Reflective Project Ibcp Guidelines Update Class of 2018

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IBCP Reflective Project 1

What is the Reflective Project?

The Reflective Project is an in-depth body of work (essay, play, website, graphic presentation, etc.) produced over the
duration of the IBCP program and is submitted at the end of your coursework. It is designed to draw together key
elements of the IBCP program; Academy Pathway (career studies), Community and Service Learning, and the
Approaches to Learning course. You will need to identify an ethical issue/dilemma, stemming from your career pathway
studies, which you would like to explore in greater depth.

The Reflective project is one-fourth of the IBCP Core

(Approaches to Learning, Language Development,
Community and Service, and Reflective Project) and is
Community & Reflective
intended to promote personal reflection, high-level
Service Project
research, intellectual discovery, creativity, and Learning
communication skills. You will have the opportunity to work
under the guidance of a teacher-mentor over the extended
period of time in which you complete your project. Approaches to Language
Learning Development
It is suggested that your Reflective Project be related to
your Community and Service Learning. This will be helpful to
you as you select your topic; you may opt to discuss your
project with community members with whom youre
volunteering. However, this is not a requirement. We would
rather you find an issue that you are enthusiastic about and want to research.

Once the ethical issue has been identified, you must explore ALL ethical dimensions related to the issue. The ethical
dimensions of the issue, not the issue itself, are the focus of the reflective project.

Plagiarism & Citation

A Reflective Project must reflect intellectual honesty in research practices and provide the reader with the exact sources
of quotations, ideas and points of view through accurate bibliographies and referencing. Producing accurate citations,
referencing and a bibliography is a skill that students should be seeking to perfect. Documenting the research in this way
is vital: it allows readers to evaluate the evidence for themselves and it shows the students understanding of the
importance of the sources used. Failure to comply with this requirement will be viewed as plagiarism and will,
therefore, be treated as a case of malpractice. A works cited is an alphabetical list of every source used to research and
write the essay. Sources that are not cited in the body of the essay, but were important in informing the approach
taken, should be cited in the introduction or in an acknowledgment. The works cited should list only those sources
cited. If you have further questions ask your subject Reflective Project advisor.

A Reflective Project that is deemed to have been plagiarized will not be scored. The result will be that the student will
not complete one of the requirements of the IBCP Programme and will not be considered a completer. The student will
not receive the IBCP Certificate or the IBCP Graduation Stole.
IBCP Reflective Project 2

Reflective Project Requirements


IB says that the Reflective Project should be the result of approximately 40 hours of work. The process is intended to
promote high-level research and writing skills, intellectual discovery and creativity. It is an independent project
undergone with the guidance of an advising teacher. The Reflective Project can be completed using one of the following

Reflective Project Format Requirements

Format Maximum Length
Essay/Dialogue/Short Play 3,000 words
Short Film 10 minutes in length accompanied by a 750-word written report

Radio Play/Interview 10 minutes in length accompanied by a 1,500 word written report

Website 5 single images accompanied by 2,500 words of written material
MS PowerPoint presentation 10 single slides accompanied by a 1,500-word written report
Storyboard/photo-graphic presentation 15 single images accompanied by a 1,500-word written report

Word Count
Depending on the project, the word limit could be anywhere from 750 to 3,000 words. The word count does NOT
include the abstract, acknowledgments, table of contents, maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables,
equations, formulas and calculations, citations, works cited or appendices. Essays containing more than 3,000 words are
subject to penalties and examiners are not required to read material in excess of the word limit.

Structure of Reflective Project

Listed here are the required elements of the Reflective Project. Please note that the order in which the elements are
presented here is not necessarily the order in which they should be written. You must use in paper citations!

Title page with Word Count

Table of Contents
Identify an Issue
The Ethical Dimension
The Research
The Evaluation References, Citations and Bibliography
Appendices (if needed- the examiner is not required to read the appendices)
IBCP Reflective Project 3

What are the steps to creating my Reflective Project?

There are four main steps in the research process prior to writing or creating your final Reflective Project:

Select a topic
Determine an issue with ethical dimencions related Revew the Reflective Project assesment criteria to
to your academy pathway. ensure your idea is feasible.

Conduct Secondary Research

Secondary research is
Secondary research helps
information and data that is Research various points of view.
develop primary research.
already published.

