Plant Design 2 Part 1

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Distillation is a very old separation technology to separate liquid mixtures which can
be traced back to the first century A.D. chemists in Alexandria. Distillation today is the most
important technology of industrial separation. It is particularly suitable for high purity
separations as any degree of separation can be achieved by raising the amount of equilibrium
phases with a set energy consumption (Halvorsen & Skogestad, 2000).

Distillation is the process of heating a liquid solution or a mixture of liquid vapor to

derive a vapor and then collect and condense it. In the simplest case, the distillation process
products are limited to an overhead distillate and a bottom, the compositions of which differ
from the feed. Historically, the production of spirits from wine is one of the most popular
applications. Many sectors today use distillation to separate into many product categories: oil
refining, petrochemicals, processing of natural gas and, of course, drinks are just a few
examples. The aim is typically to remove a light element from a heavy component combination
or to separate a heavy item from a light component combination (Sutter & Varela de
Albuquerque, 2013).

In this part, distillation column is used to separate methanol which is the main product
of this production from water. The methanol will evaporate become vapor and exit at the top
section which is the rectifying section while the water will exit at the bottom which is the
stripping section.

ṅB= 609.4620 kmol/hr

YA(CH4) = 0.0004
YA(CH3OH) = 0.9699
YA(H2) = 0.0033
A YA(CO2) = 0.0241
YA(CO) = 0.0021
ṅA=918.8592 kmol/hr YA(H2O) = 0.0001
YA(N2) = 0.0001
YA(CH4) = 0.0003
YA(CH3OH) = 0.6450
YA(H2) = 0.0022
YA(CO2) = 0.0160
YA(CO) = 0.0014
YA(H2O) = 0.3350
YA(N2) = 0.0001

ṅC =309.3972 kmol/hr
YD(CH3OH) = 0.0050
YD(H2O) = 0.9950
Table below state the summary composition of the input and output of distillation
column. The data will be used to calculate the design of distillation column which will be used
to separate methanol and water.

Table 1.0 Composition of Distillation Column

Components Composition Composition (out) Molar Molar Flowrate

(liquid) (in) Flowrate (kmole/hr) (out)
Top (liq) Bottom Top (liq) Bottom
(liq) (liq)

CH4 0.0003 0.0004 - 0.2757 0.2438 -

CH3OH 0.645 0.9699 0.005 592.6642 591.1172 1.5470

H2 0.0022 0.0033 - 2.0215 2.0112 -

CO2 0.016 0.0241 - 14.7017 14.6880 -

CO 0.0014 0.0021 - 1.2864 1.2799 -

H2O 0.335 0.0001 0.995 307.8178 0.0609 307.8502

N2 0.0001 0.0001 - 0.0919 0.0609 -

TOTAL 918.8592 609.462 309.3972

Mixtures of several components are separated in a distillation column by exploiting the

vapor / liquid equilibrium. Distillation is aimed at taking a liquid mixture and separating it into
two or more streams with different composition. A feed stream enters the centre of the column
in a fundamental distillation column and two streams leave, one at the top and one at the
bottom. Components with lower boiling points are concentrated in the stream that leaves the
top while components with higher boiling points are concentrated in the stream that leaves the
base (Anonymous, 2017).

Separation is accomplished by regulating the temperature and stress profiles of the

columns to take advantage of variations in the relative volatility of the parts of the blend and
thus the tendency to alter the phase. The lighter, lower boiling point components evaporate and

travel up the column to form the top product, and the heavier, higher boiling point components
condense to form the bottom product (Anonymous, 2017).

There are two types of distillation which are divided into two main types based on
occurrence of chemical reaction. The first one is non- reactive distillation which is not
involving chemical reaction and only physical distillation happen while the another one is
reactive distillation which there is chemical reaction happen during the distillation (Sutter &
Varela de Albuquerque, 2013).

Non-reactive distillation is used for methanol production which are further classified
based on number of components in he feed mixture ad type of tray used for distillation. The
distillation is for multicomponent because there are several chemicals enter the distillation
column as can be seen in the table before this. The tray used for the distillation is tray column
because of the easy to operate and cleaning, has high capacity, low cost and high efficiency
between 70% to 90% (Salah, 2015; Sutter & Varela de Albuquerque, 2013).


As mention before the distillation column contains multicomponent which are (CH4,
CH3OH, H2, CO2, CO, H2O and N2) with different compositions and boiling points. Therefore,
by referring Sinnott (2005), to calculate the trays Erbar Maddox relationship and Fenske
Equation are used.

The relative volatility or α must be calculated to use Fenske Equation. To calculate

relative volatility, involve the more volatile component (light key) to the less volatile
component (heavy key). The light and heavy key related to Antoine Vapor Pressure Equation.

The identification of light key and heavy key is based on the boiling point of chemical.
The lower boiling point indicate it is less volatile where the lowest boiling point is hydrogen at
-252.9°C. Whereas the heavy key is the chemical that has highest boiling point which is water
at 100°C. The next step is to find the constant number for Antoine Vapor Pressure Equation
for both light and heavy key. The constant for light key as stated below (Van Itterbeek et al.,

 Constant for LK (Light Key)

A = 3.5431

B = 99.395

C = 7.726

1.1.1 Calculation of vapor pressure.

The third step is to calculate vapor pressure for light key and heavy key.

logP = A −
T + C

i) P°A = light key = more volatility = hydrogen

P°A = 3.5431 −
20.8 + 7.726

= 1.1448 barr

ii) P°B = heavy key = less volatility = water

P°B = 0.8773 barr

Calculation of Relative Volatility, α

α =
= 1.3095

Calculation to find minimum number of stages.

𝑋𝐷 (1 − 𝑋𝐵)
𝑙𝑜𝑔 [ × 𝑋𝐵 ]
(1 − 𝑋𝐷)
Nmin =
𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝛼
0.8 (1 − 0.2)
𝑙𝑜𝑔 [ × 0.2
(1 − 0.8)
𝑙𝑜𝑔 1.3095
= 10.2824
Nmin = 10

1.1.2 Calculation number of stages.
To find the number of stages, the minimum reflux ratio, Rmin must be calculated.
Rmin =
(𝛼 − 1)0.725
= 5.80
For reflux ratio is 6. Based on Erbar-Maddox Correlation, number of stages can be found.

= 0.86

= 0.85

Nm/N = 0.5
10/N = 0.5
N = 20

1.1.3 Diameter of column

In order to calculate the column diameter, the density of vapor must find and sub into vapor velocity

Density vapor (ρv): 4.1578 kg/m³

Density liquid (ρL): 700 kg/m³

a. Vapor velocity, Uv
ρL − ρV 1/2
Uv = (-0.1711Lt2 + 0.27Lt – 0.047) [ ρV

Assume Lt = 0.6S
𝑘𝑔 𝑘𝑔
700 −4.1578
Uv = (-0.1711(0.6s) + 0.27(0.6s) – 0.047) [
2 𝑚³
𝑚³ 1/2

= 0.6908 m/s

b. Maximum volumetric vapor flowrate

𝑉𝑤 Qv = Volumetric vapor flowrate
Qv =

19636.4893 𝑘𝑔/ℎ𝑟
Vw = Mass flowrate vapor
4.1578 𝑘𝑔/𝑚³
ρv = Density vapor
= 4722.8076 m³/hr

c. Net area available for vapor liquid disengagement

An = 𝑈𝑣

4722.8076 𝑚³/ℎ𝑟 × 1ℎ𝑟/3600𝑠

= 0.6908 𝑚/𝑠

= 1.8991 m2

d. Total column cross sectional area

Ac = 0.71

1.8991 𝑚²
= 0.71

= 2.6748 m²

e. Column diameter

Dc = √

=√ 𝜋

= 1.8454 ≈ 2 m

f. Downcomer area
Ad = Ac – An
= 2.6748 – 1.8991
= 0.7757 m2

g. Active area
Aa = Ac – 2Ad
= 2.6748 – 2(0.7757)
= 1.1234 m2

h. Assume 10% of active area

= 0.1(1.1234)
= 0.1123 m2

i. Area of one hole

hole diameter, dh = 5 mm = 0.005m
= 4

= 4

= 1.9635 × 10-5 m2

j. Number of holes at one plate

= 1.9635 × 10¯⁵

= 5719.3787 ≈ 5719

k. Weir dimension
= 𝐴𝑐 × 100
= 2.6748 × 100

= 29%

Refer graph 11.31 Relation between downcomer area and weir length (Sinnot, 2005).

