..D..sa,............. C....... A....... Standard Plate Count....

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..d..sa,.............c.......a.......Standard Plate Count....

. This method consists of growing the bacteria in a nutrient culture petridish or

(petrifilm) and counting colonies which develop. It can be used for all types of
dairy products and is generally used in the examination of Grade A raw and
pasteurized milk. This method used to determine the general quality of the milk

Wash the hands and disinfect the stage.

Mixing of milk sample..

Make a series dilutions of milk sample...

Transfer a suitable dilution to a petridish by sterile pipette...

5. Add a suitable amount (12 ml ) from SPC agar on the dilution and

gently by moving the dish on different direction..

6. Incubate 48 hours at 32C .

7. Count colonies and report results.


Choosing the plates with ( 25 - 250 ) colonies

SPC(Cfu/ml)= Average number of colonies x Reciprocal of the dilution used

.Counting: ...
mean estimate of bacterial populations and it is not exact because:-

The agar used in method (SPC agar) is not suitable for growing all species
of bacteria...

Incubation Degree which used in method (32C) is not suitable for

growing all species of bacteria.

Sharing more than one bacteria to form one colony.....

Duplicate plate dilution

Note: SPC(Cfu/ml)= Average number of colonies x Reciprocal of the dilution used
1/100 1/1000 Only one dilution yields
175 16 plates with 25-250
colonies compute the
208 17
mean for that dilution as
175+208=383 3832=191.5 the basis for the SPC .

1/100 1/1000 Both dilutions

yield plates with
230 28
25 to 250
246 36 colonies: Average
230+246=476 28+36=64 the mean count
for each dilution
4762=238 642=32
as the basis for
238x100=23800SPC=23800 32x1000=32000 SPC=32000 SPC.
23800+32000=558002=27900 SPC= 28000

unless the count 1/1000 1/100

computed for the higher
42 138
dilution is more than
twice the computed for 30 162
the lower dilution .In the
latter instance , use the 42+30=72 138+162=300
lower computed count as 722=36 3002=150
the SPC.
36x1000=36000SPC=36000 150x100=15000 SPC=15000

1/100 1/1000 Neither dilution yields

plates with 25-250
287 23
colonies: Use the mean
263 19 count the lower dilution
as the basis for estimating
287+263=550 the SPC.

275x100=27500 ESPC=28000

1/100 1/1000 Both dilutions yield only

plates with fewer than 25
18 2
colonies: Use the mean
14 0 count of the duplicates of
the lowest dilution to
18+14=32 estimate the Spc


1/100 1/1000 Both dilutions yield

plates with no colonies:
0 0
Estimate the SPC as less
0 0 than (<) 1 times the
lowest dilution .
Lower than 1x100

ESPC=lower than 100

1/100 1/1000 Only one plate of one

dilution contains 25-250
272 23 colonies: When one plate
of one dilution contains 25-
248 19 250 colonies and the
duplicate contains more
272+248=520 5202=260 than 250 colonies , use
both plates in computing
the SPC.

1/100 1/1000 One plate of each

dilution contains
275 22
25-250 colonies and
240 35 the duplicate
contains more than
275+240=515 22+35=57 250 or less than 25
5152=257.5 572=28.5 colonies :use all
four in computing
257.5x100=25750..SPC=26000 28.5x1000=28500SPC=29000 the SPC.

26000+29000 = 55000 2 = 27.500 SPC=28000

1/1oo 1/1000 Both plates ;one of
them(lower dilution) TNTC
TNTC 14,20,34,12 TNTC ,the other (high dilution
)with 10 - 100 colonies per
SPC(Cfu)=Average of(4 square cm)x 65 cmxreciprocal of cm : use the estimated
dilution count of the ESPC.
In this case take the average
= 20 x 65 x 1000 of (4 square cm).

1/100 1/1000 Both plates ;one of

them(lower dilution) TNTC
TNTC 3,6,7,8,2,5,3,2,7,9,6,3 ,the other (high dilution )with
less than 10 colonies per
SPC(Cfu)=Average of(4 square cm)x 65 cm x reciprocal of cm: use the estimated count
dilution = 5 x 65 x 1000 of the ESPC. In this case take
the average of(12 square

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