Conduct Primary Research

Primary research is collecting Determine the tools Include community resources in
Determine the data
data yourself includes surveys, you need for data your data collect to meet the
interviews, observations, etc. you need to collect. assessment criteria.

Use data to draw conclusions.
Compile secondary and primary Determine the best medium to
Use statistical, comparative, or
research. present your data analyses.
descriptive analysis.
IBCP Reflective Project 4

Advice to Students
Students Should

Read the assessment criteria

Read previous essays to identify strengths and possible pitfalls
Spend time working out the research question (imagine the finished essay)
Follow the structure of the Essay presented in this informational packet.
Start work early and stick to deadlines
Maintain a good working relationship with your supervisor
Construct an argument that relates to the research question
Use the library and consult librarians for advice
Record sources as you go along (rather than trying to reconstruct a list at the end)
Choose a new topic and a research question that can be answered if there is a problem with the original
Use the appropriate language for the subject
Let your interest and enthusiasm show
Check and proofread the final version carefully

Students Should Not

Students should not work with a research question that is too broad or too vague, too narrow, too difficult or
inappropriate. A good research question is one that asks something worth asking and that is answerable within 40
hours/750-3,000 words. If a student does not know what evidence is needed, or cannot collect such evidence, it will not
be possible to answer the research question. In addition, students should not:

Forget to analyze the research question

Ignore the assessment criteria
Collect material that is irrelevant to the research question
Use the internet uncritically
Merely describe or report (evidence must be used to support the argument)
Repeat the introduction in the conclusion
Cite sources that are not used.

One further piece of advice is as follows: the more background a student has in the subject, the better the chance you
have of completing a high-quality Reflective Project. If you choose to write the Reflective Project in a subject that is not
being studied as part of the career-related path, the quality of your paper might suffer which will result in lower marks.
IBCP Reflective Project 5

Reflective Project Timeline

Junior Year
Date Event
April 21th Due: Identified your topic and Ethical Dilemma
May 4th Due: List of Sources and Chosen Format

Senior Year
Date Event
Summer Finish research and begin working on your outline
August 31st Due: Final Outline
September 29th Due: Abstract
October 27th Due: Rough Draft
December 15th Rough Draft Returned by this date
January 16th Submit Final Draft to Mr. Exley
February 2nd Returned if revisions are needed
February 15th Return after revision is completed if needed
March 15th Submission of Reflective Projects to IBO will be completed.

Note: Throughout the year, student and advisor will also meet outside these dates to discuss direction of Reflective
Project. These meetings will be arranged between the student and the advisor themselves

Students are assessed by a combination of direct IB assessment and of internal assessment performed by the school.

The chosen Diploma Programme courses are assessed in accordance with the Diploma Programme assessment process
combining external and internal assessment. Students take written examinations at the end of their courses, which are
scored by external IB examiners. The scores awarded for each course range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest).

Within the IBCP Core, Personal and Professional Skills, Language Development and Community and Service will be
assessed and authenticated by the school. The Reflective Project is assessed by the school and moderated and graded by
the IB.

On the following pages, you will find the scoring Rubric.

IBCP Reflective Project 6

Assessment Criteria
Criterion A: Focus and Method

This criterion assesses the students ability to select and explore an ethical dilemma embedded in an issue, which is
contextualized in light of their career-related study, through careful formulation of a focused and systematic research
question. It also assesses the students ability to select and apply appropriate research methods and collect and select
relevant information from a variety of sources, showing an understanding of bias and validity.

Markband Descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard of the descriptor below.
1-2 The research question identifies an ethical dilemma related to the career
related study.
There is evidence of planning and acknowledgement of bias and validity.

3-4 There is an identification of an issue linked to the career-related study and an

arising ethical dilemma. The research question is clearly stated and the focus
on it is generally sustained throughout the project.
There is evidence of a planned approach and the determination and
collection of largely appropriate sources/data/information. There is evidence of
understanding of potential bias and validity.

5-6 Clear identification of an issue linked to the career-related study, and the
arising ethical dilemma. The relevance of the study is clear. The research
question is clearly stated and sharp focus on it is sustained throughout the
There is evidence of excellent planning of research, and the determination
and collection of appropriate and varied sources. There is evidence of
understanding of potential bias and source validity and measures have been
taken to limit bias through source selection.
IBCP Reflective Project 7

Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding in Context

This criterion assesses the way in which the student evidences an understanding of the issue and the ability to
contextualize the ethical dilemma in light of the wider issue, and through a local or global example of the issue and
dilemma. It assesses also the ability to analyse different perspectives, showing an awareness and understanding of the
impact of the dilemma on a global or local community, appreciating also the cultural influences and perception of the
ethical dilemma.

