Welcome To Third Grade!: Ms. Burney's Class Mallard Creek Elementary School 2017-2018

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Welcome to Third

Ms. Burneys Class
Mallard Creek Elementary School

Students name_____________________

I , ___________________( Print Name), received and

reviewed third grade policies and procedures packet
and will review with my student.
( Please return this cover sheet by Sept. 11,2016 )

Parent signature/Date_________________________

Please check the following after you reviewed them.

General Procedures______
Welcome letter _______
Grading Policy _______
Behavior plan _____________
Mallard Creek Elementary School
Every Child. Every Day. For a Better Tomorrow
August 2017

Dear Family,

Id like to take a moment to introduce myself and tell you how excited I am to have your child in my class for

the 2017-2018 school year. Since the primary grades lay the foundation for your childs educational career, it

will be especially important that we work together to ensure your childs success. I look forward to working

with you and your child throughout the year toward that goal.

Growing and learning academically has always been a theme in my classroom. I expect academic growth from

my scholars as I expect it from myself. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from North Carolina Central University

with a Bachelors of Arts in Elementary Education. I have an additional teaching certification for the

Academically and Intellectually Gifted. I am also a National Board Certified Teacher. I taught first grade for

fifteen years. I have also taught second and third grade. My teacher career spans across a few counties in

North Carolina including Durham, Wake, and New Hanover. This will be my first year teaching third grade at

The Creek. Im also excited to be one of eight classroom teachers participating in the Personalized Learning

Cohort for our school. Please visit the CMS Personalized Learning website to find out more about this

initiative: http://pl.cmslearns.org/home/pl-model-school-initiative/.

I absolutely love to eat! I enjoy it so much so that I visit a different restaurant once a month with friends as

a Charlotte Foodie Tour. I have two older sisters, an older and younger brother, and two loving, supportive

parents. I love my big family, and enjoy my role as an aunt to five adorable nieces and a handsome nephew.

Throughout the year I will be contacting you by phone, notes, homework newsletters, Class Dojo, and the class

website just to keep you informed of your childs progress and our class activities. Please do not hesitate to

call me at school, text through Class Dojo, or e-mail me if you ever have questions, concerns, or need more

information. It is important that you have something to keep your childs school information in at home. Please

be sure to complete and return all pertinent forms including emergency forms, scholar conduct form found on

the CMS website, and the Photo/Technology release form. This information is especially important for your

childs participation in regular and special school events and they are due by Friday, September 1st.

Again, I look forward to a great year! Thank you, in advance, for your support.

Benita L. Burney
School: 980-343-3980
E-mail: [email protected]
Each child is expected to attend school every day possible. When a child has to
miss a day(s), he/she must bring a note from home explaining the reason for the
absence. We must receive the note no more than 2 days after the absence. You
can email notes directly to [email protected] AND myself with the
title Ms. Burneys Class-Absence Note for ________. Please call or email the
office in the morning by 9:15. Be sure to include your childs name in the email.
If you are planning an Educational Leave, you must get prior approval from the
principal at least 30 days before. If you are planning an Extended Leave, you must
withdraw your child or face truancy issues. If you are in the magnet program and
have an Extended Leave, your child will lose their position in the program.

This is an effective way in communicating with me for your childs academic and
social progress. The first quarter parent teacher conference is highly recommended.
Other appointments can be scheduled as needed. Please contact me 48 hour in

Tuesday Folders
Folders will be sent home each Tuesday with any news from the school, PTA, or
the teacher. It is very important that you take a few moments to look over all the
information sheets, so your child will not miss out on any upcoming events at
school. Make sure you sign the recording sheet and return the Tuesday folder on

All volunteers that have signed up and been verified through CMS are welcome.
Volunteers are allowed in the building from 9:30 to 3:30. Please inform the
teacher at least two days before your visitation so the school day can run smoothly.
Let me know if you are interested in the following:
Literacy/Rainbow Words Volunteer
This volunteer would come in and help scholars master
sight words.
Teacher Helper (i.e.-Tuesday Folders, home projects)
I may ask for your assistance with preparing materials for
the class.
Any change in your childs transportation home from school MUST be in writing!
Unless we receive a note from you or a note from the office that you have called,
we will send your child home the same way he/she usually goes home. You must
call before 3:00pm to change transportation. You can email notes directly to
[email protected] with the title Ms. Burneys Class-Transportation
Change for ________. Be sure to include your childs name in the email. If you
are picking your child up early, you must come in before 4:00 and have a valid ID
to present to the office staff. Scholars will not be dismissed from the classroom
without proper notification from the office staff.

