Manual of DSTC
Manual of DSTC
Manual of DSTC
Trauma Care
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Manual of Definitive
Surgical Trauma Care
Third edition
Edited by
2011 IATSIC (International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care)
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Part 1: overview 1
1 Overview 3
1.1 Resuscitation in the emergency department 3
1.2 Management of major trauma 3
1.2.1 Resuscitation 3
1.2.2 Management of penetrating trauma 7
1.3 Emergency department surgery 8
1.3.1 Craniofacial injuries 8
1.3.2 Chest trauma 9
1.3.3 Abdominal trauma 9
1.3.4 Pelvic trauma 10
1.3.5 Long bone fractures 10
1.3.6 Peripheral vascular injuries 10
1.4 Summary 10
1.5 References 11
1.6 Recommended reading 11
2 Resuscitation physiology 15
2.1 Metabolic response to trauma 15
2.1.1 Definition of trauma 15
2.1.2 Initiating factors 15
2.1.3 Immune response 16
2.1.4 Hormonal mediators 18
2.1.5 Effects of the various mediators 20
2.1.6 The anabolic phase 22
vi | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
3 Transfusion in trauma 39
3.1 Indications for transfusion 39
3.1.1 Oxygen-carrying capacity 39
3.1.2 Volume expansion 39
3.2 Transfusion fluids 39
3.2.1 Fresh whole blood 39
3.2.2 Component therapy (platelets, FFP, cryoprecipitate) 40
3.3 Effect of transfusing blood and blood products 40
3.3.1 Metabolic effects 41
3.3.2 Effects of microaggregates 41
3.3.3 Hyperkalaemia 41
3.3.4 Coagulation abnormalities 41
3.3.5 Other risks of transfusion 41
3.4 Action 42
3.4.1 Current best standards of practice 42
3.4.2 Reduction in the need for transfusion 43
3.4.3 Transfusion thresholds 43
3.4.4 Transfusion ratios 43
3.4.5 Adjuncts to enhance clotting 43
3.4.6 Monitoring the coagulation status 44
3.5 Autotransfusion 45
3.6 Red blood cell substitutes 46
3.6.1 Perfluorocarbons 46
3.6.2 Haemoglobin solutions 46
3.7 Massive haemorrhage/massive transfusion 47
3.7.1 Definition 47
3.7.2 Protocol 47
3.8 References 49
3.9 Recommended reading 50
5 The neck 67
5.1 Overview 67
5.2 Management principles 67
5.2.1 Initial assessment 67
5.2.2 Use of diagnostic studies 68
5.3 Treatment 69
5.3.1 Mandatory versus selective neck exploration 69
5.3.2 Treatment based on anatomical zones 69
5.3.3 Rules 70
5.4 Access to the neck 70
5.4.1 Incision 71
5.4.2 Carotid artery 71
5.4.3 Midline visceral structures 72
5.4.4 Root of the neck 72
5.4.5 Collar incisions 72
5.4.6 Vertebral arteries 72
5.5 Recommended reading 72
6 The chest 73
6.1 Overview 73
6.1.1 Introduction: the scope of the problem 73
6.1.2 The spectrum of thoracic injury 73
6.1.3 Pathophysiology of thoracic injuries 74
6.1.4 Applied surgical anatomy of the chest 74
6.1.5 Paediatric considerations 76
6.1.6 Diagnosis 77
6.1.7 Management 77
viii | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
Appendices 215
Michael Sugrue
Consultant Surgeon
Letterkenny General and Galway University Hospital
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Unless they deal with major trauma on a particularly fre- The resources, both physical and intellectual, within
quent basis, few surgeons can attain and sustain the level the hospital, and the ability to anticipate and identify
of skill necessary for decision-making in major trauma. the specific problems associated with patients with
This includes both the intellectual decisions, and the multiple injuries
manual dexterity required to perform all the manoeuvres The limitations in providing specialist expertise within
for surgical access and control. These can be particularly the time frame required.
challenging and may be infrequently required, yet rapid
In 1993, five surgeons (Howard Champion, USA;
access to, and control of sites of haemorrhage following
Stephen Deane, Australia; Abe Fingerhut, France; David
trauma can be a life-saving surgical intervention. Many
Mulder, Canada; and Don Trunkey, USA), members of the
situations require specialist trauma expertise, yet often
International Society of Surgery Socit Internationale
this is simply not available within the time frame in which
de Chirurgie (ISS-SIC) and the International Association
it is required
for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC), met
In years past, many surgeons honed their skills in war,
in San Francisco during the meeting of the American
and translated them into the techniques required in peace.
College of Surgeons. It was apparent that there was a
In the twenty-first century, this has changed, so that most
specific need for further surgical training in the technical
surgeons work in an environment of peace, while a few
aspects of surgical care of the trauma patient, and that
serve in lower key conflicts. In many countries, the inci-
routine surgical training was too organ-specific or area-
dence of injury, particularly from vehicle-related trauma,
specific to allow the development of appropriate judge-
has fallen below the numbers recorded when records were
ment and decision-making skills in traumatized patients
first kept. Many injuries are now treated non-operatively,
with multiple injuries. Particular attention needed to be
so operative exposure and the skills required are reduced
directed to those who were senior trainees or had com-
as well. Occasionally, for this reason, the decision not to
pleted their training.
operate is based on inexperience or insecurity, rather than
It was believed that a short course focusing on the life-
on good clinical judgement.
saving surgical techniques and surgical decision-making
It is not enough to be a good operator. The effective
was required for surgeons, in order to further train the
practitioner is part of a multidisciplinary team that plans
surgeon who dealt with major surgical trauma on an
for, and is trained to provide, the essential medical and
infrequent basis to deal with major trauma. This course
surgical response required in the management of the
would meet a worldwide need, and would supplement
injured patient.
the well-recognized and accepted American College of
Planning the response requires a clear understanding of:
Surgeon Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course.
The causation, including mechanism of injuries The experience that Sten Lennquist had gained offering
occurring within the local population 5-day courses for surgeons in Sweden was integrated into
The initial, pre-hospital and emergency department the programme development, and prototype courses were
care of the patient offered in Paris, Washington and Sydney.
The condition in which the patient is delivered to the At International Surgical Week in Vienna in 1999,
hospital and subsequently to the operating theatre, IATSICs members approved a core curriculum, and a
which will be determined by the initial response, manual that forms the basis of the Definitive Surgical
which itself may determine outcome Trauma CareTM (DSTC) course. The manual was first
xxii | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
published in 2003, a second edition in 2007, and this for their very great efforts put into the preparation, edit-
third edition in 2011. The manual is updated approxi- ing, dissection, redissection and assembly of the manual
mately every 4 years. and the course.
Initial DSTC courses were then launched in Austria This third edition had been revised and updated, tak-
(Graz), Australia (Melbourne and Sydney) and South ing into account new evidence-based information. The
Africa (Johannesburg). The material presented in these increased (and occasionally harmful) role of non-oper-
courses has been refined and a system of training devel- ative management has been recognized, with additional
oped using professional education expertise, and the information, including the role of interventional radi-
result forms the basis of the standardized DSTC course ology. With the increased need for peace-keeping, and
that now takes place. A unique feature of the course is modern asymmetrical conflicts, each carrying its own
that while the principles are standardized, the course can, spectrum of injury, the military module has been substan-
once it has been established nationally in a country, be tially updated.
modified to suit the needs and circumstances of the envi- The book is divided into sections:
ronment in which the care takes place.
Physiology and the metabolic response to trauma
The Education Committee of IATSIC has an
Transfusion in trauma (new)
International DSTC Subcommittee that oversees the qual-
Damage control and the abdominal compartment
ity and content of the courses. However, the concept of the
DSTC course has remained the same. In addition to the
Chapters on each anatomical area or organ system,
initial founding countries (Australia, Austria and South
divided into both an overview of the problems
Africa), courses have been delivered in more than 24 coun-
and pitfalls specific to the system, and the surgical
tries across the world, with new participants joining the
techniques required to deal with major injury in that
IATSIC programme each year. The course and its manuals
are presented in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Thai.
Additional modules that cover specific aspects of
The DSTC course is designed to support those who,
specialized care, including burns, head injury and the
whether through choice or necessity, must deal with
extremes of age
major surgical injury and may not necessarily have the
A separate appendix for the use of operating room
experience or expertise required. The requirements for a
scrub nurses, which has been added to the appendices.
DSTC course or the establishment of a DSTC programme
can be found in Appendix C of this manual. This manual is dedicated to those who care for the
A Board of Contributors, made up of those who have injured patient and whose passion is to do it well.
contributed to the DSTC programme, continues to sup- Ken Boffard
port and update this manual. I would like to thank them Editor
Injury (trauma) remains a major health problem Training in the management of severe
worldwide, and in many countries it continues to trauma
grow. The care of the injured patient should ideally be
a sequence of events involving education, prevention, The Advanced Trauma Life Support course
acute care and rehabilitation. In addition to improving
all aspects of emergency care, improved surgical skills The Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) programme
will save further lives and contribute to minimizing of the American College of Surgeons is probably the most
disability. widely accepted trauma programme in the world, with
The standard general surgical training received in nearly 60 national programmes taking place at present,
the management of trauma is often deficient, partly and more than one million physicians trained.
because traditional surgical training is increasingly Kobayoshi wrote that many of the surgeons in Japan
organ-specific, concentrating on superspecialties have a high standard of surgical skills before entering
such as vascular, hepatobiliary or endocrine surgery, traumatology, but that each emergency care centre sees
and partly because, in most developed training pro- only a few hundred major trauma cases per year. Many
grammes, there is a limited exposure to the range of trauma cases, especially associated with non-penetrating
injured patients. trauma, are treated non-operatively, resulting in insuffi-
cient operative exposure for the training of young trauma
Injury prevention Barach et al. reported that the ATLS was introduced to
Israel in 1990, and that, by the time of their paper, over
Injury prevention can be divided into three parts: 4000 physicians had been trained. In 1994, the Israeli
Primary prevention education and legislation are used Medical Association scientific board accredited the
to reduce the incidence of injury, for example driving ATLS programme and mandated that all surgery resi-
under the influence of alcohol. dents become ATLS-certified.2 Arreola-Risa and Speare
Secondary prevention minimizing the incidence reported that there were no formal post-residency train-
of injury through design, for example seatbelts, ing programmes in Mexico. The ATLS course has been
helmets, etc. successfully implemented, and there was at that time
Tertiary prevention once the injury has occurred, a 2-year waiting list.3 Jacobs described the development
minimizing the effects of that injury by better and of a trauma and emergency medical services system in
earlier care. Jamaica. There was a significant need for a formalized
trauma surgical technical educational course that could
Although primary and secondary prevention of injury be embedded in the University of the West Indies.4
will undoubtedly play some of the major roles in the
reduction of mortality and morbidity due to trauma,
there will also be a need to minimize tertiary injury to Surgical trauma training beyond atls
patients as a result of inadequate or inappropriate man-
agement. This will require training in the techniques of Trauma in both well-developed and developing coun-
advanced management of physical injury. tries continues to be a major public health problem
xxiv | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
and financial burden, both in the pre-hospital setting ventilation is controlled, but the deaths occur in hospital
and within the hospital system. In addition to increas- from uncontrollable bleeding. Not only do the various
ing political and social unrest in many countries, and an techniques for orthopaedic haemostasis, such as stabili-
increasing use of firearms for interpersonal violence, the zation of fractures, pelvic fixation and the management of
car has become a substantial cause of trauma worldwide. major cranial injury, have an important place in the initial
These socio-economic determinants have resulted in a management of trauma patients, but the surgical control
large number of injured patients. of bleeding and a clear understanding of the physiology of
In the United States, trauma affects both the young trauma are essential.
and the elderly. It is the third leading cause of death for Military conflicts occur in numerous parts of the world.
all ages, and the leading cause of death from age 1 to 44 These conflicts involve not only the superpowers, but
years.5 Persons under the age of 45 account for 61 per cent also the military of a large number of other countries. It
of all injury fatalities and 65 per cent of hospital admis- is essential that the military surgeon be well prepared to
sions. However, persons aged 65 and older are at a higher manage any and all penetrating injuries that occur on the
risk of both fatal injury and a more protracted hospital battlefield. The increasing dilemma that is faced by the
stay. About 50 per cent of all deaths occur minutes after military is that modern conflicts are in general asynchro-
injury, and most immediate deaths are because of mas- nous, with only one side in uniform, small and well con-
sive haemorrhage or neurological injury. Autopsy data tained, and do not produce casualties in large numbers or
have demonstrated that central nervous system injuries on a frequent basis. For this reason, it is difficult to have
account for 4050 per cent of all injury deaths, and haem- a large number of military surgeons who can immediately
orrhage accounts for 3035 per cent. Motor vehicles and be deployed to perform highly technical surgical proce-
firearms accounted for 29 per cent and 24 per cent of all dures in the battlefield arena or under austere conditions.
injury deaths, respectively, in 1995.6,7 It is increasingly difficult for career military surgeons to
In South Africa, there is a high murder rate (56 per gain adequate exposure to battlefield casualties, or indeed
100000 population) and a high motor vehicle accident penetrating trauma in general, and, increasingly, many
rate.8 military training programmes are looking to their civilian
There are other areas of the world, such as Australia and counterparts for assistance.
the United Kingdom, where penetrating trauma is unu- These statistics mandate that surgeons responsible for
sual, and sophisticated injury prevention campaigns have the management of these injured patients, whether mili-
significantly reduced the volume of trauma. However, tary or civilian, are skilled in the assessment, diagnosis
there is a significant amount of trauma from motor and operative management of life-threatening injuries.
vehicles, falls, recreational pursuits and injury affecting There remains a poorly developed appreciation among
the elderly. The relatively limited exposure of surgeons many surgeons of the potential impact that timely and
to major trauma has reduced their expertise in this field, appropriate surgical intervention can have on the out-
mandating a requirement for designated trauma hospi- come of a severely injured patient. Partly through lack
tals and specific skill development in the management of of exposure, and partly because of other interests, many
major trauma. surgeons quite simply no longer have the expertise to deal
Furthermore, there are multiple areas of the develop- with such life-threatening situations. For these reasons, a
ing world in the West Indies, South America, the Asia- course needs to be flexible in order to accommodate the
Pacific region and Africa where general surgical training local needs of the country in which it is being taught.
may not necessarily include extensive operative education There is thus an increasing need to provide the surgical
and psychomotor technical expertise in terms of trauma skills and techniques necessary to resuscitate and manage
procedures. There are other countries where thoracic sur- these patients surgically not only in the emergency depart-
gery is not an essential part of general surgical training. ment, but also during the period after ATLS is complete.
Therefore general surgeons called upon to definitively
control thoracic haemorrhage may not have had the tech-
niques required incorporated into their formal surgical Surgical training courses in trauma
With improving pre-hospital care across the world, The Advanced Trauma Operative Management Course
patients who would previously have died are reach- of the American College of Surgeons was developed by
ing hospital alive. In many situations, their airway and Lenworth M Jacobs about 10 years ago, and is a 1-day
Introduction | xxv
course comprising a didactic lecture series followed by Didactic lectures designed to introduce and cover the
exercises on live, anaesthetized animal models. It is an key concepts of surgical resuscitation, the end points
effective method of increasing surgical competence and and an overview of the best access to organ systems.
confidence in the operative management of penetrating Cadaver sessions in which use is made of fresh or
injuries to the chest and abdomen. preserved human cadavers and dissected tissue. These
The Definitive Surgical Trauma CareTM (DSTC) was are used to reinforce the vital knowledge of human
developed on the initiative of six international surgeons anatomy related to access in major trauma. Other
from 1993, and is owned by the International Association alternatives are available if local custom or legislation
for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC), an does not permit the use of such laboratories
Integrated Society of the International Society of Surgery Animal laboratories where possible, use is made of
in Lupsingen, Switzerland. It comprises a 3-day course live, anaesthetized animals, prepared for surgery. The
with short didactic lectures followed by extensive opera- instructor introduces various injuries. The objects
tive discussion, group discussions, case discussions and of the exercise are to both improve psychomotor
operative exercises on live anaesthetized animals. The skills and teach new techniques for the preservation
emphasis is on both the surgical techniques used in of organs and the control of haemorrhage. The
trauma and, additionally, on the surgical decision-mak- haemorrhagic insult is such that it is a challenge to
ing required to choose the best method of management. both the veterinary anaesthetist and the surgeon to
The course currently takes place in 24 countries, and in maintain a viable animal. This creates the real-world
four languages (English, Portuguese, Spanish and Thai). scenario of managing a severely injured patient in the
operating room.
Case presentations this component is a strategic
The DSTC course thinking session illustrated by case presentations.
Different cases are presented that allow free
discussion between the students and the instructors.
Course objectives These cases are designed to put the didactic and
By the end of the course, the student will have received psychomotor skills that have been learned into the
training to allow: context of real patient management scenarios.
4 Jacobs LM. The development and implementation of comparison of death rates in two periods, 1983 through
emergency medical and trauma services in Jamaica. Trauma 1985 and 1987 through 1989. JAMA 1992;267:30548.
Q 1999;14:2215. 7 Bonnie RJ, Fulco C, Liverman CT. Reducing the Burden of
5 Fingerhut LA, Warner M. Injury Chartbook. Health, United Injury, Advancing Prevention and Treatment. Institute of
States. 19961997. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Medicine. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999:
Health Statistics,1997. 4159.
6 Fingerhut LA, Ingram DD, Felman JJ. Firearm homicide 8 Brooks AJ, Macnab C, Boffard KD. Trauma care in South
among black teenagers in metropolitan counties: Africa. Trauma Q 1999;14:30110.
Part 1
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Overview 1
1.1Resuscitation in the of these patients either bleed to death or die from primary
emergency department or secondary injuries to the central nervous system. In
order to reduce this mortality, the surgeon must promptly
Patients with life-threatening injuries represent approxi- restore adequate tissue oxygenation and perfusion, iden-
mately 1015 per cent of all patients hospitalized for tify and control any haemorrhage, diagnose and evacuate
injuries.1 Some authors have defined severe trauma as mass intracranial lesions, and treat cerebral oedema. The
a patient who has an Injury Severity Score greater than first physician to treat a severely injured patient must
15.24 For triage purposes, information available in the start the resuscitation immediately and collect as much
pre-hospital phase and primary survey should be used. information as possible. In addition to patient symptoms,
A standardized approach, utilizing the MIST hand necessary information includes mechanism of injury and
over, should be used (Table 1.1). the presence of pre-existing medical conditions that may
influence the critical decisions to be made.
Table 1.1 The MIST handover
Unfortunately, the collection of information requires
M Mechanism of injury time. Time is usually not available, and the work-up of the
I Injuries observed
critically injured patient often must be rushed. In order to
maximize resuscitative efforts and to avoid missing life-
S Vital signs
threatening injuries, various protocols for resuscitation
T Therapy instituted
have been developed, of which the Advanced Trauma Life
Support Course (ATLS)6 is a model. We use the ATLS as a
Deforming and destructive injuries can be obvious, paradigm for assessment, resuscitation and prioritization
but the surgeon or physician initially treating the patient of the patients injuries.
must promptly conduct a systematic work-up, so that all Guideline times for the length of stay in the emergency
wounds, including occult mortal injuries, can be treated department (ED) should be as follows:
For the unstable patient, time in the ED should be no
longer than 15 minutes.
The unstable patient should either be in the operating
1.2Management of major trauma room or the intensive care unit (ICU) within 15 minutes.
For the stable patient, time in the ED should be no
The principles of management for patients suffering
longer than 30 minutes.
major trauma are:
The stable patient should be in the computed
Simultaneous assessment and resuscitation tomography (CT) scanner or ICU within 30 minutes.
A complete physical examination
Diagnostic studies if the patient becomes
haemodynamically stable 1.2.1 Resuscitation
Life-saving surgery.
Resuscitation is divided into two components:
Time is working against the resuscitating physician:
62 per cent of all trauma patients who die in hospital die The primary survey and initial resuscitation
within the first 4 hours of hospitalization.5 The majority The secondary survey and continuing resuscitation.
4 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
All patients undergo the primary survey of airway, contusion, cardiac tamponade, and tracheal-bronchial
breathing and circulation. Only those patients who injury must be identified, and treatment must be insti-
become haemodynamically stable will progress to the tuted within minutes after arrival. Clinical diagnosis of
secondary survey, which focuses on a complete physical these conditions is much more difficult than is preached,
examination that directs further diagnostic studies. The and immediate availability of an X-ray of the chest is vital.
great majority of patients who remain haemodynamically
unstable require immediate operative intervention. Circulation
Simultaneous with airway management, a quick assess- Primary survey ment of the patient will determine the degree of shock
present. Shock is a clinical diagnosis and should be appar-
The priorities of the primary survey are:
ent. A quick first step is to feel an extremity. If shock is
Establishing a patent airway with cervical spine control present, the extremities will be cool and pale, lack venous
Adequate ventilation filling and have poor capillary refill. The pulse will be
Maintaining circulation (including cardiac function thready, and consciousness will be diminished. At the
and intravascular volume) same time, the status of the neck veins must be noted. A
Assessing the global neurological status. patient who is in shock with flat neck veins is assumed to
have hypovolaemic shock until proven otherwise. If the
neck veins are distended, the most likely possibilities are:
Patients with extensive trauma who are unconscious or in Tension pneumothorax
shock benefit from immediate endotracheal intubation.7,8 Pericardial tamponade
To prevent spinal cord injury, the cervical spine must Myocardial contusion (cardiogenic shock)
not be excessively flexed or extended during intubation. Myocardial infarct (cardiogenic shock)
Oral endotracheal intubation is successful in the major- Air embolism.
ity of injured patients. A few patients require nasotra-
cheal intubation performed by an experienced physician. Pitfall
During intubation, firm compression of the cricoid car- Note that the absence of distended neck veins does not
tilage against the cervical spine occludes the oesophagus exclude these diagnoses because the circulating volume
and may reduce the risk of aspirating vomitus. On rare may be so depleted that the circulation is too empty.
occasions, bleeding, deformity or oedema from maxillo- Tension pneumothorax always should be the number
facial injury will require emergency cricothyroidotomy or one diagnosis in the physicians differential diagnosis of
planned tracheostomy. Patients likely to require a surgical shock since it is the life-threatening injury that is easi-
airway include those with a laryngeal fracture and those est to treat in the ED. A simple tube thoracostomy is the
with a penetrating injury of the neck or throat. The airway definitive management.
priorities are to clear the upper airway, to establish high- Pericardial tamponade is most commonly encoun-
flow oxygen initially with a bag mask, and to proceed tered in patients with penetrating injuries to the torso.
immediately to endotracheal intubation in the majority, Approximately 25 per cent of all patients with cardiac
and to a surgical airway in a few. injuries will reach the ED alive. The diagnosis is often
obvious. The patient has distended neck veins and poor
peripheral perfusion, and a few will have pulsus paradoxus.
Breathing Ultrasonography may establish the diagnosis in a very
Patients with respiratory compromise are not always easy few patients with equivocal findings. Pericardiocentesis
to detect. Simple parameters, such as the respiratory rate is an occasionally useful diagnostic or therapeutic aid.
and adequacy of breathing on simple clinical parameters, Proper treatment is immediate thoracotomy, preferably
should be examined within the first minute after arrival. in the operating room, although ED thoracotomy can be
One of the most important things is to detect a tension life-saving.9
pneumothorax, necessitating direct drainage by needle Myocardial contusion is a rare cause of cardiac failure
thoracostomy followed by the insertion of a chest tube. in the trauma patient.
The major threats to life, for example a tension pneumo Myocardial infarction from coronary occlusion is not
thorax, massive haemothorax, flail chest and pulmonary uncommon in the elderly.
Overview | 5
Air embolism10,11 is a syndrome that has relatively and has premorbid conditions. Blood gas determinations
recently been appreciated as important in injured should be obtained early during resuscitation.
patients; it represents air in the systemic circulation The third priority is to determine where the patient
caused by a bronchopulmonary venous fistula. Air embo- may have occult blood loss. Three sources for hidden
lism occurs in 4 per cent of all major thoracic injuries. blood loss are the pleural cavities, which can be elimi-
Thirty-five per cent of the time it is due to blunt trauma, nated as a diagnosis by rapid chest X-ray, the thigh and
usually a laceration of the pulmonary parenchyma by a the abdomen, inclusive of the retroperitoneum and pelvis.
fractured rib. In 65 per cent of patients, it is due to gun- A fractured femur should be clinically obvious. However,
shot wounds or stab wounds. The surgeon must be vigi- assessment of the abdomen by physical findings can
lant when pulmonary injury has occurred. Any patient be extremely misleading. Fifty per cent of patients with
who has no obvious head injury but has focal or later- significant haemoperitoneum have no clinical signs.12,13
alizing neurological signs may have air bubbles occlud- Common sense dictates that if the patients chest X-ray
ing the cerebral circulation. The observation of air in is normal and the femur is not fractured, the patient who
theretinal vessels on fundoscopic examination confirms remains in shock must be suspected of having ongoing
cerebral air embolism. haemorrhage in the abdomen or pelvis. Most of these
Any intubated patient on positive-pressure ventilation unstable patients require immediate laparotomy to avoid
who has a sudden cardiovascular collapse is presumed to death from haemorrhage. An important caveat is not to
have either tension pneumothorax or air embolism to the delay mandated therapeutic interventions to obtain non-
coronary circulation. Doppler monitoring of an artery critical diagnostic tests.
can be a useful aid in detecting air embolism. Definitive The fourth priority for the resuscitating physician is to
treatment requires immediate thoracotomy followed by consider activation of the massive bleeding protocol and
clamping of the hilum of the injured lung to prevent fur- order resuscitation fluids, starting with crystalloids and
ther embolism, followed by expansion of the intravascular adding type-specific whole blood or blood components as
volume. Open cardiac massage, intravenous adrenaline soon as possible.14,15
(epinephrine) and venting the left heart and aorta with a The fluid used to resuscitate a hypotensive patient
needle to remove residual air may be required. The pulmo- will depend on the patients response to fluid load. The
nary injury is definitively treated by oversewing the lacera- rapid responder may require no more than crystalloids
tion or resecting a lobe. to replace the volume deficit. The transient responder
If the patients primary problem in shock is blood loss, may need the addition of colloid or blood. The only prac-
the intention is to stop the bleeding. If this is not possible, tical way to measure atrial filling pressure in the ED and
the priorities are: immediately in the operating room is by central venous
pressure monitoring. In elderly patients with extensive
To gain access to the circulation
traumatic injuries, early cardiac flow monitoring is help-
To obtain a blood sample from the patient
ful. Resuscitation should be directed to achieve adequate
To determine where the volume loss is occurring
oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption.
To give resuscitation fluids
Crystalloid, synthetic colloids such as gelatins and dex-
To prevent and treat coagulopathy
trans, as well as blood are available to replace volume in
To prevent hypothermia.
hypotensive patients. It is clear that patients requiring mas-
Access is preferably central, via the subclavian route (an sive transfusions need the oxygen-carrying capacity of red
8 French Gauge [FG] introducer, more commonly used cells. Data suggest that trauma leads to leaky cells in the
for passing a pulmonary artery catheter, can be used), pulmonary capillary bed, and the use of colloid puts these
via percutaneous cannulation of the femoral vein with a patients at further risk. The use of starches in the bleeding
large-bore catheter or an 8FG introducer (the equivalent patient has specific negative effects on coagulation.
can be done at elbow level). Alternative ways to gain access Bickell and colleagues16 found that the survival in
to the circulation are by a surgical cutdown on the saphe- patients with penetrating torso trauma was improved if
nous vein at the ankle. fluid replacement was delayed. He suggested that imme-
As soon as the first intravenous line has been estab- diate volume replacement in these patients might disrupt
lished, baseline blood work is obtained that includes hae- blood clot that had obliterated a bleeding vessel.
matocrit, toxicology, blood type and crossmatch, and a Research continues on the use of haemoglobin oxygen
screening battery of laboratory tests if the patient is older carriers as effective substitutes for blood.
6 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
Although whole blood is preferred, it is commonly dif- language is an indication of functioning cerebral hemi-
ficult to obtain whole blood from modern blood banks, spheres. If the patient attempts to protect himself from a
forcing the use of blood components. Loss of more than 2 painful insult, this also implies cortical function. Arousal
units of blood should invoke a predefined massive bleed- is a crude function that is simple wakefulness. Eye-
ing protocol (most current massive transfusion protocols opening, either spontaneous or in response to stimuli, is
aim at predefined ratios of packed red blood cells:fresh indicative of arousal and is a brainstem function. Coma is
frozen plasma:platelets mimicking whole blood) and a pathological state in which both awareness and arousal
monitored by frequent coagulation tests, conventional are absent. Eye-opening does not occur, no comprehensi-
laboratory tests (platelet count, International Normalized ble speech is detected, and the extremities move neither to
Ratio, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time and command nor appropriately to noxious stimuli.
fibrinogen) and more functional tests (TEG or RoTEM) By assessing all six components and making sure the
when available (see Chapter 3, Transfusion in trauma). four primary reflexes (ankle, knee, biceps and triceps) are
The criteria for adequate resuscitation are simple and assessed, and repeating this examination at frequent inter-
straightforward: vals, it is possible to both diagnose and monitor the neuro-
logical status in the ED. An improving neurological status
Keep the atrial filling pressure at normal levels.
reassures the physician that resuscitation is improving
Give sufficient fluid to achieve adequate urinary
cerebral blood flow. Neurological deterioration is strong
output (0.5mL/kg per hour in the adult, 1.0mL/kg
presumptive evidence of either a mass lesion or significant
per hour in the child).
neurological injury. A CT scan of the head is the definitive
Maintain peripheral perfusion.
test for head injury and should be done as soon as possible.
The only practical way to measure atrial filling pressure
in the ED and immediately in the operating room is by Environment
central venous pressure monitoring. In elderly patients
The clothes are to be removed in order to examine the
with extensive traumatic injuries, placing a pulmonary
whole patient. A log-roll should be considered, especially
artery catheter or utilizing a cardiac computer may be
after penetrating injuries, in order to identify all wounds.
prudent because it will be used to direct a sophisticated
The patient is at risk of hypothermia, and warming meas-
multifactorial resuscitation in the operating room or
ures should be promptly instituted.
ICU. Resuscitation should be directed to achieve adequate
The body temperature of trauma patients decreases
oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption. An important
rapidly, and if the on-scene time has been prolonged, for
caveat is not to delay mandated therapeutic interventions
example by entrapment, patients arrive in the resuscita-
to obtain non-critical diagnostic test results.
tion room hypothermic. This is aggravated by the admin-
Neurological status (disability) istration of cold fluid, the presence of abdominal or chest
wounds, and the removal of clothing. Most patients will be
The next priority during the primary survey is to quickly
expected to drop their core temperature by 2C per hour
assess neurological status and to initiate diagnostic and
unless protected. All fluids need to be at body temperature
treatment priorities. The key components of a rapid neu-
or above, and rapid infusor devices are available that will
rological evaluation are:
warm fluids at high flow rates prior to infusion. Patients can
Determine the level of consciousness be placed on warming mattresses, and their environment
Observe the size and reactivity of the pupils kept warm using warm air blankets. Early measurement of
Check eye movements and oculovestibular responses the core temperature is important to prevent heat loss that
Document skeletal muscle motor responses will predispose to problems with coagulation. Hypothermia
Determine the pattern of breathing will shift the oxygen dissociation curve to the left, reduce
Perform a peripheral sensory examination. oxygen delivery, reduce the livers ability to metabolize cit-
rate and lactic acid, and may produce arrhythmias.
A decreasing level of consciousness is the single most
The minimum diagnostic studies that should be con-
reliable indication that the patient potentially has a seri-
sidered in the haemodynamically unstable patient after
ous head injury or secondary insult (usually hypoxic or
the primary survey include:
hypotensive) to the brain. Consciousness has two com-
ponents: awareness and arousal. Awareness is manifest Chest X-ray
by goal-directed or purposeful behaviour. The use of Plain film of the pelvis.
Overview | 7
Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) Whether the patient has bled into the abdomen
examination may be helpful: Whether the bleeding has stopped.
To assess whether there is blood in the chest or abdomen Thus, serial investigations of a quantitative nature will
To exclude cardiac tamponade. allow the best assessment of these patients. Computed
tomography scanning is the modality of choice, pro-
It must be emphasized that resuscitation should not
vided there is awareness of the fact that the patient may
cease during these films, and the resuscitating team must
wear protective lead aprons. Optimally, the X-ray facilities
are juxtaposed to the ED, but the basic X-rays can all be The haemodynamically unstable patient
obtained with a portable machine.
Efforts must be made to try to define the cavity where
bleeding is taking place, for example chest, pelvis or survey abdominal cavity. Negative chest and pelvic X-rays leave
the abdomen as the most likely source.
Finally, if the patient stabilizes, a secondary survey and Diagnostic modalities are, of necessity, limited. FAST is
diagnostic studies are carried out. However, if the patient aiming at detecting free fluid in the abdomen and pericar-
remains unstable, he or she should be taken immediately dium, but is operator-dependent haemodynamic insta-
to the operating room in order to achieve surgical hae- bility caused by intraperitoneal haemorrhage is likely to
mostasis, or to the surgical ICU. be readily found, but a negative FAST does not exclude
The patient must have a full top-to-toe and front-to- intra-abdominal bleeding. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
back examination. If the patient has been haemodynami- (DPL) remains one of the most sensitive, cheapest, and
cally unstable, the site of the bleeding is traditionally: most readily available modalities to confirm the presence
of blood in the abdomen. Importantly, DPL and FAST
Blood on the floor, and four more
can be performed without moving the patient from the
External bleeding (blood on the floor) and four more. resuscitation area, since an unstable patient cannot have
Bleeding into the chest (exclude by chest X-ray) a CT scan, even if it were to be readily available.
Bleeding into the abdomen During resuscitation, standard ATLS guidelines should
Bleeding into the pelvis (exclude by clinical be followed. These should include a:
examination and pelvic X-ray)
Nasogastric tube or orogastric tube
Bleeding into the extremities (exclude by clinical
Urinary catheter.
examination and long bone X-ray).
volume, and therefore intracranial pressure. There should proceed immediately with a left anterior thoracotomy
be an immediate positive effect that usually lasts long in an attempt to relieve the tamponade and control the
enough to obtain a three-cut CT scan to determine a spe- penetrating injury to the heart. If there is an obvious
cific site of the mass lesion and the type of haematoma. penetrating injury to either the left or the right ventri-
This will direct the surgeon specifically to the location of cle, a Foley catheter can be introduced into the hole and
the craniotomy for removal of the haematoma. the balloon distended to create tamponade. The end of
Intravenous mannitol should be administered as a the Foley should be clamped. Great care should be taken
bolus injection in a dose of 0.51.0g/kg. This should not to apply minimal traction on the Foley just enough to allow
delay any other diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. sealing. Excessive traction will pull the catheter out and extend
In the event of severe facial (and often associated severe the wound by tearing the muscle. Once the bleeding is con-
neck) injuries, surgical control of the airway may be neces- trolled, the wound can be easily sutured with pledgetted
sary, using ATLS-described techniques. sutures.
Transected aorta is usually diagnosed with a widened
mediastinum and confirmed with an arteriogram or a CT
1.3.2Chest trauma scan (see Chapter 6, The chest). Once the diagnosis has
been made, it is essential to repair the aorta in the oper-
Lethal injuries to the chest include tension pneumotho- ating room as soon as possible. In general, it is useful to
rax, cardiac tamponade and transected aorta. maintain control of hypotension in the 100mmHg range
Tension pneumothorax is diagnosed clinically with so as not to precipitate free rupture from the transection.
hypertympany on the side of the lesion, deviation of the NB: Abdominal injury generally takes priority over thoracic
trachea away from the lesion and decreased breath sounds aortic injury.
on the affected side. There is usually associated elevated Massive haemorrhage from the intercostal vessels sec-
jugular venous pressure in the neck veins. This is a clini- ondary to multiple fractured ribs will frequently stop
cal diagnosis, and once made, an immediate needle tho- without operative intervention. This is also true for most
racostomy or tube thoracostomy should be performed to bleeding from the pulmonary system. It is essential to
relieve the tension pneumothorax. The tube should then attempt to collect shed blood from the hemithorax into
be placed to underwater seal. an autotransfusion collecting device so that the blood can
The diagnosis of cardiac tamponade is frequently diffi- be returned to the patient.
cult to make clinically. It is usually associated with hypo-
tension and elevated jugular venous pressure. There are
usually muffled heart sounds, but this is difficult to hear 1.3.3Abdominal trauma
in a noisy resuscitation suite. Placing a central line with
resultant high venous pressures can confirm the diagno- Significant intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal haemor-
sis. If ultrasound is available, this is a helpful diagnos- rhage can be a reason to go rapidly to the operating room.
tic adjunct. Once the diagnosis is made, the tamponade The abdomen may be distended and dull to percussion. A
needs to be relieved if the patient is hypotensive. In the definitive diagnosis can be made with a grossly positive
event of a penetrating injury to the heart or blunt rupture DPL, ultrasound or CT scan. The decision to operate for
of the heart, there is usually a substantial clot in the peri- bleeding should be based on the haemodynamic status.
cardium. A needle pericardiocentesis may be able to aspi- Ultrasound (FAST) is a useful tool as it is specific for
rate a few millilitres of blood, and this, along with rapid blood in the peritoneum, but it is operator-dependent.
volume resuscitation to increase preload, can buy enough Sensitivity for haemoperitoneum varies in recent lit-
time to move to the operating room. erature. A positive FAST result in an unstable patient
It is far better to perform a thoracotomy in the operat- is an indication for laparotomy. Conversely, a negative
ing room, either through an anterolateral approach or a FAST result does not exclude intra-abdominal bleed-
median sternotomy, with good light and assistance and ing, and repeat FAST or other investigations need to be
the potential for autotransfusion and potential bypass, considered.
than it is to attempt heroic emergency surgery in the Diagnostic peritoneal lavage is easy to perform and
resuscitation suite. However, if the patient is in extremis gives a highly sensitive but non-specific answer immedi-
with blood pressure in the 40mmHg or lower range ately. A volume of 10mL of grossly positive blood on ini-
despite volume resuscitation, there is no choice but to tial aspiration of the DPL catheter, or a cell count in the
10 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
lavage fluid of over 105 red cells per cubic millimetre man- is external fixation. The immediate treatment for a
dates immediate laparotomy in the haemodynamically patient who is hypotensive from haemorrhage from a
unstable patient. Because of its high sensitivity, a negative femoral fracture is to put traction on the distal limb,
DPL excludes the presence of over 20mL of blood in the pulling the femur into alignment. This not only realigns
abdominal cavity. the bones but also reconfigures the cylindrical nature of
The CT scanner is highly sensitive and very specific the thigh. This has an immediate tamponading effect on
for the type, character and severity of injury to a specific the bleeding in the muscles of the thigh. It is frequently
organ. However, patients whose condition is unstable necessary to maintain traction with a Thomas or Hare
should not be considered. traction splint. Attention should be paid to the distal
Non-operative management has become the treatment pulses to be sure that there is continued arterial inflow.
of choice in haemodynamically stable patients with liver If the pulses are absent, an arteriogram should be per-
and spleen injuries regardless of injury grade (see the formed to determine whether there are any injuries to
sections in Chapter 7 (The abdomen) on the individual major vascular structures. A determination is then made
organ systems). as to the timing of arterial repair and bony fixation.
Re-establishing perfusion to the limb takes priority over
fracture treatment.
1.3.4 Pelvic trauma
Superoxide and derivatives. The inflammatory mediators of injury have been impli-
cated in the induction of membrane dysfunction.
Neutrophils have been invoked in inflammatory proc- Hypovolaemia esses for more than 100 years, but now we recognize
Hypovolaemia, specifically tissue hypoperfusion, is the that the initial response involves platelets, macrophages,
most potent precipitator of the metabolic response. endothelium and epithelium.
Hypovolaemia also can be due to external losses, internal
shifts of extracellular fluids and changes in plasma osmo- Cytokines
lality. However, the most common cause is blood loss (see The term cytokine refers to a diverse group of polypep-
Section 2.2, Shock). tides and glycoproteins that are important mediators of
The hypovolaemia will stimulate catecholamines, inflammation. They are produced by a variety of cell types,
which in turn trigger the neuroendocrine response. This but predominantly by leukocytes. Cytokines are generally
plays an important role in volume and electrolyte conser- divided into pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-inflam-
vation and protein, fat and carbohydrate catabolism. matory cytokines, but some, for example IL-6, have both
properties. Discussion of cytokines is further complicated
by confusing nomenclature. Many cytokines were found impulses
in different settings such as tumour necrosis factor
Hormonal responses are initiated by pain and anxiety. (TNF), originally termed cachectin. Current nomenclature
The metabolic response may be modified by the admin- follows a more consistent system. The term interleukin
istration of adequate analgesia, which may be parenteral, refers to a substance that acts between leukocytes, and is
enteral, regional or local. Somatic blockade may need to used in conjunction with a number, for example IL-6.
Resuscitation physiology | 17
The classical pathway of complement activation involves Injury causes a SIRS clinically much like sepsis.
an interaction between the initial antibody and the initial Multicellular animals detect pathogens via a set of pattern
trimer of complement components C1, C4 and C2. In the recognition receptors that recognize pathogen-associated
classical pathway, this interaction then cleaves the com- molecular patterns (PAMPs), which in turn activate innate
plement products C3 and C5, via proteolysis, to produce immunocytes. Evidence is accumulating that trauma and
the very powerful chemotactic factors C3a and C5a. its associated tissue damage are recognized at the cell level
The so-called alternative pathway seems to be the via the receptor-mediated detection of intracellular pro-
main route following trauma. It is activated by proper- teins released by dead cells. The term alarmin has been
din and proteins D or B, to activate C3 convertase, which proposed to categorize such endogenous molecules that
generates the anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a. Its activa- signal tissue and cell damage.4
tion appears to be the earliest trigger for activating the Endogenous alarmins and exogenous PAMPs there-
cellular system, and is responsible for the aggregation fore convey a similar message and elicit similar responses.
of neutrophils and activation of basophils, mast cells They can be considered to be subgroups of a larger set of
and platelets to secrete histamine and serotonin, which molecules that cause damage from the damage or death
alter vascular permeability and are vasoactive. In trauma of host cells (DAMPs).
patients, the serum C3 level is inversely correlated with The release of such mitochondrial enemies within by
the Injury Severity Score.3 Measurement of C3a is the cellular injury is a key link between trauma, inflammation
most useful because the other products are more rapidly and SIRS.5
cleared from the circulation.
The short-lived fragments of the complement cas- radicals
cade, C3a and C5a, stimulate macrophages to secrete
IL-1 and its active circulating cleavage product proteo Oxygen radical (O2) formation by white cells is a normal
lysis-inducing factor. These cause proteolysis and lipoly- host defence mechanism. Changes after injury may lead to
sis with fever. Interleukin-1 activates T4 helper cells to an excessive production of oxygen free radicals, released
produce IL-2, which enhances cell-mediated immunity. by neutrophils and macrophages, with deleterious effects
Interleukin-1 and proteolysis-inducing factor are potent on organ function. Nitric oxide (NO) is also released by
mediators stimulating cells of the liver, bone marrow, macrophages, causing vasodilatation and decreased sys-
spleen and lymph nodes to produce acute-phase pro- temic vascular resistance. NO combines with O2 to form
teins, which include complement, fibrinogen, alpha2- a potent oxidizing agent that can oxidize the catecho-
macroglobulin and other proteins required for defence lamine ring. Hydroxyl ion (OH) and hydrogen peroxide
mechanisms. are also increased following sepsis or stress.
There is considerable cross-talk between the clot-
ting cascade and inflammation. Activation of factor XII
(Hageman factor A) stimulates kallikrein to produce 2.1.4 Hormonal mediators
bradykinin from bradykininogen, which also affects capil-
lary permeability and vasoactivity. A combination of these In response to trauma, many circulatory hormones
reactions causes the inflammatory response. are altered. Levels of adrenaline (epinephrine),
Resuscitation physiology | 19
Prior to the discovery of atrial natriuretic factor, it was Accompanying the above changes is an increase in oxy-
suggested that a hormone, a third factor, was secreted fol- gen delivery to the microcirculation. Total body oxygen
lowing distension of the atria, which complemented the consumption (Vo2) is increased. These reactions produce
activity of two known regulators of blood pressure and heat, which is also a reflection of the hyperdynamic state.
blood volume: the hormone aldosterone and filtration
of blood by the kidney. Atrial natriuretic factor has also
emphasized the hearts function as an endocrine organ. Water and salt retention
amino acids from muscle, which are then available for Amino acids
gluconeogenesis. Growth hormone inhibits the effect of
The intake of protein by a healthy adult is between 80 and
insulin on glucose metabolism.
120g of protein: 12g protein/kg per day. This is equiva-
As blood glucose rises during the phase of hepatic glu-
lent to 1320g of nitrogen per day. In the absence of an
coneogenesis, blood insulin concentration rises, some-
exogenous source of protein, amino acids are principally
times to very high levels. Provided that the liver circulation
derived from the breakdown of skeletal muscle protein.
is maintained, gluconeogenesis will not be suppressed by
Following trauma or sepsis, the release rate of amino
hyperinsulinaemia or hyperglycaemia, because the accel-
acids increases by three to four times. The process mani-
erated rate of glucose production in the liver is required
fests as marked muscle wasting.
for the clearance of lactate and amino acids, which are
Cortisol, glucagon and catecholamines play a role in
not used for protein synthesis. This period of breakdown
this reaction. The mobilized amino acids are utilized for
of muscle protein for gluconeogenesis and the resultant
gluconeogenesis or oxidation in the liver and other tis-
hyperglycaemia characterizes the catabolic phase of the
sues, but also for the synthesis of acute-phase proteins
metabolic response to trauma.
required for immunocompetence, clotting, wound heal-
The glucose level following trauma should be moni-
ing and maintenance of cellular function.
tored carefully in the intensive care unit. The optimum
Certain amino acids like glutamic acid, asparagine and
blood glucose level remains controversial, but the maxi-
aspartate can be oxidized to pyruvate, producing alanine,
mum level should be 10mmol/L. Control of blood glu-
or to alpha-ketoglutarate, producing glutamine. The oth-
cose is best achieved by titration with intravenous insulin,
ers must first be deaminated before they can be utilized.
based on a sliding scale. However, because of the degree of
In the muscle, deamination is accomplished by transami-
insulin resistance associated with trauma, the quantities
nation from branched chain amino acids. In the liver,
required may be considerably higher than normal.
amino acids are deaminated by urea that is excreted in
Parenteral nutrition may be required, and this will exac-
the urine. After severe trauma or sepsis, as much as 20g
erbate the problem. However, glucose remains the safest
per day of urea nitrogen is excreted in the urine. Since 1g
energy substrate following major trauma: 6075 per cent
of urea nitrogen is derived from 6.25g degraded amino
of the caloric requirements should be supplied by glucose,
acids, this protein wastage is up to 125g per day.
with the remainder being supplied using a fat emulsion.
One gram of muscle protein represents 5g of wet mus-
cle mass. The patient in this example would be losing
Fat 625g of muscle mass per day. A loss of 40 per cent of body
A major source of energy following trauma is adipose protein is usually fatal, because failing immunocompe-
tissue. Lipids stored as triglycerides in adipose tissue are tence leads to overwhelming infection. Nitrogen excre-
mobilized when insulin falls below 25units/mL. Because tion usually peaks several days after injury, returning to
of the suppression of insulin release by the catecholamine normal after several weeks. This is a characteristic feature
response after trauma, as much as 200500g of fat may be of the metabolic response to illness. The most profound
broken down daily after severe trauma.9 Tumour necrosis alterations in metabolic rate and nitrogen loss occur after
factor and possibly IL-1 play a role in the mobilization of burns, and may persist for months.
fat stores. To measure the rates of transfer and utilization of amino
Catecholamines and glucagon activate adenyl cyclase acids mobilized from muscle or infused into the circula-
in the fat cells to produce cyclic adenosine monophos- tion, the measurement of central plasma clearance rate
phate (cyclic AMP). This activates lipase, which promptly of amino acids has been developed. Using this method,
hydrolyses triglycerides to release glycerol and fatty a large increase in the peripheral production and central
acids. Growth hormone and cortisol play a minor role uptake of amino acids into the liver has been demonstrated
in this process as well. Glycerol provides substrate for in injured patients, especially if sepsis is also present. The
gluconeogenesis in the liver, which derives energy by protein-depleted patient can be improved dramatically by
the beta-oxidation of fatty acids, a process inhibited by parenteral or enteral alimentation provided adequate liver
hyperinsulinaemia. function is present. Amino acid infusions in patients who
Free fatty acids provide energy for all tissues and for ultimately die cause plasma amino acid concentration to
hepatic gluconeogenesis. Carnitine, synthesized in the liver, rise to high levels with only a modest increase in the cen-
is required for the transport of fatty acids into thecells. tral plasma clearance rate of amino acids.
22 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
of both pressure and flow. It is characterized by significant Renal function is also critically dependent on renal per-
decreases in filling pressures, with a consequent decrease fusion. Oliguria is an inevitable feature of hypovolaemia.
in stroke volume. Cardiac output is temporarily main- During volume loss, renal blood flow falls correspond-
tained by a compensatory tachycardia. With continuing ingly with the blood pressure. Anuria sets in when the
hypovolaemia, the blood pressure is maintained by reflex systolic blood falls to 50mmHg. Urine output is a good
increases in peripheral vascular resistance and myocardial indicator of peripheral perfusion.
contractility mediated by neurohumoral mechanisms.
Hypovolaemic shock is divided into four classes shock
Initially, the body compensates for shock, and classI When the heart fails to produce an adequate cardiac out-
and class II shock is compensated shock. When the blood put, even though the end-diastolic volume is normal, car-
volume loss exceeds 30 per cent (class III and class IV diogenic shock is said to be present.
shock), the compensatory mechanisms are no longer Cardiac function is impaired in such shocked patients
effective, and the decrease in cardiac output causes even if myocardial damage is not the primary cause.
decreased oxygen transport to the peripheral tissues. Reduced myocardial function in shock includes dysrhyth-
These tissues attempt to maintain their oxygen consump- mias, myocardial ischaemia from systemic hypertension
tion by increasing their oxygen extraction. Eventually, this and variations in blood flow, and myocardial lesions from
compensatory mechanism also fails, and tissue hypoxia high circulatory levels of catecholamines, angiotensin and
leads to lactic acidosis, hyperglycaemia and failure of the possibly a myocardial depressant factor.
sodium pump, with swelling of the cells from water influx. The reduced cardiac output can be a result of:
Class Percentage Volume (mL) Pulse rate Blood pressure Pulse pressure Respiratory rate
blood loss (beats/min) (per min)
a decline in oxygen consumption. It is not only the circu- return, the atrial filling is reduced, with consequent hypo-
latory insufficiency that is responsible for this, but also tension. The obstruction to flow can be on either the right
the impairment of cellular oxidative phosphorylation by or the left side of the heart. Causes include pulmonary
endotoxin or endogenously produced superoxides. There embolism, air embolism, ARDS, aortic stenosis, calcifi-
is a narrowing of arterialmixed venous oxygen difference cation of the systemic arteries, thickening or stiffening
as an indication of reduced oxygen extraction, which often of the arterial walls as a result of the loss of elastin and
precedes the fall of cardiac output. Anaerobic glycogenol- its replacement with collagen (as occurs in old age), and
ysis and a severe metabolic acidosis due to lactacidaemia obstruction of the systemic microcirculation as a result of
result. The mechanisms responsible for the phenomena chronic hypertension or the arteriolar disease of diabetes.
observed in sepsis and endotoxic shock are discussed in The blood pressure in the pulmonary artery or the aorta
detail above. will be high; the cardiac output will be low.
myocardial fibres are stretched by the preload, the con- additional amino acids to produce the octapeptide angi-
tractility increases according to the FrankStarling prin- otensin II, one of the most potent vasopressors known.
ciple. However, an excessive increase in preload leads to The third step is that the same octapeptide stimulates the
symptoms of pulmonary/systemic venous congestion zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex to secrete aldos-
without further improvement in cardiac performance. terone, which causes sodium retention and results in
The preload is a positive factor in cardiac performance up volume expansion.
the slope of the FrankStarling curve but not beyond the The kidney thus has three methods of protecting its
point of cardiac decompensation. perfusion: autoregulation, pressor secretion and volume
Contractility of the heart is improved by inotropic expansion. When all three compensatory mechanisms
agents. The product of the stroke volume and the heart have failed, there is a decrease in the quality and quantity
rate equals the cardiac output. Cardiac output acting of urine as a function of nutrient flow to this organ. Urine
against the peripheral resistance generates the blood pres- flow is such an important measurement of flow in the
sure. Diminished cardiac output in patients with pump patient in shock that we can use this to define the pres-
failure is associated with a fall in blood pressure. To ence or absence of shock. For practical purposes, if the
maintain coronary and cranial blood flow, there is a reflex patient is producing a normal quantity of normal quality
increase in systemic vascular resistance to raise the blood urine, he is not in shock.
pressure. An exaggerated rise in systemic vascular resist- Another vital perfusion bed that reflects the adequacy
ance can lead to a further depression of cardiac function of nutrient flow is the brain itself. Since adequate nutri-
by increasing ventricular afterload. Afterload is defined ent flow is a necessary, but not the only, requirement for
as the wall tension during left ventricular ejection and is cerebration, consciousness also can be used to evaluate
determined by systolic pressure and the radius of the left the adequacy of nutrient flow in the patient with shock.
ventricle. Left ventricular radius is related to end-diastolic
volume, and systolic pressure to the impedance to blood Direct measurements
flow in the aorta, or total peripheral vascular resistance.
