Layout FSRU

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Offshore LNG receiving terminals,

new architectures

Gastech 2005
March 15th, Bilbao

Nicolas Jestin, Saipem SA

Andreas Kyriacou, SN Technigaz

Presentation overview

Gravity Base Structures: new architectures

Large capacity FSRU an alternate to onshore

receiving terminals

Presentation overview

Gravity Base Structures: new architectures

LNG receiving terminal: main functions at a glance

LNG carriers berthing

and unloading

LNG regasification plant

& utilities

Metering and export to

the grid

LNG buffer storage

Bilbao LNG receiving

Terminal design basis

Functional requirements
Net storage volume 250,000 m3
Design throughput 0.8 bcfd
Peak throughput 1 bcfd

Site characteristics
Area Gulf of Mexico
Water depth 20m (MSL)
100-yr wave Hs = 7.0 m, Tp = 11.2 s

Tow out draft (max.) 13.0m
Concrete grade C60 (60 MPa cube strength)

The prismatic GBS receiving terminal design

Process equipment LQ & Utilities

Prismatic storage tanks

& Containment system

Berthing / Loading
Concrete structure
& Foundations

Terminals functions are integrated Reference design

One single support structure
One single offshore installation operation Footprint - 2xGBS 197 x 68 x 37 m
A long shelter is provided to LNG carriers berthing LNG storage tank 160 x 40 x 28.5m
Concrete structure is: Double slab height 8m
Repetitive Concrete volume 115,000 m3
Topside design & reference case layout

Main equipment
Nb x % Total Unit capacity Gas return Fuel gas generation

LNG unloading arms 3 x 33% 100% 4,030 m3/hr Export /

Boil-off Metering
NG return arm 1 x 100% 100% compressors

In-tank pumps 6 x 33% 200% 550 m3/hr

BOG compressor 1 x 100% 100% 12,000 m3/hr
In-tank HP
Recondenser 1 x 100% 100% Storage pumps pumps Vaporisers

HP pumps 6 x 20% 120% 320 m3/hr

Unloading Seawater
ORV Vaporizers 6 x 20% 120% 150 t/hr Seawater pumps

Seawater pumps 6 x 20% 120% 4500 m3/hr

Gas turbines 3 x 50% 150%

Reference design
deck layout principles

Re-thinking the GBS architecture

LNG containment system

Self-supporting: 9%Ni Full Containment,
Overall terminal layout
Integrate functions (one support)
Spread functions on multiple elements

Topsides arrangement Evaluate combinations: LNG storage tanks

Technically Prismatic with flat deck
Cost wise Cylindrical with domes

Piling/soil preparation Offloading + Elements not varying
Topsides equipment selection
Need of long breakwater
Unloading system (arms)

LNG storage tanks & Containment systems

Cylindrical tanks enable to take the best of onshore LNG experience

Full Containment tank Membrane tank

Technologies are in use


Optimal in terms of
surface / volume ratio

Well known cost-wise

Solution #1 outline

Tanks on a rectangular slab with independent topsides

Nb of (main) structures 4

Footprint 170 x 97m (GBS)

63 x 47m (topsides)
LNG storage tank = 36m, H = 40m

Bottom caisson height 8m

Concrete volume 73,000 m3

Additional structural steel * 7,000 T

Tanks are protected from environment

by a concrete belt
Provides smaller sheltering to LNGC
Requires offshore hook-up and
50m 170m


* Compared to reference case
Solution #1 topsides arrangement
Two-leveled compact arrangement
Distinct areas are segregated:
Equipment dealing with gas on one side of the deck,
Separated by a blast & fire wall from utilities equipment (in
particular Power Generation),

Emergency equipment and living quarters are installed

away from the process platform, on separate structures.

Solution #2 outline

Independent tanks with independent topsides

Nb of (main) structures 6

Footprint = 100m (tanks)

63 x 47m (topsides)
30m x 20m (unloading)
LNG storage tank = 37m, H = 37.5m

Bottom caisson height 6m

Concrete volume 69,000 m3

Additional structural steel * 7,500 T

Further segregation of functions
Reduced protection of LNGC
Increased offshore hook-up
Diameter = 100m


* Compared to reference case
Solution #3:Going one step further

Tanks on a rectangular slab with integrated topsides

Enhanced bill of quantities

compared to #1 and #2

Reduced offshore hook-up

Needs further refinements in

terms of safety analyses




Comparison of solutions

Cost estimate have been performed, in terms of delta with reference case

Main cost elements impacted: Reference Solution #1 Solution #2

Civil works
115,000 m3 73,000 m3 69,000 m3
Concrete volume
Structural complexity Cylindrical tanks => Lower volume & easier construction methods
Construction site development Slightly enhanced due to smaller GBS
Graving docks dimensions
Containment system Enhanced BoQ - FC and
membrane are possible
Structural steel:
5,000 T 12,000 T 12,500 T
Decks, jackets, bridges
Offshore installation & hook-up Fully integrated & Requires offshore deck installation
precom. onshore + marine structures (dolphins, etc)
Other parameters evaluated:
Fully acceptable Enhanced due to increased
Safety separation between functions

