Biodynamic Gardening - Grow Healthy Plants and Amazing Produce With The Help of The Moon and Nature's Cycles-Dorling Kindersley (2015)
Biodynamic Gardening - Grow Healthy Plants and Amazing Produce With The Help of The Moon and Nature's Cycles-Dorling Kindersley (2015)
Biodynamic Gardening - Grow Healthy Plants and Amazing Produce With The Help of The Moon and Nature's Cycles-Dorling Kindersley (2015)
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Copyright © 2015 Dorling Kindersley Limited.
ISBN 978-1-4654-2986-5
10 Introduction 150 Root days 204 Rhubarb
154 Onions 205 Sea kale
The organic way 155 Shallots
156 Garlic 206 Fruit days
14 Know your garden
18 Making compost 157 Leeks 210 Peas
20 Water wisely 158 Green onions 211 Runner beans
22 Welcoming wildlife 159 Welsh onions and Japanese 212 Green beans
24 Companion planting bunching onions 213 Broad beans
26 Seed saving 160 Potatoes 214 Lima beans and soybeans
28 Natural remedies 161 Sweet potatoes 215 Zucchini and summer
40 Compost tea 162 Beets squash
42 Weed tea 163 Rutabagas 216 Cucumbers and gherkins
164 Radishes 217 Marrows
165 Celeriac 218 Pumpkins and winter
The biodynamic 166 Parsnips squash
approach 167 Carrots 219 Tomatoes
168 Turnips 220 Sweet peppers and chili
46 Tuning in to nature
169 Salsify peppers
58 How the biodynamic
170 Horseradish 221 Eggplant
movement began
171 Jerusalem artichokes 222 Sweet corn
60 How to dynamize
223 Okra
biodynamic sprays
62 Nine biodynamic
172 Flower days 224 Tomatillos
176 Cauliflower 225 Strawberries
177 Broccoli 226 Raspberries
64 The 9 preps explained
178 Broccoli sprouts 227 Blackberries and hybrid
66 Horn manure 500
179 Globe artichokes berries
74 Horn silica 501
228 Gooseberries
82 Equisetum 508
180 Leaf days 229 Black currants
86 Yarrow 502
230 Red currants and
92 Chamomile 503 184 Cabbage white currants
98 Nettle 504 185 Brussels sprouts 231 Blueberries
102 Oak bark 505 186 Swiss chard and spinach beet 232 Cranberries
108 Dandelion 506 187 Napa cabbage 233 Melons
114 Valerian 507 188 Bok choy 234 Apples
120 Storing the preps 189 Chinese broccoli 235 Pears
122 Making a biodynamic 190 Kohlrabi 236 Sweet cherries
compost heap 191 Mustard greens 237 Tart cherries
126 Making barrel compost 192 Spinach 238 Plums, gages, and damsons
132 Tree paste 193 Kale 239 Peaches and nectarines
136 Enhance your liquid manures 194 Celery 240 Apricots
138 Making weed pepper 195 Florence fennel 241 Figs
196 Arugula 242 Citrus fruits
Biodynamic garden 197 Lettuce 243 Grapevines
198 Corn salad
planner 199 Endive 244 Biodynamic prep calendar
142 The gardening year 200 Chicory 246 Resources
144 Know your plants and what 201 Red orach 248 Index
they need 202 Radicchio 253 Acknowledgments
146 Crop finder 203 Asparagus
What is biodynamic
Biodynamics offers a simple way to nurture the soil
beneath your feet and reconnect with seasonal cycles
and natural rhythms. It is a sustainable way of growing
tasty, high-quality food that is good for your body and
soul, and puts more back into the soil than it takes out.
Initially, some of the methods may seem a little strange,
but overall, biodynamics has an unbeatable logic based
on old-fashioned farming values familiar to many who are
already gardening organically: healthy soil, self-sufficiency,
putting more back into the soil than you take out, and
working with nature rather than against it. The difference
lies in the use of the biodynamic preparations—nine
remedies based on plants and minerals that bring vitality
to your soil and garden—that are unique to biodynamics.
Best of all, connecting the natural cycles of the sky above
your head with the natural cycles beneath your feet costs
nothing and makes for better gardening.
Getting started
Know your garden
Deciding what you want to grow is one thing, but
knowing what the garden is capable of growing is
another. The key to success is balancing the potential of
what will grow in your plot with your own needs. To put
it another way, concentrate on crops that will naturally
thrive with minimal work, cost, and intervention.
Deciding what to grow
Growing the crops you like to eat goes without saying, but it is essential to learn
what grows best in your garden. As a starting point, ask your neighbors which
crops work well for them, and which do not. Don’t take everything they say as
the final word, since their gardens may offer different conditions from yours.
The next step is then to assess the growing conditions your site offers, which
will shape the crops you choose to grow. All crops need looking after, and most
require daily care, so it’s important to grow those that you will have time to
maintain. If you have a lot of spare time, you can almost grow what you like.
If you don’t, consider growing perennial vegetables and herbs, and fruit bushes
and trees that need only minimal day-to-day care.
Assessing your growing conditions
The direction your garden faces, how air flows across it, and
where and when light falls throughout the day all influence
the crops you can grow. An essential thing to know is
its latitude—its distance from the equator. Latitude
affects how long the days and seasons are through
the year, and the duration and quality of sunlight.
It also determines when the first and last frosts
occur each year. This directly impacts on the growing
season of tender crops, such as tomatoes, that may need
to be started, or grown entirely, under cover. It is also
important to hardy perennial crops, such as fruit trees
that only crop if they flower after the last spring frost, and
winter brassicas that taste much better after winter chill.
When planning your planting, check your garden for frost
pockets—usually low areas, or where the ground dips.
for dryer times of year. In areas where there are prolonged periods Understanding your soil
of heavy rainfall, bare soil can be damaged. In such places, again, To improve sandy and rocky soils, dig in generous amounts
plan ahead and protect exposed soil by sowing either crops or of compost, or sow soil-building green manures, to make them
green manures (see p.19). In addition to the general climate, your more earthy. Clay soil is also improved by digging in compost,
garden will also have microclimates, specific areas that are which breaks up its dense structure, allowing water to drain
warmer or colder, which may only be a few paces apart. Take more freely while still retaining nutrients. Adding compost to
note of these, and plant according to the conditions they offer. your soil increases its levels of organic matter, which holds the
soil together. It also helps sustain worms and soil organisms that
Assessing your soil create tiny tunnels and galleries in the soil, through which air,
The type of soil you have determines the crops you can grow. water, and nutrients pass. The compost itself helps plants find
However, since healthy soil contains decomposed plant matter, more of the food they need because it provides all-important
what you grow influences the type of soil you have. Soil also humus. Humus is like concentrated soil, and holds and releases
contains clay, sand, and rocks, and their relative proportions the nutrients plants need.
affect how well it drains water and retains nutrients. The ideal
soil has a balance of clay and sand, and is known as loam. Loam Even if your soil is fertile, your crop’s ability to absorb nutrients
drains steadily, giving plants time to absorb water and food, is affected by its pH, or acidity. Soil pH affects how soluble many
without becoming waterlogged. In contrast, sandy and rocky soils nutrients, and especially micronutrients, are—and therefore
drain well but allow nutrients to wash away quickly, while whether these nutrients are easily available to your plants. The
nutrient-rich clay soil drains slowly and is prone to waterlogging. ideal pH for most crops is about pH 7, meaning neutral; a low
pH suits acid lovers; a higher one suits plants that like alkaline
You can assess how well your soil drains by digging holes conditions. You can use a kit to test your soil pH, or simply look
around your plot to see how quickly buckets of water drain away. out for pH sensitive weeds, such as acid-loving dandelions and
Alternatively, for a more accurate assessment of its structure, fill plantain, or alkaline-loving scarlet pimpernel and Queen Anne’s
a large glass jar with a water, add a trowel scoop of soil, shake, lace (wild carrot). You can also refer to weeds to assess other
then let it settle overnight. If the jar is more than half-filled with aspects of your soil. Creeping buttercups suggest waterlogging,
sand and rocks, the soil is sandy; if the water stays grasses thrive on compacted soil, while many other weeds
cloudy or the jar is over half full of very fine indicate the presence or lack of certain nutrients.
sediment, the soil is rich in clay.
Planning a new garden • Include storage in your plan
When planning a new garden, the first step is to map out the Storage is important for tools,
existing plot and to draw a rough map. On it, first include equipment, and produce, so
permanent or semipermanent features, such as ponds, raised include as much as you can.
beds, sheds, paths, and whether the site slopes. An existing shed Garden tools should be kept
may be a useful windbreak, while the side of a sunny slope could under cover, out of the elements,
be planted with fruit trees, and use the base as the site for a pond. and secure from opportunists.
Then add aspects that will affect what you grow, including frost A lockable garden shed is ideal.
pockets, hot spots, and the prevailing wind direction. Finally,
mark on natural boundaries or fixed areas, such as walls and Many crops also require storage
fences that will provide shelter. space, and need particular
conditions. Onions and
Preparing your plan pumpkins need somewhere airy,
The aim when designing a garden is to ensure it suits you, what while potatoes, carrots, turnips,
you want to grow, and is laid out to enable the plot to be worked and other roots prefer
efficiently. First, start with laying out the pathways needed to give somewhere cool and dark, such
access across the garden and to important areas, such as the as a root cellar or storage box. Apples and pears store best kept in
shed, greenhouse, compost pile, house, or gate. These are arteries conditions somewhere in-between.
through which you and any green waste, tools, compost, and
crops should be able to move around as effortlessly as possible. Saved seeds also need the right environment where they can be
Then divide the garden into areas for preparing, growing, and sorted, cleaned, dried, and stored, so leave space for that. Finally,
storing crops, keeping tools, composting, and harvesting water. find a partly shaded spot to store your biodynamic preparations,
Areas needed for raising seedlings include greenhouses and whether they were made onsite or purchased (see pp.120–121).
hotbeds for sowing, and cold frames for hardening off. If you
have a greenhouse and a hotbed, site them closely together, and • Allow space for wildlife To attract wildlife, create corridors
position any cold frames where they will experience a full range of flowering plants of different heights, shapes, and colors
of weather conditions so that plants harden off successfully. throughout the garden. The sight, sound, and smell of these floral
arteries will increase biodiversity in the garden and inspire your
work. A wildlife pond can provide a real focal point for your plot,
and will act as a draw for a multitude of beneficial insects and
amphibians. Ensure it is safe for children, and find a way to keep
it filled up with captured rainwater. Also, install a solar-powered
pump to keep the water oxygenated and healthy. Where space
allows, leave quiet areas for wildlife habitats, and plant a selection
of native plants to attract them.
Making use of raised beds
The best way to grow a constant supply of fresh vegetables
without heavy digging, the minimum of weeding, and mud-free
shoes, is in raised beds—they are ideal for smaller urban gardens.
The idea for raised beds first evolved in late 19th-century Paris.
Needing to dispose of the increasing amounts of manure left in
the street by horses pulling carriages, Parisians started piling the
manure up in their back gardens. After a while it composted down
into lowish mounds of fertile soil, around which people could
walk while sowing seeds and planting vegetables. The pile was
occasionally topped off with fresh manure, and there was no
need to dig. Because the soil was so fertile, crops could be planted Before building your raised beds, choose the best site to suit the
closer together than normal, while giving high yields and quality. crops you want to grow, whether in full sun for heat-lovers, or light
shade for leafy crops. Be sure to leave good access around them.
This became known as the French intensive system.
• Building the bed For the best crops, position the beds for To make tending your beds easier, try to position sheds, storage,
maximum light, and trim back any nearby trees and shrubs that and preparation areas nearby. You will find having a convenient
might cause unwanted shade. Ideally, make the beds at least 18in water source and compost pile especially helpful.
(45cm) deep, or higher if you have trouble bending. The center
Before filling, check the bed is level using a bubble level and adjust
if necessary. Fill the bed with biodynamic compost mixed with
high quality topsoil, patting it down lightly every so often.
Improving your soil
Making compost
One of the aims of the biodynamic garden is to maintain
the circle of fertility as plants absorb, release, then absorb
nutrients again with each season. Making compost is
essential to this—all organic waste is recycled as compost,
never thrown away. Fallen leaves, weeds, grass clippings,
and prunings decompose naturally back into what they Good compost requires a balance
began life as: rich, dark, living earth. of soft and woody ingredients.
The basic principles (40–55°C), which is sufficient to kill most weed seeds. After the
Kitchen scraps, garden waste, and animal manure will take 2–6 hot phase the pile cools down as the bacteria die off and fungi
months to compost, although the exact length of time depends take over. Helped by compost worms, they restructure the
on how the compost pile is made, and the weather. Composting degraded organic matter into the darker, earthier-smelling
starts with bacteria that first break down the different ingredients material rich in humus, otherwise known as compost.
in the pile. At this stage the pile becomes hot, between 104–131°F
Site and preparation
Composting requires plenty of worms, so choose a site that
suits them—one that is shady and sheltered with well-drained
soil. It should also be easy to get to, so that regular trips to the
pile with materials from the garden and kitchen do not become
a chore. If you haven’t got space for a compost pile, a worm
bin no bigger than a small fish tank is the best way to compost
kitchen scraps. The worms will digest all food scraps, including
meat, producing crumbly, earthy “casts” and liquid manure.
Building the pile
Clear away any weeds and position your compost directly on the
soil, so worms have easy access. If you have a lot of material to Growing green manures
compost and plenty of space, simply create an open pile, between Soil suffers if left bare to the elements, since nutrients and
waist- and chest-height, and as wide as you need. Smaller, lower humus are washed out and weeds take over. However, by
piles struggle to heat up adequately, so if you have less material using green manures, which are sown directly, you can
to compost, use a compost bin. There are many types to use, avoid these problems. Green manures add nutrients to the
including slatted wooden ones, plastic bins with lids and open soil, and allow it to rest and recover. When dug in or left
bases, or “tumbler” bins that allow for easy turning and quicker as mulch, they also add organic matter. This improves
composting. You should ideally have three bins or compost piles: soil texture, how well it drains and retains nutrients, and
one for fresh material, one that is active, and one ready to use. encourages beneficial soil organisms. Green manures also
Alternatively, make a single pile and keep adding material to it protect the soil, explaining their other name, cover crops.
until compost forms at the base (see p.125).
Nitrogen-fixing legumes are the most commonly used
The right ingredients green manures. The plants are cut before they flower,
Good compost needs the right balance of woody, carbon-rich and are either dug in or left as a mulch for worms to
materials—like straw, finely chopped wood prunings, or incorporate. To boost nitrogen in your soil, grow clovers,
sawdust—and softer green materials, rich in nitrogen, such as vetches, lupines, or alfalfa, sown in fall or spring.
barnyard manure, leaves, grass clippings, and kitchen peelings. Vetches and lupines are the hardiest, holy clover is best
Manure from farm animals, especially cows, is the best for alkaline soils, and black medick can be sown in fall.
ingredient to add due to the powerful, regenerative effect the
animal’s digestive system had on the grass it ate. Adding just Oats and barley produce dense, fine roots that channel
a small bucket of cow manure to the pile gives it “cow power.” water and air into the soil, encourage worms, and
Dilute a handful of manure in a bucket of water and steep suppress weeds. They are hardy, and can be sown
prunings and other dry compost materials in it before they go on in fall to overwinter until dug in during spring. They
the pile. Biodynamic gardeners also add six special preparations are ideal for improving sandy soil and stabilizing slopes.
to the heap to help it compost faster (see pp.86–119, and 138–139).
Green manures can also be used to break up compacted
Caring for your compost pile soils. Before installing a raised bed, for example, sow
Good compost needs the right amount of air, water, and warmth, alfalfa in spring or fall, letting it grow for 1–2 years.
depending on what the pile contains. If compacted and too wet, Its roots can reach down 22ft (7m), breaking up the
the compost stays cool, airless, slimy, and smelly, which can soil and drawing nutrients nearer the surface. This
Conserving resources
Water wisely
Where water is concerned, plants and
humans have something in common—
our bodies are mostly made of it, and
we couldn’t survive without it. Having
a plentiful and a convenient supply of
water is essential in the garden. It falls
freely from the sky, so it makes sense
to collect and store as much as you can.
Plants and soil organisms in the garden prefer water that is free
from additives, and rainfall is best. However, there are times when
tapwater may need to be used, and although you cannot remove
the fluoride, you can reduce its level of chlorine. Passing it through
a hose with a sprinkler head attached aerates the water and helps
to drive off the chlorine as gas. Another way of removing chlorine
is to run water into a container in the morning, aerating it by
splashing it as much as possible, then leaving it uncovered until
the evening when it can be used. The biodynamic technique of
stirring or dynamizing the water in a longer, more rhythmical
way is another good way of aerating water (see pp.60–61).
Collecting rainwater
Tapwater costs money but capturing rainwater is free. The most
obvious source is from the roof of your home, although there are
points to consider, especially if you live in an urban area. The first
is to allow the rain to clean the roof of any pollution residues or
impurities before starting to collect it. Even if the roof is clean, still
wait 5–10 minutes before letting rainwater run into the barrel to
avoid impurities. For the safety of children, pets, and even wildlife,
cover any collected water with a lid. This will also stop midges,
gnats, mosquitoes, and algae from taking up residence.
Watering in the morning ensures the Ensure the water you apply goes where it is Mulching prevents evaporation and keeps the
soil is moist, ready for the plants as most needed. Create watering pits around soil surface cool, helping to retain soil moisture.
they stir back into growth. thirsty crops to act as a reservoir. Water the soil before applying mulches.
Certain annual crops, especially leaf crops like lettuce and Using water carefully
spinach, prefer soil that is kept moist. If they become dry, they Regular watering can become a chore, and if you are using
take it as a sign that they are about to die of thirst. In response, tapwater, it can also be expensive. You should, therefore, try
they stop producing leaves, and instead grow upward, or bolt, to water efficiently by reducing the amount you need, only
Increasing diversity
Welcoming wildlife
Biodiversity and balance go hand in hand: a biodiverse
garden is a balanced garden, encompassing every part from
soil to sky. It starts with healthy soil alive with worms, fungi,
and other organisms, which are all vital for plant health. Above
the ground, pollinating insects and beneficial predators all play
essential roles. Not every creature works in your favor, but
they are all necessary for a harmonious biodynamic garden.
Domestic animals
All gardens can be improved by the presence of farm animals,
as long as you have the time and space. Whether you raise them
for profit or for pleasure, depending on what you have, these
animals provide manure, tend the soil, and can help control pests.
All must be well cared for, however, and it is essential they are
kept secure, safe from predators, and in good health—which can
be expensive and time consuming. Keeping animals is best left
to the more experienced biodynamic gardener.
Your natural allies
Companion planting
Your crops are a little like people in terms of the company they
like to keep—or avoid. Some plants are good companions that
Sap-sucking aphids can be
help crops to thrive and to stay healthy; others are nothing special repelled from a wide range
but are fine to hang out with all the same; then there are those to of garden plants by growing
garlic as a companion.
avoid altogether because of the negative effects they may have.
Choosing the right companions for your plants will help to deter
pests, and can even enhance the flavor of certain crops.
Using companion plants to defend your crops
Plants that repel pests Plants that attract predators
Growing companion plants is an effective In addition to repelling pests, plants can be used to attract
way to control pests in your garden. Many predators that feed on them instead. Ladybugs feast avidly
are also valuable crops, providing a line of on aphids, and can be attracted to the garden by planting
defense across your vegetable garden. stinging nettles, dandelions, and yarrow, where the adults
can lay their eggs and the young can hatch. Pots planted with
• Tansy repels cabbage white butterflies. tansy—which ladybugs love—can also be placed strategically
• Nasturtiums stop woolly aphids from attacking near aphid-prone crops, such as broad beans.
apple trees and deter whiteflies from tomatoes.
• Lemon basil also deters whiteflies from tomatoes. To attract lacewings, minute pirate bugs, and hoverflies, grow
• Strong scented herbs, such as rosemary, lavender, and flowering herbs, such as fennel, dill, parsley, sage, and cilantro.
mint protect eggplant and brassica crops from These plants also attract parasitic wasps, which feed on their
repeated flea beetle attacks. Chives pollen and lay their eggs in the caterpillars of cabbage white
• Wormwood also deters flea beetles—but butterflies, preventing them from attacking your crops.
remember that it cannot be planted near
brassicas, because they are intolerant to it. Saving your own seeds, and allowing crops to flower,
• Marigold roots release compounds in the is another good way to attract many beneficial insects.
soil that flush out soilborne pests.
• Garlic, onions, leeks, and chives all release
odorous compounds into the soil, which drive
away soil pests.
• Onion, leek, and chive leaves release a scent
that repels carrot rust flies from carrot crops.
• Carrots, in reply, give off an odor from their
leaves that repels onion flies and the leek moths.
Yarrow Tansy
Becoming self-suf ficient
Seed saving
Saving seeds from crops growing in your garden to sow the
following year is the most simple and cost-effective first step toward
creating a self-sustaining cycle of fertility. Seed saving, in fact, is a core
part of the biodynamic approach, because every garden, personal or
community, should become, as far as possible, a self-sustaining living
organism. Saving seeds also saves money—and by collecting seeds
from your best plants it allows you to improve your crops.
Seed-saving techniques
The first step to saving seeds is to let the plants
flower. Although this is normal practice for
fruiting crops like tomatoes, leaf and root crops To collect seed from fruiting
are usually harvested long before flowers ever crops, such as squash, leave the
form. This means leaving a number of plants fruit to develop to maturity.
in the ground unharvested—consider this an
investment in your garden’s future.
1 2
Making plant decoctions
Tough, woody, spiny plant material that does not loosen up in boiled water is
best made as a decoction—a plant tea that is actually boiled. Place the bark,
shoots, leaves, or flowers of the medicinal plant in cold water, bring it to a
boil, and simmer for the appropriate time to extract the desired substances.
1 2 3
1. Chop the plant material into 2. Place the chopped material 3. Remove from the heat. Leaving
small pieces—or grate it. This makes the in a pan, add cold water, and bring to a the lid firmly in place, allow the decoction
beneficial substances easier to extract. boil. Simmer for the appropriate time, to cool completely. Strain off the liquid
Here, horseradish root is used to make usually 10–60 minutes. Keep the lid on and compost the plant residue. Dilute the
a powerful fungicide to treat fruit trees, the pan to prevent the extracted plant concentrate before applying it as a spray.
such as plums, at risk of brown fruit rot. substances from evaporating into the air.
1. Collect the leaves and stems 2 3. Strain the liquid and dilute it with
from established plants (here, comfrey). the appropriate amount of rainwater
2. Pack the leaves into a watertight before applying it to your plants or soil.
container; the more you can push in, the
more nutritious the manure will be. Weigh Biodynamic gardeners can make liquid
the leaves down with rocks. Add water, manures even better using additives that
and leave it to ferment for about 10 days. help plants break down (see pp.136–137).
Achillea millefolium Allium sativum
Yarrow Garlic
Attracting beneficial insects to the rest of the garden, yarrow is In the garden garlic has many uses as a companion plant, but you
a significant biodynamic plant (see pp.86–91). Use the sulfur-rich can also use it to make a natural fungicide, insect repellent, and
flowers to make a tea that discourages fungal diseases including insecticide. Outside of the garden garlic is a plant that divides
powdery mildew, which affects ornamentals like roses, as well as opinion—it is either something we should eat every day because
a number of edible plants. Yarrow tea also strengthens fruiting it makes us healthier, or it is something we should avoid if we
crops from within, helping plants such as tomatoes, zucchini, want to keep our friends within speaking and breathing distance.
strawberries, and tree fruit prepare for the next flowering period,
and maintain balanced, high-quality yields. Methods and applications
• To make a fungicide against gray mold
Methods and applications (Botrytis), soak 3 or 4 chopped garlic cloves
• Infuse a handful of yarrow flowers in 13 ⁄4 pints (1 liter) of in 13 ⁄4 –31 ⁄2 pints (1–2 liters) of cold water
hot water for 10 minutes. Strain, then dilute 1 part yarrow tea for a couple of days. Strain and spray
in 10 parts water. Apply as a spray to all parts of the plant, without diluting.
especially to the upper leaves, which are most susceptible
• To tackle aphids, codling moths, and
to fungal infection.
deter snails or slugs, crush 2 garlic
• Apply yarrow tea to fruiting crops in the mornings around cloves and macerate in a cup of olive
flowering time to strengthen them. Give your fruiting crops a oil for 2 days. Decant the oil into a
further boost with a second application when the fruit is just bottle of warm water to emulsify out
starting to ripen—so when strawberries or tomatoes are the garlic, and shake well. Keep it
changing from unripe green to riper red. Yarrow makes this out of direct light for 2 days. To use,
transition smoother: both the fruit and the stems it hangs from dilute 1 part garlic in 20 parts water
become a little firmer as a result of the spray. and stir for 20 minutes before
spraying the leaves of the affected
• Combine yarrow with stinging nettle tea to make an all-
plants, and the surrounding soil.
around preventive spray. Yarrow regulates attack from fungal
diseases; nettle controls insect activity, notably mites. Use 2oz
(50g) of yarrow flowers in 1 gallon (5 liters) of cold water, and
bring to a boil. Add 2oz (50g) of stinging nettles to the water,
then remove from the heat. Strain, and dilute 1 part concentrate
in 10 parts water. Apply as a general spray to all crops.
Allium schoenoprasum Artemisia absinthium
Chives Absinthe
Like garlic, chives should be ever-present in the garden, both as Absinthe—or wormwood—is perhaps best known for the bitter
a food and as a tool to help keep the rest of your plants free of green oil used to make the addictive alcoholic beverage popular
pests and diseases. Make a liquid manure to ward off carrot rust in France in the late 19th century. In the garden the smell of
flies, and infusions to deter aphids, cabbage flies, and mites. absinthe can repel ants, slugs, and the black bean aphid.
It can also help deter red spider mites from attacking the leaves
Methods and applications of fruit trees that are stressed by a lack of water in hot weather.
• To make liquid manure, soak a few handfuls of chopped
chive stems in 13 ⁄4 –31 ⁄2 pints (1–2 liters) of water in a small Method and application
bucket for a week. Then drain and spray as a concentrate, • Make the decoction by adding 2–4oz (50–100g) of dried or
without diluting. fresh flowers, stems, and leaves to 13 ⁄4 –31 ⁄2 pints (1–2 liters) of
• Treat areas around the carrot patch with chive liquid manure water. Allow this to soak overnight then bring it to a boil and
Betula pendula Calendula of ficinalis
Birch Calendula
The diuretic and cleansing properties for which birch is used in A popular ornamental plant, calendula—or marigold—not only
homeopathic medicine are equally beneficial for your plants. Its looks good, but attracts a myriad of beneficial insects, too. In the
ability to regulate the flow of unwanted moisture internally while wild calendula manages to come back year after year at just the
cleaning things up externally is useful for apples affected by right moment, lying low if the weather gets too hot or too cold in
apple scab disease, and for grapes suffering from rot and mildew. summer or winter. Perhaps this is why calendula tea works so well
as a pick-me-up for humans after a period of infection or illness.
Method and applications Mercurial plants like calendula—and chamomile—that come and
• To treat fruit trees, simmer 4oz (100g) of birch bark, flowers, go in the field are extremely adept at accumulating and using
and leaves in 13 ⁄4 pints (1 liter) of water for 20–30 minutes. nutrients from the soil. It is these nutrients that benefit greedy
Strain, then dilute 1 part birch to 10 parts water and spray all garden feeders like tomatoes, sweet corn, eggplant, peppers,
over the tree, on the trunk, and on the ground around the potatoes, and members of the beet and brassica families.
base of the tree as a preventive measure.
Method and application
• Spray diluted birch tea in areas of the garden at risk from
• To extract the nutrients from calendula, soak 8oz
fungal pathogens after harvesting any affected plants. Use
(200g) of shoots, leaves, and ideally the
1 part birch to 10 parts water. This helps to prevent the problem
flowers in 7 pints (4 liters)
recurring with the next crop.
of water and leave
outside for 7–10 days.
Filter off the concentrate,
then dilute 1 part calendula
in 6 parts of water and spray
on the leaves of your crops.
Matricaria recutita Mentha species
Chamomile Mint
Chamomile tea has a calming and soothing effect on humans, Mint is an interesting plant because we use it when we want
and it has the same effect on stressed out plants, too. It is both to get up close and personal with each other on romantic
a preventive and a curative treatment. When sprayed directly occasions—but in the garden it is planted strategically as a
on the crops—or on the furrows into which they are going to be companion plant to repel unwanted insects. In concentrated
sown or transplanted—the sulfur content acts against fungal form, mint tea and liquid manure will also deter and confuse
diseases, while its calcium content stimulates healing processes, flying insects, such as aphids and whiteflies—in effect you gain
promoting healthy growth in leafy crops, flowers, and vegetables all the benefits of companion planting mint without the worry
that are susceptible to fungal organisms. Chamomile is also of it trying to take over the garden.
high in potassium, which benefits all fruiting and flowering
crops: for maximum benefit, spray them both before and after Methods and applications
they flower. Chamomile also plays an important role in the • To make mint tea add 4oz (100g) of roughly torn
Pine nut
slug repellent
You can use the seeds from any pine growing
in your local area to make a diluted extract that
helps to protect your crops against slug damage.
Applied as a spray to the target plants, the seed
extract makes the leaves unpalatable for slugs.
Like many plant cures, the list of ingredients
is incredibly simple: all you need is 1 ⁄8 oz (3g) of
pine seeds and 13 ⁄4 pints (1 liter) of rainwater.
1 2 3
1. Shake the pine seeds out of the 2. Discard the shells, then weigh out 3. To make a paste, gradually add
cone and crack open the shell to extract ⁄8 oz (3g) of nuts. Crush the seeds to a fine a small amount of lukewarm rainwater
the kernels (nuts). powder with a mortar and pestle. to the crushed nuts, stirring constantly.
4. Gradually add more
water and pour the pine nut
mixture into a large bottle.
2 weeks later
8. Strain the mixture
and put the residue on the
compost heap.
9 10
Quercus alba, Q. robur Sambucus nigra
Oak bark Elder
A few days of rain coupled with warm temperatures and high Grow elder as a companion plant in the garden, and you will not
humidity can quickly cause an outbreak of downy mildew on only be able to use the flowers and berries to make wonderful
tomatoes and plants in the brassica family—including cabbage, homemade wine, but it will also deter unwanted pests—just
cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, turnips, rubbing a leaf or two on our skin is said to deter flies. The
and radishes. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and spray an flowers, shoots, and leaves can also be used to make two
oak bark decoction as a preventive measure; it will also help to sprays with insect-repelling capabilities.
keep other pests and plant diseases, such as gray mold (Botrytis)
and powdery mildew, at bay. The tannin content in oak bark is Method and applications
particularly effective at tightening and sterilizing plants against • To make elder decoction simmer 4oz (100g) of leaves, shoots,
attack from chewing insects, so use the decoction to treat young and even the bark in 13 ⁄4 pints (1 liter) of water for 20 minutes.
seedlings, too. Oak bark also has a special place in biodynamic This helps extract the tannin, which deters aphids and thrips.
gardens (see pp.102–107). Strain and spray without diluting the concentrate.