As the emphasis in the definition of shock is on flow, Central venous pressure
we should be looking for ways to measure flow. Between the groin or axillae and the heart, the veins do
not have any valves, so measurement of the pressure in
this system at the level of the heart will reflect the pres- measurement of flow
sure in the right atrium, and therefore the filling pressure
In many patients in shock, simply laying a hand upon of the heart.
their extremities will help to determine flow by the cold Placement of a central venous line that will allow accu-
clammy appearance of hypoperfusion. However, prob- rate measurement of the hydrostatic pressure of the right
ably the most important clinical observation to indirectly atrium following fluid boluses can help to differentiate
determine adequate nutrient flow to a visceral organ will between the different shock states. The actual measure-
be the urine output. ment is less important than the change in value, espe-
The kidney responds to decreased nutrient flow with cially in the acute resuscitation of a patient. The normal
several compensatory changes to protect its own per- value is 412cmH2O. A value below 4cmH2O indicates
fusion. Over a range of blood pressure, the kidneys that the venous system is empty, and thus the preload is
maintain a nearly constant blood flow. If the blood pres- reduced, usually as a result of dehydration or hypovolae-
sure decreases, the kidneys autoregulation of resistance mia. Conversely, a high value indicates that the preload is
results in dilatation of the vascular bed. It keeps nutrient increased, either as the result of a full circulation or due
flow constant by lowering the resistance even though the to pump failure (e.g. cardiogenic shock due to aetiologies
pressure has decreased. This allows selective shunting of such as tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade or
blood to the renal bed. myocardial contusion).
If the blood pressure falls further and a true decrease in As a general rule, if a patient in shock has both systemic
flow across the glomeruli occurs, the reninangiotensin arterial hypotension and central venous hypotension, the
mechanism is triggered. Renin from the juxtaglomeru- shock is due to volume depletion. On the other hand, if
lar apparatus acts upon angiotensin from the liver. The central venous pressure is high although arterial pressure
peptide is cleaved by renin, and a decapeptide results, is low, shock is not due to volume depletion and is more
which in the presence of converting enzyme clips off two likely to be due to pump failure.
Resuscitation physiology | 27
Cannulation of the central venous system is generally 10 Introduce the guidewire while monitoring the ECG
achieved using the subclavian, jugular or femoral route. for abnormalities.
The subclavian route is the preferred one in the trauma 11 Insert the catheter over the guidewire to a
patient, particularly when the status of the cervical spine predetermined length. The tip of the catheter should
is unclear. It is ideal for the intensive care setting, where be at the entrance to the right atrium. In an adult,
occlusion of the access site against infection is required. this distance is approximately 18cm.
The safest technique is that recommended by the 12 Connect the catheter to intravenous tubing.
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) programme.12 13 Affix it securely to the skin and cover it with an
The internal jugular route, or occasionally the exter- occlusive dressing.
nal jugular route, is the one most commonly utilized by 14 Obtain a chest X-ray to confirm its position.
anaesthesiologists, often under ultrasonic guidance. It
Technique of femoral line insertion14
provides ease of access, especially under operative con-
The femoral route is easy to access, especially when the line
ditions. However, there are significant dangers in the
also will be used for venous transfusion. However, the inci-
trauma patient, especially where the cervical spine has
dence of femoral vein thrombosis is high, and the line should
not yet been cleared, and other routes may be preferable.
not be left beyond 48 hours because of the risk of infection.
The ability to occlude the jugular site, especially in the
Pitfalls include placing the cannula inside the abdominal
awake patient in the intensive care unit, is however, more
cavity. This can be particularly misleading if blood is present
limited, and there is greater discomfort for the patient.
inside the abdominal cavity, since aspiration of the cannula
The subclavian route is reliable, easy to maintain and
will yield blood and a false sense of security!
relatively safe. Pitfalls include arterial puncture and
pneumothorax. 1 Place the patient in a supine position.
2 Cleanse the skin.
Technique of subclavian line insertion13 3 Locate the femoral vein by locating the femoral
1 Place the patient in a supine position, at least 15 artery. The vein lies immediately medial to the artery.
degrees head down to distend the neck veins and 4 If the patient is awake, infiltrate the puncture site
prevent an air embolism. Do not move the patients with lignocaine 1 per cent.
head. 5 Introduce a large-calibre needle, attached to a 10mL
2 Cleanse the skin, and drape the area. syringe containing 1mL saline. The needle, directed
3 Use lignocaine (lidocaine) 1 per cent at the injection towards the patients head, should enter the skin
site to effect local anaesthesia. directly over the femoral vein.
4 Introduce a large-calibre needle, attached to a 6 Hold the needle and syringe parallel to the frontal
10mL syringe with 1mL saline in it, 1cm below plane.
the junction of the middle and medial thirds of the 7 Direct the needle cephalad and posteriorly at
clavicle. 45degrees to the skin, and slowly advance the needle
5 After the needle has been introduced, with the bevel while withdrawing the plunger of the syringe.
of the needle upwards, expel the skin plug that may 8 When a free flow of blood appears in the syringe,
occlude the needle. remove the syringe. Occlude the needle to avoid any
6 Hold the needle and syringe parallel to the frontal chance of air embolism.
plane. 9 Insert the catheter over the guidewire to a
7 Direct the needle medially, slightly cephalad predetermined length. The tip of the catheter should
and posteriorly, behind the clavicle, towards the be at the entrance to the right atrium. In an adult,
posterior superior angle of the clavicle to the sternal this distance is approximately 30cm.
end of the clavicle. (Aim at a finger placed in the 10 Connect the catheter to intravenous tubing.
suprasternal notch.) 11 Affix it securely to the skin and cover it with an
8 Advance the needle while gently withdrawing the occlusive dressing.
plunger of the syringe. 12 Obtain a chest X-ray to confirm its position.
9 When a free flow of blood appears in the syringe,
rotate the bevel so that it faces caudally and remove Systemic arterial pressure
the syringe. Occlude the needle to avoid any chance Systemic arterial pressure reflects the product of the
of air embolism. peripheral resistance and the cardiac output. Measurement
28 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
can be indirect or direct. Indirect measurement involves has the effect of occluding the lumen. As a result, the
the use of a blood pressure cuff with auscultation of the pressure transmitted via the catheter represents pulmo-
artery to determine systolic and diastolic blood pressure. nary venous pressure, and thus left atrial pressure. The
Direct measurement involves placement of a catheter into wedged pulmonary atrial pressure is a useful approxima-
the lumen of the artery, with direct measurement of the tion of left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, the latter
pressure. usually correlating with left ventricular end-diastolic
In patients in shock, with an elevated systemic vascular volume.
resistance, there is often a significant difference obtained In addition to direct measurement of pressures, a pul-
between the two measurements. In patients with increased monary artery catheter allows the following:
vascular resistance, low cuff pressure does not necessarily
Measurement of cardiac output by thermodilution
indicate hypotension. Failure to recognize this may lead
Sampling of pulmonary arterial (mixed venous) blood.
to dangerous errors in therapy.
An arterial Doppler scan can be used for measuring Technique of insertion of a pulmonary artery catheter using
arterial blood pressure. Only measurement of the systolic the internal jugular route15
blood pressure is possible. However, the Doppler result Equipment
correlates well with the direct measurement pressure. Lignocaine
The radial artery is the most common site for arterial SwanGanz catheter set: commercial pack
cannulation. It is usually safe to use, provided adequate Calibrated pressure transducer with a continuous
ulnar collateral flow is present. It is important both medi- heparin flush and connecting tubing
cally and legally to do an Allen test, compressing both the Visible oscilloscope screen showing both ECG and
radial and ulnar arteries, and releasing the ulnar artery to pressure tracings
check for collateral flow. Thrombosis of the radial artery A dedicated assistant (e.g. a nurse).
is quite common, although ischaemia of the hand is rare
due to collaterals from the ulnar artery. Technique
The femoral artery is generally quite safe to use in an 1 Prepare all supplies at the bedside.
emergency situation, but the cannula should be removed 2 Calibrate the transducer for a pressure range of
as soon as possible. 050mmHg.
Cannulation of the brachial artery is not recommended 3 Remove all pillows from behind the patient, and
because of the potential for thrombosis and for ischaemia turn the patients head to the left.
of the lower arm and hand. 4 Make sure the patients airway and breathing are
acceptable. The patient should be on oxygen, and
preferably also monitored on pulse oximetry.
Pulmonary arterial pressure 5 Tilt the bed head down to distend the jugular vein.
The right-sided circulation is a valveless system through 6 Prepare and drape the skin, allowing access from
which flows the entire cardiac output from the right side below the clavicle to the mastoid process.
of the heart. 7 Locate the right carotid pulse, and infiltrate over the
Catheterization can be performed easily and rapidly at area with local anaesthetic at the apex of the triangle
the bedside, using a balloon-tipped, flow-directed ther- between the sternal and clavicular heads of the
modilution catheter. In its passage from the superior vena sternomastoid muscle.
cava through the right atrium, from which it migrates 8 Insert a 16G needle beneath the anterior border of
into the right ventricle on a myocardial contraction, the sternomastoid, aiming towards the right nipple,
the balloon tip enters the pulmonary valve exactly like to place the needle behind the medial end of the
a pulmonary embolus, until the balloon-tipped catheter clavicle, and to enter the right internal jugular vein.
wedges in the pulmonary artery. Additional side holes are 9 Pass the J-wire through the needle and advance the
provided in the catheter, allowing measurement of pres- wire until it has passed well into the vein.
sure in each right-sided chamber, including right arterial 10 Remove the needle, and enlarge the skin site with
pressure, right ventricular pressure, pulmonary pressure a no. 11 scalpel blade, followed with the dilator
and pulmonary wedge pressure. provided in the set.
The tip of the catheter is placed in the pulmonary 11 Attach an intravenous solution to the introducer,
artery, and then the occlusive balloon is inflated. This and suture the introducer to the skin.
Resuscitation physiology | 29
12 Connect and flush the catheter to clear all air and Paco2, pH and arterial lactate will supply information on
to test all balloons, ports, etc. Move the catheter to oxygen delivery and utilization of energy substrates. Both
confirm that the trace is being recorded. Pao2 and Paco2 are concentrations partial pressures of
13 Insert the catheter into the introducer. If it has a oxygen and carbon dioxide, respectively, in arterial blood.
curve, ensure that this is directed anteriorly and to If the Paco2 is normal, there is adequate alveolar ventila-
the left. Insert it to the 20cm mark. This should tion. Carbon dioxide is one of the most freely diffusable
place the tip in the right atrium. gases in the body and is not overproduced or underdif-
14 Inflate the balloon. fused. Consequently, its partial pressure in the blood is
15 Advance the catheter through the right ventricle to a measure of its excretion through the lung, which is a
the occlusion pressure position. In most adults, this direct result of alveolar ventilation. The Pao2 is a similar
is at the 4555cm mark. concentration but is the partial pressure of oxygen in the
16 Deflate the balloon. The pulmonary artery waveform blood and not the oxygen content. A concentration meas-
should appear, and with slow inflation the occlusion ure in the blood does not tell us the delivery rate of oxygen
waveform should return (Figure 2.1). If this does to the tissues per unit of time without knowing some-
not occur, advance and then withdraw the catheter thing of the blood flow that carried this concentration.
slightly. For evaluation of oxygen utilization, however, data are
17 Attach the sheath to the introducer. obtainable from arterial blood gases that can indicate what
18 Apply a sterile dressing. the cells are doing metabolically, which is the most impor-
19 Confirm correct placement with a chest X-ray. tant reflection of the adequacy of their nutrient flow. The
pH is the hydrogen ion concentration, which can be deter-
Cardiac output mined easily and quickly. The lactate and pyruvate concen-
trations can be measured, but this is more time-consuming.
Cardiac output can be measured with the thermodilution
The pH and the two carbon fragment metabolites are very
technique.16 A thermodilution pulmonary artery catheter
important indicators of cellular function in shock.
has a thermistor at the distal tip. When a given volume
In shock, there is a fundamental shift in metabolism.
of a solution that is cooler than the body temperature is
When there is adequate nutrient flow, glucose and oxy-
injected into the right atrium, it is carried by the blood past
gen are coupled to produce, in glycolysis, the high-energy
the thermistor, resulting in a transient fall in temperature.
phosphate bonds necessary for energy exchange. This
The temperature curve so created is analysed, and the rate
process of aerobic metabolism also produces two freely
of blood flow past the thermistor (i.e. cardiac output) can
diffusable byproducts carbon dioxide and water both
be calculated. By estimating oxygen saturation in the pul-
of which leave the body by excretion through the lung
monary artery, blood oxygen extraction can be determined.
and the kidney. Aerobic metabolism is efficient; therefore,
there is no accumulation of any products of this catabo-
2.2.4End points in shock resuscitation17 lism, and a high yield of ATP is obtained from this com-
plete combustion of metabolites.
The ultimate measurement of the impact of shock must be When there is inadequate delivery of nutrients and
at the cellular level. The most convenient measurement is oxygen, as occurs in shock, the cells shift to anaerobic
a determination of the blood gases. Measurement of Pao2, metabolism within 35 minutes. There are immediate
Wedge pressure
10 Right atrium
5 v
Figure 2.1 A recording of pressures showing the passage of the pulmonary artery catheter through the right side of the heart until it is wedged in
the pulmonary artery. Note that the wedge pressure is less than the diastolic pulmonary artery pressure. a, atrial activity; v, ventricular activity.
30 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
consequences of anaerobic metabolism in addition to In shock, whether hypovolaemic or septic, energy pro-
its inefficient yield of energy. In the absence of aerobic duction is insufficient to satisfy requirements. In the
metabolism, energy extraction takes place at the expense presence of oxygen deprivation and cellular injury, the
of accumulating hydrogen ions, lactate and pyruvate, conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA for entry into the
which have toxic effects on normal physiology. These Krebs cycle is inhibited. Lactic acid accumulates, and the
products of anaerobic metabolism can be seen as the oxidationreduction potential falls, although lactate is
oxygen debt. There is some buffer capacity in the body normally used by the liver via the Cori cycle to synthe-
that allows this debt to accumulate within limits, but it size glucose. Hepatic gluconeogenesis may fail in hypo-
must ultimately be paid off. volaemic or septic shock because of hepatocyte injury
Acidosis has significant consequences in compensatory and inadequate circulation. The lactacidaemia cannot be
physiology. In the first instance, oxyhaemoglobin dissoci- corrected by an improvement in circulation and oxygen
ates more readily as the concentration of hydrogen ions delivery once the cells have been irreparably damaged.
increases. However, there is a significant toxicity of hydro- In the low-output shock-state, plasma concentrations
gen ions as well. Despite the salutary effect on oxyhaemo- of free fatty acids and triglycerides rise to high levels
globin dissociation, the hydrogen ion has a negative effect because ketone production by beta-oxidation of fatty
on oxygen delivery. Catecholamines speed up the hearts acids in the liver is reduced, suppressing the acetoacetate:
rate and increase its contractile force, and the product of betahydroxybutarate ratio in the plasma.
this inotropic and chronotropic effect is an increase in The post-shock sequel of inadequate nutrient flow,
cardiac output. Catecholamines, however, are physiologi- therefore, is progressive loss of function. The rate at
cally effective at alkaline or neutral pH. Therefore, an acid which this loss occurs depends upon the cells ability to
pH inactivates this catecholamine method of compensa- switch metabolism to convert alternate fuels to energy,
tion for decreased nutrient flow. on the increased extraction of oxygen from haemoglobin
For example, if a catecholamine such as isoproterenol and on the compensatory collaboration of failing cells
is administered to a patient in shock, it increases myo- and organs whereby nutrients may be shunted selectively
cardial contractility and heart rate and also dilates the to more critical systems.
periphery to increase nutrient flow to these ischaemic cir- Not all cells are equally sensitive to shock or similarly
culation areas. However, the ischaemic areas have shifted refractory to restoration of function when adequate nutri-
to anaerobic metabolism, accumulating hydrogen ions, ent flow is restored. As cells lose function, the reserves of the
lactate and pyruvate. When the circulation dilates, this organ composed of those cells are depleted until impaired
sequestered oxygen debt is dumped into the central circu- function of the organ results. These organs function in sys-
lation, and the drop in pH inactivates the catecholamines tems and a system failure results. Multiple systems failure
circulatory improvement as effectively as if infusion of the occurring in sequence leads to the collapse of the organism.
agent had been interrupted. therapy for volume expansion comparing crystalloids and colloids for resuscitation after
trauma showed no improvement in survival with colloids,
Considerable controversy exists regarding the type of
and therefore their use cannot be supported at present.19
fluid to be administered for volume expansion in hypo-
Lactated Ringers is the currently preferred crystalloid.
volaemic shock. Despite many studies, minimal convinc-
As yet, no advantages have been shown for the use of
ing evidence exists that favours any specific fluid regimen.
newer formulations utilizing pyruvate or acetate. Normal
Balanced salt solutions (BSSs) are effective volume
saline results in an increase of hyperchloraemic metabolic
expanders for the initial resuscitation of patients with
shock. For most patients, Ringers lactate solution is the
preferred crystalloid solution. The lactate acts as a buffer
and is eventually metabolized to carbon dioxide and Hypotensive resuscitation
water. However, septic patients with significant hepatic In 1994, Bickell et al.20 concluded that patients with pen-
dysfunction do not metabolize lactate well, and for these etrating trauma in hypovolaemic shock who were not
patients other BSSs are preferred. given intravenous fluids during transport and emer-
In hypovolaemic shock, a volume of solution in excess gency department evaluation had a better chance of sur-
of measured losses is generally required. In principle, vival than those who received conventional treatment.
three times the volume of BSS is given per unit of blood However, the only difference in survival was in the sub-
lost. A bolus dose of 2000mL BSS (e.g. Ringers lactate) group with pericardial tamponade. In animal studies,
is given in adults, and the response of pulse rate, blood intravenous fluids have been shown to inhibit platelet
pressure and urinary output is monitored. If this fails to aggregation, dilute clotting factors, modulate the physi-
correct haemodynamic abnormalities, additional crystal- cal properties of thrombus and cause increases in blood
loid solution and blood is indicated, because crystalloids pressure that can mechanically disrupt clot.21 This was
in large quantities will ultimately cause a dilutional effect possibly because the reduced blood pressure reduced the
that can decrease the bloods oxygen-carrying capacity. amount of bleeding that took place.
It is true that the restored vascular volume will increase The optimum systolic blood pressure for a patient with
the cardiac output and thus maintain tissue oxygenation. uncontrolled haemorrhage would appear to be between
This increased cardiac output can be sustained by the nor- 90 and 100mmHg for the military environment, but this
mal heart, but in the diseased heart or the elderly patient, issue remains controversial in the civilian environment.
it is safer to give blood earlier to obviate the possibility
of cardiac failure. In many countries, packed red blood Hypertonic saline22,23
cells with crystalloid solutions are given instead of whole
Hypertonic saline solutions containing up to 7.5 per cent
blood because the blood-banking industry in those coun-
sodium chloride (compared with 0.9 per cent for normal
tries has changed to component therapy to the extent that
saline) show promise for resuscitating patients in situa-
whole-blood replacement is not readily available for large-
tions where large-volume resuscitation with isotonic solu-
volume transfusion.
tions is impossible (e.g. combat, events involving mass
casualties and pre-hospital trauma care). Hypertonic
Crystalloids or colloids? solutions provide far more blood volume expansion than
Crystalloids are cheaper, with fewer side effects. Colloids isotonic solutions and result in less cellular oedema.
are more expensive and have more side effects. However, Several randomized controlled trials have evaluated the
their rate of excretion is much slower than that of crystal- use of hypertonic saline in the resuscitation of hypovol-
loids, so that the volume remains in the circulation for aemia. In all the trials, patients resuscitated with saline
longer. Balanced salt solutions are said to have a half-life survived longer than those resuscitated in the conven-
in the circulation of 20 minutes, while colloids, such as tional fashion. In all the trials, the patients did best when
Gelofusine, have a half-life of 46 hours. However, addi- the hypertonic saline was given as the initial therapy, and
tional considerations relate to the rate of infusion, and the those patients most likely to benefit were those with head
problem with most cases of hypovolaemic shock is that injuries. Hypertonic saline may be more effective when
inadequate volumes of resuscitation fluid are infused in the mixed with a small amount of an oncotically active mol-
time available. Thus, there are advantages to using a fluid ecule such as dextran. However, no adequately powered
that does not leave the circulation as quickly. However, trial to date has demonstrated any benefits, and in view of
a recent Cochrane Review of the available trial data the costs, these solutions cannot be recommended.
Resuscitation physiology | 33
2.2.8Recommended protocol for shock Intubation should be considered if it has not already
been performed.
If the CI is over 3.8L/m2 per minute, the patient Military experience
should be monitored appropriately.
Recent military experience from the Iraq war has shown the Haemoglobin level should be maintained at between
value of damage control resuscitation.24,25 This implies that 8 and 10g/dL.
damage control techniques are used from the time of injury, Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure greater than
minimizing the time between injury and care, controlling the 15mmHg may enhance cardiac performance.
bleeding and the contamination, through the use of minimal After obtaining an optimal pulmonary capillary wedge
clear fluids, early fresh whole blood, early resuscitation and pressure, if the CI is below 3.8L/m2 per minute, infusion
early damage control surgery. The military use of whole of a vasodilating inotropic agent should be considered.
blood has minimized some of the risks of component Dobutamine is recommended as the preferred agent,
therapy, and has also shown that survival is improved. commencing at a dose of 5g/kg per minute. If the
From this philosophy has come the change in protocol in patient does not tolerate the vasodilatation, an agent
civilian practice towards minimizing crystalloid or fluid such as dopamine should be considered.
resuscitation (hypotensive resuscitation), and towards the Occasionally, an inotropic agent with vasoconstrictive
early use of blood and blood products to maintain the effects, such as noradrenaline or adrenaline, may be
normal coagulation profile as much as possible. required. resuscitation
10 Moore FA, Moore EE, Poggetti R et al. Gut bacterial 21 Roberts I, Evans P, Bunn F, Kwan I, Crowhurst E. Is the
translocation via the portal vein: a clinical perspective with normalisation of blood pressure in bleeding trauma patients
major torso trauma. J Trauma 1991;31:62938. harmful? Lancet 2001;357:3857.
11 Teplitz C. The pathology and ultrastructure of cellular 22 Younes RN, Aun F, Accioly CQ. Hypertonic saline in the
injury and inflammation in the progression and outcome treatment of hypovolaemic shock: a prospective controlled
of trauma, sepsis and shock. In: Clowes GHA, ed. Trauma randomized trial in patients admitted to the emergency
Sepsis and Shock. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1988: 71120. room. Surgery 1992;111:3805.
12 American College of Surgeons. Central venipuncture. In: 23 Wisner DH, Schuster L, Quinn C. Hypertonic saline
Advanced Trauma Life Support Course. Chicago: American resuscitation of head injury: effects on cerebral water
College of Surgeons, 2008: 7381. content. J Trauma 1990;30:758.
13 American College of Surgeons, Subclavian venipuncture. In: 24 Holcomb JB, Jenkins D, Rhee P et al. Damage control
Advanced Trauma Life Support Course. Chicago: American resuscitation: directly addressing the early coagulopathy of
College of Surgeons, 2008: 76. trauma. J Trauma 2007;62:30710.
14 American College of Surgeons. Femoral venipuncture. In: 25 Hess JR, Holcomb JB, Hoyt DB. Damage control
Advanced Trauma Life Support Course. Chicago: American resuscitation: the need for specific blood products to treat
College of Surgeons, 2008: 76. the coagulopathy of trauma. Transfusion 2006;46:6856.
15 Ramsay JG, Bevan DR. Cardiac emergencies. In Ellis BW, ed.
Hamilton Baileys Emergency Surgery, 13th edn. London:
Arnold, 2000: 4857. 2.4Recommended reading
16 Elkayam U, Berkley R, Asen S et al. Cardiac output by
thermodilution technique. Chest 1983;84:41822. American Heart Association. Advanced Cardiovascular
17 Gump FE. Whole body metabolism. In: Altura BM, Lefer Life Support Provider Manual. Dallas: American Heart
AM, Shumer W, eds. Handbook of Shock and Trauma, Vol. Association, 2010.
I: Basic Sciences. New York: Raven Press, 1983: 89113. Holcroft JT, Anderson JT, Sena MJ. Shock. Surgery: Principles
18 Moore FA, McKinley BA, Moore EE et al. Inflammation and Practice. Section 8, Chapter 3. New York: Web MD
and the Host Response to Injury Large Scale Collaborative Publishing, 2007.
Research Program III. Guidelines for shock resuscitation. International Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines Committee.
JTrauma 2006;61:829. Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for the
19 Alderson P, Schierhout G, Roberts I, Bunn F. Colloids versus management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008. Crit
crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. Care Med 2008;36:296327.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000;(2):CD000567. Moore FA, McKinley BA, Moore EE et al. Inflammation and the
20 Bickell WH, Wall MJ, Pepe PE. Immediate versus delayed Host Response to Injury Large Scale Collaborative Research
resuscitation for hypotensive patients with penetrating Program III. Guidelines for shock resuscitation. J Trauma
torso injuries. N Engl J Med 1994;331:11057. 2006;61:829.
Part 3
Transfusion in trauma
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Transfusion in trauma 3
Transfusion of blood and blood components is a fun- patient more coagulopathic from both factor depletion
damental part of our treatment of injured patients. and dilutional coagulopathy.
Approximately 40 per cent of 11 million units of blood
transfused in the United States each year are used in emer-
gency resuscitation. Despite this, there is little level I evi- 3.2Transfusion fluids
dence to provide a rationale for administration of packed
red blood cells (pRBCs) to trauma patients. 3.2.1Fresh whole blood
Biochemical reactions within the body require a spe- Prophylaxis: if the platelet count is <15000/mm3
cific and narrow temperature and pH range to proceed. Pre-surgery: if the platelet count is <50000/mm3
The coagulation cascade does not proceed, even in the Active bleeding: with a platelet count of <100000/mm3
presence of all the clotting factors, when the tissue pH 1 unit increases the platelet count by 10000/mm3
is below 7.2 and the temperature below 34C. This is 1 mega-unit (5 units) of apheresis platelets increases
defined as acute coagulopathy of traumashock (ACoTS)3 the platelet count by 50000/mm3.
and differs from disseminated intravascular coagulo
pathy, which may develop after hours or days, when the
septic component adds its consequences to trauma. frozen plasma
Fresh whole blood offers blood at close to 37C, RBCs, Most trauma patients will need FFP early. This is differ-
plasma and platelets in natural proportions, to cover the ent from most recommendations, which are based on
need of the exsanguinating patient for O2 and oncotic more controlled circumstances, and is founded on com-
pressure, and to minimize ACoTS. A 500mL unit of FWB puter simulation of the amount of FFP required to avoid
has a haematocrit of 3850 per cent, 150000400000 excessive plasma dilution compromising haemostasis.
fully functional platelets/mm3 and 100 per cent activity Most patients will require 1 unit of FFP for every unit
of clotting factors diluted only by the 70mL of anticoagu- of blood transfused. A unit of FFP also contains most
lant. In addition, the viability and flow characteristics of of the citrate anticoagulant from the unit of blood from
fresh RBCs are better than their stored counterparts that which it was originally derived. It contains about 0.5g
have metabolic depletion and membrane dysfunction.1 fibrinogen, and normal levels of pro- and anticoagulants.
However, FWB, unless in a military environment with a Solvent-detergent-related/freeze-dried plasma carries
large number of healthy, screened, young blood carriers, about 20percent less of the above per unit given:
is generally not available.
Fresh whole blood can, if warmed, be transfused within 24 It contains all coagulation factors, but not all in equal
hours. It is, however, considered still fresh if stored at 4oC for concentration.
48 hours.1 If it is less than 8 hours old, it can be refrigerated It is preferred to cryoprecipitate, which contains
for 3 weeks,2 remaining transfusable but not fresh. 50 per cent of coagulation factors (especially of
The levels of clotting factors V and VIII decline quickly fibrinogen, factor VIII and von Willebrand factor).
for 24 hours after collection. The rate of decline then
slows until clinically subnormal levels are reached within
714 days. It is because FWB contains these factors that
it is recommended for massive transfusion and is so effec- Cryoprecipitate contains fibrinogen, von Willebrand fac-
tive in the correction of coagulopathy. The other clotting tor/factor VIII complex and fibrin stabilizing factor/fac-
factors remain stable in stored blood. Fresh whole blood tor XIII. Cryoprecipitate may not be required in all cases
has lost most of its platelets after 3 days of storage. of trauma. One unit (250mL) of FFP contains 0.5g fibrin-
ogen; 1 unit of cryoprecipitate contains 0.25g fibrinogen,
but in 10mL (rather than 250mL). Therefore, in most
3.2.2Component therapy (platelets, FFP, cases, FFP will meet the needs required. However, if a
cryoprecipitate) rapid increase in the amount of fibrinogen is required,
cryoprecipitate is a useful adjunct. Platelets
A fall in platelet count occurs somewhat later than the 3.3Effects of transfusing blood
loss of clotting factors. Unfortunately, a platelet count and blood products2
is not simple since it gives no indication of the function
of the remaining platelets. Hypothermia affects platelet Stored pRBCs (stored for a maximum of 42 days with cur-
adhesion more than enzymes, above 33C, while hypo- rent US Food and Drug Administration approved storage
thermia affects all aspects of coagulation below 33C. solutions) develop defects proportionate to the duration
There is some evidence in which there appears to be a of storage that assume greater clinical significance when
survival advantage of receiving approximately 0.8 units of transfused rapidly, or in large quantities, such as in criti-
platelets per unit of RBCs: 4 cally ill patients.
Transfusion in trauma | 41
3.3.1Metabolic effects Packed red cells do not contain platelets as these are
generally spun off, and whole blood has lost most
There is decreased ATP. of its platelets after 3 days of storage. Spontaneous
Degradation of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3- bleeding rarely occurs if the platelet count is greater
DPG) has occurred after 710 days in storage. than 30000/mm. Levels as low as this are seen after
2,3-Diphosphoglycerate is an enzyme affecting the the replacement of one to two times the total blood
affinity of Hb for O2. After 7 days of storage, the volume, and may result from dilution. Despite this,
O2-transporting ability of Hb drops by two-thirds. the body has large reserves of platelets, sequestrated
Adenine added to pRBCs may restore levels of 2,3- in the spleen, liver and endothelium.
DPG in vivo after transfusion, although there is
Ideally, the use of blood components should be guided
limited level I evidence in this respect.
by laboratory tests of clotting function. This may be
Increased ammonia release occurs due to the release
appropriate where surgical bleeding is controlled and
of intracellular protein.
the operating field appears dry. However, in the face of
continued oozing, when obvious surgical bleeding has
3.3.2Effects of microaggregates been controlled, blood products may need to be given
Red cell membrane instability leading to cell rupture Traditional laboratory tests (prothrombin time
Increased amounts of microaggregates (platelets/ and partial thromboplastin time), however, correlate
leukocytes/fibrin debris) in the buffy coat poorly with clinical bleeding in the injured patient.
Impaired pulmonary gas exchange and adult Thromboelastography (TEG) may offer a better assess-
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and ment of the need for blood component therapy.
transfusion-related lung injury (TRALI) can occur
Reticulo-endothelial system depression
Activation of complement and coagulation cascades 3.3.5Other risks of transfusion
Production of vasoactive substances
Antigenic stimulation infections
Acute-phase response.
Hepatitis A, B, C and D
Human immunodeficiency virus window period
3.3.3Hyperkalaemia Cytomegalovirus
Atypical mononucleosis and a swinging temperature
Serum potassium levels rise in stored blood as the effi- that can be present for 710 days post-transfusion
ciency of the Na+/K+ pump decreases. Transfused blood Malaria
may have a potassium concentration of 4070mmol/L. Brucellosis
Transient hyperkalaemia may occur as a result. Yersinia
3.3.4Coagulation abnormalities transfusion reactions
Thrombocytopenia and a loss of factors V and VIII
in stored blood may contribute to problems with Incompatibility: ABO, rhesus (type the blood) and 26
coagulation. others (screen for these)
Levels of clotting factors V and VIII decline quickly To frozen blood, overheated blood or pressurized
for 24 hours after collection. The rate of decline slows blood
until clinically subnormal levels are reached at 714 Immediate generalized reaction (plasma).
days. It is because FWB contains these factors that it
is recommended for massive transfusion, frequently Immunological complications
for cost and legal reasons, although it is generally
not available outside the military. The other clotting Major incompatibility reaction (usually caused by
factors remain stable in stored blood. wrong blood due to administrative errors).
42 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
3.4.2Reduction in the need for transfusion2 Consider using a mixture of 1 pRBC unit (335mL) with
a haematocrit of 55 per cent, 1 unit of platelets (50mL)
Blood is a scarce (and expensive) resource and is also not with 5.5 1010 platelets, and 1 unit of FFP (275mL) with
universally safe. Reducing the need for transfusion is the 80 per cent coagulation factor activity. This combination
best way to limit the complications: results in 660mL of fluid with a haematocrit of 29 per
cent, 88000 platelets/mL and 65 per cent coagulation
Treat the cause, i.e. undertake urgent surgery to stop
factor activity.7 While principle largely favours FWB, blood
bleeding, and avoid hypothermia and acidosis.
component transfusion is the best feasible alternative in
Treat deficiencies and complications as they arise.
most civilian situations.
There is no evidence to support prophylactic therapy
The optimal ratio of RBCs to FFP remains, however,
with FFP, platelets, etc.
controversial. Currently, an initial 2 units of pRBCs fol-
Follow a restrictive transfusion policy in ICU. One
lowed by a 1:1:1 ratio of RBC:FFP:platelets appears to
large multicentre trial documented a significantly
be reasonable. If apheresis platelets (usually containing
lower mortality rate for critically ill patients
5units of platelets) are supplied, this ratio will become
managed with a restrictive transfusion strategy and
a transfusion threshold of 7g/dL (5mmol/L) Hb.5
However, this assumes normovolaemia, absence of
ongoing bleeding and an absence of pre-existing
cardiovascular disease.
3.4.5Adjuncts to enhance clotting
Develop a capacity for cell salvage. activated factor VII
Partial thromboplastin time intrinsic Maximum Maximum strength of the clot >50mm
d-dimer values (fibrin deposition) amplitude
TEG or rotational thromboelastometry (RoTEM).11 A60, Ly30 Fibrinolysis <8%, <7.5%
3.1). A number of parameters can be measured (Table 3.1): Maximum amplitude Platelets Desmopressin
R time (reaction time)/clotting time the latency
Lysis at 30 minutes Tranexamic acid
from the time at which the blood is placed in the cup
until the clot begins to form
The alpha angle the progressive increase in clot FFP, fresh frozen plasma; rFVIIa, recombinant activated factor VIIa
Clotting Kinetics Strength Lysis
MA A60
2 mm 20 mm
60 mm
R time
K time
Coagulation Fibrinolysis
Figure 3.1 Thromboelastogram. A60, amplitude at 60 minutes (now being replaced by lysis time at 30 minutes, the normal of value of which is
<7.5%). K time, kinetic time; MA, maximum amplitude; R time, reaction time.
Transfusion in trauma | 45
Heparin Hypercoagulation
R/K = prolonged; MA/angle = decreased R/K = decreased, MA/angle = increased
Figure 3.2 Abnormal appearances of the thromboelastogram. DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; K, kinetic time; MA, maximum amplitude;
R, reaction time; SK, streptokinase; TPA, tissue plasminogen activator; UK, urokinase.
studies showing the practice may not be as unreasonable Problems associated with Hb-based O2 carriers (HBOCs)
as previously thought.13 relate to effects on vasomotor tone, which appears to be
Cell salvage techniques have been shown to be cost- modulated by the carriers interaction with nitric oxide,
effective and useful in some trauma patients (e.g. in causing significant vasoconstriction.
splenic trauma with significant blood loss), but further
studies are indicated to clarify the indications further. haemoglobin solutions (human-
outdated/bovine RBCs)
Advantages Advantages
These are based on the encapsulation of Hb in liposomes.
Carries and unloads O2 Carries and unloads O2
The mixing of phospholipid and cholesterol in the pres-
Sigmoidal O2 dissociation curve Few and mild side effects
ence of Hb yields a sphere with Hb at its centre. These
100% Fio2 not mandatory for No known organ toxicity
liposomes have O2 dissociation curves similar to those of
maximum potency
red cells, with low viscosity, and their administration can
Easy to measure
transiently produce high circulating levels of Hb.
Transfusion in trauma | 47
Replacement of the whole blood volume within 24 hours, or 50% of the blood volume in 3 hours
The protocol will be activated automatically by the blood bank after 2 units of packed red blood cells (pRBCs) have been issued to a patient, and
a request for a further 4 units of blood or more is subsequently requested within any 24 hour period
Blood specimens
Group and crossmatch:
Leukodepleted blood should be used wherever it is available
Crossmatched blood if available
Uncrossmatched group O blood
The following baseline blood specimens are required:
Full blood count including platelets
Prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), thrombin time, International Normalized Ratio (INR), fibrinogen, d-dimer,
thromboelastogram (TEG) or RoTEM
The following are required after every six (6) units of transfused blood:
Repeat baseline blood samples
Full TEG or RoTEM
Microaggregate filters are not advised
Once administration of the massive transfusion pack blood is begun, administer all the above in a 1:1:1 ratio, (blood:FFP:platelets) or 6:6:1
(blood:FFP:apheresis mega-platelet unit). After every 6 units of red cells, if ongoing bleeding or need for transfusion is present:
Give a further 4 units of FFP if PT or APTT is >1.5 times mid-normal
Give 10 units of cryoprecipitate if fibrinogen <1g/L
Give 10mL 10% calcium chloride only if the above additional doses are given
Give at least 1 unit of pooled platelets if the platelet count is <75000 /mm3
Return all unused massive transfusion packs to the blood bank as soon as possible
Table 3.5 Guidelines for the use of recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) in trauma
This guideline describes the use of rFVIIa as an adjunct in the management of coagulopathy following trauma with massive bleeding or the need to
enter the massive transfusion protocol
The blood bank will issue the required rFVIIa for administration immediately after completion of the 6th and 12th units of transfused blood
rFVIIa should only be used:
If all surgical bleeding has been controlled
In the presence of active bleeding
Where possible, its use should be backed up with a thromboelastogram (TEG)
Increased R (reaction) time despite fresh frozen plasma
After transfusion of >6 units of blood
If the platelet count is >50000/mm3
If the pH is >7.2
If the temperature is >34C
Blood specimens
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy screen:
Full blood count and platelets
Prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time, International Normalized Ratio, d-dimer
TEG or rotary thromboelastomer (RoTEM)
The dose of rFVIIa should be 90mg/kg:
Round UP to the nearest 1.2mg
(Example: a 75kg male receives 75 90mg/kg = 6.75mg rFVIIa. Round UP to 7.2mg)
6 Napolitano LM, Kurek S, Luchette FA et al. Clinical practice 13 Bowley DM, Barker P, Boffard KD. Intraoperative blood
guideline: red blood cell transfusion in adult trauma and salvage in penetrating abdominal trauma: a randomised
critical care. Crit Care Med 2009;37:312457. controlled trial. World J Surg 2006;30:107480.
7 Nunez TC, Young PP, Holcomb JB, Cotton BA. Creation,
implementation, and maturation of a massive transfusion
protocol for the exsanguinating trauma patient. J Trauma 3.9Recommended Reading
8 Boffard KD, Riou B, Warren B et al.; NovoSeven Trauma Johansson PI, Ostrowsky SR, Secher NH. Management of
Study Group. Recombinant factor VIIa as adjunctive therapy major blood loss: an update. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand
for bleeding control in severely injured trauma patients: 2010;54:103949.
two parallel randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection and Critical Care. Early
clinical trials. J Trauma. 2005;59(1):815; discussion 1518. massive trauma transfusion: current state of the art.
9 Hauser CJ, Boffard KD, Dutton R et al., for the CONTROL JTrauma 2006;60(6, Suppl.).
Study Group. Results of the CONTROL Trial: efficacy Malone DL, Hess JR, Fingerhut A. Massive transfusion practices
and safety of recombinant activated factor VII in the around the globe and a suggestion for a common massive
management of refractory traumatic hemorrhage. J Trauma transfusion protocol. J Trauma 2006; 60(6, Suppl.):S916.
2010;69:489500. Marino PC. Transfusion practices in critical care. In The ICU
10 CRASH-2 Trial Collaborators. Effects of tranexamic acid on Book, 3rd edn. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 2007:
death, vascular occlusive events, and blood transfusion in 65986.
trauma patients with significant haemorrhage (CRASH-2): a Petersen R, Weinberg JA. Transfusion, autotransfusion, and
randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2010;376:2732. blood substitutes. In: Moore EE, Feliciano DV, Mattox KL,
11 Nylund CM, Borgman MA, Holcomb JB, Jenkins D, Spinella eds. Trauma, 6th edn. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008:
PC. Thromboelastography to direct the administration of Chapter 13.
recombinant activated factor VII in a child with traumatic Society of Critical Care Medicine. Clinical Practice Guideline:
injury requiring massive transfusion. Pediatr Crit Care Med Red blood cell transfusion in adult trauma and critical care.
2009;10:e226. J Trauma 2009;67:143942.
12 Hughes LG, Thomas DW, Wareham K, Jones JE, John West MA, Shapiro MB, Nathens AB et al. Inflammation and the
A, Rees M. Intra-operative blood salvage in abdominal host response to injury. Large Scale Collaborative Research
trauma: a review of 5 years experience. Anaesthesia Program Investigators. IV: Guidelines for transfusion in the
2001;56:21720. trauma patient. J Trauma 2006;61:4369.
Part 4
4.1 Damage control Systolic blood pressure <90mmHg for more than
60 minutes
The concept of damage control (also known as staged Temperature <34C
laparotomy or abbreviated laparotomy) has as its objec- Metabolic instability
tive the delay in imposition of additional surgical stress at pH <7.2
a moment of physiological frailty. Base excess >5 and worsening
Briefly stated, this is a technique whereby the surgeon Serum lactate >5mmol/L
minimizes operative time and intervention in the grossly Coagulopathy
unstable patient. The primary reason for this is to mini- Prothrombin time >16 seconds
mize hypothermia, metabolic acidosis and coagulopathy, Partial thromboplastin time >60 seconds
and to return the patient to the operating room in a few Surgical anatomy
hours after stability has been achieved in an intensive Inaccessible major venous injury, such as
care setting. Although the principles are sound, extreme retrohepatic vena cava, pelvis, etc.
care has to be exercised in overutilization of the concept Anticipated need for a time-consuming surgical
so that we do not cause secondary insults to the viscera. procedure in a patient with a suboptimal response
Furthermore, enough appropriate surgery has to be carried to resuscitation
out in order to minimize activation of the inflammatory Inability to perform the definitive repair
cascade and the consequences of systemic inflammatory Demand for non-operative control of other
response syndrome (SIRS) and organ dysfunction. injuries, for example a fractured pelvis
The concept is not new, and livers were packed as Inability to approximate the abdominal incision
long as 90 years ago, but with a failure to understand Environment
the underlying rationale, the results were disastrous. The Blood requirement >10 units of blood
concept was reviewed, and the technique of initial abor- Operating time greater than 60 minutes.
tion of laparotomy, establishment of intra-abdominal Irrespective of the setting, a coagulopathy is the single
pack tamponade and then completion of the procedure most common reason for abortion of a planned proce-
once coagulation had returned to an acceptable level dure or curtailment of definitive surgery. It is important
proved to be life-saving. The concept of staging applies to abort the surgery before the coagulopathy becomes
to both routine and emergency procedures, and can obvious.
apply equally as well in the chest, pelvis and neck as in Damage control surgery may be performed in smaller
the abdomen. hospitals before transfer to a larger centre. Damage con-
trol surgery procedures, on properly selected patients, can
be life-saving, and may have to be performed in any hos-
4.1.1 Stage 1: Patient selection
pital admitting trauma cases. Damage control concepts
are not restricted to trauma, and may be applied to other
The indications for damage control generally can be
aspects of emergency surgery.
divided into the following:
The technical aspects of the surgery are dictated by the
Haemodynamic instability injury pattern.
54 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
The appreciable drainage of serosanguinous fluid that The timing of transfer of the patient from the oper-
occurs is best dealt with by placing a pair of drainage ating theatre to the intensive care unit (ICU) is critical.
tubes (e.g. sump-type nasogastric tubes or closed-system Prompt transfer is cost-effective; premature transfer is
suction drains) through separate stab incisions, with the counterproductive. Control of bleeding and contamina-
tips placed caudally, onto the membrane, and utilizing tion must be achieved. On the other hand, once haemos-
continuous low-vacuum suction. tasis has been properly achieved, it may not be necessary
This arrangement is covered by an occlusive incise to abort the procedure in the same fashion.
drape applied to the skin, thus providing a closed system Conversely, there are some patients with severe head
(the Sandwich; Figures 4.1 and 4.2). injuries in whom the coagulopathy is induced secondary
The Bogota bag and towel clips, etc. are no longer to severe irreversible cerebral damage, and further surgical
used, and for temporary abdominal closure, no sutures energy is futile.
should be placed in the sheath.
Sticky side up
Sheet trimmed
NB: Plastic on one side only
4.1.4 Stage 4:Operative definitive surgery
The re-look may be:
The patient is returned to the operating theatre as soon as
Planned, that is decided upon at the time of the initial
stage 3 has been achieved. The time for this is determined by:
procedure and usually for reasons of contamination,
The indication for damage control in the first place with doubtful tissue viability, for retrieval of intra-
The injury pattern abdominal packs or for further definitive surgery after
The physiological response. a damage control exercise
Damage control surgery | 57
On demand, which is when evidence of intra- Should a mesh be used and left in situ, however, the
abdominal complication develops. In these cases, resulting defect will require skin coverage by split-grafting
the principle applies of re-operation when the or flap transfer.
patient fails to progress according to expectation.
Failure to act in these circumstances may have dire Planned hernia
consequences in terms of morbidity and mortality.
A planned hernia approach aims at skin coverage with
subsequent delayed abdominal wall reconstruction. It is
4.1.7 Delayed closure most often achieved with autologous split-thickness skin
grafting over the exposed bowel. Conditions favouring a
Delayed closure will be required once the reasons for the planned hernia strategy include the inability to reapproxi-
temporary surgery have been removed or treated. This is mate the retracted abdominal wall edges, sizeable tissue
usually undertaken by secondary suturing after an inter- loss, risk of tertiary ACS, inadequate infection source con-
val of 2448 hours (or longer). trol, anterior enteric fistula and poor nutritional status of
It is expected that virtually all cases in which such the patient. Maturation of the skin graft requires about
temporary closures are used will undergo re-exploration 912 months, after which the grafted skin can be easily
with subsequent definitive sheath closure. Gradual clo- removed from the bowel surface. Large abdominal wall
sure can be achieved until a later stage than previously defects can be reconstructed with pedicular or microvas-
believed, using a vacuum-assisted technique. Delayed cular flaps. The most commonly used is the tensor fascia
primary fascial closure is usually possible at the second lata flap.
operation. It is advisable to continue measuring IAP
postoperatively to recognize the possible development
of ACS. 4.1.8Outcomes
If delayed primary closure is not possible, there are sev-
eral options: In a recent study of 88 damage control patients with a
mean Injury Severity Score of 34, Brenner et al. reported,
Closure of skin only, allowing the formation of a hernia
of the 63 survivors, 81 per cent had gone back to work and
Biologic material such as human (AlloDerm) or
resumed normal daily activities.4
porcine (Permacol) dermal matrix used as mesh early
to prevent hernia formation, providing skin coverage
Continued vacuum-assisted temporary abdominal
closure until granulation on bowel for subsequent
4.2Abdominal compartment
split-thickness skin grafting
If a synthetic mesh is left in situ, skin coverage of the
Raised IAP has far-reaching consequences for the physiol-
resulting defect by split-grafting or flap transfer
ogy of the patient. There have been major developments
For large hernias, often the need for later
in our understanding of IAP and intra-abdominal hyper-
reconstruction using different techniques such as
tension (IAH). The syndrome that results when organs
component separation and flap
fail as a result is known as abdominal compartment
Mesh-assisted V.A.C. (Kinetic Concepts Inc., San
syndrome. Increasingly, it is being recognized that ACS
Antonio, TX, USA) closure3
is not uncommon in trauma patients, and failure to con-
A Wittmann patch.
sider its prevention, detect it in a timely fashion and treat
An absorbable mesh of polyglycolic (e.g. Vicryl) acid it aggressively results in a high mortality.
and membranes (polytetrafluoroethylene [PTFE] or Gore-
Tex), eliciting minimal tissue reaction and ingrowth, and
thus minimal risk of infection or fistula formation, can be 4.2.1 Definition of ACS
used, but it is considerably more costly. Recently, compos-
ite meshes have shown promise. The mesh can then have a The first World Congress on ACS was held in 2004 and
skin graft placed upon it (or even directly on bowel), and an internal consensus agreement relating to defini-
definitive abdominal wall reconstruction can take place tions, updated in 2009, is shown in Table 4.1. Various
at a later stage. aspects were defined, including IAP (Definition 1),
58 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
Table 4.1 Consensus definitions relation to intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS)
Definition 1 Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is the pressure concealed within the abdominal cavity
Definition 2 Abdominal perfusion pressure (APP) = Mean arterial pressure (MAP) IAP
Definition 3 Filtration gradient (FG) = Glomerular filtration pressure (GFP) Proximal tubular pressure (PTP) = MAP 2 IAP
Definition 4 IAP should be expressed in mmHg and measured at end-expiration in the complete supine position after ensuring that abdominal
muscle contractions are absent and with the transducer zeroed at the level of the mid-axillary line
Definition 5 The reference standard for intermittent IAP measurement is via the bladder with a maximal instillation volume of 25mL of sterile saline
Definition 6 Normal IAP is approximately 57mmHg in critically ill adults
Definition 7 IAH is defined by a sustained or repeated pathological elevation of IAP >12mmHg
Definition 8 IAH is graded as follows:
Grade I: IAP 1215 mmHg
Grade II: IAP 1620 mmHg
Grade III: IAP 2125 mmHg
Grade IV: IAP >25 mmHg
Definition 9 ACS is defined as a sustained IAP 20mmHg (with or without an APP <60mmHg) that is associated with new organ dysfunction/failure
Definition 10 Primary ACS is a condition associated with injury or disease in the abdominopelvic region that frequently requires early surgical or
interventional radiological intervention
Definition 11 Secondary ACS refers to conditions that do not originate from the abdominopelvic region
Definition 12 Recurrent ACS refers to the condition in which ACS redevelops following previous surgical or medical treatment of primary or
secondary ACS
Damage control surgery | 59
4.2.4Effect of raised IAP on individual organ a reduction in ventilation, decreased lung compliance,
function an increase in airway pressures and a reduction in tidal
In critically ill ventilated patients, the effect on the res-
piratory system can be significant, resulting in reduced
In 1945, Bradley and Bradley,6 in a study of 17 volunteers, lung volumes, impaired gas exchange and high ventilatory
demonstrated that there was a reduction in renal plasma pressures. Hypercarbia can occur, and the resulting aci-
flow and glomerular filtration rate in association with dosis can be exacerbated by simultaneous cardiovascular
increased IAP. In 1982, Harman et al.7 showed that as IAP depression as a result of raised IAP. The effects of raised
increased from 0 to 20mmHg in dogs, the glomerular fil- IAP on the respiratory system in ICU can sometimes be
tration rate decreased by 25 per cent. At 40 mmHg, the life-threatening, requiring urgent abdominal decom-
dogs were resuscitated and their cardiac output returned pression. Patients with true ACS undergoing abdominal
to normal. However, their glomerular filtration rate and decompression demonstrate a remarkable change in their
renal blood flow did not improve, indicating a local effect intraoperative vital signs.
on renal blood flow. The situation in seriously ill patients
may, however, be different, and the exact cause of renal perfusion
dysfunction in the ICU is not clear owing to the complex-
ity of critically ill patients. Interest in visceral perfusion has increased with the popu-
The most likely direct effect of increased IAP is an increase larization of gastric tonometry, and there is an association
in the renal vascular resistance, coupled with a moderate between IAP and visceral perfusion as measured by gas-
reduction in cardiac output. Pressure on the ureter has tric pH. This has recently been confirmed in 18 patients
been ruled out as a cause, as investigators have placed uret- undergoing laparoscopy, in whom a reduction of between
eric stents with no improvement in function. Other factors 11 and 54 per cent in blood flow was seen in the duode-
that may contribute to renal dysfunction include humeral num and stomach, respectively, at an IAP of 15mmHg.
factors and intraparenchymal renal pressures. Animal studies suggest that the reduction in visceral per-
The absolute value of IAP that is required to cause fusion is selective, affecting intestinal blood flow before,
renal impairment is probably in the region of 15mmHg. for example, adrenal blood flow. We have demonstrated,
Maintaining adequate cardiovascular filling pressures in in a study of 73 post-laparotomy patients, that IAP and
the presence of increased IAP also seems to be important. pH are strongly associated, suggesting that early decreases
in visceral perfusion are related to levels of IAP as low as
15 mmHg.
