Human Mil

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Department of Dermatology, Skin and Allergy Hospital

University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland



Kirsi-Marjut Jrvinen


To be publicly discussed by permission of the Medical Faculty of the University

of Helsinki, in the auditorium of the Hospital for Skin and Allergic Diseases,
Meilahdentie 2, Helsinki, on September 1st, 2000, at 12 noon.

Helsinki 2000
Supervised by:

Hanna Raitio (nee Suomalainen), M.D., Ph.D.

Skin and Allergy Hospital, Department of Dermatology
Helsinki University Central Hospital
Helsinki, Finland

Kaisu Juntunen-Backman, M.D., Docent

Skin and Allergy Hospital, Department of Allergology
Helsinki University Central Hospital
Helsinki, Finland

Reviewed by:

Erkki Savilahti, M.D., Professor

Hospital for Children and Adolescents
University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland

Markku Viander, M.D., Docent

Department of Medical Microbiology
University of Turku
Turku, Finland

ISBN 952-91-2361-1 (printed)

ISBN 952-91-2368-X (PDF)
Helsinki 2000

5.1. General effects of breastfeeding on infants health. 11
5.2. Breastfeeding in prevention of atopy.. 11
5.2.1 Epidemiological studies. 11
5.2.2 Possible mechanisms of allergy prevention by breastfeeding.12
5.3. Human milk components 13
5.3.1 Leucocytes. 13
5.3.2 Soluble mediators.. 18
5.3.3 Immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, and oligosaccharides..22
5.3.4 Dietary protein antigens. 24
5.4. In vivo fate of milk-derived immunoreactive factors.. 25
5.5. Normal immune response to dietary protein antigens. 27
5.5.1 Cells and mediators involved in infant immune responses 27
5.5.2 Development of infants immune responses to dietary proteins. 30
5.5.3 Development of oral tolerance 32
5.6. Cows milk allergy. 33
5.6.1 Sensitisation to cows milk antigens.. 33
5.6.2 Hypersensitivity to cows milk.. 34
7.1. Subjects.. 37
7.2. Diets 37
7.3. Study protocol.37
7.4. Skin prick test (SPT).. 39
7.5. Oral cows milk challenge.. 39
7.6. Cows milk challenge performed through mothers milk 39
7.7. Samples.. 40
7.7.1 Human milk.. 40
7.7.2. Peripheral blood 40
7.8. Laboratory methods 41
7.8.1 Light microscopy41
7.8.2 Flow cytometry..41
7.8.3 Determination of TNF-, IFN-, and IL-4 42
7.8.4 Determination of BLG .. 42
7.8.5 ELISPOT assay. 42
7.8.6 Determination of total and cows milk-specific IgA43
7.9. Statistical analyses.. 44
7.10. Ethical aspects.. 45
8. RESULTS.4 6
8.1. Clinical features of study patients (Studies I-V)..46
8.2. Clinical response to oral cows milk challenge... 47
8.2.1 Cows milk challenge performed perorally (Studies I-V).. 47
8.2.2 Cows milk challenge via mothers milk (Study IV)..47
8.3. Cellular, cytokine, and immunoglobulin composition of human milk.49
8.3.1 Differential cell counts of milk leucocytes (Study I).. 49
8.3.2 HLA-DR expression of milk leucocytes (Study II) 50
8.3.3 Comparison of differential cell counts and expression of human
leucocyte differentiation antigens of milk cells (Study I) 50
8.3.4 Cytokine production of milk cells (Study III).51
8.3.5 Total and cows milk-specific IgA in human milk (Study V). 51
8.4. Lymphocyte subsets in infants and their association with cellular composition
of human milk (Study I).. 52
8.5. Immune response evoked during cows milk challenge through mothers milk. 53
8.5.1 Transfer of BLG in human milk (Study IV).. 53
8.5.2 Immunoglobulin-secreting cells (Study IV)54
8.5.3 Peripheral blood lymphocytes (Study IV)..55
9.1. Novel aspects of CMA 56
9.2. Human milk and development of oral tolerance.. 57
9.3. Human milk and development of CMA.. 59
10. TIIVISTELM.. 6 6
12. REFERENCES.. 7 1


In the light of epidemiologic studies up until now, the effect of breastfeeding on the
development of allergic diseases and cows milk allergy (CMA) in the breast-fed had
remained controversial. This may in part be due to individual variations in the levels
of immunological constituents in mothers milk. To investigate the impact of distinct
immunological factors in human milk on the breast-fed infants risk for developing
CMA, the presence of several immunologic components in the colostrum and milk of
the mothers of newborns and infants was studied prospectively. Levels of various
immunological factors were correlated with the offsprings clinical response to cows
milk challenge. Further, clinical manifestations of CMA in addition to the immune
responses to cows milk evoked were measured during a cows milk challenge
performed through mothers milk.

The proportions of distinct leucocyte subsets in human milk were studied in mothers
of infants with CMA and in those of healthy infants. In the milk of the latter, the
predominant leucocyte was the macrophage, whereas in the former, the proportion of
macrophages was significantly smaller, and large proportions of eosinophils and
neutrophils were found more often. These abnormalities in mothers milk were in
relation to an imbalance in the CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell ratio and with disturbed B-cell
function that were associated with development of CMA in the breast-fed infant.
When HLA-DR expression on milk macrophages was investigated in a subgroup of
mothers, it was less frequent in those with infants with CMA. These results imply that
sufficient numbers of functional milk macrophages may be critical in development of
oral tolerance to food antigens in the offspring. Since HLA-DR is necessary for the
presentation of antigens to T cells, the central role of the milk macrophages may be
the presentation of foreign food antigens to the breast-fed infants relatively naive
and immature immune system. Moreover, these findings suggest that the presence of
high numbers of eosinophils and neutrophils in mothers milk may be harmful to the
breast-fed, since their cytolysis may potentially lead to the release of high amounts of
highly cytotoxic mediators including ECP in the infants gut. This may lead to an
immunoinflammatory process similar to that seen in asthma and to increased gut
permeability, and may thus contribute to development of CMA.

Further study of the function of human milk leucocytes required examination of the
production of certain cytokines in vitro. Consistent with our findings of a low
number and less frequent expression of the HLA-DR of milk macrophages, the level

of TNF- in milk was lower in mothers having babies with CMA. TNF-, a cytokine
involved in the maturation process of dendritic cells necessary for presentation of
processed antigen to T cells, may be an important factor in regulating development of
oral tolerance in the gut mucosa of breast-fed infants. These results indicate that any
lack of TNF- in human milk may downregulate the differentiation of dendritic cells
in the breast-fed, thereby playing a role in development of CMA.

The levels of total IgA in colostrum and milk were significantly lower in those
mothers whose babies later developed CMA, whereas levels of IgA antibodies to
cows milk were comparable in the two groups of mothers. Since secretory IgA is
considered the most important protective factor at mucosal level, its lack in milk may
lead to an increased exposure of the intestinal mucosa of the breast-fed infant to
potential allergens and thus enhance the risk for development of food allergies.

Clinical symptoms and immune responses in the peripheral blood of the breast-fed
were evaluated during a cows milk challenge performed through mothers milk.
After a 2- to 4-week cows milk elimination diet of both mother and infant, increasing
doses of cows milk or other dairy product were given at 1-hour intervals to the
breastfeeding mother. Transfer of -lactoglobulin (BLG) in mothers milk was
assessed. Most of the infants with CMA reacted to this untraditional cows milk
challenge procedure by showing typical symptoms of CMA, and the level of BLG
was simultaneously increased in the milk of a subgroup of mothers. At the same time,
there was a significant rise in total number of immunoglobulin-secreting cells of the
IgA and IgG classes in the peripheral blood of infants. These findings give reason to
believe that allergic reactions to food antigens transferred in the mothers milk to the
breast-fed, may be more common in infants with CMA than previously thought. They
further imply that a strict elimination diet for the breast-feeding mother may be
required in most cases of an infant with food allergies.

The present study may be the first to report that several aberrations in the cellular,
cytokine, and immunoglobulin composition of human milk are related to
development of CMA in the breast-fed. It therefore provides fresh insight into the
etiopathogenesis of CMA. Measuring such components of mothers milk may
become a useful tool for assessing those newborns at an increased risk for
developing CMA. Although human milk is the best source of nutrition for healthy
infants, the present study questions the general recommendation of prolonged
breastfeeding in the prevention of development of food allergies in allergic families.


This thesis is based upon the following original papers, referred to in the text by
Roman numerals (I-V).

I Jrvinen K-M, Suomalainen H. Leucocytes in human milk and immune responses

in cows milk-allergic infants. Submitted.

II Jrvinen K-M, Juntunen-Backman K, Suomalainen H. Relation between weak

HLA-DR expression on human milk macrophages and cow milk allergy (CMA) in
suckling infants. Pediatr Res 1999;45:76-81.

III Jrvinen K-M, Laine S, Suomalainen H. Defective tumour necrosis factor-alpha

production in mothers milk is related to cows milk allergy in suckling infants.
Clin Exp Allergy 2000;30:637-643.

IV Jrvinen K-M, Mkinen-Kiljunen S, Suomalainen H. Cows milk challenge via

human milk evokes immune responses in suckling infants with cows milk allergy.
J Pediatr 1999;135:506-12.

V Jrvinen K-M, Laine S, Jrvenp A-L, Suomalainen H. Does low IgA in human
milk predispose the infant to the development of cows milk allergy? Pediatr Res
2000, in press.

Some previously unpublished data are also presented.



ANOVA analysis of variance

APC antigen presenting cell
BALT bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue
BLG -lactoglobulin
CD cluster of differentiation
CI confidence interval
CMA cows milk allergy
Con A Concanavalin A
DC dendritic cell
ECP eosinophil cationic protein
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ELISPOT solid phase enzyme-linked immunospot assay
FCS fetal calf serum
GM-CSF granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
GALT gut-associated lymphoid tissue
HLA human leucocyte antigen
IFN interferon
Ig immunoglobulin
IL-1-13 interleukins 1-13
ISC immunoglobulin-secreting cell
MHC major histocompatibility complex
NK cells natural killer cells
PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cell
PBS phosphate-buffered saline
RAST radioallergosorbent test
sASC specific antibody-secreting cell
sCD23 soluble CD23 antigen
sIgA secretory immunoglobulin A
SPT skin prick test
TGF transforming growth factor
Th1, Th2 subtypes 1 and 2 of helper T cells
TNF tumour necrosis factor


Breastfeeding and human milk afford to the infant a number of benefits. Prolonged
breastfeeding has been recommended to prevent or delay the development of atopic
disease (Businco et al. 1983, Chandra et al. 1985, Businco et al. 1987, Hst et al.
1988, Zeiger et al. 1989, Saarinen and Kajosaari 1995, Oddy et al. 1999). However,
other studies do not confirm the preventive effect of breastfeeding, even in
combination with a maternal elimination diet, against the development of atopic
disease (Chandra et al. 1986, Lilja et al. 1989, Lilja and Oman 1991). Some studies
have even reported an increased risk for development of atopic eczema and food
allergies in breast-fed infants (Kaplan and Solli 1979, Kramer and Moroz 1981,
Cogswell and Alexander 1982, Taylor et al. 1983). Although breastfeeding has been
widely recommended, especially for infants at high risk for allergy, investigations into
the composition of human milk in atopic mothers are few. Hardly any data are
available on the effect of distinct immunological factors in human milk on the breast-
fed infants health status (Machtinger and Moss 1986, Savilahti et al. 1991).

Cows milk allergy (CMA) is defined as an immunologically mediated adverse

reaction against cows milk antigens (Savilahti et al. 1992). Symptoms of CMA
commonly appear during the first months of life, within days or weeks of
commencing feeding with a cows milk-based formula, or even during exclusive
breastfeeding (Jakobsson and Lindberg 1978, Gerrard 1979, Mactinger and Moss
1986, Sorva and Mkinen-Kiljunen 1994, Isolauri et al. 1999). The most likely cause
of symptoms in these infants has been suggested to be the small amounts of cows
milk proteins ingested by the lactating mother and transferred into breast milk (Stuart
et al. 1984, Kilshaw and Cant 1984, Machtinger and Moss 1986, Vandenplas et al.
1992, Sorva and Mkinen-Kiljunen 1994). Clinical relief of symptoms of CMA in an
infant has been reported upon maternal withdrawal of cows milk (Jakobsson and
Lindberg 1978, Gerrard 1979, Sorva and Mkinen-Kiljunen 1994). However, strict
elimination of cows milk and cereal antigens from the mothers diet does not always
lead to disappearance of allergic symptoms in an infant reacting to these proteins.
This suggests that the dietary antigens may not be the only factors in human milk
causing symptoms of food allergy in breast-fed infants.

Colostrum and milk contain numerous potentially immunologically active

components such as leucocytes, cytokines, and immunoglobulins (Slade and

Schwartz 1987, Xanthou et al. 1995, Wagner et al. 1996, Goldman et al. 1997, Bernt
and Walker 1999, Hanson 2000). A breast-fed infant ingests an average of 108
leucocytes per day with breastfeeding, often continuing for several weeks. Maternal
cells and cytokines may reside biologically intact in the gut of the breast-fed infant
due to special characteristics of human milk cells and of the newborns
gastrointestinal tract. Human milk is believed to impart specific immune advantages
to the neonate through enhancement or induction of the still-developing neonatal
immune system (Slade and Schwartz 1987, Xanthou et al. 1995, Wagner et al. 1996,
Cummins and Thompson 1997, Bernt and Walker 1999, Goldman 2000, Hanson
2000). Evidence is, however, lacking as to the direct influence of human milk
leucocytes and cytokines on the recipient. In this study, we sought to determine the
influence of these immunologic components in human milk on the infants risk for
developing CMA.


5.1. General effects of breastfeeding on infants health

Multiple advantages of breastfeeding over formula feeding have been advanced

from a variety of disciplines. The benefits for infants are believed to lie in four general
areas: optimal growth and nutrition, defense against infections, the enhancement of
maternal-infant bonding, and avoidance of allergic diseases (Cunningham 1979).
Human milk provides the newborn with nutrients, growth factors, and anti-infectious
substances important for host defense against infections (Goldman et al. 1982).
During past decades, breastfeeding has been suggested to account for the decrease
in number and severity of infants intestinal and respiratory infections (Cunningham
1979), as well as of septicemia and meningitis (Winberg and Wessner 1971). The
protective activity of breastfeeding against infections is explained by antimicrobial
factors such as the immunoglobulins, leucocytes, lysozyme, lactoferrin, and bifidus
factor present in human milk and a lessened risk of contamination with pathogenic
microorganisms, particularly when hygiene is poor. Although knowledge is still
lacking, breastfeeding may impart specific immune advantages to the neonate
through enhancement or induction of the still-developing neonatal immune system
(Slade and Schwartz 1987).

5.2. Breastfeeding in prevention of allergy

5.2.1 Epidemiological studies

The effect of breastfeeding - combined with avoidance of cows milk and solid foods
- on reduction in incidence of atopic disease and CMA in the first years of life
remains an unsettled issue. Several studies suggest that (prolonged) breastfeeding
prevents or delays the development of atopic disease in infants (Businco et al. 1983,
Chandra et al. 1985, Businco et al. 1987, Hst et al. 1988, Zeiger et al. 1989,
Saarinen and Kajosaari 1995, Oddy et al. 1999). Others do not confirm the putative
advantages of breastfeeding (Kaplan and Solli 1979, Kramer and Moroz 1981,
Cogswell and Alexander 1982, Taylor et al. 1983, Lilja et al. 1989, Lilja and Oman
1991). This inconsistency may result from problems in the design of these studies
(Atherton 1983, Bjrkstn 1983). The published reports include prospective as well
as retrospective studies, but critical evaluation should be confined only to the

prospective ones. Some studies relied on parental diagnosis of atopic diseases alone.
Duration of breastfeeding may be influenced by a family history of allergy, which
should be taken into account. Further, some studies have evaluated the effect of
maternal avoidance of potent sensitising foods, such as eggs, fish, and cows milk,
while others merely compared duration of breastfeeding and commencement of
bottle feeding or solid foods on development of allergic diseases. Duration of
breastfeeding and follow-up of the patients in the studies varies widely. Most of the
prospective studies indicate that in infants with a clear family history of allergy,
breastfeeding delays the onset of allergy for several years (Atherton 1983, Bjrkstn
1983). The ultimate long-term effect of breastfeeding is, however, another issue.

5.2.2 Possible mechanisms of allergy prevention by breastfeeding

The principal advantage of breastfeeding in the reduction of sensitisation in infants

and of symptoms of allergy in an already sensitised baby has been widely assumed to
be the relative scarcity of food antigens in human milk. At the same time, in animal
studies, small antigen amounts administered parenterally have been reported
preferentially to induce immunoglobulin (Ig)E antibody responses (Jarrett 1984).
These findings offer a reason to consider the low antigen content in breast milk a
mixed blessing, since it could result in low-dose sensitisation in breast-fed babies
(Bjrkstn 1983).

Other mechanisms may contribute to the protective effect of human milk. Human milk
contains IgA antibodies against a number of common foods (see Chapter 3.3). Such
antibodies may reduce the entry of such antigens through mucosal surfaces and
lower the risk for sensitisation. Human milk also directly affects the neonates
immune system, because it contains a factor that stimulates IgA synthesis in the infant
(Roberts and Freed 1977, Pittard and Bill 1979, Allardyce and Wilson 1983, Juto
1985). Further, cell-mediated immunity is transferred from mother to infant through
human milk (Schlesinger and Covelli 1977). Such support from human milk for infant
immunity may be crucial, since allergy appears to be associated with primary
functional abnormality of the immune system, possibly defective suppressor function
(Suomalainen et al. 1993a, Jrvinen et al. 1998). Infants with an increased risk for
such a defect in the function of immune system may especially benefit from
breastfeeding, assuming that the milk contains sufficient immune regulatory factors.

Three additional possible mechanisms of protection have been proposed. Human milk
shows antimicrobial activity, which probably accounts for the lower incidence of
infections in breast-fed babies than in formula-fed ones (Winberg and Wessner 1971).

A lower incidence of infections may in turn reduce risk for sensitisation, since
respiratory tract infections, for example, have been associated with increased risk for
sensitisation and development of atopic allergy (Frick et al. 1979). Secondly,
breastfeeding has been proposed to affect the gastrointestinal flora in a direction that
may be favourable in terms of prevention of sensitisation (Bjrkstn 1983), since
introduction of cows milk promotes the growth of gram-negative endotoxin-
producing bacteria with adjuvant properties that enhance sensitisation (Matthew et
al. 1977). This hypothesis, however, conflicts with the recent finding that indoor
endotoxin exposure early in life may protect against allergen sensitisation by
enhancing type 1 immunity (Gereda et al. 2000). Thirdly, certain hormones, identified
in human milk, such as cortisol, plus growth factors such as epidermal growth factor
(Carpenter 1980), insulin-like growth factor (Corps et al. 1988), milk growth factor
(Kanda et al. 1994), and transforming growth factor (TGF) (Saito et al. 1993), may
support the anatomic integrity of the mucosal barrier in the infant.