Method and application • To make elder liquid manure soak 4oz (100g) of leaves and
other green parts of the plant in 13 ⁄4 pints (1 liter) water for up to
• To make the oak bark decoction, break a handful of oak bark
a week. Strain and dilute 1 part elder manure to 4 parts water.
into small pieces, and add to a saucepan of water. Bring to a boil
Spray on crops and the soil to slow down attacks of
and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain, then dilute 1 part oak with
powdery mildew, or to deter flying insects
9 parts water before spraying.
such as aphids, thrips, and
cabbage butterflies.
• Fresh elder leaves or liquid
manure can also help to
control mice, rodents,
and other burrowing
animals—apply to areas
where they live or congregate.
Symphytum species Tanacetum vulgare
Comfrey Tansy
Comfrey vies with stinging nettle as the most useful, versatile, Tansy can be a useful addition to the garden: it repels pests and
and cost-effective medicinal plant for the garden, and in fact attracts beneficial insects. A strategically placed clump of fresh
you can alternate the two to benefit from the full range of tansy leaves, stems, and flowers can help to keep ticks and fleas
nutrients. Comfrey leaves improve compost if added to the pile, away from the dog basket, and mites away from bedsheets. Its
and also make a nutrient-rich, leaf-moldlike mulch for potatoes flowers have a similar effect when they are used as a fresh tea,
and tomatoes. Collect the leaves at the beginning of flowering— decoction, cold extract, or liquid manure. Cultivate with care.
when they contain their highest nutrient levels—and soak them
in water to produce a potent liquid manure for fruit and fruiting Methods and applications
crops, such as cucumbers, melons, and tomatoes. It is rich in • Tansy cold extract is an effective insecticide for whiteflies
potassium and all the trace elements, such as boron, that all on cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and other brassicas. It also acts
these crops need to flower and set fruit. as a fungicide against rust and downy mildew. Soak a couple
Taraxacum of ficinale Urtica dioica
Dandelion Stinging
Dandelion flowers are packed with nutrients—calcium, copper,
iron, magnesium, potassium, and silica—and biodynamic
gardeners use them to make a special compost preparation (see
pp.108–113). The flowers can also be used as a tea to stimulate The nettle is arguably the most versatile of all the plants used
growth, especially early in the growing cycle when the first two to treat other plants because it is super rich in life-giving
or three leaves appear—whether broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, nutrients—iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. It is an
potatoes, or plums. The spray acts as a wake-up call for the important plant to biodynamic gardeners (see pp.98–101). Collect
plants to concentrate and improve their flavor, primarily by using the leaves and stems when the nettle begins to flower—this is
their leaves efficiently when trapping solar heat and light. This when the nutrient levels are at their highest.
also makes the leaves stronger, tighter, and more resistant to
disease, which is especially important in rainy years. Methods and applications
• Teas and decoctions help regulate growth so plants do not
Method and applications attract pests and diseases; use 1 part nettle concentrate in 5–20
• To make dandelion tea, infuse a handful of flowers— parts water. To make tea, soak 4oz (100g) leaves in 13 ⁄4 pints
picked early in the morning before they are fully open— (1 liter) of hot water and allow to infuse for up to 10 minutes.
in 13 ⁄4 pints (1 liter) of hot water for 5–10 minutes. Filter For the decoction, pour 13 ⁄4 pints (1 liter) cold water over 4oz
off the concentrate and dilute, using 1 part dandelion (100g) leaves, bring to a boil, and simmer for 3–10 minutes.
concentrate to 4 parts of rainwater.
• A cold extract, made by soaking 4oz (100g) of nettle leaves in
• Spray the crop and the surrounding soil.
13 ⁄4 pints (1 liter) of cold water for 24–36 hours, helps discourage
For best results, apply the spray early in the
mild attacks of aphids on tree fruit and vegetable crops.
morning, ideally under an ascending
moon (see p.52).
• For liquid manure, soak nettle leaves in water for 4–10 days
in the sun. Allow 4oz (100g) leaves per 13 ⁄4 pints (1 liter). Strain
and dilute 1 part nettle in 10 parts water. Spray both crops and
soil to stimulate root growth. To prevent stress in hot or cold
weather, and to stop green leaves turning yellow with chlorosis,
dilute 1:25 and water the crops directly to get sap moving again.
Natural remedies
Kelp liquid
Using kelp, or seaweed, in your garden is a clever way to
reclaim the nutrients washed out by rain and get them back
into your soil. It is rich in potassium, which makes this fertilizer
especially useful for fruit and fruiting vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and
peppers. A kelp feed helps plants through potentially stressful moments in their
cycles: at transplanting; before flowering and after fertilization; during fruit
development and ripening; and after harvest, when the
soil may also need a boost.
1. Pour dried kelp or seaweed 2. Stir well. Thanks to their watery 3. Cover with cloth, or a loose lid,
into a large noncorrosive container origins, kelp and seaweed take a while to and leave for 6–8 weeks. The liquid
of rainwater. For 21 ⁄4 gallons (10 liters) of decompose in water to produce a liquid manure will be brownish in color, with
water you should expect to use around manure. Keep the mixture outside in a a pleasant, sweet, briny smell. Dilute
16oz (500g) of dried material. warm place to help speed the process. 1 part kelp to 10 parts fresh water and
spray on the soil around your crops.
Natural remedies
Compost tea
Your compost heap is full of beneficial microorganisms that are
spread around the garden whenever you dig compost into the
soil. A compost tea or liquid manure is a very efficient method
of delivering both nutrients and beneficial organisms to the garden
throughout the growing season—and it is very simple to make.
1 3 5
2 4 6
1. Stuff a net bag with nettles to 3. Fill a net bag or old pantyhose with 5. Cover with burlap. Give it a good
make your compost tea rich in life-giving 2lb 4oz (1kg) of your best, most vibrant, stir 3 times a day to keep the tea aerated.
nutrients, such as iron, magnesium, fully fermented compost and attach it to
calcium, and potassium. a stick along with the comfrey and nettles. 4 –10 days later
2. Fill a second bag with comfrey 4. Suspend the ingredients in 6. Remove the compost and dilute
to enhance the compost tea with nitrogen. 21 ⁄4 gallons (10 liters) rainwater to ensure for use. Aerated compost teas are even
maximum contact between the water, more effective—use an aquarium air pump
compost, nettles, and comfrey. to add oxygen for 24 hours nonstop.
Foliar spray
Spraying all parts of your plants in a layer of protective
microbial life will stimulate the immune system, displace
disease organisms, and increase their uptake of minerals.
Strain the compost tea to Dilute 1 part tea in 10 parts Apply every 2 weeks to all parts of
prevent blockages when spraying. of rainwater, stir, then transfer the plant to boost the immune system: these
to a hand or garden sprayer. regular coatings of protective microbial life will
outcompete the organisms that cause disease.
Strain the compost tea to Stir well to aerate the mixture Water generously over the soil in large
prevent any residue from blocking before application—beneficial droplets whenever your crops are in need of a
the watering can. Dilute 1 part tea microorganisms thrive on oxygen. boost—if plant leaves are floppy and yellowing
in 20 parts of rainwater. slightly, it is a good time to spray.
Natural remedies
Weed tea
In a battle for survival between weeds and cultivated plants, weeds would
win every time. Their roots mine minerals and trace elements held deep in
the soil, their leaves extract nitrogen from the air. They can also regenerate
from a single piece of root or just a few seeds. Weeds contain the exact
combination of nutrients that the garden lacks: to reclaim the nutrients
without fear of spreading weeds in your compost, make a simple plant tea.
1 2
1. Gather the weeds and stuff them in 2. Place the weeds in a container— 4
a porous bag. You can use the roots, stems, ideally, it should be between a third and
and leaves of many types: the more you half full. Cover with rainwater until the
include, the more nutritious the tea will be. container is nearly full. 3. To keep the weeds submerged,
Each weed contains different amounts of weigh them down with a brick or rock.
minerals—nettles and dandelions are high Biodynamic gardeners also add six special
in calcium, iron, and magnesium, and preparations to help the weeds break down 4. Cover with burlap and leave to
thistles are rich in phosphorus as well as faster and increase the nutrient content ferment, stirring gently once a week or so.
trace elements like zinc and manganese. (see pp.86–119 and 138–139).
2 –4 weeks later
5. Remove the weeds and compost the mushy
remains. The roots and seeds will not be viable after
their time under water, which means there is no longer any
danger of spreading weeds around the garden in the compost.
6. Strain the liquid, then 7. Stir vigorously for 8. Water generously or spray over the soil in
dilute 1 part weed concentrate several minutes to aerate the large droplets, ideally on a dull, cloudy afternoon in fall.
in 10–40 parts of rainwater, mixture. This will stimulate Target weedy ground and areas recently converted from
depending on the needs of beneficial microbes and make weeds to cultivated plants. Apply once a week for three
your garden. the spray more effective when successive weeks. The nutrients returned to the soil are
it lands on the soil. easily available to crops, discouraging weed regrowth.
Tuning in to nature
Daily rhythms
When you get hungry or thirsty, you can always turn on the kitchen tap
or open the refrigerator, and when the light fades, you can flick on a light
switch. Plants don’t have the freedom to pick and choose what and when
they eat, or how much light they get. Being firmly rooted in the ground,
they are utterly dependent on what nature provides—be it light and heat
from sunshine, water from spring or fall rain, or the cold and dark of
winter. The plants we eat should still be intimately tuned in to seasonal
cycles, unlike our own 24/7 existence.
Growing crops using hydroponics and artificial light, and shipping reproduce. It is as if the living potential in the earth is being
food by air, using computer-controlled refrigeration, provides us exhaled. Then, as the sun sinks lower in fall and winter, Earth
with the choice of almost any fruit or vegetable we want, 365 days gets less heat and light. Plants contract back into the soil, either
a year. But the flipside of this relentless choice is that cultivated dying off completely or dropping their leaves during dormancy.
plants have been tuned out of seasonal rhythms, and as a Now it is as if the earth has inhaled back everything it produced,
consequence, so have we. Growing at least some of our own while preparing itself for the next cycle to begin.
food is the best way of tuning back in to natural, seasonal cycles.
Periods when the earth breathes in—either seasonally during fall
Imitating the sun and winter, or daily each evening—are usually the best times to
As the sun rises higher in spring and summer, Earth receives more dig the soil, readying it for planting, or for planting itself, to sow
heat and light. This encourages seeds and plants to grow upward seeds, and to spread compost. Sprays intended for the soil, like
and outward, producing shoots, leaves, and flowers so they can liquid manures or biodynamic soil sprays, such as horn manure
Seasonal rhythms As Earth moves
away from the sun, one
As well as daily rhythms, Earth experiences the four hemisphere falls
seasonal rhythms of spring, summer, fall, and winter. into winter
The seasons occur because Earth orbits the sun at a
slight angle (23.5º). The start of each new season is
marked by four days; spring equinox; summer
solstice; fall equinox; and winter solstice.
Equinox days have roughly equal
amounts of darkness and light. Due to Earth’s
The solstices mark when the sun elliptical orbit,
the hemisphere
stops getting either higher (in nearest the sun
summer) or lower (in winter) in enjoys summer
the sky each day.
500 or BC are also best applied when the earth is breathing in, Night
during the fall or evening. The periods when the earth breathes & day
Earth —spri
out—either seasonally during spring and summer, or daily each is lit ng &
star, by th fall
morning—are the best times to apply most plant teas, as well as bu e
Plants fo
llow th
times , su e natural dail
ch as m y
orning cycle, with som
glory (l
ef t) and e that flower o
evening n
primrose ly at ce rtain
(r ight).
Tuning in to nature
The moon
Weather permitting, the sun is visible every day, but Full moon—new moon cycle
our closest celestial neighbor, the moon, comes and An obvious celestial cycle to work to is the full
moon cycle, because we can see the moon’s
goes, and changes shape. Recently, a new generation of phases change with our own eyes and there is
gardeners has begun to rediscover the value of timing no need to consult a lunar calendar, although it
may make planning easier. The word month is
key tasks, like sowing, planting, and harvesting, to lunar derived from moon, and a full moon occurs
cycles; best of all, working to lunar cycles is free. once a month, or every 29.5 days, to be exact.
Tracking the full moon
The cycle occurs because of how the moon, the sun, and the
Earth all move relative to each other. The moon orbits
the Earth, while the Earth is also spinning around the
sun. When the sun is on one side of the Earth and
the moon is on the opposite side—in opposition
(see p.56)—it is full moon, and the moon appears Sun
completely round and bright in the night sky, even
though it has no light of its own. The light we see
is sunlight reflected off the moon’s gray-white
surface. Around 14 days after full moon it is new
moon. The moon is much harder to see because it
has moved around the Earth to lie directly between
Earth and the sun. The side of the moon lit by the sun at
new moon is facing the sun and so is the side we cannot see.
Tuning in to nature When the moon is at its farthest point from
Earth, or apogee, a summer mood reigns.
The moon’s influence on tides is at its
and perigee apogee, risk growing too quickly and running to seed
because the watery influences are at their weakest.
Avoid sowing seeds of crops Potatoes give a good yield when Keep crops prone to bolting well
that are prone to bolting. planted out in spring during apogee. watered when a “summer” mood reigns.
ige e .
s du r i ng p e r
Avoid d ig g i n g b e d
Lift roots like carrots at risk Leaf crops, like lettuce and spinach, Strawberries planted during perigee
of rotting in wet soil. taste better when sown at perigee. will have watery, tasteless fruit.
Tuning in to nature
Ascending and The yellow line denotes the path the moon
This means that full moon, new moon, apogee, and perigee can all Southern hemisphere
occur at any point in the moon’s ascending or descending cycle. Ascending moon—spring–summer mood
Also, the moon ascends and descends—in its “spring–summer”
and “fall–winter” phases—independently of the actual season at Sagittarius Gemini Sagittarius
any time of year.
node node
Understanding nodes
Nodes occur twice a month when the moon crosses the “ecliptic”, an
imaginary line in the sky where eclipses occur. They can happen at
full moon, causing a lunar eclipse when Earth’s shadow blots out the The moon’s path passes in front of Gemini to Cancer,
moon, or at new moon, causing a solar eclipse when the moon hides Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, and back to Sagittarius.
the sun. Plants risk being inhibited if sown, hoed, or transplanted at
nodes. To avoid problems view moon nodes as rest days.
The descending moon
During the descending fall–winter moon period, sap is especially
vital in the lower parts of plants. This is the time to plant out
seedlings from pots and seedbeds, because the roots will find it
easier to get going in their new environment. Also, since plant sap
contains nutrient-rich goodness, pruning is best done now. This
is because any growth that needs removing contains sap whose
force is less vital than it is at ascending moon. The earth-centered
nature of a descending moon also means this is a good time Plant out seedlings. Dig compost into the soil.
to stimulate root activity by adding compost to the soil.
Moon rotating Sun Prune fruit trees and bushes. Apply horn manure 500.
around the Earth
node node
Southern hemisphere
Descending moon—fall–winter mood Cut flowers stay fresh longer. Mist crops with horn silica 501.
node node
Tuning in to nature
The moon and the stars
In its orbit around Earth the moon passes in front of all the zodiac constellations,
from Pisces to Aquarius. It takes 27.3 days to complete this cycle, and each time
the moon passes a given constellation, the element associated with it—earth,
water, air, or fire—is stimulated on Earth in one of four main plant organs—
root, leaf, flower, or fruit/seed—which are also used in biodynamics to classify
the edible parts of plants. This sidereal cycle has been seen to affect
the way that particular parts of plants grow.
Leo Cancer Gemini Taurus Aries Pisces
Sow seeds in either Prepare the soil for, Fresh-cut flowers Moon in Taurus is a Prune and apply tree In the northern
hemisphere of crops sow, or spray leaf for vases, flowering good time to harvest paste to dormant hemisphere, plant or
that you intend to crops in the northern herbs for drying, potatoes—but avoid fruit trees in the transplant perennials
grow for their seed. hemisphere. Plant or and salad leaf crops harvesting them for northern hemisphere. like hedges and
Apply soil sprays transplant perennials, last longer when long-term storage if it Apply 501 to fruit herbs. Prepare the
or compost preps hedges, or herbs in collected under is also near full or crops—and soil, sow, or spray
to fruit crops in the southern hemisphere Gemini in perigee moon. harvest—in the leaf crops in the
northern hemisphere. garden plots. either hemisphere. southern hemisphere. southern hemisphere.
Tuning in to nature
Moon–Saturn opposition
Oppositions occur when planets, the
moon, or stars stand at an angle of 180 AQUARIUS
degrees from each other in the sky. The
most familiar example of an opposition
occurs every 29.5 days at full moon: CAPRICORNUS
Moon–Saturn opposition
Periods when the moon is on one side of Earth
and Saturn is on the other are particularly
propitious for working in the garden. Moon– Sun
opposition Saturn is a time of balance and
harmony when seed, seedlings, and plants find Saturn lines up with Moon is
the forces they need to grow and ripen steadily. Earth and the moon between Earth
every 27.5 days and the sun
– S AT
•M O
UR N •
Plant perennial vegetables
like asparagus.
Things to do at opposition
The two days leading up to moon–opposition Saturn are
times to prioritize key garden tasks, particularly those
that will have a lasting effect. These are good times to
dig compost into the soil, to plant flower bulbs, to prepare
Industrial impact sensed that modern methods were making their soil, crops,
The industrialization of seeds, and animals weaker and less fertile.
agriculture really took off As working animals were replaced by
after the First World War. The machines, there was less manure
war and the influenza pandemic that followed wiped out two to compost to keep soils fertile.
generations of largely self-sufficient farmers. Millions of farm Modern mineral fertilizers and
animals also died in the fighting, or from neglect and starvation. hybrid seeds produced bigger
These farmers and the animals they used to plow were replaced yields but weaker, more
with modern agricultural machinery developed from the newly disease-prone crops—and
invented military battle tanks. First World War bomb-making much bigger weeds. Some
technology was modified to create soluble chemical fertilizers farmers felt their long-term
to boost yields, and nerve gas technology was used to develop economic survival was
weedkillers and pesticides. The use of these pesticides and becoming impossible.
fertilizers led to a loss of biodiversity and wild habitats for birds
and bees, increased pollution of the soil and waterways, and A fresh approach
crops whose high yields were offset by reduced nutritional value In 1924 a group of leading
and rising levels of chemical residues. And as heritage seed central European farmers
varieties were replaced by hybrid seeds that produced more asked Rudolf Steiner
predictable yields, it meant farmers could no longer save their (1861–1925) to give
own seed, and became less self-sufficient. them an alternative
vision of farming.
These scientific breakthroughs served to make farming more Steiner had
predictable, more efficient, and safer—but also more profitable already
for those controlling the new technologies, and less profitable for developed an
those doing the farming. Not all farmers were happy. They alternative form
of schooling—Steiner or Waldorf education—but agriculture sausages from chamomile flowers and feed them to
was his defining passion. He had grown up in a community in the garden via the compost pile instead. He also suggested three
Austria (now part of Slovenia) where the farming methods and sprays be applied to the soil, made in similar ways to the
traditions that he witnessed as a boy had remained unchanged compost preparations but including cow manure, the mineral
for centuries—and still worked just as well. quartz (silica), and another medicinal plant Equisetum arvense.
In spring 1924 Steiner outlined his alternative to modern farming Steiner said that biodynamics was a low-tech way of farming
in a series of lectures called Agriculture—and it is these ideas that everyone could practice. His nine preparations were made
that have become known as biodynamics. He warned the and used in very small quantities but would quickly help farms
farmers who had invited him that some of his suggestions would and gardens achieve a healthy, dynamic, and sustainable
seem rather odd—even slightly backward—but stressed that balance. Treating each garden or farm as an organism in its own
accepting modern farming at face value would pay off in the right would eventually help us see the earth as a living organism,
short term only at the risk of terrible long-term consequences as part of a much wider cycle of life involving the other planets
for human, plant, and animal health. Steiner even correctly and stars in our solar system, too. Steiner didn’t coin the term
predicted that the world’s bees, who pollinate our crops, would “think global, act local,” but his biodynamic way of farming was
face population collapse around the year 2000, thanks to the first to fit it, and it is as valid now as it was in 1924.
modern pesticides.
How to dynamize
biodynamic sprays
Several biodynamic preps are diluted and stirred before application to
ensure the beneficial forces in the prep are transferred into the water and
onto the land. The process is known as dynamizing because there is a
dynamic interaction between the prep and the water in which it is stirred.
Stirring and the vortex
Stirring by hand for long periods of up to 1 hour seems like a lot of aeration it has received, but also because the water has been
hard work, but once you get the hang of the process, it takes on a opened up to celestial forces from above through the dynamizing
rhythm of its own. Recruit a few helpers and it can be an enjoyable process. Looking down into the vortex created by hand-stirring
social event; if it becomes a chore, it is better to stop, pour what water in a bucket resembles the view of our universe from space.
you have been stirring onto the compost heap, and start again Planet earth spins around a star—the sun—which itself is
another time when you feel fresher and your inner will is stronger. spinning around on the edge of our spiral-shaped, vortexlike
galaxy—the Milky Way—which is also spinning around in the
The aim of stirring is to create a whirlpool effect; this produces wider universe. Life on earth depends on the ability of everything
a vertical crater in the center, known as the vortex. The vortex to keep on spinning, so spinning the preparations around in water,
is created because water around the edge of the stirring tank the source of life, reinforces the living processes plants need to
moves more quickly than the water in the middle. Once or twice stay vital and healthy.
a minute, reverse the direction of stirring, so the vortex crashes
and a new one is created. This ensures the forces carried by the How long to stir
preparation being stirred are transferred to every drop of water. Horn manure 500 and horn silica 501 should be stirred for 1 hour.
The barrel compost (BC) is stirred for 20 minutes. Stir valerian
As you stir, you will notice that the texture of the water changes 507 for 10–20 minutes, whether it is being added to the compost
and becomes more slippery and viscous. This is partly due to the or sprayed onto crops.
Stir vigorously in one direction for about a minute, remove the stick and allow the water to spin undisturbed.
Stirring by hand creates a single central vertical vortex or whirl
in the water. Horizontal vortices are also effective and can be
created with flowforms. These attractive water features use a
solar-powered pump to encourage water to flow across a series
of sculpted bowls, usually made of clay. The bowls allow the
water to move in the same direction at differing speeds and
form shapes as if it were eddying and flowing over pebbles
in a stream. The bowls can also produce figure-eight shapes
that resemble the way blood flows in living organisms. The
rhythmical, oxygenating effects of flowforms enhance the
water’s vitality, and the sight and sound of water in a flowform
is known to have therapeutic effects.
Just before the vortex collapses, break it with the stick and stir in the opposite direction. Repeat the process for the required time.
f r o m
N i ne biodyna a t i o n s — m ad e
r e—
7 plant m i c p r e p a r a n u
s, a mineral, and anim a l m
preparation 503
Horn silica
preparation 501
Horn manure preparation 502
preparation 500
a r e d e s i g ned to e n li ve n t h e e a r t h
d a l l t h a t grow s in it.
preparation 507
Oak bark
preparation 505
preparation 506 Equisetum arvense
preparation 504 preparation 508
Biodynamic preps
The 9 preps
explained Horn manure 500
Sprayed on the earth, horn manure gives the garden solid foundations
and charges the soil with all the life force it needs. Good soil needs
Biodynamics entails the regular use of the right amount of air and moisture to support worms, fungi, bacteria,
nine preparations, which deliberately and microbes, and to produce crops that are wholesome to eat. Horn
manure keeps the earth’s stomach well stocked. It keeps our stomachs
expose both garden and gardener to the well stocked and our senses stimulated with the food it helps produce.
Making 500 pp.66–71. Using 500 pp.72–73.
three realms of nature: animal, mineral,
and vegetable. Biodynamics sees uniting
these three realms as the best way of
regenerating land that has lost its life
force—and in repairing the earth, we
also reconnect ourselves with natural
seasonal and celestial cycles.
Horn silica 501
Horn silica helps to produce nutritious food that tastes good and
stores well. Sprayed over crops to maximize the forces of heat and light
sent by the sun, it pulls plants upward to their limits using heat and light
as bait, keeping them lean, taut, and ready to withstand pests and
diseases. They stay healthy and able to produce ripe, flavorful, and
wholesome crops. Making 501 pp.74–79. Using 501 pp.80–81.
Yarrow 502
The yarrow prep develops a sense of awareness in the compost that
is transmitted to the crops when it is spread on the soil. Plants need
this to survive and prosper, just as animals do in the wild. Crops able
to sense changes locally—such as weather patterns—and movements
of the sun, moon, planets, and stars are completely connected to their
environment. This kind of total awareness helps keep plants strong.
Making 502 pp.86–91. Using 502 pp.122–129; 136–137.
Chamomile 503 Dandelion 506
The chamomile prep ensures the garden’s waste and recycling system The dandelion prep has a similar role to the yarrow prep. Yarrow
works safely and efficiently. Garden waste is either recycled naturally makes plants aware of their surroundings; dandelion has the same
where it falls on the ground, or in the compost pile before it is put back effect but also helps plants tune in to what is happening underground.
on the soil. Effectively, the land is feeding off refuse, eating leaves and The dandelion flower is like a tiny sun, plunging its powerful, elastic
other compostable items. Chamomile makes sure this earthy digestive roots deep into the underground. Dandelions give compost the power
system works as effortlessly as a cow’s intestine without ever getting to brighten soil from within, and connect it with what is above.
blocked. Making 503 pp.92–97. Using 503 pp.122–129; 136–137. Making 506 pp.108–113. Using 506 pp.122–129; 136–137.
Biodynamic sprays
Horn manure 500
Horn manure is the key to the biodynamic world. It is
made from cow manure stuffed in a cow horn and buried
for six months over winter. The dark, crumbly substance Biodynamic cows are never dehorned.
The horns are the cow’s sense antennae
that results has populations of beneficial microorganisms —which is why cows lower their heads
far higher than those in normal compost or good soil. and point their horns at you in greeting.
Fresh cow manure
Making horn manure 500
1. Stuff the horns with fresh cow manure 4. Plant the horns mouth
around the fall equinox. The best manure is down. If necessary, arrange
from female cows in milk for their calves, them in two or three layers.
ideally from the pasture in which the animals There is no limit to the size of
are grazing. Remove any pieces of green grass 2. Check each horn is tightly packed the pit, or the number of horns
or clover. Tap each horn on a rock as you fill to ensure that the manure will decompose in buried in it, provided the soil
it to help ease the manure right into the horn the correct way. Pockets of trapped air will is good and the correct horns
tip and displace any air. result in an incomplete transformation so it is are filled in the proper way.
important to displace as much air as possible.
To prevent rain from
seeping inside, place
horns in the pit mouth-side
down, and make sure that
the opening is buried
deeper than the tip
6 months later,
in spring
9. Lift the horns around the spring
equinox, after they have spent 6 months
underground absorbing the inbreathing
winter forces at work when the earth is
most alive. Earthworms are partial
to cow manure, so it is best to excavate
the prep before they become too active.
Storing horn manure 500
Horn manure 500 is best made fresh each year, but you
can keep it for up to 3 years, provided it is stored well and
does not dry out. Place the crumbled horn manure in a
glazed pottery or glass jar with a loose-fitting lid that allows
the prep to breathe. Keep the jar in a dark, cool, frost-free
place, surrounded by an insulating layer of peat, either
in a wooden box, or in a clay container sunk into the ground.
Larger terra-cotta
pot filled with peat
Using horn manure 500
Bring your
soil to life
Although horn manure is not a fertilizer, it adds a concentrated
fertilizing force to the soil that benefits living organisms like
beneficial bacteria, worms, and the plants that grow there. It
Apply ground sprays
works in tandem with horn silica 501; horn manure works on like horn manure over
the earthy underground part of the garden from which crops a large area, using a
brush or conifer sprig
grow and develop their substance and form; 501 works on the to splash it onto the
ground in large drops.
parts above ground, where crops ripen and develop flavor.
1 3
Apply 500
to freshly dug,
hoed, or weeded
soil, just before
sowing seeds or
Toughened glass
work surface
A heavy glass
Protective bottle makes an
glasses excellent rolling
pin to crush the
ground-up silica
to a fine powder
Face mask
Making horn silica 501
6 months later,
in fall
9. Excavate the horn silica. After
its 6 months underground, experiencing the
6. Dig a hole around 30in “summer life of the Earth” the silica inside
(75cm) deep in a sunny, open the horn will be filled with complementary
site away from cell phone “summer” solar forces to balance the earthly
towers and electrical power “winter” forces carried by horn manure 500.
lines. Ideally, choose a flower
day under an ascending moon
to bury horn silica.
10. A crust on the horn surface, or pink spots on
the outside of the horn, indicates that helpful microorganisms
have been at work. Carefully scrape away any fungi from the
mouth of the horn to avoid contaminating the prep when you
empty out the contents.
11. Use a knife to ease the contents out of the horn and
into a clean bowl. The horn silica prep should be similar to
talcum powder in appearance.
12 13
Using horn silica 501
Make your garden glow
Horn silica 501 is the yin to horn manure’s yang. Dripped on the
earth, horn manure 500 pulls roots down to give plants a solid W he
foundation, but horn silica is wafted mistily into the bright, airy • n to spray 5
Ideal 01
atmosphere to encourage your plants to stretch upward like or ea ly spray a
rly i
when n the t sunrise
the rising sun, and allow their shoots, leaves, flowers, and • Spr
the e
ay 50 es.
fruit to develop a strong connection with heat and light. is as
1 when
spray nding. You e moon
Crops sprayed with the combination of 500 and 501 are i c
leadi n the 14-d an also
ng up ay pe
more disease-resistant; have enhanced aroma, color, when
to a r
new m iod
tight lica force oon
s (th ,
flavor, and nutritional qualities; and also store better. • Ap
en cr
are at
ply i stron
to mi n spr g.
rr ing
How to dilute horn silica 501 movem or upward
sun a ts of the
nd pl
Horn si
Store it ca k eeps indefi
in a clea nitely a
it catc h r glass jar in s long as it is
es the m a d
orning bright place w ry.
sun ever h
y day. ere
Biodynamic sprays
Equisetum 508
One of the easiest biodynamic preps to make,
silica-rich Equisetum arvense 508 is used to
treat both the crops and the soil in which they
grow. It is essentially a tea or liquid manure that
is made from common horsetail and applied as
a spray to prevent plants from being outdone by
weeds or damaged by noxious pests, rot, mildew,
and other debilitating fungus disease organisms.
2. Bring to a boil,
cover, and simmer for
about 30 minutes. Then
remove from the heat—
with the lid on the pan—
and leave it to cool.
1 4
3. Strain off the pale
yellow-green or brown
equisetum concentrate.
Making 508 liquid manure
2 weeks later
Mold on the surface indicates that
your liquid manure concentrate is ready
to use. It will smell like sulfur, especially if
the equisetum fronds were left in the liquid
during the fermenting process. To extend
the life of your liquid manure concentrate
starter, simply fill it up from time to time
with fresh Equisetum arvense 508 tea.
