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A projectof Vo!unteersin Asia

People's Workbook

by Robert Berold et. al.

Published by:

Environmentaland Development Agency

Box 62054
2107 Johannesburg

Available from:

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Stichting TOOL
Entrepotdok 68A/69A
10'18AD Amsterdam

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31 142
32 147
33 148
38 150
42 151
46 153
48 155
50 157
52 158
53 160
56 162
59 163
62 164
64 166
74 168
76 169
78 170
80 172

194 291
196 Pregnancy and childcare 293
197 Having yaw baby at home 300
198 Breastfeeding 306
199 Artificial feeding 309
230 Eating the right food 311
200 Interview: nutrition
202 rehabilitation 312
204 *n&x 5 clinics 314
206 Childhood illnesses 316
210 Malnutrition 317
216 Gastro-ei, eritis 318
216 Me=SleS 322
218 Whooping Cough 322
218 Thrush and cy*titi* 323
220 Headlice 324
Scabies 324
223 worms 326
224 Ringworn and eczema 327
228 Intervies: village health
232 OZCkerS 328
233 First aid 330
234 Burns 332
236 Tnterview: health worker
239 training 334
240 Prisoning 336
240 WOlldS 33f
243 Bites 33E
245 Ewse" bones 34<
Serious illr.cs*es 34,
250 Tuberculosis (TB) 341
Pellagra 34:
Alcoholism 34:
Venereal disease CID) 34,
Cancer of the cervix 341
Bigh blood pressure 341
Malaria 344
Tetanus 34
Rilharzia 34
Typhoid 34
Cholera 34
Birth control 35
Contraceptives 35
251 Tnterview: abortion 35







Interview: traditional builder 475

to build 476
HOW to make a water level 479
Foundations 481
Walls 484
Making bricks 487
Soil cement 488
HOW to build a wali 489
Door* and windows 492
Floors 494
Roofs 494
Using the sun to beat water 495
How to build a creche 496
Interview: creche 502
How to build a flyproof pit
toilet 504

Suppliers, Advice Organisations,

Books 511
Suppliers 512
How to organise a seed buying
WOUP 531
Food buying groups 533
Advice organisations 534
Books 545
Starting a library 546
lrndexl 556

In different article* in the book we say you can ask your mm-** or agricultural
extension Officer to do things to help you. These people are *up&,osed to help
cornunities, but sometime* they can not becau*e they have not been trained properly
or because they ds not have funds for proper equipment. If you are a "nr*e or an
extension officer reading this book, you should :uorkWith your community to demand
better txaini~g or equipment from the government. .'hegovernment's money comes
from the work and taxes of the people and they have a right to demand things.

We would like many people to use thi* book. If you think ir wonld be more useful
in other South African languages WE could tran*late it. or translate part* of it.
Xf we write it again we would like to improve it, and we woull welcome any
Comments you want to make.
ack lo visit ~~&nilyin the l&nskei,and finds that his
s&ering. His grandfather takes him back in time,
people are why.. .
to the days ,& his forefathers, and he discovers

Agriculture Introduction
People in the black rural areas of South e-Tractors: Tractors are owned by
Africa have many problems which make it People who want t make the biggest
very difficult or impossible for them profit they can. Most farmers can only
to improve their farming. The biggest afford to hi.rethenIfor ploughing.
problem is that more than 70% of the They cannot afford to hire them again
people have only 13% of the land. This for harrowing, cliscingand cultivating.
causes overcrowding, overgrazing, soil
erosion and landlessness. e Credit, marketing, and advice: White
farmers can easily get credit and
Black farmers have not always bad these loans. They have co-operatives close
problems. Before white settlers came, by which help them with buying and
black people farmed all over southern marketing. They have well trained
Africa. Of conrcve,they also bad prob- extension officers to help them. Black
lems like drought and diseases which farmers have none of these advantages.
killed their animals and crops, but
it was easier to overcame these prob- Whatever project your group *tart*, it
lems because they had a lot of land. is important to start small and only
I" those days, people were also more get bigger as you sxceed. For example,
organieed for farming. For example, if the group wants to try new seeds, it
men did not have to spend a lot of is important to te*t and compare seeds,
time working away from home. At by planting them next to each other in
first, white settlers knew nothing small plots. Farmers can al.50buy things
about faming in southern African like seed, tools, ploughs, planters
conditions, so they did not farm and harrows together and the" share
.s*we11 as black farmers. me new them.
towns and mines provided markets for
black farmers aad they lived .well. Anyone working in communities must try
But whites needed them as labourers -to include the people who have no
in mines, farms and towns, not as cattle or land in farming projects.
independent farmers. So in lGj.3, They are the poorest in the village
they made laws stopping black people and survive only on money sent by
from nsing most of the country's land. family members working in town.

0 Landless"ess: I" many places people Some people think that landless people
have no land, except for their home- are backward when they do not want to
stead gardens. Those with fields are take part in farming projects. Bat
lucky if they have 2 hectares. This things like keeping chickens and rabbits
land is often in poor condition. need money, and money can be lost if
the scheme fails. Even vegetable gardens
0 Poverty: Food, clothing, housing and need mclney for fencing, tco1*, and
education use up all the money sent water. Poor people do not want to take
from migrant workers in towns. There part in faming schemes if they think
is no money left for farming, so people they will lose their money.
Cannot afford to plough properly, buy
good seed, or use fertilisers.
It can help if you get grants or loans
from tr,,st funds (see Where to get funds
~5391. It is also important that the
organisations giving money make sure
they are not just helping some people
become richer instead of helping the
landless people in the community.
0 Ox power: Because the veld is over-
grazed, cattle are weak at the end of Agricultural projects for people who
the winter. Ploughing has to wait have land are easier to organise. These
until after the first rains, so that p&ple are already farming, and they
the cattle can eat the new grass and know what their problems are. They know
becaOe strong enough for ploughing. if they need better seed, or more plaughs
Then planting is late and people get and planters, or food for their cattle
less'crops. during the winter.
/Homestead Farming I
Growing Vegetables
vegetables are important for your health
They are expensive and difficult to get
Ian many places. Xt is better to grow
your own vegetables in a home garden or
join with other people to start a comm-
unity garden.


manure for your garden

time and are cheap to grow. Ales,

prickly pears, sisal and honey locust
trees all make good hedges.
Digging the garden Crop Rotation
Choose a flat place with the best soil, There are 4 families o,fvegetables:
such ** a" old cattle kraal. Clear *w*y b RWt crops - carrots, beetrcots.
big trees, tree stumps and big stones. onions
Take out grass rcots otherwise they
will grow again. Keep the grass and b Leaf crops - cabbages, cauliflower*,
tall weeds for coqmst. The" fence t.h* *pi*.%dl
garden. Dig the soil one spade deep
and dig in any compost or manure you b Legumes - beans, peas
have. You can also dig ti*"che* or if
the garden is on a slope, malt* terraces bPruit crops - tomatoes, potatoe*,
(plol). If possible find out what kind peppers, chillies
of soil you have (see Know your soil
p 971. If your soil is acid you must For example, tomatoes, potatoes,
add lime. peppers and chilli** all belong to
the same family, so they are attacked
by the **me pests and diseases. 1f you
Laying out the garden grmi any of these vegetables in the
laying out the garde" in plots of the same soil every year, they will be
same size makes it easier to plan crop attacked by diseases like bacterial
rotation. weeding and other work in wilt and pests like rootknot eelworm.
the garden is easier if the plots are You must let the soil rest by growing
long and narrow, abo"t 5m long and Im other kinds of vegetables after
wide. The" you can make paths in growing tomatoes, potatoes, peppers
between and you do not have to stand and chillies. This is called crop
on the *oil where the vegetables are rotation. It improves the-soil and
grO"i"g. helps to prevent disease.

g P3.J a different family of

Intercropping bee ~117) Sowing seed
Another way of improving the soil and Seed is expensive. Do not Waste Seed
preventing diseases is to plant differ- by growing *ore than you need. If YOU
ent vegetables next to each other. For are sowing root i:rops, legumes. maize
example beans or peas make their own or pumpkins, sow only 3 time* as many
nitrogen plant fcorl,so if you grow plants as you need. Then thin the rows
them next to spinach, the spinach will of seedlings to get the plants the
also get nitrogen. right distance apart. If YOU SrS SOWi"g
seeds first in a Seedbed and the"
transplanting, ya; Should Sow only
twice as many plants as YOU need. FOT
example if you want 20 cabbages, SOW
40 seeds. DE" choose the 20 Stro"gSst
seedlings to transplant.

Before you sow the seed, break up the

lumps in the soil with a rake. Put the
seed in boles or rows about five times
as deep as the size of Me 5eed. W~tater
the seeds softly with a watering can.
Then cover with grass to prevent the
soil drying out. water your Seeds every
day. AS soon as you can see them
growing through the soil, make a space
in the grass for the plant to grow
plontin5 beans and lettuces together

a s1rnple rotation

Your garden
fdo 4 equal port6

the next time you +.nt,

move each fom+ of
vegetables to the nest bed

plant in fertile soil and shade

plonts from the hot sun
Seedbeds Thinning
Some seeds like beans, pumpkins and Vegetable plants are weak when small.
carrots can be planted straight into Plant many seeds and thin them later.
the ground where you "ant t&x,, to grow. Thinning is taking out some plants
Others like tnm*ttces,onions and so that others can grow better. It
spinach Will grow stronger if they Ire may seem like a waste of plants, but
planeed in seedbeds for the fir*t 6 you will get more vegetables if the
weeks. A seedbed is a small psrt of plant* are not crowded. Thin the
the garden with very rich soil and a plants two or three times as they
roof to shade the seeds. Dig in grow until they are at the right
compost or kraa1 manure *ix weeks spacing (see sowing guide ~38).
before planting. Make a rwf witb
branch** or grass to protect the
seedlings from hot sun. Plant the Mulching
seeds in rows and nter them twice Mulch is a COVBT of grass and l**v*s
a day for the first week and then which prevents the sun frm drying out
once a day until they are 3 Weeks the soil. Mulching improves the soil
old. Frcm 3 to 6 week* water then and prevents a bard cru*t being formed
every 4 days ad slowly take the on tie soil. DO rst let your mulch
grass off the roof until they are 'Loucb the plant, otherwise it will
ready to tran*p12L"t. cause disease.

water just t

transplant inf @




IOOOmm t I SOdays
zooo- ((
2omm 5cQ-looomm

20mm 5Omm 300-500mbl to 45

Ti 2Omm 2oDmm

ZOm 200-3001~1 600-9OOmm 90 to IlOdays

IOm 4420~5oomn 12004800mm 7Oto9OW5
Root Crops (carrots, beetroot. turnips)
DO mzt put fresh compost or nan"re
Straight onto root crops. 1-Lm*es
them grow many thin root*. Dig in
compost a month before planting.

Pcarrots grow best in cooler months,

and are not killed easily by fro*t.
They prefer loose loamy soils. Prepare
their seedhe. well and water +egul*ly.

~Turnips are fast growing. They prefer

cool weather, so sow them in autumn and
winter. Barvest them while they are
still small. The leaves are nutritious
and m*e good spinach.

Leaf Crops (cabbages, lettuce and spinacn) I,, summer yOU do nat need seedbeds.
Leaf crops need plenty Of ccmpost or Sow them *traight into the ground and
Legumes (peas and beans) seed before sowing. So& the seed
Legumes make their own nitrogen plant overnight and Leave in a wet Cloth
ford. other pLa+s can use the nitro- until it sprouts, then plant it
gen, especialPi when LWX@ KOOKS are straight away.
Left in the soil after the plants have
been picked. In a crop rotation plan .P,tatoes (see p 151) are easy to grow,
it is goad to plant Legvmes before especially in cool places. P1s-t them
Leaf crops because leaf crops use up in early Sumner of in frost free areas.
a Lot of nitrogen. In winter potatoes need a Lot Of man-
ure and water. Use certified seed to
prevent disease.

.5?matoes - see HO" to grow tomatoes

(p 42).

k Chillies grow on bushes which only

have to be planted every 4 years. They
grow well in hot places. Plant them
around the edge Of ymx garden. They
can be dried and ground up to make
chilli powder.
W~eas can be intercropped with
spinach or cabbage. G?ZOW tk3m UP ~Eggp1ant.s. also called brinjals, are
poles to make picking easier. easily killed by frost and take a LOW
time to grow. They need Lots of CLYnPOSt
and water. Transpranr. vmen LO-L5cm high
Fruit Crops (tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins) in the seedbed.
Fruit crops need plenty of potassium,
which can come from wood ash. b meen peppers need warm weather but
they get sunburnt easily. YOU can
bmpkins and squashes are easily prevent sunburn by grming in double
killed by frost and need warm weatber~ IOWS. Peppers need.plenty of compost
but if the weather is too hot, they and water. Transplant 7-8 weeks after
will not produce any fruit. They need sowing. Be very careful because green
regular watering. lb reduce attacks pepper plants are easily cmmged by
on the see.35by pests, sprout the transplanting.
Legumes (peas and beans) seed before sowing. So& the seed
Legumes make their own nitrogen plant overnight and Leave in a wet cloth
ford. other pLa+s can use the nitro- until it sprouts, the" plant it
gen, especially whe" LWX@ KOOKS are straight away.
Left in the soil after the plants have
been picked. I" a crop rotation plan .P,tatoes (see p 151) are easy to grow,
it is goad to plant Legvmes before especially in cool places. P1S-t them
leaf crops because leaf crops use UP in early Sumner of in frost free areas.
a lot of nitrogen. 1n winter potatoes need a Lot of man-
ure and water. Use certified seed to
.Bush uea"s (dwarf beans.1 are easy prevent disease.
to grow and quick to mature. If you
want green beans, pick them when the .5?matoes - see HO" to grow tomatoes
pods are LOCI0 long. For dry beans (p 42).
pick *em after the plant dies.

.t?unner beans take longer to grow k Chillies grow on bushes which only
than bush beans, but they prodWe have to be planted every 4 years. They
more. YOU can grow ehem in a very small grow well in hot places. Plant them
space. Make tripods of poles L.Srn around the edge of youx garde". They
long for them to grow UP. can be dried and ground up to make
chilli powder.
W~eas can be intercropped with
spinach or cabbage. G?ZOW tk3m UP .~ggpla"ts, also called brinjals, are
poles to make picking easier. easily killed by frost and take a Long
time to grow. They need Lots of CLY~POS~
and water. Transplant when LO-L5cm high
Fruit Crops (tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins) in the seedbed.
Fruit crops need plenty of potassium,
which can come from wood ash. b preen peppers need warm weather but
they get su"!Jurnteasily. YOU can
bmpkins and squashes are easily prevent sunburn by grming in double
killed by frost and need warm weather. IOWS. Peppers need.plenty of compost
but if the weather is too hot, they ad water. Transplant 7-8 weeks after
will not produce my fruit. They need sowing. Be very careful because green
regular watering. To red"Ce attacks pepper plants are easily dmaged by
on the seeds by pests, spmut the transplanting.
Tomatoes are ta5t.u and nutritious
They give you ,minerals and vitamins
A and C, espeoally when you e&
them taw.
Tomatoes are not easg to ~g-OW.
But if LyJ control pests ancl dl.SWSE=S
you can grow lots of tomatoes in
a small garden;
4-5kg a plant or more.


. In frost free places you can mwve,d: Homestead FM Oi

hme.pq Harm 1370, St Pierre,
grow tomatoes all Meat- round, Middle ano tiig!xc&: Manapal,
but winter tomatoes should st. Pierre, Homestean Tui-1bo5,
plantea before April for Indian River.
yields. Narai
__ : Red KhF&i, RamePlaal
wernrq Meinz
. In other areas only Sow
,370, Mnnapal.
E, cape: Manapal, indian Rove!
them when the danger Red KnaKi, Heinz 1370.
of frost has passed. Inter ramfall. Red Khakl,~
* Tomatoes like warm dry Fif&ixG oneymaker, HelnL
places. If &xlr area is too 1370 8
a: Manmal, Sty Pierre,
hot or too wet, tomatoes ~lomestead FM hl, RoociePlaat
can become sunburnt or \prem~~er, inaian River.

get fungus diseases-

. Tom&oe.s grow well in most soils but sllghtiy acid
drained or sandy soils are best.
c J
/ 7
I. Make the seedbed in a warm
sunny place, Protected from
frost. Make Sure. tomatoes,
Potatoes, Qreen PePpers,
and tobacco have not grown.
in this place for at least
l SPrad kraal manure,
I bucketful per sq metre,
and dig well in, or use
2-3-Z Cu) fertillser at 309 per so, m&t-e..
- Use a rake to prepare. the seedbed.
. Sow seea in moist soil, in furrows Icm deep.

I - Sow thin& so you do not waste seed.

. Try to grow short Strong
0 Sow thinly and do not giv
them too much water.
- When seedlings are growing
well, one good wateting a week
is enough.
- Thin rows until the plants
are 2 to3cm


- Dig deeply to make Sure the water sinks
into the grouna.
. Dig in cornPost or manure at 2 buckets
Per SQ m, or 2-3-2 Q2) fertiliser
per 5% m and 8Og
,oer 5.4 m.

. Transplant when the

tomatoes are IO to 1.2~0 high.
. Transplant in the late
afternoon and water
straight away.
. Mulch tie soil and shade
plant with a leafy Dranch
for a few dagt.
. Meike the rowis 6ocm to ~oocm
apart. Plants L-0 to 60 cm
aDart in the I-OWS.

Wm once a week, ancl give
eacn plant a bucRet Of water
Try not to water the leaves or
let soil spia5n onto the Islant-
this can give them diseases.
PRUNING is the removal of side-
snook Wt-lCLlT tney start to grow,
50 that only one stem grows.
Remove the side snoots when th
are small - do this at least o
a week. This will give nice big

A UUm is a Iauer of organic material

$rass, leaves, weeds ) on the surface
the soil. If it is at IeaSt IOcm
thick it will:
. Kee0 water in the soil
, protect soii structure.
. stop weeds growing.
- PreVent soil 5orasntng onto IeaVes
when watering.
- Keep the soil cool in summer.
STAKING keebs the plant standin Up
50 that the tomatoes do not lie
on the ground.
. Use a strong stick 1,5m long push
deeply into the soil.
- Tie the plant loosely with string

To txevent diseases: * You must use
crop rotation (see pq 1: * Do not
water leave5 - Remove and burn
all sick plants. - Mulct7 heavily.
-Smokers must wash hands before
handling plants to avoid virus aisa35e
from t0bacc0.
SPrayingL spray olants every 7 to 10
with fungicides like Dithane M45 or
Vitikop (Copper oxychloride)
Bacterial Wilt: Plant5 wilt suddenly
cut with a knife. There is nothina uou
about this disease. &,Jrn~ plants an; do not Plant
tomato&, peppers, @ab0es or tObaCc0 in the same PI-
for 5 years.

in the soil
anu make the roots swell up.-=,
To control eelworms use Crop
otation growing khaklwyeed
et betbre gn>wtn.q tomatces-

:UWOR~~: a WeY or b-own worm

vhici? Wt5 through pant stems
3.t night.
-0 control Cutworm :
lig down next to piants, and kill
Dait with Dipterex in maizemeal
3eFore planting.

D~UWORM: IiQht green to brown

caterpillar with broad yellow banas.
-YS small white eggs on le.ave.s.
Eats holes in tomatoes. actual size -4cm
To control bollworms, take tnem ofF AMERiCAN DOLWOW

snd kill thevn or spray them with Dipterex.

rOmatoes can be picked ripe or
unripe. Do not pi* tomatoes
when they are ciarh Green.
PicK tnem when:-
Pale green : Ttle fruit will ripen
in about a WeeK. Ripen in a
warm place - does not nave to
be in tne right.
. Light red : almost Fully ripe.
. Reel or ripe: do not leave on roOMAT STARTLNG
the plant after this. TO RIPEN
Onions are CZxS!.J to QrOw but they take a long
tit-be. If you totan your garden well yoU can get
e=nOUQr\ onions to last you for tne whale y-t-.

Onions 00 not grow well in a& soils or heavy

CbY SOlIS. They grog best in well drained sandy
SOi 15, If uour soil too acio, put on lime.

The best varieties are De wildt, Bon Ascot-cl,
Pyramio and l&as Grano. For me Cape, where
there is rain in winter, plant Australian Brown
or Caleaon Globe.

Dig in half a wheelbarrow full of tnanure or cOmp05t
for every sq metre. Or dig in two handfuls (800).
of 2: 3: 2 t22x) fertiliser per sq metre.

mere are two ways of plahtir14 onions:
DIRECT SOWING : You will get
more onions and thea will
be ready quicker. BUC
UlWCt SOWinQ takes more
work because you will nave
to 13reimre the soil very werl
,With a rake - the onions
will not grow up well i.n
rough soil:
- water wet I, every aau
- take out all tie weeds
I mulch
Make the rows LOcm apart.
When the onions start to
grow, thin out the small
ones until the plants are
about Bon apart
50~ the onion seeds in TOWS,
maKing the tow5 l0cm mart.
water them well and take
out all the weeds.
thw are about 8 weeks n%$$,
01~ t.hey will be as hick as
a pencil, and ready for

To transorant, make rows 40cm apart.

Plant the onion plank Sun apart in the rows so
tnat theg are as deep in the soil as tney weYe
in the seedbed Cut off the ends of tnc ro0t.s
and me tops of the leaves- this will give -you
bigger onions
d /
mrips are vet-d small insect pests
eat me leaves and make silver marks
on them. Yoir can kill the thrips with
Downy Mildew is a ~iisease with Wakes Dale
green soots anti sometime5 pJp1e spot3 on
me leaves. The leaves can turn yellow ana die
rou can get ria of tne Ciisease with DITHANE ~4:

r -

The onions are ready for harve5ting aoout 8
months after planting. you will know the
onions ore wnen tne leaves become
yellow and &?%zz
Hold the leaves and pull the
onions out of the Qrouna.
Leave tnem to dry in ttx
sun for 3 days, covering
eac3-7 onion vat)7 the
leaves of another onion eaves .r&eving onior\S
SO tnat tney a0 not get *ne* In 5ul-l for 3 cra&t
Then tie tr\ern together in buncFvez 0~ their
leaes and hang tt?em up in a cool dry

The best kind of spinach to grow is SWSS CHARD
It grows best during Autumn, Winter land Spring
because duni? 5ummey it can ea51ly get
lebfspot disease.

There cy~,~E; kinds of SWISS

mere are tlvo ways of
planting spinach:


seea about Icm cw=P.
using your finger to r+ake
a hole for each seed.
weed and waker well and
thin out the plants until
they are aDout 25cm apart


rows Ocm apart ana sow
the seed. Water well and
take out all tne weeas.
Keep thinning out the spinam
plant.5 until tney are 2cm
apart and IO cm high. Fansplant seecillngs
on a cool say, in rows 30c.t-n
apart wiu7 25cm between plants.
If the @ants are more than l&m long when
YOU transplant, cut off half the leaves Water
the young plants twice a day and give them
shade, until they are. growing well.
Dig in half a WheelbarrOW full of mar?ure
or cornpoSt per 5% metre, or one big
handfu I (609) OF 2: 3 :c (24%) per q. m.

Put fextiliser
fertiliser on top of thL;N so2jiq(top dressy
with liquia: manure or 0

To make liquid manure put

Dut half a
sack of manure in a 2001 (4Lt gallon)
drum full of water for two weeks.

To make enougn tnls ore2sing for one

sq. metre, maq a watering can (4
full with li@Ki manure and fill It
UP with water. If yoL+ are using
LAN a toP ciresslng , put on
209 ;:r SQ t-n&t-e.

z;t-can st+ to pick spinacn apout 60 ddyS

planting. cut off tne outslae leaves
with a sharp knife 4 cm above the grounc
more YOU cut spinacn the be%ter it
$Y Qt-OW. You can keep cutting the spinacl
for St0 4 months.


The most commor\ disease of
spin& is LEAF 5POT. 7
It iS worst during hot Wet eA
Control it with CAPTAN or Small lignt brown Spots
DITHANE M 45 witn dark cages -
a -5corcnea appearance
Contror with CAPTAN
Making Compost
What is compost? manure from the veld and roads~ ~a,,all'
Soil is made up of a living part and be added to the com~ast. it is a lot
a dead part. The dead part is made of of hard work, but it is worth it.
sand and clay. The living part is
called bumw and is made up of millions
of very small iiving things - so small What happens in a compost heap?
that you cannot *ee them. These things In the compost heap there are millios
are called micro-organisms and help Of micro-organisms. These micro-
plants to grow. Manure, weeds, grass, organisms eat the organic matter and
vegetable waste*, fruit peelings, tea breed very quickly. They die when the
leaves, eggshells, leaves and sawdust plants are all compost. The dead micro-
will all rot and form humus. Dead organisms are plant food. TO do their
plants and mimls and animal manure job well, micro-organisms need four
also rot in the soil and turn into things - air, water, warmth and food.
humus. All organic matter (everything
that was living) breaks dawn into humus.

Why make compost?

M*ing compost is one of the best ways
of increasing the mount of humus in
the soil. COmpOStalso helps the soil
to hold more water. Crops fed with com-
post grow stmngex and are not so
easily attacked by diseases and insect
WFood materials - make sure the
organic matter is a god balance of
Why doesnt everyone make compost? energy food (carbon) and b&y building
Making compost is hard work and t.ak&s food (nitrogen). Carbon is contained
time. A farmer who grows crops O"sx a in grass, hay, plant stalks and branch-
large area of land will not usually es. Nitrogen is contained in manure,
have enough organic matter to make urine and chemical fertiliser. Compost
enough compost; 30 tons.is needed per heaps often do not work because the
hectare. So it is better to make balance of carbon and nitrogen is
compost just for your vegetable garden. wrong. Make sure that at least a tenth
YOU need about 2 b"Ck&s full per sq. of ynx heap has nitrogen - either
metre. fallen leaves. kitchen waste animal manure or grass soaked in
from neighhours, grass and weeds and urine from kraals or chicken houses.

writer :ompost
heaps every week

whedbnrrow full of C-FL

is enough fop asg metres
@ fill the 6k.t pit with waste

cil after six. weeks turn the

- compost &to tiae, seco~dpit
fill the fwkt prt aga,n

@ turn both pits after another 3

six weeks

@ Mter 5 .months the

compost 1s ready
25cm deep. PU'C the soil from this
trench into the first trench. NOW
loosen the soil in the second trench
with the fork. Dig the third trench,
put the soil from the third trench
into the second and so on, until you
have opened the l.ast trench in the
bed. Fill the last trench with the
soil from the firs+ trench.

sake the soil and put on comp,ost or

manure very lightly - only int= the
top 3cm or so of soil.

French trenches make it easier for

plant roots ta grow deeply into the
soil. They will work for a long time.

- .- -

SCil from thr second trench IS

moved imto the first
paper, in the bottom of the trench.
Then put on a 25an layer of soil from
the bottom of the trench. Add more
organic matter and soil layers until
the trench is almost full. men put in
some top 5011 50 that the soil is level
with the ground. Allow the trench to
stand for at 1eacc 2 months. AS the
organic matter rots, the soil will
settle, leaving a bole. Fill the trench
up with the rest of the top soil. When
you plant, add compost and manure.
Once a deep trench has been made it
works for 10 years. But it %kes a
Deep Trenches lot of work. In a big garden it is
xake deep trenches 2 months or more better to USI? French or mock trenches.
before planting. Make wide trenches,
as big as each pi&. 50cm to lm deep. Try planting the same vegetables in
Dig out all the soil in the plot. Put plots with trenches and plots withrot
the top soil,tbe first 25cm.m one trenches. You will see for yourself~
side mi the other soil on the other that trenches are a good way of
side. PUT a 25~32layer of organic improving the soil without chemical
matter: grass, weeds, kitchen waste, fertilisers.

Many people cannot afford to buy garclen tools. You Can

start a t0ol nit-e to my *me wi+th Otner people in
your community. You will nezd money to buy (0 forks,
10 spades, IO rakeq IO knifes or other tools. You V&II
neeu emout RJ.50. If you write to E.D.A. we Will tell
YOU where you can cofrow the money to 5tart.

You can elect a

committee: The commit-
tee ck-ooses one
per&n to lo& after
the tools and to
keep recotis. YOU
will also nee.c! a
place to keeq the

The toolkeeper must keep good PARCELS E&Y% time~~~a\
person pa& to hire a tool, it must be written down
Mice :
One page shows all the
tools that have been
hired out and who is
usiw them. Cro.5s off
the name wnen the
tool is returned.

As soon as Mr Shaoangu has P&I the same amount

for hiriq that he would have ptid to ouu the tool,
he becomes tne owner. If a spade costs Rb.S2 he
would haue to hire the spade for 2.2 week5 (30; a
week) to become the 0wx.r. The monw he 11s
paid for 17it-ir-q is used to bLly a new spade for

The committee must open

a bank account and p&&j
the money into it regularly
50 that monq is always
avaiiable to replare tool.5
that. have been ptia off

The cotnmittee must haue

meetings 50 tnti tiey
can check tne too\-
keepws rwms and
report to the communi%
about now me schme
is working

It is Dest for One person

to be the toolkeeper.
A new toolkeeper should
be elected w y-
SO that more people in
the cqmmunity ca/\ get
experience in running a
Keeping Pigs
Weight and Growth
Do not let your pigs get too fat, be-
cause then their meat will not be good.
For good quality meat make sure the
pig gets enough protein in the growing
period (weaning to 3Okg9).and then in
the finishing period (3Okg tG 6Okg)
m&e 5uTe that you cut down on the
amount of food.

Once a pig weighs 3Okg you must start

cutting down its food and giving it
less protein. Feed it twice a day. as
much as it will eat in 20 minutes. This
is a rough guide only - if it starts
looking thin and hungry, feed it more,
if it is getting too fat,.feed it less.
Continue feeding in this way until it
reaches slaughter weight of 6okg. Your
pig should take 34-4 months to reach
3Okg. A pig will usually weigh 6Okg at
6 months. But it will take longer if
it is underfed or unhealthy.
Feeding younj pijs:

2 the first3 weeks th;y

suck their mothers

at 3 to 8weeks givethem
e&-a food like cocked
vegetables, milkond piy
meal. Use a creep feeder
sothot the mother cnnnot
eat their food.

iJeanthe pi lets at 8 weeks.

Mter wean!4 feed them as
much as the cov) eat until
they wergh ?3okg.

Breeding *imuld get 25Cg of bonemeal per piglet

If *ox are keephg a young female feed every day in addition to her doubled
her in the same way as other pigs until food otherwise she will not make enough
she is old enough to mate. This will milk.
be when she is about 8 mox?tbs old.
When she is ready for mating (comes on The piglets should eat solid food from
heat) double her food then slowly bring 3 weeks, so that when they are weaned
her back to normal amounts, watching at 6 to 8 weeks they are eating well
cexefully to see '&at she stays in good and in good condition. Weaning is the
condition. She will give birth 3 months, time piglets are most likely to get
3 weeks and 3 days after mating. sick oz die. The food must be tasty
and easy for them to eat - vegetables
should be cooked soft and mashed up,
and milk should he added if possible.
Each day put out as much as they will
eat, and clean the feeder every day so
the food is fresh for them.
Pigs are very strong and very clever,
so make your pig house strong. The pig
house must have a roof to gi"e shade,
because pigs cannot sweat to keep
themselves cool like other animals. The
house should also keep the pigs dry and
warm when it is cold and rainy. Allow
the pigs 1 sq metre each if they are
under 4Okg. and 2 sq metres each if
they are heavier. moveble
It is important not to let pigs wander pig house
around wherever they like because if of stron
they find human shit they will eat it. 9
Pigs get tapeworm from eating shit, and
if people eat the meat they can also
get tapeworm.

Other ways of keeping pigs:

Elm~eable pig house. If pigs stay in

one place they will qet woms and lice,
so it is good to move them. YOU can
make a moveable house from 6m logs held
tcgethes with iron rods at the corners.
With a moveable house, pigs will also
be able to get food by digging in the
Disease and Parasites
q Tying pigs up.Sometime* people tie Pigs do not get sick easily. The most
pigs to a tree or a stake. with a rope common problems are skin diseases,
around their necks. This is not a good worms and diarrhoea in young pigs. Pigs
idea, because a pig's neck is nearly will, if they can, roll in mud and earth
as thick as its head, and it cm slip with great delight. They have a good
Out. If the rope is too tight, it can reason to do this because they get
hurt the pig. It is better to use a Vitamin A in this way which prevents
hiy harness. them suffering from skin problems.

pig house with thatched roof

If a pig is suffering from worms, it
will have a swollen belly, diarrhoea,
and it will not grow well. This is a
connon illmss in yang pigs and to
prevent it you must deworm all your
piglets after weaning. use deworming
medicine such as Repzine or Perabx.

Weaning is a big change for the young

piglet and if it does not eat well it
will be weak and get sick. Often it
will get diarrhoea - watch out for this
and Weat it straight away otherwiss
the Eiglet will get weak and die. TO
get rid of diarrhoea using Kalzol or
Diazol medicine. Your pigs will have
less health problems if you keep the
pig house clean.

Selling and Slaughtering

There are many different ways you can
decide on how many pigs to keep. You
can keep one or two females, use a
neighbour's male, and sell some of the
piglets or keep then all to fatten.
If you have three or more females, you
can keeg your own male. It depends on
how many pigs you want to keep at any
one time. Some people like to keep
one pig at a the and after slaughtering herd ~$5 with wooden
buy a new 8 week old pig.
boards or cow-ujated ,ron

Slaughtering a Pig

pig by hitting it on tie head with a

heavy hammer and then cutting its
throat with a long pointed knife. Keep

Bave half a 200 litre drum of boiling
water ready. Wash the pig very well
with saap and warm water, and then
stand it on its knees. put a layer of
hessian sacking over it and pour boil-
ing water cata the sacking. Us* a
piece of wood to hit the sacking all
the time. Do this until when you lift
the Sacking the hair can be pulled out
easily. Then remove the sacking and
scrape the skin firmly with kitchen
spoons. Shave off the remaining short
hairs with a razor. Finally, soap and
wash the pig again.
Butchering All parts of the pig can be used. YOU
Cut off the head just under the chin. can make sausages, bacon, ham and pork.
and wash the neck. Cut tluouqh the The meat can be smoked, dried, bottled
skin, fat and bone of the breast with ox pickled. All parts of the pig you
a sharp carving knife from the neck do not want to eat can be pickled,
down. Gver tie belly it is best to cooked and fed to chickens. You do
keep two fingers under the point of the not need to throw anything away.
knife to avoid cutting open the intes-
tines and stomach. Remove the qall
bladder careflluy from the liver. Keep Using the Meat
the large intestines and bladder for Sausages - to make sausages use twice
sausages. The large intestines break a5 much lean meat a5 fat. Mince the
easily so be careful. Turn them inside meat and mix the meat and fat well.
o*t to scrape them. The small intestine* Add lots of spices, black pepper,
should be scraped flat on * smooth allspice, cloves, chillies and lots
plank or slab without turning Inside of garlic. Spices stop the sausages
out. Use the blunt side of a knife as from going rotten. Stuff the sansaqe
a scraper. mixture into the intestines after you
have scraped them clean ad washed them.
men hang up the carcass with hooks Hang the sausages to dry for a week in.
fixed into boles cut in the back legs a cool windy place, and then smoke
above the feet. Let the pig cool before them.
cutting it in half down the back with
a hacksaw. Bottled pork - this is made with qood
lean meat and scme fat, cooked with
onions. Put it into glass sealing jars
with rubber rings. Tighten the lids and
take the jars off the 5to"e a* soon a*
they boil. Boil them again 24 hous
later, without loosening the lids, for
20 minutes.

Pickled pork - pickle hams, bacons,

rolled bits of fat and skin. For 20-4Okq
of meat, use this recipe for pickling
juice: 20 litres boiled water, 25Og
saltpetre, 250~ suqar, 5kq sa1.t. 1259
blc I pepper, 1259 allspice, 2009
coriander, 1259 mace. The brine soaks
into the meat Icm a week - so a lOan
thick bacon needs 10 week8 of pickling.
After picklinq, hanq the meat UP for
24 hours and then smoke it.

Brawn - this is made by boiling the

head, feet, ribs and bones for a long
time with herbs and spices. Cook for
long E?"ouQh for the meat to fall off
the bones. To prepare the head for
cmkinq cut it down and across into
quarters with a saw or axe, and remove
teeth, eyes and non-meat parts. Remove
the nails from feet by dipping them
into boiling water on a wire and pulling
them off with pliers.

Drying - rub a little saltpetre into

the meat, then rub in salt and sugar,
then bury it in a drum full of salt
,for about 2 weeks.
200 litreoildrum with top Smoking - use 4kg of sawdust from wood
and bottom cut off which does not contain sticky gum. For
example wattle is good for smoking but
pine is not. Build a round stone wall
as high as your knee. Put a 200 lithe
drum, open at both ends on the wall and
pole0~~~55 light a fire underneath. Fit a rod
top oFthe tightly inside the top of the drum and
hang all the meat on the rod. Before
II putting in the meat, light the s.*wdu*t
by burning paper or leaves on top of
it. The smoker must be out of the sun
and wind. Cover the top with a sack and
a TCCA or metal cover. After smoking
hang the meat in a cool dark place,
otherwise it will go bad. Smoked
sausages and hams will keep for a long
time, but do not keep bacon for too long
or it will go hard.

bacon or chops

beI1: saltit to
Y bacon
tmke I

L ,-Front
rwd or cut
up for
Keeping Rabbis
Rabbits do not cost m"ch to keep, and ridge and bread are food for fattening
they breed quickly. One male and two rabbits before you slaughter them.
females will breed enough to give you Rabbits also like good quality bay.
meat throughout the year. Rabbit manure
is high in nitrogen and very useful in
a "egetable garden. . Give rabbits plenty of clean water.

Rabbit pellets are sold by milling

Breeds companies, but they are very expensive.
The four most common breeds for meat Rats like the pellets, so you will have
are: to ratproof your rabbit house and your
store t-corn.
We do not recoxmend pellets
b&w Zealand Red - a light brown-red because they are too expensive fox
colour w$th an average adult weight of small farmers.
3.5kg. Although it is the smallest
breed, it is the quickest to reach
slaughter weight of *kg.
b New Zealand White - completely white
colour with an average adult weight of
b California - white with black nose,
ears, feet and tail. A"erage adult
weight 4.5kq.
b Flemish Giant - grey-brown in colour,
with average adult weight of 6kg.

Yo" sho"ld give your rabbits different
foods like:

. aout crops like carrots, turnips and

radishes. If you have lots of rabbits Housing
you should grow radishes for them. Keep rabbits off the ground in wire
Radishes grow all the year round and mesh or wooden cages, supported on
can be picked 3 weeks after planting. poles. If the cages are on the ground,
the rabbits will dig their way o"t. A
0 Fresh green grass, green maize leaves, cage for one rabbit should be 1 sq
cabbage leaves, lettuce, lucerne and metre and for a female with babies
weeds. blackjacks and dandelions are 1.5~~ x Im. The cages should have a
all good food for rabbits. Do not feed roof over them - this can be a thatch
rabbits dry grass or leaves because roof supported by wooden poles. You
they can be poisonous. Potatc plants, will also need nesting boxes, so that
tomato plants. and spinach leaves are the mother can make a varm place for
all poisonous for rabbits and should her babies, which are born witbout fur.
not he fed to them. Make the nesting boxes about 5Ocm
0 Starch foods like mealie meal, por-

fkw zealond red new Zealand&Al;te Colifornio

wcoden cme with nestinq box thigh and down the belly with a sharp
knife. Loosen the skin and pull it do
down. Cut around the head and front
feet and pull the skin off. Dry the
skins in the sun but do not rub salt
or chemicals into them. Make them soft
by rubbing them up and down in your
hands or over a smooth stone.

skinnin a robbit

Rabbit breeders should keep good breed-
ing records. You should keep a record
like this one for exh female.

cut dowvr
the belly

TO mate rabbits take the females to the
males. This is important because if yo"
take the male to the female, she may
fight with him. Leave them together for
two days to make sure they mate proper-
ly, then take the female back to her
caqe. After 12 days take the female
Slaughter back to the male again. If she refuses
The best time to k&l1 rabbits for meat to mate this time, it means *at she
is when they weigh about Zkg, which is probably pregnant. The babies will
will be at about 4 months. You should he born about 31 days after a success-
be able to sell the meat for R2. Kiii ful mating. You should leave the female
a rabbit by hitting it hard on the with her babies for 6 weeks. She can
back of the head with an iron bar. be mated again 2 weeks later. If you
Skin it by hanging it up by its legs. do this a female can give birth 4 times
Cut around and down the inside of each a year.

Most people keep a few chickens
for eggs and meat. The chickens
scratch e.ruund for their own
food and are easy to look aFter.
You can also keep lots of chickens
and sell the meat and eggs.

Buying Day- Old Chicks

lf you are keeping lots of chick-

ens, you should buy day-old
chicks. You can order them from
chicken suppliers.
Write to them for a free price list.

There are two kinds of chickens. Chickens for meat are

called broilers and chickens for eggs are called layers.
Broilers are usually light breeds like White Leghorn. Layers are
usually heavier breeds such as:
aNew Ham shire - light brown
-Rhodes IsPand Red - dark reddish brown
*Black Austrelorp. x White Leghorn - black and white
~Plymouth Rock - grey and white

When you order, you have to tell the supplier what sexes
ou wantlhey can be all males, all female or mixed sexes
Y male and some females). All males are the cheapest,
mixed sexes are more expensive, and all females are the most
ensive. If you want to sell meat and eggs, buy mo!ed se=/

:,,,,I:,, :,. I,:, ,:, ,, , ,, ,,
Tell the supplier ycur name, ,address, nearest station, near-
est tiepbne, how many &&ens you want, what b&, and
what sexes. You usually have to order at least 100 day-old
chicks at a time. lhe supplier will send them by r&ilway or
ous. It is very imp&ant to k~w exactly when av\d where they
will arrive otherwise they can die. You should ask. the sup-
plier to phone you to tell you when the chlckens WIII arrive.
Send a letter iike this to the supplier:

PO.Box 23,
20 JuJ!~

30 Vano!erH&Rd,
1 UK& to order looday-ofd chickensRhode lsiufid
Red,mixedsexes.I enclosea cracsedposti order/br
Rzxw. Thisis the ,or& from Fawner!sWeekly.
kk2Scwrite 13 us at the aboveaddress and te&-
phone Mrs. flviko at Engcobo No 12, to tell us
w&a we must fdch the chiokm at Engcobo
!iours s+wzre.ly,
Miss J. J Msengane(Qfzretar$
Engcobo Chicken Co-operatrue

Before the chickens arrive, get these things ready. key must
all be cleaned with Jeyes Fluid.

If you have ordered layers, buy a 5okg. bag, OF Chick

Starter Mash 18Xpmtein. If ou have order+ broilers, buy a
5Okg. bag of Broiler Starter r.lash 22% protan.
&iq Amber Day-old Chicks

kep the day-old chicks far away Cram Full-grown chickens.

llder chickens can qive them diseases. 1~ hot weat,hely,chicks
io not need extra warmth. Keep them WI a room Inside a
30x like this



n cold places, or in winter, you must make a warm place ~fbr

;he chicks. You can make a heater with an oil drum cut in

- /
Ask your locaPgaraqe to cut it for
you with a cuttinq torch, or cut it
with a hammer and cold chisel. %A
will need 2 ha@ drums for IOOchickens
Cover the outside of each half drum
with thick dry grass. Hdd the qr%6s
in place bY tying sacks over It. Put
a paraffin lamp inside the drum as
a he&e~ Put a brick under one
si& c$ the druvm so that the chick-
ens can yet in and out. US wood
to keep the chickens &se to the
e~eep the ylass and the wick OF the@
lamp clean so there is no smoke. If
the yiass g&s black *om smoke, t;he
lamp will nol; give enough heat.
Also the smoke makes the chicks

.You can make the oil drum heater

hotter or cooler by lowering or
raisin9 the side which is heid up by
the brick. .
You can tell if the heat is right by seeing how close ,the chich
stay to the lamp. Take the heater away when the ckckens are
4weak6 old iF it is winter or when they are 2weeks old if it
is sun~rrer. For a few days before you take the hea,ter away
let t.&?e
chicks p used to the cold by lifting the brick and low
ering the Flame.
Plastic bottle *The Peeders and drinkers must
held upside be big enough !%P at least half the
down if-8a birds to Peed at one~tine.
wire holder
lhe levelof
water in the
tin remahs
wnstant until
ol/ tie water
Ii bottle has
been used.
5-S cm
st7dfow dish o+- tin. diamece

AS the tibcks grow give them bigger feeders and drinkers.

Ask your local garayz to cut it for
you with a cutting torch, or cut it
with a hammer and cold chisel. You
will need 2 he@ drums for lOOchickens
Cover the outside of each haIF drum
with thick dry grass. Hold t;he 9s
in place by tyiq sacks over It. Put
a paraWn lamp inside the drum as
a heater Put a brick under one
side OF the drum so that the chick-
ems can get in and out. Use Wd
to keep the chickens close to the
+xp the qbss amd the wick of the@
iamp clean so there is no smoke. If
the glass gtr;s black f+om smoke the
tamp will not; give enough heat.
Also the smoke makes the chicks
e You cam make the oil drum heater
hotter or cooler by lowering or
raisin9 the side which is held up by
the brick. ,
You can tell if the heat is right by seeinq how close ,the chick
skay to the lamp. Take the heater away when the chlckens are
4weeks old iC it is winter or when they are zweeks old if it
is summx For a few days before you take the heatir away
let the cki~cksp used to the cdd by IiRing t;he brick and IOW
erinq the Mame.
PlaStk bottle *The Peeders and drinkers must
held upside be big enough for at least half the
down in a birds lx feed at one,time.
wire holder
The level of
water rn the
tin remarks
wnstant untl7
atI tie water
ri &ottk has
been used.

AS ti chicks grow give them bigger Ceders and drinkers.

chicks do not need ex ensive housing.
The chick house must ii e easy to clean
and dry. There must be enough fresh 4
air Jd

Between 2 and 4 weeks old, 100 chicks

2, need 4,s square metres of space After
4 weeks, they need 9 square metros. J

Broiler chickens are sold for meat. When you keep broiler chick-
ens, you have to make tb:.m Fat as quickly as possible and sell ther
when they are 8 weeks old. This means feeding them well. In 8
weeks each chicken should eat about 3,5kg. of mash-that is
about 7 50kg. bags for 100 chicks.

You can feed them:

*Broiler mash only, or

-Broiler starter mash for the first 4 weeks and broiler fin-
isher mash for the second 4 weeks. When you change from
starter mash to finisher mash, mix them together for ?i day5
SO the chickens get used to the new food.

The c&kens must have fresh food and water all the time. Weigh
them If you can. At 2weeks a broiler should weigh 23Oqrams, at
4 weeks, 65Ograms, at 6 weeks I,2 kg, and at 8 weeks i,8kq.
L /
Costs and Seilina

Broilers can sell hr about R1,20 per kg. -that is R2 for an 8

week old broiler which weighs 1,8kg. For example, say you
ordered 100 birds. 5died, and you sold 95 for RI,00 each when
they were 8 weeks old.

Your sales were: 95 x RI, 80 = Rl7!

Your costs were: Day-olds RI8
Feed Rio
Paraffin R 2

Your profit is: RI71- R95 = m


If you are keepi- chickens for egqs, take the males away from

the females when they are 6 weeks old. You can tell which are
the males because they have longer leqs and biqqer combs.

Sell males at 8 weeks old as brailer chickens.

:eeding 6 to 20 weeks

ietween 6 and 20 weeks, feed your layers with Chick Grower

dash 15 56 protein. For 100 layers, you need this much mash:

4ge (weeks) Feed for Ii&t breeds(ka) Feed for heavy breeds(kq1
6 4;o 43
1 49 43
a V 4,s
9 4,5 W
IO %5 552
II 5,O 584
12 5P 5,7
13 5,4 539

I4 584 6,
15 60 6,4
16 60 66
I-l 61.4 w
I8 6,4 7,o
19 6,s 783
20 $8 7,5
\ /

r 7
Housing: 6 to 20 weeks

It, is best to keep 6 - 20 wee! old

_uayers 1n a,Fg.i;cz;

new piece of
gr.und every

A caqe like
ths is big
enough for
20 chickens.

The chicken manure can be IeFt to Fertilise the Field, or you

can pick it up and use it for a vegetable garden.
\ /

After 20 weeks

After 20weeks move the chickens to a laying hxe. Tney start

to lay eggs when they are 22 to 24 weeks old,

Some suppliers sell chickens about 20 weeks M, ready to lay.

They are called point-of-lay chickens.

Laying Houses

There are two kinds of houses

for laying hens - deep litters
and outside runs. Deep litters Im.
are better because they need
less space and \ess fencmg.

In a deep litter you can keep I6 hens per 4 sq. metre; in an

outside run, you can only keep I hen per 4sq. metres.
\ /
=,ln deep litters, the hens live on a pile & 1
LSS deep.
Once a week for 4weeks you
must turn the qrass over

*Outside Run Perches and Nesting Boxes

The hens must have 4 sq.metres
each. Divide the run in halF so
that the hens can scratch on
one side while the grass grows
I Make perches For the hens
to sit on at night.

on the other side.

Give them nesting boxes wit

clean grass or wood shaving
to lay eggs in.

- E
one box can
shared by +---35..---
\, 6 hens.
Feeding Laying Hens
In the first week after you move the, hens to the laying house,
start to mix layers mash lb% protein Into thetr growers mash.
Mix in more and more layers mash and less and less growers
mash, until all their food is layers mash.
Give them enou h food for each hen to have half a cup of
mash per day. I? they are in
an outside run scatter yello
ie meal in the run every da
they scratch for it and di
worms and insects. IF YOU
vegetable, give them fresh
comfrey, cabbage, or iettuce
leaves. Giw them enough
clean water evWy day. J
f \
lnq Hens
ha5 B large, A.qood laying hen looks
glossy red thtn and strong. If it is
fat it means it is not lay

ho5 pelvic txrx

has a large, that are thin,
soft and
lne distance

skin that Bias

ed from

If a hen does not look or feel

like this it must be sold or eat-
&ens lose their old feathers and qrow new
once a year. During this time they do not lay

f Record Book

Keep a record book to see how many e go

vour hens are layrnq. Then you can wor 9, out
how much to sdlyour eggs for.

A laying hen should lay at least 4

egqs a week in the first year lf you
look after your hens well, they ~111
lay 4 eggs a week In the second year
too. Most people who sell eggs qet
new laylng hens every year.


F you want to get your own chickens,
leave some eggs for a hen to hatch.

Make a nesting box inside the

chicken house for each
mother hen to hatch
her chicks in.
Put sticks in front of
the box so that the
mother hen cannot
qe!z out to eat the baby
chIckens food. Make
sure that wild birds
and animals like doqs, cats, snakes
and jackais cannot qet inside the chicken house.
Chicken Diseases
YOU can tell a chicken is Sick hen:
. It does not eat. for
a It keeps away frcm other chickens. de
0 It $loes not move around much.
e It has a bent-over back.
0 It has loose feathers which do not
lie down flat.
Take the chicken away from the others.
Put it in a cage by itself 50 that the
others Is not get the disease.

rti o house by itself

. Give the chicks this vaccine when
t?ley are 10 days Old.
Put all the chicks in a box.
S Half fill the vaccine bottle with
the sterilized water from the eye-
drop bottle. Shake it well then
pour the mixture into the eye&cop
bottle and shake it again.
a Put 1 drop into only 1 eye of
Newcastle Disease each chick. You must finish using
These are the signs of Newcastle the vaccine in 3 hours.
Disease: . When you have finished, burn all
b aliCk breathing. the vaccine you have not used. 1f
b Gurgling or rattling noise in the you thm-ow it on the ground, it can
chickens thoat. give other chickens Newcastle disease.

eLa Sota - give chicks La Sota

vaccine in the same way as Bitchner Bl
when they are 1 month Old.
This disease can not he cured. You have
to kill all the chickens. After killing
all the chickens, clean the chicken
house ana a11 the feeders, drinkers,
nesting boxes aa perches with Jeyes
Fluid. You can eat the chickens that
did not look sick.

You can stop young chickens from getting

Newcastle Disease by giving them
medicine. The medicine must be kept in
a fridge until you are ready to use it.
Ask your local store if you can keep it
in their fridge. AS SoOn as it is out
of the fridge it will Only work for 3
hours so you must use it quickly.

There are 3 kinds of medicine to prevent

young chickens getting Newcastle

the chickens' legs when they are 2

months old. For MO chickens, buy
1 bottle of Komarov vaccine, a 3rd
TO prevent fowl Pox, inject all your
chickens with Fowl Pox medicine when
they are 8 weeks old. In the box with
the medicine you will get a needle and
a bottle ot'\glycerine:
. Mix the medicine with the glycerine.
q Dip the needle into the medicine.
q msh the needle through the wing
near the Scdy. AS you push it through,
the medicine will be wiped off the
Coccidiosis needle inside the wing.
.z,fter one week, look for a red mark
where the needle went in - this means
the injection worked.

Chronic Respiratory Disease

this disease is cormnonwhen chickens
I8It stays close together with the are in overcrowded places without
other chickens with its head down and enough fresh air. When a chicken has
it5 feathers untidy. this disease:
b There is thick mellow pus under its
To get rid of Coccidiosis, put eyelids.
sulphamezathine 16% solution medicine b Thick liquid runs from its eyes and
in their drinking water. Add 60ml of
this medicine and 9 teaspoons of
sugar into 5 litres of water (ES
Sow to weigh and measure p 1301. Give
the chickens this water for 3 days.
Then give them plain drinking water
for 2 days and then water with medicine do& pd
and sugar for another 3 days.

If your chickens get Chronic Respiratory

Disease, give them a bigger place with
more fresh air. put all the sick ones
Fowl Pox Disease in a warm, ai+y place and give them
If a chicken has this disease, lumps Terramycin powder in their drinking
grow on its head and inside its Water.
mouth. It is a very common disease S Before you buy the Terramycin Powder,
ani can easily cme from other people's look at the date on the box. If the date
chickens. has already passed, the powder xi11 be
too old and will not work.
To get rid of Fowl Pox, paint the 6 Mix 2 teaspoons of powd& into 5
lumps with Tincture of Iodine every litres of water. Make sure the clicke.lS
day until they go away. drink this water quickly.

,,, 75
The transport is our big problem in the villages
it was so cold. They are? . Why don't you keep them
only one day old when in a home of their own?
they put them on the
train. we Order 100 or We have thought of "sing
200. we paid ~17 to 1~24 a" old school rondavel
per loo plus railage. b*t some people think
We have ordered from that others will steal
East London, Potchef- the chickens during the
stroom and King Williams night, hecause the
Town. The chicken mash houses are too far away.
.Bow did your group we buy from the agricul-
StCt? tural exten*ion officers We asked the headman and
in town but sometimes the agricultural officer
In April l**t year *ome that is not fresh, or if the group could "se a
Of "5 Started to meet when it is finished we piece of land to build a
every week, bccau*e we have to get it from ths hok on and to grow
wanted to get busy with co-op in Elliot. Tt is 1ucerne on. NO" the
something that would expensive food, and agricultural officers is
bring us some money. still we m"*t pay trans- interested and **id we
we a150 wanted to learn port. m"st choose a place near
**mething new. a stream, hut that place
*Where do you keep the is too far from our
."hy did you decide to chickens? ho"***. we are not *UT*
raise chickens? what to do about this.
We take turns to keep the
Chicken meat is popular chickens in our houses. e When and where do you
here, and people have to Some of our husbands do sell your chickens, and
go into town by bus to not like "* working in a how do you decide on a
buy chickens. group because they say price?
it is a wa*te of time
. Why did you choose to when we should be at We just sell them from
work a* a group? home. POUL of us have the ho"** when they are
had a chance but my home 4 weeks old. In town they
We thought if we put our is where we keep~them are usually sold for
money together, then we most of the time. My RI,50 so our price is
cm order a lot of chick- husband doe* not mind R1.50. This way we still
ens and they will be Coo much. In winter, for make a profit.
cheaper that w*y. A about 2 week* we make a
cornunity worker said small hok hear the fire . DO you e"er Struggle
that her organisation or under the table, and to se11 them all?
"0"ld also borrow "5 put down dry grass, and
some rconey so that we every night they go back Sometimes there are 20
co"ld *taxt off. She in their boxes. We burn or 30 left, so we just
oxdered the first chick- a paraffin lamp the whole buy them o"rsel"es. s"t
MS and food and fetched night and whenever it is now the other people in
them from the station in cold. Only when they are the village have al*o
her car. The transport older or it is warn out- got the addresses for
is our big problem in side we let them i-to importing chicken*, and
the villages. a big hok outside. we are worried that we
will not he able to sell
e where do you get your We *tarted off working all ow chickens now. So
chickens from? in trros, each on our own we must start to grow
day. once in the morning, OUT own chicken food to
We have tried different once at night to wash the cut costs. The agricul-
places. It is still very water troughs, change the tural officer want* to
hard.to know which place food, sweep and lay down make a la" that only
is best for us, because fresh gra**. We also groups, not individuals,
many cf our first lot of bring left over cabbage can import chicken*.
CniCKens died - bt leaves, imifino or This makes the other
people angry.
concert one Sunday. The addresses of suppliers.
children sang, and we made The treasurer keeps
"etkaek and cooldrink. cash slips and writes
That made about R30. we how much money we sent
will start sharing some oilt, and how much we get
of the left-over money back "hen we se11
every time we have sold chickens. "s"alLy they
chickens and save some go to eo"" to buy
2s well. we are trying medicines or to arrange
to decide if we must p"t with the agricultural
our money in the bank OIL officer to bring the
in the building society. chickens from the rail-
we hear about different way station. which is
ones on the radio, 50 far away and the bus
each person has their will not deliver them.
own idea.
At first we met every
. DO you keep records week to talk and look
of money you spend. and at the chickens, and
how often do you have decide how best to work.
meetings? B"t "0" We meet about
every month, at
where is a chairlady, selling time or when
secretary and treasurer. chickens arrive. Two of
me chairlady calls the our first members left
meetings. The secretary for cape mown. Another
writes and reads out the one lives too Ear away
minutes, writes the and so hardly e"er see
letters to order her. Others don't al-
chickens and keeps the ways come to meetings.

Ducks and Geese
Ducks and geese are in some ways better feathers, it is probably better to
than chickens. Same breeds can produce get white Muscovi*s than black because
as many eggs as chicken*, are cheaper white feathers always get a better
to house, and eat snails and weeds. price. You can start Muscovies very
They are cheap to keep because they cheaply, by getting just one male
can get up to three quarters of their and three females.
food from the veld. The only thing you
need for ducks and geese that you do Geese are strong birds which can live
r.otneed for chickens is a pond. but by eating grass. They are also very
this need not be large. good 'watchdogs'. The be*t breed is
the or&nary whit* hybrid farm goose.

Ducks: Fox egg production, t&Y best IScmof
breeds are Indian Rumers and Khaki
Caqbelis. For meat, the best breeds
ere P*ins zd nillards. Skins can be
eaten at eight weeks. Their feathers
are useful for pillows and they
produce egg* when well fed. Mallards
are small birds which d3 not give a*
much meat as other breeds, but they
breed faster. cloy pressed down in byers

""scovy ducks are very goad for small

farmers because they breed so well.
They have four laying *ea*on* a year, Water
and are very fertile. YOU can eat them YOU can keep ducks on streams, dams or
at 10 to 12 weeks: when the dzake pond;, but do not let ducklings into
(the male) weighs 4kg. Their feathers deep water until they are big enough
cm be plucked, but you must be careful to get out easily. Small concrete
not to leave ties bare. because this ponds are quite easy to make and ycu
can make them sick during the breeding can also make a pond by putting an
season. If~you as* thinking of selling iron bathtub into a hole in the ground.
Looking after young birds
The important thing about looking after
young geese and duck.5is to give them
a war,,,.
dry home. They must not be
allowed to start swiming as smn as
they have been born. In s"mer, do not
let them in the water for at least 4
days, in winter for 3 weeks. Young
ducks and geese must have shade at all

Breeding Geese
If geese are housed in healthy conditions
they can lay eggs for six to eight years.
YOU can get more young geese by taking
away the first lot of eggs and giving
these to a broody Muscovy duck to sit
on. The first 2 eggs are usually
infertile and can,be used for cooking.
the goose will then lay a second lot
of eggs, and this time let her Sit on
them. Geese breed in pairs so you must
have the same number of males and
females if you want all the females to
have babies. You should choose mate*
at least two months before the breeding
season, which starts in August. Once
geese have been mated they should not
be separated as this could stop them
fram breeding for the whole Of the
breeding season.
Dairv Goats
If you do not have enough money -LO buy Fencing csee p 127)
a milk cow, you can get fresh milk from If there are any holes in a fence or
a milk goat. Goat* can be fed more under a fence, goats will find them and
cheaply than cows and a gccd milk goat get through. If the fence is badly
will give 2 to 4 litres of milk a day. made, goats will destroy it quickly.
The trcaiulewith goats i* that they Any fence for holding goats must be
have to he tied up or they eat every- 1,2m high and for big male goats 1.5~
thing in your garden. high. Thick wttle sticks tied 15x1
apart, or sisal plants make good fences.
Chicken wire reinforced with barbed wire
in aiso good, but expensive.

wattle fence at least /,arn hiqh

Purebred saanen and Tcggenberg goats

are expensive. They need good housing.
good feeding and a lot of care to sur-
vive and give miik properly. They get
tick diseases easily.

Tethering means. tying up goats 50 that
they can only move around in a small
space. The best method is a running
tether. It is a leather dog collar tied
to a Zm dog chain which slides up and
down a thick 14 gauge wire. Each end
of the wire is tied to an iron stake.
The running tether lets the goat move
up and down along the wire to find the Housing
food it wants. At different places GOSCS like dry weather so make sue
along the tether there should be shade they have a dry place to go when it
and water. fake the wire at least 1Om rains. Build them a goat house with a
long. wail and a r-f.
Feeding can be fed from a bucket. tis is easier
coats can eat grass, but they prefer than a bottle. TO start a kid on bucket
eating leaves off trSSS and bushes. feeding, get Some milk an your hand,
They are good anim1s for places with and let the kid Suck yolir finger. While
lots of bushes. They need to eat a lot it is doing this, pull its mouth to the
of roughage - leaves, Small branches bucket. It "ill Soon learn to drink
and tborrbushes. Goats also eat from the bucket. It should be fed twice
vegetable scraps, mealie Stalks and a day for 8 weeks, and then gradually
anything else green. Leucaem and Stop. Keep the female kids for milking
acacia (p204) are also gad foods. and the males for meat.

You Should give your goat lkg to 2kg,

of dairy concentrate each day. The Milking
more cmcentrate you give it, the more A good milk goat can give 2 to 5 litres
milk it "ill give (See p 233). Of milk a day for 6 to la months after
giving birth. There are two important
things about milking gmts - be regular
Breeding and he clean. Being regular means milk-
ing the goats, at exactly the Same time
twice a day every day. If you milk at
6am one day, you should milk at 6am
every day, not at 5am or 7am. Never
miss a milking - this can cause mastitis
(p 234) a very painful disease "hi*
cm Stop the goat from making milk.
The goat Should give birth in a clean,
warm, dry place. The kids should be Always be sure that everything, includ-
allowed to Suck z&ilk for the first ing the goat is clean "hen milking. This
three days. After this, the kids can reduces the chances of disease both for
be allowed to suckle one teat as soon the goats and for the people drinking
as you have Inilk& the other. or they the milk.

wash buckets with

soopod boil;nJs

f 12m A Planning the Garden

*The livestock part has 4 b-ding

vegetaDles high protein rabbits in cages with 12 laying hens
leaf crops on deep litter
*Half the garden grows v etabies
all year round. The other Yl alf OF
the qarden grows high prot&ln
leaf crops to feed the livestock.
Water: About 200 Iitres (I oil drum
full) is needed every day.

walls are made of

Use scrap wood to cut

~~ 83
&omfwy is a fast growing high pro-
tein crop which grows all the year
round. It is easy to grow from
root cuttings of other comfrey
plants, It grows best w&h manure
or deep litter Plant the comfrey
art. You can cut it many times in the summer You can
grow I ton of comfrey on 50 sq. m. feed it to the
rabbits and chickens instead OF hay.

Kale is a nutritious leaf crop of the, cabbage

11y.It is not killed by frost and will grow weli
r. Plant kale between the rows of cornFrey.
crops to get plenty of green fbod through

\ /
f I
Vegetables (5Osq& mot veg.

Use deep litter from the livestock unit

and compost made from grass and
weeds, to improve your soil and ,
give you vegetables all the yr
Divide the arden into different
plots Fur dt-?ferent types of vege-
tables and rotate them to reduce diseases
\ /
/ \
eWire mesh:
R20 to R25 for a house 6m x 3m and cages.
42 laying hens:
YOUcan buy point of lay chickens for R2,50 to R3 each=R%tO
R36. *They are cheaper if you buy ones 5 to 6 weeks old, 80~
to 90~ each= R12 to R24.
l4 Rabbits:
between RI6 and R25 per year
of Starting Cheaply
*Start. by growinq vegetables only.
Sell the Vegetables to qet money to
buy 5week old chickens and 8 week
old rabbits.
$hlle th, vegetables are qrowing,
build the livestock house fPom scrap
wood, qrass and wire mesh.
*Have comfrey or kale ready to
feed to chickens and rabbits when
they arrive.
eBuy I male and I Cemale and breed
your own rabbits.

Youcan start with as little as R25 and slowly build up your n-

tensve garden.

with only 2, and add more later. me
bottom of the box is called the brood
chamber. It has wire mesh called a
qlleenexcluder on top. me boles in
the wire are big enough for all the
bees except the queen bee to get
Taking out the honey
Bees make honey ta feed themselves,
so do not take au the honey out Of
the hive at the same time. Never take
honey from the brood chamber beca!JSe
the queen lays her eqgs here. If you
take out this honey you will have no
new bees to carry on the hive next
year. IYost beekeepers also leave the
honey in the box above the brood
chamber and take the honey from the
other boxes.

queen bee

ulorker bee

The queen bee is about twice as big as

t!lc OtheI bees and must stay in the
brood chamber to lay eggs. All queen
exc1uLiers are the same size and fit a.11
the different kinds Of hives you can

Where to put the hive?

Your hie mSt be in a place that has
enoilgh food for the bees. Bees can
feed on any plant which has flowers.
Trees, crops, wild flowers, aloes and
clover are al1 god for bees. IsiVeS
should be in quiet shady places. If
children or animals are near the hive,
it should be fenced off, otherwise the
bees may get angry and attack. Place
the hive on bricks so that it is off
the ground. cut down weeds and long
grass azmnd the hive. Bees need water
in summer, but do not give them water
in a bowl because many will drown. It
is better tn leave a wet cloth near
the hive.

Catching the Swarm

Bees usually make hives (nests) in
tree*. You can catch them wing a box
or bag. If the hive is hanging from a
branch you may be able to C"t Off the
branch and let tbhehive fall into the
box. Otherwise you can drive them into
the box with a smoker. If their hive is
somewhere where you cannot easily reach
it, you will have to find the queen
bee and put her in the box, then the
other bees will follow bet-.Ask an
experienced beekeeper how to do this.

, B6 ,, ,, , :,
Before you try to t*e Ot the honey,
te*t out the slnoker until you find
something that stays alight for half
a" hour. Dry pine needles or leaves
are best. YOU will not be able to light
the smoker again if it goes out while
you are Wing cut the honey.

Do not work with bees on an overcast or

rainy day, because they become much
more angry in this weather, especially
after it has been raining for some days.
When all the new frames are in the
hive, put back the cover and lid,

Getting the honey from the wax

To open the hive, blow a little smoke
in the entrance at the bottom, then
take off the cover at the top. Wait
for about a minute, -hen take Off *a
lid and blow smoke into the top Of the
hi"= e.othat the bees go down. Work
gently and do not bump the hive or
squash any been. If you are ner"o"s the
bees will attack yea.

Start with the frame next to the side.

If it has honey, brush the bees off and
put it in a bL;x covered with a cloth to
keep bees from going back to it. The
frames will be stuck to the hive walls
by wax. You rnil~tuse a hive to01 to get
them Off the hiYe wall.

There are other ways of separating the

honey, but they need machines. Keep
the wax for polish.

Starting new hives

What to do if bees sting you

honey cmb on u frame DO not try to pull out a bee sting,
because it has a tinyin bag of poison
it and the poison will go into your
hive skin. It is better to scrape the sting
tool. off with a knife or by pinching your
skin tightly from underneath the sting
when you take out the frames, put in Wee insect bites p 339 fox mate
empty frames. information about bee stings).

Sellinn to a market
Small farmers with enough land some-
times get a good crop and harvest more
than their fmilies need for the year.
Then they sell their extrh crop to If they have to transport the eggs or
people in their village or to a market the maize they ShCld try to traSpOrt
in town. Some crepe like sugar cane, a lot of eggs or bags of maize at one
tobacco, cotton, smflowers and chillis time. This makes the transport costs
can only be sold to markets in town, oi' cheaper for each doze eggs or bag Of
to factories. maize

If the chicken group want5 to 5811 all

Working out costs their eggs they must sell at a cheaper
&fore selling your crop you must work price than the cafe.
Ot Ilow much it cost you to produce.
YOU need to know two things - how much
ycx har"ested and how much you spent.. Who is going to sell?
For example Thanduz010 Ejeza grows It is best if small farmers sell their
maize. HE *pent a total of R40 to grow crops themselves. The they do not
hi* crop. He harvested 12 bags. TO find have to pay 50nleone to sell for them.
O"t how much each bag c0s.t to produce, I a group, each member can take a
divide his coet by the nunber of bags. turn to do the selling. This must be
X40 t 12 = ~3.33. Each bag cost R3.33 worked out carefully because different
to produce. members may sell in different placee,
not knowing where the Other members
Another exampie is Jozanna's Hock have been selling. Then the people
Poultry group which has 100 laying hens. buying get angry. The group should
In 1 week the hens eat 1 7Okg bag of agree on the way to organise their
laying mash, csting R9.70. In 1 week selling so that everyone understands
they lay 420 eggs (35 doze", . so each how the selling works.
egg coets x9,70 F 420 = 2,3 cents. A
dozen eggs cost5 2.k Y 12 = 27.6C. It is often easy for groups to sell
This cost helps the group to know what to shops. me shopkeeper the" p"te up
to charge fo: their eggs. the price before he 58118 to the
people. The shopkeeper is a middle
man who usually does not do much work
Working out selling prices to get money. This is why people often
The next
thing the farmers have to do not like shopkeepers. So if the
decide is what to charge for their group wante to help the people in a
maize or their eggs. They need to ask: village they should avoid selling to
shopkeepers if passible. People will
b What is the local price of the same support a group if it sells to the
produce in the 1ccai shop or cafe? HOW people instead of selling through
much is a dozen eggs or a bag of maize? shops.

People do not want to sell because they are afraid

do anything *out that. bananas for 20~ for 8. the licenses ti.lwe
We must just accept them. T don't know how much I have built a market. We
The oranges J get in sell but it does help paid rroney for the market
Louis Trichardt. One because it helps my to the Commissioner -
pocket is X1,80 and I children at home. This R30 each. we thought that
get 60~ profit. I also is the only way that I was for the building but
sell tomatoes which we get money. they told us it's just
buy from the farmers for the 1icenT+. But what
also. we ere poor and Anybody who waP.t* to 5811 about the R60 we already
the children want to go bananas can just come and paid for the licence?
to school. That is why sell if they want to. We just want to go on
I am doing this because People do not want to selling and to collect
it does help. Fy husband se11 because they are enough funds, and then
gete 2345 every two months afraid. we can build. 7Je fail
for his pension. to build becauSe we have
. Why are they afraid? got kids and th- kids
. Lizzie, hw? long h&v= must go to school and SO
you bee" Selling? There is a lot of police on. We used to pay R10 if
trouble. We used to sit we were arrested but r.ow
I have been selling here and sell fruits and it is P.20. The police
bananas for 1 year in the police tell us that were here last month.
Slim. Before that I was we lnust se11 on the They come here, we run
working in Joburg. I was other side of the fence. away, the police take
sewing clothes for a firm We did that and they the bananas because we
and getting R25 per week. still arrested cs again. have to leave them. we
I was living in Meadow- We did go and pay the remain crying, because
lands with some relatives licenses. about ~60 we have kids and we
1 was there for 4 years altogether, each of us. must buy mielie meal
and I came here 2 years we have got papers to and if our kids go
ago. My husband is still show that we paid that. around stealing they
working for Ellerines as But they won't give us will be arrested again.
a driver.

. HOW much money do you

m&e from the bananas?

I think I am making
about R50 per month fro,,,
selling these bananas. I
sell 8 boxes a week. Each
box costs ~2.25 and I
sell the bznanas for 20~
for 8.

. Thanks Lizzie. Maria,

how long have you bee"

I have been selling

bananas for 8 years -
since my husband died. We
buy bananas for ~2,50 a
box end the box is not
full. we all buy from
the same farmer. some of
US go there to fetch the
bananas and then it is
cheaper because we don't
have to pay for the far-
mer's petrol. I sell the
Even my father, hes going to listen to me
. 00 et"de"t* make up a man with a small
enough money to live dairy with two cows. He
on from their work? would earn RZOO to R25O
a month in gross takings,
Yes, last year al.1the with a profit of RlOO to
Students earned money. R150. we would lena him
Not one Of them 1o*t the capital from our
money. They a11 have to loan fund. Of cour*e it
pay for their own inputs costs much less for a
like seed and fertiliser. lad Who wants to become
Our best vegetable a vegetable farmer. The
growing Student earned nloethe could hope to
over Rloo/manth on 300 manage would be a tenth
sq metres. or take the of a hectare. He would
dairy. They ran the need only RSOO to cover
dairy, maintained the fencing. tools and other
pastures, organised inputs, a*euming of
winter feeding, sold course that he had water.
milk, cream, yoghuft
and cottage cheese, and . Now that you can give
kept'*11 their awn loans to your students
records and accounts. will *is solve their
We applied a i5% tax on financial problems?
their grass takings
which we put back into No. I. thi* that the
the school. They shared real problem is market-
the profit and never ing. We're in a very
got less than R50 per privileged position here
month each. Of couT*e as regard* markets - we
they did not have to pay are near all the big
back the capital, which hotels, we have OUT mm
with the 4 cows, was transport, and of co"r*e
about RS 000. most of the msxketing
is done by our teaching
@Is it realistic to Staff. men our Student*
teach dairy farming go home it will not be
when *o much capital is so easy to find markets.
"e&d? The biggest problems
with agriculture in
We have estimated it Swaziland is the lack
will co*t R3 MO to set of help for marketing.
Yes, they also come to
se11 to those hotels
around here, even from
South Africa.

@Do you discuss these

marketing problems at

NO, we are just taught

how to grow things. We
didn't discuss these
problems details. I think
it can be a goad thing if
a person can learn that.

0 What will you do if you

have problems like this
after you start to farm?

