Wallis Catalogue

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P r o d u c t C a t a l o g u e

Welcome to our
latest Earthing
and Lightning
Protection catalogue
We hope you will find your
catalogue both informative
and easy to use. We have
included much more
information within the tables
and drawings to help you
select the products you require.

There are both new products and a wider selection of

existing ranges included within this new catalogue.

Many existing Wallis products have undergone design

changes which have improved their mechanical
performance and resistance to corrosion.

Wallis Earthing and Lightning Protection materials supplied

from our manufacturing facilities in Nottingham, UK are
used on projects throughout the world.

Hospitals in Kuwait, telecoms towers in Thailand, schools in

Oman, railways in Hong Kong, towers in the UAE, petro
chemical facilities in Malaysia and sub stations in Saudi
Arabia all use Wallis Earthing and Lightning Protection.

We are constantly
working to improve our
literature, so if you have
any suggestions for us
to improve this
catalogue in the future,
we would be pleased to
hear from you.

A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com
Welcome to Wallis A commitment to excellent customer service also drives what
we do. Part of this is ensuring that we maintain good stock
levels so you can rely on same day despatch for many of our
products. Orders received by 3.00pm can be despatched on
the same day.

Founded 50 years ago, we have a long tradition of providing

first class earthing and lightning protection equipment.
What's more, we believe we have as wide a range of
products as can be found in the industry.

We also deliver reassuring levels of quality. All our

equipment is designed and manufactured to meet BS,
European and International standards at our own facilities
in Nottingham, UK, which include a foundry and
machine shop.

2 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com
With extensive experience and technical expertise, we can also
design and advise on lightning protection schemes to suit your
individual requirements. We have designed and supplied
materials for projects including high rise buildings, bridges,
telecoms installations, towers and stadiums.
Such is our reputation for high standards that Wallis equipment
is used around the world, including the Middle East and Far
East, with stocking distributors in key areas.
If youve selected Wallis for structural lightning protection
products, why not make us your choice for surge protection
equipment too. Please ask for details.

AN Wallis - for quality products

time after time.

Product Product Name

Using This Catalogue Section See Index Page

This catalogue is designed to be as easy to

use as possible. To help find the product
you need, there is an alphabetical index, Dimensions
part number index and product locator.
Every product featured has its own technical
and application drawings and product table. Product
Materials specifications are also included. Illustration
Part Number -
All measurements are shown in millimetres Full Index See
unless otherwise stated. Pages 73 & 74

Just phone, fax or e-mail us with

your enquiries.
Material -


A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 3



4 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Page Page
1 Copper Tape 60 14 Air Terminal Fixings 33
2 Aluminium Tape 64 15 Slate Holdfasts 39
3 PVC Covered Conductor 61 16 Air Terminals 32
4 Solid Circular Conductor 65 17 Earth Rods 10-14
5 Copper Stranded Conductor 66 18 Earth Rod Clamps 17
6 PVC Covered/Insulated Conductor 61 19 Earth Rod Clamps 16
7 Conductor Fixings 40 20 Inspection Pits 22-24
8 Strike Interception Plates 59 21 Earth Plates/Lattice Mats 20
9 Junction Clamps for Tape 42 22 Earth Rod Couplings 11-13
10 Bi-Metallic Connectors 44 23 Earth Bars/Disconnecting Links 28
11 Test/Junction Clamps for Tape 42 24 Flexible Braiding Bonds 59
12 MV Clamp 50 25 Earth Bonding Point 26
13 Bonds 44, 45