Bathroom Breaks
We will take bathroom breaks throughout the day. We do not have a class
bathroom. Scholars will be allowed to go to the hall bathrooms in case of an
emergency. They will also be able to take a bathroom break during non-
instructional time when the teacher is not teaching a whole group lesson.

Lunchtime 11:00-11:25
Please make sure all money is sent in a change purse, sandwich bag, envelope,
etc.-not loose in pockets. Lunch money can be paid in advance in the cafeteria
before school starts at 8:45 am, or you can pay online at www.paypams.com. You
must sign up for the prepay service online. Please feel free to join your child for
lunch. Please wait outside the entrance of the cafeteria and enjoy having lunch
with your child at the designated tables.

Newsletters will be sent home each month. They will have important information
regarding class and school-wide events.

Make sure your childs name is on their supplies. They will store supplies in a
pencil pouch for individual use. Please be sure to purchase a zipper pouch. Some
supplies will be shared with the class. Please see the attached information for
additional supplies to support flexible seating and Personalized Learning.
Agenda Books
When we receive agenda books, they will be sent home daily and expected to
return daily with your child. Its primary use is for parent/teacher communication
and any urgent papers that should be sent home prior to Tuesday. It will include
your childs daily behavior chart. You can also mark books your child has read on
the calendar or notes portion.

Homework/Homework Projects
Homework will begin in September. Homework will be sent home on Fridays and
should be returned on Fridays. Throughout the year your child may have a project
to complete that integrates science, social studies, math, art, language arts, etc.
They should be completed by your child, not the parent. If any supplies or
materials are needed, please ask.


Read to and with your child for at least 30 min. everyday. The more your child is
exposed to language, the easier it will be for him/her to incorporate new skills in
reading and writing in the classroom. Help your child select appropriate Lexile
level books to read weekly (suggested two to three books) and remember to record
all reading minutes and initial in your childs agenda daily.

Class Website/Technology
I love using technology! You will receive information about valuable websites and
interactive tools we will use in the classroom. The class website is up and running.
There are a few items that I will need to update. It has great information to keep
you connected with the class.

We will have a class community snack. A parent volunteer will coordinate with
parents who would like to send in one of the following types of snack:

fruit snacks

pre-popped popcorn


Ritz Snack Bites

All snacks should be in individually packaged bags. Scholars will have snack prior to dismissal.
Birthday Celebrations
If you would like to celebrate your childs birthday, you can let me know a few
days before you plan to send in your treats. Cupcakes that are easy to pass out will
be best. Birthday celebrations should not take away from learning time. You can
bring items at our 11:00 lunch time or first thing in the morning. Scholars will
enjoy the items during lunch, 11:00-11:25. Please send nut- free items to avoid
food allergies for your students. There will be one birthday celebration a month to
recognize the birthdays for the month. Birthday celebrations will be held on the
last Friday of the month if applicable. Please initial __________.
Grading Policy for 3rd Grade:

Below is the current grading policy for third grade. These policies are based on Charlotte-
Mecklenburg Schools Elementary School Grading Procedures and Mallard Creek
Elementary School Grading Procedures set in place by our administration.
Students grades will be recorded in PowerSchool within 10 school days of assignment
due. Science and Social Studies will alternate quarterly.

40% of quarter grade is Classwork , Participation, and Informal Assessments. Class

work can include a variety of assignments such as warm ups, notebook checks, homework,
quizzes, group work, in-class tasks, jots, class participation, projects, etc.

60% of quarter grade is Formal Assessments. Formal assessments include a variety of

assignments such as tests, comprehensive writing assignments, common assessments, etc.
A minimum of 4 formal assignments shall be included in the final grade for math and

Students will be assigned 50% to an assignment or assessment on which a student made

no attempt or which is missing. Students have 10 business days to make up and assignment
or assessment after the due date.

Assessments will be standards based and measure students level of mastery on specific
learning objectives.

A grade of 79% will indicate mastery learning. Additional practice will be provided for
students who do not achieve initial mastery of 79% or higher on formal assessments.
Following additional practice, one opportunity shall be provided to measure student
mastery. If your student scores below a 79% on a formal assessment, a note
informing you of the option to retake the test will be sent home. This note must be
signed by both parent and the student and returned one week before the retest. A
maximum score of 79% can be earned on retakes for formal assessments.

