HIV Epidemic in China

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Current HIV/AIDS Reports (2019) 16:458–466


History of the HIV Epidemic in China

Zunyou Wu 1,2 & Junfang Chen 3 & Sarah Robbins Scott 1 & Jennifer M. McGoogan 1

Published online: 26 November 2019

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Purpose of Review This study aims to review the history of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection epidemic in
Recent Findings The HIV infection epidemic in China has evolved significantly over the past 35 years, from initially exclusively
within people who inject drugs (PWID), to outbreaks due to plasma collection contamination in the mid-1990s, to now almost
exclusive transmission via sexual contact. The number of newly-diagnosed cases and the number HIV-related deaths have
increased each year since 2004, coinciding with a massive scale-up of both HIV testing and antiretroviral therapy initiation.
The proportion of cases diagnosed later in their disease progression has remained constant.
Summary The initial outbreaks of HIV across China were identified quickly and the overall trends have been monitored. While
the HIV epidemic among PWID has been well managed, the growing HIV epidemic via sexual contact has grown more complex
and even more difficult to control.

Keywords Human immunodeficiency virus infection . Case reporting . China . Control . Diagnosis . Epidemic . Prevalence .
Surveillance . Transmission

Introduction In 2003, the Chinese government announced its “Four

Frees and One Care” policy, which provided free antiretroviral
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic in China therapy (ART) to all PLWH, free voluntary counseling and
began later and developed slower compared to other countries testing, free prevention of mother-to-child transmission
across the globe, including those in Asia. Since the first re- (PMTCT) services, free schooling for children orphaned or
ported cases in China, efforts have been made to reduce the otherwise affected by HIV or acquired immune deficiency
transmission rate and disease burden of HIV as quickly as syndrome (AIDS), and economic assistance to households of
possible and to monitor ongoing epidemic trends across the PLWH (4). This policy has significantly eased the health and
country (1). China has made great progress in its HIV response economic burden associated with HIV infection, increased
over the past two decades, adopting key legislation and poli- HIV screening and linkage to care, and improved overall
cies aimed at improving the health and well-being of people health of PLWH. More so, this foundational policy focused
living with HIV (PLWH) and providing prevention services China’s leadership on an HIV response strategy characterized
for individuals and communities (2, 3••). by critical evaluation of current evidence, pragmatic develop-
ment of tailored interventions, and iterative assessment and
This article is part of the Topical Collection on The Global Epidemic improvement of HIV-related services. For example, the
World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly revised
* Zunyou Wu treatment guidelines for resource-limited settings, and each
[email protected] time, leaders of China’s National Free ART Program have
reviewed the evidence and expanded ART coverage to meet
National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chinese WHO-recommendations. Most recently, in 2016, CD4-based
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 155 Changbai Road, ART eligibility requirements were eliminated in China (5),
Changping District, Beijing 102206, China and in the following year, almost 600,000 PLWH in China
University of California, California, Los Angeles, USA were accessing ART (6).
Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiological studies and surveillance programs have
Hangzhou, China been crucial to the development and scale-up of HIV response
Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2019) 16:458–466 459

policies, documenting the evolution of HIV in China includ- first evidence of the first major HIVoutbreak among PWID in
ing outbreaks among key populations such as people who China.
inject drugs (PWID), former plasma donors (FPD), and men Between April 1989 and April 1990, Ma and others ex-
who have sex with men (MSM), and evaluating response ef- panded their initial survey to other populations including
fectiveness (1). Effective data collection, management, and healthcare workers, patients seeking care at health facilities,
analysis are necessary for the development of comprehensive and blood donors. A total 2530 blood specimens were collect-
response strategies and are essential to timely identification of ed during this time, 309 of which were found to be HIV-reac-
outbreaks. In 2006, the National Center for AIDS/STD tive, for a prevalence of 23% among PWID, 3% among sexual
Control and Prevention (NCAIDS) at the Chinese Center for partners of PWID, and 13% among immigrants from
Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) launched Myanmar. These results suggested that new HIV cases were
its national, web-based HIV/AIDS information system, still limited to PWID and their partners and had not yet ex-
the Comprehensive Response Information Management panded to other high-risk groups or to the general population
System (CRIMS) (7). This system has improved the (12).
efficiency of data collection and analysis and is a key In order to assess the timing and the geography of the
tool for the implementation of national HIV/AIDS pro- outbreak, Chinese researchers used historical specimens col-
grams in China and is an important resource for epidemiolog- lected from three different time periods (1986–1988, 1989,
ical study since today it tracks the largest cohort of PLWH in and 1990), different geographic areas, and different popula-
the world. tions. A total 17,021 specimens were tested, and 429 HIV
However, regardless of these efforts, China is still home to cases were found. Importantly, the results of this study showed
one of the largest HIV epidemics in the world, with a contin- that the newly diagnosed HIV infections were limited to spec-
ually growing number of new cases identified each year. This imens collected in and after 1989, in Dehong Prefecture,
paper provides a brief history of the HIV epidemic and high- among PWID (13). These findings supported the conclusion
lights a few aspects of China’s HIV/AIDS response. that the HIVoutbreak among PWID was identified in a timely

