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15:58:43 README 1
#---------------------------------------------------------------- # publishing work in which you used SLIPREAL, please reference
# -------------- # the following two publications. Thanks.
# | SLIPREAL | #
# -------------- # Mai, P.M., and G.C. Beroza (2002). A spatial random-field model
# # to characterize complexity in earthquake slip, J. Geoph. Res.,
# A collection of MATLAB programs to generate stochastic slip # 107(B11), 2308, doi:10.1029/2001JB000588, 2002.
# distributions, in particular useful for calculating near-source # Mai, P.M., and G.C. Beroza (2000). Source-scaling properties
# strong ground motions from a "realistic" faulting model. # from finite-fault rupture models, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 90,
# # 604-615.
# -------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Author: P. Martin Mai (mai@seismo.ifg.ethz.ch) #
# Institute of Geophysics, ETH Hoenggerberg #
# CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland # HAVE FUN !!
# http://seismo.ethz.ch/staff/martin/martin.html #
# -------------------------------------------------------------- # Martin Mai, May 2003
# #
# # --------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# In order to run the m-files of the SLIPREAL-package, you need # THE PROGRAMS
# to have (at least) MATLAB 5.0 with the following toolboxes: #
# signal-processing and statistics. Aside from that it should # SlipReal is using the work of Mai & Beroza (2002) in which we
# run on any platform supporting MATLAB. # show that finite-source slip models of past earthquakes can be
# # characterized by a spatial random-field model. Testing various
# # auto-correlation functions, we observe that the correlation
# INSTALLATION # lengths scale with seismic moment. Assuming a fractal model,
# # inferred finite-source models show a slightly different fractal
# Unzip the SlipReal.zip file into a directory of your choice, # dimension as proposed by Andrews (1980). These results, in
# and add this directory to your MATLAB search path. That will # conjunction with scaling relations on the source dimensions
# make sure you can run SlipReal whenever you launch MATLAB. # (Mai & Beroza, 2000; Wells & Coppersmith, 1994), can be used
# # generate stochastic slip distributions which capture the
# # slip complexity as imaged for past earthquakes.
# # Having provided that code with the essential fault parameters,
# There is a (very small) example (Example1.mat) that you can # fault width, fault length, moment magnitude and faulting style,
# use to get started, containing sample input structures and # the code lets you choose the auto-correlation function, the
# output arrays generated by SlipReal. Aside from that, this # corresponding correlation lengths (fractal dimension), spatial
# README or typing help SlipReal at the MATLAB prompt is all # sampling etc, in order to generate a stochastic slip map.
# you need in order to successfully generate stochastic slip # The underlying algorithm is based on the spectral synthesis,
# distributions. # described by Pardo-Iguzquiza and Chica-Olma (1993).
# #
# #
# #
# These programs (m-files) come at no quarantee whatsoever, and # You can get a head-start by just giving the source parameters
# I am not responsible for the results other people obtain and # fault width, length, and moment magnitude as srcpar = [W L M],
# publish based on the use of these codes. SLIPREAL has been # and the faulting mechanism FM as ss or ds for strike-slip
# tested in various applications, but certainly not exhaustively, # or dip-slip earthquakes, respectively. E.g., to simulate a
# and I do expect that users find bugs and errors. Please report # slip on the fault plane for an earthquake like the 1995 Kobe
# them directly to me, and I try to fix them. # (Japan) earthquake (length 60km, width 20km, Mw = 6.9), just
# Using these routines may not appear very straight-forward, # set srcpar = [20 60 6.9]; and then call SlipReal as follows
# user-friendly or well-documented -- that is simply because the # [S,par]=SlipReal(srcpar,ss)
# package has grown over time, and originally was not meant to # The code will run once, telling you which default values it has
# be distributed. I may go back to rewrite part of it sometime # chosen, displaying the resulting slip map, and generating the
# in the far future to enhance user-friendliness. In any case, # output structure PAR that can then be used to run the code with
# whenever you have questions or comments, please contact me; # different input values. As simple as that! Of course you have
# Ill try to be of as much help as possible, but I certainly # more control over the results if you specify the entire set of
