Coatings: Natural Pectin Polysaccharides As Edible Coatings

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Coatings 2015, 5, 865-886; doi:10.


ISSN 2079-6412

Natural Pectin Polysaccharides as Edible Coatings

Arantzazu Valds, Nuria Burgos, Alfonso Jimnez and Mara Carmen Garrigs *

Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition & Food Sciences, University of Alicante, Campus San
Vicente, 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante), Spain; E-Mails: [email protected] (A.V.);
[email protected] (N.B.); [email protected] (A.J.)

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: [email protected];

Tel.: +34-96-590-1242; Fax: +34-96-590-3697.

Academic Editor: Stefano Farris

Received: 30 September 2015 / Accepted: 11 November 2015 / Published: 16 November 2015

Abstract: The most fashionable trends in food packaging research are targeted towards
improvements in food quality and safety by increasing the use of environmentally-friendly
materials, ideally those able to be obtained from bio-based resources and presenting
biodegradable characteristics. Edible films represent a key area of development in new
multifunctional materials by their character and properties to effectively protect food with
no waste production. The use of edible films should be considered as a clean and elegant
solution to problems related with waste disposal in packaging materials. In particular, pectin
has been reported as one of the main raw materials to obtain edible films by its natural
abundance, low cost and renewable character. The latest innovations in food packaging by the
use of pectin-based edible films are reviewed in this paper, with special focus on the use of
pectin as base material for edible coatings. The structure, properties related to the intended
use in food packaging and main applications of pectins are herein reported.

Keywords: pectin; edible films; biopolymer coatings; fruits; vegetables; agricultural wastes;

1. Introduction

Food packaging systems have been traditionally considered as simple containers to transport food
from the place where they have been produced to the retail outlet and then to the consumer with no
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alteration of the food nutritional and organoleptic characteristics. Nevertheless, these systems are often
unable to increase the shelf-life of fresh food resulting in a problem to producers, retailers and
consumers. Since the main function of packaging is preservation of food from external contamination,
other important features such as retardation of deterioration, extension of shelf-life, protection from
transport impacts and maintenance of the food quality should be taken into account. Packaging materials
should protect food from environmental influences such as heat, moisture, oxygen, enzymes, loss of
aromas and unpleasant odor components, as well as from the attack from micro and macro-organisms.
Furthermore, the global market is becoming more demanding and is continuously in need of novel and
stable products which, at the same time, could retain the natural properties of food. In summary, the
demand for new packaging materials and food packaging functionalities is increasing.
Among materials currently used in food packaging, polymers have taken a major share because of
their versatility and advantageous performance/cost ratio. However, the most important polymers used
for food packaging are obtained from non-renewable resources and they are not biodegradable or
compostable, representing a global environmental problem. These drawbacks in the use of common
polymers in food packaging are becoming an important issue in the design of attractive systems for
distribution, making consumers aware of the problems related to the waste disposal. Although the
stability of food packaging materials during the food shelf-life is an advantage, it turns into a disadvantage
when the package enters the post-use phase. In summary, the use of polymers obtained from non-renewable
resources and non-biodegradable in food packaging applications represents an important environmental
impact and waste generation issue. In fact, packaging waste accounted for 32.5 million tons or 17.7% of
the total municipal solid waste (MSW) in 2013 in the USA [1] and 19.3 million tons or around 25% in
2014 in Europe [2]. Currently, landfilling is the dominant method of packaging waste disposal, followed
by recycling, incineration and composting. Even though recovery methods such as reuse, recycling
and/or composting are encouraged as a way of reducing packaging waste disposal, there is still much
work to do to substantially reduce the quantity of plastics present in MSW [3].
Some alternative packaging materials obtained from renewable resources, such as poly(lactic acid),
PLA, poly(hydroxyalkanoates) (PHAs), starch or proteins, have been proposed as alternatives to
non-biodegradable polymers in food packaging applications [47]. However, polysaccharides are
gaining some space in their use as innovative packaging materials by their ubiquitous presence in Nature,
as well as by their relative low cost compared to other biopolymers and the possibilities they offer to be
used not only as polymer matrices but also in coatings. Polysaccharides are therefore strong
environmentally-sound contenders in the food packaging market that fulfill all the environmental
concerns (i.e., derived from renewable raw materials and biodegradable) while being even possible to
be metabolized by human body together with food, making them able to be used in edible films.
Polysaccharides are the main component of biomass, being the most abundant renewable polymer
resources available from Nature. Among them, pectin is one of the most significant since the pectin
world market demand is increasing, reaching a total production capacity around 4550 Mton per year
while the demand was around 140160 Mton per year in 2011, showing that the industry interest on this
complex polysaccharide is rising day by day.
One of the most important features in the still incipient commercial application in food packaging of
bio-based polymers is the use of some of these materials (e.g., PLA, PHAs) for rigid containers [8], but
flexible morphologies are still dependent on the use of additives. In addition, commercial biopolymers
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show some limitations in terms of performance (thermal resistance, poor barrier and brittleness) as well
as high costs. In fact, the present situation is such that the development of polysaccharides-based
materials in fields where unique performance or raw material characteristics show an added technological
value (for instance, sourced from renewable materials, biodegradability, water barrier, antimicrobial
properties, aroma barrier) or marketing-wise (e.g., green or sustainability image) is both a challenge and
an opportunity for the food packaging industries.
The term edible coatings in food applications correspond to thin layers of edible materials applied
onto surfaces of highly perishable foodstuff, such as fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. The aim of this
paper is the full review of the properties and possible applications of pectin in the manufacture of edible
films for food packaging. The most recent scientific and technological developments in this field will be
highlighted and our goal would be to permit the reader getting a complete survey of the increasing use
of this biopolymer in food industries.

