Material of Construction

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UU / Semester-III / Chapter-8 / Material o f Construction / A.

Samanta 1

Material of Construction
General study of composition, corrosion, resistance. Properties and applications of the materials of construction with
special reference to stainless steel and glass.

A number of equipment are used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, bulk drugs, antibiotics, biological products etc.
A wide variety of materials are used.
Classification of material of construction:
Material of construction

Metals Non-metals

Ferrous Non-ferrous Inorganic Organic

Cast Iron Aluminium Glass Rubber
Steel Carbon Lead Plastics
Stainless Steel


The selection of a material for the construction of equipment depends on the following properties:
1. Chemical factors
(i) Contamination of the product
(ii) Corrosion of material of construction
2. Physical factors
(i) Strength (vi) Ease of fabrication
(ii) Mass (vii) Cleaning
(iii) Wear properties (viii) Sterilization
(iv) Thermal conductivity (ix) Transparency
(v) Thermal expansion
3. Economic factors

1. Chemical factors
Whenever a chemical substance is placed in a container or equipment the chemical is exposed to the material of
construction of the container or equipment. Therefore, the material of construction may contaminate the product
(contamination) or the product may destroy the material of construction (corrosion).

Contamination of product:
Iron contamination may change the color of the products (like gelatin capsule shells), catalyze some reactions
that may enhance the rate of decomposition of the product.
Leeching of glass may make aqueous product alkaline. This alkaline medium may catalyze the decomposition
of the product.
Heavy metals such as lead, inactivate penicillin.
Corrosion of material of construction:
The products may be corrosive in nature. They may react with the material of construction and may destroy it.
The life of the equipment is reduced.
Extreme pH, strong acids, strong alkalis, powerful oxidizing agents, tannins etc. reacts with the materials,
hence some alloys having special chemical resistance are used.

2. Physical factors
The material should have sufficient physical strength to withstand the required pressure and stresses.
Iron and steel can satisfy these properties. Tablet punching machine, die, upper and lower punch sets are
made of stainless steel to withstand the very high pressure.
Glass, though has strength but are brittle.
Aerosol container must withstand very high pressure, so tin plate container coated with some polymers
(lacquered) are used.
Plastic materials are weak so they are used in some packaging materials, like blister packs.
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For transportation light weight packaging materials are used. Plastic, aluminium and paper packaging
materials are used for packing pharmaceutical products.
Wear properties
When there is a possibility of friction between two surfaces the softer surface wears off and these materials
contaminate the products. For example during milling and grinding the grinding surfaces may wear off and
contaminate the powder. When pharmaceutical products of very high purity is required ceramic and iron
grinding surfaces are not used.
Thermal conductivity
In evaporators, dryers, stills and heat exchangers the materials employed have very good thermal conductivity.
In this case iron, copper or graphite tubes are used for effective heat transfer.
Thermal expansion
If the material has very high thermal expansion coefficient then as temperature increases the shape of the
equipment changes. This produces uneven stresses and may cause fractures. So such materials should be used
those are able to maintain the shape and dimension of the equipment at the working temperature.
Ease of fabrication
During fabrication of an equipment, the materials undergo various processes such as casting, welding, forging
and mechanization etc. For example glass and plastic may be easily moulded in to containers of different
shape and sizes. Glass can be used as lining material for reaction vessels.
Smooth and polished surfaces makes cleaning easy. After an operation is complete, the equipment is cleaned
thoroughly so the previous product cannot contaminate the next product. Glass and stainless steel surfaces can
be smooth and polished, hence are easy to clean.
In the production of parenteral, ophthalmic and bulk drug products all the equipment are required to be
sterilized. This is generally done by introducing steam under high pressure. The materials must withstand this
high temperature (1210C) and pressure (15 pounds per square inch). If rubber materials are there it should be
vulcanized to withstand the high temperature.
In reactors and fermentors a visual port is provided to observe the progress of the process going on inside the
chamber. In this case borosilicate glass is often used.
In parenteral and ophthalmic containers the particles, if any, are observed from with polarized light. The walls
of the containers must be transparent to see through it. Here also glass is the preferred material.
3. Economic factors
Initial cost of the equipment depends on the material used. Several materials may be suitable for construction from
physical and chemical point of view, but from all the materials only the cheapest material is chosen for construction of
the equipment.
Materials those require lower maintenance cost are used because in long run it is economical.