5.3. Human milk components

Human milk originates in lactating mammary tissue. The basic structural unit is the
alveolus, which consists of lactating cells that secrete milk into an adjoining lumen
(Patton and Keenan 1975). The lumen connects to a duct system that drains the
collected milk to outlets at the skins surface. Individual arteriovenous capillary
systems provide each alveolus with the individual nutrients needed for producing
milk. Milk lipid, lactose, and the majority of milk proteins are produced in the
lactating cells (Patton and Keenan 1975, McPherson and Kitchen 1983). Human milk
contains cells, soluble mediators, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, oligosaccharides,
enzymes, peroxidases, lysozyme, secretory component, bifidus factor, growth factors,
hormones, and foreign food antigens. Occasional bacteria and several viruses
(rubella, CMV, hepatitis B, vaccinia) have been observed in milk, either passing from
the maternal circulation or entering the milk by reflux from the infant during suckling
(Ogra and Ogra 1979). Maternal histocompatibility antigens are also present in the
cells of milk (Beer et al. 1974). The following will focus purely on immunologic

5.3.1 Leucocytes

Total number and origin of milk leucocytes. Human colostrum contains 2 to 4 x

106 cells/ml, the number of which decays rapidly in four days post partum and
decreases more gradually thereafter (Ogra and Ogra 1978, Goldman et al. 1982). It is

estimated that on average 2 billion each of polymorphonuclear leucocytes and

mononuclear cells are ingested by the breast-fed baby during its first four days
(Murphey and Buescher 1993). The mean total cell count in preterm colostrum has
been found to be significantly higher than in full-term colostrum (Jain et al. 1991).
This contrasts with the finding of Rodriguez et al. (1989) who detected a slightly
larger number of leucocytes in milk of mothers delivering preterm, but the difference
was not statistically significant (0.55 x 106 vs. 0.42 x 106 cells/ml). Alcohol
consumption has been associated with an increase in number of leucocytes in human
milk (Na et al. 1997). It is likely that human milk leucocytes originate from blood
(Goldman and Goldblum 1996). No leucocytes, other than a few macrophages,
appear in the mammary gland until late pregnancy and throughout lactatation. The
vast majority of B cells that home to the mammary gland transform into plasma cells
that remain sessile in the mammary gland (Goldman and Goldblum 1996). In contrast,
other leucocytes attracted to the site from the maternal circulation, probably due to
the presence of chemoattractant factors (Michie et al. 1998, Bttcher et al. 2000b),
traverse the mammary epithelium and become part of the milk secretions.

Mononuclear phagocytic cells. In the milk of healthy women delivered full-term,

the predominant cellular component (60 to 90% of milk cells) is the macrophage
(Smith and Goldman 1968, Ho et al. 1979, Eglinton et al. 1994), with a morphology
resembling that of tissue macrophages (Pitt 1979). Despite expressing the monocyte
markers Leu-M3 and Leu-M5, they also appear phenotypically more similar to tissue
macrophages (Xanthou 1997). Additionally, occasional monocytes are found (Smith
and Goldman 1968, Ho et al. 1979). The structural and functional characteristics of
breast milk macrophages are not completely defined. They display unusual
morphology, including many lipid-filled vacuoles, milk fat globules, and casein
micelles (Smith and Goldman 1968, Smith et al. 1971, Crago et al. 1979, Ho et al.
1979, France et al. 1980, Baldus et al. 1995). Studies of mothers that have delivered
preterm and at full term have shown that milk macrophages are a fully mature tissue
macrophage population (Rodriguez et al. 1989). They adhere to glass, although less
than do their counterparts in peripheral blood (Miler et al. 1990). They are activated,
as indicated by their high motility (zgaragoz et al. 1988), but their migratory
activity and chemotaxis have also been shown to be significantly less than those of
less mature blood monocytes (Clemente et al. 1986, Thorpe et al. 1986, Rodriguez et
al. 1989). They have been demonstrated to mount a respiratory burst after in vitro
stimulation (Tsuda et al. 1984, Cummings et al. 1985, Speer et al. 1985; 1986).
Activation, as indicated by induction of the oxidative burst and prostaglandin
production, has been suggested to occur through the IgA receptors they contain
(Robinson et al. 1991). Moreover, they show high phagocytic activity (Smith and
Goldman 1968, Goldman and Smith 1973, Rodriguez et al. 1989), but the number of

particles engulfed per cell has been reported to be markedly lower than for blood
leucocytes (Miler et al. 1990). They have also been demonstrated to kill ingested
Candida Albicans (Cummings et al. 1985). That they exhibit strongly carbohydrate
antigens in addition to peptide ones may be the result of cytokine-mediated
stimulation or increased phagocytic activity (Baldus et al. 1995). They also possess
the capability of producing toxic oxygen radicals for intracellular killing of
microorganisms (Tsuda et al. 1984). Some authors suggest that, as elsewhere in the
body, human milk macrophages may provide the first line of defense against
pathogens (Waksman 1979).

The HLA-DR is a subgroup of the major histocompatibility complex class II,

responsible for antigen presentation to compatible T cells (Leyva-Cobian and
Clemente 1984). Expression of HLA-DR on human milk macrophages has previously
been demonstrated to be very high, almost 100% (Rivas et al. 1994). Milk
macrophages have been shown to have the capacity to present antigens and to
induce T-cell proliferation (Oksenberg et al. 1985, Vandenplas et al. 1992). Mori and
Hayward (1992) demonstrated that about 20% of milk mononuclear cells have
antigen-presenting characteristics in vitro. Immunologically, in their in vitro
responses to specific and nonspecific stimuli, mononuclear cells in human milk
resemble gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) or bronchus-associated lymphoid
tissue (BALT) (Parmely et al. 1977), but they may also be responsible for longer-term
immune changes by virtue of their endocrine functions (Pabst 1997). They produce
cytokines (Skansn-Saphir et al. 1993), lysozyme, C3 and C4 complement,
lactoferrin, and a large combination of immunoglobulins (Goldman and Smith 1973,
Weaver et al. 1984, Goldman and Goldblum 1989). Milk macrophages are also able
to secrete prostaglandin E2 and plasminogen activator (Blau et al. 1983, Le Deist et
al. 1986).

Neutrophils. According to the literature, neutrophils are rare in human milk (8-28%)
in breast-feeding mothers (Smith and Goldman 1968, Eglinton et al. 1994). However,
some authors report as high as 40-60% of neutrophils (Ho et al. 1979, Crago et al.
1979). Human milk polymorphonuclear cells are functionally exudate cells with less
locomotive, adherence, microbicidal, and stimulated respiratory burst capabilities than
those of their counterparts in blood (Ho and Lawton 1978, Kohl et al. 1980, Weaver
et al. 1984, Thorpe et al. 1986, Buescher and McIlheran 1993, Grazioso and
Buescher 1996). Although the interpretation was initially that such lower adherence,
polarity, and motility are due to inhibitors in human milk (Thorpe et al. 1986), further
investigations suggest that they are typical for activated neutrophils, as evidenced
by their high expression of the activation marker CD11b and decreased expression of
L-Selectin (Keeney et al. 1993). In an older study, the phagocytic ability of human

neutrophils was demonstrated, however, to be comparable to that of peripheral blood

(Ho et al. 1979). Inhibition of neutrophil function in vitro in colostrum and mature
milk has been associated with antioxidant activities (Grazioso and Buescher 1996).

The explanation for why these cells are present in colostrum is obscure. Smith and
Goldman (1968) suggested that their presence may represent a response to the
engorgement of the breast. Alcohol consumption has been detected to increase their
number in milk (Na et al. 1997). The ability to sequester pathogens, thereby
preventing their attachment to the gut wall and subsequent colonisation of the gut,
has been proposed as their function (Ho and Lawton 1978). Yet more recently,
Buescher and McIlheran (1993) have concluded that, owing to their lower
phagocytic and microbicidal characteristics, they do not seem to provide significant
anti-infective protection to the breast-fed infant. However, they release lactoferrin,
which has important anti-inflammatory functions (Kiljstra 1991).

T cells. Only 3 to 9% of human milk leucocytes are lymphocytes (Smith and

Goldman 1968, Crago et al. 1979), with T cells accounting for 74 to 83% of them
(Bertotto et al. 1990, Jain et al. 1991, Wirt et al. 1992). They display predominantly
the phenotype and functional characteristics of memory T cells (Bertotto et al. 1990).
The great majority of T cells express antigens involved in intercellular adhesion
(LFA-1, ICAM-1) and T-cell activation (CDw29, HLA-DR) (Bertotto et al. 1990,
Gibson et al. 1991, Wirt et al. 1992). Milk T cells also exhibit good responsiveness to
a variety of bacterial and viral antigens (Smith and Goldman 1968, Parmely et al.
1976, Ogra and Ogra 1978), and produce significant amounts of interferon (IFN)-
(Bertotto et al. 1990). These characteristics suggest that milk T cells may be antigen-
pulsed T cells capable of mounting a secondary immune response.

In the studies using flow cytometry, the mean CD4+ and CD8+ ratio of T cells in
human milk has been reported to be 1, meaning that the proportion of CD8+ cells is
higher than in peripheral blood (Wirt et al. 1992, Eglinton et al. 1994). However, an
older study using indirect immunoperoxidase staining and monoclonal antibodies
claimed the ratio was 1.6 (Jain et al. 1991). Further, milk T cells have 2- to 3-fold
higher percentages of activated CD8+ (HML-1+ or VLA-1+) cells than does blood
(Gibson et al. 1991, Eglinton et al. 1994).

The phenotypic pattern of T cells may result from T cell-activating substances in milk
and/or selective homing of T cells to the breast (Wirt et al. 1992). The same authors
have suggested that the paucity of memory T cells in the newborn period and early
infancy is compensated, at least partly, by the transfer of maternal memory T
lymphocytes in human milk. A variety of labelling and receptor studies have

established that milk T cells come from T cells stimulated in the GALT or BALT,
which then follow the same route as IgA-bearing B blasts to the mucosae (Parmely et
al. 1976, Parrot 1979, Waksman 1979, Richie et al. 1982, Keller et al. 1986, Bertotto
et al. 1990, Bertotto et al. 1991). Hence, colostral T cells react to antigens which may
reasonably be presumed to have acted on T cells in GALT or BALT and their
draining lymph nodes (Parrott 1979). At least certain subpopulations of unprimed T
cells are also found in colostrum and early milk, although small in number (Wirt et al.

B cells. B cells comprise 4 to 26% of total milk lymphocytes (Bertotto et al. 1990,
Jain et al. 1991, Wirt et al. 1992). They have been found to produce IgA, as first
demonstrated by Murillo and Goldman (1970). A high proportion of colostral B
lymphocytes show production of the antibodies directed against Escheria coli
antigen following oral immunisation (Ahlstedt et al. 1975), representing evidence
that B cells migrate from GALT to the mammary gland. Evidence from labelling and
receptor studies further supports this hypothesis (Roux et al. 1977, Bush and Beer
1979). Primed B cells stimulated to blast-transformation and bearing specific
membrane IgA migrate in large numbers from the Peyers patches to draining
mesenteric lymph nodes. Further, they travel to the body by way of efferent lymph
and the bloodstream to the lamina propria of mucous membranes throughout the
body, including the mammary glands, where they evolve into IgA-secreting plasma
cells (Roux et al. 1977). The migration to the mammary gland becomes a major
pathway only during late pregnancy and lactation (Roux et al. 1977). Lymphocyte
migration appears to be directed by cell-surface molecules termed homing-
receptors, which are leucocyte-endothelial adhesion molecules that interact
selectively at areas of specialized endothelium on postcapillary venules to capture
the lymphocytes in particular lymphoid organs (Slade and Schwatz 1987). These
high endothelial venules express specific surface proteins that have been designated
as vascular addressins (Carlos and Harlan 1994).

Natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells represent a small proportion of colostral cells and
display low cytotoxic activity (Moro et al. 1985, Wirt et al. 1992). In contrast to
peripheral blood, the majority of colostral NK cells exhibited a degenerated
appearance with many vacuoles and no electron-dense granules (Moro et al. 1985).

Eosinophils. Eosinophils account for about 2% of milk cells (Vassella et al. 1992,
Eglinton et al. 1994). Vassella et al. (1992) has reported that the number of
eosinophils in human milk is positively correlated with their number in peripheral
blood, suggesting migration of eosinophils from peripheral blood to mammary gland
as described for lymphocytes. In that study, eosinophil count was significantly

higher in the milk of atopic women (4%) than in that of nonatopic mothers. Their
function in human milk is unknown.

Basophils. Basophils are seldom found in the milk (0.1% of cells) of atopic mothers
(Vassella et al. 1992). Their number is positively correlated with the number of
eosinophils in peripheral blood, with a tendency towards higher basophil counts in
the milk of atopic women. The authors suggest that the capacity of basophils to
release histamine in the gut of the infant might increase the permeability of the gut
mucosa and probably the risk for sensitisation to food allergens.

Other cells. Occasional epithelial cells appear in human milk (Crago et al. 1979, Ho
et al. 1979).

5.3.2 Soluble mediators

Cytokines are glycoproteins, secreted predominantly by activated T cells, monocytes,

and macrophages that have effects on a variety of cells of the immune system and
also on numerous other cells and systems throughout the body. Human milk contains
cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1 (Sder 1987), IL-4 (Eglington et al. 1994), IL-5
(Bttcher et al. 2000a), IL-6 (Saito et al. 1991), IL-8 (Basolo et al. 1993), IL-10
(Garofalo et al. 1995), IL-12 (Bryan et al. 1999), IL-13 (Bttcher et al. 2000a), IL-16
(Bttcher et al. 2000b), IFN- (Basolo et al. 1993), tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-
(Rudloff et al. 1992), and TGF- (Noda et al. 1984). In addition, human milk
mononuclear cells have also been demonstrated to show a potential, upon
stimulation, for production of lymphokines such as IL-2 and IL-3 (Skansn-Saphir et
al. 1993). Furthermore, maternal cells in human milk have been found to contain
mRNA for various cytokines, revealing a unique cytokine profile for human milk
(Srivastava et al. 1996).

Chemokines are a novel class of small chemotactic cytokines. In milk, chemokines

such as IL-8 (see above) and growth-related peptide- (Srivastava et al. 1996) that
are mainly chemotactic to neutrophils, have been demonstrated. Milk also includes
chemotactic factors for monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils such as monocyte
chemotactic protein and RANTES (Srivastava et al. 1996, Michie et al. 1998,
Bttcher et al. 2000b) and eotaxin (Bttcher et al. 2000b). Colony-stimulating
factors such as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, macrophage colony-
stimulating factor, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
have also been discovered in human milk (Garofalo and Goldman 1998).

Clear evidence exists that the production by neonatal cells of several cytokines
found in human milk or their cognate mRNAs is either slightly (TNF-), moderately
(GM-CSF) or markedly reduced (IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IFN-) as compared with
production by adult T cells and other cellular sources (Garofalo and Goldman 1998).

IL-1. IL-1 is a proinflammatory cytokine responsible for the induction of cytokines.

Sder (1987) was the first to report the presence of IL-1 in human milk in 1987. The
preliminary studies suggest that it originates from milk macrophages. This finding was
confirmed by Munoz et al. (1990), who reported IL-1 at high concentrations in all
colostral samples. However, further studies were unable to detect any IL-1 in human
milk (Basolo et al. 1993, Srivastava et al. 1996) until Hawkes et al. (1999), who
reported a decrease in its concentration during the first 12 weeks of lactation. The
biological function of IL-1 in milk remains to be defined. Since IL-1 has been found
to stimulate the activation of B cells, Sder (1987) has suggested that IL-1 may
participate in the regulation of humoral immune responses in the mammary gland. It is
also claimed that IL-1 contributes to the well-known pyrogenic activity of milk
(Dinarello 1984).

IL-4. IL-4 is a characteristic Th2-type cytokine inducing IgE production of B cells

and has been found in less than 25% of milk samples (Eglington et al. 1994, Rudloff
et al. 1999, Bttcher et al. 2000a). Bttcher et al. (2000a) report that concentrations
of IL-4 are higher in colostrum from allergic mothers than from nonallergic mothers, in
contrast to the earlier finding of Rudloff et al. (1999). Some investigators, including
Srivastava et al. (1996), have found no IL-4 in human milk at all. Human milk
mononuclear cells have been proposed to be their origin because these have been
demonstrated to have a potential for the production of IL-4 upon stimulation
(Skansen-Saphir et al. 1993). According to Bttcher et al. (2000a), the
concentration of IL-4 in milk correlates with that of IL-13.

IL-5. IL-5 is involved in B cell growth and chemotaxis and differentiation of

eosinophils. It has been detected in less than 10% of milk samples in small
concentrations (up to 11 pg/mL) (Bttcher et al. 2000a).

IL-6. IL-6 is involved in the stimulation of B and T cells, although has recently been
suggested also to have anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties (Tilg et
al. 1997). It also stimulates IgA synthesis (Fujihashi et al. 1991), and has been
associated with the local production of IgA in the breast (Saito et al. 1991). In 1991,
Japanese investigators reported that substantial amounts of IL-6 are present in
human whey and show a positive correlation with number of milk leucocytes (Saito
et al. 1991). Leucocytes can thus be held responsible for IL-6 production.

Furthermore, Rudloff et al. (1999) documented considerable concentrations of IL-6

in human milk. Basolo et al. (1993) and later Palkowetz and colleagues (1994)
demonstrated that IL-6 and IL-8 production in milk originates from epithelial cells.
The further findings of considerable amounts of IL-6 in human milk (Eglington et al.
1994, Sone et al. 1997, Hawkes et al. 1999) are in contrast with those of Srivastava
et al. (1996), who found this cytokine only in low concentrations. The concentration
of IL-6 decreases during 12 weeks of breastfeeding, and its concentration is
associated with no other cytokines (IL-1, TNF- and TGF-) (Hawkes et al. 1999).
Bttcher et al. (2000a), however, have recently reported the presence of IL-6 in most
of their milk samples, and its concentration was positively correlated with that of IL-
10, TGF- and total IgA in colostrum. Recently, Saarinen et al. (1999a) reported that
IL-6 was measured in less than 50% of milk samples, and the percentages of samples
with low IL-6 content were similar in the mothers of infants with CMA and in those
of healthy babies.