= 0.87
= 0.87
𝐿𝑤 = 1.74 𝑚

l. Height of distillation column

No of stage – 1 × H1 + ΔH + Skirt height + extra feed space + plate thickness
= 20 – 1 × 0.6 + 3 + 1.5 + 1.5 + (20 × 0.005)
= 17.5m

m. Column thickness

Operating pressure = 0.1 N/mm²

Safety = 10%
Design pressure = 0.11 N/mm2

𝑃𝑖𝐷𝑖 Pi = Internal pressure

e = 2𝑓 − 𝑃𝑖

𝑁 Di = Diameter
(0.11 )(2000𝑚𝑚)
= 𝑁 𝑁
) − (0.11
) F = Design stress

= 0.8465

Corrosion allowance: 2mm

Column thickness = 2mm + 0.8465
= 2.8465 mm
= 0.0028465 m



0.6 m

17.5 m

1.2.1 Plate


1.2.2 Hole

0.005 m



By: Nur Amanina Binti Abdul Hakim Date: 11/9/2019
Equipment: DC1
Identification: Distillation Column
Function: To separate methanol from water
Operating pressure: 1 bar
Design pressure 1.1 bar
Technical Specification Design Sizing
Material of
Stainless Steel 330 Diameter, m 2
Height, m 17.4 Tray spacing, m 0.6
Column Type Tray column 0.002
allowance, m
Tray type Sieve tray 0.0028465
thickness, m
Heating Reboiler
No. of trays 19


Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are used widely in the chemical process industries,
especially in refineries, because of the numerous advantages they offer over other types of heat
exchangers. A shell and tube exchanger consist of several tubes mounted inside a cylindrical
shell. Two fluids exchange heat between them, one fluid flows over the outside of the tubes
while the second fluid flows through the tubes. The fluids can be single or two phase and can
flow in a parallel or a cross/counter flow arrangement (Brogan, n.d.).

Heat is transferred from one fluid to the other through the tube walls, either from tube
side to shell side or vice versa. The fluids can be either liquids or gases on either the shell or
the tube side. There are often baffles directing flow through the shell side so the fluid does not
take a short cut through the shell side leaving ineffective low flow volumes. These are generally
attached to the tube bundle rather than the shell in order that the bundle is still removable for

There are three categories of heat exchanger flow which are parallel flow, counter flow
and cross flow. Parallel flow exists when both the tube side fluid and the shell side fluid flow
in the same direction. Counter flow exists when the two fluids flow in opposite directions. Each
of the fluids enters the heat exchanger at opposite ends while cross flow exists when one fluid
flows perpendicular to the second fluid; that is, one fluid flows through tubes and the second
fluid passes around the tubes at 90° angle (Sölken, n.d.). Counter current heat exchangers are
most efficient because they allow the highest log mean temperature difference between the hot
and cold streams (Mukherjee, 1998).

Shell and tube Heat Exchangers have the ability to transfer large amounts of heat in
relatively low cost, servicable designs. They can provide large amounts of effective tube
surface while minimizing the requirements of floor space, liquid volume and weight (Sölken,
2019). Shell and tube exchangers are available in a wide range of sizes. As it has been used in
industry for many years, the thermal technologies and manufacturing methods are well defined
and applied by modern competitive manufacturers.

The tube surfaces from standard to exotic metals with plain or enhanced surface
characteristics are widely available. They can help provide the least costly mechanical design
for the flows, liquids and temperatures involved. The most common material of construction is
carbon steel. Other materials such as stainless steel or copper are used when needed, and the
choice is dictated by corrosion concerns as well as mechanical strength requirements
(Subramanian, n.d.).

Figure 2.0 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Figure 2.1 Heat Exchanger Design


The flow rates of both hot and cold streams, their terminal temperatures and fluid properties
are the primary inputs of thermal design of heat exchangers.

Thermal design considerations

Thermal design of a shell and tube heat exchanger typically includes the determination
of heat transfer area, number of tubes, tube length and diameter, tube layout, number of shell
and tube passes, type of heat exchanger (fixed tube sheet, removable tube bundle etc), tube
pitch, number of baffles, its type and size, shell and tube side pressure drop etc.

1. Shell

Shell is the container for the shell fluid and the tube bundle is placed inside the shell.
Shell diameter should be selected in such a way to give a close fit of the tube bundle. The
clearance between the tube bundle and inner shell wall depends on the type of exchanger. Shells
are usually fabricated from standard steel pipe with satisfactory corrosion allowance. The shell
thickness of 3/8 inch for the shell ID of 12-24 inch can be satisfactorily used up to 300 psi of
operating pressure (Cagayan State University, n.d.).

2. Tube

Tube OD of ¾ and 1'' are very common to design a compact heat exchanger. The most
efficient condition for heat transfer is to have the maximum number of tubes in the shell to
increase turbulence (Cagayan State University, n.d.). The tube thickness should be enough to
withstand the internal pressure along with the adequate corrosion allowance. The tube thickness
is expressed in terms of BWG (Birmingham Wire Gauge) and true outside diameter (OD).

The tube length of 6, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 ft are preferably used. Longer tube reduces
shell diameter at the expense of higher shell pressure drop. Finned tubes are also used when
fluid with low heat transfer coefficient flows in the shell side. Stainless steel, admiralty brass,
copper, bronze and alloys of copper-nickel are the commonly used tube materials (Cagayan
State University, n.d.).

3. Tube pitch, tube-layout and tube-count

Tube pitch is the shortest centre to centre distance between the adjacent tubes. The tubes
are generally placed in square or triangular patterns (pitch) as shown in the Figure 2.2. The
widely used tube layouts are illustrated in Table 2.0.

The number of tubes that can be accommodated in a given shell ID is called tube count.
The tube count depends on the factors like shell ID, OD of tube, tube pitch, tube layout, number
of tube passes, type of heat exchanger and design pressure.

4. Tube passes

The number of passes is chosen to get the required tube side fluid velocity to obtain
greater heat transfer co-efficient and also to reduce scale formation. The tube passes vary from
1 to 16. The tube passes of 1, 2 and 4 are common in application. The partition built into
exchanger head known as partition plate (also called pass partition) is used to direct the tube
side flow.

Table 2.0 Common tube layouts.

Figure 2.2 Heat exchanger tube-layouts

5. Tube sheet

The tubes are fixed with tube sheet that form the barrier between the tube and shell
fluids. The tubes can be fixed with the tube sheet using ferrule and a soft metal packing ring.
The tubes are attached to tube sheet with two or more grooves in the tube sheet wall by ‘tube
rolling'. The tube metal is forced to move into the grooves forming an excellent tight seal. This
is the most common type of fixing arrangement in large industrial exchangers. The tube sheet
thickness should be greater than the tube outside diameter to make a good seal. The
recommended standards (IS:4503 or TEMA) should be followed to select the minimum tube
sheet thickness (Cagayan State University, n.d.).