Nell. when someone finds

sane prcblems he can come
back here to ask some
help. I think one teacher,
Mandla, will be moving
around - so far they
haven't been doing that.
Icrops I
potatoes, madumbe and some pumpkins.
we do not think people should stop
growing these crops. They may be better
than crops which big farmers grow
because they are more sure to give
food for families. Before choosing a
crop, think aboiityour own experience
as we11 as the advice you get from
extension officers.

b Sorghum, millet and sunflowers grow

in less fertile soil than maize and
need less rain, but they are easily
damaged by birds and hail.

b Beans and cowpeas are legumes .snd

help to keep nitrogen in the soil.
cowpeas are better than beans for dry

b Groundnuts and jug0 beans are good

crops for sandy soils and need hot
weather and good rain. They are easily
killed by frost.
Kraal Manure
Kraal manure is as goad as the chemical
fertiliser you buy, but you need a lot
b Sweet pctatoes are good far hot dry to put err a big field. MCX'Z small
places. iar;.ersonly have enough kraal manure
ior vegetable gardens. If you have
bPotato25 cai?give big crops, but they some left to spread on your fields, put
have disadvantages. They suffer from about one shovel per square metre. DO
many diseases, the seeds are expensive not spread it too thinly. You can mix
and the leaves and stalks cannot be km.31 manure and fertiliser together.
used <or animal food after harvesting.

b Pumpkins and squashes give big crops,

they are easy to se11 and you can store
teem for a long time. The leaves cannot
be used for winter feeding of cattle.

Choosing seed
1x7mn*t black rural areas, the weather
and the soil make growing crops
difficult. me crops which people
have planted in these places for a
long time have become adapted to these
bad conditions. SO their seed can be
better than the seed that you cm buy,
which i* grown by seed companies on
good soils using lots of fertiliser.
Fanners *hould not think *at seed
from a shop is always better than Crop Rotation
their own seed. If you buy seed, choose Crop rotation is moving your crops
open pollinated seed. If you use hybrid every year instead of planting them in
seeds you need to spend a lot of money the same land every year. The ea*ie*t
on fertiliser and insecticides if you way to do crop rotation is to divide
want a good harvest. your field into four part*, and move
the crops to a different part each year.
In the first year plant a grain crop
Choosing fertiliser like maize in the first part, a dif-
In cmst of the scils in Southern Africa ferent grain crop like sunflowers or
there is not enough phosphorous, *o it wheat in the second part. a legume like
is usually more itbpoportant
to add phos- beans in the third part and a root
phorous than amy other fertiliser. It crop like meet potatoe* in the fourth
does not help to put nitrogen or part of the field. You can also include
potassiirmunless there is enough pasture grass like clover in a crop
phosphorous. If you cm not afford rotation.
to buy a lot of fertili*er you will
get better xesults from phosphorous crop rotation help3 to prevent pests
fertilisers like superphosphate and and diseases. Pe*t* of each crop *tay
rock phosphate than from more axpen- in the soil. If you move your CrOpS
sive mixed fertiiisers like 2:X:2. every year they will not be attacked
If your soil is too acid, you must so easily because a pest of one Crop
put on lime. Lo a soil te*t (see p 97) will not usually damage a different
to find out how much lime you need. crop.

If you can not afford to buy ferti- Another advantage of'crop rotation is
li*er for all your land, you should the use of different plant foods. For
put the right amount on *an* of your example, legumes leave nitrogen in ti.e
land and none on the re*t, because if soil. Grain crops need nitrogen, *o
you spread the fertiliser too thinly they grow better in a field which was
it will be useless. used for legume* last year.
Davide field into L+ ports and &tote Ci-OPS

Intercropping Ploughing
Early ploughing soon after harvestin
has many adantages. If you do nct
plough early, the soil becomes hard
and you have to'wait for the rains to
make it soft before you can p1ouqtl.
1f you plough early you can plant
early and get better crops.

It is difficult for most small farmers

to plo"qh early and to plouqh we11

. Cattle are weak in winter. They do

not get enough food because there is
not enough land for them to graze.
Letting cattle eat from the fields
after harvesting does not usually
make them strong enough for ploughing.
Other methods of winter feeding such
as hay (see p 244) are expensive. So
fanners have to wait until the s.mmer

* Men usually do the ploughing with

OXen. Most men are away working in
towns and on the mines during the
Year, so the plaughing has to wait
until they come home in mcember.

weeds take plantfood
owoy from crops

Double Cropping
Know your soil
0 Sand makes the soil loose. In sandy
soils, water and air can get into the
soil easily and the roots of plants can
grow down into the *oil easily.

0 Silt is very fine sand. It holds

water and plant foods better than
rough sand. It is easily washed out
of the soil. The fine sand on the banks
of rivers and dams is silt washed OUL
of the soil by the rain.

e Clay is the sticky part of the soil

which holds it together. Clay holds
water in the soil. The beet soils,
Called loams, are an equal mixture of
sand, silt and clay.

If a soil has tcm much clay in it, it

is called a heavy soil, because it is
very heavy to dig and plough. Smne
crops can not grow in clay soils
because the clay holds so mu;ih water
that their mats die. Clay become6
very hard when ii is dried by the sun.
It is difficult for young plants to
grow through the hard clay crust. Very
sandy soils are also not good for crops
because they can not hold the plant
foods and water which crops need.

clay con
be s uashed into o boil
with a ut breaking






toking samples forosoii

Rain and plant foods test
1n rainy places, soils have less plant
foods in them than dry places. Sandy
s*Ll* usually need a lot of manure or
chemical fertilisers because the plant
focdg have been washed out by the rain.

Clay soil in a dry place usually has

more plant foods than clay soils in a
rainy place.

Soil Tests
'fhheway to find out what plant foods
are in your soil is to do a soil test.
First mark 30 different places au
over ;rour field.

Soil Acidity
In places where there is a lot of rain,
plant foods like calcium, magnesium and
potassium are washed out of the soil
and it becomes very acid. Crops can not
grow well in very acid soils.

Soil acidity ismeasured in pH numbers.

ii the pB is less than 7. the soil is
acid. If it is higher than 7. it is
alkaline. If the $4 is exactly 7, the
soil is neutral- not acid or alkaline.
Most crops prefer slightly acid soils
with a pa of 6,s to 6,8. A few crops,
like potatoes like more acid soils,
with a pH of 6. If soil has a pi below
4, it will be impossible to grow good
crops without putting on lime.

Wheat ,m.,, In pli betwem6,~60 7,

Land Preparation

Plough pans are a big problem in wet

clay soils. You can sometimes prevent
them by waiting until the soil dries
out before you plougil.TO break up
the plough pan you can use ripping or
cleqz p1ougiling.

@ Ripring is breaking up *he hard 8 Deep plollghing is another way to

iayers of 5sil by pulling a ripper break up hard layers. Try to hire a
across the field. The spikes of the tractor every 3 or 4 years for deep
rispoper cut deep into the soil. Whr n ploughing. You can use oxen for deep
the rains come, water can go deep into ploughing, but must plough at the end
the soil. The 018 plants and stalks of smmer, when the oxen are still
are left on the tap of the soil like strong.

Contour Banks
If yolir field is on a hill, even if it Get help from an experienced person
is a gentle siope, you should plough like an extension officer who knows
furrows across the side of the hill. how to use a dumpy level, or write to
Then rain water will be held in the EDA.
furrows. This helDs to *toD soil

Drainage channels
Drainage channels are places where
rain water mns down the hill. They
m"st he built before the contour
banks. It is best to use natural
channels like beds of streams. If
there are no natural channels, you
have to build channels. The channels
must be wide enough for water to

This channel must always be kept clean. Cross ridging
Every y*ear, clea out the soil which Cross ridging is a different kind of
has co11~cted in it and put it on contouring used to save water in dry
the contour bank. areas. Make the conto"r* with a
ridge-. with each oontou as wide as
the rows of your crops. Then along the
Cut-off drain ridges, nnke cross ridges every 2 or
At ChP top of he field make a cut-off 3 metres. These cross ridges .nake little
drain to stop w.ste* running into the dams. Whencmr it rains, the rain water
field and washing thb contour* away. stays in the cross ridges. They can
The c"t-off drain m"*t be wider than easily be made with a hoe at the same
the field, so that water can not run time that you are weding.
into the field from the sides. The end
of the cut-off drain, where it joins
tie drainage channel, m%t be planted
with grass and made strong with *tone*.

1f the hillside is very steep. it is
not enough to make contour bank*. You
m&St make terraces. Terraces are lm
deep steps in the hillside, looking
like stairs going up the side of the
hill. The walls of the terraces have
to be made stronger with *ton** or by
planting grass.

Each terrace m"*t slope back a little

into the hillside, so when it rain*,
water d-x* not spill over the dge of
the terrace. Terraces must slope gently
to a drainage channel Like contow
banks. There m"*t be a channel at the
back of each terrace to lead water away.

Draft Power
Today it is difficult for people to repairs. In the end they can have a
plough with animals. There is not broke" tractor and Ilo cattle.
enough grazing during the winter. Oxen
are only strong enough to pull the If you have less than 10 hectares, it
plough after the rains have fallen ad is better to use animals for ploughing.
the grass is green again. This m*ms YOU can hire a tractor to do deep
that planting is late. When planting ploughing and ripping, b"t you can do
is late, the harv*st is small. People all the r**t of the work with animals.
hope that t.racto~* will solve Weir For 10 hectares you will need 6 to 8
plmghing pro5&am. They hire tn~ctor*, oxen, 2,big horses or 2 mules. For 2
but tractor owners charge a lot of hectares, you only need 4 oxen, 1 horse
money. People solcetimes have to spend or 1 mule. If you can afford it, spend
more rmney on hiring tr.xtors than some money on winter feeding, so that
they get from selling their crops. you animals are ready to plough when
the rains come. Even if you have to
others buy second hand tractor*, spend nearly as much money as you do
thinking that they will *a"* money, on tmctors, animals still have some
but buying old or weak tractors Can advantages. They give manure to improve
give a lot of trouble. Then people the *oil. They reproduce, which even
have to sell their cattle to pay for the best tractors can not do.

over Rsoo.
Tain,e d lb-
hand worH
horses R300.
RI50 toRa.50
Workina Animals
Training animals

Then you can attach tools to the bar-

ness. Plouqhing is the most difficult
so once they can plouqh they can do
au the other t*i*qs. start with the
plough very shallow and gradually w
deeper. peach the animals to walk in
the furrows so that all the land is
ploughed evenly.

If the animal you are training is still Oxen can be trained in six weeks if
wild, get 3 people to help you catch they are handled well. After that if
it with a rope. Then you can harness they still do not want to be trained,
it. In the first week of training let sell. them.

bA whip that makes a crackin;J sound

Oxen cx'e harnessed with neck yokes

or head yokes. They can do more work
with head yokes, but old ol.cn some-
times have difficulty usinq them. A
double neck yoke has a double clamp
and is used for ploughinq. The trens,
xhich holds the trek chain to the
yoke, csu, be lengthened or shortened
with the clamp if one of the oxen is
stronger than the other. YOU can use
nail* instead of clamps. Hammer about
6 nails, 100 mm apart into the middle
Of the yoke. Adjust the chaiil with
the clamps or the nails 50 that the
Oxen pull the plouqh straiqht.

The single neck yoke is qood for

light jobs like cultivating. It is
easy to train animals wikh this pk.
Animal Tools

single furrow plyh
Planters In BOtSWana, a toolbar *or oxen called
Planters are tools which make a small a Makonasotle is used by many farmers.
furrow and drop *eeds in. The planter it is r frame with two wheels. A plough,
presses the seeds well into ttys ground planter or trailer can be put on the
and covers them up with a thin layer frame. The frame is also the right
of soil. Some planters put fertilisx size far carrying dhns of water. When
in thr furrow with the seed. The you plough, the wheels keep the plouyh
Safim planter, which is the most straight in the furrow, so you do not
need a pe+son to hold the plough

Tractors csn do many things: plaugh,

ridge, plant, harrow an.3 Cultivate,
drive pumps and hammermills and
transport loads with a trailer.
Tractors are powerful, an.5 compared
to animals they work very quickly.
But they are also very *xp*n*i"e to
buy an* expensive to service and
repair. 'rhere are many thing* which
can go wrong.

Usually when farmers groups are

thinking about buying a tractor they
think only about the buying price.
'6ut this is only about half 3f the
red price. Over its life they will
pay as much for repairs to the tractor,
as they paid for the new tractor. In
its first and second year the repair
costs are not high, maybe 5%10% of
the purchase price. But by the time The tractor must he the right size for
*he tractor is 5 years old, more the work it has to do. For~example if
things start going wrong and repairs your place has hard soil the tractor
become more and more expensive. must be big enough to rip the the land.
But if: you are a small group of farmers
A group of farmers buying a new or who want to work 10 hectares intensively
second hand tractor Should discuss then buying a big tractor is a w**t* of
these things first: nlcmey .

Sometimes the land is too large for one

tractor. For example a group of 40
farmers wants to buy a tractor. At the
W Will it be hired to oth*?Z people Or local garage there is a second hand
will it work the group members' fields Massey Fergusm 35 with a 3 furxow
only? plough. The garage wants R5 000, but
the farmers can not afford to KC+'
more than R50 each. This mean* they
will ha"* to find another 60 memb*r*
befor* they can buy the tractox. Then
b Does the group have members with they need money to buy diesel, ploigh-
mechanical experience? shares, pay for repairs so they might
have to get even more members. If
P who will drive it? they buy the tractor it will not be
able to cqpe with 311 the members'
lands, and the metiers will *tart to
fight about who will get the traCtor
first. It would he better for the
FIf a trained mechanic has to travel group of 40 falmers to Save ap until
to the village for large repairs what they have enough money and keep the
will he charge for 'cr*n*port? .group Small.

Tinkabi Tractors The 'Pink&i is still a good tractor
Some people in Swaziland thought for a small farmer because:
about the problems people had with
big tractors and built a cheaper b It is easy to maintain.
tractor that was simple to drive and b Xt is good for milling grain and
maintain. This tractor, called a pumping water.
Tinkabi, cs*t* less than R4 000 b Xt is good for carting although it
with tools. It is different from is slow travelling on roads.
other tractors in these ways.
For ploughing, the *ink&i is alright
&There is no electrical system. The for an individual but it is toe slow
tractor is handstarted. It has no for a group to share. B*c*"** it is
lights *o it c*met vcrk at fight. so good for milling and pumping water,
a farmers' group may want to buy a
b It has no gear*, gearbox. clutch 'Pink&i to& these thin<* and to
or differential. In*te*d the engine help the work of a big tractor.
drives 2 hydraulic pump that pushes
oil to wheel motors. The driver just
pushes a lever to move the tracte: Driving tractors
forwards or backward*. Tractors are dangerous if the driver
is not well-trained or experienced.
b The implements are designed for the
tractor and bolt on to the too1 bar In the field be *"re tractor implement*
which is raised and lowered by hand. are put on and adj"sted properly or
they will strain the tractor. All
The disadvantage of the Tinkabi is implements must be level, with sides
that it can only pull a single furrow the same height off the ground. TO set
12 inch plo"gh* so it is very Slow. xt a piough, get the right wheels of the
is only as strong as a good team of tractor into the furrow, then *et the
oxen. lt cannot plough in hard ground plough so it is level. Before you get
or rip the land, and it take* about off the tractor, alway* let the
1% days to plough a one hectare field. implements down onto the ground. On
another di*advantage is that it u5*s the road do not try and change gear
ox planters which are not very good, going down hill. Drive slowly and
especially when fertiliser is used. carefully, not at top speed.
Transporting Hiring tractors
use your traotor only for transporting When you hire a tractor, find out how
full loads otherwise you will waste much you are being charged. If the
money on tractor tyres and diesel. Use charge is per morgen or per hectare,
ox or donkey cart* for small loads. check your field is as big as the
tractor owner says it is (see p 127).
Tractor owners often overcharge.
Sammetilling is popular with people. 'iYy to have your field ploughed when
It saves them a lot of work and makes the soil is soft. M&a sure that the
cheaser and healthier meali* meal plough is set properly and that the
than the mealie meal from the shops. plaughing is cleep or you will get a
Try to orgsnise people in the commlinity poor crop next year. If people hiring
so that they all bring their grain to a tractor organise th*m*elve* into
the hammermill at the same time. Keep groups, they can prevent tractor
the hammermill running and mill all ohmem from exploiting them. They
the grain. It is not good to keep can demand a good service so that
stopping and starting the hammermill: tractor owners plough at the right
it wa*te* fuel and strains the tractor. time and do not overcharge them.

The repairs will add up to the cost of the new tractor

.HOW did the tractor Here in Swaziland,
scheme in Swaziland start? certain areas have been
chosen as Rural Develop-
We started in 1975 with ment Areas mm's). In
lo tractors. we decided these areas the govern-
to malre them a11 the ment gives full support
same model, which made to farmers, including
training the drivers a tractors. Each RDA keeps
lot easier. NOW there its own tractor*. I've
are a total of 27 tracr been pleasantly SW-
tars hired to farmers prised by this, because
by the Aural D*"elopme"t my experience in other
ATeas department in countries has Shown that
Swaziland. We now have politician* start to
a workshop and trained interfere, particularly
people. SO far "e~"e round election times,
managed to avoid the and want to bow why
problems which most txactors are not in
tractor pools in develop- their area. You can't
ing countries suffer have a successful scheme
f?ZOUJ. if the tractors are
chasing all over the
what kind of problems? country*ide. Even within
the RDA bo"ndari** we
well I'm speaking from have problems, sxh as
experience in Uganda and drivers not being able
sotswana. The Uqandan to find a farmer whc has
go"er"clent bought 1000 hired the tractor. Or if
tTaotor* for a tx*ctor a tractor gets a puncture
pool during the first 25km from here. the
year of independence. driver has to COCJSU~-
The service was nation- cate with I;*, we ha"* to
wide and this resulted go down there, and the
in tractors spending a whole operation t&as a
lot of time going from day. The*e problems are
one place to another. unavoidable.

:,, 113

b Check the hydranlit filter. There b Check that the power take off works.
are two types, one is disposable li!;e
an air filter, the other is a magnetic b When you have run the tractor for a
rod which picks up any metallic dirt while and the engine is hot, check
in the system. Check if the filter is again for ail and diesel leaks.
dirty. If it is dirty, test the
hydraulic lift s.,.stm very carefully. Make a list of all the things that
are wrong and which need fixing. Work
WCheck the hydraul$ lift system. You out the cost of repairs. Then decide
will need a plo~qh to check that it if you still want to buy the tractor.
works properly. This can be a problem Show the list to the garage owner to
if you are buying from a garage. Ask see if you can get a better price for
if you cm borrow a plaugh or bring it.
your own to check the lift. It must
be smooth and not jerk. When the Whether you buy a secana hand or new
plough is lifted it must stay at tractor be sure yo12 get an operator's
the same height even with the engine manual. Read this carefully. It will
at idle. It is even better if you can tell you how to get the best use
check the lift in a field. The plough from the tractor. If you want to do
must not dig itself under the ground a lot of repairs yourself, buy a
or dray on the top of the ground. workshop manual. It will tell you how
to do almost all repairs. The work-
shop manual is expensive, sometimes
as much as R100. It must be ordered
from the factory.

Maintaining your tractor:

Every do),r Clean the air pre -cleaner and check the oil

EW-y Grease the hydraulic lift nipple?, kingp&?,zpgLp

50 houe front axles, broke and clutch I-llppleE..
clean air Glter cartrid e/oil bath. Drain
,condensate f?-om First fzuel Filter. Tighten 011
quts and bolts, check Gr. leahs. Check battery,
aeon cmmecttcons with b&my soda and water.

Every As Car ever 50 hours. Tn addition check

LOO how? the oltern II tot ran belt tension.

Every As for ever 50 and 100 hours. In addition

200 houcj< 3rain oil, ch&nlge oil y$ter and First. fuel Alter.
(lheck and tax up nqce65arJ c$x%r box.,
,Sfqerential, d d hydratik 011 1 Ye 5.

Every As f+- every 50, 100 and 2ooho+rs. 711

400 hm? jddltion clean hydrqullc filter of mo netic
L..pe or replace IL of disposable L$e. Rep\oce
cot-4 fiiel Glter.

.*1anting. TO get good har"eStS from

intercropping, you must plant different
craps at the same time. Do not plant
them at different times. otherwise the
intercropping will not work.

Planting for intercropping can be done

by scattering seed 0~ by planting in
TOWS. For scattering, mix the seeds
together before planting. For planting
in rows, plant maize in one row, beans
in the next row, and so on. or plant
maize and beans in the same row. Plant-
ing in the same row is good for rulner
beans, because they can grow up the
maize plants.

Crops which grow with intercropping do

not need a.5 much fertiliser as crops
which grow alone. If you do use ferti-
liser you need only use superphosphate.

Agricultural scientists have not done

many tests on intercropp:ng harvests in
Southern Rfrica although it is a popular
method. m Swaziland scientists have
found that harvests of intercropped
maize and beans were only a little
bigger than when they were grown on
their own. Perhaps the popularity of
intercropping among small farmers is
not bigger harvests, but just being
sure that you will get at least One
,nit-.~ropping beans ond sugarcane
If you are worried that intercropping
does not work, why not try it on a
small piece of land and see for your-
self if it is better.

Planting in Rows by Hand
Planting crops in rows is much better Many farmers scatter seed because they
than scattering seed. It use* le** do not have a tractor or oxen to plant
seed and tie plants all grow up to the with. Sometimes they wait until they
same height. Weeding is much easier can hire a tractor and this forces them
because a cultivator can be used between to plant late. If you have no oxen or
the TOWS. tractor you should think about planting
in rows by hand. Tt is a quick and easy

Four people can easily plant one hectare

in a day. You can plant with only two What you need:
people, but it will take longer. b A hand hoe for digging the furrow.
b Good string or baling twine - 3
pieces of about 1OOm long.
@ 6 strong wooden pegs to tie the
string onto.

measuring the distance between the rows.

b 2 measuring sticks to check how deep
to plant and how far apart.
What to do: that the seeds are the right spacing
. aammer 2 pegs into the ground where apart in the rows.
you want the first row to be. Tie
string to them and pull it tight. . After planting the seed, put back
the soil and walk along the row to
.Put the lm meas"ring.sticks next to tramp the soil down. If you are using
*e first TOW so *at you can see here fertilisee, make the row a bit deeper.
to make the second and third rows. Use put the fertiliser and cover it lightly
the other strings and pegs to make the with soil before planting the seeds.
second and third TOWS.
e you can save a lot of time by making
SNOW planting can start. Two people rows with a plo"gh or c"ltivator
open up the rows with a hoe. The before planting by hand. If you do
other two people put in the seed and this you do not have to mark the lows
then move the *tzing and psggs to with string. Making the rows with a
ma& the next TOWS. plough then putting in fertiliser and
seeds by hand will give better crops
.~nother way is to make a hole for than using an ox planter to plough
each seed with a stick or a hoe. and plant at the same time. ox
planters drop fertiliser and seeds
ause one small measuring stick to make down the same pipe. The fertiliser
sure that the rows are deep enough for dxops right on top of the seeds
the seed, and "se the other to make sure and damages them.
Chemical Fettilisers

Chemical fertilisers give crops all which are not plant foods. So each
the piant foods they need. But they 3kg >f 2:3:2 has 24% of 50kg = 12kg
axe not as gocd for crops as natural Of plant foods. Of this 12kg, 2/7 x 12
fertilisers like compost and man"re = 3,4kg is nitrogen, 3/7 x 12 = 5,Zkg
because they do not make h"m"s (see is phosphorous, Z/7 x 12 = 3.4kg is
p 50). The mare you care for your potassim.
soil, using crop rotation and early
plocgbing and planting, the less
fertiliser you have to buy. Which fertiliser to use?
The kind of fertiiiser to use will
Fertilizers give the soil the 3 depend on your soil and the crop you
important plant foods: nitrogen, want to grow. In South Africa, almost
phosphorous and potassium. Many fer- all the soils ere shart of phosphorous.
tilisers have other plant foods such It is important to p"t on enough
as zinc which is important in the phosphoro"s bef,xe putt&g on nitrogen
growth Of young plants. or otherwise it will be wasted. In
this book we recommend csing super-
Using ferti'isers will Cauee weeds to phosphate as fertiliser. For the
grow such faster, so good weeding is same money you can buy more super-
very important, otherwise the weeds phosphate than other fertilisers,and
will use up all the Fertiliser and this will make ywx plants grow better
there will be none left over for the than a small amouiit of more expensive
crops. 1f you use chemical fertillser, fertilisers.
you must have enough l&our to do
the weeding.

Fertiliser names
Fertilisers have numbers. such as
2:3:2(24%). The fiist three numbers
are the amounts of nitrogen, phos-
phorous and pwassim. Fox example,
2:3:2 rreans that there are 2 parts
of nitrogen, 3 pzrts oi phosphorous,
and Z-parts of potassium. Some crops and soils need mixed
The percentage in brackets tells you b 2:X:4(24%) has a lot of potassium
how mzch nitrogen, phm~~~zous and and is used mostly for potatoes and
potassium is in the fertiliser. For on soils which are short of potassium.
example if the percentage in brackets b 3:2:1(26%) is used on sandy soils
is 124%) this means that 24% of the for grain crops like maize and wheat
fertiliser in the bag is nitrogen, which need a lot of nitrogen.
phosphorous and potassium. The other b 5:1:5(25%) is used on sugar cane for
76% of the fertiliser is chemicals top dressing.
some fertilisers have only nitrogen b In wet places with sandy Soils [See
with no phosphorous or potassium. know yolir Soil p 97) "se 7 to 10 bagS
scme people "Se them to get bigger Superphosphate per hectare.
crops of maize, wheat and vegetables. b In wet places with clay Soils "Se
The 3 most c-on nitrogen fertilisers 5 to 8 bags per hectare.
are: b In dry places with Sandy Soils, use
PLAN (limestone ammonium nitrate) has 5 to 8 bags per hectare.
30% nitrogen. Sprinkle LAN on the Soil b In dry places with clay soils, "se
and it will be washed into the soil 3 to 5 bags per hectare.
when it rains. Dig it in if there is b If you are using mixtures like 2:3:2
no rain after 3 days. LAN is often put it into rowS when you plant. Use the
used as a top dressing. It is amounts recommended ahove.
Spri*led on top of the soil after
you can see the plants are growing 0 Nitrogen fertiiisex like LAN and Urea
well. xt works best ir. sandy soils. should be put on 6 to 8 weekc. after
borea has 50% nitrogen. Dig it into planting.
the Soil as a top dressing. The
nitrogen feeds the plants Slowly. When putting fertiliser into the rows,
over a longer time than IAN. make sure there is Some soil in
b~mm~nium Sulphate is a better between the fertiliSer and the Seed
nitrogen fertiliser than LAN for otherwise the Seed can be damaged.
alkaline Soils because it gives crop* Ox planters are bad for putting on
nitrogen without making the Soil more fertiliser, becauSe they put the
alkaline. seed and the fertiliser in the Sdme
place. Planting in rows by hand is
nitrc en fertilisers
9 better (see p 1181. If you are putting
0" fertiliser at the time of planting,
mix it with kraal man"re. This mikes
a balanced plant food and prevents
the young plants from being damaged.
If you p"t on fertiliwr at the time
of planting, do not p"t it Straight
ontc the row of Seed. It is better
to put it next to the rows.

Soil Acidity end Lime

It does not help to add fertiliser to
acid Soils. You must firSt put on
lime. Spri*le the lime on tcp of
the soil and then plough it in. Plough
it in at least 6 weeks before planting
so that it mixes well with the Soil.
Acid soils need about 1CCOkg of lime
per hectare. You only need to put on
lime every 3 to 5 years

Putting on fertiliser
FertiliSerS m"St be put on properly
to give good results:

0 Lime must be Sprinkled and ploughed

in at least 6 weeks before planting. rf you can not afford to buy fertil-
iser for all your land, you should put
0 Superphosphate can be put into the the right amount on Some of your land
rows when you plant. Tf you are using and none on the rest, because if you
more than 6oOkg Superphosphate per Spread the fertiliser too thinly.it
hectare, plough it in. will be useless.

Controlling Pests and Diseases
There are wo ways Of controlling . Time of planting - different pests
pests end diseases - natural CO*trOl and diseases attack crops at different
and chemical co,,trol. Natural CO"tTO1 times of the year. For example, potatoes
meaS controlling pests without suffer from late blight disease in hot,
chemicals. It uses methods li!ie crop wet weather. If you plant early in
rotation (see P 94) I Ploughi*g old summer, when it is cool, this disease
plant* into the soil so that insect* will not do so much damage. Insect
cat no longer breed in them. and using pests breed most during the hottest
good seeds. Chemical control is using weather. If you plant early, you will
poisons to kill pe*ts. Sometimes miss the worst time for insects.
chemical* cause new problems - for
example if you use a chemical poison . Ploughing afterr harvesting - many
to kill one kind of insect on yollr insect pests grow fram a* egg into *
crops, the same poi*on can also kill worm, and then from a woxm into a moth.
helpful insects aad birds. the moth lays eggs which.hatch into
more WOOS on the plant. For example.
stalkborer moths breed in old mealie
Natural Control Stalks. If the mealie stalks are
*en plants grow naturally in the veld, ploughed into the soil after harvesting,
many kinds grow tagether. YOU never the moths can no longer breed end the
find one kind of plant growing *lone. pest is controlled.
Pests and diseases Cannot spread because
they cannot easily find plants of the Otier methods of natural control are
Same kind growing together. usually too much work for fieid crops,
but-they are god for vegetable
But in farming many plS*rt* Of the SSSle gardens :
kind are grown in the Same field. If
pests and diseases of that crop attack . Natural enemies- *omein*ect* eat
through the whole field, they can insects "hich destroy crops, for
easily spread. example ladybirds eat aphids. You can
encourage natural enemies by leaving
0 Crop rotetion - many pest* and tree* end other plants growing around
diseases can be prevented if crops are your garden.
healthy and are growing in Soil which
has lots of humus and plant foods. If
you grow the same crop every year on
the same land, there will be more pests
and diseases than if you rotate your
crops ladybinl

0 Seeds - many diseases stay in the

Seed after harvesting. When you plant . Light traps- USC light traps to kill
the next year, the new crops will
seed the moths of stalkborers and cu'worms.
get the disease. So it is important t0 Put a paraffin lamp on a plate of water
use seed which you are sure has no in your garden. The moths will fly to
disease. Yhis is very important for the lamp end dram in the water.
potatoes. FOZZ some crops you can buy
special seeds which will not get
certain diseases (disease resiStant
*esdsl .

e chcosing crops - try to grow crops

which you know will not get diseases
in your area. FOT example in hot
places potatoes get many diseases but
sweet potatoes do not. So it is better
to grow sweet potatoes. Tf you are in
* hot place it,i* better to grow
cowpeas than bush beans because bqb
beans get diseases in hot places.
cloth and add a big spoon of chopped
up soap. when you use the poison, mix 1
litre of poi*on with 1 litre of water.
The soap helps the poison to stick to the
leaves. Put on the poison with a hand
sprayer or by flicking it on with a
grass brush. After putting it on do not
pick the vegetables for at least four
days and then wash them very carefully
before eating. Nicotine is very poison-
ous and can kill people if they drink
it, 50 store it in a safe place.

You can make a stEo"g garlic spray by

chopping up 3 large garlics, soaking
them for 2 days in liquid paraffin.
adding a big spoon of chopped up soap
and mixin it with 10 litres of water.
This garlic spray is supposed to kill
most insects. Stray it or flick it on
witI2 a brush.

Chemical Control
You can buy very *tmng chemical It is important to read the labels of
poisons for killing insects pests. but poisons carefully, and to "se exactly
the problem is that they also kill the right amount. You can measure
other insects and birds. Scme chemical poisons with a bottle cap (see p 128).
poisons stay in the soil and kiil all
insects and worms for many years. These
poisons must always be used carefully,
because they are dangerous. Tf people Look carefully because some insects
eat or breathe *one poisons by mistake and insect eggs are very small. FoZ
they can get very sick and even die. example aphids are hard to fird. They
are very small and live underneath
It is better and cheaper to grow crops leaves, so you must know where to Iwk
without chemical poisons, but sometime* for them. Stalkborer worms hatch from
pests and diseases becme so bad that eggs laid by white moths. When you see
you have to use chemicals. lots of white moths, wait for 10 days
and then put on the poison. The eggs
0 Choosing a poison. There are many hatch after 10 days SO the StalkbOXer
different chemical m&sons. In the warDE are killed straight away.
pages on each crop we advise which
poisons to use. Ask someone who knows 0 Spraying. Most poisons must be
*out poisons such as an experienced sprayed onto the crops. There are many
farmer. Bay a poison which you can different sprayers to choose from (see
get locally and which is easy to "Se. p 521). For crop spraying use one which
Do not buy very expensive poisons you carry on your back and is easy to
because they are the ones which are pump. Ask the shop or your agricultural
the most dangerous. extension officer what size sprayer is
best for your crop and the poison you
want 'co use. Make sure the sprayer does
"of leak because the poison can get
into your skin and make you sick.

Here we ex lain howM weigh
seed, CertiPisev;,andchickenpash,
measure the size of your fields
at%dChe row spacing of your
crops. You do not have to buy
tape measure and scales.

millimetres = mm

centimetre = cm

mete = m

square metre = 9 *
hectare = ha

gram = 9
kilogram = k9
millilitre = ml

. We I I

Make measqtringsticks to mea-

sure spacing in rows and spac-
ing between rows.
Use the ruler on the side of
t~is~o~ to make measuring

loocm = I metre

It is easier M measure with

measuring ropes. Get a thin
rope and tie a knot every
metre for 2om. lhu is an easy

low big is your field?

Nhen you hire a tractor the

owner charges you per hectare
t is important to measure your
;ield properly so that you are
qot overcharged. Many people
XI betterment schemes were
;old the wrong sizes Fbr th&
?elds, so,even if you have been
;old the size of your field,
neasure it aqacn.

Land is measured in hectares.
One hectare is lo,ooqsq m, about

as big as a sooner field. A hect-
are IS loom long and loom wide.
One hectare is loom x loom, or
50mx2oom, or eomx25om, or
any other measurement that
makes 10,000 sq m.

names for sizes OFland
a and vnorqen. One
8norqen IS 10,000
me is4!900 sq yards and a
n sq yards.
\ your field has square cor-
r iers like this,

then measuring area is easy

Just measure the lov\q side
and t;he short side and multi-
ply them. For example,
7omx5om = 3,500sq m.
;;;rrtbout one third OF a

\,Yhev\ the land you want to

Yneasure does not have Square
Corners, you must drvt(;le it up
ilnto a lot of narrow str!ps.
Elost people plough their land
in straight lines the same dls-
tante apart. You can use the
310~ hed furrows to divide
!;he ?and up into strips. Mark
strips 5m apart. Then mea
I,ire how long each strip IS

/ 15m
T am n

901 tl
v 7
add up all the lengths and 30.x 5 = 150
multiply 5. It can take a 43 x 5 = 215
long time by
to measure a Field, 42 X 5 = 210
but it is ve?y .us~fmI. IF you 50 x 5 = 250
know how big It IS, you will 55 x 5 -- 275
know how much seed and Per- z z z z i:
Miser to use and how much
to pay for pfouqhing. a6 x 5 = 430
88 x 5 = 440
88 Y 5 = 440
91 x 5 = 455
90 x 5 = 450
bt.d 4520 sq
= o,4-shectare


Here is a W?y of meaSUring

seeds,fert&er and poisons, us-
inq containers which eveybody
can find - a 5ooml motor oil tin
and the screw top OFa cold
drink bottle.

Twist some wire round the screw

tip so yoii c%n hold it like a spoon.
Measurina liq&

A screw top filled up holds 5ml

of liquid. This is the same as
most teaspoons.

FCTbigger liquid measures, use

morn1and I litre cold drink
bottles, 20 litre paraffin tins and
2oolitre Wgallon) oil drums.


The sowing quide on p.38 qives

seed recommefldatlons per IO sqm.
Youcati work out the number
of screw tops full of seed per
IOsq m.
for the most popular
Screw tops/r0 sq m

vegetabieg they are:
Cabbage I

Carrots IO

Onion 2

Spinach 3

;,!, ,,, Tow\ar.4xs I

Some poisons are powders,
measured.in .grams. Otherspoi-
sons are Irquld, measured in
milliiitr& We have worKed out
how mahy screw tops full of
poison you need for different
pests and diseases
!f you can get old iflJection
syringes from the cl@c, they
are useful for measuring liquid
poisohs.( I cc = I ml)

It is important to work care-

fully with poaons because
they are very dangerous.
Use a different screw top to
measure each kind of poison,
and do not use these tops to
measure anything else.
Keep the poisons and the
screw tops in a safe place
away from children and food.

Poison Grams or ml per screw top_

Malathion (liquid) 5 ml

Thiodan (powder) 29 For pests

Dipterex (powder) 139 I

Dithane (powder) 29 for diseases
pest or NameoF' iow to ?ecommended g or km?w tops
oisease Poison ut on nl per losq m er losqm

Aphids Malathion SPraY 2,sml with 2 litres %tOp


BOllWOrmS Thiodan Sway 209 with 20 litws lotops


Caterpillar Malathion sP*Y @ml with 2 litres M top


cutworms Dipterex Bait 39 With I kq mealie 2 tops


Stalkborer Thiodan Scattei 20 tops


Malathior 1,75 ml with Aitre! P3top


Bli ht and Dithane spray zocjwith 10litres IOtops

lea? spat water

Downy Dithane 3oq with IOlitres 15 tops

mildew water


Most Farmers put on Portlliser when they plant their crops in

We have Worked out how many mOtOr Oil tit% of fertiliSeY you
will need For ever loom length OFrow.
This has been wor zed out using the row spacing
ed in this book for each of the crops.
IF ycur rows are closer than oUr recommendation you will
Use more fertiliser
Crop Recommended :ecommendedkilogram vlotoroil tins
Fertiliser w hectare 3er loomof rev

?.3:2 zoo kg 3 tins

Maize Superphosphatx Clay soil 200 kq 3 tins

Sandy soil 400 kq 6 tins

-ime Acid soil 500- 1000kg 8-16 tins

Ejorghur Superphosphate 200 kg 3 tins

Wheat Superphosphate 300 kg 4h tins

,ime 150 kg :vitins

lrea 150 kq by2


Not all rows will be loom long, so

change the recommendation for
your needs.


For example, we recommend 2

tins of 2:3:2 fertilizer for a IQOM
row of haricct beans If your
row is 5om lonq, you will only
need I tin. If our row is 15Om
long, you wil Yneed 3 tins.

Most fertiiisers, except for u,rea,

weigh the same. A motor 011
tln of 2:3:!, lime, superphosphate
or LAN weighs about ,635g. An
oil tin full of urea weighs 4409.

Measurino food Ear cattle and chickens

Cattle need salt and mineral licks.

Youcan use motor oil tins to mea-
sure these.
A full oiltin holds550 g of salt and
5209 of bone meal.

You can also use oil tins to measure

chicken food.
Starter ma+, laying mash and
broiler finishrng mash all weigh
the same.
A full oil tin holdsZo%qof chicken

Irrigation needs good soil. Very When to water
sandy 01 very clay soils are not The time to put on irrigation water
good for irrigation because they do is when the soil is half wet. Clay
not hold water well. Sandy soils soil is half wet when the soil feels
must be watered often because the dry hut~ypu can press it into a ball.
water dsains out easily. when you drop the ball it does not
break. Sandy soil is half wet when
you can press the soil into a ball,
but it breaks when you drop it.

Another way-of telling when to

The best soils for irrigation are irrigate is to see if the plants
sandy loams. They hold water but also are starting to wilt. This is not
drain well. The soil should be 1 =l"=Ys a good way, because when
metre or more deep and if possible it plants wilt they get damaged. The
shouid not be too flat so that the Plants may also be wilting because
water CM drain off. they have a disease.

A better way of telling when to

How much water? irrigate is to work out how much
Clay soils hold water and plant fmds. water is being lost by the plants
They do not have to be watered often, and soil. This i* called evapo-
but when they are watered, they must transpiration. Ask~tbe extereion
be watered for a long time. Sandy officer on your irrigation scheme to
SOilC c, not hold water well, so they work out the evapotranspiratian and
must be watered more often. alIt they tell you how much to irrigate.
must not be watered for too long,
otherwise they "a5h plant foods out
of the soil. Irrigation water
Irrigation water can cdme from river*,
streams, springs and boreholes.
Unlike rain, this water sometimes
has a lot of salts in it. These salts
can damage your sail so badly that
nothing will grow. A& your extension
officer to find oilt what salts are
in your irrigation water. He can send
a sample of the "ater to the Depart-
ment of Agricultural Technical services
in Pretoria and they will test it.

Use a 20 litre container to work out

how much water you are getting. On a
1Om square plot, 7200 divided by the
time Cseconds~ to fill the container
equals the millimetres you get per hour.

sandy soils need more

uitcr than ch .1 soils
use a siphon
tj move water
from COMI to

especially in clay soils. Water is led

from the canal onto the field through Basin Irrigation
an Outlet pipe or by using siphon Sa*in irrigation is a good way Of
tubes. irrigating fruit trees. This method
uses small flat fields with low earth
Fields which are flood irrigated must walls around it, the field is quickly
have a gentle and even slope. The field flooded to give the right amount of
should he less thsn mom long for clay water.
Pipe Irrigation Crops under irrigation
This,is the simplest and cheapest Most crops grow well under irrigation.
way of irrigating small fields, cmps need the most water when they
especially if you use a garden are growing fast and when they are
sprinkler with the hosepipe. The flowering and beginning to make fruit.
slope of the land is not 50 important, They do not need so much water when
because you can easily move the water they are young or when they are ready
from one place to another. This cannot to harYe&.
be done for flood irrigation.
Vegetables, fruit trees and cash
If a group of people is sharing the crops like tobacco and cotton grow
water, for example, a cOmm""a1 garden, well under irrigation. Other crops,
then it is a good idea to use small like carrots and groundnuts, can he
storage tank? 50 that people can take damaged if they are watered too much.
water to their plots by bucket or If you are on an irrigation scheme,
hosepipe. ZOO litre oil drums make try to grow crops which you can eat
good ta*s. The water is pumped into or se11 locally. DO not grow crops to
a pipe which joins all the drums sell in town because marketing is
together. me number Of drum5 depends difficult, especially for 1 farmer.
0" how much water you need. It is easier to sell in a group.
Fencing -
Fencing is expensive. But it is better
tc fence a small field Well than
trying to save money by fencing =
large field badly. ~ocd fences can be
grown from plants 1ii.e sisal or made
fram thorn trees. These fences are
much cheaper than wire on=*.

Goat= =r= the mo=t difficult =nim=l=

to keep out. If a fence keeps out
goats it will keep out any a*imal.

Growing Fences
Sisal is easy to grow from cuttings Of
other sisal plants. ~~11 whole shoots
from a sisal plant, put them in the
ground, and they will start growing.
Plant *em about lm apart so that they
grow thickly together. After about 10
years the eisal gets thin and it must
be planted again.
Barbed Wire Fences
It is impossible for animals to Climb Barbed wire fence* are eXpe*siVe. YOU
through sisal fences. The disadvantage need at least 7 strands of barbed wire
of sisal is that it use= water which to keep out goats. and deeply planted
the crops need and it takes about 2 fence posts. These fences can cost
years before it is big enough to keep F&o per mom.
animals out.
Start by putting in all the corner
cactuees are also good to grow for poets. These mus.t be 15cm thick wood
fences. Plant the kinds with sharp poles or 10cm thick eteel pipes. Make
spikes because sheep =nd goat= like a hole zocm square and 6ocm deep. Put
to eat the smooth kinds. Some c=c~u==s. the pole in, and pack small stones
like prickly pears, give fruit which rightly arcund it.
people can eat.
For long fences plant 2 poles at each
m places where there are thorn trees, cc,rner to make the fence stronger.
you can pile branches to make a fence me poles must be 1x0 apart, with =
while the sisal or cactuse* are bar across them. The wire is tied to
grovi*g. the back pole.

wooden corner


A fence must Se l,Om high to keep out The next step is to put in the smaller
goats. The bottom wire must be 1Ocm poles, called droppers. These are tied
from the grocnd, the 2nd wire locm to the fence to make it tight. Use 3
higher, the 3rd and 4th wires 15m droppers between the fence poles so
higher, and the top 3 wires each 2ocm that the droppers are 4 metree apart.
higher. The droppers are made of wood 2.5cm
thick, or steel. They a-e not put in
When the Corner posts are in, put in the ground.
the other fence poles. These axe steel.
or wood l&m thick. Put them in 1,6n
apart, in holes 30cm deep. When all Other Fences
the poles are in the ground, tie the Another way to make fences is to use
lowest wire to the first corner post, plain wire but put jackal wire at the
roll it out to the next corner post, bottom of the fence. This way uses only
and tie it as tightly as you can. If 5 wires and less droppers, but jackal
the fence is more than 5om long, wire is expensive.
tighten it with a wire strainer. If
it is shorter, you can use pliers.
Turn the wire around the corner post
twice to prevent it from Slipping
loose. Then tie it tightly to all the
other fence poles using ordinary wire.

jrrckol fencing

Some people use thorn tree brmchks

at the bottom of barbed wire fences
to stop animals getting through.

tie G-e so that it does not slip

Gates Tighten strand= of wire =C?JXS these
Gates r0ue.t be wideenough for a pOles, ad put droppers Socm hpart
tractor with implements to drive across the length of the gate. TO open
through. They mu=t be hung straight and close the gate, hook a wire ring
and close to the ground to stop OYer the top of the last pole and =
animals getting underneath. Cover wire ring under the bottom of the pole.
them with chicken wixe to stop goats There must be no place for ="ti=l= t0
getting through. get through.

steel gates have bolts which have t"

go into h"les in the gate post. Mark
the place for the holes carefully by
holding the gate in the position you
want it so that you can lock it easily.

You can also make a gate out of wooden

Poles and wire. You need two 7cm thick
gate po*ts and number 8 gauge wire.

Storage and Milling

811 crops must be dried hefore they the hot s"" so that the insects get
can be stored. hot and fly away. Then let the grain
cool before storing it. I

fry maize or sorghum in a house built

on strong gamipoles with the floor 1m
off the grouM. The house should be
less than 2m wide so that air can blow
right though it. Btild it 5" that the
wind blows against the long side. Make
the sides of wire fencing, chicken wire
or reeds and the floor of fencing poles.
fake a big roof so that rain can not
get in the sides. Nail tin collars
around the gumpoles to stop rats
climbing up.

Store Rooms
1f you use a store room. make sure it
is clean and dry. Sweep the whole XOODI
well, brushing the raof, walls and
Some crops must be threshed after they poles to make su+e there =se no
have bee" dried, to separate the pods insects when you put the new crop in.
fran the part.5 you can eat. InSECtS scrape bark and splinters off all the
can get into the crops when they are wood because insects breed under them.
being threshed. Get rid of these in- oust the floor, walls and roof with
sect= by spreading the grain out in Malathion 1,5%.

Storage containers Clean the tank well. se 1OOg Malathion
(1.5%) for each 80kg of grain to kill
insects. Mix the grain and Malathion
well~with a shovel. Check with an
extension officer that you are using
the right amount of Malathion.

You can also use the traditional way

of burring aloe bushes and mixing the
ash with the grain. It is not a5 good
. storage baskets: to prepare the as Malathion but it does help to stop
baskets, bnE.h there inside and out- insects.
side with a stiff brush and remove all
pieces of old grain. Leave in the hot
mxl for a few days, then dust them Milling
inside and outside with 1,5% Malathion. Many people still grind by hand,
using a hollow log and a wooden
pole, or using a grinding stone. It is
very hard work. It is easier to grind
the grain when it is wet, but then you
have to eat it within a few days. You
cm buy hand grinders (see suppliers
p 519) to grind your grain, but these
are also a lot of work.

*Tins, drums and clay pots. Brush

them we11 and then "ash them. Let tIleIn
dry in the sun for a few days. Fill
them as full as possible and c1o*e the
tops tightly.

Storage Tanks
If You use big tanks of steel or bricks
which hold up to 30 b,.gs of grain, you
should be able to get grain out of the
bottom of the tank. Getting it out of
the top is difficult.
mxt people take their grain to be Your own hand-ground or hammer-milled
ground by a hammer-mill. After hammer- mealie meal is much healthier than the
milling, the grain meal will start to refined meal& meal and baker's cones
go bad after about LO days, so you which you buy in shops.
should only hammer-mill as much as you
need foor a week. Refined mealie meal form shops lasts
long because in factories they take
out the parts of the mealie which
makes the meal& meal go bad first.
But this is the mat nutritious part
of the mealie meal.

Hammer-milling as a community project

Some villages share their own hammer-
mill. Even with the extra casts, it i5
cheaper for communities to mill their
own grain than to buy from a mill. You
do not need a tractor to drive it, a
small petrol engine will work as well.

Sharing a hammer-mill helps eVerybOdY

in the cornunity because eVerybOdY e*tS
mealie meal. BYen if the community does
not grow enough malies. they can buy
bags of mealies and mill them. This
mealie meal will be l/3 cheaper than
the mealie meal you buy.
Agricultural Extension Officers
The work of agricultural extension
officers is to help farmers to improve
their crops and animals. Tn South
Africa there is a big difference bet-
ween extension work for white fanners
and black farmers. Extension officers
who work with white farmers deal with
farmers who have enough land and money.

Black extension officers get the *amz

kind of training. blit the Tarmers they
work with usually ha"* little land or

GOod extension officers try to respond

to community needs, rather than just
carry out government policies. But There is nothing in the extension
often there is a conflict between the officers0 training which helps them
needs of a comunicy and the policy of understand why mo*t black farmers are
the government. Then extension officers so poor. There is nothing in their
are forced to choose between con"""nity classes about the history of black
and government. 1f the community and agriculture. They are not taught that
the government want the same thing, and black farmers used to be successful
then a lot of work can be done by exten- but that they were forced off their
*ion officers. land and made to go and work on mines
and farms.

Training In their training, the extension

Extension officers are often frustrated officers are not taught to work with
when they advise farmers on seeds 0'~ women. They are taught that n!*n are
fertilisess or tractor*. These things the clecision makers. a"t in fact mo*t
are too expensive for many small far- men are migrant workers in the towns.
mers, so often the advice of the exten- Women not only hoe the field* and reap
sion officers is only useful to rich the crops, they also decide when and
farE*rs. Groups Of poorer farmers can what to plant.
not get credit for the** things. There
is no Land Bank to help black farmers Good extension officers manage to
with credit. overcome the bad parts of their train-
ing. They work mo*t with groups in the
Many students training to be *xt*nsian cornunity who have the greatest needs.
officfrs ax* not very interested in They understand from talking to

in thewaytheyhavebeen
agriculture. They se* extension work farmers than problems cannot be solved
a5 a kind of teaching job. This leads taught, *o
to many pmblsms, because some people they look for different ways. TO help
think that education .liean* they will the people without land, they help
not have to work with their hands. It people to do things at their home-
is ccmwn to see a healthy young ex- steads, for example with the poultry
tension officer giving instructions to groups, gardening groups and fruit
a grokp of old wcaen labcuring in a tree*. This kind of organisation is
field. the best way fa extension officers to
serve the cormnunity.
It is wrong for *xt*n*ion officers to
588 themselves a* teacher*. Ext*n*ion Sometimes this means that extension
work should mean knowing how to do officers have to go against their
things like measuring field*, fertili- training and against government policy,
***s +d crops. making fencas, knowing but it is sometimes only in this way
aDOUt,diseases and giving medicine to that improvement and change can happen.
:*imals.~mny ext*ne.ian officers have When extension officers hecome community
', been,t*ugh> about these things but organisers, their work can really help
have,,,nev*r actu.+ly aone, them. % people. ,:

,142 ,,::::,,:y
,,,, ,,,
,~,~ ,,, ,,
Maize is by far the most important If you went to use hybrid seeds, buy
crop in Southern Africa. It can grow seeds that will be good for your area.
everywhere except in very dry places. Some hybrid seeds are drought resistant,
Yellow maize grows in drier places and some are pest re*i*tmt, Some give
less fertile soils than white maize. but bigger crops, some are good for *torage
it is not as popular as white maize. and **me grow more quickly than other*.
Some hybrids such a* PPK.x 64X and
Saffola 514, $2.5 and S&l00 (all yellow,
are cheaper than others and need less
fertiliser. ~11 Pioneer hybrids (PNR)
are god. PNR44 and PNx88 (yellow) have
a shozt growing season. PNR353 and RJR95
(white) give bigger crops. Other good
hyb;ds are SE52 fork hot wet areas, and

Land preparation
With maize, early ploughing is very
inportent. It buries old mealie stalks
and weeds and give* them time to turn
into compost and fertilise the soil.
Early ploughing also prevents cutworm
and lets the first spring reins wet the
soil well. You should plough as soon
after harvesting as possible end before
the *oil drie* out. Cut the maize stalks
end stack them on the side of the field
to give you space to plough. whether you
use oxen or a tractor, plough as deeply
a* possible. A single furrow plougb
(see p1091 can be used for this, but
use a disc plough on very sandy or stony
soil. If your soil becomes very hard,
try to rip the land (see p 101, every 2
or 3 y&ears. With ox ploughing, try to
plough the land a second time just
before planting.

Maize needs a well-harrowed seedbed to

Seeds grow well.
It is important to choose the right
maize seed. There axe two kinds of
seed, hybrid and open-pollinated.
Maize grown from hybrid seed is not
gmd for planting next year but maize
grown from open-pollinated seed can be
used for seed again. !dybrid seed gives
bigger crops, but it is more expensive.
it needs more fertiliser, and it needs
special conditions. Only rich farmers
can afford to use it. For *malL farmers,
it is better to use *cede from your own
mealier? or to buy open-pollinated seeds.

The best open-pollinated seeds are

MoStert seeds - Goudveld (yellow) and
K&%lmri Early Pearl (white). other
White open-pollinated seeds are Hickory
King. Silver King and Patch Earl.
Organic fertilisers - canpost and
manure - are good for maize, but small
farmers usually do not have enough for
a large maize field. Use organic
fertilisers first on your vegetable
garden and if you have any left, use
it on a small part of your maize field.
Do not spread it out thinly over the
whole field. Manure must be ploughed
into the land about 6 weeks before
planting. If there is only a little,
use it when planting.

If you want to use chemical fertilisers,

you should ask your extension officer
for help. Ask him to do a soil test so
that you will know what fertiliser to
use and how much.

Chemical fertilizers are very expansive.

The cheapest chemical fertiliser for
maize is superphosphate. This will
give your soil phosphorous, a plant
food which is often missing from soils
in Southern Africa. For black soils,
use mokg Of SCperphosphate per hectare.
For lighter, sandier soils, use 4Wkg
per hectare. You will need more for
rainy places (see Know your soil p 121).
On acid soils, plougb in 5ookg-1 ton
of lime per hectare about 6 weeks
before planting.

worki wt how much

superp ?I osphste is needed
pll out &hweed edy
because It spreads fast

Using fertiliser also makes weeds grow Harvesting and Storage

well. If you do not take o"t the weeds, Time of harvesting is not very import-
they will u*e up all the fertiliser. ant. YOU can leave tile cobs on the
To get a big crops it is even more plants until they are dry because this
important to weed than to put on fer- preven<s them from going rotten during
tiliser. storage. You can store the maize on or
off the cobs in a dry place with no
rats. You can store it in traditional
Weeding grain baskets, or in bags hanging from
AS swn as you see lots of weeds, take the roof. You cm also store it in a
then out. If you weed well early, you wire cage lifted off the ground on
will not have to weed so much later. poles. Mix a little aloe ash or
YOU "ill get a bigger crop on a smaller Malathion poison with the stored maize
field which you weed well, than on a to kill the small insects called
larger field which you do not weed weevils w@ch live in food.

When weeds are rmall, use a hoe or an

ox~awn harrow and when weeds are
bigger use an inter-row cultivator.
You can buy chemical poisons to kill
weeds, but we do not think they are
gwa for Small farmers because they
are very expensive and can cause a
lot of damage to the maize plants if
they are not used properly.

Witchweed is very difficult to get rid

of.~Controlit by crop rotation with
'legumes, "heat or grasses.
Pests b Stalkborer is another worm which
~Cutworm eat the stalks of very young does lots of damage to maize. It hatche$
plants so that they look like they have from worm eggs when the plant is 4 to
been cut with a knife. If you expect 6 weeks old. White moths lay the eggs
that you will get ~utwoms, we cutworm in the top leaves of maize plants. If
poison straight after planting. Other- you see these moths, put on poison.
wise wait until you are sue cutworms For 1 hectare use a very weak mixture
are eating your young mealies before of Thiodan EC, 5Cml in 250 litres of
putting on poison. TO make enough poison water. Follow instructions on the
for 1 hectare mix lCOg of Thiodan WP) * bottle carefully. Pour one teaspoon
2Okg bran + 20 litres water; or use into the top of each plint in your
Kq of Dipterex WZ,) + 15kgAxan + 20 field. Or use a bottle with a hole
litres water (see weights and measures in the top, and shake some of the
p 1301. Sprinkle this poison onto the mixture into the top of each plant.
land in the evening. when mixing the Another way of getting rid of stalk-
poison wear rubber gloves or wash your borer is by putting a few grains of
hands very well afterwards. poison powder into ti: funnel of each
plant. You can use Dipterex or Sevin
or Thicdan, about 3kg pe* hectare.

p Black maize beetle eat very young

plants. To kill them mix gg Bexadust
with every lokg of seed that you
We buy seed together through our farmers association
we start using a culti- a month. We cut the
vator. We cultivate whole stalk off with a
maybe 4 to 5 times sickle and thenmake
before harvesting. Of stacks. They dry in
course we also hoe by about 2 weeks and the"
hand. We try to weed as we take them to the
early as possible before house in a cart. There
the weeds get too big. we break the mealies
.When did you start off and store them in
faming? .What equipment do you a~wire cage on sticks.
have? It is off the ground so
1 had to leave my job in the rats cant eat
Cape Tow" in 1962. I I. have a plough, a them. We only take out
returned here to my home planter, a Cultivator the mealies when we
village. and an ox cart. 1 hire need them to eat.
a harrow fron my neigh-
e What crops da you grow? bars. We hire out my . Do you have enough
planter for ~2 a day. I mealies to last for
I grow maize and beans have a team of oxen which the whole y,?ar?
on 2 hectares. I prefer makes it easier for me
t0 plant them separately, to work my land, but Yes, in a good year I
although when I grow then others have to share to do. Sometimes 1 sell
together 1 think they make up a full team. some - like last year
grow better. I sold 9 bags in the
e Da you have any village. Last year I
.what seed do you "se? problems with diseases also sold 2 bags of
and insects? beans.
I buy SAG hybrid from
the co-op. 1 find this In hot dry weather we e Can you make enough
seed very goad. It costs have bad trouble with money to live from
about a5 per season. we insects. The cutworm only 2 hectares?
buy seed together through treatment has worked
our farmers' association. alright. But so far Not really. We m*e
the poisons we have nothing from our lands
e Bow do you prepare the tried for stalkborer because we have to
land? have bee" useless. spend R15 per hectare
for ploughing, and then
m winter I plough the ."hen do you hanest? milling is very expen-
roots in by tractor. We sive - we pay 8Oc per
use traCtor* only for we start in May and it 20 litre tin for mil-
ploughing - everything usually takes us about ling.
else is with oxen. We
plough for the second
time in November and
then we plant in rows
using a planter pulled
by 2 oxen. *t takes 2
days to plant my 2 hec-
tares. We put kraal
msnure in the furrows
before planting the seeds.
Sometimes we harrow the
lands after the second

e Sow do you weed?

when the weeds are very

small we use a harrow.
Ones the crop is bigger
Sorghum is a traditional staple fwd Planting
in Southern Africa. Tt is an important Sorghum can be planted later than
crop because it is not easily killed maize because it is not so easily
by drought and in dry areas it cm damaged by frost. In the Transvaal
give a bigger harvest than maize. It you can plant as Iate as January.
Can grow well cm less fertile soils But it is best to plough and plant
and wet clay soils, where other crops early, in time for the rains in
will not grow. But sorghum is easily October and November. If you have any
damaged by hail, birds and insects. money to spend on fertiliser. use 4
bags (2oOkg) of superphosphate per
T?;ere are two types of sorghum. White hectare at the time of planting.
sorghum is used for porridge and red
sorghum is usrd for beer. Red sorghum Plant sorghum in rows by hand or
is not as easily damaged by birds as scatter seed evenly over the field.
"bite sorghum. may people do not like For row planting make the rows Im
eating red sorghum because it tastes apart and plant the seeds 15cm apart
bitter. in the rows. If you plant them more
than 15m apart, the plants will branch
at the top and you will get more sorghum
Seeds on each plant. But if the seeds are
Hybrid sorghum seeds are expensive and planted 15cm apart weeds will not get
will not produce a big harvest unless a chance to grow. Plant the seeds 3m
they get enough fertiliser. It is deep in clay soils and 5 cm deep
better to buy open-pollinated seed or in sandy soils.
use local seeds. These seeds can be
used again next year, whereas sorghum If you are scattering the seeds, cover
grown from hybrid seeds cannot be used them carefully with a little soil,
again. using a hoe. 3kg of seed is enough
for 1 hectare, but we recommend 7kg
per hectare to make sure that the
seeds grow well. 7kg of seed in 1
hectare give you about 30 CCC plats 7
between 10 and 20 bags when harvested.
Early weeding will give you a bigger
crop. When the plants have just started
growing, you can weed using a harrow
without damaging them. Later, -weed
with a hoe or cultivator. The roots Of
sorghum plants spread out over the
whole field, so do not dig too deeply
when weeding because You will damage
the roots. The worst weed of sorghum
is witchweed. It must be pulled out
by hand. The best way to pre"eOt it is
by crop rotation.

Rotation and Intercropping

Sorghum grows well in a crop rotation.

amate it with crops like wheat, maize,
sunflowers and beans. Only grow sorghum Birds like to eat the sorghum while
in the same field every 4 years. it is young and soft. The only thing
you can do is to chase the birds
Many fanners intercrop sorghum with away. Red hybrid sorghum does not
beans or millet. Harvests from inter- suffer so much from bird damage be-
cropping are bigger than harvests from cause the birds do not like the bitter
sorghum growing alone. taste.

American bollworm and aphids are the Harvesting
worst insect pests. You Can poison Try to harvest as early as possible
them with Thicdan. The only trouble because damage by hail can be very
with Thicdan is that it kills many bad when the crop is ripe. Harvest by
insects..including the naturai enemies cutting off the sorghum heads with ii
(see p122) of these pests. Use 1.2 sickle. If You want to plough.straight
litres Tbiodan mixed with 200 litres after harvesting, cut the sorghum
water for 1 hectare. stalks'and stack them on the side of
the field. Dry the heads in the sun,
Stalkborer also attacks sorghum. FOT then thresh by beating the beads.
1.hectare. mix 5Oml Thiodan EC in 250 Store the grain in a cwl, dry place.
litres of water, per hectare. Put 1
teaspoonful in the fnnnel of each plant. Sorghum can be ground up and used to
make porridge or beer. Dry sorghum
Another pest is sorghum midge. You plants make a very good food for sheep
can prevent it by planting early. and cattle, so leave them in the lands
a* a winter food for these animals.

When we get a chance we go and chase the birds away

. HOW much land do You is time. This Year it
have? was in September. We
plant about one week
we have about 2 hectares after ploughing. This
along the river. The soil year we used an cq31an-
is good and we always ter. we borrowed the
plant sorghum. MY son planter and cattle from
decided how we should some relatives in Sehi-
use the land. We hire a dini. Before we had to
tractor to plough the scatter the seeds because
land when we think it we didn't have any cattle.

P~tatoe* are becoming popular and many
fzmers are growing them instead of
maize and sorghum. They can give big
harvests but they get diseases very Land Preparation
easily. Potatoes grow well in sandy Plough the land early so that you can
loam soils (see p 97) bat not in clay plant early. The land must be ploughed
soils. deeply but it does not need to be
YOU should not grow potatoes in hot
wet places. This kind of weather will
give the potatoes diseases. If YOU do Planting
not get frost in your area it is Planting early helps to prevent
better to grow potatoes in winter. disease. If there is rain, you can
because potatoes get more diseases in plant a* early as August.
For a few weeks before planting, keep
the seed potatoes in a wap dry roam.
Seeds They will start to grow little white
YOU can use ordinary eating potato*s shoots. When you are ready tc plant,
for seed but you will get a much better sort the seed potatoes into sm*ll and
crop from certified seed. Certified large sizes. Some people cut them in
means that the seed has been checked half if they are very big, but they
by government inspectors, so it does get more diseases if you do this.
not have diseases. The most common
certified seed is called "A" sea?. You'need 25 bags of seed potatoes per
Prices for "A" seed are ll*u*lly about hectare. Plant the seed potatoes 25cm
R6 for a 3okg bag. deep in I:ow* lm apart. Small seed
potatoes must be about 30cm apart and
The most ccmmon potato seeds in big ones about SOcm apart ir the 3xws.
southern Africa are BPI, up TO Date Put the soil hack in the rows using a
and Sackfiller. sackfiller seeds do hoe (s*e planting in rows by hand
not get diseases so easily and give p 118)or by pulling a log over the
bigger crops, but they will go bad if land. The potato plants will come up
you store them *or too long. we in about 10 days
reccmmnd BPI because they are good
rowa fertilisers will help you get a goad
crop. The best feYcili**r for potatoes
is a mixnxe of manure and super-
phosphate. If you do not have manure,
use 8 bags of 2:3:4(24) fertiliser per
hectare. You will get an even better
planting compost Ior crop if you spread LAN on your field
fertlfiser (see Fertilisers p 121)when the
potatoes start flowering.

start weeding ato. weeks

after /?hntq
Need early otherwise the weeds will
use up all the plant focds in the
soil and the potatoes will not get
enough. Once the potatoes are growing
well, you will. only have to weed in
between the rows.

Ridginq is making a heap of soil around
me plants. YOU "*"ally make these
heaps while you are weeding. If you do
not ridge afmnd the plants, the sun
will turn the potatoes green. Ridge by
hand or with a single furrow plough or
a ridge=.

ridge c oin 9 +o 10 weeks BarYest potatoes after the tops have
w er plontinj died. This is usally about 5 months
after planting.

The best way to store potatoes is by

leaving them in the ground and digging
them up when you need them. Llowever
you cannot do this if there is a lot
of rain. *cause the potatoes will rot
in the ground. Store them inside in
a dark,.ccool place. or outside by
h,an/& when the plants hove died covering them with straw and making
sure they stay dry.
Pests and Diseases
The worst disease of potatoes is late
blight. You cm prevent late blight
by planting early, because it is
worst in hot weather. But once your
potatoes have '&e disease you must
use a chemical poison. You can use
these poisons:

bDithane ~45: for 1 hectare, mix lkg

with 500 litres of water.

Vmneb: for 1 hectare, mix Ikg with

500 litres water. sh
b Mildme: for 1 hectare, mix 2,5kg
with MO litres water.

P sordeaux mixture: for 1 hectare,

mix Skg with MO litres water. Spray
it on every two weeks during the
rainy summer weather.

Smetimes *p&ids are a problem on

potatoes but it costs tco much to kill
them with a chemical poison. If you
just have a small number of potato**,
for example, in a vegetable garden, you
can kill them with nicotine spray or
garlic spray (see p 123).

*lw.sys grow potatoes in a crop rotat-
ion Cp 94 otherwise they will get
eelworm disease. Rotate with maize.
sorghum, wheat or beans. with beans
just before potatoes in the rotation.
IJ late blight

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes grow be*t in the hot
+ainy parts of Southern Africa, but
uley can also grow in cool or dry
places. whey grow in slightly acid
sandy soils, but not in wet clay
soils or in alkaline soils. If you
have very acid soil, add lime to
make it less acid.

Sweet potatoes grow well in rotation

with crops like maize, sorghum, wheat,
su,flowers and vegetables. DO not
grar themon the same landmore than
once every three years.
Seeds without frost you can plant in January.
TO grow sweet potatoes, you first have Plant in rows by hand after plougbing.
to plant seed potatoes. The seed You can also plough and plant at the
potatoes grow shoots called vines. same time, planting in the ploughed
Pull out these vines and plant *em rows so that when you make the next
over the whole field. Always try to row the soil will cover the vines.
get vines from plants without diseases DO not plough or plant deeper tin 25cm.
otherwise you will not get a good because your sweet potatoes will grow
crop. long and thin. mke the row* Im apart
and plant the vines 4ocm apart in the
YOU CM get vines in two different rows. Make sure the end of the vine
ways : sticks out of the ground, then press
down the soil around the vines by
bTbe be*t way is to buy healthy walking along the row.
seed potatoes and plant then in early
spring. The b**t varieties are Mafutha,
Impaia, Wildebeest and Brondal. Two Weeding and Ridging
months after planting the seed You only need to weed once before the
potatoe* pull out the vines and plant weeds became too strong. Ridging is
them over the whole land. Throw away heaping the soil up around the plant,
the plants which are growing badly using a hoe. It will give you a bigger
and any plar~ts with yellow leaves. har"e*t.

.The other way i* to leave *one

sweet pOt*toes from last year in the Pests and Diseases
ground. Vines will grow after the Pests are not a bad problem for sweet
first rains, and can be used for potatoes. The zmst serious problem is
p&anting. This way is not as good as virus disease spread by aphids. Prevent
getting vines from seed potatoes. it by using disease-free seed to grow
vi***. Weevils can also be a problem.
You can contra1 weevils by malting *we
Planting that no piants grow from *wet potato
Plant straight after the first rains plant which have been left in the
in October or November. 1n area* ground from last year.

wne rzody for

Harvesting After harvesting, leave the potatoes
Sweet potatoes can be harvested as lying on the ground for a few days.
soon as they are big enough. TO make This helps them last longer Without
harvesting easier, first cut off the going bad. But da not leave them out
vines and keep them for cattle feed. on the ground on cold nights because
Then dig up the sweet potatoes with a cold weather can damage them.
fork or hoe.

TO store s"eet potatoes for a long
time first leave them in a warm damp
room, and then store them in a damp
place. You can make sure they do not
go bad by covering them with "et sacks
or by sprinkling water on the floor of
the store room so it is always damp.
If you do not have a store room, you
can leave them in the ground without
cutting off the vines and dig them
out when you need them.

Sweet pot*toe* are popular and easy

to sell. If you wa-rt to sell them
to a market. you will get a better
price if they are washed and sorted
into different sizes.

Beans are easy to grow. They have lots r-
of protein and help to give people the
protein they need if most of their food
is mealies. Beans grow quickly and are
ready to eat 3 to 4 months after

Beans grow well on sandy loam soils,

but not on very sandy and very clay
soils. They grow best in places with
lots of rain, like the highveld,
Natal and the Eastern Cape. In places
with only a little rain you need
irrigation to grm beans well. In
dry places and on very sandy soils,
it is better to grow groundnuts or
cmpeas because beans will be killed
by drought.

Most people u*e their mm seeds which
they keep frm last year's crop. Th< seed sold at mo*t trading stores
This is a good idea, but after about is ';ot certified. It is blhter to buy
3 years the bean seeds start to get certified seed directly fran suppliers
weak. It is worth buying new certified (see p 514). Most certifial seed
seed once every 3 years to make sure suppliers are in the Eastern Transvaal
your beans are strong. and Natal.




Before threshing, dry the pods well.

Thresh the beans by beating the pods
with a long thin stick, then winnow
to let the wind blow away the pods
and stalks.

,;::,,,;156 ,, ,,~, ,,,

Pests and Diseases
Beans are attacked by many pests,
especially in hot places. Most insects
cm be killed by picking them off the
plants by hand and dropping them in
a tin of paraffin or standing on them.
But if there are tw many you will
have to use a chemical poison.

. The worst pests are aphids. TO get

rid of aphids use nicotine spray
tp 123,. If this does not work use
~ogor EC. FOT 1 hectare, mix 15'Gml
acqor Bc in 200 litres of water and
spray it on to the plants. DO not *pray
after the pods start to t"rn ye;low.

9 American bollworms can be very

serious pests. Kill them with Thicdan
EC. For 1 hectare, mix 25Og in 100
litres water. Tf there are only a few
worms, pick them off by hand.

The most ccmmn diseases are angular

leaf spot, anthracnose and rust. All
these diseases make yellow spots or
marks on the leaves. These can all be
treated with Dithane M45 8OW. For 1
hectare, mix 4OOg Dithane with 200
litres water.


Plough and plant cowpeas the same as

beans. Make the rows 60cm apart and
plant the cowpeas 30cm apart in the
EOWS. They do not need fertilisers.
We beans, cowpeas are vocd for
intercropping with maize or sorghum.

lhe worst pests are pod borers and zany people like to grow cowpeas and
blosscp beetles. 'fry to pick them off use the leaves for spinach. The cow-
the plant by hand if there are not peas are ready for picking in 5 months
too many. Othemise use the same and the leaves can be picked all the
poisons as beans. time.

Soyabeans have more protein in them If YOU have money for other fertiliser,
than any other crop or vegetables. US= phosphate. You can plaugb in rock
They are one of the most nutritious phosphate such as Langfos or Saaifos
foods and they are easy to sell. They before planting, or you can add super-
need as much rain as maize and they do phosphate at the time of planting. If
not grow well in acid soils. you Use manure or Compost, plougb it
in six weeks before planting.

Land Preparation
Soyabeans will not grow in rough soil,
so it is important to prepare the
soil well. If possible you should
plough, disc and barrow the soil.

You will get a bigger crop after the
first year of growing soyabeans if
you inoculate the seed with Rhizobia.
Pour a mixture of sugar water, powdered
milk and Rhizobia over the seeds in a
dark place just before planting. Plant
the seed within two hours in wet soil,
otherwise the inoculation will not
Seeds work. You only need to inoculate the
The most popular soyabean seeds are seed once. If you grow soyabeans in
Geduld, Welkom and Masterpiece. These the same land again you do not have
are long season seeds which take about to inoculate the seeds.
150 days (5 months) to grow. Usutbu
and Kent are short season seeds. They
still grow well if you plant them late,
but they are more expensive.

If the soil is too acid you must add
lime. *is is more important than
using any other fertiliser, Use 1
ton of dolomitic lime for 1 hectare.

Young soyabean plants are easily
damaged by hot weather, so plant
them in September.

It is best to plant in rows by hand

<see p 118).Tf you use a tractor or
ox planter, make sure the seeds do
not get broken.

Plant in rows 1 metre apart with the

beans l0zm apart in the rows and 3m
deep. "se ,Okc, of seed per hectare.
Weeding Harvesting
1t is important to weed early, starting Soyabeans are readyfor harvesting
about 4 days after planting. Use a when the seeds are
hard and the pods
rake 05 a light harrow. You da not are brown. Cut the plants off with a
need to weed again later unless the hoe, and then pick off the pods. Thresh
weeds are very bad. with long thin sticks, and winnow to
let the wind blow away the pads and
stalks. YOU can also Leave the plants
Pests and Diseases in the fields as a goad sheep food, or
hammermill the dry stalks for cattle
food. After harvesting plougb the
roots into the sail.