A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 5

A well designed earthing system is essential to ensure Earth terminations &

protection of personnel and equipment from danger networks
associated with fault currents or lightning within buildings or
An earth electrode should be
areas falling within their zone of protection.
connected to each down
conductor of a lightning
Earthing system design
protection system (LPS). Earth
rods need an earth inspection
To achieve an efficient earthing housing for periodic testing of
system it is essential that a low earth resistance.
electrical resistance to earth is
Earth rods are used in most applications and are driven into
achieved, using good quality
the ground as close as is practicable to the structure and the
conductors with sufficient cross
down conductor. They are normally spaced at specified
sectional area to carry the expected current flow. The
intervals corresponding to the
conductors must also have a high corrosion resistance and
spacing on the down conductors.
must meet internationally recognised European and British
earthing standards.
Resistance to earth
The information contained in this section primarily refers to
For an LPS the earth termination
Lightning Protection Earthing Systems (LPS) and does not
network as a whole should have a
detail all earthing requirements for electrical wiring, although
combined resistance of not more
there are some similarities. Please refer to the IEE 16th
than ten ohms, before bonding to building metalwork.
edition wiring regulations for more details.
However, the maximum resistance value for earthing systems
Other factors to consider when designing an earthing is application specific.
system are:
A single earth rod may not achieve the required resistance
A survey is required to figure and several may be need to be fitted to achieve this;
determine ground their combined resistance is proportional to the reciprocal of
resistivity. the individual rod resistances to earth. This rule holds true as
long as each rod is situated outside the resistance area of
Soil moisture content:
any other. To ensure this is the case, it is generally accepted
more moisture always
that the minimum spacing between rods should not be less
reduces soil resistance.
than their driven length.
Chemical composition of
The expected number of rods required to obtain a particular
soil: certain salts and
resistance value, e.g. ten ohms, can be roughly calculated.
minerals affect soil
To do this the soil resistivity needs to be taken into
consideration. A soil resistivity test will need to be performed.
Temperature: if the ground
There are several methods used to obtain a lower
is frozen its resistance becomes much higher.
resistance value:
The extent of any buried services which could affect
More rods can be driven.
the earth termination networks.
Rods can be driven deeper.
Details of metallic service pipes, rails, tanks etc. which
may need bonding into the earth system to prevent the Rods of a larger diameter can
danger of side flashing. be used.
The area available to place earth electrodes, this may Ring conductors connecting rods
be limited. together underground can
be used.

8 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Where deep driving is not possible shorter rods with a larger The information contained in this
diameter can be used; copper earth mats and earth plates section is intended as a guide and
can be used in place of earth rods. should not be used to perform
designs. A.N.Wallis does not
A crows foot configuration can be used where parallel
accept responsibility for errors or
connection is not possible.
omissions. Detailed information on
Where high resistance soil conditions are a problem soil earthing design is contained in
conditioning agents can be used to internationally recognised European and British earthing
backfill rod holes. Conductive concrete standards. e.g. BS7430, BS7671.
can be used to backfill an earth mat. Both
effectively increase an electrodes cross
sectional area and therefore reduce its
resistance to earth.
The international standards also specify
the recommended materials used for all
earthing conductors and their dimensions.

Equipotential Bonding
It is common practice to use the buildings natural structural
steelwork and bonding it to the LPS to further improve its
ability to conduct lightning and fault currents to earth; prior
permission may be required.

Joints should be
effective, all joints
other than welded
ones are a potential
discontinuity, and
care should be taken
to ensure contact
surfaces are clean
and that fixing clamps are tight and well protected from
corrosion, which can occur if dissimilar metals are joined.
Ideally there should be as few joints as possible in an
earthing design.

Maintenance & life of an earth system

It is important to properly maintain an earth circuit to ensure
it retains its ability to conduct the same current carrying
capacity as it did when it was originally installed. Earth rod
resistances should be regularly checked. Corrosion and fault
currents can cause high resistance joints leading to
overheating. However, if an earth system is correctly installed
and maintained it should last for many years.

