Sri Sankalpa-Kalpadruma 1

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Sri Sankalpa-kalpadruma

Volume One


Text 1

�r�-k���a k���a-caitanya
gop�la raghun�th�pta-
vraja-vallabha p�h� m�m

�r�-k���a-O �r� K���a; k���a-caitanya-O �r� K���a Caitanya; sa-san�tana-

r�paka-O Lord whose form is eternal; gop�la-O protector of the cows; raghun�th�pta-
attained by the master of the Raghus; vraja-vallabha-O beloved of Vraja; p�hi-save;

O �r� K���a, O Lord who appears as �r� K���a Caitanya, O Lord whose form is
eternal, O protector of the cows, O Lord who appears as �r� R�macandra, O beloved
of Vraja, please protect me.

Note: �r�la J�va Gosv�m� has placed in this verse the names of �r�la R�pa
Gosv�m�, �r�la San�tana Gosv�m�, �r�la Gop�la Bha��a Gosv�m�, �r�la Raghun�tha d�sa
Gosv�m�, �r�la Raghun�tha Bha��a Gosv�m�, and his own cousin Vallabha.

Texts 2 and 3

nandanandana ity uktas

gop�n�m� patir eva ya�

tam� raj�va-vilocanam
ballav�-nandanam� vande
k���am� gop�la-r�pi�am

nandanandana-Nandanandana; ity-thus; ukta�-said; trailoky�nanda-vardhana�-

inbcreasing the bliss of the three worlds; an�di-without beginning; janma-birth;
siddh�n�m-of the perfect; gop�n�m-of the gop�s; pati�-the master; eva-indeed; ya�-
who; nav�na-n�rada-�y�mam-dark as a monsoon cloud; tam-to Him; raj�va-vilocanam-
lotus eyes; ballav�-of the gop�s; nandanam-the happiness; vande-I bow down; k���am-
to �r� K���a; gop�la-of a gopa; r�pi�am-the form.

I offer my respectful obeisances to the �r� K���a, who is known as Nanda's

son, who is the protector of the cows, who fills the three worlds with bliss, who
is the master of the birthless and perfect gop�s, who is dark as a monsoon cloud,
and whose eyes are lotus flowers.
Text 4

v�nd�ra�ye jaran j�va�

ka�cit pr�ha mana� prati
mriyase s�mpratam� m��ha
g��h�m et�m� sudh�m� piba

v�nd�ra�ye-in V�nd�vana; jaran-growing old; j�va�-a living entity; ka�cit-a

certain; pr�ha-says; mana�-to his mind; prati-to; mriyase-you are dying; s�mpratam-
now; m��ha-O fool; g��h�m-secret; et�m-this; sudh�m-nectar; piba-drink.

A person gradually growing old in V�nd�vana tells his mind: Fool, now you are
close to death. Drink this nectar I give you.

Note: �r�la J�va Gosv�m� has placed his name in this verse.

Text 5

t�m� pibann eva he sv�nta�

svam� ca gokula-sa�gatam
sev�m� ca v��chit�m� k��cid
bh�va-bhedena bh�vaya

t�m-that; pibann-drinking; eva-indeed; he-O; sv�nta�-mind; svam-you; ca-qnd;

gokula-sa�gatam-in Gokula; sev�m-service; ca-and; v��chit�m-desired; k��cit-
something; bh�va-bhedena-with love; bh�vaya-meditate.

O mind, as you drink this nectar think of yourself being in Gokula and think
of the lovingly service you wish to give the Lord.

Text 6

ma�gala� sarva-lok�n��
bhavyam� pallavayan p�y�d

ma�gala�-auspicious; sarva-lok�n�m-of all people; gopa-k�au��-bh�d-a�gaja�-the

son of ther gopa king; bhavyam-auspiciousne4ss; pallavayan-making bloom; p�y�t-may
protect; ballav�-jana-of the gop�s; vallabha�-the beloved.

May the gopa-prince K���a, who makes the devotees blossom with happiness, and
who is the auspiciousness of all the worlds and the gop�s beloved, protect us.

Texts 7-9

aho bak�ty-�d�-k�rti�
k���as tu bhagav�n svayam
ast� yas tasya pitr�d�-
tay� citray� klptav�n

stutas tad bh�r�-bh�gyeti

tath� cettham� sat�m iti
nemam� viri�cety eva�
n�yam� striya it� vraja�

yas tam� ko n��rayan n�tra

k�it�� indriyav�n nara�
tasm�d bhratar nija-tr�ta�
sv�nta� sv�ntas tam ��raya

aho bakity-�di-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 3.2.23; k�rti�-fame; k���a�-K���a; tu-indeed;

bhagav�n svayam-the Original Supreme Personality of Godhead (�r�mad-Bh�gavatam
1.3.28); asti-is; ya�-who; tasya-of Him; pitr�ditay�-beginning with His father;
citray�-wonderful; klptav�n-did; stuta�-glorified with prayers; tat-that; bh�r�-
bh�gyeti-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.14.38; tath�-so; cettham� sat�m iti-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam
10.12.11; nemam� viri�cety-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.9.20; evam-thus; n�yam� striya-
�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.47.60; iti-thus; vraja�-Vraja; ya�-who; tam-to Him; ka�-who?;
na-not; ��rayan-taking shelter; na-not; atra-here; k�it�v-on the earth; indriyav�n-
sensible; nara�-person; tasm�t-therefore; bhrata�-O brother; nija-own; tr�ta�-O
protector; sv�nta�-O mind; sv�nta�-O mind; tam-Him; ��raya-take shelter.

What sensible person on this earth will not take shelter of Lord K���a, who
filled His parents with wonder, who is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead
as described in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 1.3.28, and whose glory is seen in �r�mad-
Bh�gavatam 3.2.23, 10.14.38, 10.12.11, 10.9.20, and 10.47.60? O mind, O brother
mind, O my protector, please take shelter of Him.

Text 10

upade�am� de�a-r�pa�
mama m�naya m�nasa
sudh�dh�r�dhara� so 'ya�
kalpa� sy�t kalpa-bh�ruha�

upade�am-instruction; de�a-r�pam-for this place; mama-my; m�naya-please

accept; m�nasa-O mind; sudh�-of nectar; �dh�r�dhara�-a monsoon cloud; sa� ayam-He;
kalpa�-proper; sy�t-is; kalpa-bh�ruha�-a kalpa-v�k�a tree.

O mind, please understand what I will now teach you: K���a is a monsoon cloud
of nectar. He is a kalpa-v�k�a tree that fulfills all desires.

Text 11

m�lam� janm�d�-l�l�sya
skandha� sy�n nitya-l�lat�
��kh�s tat-tad-�tu-�lok��
phalam� premamay� sthiti�

m�lam-the root; janma-with birth; �di-beginning; l�l�-pastimes; asya-of Him;

skandha�-the trunk; sy�n-is; nitya-l�lat�-the eternal pastimes; sakha�-the
branches; tat-tad-�tu-the pastimes in the various seasons; �loka�-verse; phalam-the
fruit; premamay�-full of love; sthiti�-the condition.

The root of that kalpa-v�k�a tree is the pastimes that begin with His birth.
The trunk is His eternal pastimes. The branches are the verses describing His
pastimes in the different seasons. The fruit is love for Him.

Chapter One

Lord K���a's Birth and Other Pastimes

Text 12

yas tantra-mantrayor gupta�

ukta� �r�-nanda-nandana�
tad-r�pat�m� nijam� vya�jit
kuta�cit kutuk�d bhuvi

ya�-who; tantra-mantrayo�-of the Tantras and mantras; guptam-hidden; ukta�-

said; �r�-nanda-nandana�-the son of Nanda; tad-r�pat�m-His fom; nijam-own; vya�jit-
manifest; kuta�cit-somewhere; kutuk�t-joyfully; bhuvi-in this world.

�r� K���a, the son of Nanda, who, although He hides from the Vedic rituals and
He is not in the Vedic mantras, does happily appear before some persons in this
world, . . .

Note: Here begins a very long sentence that finds its end in Text 266.

Text 13

ya� pr�g it� h� pady�bhy��

nand�tmajatay� svata�
v�sudevatay� k�rya-
va��d garge�a ni�cita�

ya�-who; pr�g-before; iti-thus; hi-indeed; pady�bhy�m-with two verses;

nand�tmajatay�-as the son of Nanda; svata�-Himself; v�sudevatay�-as the son of
Vasudeva; k�rya-va��t-because of duty; garge�a-by Garga Muni; ni�cita�-determined.

. . . who, even though He is naturally Nanda's son, was�said by Garga Mun� (in
�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.8.14) to be�out of duty the son of Vasudeva, . . .

Text 14
ya� �r�-nanda-ya�od�ntar-
h�d� sph�rtim� gatas tata�
udya�s� cakre dugdha-sindhor
indor janma-vi�ambanam

ya�-who; �r�-nanda-of �r� Nanda; ya�od�-and �r� Ya�od�; anta�--in; h�di-the

heart; sph�rtim-manifestation; gata�-attained; tata�-then; udyan-appearing; cakre-
did; dugdha-sindho�-of the ocean of milk; indo�-of the moon; janma-birth;

. . . who first appeared in the hearts of Nanda and Ya�oda� and then was born like
the moon from the milk ocean, . . .

Text 15

ya� sarvarddh�-vrajam� nanda-

vrajam� svam� janma-m�trata�
ram�n�m� j�yam�n�n��
�ramam� dh�ma nirmame

ya�-who; sarva-all; �ddhi-opulence; vrajam-filled; nanda-of Nanda; vrajam-the

cowherd village; svam-own; janma-m�trata�-simply by birth; ram�n�m-of goddesses of
fortune; j�yam�n�n�m-being born; �ramam-the garden; dh�ma-the abode; nirmame-

. . . who, simply by being born brought to this world His own forest-garden home,
Nanda's all-opulent cowherd village where many beautiful goddesses were also
born, . . .

Text 16

ya� sva-m�dhurya-p�y��a�
sarvatra parive�ayam
jig�ya mohin�-r�pa�

ya�-who; sva-m�dhurya-p�y��am-the nectar of His own sweetness; sarvatra-

everywhere; parive�ayam-going; jig�ya-defeated; mohin�-r�pam-charming; k�ira-
n�r�dh�-t�ra-gam-to the shore of the milk ocean.

. . . the nectar of whose sweetness flowed everywhere, defeating even the form of
Mohin� on the milk-ocean's shore, . . .

Text 17

ya� k�p�m� janmato vya�jan

p�tan�m ap� p�tan�m
n�tam� dh�tr�-gatim� sph�t��
c�kar��n n�tan�rbhaka�
ya�-who; k�p�m-mercy; janmata�-from birth; vya�jan-manifesting; p�tan�m-to
Putana; api-even; p�tan�m-purified; n�tam-brought; dh�tr�-gatim-to to status of a
nurse; sph�t�m-great; ca-and; akar�it-dragged; n�tan�rbhaka�-small child.

. . . who from the moment of His birth was very compassionate, who when He was a
small child defeated P�tan�, purified her, and made her His nurse, . . .

Text 18

ya� komala-pad�gre�a
�aka�am� tad-vi�a�ka�am
sva-jyotsn�vara�am� matv�
c�k�ep�k�epav�n iva

ya�-who; komala-pad�gre�a-with His soft toes; �aka�am-a cart; tad-vi�a�ka�am-

great; sva-jyotsn�-glory; �vara�am-hiding; matv�-considering; cik�epa-kicked;
�k�epav�n-throwing away; iva-as if.

. . . who, confident that His glory would remain hidden, with His soft toes kicked
a great cart and made it collapse, . . .

Text 19

ya� p�jita-p�da-k�epa-
�obhay� lobhay�m �sa
b�lik�� kula-p�lik��

ya�-who; p�jita-worshiped; p�da-k�epa-by the kick; k�jita-warbling; smita-

smile; roci�am-splendor; �obhay�-with splendor; lobhay�m �sa-desired; b�lik��-
girls; kula-p�lik��-saintly.

. . . who with the sound of His kick and the glory of His smile filled many
saintly girls with desire, . . .

Text 20

ya� sva-n�m�dyam �s�dya

garg�d varg�n nij�n anu
har�am� vavar�a nyag jalpann
om ittham� soma-jin-mukha�

ya�-who; sva-n�ma-His names; �dyam-beginning with; �s�dya-attaining; garg�t-

from Garga Muni; varg�n-groups; nij�n-own; anu-following; har�am-happiness;
vavar�a-showered; nyag jalpann-speaking broken words; om-Om; ittham-thus; soma-jin-
mukha�-His face defeating the moon.

. . . whose face eclipses the glory of the moon, who after receiving His names
from Garga Mun� spoke the word "Om" (yes) in the broken words of an infant, and
thus showered His relatives with happiness, . . .

Text 21

yas t���vartam �s�dya

sadya� samvarta-vartanam
samvartaya�s tam �ninye

ya�-who; t���vartam-Tranavarta; �s�dya-attaining; sadya�-at once; samvarta-

vartanam-whirlwind; samvartayan-whirling around; tam-him; �ninye-brought; vipar�ta-
par�tat�m-to the opposite condition.

. . . who made the T���varta whirlwind fall and gave him the opposite of what he
expected, . . .

Text 22

ya� �r�-r�mam� nij�r�ma�

sa�gacchann accha-khelay�
b�l�n �nandayan nanda-

ya�-who; �r�-r�mam-�r� Balar�ma; nij�r�mam-to Hiw own garden; sa�gacchann-

going; accha-khelay�-with splendid pastimes; b�l�n-to the boys; �nandayan-
delighted; nanda-r�ja-of King Nanda; ke�ar�-nandana�-the lion's cub.

. . . who was King Nanda's lion-cub son, who, going to His own forest-garden,
delighted Balar�ma and the boys with many splendid pastimes, . . .

Text 23

ya� pu��ram� rocan�rucy��

ka�cukam� k�{.sy 24}cana-prabham�
dadhan m�tus tat tad �s�d
utsa�g�s� yad�jani

ya�-who; pu��ram-tilaka; rocan�rucyam-spkendid with gorocana; ka�cukam-

garments; k�{.sy 24}cana-prabham-splendid as gold; dadh�n-wearing; m�tu�-of
Hismother; tat tat-whenevr; �s�t-was; utsa�g�si-on the lap; yad�-when; ajani-was.