Crop Rotation
Soyabeans are good to rotate with
maize, wheat or sorghum. Ploughing
in the soyabean stalks after harvest-
ing adds nitrogen to the soil and helps
to prevent some of the diseases of
these crops.
Groundnuts (peanuts~ wow well in the If possible, plough early and harrow
hot, dry places in Southern Africa. the land before planting.
They can easily be killed by frost end
they take a long time to grow, so
plant early 'co make sure that frost Fertilisers
does not kill them. Groduts are legumes so they make
their own nitrogen in the soil. They
usually only need superphosphate or
rock phosphate fertiliser. Ask your
extension officer what fertiliser to
use. On acid soils you sometimes need
lime. If you grow groundnuts in a crop
rotation, you will not need so much

Groundnuts take 4 months to grow. If
you plant early there will be no
danger of frost before the time of
harvesting. plant in November or
straight after the fir*t good rains
in summe*. If you plant the seeds
closely together, they will not be
attacked so easily by pests end
diseases. Make the rows 30cm apart,
and plant the seeds 1Ocm apart in the
rows. Plant them 8m deep in dry
sandy soil, 6cm deep in sandy loams
and km in clay soil. Use 25kg of
seed per hectare.

The plants will start coming up aiter
about 10 days. This is the time to
Seeds take out the small weeds with a
The most popular seeds are Valencia, harrow. Weed again by hoe or cultiva-
Virginia and Natal Common. Virginia tor a few weeks later. When you weed,
grows well only under irrigation. do not dig deepiy otherwise you will
damage the roots. After 6 weeks the
Small seeds are better than big seeds groundnuts will be strong enough so
because their shells do not break so that weeds will not damage them.
easily. Store the seeds in a cool
place otherwise they will be damaged
by heat. you can protect the seeds Pests and Diseases
from diseases by dipping them in The worst pests of groundnuts are
poison. For 1OOkg of seed, mix 2oOg American Bollworms end aphids. To kill
of Dithene M45 or Bordeaux in 200 American Bollworms, use Thicdan EC.
litres of water. Far 1 hectare, mix 2 litres of Thioden
EC with 200 litres of water. For aphids,
Use Malathion Wp (25%). For 1 hecUre,
Land Preparation mix Ikg of poison in 200 litres of
Groundnuts grow well on most soils water. You can also use a hcane made
except heavy clays. Very sandy soil nicotine spray (see p 123).
is the best, but it must be fertile.
Do not plant groundnuts in soils where TO get rid of leaf spot disease, use
wheat stalks have been ploughed in Dithane M45 WP (80%). For 1 hectare,
because groundnuts can get crown rot mix Zkg of poison in 200 li'cres of
disease from the wheat stalks. water.
Harvesting Crop Rotation
HaTvest grlundn"ts when the leaves always grow groundnuts es part of a
turn yellow. Dig around the plants crop rotation. It *eves fertiliser end
with a hoe and then pull them o"t. helps to control djsease. Grow them in
weave the plants to wilt for 2 to 8 soil used lest year for maize, millet,'
hours, then stack them to dry. Leave sorghum, sunflower or pasture g~as*,
the stack for 6 weeks, and protect it but not in soil used for potatoes,
so the plants do not vet wet. In dry lucerne, soyabeans 01 cotton. I" a
weather YOU CM 1.3~ the plants out in crop rotation, vrou~dnuts should be
planted in the same soil only once
every 4 years. If you plant them in
the same soil without waiting 4 years,
they will get diseases.

After vro""dn"ts have been harvested,

the soil is loose end bare, end ce*
easily be eroded in winter. If YOU
grow a winter crop s"ch as oats, rye,
a legume, or winter pasture vress
on the same land, it will cover the
soil end prevent erosion. In most crop
rotations, the staiks left after
harvesting are plouvhed into the soil.
Groundnut stalks and leaves are good
for animal food so do not plouvh thEn
in. TO keep the soil in the crop
rotation fertile, plouvh in manure
before planting.

Groundnuts under Irrigation

If you grow groundnuts under irrigation
you can get double the crop you vet
in dryland farming. Plant 50kv of Seeds
per hectare. Do not irrigate too much
because it will damage the pods. DO
not grow groundnuts in fields next to
tomatoee or potatoes because water
After 6 weeks, the n"ts will be dry from groundnut irrigation will cause
inside the shells. Make groundnut hey bacterial wilt disease in these crops.
(p 2443with the stalks end leeYes. slant another crop such es maize
Groundnut hey is very good for cattle. between the vro"ndn"ts end these crops.
Land Preparation
Plough the land in winter, so that
when the rains come, the water will go
deep into the soil. Ploughing in
vlinter also helps to stop cutworms
from breeding.

Pupkins mu*t be planted in little

heaps of soil called planting stations.
Make the TOW 2m apart with tie plant-
ing stations 90cm apart in the rows.

At each planting station, dig in two
spades full of kraal manure. If you do
not have kraal manure dig in 5Oog of
a mixed fertiliser like 2:3:2 (22%).

Ask your extension officer what fer-

tiliser you need. If the soil is very
acid, put on lime. Tf the soil is short
of phosphate, put on superphosphate.

Plant pumpkins early in summer when
you are sure that the frost is finished.
Fumpkin* grow well all over Southern Plant 6 seeds about 4cm deep in each
Africa. They usually grow in summer planting station. If you have big
but they can grow in winter in warm pumpkin seeds or if the soil is sandy,
places. C"c"mbers, watermelons, plant them deeper. If it has not
calabashes and marrows 2~re part of the rained when you plant, water each
**me plant family a* pumpkins and grow planting station.
in the same way. ALL of them grow
best in sandy, well drained soils.

The best pupkin seeds are Plat Wit
Boer, Queensland Blue, Golden !&&bard
and Green E"bbard. If you "se your own
seed from last year you must dry it
well. Try to buy improve5 seed every
fO"Z years.
If the pests are very bad, you can use
chemical poisons. You can kiil pumpkin
fly with Malathion. For 1 hectare,
mix 5Sg of nalathion wp in 18 litres
of water with lkg sugar. Sprinkle the
poison cm the leaves once a week and
after rain. TO get rid of cutworm
with poisons (see p L22. 146).

X[t is easy to sell pumpkins to your
neighbours, but selling in town is
usually not so easy. Pumpkins are big
and hea)- end cost a lot of money to
take to tow". Also, many big farmers
grow pumpkins during summer to sell in
tow", and small farmers cannot get a
good price. You will get a better
price if you sell in town during
winter, when pumpkins are in short

The best seeds are Little Gem and
Table Queen. YOU can use your own
seeds from last year by leaving about
three squashes on the plants after
harvesting. After a month the seeds
inside will be hard. Pick the squashes,
take out the seeds, and store them in
a cool, dry place where there are no
mice or insects.

This is the same as for pumpkins, but
make the rows 1,5m apart instead of
Zm. Weeding and pest control axe the
same as for pumpkins.

Three months after planting, the

Cassava is a very popular crop in many
parts of Africa, although it is not so
well known in Southern Africa. In
countries like Tanzania and Kenya
people eat it as their most important
food. like we eat mealie meal. Ca*sava
bushes have roots like sweet potatoes.
People eat the roots and the leaves.

Cassava can grow in places with very

hot dry weather and sandy soils "here
even crops like sorghum die. It grows
for many years and is never killed by

cassava does not really need any
fertiliser. If you can afford to buy
fertiliser put on potassium and phos-
phate after the cassava has bee"
growiilg for one year.

YW can plant CaSSaa any time between
Seeds September and February. If you plant
Cassava grows from small pieces of early, you will get a bigger crop at
cassava plants called cuttings. There the end of the first year.
i* no company or nursery selling
cassava that we know, but there are Plant the cuttings by pushing them
many small farmers, especially in hot halfway into the soil. mke sure you
areas, who grow cassava and will sell plant them the same way up that they
cuttings. There are 3 or 4 kinds of were growing on the plant. If you want
cassava growing in South Africa and to grow a whole field of cassava,
Swaziland. Sometimes the fame kind plant it in rows 1.k apart with the
has a different taste depending on cuttings l.Sm apart in the rows. Most
the soil where the cassava grows. small farmers plant cassava in between
The red kind tastes bitter and the rows of maize or beans.
white kind usually tastes sweet.

To make cuttings, cut pieces each 2Ocm

long from the Seen! of a cassava plant
which has been growing for one year
and has a thick stem. You can get up
to 20 cuttings from one plant. Take
cuttings from the bottom and middle of
the stem but "WC frcm the top. Do not
take cuttings from diseased plants
becanse the" your new plants will also rows f,5m opd
get disease.
Weeding After 1 year a cassava plant will give
about 4kg Of roots and after 2 years,
about 8kg. The roots of plants older
than 2 years sometimes grow tough. rf
cassava is not harvested for many
year*, it grows as tall as a tree.

Pests and Diseases

Cassava does not get many pests or Cooking
diseases. The worst disease is cassava Cassava root.5 contain a poison, so you
mosaic virus. This makes the leaves must CO& them carefully. Peel then
became yellow md the plant and roots before boiling and do not eat too much
do not grow. The only thing you can do boiled cassava zct the same time.
is pull out the sick plants and burn
them. To prevent diseases, always take To make ~as~ava porridge, at the raw
cuttings from healthy plants. cassava ro3ts into pieces and dry them
in the sun. Drying gets rid of all the
poison. Then grind the pieces into
cassava meal to make porridge. Many
people mix groundnuts or fish into
cassava porridge. Cassava ieaves can
be eaten too, boiled like spinach.
and pull cat plants wne" they want to They have lots of protein.
*L them.

Do not plant sunflowers in acid soils
unless you can afford to put lime on
the soil. Sunflowers do not usually
need other fertiliser. Sometimes there
are plant foods called Molybdenum and
Boron missing from the soil. Ask your
agricultural extension officer if your
soil does not have these plant foods
because sunflowers need them.


IL-...-,.---- . ;..Y..

Sunflowers grow well in places where

there is only a few months of rain
,," during the summer. They have a short
growing season, so they ale good to
grow when the rains come too late
for maize and sorghum. They are not
easily killed by drought and will
give a good crop in years when maize
,is killed by drought. They are easily
~ +enaged by birds and hail. Planting
You can plant sunflowers any time
~Smflowers grow well in soils which between September and late January.
are not acid. If your soil is acid, You do not have to prepare a fine
you must put on a lot of lime. This seedbed. Plant straight after ploughing,
is expensive and it might be better about 5kg of seed per hectare. This
to try another crop. will give 25 000 plants in dry areas
and 35 000 in rainy areas. Plant in
rows lm apart or by scattering the
Seeds seed. DO not plant them more than 3Ocm
apart in the +ows or some of the
SUnflcmer seeds. The hybrids will give flowers will grow too big and will not
a bigger crop and will not get rust dry out in time for harvesting.
disease eesily. But we do not recom-
mend them for small farmers because
they are more expensive and you must Weeding
buy new hybrid seed every year. It is very important to weed when the
plants are young. You ca" "se a hoe
or a cultivator. When the sunflowers
Pests and Diseases
The worst disease af sunflowers is
rust. Rust is a dark brown powder on
the heads of L ~.e s""flo"ers. It can
be prevented by crop rotation (see
p WI.

Birds are a big problem, especially

in a small field because they can eat
the whole crnp. It is better to plant
in big fields. Many small farmers can
plant their sunflowers together in a
big field and divide the crop between
them, or they can plant in small
fields close to each other. Try to
harvest as early as possible because
bird damage is worst when the sun-
flowers are ripe.

The easiest way to harvest is by
cutting the heads off with a sickle
when they have just turned brown and
bard. Bold the head up when you cut,
Otherwise the seeds fall ""t. Take the
seeds off by shaking the head or by
hitting it against swething bard.
Leave the seeds in the sun for a
week, until they are completely dry.
The empty heads when crushed make a
very god chicken food. Make a cattle
food by mixing them with maize stalks
or dry grass. Cattle will not eat the
sunflower stalks, so just pLo"gh them
into the land to improve the soil. 7
You can also "se them in your vegetable
garaen for mmer
to grow up.
beans or tomatoes
Wheat is a god winter crop and a Land Preparation
swmer crop for cold places. It grows Land for wheat must be well prepared.
well in sandy soils but not in clay. The seeds are small, so they need <
It is easy to sell wheat and bread fine seedbed to grow properly. Plough
made with your own wheat flour is in old wheat plants to help control
healthier than bread you buy from disesses. Harrow the land before plant-
shops. ing.

If you have enough manure or conpost,
dig in 1 ton per hectare. If you do
not have enough for your whole field
"se what you have on a smaller part
of your field. DO not spread it
thinly to cover your whole field.

If you can afford chemical fertiliser,

the most important is phosphate.
Plough in 6cOkg of raw rock phosphate,
Langfns or saai*os, per hectare, 6
weeks before planting. Or you can put
on 300kg superphosphate per hectare
Seeds at the time of planting.
Winter wheat should be planted from
mid-April until the end of my. me Nitrogen will help you to get a bigger
best seeds are Belinda S and Scheepers crop, but only after you have been
69. You need 2Okg of wheat seeds per growing wheat in the same field for
hectare. more than 2 years. P"t on 1smg of
LAN or "rea per hectare when the "beat
Spring wheat should be planted frm has started to make a few stems.
mid-August until the end of September.
The best seeds are eenita and SST3.
YOU need 6lxg per hectare. Planting
It is best to plant with a wheat drill.
Sumner wheat should be planted in This is a special wheat planter pulled
January. The best seeds are Elize and by ox or tractor, which plants the
SST3. You need 9Okg per hectare. seeds in rows 3Oan apart. You can also
plant by scattering the seed, then
You can use your own seed but it is harrowing the land.
better to buy new seeds every 4 years
otherwise your wheat will get diseases. Push down the soil to help the seed
grow better, by pulling a roller or
a log over the land.
Weeding Pests and Diseases
me worst disqse of "heat is "heat
rwt, especially in warm places.
Spraying chemical poisons to get rid
of "beat rust is usually too expensive
for small fanners. It is better to
prevent wheat rust by growing wheat
in a crop rotation or buying special
seed which cannot get wheat rust.
Winter Wheat
winter heat can grow in places here
there is no rain in winter. It u*es
water left in the soil from the summer
rain. Harvesting and Storage
M&e sure the wheat is dry before you
TO help keep water in the soil you harvest, otherwise it can go bad "hen
m"st plough early, before the end of it is stored. Sa~wst using a sickle.
summer. Early ploughing gets rid of Thresh the wheat by beating the heads
weeds. which use up a11 the water in against the floor, then winnow by
the soil. In places where there is throwing the threshed wheat into the
enough rain in summer you Can grow air and letting the wind blow away
maize in summer and winter wheat in the chaff. Store the "beat in a cool
winter. dry place.

In May I will plough the maize land to plant wheat . . .

. HO" much land do you maize land to plant
have? "heat and in August I
will harvest the peas
Actually it is not my and plant maize in that
land, it is the land of field. This is good
my family. for the land - they call
it crop rotation.
@ why did *cm decide to
grow "heat?

Well, I decided to grow

"heat because if you I used 1 bag for 1 hec-
only grow maize it can tare. I bought a bag of
die and then you have "heat for KS,50 from the
got nothing. shop here. The se& "as
good. 1'11 keep my own
. HO" do you prepare seed for next year.
your land?

I plough with oxen. I . Eow do you harvest?

borrow oxen from my I harvest in January. My
neigbbatrs. They charge wife and my brother help
me R13 a hectare for me. We were harvesting
ploughing and harrowing. for about 3 weeks. We
Last year 1: ploughed in cut with a sickle and
June and scattered seed leave it. lying on the
and harrowed the land. ground for one day to
I've got 2 fields. In dry. Then we tie the
this one I'm planting wheat together in bun-
peas and in this other ches until we are ready
on6 I'm growing maize. to thresh. when we are
In May I will plouqh the ready to thresh we
sweep a place nicely forks. Then the cattle . HO do you store the
clean on the Side of the walk 017 the grain again. heat?
field. We bring the After that we.use spades
wheat to this place. we to winnow the grain. We store it in bags at
make a heap big as a We throw it into the home. we keep nwst of
house. We bring all the air and the wind blows the "heat to eat our-
cattle - it can even be the rubbish away. We do selves and we Sell SOLE
20 cattle - to walk over this again before the to people in the village.
the wheat. We lift the wheat is threshed and This year, I think we
wheat with pitchforks so then we hit it with will get 10 bags. My
that the cattle can sticks to make sure all brother and I share the
walk over it. If takes the wheat is off. Some- crop because we work to-
about 1 day to thresh. times if the wheat is gether on the land,
we take O"t a11 the wet, you must use the ploughing, planting and
stalks with our pitcb- cattle four times. harvesting.

Lucerne is a good facd for cattle,
sheep, pigs, chickens and rabbits.
It grows well in all parts of Southern
Africa. You only have to plant lucerne
once every 5 to 10 years and you can
harvest it every mummer.

Lucerne likes well-drained sandy

soils with low acidity. In places
where there is lots. of rain the soil
is usually too acid, and you might
have to spend a lot of money on lime.

Land Preparation
Plcmgh l"cerne J.and Yery well, becaLlS=
the crop will. be growing for 5 to 10
years. Plough at least 3 times during
spring and summer.
DO not grow another crop on the lucerne for 2 years the plants will be damaged
land during that summer otherwise the and they will not grow for their full
land will be too dry for the lucerne. life of lo years. After the lucerne
Plant at the end of sumer. Disc or has been growing for more than 2 years
harrow before planting to help the you can let animals graze in the
seeds grow up well. lucerne field for 2 to 3 hours a day.
If animals eat Only 1ucerne they can
get a sickness called bloat. To pre-
Fertilisers and Inoculation vent bloat, give animals some hay or
Lucerne needs a lot of potassium and dry grass before they graze on lucerne.
phosphate. In most soils you need to
plough in one ton of rock phosphate
per hectare before planting. This will
last about 5 years. After 5 years you
must top dress (see p 12aevery year
with phosphate and potassium or with
mauve. ~ucucerne will grow better if
you inoculate the seeds with Rhizobia.
Mix the Rhizobia with sugar and
powdered milk and pour the mixture
over the seeds a few hours before
planting. See p158 for how to make
Rhimbia mixture.

You can plant lucerne any time in
smmer, but it is best to plant at the
ey.? of summer when there will "ot be
so many weeds. Scatter about Eikg of
seeds per hectare. if the soil is
Yery dry, use *ore seeds. TO MYer up
the seeds drag a plank or an upsidc-
down harrow acrclss the land. Ma!ir?suxe
all the seeds are about 2cm rite; in
the soil.

YOUdo not need to weed 1ucerne.
becsuse it grows so thickly that
weeds do not get a chance to grow.
If you get any big weeds, pull them
out by hand.

Harvesting If yori are storing lucerne for winter
Cut the lucerne when it starts to feeding you must dry it otherwise it
flower, which is every 40 to 50 days will rot. You can dry small amOunts
in summer. DO not cut shorter than by putting it in the sun o" chicken wire.
1h-m otherwise you will damage the Use sticks or rocks to lift the
plant. After the end of February, chicken wire off the ground so that
leave the lucerne to flower and grow air can get underneath. You ~a" also
so that the rcot* will grow strong dry the lucerne by leaving it in the
for next year. field after cutting, but you must keep
tyning it over. Drying usually takes
It is better to cut the Lucerne for about 3 days:' Yo< will know that
animals than to let animals graze in lucerne is ready for storing when the
the lucerne field. If animals graze in stems are dry and We leaves rattle
the lucerne before it has been growing when you shake them.

well-drained soils but it can also
grow in salty *oils (see f(now your
soil p 99).

Cotton needs a lot of work especially

when it is time for picking.

Treated seeds have chemicals on them
which prevent diseases. It is best to
buy treated seeds every year. They are
more expensive, but if you use untreated
seeds your cotton may get more diseases.
The most popular treated seeds are
Albar 637. and Clarcot CSZ. Deltapine
5826 is usually grown under irrigation.
ALbar 637 am3 c1arcot csz do not get
blackam disease or angular leaf spot

Cotton does not need fertilisers if it
is growing on good soil. If your soil
is sandy ask your agricultural exten-
sib* officer to find out if you need
urea or superphosphate. For 1 hectare,
you will need about 4 bags (2OOkg) per
hectare of superphosphate and t bag
(3Okg) of wea. Only "se urea if you
are planting early, before December.
If you grow cotton you have to sell it Fertiliser will not help you get a
to a cotton factory. This helps you in bigger harvest if you plant late.
some ways. The factories usually give
you fertiliser and seed on~credit so
YOU do not have to pay for these things Land Preparation
until after you se11 them your cotton. Cotton gets diseases easily. Do not
This credit is important fox black leave plants in the land or even
cotton femefs because they cannot plough them in after harvesting,
borrow money frm the Land Bank like bacause diseases will stay in the
white farmers. ~"t the problem is that soil end the next time you plant
YOU are forced to sell to the factory cottop. it will get diseases. Cut all
even if you don't like the price the the plants left on the lend end burn
factory gives for your cotton. them. The goverwent does not allow
any farmers to have cotton plants in
Before you *tart to grow cotton, go to their fields for June, July and
the factory to find out what the August.
cotton price will be, if they will buy
it end if they will sell you seed and Plough the land well, six weeks before
fertiliser 0" credit. M*e a plan for planting, and harrow just before
then to collect your Cotton when it is planting.

Cotton grows well in hot places like Planting

Natal and Northern Transvaal where Plant early. at the end of September.
there is no frost before April. it Planting time is important. In
W%?s best when there is lots of rain, Tanzani.a farmers who planted a month
late only got half es much cotton as
farmers who planted at the right time.
&lake the rows 1metre apart and plant me worst insect pe*t* are:
cotton seeds close together. Cover up
the seeds with soil but do not tramp b Bollworms. Choose 20 plants in your
them down. After 3 weeks take out the field and look at them every day.
weaker plant* so that the *t.ronger men you can see more than 10 bollworm
plants are about 20cm apart. Use 30kg eggs on the*e 20 plants you have to
of seed per hectare. spray the whole field. Spray with
Thiodsn EC or Gusathion A+. For 1
hectare mix 1 litre of poison with
Weeding 200 litres of water.
1t is very important to take out weeds
when the plants are young. You can
weed by hand using a hoe. If you "se
a cultivator pulled by ox or tractor
be careful not to bend the plants.

Pests and Diseases WRed Spider Mites are such small

Pests and diseases are very big insects that you can only see them
problems for cotton farmers. They if you look very carefully. When they
are the main reasons for bad cotton are eating the cotton plant the leaves
crops. You can control most diseases turn yellow and then red. Spray with
by using seeds which have bee" treated Thiodan'EC or Gusathion A+. For 1
against diseases and by taking all hectare mix 1 litre of poison with
the cotton plants Old of the land 200 litres of water.
after harvesting.
P staiers. These insects make the
Fird o"t from the cotton factory which cotton boll* tun a brownish colaur.
are the best poisons to us.*. Spray to spray them with Gusathion A+. For 1
control pests when the cotton is hectare, mix 1 lithe of Gusathian
betieen 2 and 4 months old. with 200 litres of water.


After picking, sort out the dirty bolls
from the clean ones. Put the dirty
bolls and the clean ones in different

You cant eat cotton but it can bring you a profit

. HOW do you prepare the

My friend told me that Tnne first thing before

cotton was a good: crop summertime we sulxail
for smmer time*, better the land and then rip,
than mealies. He said znd men later we go
you can't eat cotton, but back to plough the land,
it can bring you a profit. and disc it for the
So I took his advice last seedbed. Then we take a
year. I had about 15 sprayer by tractor, we
hectares of Cotto". T% take the medicine that
rain at the beginning the cotton suppliers
Wasn't so good and I recommend and we spray
couldn't irrigate it the ground so that no
because that pkae was weeds will come up - by
dry. But during February the way, it's called
we had good rains, my weed control. On the
cotton calm? up. The first rains, after 15
first bolls, I lost them October. Ye plant the
but 1 managed to harvest cotton. We irrigate
about 8 hales. first and than plant.
. Who does the harvest- and the other money they
ing? keep to cover up the
expenses for me - seed,
Harvesting is a big job. fertiliser and insecti-
We get weaner, and "e pay cides. Last year I got
them 4c for every kilo. about R76 a bale. The
w2 give them a contract price was 3.9~ a kilo.
when they pick cotton. This year it is around
we use the plastic 40-42.
crates to pick it in,
*en we weigh it and . SO you think,tbat
load it straight onto cotton is quite a
a trailer. Some of the profitable crop?
women make up to 7oc a
day. 1 transport the Really L don't ha"e the
women every day - it is wish of growing mealies
about 7 miles from their in the summertime. I
home to my lands. I do a have a wish for c&ton
lot of tiavelling and because 1've seen with
that is why the govern- cotton it's very simple
ment have given me a and you ca.* e"en do it
permit for petrol. if you haven't got
enough funds. The cm-
. What yield do you ax- pany Will finance you
peck this year? and then you can make a
Last year I got 4 bales
per hectare. A bale
weighs about 2OOkg. The
cotton mills weigh it,
grade it, then give me
the price. They give me
the picking costs to
come and pay my workers

Preparing the Seedbed

Tobacco rust be planted in seedbeds
and then transplanted in fields. Plant
the seeds in August and then transplant
to ymx field in Octcber. If you make
10 seedbeds, each 1 metre wide and 10
metres iong, you will have enough
plants far I hectare. Make yMlr seed-
beds in a sunny place where there is
well-drained soil.

YO" have to m&e a fire on top Of the

se&bed before planting to kill dis-
eases in the soil. Put on branches or
maize cobs as high as your !a~nee to
make the fire. After the fire has
burnt to ashes, take away the ash
and use it on your compost heap.
Make sme there are no weeds in the
seedbed, or growing near it. Rake the
se&bed very ~~13. and protect it from
the wind. Fertilise each 10 sq metie
seedbed with lkg of 2:3:2 fertiliser.
Rake the fertilier into the soil just
before planting tbhe seeds.

Tobacco seeds are very small, Mix one

level teaspoonful of seeds into a
watering can full of water and sprinkle
the water o"er each lOsq metre seedbed.
Another way is to mix the teaspoonful
of seeds with two handfuls of fine
mealie meal and scatter the mixture
on each seedbed by hand.

kill d i seases
Do not rake the seed in. Let it lie on have cattle, you could put kraal
top of the soil. Water the seedbeds manure on your tobacco field. Wbich-
twice a day. DO not make them too wet ever fertiliaer you try, make sure it
otherwise the tobacco will get disease. does not have any chlorine it it,
because chlorine can damage tobacco.

If your soil does not have enough Pests and Diseases
phosphate, plough in 6 bags (3oOkgL Tobacco gets many pests and diseases.
of superphosphate pa hectare at the To control pests in the seedbed, poison
time of planting. them by spraying with Orthene every two
weeks. MAX 209 of Orthene in 15 litres
Nobody knows which is the best fer- of water for each 10 sq metre seedbed.
tiliser for small farmers who grow TO prevent diseases in the seedbed,
tobacco from their own seeds. We think put on Captab 50% W poison every two
that 2:3:4(27) chlorine-free fertiliser weeks. Mix 309 of Captab with 15 litres
would be good to try out. Try using of water far a 10 metre seedbed. Start
only one bag on a small part of you- using ~aptab 3 weeks after the tobacco
tobacco field, about 2Om x Wm. If you plants come up out of the soil.
Bar"est the tobacco when the lea"es
closest to the ground start getting
brown patches on them. Every 2 weeks
about 6 leaves will be ready to pick.

Trazsplant from the seedbed to your Curing
field after about 12 weeks. fake the Curing means dryin? the tobacco
rows 1,5 metres apart, with the plants slowly. Tobacco rius.tbe cured so that
50cm apart in the rws. The young it burns properly when you smoke it,
plants are easily damaged by the hot has a good flavour, and stays fresh
sun, so transplant them in the evening for a long time. You can cure the
or early in the morning. Be careful tobacco by hanging the ripe plants
not to damage the ~1cmts when you are close together in a barn so that the
transplanting. If you plant before the ieavee just touch each other. Let
summer rains, give each plant 2 likes them dry slowly Until the stalks in
Of water when you transplant. the middle of the leaves are dry.
This can take up to 8 weeks.

Take ot the weeds as soon as they
start to grow. when the plants arc
growing well, weed in between the
xows but be careful not to damage
fne tobacco roots.

If you grow tobacco in an irrigation
scheme, make suxe the water does not
contain a lot of chlorine.

Tobacco is ready for harvesting about
25 months after transplanting. When a Crop Rotation
quarter Of your tobacco field has Grow tobacco in rotation with crops
flowered, cut off the tops of all the like maize or sorghum. It is not good
plants. This make the leaves grow for rotating with potatoes, tomatoes
bigger. Cut off new stems when they or pumpkins because these vegetables
grow. can give diseases to tobacco.
People take this tobacco and sell it on the mines
and I get about RIO0 a seedbed very well and
bag. The me" who go to give it lots of water.
work on the mines like I liked to transplant
this tobacco too much. the tobacco in November.
When people from this I plant them one foot
place go to the mines apart and give them lots
they take this tobacco of water. I cut the
with them and sell it tobacco four times in
there. It's my best crop. the year. After flower-
ing, 1 cut off the whole
.Where do you get your plant, and then it grows
seed from? again. Every time after
I cut I take O"t a11 the
After x came from weeds.
Johannesburg I got a
cup of seed from my .Bow do you cure the
mother-in-law. After tobacao?
that the tobacco made
its oyln seed and every I take Off the leaves
year I keep smle. and dry them in the sun
for one day. The" I p"t
.HOW do you grow them in a bag fox three
tobacco? days. After that I hang
them up inside my house
YOU have to plant the for about a week. Then
OWhen did you start seed in seedbeds. You the tobacco is ready for
growing tobacco? muet dig and rake the selling.

I started in 1961, when

I came from Johannesburg.
I worked in Johannesburg
for mare than twenty
years as a carpenter
and builder. NOW I am a
farmer here and I do
some building work.

.HOW much land do you


At my home r have a
small garden. This is
where I grow the tobacco.
1 also have 5 hectares
of fields and Z grow
maize, sorglxm and beans.
1 can't grew tobacco in
the fields because it
takes too much water.
HerET at hcme I ha"= my
mm windmill so I have
enough water for the

. What kind of tobacco

do you grow?

This is tobacco for

pipes. They all like it.
It is easy to sell it
Sugar Cane
Sugar cane grcws well in hot wet places Land Preparation
like Natal and the Eastern Transvaal. Land preparation m"st be good because
Many f=rmus like suqar cane because: sugar cane grows in the same field
for 10 Y==t-S. Prepare the land by
b It is not easily killed by drought or ploughing twice and discing twice with
diseases. a tractor. You cm use oxen instead of
b YOU plant it only once every ten a tractor, but you need a full team of
years. strong oxen. Try to finish plaughing 6
b YOU can plant it and harvest It for weeks before planting.
long periods during the year.
b It is a gwd crop for growing on Sugar cane is easily damaged by fire
hill* because it does not need ploughing and many farmers lose their whole
every year. crop because of fires. TO prevent
b 1t can grow on many different soils. veld fires from spreading to your
sugar cane ym must make a fire-break
The disadvantages of sugar cane are all around your field. A fire-break is
that it needs lots of hard work and a path as wide as a road with no
fanners must se11 the cane to a sugar grass, trees or dry crops growing on
factory. which controls the price. it. You can grow crops like beans,
Pumpkins, or sweet potatoes because
they do not catch fire.

Ask your extension Officer if your
soil need* lime or superphosphate.
Put on fertili*er when y" plant.
You can help to fertilise the *oil
by adding filter cake, which is left
over when the sugar has been taken out.
You can get filter cake cheaply from
the sugar mill, but tran*port may be

P"t on a top-dressing of 5:1:5

fertili**r 6 weeks after planting.
"se 3OOkg per hectare.

Sugar cane grows from pieces of cane
stem about 30cm long called setts. The
Sugar Association at &mount Edgecmbe
(see p 515) will advise about the best
kind to grow in your area. YOU can get
Planting Pests and Diseases
You can plant any time from September The best way to control pest* and
to Narch. Make rows 1.5 metres apart diseases in sugar cane is by ploughing
with a hoe or plough. and planting properly and using setts
frm good sugar cane.
'IYe day you get the cane for planting,
cut the s&t* with a sharp knife The worst diseases are *mut and
dipped in Dettol, and dip them in a rataan-stunting. Smut is when a long,
mixture of hot water and medicine thin silver coloured shoot with black
which you get from the sugar mill. spots grow from the top of the sugar
This is called heat treatment. If you cane. You can stop it from spreading
are growing sugar cane for the first to your whole field by cutting the tops
time, find out how to da heat treat- off all the diseased cane and burning
ment from an experienced sugar farmer. them.

Plant the sett* 6cm deep in a long line Ratoon-stunting makes the sugar cane
so that all the ends touch each otbq. weak but it does not die. You can
If your soil is not good, or if the only see it after two or three years
*et%- are not from good quality cane, when you have finished all the work
plant them so that.the ends cross over of ploughing and planting. You cannot
each other. get.rid of the disease once the plant
is growing. You can help to prevent
ratoon-stunting by heat treatment
Weeding before planting.
It is very important to take out all
the weeds, especially when the sugar You must fence your field until the
cane is young. Later the cane shades cane is one year old, because cattle
weeds so they cannot grow. like to eat young sugar cane.

Planting Fruit Trees

topsoil from onother plot<

wheelborrow of compost or mcmur

mixed with top sod
Fill the dam roilnd the tree with water
and then fill it up with a mulch of
dry grass and leaves. DO not let the
mulch to"Ch the true of the tree
otherwise the stem can get diseases
from the wet mulch.

Looking after young trees

Every 3 months, put on 2 or 3 spades full
Of compost or malUre as a mulch, or put
on a 5COml tin full of fertilizer like
2:3:2. Spread the compost or fertilizer
on the ground as wide as the leaves
are growing.

Every wee!%for the first year. gi"e your

trees 2 buckets of water. After that,
water them e"ery 2 weeks unless there
is a lot of rain. Some trees, such as
citrus, need a lot of water. Water
them every week. It is better to give
tree* a lot of water once every week
than a little every day.

To help the tree grow up straight, tie

it to a strong stick pushed into the
ground. ETc.tectthe trunk Of the tree
with a piece of cloth or rubber, and
do not tie the string too tight.
c i-------J J
Using cuttings and pips
Grapes, figs and mulberries will grow
if you cut off a young branch and put
it in warm wet soil. Choose a strong
branch and cut it just below a bud
and push it :halfway into the ground
(in the same way a5 cassav.3 ~164).
Pruning is cutting some branches off When you c"t off a thick branch, c,,t
a tree so that others will grow better about lOcm from the trunk, at an angle
and will get enough sun. Pruning fruit so that water can run Off. If you C"t
trees which lose their leaves in too far away, the remaining piece of
winter like apples, peaches and pears, branch can get a disease and the tree
makes them healthier and they give can die. If you Cut too near, you will
better fruit. Prune these trees in damage the bark of the tree.
winter when they have no leaves and no DO not cut off a thick branch with one
fruit. Always prune on dry days be- ait. If you make one cut from under-
cause on rainy days, the trees can get neath, the 5aw will get stuck. If you
diseases more easily. make one cut from the top, the branch
might break and tear off some bark.
The right way to cut is with 2 cuts,
What you need like thi.5:
* Secateurs - for cutting off small
thin branches.
fiSaw - for cutting off big branches.
b 3ik or Jeyes Fluid - for washing the
secateursand saw after pruning each
tree. If you prune a tree with a
disease without "ashino your tools,
the disease will spread to the other

Planting and Pruning

Trees are weak after you plant them
because their roots take time to get
used to the new place. It help* the
How to cut roots to grow strong if you prune the
Ne"er break off a branch. Always "se tree after planting. Cut off the top
secateurs or a 5z-d. Cut off thin of the tree and all small thin side
branches sideways just above the bud, branches. but do not at off thick
strong branches.
Pruning in the Second Winter
Cut off all the small branches lower
*an your knee and au new branches
growing towards the middle of the

Pruning in the Third Winter

Cut off all dead branches and all new
branches growing in the middle of the

Prune like this every year until the

/ tree has stopped growing. After this,
prune only if the tree gives lots of
if thetree is rowingtootall for small fruit. Pruning will help to
DU to reach al efrwt cut high produce less but bigger fruit.
4 ranches and leave side bmnche:

Pruning in the First Winter

During the first winter after planting
leave the 3 or 4 StrOngest branches and
cut off all the other branches. The
strongest branches will have small
branches growing on them. weave one
small branch every 3Ocm and cut all
the others off. The tree should be
pruned 50 that it will get sun on all
its branches.

cut all but the

These varieties grow well in warm
Ohenimcri - grows in warm or cold
places, ripens in March. Plant wLth
Starking or Golden Delicious.
Rome Beauty - grows by itself, ripens
in March.
Tropical Beauty - ripens in January.
Plant with Rome Beauty.

&pples grow best in places where the Plant apple trees in winter.
winters are cold. They can grow in
any well drained soil.
Pests and Diseases
Apples have many pests and diseases,
Varieties but it costs a lot of money to treat
For apples to grow well, you must them with poisons. Pests and diseases
plant 2 different varieties in the are worse in warm areas. If you do not
same place. If you plant only one have enough money for poisons it is
variety, the trees will usually get better not to try to grow apples in
flowers b"t no apples. warn! areas.

These varieties grow well in cold

places: Pruning
Dutch Striped 7 can grow by itself. In the first year. leave 3 or 4 strong
ripens in March. branches and cut all the others off.
Golden Delicious - ripens in March. see Pr"*~."g piss.
Plant with Starking or Granny Smith.
Granny Smith - ripens in April. Plant
with Golden Delicious. Picking
Starcrimson - ripens in January. Plant Pick the apples before they are ripe.
with Granny Smith or Golden Delioious. They e.r:eready to pick when they are
stark&ng - ripens in January. Plant easy to twist off. The apples on the
with Golden Delicious or Granny Smith. top and sides will be ready before the
Ohenimuri - Staking or Golden ones in the middle. Store them in a
Delicious dark dry place. feed rotten apples to
pigs or use them for compost.

the winters are col.d. They need well-
drained soil, ad they die if the
soil stays wet for a long time after

There are three kinds of peaches -
white, yellow and yellow clingstone.

White - The best varieties for places

mere winters are not very cold are
Boland, Earlibelle, Killikrankie
(good for hot places) and Rhodes. The
Peaches can grow everywhere in South best varieties for piaces where the
~ Africa.,The best peaches grow in winters are very cold are Babcock,
places~,where the summers are hot and cUlembcurg, Early Dawn and Van
(', ,,:'
Yellow Clingstone - For warm places.
the best varieties are Kakamas.
Keinios, Oom Sarel and Professor J.
Neethling. For cold places, plant
Elberta Cling, Mparani and Woltemade.


xf the tree is one straight trunk
without side branches when you plant
it, cut it off so that it is as high
as your knee. Next winter, leave the
4 strongest bi-anches and cut the
others off. These will become the
main branches of the tree. If the
tree already has side branches hen
you plant it, do not prune it until
next year.
7er.s ra
big je 3.

Peaches do not get ripe after they
have been picked, so pick them when
they are ready to eat.



Plant in winter. Tf the apricot tree
has only one long trunk, cut it back
" 'so it is as high as your knee.
Some plums grow best if you plant 2
different kinds together. others grow
well if you plant only one kind.

Varieties which should he planted to-

gether are:
Eldorado with Santa Rosa.
Mariposa with Methley or Red ice.
Red Ace with Santa Rosa or Wickson.
Santa Rosa with Methley or Wick*on.
Songold with Santa Rosa or Eldorado.

Plum trees which grow alone are:

Chalcot, Golden King, Harry Pickstone
and Methley.

For places with cold winters, the best

Varieties are Red Ace, Santa Rosa and

Pruning and Planting

Plant in winter. Prune plum tree* in
the same way as peach trees.

Plum5 are very easy to grow. They grow Plums can be picked before they are
everywhere in South Africa where there ready to eat and will get ripe if you
is well-drained soil. keep them in a dark place.

Pear trees take six years before they
*tart to give fruit.

Plant 2 different varieties of pears
next to each other so that you will
get lots of fruit.

Beurre BOSC with Bon Chretien.

Clapp's Favourite with Packham's

La Canta can be planted by itself.

Planting Harvesting
Plant pear trees in winter. You must pick pears before they get
ripe. They will get ripe if you keep
them in a dark place. If you leave
Pruning *em to ripen on the tree they will
Prune in the same way as peaches. get soft and dry inside.

In very cold places. grow late variet-
ies so that they will nat be damaged
by frost.

Pecan nt* grow everywhere in Soth
Africa where winters are not very cold
and the wind is not too strong. They
grow very big, with deep roots. so you
Should not plant them in rocky places.

The b**t varieties for the Transvaal

are Chocton and Desirable, The best
for Natal is Ukulinga. Pecan nut
trees take about 5 years before they
get nuts.

Walnuts grow well in any soil which
is not too sandy or too brack (see
Know Your Soil p 97). They grow best
in places where winters are cold, hut
not where there is late frmt. There
is only one v'triety of walnut tree in
South Africa. Walnut trees take about
7 years before they get nuts.

Nuts are very good food and can give

you oil and protein. The most popular Planting
nuts from trees are almonds, pecans Plant nut trees in winter. For pecan
and Walnuts. nut trees, do not cut the ,zoot* but
make the hole deep enough to fit the
roots in.
Almonds grow in pieces where the
summers are ndc too hot and wet. 3ley Pruning
take 3 years before they get n"ts. Pecan and walnut trees do not need
You milst grow 2 different varieties pruning. Prune almond trees in the
Of almond trees next to ezcb other to same way as pea& trees.
get a big crop. These are the differ-
ent varieties which grow well together.
Jordan with Non Pareil or Paper Shell Nuts are ready for picking when they
kar1y). start falling off the tree or when the
IXL with wit* (late). shells start to crack open. Keep
Drake's Seedling with Princess or them in a cool, dry place and eat
Texas Prolific (late). them when they are dry.

and are not attacked by any pests or
diseases. The mulberries are ripe when
they are black and easy to pick.

The Cape variety has big tasty mul-

berries but the trees do not grow very
Mulberries grow well in all p*rt* Of big. They grow well in warm places.
South Africa where there is well English, which ripens early, and Queens-
drained soil. They are easy to grow land. which is fa*t growing, are best
because they do not need any pruning in cooler places.

Tn places where there is *ummer rain,
the best varieties are Castle Kennedy,
New Brunswick and Kadota. In places
with winter rainfall the best varieties
are Adam Fig, Cape Brown, Cape Whit*,
White Adriatic and White Genoa.

Planting and Pruning

See How to plant a tree. Plant fig
trees in winfer. Do not prune the trees
for the first few years. After that,
prune them a little *v*ry winter.

Pick the fig* when they feel soft.
wait for the figs to get ripe on the
Figs can grow almost anywhere. They trees, because they will not get ripe
need well drained, alkaline soils. after you pick them. They are ripe
If the soil is too acid, put on lime when no whit* stuff comes out of the
(see Know your soil p 97). stem when you pick them.

Grapes grow everywhere in South
Africa. They grow best in sandy, well
drained soils with lots of compost.

The best varieties for summer rainfall
areas are Barlink*, Bien Dome, Mu*Cat
Hamburg (good for dry @aces), Golden
City, Earlihane, Pirobella, Queen of
the Vineyard and Catawha. The best
varieties for winter rainfall area*
are Flaming Tokai, Alphonse Lavalle,
see BOW to plant a tree. Plant the pruning 1
grape vines next to a fence so they
will grow up it. fake * h**p around
the trunk to protect it. Grapes need
water all the year round. Mulch around
the trunk to keep the *oil damp.

lant In winter
soil around
the bottom

AS soon as the grape vine has been
planted, cut the top off so that there
are two buds above the ground. Next
winter, after the vine has been
growing for one year, choose the
strongest of the two branches and cut
it off so that there are two buds left
on it. Cut the other branches off as
near to the trunk as you can. This
will make tie grape vine grow quickly.

Next summer, there will he two branches

growing from the two buds. When the
branches are 20cm long cut off the weak
one and tie the strong one to a pole.
AS this branch grows, tie it loosely
to the stake every 2&m, until it
grows as high a* you want it. Then
cut off the top. TWO branches will
grow where you cut it. Tie these two
branches to the fence. If you want
more branches to spread out from
these branches, cut them in the same
way. The grape vine will stay in
this shape if you prune it every

During the first two years, leave

only one bunch of grapes on the vine
and cut all the others off. This will
make the roots of the vine grow strong.

TO make Me grapes bigger and sweeter,

cut some bunches off and leave the

Pick the grapes when they are ready to

eat. They will not get ripe after
they are picked.
Selling is our biggest problem
The trees are just 0 What other fruit trees
scattered about the do you have?
ianL so it would be too
difficult to water each There me 2 apricot trees
one. We give them water and 4 orange trees. we
when we give to the rest grow them from pips. Tbhe
of the land. apricots get ripe in
November and the ol-anges
et&at fruit trees do in July. we just *at
you grow? them ourselves, we don't
sell them so much.
The most trees I have
are peaches and grapes, . Do you use fertilisers
shout twenty peach trees and in*ecC sprays?
and *ix grapes. Tbq7
were planted by my No, whenever there is
father. When the old UJtten ftie on the
trees die I take trees ground I dig it in, so
which grow from pips on I*don't use my kraal
the ground. 1 plant them manure. 1 spray them
in a trench with manure. three times a year to
After two years I t*e stop fruit flies. I get
the trees out in the The medicine from the co-
winter and plant them in operative in Buzcger*fort.
deep holes. I dig the I never prune the trees.
holes up to here (waist). They are 20 years old.
At the bottom of the but ttney are stili weil.
bales I put flat *tone*
No, most of the work was and then I put in soil awho picks the fruit?
done by my father, but mixed with manure. The
ail of the chiidren peach trees give me a Usually I sell the
helped. When we wanted good crop every year. peaches on the trees -
to plough the land we had The problem is that they people come and buy
to sK.ve a11 the stales are all the same kind. them and pi& for
away. The land "as tea Tkey all get ripe in themsel"es. I charge
steep so we built walls January and February. R2.50 for a big box.
from the ston*s and then Lots are wasted because This year there were
ploughed the soil against its hard to sell them not so many people
tile stones. a11 at the same time. coming to pick, so 1
shared the crop with
emw did you know "here .what about grapes? sellers. They sell the
to build the walls? peaches in the villages
1 am growing more grapes. at 3 far 10 cents.
MY father saw it some 1 take cuttings from the
where. We built the walls old ones and plant them 0 What are your biggest
acro*s the bill and we in the soil in July. It problems?
made a place for the rain takes about 4 years
to m* away. It was easy before they get grapes. Selling is our biggest
because we joined it up Grapes aI* nasy. There's problem. We are far away
to the little *tram from no diseases, it's only from people so it is
the spring. My father the birds and the *M difficult to sell. we
aLso built a little dam can damage them. I put can get 15 big boxes a
below the spring. Th* a bag on every bunch of year from each tree but
spring has water all the grapes to protect it. we "a*t* half of it be-
time, sometimes "e water me grapes get ripe at cause there is nobcdy to
the fields from the dam. the same time as the buy. Well we don't mind
Tt is not enough to peaches. They are because it is still bet-
"ater the fields well. it easier to sell but it's ter living here. This
just helps'* bit when, a long way to carry land is fertile and we
ma txathe villaga. can live alright.
Citrus Trees

The hl;st varieties are Eureka (thin
skin) and cape Lemon (thick skin).

The best varieties are Cape Naartjie,
Ellendale and Groenskil.

citmas trees are oranges, naartjier, Grapefruits

The best varieties are Marsh's
Seedless and Red Blush, which is pink


After 5 years continue giving 2,5!q

of fertiliser 3 times a year.



The best varieties are Fan Retief and
White Guava.

Planting and Pruning

Plant guava trees at any time.
Tn October, hen all the guavas are
harvested, prune the txees. Leave
about six buds on each branch.
TO grow mangoes from a pip, carefully
take the hairs and the skin off the
pip. Keep it in between two pieces of
vet sack until it starts to grow. This
will take *out a month.

Then plant it in a plastic bag full of

soil. Let it grow as high as your knee.


Then you can plant it in the ground

(see Planting Trees). Plant it 1Om away
from the other trees, because they grow
very big.


Pick mang&s after the skin starts to
become orange. DO not pick tw many
at the same time because they get ripe
after you pick them.

Plant the pip in a plastic bag or a
large tin filled with a mixture of
soil and cornpost. Take the brown sk9.n
off the pip first and push it into
the soil with the poin~sd end down
and the flat end sticking out of the
soil. Cover the soil xifh grass and
water it every day.

When the tree is as high as your knee

plant it in the garden. Keep the sail
around the roots when y" plant.

It can take 10 years for avocado trees
grown from pips to give Emit. If you
buy trees from a nursery the best
vaneties are:

b Has - fruit from August to Decem-

her. Sass is a black-skinned avocado
and gets fruit after 3 years.


You can pick avocados ripe or unripe.
will take longer to get fruit. After picking, they get ripe in 7 days.

use pips from

Old trees
Cut the sucker away from the old tree
and take Off al1 the roots and leaves.
It is important to take off the roots
because banana suckers often have
eelworm disease. After you imve taken
the roots off you should make s."re
there ie no eelworm by dipping the
suckers into eelworm poison like DEP.

Plant the suckers in spring or summer.

Dig a hole mcm square and deep
enough for the sucker to be buried by
15cm of ski. If you are growing lots
of banana trees. plant them in rows
30 apart, with the trees 221 apart in
the rowe.. Yccca" plant beans and
sweet potatoes in between the trees.

Four months after planting, cut out
all the suckers except one. This
suckle will take over from the old
tree and give you bananas next year.
The suckers you have cut will grow up
again. After another 4 months cut all
these suckers except one. Now you will
have the old tree with a big sncker and
a small sucker.

Pick the bananas when the sides start
to become round but before they become
soft. After you have picked the bananas,
cut Off the top of the old tree so that
it is as high as your shoulder. Put the
old leaves and pieces of stem around
the b&ton: of the plant. This stops
weeds and is good for the soil.

/planting suckers in c1 new place

Iant sothatthe
op of the stem
1'5 15cm undertht
It is easyto grow
pips. Wa*h the pips from e.one ripe
pawpaws and dry them in a shedy piace.
Store them in a tightly closed con-
tainer in your house until planting
time in December. Plant 5 pips in each
hole. DO not use any compost or marlUre
in tie holes. The trees will get pawpaws
""lji if there are male and fesalc trees
planted near each other. YOU can tell
the difference between male and female
trees because they have different
f1ohers. They start fl"wcri"g when
they are a@out as high as your waj~st.
After the trees flower for the first
time, leave 1 male tree for every 20
females and take out Fill the others.
Tney sho"iC be about 3m apart after
thinning out.

mwpaw trees have Soft trunks, so be

careful not to damage then when you
are weeding. They do not need any
pruning. They will get bigger fruits
if you water them every 2 weeks in dry
weather. The soil around the tree* must
not stay wet for a long time otherwise
*ey get foot-rot disease and die.

Pawpaws get ripe from September to May.
Pick them when they start to turn
yellow: b"t before they get soft. Do
Pawpaws grow we11 in hot, frost-free not pick too many at the same time
places and are not easily killed by because they get ripe after you pick
drought. They grow beet in well-drained them. some people pick pawpews when
soil which is not too acid. they are green and cook them iike marrows.

Pineapples grow best in hot places. To grow pineapples, you must cut off
The hotter the weather, the sweeter a part of a pineapple tree and plant
the fruit will be. Pineapples are not it. YOU can use the branches from tile
killed by drought, but they are easily side of the stem (slips) or the new
killed by frost. stem5 (suckers) which grow from the
ground. Slips muet be longer than 30cm.
Pineapples can grow on any well &rained and suckers longer the,>16'Jcm.
soils. They do not usually need ferti-
liser unless the soil is sandy. Tops of pineapples can also be used,
but they take longer to groduce pine-
apples. Leave the slips or suckers
Varieties upside down in the sun for 2 weeks to
There are two kinds of pineapples in dry out before planting otherwise
South Africa, Cayenne and Queer. they will rot. If you want to plant
Cayennes are better for small farmers pineapples in rows, make the xws 1,2m
because they give bigger fruits and apart, with the pineapples 25cm apart
bigger harvests then Seen pineapples. in the rows.

ratoon sucker
Pests and Diseases
Can*Ot spray poisons onto ripe fruit
because then it will be harmful to
eat. The best way to get rid of the
fruit beeties is to pick them off the
fruit and kill them L-7 dropping them
in a tin of paraffin. You can also kill
them by pouring sugar water mixed with
poison into tins and hanging the tin*
in your fruit trees. Mix 4kg of
Dipterex or 30ml of Malathion with
lkg of sugar in 10 litres of water.
The beetles will drink this poison
instead of eating the fait.

E- Fruit flies are small flies which

make holes in fruit like peaches.
pears, guavas, grapes and mangoes an.3
lay eggs in them. The eggs become
worms rhich eat *he fruit and make
it rotten. For peaches, spray with
Lehaycid poison 30, 20 and 10 days
before harvesting. Mix 8ml (1% caps1
Lebaycid in 10 litres of water.

fruit beetle

I \\\ opna
Fruit trees get many diseases and it
is sometimes difficult to know which
disease your tree has. lost diseases
m&e the fruit change colour cc get
mtten. If you are not sure what kind
of disease it is, ask your extension
officer. These are some of the most
common diseases:

m Leaf curl disease makes the leaves

of peach trees curl up. They get fat.
and sometimes they become pink. Leaves
sometimes curl up because of aphids 01
because the tree is very dry - this is
lict the same as leaf cur1 disease. TO
control leaf curl, spray the tree with
Virikop poison. Use 5Og of Virikop in
10 1itres Of water.

m Powdery Mildew attacks apples,

peaches, pears and grapes. Xt is a
vrhitish powder on the leaves and fluit.
Spray with Virikop.
Trees for Animal Food
MaUy people think that grass is the 0 Monga (Swal-thaak) ha* hocked thorns
only foal for cattle. But SOme tree* lik,? the claws of a cat and wide flat
can give better food than ~a**. pads which are red when they start
cattle are Often weak at +he end Of
winter because they do not have enough . Umsasane Walt-and-Seek), has both
grass. If they could get food during of these kinds of thorns on one tree.
winter they would stay strong and be The pods are curled.
ready for ploughing at the beginning
Of *"mule. Cattle can get a lot of Sometimes Acacia* grow 50 cLo*e togetb-
food from the pods and bark of fodder er that there is not enough grass
trees like Acacia, mney Loc"*ts, for cattle. 'I?lebest spacing for
Carobs and Jh3ucaena. Acacias is 15x1 apart. If Acacias are
closer you should chop the smallest
These trees can get their water from trees down to give the grass a chance
deep in the ground so they do not die to grow. Leave all the tad1 trees. Tf
in drought when grass dies. The xwt* the Acacias are too far apart, you
also hold the soil together and this should plant new trees. TO plant tree*
helps to stop erosion. They give shade collect seeds which have not been
to cattle and keep nitrogen in the damaged by insects. Pour bat water
soil so that grass grows better. over them and then plant 10 together
in the same hole. Protect the young
trees from gmt* by making a thorn
Acacia fence. *en the tree* are big enough
Acacia grows wild all over Southern goats can eat the leaves without
Africa. People spend a lot of time killing the tree.
Chopping down or burning Acacias. It
would be brtter to leave these trees
alone because they improve the *oil Cattle Food from Acacia
and they give twigs, leaves and pods Cattle food can be made from Acacia
which animals can eat. pods, leaves and small branches.
curing the summer, cut off the small
Acacias are thcrzn trees with leaves leafy branches which axe too high for
that look like feat&x* and small the animals to eat. Dry them and
round flowers. There are three kinds hamermill them to make silage (see
of Acacias: Winter Feedingp 244J.Only use branches
0 Umunga W.etdoringI has straight which are thinner thhan your finger
white thorns and thin pals which break because thicker branches do not make
opea while the pods are on the tree. good food.

1 I Swarthoak
The pods are the best part of the it is poisonous for pigs, chickens,
Acacia for animals. In July and August rabbits and horses. Sowever ~ezcaena
collect the ripe pod* "hen they are must not be more than one .::bird of the
brown and dry. DO not collect green food of cattle, sheep or goat* because
unripe pods because they are poisonous they get sick and lose their hair.
for snimals. Grind up the pods by hand
or in a bmmermill as *con as you have Leucaena grows best in hot rainy
co11e;ted them. If you *tore them places but it is not ea*ily killed by
without grinding, insects will get drought. It does not grow in acid
inside tie seeds. Store the Acacia *oil*. Leucnena has a iot of nitrogen.
meal in a dry place until you need it. It improves the soil and the leaves
When you feed the Acacia meal to you can be used ss fertiliser.
animals, wet it a.little. Tf you wet
it too much it will go sour and make
the animal sick. Acacia meal is not Carob
rich enough to give animals all the Carob trees ha"e >cd* which cm be
food they need. you will have to give eaten by mo*t animals. They grow
them other animal foods like bran, better in warm places, and in cold
mealie L~eal and *alt. places they mu*t be covered and
protected from frost for the fir*t
Use the hammermilled branches when 4 winters. G.zientific *arm:
they ax-e fresh or you can keep them Ceratonia Siliqual
until winter. To make a gaod winter
food. add.* bucket of water and a big
jam tin of molasses to each bag of
milled Acacia branches. Pour the mix-
ture into a hole in the ground, press
it down, and coves it up. Ii will be
ready to use during winter.

Leucaena is a bush or a tree which
does not grow wild in South Africa,
but you can buy it in a nursery.
It is a good protein-rich animal food
which can be eaten either off the
bushes or dried a* hay. It is good
for cattle and sheep and goats but


This tree can grow up to 30~1 tall, and

has big flat brown pod* which are
*we& inside. The pods are good for
cattle and goats. You can buy Honey
Locust trees at nurseries. They are
not easily killed by frost or drought.
(Scientifjc mm*: GLeditsea triacanthos)

This is a fa*t growing tree for warm
areas. The pads, flowers and leaves
leucaena can be fed to animals. Iscientific
name: Moringa oleiferaj

Trees for Wood __-
What treesto plant

bwaitles also m&e good firewood and

building wood, but it is not a good
idea to plant them because they spread

Acacia cyanopbylla

Acacia decursens

Acacia melanoxylon

Cedr"S L3ecdara

cupressus glabra

Cupressua lwitanica

cupressus tos"losa

Eucalyptus alba

Eucalyptus grandis

Eucalyptus macarthurii

Eucalyptus maculata

Ewalyptlls melliadora

Eucalyptus siieroxylon

Pinu* patula

Pinus ellioctii

Pinus roxburghii

Pinus taeda

Populus canescons

Robinia pseudo acacia

Planting trees When tie trees are 6rn tall, prune
them by cutting off all the branches
up to 3m high. This will m*e them
grow faster. YOU d" not have to prune
them again.

The best time to piant trees is from

mcemhr to mrch. Trees sho"ld not
be planted in dry soil, so plant them
straight after a good rain.

YOU do not have to dig deep holes.

Dig up the soil where you want to
plant the tree and We out all fhe
5tones. Plant the trees 2x71apart in
rainy areas and 2tm apart in dry areas.
IJig a hole lrn square and 25on deep for
each tree. For a rr""dl"t you can plougb
land instead of diggicg hales. Cutting down trees
4 GUI,S can be cut down after 6 years,
but you get more wood if you wait
until 10 years.
4 cut poplars and wattles after 4
4 For pines you must wait much
longer, about 15 years.

Poplars, gums, Wattles and pse"d0

acacia will make a lot of new trunks
on each tree after the first trunk is
cut. cut the smallest ones Off,
leaving about 4 to grow. Small trunks
make straight poles which are good
for fencing and building.

Taking out stumps

Once the poles which grow from tie
stumps have been cut, the sttmps must
be pulled out. You can do this by
hand with picks and axes, by digging
around the stump and cutting the roots.
YOU can also pull the stumps O"t
Weeding and pruning using chaiv pulled hy oxen or a trac-
while the trees are growing, weed all to*.
the ground underneath and dig out any
grass. You can stop weeding when the Tf new trees grow from the Old stumps.
tree5 are as fall as a person. pull them out while they are still
Put a mulch of grass and mn"re after
planting. If sme of the trees dir DO not plant new trees in the old
: after planting, take them out and pLant holes. Lt is better to plant between *
the zows of the old stumps.
Woodlots as a community project as much land as you "a", because trees
WoodlotS are good community projects take a long time to grow.
because the work can be shared by
everybody. There are many jobs to do:
ploughing~and digging, ordering the Other places to plant trees
trees, fencing, needing, checking AS well as planting woodl"ts, also
there is "0 emage from goats, and plant trees in places where crops will
then cutting down the trees and not grow like steep slopes, places
planting again. with poor soils. and along dongas. If
you plant trees near a donga, you must
If you plant fast growing trees like protect the donga against soil erosion
gums, you can cut trees every year (see p 220,othemise the trees "an
if you plan well. Divide the woodlot cause even worse erosion. nnother good
into 6 plots and plant thenI a11 at place to plant trees is between rows
the same time. After 6 years, cut of houses and along roads and paths,
all the trees in the first plot and to protect people and crops from the
repk.nl; that plot "I let new poles grow wind.
on the srmps. In the second year.
c"t down the trees in the se"ond plot, The big problem with p?anting trees
and so on. When you come back to tbi in these places is that every tree or
first plot the trees will be big s,,mll group of trees must be fenced.
enough to cut again. In this way you 1t is cheaper to plant small groups
can have trees every year. Try to get of trees and fence each group.
-H Anwne can make V&r own stove
out of mud. It looks and works
like a coal stove you bu@ in
a shop.

The mud stove can burn wood

or cod. It save5 wood beca~rse
it only - half as mu&. wood
as cooking on an open fire. It
is much safer tnan an open
fire because Chifciren can not
i&l in anb set burnt.

You make the zkove wt of a sdid block of mud

about the same- size a5 ZL coal stove. When the
mud is n&y dtg you cut out a plase t0 make
2~ fire and you ciL out holes to put me porn
You ma&e twe2.5 insicte the mud to join the
potholes tn Wrz fire pla.ce. You need a lot of soil
and c&y to make the mud for the 373~ and it
a lot d Work to traruport it and t&x it.

me stove we at-e writirlg about here is big enough

for two food PC& ax-A a tin for hot water. you
cm use the fire pIare as an oven to bafce
bread and cakes.

Make the foundation out You need a SieVe, a shove$
ti b[Q a$,- .?&Ql& togct- a plank, ard a k3r-g knife
her with mud in betwm. like a panga. You must bq.J
You can also use concm we pipe before you start
blocks. Build tha founda- building the stove lxca~15a
tion as hi@ a3 your you need it to cut We
knee. holes. The kx.3 size is Ir
It is vercj important to LB? the right soil.
If you use tt-~ wi-upng soil your stove
will crack and it maht even fall down.
The r@ht soil is a mixlrrc of sand and
clay with twice as much .5and in tk
t+d3~ .a5 0~. YOU cd+ use me same
soil you L&Z for plastert~g we, bti
add a likk more clay. TO xe rf the
zil is right, make 3 mud bricks
with difkrenL mixlures of land &nd clay
and drg them in We Jun. 7hc be.9
mixture is the c+-e thi~L does not crack

/MAt(lNC ME MUD l3W-\

Make tk mud block in la,&)-, leting
each lh&Jef- clry for one day tutwe
&x4 put fhe wxt h&Jex on t?x. IF ffcu
make the block too rqick& it will
not get dry inside and it Will cfack.
Use t-&f an oil drum OF sand and
cla.~ mixtm.rc fbr each layer, addi%
enougn wakr to maketh5mud feel
like tick porridge. %t on each 1%~
with a shovel. It S~OLLLU ne as w&k
as you hand. 5cmQe fpr fuips
in tk mud to make it rcxqh, and
throw mud on the sides to make
s),,, ,,,,~~9 them straigti. It is better vlat the
tcp is rough 50 map the next Iwe

kt the byer dry for one dzq. In hot dy weather you cd~7
ma)ce tM3 b.yWS a day one in the mO;m@ anb one in the
aftemoor\. hkt- six lwers the'block will be me r&U heisti;
Just below your w&
NOW YOU can make the block smmth.
Use your hand to maXe the sides smooir
and atight ard use a plank to
make the top smooth and flti. let
the mud block dr@ until it iz hanl
not push QCUX finger

Put your pots where you wad WIern
on the stoye and draw pkxe.5 for
the pot holes wikh your [email protected]
k?otte.Q pla.cc WIII be on top of the
fire place U-se thi.s Pku3 for ~~ILU-
rnealle mebl Dot-

NOW take a piece of stove pipe, wd

it 0n m=. outside and &wist it into
Me mud ti cut oul= the Pot holes.
Do not push down on the top of
the stove with your hanqls wren
you do this. The mud WI/~ come
out & the pot hole in,zLJe the
cmrmq~ pi=. M&e the pot holes

the chlmnq half aS deep AS the

ol3-u~ holes Drill a hole sidewqz
into the stdve 6r the fire Qlzlie.
The hole for the ?%e plse should
Join up with the hole f&r the first
pot. Keep wetting the d?imnw
pipe to make it- cut lo-.

Wet- the panga and cut the slots

fbr the heak control doors. Me
front slot m& be 2 hands
aww Tram the ectge 05 We stove

wet tk. knife and use it like a

Let the Stove dg for another ~&I-J.
Dig a tunnel straight in&a &c fire
plw 0penit-g in We 3h7ape uou
&we- drawn. After gou 9~7%past
the slot fbr the kzi3L cDn&ol
door, you can ma+35 the fire p@ce
bigger and rounder inside, 50 It
can fit big piece5 of wood. wake
the floor Of trle fire piace slope
down a little bit; Bti do not
rIm.ke the roof of the prace ary
higher, CT it could f&l down.

Now make tu~~ek to j&n the pot

hole5 to each other. You do this
by PtirgTJ your hand down into
one pot ho!e au3 diQ$ng auk
the mul until you reach thenext
pot hole. Marks the uuu\el bi -
emu@ 50 you can put &xf- %md
througk ea~ila. &kc a srnal hill
WUiw e&31 pot hole. This forces

L /


F&r -the
hot water tin ~b.lce a. deftp hoe. SO that the th
is r hJz down in the funnel, t%t a 5tDne undemeath
so L fin does not Dloclc the smoke to the
You an make the bent control
be 0~ loor w&h a fbL piece of Lin.
ci.k the tin to fit the sbt wou
hbue made. Make. handles
with pi- of wood, and ~-WI&Z
holes usiw a nail 50 you can
make the door higher or lowe-.
3-A cm--&rob the- he& When
you haue finish& coo!&g at
n&b-$ you Can dose the heat
co-1 door, and in the
th& fire will still, be


P& the chimney in the .zh+ney
Mbke sqe that lt do=
not; go right down t0 tl?e
bobtom of the icLLmd, Othef-
yfise the smoke will not get
into tl?e C~-WWT+.

to dry for a
a small fire
woper(y inside
to use far
cookC9. You can plaskr the
sty-2 with cow dlqg and
pdph it with ash or stove
polish. VOL C&L a&o paid tk,
stove with wt7itewasl?.


You cm make w-any difftwent sizes OF stov.~s from

mud. You cdl: make them for one pot two pots
or rmr4LJ pots. In a clinic or a w&I hostel you
can make a stove ,fx very big pots. If @OLL
wnte .to ED4 WC WI11 LOMe W-d show you ho,/,,
to. bi-uld a dove. You can start a cru.b ko
Dwld stov- and bu+ stove

They have helped us a great lot

e Do you like these

They have helped "E a

great lot. we do a11 OUT We have built six.
cooking at once and our
children are no longer
suffering with making
fires on the floor as
they used to.

. Could you tell me how

you built this stove?

1 first mixed soil with

cow dung which is the
only mixture for building
the StoYe. 1 then started.
building using the big
""al sh?.ped stale for
flattening although I
was using the troffel
for plastering. The next
step is to make the fire
place and three round
holes which will serve
as plates for co&king.
rrom hole one to hole
three through to the
chimney there is a small
turxel through which the
smoke Will go O"t.

There is a Srnall~hole Which carry heat to the

below the fire place OVerI.
and another one below
one Of the three holes I use blackish soil . Emw do you control the
for cooking. These two because it is stronger heat?
holes join to the oven. and more clean than the
surface soil. I mix it I have made a square
with water only. Then I iron sheet to close the
collect stones for the tunnel when the fire no
No mine is made out of foundation where 1 am longer smokes so that heat
big milk tins. going to start building shouldn't escape.
the sto"e.
. DO you use coal for . DO you have a place
m*ing fire? . Iiow do you estimate in the StoYe for the
the height of the stove? ?&-I?
NO, only wood. me heat
lasts about a week. The height of the stove NO I don't have a place
Should be the same as for that. what I do
e DO you know "hat makes that of the ordinary when taking the ash
the heat to lad so long? co.?.1stove. I then bore out, I put the iron
a hole on my left side sheet which *erves as
I thi* it is because of which is going to be the a dust pan. Sometime*
the soil mixture that is fire place. I used a I don't even reliiO"e the
mud. Mud is hard and chisel to m&e this hole. ash I just put it aside
strong and it keeps the I did that when the stove on both sides of the
stove hot everytime. was not yet completely fire place when making
dry. There are three fire again. I have made
. hlrs Sephoka, have round shaped holes I my chimney with milk tins.
you al*0 built a mud made for cooking and
stove at hare? these are covered by a Why didn't you mix your
iron sheets. I made a soil with cow dung?
tunnel from the first
plac? which is near the I ,muld,:'t dare do that
0 can you tell me ho" you fire place to the third mistake because w!en the
built it? plate. I have made a Stove becomes too hot
small hole at the wall it will crack. Cow dung
Before building I col- of the fire place and destroys the sto"e be-
lected stones and soil at the second plate which cause it is a.150 used for
which is blackish in is at the centre. These making fire. I would like
rnlour. two holes are the ones my stove to last Ibnger.

Usinn the Sun
Some say this big mirror can pull lightning to the house
can't leave food cooking.
It is dangerous to leave
food outside because
Sometimes I am away f&m smneo*e can put poison
my home selling clothes. in it. But if you leave
This is how 1 support my food cooking on the sto"e
children. Then my older it is safe because you
daughters use it if the can lock th2 house.
weather is right. In winter
we used it about 3 days . What have your neigh-
per week, but now it is hours said about the
about 5 days per week. COOkeI?

. Have you had any pro!% They want it. But some
lems with it? others say that this big
mirror can pull light-
Yes, you kcow this thing ning to the house. But
has to stay outside. If I told them that you
my older daughters are can cover it the same
at school and I am Wcxk- way we do with our
ing in the fields we mirrors.
Preventing Soil Erosion

ocked into the top

P:ezn&ll gully
Preventing erosion always takes a long
time. A lot of work has to be done Further d-own the gully, where it is
before erosion is stopped. In places knee deep, build a wall to slow down
"here there are already big dongas, the flow of the water. To do this die
preventing overgrazing is not enough. a trench across the gully mcm deep
You have to build walls and dams so and cut into the wall of the gully on
that dongas do not get worse. each side. Make the width of the
trench the sane as the depth of the
gUlly. For example, if the guily is Im
deep the trench must be lm wide. ~uil-3
UP a wall of stones in the trench.
Make the wall a little Is+er in the
middle than at the sides. You 60 not
have to use cement to build the wau,
The first thing to do is to put stones because it is just to slow ciown the
into the soil at the top of the gully, water, not to make a dam. If you are
where it is just starting to erode. Short Of stones you can make an earth
Pat stones into the walls of the gully, wall, but put stones on the outside of
ad into the soil around the gully. the wall so that it cannot erode. Wild
next to the donga. The best trees for
dongas are poplars and pseudo acacia.
Protect the hole where you have planted
the tree by putting stones around the

Plant reeds in each gully on both

sides of the wall. The reeds help to
hold the soil and slow dm.7" the water.

The next thing to do is to move to the

bigger dongas, and build bigger walls,
in the same way. If the donga is very
long, 4 or more walls may be needed.
Always start at the top and work aown

This is a lot of work. In one valley

there may he one big donga, with 10
smaller dongas leading into it and
50 gullies which are eroding. The top.5
of all 50 gullies have to be protected
and .walls built across each gully.

After rain a lot of soil will stay

behind the walls. Plant reeds or grass
in *is soil and on the floor of the
dongas. DO not plant grasses which
cattle or sheep eat because this will
cause more damage to the donga. Plant
usefill grasses like thatching grass.

After a year if the reeds and grass

have gram well, the donga will stop
eroding. men you can plant small
trees (see Trees for wood ~206,.
Overgrazing Erosion is worst where the ends of the
contours lead into the drainage channel..
Strengthen these places by putting
*tone* into the soil. Protect drainage
channels in the same way as you protecr

Dams in dongas
Do not build dam in large dangas
because the walls are easily washed
away. If 2 donga is small and deep
make a dam (see p 286).Plant grass
Iike ~week or KVCU~U O* the dam wall
to bold the soil. Build an outlet
pipe into the bottom so that water is
let out into the channel below. Grow
reeds in the channel to prevent erosion.

