Traffic Signals: Finish Crossing If Started

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WYDOT Quick Facts

WYDOT Quick Facts

WYDOT Quick Facts

of traffic signals
Traffic signals control vehicle and pedestrian
traffic by assigning priorities to various traffic
movements to influence traffic flow.
Properly designed, located and maintained
traffic signals have one or more of these
Provide for orderly movement of traffic;
Increase traffic-handling capacity of an
Reduce frequency and severity of certain
types of crashes, especially right-angle
Provide for continuous movement of traffic
at a definite speed along a given route;
Interrupt heavy traffic at intervals to
permit other vehicles or pedestrians to

of traffic signals
Traffic signals are not a solution for all traffic
problems at intersections, and unwarranted
signals can adversely affect the safety and
efficiency of traffic by causing one or more of the
Excessive delay;
Increased traffic congestion, air pollution
and gasoline consumption;
Disobedience of signals;
Increased use of less-adequate streets to
avoid traffic signals;
Increased frequency of crashes, especially
rear-end collisions.
WYDOT Quick Facts

WYDOT has prepared this

brochure to answer frequently
asked questions about the
process for installing traffic signals.

What is the purpose

of a traffic signal?
Traffic signals are designed to ensure an
orderly flow of traffic, provide an opportunity for
pedestrians or vehicles to cross an intersection
and help reduce the number of conflicts
between vehicles entering intersections from
different directions.

Do traffic signals reduce

intersection crashes?
Certain types of crashes can be reduced in
number or severity by installing a signal, while
other types of crashes will increase. Where
signals are used unnecessarily, the most
common result is an increase in total crashes,
especially rear-end collisions.
WYDOT Quick Facts

How do traffic signals

Fixed-time signals follow a predetermined
sequence of signal operation, always providing
the same amount of time to each traffic
movement, whether traffic is present or not.
Actuated signals change the lights according
to the amount of traffic in each direction. They
use various types of sensors to detect vehicles,
and adjust the length of the green time to
allow as many vehicles as possible through the
intersection before responding to the presence
of vehicles on another approach.

When should signals be

Traffic signals should be considered when they
will alleviate more problems than they create. A
warranted signal properly operated may provide
for more orderly movement of traffic, and reduce
the occurrence of certain types of collisions.
However, traffic signals function by stopping
traffic, and whenever a vehicle is stopped on
the road, the potential for a crash is created.
As a result, unwarranted signals can result in
increased crashes, delays and congestion.

WYDOT Quick Facts
How does WYDOT
determine where traffic
signals are installed?
An engineering study of traffic conditions,
pedestrian use, the physical or geometric
characteristics of the intersection and the
distance to other signalized intersections is
completed to determine whether installation
of a traffic signal is justified. Justification is
based on minimum conditions called warrants,
as described in the Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices (MUTCD).
This manual contains national standard
developed by all 50 states and the federal
government to ensure uniformity in the design
and use of traffic signals, signs and pavement
markings throughout the country.

Why is traffic
engineering essential?
Unnecessary or excessive traffic signals can
create hazards. One of the greatest obstacles to
applying sound principles of traffic engineering
is the common belief that simply installing a
traffic signal will solve any traffic problem.

What does a traffic

engineer consider
when solving traffic
The engineer takes traffic counts, analyzes
crash statistics, studies speed data, examines
road conditions, conducts research and reviews
what other professionals are doing and the
results they have achieved.
WYDOT Quick Facts
How do traffic engineers
promote safer traffic
They design for conditions that contribute to
smooth and efficient traffic flow. Disrupting
the flow of traffic increases the probability of
crashes. Unwarranted traffic signals and too
many signs may cause driver confusion and
indecision, resulting in vehicles stopping or
slowing in the road.

WYDOT Quick Facts
What are the criteria
used in traffic signal
MUTCD criteria used to define the
appropriateness of a traffic signal are usually
expressed in the form of numerical requirements
such as the volume of vehicular or pedestrian
traffic. The most recent edition of the MUTCD
can be accessed online at http://mutcd.fhwa.
Warrants are guidelines, not absolute values.
If no warrants are met, a signal will not be
installed. Satisfaction of one or more warrants
does not guarantee a signal is needed.
Engineering judgment is exercised in making
the final decision. The engineering study must
find that installation of a signal will improve the
overall safety and operation of the intersection.
Traffic engineers carefully evaluate the physical
layout of the intersection, the average number
of vehicles and pedestrians using it, delays
experienced during peak hours, average vehicle
speeds, roadside development, spacing of
existing signals and the number and types
of crashes that have occurred. If a signal is
warranted, the project is programmed for design
and construction.

What happens once the

signal is recommended?
Design plans are developed and reviewed.
Environmental and right-of-way documents are
prepared and, if necessary, public meetings
are held. Once the design plans are completed,
the signal installation project is publicly bid and
awarded to an electrical contractor. The entire
process may take two years or more.