. . . who, wearing clothes splendid with gold and tilaka splendid with gorocan�,
sat on His mother lap, . . .

Text 24

ya� kurvan kardama-kr����

nirvy�jam anay� dh�ta�
dvayo� sukhena du�khena
snigdh�n digdh�n vinirmame

ya�-who; kurvan-doing; kardama-in th mud; kr���m-playing; nirvy�jam-

truthfully; anay�-by her; dh�ta�-held; dvayo�-of them both; sukhena-with happiness;
du�khena-with unhappiness; snigdh�n-affectionate; digdh�n-anointed; vinirmame-did.

. . . who, a small child playing in the mud, was suddenly picked up by Mother
Ya�oda�, who then anointed both Himself and His mother with mud, affection,
distress and happiness, . . .

Text 25

ya� samam� saha-j�tena

ri�gann a�gana-kardame
ki�cit k�tara-dh�� pa�yan
m�taram� drutam �yiv�n

ya�-who; samam-with; saha-j�tena-His bother; ri�gan-crawling; a�gana-kardame-

in the mud of the courtyard; ki�cit-somehwat; k�tara-dh��-agitated at heart;
pa�yan-seeing; m�taram-to His mother; drutam-at once; �yiv�n-went.

. . . who, seeing that His mother became alarmed when He and His brother crawled
in the muddy courtyard, quickly went to her, . . .

Text 26

yas tay�li�gita� s�sra-

smitam� stanyam ananya-dh��
ap�y� su��hu c�py�yi
smitam� bibhrad udaik�� ca

ya�-who; tay�-by her; �li�gita�-embraced; sa-with; asra-tears; smitam-smile;

stanyam-breast milk; ananya-dh��-without any other thought; ap�yi-drank; su��hu-
nicely; ca-and; apy�yi-drunk with kisses; smitam-the smile; bibhrat-holding;
udaik�i-saw; ca-and.

. . . who was embraced by His mother with a tear-filled smile, who without
thinking of any other thing drank the milk of her breast, who, kissed by her again
and again, smiled and gazed at her, . . .

Text 27

yas tad� matur �ninye

sarvam� vism�it�-vism�tam
rudann iva hasan mugdha-

ya�-who; tad�-then; matu�-of His mother; �ninye-brought; sarvam-all; vism�iti-

forgetfullness; vism�tam-forgotten; rudan-crying; iva-as if; hasan-laughing;
mugdha-charming; b�la-lion; si�ha-cub; avalokana�-glance.

. . . who, laughing and roaring, and His charming eyes like those of a lion cub,
made His mother forget everything but Him, . . .

Text 28

yas tad� m�ttik�m� bhak�ann

alak�yam anay� dh�ta�
dayay� kim� bhay�d asy�s
tr�ta� sr�g yogam�yay�

ya�-who; tad�-then; m�ttik�m-clay; bhak�ann-eating; alak�yam-unseen; anay�-by

her; dh�ta�-held; dayay�-with kindness; kim-what?; bhay�t-out of fear; asy��-of
her; tr�ta�-protected; sr�g-at once; yogam�yay�-by Yogam�y�.

. . . who when His mother wasn't looking ate clay, who was caught by Her and
gently asked, "What is this?", who was at once rescued by His Yogam�ya�
potency, . . .

Text 29

ya� �r�-r�m�nvay� k�m�n

nan��a saha-p��avam
v�ddh�n�m� sukham �ddh�n��
kurv��as t�la-p�lanam

ya�-who; �r�-r�m�nvay�-with balar�ma's friends; k�m�n-at He wished; nan��a-

danced; saha-p��avam-with great skill; v�ddh�n�m-elder; sukham-with happiness;
�ddh�n�m-wealthy; kurv��a�-doing; t�la-p�lanam-keeping time.

. . . who, keeping time and pleasing His fortunate elders, expertly danced with
Balar�ma's friends, . . .

Text 30

ya� kr��an kara-vibhra��a-

m�lyen�py amitam� phalam
phal�ny ananya-labhy�ni
dade vikr��at�m� prati

ya�-who; kr��an--purchasing; kara-from the hand; vibhra��a-fallen; m�lyena-

with the price; api-also; amitam-limitless; phalam-fruits; phal�ny-fruits; ananya-
labhy�ni-not attainable in another way; dade-gave; vikr��at�m-purchase; prati-to.

. . . who, the grains He was about to give as payment slipping from His hand,
purchased limitless fruits and gave the woman who was selling them many priceless
jewels in return, . . .
Text 31

yas tar�ak�n pur� mu�cann

a�can b�la-bal�nvita�
doh�nukara�am� kurvan
sukha-doh�ya klptav�n

ya�-who; tar�ak�n-the calves; pura-before; mu�can-releasing; a�can-bending;

b�la-bal�nvita�-with Balar�ma and the boys; doha-milking; anukara�am-imitation;
kurvan-doing; sukha-doh�ya-for enjoyment; klptav�n-engaged.

. . . who, accompanied by Balar�ma and the boys, released the calves and enjoyed a
game of pretending to milk them, . . .

Text 32

ya� kar�ann ap� vatsasya

puccham� sa�kar�an�nvita�
tena kar�am� vrajan bhratr�-
bh�ry�bhi� paryahasyata

ya�-who; kar�ann-dragging; api-even; vatsasya-of a calve; puccham-the tail;

sa�kar�an�nvita�-with Balar�ma; tena-by it; kar�am-pulling; vrajan-going; bhratr�-
bh�ry�bhi�-by His aunts; paryahasyata-laughed.

. . . who, accompanied by Balar�ma, tugged at a calves tail and was pulled here
and there as His aunts laughed, . . .

Text 33

ya� kurvann ap� gavy�n��

cauryam� bhavy�ya didyute
yasya t�bhir viv�das� ca

ya�-who; kurvann-doing; api-also; gavy�n�m-of the milk products; cauryam-

theft; bhavy�ya-for good fortune; didyute-giving; yasya-of whom; t�bhi�-by them;
viv�da�-dispute; ca-and; sukha-happiness; samv�da-words; siddhaye-for perfection.

. . . who stole milk and yogurt to give a blessing and to enjoy the happiness of
seeing the gop�s argue over whether He had indeed been a thief, . . .

Text 34

ya� svam� d�modaram� ���van

s�moda-vr��am a�cati
b�lyasveh�ntar�d api
ya�-who; svam-Himself; d�modaram-His waist bound with arope; ���van-hearing;
s�moda-vr��am-with shyness and happiness; a{ 241}cati-bends; pras�-of His
mother; �ik�a-taching; maya-consisting of; sneh�t-out of love; b�lyasva-of
childhood; ih�-actions; antar�t-out of another; api-also.

. . . who, hearing His mother affectionately call Him by the name "D�modara",
would come, both embarrassed and happy, from His childhood play, . . .

Text 35

ya� su��hu khelay�vi��a�

sva-m�tr� pra�ay�n muhu�
k���a k����ravindak�ety
�h�to 'py ��u n�yayau

ya�-who; su��hu-nicely; khelay�-with pastimes; �vi��a�-entered; sva-m�tr�-by

His mother; pra�ay�t-out of love; muhu�-again and again; k���a-O K���a; k���a-O
K���a; aravindak�a-O lotus-eyed; iti-thus; �h�ta�-called; api-even; ��u-at once;
na-not; �yayau-came.

. . . who was so rapt in playing that at first He would not come when again and
again His mother lovingly called, "K���a! Lotus-eyed K���a!", . . .

Text 36
.fn 2

ya� �r�-v�nd�vanam� pra�can

bhr�tr� saha van�spadam
h�sayan bh��ay�m �sa
m�tarau y�tarau mitha�

ya�-who; �r�-v�nd�vanam-to �r� V�nd�vana; pra�can-going; bhr�tr�-His brother;

saha-with; van�spadam-to the forest; h�sayan-making laugh; bh��ay�m-making talk;
�sa-did; m�tarau-the two mothers; y�tarau-sisters-in-law; mitha�-together.

. . . who as He was leaving with Balar�ma for V�nd�vana forest inspired Ya�oda�
and Rohi�� to talk and joke and laugh, . . .

Text 37

ya� �r�-v�nd�vane labdhe

pr�rabdha-kr��am anvabh�t
r�ma-d�m�dibhi� sakhya�
tat-prakhyam� bhramar�dibhi�

ya�-who; �r�-v�nd�vane-�r� V�nd�vana; labdhe-attained; pr�rabdha-kr��am-

playing; anvabh�t-experienced; r�ma-d�m�dibhi�-the boys headed by Balar�ma and
�r�d�m�; sakhyam-friendship; tat-prakhyam-resembling; bhramar�dibhi�-beginning with
. . . who, imitating the bees and other creatures, played with Balar�ma, �r�d�m�,
and other friends in beautiful V�nd�vana forest, . . .

Text 38

ya� �r�-r�me�a tatr�pi

v�k�ya pr�tim ag�t par�m
v�nd�vanam� govardhana�
yamun�-pulin�ny api

ya�-who; �r�-r�me�a-with �r� Balar�ma; tatr�pi-still; v�k�ya-seeing; pr�tim-

happiness; ag�t-went; param-great; v�nd�vanam-to V�nd�vana; govardhanam-to
Govardhana; yamun�-pulin�ny-to the Yamun�'s shore; api-also.

. . . who, in Lord Balar�ma's company gazing at V�nd�vana, Govardhana, and the

Yamun�'s shore, became very happy, . . .

Text 39

ya� pr�pta-madhya-kaum�ra�
pitr� s�rdham� vanam� vrajan
p�cchan n�m�n� dh�m�ni
pa�yan mudam av�ptav�n

ya�-who; pr�pta-madhya-kaum�ra�-in the middle of boyhood; pitr�-His father;

s�rdham-with; vanam-to the forest; vrajan-going; p�cchan-asking; n�m�ni-the names;
dh�m�ni-the abodes; pa�yan-seeing; mudam-happiness; av�ptav�n-attained.

. . . who in the middle of His boyhood went to the forest with His father, asked
the names of the different creatures, and became happy as He gazed at the different
places, . . .

Text 40

ya� kr��an �i�ur avr��a�

agrajena vrajendra-ja�
jalp�jalp� mithas� cakre
hast�hast� pad�padi

ya�-who; kr��an-playing; �i�u�-aboy; avr��am-without shyness; agrajena-with

His elder brother; vrajendra-ja�-the son of Vraja's king; jalp�jalp� mitha�-taking
together; cakre-did; hast�hasti-foot by foot; pad�padi-hand in hand.

. . . who was the prince of Vraja, who without shyness played with His elder
brother Balar�ma, talked with Him, and wrestled with Him hand-to-hand and foot-to-
foot, . . .

Text 41
yas� c�rayan nij�n vats�n
vatsakam� n�ma d�navam
bakam� bakavad �k�ra�
d�rayan muktim �rdayat

ya�-who; c�rayan-herding; nij�n-His own; vats�n-calves; vatsakam-vatsasura;

n�ma-named; d�navam-a demon; bakam-Baka; bakavat-like a duck; �k�ram-form; d�rayan-
killing; muktim-liberation; �rdayat-gave.

. . . who herded the calves, who killed Vats�sura and the duck-demon Bak�sura and
gave them liberation, . . .

Text 42

ya� svair vihara�am� cakre

vyomam� ca vyomat�m� ninye
kurvantam� prat�-lomat�m

ya�-who; svai�-with His own friends; vihara�am-playing; cakre-did; me��-

hara�a-samj�itam-the game of stealing lambs; vyomam-Vyoma; ca-and; vyomat�m-to the
void; ninye-led; kurvantam-doing; prat�-lomat�m-hostility.

. . . who played the game of "stealing lambs" with His friends, who pushed His
enemy Vyom�sura into the impersonal void, . . .

Text 43

ya� kurva�s tam agham� kha��a�

vidher agham ata� param
ninye sva-jyoti�� pr��ca�
tad arv�g bhakt�-tejasi

ya�-who; kurva��-doing; tam-to him; agham-Agha; kha��am-broken; vidhe�-of teh

creator Brahm�; agham-Agha; ata� param-then; ninye-brought; sva-jyoti�i-to His
effulgence; pr��cam-intelligent; tat-that; arv�g-after; bhakt�-tejasi-in the power
of devotional service.

. . . who killed Agh�sura and pushed Him into the Brahman effulgence, who led the
creator Brahma� to the glory of devotional service, . . .

Text 44

ya� kaum�ram atikramya

cakre gop�lat�m� gacchal
ya�-who; kaum�ram-kaumara; atikramya-surpassing; ramya-paugandha-ma��ana�-
decorated with the handsome features of the pauganda age; cakre-did; gop�lat�m-the
protector of the cows; gacchal-going; loka-p�laka-p�lat�m-the protector of the
planets protectors.

. . . who, leaving behind the kaum�ra age, and now decorated with the handsomeness
of the pauga��a age, became the protector of the cows, even though He was already
the protector of the rulers of the planets, . . .

Note: The fifth year is the time when the kaum�ra age ends and the pauga��a
age begins.

Text 45

ya� k�lak��a-ni�pi��a-
cetanam� vraja-ketan�n
cetay�m �sa k�pay�

ya�-who; k�lak��a-by poison; ni�pi��a-crushed; cetanam-consciousness; vraja-

ketan�n-the people of Vraja; cetay�m �sa-revived; k�pay�-with mercy; locan�m�ta-
v���ibhi�-with the shoer of nectar from His eyes.

. . . who, when the boys of Vraja fainted, their consciousness crushed by drinking
poison, compassionately revived them with a shower of nectar from His eyes, . . .

Text 46

ya� k�liyam ap� vyakta�

vya�jan mamet� �ara�a-
gat�n any�n ara�jayat

ya�-who; k�liyam-to Kaliya; api-also; vyaktam-manifested; nij��ghr�-yuga-of

His two feet; mudray�-with the mark; vya�jan-manifesting; mama-of Me; iti-thus;
�ara�a-shelter; gat�n-attained; any�n-others; ara�jayat-delighted.

