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Chapter 7.

7.1 If a Saturn V rocket with an Apollo spacecraft attached has a combined mass of m = 2.9x105
kg and is to reach a speed of v = 11.2 km/s = 11.2 x103 m/s, how much Kinetic Energy will it

1 2
K= mv = 1.82 101 3 J
7.2. On August 10, 1972, a large meteorite skipped across the atmosphere above western United
States and Canada, much like a stone skipped across water. The accompanying fireball was so
bright that it could be seen in the daytime sky. The meteorites mass was about 4x106kg; its speed
was about 15 km/s. At it entered the atmosphere vertically, it would have hit the earths surface with
the same speed. (a) Calculate the meteorites loss of kinetic energy (in joules) that would have been
associated with the vertical impact. (b) Express the energy as a multiple of the explosive energy of
1 megaton of TNT, which is 4.2x1015J. (c) The energy associated with the atomic bomb
explosion over Hiroshima was equivalent to 13 kilotons of TNT. To how many Hiroshima
bombs would the meteorite impact have been equivalent?

a. The energy loss would be

1 2 1
K= mv = 4 106 kg (15, 000m / s)2
2 2
= 4.5 10 J

b. The equivalent loss in megatons of TNT

4.5 101 4 J
# MT = = 0.107MT = 107kT
4.2 101 5J / MT

c How many Hiroshima Bombs is this?

# Hiroshimas = = 8.23
13kT / Hiroshima

We were very lucky...

7.7 A coin slides over a frictionless plane and across an xy coordinate system from the origin to a
point with xy coordinates (3.0m, 4.0m) while a constant force acts on it. The force has magnitude
2.0N and is directed at a counterclockwise angle of 100 degrees form the positive direction of the x
axis How much work is done by the force on the coin during the displacement.

The easiest way to do this problem is to write out both the displacement vector and the force vector
in component form and then use the definition of work. We begin with a picture of what is



d = 3 i + 4 j
F = 2sin100 i + 2cos100 j
r r
W =Fd
= 3 2sin100+ 4 2cos100
= 5.91+ (1.39)
= 4.52J

7.10 An 8.0 kg object is moving in the positive direction of an x axis. When it passes through
x=0, a constant force directed
along the axis begins to ac on it. Figure 7.27 give its Kinetic energy
K verses position x as it moves form x-0 to x=5m. The force continues to act. What is v when
the object moves back through x=-3.


5 x (m)
The decreasing kinetic energy indicates that the work done by the force is negative. This means that
for our right (+) moving mass, the force must be directed to the left. We can find the force by
examining the change in kinetic energy over the distance x=0 to x=5. For this case, we can write
(since we know that the force is opposite the displacement).
r r
K = F d
= Fd cos180
= Fd
0 30J = F 5m
F = 6N
Now that we know the force, we can compute the work done between 0 and -3. In this case, the
motion is to the left and the force is to the left, so the angle between force and displacement is 0
r r 1
K = F d mv f 2 = 48J
= Fd cos0
2 48J
= Fd vf =
K f 30J = 6N 3m
2 48J
K f 30J = 18J =
K f = 48J = 3.46m / s

7.13 Figure 7-29 shows three forces applied to agreased trunk that moves leftward by 3m over a a
frictionless floor. The force magnitudes are F1=5.00N, F2=9.00N, and F3=3.00N. During the
displacement, (a) what is the net work done on the trunk by the three forces and (b) does the
kinetic energy of the trunk increase or decrease?

Since there is no motion in the vertical direction, there is no work done by forces and components
of forces in that direction. We need only concern ourselves with the horizontal motion

Fnet x = F2 cos60 F1
= 9.00N cos60 5.00N
= 0.5N
The net force is to the left. This is in the same direction as the motion. The work done is therefore

W = Fnet x d
= 0.5N 3m
= 1.5J
The work done on the trunk is positive, so the kinetic energy increases.
7.21 In Fig. 7-33, a block of ice slides down a frictionless
r ram at angle = 50 while an ice
worker pulls on the block (via a rope with a force Fr that has a magnitude of 50 N and is directed
up the ramp. As the block slides through the distance d = 0.50m along the ramp, its kinetic energy
increases by 80J. How much greater would its kinetic energy have been if the rope had not been
We begin by computing the work done by the worker. The block slides down the incline, while the
force exerted by the worker is up the incline.
We begin by computing the work done by the force
exerted by the worker

Ww = F d cos180
= 50N 0.5m (1)
= 25J

The total work done on the ice is composed of a piece due to gravity and a the work that we have
computed due to the workers force. We also know that the total work done is the change in the
Kinetic energy.