IL-8. IL-8 is known to attract leucocytes to the site of inflammation (Matsushima et

al. 1992), but any similar function in milk remains to be seen. IL-8 is reported to be
present in milk in high concentrations of 3684 pg/ml (Palkowetz et al. 1994), and has
been shown to originate from mammary gland epithelial cells (Basolo et al. 1993,
Palkowetz et al. 1994, Michie et al. 1998). More recently, maternal alcohol
consumption was found to increase significantly the concentration of IL-8 in the
milk (Na et al. 1997). In another recent study, the level of IL-8 was higher in breast
milk from allergic than from nonallergic mothers (Bttcher et al. 2000b).

IL-10. In 1995, Garofalo and colleagues found IL-10 in colostrum at a concentration

of 3304 pg/ml, which is higher than for other cytokines, except for IL-8. Some IL-10
mRNA, but no protein product was detected in cultured mammary epithelial cells.
The authors report that some IL-10 was associated with preparations of human milk
leucocytes; the data did not, however, indicate that the cells were producing the
cytokine, although this possibility could not be ruled out. Rudloff et al. (1999) have
reported a more frequent presence of IL-10 in the milk of allergic mothers than of
nonatopic ones. Since IL-10 inhibits the production of proinflammatory cytokines
(Fiorentino et al. 1991, de Waal Malefijt et al. 1991), attracts CD8+ T cells (Jinquan
et al. 1993), and also limits the participation of Th1 cells in delayed hypersensitivity
(Fiorentino et al. 1989), it is suggested also to aid in regulating mucosal defenses
(Garofalo et al. 1995). Recently, levels of IL-10 in milk were found to correlate with
those of IL-6, TGF-, and total IgA (Bttcher et al. 2000a).

IL-12. IL-12, a Th1-type cytokine, has been shown to enhance lymphocyte-mediated

cytotoxicity (Robertson et al. 1992) and T cell proliferation (Bertagnolli et al. 1992).

It has been detectable in 62% of human milk samples (Bryan et al. 1999), although it
was not detected in earlier reports (Srivastava et al. 1996, Sone et al. 1997). A
supply of exogenous IL-12 from the milk of a breast-feeding mother has been
suggested to assist in deverting the predisposed Th2 responses of the in-utero
environment towards Th1-type responses (Bryan et al. 1999).

IL-13. IL-13 is another Th2-type cytokine. In a recent paper, IL-13 was detected in
human milk of one-third of the samples in concentrations of up to 89 pg/mL
(Bttcher et al. 2000a). Levels of IL-13 tended to be higher in allergic mothers than
in nonallergic ones (Bttcher et al. 2000a).

IL-16. Il-16 was very recently found in 48% of human milk samples (Bttcher et al.
2000b). In addition to its chemoattractant properties, it is also a competent growth
factor for CD4+ T cells (Cruikshank et al. 1991), which the authors claimed could
explain their observation of enhanced proliferation of T cells under stimulation with
human milk.

IFN-. IFN- is a typical Th1-type cytokine that antagonizes several effects of IL-4,
such as IgE synthesis. This cytokine has been detected in human milk samples in
concentrations of 100 to 760 pg/ml (Basolo et al. 1993). The authors tentatively
suggest that its production is due to passenger leucocytes in milk, since it was not
found in cultures of mammary epithelial cells (Basolo et al. 1993). Rudloff et al.
(1999) or Skansen-Saphir et al. (1993) found no spontaneous IFN- production, but
Skansen-Saphir et al. (1993) reported that its production was stimulated in 2 to 11%
of milk leucocytes. They suggest that its production might contribute to the
antimicrobial defense in the recipients by influencing B cell and macrophage
activation. In a recent paper, Saarinen et al. (1999a) demonstrated only 21 to 29% of
the milk samples to contain detectable levels of IFN-, levels comparable in mothers
with an infant with CMA and in those with a healthy baby.

TNF-. TNF- is a proinflammatory and regulatory lymphokine produced by

activated macrophages and T lymphocytes (Akira et al. 1990). Mammary epithelial
cells produce but do not secrete TNF- (Basolo et al. 1993). Milk macrophages
likewise have been demonstrated to produce TNF- (Sone et al. 1997). It appears in
breast milk in sufficient quantities (approximately 620 pg/ml) potentially to affect the
recipient infant (Rudloff et al. 1992). Such high levels (up to 2900 pg/ml) have been
confirmed by other authors (Buescher and Malinowska 1996, Na et al. 1997,
Hawkes et al. 1999), although Srivastava et al. (1996) report extremely low levels.
This factor has numerous effects on the function of the immune system, although its
function in human milk remains obscure.

TGF-. Anti-inflammatory cytokine TGF- regulates normal cell growth,

development, and tissue remodelling following injury. It has also been suggested to
induce IgA responses and IgA isotype switching in B cells (van Vlasselaer et al.
1992), as well as oral tolerance (Ishizaka et al. 1994) and maintenance of intestinal
barrier function (Planchon et al. 1994). Noda et al. (1984) reported its presence in
human milk, and since then other investigators have confirmed this finding (Saito et
al. 1993, Srivastava et al. 1996, Hawkes et al. 1999, Kalliomki et al. 1999, Saarinen
et al. 1999a, Bttcher et al. 2000a). Its concentration has been reported to be much
lower in colostrum from women delivering preterm than in those delivering at term
(Srivastava et al. 1996). TGF- was the predominant cytokine in human milk, with its
concentration significantly higher in colostrum than in mature milk (Bttcher et al.
2000a), although Hawkes et al. (1999) reported no significant decrease in its
concentrations during the first 12 weeks of lactation. Recent findings suggest that
TGF- is significantly lower in the milk of mothers with an infant with IgE-mediated
CMA or atopic eczema (Kalliomki et al. 1999, Saarinen et al. 1999a). It has also
been shown to correlate with IgA levels in human milk (Bttcher et al. 2000a), with
the total number or IgA-producing cells in the peripheral blood of the infants
(Kalliomki et al. 1999), and with IL-6 and IL-10, of which both are involved in IgA
synthesis (Bttcher et al. 2000a). Saarinen et al. (1999a) demonstrated that the
concentration of TGF-1 in colostrum is positively correlated with IgA antibodies to
BLG and with IgG antibodies to -casein and whole formula, but negatively with the
diameter of a skin prick test response to cows milk and with lymphocyte indices to
-casein and BLG. Based on these findings, they suggest that in an infant prone to
CMA, the TGF-1 content of the mothers colostrum may promote IgG-IgA antibody
production and inhibit IgE- and cell-mediated reactions to cows milk.

5.3.3 Immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, and oligosaccharides

Immunoglobulins. The immunoglobulins are glycoproteins with oligosaccharide

sequences attached to their heavy and infrequently to their light chains. Human milk
contains appreciable amounts of the IgA, IgG, and IgM (Xanthou et al. 1995). Small
amounts of IgD and IgE classes have also been detected in milk (Xanthou et al.
1995, Duchn and Bjrkstn 1996). IgG, IgM, and IgD in milk seem to mediate
antibody-dependent cytotoxicity and opsonic activity against bacteria (Xanthou et
al. 1995). IgE combines with antigens in the gut lumen and releases chemical
mediators that cause increased vascular permeability (Xanthou et al. 1995)

IgA makes up about 90% of human milk immunoglobulins. In common with other
secretions such as nasal fluid and saliva, the chief immunoglobulin of human milk is
of the secretory type of IgA (sIgA). It is present at its highest concentrations in the
first few days postpartum (in the colostrum) (Hanson et al. 1975), and then falls away
progressively to a basal level of 0.2 to 0.3 g/L (Savilahti et al. 1991, Machtinger and
Moss 1986). A number of sIgA antibodies to the common bacteria, viruses, and fungi
to which the mother has been exposed have been described in human milk (Ogra et
al. 1983). Studies have also established the presence of IgA antibodies in human milk
to food proteins such as black beans and soybean (Cruz et al. 1981), cows milk
proteins (McClelland and McDonald 1976, Hanson et al. 1977, Machtinger and
Moss 1986, Savilahti et al. 1991), and gliadin (Mascart-Lemone et al. 1991). Breast-
milk IgA to casein or whole milk has been detected in 84% of milk donors
(Machtinger and Moss 1986).

Human milk sIgA is produced locally in the lactating mammary gland, being
elaborated by B cells situated proximal to the ductal epithelium. These local
plasmacytes are derived from the gut-associated lymphoid tissue where they have
been exposed to specific enteric antigens such as microbes and foods, and thus
migrate to various mucosal sites and exocrine glands like the breast (Hanson et al.
1979, Slade and Schwatz 1987). The antibodies bind to the polymeric Ig-receptor, or
secretory component, on the basal portion of the glandular epithelial cells, are
transported through them, and appear on the mucosal membrane (Hanson 1998).
There is evidence that also those lymphocytes shed into the colostrum are capable of
producing immunoglobulin (Slade and Schwartz 1987, Murillo and Goldman 1970).
Levels of the milk IgA antibodies to food antigens have not been shown to be
influenced by the antigenic load in the mothers diet (Mascart-Lemone et al. 1991).

IgA antibodies in colostrum and human milk appear to be particularly important

during the first few days of life, when the infants mucosal IgA production is
deficient (Hanson et al. 1977, Perkki and Savilahti 1980). After ingestion, maternal
milk IgA antibodies have been suggested passively to protect the infant by reducing
or preventing antigen entry across the immature gastrointestinal epithelium (Walker
1979). In an experimental model, Walker et al. (1975) have shown that intestinal
antibodies can prevent resorption of native proteins and instead increase the uptake
of degraded material, probably by binding the antigens and exposing them to
intestinal enzymes. IgA antibodies may also play a role in excluding potential food
allergens from human milk by forming immune complexes that can be phagocytosed
by human milk macrophages (Walker 1979).

Studies have reported that infants with symptom scores highly suggestive of allergic
disease had received human milk containing smaller quantities of antibodies to whole
cows milk and casein than did infants without clinical manifestations (Machtinger
and Moss 1986). This was supported by the demonstration of Savilahti et al. (1991)
that seven mothers whose infants developed CMA manifested by cutaneous
symptoms produced milk containing less IgA throughout lactation than did the milk
of those nonatopic mothers with a healthy infant. More recently, Calbi and
Giacchetti (1998) have claimed that breast milk contains less IgA at birth in mothers
of children who develop atopic eczema. However, contrary results have also been
reported recently with regard to total and anti-cows milk IgA levels in milk
(Saarinen 2000, Duchn et al. 1999).

Lactoferrin. Lactoferrin is a 80-kDa single-chain glycoprotein produced by

epithelial cells, neutrophils, and mononuclear phagocytes. It is the principal whey
protein in human milk, and more than 80% of the protein is in apo form. Its
concentration in human milk ranges from about 7 g/l in colostrum to about 1 g/l in
mature milk (Masson and Heremans 1971). Because apolactoferrin binds ferric ions
(Masson and Heremans 1966), it is able to compete with the iron-binding properties
of bacteria. As a result, microorganisms cease to multiply (Stephens et al. 1980),
contributing to the anti-infective properties of human milk.

Oligosaccharides. Human milk, compared with milk from other species, is unique,
because of its high concentration of complex oligosaccharides (Kunz and Rudloff
1993). Their antiadhesive qualities very effectively reduce bacterial and viral
adherence in the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts (Zopf and Roth 1996).
In addition, by facilitating receptor glycosylation, they may facilitate attachment to
intestinal epithelium or entry into the circulation of bioactive factors such as TGF-
(Pabst 1997).

5.3.4 Dietary protein antigens

It is widely accepted that potentially allergenic macromolecules are absorbed by the

normal adult gut and transmitted in human milk (Kilshaw and Cant 1984, Stuart et al.
1984, Chandra et al. 1986, Machtinger and Moss 1986, Sorva and Mkinen-Kiljunen
1994). Ovalbumin has been found in human milk at maximal levels 4 or 6 h after
ingestion, and is of normal molecular size and indistinguishable from native
ovalbumin by the radioimmunoassay (Kilshaw and Cant 1984). The same study also
detected egg-derived ovomucoid in milk.

-lactoglobulin (BLG) has been regarded as one of the most important proteins
causing symptoms of CMA, and has been shown by enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA) to be present in human milk in concentrations up to 16 g/l (Kilshaw
and Cant 1984, Stuart et al. 1984, Chandra et al. 1986, Sorva and Mkinen-Kiljunen
1994).With a highly sensitive method having a detection limit of 0.002 g/l, BLG
was found in the milk of 75% of mothers consuming cows milk (Sorva and
Mkinen-Kiljunen 1994). In earlier studies the maximal BLG level was detected after
8 to 12 hours of milk intake and demonstrated to vary inter- and intraindividually
(Axelsson et al. 1986, Hst et al. 1990). In work by Sorva and Mkinen-Kiljunen
(1994) BLG was found in 1 or 2 hours or at both times after an oral cows milk load
in half of the samples. Casein has also been detected in human milk from half of the
mothers tested on a cows milk-containing diet by a sensitive ELISA (Stuart et al.
1984, Chandra et al. 1986). It has been demonstrated for BLG that human milk may
contain intact protein, not only immunologically active peptides (Kilshaw and Cant

Several groups report the disappearance of symptoms in infants already sensitised

upon abstinence of the mother from certain foods and the subsequent reappearance
of symptoms in the infants upon their reintroduction to the mothers diet (Gerrard
1979, Sorva and Mkinen-Kiljunen 1994). Several studies suggested that cows milk
protein in human milk can cause infantile colic (Jakobsson and Lindberg 1978,
Iacono et al. 1991, Lucassen et al. 1998). These reports indicate such small amounts
of food proteins or their split products can bring out the symptoms of food allergy in
the suckling infant. Gerrard (1979) reported that as little as 5 ml of cows milk
ingested by the mother caused appearance of symptoms of CMA in the breast-fed.

5.4. In vivo fate of milk-derived immunoreactive factors

Human milk leucocytes are able to resist trypsinization (Ceriani et al. 1979, Keeney
et al. 1993). Further, it has been shown with milk macrophages that they can tolerate
large variations in environmental pH, temperature, and osmolality (Cress and Paxson
1977), characteristics that would allow them to survive in the gastrointestinal tract.
The relatively neutral pH of the stomach of a small infant, together with the buffering
capacity of breast milk, protect the milk cells, which then may reside biologically
intact in the gut of the suckling infant (Mason 1962, Paxson and Cress 1979).
Macrophages fed to newborn mice survived for at least 4 hours in the
gastrointestinal tract, in some cases localized in the mucosal tissue, and in one case
were found in the spleen (Hughes et al. 1988). Moreover, breast milk leucocytes
have been shown to enter the blood stream of neonatal lambs (Schnorr and Pearson

1984), the spleen of newborn baboons and newborn mice (Jain et al. 1989), and the
GALT in rats, newborn calves, and lambs (Seelig and Billingham 1981, Puente et al.
1984, Seelig and Head 1987). Further, substantial numbers of lymphocytes of the
maternal HLA type (up to 10%) occur in the circulation of human newborns; foster
nursing permits one to establish that these are transferred post-partum (Beer et al.

In early life, there is no evidence of intragastric protein digestion: low concentrations

are found of trypsin, chymotrypsin and H+ (Koldowsky 1985). High concentrations
of the antiproteases 1-antichymotrypsin and 1-antitrypsin, which impede
proteolysis, are present in human milk (Linberg et al. 1982). Furthermore, the soluble
factors in human milk, such as IL-1 and lactoferrin, have been reported to be
relatively acid- and protease-resistant (Samson et al. 1980, Brines and Brock 1983,
Dinarello 1984). Moreover, some of the cytokines, such as IL-10, in human milk may
be protected from gastrointestinal digestion by compartmentalisation into bile salts
(Garofalo et al. 1995). Previous human studies have shown that urinary excretion of
lactoferrin, IgA, and secretory component, all of which are present in high amounts in
human milk, is higher in infants fed breast milk than in those fed formula, suggesting
that immune factors in human milk may be absorbed in the gut of the nursing infant
and secreted in the urine, or that their production may be stimulated by uptake of
immune factors present in human milk (Goldblum et al. 1989). Evidence thus also
exists that milk-derived soluble proteins can persist in the recipient long enough to
be biologically active.

sIgA is much more resistant to acid conditions and to the proteolytic enzymes of the
gut (trypsin and pepsin) than serum is IgA (Kenny et al. 1967), and is found intact in
considerable amounts in the feces (Kenny et al. 1967, Ogra et al. 1977). This is
probably due to the buffering action of the milk and the dilution of acid that occurs
during feeding (Kenny et al. 1967). However, using poliovirus antibody activity as a
marker, milk immunoglobulins are absorbed for a short period of 18 to 24 hours after
birth (Ogra et al. 1977), though the importance of this to the infant is unknown. That
study showed that about 10 to 15% of ingested IgA appeared to be absorbed, and
approximately 60% of IgA excreted in the feces. Almost ten years later, Klemola et
al. (1986), however, reported that less than 0.1% of mumps virus-specific IgA
antibodies was absorbed in active form in the intestinal tract of preterm or full-term

It has been discovered that an infants active immune response to specific antigens
given during the first year of life develops differently in breast-fed and formula-fed
infants. Transfer of antigen-specific lymphocyte responses, such as tuberculin

immunity or specific killer T-cell-mediated resistance to tumors, has been observed in

breast-fed newborns (Beer et al. 1975, Schlesinger and Covelli 1977, Head and Beer
1979). It remains unknown, however, whether such reactivity in these newborns
represents uptake of antigen-sensitised intact cells or a simple absorption of
mediators released by the T lymphocytes during their passage through the intestinal
tract (Ogra et al. 1977). In a study of infants vaccinated as neonates towards BCG
(Bacillus Calmette-Gurin), the breast-fed babies had a significantly higher
lymphocyte blast transformation response to purified protein derivative after BCG
vaccination than did those who were never breast-fed (Pabst et al. 1992). Antibody
responses after Haemophilus influenzae b conjugate vaccination were also higher in
breast-fed than in formula-fed infants, but nonspecific cell-mediated immunity was
not significantly affected (Pabst and Spady 1990). Similarly, breast-fed children at 21
to 40 months of age had higher titres to polio and diphtheria toxoid and higher
concentrations of salivary secretory IgA antibodies to polio and to tetanus and
diphtheria than did formula-fed children (Hahn-Zoric et al. 1990).

