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Text 1

gopala-sukhada seyam
arthaya srayatam kalpa-

gopala to G o p ala; sukha ha p p i n e s s;da gi v i n g ; sa th i s ;iy am th i s ; go p a la

virudavali poem named Gopala-virudavah;arthaya for -the purpose; srayatam
may attain; ka2pa vi r ut o f d e s i r e - c reepers;
ava2i mu l t i t u d e; ka2patam status

May this poem, Gopala-virudavali, become like a garden of desire-creepers to

give pleasure to Lord Gopala.

Text 2

brahma-brahmaja-sarva-sarva-janata rajyaj-janah sri-pateh

sabda-brahma-ganas ca te ca nikhila-brahmanda-vaikuntha-gah
asrantostham agha-ghna-gosth-caritam gayanta eva sthitah
yady adya pratipadyatam mama krtam gadyam ca padyam ca kim

brahma Brahma;brahmaj a Narada;sarva Siva;sarva all; j anatah living

entities; rajyat ja n a h t h e j u b i l a n t d e v otees;sri of t h e g o d d ess of fortune;
pateh of the Lord; sabda brahma -ganah -learned in the Vedas; ca and; te they;
ca and; nikhila al l ; br a m a nda ma t e r i al uni v e rses; vaikuntha o f s p i r i t u a l
planets; gah re s i dents;asranta without fatigue; ostham fo r t he l i p s;agha o f
material impurities; ghna th e d e s trouer;gostha in V r n d a v a na;caritam
pastimes; gayantah gl o r i f y; eva c e r t a i n l y; sthitah si t u a t e d;yadi if; daya
then today; pratipadyatam is b e g u n; mama my ; kr t a m co m p o s e dgadyam ;
prose; ca and; padyam v e r s e; ca a n d ; k im h o w i s i t 7

If Brahma, Brahma's sons, Siva, all the splendid devotees of the goddess of
fortune's husband, the personified Vedas, and all the residents of the material
universes and the spiritual Vaikuntha worlds, are singing the Vrndavana pastimes
of the killer of Agha without their lips ever becoming tired, then why do I now
write these words in verse and prose7

Text 3

mugdhanam api lubdhanam

kesancit kavi-maninam
drsyate kavita tadvad
atrapy atrapata mama

mugdhanam f o o l i sh; api an d ; lu b d h anam gr e e d y;kesancit o f c e r t a i n

people; kavi as poets; maninam fa n c y i ng t he mselves;
drsyate os s een;kavita
poetry; tadvat li k e t h i s;atra he r e ;a p i also; atrapata sh a m e lessness;mama

Although this poem is just like the mediocre poetry of many other foolish,
greedy authors, proud of thinking themselves learned poets, I shamelessly
continue to write.

Text 4

ksity avatara-naj a sarvaga -sat kath-a -

sakra manij a -ghrni n-i rj ayi -sat tra b-ha -

karna sukhada -bahu sa-d gun-a br-mhita-
mitra sukhada -krta sat-ru vi-nigrah-a
kirtita lava nij a -sam-j nak-a tarpaka-
vamsa mahita p-itr sind-hu s-udhaka-ra
ugra kirana m-ukha d-rg ruci -yukt-ida-
krsna paramatam-a sastada na-rmaka-
sraddhita-manasi nibaddhavad asita
saddhita karuna r-asa prativasita
pustaka sa-ta sa-ta su-stava d-rg j aya

nitya et e r n a l;vihrti pa s t i m e s;nij a va-rga ow n d e v o tees;sukha

transcendental happiness; pratha gr a n t i n g;ksiti to t h e e a r t h; avatarana f r o m
the descent; j a pr o d u c e d; sarvaga ev e r y w h e re manifested; sat tr a n s c endental;
katha to p i cs of discussion;akrama jita un c o n q u e r e d;tula u n e q u a l l e d ;
sausthava ex c e l l e nce satra-bha t h e a b o d e;sakra m a n i fr o m t h e s a p p h i r e ;
j a pr o d u c e d; ghrni sp l e n d o r;nirj ayi co m p l e t e ly dereating; sattra bha-
effulgence; svarna go l d e n; ghatita en d o w e d;nibhasat lo w e r ; pa ta g ar m e n t ;
samhita we a r i n g; karna to t h e e a rs;sukha da -g r a n t i ng ha ppiness;bahu
many; sat tr a n s cendental;guna at t r i b u t e s;brmhita ex p a n d e d;citra a m a z i n g ;
bha splendor; mani of j e w e l s;gana of m u l t i t u d e s;sangraha c o l l e c t i o n;
vigraha fo r m; mi t ra to t h e f r i e n d s;sukha ha p p i n e s s;da gr a n t i n g; k r t a
performed; satru en e m i e s;vinigraha de f e a t;kirti fame; mahasi g l o r i o u s ;
j agat to the universe; ista de s i r e s;samarpaka gr a n t i n g;kir t ita g l o r i f i e d ;
lava a s m a ll num b e r;nij a ow n ; sa mj naka wi t h t h e n a m e s;tarpaka p l e a s i n g ;
vamsa fr om t he flute;j a pr o d u c e d;kala mu s i c a l s ound;vasa t h e
enchantment; sarva of a l l; cara mo v i n g ;ac a ra an d n o n - m o v i ng entities;
vamsa family; mahita gl o ridied;pitr of the father; sindhu of the ocean; sudha
akara th e flo od of nectar;ugra te r r i b l e ;naraka of h e l l s ;gana f o r t h e
multitude; yogya su i t a b l e;vimikti li b e r a t i o n;da gr a n t i n g ;ugra i n t e n s e ;
kirana wi t h e f f u l g ence;mukha fa c e ;drk ey e s ;ru ci be a u t y yu ; k t id a
appropriate; krsna bl a c k; subhaga be a u t i f u l;j agat fr o m t h e u n i v e rse;udgata
gone; dhamaka to the spiritual abode; krsna Kr s n a ;parama tama -t a k i ng as the
most dear; sastada ch a s tising;narmaka in j e s t ; sr a ddhita fa i t h f u l ; ma nasi i n
the mind; nibaddhavat as i f b o u n d ; asita si t u a t e d;sat to t h e d e v o tees;hita
granted; karuna of m e r c y; rasa mellow; prativasita re s i d e d;dustara
insurmountable; bhaya re a r;j ana th e p e o p l e;sarmada g r a n t i n g
auspiciousness; su ni c e l y; smaya sm i l i n g ;pustaka in V e d i c s criptures;sata
sata in h u n d r e ds and hundreds;su ex c e l l e nt;stava in p r a y e r s;drk s i g h t ;
j aya all glories.

