
for this present?' At the hour of dining he sent to Ham-
savega the remains of his toilet sandal enclosed in a polished
cocoanut wrapped in a white cloth, a pair of robes touched
by his person, a waistband called Pariveca whereof one part
showed clusters of clear pearls like autumn stars, an ear-
ornament called Tarangaka, reddening the day with the
light of a precious ruby, and a plentiful repast. In this
and other proceedings the day was spent.
Anon the light-wreathed sun, his form dimmed by
the great masses of dust from the encamped array,

These pearls are often alluded to in Sanskrit poetry, e.g. Kumara-
S. i. 6.
Or perhaps with the name Parivega formed by groups of &c.
' ' ' J

dipped in the western ocean, as if to cleanse his polluted

frame. As though to announce to the god the presentation
of the umbrella^ Abhoga, he departed to Varuiia's
By the closing of all the day-lotus beds the earth with all her
isles seemed prematurely to clasp hands in obeisance before
her lord. Like a glow of affection for the king, the twilight
akin to the proffered homage of the whole animate

creation, took the world in its embrace. The eastern heaven

grew dark, as if alarmed at the Gauda's sin. Beneath the
gathering gloom the earth became a black expanse, as though
the fire of all other kings' splendour had been quenched.
The heavens strewed thick their constellations bright as
opening Tograra-blossoms, like flowers for the twilight levee
of the ruler of the earth. 1
Dust-grey in the sky shone Aira-
vata's track, as though he had rushed towards the
of the ichor of the scent elephants in the
camp. Abandoning
Indra's quarter, as if infected by the sniff of the angered

tiger-king, the lover of Rohini

mounted the firmament.
Over the ten quarters the moon's rays sped, thrilling, like
rumoured invasion, the hearts of proud ladies. Agitated
in the play of their creatures*, the lords of rivers shook
as if sick with terror at the emperor's new march.
all the realms of space, the weft of darkness passed into
the cave hollows, like anxiety into the hearts of kings 4 .

[246] From the night-lotus beds, as from the eyes of hostile

neighbouring chiefs, sleep waned away.
At that hour the sovereign, who was lying beneath an
extended awning, dismissed his servants with the words

Begone now,' and then

to Hamsavega said Explain your
errand.' With a low bow the other began his narrative :

'In former times, your majesty, the holy earth, having

through union with the Boar become pregnant, gave birth

The dusty colour is taken as due to the dust of Airavata's speed.


Rohiniramanas, the moon,' may also mean bull,' which is sup-

2 ' '

posed to be frightened by the tiger's scent. The tiger-king is Harsa.

Or otherwise the lords of armies in all the functions of their

spirits.' The '

lords of rivers
are the oceans.
Or with the usual pun mountains.'

in hell to a son called Naraka. Before this hero's feet, while

he was still in his boyhood, the crest-jewels of the lords of
nations were apt to bow. Without the command of this stout-
armed ruler of the world the sun himself, though scanned
with angrily bent side-glances by the female cakravakas of
the domestic lotus tanks, went not to his setting, and
Aruna reversed his chariot wheels in
It was he who
won this umbrella, this external heart of Varuna. In the
posterity of this hero, when many great Meru-like kings,
such as Bhagadatta. Puspadatta, and Vajradatta, had passed
away, there was born a Maharajadhiraja named Susthi-
ravarman, a splendid hero famous in the world as Mriganka :

great-grandson of Maharaja Bhutivarman, grandson of Caii-

dramukhavarman, and son of Sthitivarman, who wore the
unshaken majesty of Kailasa. This king was born with a
pride which seemed unborn. Even as a boy he dealt out
presents to all Brahmans through affection, and reverses to
all enemies
through hate. In him was seen at its best the
so unattainable sweetness of Glory, that child of the salt
ocean. For he took away the conch-shells of the lords of
armies ,
not their jewels grasped the stability of the earth,

not its tribute seized the majesty of monarchs 3 not their

; ,

hardness. this auspiciously named king was born by his

queen QyamadevI a son and heir Bhaskaradyuti, otherwise
named Bhaskaravarman, as Bhisma was born to Qantanu by
Bhaglrathl. Now from childhood upwards it was this prince's
firm resolution never to do homage to any being except the
lotus feet of Qiva. Such an ambition, so difficult of attain-
ment in the three worlds, may be reached by one of three
means, by a conquest of the whole earth, [247] by death, or by
a friend like your majesty, peerless hero of the world, burning
the heavens with a blaze of impetuous valour. The friend-
ship of monarchs again commonly has regard to utility.

Pratigraha is used in a double sense, (1)
= presents given to Brah-
mans, (2)
= the rear of an army.
Or 'lords of rivers,' = oceans. The use of conchs was a sign of
independent rule.
3 '
Or mountains.'

And what possible contribution of utility could incline your

majesty to friendship ? Wealth is but a remote consideration
to your majesty, whose aim is to amass fame. One who
relies upon his arm alone has no occasion for desiring the
assistance of his other members, much less of a stranger.
To one greedy to seize the four combined oceans what
gratification is th^ere even in the proffered gift of a part of
the earth ? Even the alluring present of a beauteous maiden
is nothing to one whose eye wantons with the sight of glory's

lotus face. Seeing, therefore, that ours is an object attainable

only by impossible expedients, let your majesty, graciously
regarding a mere petition, hear. The sovereign of Assam
desires with your majesty an imperishable alliance, like that
of Kuvera with the foe of Kama 1 that of Dacaratha with ,

Indra, that of Dhananjaya with Krisna, of Vaikartana with
Duryodhana, of the Malaya wind with the month Madhava.
If your majesty's heart too is inclined to friendship and
can comprehend that friends enter upon a slavery disguised
under a synonym, then enough ! Commission me to say
that the sovereign of Assam may enjoy your
majesty's, as
Mandara Visnu's, hearty embrace, so that the crushed bits of
bracelet 3 gems may grind as they clash against the jewelled

edges of great arm rings. In this moonlike face, pouring forth

a ceaseless ambrosial flood of pure beauty and magnificence,
let the glory of the sovereign of Assam at length indulge to

satiety the longing of her eyes. If your majesty accepts not

his love, command me what to report to master.' my
Whenhe ceased speaking, the king, who from previous
reports of the prince's great qualities had conceived a very
high respect for him and whose affection had been raised to a
climax by the affair of the umbrella Abhoga, replied almost
bashfully with profound respect How could the mind of

one like me possibly even in dream show aversion,

Hamsavega, when such a great and noble spirit, such a

1 2
I.e. Civa, Cf. Megha-D. 76, a. Karna, the son of the sun.
Kataka by a pun (
= 'the slope of a hill') applies also to Visim
and the mountain.
Or with the Kashmir reading ksalayatu bathe her '

and captain of the worthy, bestows his love

treasure of virtue
as an absent friend upon me ? Though keen to scorch the
whole world, the rays of him of the piercrhg splendour fall
cool upon the lotus bed that gladdens the eyes of the
universe. [248] Who
are we, bought by the multitude of
his virtues, to be called friends? the ten regions are the
unhired servants of the sweet qualities <jf the noble. Who
needed to intercede with the moon on behalf of the night
lotus, which exhibits its likeness in a nature absolutely bright
and open x ? The prince's design too is excellent. Stout-
armed himself, with me, a devotee of the bow, for his friend, to
whom save Qiva need he pay homage ? This resolve of his
increases my affection. The heart respects the lion, though
a brute, for his pride how much more a friend
: Therefore !

use your endeavours that my yearning to see the prince may

not torment me long.'
Hamsavega responded :
What else remains ? Even
your majesty's generous words give a pain to my noble master.
The good are timid of dependence, and herein especially our

haughty Vaisnava line. But not to mention my master's

family, let your majesty consider
: W
hen towards servitude
inclined by overwhelming calamity, like a wicked mother, old
in years ; spurred on by greed like an unsatisfied wife harass-;

ed by imaginings with their manifold cravings, begotten


of youth, like bad children; beholding circumstances over-ripe,

likean elderly daughter in his house, and suggesting recourse
to another man urged to exertion by all planets of distress,

like poor kinsmen pursued by foul deeds, like aged servants, of


long standing and not to be shaken off: when thus, cherishing

in his heart in vain the desire of grasping the whole round of

delights, as though the power of all his senses were

blighted, a
man makes up his mind to enter a palace, as a malefactor a

The argument is that every one, however exalted, is at once at-
tracted by that which is perfect in itself, the sun by the day lotus,
the ten regions by the noble, the moon by the night lotus, and I by
your king.
The notion of the malefactor and the causes which lead him to
crime runs through the whole of the preceding.

cowdung fire, to the burning torment of all his frame,

withering like a festoon spray at the very portal,
of all,

he has the distress of being shut out by lackeys.

Entering at the door, he is beaten by others like a deer,
dashed away time after time, like the dummy in elephants'
by buffets from the hands of
practice, a group of lackeys ,

downbent through^ greed of wealth, like a tree branch

over a treasure. No petitioner, he is turned away and shot
forth [249] by the mean 2 till he flies into desperation no

thorn, he is plucked away, as he clings to the feet, and

hastily hurled aside no Kama, he is annihilated by the


scorching glance of a master angered by his unseasonable
approach. Like an ape, he changes not colour when angrily
reprimanded like a Brahman-slayer, he performs degrading

offices, forbidden to touch, his shaven poll seared by daily

obeisances : like Ti^anku, he stands day and night with
downbent head, excluded from both worlds 4 like a :
he submits for a mouthful of food to be driven at will 5 :

like a fasting monk, he wastes his frame, retaining the
desire of life like a dog, he turns away from
in his heart :

his proper spouse and in bondage to vile habits consumes

himself: like a dead man, he receives his ball of meal in grue-
some 7 quarters like a crow, he lives for nought a wastrel 8

life, his manly vigour subservient to a greedy tongue :

like a ghoul frequenting graveyard trees, he hovers

about royal favourites made rough by their accursed

Pratihdramaiidalakara may also mean 'trunks surrounded by
gloves '.'
Amargaiiasya may also mean no arrow and udvegam vrajatah,
' '

speeds on its flight.' No arrow, he is drawn far back, turned outwards,

and driven swiftly away.'

Qiva or a king.
Ram. I. Ix.
Sukhavdhya = (V) 'easily driven,' (2) 'exiled from happiness.'

Or as applying to the monk '
with death (jiva-iiaca) determined
in his heart.'
Anucita may be divided anu-cita = post -burial,' i.e. 'cemeteries.'

8 There is a pun in vihitayuso, which might be divided vi-hita-ayuso

= '

having a life fit for a bird.'

Or as applying to the crow '

through greed of tongue devouring

human ordure.'

success : like a child, he is innocently duped by the talk
of parrot kings, conferring delight by a false tongue and
showing affection only on their lips: like* a vampire, [250]
there nothing he will not do under his master's spell
is :

like a painted bow, he is for ever bent in the one act of

distending string of imaginary virtues but there is no force
a ,

in him* heap of dust sweepings gathered by a broom,

: like a
he carries off toilet-leavings 5 like a phlegmatic patient, he is :

daily worried by acrid doorkeepers like a Buddhist, he has :

attained to through learning the vanity of

life- weariness
things and longs
for the yellow robe like the meal offered to :

the Divine Mothers, he is cast out into space even at night :

like one taint, he aggravates a wretched existence

under a
by poor lodging
like a pumping machine, he has left

all weight behind him and bends even for water degraded :

below the worm, he worships even with his words the feet
of those uncontented with his head alone. Abandoned by
shame, as if she were alarmed by hard strokes from chamber-
lains' canes avoided by self-esteem, as if stifled in a heart

contracted by meanness: parted from magnanimity, as if

angered by his condescension to low acts through devotion ;

to riches he heaps troubles, increasing his contemptible-

ness under the idea of magnifying his means. Fool though !

there exists a wood 9 fragrant with the scent of myriad

flowers, he does homage to a mirage: though a noble, he
trembles like a malefactor as he draws near :
though of good
presence, his being is fruitless as a painted flower: though
learned, his speech is as blundering as a fool's: though
Or made rough by the ashes of the
Or redness.'

AUJcagunadhyaropana = (\} 'ascribing unreal virtues,' (2) 'stretch-


ing an unreal string.'

Or ' but he has no force of an arrow.'
6 There
is a pun here, as
nirmalya might mean purity.'

Katuka may mean either (1) 'doorkeeper' or (2) 'hot flavours.'
7 The reference is to the nihilist tenets of the Buddhists. Through '

vain petitions or '

through nihilist doctrines.'

Or by lodging on the ground.'

Vane may also mean water in reference ' '
to the mirage. The literal
sense is that the courier might have recourse to a life in the woods.

capable, he folds his hands helplessly, like a leper. Roasted

without fire at the elevation of his equals, dying without

expiring [251] atf'the rise of his inferiors, tossed like a straw

by burned without respite by the fire of pain, though

partial unportioned, though cold to pride yet scorching

his kin, though of humble carriage yet making no way,
though his weight^ is fallen from him yet gravitating down-
wards, though void of spirit yet a seller of human flesh ,

though free from intoxication yet not master of his actions,

though no hermit yet giving up his soul to pensiveness, a
burnt-poll bowing as soon as he gets up, a domestic
fool for ever dancing to amuse the wise, a household fire-

brand burning his stock, a human ox bending his neck to

get even a wisp of grass, a mass of flesh born only to
fill his
belly, a sore of his mother's womb, for his sins a
servant, for him what atonement is there ? What means
of reformation ? Whither shall he go to find peace ?
What is his life like ? What manly pride is his ? What
possible pleasures ? What dream of enjoyment ? This
dreadful name
of servant, like a torrent of mud, lays every-

thing low. Ah me he sighs, to hell with such wealth,

' '

perdition such advancement, hail to such worship-

enjoyments, my service to such grandeur, away with
such glory, joy go with such pomp, for the sake of which my
head must seek the earth.' An eunuch whose love is but
words, a worm of inodorous carrion, a mannikin of no account

a walking footstool all grey atop with the dust of feet, [252]
in coaxing notes a human cuckoo, in gratifying cries a

peacock, in bosom-rubbing a land tortoise, in mean fawnings

a dog, in modulated notes a pipe, in strainings of body a
harlot's person, in the rice-fields of manliness a straw, in
jerkings of head a lizard, in curling himself up a hedgehog,
Or though a

chariot,' vimdna.
I.e. his own. Human flesh is offered to goblins or spirits.
3 Or 'hapless.'
This was the name of a sect of ascetics.
Or punningly a hell of dishonour.'

6 The word -pdlisu is ambiguous =(1) 'rice field,' (2) 'possessor of.'
Of the servant in shrivelling up his soul.' ^

in rubbing of feet a very footstool

in slappings with ,

hands a ball in beatings with sticks a lute board, if a

wretch of a servant belongs to the worM of men, then

a rajila snake is a cobra, and a withered stalk the best of
rice. Better for a manly man is a moment of manliness at ;

the price of bowing the wise deem not even the joy of a

world-sovereignty worth a bow. Therefore, let your majesty,

approving of our love, bethink himself that the king of
Assam died only a few days ago.'
So much said, he became silent, and shortly after bowed
and took his leave. The king spent that night with a heart
held captive by yearning for a sight of the prince for over :

the great self-devotion works as a charm that needs no

simples. On the morrow he sent Hamsavega away with a
load of answering gifts in charge of eminent envoys. For
himself he thenceforth advanced by ceaseless marches against
the One day he heard from a letter-carrier that Bhandi

had arrived with the Malwa king's whole force, conquered by

the might of Rajyavardhana's arm, and was encamped quite
near. At this news the fire of brotherly grief awoke again ;

his courage gave way, and he retreated into the darkness as

it were of a swoon laying aside all his occupations, remaining

in his own
quarters [253] with his attendants noiseless and
through the chamberlains' prohibitions, he waited awhile
with his royal retinue for Bhandi's arrival.
Soon with a single horse and a retinue of a few
nobles, he came in sight. His soiled garb, his breast filled
with the points of enemies' arrows, like an array of iron pins
implanted to restrain his heart from bursting, his beard
resting like reverence for his master in his bosom, all
betokened his grief. On his arm, flabby from neglected
exercise, dangled for an ornament a remnant of his charm
bracelet. His parched lip, faint in colour from careless
application of betel, protruded under the force of long sighs,

There is some obscure pun in pratipadaka (
= 'leg of a couch' text
p. 7, 2).
Read kanduka for katuka with the Kashmir text.
Or by himself.'

from a heart burning with sorrow's flame, and with

like a coal
a stream of tears for a shawl he hid his face, as though
abashed by the 'crime of preserving his life after his master's
removal. With limbs enfeebled he appeared to shrink through
shame into himself: and his long sighs seemed to vomit
forth now purposeless prowess of his arm. Like a
sinner,a criminaj, a malignant he seemed, like a man
plundered and deluded, a young elephant despondent at the
fall of the monarch of the herd, a lotus bed robbed of its

loveliness by the sunset, Drona's son distracted by Duryo-

dh ana's death, the ocean deprived of its jewels.
In this guise he drew near the king's portals, and, dis-
mounting from his horse, entered the residence with downcast
looks. While still some distance away, he uttered a cry and fell
at the king's feet. But he, on seeing him, rose, and advancing
with tottering steps, uplifted him, and clasping his neck in
a close embrace, wept long and piteously. The fury of his
grief relaxing, he turned back again and sat as before upon
finally, when
his seat : Bhandi had wiped his face, he wiped
his own. Atime having elapsed, he enquired the

facts of his brother's death, and Bhandi related the whole

story in full. Next the king asked what was Rajya9ri's plight.
majesty,' was the response, I learnt from common
' '

talk that after his majesty Rajyavardhana was taken to

paradise and Kanyakubja was seized by the man named

Gupta, queen Rajya^ii burst from her confinement, and with
her train [254] entered the Vindhya forest. But not to this
day have the numerous searchers sent after her returned.'
What care I,' the king answered,
for other seekers ?