6. Baffles

Baffles are used to increase the fluid velocity by diverting the flow across the tube
bundle to obtain higher transfer co-efficient. The distance between adjacent baffles is called
baffle-spacing. The baffle spacing of 0.2 to 1 times of the inside shell diameter is commonly
used. Baffles are held in positioned by means of baffle spacers. Closer baffle spacing gives
greater transfer co-efficient by inducing higher turbulence.
The pressure drop is more with closer baffle spacing. The various types of baffles are
shown in Figure 2.3. In case of cut-segmental baffle, a segment (called baffle cut) is removed
to form the baffle expressed as a percentage of the baffle diameter. Baffle cuts from 15 to 45%
are normally used. A baffle cut of 20 to 25% provide a good heat-transfer with the reasonable
pressure drop (Cagayan State University, n.d.). The % cut for segmental baffle refers to the cut
away height from its diameter. Figure 2.3 also shows two other types of baffles.

Figure 2.3 Different type of heat exchanger baffles: a). Cut-segmental baffle, b). Disc and
doughnut baffle, c). Orifice baffle

7. Fouling Considerations

Most of the process fluids in the exchanger foul the heat transfer surface. The material
deposited reduces the effective heat transfer rate due to relatively low thermal conductivity.
Therefore, net heat transfer with clean surface should be higher to compensate the reduction in
performance during operation. Fouling of exchanger increases the cost of (i) construction due
to over sizing, (ii) additional energy due to poor exchanger performance and (iii) cleaning to
remove deposited materials (Cagayan State University, n.d.). A spare exchanger may be
considered in design for uninterrupted services to allow cleaning of exchanger.

The effect of fouling is considered in heat exchanger design by including the tube side
and shell side fouling resistances. Typical values for the fouling coefficients and resistances
are summarized in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Typical values of fouling coefficients and resistances.

Fluid Coefficient (W.m-2.°C-1) Resistance (m2 .°C.W-1 )

River water 3000-12,000 0.0003-0.0001
Sea water 1000-3000 0.001-0.0003
Cooling water (towers) 3000-6000 0.0003-0.00017
Towns water (soft) 3000-5000 0.0003-0.0002
Towns water (hard) 1000-2000 0.001-0.0005
Steam condensate 1500-5000 0.00067-0.0002
Steam (oil free) 4000- 10,000 0.0025-0.0001
Steam (oil traces) 2000-5000 0.0005-0.0002
Refrigerated brine 3000-5000 0.0003-0.0002
Air and industrial gases 5000-10,000 0.0002-0.0001
Flue gases 2000-5000 0.0005-0.0002
Organic vapors 5000 0.0002
Organic liquids 5000 0.0002
Light hydrocarbons 5000 0.0002
Heavy hydrocarbons 2000 0.0005
Boiling organics 2500 0.0004
Condensing organics 5000 0.0002
Heat transfer fluids 5000 0.0002
Aqueous salt solutions 3000-5000 0.0003-0.0002

8. Selection of fluids for tube and the shell side

The routing of the shell side and tube side fluids has considerable effects on the heat
exchanger design. Some general guidelines for positioning the fluids are given in Table 2.2.
It should be understood that these guidelines are not ironclad rules and the optimal fluid
placement depends on many factors that are service specific.

Table 2.2. Guidelines for placing the fluid in order of priority

Tube-side fluid Shell-side fluid

Corrosive fluid Condensing vapor (unless corrosive)
Cooling water Fluid with large temperature difference (>40°C)
Fouling fluid
Less viscous fluid
High-pressure steam
Hotter fluid

9. Process (thermal) design procedure

In order to design the heat exchanger, identifying the application need to be done such
as determine the temperature, heat loads (Q), mass flowrate and anything else that might be
important. Second step in the process is decide on the construction type. There are many
varieties of construction type that can be chosen such as carbon steel, stainless steel and so on.
Then, evaluate Log Mean Temperature Different (LMTD), q and correction Factor to
determine q. Next step is determined the dimension of the heat exchanger. After that, evaluate
the heat transfer coefficient on the hot side of the floor then evaluate the heat transfer coefficient
on the cold side of the floor. Then, determine the overall heat transfer coefficient. Next,
determine the dimensions if it is correct or not and usually it not. Then go back to iterate to
obtain correct dimension. Then finally, check the power consumption which refer to power
required for flow to go through the heat exchanger.

2.2.1 Calculation of Heat Exchanger Sizing (HE-1)

Info about HE-1

 Flow: Counter flow-enable higher heat transfer compared to parallel flow
 Type: Shell and Tube
 Phase: Two-phase (vapour and liquid)
 Number of passes: 1 (cheaper than U tube, easier to wash)
 Tube material: carbon steel (good thermal conductivity)
 CTP for 1 pass: 0.93
 CL: 1

Tc,i = 22 °C

ṁ = 45312.2558 kg/hr
ṁ = 45312.2558 kg/hr
Th,i = 37.95 °C
Th,i = 98.25 °C

Tc,o = 32 °C
1. CALCULATING LMTD (given inlet and outlet temperature for both shell and tube)

(Th,o − Tc,i ) − (Th,i − Tc,o )

∆Tm = ⇢ Counterflow formula for LMTD
(T − Tc,i )
ln h,o
(Th,i − Tc,o )

Th,i = inlet hot-side temperature = 98.25 °C
Th,o = outlet hot-side temperature = 37.95 °C
Tc,i = inlet cold-side temperature = 22 °C
Tc,o = outlet cold-side temperature = 32 °C

(37.95 − 22) − (98.25 − 32)
∆Tlm = = 35.3236 °C = 308.4736 K
(37.95 − 22)
(98.25 − 32)


Q = ṁCpΔT

ṁ= mass flowrate, kg/hr (from PFD)
Cp = area of heat exchanger, J/kg.K (from online calculation)
ΔT = temperature difference in cold fluid, K

Q = ṁCp(Th,o − Th,i )
kg J
Q = (45312.2558 ) (2747.87 ) (37.95 − 98.25) K
hr kg. K
Q = −7508084957 = −2085579.155 = −2085.5792 𝑘𝑊
hr 𝑠
Q is negative because heat is released from the system.



U = overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2.K
U = 450 W/m2.K (Engineering Toolbox, 2003)
U is by estimation from Journal for cold fluid of gas and hot fluid of steam.

2085579.155 𝑠
A= = 15.0244 m2
(450 2 )(308.4736 K)
sm K


At = πdo L = π(0.02m)(3m) = 0.1885m2

Tube length, L is by typical length of tube used in industry (Towler & Sinnott, 2008)
Diameter from typical diameter used in industry (Towler & Sinnott, 2008)(Saari, n.d.)
For a given surface area, the use of longer tubes will reduce the shell diameter; which will
generally result in a lower cost exchanger, particularly for high shell pressures (Towler &
Sinnott, 2008).


A 15.0244 m2
Nt = = = 79.7 ≈ 80 tubes
At 0.1885 m2
The more the number of tube, the better the heat transfer (Cagayan State University,


A 15.0244 m2
L= = =3m
πdo Nt π × 0.02 m × 80


𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜, 𝑑𝑟 =
Given typical diameter ratio is 1.3 (Kakac & Liu, 2002)
Tube length = 3m = 3000mm (Towler & Sinnott, 2008)

Shell inside diameter = 0.5m (Saari agrees to 500mm) (Saari, n.d.)
Tube outside diameter = 0.03m (Saari typically 12.7 to 25.4 mm) (Saari, n.d.)
𝑑𝑜 0.02 𝑚
𝑑𝑖 = = = 0.0154 𝑚
𝑑𝑟 1.3
Based on (Kakac & Liu, 2002), when ¾” do of tube is used, the internal flow area of tube
would be 0.2679 in2, thickness is 0.083 in and dr is 1.284.