Biodynamic compost prep
Yarrow 502
A well-known perennial herb, yarrow
(Achillea millefolium) is a key biodynamic
plant. Its summer flowers attract insects
like lacewings, and are used to make
a sulfur-rich tea that can help
control powdery mildew. They
Tall, upright
stems support
are also used to make one of the six
flat clusters of biodynamic compost preparations.
small flowers
❧ EQUIPMENT Dried yarrow flowers
Warm water
Wire cutters
Stag bladder
(available from your
local biodynamic Yarrow flowers
association) from a
native species such as
European red deer or
North American
white-tailed deer
String and
Garden wire to
protect the prep
Making yarrow 502
1. Make yarrow tea by pouring warm—not boiling—
water over a handful of flowers. The tea is used to rehydrate
Yarrow blooms in midsummer, so collect, dry, the bladder, and to moisten the dried flowers used for
and store the flowers for use the following spring. Pick the stuffing so they are less likely to cause the sheath to split.
flowers on a sunny day. Wait until all the flower heads in
each cluster are open, and cut off the florets. Trim off 2. Prepare the sheath by making a small cut about two
the stems to ensure they don’t harden and puncture the fingers wide at the tip of the bladder (near the urinary tract)
bladder. Dry the flowers on slatted trays then store in a jar to create a balloon-shaped bag or envelope.
until you are ready to make the preparation in early spring.
3 5
3. Soak the bladder in yarrow tea until it is soft. 5. Use your fingers to compact the stuffing slightly
When you remove it, you should be able to separate before you push it into the bladder.
the two sides at the opening. Put the sheath to one side.
6. Pack the yarrow mixture into the sheath. Use
4. Add yarrow flowers to the bowl and allow them your thumb or a wooden dowel to push the mixture firmly
to absorb the remaining tea. Work the tea into the flowers into the bladder and expel as much air as possible.
with your hands, adding more if necessary, until the flowers
feel slightly moist—like freshly baked bread or sponge cake.
They should not be dripping wet.
10 12
the p
11 13 Yarr
ow 5
used i 02 is gener
n al
5 othe concert wit ly
Six months later, in late 12. Carefully separate • To m
r comp
ost prep
h the
the yarrow from any soil ak s.
spring or early summer and what remains of the
compos e biodynam
t, see
• For
bladder membrane using th
prep ( e barrel co
a blunt knife. BC), s
ee p.1
• To e 26.
10. Dig up the yarrow compost plant
e h
between late spring and the summer solstice. 13. Crumble the sprays omemade
compost and store it es, se and liquid
e p.13
• For 6.
11. Gently lift the yarrow out of the pot. It will in a glass or pottery jar
e, see
be extremely fragile—the bladder may have rotted surrounded by peat
away, but the flower stuffing will hold its shape. moss as soon as
possible to keep it
from drying out.
Biodynamic compost preps
Chamomile 503
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) is the “keep
calm and carry on” plant that brings a
regenerating, life-giving quality to both
garden and gardener. Its roots loosen
compacted earth so other plants can
find the food and water they need,
and a tea from the flowers helps to unblock
plant sap, preventing stress from excess heat
or cold. The flowers are also used to make one
of the six biodynamic compost preparations.
Chamomile sausages
The flowers are composted inside a cow’s intestine, which is
cut into short pieces to make sausages and then buried in the
soil for six months over winter. In the cow, the intestine holds
in the forces and substances that engender healthy life and
growth—just like chamomile does in the compost. Placing the
flowers in the intestine in the soil allows the chamomile to attract
into itself the vitality that enhances its inherent power to cleanse
soil, keep it vital, and regulate decomposition. Once it is added
to the compost heap, the chamomile prep brings these life-
enhancing qualities back to the garden: the soil finds the
biodynamic compost easy to digest, which means crops can
then find exactly the right amount of food and water they need
to force themselves out of the soil and develop into healthy
plants to enable the next cycle of growth to continue.
❧ EQUIPMENT Cow intestine (available
Warm water for from your local
chamomile tea biodynamic association)
Chamomile or mayweed?
There are several varieties of chamomile, so E
make sure you use the right one. Look for true R DAY
or German chamomile (Matricaria recutita)—the
strain with a strong, pure scent used in herbal tea
bags. It is often confused with Chamaemelum nobile
—Roman chamomile, also known as mayweed—
which has a more bitter taste. To check the identity
of your plant, cut open the yellow cone supporting
its flowers: on German chamomile the cone is
hollow inside, but the cone for mayweed is solid.
Chamomile Mayweed
1 3
1. To prepare the casing and make the 3. Roll the casing up your thumbs
chamomile sausage a manageable size, cut a to separate the sides of the tube and
piece of cow intestine 10–16in (25–40cm) long. remove any obstructions.
Trim off any excess fat.
4. Use string to tie off one end of the tube,
2. Soak the casing in warm water until and set the casing aside while you prepare
it becomes soft and rehydrated. the stuffing.
5 6 7
5. To make chamomile tea, 6. Place the flowers in a bowl and 7. Roll up the casing around
sprinkle a handful of fresh or dried rehydrate them with a small amount of the spout of a wide-mouthed funnel.
flowers into warm water and leave chamomile tea. The flowers should be The top of a cut-down plastic bottle
to infuse for a few minutes. just moist—damp, but not soaking wet. is perfect for this task.
n g
Cha the
in momi pre
com conce e 50 p
pos rt 3 i
• T t p wit s us
rep h 5 ed
com o mak s. oth
pos e b er
• F t, i
see odyna
pre or th p.1 mic
p ( e b 22.
• T BC) arr
o , s el
pla enh ee c
ma nt sp ance p.1 ompo
nur r h 26. st
es, ys omem
• F a a
p.1 or st see p nd li de
20. ora .13 qui
ge, 6. d
12 13 see
Biodynamic compost preps
Nettle 504
Stinging nettles do their best to grow in out-of-the-way places,
but are a real asset to the garden: wherever they grow they leave
behind soil that is darker, earthier, richer, and healthier than
before. They are also superb companion plants, attracting ladybugs
that feed on aphids. Their extraordinary soil-improving properties
can be delivered to the garden in fresh teas and liquidz manures
as well as in the compost as one of the biodynamic preps.
Unique qualities How nettle compost works
There are many types of nettles, but perennial The nettle prep is made using the leaves and
stinging nettle, Urtica dioica, is indispensable in stems, which are buried underground for a year
biodynamic gardens. It naturally congregates in a site exposed to the sun. This enhances both
on bare, compacted land, where its shallow roots the plant’s ability to mediate between the earth
reveal an extraordinary ability to drag nutrients and the sun, and its natural power to help soil
from deep in the earth up to the topsoil and regenerate and enrich itself. The forces in the
enrich the soil so that other plants can thrive. nettle are so powerful that no animal sheath is
The flowers and seeds are tiny and easy to miss. needed. Added to the compost heap, the nettle
They appear across the central, most shaded prep helps garden soil adapt individually to all
part of the plant, indicating that the nettle the different plants being grown, so the soil
concentrates its tremendous power and all its becomes more “intelligent.” The overall effect
reproductive force at its center, on its stem and is to promote balance by keeping things flowing
leaves. This may explain why they sting so properly—it prevents
much—it is a sign of how the nettle perfectly blockages like compacted
captures and balances solar energy from soil that starve roots of air,
above and the earth’s minerals from below. water, food, and light, or sap
flowing so weakly it makes
crops more prone to hunger,
thirst, and pests.
Making nettle 504
1 3
2 4
1. Harvest nettles in midsummer as they are 3. Chop the leaves, stems, and flowers into an
flowering. Use a scythe—and wear protective gloves— unglazed clay pot. The container will protect the nettles
to cut down the nettles near the base of the stems. from earthworms eager to feast on the iron-rich
contents, and also makes the prep easier to excavate.
2. Leave the nettles to wilt for a few hours. Choose
a shady spot and protect from rain, if necessary. Wilting 4. Pack as many nettles into the pot as you can,
exposes the nettles to the forces of the midsummer sun— pressing them down firmly.
and you’ll be able to pack more nettles into the container.
5. Cover the pot with a piece
of tile or slate, using string to hold
the lid in place.
5 6
7. Bury the pot upside down.
This will reduce the amount of
rainwater penetrating the pot
during its time underground.
Biodynamic compost preps
Oak bark 505
The oak tree is one of the strongest, mightiest, and
longest-lived plants. Throughout its journey from tiny
acorn to towering tree it must grow steadily and protect
itself from the elements. The protection is provided by
its tough, weather-resistant bark—and this is the point
of interest to the biodynamic gardener.
A pig skull—here,
shown after
often used, but
cow, horse, sheep,
or goat skulls are
also suitable for
making the prep
Making oak bark 505
9. Add more leaf debris
and soil to ensure the skull
is completely covered.
11 12
13 15
the p
14 16 5 othe bark 505 wi
r comp t
• To m ost pr h
ake bi eps.
Six months later, 15. The oak bark compos od
t, see ynamic
should be earthy black in • For
in early spring color with a soft texture.
prep ( e barrel co
BC), s
ee p.1
• To e 26.
13. Lift the skull out of the barrel, and gently hose 16. Ease the homem
ade pl
it down with clean water. composted bark sprays
out of the cavity with liquid nd
see p. es,
14. Break open the skull with light blows from a a knife, crumble, and 136.
chisel, or a hammer and a wedge. Avoid hitting too hard: store in a glass or • For
see p. orage,
the skull is flakier and less dense after its time in the pottery jar. 120.
swamp, and if it disintegrates, you may lose the contents.
Biodynamic compost preps
Dandelion 506
Tenacious and vigorous, the dandelion (Taraxacum
officinale) is popular with children who love to blow
away the fluffy seed heads. Adults may curse when
they appear in the lawn, but from a biodynamic
perspective when the plant uses its strong rubbery
root to punch holes in the ground, it opens up
compacted soil, exposing the earth to the light
of the sun and other celestial bodies, so that
new plants soon thrive there.
How dandelion compost works
The dandelion prep provides garden soil with
a fine-tuned ability to sense and draw in just the
right amount of what it needs in the way of light,
heat, water, or food from the rest of the garden and its
neighbors. The composted flowers not only draw the light
and heat of the sun, and the balancing influences of
Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars into the garden, but
underneath it, too. The dandelion prep gives
the soil the inner brightness and sensitivity it
needs to be able to provide crops with the
liverlike power to filter exactly what they need
from the soil, producing high-quality food that
tastes as good as it looks.
Dandelion pillows
The flowers are encased in a cow’s mesentery, and buried
in the ground for six months over winter. The mesentery
completely encloses the cow’s digestive organs, holding
in and concentrating the streams of influence from the sun,
planets, and stars that pass through the cow and make
Dandelion flowers
are like little
her manure so life-enhancing. Light and heat from the sun
yellow suns are also captured by dandelion flowers that stream them
connected to the down into the earth, where they are released for other
earth via a strong, plants to use. By enclosing the dandelion flowers in the
deep taproot. mesentery—which concentrates these same heat and light
influences—it reinforces the dandelion’s special ability to
help other plants connect with both their immediate local
environment and the celestial sphere above.
Warm water for ❧ EQUIPMENT
dandelion tea
Cow mesentery
(available from your
local biodynamic
Making dandelion 506
Picking the moment for dandelions
GR T Dandelions have a hotline to the sun: their petals unfurl as it
Fresh dandelions ready to dry Dried dandelion flowers Discarded seed heads
1. To make dandelion
tea, add some dried flowers
to warm water and allow it
to stand for a few minutes.
5 6
7 8 9
7. Dig a hole about 24in (60cm) deep 8. Backfill the lined hole with a DANDELION
in a sunny site in fall. Ideally, choose a day thick layer of good soil seeded with fresh
when the moon is descending, and in an compost until you are about a third of the
earth-root constellation. Line the sides and way up. Alternatively, you can prepare an
base of the hole with heavy tiles to protect unglazed terra-cotta pot with soil and
the pillow from burying animals. compost as for yarrow 502 (see p.90).
Alternative method
If you wish, you can make
the dandelion prep using the
same technique as for yarrow
502 (see pp.86–91). It takes
a year to mature, but hanging
the mesentery from a tree for
6 months over the summer
allows it to benefit from the
exposure to sun’s heat and
light. Follow the process here, 10
but prepare the mesentery in
spring. Make a wire cage to
protect the prep from wind 9. Place the dandelion pillow in
damage, birds, and animals, the soil, cover with a thick layer of soil
then hang it out in a sunny and compost, then top with tiles or slate
location. Take down and —it should be around 12in (30cm) deep.
bury the prep at the fall Fill in the rest of the hole.
equinox, as described above.
10. Mark the spot, label it, and leave
it alone for 6 months until spring.
11 13
the p
5 othe elion 506 w
r comp i
12 14 • To m ost pr th
ake bi eps.
compos od
t, see ynamic
6 months later, in spring 13. Put the contents • For
prep ( e barrel co
into a dish and prepare it BC), s mpost
ee p.1
11. Dig up the dandelion pillow. The for storage. Crumble it in • To e
nhanc 26.
mesentery sheath should still be intact and will your fingers, and look out plant e home
sp made
not have broken down much at this point. for worms—return them liquid rays and
see p. es,
to the compost heap. 136.
12. Slice open the pillow with a knife to reveal • For
see p. orage,
the composted dandelions. They may smell musky 14. Scrape off as 120.
and earthy, but this is perfectly normal. many flowers as possible
from the sheath. Store
the excavated prep in
a glazed pot or glass jar.
Biodynamic compost preps
Valerian 507
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a perennial herb grown in
North America with tiny white flowers that are unusually
rich in phosphorus. All plants need phosphorus in order
to capture the sun’s heat and light. In biodynamic
gardens the phosphorus in valerian acts like a switch that
ensures other plants can get the heat and light they need.
Dark glass
Use a strainer or
bottle for
muslin to strain
String the infusion
Fresh valerian
Infus a n 507
ion r
• Ap proxim
(30g) ately
fr 1oz
flowers esh valeria
• 5 flo
z (150
rainwa ml) te
ter pid
(100ml out 4 floz
) vale
For a rian 5
longer 07.
life s shelf
bottle re in smal
s 1 flo l
z (20m
1 3 5
2 4 6
1. Pick valerian flowers with their 3. Pack the flowers right down 5. Use a cork to seal the bottle. Press
supporting pods (calyx) in early summer, inside the bottle using the stick. it in firmly, but make sure you keep an air
ideally on days with an ascending moon. space to allow the flowers to ferment.
Often the best time is around the summer 4. Pour rainwater into the bottle,
solstice, but be guided by the weather. allowing for a 1 ⁄2in (1–2cm) air space 6. Tie the cork to the neck of the
The flowers in each cluster will open at the top, below the base of the cork. bottle to ensure it doesn’t pop out during
individually; their petals start to fall about the fermentation process.
2 weeks after opening, and this is the
moment to start collecting. Don’t forget 7. Attach the bottle to a tree branch
to leave some flowers for the insects. in a sunny location out of the wind, and
leave it to hang for 3 days.
2. Use a funnel and a stick to fill
a clear glass bottle with the flowers.
Alternative method: Juicing
You can also make valerian 507 by pressing
freshly picked flowers to extract their liquid
content. The technique is simple, but it may
have a shorter life than juice made using the
infusion method. If mold develops during
storage, the valerian juice will no longer be
suitable for use with the other preps in the
compost pile, or as a frost-prevention spray. Collect the flower
pulp as it emerges
Flower juice is
1 2 ready to store
Using valerian 507
Keep frost at bay
In the compost pile valerian 507 is valued for its insulating
warmth, which surrounds the heap and seals in the growth
forces delivered by the other compost preps. In early spring
2. Dynamize by stirring
for 10–20 minutes, creating
a vortex in clockwise and
counterclockwise directions.
1 2
3. Gently mist fruit e u
blossoms and other plants Val ses
use rian for
at risk from early or late frost d 5 507
com with 07 is
on the afternoon or evening pos
t p the 5 also
• T rep
before frost is forecast, and o m s. other
com a
repeat each day if necessary. pos ke bi
t, o
The valerian surrounds the
• F
o see dynam
(BC r the p.1 i
22. c
plant with a protective ), bar
• T se e p r
warmth that reduces frost o .12 el com
pla enha 6. pos
damage—so you should n n t
man t spr ce ho
still get a crop from ur es, a ys m ema
• F
o see and l de
early-flowering fruit p.1 r sto p.1 iq
36. uid
20. rag
trees like apples. e,
The biodynamic preparations
Storing the preps
The compost preps have radiant qualities that dissipate if
they are not stored correctly, so pack the preps in peat to
keep them at their best. Peat is a natural insulator against
radiation that not only preserves the radiant qualities of
each prep but also protects them from electromagnetic
radiation from power lines and cell phone towers. You can
store them inside, but many biodynamic gardeners prefer
to keep their preps in closer contact with the earth.
2 3
1. Sink a wooden box into a hole in a 3. Label the prep jars and press them into
cool, dry, shady spot with no risk of floods. the peat, storing them away from electrical
outlets. The peat helps protect the etheric forces
2. Line the box with peat—or use pure, in the preps from radiation and electrical currents,
fibrous coconut fiber (coir) as an alternative. and insulates the preps from each other.
4. To protect the top,
fill a cotton bag or hemp Individual storage sites
sack with peat to create an If you have the space, you can store the
insulating pillow that fits preparations in separate areas of the
comfortably inside the box. garden, but make sure the conditions
are consistent for all the compost preps.
5. Place the pillow Keeping the preps apart further reduces
over the prep jars. They the possibility of their radiant qualities
should be completely blurring in storage. You can create robust
surrounded by peat. shelters using terra-cotta flowerpots filled
with peat or fibrous coir, and plunging the
prep jar (here, containing horn manure
6. Cover the box with 500) into the center. Use a drip saucer
a weatherproof lid set at an filled with peat as the lid of the pot, and
angle to encourage the rain cover the hole with a stone slab.
to run off. A piece of slate
is ideal—easy to lift to gain
access, but weighty enough
to withstand wind and
accidental knocks.
Using the compost preps
Making a biodynamic
compost heap
The most effective way to get the compost preps into the garden is to
include them in the compost pile when it is built. Their beneficial forces
radiate through the heap from the moment the pile starts breaking down
until its transformation into dark, earthy-smelling material is complete.
2 4
1 3 5
1. Start the heap by spreading 2. Layer the heap to ensure carbon- 4. Shred your woody waste if you
a thin layer of twigs and prunings rich, woody material is balanced by the can to help it break down faster.
over the bare soil to help airflow soft green waste rich in nitrogen.
at the base of the pile. Keep 5. Alternating the layers of green
the pile moist, but not wet, 3. Scatter crushed eggshells over and brown material helps you provide a
to encourage fermentation. the heap to increase the calcium content. balanced diet for the bacteria in the heap.
Making a prep ball
To prevent the solid compost preps—yarrow 502, chamomile 503, nettle 504,
oak bark 505, and dandelion 506—from blowing away in the wind, wrap a
pinch of each prep in an individual ball made of old potting mix or good quality
fresh soil before adding the ball to the pile.
502 503
6 7
6. Make a prep ball for each individual 7. Arrange the prep balls on the surface.
solid compost prep using fresh soil or old When the pile is complete they will be in the
potting mix to encase each prep. ideal position at the heart of the your new
compost heap.
8 10
9 11
8. Continue to build the heap in layers, adding 10. Dilute the valerian 507 using 1 part valerian to 19 parts
more brown and green material to create a balanced heap. rainwater. Dynamize for 10–20 minutes using your hand or a stick
Bear in mind that for the finished compost to achieve a C:N to stir vigorously in clockwise and counterclockwise directions.
ratio close to 30, for every bucket of brown woody material,
you will need around 3 buckets of soft green waste. 11. Splash the dynamized valerian over the compost
heap in large droplets to provide insulating warmth and to seal
9. Add more eggshells and continue adding more in the forces activated by the other compost preps. Cover the
material in layers until your bin is full. finished heap with some old carpet, paper bags, or cardboard
to prevent the pile from becoming too wet in the rain, and also
to keep the temperature up.
More ways to make biodynamic compost
If you garden on a much smaller
scale and cannot generate enough
waste to make perfect biodynamic
compost in one season, there are
other techniques you can use to
get the preps into your garden.
Using the compost preps
Making barrel compost
Barrel compost (BC) is a great option for
gardeners unable to generate or store
waste in the proportions needed to build
a perfect compost pile in one try. It was
developed in the 1970s by Maria Thun,
who aged cow manure in a barrel, then
diluted the resulting compost in water
and sprayed it on the land. BC has many
different uses—and is known by almost
as many names, including cow patty pit
(CPP) and manure concentrate.
A wooden half barrel
Maria Thun’s barrel compost with the base removed
The inspiration for BC came from the “birch pit preparation,” provides a compact hole
devised by German livestock farmers to recycle cow manure from with easy access, and
animals wintering in their barns. These farmers had attended ensures the manure is
Rudolf Steiner’s 1924 Agriculture Course, so they were aware that in contact with the soil.
by adding the six biodynamic compost preps 502–507, the manure
would be imbued with extra powers to regenerate the soil, the
crop, and those who ate it. They shoveled cow manure from the A shallow brick-lined
barns into long trenches lined with fresh birch branches to keep it pit is a good alternative
to a half barrel. It keeps
well aired—the birch pits—and then added the compost preps. the contents cool, moist,
Within a few months the manure and straw bedding became dark, and well-ventilated
earthy-smelling compost that could be spread back on the cow throughout its time in
pastures and crop fields. The empty pits would be refilled with the ground.
fresh barn material, creating a continual cycle of fertility.
The benefits of BC
Maria Thun re-created the birch pit idea on a much smaller scale. Traditional compost takes a year to mature, depending on the
Her barrel compost was intended to be made in relatively small climate, but BC decomposes faster and can be ready in half the
quantities with a quick turnaround, so there was no need to line time. The simple ingredients and speedy turnaround make it an
the pit with birch to increase airflow. Instead, the manure was ideal biodynamic compost spray, delivering a blast of cow power,
vigorously aerated before it was tipped into the barrel, by mixing as well as the compost preps. An application of BC in fall is
in a handful each of basalt dust—to aid healthy decomposition— particularly beneficial since it helps the soil digest fallen leaves
and calcium-rich eggshells after scientific data suggested oat, and other organic matter left over from the previous growing
celery, and tomato crops grown on limestone soils contained season. It is also interesting to note that after the nuclear accident
fewer radioactive residues left by nuclear bomb tests and at Chernobyl in 1986, tests by the German Ministry of Agriculture
accidental leaks. After transferring the mixture to the barrel, showed that plants treated with BC contained 55 percent fewer
Thun added the compost preps and left the rest to nature. radioactive residues than their untreated counterparts.
Fresh cow manure—your local
biodynamic association may
be able to help find a supplier
Chamomile 503
Nettle 504
pe f
• Ap or B
pro C
(20k xi
g) f mately 4
resh 4
• 3o
z cow lb
eggs (75g) cr manu
hell re
Oak bark 505 s ushe
• 4o d
z (1
• 2 00g)
unit basa
s lt d
• 2 yarr ust
unit ow 5
s cham 02
• 2 omil
unit e 50
• 2 s ne 3
unit ttle
s 504
Dandelion 506 • 2 o a k ba
unit rk 5
Crushed eggshells • 2 s da 05
unit ndeli
Valerian 507 —collect them s va on 5
leri 06
over time, and an 5
dry them in the
oven to keep mold
from developing
Making barrel compost
4 6
3 5 7
1. Remove the base from a clean 4. Stir for 1 hour to ensure the 6. Put the manure mixture into
half barrel and sink it into a hole, so that mixture is thoroughly aerated. Work the barrel. After an hour of stirring, it
the top third of the barrel remains above from the outside into the center, and should have a mousselike consistency.
ground level. move around the board in a circle—
effectively turning the mixture in a 7. Make six holes in the surface
2. Turn the cow manure onto a spiral. The process can be easier, less with a stick—one hole for each of the
mixing board or a hard surface, and add tiring, and more fun if 2 or 3 helpers compost preps.
crushed eggshells to raise calcium levels. mix from opposite sides.
3. Add the basalt dust. This helps 5. Wet the interior of the barrel
plants to decompose in a healthy, efficient to help prevent the prep and the barrel
way, enriching the soil for the next crop. from drying out.
8 weeks later
Empty the barrel onto the
mixing board, and stir again,
working all the way around
the board to aerate the mixture. Put
it back in the barrel and add another
set of the compost preps. Water with
dynamized valerian, and cover the
pit as before. Depending on your
climate and the weather, your BC
8 11 should be ready in about 5 months.
9 12
8. Make a prep ball for each solid 11. Splash more valerian over the
compost prep (see p.123). Flatten a patty top of the mixture in the barrel.
of the manure mix in the palm of your
hand, place a pinch of the prep in the 12. Use the last of the valerian
middle of the patty, and roll it into a ball. to wet a burlap bag, and place it over the
manure mixture. The breathable insulation Fresh cow manure
9. Drop each prep ball into one of the sack provides protects the barrel from
the holes. Close each hole immediately. temperature extremes.
10. Dynamize the valerian 507 13. Cover the pit with a large board
(see p.119) and pour about half the mixture set at an angle to protect the BC from rain Finished BC
into the final hole. Close the hole. and the drying effects of direct sun.
Using barrel compost prep The four-leaf
stage is the
a kick-start
How to dilute BC
Place your
seedlings in the
BC bath and
allow them to
soak up the
goodness for Diluted BC is an excellent foliar spray: apply
about an hour. it to the undersides of leaves with a mister.
so a nd
il w f u
he l o
f r ans
aw p l
t o ng .
t he
Using the preps
Tree paste
What’s the difference between a mound of
bare soil and a tree trunk? Answer: there
isn’t one—at least not from the biodynamic
gardener’s perspective. In biodynamics, the
tree trunk is seen to be a tall cylinder of
bark filled not with wood, but with enriched
soil. The leaves growing from the woody parts
of the tree are considered to be little different
from lettuce, arugula, spinach, or any other
edible leaf crop in the vegetable garden: they’re
just a little bit higher up off the ground.
Fine sand
(silica or builder’s
sand) boosts the
mineral content Cow manure
infuses the mix
with its grass
content and
its revitalizing
digestive forces
5. Gradually stir in the sand. Use 7. Use a whitewash brush to apply the freshly made
the spade with a chopping and swirling motion tree paste to fruit trees or vines between late fall and late
to combine the sand, aerate the mixture, and winter, after pruning but before bud burst. Make sure every
break up large lumps. Add more rainwater if it crevice in the bark is covered with the paste, right down to
becomes too thick. ground level: you’ll need about 31 ⁄2 pints (2 liters) for one
mature tree. Pour leftover paste onto an unfinished
6. The finished tree paste should have compost pile.
the consistency of pancake mixture or all-
weather paint—a thinnish paste that is sloppy For large numbers of trees, make the paste with
enough to apply to tree trunks with ease. bentonite and diatomaceous earth to get a finer texture,
and apply with a coarse-nozzled sprayer. Use an old piece
of pantyhose to prevent the nozzle from clogging up.
Using the compost preps
Enhance your
liquid manures
Add the compost preps to homemade liquid manures and fertilizers, and your
garden will benefit from their goodness whenever you use them. Make the manure
as usual, by pouring rainwater over the plant material. Here, marigolds are used
to make a liquid manure that repels insect pests like greenflies and blackflies.
1 3
2 4 5 6
1. Make a prep ball for 3. Make a cross using two 5. Place the prep cross 6. Dilute the valerian.
each of the five solid compost clean sticks and some twine in the liquid manure. A 1 ⁄8 fl oz (5ml) capful will be
preps 502–506, using finished to hold the preps in place. sufficient for about 10 fl oz
compost or good soil from (300ml) of water. Dynamize
your garden (see p.123). 4. Attach a prep ball the valerian for 10–20 minutes.
to each end of the cross, and
2. Wrap each ball in one—traditionally nettle 504—
muslin to ensure they will at the center.
remain intact when they are
added to the liquid manure.
7. To dynamize valerian
in a bottle, close the cap and
hold it horizontally. Sweep it
from side to side to create the
vortex, keeping the bottle level
the whole time.
7 8
9. Use a clean rock to
keep the preps submerged.
Suspend BC in the liquid manure (here, With the preps added, weed tea is an Wrap the preps in leaves and drop them
seaweed) instead of the individual preps. even richer source of nutrients for crops. into the liquid (here, a compost tea).
Biodynamic pest control
Making weed pepper
The preps make plants so strong they resist most pests and diseases, but
weeds can still be a problem. Ashing or peppering weeds discourages
them from populating the area treated—and unlike herbicides, it leaves no
residue in the soil or groundwater, and has no adverse effect on wildlife.
Weed ash soil spray
A homeopathic potentized
solution may be useful for
large areas. Like the sand
method, this long-term
treatment can take up to
four years to be effective.
2 3 4 5
soft fruit
soft fruit
gravel paths
raspberr ies
flower bed
flower bed
Plant trees and other perennials Apply BC in fall after clearing Prepare and bury horn manure Collect oak bark and make
after the fall equinox. beds and borders. 500 for excavation in spring. preparation 505.
Save seeds from your healthiest Mulch around crops to help retain Turn maturing compost piles and Collect weeds and make a tea to
plants to sow in years to come. moisture and keep down weeds. add compost preps 502–507. return the nutrients to the soil.
Dig over empty beds; let frost Protect tender herbs and shrubs Apply tree paste to protect trees Sow seeds under cover in late
break up clods into a fine tilth. from the cold with garden fabric. from overwintering pests. winter for the earliest harvests.
Fill and hang yarrow 502 high Mist horn silica over crops— Flick diluted horn manure 500 Protect fruit blossoms from late
up in a dry, sunny place. and make more if necessary. on the soil to raise fertility. frost by spraying valerian 507.
Know your plants
and what they need
If the same crop is grown in the same place over and over Growing in raised beds makes
it easier to plan crop rotation.
again, without a break, the soil loses its balance. Minerals get
depleted, soil pests build up, and quality and yields diminish. KEY
Managing soil fertility leaf, flower, and fruit/seed crops could be achieved if turnips,
Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and mustard were grown in the
Biodynamic growers classify vegetables according to which same spot. Since they are all brassicas, however, this would
organ is intended for eating, but using this as the basis for encourage disease. Instead, it is better to categorize and
rotation can be unhelpful. For example, a succession of root, rotate crops according to their feeding needs.
Nutrient givers Nutrient takers Moderate
+ – n
Crops in the legume family can Cucurbits like freshly composted requirements
provide a net nutrient benefit to soils, as do the nightshades Crops with moderate nutrient
the soil they are grown in by (except potatoes, which prefer needs will usually be able to live
fixing nitrogen from the air, which a soil composted the previous off any residual fertility from
is then released into the soil. fall). Other heavy feeders include general crop rotation, but you
Follow with nitrogen-hungry brassicas and leafy beets. can also apply BC to help
crops in the brassica family. activate soil microorganisms.
• brassicas, such as cabbage,
• peas and beans, including Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and • onions
green, broad, and runner beans, cauliflower—add lime if needed. • garlic
as well as snow peas. • leafy greens like chard, spinach • chives
• green manures, such as vetches and endive, plus celery and • shallots
and clovers, can be sown in celeriac. • smaller leaf crops, like lettuce
empty ground over winter to • cucurbits, such as zucchini, • carrots
replenish nitrogen levels and squash, and cucumbers. • beets
prevent erosion. • nightshades, such as peppers, • parsnips
tomatoes, and sweet corn.
