Hyster B222 Engine Fault Codes - 1616437 - 0600SRM1232 (07-2007)

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H40.00-48.00XM-12 (H800-1050HD/HDS) [A917];
RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH,
RS46-40CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41L CH,
RS46-41LS CH, RS45-24IH, RS45-28IH,
RS46-33IH, RS46-37IH, RS46-38S IH, RS46-38L
IH, RS46-38LS IH (HR45-27, HR45-31,
HR45-36, HR45-40, HR45-41S, HR45-41L,
HR45-41LS) [B222]; H40.00-52.00XM-16CH
(H1050HD-CH, 1150HD-CH) [F117]

PART NO. 1616437 600 SRM 1232

When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly
fastened, and that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and
chains have the capacity to support the weight of the load.

Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

Wear safety glasses.

DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair

on electric lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift

Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.

Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

Use the correct tools for the job.

Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.

Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.

Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.

Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!

Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Cummins Diesel Engine Fault Code Guide Table of Contents


General ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Fault Codes ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Normal Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Fault Log Mode .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Access ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Exit ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Clear ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Electronic Throttle Calibration..................................................................................................................... 2
Electronic Throttle Calibration Procedure .............................................................................................. 2

This section is for the following models:

H40.00-48.00XM-12 (H800-1050HD/HDS) [A917];

RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH, RS46-40CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41L
CH, RS46-41LS CH, RS45-24IH, RS45-28IH, RS46-33IH, RS46-37IH,
RS46-38S IH, RS46-38L IH, RS46-38LS IH (HR45-27, HR45-31, HR45-36,
HR45-40, HR45-41S, HR45-41L, HR45-41LS) [B222];
H40.00-52.00XM-16CH (H1050HD-CH, 1150HD-CH) [F117]



600 SRM 1232 Fault Codes

This section covers the base control system, electronic throttle calibration, and the dash display fault codes for
the Cummins diesel engine.

Fault Codes
NORMAL MODE 2. Turn ON ignition, but do not start lift truck.

Under normal conditions the LCD display shows en- 3. Turn ignition OFF and ON 3 times, switch 1 time
gine running hours. The maximum hours that can per second. After the first OFF and ON cycle, the
be displayed is 99.999 hours. See Figure 1. display will show a 1. After the second OFF and
ON cycle, the display will show a 2. After the
If one or more errors occur during operation, the third OFF and ON cycle, the display will show a
LCD display will begin displaying the following 3. See Figure 1.
codes in two second intervals and will continue to
repeat these codes as long as they occur: The display is now in fault log mode. When no faults
E_CON have been recorded, the LCD display shows "clear".
Fault code number(s) When faults have been recorded, the display shows a
Hourmeter reading letter and 4 numbers for each fault code. For engine
fault codes, the letter is E. For transmission fault
codes, the letter is T.

The numbers represent the following:

Fault code
Hourmeter reading at last occurrence
Hourmeter reading at first occurrence
Number of occurrences of current fault

Each number is shown for 3 seconds, after which the

following number is shown. The faults will be shown
in the opposite sequence of occurrence: The most re-
cent fault first and the first occurred fault last. When
all recorded fault codes have been shown, the display
will continue to repeat these recorded fault codes un-
til the user exists the fault log mode.
When more than one fault occurs at the same time,
the fault codes will be displayed in succession. When Display fault code E_COM is shown when the follow-
circumstances have changed and all faults have ing occurs:
ceased to exist, the LCD display will show engine The engine controller does not reply to the engine
running hours only. identification request or request for fault codes.
The engine controller stops sending one of the reg-
FAULT LOG MODE ular messages, e.g. engine RPM or engine coolant
The instrument cluster has a memory that records
each fault when it occurs. These faults that have To exit the fault log mode, turn the ignition OFF
occurred can be reviewed at a later point in time by and ON and leave ignition ON for more than 2 sec-
entering into the fault log mode. Proceed as follows onds. The cluster will also exit to normal mode when
to enter into the fault log mode: the parking brake is released or when the engine is
1. Apply parking brake.

Fault Codes 600 SRM 1232


To clear the fault codes logged in the display, proceed The ECM (engine control module) keeps a record of
as follows: the idle position and full throttle position of the ac-
celerator pedal. When the engine control module
1. Access into the fault log mode. See Access. has sensed severe changes in these positions, it will
generate the fault code E0431. The most common
2. Repeat the same procedure used to access stored
reason for sensed position changes are throttle ad-
fault codes. See Access.
justments, throttle sensor replacement, and discon-
The memory will be erased. If the data erasing necting the main power (battery shut off). The en-
process is successful the display will show "Okclr". gine control module will automatically correct sensed
If the data erasing process is not successful, the changes, but this may result in initial engine perfor-
display will show "noclr". After the "okclr" or "noclr" mance problems. Throttle calibration should be per-
indication the display returns to the fault log mode. formed following a main power disconnect or throttle
To return to the normal mode, follow the procedure adjustment.
as described in Exit. To retry erasing stored fault
codes, follow step 2 of the procedure to clear fault Electronic Throttle Calibration Procedure
1. Turn the ignition ON.