Typical 𝐷𝑠 = 0.152 − 3 𝑚 (baffle spacing of 0.2 to 1 times of the inside shell diameter)
(Cagayan State University, n.d.)
Use 𝐷𝑠 = 𝐵𝑠 = 0.25 𝑚

𝐿𝑡 3𝑚
𝑁𝐵 = −1= − 1 ≈ 11 𝑏𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑠
𝐵𝑠 0.25 𝑚𝑚



𝐷𝑠 × 𝐵𝑠 × (𝑃 − 𝐷𝑡 ) 0.25 × 0.25 𝑚 × (0.03175 𝑚 − 0.02 𝑚)

𝐴𝑠 = =
𝑃 0.003175 𝑚
= 0.026 𝑚2


ṁ 1ℎ𝑟 45312.2558 1 𝑘𝑔
𝐺𝑠 = 𝐴 × = × = 484.1053𝑚2 𝑠
𝑠 3600𝑠 0.026 𝑚2 3600𝑠


𝑢𝑠 =
484.1053 2 𝑚 𝑚
𝑚 𝑠
𝑢𝑠 = 𝑘𝑔 = 0.4841 = 0.5
1000 3 𝑠 𝑠


𝑃𝑡 1 𝑑𝑜 2
𝑑𝑒 = 4 ( × 0.87𝑃𝑡 − 𝜋 )
2 2 4
0.03175 1 0.022 𝑚2
= 4( × 0.87(0.03175) − 𝜋 ) = 0.036 𝑚
2 2 4


𝑚 𝑘𝑔
𝑢𝑠 𝑑𝑒 𝜌 0.5 𝑠 × 0.036 𝑚 × 1000 𝑚3
𝑅𝑒 = =
𝜇 𝑘𝑔
0.000089 3
= 2022.7191 > 4000 (𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤)


𝐶𝑝 × 𝜇
Pr =
Water at 98.25°C, 𝑘𝑓 = 0.6 𝑚.𝐾

𝐽 𝑘𝑔
2747.87 × 0.000089 𝑚. 𝑠
𝑘𝑔. 𝐾
Pr =
0.6 𝑚. 𝑠. 𝐾

Pr = 6.23


ℎ𝑠 = × 𝑗ℎ × Re × 𝑃𝑟 1/3

At Re = 2022.7191 with baffle cut = 25%, 𝑗ℎ = 4.2 × 10-3

0.6 𝑊
ℎ𝑠 = 𝑚.𝐾
×4.2 × 10-3× 2022.7191 × 6.231/3 = 2742.463 𝑚2 .𝐾
0.036 𝑚


𝐷𝑠 𝐿 𝜌. 𝑢𝑠2
𝛥𝑃𝑠 = 8 × 𝑗𝑓 × × ×
𝑑𝑒 𝐵𝑠 2
At Re = 2022.7191 with baffle cut = 25%, 𝑗𝑓 = 4.5 × 10-2
𝑘𝑔 𝑚 2
0.25 𝑚 3𝑚 1000 . (0.5 )
𝑚3 𝑠
𝛥𝑃𝑠 = 8 ×4.5 × 10-2 × 0.036 𝑚 × 0.25 𝑚 × 2

𝛥𝑃𝑠 = 377-.95 Pa = 3.8 kPa = 0.0375 atm



𝜌𝑈𝑡 𝐿
𝑅𝑒 =

𝑃 (2) 74 𝑎𝑡𝑚 (2) 𝑚

𝑈𝑡 = √ =√ 𝑘𝑔 = 0.3919
𝜌 963.4482 𝑠

𝑘𝑔 𝑚
963.4482 × 0.3919 𝑠 × 3 𝑚
𝑅𝑒 = 𝑚3
8.9 × 10−4
= 22469.3733 > 4000 (𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤)

𝐿 𝜌. 𝑢𝑡2
𝛥𝑃𝑡 = 𝑁𝑃 [8 × 𝑗𝑓 × + 2.5]
𝑑𝑖 2
Ut = Velocity
𝑁𝑃 = 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠 = 1
At Re = 22469.3733 with baffle cut = 25%, 𝑗𝑓 = 4.5 × 10-2
𝑘𝑔 𝑚
3 𝑚 963.4482 3 (0.3919 )2
𝑚 𝑠
𝛥𝑃𝑡 = 1 [8 × (4.5 × 10−2 × + 2.5]
0.0154 𝑚 2
𝛥𝑃𝑡 = 5511.9488 𝑃𝑎 = 5.512 𝑘𝑃𝑎 = 0.0544 𝑎𝑡𝑚

2.3.1 Isometric Drawing of HE-1

Figure 2.4 Heat Exchanger

Figure 2.5 Right Isometeric View of Heat Exchanger


Figure 2.6 Front View of Heat Exchanger

0.25 m

Figure 2.7 Top View of Heat Exchanger

Equipment Specification Sheet
Item Name Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Item No. HE-1
Supporting Appendix A
Author Nurul Syahirah binti Zulpikri
Subject Specification Data
Heat Exchanger Shell Inside 250 mm
Dimension Diameter

Area 15.0244 m2

No. of Passes 1
Mass flow rate Tube side 45312.2558 kg/hr

Tubes Inner Diameter 15.4 mm (tube diameter ranging from 8mm to

60mm (Wadekar, 2005)
25.4 mm typically used
Outside diameter 20 mm (typically 25.4 mm) (Saari, n.d.)
Diameter ratio 1.3
Corrosion 9
Length 3000 mm = 3m
Number 81 tubes
Baffle Number 11 baffles
Spacing 25 mm
Type Plate (Single segmental)
Pressure Operating 74 atm
Design 80 atm
Temperature Operating (Shell) 32 °C
Design (Shell) 40 °C
Operating (Tube) 98.25 °C
Design (Tube) 150 °C
Material Shell Carbon steel
Tube Carbon steel
Reactant Shell phase Liquid
Tube phase Vapour
Mass Flow Rate 45312.2558 kg/hr
Molar Flow Rate 4014.3997 kmol/hr
Fouling factor 4.8 × 104 (Kakac & Liu, 2002)
Correction factor 1.00

3.1 Mechanical Design

This report summarized reactor design for the production of Methanol. The reactor
chosen were based on the reactions that happen in order to obtain Methanol. Designing the
reactor is challenging as it needs a lot of information to calculate the size of the reactor. A
proper guideline in selection material and sizing is needed. The design chosen for the reaction
occurred in the production of Methanol is Plug Flow Reactor. There are some aspects that need
to be considered in order to design the reactor which are volume, diameter, length, thickness,
head closure of the PFR unit and corrosion allowance.

The idealized PFR model assumes no axial mixing and any element of fluid traveling
through the reactor does not mix with fluid upstream or downstream from it, as implied by the
term "plug flow". Reagents may be introduced into the PFR at locations in the reactor other
than the inlet. In this way, a higher efficiency may be obtained, or the size and cost of the PFR
may be reduced. A PFR has a higher theoretical efficiency than other reactor of the same
volume. That is, given the same space-time (or residence time), a reaction will proceed to a
higher percentage completion in a PFR than others.

3.2 Design Intention

A plug flow reactor (PFR) is a type of continuous reactor in which material inside the
reactor is assumed to flow in a “plug-like” manner. The underlying assumption of PFR
behavior is that no axial mixing occurs between different“plugs” of material in the PFR.
Physically, a PFR is often constructed out of a tube. Material is passed in one end of the tube
and reacts as it traverses along the tube length. The diameter and length of the tube, as well as
the flow rate of material into the tube, determine the effluent concentrations of components at
the exit of the PFR.

3.3 Working Principle

Fluid going through a plug flow reactor is modeled as flowing through the reactor as a
series of infinitely thin coherent “plugs”, each having a uniform composition. The plugs travel
in the axial direction of the reactor, with each plug having a different composition from the

ones before and after it. The key assumption is that as a plug flows through a PFR, the fluid is
perfectly mixed in the radial direction but not mixed at all in the axial direction (not with the
element upstream or downstream). Each plug is considered as a separate entity, effectively an
infinitesimally small batch reactor with mixing approaching zero volume. As the plug flows
down the PFR, the residence time of the plug element is derived from its position in the reactor.
In this description of the ideal plug flow reactor, the residence time distribution is therefore an
Impulse (a small narrow spike function).