Markband Descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard of the descriptor below.
1-3 The central ethical dilemma is identified and the student shows an
awareness of its context(s), although this is largely implicit. Overall, the
project demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the ethical
dilemma, generally dominated by one view.
There is evidence of an awareness of the relevance of the chosen dilemma
to community members, which is only partially integrated into the overall
Some awareness of how cultural perspectives can influence the ethical
dilemma is demonstrated, although this is likely to be largely implicit.

4-6 The central ethical dilemma is described from more than one perspective.
Overall, the project demonstrates clear and consistent knowledge and
understanding of the ethical dilemma and its context(s).
There is evidence of a relevant and sustained understanding of the impact of
the ethical dilemma on community members.
Understanding of how cultural perspectives can influence the ethical
dilemma is demonstrated and supported, where appropriate, with relevant

7-9 The central ethical dilemma is analysed from different perspectives, which are
evaluated in a balanced way. Overall, the work demonstrates a considered and
developed knowledge and understanding of the ethical dilemma with a clear
sense of scope and context(s).
The use of a local or global example to contextualize the ethical dilemma is
effective and well integrated.
The impact of the ethical dilemma on community members is analysed and
forms an integral part of the inquiry.
Analysis of how cultural perspectives can influence the ethical dilemma is
developed and integrated into the ideas presented
IBCP Reflective Project 8

Criterion C: Critical Thinking

This criterion assesses the students logical reasoning and evaluation of the issue, the ability to interpret, analyse and
evaluate material, and the students ability to synthesize and make connections, linking ideas and evidence and
weighing them up as necessary. It assesses also the students reasoning processes and the ability to present a coherent
and sustained argument and personal voice. Finally, it assesses the appropriateness of findings and opinions related
back to the research question.

Markband Descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard of the descriptor below.
1-4 A basic argument is presented. Evidence is presented.
The student presents straightforward conclusions, although these are
asserted without drawing on any arguments or evidence provided.
Some simple ideas are connected and supported with evidence, although
this may not be consistent throughout the project.

5-8 An argument is presented with a viewpoint maintained throughout. Partial

use of evidence is made to develop the argument. The student is able to reason
and demonstrates an understanding of cause and effect.
Conclusions made are logical, drawing on the arguments and evidence
Ideas are supported by relevant evidence from different sources to develop
an overall argument.

9-12 The argument presents a considered and convincing discussion of the issue
and the associated ethical dilemma, interpreting and applying evidence to draw
considered inferences.
Conclusions made are perceptive and concise, drawing consistently on the
arguments and evidence presented.
Connections made between ideas are insightful, sustained and coherent and
developed by a range of well-chosen evidence.
IBCP Reflective Project 9

Criterion D: Communication
This criterion assesses the way in which the student presents a structured and coherent project through their
communication style, using appropriate terminology accurately and consistently, assisting to convey ideas and concepts

Markband Descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard of the descriptor below.
1 There is a straightforward structure to the project as a whole, with similar
material grouped together in a logical manner.

2 Communication is generally clear and structured appropriately, with

consistent use of appropriate terminology.

3 Communication is coherent and structured in a way that supports the

understanding of the students ideas and arguments, with effective use of
appropriate terminology to support and develop ideas.
IBCP Reflective Project 10

Criterion E: Engagement and Reflection

This criterion assesses how the student has engaged in discussions with their supervisor in the planning and progress of
their research; the students ability to reflect on and refine the research process, and react to insights gained through
the exploration of their research question; and how well the student has been able to evaluate decisions made
throughout the research process and suggest improvements to their own working practices.

This criterion also assesses engagement with the focus of the research through an insight into the students thinking,
their intellectual initiative, and their creativity through reflections on the thought and research process. Finally, through
reflections on the process, it assesses the extent to which the student voice is present rather than only that of the
supervisor and academics.

Markband Descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard of the descriptor below.
1-2 There is evidence of student reflection but this is mostly descriptive.
Reflections given on decision-making and planning are procedural.
These reflections communicate a limited degree of personal engagement
with the subject and/or the process of research.