# cannot run the programs for you. # input arguments (as given below).
# #
# #
# #
# If you find these programs useful, and you get to the point of # In case you do want to compute synthetics seismograms for the
15:58:43 README 2
# slip model(s) you generate, I have put together a few small % in your array is EXACT the same as needed in the code;
# routines to simulate the hypocentral position, which can then % the best idea is to run SlipReal once with standard
# be checked against the slip map (RandHypo.m, CheckHypo.m). % input values, and then modify the entries in the
# The ratio of rupture- to shear-wave velocity can also be % output-structure PAR which then can be used as input.
# randomized (RandVrat.m), and, provided you specify a velocity- %
# density structure (see rpar in Example1.mat), be used to % mech - faulting mechanism for the simulated event, needed to
# compute the rupture onset times over the fault plane (function % compute source parameters from scaling relations
# RupTimeGrid2.m). Together with CalcTrfromM.m, which computes % ss or SS for strike-slipevents;
# a single, constant rise-time value for the entire fault, the % ds or DS for dip-slip events
# SlipReal package could be used to generate a complete % al or AL if both types should be considered
# KINEMATIC source model for strong motion calculations. % (may be useful in case of normal faulting events)
# All that remains is to define an appropriate slip-velocity %
# function, and deploy a code to compute the synthetics near- % acf - string to denote autocorrelation function
# source seismograms (i.e. discrete-wavenumer, isochrone, % ak or AK for anisotropic von Karman ACF
# finite-differences). % ex or EX for exponential ACF
# CAUTION: This source characterization is kinematic, and hence % fr or FR for the fractal case (power law decay)
# generates source models that may not be physically realizable. % gs or GS for Gaussian ACF [needs input corr. length]
# Nothing in the code prevents you to have the rupture propagate % if [], default ak is used
# at 99% light speed, with rise time 1e8 secs!. So double-check %
# your results with some rupture dynamic considerations in the % corr - correlation length and/or spectral decay parameters
# back of your mind. We are working on putting more earthquake % [az ax] for Gauss or exponential ACF
# physisc in these type of simulations (for references see % [az ax H] for von Karman ACF H = Hurst number)
# http://seismo.ethz.ch/staff/martin/publications.html), and % [D kc] for fractal slip where D is the fractal dimension;
# plan to publish/distribute that as soon as we are confident % kc: corner wavenumber beyond which the spectrum decays;
# in our methodology. % kc is related to the source dimensions, and is computed
# % as kc = 2*pi/(sqrt(L*W)) if it is not given
# Below you find (hopefully) all you need to understand and run % [] if corr is an empty matrix, the relevant parameters for
# SLIPREAL. You get the same information, if you type % the given autocorrelation function will be computed
# help SlipReal at the MATLAB prompt. % (NOT true for the Gaussian since no relations have been
# % established between corr length and source parameters)
#--------------------------------------------------------------- %
# % seed - structural array of seed values for the random-number generator,
% [S,par] = SlipReal(srcpar,mech,acf,corr,seed,samp,grd, ... % called at various locations in the code; if seed == [], then
% nexp,wlevel,taper,depth,dip,outfile,fig); % the code uses an expression like
% simulates a dislocation model for given source parameters and % Rseed = sum(100*clock);
% source mechanism. If not given, source dimensions can be % randn(seed, Rseed); <-- uses MATLAB4 generators!!
% computed from empirical scaling relations. % to generate the random numbers; the value Rseed is stored in
% The slip on the fault surface is calculated using the spectral % the output structure par.