. . . who placed His footprints on the K�liya snake, footprints that proclaimed,
"This is My servant", who delighted the other snakes that took shelter of
Him, . . .

Texts 47 and 48

ya� �ukena vraja-prem�s-

padatvenettham �rita�
k����rpit�tma-suh�d ity
�d� procya pra�ocya ca

sarve '�ga pa�u-v�ttaya�
nirjagmatur gokul�d d�n��

ya�-who; �ukena-by �r� �ukadeva; vraja-of Vraja; prema-of love; �spadatvena-as

the abode; ittham-thus; �rita�-declared; k���a-to Lord K���a; arpita-offered; �tma-
self; suh�t-friend; ity-thus (�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.16.10); �di-beginning; procya-
saying; pra�ocya-lamenting; ca-and; �-b�la-v�ddha-vanit��-the women and girls;
sarve-all; a�ga-indeed; pa�u-v�ttaya�-the cowherd people; nirjagmatu�-went;
gokul�t-from Gokula; d�n��-distressed; k���a-of K���a; dar�ana-for the sight;

. . . who, as �r�la �ukadeva explained in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.16.10, was the

object of love for Vraja's people, for whose sake the gopas and gop�, young and
old, left Gokula, lamenting and yearning to see Him, . . .

Text 49

yas tasmin sambhrame rodhan

ni�krant� vraja-kanyak��
mene t�� prathamam� pa�yan
svam� k�t�rtham� k�t�� iha

ya�-who; tasmin-in that; sambhrame-bewilderment; rodhan-crying; ni�krant�-

stopped; vraja-kanyak��-the girtls of Vraja; mene-thought; t��-they; prathamam-
first; pa�yan-seeing; svam-own; k�t�rtham-benefit; k�tau-in the activity; iha-here.

. . . who, when He saw that the girls of Vraja had come in spite of all obstacles,
thought that this activity was now a success, . . .

Text 50

yas tad� dahanam� go��ha-

prem�as tasya par�k��rtha�
iva dr�g apibat prabhu�

ya�-who; tad�-then; dahanam-fire; go��ha-of Vraja; prem��-with love; �k���a-

extracted; vivecana�-expert; prem�a�-of love; tasya-of that; par�k��rtham-to test;
iva-as if; dr�g-at once; apibat-drank; prabhu�-the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

. . . who quickly swallowed the forest-fire He expertly created to test Vraja's

love for Him, . . .

Text 51

ya� spar��d am�t�-kurv�n

vi�am� vi�a-dharam� ca tam
sv��rit�n am�t�-kartu�
k�t� kaimutyam aik�ayat
ya�-who; spar��t-from the touch; am�t�-kurv�n-turning into nectar; vi�am-
poison; vi�a-dharam-poisonous snake; ca-and; tam-that; sv��rit�n-because of taking
shelter of HIm; am�t�-kartum-to change into nectar; k�t�-doing; kaimutyam-how much
more?; aik�ayat-showed.

. . . who by a single touch turned nectar to poison and made the K�liya snake
immortal, who even more so gave immortality to the devotees taking shelter of
Him, . . .

Texts 52-55

yas tu bh����ram �s�dya

malla-t���avam �caran

yak�#endrabha�a ity eva�

klpta-sa�j�ai� kum�raka�
sa-vayobhi� sukham� yatra
lebhe ka�cit kum�rik��

gop�l� p�lik� dhany�

vi��kh� dhy�na-ni��hik�
r�dh�nur�dh� som�bh�
t�rak� da�am� tath�

kautuk�ya gat� y�su

mall� mall�t�-namra-k�t
madh� �jya-nibham �savdya
y�bhi� klptam� sma m�dyati

ya�-who; tu-indeed; bh����ram-to Bhandiravan; �s�dya-went; malla-t���avam-

wrestling; �caran-doing; subhadra-ma��al�bhadra-bhadravardhana-gobha���-Subhadra,
Ma��al�bhadra, Bhadravardhana, Gobha���; yak�#endrabha�a-Yaksendrabhata; ity-thus;
evam-thus; klpta-sa�jai�-with names; kum�raka�-boys; sa-vayobhi�-the smae age;
sukham-happiness; yatra-where; lebhe-attained; k��cit-some; kum�rik��-girls;
gop�l�-Gopali; p�lik�-Palika; dhany�-Dhanya; vi��kh�-Visakha; dhyana-ni��hik�-
Dhanya-nisthika; r�dh�-R�dh�; anur�dh�-AnuR�dh�; som�bh�-Somabha; t�rak�-Taraka;
da�am�-ten; tath�-so; kautuk�ya-for happiness; gata-attained; y�su-in whom; mall�-
girl wrestlers; mall�-wrestler; iti-thus; namra-k�t-bending; madhv-honey; �jya-
ghee; nibham-like; �s�dya-attaining; y�bhi�-with whom; klptam-made; sma-indeed;
m�dyati-is delighted.

. . . who went to Bh����ravana forest and enjoyed wrestling pastimes with His
friends, the boys Subhadra, Ma��al�bhadra, Bhadravardhana, Gobha���, and
Yak�endrabha�a, who joked with the ten gop�s Gop�l�, P�lik�, Dhany�, Vi��kh�,
Dhy�na-ni��hik�, R�dh�, Anur�dh�a, Som�bh�, and T�rak�, declaring "I am wrestler,
and you are also wrestlers," and enjoyed with them as if drinking madhu liquor, . .

Note: The lists of names here are direct quotes from scripture, the gopas
names quoted from �r� Bhakt�-ras�m�ta-sindu 3.3.23, and the gop�s names from �r�
Bhavi�ya Pur��a.
Text 56

ya� k�mye k�myake gatv�

sara� s�gara-sannibham
nityam� d�vyat� sa�gibhi�

ya�-who; k�mye-in Kamyavana forest; k�myake-beautiful; gatv�-going; sara�-

lake; s�gara-sannibham-like an ocean; la�k�-Lanka; kalp�k�t�kalpam-imagining;
nityam-again and again; d�vyati-plays; sa�gibhi�-with His friends.

. . . who went to beautiful K�myavana forest and, pretending that a lake was the
ocean and the shore was La�k�, played with His friends, . . .

Text 57

ya� kai�oram� tata� sajjan

vasantam iva �a�pada�
lolayann �tmanas� citta�
lolay�m �sa padmin��

ya�-who; kai�oram-the kaisora age; tata�-then; sajjan-attaining; vasantam-to a

flowering vasanta vine; iva-like; �a�pada�-a bee; lolayan-yearning; �tmana�-His
own; cittam-heart; lolay�m �sa-yearned; padmin��-for the lotuslike gop�s.

. . . who when He attained adolescence yearned after the lotuslike gop�s as a

bumblebee yearns after a flowering vasanta vine, . . .

Text 58

yas t� vraja-ram� nitya-

preyas�� kutuk�tman�
l�l�-�akty�nyath� bh�na�
n�t� guptam ara�jayat

ya�-who; t�-to them; vraja-ram�-the beautiful girls of Vraja; nitya-eternal;

preyas��-beloveds; kutuk�tman�-eager at heart; l�l�-pastimnes; �akty�-by the
potency; anyath�-otherwise; bh�nam-manifestation; n�t�-bringing; guptam-hidden;

. . . who with the help of His pastime-potency eagerly took the beautiful girls of
Vraja, His eternal beloveds, to a secluded place and pleased them with many
pastimes, . . .

Text 59

ya� �r�-r�me�a dhen�n��

rak��y�m� dhenuk�suram
nighnan vighnam ap�k�r��d
�k�r��d abhayam� divi

ya�-who; �r�-r�me�a-with �r� Balar�ma; dhen�n�m-of the cows; rak��y�m-in the

protection; dhenuk�suram-Dhenuk�sura; nighnan-killing; vighnam-impediment;
ap�k�r��t-led; �k�r��t-did; abhayam-fearlessness; divi-in heaven.

. . . who in Balar�ma's company protected the cows, killed troublesome

Dhenuk�sura, and removed the fears of the demigods in heaven, . . .

Text 60

yas� cakre dhenum �d�ya

s�yam� vrajam up�gata�
p�rva-r�gam� ki�or����
ap�rvam� vyativ�k�ay�

ya�-who; cakre-did; dhenum-cow; �d�ya-taking; s�yam-in the evening; vrajam-to

Vraja; up�gata�-went; p�rva-r�gam-the beginnings of love; ki�or���m-of the young
gop�s; ap�rvam-unprecedented; vyativ�k�ay�with mutual sidelong glances.

. . . who, in the evening returning to Vraja with the cows, exchanged sidelong
glances with the young gop�s, glances that were the beginning of Their love, . . .

Text 61

ya� p�rvam� lajjay� d�ta-

vijahan nija-netr�nta�
ninye n�tana-d�tat�m

ya�-who; p�rvam-before; lajjay�-with shyness; d�ta-messenger; k�ma-lekh�-

loveletter; ady-beginning with; up�yatam-attained; vijahan-abandoning; nija-
netr�ntam-the corner of His eye; ninye-led; n�tana-d�tat�m-to a new messenger.

. . . who, throwing away the love-letter He had timidly written, made His sidelong
glance the messenger of His love, . . .

Text 62

yas t�su sphu�am �sajya

virajya laghu sarvata�
ve�u-�ik��m as�dhayat

ya�-who; t�su-for them; sphu�am-manifested; �sajya-attaining love; virajya-

renouncing; laghu-insignificant; sarvata�-all; tad-a�ga-of their limbs; sa�ga-
touch; bhik��-begging; artham-for the purpose; ve�u-�ik��m-the teaching of the
flute; as�dhayat-attained.
. . . who, now passionately in love with the gop�s and thinking everything else
uninteresting, had the music of His flute send a message begging in charity the
touch of their limbs, . . .

Text 63

yas� cetan�cetan�li�
kar�ann apy ��u ve�un�
t�� kra��um� su��hu n��aknod
yatas t� lajjay� sit��

ya�-who; cetana-conscious; acetana-and unconscious; �lim-multitude; kar�ann-

attracting; apy-also; ��u-at once; ve�un�-with the flute; t��-them; kra��um-to
attract; su��hu-nicely; na-not; a�aknot-was able; yata�-then; t�-them; lajjay�-with
shyness; sit��-bound.

. . . who with His flute-music at once attracted all conscious and unconscious
entities although He could not attract the gop�s tightly bound with shyness, . . .

Text 64

ya� �r�-bh����ra-n�m�na�
va�am� �a�vad a�ann adh�t
n�n�-kr��am� sva-n���n��
adabhram� bibhrad-utsavam

ya�-who; �r�-bh����ra-n�m�nam-namd Bhandiravana; va�am-the banyan tree forest;

�a�vat-always; a�ann-wandering; adh�t-placed; n�n�-kr��am-various pastimes; sva-
n���n�m-of the birds in their nests; adabhram-great; bibhrad-utsavam-having a

. . . who, again and again wandering in the banyan forest named Bh����ravana, and
enjoying many pastimes there, gave a great festival of happiness to the birds in
their nests, . . .

Text 65

ya� �r�d�mn� sud�mn� ca

khel�-dambh�-bal�c cakre

ya�-who; �r�d�mn�-with �r�dama; sud�mn�-with Sudama; ca-and;

bhadrasen�rjun�dibhi�-with Bhadrasena, Arjuna, and the others; khel�-pastimes;
dambh�-cheating; bal�t-on the power; cakre-did; tat-pralamba-pralambhanam-the death
of Pralambasura.

. . . who on the pretext of playing with �r�d�m�, Sud�m�, Bhadrasena, Arjuna, and
the others, arranged for the killing of Pralamb�sura, . . .

Text 66

ya� pralambam� lambam�na�

j�van�d bala-tejas�
vidh�ya vidadhe t�vra�
nava-�aktim� dav�yas�m

ya�-who; pralambam-Pralambasura; lambam�nam-delaying; j�van�t-life; bala-of

Lord Balar�ma; tejas�-by teh power; vidh�ya-placing; vidadhe-did; t�vram-sharp;
nava-�aktim-new power; dav�yas�m-far away.

. . . who, far away and after a long time, arranged that Balar�ma use His great
power to push Pralamb�sura far from life, . . .

Text 67

ya� k�nane su-d�rgh�he

nidaghe k�ta-kelika�
apar�hne preyas�n��
�nandam� vidadhe yath�

ya�-who; k�nane-in the forest; su-d�rgh�he-on a very long day; nidaghe-in the
summer; k�ta-kelika�-enjoyed pastimes; apar�hne-in the afternoon; preyas�n�m-to His
beloveds; �nandam-bliss; vidadhe-gave; yath�-as.

. . . who during the summer spent long days enjoying pastimes in the forest and
then later in the day gave pleasure to His gop� beloveds, as �r�mad-Bh�gavatam
(10.19.16) explains, . . .

Text 68

gop�n�m� param�nanda
�s�d govinda-dar�ane
k�a�am� yuga-�atam iva
y�s�m� yena vin�bhavat

gop�n�m-of the gop�s; param�nanda-supreme bliss; �s�t-was; govinda-dar�ane-in

the sight of Lord K���a; k�a�am-a moment; yuga-�atam-a hundred yugas; iva-like;
y�s�m-of whom; yena-by whom; vin�-without; abhavat-was.

. . . "For the gop�s seeing K���a was the only happiness. A moment without Him was
like a hundred yugas.", . . .

Text 69

ya� sad� d����-h�d-v����-

�aradam� pr�tar �s�dya
priy�n�m �h�t�ndhat�m

ya�-who; sad�-always; d���i-glance; h�t-heart; v���i-shower; var�a-shower;

r�pa-form; ni��-night; k�aye-destroying; �aradam-autumn; pr�ta�-in the morning;
�s�dya-attaining; priy�n�m-of the beloveds; �h�ta-removed; andhat�m-the blinding

. . . who ended the monsoon night of their separation and became an autumn sunrise
that restored the sight of His beloved gop�s, . . .