2. Press the throttle slowly to maximum throttle,

and then fully release the throttle.

3. Repeat Step 2 a minimum of two times.



Figure 1. Instrument Cluster (B222 Shown)

600 SRM 1232 Fault Codes

Table 1. Error Code Descriptions

Warning Lights Fault Code Readout

Diagnostic Engine Maintenance Fault Description
Warning Stop Warning Code
Light Warning Light
ON 111 Engine control module, critical internal failure.
ON 115 Engine speed/position sensor circuit, loss of both signals from
magnetic pickup sensor.
ON 122 Intake manifold pressure sensor #1 circuit, shorted high.
ON 123 Intake manifold pressure sensor #1 circuit, shorted low.
ON 124 Intake manifold 1 pressure - Data valid but above normal
operational range - Moderately severe level
ON 131 Accelerator pedal position sensor circuit, shorted high.
ON 132 Accelerator pedal position sensor circuit, shorted low.
ON 133 Remote accelerator pedal position sensor circuit, shorted high.
ON 134 Remote accelerator pedal position sensor circuit, shorted low.
ON 135 Engine oil pressure sensor circuit, shorted high.
ON 141 Engine oil pressure sensor circuit, shorted low.
ON 143 Engine oil pressure low warning.
ON 144 Engine coolant temperature sensor circuit, shorted high.
ON 145 Engine coolant temperature sensor circuit, shorted low.
ON 146 Coolant Temperature High - Data valid but above normal
operational range - Moderately severe level
ON 147 Accelerator pedal position sensor circuit, low frequency.
ON 148 Accelerator pedal position sensor circuit, high frequency.
ON 151 Engine coolant temperature high, critical.
ON 153 Intake manifold temperature sensor #1 circuit, shorted high.
ON 154 Intake manifold temperature sensor #1 circuit, shorted low.
ON 155 Intake manifold temperature #1 high, critical.
187 Sensor supply voltage #2 circuit, shorted low.
ON 193 Cruise Control (Resistive) Signal Circuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
ON 194 Cruise Control (Resistive) Signal Circuit - Voltage below normal,
or shorted to low source
ON 195 Coolant Level Sensor Circuit - Voltage above normal, or shorted
to high source
ON 196 Coolant Level Sensor Circuit - Voltage below normal, or shorted
to low source
ON 197 Coolant Level - Data valid but below normal operational range -
Moderately severe level

Fault Codes 600 SRM 1232

Table 1. Error Code Descriptions (Continued)

Warning Lights Fault Code Readout

Diagnostic Engine Maintenance Fault Description
Warning Stop Warning Code
Light Warning Light
ON 199 Engine Automatic Start Lamp Driver Circuit - Voltage above
normal, or shorted to high source
211 Additional OEM/Vehicle diagnostic codes have been logged. Check
other ECMs for DTCs.
ON 212 Engine oil temperature sensor circuit, shorted high.
ON 213 Engine oil temperature sensor circuit, shorted low.
ON 214 Engine oil temperature high, critical.
ON 221 Ambient air pressure sensor circuit, shorted high.
ON 222 Ambient air pressure sensor circuit, shorted low.
ON 227 Sensor supply voltage #2 circuit, shorted high.
ON 231 Coolant Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage above normal, or
shorted to high source
ON 232 Coolant Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage below normal, or
shorted to low source
ON 233 Coolant Pressure - Data valid but below normal operational range
- Moderately severe level
ON 234 Engine high speed, critical.
ON 235 Engine coolant level low, critical.
ON 237 External speed input (multiple unit synchronization), data
ON 238 Sensor Supply Voltage #3 Circuit Voltage below normal, or
shorted to low source
ON 239 Sensor Supply Voltage #3 Circuit - Voltage above normal, or
shorted to high source
ON 241 Vehicle speed sensor circuit, data incorrect.
ON 242 Vehicle speed sensor circuit, tampering has been detected.
ON 244 Red Stop Lamp Driver Circuit - Voltage below normal, or shorted
to low source
ON 245 Fan clutch circuit, shorted low.
ON 249 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
ON 256 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage below normal,
or shorted to low source
ON 261 Engine Fuel Temperature - Data valid but above normal
operational range - Moderately severe level
ON 263 Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source