0 Lord whose pastimes please Your devotees, 0 Lord whose descent to the
Earth has created spiritual narrations everywhere, 0 Lord whose virtues have no
equal or superior, 0 Lord whose splendor defeats the splendor of a host of
sapphires, 0 Lord dressed in a splendid golden dhoti, 0 Lord wh o se
transcendental qualities delight the ear, 0 Lord decorated with colorful jewels, 0
Lord whose victory over the demons delights Your friends, 0 Lord whose glories
fulfill the world s desires, 0 Lord whose names, when even briefly glorified, bring
great pleasure, 0 Lord whose sweet flute music enchants all moving and non-
moving living entities, 0 glistening nectar moon risen from the ocean of your
father and glorified by a great family, 0 Lord who liberated those who deserved a
terrible hell, 0 splendid sun whose face delights the eyes, 0 Lord who filled this
world with pleasure and then returned to Your own abode, 0 Lord who joked with
playful words of rebuke, 0 Lord who sits, as if bound, in the hearts of the faithful,
0 Lord fragrant with kindness to the devotees, 0 Lord whose smile protects those
filled with terrible fears, 0 Lord whose eyes are glorified in hundreds and
hundreds of books, all glories to You!

Text 5

surupa-gana-sekhare ruci-jitendramlesvare
prasasta-guna-mandale sakala-sampad-akhandale
ananta-bala-viryake vijita-dusta-sautiryake
samasta-sukhada-kriye hrdayam astu vamsi-priye

surupa of t h o se who are beautiful;gana of t h e m u l t i t u d e;sekhara t h e

crown; ruci sp l e n d o r;jita de f e a t e d;indranila of s a p p h i r e s;isvare t h e
monarch; prasasta of e x c ellent;guna au s p i c i o us qualities;mandale th e s phe re;
sakala al l; sampat go o d - f o r t u n e;akhandale un b r o k e n; ananta u n l i m i t e d ;
bala pr o w e ss;viryake an d h e r o i s m; vijita de f e a t e d;dusta of t h e d e m o ns ;
sautiryake pr i d e ; samasta al l ; su khada gr a n t i ng happiness;kriye ac t i v i t i e s ;
hrdayam th e h eart; astu ma y b e; vamsi priye -w ho is f o nd of playing the flute.

May my heart rest on He who is the crown of all handsome men, whose
splendor defeats the king of sapphires, who has a host of glorious virtues, who is
the king of all opulences, whose power is limitless, who checks the demons pride,
whose pastimes please everyone, and who is fond of the flute.

Text 6

hita vrndav-ana
bhrta lokavrta-

srita ta k en shelter;vrndavana of V r n d a v a na;hita we l f a r e;vrndavana o f

Vrndavana; avaloka of t he g lance;amrta by t h e n e c tar;bhrta m a i n t a i n e d ;
loka by the people; avrta surrounded.

0 shelter of Vrndavana, 0 auspiciousness of Vrndavana, 0 Lord whose nectar

glances are drunk by the people of Vrndavana!
satyam vrndavanam anu
sarvadrsye pade sa-gosthas tvam
vibhavasi satatam tadval
lokair alokyase 'bhiksnam

satyam tr a n scendental; vrndavanam Vr n d a v a na;anu ne a r ; sarva b y

everyone; adrsye vi s i b l e; pade at t he p la ce;sa ac c m p a n ied by;gostah t h e
cowherd boys and calves; tvam Yo u ; vi b havasi ar e m a n i f e st;satatam
continually; tadvat to t h a t e xt ent;lokaih by t h e r e s idents of Vrndavana;
alokyase are seen;abhiksnam c o n t i n u a l l y .

0 Lord, as You enter Vrndavana, you come with the cows and boys to a place
where all can see You. The people gaze at You at every moment.

Text 8

svarvat parva -svaj a-nusi krta sukha-
tusyat pusya-d vraj a -nrpa d-hrta -mada-
raksah-paksa-striyam anusrtidada
asta vyasta -sva sak-ata -mrdu p-ada -

tarj aj
jarj an -madhu -dabhih-ati vidha-
svah svah sa-svat s-ukha m-ukhar-ita suka -

bhakta svakta s-mita ba-2a va2-ayita-
sadma cchadm-a pratina-ya dhrta s-ama -

gavya stavya sva-yam ap-ahrti pana -

vargy a svargya -dvaya ta-ru gati -hara- -

vrndad vrnda sv-a vipin-a v-asatika-

snigdha af f ectionate;snigdha fr i e n d s;svaka ow n ; bh r ti m ai n t a i n e n c e ;

krta pe r f o r m e d; sukha ha p p i n e s s;svarvat li k e t he h eavenly planets;parva
festival; sva ow n ; j anusi in t h e b i r t h; kr ta pe r f o r m e d ;sukha ha p p i n e s s ;
gacchat go i n g; yacchat of f e r i n g;jana pe o p l e ;vr ta gif t s ;ma ha f e s t i v a l ;
pada abode; tusyat sa t i sfied;pusyat flo u r i s h i n g ;vraj a of V r a j a;nrpa k i n g ;
dhrta ma i n t a i ned;mada jo y ; ra k s ah p-aksa s-triyam th e R aksasi Putana;
anusrti a p o s t e qual to that of Mother Yasoda; dada gr a n t i n g; asta vy-asta
inverted; sva wo n ; sakata ca r t ; mr du de l i c a t e;pada fe e t ;bhargat g-arga
Garga Acarya; prakatita re v e a led;sat tr a n s c e n d ental;abhidha na m e s;tarj at
chastising;jarjat c r i t i c i s i ng;
madhu th e M a d h u d e m o n; dabhihati vi-dha
killing; varna of w o r d s ; svarna wi t h t h e g o l d;kraya pu r c h a s i n g;phala f r u i t ;
sa wi t h; kutuka ea g e r n e ss; svah svah da y after day;sasvat c o n t i n u a l l y ;
sukha wi t h h a p p i n ess;mukharita made eager to speak; suka Su k a deva Gosvami;
citrat as t o n ishing;mitra of f r i e n d s;pracaya wi t h t h e m u l t i t u d e;carita o f
pastimes; cita a m u l t i t u d e; bhakta de v d o t e e s; svakta an n o i n t e d;smita s m i l e ;
bala by Balarama;valayita em b r a c e d;gacchat go i n g v atsa c a l v e s;sthagana
concealment; drt do i n g ;an u gamafol-lowing; sadma abode;chadma false
appearance;pratinaya bringing back;dhrta held;sama peace;navya newly;
sravya ca u sed to flow; krama gr a d u a l l y;viharana fr o m t h e t h e ft of the calves
and boys; rana jo y ; gavya ca l v e s;stavya pr a i s e wo rthy;svayam pe r s o n a lly;
apahrti ta k i n g a way;pana th e c o n t e st;prasu by t h e m o t h er Yasoda;ahrasva
verylong; pratisita bo u n d ; sat tr a n s c e n dental; udara ab d o m e n;vargya
svargya th e demigods Nalakuvara and Manigriva;dvaya t w o t a ru o f t r e e s ;
gati th-e state; hara de l i v e ring from; tyakta ab a n d o n e d;vyakta ma n i f e s t e d;
klama fa t i g ue; suvihrt avika -f o nd of p e rforming pastimes;vrndat w a n d e r i n g ;
vrnda co w h e rd companions;sva ow n ; vi p i na in t h e f o r e s t;vasatika s t a y i n g .