Late work and make-up work will be accepted up to ten days after the due date but may
be given less credit (Except for extreme illnesses and family emergencies).
Below is the CMS Grading Scale:
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59-0 F
Flexible Seating Contract

Flexible seating promotes movement, student engagement, and student choice in an effort to
better student performance. Our classroom will have areas of flexible seating that include
stability balls, stools, a cushioned bench, bouncy bands, and open areas for students to stretch
their legs. It is important the students are responsible for these areas and understand they are
tools for learning and not toys. Here are the flexible seating rules:

1. Choose a working spot that helps you do your best. (Smart Spot)
2. Use each seat the right way.
3. If a seat is not working for you, move so you can do your best.
4. Take care of our supplies. Clean up after yourself and others.
5. Any teacher can move any student at any time if they do not follow the rules.

The following are additional supplies that can be sent in for your childs personal use. Please be
sure to label each item with your childs name:

Additional Needed Supplies:

Additional Optional Supplies:
Lap Desk
Seat Cushion
Classroom Wish List Items:
Lakeshore Comfy Floor Seat (1-Blue)
Scoop Rockers (Set of 6)

If students are not responsible for these items, there will be consequences that may also include a
monetary repayment. Please read over the information and decide if flexible seating will work
for you and your child. Sign and return the form below.

Student Name_______________________________ Date________________

_____ My child and I understand the rules and expectations for flexible seating.
My child will follow the rules and expectations for flexible seating.

_____My child will not use flexible seating.

Student Signature_______________________________________________________

Parent Signature________________________________________________________
*If I do not receive a form, your child will not use flexible seating options.
Regularly Scheduled Activities

Scholar Arrival..8:45-9:15
Arrival Routine=Remind your child of the following steps to help
them become responsible and make their morning great! Go to
Bathroom/Breakfast/Return Library Books, Empty Bookbag, Sharpen
Pencils, Check Unfinished Folder & Complete Work, Complete
Morning Work.

*Please make sure your child has enough money for breakfast and lunch.

Morning Meeting.9:15-9:30


Physical Activity/Outside PE..1:00-1:30

We will not have outside recess on days we have PE.


Connect Schedule
A Day-No Connect Classes
B Day-Music 9:25-10:10, Computer Lab 10:10-10:55
C Day-Art 11:45-12:30
D Day- PE (Wear sneakers) 11:45-12:30
E Day- Connect Lab 11:45-12:30
F Day- Media 11:45-12:30
Ms. Burney's Daily Schedule
A Day B Day C-F Day

9:15-9:30 9:15-9:25 9:15-9:30

Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Morning Meeting
9:30-9:50 9:25-10:10 9:30-9:50 Interactive Read Aloud
Interactive Read Aloud Music
9:50-10:35 10:10-10:55 9:50-10:35
Reader's Workshop Computer Lab Reader's Workshop
10:35-11:00 11:00-11:25 10:35-11:00
Word Work Lunch Word Work
11:00-11:25 11:25-11:45 11:00-11:25
Lunch Lunch
Class Meeting/Word Work

11:25-11:45 11:45-12:30 11:25-11:45

Class Meeting Class Meeting
11:45-12:30 12:30-1:00 11:45-12:30
Enrichment Writer's Workshop (Art/PE/Connect Lab/Media)
12:30-1:00 1:00-1:30 12:30-1:00
Writer's Workshop Outside P.E. Writer's Workshop
1:00-1:30 1:30-1:45 1:00-1:30
Outside P.E. Outside P.E.
Writer's Workshop
1:30-1:45 1:45-2:30 1:30-1:45
Math Core
Writer's Workshop Writer's Workshop
1:45-2:30 2:30-3:15 1:45-2:30
Math Core Differentiated Math Instruction Math Core
2:30-3:15 3:15-4:00 2:30-3:15
Differentiated Math Instruction Intervention/Enrichment Differentiated Math Instruction
3:15-4:00 4:00-4:15 3:15-4:00
Intervention/Enrichment Read to Self/Pack Up Intervention/Enrichment
4:00-4:15 4:00-4:15
Read to Self/Pack Up Read to Self/Pack Up
*Science and Social Studies will be integrated with other subjects/activities throughout
the day.
*"Enrichment" can include Paideia Seminar, Project Based Learning, P.E.T.S, Genius Hour,
STEM activites, etc.
Class Motto
I Think I Can

I think I canI know I can

be the best that I can be!