Detection of HIV Outbreaks Outbreak among Former Plasma Donors

Outbreak among People Living with Hemophilia Between late 1994 and early 1996, HIV outbreaks were re-
ported among former plasma donors (FPD) in poor rural com-
After AIDS was first reported in the United States in the early munities across several provinces in central and eastern China
1980s, Chinese scientists began to search for possible cases in (4, 14). In response to the small outbreak among people living
China. In 1984, Zeng and colleagues collected 380 blood with hemophilia who had received contaminated factor VIII
specimens from both healthy people and patients seeking care from the United States, the Chinese government banned the
at various health facilities in eight provinces throughout importation of blood products. This abrupt decline in imported
China, but no HIV cases were found. In 1985, Zeng and col- blood supply suddenly created high demand for domestic
leagues collected blood specimens from 28 hemophilia pat- blood products. However, due to traditional Chinese cultural
ents and discovered that four were HIV-reactive, and that they beliefs, voluntary blood donation was rare (14). As a result,
had received contaminated factor VIII imported from United many small, commercial and government-managed plasma
States (8). These four patients became the first reported cases collection stations, which paid people to donate blood, were
of HIV infection in China. All other cases identified in China set up primarily in rural areas in China throughout the early
up to 1989 were among foreign visitors or Chinese nationals 1990s (14, 15). Unfortunately, the leadership of many of these
returning from overseas (9, 10). stations placed the pursuit of profits ahead of the protection of
patients and unsafe blood product collection practices caused
Outbreak among People Who Inject Drugs an outbreak of HIV infection among FPD (15).
In 1994, according to a Shanghai pharmaceutical
In October 1989 in detoxification centers in Ruili County, company’s reports, the plasma donated by a woman in
Yunnan Province, a rural area in southwestern China border- Anhui province, eastern China, repeatedly tested HIV posi-
ing Myanmar, Ma and colleagues collected blood specimens tive. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that her two
from 175 drug users in order to screen for viral hepatitis in- daughters also had HIV, but that neither her son nor her hus-
fection, which was known to be spreading through sharing of band did. When it was determined that all three women had
heroin injecting equipment at that time. They also tested the engaged in plasma donation, the contamination created by
residual specimens for HIV infection and identified 79 cases, dangerous blood collection and processing practices was dis-
for an HIV prevalence of 45% (11). This study provided the covered (16). Further testing of previously collected plasma in
460 Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2019) 16:458–466

