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EIT Course IEC 61850 Substation Automation CSZ Brochure

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live, interaCtive classes over the internet

professional certificate of competency in

IEC 61850 Based

Substation Automation

12 Modules over 3 months

For upcoming start dates, please view our course schedule at:
Bring yourself up to speed in the latest trends and technologies
related to IEC 61850 based substation automation
Learn while you earn. You can complete this course while you work
Receive ongoing support from a dedicated Course Coordinator
and an experienced instructor
Unlimited access to your course materials 24/7

what you will learn

The basic scope and outline of IEC 61850
Presented by
Substation automation functions and Edwin Wright
architectures B.Sc B.E. (Hons) (Elec) MIPENZ
Identify the most appropriate networking Consulting Engineer
components for substation automation
Using the IEC 61850 data model to specify a substation automation system
Using the IEC 61850 model as a data integration platform
IEC 61850 communication mapping, configuration and testing
Practical: Server/Client setup; simulate/capture GOOSE messages and SV

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BENEFITS OF LIVE presented by
eLEARNING Edwin Wright
B.Sc B.E. (Hons) (Elec) MIPENZ Consulting Engineer
Attend lessons in an online classroom with
your instructor and fellow students Edwin has over 40 years of practical experience in the planning, design,
Upgrade your skills and refresh your construction and operation of telecommunications systems, data networks,
knowledge without having to take valuable SCADA and Ethernet systems. He has also been involved as Project Manager on
time away from work many projects and has a passion for technology topics.
Receive information and materials in small, Edwin has published numerous papers, and consulted widely on Ethernet, data
easy to digest sections communications and telecommunications issues in the USA, Canada, UK,
Learn while you travel all you need is an Australia and New Zealand. Over the past 19 years more than 20,000 engineers
Internet connection and technicians have attended his workshops worldwide. Delegates attending his workshop will benefit from
his tremendous knowledge and enthusiasm for the topics and his entertaining instructing style. When not
Have constant support from your course
working in the communications world, Edwin relaxes by reading and writing on technology issues at his
instructor and coordinator for the duration of
beachside home.
the course
Interact and network with participants from Please note: Instructors are subject to change.
around the globe and gain valuable insight
into international practice
Learn from international industry experts, overview:
based around the globe Older (legacy) substation automation protocols and hardware/software architectures provided basic
Live interactive webinars, not just a book on functionality for power system automation, and were designed to accommodate the technical limitations of
the web the technologies available at the time. However, in recent years there have been vast improvements in
Revisit recordings of webinars whenever and technology, especially on the networking side. This has opened the door for dramatic improvements in the
as often as you wish approach to power system automation in substations. The latest developments in networking such as high-
speed, deterministic, redundant Ethernet, as well as other technologies including TCP/IP, high-speed Wide
Receive a certificate of completion for
Area Networks and high-performance embedded processors, are providing capabilities that could hardly be
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
imagined when most legacy substation automation protocols were designed.
IEC 61850 is a part of the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) Technical Committee 57 (TC57)
architecture for electric power systems. It is an important international standard for substation automation, and
it is having a significant impact on how electric power systems are designed and built for the future. The model-
driven approach of IEC 61850 is an innovative approach and requires a new way of thinking about substation
Presentation format automation. This will result in significant improvements in the costs and performance of electric power systems.

The course features real-world applications and This course covers core components of IEC 61850 and will provide you with the tools and knowledge to
uses a blended approach involving self-study, tackle your next substation automation project with confidence. The course commences with a review of
interactive online webinars and homework the fundamentals of substation automation, IEC 61850 elements and core substation architectures. The
assignments with a mentor on call. The course communication interface hardware and standards are reviewed, along with Ethernet and TCP/IP protocols.
consists of 12 modules, over a period of 3 months. A detailed explanation of IEC 61850 is given, where the features, message structure, practical benefits and
applications are discussed. Furthermore, the course will cover the configuration of IEC 61850 systems,
Some modules may involve a practical component including conformance testing, migration, implementation issues and recent developments.
or group activity. For each module there will be an
initial reading assignment along with coursework, This course is designed for personnel with a need to understand the techniques required to use and apply
quizzes or problems to be handed in and in some IEC 61850 to substation automation, hydro power plants, wind turbines and distributed energy resources
cases practical exercises. Participants will have as productively and economically as possible.
ongoing support from their instructor and
The course will be suitable for:
course coordinator.
Power utility engineers (Generation, Transmission and Distribution), Substation Engineers (Substation
Course reading material will be delivered in Design Engineers), Process Engineers, Technologists and I&C and Automation Specialists
electronic (PDF) format in advance of online
The content is intended to be product independent but examples will be taken from existing products to
presentations. Presentations and group
discussions will be conducted using a live ensure that all aspects of the IEC 61850 protocols are covered.
interactive software system. Assignments will be
submitted electronically and wherever possible,
practical exercises will be conducted using Includes 4 free
simulation software and remote labs. Over 1400 pages of tables,
Reference Manuals charts, figures and handy hints