3.4 Mass Balance


ṅA=404483.8997 kmol/hr ṅB=401388.3592 kmol/hr

YA(CH4) = 0.0301 YB(CH4) = 0.0301

YA(CH3OH) = 0.0008 YB(CH3OH) = 0.0016

YA(H2) = 0.6639 YB(H2) = 0.6630

YA(CO2) = 0.0395 YB(CO2) = 0.0392

YA(CO) = 0.2628 YB(CO) = 0.2629

YA(H2O) = 0.0002 YB(H2O) = 0.0005

YA(N2) = 0.0027 YB(N2) = 0.0027

Figure 3.0 Reactor mass flowrate

Table 3.0 Compositions of Reactor

Composition Molar Flowrate (kmole/hr)

In Out In Out

CH4 0.0301 0.0301 12174.9654 12081.7896

CH3OH 0.0008 0.0016 323.5871 642.221375

H2 0.6639 0.6630 268536.8610 266120.482

CO2 0.0395 0.0392 15977.1140 15734.4237

CO 0.2628 0.2629 106298.3688 105525

H2O 0.0002 0.0005 80.8968 200.69418

N2 0.0027 0.0026 1092.1065 1043.60973

TOTAL 404483.8997 401348.2204

Data for reactor
Inlet temperature: 150oC
Inlet pressure: 108 atm
Inlet volumetric flow rate = 34.9 m3/min

3.5.1 Volume of the Reactor

According to (Yarlagadda, Morton, Hunter, & Gesser, 1988), the residence time operated in
the reactor is about 2 minutes. The residence time is used to determine the volume of the reactor
as the volume of the reactor cannot be calculated using this formula:

-rA = kCACB

Because we do not have complete information about the k which k formula is:

k = A exp [ 𝑅𝑇 ]

3.5.2 Residence time

Source: Yarlagadda, P. S., Morton, L. A., Hunter, N. R., & Gesser, H. D. (1988). Direct
conversion of methane to methanol in a flow reactor. Industrial & Engineering
Chemistry Research, 27(2), 252–256.

Since the outlet temperature and inlet temperature of the reactor are same, space time is equal
to residence time. Using the formula of space time:

3.5.3 Volume of reactor

τ = VPFR

τ = Residence time

VPFR = Volume of reactor

νo = Initial volumetric flocw rate

From the HYSYS simulation, we get the νo = 34.9 m3/min.

2 min = VPFR

34.9 m3/min

VPFR = 69.8 m3

3.5.4 Diameter of the Reactor

Based on Coulson & Richardson Volume 6, the diameter equation of the reactor is:



VPFR = Volume of the reactor

D = Diameter

Ɩ = Length

Coulson & Richardson Volume 6 assuming a diameter to length ratio (D: Ɩ) of (1:4)

Hence, Ɩ = 4D

VPFR = × 4𝐷
VPFR = πD3

3 𝑉
D= √

3 69.8𝑚3
De = √

De = 2.81 m

3.5.5 Length of the Reactor

Ɩ = 4D
Ɩ = 4 (2.81 m)
Ɩ = 11.24 m

3.5.6 Reactor Thickness
Thickness depends on the operation pressure and temperature beside material of construction.
There will be a minimum wall thickness required to ensure that any vessel is sufficiently rigid
to withstand its own weight and any incidental loads. As a general guide the wall thickness of
any vessel should not be less than the values given below. The values include a corrosion
allowance of 2 mm.

Table 3.1 Minimum practical wall thickness

Vessel diameter (m) Minimum thickness (mm)

1 5

1 to 2 7

2 to 2.5 9

2.5 to 3.0 10

3.0 to 3.5 12

Source: Sinnot R. K. (2005). Chemical Engineering Design. London: Elsevier

Based on the calculated diameter previously, 2.81 m in the range of vessel diameter is 2.5 to
3.0 m. Hence, the minimum thickness of the reactor is 10 mm.

Corrosion Allowance = 2mm (minimum corrosion allowance)

Corrosion Allowance = 10 mm + 2 mm
Corrosion Allowance = 12 mm @ 0.012 m

Comparison using Formula:
Based on Coulson & Richardson (Volume 6), the equation for thickness is
𝑃𝑖 𝐷𝑖
2 𝑓−𝑃𝑖

𝑒 = Thickness
𝑃𝑖 = Internal Pressure of Reactor
𝐷𝑖 = Internal Diameter of Reactor
𝑓 = Design Stress

Figure 3.1 Typical Design Stresses for plate

Source: Sinnot R. K. (2005). Chemical Engineering Design. London: Elsevier

The temperature use in the reactor is 150oC and Carbon steel is chosen as the material of the
reactor. Based on the figure above, the design stress, f at temperature 150oC is 115N/mm2.

The thickness of the plate can be measured with considered the design stress.
𝑃𝑖 𝐷𝑖
2 𝑓−𝑃𝑖
𝑒= 𝑁 𝑁

𝑒 = 141 mm

Corrosion Allowance = 2mm (minimum corrosion allowance)

Corrosion Allowance = 141 mm + 2 mm
Corrosion Allowance = 143 mm @ 0.143m
Corrosion Allowance = 0.14 m


Figure 3.2 Third Dimension view of Reactor

Figure 3.3 Side view of Reactor

Figure 3.4 Isometric view of Reactor


Equipment ID R -1
Type of reactor Plug Flow Reactor
Material Carbon Steel
Purpose To convert the synthesis gas which are the
natural gas to methanol
Pressure 108 atm
Temperature 150oC
Volumetric Flowrate 34.90 m3/min
Volume of the reactor 69.80 m3
Thickness of reactor 0.14m
Radius of reactor 1.41m
Diameter of reactor 2.81m
The length of the reactor 11.24m
Corrosion allowance 0.14m


Produced methanol fluids are complex mixtures of different compounds with different
densities, vapor pressures, and other physical characteristics. As a well stream flows from the
hot, high-pressure petroleum reservoir, it experiences pressure and temperature reductions.
Gases evolve from the liquids and the well stream changes in character. The velocity of the gas
carries liquid droplets, and the liquid carries gas bubbles. The physical separation of these
phases is one of the basic operations in the production, processing, and treatment of gas and
water. In gas and water separator design. we mechanically separate from a hydrocarbon stream
the liquid and gas components that exist at a specific temperature and pressure. Proper separator
design is important because a separation vessel is normally the initial processing vessel in any
facility, and improper design of this process component can "bottleneck" and reduce the
capacity of the entire facility. Separators are classified as "two-phase" if they separate gas from
the total liquid stream and "three-phase" if they also separate the liquid stream into its crude
oil and water components. This chapter deals with two-phase separators. In addition, it
discusses the requirements of good separation design and how various mechanical devices take
advantage of the physical forces in the produced stream to achieve good separation. Separators
are sometimes called "gas scrubbers" when the ratio of gas rate to liquid rate is very high. Some
operators use the term "traps" to designate separators that handle flow directly from wells. In
any case, they all have the same configuration and are sized in accordance with the same

4.1.1 Factors Affecting Separation

Characteristics of the flow stream will greatly affect the design and operation of a separator.
The following factors must be determined before separator design:

 Gas and liquid flow rates (minimum, average, and peak)

 Operating and design pressures and temperatures
 Surging or slugging tendencies of the feed streams
 Physical properties of the fluids such as density and compressibility
 Designed degree of separation (e.g., removing 100% of particles

greater than 10 microns)
 Presence of impurities (paraffin, sand, scale, etc.)
 Foaming tendencies of the crude oil
 Corrosive tendencies of the liquids or gas

4.1.2 Equipment Description Horizontal Separators

Separators are designed in either horizontal, vertical, or spherical configurations.