Erosion from contours

A broken contour can cause bad erosion.
Repair broken conto~s with rocks and
soil and strengthen them by planting
grass. 1 contour bank
one of the biggest problems for small Many farmers had to stop fanning, and
fanners in black rural areas is the were forced to look for jobs on the
lack of grazing. Some people say mines or to work for~white farmers.
there is overgrazing in black rural They used the money they got from
areas because black farmers do not working in the mines to build zip
know ho" to lOOk afrer cattle proper- their herds of cattle again. Some
ly. aut the real cause of overgrazing farmers rented land from white farm
is the overcrowding of people and owners. They made a lot of money
cattle. selling to the mines and to people
in towns. They used this money to
Animals were not always so crowded onto buy land outside the reserves.
the land. Long before white settlers
calne to South Africa, people kept oxen, Then they were faced with a new
pigs, sheep and goats for meat and problem. The 1913 Land Act forced
skins. In the Transvaal. women hoed black people to move into the reserves.
with iron hoes, and in the Cape they overcrowding of people and animals
used wooden digging sticks. The Khoi started the process of erosion. At
people in the Cape used to ride oxen about the same time, the government
and transport things on their backs. started controlling serious animal
iiseases, including tick diseases.
White settlers brought steel ploughs The control laws stopped people
and ox wagons. Black farmers soon from moving their animals freely
started using these things, and in onto rented grazing lanci. This toget-
the 19th centwy black farmers were her with the Land Act. meant that
ploughing a lot of land with oxen. animals could not be moved out of
Most of the land bought by black the reserves. Grazing land was
people near the end of the 19th century becoming scarce, and there was more
was bought by successf"l farmers who overgrazing and erosion. But people
had farmed a lot of land with oxen did not want to kill their animals
and steel ploughs. because they produced milk, meat and
skins, ?nd they reproduced and multi-
At the end of the 19th century a plied. Peoplepreferred to buy animals
terrible disease called Rinderpest than to put their money into banks,
killed many cattle. Soon after this because animals gave them a better
another serious disease called East return for their money.
Cmst Fever killed many cattle in
IJatal and the Easter" Cape. I" some When betterment schemes were started
areas the government sold donkeys to in the 1950s. people were forced to
people to replace their cattle. keep less animals. Only a certain
People plougbed with dotieys, but the number of large and small animals
donkeys did a lot of damage to the were allowed on each betterro-"t
land, eating grass right down to the scheme. mny people had to sell all
roots. Some areas which are badly their animals, or only keep a few,
damaged today. like Msinga in Natal, when they moved onto betterment
were first damaged by do"!eys over- schemes. Today many people have no
grazing the land. animals at all.
Keeping cattle used to be important gives gocd strong cattle. A bull of
for black people in South Africa for an imported breed like Brown Swiss,
many reasons. Cattle gave milk. meat Hereford and Simmentaler can be
and leather ad pulled plo"gh$ SO, that crossed with local COWS. Crossbred
crops could be grow". B"t now that cattle will give more milk and meat
people are forced to live in such than local breeds and will survive
crowded places, there is not enough better in South African conditions
land for cattle to be healthy. Only than pure imported breeds.
a few rich black farmers have large
herds of cattle. Many people have a
few cattle which are often thin and Buying a Bull
weak, and do not get lots of calves. YOU need only one hull for 30 cows.
Most people have no cattle at an. One good buli can give you many
improved calves, and one bad bull can
The most important thing about keeping weaken your whole herd. So choose the
cattle is to be sue they have enough bull carefully. Look for-a bull 2 to
to eat. This means having enough graz- 4 years old with strong legs, strong
ing camps for sumner and enough hay back and shoulders, wide across its
or Silage for winter. back legs. A& to see some of his
calves so you can tell if he is a good
If you breed cattle properly you can You need a different bull every 5
get a bigger, stronger herd. vocal years, otherwise he will start mating
cattle like Nguni, Afrikander and with his own calves. This weakens the
Tswana are very s'crong and can survive herd. B"lls can be used until they
in hot dry places. They can grow are 10 to 12 years old, so instead
fast if they get enough to eat. in of buying a new bull after 5 years,
hot places it is best to keep these swap bulls with another farmer.
S"lls are expensive, and most small
The only imported breed which is good farmers do not have enough cows to
for hot places is the Br*mn. Other need their own bull. It is a good
imported breeds come from cold wet idea for a few farmers in a village
places like Europe, so in cool wet to buy a bull together and share it.
areas in south Africa a cross between
imported breeds and local breeds
Bulls must be healthy and well fed.
Dip them regularly to make sure they
do not have any ticks. In winter,
give them mealie meal as extra focd.
Give them exercise so they do not
get too fat, otberwi*e they will not
mate well. nerd them often so they
get used to people and are not wild.

Bulls should only run together with

cows during the mating season.
AugustSept Od, No,,
A co" should be mated every year, so
Buying CO-ws after being pregnant for 94 months
If you want to buy cows buy young cows she must rest for 2% months befor*
6 to 10 months old or older cows as mating again. This mean* that she must
long as they are fertile. Sometimes not mate the first 2 times she comes
people try to sell cows because they on heat after giving birth. Coming on
are old or infertile. B"y a cow which heat means she is ready to mate. These
is pregnant or has a calf. Look for are the things you will see if a cow
cows which are quiet and tame with good is on heat:
udders, strong backs, and strong legs.
W She stands still when other cows
You can tell a cow's age by the mmber climb onto her.
of teeth she has. A cow with a full h She tries to climb onto other COWS.
mouth of teeth or some fallen out is b She becomes restless.
old, and she will not give any more b She has a red and swollen vulva with
calves. Buy cows which have 2, 4 or 6 clear liquid coming o"t.
top teeth.
If a cow has not given birth within 2
years, she is probably infertile. If
Mating she is old, sell her. If she is young
Cows can *tart mating when they are 14 she may be infertile because she is
to 2 years old. The best time for them short of food or short of minerals
to mate is December or January so like calcium and phosphorous. Feed her
when the calves are born 9k mantis well and give her a salt and bonemeal
later, it is spring and there is lots lick to make ~>p a shortage of minerals.
of green grass. If she is still infertile sell her.

I A---
A Rumevite lick helps them to get
enough nutrition. Sometimes in winter
they will need extra focd like key
or silase.

Selling Cattle

Sell all cows which do not give birth

for 2 years in a row and sell all
oxen which you do not need for plough-
ing. If you sell to ar abattoir, make
*we your cattle have no diseases, or
you will not be paid for them.


Keep Q recor ,d like this for each oni~,a/

Cattle Diseases
Make *ure the vaccination needles are
very Clean by boiling them in water for
at least 5 minutes. Clean the needle
after injecting each animal by dipping
it into methylated spirits. This stops
It is better to vaccinate your cattle diseases spreading from one animal to
against di*ea*e* than to try to cuze another.
them when they are already sick.
vaccinations are injections which
prevent animals from getting diseases.
They Can not cure diseases.

boil syringes ond needies

There are 3 ways to give injections:

Most vaccines suet be kept cold in a
fridge until they are used. Read the q Intramu*cular - into the muscle on
label carefulLy to find out if the the rump. Be careful to inject at
vaccine must be kept in the fridge. least locm away from the backbone.

Check that tile date on the box has not q S~b~utane~~s - under the skin of the
passed. If the date has already passed, neck. Ask an experienced person to
the medicine will not work.The label help you the first tine.
will also tell you how to mix the med-
icine. If it mu*t be mixed with water, q Intravenous - into a Vein. This
buy stesilised water from a chemist should be done by an experienced

Some diseases, like Anthrax, spread animals get blackquarter. You can
very quickly and can kill a whole herd prevent it by vaccinating all your
of cattle. other diseases, caused by animals when they are 6 months, 7
ticks and worn*, make cattle weak and months, l# years and 2% years old.
they have weak calves.
0 Contagious abortion is a disea*e
You can see if an animal is sick which makes cows give birth between
because it stands away from other 5 and 8 months in*tead of at 9% months.
cattle, it does not want to move or The calves are usually born dead. If
eat, its *kin looks dirty and its you find a cow with a dead calf, take
eyes are not shiny. Sometimes it has her away from the other cows until
diarrhoea and coughing and its temper- she has finished giving birth and
ature is high. MOVE the sick animal the afterbirth has come out. There
away from the other* and call the will be reddish liquid coming o"t of
stock inspector. If you have anti- the cowls vagina. Clean the CO" Very
biotic medicine like Reverin or well and burn the dead calf, the
Terramycin, inject the sick animal. afterbirth and evrrything you used tc
clean the COW. Burn the grass where
If the sick animal die*, do not eat the cow gave birth because if other
the meat until you know why it died. cows come to the place, they will also
Some animal diseases can also kill get the disease. Keep the cow apart
people who eat the meat. Report ali from a11 other cow* for a month after-
animals which die suddenly to the wards, otherwiee other cows can get
itock inspector, who will tell you the disease. A*k your Stock in*pector
why they died and ho" to stop the to do a blacd test to check if other
disease from spreading to other cattle. cows have contagious abortion.
These are the mast cOmmo* diseases of
cattle in Southern Africa: Contagious abortion can make cows and
bulls infertile. You can prevent it
f Anthrax is a very painful disease by vaccinating female calves before
which kills cattle quickly. Usually they are 6 months old. DO not vaccinate
you will see blood coming out of the any bulls.
nose and arms of the dead animal. Do
not touch this blood or cut open the * Tetanus is a disease which makes
animal beca"*e Anthrax can kill people. animals very stiff so they can not
If the dead animal has Anthrax you walk and can not eat. "*"ally they die.
have to burn it. It is a law in South Tetanus comes from dirty injection
Africa that all cattle m"*t be vacci- needles, dirty castrating tool* or a
nated against anthrax every year. dirty wound. If a sick animal is very
*tiff, call the *tack inspector straight
0 Foot and mouth is a disease which away. TO prevent animals getting
czn spread quickly to all your animals. t&an"*, boil inj*ction needles and
You will see &Ate *ore* inside the castrating tools and pnt iodine onto
mouths of your cattle and spit running a11 wounds.
out of their mouths. They wlk as if
they have sore feet. Animals with foot 0 Lumpy Skin Disease gives cattle
and mouth disease do not die but they lumps on their skin. There is no
are weak for a long time. Report foot medicine to cure the disease, but
and mouth disease to the *tack inspec- the cattle will get better if you feed
tor straight away before it spreads them well. You can prevent the disease
to other cattle. with a vaccination once a year before
the rains start. YOU can get the
0 Blackquarter disease kill* cattle, vaccine from onderstepoort.
sheep and goats younger than 3 years.
The animals get sick and one or two 0 Calf scours is a disease of young
of their legs become *tiff and sore. calves. They get yellow diarrhoea,
They die within 2 days. When you c"t become very hot and breathe quickly.
open the animal you will *ee that the They usually die. Many calves get
meat on the *tiff legs look* dark. this disease because they are fed from
There is nothing you can do if your dirty buckets, especially when they do

not drink their mother's milk for the Tick diseases
first week after they are born. The Many animals Suffer and die from
be*t way to prevent calf scours is to diseases carried by tick*. You
let the calves drink milk from their should get rid of tick* regularly
mothers. Yea can milk the cow* first, by dipping your animal* or washing
then let the calves drink (see Calves or oiling them with tick poison.
and Milking p 226). If the calves are The most common tick diseases are:
not drinking milk from their mother*,
you can help to prevent calf *co"zz* by * Gall Sickess is spread by many
washing their feeding bucket* with different kind* of tick*. It makes
Keyes Fluid or Savlon mixed with water. the animals hot and constipated and
they do not want to eat. The skin
You can cure calf scours by giving the inside their mouths looks pale
sick calves Kemzol medicine and lots yellow. Inject them straight aw*y
of clean water to drink. otherwise they can die after 2 days.
Use Terramycin or Reverb, every day
for 3 days. If you c"t open animals
which have died of Gall Sickness,
the meat looks yellow.

0 Redwater makes mimls hot and they

do not want to eat. When they pass
water, it is red. Inject the sick
animals with Berenil or Phenamidene
medicine, otherwise they will die.

0 Heartwater is spread by Bent tick*.

- The animals get hot and do not want
to eat. They breathe slowly. Later
they fall over onto their side* and
move their leg*. Inject them straight
0 Opthalmia @ink eye) is a disease of away with Terramycin 01 Reverin once
the eyes which can make animals blind. a day for 3 days, otherwise they will
The animal stays out Of the sun, die.
a lot of water and sometimes yellow
pus comes out of it* eye*. Treat the
disease as soon as possible. by putting
Terramycin Eye Powder into the eye*
every day. You can also put a few
drops of Reverin in the corners of
the eyes. Keep the skin underneath
the eyes clean and dry.

0 Dry Gall Sickness is IL disease \ male

which cattle get when they eat only
dry grass in winter and do not have
enough water. They become constipated.
To cure Dry Gall Sickness make a
medicine of 2.5 litres of water mixed
with 2509 of salt and 5OCq of Sugar.
PIE it intc a bottle and pour it
carefully into the animal's mouth *o 0 East Coast Fever is a very serious
it does not choke. after 3 hours give disease which makes cattle die after
it 2 cups (50oml) of vinegar and about 2 weeks. They get hot. do not
after another 3 hours, give it 2 want to eat and a lot of spit comes
more cups of vinegar. out of their mouths. They beccme
constipated and then get diarrhoea.
Animals do not get this disease if If your cattle get this disease,
they have enough water to drink call the stack inspector straight
during winter. away.
giving your animals
worm mczdicine at
the beginning, in the middle and at
the end of the rainy season for cattle
less than 4 years old. If you can not
afford worm medicine for all your
cattle, give it only to those younger
than 4 years.

q Roundworms make cattle thin and

we&, e"en when they have enough to
eat. Give them Trmisol, Ripercol
or Thibenzole medicine.

q Tapeworms live in the stomachs of

animals and eat their food, making

\ them weak. Calves with swollen

stomachs often have tapeworms. Give

-1 thun Lintex medicine.

8 Flukes are small worms which li~ve

Dipping in wet places like the banks of
You can prevent many diseases if you rivers or dams. Liver fluke makes
dip you cattle in a poison to kill animals constipated and weak. Conical
ticks. In most places there are fluke gives animals diarrhoea with
government dipFins tanks which every- blood in it. use Zanil medicine to
body can use. I" hot places, cattle get rid of liver fluke and Lilztex to
should be dipped once a week in summer get rid of conical fluke.
and every 2 weeks in winter. In cooler
places, they should be dipped every 2 One week after you give animals warm
weeks in summer and only once during medicine, move them to a new place
winter. If there is no dipping tank n to graze, and do not use the old
nearby, mix Bacdip poison with water grazing camp for 3 months. This will
and wash your cattle with it. You can be enough time for the worm eggs in
also use tick oil or grease. Wash or the soil to die. To prevent worms in
oil well the ears, neck, udder or Calves, keep their kraal dry by
scrotm and under the tail. putting dry grass and mealie stalks
on the floor whenever it gets wet.
TO prevent animals getting flukes,
Worms keep them away from wet piaces and
worms cause a lot of suffering to give them water in drinking troughs.
cattle. They live inside the animals
and make them weak. The most cmmo"
I think that cattle farming is the best thing in the bushveld

other is a three quarters. sell them when they alre

so far I have 20 calves 18 months Old for about
and 60 COWS. Each year I R180 each at 1uca1 stock
get about 14 calves. sales. All the bull
calves we castrate at
18 mmth.5, just before

I hire grazing from a

nearby white farmer. ne
charges me R1.50 each
per plonth for the big The cattle graze on the
cows. I think it is "edd a11 year round.
worth it to pay this With rotational grazing
because I get good they never run Short of
grazing. We u*e ~rotation- food. I give Rumevite
al grazing. They graze in blocks in winter and
5 camps, 1 at a time. So salt and bonemeal in
they get enough grazing Summer to make sure the
all year. I don't milk animals stay in good
the cows because if I condition.
do that the calves will
suffer. A 50, the cows
are fa ram my hale. T
emp1 a inan to live on
t farm and look after Diseases are not a prob-
he cattle. I use goocl la because we dip the
My 2 bulls are *rahmans- breeding cows and bulls cattle every month. In
one is purebred and the so I get goad calves. I summer and winter we give
/ them Thibemole to get
rid of worms.

0 What other farming do

you da?

I have about 70 goats

and 30 sheep which graze
on the village land. I
also have 5 hectares of
dryland where I grow
maize and beans. At my
hare I have a strong
borebale where I am
irrigating a garden
of vegetables to se11
locally. I use hired
labOur fOI lmst Of the
work. They get R18 per
month and focd. There
are many people around
here looking for work.

1 think *at cattle

farming is the best
thing here in the bush-
yeld. I hope to have a
herd Of 150 cows. Then
I will cbwse the best
breeding animals to give
me a good living.
If wework, together we have a better market
Yes, ticks are a big
problem because we do
not have a dip here. T
innoculate my cattle
against all the danger-
ous disease like Anthrax,
Contagious Abortion,
. HO do you work Gall Sickness and Red-
tqerher with the other water. I keep antibiotic
members in the dairy? medicine and if the+
get sick, I use that.
The other disease prcb-
lem is opthalmia, but I
beat that with terramycin
medicme. Sometime ago
I lost a few cows because
of some disease 1 had
ne"er seen before, but
usually I can control
diseases because I know
what they look like.

e YOU must be proud Of

your healthy calves .. .

Yes. without calves this

dairy would be useless.
. When did you join? My cows are very fertile
and calve every year. I
.,BO do you feed your decide how much milk the
COWS? calf can drink according
to its health. If the
we do not have any calf is healthy then 1
pastures. My cows just leave only one teat for
eat the v&d. In the it to drink. Otheniise
winter they have to live if'it's a bit thin it
by eating the mealie gets two teats.
stalks left in the I castrate all the bull
fields. Every morning calves. 1 let them grow
when I milk the cows I up until three or four
give them a handful of years then I sell them
dairy meal. in local *tack sales, but
they never give us a goad
Ouring the winter 1 give price.
them a little bit more.
I buy Rumevite blocks -
in the winter they eat a
lot of that. I give tha
salt and bonemeal too.
It would be very good- if Yes, I have a few sheep
we had more food in and goam, and about 7
winter because the cows hectares of land. I grow
get very thin. Sometimes wheat, sorghum, mealies
we buy lucerne, but it's and a bit of beans. This
expensive and we can't year the crops have
afford enough. failed because of a bad
drought. The winter is
. So you have many prob- going to be hard, because
lems with diseases and there is no food for us
ticks? or the animals.

Dairy Cattle



as* give you cows dairy concentrates

to keep them healthy. It is expensive
to buy concentrates. It is cheaper to
m&e your own by mixing mealie meal
with salt, bonemeal, bran or molasses
and a protein food like oil cake meal,
lucerne meal. or fish meal. Give your
CO" lkg Of concentratesfor every 3
litresof milk she can produce.
YOU can also fee.3 your cows a supple-
ment food like Rumevite. This enables
them to eat more dry grass during
Minerals Just before and just after birth give
Daisy cows need a lot of calcium and her some bran as a laxative. M&e sure
salt. Make s.zre they always have a she gets a mineral lick during the time
salt mixture which they can lick she is dried off.
whenever they want to. These are 2
mineral licks which you can mix for
your cows: Milking
Dairy cows should be milked by the same
person at the *ame time every day. Keep
the udder as dry as possible and "ash
it only if it is very dirty. Test the
first milk in each teat for strings or
lumps by letting the milk run down the
back of your hand. If there are any
strings or lumps, it means that the
If your cows do not cane on heat or do ccw has a disease called mastitis. You
not get pregnant, it probably means can g&t rid of mastitis by squeezing
that they are short of minerals. ointment up the teat which has mastitis.
Use Pendiclox medicine. If mastitis is
bad, that part of the udder will become
hard and swell up, and you &me to rub
it and milk the cow 2 or 3 times a clay.
To prevent mastitis, wash your hands
well before you milk the cow and make
sure all buckets and other tools are
very clean.

Weigh the milk each cow gives every

day and write it in a book. This will
help you to know how mxh extra food
the cow needs. If the milk gets less
you must give the cow more food and
make sure she is not getting *ick.

Tick Diseases
Dairy cows should not be dipped in a
cattle dip. To get rid of ticks, use
tick grease or tick oil. Check for
tick.5 every time you milk the cow*.

keep c1 milk record like this for everu cow ever week

Sheep are gmd animals to keep with e Dover sheep give good meat and rough
cattle because they eat grass which is wool. They can live in dry places with
too shozt for cattle to eat. They eat poor grazing. They are the mo*t popular
busheswhich zattle do not eat. They sheep for small farmers.
can live well in mountaias and in very
dry areas, but if 'here are too many *Karakul sheep live best in very dry
sheep on the same land for a long time places like Namibia. Karakul lambs are
they can eat a11 the grass and Ca"ee killed to sell the skins.
soil erosion. It is better to divide
the land into camps and use rotational
grazing (see p 240,. It is impartant .to have a good male
(ram) so that he will produce strong
Usually sheep must be kept in a kraal la&s. You will need one male far every
at night to prevent them being stolen 40 to 100 females (ewes). If you buy a
Or getting attacked by wild animals. male, look for the one which holds its
But if you are sure they will be safe, head up high, which has strong legs,
leave them out to graze at night. a strong back and a wide face with a
square jaw. For wool sheep, make sure
the male's ~01 is long, thick and
curly, and nearly white in colour.

It is best to keep the male away fran
the females when it is not time for
Breeds mating. The best time for mating is
,Tlkee are the ma& popular breeds: from November to 3anuary or March to
May. Sheep are pregnant for 5 mohths,
0 Merino sheep give the best wool and so the la&s will be either born from
gwd meat. but they need good grazing. my to July or from A"g"St to October
when there is grass in the veld and
ea Imported breeds like Rmney, Dmset the weather is not too hot sr too cold.
Sorn and Suffolk give good meat and The females should be 1 to 1% years
some wool, but need good grazing. old when first mated.
Giving birth
Carefnlly watch all females about to
give birth. They usually give birth
easily and do not need any help. The
birth is sometimes difficult when the
male is a crossbreed and the lambs are
very big. Then you can help by pulling
out the lambs "hen the female has
started to give birth. Sometimes you
have to unhook the front legs lthe same
as with cattle see p 2261. Somebreeds
of sheep like Suffolk give birch to
twins. If your sheep are giving birth
in a kraal, make sue it is dry.

Docking and Castrating

Cut off (dock) the tails of all la**
iihen they are 6 weeks old. Cutting off
their tails prevents many diseases and
worms which come from dirt around
tails. It also makes mating easier for
females when they are older. ix you
use a knife, make are it is very
sharp and sterili*e it by boiling it
in water for 10 minutes. You can also
use rubber rings for docking tails.
The rings make the tail fall off
without bleeding and the lambs do
not SuffPs so much pain.

hold she+ head up.to give

worm medictne
and all the dirty wool in another
pile. Put each pile in bales and send
the full bales to the wool sales in
Ea*t London, Durban or !3"tterWor*.
Most sraall farmers do not have enough
wool to fill a bale, so shear with
other farmers and se11 their woo1
Clean the woo1 around the sheeps'
tails regularly. Kill worms under
the tail with a little Bacdip or
Jeyes fluid mixed with water.

sell sheep is at the end of summer,

when they ace well fed and healthy.
We use the grazing camps rotationally
it to the wool market in . what do you dn about
East London by railway. diseases?
The agricultllre depart- I innoculate them against
ment gives us equipment Pulpy Kidney and Blue
for shearing and helps us Tongue every six months.
with selling our wool. If any sheep gets sick,
I inject it with Reverie
and see if it gets better.
The sheep are dipped 3
times a year, once in
September and twice in
October. I also give the
lambs medicine for tape
worm "hen they are three
months old and for other
worms 1 give them Thiben-
sole every month for the
whole year.

. Do you give the sheep

a lick?
. when do you mate the
ram* with the ewes? Yes, we use Rumwit. in
the summer a* well as in
In September to November. the winter. We used to
The lambs come in May. use salt and bone meal,
Last year I got only 63 but now we don't.
lambs from my 110 ewes,
. DO you shear the sheep because it was a very
every year? dry year. It's a pity
that my neighhours don't
Yes, every year in take their rams out from Yes, in the mountain*
September. All the people the ewes at the *ame there are camps for the
in the village shear time, so I have? to employ summer and here in t$e
together. we help each a herdboy to keep their location there are camps
Other in a *art of ram* away from my ewe*. for the winter. We open
co-operative. we sort the During winter 1 plant the location camps on
wool out into different barley and the &xegnant the first of July. we use
glasses, Like belly wool, ewe* can eat the barley the camps rotationally
sides and backs. Then we for a few hours every and we spare one camp
put it in bales and send day. each year.
People like to keep goats because they You can improve your goats by choosing
are,very strong aud do not get dis- your best male goats as breeding ram*.
eases easily. They cm find food in Swap breeding ram* with farmers fqm
very dry and eroded area*, "here cattle other villages every 3 years, otherwise
and sheep cannot 1i"e. Goats rat bushes they start to breed with their own kids.
and grass in the veld which other Keep *he males away from the females
animals do no2 eat. mSowever, goats can when it is not. mating time.
do a lot of damage by eating vegetable*,
crops and trees. If people keep goats, Let the goats mate twice a year. from
everyone in the camunity has to spend November to December and from April to
time and money on fencing gardens, May. Mate them a11 at the same time so
fields and young trees. that the kid* are all born at the same
time and it is ea*y to look after them.
me females are resay to mate when
they are 1 year old.

Sell or slaughter all females that do

not have any kids. Use the kids of
the most fertile females for breeding
whenever you sell old or infertile

Ticks and wmm* do not make goats sick
easily, but the tick* can get onto
cattle and sheep and give them dis-
eases. Because of this, goats must be
dipped regularly. TO prevent worcl
diseases give them worm remedy once a
year, especially young goats.

Breeding Selling
MOst small farmers use local mixed The best meat comes from yo"ng goats,
breeds because they are very strong which you can sell for higher prices
and can eat anything. You only need to than old goat*. When the male* are
keep *pecial breeds if you want to 3 months old, keep the one* you want
use goats for milk (see p 80). Milk for breeding, and sell all the others.
breeds need good grazing and extra If YOU want to keep males which you
food, and they struggle to live in are not going to '"*e for breeding
the dry eroded rural areas of South castrate them when they are 3 months
Africa . Old.

Rotational Grazing
Veld m"*t be looked after well 50 that sourveld and sweetveld:
the grass and soil are not damaged and
animals can get enough food. Soil and 0 Sourveld grasses grow in rainy
grass help each nt_her. If grz** is areas with acid soils. Sane of the
overgrazed by animals, the *un will *o"rveld grasses are very t&y for
dry up the soil, *o that grass roots animals but the very sour grasses are
cannot hold,it together. i?ben grass not. If a herd of Cattle graces the
can not bold the soil, it can be fame veld for a long time, they will
eroded away by *he rain. When the soil eat me more tasty grasses itIT31eaw?
is ercded,,gr*ss will not grow again the others. After *ome time the tasty
and atiimals will have less food. grasses'will all be eata and the
sour grasses will remain., The**
', ',~?h?~~,,%e two kind* of veld grass, ,, grass&s ,?qe not good food for ~mimals.
0 Sweetveld grasses grow in drier crhk camps should be fenced, but you
places where soil is not acid. Where can al*o do rotational grazing without
there is sweetveld, cattle can graze fences if you herd the cattle.
the whole year, and they will not get
thin even during the dry *e=*on. It is good for cattle, sheep and goats
to graze together because they eat
different grasses. 6 sheep eat as much
Grazing Camps gras5 as one cow or OX.
The best way to help the good grasses
grow is to use rotational graziw.
This is dividing the grazing area l"he size of the camps depend* on HOW
into camps of the same size. The much land you have and the type of
animals move to a new camp every 2 veld. In sourveld, camps can be
or 3 weeks so that the grasses are smaller than 50 hectares. xn mixed
not cvergrazed. veld, camps can be 80 hectares. Tn
sweetveld, camps can be 100 hectares
ilOtationa1 grazing does not mean that or much bigger. Cattle need 1 hectare
mre animals can be kept on the veld. each in sourveld and 4 hectares each in
1t just means that the veld gives sweetveld. For example. say that =
animals more food. If too many animals village ha.5 800 hectare* in a place
are on the veld, there will be OYBI- where there is sweetveld, then the
grazing and soil erosion, even if you nu,,ber of cattle you can have on the
use rotational grazing. land is 800 + 4 = 200. You can divide
the 800 hectares into 10 camps each
You should have at least 4 camps, but 80 hectares. All 2M) cattle C== gr=**
it is better to have more. in one camp until the time comes for
them to move to the next camp.

than on
$,A sweetveld
How long in one camp? Burning
A goad way to tell when to move animals The one camp that has been rested for
to the next camp is to check oil some the whole year will have a Lot of
of the tasty grasses. when nearly dead grass. In sweetveld or mixed
half of the leaves Of these grasses veld, you can get xid of this dead
have been eaten off, it is time to move grass by letting the animals graze
the cattle to the next camp. Then tasty it. In sourveld, it is better to burn
grasses Will never be grazed too short the dead grass.
and they vi11 alcays have a chance to
grow weii. at the same the the sour It is very important to burn at the
grasses Will hardly be eaten at au.. right time - when the first spring
AS the years pass, they will die out, rains come. Never burn grass in the
leaving more room for the tasty grasses. autumn oz winter. It makes the veld
In this my the veld gives better and look nice and green in the spring,
better food. but it damages the veld.

An easier way of deciding how long to

leave animals in one camp is to move
them when grass that has been eaten
Start* to grow again. This is usually
after 10 to 15 days of grazing.

afterthefid rains
burn epr y-ass

1t is good to grow pastures as part of

a crop rotation because'they improve the
soil. 1t is also good to grow different
pasture grasses together, for example,
growing legumes like clover with other
grasses. The legumes put nitrogen in the

Pastures need a lot Of plant food but

they also get 3 lot Of manure from
grazing animals. so they do not need
to be fertilised as much as crops. If
you are planting a permanent pasture,
plough the land very well, because the
pasture will grow for 5 to I.0 years.

b Kikuyu is gocd for dairy COWS. It

needs lots of rain or irrigation.
* Clover and COCkSfoOt grass grown
together make a good mixed pasture.
PCenchrus Ciliaris is good for drier

b Smuts fingergrass grows well in

difficult conditions because it makes

Winter Feeding
Animals need extra food in winter during winter. If you do this, some
when there is not enough grass in the stalks are Wasted beCaUSe cattle walk
veld. If you feed oxen dllring winter, on *em. It is better to cut the
they will be strong enough to alough stalks after harvesting and leave
as soon as the rains come. them in piles next to your field.
Cattle can eat the stalks straight
Mealie Stalks from the piles or you can give them to
Mealie stalks are a good cattle food. cattle in their kraal at night. The
Many farmers leave them in the fields stalks left over in the kraal will mix
after harvesting for cattle to eat with manure and rot to m,ake compost.

If you cut grass during summer and dry
it properly. you can give it to your
animals during winter. This dried grass
is called hay. It is much better for
animals to eat hay than to eat dry
grass from the veld in winter.

some farmers plant pasture grass for

hay, like Eragrostis Curvula, Teff,
Blue Buffalo, Sudan grass and Lucerne
(see p 1701. Farmers in black rural
areas usually do not have enough land
to grow pastures. They need the land to
grow food for themselves.

The best hay comes from grass which

he.5 not been grazed during the summer.
Nt the grass before the end of
February, on a dry sunny day. Wait
for the grass to dry in the e.~-ly~
mornilq sun. use sharp sickles or
pangas to cut it low down, jnst above Silage
the soil. After cutting, rake the Silage is an animal food made from
grass into rows. Raking the grass into grass or the green stalks and leaves
TOWS helps it to dry slowly. If you Of crops like maize, sorghum, groundnuts
cut it in the morning. rake it in the and Lucerne. the green crops are put
afternoon. If you cut it in the after- in a hole in the ground and covered up
noon, let the sum dry it the next to keep the air out. The silaye ferments
rmrning before you rake it. like beer. It is only worth making
silage if you make a lot, because
Drying the grass slowly makes gcod much is wasted. You can only feed the
hay, not tco wet and',,& too dry. If middle of the silage to animals. The
it is too wet it will become rotten top and the sides dry out, and you have
and if it is too dry it will not tq throw them away.
make good winter food.
Making silage is a lot of work. You
TuIn the raked grass o"er once a day have to harvest the crop and then chop
for about 2 days until it is ready to it up into small pieces about as big
de into haystacks. It is ready when: as pour thumb. Big farmers have many
b It does not feel cool when you press labourers, tractors and hamnermills
it against your cheek. to do the work for them hut small
farmers have to Chop up the si1age
b You can easily break a bunch of grass by hand. Work quickSy so that you
when you twist it. finish ma!sing the silage in one week.
Dig the hole at least 1 metre deep
bThe outside of a stalk of grass does and 2 metxes wide. The floor must
not come off when you scratch it with slope a little so that water can
your fingernail. drain out at the bottom. Press the
silage down very hard using cattle
You cm store the hay in a shed or can or a tractor. Then put 15cm of grass
make haystacks outside. The sides of on top and cover the grass with 15cm
the haystack must be steep and smooth of sail. The silage will be ready
so that rain can Nn off. Make the after about 4 weeks.
haystacks smooth by raking them with a
r&e or a hay fork. Stop the rain from Try to give each of your cattle 5kg
wetting the hay by covering it with to lOkg of hay or 1Okg to 15kg of
plastic or thatching grass. If rain silage every day. Dairy cattle need
gets inside the haystack, the hay will twice as much. Sheep with lambs need
be no good for winter feeding. 2kg of hay or silage a day.
Farm Records
warm records tell farmers how well they plan "hat to do next year, how much
are farming: money you need to spend on seed and
fertiliser, and ho" much you will pro-
bably har"eSt.

0 Animal records Can tell you which

animals are giving birth and which are
not, and how much milk or wool or eggs
each animal is giving. whey "ill tell
you how much you are spending on food
and medicines and whether it is worth
spending this money. The records "ill
tell you which animals you should sell
and which you should keep.

. when you keep records Of crops every 0 Financial records tell you how much
year, you can see "hat was the best nloney you are spending on each crop
time to plant or what was the best seed or animal, and ho" much money 'chat crop
to use. prom your crops records you can or animal is making for you.

Crop records record of each piece of land over many

Keep a record like this every year for years. Give a name or a number to each
each field. Wcxk out the costs of all field or plot in your land, and
these things in your financial records. measure ho" big it is. Then make a
the aim of crop records is to have a record chart like this:


I 2 3

Size In
heCbon% 3 2 4
Ploujhing t;rcnctor trActor oxen
------ --- ---- -- --- ---- ---
ChkkS 26 k
6 9 23

The production register tells you what your animals are producing:



ndh boc/doz
~5 doz a?,00
rs doz 9 R q, 00

16 doz R 9,dO
13 dor I. K 7,%

Fet-tl Ilzer I R32 I R/o4 I R45 I

I A 307

cost; of Ploughillg R63 ft.52 R32

Poisons R/o R59 ----

PdymeylgQg& nG - RIO
Fbymenb For a20 RIO

Trcansport R5 R/03

Other cosbs - /zoo ba s@.% -

= F&o
TOTAL COST5 1 RIG-1 R 715 a 1b5

value a-0 5 40 bags @ /o bags
used % ho ATe A8.50 =R3&0 - R7-20 = $Y72
1000 pockets 20 bags@
Sales b mark& - @ z42T~5~R20.50 R7.20 : l-04.4

l-O-f-AL RETUIWS R 340 a2050 R2lb

Water Introduction

Water supply as a community project

Most water supplies in South Africa
are built by the goverment. They
do not train people from the village
how to look after the pump a borehole
or how to fix it if something goes
wrong. The pump belongs to the govern-
ment, SO nobody "ants to look after
it. It is better for a cornunity to
make their own water supply. Then they
will know how to fix it if anything
goes wrong. If you want to organise
water supply in your community, you
~jus+for,,d+king is not enough. must ask:
b What is the water going to be Used
for? Do you need it just for drink- There me two kinds of costs:
ing and washing? Tf you need it for +The biggest costs are for the
gardening, you "ill need much more, equipment, like hiring drilling
and a spring or *ma11 we11 may not machines and buying pumps and cement
give enough. you may need a deeper and sometimes paying people from the
borehole. community who will do the work.
BWho is going to pay for the water
supply? Will the government pay if b It is important to collect money for
the community droes the work? Some- +unning foets. If a pump breaks, there
times people prefer to pay for them- should be money to fix it.
selves, because then the water supply
belongs to them and nobody else can Sometimes the equipment costs are very
say what they must 50 with it. high and you have to get this money
from the government or other organi-
Another problem is that most men are sations like church groups or trusts
working in towns and on mines and (see p 539). But it is good if the
farms for most of the year so they community pays for some of the costs
cannot help with the heavy work so themselves, even if they only pay
the community might have to pay for the maintenance costs.
people to do *oIue Of this work.

The best way to anewer these questions Training

is for everyone in the village to home people in the community must be
discuss the water supply together. trained to look after the water
supply and fix it if anything goes
There will have to be many meetings wrong. EDA can train people to do
to decide what kind of water supply some maintenance and to repair things.
to use. The meetings CM decide to The whole village should decide which
form a water supply committee. The people can be trained so that the
meetings cm also decide how the work people who have been trained will
will be shared. work for everybody.

Selling water is quite common in Lebowa

inthe . Why did you apply to and with that water we
NOrmem Transvaalpays or the church for a 'borehole had to do washing an8
boreholesand hand pumps if instead of the Lebowa everything. people who
wages do not ha"3e"o"gh go"ernment? have tractors do this
drinkingwater.Each village selling of water, getting
ChoDSe.5a pump commiftee. The Lebowa government water from far and se1-
They CdlSCl money every month only makes boreholes for ling it. Selling water
so mar thereismoney to repair very large communities. is quite commcm in Lebowa.
thepump. EDA *pm* to 2 They won't do it jnst
peoplefrom pump cmnmitfeeS in for a small village as . sow da people partici-
near Pk?iefsrsburg.
I" we have here. There are pate in *is project?
Masidib"we spoke to Rev A.C. only 37 families in this
Kgashaoe D.ffhELOthera" village. They pay for maintaining
Ch"Ch. the pump. A committee
. When did this scheme we.= elect.sd and then they
Start? decided that each family
m-ust pay 40~ per month.
We started in 1973 when People pay the 4oc
I. arrived to take over willingly, because they
this chu-ch. It was very have got,a good explana-
difficult for us to get tLon of what is going to
water. Me had to buy be done with their
water for 60~ a drum money - first of all

doesn't require much
maintenance, just oiling.

The pump does break

sometimes and *en we
get Afgate from Pieters-
burg to come and fix it.

. Will you be able to

put M engine on this
pmp, or will you have
to get a new pump?

NO we can use the engine

on this pump, we have to
make it slower with
gears. When we get the
engine, the intention
of the committee is to
build a big dm out
there, and next to the
dam we're deciding to
make a garden.

People from around here

admire this cornunity
the maintenance of the . What maintenance do because we organise our
pump, and later when you have to do? own pmp, unlike other
things go on well, boreholes which have no
their money will buy Well this is a Mono committee. If those
the pmping machine so pump which works like boreholes happen to be
that they can get water a screw, unlike those up broken they take some
easily. and down pumps, so it months to be fixed.

Rain Water
All water comes from the rain. When Rain water sinks into the ground
ii rains the water sirks into the until it is stopped by a layer of
ground, filling up rivers and under- rock or clay. Then it flows along
ground streams. The rivers and the layer of rock or ciay underground.
streams flow down into the sea. Sometimes this layer of rock or clay-
Water from the Sea and rivers rises meets the side of a hill. Then the
up to make clouds and the clouds water comes out as a spring. If the
r&k rain again. layer does not cane out on a hillside,
the water stays underground and you
have to dig a borehole to reach the

If there are no springs where you

live and there is not enough rain
to collect rain water, you should
see if you can find a place to drill
a borehole by hand. This should be
close to a river, or in low places
like valleys. mu can usually tell
places where there is water under
the ground because there will be
k 1 more trees and green plants.

,, : ,", ,~',,
win water is always clean, so it can ground ormake a concrete channel so
be "sed for drinking. You can collect it is not always muddy around the tap.
rain water from the roof of a house,
or by "sing undergromd~tatis. b DO not drink the water from the
first rain after the dry season,
became this water will have a lot
Rain water from a roof of dirt from the roof and getters.
It is easy to cailect rain water from Use this water for yaw garden.
a corrugated iron roof with gutter
pipes and a tank. The size of the
tank depends on how much it rains Underground Tanks
where you live. If it rains all year You can collect rain water from big
round, you will not need such a big flat rocks or from sloping roads, by
tank because the tank will fill up building a low wall along the rock
quickly. But if it does not rain much, or road and making it slope towards
then you should get a big tank - 5000 an underground tank.
or 10 000 litres. M*e sure the water
in your tank is clean by doing these This method works well for houses
things: which have a threshing floor. You
can m&e the threshing floor slope
k-clean your roof and g"tterS so that the rain runs out at one
regularly. corner. This is the place to build the
tank. The walls of the threshing
w Make the g"tterS slope smoothly floor are like gutters. stopping the
towards the tank. Sometimes there water running over the sides.
are bumps and bends in the gutters.
PO015 of water stay there after it You can make an underground tank by
rains, and mosquitoes breed in them. digging a hole in the ground and
plastering it with cement and chicken
B Put wire mesh over the entrance wire. Another way is to plaster the
pipe to the tmk and over the outlet hole with layers of mud, with a sheet
pipe, then no insects can get into of plastic between each layer. This
the tank. has to be done carefully, because the
plastic sheets can easily tar.
b Make sure that there is a proper Underground tanks must have a roof
drain away frm the tap at the bottom and a small pump to pump the water
of the tank. Press stones into the out of the tank.

If the oxen cannot drink, people plough late
to catch flood water. CM get. The" on top
The catchment area of this plastic
around the tank shaald another layer of mud,
have sloping sides. In then another layer of
Botswana the best runoff plastic. Then, doing it
catchment areas are the the proper way, you
roads. So we made a have a Layer Of plastic
little dam across a road, tubes, 4 inches in
and the water running diameter and 2 to 3
down the road flowed feet long, filled with
into the underground any sand or soil. These
tank. are laid in mud. Then
@Where did you get the that layer gets
idea to build these The first thing we put covered with mud, then
ta*s? on the sides and floor another layer of plastic,
was a strong insecticide another layer of mud,
1 first came across for termites because another layer of plastic.
these in Sudan in 1966. they eat polythene That is the waterproof
They traditionally "se plastic - we used lining. NOW to protect
underground collection Dieldrin. If we thought the lining from damage,
tanks. At that time some the roots of surrounding we put in another layer
people were ezqxriraenting plants would break into of these plastic tubes,
with mud and concrete. I the lining, which we called them polonies,
then started making some happened, we took the but now the mixture
of them here. plants out. Then we put inside is 1 cement:14
mud on the surface, about sand. We filled them
.Can you explain how as thick as porridge, with a dry ml.xt"re, made
they are made? and while it was wet we holes in them, and
put on a sheet of @as- soaked them in water.
You first dig a hole in tic 150 microns thick. This is a very simple
the ground in a place That's pretty thin but form of concrete re-
where it's fairly easy not the thinnest you inforcing. It stops sharp
stones breaking the Yes, in fact the original catchment: this will
plastic. idea was for watering water an ox for 2 weeks.
cattle. People can not So you probably need
plaugh until there is 1000 square metres of
enough water at the lands catchment for a team
There is one we built in for the ox team. If tne of oxen. If you use
Zimbabwe in 1968 and it oxen cannot drink, cement for the catchment
still holds water every people plough late, and area it does make it
year. Often where they the crop yields are very expensive. But the
have broken it is because Low. And boreholes are catchment doesn't ha"e
cattle break them down. not really the answer to be perfect. If it
One that I built in my either.,All over Botswana 1e*s say 10% that
ho"se in Serowe, for the story i* the same: doesn't matter, whereas
drinking water, leaked the barehole is broken if the tank lining
after a while because dew",. the rods are broken, loses 1% you lose the
tree roots broke through the engine won't start, water in no time.
it. But for a year and there's no diesel and ever
a half all the household if there is, people can't * Do you still think
water supply came from afford it. this is one of the
*is tank. cheapest methods to
AD ox drinks 20 to 30 collect water?
.Pihat about putting a utres a day, so you
cc.ver over the top? can Work out from the Yes, but the plastic
rainfall in your area price is much higher
Yes, this is very im- the size of catchment now, because it'5 made
portant. If the tank is area you need to water from oil. There are
not covered, the water a team of oxen. It's methods I would like
will evaporate. Eere in not that big. In the to try which would be
Botswana as much as 2 Kalahari you get 300 easier and quicker, for
metree can evaporate litres of water for instance using cement
in a year. It's much every square metre of and chicken wire.
better to cover it, and
the simplest cover is
to strain some Steel
wire across and lay on
come matting made from
mabela stalks, hessian
or anything like that,
anything that provides
shade to stop evapo-

.Bo" do you clean the


Usually the water that

runs off the open veld
is very safe to drink.
Bnt if your catchment
is in a village and the
village has latrines, I
wouldn't be too happy
about drinking that
water. You should "se
some sort of chlorine
treatment or filter.

OfSave you made these

tanks for cattle to
drink from?

A spring izi underground ,;CT-
water whim CBTWLS out -
of: the ground. It is pt.+
usually on the side of i:....,.:.
a hill. riainwater sinks
into the ground, and
is stoppecr t3y a laber
OF rock or dw. The
water flows along the
la er and ame out
O? tt-h% ground at the source or eye of the spring.

A,n unprotected spring is unhealt,hu. me water can carry

diseases farn people and animals. A properly protect-
t=U spring gives. clean-, kzalthier water.

Protecting a spring is a good Water SUppfy proj& for

a communltg. It ii3 quite cheap compared to other
kinds of water supply like ~borehores. No SpeUal equip-
ment or skills are neeUeU. Everyone can take
part in. the work. me spring itself without the
tank will cost R50 to RIOO.

YOU protect a spring bg casting a concrete V

&aped waii around the sour=, anu Putting on a
roof. A pipe leads water from Inside We wall to a
tank which fills up durinCJ the night. In the say
people can fetch water from the tank.

There ale springs in many different places, like

rocky hillsides, river banks and marshes. ,ChanQe
the method given here to suit each sWng


F5r the overflow piw: . One XJmm (b1> blackplashc pipe.

Wooden pfanks fb- V

moulds. for a box with
1i-were side-s you need : -Four I m&r.. pla.aa 300mm
wide a~%3 25mm thick.
-One f+m plank 5imm wide
and 25mm t&k.
-One 4m plank 75mm wide
cwl!zl 25MrV-1 thick.

-rb ki be wood tog&her

for the V tmoulds: .100 nails .&,,,,M [Ii?) !oqq

For a conmzte roof you will nee-d ame 8mm thick

r-&for&-g bars. For a tin roof @OQ can use
c~t-t-qated iron or ga.lva+S~ flat mn.. A rlGxcrete
roof will I& longer but: it IS more diFflc.ult to

\ /

c Work out what SIZZ the concrete
V wall must be. If tne spring
has more than one eye, make
the V wide t%OuQh so that
all We eye-5 are ins&e it.
But k&j t0 kf?? the V smal!,
M that the wall is cheap and
easy b roof over.
eOig a shallow trench in front
~6 the spring a little wider
thar~ the tt%%nes5 of the
waJI, and 2Ocm deep. If
you have to rm..st the wall
on rock, break tMe rock
with a cnisel or uowtxr to
rougher? it; (the wncY&e
will St;& better) Dig about
I/am 1nt0 tne slope on
tither side. This will 3UpPort
the wooden moulds, and
w-i- the can-waJl
&z.~el the ground ii-x&et)-%
V and clear tt?e back slope.
Do rot c%ar around the eye
itself. This Can easily damage
the eye.


*Dig a trench for the +@ mm
PVC outlet piPec from tr\e
point of the V to the Plm
where UOU will pLlt. a tank.
*Cut slots in one end of the
cul3n.q slot+ in pipe
trz Outlet pipe
*Wrap F&I sum around the
s~otkd end, and tie- it on
with wire-.
*Lay the pipe in the trench,
wib? the slotted end inside
the V. This end must be
lower than the cue of the
spring gnd c5IIqntl+j raiSed frOm
the floor with small 3bneJ.

Aa!e tvvo wooden mOUl& to fit into the V-shLzped he%5

rain the planks with nails at the comen

31 the ,inside Of the moulds Witi old engine oil, 50 that

Yxq ~111 be eisy to tdke off later

*FM the rnoulds into the

frm. &tcp then? in
@ace wkh rocks on both
sides. Sbin the mwlds with
afew J2cm wood bkk5.
The block5 mU5t be
higher thbn the m of
the conm.

*N&l a 19th of the 75cm wide

Plank &TJ-oSS the ffloulds, tD
hold them w.
&l&e a 6:3:1 concrete mix (6 PUts Qra\/el: 3 par& %ncl: I .part
cement). Fe wad will be weak if Me concrete is t-00 wet

*Leave he. moulus a-l for at least t+v.ee cla&js. w+ the

concrete -ASJ-~ day.It must dry slowly, 50 that ct does
not crack

&uild mud walls inside thz mculds JO @at the water CNI
~9~ul through the outlet pipe. This keeps the foundatlar

N%Zmove the moulds after. three da@. If the W&Y wrneS out
OF l-k-e bank of the ~~XWTZJ[not the ground) cast a concrehr.
fbr. Pour c~n~ete IOWT thwzk v-wde the butif. The. f loo+-
Will stop spring water from sinkJn8 into the Qround.



eF&5t the fiam~ on stones inside the hole, 50 t&L it is

5u-n off the gmurui
0Pcur a 4:.2:1 corcrekn-iK<grd.e, sand, cement) inh> ,the hole.
L&we the roof lo dqj for a. we&, ,beFore p&t!n the
roof on. Wet it e2Lch dw, so that It dries slow!~.P


I Build a wall
wal I.
against We barlti slope, as high as the ~ncrcte
~Build it with rocF-5 and
that water
can flow through.
gravel near the .top.
m2st a IOurr thick concrete slat2 on
top of the sb3ne wall, bat!+ qainst
the Slope. SuPport the concrete
in front with a wooden plank.
o~hen this slab is dry, put tie roof
on. The rcof~is heavy enough to

\ /
D~CJa trencn anxlnd the wring IOm a.+xe it and round the,
sdes Me trench should be I metre wide and 4Ocm deep
7he soil shculd be thrown or&o the downnil . side. This
Will prevent+ r.nw&=r from dama@% the 5pri3.
&em.e the area around the spring & keep animals aWa$j.
00nce a yeq open the roof &the spring and clean inside.
e-hi@= and rubbish pi& can make the water unheaHF@.
thsy shauld be fL-ther than som .FiDm the s&-I~
Wells and Boreholes
Different kinds of wells
The 3 most commonkinds of wells are
hand-drilled boreholes, hand-dug
wells and machine-drilled boreholes.

pit toilet below the well

IS healthier
Drilling a borehole by hand
The drill set
The drill set is made up of drill
Stems, a handle and three drill bits.
The drill is turnecl into the ground by
two people, while two people sit on
the handle to make it heavy.

Three kinds of bits are needel for

drilling in different soils:
b The saw';ooth bit is used for hard
b The riverside bit is used for sandy
Drilling the hole
The drill set makes a hole 10cm wide.
The drill bit has to be lifted 0-t of
the ground every time it gets full,
about every 2ocm. As the hole gets
deeper, extension rods are added.
Every time the drill is emptied, all
the extension r3ds have to he lifted
up and taken apart. The soil is emptied
by hammering the drill bit, and scraping
it inside with a stick.

o winch u

casy~riiIiny through rock

If you hit big rocks you have to

start a new hole. If the rock is not
thick you can sometimes break it with
a cable tool. A cable tool is a heavy
piece of steel which you use to crack
the rock. The tool is lifted and
dropped by about 15 people. me broken
pieces of rock are taken out with a
bailer. It is very difficult and slow

When you reach water
When you reach water you can no longer
use the drill set. Wet soil falls
out of the drill, and the walls of
the hole start to fall in. NOW you
must use the casing and bailer. The
bailer takes out the wet soil and the
casing keeps the hole open so the
sides do not fall in.

To make a casing, join some 1Ocm

diameter steel pipes with socket*.
The casing must be long enough to
reach the bottom of the hole. A heavy
pipe is used to hammer the casing into
the hole. Steel casing is expensive,
about R10 per metre. LEA is trying out
using plastic casing, which is much

The hailer is a steel pipe with a flap

valve at the bottom end. It is used
to take out soil frMn the casing. The
valve opens when you drop the bailer
into the wet soil. When you pull it
up, the valve closes and keeps the
soil inside.
The right depth for the hole is 4 pump is used to find out how much
metres below the water table + the water there is. Slide the test pump
depth that the water table drops in into the casing. Lift up the casing
the dry season. This extra depth is 29~with a car jack. NOWthe well
the same depth that the water drops screen of the test pum$ will be
in nearby wells or pools. sticking out of the casing. Then
pump the well for an hour without
When you are near the bottom, sand will stopping. If it does not dry up,
flow back into the casing. When this there is enough water, and a hand
happens, pour water into the casing and pump can be put in. If the well dries
bail some more. up, dig deeper with the bailer, then
do another pump test. If it dries up
again, there is not enough water. You
Test pumps will have to die a wider well or drill
When the hole is deep enough, a test a deeper borehole with a machine.

test E
--i \

Hand-dug wells
Clay soils and fine sand do not iet q Steel moulds to Cast concreterings.
enough water pass through to fill up 8 Cement and reinforcing rods.
a hand borehole quickly. In these
soils you have to dig a wider well It is probably cheaper to drill a
with picks and shovels. Making a deep barehole with a machine than to
hand dug well is dangerous because m*e all this equipment for one well.
the sides can fall in. You have to But for 10 or more of these "ells, it
strengthen the side* with concrete. is worth making this equipment because
it can be used many times. EDA has
A lot of equipment is needed: detailed plans for the equipment.
q A tripod to lower and raise people Write to us if you want plans or if
and equipment into the well. you want to borrow our equipment.

Dig down to 1,Zm and strengthen b As it sinks, put more Concrete

me top of the hole with reinforced rings an top.

b mke a concrete bottom for the w

using a lot of stones in the concr
'Make concrete rings in a mould. Water can get through this like a
owcr the first one into the well. screen. It let* water in and keeps
soil out.

bmke a concrete slab, put it we

the top, and put in a pump.
Hand pumps can give you enough water You can build your own hand pump or
for washing and drinking. of you need you can buy one. The cheapest hand
Water far cattle or for irrigating pump you can buy cost* O"er RZOO for
crop*, YOU will need bigger pumps like the working parts and R4 per metre
windmills or engine driven pumps. for the connecting rods and borehole

Whichever pump you buy, it has to be

maintained in good working order. xl1
pmps will break down if they are not
maintained. So before you buy a pump,
find out how difficult the maintenance
will be. If it is too difficult to do
by yourself, find out if there is an
agent nearby who can maintain the

Another thing to think about is ccet.

When you work o*t costs add the costs
of maintenance, repairs and the cost
Of petrol or diesel to the price of
the pmp.

Hand Pumps
A hand pump has a piston which moves
up and down inside a casing. The
piston is joined to a handle at the
top of the plnnp by connecting rods.
Every time the +ston moves up it
lifts up some water. At the bottom
of the pump there is a valve which
stops water from flowing out of the
NW. There is another kind of hand pump
called a Mono pump. This pump lifts
water using a rubber screw at the
bottom of the casing. Mono pumps work
quite slowly and they are more expen-
sive than other pumps, about ~400 for
the working parts and R10 per metre
for connecting rods and casing. But
'they do not break as easily as other
hand pumps. It is easy to add a motor
o* to a Xono .pump,
_. hut it is not so
easy with other hand pumps.

sometime* you need to pump water to
a vegetable garden next to a river or
a dam. on p274 we give plans for
a SCtion pump.
There are many different centrifugal
pumps. The cheapest ones are about

. Reciprocating pumps work with an

up and down action, like a hand pump.
They pump higher than centrifugal
pumps of the same power, bet they do
not pump as much water as centrifugal
pumps. They are usually fitted an top
Of boreholes.

. Submersible pumps can only be used

with electricity. The whole pump and
engine is under water. These pumps
are used for deep boreholes. They
are expensive, but they do not break
down much.

when you buy a motor pump make sure

you can get spare parts, and find out
if there is an agent close to you who
can fix the pump if it breaks down.
speal( to everyone you know who uses a
pump, before buying one. If the pump
is going to be shared by a community.
decide how you will share the Costs of
diesel and maintenance before you buy
the pump.

Nothing works first time
Well nothing works first It is alSo expensive.
time. *t took a long time Tt co*ts RSO and the
to get this pdmp to work pipe to lead water to
properly. one pf the the garden costs MO.
problems was that the
hose wasn't stiff enough
and didn't go back to
its round shape. So we
put in rubber loops made Yes it took a while to
from pieces of car tyre get it right, TO Jxst
to stiffen it. After the pump we used it to
this we spent two months suck water from the
getting the valves and flooded basement of the
pump handle to work EDA building. It sucked
properly. we spent many WaterH qetreshigh -
hours in a dirty river muchhigher thanthe
in Johannesburg strug- rubber hosepump.
gling to get everything We 'aok this pump to
right. When we thought John Ntalitjali's place
the pump was working and did a lot of pumping
properly we took it to tests. we aiso compared
he tested by a farmer it to the rubber ho*e
in Swaziland,. John pump. Testing took a few
Ntjalitjali. He has a weeks, because we had to
vegetable garden near a change parts Of the pump.
river. We gave it to After we had finished it
him free because "e was obvious that the
thought it might tare* piston pump was better
down. we were right, it than the rubber hose
broke down two days later. pump. As well a5 sucking
we then made a stronger and pumping higher it.is
handle and better valves. less work to use and
we alSo made the pump so pumps more water.
that John could easily
fix the inside of the .Why did you test it
pump himself if it broke. there?

0 Sas it broken? We did the first tests

with one person so that
NO, it hasn't broken yet, we could test it out
and he has been using properly before using
. Why did you decide to it for 8 months. Re pumps it in communities. If
make these hand pmps7 four 44 gallon drums these pumps work
(800 litresl full each properly we will make
The people at Mdukutshani day. We dug a pit half- more of them and offer
in M?inga asked us if we way up the river bank and them to communities. We
would make a diaphragm he pumps the water from want to make the rump
pwnp using a car tyre. there. It is easier to in such a way that the
We decided it would be pump from this pit than people using it can fix
difficult to m*e it from the river. It takes it them*elve* without
with a tyre and thought about 3 ho"rS to pump my special tools and
it would be better to enough water for the 300 so that the parts that
make it with rubber mine sq metre garden. But we wear out will be cheap
hosing. The good thing were still a little to replace. At the
about. a rubber hose is disappointed. The pump moment we think that
that it does not: "ear is tiring to use, it does the full cost of the
out if you pump dirty not pump water very high pump, complete with 60
"&XX. and it cannot suck water metres of 2,5cm plastic
properly if it is higher pipe "ill be between
,.'Did it work w&L? than 1,5m from a river. RIO0 and R120.

It doesnt cost anything, only my energy
. What did you expect to The one that I got Later,
do about water when you the piston pump. It is
first started farming betteE because "hen we
here? are pumping up the hill
the water still comes
'It was a problem ho" I out and it is quicker
was going to take water than the other one. It
out to the garde". men takes me about two hours
I was lucky, another to water the garden when
man said he would help there is no rain.
me to take water to the
garden. se came to me a Will you eventually
and said he had a pump replace it with a diesel
and lent it to me. P=Q?
e John, "hose land are
you faming here? Q What do you think of
the pump, do you find it
works we11 for you?

.VYhat do you grow?

Carrots, spinach and Q mn't you find it gets

tomatoes. B"t I ha"en't . Which one is better, tiring after a while.
started selling anything the rubber hose one or
yet. the piston one? No, 1 can manage it.

inlet Pipe

This pump cm be used ta pump water from a river to a .

etable garden. It can suck up water from a shallow well,? i
the well is less than 3m. deep. It can pump i5m. high.
The pump costs R70 and the outlet pipe costs 5qmts a
metre. To make the pump you need a &o&shop with an el-
ectric drill and a welder. EDAcan make mps for communi
ties ~whodo not ha% the equipment or t e w erience to
make their own. ICyou want to make a pump Por a well deef
er than 3m, write to us for plans.
- /
low It Works

he pump uses valves co lift water? Each valve is made OF

plasbic disc with holes in it, and a rubber Flap.

Top cylinder

Sealing valve

lop valve
Bottom cylinder

Bottom valve I
0 0
when when
valve valve
VVIOWS vnoves
UP down

CDWhen you push the handle, the top valve slides up. The
flap on the top valve closes and the Raps on the bottom
valve and the river valve open. Water is sucked up
through the holes In these valves. The flaps let the water
flow UR but it cannot Flew down again.
@When you pull the handle, the top-valve slides down, its
flap opens, and water passes through the holes. The
flaps dose on the bottom valve and the river valve.
@Whenthe ix valve is lifted again, the water above it is lift
ed up and Parced out through the outlet pipe.
The sealing valve,in the top cylinder makes sure that there is
water in the bottom cylinder all the time. WIthout the top cy
link, too much air would get In and the pump would not
the PUMP_ V4htx.G
you need

Reducing. bush, galvanised, I%

Rod socket, GUII~ qalvanised.q Inch to % inch (Inside the bllsh
Nut,, ,zmm qalvanised---p galvanised nipple, FZinch)
-Brass nuts and bolts to hold
plastic in place zmm.
Boreholered, lemm galvani
both ends threaded, 05rn lo

Brass nut and bolt, emm

Steel pipe, q&an&d 3 inch, o,5m

long, both ends threaded.
km-ehole rod, c,5m bng inside tne steel pipe, plastic pipe
75 mm class 4 PV2, 0,5 m long)

Bras5 nut and bolt-e Socket, 3 inch qalvanieed

Reducing bush
(inside tne reducing bu$ 3, iw
tube Flap5 end plastic disc)
Ni pie, galvanised, I inch.
El&ow, galvanised, I inch.
King nipple

Inlet pipe, 55mm classA polyp@.

ii----- King nipple, aluminium, I inch

Reducing bus.,,qaar%ed, 3inch

Socket, galvanised, 3 inch

Wide the r &educingbush e Reducing bush, gplW&d,
3 inner tube flap5
fj King $g to Ml
and plastic disc)

Plastic pipe witn ho!es In it

s5mm class A polyp~pe, 43.m lmg
covered with plasbc mosqutto


Making&plastic sleeves

For the bottom cylinder;cut a 3ocm length of 7,5cm PVCpipe.

Boilit in old motor oil. While it IS still soft, squash one end
with a funnel of sheet metal t;o make the end more narrow.
Use a piece of sheet metal 15cm square.Make it into a funnel
7 5 cm wide at the bottom and 6 cm wide at the top.

pla+x -


Theh cut a Socm long piece OF.yecrn PVCpipe. Boil one,end

of the pipe until it is soft. Put It inside the 3inch s&eelpl e.
Push and hammer the 30 cm PVC pipe into the, sc$t,en CL
the 50~1 pipe so that it presses tightly against the inside
of the steel pipe

I \ I
plastic sleeve
SOmn plastic pipe
3inch steelpipe
SCft plastic pipe pressed against steelpipe

Then take out the 5ocm pipe, boil the other end, and open
this end inside the steel pipe in the same way.

When both ends have been opened out, take the pipe out ark
spread bath sealer over both ends. Then push and hammer
it back into the steel pipe. Drill 2 holes throuqh the steel
and the plastic pi at the top end. Use 2mm brass nuts
and bolts to hald t!.?e plastic pipe in place.
*. /
Make the plastic sleeve for the top cylinder in exactly,the
same way, bu+ here you can use a cold drink bottle Instead
of a Punmelto widen the ends.

Weld the IM inch to A inch reducing bush to the uvlthreadedend

OFthe cylinder: then, smear bath sealer onto the plastic pipe
and put it in the cylinder Hold it IM place with brass screws.

Making the valves

Tne valves are made from, 12mm thick polypropylene. You

can only buy this plastic in 2sq. metre sheet6 which are
enou h for 5 pumps but EDA can send you a strip of pla-
stic ?or one pump.

Cop these shapes and qlue them onto the plastic. YOU
VleK 3 discs for the top valve, one for the bottovn valve, one
for the river valve and 2 for the sealing valves. First drill
the hole+ then cut out the di6CSwith an electriC drill rOUt
ing atLachw\ent.

I bottom valve disc

I river valve disc

diameter 74 mm.
cenwe hole7mm.
6 hOk 13mm.for water to
4hole6 Iomm. I passthrouqh
2 hole3 smm for screws.

3 top valve discs

diameter 56 mm.
centre ho\e 13mmfor
the boneholerod.
8 holesIommfor water
to passthrough.
3 holes2rnm for screws.

2 sealing va\vedisc5

The top valve and the sealing valves

Make 2 leather cups by cutting 85mrndiameter leather discs.

Put these discs between the 3 plastic discs. Hold them all to-
gether wii2 3 selF tapping screws 2mm thick and 3bmm ionq.
Then cut 3 56mm diameter rubber discs from a car inner
tube. Drill a 13w1m centre hole. Measure the thickness of
the completed top valve and drill a hde into the end of the
borehole rod this deep. Fit a brass nut and bolt into this
hole, slide on the completed valve, and tighten it on with 2
nuts. Join the other end of the borehole rod to a borehOle
/ Y

lo make the sealing take,. make 2 leather cups from *mm

diameter leather discs. Strde OYI the 2 lea-ther cups
between 3 plz&ic discs. Slide the completed sea\ing
valve onto the top section of the brehole rocj and
Connect the seal~ngvak to the borehole rod.

-Theriver valve and botcovnvalve

%WZ valve-~ are exactly the sarre. For each valve cut 3 rubber
flaps of 75mm diameter From a car inner tube. Cut a piece OF
plastic to hold the flaps onto the disc. Drill 5 mm holeethrough
the inner tube Fla s and the piece of plastic. Holdthem toge-
ther with 4 mm boPts and nut& Cut a washer from car inner
tube to Pit around each valve. Knock each valve into its reduc
ing bush, so that it fits tightly.

Putting the puynp together
Pushthe top valve into the 3 inch pipe. Slide the T piece over
the sealing valve and screw it into the 3 inch pipe. Screw
the reducinq bush into the T. Slide the IM mch pipe over the
sealinq valve and screw it into the reducing bush. /

Making the handle

Cut a q5m lenqth of scaffold pipe.

I 0 Cut a notch 14 cm From one end.

Bend the pipe at the notch and drill

a 8mm hole through at one end.
Weld a ticm length of % inch pipe
across the bent part of the pipe. -

Cut 2 4ocm len ths of 501~~1 stxel

plate. Wel3 these plates to the
scaffold ipe. Drill z 13mm holes
in each pate.

Cut a 3ocm length of 3omm wide flat

iron. Drill 2 8mm holes.
Join one end OFthe flat iron M the
lakingthe pump stand

:ut angle iron weld and drill 13mmholes. Attach the pump
o the stand b&h 3 inch galvanised pipe straps.

Water Tanks
The storage tank should be big enough

The pipe from the water supply to the

tank can be ordinary black plastic
pipe. This canes in different thick-
nesses. Measure the height from the
water so"rce to the tank. When you buy
the pipe, tell the supplier this height
so that you get the right pipe.

If you are an experienced builder, you
can build your own round tank from

k Bmmer a peg in the middle of the

tank and mark out circles for the
foundation trench.
3uilding the Walls the ground, make the walls 3Ocm higher
than the ground, so that dirt can not
run into the tank when it rains. Make
a roof for the tank Ln the same way as
the roof for a spring box (p ).

Build three pipes into the wall. The

outlet pipe, where you put the tap, Ferrocement Tanks
must be built lScm above the bottom.
The inlet pipe must be just below the
top of the tank. The overflow pipe must
be just below the level of the inlet

YOU can make smaller cement jars by

filling a bag with sawdust and
plastering it with cement. When the
cement is bard you can t&e the bag
some people build 'mderground brick out and use it to make other jars. The
tanks.. This keeps the water cooler and jars can be used for storing water or
food. Write to EDA for instructions on

brick tank

Building the dam wall Make the spillway on the side of the
The best soils for earth dams are wall where the floor of the dam is
sandy loams (see know your soil p 97). lowest. Pre** *tone* into the bottom
They have a small amount of clay in and sides of the spillway to prevent
them, which helps to m*e the wall erosion. Make a channel, also lined
*tiCSlg. with stones. to carry the water from
the'spillway back to the stream on
*en YOU have found the right soil, the other side Of the dam wall. Plant
make the foundation of the wall. The grass and reeds in the spillway and
wall must be built on rock I clay on both sides of the dam "all.
soil. If the wall is built on silt Or
sand, the wate+ will slowly empty OUt
from under the "all.

To build the wall, first clear away

plants and top soil using a txactcx
or an ox-dsam scraper. Then build
the dam wall in layers, putting
on 3ocm of soil at a time. The soil
must be damp and each layer must be
tramped down by walking *me oxen
over it a few times. The dam wall
m"*t slope gently.

Rockfill Dams
Rockfill dams are dams made out of
rocks, with a layer of concrete or
clay to stop water passing through
the dam "all. They have *tm*ger walls
than earth duns and they do not need
rock I
spillways. After heavy rains, the
water can flow over the dam wall with-
out washing it away. Rockfill dams
If the ground where you want to build mu*t be built "ith very big rock*,
the wall is not rock or clay you have which can not be washed away. Such
to dig a long trench, called a cut-off big rocks are difficult to build "ith.
trench. 'fhe cut-off trench mu*t be in sut if there are a lot of big rocks
the middle of the dam wall, and dug near where you want to build the dam,
down to rock or clay. If you can not it may be worthwhile to make a rock-
find rock or clay, ask an engineer for fill dam.
advice on how deep the cut-off trench
must be. The cut-off trench mu*+ be rock wall
filled with the same soil that will be
used for building the dam "all.

Making the Spillway

A spillway is a place on the side of
a dam "all a little lower than the
rest of the wall. *en the dam is
full after heavy rains, the "a&z can
flow out at the spillway instead of
flowing over the "all and causing

If you live near the se*, or near a
dam 01 river, you should learn bow
to catch fish. The best way to learn
about fishing is to find people who
know about fishing. They will be able
to show you how to catch fish, and
where the best places fox fishing are.

Fishing Lines
The easiest way to catch fish is with
a fishing line. All you need is some
nylon fishing line with a fish hook
on one end. you do not need a fishing Nets
rod. Put some earthworms or stiff Nets catch more fish than fishing
mealie meal onto the hook so the fish lines, but you need a permit fez a net.
will bite the hook. Ask for a permit from the Nature
Conservation Section of the Department
Tie a small stone or a piece of iron of Agriculture in you district.
onto the line to make it heavier. Then
swing it around your knead a few times There are lots of different kinds of
and throw the end with the hook into nets. One of the easiest to use in
deep water. This is where the fish are. dams is a gil.1 net. A gill net is
when you throw the line in, make sure made of thin nylon line. The top of
that nobody stands ciosr to you. the net has corks tied to itta make
it float on the water. The bott%has
when you feel a pull on the line, it weights to m&e the net hang down in
means a fish is biting. Let it bite the water. The net stays in the Water
hard, then give the line a quick pull all night. When fish try to swim
to book the fish. If you have hooked through the net, their heads are
the fish you will feel it on your line. caught in the holes and they cannot
pull the line in and take the fish off get out. Next morning you take them
the hook. out Of the net.

You can catch more fish if you tie

many short lines and hooks onto a long Fish Traps
piece 3f fishing 1ir.e and leave it in Fish traps made from reeds or chicken
the water. Tie one end of the line to wire are also good for catching fish.
a rock or a tree on the side of the Make a wire funnel and a wire drum
dam and tie a heavy stone on the with about 1 metre of chicken wire.
other end, to make it sink into the

fmmc c)
Pat the funnel inside the drum with
a small mealie meal sack on the other
end of the drum. Hang sane mealie
meal inside the trap. Tie the trap
to a iog SC t!xt it does not si* to
the bottom of the water and tie the
lag to a rock or a free on the side
Of the aam.

You can leave the ttap in the water

for a few hours or for the whole
night. The fish will swim in to get
the mealie meal and then they will
not be able to get Out.
Cooking Fish
You must clean and cook fish well other-
wise you can get worms C see p 326).
Before you cook a fish you m"st clean
it. C"t the fish underneath with a
sharp knife from the middle to the
head. Then take o"t all the parts that
you do not want to eat.

Most fish are covered with scale*. If

you want to boil or fry the fish,
scrape off the scales with a sharp
knife. If you want to cook the fish
on a fire, leave the scales on. The
fire should not be too hot. When the
fish is cooked, you can peel the
scales and skin off easily.
thicker? wire fish trap v/

It is easier to catch fish in summer Storing Fish

than in winter. Sometimes after the Fish stat to go bed about 2 or 3
first *unrmer rains you can see thou- days after they have been killed.
sands of fish swimming up a river. They will lest longer if you p"t
This happens only a few days in the some salt on them and hang them up
year. They ere going up the river to tO dry.
breed. it this time you can even catch
fish with your hands, or with buckets, You can keep fish fresh by keeping
or by hitting them with sticks. Do them alive. If you have a smell pond,
not try to catch all the fish. Let or a drum of water, put the fish into
some go ad breed so there will be it. DO this soon after you catch the
young fish next year. fish, otherwise it will die.

Making Water Safe to Drink

Diseases like bilharzia, cholera, Disinfection
typhoid and gastro-enteritis are all Disinfection is "sing chemicals to
caused by germs in water. To make kill all the germs in the water. Often
sure water does not have these germ*, people disinfect water after it has
it must be cleaned before you can been filtered, to make e"re it is
drink it or wash with it. completely safe.

The most common chemical for disinfec-

Boiling tion is chlorine. This method has to
Soiling is the be*t way to make water bedone carefully by somebody with
safe to drink. It kill* all the germs experience. For disinfecting a large
which carry diseases. B"t it takes a water supply, chlorine is put into the
long time and "*es up a lot of fuel. water as a gas. sut for small communi-
The water nust be boiled well for 10 ties, it is beet to "se chlorine tablets
minutes. Store the water in the *ame which are sold to clean swimming pools.
pot you boiled it in.

If you have to boil a lot of water, Filtration

you can make a boiler with an oil Filtration is passing water through
drum. Make a fire place for the oil very fine sand to get rid of germs.
dmm turned on its side. Screw a tap It is a good way to make water safe
into the bottom opening, andEmake an if boiling is too difficult. It can
opening in the top for steam to come get rid of most germs, including
out. bilharzia. But for water which might

carry serious diseases like cholera,
typhoid and gastro-enteritis filtra-
tion is not enough, you must boil the
water before drinking it.

The mo*t common filtration method is

a *low sand filter. The filter is a tank
with fine sand in it. The water filters
through the sand to another tank.
After some time, tiny plats start
to grow in the sand, and these make a
fine strainer which stops germs passing
through the filter. You can make a
small sand filter with an oii drum
or a larger filter in a brick tank.

If your water supply gives muday or An oil drum can be a small settling
dirty water, you can get much cleaner tank. If you leave water to *tam5 in a
water using a settling tank. This is a drum for 2 davs it will be clear and
large covered tank where the water can .many of the g&m* will be killed. After
*tmd still. The sand and silt *ettle 2 days you have to take the clean water
down to the bottom of the tank and the out of the settling tank and fill it
water becomes dear. again with dirty water.
-- ction
Most people in Sonth Africs~ do not cattle without overgrazing. When there
get good health care. May get sick was droirgbt, there was enough extra
and die from diseases like 7% and food to last until the rains came.
malnutrition. Rich peapIe get sick
from diseases like heart attarns and When the whites came to South Africa
"lcezs, but poor people die from these they took ever lots of the land. Slack
diseases. peqle were forced to live in crowded
places and work on the farms and
Because there is such a big difference mines and later in the factories. This
between rich and poox people in South was the beginning of the migrant
Africa, diseases of poor people are labour system which ccntrols workers
much more serio~ls. and breaks up families today.