Crop family groups
Individual garden crops belong to larger crop families whose members often share
similar care requirements in order to thrive. Understanding the characteristics of
each crop family will help you to provide for their needs and achieve higher yields.
Crops in the allium family prefer rich soil that is Crops in the cucurbit family are among the hungriest plants
neither too acidic nor too fertile, and as such in the garden and will thrive in soil that has been generously
they can follow members of the brassica family composted. They are also some of the thirstiest, needing regular
in crop rotations. Give alliums a site with good air watering, as well as being heat lovers who prefer to grow in
flow, and for firm, tasty bulbs, avoid overwatering. full sun in a sheltered spot. Cucurbits are trailing plants; pinch
Use the horn manure 500 spray to keep the soil off their growing tips and sideshoots to control yields and
friable and free draining. Use the horn silica 501 improve flavor. Growing cucurbits vertically up a trellis saves
spray to encourage allium crops to develop space, but make sure the trellis is strong enough to support
pungent but not overpowering flavors. potentially large quantities of often weighty fruit.
Crop finder KEY
Root days
Rotate annuals to keep everything in balance. Flower days
Although biodynamics groups plants by their Leaf days
edible part—roots, stems and leaves, flowers, Fruit days
Swiss chard
& spinach beet
and fruit—this is not a basis for crop rotation. Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla var. flavescens
Rotation group 1
This group of plants leaves the soil well fed. The
bean family are legumes, which means they pull
nitrogen out of the air and push it down into their
roots. When their roots are dug in, the nitrogen is
released into the earth. The soil is then ready for the
Soybeans Runner beans Chinese broccoli
next set of crops, usually medium or heavy feeders,
Glycine max Phaseolus coccineus Brassica oleracea Alboglabra Group
or leafy crops that need a good supply of nitrogen.
p.214 p.211 p.189
Rotation group 3
This is a fairly versatile group of onions, root, and
stem crops that can be squeezed in anywhere as
long as the soil has been well worked, and has
a friable or loose texture for good drainage. They
require only moderate levels of fertility, meaning Onions Green onions Shallots
soils into which compost or other organic matter Allium cepa Allium cepa Allium cepa Aggregatum Group
has been added, but not too recently. p.154 p.158 p.155
Rotation group 2
Members of the brassica family, especially leafier
ones, need plenty of food and water, and benefit from
following soil-boosting legumes or well-manured
crops like potatoes. To prevent clubroot disease, try
Mustard greens Rutabagas Kale
to leave soil free of brassicas for three years, or add
Brassica juncea Brassica napus Napobrassica Group Brassica oleracea Acephala Group
lime to keep the soil neutral (pH 7). It pays to keep
careful notes of which brassica was planted where.
p.191 p.163 p.193
group 3
Chicory Radicchio Carrots Florence fennel Continues on next page
Cichorium intybus Cichorium intybus Daucus carota Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum
Rotation Rotation group 4
group 3 These are another flexible group of crops that can be grown
almost anywhere. They need to be part of an annual rotation,
continued but do not have to follow the same patterns as other crops as
long as they are grown in a different spot each year; tomatoes
Jerusalem are an exception. They need moderate to high levels of
artichokes fertility added at planting (or transplanting in the case of
Helianthus tuberosus strawberries) and benefit from regular doses of liquid manures.
Sweet peppers
Sweet potatoes Lettuce Okra & chili peppers Melons
Ipomoea batatas Lactuca sativa Abelmoschus esculentus Capsicum annuum Cucumis melo
Perennial crops that are
not rotated annually
These crops stay in the same place for years, or
even decades, so good site and soil preparation is
critical. Remove all perennial weeds, and provide
planting holes filled with the right mix of soil, Asparagus Citrus fruits Sea kale
compost, sand, or rocks needed for drainage. Asparagus officinalis Citrus species Crambe maritima
Tart cherries gages & damsons Peaches Nectarines Pears
Prunus cerasus Prunus domestica, P. insititia Prunus persica Prunus persica Pyrus communis
Blackberries &
hybrid berries Raspberries Blueberries Cranberries Grapevines
Rubus fruticosus Rubus idaeus Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium macrocarpon Vitis species
the Goat
R oot
Root days occur when the moon passes in front of the star
constellations of Capricornus, Taurus, and Virgo, which
relate to the element of earth. Almost every plant puts its
roots in the soil, but for biodynamic gardeners after a high-
quality, consistent harvest with good storage potential,
TAURUS these are the days to cultivate roots, tubers, and bulbs like
carrots, potatoes, and onions. Most root day crops have
the edible part below ground, but the bulbous stems of
leeks also develop best when tended on root days. Ideally,
aim to prepare the soil for these crops on root days too;
Taurus for maximum benefit plan your weeding, digging, or
the Bull
hoeing—and the application of soil sprays like horn
manure 500 or barrel compost—for afternoons,
especially during descending moon cycles, when
the earth is breathing in.
Root days and lunar cycles
The moon visits an earth-root constellation every
9 days and spends between 2 and 3 days in each.
In the northern hemisphere the moon is ascending
when it travels through Capricornus and Taurus.
The moon is descending when it passes in front
Virgo of Virgo, the largest of the zodiac constellations.
the Virgin
Descending moon periods are the best
times to work compost into the soil.
Things to do on…
Root days
A pp
ly so
i n t h i l s pr ay s
e aft l
e r no i k e h or n m
on s w a nu r e 5
he n t h 0 0 a nd BC
e ea r t h
For best results br e at he s i n .
thin or transplant root
crop seedlings like beets on
root days—even when
grown under cover.
Harvest root vegetables when the moon is Make the barrel compost prep with compost Collect oak bark for compost
descending to maximize storage potential. preps 502–507 to give your soil a boost. preparation 505. 153
The scent of onion crops is
said to deter aphids, so all
Allium cepa kinds of onions are used as
companion plants. Carrots
Onions are slow growers, but good keepers. Mature onions and onions are a particularly
useful combination in the
may stay in the ground until needed if the weather stays dry,
vegetable plot, but beets
but once pulled they store well indoors. They come in various and parsley also work well.
sizes and may have yellow, white, or red skins. You can grow
onions from seed or plant sets—immature bulbs grown from
seed the previous year. Growing onions from seed takes a
little more work, but allows you to plant a wider range of
beautifully shaped and flavored heritage varieties.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION sun. Store in cool, dry, airy place away from
Onions like sun or light shade with good potatoes and in single layers, or in plaits or nets.
airflow in fertile, well-drained, non-acidic soil.
Add biodynamic compost or well-rotted manure TROUBLESHOOTING
to make the soil friable, well before planting. If the weather is usually wet or humid, Onions repel carrot rust flies—
and carrots return the favor,
spray Equisteum 508 as a fresh tea over all parts repelling onion flies.
SOWING AND PLANTING of the plants under an ascending moon, or as
For best results, sow or plant onions on a liquid manure, on both onions and soil, under
root days under a descending moon. Sow seed a descending moon, to deter fungal disease.
¾in (2cm) deep in rows 12in (30cm) apart. Firm
the soil well to obtain compact onions.
Collecting seeds
• Onions are biennials, so they
Onions need a little water to get started, flower and set seed in the
but are liable to rot in wet soil. Cut off any flower second year. Sow seed after
midsummer to form sets.
buds and hand weed or hoe, but avoid bruising or If the winters are too wet
dislodging the bulbs. Excessive hoeing makes soil to leave them in the soil,
lift them in early winter
powdery and prone to drying out; spraying 500 and replant in spring.
on the soil, in the afternoon under a descending The aromatic leaves of mint
• Support the flower stems confuse pests and deter attacks
moon in spring and fall, helps it to retain with stakes. When a flower by onion flies.
moisture. As the bulbs swell, gently scrape soil turns brown, cut it with a bit
of stem on a sunny day. Place
away from them to help them to form; spray 501 in a paper bag to dry, then
above them to help the plants stay firm and tasty. shake to release the seeds.
• Allow only one variety of onion
HARVESTING AND STORING to flower to avoid cross-pollination.
For the same reason, cage plants if
Start pulling onions as soon as their tops any other members of the onion
start dying back and falling over—lightly loosen family are flowering close by.
the roots and lay them on their sides to dry in the
New shallots, or sets, form in
clusters around a single newly
Allium cepa planted shallot, so they are
Aggregatum Group commonly grown from sets.
Shallots take up little space, are even easier to grow than onions, especially
if you plant bulbs or sets, and you can grow them each year from the
previous season’s crop. Just remember to save the healthiest shallots—
ideally around 3 ⁄4 in (2cm) in diameter—for planting out as the next crop.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION store for several weeks, or even months, in
Shallots love an airy site on well-drained, a dark, cool, frost-free, airy place if dry and
moisture-retentive soil that is not too acidic. cleaned of mud or soil. Divide them into small
Plant sets pointed side up: push each
Prepare the soil well before planting with enough lots in slotted flats, net bags, or old pantyhose, into the soil, leaving the tip showing.
mature compost to make it friable but not or plait and hang them if you have space. They
powdery. If the soil is already well composted, do not keep well or as long in humid settings,
spray it with horn manure 500, rather than BC, such as a refrigerator. Compost sprouted bulbs
in the afternoon under a descending moon. or chop the sprouts into salads, like chives.
Garlic is planted as individual
cloves, with up to 20 cloves
Allium sativum contained in each bulb. Discard
any cloves that are damaged or
Garlic is easy to grow and stores exceptionally show signs of mold because they
can quickly decay in the soil.
well so it can be eaten all year round. It is possible
to become self-sufficient in garlic, beginning with just
a single, good quality clove, but be sure to start off
with garlic that is certified disease-free, and from a
horticultural supplier rather than from a supermarket.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION the garlic leaves are turning slightly yellow. Using
Garlic needs a warm site in full sun with a fork, lift the plant carefully to avoid bruising.
well-drained soil that is reasonably fertile. Boost Cut off the roots and stems for garlic that is to be
free-draining, rocky, or really sandy soils with eaten immediately; leave the stems on and weave
well-matured compost; this helps the soil retain them together into plaits to store bulbs. Hang in a
moisture without becoming waterlogged, which dry, airy place for a week or two to dry them out.
would cause the garlic to rot. Work the soil to a
fine tilth. Add lime to acidic soil (below pH 6.5). TROUBLESHOOTING
Push the cloves into the soil by hand,
Avoid planting where other members of with the pointed tips facing up and
SOWING AND PLANTING the onion family have been grown in the previous resting just below ground level.
Choose good-sized, solid bulbs, peel off two years. Spray Equisetum arvense 508 as a fresh
the papery outer skin, and break them into cloves. tea in humid weather to prevent mildew.
During a descending moon, spray the soil with
horn manure 500 the evening before planting.
Save some 500 and soak the cloves overnight to Collecting cloves
encourage better rooting. The following afternoon • Only hardneck types
push the cloves into the soil, flat part first: this is of garlic produce flowers,
where the rootlet forms. For year-round garlic, and even these rarely bear
viable seeds. Although you
plant in late fall and again in late winter. Garlic could try collecting your
needs to experience cold winter weather. own garlic seeds, they
are likely to prove
ROUTINE CARE disappointing.
• To raise your own plants,
The soil should be slightly moist but never save some of the healthiest, Harvest when garlic leaves begin to
wet, so water only in very hot dry spells, adding plumpest bulbs harvested yellow, loosening the soil gently with
during the summer, and store a fork to avoid damaging the bulbs.
a spray of chamomile tea. Hoe to remove weeds, them in a cool, dry place.
taking care not to damage the bulbs. In fall, carefully break them
open, taking care not
HARVESTING AND STORING to damage their skins,
and plant the cloves
Harvest from late spring through summer as described above.
on root days when the moon is descending and
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 3 • LIGHT FEEDER Retaining the leaves makes it easier to
hang up the bulbs to dry for storage.
Whether sown under cover or
directly outside, leek seedlings
Allium porrum are always transplanted into
their final locations because
Leeks can be ever present in the garden—as young they need to be planted deeply
seedlings early in the year, baby vegetables in summer, to blanch their stems.
and a mature crop in the depths of winter. They are
treated as roots because their edible part is a thick
stem that stays white and sweet by being blanched,
kept from sunlight by being buried in the earth.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 3 • MEDIUM FEEDER Water the seedlings in, allowing
the water to carry soil into the hole.
Pungent green onions are a
Allium cepa useful companion to carrots
because onions help to mask
Green onions form small edible white or red bulbs, and green their scent, which entices
carrot rust flies. They can
shoots, which pack a punch in salads and in Asian cooking.
also be sown directly
They thrive in similar conditions to other family members— between time-consuming
onions, chives, and shallots—but because they take little space, crops such as sweet corn.
are a useful catch crop between slower-growing vegetables.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION into place, rather than firmed back in. Once the
Green onions grow best in a sunny site plants are established but not fully grown, spray
with light, well-drained, finely tilthed soil which is the bed with horn silica 501 early one morning
not too acidic. Work biodynamic compost or to keep the shoots firm and maximize flavor.
well-rotted manure into the soil before sowing. If Moon–opposition Saturn is an especially good
your soil is unsuitable—heavy clay or very sandy, time for this.
for example—grow them in pots instead.
SOWING AND PLANTING Start pulling the onions when they are
Sow indoors or under cover between about 6in (15cm) tall, on root days under a
late winter and early spring for late spring and descending moon. Target areas where plants are
summer eating. Sow winter-hardy varieties in cramped and pry them from underneath with PICK PURPLE
early to mid-fall for harvest the following spring, a small fork. The green shoots can be pinched Although green onions typically
and cover winter-grown onions with cloches if off or cut with scissors as a garnish for salads. have white stems and green
the weather is harsh. Time soil preparation and leaves, there are several more
direct sowing to a descending moon period, first TROUBLESHOOTING colorful types available that
making furrows in soil that is well weeded and Avoid mulching or overwatering—the produce purple-flushed bulbs or
raked, and watering them the day before sowing, onions will be soft at best, rotten at worst. Onion stems. They are grown in much
ideally with horn manure 500. Sow thinly and thinnings left lying around attract onion flies. the same way as traditional
shallowly, then cover with soil and firm in. If you types and taste similar but add
are transplanting seedlings, tease out the roots a splash of color to salads
and dig wide, deep holes to avoid cramping Collecting seeds and stir-fries.
them when backfilling. Sow every two weeks • Allow plants to overwinter,
for a regular supply. protecting them with mulch.
• In spring one bulb will form on
ROUTINE CARE the top of a green shoot and
produce a flower with black seeds.
In the three weeks the seeds take to • Cut the stalk and take it
germinate, water the bed lightly, especially in indoors to harvest the seeds.
dry weather. Stop watering once the plants have • To avoid cross-pollination,
established unless there are drought conditions. allow only one variety of onion
to flower at a time.
Any plants that are inadvertently bumped or lifted
during thinning or weeding can be watered back
This variety of Welsh onions,
is grown for its strongly
and Japanese bunching onions flavored stems. The plants are
hardier, so don’t need winter
Allium fistulosum protection, and tolerate poorer
soils than most other onions.
The stems are at their best in
Unlike most onions, Welsh and Japanese bunching onions form their second year.
no bulb to speak of but are prized for their flavorful green or white
stems, which are used in Asian dishes, or eaten raw in salads.
Hardy, multistemmed bunching onions produce tender green
shoots, while single-stemmed Welsh onions are planted as annuals
and look like small leeks—their white stem is cut at soil level.
SITE AND SOIL For firm stems with good flavor, spray horn silica
PREPARATION 501 during an ascending moon in the early
Welsh and Japanese bunching morning when the stems are one third of their
onions prefer a fertile soil, dressed with maximum height, and again when they are
fully matured, earthy biodynamic compost. nearly fully grown. Lightly hoe soil up around
They need an airy, sunny site with fine-textured, the stems of Japanese onions to blanch them.
free-draining soil, which is not acidic. Before
sowing hoe twice: first to stimulate weeds, and HARVESTING AND STORING
then to knock them down. Spray the soil with Harvest single stems on root days when Onion flowers are edible as well as
horn manure in fall and spring, and stinging the moon is descending. The plants will keep beautiful, and can be added to salads
and soups for flavor and color.
nettle liquid manure in early summer. growing as long as not too many are taken.
Solanum tuberosum
Smaller harvests of potatoes can
be easily stored under cover in
large paper bags. To store larger
quantities, however, making a
One of the world’s most important crops, potatoes heap outside is the best option,
are rich in vitamin C and fiber, and can be cooked and it will last until spring.
in many ways. Although they take time to grow, the
taste and texture of freshly dug, homegrown potatoes
cannot be matched by any bought at the supermarket.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION storage types during fall as the foliage dies back,
Potatoes like full sun, and slightly acidic before the first frost. Harvest on root days. Store
clay-loam soil that is well drained and easily the tubers in a heap (see right) or in the dark in
worked. Add plenty of mature compost the fall a cool, airy place under cover. Small amounts
before planting during a descending moon. Spray can be stored in large paper bags.
the soil with horn manure under a descending
moon, just before or when planting. TROUBLESHOOTING
If a late frost is forecast during spring,
SOWING AND PLANTING protect the foliage by spraying the soil with
Seed potatoes can be planted under a valerian 507 the night before. Potatoes do not Choose a sheltered, well-drained site
descending moon. Plant early potatoes in early need watering when planted unless the soil and stack the tubers in a pyramid on
spring, main potatoes in mid-spring, and storage is very dry. In dry summers, water the plants a 8in (20cm) thick layer of dry straw.
types in late spring. Early types are chitted before thoroughly but infrequently. Make sure the
planting—set them in flats inside in a light, soil in the planting trenches and that used for
frost-free place until the eyes sprout. When earthing up is evenly textured. This will make
planting, line the trenches with chopped comfrey, harvesting easier, and encourage the crop to
and plant around lunar apogee for a better crop. be more evenly sized and healthier overall.
A week after the foliage emerges, earth Collecting your
up and spray the soil with Equisetum arvense 508 own tubers
tea to remove disease spores. Earth up again a
• Potatoes can be raised from seed
few weeks later, before the foliage blocks easy but the resulting plants are not
access. Spray horn silica 501 over the beds two or consistent, and require two years
three times, especially when the weather is warm to produce a worthwhile harvest.
Cover the pile with a thick layer of
• Growing plants from tubers you
and humid. Avoid hoeing or earthing up on leaf have collected is more reliable
straw, weighing it down with soil.
days or a perigee moon before midsummer to Cover the straw completely with soil.
than seed. Harvest them in
prevent pests and fungal diseases. summer or fall, and choose
smaller tubers that are
healthy and undamaged.
HARVESTING AND STORING Store these in a cool,
Potatoes are harvested when the moon is dark, well-ventilated
place until spring.
descending. Lift early and main crops in summer
when their flower buds start to form. Dig up
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 3 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Lightly firm the soil without crushing the
tubers. Collect the potatoes as needed.
Sweet potatoes
Ipomoea batatas
To improve the flavor of the
tubers, sweet potatoes should
be cured after harvesting. Place
them under cover, keeping them
Originating in tropical South America, sweet humid and at a temperature of
potatoes are not really potatoes at all, but part 86ºF (30ºC) for three weeks.
of the morning glory (bindweed) family. Their Turn them every few days, then
store them in a cool, dry place
sweet-tasting flesh is delicious
indoors. There is no need to
baked, mashed, or fried, and is packed with vitamins exclude light—they won’t turn
A and C, plus calcium and potassium. Their pretty green like potatoes. Handle as
trumpetlike flowers are welcome in the garden, too. little as possible.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION Loosen the soil with a garden fork, then use
Sweet potatoes need a sheltered spot your hands to collect them. Tubers taste best
in full sun with plenty of space for their trailing if cured before storage (see right).
stems. They require well-drained, sandy-loam
soil into which plenty of dark, earthy-smelling TROUBLESHOOTING
compost, based on cow or horse manure, has Avoid overwatering, especially on heavy
been worked. Avoid adding chicken-manure clay soils, or the tubers produced will be thin and
compost, which encourages leaves not roots. tasteless. If the roots are of poor quality despite
being watered moderately, the soil drainage
SOWING AND PLANTING needs improving for next time. To do this, dig
Sweet potatoes are grown from cuttings mature biodynamic compost into the soil with
called slips that can be bought ready to plant, or 15 percent sand to a depth of about 8in (20cm).
grown from tubers stored from the previous year
(see right). Plant them under a descending moon
after the last frost or just after the spring
equinox—whichever comes first. Cover the soil
if necessary to warm it to at least 52ºF (12ºC). Growing slips
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 3 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Red on the outside, when sliced, striped
beets reveal their attractive flesh.
Rutabagas SOWING
Sow the seeds finely to reduce
Brassica napus the amount of thinning that will
be required as the seedlings
Napobrassica Group develop. Keep plants moist,
especially after thinning, to
Also called swedes or Swedish turnips, rutabagas avoid checking their growth,
are larger and more globe shaped than their fellow which affects their flavor.
brassica, the turnip, and their orange-yellow root flesh
is sweeter and creamier. They can be eaten baked, roasted, boiled, or
mashed, and are also delicious when added to soups or stews.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION the ground until early spring. A thick layer of
Rutabagas like light, fertile but not straw provides enough protection from the cold
freshly composted soil. It should be well drained until lifting. If the ground will freeze solid, lift the
but not so thin it is ever allowed to get too dry. rutabagas by prying them out without bruising
Dig mature compost into the soil in mid-fall them and store in boxes of sand in a cool, dry
before planting, or sow rutabagas in a plot place. For optimal storage, harvest rutabagas
recently vacated by nitrogen-fixing legumes on root days; avoid harvesting on leaf days.
and spray barrel compost on the soil.
SOWING AND PLANTING If the season starts out rainy, spray oak
Sow rutabagas outside when the soil has bark decoction or Equisetum arvense 508 as a
warmed up, from early spring—under cover to liquid manure to keep downy and powdery R ED -SKINNED RUTABAGAS
protect from frost—or in late spring in the open. mildew away. If the soil dries out, rutabagas Traditional rutabagas produce
Continue sowing until midsummer. Thin in attract flea beetles, which eat holes in the leaves. roots that are purple-flushed
stages, starting when seedlings are 1in (2.5cm). Hang sticky traps above the plants to trap them: on top and white below.
shake the plants if necessary. Add lime to the soil However, some varieties have
ROUTINE CARE to lift the pH if clubroot is a problem. completely red skins, which
Rutabagas taste best when they do not adds color to cooking.
experience a lack of food or water, or too much
weed competition. Spray horn manure 500 while Collecting seeds
hoeing the soil to keep weeds down between • Allow several rutabaga
plants. When the rutabagas start to swell, spray plants to overwinter in the
Summer radishes, with their
crisp, peppery flesh and thin
Summer and Winter skins are the most widely grown.
However, winter radishes and
Raphanus sativus Asian daikon are also well worth
considering for their versatility.
Anyone thinking of buying their first
pet is told to start with a houseplant, and if it is still alive after a year, then
any future pet should be in good hands. A similar rule could apply to
vegetables, with radishes in the role of trial plant. While summer radishes
are the quickest crop to grow from sowed seeds, the longer, larger, and
spicier-tasting winter version takes somewhat longer. Growing sweet and
tender roots without problems requires real planning and attentiveness.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION removing the leafy tops, and store in boxes of
Radishes like fine, fertile soil that retains sand, or leave them in the ground until needed.
moisture. Dry soils can be improved quickly by Mulch plants with straw during really cold spells.
adding biodynamic compost or finely chopped
leaf mold. Or, add compost, then grow other TROUBLESHOOTING
Summer radishes form colorful red
crops there for 1–2 years. To avoid bolting, sow Flea beetles create small holes in the roots, often with white bases, and are
later batches of summer radishes in partial shade. leaves, and can be a problem when the soil is too usually eaten uncooked in salads.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Daikon forms roots up to 14in (35cm)
long. Use them like other winter types.
Celeriac is ready to harvest
from fall onward, and keeps
Apium graveolens best if it is left in the ground
var. rapaceum until needed. Although it is
hardy, celeriac can be
damaged by winter weather,
Mother Nature forgot about celeriac when handing out beauty so mulch around the roots
genes, but she filled its knobbly white bulbs with the vitamins, with a thick layer of straw, or
minerals, and fiber we need to keep the mind and body healthy cover the plants with fabric.
over winter. Grate raw celeriac into salads, or use it cooked to add a nuttiness
like parsnip and a pepperiness like celery to stews, casseroles, and soups.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION leaves, and residual mulch over winter. Store the
Celeriac needs moist, well-drained soil, bulbs in boxes of sand or a cool room for winter.
rich in potassium, and recently dressed with
well-rotted manure. Choose a site in full sun. TROUBLESHOOTING
Ensure the compost used to prepare soil
SOWING AND PLANTING is fully fermented to reduce slug attacks, and
Sow seeds indoors, covering lightly with grow onions nearby to deter carrot rust flies. In
sandy compost—they need light to germinate. hot weather, celeriac may suffer water stress—
When planting out, dig the holes large enough the bulbs may crack and taste woody. If no If using straw, work it in well between
for the crown to rest on the soil: it should not be compost is available, sow vetch as a cover crop the plants so it is less likely to blow
buried. Time sowing, pricking out, and planting before celeriac to add nitrogen and improve soil away. Top it off, if required, in winter.
to root days with a descending moon. Spray horn drainage and nutrient availability.
manure 500 just before or when planting out.
ROUTINE CARE Collecting seeds Cabbage white butterflies
Water well to prevent bolting, and apply • Save seed from a plot of 12 celeriac plants, dislike the scent of celeriac
Equisetum arvense 508 as a fresh tea in damp which must be of the same variety. Grow them and celery, making them a
weather, or before lunar perigee, to deter fungal in the normal way without allowing them good crop to grow alongside
to flower.
diseases. In midsummer, mulch with leaf mold • Leave them in the ground over winter,
all brassicas, including kale
or comfrey to retain moisture and deter weeds. or in colder regions, dig up the roots and cabbage. Growing
With good mulching and watering, additional in fall, cool store them inside, celeriac near lettuce, spinach,
and replant them in spring.
liquid manures are not necessary. When the and peas is also thought to
Pastinaca sativa
Parsnip seed is sensitive to poor
growing conditions and can be
difficult to germinate. However,
once the seedlings appear, they
Like marathon runners, parsnips start slowly, keep going for are easy plants to grow.
ages, and finish strongly in winter after the competition fades.
Their long taproots are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and
sweet, nutty flavors, and before sugar was available
they were used to sweeten cakes and jams.
PREPARATION mist horn silica 501 over them, in the morning at
Choose a sunny site. Parsnips often an ascending moon, to improve sweetness and
follow brassicas in a rotation since taste. Spray 501 again, especially if storing the
they like well-worked, rock-free, crop indoors over winter, a month before harvest.
slightly acidic soil that was well composted for Gently thin seedlings sown in groups
a previous crop. Compost made in part from HARVESTING AND STORING to leave the strongest ones. Water the
comfrey leaves is rich in the potassium parsnips Parsnips are ready when their leaf tops remaining seedlings to settle the soil.
need. Fresh compost causes parsnips to fork. At wilt in late fall. The hardy roots taste better
a descending moon, dig the bed roughly in winter if pulled after a frost and can stay in the ground
to let the frost break up large clods; in late winter, over winter until required. Mark the rows with
work the soil to 8–12in (20–30cm) deep to stakes if snow is forecast, to locate them easily.
remove any compaction and allow the roots to Parsnips may rot in very wet, cold soil; store
swell. Rake to a fine tilth. Ten days before sowing, instead in boxes of sand (see right, bottom).
cover the soil with fabric or cloches to warm it.
SOWING AND PLANTING Parsnips germinate poorly, so it is best to
Sow direct as soon as conditions allow, buy fresh seed each year. Do not start them in cell
under a descending moon, with three seeds per packs indoors because they transplant badly.
group in rows 12–14in (30–35cm) apart and 1in
(2.5cm) deep. Space 4–6in (10–15cm) apart for
short or intermediate roots, 8in (20cm) apart for Collecting seeds Parsnip roots may split and spoil if the
large ones. Cover seeds lightly and firm gently. • For the best quality seed, collect soil becomes dry in warm weather, so
Sow radishes (see p.164) to mark the rows and from at least 20 plants of the same keep them well watered in summer.
make weeding easier until the parsnips sprout. To type, grown in the usual way.
• Leave the plants over winter
boost the seed, spray the bed soon after sowing and allow them to flower the next
with stinging nettle liquid manure, or with comfrey summer. If you have to lift the
liquid manure if a comfrey-enriched compost was roots for winter because of poor
conditions, replant them in spring.
not used for the previous crop on the plot.
• Stake the tall flower stems to
prevent them from falling over.
ROUTINE CARE Collect seeds when the flower heads
Weed carefully to avoid disturbing the turn brown, and dry them before storing.
Daucus carota
There are many heritage
carrot varieties available, from
white to purple. Long, slim
carrots prefer deep, easily
People first grew carrots as medicine, not food, worked, sandy loam. Stubbier
and for good reason—carrots are rich in vitamins carrots can handle a firmer,
A, B, and C, fiber, and minerals such as calcium. clay-rich soil, if it is aerated.
They are sweet, easy to grow, take up little
space, and they are delicious raw or cooked.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION silica 501 in the morning over the bed when the
Carrots need fertile soil, but the tips fork green tops are starting to form.
in soil enriched with fresh compost. Under a
descending moon, spread a fine layer of aged HARVESTING AND STORING
compost or, even better, grow them on a plot In the 30 days before lifting, spray 501 on
after heavy feeders such as brassicas. On heavy, a root day afternoon with a descending moon to
rocky soils, work in fully mature compost mixed concentrate the sugars and improve storage life.
with sand, then build raised beds and fill with 4:1
parts fine-textured soil to aged compost. TROUBLESHOOTING
To prevent carrot rust flies, thin on cool
SOWING AND PLANTING evenings, firm the soil, and put thinnings straight
Sow under a descending moon, and in a bucket to take away—do not place them on
spray horn manure 500 in the afternoon before the ground. Grow aromatic plants like chives
sowing for stronger rooting. Direct sow early, upwind to confuse flies, and use 2ft (60cm) tall
quick-growing carrots from late winter under natural barriers such as lavender, rather than
cloches or cold frames; sow maincrops in mid- garden fabric, to block out the flies.
spring, and then every 14 days for a constant
harvest. Sow thinly, ½in (1cm) deep in furrows STORING CARROTS
6–12in (15–30cm) apart. Cover with soil, firm, Collecting seeds You can leave maincrop carrots
water lightly, and keep moist until germination • To obtain the best quality seeds, in well-drained soil over winter
in 7–21 days. To mark the rows, sow radishes, lift at least 20 of the best plants in until needed. On heavier soils,
spinach, or lettuce with the carrots to harvest fall, grown in the usual way, and where they may rot, lift and
store until spring.
while the carrots fill out. On very sandy soil, store them in a cool, dry place,
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 3 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Stack layers of undamaged carrots
and soil mix in cardboard boxes.