Figure 4.0 is a schematic of a horizontal separator. The fluid enters the separator and hits an
inlet diverter causing a sudden change in momentum. The initial gross separation of liquid and
vapor occurs at the inlet diverter. The force of gravity causes the liquid droplets to fall out of
the gas stream to the bottom of the vessel where it is collected. This liquid collection section
provides the retention time required to let entrained gas evolve out of the oil and rise to the
vapor space. It also provides a surge volume, if necessary, to handle intermittent slugs of liquid.
The liquid then leaves the vessel through the liquid dump valve. The liquid dump valve is
regulated by a level controller. The level controller senses changes in liquid level and controls
the dump valve accordingly.

Figure 4.0 Schematic of a horizontal separator

The gas flows over the inlet diverter and then horizontally through the gravity settling
section above the liquid. As the gas flows through this section, small drops of liquid that were
entrained in the gas and not separated by the inlet diverter is separated out by gravity and fall
to the gas liquid interface. Some of the drops are of such a small diameter that they are not
easily separated in the gravity settling section. Before the gas leaves the vessel, it passes
through a coalescing section or mist extractor. This section uses elements of vanes, wire mesh,
or plates to coalesce and remove the very small droplets of liquid in one final separation before
the gas leaves the vessel. The pressure in the separator is maintained by a pressure controller.
The pressure controller senses changes in the pressure in the separator and sends a signal to
either open or close the pressure control valve accordingly. By controlling the rate at which gas
leaves the vapor space of the vessel the pressure in the vessel is maintained. Normally,
horizontal separators are operated half full of liquid to maximize the surface area of the gas
liquid interface.

43 Horizontal VS Vertical vessel selection

Horizontal separators are smaller and less expensive than vertical separators for a given
gas capacity. In the gravity settling section of a horizontal vessel, the liquid droplets fall
perpendicular to the gas flow and thus are more easily settled out of the gas continuous phase.
Also, since the interface area is larger in a horizontal separator than a vertical separator, it is
easier for the gas bubbles, which come out of solution as the liquid approach’s equilibrium, to
reach the vapor space. Horizontal separators offer greater liquid capacity and are best suited
for liquid-liquid separation and foaming crudes.

Smaller, horizontal vessels can have less liquid surge capacity than vertical vessels
sized for the same steady-state flow rate. For a given change in liquid surface elevation, there
is typically a larger increase in liquid volume for a horizontal separator than for a vertical
separator sized for the same flow rate. However, the geometry of a horizontal vessel causes
any high level shut-down device to be located close to the normal operating level. In a vertical
vessel, the shutdown could be placed much higher, allowing the level controller and dump
valve more time to react to the surge. In addition, surges in horizontal vessels could create
internal waves that could activate a high-level sensor.

Overall, horizontal vessels are the most economical for normal oil-gas separation,
particularly where there may be problems with emulsions, foam, or high gas-oil ratios. Vertical
vessels work most effectively in low GOR applications. They are also used in some very high
GOR applications, such as scrubbers where only fluid mists are being removed from the gas.

Table 4.0 Compositions of Separator
Composition Molar Flowrate
Composition (out) Molar Flowrate (kmole/hr) (out)
(liquid) (in) Top Bottom (kmole/hr) (in) Bottom
Top (liq)
(liq) (liq) (liq)

CH4 0.0301 0.0302 0.0003 12081.7896 12094.1789 0.2757

CH3OH 0.0016 0.0008 0.645 642.2214 320.3756 592.6642

H2 0.663 0.6637 0.0022 266120.4821 265791.6072 2.0215

CO2 0.0392 0.039 0.016 15734.4237 15618.3105 14.7017

CO 0.2629 0.2635 0.0014 105524.9996 105523.7133 1.2864

H2O 0.0005 0.0001 0.335 200.6942 40.0470 307.8178

N2 0.0027 0.0027 0.0001 1083.7486 1081.2677 0.0919

401388.3592 400469.5 918.8592 Drop Size

The purpose of the gas separation section of the vessel is to condition the gas for final
polishing by the mist extractor. From field experience, it appears that if 100-micron drops are
removed in this section, the mist extractor will not become flooded and will be able to perform
its job of removing those drops between 10- and 100-micron diameter. The gas capacity design
equations in this section are all based on 100- micron removal. In some cases, this will give an
overly conservative solution. The techniques used here can be easily modified for any drop

These vessels usually require a gas separation section. There are special cases where
the separator is designed to remove only very small quantities of liquid that could condense
due to temperature or pressure changes in a stream of gas that has already passed through a
separator and a mist extractor. These separators, commonly called "gas scrubbers," could be
designed for removal of droplets on the order of 500 microns without fear of flooding their
mist extractors. Fuel gas scrubbers, compressor suction scrubbers, and contact tower inlet
scrubbers are examples of vessels to which this might apply. Retention Time

To assure that the liquid and gas reach equilibrium at separator pressure a certain liquid
storage is required. This is defined as "retention time" or the average time a molecule of liquid
is retained in the vessel assuming plug flow. The retention time is thus the volume of the liquid
storage in the vessel divided by the liquid flow rate.

For most applications’ retention times of between 30 seconds and 3 minutes have been
found to be sufficient. Where foaming crude is present retention times up to four times this
amount may be needed.


4.2.1 Horizontal Separators

For sizing a horizontal separator, it is necessary to choose a seam-to-seam vessel length

and a diameter. This choice must satisfy the conditions for gas capacity that allow the liquid
drops to fall from the gas to the liquid volume as the gas traverses the effective length of the
vessel. It must also provide enough retention time to allow the liquid to reach equilibrium.


Gas volume = 6.4822m3/hr

Liquid volume = 26.8712 m3/hr

Total volume =33.3534 m3/hr

=3335.3 L/hr

i. Hemispherical head

Due to P> 35

Thus, L=10m

Assume, L=10m

ii. Total volume of head

VH = 2/3 π (RL)3

= 2/3 π (di/2)3

= 2/3 π (10/10)3

= 2.0944m3 × 2 head

= 4.1888m3

iii. Volume of Horizontal capsule tank

Vc = π r2 × [(4/3 r) + L]

= π (1m)2 × [(4/3) (1m) + 10m]

= 35.6047 m3

iv. Area of circle

Ac = π r2

= π (1m)2

= 3.1415m2

Horizontal Separator – with must extractor

v. Gas capacity

The gas capacity of oil-gas separators has been calculated for many years from the
following empirical relationship proposed by Souders-Brown:

Figure 4.1 K Factors for Separators and Columns

Vt = K (√ P1 - Pg / Pg)

= 0.0942 √ [(8.53196 – 22.4741)/ 22.4991]

= 0.5717 m/s

= 2057.4 m/hr

The K capacity factor for mesh mist extractors is often derated as given in the following
table for higher pressure operation to compensate for the reduction in surface tension of the
liquids that occurs with increasing pressure.

vi. Gas Flow

QA = ṁ / Pg

= (401388.3592 kg/hr) / 22.4991 kg/m3

= 17840.1962 m3/ hr

As can be seen on the sizing charts for horizontal separators, a correction must be made
for the amount of liquid in the bottom of the separator. This is for single tube horizontal vessels.
One-half full of liquid is more or less standard for most manufacturers for single tube horizontal
separators. However, the gas capacity can be increased by lowering the liquid level to increase
the available gas space within the vessel. Gas capacities of horizontal separators with liquid
sections one-half full, one-third full, or one-quarter full can be determined from the gas
capacity charts.