2. Structure and Classification of Pectic Substances

Pectin is a white, amorphous and colloidal carbohydrate of high molecular weight occurring in ripe
fruits, especially in apples, currants, etc., and used in fruit jellies, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics for its
thickening and emulsifying properties and ability to solidify to a gel. All these properties and
applications have put pectin in the market of the biopolymers with great potential and possibilities for
future developments. The structure of these polysaccharides is discussed in this section.
Pectic substances are present in the primary cell walls and middle lamellae of many plants and fruits,
and they are frequently associated with cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin structures [9]. Their presence
in the cell is important for some essential functions: (a) adhesion between cells; (b) mechanical strength
of the cell wall; (c) ability to form stabilizing gels; and (d) they play a significant role in the growth of plant
cells [10]. Pectin forms the most complex class of polysaccharides, mainly composed by high molecular
weight heterogeneous groups of glycanogalacturonans and acidic structural polysaccharides with diverse
structures. Pectin backbone consists of (14)--D-galacturonic acid molecules linked to a small number
of rhamnose residues in the main chain and arabinose, galactose and xylose in the side chains [11].
Several authors stated that pectin polysaccharides can be classified in three types (Figure 1) [1214].
Homogalacturonan (HG) is a linear polymer formed by D-galacturonic acid and it can be classified
into three different families depending on the acetylation or methylation reactions suffered during
polymerization: (i) pectin with more than 75% of methylated carboxyl groups; (ii) pectinic acid with
less than 75% of methylation; and, finally, (iii) pectic acid or polygalacturonic acid without
methyl-esterified carboxyl groups [12]. Is the bold/italics necessary?
Rhamnogalacturonan I (RGI) is composed by the repeating disaccharide rhamnosegalacturonic acid
groups acetylated and linked to side chains of neutral sugars, such as galactose, arabinose and xylose.
Finally, rhamnogalacturonan II (RGII) is also formed by homogalacturonan chains, but with complex
side groups attached to 12 different types of glycosyl residues, such as rare sugar species (2-O-methyl
xylose, 2-O-methyl fucose, aceric acid, 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-lyxo heptulosaric acid, and 2-keto-3-deoxy-
D-manno octulosonic acid). RGI and RGII are called hairy regions in the pectin structure whereas HG is
the smooth part of the molecule [13,14].
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Figure 1. Classification of pectic polyssacharides based on D-galacturonic acid [1214].

3. Properties and Current Applications in Food Industry

In general terms, pectins are used in food industry as stabilizers, thickening and gelling agents,
crystallization inhibitors and encapsulating agents. But, in all cases, galacturonic residues should be
previously modified by the addition of methyl groups to yield methoxides. This chemical modification
is essential to improve pectins physical properties, which are dependent on their molecular masses and,
primarily, on the degree of methyl-esterification (DM), calculated as moles of methanol per 100 moles
of galacturonic acid [15]. In this context, two different DM degrees can be achieved resulting in different
applications [10]:
Pectins with high DM (HM pectins) containing 50% or higher of galacturonic residues. They are
used as gelling component in heat-resistant bakery jams, fruit preservatives and juices, confectionaries
jellies, milky products, glazing cakes and soft drinks. HM pectins form gels by hydrophobic
interactions under acidic conditions in aqueous media and high sugar content.
Pectins with low DM (LM pectins) are obtained by de-esterification of HM pectins under
controlled pH, temperature and time. LM pectins show DM degrees between 20% and 30% [16].
They are used to prepare gels at low pH values in the presence of divalent calcium. Applications
in food industry include jams and jellies with low-sugar content, dairy desserts, ice cream with
fruit gels, thickening agents of syrups for fruit and vegetable canning and food coatings.
In this context, edible coatings obtained from pectin and derivatives (pectate and amidated pectin)
have been recently proposed in food-related applications by their excellent barrier to oxygen, aroma
preservation, barrier to oil and good mechanical properties, but they are not effective against moisture
transfer through films by their hydrophilic nature [17]. They are currently used in fresh and minimally
processed fruits and vegetables, such as avocado, apple, apricot, chestnuts, berries, guava, melon,
papaya, peach, walnuts, carrot and tomato [17]. Depending on the product, three different coating
methods can be used, as shown in Figure 2 [18].
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Figure 2. Main coating methods used in food industry. (Adapted from ref. [18]).

According to Dhanapal et al [18], dipping is the most common method to apply coatings to fruits and
vegetables when the coating solution is highly viscous (Figure 2a). It is carried out by introducing the
product for a time between 5 and 30 s in a coating solution under controlled conditions of density and
surface tension.
However, when the coating solution is not highly viscous, spraying can be used (Figure 2b).
The food product is introduced into the coating system and it is sprayed by controlling the final drop
size of the spray solution, which depends on the thickness of the spray gun, nozzle temperature, air and
liquid flow rates, humidity of incoming air and polymer solution, drying time and temperature [18]. The
usual spraying instrument in this application can produce fine sprays, with drop-size distributions up to
20 m. Finally, the brushing method is used in some products, such as fresh beans and strawberries,
when the reduction of the moisture loss is an issue (Figure 2c). Thin coatings onto the surface of the
product are obtained in all cases and they could act as semi-permeable membranes reducing gas transfer
rates and creating new packaging materials to extend food shelf-life.