A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 9

Earth Rods - Copperbond Threaded

Deep driven Wallis threaded copperbond earth rods are an economical
method of achieving a low earth resistance.
The rods have a low carbon steel core, ideal for deep driving and a
molecularly bonded copper covering of 99.9% pure copper to give
lasting resistance to corrosion.
The threads are formed by a rolling process to ensure strength and
maintain the molecularly bonded copper along the full length of
the threads.
5/8"14.2 The rods can be deep driven with power hammers or placed in a bore
hole back filled with Marconite or Bentonite.
Thread Size L L1 D Weight Pack Qty Part Number
1200 30 12.7 1.18 5 ERB 412

1/ "
1500 30 12.7 1.55 5 ERB 415
1800 30 12.7 1.76 5 ERB 418
2400 30 12.7 2.36 5 ERB 424
Thread Size L L1 D Weight Pack Qty Part Number
1200 30 14.2 1.53 5 ERB 112
1500 30 14.2 1.88 5 ERB 115

5/ "
1800 30 14.2 2.29 5 ERB 118
2000 30 14.2 2.51 5 ERB 120
2400 30 14.2 3.00 5 ERB 124
3000 30 14.2 3.79 5 ERB 130

Thread Size L L1 D Weight Pack Qty Part Number

1200 34 17.2 2.19 5 ERB 212
1500 34 17.2 2.73 5 ERB 215

3/ "
1800 34 17.2 3.27 5 ERB 218
2000 34 17.2 3.64 5 ERB 220
2400 34 17.2 4.35 5 ERB 224
Driving Head 3000 34 17.2 5.44 5 ERB 230
Ground Level
Coupling and Driving Head, see page 11.
Earth Pit Top Soil

Conductor Material:
99.9% pure electrolytic copper molecularly bonded onto a high tensile
low carbon steel core minimum copper thickness 0.25mm.


L1 D Thread Size
Earth Rod

10 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Coupling -
for Threaded Copperbond Earth Rod
These Wallis couplings join lengths of threaded copperbond earth rods
together. They facilitate deep driving and ensure continual contact
between the rods, during and after driving.
The coupling also protects the rod threads while using the driving stud.
The coupling has a lead in for ease of assembly and a hex on the
outside for grip and keeping the coupling tight when driving into 3/4"
the ground.
Wallis couplings have a high copper content ensuring excellent acid and 5/8"
corrosion resistance.
Thread Size L D D1 Weight Pack Qty Part Number
1/2" 68 19 21 0.07 25 ERBO 12
5/8" 69 19 21 0.08 25 ERBO 16
3/4" Head Earth Rod
79 24 27 0.14 25 ERBO 20

Aluminium Bronze.

D1 Coupling

Earth Rod Earth Rod

Driving Head -
for Threaded Copperbond Earth Rod
These reusable Wallis driving heads are suitable for driving earth rods
by hand or with a power hammer.
The driving head screws into the coupling to allow deep driving of the
earth rods and protect the threads.

Thread Size L D Weight Pack Qty Part Number 3/4"

1/2" 50 19 0.07 25 ERBD 12
5/8" 54 22 0.08 25 ERBD 16 5/8"
3/4" 62 25 0.13 25 ERBD 20

High Tensile Steel.


Thread Size

Earth Rod

A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 11

Earth Rod - Copperbond Unthreaded

Deep driven Wallis copperbond earth rods are an economical method
9.5 of achieving a low earth resistance.
The rods have a low carbon steel core, ideal for deep driving and a
molecularly bonded copper covering of 99.9% pure copper to give
lasting resistance to corrosion.
These rods have no threads and are joined together by using a taper fit
coupling. The rods can be deep driven with power hammers or placed
in a bore hole back filled with Marconite or Bentonite.
Diameter L Weight Pack Qty Part Number
14.2 9.5 1200 0.61 5 ERB 012

Diameter L Weight Pack Qty Part Number

1200 1.53 5 ERB 612
1500 1.88 5 ERB 615
17.2 12.7 1800 2.29 5 ERB 618
2000 2.51 5 ERB 620
2400 3.00 5 ERB 624
3000 3.79 5 ERB 630

Diameter L Weight Pack Qty Part Number

1" 1200 1.53 5 ERB 712

1500 1.88 5 ERB 715
14.2 1800 2.29 5 ERB 718
2000 2.51 5 ERB 720
2400 3.00 5 ERB 724
3000 3.79 5 ERB 730

Diameter L Weight Pack Qty Part Number

1200 2.19 5 ERB 812
1500 2.73 5 ERB 815
17.2 1800 3.27 5 ERB 818
2000 3.64 5 ERB 820
Ground Level 2400 4.35 5 ERB 824
Earth Pit Top Soil 3000 5.44 5 ERB 830
Driving Head
Coupling and Driving Head - see page 13.