600 SRM 1232 Fault Codes

Table 1. Error Code Descriptions (Continued)

Warning Lights Fault Code Readout

Diagnostic Engine Maintenance Fault Description
Warning Stop Warning Code
Light Warning Light
ON 265 Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage below normal,
or shorted to low source
ON 268 Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data erratic, intermittent, or
ON 271 High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit Voltage below
normal, or shorted to low source
ON 272 High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit Voltage above
normal, or shorted to high source
ON 275 Fuel Pumping Element (Front) Mechanical system not
responding properly or out of adjustment
ON 281 High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve #1 Mechanical system not
responding properly or out of adjustment
ON 284 Engine Speed/Position Sensor (Crankshaft) Supply Voltage
Circuit - Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source
ON 285 SAE J1939 multiplexing PGN time-out error.
ON 286 SAE J1939 multiplexing configuration error.
ON 287 SAE J1939 multiplexing accelerator pedal sensor, system error.
ON 288 SAE J1939 multiplexing remote throttle, data error.
ON 292 Auxiliary Temperature Sensor Input 1 - Special instructions
ON 293 Auxiliary temperature sensor input #1 circuit, shorted high.
ON 294 Auxiliary temperature sensor input #1 circuit, shorted low.
ON 295 Ambient air pressure sensor circuit, data incorrect.
ON 296 Auxiliary Pressure Sensor Input 1 - Special Instructions
ON 297 Auxiliary pressure sensor input #2 circuit, shorted high.
ON 298 Auxiliary pressure sensor input #2 circuit, shorted low.
ON 319 Real time clock, power interrupt.
ON 322 Injector solenoid valve cylinder #1 circuit, open circuit.
ON 323 Injector solenoid valve cylinder #5 circuit, open circuit.
ON 324 Injector solenoid valve cylinder #3 circuit, open circuit.
ON 325 Injector solenoid valve cylinder #6 circuit, open circuit.
ON 331 Injector solenoid valve cylinder #2 circuit, open circuit.
ON 332 Injector solenoid valve cylinder #4 circuit, open circuit.
ON 334 Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Data erratic, intermittent,
or incorrect
ON 338 Idle Shutdown Vehicle Accessories Relay Driver Circuit - Voltage
above normal, or shorted to high source

Fault Codes 600 SRM 1232

Table 1. Error Code Descriptions (Continued)

Warning Lights Fault Code Readout

Diagnostic Engine Maintenance Fault Description
Warning Stop Warning Code
Light Warning Light
ON 339 Idle Shutdown Vehicle Accessories Relay Driver Circuit - Voltage
below normal, or shorted to low source
ON 341 Engine control module, data lost.
ON 342 Electronic Calibration Code Incompatibility - Out of calibration
ON 343 Engine control module, internal hardware failure.
ON 349 Transmission Output Shaft Speed - Data valid but above normal
operational range - Moderately severe level
ON 351 Injector Power Supply - Bad intelligent device or component
ON 352 Sensor supply voltage #1 circuit, shorted low.
ON 386 Sensor supply voltage #1 circuit, shorted high.
ON 415 Engine oil pressure low, critical.
ON 418 Water in fuel indicator high, maintenance.
ON 422 Engine coolant level sensor circuit, data incorrect.
ON 425 Engine Oil Temperature - Data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect
ON 428 Water in fuel sensor circuit, shorted high.
ON 429 Water in fuel sensor circuit, shorted low.
ON 431 Accelerator pedal idle validation circuit, data incorrect.
ON 432 Accelerator pedal idle validation circuit, out of calibration.
ON 435 Engine oil pressure sensor circuit, data incorrect.
ON 441 Battery #1 voltage low, warning.
ON 442 Battery #1 voltage high, warning.
ON 449 Fuel Pressure High - Data valid but above normal operational
range Moderately severe level
ON 451 Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage above
normal, or shorted to high source
ON 452 Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage below
normal, or shorted to low source
ON 488 Intake Manifold 1 Temperature - Data valid but above normal
operational range - Moderately severe level
ON 489 Transmission Output Shaft Speed - Data valid but below normal
operational range - Moderately severe level
ON 497 Multiple Unit Synchronization Switch Circuit - Data erratic,
intermittent, or incorrect
ON 523 OEM Intermediate (PTO) Speed Switch Validation - Data erratic,
intermittent, or incorrect
ON 527 Auxiliary input/output #2 circuit, shorted high.