4. Extraction Methods for Pectins: New Trends for the Revalorization of Agricultural Residues

Pomace from apples, citric albedo, sugar beet pulp and sunflower rinds have been proposed as
by-products from the agricultural and food industries to obtain pectic substances with contents over 15%
on dry basis [19]. In fact, apple pomace (15% to 20% of pectin) and citrus peel (30% to 35% of pectin),
obtained in fruit juice industries, are the two main raw materials used for the industrial extraction of
pectins. However, other natural sources with potential in the pectins extraction have been described in
literature [15]. For example, plants of Lupinus genus (pectins content 1.5%7% depending on the variety,
year, and climatic conditions), burdock from the Arctium genus (pectins content higher than 21%) or peach
(Persica vulgaris L.) with pectins content up to 10% have been proposed.
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The diverse nature of the pectic substances has resulted in different extraction methods. Depending
on the raw material the extraction methods and further chemical purification treatments are different.
This section focuses on natural pectin sources and the associated extraction methods used to produce
high added-value products. The most frequent extraction techniques are: (i) conventional solvent
extraction based on stirring and heating; (ii) microwave assisted extraction (MAE); (iii) electromagnetic
induction (EMI); (iv) ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE); and (v) enzymatic extraction.
In general terms, pectins are commonly extracted by solvent-liquid methods in acidic aqueous media
(nitric, sulfuric, phosphoric or citric acid) at high temperatures due to their availability, applicability and
ease of use [20]. Pectins are usually extracted by hot dilute mineral acids at pH 1.52.5, taking 24 h
with further precipitation with ethanol or isopropyl alcohol, separation to remove impurities, drying,
grinding and blending with other additives. The extracted pectins can be categorized into two major
types, depending on their DM degree. Factors like pH, temperature, time and solvent:liquid (S:L) ratio
are usually studied to optimize the extraction conditions. Table 1 shows the main extraction methods for
natural pectins reported in literature.

Table 1. Natural pectins extracted by solvent extraction methods.

Natural Source Extraction Parameters Pectin Yield Extraction (%) Ref.
Citric and phosphate buffer, pH 2 and 6,
Okra pods 13.3 (pH 2.0); 15.7 (pH 6.0) [21]
60 min, 80 C, 1:15 gmL1
Durian rinds HCl, pH 2.8, 43 min, 86 C, S:L 1:10 gmL1 9.1 [22]
Mango peel Sulfuric acid in water, pH 1.5, 2.5 h, 90 C >70 [23]
Citric acid solution, pH 2.0, 160 min,
13.89 [24]
Banana peel 87 C, 1:20 gmL1
Citric acid and HCl, pH 1.5, 4 h, 90 C 16.54 [25]
Citric acid, pH of 2, 3.3 and 4.5, 120 min,
Tropical fruit peels 12.5614.24 [26]
70 C
Sugar beet pulp Citric acid, pH 1, 166 min, 99 C, 1:20 gmL1 23.95 [27]
13.31 (Bagasse);
Bagasse and pomace lime fruit Citric acid, 60 min, 90 C, 1:20 gmL1 [28]
15.1 (Pomace)
Valencia orange peel Citric acid extraction, pH 1.5, 75 min, 90 C 16.7 [29]
Watermelon seed HCl, pH 2, 60 min, 85 C, 1:15 gmL 19.75 [30]
Faba bean hulls HCl, pH 1.5, 80 min, 85 C, 1:25 gmL 15.75 [31]
Honeydew melon seeds and
HCl at pH 1, 80 C for 4 h 7.9 [32]
damaged skin
Ammonium oxalate and oxalic acid, 90 C
Tomato peel 32.0 [33]
in two extraction steps (24 and 12 h)
Sunflower head Sodium citrate, 85 C, 3.5 h, 1:40 g/mL 16.90 [34]

Alba, Laws and Kontogiorgos extracted okra pod pectins at different pH values (2.0 and 6.0 with
100 mM citric and phosphate buffer, respectively) and examined the effect of the extraction conditions
on their molecular and compositional characteristics [21]. Pectins obtained could not be quantitatively
recovered in a single extraction step and second extraction was required. They concluded that pectins
extracted with citric buffer (pH 2.0) resulted in slightly lower yields (13.3% 0.3%) when compared to
extraction at pH 6.0 (15.7% 0.2%). The highest extraction yields were obtained at high temperatures
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and low pH values due to the cleavage of pectin and other cell wall materials. Furthermore, okra pectins
were found to be LM with DM 40.0% 1.6% and 24.6% 1.0% for pH 2.0 and 6.0, respectively. These
results could be attributed to de-esterification process caused by the -elimination of the esterified
homogalacturonan backbone, removing methyl ester groups and resulting in pectins with lower DM and
molecular mass. These pectins can be used as functional ingredients (thickeners, viscosity enhancers,
gelling agents and texture modifiers) in the food industry.
Durian (Durio zibethinus) is considered as a high-value fruit due to its distinct flavor and unique taste,
but its processing generates large amounts of waste and by-products rich in polysaccharides.
A second-order polynomial equation using a three-level Box-Behnken response design to optimize the
extraction conditions of pectins from Durian residues was recently proposed [22]. Those authors studied
the influence of four variables: S:L ratio (515 gmL1), pH (23), extraction time (2060 min) and
extraction temperature (7595 C) in the pectins extraction yield. The optimum selected conditions were
pH 2.8, 43 min, 86 C and 1:10 gmL1 S:L ratio, yielding 9.1% for the extraction efficiency.
Hubert et al. studied the impact of different Mango (M. indica L.) cultivars, technological procedures
and ripeness degree on the pectin quality of their peels [23]. They concluded that grinding of mango
peels (with particle sizes of 42 m) significantly enhanced the pectins extraction yield (70%) without
increasing the impurity contents.
Banana fruit has been considered an excellent source of pectins. A central composite design was used
to determine the effect of pH (2.04.5), extraction temperature (7090 C) and time (120240 min) in the
extraction yield of pectins in citric acid solution (1:20 w/v) under stirring (150 rpm) [24]. High
temperatures and pH values resulted in higher extraction yields with a decrease in DM from 79% to
43%. The optimum conditions for pectins extraction were 87 C, 160 min and pH 2.0 with extraction
yield 13.9%. Castillo-Israel et al. proved that banana peel waste could be a promising source of pectins
with extraction yield 17.0% and DM 75.0% by using HCl (0.5 N, pH 1.5) and citric acid (0.5 N, pH 1.7)
at 90 C for 4 h [25]. Other agricultural residues used as pectins sources are peels of Yellow passion
fruit (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa), red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) and soursop (Annona
muricata L.) [26]. Peels of yellow passion fruit and dragon fruit gave pectins yield of 14.2% and 12.6%
with DM 55.5% and 47.9% at pH = 2.4 and extraction times 58 and 65 min, respectively. It was
concluded that the soursop peels are not suitable by their low pectins yield (lower than 6%). In contrast,
the extraction of sugar beet pulp pectins in citric acid at 99 C and 166 min at pH = 1.0 and S:L ratio 20
allowed the maximum extraction yield (23.9%) [27].
Bagasse and pomace of Mexican lime fruit have been proposed as pectins sources with S:L ratio 1:20,
citric acid 1% at 90 C for 60 min with yields of 13.3 and 15.1%, respectively [28]. Pectins yield
extraction from Valencia orange peels was carried out by using citric acid solution at 90 C for 75 min
and pH 1.5 yielding acceptable pectins extraction (16.7%) [29]. Korish reported the use of the
Citrullus lanatus var. Colocynthoides watermelon seeds as source of pectins [30]. The optimum yield
was obtained with acidic water solution (HCl, pH 2.0, S:L ratio 1:15 and 85 C), for 60 min yielding
pectins extraction efficiency of 16.7%. This waste was proposed as raw material for the production of
useful biomaterials and chemicals. These authors also studied the potential use of bean hulls as pectins
source [31]. The maximum yield of the extracted pectins was not coincident with the highest
esterification degree with the maximum yield (15.7%) recorded at pH 1.5 and 85 C for 80 min and S:L
Coatings 2015, 5 872