A let cf other bealtb problems happen Many people get sick and die because
because of the violence used to keep they have no proper health care. There
up the systax; pobluns like alcoho- is a *hortage of clinics, n"r*e* and
li*m; *tabbirig*, shootings, suicides, doctors. Even without expensive
car accidents, factory and mine injur- education, there could be proper
ies . health care in rural area*. In sane
other countries in Africa where there
People are forced to live in over- are not enough doctors and n"r*es, a
crowded places wiL'--ot clean water few people in every village are trained
so they get diseases like cholera, to be heal,% workers. 'i"hi*type of
typhoid and g+*tro-enteritis. Tbxe health care is used in anly a few
who have job* get only a little money villages in South Africa. Health care
and they can not send enough money is done by mother* and grandmothers
hcxre to buy food. Those who stay at who struggle to look after children.
home Often do not IEive land to grow When they take their children co the
focd. Even if they do have land, they clinics the n"r*e* often tell them
they are bad moth*rs who wi.11 not
work and do not know how to look after
children. Some nurses do not under-
stand that sickness is not always a
mother's fault. It can be because of
Black people are forced to live only no money, no job?. no house* and no
in Certain places in South Africa. clean water. Many of the things which
They mu*t stay where the government make people's health suffer will no2 be
tells them to and because of pass solved until everybody has the*= things.
laws they are tiot free to live and
work where they want to. People also need information *bout bow
to be healthy and this part of the book
is for people who are working to keep
themselves and their communities healthy
How you becoma pregnant a soft place to grow. If the woman
Babies grow from the ovum of a woman does not become pregnant, the soft
and sperm of a man. The ovum and the inside of the womb is not needed and
sperm join together inside the woman's it comes out of the vagina as blood.
body "hen the mart and the woman have This is called menstruation or a
SEX. period. when a "Oman becomes pregnant
the soft inside of the womb stayr, so
she does not have periods.

How to know if you are pregnant

During pregnancy you will not have
monthly periods. But if your period is
late for one month, it does not always
mean you are pregnant. If you miss 2
periods, go to the clinic to find out
if you axe pregnant.

At about this time, your body begins

to change. Your breasts become sore
to touch, they grow bigger and the
nipples become darker. You will pass
water nwre oft :n. You may feel like
vomiting during the day, especially
when you wake up in the morning.
This is called morning sickness.

Constipation is when you can not shit
when you go to the toilet. If you
suffer from constipation you should
try to eat rocgh foods such as "nre-
fined mealie meal and whole wheat
bread instead of refined mealie meal
and white bread. Healie meal from
shops is refined. If you grind your
cwn mealie meal 0: get it milled by a
hammermill it is unrefined. You should
also try to eat as much fruit as
possible, but not bananas. You should
not take any medicines (laxatives) or
enemas to get rid of the constipation
because these could harm your baby.

Stomach Pains
You may feel sore pains in your
stomach from the baby's head pressing
on your bones. If the pains are very
sore, go to the clinic. Ycu should
feel the baby moving inside you. If
you never feel the baby mo"e, go to
the clinic.

Varicose Veins

Morning Sickness
A discharge is when wet stuff cane5
o"t of your vagina. It is normal to
have more discharge than usual during
pregnancy. If it looks char, there
is nothing to worry abut. some dis-
charges like thrush (see ~323) make
you very itchy. If the discharge iooks
green oz like sour milk, or if it
smells bad, it means there is an
infection and you must go to the

Urine infection
Many pregnant women get infection of
their win+. If you have a hurnmg
pain when you pass witer end if you
pass wat2z more often, go to the
clinic. This infection can cause the
baby to be bon> early if you do not
get medicine from the clinic for i~t.

HesT.hurn is also called indigestion.
It feels like a burning pain in your
chest. The heartburn will not be 50
sol-r if you eat 3 or 4 smaller meals
a day instead of 1 or 2 big meals.
Orin?cing rcilichelps some urnen with
heartixrn. otiers fee1 better if
they sleep almost sitting up with
their head ~2 some piliows or a rolled

Try to eat the best foods you can, so
that you will be strong and have a
healthy baby. YOU should eat as much
protein, vegetables and fruit as
possible. Be careful not to put on
too much extra weight because after
the t&y is born you will stay fat.

Try to drink at least 2 cups of milk

every dayl Milk gives your body the
extra protein and calcium it needs SD
that the baby will grow well. LO& at
nutrition (~311) for more information
on healthy food.
Rest and Exercise

m.ny women suffer a lot of pain during

birth. There are special exsrcCsea
far pregnant women which sake the
birth of the baby less painful. These
exercises make your Stomach mUscle*
st.ronger and teach you how to relax
during the birth.

rest with
legs up
one hour
Smoking and Drinking
Smoking is dangercus to everyones
health, but is even worse for pregnant
women. If you smoke "hen you are preg-
nant, it will also be dangerous to
your baby's health. The poisons from
the cigarette go into your bcd.y and
also into the boc7y of the unborn baby.
women who smoke have smaller babies
which get sick more easily. Even if
you are a regular smoker it wo"ld be
better if yoca stopped smoking while
yea aI pregrlznt, for the sake Of your
Medicines If possible, try M stop working
When you are pregnant it can be during the last 2 rnO"thS you are sreg-
dangerous to fake any medicines "ant. It is very tiring to work du;ing
even things like cmgh mixture or this time.
headache pills. Only take medicines
given to you by a d0Ctc.r or nurse.
iP you are akeady taking medicine Going to the Clinic
xh.e;lycu become pregnant, Check e.* Clinics have special days Ear pregnant
the doctor or i;.urs* to make *ur* it is wcme". They are called ante-natal days.
safe to carry on taking tha dming Wile you are pregnant you should go
pregnancy. to the ante-natal clinic one day a
Sometimes pregnant women also need
pills to keep their blood strong. They The work of the ante-natal clinic is
are called iron pills and you can to:
get them frm the ante-natal clinic.

caving a baby costs a lot of money.
YOU need money for tran*port to tile q Fixd nut any diseases which could
clinic and hospitai. You need money cwse problems in pregnancy, for
to buy clothes far the baby, Mo*t exzmple venereal disease. Many warien
South Africans are short of money. do not know thy have a disease until
It is difficult to *a"* money for they go for a check up at the ante-
having a baby. In some countries like natal clinic.
Mozambique and Tanzania, the
govemmsnt helps pregnant women with 0 Find out amI pr.s"ent any problems
money. In South Africa, pregnant womzn which could happen during tbhe birth of
do not get support from th* gcverment thebay.
oz enp1oyers. Many wmen lose their
jobs because they become pregnant. Scme women need spscial ante-natal
If you have serious problems with treatment tn make sure that they stay
money when you are pregnant you can well during pregnancy and have a
scaletime* get help from your local healthy baby:
social worker.

If you have a job where you pay mx~ey

every week to the Unemployment.Insur-
ante Fund, you can claim your wages
while you take time off to have a baby.
Iwa!z at U.I.P.(p 375) to find out
*cut maternity Denefits.
At the ante-natal clinic, ask the
nurse whatever you want to know about
prignancy, childbirth or lo0kir.g after
bakes. The nurse's job is to help
mothsrs. so ask her any questions you

E--G? wiman can have her baby in a

clinic or hospital. At the clinic
there are nurses and Cocto~* to help
if anything goes wrong. when you go
to the ante-catal clinic they will
tell you when to come in to have your
baby. You will know when the baby i*
ready to be born when any of the**
things happen:

PA little blood 2nd sticky mucus

comes out of your vagina.
*Your 'waters' bursr - a Lot Of .water

b YOU feel cramps (sore pams) on*

after another, with the same amount of
the in between them. .%t first they
will be moxe than 20 minutes apart,
later they will become quicker.

1f you are alrmdy at the clinic or

hospital or if you can get there
within a few hours your baby can be
born there. If not, you will have to
give birth to your baby at home.

Wcz_en who have bad any 3 these dis-

sases must also have ante-natd treat-

@ ifigb blood pressure

b sugar disbetes
t- sladds OL kidney iofectio::
!+ wart disease

It is very important that these Wane"

gc to the anttna+al clinic right
t??ough their pregna.,cy. Many problems
uxld be *clved if every pregnant
*sm.an went to the ante-nat3.1 clinic
eve2 mo"+h.
e that3 St a Clinic 0T
be no doctors OF- mu
goes wrong during t
it is much to have your baby a I
or clinic and iF the birth goes well, you
one or two days.

Sometimes, espcially with women who have alwady had

children, there IS no time to get to t clinic oP ~o~~~~~.
Then tbte baby must be born at home.

As soon as you know the baby must be born at home, cpt

t e things v

* Ctan sheet
* Newspapers
* Boiling water
* Clean cloths
- Two c.\eavl towels
* Sharp scissors or
sharp knife or
VBW vazor blade
e Two pieces QF string

er women. ehe
h. Some .will
after the ba
use they will be us
ad cut the mmbil~cal cord whd~ joins the

Wash the mother with a clean cloth which

has been soaked in boiling water. IF you
~&VIZ Dettol or bvlon, put B little bit
into the water

The smother &ou\d \ie or sit on the sheet in a corn-

Fatable position. She should d her knees up towarrlc-
he- chest ati breathe nor

st not push ha
the head B little

our is when Me

e placenta comes out.


its ~DSBtcz get out a~~~~~~

-ITlen blow veq4 softly into
mQuth Lmt;i~it starts b

You can see that the

baby is healthy if its
tongue is bright pink
nd iF its hands and Feet

You will 58e that the Cod which joins

* baby and the mother is fat and
beating Eike a heart. Do not cut it
yet. Wait. AFter one minute the
Cod wilt stop beating and will
become thvl md white. Tie one
piece of string in the middl
of the cord and then tie

the two pieces OF st

with the new razor
Wrep $3~ baby in something clean and Warni, like a towel. To
inhe bmels wevm, put them around a hot ketttle. Now you
can we5h %he by with warm water. Make sure that the baby
does not get cold.

drink its mothers

This is good for the
er When the baby suck5
ask it helps the womb
is means there is less
east milk will ma

Now the mother must try to push out the placenta

v&i&~ is sti\fin&k hen lhis should come out after 20 or 36
minutes. IF it does not come out after -+ominutes, them is
something wrong and you must call the nurse.

mother will Fed a pain inside her when the placenta

comes out OF her womb. The cord will suddenly become
must push the placenta out. When the
pkenka has come out, rub the mothers stomach
a little with your hands until you feel the womb
nside get tight. If the mother bleeds a lot,
it is very important to fetch the nurse
quickly. While the nurse is ,on her way, it
will help to stop the bleedln
the mothers stomach a little

When the baby has been washed and

Wrapped up warmly, give it to the mother
Sic&hat it CZWI suck her breasts again.
FTE -\
Newborn babies need lots of care. They must be
kept warm and fed often. They must learn to
suck and their mothers must learn how to
breastfeed them. If the babys life starts ~41
it will be healthier when it grows bigger.

YOU will know if the baby is healthy if he or she feeds and

SM& well and sleeps for a few hours after Feeding. New

babies should pass water and do dark green shits within

24 hours aFter being born. Most babies lose
weight for a few days after they are born,
but then they start to gain weight. -Take the
baby to the clinic as soon as possible to be
weighed, so you will know if it is healthy
and Sdfning weight. If the baby gets
yellow a Few days after being born, t&r
it to the clinic quickly.

Put methylated spirits on the babrys

cord 3 times a day tintit thecord
fdls off.

mere are L ways Of feeding your baby.
The best way is breastfeeding.

The other way is feeding with a cup

and spoon or a bottle. It is only good
for mothers ho can not breastfeed.

The best food that a baby can get is

breast milk. It has everything that
the baby needs to become healthy and
strong and to protect it against
How to breastfeed

Fcx the first few days, the milk which

cc,mesout Of the breasts Will be
yellow. This yellow milk is very good
for the baby to drink. This milk has
things in it which stop the baby from
getting sick. After the third or
fourth day, it will begin to look
white. It does not look as thick as
cow's milk, but it is much better for
the haby than any otlx?rmilk or food.

Breastfeeding should carry on until Problems with breastfeeding

the baby is *out nine months old. when you start to breastfeed your
At the age of nine months, tie baby Laby, your bieasts car,ljeciriir
will be old enough to learn how to and sore. TO stop the soreness, rub
drink frcsn a cup. Bilt if you have your breasts and squeeze out some
enough breast milk and enough time, milk before the baby begins to suck.
it is good to carry on breastfeeding
until you want to stop. Make swe that the baby does not suck
on the nipple only. The baby must
take part Of the breast around your
nipple intc its mouth. This will help
the miik to come out and your breast
will not be so sore.

Mothers with large nipples sometimes

find that breastfeeding is painful
because the baby has to suck hard to
get milk. These m&hers must squeeze
hard around the nipples to get some
milk out before the baby starts suck-
ing .
You can squeeze milk out of youzc
breasts and leave it for somebcdy to Some mothers' nipples are
small and
feed to the baby while you are at flat so the baby cannot suck
work. This milk must be kept in a It is important for these mothers to
cc01 place or in a fridge. You can carry on with breastfeeding. The more
still breastfeed the baby before you the baby sucks, the more milk will
leave for wcrk in the morning aad come.
This is how you can see if you have
enouyb breast milk. Press your nipple
between your finger and thumb. If the
milk does not squirt out. it means that
your body is not makiny enough milk
for your baby. So you mtz,t feed your
baby with other milk as well as a11
the brehst milk you have.

Usually, if your baby seems happy

and is gaining weight, it means you
have enough breastmilk. Sometimes,
the milk Comes slowly for the first
few days after birth. Usually, the
"0 not let your nipples stay wet in more you breastfeed, the more milk
between feeds, otherwise they wj 11 your body makes.
crack and become sore. If milk' cones
out of the breasts when your baby is Many people believe that if you have
not drinking, press your hands 5ex during the time your are bmast-
against your nipples for a few feeding, the milk will be poisoned.
minutes. P*t a clean cloth inside y-our Many older people say this is true.
bra to soak up the milk and change it In the olden days it was a good way
when it is vet. Of stopping people from hewing too
mmy babies one after the other'. This
sometbles your breasts become red and belief forced. people to wait until
sore and they feel hot. This can make they were not breastfeeding before
you feel sick with a headache and hot they started having sex and becoming
and cold a11 OYer. YOU may also feel pregnant again. Today we have other
like vomiting. When this happens we ways of preventing pregnancy without
say that tie breasts are inflamed. *topping sex, so it is alright to
You must go to the :linic to yet have sex if you are breastfeeding.
medicine. Put a clean cabbage leaf some wcmen who have sex when they are
inside your bra. This will help to breastfeeding do not become pregnant,
make the inflamation go away. Put a but it is not a sure way of preventing
new cabbayr. leaf in after every feed. pregnancy. Look atp 352to find out
If only one breast is inflamed, you how to prevent pregnancy.
can still feed the baby from the other
breast. If ~o'cb breasts are inflamed
try to carry on feeding your baby as Winds and Colic
much as you can. If the baby is not When babies suck milk they also suck
getting enough milk, feed it with in air. When the baby has finished
cow's silk until your breasts are not drin!cing sit it up straight and rub
sore. its back so that the air, called
'winds', come out. If you do not do
Some mothers chi* that if they stop this, the winds will give the baby a
breastfeeding for a few days, the sore tummy. Sometimes when the winds
breast milk is bad and they cannot are very bad the baby cries all the
breast fed their babies again. This time, and has a lot of pain. This is
is not true. The milk inside the called colic. Doctor* da not know the
breasts is always fresh, so even if cure for colic.
you have not been breastfeeding for a
few days the milk is fresh and good
for the baby.

Usually your breast milk is enough

food for your baby. But if the baby
seems hungry all the'time, it may be
that you do not have enough milk. If
this happens give the baby other milk
a~ well as breast milk.
Artificial Feeding
Zztificial feeding is giving a baby
milk with s bcttls or a cGp and spoon.
Hany different kinds of milk are used
for artificial feeding. Fre*h mJ.lk,
powdered milk, skimmed milk, condensed
milk, and special baby milks like
liespray, SM.%, Lactcgen or S26 all come
from COWS. Special baby milks are more
expensive but fresh cow's milk is just
as good and breast milk is the be*t of
all. The factor&* which make baby
milks want to get your money. They
advertise on the radio and they have
pictures at clinics and shops and in
books. These pictures show beautiful
healthy babies. They make you think
that if you buy that milk your baby
will also be beautiful and healthy.

Some mothers cannot breastfeed. They

have to go back to jobs in places
far away from where the baby is
stayiny. others do not have enough
breast milk to feed the baby. So these
mothers mu*t use artificial feeding.

Artificial feeding is expensive. You

must buy milk and bottle* or cups and
spoons, and Jik bleach to keep them Put all the things used for feeding
clean. Many mothers Can't afford the baby into this water, and leave
these things, so babies get Sick with *em there for cne hour. After one
runny tummy and vomiting from dirty ho"= they will be ready for feeding
bottles. They can even die. Many the baby. Rinse them in water before
mothers have to spend a long time feeding.
going to coiiect extra water for
washing bottles and firewood to You must sterilise before every feed.
boil water. AS socn as the baby ha* been fed "a*h
ali the things with soap and then
sterilize them. When the baby is six
What you need months old you do not need tr, steri-
You will need a bottle or a cup and lise feeding things. But they must
*pm* for feeding the baby. It is still be washed well with soap.
better to "se a c"p and spoon because
it is very difficult to keep a bottle
clean. Powdered Milk
Powdered milk is cow's milk which has
Try to wash all the feeding things very been dried in a factory so that
well with soap and water every time it doesn't have any water in it. You
you use them. If you have enough time make it into milk for your baby by
and money, you should also sterilise adding water. Until your baby is 9
the feeding things every day. Sterilis- months old, us* only full-cream
ing means mking them very clean by powdered milk. After 9 months you can
soaking tbeln in bleach *o all the "** skimmed milk. There are many kinds
germs are killed. af powdered milk, all with different
names. Some are more expensive than
Put 1% litres of boiled water and others, but they are nearly the same,
4 teaspoons C*e* HOW to weigh and they all come from cows. You should
Measure p 129) of bleach into the buy the cheapest one. Then you can
bucket. Make new bleach water spend the money on other good food
every day. for the baby like fruit and eggs.

Fresh Milk
Babies can drink fresh cow* milk, but
mixing milk feed it must be kept very cool so that it
does not 40 SOUL-. fresh milk is too
Stion9 for a new baby so it must be
mixed with water which has been boiled

Until the baby is 1 month old, the

mixture must be 2 parts cowls milk to
1 part water. After the baby is i
month old, it can start to drink
fresh cow'* milk without water. To
make the milk easier fox the baby to
drir' it must be heated for a few
min& ~, and then cooled dawn just
How to mix powdered milk before the baby drinks it.
You must mix the pawdered milk with
boiled water which has been cooled
down. If you do not boil the water Tinned Milk
your baby can get sick. Mo*t tins Evaporated milk, like Carnation and
have a plastic spoon inside for Ideal, can also be used for feeding
measuring the milk powder. Mix or.e babies. Read the instructions on the
spoon of powder with every 2501 of tin and be careful not to make the
water. Baby bottles have lines marked milk too r;eak or too *trong.
on '&em and each line is 25ml. Zf you
are feeding with a cup and spoon, mix Condensed milk is tco *wet for babies,
6 teaspoons with k Cup of water. DO so it is not good for them.
not add more water to the milk powder.
This will m&e the milk too weak and
the baby will get sick. Many mothers Startingto eat other foods
do not have enough money to buy milk Many mothers give little babies
so they add more water to make the porridge. This is not good because
milk last longer. Then the baby is they yet sick and have runny tummies.
just drinkmg water, and will yet They are not ready to eat porridge or
sick. Do not add too much milk powder baby cereals like Nestum or Csrelac
to the water because this will make until they are about 4 to 6 months old.
the milk too strong and ti+ baby will The baby can *tart to drink fruit
yet a runny Stom.Ch.~ juices as well as cows milk when it is
about 2 months old. Squeeze the jllice
Pcndered milk is not as sweet as out of any fruits you have and give
breast ailk, so you mu*t put in some them to the baby by spoon. DO not
sugar for babies zntil they are 3 give babies sugar water to drink be-
months old. Put in 1 flat teaspoon of cause it gives them a runny tummy. If-
sugar for every loan1 Of water you the baby is hungry OI thirsty, give it
mix. milk. Make *"re the cup and spoon are
vsry Clean.

Where to get powdered milk If you can get vitamin medicine like
If you can get powdered miik or baby Vidalin free from the clinic, give
food from the clinic it i* better than your baby 1 teaspoon a day
buying it frcaa the shop. Some mother*
can yet milk free of charge from the Give the baby 1 new food at a time.
clinic if they are very poor. Ask the Wait for about a week before giving
clinic nurse about cheap milk and the baby another new food.
free milk. The government helps *ome
clinics to pay for milk, 80 that the When the baby is about 3 month* old
clinic can sell it cheaply to people. it can start to eat mashed fruit and
It is in a plastic bag not in a tin "eyetables and eyys. Ma*h the food
because bags are cheaper than tins. up with a fork so that it is very soft
and has no lumps. If the food is not At 6 months old, the baby can *tart to
mashed the baby can choke. DO not eat bread, beans and peas as well as
waste money on special b&y foods like porridge, mashed fruit and vegetables,
Purity. Rather buy vegetables for the eggs and milk.
family and mash a little for the baby.

At about 4 months, the baby can start

to eat porridge. Fesd it mealie meal
porridge, not special baby porridge
like Nesturn or Cerelac. These baby
porridges are expensive. Rather buy
mealie meal and spend the extra money
on fruit or vegetable* or eggs. Always
breastfeed before giving the baby
porridge. Mix peanut butter or chop- After 9 months, the baby cm drink
ped up pexmts or 1 teaspoon of oil skimmed milk instead of full-cream
with the porridge. milk.

Eating the right food

For children and adults to be healthy ta Protection foods Cvitaminsl are
they nust eat different kinds of food foods like fruit and vegetables. They
every day. If you eat only 1 kind of Protect your body from sickness.
food, for example only meelie-meal, Vegetables with dark green leaves
you will gzt sick with malnutrition like imifino or marago and spinach
diseases like kwashiorkor and pellagra. are the best protection foods. They
Many south African* suffer from these are better thbn light green vegetables
diseases because they do not have like cabbage. Yellow vegetables like
enouyh food. pumpkins, squash and carrot* and
yellow fruit like pawpaws and bananas
There are 3 kinds of food you need are also good protection foods.
every day. TO grow properly you need
some food every day from all 3 kinds.
If you eat foods from only 1 or 2 of For example, these foods will make
the groups, you will be Sick and weak a child healthy if he or *he eat*
and you will not grow properly. them every day.
I cup mealie meal
@ Eneryy foods (carbohydrates and 2 slices brown bread
fats). These are foods like mealie- 2 cups milk
meal, bread, sugar, fats and oil. 2 spoons dry beans or peanuts
They give you energy to work and to 2 spoons *amp
grow. 3 spoons cooked spinach or imifino/
m Building foods ~proteins~. These slaroya .
axe foods like milk, beans, eggs, If your child eats these foods every
peanuts, chicken. fish and meat. The? day, he or she will grow well and be
help your body to grow strong. strong and healthy.
Kwazonke uphiie: Feed yourself so you can be healthy
Kwasup we try to have a the child must have all
place "here the mothers three types of food. We
of malnourished children tell the mother that if
can come in with their she leaves out one of
children. If they are the three types of food
too sick they fir*t have it'* like breaking one
to be treated at the leg off a cooking pot.
hospital. They come in Wher. one leg breaks, you
with their mothers so CannOt use that pot
that the mothers can see anymore, it's just fit
what we do her* and then to be thrown away, like
carry it on in their own your child, if you leave
homes. outdone type of food,
your child will be fit
. what do you teach them to beburied.
ODO you encourage them
They do all the work to use powdered milk?
themselves - they col-
lect their own wood for We try to avoid it. We
fires, *tamp their own base our feeding on what
medies. They sleep on the "omen can produce
whatever they prefer - themselves through eggs
some prefer beds, some and gardening. We show
prefer grass mats, *me them how to use their
prefer empty sackings. own cow's milk, if they
The reason we do this is have a cow, or *"en
we want them to fee: at goat's milk. But we do
home, we're trying to demautrate the mixing
make the conditions re- of milk powder so that
semble their home ccm- whoever hasn't got fresh
ditions. We cook outside milk can know how to mix
with iron pots. We en- powdered milk without
courage this because it blunder*. We encourage
resembles the type of powdered skim milk, which
pots they are 'used to, is cheaper than full
and moreover there is cream powdered milk and
iron in the pot* which has more protein. We us.e
they need for their Pronutro as well because
bodies. When we talk to those who have no garden
them about protein will need it when they
foods, we talk about go home while they are
beans, eggs, and Jabula establishing their gar-
soup, because Jabula is dens.
the cheapest soup. we
don't talk about meat . DO you only teach them
because we use meat in about food?
our homes very occasion-
ally, like when we We al*0 teach them hmd-
slaughter a pig. When we work. we encolxage them
talk about vitamins we to use their own mater-
OWhy do you call this talk about imifino, ial so that when they go
place Kwazup? *pinach and pumpkin. home they can say to
When we talk about their friends 'I made
The place is calLed *tax.& it's maize, brown this myself'. we prefer
Kwazonke Uphile, meaning bread and potatoes. we to use what people think
'feed yourself so you give only three examp- is useless, and make
can be healthy' although les of each type of food that useful. For in-
we callit Kwamp for ana tell them *at for stance we've got a tree
short. NOW here at our your child to grow well, here which give* us some
have 10 to 15. It could
be a good sign. It could
also be that they don't
want to go to the
clinics with their
swollen babies because
they know they will be
Sent to the Kwasup. BUf
once they are here they
laok very happy. I can
hear them dancing ee
from my house. The do=-
tars here say there is
definitely less mal-
nutrition in *is
district because of
the Kwazup.

1nae walls. how to chop

Sometimes they want to down trees to make
SC azz arrazge latter* Fnn,-inn
__..__.. T+ Ancn~t
i_ __ -__I.. j&r,
at home after they've to be a big garden. just
bee" discharged from the something about the. size
wads. when they Come Of a *ma11 room. I'm try-
back I compare the . DO you get more ing to plant into their
weights and see what's children admitted in minds the idea that they
been happening at how?. the winter? should go and collect
This tells me how much manure outside in the
the mother ha* grasped Yes I *i* so. From "elfi. Fortunately the
of what she "a* told by March to May last year scil here is very fer-
the staff nurse in the we didn't have *my ;C- tile, we grow a lot Of
Wards. In fact if any- mission*. I think it's mealies here. It keeps
boiy fro* the K"a*"p because everything's us going all the year
asks for permission to green am3 there are a rouncl.
go home for a week, 1 lot of wild vegetables,
grant that willingly green mealies and pump-
because this is a *art kins. When things start
Of followup. If the going off about Jum, we
Child's weight has start getting admissions.
improved at home during Last year we had about
that week I don't have five in June.
to keep that one in The problem is that his
because she knows what area is All Saints. He
she's doing. She can go visits everyone in All
home the same day if Saints, but the other
theres a bus. Oh I'm son-y I forgot to locations do not belong
mention it. we teach to him. NOW the thing is
them gardening. When you that very few of the
talk about gardening wumen Who COrnC to the
they say "We have no KwJsup are from All
material* for fencing". Saints, because they're
I say. "why don' t you 50 close to the hospi-
buy materials". They tal. They feed well, so
say. "We have no money". we don't have more than
So we she" them huw to one woman a year from
use stones and mud to All Saints.
Under 5 Clinics
The work of Under 5 Clinics is to make Road to Health Chart
sure that babies grew up 'co be strong, When you take your baby to the clinic
healthy children. for the first time, the nurse will
write a card and give it to you. This
You must take your children to the card is callea Road to Health Chart.
under 5 clinic from the time they On one side of the chart there are 2
are born until they are five years lines which look Like a road. Avery
old. This will help them tc grow well time you take the child to the clinic,
and will he& to stop thcl from the nurse weighs it and writes the
getting diseases like TB, tetanus, weight on the card. If the weight is
measles and malnutrition. Each time right for the child's age, it will be
you go to the olir.ic they will weigh inside the 2 lines of the road. This
your child to see if he or she has means the child is eating well and
grown a little bit *ince last time. growing properly. If the weight is
If the child ha* not grown Were is too low, the nurse will write it
something wrong and the clinic nurse underneath the lines of the road. This
will try to help you. T&a babies means the child is not growing well.
every month until they are about 6 If you take your children to the
months Old. The" t&e them every 2 clinic regularly, you will know
mcnths until they are 2 years old. straight away if they start to lose
Then every 4 months until they are weight and stop growing. Take babies
5 years Old. every month until they are about 6
.mo"ths old. Then take them every 2
Some clinics give free vitamin iced- months until they are 2 years old.
icines .rllich help children to grow tile" every 4 months until they are
strong. Some sell milk and baby 5 years old. If you take your children
porridge cheaply or give it free to regularly until they are 5 years old,
mothers who can not afford it. Ask and not only when they are sick, it
at your clinic about these things. will help to *top them getting sick.
Disease Age

m Before 1 mOnth*, 6
years, 12 years.

Diptheria 3 months, 4# months,

6 months, 2 years.
6 years. I

Whooping Cough 3 months, 4% months,

6 nm*th*.

Children must get different injections

at differ.:t ages. FCC most sicknesses,
you must have more than one injection.

when your child goes to school, the

teacher will ask for iris clinic card.

Scoletimes, if children do not have

this card. they cannot go to school.

It is very important for all children

to 70 to the Under 5 Clinic until they
are 5 years old and ready to go to

It will be a big struggle to solve

these problems and might take a long
time. I" the meantime, there aYE some
things which parents and other people
in the comunity can do to help 9~0~
these diseases from spreading. For
example, we can make sure children do
not die fmm scrioua illnesses like
mearrles and tetanus by caking Lhem to
the clinic for free iaununisations. we
can also help to stop rhildren from
getting a runny stomach and vomiting
by keeping dirt and flies away from
food and eating things and by digging
flyp'roof pit toilets (see p 5041.
and arms and fat, swollen stomachs.
When you take them to the under 5 clinic
to be weighed, you *ee the child has
not grown since the last time it was
at the clinic. When the nurse writes
the weight on the Road TO Health Chart,
it is not inside the lines of the road,
it is underneath. The child also seems
weak and often get* sick with a runny
Marasmus stomach, vomiting and colds and easily
*%x**6iusis 5kiencbLldre* do not have gets serious diseases like measles and
enough food. Tneiz whole bodies look TB. Sometimes they get *ores on their
very thin and they are very weak. They legs and at the corners of their mouths
are SO weak *at they cannot move a and their hair gets thin and reddish
lot ox pl*y iike heaithy children. in colour. Sometimes they seem unhappy
They oftex look aid and wrinkled like and cry a lot.
old people and their skin is dry.
Their faces are very *in with sunken You can help to prevent kwashiorkar and
cheeks ~"6 big eyes. marasmus if you:

q Make
sure that all yourchildren,
Kwashiorkor not just your baby, have enough good
Kwashiorkor is when children get foad, food. This means that children must
but &a not get the right food. For not just have mealie meal, they must
=.I+ utey *ht *Gj~ me*lir-meai irave different kinds of food* like
with no vegetables and no protein milk, fruit and vegetables as well
like tilk, beans or eggs. They look fat a* mealie meal.
because their bodies are swollen.
especially the strwach and legs. The 8 Lnmunise children against diseases
skin gets 60?zes *"a starts to peel like TB and measles. Children with
Off. meir skin gets pale and they malnutrition catch these disease* very
get *ore* at the corners of their easiljj.
mouths. ?k hair may become reddieh and
straight and break easily. Tnese child- q Stop runny *tom*ch
and vomiting
ren are also ileak and they seem to sickness by keeping everything clean.
be a little bit mad. They cry a lot
ana do not w.2r.t to eat. They get a q Never give chiidren *nemas.
runny Sizo3DaCh often.
WI Go to the clinic regularly to *ee
if your children are growing well.
Carry on with the clinic until they
are five years old.

Gastro-enteritis is a serious sickness of
small children. It makes them have

HOWaastro-enteritis SW

=Peoplewho have gastro-

enter&e go M the toilet
but do not wash their
hands when they have

*Th?n they prepare Food.

The gastro-enteritis
passesFrom their
dirty hands to the

=Gastro-enteritis can
also qet onto food from fli
*Fliescan leave gastro-enteritis on cups,
feeding bottles and spoons so many
bables gastro -enteritis

Babieswho are
breast fed do not aet
gaitro-enteritis so easily.

eYoucan also qet gastro-enteritis

from dirty river water People
who live near rivers often put
their rubbish into the river
Sometimes they ?hit in the river
people drink the water they get gastro-enteritis. 64

r What To Do
When children qet qastro-enteritis they lose a lot of
water and salt because of diarrhoea and vomit-
ing. The most important thing is to make them
&i;k more water and salt, otherwlse

m Make medicine by adding I_

n pinch of salt, I pinch of cooklng
soda(bicarb) and a teaspoon
of sugar to a cu of boiled
water which has Iiteen cooled
down. A pinch is when you pick
Up some salt or soda between your
first Finger You must @iJ the water
the child can get more sick.
Children die from gastro-enteritis because all the water
comes out of their bodies with the vomitinq and diarrhoea.
Their bodies dry out. To stop the dryinq out. you must ive
the child thus medicine during the whole day av\d night 2or 3
\ I
, 7
As one cup is finighed, make another cup. Even if
ihe child is not thirsty ar\d does not want to drink
the medicine, force the child to drink.

If you are giving the medicine

to a baby, use a spoon.

ee if the childs body is drying out,

because It will have dry skin and
gue, a so+% sunkm place on
OF its- head, sunken eyes, or
skin stays up In a ium
when you pir.oh it. I
has any of these things
wronq, go to the clinic
straqht away.

L&& On t;hq second day

zarry on IVIM~ the child this
medic-e 2 uring the whole day
and night. If the child does
not qeb better on this day, he
or she must get to the clrnic
The child can also drink milk or soup but must not eat an$hngj

Carry on giving the medicine.

e child can also drink milk or
soup and cam eat some porridge.
How to txevent Gastro-enteritis
oB~II all drinking water from riVeP~ open wells

.Keep flies away from Fbod by covering it up.

*Never shit near a place where you get wat@r. It

is Mach healthier to make a pit toilet.

*Do not empty rubbish into

-Breast feed your baby if possible

+ep ail baby things like bottles and spoons very clean.
\ /

Whooping Cough

What itis

This sickness makes children weak so

they can easily get malnutiition.
What to do You mu5t keep the child in bed lying
The best thing to do i* teke every on its tummy with it5 head down. If
child for 3 immunisation injections its head is down, the child will not
(see p 3161. Children who are imunised choke when coughing. Take the Child
usually do not get dmoping cough. If to the clinic to get medicine as SOOn
a child who has been immunised does as it gets whooping cough.
get whooping cough, the coughing will
not be very bad and will not last for Probably if a child is not immunised
a long time. she or he will get whooping cough.

Thrush and Cystitis

What to de
The easiest way to get rid of thrush
is with a mixture of Gentian Violet
and &SC. YOU can get a small bottle
of Gentian Violet at the chemist or

Babies Cystitis
Put a few drops of Gentian Violet Thousands of women suffer from cystitis.
into the baby's mouth every day. It is a painful bladder infection
If ycy are breastfeeding the baby which makes a burning pain~when you
put Gentian Violet on your nipples. pass water. You feel like passing
vmter all the time and sometimes the
burning pain is so bad that you can
Women not walk.
Put a mixture of half Gentian Violet
and half water into a very clean
plastic squeeze bottle. Squirt this What to do
mixture into your vagina three times Chvp up 3ome fresh parsley or use
a day for five days. The trouble with dried parsley and mix it into a pot
Gentian Violet is that it is a dark of hot water. Drink this parsley tea
purple colour and can stain skin and one cup after another. The burning
clothes. pain will stat to get better after
one day of dri*ing the parsley tea.
After 2 days the cystitis will be
better. You can also buy citro-sotia
medicine at the chemist to stop the
burning, but it might not work as well
as parsley tea. You can go to the
clinic for pills.

Cystitis comes back again and q-in.

If the infection does not begin to If you suffer from it, grow some
go away in three days. go to the parsley in a pot or in your garden or
clinic. keep some ciried parsley in a bottle.

Headlice are very small insects which
live on your head ad make it very
itchy. They lay headlice eggs on
your hair.

What to do
Pat paraffin all 0ver your hair
right down the skin. Make swx that
you are away from fires and cigarettes
when you do this.

Leave the paraffin on for about two

hours and then wash it off with soap.

After ten days, do this again, to

make sure that all the headlice eggs
are also killed.

A person who has scabies has many red
pimples all 0ver the body. The pimples
are very itchy especially at night.
sometimes the pimples haYe yellow pus
in them.

Scabies is caused by a very small in-

sect. it is so small that you canmt
see it and you cannot feel it when it
goes into your &in. When it gets into
your skin it lays its eggs there and
*is makes your skin Very itchy. When
you scratch, the scabies spreads all
over your bcdy.

Usually, if one person in a family

has scabies, everyone in the family
vi3 catch it. If you tech the person
or if yuu much their clothes OT
blankets you get scabies. If some
people in a camunity get scabies,
it can quickly spread TV everybody.
To get rid of scabies, every family
must treat it at the same time.
What to do
The best medicine is Ascabiol cream
which you cm get at any chemist or
clinic. With *is cream you can get
rid of scabies in 2 days.

oay 1: Just before going to bed put

the Ascabiol cream all over you,
even where you can't see pimples, but
not on your face. I.&Z it dry. The
next morning "ash yOurSelf vezy well.
wash the sheets, blankets am3 clothes
you had on d;uing the night. Leave
your mattress outside in the eun if
possible. Wash all the clothes you
have wcrn sirre you first got

oay 2: Before going to bed put the

cream on again and wash it off when
you get up. This time you don't have
to wash all your blankets and clothes.

1f the scabies pimples get pus (yellow

stuff) in them, they are infected. All
infected sores must be cleaned 3 tines
Another treaker~t is to wash your- a day with salt water and painted with
self, all your clothes, sheets and centian Violet or Mercurochrome. B0t1:
blankets with Tetmasol soap. This of these medicines are cheap at *toTeE
treatment is not as god as Ascabiol, anci chemists. If the infection does not
but it is cheaper. get better, go to the clinic for pills.

Many people in South Africa are forced Thread worms Thread worms live
to live in overcrowded places without inside people. Sometimes they are
proper houses and toilets. It is easy called pin wornI*. They lay worms out-
for people who live in these places to side yoilr anus. This makes your bum
get worms. itchy and when you scratch, the worm
eggs get onto your hands. when you
Round worms DOJS, pigs and other touch food, the worm eggs get onto
animals often have round worms which the food. If you eat the food you get
iire inside them and lay worm eggs more thread worms. If other people eat
which come out with the animals shit. the fad, they alSO get thread worms.
These worm eqggs are so ma11 that you
can't see them, but children can get
them on their hands when they play
outside. If they don't wash their
hands before they eat, the warm eggs
get intc their mouths with their feed.
The eggs then grow into worms in
their tummies.

If children do not wash their hands

after going to the toilet, the worm
eggs will go onto the food that they
touch. If other people eat the food
they will also get worms.

round ~cwn-i

Hook wbrms I~O& WXDJ eggs CODE OUT

in shit from people and animals. They
stay on the ground in shady pl?ces,
but they are so small that you can not
see them. when you'walk on the ground
with bare feet, they get into the skin
of yaw feet. Hook worms m&e you pale
and weak with a sore stomach.

Tapeworms people get tape worms

from the meat of pigs, cows and other
animals. The tape worm eggs are in
the meat and if it is not cooked well,
a person eats the tape worm eggs and
thy grow into tape worms inside him
01 her.

Tape worms grow very long inside your

stwach. Smetimes a small piece, about
as big as your baby finger nail, breaks
Off and you find it in ycmr pants. Tape
worms can be dangerous and make you
very sick, so get medicine quickly
or go to the clinic.
What to do worm syrup is a cheaper medicine but
The best medicine is Vermox pills, but it does not kill all kinds of worms.
it is expensive. Children with WOImS ES& the bottle to see how much to
mst t&e two pills a day for three take. If you take too much it is
days. poisonous.

wosh hods before

eatjnq ond after
YDI~G- to the

Ringworm and Eczema

Rinmrxm and Eczema are skin diseases ringworm
that make ycu itch. When yo" scratch
the itchy skin, it m&es the disease
spread to other places on yo"r bdy.

Ringworm makes a round itchy place cm

your skin in the shape of a ring.
Sometime* children get ringworm on
their heads. You cm see it because
the hair stops growing. Usually people
get ringworm from touching other
people who have ringworm, but you can
also get it from dog,*, cat*, and
cattle. You can sometimes get rid
of ringworm by washing the itchy eczema
places very well every day with soap
and water. otherwise you must 40 to
the clinic or chemist to get medicine
to put on the itchy places.

Eczema makes itchy patches on your

body. These patches get so itchy that
you cannot help scratching and some-
times you Cannot even sleep. some
doctors think that ecsema is caused
by worryiw. To get rid of ecze*, go
to the clinic to get medicine to put
on it.
They want to be healthy but the trouble is water
C3 How did the village * what do you do for
health r'orker scheme diarrhoea and vomiting?
start iAnd how did you
come to take part in it? They showed us how to
make that stuff. we make
The Studente from SAVS it with sugar and salt
at Wits University came and water. We feed it
to have a meeting. Those with a mug. If somebody
who were interested in has got a child with
health writ went to the diarrhoea and vomiting
meeting. Eight of us they come to us. we do
volunteered. that mixture for them,
and show them how to make
.what happened after it.
the first meeting?
. Whar_ is the *~st
Then they hacl some serious diseese you
classes. Two medical have?
Students from SA"S came
in November and December. Kwashiorkor. In children
They taught us about and in old people as
diarrhces, .vmziting, well. They get swelling
pellagra, kaashiorkor, and red lips, then
and then TB and measles funny hair.
and some other i"fectious
diseases of small child- .*y do the children get
ren . kwashiorkor?

e And first aid? ~There' 5 many reasons.

some people say they can
Yes, about bleeding and get vegetables but they
accidents and buns and haven't got nloney. some
a11 that. don't know how to feed
.DO you get much ma1-
nutrition here? OWhat do you do with
the children who suffer
Yes. but diarrhoea and from malnutrition?
vomiting, it,* more.
we send them lere to the
clinic on Thursdays -
it's only one day a week.
If they have to stay in
they go to Subiaco Clinic.

eAnd what about pellagra?

WE tell them what to eat,

we haven't got medicine
for that. It means they
are not eating properly.

We tell them about eating

vegetables, especially
spinach. The trouble
is water. A piece of
Land we have got, but
not water. alust a few
small groups of people
have got boreholes.
e !&ere do you get . .,~ e Before the village
plies of nedicine? health workers, what did
people do if they needed
We don't keep medicine - some first aid or some
just some bandages and Other help?
Other things.

. Does it take up mud-l

of your time to be a
health worker?
we also teach people her;
No, we enjoy it. We don't to make rubbish pits and
get paid, we just do it how to dig pit latrine*.
because we enjoy it. They just dig a pit an6
then build a little
a Will y3u train Other house on top. They make
people? a toilet O"t of cement.
It's much healthier, if
Yes. *onetime* we go to there's no toilets you
visit them there and tell get a lot of diseases,
them "hat to do. we go especially diarrboea
house to house. and "omiting
e !&ere do you get . .,~ e Before the village
plies of nedicine? health workers, what did
people do if they needed
We don't keep medicine - some first aid or some
just some bandages and Other help?
Other things.

. Does it take up mud-l

of your time to be a
health worker?
we also teach people her;
No, we enjoy it. We don't to make rubbish pits and
get paid, we just do it how to dig pit latrine*.
because we enjoy it. They just dig a pit an6
then build a little
a Will y3u train Other house on top. They make
people? a toilet O"t of cement.
It's much healthier, if
Yes. *onetime* we go to there's no toilets you
visit them there and tell get a lot of diseases,
them "hat to do. we go especially diarrboea
house to house. and vomiting.
First Ai
when people are injured in mad Ifthe personsheart has stopped
accidents or in factories or stabbed Tf somebody has had a serio"s accident
in fights, it can lake a Long rime for or a heart attack, their heart might
them to get to a clinic or hospital. stop beating. YOU can tell if it is
sometimes ihey die hecare they get beating by feeling if the blood is
there. pumping in the neck below the jaw or
in the whet above the thumb. If there
If yell know first aid, you can help is no heart beat:
soinebo-3 who has been injured by
ke+ing t?ze person brezthing 2nd D Lie the person on their back on the
keeping their heart beeating. You can floor.
ileat them for shad and bleeding b Knee1 next to the person and put yaw
before they get to a clinic. one hand over the other, where their
heart is, on the Left side of their
Ifthe person isnot breathing bwess down on the heart as hard as
The first thing to do mhen somebody you can. Lift your hands and press
has a SCCideRt is to make sure down hard again. Press and lift you
they arc breathing. If the person has hand once every second until the heart
stopper; breathing, ycii IGust get them stats beating or until you get to
breathing ~"ickly because they can die hospital. YOUT hands are working like
wichhin 5 sinxates. a pump or the person's heart.

If somebody's heart is not beating and

they are not breathing, you must do
heart pumping and mouth to nose breathing
at the same time. It is much easier if
2 people can do this together - one can
pump the heart while the other does tile
bresthing. But if you are alone, you
have to do both things yourself:

b In between every breath, while the

air is coming out of the person's nose,
press the heart 5 times before you
breathe into the person's nose again.
b Sometimes you have to carry on
doing this for an hour before the
person starts breathing.

Try to get to hospital or call a nurse

to help you as quickly as possible.
If a perscm 1'schokiy
press them hard
under the ribs
If o baby Ischokinq
hong them ups

If the burn is small, or not very deep,

you do not have to go to hospital.
b Put antiseptic liquid like Dettol
or Savlon onto the burn. You must
first mix the antiseptic with water
otherwise it will be too strong.
b-Do= put oil, sand, eggs. butter,
condensed milk, Vaseline or anything
else onto the burn. It is better to
leave the burn with nothing on it. The
burn will get blisters and they will
help to protect it and keep it clean.
Do not break the blisters u,less they
get yellow pus inside.
b Keep the burn clean by covering it b If the burn becomes red, very pain-
with a clean cloth or bandage. If the ful and swollen with yellow pus in it,
burn is very sma11, leave Pt uncovered this means it is infected. Put Gentian
so that it can dry. Violet medicine onto the infkted burn.
+ Try to change the cloth every day YOU can buy it at most *tars or get
until the burn has healed. it from the clinic.
We sfoooed and he/Red him because we knew First Aid . . .
@HOW did you become a say that otters were
care group mOti"ator? hrt already and they
stopped the bleeding.
YOU km, I a; not from so that way we can see
this place. I was staying that it has been working.
in Johannesburg, then one
;ueekend we came to visit
here. on the way we found
a man who was bleeding
very badly because he
cut himself with an axe.
He was cutting a tree, then
the axe slipped and his cold drink bottle, then
hand was nearly cut off. tie child comes to drink
that battle. They rush to
Then we stopped and helped the clinic but sometimes
him because we knew first the child can die. Then
aid because we were we told them how to di-
trained with St John's lute the poison in the
mhu1ance.in Johannesburg. child's Stomach with
'32 know, we just used to milk, giving the child
help if rhere were some lot.5 of milk or other-
scxcer matctlee at Orlando wise making the child to
stadium or if there was vomit to get the poison
an accident. Then we out. They were very much
realized, ho, our people happy to learn such
are suffering too much things.
here becc.lse there's no-
body who can help them. The other time we taught
Then we decided to come them *out burns. mny
up here. xt was me and children are suffering
Kmina mshaba. we came from hums in this place
to the hospital and they because of cooking with
hired us as care group open fires. The child
rnoti"atOYS because we crawls to the fire or
wanted to teach people falls in that fire and
this first aid. pulls a pot 3f water
over himself. Before we
e How do you teach first taught them they used
aid to the village health to do many funny things
WCTkerS? like putting fish oil on
the burns, breaking the
.la, most of our people blisters to let the
are not literate, so we water out. Then we showed
don't teach them a lot them that they m"St p"t
at a time. If we see cold water on the burn,
that they understand, then cover it with a
then we jmp to the next gauze bandage and keep
thing. First we taught it clean.
them about stopping
bleeding. You know, ADO you teach anything
many children h"rt them- else besides First Aid?
selves with stones and
so on. Then we taught them Yes we do tell them
sling bandages. ween we about oral rehydration
come back for fk next for diarrahoea. We have
lecture, tie ask them packets which are at
first "Do you still the ho*pital and we .just
remember what I tmgrLIt show the care group
you?" The" some Of them members how to mix the
phcket with 3 mug of tell them. Even the ointment. They are used
wate*. We first make ones who can't read to it because when they
them taste what it is !mow what to do. on suffer With eyes, they
like because if you are the packets there are just call one of the
going to give this some pictures, not care group members.
medicine to a Child writing, to tell BecauSe if they go t5
you must know what does you bow to mix up the the clinic they must
it taste like. medicine in the pack- pay - the medicine from
et with water am3 the care glmups is free.
when to give it.
. DO you thin!s the health
* 1s this the only med- care group scheme is
Yes, when we go back icine you give them? successful?
they tell us they used
the packets and helped NO, it isn't the only very much successful.
a lot Of children and one - in trachoma we also Ever*body wants to join
e"e" grol?n ups too. give them the tra&mna the caie groups and when
Sometimes a child gets ointment arid teach them somebody's got sore eyes
sick With diarrhoea and ilow to use it. me mem- or bleeding, they just
vomiting or kivashiorkor bers Of the care groups go to the care groups.
or marasmus then they have got homes which Before, everybody thought
become dehydrated and they "isit - one maybe that it was only nurses
you have to m&e this visits about 10 families who could treat them if
mug and give it to the around her place to see they were sick but mw
child for fne whole if there's any trachoma. they know they can ga to
day. That is shat rie Then she gives them the care groups.
scale poisons can make you sick or kill
you straight away, for example caustic
soda 05 poiscm *or killing pests 0l-l
crops. Children sometimes drink par.af-
fin~or eat poisonous berries and they
get very Sick. other things are only
poisonous if you t&e too much, like
alcohol and cigarettes.

nnybcdy who has been poisoned must go

to the clinic as quickly as possible.
Even if the pi-rson does not feel sick
he must go the the clinic because some
poisons take a long time to make you
fee1 sick.

b Give children the right mount of

sdicines such as cough mixtures and
What to do aspirins. Read the bottle or the box
If the person has swallowed a poison to find out how much to give.
which has a strong smell like petrol. b Teach children to know which plants
02: paraffin, or a poison which bu~ns~ are poisonous.
like caustic soda, they must not vomit. ADO not leave poi*ons like pea-01 and
Give them lots of milk to drink. If paraffin in old cold drink bottles.
there is no milk, give them beaten b Wash all fruit and vegetables to
eggs or flour mixed with water. Clean Off the insect poisons which
farmers put on them.
b DO not eat any food that smells bad
because it might be poisonous. If you
are not sure if something is bad, cook
it very well before you eat it.
b Never eat tinned fish or meat if the
tin looks fat. This means there is
poisonous air inside and if you eat
How to preventPoisoning the fish OI meat, you can die.
It is much easier to prevent poisoning b Many people poison themselves with
than to help someboay after they are liquor and tobacco. Liquor damages
already poisoned. your liver, brain and stomach. Cigar-
ette smoke poisons your lung* end can
b Keep all medicines and poisons away help to cause bronchitis, heart disease
from children. Lock them away in cup- and cancer. Cigarettes waste your money
boards or put them in high places. and damage your health.


Many wounds are caused by children

falling over and by car accidents
and by people getting hurt at work.
Many serious wounds in South Africa
are caused by fighting because we
have a very violent society. The
*y*tem aekes many people poor and
they are forced to rob and steal.
may people are frustrated and they
become angry and want to fight with
everybody especially if they are
drunk. This i; why so many wounds
are from stabbing and shooting and
people beating each other up. Some
wounds must be treated in hospital.
Others can be treated at home.

What to do
b Let the person lie or sit and com-
fort *em so that they are Calm and
not frightened.

weather is cold, but not if it is b After cleaning the wound, put a

W-. clean cloth over the wound and press
tb DO not give the person anything to it down. Tie the cloth onto the wound
eat or drink. with a clean bandage or cloth.
b Lift up the part of the bo3y which
is bleeding so that the blood will
stop. FOT example if the person has
a wound in their am, lift the arm up.
high. If the person has a stab wound
in the shoul&er, let them sit up.
bClean the dirt out of the wound
with water. If you have any Savlon or
Dettol, put a little bit in the water.
Wounds on the bead, neck, che*t and
stomach are very serious and the
person must go straight to hospital.
These wounds, and big wounds anywhere
on your body, need Stitches.

All "OUndS, even *mall. cuts, callsed

by something dirty like a dirty knife
or an old tin, can cause tetanu*.
Tetanus is a very serious sickness
bee p 347). Go to the clinic to get an
injection so that you will not get

Antiseptics like Dettol and Savlon are

goad for cleaning wounds bec*u*e they
kill germs. Germ* are in the air and
if they get into the wound it will
beccme infected. It will becaae red and
sore and may have yellow pus in it.
If a wound become* infected wash it
with Salt water and put Gentian Violet
on it every day until it heals.


Snake Bites For Cobra bites: In South Africa,

Snake bit** mu*t be treated as quickly the cobras you usually find are
as possible. If it takes a long time Rinkhals, Black Mambas and the Cape
to treat the bite, tie snake poison Cobras.
will *pread all through your body.
The poison of these *rake* goes into
If somebcdy gets a snake bite they must the person's blood and m&e* the body
go to the clinic. The nurse will give become *tiff. The person cannot mcwe
them an injection to stop the snake their arms and legs. Sometimes people
poison from spreading through their vomit and cannot swallow. The Riakbals
blood. 1f they cannot get to the clin- spits poison. If the poison gets into
ic quickly, do the** things while they somebcdy's eyes, wash it out very well
are on +he way or while they are with water. The person should go to
waiting to go. the clinic as quickly a* passibl?. Do
not tie anything around the arm or leg
.Keep the person calm and stili. If to stop the blood becauee this can do
he or *he move* a lot and became* more damage than the snake poison.
frightened, 'cbe poison will spread
Why to find out what kind of snake
it was. There are different treabnents
for different snake poisons.
b If it is very painful, give the
person disprin or aspirin or any other
headache pills.
b Make sure the person is breathing
well. Let them lie or sit with their
head dawnwards *o that the spit can
run out of their mouth. This prevents

For some snakes there are also other

things you must do:
Sutton spider Stack Widow spider

For Adder bites: The most dangerous t. The poisonous spiders in South
adders are Puff Adders and Night Africa are Button Spiders and the
Adders. Biack Widow Spiders.
C Pee stings are sore, but fox most
people they are not usually danger-
ous. TO help the swelling go down,
put a piece of raw onion on the
sting. You can also mix earth and
water and put it onto the sting.
There are some people who get very
sick when a bee stings them. They
can even die from a bee sting. If
somebody starts to get very sick
and swells up after a bee sting,
they must go straight to the clinic
to get injections.

adder Animal Bites

P*ople ate sometimes bitten by dogs,
The poison of these snakes stays near baboons, meerkats, cows or other
the bit* mark and it becomes swollen people.
and painful. You can suck the poison
mt of 5% bit*, and *Fit it out of Sometimes these bite* can be serious
your mouth. Be careful not to S"a.llOv? because you can get tetanus (see
_ ._ ~.
any of the poison. P 341) or me bites can become infected.
Clean the wound and go to the clinic
to get an injection for tetanus. DO
For Back-fanged snakes: Back-fanged not put animal hairs or anything
snakes are sn&es like Boomslangs and else into the bite wound. Some animals
Skaapstekers. The poison from these get a dangerous sickness called rabies.
snakes goes into the person's blocd and ~These animals seem to be a bit mad
they bleed from the no*e and mouth and and have fits before they die. If they
inside the body. There is nothing you bite you, you cm also get rabies and
can do except take the person to the die. You must go to the clinic for
clinic. injections if an animal like this
bites you. If you see any animals
acting like.tbis, catch them and kill
InsectBites them and tell your local ""rse or ag-
Saoe insect bites, for example scor- ricultural extension officer about it.
pion and spider bites, are as dangur- Ask them to send the brain of the sick
0"s as m&e bites. Sometimes, people animal for tests to se* if it had
get bites when they are asleep. They rabies.
know they faere bitten when they can
see a swelling. Anybody who gets a If you want to travel with your ani-
bite or a painful swelling m"*t go to mals, make sure before you go that
the clinic. they have injections to stop them
from getting rabies. Ask you agri-
b The most dengerous scorpions are the cultural *xtension officer about
ones with big tails and small claws. rabies injections.
Broken Bows
People get broken bones afta car
accidents, hard falls and~fights. You
will know if screbody has a broken
bane if:

PThe person can not m,"e the broken

part or it is very sore to move it.
b It is very sore if you press on the
broken part.
@-The person heard a cracking 5omd
when the bone broke.

DO not move the person. If the bone is

sticking out of the skin, wash the
wound with warm, salty water and clean
any dirt off. Put iodine or gentian
violet on the wound and Cover it with TO prevent the broken bones from
a clean cloth. moving while you are an the way to the
clinic, tie them in a splint. Make a
If the bone is out of place and caus- splint by tying 2 pieces of wood
ing a lot of pain, see if you can help longer than the broken am or leg to
to stop the pain by moving it a little. each side of the broken bone with
But if the broken part is not causing clean pieces of cloth. Put other pieces
too much pain do not move it - wait of clean cloth in between the broken
until you get to the clinic. bones and splint to make it softer.
Tie the splint on tight enough so that
Take the person to the clinic or the broken bones can not move about,
hospital as quickly as possible to get but not so tight that the am or leg
the broken bone set in plaster. becomes more painful.
/Serious Illnesses I
Many people in South Africa szffer What can people do now in their
and die from diseases like TB, cornunities to help prevent and
typhoid, tetanus, pellagra, high treat these diseases?
blood pressure, W and malaria.
If they have no health service, they
rJi*e.sse* like TB and tetanus would can join tqether to ask the autho-
be prev~ted if the health services rities for a clinic in their community
made sure that everybody was imunised. Sarie people in the community can
Malaria would be prevented if e.~ery- le*r" about health and diseases, so
where i" the country where there was that they can see as soon as samebociy
a danqer of malaria, places were starts getting a serious disease. If
sprayed with poison so mosquitoes the problem is a *hortage of clean
could not breed. 'Typhoid would be water or foad, maybe the people can
prevented if people were not Settled work together to g*t well* or bore-
in places where there was not enough holes, and make gardens to grow
clean water. TB would not spread so vegetables.
m"ch if people did not live in over-
crcwded places. People would not Organising thir.gs to improve health
suffer frm Pellagra if they got in a community takes a long time and
enough food. "D wotild not spread so a lot of hard work. Write to us at
much if families were not split up EDA if you would like us to help you
by the migrant labour system. start a cornunity health project.

Tuberculosis ( TB )
TB is 2 sickness of poor people who do
not have enough fwd and who live in
overcrowded, unhealthy places. Black
South Africans are rrrced to live like
this and many suffer from TB.

When somebody starts to get sick with

'ES, he or she will have:

b a cough which lasts for a lo"g time.

This cough is usually bad just after
the person vjakes up in the morning.
@a fever (feeling hot and sick) in
the afternoon and~sweating at night.
*a pain in the chest or in the top of
the back.
e no hunger and will get thin and
weak. What to do
If you have any of these things wrong,
you must go to the clinic or hospital
TS is a slow sickness. Many TS to get a test for TEL They will take
sufferers do not know they have TB X-ray photographs of your chest and if
u"ti1 other people see they are get- you do have TB, they will give you
ting thin and coughing. After some- lot* of pills and injections. The**
body has been sick with TB for a medicines will make you feel better
long time, he or she may have: but do not stop taking them until
they are all finished, otherwise the
bblcod coming out when coughing or TS can come back. Sometimes you must
spitting. take medicines for 2 years before the
bswellinq underneath the "ails and TB is finished. But after you have had
tb? nails become round instead of medicine for 2 weeks, you can not pass
flat. TB to other people, even if you cough
*swelling of the glands in the neck. near them.
As well as taking pills, if you are for the first two weeks, so that if
suffering from TB. you must eat well. you cough in your sleep, the TB gems
You must try to eat as much protein - will not get onto anybody else. After
beans, peanuts, eggs, chicken, fish taking the pills for 2 weeks YOUT
and meat - as well as fruit and veget- cough will not make other people get
doles as you can afford. You should TB as long as you carry on with the
also try to rest as much as possible. pills.

If your work is heavy, try to get a If one person in the house gets TB,
lighter job until you are completely the others should all go for tests.
better. If possible, take 1 or 2 weeks It is easy for the TB to spread
sick leave when you start taking the quickly and everybody in the house
TB medicine. Yaw employer should will get it. All babies must have a TB
give you this sick leave. injection when they are horn to help
stop them getting Es. They can still
How to preventTB get TB even if they have this injec-
If yo" have got TB the TB gems are in tion, but it will not be so serious
your cough. For the first 2 weeks and will get better quickly. It is
after you start taking TB pills, do easy for somebcdy to get m for a
not cough onto other people. Always second time if he or she does not
cover your mouth when you cough. If eat well. The m0s.t important thing
possible, sleep away from other people in preventing TB is eating well.


Pellagra is a kind of malnutrition in

adults. It makes the *kin dry and
cracked. The skin looks shiny and then
peels off, expecially on parts of the
body which are in the sun a lot, such
as the arms, the back of the legs and
the bsck of the neck. Sometimes the
skin on the face becomes dark and
thick. It looks like a greasy rash. A
person with pellagra can also have
diarrhoea and seem a little bit mad.

Pellagra is very ccmaon in South

Africa, where people eat d lot of
maize (mealies, mealie-meal ati samp).
Many per2ple are poor and cannot affoid
to eat beax., vegetables, eggs ox
meat. Many alcoholics also suffer from
pellaqra because they do not eat well.

What to do
You do not ne*Z medicines to cur*
pellagra. *t goes away if you eat
nutritious foods. wy to eat beans,
lentils, peanuts, green vegetables,
fruit, Bggs, cheese, fish, chicken and
meat. These foods give you proteins
and vitamins which you need (see p 311).
If you have very bad pellagra it canu
help if you take Brewer's Yea*t pills.
You can buy these at *cm* stores and
at all chemists.
Alcoholism is a disease which makes It is impossible to cure people of a
you need drinks like beer, brandy, disease which is caused by the problems
gin and wine all the time. You feel in the society without changing the
you can not live without liquor and society. TO CUT= many sufferer* of
YOU become weak and often act like a alcoholism, our society will have to
mad person. change. For example, there will have to
he jobs for more people, better wages
In South Africa alcoholism is a *a- and schools, hospirals, houses and
icus disease which many suffer from. food and clean water for e"elyhody.

Alcoholism also causes other diseases. Pellagra is another disease which many
alcoholic* suffer from. It is a kind
Cirrhosis of the livtr makes yqur liver of malnutrition. Alcoholics get it
stop working. After drinking for a because they drink instead of eating.
long time, your liver becomes so Many alcoholics are poor and can not
weak that it can not work anymore.mmy afford food as we11 as liquor. others
alcoholics at first feel a pain in the do not like to eat, they only'want fo
right side of their stomach and vomit drink.
when they eat and drink, especially
after drinking liquor. Then they get If you want to help sonebody tcl be
thinner and thinner md start to vomit "xed of alcoholism, you should talk
blood, which mesas the disease is to them about their oroblems and
already bad. Sonetimes their bodies suggest that they go to one Of the
swell up so it looks as if they are organisations which helps alcoholics
full of water. They look very sick and like Alcoholics Anonymous bee p 5381.
can not breathe easily. If they do not
go to the clinic or hospital they will It is very difficult to be cured and
die soon. They must stop kinking alcoholics need help and support from
alcohoi and eat foods with proteins their families and friends while they
and vitamins (see p 3111. are trying to give up dri*ing.

Venereal Disease ( VD 1
lbere are may different kinds of VO sickness will get wm*e. Scmetime~
which are common in South Africa. Many the pain goes away by itself but this
*en and women become sick with VD and does not mean that the VD is cured.
some even die. Many people can not
have babies because their badies have They must still go to the clinic. If
been damaged by vo. People get VII by you do not go to the clinic the
having sex with another person who al- gonorrhea can come back many years
ready has M. zany people have "D but later and cab make women sterile
they do not know it because sane kinds (they can not have babies).
of VD *em to get better quickly 50
the people do not go to the clinic.
They do not know Mat the VD is still Syphilis
in their bodies and will make them This kind of VD is very serious and
very sick later. can make you die after many years.

There axe 3 stages in syphilis. In the

Gonorrhea first stage people get a small hard
Gonorrhea is a very common kind of Vu lump usually in the women's vagina or
in men and women. In a ma*, it feels on the ran's penis. This lump is nst
like a burning pain in your penis, and painful and changes into a flat raw
smetimes yellow stuff come.5 out. This sore after a few days. The *ore is not
happens about 2 days after sex with painful and will go away by itself af-
someone who has gonorrhea. It is very' ter a few weeks. This does not mean
difficult for a woman to know if she that the syphilis is better. In the
has gonorrhea. Sometimes there is a second stage, 3 to 6 month?. later,
burning pain when you pass water, but you get hot and cold fevers and spots
usually there is no pain. Most women on your skin. sometimes 311 the arms
find out they have gonorrhea only and back of the neck. This will also
when a man they have had sex with go away by itself. But syphilis stays
catches it and gets sick and tells in your body and damages your heart
them. and brain even though you cannot feel
it. After a long time, maybe even 20
The man and the woman must go to the years, the syphilis will come back and
clinic for pills and injections. If you can get heart disease and go mad.
they do not go to the clinic, the Then it is too late and the syphilis
VD Clinics
If you tbi* you have VD. go to the
clinic straight away. It does not
matter ho" young or how old you are.
If yor find out that you have VD. you
should tell all the people you have
had sex with because they my also
have VD. Even if they do not feel
*id they should go to a clinic for a
VD test.

Cancer of the Cervix

few seconds and does not hu2-t. The
clinic Staff Iook* at this *kin with
a special machine called a microscope
and they can see if a cancer is

IE I* easy to cure this cancer if it

is found early. The woman has an
operation to cut out tfte part of the
cervl~ which has ca"cer. If the
cancer was new, the woman will still
be able to hwc bablce after the

All women should ask their clinic

for a pap emear test every 2 years.
Many people in South Africa suffer
from high bid pressure. It is a
clangemus disease because you can
have it for zany years without.
knowing it. You only find out when
high blGod pressure cau*es heart
prob1ers. cidney problems, or a stroke.

have high blood pressure, they will

probably tell you at the clinic to
What to do *top smoking, lose weight, and *s
If yoo think yen hzve high bloorl Stop eating *alt and sugar. Whenever
pres*ure go straight to the clinic you have a checkup at the clinic,
for a blood pressure test. If you ask them to t*e your blood pressure.

What to do
Anybody who starts to get malaria
fever must go to the clinic to get
pills. Sometimes the fevers do not
cme every day. Even if you have one
fever, go to the clinic to be teded
for malaria.

What itis
i&hen you have malaria. you usually get How to prevent Malaria
a hot and cold fever every day. First Malaria is a problem in hot places
you get very cold and shiver for where there are many mosquitoes.
ug to 1 hozr. sCriettie* you also Th* only way to get rid of malaria
hme a be*&&*. When the shivering is to kill all the mosquiioes. This
stc+s, you get very hot for a few COSTS a lot of money, so only the
hours. You feel weak and sometime* government can do it for everybody.
talk nonsense and act like a mad per-
son. After aat you start to sweat and
the fever goes away. After the sweating
you feel week but not very sick.
If you wiint to prevent malaria in b If there are no malaria control
your own comunity there are sane workers in your area, ask your
things you can do. health department to kill mosquitoes.
b Clean up poc1s of water so that They will spray mo*quito poison near
mosquitoes will have no place to your homes to stop the mosquitoes
live znd breed. from breeding and spreading malaria.

Tetanus ( Lockjaw 1
Tetanus is a very serious sickness @ 7%" your jaw gets stiff and you
which makes the body go stiff all cannot open your mouth easily.
over. If tetanus is not treated at b *en your neck gets stiff.
hospital inmediately the sick person b The rest of your body gets stiff.
can die. People get tetanus from dog b Then your jaw and other part* of
bites, stab wounds. and cutting them- your body can suddenly get very stiff
selves with sanething rusty or dirty. and tight. This is called a spasm.
Children often get tetanus if their These spasms ca" happen when somebody
ears are pierced with dirty needles. moves you or touches you, or makes a
loud noise or a bright light, for ex-
Many babies die of t*tan;ls because ample by lighting a mat& "ear you.
they are born at home and teta""s gets
intc the place where the cord is cut. When babies get tetanus they start to
Tekmus lives in cow dung and babies cry all the time and cannot suck.
born on floors covered with cow dung Then they start to get stiff and can
ox who have cow dung put onto their not breathe e**ily.
stms:t: when the cord is cut, can
easily get tetanus. Another way babies
get teta""s when they are born at
hone is fro= having the cord cut with
ra*or blades or knives which have not
bee" bailed.

What to do
If a person gets tetanus they can die
after a few days. If somebody's jaw
is stiff or if a baby is crying and
will not suck, take them to hospital
straight away.

How to preventTetanus
At your clinic you can get an injection
so that you will never get tetanus.
Everyone, especially children Should
have this injection (see p 316). When
a baby is born, keep the cord clean and
dry. Boil the razor blade or knife
before you cut the cord with it. Never
put cow dung on the baby's stomach
after the cord is cut.

What Tetanus is Older children and adults should go

* wil.en
you have tetanus you cannot to the clinic for tetanus injections
swalh easily. when they are injured and bleeding.
Bilharzia is a disease ur!Cch can make water. They feel tired and have no
you sick for many years. Many people energy to do work.
do not know they have had bilb+zia
for a long time until they get very
sick from it. It is very corn* in the What to do
Transvaal and hiatal ad the bilharzia Anybody with blood in their urine
spreads to other places in snails must go to the clinic for bilharzia
which live in river water. tests. The bilharzia usually gets
better if the person has medicine.

What itis
Usually people know they have bilhar- How to prevent Bilharzia
zia if there is blood in their urine. DO not pass urine into rivers or drink
They see a few drops cf blood in river water before boiling it. Do not
their urine at the end of passing swim in bilharzia water.

Typhoid is a very serious sickness. It and the typhoid gets into the water.
can make many people sick at the same If there is not enough water, people
time. It usually spreads "here people do not wash their hands after going
are short of water and toilets. Typhoid to tie toilet and the shit gets on
germs live in *bit. If there are no their food.
toilets. people shit near rivers
Typhoid usually starts when people
have problems with water, such as

I after a drought or a flood, or after

many people have been moved from
their homes and resettled
place without proper homes and
in a new

toilets. When this happens, people

struggle to keep clean. They have only
a little water and sometimes they do
not have enough wood to boil water
before drinking it.
What itis
The first two weeks of typhoid are
the most dangerous. Many people die in
the first or second week. Luring the
first week, you feel like you have
had flu, with a headache and sore
throat. YOU get a fever and feel
hotter each day. You have something
wrong with your tummy. Sometimes you
hzve vomiting and runny tummy, some-
times you have constipation.

Typhus seems like typhoid but it is
caused by bites from fleas, ticks
and lice. Typhus begins like flu
What to do and after a week, Y" get fevers and
Anybcdy with typhoid must go straight ache all over. After 3 oz 4 days you
to the clinic for medicines. get a rash all o"er your body except
on your face. then you start to get
better. To prevent typhus; get rid
How to preventTyphoid of fleas and lice (see p 3241 and
TO help prevent typhoid, be sure that make sure your animals do not have
shit does not get near food and water. fleas or ticks (see p 2291.

Cholera is a serious sickness which water or if they eat food which has
can make a whoie cornunity become sick. been washed in the water.
People who get cholera often die,
especially if they are also suffering People with cholera have a very runny
from malnutrition. stomach. First their shit is brown and
watery, then it becomes white like
In rural areas in South Africa, people mealie-meal in water. Their stomachs
are short of water and toilets. If get swollen and sometimes they vomit
somebody with cholera shits near a and their hands and feet become cold.
river of a well where people get water, Their bodies start to get dried out,
the sickness will spread. The people their tongues get very dry and when you
will get cholera if they drink the pinch their skin it stays up in a lump.
What to do
Make the sugar and salt medicine for
gastro-enteritis (see p 3181 and let
the sick person drink as much as they
can. Take them to the clinic or
hospital straight away before the
sickness spreads to other people.

How to prevent Cholera

Cholera can only be prevented if
people are not overcrowded and if
they have enough clean water and
proper toilets. This will only
happen when things in South Africa
7 change, but this may take a long
tine. 1f you live in a place where
there is a danger of cholera, try
to prevent it by always washing food
in water which has been boiled and
washing your hands before cooking or
eating and after going to the toilet.
IBirth Control
Every three months tkmsa goes to the
clinic for her birth control injection.
She gets washed and dressed and takes
a bus to the clinic. She's been having
the injection for 2 years. Her first
injection was straight after her son
'fh&a was born. At the hospital they
told her that the injection VBE better
than the pill. She got pregnant with
The&a while taking the pill. They
said it must be because she had for-
gotten to take the pill and she believed
them. anyway she didn't like the pills
because her husband used to beat her
up if he found them and threw them
into the fire. He said she was trying
to make him a foo1,not a man,by not
having children.

NOW when she has the injection he

doesn't know about it, although he injection and have children so they
does smetimes shout at her that she will support her when she is old.
can't give him mre children. She
doesn't want any more children because There are many people like Norosa in
she can not afford to feed them and South Africa. They do not know what
buy clothes for them. to do about family planning. The
fam+ly planning clinics have pictures
With the injectioh she knows that she showing that small families can
won't get pxqnant but she feels fat afford to live better and that having
and unhappy. Some people say it's be- lots of children makes you suffer.
cause of the injection. She tried But pensions are so low that you still
getting a jab in the kitchens hut need Children to support you when you
they say her baby is too small and get old. Before you go to the family
cries too much. She 'chit&s she'll get planning clinic try to think for
a job when the child is 3 years and she yourself if a bigger or smaller family
can put him in a crecke. Sometimes she is better for you. Think about how
thinks about going to her home in many children you want and how you
fiewcastle to stay with her sister and will support them. Think about who
her zhildrm. She stayed with her will help with farming and other work
sister when she had her first-born. at home and then think about which
contraceptives will be best for you.
She had n3 money to support herself and
her child. He got sick with measles and This part of the book explains dif-
died of malnutrition. After he died, ferent kinds of cmtraceptives to
she starta to take the pill and went help you decide which one is best
to Johmnerburg to look for a job. After far you. For example, contraceptives
she got _oreqnant with Themba while she like the injection which work best
was taking r&e pill, she started with to stop babies may not be the best
injections. She thought if she had for your health.
no more children she could bring up
The&a bet%;: so he would not suffer When you go to the family planning
frcm maln"trj.tion. This is what they clinic, try to make sure you get the
told her at 1:he family planning clinic. contraceptive which is best for you. Ask
But even thm.gh she has only 1 child for a full check up including a blood
now, she still can not find a job. Pressure test, an internal examination,
and a pap smear test to check for
What will happen to her? Maybe she will Cancer of the neck of the womb. If
find a job and earn some money and YOU have a full check up, it will help
support her child well. Maybe she will yo" to decide which kind of birth
never find a job and she will stop the control will be best for you.
Condoms Every day when you ZZE not having a
A condom is a very thin rubber bag period wash your hands very well and
which the man puts onto his penis feel the m"cus from your vagina. For
before sex. Anybmly can buy and use about the first week after your period
condom, but they are not the best the mucus will be sticky like wet clay.
method Of preventing pregnancy. It will not stretch. On these days you
When the man's semen spurts out, it can have sex witho"t getting pregnant.
stays inside tie condom and cannot From about the 10th tiay to the 18th day
make the woman pregnant. Be must hold after your period started, yaw m"c"s
onto the cpndom to make sure that it will be slimy like raw egg. It will
does not come off inside the woman. stretch between your fingers. This
mucus means you are fertile and can,
The right time to put on the condan become pregnant.
is just before the man's penis goes
into the woman's vagina for the first
time. As soon as the man's semen
sp"rts o"t into the condan, he must
bring his penis out of the woman.