vii. Area of must extractor

P = Qc / VT

= (17840.1962 m3/hr) / 2057.4 m/hr

= 8.6712 m2

C” (RC)2 = (0.95)(106)(22.9991)(0.0002)3(851.3176- 22.4991) / (1.129 × 10-2) 3

= 1.1119 × 105

From graph C”= 0.98 ~ Drag coefficient

Using eq 1 : C” (RE)2 = (1.1119 × 105) / 0.98

RE = 113459.1837

Reynold number ~RE = 336.837 ~ (intermediate law)

VT = (3.49g0.71 DP1.14 (P1 -Pg)0.41) / Pg0.29 π0.43 ~ Terminal velocity

= [3.49(9.81)0.71(0.0002)1.14(357.3196-22.4991)0.41]/(22.4991)0.29(1.129×10-2)0.43

= 0.3527m/s ~ 1269.8 m/hr

viii. Velocity – Pipe sizing

V̇= √(2Pd/P) ~ eq 1

V̇= (4V/πD2) ~ eq 2

When : Ps=36.38 atm @ 3.6862×106 N/m3

P =851.3196 kg/m3

ix. Feed

From eq 1

V̇= √(2[(3.6862×106)/851.3196]

= 93.0589 m/s

x. Diameter

From eq 2

V̇=33.3534 m3/hr

= 0.3959 m3/s

DT= √4[(0.3959)/93.0589]

= 0.13 m

xi. Gas

When Ps= 36.38 atm @ 2.8902×105 N/m3 , P=22.4991 kg/m3

V̇=√ 2[(2.8902×105)/22.4991]

= 584.2643 m/s

Diameter ~ using eq 2 , V̇=4.2842 m3/hr , 0.0714 m3/s

D= √4[(0.0714)/π(584.2643)]

=0.0125m @ 1.25cm

xii. Liquid

The liquid capacity of a separator is primarily dependent upon the retention time of the liquid
within the vessel. Good separation requires sufficient time to obtain an equilibrium condition
between the liquid and gas phases at the temperature and pressure of separation. The liquid
capacity of a separator or the settling volume required based on retention can be determined
from the following equation.

When ; Pd~ 37 atm @ 3.8402×106 N/m3 , P= 851.3196 kg/m3

From eq 1

V̇=√ 2[(3.8402×106)/851.3196]

=94.9829 m/s

xiii. Diameter

Using eq 2 , V̇=24.7182 m3/hr , 0.912 m3/s

D= √4[(0.412)/π(94.9829)]

= 0.0743m @7.43cm


Figure 4.2 Front view of separator

Figure 4.3 Top view of separator

Figure 4.4 Side view of separator

Figure 4.5 Overall view of separator


Equipment ID R -1

Type of reactor Separator

Material Stainless steel

Purpose To separate the synthesis gas and liquid

Pressure 36.38 atm

Temperature 150oC

Volumetric Flowrate 33.3534 m3/hr

Volume of the separator 35.6047 m3

Radius of separator 3.1415m

Diameter of separator 1m

The length of the separator 10m


Compressor, device mechanically reducing its volume to increase the pressure of a gas.
Air is the most frequently compressed gas, but it is also compressed with natural gas, oxygen,
nitrogen and other gasses of industrial importance. The three general compressor types are
positive, centrifugal and axial displacement. Positive displacement compressors are usually of
the reciprocal piston type in which the gas is drawn in during the piston's suction stroke,
compressed by decreasing the gas volume by moving the piston in the opposite direction, and
finally discharged when the gas pressure exceeds the outlet valve pressure. Reciprocating
compressors are helpful at comparatively elevated pressure to supply tiny quantities of a gas
(Britannica, 2019).

This equipment is used to increase pressure the gas mixture up to 75 bar. The pressurize
gas mixture will then enter a heat exchanger to reduce its temperature from 50°C to 38°C.

ṅA=4014.3997 kmol/hr ṅB=4014.3997 kmol/hr
YA(CH4) = 0.0220 YB(CH4) = 0.0220
YA(H2) = 0.6750 YB(H2) = 0.6750
YA(CO2) = 0.0690 YB(CO2) = 0.0690
YA(CO) = 0.2300 YB(CO) = 0.2300
YA(H2O) = 0.0020 YB(H2O) = 0.0020
YA(N2) = 0.0020 YB(N2) = 0.0020
Figure 5.0 Compressor Mass flowrate

The table below is a summary of composition for input and output of compressor that
was calculated manually.

Table 5.0 Manual Calculation for Compressor Stage 1

Molar Flowrate
Components (kmole/hr)

In Out In Out

CH4 0.022 0.022 88.3168 88.3168

CH3OH 0 0 0.0000 0.0000

H2 0.675 0.6750 2709.7198 2709.7198

CO2 0.069 0.069 276.9936 276.9936

CO 0.23 0.23 923.3119 923.3119

H2O 0.002 0.002 8.0288 8.0288

N2 0.002 0.002 8.0288 8.0288

TOTAL 4014.3997 4014.3997

Piston compressors or reciprocal compressors depend on the reciprocal action of one or

more pistons to compress and discharge gas within a cylinder (or cylinders) by valving it into
elevated pressure receiving tanks. In many cases, the tank and compressor are mounted as a so-
called packaged unit in a common frame or skid. While the main piston compressor
implementation provides compressed air as an energy source, piston compressors are also used
for natural gas transmission by pipeline operators. Piston compressors are chosen for the
necessary pressure (psi) and flow rate (scfm). A typical plant-air system offers compressed air
with volumes ranging from 30 to 2500 cfm in the 90-110 psi range; these ranges can usually
be achieved through commercial off - the-shelf units. Plant-air systems can be sized around
one unit or depending on numerous smaller units spaced across the crop.

Figure 5.1 An example of a reciprocating air compressor

Two-stage units are accessible to obtain greater air pressure than a single-stage
compressor can provide. Compressed air usually moves through an intercooler before entering
the second phase to eliminate some of the heat produced during the first phase cycle. Many
piston compressors are intended to function in a duty cycle, not continually, when it comes to
heat. Such cycles make it possible to dissipate heat produced during the procedure through air-
cooled fins in many cases. Both oil-lubricated and oil-free designs are accessible for piston
compressors. Other designs are better suited for some apps that require the best quality oil-free

5.1.1 Types of Reciprocating Air Compressor

i. Single Acting
ii. Double Acting
iii. Single stage air Compressor
iv. Double stage air Compressor

i. Single Acting

Only one side of the piston is used in single-acting reciprocating air compressor to compress
the air and another side is linked to the crankcase and not used for compression.

ii. Double Acting

Both sides of the piston are used for air compression in this type of compressor. When suction
occurs on one hand compression occurs on the other. There is both suction and compression
on each piston stroke.

iii. Single Stage

Figure 5.2 Single Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor

The air compression takes place in a single-phase reciprocating air compressor in a

single cylinder. It sucks the air out of the atmosphere in the first stroke and compresses it in
the second stroke and delivers it to the storage tank.

iv. Double Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor

Figure 5.3 Double Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor

In this type of compressor, air compression takes place in two phases, i.e. the air is first
compressed in one cylinder to some extent and then moved for further compression to the
second cylinder. The compressed air is finally stored in a tank.

5.1.2 Main Parts

Figure 5.4 Main Parts of Reciprocating Air Compressor

Piston It does reciprocate motion in the cylinder and responsible for the
compression of the air.
Cylinder It is a chamber that compresses air.
Connection Rod It connects the piston and crankshaft.
Crankshaft It is connected to the shaft of electric motor. And transfers its rotary
motion to the piston.
Suction valve The air is sucked through suction valve when piston moves to BDC.
Discharge valve The compressed air is discharged through the discharge valve to the
storage tank.

5.1.3 Working Principle

As the piston moves towards the BDC, the air is sucked into the cylinder from the
atmosphere in the reciprocating air compressor, and as it moves towards the TDC, the
compression of the air begins and continues and the pressure rises. When the pressure rises to
the limit of its design, it pushes the discharge valve to open and delivers the compressed air to
the storage tank (Mishra, 2018).

