HIV/AIDS Knowledge in Detention in Hunan Province, China: Open Access Research Article

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Zhang et al.

BMC Public Health 2010, 10:221


HIV/AIDS knowledge in detention in Hunan

Research article

province, China
Weidong Zhang1, Xinya Wang2, Xi Chen3 and Fan Lv*2

Background: Injection drug use (IDU) is one of the major modes of HIV transmission in China. Drug use is illegal in
China, all identified drug users are registered by Public Security Bureau, and most were sent to detention; most
detainees engaged in high risk behaviours. In order to well understand the HIV/AIDS knowledge among detainees, a
survey was conducted in different detention settings in Hunan province in 2008 to assess knowledge and attitudes
about HIV among detainees and to provide useful information for HIV prevention and intervention strategies in
detention centers.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 10 detentions in Hunan province, China, and demographic
information along with knowledge and attitude of HIV/AIDS was collected through standardized interviews.
Descriptive statistics were used to describe HIV knowledge, attitudes, and education services among detainees.
Results: There were 956 detainees interviewed from 10 detention centers. The male to female ratio was 2.24:1. The
majority detainees received nine years of compulsory education, accounting for 51.5%. There were nine questions to
assess HIV/AIDS knowledge of detainees, and 35.7% of those surveyed answered all nine questions correctly. There
were 92.3% (882/956) who consented to be informed about the HIV antibody test results when tested, and 81% (774/
956) elected that their family members were also informed. All detention centers had an organized HIV/AIDS education
Conclusion: This study gives us an overview about HIV/AIDS knowledge in detention in Hunan province, and all
detention sites in the study provided HIV/AIDS intervention services among detainees that focused on HIV/AIDS
knowledge, attitude, and health behaviors.

Background 50,000 new HIV infections in 2007. Of the new infec-

Injection drug use (IDU) is one of the major modes of tions, heterosexual transmission accounts for an esti-
HIV transmission in China [1]. Drug use is illegal in mated 44.7 percent of cases and injection drug use is
China, and all identified drug users are registered by estimated to account for 42 percent of transmission. Sex-
China's Public Security Bureau. By the end of 2004, there ual transmission is now the primary risk factor for HIV
were cumulative 1.14 million registered drug users in transmission[4].
China [2]. Through 2004, injection drug users (IDUs) The Chinese government has issued a series of laws and
accounted for about 70% of total cumulative reported regulations to response to the HIV/AIDS epidemics and
HIV infections in China [3]. By the end of 2007, there injection drug use. Prevention and intervention cam-
were approximately 700,000 people currently living with paigns have addressed drug dependency and HIV, such as
HIV/AIDS in China, including approximately 266,700 greatly expanding methadone maintenance therapy
drug users. This accounts for 38.1% of the total number (MMT) and clean needle exchange programs. By the end
of estimated HIV cases. It is estimated that there were of October 2007, 397 MMT clinics were open in 22 prov-
inces, autonomous regions, and municipalities with
* Correspondence: [email protected] 88,313 participants in the MMT treatment program. In
2 National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for 2006, a total of 729 needle exchange stations were estab-
Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, PR China
Contributed equally lished in 204 counties or districts in 17 provinces. By the
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article third quarter of 2007, about 49,108 IDUs had participated
2010 Zhang et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
BioMed Central Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Zhang et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:221 Page 2 of 6