Increasingly, it is recognized that IAP is not a static con- of IAP is effective and shows trends as well as actual
dition and should be measured continuously. In addition, pressures.
whether IAP is measured intermittently or continuously,
consideration should be given to abdominal perfusion
measurement. 4.2.6Treatment
As with the concept of cerebral perfusion pressure, cal- To avoid ACS developing in the first place, in the emer-
culation of the abdominal perfusion pressure, which is gency department, concepts of damage control coupled
defined as mean arterial pressure minus IAP, assesses not with adequate pre-hospital information will help to
only the severity of IAP present, but also the adequacy of identify patients at high risk even before they arrive in
the patients abdominal blood flow. the emergency room. Avoiding excessive fluid resuscita-
APP has been studied as a resuscitation end point in tion (damage control resuscitation) is an important fac-
four clinical trials. These demonstrated statistically signif- tor in reducing the risk of developing subsequent ACS.
icant differences in APP between survivors and non-sur- In patients undergoing damage control laparotomy, it is
vivors with IAH/ACS. Cheatham et al.,8 in a retrospective mandatory to leave the abdomen open to prevent ACS
trial of surgical and trauma patients with IAH (mean IAP and in anticipation of a second operation.
22, range 8mmHg) , concluded that an APP of greater
than 50 mmHg optimized survival based upon receiver
operating characteristic curve analysis. Abdominal per-
fusion pressure was also superior to global resuscitation There are a number of key principles in the management
end points, such as arterial pH, base deficit, arterial lac- of patients with potential ACS:
tate and hourly urinary output, in its ability to predict
Regular appropriate monitoring of IAP in the ICU
patient outcome.
Optimization of systemic perfusion, circulating
Malbrain et al.,911 in three subsequent trials in mixed
volume and organ function in the patient with IAH
medical-surgical patients (mean IAP 10, range 4 mmHg),
grade I and grade II (i.e. 20mmHg)
suggested that 60mmHg represented an appropriate
Institution of specific medical procedures to reduce
resuscitation goal. A persistence of IAH and a failure to
IAP and the end-organ consequences of IAH/ACS,
maintain an APP of 60mmHg or more by day 3 follow-
including diuretics, and removing excess ascites if
ing the development of IAH-induced acute renal fail-
present by percutaneous puncture
ure was found to discriminate between survivors and
In patients with grade IIIIV IAH (IAP >20mmHg)
with evidence of new-onset organ failure not
responding to non-operative management, a for IAP measurement decompressive laparostomy performed as soon
A strict protocol and staff education on the technique and
interpretation of IAP is essential. The decompressed abdomen should be closed using a
Very high pressures (especially unexpected ones) are low-vacuum sandwich technique.
usually caused by a blocked urinary catheter, and should
be repeated. factors
The volume of saline instilled into the bladder is not
critical but should be less than 50mL and the same every The second aspect of management is to correct any
time. A central venous pressure manometer system can reversible cause of ACS, such as intra-abdominal bleed-
be used, but it is more cumbersome than on-line moni- ing. Massive retroperitoneal haemorrhage is often asso-
toring. The size of the urinary catheter does not matter. ciated with a fractured pelvis, and consideration should
Elevation of the catheter and measuring the urine col- be given to measures that would control haemor-
umn provides a rough guide and is simple to perform. rhage, such as pelvic fixation or vessel embolization. In
If the patient is not lying flat, IAP can be measured from some cases, severe gaseous distension or acute colonic
the pubic symphysis. Real-time continuous monitoring pseudo-obstruction can occur in ICU patients. This may
Damage control surgery | 61
respond to drugs such as neostigmine, but if it is severe, for surgical decompression for raised IAP
surgical decompression may be necessary. A common
There should be early investigation and correction of
cause of a raised IAP in ICU is related to the ileus. There
the cause of raised IAP.
is little that can be actively done in these circumstances
Ongoing abdominal bleeding with raised IAP requires
apart from optimizing the patients cardiorespiratory
urgent operative intervention.
status and serum electrolytes, and inserting a nasogas-
Reduction in urinary output is a late sign of renal
tric tube.
impairment. Gastric tonometry may provide earlier
Remember that ACS is often only a symptom of an
information on visceral perfusion.
underlying problem. In a prospective review of 88 post-
Abdominal decompression requires a full-length
laparotomy patients, Sugrue et al. found that those with
abdominal incision.
an IAP of 18mmHg had an increased odds ratio for intra-
The surgical dressing should be closed using a
abdominal sepsis of 3.9 (95 per cent confidence interval
sandwich technique using two suction drains placed
0.722.7).12,13 Abdominal evaluation for sepsis is a pri-
laterally to facilitate fluid removal from the wound.
ority, and this should obviously include a rectal exami-
If the abdomen is very tight, pre-closure with a silo
nation as well as investigations such as ultrasound and
should be considered.
computed tomography scanning. Surgery is the obvious
mainstay of treatment in patients whose rise in IAP is due Unfortunately, clinical infection is common in the
to postoperative bleeding. open abdomen, and the infection is usually polymicro-
bial. Particular care needs to be taken in patients under-
going post-aortic surgery as the aortic graft may become
4.2.7 Surgery for raised IAP colonized. The mesh in this situation should be removed,
and the abdomen left open. It is desirable to close the
As yet, there are few guidelines for exactly when surgical abdominal defect as soon as possible. This is often not
decompression is required in the presence of raised IAP. possible due to persistent tissue oedema.
Some studies have stated that abdominal decompression
is the only treatment and that it should be performed
early in order to prevent ACS. This is an overstatement 4.2.8Management algorithm
and not supported by level I evidence. The indications
for abdominal decompression are related to correcting Figure 4.3 outlines an algorithm for the management of
pathophysiological abnormalities as much as achieving a IAH and ACS.
precise and optimum IAP.
In general, temporary abdominal closure is superior to
conventional techniques for dealing with intra-abdomi- 4.2.9World Society of the Abdominal
nal sepsis. Indications for performing temporary abdomi- Compartment Syndrome
nal closure include:
The concept of IAP measurement and its significance is
Abdominal decompression
increasingly important in the ICU and is rapidly becom-
When re-exploration is planned
ing part of routine care. Patients with raised IAP require
To facilitate re-exploration in abdominal sepsis
close and careful monitoring, aggressive resuscitation and
Inability to close the abdomen
a low index of suspicion for the requirement of surgical
Prevention of ACS.
abdominal decompression.
A large number of different techniques have been used The formation of the World Society of the Abdominal
to facilitate a temporary abdominal closure, including Compartment Syndrome ( has been a
intravenous bags, Velcro, silicone and zips. Whatever major advance, with the production of consensus defini-
technique is used, it is important that effective decom- tions, the formation of a research policy, multicentre trials
pression be achieved with adequate incisions. and the publication of the consensus guidelines on ACS.
62 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
not originate from the abdominopelvic region
Recurrent ACS the condition in which ACS
Perform/revise abdominal Is IAP redevelops following previous surgical or
decompression with > 25 mmHg with medical treatment of primary or secondary ACS
temporary abdominal closure YES progressive organ
as needed to reduce IAP failure?
Can APP be IAP < 12 mmHg
maintained YES consistently? YES
60 mmHg?
Figure 4.3 Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) management algorithm. Adapted from Intensive Care
Medicine 2006;32(11):17221732 and 2007;33(6):951962. World Society of the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. All rights reserved. PAOP,
pulmonary artery occlusion pressure; Pplat, plateau pressure.
Damage control surgery | 63
Sugrue M. Intra-abdominal pressure: time for clinical practice Sugrue M, Bauman A, Jones F et al. Clinical examination is an
guidelines? Intensive Care Med 2002;28:38991. inaccurate predictor of intraabdominal pressure. World J
Sugrue M, Jones F, Janjua J et al. Temporary abdominal closure. Surg 2002;26:142831.
J Trauma 1998;45:91421. World Society for the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome.
Part 5
5.1 Overview may have a role. It may be possible to pass the broncho-
scope through an endotracheal tube, enter the trachea
The high density of critical vascular, aerodigestive and under direct vision and then slide the endotracheal tube
neurological structures within the neck makes the man- into place.
agement of penetrating injuries difficult and contributes Laryngeal masks do not provide a definitive airway and
to the morbidity and mortality seen in these patients. may be hazardous in the presence of penetrating neck
Before the Second World War, non-operative manage- injury.
ment of penetrating neck trauma resulted in mortality NB: The use of paralysing agents in these patients is contrain-
rates of up to 15 per cent. Therefore, the exploration of dicated, since the airway may be held open only by the patients
all neck wounds penetrating the platysma muscle became use of muscles.
mandatory. However, in recent years, numerous centres Abolishing the use of muscles in such patients may
have challenged this principle of mandatory exploration, result in the immediate and total obstruction of the air-
since up to 50 per cent of neck explorations may be nega- way and, with no visibility due to the presence of blood,
tive for significant injury. may result in catastrophe. Ideally, local anaesthetic spray
should be used with sedation, and a cricothyroidotomy
below the injury should be considered when necessary.
5.2 Management principles Control of haemorrhage should be done by direct pres-
sure where possible. If the neck wound is not bleeding, do
The current management of penetrating cervical injuries not probe or finger the wound as a clot may be dislodged. If
depends on several factors. the wound is actively bleeding, the bleeding should be con-
trolled by digital pressure or, as a last resort, a Foley catheter.
Patients with signs of significant neck injury, and those
5.2.1Initial assessment whose condition is unstable, should be explored urgently
once rapid initial assessment has been completed and the
Patients with signs of significant neck injury will require airway has been secured. There should be no hesitation
prompt exploration. However, initial assessment and in performing an emergency cricothyroidotomy should
management of the patient should be carried out accord- circumstances warrant it. Tracheostomy should be con-
ing to Advanced Trauma Life Support principles. sidered as a planned procedure in the operating theatre.
The major initial concern in any patient with a pen- Cricothyroidotomies should be converted to formal
etrating neck wound is early control of the airway. tracheostomies within about 48 hours.
Intubation in these patients is complicated by the possi-
bility of associated cervical spine injury, laryngeal trauma location
and large haematomas in the neck. Appropriate protective
Division of the neck into anatomical zones (Figure5.1)
measures for possible cervical spine injury must be imple-
helps the categorization and management of neck
mented. The route of intubation must be carefully con-
sidered in these patients since it may be complicated by
distortion of anatomy, haematoma, dislodging of clots, Zone I extends from the bottom of the cricoid
laryngeal trauma and a significant number of cervical spi- cartilage to the clavicles and thoracic outlet.
nal injuries. Fibreoptic bronchoscopy and laryngoscopy Within zone I lie the great vessels, the trachea,
68 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
the oesophagus, the thoracic duct and the upper position, the vertebral artery is less frequently involved.
mediastinum and lung apices. The larynx and trachea, and pharynx and oesophagus are
Zone II includes the area between the cricoid cartilage frequently injured, whereas the spinal cord is involved less
and the angle of the mandible. Enclosed within its often.
region are the carotid and vertebral arteries, jugular
veins, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus and trachea.
Zone III includes the area above the angle of the 5.2.2Use of diagnostic studies
mandible to the base of the skull and the distal
extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries, as well as In the stable patient without indications for immediate
segments of the jugular veins. neck exploration, additional studies are often obtained,
including angiography, endoscopy, contrast radiogra-
Injuries in zone II are readily evaluated and easily
phy and bronchoscopy. (A few recent studies have even
exposed operatively. Adequate exposure of zone I or
suggested that asymptomatic patients can be observed
zoneIII injuries can be difficult; therefore, the diagnostic
safely by serial examination, but this is a highly selective
work-up may be more extensive than for zone II injuries.
Operative management of the patient with a carotid As with all vascular injuries of the neck, a useful adjunct
injury and a preoperative neurological deficit is is to have a size 3 or 4 Fogarty catheter available. This can
controversial. Vascular reconstruction should be be passed up into the vessel to obtain temporary occlusive
performed in patients with mild-to-moderate deficits control.
in whom retrograde flow is present. Ligation is There is increasing support for the treatment of carotid
recommended for patients with severe preoperative artery injuries with intraluminal stenting. This approach is
neurological deficits greater than 48 hours old, and now commonly used for central as well as for more distal
without evidence of retrograde flow at the time of peripheral vascular lesions. It has also been applied to the
operation. management of traumatic injuries to the thoracic aorta
and selected injuries of the peripheral and visceral vascula-
Zone I vascular injuries at the base of the neck require
ture. Not surprisingly, stenting has also been used for the
aggressive management. Frequently, uncontrollable
management of carotid artery injuries, particularly inju-
haemorrhage will require immediate thoracotomy for ini-
ries to the distal internal carotid artery that are not easily
tial proximal control. In an unstable patient, quick expo-
approached surgically. Overall, stents are most frequently
sure often may be achieved via a median sternotomy and
used in situations where arterial lesions are not surgically
a supraclavicular extension.
accessible or when anticoagulation is contraindicated.
The location of the vascular injury will dictate the
definitive exposure. For right-sided great vessel injuries,
a median sternotomy with a supraclavicular extension injuries
allows optimal access. On the left side, a left anterolateral
Injuries to the trachea should be closed in a single layer
thoracotomy may provide initial proximal control.
with absorbable sutures. Larger defects may require a fas-
Further operation for definitive repair may require a ster-
cia flap. These injuries should be drained.
notomy, or extension into the right side of the chest or up
into the neck. Trapdoor incisions are not recommended, as
they are often difficult to perform and do not significantly Pharyngeal and oesophageal injuries
improve the exposure, but significantly increase the post-
Oesophageal injuries are often missed at neck explora-
operative disability. Care must be taken to avoid injury to
tion. Injuries to the hypopharynx and cervical oesopha-
the phrenic and vagus nerves as they enter the thorax. In
gus may also be difficult to diagnose preoperatively.
the stable patient in whom the vascular injury has been
Perforations of the hypopharynx or oesophagus should
confirmed by angiography, the right subclavian artery or
be closed in two layers and widely drained. For devastat-
the distal two-thirds of the left subclavian artery can be
ing oesophageal injuries requiring extensive resection and
exposed through an incision immediately superior to the
debridement, a cutaneous oesophagostomy for feeding,
clavicle. The clavicle can be divided at its mid-point, or
and pharyngostomy for diversion, may be necessary.
occasionally it may be necessary to resect the medial half
of the clavicle, although this is rarely necessary.
Injuries to the internal jugular vein should be
repaired if possible. In severe injuries that require
The first concern in the patient with a penetrating injury
extensive debridement, ligation is preferred. Venous
of the neck is early control of the airway.
interposition grafts should not be performed.
The next concern is to stop bleeding, either by digital
Vertebral artery injuries are generally found to have
pressure or by the use of a Foley catheter.
been injured only on angiographic study. These rarely
The stability of the patient decides the appropriate
require surgical repair, as they are best dealt with by
diagnostic and treatment priorities. Never make the oper-
angioembolization. Operative exposure may be difficult
ation more difficult than necessary by inadequate expo-
and may require removal of the vertebral lamina in
sure. Adequate exposure of the area involved is critical.
order to access the vertebral artery for ligation. If a
vertebral artery injury is found at operation, the area
around the injury should be packed. If this tamponades 5.4Access to the neck
the bleeding, the patient should be transferred from the
operating room to the radiology suite for angiography The operative approach selected to explore neck injuries
and embolization of the vertebral artery. is determined by the structures known or suspected to be
The neck | 71
injured. Surgical exploration should be done formally and served. The occipital artery and inferior branches of the
systematically in a fully equipped operating room under ansa cervicalis may be divided.
general anaesthesia with endotracheal intubation. Blind To expose the carotid bifurcation, the dissection is car-
probing of wounds or mini-explorations in the emergency ried upwards to the posterior belly of the digastric muscle,
department should never be attempted. which is divided behind the angle of the jaw. Access to the
internal carotid can be improved by dividing the sterno-
cleidomastoid muscle near its origin at the mastoid. Care
must be taken not to injure the accessory nerve where it
enters the sternomastoid muscle 3cm below the mastoid,
Always expect the worst, and plan the incision to pro-
or the glossopharyngeus nerve crossing anteriorly over
vide optimal access for early proximal vascular control
the internal carotid artery.
or immediate access to the airway. The most universally
More distal exploration of the internal carotid artery
applicable approach is via an anterior sternomastoid inci-
may require unilateral mandibular subluxation or divi-
sion, which can be lengthened proximally and distally,
sion of the ascending ramus. The styloid process may be
extended to a median sternotomy or augmented with lat-
excised after division of the stylohyoid ligament and sty-
eral extensions. The patient is positioned supine with a
loglossus and stylopharyngeus muscles. The facial nerve
bolster between the shoulders, and the neck extended and
lies superficial to these muscles and must be preserved.
rotated away provided that the cervical spine has been
To reach the internal carotid artery where it enters the
cleared preoperatively. The face, neck and anterior chest
carotid canal, part of the mastoid bone can be removed.
should be prepped and widely draped.
Fortunately, this is rarely required. Figures 5.2 and 5.3
The incision is made along the anterior border of the ster-
show the surgical approach to the neck.
nocleidomastoid muscle and carried through the platysma
into the investing fascia. The muscle is freed and retracted
laterally to expose the fascial sheath covering the internal
Divided posterior belly
jugular vein. Lateral retraction of the jugular vein and under- of the digastric muscle
lying carotid artery allows access to the trachea, oesophagus sternocleidomastoid
and thyroid, and medial retraction of the carotid sheath and muscle
its contents will allow the dissection to proceed posteriorly Internal
to the prevertebral fascia and vertebral arteries. artery
External Hypoglossal
carotid nerve
5.4.2Carotid artery artery
Accessory nerve
Figure 5.2 Approach to the left side of the neck with divided
sternomastoid and digastric muscles.
Platysma muscle
Thyroid gland
Cricoid cartilage
Internal jugular vein
Carotid sheath Carotid artery Oesophagus
Vagus nerve
Cervical sympathetic nerve Figure 5.3 Approach to the left side of the
Prevertebral fascia neck showing retraction of the platysma and
sternomastoid muscles.
72 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
The proximal carotid artery is exposed by division of the the fascia covering the thyroid. The thyroid isthmus can
omohyoid muscle between the superior and inferior bellies. be divided to expose the trachea. A high collar incision,
More proximal control may require a midline sternotomy. placed over the larynx, is useful for repairing isolated
laryngeal injuries.
Horizontal or collar incisions placed either over the thy- 5.5Recommended reading
roid or higher up over the thyroid cartilage are useful to
expose bilateral injuries or injuries limited to the larynx Demetriades D, Asensio JA, Velmahos G, Thal E. Complex
or trachea. The transverse incision is carried through the problems in penetrating neck trauma. Surg Clin North Am
platysma, and subplatysmal flaps are then developed: 1996;76:66183.
superiorly up to the thyroid cartilage notch, and inferi- Fabian TC, George SM Jr, Croce MA, Mangiante EC, Voeller GR,
orly to the sternal notch. The strap muscles are divided Kusdk KA. Carotid artery trauma: management based on
vertically in the midline and retracted laterally to expose mechanism of injury. J Trauma 1990;30:95361.
The chest 6
6.1 Overview Injuries to the chest wall and thoracic viscera can
directly impair oxygen transport mechanisms. Hypoxia
and hypovolaemia resulting as a consequence of thoracic
6.1.1Introduction: the scope of the problem injuries may cause secondary injury to patients with brain
injury, or may directly cause cerebral oedema.
Thoracic injury constitutes a significant problem in terms Conversely, shock and/or brain injury can secondarily
of mortality and morbidity. In the United States during aggravate thoracic injuries and hypoxaemia by disrupting
the early 1990s, there were approximately 180000 deaths normal ventilatory patterns or by causing loss of protec-
per annum from injury. Several investigators have shown tive airway reflexes and aspiration.
that 50 per cent of fatal injuries are due to primary brain The lung is a target organ for secondary injury follow-
injury, 25 per cent of fatal accidents are due to chest ing shock and remote tissue injury. Microemboli formed
trauma, and in another 25 per cent (including brain in the peripheral microcirculation embolize to the lung,
injury) thoracic injury contributes to the primary cause of causing ventilationperfusion mismatch and right heart
mortality.1 Approximately 15 per cent of thoracic injuries failure. Tissue injury and shock can activate the inflam-
will require definitive surgery. matory cascade, which can contribute to pulmonary
Somewhat less clearly defined is the extent of appreci- injury (reperfusion).
able morbidity following chest injury, most usually the
long-term consequences of hypoxic brain damage. There
are a number of important points to be taken into account. 6.1.2The spectrum of thoracic injury
A significant proportion of these deaths occur virtu-
ally immediately (i.e. at the time of injury), for example, Thoracic injuries are grouped into two types, as described
rapid exsanguination following traumatic rupture of the below.
aorta in blunt injury or major vascular disruption after
penetrating injury. life-threatening injuries
Of survivors with thoracic injury who reach hospital, a
significant proportion die in hospital as the result of mis- Airway obstruction due to any cause, including
assessment or delay in the institution of treatment. These laryngeal or tracheal disruption with obstruction or
deaths occur early as a consequence of shock, or late as extensive facial bony and soft tissue injuries
the result of adult respiratory distress syndrome, multiple Impaired ventilation due to tension pneumothorax,
organ failure and sepsis. Most life-threatening thoracic inju- major bronchial disruptions, open pneumothorax or
ries can be simply and promptly treated after identification flail chest
by tube placement for drainage. These are simple and effec- Impaired circulation due to massive haemothorax or
tive techniques that can be performed by any physician. pericardial tamponade
Emergency department thoracotomy (EDT) has spe- Air embolism.
cific indications; these virtually always relate to patients
in extremis with penetrating injury. Indiscriminate use of Potentially life-threatening injuries
EDT, however, especially in blunt trauma, will not alter
patient outcome, but will increase the risk of communi- Blunt cardiac injury
cable disease transmission to health workers. Pulmonary contusion
74 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
Traumatic rupture of the aorta occurred, laparotomy is indicated. Other options include
Traumatic diaphragmatic herniation laparoscopy or thoracoscopy to determine whether the
Tracheobronchial tree disruption diaphragm has been injured (see Chapter 13, Minimally
Oesophageal disruption invasive surgery in trauma).2
Haemothorax Patients arrive in one of two general physiological
Pneumothorax. states:
Penetrating wounds traversing the mediastinum war- Haemodynamically stable
rant specific mention. Injuries of this type frequently Haemodynamically unstable.
damage a number of mediastinal structures, and are thus
In the patient with penetrating injury to the upper
more complex in their evaluation and management.
torso who is haemodynamically unstable, and whose
bleeding is occurring into the chest cavity, it is important
6.1.3 Pathophysiology of thoracic injuries to insert a chest tube as soon as possible during the ini-
tial assessment and resuscitation. In the patient in extremis
The well-recognized pathophysiological changes occur- who has chest injuries or in whom there may be suspicion
ring in patients with thoracic injuries are essentially the of a transmediastinal injury, bilateral chest tubes may
result of: be indicated. X-ray is not required to insert a chest tube,
but it is useful after the chest tubes have been inserted to
Impairment of ventilation
confirm proper placement.
Impairment of gas exchange at the alveolar level
In patients who are haemodynamically stable, X-ray
Impairment of circulation due to haemodynamic
remains the gold standard for diagnosis of a pneumo
thorax or haemothorax. In these patients, it is prefer-
Impairment of cardiac function due to tamponade or
able to have the X-ray completed before placement of a
air embolus.
chest tube. The decrease in air entry may not be due to a
The approach to the patient with thoracic injury must pneumothorax, and especially following blunt injury may
therefore take all these elements into account. be due to a ruptured diaphragm with bowel or stomach
Specifically, hypoxia at a cellular or tissue level results occupying the thoracic cavity.
from inadequate delivery of oxygen to the tissues, with
the development of acidosis and associated hypercapnia.
The late complications resulting from misassessment 6.1.4Applied surgical anatomy of the chest
of thoracic injuries are directly attributable to these
processes. It is useful to broadly view the thorax as a container with
Penetrating chest injuries should be obvious. Exceptions an inlet, walls, a floor and contents.
include small puncture wounds such as those caused by
ice picks. Bleeding is generally minimal secondary to the chest wall
low pressure within the pulmonary system. Exceptions
to these management principles include wounds to the This is the bony cage constituted by the ribs, thoracic
great vessels as they exit over the apex of the chest wall vertebral column and sternum with the clavicles anteri-
to the upper extremities, or injury to any systemic vessel orly and the scapula posteriorly. The associated muscle
that may be injured in the chest wall, such as the internal groups and vascular structures (specifically the intercos-
mammary or intercostal vessel. tal vessels and the internal thoracic vessels) are further
Penetrating injuries to the mid-torso generate more components.
controversy. These will require a fairly aggressive Remember the safe area of the chest. This triangular
approach, particularly with anterior wounds. If the wound area is the thinnest region of the chest wall in terms of
is between one posterior axillary line and the other and musculature. This is the area of choice for tube thora-
obviously penetrates the abdominal wall, laparotomy is costomy insertion. In this area, there are no significant
indicated. If the wound does not obviously penetrate, an structures within the walls that may be damaged; how-
option is to explore the wound under local anaesthesia to ever, note that there is a need to avoid the intercostal
determine whether or not it has penetrated the peritoneal vascular and nerve bundle on the undersurface of the rib
lining or the diaphragm. If peritoneal penetration has (Figure6.1).
The chest | 75
Brachiocephalic veins
Right hilum
Left hilum
Right hemithorax
Left hemithorax
Figure 6.3 Right hemithorax and mediastinum. Figure 6.4 Left hemithorax and mediastinum.
The chest | 79
Do not use a purse-string closure as this is both
painful in the long term and less effective.
Do not weave the drain tie as, if it becomes loose,
the entire securing suture will be loose. The securing
suture should be wound around the drain in one
plane, as shown (Figure 6.10).
6.11); the pre-placed suture, now unwound, is then pulled As noted above, non-operative management can be used
tight and secured. The wound should thus be closed as a in the majority of penetrating injuries. These patients
linear incision (Figure 6.12). should be observed in a monitored setting to ensure
Complications of tube thoracostomy include wound haemodynamic stability, monitoring of ventilatory status
tract infection and empyema. With meticulous aseptic and output of blood from the pleural cavity.
Non-operative management of mid-torso injuries is
problematic until injury to the diaphragm or abdominal
viscera has been ruled out. Thoracoscopy and laparoscopy
have been successful in diagnosing diaphragm penetra-
tion.4 Laparoscopy may have a small advantage in that,
if the diaphragm has been penetrated, it also allows some
assessment of the intraperitoneal viscera. It should be
noted, however, that in some studies up to 25 per cent of
penetrating injuries to hollow viscous organs have been
missed at laparoscopy. In many ways, thoracoscopy is bet-
ter for assessment of the diaphragm, particularly in the
right hemithorax. The disadvantage is that once an injury
has been detected, this does not rule out associated intra-
peritoneal injuries.
Title: Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care 3E Failures of non-operative
Author: Boffardmanagement
ISBN:include patients
9781444102826 Proof Stage:
who continue to bleed from the pleural cavity and those patients who go on to develop a clotted thorax. If place-
ment of additional chest tubes does not remove the tho-
racic clots, thoracoscopy is indicated to aid in the removal
of these clots. Optimally, this should be done within 72
hours of injury, before the clot becomes too adherent to
Figure 6.11 Removal of drain showing pinching of the skin. be safely removed by thoracoscopy.
80 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Operative management thoracic outlet. The sternotomy can be extended up the
sternocleidomastoid muscle or laterally along the top of
In general, patients who have penetrating injuries to the the clavicle. Resection of the medial half of the clavicle
torso should be left in the supine position in the operat- exposes most of the vessels, except possibly the proximal
ing room. The importance of this cannot be overempha- left subclavian vein. When this diagnosis is known, it is
sized. The surgeon must be prepared to extend incisions best approached by a left posterior lateral thoracotomy.
up into the neck or along the supraclavicular area if there In an emergency, it may be necessary to go through a
are thoracic outlet injuries. Similarly, once it has been fourth or fifth intercostal space for a left anterolateral
determined that the diaphragm has been penetrated or thoracotomy. Care should be taken in female patients not
there are associated injuries to the lower torso, it is impor- to transect the breast.
tant the patient not be in a lateral decubitus position that An adjunctive measure to exploratory thoracotomy,
would compromise exploration of the peritoneal cavity or after injuries have been dealt with, is the pleural toilet. It
pelvis. The posterolateral approach is not appropriate in is extremely important to evacuate all clots and foreign
this situation. The surgeon must be comfortable in deal- objects. Foreign objects can include clothing, wadding
ing with injuries on both sides of the diaphragm. from shotgun blasts and any spillage from hollow viscous
The trauma patient must be prepared and the drapes injury. In general, it is best to place a right-angle chest
positioned over a large area so that the surgeon can expe- tube to drain the diaphragmatic sulcus and a straight tube
ditiously gain access to any body cavity and can properly to drain the posterior gutter up towards the apex. These
place drains and chest tubes. The entire anterior portion chest tubes should be placed so that they do not exit the
and both lateral aspects of the torso should be prepared chest wall at the bed line. All chest tubes are sutured to the
with antiseptic solution and draped so that the surgeon skin with a size 0 monofilament suture. Another useful
can work in a sterile field from the neck and clavicle above adjunct is to inject 0.25 per cent bupivacaine (Marcaine)
to the groins below, and from table top to table top later- into the intercostal nerve posteriorly in the inner space
ally. Prepping should not involve more than a few min- of the thoracotomy and intercostal nerves just above and
utes, and is preferably carried out before induction of below the thoracotomy; this provides excellent analgesia
anaesthesia so that if deterioration should occur, imme- in the immediate postoperative period. This can then be
diate laparotomy or thoracotomy can be carried out. supplemented with a thoracic epidural if necessary after
For emergency thoracotomy, an anterior lateral tho the initial 12 hours of the postoperative period.
racotomy in the fifth intercostal space is preferred. Most Emergency department thoracotomy is indicated in the
often, this is done on the left chest, particularly if it is agonal or dying patient with thoracic injuries.5,6 The best
a resuscitative thoracotomy. The rationale for this left results have been obtained with penetrating injuries to the
thoracotomy is that posterior myocardial wounds will torso, but some authors report up to 5 per cent salvage in
necessitate traction of the heart. If this is done through patients with blunt injuries. Specific indications include
a median sternotomy and the heart is lifted, decreased resuscitative thoracotomy from hypovolaemic shock, sus-
venous return and fatal dysrhythmia may occur. In pected pericardial tamponade and air embolism. Patients
patients who are in extremis, and a left thoracotomy who have signs of life in the pre-hospital setting and arrive
hasbeen performed that turns out to be inadequate for with an electrical complex are also candidates. Exceptions
the extensive injuries, there should be no hesitation in include those patients who have associated head injuries
extending this into the right chest in a clamshell fashion, with exposure or extrusion of brain tissue from the injury.
which gives excellent exposure to all the intrathoracic The intent of the emergency thoracotomy is to either
viscera. Occasionally, a right anterolateral thoracotomy is aid in resuscitation or to control bleeding and broncho
indicated in emergencies if air embolism is suspected (see pulmonary vein fistulas (air embolism).
In patients who are haemodynamically stable, a median Management of specific injuries
sternotomy is often the best incision when the visceral
injury is undetermined or if there may be multiple inju- The incidence of open pneumothorax or significant chest
ries. An alternative is the butterfly or clamshell incision, wall injuries following civilian trauma is quite low, cer-
which gives superb exposure to the entire thoracic viscera. tainly less than 1 per cent of all major thoracic injuries.7
Sternotomy is generally preferred for upper mediastinal Although all penetrating wounds are technically open
injuries or injuries to the great vessels as they exit the pneumothoraces, the tissue of the chest wall serves as
The chest | 81
an effective seal. True open pneumothorax is most often pneumothorax, which is not quite as dramatic, occurs in
associated with close-range shotgun blasts and high- approximately 20 per cent of all penetrating chest inju-
energy missiles. There is usually a large gaping wound ries. Haemothorax, in contrast, is present in about 30 per
commonly associated with frothy blood at its entrance. cent of penetrating injuries, and haemopneumothorax is
Respiratory sounds can be heard with to-and-fro move- found in 4050 per cent of penetrating injuries.
ment of air. The patient often has air hunger and may be The diagnosis of tension pneumothorax can be diffi-
in shock from associated visceral injuries. cult in a noisy emergency department. The classic signs
The wound should be immediately sealed with an occlu- are decreased breath sounds and percussion tympany on
sive clean or sterile dressing, such as petroleum-soaked the ipsilateral side, and tracheal shift to the contralateral
gauze, thin plastic sheets, sealed on three sides to create side. The diagnosis is clinical. In the patient who is dying,
a valve, or even aluminium foil as a temporary dressing. there should be no hesitation in performing a tube thora-
Once the chest wound has been sealed, it is important costomy. Massive haemothorax is equally life-threatening.
to realize that a tube thoracostomy may be immediately Approximately 50 per cent of patients with hilar, great
necessary because of the risk of converting the open vessel or cardiac wounds expire immediately after injury.
pneumothorax into a tension pneumothorax, if there is Another 25 per cent live for periods of 56 minutes and,
associated parenchymal injury to the lung. Large gaping in urban centres, some of these patients may arrive alive
wounds will invariably require debridement, including in the emergency department after rapid transport. The
resection of devitalized tissue back to bleeding tissue, remaining 25 per cent live for periods of up to 30 minutes,
and removal of all foreign bodies including clothing, and it is this group of patients that may arrive alive in the
wadding from shotgun shells or debris from the object emergency department and require immediate diagnosis
that penetrated the chest. The majority of these patients and treatment.
will require thoracotomy to treat visceral injuries and to The diagnosis of massive haemothorax is invariably
control bleeding from the lung or chest wall. made by the presence of shock, ventilatory embarrassment
After the wounds have been thoroughly debrided and and a shift in the mediastinum. Chest X-ray will confirm
irrigated, the size of the defect may necessitate recon- the extent of blood loss, but most of the time tube tho-
struction. The use of synthetic material such as Marlex racostomy is done immediately to relieve the threat of
to repair large defects in the chest wall has mostly been ventilatory embarrassment. If a gush of blood is obtained
abandoned. Instead, myocutaneous flaps such as latis- when the chest tube is placed, autotransfusion should be
simus dorsi or pectoralis major have proven efficacy, considered. There are simple devices for this that should
particularly when cartilage or ribs must be debrided. The be available in all major trauma resuscitation centres. The
flap provides prompt healing and minimizes infection to only contraindication to autotransfusion is a high suspi-
the ribs or costal cartilages. If potential muscle flaps have cion of hollow viscus injury. Lesser forms of haemothorax
been destroyed by the injury, a temporary dressing can are usually diagnosed by routine chest X-ray.
be placed, and the patient stabilized in the intensive care The treatment of massive haemothorax is to restore
unit and then returned to the operating room in 2448 blood volume. Essentially, all such patients will require
hours for a free myocutaneous graft or alternative recon- thoracotomy. In approximately 85 per cent of patients
struction. Complications include wound infection and with massive haemothorax, a systemic vessel has been
respiratory insufficiency, the latter usually due to asso- injured, such as the intercostal artery or internal mam-
ciated parenchymal injury. Ventilatory embarrassment mary artery. In a few patients, there may be injury to the
can persist secondary to the large defect. If the chest wall hilum of the lung or the myocardium. In about 15 per
becomes infected, debridement, wound care and myo cent of instances, the bleeding is from deep pulmonary
cutaneous flaps should be considered. lacerations. These injuries are treated by oversewing the
lesion, making sure that bleeding is controlled to the
depth of the lesion, or, in some instances, tractotomy or
Tension pneumothorax (pneumo-haemothorax)
resection of a segment or lobe.
Tension pneumothorax is a common threat to life. The Complications of haemothorax or massive haemotho-
patient may present to the emergency department either rax are almost invariably related to the visceral injuries.
dead or dying. The importance of making the diagnosis is Occasionally, there is a persistence of undrained blood
that it is the most easily treatable life-threatening surgical that may lead to a cortical peel necessitating thoracoscopy
emergency in the emergency department. Simple closed or thoracotomy and removal of this peel. The aggressive
82 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
use of two chest tubes should minimize the incidence of combination of techniques such as tractotomy, wedge
this complication. resection and segmentectomy, reserving lobectomy or
pneumonectomy for only the most critical patients.
Tracheobronchial injuries Currently available stapling devices are invaluable.
Other resuscitative measures in patients who have If the coronary arteries have been transected, two
arrested from air embolism include internal cardiac mas options exist. Closure can be accomplished in the beating
sage and reaching up and holding the ascending aorta heart using a fine 6/0 or 7/0 Prolene suture, under mag-
with the thumb and index finger for one or two beats this nification if necessary. The second option is to temporar-
will tend to push air out of the coronary vessels and thus ily initiate inflow occlusion and fibrillation. However,
establish perfusion. Adrenaline (epinephrine); (1:1000) both of these measures have a high risk associated with
can be injected intravenously or down the endotracheal them. Heparinization is optimally avoided in the trauma
tube to provide an alpha effect, driving air out of the sys- patient, and fibrillation in the presence of shock and aci-
temic microcirculation. It is prudent to vent the left atrium dosis may be difficult to reverse. Bypass is usually reserved
and ventricle as well as the ascending aorta to remove all for patients who have injury to the valves, chordae tend-
residual air once the lung hilum has been clamped. This ineae or septum. In most instances, these injuries are not
prevents further air embolism when the patient is moved. immediately life-threatening, but become evident over a
Using aggressive diagnosis and treatment, it is possible few hours or days following the injury.
to achieve up to a 55 per cent salvage rate in patients with Complications from myocardial injuries include recur-
air embolism secondary to penetrating trauma. rent tamponade, mediastinitis and post-cardiotomy
syndrome. The former can be avoided by placing a medi-
Cardiac injuries astinal chest tube or leaving the pericardium partially
open following repair. Most cardiac injuries are treated
In urban trauma centres, cardiac injuries are most com- through a left anterolateral thoracotomy, and only occa-
mon after penetrating trauma, and constitute about 5 per sionally via a median sternotomy. If mediastinitis does
cent of all thoracic injuries.10,11 The diagnosis of cardiac develop, the wound should be opened (including the ster-
injury is usually fairly obvious. The patient presents with num), and debridement carried out with secondary clo-
exsanguination, cardiac tamponade and, rarely, acute sure in 45 days. If this is impossible, myocutaneous flaps
heart failure. Patients with tamponade due to penetrating should be considered. Another complication is herniation
injuries usually have a wound in proximity, decreased car- of the heart through the pericardium, which may occlude
diac output, increased central venous pressure, decreased venous return and cause sudden death. This is avoided by
blood pressure, decreased heart sounds, narrow pulse loosely approximating the pericardium after the cardiac
pressure and occasionally paradoxical pulse. injury has been repaired.
Many of these patients do not have the classic Beck triad.
Patients presenting with acute failure usually have injuries
Injuries to the great vessels
of the valves or chordae tendineae, or have sustained inter-
ventricular septal defects, but represent less than 2 per Injuries to the great vessels from penetrating forces are
cent of the total number of patients with cardiac injuries. infrequently reported. According to Rich, before the
Pericardiocentesis is not a very useful diagnostic technique Vietnam War there were fewer than 10 cases in the sur-
but may be temporarily therapeutic. In cases where the gical literature.12,13 The reason for this is that extensive
diagnosis of pericardial tamponade cannot be confirmed injury to the great vessels results in immediate exsanguin-
on clinical signs, an echocardiogram is useful. ation into the chest, and most of these patients die at the
The treatment of all cardiac injuries is immediate thora- scene of injury.
cotomy, ideally in the operating room. In the patient who The diagnosis of penetrating great vessel injury is usu-
is in extremis, thoracotomy in the emergency department ally obvious. The patient is in shock, and there is an injury
can be life-saving. The great majority of wounds can be in proximity to the thoracic outlet or posterior medi-
closed with simple sutures or horizontal mattress sutures astinum. If the patient stabilizes with resuscitation, an
of a 3/0 or 4/0 monofilament. Bolstering the suture with arteriogram should be performed to localize the injury.
Teflon pledgets may occasionally be required, particularly Approximately 8 per cent of patients with major vascular
if there is surrounding contusion, or there is proximity injuries do not have clinical signs, stressing the need for
of the wound to a coronary artery. If the stab wound or arteriograms when there is a wound in proximity. These
gunshot wound is in proximity to the coronary artery, patients usually have a false aneurysm or arteriovenous
care must be taken not to suture the vessels. This can be fistula. Treatment of penetrating injuries to the great
achieved by passing horizontal mattress sutures beneath vessels can almost always be accomplished using lateral
the coronary vessels, avoiding ligation of the vessel. repair, since larger injuries that might necessitate grafts
84 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
can result in impaired oxygen transport. The lungs are at It is also important to differentiate between:
high risk from aspiration, which can accompany shock or
Patients with no signs of life
substance abuse, and is often associated with penetrating
injuries. Finally, pulmonary sepsis is one of the more com- Patients with no vital signs in whom pupillary
mon sequelae following major injuries of any kind. activity and/or respiratory effort is still evident.
especially penetrating cardiac injury (salvageable on admission. A decision-making algorithm has been
post-injury cardiac arrest) formulated based on these findings, and the four factors
Those with severe post-injury hypotension (blood found to be most predictive of outcome following EDT
pressure <60mmHg) due to cardiac tamponade, air are reported to be:
embolism or thoracic haemorrhage.
Absence of signs of life at the scene
Less clear benefit occurs for: Absence of signs of life in the emergency department
Patients presenting with moderate post-injury Absence of cardiac activity at EDT
hypotension (blood pressure <80mmHg) potentially Systolic blood pressure less than 70mmHg after
due to intra-abdominal aortic injury (e.g. an epigastric aortic occlusion.
gunshot wound)
At the scene, patients in extremis and without cardiac
Major pelvic fractures
electrical activity are declared dead. Those with electrical
Active intra-abdominal haemorrhage.
activity are intubated, supported with CPR and trans-
The first group of patients constitutes those in whom ferred to the emergency department. If blunt injury is
EDT is relatively indicated. One must consider the present, EDT is embarked on only if pulsatile electrical
patients age, pre-existing disease, signs of life and injury activity is present. (In penetrating trauma, all patients
mechanism, as well as the proximity of the emergency undergo EDT.) If no blood is present in the pericar-
department to the operating theatre and the personnel dial cavity and there is no cardiac activity, the patient is
available, when applying the principles related to EDT. declared dead. All others are treated according to the type
Although optimal benefit from the procedure will be of injury, as above. Those with intra-abdominal injury
obtained with an experienced surgeon, in cases where who respond to aortic occlusion with a systolic blood
a moribund patient presents with a penetrating chest pressure of more than 70mmHg and all other surviving
wound, the emergency physician should not hesitate to patients are rapidly transported to the operating theatre
perform the procedure. for definitive treatment.
EDT is contraindicated:
mind on the part of the surgeon will result in acceptable, after proper evaluation and work-up has clearly identified
uncomplicated survival figures. the nature of the injury.
If time permits in the more stable patient, intubation (or
reintubation) with a double-lumen endotracheal tube, to
6.1.9Surgical approaches to the thorax allow selective deflation or ventilation of each lung, can be
very helpful and occasionally life-saving.
The choice of approach to the injured thorax should be It is seldom necessary to resort to the remaining
determined by three factors: approaches in the acute situation. The bilateral trans-
sternal thoracotomy (the clamshell incision) is some-
The hemithorax and its contents
what mutilating, with significant postoperative morbidity
The stability of the patient
and difficulty in terms of access and closure. The trap-
Whether the indication for surgery is acute or chronic
door incision is obsolete.
Acute indications Chronic indications This approach allows rapid access to the injured
hemithorax and its contents.
Cardiac tamponade Unevacuated clotted haemothorax
It is made with the patient in the supine position with
Acute deterioration Chronic traumatic diaphragmatic
no special positioning requirements or instruments.
It has the advantages that it:
Vascular injury at the thoracic Traumatic atrioventricular fistula
May be extended across the sternum into the
contralateral hemithorax (the clamshell incision
Loss of chest wall substance Traumatic cardiac septal or valvular or bilateral thoracotomy)
May be extended downwards to create a
Endoscopic or radiological Missed tracheobronchial injury or thoracoabdominal incision.
evidence of tracheal, oesophagus tracheo-oesophageal fistula
or great vessel injury This is the approach of choice in injury to any part of
Massive or continuing Infected intrapulmonary
the left thorax or an injury above the nipple line in the
haemothorax haematoma Anterolateral thoracotomy
Bullet embolism to the heart/
pulmonary artery
Anterolateral thoracotomy
Median sternotomy Mid-axillary line
Bilateral thoracotomy (clamshell incision)
The trapdoor incision Internal thoracic
Posterolateral thoracotomy. artery
right thorax. It should be noted that right lower thoracic 6.2.2 Median sternotomy
injuries (i.e. below the nipple line) usually involve bleed-
ing from the liver; the approach in these cases should This incision is the approach of choice in patients with a
initially be a midline laparotomy, the chest being entered penetrating injury at the base of the neck (zone I) and the
only if no source of intra-abdominal bleeding is found. thoracic outlet, as well as to the heart itself. It allows access
to the pericardium and heart, the arch of the aorta and the origins of the great vessels. It has the attraction of allow-
ing upwards extension into the neck (as a Henrys inci-
A slight tilt of the patient to the right is advisable; this is sion), extension downwards into a midline laparotomy, or
achieved by use of either a sandbag or other support, or lateral extension into a supraclavicular approach (Figure
by tilting the table. 6.14). It has the relative disadvantage of requiring a sternal
The incision is made through the fourth or fifth inter- saw or chisel (of the Lebsche type). In addition, the infre-
costal space from the costochondral junction anteriorly quent but significant complication of sternal sepsis may
to the mid-axillary line posteriorly, following the upper occur postoperatively, especially in the emergency setting.
border of the lower rib in order to avoid damage to the
intercostal neurovascular bundle.
The muscle groups are divided down to the periosteum
of the lower rib. The muscle groups of the serratus ante- The incision is made with the patient fully supine, in the
rior posteriorly and the intercostals medially and anteri- midline from the suprasternal notch to below the xiphoid
orly are divided. The trapezius and the pectoralis major cartilage. A finger-sweep is used to open spaces behind the
are avoided. Care should be taken at the anterior end of sternum, above and below. Excision of the xiphoid carti-
the incision, where the internal mammary artery runs and lage may be necessary if this is large and intrusive, and can
may be transected. be done with heavy scissors.
The periosteum is opened, leaving a cuff of approxi- Split section (bisection) of the sternum is carried out
mately 5mm for later closure. The parietal pleura is then with a saw (either oscillating or a braided-wire Gigli saw)
opened, taking care to avoid the internal mammary artery or a Lebsche knife, commencing from above and moving
adjacent to the sternal border. These vessels are ligated if downwards. This is an important point to avoid inadvert-
necessary. ent damage to vascular structures in the mediastinum. In
A Finochietto retractor is placed with the handle away addition, be aware of the possible presence of the large
from the sternum (i.e. laterally placed), the ribs are spread, transverse communicating vein, which may be found in
and intrathoracic inspection for identification of injuries the areolar tissue of the suprasternal space of Burns, and
is carried out after suctioning. In cases of ongoing bleed- must be controlled.
ing, an autotransfusion suction device is advisable.
Median sternotomy
Note that it is important to identify the phrenic nerve
in its course across the pericardium if this structure is to
be opened the pericardiotomy is made 1cm anterior and
vertical to the nerve trunk in order to avoid damage and Extension into the neck
subsequent morbidity.
6.2.4 Posterolateral thoracotomy
The numbers of instruments and types of equipment
This approach requires appropriate positioning of the
necessary to perform EDT do not even begin to approach
patient and is usually used in the elective setting for
those used for formal thoracotomy in the operating thea-
definitive lung and oesophageal surgery. It is not usually
tre and really include only the following:
employed in the acute setting. It is more time-consuming
in approach and closure, since the bulkier muscle groups A scalpel, with a #20 or #21 blade
of the posterolateral thorax are traversed, and scapular Forceps
retraction is necessary. A suitable retractor such as Finochiettos chest
retractor or a Balfour abdominal retractor
A Lebsche knife and mallet or Gigli saw for the sternum
6.2.5 Trapdoor thoracotomy Large vascular clamps such as Satinski vascular
clamps (large and small)
The incision is considered obsolete. This is a combination of Mayo scissors
an anterolateral thoracotomy, a partial sternotomy and an Metzenbaum scissors
infra- or supraclavicular incision with resection or disloca- Long needle-holders
tion of the clavicle (Figure 6.15). It has the disadvantages Internal defibillator paddles
of being relatively more time-consuming, and retraction of Sutures, swabs and Teflon pledgets
the bony trapdoor created is often difficult, resulting in Sterile skin preparation and drapes
multiple fractures of the ribs laterally or posteriorly. Good light.
90 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
leaving large areas of non-viable tissue, hilar clamping It is important to examine the whole heart to localize
with a large soft vascular clamp across the hilar struc- the source of bleeding.
tures occluding the pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein Deal with the source of bleeding.
and main-stem bronchus is employed until a definitive It is not essential to close the pericardium after the
surgical procedure can be performed. procedure.
Air embolism is controlled by placing a clamp across If the pericardium is closed, it should be drained to
the hilar structures, and air is evacuated by needle aspira- avoid a recurrent tamponade.
tion of the elevated left ventricular apex. Myocardial laceration with aortic cross-clamping
Wherever possible, initial control of a myocardial
This technique is employed to optimize oxygen transport laceration should be digital, while the damage is assessed.
to vital proximal structures (the heart and brain), maximize Use 3/0 or 4/0 non-absorbable braided sutures tied
coronary perfusion and possibly limit infradiaphragmatic gently to effect the repair. Pledgets may be helpful.
haemorrhage in both blunt and penetrating trauma. Care should be exercised near coronary arteries.
The thoracic aorta is cross-clamped inferior to the left Whereas a vertical mattress suture is normally
pulmonary hilum, and the area is exposed by elevating acceptable, it may be necessary to use a horizontal
the left lung anteriorly and superiorly. The mediastinal mattress suture under the vessel to avoid occluding it.
pleura is dissected under direct vision, the aorta being In inexperienced hands, and as a temporizing measure,
separated by blunt dissection from the oesophagus ante- a skin stapler will allow control of the bleeding, with
riorly and the prevertebral fascia posteriorly. When prop- minimal manipulation of the heart. Pitfall: Staples often
erly exposed, the aorta is occluded using a large vascular eventually tear out, so the repair should not be regarded as
clamp. It is important that the aortic cross-clamp time definitive.
be kept to the absolute minimum, i.e. that the clamp is
removed once effective cardiac function and systemic arte-
rial pressure have been achieved, as the metabolic penalty clamping
rapidly becomes exponential once beyond 30 minutes. Wide anterolateral thoracotomy is the exposure of choice.
A vascular clamp can be placed across the hilum, trans-sternal (CLAMSHELL) occluding the pulmonary artery, vein and main-stem
thoracotomy bronchus.
This is the thoracic equivalent of the chevron or bucket
handle upper abdominal incision, providing wide expo- or pneumonectomy
sure to both hemithoraces. It is relatively time-consuming
in terms of both access and closure. It may be argued that This is rarely performed, and usually done to control
median sternotomy will provide the same degree of expo- massive haemorrhage from the pulmonary hilum.
sure with greater ease of access and closure. It is usually Lung preservation should be attempted wherever possible.
necessary to use this incision only when it becomes neces- A double-lumen endotracheal tube should be used
sary to gain access to both hemithoraces. whenever possible.
The incision usually extends as a fifth intercostal space For segmental pneumonectomy, use of the GIA stapler
anterolateral thoracotomy, across the sternum. The ster- is helpful. The staple line can then be oversewn.
num is divided using a Gigli saw, chisel or bone-cutting for-
ceps. Care is taken to ligate the internal mammary arteries. Pulmonary tractotomy
7.1The trauma laparotomy and the definitive surgical treatment for abdominal
Complex pelvic injuries with associated open pelvic injury. Upper midline central retroperitoneal haematomas
These are particularly difficult to treat, and are must be explored to rule out underlying duodenal, pancre-
associated with a high mortality. atic or vascular injuries. It is wise to ensure that proximal
and distal control of the aorta and distal control of the
Damage control approaches to these injuries may dramatically
inferior vena cava (IVC) can be rapidly achieved, before the
improve survival.
haematoma is explored. retroperitoneum management of penetrating
Injuries to retroperitoneal structures are associated with abdominal injury
a high mortality and are often underestimated or missed.