Where she has gone, I myself, abandoning all other calls, will

go.Your honour also must take the army and advance against
the Gauda.' So saying, he rose and went to the bath
chamber and when Bhandi had caused his mourning beard

to be shaved, had bathed in the chamberlain's apartments,

and had received signs of favour in the shape of clothes,
flowers, unguents, and ornaments for the body, the king ate
and spent the day alone in his company.
On the next day Bhandi, approaching the king, said :

Let your majesty inspect the Malwa king's army and royal

equipage, won by the power of his majesty Rajyavardhana's

arm.' The king consenting to this being dofie, he displayed
the booty, such as elephants in thousands, great as moving
boulders, with muddy cheeks whose temples were hairy
with swarms of bees clamouring about the intoxicating scent
of incessantly dripping ichor, elephants booming with deep
roars like clouds alighted upon the
earth, and, like con-
centrated autumn
days, emitting the fragrance of full-blown
Saptacchada groves horses swift as antelopes and gay with

lines of gold-bedight chowries ornaments of divers kinds,


raining floods of morning radiance and by their light

covering the heavens with many a rainbow wondrous pearl :

necklaces that had toyed with the scent of the bosoms of

love-intoxicated Malwa women, like stars and yet flooding
the heavens with a torrent of unborrowed light yak-tail :

chowries, like Harsa's own glories, white as a mass of moon-

light: a white umbrella with a golden stock, like the lotus
dwelling of Qri: beauteous women, like Apsarases come
down out of fondness for valour redolent of many a fight:

regal paraphernalia such as lion thrones, couches, and settees :

all the Malwa king's adherents with their feet restrained by

iron fetters : the whole of his treasure chests, heavy laden

with wreaths of ornaments and provided with written records
of their contents.
inspection over, the king appointed overseers to take
charge of the booty according to their several functions.
The next day [255] he set out with the horse in search of his
sister, and in a comparatively few days' march reached the
Vindhya Entering, he saw while still at
forest referred to.
some distance a forest settlement, distinguished by woodland
districtsturned grey by the smoke from granaries of wild

grain in which heaps of burning Sastika chaff sent up a

blaze. Wherein were huge banyans, encircled with cowpens
formed of a quantity of dry branches; tiger-traps, con-
structed in fury at the slaughter of young calves 2 ;

A kind of rice ripening in sixty days, commonly called sathl.
2 and
\'atsarupaka : cf.
yatsarupa p. 257 1. 3 from end, Bombay ed.,
Comm. svalpd vatsd vatsarupdh.
c. . 15

foresters violently seizing the axes of trespassing wood-

cutters; and Durga arbours built of tree clumps in the
thickets. The Outskirts being for the most part forest, many
parcels of rice-land, threshing ground, and tilth were being
apportioned by small farmers, and that with no little vigour
of language, since it was mainly spade culture and they were
anxious for the support of their families. No great amount
of coming and going tramped the earth owing to the

difficulty of ploughing the sparsely scattered fields covered

with Kaga grass 1 with their few clear spaces, their black soil

stiff as black iron, the branches

bursting from the tree trunks
set up here and there, their growths of impenetrable gyamaka,
their wealth of Alambusa, and their Kokilaksa bushes not
yet cleared away. Near the tillage scaffolds constructed
above ground suggested incursions of wild beasts.
In every direction at the entrance to the forests were
drinking arbours made of wayside trees, which by their
coolness seemed to dispel the summer heat arbours, where:

the shade was dappled by fresh shoots made grey by the

dust of travellers' stamping feet, where were Nagasphuta
bushes planted in the vicinity of freshly dug tanks bedecked
with bunches of Sal flowers easily obtained from the woods,
tiny huts formed of close-woven wattles, heaps of crocks
dotted with meal and encircled by twisted braids of flies,
stones of rose apples which travelling folk had eaten scat-
tered over the ground about them, masses of Dhull-Kadamba
flowers with the pollen formed, wooden stands surmounted
by an array of bristling water jars to steal away thirst,
cool porous vessels with dripping bases for allaying weariness,

pitchers black with moist aquatic plants for the purpose

of keeping the water cold, bits of pink gravel taken from
ewers to cool the air, cups having pink flowers tied by
straw whisps about their necks, tree trunks bristling with
bunches of juicy young mango fruit forbidden to wither
by bundles of dew-besprent twigs, and successive troops of
resting pilgrims drinking the water.

The Kashmir text and A read
Kantakita^' containing grass stalks'? cf. c. v. p. 139.

In other places again [256] blacksmiths Avere almost

intensifying the heat by burning heaps of wood for charcoal.
On every side the prospect was filled with tHk inhabitants of
the district, who dwelt in the surrounding country, entering
the woods to collect timber and enveloped in the provisions
guarded for them by old men stationed in the hamlet houses
of the vicinity. Their bodies they had anointed to prepare
themselves for their hard sylvan toils. On their shoulders
were set strong axes, and about their necks hung their
breakfast bundles. They wore ragged clothes for fear of
thieves. Their water they bore in jars having mouths covered
with corks of leaves and attached to their necks which were
encircled by triple collars of black cane. Strong oxen marched
before them in couples 1.

Ranging on the outskirts were hunters, who grasped snares

with intricate loops formed of animals' sinews 2 and bore coiled

traps and netted nooses fastened to a quantity of screens

used in shooting wild beasts. Fowlers roamed hither and
thither, loaded with cages for falcons, partridges, kapinjalas,
and the like, while their boys loitered about with aviaries

hanging from their shoulders. Troops of childish trappers

wandered in eager pursuit of female sparrows caught with
twigs whereon a little castaway pulse broth was smeared.
Young hunters, practising bird-catching, coaxed on a tribe
of dogs frightened at partridges hidden in clumps of grass.
There were people moving along with bundles of Cidhu
bark, hued an old ruddy-goose's neck, countless sacks of

recently uprooted Dhataki flowers of the colour of red ore

and of cotton plants, plentiful loads of flax and hemp bundles*,
quantities of honey, peacocks' tail-feathers, wreaths of com-
pressed wax, barkless Khadira logs frilled with hanging

Ldmajjaka grass, large bundles of Kustha, and JRodhra yellow

as a fullgrown lion's mane. Village wives hastened en route
for neighbouring villages, all intent on thoughts of sale and

Or yuga may mean 'yoke': for balad read balavad with the

Kashmir text, or with A purahsaradballvarda*

Mrigatantu 1
The MS. A reads lagna for vadhii.
Read, with A, atasl^anapfdakdndm. Or 'easily obtained'^


bearing on their heads baskets filled with various gathered

forest fruits.
Here and there the preparation of unsightly fields of
barren soil was being effected by numerous lines of wagons,

bearing heaps of manure [257] from old dust heaps and

yoked to strong young steers, while to the creaking of their
loose and noisy ?vheels were added the angry cries of the

dust-grey ploughboys who sitting on the poles urged them


on. The surrounding country was black with numerous sugar

cane enclosures, showing wide carefully tended branches,
buffalo skeletons fixed on stakes to scare with their sharp

points the rabbits which devastated the rising buds, and high
bamboo fences which the antelopes lightly leapt when startled
by ox-drivers' sticks which the watchers hurled at them.
At very wideintervals were the dwellings of the forest

householders, girt with orchards of emerald-bright Snuhd,

entangled with thickets of bamboo suitable for bows, and
owing to rows of thorny Karanja. They
difficult of access
had garden enclosures with clumps of Garmut, Gavedhuka,
Granthiparna, Qigru, Surana, Surasa, Vahgaka, Vaca, and
the castor plant, and a network of Kasthaluka creepers,
reared upon tall planted uprights, provided a shade. Young
calves 2 were tied to Khadira stakes fixed in the ground in
circular jujube arbours, and crowing cocks more or less indi-
cated the positions of the houses. At the foot of Agasti 3
trees in the yards tanks and drinking vessels* for birds had
been constructed, and pink masses of jujube were scattered
around. The walls were formed of partitions made of [258]
slips of bamboo, leaves, stalks, and reeds, while for ornament
gorocana pigment and Kimguka flowers were used There .

were piles of charcoal tied with Valvaja grass, numerous

Reading sairika (hdlikah] with Comm. and A. The texts have
sairibkct, ox.'
Vatsarupdh svalpd vatsdh Comm. : cf. supra note.
Read angandgasti- with the Comm.
Ksiprapupikd 1 The Comm. paksipupikd 'paksdndm vetravaldni
bhdndabheddh points to a reading paksipupikd. The Kashmir text has
ksiprapaksipupiJcd. A has paksiprapikd.
Read with MS. A kimfukafforocandviracita maiidanair

valvaja .

heaps of cotton from the Seemul tree fruit, stores of Nala

rice, waterlily roots, candied sugar, white lotus seed, bamboos,
and threshed rice ready at hand also collections of Tamdla

seeds mats worn from being used to pound ashes and

disposed upon heaps of Kagmarya^, a wealth of withered

Rdjddana and Madana fruit, abundance of Madhuka fruit
decoctions, pots of safflower in excellent cupboards, no lack of
Rajamasa, cucumber, Karkatika, and gourd seeds, and col-
lections of living pets, such as wild-cats, maludhana snakes,
ichneumons, galijatakas ,
and the like.

MS. A reads tamalavyaih.
A B read bhajmamalinamldnakdcmaryakutavydprita-, 'mats
used for heaps of Kdcmarya and so worn and dusty ? '

MS. A -pdlijatakadibhir, cf. p. 235, infr.

Here ends the seventh chapter entitled The Gift of the Umbrella
of the Harsa-Carita composed by Crl Bana Bhatta.

[259] As it produces at once all the objects which desire could

Even Fate seems to pay beforehand
its homage to the
fortunate ;

By men, and by the joy of be-

association with learned
holding a kinsman who has been loved and lost,
Who would not be made happy in the world 2 and by ,

the attainment of a costly jewel 3 ?

Next morning the king rose up and going out of that

village went into a forest of the Vindhya and there he ;

roamed hither and thither for many days. But one day as
he was wandering, the son of Qarabhaketu, a tributary chief
in the forest, named Vyaghraketu, taking with him a young

mountaineer, came up to the king. Now the young moun-

taineer had his hair tied into a crest above his forehead with,
a band of the Qyamalafa creeper dark like lampblack, and
his dark forehead was like a night that always accompanied
him in his wild exploits, with an involuntary frown which
branched in three lines his ear had an ear-ring of glass-like

crystal fastened in it, and it assumed a green hue from a

parrot's wing which ornamented it, while his somewhat
bleared eye, with its scanty lashes, seemed by its native

colouring to distil hyena's blood which had been applied as


a medicine, his nose was flat, his lower lip thick, his chin
low, his jaws full, his forehead and cheek-bones projecting,
his neck a little bent down [260] while one half of his

Bhuvane, MS. A.
1 2
Cf. Bombay ed. p. 140. 1.
Harsa will gain all these blessings in the course of the eighth
Pliny says that hyena's gall "illitum frontibus lippitudini
prodest," xxvin. 27.

shoulders stood up
he seemed to mock the broad rocks
of the Vindhya's with his brawny chest, which was
broadened by exercise and hardened by incessantly bending
his bow, while his arms, which were more solid than a

boa-constrictor, made light of the tallest faZa-trees of the

Himalaya ;
he wore a tin armlet, decorated with white
godanta beads which was placed on his fore-arm, the back

of which was covered with a bundle o*f the rootlets of

Ndgadamana fastened together by the bristles of boars ;

he had a thin belly but a prominent navel his huge ;

broad loins were rendered formidable by a sword, the

end of which was anointed with quicksilver and its handle
was made of polished horn, it was wrapped in a short black
antelope skin as in a woven covering, and its sheath was
adorned 4 with the spotted skin of a citraka snake, placed
between, two strips of the skin of an ahiram snake. His
brawny thighs were covered with the flesh that had as it were
fallen down from his waist which had grown thin and spare in
his early youth his dark body seemed as it were to blossom

with a leathern quiver on his back, made of a bear's skin,

wrapped round with a spotted leopard's skin, its woolly hair
black with the bees that clustered on it, and filled with
arrows bearing mostly crescent-shaped heads he carried a ;

hunter's extemporised box of colours with him in a partridge

whose red palate was displayed through its open beak, while
its neck was strung on the end of the sharp notched
extremity of the bow, and a hare whose soft white hair on
its breast was clearly seen by reason of its
body being
stretched out (as it hung suspended), while its nostrils were
stained with a line of blood red like a Bandhuka flower and
an extempore svastika sign was produced by one of its legs
which was caught in a hole cut by an arrow in the other

Skanna may mean fallen, drooping.'

1 '

Godanta is said to be a white fossil substance, apparently an


earthy salt. The Scholiast calls it a snake.

A plant used as an antidote against poison.
MS. A reads gankrita for tarakita.- This passage is obscure.
AB karsnyam.

one, hung head-downwards on

it his stout bamboo-like
arm which bore a bow resting on his left shoulder and which
was adorned with a profuse pigment of peacock's gall, and
was full of fierce vigour and with its sinews fashioned of
Khadira roots 1 while the top of the arm 2 was gay with

a blue jay's tail fastened on the upper part 3 His right .

hand seemed busily engaged with a vikarna* arrow, having

its point dipped in a potent poison, and looking like a

black snake which had been stupefied by certain roots 5 He .

was like a moving dark Tamala tree on the side of a moun-

tain or a pillar of solid stone artificially wrought or a moving ,

mass of black collyrium [261] or a melting block of iron

from the Vindhya, a very fever to the elephants, the noose
of death to the deer, a comet of ill omen to the lions, the
lastday of the Durga-puja to the buffaloes, the personified
essence of destruction, the embodied fruit of sin, the cause of
the Kali age, the lover of doom's-night.
Having made him stand at a distance, the chief addressed
the king, My lord, there is a general of the Qabaras named

Bhukampa, the lord of all this Vindhya-range, the leader of

all the village chiefs, this is his sister's son Nirghata, who
knows every leaf in this Vindhya forest, and still more its

localities; let your majesty ask him,

able to carry out he is

every command." Nirghata laid his head on the ground

and made his obeisance and offered the partridge and hare
as his present. The king respectfully asked him, Sir, you
are acquainted with all this region, you love
wandering at
this season; has a noble lady come within the general's sight
or that of any of his attendants ?"
This line is obscure ;
but the MSS. AB give 110 help, having the
same reading.
Should we read bahutikhara which means 'shoulder' in Bk. vi.
1. ?
(p. 204, 1)
3 Or perhaps " three parts standing out."
So Kashm. text.
Or 'held by the tail.'
6 Or perhaps 'torn up by a lever,' cf. Bombay ed., pp. 104. 9, 123.

8-9, 169, 1. 12.