Definition: Corrosion is defined as the reaction of a metallic material with its environment, which causes a measurable
change to the material and can result in a functional failure of the metallic component or of a complete system.

Classification of corrosion according to the environment

1. Dry corrosion: It involves the direct attack of gases and vapor on the metals through chemical reactions. As a
result an oxide layer is formed over the surface.
2. Wet corrosion: This corrosion involves purely electrochemical reaction, that occurs when the metal is exposed to
an aqueous solution of acid and alkali.
e.g. Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2

1. Corrosion reaction on single metal
A single piece of metal (e.g. Fe) when comes in contact with acid
(e.g. HCl ) small galvanic cells may be set up on the surface.
Each galvanic cell consists of (i) anode regions and (ii) cathode
Reaction at anode: Fe on the iron leaves two electrons to the metal
and itself becomes Fe++ ion. Fe++ ion is soluble in water, so it is
released in the medium. Thus the iron surface is corroded.
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Reaction at cathode: The released electron is conducted through the metal piece into cathode region. Two electrons are
supplied to two protons (H+ ) to form two atoms of H. Hydrogen atoms are unstable, hence two H atoms will combine
to form a molecule of stable H2. In the absence of acid , water itself dissociates to generate H+ ion.
2H+ + 2e H2 Hydrogen (H2) forms bubbles on the metal surface. If the rate of hydrogen
formation is very slow then a film of H2 bubbles will be formed that will slow down the cathode reaction, hence the rate
of corrosion will slow down. If the rate of hydrogen production is very high then hydrogen molecules cannot form the
film on the surface. So the corrosion proceeds rapidly.

2. Corrosion reactions between metals

If two metals come in contact with a common aqueous medium then one metal will form
anode and the other will form cathode. Now if both the metals are connected with a wire the
reaction will proceed. Anode metal will be corroded and hydrogen will form at the cathode.
For example if a zinc and a copper plate is immersed in an acidic medium then zinc will form
anode and will be corroded while hydrogen will be formed at copper plate.
Abode reaction: Zn Zn++ + 2e.
Cathode reaction: 2H+ + 2e H2
So anode will be corroded and hydrogen will be evolved at cathode.

3. Corrosion involving oxygen

The oxygen dissolved in the electrolyte can react with accumulated hydrogen to form water. Depletion (reduction) of
hydrogen layer allows corrosion to proceed.
At cathode: O2 + 2H2 2H2O
The above reaction takes place in acid medium. When the medium is alkaline or neutral oxygen is absorbed. The
presence of moisture promotes corrosion.


1. pH of the solution
Iron dissolves rapidly in acidic pH.
Aluminium and zinc dissolves both in acidic and alkaline pH.
Noble metals are not affected by pH e.g. gold and platinum.
2. Oxidizing agents
Oxidizing agents may accelerate the corrosion of one class of materials whereas retard another class.
e.g. O2 reacts with H2 to form water. H2 is removed, corrosion is accelerated. Cu in NaCl solution follows this
e.g. Oxidizing agents forms a surface oxide (like Aluminium oxide) and makes the surface more resistant to
chemical attack.

4. Velocity
When corrosive medium moves at a high velocity along the metallic surface, the rate of corrosion increases due to:
Corrosion products are formed rapidly and washed away rapidly to expose new surface for corrosion reaction.
Accumulation of insoluble films on the surface is prevented.
The corrosion is rapid in the bends in the pipes, propellers, agitators and pumps.