Sow seeds directly into the soil in
rows 9–12in (20–30cm) apart and
Brassica rapa Rapifera Group ¾in (2cm) deep. In wet areas, sow
in low but firm ridges to aid
These often unappreciated roots are like rutabagas, drainage. Thin seedlings when
the first leaves appear, if needed.
but smaller, faster growing, and more white than
yellow; there are also red-skinned varieties. They
may be sweet enough to be eaten raw or as turnip
greens. Turnips are winter hardy and easy to
raise from seed; if you sow early and in batches
you can harvest them nearly all year round.
bark decoction on foliage during a break in wet climates, lift the roots and bring them under cover
to replant deeply in spring.
weather to ward off fungal disease. Spray horn
• The plants will flower in spring—support the
silica 501 in the morning as the turnips swell to long stalks with stakes and twine.
obtain smooth, shiny, firm roots. Apply stinging • Pick the seed pods as soon as they brown.
nettle tea to the leaves two weeks before pulling
turnips to intensify the flavor.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Pull turnips once they reach a usable
size, typically the size of a golf ball.
Dig out scorzonera (shown
here) or salsify with a fork or
and scorzonera trowel to avoid bruising or
snapping the long, thin roots.
Tragopogon porrifolius, Otherwise, they can quickly
lose their freshness.
Scorzonera hispanica
Something of a delicacy, the roots of these closely related crops are highly
nutritious, with a bitter, oysterlike flavor; they are also called oyster plant
or vegetable oyster. Salsify has white, thick roots and black salsify, or
scorzonera, is longer, more slender, and darker-skinned.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 3 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Harvest the flowers on the day of use,
because they soon deteriorate.
Horseradish tea can be used
to protect pit-forming fruit trees,
Armoracia rusticana such as nectarines, peaches, and
plums, from brown rot, a fungal
Horseradish is easy to grow, and can be planted disease. Apply as a spray three
times during spring and summer.
to make good use of forgotten corners of the
garden. The roots have a pungent and peppery taste
and smell, and should be scrubbed, grated, and peeled under water to avoid
irritation. The root adds spice to hot and cold condiments, like traditional
horseradish sauce, for use with a variety of meat and fish dishes. It can also
be used in the preparation of an effective fungicide to use on fruit trees.
Horseradish can be sown annually late rather than by digging, to avoid damaging the
winter to early spring under a descending moon. roots. Do not allow discarded root pieces
However, plants are usually raised from last year’s to regrow where they are not wanted.
roots. When the moon is descending, and ideally
in the afternoon, cut off the top third of the root
and plant the lower piece 2in (5cm) deep, at
a slight angle. Backfill with soil and compost. Raising plants
• Although horseradish
ROUTINE CARE flowers, it doesn’t produce seed.
Horseradish needs little care, apart from • Horseradish is propagated by
digging up the roots in fall
watering it during really dry weather. and slicing off small sideshoots.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Filter the cooled tea. It is applied in
April, May, and at the end of August.
Jerusalem artichokes are
unusual because some of the
the Water Carrier days
Flower days are the periods when the moon is passing
in front of the constellations of Aquarius, Gemini, and
Libra. They relate to air or light—the element in which
plants flower. Edible flower crops, such as globe
artichokes, broccoli, and cauliflower, cultivated on flower
days produce high-quality, consistent yields, and store
well. Ornamental flowers and shrubs also benefit from the
rhythm of the air-flower constellations—as do the bees
and beneficial insects feeding on their pollen! Flowers
picked on these days are more intensely scented; cutting
the Twins
them on flower days helps the plants produce stronger
sideshoots, and more top-quality blooms. Flowers for
drying will also retain their shape and color longer.
Things to do on…
Flower days
The garden feels at its most alive on flower days: the
scents from plants in flower become heightened, and
insects navigating by smell appear especially active.
These are the days to cultivate ornamental beds and
borders as well as edible flower crops.
• Under an ascending moon the earth breathes out and the upper
parts of plants are at their most vital, so this is the best time to
pick flowers for drying.
• Under a descending moon the earth breathes in, which means
it is a good time to plant bulbs and divide flowering herbs ready
for replanting.
• Moon–opposition Saturn is a good time to plant or transplant
perennial herbs: the strong calcium–silica influences that result
promote strong roots and enhanced aromas and flavors.
• In the 2–3 days before full moon sow seeds of annual flowers
for stronger germination. Full moon is also a good time to collect
flowers for the biodynamic preparations.
• The perigee moon induces an inward contraction
in plants, so it is the perfect time to deadhead
flowers with fading blossoms as their sap
returns underground.
s fo r
he a r t
• When the moon is at apogee companion
y a r t i c hok e
flowers like tansy are at their most aromatic: H a r ve s t b a b i ve o i
g i n ol
grow them in pots and move them pr e s e r v i n
close to the crops they protect.
Pr u n
e flow
flow e
e r d a r i ng s h r u b
ys w i s l i ke ro
th a d s e s on
Collect e s ce nd
i ng m o on
flowers for drying .
on flower days: they
retain their shape and
color longer.
Pick dandelion heads before they are fully Harvest chamomile flowers for teas and the Collect flowers for the valerian compost prep
open and dry them for compost prep 506. chamomile compost prep 503. 507, and juice or infuse them on the same day. 175
Traditional cauliflower are grown
for their dense white heads but
Brassica oleracea there are also purple-flowered
varieties to try. These need the
Botrytis Group same growing conditions, and
offer color and subtly different
Cauliflower heads, or curds, can be picked almost flavors to your cooking.
all year round but they need year-round space and
attention too—especially, good soil preparation and watering. In smaller
gardens cauliflower sown in spring and harvested late summer are a better
choice than overwintering types, which may need protection from cold.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION spray again as the plant reaches full height, before
Choose an open, sunny site where no the curds start to form. Yarrow tea can be applied
other members of the cabbage (brassica) family as a pick-me-up in unsettled weather.
have been grown in the previous three years.
On an overexposed site, the stems of these large HARVESTING AND STORING
plants will rock, and the roots will fail to support Fall-harvested cauliflower ripens in cool
them. The soil should be neutral or only very weather. Cut the main stem below the curds as
slightly acidic (pH6.8 is ideal). Dig in plenty of they start to swell, ideally on a cool morning on Purple cauliflower is unique and rich
mature biodynamic compost, ideally made partly flower days under an ascending moon. The florets in antioxidants, and has a sweet, mild,
from cow manure, and spray horn manure 500 should be firm and tight. If too many ripen and nutty flavor, with no bitterness.
once or twice under a descending moon. together, pull a whole plant and hang it upside
down in a dry, cool place; it will last two weeks. SUN SCREEN
SOWING AND PLANTING White-flowered cauliflower heads
Seeds can be started off indoors from TROUBLESHOOTING should be shaded from the sun
midwinter, or sown in furrows outside from Cauliflower can be tricky if the soil is to keep their color and prevent
mid-spring for harvest in late summer and early poor, too acidic or dry, or if transplanted badly. scorching. As soon as the heads
fall. Ensure the soil is well worked and friable, Planting celery nearby will deter cabbage white form, cover them with plant
and tread it flat before you sow, ideally on flower butterflies from laying their eggs. leaves, tied at the top. Do this
days, under a descending moon. Harden off on a dry day to avoid trapping
transplants and water the night before planting. moisture that could cause decay.
While the moon is descending, plant them up to Collecting seeds
their first leaves for good rooting, and water in. • Cauliflower flowers and sets
seed in its second summer.
ROUTINE CARE Avoid collecting seed from
plants that bolt in their first year.
Cauliflower must be kept well watered, • Save seed from at least 20
well fed, and on firm ground. When the moon is plants to prevent inbreeding. Dry the
descending, spray stinging nettle liquid manure flower heads indoors, then pull off the seeds.
on the soil and on the plants (as a feed). Early in • Cauliflower will interbreed with other brassicas,
so prevent others from flowering at the same time,
the morning on flower days, spray horn silica 501 or cover their blooms with paper bags.
when direct-sown plants have 4–5 leaves, and
transplants have at least 5–6 leaves;
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Release the leaves temporarily after
heavy rain to allow the curds to dry.
Broccoli is a slow-growing
Brassica oleracea Italica Group crop that needs plenty of
room to develop. As it
grows, make use of the
Broccoli is tasty and fairly easy to grow, with a single free space around the plants
flower head that is harvested before winter, followed by a to sow quicker-maturing
small crop of tender side spears. The bluish-tinged florets resemble crops, such as lettuce and
small cauliflower heads, although they are fluffier and less compact. radishes. With repeated
More exotic varieties include ‘Romanesco’, which has tasty, pointy- sowing, you’ll reap the
rewards of several harvests
peaked florets, the color of pistachio ice cream.
before the broccoli is ready.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION (cabbage is ideal) and the flowering shoots
The ideal site for broccoli is sunny with from cool fall nights with fabric.
good wind protection and has fertile soil that
is friable but contains humus, and drains well. HARVESTING AND STORING
Dig in plenty of biodynamic compost the fall Pick broccoli sown in spring from late
before sowing, then spray the bed with horn summer, and summer-sown types in mid-fall
manure 500 under the descending moon in on flower days under an ascending moon. Cut
the weeks before sowing. the main head from below before it gets too big
and the flower buds open and become bitter.
SOWING AND PLANTING Leave the sideshoots to develop into spears that
Transplanted broccoli performs poorly can be harvested later. Florets will store in the
so grow it from seed, sown directly or started refrigerator for several days and can be frozen.
off indoors in biodegradable pots. Start sowing .
outside under cover in early spring and continue TROUBLESHOOTING
succession sowing during flower days, preferably Protect plants from birds with netting.
with a descending moon, until midsummer. Spray oak bark 505, Equisetum arvense 508 as EARTHING UP
Water the furrows first with stinging nettle liquid a fresh tea, and yarrow tea to counter mildew. Broccoli is a tall crop that
manure. Sow two or three seeds per station and is prone to root damage if the
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Soil can be mounded around the base
of each plant up to the lowest leaves.
Broccoli sprouts PEST PROTECTION
Tender, young plants are prone to
both attack by birds and damage
Brassica oleracea from the caterpillars of cabbage
white butterflies—cover them
Italica Group with fine netting to deter both
pests. Growing nasturtiums near
Sometimes called “poor man’s broccoli will keep aphids away.
asparagus,” broccoli sprouts’ green or
purple flower buds are just as tender and rich
in flavor. The plants have a year-round presence in
the vegetable patch; choose early and late-maturing
varieties for a constant harvest from late winter into spring.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION On flower days under an ascending moon, cut
Broccoli sprouts prefer a sunny site that the sprouts with a sharp knife, starting with the
is open but sheltered. Dig plenty of compost into central shoot, leaving smaller sprouts to grow and
the soil before planting, ideally with cow manure be harvested later. Pick early in the morning and
in the mix. If the soil is too acidic (below pH 6.8), store fresh florets, unwashed, in open bags
add lime a few months before planting. Work the in the refrigerator. Wash before freezing.
soil as deep as possible in dry weather, then firm
it slightly by walking on it. TROUBLESHOOTING
In early spring make leaves less
SOWING AND PLANTING appetizing to flea beetles with preemptive sprays
On flower days with a descending moon, of oak bark decoction, and Equisetum arvense 508
sow seeds thinly 3 ⁄4 in (2cm) deep indoors from as a fresh tea, ideally under a descending moon. Secure the netting at soil level to prevent
pests from creeping underneath it.
early spring onward, or outside between mid- Weigh it down with soil or rocks.
spring and midsummer. Plant out seedlings
slightly deeper so they have firm foundations, Collecting seeds
on flower days while the moon is descending. • Broccoli sprouts flower in
their second year. Grow the
ROUTINE CARE plant in the usual way and allow
the seeds to mature on the plant
Water the seedlings regularly while they for as long as possible without
are establishing; also hoe soil up around the base letting the pods shatter. Dry the
mature flower heads indoors,
of the plants when weeding to protect them from then pull off the seeds.
wind. Spray horn manure 500 at fall equinox. Tidy • Save seed from a minimum of
up fallen or yellow leaves during fall, and spray 20 plants to prevent inbreeding.
barrel compost in late fall, while the moon is Avoid collecting seed from plants
that bolted in their first year.
descending, to maintain healthy soil microflora. They will be of poor quality.
• Broccoli sprouts will breed with
HARVESTING AND STORING other members of the brassica family
that flower at the same time. Prevent this
Pick broccoli sprouts from late winter into by stopping other brassicas from flowering; or
late spring. The flowering shoots should be clearly put a bag over them just before they do.
developed but with fairly compact flower heads.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Support this tall crop by tying it loosely
to stakes in fall.
Globe artichokes SPACE WELL
These large perennials need
plenty of room and time to
Cynara scolymus establish fully, but their silvery
sea-green leaves and large
thistlelike flowers are highly
Although globe artichokes are related to decorative so are often given
the thistle family, these statuesque, low space in an ornamental border.
maintenance perennials provide a crop
that is regarded as a delicacy in their
native Italy. The edible parts can
be found at the base of the leathery
flower petals, and deep within the
heart of the flower itself.
seed sown on flower days, preferably with a in oil or butter. The final delicacy is the center of
descending moon in early spring, but they will the flower, often preserved in olive oil.
take three years to crop. You can achieve the
the Fish
Leaf days occur when the moon passes the constellations
associated with the element of water—Pisces, Cancer,
and Scorpius. Water is vital for all life on earth, but in the
biodynamic garden it is particularly significant for crops
grown for their leaves, whose main constituent is water.
They include spinach, cabbage, and aromatic herbs like
parsley; trees or shrubs grown as hedges; and even the
grass in your lawn. Leaf crops are best cultivated under
a descending moon, but the speed at which some develop
means that often you won’t want to wait for a leaf day to
Cancer maintain them. Be pragmatic: if work cannot be done on
the Crab
a leaf day, the root day rhythm is the next best option. Aim
to harvest when the moon is ascending, ideally on a flower
or fruit day, when the forces are concentrated in the upper
part of the plant—you’ll gain a few days of extra storage.
Things to do on…
Leaf days
A strong association with water means that these are the
optimal days for tending leafy vegetables and stem crops,
including lettuce, asparagus, and rhubarb. It is the watery
component that makes salad greens so refreshing in
salads on hot days—the challenge is to achieve the
crispness that helps leaf crops store well and taste best.
S ow
F lo r e
ju st nc e f
befo e n ne
re a f l a nd o
u ll m t he r s te
oon fo m c r op s
r go o d
ge r m i n a t i
Plant on .
hedges and
ornamental foliage
shrubs on leaf days
when the moon is
Apply horn manure 500 and soil sprays in Spray crops with horn silica 501 on days with Thin leaf crops like chicory when the moon is
large droplets under a descending moon. an ascending moon to encourage crispness. ascending—and enjoy the thinnings in salads. 183
Choose from round or pointed
cabbage with compact or loose
Brassica oleracea Capitata Group heads and smooth or crinkled
leaves. They come in shades
There are cabbage types of all sorts for every of light, dark, or blue-green, in
season: spring, summer, fall, and winter. If you white, or even in red or purple.
sow the appropriate varieties at the right times,
you can eat vitamin-rich greens fresh from the
garden all year round. All are grown in a similar way.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION cabbage tops, once they start putting on leaves,
Cabbage likes any soil that is humus-rich but only if horn manure 500 was previously used.
and slightly alkaline. Dig in cow manure compost Boost growth of spring, summer, and fall cabbage
the season before planting, adding lime, if needed. by spraying them with stinging nettle liquid
To avoid clubroot, do not grow them where other manure, in the evening under an ascending moon.
brassicas have grown in the previous three years. Remove any yellowing leaves. Loose-leaf cabbage forms open heads
Spray barrel compost on the soil during a with no hearts. Cut them off whole at
descending moon before sowing or transplanting. HARVESTING AND STORING the base or as separate, loose leaves.
Brussels sprouts PROVIDING SUPPORT
Sprouts grow slowly and
steadily, but also reach up
Brassica oleracea Gemmifera Group to 3ft (90cm), so position them
somewhere with no prevailing,
A quintessential winter vegetable, Brussels sprouts buffeting winds. Firming soil
withstand frost and are very nutritious, with especially at planting, and earthing up
high levels of vitamin C, and substances that protect against the plants prevents wind rock.
some forms of cancer. Conveniently, you can harvest the sprouts in
batches as needed during the darkest, coldest months of the year.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Cut or pull yellowing leaves from the
stem. Add them to the compost heap.
Swiss chard, also known as
seakale beet or silverbeet, is a
and spinach beet colorful vegetable. Its leaves
are larger, curlier, and glossier
Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla than spinach and vary in shade
var. flavescens from deep green to greenish-
yellow and reddish-green.
Collectively known as chard, these crops are easy to grow,
less prone to bolting than spinach, and very nutritious. They
are good sources of vitamins A, C, and K, iron, and calcium.
Spinach beet is also called perpetual spinach because it survives
over winter to provide a second crop of leaves in spring.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION weeks after transplanting or after the young
Chard varieties like an airy site leaves form on direct-sown plants.
in full sun or dappled shade and rich, moisture-
retentive loam. Feed the soil with very well-rotted HARVESTING AND STORING
compost before sowing or planting. Work the soil Harvest leaves and midribs with a knife,
under a descending moon into a fine tilth to mix rather than pulling them off and disturbing the Varieties with brightly colored midribs
the compost evenly and thoroughly into the soil. roots. Do not cut too low into the heart, especially retain their vivid hues even when
Spray horn manure 500 in the afternoon on the on the ribbed types—it discourages new growth. cooked, making for attractive dishes.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Swiss chard may develop especially
bright coloring in the winter cold.
Brassica rapa
cabbage Pekinensis Group
Napa cabbage matures
within 8–10 weeks, but you
can harvest the outer leaves
in several passes from tender,
Popular in Asian cooking for its hardiness and high vitamin young plants well before this,
content, napa cabbage has an appealing crunchiness and mild as well as the flowering shoots.
flavor that works well in salads, soups, and stir-fries. There are If you cut a plant at the base,
you can crop it again (see below).
three main types to choose from: barrel-shaped or hearted
cabbages; tall, cylindrical cabbages; and loose leaf varieties.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION plants mature, to keep the soil moist and at a
Napa cabbage needs humus-rich, constant temperature. Shade in sunny or hot
moisture-retentive, but free-draining soil. A plot weather and spray with chamomile, dandelion,
where green beans have grown has the nitrogen- and stinging nettle teas in the early morning
rich soil this crop needs. Dig in some biodynamic or late evening to prevent heat stress, improve
compost, made preferably with cow manure, flavor, and promote good health.
before sowing or planting in the same 13-day,
descending moon period. Alternatively, spray HARVESTING AND STORING
BC on the bed the day before sowing. Harvest leaves or mature heads (see right)
to eat within a few days. Wrap hearted types in
SOWING AND PLANTING plastic and store upright to keep longer.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Just a few weeks after the first cut,
new leaves will be ready to harvest.
Bok choy
Brassica rapa Chinensis Group
Choose a site that has been clear
of brassicas for at least 3 years,
and sow seeds directly into
compost-rich soil to avoid
Easy to grow but prone to bolting, bok choy— transplanting. The first leaves
or pak choi, as it is sometimes called—is a will be ready within weeks.
type of Chinese cabbage that has tangy green
leaves and juicy white stems, but no head. Eat
on the day of picking, raw in salads, or added to stir-fries and soups.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION bruised by wind. Spring sowings can be sprayed
Choose a site with full sun and a dark with horn silica 501, but only in the afternoon
fertile soil—a spot dressed with biodynamic to reduce the risk of bolting. Spray late-summer
compost for a previous crop is ideal. If the plants sowings with 501 in the month before fall
lack food or water, they will soon bolt, so hoe the equinox on a descending moon to help
topsoil lightly and incorporate mature compost concentrate the flavor.
evenly right across the bed, if necessary. Then
spray horn manure 500 when the moon is HARVESTING AND STORING
descending to keep the soil airy and well drained. Bok choy sown in mid-spring provides
cut-and-come-again leaves or thinnings within Sow seeds evenly and thin seedlings to
SOWING AND PLANTING a few weeks of planting. Within 6–8 weeks the their correct spacing. Water the rows
Either sow direct under cover in mid- plants will have firm, succulent hearts to be cut and keep them moist to prevent bolting.
spring to avoid transplanting, or transplant and used fresh from the plot. Harvest on leaf
seedlings started indoors. The plants are likely days when the moon is ascending.
to bolt if sown much later, so wait for the days
to shorten in late summer before sowing again, TROUBLESHOOTING
allowing 12in (30cm) between plants so the plants Spray yarrow tea to keep powdery
can mature fully before the first frost. Timing mildew at bay, and dandelion tea to de-stress
sowings to midpoints between lunar apogee plants in variable weather and temperatures.
and perigee, or to moon–Saturn oppositions,
helps promote balanced growth. Winter hardy
varieties sown in late fall can survive outdoors Collecting seeds
but need the protection of fabric or cloches. • Bok choy flowers in its first year.
A greenhouse is the best option. Grow plants normally, but allow them
to flower, rather than harvesting them.
Garden fabric will protect spring-grown
ROUTINE CARE When the seed heads are brown, take
them inside to harvest the seed. bok choy from flea beetles, and winter-
This type of cabbage has shallow roots, grown crops from hard frosts.
• Collect seed from at least 20
so keep the soil moist with light sprinklings rather plants for the best diversity.
than heavy drenches, which cause the soil to • To stop bok choy from
crossbreeding, prevent nearby
leech valuable humus. The roots are also sensitive brassicas from flowering or
to temperature changes and need water that is put a bag over their blooms.
at least as warm as the soil. Also the large but
gossamerlike leaves dislike being battered and
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Harvest the whole plant by cutting just
below the base of the stems.
Brassica oleracea
broccoli Alboglabra Group
Siting brassicas near garlic
crops that were planted
This trouble-free, Asian brassica can be spring-sown in fall may help protect
in a small plot to produce useful fall harvests, then young plants from sap-
sown again to overwinter for a spring crop. Grown sucking aphids, which
weaken their growth.
for its crisp flowering stems and dark, wrinkled
Mature, healthy brassicas
leaves that look a bit like kale, Chinese are less vulnerable. The
broccoli is also known as Chinese kale, theory is that aphids are
“kai-lan.” It has a mustardlike flavor repelled by the scent of
when eaten raw in salads or steamed, garlic and will avoid the site.
and packs a punch in stir-fries.
Time to harvest: 6–10 WEEKS • Thin to 6–10in (15–25cm) apart in rows 14–20 in (35–50cm) apart
In milder areas, sow early crops
under cover in small pots in late
Brassica oleracea winter to give them a head start.
Harden the plants off before
Gongylodes Group planting out with protection
from frost. Sow every two
This northern European member of the brassica weeks for a continuous supply.
family produces a surprising turniplike ball, which is
prized for its sweet, nutty taste. The pale green, white,
or purple swellings at the base of the leaf stem are not
roots—they sit on the ground at soil level. Try hardier
purple types of kohlrabi for a beautiful fall harvest.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS To harvest, lift the whole plant or cut
the bulbs just above the roots.
Mustard greens PROTECTIVE
Oak bark is a simple decoction
Brassica juncea made from finely crumbled oak
bark (see p.36), which helps
protect mustard greens from
These vitamin-packed, cabbagelike greens
gray mold, powdery and
have distinctive mustard and pepper downy mildew, and pests.
flavors—hot and spicy in salads, mild
and tangy when cooked. Harvest in
summer or grow this useful winter-
hardy crop from fall onward.
Spinacia oleracea
Spinach is prone to bolting if
transplanted, so is best sown
directly where it is to grow. Sow
the seeds in furrows 1in (2.5cm)
Spinach is a superfood, loaded with vitamins, fiber, deep, spaced 8–12in (20–30cm)
and nutrients, especially if eaten raw. It is easy to apart. Keep the seedlings moist.
overcook, and not just in the home kitchen, where
it can turn soggy. In the garden, too, spinach bolts in high
summer temperatures, or if left unwatered for more than
a day. As an alternative in summer, try New
Zealand spinach (Tetragonia tetragonoides),
which is less prone to bolting in hot spells.
once the young leaves are unfolded. Mulch lightly start to turn brown.
with mature compost, covered with straw to • Once the seeds change color,
harvest them from the pods, and
reflect heat and light, and to retain soil moisture. store them in paper envelopes. Heat tolerant, grow it as an
That evening, spray the bed with chamomile • To ensure pure seeds, only alternative to normal spinach
tea, and the next day, apply kelp or stinging collect them from one type. during the hot summer weeks.
nettle liquid manure.
Brassica oleracea Acephala Group
If you don’t have space for a
seedbed in which to sow and
then transplant your seedlings,
raise them in small pots instead.
Kale is the hardiest of the winter brassicas, and can Sow two seeds in each pot in
withstand temperatures down to -5ºF (-15ºC). It is a type mid-spring, ½in (1cm) deep.
of cabbage with a very tough stem but no heart. The only Thin and grow, then plant out.
edible parts are its large leaves, which can be smooth or
curled (Scotch), green or purple—or in the case of Cavolo
Nero, Tuscan black cabbage, dark greenish-black. Cooked
like cabbage, kale leaves are more strongly flavored, and
are rich in calcium. Their flavor sweetens after a frost.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION ascending. Mature leaves can be picked from
Kale grows best in well-cultivated, early fall and into spring. Harvest from the base
well-drained soil that is not too acidic, and of the plants upward, without stripping them
into which well-rotted cow manure has been bare. Plants form sideshoots if the crown
worked during the fall before planting. is trimmed in early winter. When left to grow,
kale bears edible florets in spring.
Sow seed directly when the moon is TROUBLESHOOTING
descending from mid-spring, or in cold weather, Kale has good resistance to downy
inside in pots. Thin the seedlings, then spray mildew, but in very wet years, keep the leaves
horn silica 501 on the morning of a leaf day, at healthy by spraying Equisetum arvense 508 as
least once, for taste. Plant out when the moon is a fresh tea. In early winter, protect plants from LONG -TERM HARVEST
descending in early summer, replacing nitrogen- frost and wind rock by earthing up around the Kale is harvested as individual
fixing broad beans or early peas, or early roots to just below the lowest leaves. leaves taken from the outside
potatoes. Spray horn manure 500 before and of the plant. They can be picked
at sowing or planting on a leaf day afternoon. two months from sowing, and
Collecting seeds all the way through winter.
ROUTINE CARE Allow the plants time to
• For the best seed, save them from a plot of
Water deeply in the evenings to ensure 20 kale plants, all of the same type. Grow them regrow after picking leaves.
the soil is not dry or compacted. In dry years an in the normal way without letting them flower.
• Leave the plants outside over winter, let
Equisetum arvense 508 spray will give the plants them flower the following summer,
a boost if applied one evening across the whole and collect the seeds. The plants will
Apium graveolens var. dulce
Celery requires a long growing
season, so it is best sown under
cover in early spring. The plants
are then grown indoors until the
Celery is a valuable addition to winter dishes—its crunchy risk of frost has passed, when
stems and tasty leaves enliven salads, stocks, and stews, they can be hardened off and
while its seeds have a fennel-like flavor. There are two planted outside.
types to grow. Trench celery, which is earthed up as
it grows to stop the stems from turning green in the
light (called blanching), and the self-blanching types
that are grown in tightly packed blocks.
Foeniculum vulgare
azoricum var.
Florence fennel can be
started under cover for an
earlier harvest. The plants are
prone to bolting, which can be
Florence fennel’s edible overlapping leaf stems—sometimes triggered by root disturbance
described as bulbs—swell just above ground level, and are and dry soil, which you can take
similar to celery stalks in appearance. In its native Italy, it simple steps to avoid.
is eaten raw or as pinzimonio—sprinkled with salt and
dipped in olive oil. Florence fennel is distinct from garden
fennel, whose fine green, anise-flavored fronds are grown
as a herb, and are often used to season fish dishes.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 3 • MEDIUM FEEDERS If the stump is left in the soil and kept
moist, it will commonly reshoot.
Sow arugula outside, ½in (1cm)
deep, in furrows or blocks, from
Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa early spring. Since it is very quick
growing, sow in regular batches,
Anybody can grow arugula—whether in a wide 10 days apart for a constant
supply all summer. Keep moist.
open garden or a tiny window box—for its long,
mustardy leaves. But anybody who does, however,
will learn how a quick-growing salad leaf like this can
trip up even experienced gardeners. Give it the right
amount of heat, light, and water, and it is the perfect ingredient
to spice up late spring and early fall salads, soups, and sandwiches.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 2 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Plants that have bolted can still be
harvested until they die off.
Lettuce either forms dense
hearts that are cut whole, or
Lactuca sativa open heads that are picked as
loose leaves. Some have smooth
Lettuce is commonly shipped hundreds of leaves, others uneven edges, but
all are grown in the same way.
miles to supermarkets each day, where it has
to be thrown away within 48 hours if
it is unsold, because it keeps
so poorly. However, it is a very easy crop to grow,
requiring little more than some light initial digging
and basic watering. It is also very quick to grow and
can be harvested as individual leaves, cut-and-come-
again style, or as large, crunchy heads.
Lettuce needs a sunny or part-shaded Lettuce is best cropped under an
site, on good friable soil that was dressed with ascending moon, early in the morning or in the
biodynamic compost or well-rotted manure, evening to avoid bitterness and wilt. Plants
possibly for a previous crop. Try to leave three grown closely in blocks should be cut, rather Lettuce with hearts are cut off at the
years between planting it in the same place. than pulled, to avoid disturbing nearby plants. base, although single leaves can also
be picked, if that is preferred.
Lettuce needs to grow quickly to be at To avoid slugs, cutworms, and gray
its best, and will bolt if it lacks food or water. mold, do not plant lettuce too closely together,
It is best sown late winter to early fall under and do not overfeed or overwater them.
a descending moon, and needs temperatures Also be sure to only dress them with
of 50–68ºF (10–20ºC) to germinate. Start early biodynamic compost that is fully fermented.
sowings inside or outside under cloches. Before
sowing, spray the bed with horn manure 500,
and sow seed every 2–3 weeks. Avoid the lunar
apogee, which increases the risk of bolting. Collecting seeds
• Sow as early as possible, since
ROUTINE CARE the plants need a long growing
Spray the seedlings with horn manure season in order to bear seeds.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 3 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Dark-leaf types can scorch in full sun,
so given them a little shade.
Corn salad forms a low rosette of
leaves that is easily obscured by
(Lamb’s lettuce) weeds if they are left to grow, so
weed around your plants often.
Valerianella locusta To keep soil from accumulating in
their crowns, water plants lightly
so the soil isn’t splashed up.