Rapid and efficient access techniques are required to deal Although there is universal agreement that patients with
with exsanguinating vascular injuries, where large retro- peritonitis or haemodynamic instability should undergo
peritoneal haematomas often obscure the exact position urgent laparotomy after penetrating injury to the abdo-
and extent of the injury. men, it is also clear that certain stable patients without
The retroperitoneum is explored when major abdomi- peritonitis may be managed without operation.
nal vascular injury is suspected, or there is injury to the A recent review has concluded that routine laparotomy
kidneys, ureters and renal vessels, pancreas, duodenum is not indicated in haemodynamically stable patients
and colon. Because of the high incidence of intraperito- with abdominal stab wounds without signs of peritonitis
neal and retroperitoneal injuries occurring simultane- or diffuse abdominal tenderness. Likewise, laparotomy
ously, the retroperitoneum is always approached via a is also not routinely indicated in stable patients with
transperitoneal incision. abdominal gunshot wounds if the wounds are tangential
The decision to explore a retroperitoneal haematoma and there are no peritoneal signs. Computed tomography
is based on its location and the mechanism of injury, and of the abdomen and pelvis may be helpful in deciding on
whether the haematoma is pulsating or rapidly enlarging. a non-operative trial of management. (See Sections 7.3,
The retroperitoneum is divided into: The liver and biliary system, and 7.4, The spleen, for the
non-operative management of solid organ injury.)
A central zone (zone 1) It is imperative that serial examination of these patients is
Two lateral zones (zone 2) undertaken in a meticulous fashion, and that the patient is sub-
A pelvic zone (zone 3). jected to laparotomy if there is any concern about the reliability of
If the haematoma is not expanding, other abdominal a non-operative approach.
injuries take priority. If the haematoma is expanding, it The majority of patients with penetrating abdominal
must be explored. Before the haematoma is opened, it trauma managed non-operatively may be discharged
is important to try to gain proximal and distal control after 24 hours of observation in the presence of a reliable
of vessels supplying the area. Direct compression with abdominal examination and minimal to no abdominal
abdominal swabs and digital pressure may help to buy tenderness. In addition, diagnostic laparoscopy may be
time while vascular control is being obtained. considered as a tool to evaluate diaphragmatic lacerations
Lateral haematomas need not be explored routinely, and peritoneal penetration in an effort to avoid unneces-
unless perforation of the colon is thought to have sary laparotomy (see Chapter 13, Minimally invasive sur-
occurred. The source of bleeding is usually the kidney, gery in trauma).
and unless expanding, the haematoma will probably not Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Practice
require surgery. Management Guidelines submit the following evidence-
Pelvic haematomas should not be explored if it can based guidelines for the management of penetrating
be avoided. It is preferable to perform a combination of abdominal trauma (Table 7.1).1
external fixation on the pelvis and angiographic emboli-
zation. Attempts at tying the internal iliac vessels are usu-
7.1.2The trauma laparotomy
ally unsuccessful. Expanding pelvic haematomas should
be packed. Extraperitoneal packing is more effective than
The trauma laparotomy contains several essential parts:
intraperitoneal pelvic packing, and is advocated in unstable
patients with pelvic fractures who have had to undergo sur- Rapid entry
gical exploration for reasons of haemodynamic instability. Adequate (large) incision
The abdomen | 95
Table 7.1 Evidence-based guidelines for the management of penetrating injury of the abdomen
devices such as a Bair Hugger (Arizant International left of, the umbilicus, to avoid the falciform ligament.
Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN, USA). The incision is made from the xiphisternum to the pubis.
If necessary, this can be extended into a sternotomy, or
Blood collection and autotransfusion extended right or left as a thoracotomy for access to the
liver, diaphragm, etc. (Figure 7.1).
Preparations must be made for collection of blood and
In patients who have had significant previous surgery,
possible autotransfusion if indicated.
and in those with gross haemodynamic instability, a bilat-
eral subcostal (clamshell or chevron) incision can be used; this extends from the anterior axillary line on each
side transversely across the midline just superior to the
In trauma, it is essential to be able to extend the access of
the incision if required. All patients should therefore have
both thorax and abdomen prepared and draped to allow
access to the thorax, abdomen and groins if required Procedure
(Figure 7.1).
A quick exploratory trauma laparotomy is performed to
identify any other associated injuries:
1 As soon as the abdomen has been opened, scoop out
All patients undergoing a laparotomy for abdominal
as much blood as possible into a receiver. Do not use
trauma should be explored through a long midline inci-
a sucker at this time.
sion. The incision is generally placed through, or to the
2 Eviscerate the small bowel. Perform a rapid
exploration to ascertain whether there is an obvious
site of large-volume (audible!) bleeding. Assess the
midline structures where packing is inefficient the
aorta, IVC and mesentery, and if necessary control
with direct pressure or proximal control, e.g. on the
aorta. Massive haemoperitoneum must be controlled
before proceeding further with a laparotomy.
3 Perform absorptive packing using large dry
abdominal swabs, left unfolded initially:
3.1 Under the left diaphragm
3.2 In the left paracolic gutter
3.3 In the pelvis
3.4 In the right paracolic gutter
3.5 Into the subhepatic pouch
3.6 Above and lateral to the liver
3.7 Directly on any other bleeding area
Use dry swabs
Preferably keep the swabs folded as it is easier
to layer them into a cavity
Packing does not control arterial bleeding.
4 Allow the anaesthetist to achieve an adequate blood
pressure and to establish any lines required.
5 If the pelvis seems to be a major source of bleeding,
extraperitoneal pelvic packing should be performed.
6 Remove the abdominal packs, one at a time, starting
in the area least likely to be the site of the bleeding.
6.1 When the packs in the left upper quadrant are
Figure 7.1 Exploration of abdomen. Diagram showing the extent of removed, and if there is associated bleeding from
tissue preparation and draping prior to surgery. the spleen, a decision should be made on whether
The abdomen | 97
the spleen should be preserved or removed. 8 Replace the small intestine in the abdominal cavity
Avascular clamp placed across the hilum will with great care at the conclusion of the operation, and
allow temporary haemorrhage control. perform temporary abdominal closure as required.
6.2 When the packs are removed from the
Convert to a damage control procedure as appropriate.
right upper quadrant, injury to the liver is
assessed. It is prudent at this time to dissect
the gastrohepatic ligament using blunt and
sharp dissection so that a vessel loop (Rumel
tourniquet) or vascular clamp can be placed Lesser sac
across the portal triad. The stomach is grasped and pulled inferiorly, allowing the
6.2.1 If manual compression controls the operator to identify the lesser curvature and the superior
bleeding, the bleeding is probably venous aspect of the pancreas through the lesser sac. Frequently,
in nature, and can be arrested with the coeliac artery and the body of the pancreas can be well
therapeutic liver packing, If not, the identified through this approach.
Pringle manoeuvre should be performed.
6.2.2 If a Pringle manoeuvre controls the Greater sac
bleeding, the surgeon should be suspicious
of hepatic arterial or portal injury. The omentum is then grasped and drawn upwards. A
Hepatorrhaphy is then performed to window is made in the omentum (via the gastrocolic liga-
control intrahepatic vessels (See Section ment), and the operators hand is passed into the lesser
7.3, The liver and biliary system), alone or sac posterior to the stomach. This allows excellent expo-
in combination with packing. sure of the entire body and tail of the pancreas, as well
6.2.3 If a Pringle manoeuvre fails to control
as the posterior aspect of the proximal part of the first
bleeding, the likely source is the hepatic portion of the duodenum and the medial aspect of the
veins or IVC. Compression against the second part. Any injuries to the pancreas can be easily
posterior abdominal wall and diaphragm identified. If there is a possibility of an injury to the head
can be successful, and packing should be of the pancreas, a Kocher manoeuvre is performed. Better
performed. exposure can be achieved using the right medial visceral
6.2.4 Dissection of the porta hepatis should
then be carried out, and selective clamping
of vessels performed to determine the Mobilization of the ascending colon (right hemicolon)
source of the haemorrhage. The hepatic flexure is retracted medially, dividing
6.2.5 The liver is mobilized if needed. adhesions along its lateral border down to the caecum
6.3 Use definitive packing as required: (Figure7.2).
6.3.1 Use dry folded swabs, packed in layers.
6.3.2 Do not cover them in plastic they will slip
and will be too rigid. Kocher manoeuvre
6.3.3 Place the packs flat against the organ. The Kocher manoeuvre is performed by initially dividing
6.3.4 Packs only work in venous injury (arteries the lateral peritoneal attachment of the duodenum. The
must be controlled directly). adhesions on the outer border of the duodenum are
6.3.5 Packs must exert sufficient force on the divided, allowing medial rotation of the duodenum
organ to tamponade the bleeding. (Figure 7.3).
6.3.6 Only use sufficient packs to achieve the The loose areolar tissue around the duodenum is bluntly
desired result. dissected, and the entire second and third portions of the
7 Deal with lesions in order of their lethality: duodenum are identified and mobilized medially with a
7.1 Injuries to major blood vessels combination of sharp and blunt dissection. This dissec-
7.2 Major haemorrhage from solid abdominal viscera tion is carried all the way medially to expose the IVC and
7.3 Haemorrhage from mesentery and hollow organs a portion of the aorta.
7.4 Retroperitoneal haemorrhage The posterior wall of the duodenum can be inspected,
7.5 Contamination. together with the right kidney, porta hepatis and IVC. By
98 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
7.1.3Closure of the abdomen desirable goal, and may be achieved when the conditions
outlined above are optimal, that is, a stable patient with
minimal blood loss and volume replacement, no or mini- Principles of abdominal closure
mal contamination, no significant intercurrent problems
On completion of the intra-abdominal procedures, it is and a patient in whom surgical procedures are deemed to
important to adequately prepare for closure. This prepa- be completed with no anticipated subsequent operation.
ration includes: Should any reasonable doubt exist regarding these condi-
tions at the conclusion of operation, it would be prudent
Careful evaluation of the adequacy of haemostasis
to consider a technique of delayed closure.
and/or packing
Whichever method is used, the most important techni-
Copious lavage and removal of debris within the
cal point is that of avoiding excessive tension on the tis-
peritoneum and wound
sues of the closure. Remember the one centimetreone
Placement of adequate and appropriate drains if
centimetre rule as described by Leaper et al.6 (the so-called
Guildford technique; Figure 7.7). This uses 4 cm of
Ensuring that the instrument and swab counts are
material for every 1 cm advance. This spacing seems to
completed and correct.
minimize tension in the tissues, and thus also minimize
It is important to replace the small intestine in the compromise of the circulation in the area, as well as using
abdominal cavity with great care at the conclusion of the the minimum acceptable amount of suture. The use of a
operation. size 0 or 1 looped polydioxanone suture as a continuous
suture is recommended.
Retention sutures should be avoided at all costs, and the optimal method of closure
a wound that seems to require these is not suitable for
Thal and OKeefe5 state that the optimal closure tech- primary closure. Closure of such a wound may result in
nique is chosen on the basis of five principal considera- abdominal compartment syndrome; the wound should be
tions and list these as follows: left open, with a vacuum dressing.
Skin closure as a primary manoeuvre may be done in
The stability of the patient (and therefore the need for
a case with no or minimal contamination, using mono-
speed of closure)
filament sutures or staples. The latter have the advantage
The amount of blood loss both prior to and during
of speed and, while being less haemostatic, nevertheless
allow for a greater degree of drainage past the skin edges
The volume of intravenous fluid administered
and less tissue reaction.
The degree of intraperitoneal and wound
The nutritional status of the patient and possible
intercurrent disease.
7.1.4Haemostatic adjuncts in trauma organs or to seal air leaks from lung injuries. It is available
in most countries in Europe.
Even after surgical haemostasis, deep parenchymal Overview
injuries can require a resorbable tamponade; here, col-
Haemostatic substances can be used after surgical hae- lagen fleece (e.g. TissoFleece; Baxter, Vienna) is suitable.
mostasis in trauma surgery to secure the surface of the Collagen fleece is composed of heterologous collagen
wound. Tissue adhesives are used alone or in combination fibrils obtained from devitalized connective tissue and is
with other haemostatic measures. The main indications fully resorbable. Collagen fleece promotes the aggrega-
for using adhesives are: tion of thrombocytes when in contact with blood. The
platelets degenerate and liberate clotting factors, which
To arrest minor oozing of blood
in turn activate haemostasis. The spongy structure of
To secure the wound area to prevent subsequent
the collagen stabilizes and strengthens the coagulate.
Another alternative for deep parenchymal injuries is
To act as a sealant for air leaks.
FloSeal (Baxter).
Various forms of fibrin sealing are available and are Fibrin glue and collagen fleece are used preferentially to
suitable for treating injuries, especially of the parenchy- treat slight oozing of blood. Before application, the bleed-
matous organs. The different presentations make some ing surface should be tamponaded and compressed with a
suitable for superficial bleeding surfaces, and others eas- warm pad for a few minutes. Immediately after removal of
ier to apply in deep lacerations. Some are readily avail- the pad, air is first sprayed alone, followed by short bursts
able, while preparation is time-consuming in others. It of fibrin. This creates a surface that is free from blood and
is important that the surgeon knows what haemostatic nearly dry when the fibrin glue is sprayed onto it. A dry
agents are available and how and where they can be used. field is essential for most fibrin sprays in order to secure
Of the adhesives currently available, fibrin glue is the adequate haemostasis.
most suitable for treating injuries to the parenchyma- If collagen fleece is to be applied, a thin layer of fibrin is
tous organs and retroperitoneum. It is also possible to sprayed onto the fleece, which, in turn, is pressed onto the
make autologous fibrin from the patients own blood wound. After a few moments of compression, the fleece is
(Vivostat system; Vivolution A/S, Birkeroed, Denmark); sprayed with fibrin glue. The thickness of the fibrin layer
the fibrin is applied with a sprayer. The necessary vol- will depend on the size and depth of the injury.
ume of blood (125 mL) can already be drawn in the
emergency room, and the autologous adhesive is ready Other haemostatic adjuncts
within 30 minutes.
Fibrin sealing is based on the transformation of fibrin- Chitosan
ogen to fibrin. Fibrin promotes clotting, tissue adhesion
Chitosan (Celox [Medtrade Products, Crewe, Cheshire,
and wound healing through interaction with the fibro
UK], HemCon [Hemcon Medical Technologies, Portland,
blasts. The reaction is the same as in the last phase of blood
OR, USA]) is a granular product made from a natu-
clotting. One such heterologous fibrin is Tisseel/Tissucol
ral polysaccharide derived from chitin from shellfish.
(Baxter Hyland Immuno, Vienna, Austria). Heterologous
Chitosan is the deacetylated form of chitin. In the form of
fibrin is a biological two-component adhesive and has
an acid salt, chitosan demonstrates mucoadhesive activ-
high concentrations of fibrinogen and factor XIII, which,
ity. Chitosan stops bleeding by bonding with red blood
together with thrombin and calcium, result in clotting.
cells and gelling with fluids to produce a sticky pseudo-
Resorption time and resistance to tearing depend on the
clot. This reaction is not exothermic and has been used
size and thickness of the glue layer, and on the propor-
successfully within body cavities. Chitosan is broken
tion by volume of the two components. The fibrin sealant
down by enzymatic action within the body to produce
is best applied with a sprayer or syringe injection system
glucosamine. The dressing is sold as pads or bandages.
such as the Tissomat sprayer (Baxter Hyland Immuno).
TachoSil (Nycomed Austria GmbH, Linz, Austria) is
a fixed, ready-to-use combination of a collagen sponge Mineral zeolyte
coated with a dry layer of the human coagulation factors Mineral zeolyte (QuikClot; Z-Medical Corporation,
fibrinogen and thrombin, making it easy to employ. It is Wallingford, CT, USA), when made moist, produces an
most suitable for oozing from the raw surfaces of solid exothermic reaction that seals blood vessels and results
102 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
Splenic injury
When possible, in the stable patient, the surgeon should The laparotomy in trauma needs to be performed in a
try to achieve splenic repair that preserves as much of systematic fashion. The ease with which injuries can be
the damaged spleen as possible. For splenic preservation, missed, and the potentially catastrophic consequences
the choice of procedure depends not only on the clinical that might result, mandate that extreme care is take to
findings, but also on the surgeons experience of splenic exclude injuries, based on the injury complexes that occur
surgery and the equipment available. In trauma cases, and the way in which the laparotomy is approached.
conservation of the spleen should not take significantly Careful examination of each organ is essential.
more time than would a splenectomy. The trauma laparotomy is a team event, and the anaes-
After using one of the surgical techniques described thesiologist must be fully involved and informed of all
above, definitive treatment can be completed by the decision-making.
application of adhesives to secure the resected edge or the
mesh-covered splenic tissue. Fibrin is sprayed on, and the
collagen fleece is pressed on it for a few minutes. After 7.2The bowel
removal of the compressing pad, a new layer of fibrin glue
can help to ensure the prevention of rebleeding. In case In all injuries, the entire length of bowel, from the stom-
of use of mesh, the collagen fleece and fibrin are placed ach, small bowel from the ligament of Treitz to the ile-
directly on the injured splenic surface and then covered ocaecal valve, and large bowel from the caecum to the
with the mesh. Additional fibrin spray may then be added. rectum, and their mesenteries should be inspected. This
is best achieved with the help of an assistant.
Pancreatic injury Starting at the ligament of Treitz, each segment of small
bowel is inspected, and then flipped over to examine the
When pancreatic injury is suspected, extended exploration
opposite side. The mesentery is carefully inspected as well. If
of the whole organ is imperative. Parenchymal lacerations
the bowel is dropped, start again at the ligament of Treitz!
that do not involve the pancreatic duct can be sutured
when the tissue is not too soft and vulnerable. With or
without sutures, a worthwhile option in the treatment of Pitfalls
such lacerations is fibrin sealing and collagen tamponade, Both the surgeon and the assistant inspect the same
for which adequate drainage is essential. segment at the same time, but ideally only one operator
The abdomen | 103
handles the bowel at any time, as otherwise each procedures. The first priority is to treat the haemorrhage,
operator thinks that the other is doing the inspection. and then to control contamination.
Both the antimesenteric border and the mesenteric Small wounds can be closed rapidly, using a skin sta-
border of the bowel must be inspected. pler or with mass closure. In severely injured patients,
with more extensive injuries requiring damage control,
simple proximal and distal closure of the injured bowel
7.2.1Stomach using a GIA-type stapler is the best way to prevent
ongoing soiling. The bowel should be transected and
The stomach is lifted up using two Babcock forceps, and closed for later repair. Umbilical tape can also be used.
the anterior surface inspected. It is helpful if there is a Neither any anastomosis nor any stoma should be
nasogastric tube in place place the forceps around the performed at this stage, as these can be time-consum-
tube, forming a useful gastric retractor. The posterior sur- ing, the tissue viability is uncertain, and the leak rate is
face of the stomach can be inspected in a similar way. much higher, especially in the presence of concomitant
contamination. The non-viable or damaged areas can
The stomach is highly vascular, and in all injuries,
be removed at a later time, and the need for colostomy
life-threatening bleeding can result. All holes should be
assessed. Additionally, the bowel may be oedematous
repaired using a continuous 3/0 polydioxanone suture.
secondary to trauma or overenthusiastic fluid resus-
citation, and suturing or stapling is then technically
Pitfall difficult.
In all penetrating injuries in which a hole is found on the In wounds caused by small penetrating missiles, for
anterior surface of the stomach, it is important to seek example with a shotgun, it is easy to miss multiple holes,
the corresponding hole on the posterior wall of the stom- which are often less than 2mm in diameter. It is recom-
ach. If this cannot be found, enlarge the anterior hole and mended that, in these cases, the bowel be passed through
inspect the stomach from within: penetrating holes gen- a bowl of water, so that any air leak will show itself as
erally go in pairs one in, one out. bubbles. All such injuries should be reinspected at 3648
The duodenum must be carefully inspected from the hours, and the procedure repeated.
pylorus to the ligament of Treitz. If there is a haematoma
on the duodenum, it is necessary to perform a Kocher
manoeuvre and inspect the posterior surface of the 7.2.3Large bowel
An odd number of bowel enterotomies should prompt stable patient
a second look for missed injury.
For colonic injuries, indications for colostomy are still
debated. Time from injury, haemodynamic status, co-
morbid conditions and degree of contamination will
7.2.2Small bowel
influence the decision. More primary repairs/primary
anastomoses are being performed, with fewer colosto- stable patient mies. When there are multiple small and large bowel lac-
erations, a protective ileostomy can be helpful.
Small bowel injuries should be closed, with primary With rectal injuries, primary repair should be con-
repair or resection and primary anastomosis as appropri- sidered for intraperitoneal injuries and extraperitoneal
ate. Consider one resection and anastomosis when several injuries that can be mobilized. A proximal diverting colos-
wounds are localized close to each other. Be mindful, how- tomy (often a loop sigmoidostomy) is indicated in more
ever, that bowel should be preserved wherever possible. extensive rectal injuries and when repair is impossible.
There is no indication for routine presacral drains or
distal wash-out. unstable patient
In patients with complex abdominal injuries, peritoneal
The first priority is haemorrhage control. If the patient is soiling is of secondary importance to haemorrhage con-
haemodynamically unstable, damage control is likely, and trol. Once haemorrhage has been controlled, devascular-
bowel injuries should be treated using damage control ized areas accompanying deep injuries should be resected.
104 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
No stomas should be performed in the unstable patient Practice management guidelines for prophylactic anti-
as this prolongs the surgical time and may make things biotic use in penetrating abdominal trauma are given in
more complex in the presence of competing injury. Table 7.4.
Table 7.3 Evidence-based recommendations for the management of penetrating injuries of the colon7
Level I There are sufficient class I and class II data to support a standard of primary repair for non-destructive (involvement of <50% of the
bowel wall without devascularization) colon wounds in the absence of peritonitis
Patients with penetrating intraperitoneal colon wounds that are destructive (involvement of >50% of the bowel wall or devascularization
of a bowel segment) can undergo resection and primary anastomosis if they:
Are haemodynamically stable without evidence of shock (sustained pre- or intraoperative hypotension as defined by a systolic blood
pressure <90mmHg)
Have no significant underlying disease
Have minimal associated injuries (Penetrating Abdominal Trauma Index <25, Injury Severity Score <25, Flint grade <11)
Have no peritonitis
Level II Patients with shock, underlying disease, significant associated injuries or peritonitis should have destructive colon wounds managed by
resection and colostomy
Colostomies performed following colon and rectal trauma can be closed within 2 weeks if a contrast enema examination is performed to
confirm distal colon healing. This recommendation pertains to patients who do not have non-healing bowel injury or unresolved wound
sepsis, and are not unstable
A barium enema should not be performed to rule out colon cancer or polyps prior to colostomy closure for trauma in patients who
otherwise have no indications for being at risk of colon cancer and/or polyps
Table 7.4 Practice management guidelines for prophylactic antibiotic use in penetrating abdominal trauma
Level I There are sufficient class I and II data to recommend a single preoperative dose of prophylactic antibiotics with broad-spectrum aerobic
and anaerobic coverage as a standard of care for trauma patients sustaining penetrating abdominal wounds. Absence of a hollow viscus
injury requires no further administration
Level II There are sufficient class I and class II data to recommend continuation of prophylactic antibiotics for only 24 hours in the presence of
injury to any hollow viscus
Level III There are insufficient clinical data to provide meaningful guidelines for reducing infectious risks in trauma patients with hemorrhagic
shock. Vasoconstriction alters the normal distribution of antibiotics, resulting in reduced tissue penetration. To circumvent this problem,
the administered dose may be increased two- or threefold and repeated after every 10th unit of blood product transfusion until there is
no further blood loss. Once haemodynamic stability has been achieved, antibiotics with excellent activity against obligate and facultative
anaerobic bacteria should be continued for periods that depend on the degree of wound contamination. Aminoglycosides have been
demonstrated to exhibit suboptimal activity in patients with serious injury, probably due to altered pharmacokinetics of drug distribution
The abdomen | 105
7.3The liver and biliary system Consider damage control and packing early before the coagu-
lopathy becomes established.
7.3.1 Overview
Although most injuries to the liver do not require surgical
intervention, management of severe hepatic lesions can be Haemodynamically stable patients without signs of peri-
a devastating experience. tonitis or other indication for operation are generally
Management of hepatic trauma demands a working managed non-operatively.
knowledge of the anatomy of the liver, including the Haemodynamically unstable patients with liver injuries
arterial supply, portal venous supply and hepatic venous require surgical exploration to achieve haemostasis and
drainage. Knowledge of the hepatic anatomy is important, exclude other sources of bleeding. The patient in whom
as its understanding helps to explain some of the patterns a surgical approach is decided upon or is mandated by
of injury following blunt trauma. In addition, there are haemodynamic instability should be transferred to the
differences in tissue elasticity that also determine injury operating room as rapidly as possible after the following
patterns. Segmental anatomical resection has been well have been completed:
documented but is usually not applicable to trauma.
Emergency airway or ventilatory management if
The forces from blunt injury are usually direct compres-
sive forces or shear forces. The elastic tissue within arterial
Establishment of adequate upper limb large-
blood vessels makes them less susceptible to tearing than
bore vascular access and initiation of crystalloid
any other structures within the liver. Venous and biliary
ductal tissue is moderately resistant to shear forces, whereas
Initiation of the massive haemorrhage (massive
the liver parenchyma is the least resistant of all. Thus, frac-
transfusion) protocol if appropriate.
tures within the liver parenchyma tend to occur along seg-
mental fissures or directly in the parenchyma. This causes Appropriate decision-making is critical to a good outcome. As a
shearing of branches lateral to the major hepatic and por- general rule, the simplest, quickest technique that can restore hae-
tal veins. With severe deceleration injury, the origin of the mostasis is the most appropriate. Once the patient is cold, coagu-
short retrohepatic veins may be ripped from the vena cava, lopathic and in irreversible shock, the battle has usually been lost.
causing devastating haemorrhage. Similarly, the small Consider early damage control surgery if appropriate.
branches from the caudate lobe entering directly into the
vena cava are at high risk for shearing with linear tears on
the caval surface. 7.3.3Diagnosis
Direct compressive forces usually cause tearing between
segmental fissures in an anteroposterior orientation. Surgery should not be delayed by multiple emergency
Horizontal fracture lines into the parenchyma give the department procedures, such as limb X-rays, unneces-
characteristic burst pattern to such liver injuries. If the sary ultrasonography and vascular access procedures.
fracture lines are parallel, these have been dubbed bear Computed tomography (CT) scanning of the brain should
claw-type injuries and probably represent where the ribs be delayed until the patient is stable. The anaesthesio
have been compressed directly into the parenchyma. This logist can continue resuscitation in the operating room.
can cause massive haemorrhage if there is direct extension In patients with blunt trauma, there may be an absence
or continuity with the peritoneal cavity. of clear clinical signs, such as rigidity, distension or unsta-
The diagnosis of hepatic trauma preoperatively may be ble vital signs. Up to 40 per cent of patients with signifi-
difficult (as blood itself is not an irritant). The liver is at risk cant haemoperitoneum have no obvious signs. Focused
of damage in any penetrating trauma to the upper abdomen abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) may be par-
and lower thorax, especially of the right upper quadrant. ticularly useful in the setting of blunt injury and haemo-
Appropriate decision-making is critical to a good out- dynamic instability, since the presence of free fluid in the
come. As a general rule, the simplest, quickest technique abdominal cavity will influence the need for operation.
that can restore haemostasis is the most appropriate. With a haemodynamically stable patient, CT scanning is
Once the patient is cold, coagulopathic and in irreversible an invaluable diagnostic aid and allows the surgeon to
shock, the battle has usually been lost. make decisions on the need for embolization or operative
106 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
management. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage in the blunt haematomas, and VI representing avulsion of the liver
trauma setting may also be quite useful, particularly when from the vena cava. Isolated injuries that are not extensive
CT support services are inadequate or unavailable. (grades IIII) are usually managed non-operatively; how-
The purpose of diagnostic investigation in the stable ever, extensive parenchymal injuries and those involving
patient is to help identify those patients who can be safely the juxtahepatic veins (grades IV and V) may require com-
managed non-operatively, to assist decision-making in plex manoeuvres for successful treatment. Hepatic avul-
non-operative management, and to act as a baseline for sion (grade VI) is usually lethal.
comparison in future imaging studies. Accurate, good-
quality, contrast-enhanced CT scanning has enhanced
our ability to make an accurate diagnosis of liver injuries. 7.3.5 Management
Penetrating wounds of the liver usually do not present
a diagnostic problem, as most surgeons would advo- Traditionally, discussion of liver injuries differentiates
cate exploration of any wound in the unstable patient. between those arising from blunt and those arising from
Peritoneal lavage as a diagnostic tool in penetrating penetrating trauma. Most stab wounds cause relatively
trauma has been misleading. Computed tomography minor liver injury unless a critical structure, such as the
scans using contrast are not routinely advocated for pen- hepatic vein, the intrahepatic cava or the portal struc-
etrating injuries but can be useful, especially to deline- tures, are injured. In contrast, gunshot wounds, particu-
ate vascular viability, and to assist with the decision of larly high-energy injuries, can be quite devastating, as can
whether to treat the injury non-operatively, with or with- shotgun blasts. Twenty five per cent of penetrating inju-
out embolization, or by conservation or resection. ries to the liver can be managed non-operatively. Injuries
Penetrating wounds of the liver in the stable patient from severe blunt trauma continue to be the most chal-
can be managed non-operatively, but should be followed lenging for the surgeon.
closely because of the risk of bile leakage. Richardson and co-workers managed approximately
1200 blunt hepatic injuries over a 25-year period.9 Non-
operative management was used in up to 80 per cent of
7.3.4Liver injury scale cases. The rate of death secondary to injury dropped from
8 per cent to 2 per cent.
The American Association for the Surgery of Traumas
Committee on Organ Injury Scaling has developed a grad- management10,11
ing system for classifying injuries to the liver (Table 7.5).
Hepatic injuries are graded on a scale of I to VI, with I Nearly all children and 5080 per cent of adults with blunt
representing superficial lacerations and small subcapsular hepatic injuries can be treated without a laparotomy. This
Table 7.5 Liver injury scale (see also Appendix B, Trauma scores and scoring systems)
III Haematoma Subcapsular, >50% surface area of ruptured subcapsular or parenchymal haematoma; intraparenchymal haematoma
>10cm or expanding 3cm parenchymal depth
Laceration Parenchymal disruption involving 2575% hepatic lobe or 13 Couinauds segments
IV Laceration Parenchymal disruption involving >75% of hepatic lobe or >3 Couinauds segments within a single lobe
V Vascular Juxtahepatic venous injuries; i.e. retrohepatic vena cava/central major hepatic veins
change in approach has been occasioned by the increasing and even if the liver is not the highest priority, temporary
availability of rapid ultrasound, helical CT scanning and control of hepatic bleeding allows repair of other injuries
the development of interventional radiology. without unnecessary blood loss. This can be done by:
The primary requirement for non-operative therapy is
Perihepatic packing
haemodynamic stability. To confirm stability, frequent
Pringle manoeuvre
assessment of vital signs and monitoring of the hae-
Tourniquet or liver clamp application
matocrit are necessary, in association with CT scans as
Electrocautery or argon beam coagulator
required. Continued haemorrhage occurs in 14 per cent
Haemostatic agents and glues
of patients. Hypotension may develop, usually within the
Hepatic suture.
first 24 hours after hepatic injury, but sometimes several
days later.
The presence of extravasation of contrast on CT denotes
arterial haemorrhage. There should be a low threshold for
The patient is placed in the supine position.
the performance of diagnostic and/or therapeutic angiog-
raphy with embolization. Otherwise, operative interven- Warming devices are placed around the upper body
tion will become necessary in these patients. and lower limbs.
A persistently falling haematocrit should be treated The chest and abdomen are surgically prepared and
with packed red blood cell transfusions. If the haema- draped.
tocrit continues to fall after 2 or 3 units of packed red The instruments necessary to extend the incision into
blood cells, embolization in the interventional radiology a sternotomy or thoracotomy must be available.
suite should be considered. A generous midline incision from pubis to
xiphisternum is the minimum incision required.
For the patient in extremis, a combined sternotomy Operative (surgical) management
and midline laparotomy approach is recommended
Most injuries requiring surgical intervention are managed from the outset in order to allow access for internal
simply by evacuating the free intraperitoneal blood and cardiac massage and vena caval vascular control.
washing out the peritoneal cavity; some will require drain- Supradiaphragmatic intrapericardial inferior vena
age of the injury because of a possible bile leak. However, caval control is often easier than abdominal control
25 per cent of liver injuries requiring surgical intervention adjacent to a severe injury.
require direct control of more major hepatic bleeding. An Omni-Tract- or Bookwalter-type automatic
Most bleeding from hepatic injury is venous in nature, retractor greatly facilitates access.
and therefore can be controlled by direct compression
and liver packs. Tissue sealants may be a useful adjunct.12 actions
Caution must be exercised since bile within the peritoneal
cavity is not always well tolerated, and suction drainage Once the abdomen has been opened, intraperitoneal
should be routine in these patients. blood is evacuated, bleeding is controlled, and if there is
evidence of hepatic bleeding, the liver should be initially
packed and the abdomen rapidly examined to exclude ext-
7.3.6Surgical approach rahepatic sites of blood loss. Autotransfusion should be
considered. Once the anaesthetist has had an opportunity
During treatment of a major hepatic injury, ongo- to restore intravascular volume and haemostasis has been
ing haemorrhage may pose an immediate threat to the achieved for any extrahepatic injury, the liver injury then
patients life, and temporary control will give the anaes- can be approached.
thesiologist time to restore the circulating volume before If the lesion has ceased bleeding, nothing more needs
further blood loss occurs. This is best achieved in the first to done in most cases, and above all the non-bleeding
instance by direct manual compression of the liver. The lesion should not be explored further. If further surgery
goal is to try to restore the normal anatomy by manual is required, adequate exposure and mobilization of the
compression and then maintain it with packing. liver are necessary. Most injuries do not require formal
Additionally, multiple bleeding sites beyond the liver mobilization of the injured lobe to permit repair or
are common with both blunt and penetrating trauma, packing.
108 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care for temporary control of haemorrhage from the left lobe can be controlled by
haemorrhage dividing the left triangular and coronary ligaments, and
Perihepatic packing compressing the lobe between the hands.
Tract tamponade balloons There are several key factors for success:
Tractotomy and direct suture ligation Use dry abdominal swabs. Wet swabs are less
Mesh wrap absorbent, and exacerbate hypothermia.
Hepatic artery ligation Use the swabs folded as it is easier to layer them for
Hepatic vascular isolation even pressure.
Techniques to control retrohepatic caval bleeding: Ensure that they have radio-opaque markers included
Atriocaval shunt in their manufacture.
MoorePilcher balloon Do not cover them with plastic as they will not hold
Venovenous bypass. their position.
Ongoing bleeding despite initial packing mandates
Perihepatic packing repacking or other haemostatic procedure, and
consideration of embolization.
The philosophy of packing has altered, and packs are used
primarily to restore the anatomical relationship of the During the period of time that the packs are placed, it is
components, and secondarily to act as compressive agent. important to establish more intravenous access lines and
Packs for a liver wound should not be placed within the other monitoring devices as needed. Hypothermia should
wound itself. be anticipated, and corrective measures taken. After
Liver packing can also be a definitive treatment, partic- haemodynamic stability has been achieved, the packs
ularly when there is bilobar injury, or can simply buy time are removed, and the injury to the liver rapidly assessed.
if the patient develops a coagulopathy or hypothermia, or Control of haemorrhage is the first consideration, fol-
there are no blood resources. Liver packing is the method lowed by control of contamination. If the bleeding has
of choice where expertise in more sophisticated tech- stopped, nothing further may be required.
niques is not available. If packing is successful, and the If in doubt, apply damage control techniques, with
bleeding is controlled, no further action may be required. definitive packing of the liver:
Packing is initially performed using large flat abdomi-
Consider angiography and embolization with damage
nal packs, placed laterally, inferiorly, medially and around
control surgery.
the liver. Perihepatic packing, with careful placement of
Packs should preferably be removed within
packs, is capable of controlling haemorrhage from almost
all hepatic venous injuries. If necessary, the liver can be
The packs should be carefully removed to avoid
mobilized by division of the hepatic ligaments (see below).
precipitating further bleeding.
Packs must not be forced into any splits or fractures as this
If there is no bleeding, the packs can be left out, and
increases the damage and encourages haemorrhage.
adequate drainage established.
Additional packs may be placed between the liver and
Necrotic tissue should be resected where possible.
the diaphragm, posteriorly and laterally, and between the
liver and the anterior chest wall, until the bleeding has Two complications may be encountered with the pack-
been controlled. There is no benefit in placing multiple ing of hepatic injuries. First, tight packing compresses the
packs between the dome of the liver and the diaphragm, inferior vena cava, decreases venous return and reduces
which will only have the effect of raising the diaphragm. right ventricular filling; hypovolaemic patients may not
The liver should not be packed backwards as compres- tolerate the resultant decrease in cardiac output. Second,
sion of the vena cava will reduce venous return. Several perihepatic packing forces the right diaphragm to move
packs may be required to control the haemorrhage from superiorly and impairs its motion; this may lead to
an extensive right lobar injury. The minimum number of increased airway pressures and decreased tidal volume.
packs to achieve haemostasis should be used. If compression and packing is unsuccessful, it will be
Packing is not as effective for injuries of the left lobe necessary to achieve direct access to the bleeding vessel and
because, with the abdomen open, there is insufficient direct suture ligation. This will often necessitate extension
abdominal and thoracic wall anterior to the left lobe of the wound to gain access and view the bleeding point.
to provide adequate countercompression. Fortunately, During this direct access, bleeding can be temporarily
The abdomen | 109
Mesh wrap positioned and inflated, it occludes the hepatic veins and
A technique that may be attempted if packing fails is to the vena cava, thus achieving vascular isolation. The cath-
wrap the injured portion of the liver with a fine porous eter itself is hollow, and appropriately placed holes below
material (e.g. polyglycolic acid mesh) after the injured the balloon permit blood to flow into the right atrium,
lobe has been mobilized. Using a continuous suture or a in much the same way as with the atriocaval shunt. At
linear stapler, the surgeon constructs a tight-fitting stock- present, the survival rate for patients with juxtahepatic
ing that encloses the injured lobe. Blood clots beneath the venous injuries who are treated with this device is similar
mesh, which results in tamponade of the hepatic injury. It to that for patients treated with the atriocaval shunt i.e.
is best to secure this mesh to the falciform ligament once only occasional survivors have been reported.
full mobilization has been completed, in order to keep the
mesh wrap from stripping off the liver. Hepatic isolation
Hepatic vascular isolation is accomplished by execut-
Hepatic resection ing a Pringle manoeuvre, clamping the aorta at the dia-
phragm and clamping the inferior vena cava above the right
In elective circumstances, anatomical resection produces
kidney (suprarenal) and above the liver (suprahepatic). The
good results, but in the uncontrolled circumstances of
technique is not straightforward, and is best achieved
trauma, mortality has been recorded in excess of 50 per
by those experienced in its use. In patients scheduled for
cent. Resection should be reserved for patients with:
elective procedures, this technique has enjoyed nearly
Extensive injuries of the lateral segments of the left uniform success, but in trauma patients, the results have
lobe where bimanual compression is possible been disappointing. The time limit for isolation is about
Delayed lobectomy in patients in whom packing 30 minutes.
initially controls the haemorrhage, but there is a
segment of the liver that is non-viable Haemostatic agents and glues
Almost free segments of liver
Fibrin adhesive has been used in treating both superficial
Devitalized liver at the time of pack removal.
and deep lacerations, and appears to be the most effective
topical agent (see also Section, Specific applica-
Hepatic shunts14 tions). Some adhesives are suitable for injection deep into
The atriocaval shunt was designed to achieve hepatic vas- bleeding gunshot and stab wound tracts to prevent exten-
cular isolation while still permitting some venous blood sive dissection and blood loss. Others are more suitable for
from below the diaphragm to flow through the shunt into surface application. Fibrin adhesives are made by mixing
the right atrium. concentrated human fibrinogen (cryoprecipitate) with a
A 9mm endotracheal tube with an additional side hole solution containing bovine thrombin and calcium.
cut into it (for return of blood into the right atrium) is
introduced into the auricular appendage via a hole sur- Mobilization of the liver
rounded by a purse-string suture. The tube is passed into
the inferior vena cava, and passed caudally so that the end In general, and for most injuries, it is not necessary to
of the tube lies infrahepatically, below the intrahepatic mobilize the liver; injuries can be dealt with without
liver damage. The cuff is then inflated. Blood passes into resorting to full mobilization. However, in some situa-
the tube from below, and exits into the right atrium. The tions, particularly with injury to the superior or posterior
top of the tube is kept clamped (or can be used for addi- aspects, mobilization is a useful adjunct.
tional blood transfusion). The suprahepatic inferior vena Access to the right lobe of the liver is restricted due
cava should be looped in order to prevent back-bleeding to the right subcostal margin and the posterior attach-
down the inferior vena cava. Hepatic isolation is then ments. The costal margin should be elevated, initially
completed with a Pringles manoeuvre. with a Morris retractor, and then with a Kelly or Deaver
Care must be taken to avoid damage to the integral retractor. The right triangular and coronary ligaments
inflation channel for the balloon. An alternative to the are divided with scissors. This can usually be done under
atriocaval shunt is the MoorePilcher balloon. This device vision, but in the larger subject it can be accomplished
is inserted through the femoral vein and advanced into blindly from the patients left side. The superior coronary
the retrohepatic vena cava. When the balloon is properly ligament is divided, avoiding the lateral wall of the right
The abdomen | 111
hepatic vein. The inferior coronary ligament is divided, Regardless of how the lesion is diagnosed, subsequent
taking care not to injure the right adrenal gland (which is decision-making is often difficult. If a grade I or II subcap-
vulnerable because it lies directly beneath the peritoneal sular haematoma (i.e. a haematoma involving less than 50
reflection) or the retrohepatic vena cava. When the liga- per cent of the surface of the liver that is not expanding
ments have been divided, the right lobe of the liver can be and is not ruptured) is discovered during an exploratory
rotated medially into the surgical field. A sudden onset or laparotomy, it should be left alone. If the haematoma
aggravation of bleeding during mobilization of the right is explored, hepatotomy with selective ligation may be
liver attests to hepatic vein or retrohepatic caval injury required to control bleeding vessels. Even if hepatotomy
and mandates immediate replacement of the mobilized with ligation is effective, one must still contend with dif-
liver and damage control packing. fuse haemorrhage from the large denuded surface, and
The left lobe can be easily mobilized by dividing the left packing may also be required.
triangular ligament under vision, avoiding injury to the A haematoma that is expanding during operation
left inferior phrenic vein and the left hepatic vein. (grade III) may have to be explored. Such lesions are often
In the event of a retrohepatic haematoma being evident, the result of uncontrolled arterial haemorrhage, and pack-
rotation of the right lobe of the liver should be avoided ing alone may not be successful. An alternative strategy is
unless strong indications are present and adequate exper- to pack the liver to control venous haemorrhage, close the
tise is available. Packing and transport to a higher level abdomen and transport the patient to the interventional
centre may be a safer option. radiology suite for hepatic arteriography and emboliza-
If exposure of the junction of the hepatic veins and the tion of the bleeding vessels. Ruptured grades III and IV
retrohepatic vena cava is necessary, the midline abdomi- haematomas are treated with exploration and selective
nal incision can be extended by means of a median ster- ligation, with or without packing.
notomy or a lateral subcostal extension. The pericardium
and the diaphragm then can be divided in the direction of
the inferior vena cava. 7.3.7Complications
develop more often in patients with penetrating inju- 7.3.8Injury to the retrohepatic vena cava
ries than in patients with blunt injuries, presumably
because of the greater frequency of enteric contamina- Approximately 2 per cent of all liver injuries are complex
tion. An elevated temperature and a rising white blood and represent injuries to major hepatic venous structures,
cell count should prompt a search for intra-abdominal the portal triad or the intrahepatic cava, injuries that are
infection. In the absence of pneumonia, an infected line bilobar, or injuries that are difficult to control because of
or urinary tract infection, an abdominal CT scan with hypothermia and coagulopathy. Injuries to the hepatic
intravenous and upper gastrointestinal contrast should vein or retrohepatic cava can be approached in the follow-
be obtained. ing ways:
Many perihepatic infections (but not necrotic liver) can
Direct compression and definitive repair
be treated with CT- or ultrasound-guided drainage. In
Intracaval shunting
refractory cases, especially for posterior infections, right
Temporary clamping of the porta hepatis, suprarenal
12th rib resection remains an excellent approach.
cava and suprahepatic cava (vascular isolation)
Bilomas are loculated collections of bile that may
Venovenous bypass
become infected. They are best drained percutaneously
under radiological guidance. If a biloma is infected, it
should be treated as an abscess; if it is sterile, it will even- Direct compression and control of hepatic venous
tually be resorbed. injuries can be accomplished in some patients. Major
Biliary ascites is caused by disruption of a major bile liver injury requires manual compression and simultane-
duct, and requires reoperation and the establishment of ous medial rotation and retraction a difficult manoeu-
appropriate drainage. Even if the source of the leaking bile vre. In such a situation, the most senior surgeon should
can be identified, primary repair of the injured duct can be the one doing the direct compression, and the assist-
be difficult to achieve. It is best to wait until a firm fistu- ant should do the actual suturing of the hepatic vein or
lous communication is established with adequate drain- cava.
age. Adjunctive, transduodenal drainage by endoscopic The intracaval shunt has been maligned because only
retrograde cholangiopancreatography and papillotomy 2535 per cent of these patients survive their injury, and
(ductotomy), or stent placement, has recently been shown the subsequent surgery. Usually this is due to using the
to be of benefit in selected cases. device late in the course of treatment when the patient
Biliary fistulas occur in up to 15 per cent of patients has already developed coagulopathy and is premorbid.
with major hepatic injuries. They are usually of little Any decision to use a shunt should be made early, ide-
consequence and generally close without specific treat- ally prior to massive transfusion. However, in many cases,
ment. In rare instances, a fistulous communication with especially with blunt injury, packing the liver against the
intrathoracic structures forms in patients with associated cava secures haemostasis as part of damage control, and
diaphragmatic injuries, resulting in a bronchobiliary or the definitive care can take place later.
pleurobiliary fistula. Because of the pressure differential Hepatic vascular isolation, by clamping of the porta
between the biliary tract and the thoracic cavity, most of hepatis, suprarenal cava and suprahepatic cava, can be
these fistulas must be closed operatively. done on a temporary basis. This requires considerable
Haemorrhage from hepatic injuries is often treated experience on the part of the anaesthesiologist, and a sur-
without identifying and controlling each bleeding vessel geon capable of dealing with the problems rapidly.
individually, and arterial pseudoaneurysms may develop Venovenous bypass has been used successfully in liver
as a consequence. As the pseudoaneurysm enlarges, it may transplant surgery and, with new heparin-free pumps and
rupture into the parenchyma of the liver, into a bile duct tubing, it is possible to use this in the trauma patient.
or into an adjacent branch of the portal vein. Rupture into In some patients who have bilobar injuries with exten-
a bile duct results in haemobilia, which is characterized by sive bleeding, or in patients who have developed coagulop-
intermittent episodes of right upper quadrant pain, upper athy secondary to massive transfusions and hypothermia,
gastrointestinal haemorrhage and jaundice; rupture into it may be prudent to institute damage control procedures
a portal vein may result in portal vein hypertension with and return to surgery when physiological stability has
bleeding varices. Both of these complications are exceed- been obtained. Packing may often be used as definitive
ingly rare and are best managed with hepatic arteriogra- treatment. Vicryl mesh and omental pedicles also have
phy and embolization. been advocated in controlling severe lacerations.
The abdomen | 113
Injuries to the porta hepatis also can be exsanguinat- is recommended. An adjunctive measure is to bring the
ing. Right and left hepatic arteries can usually be man- roux-en-Y end to the subcutaneous tissue so that access
aged by simple ligation, as can injuries to the common can be gained later if a stricture develops. Percutaneous
hepatic artery. intubation of the roux-en-Y limb is then possible, with
Injuries to the left or right portal vein can be ligated. dilatation of the anastomosis.
Ligation of the portal vein has been reported to be suc- Treatment of injuries to the left or right hepatic duct is
cessful, but repair is recommended whenever possible. even more difficult. If only one hepatic duct is injured, a
The options for retrohepatic vein and vena cava injuries reasonable approach is to ligate it and deal with any infec-
include direct compression and extension of the lacera- tions or atrophy of the lobe rather than to attempt repair.
tion as mentioned above, atrial caval shunt, non-shunt If both ducts are injured, each should be intubated with
isolation (Heaney technique) and venovenous bypass. a small catheter brought through the abdominal wall.
Liver packing also can be definitive treatment, particu- Once the patient has recovered sufficiently, delayed repair
larly when there is bilobar injury, or it can simply buy is performed under elective conditions with a roux-en-Y
time if the patient develops a coagulopathy or hypother- hepatojejunostomy.
mia, or there are no blood resources. Liver packing is the
method of choice where expertise in more sophisticated
techniques is not available, or when it is therapeutic in 7.4The spleen
controlling the bleeding.
Packing should be removed in the standard damage 7.4.1 Overview
control sequence (when the patient is warm and appro-
priately transfused, and haemodynamic and respiratory The conventional management of splenic injury used to
parameters have been normalized). It is recommended be splenectomy. However, stimulated by the success of
that lateral and medial suction drains be placed after non-operative management (NOM) in children and the
packs have been removed, as biliary leak is relatively recognition of the importance of splenic function, there
common. has been a shift in strategy. Today, the management of
splenic injury should rely primarily on the haemodynamic
status of the patient on presentation, although splenic
7.3.9Injury to the bile ducts and gallbladder injury grade, patient age, associated injuries and institu-
tional specific resources must be taken into consideration.
Injuries to the extrahepatic bile ducts, although rare, can
be caused by either penetrating or blunt trauma. The
diagnosis is usually made by noting the accumulation of 7.4.2Anatomy
bile in the upper quadrant during laparotomy for treat-
ment of associated injuries. The splenic artery, a branch of the coeliac axis, provides
Bile duct injuries can be divided into those below the the principal blood supply to the spleen. The artery gives
confluence of the cystic duct and common duct and those rise to a superior polar artery, from which the short gas-
above the cystic duct. Treatment of common bile duct tric arteries arise. The splenic artery also gives rise to supe-
injuries after external trauma is complicated by the small rior and inferior terminal branches that enter the splenic
size and thin wall of the normal duct. hilum. The artery and the splenic vein are embedded in
For lower ductal injuries (those injuries below the cystic the superior border of the pancreas.
duct), when the tissue loss is minimal, the lesion can be Three avascular splenic suspensory ligaments maintain
closed over a T-tube (as with exploration of the common the intimate association between the spleen and the dia-
bile duct for stones). A choledochoduodenostomy can be phragm (splenophrenic ligament), left kidney (lienorenal/
performed if the duodenum has not been injured. If the splenorenal ligament) and splenic flexure of the colon
duodenum has been injured or there is tissue loss, since (splenocolic ligament). The gastrosplenic ligament con-
the common duct is invariably small, a modification of tains the short gastric arteries.
the Carrel patch can be utilized. These attachments place the spleen at risk of avulsion
In higher ductal injuries, between the confluence of the during rapid deceleration. The spleen is also relatively
cystic duct and the common duct and the hepatic paren- delicate and can be damaged by impact from the over
chyma, a hepaticojejunostomy with an internal splint lying ribs.
114 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
Table 7.6 Splenic injury scale (see also Appendix B, Trauma scores and scoring systems)
for intervention. Associated injuries must be excluded on The spleen is gently pulled upwards and medially, and
admission.15 However, there is less evidence to support the lienorenal and lienocolic ligaments are divided.
the use of serial CT scans, without clinical indications, to The spleen is then gently pulled downwards, and the
monitor progress.16 lienophrenic ligaments are divided with scissors, close
Angiography with embolization, if available, is a useful to the spleen, between the spleen and the diaphragm.
adjunct to NOM.17,18 The indications include evidence of The short gastric vessels between the greater curvature
ongoing bleeding with a significant drop in haemoglobin of the stomach and the spleen must be divided
level and tachycardia, or contrast extravasation outside between ligatures. These vessels must be divided away
or within the spleen on CT as well as formation of a from the greater curvature, as there is a danger of
pseudoaneurysm. avascular necrosis of the stomach if they are divided
There is no evidence that bed rest or restricted activity too close to the stomach itself.
is beneficial. The spleen is pulled forward, and several packs can be
placed in the splenic bed to hold it forward so that it Operative management can be inspected.
If a patient with splenic injury is haemodynamically unsta- In the presence of other competing major injuries, if
ble, operative treatment is necessary. Although splenic there is haemodynamic instability or if the spleen has sus-
preservation is desirable, most patients who require an tained damage at the hilum, a routine splenectomy should
operation due to splenic bleeding will have a splenectomy be carried out. In the stable patient and in the absence
performed. of other life-threatening injuries, a partial splenectomy
Non-operative management is generally contraindi- or the use of local haemostatic agents should be consid-
cated and open surgical intervention is indicated19 when ered. In the stable patient and in the absence of other
there is: life-threatening injuries, splenic preservation should be
Haemodynamic instability
Risk of concurrent abdominal hollow organ injury, or
associated intra-abdominal injury requiring surgery not actively bleeding
Evidence of continued splenic haemorrhage If not actively bleeding, the spleen can be left alone.
Replacement of greater than 50 per cent of the
patients blood volume
Age over 55 years. surface bleed only
These bleeds will usually stop with a combination of
7.4.6Surgical approach manual compression, packing, diathermy, argon beam or
fibrin adhesives in combination with collagen fleece.