5. Surface films
Thin oxide films are formed on the surface of stainless (rusting). These films absorbs moisture and increases the
rate of corrosion.
Zinc oxide forms porous films. Fluid medium can enter inside and thus corrosion continues. Nonporous films of
chromium oxide or iron oxide prevent corrosion.
Grease films protect the surface from direct contact with corrosive substances.

1. Fluid corrosion: General
When corrosion is generally confined to a metal surface as a whole, it is known as general corrosion. This corrosion
occurs uniformly over the entire exposed surface area. E.g. Swelling, cracking, softening of plastic materials.

2. Fluid corrosion: Localised

(a) Inter-granular corrosion: During heat treatment or welding, some components get
precipitated at the grain boundary of the metal. These boundaries acts as anodes and
grains as cathodes. So corrosion of anode region occurs.
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(b) Pitting corrosion: On metal surface small holes or pits are created due to local corrosion and these pits increase in
size rapidly. In the pits the metals dissolves rapidly especially by chlorine and chloride ions.
(c) Stress corrosion: Certain area of metal may be subjected to thermal, mechanical or chemical stresses. The surface
area becomes anode and acts as corrosion area.
(d) Fretting corrosion: Equipment showing high vibrations destroys the surface of metal (e.g. steels balls in ball-
bearing) by mechanical hitting.
(e) Corrosion fatigue: Cyclic stress breaks the protective film, so corrosion increases.

3. Fluid corrosion: Biological

Metabolic action of micro-organisms can either directly or indirectly cause deterioration of a metal by:
(i) Creating electrolyte concentration cells on the metal surface.
(ii) Influence the rate of anodic / cathodic reactions.
(iii) Sulphates are reduced by reducing bacteria and produces hydrogen peroxide (H 2S) that reacts with iron to
produce ferrous sulphide (FeS). Thus the iron gets corroded.

Following methods may be adopted for preventing or reducing corrosion:
1. Material selection
(a) Pure materials have less tendency towards pitting, but they are expensive and soft. Therefore, only aluminium can
be used in pure form.
(b) Improved corrosion resistance can be obtained by adding corrosion resistant elements. For example inter-granular
corrosion occurs in stainless steel. This tendency can be reduced by addition of small amount of titanium.
(c) Nickel, copper and their alloys are used in non-oxidizing environment, whereas chromium containing alloys are
used in oxidizing environment.
(d) Materials those are close in electrochemical series should be used for fabrication.
(e) Corrosive materials are taken with suitable material of construction:
Corrosive material Suitable material
Nitric acid Stainless steel
Hyfrofluoric acid Monel metal
Distilled Water Tin
Dilute sulphuric acid Lead
Caustic Nickel

2. Proper design of equipment

Corrosion can be minimized in the following conditions:
(a) Design for complete drainage of liquids.
(b) Design for ease of cleaning.
(c) Design for ease of inspection and maintenance
(d) A direct contact between two metals should be avoided. They may be insulated from one another.

3. Coating or lining
Corrosion resistant coating may be applied on metal surface to improve corrosion resistance. It also separates the metal
from corrosive environment.
(a) Organic coating are used as lining in equipment such as tanks, piping,
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Cast Iron, Steels, Stainless Steels
Cast Iron
This iron consists of carbon more than 1.5%. Different proportions of carbon gives different properties of the steel.
1. Cast iron is resistant to concentrated sulfuric acid, nitric acid and dilute alkalis.
2. Cast iron is attacked by dilute sulfuric acid, dilute nitric acid and dilute and concentrated hydrochloric acid.
3. Cast iron has low thermal conductivity.
4. It is not corrosion resistance hence it is alloyed with Silicon, Nickel or Chromium to produce corrosion resistacnce.
5. It is brittle so it is tough to machine.

1. It is used as supports for plants.
2. Thermal conductivity is low hence used as the outer wall of steam jacket.
3. It is cheap hence used in place of more expensive materials by coating with enamel or plastic.