I think I canI know I can

grow and learn academically.

I think I canI know I can

be helpful to my friends
and school community.

I think I canI know I can

because I have parents and teachers
always helping me.
Mallard Creek Elementary School
Every Child. Every Day. For a Better Tomorrow

Dear Family:
I am delighted that your child is in my class this year. With encouragement, your child will
be a part of many exciting and rewarding experiences this academic year.

Since lifelong success depends in part on learning to make responsible choices, I have
developed a classroom discipline plan that affords every scholar guidance in making good
decisions about behavior and thus an opportunity to learn in a positive, nurturing classroom
environment. Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for his/her
growth, and I know that together we will make a difference in this process. The plan below
outlines our classroom rules, and possible rewards for appropriate behavior. We are focusing
on the positives and teaching social skills in order to help your child develop positive
behaviors. Together we developed the following:
Rules: 1. Respect others.
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
3. Raise your hand to speak and wait.
4. Be active listeners.
5. Make good choices.
6. Follow directions the first time.
1. To make sure scholars follow these rules, we will use www.classdojo.com behavior board.
Scholars will be given points for behaviors that follow the class rules and show good
citizenship. Points will be given or taken away (need to improve). At the end of the
week, scholars who have earned a set amount of points (15-50+) will choose a prize from
our class prize box. Scholars who receive 0-10 points will be given a Reflection sheet.
Reflection gives scholars the chance to stop and think about their behavior. Scholars
will write down the behavior or the broken rule that got them few points, and they will
write the choice they make to help them change. The agenda book will be colored in
each day on the monthly calendar page.
Behavior Management Continued

2. Table Teamwork
Small groups are awarded points on Class Dojo if they show teamwork in listening and
following directions. For example, their table may be working quietly together or they may
be the first table to clean up after directions have been given. The group that gets the most
points will receive a reward.
3. WOW! Stars
Only a few scholars may be participating in this behavior incentive. They get a WOW! star
when they have demonstrated the ability to follow any of the rules. Parents will be
responsible for giving rewards at home. It is similar to Table Teamwork and an individual
behavior option.
4. Active Listening Cue Cards
Individual scholars participating in this behavior option will have five cue cards to have five
chances to remember how to be an active listener. When all five cards have been given to the
scholar, they will have to move their stick down on the WOW! chart.
5. Duck Bucks
If the class gets a compliment from anyone in the school for working together, a duck buck
is rewarded. This is a school incentive. There are various rewards (hat day, jersey day, extra
recess, etc.) for achieving the required amount of duck bucks. Individual students and
classes will have special celebrations throughout the year for achieving a predetermined
amount of duck bucks.

Be assured that our goal is to work with you to ensure the success of your child this year. Please read
this classroom discipline plan with your child, then cut, sign and return the small form below.

Ms. Burney
I have read the discipline plan and have discussed it with my child.

Childs Name & Date_________________________________________________

Parents Name & Date________________________________________________

Email Address:_______________________________________________________
(Please be sure to access your account on Class Dojo for immediate updates and messages)
Name__________________________ Date________________
1. Respect others.
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
3. Raise your hand to speak and wait.
4. Be active listeners.
5. Make good choices.
6. Follow directions the first time.
I received a few points (0-10) today because I did not

1. Follow the rules.
2. Apologize and follow the rules.
3. Make better choices.
I will

*If sent home, this paper needs to come back signed by the child and the parent
the following day. If I receive the paper with a signature, the child will start earn
one point to start the day.
Parent Signature____________________________________________

Childs Signature____________________________________________
36 or Pink Blow My S+ =4
Above Mind! Day
26 -35 Purple Wow! Day S+ = 4
21-25 Blue Excellent S+ = 3*
points Day
15-20 Green Good Day S=3
11-14 Yellow Stop/Slow S-
points Down
10 points Gray Reflection/ N=2
Dont Give
(Notify Parent)
0-9 Black Think U=1
Points About It
(With Parents)
Ms. Burneys Wish List
In the past, parents have offered to help out with some things we
may need for class throughout the year. Below is a list of things
that we use often. If you would like to donate any of these items
for class, your help would be greatly appreciated.
$10 for www.gonoodle.com monthly subscription
Prizes (Ask your child what they would like)
Extra Strength Fingernail Polish Remover (for marker
Printing Paper
Magazines (please be mindful of pictures)
Baby Wipes
Thanks in advance for your generosity.

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