0 Lord who pleased Your affectionate relatives, 0 Lord who celebrated Your
birthday with a party like those in Svargaloka, 0 Lord to whom visitors gave many
gifts, 0 Lord who delighted the happy and prosperous king of Vraja, 0 Lord wh o
made the demoness Putana' a follower of Your mother, 0 Lord wh ose soft feet
overturned the cart, 0 Lord whose transcendental names were revealed by Garga
Acarya, 0 Lord who easily killed the menacing Madhu demon, 0 Lord eager to
purchase some fruit with the golden coins of Your broken words, 0 Lord who day
after day filled eloquent Sukadeva Gosvami with bliss, 0 Lord who enjoys many
wonderful pastimes with Your friends, 0 Lord embraced by smiling Balarama and
Your devotees, 0 Lord who tried to solve the mystery of the wandering calves'
disappearance, 0 Lord who to keep the peace returned home with calves that were
only a magical illusion, 0 Lord who made a new stream of happiness flow from
the theft of the boys and calves, 0 Lord who, personally becoming the calves,
bested Brahma' in the contest of strength, 0 Lord wh ose waist Your mother bound
with a long rope, 0 Lord who rescued Nalakuvara and Manigriva from the fate of
b eing trees, 0 Lord who enjoys pastimes without ever becoming tired, 0 Lord wh o
wanders in the forest with Your friends,

Text 9

janis tava janim mudam asrjad rddhim rddhih sphutam

sada vihrtir uccakair vihrtim evam ekatmake
udancati sudhambudhi-plava-rase mamajja vrajas
tatah prabalam ucchalaty api mamaj jur asa dasa

j anih bi r t h ; ta va yo u r ;j anim bi r t h ; mu d am jo y ; as rj at cr e a t e d;rddhim

opulence; rddhih op u l e n c e;sphutam ma n i f e s ted;sada et e r n a lly;vihrtih
pastimes; uccakaih gr e a t ly;vihrtim pa s t i m e ;evam in this way; eka at-make
having the same nature; udancati ri s i n g ; sudha of n e c t a r;ambudi of t h e o c e an;
plava ra-se in the inundation; mamajj a be c a me immersed;vraj ah th e r e sidents
of Vrajabhumi; tatah fr o m t h a t p ra balam i n t e n s e l y;ucchalati ar i s e s;api a l s o ;
mamat at o ne time; juh of t h i s o ld p e r s on;asa ho p e ; dasa c o n d i t i o n .

Because Your birth created a birth of happiness, Your opulence opulence, and Your
pastimes pastimes, and because Vraja became plunged in a rising ocean of nectar,
intense hope now rises in this old man.

Text 10

navya vraj a-vasa
sarmaci ta krida-

stavya gl o r i o us; prabha of t h e s plendor;abhasa th e e ff ulgence;navya

new; vraj a in V r a j a; avasa re s i d e nce;vrnda Vr n d a v a n a;ahvaya n a m e d ;
aranya forest; vrnda of associates; anvaya series; aganya uncoun-table;
narma in j o k i n g ; ac it ma t e r i a l;avrida wi t h o u t e m b a r rassment;sarma
auspiciopusness; acita co l l e c ted;krida p a s t i m e s .

0 Lord who lives in glorious, splendid, ever-new Vraja, 0 Lord who wi t h o u t

embarrassment plays and jokes with countless friends in the forest named
Vrndavana, 0 Lord whose pastimes are happy and auspicious,

Text 11

yamuna-pulinani ramyani
sukha-rupasya ca bhavatah
sukhadany asman vimohayanti
govardhana Govardhana Hill; vrndavana th e f o r e st of Vrndavana;yamuna
of the Yamuna river; pulinani sa n d y b anks;ramyani de l i g h t f u l;sukha o f b l i s s ;
rupasya wi t h a for m; ca an d ; bh a vatah of Y o u ; su khadani pl e a s i n g;asman
us; vimohayanti en c h a n t s .

0 form of bliss, beautiful Govardhana, Vrndavana, and the sandy banks of the
Yamuna, which all gave great pleasure to You, bring us under their spell.

Text 12

vi tunna vats-aka
ni girni krd -bak-a
vikirni kara-ka

vinunna pe r f o r m i ng pastimes;vatsaka wi t h t h e c alves;vitunna k i l l e d ;

vatsaka Va t s asura;nigirni krt s-pat -out; baka Ba k asura;vikirni kara-ka k i l l e r .

0 Lord who plays with the calves, 0 Lord who ki l led Vatsasura, 0 Lord who ,
swallowed by Baka, forced him to spit You out,

Text 13

nascaryam sa bhavan yadasu vidadhe vyomasure vyomatam

mesa-steya-vidhana-balya-vihrtau stena-cchalam gacchati
kintu svadika-sarva-girni-krd-agham krtvanagham nirmame
yad damadika-mitra-citram idam adhyaste sada man-manah

na not; ascaryam as t o n i s h i n g;sah He ; bh a van Yo u ; ya da wh e n ; a s u

quickly; vidadhe pl a c e d; vyomasure wi t h i n V y o m a s ura;vyomatam liberation;
mesa la mbs; steya th e f t ; chalam on t h e p r e t e xt; gacchati go i n g ; ki n tu b u t ;
sva Yourself; adika an d o t h e r s; sarva al l ; gi r ni k rt sw a - l l o w e d;
agham b y
Aghasura; krtva ha v i n g m a de;anagham pu r e a nd sinless;nirmamae
constructed; yat wh i c h ; da ma of D a m a ;ad ika an d o t h e r;mi t ra f r i e n d s ;
citram th e a stonishment;idam th i s ; ad h yaste be c o m es fixed;sada
continually; mat my ; ma n ah m i n d .

It is not wonderful that You quickly pushed into the void the demon Vyomasura,
who pretended to join the boys' game of stealing lambs, or that when Aghasura
swallowed You and everyone else, You made him pure and sinless, although these
were a great wonder for Dama' and Your other friends. May my mind be always
fixed on these pastimes.

Text 14

vidhi dh-i va-ncaka

arbhaka th e b oys;aluncaka st e a l i ng vidhi o f L o r d B r a h m a;dhi t h e

intelligence; va{ sy 2.91) caka tr i c k i n g; krpaya wi t h m e r c y ;am a rsaka
considering; anuga of Y o ur f o l l o w e rs;akarsaka at t r a c t i ve.