7 A day especially celebrated by sacrifices of goats, sheep, and

Nirghata, feeling himself honoured by being thus ad-

dressed by the king, bowed and thus respectfully spoke,
Sire, scarcely the deer can wander he*e unnoticed by
the general, much less then women, or such a distin-
guished lady. Still according to your command every day
a search is carried on by diligent messengers. And in
a great thicket reverenced by munis, which
of trees,

grows at the foot of some mountains a league from this

place, there dwells near a mountain stream a wandering
mendicant who lives on alms, named Divakaramitra, with
a train of disciples, haply he might learn some tidings."
The king reflected, "I have heard that a follower of the
Maitrayani 9akha, the boy friend of the deceased Grahavarman
of auspicious name, having abandoned the three Vedas, when
he was a leading Brahman teacher, though still young in
years, turned his studies to the Buddhist doctrine and
assumed the red dress. [262] Now even the sight of a
friend generally gives much comfort to one's heart, and the

good qualities of every one are worthy of a visit, and who

would not shew respect to a muni? And, again, religious
asceticism, fit mate to virtue, causes honour to be paid even
to a fool, still more to a
really wise man who wins the
hearts of all men. Since my heart has been continually
desirous of seeing him, this isa lucky chance that has come
in myway, we will visit him as we have so earnestly
sought for such an interview." Aloud he said, Shew me,
Sir, the place where the mendicant dwells." So saying, he
proceeded in the direction indicated.
As he went on, there rose in his view all sorts of trees,
some full of fruit, Karnikaras in
Campakas in blossom,
abundance, large Phalegrahis, Namerus bowed down with
fruit, palms and Naladas with dark green leaves, Sarala pines
and the yellow Nagakesaras, lines of Kuruvakas, bristling
with their opening buds every direction was painted with

the beauty of the shoots of the red A$oka, while a beautiful

grey hue was thrown over them by the pollen of the
blossoming Kesaras ; the Tilakas had their surface covered
with their own pollen as with sand, while assafoetida

spread everywhere. Betel nuts abounded on all sides, the

Priyahgus were brown with quantities of flowers, every-
where was heard the pleasant murmur of the bees gathered
on the sprays which were red with pollen, [263] while the
undisturbed rubbing of the elephants' cheeks was revealed
by the tell-tale trunks of the Mucukunda trees, which were
stained by the dark ichor. The grassy glades were all bright
with the young antelopes skipping about without fear, while
the Taniala trees darker than midnight obscured the
sunshine; the Deodars were spangled with their clusters
of flowers, while the lines of rose-apples and Jambhlras
were studded with patches of flickering betel-vines the ;

airwas kissed by clumps of Dhulikadamba-trees white with

the powder of their flowers, while the ground was moist
with the dropping honey; the nostrils were refreshed with
perfume; the hollow trunks of the Kutujas were tenanted
by the hens with their new broods, while the young sparrows
uttered their cries as they were tended by the mother-birds,
and the beaks of the cakora birds were busy in feeding their
mates, and the bhurundas were fearlessly eating the ripe
brown-red fruit of the Pilu trees, and the merciless parrots
were piercing the never-failing fruit of the Katphalas, while

they dropped the unripe berries ;

the young hares basked on
the smooth rocks lizards rolled about securely in the roots

of the Gephalika water-plants the antelopes were free from


fear,the ichneumons played in peace, the soft-voiced kokilas

devoured the opening buds, the deer lay ruminating in the
mango-groves, troops of nllandajas rested at their ease, and

the female gayals as they gave milk to their young were

watched by the motionless wolves, [264] the drum-like flapping
of the elephants' earsgrew languid in the pleasant sleep in-
duced by the lulling sound of the cataracts falling from the
mountain slopes near by the ruru deer listened well-pleased 2

to the songs of the neighbouring kinnarls, the hyenas were

delighted, the snouts of the young boars were stained with

The Schol. explains this as a sort of deer ;
the name would seem
to denote some kind of bird. 2
MS. A ramamdna.

the juice of the Pitadru trees which was yellow when freshly

pierced, polecats were making a low noise in the Gunjd

shrubs, and tribes of fdlijdtakas lay asleep in the nutmeg-

trees, while the young monkeys, angry at being bitten, tore

in pieces the nests of the red worms, and the baboons, eager
for the bread leaped on the Laval i shrubs the water-
fruit, ;

basins at the foot of the trees had been made with sand, the
mountain-streams were checked in their rush by the zigzag
lines of waterpots, while pitchers hung on the thick boughs
and branches, and the bowers were full of empty begging-bowls

suspended by looped strings ;

models of caityas stamped on
pink clay were set up in the neighbouring hermits' huts the ;

ground was stained with the water which was coloured by

the dye of the brown rags the peacocks raised their storm

of cries asif the thickets were so

many clouds the branches ;

of innumerable trees met in confusion like the gcikhas 2 of the

Veda; the trees assumed dark forms as if made of rubies,
they obscured all eyes as if made of darkness, they seemed
to great dark lakes of verdure into the air like so many

Yamunas, they were like pleasure-hills of the spring, dark-

hued as with emeralds, or like flowering mountains of
collyrium they seemed children of the Vindhya born in the
forest, or masses of hell's darkness which had burst up from
the earth or close neighbours of the days of the rainy season
or partial avatars of the nights of the dark fortnight, or

palaces of the wood-nymphs constructed of sapphires.

The king reflected, "The venerable mendicant cannot be
far off." [265] Having alighted, and washed his mouth in a
mountain stream and having made his troop of cavalry halt
in that place while the forest glades were deafened by the

neighing of the horses as they welcomed the sudden rest,

and in his heart having assumed a deportment suitable for
a visit to such a holy man, and leaning with his right hand
on Madhavagupta's shoulder, he proceeded on foot attended
by a few tributary kings.
Then in the middle of the trees, while he was yet at
MS. A h&sjdtayah for valayah.
I.e. texts current in different schools.

a distance, the holy man's presence was suddenly announced

by the king's seeing various Buddhists from various provinces

seated in different situations, perched on pillars, or seated
on the rocks or dwelling in bowers of creepers or lying in
thickets or in the shadow of the branches or squatting on
the roots of trees, devotees dead to all passion, Jainas
in white robes white mendicants 2 followers of Krisna 3
, , ,

religious students, ascetics who

pulled out their hair, fol-
lowers of Kapila, Jainas, Lokayatikas followers of Kanada, ,

followers of the Upanishads, believers in God as a Creator 5 ,

assayers of metals, students of the legal institutes, students

of the Puranas, adepts in sacrifices requiring seven ministering

adepts in grammar, followers of the Pancaratra and

priests ,

others besides, all diligently following their own tenets,

pondering, urging objections, raising doubts, resolving them,

giving etymologies, disputing, studying, and explaining, and
all gathered here as his disciples. Even some monkeys who
had fled to the 'three were gravely busy performing
the ritual of the caitya, while some devout parrots, skilled in
the Qakya castras, were explaining the Koca 8 [266] and ,

some mainas, who had obtained calm by expositions of the

duties of the monastery were giving lectures on the
life ,

law, and some owls, who had 10

gained insight by listening
to the ceaseless round of instruction, were muttering the
various births of the Bodhisattva, and even some tigers
waited in attendance who had given up eating flesh under
the calming influence of Buddhist teaching, while the fact
that some young lions sat undisturbed near his seat shewed
at once what a great sage he was, as he thus sat as it were
The Jaina Qvetambaras.
Hindu ascetics in white robes, who had abandoned Buddhism.
An atheistical school.
Followers of the Nyaya.
Or containing seven leading types, see Sayana, R.V. x. 124. 1.
I.e. Buddha, the Law, and the Assembly.
The Buddhist dictionary by Vasubandhu, see Burnouf s Introd.,
p. 563.
The ten cikshapadas are precepts regulating the monastery life.
The Kashmir text reads grihltdlokaih for grihltdllkaih. This is

opposed to their usual blindness by day.


on a natural lion-throne. were licked by some deer

His feet
who seemed he propitiated
to drink in ascetic calmness;
universal charity by means of a young dove* which sat on his
left hand like a lotus dropped from his ear and ate wild rice,

while he dazzled the spectators by the rays which streamed

from the nails of his other hand, as he poured water on a
peacock, which stood near with its neck uplifted, like an
emerald water-jar, or strewed grains of panic and rice for the
ants. He was clad in a very soft red cloth, as if he were the
Eastern quarter of the sky, bathed in the morning sunshine,
teaching the other quarters to assume the red Buddhist
while they were flushed with the pure red glow of his

body a ruby freshly cut; with his gently bright eye

bent down in humility, before which the lotuses in the lake
seemed to rain ambrosia to revive the
closed their buds, he
which the crowd had unwillingly crushed, he
little insects

was the Supreme Buddhist Avalokite9vara, compacted of


all the letter-atoms of all the 9astras, absorbed without

faultering in penances, revealing the real nature of all

things to the student, like the light, one whom Buddha

himself might well approach with reverence, Duty herself
might vvorship, Favour itself shew favour to, Honour itself
honour, Reverence itself revere, the very source of muttered

prayer' the circumference of the wheel of religious obser-


vance, the essence of asceticism, the body of purity, [267] the

treasury of virtue, the home of trust, the standard of good
conduct, the entire capital of omniscience, the acme of
kindness, the extreme limit of compassion, the very finality
of happiness, Divakaramitra, who was still in the prime of
life. His reverence was excited by his calm and reverent
appearance, and he devoutly (sadaram) saluted him while
still at a distance, with head, mind, and voice.

Divakaramitra, being by nature full of kindness, was

charmed with his visitor's dignified bearing, which, being

For paramasaugat a Inscriptions, p. 232. _ There

cf. Fleet's Gupta
may also be a pun, "a supreme Buddhist and yet recognising an l9vara."
The Kashmir text and A have japasi/a, which is also required by
the alliteration.

such as he had never seen before, surpassed all men and

seemed worthy of a supernatural world and shone forth in
the fulness of his magnanimity, and also with his
which at once revealed noble birth and without hesitation he

welcomed him with his eye and his heart. Heroic in mind
though he was, he sprang up hurriedly from his seat and
gathered together his robe which was somewhat disordered by
his sudden movement as it hung from his left shoulder, and,

being skilled in courteous compliments, he raised his right

hand which was graced with all the lines and signs of a
great man, and greeted the king in a gentle voice and with
hearty welcome and every good wish; and, shewing all honour
to him as to a guru, he invited him to share his own seat.
Then he said to a disciple by his side, Bring water for
his feet in an ewer." But the king reflected, The kindness
of the noble is a fast bond, though it is not made of iron ;

with good reason

my old Grahavarman, devoted
to all merit, often described his virtues to me." He
then said aloud, "This favour which you shew me seems
superfluous after the blessing which the very sight of you
confers after you have proved your kindness by welcoming

me as your own with your testing eye, the labour of offering

me seems only to make me a stranger. The very
a seat

ground in your presence is too high a station; and when


my whole body has been sprinkled with ambrosia by the

gracious address of a saint like yourself, [268] water for the
feet, which deals only with a part is needless,
, let your

highness sit down, I am seated well enough," so saying he

sat down on the ground.
The seer said to himself The courtesy of the great is

the true adornment, gems and the like are mere stones,"
so,when the king, however much pressed, would not consent,
he resumed his old seat. Having paused awhile with his heart
bound fast in the fetters of his eyes, which were fixed on the
monarch's lotus-face, he thus addressed him, seeming to wash
away the sin of the Kali age by the bright gleams of his

Read with the Kashmir text atibhiimir bhumir eva.
Read with the Kashmir text pradecavritti.

teeth, and exhaling as it were, when he opened his lips, a

bower of spicy plants, bright with a mass of blossoming
which had sprung from his life-long Vegetable diet,
From to-day this world of ours, displaying its essential
goodness, is not merely not to be blamed, it is positively to
be praised. What marvel is not seen by mankind, when this
form of thine appears unexpectedly to our view? Such
heart-delights help us to infer what our good deeds iu
former lives must have been. Our penances have given us
their fruit even in this life, when they let us look on a
favourite of the gods whose sight is so hard to be attained.
Our eyes are satiated with ambrosia, our minds desire
not even the happiness of nirvana; it can only have been

by great previous merit that our eyes can rest on such

a paragon. Happy was the day of thy birth Fortunate !

was thy mother who bore thee who givest life to all living
creatures. Blessed indeed are those merits, of which thou
art the fulfilment. Preeminently meritorious are those
atoms which make up the total of thy limbs. Fortunate is
that good fortune which has visited thee, blessed is the
human nature which is thine. For verily, though I have
been longing for liberation, the sight of thee has made me
once more believe in human birth, without my own will I
have seen Kama himself. The eyes of the wood-nymphs have
to-day won their desire these forest-trees have attained the

end of their being, since thou hast come within their range.
Thou art all ambrosia thy words must be only sweet.
[269] But ponder as I may, I cannot imagine what earthly
being could have instructed thee in courtesy, when thou art
still such a boy. The range of virtues was void till thou wast

born. Happy is the king in whose family thou hast arisen

like a precious pearl. My mind is bewildered when I think
how we can gratify such a worthy visitor come so un-
expectedly. What are we indeed, who share a diet of roots
and and a drink of the mountain-stream with every
forester But this wretched body of ours is only for

another's service, all we have is left for the welcome of

our friends. Our few drops of learning are at our own


disposal, but our friendship cannot hesitate how to make

use of them. If it does not hinder some moment of action 1 ,

and the secret can be openly uttered, be pleased to make


it known; my heart is all eager to hear. Under what burden

of anxiety have you come into this inhospitable place, and
how long will you go on wearying yourself with wandering
about this empty wood ? why is your body thus worn, unfit
to bear such hardships <

The king
respectfully replied, Reverend Sir, you have
performed everything by your zealous words which ceaselessly
rain forth ambrosia-like honey to gladden my heart, I am
indeed fortunate that a venerable saint should thus consider
an insignificant person like me worthy of respect. Be pleased
to learn what is the cause of my being fatigued with

wandering in the forest. For I have only one young sister

left, who is the sole link that keeps up my life, now that I
have lost all my loved kindred. Now she, while wandering
fearful of outrage from her enemies in consequence of the
loss of her husband, entered the thickets of this Vindhya
forest, swarming with hordes of vile foresters and unnumbered
troops of elephants, and terrible beyond measure with its
lions and 9arabhas, [270] and having its paths infested by

huge and impassable with sharp spear-grass, and

full of pits everywhere.Night after night we have been
ceaselessly exploring the wood in search of her, but we have
not found her. Be pleased to tell me if any tidings of her
have reached your ears from some forester."
The holy man made answer with some agitation, " No
tidings of this nature have come to me we are not worthy ;

to bring to your highness such welcome narrations." But

while he was thus speaking, a mendicant of tranquil age sud-
denly came up in bewilderment, and folding his hands before
the ascetic spoke in a compassionate tone with his eyes full of
O my lord, it is indeed a sad occurrence. A young
woman overpowered by heavy misfortune, though apparently
highly prosperous in former days, in helpless despair is even
now mounting the funeral pile. Consider that she is not yet
Read with the Kashmir and Calcutta texts kancit.

dead, come to her aid with suitable topics of consolation ;

even a poor worm in pain which found no rest has often ere
now experienced the sage's compassion."
sister, melting within with grief from his
Fearful for his
fraternal affection, and having his heart greatly agitated,

speaking with difficulty in broken accents, with his voice

choked and his eyes full of tears, the king^nade inquiry, " O
Mendicant, how far off is the woman whom you describe and
can she be still alive ? If you asked who she was or to whom
she belonged or from whence she came or why she entered
this wood or why she mounted into the fire, I want to know
in full what she answered to each question, and how she
came into your sight and what manner of person she was."
The Mendicant replied, " Listen, noble Sir. I had offered
my worship in the early morning to the sun and I was wander-
ing on and on by the soft sand of this river-bank. [271] In
a bower of creepers near the mountain-stream I heard a mono-
tonous mournful bewildering sound of women's weeping like
murmurof lute-strings in a very loud note, or the hum
of bees distressed at a sudden frost cutting their lotus-beds.
With a sudden feeling of pity I turned to the spot; and
there I saw a woman surrounded by a troop of other women,
whose eyes were closed with the sharp pain of the spear-
points of the Ctara-grass which had pierced their heels, and
whose feet were swollen beyond the power of moving by the
fatigue of a long journey, while their toes were bleeding with
the wounds from the jagged stones who had birch-bark tied

on their ankles which were aching with the wounds from stakes,
while their legs were fevered and lame with blisters, and their
calves were white with dust, and their knees were torn by
the matted fibres of the date-palms, and their thighs were
wounded by the Catavarl shrubs; their silk skirts were
torn by the Ftdar-i-plants, their jackets rent by the sharp
ends of the bambu branches their soft hands were pierced

by the thorny .Bacfor^-creepers as they pulled them down in

their wish to gather the fruit, their arms were wearied

by the quantities of bulbs, roots and fruits which they had

The Kashmir text and the Comm. read varnatantrinam.
c. 16

dug up with the horns of the deer; they chewed the soft
myrobalans to relieve the dryness of their mouths without
their favourite betel, while they used red arsenic as an oint-
ment which were swollen and bleeding with the
for their eyes
blows of the flowers of theKu$a grass, and their curls were
torn by the thorny creepers some used boughs as umbrellas

against the sun, ethers held plaintain-leaves as fans, others

carried water in the hollow of a lotus-leaf, others took the
fibrous lotus-roots as their provisions, others carried pine oil
in cocoa-nuts balanced on loops made of strips of China silk

hanging from a yoke while the rest of the crowd were be-

wildered eunuchs 2 humpbacks, dwarfs, deaf, barbarians, (and


all the other mis-shapen guards of the gynaeceum). [272] The

centre figure which lay prostrate in the wood, though in deep

misery, was still clothed in the grace and dignity of high

birth, her body dyed by the reflected boughs of the creepers
near by, as if it were covered with the freshly bleeding
wounds of her desperate grief, her feet red, as with the cus-
tomary lac, through the blood pouring from the wounds made
by the hard spikes of Darbha grass, her face pale though
shaded by a lotus-leaf which one of the women held up by
its stalk, seeming to be more empty than the desolate
ether, made as of earth in her insensibleness, made as of
air in her incessant sighing, made as of fire in her constant

fever, made
as of water in her streaming outflow of tears,
like the sky in herwant of all support, like the lightning in
her tremulousness, like sound in her ceaseless wailing, like
the kalpa tree of paradise 4 dropping off her silken garments,

jewels, flowers, gold, and painted decorations. She lay on

the ground like Ganges after her descent, while her limbs
shewed their insolent power ready to humble imperial

heads (as Ganges trampled on Qiva's head when she fell

upon it) her feet were grey with the pollen of the wood-

Saralatailena Kashm. and MS. A.
Read -golcamkalaka.lamv.1ca-.
3 Read
-patallkriyamana- (A -pdtal'ikrita-}.
The Kalpa tree dropped everything which its votary desired. Cf.

p. 73, 1. 9. Note puns in Comm. in mukta and vana.