in clean needle exchange programs [4]. Registered drug vey. Under the approval of the protocol "HIV Surveillance
users were also sent to detention, such as detoxification Protocol" by the national ethical committee of China
and labour re-education centers in order to participate in (Institutional Review Board), informed consent from par-
a compulsory detoxification program [5-8]. ticipants in behavioral surveillance was required during
While in detention centers, most detainees engaged in survey [21].
high risk behaviours, and some special characteristics of Different types of detention canters were selected in
detention centers contribute to HIV transmission, such order to gain better representativeness, such as centers
as crowded space, almost all the same gender, fighting, only for women, obligatory detoxification centers, cus-
and other factors [9-16]. Therefore, the HIV/AIDS risk in tody houses, labor re-education centers, and prison. Vari-
detention is high. For the public security staff, there is ables used in this study included sample source, gender,
also occupational HIV exposure. The same situation also age, marital status, resident place, ethnic groups, educa-
existed in Chinese detention centers, especially for oblig- tion background, profession, time of entry detention,
atory detoxification centers, labor detoxification centers, time space of detention, cause of detention, AIDS infor-
and female re-education centers. According to some mation, intervention and prevention services, and others.
studies, the HIV positive seroprevalence rate was
between 5-10% in sentinel detention centers [17-19]. HIV/AIDS response in detention
In order to better understand the trends of HIV epi- All detention centers had an organized HIV/AIDS educa-
demic and knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) tion program. Activities included seminars, workshops,
about HIV among high-risk population groups, China and training for security staff; non-profit activities; some
created an HIV sentinel surveillance system in 1995, volunteer and some students gave courses or health edu-
focusing efforts on groups including drug users, female cation, such as "No Drug", "Health Behavior", and others.
sex workers, sexual transmitted diseases (STD) clinic cli- Video courses and notice boards, as well as posters, were
ents, Men who have sex with men (MSM), male long dis- also used for promotion of HIV/AIDS knowledge. In
tance truck drivers and students [20]. Sentinel sites for some detention centers, peer education and counseling
drug users and female sex workers also include obligatory were also used.
detoxification centers, labor detoxification centers, and Most detention centers attempt to implement compre-
female re-education centers. hensive HIV management. In one labor re-education cen-
The aim of our study is to describe the results of survey ter, Xinkaipu, a "caring center" for HIV positives started
among detainees in Hunan province in China conducted in July 2008; Baimalong established "HIV prevention
in 2008, to assess HIV knowledge and practices among unit" in July 2008. In prison, no HIV positive individuals
detainees, and to provide useful information for HIV pre- were identified, and in a female prison, few HIV positive
vention and intervention strategies in detention centers. individuals were identified, and an established isolation
caring center was implemented to provide case manage-
Methods ment collectively.
Study sample
Data analysis
This investigation involved the public security and justice
The sample size included 979 samples from 10 detention
system. Specifically, the public security system included
centers. Epidata was used for data entry and database
obligatory detoxification centers and custody houses, and
management. First, data cleaning was conducted, in
the justice system included labor re-education centers
which 23 samples were deleted. After data cleaning, a
and prison.
total of 956 records were included in the analysis. SPSS
Detention centers were selected using stratifying sam-
software (version 14.0 for Windows; SPSS Inc., Chicago,
pling method, detoxification centers and custody houses
IL) was used to analyze the dataset.
were selected in the public security system, and prison
and re-education centers were selected in the justice sys-
tem. A Multi-level random sampling method was used to
Characteristics of the study sample
recruit individuals in different detention centers. Ten
There were 660 male, and 296 female, so the male to
centers were randomly selected according to the system,
female ratio was 2.24:1. Local Hunan residents were 920,
and then at least 110 individuals were selected in every
accounting for 94.4% of the sample size; transient detain-
single detention center. A self-reported questionnaire was
ees from other provinces without local permanent resi-
used to collect needed information.
dence permission were 52, which accounted for 5.4%. The
The survey was conducted from 13 October to 30
participants were predominantly Han Chinese, which
October, 2008. Anonymity and confidentiality were guar-
accounted for 96.9%, 3.1% were minority ethnic groups.
anteed to the detainees when they participated in the sur-
Zhang et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:221 Page 3 of 6

47.7% samples were single, 30.6% samples married, and tion of participants who received condom distribution
the remaining people were cohabiting, divorced or wid- and Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) was 31.2%
owed. (298/956) and 49% (468/956), respectively.
The major part of detainees received nine years of com-
pulsory education, accounting for 51.5% of the total sam- HIV test
ple size. Those with primary school or high school There were 204 participants who had been tested for the
education were 20.0% and 21.4%, respectively. The illiter- HIV antibody before being sent to detention, which
acy was 2.0%. See Table 1. Of the total, 30.2% of detainees accounted for 21.3% (204/952). Of these 79.4% (162/204)
were jobless; while job categories of the employed knew the test results, and 36 samples were aware of HIV
included farmer (24.9%), blue collar worker (12.3%), and positive results. Most of the HIV antibody tests were con-
commercial service staff (10.4%). ducted in a Center for Disease Control (CDC) or in other
Illegal drug use was the cause of detention for 47% detention centers.
(449/956) of the study participants; commercial sex or The total number of participants tested for HIV anti-
other reasons accounted for 51.5% (492/956). bodies inside detention was 580, which accounted for
60.7% (580/951). Of these, 41.4% (240/580) participants
HIV/AIDS knowledge were drug users; and 29.8% (173/580) samples knew the
There were nine questions to assess the HIV/AIDS results. Of the 47 HIV positive participants, 36 were drug
knowledge of detainees, 35.7% of the participants users. There were no HIV positive individuals identified
answered all 9 questions correctly. The lowest correct among commercial sex workers.
answer rate of the nine questions was "does mosquito bite
can transmit HIV virus?" (63.1% answered correctly). See Test Result Notification
Table 2. There were 1.2% of participants who had never There were 92.3% (882/956) who wished to be notified
heard HIV/AIDS. about the test results if tested, and 81% (774/956) indi-
cated that they wished that their family members were
HIV/AIDS intervention services also notified. Of those participating in the survey, 23.4%
There were 67.4% (644/956) of study participants who (224/956) indicated that they would like to live with HIV
received HIV/AIDS information materials. The propor- positive individuals, while 55.1% (527/956) indicated that