Schedule Offshore installation yields schedule risks

Operational downtime Effective sheltering if Can be acceptable if small day-to-

directional environment day environment 15/03/2005
Presentation overview

Large capacity FSRU an alternate to onshore

receiving terminals

Terminal capacities are scaling up
Nominal throughput

12 Fos Cavaou, 2007 (prev.)


10 Cameron

South Hook
8 Costa Azul
Fos Cavaou
Bilbao final
6 expansion *
Bilbao, 2003

4 Dragon Guangdong

2 Bilbao

100 200 300 400 500
Storage capacities (103 m3)
hence the large size FSRU design
Nominal throughput
FSRU 320 K


100 200 300 400 500
Storage capacities (103 m3)
Design basis

Functional requirements
Buffer storage equivalent to 5.3 days of
Net storage volume 320,000 m3 average sendout
Design throughput 1.35 bcfd (10.5 MTPA) Uses one 140,000 m3 LNGC every 2.3
Peak throughput 1.5 bcfd (11.8 MTPA) days
Availability > 99%


storage volume (m^3)

Site characteristics 250000
Area Gulf of Mexico 200000 Autonomy
150000 Volume variation
Wave data 10 yr 100 yr
Hs (m) 8 12.6 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Tp (s) 12.8 14.6

Hull general arrangement

Loa Length overall m 345

B Breadth m 56
C Depth m 27
Displacement - full load condition T 222,000
Draft - full load condition m 12.3
Displacement - full ballast condition T 203,000
Draft full ballast condition m 11.1

LNG storage and containment system

6 membrane storage tanks

Length m 44
Breadth m 44
Height m 32
Upper chamfer m 10.5
Lower chamfer m 3.5
Membrane surface m2 8500

INVAR membrane NO 96 Corrugated Membrane Mark III

Invar primary barrier Stainless steel corrugated primary barrier
Plywood boxes filled with perlite Sandwich panels with reinforced PU Foam
Invar secondary barrier Triplex secondary barrier

FSRU large capacity Hull design

Draft, GM, GZ curve for identified loading cases Hull structure 36 700 t
Checking of IGC rules for all cases Secondary structure 2 000 t
Intact and damaged stability Marine equipment 1 600 t
Preliminary longitudinal analysis Painting 400 t
Midship section outline Contengencies 4070 t
Preliminary hydrodynamic study Total floater part weight 44 770 t

Process 9 400 t
Turret 1 500 t
Power generation 870 t
Accommodation 900 t

Light ship total weight 57 140 t

Weight report

Seakeeping analysis

Cross influence cargo / motion behavior expected

RAO curves computed with code DIODORE V3R3 (developed by Principia)
Two filling configurations studied:
97% of LNG in each tank (0 tons of ballast)
30% of LNG in each tank (47000 tons of ballast)
Main influenced motions
At 30% filling ratio: surge, sway and roll
At 97% filling ratio: roll

Surge RAO - 30% loaded tanks Roll RAO - 97% loaded tanks

2 2

1.5 1.5
ampl. (m/m)

ampl. (/m)

1 1

0.5 0.5
0, without coupling effect
0 0 0, with coupling effect
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
T (s) T (s) 45 without coupling effect
Roll RAO - 30% loaded tanks Sway RAO - 30% loaded tanks
45 with coupling effect

3 1.5 90 without coupling effect

90 with coupling effect
ampl. (m/m)
ampl. (/m)

2 1

Damping coefficient: 10% of
1 0.5
the critical damping
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
T (s) T (s)
Topsides layout principles

Safety philosophy

Level of risk
Living Quarter

Power Generation Process Flare and gas export lines

Living quarter and emergency power generator in a safe area (not above a tank of LNG)
Power generator and utilities above tanks between living quarters and process
Process and all HP natural gas lines located in the fore half of the FSRU
Export lines on the turret at the bow
Large capacity FSRU Topsides layout

HP pumps

Electric station Gas recovery module

(recondender, BOG
compressor, fuel gas Flare system
LQ system)

Vaporizers modules Send-out &

Utilities module
Offloading platform metering
Emergency diesel (diesel oil, air
generator plant & air
instrument, N2)
Power generation
module 15/03/2005
FSRU mooring and gas export

FSRU is turret moored

Six mooring lines maintain the FSRU
Export lines
Two gas risers transfer gas from FSRU through the turret
Subsea gas pipeline exports the gas to onshore facilities
Risers and pipeline connected in a riser base


Offshore receiving facilities are close to reality

Final selection of a configuration is to be done according to:

Some key design / engineering parameters
Required throughput
Storage capacity
Terminal availability
Terminal flexibility
No absolute best solution exists
Site constraints A case by case best compromise can
Water depth
be found out when mixing:
Soil characteristics
Customer needs
Execution capabilities
Civil works costs Design capabilities
Offshore operations cost
Construction solutions


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