6 With a
pun in pada which also means rays.'

flowers, and she herself longing for another world like the

paling moon of early morning, her long bright eyes dimmed

with the outflow of tears, and she herself facfing like a lotus-
bed of the Mandakim, passing a weary time like a bed of
night water-lilies withering beneath the fierce rays of the sun;
pale and thin like the flame of a lamp at morning, deceived by
its exhausted wick like a female elephanl^ plunged in a lake

and only rescued by the care of her companions, lost in the

forest and in thought, [273] bent upon death and the root of
a tree, fallen into calamity and on her nurse's bosom, parted
from her husband and happiness, exhausted by wandering
and emptied of her youth, bewildered in her dishevelled locks
and in pondering how to end her life, pale with the dust of
the road and the pains of her limbs, burned with the fierce
sunshine and the woes of widowhood, her mouth closed with
silence as well as by her hand, and held fast by her com-

panions as well as by grief. I saw her with her kindred and

her graces all gone, her ears and her soul left bare, her
ornaments and her aims abandoned, her bracelets and her
hopes broken, her companions and the needle-like grass-
spears clinging round her feet, her eye and her beloved fixed
within her bosom, her sighs and her hair long, her limbs and
her merits exhausted, her aged attendants and her streaming
tears falling down at her feet, her band of followers and her
life reduced to a scanty remnant, languid in opening her
eyes, ready only to shed tears, continuous in anxieties, broken
short in hopes, wasted in her body, thick in her sighs, filled
with misery, emptied of courage, dominated by fatigue,
deserted by her heart, immovable in her purpose but shaken
from her self-command, herself the home of calamities, the
receptacle of cares, the abode of ever varying conditions, the
fixed site of want of fixity, the seat of fainting fits, the centre
of calamities, the goal of misfortunes, the very dismay of

dismays, the special object of pity, the ne plus ultra of help-

lessness. As saw her, I
I reflected,

Strange ! do calamities
assail even such a form as this ?' But even in that destitute
condition she bowed her head respectfully as I came up. I

Daca, also means '


thought to myself, as, in my great compassion I wished to

speak to her, How shall I venture to address such a noble

lady? If I call her 'my child' it will be too affectionate,

'mother' will be too flattering, 'sister' will be giving myself
too much honour, 'your majesty' would be the address of
her attendant, [274] 'princess' will be too general, 'lay
' ' '
sister will be orn^v my hope, mistress will be to accept the

position of her slave, 'lady' would be suitable for other

women, 'long-lived one' would be cruelty in the circum-
' '

stances, fortunate one would be mockery in her present

' '

plight, moonfaced would be an improper idea for a muni,

' '
be disrespectful, venerable would too much
' '

girl would
' '

imply old age, holy would not be borne out by the fortune
which has befallen her 1 madam would be too applicable to

Moreover, who art thou ?' would be rude, 'why


dost thou weep ?' would remind her of the cause of her grief,

weep not is not to be said unless one can remove the cause

of her tears, 'be consoled' has no foundation to rest on,

'welcome' is flat and stale; 'are you well?' is false.
"While I was thus reflecting, a woman of venerable aspect
but overwhelmed with sorrow, came out from that crowd of
women, and laying her partially grey head on the ground,
scalded my feet with her tears which expressed the vehement
emotion of her bosom, and my heart with her mournful
words. Holy father, the nature of a religious mendicant
is always compassionate for all beings and the Buddhists ;

are skilled in the self-devotion of relieving every sorrow,

and the doctrine of Qakyamum is the family-home of pity,
and the Jaina saintship is ever ready to help everybody,
and the religion of the Munis is a means to attain the
next world, and no higher kind of merit is known in
this world than saving life. Young women are naturally
the objects of compassion, still more so when they are
overwhelmed in misfortune and the good are the happy ;

land' of the mourners. This our mistress, being helpless

through the death of her father, the loss of her husband,
the absence of her brother, and the disappearance of all
her other relatives, in her excessive tenderness of heart
Cf. Acts xxviii. 4.

and childless desolation, naturally wise but overwhelmed by

the cruel insults of her base foes her delicate nature
tortured by her weary wandering in the forest and her heart
bewildered by these continually fresh calamities inflicted by
accursed fortune, [275] unable to bear her dreadful misery
any longer, rejecting her older friends as they tried to
hinder her, whom she had never gone contrary to before even
in her dreams, and despising the friends of her youth who
tried to reason with her and whose love had never known a
break even in play, and spurning away her attendants who,
helplessly weeping, tried to dissuade her and whose words
she had never before scorned even in thought, she is now
entering into the fire. O save her! Even a saint like

thyself may employ in her case those words of thine skilled

in such counsels as can remove even unendurable sorrow.'
As she spoke these mournful utterances, I raised her up and
more distressed myself gently addressed her, Madam, it

is as you say. This noble lady's grief is however beyond the

reach ofmy words but your request will not be in vain, if we

can save her but for a moment. My own teacher is near

at hand, who is like another holy Buddha. When I tell
him this occurrence, hewill certainly come, boundlessly com-

passionate as he is. He will guide our pious sister into the

path of wisdom by the good words of Sugata which pierce
the mists of sorrow, and by his own wise counsels, illustrated
with apt examples and weighty with various sacred texts.'
When she heard this, she fell again at my feet, urging me to
make haste. So I have come in haste, announcing to my
teacher this startling and mournful occurrence, which
threatens death to so many helpless young women."
The king
at once understood the mendicant's agitated

words, which were interrupted by his tears, even though his

sister's name had not been mentioned; and with his mind

oppressed by grief, and with all uncertainty dissipated by

the reflection that her condition so exactly agreed with every
circumstance told about her, and with his ears burning at
the tidings, said to the chief mendicant, " Holy Sir, this is
indeed my poor sister, base, hard-hearted, cruel and un-

fortunate as I am, I have left her to fall into this condition

through undeserved misfortunes, my torn heart only

[276] Then he turned to the inferior
too surely tells rhe so."
mendicant and said, Rise up, holy sir, shew me where she
is make haste we will go at once to win the merit of

saving these many lives, if by any means we can imagine her

to be still alive," and as he uttered the words he himself
sprang up.
Followed by the holy man who was attended by all his
disciples, and followed by all his tributary kings who had
alighted from their horses, which they led after them, the
king made the Buddhist disciple go in front to shew the road,
and went on foot after him, seeming to devour the way with
his rapid strides. As he drew near, he heard from between
the trees various utterances such as suited the emergency
from that crowd of women all anxious to die, " O holy Yama,
come quickly, where art thou, O goddess of our family, O
divine Earth, dost thou not support 2 thy wretched daughter ?
whither Laksmi gone, the matron of 3 Puspabhuti's

house ? O lord of the Mukhara family 4 why dost thou not ,

restore to consciousness this thy widowed wife, distracted

with her various griefs holy Sugata, thou art asleep to

thy distracted worshippers. O Royal Duty, ever fostering

the house of Puspabhuti, why art thou become so indifferent ?
I raise my hands in fruitless supplication to thee also, O
Vindhya, thou friend in calamity! O Mother forest, dost
thou not hear the cries of this distressed daughter ? O Sun,
save this devoted wife, helpless in her misery. thou,
saved with difficulty, ungrateful Honour, thou utter bar-
barian in conduct, dost thou not save the princess ? what have
her royal marks secured for her ? O queen Ya9ovati, devoted
to thy daughter, thou hastbeen carried off by the robber fate !

O king Pratapaclla, dost thou not fly to rescue thy daughter

from the flames ? thy paternal love is indeed weak. O king
Rajyavardhana, dost thou not hasten ?
thy love for thy sister
The Kashmir text and A
read yatasva. 2
Dharayasi A.
An ancestor of Qri Harsa, see ch. iii.
Raja9ri's slain husband was Grahavarman of the Mukhara family.

isindeed cold, the world of the dead is indeed deaf to pity !

Away O fire, art thou cruel enough to kill a woman? art

thou not ashamed of thy blaze? O brother. wind, I am thy
suppliant, hasten to tell the king Harsa that the princess
burning, he is the consoler of all who are in trouble. O
pitiless barbarian, Sorrow, thou hast thy desire !
[277] O
demon Separation, thou mayest well be content! In this
lonely wood, whom shall I call ? to whom* shall I speak ? to
whom fly for refuge ? to which direction shall I turn ? what
shall I do in my forlornness ? O Gandhari 1
this bundle of
creepers mine. O
savage Mocanika, cease that quarrelling

over the gathering of boughs. O Kalahamsl, why do you

still smite your head ? O Maiigalika, why do you still weep
so passionately? O Sundari, your companions are all far

away. O Qabarika, how

you stay in this horrible camp
of corpses ? O Sutanu, will you too go into the fire ? O
Malavatl tender as a lotus-fibre, you are fainting. O mother,
Matangika, have you too accepted death O dear Vatsika, !

how will you dwell in the hated city of the dead ? O

Nagarika, you have gained glory by this loyalty to your
mistress O Virajika, you are made famous by your resolu-

tion to die in your mistress' calamity! O pitcher-bearer,

you are happy in knowing how to face the fall from a
precipice O Ketaki, how will you ever find again such a

mistress even in dream ? O Menaka, may the God Fire,

when he burns your body, give you a service under the
princess in every successive birth ! O Vijaya, fan the fire !

O SanumatP, Indivarika bows her farewell, longing to go

to heaven O KamadasI, give me room to circumambulate

the pile O Vicarika, make the fire O Kiratika, strew a

! !

heap of flowers! O Kurarika, cover the pile with Kuru-

vaka buds O chourie-bearer, clasp my neck for the last

time 3 ! O N armada, you must forgive my excessive

bursts of laughter provoked by our jests ! O Subhadra,
may your journey to another world be fortunate ! O
These are the names of various attendants who are preparing to
enter the funeral pile with their mistress.
Or on the mountain.'
' 3 The MSS. read caramam for cdmaram.

Grameyika, who lovest the virtues of the noble, may you rise
to a Vasantika, make room
happy birth ! O
queen, thy !

umbrella-bearer, bids thee farewell, give me a last look !

Your beloved Vijayasena abandons life Muktika, the !

manager of your dramas, wails aloud near you Patralata, !

your loved betel-bearer, O princess, falls at your feet O !

Kalingasena, [278] this is our last embrace, press me tightly

to your bosom ! O Vasantasena, my life is departing !

Manjulika, how often do you wipe these eyes dimmed with

a thousand tears of intolerable sorrow, and how long do you
weep while you embrace me ? Created existence is always
O Ya9odhana O Madhavika, why do you still
like this, !

hold me fast ? Is this a situation for consolations ? The

time is past, O Kalindi, for reverential salutations to your
companions ! distracted Mattapalika, it is a useless waste
of time to fall humbly at the feet of your beloved ones !

Cakoravati, loosen thy hold of my feet, passionate one ! O

Kamalinl, why these repeated reproaches against fate ? The
happiness of union with our friends is over only too soon !

Farewell, O revered chamberlain Tarangasena O dear !

Saudamini, I have at least seen you O Kumudika, bring !

the flowers with which to worship the fire O Rohim, give !

me your hand to support me as I climb the pyre O mother !

nurse, be firm verily such is the retribution of those who


have sinned I give my last salutation to your honoured


feet ! O mother, this is my last bow of farewell as I depart

to the next world ! O Laval ika
at the time of death why
isthere this joyful shouting in my heart with what fore- !

boding do my limbs bristle and thrill with delight ? O

Vamanika, eye throbs
my In vain, O friendly crow, do
left !

you keep alighting on a milky tree in front of me born to
ill-fortune O Harini, I hear to the north the neighing of

horses ! O Prabhavatl, whose is this lofty umbrella which I

see between the trees ? O Kurangika, who is it that has

This sudden change from sorrow to joy implies Qri Harsa's ap-
This seems to be a good omen a crow seen on one's right hand
is a good omen in the Bengal! poem

uttered ray lord's auspicious name ? O queen, thou art

indeed happy in the joy of the coming of King Harsa !"
As he heard these various voices, the iing hurried up
and saw Rajyagii fainting as she prepared to enter the
funeral pile, and full of agitation, he pressed her forehead
with his hand as she lay with her eyes closed in her swoon.
[279] At that reviving touch of her dear brother's hand which
seemed to diffuse a life-restoring power alfe if healing plants
were fastened to his arm, and to drop a mysterious influence
as of amulets in his bracelets, and to rain ambrosia from the
moonbeams of his nails, and to bind on her forehead a moon-
gem crest which dropped a cool dew like that which falls
when the moon rises, and to calm her fevered heart with his
fingers cold like lotus-fibres and to bring back her wandering
life, Rajyagri instantly opened her eyes. Clasping the neck
of her brother thus unexpectedly restored to her as if seen
in a dream, and pouring forth a flood of tears from her eyes
which were like the channels of two rivers, with the stored
reservoir of grief overpowering all her soul and bursting out

violently at his sudden appearance, she cried out, "O father,

O mother, friends." Meanwhile her brother, as he tried to
comfort her, covered her mouth with his hands, and kept
calling out in a loud voice through the agitation caused by his
fraternal affection, O my
child, be firm," and the holy
teacher exhorted her to obey the words of her elder brother,
and the courtiers implored her, " Dost thou not see, O queen,
the condition of the king? cease now to weep!" Her
attendants said to her, Mistress, have pity on thy
brother," and her aged relations restrained her, O daughter,
cease for the present and weep again at some future time,"
and her young friends counselled her, "Dear friend, how
long will you weep ? be silent, you greatly pain the king."
Though surrounded by all these various comforters, the

princess wept a long time with a loud out-

violently for
burst of grief, her throat choked by the tears which broke
forth to shew the pressure of the griefs which she had so

long pondered over, and her soul filled with the weight of
her distress but when the first vehemence of her emotion

was spent she allowed her brother to lead her away from
the fire and sat down at the foot of a tree near by. [280.]
The holy teaoher, having slowly recognised that it was
Harsa himself, felt a still deeper feeling of reverence, and,
after a short pause, made a secret sign to his disciple, and,
the latter having brought some water, he himself presented
it to the king in some lotus leaves that he might wash

his face. The kiAg also, having respectfully accepted it,

first washed his sister's eyes which were flushed from her
continued weeping and seemed like a red lotus sprung from
her long flow of tears, and then washed his own. When
the king had washed his face all the spectators stood silent
as ifpainted, and then he turned and spoke gently to
his sister, My child, salute this holy man. He was your
husband's second heart and is our guru." At his words the
princess made her obeisance, while tears again filled her eyes
at the sudden shock of the news that he had known her
husband and the holy man, who felt that his stoical

calmness was threatened by the tears which gathered in his

own eyes and could only be kept back by an effort, turned
away and heaved a long sigh. After
his eyes for a while

standing a he tenderly spoke in a gentle voice,

still for
O virtuous monarch, you have wept long enough, and
your royal attendants have not even yet ceased their weep-
ing, let the due rites of ablution be performed, when all

have bathed, it will be well for us to return home."