Diameter L Weight Pack Qty Part Number

1" 3000 22.5 5 ERB 930

99.9% pure electrolytic copper molecularly bonded onto a high tensile
low carbon steel core minimum copper thickness 0.25mm.
Earth Rod





12 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

for Unthreaded Copperbond Earth Rod
These Wallis couplings join lengths of unthreaded copperbond earth
rods together so that rods can be deep driven and ensure continual
contact through the coupling, during driving and after driving.
Wallis couplings have a high copper content ensuring excellent acid and
corrosion resistance.

Rod Diameter L D D1 Weight Pack Qty Part Number

12.7 68 19 21 0.07 25 ERBO 06 14.2 17.2

14.2 69 19 21 0.08 25 ERBO 07

17.2 79 24 27 0.14 25 ERBO 08

Aluminium Bronze.

Earth Rod


L Earth Rod

Driving Head
for Unthreaded Copperbond Earth Rod
These reusable Wallis driving heads are suitable for driving earth rods
by hand or by power hammer.

Rod Diameter L D Weight Pack Qty Part Number

12.7 90 22 0.19 25 ERBD 06
14.2 100 22 0.22 25 ERBD 07
17.2 110 22 0.22 25 ERBD 08
High Tensile Steel.

Driving Head

A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 13

Earth Rod Solid Copper and Stainless Steel

Solid Copper Earth Rods
These rods are designed for use where extremely high corrosion
resistance and exceptionally long life is required.
The depth these Wallis rods can be driven to, depends on the soil
conditions and rod thickness.
Where the solid copper rod is required to be driven deep the usual
practice is to insert the rod into a bore hole and back fill with Marconite
or Bentonite.
Diameter L Weight Pack Qty Part Number
20 15 1200 1.87 5 ERC 112
16 1500 2.34 5 ERC 115
16 1800 2.80 5 ERC 118
16 2400 3.74 5 ERC 124
16 16 3000 4.67 5 ERC 130

Diameter L Weight Pack Qty Part Number

1200 3.10 5 ERC 212
1500 3.87 5 ERC 215
20 1800 4.64 5 ERC 218
2400 6.19 5 ERC 224
3000 7.75 5 ERC 230

Coupling Dowel, Driving Head and Spike, see page 15.

99.99% pure electrolytic copper, manufactured from hard drawn
copper with purity and mechanical properties to BS 2874, C101 grade.

Stainless Steel Earth Rod

Stainless steel Wallis earth rods are designed for use where problems
Ground Level
may be caused by galvanic corrosion due to dissimilar metals such as a
Earth Pit Top Soil copper earth rod and buried metals being in close proximity.
Conductor Diameter L Weight Pack Qty Part Number
16 1200 1.87 5 ERZ 112

Coupling, Driving Head and Spike, see page 15.

Austenitic stainless steel to BS 970 Grade 316 S12.



14 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Driving Head
for Solid Copper and Stainless Steel Earth Rods
The driving stud protects the thread and the top of the rod from damage
when driving.
To Suit Rod Diameter L D Weight Pack Qty Part Number
15, 16 39 14 0.04 25 ERCD 16
20 42 19 0.06 25 ERCD 20
Material: Driving Head
Manufactured from Steel to BS970, grade 070M20.

Spike Spike

for Solid Copper and Stainless Steel Earth Rods

The steel spike enables the rod to be driven easily and stops the copper
rod becoming damaged.
To Suit Rod Diameter L D Weight Pack Qty Part Number
15, 16 42 14 0.04 25 ERCS 16
20 55 19 0.08 25 ERCS 20
Steel to BS 970 Grade 070 M20.



Coupling Dowels
for Solid Copper and Stainless Steel Earth Rods
This Wallis coupling dowel is used to join the solid copper or stainless
steel rods.