storage showed an unbelievably high proportion of donors HIV Epidemics by Mode of Transmission
had HIV infection (17, 18).
Around the same time, in the northern city of Tianjin, a Transmission Via Blood Product Contamination
blood donor from Hebei province also tested positive for
HIV at the Tianjin Blood Bank. Surveys of commercial blood The outbreak of HIV infection among FPD around the mid-
donors in the province found an HIV prevalence of 4% (17). 1990s took the nation by complete surprise. Limited epidemi-
However, testing of residual blood specimens collected during ological investigations suggested that the outbreak actually
a hepatitis study conducted in 1994 found no HIV, suggesting took place from late 1994 to early 1996. It was believed that
that the introduction of HIV into the blood collection system thousands and thousands of plasma donors and blood recipi-
began in late 1994. ents had been infected. One survey conducted in a rural area in
1996 indicated that the HIV prevalence among former com-
Outbreak among Men Who Have Sex with Men mercial plasma donors was 12.5% (24). Unfortunately, due to
the sensitive nature of the topic, no further national surveys
Unlike in many other countries where the HIV epidemic were conducted at that time to understand the magnitude of
started among MSM, very few HIV cases had been reported the HIV epidemic among commercial blood plasma donors in
in MSM even up until 2005. However, the rate of HIV has China.
been increasingly drastically ever since. While the prevalence Sporadic epidemiological surveys with small sample size
was reported to be 1.4% in 2005 (19), a national survey carried revealed high rates of HIV infection among former plasma
out in 61 cities throughout China from 2008 to 2009 donors. For example, among 96 donors who engaged in un-
established a national-level HIV prevalence of 5% among derground plasma donation in 1998–1999, 74% tested posi-
MSM in China (20). This has continued to climb up to 8% tive for HIV infection (25).
in 2015 (19). However, single-city prevalence results in many In response, China enacted its first blood safety law in 1998
cases were much higher. (4). In this law, blood donation was permitted only if volun-
More recently, the estimated national HIV prevalence tary and repeated commercial donation was prohibited (4).
among MSM has reached 6.9% (21). The proportion of newly Additionally, government officials realized that blood donors
diagnosed MSM cases increased from 0.3% in 2005 to 12% in whom were most likely infected might be reluctant to get
2010, peaking at 28.2% in 2015, then slightly declining to tested for HIV, particularly as there was no treatment available
23.3% in 2018 (21). Since 2010, the prevalence in MSM is in China at that time. Because of severe stigma and low aware-
the highest infection rate among all key populations in China ness of HIV/AIDS in Chinese society at this time, the Chinese
(22•). government announced the “Four Frees and One Care” AIDS
policies (4).
Nosocomial Outbreak among Women in Treatment Even though there were supportive policies, no former
for Recurrent Miscarriage plasma or blood donors came for HIV screening, therefore,
no HIV infection via plasma donation or blood transfusion
Though the previous sections have discussed the historical was reported. It was evident that if no one was tested for
identification of HIV cases and outbreaks of the disease HIV, then there would be no HIV infection diagnosed or re-
among different populations, a recent isolated event occurred ported. Thus, the Ministry of Health launched a national HIV
in Hangzhou, China linked to nosocomial transmission of the testing campaign in 2004–2005, specifically targeting former
disease. In January 2017, an HIV outbreak was reported at a commercial plasma donors who had donated blood or plasma
hospital in the southern Chinese city, due to lymphocyte im- in the mid-1990s. During this campaign, each province
munotherapy (LIT) performed at the hospital in the prior year searched for FPD and encouraged them to participate in HIV
(23). The index patient’s exposure was traced to her husband, screening. Each province was also provided an option whether
who reportedly had condomless, receptive anal sex with a man or not to include other key populations such as PWID, MSM,
prior to LIT donation (23). Additionally, a failure to follow the sex workers, and patients attending sexually transmitted dis-
official laboratory protocol by the attending technician led to eases (STD) clinics. The HIV testing campaign was held from
unsafe exposure to HIV. It was identified that, due to a lack of July 2004 to June 2005 across China. During this 12-month
disposable sterile equipment at the hospital, the attending HIV period, close to one million former plasma donors were
healthcare worker reused LIT tubes, likely leading to a num- tested for HIV and about 23,000 were diagnosed. The preva-
ber of LIT patients receiving the contaminated lymphocytes lence of HIV infection among former commercial plasma do-
from the infected, index case-patient (23). All LIT services nors was 2.3%.
were immediately suspended until new guidelines were issued The prevalence of HIV infection among former plasma
in late December 2017, restricting the further spread of the donors from the national HIV testing campaign was much
outbreak. lower than expected. Just before the testing campaign in
Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2019) 16:458–466 461