% synthesis method in which the slip-amplitude spectrum is defined % The sequence is as follows, and is the same that is returned
% through a spatial auto-correlation function or a power law decay; % by the code:
% the phase is random in U(-pi,pi), but the entire field obeys % seed.SS = SSseed; 1x2-array, used in SpecSyn2
% Hermitian symmetry. % seed.WL = WLseed; 1x1-array, used in WaterLevel
% The variables SRCPAR and MECH are required input; for all other % seed.CS = CSseed; 2x2-array, used in CalcSigfromD
% input parameters, an empty array [] will select the default values % seed.RC = RCseed; 3x2-array, used in CalcDimfromM
% (see below). % seed.RWC = RWCseed; 3x2-array, used in CalcDimWC
% % seed.CR = CRseed; 1x1, 4x2, 5x2, used in CalcCorrfromLW
% INPUT: % Hence, you can run the code once, get the corresponding array
% srcpar - array-structure with ALL source parameters OR % and use it again to create the EXACT SAME random slip model.
% cell-array with source parameters and string to identify scaling; %
% OR simple vector with source parameters % samp - sampling of dislocation model in z,x direction [dz dx]
% for the last two options, srcpar can be of the form % NOTE: the final sampling may be finer in case the option pow2
% {Mw rel} -- source dimensions computed from scaling laws % is given as y (see SPECSYN2) or sampling must
% rel == MB uses Mai & Beroza (2000) % be adjusted for the source dimensions
% rel == WC uses Wells & Coppersmith (1994) %
% rel == WG uses USGS WorkingGroup99 M vs. A (2000) % grd - slip function to be defined on grid-nodes or subfaults
% {A rel} -- area A (in km^2), rel is MB or WC % nod for grid-node definition [grid-size (L/dx+1)*(W/dz+1)]
% [W L] -- Mw estimated from Wells & Coppersmith (1994), % sub for sub-fault definition [grid-size (L/dx) * (W/dz)]
% [W L Mw] -- D computed from given parameters %
% [W L Mw D] -- Mw will be scaled to match given D! % nexp - non-linear scaling exponent for the random field (i.e S = S^nexp)
% % nexp < 1 smoothens the fields (steepens the spectrum)
% NOTE: give fault width W and length L in km, mean slip D in m % nexp == 1 doesnt change anything (default)
% % nexp > 1 roughens the field (flattens the spectrum)
% If srcpar is given as array-structure, make sure the naming % the purpose of this variable is to allow for simulation of
15:58:43 README 3
% slip distributions with large peak-slip values;
% a good choice for that is usually nexp = 1.25 - 1.5;
% wlevel - method to scale the zero-mean random field to nonnegative slip
% wlevel == []: field "lifted" above zero (default)
% wlevel == 0: values < 0 will be set equal to zero
% wlevel == -1: values < 0 will be set to small random value
% wlevel == -2: values < 0 will be set to 0.25*field value
% wlevel == -3: values < mean-slip set to small random value
% wlevel == scalar: values < scalar set to small random value
% NOTE: wlevel = [] preserves the spectral decay; wlevel = -2
% also preserves the slip spectrum rather well without intro-
% ducing too much artificial high-wavenumbers, yet scales the
% slip such that locally large-slip patches are present
% taper - tapering the edges of the slip model
% [left/right top bottom] (in km) for customized tapering
% y for default tapering of 2.5 km (i.e [2.5 2.5 2.5])
% [left/right top bottom P] where P is an exponent smaller 1,
% applies an additional depth-taper of the form z^P
% (i.e.some kind of sqrt-function) to mimick less slip in the
% upper crustal regions close to the surface
% depth - max. depth of rupture plane;
% option with depth range [zmin zmax] not implemented
% zmin is the depth to the top of the fault plane
% zmax is the maximum depth of fault plane (in km)
% (default: zmin = 0, zmax =15)
% dip - dip angle of fault plane (in degrees) (default = 90 deg)
% fig - optional: y to view the slip realization; this will open
% a figure window for each realization (set to n if called
% in a loop) (default: y)
% outfile- optional: string for a filename to which the code writes
% the slip realization as a simple ascii 2D-array, where rows
% correspond to depth (default: n)
% S - 2D-slip distribution
% par - structure with all relevant source parameters
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------

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