To suit Solid Copper Earth Rods

To Suit Rod Diameter L Weight Pack Qty Part Number
15, 16 and 20 39 0.02 10 ERD 01

To suit Stainless Steel Earth Rods Coupling Dowel

To Suit Rod Diameter L Weight Pack Qty Part Number

16 39 0.02 10 ERD 16

Steel to BS 970 Grade 070M20.

A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 15

Earth Rod to Tape A Clamps

ERA 1625 These clamps are used for joining the earth rod to various sizes of
ERA 1625 SS copper or aluminium tape. The clamps have a high resistance to
corrosion and are mechanically strong to ensure a lasting connection.
The aluminium clamps would mainly be used in lightning protection for
connecting aluminium tape to a puddle flange in a lightning
protection system.
ERA 2525
Nominal Maximum L W W1 Weight Pack Qty Part Number
Rod Size Conductor
12.7 26 x 12 51 36 18 0.15 25 ERA 1625
14.2 26 x 12 51 36 18 0.15 25 ERA 1625
or 40 x 9 44 51 22 0.25 10 ERA 1638
16 50 x 19 47 69 21 0.25 10 ERA 1650
17.2 31 x 9 43 45 18 0.20 10 ERA 1631
ERA 1631 or 40 x 6 44 51 22 0.25 10 ERA 1638
20 50 X 15 47 69 21 0.25 10 ERA 1650
25 26 X 6 51 40 25 0.20 10 ERA 2525
All complete with M10 x 25 bolt.
Clamp Body - Gunmetal or Aluminium Bronze.
Bolt - Phosphor Bronze.

Nominal Maximum L W W1 Weight Pack Qty Part Number

Rod Size Conductor
12.7 26 x 12 40 36 18 0.10 25 ERA 1625 SS
14.2 26 x 12 40 36 18 0.10 25 ERA 1625 SS
17.2 26 x 9 40 36 18 0.10 25 ERA 1625 SS
Complete with M10 x 25 bolt.
ERA 1650
Clamp Body - Gunmetal.
Bolt - Stainless Steel.

Nominal Maximum L W W1 Weight Pack Qty Part Number

ERA 1625A Rod Size Conductor
14.2 30 x 14 46 40 19 0.12 25 ERA 1625 A
17.2 26 x 12 46 40 19 0.12 25 ERA 1625 A

Complete with M10 x 25 bolt.

Clamp Body - Aluminium.
Bolt - Stainless Steel.

W1 W1



16 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Earth Rod to Cable Clamps

The Wallis rod to cable clamp has a high strength body with excellent
resistance to corrosion. The clamp ensures a lasting and strong ERR 1035
mechanical connection.

Nominal Conductor L L1 W W1 W2 Bolt Weight Pack Qty Part Number

Rod Size Range

9.5 6 - 35 31 20 20 15 12 M6 x 20 0.03 25 ERR 1035

14.2/16 6 - 35 44 21 24 15 18 M10 x 20 0.03 25 ERR 1635
14.2/16 16 - 70 41 30 21 18 17 M10 x 25 0.08 25 ERR 1670 ERR 1635
17.2/20 35 - 95 48 36 30 19 21 M10 x 25 0.10 25 ERR 2095

Clamp Body -
ERR1035/ERR1635 Naval Brass.
ERR1670/ERR2095 Gunmetal.
Bolts -
ERR1035 - Stainless Steel. ERR 1670
ERR1635 - Phosphor Bronze.
ERR1670/ERR2095 Naval Brass.

ERR 2095


L1 L


A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 17

U Bolt Connector Clamp

This versatile range of Wallis clamps can be used to connect tape and
cable to the earth rod or a combination of both.
The clamps have a U bolt connection onto a strong cast body providing
a long lasting connection to the earth rod.