0 Lord who, when Brahma stole the cowherd boys, tricked him and bewildered
his intelligence, 0 Lord whose thoughts are filled with mercy, 0 Lord who attracts
Your followers,

Text 15

yad api vraja-nija-mitrany

apaharamano vidhir vyadhan mayam
tad api dadad vraja-bhaktim
tasmims tvam asi ksama-krpa-purnah

yat api a l t h o u gh; vraja of v r a j a b h u m i;nija Your own; mitrani f r i e n d s ;

apaharamanah stealing away; vichih Brahma; vyadhat placing;mayam
illusory potency; tat api ne v e r t h e l e ss;
dadat gr a n t i n g;vraja of t h e r e s i dents of
Vraja; bhaktim th e p u re devotional service;tasmin to h i m ; tv am Yo u ; as i a r e ;
ksama in d u l g e nce;krpa an d m e r c y;purnah f u l l o f .

Even though Brahma, displaying his illusory potency, stole away Your vraja-
friends, still, You give him vraja-bhakti and You are filled with mercy and
forgiveness for him.

Text 16 (a)
sthiti n-ija d-henu-
vraja d-hrta r-enus
tvam asi sa v-enuh

vijita de f e a ted;karenu of t h e e lephant;sthiti st a t e ;nija Y o u r o w n ;

dhenu of cows; vraja as s e m b l y;dhrta he l d ; re n uh th e d u s t ; tv am yo u ; a s i
are sa wi th; venuh t h e f lu t e .

0 Lord, holding the flute, and covered by the dust raised by Your cows, Your
walking defeats the graceful movements of the elephant.

Text 16 (b)

visa hati -kam-in
svayam atha tasmin
patana taras-vinn
ahipati yudd-hva
yuva ratha -rudd-hva
natana paras-tam
bhrama duruthas tam
davitam adarsir
iti nutir ars i

phani o f th e K aliya serpent; hrada th e l a k e; gamin en t e r i n g;visa t h e

poison; hati the removal; kamin-desiring; svayam pe r s o nally;atha t h e n ;
tasmin in t h a t; patanatarasvin d i v i n g i n t o; ahi p a t i w i t h t h e k i n g o f t h e
serpents; yuddhva ha v i ng fought;yuva ratha -the strong health; ruddhva
having broken; natana para fo-nd of -dancing; astam the serpent;bhrama please
perform pastimes; kuruthah pl e a se do;tam hi m ; da v i t am di s t r e s s ed;akarsih
you performed; iti t h u s ; nu t ih th e p r a y e r;arsi of t h e s a ges.

"0 Lord who went to the serpent's lake, 0 Lord who wished to destroy the
poison, 0 Lord who dove into the water, 0 Lord who, fighting with the king of
serpents, broke his strength and danced on him, please bewilder him, please place
him in distress." This was the sages' prayer.

Text 17
anudmam atha caram caram atmiya-dhenur
akhila-vipina-laksmi ranjayan kanja-netra
natana-patimabhis tam kaliyam murdhni mr dn ams
tapana-duhitr-gartam nirvisapam cakartha

anudinam ev e ry day;caram caram re p e a t edly travelling;atmiya Y o u r o w n ;

dhenuh co w s; akhi2a al l ; vi p ina of t h e f o r e s t;2aksmihranj ayan in c r e a sing the
beauty and opulence; kanj a lo t u s; netra ey e d ;na tana of d a n c i n g;patimabhih
with the sharpness; tam hi m ; ka l i y am Ka l i y a ;mu r d hni on t h e h e a d; mrdan
crushing; tapana du h t r o f t h e Y a m u n a r iv e r, the daughter of the sun god;
gartam th e l a ke;nirvisa of f r e e d om from poison;apam th e a t t a i n me nt;
cakartha Yo u p e r f ormed.

Day after day herding Your cows, You please all the forest-goddesses. 0 lotus-
eyed Lord, crushing Kahya on the head with the violence of Your dancing, You
made the Yamuna' free of poison.

Text 18 (a)

athava. . .

gavanuga khela-h
sakhi krta m-elah-
samid ativela-h
kha2a gayl h-e2ah-
sphuta visa gha-ta -

prathana sasatas-
tvam asi vibhatah
bahu mani sa-ste -

j ani sata haste -

natana bharas -te

kara khara na-gah-
pravasana raga -

srita hrada b-hagah-

krta tad udasa-h-
sri ta nij a vasa-h -

sphura mrdu hasah -

athava or; gavanuga wi t h t h e c o w h e rd boys;khelah pe r f o r m i n g p astimes;
sakhi wi t h Y o ur f r i e nds; krta pe r f o r m e d;melah me e t i n g;samit fi g h t ; a t i
very; ve2ah le isure; kha2a th e d e mo ns;j ayi de f e a t ing;he2ah wi t h e ase;
phani of t he Kaliya serpent;hrada to the lake;yatah go n e ;sphuta
manifested; visa po i s o n; ghata re m o v i n g ;prathana ma n i f e s t;sa w i t h ;
satah ju b i l a t io n; tvam Yo u ; asi ar e ;vi b h a tah ma n i f e s t;pani pa-ti o f K a l i y a ,
the king of the serpents; maste on t he h oo ds;bahu ma n y ; ma ni w i t h j e w e l s ;
saste splendidly decorated; aj ani ma n i f e s ted;sata ha-ste wi th h u n d r e ds of
hods, natana of d a n cing; bharah th e b u r d e n; te Yo u r ; sa wi t h ; p a r i k a r a
followers; agaskara si n f u l; kh a ra for m i d a b l e a nd dangerous; nagah s e r p e nt ;
pravasana ex i l e; raga be a u t y;srita sh e l t e r e d;hrada of t h e l a k e;bhagah
good fortune;praba2a of strength; vi2asah pa s t i mes;krta pe-r formed; tat uda-sah
free from cares; srita re t u r n e d;nij a ow n ; /v a s ah ab o d e ;sphura p l e a s e
become manifest; mrdu sw e e t; hadah w i t h a s m i l e .

0 Lord who plays with the cowherd boys, who meets with Your friends, who
playfully fights with them, who easily defeats the demons, who went to the
serpent's lake, who became happy when the poison was gone, You shine with great
splendor. 0 Lord whose dancing weighed heavily on the serpent's hundreds of
splendidly jeweled hoods, who exiled the dangerous, sinful snake and his
followers, who thus made the lake beautiful, who are splendidly powerful, free of
all cares, who rests in Your own home, and who gently smiles, please appear
before me.