2003, one scientific epidemiological study among former HIV infections to flourish, due to unsafe sexual behaviors and
plasma donors conducted in Shanxi found a similar result. sharing of injection equipment (28, 29). During this time, the
The sample was big enough to have provided a valid estima- prevalence of HIV infection among PWID was found to be as
tion of HIV prevalence. Among 3062 participating villagers, high as 80% or more in some areas of Yunnan Province (30).
29.5% reported a history of selling whole blood or plasma, In 1995, new cases of HIV were reported among PWID in
and HIV prevalence was estimated to be 1.3% overall and Sichuan and Xinjiang Provinces. From there, the HIVepidem-
4.1% among plasma donors (26). Again, it was much lower ic among PWID spread rapidly, particularly along the drug
than the previously thought. trafficking routes along the China/Myanmar border, and then
It was not until the national HIV testing campaign among to the rest of China. By 2002, all provinces in China reported
former commercial blood plasma donors in 2004 and 2005 HIV infection among PWID. It took less than 15 years for the
that the true magnitude of the HIV outbreak among FPD be- virus to spread from the initial infections in Yunnan to
came known - an estimated 69,000 HIV infections were across all provinces in the country; from rural areas to
caused by contamination during blood plasma collection or urban areas; and from border communities to central
transfusion of contaminated blood products in China during parts of the country (28).
the mid-1990s (27). The HIV prevalence and number of newly diagnosed HIV
After this HIV testing campaign, many believed that most cases in PWID peaked from 2003 to 2005. Since that time,
of those individuals infected via blood or plasma contamina- HIV in PWID has generally declined across all provinces. The
tion had been screened and diagnosed and the residual number national prevalence of HIV infection among drug users de-
of donors infected would be limited. However, the number of clined from 7.5% in 2005 to 2% in 2018 (21). The number
newly diagnosed HIV positive individuals reporting their of newly diagnosed HIV cases among drug users declined
route of HIV transmission via blood or plasma contamination from almost 20,000 cases per year in 2005 to less than 4000
remained unacceptably high in the subsequent years, for ex- per year in 2018 (21).
ample, over 7000 newly diagnosed individuals in 2006, 2007, This steady decline of HIV infections among PWID is like-
and 2008. Since this time however, the number of newly di- ly due to nationwide scale-up of harm reduction programs,
agnosed HIV infections due to blood or plasma contamination including methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) and nee-
has fallen almost to zero. By 2015, almost 20 years after the dle and syringe exchange programs (NSP) (31). MMT for
initial HIVoutbreak, no cases due to blood or plasma contam- PWID was first introduced in early 2004 in Sichuan,
ination have been reported. Zhejiang, Guangxi, Yunnang, and Guizhou provinces and ex-
Of note however is the “window period” of infection, or the panded to more than 30 MMT clinics across 11 provinces by
2 to 3 weeks’ time between the onset of HIV infection and the 2005 (29). The results of this pilot program were then used to
appearance of detectable antibodies. During this time, blood develop national policies on NSP and MMT (32), where now,
product recipients may be infected via contaminated blood more than 760 MMT clinics serving some 150,000 clients and
transfusion. In order to reduce this period of infectiousness 700 NSP sites serving 40,000 PWID annually exist (21). The
and capture the true number of positive cases, since 2015, use of MMT and NSP programs have become a cornerstone of
the Chinese government has provided ribonucleic acid China’s HIV response, drastically reducing the epidemic
(RNA) screening for all blood banks. Due to the introduction among drug users in the country. Studies have reported that
of these new testing measures, the “window period” has been needle-sharing behaviors among PWID have lessened since
shortened to 7 to 11 days, thus reducing the potential risk of the introduction of these programs (33). Ensuring PWID are
HIV infection. retained in such programs will be a continued challenge for
the control of the epidemic.
Transmission Via Injection Drug Use
Transmission Via Male-Male Sexual Contact
Since the initial cases of HIV were identified among PWID in
Ruili, Yunnan, in 1989, the majority of HIV infections in the The sexual route of HIV transmission now exceeds that of
early phase of the epidemic were found to be among drug injection drug use in China, with 95% of cases reportedly
users in this region only. Yunnan in Southern China, located due to sexual transmission (34). This is particularly reflected
along a drug trafficking route known as the “Golden in the MSM population, where the male-male sexual contact
Triangle,” is a major entry point of opiates and other drugs route of HIV transmission is on the rise. HIV incidence and
from the China/Myanmar border (28). About a third of drugs prevalence is higher than any other high-risk population in
produced in this area are reportedly trafficked through China China, and continues to increase, particularly in larger, urban
(29). Subsequently, the increased availability of drugs in this areas (22•, 35). Though male-male sex has been legal in China
region led to drastic increases in drug abuse. Thus, the intro- since 1997, sociocultural factors mean this group often faces
duction of drug use in this region created an opportunity for stigma and discrimination, causing them to hide their sexual
462 Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2019) 16:458–466