Access to the spleen in trauma is best performed via
a long midline incision. When indicated, the spleen is Minor lacerations
mobilized under direct vision. In paediatric patients, a
midline incision should also be used, rather than a sub- These may be sutured using absorbable sutures, with or
costal incision, since there is better access to the entire without Teflon pledgets. Suturing is time-consuming and
abdominal cavity if there is injury to other intra-abdom- mostly not helpful in trauma patients. The superficial lac-
inal structures. erations are best treated with fibrin adhesive and collagen
The spleen is best approached by a surgeon standing tamponade. These measures are best taken at the begin-
on the patients right-hand side. The spleen is mobilized ning of the operation and the spleen packed; upon com-
under direct vision. Great care and gentle handling are pletion of the operation, the pack can be removed without
necessary to avoid pulling on the spleen, avulsing the cap- displacing the collagen fleece.
sule, and making a minor injury worse and stripping the
capsule off the lower pole. tears
Medial traction by the operators non-dominant hand
will give access to the lienophrenic, lienorenal and lieno- If the lacerations are deep and involve both the concave
colic ligaments. and convex surfaces, the spleen is best and most effectively
116 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
preserved with a mesh splenorrhaphy. If the lacerations of avascular necrosis of the wall of greater curvature of the
involve only one pole or one half of the organ, the respec- stomach. The posterior approach, more expedient, entails
tive vessels should be ligated, and a partial splenectomy manual mobilization and rotation of the spleen medially,
performed. after opening the peritoneum lateral to the convex surface
of the spleen. Care must be taken to avoid injuring the
tail of the pancreas, which lies very close to the hilum of Mesh wrap
the spleen.
If the spleen is viable, it can be wrapped in an absorbable
mesh to tamponade the bleeding.
The prerequisite for mesh splenorrhaphy is complete
mobilization and elevation of the spleen. An absorbable The splenic bed is not routinely drained after splenectomy.
mesh should be chosen (e.g. Vicryl). There are meshes that If the tail of the pancreas has been damaged, a closed suc-
already include two or three purse-string sutures and can tion drain should be placed in the area affected.
be used according to the size of the spleen. If one wants
to make ones own purse-string pouch, it is advantageous
to make an impression of the spleen and then to stitch 7.4.7Complications
in a circle exactly on the edges, using absorbable suture
material. It is extremely important that the pouch should Delayed splenic rupture:20 this is probably not
be slightly smaller than the spleen, so that the suture lies delayed but contained
on the acute and obtuse margin when it has been pulled Left upper quadrant haematoma
taut. The mesh is pulled laterally over the spleen like a Pancreatitis
headscarf; the suture is tied on the hilar side but with- Pleural effusion
out compressing the hilum. Mild bleeding through the Pulmonary atelectasis
holes in the mesh can be stopped with collagen tampons Pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery
together with fibrin glue or, if possible, autologous fibrin. Splenic arteriovenous fistula
Subphrenic abscess Partial splenectomy Overwhelming post-splenectomy sepsis
Pancreatic injury/fistula/ascites.
This is rarely used in the trauma patient. Injuries involv-
ing only one pole of the spleen can be treated with partial
resection. Prior to resection, the spleen should be mobi-
7.4.8 Outcome
lized. Stapler resection makes organ conservation possible
in many cases, and it represents a valuable alternative to
A large number of publications support NOM in the
sutured partial splenectomy or splenorrhaphy. Its great-
haemodynamically stable patient.
est advantages are simplicity of use, the practicality of the
instrument itself and the reduction in time and blood NOM is becoming more routine, with a high success
transfusion. rate in haemodynamically stable patients.
The risk of delayed rebleeding of the spleen after
NOM is acceptably low, reportedly in the range of 18
per cent.
In the presence of other major injuries, with haemody- Pleural effusion, pulmonary atelectasis and
namic instability or if the spleen has sustained damage at pneumonia are not uncommon in patients treated
the hilum, a routine splenectomy should be carried out. either non-operatively or operatively.
Following careful mobilization of the spleen, the splenic Pseudoaneurysm development can be successfully
vessels (artery and vein) should be isolated and tied sepa- treated with embolization.
rately, as there is a small risk of subsequent arteriovenous Subphrenic abscess can be seen in patients treated
fistula formation. operatively, but may be treated by percutaneous
Access to the splenic pedicle can be anterior or poste- drainage.
rior. In the anterior approach, the short gastric vessels After splenectomy, there is a small but lifelong
must be ligated away from the stomach to avoid the risk risk of overwhelming post-splenectomy sepsis.
The abdomen | 117
Patients should be informed of the defect in their The surgeon must always be critically aware of the patients
immune system and be encouraged to keep their changing physiological state, and be prepared to forsake the techni-
pneumococcus and influenza immunizations current. cal challenge of definitive repair for life-saving damage control.
These patients are more susceptible to malaria than
the rest of the population.
7.5THE Pancreas The pancreas lies at the level of the pylorus and crosses
the first and second lumbar vertebrae. It is about 15cm
7.5.1 Overview long from the duodenum to the hilum of the spleen, 3cm
wide and up to 1.5cm thick. The head lies within the con-
Pancreatic and combined pancreaticoduodenal inju- cavity formed by the duodenum, with which it shares its
ries remain a dilemma for most surgeons and, despite blood supply through the pancreaticoduodenal arcades.
advances and complex technical solutions, they still carry The pancreas has an intimate anatomical relationship
a high morbidity and mortality. The increase particularly with the upper abdominal vessels. It overlies the inferior
in penetrating injuries, and the increase in wounding vena cava, the right renal vessels and the left renal vein.
energy from gunshots, has made the incidence of pancre- The uncinate process encircles the superior mesenteric
atic injury more common. Pancreatic injury must be sus- artery and vein, while the body covers the suprarenal
pected in all patients with abdominal injuries, even those aorta and left renal vessels. The tail is closely related to
who initially have few signs. Since the pancreas is retro- the splenic hilum and left kidney, and overlies the splenic
peritoneal, it usually does not present with peritonitis. It artery and vein, with the artery marking a tortuous path
requires a high level of suspicion and significant clinical at the superior border of the pancreas.
acumen, as well as aggressive radiographic imaging, to There are a number of named arterial branches to the
identify an injury early. head, body and tail that must be ligated in spleen-sparing
The pancreas and duodenum are difficult areas for procedures. Studies have shown that between seven and
surgical exposure and represent a major challenge for 10 branches of the splenic artery, and 13 to 22 branches of
the operating surgeon when these organs are substan- the splenic vein, run into the pancreas.
tially injured. Although the retroperitoneal location of
the pancreas means that it is commonly injured, it also
contributes to the difficulty in diagnosis as the organ is 7.5.3 Mechanisms of injury
concealed, and this often results in delay, with an attend-
ant increase in morbidity. trauma
Management varies from simple drainage to highly
challenging procedures depending on the severity, the The relatively protected location of the pancreas means
site of the injury and the integrity of the duct. Accurate that a high-energy force is required to damage it. Most
intraoperative investigation of the pancreatic duct will injuries result from motor vehicle accidents in which the
reduce the incidence of complications and dictate the energy of the impact is directed to the upper abdomen
correct operation. The position of the pancreas makes its epigastrium or hypochondrium commonly through
access and all procedures on it challenging. To compound the steering wheel of an automobile. This force results
this, pancreatic trauma is associated with a high incidence in crushing of the retroperitoneal structures against the
of injury to adjoining organs and major vascular struc- vertebral column, which can lead to a spectrum of injury
tures, which adds to the high morbidity and mortality.21 from contusion to complete transection of the body of
A review of the English language literature on pancreatic the pancreas.
trauma from 1970 to 2006 states, among other things,
that limited injuries affecting the head of the pancreas are Penetrating trauma
best managed by simple external drainage, even if there
is suspected pancreatic duct injury. Appropriate intraop- The rising incidence of penetrating trauma has increased
erative investigation of the pancreatic duct will reduce the risk of injury to the pancreas. A stab wound damages
the incidence of complications and dictate the correct tissue only along the track of the knife, but in gunshot
operation.22 wounds the passage of the missile and its pressure wave
118 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
will result in injury to a wider region. Consequently, the peritoneal lavage
pancreas and its duct must be fully assessed for damage
The retroperitoneal location of the pancreas renders diag-
in any penetrating wound that approaches the substance
nostic peritoneal lavage inaccurate in the prediction of
of the gland. Injuries to the pancreatic duct occur in 15
isolated pancreatic injury. However, the numerous associ-
per cent of cases of pancreatic trauma, and are usually a
ated injuries that may occur with pancreatic injury may
consequence of penetrating trauma.23
make the lavage diagnostic, and the pancreatic injury is
often found intraoperatively.
7.5.4Diagnosis tomography
The central retroperitoneal location of the pancreas
makes the investigation of pancreatic trauma a diagnos- Computed tomography scan has been advocated as the
tic challenge: the specific diagnosis is often not clear until best investigation for evaluation of the retroperitoneum.
laparotomy, especially if there are other life-threatening In a haemodynamically stable patient, CT scanning with
vascular and other intra-abdominal organ injuries. In contrast enhancement has a sensitivity and specificity as
recent years, there has been debate about the need to high as 80 per cent.29 However, particularly in the initial
accurately assess the integrity of the main pancreatic duct. phase, CT scanning may miss or underestimate the sever-
Bradley et al.24 showed that mortality and morbidity were ity of a pancreatic injury,30 so normal findings on the ini-
increased when recognition of ductal injury was delayed. tial scan do not exclude appreciable pancreatic injury, and
When these results are reviewed in conjunction with ear- a repeated scan in the light of continuing symptoms may
lier work25,26 that showed an increase in late complications improve its diagnostic ability.
if ductal injuries were missed, the importance of evaluat-
ing the duct is evident. retrograde cholangiopancreatography Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
The posterior position of the pancreas almost completely
masks it from diagnostic ultrasound. In conjunction with New software has opened up investigation of the pan-
its location, a post-traumatic ileus with loops of gas-filled creas and biliary system to magnetic resonance imaging
bowel will mask it even further, and assessment of the (MRI).31 However, to date, there has been little work done
pancreas is particularly difficult in obese patients. in pancreatic injuries.
The abdomen | 119
a parenchymal or ductal laceration.34 *Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
**The proximal pancreas is to the patients right of the superior mesenteric vein.
When pancreatic injury is suspected, extended explora- place a tube drain directly into the duct, both for drainage
tion of the whole organ is imperative. Parenchymal lac- and to allow easier isolation of the duct at the subsequent
erations that do not involve the pancreatic duct can be operation. The damage control laparotomy is followed
sutured when the tissue is not too soft and vulnerable. by a period of intensive care and continued aggressive
With or without the use of sutures, a worthwhile option resuscitation to correct physiological abnormalities and
in the treatment of such lacerations is fibrin sealing and restore reserve before the definitive procedure.
collagen tamponade, and adequate drainage is essential.
Contusion and parenchymal injuries Pancreatic injury: surgical decision-making Relatively minor pancreatic lacerations and contusions
(AAST grades I and II) comprise most injuries to the
When ductal injury to the body and/or the tail of the pan- pancreas. Nowak et al.42 showed that these require simple
creas is suspected, the best and safest treatment is resec- drainage and haemostasis, and this has become standard
tion. In the case of severe injuries, therapeutic options practice.43 There is, however, debate about whether the
range from drainage alone to Whipples procedure. The ideal drainage system is a closed suction system or an
latter is a rarely used option with a high incidence of mor- open pencil drain. Those in favour of suction drainage
bidity and mortality. A good, effective and safe option is claim that fewer intra-abdominal abscesses develop and
pyloric exclusion with drainage of the injured area. With that there is less skin excoriation44 with a closed suction
concomitant duodenal injuries, an additional duode- system.
nal tube is necessary. The results of all these treatment Suturing of parenchymal lesions (AAST grades I and II)
options can be improved by using fibrin adhesives and in an attempt to gain haemostasis simply leads to necrosis
collagen fleece. of the pancreatic tissue. Bleeding vessels should be ligated
If there is obvious disruption to the pancreatic duct, it individually, and a viable omental plug sutured into the
should be ligated with distal pancreatic resection. defect to act as a haemostatic agent.
Injuries to the tail and body of the pancreas can usu-
ally be either drained or, if a strong suspicion for major Ductal injuries: tail and distal pancreas
ductal injury is present, resection can be carried out with
good results. The injuries that vex the surgeon most, Distal pancreatectomy
however, are those to the head of the gland, particularly In most cases in which there is a major parenchymal injury
those juxtaposed with or also involving the duodenum. of the pancreas to the left of the superior mesenteric ves-
Resection (Whipples procedure) is usually reserved for sels (AAST grades II or III), a distal pancreatectomy is the
those patients who have destructive injuries, or those in procedure of choice, independent of the degree of ductal
whom the blood supply to the duodenum and pancreatic involvement. Where there is concern over the involvement
head has been embarrassed. The remainder are usually of the duct, an intraoperative pancreatogram can be car-
treated with variations of drainage and pyloric exclusion. ried out. After mobilization of the pancreas and ligation
This includes extensive closed (suction) drainage around of the vessels, the pancreatic stump can be closed with
the injury site. Common duct drainage is not indicated. sutures and the duct ligated separately, or it can be closed
with a stapling device.45 An external drain should be
Damage control placed at the site of transection as there is a postoperative
fistula rate of 14 per cent.46 Suction drains are preferable.
The origin of the concept of damage control was described
Procedures associated with resection of greater than 80
by Halsted in the packing of liver injuries as reported and
per cent of the pancreatic tissue are associated with a risk
repopularized by Stone in 1908,41 who advocated early
of adult-onset diabetes mellitus. Most authors agree that
packing and termination of the operation in patients who
a pancreatectomy to the left of the superior mesenteric
showed signs of intraoperative coagulopathy.
vessels usually leaves enough pancreatic tissue to result
Patients with severe pancreatic or pancreaticoduode-
in an acceptably low rate of insulin-dependent diabetes.47
nal injury (AAST grades IV and V) are not stable enough
to undergo complex reconstruction at the time of initial Internal drainage of the distal pancreas
laparotomy. Damage control with the rapid arrest of Drainage of the distal pancreas with a roux-en-Y pan-
haemorrhage and bacterial contamination, and placement creaticojejunostomy has been suggested in cases in
of drains and packing, is preferable. It may be helpful to which there is not enough proximal tissue for endocrine
122 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
or exocrine function. Its popularity has greatly declined gastrojejunostomy. Contrast studies have shown that the
because of the high reported morbidity and mortality.48 pylorus reopens within 23 weeks in 9095 per cent of
patients, allowing flow through the anatomical channel.
Splenic salvage in distal pancreatectomy
Feliciano et al.50 reported on this technique in 68 of 129
Splenic salvage has been advocated in elective distal pan-
patients with combined injuries. Their results showed
createctomy, and is possible in some cases of pancreatic
a 26 per cent rate of pancreatic fistula formation and a
trauma. However, this should be saved for the rare occa-
6.5 per cent rate of duodenal fistula, but a reduced over-
sions when the patient is haemodynamically stable and
all mortality compared with patients who did not have
normothermic, and the injury is limited to the pancreas.
pyloric exclusion. The procedure has been adopted in
The technical problems of dissecting the pancreas free
many institutions for the treatment of grade III and IV
from the splenic vessels and ligating the numerous tribu-
combined pancreaticoduodenal injuries.
taries make the procedure contraindicated in an unstable
patient with multiple associated injuries.49 When this T-tube drainage
operation is considered, the surgeon must clearly balance Some surgeons advocate closing the injury over a T-tube
the extra time that it takes and the problems associated in combined injuries where the second part of the duo-
with lengthy operations in injured patients against the denum is involved. This ensures adequate drainage and
small risk of the development of overwhelming post- allows the formation of a controlled fistula once the track
splenectomy infection postoperatively. has matured. Our preference in these injuries, however, is
primary closure, pyloric exclusion and gastroenterostomy.
Suture and drainage
In most trauma units, simple suture and drainage is Internal and external drainage
reserved for minor injuries in which the pancreatic duct Although there is little controversy over the importance of
is not involved and injuries to both organs are slight.42 external, periduodenal drainage of complex duodenal or
pancreaticoduodenal injuries, the role of internal decom-
Ductal injuries: combined injuries of the head of the pression via a nasogastroduodenal or retrograde jejunodu-
pancreas and duodenum odenal tube, or tube duodenostomy, is more controversial.
Delay in repairing a duodenal injury often results in duo-
Severe combined pancreaticoduodenal injuries account
denal leaks, emphasizing the importance of adequate
for less than 10 per cent of injuries to these organs, and
external drainage that allows the formation of a controlled
are commonly associated with multiple intra-abdominal
fistula once the track has matured. The preferred method
injuries, particularly of the vena cava.50 They are usually
of managing complex duodenal injuries, however, is pri-
the result of penetrating trauma. The integrity of the dis-
mary closure, pyloric exclusion and gastroenterostomy.
tal common bile duct and ampulla on cholangiography,
and the severity of the duodenal injury, will dictate the Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipples procedure)
operative procedure. If the duct and ampulla are intact, In only 10 per cent of combined injuries will a pancrea-
simple repair and drainage or repair and pyloric exclusion ticoduodenectomy, or Whipples procedure, be required.
will suffice. Indications for considering a pancreaticoduodenectomy
are massive disruption of the pancreaticoduodenal com-
Duodenal diversion
plex, devascularization of the duodenum and sometimes
See Section 7.6.6, The duodenum, especially Sections
extensive duodenal injuries of the second part of the (Duodenal diversion), (Duodenal diverticu-
duodenum involving the ampulla or distal common bile
lation) and (Triple tube decompression).
duct.51 This is a major procedure to be practised in trauma
Pyloric exclusion (see also Section only if no alternative is available.52
Pyloric exclusion has been widely reported for the man- The Whipple procedure, as first described for carci-
agement of severe combined pancreaticoduodenal inju- noma of the ampulla,53 is indicated only in the rare stable
ries without major damage to the ampulla or the common patient with this type of injury. The nature and sever-
bile duct. The technique involves the temporary diversion ity of the injury and the coexisting damage to vessels is
of enteric flow away from the injured duodenum by clo- often accompanied by haemodynamic instability, and the
sure of the pylorus. This is best achieved with access from surgeon must therefore control the initial damage and
the stomach through a gastrotomy and the use of a slowly delay formal reconstruction until the patient has been
absorbable suture. The stomach is decompressed with a stabilized.54 The results of this operation vary, and when
The abdomen | 123
patients with major retroperitoneal vascular injuries are flexure, providing a non-invasive alternative. We prefer
included, mortality can approach 50 per cent. Oreskovich elemental diets that are less stimulating to the pancreas
and Carrico, however, reported a series of 10 Whipples and have no greater fistula output than total parenteral
procedures for trauma with no deaths.55 nutrition.60 Total parenteral nutrition is far more expen-
The role of pancreaticoduodenectomy in trauma is best sive, but may be used if enteral access distal to the duode-
summarized by Walt:56 nojejunal flexure is impossible.
sis) and early adequate nutrition, preferably with distal I There are insufficient data to support a level I
enteral feeds through a feeding jejunostomy. If the fistula recommendation
persists, the underlying cause should be investigated with II There are insufficient data to support a level II
ERCP, CT scanning and operation as necessary. recommendation
III Delay in recognition of main pancreatic duct injury causes
Abscess formation increased morbidity
Most abscesses are peripancreatic and associated with Computed tomography scanning is suggestive, but not
injuries to other organs, specifically the liver and intes- diagnostic, of pancreatic injury
tine. A true pancreatic abscess is uncommon and usually Amylase/lipase levels are suggestive, but not diagnostic,
results from inadequate debridement of necrotic tissue. of pancreatic injury
For this reason, simple percutaneous drainage is generally Grade I and II injuries can be managed by drainage alone
not enough, and further debridement is required. Grade III injuries should be managed with resection and
Accurate diagnosis and surgical treatment of pancreatic
injuries should result in a rate of pseudocyst formation of 7.6The duodenum
about 23 per cent,68 but Kudsk et al.69 reported pseudocysts
in half their patients who were treated non-operatively for 7.6.1 Overview
blunt pancreatic trauma. Investigation entails imaging of
the ductal system with either ERCP or MRI. Accurate evalu- Duodenal injuries can pose a formidable challenge to the
ation of the state of the duct will dictate management, and surgeon, and failure to manage them properly can have
if the duct is intact, percutaneous drainage is likely to be devastating results. The total amount of fluid passing
successful. However, a pseudocyst together with a major through the duodenum exceeds 6L per day, and a fistula
ductal disruption will not be cured by percutaneous drain- in this area can cause serious fluid and electrolyte imbal-
age, which will convert the pseudocyst into a chronic fistula. ance. A large amount of activated enzymes liberated into
Current options include cystogastrostomy (open or endo- a combination of the retroperitoneal space and the peri-
scopic), endoscopic stenting of the duct or resection. toneal cavity can be life-threatening.
The abdomen | 125
Both the pancreas and the duodenum are well pro- tears at the junction of the third and fourth parts of the
tected in the superior retroperitoneum deep within the duodenum (and less commonly, the first and second parts
abdomen. Since these organs are in the retroperitoneum, are reported). These injuries occur at the junction of free
they usually do not present with peritonitis, and are (intraperitoneal) parts of the duodenum with fixed (retro-
delayed in their presentation. Therefore, in order to sus- peritoneal) parts. A high index of suspicion based on the
tain an injury to either one of them, there must be other mechanism of injury and physical examination findings
associated injuries. If there is an anterior penetrating may lead to further diagnostic studies.
injury, the stomach, small bowel, transverse colon, liver,
spleen or kidneys are frequently also involved. If there is
a blunt traumatic injury, there are frequently fractures of 7.6.3Diagnosis
the lower thoracic or upper lumbar vertebrae. It requires
a high level of suspicion and significant clinical acumen presentation
as well as aggressive radiographic imaging to identify an
injury to these organs this early in the presentation. The clinical changes in isolated duodenal injuries may be
Preoperative diagnosis of isolated duodenal injury can extremely subtle until severe, life-threatening peritonitis
be very difficult to make, and there is no single method develops. In the vast majority of the retroperitoneal per-
of duodenal repair that completely eliminates dehiscence forations, there is initially only mild upper abdominal
of the duodenal suture line. As a result, the surgeon is tenderness with a progressive rise in temperature, tachy-
frequently confronted with the dilemma of choosing cardia and occasionally vomiting. After several hours, the
between several preoperative investigations and many duodenal contents extravasate into the peritoneal cavity,
surgical procedures. A detailed knowledge of the available with the development of peritonitis. If the duodenal con-
operative choices and when each one of them is preferably tents spill into the lesser sac, they are usually walled off
applied is important for the patients benefit.71 and localized, although they can occasionally leak into
the general peritoneal cavity via the foramen of Winslow,
with resultant generalized peritonitis.72 Diagnostic diffi-
7.6.2 Mechanism of injury culties do not arise in the cases in which the blunt injury
causes intraperitoneal perforations.
peritoneal lavage (DPL) will be reliable. Although virtually anatomical position, diagnostic laparoscopy is a poor
all patients with blunt duodenal injury will eventually have modality to determine organ injury in these cases.83
increased white blood cell and amylase levels in DPL fluid,
DPL has a low sensitivity for duodenal perforations.78 laparotomy
fluoroscopic control with the patient in the right lateral II Haematoma Involving more than one portion
position. If no leak is observed, the investigation continues Laceration Disruption <50% of circumference
with the patient in the supine and left lateral positions. If III Laceration Disruption 5075% of circumference of D2
the Gastrografin study is negative, it should be followed Disruption 50100% of circumference of
by administration of barium to allow the detection of D1, D3 or D4
small perforations more readily. Upper gastrointestinal IV Laceration Disruption >75% of circumference of D2
studies with contrast are also indicated in patients with Involving the ampulla or distal common bile
a suspected intramural haematoma of the duodenum, duct
because they may demonstrate the classic coiled-spring V Laceration Massive disruption of the duodenopancreatic
appearance of complete obstruction by the haematoma.80 complex
Computed tomography scanning has been added to Vascular Devascularization of duodenum
the diagnostic tests used for investigation for subtle
duodenal injuries. It is very sensitive to the presence of *Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
D1, first portion of duodenum; D2, second portion of duodenum; D3, third portion
small amounts of retroperitoneal air, blood or extrava-
of duodenum; D4, fourth portion of duodenum.
sated contrast from the injured duodenum, especially
in children.81,82 Its reliability in adults is more contro-
versial. The presence of periduodenal wall thickening or
haematoma without extravasation of contrast material 7.6.5 Management
should be investigated with a gastrointestinal study with
Gastrografin. If the result is normal, it should be followed While upper gastrointestinal radiological studies and CT
by a barium study contrast, if the patients condition scanning can lead to the diagnosis of blunt duodenal
allows this. trauma, exploratory laparotomy remains the ultimate
diagnostic test if a high suspicion of duodenal injury con-
tinues in the face of absent or equivocal radiographic signs. laparoscopy
The majority of duodenal injuries can be managed by
Unfortunately, diagnostic laparoscopy does not confer simple repair. More complicated injuries require more
any improvement over more traditional methods in the sophisticated techniques. High-risk duodenal injuries
investigation of the duodenum. In fact, because of its are followed by a high incidence of suture line dehiscence,
The abdomen | 127
and their treatment should include duodenal diversion. and management of any injury is complex, and resection,
The management of all full-thickness duodenal lac- unless involving the entire C loop and pancreatic head,
erations should include adequate external periduodenal is impossible. The lower portion involving the third and
drainage. Pancreaticoduodenectomy is practised only if fourth part of the duodenum can generally be treated like
no alternative is available. Damage control should pre- the small bowel, and the diagnosis and management of
cede the definitive reconstruction. The detailed knowl- injury is relatively simple, including debridement, closure,
edge of available operative choices and the situation for resection and reanastomosis.
which each one of them is preferably applied is important
for the patients benefit. haematoma
This is particularly true with penetrating injuries, when of the duodenum may not be possible without produc-
the time interval between injury and operation is nor- ing undue tension on the suture line. If this is the case
mally short. On the other hand, a minority are high risk, and complete transection occurs in the first part of the
for example with increased risk of dehiscence of the duo- duodenum, it is advisable to perform an antrectomy with
denal repair, with increased morbidity and sometimes closure of the duodenal stump and a Billroth II gastroje-
mortality. These injuries are related to associated pancre- junostomy. When such injury occurs distal to the ampulla
atic injury, blunt or missile injury, involvement of more of Vater, closure of the distal duodenum and roux-en-Y
than 75 per cent of the duodenal wall, injury of the first duodenojejunal anastomosis is appropriate.90
or second part of the duodenum, a time interval of more Mobilization of the second part of the duodenum
than 24 hours between injury and repair, and associated is limited by its shared blood supply with the head of
common bile duct injury. In these high-risk injuries, sev- the pancreas. A direct anastomosis to a roux-en-Y loop
eral adjunctive operative procedures have been proposed sutured over the duodenal defect in an end-to-side fash-
in an attempt to reduce the incidence of dehiscence of the ion is the procedure of choice. This also can be applied as
duodenal suture line. The methods of repair of the duode- an alternative method of operative management of exten-
nal trauma as well as the supportive procedures against sive defects to the other parts of the duodenum when pri-
dehiscence are described. mary anastomosis is not feasible.
External drainage should be provided in all duodenal
injuries because it affords early detection and control of of the perforation
the duodenal fistula. The drain is preferably a simple,
Most injuries of the duodenum can be repaired by pri- soft silicone rubber, closed system placed adjacent to the
mary closure in one or two layers. The closure should be repair.
oriented transversely, if possible, to avoid luminal com-
promise. Excessive inversion should be avoided. diversion
Longitudinal duodenotomies can usually be closed
transversely if the length of the duodenal injury is less In high-risk duodenal injuries, duodenal repair is followed
than 50 per cent of the circumference of the duodenum. by a high incidence of suture line dehiscence. In order to
If primary closure would compromise the lumen of the protect the duodenal repair, the gastrointestinal contents
duodenum, several alternatives have been recommended. with their proteolytic enzymes can be diverted, a prac-
A pedicled mucosal graft, as a method of closing large tice that would also make the management of a potential
duodenal defects, has been suggested, using a segment duodenal fistula easier.
of jejunum or a gastric island flap from the body of the
stomach. An alternative to that is the use of a jejunal diverticulation
serosal patch to close the duodenal defect.86 The serosa
of the loop of the jejunum is sutured to the edges of the This includes a distal Billroth II gastrectomy, closure
duodenal defect. Although encouraging in experimental of the duodenal wound, placement of a decompressive
studies, the clinical application of both methods has been catheter into the duodenum, and generous drainage
limited, and suture line leaks have been reported.87 Laying of the duodenal repair.91 Truncal vagotomy and biliary
a loop of jejunum onto the area of the injury so that the drainage could be added. The disadvantage of duodenal
serosa of the jejunum buttresses the duodenal repair has diverticulation is that it is an extensive procedure totally
also been suggested,88 although no beneficial results have inappropriate for the haemodynamically unstable trauma
been reported from this technique.89 patient, or the patient with multiple injuries. Resection
of a normal distal stomach cannot be beneficial to the
patient, and should not be considered unless there is a transection of the duodenum
large amount of destruction and tissue loss and no other
The preferred method of repair is usually primary anasto- course is possible.
mosis of the two ends after appropriate debridement and
mobilization of the duodenum. This is frequently the case tube decompression
with injuries of the first, third or fourth part of the duo-
denum, where mobilization is technically not difficult. Tube decompression was the first technique used for
However, if a large amount of tissue is lost, approximation decompression of the duodenum and diversion of its
The abdomen | 129
contents in an attempt to preserve the integrity of the The closure of the pylorus breaks down after several
duodenorrhaphy. It was first described in 1954 as a weeks, and the gastrointestinal continuity is re-estab-
method of management of a precarious closure of the lished. This occurs regardless of whether the pylorus was
duodenal stump after a gastrectomy.92 To protect a duo- closed with absorbable sutures, non-absorbable sutures or
denal repair, a tube duodenostomy can be used by insert- staples.95
ing a tube through a separate incision through the lateral Major concern has been expressed at the ulcerogenic
duodenal wall using the Witzel technique to ensure seal- potential of the pyloric exclusion, as marginal ulceration
ing of the hole after removing the tube. In trauma, the has been reported in up to 10 per cent of patients.94,96 The
technique was introduced by Stone and Garoni as a triple long-term incidence of marginal ulceration in patients
ostomy.93 This consists of a gastrostomy tube to decom- who have undergone pyloric exclusion is probably under-
press the stomach, a retrograde jejunostomy to decom- estimated as it is notoriously difficult to obtain long-term
press the duodenum, and an antegrade jejunostomy to follow-up in the trauma population. We do not practise
feed the patient. vagotomy in our patients with pyloric exclusion.
The initial favourable reports on the efficacy of this Ginzburg et al. question the need to perform routine
technique to decrease the incidence of dehiscence of the gastrojejunostomy after pyloric exclusion, taking into
duodenorrhaphy have, however, not been supported by consideration that the continuity of the gastrointestinal
more recent reports.94 The drawbacks of this technique are tract will be re-established within 3 weeks in 90 per cent of
the formation of several new perforations in the gastroin- patients. 97,98 A duodenal fistula can still occur with pyloric
testinal tract, the inefficiency of the jejunostomy tube to exclusion, and there is concern that spontaneous opening
properly decompress the duodenum, and the common of the pyloric sphincter will negatively influence the clo-
scenario of finding that the drains have fallen out or been sure of the fistula. This has been shown not to be a clini-
removed by the patient. The fashioning of a feeding jeju- cally relevant problem. Pyloric exclusion is a technically
nostomy at the initial laparotomy in patients with duode- easier, less radical and quicker operation than diverticula-
nal injury and extensive abdominal trauma (Abdominal tion of the duodenum, and appears to be equally effective
Trauma Index score >25) is highly recommended. in the protection of the duodenal repair.99,100 Recent ret-
rospective studies show, however, that pyloric exclusion
does not decrease duodenal leak rates or improve out- Pyloric exclusion
come when compared with simple primary repair, even
Pyloric exclusion was devised as an alternative to this after severe duodenal injuries.101
extensive procedure in order to shorten the operative time The use of octreotide to protect the suture line in pan-
and make the procedure reversible. After primary repair creaticojejunostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy has
of the duodenum, a gastrotomy is made at the antrum been shown to be beneficial.57,102 The principle is attrac-
along the greater curvature. The pyloric ring is grasped tive, but further experience is required before sound con-
and invaginated outside the stomach through the gastrot- clusions can be drawn.
omy and is closed with a large running suture or stapled.
The closed pyloric ring is returned into the stomach, and Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipples procedure)
the gastrojejunostomy is fashioned at the gastrotomy site
(Figure 7.8). This is a major procedure to be practised in trauma only
if no alternative is available. Damage control with con-
trol of bleeding and of bowel contamination, and ligation
of the common bile and pancreatic ducts, should be the
rule.51 Reconstruction should take place within the next
48 hours when the patient is stable. injuries
the largest experience of combined pancreaticoduodenal 7.7.2Injuries of the aorta and vena cava
injuries,50 and suggested the following:
Aorta and caval injuries are primarily a problem of access
Simple duodenal injuries with no ductal pancreatic
(rapid) and control of haemorrhage. If the surgeon opens
injury (grades I and II) should be managed with
the abdomen and there is extensive retroperitoneal bleed-
primary repair and drainage.
ing centrally, there are two options:
Grade III duodenal and pancreatic injuries are best
treated with repair or resection of both organs as If the bleeding is primarily venous in nature, the right
indicated, pyloric exclusion, gastrojejunostomy and colon should be mobilized to the midline, including
closure. the duodenum and head of the pancreas. This will
Grades IV and V duodenal and pancreatic injuries are expose the infrarenal cava and infrarenal aorta. It will
best treated by pancreaticoduodenectomy. also facilitate access to the portal vein.
If the bleeding is primarily arterial in nature, it
Extensive local damage of the intraduodenal or intra-
is best to approach the injury from the left. This
pancreatic bile duct injuries frequently necessitates a
includes taking down the left colon and mobilizing
staged pancreaticoduodenectomy. Less extensive local
the pancreas and spleen to the midline. Access to the
injuries can be managed by intraluminal stenting,
posterior aorta includes mobilizing the left kidney. By
sphincteroplasty or reimplantation of the ampulla of
approaching the aorta from the left lateral position,
it is possible to identify the plane of Leriche more
rapidly than it is by approaching it through the
lesser sac. The problem is the coeliac and superior
7.7Abdominal vascular injury
mesenteric ganglion, which can be quite dense and
hinder dissection around the origins of the coeliac
7.7.1 Overview
and superior mesenteric artery. Additional exposure
can be obtained simply by dividing the left crus of
Abdominal vascular injury presents a serious threat to life
the diaphragm. This will allow proximal control of
where preparedness and anticipation are vital to a success-
the abdominal aorta until complete dissection of the
ful outcome. Consideration of both the possible injuries
visceral vessels can be accomplished. The exception is
and the surgical approach to manage them is crucial.
in the area of the coeliac ganglion, which can contain
Adequate preparation is essential, an adequate incision
aortic haemorrhage from significant injuries, and
will be required.
which may require short segmental graft replacement.
It is helpful to have available all the apparatus for massive
transfusion, with adequate warming of all intravenous fluids. Treatment of aortic or caval injuries is usually straight-
Autotransfusion should be considered in all cases. forward. Extensive lacerations are not compatible with
Major vessel injuries within the abdominal cavity prima- survival, and it is uncommon to require graft material
rily present as haemorrhagic shock that does not respond to repair the aorta. Caval injuries below the renal veins,
to resuscitation; thus, immediate surgery becomes a part if extensive, can be ligated, although lateral repair is pre-
of the resuscitative effort. In penetrating injury, this may ferred. Injuries above the renal veins in the cava should be
necessitate an emergency department thoracotomy and repaired if at all possible, including onlay graft of autog-
aortic cross-clamping. enous tissue.
However, the emergency department thoracotomy is not
indicated in the severely shocked patient with blunt abdominal
trauma, as the survival rate is close to zero. 7.7.3Retroperitoneal haematoma in the
Direct or proximal control of the vessel is mandatory for abdomen
success. Injuries above the pelvic brim can be approached
from the right side if the injury is thought to be below the haematoma
renal artery, and from the left side for injuries between
the renal artery and the hiatus. Vascular injuries in the To expose the potential sites of arterial bleeding in the
pelvis following blunt trauma are best managed with an upper midline region of the retroperitoneum, medial vis-
arteriogram. This will determine whether a direct opera- ceral rotation is performed by mobilizing not only the
tive approach or interventional radiology is appropriate. left colon, but also the spleen, pancreas and stomach. The
The abdomen | 131
lienorenal and lienophrenic ligaments are divided, followed leave pelvic haematomas undisturbed if they are not rap-
by an incision down the left paracolic gutter, and a blunt idly expanding or pulsatile, as they are most likely due to
dissection to free the organs from the retroperitoneum pelvic venous damage. These veins are notoriously fragile
towards the centre of the abdomen. An extended reflection and unforgiving to any attempt at repair.
of the abdominal structures from the left to the right will There is recent literature to support extraperitoneal
reflect the spleen, colon, tail of pancreas and fundus of the pelvic packing as the most efficient damage control tech-
stomach towards the midline. This provides access to the nique to control this type of bleeding.105 After packing,
aorta, the coeliac axis, the superior mesenteric artery, the the patient should be sent directly to the angiographic
splenic artery and vein, and the left renal artery and vein. suite from the operating theatre, for embolization, with-
In order to reach the posterior wall of the aorta, the kid- out further exploration.
ney should be mobilized as well and rotated medially on its
pedicle, taking great care not to cause further injury.
7.7.4Surgical approach haematoma
If a lateral haematoma is not expanding or pulsatile, blunt
The patient must be prepared from sternal notch to
injuries are best left alone, as the damage is usually renal.
knee. It is critical to gain proximal and distal control, and
Renal injuries can generally be managed non-operatively
patient preparation should include the need to extend to
including the use of selective embolization. However, with
a left lateral thoracotomy to gain access to the thoracic
penetrating injury, because of the risk of damage to adja-
aorta, a median sternotomy to control the intracardiac
cent structures such as the ureter, it is safer to explore
IVC, and groin incisions to gain control of the iliac vessels.
lateral haematomas, even if they are not expanding. The
surgeon must also be confident that there is no perfora-
tion of the posterior part of the colon in the paracolic
gutters on either side.
Control of the aorta can be achieved at several different lev-
els depending on the site of injury. The supracoeliac aorta Pelvic haematoma can be exposed by incising the gastrohepatic ligament,
If the patient is stable, contrast-enhanced CT in the and retracting the left lobe of the liver superiorly and the
emergency situation may demonstrate a large pelvic hae- stomach inferiorly. A window is then made in the lesser
matoma with a vascular blush indicating ongoing arte- omentum, and the peritoneum overlying the crura of the
rial bleeding. In this case, it may be more appropriate to diaphragm is divided. The fibres of the crura are separated
transfer the patient for immediate embolization. by sharp or blunt dissection. This is often difficult, but is
This surgery is fraught with hazard, and exploration of such essential for proper exposure in this area. The oesophagus
haematomas should be a last resort. Wherever possible, angi- is then mobilized to the left in order to reach the abdomi-
ographic visualization and embolization of any arterial bleeding nal aorta at the diaphragmatic hiatus. The aorta can be
must be tried before surgery is commenced, if the patient is suffi- clamped or compressed at this point (Figure 7.9).
ciently stable. However, rapidly expanding or pulsating haemato- Exposure of the suprarenal aorta is not ideal with this
mas in this region may need exploration. anterior approach, and better exposure can be obtained by
The first concern should be to apply a binder to reduce performing a left medial visceral rotation procedure. This
pelvic volume. Stabilization of the pelvis using external entails mobilization of the splenorenal ligament and inci-
fixators or a C-clamp in the emergency situation can be sion of the peritoneal reflection in the left paracolic gutter,
considered, but this does not always provide adequate down to the level of the sigmoid colon. The left-sided vis-
posterior fixation, and may interfere with subsequent vis- cera are then bluntly dissected free of the retroperitoneum,
ualization of vessels for embolization. If the patient is too and mobilized to the right. Care should be taken to remain
unstable for angiography, damage control surgery with in a plane anterior to Gerotas fascia. The entire abdomi-
packing of the pelvis should provide initial control. The nal aorta and the origins of its branches are exposed by
peritoneum is incised over the distal aorta or the iliac ves- this technique. This includes the coeliac axis, the origin of
sels, in order to control the arterial inflow, before atten- the superior mesenteric artery, the iliac vessels and the left
tion is directed to the actual injury. However, it is best to renal pedicle. The dense and fibrous superior mesenteric
132 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
Figure 6:8 Control of aorta by cross clamping arteries vessels
Figure 7.12 Control of the inferior vena cava using swab pressure.
Figure 7.13 Control of the inferior vena cava with clamps and two
Rumel tourniquets.
Provided it is infrarenal, ligation of the IVC is acceptable.
The shunt is fashioned as follows (Figure 7.15): 7.8 the urOgenital systeM
Choose a plastic tube with the correct diameter.
Cut the tube to length, as described above, bevelling 7.8.1 Overview
the edges so that they can be passed into the vessel.
Tie a length of silk around the tube, dividing it into a Urogenital trauma refers to injuries to the kidneys, ure-
one third to two-thirds ratio. ters, bladder and urethra, the female reproductive organs
in the pregnant and non-pregnant state, and the penis,
Once the vessel has been controlled, using either clamps scrotum and testes.
or Rumel tourniquets: Death from penetrating bladder trauma was men-
Clamp one end of the shunt to prevent leakage. tioned in Homers Iliad, as well as by Hippocrates and
Pass the long (two-thirds) end of the shunt up the Galen, while Evans and Fowler in 1905 demonstrated
vessel until the shunt is lying inside the vessel lumen that the mortality from penetrating intraperitoneal blad-
or proximally, releasing the tourniquet to allow it to der injuries could be reduced from 100 per cent to 28 per
pass through. cent with laparotomy and bladder repair. Ambroise Par
Using the silk as a handle, pull the shunt distally observed death following a gunshot wound of the kidney,
into the other end of the vessel. with haematuria and sepsis, and it was only in 1884 that
Secure it with ties. nephrectomy became the recommended treatment for
renal injury.
There is no need for anticoagulation as the patients Haematuria is the hallmark of urological injury, but
are often coagulopathic, and the rate of flow itself should may be absent even in severe trauma, and a high index
prevent clot formation. The shunt can be left in place for of suspicion is then needed, based on the mechanism of
4872 hours. injury and the presence of abdominal and pelvic injury. diagnOsis
The haemodynamic status of the patient will then pyelogram (IVP)/tomogram, followed by angiography if
determine the subsequent steps, for both blunt and pen- suspicious, or multiphase contrast-enhanced CT scan-
etrating trauma. ning of the abdomen as a stand-alone investigation.
Table 7.10 Kidney injury scale (see also Appendix B, Trauma scores and scoring systems)
Grade III
These comprise major lacerations through the cortex
extending to the medulla or collecting system with or
without urinary extravasation. Drainage may be necessary.
Grade IV
These are catastrophic injuries, and include multiple
renal lacerations and vascular injuries involving the renal
pedicle. These injuries often require surgery, and may
need nephrectomy. The most significant vascular injury
following blunt trauma is thrombosis of the main renal
artery, caused by deceleration with intimal tear and prop-
agation of thrombus in the renal artery.
Grade V
Pelviureteric junction injuries are a rare consequence of
Figure 7.16 Access to the right kidney.
blunt trauma, and are caused by sudden deceleration,
which creates tension on the renal pedicle. The diag-
nosis may be delayed because haematuria is absent in The peritoneum over the aorta is opened, and the
one-third of patients. Pelviureteric junction injuries are anterior wall of the aorta followed up to the left renal
classified into two groups: avulsion (complete transec- vein. After exposing the retroperitoneum from the right
tion) and laceration (incomplete tear). Nephrectomy is or the left, the left renal artery is identified by dissect-
often required. ing upwards on the lateral aspect of the aorta above the
Fig 6: 14 138 Access
| Manual
to of
theDefinitive Surgical Trauma Care
left kidney
inferior mesenteric vein. The left renal vein crosses the collateral drainage via the lumbar gonadal and
aorta just below the level of the origin of the renal arteries adrenal vessels will be sufficient to deal with the
(Figures 7.17 and 7.18). venous drainage on the left (Figure 7.19). diagnOsis
Unstable patients
Unstable patients require immediate surgery and explora-
tion of the ureter after life-threatening injuries have been
dealt with, ideally preceded by one-shot on-table IVP.
If the patient requires an abbreviated laparotomy, the
ureteric injury can be safely left alone, stented or ligated
until the patient returns to the operating theatre for
definitive procedures; indeed, successful repair has fre-
quently been effected after delayed or missed presentation.
Percutaneous nephrostomy can be used as a postoperative
adjunct for the ligated ureter.
In unstable patients with associated colonic injuries,
especially those requiring colectomy, even nephrectomy
itive Surgical Trauma Care 3E Author: Boffard ISBN: 9781444102826 Proof Stage: 1 Fig No: 7.20
Figure 7.20 Techniques of renal repair. can be justified.
The abdomen | 141
patient is not in a condition to produce a lot of urine, a sufficient. This can be achieved by an open lower midline
small intravenous catheter can be placed under ultrasonic laparotomy and passage of Foley catheters from above
guidance using the Seldinger technique, and the bladder and below, with ultimate passage into the bladder, or via
can then be distended with saline until a standard percu- flexible cystoscopy and manipulation.
taneous method can be used. Patients managed with a suprapubic catheter alone
should have their definitive urethral repair after about 3
months from the injury. urethra Primary realignment may have better results than delayed
Urethral injuries are most often associated with pelvic frac- repair, but delayed primary repair (day 810) is recommended
tures, especially anterior arch fractures with displacement. when there is a large haematoma.
Although blood at the urethral meatus, gross haematuria
and displacement of the prostate are signs of urethral dis-
ruption, their absence does not exclude urethral injury. 7.8.6Scrotal injury
The male urethra is divided into two portions:
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101 DuBose JJ, Inaba K, Teixeira PG et al. Pyloric exclusion
in the treatment of severe duodenal injuries: results 7.10Recommended reading
from the National Trauma Data Bank. Am Surg
2008;74:92529. 7.10.1The trauma laparotomy
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stump following pancreaticoduodenectomy. Br J Surg Demetriades D, Velmahos GC. Indications for laparotomy. In:
1995;82:159097. Moore EE, Feliciano DV, Mattox KL, eds. Trauma, 6th edn.
103 Jurkovich GJ, Hoyt DB, Moore FA et al. Portal triad injuries. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008: 60722.
J Trauma 1995;39:42634. Hoff WS, Holevar M, Nagy KK et al. Practice management
104 Obeid FN, Kralovich KA, Gaspatti MG et al. Sphincteroplasty guidelines for the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma.
as an adjunct in penetrating duodenal trauma. J Trauma J Trauma 2002;53:60215. Also in: Eastern Association
1999;47:224. for the Surgery of Trauma, Trauma Practice Management
105 Smith WR, Moore EE, Osborn P et al. Retroperitoneal Guidelines. Available from: (accessed
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1989;76:2568. Santucci RA, Wessels H, Bartsch G et al. Evaluation and
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traumatic injuries to the extrahepatic biliary ducts. Am J Renal Trauma Subcommittee. Br J Urol Int 2004;93:93754.
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Moore EE. Critical decisions in the management of hepatic injuries
trauma. Am J Surg 1984;148:71216.
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management plan. J Trauma 1985;25:8337. Mattox KL, eds. Trauma, 6th edn. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Sheldon GF, Lim RC, Yee ES et al. Management of injuries to 2008: 789826.
the porta hepatis. Ann Surg 1985;202:53945. El Khader K, Bouchot O, Mhidia A, Guille F, Lobel B, Buzelin
JM. Injuries of the renal pedicle: is renal revascularization
justified? Prog Urol 1998;8:9951000.
7.10.3The spleen Gonzales RP, Falimirski M, Holevar MR, Evankovich C. Surgical
management of renal trauma: is vascular control necessary?
Peizman AB, Heil B, Rivera L et al. Blunt splenic injury in adults: J Trauma 1999;47:103944.
multi-institutional study of the Eastern Association for the Meng MV, Brandes SB, McAnich JW. Renal trauma: indications
Surgery of Trauma. J Trauma 2000;49:17787. and techniques for surgical exploration. World J Urol
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blunt splenic injury: resolution and progression. J Trauma Velmahos GC, Degiannis E. The management of urinary tract
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Smith J, Armen S, Cook CH, Martin LC. Blunt splenic injuries: abdomen. Injury 1997;28:5358.
have we watched long enough? J Trauma 2008;64:65665. injuries
7.10.4The pancreas Armenakas NA. Current methods of diagnosis and management
of ureteral injuries. World J Urol 1999;17:7883.
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Guidelines for
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Seamon MJ, Pieri PG, Fisher CA et al. A ten-year retrospective Haas CA, Brown SL, Spirnak JP. Limitations of routine spiral
review: does pyloric exclusion improve clinical outcome after computerized tomography in the evaluation of bladder
penetrating duodenal and combined pancreaticoduodenal trauma. J Urol 1999;162:502.
injuries? J Trauma 2007;62:82933. Volpe MA, Pachter EM, Scalea TM, Macchia RJ, Mydlo JH. Is
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for severe duodenal injuries. World J Surg 2008;32:712. intraperitoneal bladder rupture with or without a
suprapubic tube? J Urol 1999;161:11035.
8.1Introduction 8.2Anatomy
Fractured pelvis is a surgical problem, since 65 per cent of The surgical anatomy of the pelvis is a key to the patho-
patients with a fractured pelvis suffer associated injuries, genesis of pelvic injuries:
and mortality is largely due to haemorrhage and infec-
The pelvic inlet is circular, a structure that is
tions in the pelvic soft tissues. Both can lead to multiple
immensely strong, but routinely gives way at more
organ failure.
than one point should sufficient force be applied to it.
Although mortality following severe pelvic fractures
The forces required to fracture the pelvic ring do not
has decreased dramatically with better methods of con-
respect the surrounding organ systems.
trolling haemorrhage, these patients still represent a sig-
The pelvis has a rich collateral blood supply, especially
nificant challenge to every link of the treatment chain.
across the sacrum and posterior part of the ileum.
Mortality rates exceeding 40 per cent have recently been
The cancellous bone of the pelvis also has an excellent
reported. Extreme force is required to disrupt the pel-
blood supply. Most pelvic haemorrhage emanates
vic ring, and associated injuries and extrapelvic bleeding
from venous injury and fracture sites. However, in the
sources are common. The haemodynamically unstable
haemodynamically unstable patient with severe pelvic
patient with a severe pelvic fracture has a 90 per cent risk
injury, arterial bleeding is frequent (5080 per cent).
of associated injuries, a 50 per cent risk of extrapelvic
Post-mortem examination has shown that the
bleeding sources, and a 30 per cent risk of intra-abdom-
pelvic peritoneum that should tamponade pelvic
inal bleeding.
haematomas can accommodate more than 3000mL.
To save these patients, three questions need to be
All iliac vessels, the sciatic nerve roots, including
the lumbosacral nerve, and the ureters cross the
Whether the patient is at high risk of massive sacroiliac joint, and disruption of this joint may
bleeding cause severe haemorrhage, and sometimes causes
What the sources of bleeding are arterial obstruction of the iliac artery and nerve palsy.
How to stop the bleeding. Fortunately, injuries to the ureters are rare.
The pelvic viscera are suspended from the bony pelvis
All sources of bleeding need to be identified and con- by condensations of the endopelvic fascia. Shear
trolled. The decisions are made on an individual basis, forces acting on the pelvis will transmit these to pelvic
taking into account the patients status, the injury viscera, leading to avulsion and shearing injuries.
pattern and the surgeons experience in dealing with The pelvis also features the acetabulum, a major
these complex injuries. Severe pelvic injuries require a structure in weight transfer to the leg. Inappropriate
multidisciplinary team involving trauma-trained gen- treatment will lead to severe disability.
eral surgeons and interventional radiologists, as well
as orthopaedic surgeons. If adequate orthopaedic expe-
rience is unavailable, consideration should be given 8.3Classification
towards early transfer of this patient to an institution
with the necessary expertise, as soon as the patients The different classification systems are all based on grade
condition allows. of fracture stability, and close correlation with risk of
The pelvis | 149
8.3.1Type A
Figure 8.2 Tile classification: type B fracture.
This involves isolated fracture of the iliac wing or pubic
rami, mostly caused by direct compression (Figure 8.1).
These are stable fractures, to be treated conservatively. 8.3.3Type C
8.3.2Type B
The absence of clinical instability does not, however, unstable exsanguinating patient and when angiography
preclude an unstable pelvic fracture. One-third of such is unavailable.
trauma victims with pelvic ring fractures sustain circula-
tory instability on arrival. Focused abdominal sonogra-
phy for trauma (FAST) may be unreliable as it does not 8.5.1Haemodynamically normal patients
exclude intra-abdominal bleeding in these patients.