Condoms can help in stopping people

from getting VD. You get VD when
your sexual pare touch the sexual
parts of another person who has "D.
With a condom, the sexual parts do
not touch each other so much, so "D
does not spread.

Some people do not like condoms

because putting them on interrupts
lovemkin~ and t&v make sex feel stretchy
different. rnCS

Some women are not fertile in the

middle of their menstrual cycle, so it
is important to feel the mucus every
day. Sometimes, like when you are sick
or worried, you might have fertile,
stretchy mucus more than once. Yo"
rust not have sex on any of these days
otherwise you might become pregnant.

Ihe mucus method works best for women

"ho have regular menstma: cycles. for
example women whose periods always
stirt 28 days after the last period
and who are fertile during the middle
of their cycle. Xt only works if you
zake sure you do not have sex on the
Mucus method days when you are fertile. This can
This method is not very sure, but it is .be very difficult, especially if you
allowed by the Catholic Church. The do not live with your ma" and are not
mucus (sticky stuff) which comes o"t sure when you will be together. fen
of your vagina feels different at and women must co-operate to "se this
different times of the month. By feel- method. Before you start, you must
ing the mucus every day, you CM tell both agree not to have sex on the
which days you can get pregnant. These fertile says. It can take a few months
fertile days are usually about 8 days to get used to checking your muc"s, so
in a month. If you have sex on any of during this time you should "se another
the other days in the month, you will contraceptive method as well, like
probably not get pregnant. condoms or a diaphragm.

',,,?; '35~2" ',

Diaphragms If you want to be very sure that you
A diaphragm is a round ring with a do not get pregnant with a loop, you
very thin piece of rubber stretched can use a spermicide cream to kill the
across it. Women rust go to the sperm during your most fertile time -
clinic to get the right size diaphragm about 10 days after your period ended.
because each wpman needs a different
size. Before sex, you put the
diaphragm into your vagina so that it
co"ers the entrance to the ?omb (the
cervix). This stops the man's sperm
from getting into the womb to make
you pregnant. Before you put the
$iaphragm in, you m"st put special
cream on both sides of it, otherwise
you can still get pregnant.

You must keep the diaphragm inside

your vagina for 8 hours after sex.
The sperm stays alive inside your
vagina for about 8 hours, so if you
take the diaphragm o"t too soon, you
might become pregnant. If you have
sex again before 8 hours has passed,
put some spermicide into your vagina
without taking out the diaphragm.
You can buy spermicide. which is a The loop can come 0"t Of your womb
cream to kill the sperm in your vagina, without you feeling it, and you can
in tins or tablets from the family become pregnant. TO check if the
planning clinics or chemists. loop is still in place, feel for the
little strings which hang down from
the loop into your vagina. With all
loops which have copper wire on
them like Multiloads, Copper T's and
Gravigards, you m"st go to the clinic
every 3 years to take out the old
loop and put in a new one. Loops
which do not have copper wire, like the
Lippes loop, can stay in until you want
to take it out. Some women do not like
loops because they can make periods
painful with heavy bleeding. LOOPS are
usually not good for young teenagers or
women who have not had children. They
cause more infections which can make you
sterile than any other contraceptives.

BirthControl Pills
Many women take pills to stop them
from getting pregnant. YOU get triese
LOOPS pills from the clinic. One packet
A loop is a small plastic thing which has 28 pills and you must take one
the wrse at the clinic puts inside pill every day.
yaw womb. When the loop is inside
your womb, a baby cannot start to grow Pills are a sure way of birth control.
there. 1t stays inside your womb until If you take a pill every day, you
you want to beccme pregnant. when you will not become pregnant. When you
take it out, you can become pregnant want to become pregnant, stop taking
straight away. B"t some women can be- pills. You might not become pregnant
come pregnant even if they have a loop. straight away because it might take

a few weeks or e"en a few months for BirthControl Injections
the pills to stop working but after Birth control injections stop you
that you will usually be able to getting pregnant for at least 3
become pregnant. nmnths. Every 3 months you must go
to the clinic for another injection.
*f you forget to take your piLL one
day, you must take two pills the next The injections change women's periods.
day. 1f you forget for two days in a Usually bleeding comes 3 or 4 times
row then you have sex, you can become a month for the first few months,
preqnmt. If you do forget for more then stops for several months. Many
than one day, you must "se another wmen worry about what happens to the
birth control method until you have blood if they do not have periods. The
your ne*t period. Then you can start injections stop yaw body from making
the pills again. menstrual blood, so there is no old
blood staying inside your body.
Pills make some women feel sick. They
feel like vomiting when they first The injections used in South Africa
start taking pills. *is sick feeling are Depo Provera and NUT Isterate.
usually lasts for only one or two South African women of all ages have
months and then it goes away. If it these injections, but in some countries
does not go away, go to the clinic they are not allowed because nobody
ad ask for a different kind of pill. is sure how safe they are for women's
health. Injecticms should r.ot be given
There are many different kinds of birth to young women or "ore" who want to
control pills. Some can be dangerous have children in the future. With some
for women older than 40, especially if women it can take up to 2 years after
they smoke. "omen older than 40 should they stop the injection before they can
use another method like a loop. home get pregnant. Injections should only
pills, called mini-pills, are for WORM be given to women who have finished
who are breast feeding. It is very having babies or who have serious
important to take mini-pills at the diseases like TB and m"st not get
same time every day and never to pregnant for at least 2 or 3 years,
forget for eve" 1 day. Pills make
some "omen get fatter because the
pills make them feel hungry and they
eat more. If you see that you are
getting fat because of taking pills,
you must try to eat less.
Sterilisation have children in the future. The
Sterilisation is a" operation for Operations are very expensive and
men or women which stops them from d-ifficult to change back. Usually
having children. Usually it is for people who have sterilisation can
men and ware" who already have never have children in the future.
children and are sure that tier do
not want to have any more children
in the future.

When men have the operation the small

tubes inside their testicles which
carry the sperm are cut and tied,
so that the semen does not have
sperm in it. The semen comes out
just like before but it ca~l~t make
a woman pregnant. The operation does
"of make sex different for the man
or the "ma".

For women, the tubes which carry the

ovum are out and tied. The ovum cannot
get into the w0n.h so the woman cannot
become pregnant. The operation does
not make sex different for the woman
or the man. The monthly periods are
not changed but some warnen have
heavier periods a few years after
the operation

People who haire these operations

must be very sure they will "ever
Want to change their minds and You will be cut here

The biggest problem with illegal abortions is infection

@What is the most cause infection in-
common problem with side her body. when
illegal abortions? the woman Comes to
hospital with this
mom the cases that we kind of infection we
ilreat here, I would sometimes have to do a
say that the biggest hysterectomy, which is
problem is infection. a big operation to re-
Many people try to do move the whole womb.
abortions with dan- Then the woman can never
gerous things like have children again.
pieces of wire coat
hangers and knitting Most Of the people
needles. They put doing these abortions
these things into do not know enough
the woman's vagina to about women's bodies.
try to push them into They sometimes stick
the womb and make the the wire into the wrong
womb bleed. Most of place and cut a hole in
the things have not the womb. It makes the
bee" boiled before woman bleed very badly.
use, so they are not Usually, by the time
clean enough and most of the women come
to hospital they are tubes. They fit in onto other wornen t&e about
very sick. Scme die as a large syringe, about 10 contraceptive pills
a result of this kind 5occ. They pull the syr- a day for 5 days after
Of abortion. inge and the air pulls they have had sex
out the blood inside without contraception,
the womb, so it's This usually Works al-
like menstruation though it makes the
starting. Sometimes we woman very sick. It can
Even more dangerous treat a woman "ho bad also ca"Se problems
than using an instru- this kind of abortion, later because if
rent is using something but then we just need to the wmlan stays pregnant
like Dettol, or Jeyes scrape out the womb to her child can have
Fluid, or Sunlight stop the bleeding. something wrong with
soap. we see many women it when it grows up.
here who come in very "S"aLly th3-e are no
sic!c after squirting complications, but I Another thing which
something like this have seen one or two many "men do - but
into their vagina. cases like this where which is not really
Many Of them die. same- an infection has been abortion - it is
times we can SaVe them, caused, probably be- more like contraception,
if they diluted the cause the plastic tube is to go to a clinic to
stuff with water. But was not boiled in have a loop inserted.
there isn't much hope Water first. This method is almost
for the ones who did certain to work, es-
not add water. They e Have you treated any pecially if they do
just die in 2 a 3 days. women "ho have taken it the day after they
It causes kidney fail- drugs to cause an have had sex without
ure and there is abortion? contraception. The
nothing we can do in danger is if a woman
the hospital to cure Yes , we do see quite does this when she
them. ThoSe "ho use a number of "omen who knows she is pregnant.
soap and water have a have tried this. They It is easy for the
better chance of living, take all kinds of things. nurse to stick the
but it is still very S& get dnqs from loop through the womb
dangerous to try traditional herbalists. because it gets soft
this for abortion. Usually it doesn't work during pregnancy. Then
to Cause an abortion, the woman bleeds a lot
hey just get very sick and has to have an
and %!!e baby can be operation.
damaged. Some women take
heavy laxatives or pur-
I haYe heard Of sor,E gatives, but this does
abortionists who use a not usually CaUSe ail
safer method. They 0perI abortion, it just makes
the woman's va.gin.3 wide them feel very sick.
with something like a
cardboard toilet roll Others t*e malaria
holder smeared with tablets, which is worse
vaseline. While the because they can cause
vagina is open, they put serious liver damage. 1
in one of these thin know of one woman who
plastic catheter died a~ a result of this.
Legal Rights introduction
In South Africa black people live under are told they are not citizens of South
oppressive laws which control them from Africa, but of other places called
the time they are born until the time 'homelands' which they have sometimes
they die. There are laws which say never *een bef&e.and where it is
where you must live, what kind of difficult to survive.
education you must have, "ho you can
m3rry, what kind of job you can get, There exe no laws in South Africa
how long you can have the job for, if which say that people have a right to
you can join a trade union, whether work without being exploited, or that
you can get a pension "hen you are they cm live "here they "ant, or that
old, who can get your posse**ions when they can live with their families, or
you die. m*t Of these laws force that everyone must get clean water
people to work for 10" wages and m*e and enough food, or that everyone must
zany people "nemp1o*ed. If there are have decent housing. when people try
zany unemployed people, it is difficult to fight for these things which every
for those who are emplc.yed to fight for human being *hould have, they get
better wages and working condition*. A* arrested or banned. In this part of the
soon a5 they complain or strike, the book We write about *one of the law*
bosses know they can fire them and that contra1 people so that you can
employ others who are waiting at the understand them and know where to get
factory gates. advice about them. This does not mean
that we think that the laws are right.
The most hated laws are the pass laws,
which m*e people into criminals for In South Africa it is difficult to
living with their families or being live as a human being without breaking
somewhere to look for a job. People tie 1.3".

Pass Laws
The lives of all black South Africans sent to prison. 1x1 1956, when the
are ruled by pass LBWS which say government extended the pass laws to
where they can live and work. If include wmen, more than 20 003 women
somebody is in the wrong place or if marched in Pretoria to protest against
they ate not carrying their reference the sew la".
book they can he arrested and fined
or sent to jail. In other countries Today, every person over the age of
there are no pass laws. People are 16 ha* to have a reference book or
free tc live and work where they like. a passport. There is no difference
between a reference book and a pass-
In South Africa, people have suffered port from a place like the Transkei
under the pa** laws for a long time. or Bophuthatswana - you are still
More than iO0 years ago people who under the *ame pass laws and mu*t
worked for -&bite farmer* in the Cape get a stamp from the pass office to
had to have trek passes - a letter show where you can live and work.
from the farmer to allow them to move
off his farm and travel somewhere The pass laws help the government and
else. They were arrested fcr travelling employers to control where people live
without a trek pass. When workers and work. People wha are unemployed Or
started to go to the mines, about 100 sick or old or who are involved in
years ago, they had to carry pa**** political organisations or trade
when they tf*"ell*d and they were unions can be *ent to the 'homelands'
arrested if they were outside the mine places they have sometimes ne"er *een
compounds without a pa**. before.

In 1952 as part Of the Defiance Whether you are a migrant worker or

Campaign, thousands of people burnt somebody who lives and works in town,
their passes to show how they hated it can help you if you know the pass
t.k pass laws. t4ar.ywere arrested and laws and Smand the few rights you
have under tie*. In *is prt of the When you apply for Section lo(l)*
beak we write zboiit what the stamps you must have a birth certificate to
in your reference book mean, how to prove you were born in town and letters
apply to change then at the pass or permits to prove you have always
office, how to sign a contract, and lived in town. FCX example, you inust
whhat to do if you zre arrested for the have had your name on a residents
pess lzws. Many people suffer more permit or a lodgers permit to show
because they do not know their rights. that you have lived in a black tawn-
If you "nders'3nd the la" you can ship fox most of your life. If you do
demand your rights. not have these permits, you must get
letters from people who have known you
for many years to say you have been
Section tO( rights living in town all that time. You can
People whc have iived in one town get these letters from relatives
sincethey were born have a legal living in town, your parents' employ-
right to live and work in that place ers, school principals and church
in t- of Section 10(l)* of the Icinisters. All these letters must
Urban Rrea5 Consolidation Act. be stamped by a comissioner of oaths
(see p 538) before you take them to the
People who have Section 10(l)* rights pass office.
can live and work anywhere in the
edmiliistration board area where they
were born. They do not have to Section lo(l)8 rights
register when they change to another people who were not born in town, but
job in the same area. who have been registered in one job
in one town for more than 10 years,
People who were born in towil hut have a legal right to live and work
went in scbooi in a rural area still in town in terms of Section lO(l)bof
have section 10(11* rights if they the urban Areas Consolidation Act.
can prove that they always returned
home to town for school holidays and They cm bring their wives and
that they returned to live in town es children to live with them in town.
soon as they left school.
Section lO(l)D rights
People who sign contract* to work in
town for 1 year get section 10(lId
permits. They can live in town while
they are registered with the contract
job, but if they leave the job, they
usually have to go back to the rural
area where they registered at the
labour office. Some people are regis-
tered as lO(l)d but are not on 1 year
~0nfra~t.s. Many of these people should
be lo(l)* or b but do not know how fo
get this registration. If it is refused
they s:lould go to the BLack Sash .
People whose regi*tration stamps have
DUO written onto them will, probably
be endorsed out to the 'homelands' if
they try to change jabs.

Farm Labour
Some people find *at they can not
register for jobs in town. Their
reference book* are stamped "Farm
Labour" or "Landh"" end this means
they can only register for jobs on
farms. It is very difficult for these
people to get the stamps changed but
they can get help from the Black Sa*h
if they want to try.
Section lO(1)C rights
Section lO!l)c right* are for families
of people who beve Section IO(l)* or b Appeals
rights. You are entitled to Section If a l&our officer refuses somebody
lO(li c rights if you are: Section 10111 rights or refuses to
register somebody in employment, the
a Living in 2 black township with your person ha* a legal right to appeal to
hushacd who &s 10(lia or b rights. When the Chief Commissioner for the decision
you apply for *ection lO(l)c right*, you of the labour officer to be changed.
mn*t t&e your marriage certificate and
your husband's reference book to the If somebody gets a staq in their
pass office. reference book which says:
e An married daughter living in a
black township with your father or W Ordered to leave the prescribed area
mother who has Section IO(l)* or b. within 72 hour*.
6% A *on under the age of 18 years living k= Ordered to report to the Magistrate
ix a black township with your mother or at . . . . . . . . for residence.
fatherwho hss SectionlO(llaor h b Ordered to report to the District
Labour Bureau at....... -.
that person can also appeal to the
Chief Conunissioner to change the stamp.

The appeal must be made straight away

in an affidavit (see p 538) at the
Chief Commissioner's office in the
same district where the labour officer
made the decision. For example if the
deci*ion was made by the labour officer
in Pietersbwg, you must appeal to the
Commissioner's office in Pietersbuzg.


1 3
Migrant Worker Contracts -
government to live and work in town
because they have lived and worked
there for a long time (see p 360).

There are very few laws to protect

migrant workers. Here we try to
explain 5ome of these laws but some-
times you will need advice from a
lawyer lsee legal advicep 537).

What to do at the Labour Bureau

XII most rural districts the labour
bureau is at the commissioner's
office or the magistrat;'s court.
People looking for jobs have to wait
at the l&our bureau for an employer
or recruiting agent. Recruiting
a9eriE have liCerICeS from the govern-
ment to recruitworkers in one place
and to find them jobs in town* or on
farms or mines.

At the labour bureau the employer and

the worker both sign the contract. If
workers cannot write, they put their
thumb print on the contract to show
they have signed. The kind of job, the
place where the job is and the wages
are all written in the contract.

Usually there are not enough jobs for

a11 the people "ho want to work.
Sometimes people have to wait for
months or aven years at the labour
bureau before they find a job. Many
people have to take jobs they do not
like. Many workers are told about the
jab and the wages, but when they get
to town, they find that it is a
different job with lower wages.

The time to agree or disagree with the

wages and the type of job is before
you sign the contract. Before you sign.
kinds of jobs theyewant. Often the try to make sure you know what job and
labow bureau only has one kind of what wages are written in the contract.
$22. For example, if the bureau in If you complain only after you get to
your area only has farm labourer jobs the job, the employer can cancel the
you must be a farm labourer. You can contract and send you home.
not sign a contract there for any
other kind of job. The emplo?er h-s to pay R1 t-e
magistrate when he signs the contract.
*is is called the attedation fee.
Some employers take this ~1 off the
warker's wages, but this is illegal.
The employer m"st pay for a11 t.Cans-
port and accommodation but it is
registered in a job. People with these legal for him to take this money off
^~ .^ .. .
the worker's wages.
What to do when you get to town impOrtant that a11 workers look care-
when you get to tom, you must take fully at their call-in cards so that
your reference book to the pass they know what their new work conditions
office to be stamped. when you have will be.
the stamp, it is legal for you live
+nd work in town. The worker gives the call-in card to
the L&our bureau and signs a new
After you have been examined by the contract. The" he goes back to tom
doctor at the pass office they will and gets a stamp at the pass office
keep the contract and the F card, and for another year. me employer, the
sign the E card and give it back to labour bureau and the pass office
you. You must give the E card to your all get copies of the contract but
employer. The pass office will stamp the worker never gets a copy. Always
your reference bcnk to say that you try to write down or remember what
are allowed to stay in town until the the contract says in case your
end Of your contract with that employer tries to cheat you. Xf you
employer. can, get a photocopy made 0" a machine
in an office or a cm bookshop.

What happens when the contractfinishes

EligrMt laboar Contracts usually last What to do ifyou are fired
for one year, but scme are for 18 months Some employers fire workers before
or longer. At the end of the cantrac,t, the end Of their contracts. If this
workers must go back to the labour happens, it is the worker's right to
bureaus in the rural areas to sign get all the wages he would have earned
new contracts. until the end of his contract in
January 1982. Sometimes people have to
some employers want workers for only leave their jobs because the factory
one year. They like to employ new needed less workers, If this happens
workers every year. me workers whose to you before your contract ends, you
contracts have finished must then go can look for another job. While you are
back to the l&our bureaus to look looking, it is legal for you to be in
for new jobs. Other employers like to town. If you find another job, your
employ the same "orkers,for another previous employer will not have to pay
year. They renew the ccntract by all the wages to the end of your con-
seiiding the worker to the pass office tract. But he must pay you for the
just before the old contract finishes time you were unemployed. If you
to fetch a call-in card. On the call- resigned'or were fired because your
in card, the employer writes the new boss said you were lazy or drunk or
conditions of employment - what kind stayed away from work or bxause
Of work, hours of work and wages. when you did not do your job well, you will
the contract finishes, the worker goes not be kgally allowed to look for
back to the labow bureau in the r&al another job. You must return to the
area with the call-in card. It is place where you signed the contract.
Changing the contractfor a new job your reference book and you must leave
YOU must get a letter from your new town within 72 hours I, days). If you
employers saying that they want to do not leave, you can be arrested and
employ you. l-0" must also get a letter endorsed out.
from your previous employers saying
it is alright if you transfer to the
new job. If your previous employers
refuse fO give you a letter tell them
that if they do not give you a letter
they will have to pay you all the
money to the.e"d of your contract. If
they still refuse, 90 and see a lawyer.
The new job must be the same kind of
work as the old job. For example if Unemployment Insurance for migrant
you were working for a builder before workers
you Will only be allowed to register
with another builder. If you were a
waiter in a hotel or restaurant the
new job must also be in a hotel or

It is easy to see that the system of

migrant labour helps employers, and
makes iorkers suffer. Migrant workers
have very few rights but it Js impor-
tant for them to stand up for the
rights they do have. If you are a
migrant worker and you need legal
advice about your job or your pass,
Sometimes the pass office refuses to you can contact the advice organisa-
transfer the contract. They stamp tions listed on p 537.

When the pass laws can be finished, South Africa

will be a very nice p/ace
free for the government.
They sell me to t.he
farms. I work to the
farms for nothing, just
free l&our. men when
my 3 months is finished
and I go bacR to Joburg
they catch my brother
and they sell him to
the same farm. They've
always got too much
prisoners working free
on the farms.

. When did you get a

pass fox the first time?

I" 1964, when I was 16

years. I was at my home
at Lichtenberg by that
when I was a small boy my . where did you work When they can catch you
grandfather used to tell after the Railways? again next time, I'm
me stories about these still going to bring you
passes. Be came to JObur9 I just Stayed in Jobwg home again, but it'*
to work iFor 6 months. when working for building better when we don't
he was going home, he mu*t contractors. Since I fight, just go back
give another man the same came to ~obwg I didn't together. " when we buy
pass, he come to work in go back to work at home some liquor and sit in
Joburg for 6 months. The anymore. It's more than the same bus and dri"k
passes that time didn't 16 years I've bee* here from Lichtenburg to
have photos, just your now. ~11 that time I &burg. Then at Joburg
name, so you can just was not registered - he's taking his way,
borrow somebody's pass. more than 9 years UP I'm taking my way.
until 1980, I couldn't
find anybody to l*gi*ter mat time when they
me in the job. I didn't were sending us home it
have a right place to was no good. NOW they
stay. just staying with don't do that anymore,
friends somewhere in they sell you to the
town. I. was always farms for 60 days, 80
arrested for the ~a**. days, sometimes 100 days.
alIt before, when you
* When were you caught were waiting to go home,
. Where did you work for the first time? after jail at Madder B,
after you got your first for 11 days, 6 days
pE.s? The same 1970 after I remission, maybe you
left the railways. *en could wait at the police
First I started a job I went to court they station for 2, 3 weeks,
near to home in the told me I'm not allowed e"e" a month, the"
town Of Lichtenberg, to be in Joburg more they didn't count that
making some bricks. Then than 3 days, I plead days. You are no more
in '65 I came to Jobug guilty or no? Well what a prisoner, but you are
with the hunbard of my can I say because I am still locked up and
inother's younger sis+ter. guilty. They sent me to watched. You were just
he was working to the jail at Madder B for 15 lonely, waiting for a
Railways then he took days, the" sent me home partner from your home
me to the offices of with a bus with a place so they can send
the Railway* and they policemen, handcuffed. 2 of you home with a
made an application to We were 2 going to police. Sometime* 4
Lichtenburg to employ Lichtenbug. But others people with 1 policeman,
me. I went home and were going to Malawi, handcuffed to each
wzited for so 3 weeks others to Zambia, others other on the way in
the" my papers were to Botswana, others to the b"5. Tomorrow
fixed up and I was Dwban, to the wboie morning that police is
registered with country. That fist taking us to Bantu
Railways in Joburg. time when we got at Commissioner at Lichten-
Lichtenburg, this police- burg. They say to "5,
I worked there 65. 66, man asked me am I coming "Don't go anymore to
67, 68, 69 then I left back to Jobug with him. Joburg, go home". The"
in 1970 after they all of us are just
transferred me to aecause he's a policeman fallowing the same
Kazerne to the goods I told him no, I'm staying policeman back to Joburg.
shed. That work "a* too at home now. tie says
heavy *o I left it. That "YOU mustn't be afraid a3 mmvt the policemen
time the contracts were for me, ma". When you mind if you come back
not ending every once coming back I'm not straight away?
a year like now. It going to catch you. It'*
was just a stamp Cii);t just my job to bring you Well, some Of them you
then you were registered home. If we 90 back want to give them trouble
until you left the job. together 1 don't mind. because they are too
Then at breakfast time thenwe ran away,acre** No, even if you'vegot
the ownerof the farm the fields without shoes. some phone nmbers, they
came he was very angry. We ran about 10 kilo- don't allowyou tu phone.
That indunashowedhis metres, after that we I just worked for that
boss Vi* daai",pointing just walked about another 2 months at that farm.
me. Oh, I was sent far 5 kilometres then we They were busy building
dead thatday. I asked were on a koppie and a church, then I plastered
thatman to kill me. we saw the same induw it inside. They like me
Wee baas,moeniemy coming after us. 1 told at that place becavse I
so slaannie, dis beter my friend, "Don't run was plastering, painting
jy meet my dood mask". away, there's lot of the church and gmwing
I toldhim I've got a stones here, let us some mealies in the
operation, he said "Let fight now. Better we fields. They kept
me see".I lift my kill him here". But my prismers like people,
T shirt,thenhe just friend he ran awajr. not like animals. One
kicks me like a horse, Then the induna came up place L was feeding
in the operation. I to me. I said "Came, chickens. It was nice
just fall down, just cane closer, I'm just there and we were treated
like a pun&in failing gonna kill you with my like people. Another me,
Off 2 roof. 1 stayed hands". He just turned past Benoni, bought me
dO"rL. After a long time, away, running after my to feed these big pigs.
he thought he killed friend. He caught him big like an OX. I re-
me. Then I wake up, "hen and while they were fused, said no these
he see I resor"Fd my fighting, I ran away pigs are gonna eat me.
life, he shout me "Staan to another farm. There Then I also ran away,
op, eet jou pap". Then the people hide me, give came back to Joburg.
he hit me again, I ate me food, then the fol-
the food. Oh 1 nearly lowing day I came back .If you r"n away. don't
died that time. They to Joburg. Since that they make you SeTYe the
just left me locked up, time, if they buy me at old sentence when you
I Couldn't uark. Then Madder B, I just get in get arrested next time?
the following day the the truck, then at the
owner of the farm came, stop street, 1 jump out ND, they are too busy
said "0, lewe jy nag?" and run away. That same there at mmder B with
Then the following day farmer from Brits bought new people, they haven'r
I went to the fields. me for the second time. got time to check old
Another prisoner cut I *a" TA.z number, then people. sometimes if I
the tobacco by mistake just jumped out of the escaped today, next week
and the same foreman truck, ran away. they catch me again. When
told him "G&-s" omY.3 over,. they put me in the van
Then he hit him in the then take me to Newlands,
middle of the back Parkview or Brixton, the
heavily with the hoe. black police just look
Be fell over, lying Yes. one priest from a at my face then write
there for about six mission farm bought me. my name, don't e"en
miniltes. Then at When they sold me, it ask me. They know me
breakfast time, that was Thursday and tomor- very well.
prisoner came to find row is Good Friday. When
me. Ee gave me a so1 we came to the farm, I . Did you never just pay
then said "NO, you and found the place is nice the fines?
me we must escape from and this man is not
this place". I asked cruel, I: should stay Well I. didn't have
him "Are you brave my here and also have a money, but before if
friend. Let's go, man. littlerest. 1 was fined * did &we the money 1
We better die with the 60 days, R40 then I didn't paid R35. Today you can
police than here." have that R40. have to pay RlZd, R150
and RZOO. Before it was
when breakfast was just the Rhodesia
finished, we were the people, Mozambique
first to go to the fields, people paying so much.

0 So" did you get aegis- is that maybe after because anybody can use
tered in tile end? another 5 years they'11 his brains and his hands,
see there's too many but pass law5 is making
I stiffered too r~"cb for black builders then the trouble. When this
passes, so I looked for whites will get jealous apartheid is not pushed
somebody why can register again and say no, to be out of the way, the
me. Then my friend "as a builder you must have whole land is just
a builder, 1 went to papers. men all the going to burn by the
help him then the man builders like me with fire. The trouble is
of that house said he garden boy papers will apartheid.
better register lne with get no jobs. That's my
him. I *aid I cm be 50 trouble now. e what can people do to
happy. Then he made the pmtect themsel"es from
application to register * HOW do you think pass laws?
me as a gardener. Se things would be if
filled in the forms, I there uere no pass laws? There's nothing they
WM~ to Lichtenberg and can do but at least
they registered me. Now South Africa is a bad I can say the black
it** 2 years I didn't world, but "hen the people are changed.
have trouble beca"Se pass la"* can be They are no more scared
my pass is fixed up. finished it will be a and worried. They are
Only trouble now is very nice place. It is already fighting,
because I'm registered going to be like a new carrying on jiving. They
a gardener but 1-m a world. I don't think know these bad things
build*r. Now I can't there'll be any trouble are going to be finished
get my papers to hs a if a lot of people soon.
builder. What I can see conle to the towns

Trade Unions
Trod* unions are workers organisations If one worker makes demands, be or
which fight for better conditions in she will just be fired and replaced
work places and to improve the lives by somebody "ho is unemployed. But
of workers in the rest of society. if many workem join together, they
Workers join tcgetber in trade unions can strike to force the bosses to
so they "ill be strong enough to "in give in to their demands. Bosses do
their *tr*ggl~* against their bosses not like strikes because they lose
- the owners of factories, mines, money if the workers are not working.
farms and other work places.
In South Africa, it is especially
South Africa has no laws to force difficult for workers to fight for
bosses to pay workers decent Living their rights. Labour laws and pass
wages. Bosses are interested in laws help the governmnt and bosses
making money. They "aat people to to control workers and make it hard
work bard for lo" "ages. When a few for unions to organise "ork*r*. It is
rich people own the factories and illegal for black worker* to go on
the majority of p*ople work in them strike and if they do strike, they can
and are poor, there are always be arrested, fired or sent back to
struggles between them. The bosses rural areas. Their trade union cepres-
exploit the workers and try to entatives can be detained and banned.
ccmtro1 them and the Workers try to
get higher "ages and better conditions.
Historyof trade unions
Workers can only become strong enough The history of trade unions in South
to force bosses to pay them higher Africa shows that it has always been
"ages and improve working condition* a struggle for unicas to organise and
if they join together to forti trade fight for workers rights. When people
Unions. One worker along,is we*. first *tarted to work on tha mines and
farms, there were no unions. The first For many workers, especially migrant
unions to organise unskilled workers workers , it is difficult to be trade
were big general workers unions like unionists. If they strike, they are
the Industrial and Commercial Workers sent home and sometimes stay for a
Union (r~&TJ). 33 the 1920s. the PSO long time without jobs or money. mt
bad more than 100 000 members "ho despite these hardship*, migrant
worked in all kinds of jobs all over workers are strong members of many
the country. Later; workers formed unions.
unions in different industries such
as the African Mine Worker* Union For workers in many kinds of jobs,
which organised a strike on the mines there is no trade union and they are
in 1946. Thousands of miners went on badly exploited. warm workers have no
strike for higher "ages and were unions and many of them work for very
forced back to work by police with law wages in terrible conditions. If
guns. At that time. black and "bite they complain, the farm owners fire
workers were allowed to belong to them and force them to leave the farm.
the same unions, but after 1947, they Domestic workers also have no trade
had to make separate unions, even if unions. They each work in their
they worked in the same factories. employer's house and it is not easy
This helped to divide the black and for them to join together to get
white workers and make it more diff- better "ages and improved conditions.
icult to fight for the same rights. It is important for workers in these
Many black workers refused to join jobs to know about unions and to try
these separate or 'parallel' unions, to stand together and start "ilions
so they formed cbheir own, unregi*tered to fight for their rights (see p 5401.
unions. Many of these belonged to the
South African Congress of Trade Unions Union* must be democratically organ-
GACW) which was folmed in 1955 as ised if they want to be strong. The
part of the Congr*** nlliance. SACTU union members, not its leaders and
unions had r.0 rights to organise or officials mu*t control it. Workers
to call strikes, but they did so and must be included in all the decisions
many times forced the bosses and the of the union. Everybody mu*t under-
government to to give in to the stand clearly what the union's aims
workers demands. In 1960, other organ- are and ho" the union is going to
isations in the Congress Alliance were reach these aims. Everybody in the
banned and SAC70 leadership was union, members and organisers, must
smashed - many of its members and be disciplined and united in fighting
leaders were banned or exiled, and for these aims.
trade union organisation suffered for
many years.
Community support
In the early 1970*, unions started to Unions must also try to get the
grow stronger again. m 1973, thousands support of the community. They need
of workers in Natal went on strike in this support to fight for their aims.
the biggest wave of action by workers For example, if a union calls a strike
for many years. Since then. there have and people in the community understand
been many *trike* involving hundreds the r*a*cm* for the strike, they will
of thousands of workers all over the not take the Strikers' jobs. There
co""try. The gwerment has been are many unemployed people in south
introducing new laws every year to Africa and bosses "ant them to take
control unions. These laws force the jobs of striking workers so they
unions to registe,. with the govern- will not have to pay higher "ages or
ment and to take p&it in Industrial agree to the other demands of the
Councils where they ahve to negotiate strikers. If the union has "id*
about wages. conditions and strikes support, it can force the bosses to
with representatives of their bosses give in. A unior also needs community
alla the go"ernment. All the new laws support if it calls a boycott. If
nake it more difficult for unions to the "hale community supports the union
organis* and fight for the real needs and boycotts the products made by the
of their me&ers. factory, or boycotts the services, like

buses, the bosses might be forced to farms do not pay them enough to live
listen to the workers. on. The govermmt is on the side of
the boss.**, not the workers. It is
MO& South Africans are poor because important for work*rs to join unions
the owners of factories, mines and and fight for their rights.

They know you are waking the people up,

thats why they dont like unions
these big lorries. The" see no, these people are
the municipality told the just like the people
people that if they have from Matan*ima's inde-
got a SO", even 2 or 3, pendence. They are not
he can get a job under for us, they are a just
the father's "me, so I a government move!nent.
started to come to work We used to se* that when
in April 1975. 1 was 18 they had a meeting, you
years by that time. could get off work at
3 o'clock and get in the
Then in I.977 I got to go bus** from municipality
home to get married. 1 free of charge to get to
lived 4 months at home that meeting. The" we
the" I cm back to work said no. we can't join
inside the powcx station this union.
at Orlando assisting the
turbine drivers. Then I . Bow did the Black
transferred to be a Municipal Workers
security guard at the Union start?
very same power station.
Some 2 chaps came to
. When did you join the live in the compound at
Union? Orlando Power Station.
We didn't understand why
I think in May 1980 there because one was an
had come som* people from electrician and there's
the Johxmesburg City nobody who is an elec-
Comcil to talk to us trician who can live in
about this union - this the compound. By the
. HO did you cosle to other one they call it way, he had a car so he
work for the Johannesburg something like Johmnes- could go home to hi*
City Council? burg Municipal Workers house, but he just
Union. They came there stayed there with US.,
Well my father got a job with a white man from the never more sleeping at
for me because he worked city council then he home. The" these two
there. E* had a long introduced them to us - started having meetings
service with the Johannes- one was a senior clerk in with other electricians
burg City Council, more S&by, the others were the" they called all of
than 28 years before he traffic cops. They told us to a meeting to dis-
took a pension. He is a us the city council say cuss what i6 the us* of
Baca nation so when he we may have a union but a union. The" we said we
started there kse was a there was sanething I want it, a.11 of US. They
driver of mules - that's didn't understand nicely. told us if there is an
something like a donkey lbey said we should pay injury in the work, the
and like a hors*, just 25 cents per week and Union cm help you to
inbetween. They were using that they can take the get some money. Then if
mules for taking the money from our wages before something happens like
rubbish from the suburbs. we get them. The" we didn't the municipality fires
It "as before they got like that thing. Then we you without no reason you
. HOW much were workers

w&cers to go to tF.a; corporals of the
meeting, but We did go - secm'ity guards said all
all Of us. men we e1ec- Of us must get on duty -
ted the executive e"en the ones Who were
committee, Mr Mavi to working at night. So we
he president and m didn't go on strike. we
Dlami"i to be the just changed OUT clothes
secretary and Mr Martin and went back to tile
Sera to be vice- job. Then the union
president. Before that representatives went to
Mr M?."i and MT Dlamini the compound manager and
used to drive buses. said they wanted his boss,
but he said we must first
After that meeting, the go to work, the" they
compound marager chased can talk to US. so they
those others who had said. if be can't talk,
explained the union to he must call his boss
us from the compound. the Chief Engineer,
BUt we still had meetings. Electricity Department.
Then the executive
cmmittee tried to Then the union leaders
r.egotiat* with the came to us security
Johannesburg city council, guards and asked us why
but they refused. men we sre on duty. They After the weekend all
they said we should call asked didn't we alsO the other compounds also
a Strike to get that want more money? we get came on strike.
increase which was re- slaves wages, but we On Monday we had a
ported in tt;e radio and stiil doing nonsense meeting in Soweto and
the newspaper, in the here? We explained to the police told us with
star I think. It said them, no our corporals a loudspeaker the meet-
we must get it in July, t.old us we must not ing was illegal and that
'~ but we didn't get that strike. Then we all just we must go to semy conl-
increase. go to our rooms and take pound to get our money
off our u*iform. Ther. then go home. We went
Then the executive coe- the other white security on foot to Selby - just
mittee said we should guards came on duty. in peace you know with
*tTzii(e, but we refused. no trouble.
we tom them the others .Didn't they bring in
muSt fir*t join the the police?
strike and be ready fo
follow us if the City Yes, first there came
Council fires us. Then Mr Barnard - he refused At Selby we found plenty
one week after that, on what we want. He said he others on strike - 1
24th ox 25th 3uly or so, can reply to us in 6 thi* about 10 COO or so.
we started *triking on weeks. We told him to Then this Mr Fanie Both.3
ThWSday morning. I "a* reply us now or find from government in Pretoria
doing night shift and somebody who can do and MX David de Villiers
overtiue. from 6 to 6. that. He said he will from Zohannesburg City
E~erybcdy. even the fire all of us if we Council management
whzte people,working don't go back to work. cmmittee came to tell
in the power station, He went away the" came us they can not talk to
e"en the big boss, the back with the police - us about what we want if
Chief Engineer, knew the some CID's with phones, we do not go back to
strike was going to you know walkie-talkies - work. They said we must
start that day. they left other police have representatives to
with guns hiding behind talk with them and we
the power *tations - told them yes WE have
plenty of them were got a union to talk for
black and some whites us, but they just refuse
with'gms. to talk to them.
The the police put us in jobs. So they did that
Putco buses with OUT and the city council
things and escorted us told them they would take
to home for Transkei. "5 back without breaking
We just went quietly our contract. We waited
singing our songs from a long time, but nothing
home. We were just happy happened. Then they re-
to he going home. We instated eonle others,
thought even if we had but not us from Orlando -
died, we would have died they diti't like us.
for the tr"th.
.what had happened to
when we got tc me union repreeentat1ves
border we didn't stop then?
at the offices of Republic
of ?A, they just let us I heard MT mvi and
go through. We just stop- others were arrested for
ped at ~atanzima's organising the strike -
offices and they asked something like that. Then
us what happened. they were charged but
SOIne state WltneSSeS
made a perjllry - they to13
lies in the CC"lt - so
they were released. Then
back to Selby to find o"tt the union took the muni-
oh we arc fired now. There workers from Umzimkulu, cipality to court to get
11 buses full. He said the wages for the time we
no they can't fire you were at home. It is still
for wanting money there's carrying on now at the
nothing wrong with that. moment. It's more than
Then he called the chiefs 1 year now since we lost
from our places to go to our jobs. Plenty of the
Umtata and then to workers are back in
Johannesburg to discuss Johannesburg but without
what happened so they contracts - just doing
can take us back to our some piece jobs.

. mat happened to all

the fired workers?

After they fired us they

took us in buses to City
Deep Old Mine compound
and arrested us 2nd kept
us there till the fol-
lowing day without food.
We just heard our things
from OUT lockers were in
plastic bags in a lorry.
I lost a lot Of my
things, blankets, shoes,
clothes, radio, school
certificates, bank book,
plenty things. But 1
left my money with my
wife in Central Western
Jabmu, because she
just had a baby; it was
1 month old by that time.
Some other things unions 0 DO you think you wan
can't do, but they wish by striking?
to do sanething like
changing laws that treated Yes I think so. Plenty
us bad. BUM at this stage people to get an Strike
when they talk about that. must win. At the moment
they are arrested. They we have lost - we haven't
ban you, arrest you, detain got jobs, OUT children
you, even kill you because are hungry, we've lost
they know you are waking ouz belongings . . . but
the people up that's why I just hope it will cane,
they do not like unions. I don't know "he". our
union will win. Then the
That's how SOme people municipality will pay "5
from other countries our money and give us
can help - come unions our jobs back. Anyway it
and factories like Leyland doesn't matter what they
of London or others in do, We will still carry
holland can ha"e a bCyCOtt on, because the truth
and make them not treat can't change, hut false
people like this. I think can change. That's what I
it can help. can say.
Unemployment insurance
Many people in South Africa are These workers can not get UIF money :
unemployed. They want to work, but ~Domestic workers, farm workers and
there are ra jobs for tiem. Factory m0e.t mineworkers.
owners prefer to use machines than .Some people who work for the govern-
people because machines do not 90 on ment or railways.
strike or mmplai" about work conditions. b Workers from countriee outside South
Because of this, many people are Africa like Botswana, Lesotho, Malwi,
unemployed. The goverment "ants to Mozambique, Swaziland or Zimbabwe.
help the factory owner, not the people. bPeople who come from the Transkei
so they do not qeke jobs for unemployed end BophutbaTswana can not get money
people. from UIF in Pretoria. Contract workers
from BophuthaTswana can get money from
Some ""employed people can get help the BophnthaTswane authorities. Work-
from the linemp1oymer.t I"s"ra"ce Fund ers from'ilendeland can get "IF money
WE). "IF also helps workers in from Pretoria until September 1982.
other ways. It gives money to workers
when they get pregnant or sick -"d it
gives money to the family of a worker How to get money from UIF
who has died. Every worker who pays money to "IF
must have a Blue Card. The employer
keeps the Blue Card and writes on it
Where does UIF money come from? the wages end how much the worker
Every week, employers take some money pays to "IF. YOU must take your Blue
from the wages of each worker. The Card to the pees office or labour
employers send this money to UIF in bureau to claim your UP money. If
Pretoria. The money which each worker you live end work in tow" and have
pays to "IF is written on the worker's Section 10 fights, you can get "IF
payslip every week. Some "IF money money from the Pass Office or frcm the
cOme* frm .+Cp1oyers. All employers labour department. You must go to the
pay money to "IF for every worker in Pass office within 3 days of leaving
their factories. Some UTF money also your job. If you work in tow" on
ccme* from the government. contract you can only get UIF money
from the labour bureau in the rural
area. You must go there within one
Who can get money from UIF? month after leaving your job.
@Workers who lose their jobs and
cannot find work. At the Pass Office or the Labour
bworkers who yet sick end cannot work Bureau you must register as a work-
for a long time. seeker, even if you do not have your
t+Workers who are prewmt or who have Blue Card. Being a workseeker means
just bed babies. that you are allowed to look for a
h The family of a worker who has died. job. You must get a "special" stamped
in your pass, and the pass office or means you left for another reason.
labour buteau will send you to Employers write Number 3 when they
factories to look for work. They will fire you because they are unhappy
give you a form which you mst take to with you. Maybe it is because you
every factory. If there is no work for went on strike or because the employer
you, the employer at the factory signs thinks you were lazy or drunk. UIF
the form. Then the pass office or does not like to give money to workers
labour bureau will see that you went who have 1 or 3 on their Blue Cards.
to all the factories to look for work. SOUketimeS they make people with 1 01
Xf you cannot find work after o"e 3 wait a few month* before giving
week, you can ask for a springbok. them "IF money.
This means that you looked for a job
for a week but could not find one. If "IF gives you your money, they Will
send you a letter telling you to
If you have section 10 rights yru collect your IJIF money from the same
can go with your springbok to the office where you got your springbok.
Black Affairs Commis*ioner or the
labour department to get your "IF
money. If you live in a rural area, For how long does UIF pay?
you can go to the l&our bureau or Xf a worker has paid money to UIF for
the magistrate's cffice with your more than 3 years, they will pay him
springbok to get yaw UIF money. or her for up to 25 Weeks. After that,
the worker cannot get any more money
When you go there you will get from UTF. If a worker has paid money
another form to fill in. This form to "IF for 1 or 2 years or less, UIF
asks aSout all your jobs for the last only pays them for 1 01: 2 months.
5 years.

Before UP gives money they want to UIF forsick workers and pregnant
knok- why you left youT last job. workers
When you leave your job, your employer UTF gives money to workers who are
writes a number on your Blue card. sick for 3 weeks or lorrger if they
The number t%l% UIF why you left. have paid money to UTF for at least
Number 1 means that you left your job 13 weeks in the previous year. UIF
becase you wanted to leave. wmber z give5 money
to workers "ho lose their
means you left because your employer jobs because they are pregnant if
did not need you anymore. number 3 they have paid money to "IF for at
least 18 weeks before they are fired.
UIF pays the fired worker nearly
half of her wages during the last 2
or 3 months of pregnancy and during
the first 1 or 2 months after the

UIF forthe familyof a worker who dies

UIF gives sane money to the family of
a worker who dies, if the worker paid
UIF for at least 13 weeks during the
5 years before he or she died. The
family has to get many forms and
letters and send them to UIF in
Pretoria. They must send these forms
within 3 years after the worker's

Many workers have problems with "IF.

There are some organisations which can
help workers with these problems (see
advice oqanisations listed on p 537).
Workmens ComDensation
How much does Workmens Compensation

If a worker is seriously hurt at work

so that he carInever work again, for
example if his leg is cut off in an
accident, he will get money fran work-
men's Compensation every month for a
year. sometimes he can get money for
longer than 1 year.

How to get money from Workmens

The money from Workma'* Compensation What to do ifyou have problems with
does not come quickly. MOSt workers Workmens Compensation
wait a Lang time after the accident some workers have trouble he they
to get their money. Sometimes wozkers try to get money from Workmens com-
borrow fro16 their employers while pensation. Sometimes, the employer
they are waiting and Workmen's Com- does not want to tell WorksEnscom-
pensation pays the employers back. pensation about the accident.Sometimes
Workmen*Compensation sends the money
to the employer and the employerdoes
What happens when the Workmens not Want to give it to the worker.
Compensation money isfinished?
If the money from Workn,e*cornpen- sometimes the employer tellsWorkmens
sation is finished and the worker is Compensation+hat the worker did not
still too sick to work he or she can get sick because of the job. If work-
get a Disability Grant from the govern- men'* Compensation believes the employ-
ment. A person who has a Disability er, they will not give money to the
Grant gets *a& money frcm the sick worker. Any worker who has
gO"er"me"t e"ery 2 months for the problems with Workmen'* Compensation
rest of his or her life. can get help from the advice organi-
sations listed on p 537.

Domestic Workers Rights

Domestic workers are one of tbs jiD*t. Domestic workers cannot get money
exploited groups of worker* in South from Workmen'* Ccmpensation if they
Africa. They do not have trade unions become sick for a long time or if
to help them fight for their rights. they are injured at work. They cannot
"sually they do not even have con- get money from the "nemplqmlent rn-
tracts. In many other kinds of work, surance Fund "he" they become ""em-
for example in factories, employers ployed or pregnant.
are forced by the government to pay
a minimum wage. Trade unions can Most domestic workers do not get sick
fight for this minimum wage to he leave. In other kinds of work,
increased. SW. there is no minimum employers have to pay workers "ho
wage for dcmestic workers. Every are sick and to give them time off
dcaestic worker makes their own until they are better. Many domestic
agreement about wages with their workers do not take time Off when
employer and *me workers are forced they are sick because they know they
to take very 10" wages. will lose their jobs or will not be
paid for the time they are sick.

Dcmcstic workers do not have the right

to paid leave and many have to take
unpaid leave if they want to have a
holiday. If you are a domestic worker
you should try to make a written
agreement with your employer about
your holiday pay. Then if you are
fired, your employer will have to
pay you holiday pay, otherwise you
can take meIn to Court.

There is no law about giving notice

to domestic workers. Most domestic
warkers who are fired are told to
leave their jobs straight amy.
without getting notice pay. When
you *tart work a* a dcmestic worker,
make an agreement with your employer People regiStered as dm**tic workers
to give you notice according to how have lot* of problems getting any
often you get paid. For example, if other kind of job. For example, if a
you are paid every month, the notice dmestic worker trains to be a typist
rust be 1 month. If you are paid every or a clerk, *he or he will probably
week, the notice must be 1 week. 1f not be allowed to change their job
your employer "ill not pay you notice registration even if they find one
pay you can take them to court whether of these jobs.
you have a" employment contract or not.
There is no trade union for dme*tic
In some places, for example in Pretoria, worker* but if you have difficultis*
the F card which the employer *ig"* getting notice pay or holiday pay
when registering a dome*tic worker, from yaw employer, contact the
says the notice period is only 1 day. Doriestic Workers Association~see p540).
Employers do not have to sign this F This association has branches through-
Card if they want to give longer out the country and will fight for
notice. domestic worker's rights.

Pensions and Grants

Many old and disabled people suffer so they are giving you back what you
because they can not get pensions and have already paid to them.
disability grant*. Even tho*e who do
get them can not survive an the little
money they get. Who can get pensions?
women older than 60 and men older
than 65 years can get old age pensions
More than half of the people who from the government. The maximum
should get government pensions do not pension of R40 per month is only
get thea because of problems like granted if the person get* Less than
not having a birth certificate, not R10,50 per month, for example from
having a reference book or living members of their family working in
illegally in town. often they can not towu. or from their own work. If
afford to pay the bribes which chiefs the person gets more than Rl0,50 per
and other gwerment employees want month, he or she will not get the
before they will give people their maximum pension. It will be less,
pensions. depending on how much monsy they get.
Lf the person gets more than RZ0.50
Other people have problems getting per month, they will not get any
their pensions from company pension p*si0*.
funds when they retire. Some employers
send the money to the administration
offices and the worker never get* it.
Tho*e who get company pensions still
suffer because they CM not al.*0 get
a government pension. Sometimes the
company pension is very little,
so even after having it take" Off
their wages for many years, the**
pensioners get no more than others who
get government pension*. It is every-
body's right to be looked after when
they are old. *o pensions should be
enough to live on, not the little
money they are now.

The l~o"*y which the government "*e*

for pensions comes from workers' taxes,
YOU can not get 2 pension if you are: Pensions are paid OLINevery 2 months.
There are pension pay out posts in
sIn prison, in a TB hospital, in a each rural district, where the
hospital for other infectious diseases, pensions are paid for a few days each
like leprosy or in i mental hospital. month. Usually pensioners have to
8 Already getting any other pension wait in queues for 1 or 2 days to
or allowance which is more than get their pension. In some pl.aces
R20.50 per month, for example from people are forced to buy a place in
Workmen's Conpensation. the queue so that they can get their
pensions. Sometimes they have to
bribe the clerks paying the pensions,
Applying forold age pensions otherwise they refuse to pay. If this
Co to the offices of the Commissioner happens the pensioners should go to
if you live in tow3 or to the the magistrate to report it straight
magistrates offices if you live in away.
a rur.51 area. If there is a social
worker at the offices ask them to
help you fill in the ippiication Free medicines
forms for a pension. when you are Pensioner*do not have to pay for
granted a pension, you will get a treatment or medicines at clinics
red stamp in your reference book. and hospitals if they show their
reference books to prove they are
Take a !~etter from your chief or old age pensioners. They can also get
headman to say you can apply for a free spectacles and bearing aids.
pension. Sometimes you can not get Pensioners have to pay only RZ
a pension without his permission if instead of F.8 when they buy a radio
you live in a rural area. licence.

Company pension funds a doctor at the local hospital. 'You
At scme factori=* there are pension must also get a letter frcnn your
fu"ds which are for monthly paid local chief or headman to take to the
workers only; at others there are social worker when you apply. The
pension funds for permanent workers payments are the sane a* for Old
only and contract workers can not age pension*.
belong to them. Usually the money
you pay to the fund is a percentage
of your wages and it is taken out of
your wages by the company.

me government *aYe* a lot Of money

if workers belong to a company pension
scheme and then the government does
not have to spend money to look after
old people. If you beloag to a company
pension scheme, you can not get a
government pension.

Employers also like company pension

schemes because they can take off the
money they pay into pension funds from
the tax they pay. The employers also
like it because it helps them to
control their workers. Workers will Maintenance grants
not leave their jobs or *trike because Maintenance grant* are paid to people
they know that if they stay in the who can not support their families.
same job for many years they will get They are even more difficult to get
a bigger pension. than pensions or disability grants.

Gover*e*t pensions are paid out of The** people can get maintenance
tax which you pay all your working grants:
life. Everybody knows the government
pension is not enough to live on, and &I The wife of a man who get* a dis-
many people think that company pensions ability grant.
will pay you more when you are old. 8 The wife of a man who is disabled
But your company pension is usually but has been refused a disability
only about 60% of your wages. If it grant.
w** difficult to live on low wages, it q A widow who can not support her'
will be even more difficult to live school-going children younger than
on your company pension. It would be 16 years.
better if everybody got bigger pensions . A woman who has been deserted by
from the government instead of having her husband, but only if the court
to join capny pension funds. has issued a statement saying the man
can not be prosecuted because he is
physical1.y or mental1.y diseblec?.
Blind and disability
People who *se blind, crippled,
mentally retarded or suffering from How to Apply
diseases like TB which take a long Apply at the administratiori offices or
time to get better can get grants magistrates court. Maintenance glcants
from the government until they are are paid once a month, usually on the
well enough to work. If they are first Tuesday of the month. You will
permanently disabled they can get get R4,25 for each of your first 4
grants for their whole life. children, but nothing more if you have
any others. Take all your documents
o"1y people DYer 18 years of age like marriage certificate, childrens
Can get disability grants. You must birth certificates, and divorce papers
get form5 from the local social and a letter from your local chief or
worker and get them filled in by headman if you live in a rural .~*a.

Working out how to spend and save your mone
is called budgettinq. If you budget, you can
Find out exactly how much you can spend.

Income and expenses.
-To budget, you have to know your Income and expenses.

ur incovvleis the vnoney you get, Your wages.

Your expenses are everything you spend Your

money on.

Most people set their income every week or every month. If

you are not sure when you will get your money or how
much it will be, it is more difficult to budget, This is a pro-
blem for many people living in rural areas because they
get money from family members working in town. They
do not know when the next money will come so they can-
not budget easily.

Some expenses, like food, clothes

and transport, are things
which you need to live. Other
expenses I ike newspapers
and radios make life better
but you can live without them.
YOUmust first budget for the
things you need and if there
is any money left over, ou
can spend it on other t&ng
you want, or you car7 save It.

Expenses come at diKerent times.

Food and traMsport must be paid for

every day or every week,
Rent, instalments, accounts and
clothes must be paid for

Licences, school Pees,

and school book
must be paid
For every year.

Workinq out your monthly income.

It is best to work out your bud+ every !cnonth.
First write down your monthly inCOrW. IF YOU get paid
every week, you must multiply your weekly wage by
4 to find out how much your monthly wage is. For
example, if you get R35 per week, your rno~$A~ly wage is

a week (weeksper rnmth)

Write down any other income in the family. For example,

somebody may get a pension or somebody may send
money home,

Working out your monthlwpenses.

Then write down ur monthly expenses. These will be all
the daily and wee r ly expet+.es, the monthly expenseg and
b part of the early expenses added together to g!ve
you your tota 7 monthly expenses.
Daily expenses -Multiply all yqur daily expenses by 30
because there are 30 days In a month. For example,
if you buy bread every day Car 24c, multiply 24c x 30
I /
and find that you spend R7,20 per month on bread.

Weekly expenses-Multiply all your weekly expenses by 4, to

get your monthly total.
For example:



8 0

Vegetables 6 0
Coal 250 IO 1 0
Paraffin 75 3 00
Soap$ washing powder - 80 3 20
Busfare 500 20 loo

Monthly expenses - these are all the things you pay ome a
For example:

Monthly expenses R c

Rent 21 60
Instalment on stove 7 00
&z;unt for school uvriforms 6 50
371 IO

yearfy,e enses - If you save some money every month,

px.i ~111 ave enough to pay your yearly expenses at the
%d &the year.
Cost + 12 Month
Radio licence 82-o
School baoks 43 00 32:
5140 d3R
I --
So if you save R4,28 every month, you will have R51,40 at
the end of the year to pay your yearly expenses.

Workiq out vour mor~thly budqet

Now that you have worked out your daily, weekly,

monthly and yearly expenses, you can add them
together to Find out your total monthly
For example:


Cleaning things Soap & Washing powde

Cooking z$ Lighting

Accounts School Uniforms

I nstalmenb

M2th annual expenses

(to be put aside)
\low you know your income and expenses, you can work
3ut how much money you have left every month to save
>r to spend on things you want. The money left over
after you have taken away your expenses from your in-
zome is your balance.
For example:

You cab save the R 5,98 or you can spend it, on things
you want.
Sometimes you find that your expenses are more than
your income. IF @is happens, you have to borrow money
or go without thlnqs.you need. When you know you are
?verspFnding, you WIII have to decide what to stop
spending moyey on. IF ou have spent money on things
you can do wtthouf, cuy. these out first. Then cut
down on other things until your expenses are less than
your income.

Birth Certificates

Parents should get birth certificates

from the Commissioner's Office for
their children as soon as they are
born. If they are registered before
one year, it is free, but after one the person. The letter must be stmped
year you rmst pay R2,50. The Commissioner hy a commissioner of oath* (see ~538).
will want to know where the child was
born, who the child's parents are and If the baby was born in hospital, you
the date of birth. must know the date of birth. Check
the name the hospital gave the baby.
If the baby was born at hone, you must because they make mistakes. If there
get letters from t"0 "Omen who were are mistakes it is difficult to get
present at the birth. The letters the right birth certificate.
mu*t say that they know the child,
they know where he or she was born, .Wybcdy who wants help in getting a
where the birth took place, who were birth certificate can contact any
the parests and other details *out Black Sash advice office (see p 537).

Adoption is bringing up a child who is If there are problems, adoption can
not your own child. When people adapt take a long time, up to a few years.
a child it is usually a child who be- Sometimes you have to go to the place
longs to their family, for example where the child was born to get a
when the child has been abandoned by birth certificate. Then you have to
its parents or when its parents have go to the place where the parents
died. If the child's parents are your died to get a death certificate. This
relatives, adoption is quite easy. cm take a lot of time, but do not
be discouraged. Ask the social worker
You can make an application for adop- for help and if you still have problems,
tion with the social worker at the go to the Black Sash advice office.
administration offices,or the magis-
trates offices. The*e adoptions do
not take long and the social worker
usually let5 the child live with you
while you wait for the adoption to
become legal. oven if you are a single
woman you can adopt a child who belongs
to your family and who is already People sometimes want to .&pt a child
living with you. Many grandmothers because they cannot have children
whose husbands have died are allowed themselves. This is more difficult.
to adopt their grandchildren. Many You have to speak to the social worker
do this so that~the grandchildren at the commissioners office or
can take over their grandmother's magistrates office and explain that
house when she dies. you can not have a baby. Usually both
the man the woman have to be examined
If you are applying to adopt .&child by a doctor to find out why you can
whose parents have died, you must not have a child. Sometimes the doctor
have a death certificate from the gives the woman or the man medicines
district surgeon in the area where so they will have a baby. If there
the parents died and the birth certi- is nothing the doctor can da to help
ficate of the child. The younger the you have youz own baby. apply to adopt
child, the easier it will be to a child. It might take a long time
adopt it. If you are applying to and you will have to prove to the
adopt the child of an unmarried social worker that you will be able
mother after the mother has died, to support and look after a child.
you must have permission from the
father's family if you know who the When they'find a baby for you, you
child's father is. you will not be will have to go to court to sign
allowed to adopt the child if the adoption papers and the social worker
father or his family is claiming the will visit you sometimes to see if
cbiid. the child is happy.
Marriage Laws
0 If the hu*band leaves the wife he
married by c"etomary la", he can marry
somebody else without getting a divorce.
So the first wife will have no protec-
tion. She will not get maintenance from
the husband, and he Will be able to
claim back the l&da from her family.
Unless you tell the priest or magistrate permission to sign hire purchase
which kind you want. you will be agreements or to open a bank 02 build-
married out of community of property ing society account.
without an ante-nuptial mntract. Dif-
ferent kinds of marriages have differ- If they get divorced or if the husband
ent advantages and disadvantages: dies, the wife keeps her own property.

But if the husband dies withoiit making

a will, the wife gets only the things
In this kind of marriage the wife's she would get if she was married by
property and the husband's property are customary la". Most Of the husband's
joined. They each own half of every- property will be inherited by his
thing they have. If the husband dies nearest mle relative.
without making a will, ox if they get
divorced, the wife gets half of the q Out of community of property with an
property they both owned. The disadvan- ante-nuptial contract:
tage is that the husband can do things
without the agreement of the wife, In this kind of marriage the husband

but the wife can not do things unless end wife keep their own property during

beer husband agrees. For example her aid after the marriage and the wife can

husband has to sign things like hire da things like sign hire purchase

purchase agreements. She can not buy agreements Without her husbands per-

things without his permission. mission. If the husband dies without

making a will, his property will be
inherited by his nearest male relative
and the wife .dill keep her own property.

The ante-nuptial contract must be signed

before the weddiq in front of a lawyer
and usually costs about R50.

This is the m0s.t common form of Marriage certificates

marriage and yox will be married in If you were married in church or in
this way unless you ask for one of court, you will get a marriage certi-
+3le other ways. ficate. At the top of the certificate
there will be a number like 2360/19X/
In this kind of marriage, the husband 188, and another nun&r in the tap
and wife each own the property which right hand corner of the certificate.
they had before the marriage and which it is a good idea to write the*e nun-
they each bought during the marriage. hers somewhere. If you lose the certi-
B"C- the husband has control O"er the ficate, you can tell the commissioner's
wife. For example, she mu*t have his office the numbers and get another copy.

Divorce Laws
Married people suffer many problems and rea*on*, he will tell you to ccnne t*
tensions and many get divorced. Before court on a certain day. Sometimes he
getting divorced, try to talk about the "ill send you a letter to tell you the
problems in your marriage with samebody day to come to court. If you do not
like ? marriage guidance counsello+ 90 to court on that day, you can be
(see p 538). fined. Tf you can not go, you must
send a letter to say why. Then tne
magistrate or commissioner will make
mother day for the divorce case.
magistrate with their marriage certi-
ficate and explain why they want to "sually the case costs about ~15 and
get divorced. If he agrees witb your you will get a divorce certificate.

The certificate will say who must look fee*. If the lawyer refuses, go to
after the children if you have any. the Legal Aid Board in town or the
Usually it is the mother, bat the Legal Aid Officer at the magistrate's
father is the legal guardian and he court and ask far legal advice isee
is allowed to see them at any reason- p 537).
able time. the children keep the
father's s"rIlme.
Getting married again
If you were married in community of People vho were married by civil law in
property, the divorce court also church or court can not get married
decides what property the hushand and by civil law again unless they have
wife get after the divorce. been divorced, or if their first husband
or wife has died. Many people da not
know it is a crime to marry again
Legal Help without being divorced. If a man marries
igain before getting divorced, the
second marriage is not legal and the
second wife has no protection from tie
law if her husband abandons her and
their children. The aan can also go
to jail.

Making a Will
A will is a letter which tells your YOUT will muet be signed by 2 witnesses
family what you want fhem to do with who are not named in your will. The
your money and possessions after you witnesses must both watch you sic+ning
die. Every adult should make a will, your name on every page of the will.
whether they are young or old. If They nest both sign their names next
you die without a wiil it can be a to yew signature on every page.
lot of trouble for your family be-
Cau5e sometimes they have to wait a If you change your mind about your
long me before they can get your will you can make a new one. The
possessions and it may cause many last will you make is the one which
family fights. is legal, even if it is different
from your earlier wills. Do not
It is easy to make a will and does not worry if you lose your will
cost anything. You must firet decide beca"se you can make a new one.
who you want to letive your thing* to.
M0s.t people leave their things to If you write something in your will
their husband or wife and their child- which can not be done because it is
ren, but you can leave your things against the law, for example, if it
to anybody you want. After you die, is against marriage laws, it will be
the people you name in the will must corrected by the commissioner or the
get your tiings. Even if people fight magistrate after you die.
after you die, there is nothing they
can do to cknge your will. Keep your will in a safe place and x
tell your family where~it is in case
The next step is to decide who you you die suddenly. Some people give
want to be the executor of your will. their will to the executor to lcok
The executor is somebody who is res- after.
ponsible for dividing up your things
according to your will after you die. the will must be neatly written without
You cm choose anybody to be your mistakes and easy to understand. If
executor. It is best to choose a wise you make any mistakes the first time
person "hem you tL-ust. Before you you mu*t write it again until there
write the will, ask them if they agree are no mistakes. This is how to wit=
to be the executor. the will:
1, -___-_-___-_-_-_______________
; identity number -------__-_-_-______----'
(full name1

(full adSxess1
declare this to be ny last will and testament. I revoke all former wills.

* =ppoint as =x=cuto=-_-_-____--__-____-_----l identity nrb== ___________-__

Of _--___-___-_______-_------------------------------------------------------
(full address)

I bequeath my entire estate to either my husband/wife _________--_-_________I

identity number __-_-_-_-_____-___-_--, of -____--____-____-----------------~-~
or, failing him, to my children for equal distribution among them.

(This means that if you die first, youl

husband or wife will get all your
If you own a house you mu*t name the
possessions. But if he or she dies
person you want to give the house to,
first, your children will each get an
otherwise it will be sold and the
equal share cf your estate.)
money wiil be divided among all the
people in the will. You must write:

I bequeath the house at -------------------------i~~~~~~~j--------------------.

to ____-____-______-_-_________________i identity "umber _______________---_.

(full name,

Dealing with the Police

you want to buy somethiq expensive like furniture, a stove or a
f Fr
dq@ and you do not have enough mcr/\eyto pay cash For it, ,ycu
might decide to buy it c~ hire purchase. When you buy on hire pur-
CCI;*, you do not pay the Fuli.price straight &way. iou pay A
Ci%.h deposit and the rest of the price in monthly instalments.
r II

n qere are many thiv\qs to knqw and think about before you buy
al ?yt?ingon hire purchase. Hire purchase helps people because
t1my could not afford some things if they had to pay cash For them.
BLrt it is also important. to know that buyihq on H.P coats more
tk ian paying cash.

Fl)r example:
1 his is an advertisement For a bedroom suite.

Lc)ok at the cash price: it is R270.
NlDWlook at the H.P price: it is R27 deposit and R12,25p.m. for 24
T he advertisement does not give a total for the HI! price. If you
ork. out this t$al you,@1 clnd how much more it costs to buy
kIeCIroot%Isuite on Dire purchase. 2
/ .
Working out the HI! t&a!

First, multiply the monthly instalments by the number OF in&al-

ments you have to pay
For example If you are paying back over 24 months(2 years):

x is
Then add the depo&. This will give you the total hire pur-

+ =

price from the hire purchase price,

I more to buy the same bedroom

L /
F- .
At theshop they make it sound like there are no problems
when you buy things on hire purchase, but there are many
things to be careful about.
k us say that YOUwant to buy the bedroom suite on HP You
Ray the R27 cash deposit and then you sign ? hire purchase
sgreew\ent. 7he eg- t says that you WIII pay the rest of
the money, plus interest in monthly instalments for the next
24 months. Until you have paid all the instalmer&s tk~ be&~~~
suite belonqs to the shop. It does not belong to you until you
have Finished paying For it.

After you have signed the H.P:

agreement, you are forced by
law to pay the monthly instal-
Iylents. The shop can take you to
court if you do not pay for one month.
?he mm-t can let the shop repossess
your bedroom suite because you have
not paid your in%alrnent. This means
that the shop can take back the bedroom
suite without payinq back any of the mo-
ney you have already paid in deposit and instaltnents. Then thz
shop can sell the bedroom suite to somebody else. I
you do not understand.

The First part of the form is information about you-

your name, address, where you work, what job you do, how
many children you have ard so on.

It is easier p buy something on hire putihaseif you have already

got other hire purchase agreements at stores which. WIII give
you a good reference.

lhe last part of the form is about how you will pay

*the first thing you write down is the cash price of the becf-

*then you write down how much cash deposit you are paying:
/ -,
*then you take the deposit away from the cash price to find
how much you must pay in monthly ~nstalments. This is called
the Galance:

*then you add k+e interest which YOUwill pay. DiFfer-sti shop
charge different mnterest. Let us say, for example, you are
paying 21%interest; then

Sorne&nes the interest is called the !&axe charge,

*now add the finance charge to the baiance:

R294 is the total you must repay in 24months. k find out

how much You will pay per month, divide

YOUwill also write down on this part of the form when and
where you will pay the mo&hly instalments.

The rest of the HE agreement is printed in very small type and

uses language which is very difficult to understand.

SOmeOF the things written on the agreement usually mean:

*You do not own what you have bought until the last in-
stabnent, is paid, and you CannOt sell it until you have fin-
ished paying.

*If you do not make your paymento on time, the shop can
charge you extra lnteresc on the money You owe.

* YOUare responsible for the thinqs you buy and if they

are lost or damaged it 1s up to Yw to rapay or replace than
0 If you do not pay your debts, the shop can qo to court
to take back the things from You but the shop cannot re-
possess the things without a court order. Yqu should be
car&?+ not to sign any extra forms which give the shop
, permtssion to repossess the goods without a court order
/c 7

&ad everything very carefully before signing. YOU must make

ou @I. a copy of the hired p?:rchase Corm,ti keep
YOU must also make sure that the things de-
gd on the Cl? aqreement are the ones you . want to

The shop usuaiiy asks for somebody eise you know to sig:~
for any hire purchase agreement. The person who siq?s the
uarantee For you IS promlslnq to pay the lnstalments If you
9ail t6 pay them.
\ /

*Make sure you read everythinq

on the agreement before you sign it
* Make sure that you understand

One way of buyinq something expensive without using hire
purchase is by forming a buying club. A number OFfamilies, say
about 13 can start a buying co-operative together Every
month each family would give the co-operative a certain am-
ount OFmoney, say R12. lhis money is put together and every
family gets a turn to hz.re al: the money for one month. For
example, lo families qivinq RI2 a month, ma&s RlZOa month,
in this way every family would qet a chance to buy some-
thing expensive about once a @ar without having to use the
more expensive hire purchase system. lhere are no finance
charqes or repossessions. Buyincj clubs are one way people
can join together and help one another.
\ /
Joining a group helps people to solve
problems which they could not solve
alone. For example, if some mothers
Start a sewing group, they might all
have the problem of what to do with
their children while they are sewing.
person does the same work at home and
the group meets orice or twice a week.
Other groups join tagether only to
buymaterials and to sell their

Deciding what to make

rc is very impDrtat to make things Where to work?
which other people want to buy. Many You should try to find a place which
groups fail because they make things you can u*e free or rent. If you do
which people do not want or 'cannot not need a lot of space,~you could
afford. If~ymx group does not know work in somebody's house. Ask community
what to make find o"t what >eqle workers, church ministers, teacher* or
near you already use and need. Find anybody else to help you to find a
out what skills the peopie in the place to work in. Make sure it locks
group have. Then see if the skills because ecpipment costs a lot of money.
you have can be "sed to make things
people need. 15 people need things
which you do not knew how to make, you Who can join the group?
znust decide if yea can learn how to It is important that ail the pecgle in
n*t them or if you must give up the the group can be friends and work well
idea of m*i*g them. together. If all the people in the
group have the same needs and the same
problems, it is easier for them to
Different kinds o production groups work tcqether. It also helps if
In some groups, all the members do the a11 the members can work together for
same work in the same place every day. the same hours every day.
I" Ocher groups, all the members work
in the same place every day, but each Do not start with too many people. It
person does their own work. Other is better to start small and the" when
groups can not find a place for all the group is .5tr0"4 you can bring in
the members to work together, so each more people.
Planning Deciding about money
There are many things that you have to The group members must not pay aL1 the
talk about and work out before you money fron sales to theraislves.They
start working. have to k&p some Of the money to buy
tools, repair machine,; and buy raster-
The group must make a time for plannirrg ids every month. After that, all the
every week. rvery week you must make memSer* can get their wages. It is
plans for the next week. But you must best if everyone gets the same wages.
also have meetings whe" youmake plans
far a longer time, for 3 months, 6 Sometimes there is still some money
months or 1 years time. left over. In a business this extra
money Is called profit and it goes
if the group does not finish the into the boss's pocket. I" a group,
things it planned, look very carefully everyone decides together what they
at how the group has been worki"g to want to do with the extra money. Some
find out.why. Sometimes yox will find groups use this money to buy more
that the time you gave in your plan was equipment or to buy something for the
too short. It could also be that the community, for example to buy a water
group is working too slowly, the mem- pump or cement for building a creche.
hers do not come every day on time, or other groups use the money to help
they are.talking all the time and not another production group to start or
working. Maybe thy have not learnt they use it to start a pension fund.
enough skills to work fastet. If this
is the reason you mu*t see if you all Try to decide how you rant to use the
need z+x~emore training. extra money~at the beginning when the
group is still working out its plans.
There can be big fights later if you
Administration do not all decide in the beginning.
There is a lot of administration work
to do in a production group:
b One person has to go around before Bookkeeping
meetings to each person in the group Bookkeeping tells you about all the
and find out if there is anything that money the gro"p makes and spends. It
they want to talk abmlc in the meeting. is not difficult to learn bookkeeping.
*is list of all the things that You ca" learn by carresponde"ce, but
people want to talk about Fs called it is much quicker to get scmecme to
the agenda. The same person must write teach you using the group's own books.
down everything that happens in
meetings. This is called taking minutes.
In the weekly and monthly meetings Marketing
the whole group sits tagether to dis- Marketing is usually the biggest
cuss the things on the agenda. The problem of all. Here are some impor-
group ca" choose a chairperson to tant questions to ask about marketing,
lead the rceeting. Each member of the before you start making things:
group can have a chance to be the W who will buy the things you make?
chairperson. . HOW will you take them to the place
i When a group is big, with 15 to 60 where you want to se11 them?
members, it is better to have a q HOW will you sell the things? In a
committee. This committee is made up shop? at the side of the road? From
of people chose" and accepted by all door to door?
the members. The coranittee is not like = How do you expect people to pay -
a boss, because it cannot make any big in cash, layby or to pay a deposit
changes without the agreement of all and the rest "he" they collect?
the members. Each cannDittee member must @ If you sell things to a shop how
be give" a job to do. For example: much will the shopkee+r sell them
b One person must be in charge of get- fOrI,
ting materials and transport. 8 HOW will you advertise the things you
POne person must do the bookkeeping. make? Will you put up pesters and
b One or two people must do the selling notices in churches, schools and other
and taking orders. places? Will you print a cheap cata-
logue or .ill people just tell each group has no con*tit"tion they will
other about the things that you make? have to have a meeting and decide about
thi* problem. Tf they had eta-ted off
There are some special shop* that try with a constitution, that all the
to help co-operative groups. They sell members had agreed to end signed, they
materials cheaply to groups and help would not have this problem. The con-
them to sell "hat they make. The z&he *titution mu*t say clearly what happens
shop I* in Cape TownCsee p 530) end if you leave the group. Then there can
Race Relations shops are in most big be no fights. Nobody can *ey that Cney
towns. Try to find out about *hops like did not agree to this or that. The
this in your area. signature of each member *how* that
they agreed to accept all these cos-
1t is best to make something that the ditions and responsibilities. They
people in your community need and to rannot say they did not agree.
sell ycur own things. Tell people why
they Should buy things made in the Other kind* of things that a con*titu-
cormunity instead of factories. Ask tion can say:
the ministers in the churches to tell . All group members get equal income.
their congregations about groups that
are trying to make their own work . There is a minimum income for all
without exphiting workers. members.