ratio 1:25; while the highest degree of esterification (54.6%) occurred at pH 2.5 and 90 C for 60 min.
Therefore, it was concluded that the yield of pectins was variable with the extraction conditions.
Seeds and damaged skin of fresh honeydew melon (Cucumis melo Inodorus) were proposed as other
pectins sources with acceptable efficiencies (7.9%) in HCl at pH = 1.0 [32]. Pectins from tomato
(Lycopersicum esculentum) peels were also extracted under reflux at 90 C with ammonium oxalate
(16 gL1) and oxalic acid (4 gL1) in two extraction steps (24 and 12 h respectively) [33]. The highest
pectins yields were 32.6% and 31.9% in two batches, but the pectin quality was low in the second
extraction step. Kang et al. extracted pectins from sunflower heads (SFHP) with sodium citrate at 85 C
and S:L ratio 1:40 [34]. The content in uronic acid was used in this study as the indicator of the pectin
extraction yield by using the carbazole colorimetric method with a maximum yield in uronic acid
of 16.9%.
Giosafatto et al. recently reported the production of an edible hydrocolloid film made by using Citrus
pectin and the protein phaseolin crosslinked by microbial transglutaminase, an enzyme able to covalently
modify proteins by formation of isopeptide bonds between glutamine and lysine residues [35,36]. These
authors included different biopolymer matrices in their formulations, including chitosan [37,38] and
whey proteins [39].
In general terms, it can be concluded that the combination of high temperatures, times and solvents
volume resulted in the recovery of pure pectins. However, two problems in the pectins extraction were
described, since long heating times resulted in ruptures of the pectin chains leading to difficulties in
pectin isolation, while acid extraction may result in corrosion and pollution whereas the alkaline extraction
reduces the chain of galacturonic acid by beta-elimination [20]. Therefore, innovative methods such as
MAE, EMI, UAE and enzymatic treatment have been proposed to counteract these effects. Table 2
summarizes the most recent trends on the application of these methods for pectins extraction.

Table 2. Innovative extraction methods for pectins.

Extraction Pectin Yield
Natural Source Extraction Parameters Ref.
Method Extraction (%)
400 W, 45 C, 20 min, 24 gmL1 7.5 [40]
Dragon fruit peel
HCl, pH 2.07, 800 W, 65 s, 66.6 gmL1 18.57 [41]
Bagasse and pomace 16.9 (Bagasse);
Citric acid, 800 W, 120 C, 5 min, 1:30 gmL1 [28]
MAE of Mexican lime fruit 8.4 (Pomace)
Pomelo peel Tartaric acid solution, pH 1.5, 660 W, 9 min, 1:40 gmL1 23.83 [42]
Mango peel Aqueous solution, pH 2.7, 413 W, 134 s, 1:18 gmL1 28.86 [43]
Papaya peel Aqueous solution, 512 W, pH 1.8, 140 s, 1:15 gmL1 25.41 [44]
EMI Citrange albedos Aqueous solution, pH 1.2 with H2SO4, 80 C, 90 min 29 [45]
Pomegranate peel Aqueous solution, pH 1.27, 61.9 C, 28.31 min, 1:17.52 gmL1 24.18 [46]
Sisal fiber Aqueous solution, 61 W, 50 C, 26 min, 1:28 gmL1 29.32 [47]
UAE Sugar beet pulp Aqueous solution, 10.70 MPa, 120.72 C, 30.49 min, 44.0 gmL1 24.63 [48]
Deionized water, HCl, pH 1.5, 12.56 W/cm2, 66.7 C,
Grapefruit peel 27.34 [49]
27.9 min, 1:50 gmL1
Gold kiwifruit pulp,
Purified water, pH 3.7, 25 C, 30 min, Celluclast 1.5 L 2.14 [50]
Enzymes skin and seed
enzyme (1.05 mLkg1), 1:3 gmL1
Gold kiwifruit pomace 4.5 [51]
Coatings 2015, 5 873