Text 19

jalam anu visa-vahnim susthu nirvarnya tarhi

sthalam anu vana-vahnir yena nirvapyate sma
tad-ubhaya-krta-daham gostham apya sma drstya
racitam amrta-siktam tam bhavantam bhajami

j alam th e w a t e r; anu in relation to; visa of p o i s o n; vahnim t h e b u r n i n g ;

susthu ni c e ly; nirvarnya ha v i n g e x t i n g uished;tarhi th e n ; st h alam t h e l a n d ;
anu in r e l ation; vana of t h e f o r e st;vahnih th e f i r e ; yena b y w h o m ;
nirvapyate is e xt in g uished;sma in t h e p a s t;tat th a t ;ub h aya bo t h ; k r t a
performed; daham fires; gostham Vr n d a v ana; apya r e t u r n i n g t o; sma i n t h e
past; drstya with your glance; racitam cr e a t e d;amrta of n e c t a r;siktam
shower; tam t o H i m ; bh a vantam Yo u ; bh aj ami I w o r s h i p .

0 Lord who extinguished the poison fire in the water, who extinguished the
forest fire on the land, and who, having extinguished both fires, returned to Vraja
and with a glance created a great shower of nectar, I worship You.
Text 20

vrndavana su-kha
sandani ta su-bha
kandasayaj aya

vrndavana of V r n d a vana;pasu th e c o w s;vrndavana of V r n d a v a na;sukha

with happiness; sandanita bo u n d ; subha au s p i c i o u s;kanda of c l o u d s;asaya
like an abode; jaya all glories.

0 source of auspiciousness, happiness, and protection for Vrndavana's cows, all

glories to You!

Text 21

dhenunam pariraksanaya viharan dhinvan svabandhun vadham

kurvan dhenuka-raksasasya vidadhad dhamagatim ca kramat
sasthe 'bde 'pi mukhadi-sausthava-ruca kaisora-justa-sriyam
pusti-krtya drsam hare vara-drsam dhinvan gatim nandasi

dehununam of t he cows;pariraksanaya fo r t he p r o t e ction;viharan

performing pastimes; dhinvan de l i g h t i n g;sva ow n ; ba n d hun friends; vadham
the killing; kurvan pe r f o r m i n g; dhenuka raksas-asya of t he demon Dhenuka;
vidadhat pl a c i n g; dhama of s p l e n d o r;agatim th e a r r i v a l;ca an d ; k r a m a t
gradually; sasthe in the sixth; abde ye a r; api an d ; mu k ha of t h e f a c e;adi
and other parts of the body; sausthava ex c e l lent;ruca be a u t y;ka isora j u s t a
of youth; sriyam be a u t y;pusti krtya -having increased; drsam of the eyes;
hare 0 Lo r d H a r i; vara drsam -of the beautiful-eyed gopis;dhinvan d e l i g h t i n g ;
gatim th e d estination;nandasi You jubilantly perform pastimes.

Protecting the cows, playing, delighting Your friends, killing Dhenukasura,

g radually becoming full of luster, increasing the glory of Your youth with th e
splendor of Your face and limbs in Your sixth year, and delighting the eyes of the
beautiful-eyed gopis, You are very happy.

Text 22
ma22abha v-artana
l7l2v a p-ha2adl ka
mil la-sitadhika
asva sa-ma d-rava
varga ni-rargala
dhurvana ka-raka
vrddha da-va ks-aya
krd dh-ay a kr-d da-y a

vallabha w i t h Y ou r dear friends; nartana da n c i n g;ma22abha var-tana

wrestling; bi2va bi l v a; phala fr u i t s ; ad ika et c . ; m it c o l u m n ; la s i ta s p l e n d i d ;
adhika mo r e ; pasu co w s ; an ukrt im i t a t i n g ;dr a vat ru n n i n g ; as va h o r s e s ;
sama li k e; drava ru n n i n g ;va 2gat ju m p i n g ; an arga2a w i t h o u t i m p e d i m e nt;
varga co m m u n i ty n i r a rgala w i t h o u t r e s t raint;purvaja el d e r b r o t h e r;haraka
stealing;dhurvana destruction; karaka performing;vrddha expanded; dava
of the forest fire; ksaya remo-val; krt pe r f o r m e d; dhaya dr i n k i n g u s;k r t
performed; daya mercifully.

0 Lord who dances with Your friends, 0 wrestler, 0 Lord more splendid than
blivas and other fruits, 0 Lord who wo uld playfully imi t ate the cows and run like
t he horses, 0 Lord who would jump w i t h out any inhi bi t i on, 0 L or d wh o k i l l e d
the demon that kidnaped Your elder brother, 0 Lord that mercifully drank up th e
great forest-fire,

Text 23

sa sakhibhis tava hla

spardha-baddheva budhyate deva
tasyam tava dava-panam
vyanakti tesam sukhaya tam sarvam

sa that; sakhibhih wi t h f r i e n d s;tava Yo u r ; 2z2a pa s times;spardha w i t h

competition; baddha bo u n d ; iva as i f ; bu d hyate is u n d e r s t ood;deva 0 L o r d ;
tasyam am o ng those pastimes;tava Yo u r ; da va of t h e f o r e s t-fire;panam t h e
drinking; vyanakti is m a n i f e s ted;tesam of t h e m; sudhaya fo r t h e h a p p i ness;
tam th a t; sarvam a l l .

0 Lord, Your pastimes with Your friends, which seem bound with rivalry, and in
the midst of which You swallowed a forest fire, are only for their pleasure.
Text 24

varidasakta ka-latarakta
citra he-manta sob-hayananta

madhava th an spring; abhinna no n - d i f f e r e nt;vat as i f; us mata s u m m e r ;

aminna ma k i ng t hi n; varida to t h e m o n s o on season;asakta at t a c hed;kalata
according to the season; arakta pl a y f u l; sarada in a u t u m n ; ag anya
uncountable; 2z2aya with pastimes; apanya wh o s e glories as are too great to be
adequately praised; citra as t o n i s hing hemanta o f w i n t e r ; sobhaya w i t h b e a u t y ;
ananta u n l i m i t e d .

0 Lord charming as spring, 0 Lord pleasant as summer, 0 Lord splendid as the

m onsoon season, 0 Lord with the limi tless playfulness of autumn, 0 Lord wi t h
the wonderful handsomeness of winter!