Either electric engine, diesel / gas motors power the reciprocating compressor.

Figure 5.5 Working of Reciprocating Air Compressor

 The electric motor starts to rotate as power is on and rotates the crankshaft attached to it as
well. The piston begins to move in and out of the cylinder.
 The air from the atmosphere enters the cylinder chamber as the piston moves downwards
(toward BDC).
 Now the piston moves upward (i.e. towards TDC) after reaching BDC, the air compression
begins, and its pressure begins to rise.
 When the pressure inside the cylinder rises above the discharge valve pressure, the
discharge valve opens and the compressed air is transferred to an air storage tank from
where it is used for the job.


In this calculation, the first step is to calculate the capacity where value for
compressibility (Z), universal gas constant (Ru), suction temperature (Ts), suction pressure (Ps),
and the mw can be obtained. To size a compressor the capacity must be stated as the volume it
will occupy at the compressor's suction. This volume is normally referred to as inlet cubic feet
per minute (ICFM). The metric equivalent is inlet cubic meters per hour (Im3 /hr). If the term
ACFM is used, it must be made clear the volume is measured at suction pressure and
temperature and not some other conditions.

a. Capacity

From Hysys: Compressibility, Z = 1.024

Suction temperature, Ts = 323.15 K

Suction pressure, Ps = 73 bar

Molecular weight = 11.25

𝑙𝑚3 𝑍(𝑘𝑔⁄ℎ𝑟) 𝑅𝑢 𝑇𝑠
ℎ𝑟 𝑀𝑊 𝑃𝑠

𝑘𝑔 𝑏𝑎𝑟 ∙ 𝑚3
1.024 (925.4 ) (0.08319 ) (323.15 𝐾)
ℎ𝑟 𝐾𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 ∙ 𝐾
(11.25)(73 𝑏𝑎𝑟)

= 30.75 ℎ𝑟

Gas knowledge, required capacity, suction pressure, suction temperature, and discharge
pressure will make it possible to size the correct compressor. The basics steps involved are:

1. Calculate the compression ratio.

2. Choose between a single-stage or two-stage compressor.

3. Calculate the discharge temperature.

4. Determine the volumetric efficiency.

5. Determine the required piston displacement.

6. Select the compressor model.

7. Determine the minimum RPM required of the selected compressor.

8. Calculate the actual piston displacement.

9. Calculate the power required.

b. Compression Ratio

Compression ratio (R) is the ratio of discharge pressure to suction pressure:

𝑅 =

75 𝑏𝑎𝑟
𝑅 =
73 𝑏𝑎𝑟

= 1.027

c. Choose between a single-stage or two-stage compressor

The selection of the correct number of phases of compression is mainly based on the
proportion of compression. Discharge temperatures and the duty cycle could also be considered
when determining the number of phases to be used.

Table 5.1 Guideline of choosing stage

Selection and Sizing.pdf.

R = 1.027, ∴ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒

d. Discharge Temperature (Td)

The compressor’s discharge temperature directly affects the life of the piston rings and valves.
𝑃𝑑 𝑛 𝑀𝑊
𝑇𝑑 = 𝑇𝑠 ( 𝑃 ) = 𝑇𝑠 𝑅 𝑛 n = 𝑀𝑊−1.99 = 1.215

75 𝑏𝑎𝑟 (1.215−1)/1.215
= 323.15 𝐾 ( )
73 𝑏𝑎𝑟

= 324.68 𝐾

Continuous duty applications should be limited to a maximum of approximately 300°F

(149°C). For Blackmer compressors, the published maximum permissible temperature is 350°F
(177°C). Temperature applications above 350 ° F (177 ° C) should be carefully assessed. Other

phases of compression or a water-cooled unit should be regarded unless highly brief duty cycles
are engaged.

e. Volumetric Efficiency

Volumetric efficiency is the proportion of the compressed gas quantity to the physical
size of the cylinder volume of the compressor. For estimating purposes, the following formulas
can be used:
Single-stage compressors: 𝑉𝐸% = 93 − 𝑅 − 8 (𝑅 𝑛 − 1)

= 93 − 1.027 − 8 (1.0271.215 − 1)

= 91.8%

f. Required Piston Displacement (PDR)

Piston displacement (PD) is a metric of the size of the compressor and depends on
cylinders size, number and type, and RPM compressor. Required piston displacement (PDR)
is a calculated amount to determine the size of a compressor to manage the given ability.

𝑃𝐷𝑅 = (𝑙𝑚3 ⁄ℎ𝑟)/𝑉𝐸


= 33.5 𝑚3 ⁄ℎ𝑟

g. Selecting the Compressor Size

Once a single-stage or two-stage choice has been made and the calculation of the piston
displacement required, the compressor can be sized.

Table 5.2 Piston Displacement for every Compressor size

Selection and Sizing.pdf.

Since the Piston Displacement is 33.5 𝑚3 ⁄ℎ𝑟, size 360 compressor is the precise
equipment type where conditions and parameters are considered. Often, at a faster speed, a
choice must be made between a larger size compressor at slow speed versus a smaller
compressor. In making this decision, the temperature of discharge and the duty cycle should
be regarded.

h. Determination of The Minimum RPM Required

Known from the compressor model and Required Piston Displacement, it is possible to
calculate the minimum RPM necessary.

Table 5.3 Requires Piston Displacement

Selection and Sizing.pdf.

𝑅𝑃𝑀𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 100 𝑃𝐷𝑅 ⁄𝑃𝐷100

= 100 (33.5 𝑚3 ⁄ℎ𝑟 )⁄7.41 𝑚3

𝑅𝑃𝑀𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 452.09

Since the compressor size is 361, the value of PD100 is 7.41 m3

i. Actual Piston Displacement

The actual piston displacement can be calculated.

𝑃𝐷 = 𝑅𝑃𝑀 ∗ (𝑃𝐷100 )⁄100

= 452.09(7.41𝑚3 )⁄100

𝑃𝐷 = 33.50

j. Power Required

For estimating purposes, the following formulas may be used:

𝐵𝐻𝑃 = 0.00528(𝑛⁄𝑛 − 1)(𝑃𝑠 )𝑃𝐷(𝑅 (𝑛−1)⁄1 − 1)

= 0.00528(5.651)(73 𝑏𝑎𝑟)(46.3)(1.027(1.215−1)⁄1.215 − 1)

= 0.48 𝐵𝐻𝑃 (𝐾𝑊)

5.3.1 Front View

Figure 5.6 Front Dimension View of Compressor

Figure 5.7 Mechanical Drawing (AutoCAD) Front view of Compressor

5.3.2 Side View

Figure 5.8 Side Dimension View of Compressor

Figure 5.9 Mechanical Drawing (AutoCad) Side View of Compressor

5.3.3 Third Dimension View

Figure 5.10 Mechanical Drawing (AutoCAD) 3D View of Compressor



General Information
Type of equipment Single Stage Reciprocating Compressor
Function To increase the pressure of a given quantity
of gas.
Material of Construction Stainless Steel
Operating Information
Operating Pressure 75 bar
Operating Temperature 51.64°C
Operating Condition Continuous
Feed Flowrate 56,424.9 kg/hr
Design Information
Number of cylinders 2
Bore (mm) 51
Stroke (mm) 76
Maximum Working Pressure (bar) 69
Minimum/Maximum RPM 350/825
Piston Displacemnent @ Max RPM (m3/hr) 15.3
Maximum BPH (KW) 11
Wt w/Flywheel (kg) 175
Inlet/Outlet Connections 1.5” 600# ANSI


Figure 6.0 Properties of Compressor in Hysys

Figure 6.1 Conditions of Compressor in Hysys

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