Iot Paper Ieee Format

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Kandasamy Varadharajalu Sindhupriya Paranthaman

[email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT- Hospital Automation is the technology stemming Semantic oriented vision provides the
from web of things. To make a smart hospital to provide comfort perspective that all the data collected from
for human life is the main focus of the world. In the current sensors need to be analyzed for interpretation.
automated industry Embedded systems and IOT (Internet of
Things) is becoming highly efficient and mandatory to exhibit
the potential market. While performing various operations,
power consumption and efficiency is an important issue with
the comfort level of user. The combination of embedded
technology and IOT is represented by using E-controller which
is the apt one for systems power consumption and efficiency
experiments with size factor. The main objective of the system
is real time information data monitoring of energy
consumption. The paper introduces the implementation of IOT
using embedded chips technology to simplistic the peripheral
circuit and to lower the power consumption, thereby providing
a high quality solution for a Smart Hospital Management and
Information system (HMIS).

KEYWORDS- Internet of Things (IOT), E-controller, E-

metering, Web application, MQTT protocol, Asp.Net, LAMP
Web technology.


IOT is one of the platforms of todays smart hospital and In large data centers and server farms energy is a
management systems. IOT allows people and things to be major problem. In such cases, Microcontroller which
connected anytime, anyplace, with anything and anyone, consumes low power can also be used as embedded web
ideally using any network and service. The vision of IOT server [1]. Using many different communication
has evolved due to a convergence of multiple technologies technologies a smart hospital system is built, providing a
like wireless communication to internet, Machine-To- stable, reliable and a very practical system [2]. The greatest
Machine (M2M) communications, embedded and web issue in smart hospital automation is that all the sensors that
technology. IOT is based on three visions: Things oriented are used belong to different manufacturers. It results in a
vision, Internet oriented vision and Semantic oriented proliferation of incompatible protocol standards used by
vision, and Semantic oriented vision, various company vendors, which makes the smooth
integration of different appliances a very critical process
Things oriented vision provides the perspective [3]. The best way to combat this problem is to connect all
that all the real physical objects can have the hardware appliances via Internet. A software system
sensors attached to get the real time information implements HTTP protocol and an embedded web server is
from them. a component of it. The size of the embedded web server
Internet oriented vision provides the greatly depends on the software system [4]. Generally the
perspective that all the device can be connected limited memory capacity of an embedded device is no more
though internet and can be described as smart than several megabytes. The system is capable of predicting
objects. the real time needs of users. This automated control system

optimizes the hospital network environment and reduces
the total number of working devices, thus improving the
efficiency of the hospital network of communication and
the energy consumption of the hospital-networking
equipment and can also effectively maintain the home-
networking equipment performance and stability [5].


To reduce Power, Energy and Memory

consumption in the web applications.
To create a web application for making easy energy
To make hospital automated and intelligent and
provide comfort to every user.
To make the application real time so that the user can BLOCK DIAGRAM
monitor real time data and takes a particular action.
Sensors, Microcontroller, Wi-Fi Modem and Current
Heart of the project is microcontroller which is sensor as an energy meter forms the hardware part of the
controlling the entire device. It contains a server which is system. The software part includes the SQL database and
having a web application working as a cloud application working of cloud application with the help of Asp.Net
framework in Embedded C programming language.
where we can monitor and control the devices connected to
it. The sensor will acquire the data from its surrounding that VI. HARDWARE DESIGN
is the different types of sensors used in the module will
sense and gather the data with current status from the A. TEMPERATURE SENSOR (LM 35)
respective module. Temperature is used to measure the
temperature of the rooms in hospital. LPG gas sensor is The LM 35-series devices are highly precision
used for the detection of gas leakage. LDR (Light integrated circuit temperature sensors whose output voltage
Dependant Resistor) is used to monitor the illumination of is linearly proportional to the centigrade temperature. The
a light on it terms of resistor value. Data is sent to the main advantage of this device is that the user need not
controller. Controller sends the data towards web server subtract a large constant voltage from the output to obtain
using MQTT protocol. Data is then stored into Cloud the required centigrade scaling. Temperature and humidity
database. Data is displayed on the web page with current sensor is used to control the fan speed and provides the best
status of devices. Updating of status makes the updated accuracy for temperature and humidity measurement when
value to be sent to the database and the database gets compared to other sensors.
updated. Updated values are then sent to the controller to
control using MQTT protocol. Controller receives
commands and performs the action of controlling devices. MQ6 sensor is used for the detection of gas leakage.
Once a gas leakage has been sensed, it immediately sends
In the proposed system the user can login and monitor
an e-mail to the user through the web application. It is a 6
the usage of electricity in hospital rooms as well as can
pin sensor module which operates on a supply voltage of 5v
control the devices (hospital appliances). BEST, TATA
and consists of a heating element inside it which turns hot
Power, MSEB, Reliance are various energy providers that
at 5v and remains stand by. When gas molecules in the
can use the same application for service management and
range of 100-1000 ppm has been sensed then its output
controlling. All the sensed data and the values to be updated
switches from high to low and the transistor triggering
are stored in SQL database, which is provided by web
initiates the buzzer to activate.
services to the application.