Single Plate
Single Plate Rod Dia Conductor L W Nut Size Weight Pack Part Number
Max - Brass Qty
16 60 33 M8 0.16 10 ERU 016
25 Tape 62 33 M8 0.18 10 ERU 025
31 or 80 38 M10 0.40 10 ERU 031
38 Cable 74 34 M10 0.30 25 ERU 038
50 91 39 M10 0.57 20 ERU 050

Double Plate
Rod Dia Conductor L W Nut Size Weight Pack Part Number
Max - Brass Qty
Double Plate - Rod to Tape
16 25 x 3 61 33 M8 0.42 25 ERU 216
25 25 x 3 61 32 M8 0.24 10 ERU 225
31 25 x 3 68 38 M8 0.37 25 ERU 231
38 25 x 3 75 35 M10 0.42 10 ERU 238
50 25 x 3 96 38 M10 0.83 10 ERU 250
16 16/70mm2 39 39 M8 0.24 10 ERU 470
25 70/120mm2 68 39 M8 0.29 10 ERU 570

Clamp Body - Gunmetal.
U Bolt - Copper.
Double Plate - Rod to Cable

18 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Split Connector Clamp

These clamps are designed to be used with threaded and unthreaded
rods. Suitable for connecting a cable lug to an earth rod.
The clamp is supplied threaded or unthreaded.

Rod Rod L W D Weight Pack Qty Part Number

Size Type
9.5 unthreaded 31 18 20 0.08 10 ERSO 10 ERC 24
5/8" threaded 52 26 25 0.22 10 ERSO 16
16 unthreaded 42 25 32 0.24 10 ERSS 16
15 unthreaded 42 25 32 0.24 10 ERC 26
14.2 unthreaded 42 25 25 0.23 10 ERC 24
3/4" threaded 50 29 28 0.31 10 ERSO 20
ERS 016
20 unthreaded 50 28 29 0.28 10 ERSS 20

All complete with hexagon M12 x 50 bolt, except ERC 24 which has a
wing nut.

Body - Gunmetal or Naval Brass.
Bolt - Brass. H

Disconnecting Link
The link is mainly used to offer a temporary break in the connection to
earth allowing inspection and testing of an earth rod while disconnected
from the lightning protection system network.

L W H Weight Pack Qty Part Number

178 97 77 1.16 1 EBC 001

Mounting Bracket - Zinc Plated Steel.
Insulators - Reinforced Polyester with Metal Inserts.
Earth Bar - Copper.



A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 19

Earth Plate - Copper

These solid copper earth plates are used as part of an earthing
network. They provide a long lasting solution where earth rods
are unsuitable.
L W D Surface Area Weight Pack Qty Part Number
600 600 1.5 0.73m2 4.80 1 EMP 601
600 600 3 0.73m2 9.60 1 EMP 603
900 900 1.5 1.63m2 10.80 1 EMP 901
900 900 3 1.63m2 21.50 1 EMP 903

Pure electrolytic Copper Grade BS 2874-C101.

Lattice Copper Earth Mat

These Wallis lattice earth mats are a lower cost option to solid copper
earth plates and when used with Bentonite provide a long lasting earth.
Earth mats or plates may be preferred on some telecoms towers where
step potential could cause problems.

L W D Surface Weight Grid Pack Part Number

Area Qty

600 600 3 0.31m2 4.50 5 1 EML 603

900 900 3 0.65m2 9.50 7 1 EML 903
900 900 3 0.65m2 6.10 5 1 EML 903 SPC

Copper Bar BS 1432-C101 with Copper Rivets.

20 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Earthing Compound - Marconite

Marconite forms a permanent solution when mixed with cement and is
used when certain ground conditions make it difficult to obtain a reliable
earth resistance or installations might require a low resistance.
Marconite is used as a backfill to Wallis earth rods and plates.

Compound Pack Qty Part Number
Marconite Bag 25Kg EMA 25

Mixing Ratio = 3 : 1 (Marconite : Cement).