MAE is an extraction technique that uses microwave power to heat samples in solution by enhancing
the mass transfer rate of the solutes from the vegetable raw materials to solvents. Two main mechanisms
allows the pectin extraction by MAE, i.e., the rapid increase in temperature, which reduces the emulsion
viscosity and breaks the chemical bonds in the raw material structure, and the molecular rotation due to
the electrical charges of molecules, resulting in enhanced movement of ions which increase the
efficiency of the extraction process [41]. MAE has been reported as the preferred extraction method of
pectins from natural sources such as dragon fruit peels [40,41], bagasse and pomace obtained from
Mexican lime fruit [28], pomelo [42], mango [43] and papaya peels [44] under different operation
conditions. MAE conditions are dependent on different factors, such as microwave power, pH, time and
S:L ratio. MAE methods show significant advantages over the conventional extraction techniques, such
as the reduction in the amount of the extraction solvents, low energy consumption, high recoveries, good
reproducibility, short extraction times (minutes rather than hours) and minimal sample manipulation.
Since these variables should be optimized for the development of every method, response surface
methodologies (RSM) are used to study their interactive effects on pectins extraction with good
correlation between experimental data and the predicted values. Table 2 summarizes the proposed MAE
conditions to obtain maximum pectins extraction yields from natural sources. The most usual procedure
includes the use of Box-Behnken experimental designs (BBD) or central composite designs (CCD).
Good results were reported for the extraction of target compounds, such as antioxidants from almond
skin [52], peanut skin [53] and batata leaves [54], highlighting the potential of MAE as a promising
extraction method for pectins.
The use of EMI methods involving mixing, heating and maintenance of samples in an acidic medium
to extract pectins has been also proposed. Zouambia et al. introduced a new approach for pectins
extraction from citrange albedos [45]. In this study, the extraction yield, composition and physico-chemical
characteristics of pectins extracted by electromagnetic induction heating were studied and compared
with those obtained by direct boiling. EMI methods were also evaluated at different extraction times and
power levels. A considerable reduction in time was observed by using EMI, since only 30 min were
necessary to obtain pectins extraction yield (24%) similar to those obtained with conventional heating
methods for 90 min. This innovative method can be suggested as an alternative for pectins extraction
with short times, good yield and maintaining the main physico-chemical properties of pectins.
UAE is a process that uses acoustic energy and selected solvents to extract specific compounds from
various matrices in relatively short times giving high yields. The mechanism of UAE is based on the
interaction of the ultrasound waves and the solvent molecules allowing the acoustic cavitation and the
disruption of cell walls with enhanced mass transfer across the cell membranes [20]. High efficiencies
were recently reported for the UAE of pectins from several agricultural wastes, such as pomegranate
peel [46] and sisal fiber [47]. In both cases, BBD was successfully used as valuable multivariate technique
to evaluate the relationship between variables, helping to determine the accurate optimum values of all
the experimental parameters with a reduced number of experiments [55]. In pomegranate peel, the effects
of pH, S:L ratio, extraction time and temperature on the recovery of pectins were studied [46].
The maximum extraction yields were determined at pH = 1.27; 28.3 min 1:17.5 gmL1 S:L ratio and
61.9 C resulting in yield extraction of 24.2%. In sisal fibers, the extraction conditions were also
optimized [47]. The analysis of variance showed that the contribution of a quadratic model was
significant for the pectins extraction yield. The optimal extraction condition were 61 W, 1:28 gmL1
Coatings 2015, 5 874

S:L ratio, 26 min and 50 C resulting in pectins yield of 29.3%. Therefore, UAE was proposed as an
alternative method to extract pectins from sisal waste with the advantages of lower extraction temperatures
and energies and shorter extraction times.
Several authors have combined UAE with other extraction techniques. Pectin-enriched materials
obtained from sugar beet pulp wastes were extracted by UAE combined with subcritical water by using
the RSM methodology [48]. The highest extraction yields (24.6%) were obtained at pressure 10.70 MPa,
120.7 C, 30.5 min and S:L ratio 44.0 gmL1.
The effect of the extraction temperature and sonication time is essential for UAE, but not much
published work has focused on the optimization of UAE conditions and exploration of the combined
effects of these variables in the pectins extraction. Wang et al. used RSM to study the extraction of
grapefruit peel pectins by UAE, evaluating the combined effects of ultrasound power and extraction time
and temperature on the extraction yield in HCl aqueous solutions (pH = 1.5) [49]. This study also
compared UAE results with those obtained with conventional extraction methods using the same solvent
at 80 C for 90 min. UAE provided extraction yields of 16.3% at low temperatures and short times.
In summary, UAE could be considered as an efficient and economic technique to extract pectins from
plant resources.
All these methods have in common the use of diluted acid solutions, but in some cases non-solvent
methods are preferred in food products. Enzymatic methods represent an innovative and clean alternative
for the green extraction of pectins reducing water pollution and waste generation. These methods are
based on the degradation of pectins by selective depolymerisation or their isolation by breaking the
plants cell wall [20]. Only few works have reported the use of these methods by comparing the enzymatic
extraction of pectins obtained from gold kiwifruit wastes at different stages of maturity with other
extraction methods [50,51]. In both cases, the enzymatic treatment was conducted at 25 C for 30 min
with a Celluclast 1.5 L (1.05 mLkg1) at pH 3.70 0.05. These methods showed relative low yields
(2.14% for peel, skin and seeds and 4.5% for pomace) when compared to acid/water extraction methods.
Nevertheless, the advantages of enzymatic methods, i.e., low temperatures that contribute to avoid
degradation of pectins and low cost, make this method a promising alternative that deserves further study.

5. Recent Trends in the Use of Pectin Edible Coatings

Edible coatings are currently used in highly perishable foodstuff to protect their nutritional and
organoleptic properties by their potential to extend shelf-life and reducing the negative effects caused
by processing, such as enzymatic browning, texture breakdown and off-flavors development [56,57].
In addition, edible coatings may contribute to the reduction of gas exchange, moisture and solute
migration as well as to the reduction of the respiration and oxidation reaction rates and the decrease of
the risk of pathogens growth on food surfaces during storage [58].
The selection of the most adequate edible materials for this purpose depends on different factors, such
as cost, availability, mechanical properties, transparency, brightness, gas barrier effects and resistance
to water and microorganisms. The selection is also influenced by the coating processing conditions
(pH, type of solvent, temperature), type and concentration of additives (plasticizers, emulsifiers or
cross-linking agents) and by the presence of active compounds in the edible matrix (antimicrobials,
antioxidants, texture enhancers or nutraceuticals) [56,58].
Coatings 2015, 5 875