Table 1: Characteristics of sample from detentions (N = 956).

item number percent (%)

Gender male 660 69.1

female 296 30.9
Marital status single 453 47.4
married 293 30.7
cohabited 53 5.3
divorced 157 16.5
Age 18 43 4.5
19-30 377 39.5
31-40 394 41.2
41-50 119 12.5
>50 23 2.4
Education Illiteracy 19 2.0
Primary school 192 20.0
Middle school 492 51.5
High school 205 21.4
College or above 48 5.0
Reason for detention Drug use 449 47.0
Commercial sex 16 1.5
Others 491 51.4
Zhang et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:221 Page 4 of 6

Table 2: HIV/AIDS knowledge of detainees (N = 956).

Subject Correct answers Correct rate (%)

Ever heard of HIV/AIDS 945 98.8

Can a person carry HIV while still appearing healthy 781 81.7
Can HIV infected blood or blood product transmit HIV virus 900 94.1
Can sharing needles with HIV positive person transmit HIV virus 908 95.0
Can using condom correctly reduce the risk of transmission of HIV virus 682 71.3
Can an HIV infected pregnant woman transmit HIV virus to her baby 867 90.7
Can eating with an HIV infected person transmit HIV virus 779 81.5
Can a mosquito bite transmit HIV virus 603 63.1
Are people lawfully responsible if he/she transmits HIV virus intentionally 765 80.0

Total answering all nine questions correctly 341 35.7

they did not like living with HIV positive individuals. workers, but did not use condoms with established sex
There were 89% (851/956) of participants who wanted to partners.
be informed directly after the test. See Table 3.
Risk behaviors This study gives us an overview about HIV/AIDS knowl-
Of those interviewed in re-education centers and detoxi- edge in detention in Hunan province, China, but infor-
fication centers, all participants have drug use history; mation about the HIV/AIDS risk behavior among
however, in custody houses and prisons, only a few peo- detainees was still limited. Random sampling methods is
ple have a drug use history. Most drug users once shared very difficult or nearly impossible. Because of the charac-
needles, but most reported that this typically occurred at teristics of this population group and the operational dif-
the beginning of drug use. After receiving HIV/AIDS ficulties of such investigation, legal and ethical issues
information, needle sharing behavior almost stopped should be considered [9,12-15]. Psychological factors are
completely. Needles were typically bought in drug stores often neglected in China, and mental health factors
by individuals, not in clean needle exchange centers, should also be considered. Our finding demonstrates that
because most clean needle exchange centers are far, and it the need and urgency of HIV/AIDS education campaigns
is possible to be arrested by police. Individuals in higher in detention centers; and, our data provides an important
social economic status (SES) levels reported using drugs reference for researchers and public health policy makers.
at home, and did not report Needle sharing practices. All detention sites in our study provided HIV/AIDS
Most male detainees reported commercial sex use, and intervention services among detainees, and it improved
also reported sexual activity with heterosexual drug part- HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes, and health behaviors
ners. Most detainees used condoms with commercial sex among detainees. However, intervention should take

Table 3: Samples' attitude of being informed of HIV test results.

Wish to be Wish to have Living with HIV positives Time to be informed Total
informed of test results
test results delivered to
family member

Attitude Yes Yes Like Not like Does not Directly Later in
matter after test other time
Number 882 774 224 528 204 851 105 956
Percent 92.3 81.0 23.4 55.1 21.3 89.0 11.0 100
Zhang et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:221 Page 5 of 6

action as early as possible in order to be effective and pre- Author Details

1Office for Disease Control and Emergency Response, Chinese Center for
vent further transmission [22,23]. Providing HIV/AIDS Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, PR China, 2National Center for AIDS/
prevention and intervention services in detention centers STD Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and
could reduce the HIV/AIDS transmission among general Prevention, Beijing, PR China and 3Hunan provincial Center for Disease Control
and Prevention, Changsha, PR China
population, because most detainees return to their com-
munities after leaving detention centers. Many are at high Received: 26 May 2009 Accepted: 28 April 2010
risk for HIV/AIDS, such as drug use, commercial sex, and Published: 28 April 2010

Ltd.the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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22. UNODC: HIV and AIDS prevention care treatment and support in prison
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The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:

doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-221
Cite this article as: Zhang et al., HIV/AIDS knowledge in detention in Hunan
province, China BMC Public Health 2010, 10:221
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