Wtotal = Wgravity + W w
80J = W gravity + (25J)
Wgravity = 105J
If there had been no rope force, the work done would be just the work of gravity. In that case, the
work done would have been 105J, with a final K of 105 J. This is 25J greater than with the rope.

7.23 In Fig. 7-34, a 0.250 kg block of cheese lies on the floor of a 900 kg elevator cab that is
being pulled upward by a cable through a distance d1 = 2.40 m and then a through a distance
d2 = 10.50 m . (a) Through d1 , if the normal force on the block from the floor has a constant
magnitude FN = 3.00N , how much work is done on the cab by the force from the cable? (b)
Through d2 , if the work done on the cab by the (constant) force from the cable is 92.61 kJ, what is
the magnitude of FN ?

(a) In this part of the problem, we will use the known normal force to find the acceleration of the
cheese and the elevator cab. This will allow us to find the tension T in the cable.




First we find the acceleration of the cheese.

m a = N mg
N mg 3N 0.25kg 9.8m / s2
a= =
m 0.25kg
= 2.2m / s2
Now we know the acceleration of the cab. We can find the tension

(M + m) a = T (M + m)g
T = (M + m)a + (M + m)g
= (M + m)(a + g)
= (900.25kg) (9.8 + 2.2)
= 10803N
Now we can find the work done.

W = Fd cos
= T d1 cos
= 10803N 2.4m cos0
= 25,927.2J

b) In this part of the problem, we know the work done on the cab. This allows us to work
backward to find the acceleration of the cheese and finally the normal force.

W = Fd cos
= T d2 cos
d2 cos
10.5m cos0
= 8820N
Now we find the acceleration.

(M + m) a = T (M + m)g
T (M + m)g
(M + m)
8820N (900.25)9.8
(M + m)
Given the acceleration, we can now find the Normal force

m a = N mg
0 = N mg
N = mg = 0.25kg 9.8m / s2
= 2.45N

7.33 The force on a particle is directed along an x axis and given by F = F0 ( 1) . Find the

work done by the force in moving the particle from x = 0 to x = 2x 0 by (a) plotting F(x) and
measuring the work from a graph

a) The graph is plotted on the left. The work done is the area
under the curve, as shown shaded on
the right. We can see that the work doneis zero.

F0 F0

x0 2x0 x0 2x0

-F0 -F0
b) To do this problem analytically, we need to integrated
2x 0

W = F ( xx 0 1) dx
0 0

= F0 ( xx 1) dx
0 0

x2 2x 0
=( x)
2x 0 0
(2x 0 )2 02
=( 2x 0 ) ( 0)
2x 0 2x 0

7.37 Figure 7-39 gives the acceleration of a 2.00 kg particle as an applied force Fa moves it from
rest long an x axis form
x=0 to x=9m. How much work has the force done on the particle when the
particle reaches (a) x=4.0m, (b) x=7.0 m, (c) x=9.0 m? What is the particles speed and direction
of travel when it reaches (d) x=4.0 m, (e) x=7.0 m, and (f) x=9.0 m?

We can convert the graph of acceleration to the graph of force just by multiplying by the mass. The
graph becomes


2 4 6 8


We calculate by finding the areas under the curve.

W04 = 112 + 312 = 42J
1 1 1
W07 = 112 + 312 + 112 + 1 12 + 1 12 = 30J
2 2 2
1 1 1 1
W09 = 112 + 312 + 112 + 1 12 + 2 12 + 1 12 = 12J
2 2 2 2
We can find the speed from

W = K = K f K i 2W 04 2 42J
v4 = = = 6.48m / s
1 1 m 2kg
= mv f 2 mv i2
2 2 2W07 2 30J
1 v7 = = = 5.5m / s
= mv f 2 0 m 2kg
2W 2W09 2 12J
vf = v7 = = = 3.46m / s
m 2kg

The motion is in the positive direction in all of these cases.

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