5.5. Normal immune response to dietary protein antigens

5.5.1 Cells and mediators involved in infant immune responses

Antigen-presenting cells (APCs). APCs are a heterogeneous group of bone

marrow-derived cells, commonly leucocytes, shown to have an immunostimulatory
capacity (Steinman et al. 1986). They reside mainly in the skin and lymphatic organs
(Steinman et al. 1986), but their precise role in the induction of oral tolerance is yet
to be determined. It has been claimed that mucosal dendritic cells (DC) and
gastrointestinal epithelial cells both are likely to play important roles in that process,
at least based on rodent models (Strobel and Mowat 1998). As immature cells, they
are scattered throughout the body in nonlymphoid organs. They pick up and process
antigen, but paradoxically are unable to effectively present the processed antigen to
T cells (Steinman 1991). In the second phase they migrate to regional lymph nodes
and home to T-cell zones. During this process of maturation, they lose their antigen-
capturing capacity and become mature immunostimulatory dendritic cells that trigger
naive T cells recirculating through these areas (Austyn 1992). In addition to DCs,
endothelial cells can be induced by cytokines to express class II MHC molecules and
thereby function as APCs (Hershberg and Mayer 2000). B lymphocytes also express
class II MHC molecules and have been shown to take part in antigen presentation
(Chesnut and Grey 1981).

T lymphocytes. T cells are defined by a specific antigen-recognizing receptor

comprising an antigen-recognizing molecule (T idiotype) and a complex of invariant
polypeptides (CD3). Immature thymocytes can possess both CD4 and CD8
molecules on their surface during their development in the thymus, but the cells
finally leaving the thymus are single-positive, either CD4+ or CD8+. Mosmann et al.
(1986) have shown two different subsets of T cells of the helper-phenotype. Th1
cells execute cell-mediated immune responses, whereas Th2 cells assist in antibody
production for humoral immunity (Mosmann et al. 1986). Recently, the
differentiation of naive Th cells has been reported to be dependent on the type of
DC, with DC1 inducing Th1, and DC2 inducing Th2 differentiation (Rissoan et al.
1999). Patients with severe atopic disorders have been reported to show a decreased
ratio of Th1 and Th2 cells (Romagnani 1990). In addition, allergen-specific T-cell
clones derived from atopic patients usually exhibit a Th2-like profile of cytokine
secretion (Del Prete 1992). Evidence from animal and human experiments has given
rise to the notion that an appropriate balance between suppressor and helper T cells
is important for the induction of oral tolerance (Suomalainen et al. 1993a, Weiner et
al. 1994, Jrvinen et al. 1998, Strobel and Mowat 1998).

B cells. The majority of human peripheral blood B lymphocytes express IgM and IgD
molecules, whereas IgG, IgA, and IgE are expressed in only a few of these cells. By
contrast, in specific locations in the body, B cells bearing IgG, IgA, and IgE are
present in larger numbers; for example IgA-bearing cells in the intestinal mucosa
(Cooper 1987). The majority of B lymphocytes also carry MHC class II-antigens on
their surface, needed for communication with T lymphocytes (Benacerraf 1986). The
leucocyte antigen CD23, a low-affinity receptor for IgE, is expressed on B
lymphocytes following activation by a number of stimuli (Gordon et al. 1989). Its
soluble form, sCD23, is released upon activation (Yanagihara et al. 1990) and is
involved in the regulation of IgE synthesis (Bonnefoy et al. 1988, Yanagihara et al.
1990). CD23 may also be involved in presentation of antigens to T cells and in cell
adhesion (Gordon et al. 1989). Increased levels of CD23 or sCD23 appear in atopic
diseases (Colver et al. 1989, Yanagihara et al. 1990), asthma (Hoeger et al. 1994),
and CMA (Jrvinen et al. 1998).

The CD5 leucocyte antigen is expressed both on T and on B cells; B cells co-
expressing CD5 can generate polyreactive, low-affinity antibodies (Burastero et al.
1988). In early life, B cells bearing the surface CD5 marker predominate, but in adults
they represent only 10-25% of the peripheral blood B lymphocytes (UytdeHaag et
al. 1991), thus reflecting the immaturity of the immune system in childhood (Erkeller-
Yuksel et al. 1992). The precise role of these cells is unclear, but they are thought to

function as the first line of defence against environmental agents (Casali and Notkins

Neutrophils. Over 90% of the peripheral blood granulocytes are neutrophils. They
contain two main types of granules; primary (azurophilic) granules containing
lysosomal enzymes such as myeloperoxidase, and secondary (specific) granules
containing lactoferrin in addition to lysozyme and human neutrophil lipocalin. When
chemoattractants are released, for example from other leucocytes or bacteria at
intravascular sites, neutrophils are capable of adhering to endothelial cells and
moving through the capillary wall into tissues. Neutrophil infiltration is an early
event in IgE-mediated reactions (Kay 1988). In general, the neutrophilic granulocyte
is a cytotoxic and potentially tissue-injuring cell participating in the destructive
processes and symptoms seen in a variety of inflammatory diseases including asthma.
The precise role of neutrophils in food allergy remains unresolved.

Eosinophils. In healthy, non-allergic subjects, eosinophils constitute only 5% of

peripheral blood leucocytes, circulating only briefly and thereafter being distributed
into tissues (Altman and Gleich 1990). The blood/tissue ratio of eosinophils has been
estimated to be 1:100 (Altman and Gleich 1990). Eosinophils have multiple functions;
they can induce inflammatory injury to infectious agents, regulate or modulate
inflammatory processes, and harm host tissue (Nutman 1987, Weller 1991). Therefore
eosinophils are now more often considered likely to cause inflammatory damage
(Kay 1988), for example in patients with eosinophilic gastroenteritis and atopic
eczema (Katz et al. 1984, Leiferman et al. 1985). Challacombe and his colleagues
(1986) found in patients with CMA an elevated number of eosinophils in lamina
propria to be associated with elevated serum IgE levels and positive cows milk-
specific RAST. Others have reported a higher number of eosinophils in the duodenal
mucosa of children with untreated CMA, and a lower number of these cells after the
withdrawal of cows milk from the diet (Kosnai et al. 1984). Suomalainen and co-
workers (1994) reported, in patients with cutaneous symptoms, an increase in the
level of eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) as a result of eosinophil degranulation in
serum during positive cows milk challenge.

Basophils. Only 0.5 to 1% of peripheral blood leucocytes are basophils, but in

allergic patients the basophil count may reach 2% during the pollen season (Kay
1988). Basophils are characterised by cytoplasmic granules containing histamine and
eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis. In allergic patients, appropriate stimuli,
usually allergens, can induce degranulation of basophils and thereby cause adverse
symptoms. In a study by Prahl et al. (1988), a correlation emerged between clinical
reactivity to cows milk and in vitro basophil histamine release in patients with

cutaneous symptoms of CMA manifested with urticaria. Rsnen and her colleagues
(1992) have found that elevated basophil histamine-release activity is associated
with an immediate reaction to a clinical cows milk challenge.

Platelets. Platelets are myeloid cells derived from megakaryocytes in the bone
marrow. They not only act in blood clotting, they also express low-affinity receptors
for IgE, which may suggest that they can be sensitised in allergic patients similarly to
mast cells, basophils, and macrophages (Kay 1988).

IL-4 and IFN-. In human beings, the T cell-derived IFN-, together with IL-4, are the
two main signals that regulate IgE synthesis (Pene et al. 1988). IL-4 enhances
directly the generation of IgE antibodies, but this effect can be abrogated by IFN-
(Pene et al. 1988). The ability of stimulated leucocytes to produce IFN- is defective
in healthy neonates (Wilson et al. 1986), but the exact age when T-cell IFN-
production achieves the adult level is unclear. IFN- plays an important role in the
modulation of antigen-specific and non-antigen-specific immune responses (Lewis
and Wilson 1990). Defective IFN- production of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMCs) has been reported in children with CMA (Suomalainen et al. 1993b).

TNF-. TNF- is a regulatory lymphokine which, like some other factors, has been
found to act synergistically with IFN- to upregulate HLA class II expression (Pujol-
Borrell et al. 1987). By activating macrophages, TNF- augments the number of
receptors for itself on cell surfaces, making the cells more responsive to it and thus
further increasing their activation and secretion of TNF- (Janeway and Travers
1996). TNF- production also induces adhesion-molecule expression (Gamble et al.
1985), chemotaxis of monocytes (Mushtaha et al. 1989), and intraepithelial
lymphocyte proliferation and migration (Ebert 1998). In an experimental model, TNF-
may induce the maturation of monocytic APCs (Cumberbatch and Kimber 1992,
Sallusto and Lanzavecchio 1994).

5.5.2 Development of infants immune responses to dietary proteins

The systemic immune system of an infant is relatively naive at birth; during the first
days and weeks of life the child encounters numerous environmental antigens.
During the past, investigators have focused on the development of humoral immune
responses to oral antigens. According to Tainio et al. (1988), IgG antibodies are
already present in plasma at birth. The later increase in specific IgG depends on the
type of feeding (Vaarala et al. 1995). Oral introduction of cows milk proteins in
early infancy elicited clear-cut IgG antibody production against these antigens in all

infants, demonstrating intestinal exposure to cows milk antigens (Tainio et al. 1988,
Vaarala et al. 1995), humoral response being strongest with neonatal introduction of
milk proteins (Tainio et al. 1988). This reactivity decreased with age (Tainio et al.
1988, Vaarala et al. 1995, Jenmalm and Bjrkstn 1998), and at the age of one year
no difference existed between those infants who received cows milk in early
infancy and those who began receiving it later (Tainio et al. 1988, Vaarala et al.
1995). However, high levels were found up to 8 years in children with early
exposure to cows milk (Jenmalm and Bjrkstn 1998). In that study, high levels of
IgG4 antibodies to BLG were detected at 8 years in children with atopic symptoms
and sensitivity to allergens. Further, Oldaeus et al. (1999) reported that the levels of
IgG antibodies to BLG were significantly higher in the atopic infants. In contrast to
these findings, Duchn et al. (1997) reported lower levels of IgG1 and IgG4
antibodies to BLG in atopic individuals at 4 years. Jenmalm and Bjrkstn (2000)
examined the relationship between cord blood IgG antibodies to food and inhalant
allergens and the development of atopic symptoms and sensitisation in children
through the first 8 years of life. High levels of IgG antibodies to inhalant, but not
food, allergens were associated with less development of atopy in these children.

Specific IgA and IgM antibodies increase more slowly, the levels of CM-specific IgA
being higher among formula-fed than breast-fed infants (Kaila et al. 1994). However,
production of plasma IgA and IgM antibodies to cows milk is stimulated even
during exclusive breastfeeding (Tainio et al. 1988).

IgE antibodies to cows milk and BLG, too, were more common in infants that
received regular cows milk-based formula than in those who received partially or
extensively hydrolysed formula (Oldaeus et al. (1999). Transient low-level IgE
responses to food antigens may be seen in young infants without clinical disease
(Hattevig et al. 1984), but and their levels were significantly higher in the atopic and
allergic infants (Hattevig et al. 1984, Oldaeus et al. (1999).

The development of cellular immunity to food antigens in humans is less well

understood. Feeding infants cows milk-based formula induces systemic cellular
responses to cows milk proteins, but with a later decline in T-cell response.
Furthermore, exposure to cows milk proteins after the age of 9 months resulted in
depressed cellular responsiveness to these proteins (Vaarala et al. 1995). An
enhanced proliferative response of PBMCs to cows milk proteins has been detected
in patients with CMA (Rsnen et al. 1992, Tainio and Savilahti 1990), although
contrary findings also exist (Eigenmann et al. 1995).

5.5.3 Development of oral tolerance

Because environmental antigens from food and microbial flora are in constant
contact with mucosal surfaces, they provide a continuous stimulus to the entire
immune system. Although a frequent result of such stimulation is the induction of
mucosal and systemic immunity, an alternative outcome is a state of
unresponsiveness or tolerance. This phenomenon, called oral tolerance, is a state
of systemic immunologic unresponsiveness induced by prior oral administration of
dietary antigens (Mowat 1987). Oral tolerance of both humoral and cellular immunity
has been evidenced in experimental animals (Challacombe and Tomasi 1980, Hanson
1981, Strobel and Ferguson 1984, Strobel and Mowat 1998) exists also in humans
(Strobel 1992, Husby et al. 1994).

The prevention of excessive antigen absorption from the lumen involves a dual
process: activation of a local antigen-specific IgA response and depletion of systemic
immune responses to specific antigens. After contact with antigens and their
activation in Peyers patches, the B lymphocytes travel to the mesenteric lymph
nodes. Subsequently, they migrate back to the intestinal mucosa via the systemic
circulation, where, following contact with the antigen, they secrete IgA that binds
the antigen and prevents its further absorption (Challacombe and Tomasi 1980,
Kagnoff 1982). In the situation where intraluminal antigens are not adequately
excluded locally by secretory antibodies or the non-immune defence mechanisms in
the gut, several suppressive systems are activated. T suppressor cells activated in
Peyers patches or in mesenteric lymph nodes are able to travel to extraintestinal
lymphoid tissues where they suppress systemic immune responses (Challacombe and
Tomasi 1980).

In adults, continuous oral antigenic stimulus leads to induction of T-cell, but not B-
cell, tolerance (Husby et al. 1994). Similarly in infants, feeding with cows milk-based
formula induced systemic humoral and cellular responses to cows milk proteins, but
T-cell response later declined, supporting the concept of oral tolerisation (Vaarala et
al. 1995). The B-cell system has also been demonstrated to become tolerant through
antigen feeding, but generally this requires larger amounts of antigen (Challacombe
and Tomasi 1980). Sensitivity to tolerance induction also varies among T-cell subsets,
so that Th1 cells seem to be more easily tolerized than the Th2 cells (Burstein et al.
1992). In experimental animals, induction of tolerance is greatly affected by dose,
frequency, and type of antigens (Kagnoff 1982). Exposure to cows milk proteins in
human beings after the age of 9 months resulted in depressed cellular and humoral
responsiveness to these proteins compared to an earlier exposure, suggesting that
induction of oral tolerance is also an age-dependent phenomenon (Vaarala et al.

1995). Tolerance may occur by a number of mechanisms, including clonal anergy,

clonal depletion, or suppression. With regard to orally induced tolerance, strong
evidence exists that T-cell-mediated suppression plays an important role in oral
tolerance to protein antigens and in downregulation of systemic immune responses
(Weiner et al. 1994, Strobel and Mowat 1998). However, even after suppressor T
cells can no longer be identified, the animals remain unresponsive to the antigen they
are fed (Richman et al. 1978), suggesting the presence of an additional mechanism
such as clonal anergy.

5.6. Cows milk allergy

5.6.1 Sensitisation to cows milk proteins

Postnatal sensitisation. Clinical symptoms of CMA often appear during the first
months of life, usually within days or weeks after the commencement of nutrition
with a cows milk-based formula (Jakobsson and Lindberg 1978, Savilahti et al.
1992), indicating that sensitisation to cows milk occurs frequently when cows milk
is introduced to the infants diet in large amounts. However, symptoms may appear
even earlier, whilst the infant is only breast-fed (Machtinger and Moss 1986,
Jakobsson and Lindberg 1978, Gerrard 1979, Sorva and Mkinen-Kiljunen 1994,
Isolauri et al. 1999), or at the first intake of cows milk (Gerrard and Shenassa 1983,
Hst et al. 1988). In these cases sensitisation to cows milk must have occurred in
utero or via human milk. It has been suggested that infants might also become
sensitised by inhalation or by direct antigen contact, since dietary antigens are found
in the home environment (Dreborg 1995). Further, evidence indicates that IgE
antibodies recognize ubiquitous antigens and structurally related human proteins
(Cantisani et al. 1997), suggesting a possible cross-reactivity between human milk
and dietary antigens, and thereby another possible means of sensitisation.

Postnatal sensitisation against cows milk has been suggested to occur through
human milk of presumably exclusively breast-fed infants, especially those at risk
(Gerrard 1979, Chandra et al. 1986, Zeiger et al. 1986), but this is not conclusively
reported. The retrospective nature of these studies fails to rule out the possibility that
some or all of these infants may have inadvertently been given cows milk directly
(Hst et al. 1988), and the possibility naturally cannot be excluded that initial
sensitisation had already occurred in utero. Doubts remain whether very small
amounts of food antigens transmitted via the milk could sensitise the infant, although
they can produce allergic symptoms in infants already sensitised.

Prenatal sensitisation. Evidence in favour of sensitisation in utero is accumulating.

Feiterna-Sperling et al. (1997) report a case of manifestation of CMA directly after
birth, confirmimg the finding of Kuroume et al. (1976). Enhanced cord blood T-cell
reactivity and specific IgE antibodies to cows milk proteins have been attributed to
high-risk babies, suggesting allergy development (Michel et al. 1980, Kondo et al.
1992, Piastra et al. 1994). A more recent study provides further evidence that in
utero exposure can result in priming to common allergens from 22 weeks of gestation
on (Jones et al. 1996).

5.6.2 Hypersensitivity to cows milk

CMA is defined as an immunologically mediated adverse reaction to cows milk

antigens (Savilahti et al. 1992). It is a condition involving a disturbance or
breakdown in the development of oral tolerance. At birth, the infant immune system
is relatively naive and immature, evidenced by the immaturity of the immunology and
the gastrointestinal barrier of the infant (Strobel 1988). In genetically predisposed
infants, ingested antigens may lead to the production of antigen-specific IgE
antibodies or other abnormal immune responses in association with clinical symptoms
of CMA.

The development of food allergy involves both genetic predisposition and exposure
to environmental antigens (Strobel 1988). The risk for development of food allergies
is higher in infants than in adults, which is considered to reflect a relationship
between food allergy and immaturity of the gut and the immune system (Strobel
1988). In infancy, the immune system is relatively naive and incapable of effective
antigen exclusion (Andersson et al. 1981). Immaturity of the gut involves defective
antigen processing and digestion, and increased permeability of the gut mucosa
(Walker 1987). Although T-cell-mediated immune responses and cytokine
production are comparatively mature at birth, the capacity to generate soluble
mediators such as IL-4 and IFN- is low, at least during the first weeks of life,
reflecting the functional immaturity of the immune system (Wilson 1985, Lewis and
Wilson 1990). The precise immune mechanisms responsible for CMA are unknown.