Light Independent Resistor consists of two cadmium

sulphide photoconductive cells (cds). The spectral response
of LDR is similar to that of the human eye. The resistance
of the cell falls with the increasing light intensity. Smoke

detection, Automatic lighting control system, Batch C. SYSTEM FLOW
counting and Burglar alarm systems are some of its
applications. The main advantage of LDR is that they have A System Context Diagram (SCD) defines the
the property to store the lighting conditions in which they boundary between the system and its environment, showing
have been stored. Light storage reduces the equilibrium the entities interacting with it. The application works on the
time to reach steady state resistance values. methodology of Three-Level System Context Model,
consisting of Simple Monitoring, Automatic Controlling
D. CURRENT SENSOR MODULE (ACS712) and User centric services.

ACS712 acts as an Energy meter to calculate the total

current consumption. It operates on a supply voltage of 5v.
The current sensing terminal provides analog outputs which
is proportional to the current measured. Sensing terminal
can measure current up to 5A/15A for high voltage loads
with output sensitivity in the range of 185mv/A.


The microcontroller belongs to MCU family with 32-

Pin LQFP type package having high speed when compared
to 8051 microcontroller. The core provides up to 50 MIPS
throughput, 768 Bytes of on-chip RAM, 8k Bytes of Flash
memory, 2.7v operating voltage and supply current is
5.8mA at 25MHz and 11mA at 32 kHz respectively.


Cloud application is an internet-based computing web
application which provides shared computer processing
resources and data to computers and other devices on
demand. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on demand
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources
(E.g., computer networks, servers, storage, applications and
services). It can be rapidly provisioned and released with
minimal management effort. It provides the users with SYSTEM FLOW
various capabilities to store and process their data in data
centres that may be located far from the user-ranging in VIII. CONCLUSION:
distance from across a city to across the world. In the The paper reviews an automated system playing a dual
project, every user has their own E-meter with a randomly role of hospital automation and real time energy
generated password code. It will be send to the registered controlling. The system uses an industrial purpose
email id from the web portal id microcontroller, consuming less power when compared to
[email protected]. The user can login and servers there by providing comfort to the users. Based on
control their smart hospital by using the meter number and the up-and-coming technological advances, it seems that a
password. fully functional smart hospital is to be expected in the very
near future. Definitely it will take a long time for the people
B. MQTT PROTOCOL to completely leave their entire responsibility up their
hospitals system, but in the long run it will surely be
MQTT protocol has many advantages when compared
incredibly beneficial for not only comfort but also for
to HTTP protocol. It is a protocol with faster response
energy efficiency, utility cost reduction, hospital safety and
output, lower battery and low bandwidth consumption.
Enterprise level applications are worked efficiently by
assuring accurate data transmission and distribution. It is
also called as publish and subscribe protocol. It is a light
weight and open standard protocol which is the most
suitable for constrained environment.

[1] Navid Mohaghegh and Mokhtar Aboelaze, Using
Low-Power Embedded Microcontrollers as Web
Servers, 10th IEEE International Symposium on
Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications,
978-0-7695-4701-5/12 2012 IEEE.

[2] Yongen Liang and Shiming Wan, The Design of Smart

Home Control System, 5th ICCCNT 2014 July 11
13, 2014, Hefei, China.

[3] Lei Yu, Yang Lu and Xiao Juan Zhu, Smart Hospital
based on Internet of Things, JOURNAL OF
NETWORKS, vol.7, No.10, October 2012, Page No.1-

[4] Zhang Xi-jun, Design of the Embedded Web Server

based on Linux, Wireless Communication
Technology, China, vol.3, pp. 44-47, 2010.

[5]T.Yashiro, S.Kobayashi, N.Koshizuka and K.Sakamura,

An internet of things (IOT) architecture for embedded
appliances, Humanitarian Technology Conference
(R10-HTC), 2013, pp. 314-319.

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