Text 70

ya� �r�-govardhana-prema
sva-gotre�� ap� sa�c�ry�n-
y�n apy ary�n a�ik�ayat

ya�-who; �r�-govardhana-prema-love fo �r� Govardhana; sva-prema-own love;

dhana-wealth; j�vi�u-whose life; sva-own; gotre�u-relatives; api-also; sa�c�rya-
giv9ng; any�n-others; apy-also; ary�n-devotees; a�ik�ayat-taught.

. . . who gave love for Govardhana Hill to His own family and to His associates
living by the treasure of love for Him, who taught about that love to the other
saintly devotees, . . .

Text 71

ya� �r�-govardhanam� bibhrac

chatram� vibhra��a-garvat�m
ninye go��ham� yad unninye
�re��ham� sva-pre��ha-j�ti�u

ya�-who; �r�-govardhanam-�r� Govardhana Hill; bibhrac-holding; chatram-an

umbrella; vibhra��a-garvat�m-broken pride; ninyeled; go��ham-Vraja; yat-which;
unninye-lifted; �re��ham-best; sva-pre��ha-j�ti�u-among His dear relatives.

. . . who lifted Govardhana Hill like an umbrella, broke Indra's pride, and showed
that His dear gopa associates are the most exalted of people, . . .

Text 72

ya� �r�-govindat�m� vindann

avindad vi�va-nandit�m
y�n mitha� �akra-jant�n��
maitry� vyadhita �ambhut�m

ya�-who; �r�-govindat�m-the happiness of the cows; vindann-seeing; avindat-

found; vi�va-nandit�m-the happiness of the worlds; y�n-who; mitha�-together; �akra-
jant�n�m-of the followers of Indra; maitry�-with friendsip; vyadhita-placed;

. . . who was the happiness of the cows and the entire world, who offered
friendship and happiness to Indra's followers, . . .

Text 73

ya� pa�ilok�d �n�ya

pitaram� m�tr�-j�vanam
aj�vayad vrajam� sarva�
tam� vin� gata-j�vanam

ya�-who; pa�ilok�t-from the realm of Varu�a; �n�ya-taking; pitaram-His father;

m�tr�-j�vanam-thelife of His mother; aj�vayat-brought to life; vrajam-Vraja;
sarvam-all; tam-that; vin�-without; gata-j�vanam-their life gone.

. . . who by bringing His father, who was His mother's very life, back from
Varu�a's kingdom, saved the life of Vraja, which had been almost dead in King
Nanda's absence, . . .

Text 74

ya� sv�n�m� vraja-lok�n��

h�dok�s t�n vi�okayan
te��m� svasya ca goloka�
nitya-lokam alokayat

ya�-who; sv�n�m-of His own; vraja-lok�n�m-the people of Vraja; h�t-heart;

ok��-home; t�n-them; vi�okayan-making free from lamentation; te��m-of them; svasya-
own; ca-and; golokam-Goloka; nitya-lokam-eternal realm; alokayat-showed.

. . . who comforted the sufferings of His own people of Vraja, people that always
kept Him in their hearts, who showed them His own realm of Goloka, . . .

Text 75

yas� citta-v�sas� nitv�

kumar���m� param� dade
na p�rvam� yena ta baddh�
sambaddh� nityam �tmani

ya�-who; citta-v�sas�-dear gamrnets; nitv�-taking; kumar���m-of the young

gop�s; param-then; dade-gave; na-not; p�rvam-before; yena-by whom; ta-they; baddh�-
bound; sambaddh�-bound; nityam-always; �tmani-in the heart.

. . . who stole the young gop�s garments, gave them a great blessing, and bound
their hearts with unprecedented eternal love for Him, . . .
Text 76

ya� sa-va��ikay� moha-

b�dhitam� r�dhik�m anu
p�r�a� pulindya ity-�di
v�tt�m� v�tt�m� vinirmame

ya�-who; sa-va��ikay�-with His flute; moha-with enchantment; b�dhitam-stopped;

r�dhik�m-R�dh�; anu-following; p�r�a�-full; pulindya-the pulinda girls; ity-�di-
thus beginning (�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.21.17); v�tt�m-action; v�tt�m-action;

. . . who with the sound of His flute enchanted �r� R�dh�, who enchanted the
Pulinda girls, as is described in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.21.17, . . .

Text 77

ya� sakh�n akhil�gr�y�n

sammad�d �juh�� am�n
kram�d evam� mudam� prada�

ya�-who; sakh�n-friends; akhila-all; agr�y�n-important; gr��m�nta�-in the

summer; prema-of love; sampad�-treasure; sammad�t-from passion; �juhau-called;
am�n-them; kram�t-one by one; evam-thus; mudam-happiness; prada�-giving.

. . . who in the summer called one by one His gopa friends eager to play with Him,
who delighted them by saying, . . .

Text 78

he stokak���a he a��o
�r�d�man subal�rjuna
vi��la v��abhaujasvin
devaprastha var�thapa

he-O; stokak���a-Stokak���a; he-O; a��a�-A��u; �r�d�man-O �r�d�ma;

subal�rjuna-Subala and Arjuna; vi��la-Vi��la; v��abhaujasvin-V��abha and Ojasv�;
devaprastha-Devaprastha; var�thapa-Var�thapa.

. . . "Stokak���a! A��u! �r�d�ma! Subala! Arjuna! Vi��la! V��abha! Ojasv�!

Devaprastha! Var�thapa!". . .

Note: This verse is quoted from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (10.22.31).

Text 79
evam �h�ya bh�yas t�n
�ha v�nd�vana-sth�n��
sth�var���m� var�m� gatim

evam-thus; �h�ya-calling; bh�ya�-again and again; t�n-them; narma-sun�ta-g�r-

v�tam-joking words; �ha-said; v�nd�vana-sth�n�m-in the land of V�nd�vana;
sth�var���m-of the unmoving creatures; var�m-the superior; gatim-position.

. . . who after calling them joked about the exalted position of the unmoving
trees in V�nd�vana, . . .

Text 80

yas t�s�m� yaj�a-patn�n��

bubhuk��m� sakhibhir vya�jann
anna-bhik�am� vinirmame

ya�-who; t�s�m-of them; yaj�a-patn�n�m-the wives of the yajna-brahmanas;

mahima-sneha-v�ddhaye-to inbcrease the love; bubhuk��m-hungry; sakhibhi�-by
friends; vya�jan-manifesting; anna-bhik�am-beginning for food; vinirmame-made.

. . . who to increase the yaj�ika-br�hma�as wives love for Him sent His friends
begging for food, . . .

Text 81

t�s tatr��oka-vany�y��
dhanyayam� sakhibhi� saha
kr��an nirvar�itas t�bhi�
�y�mam ity �d� var�ita�

t��-them; tatra-there; a�oka-vany�y�m-in a grove of asoka trees; dhanyayam-

opulent; sakhibhi�-friends; saha-with; kr��an-playing; nirvar�ita�-described;
t�bhi�-by them; �y�mam-dark; ity �di-�r� \mad-Bh�gavatam 10.23.22; var�ita�-

. . . who, enjoying pastimes in a beautiful a�oka garden with His friends and the
br�hma�a wives, is described in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.23.22, . . .

Text 82

ya� sad� narma-�arm�rth�

narma-mantri�am �sajya
bhojyair mitr��y ara�jayat

ya�-who; sad�-always; narma-�arm�rth�-expert in joking; madhuma�gala-n�minam-

named madhuma�gala; narma-mantri�am-the misiter of jokes; �sajya-taking; bhojyai�-
with delicious foods; mitr��y-friends; ara�jayat-delighted.

. . . who, taking lunch and expertly joking with Madhuma�gala, His minister of
jokes, delighted His friends, . . .

Text 83

ya� sva-j�vana-j�v�n��
c�tak�n�m iv�mbuda�
sva-j�vanena t�d�tmya�
akarod vraja-subhruv�m

ya�-who; sva-j�vana-j�v�n�m-the life of life; c�tak�n�m-catak� birds; iva-

like; ambuda�-a cloud; sva-j�vanena-with the life; t�d�tmyam-the same nature;
akarot-did; vraja-subhruv�m-of the beautiful-eyebrowed girls.

. . . who, as a cloud is the life of the c�tak� birds, is the very life of the
beautiful-eyebrowed gop�s, . . .

Text 84

ya� pare��m� hrepanat��

�akt�-sa�khy�lpat�m� vidan
va���-d�t�m amanyata

ya�-who; pare��m-of others; hrepanat�m-putting to shame; �akti-potency;

sa�khya-counting; alpat�m-smallness; vidan-knowing; gupta-hidden; aga�ya-countless;
sva-k�nt�su-among His beloveds; va���-d�t�m-the messenger of the flute; amanyata-

. . . who, His messenger-flute speaking to numberless gop�-beloveds, eclipses the

tiny powers of all other messengers, . . .

Text 85

yas� cir�d eva mural�-

�ik��y�m� v�k�ya p�r�at�m
tay�s�dya priy�s t�r�a�
p�r�am� mene svam a�jas�

ya�-who; cir�t-after a long time; eva-indeed; mural�-of the flute; �ik��y�m-in

the teachings; v�k�ya-seeing; p�r�at�m-fulness; tay�-with that; �s�dya-attaining;
priy��-beloveds; t�r�am-quickly; p�r�am-full; mene-considered; svam-own; a�jas�-

. . . who, seeing that after a long time His flute had concluded its teachings to
His gop�-beloveds, became perfectky happy at heart, . . .
Text 86

yas ty�ga-vy�ja-bh�n narma

vyajah�ra priy�� prati
prat� narma priy�-v�nd�d
vindan �arm�nvavindata

ya�-who; ty�ga-renunciation; vy�ja-trick; bh�t-manifesting; narma-joke;

vyajah�ra-did; priy��-beloved; prati-to; prati-to; narma-joke; priy�-v�nd�t-from
the group of beloveds; vindan-finding; �arma-happiness; anvavindata-experienced.

. . . who, pretending to be a renunciant, joked with His gop�-beloveds and enjoyed

their joking replies, . . .

Text 87

ya� sad� yoga-m�y�khy��

�aktim �saktita� �rita�
vraje y�s�t tapasvin�

ya�-who; sad�-always; yoga-m�y�khy�m-named yogamaya; �aktim-potency;

�saktita�-attached; �rita�-taken shelter; paur�am�s�-Paur�am�s�; iti-thus; n�ma-
named; �s�t-was; vraje-in Vraja; y�-who; s�t-was; tapasvin�-austere.

. . . who always takes help from His Yogam�ya� potency, the renunciant named
Paur�am�s� in Vraja, . . .

Text 88

yas tay� divyay� �akty�-

�arm�labhata sarvad�

ya�-who; tay�-by her; divyay�-divine; �akty�-potency; anantadh�-limitleess

time; ananta-numberless; subhruv�m-of beautiful-eyebrowed gop�s; bibhrat-holding;
vil�sana-pastimes; narma-joking; adi-beginning; �arma-happiness; �labhata-attained;
sarvad�-in all respects.

. . . who with the help of this divine potency enjoys pastimes of joking with
numberless beautiful-eyebrowed gop�s, . . .

Text 89

ya� pr�ty� r�sa-khel�y��

mudam� dvandvam� punar mudam
kheleyam it� tad vya�jann
am�m udadam�� priy��

ya�-who; pr�ty�-with happiness; r�sa-khel�y�m-in the rasa-dance; mudam-

happiness; dvandvam-two; puna�-again; mudam-happiness; khel-pastime; iyam-this;
iti-thus; tat-that; vya�jan-manifesting; am�m-that; udat-manifesting; am��-to them;

. . . who in the r�sa-dance enjoyed happiness that doubled again and again, who
appeared before each delighted gop�, . . .

Text 90

yas tyajann ap� t�� sarv��

parv�tanuta kutracit
apy e�a-patn�ty �dyam� yat
tatra kar��m�tam� matam

ya�-who; tyajann-abandoning; api-also; t��-them; sarv��-all; parva-happiness;

atanuta-gave; kutracit-somehwre; apy-also; e�a-of the deer; patn�-the wives; iti-
thus; �dyam-beginning (�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.30.11; yat-what; tatra-there;
kar��m�tam-nectar for the ears; matam-considered.

. . . who left them all and enjoyed with someone else, who inspired them to speak
�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.30.11, a verse that is nectar for the ears, . . .

Text 91

yas t�s�m� jayat�ty �d�-

vil�p�d vyagrat�m� gata�
t�s�m �virabh�d eva�
sudh�bhir adhivar�ita�

ya�-who; t�s�m-of them; jayat� it� �di-�r�mat�-Bh�gavatam 10.31.1; vil�p�t-

from the lament; vyagrat�m-alarm; gata�-attained; t�s�m �virabh�d evam-�r�mad-
Bh�gavatam 10.32.2; sudh�bhi�-by the intelligent; adhivar�ita�-described.

. . . who, hearing their lament recorded in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.31.1, became

agitated and again appeared before them, as the wise have described in �r�mad-
Bh�gavatam 10.32.2, . . .

Text 92

yas t�s�m� stana-ka�m�ra-

�asta-vastr�sanam� gata�
rar�ja t�rak�r�ja-

ya�-who; t�s�m-of them; stana-of the breasts; ka�m�ra-kunkuma; �asta-glorious;

vastra-garments; �sanam-sitting place; gata�-attained; rar�ja-shone; t�rak�r�ja-the
moon; r�jat-shining; pulina-dh�mani-on the shore.
. . . who as the moon shone on the riverbank sat on the gop�s cloth glorious with
the ku�kuma of their breasts, . . .

Text 93

ya� prahelikay� t�s��

svapar�jayam �m��an
na p�raye 'ham ity �d�-
r�ty� sammatav�n ���

ya�-who; prahelikay�-with a riddle; t�s�m-of them; sva-own; par�jayam-defeat;

�m��an-considering; na p�raye 'ham ity �d�-r�ty�-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.32.22;
sammatav�n-considered; ���-a debtor.

. . . who, speaking in riddles, declared Himself conquered by them and in �r�mad-

Bh�gavatam 10.32.22, declared Himself in debt to them, . . .