valued at over US$400

live webinars You will have access to 4 of our
During the course you will participate in 6 live up-to-Date technical eBooks.
interactive sessions with the instructor and other Practical Distribution and Substation Automation
participants from around the world. Each webinar (incl. Communications) for Electrical Power Systems (EU)
will last approximately 90 minutes, and we take Practical Electrical Substation Safety (EV)
student availability into consideration wherever
possible before scheduling webinar times. Practical Project Management for Engineers and Technicians (PM)
Contact us for details of webinar session scheduling. Practical Hazardous Areas for Engineers and Technicians (HZ)
All you need to participate is an adequate Internet
These eBooks are NOT required for the course they are a bonus resource to aid you in your career.
connection, a computer, speakers and, if possible, All required reading materials will be provided electronically in smaller, easy-to-read sections, in the online student
a microphone. The software package and setup portal throughout the course.
details will be sent to you prior to the first webinar. Please note: Students can also purchase the technical manuals both in hard copy and electronic format
Please note: Webinars may last up to 2 hours at a reduced fee.
depending on student interaction and level of content.

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course outline HARDWARE and SOFTWARE
module 1: Introduction module 8: IEC 61850 Data Modelling REQUIREMENTS
Network topologies and Communication Models All you need to participate is a computer with
Client/server & publish/subscribe concept Common data class an adequate Internet connection, speakers
7-layer communication model Manufacturing Message Specification and, if possible, a microphone.
DNP3 and IEC 60870 (MMS)
The software package and setup details will be
Utility Communication Architecture (UCA) Generic Object Oriented Substation Event
sent to you on the course start date.
Key features of IEC 61850 (GOOSE)
GOOSE messaging
module 2: Substation Automation
Sampled Values (SV) multicast Entrance Requirements
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) module 9: Time Sync, Configuration Some practical work experience in some of these
PLC and Protection Relays Language and Tools topics would obviously be advantageous.
Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) Time Synchronisation (SNTP)
IEC 61850-6 Substation Configuration
module 3: Power System Automation
Software tools Where possible, throughout the course you will
General structure
participate in hands-on exercises using simulation
Types of automation architectures module 10: Practical and
software or remote labs, which will help you put
Architecture of HV substation automation systems Conformance Testing theory to practice immediately!
Automation of MV substations Documentation and process
HV bay control Assessment process Practical exercises will be conducted using software
Current and future trends by TriangleMicroworks
Testing methods
Practical example and exercise
module 4: Basic IEC 61850 Substation
(SCL, Client/Server, GOOSE and SV)
IEC61850 Architecture module 11: Migration and
Merging Units (MUs) Implementation issues
Station Bus Migration issues
Process Bus Benefits of IEC 61850
module 5: Communication Basics
Implementation issues certification
Physical Interfaces (10/100/1000 Mbps) module 12: Review of Automation Participants completing and achieving
Media (copper, multi-mode fibre, single-mode fibre) Products and Recent Developments at least 50% or more in each assignment
Media access (full duplex vs. CSMA/CD) Product review and 100% in each quiz, as well as
VLANs IEC 61850 Edition 2 attending 65% of the live webinars, will
Network redundancy Object models for hydro power plants, receive the Engineering Institute of
wind turbines and Distributed Energy Technology Professional Certificate of
module 6: TCP/IP and Related Concepts Resources (DER) Competency in IEC 61850 Based
TCP & UDP Mapping of IEC 61850 on DNP3 and Substation Automation.
IP addressing: IPv4 vs. IPv6 IEC 60870-5-101/-104
Subnet masks and default gateways The use of IEC 61499 (Distributed Function
Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Blocks) in conjunction with IEC 61850
WANs Exchanging synchrophasor data between
PMUs, PDCs, WAMPAC and control centre
module 7: IEC 61850 Data Modelling applications: IEC/TR 618-90-5:2012(E) mation
Substation Auto
IEC 61850 Based
Approach Communication with the control centre
The information model based on IEC 61850 and Harmonisation
The Abstract Communication Service Interface (ACSI) with CIM
Logical devices
Logical nodes Certificates are provided in electronic
Data objects format. Hard copies are available for
an additional fee, contact us for details.

Please note: Course content is subject to change. Due to rapidly changing technology and based on feedback
from students and instructors, E IT courses are continuously being updated and improved.
All our short courses are available for delivery
How we cover all this material on demand for groups.

There is a considerable amount of useful practical material to cover in this three month course. To ensure you Online Group Courses can be shortened,
get the maximum value from the course, we provide highly interactive tutorial-lecture sessions where the lengthened, or can even be presented in a
instructor covers the key elements of the course in a web conferencing format which takes between 45 to 60 classroom.
minutes with question and answer discussions taking a further 30 minutes. We recommend investing between Group Courses are perfect for in-company/
5 and 8 hours of study per week (including the live webinars) In addition, we provide detailed manuals, software in-house training and can be fully tailored.
(depending on the topic), recordings and short videos, which you examine at your convenience. You will then For a summary of COST SAVINGS, a full list of
test your knowledge through a sequence of online quizzes and assignments. Throughout the course you will topics and delivery options, please email
receive ongoing assistance from your highly experienced instructor and dedicated eLearning co-ordinator who Kevin Baker: [email protected] or contact our
are only an email or phone call away. nearest office: www.eit.edu.au/administration
V0002 RTO provider 51971 ACN 135 762 426

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