Then the king, in compliance with right custom and the

teacher's words, rose and bathed in the mountain stream,
and proceeded to that place with his sister. There he
devotedly waited upon her in her sorrow and made her and
her attendants partake of the food prepared for the funeral
offerings in honour of her husband and then afterwards ate

of them himself. Then he heard from the attendants the

fullstory of his sister's misfortunes from her imprisonment
onward, how she was sent away from Kanyakubja, from her
confinement there during the Gauda trouble*, through the
The MSS. readjatam forjdlam.
A. reads Gaudasambhramaguptito, B. -sambhrame-.

action of a noble named Gupta 1

how she heard the news
of Rajyavardhana's death, and refused to take food, and then
how, faint for want of food, she wandered dmiserably in the
Vindhya forests and at last in her despair resolved to mount
the funeral pile. [281] Then the teacher came to the king,
as he was sitting quietly at the foot of a tree with his sister
in a lonely place away from all their attendants, at first he
sat down and waited ; and then little* by little he thus
addressed him, " My lord, listen, I have something to say to
you. Yonder ear-ring of night, the inconstant Moon, in his

pride of youth despised all his many wives, however radiant

in their youthful bloom, and carried off Tara the wife of

Brihaspati the priest of Indra, wishing to make her his own

wife, from heaven, and wandered about in many
and fled

pleasant places with her whose eyes were as beautiful as

those of the timid partridge and who was lovely in every
limb, and responded to his love 2 . But at last through respect
for the the gods he restored her to her husband,
words of all

the lord of speech, still in his heart he was continually

burned, though without fuel, by the fire of absence from her.
One day, as he was rising from the Eastern mountain, he
beheld his own reflection in the pure water of the ocean,
and as he gazed he fondly remembered Tara's smiling
face, and, stirred with passion, even though in heaven, he

dropped big tears from his eyes, which were as bright as

if they had drunk up the radiance of all the lotuses. The
pearl-oysters swallowed all these tears as they fell into the sea.
When they had become pearls in the bellies of the oysters,
the King of the snakes, Vasuki, dwelling in hell, somehpw
became possessed of them and he made of them a single

wreath which shone even in hell like a cluster of stars ;

he called it Mandakini. By the power of the holy Soma 3 ,

the lord of all plants, it became an antidote against all

poisons,and in consequence of its having been produced
from the moon which is the ever- cool fountain of ambrosia,
its touch relieves the pain of all creatures. Vasuki therefore
1 2
See supr. pp. 178, 224. Abhikamaya, A.
3 The Moon.

always carried it about with him to soothe the burning heat

of poison [282].
"As time passed on, one day a mendicant named Nagarjuna
was brought to hell by the nagas; he begged it from the snake-
king as a gift and received it. When he went out of hell, he
gave to a king, his friend, Satavahana, the lord of the three
oceans and in course of time it came into our hands by the

regular succession bf pupil-hood. Although to offer a present

to one so exalted as yourself is almost an insult, still I pray

you to deign to accept it in consideration of its potency

against poison, since you know the virtues of medicines, and,
as you are ever engaged in helping all living beings, your
lifewell deserves to be guarded." So saying he uncovered
the pearl-wreath Mandakim, which was wrapped up in the
skirt of the mendicant who was standing near by.
When the pure bright mass of rays suddenly gleamed forth
as the jewel was unveiled, illumining the different quarters
of space, it was as if the trees burst out from their very
roots as longing for their twining creepers to bud as if ,

troops of wild geese in the lakes hurried as it were eager for

new lotus roots, making the sky white with their flapping

wings, as if orchards of Ketakl-trees blossomed, white with

the pollen as the clusters burst open through their weight,
and bright with the needle-like anthers 3 made visible by the
opening of the calyx, the lotuses seemed to awake, rough
with their unfolding leaves, the lions moved about, seeming
as if
they filled the horizon with their tossing light-coloured
manes the wood-nymphs smiled, as though besprinkling
the forest-glades with the flashing of their teeth, thickets
of Ka9a grass blossomed, as though laughing openly with
their filaments bursting out of their buds, herds of
yaks roamed about, looking white as they waved their
bushy tails, the mountain streams seemed to dash along,
rolling their waves which swelled and foamed and danced

He therefore ruled Jambudvlpa, Plaksadvlpa and Calmalidvlpa.
Lit.'budding creeper-brides'.
3 '
Or is it the sharp long leaves

the full moon seemed

to rise as though rejoicing in gaining
a new set of stars, as its circle of spreading rays filled the

different quarters of the sky, the day setftned to be made

clean though its horizon had been grey with the ashes of the
forest-fires, and the faces of the women soiled with tears
were as were washed once more [283].

king, after repeatedly opening and closing his eyes
which were dazzled by the mass of rays in front of him, at
last with a great effort beheld the wreath filling all the

quarters of the heavens as if it were the collected spouting

of all the elephants of the sky, or the cloudless 1 autumn

moonlight drawn in lines there, or the path of the new

moon's motion with its steps clearly traced, or the wreath
of the seven rishis dropped motionless from their hands 2 ,

or a digit of the moon in the North-east quarter, eclipsing

the splendour of all the ornaments in the world or beauty ,

embodied with quality of whiteness in perfection, risen


from the milky ocean, or Ganges, which takes away all

misery, come down to the successive mountains of our earth,
or a banner of silk ceaselessly fluttering which announces
the coming of embodied Imperial power, or the teeth of
front, white like camphor, or Laksmi's
Qiva seen directly in
garland which she gave at her svayamvara, fulfilling her
bridegroom's desires, or the joyous smile of the goddess of
Earth 4 hardly visible beneath her concealing hand, or the
rosary of personified Royal Duty, intent on its three great
objects, counsel, treasure and an army, or the tablet in-
scribed with the catalogue of Kuvera's treasures, ornamented
with his own seal 5 . As he gazed, he was filled for a long
time with astonishment.
Then the teacher, taking it up, bound it on the king's
noble shoulder, and the king, shewing his pleasure, thus

Or punningly 'having great pearls'.
Or punningly 'without the constellation hasta\
Or punningly 'eclipsing the ashes worn by Civa the ornament
of the whole world '.
The Kashmir text and MS. A have sudhaydh for vasudhdyah.
Samudra may punningly refer to the sea.

addressed him, "Reverend Sir, men are unworthy of such

gifts. This is all the result of your ascetic observances or
the special favoiVr of the gods. [284] Who are we, even to
have control over our own selves, still less to presume to
accept or reject your gifts ? Ever since I beheld you I have
been devoted to you, with my heart captivated by your
preeminent virtues. This body of mine is placed unreservedly
at your disposal till death. You are now absolutely free to
do with it what you please."
After a while, when the courtiers had discussed the
beauty of the wreath, Rajya9ri, having gained courage,
called her betel-bearer Patralata and whispered something
in her ear ;
and the latter turned respectfully to the
and said, " Sire, the queen bids me say that she never
remembers to have uttered before a loud remark in your
highness' presence, far less a command but this outrageous ;

tyranny of sorrows makes her speak, and this sad plight

brought about by evil fate makes her forget her due respect .

A husband or a son is a woman's true support but to those ;

who are deprived of both, it is immodesty even to continue to

live, as mere fuel for the fire of misery. Your highness'
coming stopped my resolution to die, even on the point of

accomplishment; let me therefore in my misfortunes be

allowed to assume the red robe." The king heard her and
remained silent for a time.
Then the teacher spoke gravely, "0 lady, verily sorrow is
a synonym for demon/ another form of epilepsy, the heyday
of darkness, a peculiar kind of poison, an undying 2 King of
the city of the dead it is a flame which has no nirvana, a

consumption which never ends a Janardana 3 where no ;

Laksmi dwells, a mendicant 4 who has nothing to do with

holiness, a destroyer of sleep, yet without wisdom [285] a ,

MSS. A and B read iyam hi pucam asahyatd vyaharayati hata-
daivadattd ca dafil githilayati vinayam, which we adopt. But we might
read -ddegdn in the Bombay text as governed by vyapdrayantl.
Or " other than Yama."
A name of Krisna as '
agitating mankind.' Every epithet in
this speech is susceptible of two or more meanings.
Or " a destroyer." 6
Or " a kind of sleep with no waking."

very a Vinayaka 2 who is no attendant

crisis of fever like fire

of Qiva, a host of evil planets with no Mercury in their rear,

a flame with nothing auspicious in it 3 an outburst of madness ,

from love, a fire rising out of the

of passion out mind 4 a fury

of a tender heart 3 parching out of softness, utter gloom out


of affection 6 This wound of the heart ever running with


tears 7 ,
this thief of life, stealing in under the long dark
8 9
night ,
this cause of chaos, overpowering all beings this lord ,

of misrule skilled in destroying all bodies, this lingering

sickness ruthless with wasting, sighing, and delirium, this

foreboding destruction to all the world, this

evil constellation,
thunderbolt not produced from the clouds, life-destroying
and with a long-lasting flash 10 ,
even all the hearts of the
wise cannot stand against it, though illumined by all the
lightning-flashes perfect knowledge and profound in

grasping all the secret meanings hidden in deep books, [286]

ripe with the lore of many poems, laden with the weight of
many castras, far less the hearts of women tender like the
flowers of the new jasmine, and weak like the fibres of the

juicy lotus stalk.

Say therefore, O faithful to thy vow, what is it that thou
art doing, who is reproached, to whom art thou wailing thus

loudly,and telling thy heart-consuming sorrow? We mortals

must bear everything, closing our eyes, without bewilderment.
O holy lady, these ancient ordinances, who can alter them ?
The long ropes of the water-wheel, birth, old age, and death,
go round and round, night and day, to the five races of
men the hard all-sweeping ordinances of Yama are cunning

to trace out the ways of all the minds which preside over the
five different families of the five kinds of great beings 11 . In

Or "ever active." 2
Ganea and also "an obstacle."
Or " a light without yoga." 4
Or the Manasa lake.
Or " dust out of moisture." Or " colour (riiga)."
7 Read with Kashmir text
Or 'under the bewilderment of many faults.'
9 Or "all 10 The
the elements.' lightning is Ksanaprabha.
This is obscure. Perhaps it means the five races of embodied
beings, Gods, men, the Manes, cattle and birds. Or perhaps panca-
kula means the assembly (the pancdyit) of the elements.'

every home the hours of time, never waiting even 1 for a

moment, flow on and on, cunning to reckon the years 2 of
life. The stern- command of Yama goes forth at once
through the world, offering the sacrifice of the lives of
all beings. The drums of the Lord of the dead keep
incessantly clanging, skilled in announcing the departure of
all living beings. The messengers of fate roam in companies
in every quarter and in every city, with eyes red like hot
iron, and bodies black like the Kalakuta poison and carrying
black nooses in their hands. The proclamations of the
dreadful onset for the destruction of all livingbeings pass
from house to house, striking terror through the din of the
bells of Yama, as they are shaken in the hands of the awful

messengers. In every direction run the broad highways of

the travellers to the other world, with the young jackals
which haunt the cemeteries howling for joy, [287] highways
crowded with the biers of the dead, discoloured with the hair
scatteredby the widows, and echoing with their wailings of
grief, while the eyes of the vultures eagerly watch the
banners of the King of the dead, as they flutter grey with
the smoke of the funeral piles. The tongue of the goddess
of Doom's-night, black like the charcoal of the funeral piles
and covered with blood, licks up the lives of living beings,
like a cow that licks her calf's shoulder, eager to swallow
all creation as a mouthful. The hunger of the god of death,
as he devours all beings, never learns satiety. The stream
of the transitory rushes on ever speeding. The meetings
of the company moment.
of the five elements last only for a
The sticks that compose the body's machine which encages

the soul, are apt to fly asunder in the night. The atoms
which build up this corporeal frame, are ready to crumble,
helpless against the onsets of good or evil fortune. The
threads of the cords that bind the living principle break at a
touch. Nothing is self-depending, all is ending.
Considering all this, O wise woman, thou surely wilt
The MS. A reads Ksanam apy aksamamanah.
The Kashmir edition and A read ayuh-kald.
The Kashmir edition and A read gatrayantra.

not allow darkness utterly to overwhelm thy tender mind.

A single moment of reflection steadies the soul. And though
sorrow has made a wide inroad, is not thy eldfer brother to be
regarded by thee, who is as a guru and as a father ? Were
it not for him, who would not honour thy noble resolve to
assume the red dress ? A
holy mendicant life is the surest
consolation for every sorrow this is the best ;
home for the
wise. But he now stops thy desire, for tliou must only do
what he commands. Whether thou regardest him as a
brother, as an elder, as one beloved, or as a virtuous man, or
as a King, thou must in any case obey his decree."
he ceased, the King replied, "Who could speak
thus except your reverence ? You and your fellows are the
created by destiny, of its own will and unasked, to

support the world under its grievous calamities. [288] You

are the lamps of religion, softly bright with kindness and

powerful to dispel the darkness of delusion. But excessive

affection like mine, when emboldened by kindness thus

lavishly shewn to it, learns to covet what is properly beyond

its reach ;
and to receive great favours, emboldens even a
cautious man to venture, urged on his levity of heart,
and self-love teaches even a retiring man to thrust himself
forward, forgetful of all considerations of what is proper
or improper. But the noble will always on their part
recognise the constraining influence of a request, as the
ocean-tide recognises its shore ;
and your highness made
over to me your body, unsolicited
this 1
primarily to shew ,

me hospitality. Therefore I would prefer a petition to

my honoured lord sister, so young and so tried by
adversity, must be cherished by me for a while, even if it
involves the neglect of all my royal duties but I also made ;

a vow in the presence of all the world, when I bound myself

to obey my right arm which was uplifted to destroy the
insolent enemies who had slain my brother and unable to ;

endure the insult offered, I surrendered my whole soul to

Scil. when he accompanied Harsa ;
the Kashmir edition (but
not A.) reads abhyartkitena.
He here uses the Buddhist term '

C. 17

righteous vengeance. Will your highness therefore deign to

employ himself for a while in this business of mine ? Grant
this body of yours to me your guest
. From this day forth,
while I discharge vow, and console my subjects in their
sorrow for father's death, I desire that she should remain
at my and be comforted with your righteous discourses,
and your passionless instruction which produces salutary
knowledge, and yo'ur advice which calms the disposition, and
your Buddhist doctrines which drive away worldly passions.
At the end, when I have accomplished my design, she and I
will assume the red 2 garments together. What will not the
magnanimous grant to a suppliant ? Dadhlca, that ocean of
constancy, made the win success by the gift
lord of heaven
of his bones 3
How often did not Buddha, the chief of

Sages, when his compassion was appealed to, disregard his

own life, and offer himself as a victim to carnivorous animals ?
You well know other instances besides these." [289] Having
uttered these words, the King was silent.
The Buddhist sage replied, " The fortunate do not need
to utter their wishes twice; at once by means of the thought
alone you make your virtues receive the homage of the
offering of your servants' bodies The service of one so

incapable of true service is tied to your command whether

in a great or a small matter." Pleased at the way in which
the other so warmly accepted his friendship, the King, after
staying there that night, the next morning dismissed
Nirghata, well satisfied with gifts of garments and orna-
ments, took his sister with the holy man and went back,
in a few marches, to his camp stationed along the bank of
the Ganges.
As he was relating there to his friends the story of the
recovery of Rajyac.ri, the sun completed his journey through
the heavens; and the day, dear to the cakravaka pairs, folded
I.e. become in turn my guest.
3 The
myth of Dadhyac (later Dadhlca) occurs in the Rig-veda the ;

bones were used as thunderbolts against Vritra.

The MSS. A and B read gunus tdvakah. Put a stop after

up its light like a lotus-bed tawny-coloured with thick honey.

The Sun absorbed again in his body the web of his sancti-

fying rays, which had been spread far and wiSe to the ends of
the world, red like freshly spilt blood, just as the preceptor
Qakalya swallowed back the Yajur-veda vomited by his
disobedient disciple Yajfiavalkya. Then in gradual succes-
sion, the Sun, bright with its gathering mass of deepening
colours, seemed to be like the congenital'crest-jewel which
Bhima carried off from A9vatthaman's turban, horribly red
with the fresh blood or like the begging vessel consisting

of Brahma's 4 skull, filled with the blood from the veins of the
bald heads, which Qiva flung down in his furious eagerness
to present a Rudra-alms, or like the far-stretching lake of
blood 5 made by Rama (Jamadagnya) when incensed at his

murder, [290] and filled through a thousand channels

from the throats of the vile Ksatriyas, which were cut by
the axe which cleft the bull-like shoulder of the monstrous

Kartavlrya, or like the tortoise Vibhavasu 6 as it rolled in

the sky, bereft of life and with head, paws and feet contracted

through fear in its round shell and covered with blood from
the attacks of Garuda's cage-like claws, or like the egg
which contained Aruna's half-formed embryo body when its
mother Vinata broke it
or like a cliff of Meru, rich in
metallic ore, tossed up by the goddess Kali, vexed at the

long delay of the world's destruction beyond its appointed

time, or like the awful cauldron of Brihaspati 8 bearing ,

signs of the cooking of an oblation in some magic rite for the

destruction of the demons, and having its inside red with the

Oneor two words have been supplied here from the Commentary.
For the legend see Visnu Pur. iii. 5.
3 Mahabh.
x. ch. 14, 15.

legend of Brahma's fifth head having

4 This seems to allude to the

been cut off by Civa.

Paragurama's slaughter of the Ksatriyas, when
6 This alludes to

he cleared them from the earth seven times and filled five lakes with
their blood.
Mahabh. i. 29. Mahabh. i. 16.
The priest of the gods.

bloody stew, or like theyawning gulf of Mahftbhairava's
mouth, fearful with the smeared blood of the demon Gaja,
as his body wasVapidly swallowed.
Then the evening appeared, leaning on the clouds which
shone with the sun's many forms as reflected in the ocean,
like a goblin who has just seized his fill of raw flesh, while
the ocean had its waves dyed in the evening glow as if it
were once more crimson with the blood of the demons Madhu
and Kaitabha, when crushed by the brawny thighs of Visnu.
At the close of the evening-tide, the moon was brought to
the King as a respectful offering by the Night, as if it were
the impersonated Glory of his Race bringing him a cup from
the pearl Mountain, to slake his boundless thirst for fame.
or the impersonated glory of the Kingdom bringing him the
stamp of the primeval King on the silver patent of his
sovereignty, to encourage him in his resolve to bring back
the golden Krita age, or the Goddess of the Future 3 con-
ducting a messenger from the White Dvlpa to animate him
to the conquest of all the seven Dvipas 4 .

Here ends the eighth chapter in the great poem, the Harsa-Carita,
composed by Cri Bana Bhatta, the son of Citrabhcanu, and crest-jewel
of the company of great poets.

A name of Civa. -
Manu or Prithu Vainya.
Or perhaps Majesty
' '

This concluding such in the book, is at least
description, like all
semi-symbolical ('the pathetic fallacy'). The sunset is described in
terms suggesting bloody wars and the fall of Harsa's enemy, followed
by the rising of the moon of Harsa's glory. Bana's narrative abruptly
ends here which was begun in p. 79.


The following is the description of MalatI omitted p. 25 .