600 SRM 1232 Fault Codes

Table 1. Error Code Descriptions (Continued)

Warning Lights Fault Code Readout

Diagnostic Engine Maintenance Fault Description
Warning Stop Warning Code
Light Warning Light
ON 528 OEM alternate torque validation switch, data incorrect.
ON 529 Auxiliary input/output #3 circuit, shorted high.
ON 546 Fuel Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
ON 547 Fuel Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage below normal,
or shorted to low source
ON 551 Accelerator pedal idle validation circuit, shorted low.
ON 553 Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure High Data valid but above
normal operational range - Moderately severe level
ON 554 Fuel Pressure Sensor Error - Data erratic, intermittent, or
ON 559 Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure Low Data valid but below
normal operational Range - moderately severe level
ON 584 Starter Relay Circuit - Voltage above normal, or shorted to high
ON 585 Starter Relay Circuit - Voltage below normal, or shorted to low
ON 595 Turbocharger #1 Speed High - Data valid but above normal
operational range Moderately severe level
ON 596 Electrical charging system voltage high, warning.
ON 597 Electrical charging system voltage low, warning.
ON 598 Electrical charging system voltage low, critical.
ON 599 Auxiliary Commanded Dual Output Shutdown - Special
ON 649 Change Lubricating Oil and Filter Condition exists
ON 687 Turbocharger #1 Speed Low - Data valid but below normal
operational range Moderately severe level
ON 689 Primary Engine Speed Sensor Error Data erratic, intermittent,
or incorrect
ON 691 Turbocharger #1 Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor Circuit
Voltage above normal, or shorted to high source
ON 692 Turbocharger #1 Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor Circuit
Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source
ON 697 ECM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage above
normal, or shorted to high source
ON 698 ECM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage below
normal, or shorted to low source

Fault Codes 600 SRM 1232

Table 1. Error Code Descriptions (Continued)

Warning Lights Fault Code Readout

Diagnostic Engine Maintenance Fault Description
Warning Stop Warning Code
Light Warning Light
ON 719 Extended Crankcase Blow-by Pressure Circuit - Voltage above
normal, or shorted to high source
ON 729 Extended Crankcase Blow-by Pressure Circuit - Voltage below
normal, or shorted to low source
ON 731 Engine Speed/Position #2 mechanical misalignment between
camshaft and crankshaft sensors - Mechanical system not
responding properly or out of adjustment
ON 753 Engine Speed/Position #2 Camshaft sync error - Data erratic,
intermittent, or incorrect
ON 757 Electronic Control Module data lost - Condition exists
ON 778 Engine Speed Sensor (Camshaft) Error Data erratic,
intermittent, or incorrect
ON 779 Warning Auxiliary Equipment Sensor Input #3 (OEM Switch)
- Root cause not known
951 Cylinder power imbalance between cylinders.
1117 Power Lost With Ignition On - Data erratic, intermittent, or
ON 1139 Injector Cylinder #1 - Mechanical system not responding properly
or out of adjustment
ON 1141 Injector Cylinder #2 - Mechanical system not responding properly
or out of adjustment
ON 1142 Injector Cylinder #3 - Mechanical system not responding properly
or out of adjustment
ON 1143 Injector Cylinder #4 - Mechanical system not responding properly
or out of adjustment
ON 1144 Injector Cylinder #5 - Mechanical system not responding properly
or out of adjustment
ON 1145 Injector Cylinder #6 - Mechanical system not responding properly
or out of adjustment
ON 1239 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 Circuit - Voltage above
normal, or shorted to high source
ON 1241 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 Circuit - Voltage below
normal, or shorted to low source
ON 1242 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 and 2 - Data erratic,
intermittent, or incorrect
ON 1256 Control Module Identification Input State Error - Data erratic,
intermittent, or incorrect
ON 1257 Control Module Identification Input State Error - Data erratic,
intermittent, or incorrect

600 SRM 1232 Fault Codes

Table 1. Error Code Descriptions (Continued)