Plasticizers, such as glycerol or sorbitol, in edible coating formulations play the role of improving
coatings flexibility by reducing the number of internal hydrogen bonds between polymer chains and by
increasing the free volume in the matrix to permit oxygen and water vapor diffusion through the coating
film. Emulsifiers are usually added into coating formulations to improve wettability, stability and
adhesion to the food surface, while cross-linking agents are necessary to react with carbohydrates
forming a solid polymeric matrix upon the food. In particular, the gelation of low-methoxyl pectins takes
place in the presence of multivalent metal cations, such as calcium, due to their electrostatic interactions
with the opposite charged cavities formed by polymer chains [5961].
The most recent trends in the field of pectins coating applications include the shelf-life extension of
fresh-cut highly perishable food, the application of pectin coatings as pre-frying treatment to reduce the
oil consumption in deep-fat fried products and the use as pre-dried treatments to improve the retention
of nutrients and quality characteristics of dehydrated and lyophilized food.

5.1. Shelf-life Extension of Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables

Consumers usually accept fresh food on the basis of their appearance and organoleptic characteristics,
but their shelf-life is usually low, representing a clear problem for their commercial distribution.
The increasing interest for fresh-cut fruits consumption has resulted in the development of physical
technologies to extend their shelf-life [62]. The traditional method of storage at low temperatures to slow
down the fruits metabolism can be used in combination with other strategies, being modified atmosphere
packaging (MAP), thermal treatments (blanching and heat-shock), irradiation, UV light and edible films
and coatings the most common preservation methods [63].
Among all these methods, the direct application of edible coatings onto the surface of fresh-cut
horticultural products is one of the most studied possibilities. In particular, pectin coatings have been
widely evaluated for this purpose by their good oxygen and carbon dioxide barrier, their ability to retard
lipid migration and moisture loss while maintaining the sensory and quality of food. Low-methoxyl
pectins are mostly used as edible coatings by their ability to form firm gels at low pH in the presence of
calcium cations, promoting higher firmness and structural integrity while reducing water vapor
permeability [64,65]. Table 3 summarizes the most recent reports on applications of edible pectin-based
coatings to extend shelf-life in fresh fruits and vegetables.
In this context, low methoxyl edible pectins coated onto fresh-cut melon improved water vapor
resistance, preventing dehydration and maintaining the initial firmness during storage (15 days at 4 C)
by using calcium chloride as cross-linking agent and sunflower oil as lipid source in the preparation of
the film-forming emulsion. This edible coating did not reduce the microbiological growth, but could
help to decrease the wounding stress of fresh-cut melon, providing antioxidant properties and maintaining
quality attributes [66].

Coatings 2015, 5 876

Table 3. Pectin-based coatings to extend shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Coating Active Agent Food Matrix Effect Ref.
Low methoxyl pectin (2%), Antioxidant properties maintaining
Melons (Cucumis melon L.) [66]
glycerol, sunflower oil, CaCl2 quality attributes (4 C, 15 days)
Reduction of physiological changes,
Pectin (3%), sorbitol, beeswax Mangoes (cv. Ataulfo) respiration rates and weight loss [67]
(15 days, room temperature)
Reduction of firmness, color,
Pectin (3%), sorbitol, beeswax Avocados respiration rates and moisture loss [68]
(10 C, 1 month)
Reduction of respiration rate
Osmotic dehydration
Ripe Melons (Cucumis maintaining sensory properties
(with 0.5% calcium lactate) + [69]
melon cv. inodorus) and quality parameters (5 C,
pectin coating (1%)
80% RH, 14 days)
Pectin (2%) + glycerol combined Nectarines (Prunus Texture, color and hygienic quality
with MAP persica L. cv. Babygold) (3 C, 7 days)
Multi-layered alginate (1%)-- Antimicrobial activity maintaining
CD-trans (2%)/pectin (2%) Watermelon (C. lanatus) quality and sensory attributes [70]
encapsulated in -Cyclodextrins
Calcium lactate (4 C, 12 days)
Antimicrobial activity maintaining
Multi-layered chitosan (2%)-- trans-cinnamaldehyde
Cantaloupe melon quality and sensory attributes [71]
CD-trans (1%)/pectin (1%) CaCl2 encapsulated in -Cyclodextrins
(4 C, 9 days)
Antimicrobial activity maintaining
Multi-layered chitosan (2%)-- trans-cinnamaldehyde Papaya fruits (Carica
quality and sensory attributes [72]
CD-trans (1%)/pectin (2%) CaCl2 encapsulated in -Cyclodextrins papaya L. cv Maradol)
(4 C, 15 days)
Antibrowning, antimicrobial,
Pectin (2%), glycerol, CaCl2 N-acetylcysteine Glutathione Pears (Pyrus communis L.) antioxidant maintaining sensory [73]
attributes (4 C, 14 days)
Antimicrobial activity maintaining
Sodium benzoate; Strawberries (Fragaria
Pectin (3.5%), glycerol physico-chemical and sensory [74]
Potassium sorbate ananassa cv. Albion)
attributes (4 C, 15 days)
Nutritional value maintaining
Apple fiber; Inulin;
Pectin (2%), glycerol, CaCl2 Golden delicious apples firmness, color and antioxidant [75]
Ascorbic acid
activity (4 C, 7 days)
Antimicrobial, antioxidant,
Pectin (2%) CaCl2 Eugenol Citral; Ascorbic acid Strawberries antibrowning activities maintaining [76]
sensory properties (0.5 C, 7 days)
Antimicrobial, antioxidant,
Pectin (1%) CaCl2 Eugenol Citral; Ascorbic acid Raspberries antibrowning activities maintaining [77]
sensory properties (0.5 C, 7 days)
Antimicrobial, antioxidant
Pectin (3%) + glycerol Cinnamon leaf essential oil Peach (Prunus persica) activity. Odor acceptability up to [78]
10 days (5 C)