Corn salad is an easy-to-grow salad crop. It
flourishes wild in northern European pastures,
where it has acquired the affectionate nickname,
lamb’s lettuce. Its rounded, sometimes velvety, leaves are no bigger than the
palm of a hand, and form in rosettes just above soil level. Eaten raw, they
add a cool, rather than spicy, nuttiness to both summer and winter salads.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION slowly, and by using a sprinkler head with
Any rich, well-composted soil, in sun or a fine nozzle. This prevents the leaves from
part shade, is ideal for corn salad. Weed the area accumulating muddy splashback, which
thoroughly before sowing, then spray the make them more difficult to clean when they
soil with horn manure 500 under a descending arrive in the kitchen. When the moon is
moon. Remove any weed seedlings from the bed descending, give the young plants a boost with
before sowing, and follow this with a BC spray. stinging nettle liquid manure one afternoon,
either sprayed on the plants or mixed in their
SOWING AND PLANTING water. The following morning, apply
Corn salad is sown directly under horn silica 501. Do this anytime midway
a descending moon from mid-spring to early fall. between the perigee and apogee moon
If sown before midsummer, choose bolt-resistant to help stimulate both flavor and yield,
types. It germinates slowly, taking 1–2 weeks, but while maintaining the plant’s balance. Leave enough space between the rows
is then ready to harvest 4–5 weeks after that. and individual plants, so these low-
Sowings made in early fall are more useful than HARVESTING AND STORING growers don’t crowd each other out.
those made before midsummer, since they do Each plant can be cropped repeatedly
not bolt and are ready to eat when the supply of under an ascending moon, from spring to fall.
summer salad is declining. Crucially, plants sown Either pick off the larger leaves to let the smaller Collecting seeds
in fall will also survive over winter and into the ones grow, or snap or cut the plant’s central stem, • Leave some fall-sown plants
following spring if kept covered with cloches. which stimulates new growth. Regular harvesting to overwinter in the ground.
keeps the plant in check, and prevents the leaves They are very hardy, so there
ROUTINE CARE from becoming too large and flavorless.
is no need to mulch them.
• The plants will then flower
Keep the bed well weeded, especially in mid-spring.
early on, otherwise corn salad’s low, broad TROUBLESHOOTING • Collect the seed during
leaves will get crowded out. Pat or lightly Plants that have stayed in the ground midsummer, before it falls from
the seed heads, and store.
tread down disturbed or hoed soil to prevent over winter will set seed and spread. Pull them
the soil and the corn salad roots from drying up before this occurs, otherwise the plant can
out. Keep the soil fairly moist by watering become an invasive and annoying weed.
Endive is best sown
Cichorium endivia directly in furrows, ½in
(1cm) deep, where it is to
Endive is an agreeably bitter-tasting green salad grow. Sow from late spring
that is hardy enough to crop from fall into early to early fall, depending on
the type you are growing.
winter. It is related to chicory, which can Keep the seedlings moist.
cause confusion. There are two main
types to grow. Curly or frisée, which has
curly outer leaves, and sweeter-tasting, broad-
leaf escarole or Batavian, which has a more upright head.
Keep plants well watered, and encourage Endive is grown for its bitter
• Prevent endive from
their growth by applying dandelion tea before bolting in the year it is sown, flavor, which, if preferred,
thinning, and yarrow tea afterward, when the and leave it to overwinter. can be made sweeter by
Seeds can be sown directly
where they are to grow in late
Cichorium intybus spring, once the last frost has
passed. Sow seed into furrows
Chicory can be sown as a cover crop, since its deep roots ½in (1cm) deep, in rows
spaced 18in (45cm) apart, and
help to break up compacted soil. However, in the garden
keep the seedlings moist. As
it is more often grown for its distinctively bitter leaves, they grow, thin the plants to
which can be eaten fresh in salads, or oven-baked. 8–18in (20–45cm) apart,
Belgium chicory, or witloof chicory, is grown for depending on the type. Add
forcing and blanching during fall to produce dense the thinnings to your salads.
white heads known as chicons. This is a connoisseur
crop that rewards the effort taken.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION rather than rigid. Pick them before the heads grow
Chicory needs full sun or part shade, and too tall and lose their compact shape. Loose-
fertile soil that has been improved with mature headed sugarloaf types can be used for cut-and-
biodynamic compost or well-rotted manure. come-again salad, or blanched by tying the heads
closed a week before harvesting. Belgian chicory
SOWING AND PLANTING is used for forcing (see right).
Spray horn manure 500 on the bed one
afternoon a few days before sowing to encourage TROUBLESHOOTING
root growth. Rake the soil to a fine tilth before Discourage caterpillars and cutworms
sowing under a descending moon. Sow seed by spraying Equisetum arvense 508 as a fresh
indoors in mid-spring to plant out during a tea, or tansy decoction.
descending moon, or sow outside in late spring.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 3 • MEDIUM FEEDERS The chicons should be harvested once
they reach about 6in (15cm) tall.
Red orach flowers are very
Atriplex hortensis var. rubra attractive to bees, so plant it
near crops where good
Red orach is a larger, colorful alternative pollination is essential, such
to spinach, with similar levels of protein, but as green and runner beans.
much higher levels of vitamin C. It is grown The flowers also attract
lacewings, which feed avidly
in a similar way to spinach but is much taller, on aphids. Grow it near
reaching up to 6ft (1.8m). It can also be grown crops most vulnerable to
in a sunnier site than spinach, where it is less attack, such as broad beans
prone to bolting. As well as red, the leaves can and most brassicas.
also be yellow or green, and vary in texture
from smooth to slightly crinkly.
Cichorium intybus
Sow seeds thinly or transplant
seedlings into rows that are
12in (30cm) apart. Add a tiny
sprinkling of very finely chopped
Radicchio is a type of hearting chicory. Its comfrey leaves to planting holes
crisp leaves redden and become less bitter as to provide an early food source.
the weather cools in late fall. The leaves enliven mixed salads
and pasta dishes; temper the slightly bitter taste with a drizzle
of olive oil and a pinch of salt or enjoy with
pancetta. You can also grill or oven bake
the hearts, with parmesan, for example.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION cut entire plants (see right, bottom). In fall, lift
Radicchio prefers an open site on friable, plants, with their roots, from later sowings to
well-drained, well-composted soil—in full sun in force indoors. Remove the crown for eating and
cool weather, but in heat it likes afternoon shade. replant the roots in pots filled with soil mix. Keep
Dress the soil with biodynamic compost before them at 50–59ºF (10–15ºC) in the dark (or cover
planting, or backfill with it when transplanting, with another pot) to stimulate blanched, tender, Radicchio is frost hardy, but its shallow
under a descending moon. new crowns. Store crowns in the refrigerator in roots perish if any air gaps are left at
a perforated plastic bag. You can use individual, thinning or transplanting, so firm it in.
SOWING AND PLANTING frozen leaves if you thaw them slowly.
Sow indoors in mid-spring or outdoors
from late spring. Overwinter later sowings under TROUBLESHOOTING
cover to harvest the next spring; transplant them Radicchio is fairly trouble free. Pluck off
before severe frost. Before planting, spray the bed any wilted or browned outer leaves. Use only fully
with horn manure 500 and then BC a month later, mature compost when preparing soil to decrease
both in the afternoon under a descending moon. risk of attack by wireworms, slugs, and snails.
Water carefully so plants develop tasty, Collecting seeds
full-sized leaves. For good leaf growth in the early • Radicchio flowers in its second year. Do not
stages, spray them with comfrey liquid manure in collect seed from plants that bolted in their first
the afternoon. Mist horn silica 501 over the tops, year—they will be of poor quality. Try to grow
at least 20 plants for seeds. Radicchio bolts in hot or dry weather.
just before fall equinox in the morning, to ripen • Radicchio will cross-pollinate with other forms
Keep plants well watered, especially
the leaves to a bittersweet, not just a bitter, flavor. early on and just before the heads form.
of chicory. To prevent this, allow only one type
Mulch with straw just before cold weather arrives to flower at a given time or cover the blooms of
other chicories with paper bags before they
or cover with cloches or garden fabric. open and release pollen.
• Allow the seed plants to flower in
HARVESTING AND STORING summer. When the pods are brown,
From late summer onward, pick off outer cut them from the plant to harvest
the seeds under cover.
leaves from spring-sown plants as they begin to
firm up; older leaves are more bitter. You can also
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 3 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Harvest an entire head by slicing it off
at the base; it will grow back next year.
Asparagus of ficinalis
Asparagus and tomatoes
(see p.219) may grow near
each other in the same
For many, asparagus is an expensive luxury, yet place for several years to
a permanent bed of it is relatively easy to establish their mutual benefit. While
from seed or rooted crowns, and will provide tomatoes deter asparagus
beetles, asparagus is said
you with nutritious white, green, or purple-
to release a chemical that
pink spears for around 20 years. Asparagus encourages the growth of
is a natural diuretic, helping to cleanse tomato plants.
excess salt from the body.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION under a descending moon in the afternoon near
Asparagus needs sun and shelter on fall equinox, for strong roots. Apply BC on the
well-drained, sandy loam. Raised beds are vital bed the month after fall equinox, in the evening
on heavy soils and make maintenance easier. at a descending moon, to deter disease.
Dig in lots of mature compost, ideally from cows,
seasoned with nutrient-rich kelp, comfrey, or HARVESTING AND STORING
both, under a descending moon. On acidic soils, Harvest spears once they are 8in (20cm)
sprinkle a little neutralizing wood ash, if you can. tall (see right, bottom). You can eat the spears raw,
steamed, or in soups and stews.
Sow seed in shallow furrows in a seed TROUBLESHOOTING
bed in early spring; thin the seedlings and let Asparagus is trouble free in good soil,
grow; plant out in a permanent bed in mid-spring topped off regularly with high-quality, properly
the next year—all under a descending moon. It matured compost. Take care not to damage the
is easier to transplant one-year-old rather than roots when weeding, mulching, and topdressing, HARVESTING SPEARS
two- or three-year-old crowns: you are less likely otherwise they rot. Let chickens graze dormant Harvest nothing in the first year
to damage the roots. A 4ft- (1.2m-) wide bed beds to peck out any asparagus beetle larvae. and just one stalk per crown in
takes two staggered rows of established crowns. the second. From the third year,
Plant them 6in (15cm) deep in trenches; spread harvest any spears that grow
out the roots, even if they overlap, and lightly Collecting seeds between mid-spring and early
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 4 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Cut off spears just below the soil
surface, with a sharp, curved knife.
Rheum × hybridum
The first shoots emerge between
midwinter and the first spring
frost and may be forced. Keep
them artificially in the dark, under
Rhubarb is much underrated: it is probably the most a pot, bucket, or terra-cotta
cost-effective food in the garden, being easy to grow forcing pot, for several weeks.
and needing little attention. It gives the first dessert
crop of the year, and can be harvested for three
years before it has to be divided and replanted.
Last but not least, the stalks make delicious,
tart desserts, and a very palatable wine.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 4 • LIGHT FEEDERS Harvest one-third of each plant before
midsummer, then leave it to recover.
Sea kale
Crambe maritima
The edible flowers are best
eaten raw, and can be added
to salads for color. Leave some
blooms to mature, however,
Sea kale’s natural habitat is the beach, but since the pealike fruit that
it will be quite happy in any garden. This follow can also be eaten, and
handsome plant is treated in a similar way to taste similar to cabbage.
rhubarb, but all parts are edible—leaves, shoots, flower
buds, and even the roots. Sea kale was traditionally eaten
by sailors because its high vitamin C content prevented scurvy.
Water new plants well; established Collecting seeds
ones are less thirsty. To maintain a healthy soil • Sea kale will pollinate its own
F ruit
the Archer days
Fruit days are the periods when the moon is in front of
the constellations of Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo. They
relate to the element of fire, or warmth, which fruit and
seeds need to ripen, whether apples, tomatoes, sweet
corn, or peas. It’s relatively easy to keep to the fruit day
cycle for perennials like pears and blueberries—plant
them once and they’ll often outlive their owners! Strong
roots are essential, so aim to plant trees and bushes on
fruit days under a descending moon, ideally in the
afternoon. This is also the best time to sow or transplant
Aries seedlings of other fruit day crops, but if you miss this
the Ram
opportunity the moon will move on into an earth-root
constellation—the perfect backup option. Harvest on fruit
days with an ascending moon to enjoy the best taste and
maximum storage time.
Fruit days and lunar cycles
The moon visits a fire-fruit constellation roughly
every 8–9 days, and spends 2–21⁄2 days in each.
In the northern hemisphere the moon’s ascending
cycle begins in Sagittarius and travels through Aries.
The moon’s descending path runs through Leo,
Leo and it is still descending as it returns to Sagittarius.
the Lion
Sow fruiting crops like squash on fruit
days with a descending moon.
Things to do on…
Fruit days
Fr u i
ts lik
Choose fruit days w ill e red
b e at c u r ra
with an ascending moon t he i r n t s p ic
s we e k e d on
to prune fruit trees in late te s t a n f r u it d a y s
d f u ll of
spring: the sap pushing up flavor.
from below helps keep
diseases out.
Plant fruit trees under a descending moon Apply tree paste—a compost for tree Spray silica-rich Equisetum arvense 508 tea or
for stronger rooting and a longer life. trunks—to keep your fruit trees healthy. liquid manure to keep pests and diseases at bay. 209
Pisum sativum
Tender new pea shoots make
a delicious addition to salads:
their fine leaves and tendrils
Freshly harvested peas are at their succulent taste a bit like snow peas. For
and nutritious best the moment you pick them. the best and sweetest flavor,
Whether you grow podded, snow, or sugar snap pick the young shoots on leaf
days when the plants are
varieties, dwarf forms or climbers, treat the plants 4–6in (10–15cm) tall. Save
well and they will keep you in delicious, crunchy the thinnings and pinched-
peas from mid-spring until late fall. off growing tips from the
main crop for salads, too.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 1 • LIGHT FEEDERS Soak peas in a seed bath of chamomile
tea for 36 hours before sowing.
Runner beans
Phaseolus coccineus
Runner beans are frost tender,
so early sowings may be started
off in late spring indoors in pots,
before being transplanted once
These climbers are one of the most ornamental they have two true leaves.
plants in the vegetable garden, with pretty scarlet Harden off seedlings and plant
or white flowers all summer. They are easy to grow, out after risk of frost is past.
producing a steady, abundant supply of tasty beans.
SITE AND SOIL silica 501 over the tops, in the morning under
PREPARATION an ascending moon and just before flowering, to
Choose a sunny, sheltered prompt the flowers to open for pollinating bees.
site. Prepare the soil under
a descending moon in the HARVESTING AND STORING
previous fall: dig in plenty Harvest beans every other day or so
of compost, ideally with chopped to stop pods from becoming tough and stringy.
comfrey leaves and wood ash to provide Always cut them off; pulling them off can
potassium. Lime the soil if it is acidic. Lay the damage the supports and the roots. Sow two seeds per pot, 2in (5cm)
compost in 2in (5cm) deep and 32in (80cm) wide deep, and thin the resulting seedlings
trenches or in 3in (8cm) high and 6in (15cm) wide TROUBLESHOOTING to leave the strongest one in each.
hills, spaced 36–40in (90–105cm) apart. Do not work or harvest runner beans if
it is wet, which encourages disease. If the air is PROVIDING SUPPORT
SOWING AND PLANTING very dry at flowering, spray diluted, fresh nettle, You can leave runner beans
Erect supports for the beans before chamomile, or comfrey tea all over the vines, in to trail along the ground, but
planting (see right). Sow direct from late spring the evening, to help the flowers open. Radishes training them up supports saves
and successively to early summer, under a are good companions for this crop, but kohlrabi space, makes harvesting easier,
descending moon. To help them germinate, soak and beets seem to suffer near runner beans. and reduces the risk of pests
seeds just before sowing for a few hours in warm and diseases. Bend tall stakes
chamomile or nettle tea. Sow seeds 2in (5cm) into a tepees or use in parallel
deep in furrows with 2–3 seeds per station. If a Collecting seeds rows for better airflow.
late, unexpected frost threatens, spray valerian • For pure seed, save only
507 over the soil the night before sowing. Protect from a single variety that is a
Phaseolus vulgaris
Green beans are not frost-hardy,
so in cooler climates start them
indoors in pots or flats deep
enough for the long taproots to
These versatile beans may be dwarf bush or climbing plants, develop fully before the green
with flattened or tubular pods that may be green, red, purple, shoots emerge. Biodegradable
golden-yellow, or multicolored. You can eat the pods whole or leave cardboard tubes filled with
potting mix are good for this.
the pods to mature on the plant and eat just the beans, called
flageolet or cannellini beans, while they are still tender. If you dry the
shelled beans, you can even store or can them as haricot and kidney beans.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 1 • LIGHT FEEDERS Plant each tube into the soil: it will soon
decay, leaving the roots undisturbed.
Vicia faba
Use a dibber to sow the large
beans singly, 2–3in (5–8cm)
deep in two rows 8in (20cm)
apart; stagger the seed in the
No vegetable garden is complete without a few rows rows but fill any gaps at the
of broad beans standing over winter and through ends. Leave at least 30in (75cm)
summer for an abundant crop of protein-rich food. between each pair of rows.
Also called fava beans, they taste best when they
are just starting to push against the insides of the
pods—when bean and pods can be eaten whole.
Lima beans and soybeans require
warm and sheltered conditions
and soybeans to grow well, and need to be
pampered at first. As conditions
Phaseolus lunatus, improve in summer, however,
Glycine max they become less demanding.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 1 • LIGHT FEEDERS Ensure plants are well watered once
they are flowering and producing pods.
Zucchini and summer squash
are large, vigorous plants, and
and summer squash many types have trailing stems.
These can be left to sprawl,
Cucurbita pepo although that makes them more
vulnerable to pests.
These crops need fertile, generously Harvest when the moon is ascending
composted soil. Dig plenty of compost deeply once the fruit are as long as your hand. Pick
into the soil before sowing or planting, or grow daily, cutting them from the plant with a knife. Make a tepee of stakes, at least 6ft
them on the low side of a compost heap. Provide (1.8m) tall, and plant a trailing plant
shelter to protect the fragile leaves and stems. TROUBLESHOOTING at the base, training it upward.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 4 • HEAVY FEEDERS Summer squash can become heavy,
and should be tied in for extra support.
Cucumbers dislike root
disturbance, which can check
and gherkins their growth. Avoid it by sowing
the seeds into biodegradable pots
Cucumis sativus or cardboard tubes, which can be
planted whole. They soon decay,
Eating a juicy cucumber is a great way leaving the roots undisturbed.
to rehydrate during a hot day in the garden,
since they are packed with water. There are two main types to grow: the
long, smooth Dutch or frame type, which needs the warmth of a greenhouse
to ripen, and the rougher-skinned, more rugged outdoor or ridge varieties
that tolerate cooler temperatures. Baby cucumbers are eaten as gherkins.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION moisture and protect the shallow roots. Spray
Outdoor cucumbers need a sheltered, horn manure 500 before laying the mulch.
sunny site, and deep, well-drained, mineral-rich
soil. Pile horse manure compost into a ridge and HARVESTING AND STORING
Keep plants grown in biodegradable
cover with soil, ready for sowing or planting. Regularly harvest the fruit under an pots moist after planting to encourage
ascending moon before they become large and the pot to break down more quickly.
SOWING AND PLANTING bitter tasting. Cut the stems, don’t pull them, to
Cucumbers are sown when the moon is avoid damaging the plants.
descending. Sow plants for outdoors under cover,
at 68ºF (20ºC), a month before the last frost. TROUBLESHOOTING
Spray and water the plants moderately with fresh Keep the plants moist and avoid working
Equisetum arvense 508 tea to deter disease. Seed with them on leaf days, or when they are wet, to
can be sown outside in early summer under lower the risk of disease. Sow radishes around
cloches, midsummer without. To prevent slug the base of the plants to repel cucumber beetles.
damage, and to make picking easier, train the
plants vertically up suitable supports.
Collecting seeds
• Save seed from only one variety of
Encourage plants to produce fruiting cucumber or gherkin each year to avoid
stems by pinching off the growing tips when they cross-pollination, or keep different
varieties caged.
have 4–5 leaves, then again when they outgrow • Grow cucumbers and
their supports. Remove any nonfruiting shoots. gherkins in the normal way, Female flowers are essential for fruiting.
Water infrequently but thoroughly, and early on, letting the fruit ripen on the They have small fruitlets
vine for as long as possible. behind their petals.
use BC stirred for 20 minutes in warm water, at Harvest the fruit before the first frost.
least once. Balance this by applying horn silica • Scrape out the seeds and soak them in water.
501 over the plants. To prevent the fruit from When this froths up, wash the seeds in a strainer,
flagging and to deter mildew, spray the leaves then dry them on paper towels.
• Store the dry seeds in paper envelopes.
with comfrey or nettle liquid manure. Plants
should also be mulched with straw to retain
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 4 • HEAVY FEEDERS After initial training, cucumber plants
cling to their supports using tendrils.
Cucurbita pepo
Marrows are thirsty plants
and should be kept well watered
all summer. To help retain soil
moisture, mulch around plants
Marrows are a favorite for children, and with compost or bark. Mulch
can be enormous and highly decorative. Although they are the can also be used to keep the
same plant, there are specific seeds for zucchini and marrows, and one fruit off the damp soil surface.
crop cannot be grown in the hope of harvesting it as the other. There
are two types of marrows: those that trail, which, if left unchecked, can
reach corners of the garden you’d long since forgotten, or the climbing
bush types. These work better if space is tight and you have a
sturdy enough vertical growing frame for them to scale.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 4 • HEAVY FEEDERS Marrow fruit can be thinned if you want
to grow especially large ones.
Pumpkins and winter squash
are large and productive plants,
and winter squash so do not grow more than you
really need or have space for.
Cucurbita maxima, To obtain the largest fruit, thin
C. moschata, C. pepo the fruitlets to 2–3 per plant.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 4 • HEAVY FEEDERS Once their skins are cured, the fruit can
be stored under cover for many months.
Solanum lycopersicum
Tomatoes are high yielding
and become laden with heavy
trusses of fruit. Support bush
types by inserting a stake for
Tomatoes are a very satisfying crop to grow. The fruit each stem and tie them in, and
range from huge beefsteak to tiny cherry tomatoes, in hues train vine types up a single tall
from green, orange, yellow, red, and purple stake or a vertical string.
to black and even striped. The vine or
bush types thrive in containers,
as well as in the same soil
as last year, if it is refreshed.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION disease. Once fruit sets, mist over the tops with
Tomatoes need shelter, full sun, and rich, horn silica 501, at sunrise under an ascending
well-drained soil with pH 5.5 or above. In fall, moon, for riper flavors and better storage.
under a descending moon, prepare the soil with
well-rotted biodynamic compost and manure. HARVESTING AND STORING
Chicken manure, chopped comfrey leaves dried Twist each fruit off to eat fresh, cook, or
from last year, and wood ash all provide preserve. Before the first frost in fall, gather all
potassium. Another option is a 3:2:1 compost of the last green tomatoes (see right, below).
tomato shoots and leaves, manure, and comfrey.
Ten days before planting, warm the soil by TROUBLESHOOTING
covering it with a layer of compost. Tomatoes are sensitive and antagonistic:
Sow seed 1 ⁄4 in (1cm) deep in flats
or pots. Transplant seedlings
and chili peppers grown in flats into pots, when the
first true leaves appear after two
Capsicum annuum weeks, into a 3:2:5 mix of soil,
sand, and compost to grow.
Confusing a sweet, or bell, pepper with a
chili pepper is an eye-watering mistake for
those not used to spicy food. Bell peppers are
usually larger and rounder than chili peppers, but
all have green leaf (Capsicum) aromas when cut.
They are subtropical, so perform best if grown
inside in all but the warmest climates.
moon, before planting, then warm under cloches. as much stem as possible so it stores longer.
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 4 • MEDIUM FEEDERS Picking the first fruit while still green
encourages others to be produced.
Solanum melongena
In warmer regions, after
planting out eggplant in early
summer, mulch around them
The lavender-purple, black, and with a thick layer of well-rotted
creamy white eggplant, also compost, and cover it with
called aubergine, originated in straw. This will help to keep the
soil moist and feed the plants.
India and is a staple of the vegetarian diet,
providing a calorific energy boost with no fat.
It soaks up different flavors in dishes such as
moussaka and ratatouille and makes a great grilling vegetable.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION arvense 508 as a fresh tea at least once after
Eggplant need plenty of heat, light, flowering to keep fungal diseases at bay.
and humidity over their long growing season
to mature. They grow best in very fertile, dark, HARVESTING AND STORING
composted soil that holds both heat and water. Pick fruit when the skins are shiny and
Only a sheltered site in full sun will do. firm. The stems are tough, prickly, and thick, so
wear gloves to cut, rather than twist, them off.
SOWING AND PLANTING When the skin color starts to dull, the fruit
In temperate climates, sow indoors or in become tough and bitter even for chickens, so
a warm greenhouse at least a month before the slice them and add them to the compost heap.
Zea mays
Sweet corn is pollinated by
the wind, so grow the plants
in square blocks or patches to
enable pollen to blow from the
There are two types of sweet corn: corn grown for pointed male tassels to the
animal feed and the food industry, and the juicy corn floppy female silk on the cobs.
on the cob, which we can grow at home and eat
steaming hot and dripping with butter. Pick it just before
eating: the sugar starts turning to starch immediately.
Abelmoschus esculentus
Okra are tall plants, and with
enough heat, soil fertility, and
water, they can easily reach
6ft (1.8m) tall by the end of
Okra’s edible, pointed seed pods are usually green, but may be pink or summer. However, even young
white. You can eat them raw, fried, pickled, or in a stew, such as gumbo or plants that are half this height
creole. Gumbo refers to the plant’s name in its native East Africa, where it can become top heavy. To keep
them from collapsing, insert tall
thrives in humid, warm conditions. However, okra can also be grown in
stakes when the plants reach
temperate climates under cover, such as in a greenhouse. 2ft (60cm), and regularly tie
them in, using soft string.
Tomatillos flower and fruit over
a long period, although the fruit
Physalis ixocarpa can be slow to ripen unless grown
in warm, sheltered conditions.
Tomatillos are native to Mexico, where their In cool regions, they may be best
grown in large containers that
tart flavor provides the basis for salsa verde.
are kept under cover.
Although its name suggests otherwise, tomatillo
is not a green version of the traditional red garden
tomato. It is, in fact, related to the cape gooseberry, and because the fruit is
enclosed in a papery outer husk, the plant is also commonly called the husk
tomato or husk cherry. Tomatillos are self-pollinating, but growing at least
two plants ensures good pollination and fruit set.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION nutrients and flavors. Then spray horn silica
Tomatillos need fertile, well-drained soil, 501 on the next fruit day in the morning and
and plenty of sun. They grow well in raised beds, late afternoon. Follow this with stinging nettle
or pots, if the garden soil is unsuitable. Aerate the or kelp liquid manure.
soil to a spade’s depth, and fork in some mature
biodynamic compost. Avoid planting in beds HARVESTING AND STORING
where potatoes, tomatoes, okra, eggplant, Harvest the fruit when the moon is
or peppers have grown in the last three years. ascending. Wash before storing in the refrigerator,
where they will last several weeks, or freeze them.
SOWING AND PLANTING Avoid storing them in airtight containers.
Tomatillos need hot weather and a long
growing season. They are sown indoors in early TROUBLESHOOTING
spring, while the moon is descending, at between Tomatillos dislike dry soil in summer and
68–80ºF (20–26ºC), 6–8 weeks before the last cannot handle frost. Keep aphids and beetles at
frost. Sow into small pots, and plant out under bay with stinging nettle 24-hour cold extract.
an ascending moon once hardened off. Plant
them more deeply in the soil than in their pots
to keep them moist. Water well, but ensure
the soil does not become rinsed of nutrients. Collecting seeds
• Collect several fruit with their husks intact
ROUTINE CARE and let them ripen further in the sun for
Tomatillos are ripe when their husks
start to change color and split from
Keep plants well watered, and mulch a few days after picking. the plump fruit inside.
• Remove the husks, cut the fruit open,
with compost covered with straw to help retain and soak in water for a few days. Stir
moisture. Support them with stakes or trellis so and remove the scum.
the fruit is easier to pick and less likely to attract • The best seeds will sink in the
pests and diseases. Before flowering, spray with water. Collect and dry them, then
store in an airtight container.
comfrey liquid manure under a descending moon.
Once in flower, pinch off the growing tips to keep
the plants compact and to concentrate
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 4 • MEDIUM FEEDERS To keep well, only remove the husk
when the fruit is about to be eaten.
Strawberries PROTECTING
Ripe strawberries are as
Fragaria x ananassa desirable to birds and many
other pests as they are to us,
Strawberries can be costly to buy but easy to grow, and there are two so it is important to protect
types. Flavorful summer-fruiting strawberries are planted in fall to crop them as soon as they start to
show color in early summer.
once in early summer. Everbearing types have milder tasting berries but
fruit repeatedly from midsummer into fall, and are planted in spring.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION this means there will always be two beds
Strawberries have shallow roots and of strawberries in the garden: this year’s crop,
need plenty of biodynamic compost, well-rotted and one planted, ready for the following year.
manure, or leaf mold dug into the bed before
planting. They like warm, sandy, and slightly HARVESTING AND STORING
acidic soil that never dries. Give them plenty of Pick the berries when dark red and firm,
sun, air, and warmth to produce a good crop. pinching them off at the stalk to avoid bruising.
Eat the fruit fresh or freeze them.
Start by buying certified virus-free, TROUBLESHOOTING
organically-raised plants, planting them out in Water plants from below to prevent dirt
rows when the moon is descending. Leave the and disease spores from splashing on the leaves
Placing dry straw beneath the fruit
crown, where the roots join the leaves, at soil and fruit. In damp weather spray Equisetum deters slugs and keeps them off the
level, exposed to light. Water the plants in. arvense 508 as a fresh tea before and after moist soil, where they could decay.
flowering, and as the fruit ripens. In fall clear
ROUTINE CARE away the old leaves and spray with BC. Keep
Mulch around plants after planting, beds mulched for tastier and healthier fruit.
keeping it away from the leaves. The next spring,
weed the soil, and mulch beneath the strawberry
plants with straw, or better still, aged spruce or
pine needles. This keeps the plants firm and Planting runners
Erect a support system with stout
posts at the end of each row with
Rubus idaeus one or two wires strung between
them. Position shoots between
Firm, juicy raspberries with fruit in a range the wires as they grow, and cut
them when they reach the top.
of jewel-like colors can be picked from early
summer through fall if you plant both summer-
and fall-fruiting varieties.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION Fall raspberries can crop in their first year. Before
Choose a permanent site for your the shoots reach the first wire, encourage erect
raspberries in full sun or partial shade, and clear growth by spraying horn silica 501 early in the
perennial weeds before spraying horn manure morning on a fruit day.
500 on the soil under a descending moon.
Raspberries need fertile, well-drained, slightly HARVESTING AND STORING
acidic soil, but will settle for a slightly alkaline soil Choose a dry day, ideally when the moon RAINBOW FRUIT
if plenty of well-rotted manure and biodynamic is ascending, and gently twist off the fruit, leaving Golden raspberries are said to
compost is dug in before planting. Add finely the core on the plant. The berries are best eaten be the sweetest, but along with
chopped comfrey leaves to provide potassium. fresh, but, unlike many soft fruits, freeze well, too. black and purple varieties, have
the distinctive flavor and
Buy certified disease-free, virus-resistant, Smother summer weeds with a mulch of
bare-root, one-year-old canes for planting in fall leaf mold or compost. In hot weather, water
or spring. Choose a fruit day under a descending thoroughly every few days; avoid short daily
moon and plant canes with their tops finishing splashes that leave the topsoil wet and promote
1in (2.5cm) below the surface of the soil. Over fungus diseases such as gray mold (Botrytis).
time, develop the bed with root cuttings from
red varieties taken in spring on fruit days at
the end of the moon’s ascent and planted on Pruning raspberries
a descending moon. Or guide the growing • Summer raspberry canes that grew
tips of black and purple varieties down to and produced fruit in one year will die
the soil, peg them, and separate them the next. Prune these out shortly after
harvesting under a descending moon.
from the mother plant once rooted. • For each plant choose up to four
strong new shoots that will fruit next
ROUTINE CARE year and cut them back to four buds. EQUISETUM MANURE
Prune out the remaining new shoots.