Inspection of the skin may reveal lacerations in the There is usually an isolated injury possibly requiring
groin, perineum or sacral area, indicating a compound external or internal (open) reduction and fixation to limit
pelvic fracture, the result of gross deformation. Evidence future instability and disability. The management is not
of perineal injury or haematuria mandates radiologi- critically urgent.
cal evaluation of the urinary tract from below upwards
(retrograde urethrogram followed by cystogram or com-
puted tomography [CT] cystogram, followed by an excre- 8.5.2Haemodynamically stable patients
tory urogram as appropriate) when the physiology allows.
Inspection of the urethral meatus may reveal a drop of In this situation, traditional external fixation cannot pro-
blood, indicating urethral rupture. There seems to be lit- vide complete stability or compression. A force applied
tle evidence to support the fear of converting partial ure- to a segment of a circle cannot stabilize defects outside
thral rupture into a complete rupture by gently trying to that segment; it can do so only in one dimension, and will
insert a Foley catheter. If there is resistance, the patient aggravate disruption outside the segment across which it
should have a suprapubic catheter inserted. is applied. Pelvic C-clamps are applied close to the maxi-
Inspection of the anus may reveal lacerations of the mum diameter of the pelvis at the level of the sacroiliac
sphincter mechanism. Diligent rectal examination may joint and should be more effective in providing pelvic
reveal blood in the rectum, and/or discontinuity of the compression. Their application may be more difficult.
rectal wall, indicating a rectal laceration. In male patients, Apply an external fixator with anterior compression if
the prostate is palpated; a high-riding prostate indicates a there is a type B injury. However, if facilities allow and
complete urethral avulsion. A full neurological examina- time permits, performing angiographic embolization
tion is performed of the perineal area, sphincter mecha- provides a better control of haemorrhage than external
nism and femoral and sciatic nerves. fixation.
The CT scanner is the diagnostic modality of choice in
the haemodynamically stable patient, and CT angiogra-
phy is particularly helpful. 8.5.3Haemodynamically unstable patients
should be able accommodate three large abdominal swabs perineum and perianal area should have a diverting colos-
on each side. In severe pelvic fractures, efficient packing tomy. However, in the damage control situation, estab-
might require many more (over 10 packs not being unu- lishment of a colostomy should be postponed until the
sual). The number of packs needed is defined by the avail- patients physiology has returned to normal.
able space and the appropriate force applied. All vaginal injuries should be explored under a general
The skin is closed. If laparotomy is required, it should anaesthetic. Vaginal lacerations should be managed as
precede the packing procedure. follows:
After a DCS laparotomy with extraperitoneal pelvic
High lesions should be repaired and closed.
packing, a temporary abdominal closure is appropriate.
Lower lesions should be packed.
As in the abdomen, the packs should be removed after
2448 hours.
8.8Associated conditions
8.7Complex pelvic injuries
Associated injuries can only be managed once the patient
Complex pelvic fractures with open pelvic injury can be is haemodynamically stable. Procedures for damage con-
the most difficult of all injuries to treat. Initially, they can trol may be the only available option.
cause devastating haemorrhage and may later be associ-
ated with overwhelming pelvic sepsis and distant multiple
organ failure. 8.8.1Head injuries
performed immediately in stable patients. For the major- Procedures for damage control may be the only
ity, suprapubic cystostomy and delayed urethral repair is available option.
required. Extraperitoneal packing should, where possible, be
performed prior to opening the abdomen.
8.8.4Anorectal injuries
Injuries of the anus and rectum are managed according
to the degree of damage to the sphincters and anorectal 1 Tile M. Acute pelvic fractures: causation and classification.
mucosa. Injuries superficial to these require only debri- J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1996;4:14351.
dement and dressings. Deep injuries require colostomy 2 Pohleman T, Gnsslen A, Bosch U, Tscherne H. The
and drainage (presacral drainage is not required and may technique of packing for control of haemorrhage in
disrupt the nervous plexuses). There is doubt about the complex pelvic fractures. Tech Orthop 1995;9:26770.
benefit of prograde wash-out of the rectum due to the risk 3 Ertel W, Keel M, Eid K, Platz A, Trentz O. Control of severe
of pelvic infection introduced by washing faeces into the haemorrhage using C-clamp and pelvic packing in multiply
pelvic cavity. Careful mechanical cleansing of the rectum, injured patients with pelvic ring disruption. J Orthop
wash-out via a wide-bore tube after gentle anal dilatation- Trauma 2001;15:46874.
and adequate debridement performed in a stable patient 4 Smith WR, Moore EE, Osborn P et al. Retroperitoneal
makes common sense. Sphincter repair is best left for the packing as a resuscitation technique for haemodynamically
experts, but repeated debridement and early approxima- unstable patients with pelvic fractures: report of two
tion of mucosa to skin should limit infection and scarring. representative cases and a description of technique. J
Trauma 2005;59:151014.
8.11Recommended reading
In summary, a haemodynamically normal patient can be
safely transferred for stabilization of unstable fractures
Fry RD. Anorectal trauma and foreign bodies. Surg Clin North
within hours after injury and following control of the
Am 1994;74:1491506.
associated damage.
Scalea TM, Stein D, OToole RV. Pelvic fractures. In: Feliciano
Associated injuries can only be managed once the DV, Mattox KL, Moore EE. Trauma, 6th edn. New York:
patient is haemodynamically stable. McGraw-Hill, 2008: 75988.
Extremity trauma 9
Grade I Wound less than 1cm with minimal soft tissue injury
Wound bed is clean
Bone injury is simple with minimal comminution
With intramedullary nailing, average time to union is 2128 weeks
Grade II Wound is greater than 1cm with moderate soft tissue injury
Wound bed is moderately contaminated
Fracture contains moderate comminution
With intramedullary nailing, average time to union is 2628 weeks
Grade III Following fracture, automatically results in classification as type III:
Segmental fracture with displacement
Fracture with diaphyseal segmental loss
Fracture with associated vascular injury requiring repair
Farmyard injuries or highly contaminated wounds
High-velocity gunshot wound
Fracture caused by a crushing force from a fast-moving vehicle
Grade IIIA Wound greater than 10cm with crushed tissue and contamination
Soft tissue coverage of bone is usually possible
Wound sepsis rate is 4%
With intramedullary nailing, average time to union is 3035 weeks
Grade IIIB Wound greater than 10cm with crushed tissue and contamination; there is periosteal stripping and bone exposure, usually
associated with contamination
Soft tissue injury is extensive cover is inadequate and requires a regional or free flap
Wound sepsis rate is 52%
With intramedullary nailing, average time to union is 3035 weeks
Grade IIIC A fracture in which there is a major vascular injury requiring repair for limb salvage; major soft tissue injury is not necessarily
Wound sepsis rate 42%
Fractures can be classified using the Mangled Extremity Severity Score
In some cases, it will be necessary to consider below-knee amputation
early external fixation as part of damage control orthopae- who present with mangled limbs, produced by mecha-
dics may obviate some of the risks:7,8 nisms of high-energy transfer or crush in which there is
Specific areas of risk are described here. vascular disruption in combination with severe open com-
minuted fractures and moderate loss of soft tissue. These
injuries most frequently affect healthy individuals during insufficiency9
their prime years of gainful employment and can result in
Episodes of respiratory insufficiency often occur after varying degrees of functional and emotional disability.
orthopaedic injury. Extremity injury may occur as part There are many ways to classify major limb injuries
of a multisystem insult, with associated head, chest and and their complications, and these scoring systems can be
other injuries. Hypoxia, hypotension and tissue injury found towards the end of this chapter.
provide an initial hit to prime the patients inflamma- During the past two decades, a better understanding
tory response; operative treatment of fractures constitutes of the individual injuries, and technical advances in diag-
a modifiable secondary insult. In addition, post-traumatic nostic evaluation and surgery (allowing revascularization
fat embolism has been implicated in the respiratory com- of the extremity, stabilization of the complex fracture and
promise that appears after orthopaedic injury. reconstruction of the soft tissues), medicine and rehabili-
Nevertheless, most comparative studies have shown a tation have led to an increased frequency of attempts at
reduction in risk of post-traumatic respiratory compro- limb salvage. In some of these patients, however, limb sal-
mise after early, definitive fixation of fractures (i.e. within vage may have subsequent deleterious results, being asso-
48 hours), for both isolated injuries and multisystem ciated with a high morbidity and a poor prognosis and
trauma. There is also evidence of reduction in mortal- often requiring late amputation (2770 per cent) despite
ity, duration of mechanical ventilation, thromboembolic initial success. In these, early or primary ablation might
events and cost in favour of early fixation. even be beneficial.
Thus, the management of the mangled limb remains a
vexing problem, and should thus be multidisciplinary and injury
involve the combined skills of the orthopaedic, vascular
In approximately 5 per cent of long bone fractures of the and plastic and reconstructive surgeons. Poorly coordi-
leg, the patient is physiologically unstable after initial nated management often results in more complications,
resuscitation due to haemodynamic instability, raised increased duration of treatment and a less favourable out-
intracranial pressure or other problems. Temporary meth- come for the patient. Ultimately, the decision to amputate
ods of fixation are attractive in this setting. Although or repair is often a difficult one, and best shared, if pos-
some studies have suggested that early nailing of a femoral sible, with a senior colleague. The cost of rehabilitation
fracture may be harmful in patients with a concomitant is often less and the time shorter if a primary ampu-
head injury, there is no compelling evidence that early long tation is performed than if lengthy and repeated opera-
bone stabilization in mildly, moderately or severely brain- tions are undertaken, and persistent painful debility or an
injured patients either enhances or worsens the outcome.10 insensate or flail limb is still the outcome. A successful
limb salvage is defined by the overall function and satis-
faction of the patient.
9.4Massive limb trauma: life
versus limb
9.4.1 Management
Certain skeletal injuries by their nature indicate significant
forces sustained by the body, and should prompt the treat- It is important to remember that a fracture is not a separate
ing surgeon to look for other associated injuries. Other limb entity from the soft tissue damage that accompanies it it
injuries, presenting with crush injury with extensive soft is simply an extension of the soft tissue injury that involves
tissue damage, concomitant vascular or nerve injury and bone, and the principles of management are the same.
major bony disruption pose other threats to either life or
limb, and it is on these that this topic concentrates. injury
Despite huge advances in the management of these inju-
ries, and the resultant decrease in amputation rates associ- Vascular injuries are present in 2535 per cent of all pen-
ated with them, there remains a small group of patients etrating trauma to the extremities. More recently, duplex
Extremity trauma | 157
scanning has been found to play a useful screening role. distortion or compartment syndromes that interfere with
Except for inconsequential intimal injuries and distal arterial flow.
artery injuries, most extremity vascular injuries should be In principle, it is wise to fix the bony skeleton before
repaired. embarking on vascular repair. However, this can be cata-
Signs of vascular injury include an expanding or pulsat- strophic if ischaemia is present. The following protocol
ing haematoma, to-and-fro murmurs, a false aneurysm, should be used:
continuous murmurs from arteriovenous fistulas, loss of
Initial assessment for ischaemia
pulses, progressive swelling of an extremity, unexplained
Exploration of the vessels
ischaemia or dysfunction, and unilateral cool or pale
Fasciotomy if required
extremities. A significant percentage of these patients
Temporary stenting of the vein and artery
have no physical findings suggesting vascular trauma;
Orthopaedic fixation of the skeletal damage
thus, routine further investigation has been advocated.
Definitive repair of the vascular damage.
The most common cause of peripheral vascular injury
is penetrating trauma, which includes a spectrum from Damage control of the extremity injury should take place in
simple puncture wounds to wounds resulting from high- the same fashion as in the abdomen. If there is doubt regarding
energy missiles. Normal pulses do not rule out vascular viability, the wound should not be closed.
injuries: 10 per cent of significant and major vascular There are five options open to the surgeon when vas-
injuries have no physical findings. Penetrating trauma cular damage is encountered: vessels may be repaired,
also includes iatrogenic injuries, such as those following replaced (grafted), ligated (and bypassed), stented or
percutaneous catheterization of the peripheral arteries for shunted.
diagnostic procedures or access for monitoring. When a Intraluminal shunts may be manufactured out of intra-
needle or catheter dislodges an arteriosclerotic plaque or venous tubing, nasogastric tubing, biliary T-tubes or even
elevates the intima, a vessel may thrombose, leading to chest drain tubing, depending on the size of the vessel to
acute ischaemia in a limb. The key, therefore, is to main- be shunted. Commercially made shunts (as used routinely
tain a high index of suspicion based on the mechanism of in carotid surgery) are on the market, and others are now
injury and the proximity of vascular structures. being made specifically for trauma. Essentially, the shunt
Recently, duplex scanning of blood vessels has been is tied into the damaged vessel and ligated securely proxi-
shown to be a useful adjunct in determining whether an mally and distally there is no need for heparinization
arteriogram is indicated. A positive duplex scan is valu- and this allows time for other damage control proce-
able, but a negative one does not exclude vascular injury. dures to take precedence while maintaining perfusion
A positive duplex scan, or an anklebrachial index of less of the limb. Where possible, both artery and vein should
than 0.9 in a distal pulse, is a mandatory indication for be shunted if both are damaged. If not possible, the vein
arteriogram and possible operation. should be tied off. The shunts may safely be left in place
The gold standard for confirming a suspected vascular for 24 hours and probably longer; there are no controlled
injury remains the arteriogram. However, arteriography trials reporting on this.
should not be performed in the patient who is unstable Some injury complexes should raise a specific suspicion
and needs emergency laparotomy or thoracotomy. The of vascular damage, for example a supracondylar fracture
arteriogram should be delayed until after resuscitation of the humerus or femur, and posterior dislocation of the
and treatment of the life-threatening emergency. knee. The presence of palpable pulses does not exclude
If doubt exists, an angiogram should be obtained. arterial injury, and a difference of 10 per cent in the meas-
Blunt trauma also may cause peripheral vascular ured Doppler pressure compared with the opposite unin-
injuries, with shear injuries as the most common cause. jured limb mandates urgent angiography. This is not hard
Contusions or crushing injuries may produce transmural to do, and the technique is well described elsewhere. An
or partial disruption of arteries, resulting in elevation of absent pulse mandates exploration if the level of injury is
the intima and the formation of intramural haemato- known, and angiography if it is not.
mas. Blunt trauma, such as posterior dislocation of the Repairs, particularly graft replacements of injured ves-
knee, may cause total disruption of a major vessel. Blunt sels, should only be attempted by those competent to do
trauma may also indirectly contribute to vascular occlu- them, and only in limbs where the viability of the soft tis-
sion by creating large haematomas in proximity to the sues is not in doubt (i.e. after fasciotomy). Ligation may
vessel. These haematomas may lead to arterial spasm, be done as a measure of desperation in the exsanguinating
158 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
patient, and limb survival is often surprising. Claudication sounded a note of caution about relying exclusively on a
pain may be dealt with at a later date. Extra-anatomical scoring system to make these important decisions.
bypass has no place in the setting of damage control and
trauma surgery. Endovascular stenting is rapidly becom-
ing a procedure of choice in some areas (e.g. traumatic 9.4.2Scoring systems
aortic rupture), but requires facilities and expertise that
may not always be available. Mangled Extremity Syndrome Index
Table 9.2 Mangled Extremity Syndrome Index Table 9.3 Predicted Salvage Index System
Score <20: functional limb salvage can be expected. Score >20: limb salvage is Systolic blood pressure always >90mmHg 0
improbable. Systolic blood pressure transiently <90mmHg 1
Reproduced from Gregory et al. (1985).13
Systolic blood pressure persistently <90mmHg 2
Age (years)
skeletal injury, shock/blood pressure, age) scoring system <30 0
(Table 9.5), which is thus more sensitive and more specific 3050 1
than the MESS. >50 2
Scoring systems clearly have their limitations when the *Double the value if the duration of ischaemia is over 6 hours.
resuscitating surgeon is faced with an unstable polytrauma Score >7 predicted amputation.
patient. Thus, these scoring systems are not universally Reproduced from Johansen et al. (1990).11
160 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
accepted. They have shortcomings with respect to repro- dations derived from them must be judged in terms of
ducibility, prognostic value and treatment-planning available technology and expertise.
in this context. These factors can lead to inappropriate In summary, the decision of whether to amputate prima-
attempts at limb salvage when associated life- and limb- rily or to embark on limb salvage and continue with planned
threatening injuries might be overlooked if attention is repetitive surgeries is complex. Prolonged salvage attempts
focused mainly on salvage of the mangled limb, or to an that are unlikely to be successful should be avoided, espe-
amputation when salvage may have been possible. While cially in patients with insensate limbs and predictable
experience with these scoring systems is generally limited, functional failures. Scoring systems should be used only
they may provide some objective parameters on which cli- as a guide for decision-making. The relative importance of
nicians can base difficult decisions regarding salvage of each of the associated trauma parameters (with the excep-
life or limb, but it must be stressed that any recommen- tion of prolonged, warm ischaemia time or risking the life
of a patient with severe, multiple organ trauma) is still of
questionable predictive value. A good understanding of
Table 9.5 NISSSA scoring system
the potential complications facilitates the decision-making
Factor Score process in limb salvage versus amputation.
Nerve injury
Sensate 0
Loss of dorsal 1 9.5Compartment syndrome16,17
Partial plantar 2
Compartment syndrome may occur after extremity
Complete plantar 3
injury, with or without vascular trauma. Increasing
pressure within the closed fascial space of a limb com-
None 0
promises the blood supply of muscle. Early clinical diag-
Mild 1* nosis and treatment is important to prevent significant
Moderate 2* morbidity.
Severe 3* Compartment syndrome occurs relatively commonly,
Soft tissue injury/contamination following trauma or ischaemia to an extremity, with or
Low 0 without vascular injury. It is important to emphasize
Medium 1 that reperfusion probably plays a major role. As such, the
High 2
classical clinical findings may be absent prior to vascular
repair. Once the diagnosis of compartment syndrome is
Severe 3
made, urgent fasciotomy is indicated.
Skeletal injury
The measurement of intracompartment pressure is
Low energy 0
invaluable when doubt exists about the diagnosis. It
Medium energy 1 must be emphasized that a pulse still may be palpable, or
High energy 2 recordable on the Doppler, even though a compartment
Very high energy 3 syndrome exists.
Shock/blood pressure
Normotensive 0
Transient hypotension 1 9.6fasciotomy
Persistent hypotension 2
Age (years) Two techniques have been described:
<30 0
Two-incision, four-compartment fasciotomy
3050 1 Fibulectomy.
>50 2
The skin must be opened widely, in order to allow a
*Double the value if the duration of ischaemia exceeds 6 hours. good view of the underlying fascia. It is critical that the
Score >11 predicted amputation. fascia is split over its entire length, and this can only
Reproduced from McNamara et al. (1994).15 be done under direct vision. Care must be taken not to
Extremity trauma | 161
damage the saphenous veins, which may constitute the Table 9.6 Complications of fractures
major system of venous return in such an injured leg.
Skin and soft Skin and tissue loss, wound slough, coverage
In trauma, there is no place for subcutaneous fasciotomy.
tissue failure
Drugs 10.4Hypothermia
Pulmonary embolus (PE)
Deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Hypothermia is a potential complication of trauma.
While hypothermia may itself cause cardiac arrest, it is Percutaneous tracheostomy7 also protective to the brain through a reduction in meta-
bolic rate and thus reduced oxygen requirements. Oxygen
Percutaneous tracheostomy has been shown to have fewer consumption is reduced by 50 per cent at a core tempera-
perioperative and postoperative complications compared ture of 30C. The American Heart Association guidelines
with conventional tracheostomy, and is now the tech- recommend that the hypothermic patient who appears
nique of choice in critically ill patients. dead should not be considered so until a near-normal
Various techniques are described, with dilation by for- body temperature is reached. However, hypothermia is on
ceps or multiple or single dilators. Patient selection is balance extremely harmful to trauma patients, especially
important, and percutaneous tracheostomy should not by virtue of the way it alters oxygen delivery. Therefore,
be attempted if the procedure is non-elective, the land- the patient must be warmed as soon as possible, and heat
marks are obscure in the neck or the patient has a coagu- loss minimized at all costs.
lopathy. Confirmation of correct placement by fibreoptic
bronchoscopy is valuable. Ultrasound scanning of the
neck and routine endoscopy during the procedure appear 10.4.1Rewarming
to reduce early complications. Percutaneous tracheos-
tomy is not suitable for children. Hypothermia is common after immersion injury.
Rewarming must take place with intensive monitor-
ing. Patients who have spontaneous respiratory effort Weaning from ventilatory support
and whose hearts are beating, no matter how severe the
During the recovery phase, the most important transition bradycardia, should not receive unnecessary resuscita-
made is that from mechanical ventilation to unassisted tion procedures. The hypothermic heart is very irritable
breathing, known as weaning. Weaning begins when the and fibrillates easily. Patients with a core temperature of
causes of respiratory failure have resolved. less than 29.5C are at high risk of ventricular arrhyth-
When signs of infection, respiratory failure or multisys- mias, and should be rewarmed as rapidly as possible.
tem failure abate, recovery from critical illness requiring Recent studies have not shown any increase in ventricular
prolonged ICU care is imminent. arrhythmias with rapid rewarming.
168 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
A hypothermic heart is resistant to both electrical and the aetiology in these abacteraemic patients may be
pharmacological cardioversion, especially if the core tem- burns, pancreatitis, significant soft tissue and destruc-
perature is below 29.5C, and cardiopulmonary resusci- tive injuries to tissue, particularly when associated with
tation should be continued if necessary. shock. The common theme through all of these vari-
If the core temperature is greater than 29.5 C and ous injuries and types of sepsis is that the inflamma-
fibrillation is present, one attempt at electrical cardiover- tory cascade has been initiated and runs amok. Once
sion should be made. If this is ineffective, intravenous the inflammatory response has been initiated, it leads
bretylium may be helpful. to systemic symptoms that may or may not be benefi-
Patients with a core temperature of between 29.5 C cial or harmful. The primary symptoms associated with
and 32 C can generally be passively rewarmed, and if SIRS include:
haemodynamically stable may be rewarmed more slowly.
Temperature <36C or >38C.
However, active core rewarming is still generally required.
Heart rate >90 beats per minute
Patients with a core temperature of over 32C can gen-
Respiratory rate >20 breaths per minute
erally be rewarmed using external rewarming.
Deranged arterial gases: partial pressure of carbon
Methods of rewarming include:
dioxide (Pco2) <32mmHg (4.2kPa)
White blood count >12.0 109/L or <4.0 109/L or
External 0.1% immature neutrophils.
Removal of wet or cold clothing and drying of the
Patients who have one or more of these primary compo-
nents are thought to have SIRS. A further classification
Infrared (radiant) heat
of SIRS is that sepsis is SIRS plus documented infection.
Electrical heating blankets
Severe sepsis is sepsis plus organ dysfunction, hypoper-
Warm air heating blankets.
fusion abnormalities or hypotension. Finally, septic shock
NB: In the presence of hypothermia, space blankets are is defined as sepsis-induced hypotension despite fluid
ineffective, since there is minimal intrinsic body heat to resuscitation.
reflect. It is now recognized that there are a number of mes-
sengers associated with SIRS, including cytokines,
Internal growth factors and cell surface adhesion molecules.
Equally important components of the expression of
Heated, humidified respiratory gases to 42C
SIRS are the genetic cellular events, including those
Intravenous fluids warmed to 37C
involving the transcriptases and other proteins asso-
Gastric lavage with warmed fluids (usually saline at 42C)
ciated with the up-regulation and down-regulation
Continuous bladder lavage with water at 42C
of gene expression. It is now appreciated that if these
Peritoneal lavage with potassium-free dialysate at
cytokines and cell adhesion molecules are in proper bal-
42C (20mL/kg every 15 minutes)
ance, beneficial effects occur during the inflammatory
Intrapleural lavage
response. Conversely, if there is a dysregulation or dys-
Extracorporeal rewarming via a femoral artery
homeostasis of these various cytokines and growth fac-
femoral vein bypass.
tors, harmful effects may take place, damaging organs
It is recommended that resuscitation should not be and may lead to patient death. This dysregulation
abandoned while the core temperature is subnormal, may effect vascular permeability, chemotaxis, vascular
since it may be difficult to distinguish between cerebro- adherence, coagulation, bacterial killing and all the
protective hypothermia and hypothermia resulting from components of tissue remodelling.
brainstem death. One of the corollary concepts that has grown out of our
understanding of SIRS is that the inflammatory cascade is
not to be interpreted as harmful. It is only when dysregu-
10.5Systemic inflammatory lation occurs that it is a problem in patient management.
response syndrome The second concept is that cytokines are messengers, and
that we must not kill the messenger. Whether or not we
Two large studies have shown that 50 per cent of patients can control them by either up-regulation or down-regula-
with sepsis are abacteraemic. It is also recognized that tion remains to be proven by careful human studies.
Critical care of the trauma patient | 169
Multisystem organ dysfunction syndrome is a clini- (See also Chapter 3, Transfusion in trauma.)
cal syndrome characterized by the progressive failure of Trauma patients are susceptible to the early develop-
multiple and interdependent organs. The dysfunction ment of coagulopathy, and the most severely injured
identifies a phenomenon in which organ function is not patients are coagulopathic on hospital admission. The
capable of maintaining homeostasis, so it occurs along a coagulopathy is worsened by:9
continuum of progressive organ failure, rather than abso-
Haemodilution dilutional thrombocytopenia is the
lute failure. The lungs, liver and kidneys are the princi-
most common coagulation abnormality in trauma
pal target organs; however, failure of the cardiovascular
and central nervous system may be prominent as well.
Consumption of clotting factors
The main inciting factors in trauma patients are haem-
Hypothermia which causes platelet dysfunction
orrhagic shock and infection. As life support and resus-
and a reduction in the rate of the enzymatic clotting
citation techniques have improved, so the incidence of
MODS has increased. The early development of MODS
(<3 days post-injury) is usually a consequence of shock
Metabolic derangements (especially acidosis), which
or inadequate resuscitation, while late onset is usually a
also interfere with the clotting mechanism.
result of severe infection.
Multisystem organ dysfunction syndrome develops More recently in trauma, the focus has shifted from
as a consequence of local inflammation with activation a disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) type
of the innate immune system and a subsequent uncon- coagulopathy without microthrombi, to extensive tissue
trolled or inappropriate systemic inflammatory response trauma in combination with reduced perfusion in which
to inciting factors such as severe tissue injury (e.g. brain, the endothelium shows an increased expression of throm-
lung or soft tissue), hypoperfusion or infection. Two bomodulin, thus binding thrombin.
basic models have emerged: the one-hit model involves With the reduced levels of thrombin, there is a reduced
a single insult that initiates a SIRS, which may result in production of fibrin. The thrombinthrombomodulin
progressive MODS, whereas the two-hit model involves complex activates protein C. The activated protein C
sequential insults that may lead to MODS. The initial inactivates co-factors V and VIII, causing anticoagulation.
insult may prime the inflammatory response such that Activated protein C also inactivates plasminogen activator
a second insult (even a modest one) results in an exag- inhibitor type 1, increasing fibrinolysis. The thrombin
gerated inflammatory response and subsequent organ thrombomodulin complex also binds thrombin-activated
dysfunction. fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI), reducing the inhibition of
Early factors that increase the risk for MODS include fibrinolysis. In trauma-induced coagulopathy, the shift-
persistent and refractory shock with lactic acidosis and ing balance between the binding of protein C and TAFI
elevated base deficit, a high ISS and the need for multiple may be the cause of the different clinical presentations.
blood transfusions. Advanced age or pre-existing disease Long-standing hypotension, acidosis and ischaemia give
may also increase a patients risk of developing MODS a release of a tissue plasminogen activator. Together with
because of co-morbid disease or decreased organ reserves reduced liver function, the consumption of coagulation
secondary to normal ageing. factors, activated plasmin and fibrin degradation prod-
Specific therapy for MODS is currently limited, apart ucts, haemostasis is compromised.
from providing adequate and full resuscitation, treatment Platelet survival is so short that severe thrombocyto-
of infection and general ICU supportive care. Strategies penia is common. There is a consumptive deficiency of
to prevent MODS include adequate fluid resuscitation to coagulation factors.
establish and maintain tissue oxygenation, debridement Excess plasmin generation is reflected by reduced
of devitalized tissue, early fracture fixation and stabiliza- plasma levels of fibrin and elevated levels of fibrin deg-
tion, early enteral nutritional support when possible, the radation products, with abnormal concentrations being
prevention and treatment of nosocomial infections, and found in 85 per cent of patients. Tranexamic acid may
early mobility and resumption of exercise. have a major role in clot stabilization.10
170 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
chest physiotherapy. If the patient can cooperate, visual High-priority occult injuries:
analogue pain scores may be helpful.
Brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve injury
Early pain control in the ICU is primarily achieved
Thoracic aortic injury
through the use of intravenous opiates. Other techniques are
Intra-abdominal or pelvic injury
employed and tailored to the individual patient and injury:
Vascular injuries to the extremities
Bolus opiates morphine titrated intravenously Cerebrovascular injuries occult carotid/vertebral
Patient-controlled analgesia artery injury
Epidural analgesia (patient-controlled epidural Cardiac injuries
analgesia) Aerodigestive tract injuries ruptured bowel
Intrapleural anaesthesia Occult pneumothorax
Extrapleural analgesia Compartment syndrome foreleg, thigh, buttock or arm
Intercostal nerve blocks Eye injuries (remember to remove the patients
Catheter techniques for peripheral nerve blocks, e.g. contact lenses)
femoral nerve, brachial plexus, popliteal nerve and Other occult injuries hands, feet, digits or joint
paravertebral nerve blocks. dislocations
Vaginal tampons.
It is very important to establish early contact with fam- Medical history (including drugs and alcohol)
ily members to explain the injuries, clinical condition and Contact the patients personal physicians
prognosis of the patient. This provides family members Check pharmacy records.
with essential information, and establishes a relationship
between the ICU care team and the family. Administrative
facts, such as ICU procedures, visiting hours and available
services, should also be explained. With the elderly, iden-
10.14Nutritional support14,15
tifying the existence of living wills or other predetermina-
Trauma patients are hypermetabolic, and have increased
tion documents is important.
nutritional needs due to the immunological response to
trauma and the requirement for accelerated protein syn-
thesis for wound healing. Early enteral feeding has been
10.13 ICU tertiary survey13 shown to reduce postoperative septic morbidity after
trauma. A meta-analysis of a number of randomized trials
The tertiary survey is a complete re-examination of the
has demonstrated a twofold decrease in infectious com-
patient, plus a review of the history and all available
plications in patients treated with early enteral nutrition
results and imaging. Missed injuries are a potent cause of
compared with total parenteral nutrition.
morbidity, and the majority will be identified by a thor-
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients appear to have
ough tertiary survey. A tertiary trauma survey has much
similar outcomes whether fed enterally or parenter-
to recommend it in minimizing the delay in the ultimate
ally. A Cochrane Review has confirmed that early (either
diagnosis of missed injury. Nevertheless, it is not a com-
parenteral or enteral) feeding is associated with a trend
plete solution, and an ongoing analysis of errors should
towards better outcomes in terms of survival and dis-
be undertaken at any major trauma centre.
ability compared with later feeding.16 Patients with a TBI
exhibit protein wasting and gastrointestinal dysfunction,
which may be risk factors for a septic state. However,
10.13.1Evaluation for occult injuries
standard nutritional support may not allow restoration
of the nutritional state of TBI patients.17
Factors predisposing to missed injuries:
Enteral nutrition should be used when the gut is acces-
Mechanism of injury re-verify the events sible and functioning.18 Enteral nutrition is not invariably
surrounding the injury. safer and better than parenteral nutrition, but a mix of
172 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
the two modalities can be used safely. Immunonutrition acid-blocking and cytoprotective therapies has become
holds promise for the future.19 commonplace.
Patients at risk include those with: Those patients at greatest risk for stress ulcer develop-
ment are those with a previous history of ulcer disease,
Major trauma
those requiring mechanical ventilation and those with
a coagulopathy, regardless of whether it is intrinsic or
It is critical to: chemically induced. Burn patients have also been labelled
as high risk in historical studies.
Determine energy and protein requirements
Cytoprotective agents (e.g. sucralfate) as a preventive
Determine and establish a route of administration
measure have been shown to be the most cost-effective by
Set a time to begin nutrition support.
statistical analysis in several trials, although there are fewer
cases of stress ulcer bleeding in the H2-receptor blockade
arm of these trials. However, the marked decrease in the
10.14.1Access for enteral nutrition
rate of development of ventilator-associated pneumonia
seen in the sucralfate population does make this thera- peutic option quite attractive.14
Intravenous H2-receptor blockade therapy (e.g. raniti-
Naso/orogastric tube
dine) to some degree blocks the production of stomach
Naso/oroduodenal tube
acid. Most studies demonstrating its efficacy in stress
Naso/orojejunal tube.
ulcer prevention do not attempt to neutralize gastric pH.
Most critically ill trauma patients should be started on Newer intravenous proton pump inhibitors may well
early enteral nutrition. The majority do not require pro- replace H2 blockade as the mainstay of therapy.
longed feeding (beyond 1014 days), and simple nasoen- Perhaps the simplest and safest method of stress ulcer
teric tube feeding is then all that is required. For patients prevention is adequate resuscitation and early intragastric
who have prolonged tube-feeding requirements, nasoen- enteric nutrition. During the early resuscitative phase and
teric tubes are inconvenient, as they tend to dislodge, while vasoactive drugs to elevate blood pressure are in use,
worsen aspiration and are uncomfortable. it is not always prudent to provide nutrition enterally. It
is in these circumstances that the use of acid blockade,
cytoprotective agents or both is necessary. complicated
weight subcutaneous heparin. Unfractionated heparin of administration of these vaccines in trauma patients,
does not appear to be nearly as effective in this severely but it is clear that adult patients do not benefit from
injured population.23 Similarly, unless extremity injury the antibacterial chemoprophylaxis needed in paediatric
precludes their use, graded pneumatic compression patients post-splenectomy. Due to the multiple strains
devices should be used on all such patients. Foot pumps of each organism, the immunizations are not foolproof
may also be of some benefit. in preventing overwhelming post-splenectomy infec-
Screening for the presence of DVT, which, if present, tion. Therefore, patients must be carefully counselled
would necessitate more aggressive anticoagulant therapy, to seek medical attention immediately for high fevers,
should also be implemented in these patients. The easiest and healthcare providers must be aggressive in the use
and safest screening tool is venous Doppler ultrasound of empirical antibiotics in patients who may have over-
or duplex scanning. This is a portable, readily available, whelming post-splenectomy infection upon presentation
repeatable and cost-effective procedure with no side effects in the outpatient setting. Currently, booster immuniza-
for the patient. These modalities are, however, operator- tion with Pneumovac is indicated each 5 years for these
dependent and can fail to diagnose DVT in the deep pel- splenectomized patients.
vic veins, but contrast ultrasound trials to overcome this Adequate wound debridement and irrigation are nec-
weakness are now being conducted. This screening should essary to eliminate non-viable tissue and debris from all
be performed whenever clinical suspicion of DVT arises, traumatic wounds, in order to limit infection of these
within 48 hours of admission, and each 57 days thereaf- wounds. Whenever possible, these wounds should be
ter as long as the patient remains in the ICU. thoroughly prepared as above and closed primarily. If
In the highest risk patients previously mentioned, every skin coverage is lacking, or more than 6 hours has elapsed
consideration of the prophylactic placement of an infe- since injury, moist dressings (to prevent tissue desiccation
rior vena cava filter should be made. The lifetime risk and further non-viable wound tissue) should be applied
of the filter appears to be quite low in several studies, and changed twice per day, further wound debridement
with an obvious significant benefit in the prevention of performed as indicated and skin grafts or flap coverage
death. An additional subgroup of patients to be consid- performed once the health of the wound can be assured.
ered for prophylactic inferior vena cava filter placement Special attention must be given to difficult wounds of the
are those with significant injuries who also have either a perineum (consider faecal diversion), complex fractures
contraindication to full anticoagulation (PE treatment) with soft tissue injury and contamination (osteomyelitis),
or severe lung disease (long-standing or acutely acquired, and wounds on the back and occiput (as pressure may
i.e. ARDS), which could result in death even from a small cause additional wound necrosis).
PE. The combination of aggressive prevention measures, Thrombophlebitis and sepsis from intravenous can-
screening by duplex and prophylactic inferior vena cava nulas are significant considerations as these intravenous
filters can result in a fatal PE rate of significantly less than lines are frequently placed under less than optimal circum-
1 per cent of the trauma ICU population. stances and technique in the field and in the resuscitation
areas. Removal and replacement of all such lines as early
as possible, but in every instance in less than 24 hours, is
10.15.3 Infection paramount to avoid these infectious complications.
is conflicting evidence regarding the need for routine anti- Short-therapy duration (8 days) if the patient is
biotics with tube thoracostomy. on an appropriate regimen and not infected by a
For thoracoabdominal injuries requiring operation, a multidrug-resistant pathogen.
single dose of broad-spectrum antibiotics is indicated.
Given the variations in antibiotic susceptibility profiles
Prolonged courses of antibiotics, extending beyond 24
of VAP pathogens, both in location and with respect to
hours, are not currently indicated in these patients.
changes over time, it is inappropriate to specify the use of
Patients with open fractures are frequently treated with
specific antibiotic regimens.
both Gram-negative and Gram-positive prophylaxis for
long periods. There is no evidence for this practice, or for
whether the correct management should be any different 10.17Respiration
from that for torso injury.26,27
Patients in the ICU on mechanical ventilation, with or Mechanical ventilation should be gentle as high tidal
without known aspiration, have no indication for anti volumes and pressures can damage the lungs.
biotics to prevent pneumonia. In fact, this practice has Prevent aspiration.
hastened the onset of antibiotic resistance worldwide. Undertake early tracheostomy.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, a diagno- Pulmonary toilet and pain control should be used in
sis of pneumonia must meet the following criteria: patients with rib fractures.
Rales or dullness to percussion Employ pressure control ventilation and high-PEEP
AND any of the following: for ARDS.
New purulent sputum or a change in sputum Prone ventilation may improve oxygenation in
Culture growth of an organism from blood or patients with ARDS or severe sepsis.
tracheal aspirate, bronchial brushing or biopsy VAP is the common hospital-acquired infection in ICU.16
Radiographic evidence of new or progressive infiltrate,
consolidation, cavitation or effusion, 10.18Organ donation
AND any of the following:
Isolation of virus or detection of viral antigen in Identification of potential organ donors from among
respiratory secretions brain-dead patients is an important role in every critical
Diagnostic antibody titres for pathogen care department. It is difficult to balance the require-
Histopathological evidence of pneumonia. ments of the organ transplant teams with a sympathetic
For ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) there are and understanding approach to grieving relatives. Specific
new guidelines:28 training is vital.
5 Balogh Z, McKinley BA, Cocanour CS et al. Supranormal 20 Holmes JH 4th, Brundage SI, Yuen P, Hall RA, Maier RV,
trauma resuscitation causes more cases of abdominal Jurkovich GJ. Complications of surgical feeding jejunostomy
compartment syndrome. Arch Surg 2003;138:63743. in trauma patients. J Trauma 1999;47:100912.
6 Garner JS, Jarvis WR, Emori TG, Horan TC, Hughes JM. CDC 21 Guillamondegui OD, Gunter OL Jr, Bonadies JA et al.
definitions for nosocomial infections, 1988. Am J Infect Practice management guidelines for stress ulcer prophylaxis.
Control 1988;16:12840. In: Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Practice
7 Mallick A, Bodenham AR. Tracheostomy in critically ill Management Guidelines. Available from
patients. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2010;27:67882. (accessed December 2010).
8 Ganter MT, Pittet JF. New insights into acute coagulopathy 22 Rogers FB, Cipolle MD, Velmahos G, Rozycki G. Practice
in trauma patients. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol management guidelines for the management of venous
2010;24:1525. thromboembolism (VTE) in trauma patients. J Trauma
9 Tieu BH, Holcomb JB, Schreiber MA. Coagulopathy: its 2002;53:14264. In: Eastern Association for the Surgery of
pathophysiology and treatment in the injured patient. Trauma. Practice Management Guidelines. Available from
World J Surg 2007;31:105564. (accessed December 2010).
10 Geeraedts LMG Jr, Kaasjager HAH, van Vugt AB, Frlke 23 Boddi M, Barbani F, Abbate R et al. Reduction in deep
JPM. Exsanguination in trauma: a review of diagnostics and vein thrombosis incidence in intensive care after a clinician
treatment options. Injury 2009;40:1120. education program. J Thromb Haemost 2010;8:1218.
11 CRASH-2 Trial Collaborators. Effects of tranexamic acid on 24 Hauser CJ, Adams CA Jr, Soumitra RE; Council of the Surgical
death, vascular occlusive events, and blood transfusion in Infection Society. Surgical Infection Society Guidelines:
trauma patients with significant haemorrhage (CRASH-2): a prophylactic antibiotic use in open fractures: an evidence-
randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2010;376:2732. based guideline. Surg Infect (Larchmt) 2006;7:379405.
12 Bihorac A, Delano MJ, Schold JD et al. Incidence, clinical 25 Velmahos GC, Toutouzas KG, Sarkisyan G et al. Severe
predictors, genomics, and outcome of acute kidney injury trauma is not an excuse for prolonged antibiotic prophylaxis.
among trauma patients. Ann Surg 2010;252:15865. Arch Surg 2002;137:53741.
13 Janjua KJ, Sugrue M, Deane SA. Prospective evaluation of 26 Luchette FA, Bone LB, Born CT et al. Practice management
early missed injuries and the role of the tertiary trauma guidelines for prophylactic antibiotic use in open fractures.
survey. J Trauma 1998;44:10006; discussion 10067. In: Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Practice
14 Jacobs DO, Kudsk KA, Oswanski MF, Sacks GS, Sinclair KE. Management Guidelines Workgroup. Available from http://
Practice management guidelines for nutritional support of (accessed December 2010).
the trauma patient. In: Eastern Association for the Surgery 27 Hoff WS, Bonadies JA, Cachecho R, Dorlac WC. Eastern
of Trauma. Practice Management Guidelines. Available Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Eastern Association
from for the Surgery of Trauma. Practice Management Guidelines
15 Kreymann KG, Berger MM, Deutz NE et al. DGEM (German Workgroup: Update to practice management guidelines for
Society for Nutritional Medicine), Ebner C, Hartl W, Heymann prophylactic antibiotic use in open fractures. Available from
C, Spies C; ESPEN (European Society for Parenteral and (accessed December 2010).
Enteral Nutrition). ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: 28 Rello J, Paiva JA, Baraibar J et al. International Conference for the
intensive care. Clin Nutr 2006;25:21023. Development of Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of
16 Yanagawa T, Bunn F, Roberts I, Wentz R, Pierro A. Nutritional Ventilator-associated Pneumonia. Chest 2001;120:95570.
support for head-injured patients. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev 2000;(2):CD001530. 10.20Recommended reading
17 Cook AM, Peppard A, Magnuson A. Nutrition considerations
in traumatic brain injury. Nutr Clin Pract 2008;23:60820. Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Practice
18 Moore FA, Feliciano DV, Andrassy RJ et al. Early enteral Management Guidelines. Available from
feeding compared with parenteral reduces postoperative Marino PL, Sutin KM, eds. The ICU Book, 3rd edn. Philadelphia:
septic complications: the result of a meta-analysis. Ann Surg Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.
1992;216:17283. Orlinsky M, Shoemaker W, Reis ED, Kerstein MD. Current
19 Houdijk AP, Rijnsburger ER, Jansen J et al. Randomised trial of controversies in shock and resuscitation. Surg Clin North
glutamine-enriched enteral nutrition on infectious morbidity Am 2001;81:121762.
in patients with multiple trauma. Lancet 1998;352:7726. Schwab CW, Reilly PM, eds. Critical care of the trauma patient.
Surg Clin North Am 2000;80(3).
Austere conditions and
battlefield surgery 11
non-hostile deaths (due to disease, non-battle injury and Military medical practitioners have been described as
other causes) and over 31000 troops wounded in action. working at the interface of two dynamic technologies,
Casualty rates in Iraq have been considerably lower than warfare and trauma management. In addition to the
during the Vietnam conflict, and a greater proportion of problems of dispersed battlefields, highly mobile front
troops wounded in Iraq survive their wounds. Before the lines, extended lines of logistics and a delay in evacua-
surge in troop levels that began in early 2007, the survival tion, the modern military surgeon is likely to be called
rate was 90.4 per cent in Iraq compared with 86.5 per cent upon to treat civilians, including females (especially
in Vietnam. obstetric care) and children, as well as service personnel,
The leading causes of injury among casualties in with a requirement to offer immediate care well away
Afghanistan and the Iraq war were explosive devices, gun- from their speciality; problems in ophthalmology, maxil-
shot wounds, aircraft crashes and terrorist attacks. Of the lofacial surgery, ear, nose and throat medicine, paediat-
casualties, 55 per cent died in hostile action and 45 per rics, gynaecology, tropical medicine or even public health
cent in non-hostile incidents. Chest or abdominal inju- will fall under the remit of the military surgeon. These
ries (40 per cent) and brain injuries (35 per cent) were the challenges are magnified by the nature of modern sur-
main causes of death for soldiers killed in action. The case gical training, with its accent on early training in sub-
fatality rate in Iraq was approximately half as high as in specialities, combined with the decline in the popularity
the Vietnam War. In contrast, the amputation rate was of trauma surgery and surgical intensive care. Military
twice as high. Approximately 815 per cent of the deaths surgeons therefore have to be trained in a variety of spe-
appeared to be preventable. cialities and undergo multiple course training (including
Wounding patterns are modified by the presence or team training) before they deploy.
absence of modern ballistic protection (armour) and Modern all-arms battle presents a vast array of poten-
the pre-hospital timeline. Many fatal penetrating inju- tial wounding agents, from high-velocity military rifles,
ries are likely to be caused by missiles entering through shrapnel from mortars or mines, blast from any explosive,
areas not protected by body armour, such as the face and and chemical, biological and nuclear exposure (depleted
junctional areas in the neck, face, groin and buttocks. uranium in shells) to motor vehicle crashes. The latter
Injuries can be sustained by gunshot or the effect of con- are often the most common cause of injury. It is impera-
ventional explosive munitions (air-delivered bombs, artil- tive that military medical personnel become familiar with
lery shells, rocket-propelled grenades or hand grenades). the medical consequences of toxin exposure, the illnesses
The proportion of penetrating injuries due to bullets or caused by these agents and the measures required to
fragments will depend on the nature of the battle, with protect military healthcare providers.
blunt injury and burns likely to comprise a significant
component of the injuries in conventional manoeuvre
warfare. However, the defining injury pattern in recent 11.3Emergency medical services
counterinsurgency operations is that caused by impro- systems
vised explosive devices, which cause a combination of
blast and missile wounds. The patient presenting to the surgical team in a
One of the characteristics of military wounding is civilian hospital has already been part of a supply
early lethality, with a high proportion of deaths occur- chain. Consider the victim of a road traffic collision.
ring soon after injury. Of those who survive to reach Summoning help requires the existence of an intact
hospital, the majority will have injury to the extremities. telephone or radio system, appropriately trained indi-
Protocols for casualty assessment, tourniquet applica- viduals arriving in suitably equipped vehicles and an
tion, the use of haemostatic wound dressings, and the unimpeded journey, delivering an appropriately pack-
direct transfer of casualties from ambulance to operat- aged patient, to the hospital. In the deployed environ-
ing theatre are designed to recognize that exsanguination ment, this pre-hospital chain is particularly vulnerable.
remains the main cause of preventable battlefield death. Patients may experience delays of hours or days getting
In a recent review of deaths of servicemen after combat to care, which will in turn influence how they present to
injury, although 85 per cent of deaths were considered the surgical team.
non-preventable, half of those that were considered to Deployed military medical systems usually consist of a
be potentially survivable were the result of intracavity crescendo series of levels (roles) of care in military medi-
haemorrhage. cal treatment units, traditionally called roles 14. Close
178 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
to the point of injury, a casualty either applies self-aid or barrier preventing accidental or unauthorized access to
receives buddy aid (such as field dressing or tourniquet the site. An inner cordon may be set up around wreckage,
application). The next stage is care by a medic and then especially if hazards still exist.
by a doctor or nurse at an aid post (role 1 facility). By
the time a casualty reaches a surgical team at a role 2 Control
facility, they have usually received some treatment (anal-
Once cordons have been set up, the control of the cordons
gesia and antibiotics) and resuscitation (to various fluid
and scene is maintained by clear rendezvous and access
The situation becomes complicated when casualties
move between systems (e.g. military to host nation, or
Once the 4 Cs have been established, medical manage-
non-governmental organization to military) having
ment and support can begin:
received surgery in the first system. Because standards of
care can vary enormously between systems, these casu- Command and control
alties need a thorough examination and re-evaluation. Safety
Soldiers have been trained and issued their equipment Communication
before the disaster or injury occurs, in order to perform Assessment
immediate aid on themselves or each other; civilians, Triage
however, have not. It is critically important that full Treatment
documentation accompanies the patient in order to Transport.
prevent overtreatment.
11.3.1Incident management and multiple This is the paramount principle. If good command and
casualties control are not established, the initial chaos will continue,
and the injured will suffer regardless of how well some
At incidents in which bombs are involved or secondary individual casualties are treated. Command usually over-
devices are suspected, the 4 Cs must be adopted: rides control. Command implies the overall responsibility
for the mission, whereas control implies the authority to
modify procedures or actions by services.
Cordons establish the area in which the rescue effort is This is a constant process. Commanders should always
taking place, and define safe zones and tiers of command. consider the current situation, what resources are required
An outer cordon should be established as a physical and where these can be obtained.
Austere conditions and battlefield surgery | 179
senior surgeon is paramount. It may be wise to remem- Human factors of physical and emotional fatigue will
ber that triage, including surgical triage, means doing the also affect how long the surgical team can endure the
best for the most, and expectant treatment for some may challenges of operating in austere and dangerous envi-
eventually benefit the most. ronments without reinforcement or resupply. The teams
will often have to function independently, but may also
deploy as augmentation of an existing medical facility
11.4.1Forward surgical teams and triage during a casualty surge. Even in wartime, the best surgical
teams could not operate for more than 18 hours at a time
Many military healthcare teams around the globe are now over a sustained period without breaking after 3 days.
incorporating far-forward resuscitative surgery capabili- There is a difference between a well-equipped, relatively
ties into doctrine and mission planning. Although these static field (or combat support) hospital and a forward
forward surgical teams provide only a limited trauma surgical team. The raison dtre of the team is the delivery
surgical capability, they aim to provide life- and limb-sav- of life- and limb-saving surgery as far forward as possible
ing surgery to the select group of potentially salvageable to a select group of potentially salvageable patients who
patients who would otherwise die or suffer permanent would otherwise suffer due to delays in evacuation from
disability due to delays in evacuation from the fast-mov- the battlefield. Without patient selection (by security
ing modern battlefield. However, such a surgical team perimeter or guard-force) a small team will not function.
will necessarily have a very limited scope of activity, and Triage is challenging, it requires difficult decisions to
requires the commitment of other military assets in order be made, but it remains crucial to the effective use and
to protect the medical workforce. efficiency of the forward surgical teams.
These teams should be capable of providing life-saving
thoracoabdominal haemorrhage control, control of con-
tamination within body cavities, temporary limb revas- 11.5Mass casualties
cularization, stabilization of fractures and evacuation of
major intracranial haematomas. Each nation has a slightly One of the fundamental planning parameters for medi-
different balance and skill mix within this forward surgi- cal support is an estimate of the numbers and types of
cal capability, but most will normally provide the three casualty expected. An estimate of the numbers and types
main tenets of forward care: a resuscitation capability, of casualty, the resources required to deal with them per
one or more surgical tables and a critical care capability. phase of battle, and their evacuation is the cornerstone
Most nations mission-tailor their teams to the spe- of operational medical planning. Casualty estimates are
cific operational environment, and sizes range from as major resource-drivers and will determine what capabili-
few as six members to larger teams of more than 30. As ties are required, and at what level. The medical support
part of the casualty estimate, military planners need to for a specific operation will therefore be planned in light
decide on the number of surgical tables required and the of the perceived threat.
speed at which they can safely transfer patients to the next Mass casualties, however, may occur for many reasons,
echelon of care (emptying the back door). The size and and the cause of the major incident may not have been
sophistication of the attached critical care element will identified as one of the known threats. The term mass
be determined by the capability of tactical aeromedical casualty is of course, relative, and for a small team, this
evacuation. If there is no such facility, either in- or out- number may be as low as three casualties. Multiple motor
country, the first few patients may fill a facility and render vehicle crashes, downed helicopters, floods and even earth-
it completely ineffective. quakes have recently produced mass casualty situations
Forward surgical teams must be light, mobile and rap- or major incidents for military forces around the world.
idly deployable to allow them to respond in an uncertain All these incidents have produced an unexpected surge in
battlefield. Restrictions and constraints within these casualties, far greater than the casualty estimate that each
teams are many, and include limitations of space and operation had declared. The key in all these events was
equipment, poor lighting and the need to achieve some that the medical facilities were overwhelmed, and avail-
degree of climate control for the human resources and, able resources could not meet the required demand.
particularly, for blood and other products. Some resteri- When major incidents produce mass casualties in civil-
lization of surgical tools may be possible, but disposable ian situations, for example from rail crashes or as a result
equipment, water and especially oxygen will all be limited. of urban terrorism events, there are often a number of
Austere conditions and battlefield surgery | 181
receiving hospitals to choose from to spread the load of In Afghanistan, a successful international system of
casualties. This luxury is rarely available in the military evacuation assets provides cover to the whole theatre of
environment. In some situations, other nations medi- operations. The different evacuations provide different
cal facilities may be available, but often the only avail- levels of care ranging from a flight nurse to full-blown
able receiving hospital will be the forward surgical team. intensive care unit (ICU) capacity.