It helps if you give your group a name. . 'Whethappens to the money left over
People will remember you by *is name. after all the wages, materials end
It also helps if you meke a small repairs have been paid.
pictue design that *how* what your
group does. Then people remember your * How much money must be kept for tools
group more easily. Some groups have a end repairs.
rubber stamp made with their name and
their picture on. They stamp it on all 0 HOW long the training period is.
the things they make and on all their
advertisements. 0 8ow the group decide* if someone
must leave 01 someone c-n join.
Make sr.mplesor take photogr*phs of
the things you make, so that you can There are many othe-: things you may
show them to people before they need to write into your constitution.
order. This will help yo" to get If you have any difficulties, ask
orders. advice from another co-operative group
or one of the organisations which helps

Making a constitution
When people work together it is very
important to have a constitution that Meeting other groups
tells them clearly what their rights 1t helps to meet with other production
end responsibilities are. Without a groups. Your group may have problems
constitutior.,there can be trouble. that they do not know ho" to solve.
They can hear how another group solved
For example, scmeone in a sewing nearly the same problems. No" they see
glioupwant* to leave the group end that an an*wer is possible.
take one of the sewing machines away
with them. They say it is their right Ask an organisation whj.chhelps
because they worked with the group co-opetetive~ (see p 5301 if they know
a=d they made part of the money that other groups near you. Sometimes they
the group used to buy this machine. can help you with marketing.
Other members of the group say 'No,
it is not right to take away the machine. Production groups are doing something
We.bought the machine together. A per- important for everyone in the community.
son who is leaving cannot take it Tt is important for people to see that
away.' The members are confused now, some people can make their awn jobs and
they do not know who is right. If the solve their own problems without a boss.

Making Clothes .-
Many production groups make clothe*. Paper patterns
Some make clothes like school uniforms Paper patterns help you to cut the
and jerseys which they sell in their material to the right size so you do
communities. others make hand-printed not waste it. You can make your own
and embroidered dressee end shirts paper patterns or you can buy them.
which they sell to craft shops. xn
this part of the book we write about If you are sewing for somebody you
sewing by hand and by machine, knitting, know, you can cut a newspaper or brow"
printing and dyeing materials and on paper pattern the same shape es a
pages 525 to 536 we give information garment which fits the person. Make
about buying materials end selling the paper patter" a little bigger then
the clothes you make. the garment so you will have enough
material to sew seams and hems.

Choosing material IIfyou are making clothes to sell, you

Cotton is one of the cheape*t materials. do not know who will buy them, so you
It lasts a long time end is easy to can not measure the person to make a
make clothes with. Thick cotton mates- paper pattern. You can buy paper
ids like Fasco and *ail cloth are good patterns in shops for different sizes.
for making children's trousers. Calico, On the back of the pattern packet you
Daydew", Sungleam end German prints will see how much material you mu*t
are thin cotton and are "ice for making buy.
summer shirte and dresses.
Shop patterns are often hard to under-
Soruematerials shrink when you wash stand. If you are using one for tie
them. It is best to wash any material first time, try to find somebody who
before you cut or sew it. Wash cotton can explain to you how to use the
in hot soapy water and iron it before pattern. Some paper patterns are for
you cut it. people who are learning to sew and
they are easier to understand. Butter-
Wintrx materials, like wool end serge ick "See and Sew" or Simplicity
are expensive, but they last a long "Jiffy" are easy patterns.
time. They are good for making coats,
jackets end other clothes which you Patterns are expensive to buy, usually
can keep for many years. about R2.50 each. It is a good idea
for a group of sewers to choose a
pattern end buy it together to save

How to understand patterns

Here are the meanings of some words
you will find on patterns:

8 Righ.t side of material. This is the

side of the material where the pattern
is brightest. This is the side which
will be the outside of the garment
when it is finished.
W wrong side of material. This is the W Interfacing. This is the **me shape
side where the pattern is not so clear. as a facing, but a little smaller. It
1t is the inside of the garment. fit* inside the facing end does not
Sometimes it is hard to see which is *how. Interfacing is used to make
the right side a&d which is the wrong collars end cuffs stronger. Tt is
side. usually the right side of the always inside the facing, so you Can
material looks neater end smoother not *ee it when the garment is finished.
than the wrong side. Interfacing can be made from any extra
material you have oi you can buy
kaFold-lines. These are lines marked special interfacing in the shop. The
on the pattern which tell you where shop interfacing can be ironed inside
to fold the material to make a collar the facing.
or a cuff or pockets. mrk there
lines on your material by tacking q Underlap end overlap. At the slit
along them and folding the material of an open cuff, a strip of material
*long Che tacking stitches. is sewn onto each side to cover the
raw edges. The underneath strip is
the underlap and the top strip is
celled the overlap.

W Yoke. A yoke is the top part of a
shirt or a dress.
q Notche*. These are the black marks
like this A end this AA which are q Seam allowance. This is the material
around the edqe of the pattern. When about as wide es your thumb which will
you cut out the material from the be inside the seem when you have sewn
pattern, cut out the notches too. it.
Match ;he notches when you e.ew the
different pieces of material together. q Tack. This means you mu*t sew the
material with big tacking Stitches.
q sleets. The zaterial is folded over
end sewn into place. Pleats are usually W Sew or stitch. This means you must
made in skirts so that the person can sew the material with small back-
walk easily. stitch or with machine stitch.

q TU&S. A tnck is like a small pleat. . Topstitch. This is a machine stitch

Tucks are used in the waist of trou- or backstitch which sew* together all
sers end in Skirt*. the layers of material end shows on
the right side of the material. Top-
W Facing. This is a piece of material stitch makes the edges of collars,
*ewn onto the inside of a neck or neckline* of sleeves lie flat. Top-
armhole so that the opening is strong stitch can also be used for decorating.
end neat. for example on a potiet.

nlPress. After you sew a seam or any

two pieces of material together. you
must press them with a warm iron. Th6
garment will be flat and easier to
sew if you press each *earn a* YOU
sew it. Sometimes, homemade clothes
look untidy because the inside *earn*
have not been pressed well.

Different stitches 9 Hemming stitches are for hems at the
m Tacking stitches are quick and easy bottom of dresses, skirts, sleeves and
to do. They hold the material together trousers. The Stitches are small and
before you sew it with a machine or slanting. Always sew the hem on the
with a *trong backstitch. Thread your inside of the garment. Catch only a
needle as long as fram your hand to few threads of the material on the
yorr elbow. Put the right sides of the right side of the garment, so that
material together and make the stitches hemming stitch doe* not show.
as wide as your finger. when you
have tacked all the pieces of the gar-
ment together, you can try it on to *ee
if it fits. Pull out the tacking stit-
ches when you have s~nm the pieces
together with a machine or backstitch.

q Backstitches are small, strong

stitches that look like machine stitches.
Use them for sewing seams or darts. A q Darning stitches are for reparing
seam is where 2 pieces of material join holes. U*e darnins wcol for holes in
together. Before you sew a seam, pin wooLlen socks and jerseys and darning
the edges of the material so that they cotton for holes in cotton shirt* and
stay together while you sew them. sew dresses. The darning wool or cotton
on the inside of the material, so that must he the *ame as the material you
when you turn it the right way, you can are darning. use a thick darning
not see the Stitches. To start back- needle and do not pull the Stitches
stitches, sew 2 small stitches, one on too tight. Sometimes it is easier to
tip of the other. Then put your needle put a ball or *ome';hing hard under the
into the material where pour last stitch hole. Start with two stitches at the
ended and bring it out a distance of two edge of the hole. Sew small Stitches
stitches in front. All the stitch=* join in the material around the hole. sew
together to m&e one line. Finish off first one way and then the other so
with two stitches. that the hole is closed.


1 back stitch
If the button holes are sideways, You
must sew the button on so that it
comes through at the end of the hole
where the stitches are curved. Mark
the place with a pin. If the button
holes are lengthways, the button m"St
come through in the middle of the hole.

If you are sewing buttons on thick

B Slip stitches look like hdng material, sew over a match. Then pull
*titches. They are for finishing off the match out and wind the cotton
belts, ~011~s. pockets on the right around and around the loose stitches.
side of the garment.

m Sutton hole stitches: Button hole

stitches are the sac as blanket
stitches, but closer together. Sew
with a long thread and do not make
the stitches too loose ox too tight.
The material must stay flat all the
time. ~'c the end of the button hole Zips
near the edge of the material, spread sew in zips first with tacking
the stitches out in a curve. At the stitches. Then sew the top side
other end of the button hole, make with back stitches.
straight stitches.
This is how to make a warm winter
jacket out OFa blanket.

First make the pattern: Draw the

pattern pieces on brown paper or
newSpaper the same size you want.
theJacket. In the drawing you will
see two numbers on each line of
&he pattern. The ,~a!!er nun?bw
IS how many centimetres the iines
, gust be if you are wtaking the
~ Jacket for a wofflan., l-he large
1 number (in brackets) IS Fbr the mans size. Copy all the dots
from this drawing onto your pattern and cut out the pattern

Use a centimetre ruler or tapemeasure.

@. .2. 26 274 26 79

: 3

&-&.: zi
9) .- :T
$ cut 2

I: :2
pieces ;
l 2 .-+-.I4

llli 37 40

Pin your paper pattern onto the blanket and mark the dots from
the pattern onto the blanket with pins or a do&e tacking stitch.
Cut Lhe pieces out carefully, especially iF you are using a cheap
blanket bemuse it teers very easily.
Pin the jacket front pieces to the back piece \
at the shoulder seams and side seams so that
the right sides are on the inside. The ri ht
side OFthe material is the part which WI!-9 be
on the outside of the jacket when it is finah-
ed. Sew in between the dots where the do&
ted lines are on the pattern.

: Make two rows of machine stitching or back

\d at each seam. A machine that can sew zig-
zaq will make tk\e seams even stronger The shoulder seams
.egd to be very strong, so it is best to sew wide tape or a
strip OF cotton doth on the inside OF the shoulder seams.

Fold over the sleeve and sew down the long

edge. Turn it so that the right side faces out
and the seam is inside. Do the same for both
sleeves. Pin the sleeves into the armholes and machine- or
, backstitch them into place /

Pin one collar piece onto the

and one on the o&xide of the heck
edge. Machine- or back-stitch them

Bring both sides of the collar

upI turn in the edges and sli
stitch toqethev!
/ Y
You can make loops for the buttons instead of
buttonholes. Cut three stri s of blanket eech
14cm long and 4cm wide. Fold in the edges and
then Cold the strips into loops. Slip stitch the 7
ends together. I

Cut three squares of blanket 6cm long and 6cm wides

one loop folded in half and one square and
the inside of the jacket front, so that
the ends of the loop are under the

Turn in the edges oF the square

underneath, and sew down by
Do the same for the other two
loops and sew on the buttons

If you want pockets, cut out. squares)

Fold and sew the top edges down.
Pin the pockets onto the inside or
outside as you wish and sew
them down with a double row
o!J stitchin At the top right-
and left- z and corners of
each pocket, make the corn-
ers strong by sewing a tri-
ngle at the top of each side sea

Fold in the edges of the sleeve seams and hem stitch them
Sewing Machines
Looking after a sewing machine
Your machine will last a long time if
yo,i look after it well.
d lil \ -

Cleaning - do not leave the needle in

while you clean the machine because it
might get broken or hurt you. To take
it out, turn the wheel until the needle
is at its highest position. Take off
the reel. Of thread at tie top Of the
machine. Loos.3 tb5 needle clamp screw
so that you can take out the needle.

Take out the bobbin and the bobbin

cake from the shuttle. If your shuttle
is long, press the lever to make the
bobbin case jump out of the machine.
1f your shuttle is round, lift the
lever and take out the bobbin case.
Use a piece of cloth Fo wipe away all
the ~Iust, catton and fluff from the
inside and the outside of the machine.

oiling - Always keep your machine well

oiled with special sewing machine oil.
DO not use other oils like 3 in 1 oil.
They are not good for sewing machines.

on the top of the machine, you will

see small oil holes. P"t 1 drop of
oil into each bole. After oiling the
machine, sew a few rows of stitches
on a scrap of material. ff there is too
much oil in the machine, it will come
out onto this material.

Sewing machines must be Mreaded from the top through the
vveedieand from thebottom through the bobbin and the shuttle.

First ou must wind the thread or&

the bo6bin, put the bobbin into the.
bobbincase and then put the bobbln
case into the shuttle inside the

This is how to wind the thread onl

the bobbin.

First, loosenthe clutch on the wheel

t&n put the bobbin onto the bobbin

Thread the cotton from the top reel onto the bobbin as you see in
this picture.

and wind the cotton thread onto the bobbin

Put the bobbin into the bobbin case and pull the thread out.

Put the bobbin case into the machme.

This is how to thread the machinefrom the top through the

Hold the thread that goes in the
needle in your IeFt hand. With
your right hand, turn the wheel
slowly towards you. The needle
will go into the hole and hook up
the thread from the bobbin case.
When the needle comes out of the
hole, it will bring with it the
thread from the bobbin case.

Pull both the threads behind the needle,

away from you.

Now your machine is threaded

and you are ready to sew. It is
a good idea to sew a row of
stitches on an old scrap of
material to test whether the
machine is sewing well.

Sewing Machine Problems

b If the machine gets stuck and the breaks at the need&, checltto see
needle will not move up and down,the if you have threaded the needle from
end5 Of the cotton are knotted under- the wrong side or screwed the needle
neath, "here the bobbin is. Ta!o? out in the wrong way. The,cotton must go
the bobbin and shuttle, pull out loose in from the smooth side of the needle.
bits of cotton and fluff, undo the *ear the hole in the needle, one side
knots and put the shlltth hack. Close is smooth and the other side has a
tlx=machine and try sewing again. dent in it. The flat side of the top
of the needle should fit against the
b If the cotton from the bobbin is *If the thread from the top of the
breaking it may not be properly machine keeps breaking, it could be
wound onto the bobbin. Also che&.if far any of these reasons:
there is dust or fluff in the bobbin
case. clean and oil the shuttle. - the machine could need a new
needle. Needles easily get bent
and it is better to put in a new
needle than to break another
part of your machine. Other parts
are expensive but needles are

- the top tension could be too

tight. Loosen the tension screw
a little bit and then do some
test sewing to see if it is

b If the stitches on top are too'tight,

first loosen the tension screw on
top and test how the machine sews. If
it is still too tight, it may be the
bobbin tension underneath that is too
loose. Tighten it a little and then
test *ew again.
b If the machine is missing stitches FWhen you sew very thin material,
and is making a knocking sound when like muslin, thin calico or silky
you sew, it is probably because your .material*, use a no. 9 needle and
needle is blunt. Put in a new needle. thin cotton made of cotton mixed
with polyester no. 100 to 150. This
very thin cotton only works well an
sewing machines that are made for
sewing stretchy materials, otherwise
they often twist and get knots while
you are sewing. Cotton materials,
shirt material and towelling need
a size 14 needle, and a no. 60
b If the needle is bent, put in a new cotton. Thick cotton cloth, canvas,
one. Dsz not pull the material hard thin woollen material and serge need
while you sew, let the machine pull a size 16 needle and no. 40 cotton.
the material through.

b Tf th^e-needlesin your machine

izeak easily, you may be using the
wrong kind of needle for the size of
cotton you are using. For example,
if you use thick cotton with a very
thin needle, the needle will break.
Check that the presser foot is
screwed on s';raight.

There are no problems with the differences in wages

because they realise that their work is different

I.was the director of

the women~ section of
Blac!cCormunity Progrmes.
These girls came to me
and asked that I should
train them in sewing.
After some months I saw
that they were doing well
and I decided to start
home home inckstries. So
the girls could try to
make a living by we produce School
selling the goods which uniforms and dasbikis,
they sew. They were very afro-look shirts and
interested. In fact I cotton frocks and
have bad many more coming childrens frocks and
to look for training. knitted articles as
Unfortunately * do not well. In knitting the
have the space, so I girls have to produce
have not been able to do about 3 articles a day
that. In fact it is very on machines. The people
clear that *is type of who sew produce 2 to 3
training is needed in articles a day. There
the Transkei, because are 6 knitters and 8
there is not much con- sewers. There are 3

project makes and the
field wmkers and the
other staff are paid
with funds wnich we
raise from OUtSide.

0 Aren't there problems

with EUCh a difference
iI! wages?

There are nc problems

with the differexce in
wages because they
realize that their
work is different. They
know that they are paid
according to what tb=;

e DO the workers learn

project administration?

NO, there is no attempt

to train workers for
administration or any
other aspects of the
project. I m&e nm.5.t of
the decisions with the
iommittee, which is maC.e
up of nlen. If the workers
The best way to learn. to knit by hand Knitting by machine
is watching scmebody who knows how If you can knit on a machine, you can
to knit. It is much easier to learn make jerseys and blckets to sell.
this way than to learn from a book. It is quicker to knit by mchi.ne than
by hand, but knitting machines are
very expensive.
YOU can buy many different kinds of There are two types of knitting
wool. The best wool, but also the machines: single-bed and double-bed.
most expensive.is pure wool which Both kinds ten do stocking stitch,
canes from a sheep. Tt COSt* about which is the stitch used in most
~2 for a 5cq ball. The cheapest jerseys. aut only the double-bed
"001, called acrylic, does not come machines can do automatic rib-stitch,
from sheep, it is inade in factories. which is the stitch used for the
Acrylic wool is not as Warm as pure bottoms of jerseys and the ends of
wool and does not 1st as lcng. It sleeves.
costs about 5oc for i- 5cJgball and
about ~5.00 for a 5OOg ball. If you want to buy a second-hand
n knitting nachine, you must test it
before you buy it to m&e sure that
it works properly. Ask for an instruc-
tion book to show you how to use the
machina and how to knit different
patterns. If you can not get an
instruction book, write to the factory
and ask them to send you a book (see
p 525).

An easy thing to make if you are xt is very hard to learn how to knit
learning is a blanket made of lots on a machine unless somebody shows
of small knittea squares. Use any you. shop which sell these machines
leftover pieces rrfwool and sew them &ve lessons on how to "se them, but
together with wool and a thick needle. they charge about R4.00 per leSS0".

knitting machine
Different materials need different Plant dyes
kinds Of aye. YOU can dye natural Plants and trees like !&kibos, onions,
materials like cotton and wool with blue gum leaves and acacia tree bark
II-~-made plant dyes or with synthetic can be used to make dyes. They "soallY
dyes which are maie in factories. You make pale colours but you can never be
can dye factory-made materials, like sure which colow you will get because
nylon and polyester, with synthetic every plant or tree will give a dif-
dyes which you can buy in chemists OT ferent colour dye. Yvhen
you pick plants
trading stores. You need a big pot or for making dye, collect seeds and
tub to mix the dye in and for some plant them so *at more plants will
dyes, you myed a stove to heat the grow. If you c"t bark from a tiee, d0
dye"mixtwe. You can get advice abo"t not take too much at one time. If you
dyeing from lTSlDU (see p 526). remove too much bark the tree can die.
Lichens are very small plants which You can make your own iron. chrome or
grow on racks. They look like f"ng"s tin mordants by boiling some of these
or like algae. There are many colours metals with water. To make iron
of lichens and they are very good mordant, boil 4 litres of water with
for making dyes. 2 cups Of vinegar and 1 cup Of 111.sty
nails for one hour. Leave it to stand
Collect the flowers, leaves, rOotS, for 24 hours and then +ur off the
tree bark, berries or lichens which water. This water is iron mordant.
you want to use. Boil them with water
for about 1 hour until the dye is After you have soaked the material in
dark in calour. the inordant,you must rinse it out
well. Then put the material into the
Before you put woo1 or cloth material dye and simmer it on a low heat until
into the dye. you must soak it in a it is the colo"r you want.
mordant. The mordant makes the
material ready for dyeing. The most If you do not want to use a11 the dye
common mordants are powders like at the same time, store it in a
cream of tartar, warning soda and container with a very tight lid. Add
alum or water which has been bailed 1 teaspoon Of Sodium *enzoate before
with metals like iron, chrome and tin. you put the lid on. It will help to
If you do not soak material in a stop the dye from going bad. You can
mordant, the dye will run out when buy Sodium Benzoate from a chemist.
you wash the material. You can buy when you want to use the dye again,
washing soda and CIEIZ"L
of tarar in make s"re it does not smell had. If
shops and supenrarkets in town and it does, throw it away. If it does
you Can buy aim, which is used in not smell bad, but has mauld growing
swimming pools, from hardware stcxes. on the top it is still alright to use.

Different dyes need different mardants:


samboo leaves

Blue gum leaves

Cabbage (red)

carrot leaves

Grenadilla *kins iron or chrome


Wattle flOW<?E
Synthetis Dyes

It is better to buy material which is

ready for dyeing, otherwise you will
have to wash it in special chemicals to
get all tilestarch and oil out hefore
you start dyeing it. The dye will not
work well if the materQ.1 has starch or
oil in it.

This is how to dye 5Og of wool with

acid dye: Mix 5OOg Of dye powder in 1 litre of
water which is about 3oC - about the
So* the wool overnight in cold water. *ame temperature as your hand. P"t the
The following morning, put 2 tablespoons material In a bath of water - about
of salt in a pot with 3 litres of Cold 10 lib-es of water for every 1 kg Of
water. Mix 1 teaspoon of acid dye with material. Add the dye to the water and
a little water in a cup until there axe material and mix it in well. Move the
no lumps. Put the dye into the water in material around until the water is all
the pot. Stir it until all the dye is the same colour and all the material is
mixed in. Put the wet wool into the dye covered. Then add 5oog Of salt and 4og
and boil it slowly. Cook it for about of washing soda or soda ash or sodium
1 hour on a very low heat. Then rinse carbonate, stirring all the time.
the wool well until the water is clear
and leave it in the shade to dry. Leave the material in the dye for
30 minutes co 1 hour. Take it out when
= Reactive ayes are used for dyeing it is the colour you wa*t. The 1OWer
cotton, linen, hessian and sisal. it is in, the darker the colour will
They are not for woo1 or man-made be. Rinse it in cold running water
materials like polyester. You can get until the dye stops running out. Then
reactive dyes for mixing in cold wash it with soap and rinse it well.


How to print with the block
Put the material or paper you Yiant to
print on a smooth, flat surface.
Put some ink or dye onto the glass
and roll the roller in it. If you do
not have a roller, you can use an old
bnzsh or a piece of felt to put the
ink onto the block. Do not put too
much ink or dye onto the glass because
it dries vety quickly. Roll the roller
over the design on the block. Put the
block onto the paper or material, and
press it down hard. You can hit it
softly with your fist or a light
hammer hut he careful not to move the
block because this will smudge the
pattern. When you have made the first
print, you can *ee if you want to
change the design an the block by
cutting away more of Lhe wood or line.
Each time you want to print you must
put ink or dye onto the block.

Always clean the black and tools very

well when you have finished printing.
xf you look after them well and clean
them each time you use them, they will
last a long time.

Makingleather sandalsis not diCficult.The methods we give )lere
are the same for all styles,

Materials and Eauipment


Here is a list of the materials you will need. YouhaveU, get som?
of them from a leather shop.

=Leather -any leather about 3mm thick witI do, but vegetable
tan kip side or shoulder is best.
0Glue- Tivodour 55 or anyqood contact adhesive.
.Crepe sole rubber-this is soft rubber which v buy in a
sheet. Old car tyres can &so be used @r soles.
64 hammer
*An anvil.

.,Coarse sandpaper
0An old brush.

zo$ngs are not semial, but are good lb- Rnishiq

0Skiver eEdge beveller

* spbit dyes methylated spirit6
Makingthe sole

2. Draw an outline around

this drawing, bnvn wider
and 3mm wider around
the rest of the foot.

U _

oCut cut the paper sole and d,raw Arqund it on your leather
Cut the leather holding the knife stralqht up.

Where to Put the Strap>

*The marks must be at

East Hem from edgeof
sole. The &ont four avx
ePunch holes at the
ends of each mark, us-
inq the smai i.ti punch
on the rewlvmq punch

*Cut slots likethis,

from hole to hole.

Measuring the Strap2

The front straps and the heel strap wil I qo through

the slots you have cut under the sole. So you must
add about ~CV?I onto the measurements of these

@Make the ankle strap 4cm longer than

the measurement.

olhere must be a strap 8cm long to hold the

buckle, which will come front the heel strap.

You do not have to do this step, but

makes the sandals look better.
If you are using vegetable tan leather you can stain it ;Ni,$
a colomv: Use a scrap of sheepskin or towel soaKed WIsp!vut
dye. Gev\tly rub the top surface, bat, do hot $z%n the
rough side. If t;he dye is too dark dilute it with methytat-
ed spirits. Dye will not; wash off your skin easily, so wear
, gloves.

Glueingthe StraE

OPUIIthe stmps throughthe front and

the backslots. Pullthem up by the
extra measurement. lhe sWaps
must go at an an le M rest flat
against the Foot.%o not do the Mid-
die straps yet.

0 Foldstraps over to the rough side

stmp Brush glue onto the. straps and
the sole. Allow 15mW.&esto dry.

Try the sandalon to make sure t;he

heel strap fits around your heel.

aWhenthe glue is dry, press the

glued parts tcgether and hammer
IlqhUy. Use a scrap of leather be-
tween hammer and sandal to pre-
vent marking.

/ \
Glueinqthe Front Straps
Put your foot on the sole, cross the f&C
swaps oer your f-xt and put Wm W&O
the two middle slots in the sole. Pull till
the straps are tight. It is better if they
are ti ht than loose because they will
std. Mark the strap where it pass-
esth h tie sole. Glue in the same
(v(ay as
T t other sw%ps.
The straps glued to the underside
are too thick and must be
shaved thin at the

use is a skiver This tool is ex

The Ankle Strap

-rhe ankle strap qoes over the mkle

FrOM the ihstep side.
Use cap rivets to fasten the ankle
strap to the heel strap.

holes in both stha S.

OPusI?the poin&d part oft c:e rivet iht0
the hole from the bottom.
oPushthe other part into the hole from
the top.
.Press together and hammeron anvil or
stme uylti! tie rivet is flat.

The buckle swap goes on the outstep side.

*Punch holes at the end. of

the buckle strap like this.
Cut on the doWed lines.

o Skive the end, of the strap

p~r.rough side of Ghe

.Push rivets thmugh the
holes and hammer.



( zar lyre Sole:

sand wit;hsandpaper

Iikethis. Thr
a&ace for
Ixar5e sandpaper.

7 &en, whether you are using soling rubber or car tyw:

ePut the sandals on the


To stick sandal to sole:

r Brush qlue cm3 the bottom of the s

and onto the rubber Make sure the

for dyinq.
Crepe soles (the Straps are not shown in these drawings)
olAsingthe edge OFa table, put the sandal on the rubber up
to 6. Press it down with r fifigers.
0 Bend the rubber down Yrow\ l3 to c and let the sandal fol-
low. Press down up to C, keepirq C to toe apart.
eFrom C to toe, bend rubber up aqain. Keep the sandal ant
the rubber apart. When it is riqht stick the sandal and
press. Hammer lightly.

7his method makes t;?e sole bend like yc~r foot. You cannot,
bend a car tyre sole. Just stick it flat and hammer it.

To cut off extra rubber use a new

blade. Hold your knife straight and
pull It through the rubber at the
edge of the sandal. Go slowly and
c~3~yfully- it Is very easy to cut your-
\ ,KI, I

Cut heels from rubber Sand area on

sole where heel will go. Glue both sur
Faces, stick flat when dry and ham-
men Trim as before. The car tyre
sole does not need a heel.

Finish the sandal by putting on dubbin to soften.the leati

er and make it last loqer. lhen put on shoe pdtsh.

Materials and Equipment

~Nylon lacing twine or any strong linen thread of similar
eLe&her -You must use vegetable tan kip side or shoulder.
Do not use chrome tan.

The Sole Shae

.Make the sole izrnrn longer at the toe

and 12mm longer at the heel. The
width must be 6mm wider than the
foot, except at the heel, where it must
be i2mm wider
Horace aqain, t-he toe
must be narrowed to
toe shape, and closer
Remember that a foot is squashed In-
side a shoe.

/ \
Uppers (top_part OFshoe)

bnt Upper:
? widest part of front upper (C to D)
must be about I% the width of the sole
at the widest part, for an average Foot
For example, if A to B=Scm, then C to D=
15Cm. l-he length GtoC=GtoE andGtoD=
G to F. G is the centre of the shoe.
I *\

Back Upper (heel)

A to 13must be the heiaht OFthe heel from
qround level, to where/ the ankle begins.
6 is the centre of the heel. 6 to C= 6 toF.
BtoD-BtoE. CtoDshouldnot bea
straight, line, but a gentle curve, so
that the heel piece will slope Inwards.
f .
Punchingthe Holes
@Usingthe smallest hole on our punch, punch
holes around the edges. Yhe centre OF each
hole should be Smm from the edqe, and 8mm
apart. Mark the centre holes.

BPosition the uppers on the sole bringing bee!

centre and toe centre of uppers to meet heal
centre and toe centre of the sole. Punch a
hole through into the sole, 5mm from the

Thread strinq through holes and tie it.

The Stitching
The best stitch M use is a lock stitch. It is done with tW1
needles on each end of a piece of thread which pass
through t;he same hole.
The thread should be 4 times
the lengt;h of the
Pull the thread through
holes so that there are
equal lengths on either side.
3~11each stit& as tiqht as you can. To end the stitching,
;ie a knot under the sole. Make sure the top thwad is
ulled to the same side of the hole each time.
stitching should look like this,

@lueing the Soles

eTo flatten the stitching, hammer the eU9es of the shoe ca
a flat surface. Make sure you place a piece
of leather in between the havnrner and shoe.
To hammer the oentre part of the shoe prop-
erly, you should use a shoemakers anvil so that
you can hammer the shoe Cram underneath.

o Glue Soles and heels the same way as sandals. y,!$ikers


Buckleand Strap-
Fasten the buckle and strap the samew
a sandals. Make sure they are below th
ankle bone, otherwise they will hurt.

I Stretching Toe and Heel

The uppers of the shoe are flat. They need to be stretched
to fit the Coot better Wet the shoe until the top leather IS
oomplet~\y wet. Then push with your hands, or stuff news-
paper mslde till you are satisfied with the shape. Allow ,it
to dr . lhe leather will be hard when dry, ,so use Dubbrn
to SC2 ten av\d protect it. When the dubbin 6 well soaked,
,use polish to qive
the shoes a shine.
Making Candles

Tie 4 pieces of wick, long enough to

make 4 candles, to the tops anclbottom*
of the jigs.

Preparing the wax

Cut the wax into small pieces with an
axe or a iknife.Make sure no dirt gets
onto the wax. Melt the ?ilX and the
*tearic acid so that it nearly fills
up the container. Use a mixture of
10 pasts wax and 1 part stearic acid.
Dipping the candles
Dip one jig at a time into the wax.
when all the jigs have been dipped
once, dip thee again. Each time you
dip the candle into the wax it will
become a little thicker. Car-ry on
until the candles are thick enough.

mng tie jigs onto the rope or plank.

When you have finished dipping the
candles and they have become hard, cut
theiroff the jigs.

The problem is money because we are underpaid

My work is to do table
mats and sewing dresses
which are ordered by
the whites living in town
and I also sew curtains.
I really do a lot of
things. ~11 the articles
I am able to produce
I was taught by OUT
manager here. I am
enjoying this kind of
VfOZk. I am able to do
every WOTk as long as I

am show how to go about I go well along with The biggest problem we
it. What I have not the people 1 am working as workers have is
do"* in this factory with. We don't know money because we are
is to sew carpets and about the problems Of underpaid. I think if
if time can allow me this factory because we know km" much these
to do so, I would be we are not told about products are sold and
very grateful. them and we don't e"e" for how much they are
ask. This is a Mission sold, we would stand
Workers in town are more place but it is not a up and ask our manager
united than us because true Mission, it is why we are not paid
if they are not *atisfied just the name. The enough money.
with money, they approach owners of this Mission
the marager or stage i: are not suffering but . Alice. when did you
demanstration. Here we we are the ones who join the project?
are afraid to do that suffer we don't get
because sane Of the the food we are suppose I joined in 1971. when I
workers will tell you to get. For instance first came they gave me
that they are satisfied when I was in hospital Rl per month because 1
with the little they I was given a prescrip- was still learning
get. People here are tion Of the mea1 I must weaving. 1 started to
not united I scan rest eat, but I am failing get more money "he" the
zssure you, nothing to prepare that because instructor left. The
will come right. I don't have money. manager asked me to do
it and she gave me ~20
@ Josina, how do you ~3what kind of problems a month from the". My
find the work? do you mea"? job was to help the WOE"
to ,do the spinning, the
weaving, dyeing, every-
thing to do with the
making of the carpets I
know ah2t it. These
days my pay is worked out
according to how much
work the other people
are doing. If they are
working well, * get
more antithen if they
work slowly or badly I
get less. I do some
weaving myself, I keep
the records in the books
Of the work, and I help
the people who don't
know how to do the
weaving and other things.

So my pay is between
RZO and R30 per month.
There is no other place
that I get money. I
really don't know kow
we can all stay alive on
that money. one bag Of
mealie mea1 Costs R16.
B"t our nation does not
eat a lot of things - we
just eat morogo all the
time. One bag of mealie
mea1 can only last for
less than 1 month. All
we eat is porridge and e DO you discuss these
morogo. I haven't got things at meetings?
money to buy bread azd
meat. I haven't thought We don't have meetings
of asking for a piece I try to tell the people here, I think there
of land because I don't that they mSt work should be and then we
know who could work on harder so that we can can sit together and
it. My mother-in-law is all get mre money. But talk about what is going
too old and also we don't I never get more than on. T don't know what
have water. My children ~30 per ibonthand I don't the other people here
are too young to work in know how they work out think about it. There
the garden or they are the wages. They tell us are many Of them who
at school and I must that a11 the money we have never bee" to
Struggle to pay for make lnustgo to buy wool school and they don't
their school fees. an* things like that. think about such things.

We dont know what happened to democracy

and 25% is shared out People become very
amongst the workers. confused with the
I asked people whether expatriates coming and
any money had come to going all the time.
the vii1age De"elopme"t The expatriates are
c~mittee and they did being paid by their
not think anything like organisations but the
that had happened. workers are paid by
piece work, so their
salary varies, but in
the textiles it is very
low. At the pottery it
. Who owns this project? The manager was not is a bit better. If
happy with some designs someone works very hard
When I first came here of the pottery so they he can earn up to R50
I wanted to know who were changed. This made or R60. The average is
the project actually the potters and artists about R40 a month. If
belonged to. I asked rather angry. I" January snr!!eone.m*es a plate
that question for about of this year there was which sells for about
6 months and couldn't get a real squabble at the ~5 the person who made
the right answer. I was centre. I was sacked it may only get Xc. I
under the impression and the trainee manager think the manager gets
that it belonged to the from the textiles was about RZOO or R-250 a
catholic church. men sacked. We thought month and his wife gets
Father told me that he that gather would be something too. They get
wanted the centre 'co a good intermediate, allowance for their
belong to the village. but he took si*es with kids, they have a free
Then I asked the people the manager. People house and can "se the
sround here whom they were unhappy when T project vehicle for
thought the project had'to leave, because free. T mySelf get R131
belonged to and they there is a feeling a month. According to
thought it belonged to that the centre should the manager our things
the church. 1 was also be localised and that sell for so much because
told that at the end a black person should of the oil price. We are
of the year the profit t&e over, whether using diesel for firing
is divided in the fro* Botswana or not the kiln. Wood firing
following way: 50% of does not really matter. would not he suitable for
the profit goes to the The workers themselves the future, because of
centre, 25% to the would like to see the the policy of people
village for development project to be localised. starting to own land.

and would like to help white people. These
in solving them, expatriates are not
management tackles the that useful, because
problems on their own. they Come and leave after
.DO you see any f"ture Most of our suggestions two years. before they
in the "orkshop? are ignored - we are in cm establish a proper
the dark. relationship with US.
I think the workshop They have lied to US.
will close eventually. e HOW do you intend They were supposed to
We have a problem in our solving your pmblems? come and impart their
manager, who has less knowledyle to "5, but
if any interest at all If we could we would. they have not done so.
in our workshop. He We have made suggestions It has happened many
eYe" expects us to and we do have ideas. One times before that
market our products. possibility would be to expatriates sit on
we sometimes stay for get a black person or their positions through
a month without materials people to lead us selfishness and don't
and he would give us provided they aze human impart their skills to
flimsy excuses. He does enough to listen to the people they were
things secretly. He does other people. 1t does supposed to come and
r.ot care to consuli US. not necessarily mean help. It is not that
His main interest lies that blacks are better we cre nlorons, no
within the pottery than Whites, but a black effort is pnt into
workshop because it person would be more imparting the skills
bring* in money. We have sympathetic. because of to the locals.
nothing much tc say to language, pigmentation
you a* workers, because and cultural ties with . Who does this project
we do not have the us. It may he better belong to?
knowledge of how the with a black person. The
place is run. We are just first group of whites that what can we say, because
flowing with the tide started with us were we know nothing about
and I promise you that more human. They used to this centre7 All we know
it is only the manage- consult us although they is that it was founded
ment that has an idea were not very sincere, by the priest. maybe it
and can tell you whether but were better than belongs to the manager.
*is project is growing the present lot. This It is alleged that there
or collapsing. Although white man pushes us to is a board, a group of
we do see the problems the extent of hating inefficient old men,
who can do nothing
without Father. Last
week there was supposed
to be a board meeting and
only two of them turned
up. They exist by name
only. One other solution
would be to get young
people to be represented
on the board of directors
and the Village Develop-
ment Council. But, no,
they will not agree,
because they are threat-
ened by changes I,,
society. We have not
had board elections for
a long time. We don't
know what happened to
democracy. T'C is only
a game of manipulation
going on.
Fixing Cars
1n this article we only discuss what Buy a car that you know is popular.
to look for if you are buying a second These cars are popular because they
hand car and what to cbecii for if your are cheap to run and simple to fix.
car breaks down. TO explain even simple If a car is popular, it is usually
motor mechanics we would need a whole easy to get spare parts for it.

Checking the car

Buying a second hand car If you do not know much about cars,
&fore you buy a car, decide what kind t&e a friend with you who does. Ask
you want. Then look in the newspapers the owner if you can drive the car
for at least a month to see how much for 2mm. Offer to pay for petrol.
that car is selling for. Then you will . fake the car out on a bad bumpy road.
know if you are being overcharged. If there are bad rattles in the S"S-
pension, they are going to be expensive
beware of a car which is too cheap. to fix.
1t usually means there is something
badly wrong with it. Never trust the . Listen for whining noises from tine
kilometres on the speedometer, because gearbox and back axles. These mean
it is vers easy to tll-n a speedmeter that something is badly worn.
hack to s 1"" nmlber.
q lest the Clutch by trying to start
II is better to buy a car with manual the car on a steep hill. If the
gears than an automatic. Automatic engine goes very fast while the car
cars are more expensive to repair, is only going slowly, the clutch is
and they cannot be push-started or slipping. YOU can expect to have
tmed when the battery is flat. expensive repairs in the future.
some things to look for in (I and hondcar

GST If your car has stopped because Of an
when you buy a car, you have to pay electrical problem:
G.S.T. If you pay the G.S.T. to the 0 Start it with the ignition. If it
seller, he must give you a letter to do& not start, it means that you have
say you have paid G.S.T. Otherwise a flat battery or something is wrong
you must pay G.S.T. to the Receiver of with the leads from the battery. Check
Revenue. You can not license the car that the main battery lead to the
until you have gaid G.S.T. s.tartexmotor is tight.

0 If all these things work, check that

there is a spark in the spark plugs.
Take off the Spark plug lead and wrap
a piece of cloth around it or hold it
with insulated pliers, 50 you can hold
The engine is not getting any petrol. it without getting a shock. Hold the
lead very close to but not touching
Something is wrong with the electri- any part of the engine and turn on the
cal syste!n. starter. You will see if there is a
spark. if there is no spark, check that
If the engine is noi getting enough the leads are properly on al1 the
petrol, you should check these things: spark plugs and properly on the dis-
. Check you have petrol in the tank. tributor cap. Try to get a spark again.
.Check the rxdxrettor. some carburet-
tmz* ha"e a small glass window. If you
can not see any petrol through this
window, it means tne fuel pipes are
blocked somewhere. If the carburettoi
does not have a glass window pull the a If there is still no spark, check
fuel leaa Off the carburettor. stzrt that the lead from the middle Of the
the engine. If petrol does not pump diE;Crihutorto the coil is properly in
out of the fuel pipe it is blocked. place. Open the distributor cap ar.d
First take off the fuel filter and check check that the rotor is not badly
that it is not blocked. If there is burned. Check that the carhon spring
a filter in the petrol pump, also check contact onto the mtor is cm.
it is not blocked. If these filters are
not blocked, the fuel pipes mxt be
blocked. Blow through them to unblock
them. If this still does not work,
check that au the screws on the car- If the electxics still do not work, it
burettor are tight. If this does not means that something is wrong with the
work, you or a mechanic will have to condenser or the coil. These have to
take the carburettor apart. be fixed by a mechanic.
bfiedium sized (10 inch1 shifting

FDifferent sizes of screwdrivers, flat

and Phillips (star).

b Heavy hammer. "se a ball pin - flat

on one side and round on the other

P crease gun and grease for wheel



pliers .ftin
cnne f
I -


pc;iiips Istot-) screwdrivers

Using a scrap yard
All big towns have scrapyaxds full of
old cars and broken machinery. There
are twb kinds of scrapyards, motor
scrapyar& and genera1 scrapyards.

YOU callget mcst of yolx spare parts, q used machines.Many factories throw old
except for things like spark piugs and machinesaway when they get new machines.
points, from motor scrapyards. Their often these machines, or most of their
spares that are often as good as new parts, are as good as new. YOU can get
and half the price of new spares. Take machine parts very cheaply, because in
your old broken part "hen you go to the a scrapyard the parts are sold accord-
scrapyard, so you can get the right ing to the weight of metal. You don't
part. Check the replacement part very pay for the workers' labour that went
carefully, because some parts are into making the part. S3 it is possible
changed every year. Also at the motor to get machine parts at one hundredth
*crapyard you will find nuts, bolts, of the new price, or even less.
washers, springs, wire, light bulbs and
other useful things. 8 Rubbish. Things like old corrugated
iron and old car bodies. Patter's kick
General scrapyards are good places to wheels can be made from the front
find any kind of metal, not just motor hub an6 stub axle of cars, with the
spares. There are 3 kinds of metal wheel filled with cement. Tanks for
found in these scrapyards: offctits from dipped candles can be made from firF
factories, used machines and rubbish. extinguishers with tops cut off.

Making Furniture
With just a few wocdwcrk tools, costing
less than Rloo, you can malte many
things: beds. tables, benches, tool-
boxes, doors, windows, wheelbarrows, b Plane - a large plane such as a
crop driers,.beehives. It is better if Stanley NO 5$.
you join together with other people. b Vice - try to get one second hand.
Then you CM help each other to make In *is article we show you how to make
things and buy the tools together to your own.
save money. b G clamps - 1 pair of 8 inch G clamps.
b Sash clamps - 1 pair of 30 inch
sash clamps.
Buying tools .Saws - to cut along the grain of the
Get good tools. Even though they are wood you need a rip saw. For cutting
expensive, they will last much longer joints you need a tenon saw.
than cheap tools. This set of basic b Screwdriver - if you will be using
tools cost about R80. screws often, get a sDira1 ratchet
6-cross cut saw screwdriver, w ~ch t&s as you push it.
b sammer C Pin hammer. "
b Screwdriver b core chisels - 5 and % inch.
P Measuring instruments - a scribe and
chalk line.
P Carpenters square - for measuring
across the wide pieces of wood.

Where to get wood if you hammer them in at different
Try to get second hand wood from angles. Then the pieces of wood can
demolishers and scrapyards. YOW local not pull straight qpart.
store or railway station may~bave
second hand packing cases. A cheap
wood for furniture is SA pine. Hard-
woods are better but they are moxe
expensive and not so easy to find. DO
not w,e chipboard. 1t is made from
wood scraps held together with glue
and it will blunt your tools.

Before you start

Try to plan your job carefully.
masure twice before you cut. After
you have made a mistake you might
not be able to fix it.

Use wood to hit wood and metal to

hit metal. Hit a chisel or a dowel
rod with a wooden mallet, not a
hammer. If you use a hammer it will
damage the wood. But if a metal
clamp sticks and you have to hit it,
use a hammer.
Screws are better than nails, because
the spiral thread of the screw holds
Screws, nails and joints the pieces of wood together. But
Carpenters only u*e nails for rough screws can split wood if they are
work. Nails do not hold wood toget- not straight. Also, when screws rust
her very strongly. whey are stronger inside wood, they can damage it.

The best way to join wood together is q Mortise and tenon joints are used to
using joints and dowels. Joints are make strong frames like tables, windows
cuts in the wood made so that the and doors. Mske the tenon a third as
two pieces fit together closely. Dowels thick as your wood. For example, if your
are round sticks of wood which hold wood is 32m thick, make the tenon.about
the joints together instead of screws. 1Rrrmthick.

q Lap joints.These joints are square

cuts to make pieces af wood fit into
each other. hap joints are joined
together with screws and glue.

mortce and
tenon joint
lop joint

q Butt joint.Make
this joint with
nails and screws. You can also use t
glue if the wood is smooth.

butt joint

100 x 70mn
Making a Vice the tap crosspieces and 1 each in the
Vices are expensive to buy. You can bottom crasspieces. Fix them onto the
make your own which you can build workbench legs with screws. Drill
OntD your workbench. YOU need: holes in 2 blocks of wood, but not in
b 4 pine crosspieces 76m thick and the middle of the blacks and drill
5Cmm wide, with each crcsspiece 5Oan holes in the top and bottom of the
longer than the width of your workbench. upright piece. Bolt the blocks to the
E- 1 upright piece 76~ thick and 5Om upright piece. Then tie the rubber
wide, tie same height as the workbench. tube tightly halfway up. Cut a wedge
b Three 8 inch bolts with washers. from 76m x 5Omm wood. Make it 2oOmm
b An inner tube from an old car or long, 12m thick on oze side and Bm
bicycle tyre. thick on the other side. You will
have to try out different bolt holes
2 crosspieces must be fixed across the at the top and different wedges to get
top of the legs of the workbench, and the vice to work properly. Moving the
2 at the bottom. Drill 3 holes each in blocks around helps to adjust the vice.

vice holds

Making Boxes place with sash clamps and tighten them

People use wooden boxes for many things well. "se a carpenters square or a set
s"ch as toolboxes, wooden trunks, seats, square to m*e sure the corlxrs are all
breadboxes and drawers. You CM join square. Drill holes for screws, not too
the sides of boxes with butt joints, deep, otherwise the screws will not
lap joints, or dovetail joints. hold properly. Just drill a hole big
enough for the end Of the screw to get
in. Undo the clamps when the glue is

Boxes which are used for toolboxes 01

trunks need to be very Stmng. YOU c3n
strengthen them in different ways:

q Screw strips of wood 2cm thick and

km wide all round the sides at the

0 Screw 2 pieces of wood 3cm thick and

5~x7wide underneath to protect the

~9 .%xew a piece of wood onto the back

To join a box together with lap joints, just below the hinges to support the
put glue on 211 the partz that Will be lid of the box when it opens. Then the
*buching each other. Bold the box in hinges can not be pulled out easily.
Making a Trestle Table There are different ways of making
The easiest tables to make have tops trestles.
resting on trestles. TO --Ike a table
top, join some planks t ?e'-'~erwith q The ,;im$lestkind of trestle is
glue and clamp them tis .- :th a sash made of 2 frames joined with butt
clamp. "se 2 planks screwed across the hinges. Each frame can be screwed
other planks underneath to make the top together. Use a string or a strip of
wood to keep the bottom of the trestle
the right distance apart far the height
Of the tab?.e.Most tables are 7!mmm

q Another kind of trestle has 3 legs.

This is a frame joined together with
half lap joints with a third leg half
lapped at an angle to the top of the
frame. This trestle uses less wood
thar.the others.

I#The trestle will be even stronger if

you make it with 4 legs. Lap each leg
into the top of the trestle at an
angle. Join the crosspieces together
with mwrtice and tenons and dovetail
half laps. You do not have to use any
screws for this trestle.
w m&ice

Kitchen Units first do the 3 vertical

cuts down the groin
the top of the legs and fit the dove- 6
tails into the table top. To make the 3
dovetails, first make the 3 cuts down ;. ..:
the grain, and then make tie 3 cuts . .I;: .:
across the grain. F. . ..I.~.~
.;: .::: ;
: : yj:,
K.i<cben units should be 85Cmm high.
To put one or more shelves undeernsath
a table or a kitchen unit, you have widthi
to make two half laps in each of the c&plonk
legs. Use the thickness of the shelf
to mark where to cut the first half
lap. DO not c"t the second half lap
as deeply as the first one because
it will weaken the leg. Cut it only
half as deep.

double half lap

Door and Window Frames
Use a through mortise and tenon to nake
door and window frames.

Chairs are quite difficult to make so
we are describing bow to make benches
instead. Benches should be 450m high,
with the legs divided into 2 parts at
the bottom so the bench does not
wobble. DO not let the seat stick out
far over the legs otherwise the bench
CM tip up if somebody sits on the
q The simplest kind of bench has 2
side supports and the seat screwed into
the legs.
q You can make a bench stronger by
using through mortice joints on the
legs to join them to the seat. Hammer
a wedge into the mrtice joint to
m&e sure it is tight.
' You can make all benches stronger by
bracing the lags with a crosspiece
Undemeatl. or diagonal bracinga.

Beds raMeasure the size of your mattress
Bolted beds are easy to take apart and before you build the bed. Buy a
move. TWO big bolts called carriage standard mattress because it is
bolts hold each corner. The bed has cheaper than a special size. For a
slats across.it to supporr the mattress. double bed, the standard mattress size
me sides of the bed can rest on the is 187Cmm x 318Omm.
ground ox you can p"t 0" legs. raMake the bed about 2Om bigger than
the mattress, so there is room to fold
the blankets underneath.
q Make the sides of the bed from 32m
or 22m thick planks.
. &take at least 14 slats each 22mm
thick and lOhnm wide. Make the space
between the top of the bed and the
slats abOut 40"~". so that the mattress
st=ysit PI=-=.
8 Use eight 12m diameter carriage
bolts. Countersink boles for the heads
of the bolts so they do not stick 0"t.

t#YOU cm ma!ce a bench without bracing

by using a single support under the
seat. The joints have to fit very well
otherwise the bench will rock and roll.
If the bench is lonqzr than 1,8m it
will need another leg in the middle.
Woodwork for farmers
There are many things farmers need to
make out Of wood. YOU can use scrap
wood to make chicken houses and feed
troughs, gumpoles to make pig pens.
Here are 3 useful things people can
use at their homesteads: n solar crop
drier, a wheelbarrow and a beehive.

Then make the handles of the wheelbarro
with 2 strong pieces of wood 16Ocm long.
"se bluegum branches or "OOd 5cm square.
The axle Shows you ho" far apart the
handles mu*t be et the front. Nail the
planks for the base of $be wheelbarrow
Onto the handles. Make the bottom 60Crn
long and 7Oon wide, the handles 70cm
apart where they are held. Make sure
to ieave a space for the wheel to fit
between the base and the axle. Make
each leg for the wheelbarro" from 2
pieces of wood about 95cm and 45cm
long. U*e cross pieces between the
legs to strengthen them.

.Put grease or animal fat on the end

of the axle and the bearing block.
bNai1 a strip of tin 01 rubber to the
bearing block. Take it over the end of
the axle and nail it to the handle pole
to hold the axle in place. This piece
must not be too tight or it will be
difficult to turn the wheel.
Making a Solar Drier b Put the box together: screw then side
This drying box for fruit an3 vegetah- pieces to the floor with the wooden
les works in the same way as a solar strips on the inside. Screw the front
oven (see p 220). piece to the base and the side pieces.
b The floor is a box 8cm deep and 8Ocm Fit the back cross piece in place and
square, filled with saWdl.*t, newspaper screw it to the side pieces. Paint tha
OI dried grass so that it does not let inside walls and floor with blackboard
heat out of the bottom. paint.
b Cut the cross piece for the top of
the box at the back. Drill air boles
in the plank and cover them with
mosquito mesh to keep out fruit flies.

b Make the drying tray out of wire

mesh with a wooden frame.
b Make a door for the back to fit the
space between the back cross piece and
b cut the front piece Of the box and the floor. The door must have hinges and
drill the air holes fit tight to keep out fruit flies.
b Cut the side pieces of the box. They Paint the inside of the door black.
must be higher at the back than at the b Paint the outside of the solar drier
front so that the lid of the box slopes with a light coloured enamel paint.
to face the sun. *Put on the top. It is be5t to use
b Screw on 2 strips of wood about fibreglass because plastic sheeting is
halfway up the side pieces. 'These not very stmng and glass can get
strips will hold up the drying tray. broken. Put rubber strips between the
fibreglass and the box to stop rain
getting in. A sheet of fibreglass Im
long and 5Ocm wide costs about R5.

To dry fruit first Cut it into pieces

and put it in boiling water for one
minute. Put the fruit in cold water
to cool, then put it into the drying
box. Most fruit takes a day to dry.
Peaches, apricots, pears, plums and
apples are all.good for drying.
Making a beehive Make the lid of the hive of a wooden
Beehives are simple boxes which can be frame covered with aluminium sheeting.
made with butt joints. The bottom box, The aluminium reflects the sun and keeps
where the queen bee lays her eggs, is the bees cool.
called the brood chamber. Honey is taken
from the boxes above the brood chamber, Beehives and beehive parts are standard
called supers (see Beekeeping ~85). The sizes. It is best to make your hive to
brood chamber is a little bigger than the standard size so it is easy to use
the supers. the standard parts. These are the sizes:

M&e the base of the brood chamber of b Brood chamber, inside measurements
25mm thick wood. Make it a little big- 485mm long, 375mm wide, 265mn deep.
ger on one side so that the bees have
a place to land when they enter the b Supers, inside measurements
hive. The entrance of the hive must be 485mm long, 375mm wide. 145mm deep.
a doorway km high and locm wide. The
bees enter the hive through the brood b queen excluder (fits over brood
Chamber. chamber, 51Omm long, 41Omm wide.

Bees make their honey on wooden frames b Brood chamber frames, outside
inside the hive. There are 10 frames in measurements 4851~~ wide, 235m deep.
each of the boxes. The frames hang on Inside measurements 430ma wide,
wooden strips which are screwed and 205mm deep.
glued inside the top of each box. Glue
small wooden blocks on top of the b Super frames, outside mea*uretnents
strips as spacers to keep the frames 485m wide, 135mm deep. Inside measure-
in the right positi ments 43Oma wide, 205mm deep.

Wmes inside super

We all participate in every level of production
. When and how did the people 1n unions have
Woodworkers Co-operative useSi c_i co-operative as
Start? an example to say these
guys work this way.
It started off in 1979 there's no reason why
as two groups with 2 other factories can't
people in each. One work like that. I" our
group wa+sworking in a factory we all partici-
backyard in Johannesburg pate in every level of
and the Other was "ark- production - producing
ing in Alexandra. Then things, fixing machinea,
the 4 Of us got together making quotes, working
and rented a workshop in on admin, cleaning,
Newto"", and as the cooking food, answering
pressure Of work built the telephone .
up we brought in more
frey so that now we But although we organise
our factory differently
from other factories, we
We applied to the Rural identify with the workers'
and coI"n"nity oe"elop*re"t struggle in th0s.efactor-
wust for a loan - they ies and we try to help
lent us R2 500 and workers in those factories
guaranteed a Loan Of both financially and in
R2 500 from the hank. VP Other ways.
to now we've paid off
R2 000. we preferred a Being in the co-operative
loan to a grant because gives us time to do other
we want to exist through things, things which we
OUT own labours. Grants would not be able to do
are never just for free, in factories. We are able
they always have extra to lead a fuller life in
ties attached. A loan is our communities, for
a measure of ho" effec- example. we don't see the
tive one can be - if you way we work as divorced
can pay it back, it's from the rest of our
possible for other lives.
groups to *tart Off on
loans as well. elHO" do you see the co-
operative fitting in with
.Why did you decide to the broader society?
form a co-operative?
I'm sure the main aim is
we felt it would be a to m&e links with other
better, more enjoyable organisations. It'5
way of working, a way in important that we function
which workers can have fully in our communities,
more control over their and this includes parti-
work and be able to cipqping in any struggles
learn nmre about all guhg 0x2 in those communi-
a5pect.3of production. ties. A co-operative is
not just concerned with
MOSt workers are ex- sharing money, it has to
cluded from the way do with political
factories work. wcr!cer principles and directions
control is an ab*tract as well.
idea to most workers,
it's,beyond mst wo*kers . Did you have a lot Of
to think about taking discussion when you
OVRr a factory. SOme started the co-operative?
Yes. in the beginning we skilled jobs, but this quality furniture at low
needed to discuss so much meant that the unskilled prices. But we have to
that we Often had very people didn't learn t*e on some jobs like
little time for production. skills, so we were getting office partitions and
I renember once sitting a division of labour. We shopfitting. We came up
here in meetings every decided to rotate and with charging at differ-
day for a "hole week. NOW share work. Not only does ent rate5, charging
we have me big meeting this tea& you skills, it working class people at
every two Weeks ant teaches you how to work low rate5 and rich people
small discussions nearly with other people. When at higher xates.
every day. we make things on a
pr*duction line we Work e Couldn't you make fur"-
e Did you have the same differently from other iture for working class
stzx~tu~e right from the factories, we have people cheaper by using
beginning? rotation in the produc- production lines instead
tion line as well. of working on o-ders a*
No, in the beginning we you are doing now?
didn't have much of an -aWho da you make things
idea. Things were quite fox? we would have to compete
loose. we al1 did with large scale produc-
different kinds of jobs. we want to Ilake things tion by big capitalist
What happened was the for workers. We'd like companies, and also have
skilled guys took the to supply them with good somebody doing marketing.

This is a whole area we then RlO far each depen- although "0" we'd say he
haven't worked out. We dent, up to the R250 mu*t be committed to
already do productio" maximum. We also consider working in co-operatives.
line runs of beds and other income. For instance, Then we all agree to talk
benches. These runs twill I'm not getting R250, to him and hear what he
probably get bigger, but because even though I've has to say. Then if be
we want to grow slowly. got three children, my is the right kind of per-
we don't really want to wife is earning a little son, we take him on.
get into retail marketing, salary so we have to take
warehousing and all that. it into account. @What do you do if a
person doesn't fit in?
e What happens if you We also have an allow-
m&e a mist*= on a quote, ance that people working we11 we'". never had that,
like under-estimating the in the co-operative ~a" but I think we would
time for a job? go to meetings which discuss with him about
have something to do differences. If we see
we have had iots of with other organisations that those differences
problems, finding out that outside the co-q, during are major, we could take
we have taken longer than work time. Then those guys a certain stand. Let'5
we thought "he" we quoted. who were at the meetings say he's a spy or he acts
But "he" we give a quote should report back so against our principles
we have to stick to it that we can a11 develop all the time, well we can
as a matter of principle, and know what is happen- decide to tell him to
otherwise we don't get a ing outside. lea"* the co-op. But I
good name. we need to can say we haven't had
find a wq to give our- that.
selves more flexibility,
to take into account the .aut you've had people
uncertainty on quotes. E"e*yO"e works the same, leaving?
40 hours per week,
e Bow do you decide on although here aqajn it Well, one had to leave
salaries? depends on circumstances. because at that time the
We all have one day off co-op was not earning,
When we joined, all were permonth, although two people were not getting
getting R140. Then at the Of "5 have two days Off paid, so he had to leave.
beginning of 1980, some per month because their Then another had to
of us with dependents families are far away, 1eaxe because he was
found we "E-E not coping. end one Of us takes going to stay in Mabopane,
We agreed to sit down and extra time off to help and it would coet a lot
write our needs. After in a creche. If people to travel. 1 think there
that, we a11 ceae toget- have *cme!Ai*g urgent to was more, but we don't
her and looked at each do they're allaved time know what his problems
person's needs. we agreed off and it's paid. But were. We would have been
to raise our salaries to now pr-~ple are question- prepared to pay extra
Rlao per month. Two ing whether we don't need money because he had to
people who didn't have to be more disciplined travel a long way, and
dependents renained at and make up the time we we would also have
R140. Then as time went take Off. agreed to him coming in
on, we had the same later and leaving
problems again. We dis- .HOW do you decide to earlier. But it *eveI
cussed it again and take a new member? came up for discussion
agree.3 to increase a11 until after he left
ouz *alaries. We wanted Well in the past, one then came back after a
to meet a11 the demands, of us has known the long time, which suggests
so we agreed on a minimum person, although just he didn't actually want
emi maximum scale, R200 now we have a" application to resolve it.
as a mir.imum and R250 as from somebody we don't
a maximum. A person with know. Before, we just . *f Scmeone leaves,
one dependent receives the took somebody if he what about his share in
minimum @ZOO) + R20, and seemed like a nice guy, the tools and machines?

principles to the co-operative.
- People who join the co-op with
tools, vehicles, etc. are not entit-
led to special status. The tools
must be given, sold or lent fez a
certain period to the co-op. This
must he cleared up immediately the
person joins the ~0-0~. The person
is not entitled to my special
position or any more money because
of providing these things.

0 Thee must he no reliance on outside

funding. I[tis alright to take a loan
in order to buy machines and tools to
get going but this mu5t be repaid. The
co-op must establish a way of working
that is efficient and enables the
workers to earn their living. It must
be fully independent financially.

0 We must try to spread the idea of

working co-operatively to other people
%.d other industries. If a person
leaves *he co-operative to set up
another one on the same lines, that
pesson must receive the full support
Of the co-op.

0 The co-operative is committed fully

to the struggle Of the workers to take
control of all aspects of their lives.
We cannot t*e a neutral position in
this struggle. We will always strive
to maintain links with other working
class orqanisations and community
organizations involved in the struggle,
and contribute to it in all the ways
that We can.
Everybody km,"* that the education I" the past few years students have
system in South Africa is oppressive. boycotted schools and demand*d changes.
lost children go to school for only a Their demands have bee" *upported by
few years and some never learn to read parent* and teachers. In rural area*
and write. People are told that they and town*, schoois have bee" clo*ed
can not get on in life because they are down for many months because *t"dent*
not 'educated'. It seem.5as if going to were demanding better classrooms, better
school is the only kind of education teaching and the end of Bantu education.
which is good and that somebody who has
been to school is wise and clever. But some people say the education sy*tem
there are many other kinds of education must change to make one equal education
as well as school. In South Africa, the far everybody, blacks and whites. Other*
education most people get from schools say you can not have equal education in
is not to make them wise or to use their an unequal society. They say the whole
knowledge to improve life. It is to society must become equal, not only
teach them to fit into the system. education. Some people say if the *ame
money was *pent on black education as
From the time Bantu education was intro- an white education, the problem would
duced in the 1950's, people opposed it. be solved. mt money is not the only
They saw that this education was only thing in glucation. Schools also
to train black people for less-skilled influence the way people learn to
jobs with low wages. The white-owned think. I" white schools, students are
factories and mines needed workers who taught to believe they are superior to
muld read and write and do simple black people. For example they are
arithmetic. taught that South African history began
in 1652 with the arrival of white
Black people did "at get enough edu- settlers. The history of black people
cation to do more skilled work. It is in South Africa for many hundreds of
worse in rural areas because there are years before whites came is not taught.
very few properly trained teachers and Nor is the hi*tory of black peoples'
a shortage of school buildings, books resistance in defence of their land
and other equipment. or the fact that black peopie's l&our
has helped to make South Africa a rich good education system for all the people.
country. In black schools it is the It would be important for students,
opposite: black children are taught teachers and parents to control their
that they are inferior to whites. own education in schools. If would be
important to teach reading and writing
Other African countries, like to the hundreds of tho"*and* of adults
mza+que, Angola, Botswana and Tan- who never went to school. It would be
zania are trying to change their old. important to change school books so
education systems which were like that children would not get wrong
Bantu Education: they just taught ideas.
people how to work for their rulers.
For example, in mzambique the new TO make these changes there would have
education system breaks down the to be changes in the whole society.
division between people who work with But there are some things communities
their hands and people who do not. can do in the present system like
where is a big programme to teach starting adult literacy classes or
reading and writing to adults who starting libraries or small newspapers.
never had a chance to go to school These things can help to improve every-
when they were young. The local people body's education. In this part of the
are also involved in t.hsday-to-day book we write about these kinds of
running of schools. Farmers teach education. We are not writing about
children farming and teacher* and school education. You can get infor-
students help farmers with their work mation about school courses from or-
in the fields. Teachers and *tudents ganisations like the Education Infor-
also take part in community activities mation Centre bee p 536) which gives
and thi* is part of their education. free information to anybody about
In South Africa, many changes would schools, technical colleges, bursaries
have to be made before there could be a and scholarships.

Learningto read and write

In South Africa, where most people are group. Schoolteachers might try to
POX and there are not enough schools, teach adults as if they are children,
many adults can not read or write. but adults who are learning literacy
Some oftthem did not go to *&a,1 are not children. They might have more
because their families were too poor. responsibilities and experience of
others went to school for a few years life than the teacher. It is "at like
but had to leave to start work. Most school where the teacher is supposed
of these people work in jobs in to know everything and the students
factories, mines or farms where they are there to learn what the teacher
never get a chance to learn ho" to tell5 them.
read and write or to improve their
education. We think the be*t way to teach literacy
is to have a small group of about 8
In Some Other African countries govern- learners with one teacher who has done
meritshave started eclucationpragrames a training course in teaching literacy.
to teach adults literacy (reading and The teacher sho"ld encourage all the
writingl and other subjects. People go members of the group to discuss things.
to classes at their factories or farms The teacher should *it together with
or near their home* in the evenings. the learners, not like in school where
In Swtn Africa there are a few adult the teachers stands in front of the
education organisations (see p 535) students. The teacher must ask the
which teach people to read and write group what kind of things they want to
English and other South African learn.
Each lesson start* with a discussio".
The teacher's job is to encourage
people to talk freely in the gsoup.
One way to do this is for the teacher Then the group tries to make other
to bring a book, record or picture and words with the same sounds, for
get the group to talk about it. For ex- example, ku/sa/si (tomorrow) and
ample, the teacher can bring a picture u/ku/*a (to come).
of thugs attacking somebody. Everybody
discusses it - some say what they think If the group is learning to read and
about thugs, others say why people be- write Sotho, they could start with a
come thugs, OtherS talk about ho" the word like "tire" meaning work. The
Problems caused by thugs can be solved. teacher would write down the vowel
While people are talking, the teacher sounds like this.:
listens for the most common words,
then teaches the people how to read a : ta ra
a?d write them. For example, if the e : te re
group is learning to read and write I : ti ri
Zulu, they can start by learning the 0 : to IO
word for help, ukusiza. The work is " : tu ru
made up of 4 sounds: u/ku/si/za. The
teacher explains that each of these When everybody understand* how vowel
sounds belongs to a family. There are sounds make words, they can write down
5 families of sounds, called vowels, the words. Fa*ter,learners can help
a. e, i, 0, u. Then the teacher people who are struggling. Then the
writes down the vowel sounds like this: group members could make other words
with the same sounds, 'like ru/ta,
a : ka, *a, 7.a teach and ta/ro, three.
e : ke, se, 7.e
i : ki, si, zi All the members Of the group say the
o : ko. so, zo words together and learn which sounds
u : k", S", 7." and writing go together.

After home lessons the members "ill be In a literacy group. people can
able tc write about the discussion learn more than just reading or
they had at the beginning of the writing. By discussirq they learn
lesson. The" the teacher corrects from each other. For example, people
each person's writing and discusses might join a literacy group and
their mistakes with tha. If all the discuss the problem of not having a
learners are making the same mistakes place to leave their children when
the teacher prepares the next lesson they come to the classes. They might
to correct these mistake*. The group d*cide to start a play group for the
can also start reading any books, children. or people might be learning
magazines and newspapers which are literacy in a factory and discuss the
easy to read. 1t is also a good idea low "age* they get. They might decide
for the members Of the group to read to join a trade Union to fight for
each others stories, especially if it better wages. or people might he
is difficult to find easy books. learning literacy in a village and
discuss the problems they have with
When people can red and write their vegetable gardening. They might decide
own language, they sometimes want to to join together to start a gardeners
learn English. The same method is association to buy seeds cheaply or
used to teach English a* to teach share tools.
African languages, with discussions
ad "riting stories. The discussions Literacy can help people to know and
help people to improve thrir speaking do many things. If you want to start
English because they have to struggle a literacy group, contact one of
together to say things in Engli*h. the orgmisations listed an p 535.

My madam said you mustnt learn English

you must learn how to cook
e Julia, can you tell us because
I cant see.Be
how you Started the said "hat do you mean?
group at Martindale? I said I need your help
because I want to learn
Yes, in 1975 I went to English and read and
Damelin College, but it write, because when you
was very far from me look for a job you can't
because I stay in West- *peak English, you can't
dene. So I met Henrietta, speak Afrikaans. So Father
I asked her can she put says, with pleasure. So
me through somewhere. so he opened the church.
Henrietta is go to Learn
and Teach. They asked me .wha else started with
if I can open the school YOU?
because I want to learn
to write English and It was me, Henrietta.
speak very well. They Arthur, Maria, Florins
trained me and afterwards and.Fikile.
1 opened this school. 1
went to Father and Father . Did you start learning
gave me this place. English th*n?

. You mean the church in NO, they told me when I.

Martindale? began I must teach
people in s vernacular
Yes I came here and I group. Then afterwards 1
spoke to him. T said can find sanebady who can
Father can't you help t3ch in English. Then I
me. He say why? I **id started with the verna-
cular group. After that to visit my friend at feel very bad if I find
more and more people Newlands. On the way I people speak English and
came. 'Inen I a*Xtd to met another friend. SD I I don't understand. I
learn English. Then they greeted her and we talked asked my friends who are
said it is alright. to each other. I asked her the co-ordinators. She
how far is she going. She said white people. I
.SWhy did you want to said I'm sorry I'm late. said that is just the
learn English? I am going to evening right people who I will
classes. Whereabouts? She learn and gain a lot from.
Because a lot Of things says Martindale Church. So I said I am sure I am
happen. bmetimes you go I wondered because I going to start to learn
to the office, you have also attend ch"rch there, and join them next week,
to sign something, they but I didn't know anything what time do you *tart.
give you a form and I about this. This was She said we are supposed
feel I am oppressed interesting to me so I to start at seven and we
because I don't know asked her more about it finish at half past nine.
how to write Engiish what you have to do to Really this was interest-
very well. That's why I join? She said no you ing to me.
want to learn English. don't have to pay any-
thing. You just buy your I could not wait - when
books and then you join will Tuesday come, when
us. I a.skedher how many will Tuesday come?
times do you 9~ to school. Tuesday has come and I
Very mcch. Since I She said thrice a week, find a lot of people. It
started to learn English Tuesday, Wednesday and was really a group, not
I have improved really. Thursday. I said to her, like today. core than 30
this is interesting. What or 40 people I should
. Do you think we could are you learning? She say. or e"en 50. There
make the classes better? said it depends - Sotho were many groups. When
if you are just starting you start you always
YOU k"O" to learn depends and the" we have got start in the beginner*
on th3 person. If you English. 1 said 1 am group. Then when they see
want to learn, you must more interested to learn that you know something
just take books ana read English because I under- then they ask where do
and read. But then you stand a bit of Afrikaars you want to be. No I want
don't understand. When but x am not good in to he in the English
you come to the class you English. In Afrikaans group. Ok don't waste
can ask somebody next t* you can go nowhere in your time, just go. And
you. You can ask somebody places like Zimbabwe, I find that I really
and it can help. or you Malawi and Zambia and I enjoy it. I wish that
ask the co-ordinator. I
always read and write,
read and write, smrtimes
I don't understand. I
feel depressed, I sit, I
think what must I do,
Then I say, Ah, I will
ask at school. I come
here and I ask Susan.
Susan she always helps.

0 Thanks Julia. Susan,

as" you tell us h"" you
started coming to the

we11 I Can't remember

"hen I started. If I'm "ot
wrong it was in November
last year. A"yw*y I went
they could continue after Even whites if they want you must tell me I will
9.30 and only stop at 10. to learn from black give you all the money
Still even today I find people, if they want for the hooks. NOW one
that although I make a to learn OUT language day I get a telegram. MY
lot Of mist*es, I have they will think a black uncle it was dead. Then
gained a lot. I can person is going to I tell my madam i am
understand many words teach them better than going to home now because
which I did know but I the white. We are born my uncle she is dead. My
didn't understand tile also with our language. madam she answered to me -
meaning - but today I she shout-and read the
k"0". @Thanks. Maria will you telegram. She say it is
tell us how you joined not your's this telegram
the group? it is your sister's
telegram. I answered yes
I come from Mafekinq. this my sisters telegram
When I joined the group from my father - my
last year I was with a sister and me it is the
Well English is their madam in Westdene. Now same thing. My father he
language, the English one day my madam she tell can't write two telegrams
people's language. me where I'd heard about because it is too much
the classes. I tell her money. I said I am going.
b DO you think that a that I heard from Julia. She said you are not
black person can also Julia she tell me I can going. She said if you
be a good co-ordinator? learn how to speak go you must pack up every-
English. NOW she answered thing and go get out, I
I don't mean actually to me. She said you don't like you anymore.
that * black person is mustn't learn English, So I packed up and left.
not also good. But white you must learn how to NOW I have found another
people, it is your cook. I tell her yes. I job. That's why I started
lang~lageand you are will learn ho* to cook. yesterday at the classes
horn with that language. She say* when you finish, again.

