ETI-Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Internet of Things
Embedded System:
Embedded means something that is attached to
another thing. An embedded system can be thought
of as a computer hardware system having software
embedded in it. An embedded system can be an
independent system or it can be a part of a large
system. An embedded system is a microcontroller
or microprocessor based system which is designed
to perform a specific task.
For example: a fire alarm is an embedded system;
it will sense only smoke.
Basic Structure of an Embedded System
The following illustration shows the basic structure of an
embedded system −
•Sensor − It measures the physical quantity and converts it to
an electrical signal which can be read by an observer or by any
electronic instrument like an A2D converter. A sensor stores the
measured quantity to the memory.
•A-D Converter − An analog-to-digital converter converts the
analog signal sent by the sensor into a digital signal.
•Processor & ASICs − Processors process the data to measure
the output and store it to the memory.
•D-A Converter − A digital-to-analog converter converts the
digital data fed by the processor to analog data
•Actuator − An actuator compares the output given by the D-A
Converter to the actual (expected) output stored in it and
stores the approved output.
Logical Design of IoT | IoT Communication
Models & APIs
Logical design of IoT system refers to an abstract
representation of the entities & processes without
going into the low-level specifies of the
implementation. For understanding Logical Design of
IoT, we describes given below terms.

•IoT Functional Blocks

•IoT Communication Models
•IoT Communication APIs
IoT Functional Blocks

An IoT system comprises of a number of functional blocks that provide the system
the capabilities for identification, sensing, actuation, communication and
functional blocks are:

Device: An IoT system comprises of devices that provide sensing, actuation,

monitoring and control functions.

Communication: Handles the communication for the IoT system.

Services: services for device monitoring, device control service, data publishing
services and services for device discovery.

Management: this blocks provides various functions to govern the IoT system.

Security: this block secures the IoT system and by providing functions such as
authentication , authorization, message and content integrity, and data security.
Application: This is an interface that the users can use to control and monitor various
aspects of the IoT system. Application also allow users to view the system status and
view or analyze the processed data.
What’s the Internet of Things
The Internet of Things, also called The Internet of Objects,
refers to a wireless network between objects, usually the
network will be wireless and self-configuring, such as
household appliances.

Interconnectivity: With regard to the IoT, anything can be

interconnected with the global information and communication

Things-related services: The IoT is capable of providing

thing-related services within the constraints of things, such as
privacy protection and semantic consistency between physical
things and their associated virtual things. In order to provide
thing-related services within the constraints of things, both the
technologies in physical world and information world will
Dynamic changes: The state of devices change dynamically,
e.g., sleeping and waking up, connected and or disconnected as
well as the context of devices including location and speed.
Moreover, the number of devices can change dynamically.

Enormous scale: The number of devices that need to be

managed and that communicate with each other will be at least
an order of magnitude larger than the devices connected to the
current Internet.

Safety: As we gain benefits from the IoT, we must not forget

about safety. As both the creators and recipients of the IoT, we
must design for safety. This includes the safety of our personal
data and the safety of our physical well-being.
Connectivity: Connectivity enables network accessibility and
compatibility. Accessibility is getting on a network while
compatibility provides the common ability to consume and
produce data.

Heterogeneity: The devices in the IoT are heterogeneous as

based on different hardware platforms and networks.

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