Under the semblance of her form's radiant halo
she seemed to be bringing with her all the pure water of the
river. Like Gaurl on her tiger, she was mounted upon a
great maned steed, in colour resembling a bunch of opened
Atimuktaka blossoms. Sportively inserted in the girth of
her horse, which turned prick-eared to listen to the clear
tinkle of the anklets, her feet, glowing with clotted lac and
stained with saffron on the upper surface, poured out on
either side bright red streams of light, as if she were

trailing forests of sprouting red Acokas, attracted by morbid


cravings for her kicks [36] About her loins a girdle rang

like a proclamation devoting to murder and rapine the

hearts of all the animate world. Hanging down to her toes,
a gown of white bleached silk, lighter than a snake's slough,
concealed her creeper-like form. Visible through the robe's
thin fabric, her limbs, white with viscous sandal, sug-

gested a lake with lotus fibre-stalks discernible 'mid the

translucent water. Underneath gleamed a petticoat of
safflower tint and variegated with spots of different colours,
as if she were a crystal ground enclosing a treasure of jewels.
Dotted as with clusters of large bright planets by a collar
of pearls round as Avnildkl fruit, she recalled the autumn

A reference to the superstition that the Acoka cannot blossom
until kicked by a woman, cf. p. 149 supra.

sky, overcast with a mass of thin white cloud. Above

bosoms cups she wore a necklace with jewelled
like full

pendants, spraymg forth red and green rays, like

a festoon
of wild flowers signalizing the entrance of some happy man
into her heart. Set upon her forearms, each golden bracelet,
having an emerald crocodile-shaped signet, made green the
ends of heaven with a texture of light like land lotus-beds
accompanying her under the idea that she was Laksmi.
Her joined lips, darkened by a deep black stain of betel,
seemed to pour forth, mingled with the afterglow, a dusk
swallowed up by her moonlike face. A thick swarm of bees,
settling eagerly upon the blooming blue lotuses of her eyes,
covered half her face like a veil of dark blue silk. Attached
to her left ear, a peacock-blue earring, of a tint borrowed
from indigo, resembled a patch of dark cloud amid her
lightning radiance. [37] From a pair of pendant ear-orna-
ments, formed of three pearls comparable to Vakula fruit, she
poured a rain of light, as if besprinkling her soft creeper-
like arms. Her right ear being provided with a pendant in
the shape of a string of leaves containing Ketakl flowers ,

it seemed as if the moon's tongue were through greed for

her beauty licking her cheek. Her face, Love's sum of

riches, bore, as it were, for a seal, a round sectarial mark,
black as Tawia^a-bark and dispensing a fragrance of civet.
Dancing upon her forehead and kissing her hair-parting
was a frontal jewel, whose upward-streaming flickering
radiance formed, as it were, a shawl of red muslin about
her head. With tresses hanging loose from careless fastening
and swaying at her back, as if wearing a streamer of dark

chowries, she resembled the pennon of Kama with her crest-

jewel for its crocodile 2 She might be described as the

moon's family goddess, the simple which could restore to

lifethe God of the flowery bow, the shore of love's ocean, the

effulgence of youth's moonrise, the great river of passion's

The Ketakl flower is white, and therefore compared to the
The MS. reads -avaculinl and -pattikeva ;
\\e have read iva in both

ambrosia, the efflorescence of dalliance's tree, the primer of

archness, the moonlight of beauty, the strength of steadfast-
ness, the sanctum of reverence, the nursery garden of
bienseance, the conference of excellencies, the wisdom of
magnanimity, the satiety of youthfulness.
[38] Behind her, mounted on a tall mule, came the
bearer of her betel casket, a girl composed, as it were, of
flowers, her eyes being long like a string 0f blue lotus petals,
her lips rosy, her teeth gleaming like jasmine blossoms, her
arms soft as Cirlsa chaplets, her hands delicate as red
lotuses, her breath fragrant as Vakula buds, and her aspect
bright as the Campaka.'


The following is the description of Bhairavacarya omitted p. 87.

[113] 'Soon amid a great throng of recluses he beheld

Bhairavacarya, who thus
early had bathed, presented the
eightfold offering of flowers, and attended to the sacrificial
fire. Seated on a tiger-skin, which was stretched on ground
smeared with green cow -dung, and whose outline was marked
by a boundary ridge of ashes, he was wrapt in a black woollen
cloak, as though, apprehending an entrance into an Asura
cavern, he were rehearsing a dwelling in the darkness of
hell. Like realgar paste purchased by the sale of human
flesh 1 ,
his flashing splendour, lurid as lightning, cast a glow

upon his disciples. With his hair, knotted at the top and
showing the round shells of his rosary hanging from one
braided part, he seemed to be imprisoning the saints, who,
presuming upon a smattering of knowledge, roamed overhead.
[114] His time of life, marked by a few white hairs, had just
passed five-and-fifty years. The hair-line on his skull was
giving way to baldness, the orifices of his ears were covered

The manahpild or realgar stone is very precious.

with hair, and his forehead broad

while a slanting forehead-

mark, made with ashes, produced the effect of a white line of

skull bone burst* by the heat of burnt gum repeatedly held

over half his head 1 A
natural frown, contracting the interval

between his brows, seemed by the meeting of these to give

him one long unbroken line of brow tawny in colour. His very
long eyes, somewhat yellow as with gutta serena in the pupils,
sparkling bright in the centre, and from their red comers
sending out a film of rays, appeared to trace round him a
many-coloured circle like a rainbow, and to shower about the
parts of space an oblation to Qiva variegated with rows of
white, yellow, and red symbolical marks 2 The tip of his nose

was curved like the end of Garuda's beak, his cheeks nan-owed
by the wide gash of his mouth, and the outgoing light of his
teeth, somewhat indented, whitened the stretch of heaven as
with the light of the moon, the crest of that Civa who was
ever treasured in his heart. As if overweighted by the whole
Qaivite canon resting on the tip of his tongue, his lip hung
a little downwards. A pair of crystal earrings, dangling from
his pendulous ears, suggested that Venus and Jupiter were

pursuing him in the confidence of acquiring a knowledge

surpassing gods anoj Asuras. Upon one forearm, having an
iron bracelet and bound with the line of a charm-thread of
various herbs, he wore a bit of shell like one of Pusan's teeth
broken by the holy (^iva and out of devotion converted into
an ornament. His right hand shook a rosary, like a Persian
wheel containing the buckets for raising water from the well
of all delightful emotions. His beard, dangling upon his
breast and somewhat tawny at the end, was like a broom

sweeping away all the dust of passions therein contained.

Covered with a circle of very thick black hair, his bosom
seemed scorched by the illumination won through meditation.
The ring of a rather loose-hanging wrinkle ran round his
middle: [115] the flesh upon his buttocks swelled out in
bulk his girdling loin-cloth was of pure white linen while
: :

For this custom of. p. 135 supra.


K. R. Kale explains this of a rice oblation smeared with yellow
turmeric and reddish saffron.

circling round him in a tight paryaiika band was an ascetic's

wrap in hue white as ambrosia foam, as if Vasuki, manifested
by the power of many unfailing charms, we/e performing the
circuit of honour about him. His feet, whose soles were
tender like red lotuses, appeared by the clear woven rays
which fell from their nails to be crushing hell to pieces in
the delight of carrying away its great treasures. They
were constantly attended by a pair of* pure white water-
washed slippers, like a pair of ha/nisas become intimate with
him during his pilgrimage to the holy fords of the Ganges.
Constant at his side was a bamboo staff with a barb of iron
inserted in the end, which might be compared to a goad for

driving away the god whose function it was to remove

obstacles toattainment of knowledge
the full Rarely .

speaking, slowly smiling every man's benefactor, and chaste


as a boy supreme in austerities, surpassing in wisdom

; ;

restrained in anger, unrestrained in kindness; graced, like

a great city, with unfailing native nobility 2 delicately ;

tinted 3 like Meru, as with the sprays of the Tree of


Paradise; like Kailasa, having his head purified by the

dust of Pa9upati's feet: like (Diva's heaven, the resort of
Mahe9vara throngs like the ocean, |eansed by many a

male and female stream like the Ganges flood, made pure

by visiting many a sacred bathing-place dwelling of dliarma, :

tlrtha of truth, storehouse of sincerity, burgh of purity, hall

of high character, domain of patience, rice-plot of unassum-

ingness, pedestal of constancy, support of steadfastness, mine

of mercy, home of happiness, pleasance of pleasure, palace of

propitiousness, [116] mansion of venerableness, congress of

refinement, genesis of good feeling, end of evil : such was
the holy Bhairavacarya, a very Qiva incarnate.'

Scil. Ganesa was himself only an

obstacle. But MS. A reads
anapanayana the not driving away.'
R. R. Kale shews that these words contain a pun when applied to
a great city,' since by Pan. 6. 2. 89 the word nagara does not lose its
accent when compounded (adlnaprakriti).
Chayti contains a pun. Bhairavacarya is tinted like, Meru shaded
with the sprays.



(The black figure refers to the page, the plain figure to the line.}

6 8-10 For pattrabhangamakarikd cf. Kdd. p. 115, 1. 15, and for

makarika Kad. p. 211, 1. 14 (slmantamakarika) and below,
text, p. 37, 11. 8-9 (cudamaniinakarika) [Peterson's 2nd ed.].
The word makarika appears to denote a wia&ara-shaped
forehead ornament, perhaps with an erotic signification, the
makara being Kama's token. Pattrabhahga appears to be
regularly used of personal ornamentation, probably in the
shape of leaves (vide text, p. 146, 1. 3 with the pun on pattra
and cf. B. and R.) :
apdcrayapattrabhahgaputrikd(text, p. 140,
1. 2, cf. also p. 153, 18) is in this last respect exceptional.

The reference to the chess-board in this passage is perhaps

due to the fact that one of the Indian chess-men was a
makara in the sense of being an elephant. Kola punningly
refers, no doubt, to the black army on the chess-board.
Thus kritakalasannidhdnam has three senses, (1) 'with the
black at hand of the chess-board, (2) with Yama at hand
' ' '

of the wives of Yama, (3) with blackness at hand of the '

ascetic's forehead.

13 20-3 The verse contains puns in akalusamdnasa ('pure of mind' =

Brahma) and pahkajdlaya ( = abode of Brahma, cf. B. and

17 1 Or we might read 'drinking in,' as a flower drinks in the


17 9 For 'heavens.' read 'world.'

17 14 For 'coral trees' read 'Pdrijata scent,' the reference to the
Tree of Paradise being merely a pun.
17 28 sqq. Read for the two ruddy -geese of a loved one's breasts.'

For the comparison cf. Kad. p. 83, 11. 14-15. The 'sand-
bank' is that surrounding the ocean, cf. p. 160, 11. 1-2 infra.

18 19-20. Read 'in the air and falling with the force of their
curvetting to tear up the earth,' valitavikatam going with
patadbhir. >

Sidd/iyayoga= one who possesses an infallible charm':

19 1 in
this youth happiness possesses just such a charm.

19 7 Read on a horse with no person in attendance.'


19 18 Took it all in we have translated pratltya, but the reading

of MS. A (pratinivritya having retui^ied ') is better. '

20 2-4 Read arohati (for aropayati) with MS. A. Atinamre might

mean towards the very

20 9--10 It will be better to take these words as referring to Vikuksi

'that appears in a favourite of heaven like yourself.'

Devdnampriya is similarly employed below, text, p. 268, 1. 14.

' '
22 12 Insert with a lip before '

wearing etc.'

24 6-8 Read ' misdemeanour, as if committed in a previous

birth, has wrought its fruit.'

25 9-10 Or more correctly '...high birth is not devoid of true

nobility,' or 'through your lord's nobleness high birth
acquires a meaning.'
26 27-30 Read 'Who am I to grant attention as a favour, or to
command body or life ? Even without asking the charming
and lovely are masters of our all (or
of everyone ').'

27 6-12 Some of the puns in this passage are omitted.

27 13-14 For 'your heart will tell you that' read 'that is honouring
and cf. Kad. p. 199, 11. 17-18.

27 17 'That implies experience' is probably wrong for nipunopaksepah,

but the correct rendering is not clear. Comparing Kad. p.
180, 1.
10, we may suggest that it means 'a polite in-
' '
sinuation or '
threat ;
for the use of nipuna cf. also Kad.

p. 220, 1. 8.

29 11-12 'Spent that fair night': literally 'wooed that lovely

29 28 Bhratri probably a proper name, as Dadhica has no brother,

and would be unnecessary to describe his brother or


cousin as a Brahman. It might mean 'foster-brother.'

30 8-9 and n. 1 As -kuta was a common termination in place

names, be better to keep the Sanskrit name Prltikuta.
it will
That this was the name of Bana's home appears below, p. 45.
30 19 For the reference to herons and cats cf. Mann iv. 9 1. 30. The
'Cock' rules required the eating of food of only the size of
an egg.

30 n. 2 We may here note some of the puns in this passage :

pravardhamdna = (\} as in text, (2) 'giving forth a roar as it

the footprint of the patriarch Visnu sabilaka-

ldgama = (l) as in text, (2) 'deep and singing as it goes';

mahdmuni=(l) 'great saints,' (2) 'Jahuu'; vipaksaksobhak-
sama = (l) as in text, (2) 'potent to shake the hills';
ksititalalabdhdyati=(\) 'renowned over all the earth,' (2) as
in text; crauta= (l) as in text, (2) cant janapaktayah = ' '

(1) as in texf, (2) 'the cooking of the people'; agrihltagah-

cardh = (\) as in text, (2) 'not retreating to holes' like
snakes. The punning expression bhdglrathlpravdha iva
vipaksakxobhaksamah recurs on the inscription hid. Ant.
xni. p. 78, 1. 15.

31 22 For 'a mountain' read 'the weight of the earth.' Catur-

udadkigambh ira = deeY> with four oceans.'
: i

33 6 A verse in the Comm. defines hairika as 'a goldsmith's

33 n. 3 On asuraoivara v. n. p. 193, n. 3 and also Kad. p. 227, 1. 2.

In the note, p. 193, vtitika is probably interpreted wrongly,

as the sense '
madmen '

(' inspired ') will suffice. The word

occurs Kad. p. 287, 11. 11-12 bhujahgavrittayo mahdvdtikdh
and below, p. 152, 1. 7.

37 8-9 'Moonlight': sodupdh punningly means also 'possessing


37 21 Eead 'the ripe (red) clusters of the grislea tomentosa.'

38 Read as the summer grew more mature.'
2-3 '

39 16-18 Read 'Insects baked..., which were studded with etc.'

39 26 'Wearing matted locks': or punuingly 'resting on rootlets':

the pun injatd occurs above, text, p. 14, 1. 5 and
' '
40 31 For brother read '
or '

45 u. 2 On pancdngula cf. Fleet, C. I. I. in. p. 146. It recurs Kad.

p. 41, 1. 13.

46 1 It is not clear who this brother was: perhaps bhrdtari here

means 'cousin' or '
cf. note on
; p. 29, 1. 28
48 29 Cf. Colebrooke's Essays, I. 190.

49 8 Read Pardcara.
50 5-6 Read 'with the huge pearls which studded it.'

50 10 Or 'let your worship treat him etc.' Kalydndbhinivecin is

used, Kad. p. 104, 1. 7, p. 136, 1.
6, as a synonym for
kalyanin, which itself occurs, text, p. 117, 1. 11 below, and
Kad. p. 102, 1. 1.

50 32-3 Or read 'grow longer owing to one hoof being extended

behind by means of a footrope': for this method of
hobbling, the object of which was to give^the horse a certain
carriage of body, cf. J. L. Kipling, Beast and Man in India,
p. 170.

53 30-2 Read 'his head, which was constantly cooled..., he carried

high etc.'

54 24-5 Dalantam, the Kashmir reading (which is supported by the

alliteration) would require the rendering 'he seemed to
burst with pride.'

57 9 sqq. In this sentence we have probably a reference to the facts

underlying Iliuen Tsang's story (Beal, Si-Yu-Ki, I. p. 213)
that Harsa at the advice of a Bodhisattva refrained from

mounting the simhasana or lion-throne.' For the laksanani

clasping his members cf. Kdd. p. 186, 11. 17-18.

58 2-5 Or perhaps 'he gave away to the Kings from the coruscations
of his ornaments thousands of rainbows, which had been
sent to him by Indra as presents in his conversations he ;

sweetness) which he himself had abandoned

rained wine (sc.

(cf. note 2).

59 26-7 For makaramukha- the Kashmir text has mukha-, which

gives a better sense.

61 30 Omit 'self.'

62 27-8 For this conceit cf. Kdd. p. 192, 11. 5-6. We read
-darfanusukharasarasardfimanthantapaksmand : cf. the
Kashmir text.

64 10-11 Read '

to the creators the day of their final bath etc.'

65 12 Omit 'royal.'

65 26 Read aparavaktm.
66 9-11 Read 'the other by his silence seemed not to comprehend
the speech Bana having paused a moment in silence etc.'

67 1 MS. A has atyanuvritti, which is doubtless right.

67 5 Or that they

unfailingly grasp people's characters.'

67 35 to end of the paragraph A great portion of this passage recurs

nearly verbatim in the Vasavadatta (Hall), p. 168, 1. 6-
p. 171, 1. 3.

72 1-6 It would be perhaps better to take sukhitayil with kiyan-

mdtram nah krityam 'We have but little concern with

happiness so long as etc.'


73 19-74 2 The
epithets have different senses according as they
apply to the lives and to the studies of Bana's cousins. In
their are men of mild (or pure ') ways, believed
' '

live^ they
when they speak, holders of the status of preceptors (or a '

high status'), conscientious in speech, weighty owing to

their application to virtue, and renowned for goodness.' In
their studies they are 'expounders of texts, devoted to
exegesis, engaged uponwords, logicians, deep in the

study of works, and averse to all infelicitous language.'