Several reports on immune defects in children with CMA are available (Isolauri et al.
1992, Suomalainen et al. 1992, Hill et al. 1993, Suomalainen et al. 1993a,
Suomalainen et al. 1993b, Suomalainen et al. 1994, sterlund et al. 1999). The total
number of antibody-secreting B cells, measured by the ELISPOT, increases during
positive oral cows milk challenge (Isolauri et al. 1992, Suomalainen et al. 1992). The
antigen-specific response is defective, and in comparison, the antigen-non-specific

response, especially in the IgM class, is strong. Furthermore, the total percentage of B
cells and of activated B cells is significantly higher in infants with very early
symptoms of CMA than in healthy controls, indicating a defect in the regulation of
B-cell function (Jrvinen et al. 1998). IFN- and TNF- production of PBMCs is
significantly lower in patients with CMA than in control children (Suomalainen et al.
1993b, sterlund et al. 1999). Further, Hill et al. (1993) demonstrated that CMA
patients with immediate reactions generated less IFN- than the patients with late
reactions or healthy controls. In addition, T-cell-mediated suppression is defective in
the patients with active CMA (Suomalainen et al. 1993a). However, as these defects
are not confined to patients with food allergy, they are therefore not specific for

CMA may involve any of the hypersensitivity types described by Coombs and Gell
(1975). Type I hypersensitivity reactions are responsible for immediate-type
reactions, mediated by IgE antibodies, which bind to high-affinity receptors on mast
cells and basophils (Sampson 1988, Wershil and Walker 1988). This leads to
degranulation, and the released mediators, i.e., histamine, prostaglandins, and
serotonin, are mainly responsible for the rapidly manifested symptoms characteristic
of anaphylaxis (Coombs and Gell 1975, Sampson 1988) or for local reactions in the
skin seen as erythema and urticaria (Savilahti 1981, Hill et al. 1984, Rsnen et al.
1992). The proportion of IgE-mediated CMA has ranged from 30% to 100%,
depending on patient selection and criteria for the diagnosis of CMA (Hill et al.
1984, Rsnen et al. 1992).

According to Wershil and Walker (1988), no evidence exists for type II

hypersensitivity in CMA, although thrombocytopenia and villous cell damage in the
intestine of patients with CMA is thought to be linked with type II hypersensitivity
reaction (Fontaine and Navarro 1975). Type III hypersensitivity is based on immune
complex formation (Coombs and Gell 1975) and has been suggested to be connected
with gastrointestinally manifested CMA (Matthews and Soothill 1979) and
enteropathy in delayed allergic reactions (Wershill and Walker 1988), although this is
not confirmed by Tainio and Savilahti (1990).

Type IV hypersensitivity is based on the activation of antigen-specific T cells, which

recruit other cell types by producing cytokines and histamine-releasing factor (Kelso
1989). These cell-mediated reactions may be responsible for delayed-type symptoms
(de Weck 1988), the mechanisms of which are poorly known (Kondo et al. 1993,
Werfel et al. 1997). It has also been suggested that delayed reactions to foods would
be due to a late-phase IgE-reaction, even when no specific IgE to foods is detectable
(Maurer et al. 1994).


The purpose of the present study was to determine the immunologically active
components of human milk and to evaluate their possible association with the
development of CMA in the infant.

The specific aims were:

1. To identify the proportions of different leucocyte subsets in human milk and

leucocyte subsets in the peripheral blood of infants with CMA and of healthy
infants (I).

2. To evaluate the function of the predominant leucocyte, the macrophage, in human

milk of mothers with an infant with CMA and of those with a healthy infant by
measuring HLA-DR expression on milk macrophages (II).

3. To determine some cytokines (Il-4, IFN- and TNF-) of human milk in mothers
with an infant allergic to cows milk in comparison with those with a healthy
infant (III).

4. To investigate the clinical manifestations of CMA and immune response to cows

milk evoked during a cows milk challenge performed via mothers milk in infants
with active CMA (IV).

5. To measure the passage of maternal dietary BLG to breast milk during cows milk
challenge via human milk (IV).

6. To study the concentration of total IgA and IgA antibodies to cows milk in
human milk during the breast-feeding period in relation to subsequent
development of CMA in the breast-fed (V).


7.1. Subjects

The subjects were enrolled in the study between April 1995 and May 1998. The
study population comprised 100 breast-feeding mothers and their infants (Figure 1).
Of the infants, 61 were followed prospectively from birth; 30 of these were at high
genetic risk for allergy (at least one sibling with severe food allergy diagnosed by
open challenge), 7 were at moderate risk for allergy (atopic parent, n=7) and 24 were
at low risk for allergy (no allergic individuals among first-degree relatives). They were
followed up during the first year of life to detect any symptoms suggestive of food
allergy. An additional 39 babies were included in the study as young infants either
because of symptoms suggestive of CMA and referral to the clinic (n=33) or to serve
as healthy controls (n=6). At the time of the visits, all the infants were aged from 2
days to 12 months. They were born at full term, and had no chronic diseases apart
from allergy nor any infections whilst visiting the clinic.

All the atopic mothers were symptom-free (no hay fever, eczema, urticaria, asthma)
during the breast-feeding period. The mothers took no medication during the study,
and those with mastitis during the preceding 4 weeks were excluded.

7.2. Diets

Foods suspected to cause the symptoms in the infant - e.g., cows milk, cereals (rye,
wheat, oats, and barley), egg, and fish - were eliminated from the mothers and the
infants diets. The healthy infants had diets appropriate for their ages.

7.3. Study protocol

The infants that were followed up from birth were usually seen for the first time in the
maternity clinic. At this point, the first peripheral blood and milk samples were taken
from the mothers and infants. If this was impossible, they attended the hospital soon
after their discharge from the maternity clinic. The next visits and collection of

Differential count of human milk cells Measurement of total and cow's milk-
by light microscopy , verified by flow specific IgA in human milk
cytometry , and correlated with infants' by RID and EIA (V )
peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets ( I)

CMA infant infant with healthy infant CMA infant infant with healthy infant
atopic eczema colic
n=39 n=10 n=12 n=48 n=8 n=24

100 mother-infant pairs

CMA infant infant without CMA

n=54 n=46
infant with infant with healthy infant
atopic eczema colic
n=10 n=8 n=28

Cow's milk challenge through

Assessment of cytokine Measurement of HLA-DR mother's milk (IV)
production of milk leucocytes expression on milk leucocytes Assessment of BLG secreted in
by ELISA (III) by flow cytometry ( II) milk by ELISA and immune
responses evoked in infants
n=43 n=60
by flow cytometry and ELISPOT
CMA infant healthy infant CMA infant healthy infant
CMA infant healthy infant
n=27 n=16 n=36 n=24
n=17 n=10

Figure 1. Flowchart of the 100 mothers and their infants , representing numbers of mother-infant
pairs included in individual laboratory assessments.

samples were at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months of age. Additional visits were included in the
case of arousal of suspicion of food allergy for further examination, initiation of
elimination diets if needed, and subsequent clinical challenges. The infants recruited
into the study because of suspicion of food allergy were selected among the patients
referred to the hospital. They were examined, put on an elimination diet, and
challenged thereafter. Detailed advice to the mother on performing a cows milk
and/or cereal elimination diet was always given by a nutritionist. The mothers were
free to decide for themselves as to duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Infants older
than 3 months started on solid foods according to the recommendations of Finnish
Child Health Centre: at the age of 3 to 4 months, potato and fruit/berry sauces, at 5
months, wheat and oats, and at 6 months, meat are recommended for the childs diet.

In food-allergic children, solid foods are basically started at the same ages, but egg,
fish, tomato, citrus fruits, and nuts are avoided, and wheat and oats are replaced with
rice at 5 months.

7.4. Skin prick test (SPT)

The SPT was performed with a commercial cows milk extract (Soluprick,
Allergologisk Laboratorium A/S, Hrsholm, Denmark) on the volar side of the
forearm, with a 1 mm, one-peak lancet with a shoulder. Histamine dihydrochloride, 10
mg/mL (Soluprick), served as a positive control. Reactions were read at 15 min and
regarded as positive if the mean diameter of the wheal was at least 3 mm, the negative
control being 0 mm and the positive control at least 5 mm at the same time.

7.5. Oral cows milk challenge

Oral cows milk challenge was performed after a 2- to 4-week cows milk elimination
diet, by an open, clinical cows milk challenge. Those infants challenged first through
mothers milk were subjected to oral cows milk challenge thereafter. The challenge
was started with a drop of cows milk on the skin or lips. Thereafter, increasing doses
of adapted formula (Tutteli, Valio Ltd., Helsinki, Finland) containing 1.4 g/l of BLG
(Mkinen-Kiljunen S, personal communication) in infants less than 1 year of age, or
cows milk (>1 year of age), were given at 1-hour intervals: on day 1: 1, 10, 50, 100
ml; on day 2, the normal milk intake appropriate for that age was commenced. After
any adverse reaction, the challenge was discontinued, and the patient was examined
by a pediatrician or a dermatologist.

7.6. Cows milk challenge performed through mothers milk

Cows milk challenge through mothers milk was performed after a 2- to 4-week
cows milk elimination diet of both mother and infant. The challenge was started
with a drop of adapted cows milk-based formula (Tutteli) on the skin or lips of the
infant. Thereafter, increasing doses of cows milk or other dairy product were given
at 1-hour intervals to the mother: on day 1: 100, 200, and 400 ml; from day 2 on, free
consumption of cows milk was allowed (at least 500 ml per day recommended). The
infant was breast-fed normally at 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours after the beginning of the
challenge, and thereafter according to the infants needs. The infants showing
indistinct reactions during the cows milk challenge via human milk were perorally

challenged with adapted formula (Tutteli) to confirm the diagnosis, as described in

the last paragraph. After any adverse reaction, the challenge was discontinued, and
the patient was examined (K-M J).

7.7. Samples

7.7.1. Human milk

After the breast was washed with warm water, but without detergents, breast milk
samples were collected in the morning by light manual expression or with a breast
pump and processed immediately. The volume of each milk sample was measured,
and it was centrifuged (400 x g, 20C, 15 min). Subsequently, fat was removed, and
supernatant was collected, frozen, and stored at -70C until further determination of
human milk IgA. The cells were resuspended in RPMI 1640 medium, containing
penicillin (100 IU/ml) and streptomycin (100 l/ml), glutamine (600 l/ml), and 5%
fetal calf serum (FCS). The cells were washed four times with RPMI 1640 before
further analysis.

Cytospin preparations of milk cells were obtained with a sample application of 1 x

105 cells (Cytospin3, Shandon, Life Sciences International (Europe) Ltd., Astmoor,
Runcorn, Cheshire, United Kingdom). To improve the attachment of breast milk cells
to the slides, the slides were treated with VectapondTM (Vector Laboratories Inc,
Burlingame, CA, USA) before sample application, and then stained with May-
Grnwald-Giemsa for differentiation of leucocytes.

7.7.2. Peripheral blood

Venous blood was drawn and heparinized from the infants just before the
commencement of the challenge and a week later. PBMCs, mainly lymphocytes, were
obtained by Ficoll-Hypaque (Pharmacia AB, Uppsala, Sweden) centrifugation of the
blood diluted 1:4 with RPMI 1640 medium. The cells were resuspended in RPMI
1640 medium containing penicillin and streptomycin, glutamine, and 5% FCS, and
washed three times. After isolation, leucocytes were visually counted in a Brker
chamber for cell counting.

Venous blood-EDTA samples from the mothers and infants were drawn onto slides
and stained with May-Grnwald-Giemsa for differentiation of peripheral blood

7.8. Laboratory methods

7.8.1 Light microscopy

The numbers of macrophages, monocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils

of venous-blood EDTA preparations and human milk cytospin preparations were
counted under light microscope, with results are expressed as percentage of the cell
type per 100 leucocytes.

7.8.2 Flow cytometry

Flow cytometric analysis allows to enumeration of leucocyte subsets. Flow

cytometric analyses of milk leucocytes and PBMCs of the mothers and the infants
were performed at every visit, and on day 1 and day 8 of the cows milk challenge
via mothers milk from the infants peripheral blood. For this purpose, human milk
and peripheral blood cell suspensions at a cell concentration of 1 x 106/ml in RPMI
1640, with antibiotics, glutamine, and 5% FCS, were incubated at 4C for 15 min
with a saturating concentration of phygoerythrin-labelled monoclonal antibodies
against CD14, CD8, CD23, and CD16, and fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled
antibodies against CD45, CD3, CD4, CD19, and HLA-DR (Beckton Dickinson
Immunocytometry Systems, Mountain View, CA, USA.) according to manufacturers
instructions (Macey 1994) (Table 1). Flow cytometric analysis was then performed,
with the same instrument settings for every analysis. The leucocytes were finally
gated to study the numbers of cell subsets. The numbers of cells positive for the
surface markers are expressed as percentages of the cells within the gate.

Table 1. Human leucocyte differentiation antigens and their specificity.

Antigen Distribution

CD45 Leucocytes
CD3 T cells
CD4 Helper/inducer T cells, monocyte subset
CD8 Cytotoxic/suppressor T cells, NK-cell subset
CD19 Precursor B cells and B cells
CD23 Activated B cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, eosinophils, platelets
CD5 Mature T cells, B-cell subset
CD14 Monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, granulocytes, B cells
CD16 NK cells, granulocytes, macrophages, monocytes

7.8.3. Determination of TNF-, IFN-, and IL-4

To induce breast milk leucocytes and PBMCs, 6.25 x 105 isolated cells in 1 ml of
RPMI 1640 containing antibiotics, glutamine, and 10% FCS were cultured in a
humidified 5% CO2 atmosphere at 37C for 48 h with Concanavalin A (Con A,
Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) at a final concentration of 25 g/ml; a control cell
population was generated with RPMI 1640 only. The supernatants were collected
and stored at -70C. Subsequently, the TNF-, IL-4, and IFN- produced during
lymphocyte induction were determined from the thawed supernatants with
commercial ELISA kits (CLB, Amsterdam, Netherlands) according to manufacturers
instructions. The results of the different runs were equalized, employing the
comparison of standard curves, and are expressed as pg/ml.

7.8.4. Determination of BLG

Human milk samples were collected by manual expression or with a breast pump
before (n=12) and at 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours after (n=24) the commencement of cows
milk challenge via human milk after an at least 1-week cows milk elimination period.
The milk samples were stored at -20C for later determination of BLG levels with
ELISA as described in detail previously (Mkinen-Kiljunen and Palosuo 1992).
Briefly, affinity-purified rabbit anti-BLG in carbonate buffer was used to coat
microtitre plate wells (Immunoplate I, Nunc, Roskilde, Denmark). Samples and
standards (0.015 to 10 g/l) were tested in triplicate in phosphate buffer containing
3% polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 (Macrogol; Ph. Nord. NOMECO SA,
Copenhagen, Denmark). The BLG bound was detected with alkaline phosphatase-
conjugated immunoglobulin and p-nitrophenol phosphate. The detection limit of the
assay was 0.002 g/l, and recovery was 93% to 127%. The coefficient of variation
was 5% to 15% within each series and 10% between series. No other cows milk
proteins were detected with the antibodies to BLG (Mkinen-Kiljunen and Palosuo

7.8.5 ELISPOT-assay

The total number of immunoglobulin-secreting cells (ISCs) and the number of specific
antibody-secreting cells (sASC) against BLG, casein, and gliadin were measured by
the ELISPOT method on day 1 and day 8 of the cows milk challenge via mothers
milk, as descibed previously (Isolauri et al. 1992, Suomalainen et al. 1992). In brief,
isolated and washed PBMCs were suspended in culture media and adjusted to a final

concentration of 2 x 106 cells/ml. The cells were incubated on antigen-coated, flat-

bottomed 96-well microtitre plates (Immunoplate RI, Nunc A/S) so that the antibodies
they secreted could react with the antigen nearby. The antibodies were visualised by
application of enzyme-labelled antisera, followed by a substrate agarose overlay. The
counting of coloured spots, each representing one cell, was done with a stereo
microscope after variable periods of storage at 4C. For determination of ISCs, the
wells were coated with anti-human IgA, IgG, and IgM, and to determine the number
of sASCs, BLG (90% of protein), casein (70% of protein), and gliadin were used as
coating antigens (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). An immune response occurd when there
were >0.5 sASCs/106 cells.

7.8.6 Determination of total and cows milk-specific IgA

After thawing, human milk samples were diluted 1:5 in phosphate-buffered saline
(PBS) solution (pH 7.4) including 0.05% Tween 20. The rest of the human milk fatty
layer was removed by centrifugation at 17000 x g for 10 minutes at 4C.
Supernatants were used for the determination of IgA-specific antibodies to cows
milk and 1:10 dilutions for total IgA measurement. Breast-milk total IgA was
determined by radial immunodiffusion by use of LC-Partigen IgA immunodiffusion
plates and N Protein Standard SL as a calibrator according to manufacturers
instructions (Dade Behring, Marburg, Germany). Results are expressed as g/l.

Specific IgA antibodies to cows milk were determined by a modification of methods

described by Knoflach et al. (1987). Dried whole cows milk powder (Valio Ltd.)
was dissolved in sodium carbonate buffer (0.1 mol/l Na2CO3 and 1 mmol/l MgCl2, pH
9.8) to give a stock solution of 1 mg protein per ml. Microtiter plates (Nunc-Immuno
Plate MaxiSorp, Nunc A/S) were coated with 100 l of antigen solution diluted to
a protein concentration of 0.3 l/ml. The plates were incubated at 37C for 3 hours.
The wells were washed three times with PBS-Tween 20. One hundred microlitres of
test milk supernatant and a serial dilutions of a cows milk antibody-positive
patients serum forming a standard curve were added to the wells and incubated at
room temperature for 16 hours. After the wells had been washed three times with
PBS-Tween 20, 100 l of alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-human IgA antiserum
(Dako A/S, Glostrup, Denmark) diluted 1:1000 in PBS-Tween 20 was added to the
wells and incubated at 37C for 2 hours. After incubation, the wells were washed
with PBS-Tween 20 and 100 l of fresh substrate solution (para-
nitrophenylphosphatase 1mg/ml in diethanolamine-MgCl2 buffer, pH 9.8) was added
to each well and incubated at 37C for 30 minutes. After the end of incubation, 100
ul of 1 mol/l NaOH was added to the wells to stop the reaction. Absorbances were

determined at a wavelength of 405 nm and specific IgA concentrations as EU/ml

were calculated by use of a standard curve.

7.9. Statistical analyses

Analysis of variance (ANOVA), the Mann-Whitney U test and the Kruskal-Wallis test
were employed to determine the statistical significance of differences between
continuous variables (I-V). Because of the skewed distributions, logarithmic
transformations were used (I-V). The repeated observations were studied by ANOVA
for repeated measures and a paired t -test (III-V). A 2test was applied to determine
differences in proportions (I, III-V). We sought associations between data with simple
regression and Spearmans rank correlation test: results are given as correlation
coefficient and probability value (I, II).