Text 94

ya� �y�ma� svar�a-gaur�bhi�

param� �obham� yayau yath�
tatr�t�-�u�ubhe r�jan
bhagav�n it� sat-prath�

ya�-who; �y�ma�-dark; svar�a-gaur�bhi�-fasir as gold; param-great; �obham-

beauty; yayau-attained; yath�-as; tatr�t�-�u�ubhe r�jan bhagav�n iti-�r�mad-
Bh�gavatam 10.33.6; sat-prath�-transcendental glory.

. . . who, His own complexion dark, was glorious and handsome in the company of
the golden-complexioned gop�s, as is described in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.33.6, . . .

Text 95

yas t�s�m� sva-vih�re�a

�r�nt�n�m� mukha-pa�kajam
pr�m�jat karu�a� prem��
�antam en��ga p��in�

ya�-who; t�s�m-of them; sva-vih�re�a-with pastimes; �r�nt�n�m-exahusted;

mukha-pa�kajam-lotus face; pr�m�jat-wiped; karu�a�-kind; prem��-with love;
�antamena-comfortin; a�ga-O pious one; p��in�-with His hand.

. . . who, when they became exhausted by again and again enjoying these pastimes,
lovingly wiped their lotus faces with His soothing hand, as is described in �r�mad-
Bh�gavatam 10.33.20, . . .

Text 96
ya� kr��an v�r�-vanayos
cakr��a iva t�� puna�
anun�ya vivar��ya
sva-sa�gam� nilayam� gata�

ya�-who; kr��an-playing; v�r�-vanayo�-in the forest and in the water; cakr��a-

played; iva-like; t��-to them; puna�-again; anun�ya-comforting; vivar��ya-
concluding; sva-sa�gam-association; nilayam-home; gata�-went.

. . . who played with them in the forest and the watar, comforted them, and then
left them to return home, . . .

Text 97

yas t�rtha-vy�jam avraj�d

vrajena vanam ambikam
yatr��e�e�a ve�e�a
ch�lay�m �sa c�bal��

ya�-who; t�rtha-vy�jam-on the pretext of going on pilgrimage; avraj�t-went;

vrajena-with vraja; vanam ambikam-to Ambik�vana; yatra-where; a�e�e�a-with all;
ve�e�a-garments; ch�lay�m �sa-tricked; ca-and; abal��-the girls.

. . . who on the pretext of going on pilgrimage to Ambik�vana with the people of

Vraja, cheated the gop�s of their garments and ornaments, . . .

Text 98

ya� sarva-j�v�nam� j�va�

vitaran pitaram� prati
pad� sarpan sp��an sarpa�
mune� ��p�d ap�karot

ya�-who; sarva-j�v�nam-to the life of all; j�vam-the living entity; vitaran-

rescuing; pitaram-His father; prati-to; pad�-with a foot; sarpan-going; sp��an-
touching; sarpam-the snake; mune�-of the sage; ��p�t-from the curse; ap�karot-

. . . who is the life of all, who saved His father's life, who with the touch of
His foot delivered a snake from a sage's curse, . . .

Text 99

ya� sudar�anat�m� ninye

mah�-sarpam� ku-dar�anam
k�ru�ya-karu� ka�c�ri�
na cak�r�p� d�ru�am
ya�-who; sudar�anat�m-the stet of being Sudar�ana; ninye-brought; mah�-sarpam-
the great snake; ku-dar�anam-horrible to see; k�ru�ya-karu�-kind; ka�ca-one; arim-
enemy; na-not; cak�ra-did; api-also; d�ru�am-terrible.

. . . who transformed the terrible snake into handsome Sudar�ana Vidy�dhara, who
is kind even to His enemy and is never cruel to anyone, . . .

Text 100

ya� p�rvam� nirmame hor�-

parvam� yak�asya dhurva�am
antary�m�-vat tan manye
t�d�g gr�m��a-parvasu

ya�-who; p�rvam-before; nirmame-did; hor�-parvam-the hol� festival; yak�asya-

of the Yaksa; dhurva�am-killing; antary�m�-vat-like the Supersoul; tan-that; manye-
in the middle; t�d�g-like that; gr�m��a-parvasu-in the village festivals.

. . . who celebrated the Hol� festival, killed the yak�a �a�khac��a, and is
present as the Supersoul in all village festivals, . . .

Text 101

ya� pr�tar-�d�-j�� kr����

kurva�s t�su sphurann api
�lok�n�m� yugma-sa�ghena
�lokitas t�bhir an�-aham

ya�-who; pr�ta�-in the morning; �di-beginning with; j��-born; kr����-pastimes;

kurvan-performing; t�su-among them; sphurann-manifesting; api-also; �lok�n�m-of
verses; yugma-sa�ghena-wiith two; �lokita�-praised; t�bhi�-by them; an�-aham-every

. . . who enjoyed pastimes from morning to night, pastimes that the gop�s daily
praised in songs of many verses, . . .

Text 102

ya� �r�-govardhane r�sa-

sa�gamya preyas�-sa�gha�

ya�-who; �r�-govardhane-on Govardhana Hill; r�sa-the rasa dance; vardhana-

increase; icch�-desire; vivardhane-in the increase; sa�gamya-going; preyas�-
sa�gham-the multitude of gop�-beloveds; narma-sa�gara-ra�gav�n-enjoying a battle of
joking words.

. . . who, yearning to enjoy a r�sa-dance, met the gop�s on Govardhana Hill and
enjoyed with them a great battle of joking words, . . .

Text 103

go��ha-prako��hata� kru��a�
�rutv�ri��a-k�tam� ka�u
tatra sa�gatya samyatya
tam� nihatya mudam� gata�

go��ha-of Vraja; prako��hata�-from the area; kru��am-cry; �rutv�-hearing;

ari��a-k�tam--made by Aristasura; ka�u-sharp; tatra-there; sa�gatya-going;
samyatya-defeating; tam-him; nihatya-killing; mudam-happiness; gata�-attained.

. . . who, hearing Ari���ura roaring in Vraja, met, defeated, and happily killed
him, . . .

Text 104

puna� ��ghram� girim� gacchan

sa�gin�bhi� sa-bha�gibhi�
r�sam ullasay�m �sa
bh�say�m �sa c�khilam

puna�-again; ��ghram-quickly; girim-to the hill; gacchan-going; sa�gin�bhi�

sa-bha�gibhi�-with thew beautiful gop�s; r�sam-a rasa dance; ull�say�m �sa�
bh�say�m �sa-splendidly manifested; ca-and; akhilam-all.

. . . who quickly went to Govardhana Hill and enjoyed a splendid r�sa-dance with
the beautiful and graceful gop�s, . . .

Text 105

ya� ku��am� pu��ar�k�k�as

tan nirm�ya su-narma-k�t
�r�-r�dhik�m� dhanyam anyat
k�ray�m �sa s�ra-bh�t

ya�-who; ku��am-a lake; pu��ar�k�k�a�-lotus-eyed; tan-that; nirm�ya-made; su-

narma-k�t-joking; �r�-r�dhik�m-�r� R�dh�; dhanyam-glory; anyat-another; k�ray�m
�sa-made; s�ra-bh�t-wise.

. . . who, intelligent, playfully joking, and His eyes like lotus flowers, made a
glorious pond for Himself and another one for �r� R�dh�, . . .

Text 106

ya� ka�sene�inam� go��ha-

kle�inam� v�j�-ve�inam
ve�inam� ke�inam� cakre
yamasya prat�-ve�inam

ya�-who; ka�sena-by Ka�sa; ��ina�sent; go��ha--to Vraja; kle�inam-calamity;

v�j�-ve�inam-in the form of a horse; ve�ina�entering; ke�inam-Kesi; cakre-did;
yamasya-of Yama; prat�-ve�inam-entrance.

. . . who, when the horse-demon Ke�� entered Vraja on Ka�sa's order, sent Ke�� to
the house of death, . . .

Text 107

ya� pitr�-�dy-anur�gena
citr�bha� sarva-vism�ti�
ka�sa-dhva�sakam apy �cch�n
na hantum� gantu-k�mat�m

ya�-who; pitr�-�dy-anur�gena-with the love His father and the other people of
Vraja; citr�bha�-like a painted picture; sarva-vism�ti�-forgetting everything;
ka�sa-Ka�sa; dhva�sakam-killing; apy-also; �cch�t-desired; na-not; hantum-to kill;
gantu-k�mat�m-the desire to go.

. . . who, overcome with love for His father and the other people of Vraja, became
stunned, standing motionless like a painted picture and forgetting everything about
His mission on the earth, who for this reason did not wish to leave Vraja and kill
Ka�sa, . . .

Texts 108 and 109

ya� snigdha-smitay� d���y�

v�c� p�y��a-kalpay�
�r�-niketena c�tman�

imam� lokam am�m� c�bh�-

ramayan sutar�m� vrajam
reme k�a�aday� datta-

ya�-who; snigdha-affectionately; smitay�-smiling; d���y�-with a glance; v�c�-

with words; p�y��a-kalpay�-like nectar; caritre�a-with pastimes; anavadyena-pure;
�r�-niketena-the abode of the goddess of fortune; ca-and; �tman�-with Himself;
imam-this; lokam-world; am�m-this; ca-and; abhiramayan-delighting; sutar�m-more so;
vrajam-Vraja; reme-enjoyed; k�a�adaya-giving a festival of happiness; datta-given;
k�a�a-festival; str�-of the girls; �k�a�a-the eyes; sauh�da�-friendship.

. . . who with His affectionately smiling glances, words sweet as nectar, pure and
noble character, and transcendental form that is the goddess of fortune's home,
delighted the land of Vraja and the entire world, who enjoyed many pastimes, giving
a festival of happiness to the gop�s eyes, . . .
Note: Text 109 is a quote from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (3.3.21).

Text 110

yas tath� saha gop�bhis

cakr��a vraja-r�ja-ja�
k�a�as tena vin�bhavat

ya�-who; tath�-then; saha-with; gop�bhi�-the gop�s; cakr��a-enjoyed pastimes;

vraja-r�ja-ja�-the prince of Vraja; yath�-as; abda-years; ko�i-ten million;
pratima�-like; k�a�a�-a moment; tena-Him; vin�-without; abhavat-became.

. . . who is the prince of Vraja, who enjoyed many pastimes with the gop�s, in
whose absence the gop�s thought a single moment was like ten million years, . . .

Note: The second half of this verse is a quote from �r� Vi��u Pur��a

Text 111

ya� k�nt�-mukha-candr����
bh�s� bh�sin� dig-ga�e
calitum� n�p� ca k�ama�

ya�-who; k�nt�-of His beloveds; mukha-the faces; candr���m-of the many moons;
bh�s�-the light; bh�sini-shining; dig-ga�e-in the directions; r�ga-of love; s�gara-
into an ocean; nirmagna�-plunged; calitum-to move; na-not; api-also; ca-and;

. . . who, plunged in a great ocean of love whipped with great waves by the
moonlight of His beloved gop�s faces, had no power to escape, . . .

Text 112

ki�cit tad-vyakt�-v�t�l�-
nijecch�bh�sam �gata�

ki�cit-somewhat; tad-vyakt�-v�t�l�--by the waves of that; lajj�-v�c�-

vic�lita�-pushed by waves of bashfulness; ka�sa-of Ka�sa; ghata-killing; mi��-
pretext; �p�ta-attained; nija-own; icch�-desire; abh�sam-shining; �gata�-attained.

. . . who, carried by waves of embarrassment pushed by the winds of the gop�s

love, came to a shore that was His own voluntary wish to kill Ka�sa, . . .
Text 113

ta�asthat�m a�ann ur�-

cakre madhupur�-gatim

ta�asthat�m-on the shore; a�ann-walking; ur�-cakre-accepted; madhupur�-gatim-

the destination of Mathura� City.

. . . who, walking on that shore, came to Mathura� City, . . .

Text 114

�� kim� v�cy� vraje y�cy�

pr���-m�tre tano� sthiti�

��-Ah!; kim-what?; v�cy�-may be said; vraje-in Vraja; y�cy�-may be prayed;

pr���-m�tre-to the living entities; tano�-of the body; sthiti�-the situation.

. . . who went to Mathura� left the people of of Vraja in a condition that was
like. . . Ah! How can it be described? . . .

Text 115

ya� sv��s tat-tad-gu�a�

sarv�n alam� h�tum� na te ca yam
�st�m� vraje prema-��ro
d�r�d eva tath� kath�

ya�-who; sv�n-to His own; tat-tad-gu�a�-variois virtues; sarv�n-all; alam-

greatly; h�tum-to renounce; na-not; te-they; ca-and; yam-whom; �st�m-is; vraje-in
Vraja; prema-��ra�-the hero of love; d�r�t-from afar; eva-indeed; tath�-so; kath�-
the words.

. . . who is full of all transcendental virtues, who does not have the power to
abandon the devotees of Vraja, whom the devotees of Vraja would never abandon, who
in Vraja is the great hero of love, whose loving relationship with the people of
Vraja is proclaimed in all the worlds, . . .

Text 116

ya� p�thvy� prathama-skandhe

dharm�gre var�it�n gu��n
nityam �ptas tath�tr�pi
var�ya� sann avakar�yat�m

ya�-who; p�thvy�--of the earth; prathama-skandhe-in the First Canto;

dharm�gre-to Dharma; var�it�n-described; gu��n-virtues; nityam-eternal; �pta�-
attained; tath�-so; atra-here; api-also; var�ya�-to be described; sann-being so;
avakar�yat�m-should be heard.
. . . whose many eternal virtues, which were described by the earth to the bull
Dharma in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 1.16.26-26, should be heard by the devotees, . . .

Text 117

kandas tat-tad-gu��vali�
vara� sarvata ��vara�

sarv�nanda-all bliss; prada-giving; �nanda-of bliss; kanda�-the root; tat-tad-

gu��vali�-who has many virtues; sarva-all; parvada-festivals of happiness;
m�h�tmy�t-because of the glory; vara�-the best; sarvata-everywhere; ��vara�-the
Supreme Personality of Godhead.

. . . who is the root of all bliss, who has all transcendental virtues, who is a
great festival of all transcendental bliss, who for this reason is declared to be
the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, . . .