Coatings 2015, 5 877

Another study reported the use of pectin coatings to restrict the loss of moisture from avocados during
storage, decreasing the O2 absorption and slowing down the respiration rate [68]. The delay in changes
on texture and color was observed, concluding that pectin coatings could extend the shelf-life of
avocados to over a month at 10 C. Similar results were reported by Moalemiyan et al. in fresh-cut
mangoes coated with pectins, which remained in acceptable quality conditions for over two weeks by
applying the optimized coating formulation: pectin (1.3% in water), sorbitol (28%) as plasticizer and
beeswax (23%) based on pectins dry weight [67]. Authors reported that some optimization of the coating
formulation was necessary to prevent the off-flavor development and the anaerobic respiration.
A balance between gas and water vapor permeability should be achieved, but it is dependent on the
respiration rate of each fruit or vegetable.
A recent report highlighted that the combination of osmotic dehydration (in 40 Bx sucrose solution
containing 0.5% calcium lactate) and pectins coating (1%) was a good preservation alternative for
fresh-cut melon by reducing the fruit respiration rate and maintaining the organoleptic properties and
quality parameters for 14 days of storage at 5 C and 80% RH [69].
MAP is another popular technique to extend the shelf-life of fresh-cut fruits by decreasing O2 and
increasing CO2 levels in the headspace of closed packages, reducing the respiration rate during storage
with the positive effect of delaying ageing and senescence [63]. However, anaerobic respiration should
be avoided to limit the proliferation of hazardous microorganisms and, consequently, some increase in
ethanol production and off-flavors can be observed. In this sense, the combination of low-temperature
storage, MAP and edible coatings have shown to be a promising alternative to control respiration of
fruits [62]. It was reported that nectarine sections can be stored at 3 C for 7 days maintaining texture,
color and hygienic quality by using pectin, chitosan and sodium caseinate coatings combined with MAP.
Another current trend in food packaging research is the development of active systems with materials
containing active compounds in their composition with the possibilities of release at controlled rate to
the food surface during storage, resulting in shelf-life extension [79]. It was stated that pectins edible
matrices show excellent performance as carriers for active compounds, such as antioxidants, antimicrobials
and texture enhancers. The incorporation of active compounds into edible films and coatings has the
main goal to reduce, inhibit or stop the microbial growth in food surfaces. The effect on the permeability
and mechanical properties of active agents in coating formulations need further studies [58,80]. Herbs
and spices are the most common sources of active additives, in particular phenolics, flavonoids and
terpenoids [79]. Essential oils derived from plants and their components are also interesting bioactive
agents in active packaging formulations. However, their application to packaging of fresh fruits and
vegetables is still under investigation by their high volatility, reactivity and strong aroma that could affect
the organoleptic characteristics of food. For example, the incorporation of cinnamon leaf essential oil into
pectin edible coatings resulted in an effective antimicrobial activity and the enhancing of the antioxidant
status of fresh-cut peach, with good acceptation by consumers [78].
The main components of essential oils obtained from herbs and spices have been evaluated as active
agents in food packaging applications [79]. Eugenol and citral are examples of active compounds
obtained from plant-derived essential oils, since they have been reported as good antimicrobial agents
in pectin coatings to extend fresh strawberries and raspberries shelf-life [76,77]. In this context,
N-acetylcysteine (0.75% w/v) and glutathione (0.75% w/v) were incorporated into pectin coatings
(in the calcium chloride solution) to help in the enzymatic browning control while also retarding the
Coatings 2015, 5 878

microbial growth in fresh-cut pears and contributing to maintain the high antioxidant potential of this
fruit without affecting firmness for 14 days at 4 C [73]. Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate are
other active compounds successfully incorporated in pectin solutions to form edible coatings [74].
Results showed that pectin active coatings improved the physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory
quality (color, flavor, texture and acceptance) of strawberries from 6 (control) to 15 days at 4 C and
90% RH.
A limited number of studies on the effect of the incorporation of nutraceutical compounds into edible
coatings to extend food shelf-life while providing nutritional value have been reported. Moreira et al.
introduced apple fiber and inulin into pectins solutions as edible coatings in fresh-cut Golden delicious
apples evaluating the effect on the quality attributes [75]. Ascorbic acid was also added as antioxidant.
Results demonstrated that these edible active formulations increased the nutritional value of fresh-cut
apples while maintaining the firmness and color and helping to keep their antioxidant potential for seven
days of storage at 4 C.
Multilayer coatings have received recent interest to overcome the problem of the poor adhesion
between the commonly hydrophobic coatings and the hydrophilic surface of fruits. In the layer-by-layer
technique fruits and vegetables are dipped into different solutions with opposite charged polyelectrolytes
with the aim to obtain strong chemical bonds between them [71]. In this context, pectins have been
studied in combination with other edible matrices, such as alginate or chitosan. Multilayer coatings were
successfully prepared with the layer-by-layer technique by using a solution of sodium alginate containing
one antimicrobial agent (trans-cinnamaldehyde encapsulated in -cyclodextrins (-CD-trans)) in
combination with pectins and calcium lactate solutions to obtain stable and homogeneous coatings [70].
Authors reported that multilayer coatings with 1% alginate, 2% -CD-trans and 2% pectins maintained
the quality and organoleptic attributes of fresh-cut watermelon while extending the shelf life at 4 C
from 7 (control) to 12 days. In addition, microbiological analysis demonstrated the effectiveness of the
encapsulated agents in the multilayer coatings against microbial growth. The application of multilayer
coatings formed by chitosan (2%), 2% -CD-trans and pectins (1%) (optimum formulation) was reported
with the extension of shelf-life of fresh-cut cantaloupe at 4 C up to 9 days [71]. Similar multilayer
coatings were also successful in prolonging the shelf-life of fresh-cut papaya [72]. In both cases, calcium
chloride (2%) was used as cross-linking agent.