behaviors from partners and medical workers (36). The im- the prevalence of HIV among male STD clinic attendees has
portance of family in Chinese culture also places substantial also remained low (21, 42).
pressure on MSM to conceal their MSM identity (37).
Subsequently, HIV prevention and testing rates in MSM have Transmission among Transgender Persons
reportedly remained low, most likely due to fears of disclosing
personal information or being discriminated against (37). Limited information on HIV infection in transgender groups
Additionally, recreational drug and alcohol use in MSM in in China is available. A recent study found that HIV infection
China has also been associated with unsafe sexual behaviors, among transgender women reached 12.4% in Shanghai, but
particularly unprotected anal and receptive sex and multiple 3.4% in Tianjin (43). An additional study found rates of HIV
sexual partners (38). testing among transgender individuals to be substantially
In response, the government has taken strides in order to lower than rates reported in other groups, most likely
prevent ongoing HIV transmission among MSM, developing due to stigma and a lack of community support (44).
national guidelines for the control of HIV in this high-risk Among transgender women in China, it was found that
group (32). Additionally, China is providing innovative strat- those who had casual partners were more likely to en-
egies to HIV testing for MSM in cooperation with community gage in high-risk behaviors because of a lack of HIV
based organizations (CBOs), including assessing the feasibil- disclosure and limited knowledge regarding prevention
ity and acceptability of HIV self-testing, including testing kits tactics (45). Further research is needed which aims to
in vending machines on college campuses, and using social identify the key drivers of HIV among this at-risk group
networking applications to provide HIV counseling and test- and to understand the unique barriers to care transgen-
ing (38). Specifically, in combination with public health agen- der populations face throughout China.
cies and CBOs, innovative efforts to improve care through the
use of the Internet and Wechat have been adopted (38). Mother-to-Child Transmission (MTCT)
Additional scale up of condom promotion activities and out-
reach services using new and innovative techniques such as HIV prevalence among pregnant women in China who
social networking applications are a few of the key strategies accessed antenatal care (ANC) is quite low, at below 0.1%
being implemented to reduce HIV among MSM (38, 39). (46). Controlling the HIV epidemic in pregnant women and
Despite these efforts however, the prevalence continues to reducimg mother-to-child transmission greatly depends on the
rise. New interventions, such as the rollout of pre-exposure coverage of prevention of mother-to-child transmission
prophylaxis (PrEP) in this group are currently be considered. (PMTCT) programs. HIV testing coverage in pregnant wom-
en attending ANC and in HIV-exposed infants at 18 months
Transmission Via Heterosexual Contact has significantly increased, from 62.4% and 22.1% in 2003 to
90.3% and 82.8% in 2011, respectively (46).
The number of newly diagnosed HIV infections due to het- National sentinel surveillance data suggested that the prev-
erosexual transmission surpassed the number of cases due to alence of HIV infection among pregnant women was 19.8/
injection drug use for first time in 2007, 19 years after the first 100,000 in 2011 and decreased slightly, to 9.1/100,000 in
outbreak of HIV among PWID in 1989 (40•). Since then, the 2016. A recent study reported that among 15 million pregnant
proportion of HIV cases due to heterosexual contact has con- women screened for HIV infection in China, an overall prev-
tinually increased, from 50% in 2010, to over 60% in 2011, alence of 34.0 per 100,000 was found (47). The prevalence
and more than 70% in 2018 (21). Similarly, the number of new among pregnant women was found to be higher for those
infections in HIV-serodiscordant couples has also increased living in Southern China compared to those residing in
(41). One study of sero-discordant couples in Yunnan reported Northern China, with the highest prevalence in Western
that the risk of HIV was reduced by one third in uninfected China, at 93.5 cases per 100,000 persons. The lowest preva-
partners of PLWH receiving ART compared to those not re- lence among pregnant women was in Eastern Beijing, which
ceiving ART (41). After implementation of treatment as pre- reported 8.6 cases per 100,000 persons (47). This means that
vention among sero-discordant couples, the HIV incidence via the HIV prevalence in Western China was 11 times higher
marital sexual contact has significantly declined, from 2.6% in than in Eastern China. Among 31 provinces, six had a preva-
2011 to 1.1% in 2018 (21). lence of more than 50.0 cases per 100,000 persons, including
The prevalence of HIV infection among a few key popula- Yunnan, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Guangxi, Guizhou and
tions who are believed to be at high risk of acquiring HIV Chongqing. The number of pregnant women in these 6 prov-
infection through heterosexual contact has remained consis- inces accounted for 21% of all pregnant women in the country,
tently low. For example, the HIV prevalence in female sex but the number of HIV cases accounted for 76% of all HIV
workers has remained under 0.5% since 1995 (21, 42), while cases diagnosed among pregnant women in mainland China.
Further analysis showed that 30 cities reported an HIV
Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2019) 16:458–466 463