For similar passages cf. C. I. I. in. p. 175, J. R. A. S.
(Bomb.), x. p. 78, 11. 32-3, Epigr. Lid. I.
p. 87, 11. 22 sqq.
74 12 For respectfully read
' '


74 14-75 15 Most of this passage recurs verbatim Vasavadatta (Hall),

p. 273, 1.
1-p. 276, 1. 4.

74 20 The punning sense of marganavyasana is 'addiction to pillaging

75 1-10 In a few cases we have in this paragraph placed the wrong
alternative in the text the whole should run In Nriga's

becoming a chameleon a confusion of colours was seen. By

Sandasa, the murderer, the earth was confounded. Nala,
inadequately skilled in dicing, was overcome by Kali....
Kartavlrya was slain for persecuting a Brahman by reason
of his cows. Marutta...was not highly honoured by the
Brahman of the gods.' The alternatives should go in 'the

75 12 Vaiie punningly means 'in the water' and madanarasdwsto

'drunk with Madana juice.'

76 8-10 This passage refers, as Biihler has shown (Ind. Ant. xix.
p. 40), to Harsa's conquest of Nepal.

78 10 Read being fed with oblations.'


78 15-16 MS. A has sandhydm avadhlrayati 'dishonouring the twi-


80 10 For praspkotita 'bursting out' (nlrdjanlkrita) v. note on p. 226,

1. 20
80 17 For 'tinged by' read 'indistinguishable from.'
80 34 The reeds were used for the sacrificial fire, cf.
Cr.-S. 22. 10. 25: or should we read varnairl
81 4 We may take mahattara in the sense of a 'village head,' cf.
C. I. 1. in. p. 169, n. 7. It is 'a title' Epigr. Ind. I. p. 275.

81 10 According to the Comm. mathitapayah may punningly mean

buttermilk and milk.'

81 12 Kudristayah punningly = weak



81 c. 1 Read gunin (sic).

82 11-12 Read 'might of king's raids,' the reference to Diva's arrow
being merely a pun. I

82 16 For 'lover's retreat' read 'home of Kama.'

82 24 On asuravivaravysanin and vatika v. note on p. 33 bove.

82 n. 2 If viksepa (which appears in MS. A) is to be kept it

doubtless means 'camp,' regarding which sense v. Ind. Ant.
vii. pp. 62 and 252, XL p. 161 n. etc.
Read Or ' " Gaurls
82 n. 6 punningly yet not attached to ^iva ".'

83 15 Read '
their hair-nets but the fashion of young ladies.'

83 last line Biihler suggests (Epigr. Ind. I. p. 70) that the name
should be read as Pusyabhuti, as many proper names in
-bhnti have the name of a constellation for their first member.
84 9-10 Read 'a Budha in the assembly.' It is to be noted that these
proper names are significant, Prithu meaning
broad,' etc.

86 19 Or bamboo
sieve for straining earth.'

88 15 Or pratipattayah may mean manner '

of address.'

88 29-30 and n. 4 But MS. A

has anuktesu, which requires the
rendering 'friends are masters of our bodies even if un-

89 1 Or on the following

89 24 Or a '
hilt of ivory.'

90 9-10 Or 'which is but little skilled in the contempt gained by

accepting the property of others.'

Mahakalahridaya = having Mahakala

90 26-7 (sc. Qiva)
for its

centre,' cf. p. 104, n. 3.

91 7 Or at such and such an


91 35-7 The murmur of the bees corresponds to the muttering of the

charms ;
their clusters to braids of hair.

92 1 Read mystic'

92 21-2 Or 'and the incense and smoke of resin, transfused (literally

'broken up') with the light of magic lamps, filled the
heavens etc.'
93 29-31 With reference to the temple the long compound means
its top adorned with thick crisp curls of sleek, dark

93 35 Read '

94 10-11 For 'raised... leg' read 'raised the right leg crosswise in a
bent shape,' cf. below, p. 174, 1. 23.

94 22-3 Read who is made an instrument by such ^aiva outcasts as


you.' For the use of upakaranlkar cf. text, p. 35, 1. 9.

95 30 For coralbeds read coral-tree sprays.'
' '

95 35 Or from the prison

of a close encampment.'
96 last line An instance of such
'victory columns' (jayastambhCilf] is
the Mandasor stone pillar with Yacodharman's inscription,
C. I. 1. m. pp. 142 sqq.

97 33 Read 'having been enslaved by your virtues and having

attained m*y true self.'

98 14 We read with Kashmir edition iiah. MS. A here reads

tvadvirakakaraiiam karanlyam na siddhir.
101 2 sqq. The Kashmir text reads -pravarut and MS. A
-prasarat for
-prabhavdt. We may here note the puns in this paragraph
which we have left unmentioned: Kritamukhat (\} 'be-

ginning of golden age,' (2) 'clever'; tejonidheh = (\} 'source

of light,' sc. the sun, (2) treasure of splendour or valour ;

mgraha-(\] 'forms' (of the hills), (2) 'armies'; brah-

maJcardt=(V) 'Brahma's hand,' (2) 'prayer-maker'; ghaml-

gamdt=(Y} 'approach of clouds,' (2) 'possessed of profound
learning'; nandandt = (l) 'heavenly garden,' (2) 'giver of
delight'; crldhardt=(\} 'Visnu,' (2) 'sovereign.'
102 last line Laksmi clasps Visnu's breast (parahridaya 'the supreme
' '
(spirit's) the greatest (king's) heart ').
breast or
102 n. 6 MS. A, eight of the best other MSS., and the Madhuban
Inscr. have Yacomati, cf. Biihler, Epigr. Ind. I.
p. 70.
103 22 Better loveliness' boon-winning.'
103 last line-104 1 Read 'the centre of the king's existence, love etc.'

104 12 The Adityahridaya is still a common stotra, cf. Biihler, Epigr.

Ind. I.
p. 70.

105 30-1 The Comm. here suggests a rendering red '

as a firefly

109 10 Read dhavalantyo with MS. A and the Kashmir text.
109 n. 2 In the first quotation read sauhdrddd, and in the second
alahkardmcukddikam and purnakam.
110 25 and n. 7 Read leaving her husband, the

111 8 Or '
old ladies of the family could be seen.'

111 14 Or 'the Mothers incarnate.'

112 27 The echoes repeat the festival.
112 n. 1 MS. A has vikatavlkdmcca: cf. tdmbulavltikd Kdd. p. 183,
11, p. 191,1. 23 etc.
112 n. 2 MS. A has caranavikuttana, doubtless the right reading,
confirming our conjecture: cf. Kdd. p. 73, 1. 19

113 18 Or perhaps 'the soft ring of the brazeu gong was clearly

114 15 We read itfsavayantyo with MS. A.

117 12 Daksina 'courtly' also means by a pun 'southern.'

117 18 For 'gateway' read 'structure.'

117 25 The word kritayiigayogyau has two senses, (1) 'fit for the
Krita age,' (2) taking exercise together.'

119 14
Unwatched '
: or '

considerately treated.'

119 23 Or Malwa '

nobles,' but cf. p. 66, 1. 7.

119 n. 1 Ksudrdh also has two senses, (1)

mean persons,' (2) 'small.'

120 28 The red Amldtaka flower is punningly compared to loyalty ;

anuraga = (\) 'redness,' (2) 'loyalty.'

121 5 and n. 1 For dignity read
' ' '

121 6-8 This noble's glory is 'going forth' in the sense of 'spreading
abroad,' cf. p. 90, 11. 4-5 supra.

122 13 Gunavatta might be translated 'the possession of attri-

butes the Kashmir text has an easier reading gunavrittci

'as if become an with doubtless puns in guna

and vritta. Cinta, would be better rendered by anxiety.' '

122 33 DharanldharCindm-(V) 'royal houses,' (2) (with reference to

Diva's footprint)
'hills.' The word mahecvara doubtless
implies that the Mukharas were, like Harsa himself,

123 10-11 The reading of MS. A (yathd neyam) gives better sense
may incur no trouble, 'tis for my lord
that all our lives she
to provide.' A. reads acitam (?), the Calc. ed. nddhitam,
and, in a note, arttitam.

Sarasdtarpanahasta means hand-marks of liquid pigment,' if

124 21
the Comm. rightly explains dtarpana as pistapaticdhgula,
for which cf. p. 123 n., and compare nihitaraktacandanahasta
Kdd. p. 224, 11. 16-17, and dtarpaiiapancdngulayah, Vdsa-
vadattd p. 183, 1. 3.

124 35 The reference is to the vicesaka or '


125 6 Bhakti we have translated 'cutting' in accordance with the

Comm., who explains it by mcchitti: we might translate

adorning,' a sense which both bhakti and vicchitti will


c. 18

125 15 The sense is not quite clear ;

with our transl. cf. Ind. Ant. xui.

p. 77, 1. 7 of inscr. ;
we might compare Raghu V. xvn. 25
hamsa&hnadukiilavdn with S. P. Pandit's note : MS. A has
-hamsatulaicca (?
= '
beds of goose down ').

126 5 Tauvarajye exactly = an installation of the heir to the throne,

a time of great jubilation.
126 29 Sc. red lotuses.

128 2 For muk/ieny patati in this sense cf. Kdd. p. 35, 1. 6 (with
Peterson's 'note) and p. 38, 1. 2.

128 24 Langhayan means punningly 'leaping over' (of the lotus

129 11 Bead Rati (sic).

129 20-21 The reading of MS. A adhomukhim gives better sense

while with downcast face she seemed to chide her friends
and heart etc.'; cf. p. 120, 1L 25-6.

129 SOsqq. We have puns in sudhd = (l] 'plaster,' (2) 'ambrosia,' and
bhubhrid=(V) 'mountain,' (2) 'king.'

130 1-4 and n. 1 Read 'enemies' faces' (sic). We should perhaps

translate 'enemies' faces with coloured masks.' Also
sekasukumdra may mean 'oil-besprent,' and the words
which had ought perhaps to be omitted. We have taken

the instrumentals as connected with anjalikdrikdbhih.

131 4 The 'night bowl' nidrdkalaca is no doubt employed as a

charm at the bed's head; cf. Kdd. p. 68, 1. 7, p. 178, 1. 14.

133 13 The red eyes of the cakora are referred to below, p. 170, n. 2
and also Kdd. p. 140, 1.
6, Raghu- V. vn. 22.

134 21 Read 'to have his horse (or 'the horses') saddled.'

135 30 Or '

young devotees
or '
apprentices the word

navasevaka appears to have a semi-technical sense, cf.

p. 200, 1. 22 and Kdd. 76, 1. 20, p. 207, 1. 6, p. 331, 1. 16.

dry mouths and

' '
138 30-33 It would be possible here to read their
their cravings.'
' '
139 3-4 ^aldkd is explained by Kailas c. as collyrium stick : the
Comm. says pdsdiiakanikdh
bits of stone.'

139 11 Read 'porous jar.'

142 18-21 The Sanskrit sentences may here be differently divided :

I know, my boy, your filial affection. At times like this
an over tender heart distracts even a sober man's mind.
Hard to resist is family affection, all-confounding.'

143 2 For 'fathers 'read 'parents.'

149 6 For pallid read parched.'
' '

151 n. 2 MS. A has kulaputraih pvasitaifca.

154 21 Read 'glory, of (sic).

154 n. 1 Query vanam vdpi 1

155 n. Read uparirudhyamdna (sic).


158 19-21 Place comma after manorathdndm and read 'the paths of
men's desires are sundered, their Eldorados are laid
desolate etc.' Of. Kdd. p. 312, 1. 23 bhagnd panthdno
gundndm, and the whole passage. *

' '
159 30 For humps read frontal

159 n. 5 MS. A has prabhdtasamaye and samucclyamdndsu. Read

samuceiyamdndsu (sic) in note.

160 14 'With eyes aflame'; sc. the prince could not bear to look

upon the objects which met his view.

160 n. 1
= (\] grey, (2) belonging to a corpse.

161 27-8 Or better made bright the afterglow of

their love.'

161 n. 1 MS. A has babhanjuh.

163 12 Read 'love.'

164 6-9 Rather As the twang of the broken sapling, by robbing the

lion of his sleep, redounds to the elephant's own destruction,

So, by awaking a hero's wrath, to the villain's own ruin

turns the foul blow dealt upon the confiding.'

167 7 and n. 2 is probably right after all, cf.

Kdd. 176,the impossibility of gradual increase
1. 20;
implies the sudden intensity of the sorrow.
167 31 sqq. The Sanskrit has here a complicated simile ; the prince's
washed face and throbbing lip are compared to the autumn
sky at the close of the rains, when the lightning has almost
ceased, his white eye to the opening lotuses. MS. A has

168 26 the goddess of sovereignty, is roaming, sc. not yet settled

with a new king. The paragraph contains several significant
allusions (' the pathetic fallacy '). The red sunset is a sign
of bloody wars; the separation of the ruddy-geese of the
separation of the brothers; the buzzing bees of arrows;
the rise of the blotted moon of the rising power of the
Gauda king. The last is important as the word used for
the moon ((Japdnka) confirms the Comm.'s statement in
p. 195 (text) that this was the Gauda king's name (Hiuen

Thsang's Che-chang-kia). One MS. of the Harsa-Carita

names him Narendra-Gupta, v. Biihler Epigr. Ind. I. p. 70.

169 7-8 'Softened etc.'; this however may go with 'you,' after

170 15-18 MS. A reads corruptly -kritapatdvagunthanljanadruman-

gandm iva and nirdkartum for tyaktum. The reading

janahgamanganam is probably the right one, as the con-

ception of Qri as a Candala woman runs through this speech
and its reply.

170 n. 5 Guror contains a second sense an '

elder's will.'

171 14-15 Read 'freed from fear by my sire's death.' Sc. Puspabhuti
had held it in check.
172 n. 3 The meaning might be '

Why not take the sovereignty

worn out as it is with you ?' But Rajyavardhana had
himself compared Crl to old age.

173 30 The Malwa king is identified by Buhler with the Devagupta

of the Madhubau Inscr. (Epigr. Ind. i. p. 72), and

Kanyakubja he regards as Grahavarman's capital. Malwa

may, he says, be the Malwa in the Punjab near Thanesar.
174 12 Or perhaps the river writhes with Kaliya's brood.

174 16-20 The hand is here compared to a spray (pallava) used for
sprinkling water. The 'sweat' in the next sentence is a
common Hindu erotic idea.
176 1 For you desire read
' '
it desires.'

177 n. 2 MS. A
here agrees with the Kashmir rendering, which
should be adopted 'which, breached within and timid
through brotherly affection, seemed as it were in flight.'
The reading is confirmed by antarbhinnahridayatvat, Kad.
p. 273, 1. 18.

180 24 The senapati had really risen from a bed of reeds (para). Cf.

Vasavadatta, p. 297, 1. 9.

183 2 For 'his 'read 'this.'

183 7 Rather dream of aught dishonourable.'


183 19 The serpent Cesa supports merely the earth (not the oceans)
and does not enjoy the earth (v. next sentence).

185 8 Caksuraga appears to be a technical word with an amatory

sense, as it occurs in similar passages below, p. 283, 1. 11

(text) and Kad. p. 41, 1. 1.

186 22-25 and n. 2 The notion in this sentence is that Bhima is

pleased with the taste of carnage, since it is sweetened by

the kisses of his demon wife.
APPENDIX 1$. 277

The title sandhivigrahadhikrita besides vyapritasandhivigraha

and sandhivigrahika is found also on inscriptions, e.g. C. 1. 1.
in. pp. 10, 35, 104, 108, 128, 167 ;
Incf. Ant. xm. pp. 84,
118; J. R. A. S. (Bomb.) x. p. 27 ; Epigr. Ind. I. p. 88, 1. 50.

188 7 The Kashmir text inserts iti after pardgato'ham, perhaps to

mark the end of the quotation. We ought apparently to
translate paragato' ham by I am arrived,' cf. Kad. p. 262,

13, p. 264, 1. 11, and our text, p. 243, 1. 3.

189 12-14 We may better take suciram with ruditam 'I have not
abandoned myself for long even to tears.'

189 25 Skandagupta is probably the same person whom Harsa names

on the Madhuban Inscr., Epigr. Ind. I. p. 73.

190 3 Take 'uplifted' with 'thickets.' With reference to the

Vinclhya this compound means with bamboos, creepers,

woods, and thickets adorned with peacocks' tails.'

190 n. 2 Omit the note.

192 28-9 It would be possible with Dr Bhau Dhaji to render


^ailusamadhyam adhyasya by having joined a company of


192 n. 1 Kead dbhijdtyasya.

193 5-7 We have here omitted Candlpatih (which might mean
Kashmir text and read
'lord of Candi,' so Hall) with the

Caicunagih with MS. A. Kanthacca is read by MS. A and

the Kashmir text. MS. A reads ak&ry&kutuhall 'curious
where he should not be.'

193 13 MSS. AB have '

Mount Govardhana.'
193 15 Mekala is part of the Vindhya Mountains.

193 16 Eead 'the Paunaki prince' (MS. A has Paunika).

193 26 The Kashmir text and the Comm. read Dadhna.

193 n. 3 Concerning asuravivara and vatika cf. note on p. 33 supra.