5.2. Pectin Coatings in Pre-frying Treatments

Fried foods usually contain a significant amount of saturated and unsaturated fats, in some cases up
to 1/3 of the total product mass. This high fats content has been related to obesity and coronary heart
diseases. During deep-frying, the internal moisture of food is evaporated while oil is confined to the
external surface. These processes are influenced by factors such as oil quality, frying conditions
(temperature and time), food composition and pre-frying treatments (blanching and/or drying). The
increase in the consumers interest for more healthy food products has led to the trend of reducing lipid
uptake in fried-food products while maintaining acceptable organoleptic characteristics. Edible coatings
prepared from food hydrocolloids, such as cellulose and derivatives, gums, alginate, whey protein,
albumin or pectins have been studied for such purpose. The high water absorption capacity and retention
Coatings 2015, 5 879

of the original food firmness of these coatings decrease the moisture loss by evaporation, reducing lipid
uptake [56].
In the case of pectin coatings, few investigations have been reported. One of them studied the influence
of sunflower head pectin and calcium chloride on the oil absorption in fried-potato chips [16]. Authors
concluded that coatings prepared with 1% (w/v) pectins solutions induced by CaCl2 (< 0.1 molL1)
effectively decreased the lipid uptake by about 30%. These authors also observed that the CaCl2
concentration influenced significantly on the brittleness and crispiness of coated chips but the consumers
acceptation was still high.
In another study, the combination of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and pectins (0.5 and 1% w/w
respectively) was used as one layer in a double coating, formed by guar and xantham gums (1% w/w),
or in a three-multilayer coating with CMC 1% (w/w) as the third layer [81]. Those authors recommended
the CMC-pectin mixture for single-layer coatings in French-fries since this combination leads to the
lowest lipid uptake. Further reductions in the oil absorption were observed in fried food coated with
multilayer systems, but the high moisture content of the final products led to the decrease in the
crunchiness and loss of acceptance by consumers.
Other authors observed that the application of pectin coatings (2% w/v) reduced significantly the
acrylamide formation in banana chips (around 33%), while helping to slightly improve the organoleptic
attributes and crunchiness of the final product [82]. In addition, a synergic effect of the combination of
pectin edible coatings and blanching treatments at 90 or 100 C for 1 min was observed, resulting in higher
acrylamide reduction in fried-banana chips up to 91.9% and 90.8%, respectively. In summary, all these
results indicate that the use of pectin coatings in pre-frying treatments is a promising process to reduce
the lipid uptake and acrylamide content in potato and banana chips, respectively.

5.3. Pectin Coating as Pre-drying Treatment

Drying has been traditionally applied as a method of preservation in fruits and vegetables by reduction
of their moisture content, decreasing the action of enzymes and preventing the microbial growth.
However, this method implies important physical changes in color and texture, as well as chemical
modifications related to the degradation of bioactive compounds sensitive to oxygen, light and heating,
such as vitamins, antioxidants or minerals. Edible coatings have been proposed as a possibility to prevent
the nutrients loss while improving the organoleptic quality of dried products after different pre-treatments,
such as blanching and osmotic dehydration [83].
Some authors have recently reported that pectin coatings on papaya slices increased the moisture
diffusion coefficient due to the hydrophilic character of pectins while enhancing the retention of vitamin
C, resulting in a significant protective effect against nutritional losses [84]. Pectin coatings were also
applied to osmotic dehydrated pineapple in sucrose (50%)/calcium lactate (4%)/ascorbic acid (2%)
solutions before the application of the hot-air-drying method [85]. Results showed that pectin edible
coatings were effective as oxygen barrier and did not affect the drying efficiency and the water diffusion
coefficient. However, dried pineapples coated with pectins showed high retention of vitamin C and
slightly changed their lightness. Pectin-based coatings (2% w/w) with and without vitamin C (1% w/w)
were also applied to papaya slices before air-drying without reducing the efficiency of the dehydration
process [86]. Authors observed that the incorporation of vitamin C on pectin coatings reduced its
Coatings 2015, 5 880

retention in dried samples after 30 days of storage, while increased significantly the vitamin C content
in the final product. In addition, sensorial analysis confirmed that the pectin + vitamin C coating can be
used as pre-drying treatment of papaya slices.
A combination of pectins (1.5%), CMC (1.5%) and ascorbic acid (0.6%) was used as edible coating
of quince slices prior to their osmotic dehydration, with a subsequent hot-air-drying process [87].
In a first step, the composition of the osmotic solution was optimized (fructose 47.7%, CaCl2 4% and
citric acid 3.5%) and authors reported the important effect of the fructose concentration on water loss.
Pectin-CMC-based coatings increased the porosity of the quince dried structure, while the osmotic
dehydration increased the collapse of their porous structure. These authors concluded that the decrease
observed on the final product firmness could be due to the plasticizing effect of low molecular mass
components, which were absorbed from the coating and osmotic solutions.
In summary, all these results suggest that pectin-based coatings can be effectively used as a valid
pre-drying treatment constituting a promising alternative to improve the retention of nutrients and
quality characteristics of dehydrated food, also opening the possibilities to carry other active additives
and nutrients.

6. Conclusions

Much work has been recently carried out to propose new formulations of edible coatings based on
pectins to be applied in the protection of fresh food, improving organoleptic and nutritional
characteristics and extending shelf-life. Despite the fact that recent studies have reported significant
improvements in specific applications of these formulations, there is still a large amount of work to be
performed since some of the most remarkable improvements are not yet experimentally attained or
reproducible at large scale. In general terms, there is still a need for a better understanding of the
composition-structure-processing-properties relationships in edible films based on pectins for food
packaging, both at the laboratory and industrial scale. Moreover, since many of the studies related to this
issue have been carried out using some basic pectins already in the market, there is still a lot of room for
variation and maturation in the development of edible coatings for application in food packaging.

Author Contributions

All authors performed the literatura survey and wrote the paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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