3-4 There is evidence that student reflection is analytical.

Reflections given on decision-making and planning include reference to
conceptual understanding and skill development.
These reflections communicate a moderate degree of personal engagement
with the subject and process of research, demonstrating some intellectual
initiative and/or creativity.

5-6 There is evidence that student reflection is evaluative.

Reflections given on decision-making and planning include reference to the
students capacity to consider actions and ideas in response to setbacks
experienced in the research process.
These reflections communicate a high degree of intellectual and personal
engagement with the subject and process of research, demonstrating
authenticity, intellectual initiative and/or creativity in the student voice.
IBCP Reflective Project 11

Sample Reflective Projects

Academy Pathway Project Title

Business Studies Should US-based companies who outsource to third-world
countries be held to stronger regulations?
Business Studies Should the FCC regulations be loosened in regards to
radio broadcasting?
Marketing Studies Should companies be penalized for predatory marketing?
Early Childhood Should parents be allowed to opt out of vaccinating their
Business Studies Should the practices of certain parts of banking business
be constrained or controlled perhaps by requiring bankers
to swear an ethical oath?
Business Studies Should the government grant fracking licenses to
companies in order for them to make potentially high
Early Childhood Should one parent stay at home to look after children?

Thank you to Hillsboro High School and Green Run Collegiate for helping create
this guide!
IBCP Reflective Project 12

Name of Candidate


Project Area


Possible Reflective Project Topic


As a student writing the reflective project I understand that I have the right to:

Have clear guidelines about the formal presentation of the RP and marking criteria from the RP
Receive guidance and support during the research process from the RP coordinator & my advisor
Receive subject specific advice from my advisor
Receive verbal comments on my draft project (but I also understand my advisor is NOT allowed to
correct or edit my work or read through it more than once)

I understand that I also have the responsibility to:

Make and keep appointments with my advisor

Work around my advisors schedule
Work steadily throughout the period and keep to deadlines
Consult my advisor or RP coordinator as soon as I realize I have a problem
Check all grammar, punctuation, spelling etc. (DONT rely on the spellchecker)
Avoid plagiarism and malpractice by utilizing appropriate citations
Spend about 40 hours in total on this work.

I have read and understand the regulations and guidelines for the International Baccalaureate Reflective Project. I will
adhere to the regulations and guidelines and the deadlines prescribed in the contract. Students must complete the
Reflective Project in order to complete the IBCP course of study.



Student E-Mail


Student Signature

IBCP Reflective Project 13

As a parent of a student writing the reflective project I understand that:

The IB Reflective Project is a requirement for the IBCP.

The IB Reflective Project is intended to be an independent research project completed by the student. IB
places limits on what and how any adults can help an IB candidate with their Reflective Project. Parents
and other adults should be careful to not do extensive editing or revision of portions of their students
The student has an advisor and an RP Coordinator they can use as resources, but the student is
responsible for taking the initiative in getting help and understanding all requirements. If the student
never contacts the advisor or meets deadlines, it is not the advisors responsibility to chase him or her
The student is expected to spend approximately 40 hours on this work.
The student is expected to meet all deadlines in order to stay in good standing with IBCP Program.
The student will need to consult academic works and may need to go to libraries or conduct fieldwork
etc. on their own time.
The student will be expected to complete a portion of the project over the summer.
If the student plagiarizes any portion of his/her paper, the paper will not be scored. The student will not
complete the IBCP Programme as a result.

Teacher Advisors Agree To:

Be accessible for consultation on a scheduled basis

Provide subject specific guidance
Conduct scheduled meetings, but the student is responsible for initiating contact and asking for help.

I have read and understand the regulations and guidelines for the International Baccalaureate Reflective Project. I will
offer my parental support to see that my child adheres to the regulations and guidelines and the deadlines prescribed in
the contract. I understand that students will be scored on their Reflective Project in the Approaches to Learning (ATL)
course, failure to meet deadlines with the project will result in a lower grade for the ATL course. I understand that while
all students are provided a teacher supervisor for support, the Reflective Project is ultimately an individual project on
the part of the student and that failure to complete a quality Reflective Project can result in a failing condition for the IB
Career-Related Program Certificate. I understand that the IB guide to ethical standards dictates that ANY plagiarism is
malpractice and that the student will not receive an IB Certificate if plagiarism is detected.



Parent/Guardian Signature


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