Warning Lights Fault Code Readout

Diagnostic Engine Maintenance Fault Description
Warning Stop Warning Code
Light Warning Light
ON 1852 Water in Fuel Indicator - Data valid but above normal operational
range - Moderately severe level
ON 1911 Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure - Data valid but above normal
operational range - Most severe level
ON 2111 Coolant Temperature 2 Sensor Circuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
ON 2112 Coolant Temperature 2 Sensor Circuit - Voltage below normal,
or shorted to low source
ON 2113 Coolant Temperature 2 - Data valid but above normal operational
range - Moderately severe level
ON 2114 Coolant Temperature 2 - Data valid but above normal operational
range - Most severe level
ON 2115 Coolant Pressure 2 Circuit - Voltage above normal, or shorted
to high source
ON 2116 Coolant Pressure 2 Circuit - Voltage below normal, or shorted
to low source
ON 2117 Coolant Pressure 2 - Data valid but below normal operational
range - Moderately severe level
ON 2182 Engine Brake Actuator Driver 1 Circuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
ON 2183 Engine Brake Actuator Driver 1 Circuit - Voltage below normal,
or shorted to low source
ON 2185 Sensor Supply Voltage #4 Circuit Voltage above normal, or
shorted to high source
ON 2186 Sensor Supply Voltage #4 Circuit Voltage below normal, or
shorted to low source
ON 2195 Auxiliary Equipment Sensor Input 3 Engine Protection Critical -
Special instructions
ON 2215 Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure - Data valid but below normal
operational range - Moderately severe level
ON 2216 Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure - Data valid but above normal
operational range Moderately severe level
ON 2217 ECM Program Memory (RAM) Corruption - Condition exists
ON 2249 Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure - Data valid but below normal
operational range - Most severe level
ON 2261 Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure - Data valid but above normal
operational range - Least severe level
ON 2262 Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure - Data valid but below normal
operational range - Least severe level

Fault Codes 600 SRM 1232

Table 1. Error Code Descriptions (Continued)

Warning Lights Fault Code Readout

Diagnostic Engine Maintenance Fault Description
Warning Stop Warning Code
Light Warning Light
ON 2263 Battery Temperature - Data valid but above normal operational
range - Moderately severe level
ON 2264 Battery Temperature - Data valid but below normal operational
range - Moderately severe level
ON 2265 Fuel Priming Pump Control Signal Circuit Voltage above
normal, or shorted to high source
ON 2266 Fuel Priming Pump Control Signal Circuit Voltage below
normal, or shorted to low source
ON 2292 Fuel Inlet Meter Device - Data valid but above normal operational
range - Moderately severe level
ON 2293 Fuel Inlet Meter Device flow demand lower than expected - Data
valid but below normal operational range - Moderately severe level
ON 2311 Fueling Actuator #1 Circuit Error Condition exists
2321 Engine Speed/Position Sensor #1 - Data erratic, intermittent, or
2322 Engine Speed/Position Sensor #2 - Data Erratic, intermittent,
or incorrect
ON 2345 Turbocharger speed invalid rate of change detected - Abnormal
rate of change
2346 Turbocharger Turbine Inlet Temperature (Calculated) - Data valid
but above normal operational range Least severe level
2347 Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature (Calculated) - Data
valid but above normal operational range Least severe level
ON 2363 Engine Brake Actuator Circuit #2 Voltage below normal, or
shorted to low source
ON 2365 Engine Brake Actuator Driver Output 3 Circuit - Voltage below
normal, or shorted to low source
ON 2367 Engine Brake Actuator Circuit #2 Voltage above normal, or
shorted to high source
ON 2368 Engine Brake Actuator Driver 3 Circuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
ON 2372 Fuel Filter Differential Pressure - Data valid but above normal
operational range - Moderately severe level
ON 2373 Exhaust Gas Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
ON 2374 Exhaust Gas Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage below normal,
or shorted to low source
ON 2375 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor Circuit - voltage
above normal, or shorted to high source

600 SRM 1232 Fault Codes

Table 1. Error Code Descriptions (Continued)

Warning Lights Fault Code Readout

Diagnostic Engine Maintenance Fault Description
Warning Stop Warning Code
Light Warning Light
ON 2376 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage
below normal, or shorted to low source
ON 2377 Fan Control Circuit - Voltage above normal, or shorted to high
2425 Intake Air Heater 2 Circuit - Voltage below normal, or shorted
to low source
2426 Intake Air Heater 2 Circuit - Voltage above normal, or shorted
to high source
ON 2555 Intake Air Heater #1 Circuit - Voltage above normal, or shorted
to high source
ON 2556 Intake Air Heater #1 Circuit - Voltage below normal, or shorted
to low source
ON 2557 Auxiliary PWM Driver #1 - Voltage above normal, or shorted to
high source
ON 2558 Auxiliary PWM Driver #1 - Voltage below normal, or shorted to
low source
2963 Engine Coolant Temperature High - Data valid but above normal
operational range - Least severe level
ON 2973 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data erratic,
intermittent, or incorrect























600 SRM 1232 7/07 (1/07)(8/06)(7/06)(5/06)(8/05) Printed in United Kingdom

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