Text 118

sarvad� v�ddh�-bh�g-v�ddhi�
pu�ya-k�t karma-�arma-da�

sarvad�-in all ways; v�ddh�-bh�g-v�ddhi�-increase; sarv�r�dhana-bh�-dhanam-who

is worshiped by all; svar�pa-r�pa-whose transcendental form; sad-gu�ya-with all
transcendental virtues; pu�ya-k�t-pious; karma-�arma-da�-whose pastimes are
blissful and auspicious.

. . . whose opulences always increase, who is worshiped by all, whose

transcendental form possesses all virtues and piety, whose pastimes are all
blissful and auspicious, . . .

Text 119

var��n�m� syanda-din�-m�tra-

d���i-glance; prati-to; sudh�-of nectar; v���i-shower; prabh�-splendor;

sundarat�-handsomeness; prabha�-splendor; var��n�m-of the syllables; syanda-
flowing; dik-directions; m�tra-only; kar��nanda-kara-svara�-sounds giving bliss to
the ear.

. . . who glorious handsomeness showers nectar on the eyes, whose words fill the
ears with bliss, . . .

Text 120

��v�s�n�m ap� �v�sa-


��v�s�n�m-of breaths; api-also; �v�sa-breath; k�ri-doing; saurabha-fragrance;

gaurava�-great; �dh�ra-lips; sp���a-touching; n�ra-water; �di-beginning; s���a-
created; �r�-of the goddess of fortune; rasan�-of the tongue; rasa�-the taste.

. . . whose breath is sweetly fragrant, whose lips touch water or other liquids,
liquids that the goddess of fortune then yearns to taste with her own tongue, . . .

Text 121

jagata� �ucita-dh�ma-

sva-own; spar�i-touching; spar�ana-of the touch; spar��t-of the touch; vi�va-

of the universes; t�pa-the sufferings; apay�pana�-removing; jagata�-of the
universe; �ucita-purified; dh�ma-abode; n�ma-name; dh�ma-abode; sm�ti-memory;

. . . whose touch removes the sufferings of the world, whose sacred name and
transcendental abode are glorified in all the worlds, . . .

Text 122

vapur-a��ukayor a��u-

ananta-endless; sat-eternal; cit-knowledge; �nanda-bliss; jyotir-dyoti-

splendid; kalevara�-form; vapu�-of the form; a��ukayo�-and garments; a��u-splendor;
sampat-opulence; vi��u-of Lord Vi��u; ram�-and the goddess of fortune; jay�-

. . . whose form is limitless, splendid, eternal, and full of knowledge and bliss,
whose handsome form and glorious garments eclipse the splendor of Vi��u and Lak�m�,
. . .

Text 123
t�r�a� yath�-ruci-vy�pi-

jagat-of the universe; bh��a�a-ornaments; �obha-splendor; bh�t-holding;

vibh��a�a-of ornaments; vibh��a�a�-the ornament; t�r�am-quickly; yath�-as; ruci-
desired; vy�pi-omniprescent; ruci-happiness; v�rya-heroism; gu�a-virtues; �k�tih--
the form.

. . . who is splendid with all ornaments, who decorates the ornaments He wears,
who has all splendor, virtues, and power, who can be present in many places at once
according to His wish, . . .

Text 124


lak�m�-of tyhe goddess of fortune; d�k-pak�ma-eyelids; vi�kambhi-obstructing;

lak�ma-qualities; lak�ita-seen; vigraha�-form; �a�kha-cakr�di-beginning with conch
and disc; cihna-marks; �r�-the goddess of fortune; durnih�ava-concealment; nija-
own; sthiti�-situation.

. . . whose transcendental virtues make the goddess of fortune blink, who does not
hold the conchshell, disc and other paraphernalia, . . .

Text 125

jetu� svam apy avi�r�nta�


jetum-to conquer; svam-own; apy-even; avi�r�ntam-without tiring; �a�vad-

valgad-bal�vali�-with eternal strength; ki�orat�-youthfulness; mana�-mind; s�ra-
best; corat�-theft; vi�va-the world; mohana�-enchanting.

. . . who is so powerful He can defeat even Himself again and again without
tiring, whose youthfulness enchants the worlds and steals the hearts of the great
souls, . . .

Text 126


vil�sa-playful; h�sa-laughter; l�l�-pastimes; �sya-face; k�ta-done; l�sya-of

dancing; kal�-the art; jaya�-defeating; vik�ra-change; rahita-without; �k�ra�-whose
form; sphurat-manifested; prema-of love; vik�rav�n-changes of ecstasy.

. . . whose face filled with splendid smiles and laughter is more graceful than
the most artistic dancing, whose transcendental form never changes, who displays
the symptoms of ecstatic love, . . .

Text 127

pur�pi nava ity eva�

an�tana-tanu� �r�m�n
sad� n�tanavat-tanu�

pur�-previously; api-also; nava-new; ity-thus; evam-thus; pur��a-the Puranas;

�di-beginning; vini�cita�-concluded; an�tana-ancient; tanu�-form; �r�m�n-handsome
and glorious; sad�-always; n�tanavat-tanu�-as if a youth.

. . . whom the Pur��as say is the ancient Supreme Person who is like a fresh
youth, whose handsome and glorious form is the oldest although He is like a fresh
youth eternally, . . .

Text 128

sarve��� manasa� kartu�

pramanast�� sphuran-man��

sarve��m-of all; manasa�-the minds; kartum-to do; pramanast�m-blossoming with

happiness; sphurat-manifested; man��-mind; vaidagdh�-intelligence; digdha-anointed;
sat-transcendental; buddhi-intelligence; c�tur�-pracur�-kara�-most expert.

. . . who makes everyone's heart blossom with happiness, who appears before the
wise, . . .

Text 129

vi�ve�a� buddhi-k�d-buddhi�
siddh�n�m api siddhi-k�t
dak�at�bhir vilak�a�a�

vi�ve�am-of all; buddh�-krd-buddhi�-giving intelligence; siddh�n�m-of

perfections; api-also; siddh�-k�t-giving perfections; dak�at�-expertise; lak�a-
characteristic; �ik��-krt-teaching; dak�at�bhi�-with expertnesses; vilak�a�a�-
. . . who gives intelligence to all living entities, who gives all perfections,
who teaches all, who is the wisest and the most expert, . . .

Text 130

sindhu-k�r� k�taj�ata�

tuccha-insignificant; upak�rita-help; bindu-drop; sindhu-the ocean; k�r�-

doing; k�taj�ata�-grateful; su-d��ha-vratat�-vr�ta-to those who strickly follow
vows; tr�ta-protecting; �a�vat-always; anuvrata�-following a vow.

. . . who, even though He is great like an ocean, is grateful for the smallest
drop of service, who strictly keeps His vow always to protect they who have vowed
to serve Him, . . .

Text 131

ce��at�� t�vad �st�� tad-
d���a-m�tras tath�-gu�a�

nija-own; mary�day�-by morality; abaddha-not bound; �ruti-of the Vedas;

mary�da-by the rules; ce��ata�-from the actions; ce��at�m-the actions; t�vat-so;
�st�m-may be; tat-that; d���a-m�tra�-only seen; tath�-gu�a�-with those qualities.

. . . who creates the rules of the Vedas by His own wish, whose glance bestows all
virtues, . . .

Text 132

yaj�a-j�a� k�la-de��di-
praj�a� sarvaj�a-�ekhara�
sarvaj��tam avaj��ya

yaj�a-of sacrifice; jna�-aware; k�la-of time; de�a-place; �di-beginning with;

praj�a�-intelligence; sarvaj�a-of they who know everything; �ekhara�-the crown;
sarvaj��tam-knowing everything; avaj��ya-insulting; praj�at�-known; tarkita-logic;

. . . who knows the truth about sacrifice, who understands all times and places,
who is the crown of they who know everything, who does not consider His potency of
knowing everything to be very important, who by His supreme intelligence knows
everything, . . .
Text 133

k�nty� d�nty� ca ��nty� ca
saha-k�nty� svaya� v�ta�

dh�rat�-thoughtfulness; sth�rat�-steadiness; �obhi-handsomeness; v�rat�-

heroism; nirata-always; antara�-with�n; k�nty�-with splendor; d�nty�-self-control;
ca-and; ��nty�-peacefulness; ca-and; saha-k�nty�with glory; svayam-personally;

. . . who is virtuous with perfect thoughtfulness, steadiness, handsomeness,

splendor, self-control, and peacefulness, . . .

Text 134


dharma-religion; d�na-charity; nid�na-giving; �r��-opulence; ��ra-hearoism;

surata-m�nasa�-playful atb heart; m�nya-s�m�nya-vardhi��u-m�nyat�-kriyat�-para�-who
is repsectful to all living entities.

. . . who is saintly, generous, glorious, heroic, playful, happy at heart,

respectful to all, . . .

Text 135

ak���a-vinaya� su��hu
lajjita� k��a-varjita�

ak���a-undiminished; vinaya�-humbleness; su��hu-greatly; lajjita�shy; k��a-

varjita�-without being deceptive; k�rt�-fame; prat�pa-power; p�rtibhy�m-with
fulness; k�ta-sal-loka-m�rtika�-who manifests His transcendental form before the
sainlty devotees.

. . . who is always humble, shy, honest, famous, and powerful, who manifests His
transcendental form before the saintly devotees, . . .

Text 136

s�dh�n�� m�dhur�-d�n�n
dvi��� ca mukti-k�n mukti-

s�dh�n�m-of the devotees; m�dhur�-d�n�n-giving sweetness; nitya-s�dhu-

sam��raya�-alweays the shelter of the devotees; dvi�am-to His enemies; ca-and;
mukt�-k�n-giving impersonal liberation; mukt�-bh�g-the liberated souls; �kar�i-
attracting; gu��mbudhi�-an ocean of transcendental qualities.

. . . who fills the devotees with sweetness, who is the devotees eternal shelter,
who gives impersonal liberation to His enemies, who is an ocean of transcendental
qualities that attract even the liberated souls, . . .

Text 137

pratyag-v�d�ny api pr�ti-

n�n�-bh���l�-sambh��a�-speaking in many languages; deva-paryanta-devana�-who

is more glorious than the demigods; pratyag-v�diny-speaking in debates; api-also;
pr�ti-love; satyat�-truth; sphurat-manifest; �rita�-spoken.

. . . who is supremely eloquent is all languages, who is more glorious than the
demigods, who is most expert in debate, whose words are glorious with love and
truth, . . .

Text 138

d���a-m�tratay� sarva-

v�vad�ka-eloquent; sudh�-intelligent; m�ka-unable to speak; sthiti-situation;

k�ri-doing; sudh�-intelligence; dhara�-manifesting; d���a-seen; m�tratay�-by only;
sarva--all; budhat�-of the wise; budhat�-of wisdom; guru�-the teacher.

. . . who is so intelligent that He easily silences the most eloquent

philosophers, who with only a glance enlightens thw wise, . . .

Text 139

yogy�n�m api yogy���r

a�k�n�m api �a�kara�
�ara�a� �arma-karma�ha�

yogy�n�m-of the suitable; api-also; yogy����-suitable benedictions; a�k�n�m-of

the poor; api-also; �a�kara�-giving happiness; �ara��gata-of they who take
shelter;rak��y�� �ara�am-the shelter; �arma-karma�ha�-whose actions are auspicious.

. . . who gives appropriate benedictions to the right persons, who brings

happiness to the poor and downtrodden, who protects they who approach for shelter,
whose activities are auspicious and sublime, . . .

Text 140

na ca bhakti� vin�sakti-
bindu� sindhu-vad antara�
sama� sarvatra bhakt�n��
bhakta ity apy asau sama�

na-not; ca-and; bhaktim-devotion; vin�-without; �sakt�-bindu�-a drop of

attachment; sindhu-vat-like an ocean; antara�-another; sama�-equal; sarvatra-
everywhere; bhakt�n�m-of the devotees; bhakta-devoted; ity-thus; apy-also; asau-He;

. . . who cannot be loved with even a tiny drop of love by they who do not engage
in devotional service, who is deep like an ocean, who is equal to all, who loves
His devotees, who is equal to all His devotees, . . .

Text 141

bhakt�n�� bhaktat�nand�

bhakt�n�m-of the devotees; bhaktat�-by the devotion; �nand�-pleased; prema-

sthema-va��-k�ta�-conquered by love; tat-tat-various; r�pa-forms; gu�a-qualities;
kr���-pastimes; k�ta-done; sva-own; �vadhi-up to; vismaya�-wonder.

. . . who is pleased by the service of His devotees, who is conquered by love,

whose forms, qualities, and pastimes are all wonderful, . . .

Text 142

sneh�bhi�ek�d vi�ve�a�
sarvatra sneha-p�y��a-

sneha-of love; abhi�ek�t-from the sprinkling; vi�ve�am-of all; prajya-great;

samr�jya-kingdoms; p�jita�-worshiped; sarvatra-everywhere; sneha-of loive; p�y��a-
nectar; var�i-showering; nitya-eternal; nava-new; ambuda�-cloud.

. . . who showers love on all living entities, who is worshiped by great kings,
who is a new cloud eternally showering the nectar of love on all living entities, .
. .

Text 143


go��ha-in the village of Vraja; v�nd��av�-in the forest of V�nd�vana; �a�si-

speaking; va���-the flute; g�na-song; madhu-with the honey; unmada�-maddened; nija-
own; priy�-aval�-beloveds; bh�gya-good fortune; sp�hi-desiring; vi��u-of Lord
Vi��u; priy�-by the beloved; arcita�-worshiped.

. . . whose nectar flute music fills Vraja village and V�nd�vana forest and makes
everyone intoxicated with love for Him, who earnestly desires the welfare of of His
beloved gop�s, who is worshiped by Lord Vi��u's beloved Lak�m�, . . .