After planting, cut the first green To protect fruit from disease,
• For fall raspberries, cut all stems
shoots off summer-fruiting raspberries down to the ground in fall in their first spray Equisetum arvense 508 liquid
before they flower to make the plants year, ready to reshoot in spring. manure on the soil before the
stronger long term. They will crop from In subsequent years, leave canes to plants get too tall, ideally on a
overwinter and cut down in spring.
their second year onward. fruit day with a descending moon.
Blackberries PROPAGATING
To increase your blackberry
patch, propagate under a
and hybrid berries descending moon by guiding
the growing tips of strong, new
Rubus fruticosus shoots down to the soil, and
pegging them into the ground
until they are rooted. They can
There are few better wild harvests than then be separated from the
blackberries picked from bramble-filled mother plant and replanted.
hedgerows. But homegrown blackberries are simple to grow, easier to
pick than their wild counterparts—and unlikely to be covered in roadside
dust. Even sweeter tasting are hybrid crosses between raspberries and
blackberries, such as tayberries, boysenberries, and loganberries.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION ensures healthier fruit that is easier to pick.
Blackberries and hybrid berries need In late fall, spray horn manure 500, turn in the
plenty of space and similar soil: slightly acidic, existing mulch, and dress with new compost.
fertile, and enriched with plenty of biodynamic Protect the turned soil with straw.
compost. Blackberries enjoy full sun or partial
shade, while hybrid berries need full sun. Start HARVESTING AND STORING
by clearing perennial weeds; this can be made Pick ripe, firm berries in dry weather,
easier by spraying BC and horn manure 500, trying to leave the stalks attached. Eat them fresh
which have a loosening effect on the soil. or freeze without washing. Wash as they defrost.
Plant container-grown plants in late fall Net against birds, which are their main Collect yarrow flowers to make
or early spring under a descending moon. Install pest. Use a diluted tree paste on pruning wounds. a yarrow tea (see p.30), and add
a post-and-wire trellis for the plants to climb. some stinging nettles as the
Plant with the top of the root ball 4in (10cm) water is boiling. Remove from
below the soil. Pruning blackberries the heat, and strain once cool.
Gooseberries FALL PRUNING
Perform late-fall pruning on
sunny afternoons that are crisp,
Ribes uva-crispa but are definitely not freezing.
Pruning sideshoots to two buds
The relentlessly prickly, wiry stems of these shrubs prompts the formation of plenty
of fruiting shoots while keeping
protect tangy, tart-tasting berries that are ideal for jam-
the plant open to light and air.
making, chutneys, tarts, fruit salads, and taste superb in
gooseberry pie. The long-lived bushes are really very easy to grow as
bushes or upright cordons once you get the hang of pruning them.
Rotation information: NOT ROTATED • MEDIUM FEEDERS Yellow gooseberries range in hue from
very pale to amber or golden yellow.
Black currants PLANTING A STOOL
The easy way to start growing
Ribes nigrum black currants is to plant bare-
root plants, or stools, that have
Of all the soft fruits, black currants are the been certified disease-free. Do
richest in vitamin C. Eat them fresh from this under a descending moon:
between fall and spring is best.
the bush or make them into juices, jellies and Plant the stool about 2in (5cm)
jams, not to mention wine. They are self- deeper than the level of the soil
pollinating, so one plant can provide a crop. mark on the stem to encourage
new shoots to emerge directly
from soil.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION seaweed, or comfrey
Black currants need fertile, well-drained liquid manure on and
soil that is not too acidic (above pH 6) in full sun around the bushes to keep them balanced and
or part shade. Avoid frost pockets—flowers may strong. Spray horn silica 501 in the air above
not set fruit. Prepare the soil under a descending the plant just before flowering and after harvest.
moon: dig as deep as you can; backfill with 4in Apply horn manure 500 to the soil one evening
(10cm) of good soil mixed with sand; fill with near the fall equinox.
a mix of good soil, very finely chopped comfrey
leaves, and well-rotted biodynamic compost HARVESTING AND STORING
with bird or chicken manure for extra potassium. Snip off fruit trusses, or sprigs, with
scissors when the fruit is dark, shiny, and ripe.
Plant a two-year-old, bare-root bush TROUBLESHOOTING Prepare the soil before planting by
digging as deep as you can.
or stool (see right). You can also take 10in (25cm) Net buds and berries against birds. Spray
hardwood cuttings under an ascending moon cold-extract or fresh nettle over the plant early
in late fall: bury them with just the top two buds in the season to discourage aphids and mites.
above ground. A year later, transplant them
Rotation information: NOT ROTATED • HEAVY FEEDERS Once the stool is planted, firm in
gently and water thoroughly.
Red and white currants may be
grown as freestanding bushes
and white currants or as cordons (single stem with
fruiting spurs) along a wall or
Ribes rubrum trellis. Plant currant bushes
4–5ft (1.2–1.5m) apart.
Red currants and their close but sweeter-tasting cousins,
white currants, are used for jams, jellies, home wine-making,
and desserts. They also freeze well, so you can enjoy them
at any time of year. Currants are grown in a similar way
to gooseberries (see p.228).
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION to encourage worm activity. Spray the soil with
To crop well, red and white currants need BC at spring equinox to cleanse it of winter
a sunny or part-shaded site that is cold enough in fungal pathogens. Spray horn silica 501
winter to prompt dormancy, yet frost-free during between bud burst and flowering.
early spring flowering. They need well-drained
soil—do not plant in dips in the land, which may HARVESTING AND STORING You can space currants grown as
cordons just 12–18in (30–45cm) apart.
get waterlogged. Dig plenty of biodynamic Use scissors to snip off ripe clusters,
compost into the soil before planting. Add large or strigs, ideally when the moon is ascending.
amounts of comfrey leaves to the compost when Be careful—the fruits explode if held too firmly.
making it, or sprinkle finely chopped comfrey
leaves into the hole at planting (comfrey provides TROUBLESHOOTING
potassium for healthy shoots and steady yields). Maintain plant health between bud burst
and harvest with a spray each of Equisetum
SOWING AND PLANTING arvense 508 tea, and kelp liquid manure.
Plant currants bought as container-grown
bushes from a nursery at any time of year,
preferably under a descending moon. You could Pruning red and
also grow them from hardwood cuttings white currants
taken in late fall. Use figure-eight knots to tie in cordons
• In late fall, prune off
any dead wood and most to support stakes or wires.
ROUTINE CARE of the previous year’s
Mulch in spring with growth. Cut one or two
of the oldest stems
compost and chopped comfrey almost to their bases. Protect the new buds in spring
leaves covered by straw to combat • Fruit is borne on both old and summer berries from birds
weeds. Water in spring just before the and young wood, so leave two with netting. Do not overwater:
outward-facing buds on the
berries start to swell. Spray horn manure 500 remaining fruiting shoots. too much will burst the berries.
at or before planting and at fall equinox, • Keep the centers of bush
ideally under a descending moon, currants open to air and light.
Blueberries are self-pollinating,
but it is best to grow at least two
Vaccinium corymbosum or three to aid pollination and
provide enough fruit for an
The blueberry has been hailed as a superfood that average family. The best
pollinators are butterflies and
can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease,
bumblebees, so entice them
and some chronic illnesses—and fortunately they taste with companion plants, such as
great, too. Blueberry plants are low maintenance and cold crocuses and cherry trees.
tolerant, but only in very acidic soil with a pH of 4.5–5.5; if
this rules out your garden soil, try growing them in pots.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION ascending moon, once either side of flowering,
Blueberries need sun, perhaps with to enhance fruit flavor and ripeness.
afternoon shade, and well-drained soil. Most
soils—especially soils with lime added for . HARVESTING AND STORING
brassicas—are too alkaline or not acidic enough. Pick berries when they are blue-black,
You can grow blueberries in pots or dedicated plump, and slightly soft with white blooms; any
beds filled with acidic (lime-free) compost or that do not pull away easily have little flavor.
create acidic soil by adding pine-needle leaf Berries store for up to a week in the refrigerator;
mold, pine bark, wood chips, coffee grounds, wash them in vinegar water to keep away mold.
and composted sawdust.
SOWING AND PLANTING Net the fruit to deter birds. Keep the
Plant under a descending moon, either soil cool and moist by mulching and watering.
Cranberries are self pollinating,
so only one is needed to produce
Vaccinium macrocarpon a crop. Just before flowering, give
plants a boost by spraying them
Cranberries are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, with stinging nettle liquid manure
(see below and p.38).
and mouthwateringly sweet, whether you eat them fresh,
crushed as juice, or as cranberry sauce. They are North
American natives, where they enjoy acidic soils in bogs,
so if you want them to thrive and fruit well, give them
similar conditions in your garden, and lots of care.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION spray the foliage with kelp liquid manure after
Cranberries need cold winters to produce pruning and fruit set.
fruiting buds, a long growing season from mid-
spring to late fall to ripen the fruit, and a wet but HARVESTING AND STORING
well-drained soil with pH 4.0–5.5. Wet soil by a Rooted cuttings crop from the third year;
pond is an option; use pine mulch to acidify the mature plants crop in the first year after planting.
soil; or create an 8in (20cm) deep bed (see p.231) Pick berries when dark red and seeds are brown, Cut nettle stems and leaves—they are
with acidic soil, under a decending moon. before the first frost. Freeze the fruit or keep in highest in nutrients when just in flower.
a container for several weeks in the refrigerator.
Plant rooted cuttings or container-grown TROUBLESHOOTING
plants under a descending moon in spring, in the To maintain soil acidity, protect the plants
soil, pots, or hanging baskets. Dip the roots of this from extreme winter cold, keep the soil moist and
shallow-rooting shrub in BC to colonize them weed-free in summer, and top up beds each year
with mycorrhizal fungi, which help roots to feed. after harvest with sand and a pine-needle mulch.
Water regularly, especially young plants, Pruning cranberries
with rainwater, which is more acidic than • Cranberries need only light pruning to shape
tapwater, to keep roots moist. Constantly flooding the plant, stop its long runners from taking over
soil washes it of nutrients until plants succumb the garden, and make harvesting much easier.
• Prune only once plants are three years old, in
to disease, so spray horn manure 500 in the early spring before new green growth starts. Pack the stems into a net sack before
afternoon at spring and fall equinox on • Comb each bush with a hand
macerating in rainwater for 4–10 days.
the plants and soil. Spray horn fork or rake to identify the
silica 501 above the bush, at longest runners and cut
them back to shape.
sunrise under an ascending New fruiting sideshoots
moon, when flowering ends in or uprights will grow from
midsummer. Topdress hanging the pruned runners.
Rotation information: NOT ROTATED • LIGHT FEEDERS Soak 2–4oz (50–100g) nettles per
13⁄4 pints (1 liter) of water.
Make 6in (15cm) tall hills
from a 4:1:5 mixture of lightly
Cucumis melo packed topsoil, sand, and
compost. Space them 6–8ft
Although melons are warm-climate plants, you (1.8–2.5m) apart. Alternatively,
can still grow them in cooler climates—use hardy sink single pots or terra-cotta
pipe sections into growing
varieties and give them the best chance of ripening bags or beds.
by sowing seed early and keeping the plants warm
either in a greenhouse or outdoors in a poly house.
Cantaloupes (muskmelons) are most likely to succeed.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION Hand-pollinate each plant under cover once it
Full sun is vital; the long taproots need has four female flowers—one male flower will
moisture-retentive, humus-rich subsoil. Before pollinate four females. Mist 501 over plants at
sowing, dig in plenty of well-rotted manure or sunrise after flowering and pinch sideshoots to
biodynamic compost, under a descending moon. 2–3 leaves to keep the plants airy. Stop watering
Weed the bed with a couple of passes two weeks as the melons swell and pinch off any really
apart and spray a 7:3 mixture of horn manure small fruit so that the largest ones ripen fully.
500 and stinging nettle liquid manure, over it PROVIDING SUPPORT
once in the afternoon to keep the soil friable. HARVESTING AND STORING Melons ripen better if trained up
Melons are ripe when the skin is soft and trellis rather than over soil, but
SOWING AND PLANTING plump, and fruit comes off as you twist and pull they are heavy, so need support.
In warm climates, sow in late spring the stalk gently. Muskmelons also smell musky.
under an ascending moon, ideally at opposition Eat them fresh or freeze as melon sorbet.
to Saturn. Soak seeds in BC for an hour before
sowing sideways into well-drained hills (see right), TROUBLESHOOTING
to speed germination and avoid stems rotting at Melons suffer if overwatered, underfed,
the bases. Sow six seeds per hill; thin to 3–4 or exposed to cold. Keep the plants
seedlings. In cool regions, sow indoors at tidy by pinching back sideshoots.
70–75ºF (21–24ºC), singly in biodegradable pots,
in mid-spring. Spray valerian 507 on the soil in
Collecting seeds
Rotation information: ROTATION GROUP 4 • HEAVY FEEDERS Support melons on trellis with slings,
to prevent falling and bruising.
Spray Equisetum arvense 508 and
fresh teas of chamomile, stinging
Malus domestica nettle, dandelion, oak bark, or
yarrow, on buds from bud burst
Apples are the most widely grown hardy fruit onward, to increase the tree’s
resistance to pests and fungal
in the world. They come in a huge variety of
diseases. Apply at a time of high
textures and tastes and are delicious eaten raw humidity or in the days leading
or cooked. You can train them all sorts of ways, up to a full or perigee moon.
from large trees to fans or single-stemmed cordons.
Thin out any substandard
fruitlets in the month after they
Pyrus communis form, especially any that are
unusually small or in some way
The pear is often called the queen of fruit, damaged. Thinning allows the
best fruit to mature to full size
owing to its shapely form and refined taste. and lets in more air and light,
Pears are juicier and less tart than apples and needed for healthy ripening.
have a distinctive, gritty texture. The trees grow
much like apples, but are vulnerable to frost as they flower earlier.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION picking. The main season is from early fall
Pears need sun, warmth, and shelter. The to late winter: harvest unblemished, slightly
best soil is slightly acidic (pH6.5). Avoid heavy unripe fruit to ripen indoors and for storing.
soil that warms up slowly in early spring. Weed Pears keep for up to three months, if stored in
and prepare the soil as for apples (see facing page). cool, dry conditions—slatted boxes aid airflow.
Prunus avium
Two sweet cherries of the same
variety may not be enough for
cross-pollination, even if they
flower together. Ask your nursery
Grown as large trees or as fans on a sun-drenched wall, juicy for advice on combinations that
sweet cherries are plucked and enjoyed straight from the tree. To crop produce the best crops. A frost-
well, most need at least one partner for essential cross-pollination; if you free spring and a healthy bee
population ensure a good harvest.
have limited space, choose a self-pollinating type. Birds will feast on sweet
cherries, so use nets or accept that most trees will produce enough to share.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION 501 and valerian 507 in a single spray and aim it
Choose a sheltered, frost-free site with up into the air around and on the trees at first light.
deep soil and plenty of sun. Spray the planting
area with horn manure 500, then dig a deep HARVESTING AND STORING
planting hole and fill with an equal mix of rich Pick the cherries in midsummer on fruit
biodynamic garden compost and soil that has days with an ascending moon. Snip the fruit from
been lightly sprinkled with handfuls of coarse the branch, leaving a piece of stalk to harden over
sand and pebbles. and protect the tree. Eat within a few days.
Tart cherries
Prunus cerasus
After harvesting tart cherries,
brush the trunk of the tree
with tree paste (see pp.132–135).
The best time to apply tree
Robust tart or sour cherries are generally easy to paste is under a descending
grow and well suited to a small garden, especially moon, during the afternoon,
the dwarf varieties. The fruit is challengingly tart ideally on a fruit day.
when eaten by itself, but its taste is transformed
when it is cooked or baked to create wonderful
jams, pies, cobblers, and sauces.
Plums and gages benefit from
sprays of strengthening dandelion
gages and damsons tea after bud burst; cleansing
yarrow tea as leaves form;
Prunus domestica, P. insititia boosting stinging nettle tea as
buds form; and stress-relieving
chamomile tea after fruit has set.
These related fruits vary in size, color, and taste.
Plums and gages are delicious fresh, or cooked, while
smaller, tarter damsons are at their best puréed, baked,
or preserved. Not all plums and gages are self-pollinating, so choose plants
that flower together, or match your choice to trees in neighboring yards.
Rotation information: NOT ROTATED • MEDIUM FEEDERS Apply a chamomile spray for trees
in fruit to help destress them.
Both peaches and nectarines
are self-pollinating, but because
and nectarines they bloom early in spring when
the weather is usually cool,
Prunus persica there are few pollinating insects
around to do the job. Hand-
pollinate the flowers with a soft
Velvety peaches and smooth-skinned
paintbrush, and protect the
nectarines have a taste beyond compare when blossoms from frost
freshly picked from the garden. Peach trees can to maximize the crop.
be grown as bushes or fans, while nectarines are best grown as fans—
they are less hardy and need a little more warmth.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION width apart. In early fall an afternoon spray
The ideal soil is a light, well-drained but of horn silica 501 will seal the plant and
moisture-retentive, sandy or rocky loam that is send sugars to feed the roots in winter.
slightly acidic. Before planting, fork the soil over,
incorporating plenty of mature biodynamic HARVESTING AND STORING
Apricots flower very early in
spring; when in cool climates few
Prunus armeniaca insects are about. Train the tree
as a fan or a bush, so you can
protect its blooms from spring
You can grow apricots even in temperate regions: frost and hand-pollinate them.
treat them right and they will reward you with
juicy, sweet, fragrant fruit that cannot be matched
by store-bought fruit. The blossoms are pretty, too.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION 500, in the late afternoon under a descending
Apricots need a sunny site that is shielded moon before flowering, and horn silica 501, in the
from cold winds and away from frost pockets. very early morning under an ascending moon,
They prefer well-drained, gravelly or sandy loam over the top of the tree before and after flowering.
with a neutral pH. Before planting, dig in plenty
of biodynamic compost, at the start of a 13-day HARVESTING AND STORING
descending moon period, then spray the site with The fruit usually ripens in late summer.
horn manure 500 in the evening a week or so Eat or preserve bruised fruit immediately.
later. Root days, fruit days, and cloudy, overcast Healthy fruit should keep for a week to ten days.
days are best for this. Then, if possible, plant As soon as the flower buds open, lightly
before the end of that descending moon period. TROUBLESHOOTING brush them to aid pollination, if needed.
To avoid rot, thin heavy crops, but only
SOWING AND PLANTING after fruit starts to swell. Prevent mites by again
Apricots can self-pollinate, so you need cleaning off flaky bark and sealing with pruning
only one tree for a crop. Plant a one-year-old tree paste, on frost-free days at a descending moon.
when it is dormant, in fall or spring, or in winter
if the weather is unusually mild, at the start of a
descending moon. Carefully clean the trunk and Pruning an apricot
branches of any flaky bark. Spray or dip the root • Prune wall-trained trees in spring at the start
ball in BC when planting the tree, but without of an ascending moon. At this time the roots will
have absorbed sugars from the previous season
washing all the soil off its roots, to help the roots and rising sap will repel disease organisms from
establish in the soil. Prune the the pruning cuts. Prune
bush apricots only
tree as soon as it is planted if necessary.
to shape it into a wall-trained • Do not prune in wet
or bush form. Then paint the weather because it Fabric protects apricots from spring
cleaned trunk and pruned encourages silver leaf frost, but blocks out pollinating insects.
disease and canker.
wood with pruning paste
• Aim to retain 3–4 main
(see pp.132–135). stems with an airy, open
center on bushes. On
ROUTINE CARE fans, cut back fruited shoots to new growth.
• In summer, remove any leafy growth
Mulch with fresh compost after shading the fruit and thin fruit, if needed.
pruning to feed the soil. Spray horn manure
Rotation information: NOT ROTATED • LIGHT FEEDERS A fruit is ripe when a rich gold and it
falls off with a half-twist of its stalk.
Ripe figs are soft, with soft,
Ficus carica droopy stems, and a powdery
bloom on the skins. In cool
climates, remove any tiny, hard
As well as fruit with green or deep purple
fruit once the figs ripen: leave
skins and vibrant deep pink flesh, figs have them to produce a second crop
handsome foliage. They make lovely garden in warmer regions. Fruit that
plants both grown as standards, or against a wall. forms at the end of the season
will produce next year’s crop.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION top off in early summer to keep the soil moist
Figs need very well-drained soil and and help it to retain nutrients.
warm sun. In cool climates, you may need to
train them on a wall or fence and protect them in HARVESTING AND STORING
winter with fabric. Growing figs in the ground in Ripe figs (see right) are rich in fiber and
cooler, wetter conditions can result in too much calcium: eat them fresh, as jam, or dry in the sun
growth and little fruit. To avoid it, confine the and store on trays covered with netting to keep
roots (see right) or grow figs in large pots in a wasps off. Turn them every day for a week or so.
sunny, sheltered site and move them into cool,
frost-free conditions over winter. Grow figs in TROUBLESHOOTING
light, sandy soil mixed with well-rotted compost. Spray young trees with 501 at leaf fall in
the afternoon, then with a diluted pruning paste,
SOWING AND PLANTING to help sap flow to the leaves, fruit, and roots.
Plant one-year-old trees after the last Check the roots of garden trees have not
frost so that they have the summer to establish. escaped their enclosures every couple of years;
Plant on a descending moon day, avoiding nodes. chop back with a spade or replant, if necessary.
Spray figs in pots soon after placing Pruning figs CONFINING THE ROOTS
them outdoors in spring, with horn manure • Prune in summer under an ascending moon. Plant figs in a pit to restrict the
500 mixed with stinging nettle tea; spray Wear gloves since the sap can irritate. roots and keep them fruiting.
.• Open up the center of the
the plant and compost for steady, not- tree by light pruning,
Make the pit about 3ft (90cm)
too-rapid, growth. On all figs, removing any old or square and line the sides with
alternate applying leftover obviously weak canes paving stones or drainage tiles.
and dead, diseased, or
chamomile and Equisetum damaged growth. If planting against a wall, leave
Citrus fruits TYPES OF CITRUS
The citrus species include many
types of delicious fruit, for
lemons, oranges, & limes example kumquats, mandarins,
and oranges. Unlike most cool-
Citrus species climate fruit trees, they flower
and fruit at the same time.
Rotation information: NOT ROTATED • HEAVY FEEDERS The flesh of grapefruit may be colored
yellow, pink, or red.
Overcrowding and
overshading of bunches reduces
Vitis species light and airflow, leading to
smaller fruit and problems such
as mildew or pests. To avoid
Be sure to choose the type of vine you
this, thin embryonic bunches
grow according to whether you want to eat grapes fresh or to one per sideshoot on
make jam or wine. Table grapes often make flavorless dessert vines or one every
wines, but grapes for preserving make wine that 12in (30cm) on wine vines.
tastes oddly “foxy,” and wine grapes are
generally not juicy enough for eating.
SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION before or after flowering to keep your plants well
Vines need sun and a well-drained soil fed and vigorous.
that warms quickly to fruit and ripen well. Good
airflow keeps disease at bay and aids ripening, HARVESTING AND STORING
so train on walls, pergolas, or posts and wire. Cut bunches under an ascending moon.
Process wine grapes as soon as they are picked.
Dig lots of mature biodynamic compost TROUBLESHOOTING
into the planting hole and loosen compacted soil Net against birds, if needed. Pests and
when planting, under a descending moon. crowding cause vinegar-scented bunches and Thin the grapes within each new
split, windblown fruits attract vinegar flies: bunch, snipping out about one third.
ROUTINE CARE remove any affected bunches promptly.
Spray soil in fall with horn manure 500
and BC in spring to encourage strong rooting COMPANION PLANTING
and overall soil health. Spray horn silica 501, Pruning grapevines In the 19th century, roses
before or after flowering, into the air over the • In late winter or early spring, cut back the were planted at the ends of
plants to aid ripeness and flavor, and again in leader to keep it to size and encourage more grapevine rows. Roses fall
sideshoots to form. Grape trusses form from
late summer if ripening is slow. Apply Equisetum nodes left on last year’s wood, so prune the rest victim to powdery mildew
Biodynamic prep calendar
Biodynamic sprays
Oak bark Excavate skulls buried in fall
Make at any time; dynamize for 10–20 minutes and apply in large droplets toward
BC the end of the day on soil or beds where no biodynamic compost was spread
Your at-a-glance guide shows when to make and apply
the biodynamic sprays and the six compost preps.
Demeter certification mark that is carried by
Organizations accredited biodynamic produce (food, health This New Zealand association offers
Biodynamic organizations offer and hygiene products, clothes). Demeter certification for farmers, and its
members resources to make or buy website has information on growing various
preparations, as well as education Biodynamic Association UK crops using biodynamic methods.
and certification. Painswick Inn Project
Gloucester Street
Stroud, AFRICA
NORTH AMERICA Gloucestershire Biodynamic Agricultural Association
Demeter Association, Inc. GL5 1QG of Southern Africa
P.O. Box 1390 United Kingdom Spier Wine Estate
Philomath, OR 97370 Stellenbosch 7603 In charge of Demeter biodynamic South Africa
In charge of Demeter Biodynamic certification in the UK and Ireland. Can
certification in the US. Educates farmers, provide details of local biodynamic farms This organization is having real success at
processors, and consumers on the basic and gardens. Publishes the Star & Furrow promoting biodynamic farming, gardening,
principles of Biodynamic agriculture as journal for members. and education in southern Africa.
outlined in the Demeter Farm and
Processing Standard. Can provide details Biodynamie Services
of local Biodynamic farms and gardens. Les Crêts Further Reading
Protects the integrity of Biodynamic 71250 Château The Barefoot Farmer
agriculture, and the products that France Jeff Poppen (USA, 2001)
will result, in the US marketplace. Down-to-earth tips written in an amusing,
Source of biodynamic preparations accessible style by Jeff Poppen, an
Biodynamic Association in France. experienced professional Biodynamic farmer
661 N. Water Street, Suite 307 and gardener based in Tennessee.
Milwaukee, WI 53202 ( AUSTRALIA &
Association of Biodynamic farmers and NEW ZEALAND The Biodynamic Farm
growers in the US. Its website provides Bio-Dynamic Research Institute Herbert Koepf (USA, 1989)
details of local Biodynamic groups across (BDRI) An agronomic text providing a practical
the US and Canada. Publishes the quarterly C/o Post Office view of developing a Biodynamic farm
journal Biodynamics. Powelltown system. Provides an array of research data
Victoria 3797 as well as many helpful details on the core
Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Australia elements of Biodynamic agriculture.
201 East Main Street, Suite 14 In charge of Demeter certification Bio-Dynamic Gardening
Floyd, VA 24091 in Australia. John Soper, revised by Barbara Saunders- Davis and K Castelliz (Souvenir Press)
Source of Biodynamic preparations in Biodynamic Agriculture Australia Written from an English garden perspective,
the US. Publishes a newsletter called PO Box 54 this book contains many tips that can be
Applied Biodynamics for members. Bellingen, NSW 2454 applied to almost any garden worldwide.
Australia The Biodynamic Spray and Compost
EUROPE Biodynamic farming and gardening Preparations Production Methods,
Demeter-International e.V. association. Sells biodynamic preparations. Booklet 1
Brandschneise 1 C. von Wistinghausen, W. Scheibe,
64295 Darmstadt Bio Dynamic Farming and Gardening E. von Wistinghausen, and U. König
Germany Association (Biodynamic Agricultural Association UK) P.O. Box 39045 Contains directions and illustrations
The global umbrella body for the biodynamic Wellington explaining the biodynamic preparations.
movement worldwide. Supervises the New Zealand
Biodynamics: Three Nine Lectures on Bees Weeds and What They Tell
Introductory Articles Rudolf Steiner, trans. by Marna Pease and Ehrenfried Pfeiffer (Biodynamic Farming
Ehrenfried Pfeiffer Carl Alexander Mier & Gardening Association USA)
(Biodynamic Farming and Gardening (St. George Publications) Weeds are messengers and this booklet
Association USA) Bees are in crisis. These lectures, written in explains what message they are sending
A useful primer for the Agriculture course 1923 by the founder of biodynamics, gardeners about the health—or otherwise—
by Rudolf Steiner. predicted a crisis would happen “80 years of their soils.
hence” (i.e., around now), and explain why
The Biodynamic Treatment of Fruit our relationship with bees is so fundamental What is Biodynamics?
Trees, Berries and Shrubs to us as living, sentient beings. Hugh Courtney (Steiner Books USA)
Ehrenfried Pfeiffer Valuable biodynamic insights from Hugh
(Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Grow a Garden and be Courtney, who made the biodynamic
Association USA) Self-sufficient preparations when running the Josephine
Useful tips for preparing the ground for Ehrenfried Pfeiffer (USA, 1942) Porter Institute for Applied Bio-Dynamics
planting and maintaining fruit crops. Written for Americans in the postwar period, for over thirty years.
but as relevant today as it was then.
Companion Plants and How to
Use Them The Omnivore’s Dilemma Calendars
Helen Philbrick and Richard Gregg Michael Pollan (Penguin) Biodynamic Sowing and Planting
(USA, 1966) Pollan’s message of “Eat food. Not too much. Calendar (Matthias Thun)
Profiles of which plants are best friends— Mostly plants” makes sense and will make a Published annually in English, German,
and which are not. hard day’s digging in your biodynamic French, and Italian. Used worldwide, this
vegetable garden worthwhile. celestial calendar provides guidance of when
Grasp the Nettle to sow, plant, and transplant according to all
Peter Proctor with Gillian Cole Results from the Sowing and key celestial cycles.
(Random House New Zealand) Planting Calendar
New Zealander Peter Proctor has worked Maria Thun, trans. by G. Staudenmaier Lunar Organics
extensively in India, helping poor farmers to (Floris)
regenerate their soil using biodynamics. Practical research by the late Maria Thun, This UK-based company’s “Moon
Proctor is a big fan of timing planting to whose trials of sowing and planting crops by Gardening” wall chart can be used to plan
moon–opposition Saturn—in this book he lunar and celestial cycles provided the basis your gardening year according to the
explains why, along with his “brick pit prep.” for the celestial calendar (see Calendars) now celestial calendar.
written by her son, Matthias.
Monty Waldin’s Best Stella Natura
Biodynamic Wines Sensitive Chaos
Monty Waldin (Floris Books) Theodor Schwenk, trans. by O. Whicher Annual sowing and planting calendar widely
Short profiles of the best Biodynamic and J. Weigley used in North America. Contains useful
wines worldwide, with explanations from (Rudolf Steiner Press) essays and stimulating insights on practical
winegrowers about how biodynamics An in-depth study of why some biodynamic and theoretical aspects of biodynamics.
works for them. preparations are stirred in water.