The results for IgA determinations and breast milk cellular composition were analysed
by an experienced biostatistician (V). For breast milk IgA, the data was analysed by
analysis of variance for repeated measurements, with mothers as clusters. Since the
content of IgA was skewed, the logarithmic transformation was applied to the values
for IgA prior to model fitting. Since the content of IgA drops faster in the beginning
of breastfeeding and then almost levels out, the logarithm of the babys age was
used, as such, as an explanatory variable. In the analysis, the starting model was: ln
(age) as the random part and the systemic one: ln(IgA)~ ln(age)*(1allergy+ 1mother's
atopy+ 1symptoms), where 1character is an indicator variable for character. The
unimportant terms (significance >5%) were excluded. The models were compared by
analysis of variance.

The comparison of cellular compositions of breast milk between groups of mothers

was also performed with the help of biostatistician (I). Since the distributions of the
counts of leucocytes were skewed, and the variances could not therefore be
stabilised by logarithmic transformations, the differences between the groups were
studied by Kruskal-Wallis test. The cut points for the counts of leucocytes were
sought by attempts at various possibilities. Fischers exact test was used to study the
independence of each two grouping variables.

Means are presented with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and medians with ranges.
Statistical significance is defined as p0.05. The analyses were carried out with S
plus 4 software (MathSoft, Inc., Seattle, WA, USA) (I, V) and Statview 4.0 software
(Abacus Concepts, Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA) (I-V).

7.10. Ethical aspects

The study protocol was approved by the ethics committees of the Skin and Allergy
Hospital of the Helsinki University Central Hospital and the City of Helsinki.
Informed consent was obtained from the mothers for breast-milk sample collection
and from the parents for longitudinal follow-up of their children.


8.1. Clinical features of subjects (I-V)

By the end of the 1-year follow-up, a total of 54 mothers (70% with atopic
constitutions) had infants who had CMA, as shown by clinical cows milk challenge,
and 46 (29% with atopic constitutions) had a healthy infant. Of the 46 healthy
infants, 10 (40% with atopic constitutions) had atopic dermatitis but a negative milk
challenge (disease control group A), and 8 (38% with atopic constitutions) had had
episodes of protracted infant colic but were also negative to a milk challenge (disease
control group B). Of the 61 newborns followed up from birth, 30 had an older sibling
with food allergy, and 24 (80%) of those developed CMA. In comparison, of those
31 infants with a moderate risk of allergy, only two developed CMA. The duration of
breastfeeding was comparable in the infants with CMA, atopic eczema, and colic
with that of healthy infants (Table 2). Of the infants with CMA, 35 had been
exclusively breast-fed at the time of the appearance of symptoms of CMA. Positive
maternal history of atopy correlated with the development of CMA (Table 2). Mean
age of onset of symptoms in children with CMA was 1.2 months (95% CI, 0.9 to 1.5),
and mean age at diagnosis was 5.1 months (4.2 to 6.1). Of the allergic infants, 19
(35%) continued to have symptoms of CMA, despite the fact that the mothers were
on a very restricted diet. Of them, 6 had symptoms that were ameliorated just after
discontinuation of breastfeeding, and in most of the remaining children, symptoms
diminished markedly. Of the infants with CMA, 41 (76%) had hypersensitivity to
cereals (rye, wheat, oats, and barley), as verified by open challenge. The SPT to cows
milk was positive in 18 (33%) of the children with CMA. In the children with an
immediate reaction, SPT to cows milk was positive in 14 (47%) of 30 children, but in
only 4 (17%) of the 24 children with a delayed reaction.

Table 2. Clinical characterictics of the infants studied.

Infant with CMA Infant without CMA
n=54 n=46 p value
Colic Atopic dermatitis Healthy (Kruskal-
n=8 n=10 n=28 Wallis
Maternal atopy 70% 38% 40% 29% 0.0018
Duration of
breastfeeding 3.4 (2.9; 3.9) 1.4 (0.2; 8.8) 2.9 (1.4; 6.1) 2.5 (1.7; 3.7) 0.13
Expressed as geometric mean (95% confidence interval) months.

8.2. Clinical response to cows milk challenge (I-V)

8.2.1 Cows milk challenge performed perorally (I-V)

Cows milk challenge was positive in 54 (75%) of the 72 infants challenged. In 8 of

the infants with CMA, the challenge was performed only through mothers milk (see
2.2). In the other 28 of the 100 infants, elimination of cows milk was not required
because those infants were free of symptoms. In the cows milk challenge, 30 (56%)
infants manifested CMA with immediate and 24 (44%) with delayed reactions; 15
children showed local urticaria immediately after introduction of a drop of cows milk
on their skin or lips. Of the rest, 22 children had cutaneous symptoms (urticaria, n=4;
atopic dermatitis, n=18), 5 children gastrointestinal symptoms (loose stools or
diarrhea, n=4; vomiting, n=1), and 12 children reacted both cutaneously and
gastrointestinally (atopic dermatitis and loose stools, diarrhea, vomiting and/or
abdominal pain) to administration of cows milk. Three children showed respiratory
symptoms (acute middle ear infection, n=2; allergic rhinitis, n=1) in addition to other
symptoms of CMA. Table 3 gives the volumes of cows milk eliciting symptoms and
the time of reaction in patients with immediate or delayed reactions.

Table 3. Time of onset of reaction and dose eliciting symptoms of cow's milk allergy in
infants with immediate or delayed-type reaction in oral cow's milk challenge.

Cow's milk challenge

Immediate reaction Delayed reaction p value

Time of onset of reaction

From last dose 0.1 (0.1 to 0.5) 25 (1 to 7)
From beginning 0.1 (0.1 to 3) 60 (3 to 168)
Dose eliciting symptoms
Last dose 15 (1 to 200) 100 (5 to 200) 0.017
Cumulated dose 22 (1 to 360) 312 (7 to 3500) 0.012
Median (range) expressed as hour. Median (range) expressed as ml (cow's milk).
Immediate reaction is defined as occurring within 1 hour and a delayed reaction more than 1 hour
after the last dose ingested.

8.2.2 Cows milk challenge via mothers milk (IV)

Cows milk challenge through human milk was performed for 27 infants and proved
to be positive in 16 (60%) of them (Table 4). These 16 are included in the total
number of cows milk allergic infants (see 2.1). At the time of the challenge, the

infants were aged from 1.8 to 9.4 months. All but one of the infants with CMA
showed symptoms of CMA during the cows milk challenge via human milk. In 9 of
17 infants with CMA the challenge was continued, however, with subsequent
peroral cows milk provocation to confirm the diagnosis, because these infants
reacted with mild symptoms to their mothers milk. Of the infants with CMA, every
one reacted cutaneously (Study IV: Figure 1), 5 children also showed
gastrointestinal symptoms, and three showed additional respiratory symptoms (Table
4). The median total dose of cows milk ingested by the mother that elicited
symptoms was 700 ml (range, 100 to 2300), and the mean time of onset of the
reactions was 21 h (range, 2 to 80). All the control infants had a negative cows milk
challenge through human milk, and no reaction with peroral cows milk.

Table 4. Findings in infants with cow's milk allergy (CMA) and in their mother's milk
during cow's milk challenge performed through human milk.
Reaction Volume of Age of Symptoms BLG level BLG level in
time milk infant in breast breast milk
ingested by milk at time of
mother before appearance
eliciting challenge of symptoms
(hours) (ml) (months) (g/l) (g/l)

2 300 6.0 Eczema - <0.01

2.5 300 7.0 Eczema, diarrhoea 0.26 0.65
2.5 300 6.4 Eczema 0.52 6.93
2.5 100 4.7 Eczema <0.01 <0.01
2.5 100 2.4 Eczema <0.01 <0.01
4.5 700 6.6 Exanthema - <0.01
5 650 8.3 Exanthema 0.29 0.30
5.5 700 9.1 Eczema - 0.01
6 700 5.0 Eczema 0.62 11.54
8 700 4.4 Exanthema <0.01 -
9 700 9.4 Eczema, loose stools, acute media otitis <0.01 0.03
26 1050 3.0 Eczema, abdominal pain, rhinitis 0.52 -
30 900 2.9 Eczema, diarrhoea, abdominal pain <0.01 6.12
72 2100 4.2 Eczema, abdominal pain, regurgitation - 4.38
74 1500 8.0 Eczema, rhinitis, acute media otitis <0.01 0.04
80 2300 7.0 Eczema <0.01 0.29
- - 4.3 No reaction to cow's milk challenge <0.01 <0.01
through mother's milk
BLG= beta-lactoglobulin

8.3. Cellular, cytokine, and immunoglobulin composition of human milk (I-III, V)

8.3.1 Differential cell counts of milk leucocytes (I)

Differential cell counts of milk leucocytes were performed for 61 mothers (Figure 1).
After careful removal of any visible fat layer in the milk specimens and several
washes, there were hardly any detectable membrane/fat globules on the slides. The
results from differential cell counts were comparable between two independent
investigators. The predominant leucocyte in the milk of mothers with healthy infants
was the macrophage (Study I: Figure 1a). In the milk of those mothers whose infant
had CMA, the proportion of macrophages was significantly smaller than in those
with healthy infants (Table 5). Mothers with high proportions of neutrophils in their
milk (>20%) had significantly more often infants with CMA than did those with low
proportions of neutrophils, p=0.02 (Fischers exact test) (Table 5; Study I: Figure
1c). More than 1% eosinophils of milk cells was detected only in the mothers of
infants with CMA (Table 5; Study I: Figure 1d). The risk for the breast-fed infant of
developing CMA was significantly higher if the mothers milk fulfilled at least two of
the following features of leucocyte differential count: <91% macrophages, further
<52% macrophages, >5% neutrophils or >0% eosinophils (sensitivity 0.72, specificity
0.64, odds ratio 4.5 [95% CI, 1.5 to 13.5], p=0.01). As for mothers with infants with
atopic dermatitis but no challenge-proven CMA, their milk contained proportionally
fewer macrophages and more lymphocytes than did the milk of mothers of healthy
infants (Table 5; Study I: Figure 1b).

Table 5. Percentages of various leucocytes in light microscopy and total leucocyte count
in the milk of mothers with infants showing cow's milk allergy (CMA), or atopic dermatitis,
or in the mothers with healthy infants.

Milk of mothers with

infants with infants with healthy
Leucocyte atopic dermatitis infants p value
Macrophages (%) 71 (13-100) 69 (52-89) 91 (63-97) 0.014
Monocytes (%) 0 (0-4) 0 (0-2) 0 (0-4) 0.78
Lymphocytes (%) 8 (0-78) 22 (5-42) 7.5 (0-24) 0.01
Neutrophils (%) 8 (0-80) 5.5 (1-19) 3.5 (0-28) 0.09
Eosinophils (%) 0 (0-72) 0 (0-1) 0 (0-1) 0.17

Total cell count 0.32 (0.03-2.5) 0.16 (0.05-0.4) 0.4 (0.05-1.5) 0.058

Values expressed as median (range).


8.3.2 HLA-DR expression of milk leucocytes (II)

Cells were analysed by flow cytometry in the milk of 60 mothers (Figure 1). HLA-
DR expression (geometric mean) on human milk macrophages was significantly less
frequent in mothers whose infants had CMA, 58.3% (95% CI, 44.9 to 75.6), than in
mothers of healthy infants, 86.9% (78.7 to 96.1) (Figure 2). The less frequent HLA-
DR expression of breast milk macrophages did not correlate with maternal atopy. The
HLA-DR expression on mothers peripheral blood monocytes was comparable in
mothers of allergic children and in those of healthy ones (100% vs. 98.5%).

HLA-DR expression (%)


CMA infant Healthy infant

Figure 2. HLA-DR expression on human milk macrophages in mothers with infants with cow's
milk allergy (CMA) and in those with healthy infants. Bars denote geometric mean with 95%
CI depicted.

8.3.3 Comparison of differential cell counts and expression of human leucocyte

differentiation antigens of milk cells (I)

The expression of surface markers was examined among the milk leucocytes in 14
milk samples to confirm the findings of light microscopy (Study I: Figure 3). The
proportion of cells expressing CD14 was consistent with the proportion of
macrophages verified by differential cell counts (p=0.02, =0.63, Spearman rank
correlation test). Similarly, the percentages of cells expressing CD3 or CD19 and
those expressing CD16 correlated with proportions of lymphocytes (p=0.04, =0.6)
and neutrophils (p=0.04, =0.59), respectively (Spearmans rank correlation test).

8.3.4 Cytokine production of milk cells (III)

Cytokine production of mothers milk was assessed in 43 mothers (Figure 1).

Spontaneous TNF- production of human milk, measured from unstimulated cultures,
was significantly lower in the mothers of infants with CMA than in those with
healthy infants, geometric mean 4.3 pg/ml (95% CI, 2.0 to 9.5) and 22.4 pg/ml (8.2 to
60.7), respectively (p=0.02, Mann-Whitney U test) (Figure 3). Con A-induced TNF-
production was significantly lower in the milk of mothers whose infants were
allergic than in milk of the mothers with healthy infants, geometric mean 7.9 pg/ml
(95% CI, 3.9 to 15.7) and 46.6 pg/ml (20.6 to 105), respectively (p=0.004, Mann-
Whitney U test) (Figure 3). Spontaneous IFN- production was very low and
comparable in the milk of mothers with allergic infants to the milk of those with
healthy ones. The Con A-stimulated IFN- production was comparable in the milk of
mothers with allergic infants and in those with healthy ones, geometric mean 4.6
pg/ml (95% CI, 1.4 to 15.4) and 10.6 pg/ml (2.5 to 44.8), respectively (p=0.14, Mann-
Whitney U test) (Study III: Table I). Unstimulated and stimulated IL-4 production
was undetectable in most samples in these two groups (data not shown).

8.3.5 Total and cows milk specific IgA in human milk (V)

Total and cows milk-specific IgA levels in milk were measured by radial
immunodiffusion and enzyme immunoassay, respectively, in 60 mothers (Figure 1).
Total IgA level in colostrum and in human milk was significantly lower in those
mothers whose babies later developed CMA (estimated third day value 0.38 g/l) than
in those whose babies remained healthy or had infant colic but not CMA (0.82 g/l,
p<0.05) (Study V: Figure 1). The level of IgA dropped dramatically during the first
few weeks in boths groups of mothers. When total IgA in milk was measured
between 6 days and 4 weeks postpartum, those infants whose mothers IgA level
was below 0.25 g/l developed CMA significantly more often (sensitivity 0.55,
specificity 0.92, odds ratio 14.7 [95% CI, 3.1 to 70.2], p<0.001). The cows milk-
specific IgA antibody content of milk correlated with total IgA levels, r=0.39,
p<0.0001. The estimated (geometric mean) value for cows milk-specific IgA on the
first day was 14.0 EU/ml (95% CI, 7.7 to 25.3) and the values decayed in 1.5 months
(Study V: Figure 2). However, in milk from mothers of infants with CMA and from
healthy controls, levels of IgA antibodies to cows milk were comparable. Total and
cows milk-specific IgA levels did not correlate with maternal atopy.

TNF-alpha **
(pg/ml) *




CMA infant Healthy infant

Figure 3. In vitro production (pg/ml) of tumour necrosis
factor (TNF)-alpha of breast milk cells from mothers whose
infants had cows milk allergy (CMA) and from those with
healthy infants when incubated in plain medium (RPMI) or
induced by Concanavalin A (Con A). Horizontal bars
denote geometric means and 95% confidence intervals. *)
p<0.05, **) p<0.005

8.4. Lymphocyte subsets in infants and their association with cellular

composition of human milk (I)

Venous blood samples were obtained from 22 infants with CMA and 7 infants
without CMA. The former had a significantly smaller proportion of CD8+ T cells
(p=0.049, Mann-Whitney U test) and a higher proportion of cells bearing CD19
(p=0.036) and CD23 (low-affinity IgE-receptor) (p=0.0099) than the latter ones
(Study I: Table I). Further, proportions of CD4+ T cells and CD4/CD8 ratio were
positively correlated with proportions of milk macrophages (p=0.004 and p=0.002,

respectively) (Spearmans rank correlation test), and proportions of CD4+ T cells

were negatively correlated with percentage of milk neutrophils and eosinophils
(p=0.003 and p=0.014, respectively) (Study I: Table II). In addition, total proportions
of B cells and those expressing CD23 positively correlated with proportions of milk
neutrophils (p=0.002 and p=0.022, respectively), and of milk eosinophils (p=0.001
and p=0.044, respectively), whereas the proportion of CD19+ B cells was negatively
correlated with percentage of milk macrophages (p=0.017) (Study I: Table II).

8.5. Immune responses evoked during cows milk challenge through mothers
milk (V)

8.5.1 Transfer of BLG in human milk

BLG in human milk was assessed in 16 of 17 mothers with infants with CMA and in
each of the 10 mothers with healthy infants (Figure 1). During cows milk challenge
via human milk, BLG levels in human milk were comparable in mothers with infants
with CMA and in those with healthy infants (Figure 4).

BLG in human milk (g/l)





Before At onset of Unlimited
challenge symptoms diet

Cow's milk-allergic infant Healthy infant

Figure 4. Secretion of beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) in human milk measured by ELISA in mothers

of cow's milk-allergic infants (grey circles) before commencement of cow's milk challenge
performed through mother's milk to the infant, and in mothers of healthy infants (open circles).
The latter mothers were on an unlimited diet.

8.5.2 Immunoglobulin-secreting cells

Infants with CMA, showed a statistically significant increase in total number of ISCs
in the IgG class from day 1, geometric mean 464 (95% CI, 242 to 887), to day 8,
geometric mean 1408 (889 to 2231), p=0.03 (paired t-test), (Figure 5). This increase
in number of ISCs was statistically significant in the IgA and IgG class in infants with
CMA when compared with healthy infants, p=0.038 and p=0.023 (repeat analysis of
variance) (Figure 5). In contrast, in those with a negative reaction to the challenge,
the mean number of ISCs slightly increased in the IgA and IgG classes, and decreased
in the IgM class during the challenge period, but no changes were statistically
significant (Figure 5). Numbers of sASCs in both study groups on day 1 and day 8
of the challenge were comparable.

Number of immunoglobulin-secreting cells /10E6 cells




CMA Healthy CMA Healthy CMA Healthy


Figure 5. Total numbers of immunoglobulin-secreting cells in IgA, IgG, and IgM subclasses
during cow's milk challenge through mother's milk in peripheral blood of cow's milk-allergic
(CMA) or healthy infants. Prechallenge values (empty bars) and values 8 days after the
commencement of the challenge (shaded bars). Bars represent the geometric mean and
vertical lines the 95% confidence intervals. *) p<0.05 (paired t test). ) p<0.05 when
changes in prechallenge and postchallenge values are compared between CMA and healthy
infants (repeat analysis of variance).