Earthing Compound - Bentonite

Bentonite can be supplied in powder or granular form and is a moisture
retaining clay which is used to reduce soil resistivity.
Its easier to handle in granular form, the powder can cause dust in
windy conditions and blow away, granular is the preferred option for
filling trenches where the conductor is covered with Bentonite and then
water poured over and mixed in the trench.
Powder is the preferred method for pouring into bore holes to ensure
the mixture is a thin enough consistency to reach the bottom of the bore
hole, if diamond drilling is required for deep holes possibly 40mtrs and
deeper and the Bentonite is to be pumped through the core into the
hole powder would be the preferred option.

Compound Pack Qty Part Number

Bentonite Granular Bag 25Kg EBG 25
Bentonite Powder Bag 25Kg EBG 25 P

Sodium carbonate activated calcium montmorillonite clay. The product
is a naturally occurring substance with no known ecological hazards
and can be disposed of as non hazardous waste.
Granular - Polypropylene Sacks.
Powder - Paper Sacks.

A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 21

Earth Housing - Heavy Duty

This Wallis plastic earth housing will withstand loads up to 6,000 Kg and
is suitable for most commercial and industrial applications.
The pit is designed, shaped and sized to fit easily into brick paved walk
ways. The lip of the pit makes a flush fit with standard sized bricks
making the pit blend in with no requirement for a cement surround to
the lid.
The lid locks onto the base and can be opened with a standard blade
screwdriver. The pit has three slots for earth bars.

L H W W1 W2 W3 Lid Weight Pack Part

EPP 001 Colour Qty Number
309 216 258 208 245 54 Black 3.00 1 EPP 001
309 216 258 208 245 54 Grey 3.00 1 EPP 002

Base - Polypropylene.
Lid - GRP.
Earth Bars to suit - see page 29.

EPP 002

W1 W3

Three slots
for earth
bars shown
on page 29.

L W2

22 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Earth Housing - Light Duty

This Wallis earth housing is manufactured from high-grade heavy duty
polypropylene for high strength and stress levels and has a maximum
load of 2,000 Kg.
UV stabilised against degradation by sunlight and non-brittle to prevent
cold weather damage.
This unique detachable easy locking lid allows easy inspection and
ensures security of equipment as the locking mechanism can only be
operated by the special key provided.
Its lightweight feature allows easy handling, storage and transportation,
thus increasing installation efficiency.
Termination area is increased by 100% by simply locking two units
together, allowing deeper earth electrode connections to be made and ERH 20
reducing the effects from harmful voltage gradients.

L H D Lid Colour Weight Pack Qty Part Number

300 200 230 Black 1.50 1 ERH 20
300 200 230 Grey 1.50 1 ERH 21

Polypropylene Base and Lid.

ERH 21

A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 23

Concrete Earth Housing

This Wallis concrete pit protects and makes available for inspection the
earth rod connection.
The pit can have an earth bar fitted diagonally across in slots provided
for multiple connections.

L L1 H Weight Pack Qty Part Number

310 320 190 33.00 1 ERH 01

Earth Bars to suit - see page 29.

Slots for earth bar


24 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Earth Seal
The earth seal is fitted when the earth rod connection is below the water
level and where there is a possibility of water entering the inspection pit
from below ground, particularly useful when the earth electrode is being
installed in a basement building.
The seal is used in conjunction with the Wallis heavy duty earth housing
shown on page 22.

D H Weight Pack Qty Part Number

355 440 1.59 1 PES



Static Earth Receptacle

These units are used in open areas or anywhere a temporary earthing
point may be required such as airfields or petrol stations.
The unit provides a static discharge point for aircraft, tankers, lorries
or boats.