Carbon Steel or Mild Steel

Mild steel (or carbon steel) is an iron alloy that contains a small percentage of carbon (less than 1.5%).
1. It has greater mechanical strength than cast iron.
2. It is easily weldable.
3. Has limited resistance to corrosion. This property can be increased by proper alloying.
4. It reacts with caustic soda, brine (concentrated NaCl solution).
1. Used for construction of bars, pipes and plates.
2. Used to fabricate large storage tanks for water, sulfuric acid, organic solvents etc.
3. Used as the supporting structures of grinders and bases of vessels.

Stainless Steel
Stainless steel is an alloy of iron usually of nickel and chromium.
For pharmaceutical use stainless steel contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel. This steel is called 18/8 stainless steel.
1. It is heat resistant
2. Corrosion resistant
3. Ease of fabrication
4. Cleaning and sterilization is easy.
5. Has good tensile strength.
6. During heat welding the corrosion resistant properties of stainless steel may be reduced du to deposition of carbide
precipitate at the crystal grain boundaries. This steel is stabilized by addition of minor quantities of titanium,
molybdenum or niobium.
1. Storage and extraction vessels, evaporators and fermenting vessels.
2. Small apparatus like funnels, buckets, measuring vessels.
3. Sinks and bench tops.
4. In penicillin production plant nearly all equipment are made of stainless steel.

1. Pure aluminium is soft and more corrosion resistant than its alloys. Small percentages of manganese, magnesium
or silicon produces strong, corrosion resistant aluminium alloys (e.g Duralumin)
2. It is attacked by mineral acids, alkali, mercury and its salts.
3. It is resistant to strong nitric acid.
4. It is resistant to acetic acid due to the formation of a gelatinous surface film of aluminium subacetate.
5. Low density hence lighter.

1. The salts of aluminium is colorless and non-toxic to microorganisms, hence used for fermenting vessels for
biosynthetic production of citric acid, gluconic acids and streptomycin.
2. Used for making extraction and absorption vessels in preparation of antibiotics.
3. Storage vessels of acetic acid and ammonia.
4. Plants for nitric acid is used.
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5. Because of its lightness large containers such as drums, barrels, road and rail tankers are made with aluminium.

Preparation of glass:
Glass is composed principally of sand (silica - SiO2), soda-ash (Na2CO3 - sodium carbonate) and lime-stone (Ca CO3-
calcium carbonate).

Glass made from pure silica consists of a three-dimensional network of silicon atoms each of which is surrounded by
four oxygen atoms an in this way the tetrahedra are linked together to produce the network.
Glass prepared from pure silica require very high temperature to fuse, hence soda-ash and lime is used to reduce the
melting point.
(i) glass made of pure silica has network (Fig-1)
(a) It is very hard and
(b) chemically resistant but
(c) melting point very high so it is very difficult to mould.
(ii) Glass made of pure silica + Na2O (Fig.-2)
(valency of Na = 1)
(a)Structure is less rigid so low
m.p. and easier to mould
(b) the glass is too rapidly attacked
by water and NaOH is leached out of the glass.
(iii) Pure silica + CaO (or BaO, MgO, PbO and ZnO) (Fig.-3)
(valency of Ca, Ba, Mg, Pb, Zn = 2)
(a) divalent oxides do not break the network
of pure silica, but only push the tetrahedron
apart. It is more rigid than soda-silica network.
(b) Since the bond is more stronger, hence chemical reactivity is lowered.