WYDOT Quick Facts
Why does it take so long
to get a traffic signal
After a traffic engineering study has indicated
the need for a signal, it must be determined
how the signal will be funded, who will do the
installation and who will maintain and operate it.
Then the project is added to a list of statewide
projects competing for funds. These funds must
be allocated well in advance, so projects often
are on a waiting list for several years.

How much does a traffic

signal cost?
A typical traffic signal installation costs between
$200,000 and $500,000. This includes some
cost for miscellaneous work such as sidewalk
repair, utility adjustments, pedestrian access
ramps and pavement markings often required
for a newly signalized intersection.

How is a study for a new

traffic signal requested?
A written request must be made to the nearest
WYDOT resident engineer, district traffic
engineer, district engineer or public involvement
For more information contact the WYDOT public
involvement specialist in your area of the state:

Southeast, 745-2142;
Central, 473-3303;
Southwest, 352-3065;
Northeast, 674-2356; or
Northwest, 856-1341.
WYDOT Quick Facts

Why do some intersections

have left-turn arrows and
others dont?
Left-turn arrows are installed where they
can reduce the overall delay experienced by
motorists, or at locations that have an identified
left-turn crash problem that an arrow can
improve. If installed indiscriminately they can
cause more problems than they solve.
Left-turn arrows typically decrease the delay
for left-turning drivers, but increase the delay
for through traffic. At locations where there is
a high volume of left turns and delays are high,
the longer delay a turn arrow causes for through
traffic can be offset by the decrease in the
delay for those turning left. However, where the
volume of through traffic is considerably higher
than left-turning traffic, the benefit to left-turning
traffic usually does not outweigh the increase in
delay for through traffic. If arrows are installed
under these circumstances, it can lead to more
congestion, increases in fuel consumption and
emissions and an increase in rear-end crashes.

WYDOT Quick Facts
Do left-turn arrows
reduce the number
of crashes at
No significant
differences in left-
turn crash rates
have been noted
between intersections
where there are no
left-turn arrows and
intersections where
left-turn arrows operate
in protected-permissive
mode. Most left-turn
crashes occur at the
end of a green light
interval, when the
light changes to yellow
and some drivers turn
assuming oncoming
traffic will stop. This
situation occurs whether turn arrows are installed
or not.

Most left-turn arrows in Wyoming now operate in

permissive-protected mode, which means left-
turning vehicles are first given a flashing yellow
left-turn arrow which means they can turn left
after first yielding to all oncoming traffic and to
any pedestrians in the crosswalk. Then, if there is
still demand for the left turn, a green arrow may
be displayed after the flashing yellow arrow to
help clear the left-turn traffic.

This mode of operation has been shown to

reduce left-turn crashes when used judiciously.
Intersections without arrows are regularly
evaluated to determine if changing traffic
volumes and patterns have created the need for
turn arrows.
WYDOT Quick Facts
Why doesnt the arrow
come on every time
there is a vehicle in the
left-turn lane?
Effective programming of traffic signals is a
balancing act between safety and efficiency.
Most protected-permissive left-turn signals will
not turn on until there are at least three vehicles
waiting in line. If only one or two vehicles are
turning left during one signal cycle, in most
cases drivers are able to complete the turn by
finding gaps in the opposing through traffic.
At most intersections, left-turn traffic is only
10 to 20 percent of through traffic volumes.
Providing a protected left turn for one or
two vehicles on every green cycle would
unnecessarily delay the majority of through

Why are there cameras

at some signalized
The cameras are vehicle detectors used in the
operation of the traffic signal. Video detection
offers advantages over in-pavement detectors,
including more flexibility in the placement of
vehicle detection zones and better detection of
bicyclists and motorcyclists. They can be used to
count the amount of traffic lane by lane to help
time the signal. WYDOT does not use cameras
for real-time monitoring of intersections, and no
recording is done.

WYDOT Quick Facts

WYDOT Quick Facts

Basic traffic signal

Left-turn lane
Steady red arrow
No left turns are allowed during red. STOP
and wait for flashing yellow arrow or green
Steady yellow arrow
Signal is about to turn red. Be prepared to
Flashing yellow arrow
Left turns are permitted but not protected.
Proceed with caution after YIELDING to
oncoming traffic.
Steady green arrow
Left turns are protected from oncoming
traffic. The green arrow can come at the
beginning or end of the signal sequence.

WYDOT Quick Facts

Through Lane
Solid Red
A red signal means STOP. You can make
a right turn after you stop and yield to all
other traffic. Do not turn if a NO TURN ON
RED sign is posted.

Solid Yellow
A yellow signal light means CAUTION, the
red signal is about to appear.

Solid Green
A green light means GO, after first yielding
to vehicles and pedestrians already lawfully
in the intersection.
Start crossing
Watch for vehicles

Dont start
Finish crossing if started

Dont cross

Dont start
Finish crossing if started
Time remaining to finish

a DOT publication
Published by WYDOTs Public Affairs Office
March 2012

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