Text 25

moda jivastha
ksobhita prastha-

pavika splendid;arabdha begun; kaka2z sweet musical sound;2abdha

attained; moda ju b i l a t i o n ; j i v a s tha l i v i n g e n t i t i e s;ksobhita ag i t a t e d;prastha

0 Lord whose splendid, sweet music makes the living entities wild with bliss.

Text 26

muhur muhur api sphurad-vibhavam atma-venu-kvanam

vilaksanataya dadhat parama-siksaya sviyaya
sa-cetanam acetanam vicalitam mithah sandadhe
bhavan iti pura katham bhavati yauvatam vacitam

muhuh muhuh at e very moment;api al s o ;sphurat ma n i f e s t;vibhavam

glory; atma own; venu of t he flu t e; kvanam th e s o u n d; vilaksanataya
multifarious; dadhat gi v i n g ; parama wi t h t r a n s c endental;siksaya in s t r u c t i o n s ;
sviyaya ow n ; sacetanam co n s c i o us;acetanam an d u n c o n s cious entities;
vicalitam ag i t a t ed;sandadhe gr a n t s; bhavan Yo u ; iti thu s ;pu r a f or m e r l y ;
katham ah ! ; bhavati a r e ; y a u v a t am th e y o u n g g o p i s;vacitam ca u s ed to speak.

"0 Lord, again and again manifesting the glorious music of Your flute, with
Your extraordinary transcendental teachings You make the conscious and
unconscious tremble with love." Ah! These were the gopis' words.

Text 27

sundara giri -sava -man-dana
bandhu nikar-a mada -ranj a-na
sanci ta nij a j-ana samb-hrama
sanga mi2ita -2asad -indira-
bhangada vilasit-a sunda-ra
nunna jalada visa v-anca-ka
kinca surapa-nati-sat-krpa
sincad amara -gana s-an nr-pa-

indraka fo r L o rd I n d r a;makha th e s a c rifice;krti th e a c t i v i t y; khandana

breaking; sundara be a u t i f u l;giri fo r G o v a r d h a na Hill;sava wi t h a s acrifice;
mandana de c oration; bandhura be a u t i f u l a n d t h r e e -foldb e nd ing;para
trascendental; tanu fo r m ; sanjana de v e l o p m e n t;bandhu of f r i e n d s;nikara
multitude; mada ra{ sy 2-81)j.ana de l i g hting; anjita wo r s h i p e d;giri
Govardhana Hill; paritahkrama ci r c u m a m b u l a t i n g;sancita as s e mbled;nija
jana own associates; sambrama reverence; anga fo r m; va lita ma n i f e s t e d;
nij a ow n; mandira te m p l e ;sanga co n t a c t;mi2ita as s e mbled;2asat s p l e n d i d ;
indira beauty;bhangura crooked;hrdaya at heart; purandara Indra;
bhangada br e aking; vilasita sp l e n d i d;sundara be a u t i f u l;unata lo f t y ;g i r i
Govardhana Hill; samudancaka li f t i n g ; nunna d i s p a t c h e d;ja l a da c l o u d s ;
visa ha r m; vancaka re m o v i n g ;ki n ca fu r t h e r m o r e;surapa In d r a , k i ng of the
demigods; nati ob e i s ances;sat tr a n s c endental;krpa me r c y ; sincat
sprinkling; amara of t h e d e m i g ods;gana of t h e m u l t i t u d e;sat tr a n s c e ndental;
nrpa m o n a r c h.

0 Lord who stopped the sacrifice for Indra, 0 Lord decorated for the splendid
sacrifice for Govardhana Hill, 0 Lord wh ose form is graceful, 0 Lord who delights
Your friends, 0 Lord who circumambulated the hill, 0 L ord who m ade Your
people offer respect to the hill, 0 Lord who appeared as the hill, 0 splendid,
handsome Lord, 0 Lord whose splendid handsomeness broke crooked-hearted
Indra, 0 Lord who lifted the tall hill, 0 L ord wh o n eu tralized the rainclouds'
poison, 0 Lord who was kind to Indra, 0 Lord whom the demigods crowned king
with a coronation bath,

Text 28

pitradyam svabhivadyam kulam amara-pater yajakam tena tantra-

vajntam cavamrsya pratihata-sahanas tasya yajnam vilumpan
tad vrstim klista-srstim drsi vidadhad-alabdhadrim apy agra-haste
yas tam nah sastam avyad vraja-jana-saranam sa svayam tatra tatra

pitr fa t h e r;adyam an d o t h e r s;sva ow n ; ab h i vadyam of f e r e d respectful

obeisances; kulam c o m m u n i ty ; amara pateh -of In d r a, the king of the demigods;
yaj akam of f e ring sacrifices;tena by H i m ; ta n t ra of t h e s c r i p t u r e s;avaj natam
disregarding; ca a nd ; avamrsya re f le c t i n g;pratihata ch e c k e d;sahanah
strength; tasya hi s ; yaj nam sa c r i f i c e;vilumpan st o p p i n g;tat th a t ; v r s t im
rain; klista of d i s t r e ss;srstim th e c a u se;drsi in s i g h t ; vidadhat p l a c i n g ;
alabdha un a t t a ined; adrim Go v a r d h a na Hill;api ev e n ;ag ra o n t h e e d g e ;
haste of t he hand;yah wh o ; na h to u s ; sa s tam au s p i c i o u s;avyat m a y
protect; vraja of V r a j a b h u m i ; j a na o f t h e r e s i d e nts;saranam th e s h e lter;sah
He; svayam pe r s onally; tatra tatra e v e r y w h e r e .

May He who, speaking to His father and others, rejected the indra-yajna as
opposed to the Vedic scriptures, stopped the yajn and, seeing rain bringing great
suffering, placed a hill on the tip of His hand and became the shelter of Vraja s
people, protect us.

Text 29

sukhasad ativa -

krta saga jiva- -

divija by t he surabhi cow from goloka Vrndavana and the celestial Ganges
river; abhiseka k-alita ba t h i ng ceremony;atireka ex t e n s i v e;sukhasat
completely happy; ativa gr e a t l y;krta pe r f o r m e d;sa a-ga of f e n sive;j iva l i f e .

0 Lord crowned by the surabhi cow in a coronation-bathing ceremony, 0 Lord

to whom Your offensive adversary surrendered with life and soul,

Text 30

tvam amara-patibhih siktah

samajani sattvam samastam utsiktam
yatra parasparam antah
snigdhi-bhavan muda digdham

tvam y ou; am ara of t h e d e m i g o d s;patibhih by t h e l e a ders;siktah

sprinkled; samajani ap p e a r s;sattvam tr a n s c e ndental existance;samastam
complete; utsiktam el e v a ted;yatra wh e r e ;parasparam mu t u a l l y ; antah
within the heart; snigdhi bhava-t be c ause of the state of transcendental love;
muda wi t h j o y; digdham a n n o i n t e d .

You were then bathed by the demigod kings. Your transcendental position became
perfectly manifest, and everyone's heart became anointed with love and joy.