Text 144

ki� bah�ktena s�ktena

s�ktena �ruyat�m idam
k���a eva h� k���a� sy�t
k���a� sy�t k���a eva hi

kim-what?; bahu-with more; uktena-said; s�ktena-with words; s�ktena-with

words; �ruyat�m-may be heard; idam-this; k���a-K���a; eva-indeed; hi-indeed;
k���a�-K���a; sy�t-is; k���a�-K���a; sy�t-is; k���a-K���a; eva-indeed; hi-indeed.

. . . about whom what is the need to say many words?, about whom what is the need
the hear many words?, about whom it may be said, "K���a is K���a", about whom it
may then also further be said, "K���a is K���a", . . .

Text 145

yas t�d�g gu�av�n go��ha�

n�tyanta� tyaktum arhati
tasya baddhasya tad yath�

ya�-who; t�d�g-like that; gu�av�n-with transcendental qualities; go��ham-to

Vraja; na-not; atyantam-greatly; tyaktum-to leave; arhat�-is able; t�d�k-like that;
gu�a-qualities; anvayi-following; prem��-with love; tasya-of Him; baddhasya�bound;
tat-that; yath�-as.

. . . who is filled with all transcendental virtues, who, bound with love for His
saintly devotees there, is not able to leave V�nd�vana, . . .
Text 146

dustyaja� c�nur�go 'smin

sarve��� no vrajaukas�m
nanda te tanaye 'sm�su
tasy�py autpattika� katham

dustyaja�-difficult to give up; ca-and; anur�ga�-love; asmin-in this;

sarve��m-of all; na�-of us; vrajaukas�m-the people of Vraja; nanda-O Nanda; te-of
you; tanaye-in the son; asm�su-among us; tasya-of Him; api-also; autpattika�-
natural; katham-how?

. . . about whom it was said, "O Nanda, why is it that we people of Vraja cannot
give up our love for your son, and why does He love us so sincerely?", . . .

Note: This verse is a quote from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (10.26.13).

Text 147

ya� sajjan k�liya-kro�a�

vraja� sajjantam �tmani
vim��ann unnamajja dr�g
var�an har�a� jagaty api

ya�-who; sajjan-resting; k�liya-kro�am-on Kaliya's lap; vrajam-Vraja;

sajjantam-attached; �tmani-at heart; vim��ann-thinking; unnamajja-rose; dr�g-at
once; var�an-showering; har�am-happiness; jagaty-on them all; api-also.

. . . who rested on K�liya's lap, who, aware that the people of Vraja had become
anguished at heart, emerged from K�liya's lap and thus showered them all with sweet
nectar, . . .

Text 148

ya� �akre vakrat�� pa�yan

prem�� y�n vraja-va�yat�m
h�dy�rtha� tam ima� vidv�n
atra vy�nag yath�rthat�m

ya�-who; �akre-in Indra; vakrat�m-crookedness; pa�yan-seeing; prem��-with

love; y�n-to whom; vraja-va�yat�m-being under the dominion of Vraja; h�dya-
friendship; artham-for the purpose of; tam-this; imam-this; vidv�n-wise; atra-here;
vy�nag-manifested; yath�rthat�m-in that way.

. . . who, being very wise, being conquered by the love of Vraja's people and
wishing their welfare, and seeing that Indra had become crooked-hearted, revealed
the desire in His heart in these words: . . .

Text 149
tasm�n mac-chara�a� go��ha�
man-n�tha� mat-parigraham
gopaye sv�tma-yogena
so 'ya� me vrata �hita�

tasm�t-therefore; mac-chara�am-shelter of Me; go��ham-Vraja; man-n�tham-with

Me as their Lord; mat-parigraham-My family; gopaye-I will protect; sv�tma-yogena-by
My mystic power; sa�-He; ayam-that person; me-of Me; vrata-vow; �hita�-taken.

. . . "With My mystic power I will protect the people of Vraja, who have taken
shelter of Me, who consider Me their Lord, and who are all My relatives. This is My
vow.", . . .

Text 150

ya� sa�kalpa� vyadh�d eva�

ki� ca bh�dhara-dh�ra�am
s�pta tatr�py aho-ratr��s

ya�-who; sa�kalpam-desire; vyadh�t-did; evam-thus; kim ca-furthermore;

bh�dhara-dh�ra�am-mountain; sapta-seven; tatr�pi-still; aho-ratr�n-day and night;
tan-m�tra-only that; a�g�-k�t�-sthiti�-acceptance.

. . . who after making this vow lifted Govardhana Hill for seven days and
nights, . . .

Text 151

ki� ca ya� sakhi-vatse�u

lu�cite�u viri�cin�
sasarj�ny��s tad-�k�r�n
para� svena pare�a na

kim ca-furthermore; ya�-who; sakhi-when His friends; vatse�u-and calves;

lu�cite�u-stolen; viri�cin�-by Brahm�; sasarja-created; any�n-other; tat-their;
�k�r�n-forms; param-then; svena-with His own; pare�a-with others; na-not.

. . . who, when Brahma� stole His friends and calves, expanded Himself into many
forms like theirs, forms that were actually Him an not anyone else, . . .

Text 152

tath�py anirv�ti� gaccha�s

t�n �yacchad viri�cita�
va�at�m �sadad yata�
tath�py-still; anirv�tim-anxiety; gaccha��-attaining; t�n-to them; ayacchat-
extended; viri�cita�-from Brahm�; sva-prema-love for Him; adhika-more; tat-prema-
va�at�m-the state of being under the control of their love; �sadat-attained; yata�-
because of that.

. . . who, unhappy with what Brahma� had done, expanded Himself into the forms of
the boys and calves, who in this way increased the love the people of Vraja bore
for Him, who became conquered by their love, . . .

Text 153

yas t�n svasmin baka-graste

vidan bhindann api sthita�

ya�-who; t�n-to them; svasmin-in His own; baka-graste-swallowed by Baka;

grasta-swallowed; �h�-action; pr��at�-life; amit�n-limitless; sva-m�tra-only;
pr��a-life; p�tra-object; a�g�n-limbs; vidan-knowing; bhindan-breaking; api-also;

. . . who was swallowed by Bak�sura, who, seeing that because of this the actions
and lives of His friends, who lived only for His sake, were now also swallowed up,
suddenly broke the Baka demon, . . .

Text 154

yas te�v agha-nig�r�e�u

svaya� k�r�ehat�� vrajan
tad-ga��ntarvi�ann �tma-
nirvi�e��n viveda t�n

ya�-who; te�v-among them; agha-nig�r�e�u-swallowed by Aghasura; svayam-

personally; k�r�a-scattered; �hat�m-actions; vrajan-going; tad-ga�a-multitude;
antarvi�an-entering; �tma-own; nirvi�e��n-without qualities; viveda-knew; t�n-them.

. . . who was stunned when Agh�sura swallowed the gopas, who thinking the gopas as
dear as life, entered Agh�sura to rescue them, . . .

Text 155

yas tatr�py adbhuta� prema

dam-patyor nitar�m �s�d
gopa-gop��v it� smaran

ya�-who; tatr�py-still; adbhutam-wonderful; prema-love; �r�man-nanda-

ya�odayo�-of Nanda and Ya�od�; dam-patyo�-husband and wife; nitar�m-greatly; �s�t-
was; gopa-gop��v-for the gopas and gop�s; iti-thus; smaran-thinking,
. . . who remembered how Nanda and Ya�od�, the king and queen of the gopas and
gop�s, dearly loved Him with a very wonderful love, . . .

Text 156

sad�pi vedavad veda

tad-a�e�a-vid�m vara�
yad eva �ukadev�dy�
v�dy�bha� jagur uccakai�

sad�-always; api-also; vedavat-like the Vedas; veda-knew; tad-a�e�a-vid�m-of

they who know everything; vara�-the best; yat-what; eva-indeed; �ukadev�dy�-headed
by �ukadeva; v�dy�bham-statement; jagu�-sang; uccakai�-greatly.

. . . who is the best of they who know everything, who knows everything like the
Vedas, whose glories are loudly sung by �ukadeva Gosv�m� and other great
saints, . .

Text 157

ya� sv�ya� ��it�� vyakt��

tyakta� kartum a�aknuvan
na p�raye 'ham ity �dya�
pratijaj�e priy�� prati

ya�-who; sv�yam-personal; ��it�m-debtor; vyakt�m-manifesting; tyaktam-

abandoned; kartum-to do; a�aknuvan-did; na p�raye 'ham ity �dyam-Balar�ma 10.32.22;
pratijaj�e-promise; priy��-gop� beloveds; prati-to.

. . . who, speaking to the gop�s in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.32.22, said He was a

debtor who could not repay His debt, . . .

Text 158

ya� ka�s�dy�n dantavakra-

pr�nt�n ��nt�n vinirmame
tad vin� vrajam �gantu�
��nti� sy�n nety acintayat

ya�-who; ka�s�dy�n-headed by Ka�sa; dantavakra-Dantavakra; pr�nt�n-ending

with; ��nt�n-quiet; vinirmame-made; tat-that; vin�-without; vrajam-Vraja; �gantum-
to return; ��nti�-peace; sy�n-is; na-not; iti-thus; acintayat-thought.

. . . who killed a host of demons beginning with Ka�sa and ending with Dantavakra,
who thought that until He returned the people of Vraja would never be peaceful at
heart, . . .

Text 159
yas tan-madhye samutka��ha�
aku��ha� �amayann iva
sva-sth�n kartu� vraj�nta-sth�n
muhu� s�ntvanam �dadhe

ya�-who; tan-madhye-in their midst; samutka��ham-yearning; aku��ham-sharp;

�amayann-pacifying; iva-as if; sva-sth�n-own places; kartum-to do; vraj�nta-sth�n-
staying in Vraja; muhu�-again and again; s�ntvanam-consolation; �dadhe-did.

. . . who visited the people of Vraja and, comforting them again and again,
stopped their great sufferings, . . .

Text 160

ya� sva-prasth�na-samaye
�ar�ra-sth� im� na hi
bhaveyur it� samj�aj�e
pratijaj�e nij�gatim

ya�-who; sva-prasth�na-samaye-at the time He was away; �ar�ra-sth�-situated in

their bodies; im�-they; na-not; hi-indeed; bhaveyu�-were; iti-thus; samj�aj�e-was
born; pratijaj�e-promised; nija-own; �gatim-destination.

. . . in whose absence the people of Vraja almost left their bodies, who promised
them they would return to His spiritual abode, . . .

Text 161

yas tatra �ukadevena

dr�ghita� �l�ghita� stuta�
ubhaye��� prema-samya�
vya�jat� vya�jit�spada�

ya�-who; tatra-there; �ukadevena-by �r� �ukadeva Gosv�m�; dr�ghita�-expanded;

�l�ghita�-glorified; stuta�-offered prayers; ubhaye��m-both; prema-samyam-equal
love; vya�jat�-manifested; vya�jita-manifested; aspada�-abode.

. . . who was glorified by �ukadeva Gosv�m�, who loved the gop�s as much as they
loved Him, . . .

Text 162

t�s tath� tapyatir v�k�ya

sva-prasth�ne yad�ttama�
s�ntvay�m �sa sva-premair
�y�sya it� dautyakai�

t��-them; tath�-so; tapyati�-suiffering; v�k�ya-seeing; sva-prasth�ne�in His

absence; yad�ttama�-the best of the Y�davas; s�ntvay�m �sa-comforted; sva-premai�-
with his own love; �y�sya-w�ll go; it�-thus; dautyakai�-with messengers.

. . . who, leaving for Mathur�, and seeing the gop�s were in great distress,
consoled them with the loving words, "I will return.", . . .

Note: This verse is a quote from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (10.39.35).

Text 163

ya� ka�sa-ghna� �a�a�seda�

hari-va�se 'py anuditam
ni�sv�s� yasya ved�� syus
tad etat katham anyath�

ya�-who; ka�sa-ghna�-killing Ka�sa; �a�a�sa-said; idam-this; har�-va�se--inb

the Har�-vam�a; api-also; anuditam-said; ni�sv�s�-breath; yasya-of whom; ved��-the
Vedas; syu�-are; tat-that; etat-this; katham-how?; anyath�-otherwise.

. . . who killed Ka�sa, who in the Har�-va��a spoke words that had never before
been spoken, who created the Vedas from His breath, who certainly returned to Vraja
(for how could it be otherwise?), . . .

Text 164

aha� sa eva go-madhye

gopai� saha vanecara�
pr�tim�n vicari�y�mi
k�ma-c�r� yath� gaja�

aham-I; sa-He; eva-indeed; go-madhye-among the cows; gopai�-the gopas; saha-

with; vanecara�-going in the forest; pr�tim�n-happy; vicari�y�mi-I will wander;
k�ma-c�r�-independent; yath�-as; gaja�-an elephant.

. . . who said, "Like an elephant free to go as he likes, I will happily wander in

the forest with many cows and gopas.", . . .

Text 165

ya� ka�se lambhita-dhva�se

sva� vin�ti-vilambitam
kurvanta� pitara� proce
�oce� katham ita� pita�

ya�-who; ka�se-when Ka�sa; lambhita-dhva�se-was killed; svam-own; vin�-

without; at�-vilambitam-delay; kurvantam-doing; pitaram-top His father; proce-said;
�oce�-of lamentation; katham-why?; ita�-from this; pita�-O father.
. . . who, after Ka�sa was dead, apprached His father, Nanda, who was reluctant to
return to Vraja without Him, and said, "Father, why do you lament?, . . .

Text 166

y�ta y�ya� vraja� t�ta

vaya� ca sneha-du�khit�n
j��t�n vo dra��um e�y�mo
vidh�ya suh�d�� sukham

y�ta-go; y�yam-you; vrajam-to Vraja; t�ta-O father; vayam-We; ca�and; sneha-

with love; du�khit�n-unhappy; j��t�n-relatives; va�-you; dra��um-to see; e�y�ma�-
will come; vidh�ya�placing; suh�d�m-friends; sukham-happiness.

. . . "Please return to Vraja. As soon as We give some happiness to Our friends in

Mathur�, We will return to Vraja and see our relatives, who dearly love Us and are
always unhappy in Our absence.", . . .

Note: This verse is a quote from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (10.45.23).