Triage remains the key to effective medical management
of a mass casualty event, especially when large numbers
of wounded arrive at the location in a short space of time. 11.7Resuscitation
Equipment, manpower and transport will be in short sup-
ply, so sound training and adherence to the principles of 11.7.1Overview
triage should ensure effective use of the limited resources
available. The treatment and resuscitation available will alter with
After triage and treatment, transport remains the third each echelon of care; resources and complexity of care
key element of medical support in a mass casualty event. generally increase as the casualty moves away from the
Unlike in a civilian environment, where there will be many battlefield.
options for both ground and air transport, transport is Hypovolaemia remains the most common cause of
likely to be very limited in the military mass casualty situ- death among those killed in action during military con-
ation. Regular and effective triage will determine who is flicts. Although the principles remain the same, resus-
transported first, and by what means, to ensure that the citation of wounded combatants remains a formidable
right patient arrives at the right time at the next level of challenge on the battlefield, and there are some crucial
medical care. differences to consider in this environment.
Unlike in the urban setting, the military must consider
the weight and therefore the quantity of supplies that can
11.6Evacuation4,5 be transported into austere locations. Large volumes of
fluids at any stage in the resuscitation process are there-
It is recognized that speed of evacuation from point of fore not a realistic option. The Advanced Trauma Life
wounding to first surgical intervention is a critical deter- Support standard of 2 L of infused crystalloid for the
minant of outcome. The Korean War saw the introduc- acutely injured hypotensive patient is not feasible in the
tion of helicopter evacuation of the wounded from the far-forward environment due to logistical constraints,
front line to mobile army surgical hospitals (MASH), with but is also likely to be detrimental to the survival of the
onward transport by fixed-wing aircraft to base hospitals. patient with uncontrolled haemorrhagic shock in whom
During the Vietnam conflict, the average pre-hospital surgical intervention is not immediately available. For
time for combat casualties treated at a US Navy hospital such patients, the goal of maintaining a systolic arterial
was 80 minutes. pressure of 7080mmHg (palpable radial pulse) is now
Limited provision of aircraft in a combat setting has generally accepted.
meant that medical evacuation has used assets earmarked The UK military are teaching the approach of <C>ABC
for other purposes; for example, during Operations Desert for ballistic injury, where <C> stands for catastrophic
Shield/Desert Storm in 1991, many patients were success- haemorrhage. This is because of the high incidence of
fully airlifted using converted cargo aircraft. This concept severe (but potentially survivable) injuries to limbs and
of using cargo aircraft was originally validated in the junctional areas in military casualties (Table 11.2).
Second World War, and is still in vogue today. Dedicated Approximately 90 per cent of casualties are in a stable
aeromedical capability in the military now exists with two condition on arrival at hospital. However, 710 per cent of
distinct models: the UK Medical Emergency Response combat casualties will require massive transfusion, and it
Team and the US Air Force helicopter rescue fleet known is in these maximally injured that major improvements in
as PEDROS (named after the call sign of the first US Air care have recently been achieved.
Force HH-43 rescue helicopters in the Vietnam conflict). Arguably, the most important change in military
A landmark study documented prohibitively long pre- trauma care in recent years has been the introduction
hospital times. Since the introduction of a dedicated air of the concept of damage control resuscitation. Damage
asset, pre-hospital times from wounding to point of care control resuscitation can begin in the pre-hospital medi-
have fallen to approximately 45 minutes. cal emergency response team phase; however, it more
182 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
Catastrophic haemorrhage
Penetrating wounds to the groins, axilla and neck. Consider haemostatic agents
Penetrating wounds to major limb vessels/traumatic amputations. Consider early use of a tourniquet
Consider early anaesthesia and intubation (aided by fibreoptic scopes and the use of small-diameter endotracheal tubes) or an early surgical airway
Cervical collars: play a limited role in pure penetrating injury, and may conceal developing haematoma in the neck. Are needed in mixed injuries, as
occur in bombings
Use of cervical collars is a balance of risk: protection of cervical spine versus concealment of injury
Needle decompression for tension pneumothorax
Manage sucking chest wounds with Asherman seals, and then consider chest drainage
Catastrophic bleeding should have been controlled early. Smaller external bleeds can be managed with simple first aid measures of compression and
elevation. Ongoing internal bleeding from penetrating cavity injury needs to be suspected or recognized from the history and clinical findings
Unlike urban settings, the military must consider the weight and therefore quantity of supplies that can be transported into austere locations. Large
volumes of fluid at any stage in the resuscitation process are therefore not a realistic option. Options available to resuscitation teams include isotonic
crystalloids, colloids, hypertonic saline, and hypertonic saline plus colloid. The choice of fluid remains unresolved, and may in fact be less important
than the quantity and rate of fluid infused in patients with uncontrolled haemorrhage
The goal of maintaining a systolic arterial pressure of 7080mmHg is now accepted by most practitioners treating the wounded forward of the first
surgical capability, although emerging research is that this may not be optimal for all blast victims
Difficulty in obtaining vascular access can be experienced in austere conditions, when hypotension, low ambient temperature and tactical
considerations, such as the presence of mass casualties or operating light restrictions, can conspire to frustrate attempts at vascular access;
intraosseous access is an attractive option in these scenarios
The majority of casualties who sustain a high-energy penetrating brain injury do not survive to medical care. Casualties who survive to care from
penetrating injury are generally a preselected group, and in the absence of obvious devastating injury should be resuscitated as above to minimize
secondary injury. There is an obvious conflict between hypotensive resuscitation for cavity bleeding and the need to maintain cerebral perfusion, and
this becomes a judgement call at the time
Hypothermia needs to be treated and managed with warm air blankets and environmental control. The temperature of any fluid given to trauma
patients, particularly in a military or austere environment, is crucial. Any fluid used in resuscitation must be warmed to avoid further cooling of a
haemorrhagic casualty. The actual process of warming the fluids remains a considerable challenge, and in most cases requires improvisation on
behalf of the provider
Austere conditions and battlefield surgery | 183
typically begins after rapid initial assessment in the emer- and chitosan (HemCon), and regional haemostasis with
gency department and progresses through the operating the use of tourniquets.
room into the ICU. This is followed by rapid evacuation to a surgical
In the severely injured casualty, damage control resusci- facility where damage control surgery can take place.
tation consists of two parts. First, pre-surgical fluid ther- Resuscitation fluids are minimized where possible, and
apy is limited to keep the blood pressure at approximately the early transfusion of blood and blood products where
90 mmHg, preventing renewed bleeding from recently available is encouraged. An example of this is the UK
clotted vessels; in practice, this means limiting crystal- Damage Control Resuscitation protocol (Table 11.3).
loid fluid infusion and using the casualtys conscious
level and/or presence of a radial pulse as a guide. Second, Table 11.3 UK Damage Control Resuscitation Protocol
intravascular volume restoration is accomplished by
using thawed plasma as a primary resuscitation fluid in 1 For the first hour after injury, resuscitate to a palpable radial
at least a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio with packed red cells and empiric pulse, and after this (if not in surgery) resuscitate to a normal
transfusion with platelets. blood pressure (an approach known as novel hybrid resuscitation
Blood is the gold standard fluid of choice in such casu- and taught on the UK Battlefield Advanced Trauma Life Support
carried by a few military resuscitation teams forward 2 For severely injured casualties, recognize that they are likely to be
of the first surgical teams. However, in most military coagulopathic early and resuscitate with blood, thawed plasma
healthcare systems, blood will not be available forward and platelets (blood and plasma initially in a 1:1 ratio)
of the surgical teams, and other fluids need to be carried. 3 Balance the need for volume replacement against the risk of
Options available to resuscitation teams include isot- overtransfusion reassess constantly
onic crystalloids, colloids, hypertonic saline, and hyper- 4 Early use of tranexamic acid
tonic saline plus colloid. The choice of fluid remains 5 Monitoring of blood gases, lactate, calcium and potassium
unresolved, and may in fact be less important that the with active management of falling calcium or rising potassium
quantity and rate of fluid infused in patients with uncon- 6 With blast casualties anticipate lung injury and ventilate using
trolled haemorrhage. adult respiratory distress syndrome protocols
Difficulty in obtaining vascular access can be expe-
7 The anaesthesia team and surgical team work closely together to
rienced in austere conditions, when hypotension, low
ensure the correct sequencing of damage control procedures
ambient temperature and tactical considerations, such
as the presence of mass casualties or operating light
restrictions, can conspire to frustrate attempts at vascular
access. Intraosseous access is an attractive option, in these 11.7.3Damage control surgery in the
scenarios.6,7 military setting912
The temperature of any fluid given to trauma patients,
particularly in a military or austere environment, is cru- The typical civilian damage control patient is likely to
cial. Any fluid used in resuscitation must be warmed to require the direct attention of at least two surgeons and
avoid further cooling of a haemorrhagic casualty. The one nurse during the first 6 hours, full invasive monitor-
actual process of warming the fluids remains a consider- ing, multiple operations, massive transfusion of blood
able challenge, and in most cases requires improvisation and products, and prolonged ICU stay, with a high mor-
on the part of the provider. Locally available rewarming/ tality. The utility of this philosophy was even recently
protective devices, such as plastic bags, the use of hot car labelled as impractical for common use in a forward
engines, etc., may have to do. military unit during times of war. However, experience
in the current counterinsurgency conflicts has led to a
widespread adoption of the philosophy of damage con-
11.7.2Damage control resuscitation8 trol surgery in the military context as minimally accepta-
ble care with rapid procedures and pragmatic objectives.
The concept of damage control resuscitation implies that Current military surgical efforts are framed within a
rather than treat haemorrhage per se, efforts are primarily damage control mindset, with temporary revasculariza-
directed at stopping any bleeding, using local methods tion of limbs and damage control laparotomy providing
such as pressure, topical agents such as zeolite (QuikClot) good control.
184 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
In the far-forward, highly mobile, austere military envi- the lung, tympanic membrane (the most common
ronment, it is quite likely that the surgeon will not have injury) and bowel are the most vulnerable.
the luxury of being able to perform definitive surgery on Secondary blast injury. These are penetrating injuries
every casualty. Short, focused operative interventions can caused by blast projectiles and debris. They are the
be used on peripheral vascular injuries, extensive bone and leading cause of death and injury in both military
soft tissue injuries and thoracoabdominal penetrations and civilian terrorist attacks, except in cases of major
in patients with favourable physiology, instead of defini- building collapse.
tive surgery being provided for every injured soldier. This Tertiary blast injury. Displacement injuries result from
may conserve precious resources such as time, operating persons or objects falling or being thrown because of
table space and blood. Instead of applying these tempo- the blast wave. Structural collapse or large airborne
rary abbreviated surgical control (TASC) manoeuvres to fragments lead to crush injury and extensive blunt
patients about to exhaust their physiological reserve, as in trauma.
classic damage control, TASC is applied when the limita- Quaternary blast injury. This includes asphyxia, burns
tions of reserve exist outside the patient. and inhalation injuries.
This philosophy relies heavily on the military medical
system, with postoperative care and evacuation to the
resource-replete environment a priority. In the military, 11.8.1Diagnosis and management of
the key would seem to be triage, i.e. patient selection. The primary blast injuries
philosophy for the military surgeon exposed to numbers
of casualties in the setting of limited resources remains to
do the best for the most, rather than expend resources on lung injury
limited numbers of critically wounded. This may be immediately lethal or present a pattern simi-
lar to blunt trauma, with pulmonary contusion, often
without rib fractures or chest wall injury. The earliest sign
11.8Blast injury of blast lung injury is systemic arterial oxygen desatura-
tion, often in the absence of other symptoms.
Blast injury is the physiological and anatomical insult to Radiological features can range from a typical butterfly
the human body caused by the physical properties of an pattern bihilar shadowing on the chest X-ray to a white-
explosion. The shock wave that results from the explosion out. Management is principally supportive. Mechanical
is referred to as the blast wave, its leading edge is the blast ventilation and effective chest drainage form the mainstay
front, and the rush of air caused by the blast wave is the of treatment. High-peak inspiratory pressures should be
blast wind. avoided to decrease the chance of iatrogenic pulmonary
In open air, the force of a blast rapidly dissipates, but barotraumas.
within confined spaces the blast wave is actually magnified
by its reflection off walls, floors and ceilings, increasing of the tympanic membrane
its destructive potential. Because water is less compress-
ible than air, an underwater blast wave propagates at high All explosion victims should be evaluated with an oto-
speeds and loses energy less quickly over long distances, scopic examination. Small perforations typically heal
being approximately three times greater in strength than within a few weeks, and treatment should be expectant,
that which is detonated in the air. with topical antibiotics if the ear canal is full of debris.
Blast injury has been classified into four specific and Some authors suggest that early operative intervention
distinct categories that reflect the mechanism of tissue be considered in patients with large perforations that are
injury and physical tissue damage which occur as a result unlikely to heal. Some studies have reported a high (30
of blast phenomena: primary, secondary, tertiary and per cent) incidence of permanent high-frequency hearing
quaternary blast injury: loss 1 year after injury.
in severity from a minor submucosal haemorrhage to full- staff in the provision of safe and effective analgesia are
thickness disruption and perforation. The ileocaecal junc- available.
tion and colon are the most commonly affected sites, and Analgesia methods used in recent conflicts include:
delayed perforation can occur. Pneumoperitoneum alone
Simple non-pharmacological
may be a non-specific sign only associated with bowel per-
foration in less than 50 per cent of the patients.
Splinting of fractures
Rupture of solid organs has been observed in the
Cooling of burns
absence of other mechanisms of injury. Management
Oral analgesics
should be in accordance with the principles of damage
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
control. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage can be difficult to
interpret because of the high incidence of retroperitoneal
Nerve blocks and infiltration of local anaesthesia
and mesenteric haematoma. Patients can also develop
Intramuscular and intravenous opiates
haematemesis or melena without obvious intraperitoneal
Fentanyl suckers.
involvement due to mucosal and submucosal haemor-
rhage. Colonoscopy is not recommended because of the Methods under development include intranasal keta-
risk of perforation. mine, fentanyl and inhalational analgesics, such as meth-
oxyflurane inhalation. injuries
For long procedures or surgical sites involving the in these conditions. Therefore an active rewarming device
a bdomen or thorax, a combination anaesthetic that will be required, as well as warming all intravenous fluids
includes an inhalational agent such as isoflurane may and ventilator circuits. If a return to the operating theatre
be used. British surgical teams use a portable Triservice for more definitive surgery is not planned in the forward
apparatus that does not require a compressed gas source, location, critical care must be maintained throughout the
and have gained much experience with this technique aeromedical evacuation.
of field anaesthesia. This draw-over type of vaporizer is
currently also in use by US forces in austere settings.
Regional anaesthesia remains an important option in
battlefield anaesthesia, as it provides both patient com-
11.12Translating military
fort and surgical analgesia, while maintaining patient
experience to civilian
consciousness and spontaneous ventilation. With the
trauma care14
relatively large number of extremity wounds in modern
Six aspects of military trauma care have been identified
conflicts, and certainly in the mass casualty setting with
as contributing to recent good outcomes for patients
a limited anaesthesia capability, regional aesthetic tech-
wounded in combat.
niques should not be overlooked. Continuous infusion
nerve blocks provide excellent analgesia for postoperative
casualties during evacuation. Leadership
Current military trauma care systems are delivered by
11.10.1Damage control anaesthesia in the
military setting
Front-end processes
Anaesthesia for damage control procedures and major The treatment of patients wounded by military weapons
cavity injury is really a fusion of continuing resuscitation is fundamentally geared towards the concept of damage
and critical care. This requires optimization of haemody- control. Correction of a patients deranged physiology is
namic status, rewarming of the casualty and pain relief. recognized as a greater priority than definitive anatomical
One of the biggest challenges will be reversing the hypo- repair. In addition, the key hospital infrastructure (emer-
thermia that is almost universal in haemorrhagic patients gency department, operating room, CT scanner and ICU)
in these conditions. As well as warming all intravenous is planned around the needs of the time-critical patient,
fluids and ventilator circuits, an active rewarming device ensuring that all key components are close to each other.
will be required. If a return to the operating theatre for
more definitive surgery is not planned in the forward Common training
location, critical care must be maintained throughout the
It is considered that the common military training model
aeromedical evacuation.
(from first aid to multidisciplinary field hospital simula-
tion) facilitates effective teamworking and the delivery of
11.11Critical care appropriate human and other resources at the right time
for wounded patients.
If temporary abbreviated surgical control is going to be the
norm for the far-forward surgeon, a critical care capabil- Governance
ity must be a part of the forward surgical team structure.
Military trauma systems operate a robust and diligent
The priorities will therefore be optimization of haemody-
framework that, through a vigorous review of injury data,
namic status, rewarming of the patient, control of coagu-
clinical processes and patients outcomes, provides feed-
lopathy, pain relief and preparation for return to theatre
back to improve the systems performance.
or evacuation depending on the situation. The health-
care providers looking after the critical care of a patient
in these surroundings face many of the problems already Rehabilitation services
identified for the anaesthetic provider. As stated above, Formal, dedicated rehabilitation specialists and facilities
one of the biggest challenges will be reversing the hypo- are recognized as being fundamental to favourable long-
thermia that is almost universal in haemorrhagic patients term outcomes.
Austere conditions and battlefield surgery | 187
Translational research 6 Cooper BR, Mahoney PF, Hodgetts TJ, Mellor A. Intra-
osseous access (EZ-IO) for resuscitation: UK military combat
Integrated basic and clinical research streams feed rapid
experience. J R Army Med Corps 2007;153:31416.
improvements in all aspects of care to clinicians, which
7 Dubick MA, Holcomb JB. A review of intraosseous vascular
can then be introduced into clinical care.
access: current status and military application. Mil Med
11.13Summary 8 Holcomb JB, Champion HR. Military damage control. Arch
Surg 2001;136:9656.
These are exciting times in which to be a military medi- 9 Holcomb JB, Helling TS, Hirshberg A. Military, civilian, and
cal practitioner. Dramatic changes in the global world rural application of the damage control philosophy. Mil
order have shifted the priorities for military planners, Med 2001;166:4903.
and surgical doctrines also have to adapt to the likely 10 Rotondo MF, Zonies DH. The damage control sequence and
scenarios of future conflict. Low-density dispersed bat- underlying logic. Surg Clin North Am 1997;77:76177.
tlefields, highly mobile operations, extended lines of 11 Granchi TS, Liscum KR. The logistics of damage control.
evacuation and logistic supply, civilian wounded and the Surg Clin North Am 1997;77:9218.
possibility of chemical, biological and nuclear attack all 12 Eiseman B, Moore EE, Meldrum DR, Raeburn C. Feasibility
mean that military doctors will have to demonstrate their of damage control surgery in the management of military
adaptability and resourcefulness, as well as their surgi- combat casualties. Arch Surg 2000;135:13237.
cal skills. Whether labelled TASC or damage control, 13 Hocking G, De Mello WF. Battlefield analgesia: an advanced
limited initial surgery is likely to be part of the surgeons approach. J R Army Med Corps 1999;145:11618.
armamentarium. 14 Hettiaratchy S, Tai N, Mahoney P, Hodgetts T. UKs NHS
In summary, in the operational setting, resources are trauma systems: lessons from military experience. Lancet
more limited, and the word finite achieves a new mean- 2010;376:14951.
ing. Triage and intervention may be modified by an open
or closed back door, or by open skies. Environmental
protection is minimal when compared with civilian struc-
11.15Recommended reading
tures. Surgery has to be tailored taking into considera-
tion operational realities. Procedures such as simple burr 11.15.1Ballistics: history, mechanisms,
holes, evacuation of a retro-orbital haematoma (com- ballistic protection and casualty
pressing the optic nerve), damage control thoracotomy management
and laparotomy, shunting of vascular injuries, fascioto-
mies and, above all, the extent of debridement required Mahoney PF, Ryan JM, Brooks AJ, Schwab CW. Ballistic
are new skills to be learnt. Trauma: A Practical Guide, 2nd edn. London: Springer
Verlag, 2005.
Miller FP, Vandome AF, McBrewster J, eds. Ballistic Trauma:
11.14References Physical Trauma, Weapon, Ammunition, Small Arms,
Semi-automatic Pistol, Machine gun, Submachine Gun,
1 Smith R. The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern Assault Rifle, Public Health, Firearm, War. Beau Bassin,
World. London: Allen Lane, 2005. Mauritius: World Health Organization/Alphascript
2 Mabry RL, Holcomb JB, Baker AM et al. United States Army Publishing, 2009.
Rangers in Somalia: an analysis of combat casualties on an Ryan J. Ballistic Trauma: Clinical Relevance in Peace and War.
urban battlefield. J Trauma 2000;49:51528. London: Arnold, 1997.
3 Hardaway RM III. Vietnam wound analysis. J Trauma Volgas DA, Stannard JP, Alonso JE. Ballistics: a primer for the
1978;18:63542. surgeon. Injury 2005;36:3739.
4 Howell FJ, Brannon RH. Aeromedical evacuation:
remembering the past, bridging to the future. Mil Med 11.15.2Blast injury
5 Gerhardt RT, McGhee JS, Cloonan C, Pfaff JA, De Lorenzo Bala M, Rivkind AI, Zamir G et al. Abdominal trauma after
RA. U.S. Army MEDEVAC in the new millennium: a medical terrorist bombing attacks exhibits a unique pattern of
perspective. Aviat Space Env Med 2001;72:65964. injury. Ann Surg 2008;248:3039.
188 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
Ciraulo DL, Frykberg ER. The surgeon and acts of civilian Violence. War Surgery Vol. 1. ICRC Publication2009ref.
terrorism: blast injuries. J Am Coll Surg 2006;203:94250. 0973. Geneva: International Committee of the Red
Champion HR, Holcomb JB. Injuries from explosions: physics, Cross.
biophysics, pathology, and required research focus. J Greaves I, Porter KM, Revell MP. Fluid resuscitation in pre-
Trauma 2009;66:146877. hospital trauma care: a consensus view. J R Coll Surg Edin
DePalma RG, Burris DG, Champion HR, Hodgson MJ. Blast 2002;47:4517.
injuries. N Engl J Med 2005;352:133542. Greenfield RA, Brown BR, Hutchins JB et al. Microbiological,
Neuhaus SJ, Sharwood PF, Rosenfeld JV. Terrorism and blast biological, and chemical weapons of warfare and terrorism.
explosions: lessons for the Australian surgical community. Am J Med Sci 2002;323:32640.
A NZ J Surg 2006;76:637644. Hodgetts TJ, Mahoney PF, Evans G, Brooks A, eds. Battlefield
Ritenour AE, Baskin TW. Primary blast injury: update on diagnosis Advanced Trauma Life Support. J R Army Med Corps
and treatment. Crit Care Med 2008;36(Suppl.):S31117. 2002;152(2, Suppl.).
Holcomb J. Causes of death in US Special Operations Forces in
the global war on terrorism: 20012004. US Army Med
11.15.3 War surgery Dep J 2007(JanMar):2437.
Husum H, Ang SC, Fosse E. War Surgery Field Manual. Penang,
Advanced Life Support Group. Major Incident Medical Malaysia: Third World Network, 1995.
Management and Support, 2nd edn. London: BMJ Books, Husum H, Gilbert M, Wisborg T. Save Lives, Save Limbs: Life
2002. Support for Victims of Mines, Wars and Accidents. Penang,
Butler FK Jr, Hagmann JH, Richards DT. Tactical management Malaysia: Third World Network, 2000.
of urban warfare casualties in special operations. Mil Med International Committee of the Red Cross. First Aid in Armed
2000;165(4 Suppl.):148. Conflict and Other Situations of Violence. Geneva: ICRC,
Calderbank P, Woolley T, Mercer S et al. Doctor on board? 2006.
What is the optimal skill-mix in military pre-hospital care? Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. Wounds of Conflict
Emerg Med J 2010; Sep 15 [Epub ahead of print]. (Vol. 147, No. 1, February 2001), Combat Casualty Care
Coupland RM. War Wounds of Limbs: Surgical Management. (Vol. 153, No. 4, December 2007), Wounds of Conflict
Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, 2000. II (Vol. 155, No. 4, December 2009),. Available from
Coupland R, Molde A, Navein J. Care in the Field for Victims of (accessed December 2010).
Weapons of War. Geneva: International Committee of the Lounsbury DE, Brengman M, Bellamy RF, eds. Emergency War
Red Cross, 2001. Surgery, Third United States Revision. Washington, DC:
Defence and Veterans Pain Management Initiative. The Military Borden Institute, 2004.
Advanced Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia Handbook. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Emergency War Surgery
Available from NSATO Handbook 2010. Washington, DC: Borden Institute.
Department of the Army. War Surgery in Afghanistan and Available from
Iraq: A Series of Cases, 20032007. Textbooks of Military ews/EWS.ZIP (accessed December 2010).
Medicine. Washington, DC: Department of the Army, Roberts P, ed. The British Military Surgery Pocket Book. AC No.
2008. 12552. London: HMSO, 2004.
Dufour D, Kromann Jensen S, Owen-Smith M et al. Surgery for Santry HP, Alam HB. Fluid resuscitation: past, present, and the
Victims of War, 3rd edn. Geneva: International Committee future. Shock 2010;33:22941.
of the Red Cross, 1998. Willy C, Voelker HU, Steinmann R, Engelhardt M. Patterns of
Giannou C, Baldan M. War Surgery: Working with Limited injury in a combat environment. 2007 update. Chirurg
Resources in Armed Conflict and Other Situations of 2008;79:6676.
Ultrasound in trauma 12
12.5Recommended reading
12.3 Pitfalls
Bain IM KR, Tiwari P, McCaig J et al. Survey of abdominal
ultrasound and diagnostic peritoneal lavage for suspected
FAST is operator-dependent. Although the examination
intra-abdominal injury following blunt trauma. Injury
is aimed at the detection of fluid (blood) in the body cavi-
ties, in most hands only 100mL of blood or more will be
Branney SW, Wolfe RE, Moore EE et al. Quantitative sensitivity
detected. This should be compared with DPL, for which a
of ultrasound in detecting free intraperitoneal fluid.
count of 100000 red blood cells/mm3 is deemed positive
JTrauma 1995;39:37580.
(which equates to 20mL of blood).
Buzzas GR, Kern SJ, Smith SR, Harrison PB, Helmer SD, Reed JA. A
Limitations include failure to diagnose damage to
comparison of sonographic examinations for trauma performed
a hollow viscus (e.g. bowel injury), failure to diagnose
by surgeons and radiologists. J Trauma 1998;44:6048.
injury to the diaphragm and failure to be able to assess
Dolich MO, McKenney MG, Varela JE, Compton RP, McKenney
the retroperitoneum.
KL, Cohn SM. 2,576 ultrasounds for blunt abdominal
trauma. J Trauma 2001;50:10812.
Dulchavsky SA SK, Kirkpatrick AW, Billica RD et al. Prospective
12.4 summary
evaluation of thoracic ultrasound in the detection of
pneumothorax. J Trauma 2001;50:2015.
In haemodynamically stable patients with a blunt abdom-
Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV, Ochsner MG et al. The role of
inal injury, clinical findings may be used to select those
ultrasound in patients with possible penetrating cardiac
who may be safely observed. This is safe only if the patient
wounds: a prospective multicentre study. J Trauma
is alert, is cooperative, is alcohol- and drug-free, and does
not have significant distracting injuries.
Scalea TM, Chiu WC, Brenneman FD et al. Focused
In the absence of a reliable physical examination, assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST): results
FAST is a good initial screening tool for blunt from an International Consensus Conference. J Trauma
abdominal injury. 1999;46:44472.
Computed tomography can be used to delineate Stengel D, Bauwens K, Sehouli J et al. Systematic review and
injury patterns in stable patients with an equivocal meta-analysis of emergency ultrasonography for blunt
FAST result. abdominal trauma. Br J Surg 2001;88:90112.
A single negative FAST examination should be Udobi KF, Rodriguez A, Chiu WC, Scalea TM. Role of
supported by a period of observation, repeated FAST ultrasonography in penetrating abdominal trauma: a
or other diagnostic modalities. prospective clinical study. J Trauma 2001;50:4759.
Minimally invasive surgery
in trauma 13
Minimally invasive techniques have yet to be widely thoracoscope is discouraged as thoracoscopy cannot
adopted by trauma surgeons, unlike their general surgi- exclude intra-abdominal injury.
cal colleagues. However, selective indications for the use Suspected diaphragmatic injury due to both blunt and
of these techniques are emerging rapidly in both adult penetrating injury can be accurately evaluated by VATS.
and paediatric fields. Physiological instability and severe In the largest series of patients evaluated using VATS for
head injury are a contraindication to the creation of the suspected penetrating diaphragmatic injury, 171 stable
pneumoperitoneum that is often used in association with patients with penetrating chest injury and without a sepa-
minimally invasive techniques. rate indication for either thoracotomy or laparotomy were
investigated with VATS. Sixty patients (35 per cent) had a
diaphragmatic injury, and the majority of these (93 per
13.1Thoracic injury1 cent) were repaired using a laparotomy. Of the patients
with diaphragmatic injury, 47 of 60 (78 per cent) had an
Persistent, non-exsanguinating haemorrhage can be associated intra-abdominal injury. Other than to repair
investigated and occasionally treated by video-assisted the diaphragm, no therapeutic intervention was required
thoracoscopic surgery (VATS):2,3 at laparotomy in 36 per cent of cases.
Diaphragmatic injury can be repaired thoracoscopi-
VATS can be of great assistance in the evacuation of a cally, but there are dangers in that intraperitoneal injury
clotted haemothorax. may be missed.
VATS allows direct visualization and stapling of In a series of patients with suspected tamponade, tho-
persistent air leaks, with aspiration of associated racoscopic pericardial windows have been performed,
haemothorax. with no significant complications, and have been found
VATS has been used to perform a pericardial window to be accurate in 97 per cent of cases.
in penetrating cardiac trauma.4
Injuries to the thoracic duct are rare after chest
trauma. However, thoracoscopic ligation may be 13.3Abdominal injury
successful when conservative medical management
fails to reduce chyle leakage. 13.3.1Screening for intra-abdominal injury
sensitivity is poor for hollow viscus injury. Laparoscopy Missed injuries, mainly intestinal, with their
has also been advocated to rule out diaphragmatic injury attendant high morbidity (and mortality)
when the non-operative management of penetrating Gas embolism, supposedly more frequent when
thoracoabdominal injuries is envisaged.7 mesenteric and hepatic (venous) lesions have
While laparoscopy can be used to confirm the penetra- occurred, but apparently as rare as in any laparoscopic
tion of a wound into the peritoneal cavity, as well as the procedure today
presence of bile or blood, the localization of such injury, Impeded venous return (because of raised intra-
especially when the bowel is injured, is difficult, even in abdominal pressure)
the most experienced of hands. Increased intracranial pressure.
13.3.3Liver injury
Patients failing a trial of non-operative management for
hepatic injury have been managed successfully using min- To date, minimally invasive surgery has played only a
imally invasive surgery, including the laparoscopic appli- small role in trauma surgery. Surgeons should be encour-
cation of fibrin glue as a haemostatic agent.8 aged to incorporate laparoscopy and VATS into their pro-
Haemoperitoneum may be drained, and biliary leaks, tocols, and gain familiarity and expertise with their use. It
with or without peritonitis, can be controlled via the should, in light of current knowledge, still be regarded as
laparoscope, usually combined with endoscopic retro- suitable for only a small group of stable patients.
grade cholangiopancreatography.9
Reports of successful laparoscopic treatment for injury
to intra-abdominal organs other than the liver or spleen 13.6References
are increasing.
1 Lowdermilk GA, Naunheim KS. Thoracoscopic evaluation
and treatment of thoracic trauma. Surg Clin North Am
13.3.4Bowel injury 2000;80:153542.
2 Lang-Lazdunski L, Mouroux J, Pons F et al. Role of
Laparoscopy has been used to repair small bowel injuries, videothoracoscopy in chest trauma. Ann Thorac Surg
and to raise a colostomy to defunction the lower intestinal 1997;63:32733.
tract in colorectal injuries.10 Laparoscopic examination for 3 Freeman RK, Al-Dossari G, Hutcheson KA et al. Indications
penetrating injury of the bowel is particularly unreliable. for using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery to diagnose
diaphragmatic injuries after penetrating chest trauma. Ann
Thorac Surg 2001;72:3427.
13.4Risks of laparoscopy in 4 Morales CH, Salinas CM, Henao CA, Patino PA, Munoz
trauma CM. Thoracoscopic pericardial window and penetrating
cardiac trauma. J Trauma 1997;42:2735.
Laparoscopy in abdominal trauma entails four specific 5 Leppniemi A, Haapiainen R. Occult diaphragmatic injuries
risks: caused by stab wounds. J Trauma 2003;55:64650.
Minimally invasive surgery in trauma | 193
Zone of stasis
Zone of
Zone of coagulation
Zone of necrosis
Epidermis (coagulation)
Dermis Oedema layer
Zone of injury (stasis)
Adequate Inadequate
resuscitation Zone of resuscitation
Normal tissue
Zone of stasis preserved Zone of stasis lost
Burns have been traditionally divided into first, second and 14.3.3 deep partial thickness burn
third degree, but the terms partial thickness (superficial
and deep) and full thickness are more informative and Destruction of the epidermis occurs down to the base-
will be used here. There is also a group of indeterminate ment membrane plus the middle third of the dermis.
thickness burns, which represent a separate challenge. Re-epithelialization is much slower (24 weeks) due to
fewer remaining epidermal cells and a lesser blood sup-
ply. More collagen deposition will occur, especially if the
14.3.1 superficial burn (erythema)
wound has not closed by 3 weeks. The depth of wound
has a significant risk of conversion. The zone of stasis is
Sunburn is painful, dry, is not blistered and will fade
much larger than in the SPT injury because of the lower
on its own within 7 days. It requires no debridement and
blood flow and greater initial injury to the remaining
is not counted in the calculation of percentage of total
epidermal cells (Figure 14.4).
burn surface area (TBSA). Simple oral analgesics and anti-
A deep partial thickness (DPT) burn is often a mixture
inflammatories are all that are needed.
of wet and dry. The drier it is, the deeper. Sensation is
variable but is still present to touch, although often less
14.3.2 superficial partial thickness burn painful. The skin texture is thicker and more rubbery. Red
patches do not blanch on pressure but exhibit fixed skin
These involve the entire epidermis down to the base- staining due to capillary stasis. The hairs will come out
Surgical Trauma Care 3E
membrane and no
Author: Boffard more than the upper third
ISBN:of9781444102826 of the readilyStage:
Proof when pulled.
1 If
14.2 these burns take 46
Title: Manual Definitive Surgical Trauma Care 3E Author: Boffard ISBN: 9781444102826 Proof Stage: 1
dermis. Rapid re-epithelialization occurs in 12 weeks. weeks to heal and scar badly. The function of a re-epithe-
Because of the large number of remaining epidermis cells lialized DPT burn is poor due to fragility of the epidermis
and the good blood supply, there is a very small zone of and the rigidity of the scar-laden dermis.
injury or stasis beneath the burn eschar (Figure 14.3).
A superficial partial thickness (SPT) burn is wet, often
blistered, intensely painful and red or white (including 14.3.4 Indeterminate partial thickness burn
in coloured races), blanches on pressure, and will gener-
ally heal without split-skin grafting (SSG), usually within These are usually a mixture of SPT and DPT burns, and
1014 days. The hairs remain attached when they are may exhibit the clinical features of both. The history may
pulled. The skin still feels elastic and supple. These burns help in deciding which is the predominant element and
are often caused by hot water and steam. They do not scar. enable management decision-making.
196 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
14.5 manaGement
Head = 9%
(front and back) Back = 18%
Head = 18%
(front and back)
Back = 18%
Right arm Left arm
= 9% Chest = 9%
= 18%
Perineum = 1%
Adult Child
If possible, arterial blood gases with an assessment hour for adults, and 1.02mL/kg per hour for infants and
of carboxyhaemoglobin should be obtained, and a note children. If too much fluid is given, capillary leakage will
made of the fraction of inspired oxygen (Fio2) on the increase, producing fluid creep and increasing oedema
result so that the degree of pulmonary shunting can be as the fluid shifts into the third space, thus increasing
calculated. This may be helpful if subsequent ventilation the likelihood of SIRS and adult respiratory distress syn-
is required. drome (ARDS).1 The exception would be if there were
myoglobinuria, as in electrical burns, where an output
over 1.0mL/kg per hour would be required for an adult. management of the burn wound
Antibiotics are not indicated for early burns within 72 hours
Coverage of the burn wound in the emergency setting of injury, as the burn is still essentially sterile.
is best accomplished with large quantities of clingfilm,
which has been shown to be sterile and is available in injuries
industrial quantities. Clingfilm reduces pain by covering
exposed nerve endings, and contains and reduces fluid It is easy to focus on the burn alone and miss any associ-
losses, while still allowing proper inspection of the burn ated injuries. A careful history will give clues to not only
wound. The old practice of mummifying the patient in the type and depth of the burn, but also the possibility of
swathes of gauze and crepe bandages (with or without the the associated injuries.
addition of underlying silver creams) is unhelpful, pain- A casualty trapped in an enclosed space filled with fur-
ful for the patient, messy, time-consuming, inefficient for niture, such as in a house fire, is likely to have an airway
nursing staff and obstructive to the clinician. burn and carbon monoxide poisoning, along with the
possibility of toxicity from many other poisonous inhaled
gases. Furthermore, if the patient had to be removed resuscitation
unconscious by rescuers, the length of exposure to heat
All burns over 15 per cent constitute major burns. All of and flames makes the likelihood of full-thickness burns
these will require intravenous fluid replacement, a urinary much greater than if he or she was able to escape by them-
catheter to monitor output, a nasogastric tube for early selves. The patient may have had to jump from a burn-
feeding, and at least high-care nursing. Lesser percent- ing building to escape the flames, and have fractures or
age burns may be treated by aggressive oral rehydration, ruptured soft tissues, such as liver or spleen.
but particularly in infants it is better to err on the side of If the patient is hypotensive on admission, it is wrong
caution, and some units still routinely resuscitate those to attribute signs of shock to the burn until all other
under 12 years who have a greater than 10 per cent TBSA sources of shock have been ruled out. Burn shock does
burn with intravenous fluids. not usually develop in the first 24 hours post-burn. A full
All fluid replacement formulae are only guidelines to examination is essential once analgesia is adequate, intra-
resuscitation. Adequacy of resuscitation is based on urine venous lines (which may have to transgress a burned area
output rather than slavishly following a formula such as of skin) are running, oxygen is being administered and the
the Parkland formula for fluid requirements. Fluid losses burn has been covered.
start at the time of burn, and fluid replacement is calcu- Any other injuries found during examination of the
lated from the time of burn, and not from the time of admis- patient must be dealt with according to clinical need.
sion to hospital. The Parkland formula is traditionally Injuries that are bleeding take priority, and the normal
used to work out requirements for the first 24 hours: principles of resuscitation, including damage control,
apply. Most orthopaedic injuries may be deferred for
% burnt body surface area (BSA) 4mL mass in
definitive treatment until the resuscitation phase of the
kg = requirement in first 24 hours
burn injury is over. This is usually within the first 48
(If BSA >60%, use 3mL/kg)
hours. However, if the patient requires early tangential
The first half of the total requirement is given in excision and SSG, it may be appropriate to attend to
the first 8 hours, and the other half over the following orthopaedic conditions at the same time, as long as the
16 hours; this is given as Ringers lactate. There is lim- patients physiology is not compromised.
ited evidence that changing to a colloid solution in the The clinician must be alert to the possibility of deliber-
next 24hours will reduce capillary leakage. Urine output ate abuse, especially in children, where the nature and dis-
should be maintained at no more than 0.51.0mL/kg per tribution of the burn is inconsistent with the story given
Burns | 199
putting it into the major burn category, with all its Neck skin is good for the eyelids.
attendant requirements. Inner arm skin is good for the face.
It is often (wrongly) assumed that blistered burns are Wherever possible, match the colour, texture and hair
always SPT burns. Blistered skin should be removed, growth.
unless it is really slack, so that the clinician can be sure When skin substitutes are not an option, reharvesting
there is no deeper burn beneath. It is safer to excise the donor sites is usually possible within 1014 days.
blister and assess the depth of the burn beneath, as it
It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss the many
may turn out to be DPT or even full thickness.
skin substitutes currently available on the market. The
If it is seen that excision and SSG are required,
patients own skin is always the best. Substitutes are often
this may be accomplished at the same visit to the
difficult to obtain, culturally unacceptable or just too
operating room.
expensive. The issue of substitutes only arises where the
percentage TBSA is greater than the amount of harvest-
Technique of excision able skin from the patient.
Both these techniques can be accomplished by using
either the Humby knife (or a modification of it) or an
electric dermatome. The set of the blade (depth of cut) and managing airway burns
will need to be greater for excision than for the harvesting
Upper airway
of skin for SSG.
Suspicion is the watchword, with early intervention
before the opportunity to protect the airway by intuba-
Tumescent technique
tion has been lost. Listening to the respiration is vital, and
Blood loss can be significant in both procedures, but may dyspnoea with hoarse, coarse breathing or stridor should
be minimized by using tourniquets for the limbs, or the prompt immediate action.
tumescent technique on the torso: Upper airway burns to the larynx and trachea may be
1 The technique uses 2mL 1:1000 adrenaline suspected by the history (e.g. a steam valve blew into the
(epinephrine) + 40mL 0.5 per cent plain bupivacaine face) or by inspection of the mouth, tongue and orophar-
added to 1 L of warm normal saline. ynx, which may be red, injected and swollen. These burns
2 Take a 19-gauge 3.5 inch spinal needle, and attach a usually require intubation but generally resolve within
giving set to the bag, which is placed in a pressurized 36 hours. It is important to remember that the burn is
infusion device and the injection given subdermally. pathology-in-evolution and that the early signs will get
3 The raised skin should feel cold (and look white in worse in the next 24 hours.
Caucasian races).
4 Once the skin has been harvested or the burn excised, Lower airway
adrenaline-soaked abdominal packs (5mg in 1L
The deep, alveolar burn is much more difficult to detect or
normal saline) can be applied to the wound bed, with
predict. Its rate of onset is slower, and it may only manifest
a significant reduction in blood loss.
itself 35 days after the burn. Some indication that a lower
SSGs are secured by skin clips, tissue glue or sutures, airway burn is present may come from the history of pro-
depending on the site, and then covered with several lay- longed smoke exposure and raised carboxyhaemoglobin
ers of paraffin gauze to prevent movement, followed by levels. Blood gases should be taken whenever possible, and
dry gauze and bandaging. the ventilationperfusion shunt worked out by plotting the
If infection has been a problem, activated nanocrystal- Fio2 against the arterial partial pressure of oxygen (Pao2).
line silver (e.g. Acticoat; Smith & Nephew, London, UK) Although no clear guidelines exist in the literature at
may be applied and secured in place with water-soaked present, it is unusual to find a patient with a shunt of
gauze and bandages. The dressing will remain bacterially 1520 per cent or more who has not required prolonged
active for up to 4 days, and may also have anti-inflamma- ventilation over a week. The alveolitis produces exces-
tory properties. sive lung water, and the picture is one of ARDS. It may
The choice of site for harvesting skin depends on the become increasingly difficult to ventilate these patients,
site that is burned (e.g. back or eyelids), and what skin is and nebulized heparin or acetylcysteine can be used in an
available: attempt to reduce the stickiness of secretions. The issue of
Burns | 201
14.6Special areas
HP joint flexion
The face, hands, perineum and feet are special areas that PIP joint extension
need special attention to obtain a good outcome.
with silver sulphdiazine cream are comfortable and prac- Carbohydrates provide the majority of calorie intake
tical for both adults and children. A temporary colostomy under most conditions, including the stress of burns.
for faecal diversion should be considered. Providing adequate calories from carbohydrates spares
incoming protein from being used for fuel. The body
breaks down carbohydrates into glucose that the body
14.6.4Feet then uses for energy.
Fat is needed to meet essential fatty acid requirements
Apart from preventing syndactyly as mentioned previ- and provide needed calories. Common recommendations
ously, the importance of burns to the feet is the ability to include giving 30 per cent of calories as fat, although this
be able to weight bear, and to prevent foot-drop during can be higher if needed. Excess fat intake has been impli-
the recovery period. Splints will be needed to maintain the cated in decreased immune function, and intake levels
ankle joint at a right angle. should be monitored carefully. Vitamins and trace ele-
ments are also necessary.
14.7.1Nutrition in the burned patient2 Providing adequate calories and nutrients is a difficult
task when treating burn injuries. This task becomes even
A dietitian is an essential member of the burns team. All more difficult when the patient is a child. It is important
patients with a major burn (>15 per cent TBSA) should have to do an initial nutritional assessment early after admis-
a nasogastric tube or fine-bore feeding tube for early enteral sion as often it is children in the lower socio-economic
nutrition. This should ideally be started within 18 hours of group who get burned. This group is also more likely to
the burn. Not only does this help in the early replacement of be suffering from chronic malnutrition before their burn
calories, but it also protects against gut bacterial transloca- injury, giving them even less reserve with which to repair
tion and systemic sepsis. It may in addition protect against injured tissue.
the development of the rare Curlings ulcer.3
The aim should be, in paediatric patients at least, to 14.7.2Ulcer prophylaxis4
provide 100 per cent of their calorie requirements down
the tube, and any further food they can take orally is a See also Section 10.15.1, Stress ulceration.
bonus. Estimating the nutritional needs of burn patients In the presence of good nutritional policies, sucralfate
is essential to the healing process. The HarrisBenedict should be used for prophylaxis. H2-receptor blockers and
equation is designed to calculate the calorie needs of protein pump inhibitors should be reserved for therapy,
adults, and the Galveston formula is used for children. and not used for prophylaxis.
The Curreri formula addresses the needs of both. Some
studies suggest that these formulae may overestimate the
calorie needs of patients by up to 150 per cent. There is 14.7.3Venous thromboembolism
no one formula that can accurately determine how many prophylaxis5
calories a patient needs, so it is important to monitor a
patients nutritional condition closely. See also Section 10.15.2, Deep vein thrombosis and pul-
Protein requirements generally increase more than monary embolus.
energy requirements, and appear to be related to the Patients with major burns are at high risk of venous
amount of lean body mass. The body loses protein through thromboembolism. The nature of the burn is often such
the burn, and this will be reflected in a significant drop in that mechanical devices are excluded. Low molecular
serum albumin level over the first week, which will take weight heparins should be introduced early.
at least a month to recover despite assiduous nutritional
care. However, the majority of increased protein require-
ments come from muscle breakdown for use in extra 14.7.4Antibiotics
energy production. Providing an increased intake of pro-
tein does not stop this obligatory breakdown; it simply Antibiotic prophylaxis is not routinely used for burns.
provides the materials needed to replace lost tissue. There is no substitute for good wound care, hand-washing
Burns | 203
and infection control measures. Tissue excised during Burn care remains a team effort, and no amount of
tangential excision should be sent for culture, and when highly skilled grafting in the operating room will be
skin-grafting, cultures (sometimes obtained by local rewarded by a happy and functional outcome if the feed-
punch biopsy) should again be sent. Sepsis should be ing, nursing, intensive care, physiotherapy or occupa-
treated topically wherever possible, and systemic antibiot- tional therapy is lacking.
ics should be used only where there is evidence of systemic
14.8Criteria for transfer 1 Rogers AD, Karpelowsky J, Millar AJW, Argent A, Rode H.
Fluid creep in major paediatric burns. Eur J Pediatr Surg
Special areas (as above), including those involving a 2010;20:1338.
major joint 2 Jacobs DO, Kudsk KA, Oswanski MF, Sacks GS, Sinclair KE.
Major burns (>15 per cent TBSA, although some Practice management guidelines for nutritional support of
centres recommend >10 per cent TBSA) the trauma patient. In: Eastern Association for the Surgery
Electrical burns and lightning injury of Trauma. Practice Management Guidelines. Available
All full-thickness burns of over 1 per cent in any age from (accessed December 2010).
group 3 Muir IFK, Jones PF. Curlings ulcer: a rare condition. Br J
Chemical burns Surg 1976;63:606.
Inhalation injury 4 Guillamondegui OD, Gunter OL Jr, Bonadies JA et al. Practice
Burn injury in patients with pre-existing medical management guidelines for stress ulcer prophylaxis. EAST
disorders that could complicate management, Practice Management Guidelines Workgroup. Available
prolong recovery or affect mortality from (accessed December 2010).
Any patients with burns and concomitant trauma 5 Rogers FB, Cipolle MD, Velmahos G, Rozycki G. Practice
(such as fractures) for whom the burn injury poses management guidelines for the management of venous
the greatest risk of morbidity or mortality. In such thromboembolism (VTE) in trauma patients. J Trauma
cases, if the trauma poses the greater immediate risk, 2002;53:14264. Available from Eastern Association for
the patients condition may be stabilized initially in a the Surgery of Trauma. Practice Management Guidelines
trauma centre before transfer to a burn centre Workgroup. Available from (accessed
Clinical judgement and good communication will be December 2010).
Burned children in hospitals without adequate
qualified personnel or equipment. 14.11Recommended reading
In the Western world, the most common cause of death degeneration, with subsequent deafferentation of its tar-
after trauma is severe brain injury, which contributes sig- get structure. Profound deficits may result from this dif-
nificantly to half of all deaths from trauma. fuse axonal injury.
Head injury is a major cause of morbidity in survi- There may also be associated injuries: all patients sus-
vors, disability may occur whatever the initial severity of taining a major mechanism of injury should be suspected
the head injury, and surviving patients with brain injury of having a cervical spine injury.
are more impaired than patients with injuries to other
regions. Severely brain-injured individuals also have the
highest mean length of stay in hospital, and the highest 15.2Depressed skull fractures
mean hospital costs.
An understanding of the concept of secondary brain Traditional wisdom suggests that all open, depressed skull
injury, caused by hypotension and hypoxia, is fundamen- fractures should be surgically treated, and that closed,
tal, and the treatment of a head-injured patient should depressed fractures should be elevated when the depth of
emphasize early control of the airway (while immobilizing the depression meets or exceeds the thickness of the adjacent
the cervical spine), ensuring adequate ventilation and oxy- skull table to alleviate compression of the underlying cortex.
genation, correcting hypovolaemia and prompt imaging If the dura under the fracture is damaged, it must
by computed tomography (CT). Recent guidelines have always be repaired.
been produced in an attempt to improve outcome after
severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).
15.3 Penetrating injury
15.1 Injury patterns Patients with a penetrating craniocerebral injury require
emergency craniotomy if there is significant mass effect
There are two major categories of brain injury: focal inju- from a haematoma or bullet track.
ries and diffuse injuries. Removal of fragments of the projectile or in-driven
Focal brain injuries, which are usually caused by direct bone fragments should not be pursued at the expense of
blows to the head, comprise contusions, brain lacerations, damaging normal brain tissue.
and haemorrhage leading to the formation of haematoma Patients with penetrating craniocerebral gunshot inju-
in the extradural (epidural), subarachnoid, subdural or ries with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 5 or less
intracerebral compartments within the head. The availabil- after resuscitation, or a GCS score of 8 or less with CT
ity of CT scanning has been shown to reduce the mortality findings of transventricular or bihemispheric injury, have
of patients with an acute extradural (epidural) haematoma, a particularly poor outcome, and conservative treatment
as the time taken to diagnose and evacuate an intracer- may be indicated.1
ebral haematoma is critical in determining the outcome.
However, the majority of patients with a brain injury do
not have a lesion suitable for neurosurgical intervention. 15.4Adjuncts to care
Diffuse brain injuries, which are usually caused by a
sudden movement of the head, cause the failure of cer- While in the context of major cerebral injury, it may, after
tain axons. The distal segment of the axon undergoes admission to hospital, be difficult to alter the severity
Head trauma | 205
of the primary injury, the greatest challenge is to mini- Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis
mize the secondary brain damage. The 2007 guidelines Graduated compression stockings or intermittent
suggested by the Brain Trauma Foundation form the pneumatic compression stockings are recommended,
best basis of evidence-based medicine in this regard (see unless lower extremity injuries prevent their use. Use
Recommended reading). should be continued until the patient is ambulatory
(level III).
Blood pressure and oxygenation Low molecular weight heparin or low-dose
Blood pressure should be monitored, and unfractionated heparin should be used in combination
hypotension (systolic blood pressure [SBP] with mechanical prophylaxis. However, there is an
<90mmHg should be avoided (level of evidence II). increased risk of intracranial haemorrhage (level III).
Oxygenation should be monitored, and hypoxia There is insufficient evidence to support
(arterial partial pressure of oxygen [Pao2] <60mmHg recommendations regarding the preferred agent, dose
[8.0kPa]) avoided (level III). or timing of pharmacological prophylaxis for the
prevention of deep vein thrombosis (level III).