D H Weight Pack Qty Part Number

125 134 6.50 1 ERX 05



A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 25

Earth Bonding Points

These Wallis bonding points are installed to provide earthing continuity
and a multiple bonding point.
When cast into concrete they connect the re bar to the earthing or
lightning protection system, the bonding points are available with one,
two and four hole connections.
EGP 04 The bonding points are available with variety of tail lengths to suit
different applications, specials can be manufactured to order.
Bonding Point
No. of Holes L W D Weight Pack Qty Part Number
EGP 01
1 77 49 39 0.29 10 EGP 01
2 71 69 22 0.28 10 EGP 02
4 80 63 26 0.61 10 EGP 04

Bonding point with Tail

EGP 02
No. of Holes L W D T Weight Pack Qty Part Number
1 77 49 39 500 0.77 1 EGP 01 500
71 69 22 500 0.74 1 EGP 02 500
71 69 22 1000 1.09 1 EGP 02 1000
71 69 22 1500 1.42 1 EGP 02 1500
71 69 22 1500 2.41 1 EGP 02 3000
80 63 26 500 0.92 1 EGP 04 500
4 80 63 26 1000 1.31 1 EGP 04 1000
80 63 26 3000 1.56 1 EGP 04 3000
EGP 04 1000 All tails are welded to the earth points.

Bonding Point - Gunmetal.
Conductor - 70mm2 PVC Covered Copper Cable.

EGP 01 500


26 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Eye Bolt
This bolt provides a static earth point when attached to an
earthing system.
This Wallis unit is heavy duty and easily visible to anyone searching for
the static discharge point.

Thread Size L W Weight Pack Qty Part Number

5/8" 134 29 0.62 1 EYEBOLT


Earth Boss
The earth boss is designed to provide an earth point on a steel
structure. The boss is welded into place.

Hole Thread L W Weight Pack Qty Part Number

10 50 50 0.77 1 EPB 01

Body - Mild Steel.
Fittings - Stainless Steel.

A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 27

Earth Bars
Earth bars come in a variety of sizes and specification depending
on individual requirements. Standard sizes are shown in the table
with many other variations available and specials available to
customer requirements.

Terminations L W H No of Disc Weight Pack Qty Part Number
4 350 97 70 0 2.24 1 EBC 004
4 475 97 70 1 2.85 1 EBC 104
6 450 97 70 0 3.47 1 EBC 006
6 575 97 70 1 4.27 1 EBC 106
8 550 97 70 0 4.64 1 EBC 008
8 675 97 70 1 5.68 1 EBC 108
10 650 97 70 0 5.78 1 EBC 010
10 775 97 70 1 7.12 1 EBC 110
12 750 97 70 0 6.96 1 EBC 012
12 875 97 70 1 8.52 1 EBC 112
14 850 97 70 0 8.12 1 EBC 014
14 975 97 70 1 9.94 1 EBC 114
6 650 99 70 2 4.90 1 EBC 206

Hard Drawn Copper Bar - Grade C101 BS1432.
Fitting - Brass, Phosphor Bronze or Stainless Steel.
Channel Base - Mild Steel Zinc Plated.
Insulators - Reinforced Polyester.

28 A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com

Earth Bars -
For Earth Housing
These earth bars fit into slots provided in the plastic and concrete earth
housings where multiple connections are required to the earth rod.
Available with five or seven hole connections.

To suit ERH01.
L W D Holes Weight Pack Qty Part Number
EBC 05
6 5 0.49 1 EBC 05
300 31
6 7 0.50 1 EBC 07
EBC 27
To suit ERH20 + ERH21.
L W D Holes Weight Pack Qty Part Number
6 5 0.42 1 EBC 25
250 31
6 7 0.39 1 EBC 27

To suit EPP001 + EPP002.

L W D Holes Weight Pack Qty Part Number
6 5 0.24 1 EBC 35
203 25
6 7 0.22 1 EBC 37

Hard Drawn Copper Bar.

These Wallis insulators are supplied with or without studs and
locking nuts.
Available for insulating conductors from each other or against a wall
they offer a point of disconnecting to test the earthing system.

H W W1 Thread Weight Pack Qty Part Number

35 M10 0.08 10 EBI 001
40 46
35 M10 0.17 10 EBI 002
EBI 001 EBI 002
Reinforced Polyester with Metal Inserts.
Threads and Nuts complete with EBI 002.


Thread Size

A. N. WALLIS & Co. Ltd Telephone +44 (0)115 927 1721 Fax +44 (0)115 875 6630 E-mail info@an-wallis.com Website www.an-wallis.com 29

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