Text 31 (a)

karunatad avi tr -

cari tarci ta guna -

saritasu nipuna-

varuna by V a r u n a; ahrta st o l e n ;pitr fa t h e r ;ka r u na me r c i f u l l y ;at at f r o m

that; avitr th e p r o t e c tor; carita pa s t i m e ar
; c ita wo r s h i p p e d;guna
transcendental quality; sarita th e s t a te of giving protection;asu li f e ; ni puna

0 Lord who mercifully protected Your father when he was kidnapped by

Varuna, 0 Lord worshiped because You expertly protect the devotees!
Text 31 (b)

sad up-ayana v-ara
sahitagati ka-ra
sahi tanci ta ta-ra
j anakad avagata
j anakamada tat-a
vibhayakrama dh-ara
vibhavaspada tar-a
nayananvya krt-i
nayananvaya bhr-ti
v ali tanci ta pad-a
ka2i takhi 2a mad-a

tat th a t; upahrta offe-red; cara going; sat transcendental upayana

gifts;vara excellent; sahita wi t h ; ag a ti ar r i v a l ;ka ra pe r f o r m i n g ;sahita
accompanied;ancita gone; tara very much;j anakat from Your father;
avagata un d e r s t o o d;j anaka of t h e f a t her;amada fr e e d om from bewilderment;
tata expanded;vibhaya kram-a freedom from fear; dhara holding;vibhava of
all opulence; aspada ab o d e; tara ex c e l l e n t;nayana of t h e e ye s;anvaya
multitude; krti ac t i v i t y na
; yana of t h e l e a ders of the universe;anvaya o f t h e
multifude; bhrti th e m a i n t a i n e r; valita ma n i f e s t e d;ancita be a u t i f u l ;pada
lotus feet; ka2ita pe r f o r m e d; akhi2a of e v e r y o n e;mada j o y .

0 Lord who returned with Your father, 0 Lord who dispelled Your father's
illusion, 0 Lord whose eyes are the abode of transcendental glory, 0 maintainer of
the maintainers of the universe, 0 Lord whose graceful lotus feet delight everyone!

Text 32

nij a-loka-vilokam asraye
nija-loka-drsas tam asraye

taruna young; aruna reddish; kanj a lotus flower;locanam eyes;varuna

by Varuna; ahrta ta k e n; ta ta fa t h e r ;mo canam re l e a s ing;nij a ow n ; l o k a
abode; vi2okam gr a n t ing a glimpse;asraye I t a ke shelter;nija ow n ; 2o k a
abode; drsah se eing; tam of H i m ; as r a ye I t a k e s he lter.

I take shelter of He whose eyes are red lotus flowers, who rescued His father
from Varuna, and who showed to His people His own abode.

Text 33 (a)

sanga sa-nais tana
vastra dh-rta kr-ama
sastra hrt-a kla-ma

rangada de l i g htful; haimana of t h e h e m a nta season;sanga by t he contact;

sanaih gr a d ually; tana vas-tra gar-ments; dhrta he l d; kr a ma su c c e s sion;sastra
with prayers; hrta re m o v e d;klama f a t i q u e .

0 Lord who, as the time gradually turned into the hemanta season, stole the
gopis' garments and was pleased by their prayers,

Text 33 (b)

bamhitakais cira-langhita-saisira
sandada kanda-2a nanda-ka sanda-2ad
ankaga satpad-a tankan-a sat pa-da-
puspa gana -ksana -dusparsa laksan-a
susma samug-va2ad usma -mi2ad -ba2a-
langhaka sad va-na s-angha -samar-dhana

bamhitakaih gr e a t l y;cira fo r a l o n g t i m e;langhita pa s s e d;saisira t h e

winter; sandala au s p i c ious;kanda;a fr o m t he c heeks;nandaka d e l i g h t f u l ;
sandalat bl o s soming; ankaga ex t e n d i n g to t he lap;satpada bu m b l e - b ees;
tankana bi n d i n g; sat tr a n s c e ndental; pada to t h e f e e t;puspa gana ks-ana -a
great garland; dusparsa with a slight touch; laksana ch a r a c t e ristic; susma l i k e
the sun; samujjva2at bl a z i ng; usma wi t h h e a t;mi2at me e t i n g;ba2a s t r e n g t h;
langhaka fr o m t he offensive demons;sat vana san-gha -the residents of
Vrndavnan; samardhana protecting and causing to prosper.

0 Lord who, as it gradually became winter was decorated with a great garland of
delightful blossoming flowers reaching from Your auspicious cheeks to Your waist,
to Your lotus feet, and filled with bumblebees, 0 Lord who with strength greater
and more splendid than the untouchable sun protects the people of Vraja,
Text 33 (c)

sanci ta sa-t ta-ta ra-nj i ta ta-d va-ta

mitra of f r i e n d s;gana wi t h t h e m u l t i t u d e;ilita arr i v e d ;ci t r a ka o f a

painter; khelita pe r f o r m i ng pastimes;sancita co l l e c t e d;sat au s p i c i o u s;tata
sides; ranjita de l i g h t e d;tat th a t ; va ta b a n y a n t r e e .

0 Lord who paints pictures with Your friends, 0 Lord who happily plays with
them in a great banyan tree,

Text 33 (d)

kundajid ingita-
samhita sac ch-ala-
ramhita sad b-ala-
samhata patava-
j amhata danav-a
bhita suhrj -java-
pita brhad -dava-

sundara be a utiful; drk ey e s ;smita smiling-; kunda th e k u n da flowe rs; jit

defeating; ingita s i g n al; samhita as s e mbled;sat of d e v o t e es;chala o n t h e
pretense; ramhita qu i c k ; sat bala s- t r e ngth;samhata ko l l e d ; patava c l e v e r l y ;
j amhata fle e i n g; danava de m o n s ;bhita fr i g h t e n e d;suhrt friends; java
quickly; pita swallowed;brhat the great;dava forest fi-re

0 Lord whose handsome eyes and smile defeat jasmine flowers, 0 Lord who
intelligently killed the demons disguised as devotees, and made them flee Your
transcendental power, 0 Lord who, drink ing a great forest fire, protected Your
frightened friends,

Text 33 (e)

ambu bharad rav-a -
ranga nibha ksiti-
sanga r-uci s-thiti-
vanya n-iriksana-
dhanyatama k-sana
laksa sa-rah su-ci
paksa sa-rad ru-ci
vistrti sa-sprha
vismrta bh-rd gr-ha
sarva sa-manvaya
parva kr-d an-vaya
venv an-uvadana
dhenv an-usadana

ambudhara cl o u d; sravat sp r i n k l i n g ;ambu wa t e r ;bh arat ho l d i n g ;r a v a

thundering sounds; ranga da n c i ng arena;nibha ap p e a r ing like;ksiti e a r t h ;
sanga to u c hing; ruci sp l e n d o r;sthiti pl a c e ;vanya in t h e f o r e s t;niriksana
sight; dhanyatama mo s t a uspicious;ksana mo m e n t ; la k sa th o u s a n d s;sarah
with small lakes; suci gl i s t e ning;paksa pa r t ; sarat of a u t u m n ; ru ci s p l e n d o r ;
vistrti ex p a n s ion;sa sprh-a de s iring; vismrta fo r g o t t e n;b hrt grha -h o m e s ;
sarva al l; samanvaya th e s e reasons; parva fe s t i v a l;krt pe r f o r m i n g ;anvaya
followers; venu flu t e ; anuvadana pl a y i n g;dhenu th e c o w s; anusadana r e s t i n g .