Hyperosmolar therapy
Indications for ICP monitoring
Mannitol is effective for the control of raised
intracranial pressure (ICP) at doses of 0.251.0g/kg ICP should be monitored in all salvageable patients
body weight. Arterial hypotension (SBP <90mmHg) with severe TBI with a GCS score of 38 out of 15
should be avoided. after resuscitation, and an abnormal CT scan (an
abnormal CT scan of the head being defined as
Restrict mannitol use prior to ICP monitoring, only to one that reveals haematomas, contusions, swelling,
those patients with signs of transtentorial herniation or herniation or compressed basal cisterns) (level III).
progressive neurological deterioration not attributable to ICP monitoring is indicated in patients with severe
extracranial causes (level III). TBI with a normal CT scan and two or more of the
following features are noted at admission:
Prophylactic hypothermia Age over 40 years
There are insufficient data at either level I or level II to Unilateral or bilateral motor posturing
make any recommendations here. SBP <90mmHg.
Cerebral perfusion thresholds first few days after injury; however, the exact duration and
Aggressive attempts to maintain the cerebral role of these drugs is unclear.
perfusion pressure (CPP) above 70mmHg with fluids Schierhout3 recently reviewed the available evidence
and pressors should be avoided because of the risks of and concluded that although prophylactic antiepileptics
adult respiratory distress syndrome (level II). are effective in reducing the number of early seizures,
A CPP of <50mmHg should be avoided (level III). there is no evidence that treatment with prophylactic
The CPP value to target lies within the range 5070 antepileptics reduces the occurrence of late seizures, or
mmHg. Patients with intact pressure autoregulation has any effect on death and neurological disability.
tolerate higher CPP values (level III). The prophylactic use of phenytoin or valproate is
Ancillary monitoring of cerebral parameters that not recommended for preventing late post-traumatic
include blood flow, oxygenation or metabolism seizures (level II).
facilitates CPP management. Anticonvulsants are indicated to decrease the
incidence of early post-traumatic seizures (within
Brain oxygen monitoring and thresholds 7 days of injury). However, such seizures are not
Jugular venous saturation and brain tissue oxygen moni- associated with a worse outcome.
toring measure cerebral oxygenation.
The treatment thresholds are a jugular venous
saturation of less than 50 per cent or a brain tissue Hyperventilation is recommended as a temporizing
oxygenation tension below 15mmHg. measure for the reduction of elevated ICP (level III).
Prophylactic hyperventilation is not recommended
(level II).
Anaesthetics, analgesics and sedatives
Hyperventilation should be avoided for the first 24
Prophylactic administration of barbiturates to induce hours after injury when cerebral blood flow is often
burst suppression is not recommended (level II). critically reduced (level III).
High-dose barbiturate administration is If hyperventilation is used, jugular venous
recommended to control elevated ICP that is oxygen saturation or brain tissue oxygen tension
refractory to maximum standard medical and surgical measurements are recommended to monitor oxygen
treatment. Haemodynamic stability is essential before delivery.
and during barbiturate therapy (level III).
Propofol is recommended for the control of ICP, Steroids
but no improvement is seen in mortality or 6-month
outcome. High-dose propofol can produce significant The use of steroids is not recommended for improving
morbidity (level III). outcome or reducing ICP. In patients with moderate
or severe TBI, high-dose methyl prednisolone is
associated with an increased mortality, and is
contraindicated (level I).
Patients should be fed full caloric nutrition by day 7
post-injury (level II).
15.5Burr holes
Antiseizure prophylaxis
Seizure activity in the early post-traumatic period follow- Patients with closed head injury and expanding extradural
ing head injury may cause secondary brain damage as a or subdural haematomas require urgent craniotomy for
result of increased metabolic demands, raised ICP and decompression and control of haemorrhage.
excess neurotransmitter release. In remote areas where neurosurgeons are not available,
For patients who have had a seizure after a head injury, non-neurosurgeons may occasionally need to intervene to
anticonvulsants are indicated and are usually continued avert progressive neurological injury and death. Surgeons
for 6 months to 1 year. in remote, rural hospitals in the United States have shown
Many neurosurgeons give prophylactic anticonvulsants that emergency craniotomy can be undertaken with good
to all patients with significant head injury for at least the results where clear indications exist.4
Head trauma | 207
1 Semple PL, Domingo Z. Craniocerebral gunshot injuries in Brain Trauma Foundation Guidelines.
South Africa a suggested management strategy. S Afr Maas AI, Dearden M, Teasdale GM et al. EBIC-guidelines for
Med J 2001;91:1415. management of severe head injury in adults. European Brain
2 Bayston R, de Louvois J, Brown EM, Johnston RA, Lees P, Injury Consortium. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1997;139:28694.
Pople IK. Use of antibiotics in penetrating craniocerebral
injuries. Infection in Neurosurgery Working Party of
British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Lancet
Special patient situations 16
An understanding of the different anatomy, physiology The indications for airway control are identical to those in
and injury patterns of the injured child is essential for a the adult patient. The routine administration of oxygen and
successful outcome of treatment. Many simple, familiar the stepwise system of management according to severity of
procedures that are taken for granted in the adult patient airway compromise are the cardinal features of paediatric air-
need to be practised in the paediatric patient before they way management. Orotracheal intubation is accomplished
can be safely performed in the stress of a resuscitation using a non-cuffed or micro-cuffed endotracheal tube. The
situation. If necessary, the need for referral should be con- placement of an endotracheal tube in a small child requires
sidered as soon as the patient will tolerate safe transfer to no force, otherwise bothersome or even dangerous postextu-
an appropriate facility. bation stridor can ensue from a traumatic intubation.
A surgical airway is seldom performed. If it is required,
a tracheostomy should be performed.
16.1.2 Injury patterns The greatest pitfalls are the danger of tube dislodge-
ment, commonly due to failure to secure the tube ade-
Certain injury patterns of paediatric trauma are becom- quately, or too small an endotracheal tube.
ing apparent. It is important to obtain an accurate history The airway of the obligate nasal breather (the neonate
of the mechanism of injury in order to detect associated or infant) must not be compromised with a nasogastric
injuries during the resuscitation stage: tube. The clinical assessment of the cervical spine injury
Lap belt complex is less reliable in the fearful, uncooperative child, and cer-
Pedestrianvehicle crash complex vical spine protection must be maintained until the neck
Forward-facing infant complex has been passed clear radiologically.
The common cycle scenarios: the fall astride and the
handlebars in the epigastrium
Non-accidental injury complex.
Hypoventilation is a prominent cause of hypoxia in the
injured child. Because the child depends primarily on dia-
16.1.3 Pre-hospital phragmatic breathing, one must be particularly cautious
of conditions that impair diaphragmatic movement (ten-
Pre-hospital interventions should be limited to basic life sion pneumothoraces, diaphragmatic rupture and severe
support with airway and ventilatory support, securing gastric dilatation) and treat expeditiously.
haemostasis of external bleeding and basic attempts to Once a controlled and monitored situation has been
secure vascular access. Extensive unsuccessful roadside obtained, one should avoid both barotrauma and volume
resuscitative procedures are a common cause of morbidity trauma by providing about 6 mL/kg body weight tidal
and mortality. The younger the child and the more unsta- volume at the lowest pressure. It is usually safer to permit
ble his or her condition, the greater the tendency should mild-to-moderate hypercapnia (permissive hypercapnia)
be to scoop and run to the nearest appropriate facility. than to cause acute lung injury from hyperventilation.
Special patient situations | 209
abdominal injuries from blunt trauma can be safely will rise to more than 20 per cent of the population. In
treated non-operatively. For the trauma surgeon, the sub-Saharan Africa, the rate of increase of the over-60s
challenge is to identify expeditiously those patients who between 2000 and 2025 is expected to reach 145 per cent
require surgical intervention, for example laparotomy. (in contrast, in Western Europe, this increase will be less
Hollow viscus injuries are relatively rare, and symptoms than 45 per cent). However, more older people means
can be vague in the early stage after trauma. Repeated more older trauma.
examination remains essential in the early diagnosis of The definition of elderly varies. While, convention-
these injuries. Free fluid in the absence of solid organ ally, the term may be used to describe an age of 6575
injury on a CT scan in a patient with an appropriate injury years depending on location, the break-point for the eld-
mechanism (e.g. lap belt injury) is highly indicative of an erly in trauma scoring systems is 55 years of age. In the
intestinal lesion. United States, the 12.5 per cent of the population over
Pancreatic injuries are rare, and diagnosis often is delayed. the age of 65 account for almost one-third of all deaths
Contusions can be treated non-operatively, whereas opera- from injury.
tive treatment is most often recommended in patients with The response of the older person to any medical insult
transection through the distal part of the gland. or trauma is typically modified or even masked, in part
Duodenal injuries are uncommon, diagnosis often due to the ageing process and in part due to co-morbidi-
being delayed and complicated by serious complications. ties and attendant medications. A high index of suspicion
In some countries, as many as 20 per cent of duodenal must prevail in assessing and managing these situations.
injuries are related to child abuse.
16.2.2 Physiology Genitourinary injury
The hallmark of genitourinary tract injury is haematuria. The older persons response to bodily insult, whether
The degree of haematuria does not correlate with injury medical or traumatic, will often be atypical, and is likely
severity, and the absence of blood in the urine does not to be accompanied by vague and misleading signs. Careful
exclude substantial urological injury. The kidneys are and open-minded assessment is essential.
most commonly involved. Less than 5 per cent of chil-
dren with renal injuries will need operative treatment. A system
CT scan of the abdomen is highly sensitive and specific.
Pelvic fracture is a rare cause for exsanguination in chil- Decreased lung elasticity with decreased pulmonary
dren, and most fractures are treated non-operatively. compliance
Coalescence of the alveoli
Decrease in surface area available for gas exchange
16.1.6Analgesia Atrophy of bronchial epithelium, leading to a
decrease in clearance of particulate foreign matter
Giving appropriate titrated doses of morphine 0.1 mg/kg Chronic bacterial colonization of the upper airway.
4-hourly or when required greatly facilitates resuscitation
and assessment, and does not mask important clini- system
cal signs, but rather improves the patients cooperation.
However, the patients respiratory and haemodynamic Diminished pump function and lower cardiac output
status and level of consciousness must be followed closely. Inability to mount an appropriate response to
both intrinsic and extrinsic catecholamines, and a
consequent inability to augment cardiac output
16.2The elderly Reduced flow to vital organs
Co-existing commonly prescribed medication that can
16.2.1Definition and response to trauma blunt normal physiological responses.
Mortality rates are higher for comparable injuries com-
Osteoporosis causing fractures in the presence of
pared with younger patients. The following guidelines
minimal energy transfer
have been recommended:
Diminution of vertebral body height
Decrease in muscle mass. Accept the potential for a decreased physiological
Suspect co-morbid disease.
16.2.3 Influence of co-morbid conditions Suspect multiple medications and polypharmacy.
Suspect atypical manifestations for any given
situation with masked signs. disease including hypertension Look for subtle signs of organ dysfunction by
In addition to the typical changes listed above, the devel- aggressive monitoring.
opment of disease states commonly associated with the Assume that any alteration in mental status is
elderly can have a significant impact on the response to associated with brain injury, and only accept age-
injury. These can include the following in isolation or any related deterioration after exclusion of injury.
combination: Be aware of poorer outcomes and sudden
physiological deterioration.
Metabolic disease Be aware of the distinction between aggressive care
Diabetes mellitus and futile care.
Obesity (body mass index >30)
Liver disease
Malignancy 16.3Futile care
Pulmonary disease
Renal disease In every environment, there are circumstances where the
Neurological or spinal disease. provision of adequate healthcare may not alter the out-
come. In providing this care, there may be a significant
drain on the resources available, and denial to others of
16.2.4Multiple medications polypharmacy adequate care as a result. This rationing of healthcare
may be the result of operating theatres being in use, and
All of the above must be considered within the likely consequently not available, inadequate numbers of inten-
context of treatments with multiple medications, which sive care unit beds or financial restrictions.
together may produce a misleading clinical picture or may It must be stressed, however, that all patients are enti-
even mask vital changes in clinical signs. tled to an aggressive initial resuscitation and careful com-
As ageing progresses, rates of drug metabolism are prehensive diagnosis. The magnitude of their injuries
diminished, and accumulations readily occur with should be assessed within their wider health context, and
unpleasant consequences when the physician is unwary. only then can the appropriateness and aggression required
212 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
17.1 Introduction should be taken to assess the external iliac veins as these
are less amenable to packing.
In a large number of patients, interventional radiology, Arterial embolization is carried out after performing
with angio-embolization (AE), stent or stent-graft place- an abdominal aortography followed by selective cath-
ment, has become either the first line of treatment or an eterization of the internal iliac arteries. When contrast
important adjunct to open surgery. Clinical evaluation, extravasation is demonstrated, the bleeding vessels are
however, determines the course of treatment. catheterized superselectively, and embolized with coils or
Patients who are haemodynamically stable are evalu- a combination of coils and gelfoam particles. If this is not
ated with computed tomography (CT) for non-operative possible due to spasm or uncontrolled bleeding, a central
management (NOM) with or without interventional embolization of the internal iliac arteries is performed
radiology. Patients who are haemodynamically unstable using coils. If the patient deteriorates haemodynamically
despite resuscitation are diagnosed with chest and pelvic during angiography, an occlusion balloon may be placed
X-ray, focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) in the infrarenal aorta to achieve haemodynamic control.
and/or diagnostic peritoneal lavage, aimed at determin-
ing the most compelling bleeding source, and are then
directed to the operating room for immediate operative 17.3Blunt splenic injuries
treatment without additional imaging.
Non-operative management of blunt splenic injuries has
become the treatment of choice in haemodynamically sta-
17.2 Pelvic fractures ble patients, regardless of injury grade and grade of hae-
moperitoneum, in the absence of other intra-abdominal
Severe pelvic fractures, particularly with disruption of injuries requiring laparotomy. Non-operative manage-
the sacroiliac joints, are associated with a high risk of ment has been strongly motivated by the wish to preserve
severe arterial and venous bleeding. The application the spleen in order to avoid overwhelming post-splenec-
of a sheet or external fixation may control the venous tomy infections and laparotomy-associated morbid-
bleeding. However, arterial bleeding often requires AE, ity. This can be achieved by using splenic AE in selected
which has become the first line of treatment in patients patients.
stable enough to reach angiography. Established indica- The indications for AE include CT evidence of ongo-
tions for AE are CT scan evidence of ongoing bleeding, ing bleeding with contrast extravasation outside or
such as visible extravasation of contrast on the CT, or within the spleen, a drop in haemoglobin level, tachycar-
CT evidence of bladder compression or distortion of dia and haemoperitoneum, as well as the formation of a
the bladder due to a haematoma, and ongoing transfu- pseudoaneurysm.
sion requirements without evidence of other extrapelvic Selective catheterization of the splenic artery is per-
bleeding sources. formed, followed by superselective catheterization of
There is also a possibility in this subgroup of patients the bleeding arteries or feeders to the pseudoaneurysm.
that there may be severe venous bleeding. The patient in Embolization is then performed using microcoils (which
shock refractory to resuscitation should therefore be con- can be combined with gelfoam particles or microspheres).
sidered for damage control surgery with (extraperitoneal) In this way, infarctions caused by embolization are lim-
pelvic packing (see Chapter 8, The pelvis) before AE. Care ited to small areas.
214 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
If there are multiple bleeding arteries or selective cath- patients, the use of stent-grafts has recently replaced open
eterization is impossible due to spasm, central emboli- surgery. This includes injuries to the common carotid
zation of the splenic artery may be performed using arteries, brachiocephalic trunk and subclavian arteries.
microcoils. Such an embolization often contributes to Acute aortic traumatic transections are also well suited
decreasing the perfusion pressure, and is often enough to to the use of stent-grafts. The heparinization needed for
stop the bleeding while at the same time preserving the open aortic surgery represents an additional risk factor in
circulation to the spleen through collaterals existing in these patients, who often suffer from multiple associated
this area. Applying such selection criteria and technique, injuries.
NOM of blunt splenic injuries may be successful in up to Currently, there are no long-term results to prove the
8595 per cent of patients. durability of the stent-graft repair. However, due to its
minimally traumatic nature, stent-graft treatment of
acute aortic transections is today considered to be the
17.4Liver injuries first line of treatment for these patients.
Training Sy
ip m
sh de
All Major
injured trauma
patients patients
Medical direction
Trauma centre
Acute care facility
most severely injured
within a
trauma system
Specialty care facility
other injured patients
paediatrics, burns, etc.
la n
ti o Rehabilitation Fi
for the majority of patients, those who were less severely Inclusive system
injured. Instead, these trauma systems were driven by the
major or severely injured trauma patient who required
immediate treatment, optimally at a trauma centre.
Number of patients
A system must be fully integrated into the emergency
medical services (EMS) system, and must meet the needs
of all the patients requiring acute care for injury, regard- system
less of severity of injury, geographical location and popu-
lation density. The trauma centre remains an essential
component, but the system recognizes the necessity for
other healthcare facilities. The goal is to match the facilitys Minor Moderate Severe
resources with the needs of the patient.
Injury severity risk
A.4 Management of the injured lead agency with a strong oversight, or an advisory body
patient within a system composed of healthcare, public and medical representa-
tives. This agency will develop the criteria for the system,
Once the injury has been identified, the system must regulate and direct pre-hospital care, establish pre-hospi-
ensure easy access and an appropriate response at the tal triage, ensure medical direction, designate the proper
scene of injury. The system must assign responsibility facilities to render care, establish a trauma registry and
and authority for care and triage decisions made prior to establish performance improvement programmes.
trauma centre access. Triage guidelines must be accepted
by all providers, and used to determine which patients
A.5.3 Establish criteria for optimal care
require access to trauma centre care. This coordination
requires direct communication between pre-hospital care These must be established by the lead authority in con-
providers, medical direction and the trauma facility. junction with health and medical professionals. The
The trauma centre, which serves as the definitive spe- adoption of system-wide standards is integral to the
cialized care facility, is a key component of the system, success of any system.
and is different from other hospitals within the system in
that it guarantees immediate availability of all the speci-
alities necessary for the assessment and management of A.5.4 Designation of trauma centres
the patient with multiple injuries. These centres need to
be integrated into the other components of the system to This takes place through a public process directed by
allow the best match of resources with the patients needs. the lead agency. Consideration must be given to the role
The system coordinates care between all levels of the facil- of all acute care facilities within the particular region.
ity, so that prompt and efficient integration of hospital Representatives from all these facilities must be involved
and resources can take place according to patient need. in the planning process.
Access to rehabilitation services, first in the acute care The number of trauma centres should be limited to the
hospital and then in more specialized rehabilitation facili- number required (based on the established need) for the
ties, is an integral part of the total management of the patient population at risk of major injury. Having too many
patient. It is important that the patients be returned to trauma centres may weaken the system by diluting the
their communities when appropriate. workload, thus reducing the experience for training, and will
unnecessarily consume resources that are not fully utilized.
Development of a system requires that all the principal
A.5 Steps in organizing a system players be involved from the beginning. There must be
agreement about the minimal data that will be contrib-
uted by all acute care facilities. Without the data from the
A.5.1 Public support
hospitals managing the less severely injured, the data will
be incomplete, and skewed towards major injury.
Public support is necessary for the enabling and necessary
legislation to take place. The process takes place as follows:
of trauma systems. During the conference, the evidence they cover all aspects of trauma care, including pre-hos-
was divided into three categories: that resulting from pital, hospital and rehabilitative. A critique of the popu-
panel studies, registry comparisons and population-based lation-based studies pointed out that there are a limited
research. number of clinical variables, and it is difficult to adjust
for severity of injury and physiological dysfunction. There
are other problems, although these probably apply to all
A.6.1 Panel review studies, including secular trends, observational issues and
problems with longitudinal population mortality studies.
An overview of panel studies was presented at the
Skamania Conference. The critique of panel reviews is
that they vary widely, and interrater reliability has been A.7 Summary
very low in some studies. Furthermore, autopsy results
alone are inadequate, and panel studies vary regarding Although there are difficulties with all three types of
the process of review and the rules used to come to a final study, each may also offer advantages to various com-
judgement. In general, all panel studies were classified as munities and regions. All three types may also influence
weak class III evidence. Nevertheless, MacKenzie came to health policy, and all can be used pre- and post-trauma
the conclusion that when all panel studies are considered system start-up. There was consensus at the Skamania
collectively, they do provide some face validity and sup- Conference that the evaluation of trauma systems should
port of the hypothesis that treatment at a trauma centre be extended to include an economic evaluation and
versus a non-trauma centre is associated with fewer inap- assessment of quality-adjusted lifeyears.
propriate deaths and possibly disabilities.
A.8 References
A.6.2 Registry study
Jurkovich GJ, Mock C. Systematic review of trauma system
Jurkovich and Mock1 reported on the evidence provided effectiveness based on registry comparisons. J Trauma
by trauma registries in assessing overall effectiveness. 1999;47(Suppl.):S4655.
They concluded fairly emphatically that this was not
class I evidence, but that it was probably better than a
panel study. Their critique of trauma registries included A.9 Recommended reading
the following six items: data are often missing, miscod-
ings occur, there may be interrater reliability factors, the American College of Surgeons. Guidelines for trauma care
national norms are not population-based, there is less systems. In: Committee on Trauma. Resources for Optimal
detail about the causes of death, and they do not take into Care of the Injured Patient 2006. Chicago: American
account pre-hospital deaths. A consensus of the partici- College of Surgeons, 2006.
pants at the Skamania Conference concluded that registry MacKenzie EJ. Review of evidence regarding trauma system
studies were better than panel studies but not as good as effectiveness resulting from panel studies. J Trauma
population studies. 1999;47(Suppl.):S3441.
Mullins RJ, Mann NC. Population-based research assessing
the effectiveness of trauma systems. J Trauma
A.6.3 Population-based studies 1999;47(Suppl.):S5966.
Peterson TD, Mello MJ, Broderick KB et al. Trauma Care
Populated-based studies probably also fall into class II Systems 2003 (Updated 2/10/2007). American College of
evidence. They are not prospective randomized trials, but, Emergency Physicians: Guidelines for Trauma Care Systems.
because of the nature of the population-based evidence, Available from (accessed December 2010).
Appendix B
Trauma scores and scoring systems
response to injury
Anatomical scoring systems, based on the physical
injury that has occurred
Outcome analysis systems, based on the result after B.2.2 Revised Trauma Score
Introduced by Champion et al., the Revised Trauma Score2
(RTS) evaluates blood pressure, the GCS and the respira-
B.2 Physiological scoring tory rate to provide a scored physiological assessment of
systems the patient.
The RTS can be used for field triage, and enables pre-
B.2.1 Glasgow Coma Scale hospital and emergency care personnel to decide which
patients should receive the specialized care of a trauma
The Glasgow Coma Scale1 (GCS), devised in 1974, was unit. An RTS score of 11 or less is suggested as the triage
one of the first numerical scoring systems (Table B.1). point for patients requiring at least level 2 trauma cen-
The GCS has been incorporated into many later scoring tre status (surgical facilities, 24 hour X-ray, etc.). An RTS
systems, emphasizing the importance of head injury as a of 10 or less carries a mortality of up to 30 per cent, and
triage and prognostic indicator. these patients should be moved to a level 1 institution.
222 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
The difference between RTS on arrival and best RTS Table B.3 Paediatric Trauma Score (PTS)
after resuscitation will give a reasonably clear picture of
Clinical parameter Category Score
the prognosis. By convention, the RTS on admission is
the one documented. Size (kg) >20 2
The RTS (non-triage) is designed for retrospec- 1020 1
tive outcome analysis. Weighted coefficients are used, <10 1
which are derived from trauma patient populations, Airway Normal 2
and provide a more accurate outcome prediction than
Maintainable 1
the raw RTS (Table B.2). Since a severe head injury car-
Unmaintainable 1
ries a poorer prognosis than a severe respiratory injury,
Systolic blood >90 2
the weighting is therefore heavier. The RTS thus varies
pressure (mmHg) 5090 1
from 0 (worst) to 7.8408 (best). The RTS is the most
widely used physiological scoring system in the trauma <50 1
carry a unique code that can be used for classification, for separation between patients with and without multiple
indexing in trauma registry databases and for severity. organ failure, and showed that the NISS is superior to the
ISS in the prediction of multiple organ failure.7 Although
the proponents of the NISS proclaim its superiority, it is
B.3.2 Injury Severity Score not yet in widespread use.
B.3.3 New Injury Severity Score Component Body region Abbreviated Injury
Scale severity
In response to these limitations, the ISS was modified in mA Head/brain 36
1997 to become the New Injury Severity Score (NISS).6 Spinal cord 36
NISS is calculated in the same way as ISS, but takes the
mB Thorax 36
three most severe injuries (i.e. the three highest AIS scores
Front of neck 36
regardless of body region). The NISS is then the simple
mC All other 36
sum of the squares of these three body regions.
The NISS is able to predict survival outcomes better mA, mB and mC scores are derived by taking the square root of the sum of the
than the ISS. In a separate study, the NISS yielded better squares for all injuries defined by each component.
224 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
A limitation of the use of AIS-derived scores is their whose only source of injury was penetrating abdomi-
cost. International Classification of Disease (ICD) tax- nal trauma. A complication risk factor was assigned
onomy is a standard used by most hospitals and other to each organ system involved, and then multiplied by
healthcare providers to classify clinical diagnoses. a severity of injury estimate. Each factor was given a
Computerized mapping of ICD-9CM rubrics into AIS value ranging from 1 to 5. The complication risk desig-
body regions and severity values has been used to com- nation for each organ was based on the reported inci-
pute ISS, AP and NISS scores. Despite limitations, ICD dence of postoperative morbidity associated with the
AIS conversion has been useful in population-based particular injury.
evaluation when AIS scoring from medical records is not The severity of injury was estimated by a simple modi-
possible. Outside North America, the ICD-10 is most fication to the AIS, ranging from 1 = minimal injury to 5
commonly used. = maximal injury. The sum of the individual organ score
times the risk factor comprised the final PATI score. If
the PATI score is 25 or less, the risk of complications is
B.3.5 ICD-based Injury Severity Score reduced (and where it is 10 or less, there are no complica-
tions), whereas if it is greater than 25, the risks are much
Severity scoring systems also have been directly derived higher.
from ICD-coded discharge diagnoses. Most recently, the In a group of 114 patients with gunshot wounds to the
ICD-9 Severity Score9 (ICISS) has been proposed, which is abdomen, Moore et al.11 showed that a PATI score of more
derived by multiplying survival risk ratios associated with than 25 dramatically increased the risk of postoperative
individual ICD diagnoses. Neural networking has been complications (46 per cent of patients with a PATI score
employed to further improve ICISS accuracy. ICISS has of over 25 developed serious postoperative complications,
been shown to be better than ISS and to outperform the compared with 7 per cent of patients with a PATI of less
Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) in identifying than 25). Further studies have validated the PATI scoring
outcomes and resource utilization. However, modifiedAP system.
scores, AP and NISS appear to outperform ICISS in
predicting hospital mortality.
There is some confusion over which anatomical scor-
B.4 Outcome analysis
ing system should be used; however, currently, NISS
probably should be the system of choice for AIS-based
scoring. B.4.1 Glasgow Outcome Scale
Moore and colleagues facilitated the identification The grading of depth of coma and neurological signs
of the patient at high risk of postoperative complica- was found to correlate strongly with outcome, but the low
tions when they developed the Penetrating Abdominal accuracy of individual signs limits their use in predicting
Trauma Index11 (PATI) scoring system for patients outcomes for individuals (Table B.7).
Trauma scores and scoring systems | 225
Table B.7 Outcome related to signs in the first 24 hours of coma after Table B.8 Coefficients from the Major Trauma Outcome Study database
injury: outcome scale as described by Glasgow group
Blunt Penetrating
Dead or vegetative (%) Moderate disability or b0 = 1.2470 0.6029
good recovery (%) b1 = 0.9544 1.1430
Pupils b2 = 0.0768 0.1516
Reacting 39 50 b3 = 1.9052 2.6676
Non-reacting 91 4
Eye movements The sloping line in Figure B.1 represents patients with
Intact 33 56
a probability of survival of 50 per cent; these PRE charts
Absent/bad 90 5
(from PREliminary) are provided for those with blunt ver-
Motor response sus penetrating injury, and for those above versus below
Normal 36 54 55 years of age. Survivors whose coordinates are above
Abnormal 74 16
the P(s)50 isobar and non-survivors below the P(s)50 iso-
bar are considered atypical (statistically unexpected), and
such cases are suitable for focused audit.
B.4.2 Major Trauma Outcome Study In addition to analysing individual patient outcomes,
TRISS allows a comparison of a study population with the
In 1982, the American College of Surgeons Committee huge MTOS database. The Z-statistic identifies whether
on Trauma began the ongoing Major Trauma Outcome study group outcomes are significantly different from
Study (MTOS), a retrospective, multicentre study of expected outcomes as predicted from the MTOS. Z is the
trauma epidemiology and outcomes. ratio (AE) / S, where A = actual number of survivors, E
The MTOS uses TRISS methodology13 to estimate the = expected number of survivors, and S = scale factor that
probability of survival, or P(s), for a given trauma patient. accounts for statistical variation. Z may be positive or neg-
P(s) is derived according to the formula: ative, depending on whether the survival rate is greater or
less than predicted by TRISS. Absolute values of Z above
P(s) = 1 / (1 + eb)
1.96 or below 0.96 are statistically significant (P<0.05).
where e is a constant (approximately 2.718282) and b = b0 + The so-called M-statistic is an injury severity match
b1(RTS) + b2(ISS) +b3(age factor). The b coefficients are derived allowing a comparison of the range of injury severity in
by regression analysis from the MTOS database (Table B.8). the sample population with that of the main database (i.e.
The P(s) values range from zero (survival not expected) the baseline group). The closer M is to 1, the better the
to 1.000 for a patient with a 100 per cent expectation of match; the greater the disparity, the more biased Z will
survival. Each patients values can be plotted on a graph be. This bias can be misleading; for example, an institu-
with ISS and RTS axes (Figure B.1). tion with a large number of patients with low-severity
1 D
2 L D
Revised Trauma Score
6 LL
7 LL L L P(s)50 Isobar
8 LL
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Injury Severity Score
Figure B.1 PRE chart. D, dead; L, live.
226 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
injuries can falsely appear to provide a better standard of Trauma scoring systems are designed to facilitate pre-
care than another institution that treats a higher number hospital triage, identify trauma patients whose outcomes
of more severely injured patients. are statistically unexpected for quality assurance analysis,
The W-statistic calculates the actual numbers of sur- allow an accurate comparison of different trauma popu-
vivors greater (or fewer) than predicted by the MTOS, lations, and organize and improve trauma systems. They
per 100 trauma patients treated. The Relative Outcome are vital for the scientific study of the epidemiology and
Score can be used to compare W-values against a perfect the treatment of trauma, and may even be used to define
outcome of 100 per cent survival. The Relative Outcome resource allocation and reimbursement in the future.
Score may then be used to monitor improvements in Trauma scoring systems that measure outcome solely
trauma care delivery over time. in terms of death or survival are at best blunt instruments.
TRISS has been used in numerous studies. Its value as a Despite the existence of several scales (Quality of Well-
predictor of survival or death has been shown to be from being Scale, Sickness Impact Profile, etc.), further efforts
75 to 90 per cent as good as a perfect index, depending on are needed to develop outcome measures that are able to
the patient data set used. evaluate the multiplicity of outcomes across the full range
of diverse trauma populations.
Despite the profusion of acronyms, scoring systems
B.4.3 A Severity Characterization of Trauma are a vital component of trauma care-delivery systems.
The effectiveness of well-organized, centralized, multi-
A Severity Characterization of Trauma (ASCOT),14,15 disciplinary trauma centres in reducing the mortality
introduced by Champion et al. in 1990, is a scoring system and morbidity of injured patients is well documented.
that uses the AP to characterize injury in place of the ISS. Further improvement and expansion of trauma care can
Different coefficients are used for blunt and penetrating only occur if developments are subjected to scientifically
injury, and the ASCOT score is derived from the formula: rigorous evaluation. Thus, trauma scoring systems play a
P(s) = 1 / (1 + ek). The ASCOT model coefficients are central role in the provision of trauma care today and for
shown in Table B.9. ASCOT has been shown to outper- the future.
form TRISS, particularly for penetrating injury.
* Increase one grade for multiple grade III or IV injuries involving more than 50 per cent of the vessel circumference. Decrease one grade for less than 25 per cent vessel
circumference disruption for grade IV or V.
From Moore et al.16
This scale is confined to the chest wall alone and does not reflect associated internal or abdominal injuries. Therefore, further delineation of upper versus lower or anterior
versus posterior chest wall was not considered, and a grade VI was not warranted. Specifically, thoracic crush was not used as a descriptive term; instead, the geography and
extent of fractures and soft tissue injury were used to define the grade.
*Upgrade by one grade for bilateral injuries.
From Moore et al.17
228 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
I Blunt cardiac injury with minor ECG abnormality (non-specific ST or T wave changes, 861.01 S26.0 3
premature arterial or ventricular contraction or persistent sinus tachycardia)
Blunt or penetrating pericardial wound without cardiac injury, cardiac tamponade or cardiac
II Blunt cardiac injury with heart block (right or left bundle branch, left anterior fascicular or 861.01 S26.0 3
atrioventricular) or ischaemic changes (ST depression or T wave inversion) without cardiac
Penetrating tangential myocardial wound up to, but not extending through, endocardium, 861.12 S26.0 3
without tamponade
III Blunt cardiac injury with sustained (6 beats/min) or multifocal ventricular contractions 861.01 S26.0 34
Blunt or penetrating cardiac injury with septal rupture, pulmonary or tricuspid valvular 861.01 S26.0 34
incompetence, papillary muscle dysfunction or distal coronary arterial occlusion without
Blunt pericardial laceration with cardiac herniation 861.01 S26.0 34
Blunt cardiac injury with cardiac failure 861.01 S26.0 34
Penetrating tangential myocardial wound up to, but extending through, endocardium, with 861.12 S26.0 3
IV Blunt or penetrating cardiac injury with septal rupture, pulmonary or tricuspid valvular 861.12 S26.0 3
incompetence, papillary muscle dysfunction or distal coronary arterial occlusion producing
cardiac failure
Blunt or penetrating cardiac injury with aortic mitral valve incompetence 861.03 S26.0 5
Blunt or penetrating cardiac injury of the right ventricle, right atrium or left atrium 861.03 S26.0 5
V Blunt or penetrating cardiac injury with proximal coronary arterial occlusion 861.03 S26.0 5
Blunt or penetrating left ventricular perforation 861.13 S26.0 5
Stellate wound with <50% tissue loss of the right ventricle, right atrium or left atrium 861.03 S26.0 5
VI Blunt avulsion of the heart; penetrating wound producing >50% tissue loss of a chamber 861.13 S26.0 6
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the thoracic cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the thoracic cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple wounds to a single chamber or multiple chamber involvement.
From Moore et al.18
*Increase one grade for multiple grade III or IV injuries if more than 50 per cent of the circumference. Decrease one grade for grade IV injuries if less than 25 per cent of the
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.19
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.19
Trauma scores and scoring systems | 231
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.20
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
863.51, 863.91: head; 863.99, 862.92: body; 863.83, 863.93: tail.
The proximal pancreas is to the patients right of the superior mesenteric vein.
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.21
With ICD-10, use fifth character supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal or thoracic cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal or
thoracic cavity.
S10.0: cervical oesophagus; S27.8: thoracic oesophagus; S36.8: abdominal oesophagus.
*Advance one grade for multiple lesions up to grade III.
From Moore et al.20
232 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple lesions up to grade III.
From Moore et al.20
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
D1, first portion of duodenum; D2, second portion of duodenum; D3, third portion of duodenum; D4, fourth portion of duodenum.
From Moore et al.21
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.21
Trauma scores and scoring systems | 233
With ICD-9, 863.40/863.50 = non-specific site in colon; 863.41/863.51 = ascending colon; 863.42/863.52 = transverse colon; 863.43/863.53 = descending colon;
863.44/863.54 = sigmoid colon.
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.21
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
I Non-named superior mesenteric artery or superior mesenteric vein branches 902.20/.39 S35.2 NS
Non-named inferior mesenteric artery or inferior mesenteric vein branches 902.27/.32 S35.2 NS
Phrenic artery or vein 902.89 S35.8 NS
Lumbar artery or vein 902.89 S35.8 NS
Gonadal artery or vein 902.89 S35.8 NS
Ovarian artery or vein 902.81/902.82 S35.8 NS
Other non-named small arterial or venous structures requiring ligation 902.80 S35.9 NS
II Right, left or common hepatic artery 902.22 S35.2 3
Splenic artery or vein 902.23/902.34 S35.2 3
Right or left gastric arteries 902.21 S35.2 3
Gastroduodenal artery 902.24 S35.2 3
Inferior mesenteric artery/trunk or inferior mesenteric vein/trunk 902.27/902.32 S35.2 3
Primary named branches of mesenteric artery (e.g. ileocolic artery) or mesenteric vein 902.26/902.31 S35.2 3
Other named abdominal vessels requiring ligation or repair 902.89 S35.8 3
III Superior mesenteric vein, trunkand primary subdivisions 902.31 S35.3 3
234 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*This classification system is applicable to extraparenchymal vascular injuries. If the vessel injury is within 2cm of the organ parenchyma, refer to the specific organ
injury scale. Increase one grade for multiple grade III or IV injuries involving >50 per cent of the vessel circumference. Downgrade one grade if <25 per cent of the vessel
circumference laceration for grades IV or V.
NS, not scored.
From Moore et al.17
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*Advance one grade for bilateral lesions up to grade V.
From Moore et al.16
IV Laceration Parenchymal laceration extending through renal cortex, medulla and 866.02/866.12 S37.0 4
collecting system
Vascular Main renal artery or vein injury with contained haemorrhage 866.03/866.13 S37.0 4
V Laceration Completely shattered kidney 866.04/866.14 S37.0 5
Vascular Avulsion of renal hilum that devascularizes kidney 866.13 S37.0 5
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.22
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal cavity.
*Advance one grade for bilateral up to grade III.
From Moore et al.17
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the pelvic cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the pelvic cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple lesions up to grade III.
From Moore et al.17
236 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the pelvic cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the pelvic cavity.
*Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.17
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the pelvic cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the pelvic cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.20
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the pelvic cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the pelvic cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.20
Trauma scores and scoring systems | 237
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal or pelvic cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal or pelvic cavity.
*Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.20
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal or pelvic cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal or pelvic cavity.
*Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.20
With ICD-10, use supplementary character: 0 = without an open wound into the abdominal or pelvic cavity; 1 = with an open wound into the abdominal or pelvic cavity.
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
From Moore et al.20
*Increase one grade for multiple grade III or IV injuries involving >50 per cent of the vessel circumference. Decrease one grade for <25 per cent disruption of the vessel
circumference for grades IV or V.
From Moore et al.16
B.7 References 8 Mayurer A, Morris JA. Injury severity scoring. In: Moore EE,
Feliciano DV, Mattox KL, eds. Trauma, 5th edn. New York:
1 Teasdale G, Jennet B. Assessment of coma and impaired McGraw-Hill, 2004: 8791.
consciousness: a practical scale. Lancet 1974;ii:814. 9 Osler T, Rutledge R, Deis J, Bedrick E. ICISS: an International
2 Champion HR, Sacco WJ, Copes WS, Gann DS, Gennarelli Classification of Disease-9 based injury severity score.
TA, Flanagan ME. A revision of the Trauma Score. J Trauma JTrauma 1997;41:3808.
1989;29:6239. 10 Organ Injury Scale of the American Association for
3 Tepas JJ 3rd, Ramenofsky ML, Mollitt DL, Gans BM, the Surgery of Trauma (OIS-AAST). Available from
DiScala C. The Paediatric Trauma Score as a predictor (accessed December 2010).
of injury severity: an objective assessment. J Trauma 11 Moore EE, Dunn EL, Moore JB et al. Penetrating Abdominal
1988;28:4259. Trauma Index. J Trauma 1981;21:43945.
4 American Association for the Advancement of Automotive 12 Jennet B, Bond MR. Assessment of outcome: a practical
Medicine. The Abbreviated Injury Scale: 2005 Update scale. Lancet 1975;i:4807.
2008 Revision. Barrington, IL: AAAM, 2008. Available 13 Boyd CR, Tolson MA, Copes WS. Evaluating trauma care:
from: the TRISS model. J Trauma 1987;27:3708.
5 Baker SP, ONeill B, Haddon W, Long WB. The Injury 14 Champion HR, Copes WS, Sacco WJ et al. A new
Severity Score: a method for describing patients with characterisation of injury severity. J Trauma 1990;30:53946.
multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care. J Trauma 15 Champion HR, Copes WS, Sacco WJ et al. Improved
1974;14:18796. predictions from A Severity Characterization of Trauma
6 Osler T, Baker SP, Long W. A modification of the Injury (ASCOT) over Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS):results
Severity Score that both improves accuracy and simplifies of an independent evaluation. J Trauma 1996;40:428.
scoring. J Trauma 1997;43:9226. 16 Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH, Peterson NE,
7 Balogh Z, Offner PJ, Moore EE, Biffl WL. NISS predicts Champion HR, Shackford SR. Organ injury scaling VII:
postinjury Multiple Organ Failure better than the ISS. cervical vascular, peripheral vascular, adrenal, penis, testis
JTrauma 2000;48:6248. and scrotum. J Trauma 1996;41:5234.
240 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Second Edition
17 Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Jurkovich GJ. Organ injury scaling III: 21 Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Malangoni MA, Jurkovich GJ,
chest wall, abdominal vascular, ureter, bladder and urethra. Shackford SR, Champion HR. Organ injury scaling:
J Trauma 1992;33:3378. pancreas, duodenum, small bowel, colon and rectum.
18 Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ injury JTrauma 1990;30:14279.
scaling IV: thoracic, vascular, lung, cardiac and diaphragm. 22 Moore EE, Shackford SR, Pachter HL et al. Organ injury
J Trauma 1994;36:299300. scaling: spleen, liver and kidney. J Trauma 1989;29:16646.
19 Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Jurkovich GJ, Shackford SR, 23 World Health Organization. ICD-9CM. International
Malangoni MA, Champion HR. Organ injury scaling: spleen Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical
and liver (1994 Revision). J Trauma 1995;38:3234. Modification. Center for Diseases Control and Prevention,
20 Moore EE, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM et al. Organ Hyattsville MD. Available from
injury scaling VI: extrahepatic biliary, oesophagus, (accessed December 2010).
stomach, vulva, vagina, uterus (non-pregnant), uterus 24 World Health Organization. ICD-10 Codes. 2007 version
(pregnant), fallopian tube, and ovary. J Trauma online. Available from
1995;39:106970. (accessed December 2010).
Appendix C
Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
course: course requirements and
C.3 Course details The course takes place over three days with the following
course materials:
C.3.1 Ownership The content of the course will, as a minimum, contain
the core curriculum, as laid down in the IATSIC
The Definitive Surgical Trauma CareTM (DSTC) course is DSTC manual (see Appendix D). Additional material
a registered trademark of the International Association and modules may be included at the discretion of
for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC). IATSIC the local organizers, provided such material is not in
is an Integrated Society of the International Society of conflict with the core curriculum.
Surgery/Socit Internationale de Chirurgie (ISSSIC) Additional add-on modules may be presented at the
based in Lupsingen, Switzerland. Only courses recognized discretion of the local organizers.
by IATSIC may be called DSTC courses. The course will use a specific set of slides and the
DSTC course manual.
IATSIC is able to furnish the IATSIC DSTC course
C.3.2 Mission statement
manual, and course materials (including slides on
PowerPoint) if requested, at a substantial discount.
The DSTC course is designed to train participants in the
However, provided the minimum core syllabus is
techniques required for the surgical care of the trauma
adhered to, a local course manual and material can
patient. This is done by a combination of lectures, dem-
be used.
onstrations, case discussions and practical sessions, utiliz-
ing animal tissue and human (cadaver or prosected) tissue
if available.
C.3.6 Course director
C.3.3 Application to hold a course In addition to the requirements below, the course director
must be a full, current member of IATSIC. For an inaugu-
Application can be made to IATSIC for recognition of a ral course, the course director must be a member of the
course. Provided the minimum requirements for the course IATSIC Executive Committee.
have been met, as laid down below, IATSIC will recognize
the course, which will then be entitled to be called a DSTC
course, and carry the IATSIC logo. The course to be pre- C.3.7 Course faculty
sented will be the course prescribed by IATSIC, and no
changes may be made to the course material or syllabus. Course faculty will be divided into:
Local faculty
International faculty
C.3.4 Eligibility to present
Guest lecturers.
Course faculty members must have themselves
Local organizations attended a DSTC course.
The DSTC course can be presented by any tertiary aca- Course faculty members must have completed an
demic institution or recognized surgical organization. ATLS Instructor course, Royal College of Surgeons
Definitive Surgical Trauma Care course: course requirements and syllabus | 243
Train the Trainers course, or an equivalent instructor Additional modules, which may be added as required,
training course. at the discretion of the local organizing committee
Course international faculty must be members of and as required for local needs.
Additional guest lecturers with particular expertise in
a subject are permitted. C.3.11 Course certification
Details of all faculty with confirmation of the above
must be lodged with IATSIC prior to commencement Participants are required to attend the entire course.
of the course. Certification of attendance and completion of the
The recommended student:instructor ratio should course can be issued.
ideally be 4:1, but may not be larger than 6:1 not The certificates of the courses will be numbered.
including the course director. Details of the course, final faculty and participants,
as well as a course evaluation, must be submitted to
IATSIC after the course.
C.3.8 Course participants
Damage control techniques for the management of the Because of the underlying coagulopathy and hypother-
major trauma patient are fairly new, and the concepts mia, the patient needs to be prevented from further heat
include temporizing measures to prevent a cold, aci- loss at all costs to maximize haemostasis.
dotic and coagulopathic patient from further deteriora-
The internal temperature of the operating theatre
tion to eventual death. As a result of these strategies,
should be set at least 27C and maintained at this
some personnel working in the operating room (OR/
theatre) environment may not have had previous expo-
Fluid and blood should be warmed before and
sure to these techniques, especially in countries where
during administration, using devices such as a
trauma volumes are limited and major trauma is a
Level 1 (Smiths Medical, St Paul, MN, USA) or
stressful rarity. This chapter is intended to help prepare
Ranger (Ranger Blood Warming System; Arizant
the team for the imminent arrival and intraoperative
International, Eden Prairie, MN, USA) device,
management of the major trauma patient. Good com-
which allows for rapid infusion without sacrificing
munication is the key to success. Anticipate and think
adequate heat transmission to the fluid. Ideally, the
temperature should be set at 41C.
The aspects of care referred to in this section are as
Patient warming devices should be present and
readied for use. These can include a circulating warm
Preparation fluid underlay or warm air circulation device (e.g.
Cleaning and draping Bair Hugger [Arizant International]), which must be
Instruments and issues of technique directly in contact with the skin and not over a bed
Special tools and equipment including improvised sheet.
E.2.4 Cleaning
E.2.5 Draping
Draping is also along unconventional lines, and this Figure E.1 Draping required for a trauma laparotomy.
ensures that the surgeons can have ready access to more
than just the area of single focus, which is usual for when Although there is no good evidence that masks,
elective surgery is performed. overshoes and caps protect the patient from infection
during surgery, standard precautions should be
Drape widely using drapes that attach to the skin, or
maintained to protect the team members. The OR
fix them with skin staples, laterally from the neck,
nurse should ensure that all staff in the sterile area
lateral to the chest at the mid-axillary lines and along
are appropriately attired.
the same plane to the knees. The genitalia are covered
Place the scalpel in a receiver (kidney-bowl) for the
with a small drape or an opened swab (Figure E.1).
surgeon to take and replace. The body cavities should
Prevent further heat loss by covering the areas not
be opened primarily with a scalpel and heavy (Mayo)
initially needed for surgical access with sterile drapes.
For example, if the abdomen is the default operation,
Have 2030 large dry swabs or sponges ready for the
cover the chest and legs with drapes that are easily
surgeon to perform rapid so-called packing. These
removed if access to those regions is required.
are best used unfolded initially, as the purpose is to
absorb blood rather than to stop bleeding. However,
E.2.6 Adjuncts note that for definitive packing, swabs should be used
folded in layers.
As far as pre-planning for the actual procedure is con- The suction devices should be ready and should
cerned, one can only recommend that the OR team antic- preferably be routed to the cell-saver device. It is
ipate all eventualities. Remember, too, that as there is useful for there to be two suction devices at the table.
little time to spare, the risk of injury to operative team An electrocautery machine should be available, but
members is high, and that all precautions should be taken there is no time for small vessel haemostasis at this
to ensure maximal protection. point, and this will most likely be used later.
Briefing for operating room scrubnurses | 249
E.3 Surgical procedure Umbilical tapes or the tapes on large sponges can be
used to ligate segments of bowel to control effluent.
Ligaclips can be useful for controlling bleeding vessels
E.3.1 Instruments on the liver or spleen or in the mesentery.
It is useful to keep handy a SengstakenBlakemore
The instrument sets one should have at the ready are as tube for placing in a bleeding hepatic tract to attempt
follows: to tamponade the deep bleeding. A Penrose drain can
A thoracotomy tray ready in the room, but not open achieve a similar effect.
unless the chest is the primary operative focus. A For suspected vascular injury or to control bleeding
sternal saw or Lebsche knife should also be available from non-ligatable vessels, various forms of
A standard laparotomy set open and ready, including temporary arterial shunt and similar devices are
a bowel resection set required.
Vascular instruments, including large aortic clamps The Rumel tourniquet is a useful device made by
(Crawford and Satinsky) open on the set-up trolley simply placing a cylindrical plastic tube over a
Extra small, medium and large crushing clamps (e.g. vascular loop and using this to compress a friable
Halstead, Crile, Roberts and mosquito) as there may vessel once it has been isolated and looped. It may
be many bleeding vessels to clamp also be used to hold a shunt in place proximally and
Several Babcock forceps for holding or marking a distally in an injured artery. The tourniquets can be
bowel injury kept in place with either Ligaclips or small artery
A right-angled dissecting forceps such as is used for clamps.
bile ducts (Lahey, Heiss, etc.) Proprietary shunts (such as Javid or Barker
A full selection of retractors (e.g. Morris, Army-Navy, shunts) should be available; alternatively, one
Langenbeck, Deaver and copper malleables), as well can manufacture them using intravenous tubing,
as some form of a self-retaining system, such as a nasogastric tubing or chest drain tubing, depending
Bookwalter, Omni-Tract or Gray system. on the vessel size.
A selection of vascular grafts should be close at hand.
burns 196, 197 right medial visceral rotation 9899, 120, 133
children 2089 Ringers lactate 32, 35, 158, 165
damage control 35 burns, resuscitation 198
diagnostic studies in 67 rotational thromboelastometry (RoTEM) 44
drugs for blood pressure support 3334 Roux-en-Y loop 113, 128
emergency department 3 rule of nines 196
end points 165 Rumel tourniquet 133, 134, 135, 249
abdominal perfusion pressure 60
in shock 2930 sacroiliac joint 148
extremity trauma 154 safety (incident management) 178
hypotensive 32, 35 saline, hypertonic, fluid therapy in shock 32
in ICU 35, 16566 salt retention 20
liver injuries 105 sandwich technique 54, 55, 61
military casualties 18184 scars, from burns 196
novel hybrid 183 scoring systems (trauma) 22140
pelvic fractures 150 anatomical 22224
physiology 1536 organ-specific injuries 22639
primary survey see primary survey outcome analysis 22426
secondary survey 7 physiological 221
severe trauma 38 see also individual scoring systems
shock 3034, 35 scrotal injury 142
supranormal 31, 165 scale 238
surgical, abdominal trauma 93 scrub nurses see operating room scrub nurses
time factors 3 secondary survey 7
until core temperature normal 167, 168 sedatives, head trauma 206
resuscitation fluids see fluid replacement seizures, prevention, in head trauma 206
retrograde cystography, bladder injuries 140 SengstakenBlakemore tube 249
retrograde urethrography 141 sepsis 168
retrohepatic caval injury 111, 11213 cytokine activity 17
retrohepatic haematoma 111 major limb injuries 161
retroperitoneal haematoma 94, 119, 13031, 136 open fractures 15455
central 13031, 132 post-splenectomy 116, 173
haemostatic adjuncts 102 shock 2425
lateral 131 see also infections
pelvic 94, 99, 131, 141 septicaemia, burns 199
retroperitoneum 94, 125 septic shock 2425
injuries 94 severe trauma 3
radiology 126 death likelihood 8
see also pancreatic injuries extremities, management 154
in trauma laparotomy 9799 management/resuscitation 38
reverse triage 179 sexual assault, injuries 14243
Revised Trauma Score (RTS) 22122 shock 2235
field triage 221 burns 198, 199
non-triage 221 cardiac compressive 24
rewarming 16768, 247 cardiogenic see cardiogenic shock
ICU 56 cause of death in 24, 30
military casualties 183, 186 classification 2225
rib compensated 23
blunt dissection over, chest tubes 77 definition 22
fractures 209 duration 34
274 | Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
wounds X-ray
burns see burns, wounds abdominal 126
debridement/care, in ICU 173 chest 74, 77, 79, 209
as factor in metabolic response 16 blast lung injury 184
wound track 8 duodenal injuries 126
W-statistic 226 pelvic 149