8.5.3 Peripheral blood lymphocytes

On days 1 and day 8, the proportions of peripheral blood B cells bearing CD19,
CD23, CD19 and 23 (double-positive), CD 5, or CD19 and CD5 (double-positive)
and bearing CD4 or CD8 T cells were comparable in healthy infants and in those
with a positive reaction to cows milk challenge via human milk (Study IV: Table II).


9.1. Novel aspects of CMA

Cows milk and cows milk-based formulas are major causes of food allergy during
the first years of life (Savilahti et al. 1992), with 1.9% of newborns in Finland
experiencing allergic reactions to cows milk during this time (Saarinen et al. 1999b).
The symptoms of CMA commonly appear during the first months of life, within days
or weeks of commencing feeding with a cows milk-based formula, or even during
breastfeeding (Jakobsson and Lindberg 1978, Gerrard 1979, Mactinger and Moss
1986, Sorva and Mkinen-Kiljunen 1994, Isolauri et al. 1999). The recent findings
suggest that the symptoms of CMA may already begin to appear during exclusive
breastfeeding (Isolauri et al. 1999, I-V). This may be explained by the prospective
nature of these studies and by meticulous screening for even minor symptoms of
food allergy since birth, and suggests that intrauterine sensitisation to food antigens
or sensitisation via mothers milk is probably more common than has previously been
thought. It may also mirror a shift in modern times to an earlier age of onset of CMA.
Further, the majority of infants in the present study showed food allergy against a
wide variety of different foods including cereals, suggesting that severity and extent
of food allergies may be increasing.

The amount of potential allergen to which the gut is exposed during early life is
particularly important in directing immune responses, since large amounts of antigen
are thought to induce oral tolerance while smaller amounts may prime an immune
response (Hanson 1981). In animal studies, small antigen amounts ingested have been
shown to induce IgE antibody responses preferentially (Jarrett 1984). Similar low-
dose sensitisation may theoretically occur via the intestinal route in breast-fed babies
(Bjrkstn 1983). In the present study, the infants who remained healthy were
exclusively breast-fed for the same period of time as the CMA infants, suggesting
that low-dose exposure still failed to explain why some infants remain healthy and
others do not. The present study, however, confirms the finding from earlier studies
and from clinical practice that even minimal quantities of food proteins to which an
infant is already sensitised may provoke hypersensitivity reactions (IV). It further
shows that an abnormal immune response, can also be measured in the peripheral
blood in a cows milk-allergic breast-fed infant after ingestion of mothers milk
containing milk protein (IV).

IgE- and non-IgE-mediated mechanisms each account for about half the CMA in
young children (Isolauri and Turjanmaa 1996). In the present study, the involvement
of an IgE-mediated mechanism demonstrated as positive skin-test reactivity to cows
milk occurred in only 33% of CMA infants. Very young infants in particular showed
positive SPT reactions to cows milk strikingly seldom. At the same time, it is also
known that SPT and RAST correlate poorly with a clinical challenge, even in older
children. We suggest that, especially in young infants 2 to 6 months of age, SPT
positivity often has not yet developed, although the child typically may have an
immediate, IgE-mediated reaction against cows milk. Many of these infants show a
positive SPT reaction to cows milk a few months later (Jrvinen and Suomalainen,
unpublished data).

Some studies have associated infantile colic with CMA (Jakobsson and Lindberg
1978, Iacono et al. 1991, Lucassen et al. 1998), which contradicts other views
(Treem 1994). In the present study, infantile colic was strongly suggestive of cows
milk allergy in infants of 1 to 2 months of age, and these infants often responded to a
cows milk elimination diet with the disappearance of symptoms (V). This suggests
that colic may represent a symptom of undetected food allergy, and should more
often lead to a suspicion of food allergy than it previously has.

Genetic predisposition is an important factor in the development of allergic diseases

(Kaufman and Frick 1976) and food allergy (Hide et al. 1991). Previous studies have
focused purely on parental history of allergic diseases, with no reports on the
increased risk of a newborn to develop food allergy in a family already having one
food-allergic child. According to present findings, however, having a food-allergic
sibling proved a good predictive factor for subsequent development of CMA in the

9.2. Human milk and development of oral tolerance

Lack of intrauterine stimulation results in the absence of any local immune response
in both premature and full-term neonates. Shortly after birth, however, the
gastrointestinal tract of the newborn is rapidly exposed to a wide range of microbial
and food-related antigens that are potentially immunogenic. Exposure to these
antigens occurs through direct oral administration or indirectly through mothers
milk. Based on current data from animal studies, the main factors in developing oral
tolerance are adequate local immune defense by sIgA and suppression of systemic
immune responses (Strobel and Mowat 1998). In the newborn period, these factors
are poorly developed.

In human milk, the most important protective factor against excessive uptake of
antigens is considered to be sIgA, which provides protection at the mucosal level by
preventing absorption of potentially antigenic foreign proteins from the gut. Selner
et al. (1968) have shown that in the intestinal mucosa of a newborn, very little
antibody response occurs for two weeks post partum, but by 28 days post partum
almost 100% of infants had detectable levels of secretory antibodies. It is therefore
highly likely that, in the state of relative sIgA deficiency which exists during early
infancy, foreign proteins may readily gain access to the systemic circulation (Walker
1979). However, this tendency of the immature intestine of the neonate to allow
excessive uptake of foreign antigens across the mucosal barrier (Kuitunen et al.
1994a, Kuitunen et al. 1994b) is offset by the passive protection of the intestinal
surface which is normally afforded by ingestion of human colostrum until the time
that sufficient antibody production has been switched on in the recipient (Walker
1979). Consistent with this, it has been demonstrated that the level of IgA in
colostrum and human milk is high in mothers of nonallergic infants (Machtinger and
Moss 1986, Savilahti et al. 1991, Calbi and Giacchetti 1998). This finding was
confirmed in the present study (V).

In an immunologically relatively immature infant, when compared to an adult state,

human milk may also compensate for insufficient production of cytokines in the
network of its cellular responses. Clear evidence exists that the production of several
cytokines is lower in newborns than that of T cells of adults (Garofalo et al. 1998),
and that cytokine levels in human milk are sufficient to potentially affect the breast-
fed infant (Rudloff et al. 1992). Numerous studies have shown that milk leucocytes
are taken up into its intestinal mucosa and circulation by the offspring (Seelig and
Billingham 1981, Puente et al. 1984, Schnorr and Pearson 1984, Seelig and Head
1987, Hughes et al. 1988, Jain et al. 1989). Transfer of tuberculin-positivity by milk T
cells from a positive mother has been noted (Schlesinger and Covelli 1977), in
addition to suggestions of induction of tolerance to maternal HLA on maternal milk
cells taken up by the breast-fed infants gut (Zhang et al. 1991). Such tolerance may
allow the maternal lymphocytes to transfer immunologic information to the offspring
without inducing any immune response. Consistent with this, in the breast-fed
recipient, oral tolerance to food antigens present in human milk may be induced by
immune factors in human milk without inducing any immune response.

In this context, an interesting study was performed in animals to investigate whether

antigen administration from breast milk would have a tolerizing effect (Strobel 1996).
Nursing dams were fed for 3 days with BSA at several time points after they gave
birth. The kinetics of immune responses observed after administration of antigen from
breast milk were comparable to those after direct administration to the offspring.

However, suckling animals received an approximate dose of antigen that was around
10-3 lower, which is surprising, since doses in this range have been associated with
sensitisation when fed directly (Lamont et al. 1989). To further examine the
underlying mechanism, the possibility was investigated that injection of adult spleen
cells at birth, followed by an antigen, could reverse the priming effect. Neonatal mice
received 10 million adult spleen cells intraperitoneally on day 1, and suckling dams
were fed BSA on days 2 and 3. This was followed by an immunization 4 weeks later
and measurement of immune responses in vivo 3 weeks after immunization. Transfer
of adult spleen cells prior to antigen transfer from breast milk resulted in suppression
of cell-mediated immunity during a period when neonates were otherwise not
susceptible to tolerance induction (Peng et al. 1989). It was suggested that the
inability of the neonatal rodent to be tolerized by the oral route may be related to a
lack of antigen-processing capacity of the GALT, and that intestinal epithelial cells
may be involved in the presentation of antigen in a suppressive way in postweaning
rodents and humans (Strobel 1996).

Milk macrophages, too, have been shown to present antigens, and to induce T-cell
proliferation in vitro (Oksenberg et al. 1985, Vandenplas et al. 1992, Mori and
Hayward 1992). Expression of HLA-DR required for presentation of antigen on
human milk macrophages has previously been demonstrated to be very frequent,
almost 100% (Rivas et al. 1994). Furthermore, a significant proportion of milk
macrophages has been shown to have bound casein and BLG, and a smaller
percentage -lactalbumin (Hughes et al. 1988). In the present study, the human milk
macrophage was the predominant leucocyte in the mothers of nonallergic infants (I).
In addition, their expression of HLA-DR needed for presentation of antigens, and
their production of TNF- were high in these mothers with nonallergic babies (II, III).
We therefore suggest that the central role of well-functioning human milk
macrophages may be the presentation of food antigens to the immunologically
relatively naive infant in the gut mucosa and thereby the development in the breast-
fed infant of oral tolerance.

9.3. Human milk and development of CMA

Despite the strict elimination diet of their lactating mothers, some breast-fed infants
continue to show symptoms of food allergy (Isolauri et al. 1999; I-V). In studies I to
V, these residual symptoms seemed to disappear quickly after weaning. In these
infants, we cannot rule out the possibility that the symptoms were caused by hidden,
contaminating amounts of the allergen in foods ingested by the mother. This may
happen, although the mothers were carefully advised by the examining doctor and a

nutritionist on the performance of a meticulous cows milk-elimination diet, and

although all of the mothers recruited into the study were rather well-educated and
had strong motivation to adhere to strenuous diets. Although, we detected low but
measurable levels of BLG in the milk of some mothers who were on a cows milk-
elimination diet (IV), interestingly, their infants were free of symptoms despite their
ingesting measurable concentrations of milk protein; on the other hand, some of the
infants of mothers with virtually undetectable amounts of cows milk transferred in
their milk showed positive hypersensitivity reactions during milk challenge via
mothers milk. These results support the clinical finding although the amount eliciting
hypersensitivity reactions varies enormously among individuals, that the quantity of
cows milk protein in human milk is enough to evoke symptoms. However, the
question of the possible ability of small amounts of cows milk protein present in
mothers milk to sensitise the breast-fed still remains unanswered. Two recent papers
report a possible cross-reactivity between human milk proteins and dietary antigens
(Neuteboom et al. 1992, Cantisani et al. 1997) which could explain the persistence
of symptoms even with the nursing mothers being on a meticulous cows milk
elimination diet (or even sensitisation during exclusive breastfeeding) in some cases.

The composition of human milk of atopic and nonatopic mothers has been compared
in only a few studies (Vassella et al. 1992, Businco et al. 1993, Duchn et al. 1999,
Rudloff et al. 1999, Bttcher et al. 2000a; 2000b). Even fewer reports offer any
correlation between the composition of mothers milk and the health status of the
breast-fed infant (Machtinger and Moss 1986, Savilahti et al. 1991, Kalliomki et al.
1999, Saarinen et al. 1999a). Vassella et al. (1992) have shown that the milk of
atopic mothers contains a significantly higher number of eosinophils than the milk of
nonatopic ones. Rudloff et al. (1999) have recently studied the presence of different
cytokines in milk of atopic and nonatopic mothers. IL-10 was more often found in
the milk of atopic mothers. IL-10 deactivates macrophage functions and thus exerts
an immunosuppressive function (Bagglioni and Dahinden 1994). Since it was found
more often in atopic mothers, it might be speculated that its counteractive functions
in human milk, such as activation of macrophages, may be beneficial. Milk from
atopic mothers also has aberrations in its fatty acid content. Atopic mothers milk
showed lower relative levels of certain long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids at one
month of lactation, and higher ratios of n-6/n-3 fatty acids than that of the nonatopic
(Businco et al. 1993). Further, Duchn et al. (1999) reported that low levels of -
linolenic acid and total n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in maternal milk
appeared to relate to atopic sensitisation of the infants. Machtinger and Moss (1986)
suggested that infants with symptom scores highly suggestive of allergic disease
were receiving mothers milk with smaller quantities of IgA antibodies to whole
cows milk and casein than did infants without clinical manifestations. This was

supported by the finding of Savilahti et al. (1991) demonstrating a lower level of

total IgA in milk of mothers whose infants showed CMA. Most recently, two papers
have focused on the association between low levels of TGF- in mothers milk and
development of IgE-mediated CMA or atopic eczema in the breast-fed (Kalliomki et
al. 1999, Saarinen et al. 1999a). Although concentrations of different cytokines are
low in milk and during lactation even decrease, it is known that for most in vitro
applications, cytokines exert their biologic activity in the concentration range of 1
pg/ml to 10 ng/ml, suggesting that the levels found in human milk are sufficiently
high to exert in vivo effects on the recipient infant (Hawkes et al. 1999).

The most important protective factor in human milk at the mucosal level is considered
to be sIgA. Lack of IgA in early milk, on the other hand, has been suggested to lead
to increased exposure of the intestinal mucosa of the breast-fed to potential allergens
and enhanced risk for development of food allergies, as mentioned above
(Machtinger and Moss 1986, Savilahti et al. 1991), and atopic eczema (Calbi and
Giacchetti 1998). This was confirmed in the present study (V). Further, we showed
that total breast-milk antibody levels were highest in colostrum, fell rapidly during a
1- to 2-week period, and remained at a stable level of 0.2 to 0.3 g/l for several months
both in the mothers of healthy infants and of those with a cows milk-allergic baby.
A higher concentration of sIgA in human milk in the first couple of weeks of
lactation may explain why the majority of infants with CMA showed no symptoms
suggestive of CMA until the age of 2 to 4 weeks. High levels of IgA in their mothers
milk may have protected the infants from the absorption of large amounts of
potential food antigens in their first days of life when the gut is most permeable.

The present study suggests that the dietary antigens or the lack of IgA in human milk
may not be the only factors in milk contributing to sensitisation of the newborn to
foods (I-III). We demonstrated that the milk of some of the atopic mothers having
infants with CMA had a high proportion of eosinophils (I). A newborn infant
consumes 400 to 500 ml of breast milk per day, amounting to the overwhelming total
number of 6 x 106 to 7 x 107 eosinophils ingested each day. Although number of
leucocytes may slightly decrease during lactation, the total volume of milk ingested
increases to up to 800 ml per day by 3 months of age. In the gut of the breast-fed
infant, eosinophils will finally break by cytolysis, and highly cytotoxic mediators will
be released, including ECP, even without any activation process that would lead to
degranulation. In asthma, these eosinophil-derived proteins have been shown to
cause damage to airway epithelium (Venge and Peterson 1989). Similarly, they may
contribute to an immunoinflammatory process in the gut of the infant. Subsequently,
the permeability of the gut will be enhanced, and the antigenic load thereby

increased. This being the case during every feeding, risk of any offspring prone to
develop food allergy is potentially increased.

Neutrophils, too, were found in significantly larger numbers in mothers of CMA

infants (I). Human milk polymorphonuclear cells are functionally exudate cells with
locomotive, adherence, microbicidal, and stimulated respiratory burst capabilities less
than those of their counterparts in blood (Ho and Lawton 1978, Buescher and
McIlheran 1993). They therefore do not seem to provide to the breast-fed infant
significant anti-infective protection (Buescher and McIlheran 1993), despite the
lactoferrin they release (Kiljstra 1991). The explanation for the presence of these cells
in colostrum is obscure. In general, neutrophils are cytotoxic and potentially tissue-
injuring cells participating in the destructive processes and symptoms seen in a
variety of inflammatory diseases including asthma. Whether they could play a role in
inflammation in gut mucosa and development of CMA, when present in big numbers
in milk and in the gut of the breast-fed, remains to be seen.

A popular theory at the moment is that of the hygiene hypothesis as applied to

hay fever and asthma (Rook and Standford 1998). This hypothesis proposes that a
reduced number of infections during infancy predisposes to allergic responses.
Among environmental factors, early infections and intestinal microflora have been
suggested as enhancing the skewing towards Th1-type responses and protecting
against development of allergy, which has a high level Th2 response (Bjrkstn et al.
1999). The Th2 paradigm does not, however, explain late phase CMA which appears
to be more of a delayed-type hypersensitivity with increased IFN- production by
systemic blood lymphocytes after exposure to cows milk protein. Holt and co-
workers have demonstrated that stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes of atopic
individuals have a Th2 allergic cytokine profile which becomes reinforced during
childhood (high IL-4 and low IFN- at 6 months of age) whereas healthy children
lose the fetal Th2 cytokine profile during the first 1 to 2 years of life (low IFN- at
birth but higher levels at 6 months) (Yabuhara et al. 1997, Prescott et al. 1999). The
mechanism of down-regulation of Th2 responses and how this process fails in allergic
indivuals remains unexplained. The possible effect of human milk lymphocytes on
polarisation of newborn T cells has not yet been considered. Evidence exists that at
least tuberculin-immunity can be transferred from the mother to the breast-fed infant
(Schlesinger and Covelli 1977). We found lymphocytes in rather high numbers,
especially in the milk of mothers with infants suffering from atopic dermatitis (I). It is
already known that the majority of lymphocytes in human milk are T cells (Crago et
al. 1979), half of which are of the helper subtype (Wirt et al. 1992); their polarisation
is, however, unknown. Such a numerous population of T cells may potentially have
an effect on deviation of immune responses of the infant, since each T-cell subset

produces specific cytokines which act in autocrine fashion, promoting further

differentiation and maturation in that subset. One might suggest that abnormal
responses such as those of the Th2 type may be transferred to the infant. If this
happens, the mothers leucocytes may, as a consequence, induce IgE-production in
the infant.