When Wine Tastes Best (Floris)
Monty Waldin’s Biodynamic Spiritual Foundations for the Renewal Also published in book form, this digital app
Wine-Growing: Theory & Practice of Agriculture advises whether it is a root, leaf, flower, or
Monty Waldin ( Rudolf Steiner, trans. by C. Creeger and fruit day. Intended for wine lovers (fruit days
A how-to book for professional winegrowers M. Gardner (USA, 1993) are best for wine tasting), this app is also
containing detailed explanations of the This book contains the reasoning behind useful for gardeners.
biodynamic preps. biodynamics as outlined by Dr. Rudolf
Steiner during his series of lectures in 1924
to concerned farmers. These have become
known as the Agriculture course.
A B B. rapa 168, 187, 188 cherries
Abelmoschus esculentus 223 barley 19, 142 family group 145 sweet cherries 236
absinthe 31 barrel compost preparation (BC) natural remedies 37 tart cherries 237
Achillea millefolium 30, 86–7 125 and pests 22 cherry blackfly aphids 237
aerating sprays 20, 60 making 60, 126–9 setting seed 27 chicory 183, 199, 200
alfalfa 19 using 130–31, 133, 134, 137 broad beans 142, 201, 213 chili peppers 220
Allium when to use 142, 244–5 broccoli 36, 38, 172, 177 Chinese broccoli 189
A. cepa 154, 155, 158 barrier planting 171 natural remedies 38 Chinese kale 189
A. fistulosum 159 basalt dust 126, 127, 128 sprouts 178 chives 25, 31, 167
A. porrum 157 basil 21 brown rot 29, 170 chlorine, removing from water
A. sativum 30, 156 beans 24, 27, 57, 142, 208 Brussels sprouts 24, 27, 36, 37, 20
A. schoenoprasum 31 broad beans 142, 201, 213 185 chocolate spot 213
family group 145 green beans 201, 212, 222 buckwheat 25 Cichorium
amphibians 23 lima beans 214 bud burst 132, 234, 239 C. endive 199
animals, domestic 23 runner beans 24, 201, 211, 222 buddleja 25 C. intybus 200, 202
ants 31 soybeans 214 bulbs 57, 174, 175 cilantro 25
aphids beds, raised 17 citrus fruits 242
black bean aphids 31, 213 bees 22, 23, 58, 59, 201 C tree paste 132
cherry blackfly aphids 237 beet, family group 145 cabbage 24, 27, 165, 175, 180, clay soil 15, 21
and elder liquid manure 36 beetles 23 184 climate 14–15
and garlic 24, 189 beets 153, 154, 162, 211 napa cabbage 187 clover 19, 142
and mint 33 Belgium chicory 200 natural remedies 36, 37, 38 clubroot 147
and nasturtiums 25, 178 bell peppers 220 cabbage flies 31 coconut fiber 120
and onions 154 bentonite 133, 134 cabbage white butterflies 25, 36, codling moths 30, 37, 132
woolly aphids 25 berries, hybrid 227 178 coffee grounds 35
Apium graveolens var. rapaceum Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla var. calcium 56, 102 coir 120
165 flavescens 186 Calendula officinalis 32, 154 cold extracts 37, 38
apogee moon 50–1, 174 B. v. subsp. vulgaris 162 liquid manure 136–7 cold frames 16
apple scab disease 32 Betula pendula 32 cambium 132 comfrey 37
apples 16, 32, 37, 206, 208, 234 bindweed 209 Cancer 180 compost tea 40–41
apricots 240 biodiversity 22–3 cantaloupe 233 liquid manure 29
Aquarius 172 biodynamics, history of 58–9 Capricornus 150 companion planting 24–5
Aries 206 birch 32 Capsicum annuum 220 asparagus and tomatoes
Armoracia rusticana 170 birch pit preparation 126 carrot rust flies 25, 31, 154, 158, 203
Artemisia absinthium 31 birds 22, 23, 178, 183, 225 167 brassicas 189
artichokes, globe 174, 179 black bean aphids 31, 213 carrots 16, 21, 25, 154, 158, 167 celeriac 165
arugula 24, 143, 182, 196 black currants 208, 229 catch cropping 24, 177 green onions 158
ascending moon periods 52–3, blackberries 208, 227 caterpillars 200 roses and grapevines 243
80, 209 blackflies 136, 213 cauliflower 36, 172, 176 sweet corn 222
flower days 174 blueberries 206 Cavolo Nero 193 wildflower meadows 234
fruit days 208 bok choy 38, 188 celeriac 165 compost 15, 38, 142, 143
leaf days 180, 182 bolting 21, 143, 196 celery 165, 176, 194 biodynamic compost heaps
root days 152 Botrytis 21, 30, 36 Chamaemelum nobile 94 122–5
ash and sand pepper 138 boysenberries 227 chamomile 32, 33, 59, 175 comfrey 37
ashing weeds 138–9 Brassica 25, 143, 147, 165, 170, 201 chamomile 503 compost prep making 18–19, 125
Asian greens 57 B. juncea 191 62, 65, 123, 127, 175 compost preparations 59,
asparagus beetle 203 B. napus 163 making 92–7 62–5
Asparagus officinalis 57, 182, 203 B. oleracea 176, 177, 178, 184, when to use 244–5 biodynamic prep calendar
Atriplex hortensis var. rubra 201 185, 189, 190, 193 chard, Swiss 162, 186 244–5
chamomile 503 62, 65, 92–7, Cucumis how to make 82–4, 134 gherkins 216
123, 127, 175, 244–5 C. melo 233 when to use 57, 244–5 globe artichokes 172, 174, 179
dandelion 506 63, 65, 108–13, C. sativus 216 Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa Glycine max 214
123, 127, 175, 244–5 Cucurbita 196 gooseberries 228
enhancing liquid manures C. maxima 218 exposure 14 grapevines 32, 243
136–7 C. moschata 218 gray mold 21, 30, 36, 191
Equisetum arvense 508 57, 59, C. pepo 215, 217, 218 F green beans 201, 212, 222
63, 65, 82–4, 132, 133, 134, family group 145 F1 hybrid seeds 26 green manure 15, 19, 25
154, 156, 163, 182, 209, 226, cutworms 23, 200 fall 47, 142 green onions 158
244–5 Cynara scolymus 179 fall equinox 47 greenflies 136
horn manure 500 57, 60, 62, farming, history of biodynamic greenhouses 16
64, 66–73, 74, 80, 121, 132, D 58–9 ground sprays 41, 61, 72–3, 130
133, 134, 142, 143, 153, 183, daily rhythms 46–7 fennel, Florence 25, 183, 195
244–5 daisy fleabane 25 fertilizers 29, 37, 58 H
horn silica 501 57, 60, 61, 62, damsons 238 Ficus carica 241 habitats, creating 23
64, 74–5, 76–82, 121, 143, dandelion 506 compost prep 63, figs 241 heavy feeders 144
174, 183, 244–5 65, 123, 127, 175 flea beetles 25, 37, 163, 164, hedges 142, 180, 182, 183
oak bark 505 36, 59, 63, 65, making 108–13 178 Helianthus tuberosus 171
102–7, 123, 127, 142, 153, when to use 244–5 fleas 37 herbs 25, 57, 143, 174, 180
163, 191, 244–5 dandelions 15, 25, 38, 42, 59, flies 36 herb teas 28
stinging nettle 504 63, 65, 108–9, 175 Florence fennel 25, 183, 195 hills 233
98–101, 123, 127, 244–5 Daucus carota 167 flower days 54–5, 172, 174–5 horn manure 500 compost prep
storing 120–21 day 47 flowers 23 62, 64, 66–71, 74, 80, 142,
tree paste 132–5 decoctions 28, 29, 31, 36, 37, 38 drying 174, 175 143, 153, 183
using in barrel compost (BC) descending moon periods 52–3, flowforms 61 dynamizing 60
126–9 153, 183 Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum storage 71, 121
using in biodynamic compost flower days 174 195 tree paste 132, 133, 134
heaps 122–5 fruit days 208, 209 foliage, ornamental 183 using 72–3
valerian 507 60, 65, 63, leaf days 180, 182 foliar feeds 37, 41 when to use 57, 244–5
114–19, 124, 127, 137, 143, root days 152 forcing horn silica 501 compost prep 62,
175, 244–5 dill 25 chicory 200 64, 76–82, 143, 174, 183
when to use 244–5 diseases, natural remedies for rhubarb 204 dynamizing 60, 61
yarrow 502 30, 62, 64, 65, 28–38, 163 Fragaria x ananassa 225 spray 74–5
86–91, 123, 143, 127, 227, see also individual diseases French intensive system 17 storage 79, 121
244–5 docks 138 frost 14, 16, 119, 143, 165 using 80–81
compost starter 125 downy mildew 21, 36, 37, 163, 191 fruit days 54–5, 206 when to use 57, 244–5
compost tea 40–41, 61 drying flowers 174, 175 things to do on 208–9 horseradish 152, 170
container plants 29 dynamizing 20, 60–61, 119, 137 fruit flies 31 decoctions 29
corn salad 198 fruit tree moths 239 horseradish tea 170
cover crops 142 E fruit trees 142 horsetail, common 82
cow horns 66–7, 74–5 earthing up 177 growing conditions 14 hotbeds 16
cow intestines 59, 92–7 edamame 214 natural remedies 29, 31, 32 hoverflies 25, 154
cow manure 18, 66–7 eggplant 21, 25, 32, 221 planting 208, 209 humus 15
cows 66 eggshells 35, 122, 126, 127, 128 tree paste 132 hungry feeders see heavy feeders
Crambe maritima 205 Egyptian onions 159 full moon 48–9, 56, 152, 174
cranberries 232 elder 36 fungicides 29, 30, 33, 37 IJK
creeping buttercups 15 electromagnetic radiation 120 furrows, sowing in 163 insect repellents 30
crops elements, and plant organs 55 insecticides 30
choosing 14 endive 199 G intercropping 24
crop family groups 145 equinox days 47 gages 238 intestines, cow 59, 92–7
crop rotation 144–9 Equisetum arvense 508 compost garden waste 18 Ipomoea batatas 161
cross-pollination 27, 236 prep 59, 63, 65, 132, 133, garlic 24, 25, 30, 156, 189 Japanese bunching onions 159
cucumbers 27, 37, 39, 216 154, 156, 163, 182, 209, 226 Gemini 172 Jerusalem artichokes 171
juicing valerian preparation 507 M muskmelons 233 pea shoots 210
118 Malus domestica 234 mustard 25 peaches 170, 239
Jupiter 74, 108 mandarins 242 mustard greens 191 pears 16, 37, 206, 235
kai-lan 189 manure, animal 18, 66–7, 133 peas 27, 165, 206, 208, 210
kale 36, 165, 193 barrel compost (BC) 126–9 N peat 120
kelp liquid manure 39 manure, green 15, 19, 25 napa cabbage 187 peppering weeds 138–9
kitchen waste 18 manure, liquid 28, 29, 31, 33, 36, nasturtiums 25, 27, 178 peppers 32, 39, 208, 220
kohlrabi 36, 190, 211 37, 38, 57, 152 natural remedies 28–43, 163 perennials, planting 152
kumquat 242 enhancing 136–7 nectarines 170, 239 perigee moon 50–1, 152, 174,
Equisetum arvense 508 82–3, nesting boxes 22 182
L 85, 226 nettle 504 compost prep 63, 65, perpetual spinach 186
lacewings 25, 86, 201 kelp 39 123, 127 pesticides 58
Lactuca sativa 197 leaf days 182 how to make 98–101 pests 30, 33, 132, 164, 239
ladybugs 25, 98 liquid nettle manure 232 when to use 244–5 natural remedies 28–38, 82–3,
lamb’s lettuce 198 making 61 nettles 25, 37, 42, 59, 98–101, 174 136, 154, 178
latitude 14 marrows 217 compost tea 40–41 plants that repel 25
lavender 25, 167 Mars 74, 108 liquid manure 29, 232 and predators 22
lawns 183 Matricaria recutita 33, 92, 94 nettle tea 28, 30, 38 weed pepper 138–9
leaf beets 186 mayweed 94 yarrow and nettle tea spray see also individual pests
leaf days 54–5, 180–81 medium feeders 144 227 pH, soil 15
things to do on 182–3 melons 27, 37, 233 New Zealand spinach 21 phacelia 25
leek moths 25 Mentha species 33 night 47 Phaseolus
leeks 25, 157 mesentery sheet 108–13 nightshade, family group 145 P. coccineus 211
legume, family group 145 mice 36 nitrogen 19 P. lunatus 214
lemon basil 25 microclimates 14–15 nutrients, givers and takers 144 P. vulgaris 212
lemons 242 microgreens 162 phosphorus 114
Leo 206 mildew 32, 156 O Physalis ixocarpa 224
lettuce 21, 24, 143, 165, 182, 184, downy 21, 36, 37, 163, 191 oak 102 Picea species 34–5
197 powdery 36, 86, 163, 191, 243 oak bark 505 compost prep 36, pigs’ skulls 103–7
Libra 172 mint 25, 33 59, 63, 65, 123, 127, 142, 153, pinching off 221
light feeders 144 mites 30, 31, 37 191 pine nut slug repellent 34–5
lighting 16 mold, gray 21, 191 decoction 163 pirate bugs 25
lima beans 214 the moon 48–49 how to make 102–7 Pisces 180
limes 242 apogee moon 50–1, 174 when to use 244–5 Pisum sativum 210
liquid manure 28, 29, 31, 33, 36, ascending moon periods 52–3, oats 19, 25 planning new gardens 16–17
37, 38, 57, 152 80, 152, 174, 180, 182, 208, okra 223 plant fertilizers 29
enhancing 136–7 209 onion flies 25, 154 plant teas 28–33, 38, 57, 61, 143,
Equisetum arvense 508 82–3, descending moon periods onions 16, 25, 27, 154 152, 238
85, 226 52–3, 152, 153, 174, 180, 182, Welsh onions 159 chamomile tea 33, 96
kelp 39 183, 208, 209 oppositions 56–7 compost tea 40–41, 61
leaf days 182 full moon 48–9, 56, 152, 174 flower days 174 dandelion tea 111
making 61 lunar cycles 48–55, 150, 172, fruit days 208 Equisetum arvense 508 82–4,
livestock 23 180, 206 leaf days 182 134, 182, 209
loam 15, 21 perigee moon 50–1, 152, 174, root crops 152 horseradish 170
loganberries 227 182 orach, red 201 using on plums and gages 238
lunar cycles 48–55 moon–opposition Saturn 56–7, oranges 242 weed tea 42–3, 142
flower days 54–5, 172 152, 174, 182, 208 organic farming 58 yarrow and nettle tea spray
fruit days 54–5, 206 moon–Saturn conjunction 56 ornamental flowers 57, 175 227
leaf days 54–5, 180 nodes 52–3 plums 29, 38, 170, 238
root days 54–5, 150 sidereal cycle 54–55 P pollination
lupines 19, 213 waning moon periods 48–9, 182 parasitic wasps 25 cross-pollination 27, 236
waxing moon periods 48–9, 182 parsley 25, 154, 180 hand-pollination 222
mulching 21, 142, 217, 221 parsnips 27, 152, 166 open-pollinated seeds 26
ponds 16, 23 pruning root days 54–5, 130, 150 Florence fennel 195
poppies 27 apples 234 things to do on 152–3 globe artichoke 179
potassium 33 apricots 240 roots, confining 241 green bean 212
potato beetles 23 black currants 229 rosemary 25 green onion 158
potatoes 16, 57, 147, 152, 160 blackberries 227 roses 30, 243 heritage 26, 27
natural remedies 32, 37, 38 citrus fruits 242 rot 32 Jerusalem artichoke 171
pots, biodegradable 212, 216 cranberries 232 Rubus kale 193
potting clay 133, 134 in fall 208 R. fruticosus 227 kohlrabi 190
potting mix 18 figs 241 R. idaeus 226 leek 157
powdery mildew 30, 36, 86, 163, on flower days 175 runner beans 24, 201, 211, 222 lettuce 197
191, 243 gooseberries 228 rust 37 lima bean 214
predators, plants that attract grapevines 243 rutabagas 163 marrow 217
25 peaches 239 rye 25 melon 27, 233
prep balls 123, 129 pears 235 mustard green 191
preparations 59, 62–5 plums 238 S napa cabbage 187
biodynamic prep calendar raspberries 226 sage 25 okra 223
244–5 in spring 143, 208, 209 Sagittarius 206 onion 27, 154
chamomile 503 62, 65, 92–7, sweet cherries 236 salad greens 182, 183 parsnip 27, 166
123, 127, 175, 244–5 tart cherries 237 salsify 169 pea 27, 210
dandelion 506 63, 65, 108–13, and tree paste 132 Sambucus nigra 36 pepper 220
123, 127, 175, 244–5 in winter 143 sand, ash and sand pepper 138 pumpkin 27, 218
enhancing liquid manures Prunus sandy soil 15, 21 radicchio 202
136–7 P. armeniaca 240 Saturn 56–7, 74, 108 radish 164
Equisetum arvense 508 57, 59, P. avium 236 moon–opposition Saturn 56–7, red orach 201
63, 65, 82–4, 132, 133, 134, P. cerasus 237 152, 174, 182, 208 rhubarb 204
154, 156, 163, 182, 209, 226, P. domestica 238 moon–Saturn conjunction 56 runner bean 211
244–5 P. insititia 238 Scorpius 180 rutabaga 163
horn manure 500 57, 60, 62, P. persica 239 Scorzonera 153, 169 salsify 169
64, 66–73, 74, 80, 121, 132, pumpkins 16, 24, 27, 218 S. hispanica 169 saving seeds 26–7
133, 134, 142, 143, 153, 183, Pyrus communis 235 Sea kale 205 sea kale 205
244–5 seasonal rhythms 47 shallot 155
horn silica 501 57, 60, 61, 62, QR seeds 58 sowing in furrows 163
64, 74–5, 76–82, 121, 143, quartz 59, 74, 76–9 arugula 196 sown in moon–Saturn
174, 183, 244–5 Queen Anne’s lace 15 asparagus 203 opposition 57
oak bark 505 36, 59, 63, 65, Quercus bean 27 spinach 192
102–7, 123, 127, 142, 153, Q. alba 36 beet 162 squash 27
163, 191, 244–5 Q. robur 36 bok choy 188 storing 16
stinging nettle 504 63, 65, radicchio 202 broad bean 213 sweet corn 222
98–101, 123, 127, 244–5 radishes 36, 37, 164, 211 broccoli 177 Swiss chard 186
storing 120–21 rainwater 14–15, 20 broccoli sprout 178 tomatillos 224
tree paste 132–5 raised beds 17, 57 Brussels sprout 185 tomato 27, 219
using in barrel compost (BC) Raphanus sativus 164 cabbage 184 turnips 27, 168
126–9 raspberries 226 carrot 167 Welsh onions 159
using in biodynamic compost red currants 209 cauliflower 176 zucchini 215
heaps 122–5 red orach 201 celeriac 165 shallots 155
valerian 507 60, 65, 63, red spider mites 31 celery 194 sheds 17
114–19, 124, 127, 137, 143, Rheum x hybridum 204 chicory 200 shrubs 23, 57, 142, 143, 152, 180
175, 244–5 rhubarb 182, 204 chili pepper 220 silica 59, 74
when to use 244–5 Ribes Chinese broccoli 189 skulls 102–3
yarrow 502 30, 62, 64, 65, R. nigrum 229 corn salad 198 slips, growing 161
86–91, 123, 143, 127, 227, R. uva-crispa 228 cucumber 27, 216 slugs and snails 23, 30, 31
244–5 rodents 36 eggplant 221 pine nut slug repellent 34–5
propagating blackberries 227 Romanesco calabrese 177 endive 199 slurry 28, 29
snow peas 210 stag’s bone antlers 86, 87 Equisetum arvense 508 82–4, W
soil Steiner, Rudolf 58–9, 126 134, 182, 209 waning moon periods 48–9, 182
assessing 15 stinging nettle 504 compost prep horseradish 170 water and watering 14–15, 16, 21,
healthy 22 63, 123, 127 plant 28–33, 38 143, 180
improving 15, 18–19, 59 how to make 98–101 using on plums and gages 238 conserving water 20–21
preparing 46, 208 when to use 244–5 weed tea 42–3, 142 and leaf days 182
water content 21 stinging nettles 25, 37, 42, 59, 65, yarrow and nettle tea spray waxing moon periods 48–9, 182
soil sprays, biodynamic 46, 59, 174 227 weeds and weeding 153, 209
70–71, 153, 183 compost tea 40–41 thinning fruitlets 235 shallots 155
applying 61 liquid manure 29, 232 thistles 42 and soil pH 15
dynamizing 60–61 nettle tea 28, 30 thrips 36 weed pepper 138–9
Equisetum arvense 508 82–5, yarrow and nettle tea spray 227 Thun, Maria 126 weed tea 42–3, 142
244–5 stools, planting 229 ticks 37 Welsh onions 159
ground sprays 41, 61, 72–3, 130 storage tomatillos 224 whiteflies 25, 33, 37
horn manure 500 60, 66–71, of biodynamic preparations 71, tomatoes 25, 27, 57, 206, 219 wildflower meadows 234
74, 244–5 79, 120–21 companion planting 203 wildlife
horn silica 501 60, 61, 74–81, of crops 16, 160 natural remedies 32, 36, 37, 39 attracting 16
143, 244–5 of garden tools 16, 17 plant teas 30 increasing diversity 22–3
valerian 507 143 strawberries 30, 57, 208, 209, 225 watering 21 wind 16
weed ash soil spray 139 plant teas 30 tools 16 windbreaks 171
when to use 244–5 sugar snap peas 210 Tragopogon porrifolius 169 winter 47, 142–3
Solanum summer 47, 142, 143 training winter solstice 47
S. lycopersicum 219 summer solstice 47 raspberries 226 winter squash 218
S. melongena 221 summer squash 215 stems 215 witloof chicory 200
S. tuberosum 160 the sun 46–7, 56 transplanting seedlings 193 woolly aphids 25
solstices 47 sunflowers 25 tree onions 159 worms 18, 22, 64, 65, 72
soybeans 214 supports tree paste 132–5, 143, 209, 237 wormwood 25, 31
spinach 21, 24, 57, 143, 165, 180, for beans 211 trees
192 for Brussels sprouts 185 as hedges 180 YZ
New Zealand spinach 21 for melons 233 planting 57, 142, 152, 206 yarrow 25, 30, 59
spinach beet 186 for okra 223 tubers 175 yarrow 502 compost prep 62, 64,
Spinacia oleracea 192 for tomatoes 219 collecting potato 160 65, 123, 143, 127
sprays, biodynamic 46, 59, sweet cherries 236 curing and storing 161 how to make 86–91
70–71, 153, 183 sweet corn 21, 24, 32, 158, 206, tulips 57 yarrow and nettle tea spray
applying 61 222 turnips 16, 27, 36, 37, 168 227
dynamizing 60–61 sweet peppers 220 yarrow tea 30, 88–9
Equisetum arvense 508 82–5, sweet potatoes 161 UV when to use 244–5
244–5 Swiss chard 183, 186 Urtica dioica 38, 98 Zea mays 222
ground sprays 41, 61, 72–3, 130 Symphytum species 37 Vaccinium macrocarpon 232 zucchini 30, 215, 222
horn manure 500 60, 66–71, valerian 59, 114–15, 175
74, 244–5 T valerian 507 compost prep 60,
horn silica 501 60, 61, 74–81, Tanacetum vulgare 37 63, 65, 124, 127, 143, 175
143, 244–5 tansy 25, 37, 174, 239 dynamizing 137
valerian 507 143 tapwater 20 how to make 114–19
weed ash soil spray 139 Taraxacum officinale 38, 108–9 when to use 244–5
when to use 244–5 tart cherries 237 Valeriana officinalis 114–15
spring 47, 143 Taurus 150 Valerianella locusta 198
sprouts, Brussels 185 tayberries 227 vernal equinox 47
squash 27, 222 teas 28–33, 38, 57, 61, 143, 152, vetch 19, 142
companion planting 24 238 Vicia faba 213
summer 215 chamomile tea 33, 96 Virgo 150
winter 218 compost tea 40–41, 61 Vitis species 243
stag bladder 86–91 dandelion tea 111 vortices 60–61
My career in biodynamic wine really took off when developing
About the author a biodynamic garden for a California vineyard in the late 1990s.
Monty Waldin is an award-winning wine writer specializing I learned then that while most gardeners focus solely on the
in green issues, with firsthand experience of developing earth beneath their feet, biodynamic gardeners go a few steps
biodynamic vineyards in Europe and North America. While further by considering what is going on above their heads—
living in France, Monty was filmed by Britain’s Channel 4 for meaning lunar and other celestial cycles—and work toward
Château Monty—the first observational TV documentary on greater self-sufficiency using animals or animal-based manures
biodynamic winemaking (2008). He is the author of several for compost. I see biodynamics as a way of growing food that is
books and contributes to BBC radio and TV, and to British good for both body and spirit while putting more back into the
newspapers—including the Independent, London’s Evening land than you take out. I hope this book encourages the next
Standard, and the Daily Mail—and websites, as well as to wine, generation of gardeners to consider giving biodynamics a try
travel, and environmental publications including Decanter, like I did all those years ago.
Harpers Wine & Spirit Trades Review, World of Fine Wine, The
Ecologist, Star & Furrow (the journal of the UK Biodynamic
Publisher’s acknowledgments
Agricultural Association), and Biodynamics, the journal of the
North American Biodynamic Farming & Gardening Association. DK would like to thank Will Heap, Kate Turner, and their
children for their dedication, energy, and enthusiasm in creating
a biodynamic garden for this book. Thanks also to Michael
Author acknowledgments Fuller for assistance and advice from a biodynamic landscape
Reference books are always a team effort, and a groundbreaking gardener’s perspective; to Dorothea Leber for sharing her
book such as this requires both courage—given the esoteric expertise and showing us her garden at Michael Hall School; to
nature of the subject—as well as intricate planning on behalf Peter Brinch for information on seed saving; and to Jessica
of the publisher and the team. To create a book illustrated Standing of the BDA for her help and enthusiasm, particularly at
in such fine and coherent detail requires both a biodynamic the start of the project. We are immensely grateful to the
garden as stage and biodynamic gardeners as protagonists. community at Tablehurst Farm for the loan of Briony Young,
Photographer Will Heap has captured the essence of the plants, who guided us through our photoshoots—and to Briony herself
cow horns, and other materials used to make the biodynamic for her generosity and patience throughout the process. Thanks
preparations. His photographs reveal the inner vitality of his to all at Plaw Hatch Farm, especially Nir Halfon and Liz Charnell
own biodynamic garden, as well as the intricacies of how for accommodating photography and allowing us to sample their
biodynamic compost, teas, and, of course, the preparations beautiful produce. Thanks also to Sarah Delfas and Sabine Von
themselves are made, in this case by experienced biodynamic Szczepanski for the use of their gardens, and to David Josephs
farmer Briony Young. The choice of images and the way they and Kamil Demir of Clifton Greens for procuring grocery props.
have been presented in the book in such a clear and thoughtful Designers: Elaine Hewson, Clare Marshall, Poppy Joslin
way is thanks to Sonia Moore. Helen Fewster has edited my Editors: Chauney Dunford, Shashwati Tia Sarkar,
explanations of how biodynamic methods can make gardening Annelise Evans, Esther Ripley, Andrea Bagg, Alastair Laing
a more stimulating experience with skill, sensitivity, and, above Additional photography: Gary Ombler
all, great wisdom. Indexer: Vanessa Bird
Picture credits 183 DK: Garden designed by Outerspace Designs/RHS Hampton Court Flower
Show 2013 (cl). 186 DK: RHS Hampton Court Flower Show (cra). 187 DK: John
The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission to Stewart (crb). 188 DK: Sonia Moore (crb). 190 DK: Drahomira Machackova (cr).
reproduce their photographs.
192 DK: Nikki Mantei— (crb). 194 DK:
(Key: a-above; b-below/bottom; c-center; f-far; l-left; r-right; t-top) Fongshoo Yeh (crb). 195 DK: Hester Robson (crb). 199 DK: Amelia Bellamy-
Royds (crb). 201 DK: Wendy Hannan (crb). 203 DK: Joy Russell (crb). 204 DK:
2 DK: Sonia Moore (cra). DK: Kate Turner (fcl, bl). 3 DK: Kate Turner (c). 9 DK:
Olivier Bacquet (crb). 206 Fotolia: Alexey Repka (tl). 209 DK: Alan Buckingham
Helena Smith/Rough Guides (tr); Will Heap: Biodynamics in Practice, Rudolf
(cl). 210 DK: Sonia Moore (crb). 221 Alamy Images: Valentyn Volkov (tl).
Steiner Press, 2010 (br). 17 DK: Kate Turner (tr). 22 DK: Lucy Claxton (bl).
224 DK: Joanna Plumb (cr). 225 DK: Alan Buckingham (cra). 226 DK: Alan
23 DK: Kate Turner (bl). 30 DK: RHS Wisley (tr). 32 DK: Garden designed by
Buckingham (tr). 227 Getty Images: (tl). 228 DK: Alan Buckingham (cra).
Sarah Price/RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2012 (tl). 45 Fotolia: Alexey Repka.
229 Getty Images: Creativ Studio Heinemann (bl). 230 DK: Alan Buckingham
47 DK: Paul Whitfield/Rough Guides (br). 57 DK: Chelsea Flower Show (bc).
(fcra, cr, br). 231 DK: Alan Buckingham (cr). 232 Getty Images: Lauren Nicole/
73 DK: RHS Wisley (cr). 140 DK: Sonia Moore (cla). 143 DK: Lucy Claxton (ftl);
Photodisc (ftl, cra). 233 DK: Alan Buckingham (cra). 234 DK: Alan Buckingham
RHS Wisley (fcrb). 149 Getty Images: (fbl/blackberries); Lauren Nicole/
(cr). 235 DK: Alan Buckingham (tl, br). 239 DK: Alan Buckingham (cr). 240 DK:
Photodisc (br/cranberries). 150 Fotolia: Alexey Repka (tl). 156 DK: RHS Wisley
Airedale (br); Alan Buckingham (cra). 241 DK: Alan Buckingham/Hampton
(cr). 157 DK: Ally Beag (crb). 158 DK: Luke Anderson (crb). 159 DK: Sandy
Court Flower Show 2009 (cr). 242 DK: Simon Bracken/Rough Guides (br); Alan
Austin (crb). 161 DK: Moss Doerksen (br). 164 DK: Peter Warren (br). 166 DK:
Buckingham (cr). 243 DK: RHS Wisley (br).
Caroline Showell (crb). 167 DK: Caroline Showell (crb). 171 DK: Sonia Moore
(cr, crb). 172 Fotolia: Alexey Repka (tl). 175 DK: Avon Bulbs (tl). 177 DK: Sonia All other images © Dorling Kindersley.
Moore (crb). 178 DK: Karen Blakeman (crb). 180 Fotolia: Alexey Repka (tl). For further information see: 253