Our aim is to help the commtinity by

being the voice of the community
- ,,izv/e what was happening with
,asem;ni- isa Smallcomm""ity interviews and pictures.
newspaperrunby Delta. a We write about sports,
Sf"&"fSgroupafRhodes music concerts and co"-
together withother ferences because these
inGraharmmw".we appeal to people. we
spoke10Lindile Ada,Who has write what is really
workedon th*newspaperfora taking place in Graham*-
fewyears. town and surrounding

.How much do you write

about the causes of these
OHow do you decide what removals?
to write?
Well, we have to discuss
Well, first of all you these articles first.
have to know what news For example, in one
is. And you have to know issue we had a" article
what will appeal to written by an anonymous
people. As's" example of guy because he didn't
news we "rote about the want his name used..Then
Jam evictions, we wrote we had a letter by
another guy, quite a are ten to twenty people 0 Do you thi* that this
political letter, and working on the paper. We idea could be copied in
after discussion we do all the subediting other communities? Do you
decideci to take some ""rsel"es know of any other community
pieces out. We don't want newspaper?
the newspaper to be banned. eHow do the finances of
the .paperwork? Yes, I'm sure it could
* Ii"" do you compare be done. when we had a
cc-ahamstown voice with We print about 1000, youth convention many of
commercial newspapers? sometimes 800. we se11 the people from Port
DO you think you're the paper at SC, so we Elizabeth were interested
tr;ing to do the *am* make R&3 to R50. But our in the newspaper so now
thing as they are? printing costs are about we're sending copies to
RiZO, so there is still Port Elizabeth. They told
We are trying to reach quite a shortfall. The me they'd like to start
their standard. But we difference is made up by one in PE. I don't k"ow
are also doing a Delta a"d by advertising. of any other community
different thing. Most We sell advertising at *ew*pap*r*, but I'm *ure
of the people here know R20 fox half a _
,,*qe. The it could be done in other
the news, so we have paper has eight pages. Comunities.
mainly educational
articles like poetry
and letters. It is not
somethi"~ solely for
the news. Our aim is to
help the cornunity by
being the voice of the
community. We write the
grievances of the
community and we try to
devebp the talent* of
the community.

@who is going to read

about these.grievances,
the authorities?

We don't know if the

authorities actually
read the newspaper but
a lot of people buy it,
including whites in
town. But it's important
to just state our
grievances openly among

.BOW do you do the


we Work at the Delta

office at Rhodes. we
haven't yet got our own
equipment. The type-
writers beiong to Rhodes
students and we us* a
camerirbelonging to a
student. We are trying
to get our own equipment
through donations. There
Showing the past helps people move towards the future
involve the older men
who are still using
suckiinstruments as the
*okwane, the sera*uri
and lesiba. These are the
nl0e.tdifficult people to
contact because many are
living at the cattle
pxts. we weren't sure
how popular it would be,
but a tieme"do"s number
of people cacle,and we
can now be sure that we
will have more shows. It's
difficult because tradi-
tional musicians are
becoming harder and
harder to find.

Another thing we want to

do again is hold more
meetings like the one
we haa on the future of
Mochudi. The meeting was
called "The Future of
Mochudi - Town or Village".
I think this was the first
time that local people
had ever been invited to
take part in this kind
of discussion. About 70
people attended. People
talked about the kind of
town they wanted and
. How do you think the about some'of the issues
museum contributes to now facing them. Many
de"elopment? peoplt me in the grip
of economic forces they
AS a development project, don't understand, which
its function is educa- they've never had a
tional. But a museum is chance to stand back from
not just to preserve the and analyse. The di*cus-
La*t year we had over past. we include both *ion varied from the
3CCO visitors. It is historical and present ridiculous to the very
"cry reassuring to see day exhibits, to est.&- impressive.
the pleasure of the old lish a lirk between the
people when they come up past aId the present. One of the things we
here. Of course, they Our museum is a way of discussed was the kyout
don't say much to me, teaching history. We that people wanted for
but you can see from wanted to create a new the village. We were
watching them that they kind of school, one that fortunate to have Graeme
like it. And kids are could be of interest to Hardie here, an architect
coming in too, in everyone, young and old. who has been studying
increasing numbers. Ana traditional architecture
I think it's encouraging . Youlve organised other in Mochudi. He showed us
too that the 20 year Old* activities here too . .. models of semi-circular
are beginning to drift and square grid layouts -
in - young couples Yes, we've orgacised opinion was evenly
coning here on a Sunday shows of traditional divided on which was
.3ft~JTlCO". music. We wanted to preferable, tut there
was some lively discus- Yes. we wanted to show to the extent of getting
sion. we should have a an example Of a lapa done primary school classes
seminar like this every in completely traditional to pick up the cans arid
year - this is what style, to be a study rubbish lying outside
people would like. ~entre and a place where when they visit here.
museum visitors can stay.
e where do you get the well, WE have done one, * Do you think this kind
things in the museum and people are delighted Of nNSe"m could be
fKMl? by it. We've done it in reproduced ia other paxrts
the proper traditional of Southern Africa?
It's a matter of going style, but it's a heavy YOU seem to be very
from house to house to business. We need to lucky, for instance, to
look for them. Originally modify it. Next time, have had Isaac Shapera's
we couldn't buy anything perhaps we will do it old photographs Of
because we had no money. using some non-traditional MOdl"8.i.
Even now we cantt pay materials, it will be a
much, but we pay a small bit easier. I think there'.s a lot Of
amount where possible scope fox museums like
because people need the . Do the people ir.mc~udi this. The archives of
money. If an object is think the museum belongs newspapers, libraries
still usable then we to them? and government offices
think it's fair to pay are bulging with photo-
for it, but if it's That's a hard cpestion. graphs, letters and
broken or unusable, They may think it's mine. ckxments. This is a very
then we don't pay for it. because they see me going vivid way of teaching
up and down here six days history. Show people
a week. I think we've got their own past and you
to make the point that help them to see how to
the museum is theirs, even mO"e toWaTdS the future.
The sun is up, there is work to do
Laedza Batanani *tarted
as a group of performers
going from village to
village. The trouble
with this was that the
performers were outsiders
to the village, so that
not much action was
resulting frs the per-
formances. l-hen in 1979
there was a big popular
theatre workshop in
sHOW did the use Of Molepolole to introduce
popuiar ttleatreto popular tlleatre to
promote de"eloplne"t extension workers frcm
start in Botswana? a11 over the country.
There were four Of us
It came out of a comnun- teaching, someone from
ication breakdvan with Nigeria doing drama,
agricultural extension someone from Tanzania
Workers. *en they gave for dancing, sonleone
a talk on better agri- from Radio Botswana to
cu'tural methods or teach Singing, and myself
stock dipping, people for puppets. we did per-
did not come. In the formances about many
mrth it was worse things: weak leadership
because villages were in the village, too much
Spread out. so a beer drinking, VD, un-
councillar there who emp1ayment. TB, lack of
was worried about this, co-operation between the
that perhaps village councillors and
singing, praise poetry the headmen.
8 Can you describe one
of the plays?

Yes, in a village north

of Molepolole there is
a river dividing the
village, and there are
no bridges across. In
the rainy season, kids
who live on the other
side can't go to school.
The villagers thought
the bridge was an impor-
tant project. Because
the leadership was weak,
no one could cane to a
decision - everyone was
drinking. Things were
pretty bad. AlSO there
were no toilets in the
village and a lot of
flies. So we made a plzy
about a village which
had a weak leadership,
with all the men dri*-
ing. one day a father
finds his daughter at
the shebee". He's shocked
and says "You should go
home, you're embarrassing and the village develops when it came to the Us-
me seeing you here drink- very well. They build a cussion group afterwards,
ing". So she says "Well, bridge and have a big the people pointed him
you're drinking too, celebration. In fact out and he got up and
aren't YOU? fiat's the the real chief of the ran away:
difference?" In fact she village saw this play.
is a pmstitute, and Some people said they . So you do some kind of
this makes him even more were offended by the research first?
shocked. So he goes away appearance of a pros-
to think and then he calls titute, but nobody was Yes, we usually spend a
his friends together and offwded by the criticism day interviewing and
Says "Things are baa in sf the chief. collecting information.
this village, we mu*t do Tn another village
something". So they hold there was a question of .Do you have any ~rcblem
a meeting to discuss somebody stealing village CMlhining puppetS,
what they can do. The development funds. People dancing, singing and
chief hears about the had mllected money to live drama?
meeting and sends a build an extra classroom
messenger to stop it. in the school. The chair- No, not really. Sometimes
The messenger says man of the village devel- fm instance, we get a
"This is an illegal. opment committee needed puppet to introduce the
meeting, you mu*t break to pay the school fees for live characters as they
it up". so they catch his child and just cane on. sonletimes the
hold of him and tie him borrowed the money and puppet speaks directly
to a chair and say intended to pay it back. to the audience and
"You're going to listen But his cattle died, so starts them singing 01
to what we're talking he could"'t sell anything clapping. At tie end
about" and of ccmrse and the money was missing. of the play, we some-
they cowerr the chief's Well, in fact, this per- times cmpo*e a song and
messenger. So the chief's son was in the audience dance about something in
authority is overthrown, watching the play and the play.
e Do you think that were discussing beer we don't really know yet.
popular theatre can brewing, particularly We're putting the
replace the Kwt1= during kg&la meetings, emphasis on local groups
structure? which was preventing at the moment. The idea
people from attending. is that each village
Well, the kgotla will set up its own
structure is very riqid. A man from the audience group, and we will act
Elders speak first. got up with a tin full as,resource people.
women speak absolutely Of broke" eggs. se walked Then Laedza Batanani
last and they sit apart. to the middle of the will hold workshops
Thelie's a definite stage, put his tin &mm lasting one or two days
order of speaking. I and shook the hands of in different villages.
imagine young people the actore, saying "I'm But it may be necessary
feel they haven't got a really glad you brought to also keep a group Of
voice there. I don't this point up because specialists to show
thi* the **tie CSn I've just come from one others what can be
replace the k3otla. but of these places, and achieved. I would like
it CM give.= voice to they've broken every one to set up one group
younq people and women of my eggs, and he pi&& here in Gaborone, say
who never had a voice in up his tin to show the at the Botswana
the kqot1a. audience. Usually the Agricultural College,
audierxzesare amazed by which I can work with
1'~ seen how effective the accuracy of the throughout the year.
this kind of theatre can plays. SUCh a group would be
be because the charact- more skilled artistically,
exs are based on real a DO you think the plays hut not necessarily
live chxacters, it has are popular because they better than the local
a kind of power. In one are presented by stran- groups in promoting
play, for example, they gers? development.
Building introduction
*here is a serious shortage of housing to pay for transport or pay people to
and land fox black south Africans. help you make bricks, fetch water and
Many live in overcrowded slums in cut grass.
towns or rural areas. others are reset-
tled and dumped in places where there There are different kinds of traditional
is nothing - not even fields or water. buildinqs all over the country. In the
past people built houses with only the
mere is enough land in south Africa materials they Could find nearby and
for everybody but a few people au" they tried out different kinds of
and control the land and force the buildings until they found the best.
majority of people into barren and For example in places where it is
overcrowded places. Many workers from very hot during the day and very cold
rural areas :iant to live in town near at night, people built stone houses.
their jobs, but they can not get permits During the day the sun made the walls
to rent Jrbuy houses. Migrant workers hot and the house stayed warm at night.
are not allowed to build houses in town 1n other places where it is hot in the
SC they build houses in the country day and the night, people left a space
whi.ch they go to a few times a year, between the walls and the roof so that
emetimes only once a year. Often they wind could blow through and make the
build houses like the one5 in town house cooler.
.with square rooms and corruqated iron
roofs. We think the best way to build is to
"se traditional and modern methods
It is expensive to build these town together. For example building houses
style houses in rural places and some with cement blocks for walls and
people save for many years before thatched roofs or building school
they can afford to build. Others build classrooms with mud brick walls and
one room at a time, struggling to buy corrugated iron roofs.
building materials and pay S"ilders.
In this part of the book we write
xt is much cheaper to build a about using old and new methods. We
traditional house than a town-style also give some ideas about making
house. You can find most of the buildings for everybody in the
building materials like m2d. poles and community, for example a creche for
thatching grass locally. You only have young children.
Young people have forgotten how to do their own work
. Why do you thir& themeelves, build the
people stopped building walls by themselves, so
in the traditional way? it was cheap. You can
chop down you own poles
~ounq people have without buying them and
forgoite" how to do you can cut your own
their own work. They grass, but you can't make
don't want to build your Own tin.
hoUSeS themselves. They
are not like the people .I%" do people learn
in the old days, OUT to thatch?
mothers and foremothers
were very strong people. Well, if I am a thatcher,
It's the same with I can't do all the
thatching. You see thatching by myself. I
thatching is better than can't put the needle
tin. With thatching through and be inside
people weren't lazy, and outside to take the
they would do it. They needle on the other
"eed ts cut the grass by side. So I will need a*

assistant. That is how . X5 thatching expensive? Sonietimes you can put
people learn from one plaster to keep away the
another. NOW I know orly In the old days it was termites. You cay also
two who can still do cheap - 8 pula for one put cla;rbricks on top
thatching here in Mochudi. roomed house. NOW they of the mud walls to stop
These two axe small boys would &Large 60 pu1.3 to the termite* going into
who learnt thatching thatch my house and I the rafters.
from the Old people. WOUld have to buy the
qrass and the rafters. e how did you build your
e In the old days did house at the cattle post?
everybody do their own e HOW did you make the
that;hinq? walls of you hnuse? MY house at the cattle
post I built myself, the
NO, not everybody. Those I just used my hands. You walls and the thatching.
"ho dicinrtknow how to must use the mud bribe I moulded the bricks and
thatch would go and as.% when they are wet so they my son Cut the rafters.
somebody else to '30it. dry well together in the I Used a different thatch,
There were always pe3p1e wall. Mud is very strong I just pulled the grass
who were thatchers. NO" and cool. The only proi+ out with the roots.,shake
the thatchers do it for km is termite*, but not the dust and used it like
money. I" the Old days rain. Rain won't do that. It'5 net nice and
'hey also did it for anything to the house if neat like the thatching
money, but only a little. it is properly built. on my house here.

The BuildingSite
The building cite is the place where
you are going to build. Try to work
out the best way to use the site.

The fir& thing to think about is

the direction of the sunshine. In
Southern Africa the sun shines from
the north. So the side of the building
which faces north will be warm am3
bright. The side which faces couth
will be cooler and darker. Try not
to build on a hill which slopes from
the *cmth up to the north. The hill
will make a shadow over the building
and make it cold.
north f&n7 bu',ldings get
5 mm-e sun
How to find north If you want to protect the building
You cam use the 5""'s *hadow* in the *ran cne Wl, m*e me snorrer
morning and the aftermon to find side of the building face the wind.
north. At sunrise, mark your shadow 00 not put any doors or windows on
with 2 pegs. Put the first peg in the this side. Plant tree* +a protect
ground where you are standing and the the building from the wind. The wind
Second peg at the end of your shadow. blows in one direction most of the
time. You can tell this direction
At sl"set, Stand at the same place and from the way tree* and bushes grow
mark your shadow with the third peg. to one side, or by asking people
who have lived there for a long time.
Draw 2 lines from these 2 peg* to thz
first peg. Th*n draw a line halfway
between them. This line is the north Checking for water
direction. Find out if there is any water on
the site. Check for old springs or
river beds or dried up *trem*. DO
Wind not build in the** place* because
Wind blowing through a building cools they may fill up with water after
it, but it also brings a lot of dust. heavy rain and damage your house.
The first thing 60 do is to mark the
front wall of the building. Hammer in
2 pegs where you want the front corners
of the building. Stretch a piece of
string between the pegs. This is the
front of the building.

iuow mark out the corners. You will

need 3 people for this. one person
stays at the corner peg holding the
end Of the measuring tape and the
121~mark against the peg.~The second
person holds the 3m mark Of the tape
Setting out and walks along the line of th.? fron~t
setting Ot is marking lines on the wall until it is tight. The third
ground where all the walls will be. person holds the 8m mark of the tape
TO do this you need: and walks until it becomes tight on
b A long measuring tape. both sides. At this place he or she
b A ball Of String. hammee~ a peg into the grcud. Stretch
b wood or steel pegs 30cm long. string between this peg and the comer
peg. This line is the side of the

After you hae marked out ,the front and

the 2 sides, join the ends of the 2
sides to mark the back of the building.
check that the front and the back are
Spirit levels are expensive to buy. It is much cheaper to
make a water le;/el. You can use a water level in the sams
way as a spirit level.

You will need:

*A straight wooden plank I,1m long.
02% m of thin clean plastic tube
(try to get some Crow\ a hospital
or clinic).
aBrackets for holding the tube on-
to the plank. You can make these
Fro-m scrap pieces of tin, such
as beercans.
@A Piece ~ i~,e~ai
fits tightly inside the

Half fill the tube with water $0 that the water fills halFwa)
up the two short sides. Then join the two ends of the
tube with the piece of metal tubin Soak the ends of the
astic tube in warm water until 2hey become soft and
I!hen stretch them over the piece of metal tubtng.

Connect the tube to the plank

with the brackets, so that the
distance between the short
sides OF the tube at each end
of the plank is exactly I WI.
Now lay the plank on its edge on a surface which you know
is completely Flat and level, Borrow a spirit level to check
that it is flat. Make marks on the plank next to the water
levels on each side of the tube. Measure the distances be-
tween these marks and the bottom of the plank. These
two distances should be equal. Draw a Ime between the
two marks.

ke marks b-e

Mark the water on both sides.

As before measure the dust-
antes begween the bottom of
the plank and the marks oh
both sides - these distances
must be equal. Draw a line
between these two marks.

How to use the level


I -Tocheck if something is flat, the water on both sides of-

the tube must llne up with the long line on the plank.

To check if something is straight up, the water must line

p with the short llbe oh the plank.

e Foundations for wooden frame

buildings. The wooden poles must be
creosoted and put into the concrete
when it is still wet.

Concrete Foundations
concrete foundations are trenches
filled with concrete. The trenches
have to be level otherwise the wall
will crack. But if you build a long
level trench on a slope it will be
very deep on one side and shallow
on the other side. On a slope it is
better to make the foundation in
any kind of wall.
Mark the corner* with bricks. Tie
string between the bricks and mark
the line of the trenches with a pick
or spade. Make the trenches 8cm
wider than the walls on both sid25.
8cm is the width of a brick ofi its side.

Hammer in pegs all along the trench

so that the peg tops are 15cm above
the floor of the trench. "se a level
to check that the tops of a11 the pegs
are level.

NOW mix the concrete. Mix one bucket

of cement with 4 buckets of clean
river sand and enough water to make
it easy to mix. when mix in 7 buckets
of stones. wet the trench and pow in
the concrete, starting with the lowest

use a spade to squash out all the air

bubbles in the concrete. Level the
concrete to the top Of all the pegs
inside the trench with a glank.
If there are steps in the trenches, Stone Foundations
you must also have steps. in the con-
crete. Put bricks an the concrete you
ha"e poured, 3Oon away fro" the step,
before you pour the next layer. The
bricks will keep the corners of the
steps square and stop the concrete
from running dwn the step.

If concrete gets dry and Il.323 too MAX one bucket of cement with six
quickly it will crack. So after you buckets Of clean river sand. Add a
have poured in the concrete, keep it little water so that the mixture is
wet for thrse days. COYer it over like thick porridge. Pour it over
with wet cement bags, old plastic the stones up to the tops of the pegs
bags, corrugated iron a wet grass. then level it with a plank.

stone fcmdation
Foundations for buildings
with wooden frames
Many people make buildings with mud
walls between wooden poles. The beSt
wooden pales are gumpoles. TO prepare
the gmples cut notches in the
thicker end of each pole, 25cm from the
bottom. Then soak the notched ends in
Creosote for a week.

TO put in a gumpole, dig a hole

4Oon square and 40cm deep. Fill the
bottom Of the hale with 5cm Of gravel
or small stones. Put in the Creosoted
end of the gumpale and check that it
i* straight up with a spirit level.
P"t in another iOcm of ston=s and
pack it down tight. Then pow in
concrete up to the ground. The gravel
lets rain water drain away from the I the hole with stones
pole so that the pole does not rot. and co~rete
The notches helo the conclete hold
the pole strongly in the ground.


YOU can build walls out Of many cement blocks m"St always be kept damp
different materials: pdes and mud, while they are hardening. After you
stone, cement blocks, factory bricks, have ta!+=nthe blocks out of the mould,
mud bricks, soil cement bricks, cover them with plastic, grass, news-
rammed earth. In South Africa there paper or Old Cement bags. DO not leave
are many people who =r= so poor that the blocks to dry in the sun, because
they are forced to us= old corrugated this makes them we* and they will
iron or even cardboard for walls. crack.

0 Cement blocks are either hollow ox

solid. The hollox blocks are better
than the solid block*. They are
cheaper and the air in the hollow
parts helps to stop the building from
getting too hot or too Cold and damp.
So the hollow parts shoulti not be
filled. You can m*e cement blocks
yourself with a hand mould or with
a block m&ing machine (see suppliers 0 Bricks which have been made in a
p 530).Mix 1 bucket of cement with 10 factory are very strong, but they are
buckets of Sand. The less water you expensive. Building with bricks t&es
use, the stmng=r the blocks wiU be. longer than with celrrent
blocks. All
There should be just enough water for walls on the outside of the building
the ,mixtuze to stick together. should ?y,ve two layers of bricks.
bricks *
with gumpoles
to hold up,t;$

. Sun-dried mud bricks are cheap and

easy to build with, but these bricks
are someti*es weak. Mix dry grass or
%ng with the muii to make the bricks
stronger. If the mud bricks are not
strong you can use gumpoles to hold
up the roof, and buil6 walls out of
mud bricks in between.
0 Wattle and da* buildings are made
Of wooden poles and branches. YOU
"cave the branches in and out between
the poles and then fill the hales with
Stones and mud. some people stretch
chicken wire on the inside and the
outside of the poles. They fill the
space between the two layers of 12
gauge chicken wire with stones and
mud and then plaster the building.

0 Stone buildings can be strong and

cheap if there are lots of stones
nearby. Make *"re to use a level as
you build to check that all the walls
are straighs up.

C9Rammed earth is a cheap methoQ of Shutter are two planks. It must be
building, but the walls can >e we& easy to take apart, so use wing nuts
if you do not have goad sail. You can to join the sides. Put the shutter over
make the soil stronger and more the foundations and fill it with wet
waterproof by adding cement (see soil soil. Ram down the soil with a gumpale.
cement p 488).To build with rammed When the soil has been rammed down
earth, you have to make a shutter. hard, undo the shutter. Set it up
which is a box for making the wall. again on top of the layer of wall you
The shutter is wider at the top than have must made. Leave openings fee
the bottom. The long sides of the doors and windows.

486, '~
Making Bricks
People in many places in Southern
Africa make baked bricks which are
cheaper than concrete blacks and just
as strong.

The best soil for bricks is clay. To

find clay you usually have to dig
down ha. YOU can check if the soil is
clay by feeling it (see know your soil
p 97). 'restthe quality of the clay
by making a few tricks. Dry them in
the sun then put them in the hot coals
Of a fire for a few hours. If the
clay is good, the bricks will bake
very hard, and they will not become
soft if you put them into water.

Elix the clay far bricks using one

bucket of water for every 3 buckets
Of clay. some people also mix coal
or ash into the clay. Mix the clay
and water by squashing the mud with
your feet. Plaster the outside of the stack with
mud. some brickm&kers put old hakecl
When the mud is well mixed, make the bricks on the outside. Light a fire
bridks in a wooden muld, which makes in many places and let it burn for
2 or 3 bricks at a'time. Put the a long time, 3 to 14 days until the
bricks out to dry in the sun for 3 bricks are hard. The tine depends on
to 4 days, turning them over once a the quality of the clay. The baking
day. If it rains, use plastic sacks will give you 2 kinds of bricks: red
Or ccrrugated iron to cover the bricks. bricks from the outside of the stack,
and blue bricks from the inside,
nearer the fire. The blue bricks will
be harder and stronger.

If something is wrong with your bricks,

it could be one of these reasons:
V If bricks are dried too quickly in
the sun, they crack. 1f the sun is
too hot, cover the bricks with grass
while they are drying and keep them
V If the bricks break after baking,
it could ha because there were stones
irithe clay. You can take the Stones
out by using a sieve, but it is
difficult to sieve clay. You might
have to look far a better clav, witb-

V YOU can check if your bricks have

When you have dried 5000 to 10 000 be+" baked enough by putti" a few
bricks in the SIXI,make them into a in water. If they get soft and sveli
stack. First make a low wal? two up, they have not been baked enough.
bricks high, about 6m long and 3m Ii this happens, put them back in the
wide. Leave gaps between the bricks stack to bake again. This time add
50 that air can get in. Put in wood more "OOd or coal.
or coal as high as the wall. Then lay V If the bricks break when you drop
bricks right over the top in layers. them on the ground, it means your
Leave small spaces between the bricks soil is too sandy, or you have not
for the hot air to get through. baked them for long enough.

Soil Cement If you are building a community centre
You can make mud bricks : -1anger by or more than me house, it is cheaper
adding a little cement. This mixture e to use soil cement than concrete
is called soil cement. The cement blocks, even with the extra cost of
n&es the bricks hard and stops them the machine. These machines are strong
from cracking. and will last for many years without
needing repairs.
Soil cement is good for building in
places where it is expensive to
transport sand. The best soil to use
is a sandy loa. (see p 99). With
this soii you can use 1 part of
cemrnt with 20 parts of soil. With
more clay soils you need mcze cement.
For example, 1 part cement to 12
parts soil. There are different tests
you can do to work out exactly how
much Cement and soil to use. Write to
E3.a.if ym want to know how to do
these tests.

Ths strongest soil cement bricks are

made ~with a machine like a Cinva Ram
pre*s or an Ellson Universal Brick
Press (see suppliers p 5301. In the
Ellson machine the loose soil cement
is squashed into a hard brick when you
pull on the handle of the machine.

for most soils ~09 need 2 to 4 bags

of cement per 1000 bricks. 4 or 5
pe"ple cm make between 1500 and 2000
bricks per day doing the jobs of
sifting, mixing, operating the machine
and stacking the bricks. 2 people can
make about 1000 bricks a day.


IQbuckets ofsand, and just enough

water so it sticks tqether

lay the ccvner Sock First. i/se the

stri s around the building to
chec? that the block is straiqht.

lhen lay the first layer of blocks.

(For a brick building, make the
outside walls 2 bricks thick)
--- --
rt each layer $t the
corner Each corner
b!ock m&St Face ^a
dicferenr way from
the corner block be-
low it.

The first layer cf blocks must qo right around the building

Only leave
GfXv\lv\gS for
dews WIthe

When the wall is 15cm hiqh,

ntly drop each block onto tb!~ daqa.
up with daga between the srdes.

Tm each block down with the back

nfthe trowel to make it leve!..Check
each layer & blocks & level WI 3
directions: alonq the wall, BYCX.S
the wall, and straight up.

; yc~utap the block t;o make it level,

?e daqa is squeezed out. Cut OFf
?e extra daga with the trowel.

As the wall becomes tjqhec

keep checkinq that it IS level
Doors and Windows

Putting in a steel door frame

^. 1. _

The top of the door framemust line up

nitha layer nr blocksor bricks.You
can work out "here the top layer Of
bricksor blockswill be by m&ing a
guage rod. This is a plank which has Making a lintel
marks a* wide apart as each layerof If you are building a brick wall you
bricks or blocks. Line up the top of can use brickforce to make a lintel.
the door frame wjth one of the marks Brickforce is made of wire and ynu
on the gue;e rod. can buy it from building yards. To
use brickforce, you first put in a
The battic, of the door mast be below wooden plank where you want the lintel.
the floor level insi.de, but higher than Build a layer of bricks on top of the
the gro-d levfl jiitsid2 iha door. This plank. Lay a piece of brickforce twice
will stop water coming into *,z building. as Long as tne openrng across tne
bricks. Build 2 more layers of bricks
Use bricks and planks to hold the door and lay 2 more pieces of brickforce.
up straight while you are bui1dj.q the When the cement is hard you can take
wall,. away the plank.
If you are bnilding with sundried mud
bricks. you can use a wooden lintel
km thick: if yen are !x~i.lrlirq
'wattle md daub or gumpoles, nail or
tie the lintel to the wooden poles.

Building window frames ir:to walls

when you have reached the level of a
window, use a guage rod LO measure
where the TOW of bricks where the top
of the window will be. Line up the tcp
of the window with one of the marks on
me guage pole. Pro> up the bottom of
the window with pieces of wood. If the
window has a steal frame, build the
straps on the side into the wall.

:he mark on

Another way to make your awn lintel

is to make a long box out of WOOden
planks and lay reinforcing rods in
it. Fill it up with concrete and take
away the planks uhez the lintel is

Wooden doors and doorframes

it is usualiy cheaper to make a door
than to buy one. Outside doors m"st be
carefully made to keep out the rain
and the wind. The best way of making
them is with tongue and groove boards
about km thick. AEI experienced car-
penter cm make them for you. Inside
doors do not have to be made with
tongue and groove joints, you can just
nail them together.

Make the door frame when you already

You can also use U-blocks and wire to have the Smr. There must bc 3m space
make a lintel. Lay U-blocks across a between the daar and the top of the
plank over the opening. Then lay 2 frame. Cut the edge of the door with
bars of reinforcing steel or 10 pieces a chisel so that the hinges fit flat
or wire in the bottom of the U-block into the edge of the door. Screw the
and fill the hollow with concrete. hinges into place.

Floors -.
W;d floors are cheaper than concrete plank and a level to make Sure the
floors, but they are not as strong. laj& is hammered flat. If there are
They have to be Dlastered often with big sp%cPI l?etvee.".
the bricks irid
cow dung, stones, fill these with river sand,
Otherwise you will waste concrete.

Concrete Floors Use a concrete mix of I part cement,

Make the concrete floors after you 2 part* sand and 4 parts stone*. wet
;,a"= builr the walls and put on the the floor and pour the concrete about
roof. Fill the floor with stones and 7cm thick. Cast the conc&te in
broken bricks and hamer :!.~mdown squares. Each square should be as
hard until the floor is level with wide as the plank you are using for
the ground outside. Then hammer down levelling. Keep the concrete wet with
another layer of stones and broken old cement bags or wet grass, 50 that
bricks loon thick. Use a straight it will not crack as it gets hard.

In msst placesi2 Sc,uthern
Africa, and puriins. Trusses are strong wooden
thatch is good for roofs because it planks or poles which hold up the
keeps the building cool in sunmer and roof. Purlins are thin pieces of wood
W%ZIIia winter. Xroof sheetinglike which are nailed to the trusses. The
corrugated iron and asbestos is thatch is sewn onto the the purlins.
easier to ~u.se
and it lasts longer.
But ic m&es the building very hot When people thatch a small building
in summer antivery cold in winter. they usually make the whole truss and
pwlin ~trwturs on the ground first
If you are going to use thatch you and lift it onto the walls. The
inust make a roof frame with trusses ~~ISSUS should he lm or Less apart.

YOU nlust b"iid wire into the walls wall. If you are using planks they
to tie the rafters down. Each wire must be Straight up, not flat.

Bail the roof sheeting to the purlins

with roof nails and wastiers. The
washers stop water coming throaqh
the nail holes. Hammer the roof nails
into the higher bumps of the roof
sheeting, not the lower bmps where
water collects.

Ceilings make buildings cooler in

summer and warmer in winter. Make
them by nailing strips of wood 4OCm
apart to the rafters. Yaii ceiling
board or cardboard to these strips.

Using the sun to heat water

Solar water heaters warm up water for heated again. Water flows slowly
cooking and washing. They work in the round and round in this way, getting
Sme way as the solar oven. A box is hotter all the time. Water will not
insulated, painted black and boil in a solar water heater, but it
slopes towards the S"ll. The top of the can get too hot to put your hand in.
box car,be glass but it is better to 1t is quite expensive to build, about
use fibreglass because glass gets R2M). but it can last for many years
broken easily. On the bottom of the without givmg trouble.
box there is a corrugated iron sheet
painted black and on this sheet 'cbPre
are 3 number of water pipes joined
together. When the sun shines, the ,watertank
black sheet becomes hot and heats UP
the vatfr inside the pipes.

The other part of the water heater is

th2 stmage tank. YOU Cal use a 200
litre dnm. Galvanised drums are best
because ordinary drums r"st.

AS the water is heated inside the

pipes, it rises "p into the drum,
and colder water comes into the pipes
from the drum. Then the water is
E------ ------\
Many mothers have to leave their children with somebody while
they are working. In some villiaqes the whole community has
worked together to build a creche where many ch,ildren can
play toqf3ther Here we;give some plans fob%a creche.

Even if you do nor, have much

twney/ you can collect money
while the creche is beiq built.
Yo;; can start building at the
end of tirmelr, and put &he
roof up Frst. Then the child-
w can play under the rod:
IM sumwIer and be protected
fray sun and rain.
At the end OF summer you can
start building the walis so that
the children can have a w;ryr(
place for the winter

The next year you can add a ki

I Plan of the Creche

How w read the plan


What You Need
Ear the 9oOr
The floor is km wide, 13rnlonq and i5cm thick. For this you need:
e9 cubic metres OFstone
(45 oil drums full) R55
=5 cubic met+% of sand
, (25 oil drums full) f-t25
eloo baqs of cement R

if you live near a river you can collect the sand and stones and
save RBo.

To mix the concrete 6~ the Floor you need 4 parks of stones, 2

parts &sand, I pare of cement. Add water until it is as thick a:

For tie roof p&

To hold up the roof you need 18 15cmdiameter

qumpoies. 9 must be 3m long and the other
9 must be znrn lonq. Each qumpoie costs
about R5, so altogether they will cost R90.
IF ejFrnyk?s have no! been treated you
must up I;, e bottom(thcker) end of the
pole in a tin of creosote fbr about 2 weeks.
This will make the pole waterproof and pro-
tect it from insects.
Cut a notch zcm around each pole 4ocm from
the bottom. This will stop the wind pulling the
o!e out SF the Flosr.

ke a cut 15cm deep ar, the top end of the

e to support the rafter

Setting Out

Before makinq the f-ioor you must

set out the building. Mark an
area 4m wide and 13rn Isnq. The
!onq side twist face nomhWp.4-rl,
Usepeqsandstringtomakethe 1
corners square (see p.+m Hammer
in a peg af, each corner!

Hammer in two more pegs on the

long sides, 5ocr-n from the cor-
ners. Tie a string between

~zlLe.se two pegs measure an-

other L5m. Hammer in two more
pegs and tie a strinq between
Keep hammering two pegs every
1,5m until you are 5ocm from the

Now along both the short sides

measure in 50~1 from each car-
nw Hammer in 4 pegs and
stretch string between them.
At each place where the strings cross there must be a grAm
For each qumpole dlq a hole 3ocm deep. Use a level to chec
that each qumpole is straiqht up. fill the hole with stones.
Put the sti pofos on the north side and the 2%m poles on the
south side.
F \
Makiq the Floor
Make a box around the whole
f\oor with planks 4 m long, 15crn
wide ;snd ssmm thick. Later,
you can use these planks for the
rafters. Hammer peqs on both
sides of the planks to keep them
straight up. If there are an spaces
underneath the planks, GilYthem
up with mud.

Now put another plank sm away

Crom one corner. Hammer in
pe9s inside to kee it straight UT
and use cement bPocks to hold it
up on the outside. Do the same
thing on the other side, so thal
you can make the two ends of
the floor at the same time.

Now pour the concrete. Use

more concrete t&n you need
and level the top of the Floor,
using a plank to remove extra
concrete. When you have finish-
ed ievellinq the Floor cover it
with plastic or old cement baqs
so that it does not dry too
quickly, After 2 days the con-
crete will be hard and you can
make the middle 4?parts of the
floor Make them level with the
dry harts of the floor.
qakina the Rod

To make the roof you need

09 rafter planks 4m toy,

mm wide and 38mm thick.
Each rafter costs about R4 R36
UPurlins xrn wide and 38mm
b5 altogether R40
e RooFnails and lead washers R5
rGa\vanised hoop iron ties
2mm thick R5
ecorruqated iron 52 sq. m &Q

F vou use second-hand corruqated iron you can save a 1st

$ money

Nail the rafters to the gumpole

\?/here you have made cuts.
Strap the rafters to the poles
usinq the hoop i~oy, ties.

Then nail on the pmrlins, 80 cm apart.

Lay the corruqated iron across

the purl~ne and nail it down
firmly. Nail throuqh the top
bumps of the corruqated iron,
where water does not collect.
Buildin the Walls

I %I PAYIgee i t-q!lnti
_ ._ ppment
-..._. _i blnrk,
b%J&r mud to make the walls.
For cement blocks, use a mixture
of io parts of sand to I part Of
I lo build one pl room and the
i kwhen you wilY need about 200
bags of cement and so cubic m,
(150 oil drums) of river sand.
This will cost about Rsoo. IF
you collect your own sand you
&an save R200.
400~will also need daqa to lay the blocks. Use a mixture of
o parts sand to I part cement. Use finer sand than the con
;rete mixture. You will need zo bags of cement and 4 cubic
Metres(20 oil drums) of sand, which costs about R80.

&eel door and window frames are very expensive SOit is

better to make Wooden onss !saep.~o) or to buy second hand
eel ones.
The creche has a thick floor so
ou can build foundations on
L p of the floor Make the
foundations 3 blocks hiqh and

he checking to see that the

walPs are level and straiqht up.
weavespaces eocm wide for
$edo+ds and spaces for t

Finishing The Buildiq

There are many things you can do to Finish off the building. IW
creche committee can decide which is the most important:

You cab add gutters to

co1iect m&water.

0You can ,plaster the inside

of the building.

~You can put up a ceiling to

keep out the heat in sum-
rner and the cold in win-

*You cab build a wall around

the creche to keep the
children sage.

*YOUcan plant trees near @Youcan add a verandah on-

the building to give shade to the sunny side OF the
in the summer. building.

e Wild small pit toilets for the children and playqwund equipment
a sandpit, swings, ladders to climb trees.
\. /

We thought that this was a good idea because of all the

working mothers in our community
in December 1979, but The children will be
he let us down because able to play outside in
hr had other jobs arid summer and on warm
was too busy. When we winter days. The mothers
saw that be was not are also going to build
starting on the building a pit toilet nearby so
we decided to hire mother *at the children can
builder. We have paid learn about hygiene.
him R40 so far and when we want to start a
he finishes the walls vegetable garden like
e what did they do? and floor we will pay the "?getable garden
him mother R60. We are that Sister Mambo10
%"he most important job also paying R50 to has _ol.antedat the clinic.
for the cmmittee was another builder who is
to start collecting working on the roof. e What do you think the
money. The church helped problems will be in the
us with donations Of 63Have the cormnunity future?
toys and cupboards. They helped with the building
a150 gave us some old WCCk? The big problem is money.
clothes and we had a We pay the teachers R5
jumble sale. we made Yes, the mothers are a month each, but this
R173 from the clothes. very keen. They help to is too little. We will
Then we irrote a letter collect sto*es and sand also need more money to
to a trust explaining for the block* and run the play centte
why we needed a creche. foundations. They also because we think more
The trust Sent us RIOO. help to draw water and children will come. So
We also organised a carry it to the site. far the children pay
concert with the school The priest at OUT church 2oc a month each and we
Cbi ldren There was also helped US. He use this money for paper
*am singing and dancing transported building and crayons but we do
and the pa?xnts came to materials for free. not know if it will be
watch. we made R19 from When the main building enough in the future.
the concert. Later the has been finished the We will have to think
tnlst Sent us another women are going to build of a plan to O"erCOme
R500. We hired a builder a big lap wall in front. the pmhlem Of money.

tit toilets usually smell bad and have many flies. lhis tdilet giv%
2Jrnost no flies or bad smells.

tiow it Works
,fly screen
bad? /
smells -_-f


air pipe



I K illet house




l??e toilet has an +ir pipe covered with a fly screen. Bad air
ruses out of the ptt up this pipe. The toilet house is dark ih
eide so flies try to fly up towards t;he light at the top of the
131~. lhen they are tx-apped by the Fly sireen and die From
being dried out.
Nhat You Need

br the slab
2 buckets of cement (1 bag)
4 buckets of sand
8 buckets of SIIal l StOWS
25 m of emm. steel reinforcing rod

*plastering the top of the p&

2 buckets of cement (I baq)
lo bucketi of sand

Ior the air pips

1,8m. length of 15cm. diameter asbestos vent pipe and collar.
o,-rsm. length of 15-20cm. tapered asbestos lpa.
3ocm. x 3ocm. piece of fibreglass gauze or p Pastlc fly screen
2,s Ii&-es of bitumen paint.

For the toilet house

You can build the toilet house with a variety of materials,
but it is important that the house is dark inside.
if you make it from ferrocement:
3 buckets of cement. 0% bags)
7 buckets of river sand.
7 buckets of pit sand.
ox 2%. lengths of corruqated iron for moulds
MI. x 2m. chickeh wire.
15m.of 8 qat,iqe wire.
If you make it from cement bricks:
SOcement bricks,
2 buckets of cement. (I bag)

If you make it from corrugated iron:

12 x 2m. lengths of corrugated iron.
some 2inch nails.
4 x 2m. planks or poles.
4 x I m. planks or poles.
\ I
For the roof
You can make the roof with thatch, ferrocement or corrugated
For the toilet seat

You do not r&ly need a toilet seat. ,you

can just have a squattinq hole. It IS
easier to keep clean than a seat. IF you
want a seat you can build one with
planks or buy a plastic moulded seat.

Digqinq the Pit

The pit should be at least zm.

dee Mark out a circle 1,5m.
A- in diameter, in a sunny place.
I 1
75 0-n

IF you are diggin in sandy or

loose soil be caJ ul that the pit
does no%fall in while you dig it.
Strengthen it b cutting back
15c.m.Into the so1Yat the top of

Imetre of the pit. This s&ps rainwater eroding the top of the
\ /
he Slab

!ouneed to make a 7,5cm. thick

lrcular slab, with a diameter of
PI. lhe slab has two holesd one
or the air pi e and one for the
;quattinq hoe.
*ark out a circie on the qround with 2 m. diameter. Pi9 down
7,5cm. Mark the places where the holes will be.

Ise IOcm. wide tin to m hapes for the squattinq hole an

;he air pipe.


vlake a grid with 6mm. re@orc-

nq bars. Cut the bars wtth a
lacksaw and tie them to ether
r&h wire. Fasten +, wire 4oops
WB~VII the qnd. Thus!@l_hold
Fti:$t.ouse when it i> built

Mixthecementforthe slab. Put

the tin shapes in position. Fill
the hole for the slab half way
u (4cm)with cement. Put in*
t Ire qrid and fill up the hole wrtl
the rest of the cement. After a
day put sacks on top of the slab
av\dkeep it wet for a week to
stop the slab from crackinq.
ky p:aster on top of the rocks
around the pit, ,ancj lay the Slak
over it so that tt WIII be air tiqhl
Lazr;iso that the air hole faces

TheToilet House

Whichever way you make the toilet house, make sure ther
are no cracks for light to get in.

t you build it out of ferrocernenq

makea mould with corrugated, imn
%ndplanks. Tie ohioken wire tightly
to the outside of the mould with
some8 gauge wire. Plaster the out-
side of the mouid. Leave thus lay-
?r for an how &en plaster another
layer on. The Ferrocement should
be about 5 cm.thick. Remove the
mould after 3 da s, but keep web-
ting the wails so yhat they will be

If you want to use corrugated iron, build a Frame of wooc

and naii the corrugated iron to the frame. You WI also mC
the toilet house from mud bricks, cement bricks or split

Make a door out of wood or corruqated iron. Make the

roof trom thatch, corrugated iron or &rrocement.

The Air P@

Join the two sections of pipe with cement and leave it for
2 days. Glue the fly screen to the 200mm. end of the pipe.
Put the pipe over the air hole in the slab and cement the
bottom to the slab.

Paint the slab inside the toilet house and a metre up the
walls wit.+ blturnen paint. Also paint the inside OFthe rooF
and the arr pipe. I
Looking aCt.er the toilet

* Keep the slab clean and w?sh it down regularly.

~Check that the Fly screen IS clean and not broken.
*Pour a bucket of water down the pipe regularly to clear
out insect nests and cobwebs.
*Repaint the slab regularly.
eMake a new toilet when the pit is filled to 30cm. below
the slab. Move the slab and the toilet house to a new
place and plant a tree over the old pit.
L /

Farm Buildings
Farners need cheap, strong buildings is cool in hot veather and warm in
for keeping animals and for storing cold weather. The biggest problem
tools, fertilisers, seeds and with thatch is that insects like
harvested cr+s. Many Of these farm lice breed in the thatch. Spray the
buildings can.iT.e built cheaply, "Sing roof well with Jeyes Fluid every
traditi.on.31local materials. Simple time you disinfect the house.
iuprovenents, using traditional
materials, will make farms buildings A Corrugated iron is strong and
last longer and do not cost a lot lasts for a Long time but A~ very
Of money. expensive. Make sure it is nailed
down tightly so that strong winds
cannot blow it off.
1).Mud and pole walls are strong A Roofing Felt can be nailed onto a
enough for chicken houses and storage roof made out of flat wooden planks
sheds. to keep out the rain. Paint the roof-
ing felt with bitumen aluminium paint
A Wcmdoffcuts can be used to make to make it last longer.
walls strong enough for many faInI
buildings. Paint ail the wood,
including the edges, with creosote Floors
or old motor oil to make it last A Stamped earth floors are usually
longer. good enough for farm buildings. Build
drains outside the building to make
A Cement blocks are expensive but sure that rain water cannct drain Onto
make strong walls which are quick to me floor under the walls.
build and last for a long time (see
P 384). A Concrete floors are the strongest
but the most expensive. use a mixture
of 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 6
Roofs parts stone. mke the concrete locm
Make roofs of farm buildings steep so thick.
that the rain will run off quickly.
A Thatching gras; makes very good A Soil cement (see p 488)makes good
roofs for animal houses because it floors in chicken houses.

Chicken Houses or corrugated iron strongly nailed
Chickens need houses which give therr. to poles buried in the ground. These
plenty of air and sunlight, but poles should be soaked in creosote
protection from wind and rain. The or motor oil and buried 70cm deep.
roof must have a steep slope and must
be bigger than the house on all sides The best floor is concrete so that it
to make sure that rain can not get can be washed azt. Build a water
j.nside. The walls should be solid far channel leading to a liquid man.
the first Ecm above the ground up, pit. DO not make the concrete floor
so that wind can not blow through the too smooth 01 slippery.
bottom. Use mud bricks, stone, planks
or concrete blocks to build the
bottom of the walls. The top part of
the walls should be chicken wire OF Milking shed
thin poles about 5x0 apart. To protect The size of the milking shed will
the chickens in stormy weather you depend on how many cows the farmer
can tie oid chicken mash sacks or has, but for most small famers, a
pieces of plastic 'Co the walls. The shed for milking one cow at a time is
floor of a house for broiler chickens big enough.
should be of concrete or soil-cement
so that you can wash and disi~nfect The shed must have a concrete floor
it. In a house for laying hens the so that it can be washed out every
floor can be stamped earth, covered day. The floor nust not be too smooth
with a deep litter of grass, wood- or slippery. Build a water channel
shavings or sawdust. that leads to a liquid manue pit.

Pig Houses Storage Sheds

Pigs need strong, well-built hou*e* storqe sheds must ha".2 strong walls
with a warm, dry place to sleep, a and doors and they must be dry. The
place to eat their food and a sepa- best way to keep them dry and free
rate place to urinate and shit. The from damp is to use dampcourse (see
walls can be made Of stone, planks p 4901.

thatch mof

f mud b&A L&I to protect pigs

drain for cleoninj cement floor from wind
Tn this part of the book we tell you Many people do not have enough money
where you can buy things. Usually the to buy a lot of things at the same
cheapest places to buy are in towns. time. If you are short of money, try
People in rural areas often have to to buy together with other people to
pay more from local shops. get discounts.

Most of the suppliers we list here are Some suppliers and wholesalers will
factories which make the things that only sell to you if you buy a lot of
people in rural areas use. Some of tiiings. If you only want to buy a
them cm sell to you, but most of them little, they ask you to buy from
sell to shops and sales agents in towns. shops or supermarkets.
You can write to them to get addresses
of their branches and sales agents
nearest to you. Other Discounts
Some suppliers will give you a dis-
Suppliers want to make money. They help count if they know you well or if
people.if it will help them to sell they know you are a non-profit organi-
more prodlxts and make more money. some sation. If your group is a non-profit
suppliers will help you even if you organisation, ask the supplier if
don't buy, but most do not like to waste they will give you an extra discount.
time helping you if you do not buy from
them. Time means money to them.
Cash Ciscounts
So when you write to them, write Most suppliers like to get cash when
clearly, try to explain exactly what you order. Always ask the supplier if
you want. Write your name and address there is a discount for cash.
clearly so they know who they are
writing to.
How to pay
There are 3 ways that you can pay.
Prices and Catalogues
We have not given prices in this section, W Cash in advance. This means that
because prices change all the time. you send the money first, and then
Most suppliers send free price lists. the supplier sends the things you
Sometimes they also send free catalogues ordered. This is the best way to buy
which have pictures of all their because there are no probl+zs between
products so that you can see exactly you and the supplier. This "a:: makes
what you are buying. When you write to sure you do not have problems with
a supplier, ask them for a free price money because of ordering goods and
list and catalogue. For some products, not being able to pay for them.
like textiles or leather, you can ask
the supplier to send you samples as hl Cash oxiDelivery (COD). This means
Well. that the supplier sends the things to
you by post or by train. When the goods
come you you pay the railways or the
Bulk Discounts post office and they send the money to
At most shops, if you buy a lot of the supplier. Suppliers do not like
thing; at the same time, they will COD because oft+ people do not collect
give you a bulk discount. That means the goods. Then the railways have to
they will sell to you cheaper. For send them back and the suppliers have
example if you buy one spade a shop to pay for the transport.
might charge you R4, but if you buy 10
spades they might only charge you R3 q Having an account with the supplier.
each. If you are making school This means that they will send the goods
uniforms and you need buttons think to you first and you will send the
about how many uniforms you will make money later, usually within 30 days.
in one year and buy buttons f?r all This give you time to sell your products
those uniforms at the same time. You and then pay
for the things you ordered.
will save money because the shop will Most suppliets will not open accounts
sell the buttor.s to you cheaper. unless they know some of the project

members well or have bee" selling to
you On a cash basis for a long time.
sut even if you do have an account
If you are making things to sell and
your sales are more than R5 000 per
year you have to register with your
there can be problems. If you do not local magistrate and get a GST "umber.
sell your products, you will."ot be
When you buy materials to make your

able to pay the supplier in time. If
this happens the supplier can take products, you give your "vmber to the

you to court to get the money or refuse suppliers and they won't charge you
sell to you anymore. Therefore it GST. There are some suppliers who will
is good to have a" account only if only sell to places that have GST
know for SUE that you will be numbers.
able to pay for the things in time.
If you have a GST "amber, your customers
must pay GST to you when they buy
How to send money things from you. At the end of every
when you pay by post, "ever send cash month you must send a GST form to the
in your letter. Always send a postal government with all the GST money you
order or a cheque if you have a bank have collected in that month. If you
account. Postal orders or cheques want to find out more about GST or if
must be crossedi this means that YOU you want to get a GST number got to your
draw 2 lines across the top left 10~1 magistrates office. They will
hand corner. The" nobody except the tell you what to do and where to go.
supplier can cash it and get the
White farmers co-operative
Always send your postal order or I" all white farming areas, there are
cheque in a registered letter. You big co-operatives for white farmers t0
register the letter at the post buy and sell goods. They are owned by
office. It means *at the supplier the farmers so the things they sell
must sign for it, so the postal order are usually cheaper than other shops.
will not get lost and nobody can Often they have mechanics to repair
steal it. tractors and ether machines. Usually
only members of the co-ops are allowed
It is always better to send exactly to buy from them and to use the ser-
the right money. If you do not send vices. Black farmers ~a" not be
enough, they will have to write and members but some co-ops close to
ask you for more. This means that you black rural areas are allowed to
will have to wait longer for your seii some things to black people who
order. If you send too much, they will are not members. They can only sell
not know if they should send the things to black people which are not
change to you or if they should send sold at local shops. They can also
more things than you ordered. Try to let black people use their repair
write or ohone first and find our exactly s*rvLces.
how much ;he things will cost.

General Sales Tax (GST)

GST is tax for the government. Whenever
you buy something that you will use for
yourself like food or clothes you have
to pay GST. But if you buy something
and use it to make something else which
you are going to sell, you don't have
to pay GST. T"e person who buys what
you make will give the GST money to you,
and the" you must send it to the govern-
ment. If you are in the Transkei,
"endalnad or Bophuthatswana you do not
have to pay sales tax when you buy from


I u/


















It is much cheaper to buy one big tin of
seed am Chide it between the people
in a group than for evetybodU to buy
seed in small pack&.

For examDie; 5009 of spinach seed costs

R2-75 if you buy it in .a tin. But if
you bw 5009 of spinach seed in
small patiets, it costs R 11-25. Each
small packet has 209 of seed and
COStS 45 c.

/;nOther example is tomact se&s. A

1009 tin of tomatxJ seeds costs R4-70.
But IO09 of tomato 5eecl.s 1t3 small
6~4 wackets u3St-S R7-10.

Your QrouP Can save a lot of rnoneg

if you buy see0 Ill tins. It IS easy
to sell the Seed a little at a
time. Every boay can buy as manu
teaspoons Of seeu as t0,ey need
fbr their gardens. After selling the
seed LjOU Will have enougn money
& h,.,.
vuy ar,otne.- tir;. mese
- Dig seeU (spinach, beetroot) IOC for 3 teasPoon!
- Medium seed (cabbage, onions, IOC For 2 tf%sp00n:
- Small seed ttomatoes~ IOC for 1 tea5poon

If you use these Prices you will be able t0 bu&J

another tin , witn Some money left over. YOUcan
use tMis money to buy things the group neeas
like stamps, pens, or water.

Before you start tt?e seed buying Scheme, you mU5t

Ihave a meeting of everyone who wants to buy
seed. The me.atinQ must choose one Pxson who
will look, after t3e seed ana Sell It. They must
choose another two people who will C.JYck on
the t-f-0neq-j.
-he group must then write to a seed shop (see
%fXTYi p ) ancl ask for a price list, which the
5-d shop will send free. The group dewcie.~
ram the price list what. seeds they want to
XILJ. Then they must wnte a letter and send
he ~30~~~ for the seed. key must send extra
money for posting: the post &ice will tell them
now mucl?. It depends on how heavy the
x303\ will be.

Tne person who looks after tne seed must keep

it in a cool dry place. The lids of the tins must
be tightly, ciosecl. Evevy time somebody buys
Set?d the seiler must the kzmyev~ name In the
book and We buyer must sign it. Or the ~etl~r
cbn write a receipt and the buyer C3.n Sign it.

The seed seller

can also keep
a sc%1e5book
Under each
type of Seed,
cash sale iS
written down.

To start the sLheme, you must

have money to buy the fir5t
tins of seed. You can collect
the cnoney fk-0t-n the people
in the group, you
or CaJl
apply for a loan or a
grz,nt (see ~539 I.

One w of collecting
rnorwq % om the group
is to ask everyone
joining the group t0
pay a membership fee.
Then the mew\bersfiip
fees We IJSed to bug
the first seed.

Food Buying Groups

mod is much cheaper if people buy to- shops costs R5.80, so buying a big
gether in big quantities from factor- bag and sharing saves each person
ies or markets then share it out. For R2.60.
exaplple, if 3 families who live in
town go to the market to buy a big Groups must be well-organised to buy
bag of oranges, it costs WC. There food in bulk and share it. They must
are 60 oranges in the bag, so each collect money to buy the food. They
family gets 20 oranges for 33c. If must know how to write letters to
they go to the shop, oranges are 5c factories and to make sure the food
each. TO buy 20 would cost Rl,OO. To is delivered by train or bus. If
buy 60 would cost R3,00. Buying 1 they fetch it they need a car or a
bag at the market and sharing can truck and they must work o"t how much
save the group R2,00. the petrol costs. They m"st also work
out a plan to divide up the food so
Another group of people who live in that everybody in the group gets some.
the country CM order a 25kg bag of They must keep accounts of how much
powdered milk. They pay RtlO and share money they collect and how much they
the milk between 25 people. Each spend. They have to organise them-
person gets lkg of milk for R3.20. selves so that everybody shares the
TO buy lkg of powdered milk in the work.

some groups buy things e"ery week or

every month. For example if a group
of people buy vegetables together,
they can go to the market every week.
If they buy 50kg bags of mealie-meal.
or 25kg bags of powdered milk they
might only buy once a month or once
every 2 months.

Buying Groups can have 3 or 4 members.

They can be much bigger with 50 or 100
Advice Organisations


,, :

Books and Magazines
The only books that mo*t people read on q ROSS Institute, London School of
subjects like history, agriculture and Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel
health are those which are prescribed Street, London WClE 7HT. U.K.
as textbooks by schocls or training Booklets on tropical diseases and
colleges. Bere we give a list of sane water supply and treatme'..~
of the many other books and magazines q Foundation for Teachi:.; : 3s at Low
an these subjects and other subjects. cost (TALC), 30 Guildfom ar, London
Many Of these books are expensive so WClN l.EH, U.K.
you may decide to buy them for a library. Books on health care. Special low prices
We have not given prices because prices for health workers.
of books often change and are soon out q Third world Publications, 151 Strat-
of date. Write to ask about prices ford Rd, Birmingham. S11 LSD, U.K.
before you order. Wide selection of books and pamphlets
about Africa, Asia and Latin America.
q Volunteers in Technical Assitance
Ordering books (VITA,, 3706 Rhode Island Avenue, Mount
Book suppliers prefer people to send a Rainier, Maryland, 20822, U.S.A.
postal order or a cheque when they Books and pamphlets on simple techno-
order books. If you order books or logies. You can also write to them for
magazines from an over*ea* publisher advice on technical problems.
or book supplier, you first have to q Volunteers in Asia WIAI, Box 4543,
write and ask them to send you an in- Stanford, California, 94305, U.S.A.
voice. Then you have to take the in- Books on appropriate technology.
voice to a bati and get a foreign bank q World Health Organisation (WHOI, 1211
draft, which is a cbeque in overseas Geneva 27, Switzerland
currency. Oniy then can you order the Books and magazines on health, irom
book. It usually takes about 8 weeks. simple to very scientific publications.
. Zed Press, 57 Caledonian Rd. London.
You cm also order o"erseas books Nl 9DN. U.K.
through bookshops, although you will So&s on politics and the struggle
have to pay more than if you order against imperialism in underdeveloped
directly. muntries.

Overseas Book Suppliers EDA Book Service

All these suppliers will send free EDA has a non-profit book service. We
booklists and catalogues if you write charge 10% to 20% extra on to the
to them. price we pay for books. This extra
mount covert postage, packing and
. Catholic Institute for International sales tax as well as helping to pay
Relations (CIIR) , 1 Cambridge Terrace, for the work of running the book sex-
London NW1 4.X, U.K. vice. Yost bookshops add 60% of even
Books and pamphlets on the church, more to the prices they pay for books,
politics and development. so books from EDA are cheaper.
8 Development Education Centre @EC),
121 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ontario, M5R
2~73, Canada Magazine Centre
Books and pamphlets on development from We have written 'Order from Magazine
many countries. Centre' for some books. Magazine
Centre is a big technical bookshop
Group (ITDG), 9 King St;-London k2E which sells books on how to make 'kings
am, U.K. and how to maintain and repair things.
Soaks on appropriate technology and the If you tell them exactly what you are
magazine Appropriate Technology. interested in, they will send you a
q Institute for Food and Development list of books on that subject. Their
Policy (IFDP), 2588 Mission St, San address is Magazine Centre, BOX 4190,
Francisco, California 94110, U.S.A. Johannesburg, 2000. If you say you
Books on develoiment, land reform, and are ordering a book which you read
the political causes of food shortages about here, they will give you a 5%
in underdeveloped countries. discount.

Starting a Library
The Library Room
The room should be big enough fox
people to *it comfortably to read.
It must have a strorq floor so that it
can carry the weight of the book-
shelves. It must have windows for air
and light.

You might be able to find a suitable

room at a school or church, or you
might have to build it yourself. you
will need a cupboard or a bookshelf
for the books and tables and chairs.

Getting Books
Books are expensive and most comnxni-
ties do not have enoqh money to buy
them. There are organisations which
can help with grants to libraries or
donations of books. such as the British
There are very few bookshopsin rural Council and the US Information Service.
area* and buyinghCOkS in town is EDA has its own library and we c&n
expensive.Most peopleor.lyread school give you information. on books about
books and churchbcxks.But there are rural development. Some churches and
other kind* of bodks - books which big libraries can get you second hand
reachpeople how to da things and make books. If you have been given lots of
things,book abouthi&cry an6 politics, second hand books, try to organise a
and novels and stories.If you have a group of library members to look at them
library,many peoplewill be able to and decide whether they should go into
read the books withoutbuying them. A the library, because many donated hooks
libraryis a place for books and are useless and nobody will read them.
magazines.It can also be used a5 a
place to meet, to holu discussions,
and to study. Running the Library
Somebdy must be in charge of the
There are many different kinds of library. This can be one person, or
libraries. You can have a library with the work can be shared by a group of
books on subjects like agriculture or people. They must keep a record of
carpentry which c*n be used by people all the books being borrowed, make
who need thie information for their are that people return them on time,
work. Or you can have a general kind send out books by past (if the library
of library, with books on all subjects. includes a postal service) and put
The first thing to do is decide who books in order on the shelves. A
the library is for. Is it only for library should not be open without
people who have been to high school? the librarian being there, so it depends
Is it for people who need information on the librarian what time the library
about their wxk? Is it for children will be open.
and adults who are learning to read
and write? Many,people would be There are different systems you can
interested in books on education, use. A simple way is to use a card
history, politics - b:cause these for each person. Each person gets a
subjects are not covered properly card the first time he or she borrows
in school books. Such a library could a book. The libraxian fills in this
also have fiction and poetry by card and keeps it in a safe place.
African writers which are not taught Whenever that person borrows a book,
in schools. It could also have the librarian must write on the card,
newspapers ami magazines which write the author, title of the book and the
about peoples' real problems and date. In 2 weeks when the person brings
interests. the book back, this must be crossed Out.


uth African Publishers

Ravan Press, BOX 3i134,
mamfontein, 2017.
socks by South African writers and
Staffrider magazine. Write and ask
for their catalogue.
South African Institute of Race
Relation9 (S.A.I.R.R.) Sax 97,
Johannesburg 2000.
POLITICS SO&S and pamphlets about subjects
affecting race relations.
South African Council far Higher
Education (SACHED), BOX 1135.
Johannesburg, 2000.
Education organization which
publishes educational magazines
and school correspondence COUTSBS.
yearn and Teach, Box 11074,
JohannesbuTg, 2000.
Educational orgahisation which
teaches people to read and write.
They publish post-literacy reading
books and a magazine. Write and as
for a catalogue.
Foundation for Social Development
mm) I 7 ~cs~mnmcm Road,
Claremont, 7700.
Booklets on legal rights.













355 Cabbages 34
Acacia Trees 204 Calabashes 152
ndoption 357 Calf SCO".rS 229
Alcoholism 343 Cancer of the Cervix 345
Alkaline soil 97 Candles 432
Almond nuts 191 Captab poison 177
American sOllwoms 131 Carbohydrates 311
nmmonium Sulphate 122 Carob trees 204
Angular Ler?fspot Disease 157, 172 carrots 34
AnthracnOSe Disease 157 cars 437
Anthrax 228, 237 carts 113
Aphids 122, 131, 32 Cassava 117. i64
*pJdes 188 Castration 227, 286
Apricots 189 Caterpillars 37, 122
*rre*ts 392 Cattle
Artificial feeding 309 - bulls and mating 225
~vocadoes 198 - calving 226
- castration 227
I3 - dairy 234
Bacterial Wilt Disease 34, 160 - diseases 22%
Bananas 199 - licks 227
Basin Irrigation 135 - milking 235
Beans 34, 93, 117.156 - winter feeding 224
BeaS 451 Cauliflower 34
Beehives 45 Cement bricks 384
Beekeeping 85 Centrifugal Pumps 281
Beestings 87, 339 Chaff 169
Be&root 38 Chemical Fertilisen 120
Benches 4% Chemical Poisons 122 .,.
Bilharzia 348 Chickens 64
Bird Damage 148, 167 - diseases 74
Birth 300 - housing 510
Birth Certificates 386 Chillies 34
Birth Control 351 Chlorine
Bites 338 - in soil 177
Blackann Disease I.72 - in water 290
Black Maize Beetle 146 Cholera 289, 349
Blsckquarter Disease 228 Citrus psylla 203
Blight 131, 153 Citrus Trees 195
Blind Pensions 381 Clay Soil 97, 134
Bloat Disease 171 CMR Beetles 156
Block Printing 420 Colic 308
Blood Pressure 346 C-unity Newspapers 466
*1ossom Beetle 157 Company Pension Funds 387
Blue Tongue Disease 237 Compost 50
Body Searches 392 Concentrates 233
Bollwoms 131 concrete Floors 494
Bones 340 Concrete Foundations 481
Bordeaux mixture 153, 160 Condensed Hilk 310
Boreholes 264 Condoms 352
Bottlefeeding 309 Contagious Abortion Disease 228
Boxes 446 contour Banks 101
Ereastfeeding 307 Contraceptives 352
Bricks 485 Controlling Pests and Diseases 122
Budgetting 382 Corrugated Iron Roofs 494
Eurdizzo 227 cotton 172
Burns 332 cowpeas 117, 157
Butt Joints 444 creche - how to build 496
Buying Clubs 398, 533 crop Rotation 34, 94, 122

crops 93 Foot and Mouth Disease 229
Cross Ridging 102 Foot Rot Disease 200
Cucumbers 162 Foundations 481
Curing Tobacco 178 Fruit Beetles 202
Cut-off Drains 102 Fruit Crops 41
cutc.rms 37. 122
Cystitis 323
Gall sickness 229
D Garlic Poison 123
Dampcourse 510 Gastro-Enteritis 318
Dams 286 Geese 79
Dairy cattle 233 Gentian Violet
Dairy Goats 80 - for infected sores 333
Death Benefits 376 - for thrush 323
Diarrhoea 318 Goats 240
Diesel Pumps 270 Grants 379
Dipping Cattle 229 Green Peppers 41
Dipterex POisOn 131 GTcmndnuts 160
Diptheria 316 Guavas 196
Disability Grants 381 Gusat.hio* A+ Poison 173
Dithane Prism 131
Divorce Laws 389
Docking 237 H
Domestic workers 378 Bamnennllls 113
Doors 450, 493 Hand Drilled Boreholes 264
Double Cropping 96 Hand Dug Wells 268
Davetail .J~int~ 444 Hand Pumps 269, 274
Downey Mildew 131 Harrowing 109
DIaft Power 103 Harvesting 96
Drainage Channels lo1 Hay 244
Dry Gall Sickness! 230 Hayboxes 216
Ducks 78 Headlice 324
Dyeing 418 Heartwater DiseaSe 229
Heat Treatment 181
Hire Purchase 393
E 8oney Locust Trees 2?,5, 233
Eastcoa*tFeYer229 Horseradish Trees 205
Eczema 327 rimus 50, 122
Eelworm Disease 34 Hybrid Seeds 143
Eggplants 41
Electric Pumps 270
Energy FOcdS 311 I
Evapotranspiration 144 Immunisation 316
Extension Services 142 Infected Sores 325, 333
Inflamed Breasts 308
Inoculation 158, 171
F Intercropping 117
Farm Buildinqs 509 Irrigation 134
Fencing 137 Insect Bites 339
Ferrocement Teds 285
Fertilisers 120
Figs 192
Filtration 2F9
Fire breaks 180
First Aid 330
Fishing 288
Flood Irrigation 135
Floors 491
Flukes 230

K Migrant Labour Contracta 362
Kitchen Units 448 Mildane Poisan 153
Knitting 418 Milk for babies 309
Knar Your Soil 97 Milking Sheds 510
Kuaa1 mnu*e 94 Millet 93
Kwashiorkor 317 hlilling 139
Mono Pmps 269
Mortice and Tenon Joints 444
L Motor Pumps 270
Ladybirds 202 Mucus Method 352
Top Dressing 121 Mud Bricks 485
Land Bank 172 Mud StoVeS 210
Land Preparation 100 Mud Walls 484
Iangfos 168 Mulberries 192
Lap Joints 444 Mulching 36
Late Slight 153 M"seuri~ 468
Leaf crops 40
Legal Rights 357
Legumes 41, 160 N
Lettuces 40 Naartjies 195
l,eucaena m5 Natural Pest COntrc.1 122
Leaf Spot Disease 131 Nematode Disease 201
LemO"S 195 Nicotine Poison 123
Libraries 546 Nitrogen 41, 97, 120
Light Traps 122 North- how to find 477
Lime 98, 132 Nmicias 182
Lintels 492 Nutrition 312
Liquid Measures 129 Nut* 191
Liquid Manure Pits 510
Literacy 462
IDams 98, 134 0
Lucerne 170, 233, 244 Onderstepoort 231
Lumpy Skin Disease 228 Onions 46
Open-pollinated Seeds 94
Opthalmia 230
WI oranges 195
Machine Drilled Boreholes 262 Orthene Poison 177
Maintenance Grants 381 ox Power 103
Maize 143
MakoMSOtle m&bar 110
Malathion Poison 157 P
Malnutrition 312, 317 Parathion EC Poison 157
Mangoes 197 Pass Laws 358
Man* Poison 153 Pastures 243
Manure 94 Pmp.3"S 200
MaTaSmuS 317 Peaches 188
Marriage Laws 388 Peanuts 160
Marro"s 162, 200 Pears 190
Mastitis 234 Peas 41
Maternity Benefits 376 Pellagra 342
Measles 322 Pensions 379
Measuring pH numbers 99
- animal food 133 Phosphates 97, 120
- chicken food 133 Pig Houses 510
- fertilisers 131 Pigs 56
- land 125 Pineapples 200
- liquids 129 Pink Eye Disease 229
- poisons 130 Pipe Irrigation 136
- seeds 129 Pit Toilets 504
- slopes 479 Plant Foods 99, 120
Planting 96, 122 S
Planting in rows by hand 118 Saaifos 168
Planting Stations 162 Scabies 324
Play Centie 496 Scrapyards 441
Ploughing 95, 122 seams 405
Plough Pa" 100 Seedbeds 36
Plums 190 Setting Out Buildings 478
Pod Borer 157 Sevin Poison 146
Pobming 336 Sewing Machines 411
Poisons 130 Sheep 236
Polio 316 Sheep Scab Disease 237
Popular Thea-e 470 Shoes- how to make 422
Porridge 310 Shutters 486
Potassium 97, 120, 171 Silage 244
mtatoes 41, 151 Silt 99
Powdered Milk 309 Sisal
Praying Mantis 202 Slaughtering 59, 63
Pregnancy 294 Slopes 479
Production Groups 400 Smut Disease 181
Protection Foods 311 Snake Bites 338
Protein 311 Snuff 176
Pruning 186 Soil 97
Pulpy Kidney Disease 237 - acidity 99, 121
Pumpkins 41. 117, 162 - cement 488
Pumps 269 - erosion 220
Purifying Water 289 - tests 99
Purlins 494 SOlar
- cookers 218
- driers 454
Q - ovens 218
Quarterevil Disease 237 - water heaters 495
sperm 294, 355
R Spider Bites 339
Spinach 48
Rabbits 62
Spirit Level 479
Rabies 339 Spring Porte&ion 256
Rain Water Ta"ks 254
Sprinkler Irrigation 136
Rammed Earth 486
Ssuashes 163
Ram amps 270
&iners 172
Ratnon Stunting Disease 181
Stalkborer 122, 131, 146
Reciprocating Pumps 271
Red Spider Mites 157. 173 ,203
Redwater Disease 229
Rehydration Medicine 320
Reveri" medicine 228
Rhizobia lnoculant 158, 171
Ridging 152
Ringworm 326
Road to Sealth Chart 315
Roadworthy Certificates 438
Rock Foundations 481
Roger Poison 157
Roofs 494
Rootknot Eelworm Disease 34, 151
Rotational Grazing 240
- in cattle 236
: in people 326
Runny Stomach 318
Rust Disease 157, 167, 169, 203
Sterilisation 355 orea 120, 132
Sterilising Bottles 309 Urine Infection 296, 323
Stitche.s 406
Stone Foundations 481
Storage Sheds 510
Storing Crops 139
Vaccinations 228
Submersible hunps 271 Venereal Disease ND) 344
sugar Beans 117 Vice 446
sugar cane 180 Vitamins 311
Sunflowers 166 Vomiting 318
sweet Potatoes 153

T walls 484
Tables 447 Walnuts 191
Tape worms Watermelons 162
- in cattle 231 water 250
- in people 326 - level 479
Terracing 103 - purification 289
Terramycin Medicine 230 - storage 284
Tetanus - tanks 254, 284
- in cattle 229 - tests 134
- in people 338, 347 Wattle and daub 485
Thatch Roofs 475, 509 Weeding 37, 96
Thiodan Poison 131 Weighing and Measuring 124
Third Party Insurance 438 Wells 262, 268
Thread Worms 326 wheat 168
*ips 131 Wheelbarrows 452
Thrush 323 Whooping Cough 322
Tick Diseases 230, 238, 240 Wills 391
Tobacco 176 Wind Direction 477
Tomatoes 42 Windmill Pumps 270
Tractors 111 Windows 450, 493
Trade Unions 368 Winnow 169
Treated seeds 172 Winter Feeding 243
Trenches 52 Witchweed 145
TruSeeS 494 Wooden Frame Buildings 484
lUberculosis (TB) 341 Woodlots 207
Tubewells 262 Wool Sales 238
Turnips 37 Workbench 445
Typhoid 348 Working Animals 106
Typhus 349 Wwkmens Compensation $77
- in cattle 231
u - in goats 240
U-block lintels 493 - in people 326
Under 5 Clinics 314 - in pigs 57
Underground Tanks 254 - in sheep 237
Unemployment Insurance Fund 375 Wounds 336


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