Macrophages were found less frequently in milk of mothers of CMA infants than in
that of those with nonallergic babies (I). Furthermore, their expression of HLA-DR
required for presentation of antigen was less frequent in these mothers of allergic
babies (II). This finding may be relevant to the development of allergy to cows milk
protein, assuming that milk macrophages are capable of presenting foreign food
antigens to the suckling. The smaller number and less frequent expression of HLA-
DR of milk macrophages that was manifested in the mothers of infants with CMA
may result in insufficient presentation of antigens by these macrophages, which may
lead to a disturbance in the development of oral tolerance (II). This theory is further
supported by our finding that defective production of TNF-, mainly produced by
macrophages in human milk, correlates with development of CMA in the breast-fed
infant (III). TNF- may modify the antigen-presenting functions of APCs in the gut.
It has been suggested as likely, at least in rodent models, that mucosal dendritic cells
as well as gastrointestinal epithelial cells play important roles in the antigen-
presentation process (Strobel and Mowat 1998). In an experimental model, TNF-
switches the monocytic APCs to mature ones capable of effectively presenting the
processed antigen to T cells. We therefore hypothesize that lack of TNF- in breast
milk may downregulate the differentiation of APCs in the infant, and this may play a
role in the development of CMA. Therefore, the small number of macrophages
observed, together with their deficient function and deficient production of
cytokines, may cause an imbalance in the communication process of the cellular
network in the infant and thus may play a role in the delay of development of oral

The explanation for the abnormal phenomena in the milk of some mothers reported in
the present study remains to be seen. Interestingly, the several abnormalities or
deficiencies in human milk tended to coexist in the same mothers. The regulation of
milk antibody and cytokine levels, as well as leucocyte traffic, is largely unknown.
Levels of the milk IgA antibodies to food antigens have not been shown to be
influenced by the antigenic load in the mothers diet (Mascart-Lemone et al. 1991),
suggesting that unknown factors, other than the antigenic load, must be of greater
importance in the regulation of milk antibody levels. Since the transfer of IgA-
producing B cells to the mammary gland is dependent on lactogenic hormones, the
varying levels of milk IgA might reflect variations in hormonal levels. Deficiency of

IgA at one mucosal site, e.g., the mammary gland, may perhaps reflect a more
widespread condition of the mother, locally affecting a number of other mucosal sites,
such as her gut. Although we do not quite know how leucocyte migration to the
mammary gland is regulated, it has been shown that this migratory process is due to a
selective homing process, at least for lymphocytes (Slade and Schwartz 1987).
Chemoattractant factors have been suggested to be responsible for the presence of
eosinophils and neutrophils in human milk (Michie et al. 1998, Bttcher et al.
2000b). The presence of high numbers of neutrophils and eosinophils in the milk
from some of our mothers remains unexplained. This finding seems even more
puzzling since some other mothers had large proportions of eosinophils in their
peripheral blood, but virtually none in their milk. This phenomenon may reflect a
defect in the regulation of active migration or reflect a passive shedding of peripheral
blood leucocytes into the milk. Bttcher et al. (2000b) found RANTES and IL-8 in
higher concentrations in milk of allergic, compared with nonallergic, mothers. The
presence of higher concentrations of these or other chemoattractant factors in the
milk of our mothers may explain the high numbers of polymorphonuclear cells in
some samples. The presence of chemoattractant factors and of leucocyte migration to
the mammary gland may be genetically determined. Such a mother would thereby
transfer her allergic heredity not only in her genes, but also through her milk to her
infant. This would be one possible explanation for preferential maternal inheritance
of atopy.

The present study is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to report that several
distinct aberrations in the cellular and cytokine composition of human milk relate to
the development of CMA in the breast-fed. Further, these abnormalities in mothers
milk were associated with an imbalance in the CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell ratio and a
disturbed B-cell function, which were previously (Jrvinen et al. 1998) and in the
present study both found to be related to the incidence of CMA in the breast-fed
infant. We also confirmed the finding of Savilahti et al. (1991) that proposed a
correlation between low level of maternal milk IgA and CMA in the infant in a much
smaller number of cows milk-allergic infants than our population. Human milk
normally provides the breast-fed with several potentially protective,
immunosuppressive, or compensatory factors that provide a mechanism for evolving
immune tolerance and protection against immunologically mediated diseases. Any
deficiencies in the levels or the function of those suppressive factors in mothers milk
may interfere with the development of oral tolerance in an offspring, and thereby
contribute to the development of food allergies. In some cases, the composition of
mothers milk may even be disadvantageous for the infant. These results provide
fresh insight into the etiopathogenesis of CMA. Measuring these variables in
mothers milk offers a modern tool for assessing those newborns at high risk for

developing food allergies, and later becoming sensitised to airborne allergens and
developing asthma.

CMA is not attributable to a single cause. The development of allergies is affected by

numerous factors, including parental smoking, pets, and house dust mites. In addition,
the immunological status of the infant contributes to the sensitisation to foods.
However, other factors thus far unknown, intrinsic as well as extrinsic, may have an
important bearing on sensitisation. Our results suggest that the risk for allergies tends
to be increased by human milk with an abnormal composition. Hence, in the case of
an infant with food allergy whose symptoms appear during exclusive breastfeeding
and remain despite of the wide elimination diet of the lactating mother, it should be
borne in mind that the cause may lie in the composition of the mothers milk,
especially in its cellular, cytokine, and/or immunoglobulin components. In breast-fed
infants with extremely severe symptoms of CMA, the composition of the mothers
milk should be studied, with early weaning in combination with commencement of a
protein-hydrolysate or amino acid-based formula recommended to prevent further
sensitisation of the infant to the wide variety of food proteins ingested by the
lactating mother. In our study population, the majority of the infants with CMA had
been prospectively followed up from birth and carefully documented to have been
exclusively breast-fed at the time of the appearance of the symptoms of CMA,
without even being fed any cows milk-based formula. We therefore conclude that
with high-risk babies, even exclusive breastfeeding does not seem to protect against
allergic sensitisation. Although human milk is the best source of nutrition for healthy
infants, the present study questions the general recommendation of prolonged
breast-feeding in the prevention of development of food allergies in allergic families.


Pitk rintaruokintaa suositellaan yleisesti mm. sen allergioilta suojaavan vaikutuksen

vuoksi. Nytt sen suojaavasta tehosta ei kuitenkaan ole kiistatonta. Kliininen
kokemus sek viimeaikaiset tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, ett lehmnmaitoallergian
oireet alkavat usein jo pelkn rintaruokinnan aikana. Lisksi osalla pelkk
idinmaitoa saavista lapsista esiintyy vaikeita allergiaoireita idin tarkasta
vlttmisruokavaliosta huolimatta. Nm seikat viittaavat siihen, ett idinmaidon
mukana imeviselle kulkeutuvat ruokaperiset proteiinit voivat toimia herkistjn,
tai idinmaito, sen komponentit tai niiden puutos voivat olla mytvaikuttavana
tekijn allergioden synnyss.

Tss vitskirjatyss selvitettiin rintamaidossa esiintyvien immunologisten

tekijiden vaikutusta rintaruokitun imevisen riskiin sairastua lehmnmaitoallergiaan.
Seurasimme 100 iti-lapsiparia vuoden ikn asti. Nist lapsista osa valittiin
atooppisista, korkean allergiariskin perheist ja loput ei-atooppisista perheist.
Seurannan aikana osalle kehittyi lehmnmaitoallergiaan viittaavia oireita, ja diagnoosi
varmistettiin vlttmis-altistuskokeella. Selvitimme rintamaidon solu- ja
vlittjainekoostumusta suhteessa imevisen terveydentilaan tai allergian
puhkeamiseen. Kliinisten oireiden lisksi tutkimme imevisen puolustusjrjestelmn
vasteita idinmaidon kautta tehtvn lehmnmaitoaltistuksen aikana.

idinmaidossa esiintyvien valkosolujen jakaumaa tutkittiin valkosolujen

erittelylaskennalla valomikroskooppisesti, ja osassa nytteist tulos varmistettiin
virtaussytometrialla solutyypeille spesifisi pinta-antigeeneja kohtaan olemassaolevia
vasta-aineita kytten. Maitoallergisten lasten itien maidossa todettiin merkitsevsti
vhemman makrofaageja. Toisaalta lapsille, joiden itien maidossa todettiin enemmn
neutrofiilej, kehittyi useammin maitoallergia. Huomattavia mri eosinofiilej
havaittiin vain lehmnmaitoallergisten lasten itien maidossa. Nm
solukoostumuksessa havaitut poikkeavuudet korreloituivat imevisen poikkeaviin
puolustusjrjestelmn vasteisiin, matalaan CD8+ T-solujen mrn ja korkeaan
CD19+ ja CD23+ B-solujen mrn, joita todettiin maitoallergisilla lapsilla. Suuri
lymfosyyttien osuus rintamaidossa liittyi atooppisen ihottuman esiintymiseen
imevisell ilman maitoallergiaa.

Rintamaidon valkosolujen tehtv on tuntematon. Eosinofiilien suuri mr

rintamaidossa saattaa list imevisen riski allergisoitua useille ravinnon

antigeeneille, sill niiden mekaaninen hajoaminen imevisen suolistossa voi

sellaisenaan vapauttaa suuria mri solutoksisia vlittjaineita, kuten eosinofiilien
kationista proteiinia ECP:. Tm saattaa aiheuttaa kudostuhoa limakalvoilla, kuten
on havaittu astmassa, ja list suolen lpisevyytt. Mys neutrofiilit ovat
mahdollisesti kudostuhoa aiheuttavia soluja, joita havaitaan tulehduksellisissa
sairauksissa. Lymfosyyttialaluokkien jakaumaa rintamaidossa ei mritetty, mutta
mikli havaitut korkeat osuudet olisivat Th2-tyyppisia eli allergiasuuntaan
johdattavia, ne voisivat altistaa lasta atooppisien sairauksien puhkeamiselle.

idinmaidon makrofaagin toiminnan tutkimiseksi mritimme antigeenien esittelyss

tarvittavan solujen kudossopivuusantigeenin, HLA-DR:n, esiintymist idinmaidon
makrofaageissa virtaussytometrialla. HLA-DR:n on aiemmin todettu ekspressoituvan
hyvin yleisesti rintamaidon soluissa, joiden on lisksi todettu kykenevn esittelemn
antigeeneja. Tss tutkimuksessa HLA-DR-ekspression todettiin olevan merkitsevsti
vhisemp ideill, joilla oli maitoallerginen lapsi. Tulosten pohjalta voidaan
ajatella, ett idinmaidon makrofaagien tehtvn saattaisi olla normaalitilanteessa
ravinnon antigeenien esittely imevisen kokemattomalle puolustusjrjestelmlle.
Siten vhinen HLA-DR-antigeenin esiintyminen viittaa siihen, ett rintamaidon
makrofaagien kyky esitell vieraita antigeeneja T-soluille olisi alentunut. Tm
saattaa johtaa hirin oraalisen toleranssin kehittymisess imevisell.

idinmaidossa esiintyvien eriden vlittjaineiden pitoisuuksia tutkittiin

soluviljelmss ELISA-menetelmll. Tuumorinekroositekij (TNF)-:n tuotanto oli
merkitsevsti vhisemp ideill, joiden lapsilla todettiin maitoallergia. Tm tukee
havaintoa matalasta makrofaagimrst ja vhisest HLA-DR:n esiintymisest
samojen itien rintamaidossa. Tiedetn, ett TNF- on antigeenia esittelevien
dendriittisolujen kypsymist stimuloiva tekij, jolla tten saattaisi olla trke merkitys
oraalisen toleranssin kehittymisess imevisen suolen limakalvolla. Tten TNF-:n
puutos rintamaidossa saattaisi johtaa dendriittisolujen kypsymisen estymiseen, mik
saattaisi altistaa imevist maitoallergian kehittymiselle.

Rintamaidon immunoglobuliini (Ig)A- vasta-aineiden mr mitattiin RIA-

menetelmll ja lehmnmaitospesifisi IgA-vasta-aineita EIA-menetelmll.
Havaitsimme, ett IgA-pitoisuus oli merkitsevsti matalampi varhaisessa
rintamaitonytteess ideill, joiden lapselle kehittyi myhemmin maitoallergia, mutta
lehmnmaitospesifisen IgA:n tasoissa ei ollut eroa terveiden ja maitoallergisten lasten
itien maidoissa. Koska IgA:n ajatellaan estvn voimakasta antigeenien imeytymist
limakalvoilla, voidaan rintamaidossa olevan IgA-puutoksen ajatella lisvn
imevisen riski altistua ruoka-antigeeneille ja tten ruoka-aineallergioiden

idinmaidon kautta tehtvn lehmnmaitoaltistuksen aikana tarkasteltiin imevisen

kliinisi oireita ja perifeerisen veren puolustusvasteita sek virtaussytometrisesti ett
ELISPOT-menetelmll. Viikon kestneen sek idin ja lapsen maidottoman
ruokavalion jlkeen lapsi altistettiin lehmnmaidolle siten, ett idit nauttivat
suurenevia mri maitotuotteita ja imettivt lasta. Tutkimme samanaikaisesti yhden
maitoallergian kannalta trken lehmnmaitoproteiinin, -laktoglobuliinin (BLG),
kulkeutumista ravinnosta rintamaitoon ELISA-menetelmll. Osoitimme, ett varhain
puhjenneessa lehmnmaitoallergiassa oireiston voi usein aiheuttaa rintamaitoon
kulkeutuvat vhiset lehmnmaitoallergeenimrt. Kliinisen reaktion yhteydess
havaitsimme imevisten veren immunoglobuliineja A- ja G-tuottavien lymfosyyttien
mrss merkitsevn nousun. Tmn vuoksi useimmissa tapauksissa on perusteltua
suositella ruoka-aineallergisen lapsen imettvlle idille tarkkaa

idinmaito on kiistatta terveen lapsen parasta ravintoa. Tss tutkimuksessa

esitetn kuitenkin ensimmist kertaa, ett useat rintamaidossa esiintyvt
poikkeavuudet ja puutteet solu-, vlittjaine- ja immunoglobuliinikoostumuksessa
saattavat olla yhteydess rintaruokitun lapsen lehmnmaitoallergian puhkeamiseen.
Edellmainittujen tekijiden mittaaminen idinmaidossa saattaa olla hydyllist
etsittess korkean allergiariskin vastasyntyneit ennaltaehkisevien toimenpiteiden
aloittamiseksi. Tm uusi nkkulma maitoallergian etiopatogeneesiin antaa mys
aiheen pohtia, kuinka perusteltu on yleinen suositus pitkst rintaruokinnasta
erityisesti allergiaperheiss.


This study was carried out at the Skin and Allergy Hospital, Helsinki University Central
Hospital, during the years 1995 to 1999. Most of the control families were recruited from the
Helsinki City Maternity Hospital in the years 1998 and 1999.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Annamari Ranki, Head of the Skin and
Allergy Hospital, and Docent Tari Haahtela, Head of the Allergy Unit of the Skin and Allergy
Hospital, for providing excellent facilities and a research-encouraging environment.

I owe my deepest appreciation to my principal supervisor, Hanna Raitio, M.D., Ph.D. for
introducing me to the field of scientific work. Her enormous enthusiasm, close guidance and
profound experience in food allergy have proven invaluable not only in science but in clinical
matters as well. I am also grateful to Docent Kaisu Juntunen-Backman, Head of Pediatrics,
Skin and Allergy Hospital, for her understanding of the importance of food allergy research
and encouragement.

I cordially thank all my collaborators. I express my gratitude to Docent Anna-Liisa Jrvenp,

Head of Pediatrics, and Arja Hakulinen, M.D., Ph.D., for accomplishing the challenging task
of recruiting dozens of healthy, nonatopic families from the Helsinki City Maternity Hospital to
the study and collection of their samples. Soili Mkinen-Kiljunen, Ph.D., and Seppo Laine,
M.Sc., are thanked for their part conducting laboratory assessments. Hanna Oksanen, Ph.D.,
is acknowledged for her help in analysing the data for two articles.

My greatest thanks concerning the final stages of the preparation of this dissertation I address
to Professor Erkki Savilahti, M.D., and Docent Markku Viander, M.D., for an extremely quick
review of the manuscript and their most valuable comments. I am also very grateful to Carol
Norris, Ph.D., for fast language revision of the final version of this thesis.

My special thanks are due to my closest colleague on the team, little sister Pamela sterlund,
M.Sc., for her invaluable assistance in several aspects of laboratory work, easiness in
collaboration and sincere friendship. I thank Docent Markku Turpeinen, for his enthusiastic
attitude, interest in our work, discussions and advice on various scientific problems. I also
wish to thank Anna Pelkonen, M.D., Ph.D., for her support and advice. Pivi Joki, M.Sc., is
acknowledged for her sharing of the joys and mishaps of scientific work. Anneli Aro, M.D., is
acknowledged for her technical assistance.

I am grateful to the nursing staff of the study. Marja Marja-aho and Taina Salmenkivi-Niironen
are especially thanked for their assistance in patient care. I also wish to acknowledge Leena
Ingelin-Kuortti, Tuula Koljonen, and Monica Hggstrm, for their friendly advice and help in
practical issues. Ilona Kuistio and Marjo Leponiemi are acknowledged for their laboratory
assistance. Warm thanks I owe to many colleagues and nurses at the Childrens Ward and
Pediatric Outpatient Ward at the Skin and Allergy Hospital and at the Helsinki City Maternity
Hospital, as well as the staff in the Clinical Laboratory at the Skin and Allergy Hospital, for
their assistance and positive attitude.

Without the co-operation of the families included in this study to make frequent visits to the
hospital this study would never have been completed. I express my special gratitude to the
children and their mothers for donating several consecutive serum/milk samples.

My current colleagues in the lab at The Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY, have
been a great source of support during the past year when the manuscript of this thesis
drowned and several other weird things occurred that suggested I might be cursed. Professor
Hugh A. Sampson is acknowledged for providing facilities for keeping in touch with my
collaborators in Finland (the faxes to Finland!), as well as Chris Arkin and Martin Walsh,
Ph.D., for their help with computers very necessary for the completion of this thesis.
Heikki Vnnen, M.Sc., is aknowledged for his review of spelling in the final manuscript.

My very warmest thanks belong to my friends. I wish to address my special thanks to my

friend Pivi Ullner, M.D., my steel-hard soul mate, for her personal contribution to recruitment
of healthy babies to the study, as well as for the long discussions and never-failing support
in all fields of life. Terhi Rantamki-Hkkinen, M.D., Ph.D., in addition to her friendship, has
been of immeasurable help in both scientific and practical/social matters in the preparation of
this dissertation and thesis defence. All the friends both in Finland and New York are
acknowledged for their encouragement and for keeping me in touch with other aspects of life.

Finally, I wish to thank my family for love and care throughout my life.

This work was supported by grants from the Yrj Jahnsson Foundation, the Finnish
Foundation for Allergy Research, The Finnish Medical Foundation, the Finnish Medical
Society Duodecim, The Finnish Society of Allergology and Immunology, the Ida Montin
Foundation, the Research Foundation of Orion Corporation, the Clinical Research Institute of
Helsinki University Central Hospital, and Allergologisk Laboratorium A/S, Denmark.

New York, July 2000

Kirsi-Marjut Jrvinen


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