prevalence among pregnant women of more than 100.0 cases Southwestern China, though a growing number of cases were
per 100,000 persons, 28 of which were located in the identified in Central China, as seen in Fig. 1b. Yunnan was
Southwest of China (47). still home to the largest epidemic at the time, with more
In 2005, China started its first PMTCT program in eight cities 100,000 PLWH, followed by Xinjiang, Sichuan, Guangxi,
and in 2015, launched its Integrated Prevention of Mother-to- Guangdong, and Henan, which reported more than 50,000
Child Transmission of HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis B program cases in 2008. The eastern coast of China also began to expe-
(iPMTCT Program) nationwide (48). As a result, access to care rience a growing number of new cases, with many provinces
and treatment for HIV positive mothers and their children has in the region reporting more than 10,000 cases (Fig. 1b). This
significantly improved. ART prophylaxis uptake among HIV trend has continued to today, where in 2018, Southwestern
infected pregnant women and their infants has increased from China still reports the largest number of HIV cases. Yunnan
35.2% and 26.9% in 2003 to 86.2% and 90.3% in 2011, respec- and Sichuan had more than 100,000 PLWH in 2018, followed
tively (46). The HIV vertical transmission rate has substantially by Guanxi, Guangdong, and Henan with more than 50,000
decreased, from 31.8% prior to the initiation of PMTCT pro- cases in the same year (Fig. 1c). The epidemic has continued
grams, to 2.3% in 2011 (46). Scale-up of PMTCT programs to grow in Eastern and Northern China, while regions such as
are a key priority for the current management of HIV among Inner Mongolia, Qinhai, Hainan, and Tibet report the fewest
pregnant women and their children. number of PLWH, with less than 5000 in 2018.
These epidemic patterns can be divided into two broad
categories. The HIV epidemic has transitioned from injection
Geographic Distribution of HIV Cases drug using (as seen in the initial epidemic in South and
Southwestern China) into heterosexual transmission. From
Though overall HIV infection is now driven by sexual contact, 1989 to 1995, majority of HIV infections were due to injecting
particularly heterosexual contact, the distribution of HIV cases drug use (49). Now, however, over 70% of newly diagnosed
varies significantly across China. The initial phase of the HIV HIV cases are due to heterosexual contact (21). Currently,
epidemic was primarily concentrated in rural areas in male-male sexual contact is the major mode of HIV transmis-
Southwestern and Western China as seen in Fig. 1a, then sion in China, particularly in larger, urban cities, such as in
spreading into cities and urban areas across all provinces (9, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, as well as other parts of Northern
39). According to sentinel surveillance data, in 1998, more China, as seen in Fig. 1c.
than 1000 cases were identified in Yunnan and Xinjiang
Province, while the remaining provinces reported far fewer
cases. As previously discussed, these new infections did not HIV/AIDS Compared to Other Infectious
remain contained in just southwestern China. On the contrary, Diseases
due to the increase in drug use and unsafe sexual behaviors,
the epidemic began to spread and by the next decade, was After the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak
present in all provinces throughout the country. The largest in 2003, the mortality caused by all infectious diseases in China
number of PLWH continued to be located in Southern and increased steadily, though most were attributed to HIV/AIDS

Fig. 1 a Geographic distribution of PLWH in China in 1998, b Geographic distribution of PLWH in China in 2008, (c) Geographic distribution of PLWH
in China in 2018
464 Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2019) 16:458–466

(50). Even with the free provision of ART to all infected patients Compliance with Ethical Standards
in China, the number of deaths reported among PLWH and the
proportion of overall mortality due to HIV/AIDS has steadily Competing Interests The authors declare no competing interests.
increased. In 2003, the total number of deaths caused by all
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does not
infectious diseases combined was 6474, while 379 of which were
contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of
due to AIDS, being the fifth leading cause of death among all the authors.
notifiable diseases that year (51). In 2008, the number of AIDS-
related deaths increased to 5389 and became the leading cause of Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed here belong to the authors
death among all infectious diseases for the first time (52). In alone, and do not necessarily reflect the official views or endorsement of
their affiliated institutions.
2018, the number of AIDS-related deaths increased to 18,780
which was 4.3 times all other infectious disease related deaths
combined (53). Previous research in China has shown multiple
factors contributing to this rise in HIV/AIDS related mortality. In
particular, late diagnosis, education level, socioeconomic status,
and older age were also associated with AIDS-related mortality Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
(54). Thus, earlier diagnosis and immediate ART initiation are highlighted as:
strategies that could be strengthened to reduce this burden of • Of importance
HIV-related deaths. •• Of major importance

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