0 Lord whose voice is the thunder of monsoon clouds, 0 Lord who in a

wonderful moment glanced at the beautiful forest, which was like a dancing arena,
0 Lord whose desires were aroused by the splendor of autumn, which made the
l and glisten with thousands of lakes, 0 Lord who forgot Your home, 0 Lord wh o
enjoyed a festival with Your friends, 0 Lord who played a flute as Your cows

Text 34

dharstyam bata venor yah

karsati durad vimanani
silam tava madhurimnah
stabhnaty amaris tatah patantir yah

dharstyam b o l d n e ss; bata 0 ; v e n oh of t h e f lu t e ;yah who; kar-sati at t r a c ts;

durat fr o m a g r e at distance;
vimanani ai r p l a n es from the upper planetary
systems; silam ch a r a cter;tava of Y o u r ; ma dhurimnah of t h e h e a venly planets;
tatah fr om t h a t; patantih fa l l i n g ;yah w h o .

the arrogance of Your flute attracts airplanes from far away. Your sweetness stuns
the demigoddesses and makes them fall from their airplanes.
Text 35

yatraya dhanya
tatakhat ph-any a
prakrd ag-anya
kari tapany a
horika ran-ga
gopika san-ga
yosid ata-nga
dhavabhak san-kha
daranat panka

ambika vany-a to Amb i k a vana; yatraya b y t h e e xc ursion; dhanya o p u l e n t

and auspicious; 2z2aya by pastimes; aganya un c o u n t a b le;tata Y o u r f a t h e r ;
khat sw a l lo wi n g;phanya se r p e n t;prakrt de v o u r i n g ;aganya n o t t o b e
noticed; karita fo r t h e s tate of causing;panya gl o r i o u s;horika o f t h e h o l i
festival; ranga ce l e bration;gopika wi t h t h e g o p i s;sanga as s o ciation;bhavita
in the future; asanga se p a ration;khelita pa s t i m e s;bhanga di s r u p t i n g ; y o s it
the gopis; atanga di s t r e ssing;karita ca u s i n g;asanga se p a ration;bhava bhak-
fleeing; sankhacudaka of S ankhacuda;sankha co n c h - s hell jewel;daranat from
taking; panka im p u r i t y ; na sana re m o v e d;ananka p u r e .

0 Lord who went on a pilgrimage to Ambikavana, 0 auspicious and opulent

Lord, 0 Lord who enjoys limitless pastimes, 0 Lord glorious when You saved Your
father from being swallowed by a serpent, 0 Lord who celebrated the holi festival
w ith the gopis, although You were destined to be separated from them, 0 Lor d
who when Sankhacuda interrupted Your pastimes, distressed the gopis, and fled,
You took his conch-shaped jewel and destroyed his sins,

Text 36

bhavini s-anda-
gitika s-panda
272ata k-anda
bhisi ta sa-nda
sasvad u-ddanda

srngini of cows;vrnda herd;carana abu-nda herding;karana cause;

ananda bl i s s; bhavini of t h e g o p i s;sanda gr a n t i ng auspiciousness; gitika
songs;spanda da n c ing; 2i2ata ka n da p a s t i m e s;sarvatha am-anda th e greatest;
sarvaka ev e ryone;askanda at t a c k i n g;bhisita te r r i f i e d;sanda bu l l s ; sasvat
continually; uddanda te r r i f i c; cestaya wi t h t h e a ctivities;arista of A r i s t a s u ra;
marana by t he kil l i n g; aklista un h u r t ; ka r i ta th e c a u s e;asist c o m p l e t e ;
varnana de s cription; anvista d e s i r e d ;

0 Lord who was very happy to herd the cows, 0 Lord whose pastimes of music
and dancing delighted the beautiful gopis, 0 Lord who is the greatest in all
respects, 0 Lord who killed the fearful bull Arista, who was repeatedly attacking
everyone, 0 Lord the description of whose glorious pastimes brings great
transcendental pleasure,

Text 37

krtvaristam ristam
mudita-jnatija-vrti-sriya muditah
vrajanam bhuvi kurvan sa
jayati jayakara-vara-sampannah

krtva h a v in g performed; aristam of A r i - s tasura; ristam th e k i l l i n g ; mudita

jubilant;jnatija relatives; vrti th e m u l t i t u d e; sriya wi t h t h e g l o ry and
opulence; muditah de l i g h t e d;vrajanam tr a v e l l i n g;bhuvi o n t h e e a r t h ;
kurvan pe r f o r m i n g; sah He ;j ayati al l g l o r i e s;j ayakara of w o r d s o f
glorification; vara wi t h t h e m u l t i t u d e s;sampannah e n d o w e d .

After bringing a great calamity to Arista, He became pleased to see the

prosperity of His happy relatives. He is glorified as He travels the Earth. All glories
to Him!
sudhi-bhava-hatau vidhir vividha-kirti-bhasam nidhih
vidhi-prabhrti-vanchitam carana-lanchitam yasya tad
vrajasya nija-vamsajah sphuratu nah sa vamsa-priyah

surari th e d e m o n s; hati t h e k i l l i n g ; samsana th e g l o r i f i c ation;prathita

related; kamsa of K a m s a;vidhvamsanah t h e d e struction; sudhi f o r t h e
intelligent devotees; bhava of r e p e a ted material existance;hatau i n t h e
destruction; vidhih t h e o r d i n a n ce; vividha va r i o u s kir ti o f g l o r i e s bhasam
; of
the splendor; nidhih t h e t r e asury; vidhi b y L o r d B r a h ma;prabhrti h e a d e d ;
vanchitam aspired; carana lo t u s f e e t; lanchitam m a r k e d ;yasya o f w h o m ;
tat th er efore; vrajasya of V r a j a b h u m i; nija ow n ; va m sa i n t h e f a m i l y ; ja h
appeared; sphuratu ma y b e c ome manifest; nah b e f o re us;sah He ; va m sa o f
the flute (or the relatives); priyah f o n d .

May Lord Krsna, who is famous for killing the demons, who killed Kamsa, who
is the destiny that kills repeated birth and death for the intelligent, who is an
ocean of the splendor of transcendental glory, whose footprints in Vraja Brahma
and the demigods yearn to attain, who was born in a family of His own devotees,
and who is fond the flute, appear before us.

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