(iv) Pure silica + Boric(B2O3) or aluminium oxide (Al2O3)

(valency of B and Al = 3, i.e. trivalent)
(a) Since boric oxide, like silica, is acidic. it does not disrupt the network of silica but forms tetrahedron itself; however,
these are not the same size as the silicon tetrehedra; as a result the lattice become distorted, and this produces
(b) It is chemically resistant.
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Type of glass Main Constituents Properties Uses

Type-1 SiO2 80% Has high melting point so can Laboratory glass
Borosilicate glass B2O3 12 withstand high temperature apparatus
e.g. Pyrex, Borosil Al2O3 - 2% Resistant to chemical For injections and
Na2O+CaO - 6% substances for water for
Reduced leaching action injection.
Type-II Made of soda lime The surface of the glass is Used for alkali
Treated soda-lime glass. The surface of fairly resistant to attack by sensitive products
glass which is treated with water for a period of time. Infusion fluids,
acidic gas like SO2 (i.e. Sulfur treatment neutralizes blood & plasma.
dealkalised) at elevated the alkaline oxides on the large volume
temperature (5000C) surface, thereby rendering the container
and moisture. glass more chemically
Type-III SiO2 It contains high concentration For all solid
Regular soda-lime Na2O of alkaline oxides and imparts dosage forms (e.g.
glass CaO alkalinity to aqueous tablets, powders)
substances For oily injections
Flakes separate easily. Not to be used for
May crack due to sudden aqueous injection
change of temperature. Not to be used for
Type NP For oral and
Non-parenteral glass Topical purpose
or General purpose Not for ampoules.
soda-lime glass.
Neutral Glass SiO2 72-75% They are softer and can easily Small vials (<25
B2O3 7-10% be moulded ml)
Al2O3 6% Good resistance to Large transfusion
Na2O 6-8% autoclaving bottles
K2O 0.5 2% Resistant to alkali-
BaO 2-4% preparations (with pH upto 8)
Lower cost than borosilicate
Neutral Tubing for SiO2 67% In comparison to neutral glass Ampoules for
Ampoules B2O3 7.5% its melting point is less. After injection.
Al2O3 8.5% filling the glass ampoules are
Na2O 8.7% sealed by fusion and therefore
K2O 4% the glass must be easy to
CaO 4% melt.
MgO 0.3%
Colored glass Glass + iron oxide Produce amber colour glass For photosensitive
Can resist radiation from products.
290 400 450nm
UV Visible
Advantages of glass container
Physical aspect
1. They are quite strong and rigid.
2. They are transparent which allows the visual inspection of the contents; especially in ampoules and vials.
3. They are available in various shapes and sizes. Visually elegant containers attracts the patients.
4. Borosilicate (Type-I) and Neutral glasses are resistant to heat so they can be readily sterilised by heat.
5. Glass containers can be easily cleaned without any damage to its surface e.g. scratching or bruising.
Chemical aspect
6. Borosilicate type of glass is chemically inert. Treated soda lime glass has a chemically inert surface.
7. As the composition of glass may be varied by changing the ratio of various glass constituents the proper container
according to desired qualities can be produced.
8. They do not deteriorate with age, if provided with proper closures
9. Photosensitive drugs may be saved from UV-rays by using amber colour glass.
Economical aspect
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10. They are cheaper than other packaging materials.

Physical aspect
1. They are brittle and break easily.
2. They may crack when subject to sudden changes of temperatures.
3. They are heavier in comparison to plastic containers.
4. Transparent glasses gives passage to UV-light which may damage the photosensitive drugs inside the container.
Chemical aspect
5. Flaking: From simple soda-lime glass the alkali is extracted from the surface of the container and a silicate rich
layer is formed which sometimes gets detached from the surface and can be seen in the contents in the form of
shining plates known as flakes and in the form of needles they are known as spicules. this is a serious
problem, specially in parenteral preparations.
6. Weathering: Sometimes moisture is condensed on the surface of glass container which can extract some weakly
bound alkali leaving behind a white deposit of alkali carbonate to remain over there, further condensation of
moisture will lead to the formation of an alkaline solution which will dissolve some silica resulting in loss of
brilliance from the surface of glass called weathering.
To prevent weathering, the deposited white layer of alkali carbonates should be removed as early as possible
by washing the containers with dilute solution of acid and then washing thoroughly with water.

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