194 3 We might translate 'ensconced in a reed grove with an

uplifted thicket of reeds in their hands.'

194 12 For 'sweet-toothed' read 'drunken.' Dr Bhau Dhaji's MS.

apparently read madhumoditamadhuraka- in one word.
For madhuraka MS. A has madhurasa.

194 14 Probably MS. A is here right in reading Jaruthyam 'in


194 n. 6 Read -kaladutadristayah.


198 7-10 We have here read samvibhajya klistakdrpatikakidaputra-

lokam ucitaih prasddaddnair, vimucya bandhandni.
198 24 The word1 dksapatalika 'one in charge of aksapatala i.e.
documents occurs frequently on inscriptions, cf. C. I. I. in.
p. 180, 1. 76 and p. 190, n. 2. We have a 'notary-in-chief'
(mahdksapatalika) id. p. 177, 1. 46, and a
'village notary'
(gramaksapatalddhikrita} id. p. 257, 1. 15. Mahdksapata-
Iddhikaranddhikrita occurs on Harsa's Inscr., Epigr. Ind.
p. 73.

199 17 For balddhikrita cf. C. 1. 1. in. pp. 109 n., 210 n. ;

Kdd. p. 331,
I. 14.

199 22 Bead katukakatuka-. For katuka '

officer' cf. text, p. 250,

200 22 On navasevaka v. note on p. 135, 1. 30 supra.

200 27-8 The apes are carried for superstitious reasons (raksdrthatn\
200 n. 3 The sense of jdghanika is uncertain possibly it means :


debauchee,' cf. jaghanya. We

translate jdghanlkara.

200 n. 4 The translation suggested in the notes is supported by

Kad. p. 88, 11. 4-5, p. 97, 1. 21, p. 191, 11. 2-3, p. 212, 1. 17
etc., and supra p. 106, 1. 6.

200 n. 5 Ndslra means vanguard,' Kad. '

p. 331, 1.
14, which confirms
' '
the meaning vanguard here.
201 28 MS. A reads trastavesara-

frightened mules

202 5 Antardsana 'the inner seat' occurs in a similar passage,

Kad. p. 112, 1. 5. Perhaps the sense is 'a near seat.'
202 u. 1 MS. A has tilaka.
203 21 Read 'inlaid ruby' for 'ruby inlaid at its top,' as upari goes
with dhriyamdiiena.

204 n. 2 We have followed MS. A: otherwise it would have been

necessary to read drastrln for drastrindm.
205 5 Read 'palace peacocks,' and for the idea cf. Kad. p. 183,
II. 6-7.

205 16 'Spread': for tastdra intransitive cf. Kad. p. 76, 1. 21, p. 368,
1. 11. MS. has tatdra. A
206 4-6 We have read haritakritdh for haritlkritdh : MS. A has
harmdm kritdh.
207 2 For old fellow read
' '

208 16
The whole body of nobles
: or asamvibhakta might mean 'the
not specially provided nobles.'

208 19 'Fools of grant-holders': dgrahdrika occurs on inscriptions

in the sense of ' an officer in special charge of an agrahara,'
C. I. I. m. p. 52, n. 2, p. 257, 1. 12.

208 27 Ayuktaka a regular word for ' official on inscriptions, e.g.


0. I. I. in. p. 166, 1. 20: we have dyuktapurusa, id. p. 8.

Cctta 'knaves' the word which Fleet renders (C.

is I. I. ill.

p. 98 n.) by

irregular soldiers.' MS. has ceta. A

208 n. 4 Here (Bombay ed. p. 238, 1) the texts read uddhuyamdnadhuli-
patalam kvacid ekdntapravrittdcvavaracakracarvyamdndgd-
migauda vimrigyamdnasasyasamraksanam, which as far as
gauda recurs below, continuing with -vigraham. It is clear
that in the first passage only mrigyamdnasasyasamraksanam
is needed. The repetition must be due to some homoeote-
leuton (perhaps abhidadhdnair and dhdvamdnair). The MS.
A is here right and reads -carcyamdnd-.

209 1

Ripe we read nispanna with Comm. and the Kashmir

: text.
or samghatta, may mean races,' as supra
209 27 Collisions :
p. 65, 1. 3.

211 23-4 For this custom of touching on the back cf. Kdd. p. 230,
1.19, p. 335, 11. 9-10 and Hiuen Thsang, Si- Yu-Ki (Beal), i.
p. 85 ; (Julien) I. 86.

213 13 There isdoubtless a pun in danta, implying that the umbrella

has circles of ivory. For mandalaka MS. has manda- A

214 14-15 'And of the hue etc.': the Sanskrit adjective may here go
with the next clause. The Kashmir text in this line reads
the adjective dgurava-.

216 15
Rushed towards' or perhaps : 'fled from,' as the gandhadvipa
is a terror to all other elephants. The Moon in 1. 18 refers
the Gauda king (cf. sup. note on p. 168).

216 20 The 'ladies' are the wives of Harsa's enemies, whose lands
are soon to be seized.

216 22-3 Vimuktasarvdcd may punningly mean 'abandoning all hope.'

217 25 Hiuen Thsang visits Bhaskaravarinan, king of Kamarupa.

218 n. 4 MS. A also has ksdlayatu, which is to be preferred.

219 17-18 Or perhaps 'What any more can torment my noble master,
thus addressed by your majesty?'

219 26 After daughter insert a comma.


221 16-17 We might here translate 'he worships men's feet even
with his words, uncontented with his head alone.'

222 last line

hedgehogA '
: or '


222 n. 5 Or an uncounted

223 9 We have translated pardgatah by died ' '

(cf. pareta) because

the ambassador comes from the Kumara. But v. note on
p. 1 88, 1. 7 supra. We might translate the king of Assam '

few days
will arrive in a
or '
has come home only a few

days or for a few days.'


223 32-3 Read 'dangled as his sole remaining ornament his charrn

bracelet,' comparing S. P. Pandit's note to Vikramorvact,

p. 84.

223 n. 3 For the instrumental atmand = on his own part' f

cf. Kdd.
p. 25, 1. 16, p. 163, 1.
15, p. 340, 1. 2 etc.

225 last line is our translation

'Zealous' of yantrita; but the
Kashmir text has ayantrita, which probably means 'furi-

ous,' literally unrestrained cf. B. and R.

MS. reads

226 20
Dust of travellers' stamping feet' : for this use of prasphotita

(the dust flying out] in almost the same word cf. Kdd.
p. 223, 1. 15 kdrpatikaprasphotitacaranadhfdidhnsarakisa-

22811 Or '
white skeletons.'

229 10 We have accidentally omitted the concluding sentence There '

the king stayed,' or with MS. A There the king passed the '

233 13 According to Dr Bhau Dhaji (J. R. A. S. Bomb. x. p. 40) the
Maitrayaniya Brahmans are still found at Bhadgaon and in
neighbouring villages near the Satpuda Mts.
233 29-235 5 Part of this passage recurs nearly verbatim, Vdsava-
dattd (Hall), p. 263, 1.
4-p. 266, 1. 3.

236 8 The keqaluncana ascetics appear to be mentioned Si-Tu-Ki

(Beal) i.
p. 76 ; (Julien) i. 69.

250 31 The Kashmir text has patitapinda, and MS. A pratipinda,

which would support the rendering 'taking food with an
effort shown at every mouthful.'
255 n. 11 Cf. pancamandall C. I. I. in. p. 31, 1. 6. Pancakula is the
title of an office, Epigr. Ind. I.
pp. 160, 170; cf. Ind. Ant.
xi. p. 221, 1. 21, p. 242, 1. 9.

but MS. A has a better reading gdtrisu in

' '

256 30
In the night :

those who have bodies,' to be taken with maMbhutagrdma-



Acyuta, a relative of Bana, 31 Dadhra, a king, 193

Adhipati, cousin of Bana, 73 Dadhna, var. lect. for preceding, 193

Adhyaraja, a poet?, 3 9!. 18 and n. 3 Devabhuti, a king, 193

Agnimitra, a king, 192 Devaki, a queen, 194
Ahidatta, uncle of Bana, 32 Devasena, a king, 194
Arthapati, grandfather of Bana, 31 Dharma, uncle of Bana, 32
Avalokita, 58, 237 Divakaramitra, a recluse, 233 sqq.
Avanti, 187
Avantivarman, 122 Gambhlra, a Brahman, 128
Ganapati, (1) cousin of Bana, 73, 78 ;

Bana, 32 79 passim (2) a king, 193

Bhadrasena, a king, 193 Grahavarman, brother-in-law of
Bhairavacfirya, an ascetic, c. in. Harsa, 122, 123, 128, 173, 233, 238
85 , 263 Gunadhya, author of the Vrihat-
Bhandi, cousin and friend of Harsa, katha, 3 n. 3
llli, 135, 142, 175, 2234 Gupta, a noble, 224, 251
Bhasa, a poet, 2 <,! 15
Bhaskaradyuti, Kuinfira of Assam, Hala, author of the Saptagntaka. ~1

11. 10
Bhaskaravarman = foreg. 217 , Hamsa, uncle of Bana, 32

Bhrigu, uncle of Bana, 32 Hamsavati, a queen, 194

Bhukampa, a abara king, 232 Hamsavega, envoy from Assam, 211.
Bhutivarmau, a king of Assam, 217 223
Brihadratha, (1) a king, 192 ; (2) a Hara, relative of Bana, 31
king, 193 Haricandra, an author, 2 cl. 12
Buddha, 58, 66, 245, 258 Harsa, cc. 2, 4 Qpasniin
Harsa's son, 76 n. 5
Candragupta, the famous, 194
Candraketu, a king, 193 Iciina, relative of Bana, 31
Candramukhavarman, a king of
Assam, 217 Jagatpati, friend of Bana, 46
Caura, a poet ?, 1 cl. 6 Jarutha, a king? (v. note in appen-
Citrabhanu, Bana's father, 32 dix), 194


Jatavedas, uncle of Bana, 32 Pravarasena, an author?, 2 el. 14

Purarati, Bana's guru, 44
Kakavarna, a king, 193 Puskara, a king, 194
Kalidasa, 3 (,-1.
16 Puspabhuti, ancestor of Harsa, c.

Kapila, 161, 236 ui.2)assim, 128, 192, 246

Karnatala, an ascetic, c. in. 90 Puspamitra, a king, 193
Kavi, uncle of Bana, 32 Pusyabhuti = Puspabhuti, 83 (
Krisna, brother of Harsa, 40, 44
Ksatravarinan, a king, 194 RajadevI, Bana's mother, 32
Kumaragupta, a Malav^, noble or Eajyacrl, Harsa's sister, 116, 121,
prince, 76 n. 3, 119, 120 128, 158 n. 4, 173, 224, c. vm.
Kumarasena, a king, 193 j)assim
Kuntala, officer of Rajyavardhana, Bajyavardhana, brother of Harsa,
177 cc. rv. v. vi. passim, 223 225, 246,
Kurangaka, a courier, 133 4 251
Kuvera, ancestor of Bana, 31 Bantideva, a king, 194
Rasayana, a young doctor, 144 5

Madhavagupta, a Malava noble or Ratnavati, a queen, 194

prince, 119, 121, 235
Mahasena, (1) a king, 192; (2) a Qalivahana, an author, 2 n. 10
king, 194 Qarabba, a king, 192
Mahldatta, uncle of Bana, 32 Qarabhaketu, a forest chief, 230
Malatl, aunt of Bana, 45 Qacanka, the Gauda king, 168 and
Malava king's sons, 66 (but cf. n. note in appendix
app.) 119 ; king, 119 Qigunaga, a king, 193
Mekhalaka, messenger from Krisna, Qrikumara, a Malava prince, 76 n. 3
4150 Qrutavarman, a king, 192
Mitradeva, a king, 192 uci, uncle of Bana, 32

Mriganka, liruda for Susthiravar- ^udraka, a king, 193

man, 217 Qunga, a king, 193
QyarnadevI, a queen of Assam, 217
Nagasena, a king, 192 Qyamala, cousin of Bana, 73, 74
Narendra-Gupta, Appendix n. on Samudra,writer on physiognomy, 103
168, 26 Satavahana, an author, 2 cl. 13
Nirghata, sister's son of Bhukampa, Simhanada, senapati under Harsa,
232, 258 180
Skandagupta, commandant of ele-
Pariyatra, Harsa's chief door-keeper, phants under Harsa, 189 191
50 Somaka, a king, 194
Pa^upata, ancestor of Bana, 31 Sthitivarman, a king of Assam, 217
Patalasvamin, c. in. 89 Subandhu, author of the Vasava-
Patralata, servant of Rajyacri, 254 datta, 2 n. 5
Pauravi, 194 Sucivana, singer, 33, 73
Prabhakaravardhana, Harsa's father, Sudristi, reader, 33, 73
cc. iv. v. 101 Sugata = Buddha, 246
Pradyota, a king, 193 Sumitra, a king, 192
Pratapacila = Prabhakaravardhana, Supatra, var.lect. for Suyatra

101, 246 Suprabha, a queen, 194


Susena, a physician, 13(i Vela, attendant of Ya9ovati, 149

Susthiravarman,a king of Assam, 217 Vidiiratha, (1) a king, 192 ; (2) a
Suvarnacuda, a king, 192 king, 194 ?
Suyatra, attendant upon Yacovati, Vindumati, a queen, 194
109 Vlrasena,(1) a king, 193 ; (2) a king,
Tfiraka, an astrologer, 109 Vicala, a Bodhisattva, 84
Tarapati, cousin of Bana, 73 Vicvariipa, uncle of Bana, 32
Tltibha, an ascetic, c. in. 90 Vyaghraketu, a forest chief, 230
Tryaksa, uncle of Bana, 32 J
Yacomati, Harsa's mother, cc. iv.,

Vasudeva, a minister, 193 v., 246

Vatsapati, a king, 192 Ya<?ovati = foreg.


Aicvarakaranika ascetics, 236 Deckhan, 201, 211

AjiravatI, river, 46 Dhruva hymn, 15
Andhras, 135 Dravidas, 135
Aratta horses, 50
Arhatas, 49 Gandhamadana, 187, 210
Acmakas, 192 Gandharas, 101
Assam (Pragjyotisa), 211, 223 Gaudas, 2, 178180, 1857, 209,
Aupanisada ascetics, 236 216, 224, 250
Ayodhya, 194 Godhana or Govardhana Mt., 193
Gujarat, 101
Bhagavata ascetics, 236

Bharadvaja horses, 50 Hunas, 101, 132, 165

Bhojakas, 110
Bhrigu fjotru, 20, 76 Jainas, 49, 134, 236, 244
Bodhisattvas, 84, 236 note in appendix
JFiriithl, 194, v.

Buddhists, 236, 242, 244

Kalingas, 193
Cakoras, 193 Kamboja horses, 50, 112, 203
Canipa, 194 Kanada ascetics, 236
Camundi, 194 Kanyakubja, 173, 224, 250
Canclika, grove of, 45 Kapila ascetics, 161, 236
Ceylon, 187 Kardaranga leather, 203, 214
Cock rules, 30 Karusas, 193

Dandaka forest, 15 Kashmir horses, 113

Dardura rock, 211 Kecaluiicana ascetics, 236
Darpa9ata, Harsa's elephant, 51, 52, Krisna, followers of, 236
76 n. 4 Kuruksetra, 77

Lanka, 187 Prayfxga, 61

Latas, 101 Prltikuta, Sana's home, 30, 45
Lokayatika ascetics, 336 Pundra, 72, 79

Magas, 110 s,

Magadhas, 193 (^'aivas, 91, 137

Mahendra Mt., 211 akas, 194, 210
Mahecvaras, 122 (v. note in appen- ^'oria river, 15, 23, 24, 28
dix), 265 ^ravastl, 192
Maitrayamyas, 233 f. gnkantha, 73, 79, 81, 94
Malavas, 77, 101, 119, 175, 178, 223, Qriparvata, 3 n. 6
225 (^vetambara Jains, 236
Malaya Mt., 211 Saptatantava ascetics, 236
Mallakutar, village, 45 Sarasvati river, 158, 160, 198
Manitara, town, 46 Sauhmyas, 194
Mathuras, 192 Saimras, 194
Maukharis = Mukharas, 194 Sindh, 50, 76, 101
Mauryas, 193 Sthanvicvara, 81
Mekala, 193 Suvela, 187
Mrittikavati, 192
Mukharas, 122, 128, 246 Taiigana horses, 201
Trikuta, 187
Nagas, 192 Turuskas, 210
Nepal, 76 (v. note in app.)
Vaisnavas, 219
Padmavati, 192 Vanayu horses, 50
Pancabrahina prayer, 15 Vatsyayanas, 30, 34, 66
Paiicaratra ascetics, 236 Vayu Purnna, 72
Pandurin ascetics, 236 1. 7 Videha, 193
ParaQarins, 33, 49, 162 n. 2, 171 1. 35 Vindhya, 161, 224, 225, 240
Pariyatra country, 210 Yiranti, 194

Pacupata ascetics, 49 Vrihatkatha, the, 3 (,!. 17


Paunakis, 193 Vrisnis, 194

Paunarvasavas, 144
Paurauika ascetics, 236 Yastigrihaka or Yastigrahaka, vil-

Pauravas, 194 lage, 46

Persia, 50, 210 Yavanas, 1923


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