Text 167

snehena du�khit�n ity e-

tat procya sneha-vastuni
at�pti� vy�nag atr�pi
dra��um ity eva dar�anam

snehena-with love; du�khit�n-unhappy; ity-thus; etat-this; procya-saying;

sneha-vastuni-the things of love; at�ptim-dissatisfaction; vy�nag-attained; atra-
here; api-also; dra��um-to see; ity-thus; eva-indeed; dar�anam-the sight.

. . . who spoke these words to His relatives, relatives tormented with love for
Him, relatives He loved without limit, relatives He promised to see again, . . .

Text 168

bh�vi-k�latay�pi ca
at�pter bh�vi-k�lasya
c�nanty�t tad-anantakam

puru��rthatay�-as the goal of life; avocat-said; bh�vi-of the future;

k�latay�-by the time; api-and; ca-also; at�pte�-of dissatisfaction; bh�v�-k�lasya-
of the future; ca-and; �nanty�t-from limitlessness; tad-anantakam-to the unlimited.

. . . who in promising that His relatives would see Him in the future meant that
they would see Him eternally, . . .
Text 169

t�ta-j��ti-pad�bhy�� ca
tad-yuktam idam uktav�n
suh�d�� sukham ity �khy�s-
yate yadvat tath� na hi

t�ta-of His father; j��ti-and relatives; pad�bhy�m�-the feet; ca-and; tad-

yuktam-with that; idam-thus; uktav�n-said; suh�d�m-offreinds; sukham-happiness;
ity-thus; �khy�syate-will say; yadvat-as; tath�-so; na-not; hi-indeed.

. . . who grasped the feet of His father and relatives and said that He would stay
in Mathura� a little longer to give happiness to His friends there, . . .

Text 170

pak�ritva� prat�yate
sukha� ca suh�d�� gamya�
upak�ramaya� param

suh�t-friend; �abdena-by the world; upak�rya-worthy to be helped; upak�ritvam-

being the person giving help; prat�yate-is believed; sukham-happiness; ca-and;
suh�d�m-of friends; gamyam-to be attained; upak�ramayam-helpful; param-great.

. . . who spoke the word "friend", which implies one person helping another for
one is always happy to help a friend, . . .

Text 171

vidh�yet� ca p�rvasya
k�lasya chinna-r�pat�
nirdi�a�s tad-vidh�nasya
ny�di�ac chinna-r�pat�m

vidh�ya-giving; iti-thus; ca-and; p�rvasya-previous; k�lasya-of thr time;

chinna-broken; r�pat�-from; nirdi�an-showing; tad-vidh�nasya-of that gift;
ny�di�at-said; chinna-broken; r�pat�m-form.

. . . who with the word "giving" hinted at His impending separation from the
people of Vraja, . . .

Text 172

tasm�t te��� �atru-vadha�

sukha� yat tat sam�psyati
j��t�n�� sneha-��l�n��
tat tu vo na sam�psyati
tasm�t-therefore; te��m-of them; �atru-vadha�-kinng Hisenemies; sukham-
happiness; yat-what; tat-that; sam�psyati-will attain; j��t�n�m-of His relatuves;
sneha-��l�n�m-affectionate; tat-that; tu-indeed; va�-of you; na-not; sam�psyati-
will attain.

. . . who said, "after killing My enemies I will give happiness to you, My

affectionate relatives", . . .

Text 173

it� procyedam avya�j�t

te��� dhairya-prada� param
svasthat�-dh�ma yad bhavet

iti-thus; procya-saying; idam-this; avya�j�t-manifested; te��m-of them;

dhairya-prada�-giving patience; param-then; m�gadh�di-beginning wiht the king of
m�gadha; vadha-killing; anta-at the end; stha-sitaued; svasthat�-of good fortune;
dh�ma-the abode; yat-which; bhavet-will be.

. . . who urged the people of Vraja to be patient, who told them that He would
make them happy after He had killed Jar�sandha and a host of other demons, . . .

Text 174

pratibandh�n upek�ya ca
yady e��m anusandh�na�
kuryus tatr�pi te dvi�a�

jar�sandh�d�-�atr���m-of the enemies headed by Jar�sandha; pratibandh�n-

obstacles; upek�ya-ignoring; ca-and; yady-if; e�am-of them; anusandh�nam-searching;
kuryu�-do; tatr�pi-still; te-they; dvi�a�-enemies.

. . . who said that if Jar�sandha and the other demons attacked Him, He would have
to put His attention to stopping the trouble they would make, . . .

Text 175

sve��m eva pratij��ya

vraj�gamanam ��vara�
na y�yam atr�y�tet�
vyajya vya�j�d ida� puna�

sve��m-of His own; eva-indeed; pratij��ya-promising; vraja-to Vraja; �gamanam-

a return; ��vara�-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; na-not; y�yam-you; atra-here;
�y�t�-come; iti-thus; vyajya-manifesting; vya�j�t-manifested; idam-this; puna�-
. . . who promised His relatives that He would return to Vraja, who said to them,
"Don't come to Mathur�. I will return.", . . .

Text 176

yad� v�tra bhavanta� syur

tath�py achinnamat-sneha�
j��tv� hanyur vraja� dvi�a�

yadi-if; v�-or; atra-here; bhavanta�-you; syu�-are; gama-going; �gama-and

coming; vidh�yina�-doing; tath�py-still; achinnamat-unbroken; sneham-love; j��tv�-
knowing; hanyu�-may destroy; vrajam-Vraja; dvi�a�-enemies.

. . . who said to them, "If you come back and forth to visit Me, My enemies will
know that I love you. Then they will destroy the village of Vraja to spite
Me.", . . .

Text 177

tasm�t t�vad dh�ra-bh�va�

vidhatta vraja-sa�sadi
m�� ca yu�m�t-priya� nitya�
l�lana� ca sam�psyatha

tasm�t-therefore; t�vat-then; dh�ra-bh�vam-patience; vidhatta-do; vraja-

sa�sadi-in the land of Vraja; m�m-to Me; ca-and; yu�m�t-priyam-dear to you; nityam-
always; l�lanam-affection; ca-and; sam�psyatha-will attain.

. . . who said to them, "Please be patient. Once again We will meet and exchange
Our feelings of love.", . . .

Text 178

ya� sa�gatya guror geh�t

pratatya sva-vraja-sm�tim
pr�hi�od uddhava� vaktu�
su-ni�citam ida� yath�

ya�-who; sa�gatya-going; guro�-of His guru; geh�t-from the house; pratatya-

manifesting; sva-vraja-sm�tim-memory of Vraja; pr�hi�ot-sent; uddhavam-uddhava;
vaktum-to tell; su-ni�citam-decision; idam-this; yath�-as.

. . . who, after He left His guru's home, remembered Vraja and sent Uddhava with a
message for the people of Vraja, . . .

Text 179
hatv� ka�sa� ra�ga-madhye
prat�pa� sarva-s�tvat�m
yad �ha va� sam�gatya
k���a� satya� karot� tat

hatv�-having killed; ka�sam-Ka�sa; ra�ga-madhye-in thwe arena; prat�pam-the

enemy; sarva-s�tvat�m-of all the devotees; yat-what; �ha-said; va�-to you;
sam�gatya-coming; k���a�-K���a; satyam-truth; karoti-does; tat-that.

. . . whose message said, "Now that in the wrestling arena He has killed the
devotees enemy Ka�sa, Lord K���a will fulfill His promise to you and return to
Vraja.", . . .

Note: This verse is a quote from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (10.46.35).

Text 180

�gami�yaty ad�rghe�a
k�lena vrajam acyuta�
priy�� vidh�syate pitror
bhagav�n s�tvat�� pati�

�gami�yaty-will return; ad�rghe�a-soon; k�lena-time; vrajam-to Vraja; acyuta�-

ibfallible; priy�m-dear; vidh�syate-will plazce; pitro�-of His parents; bhagav�n-
the Supreme Personality of Godhead; s�tvat�m-of the devotees; pati�-the master.

. . . whose message said, "Infallible K���a, the master of the devotees, will soon
return to please His parents.", . . .

Note: This verse is a quote from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (10.46.34).

Text 181

ya� s�sram uddhava� s�sra�

patis t�s�� svaya� raha�
asa�kocam avocat ta�
pre��ham ek�ntina� kvacit

ya�-who; s�sram-with tears; uddhavam-to Uddhava; s�sra�-with tears; pati�-the

Lord; t�sam-of them; svayam-personally; raha�-in a secluded place; asa�kocam-
without hesitating; avocat-said; tam-Him; pre��ham-the most dear; ek�ntinam-only;

. . . who is the master of the gop�s, who, tears in His eyes, took His dear
devotee Uddhava to a secluded place and spoke confidential words to him, . . .

Text 182
g�h�tv� p��in� p��i�
prapann�rti-haro hari�

g�h�tv�-taking; p��in�-with His hand; p��im-the hand; prapann�rt�-hara�-who

removes distress; hari�-K���a.

. . . who relieves the sufferings of His devotees, who took Uddhava by the hand, .
. .

Note: This and the following four verses are quotations from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam

Text 183

gacchoddhava vraja� saumya

pitror na� pr�tim �vaha
gop�n�� mad-viyog�dhi�
mat-sande�air vimocaya

gaccha-go; uddhava-Uddhava; vrajam-to Vraja; saumya-O noble one; pitro�-of the

parents; na�-of Us; pr�tim-happiness; �vaha-bring; gop�n�m-of the gop�s; mad-
viyog�dhim-the suffering in My separation; mat-sande�ai�-with My mesaage; vimocaya-

. . . who said, "Gentle Uddhava, please go to Vraja. Make My parents happy. Bring
a message to the gop�s and relieve the sufferings they feel in My absence.", . . .

Text 184

t� man-manask� mat-pr���
mad-arthe tyakta-daihik��
m�m eva dayita� pre��ha�
�tm�na� manas� gat��
ye tyakta-loka-dharm�� ca
mad-arthe t�n bibharmy aham

t��-they; man-manask�-their hearts fixed on Me; mat-pr���-their lives

dedicated to Me; mad-arthe-for my sake; tyakta-daihik��-abandoned their bodies;
m�m-to Me; eva-indeed; dayitam-beloved; pre��ham-dearmost; �tm�nam-self; manas�-
with the mind; gat��-gone; ye-who; tyakta-abandoned; loka-the world; dharm��-duty;
ca-and; mad-arthe-for My sake; t�n-them; bibharmy-maintain; aham-I.

. . . who said, "The gop�s always think of Me. They have dedicated their lives to
Me. For My sake they have renounced everything. They always think of Me as their
dearmost beloved. I will protect anyone who renounces his reputation and duty for
My sake.", . . .

Text 185
may� t�� preyas�� pre��he
d�ra-sthe gokula-striya�
smarantyo '�ga vimuhyanti

mayi-to Me; t��-they; preyas�m-of objects of love; pre��he-the most dear;

d�ra-sthe-far away; gokula-striya�-the girls of Gokula; smarantya�-remembering;
a�ga-O dear friend; vimuhyanti-are overcome; virahautka��hya-vihval��-overcome with
feelings of separation.

. . . who said, "The girls of Gokula think of Me as their dearmost beloved. Always
remembering Me, who am so far away, they are overcome with the anxiety of
separation.", . . .

Text 186

dh�rayanty ati-k�cchre�a
pr�ya� pr���n katha�cana
ballavyo me mad-�tmik��

dh�rayanty-holding; at�-k�cchre�a-with great dificulty; pr�ya�for the most

part; pr���n-lives; katha�cana-somehow; praty�gamana-of return; sande�ai�-with a
message; ballavya�-the gop�s; me-Me; mad-�tmik��-who have given their hearts to Me.

. . . who said, "My gop�s have given their hearts to Me. They are like My very
self. Because they have heard that I will return they struggle somehow or other to
remain alive.", . . .

Text 187

yas tath� procya yat praty�-

yayat tac ca vilokyat�m
bhramas te svabhrat�� vrajet

ya�-who; tath�-so; procya-speaking; yat-what; praty�yayathad faith; tac-that;

ca-and; vilokyat�m-may see; yad-vilocana-m�tre�a-simply by glancing; bhrama�-
wandering; te-they; svabhrat�m-the void; vrajet-attained.

. . . who said, "Convince them of My words. Make them see the truth of My message.
Then all their bewilderment will disappear.", . . .

Text 188

m�m evety �din� t�s��

anta� patir aha� param
barhir vyavah�tir loka-
d���yet� spa��am �tanot
m�m-Me; eva-indeed; iti-thus; �din�-beginning with; t�s�m-of them; anta�-the
end; pati�-the master; aham-I; param-great; bahi�-outside; vyavah�ti�-actions;
loka-of the world; d���yeti-the eyes; spa��am-clearly; �tanot-manifested.

. . . who, when he said (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.4) that He was the gop�s
dearmost beloved, revealed that although to the external vision of the people of
the world the gop�s were married to others, He was actually the Lord of the hearts,
. . .

Text 189

yat pitror ity ur�-cakre

pit�tva� ballavendrayo�
tasm�d ballava-m�nitva�
�tmana� ca vyajij�apat

yat-which; pitro�-of His parents; ity-thus; ur�-cakre-accepted; pit�tvam-

parenthood; ballavendrayo�-of the king and queen of the gopas; tasm�t-therefore;
ballava-m�nitvam-the glory of the gopas; �tmana�-of Himself; ca-and; vyajij�apat-

. . . who (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.45.21) affirmed that His real parents are Nanda
and Ya�od�, the king and queen of the gopas, who thus declared the great glory of
the gopas and gop�s, . . .

Text 190

tatra c�ha na ity etad

bahu-v�ci-pad�d idam
may� j�te tayo� putre
r�me tvay� ca putrat�

tatra-there; ca-and; �ha-said; na�-of Us; ity-thus; etat-this; bahu-v�c�-

padat-many words; idam-this; mayi-for Me; j�te-manifested; tayo�-of them both;
putre-the son; r�me-for Balar�ma; tvayi-for You; ca-and; putrat�-the state of being
a son.

. . . who by speaking the word "Us" (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.45.21) affirmed that
He and Balar�ma are the two sons of Nanda and Ya�od�, . . .

Text 191

tata� ca t�� prat� pr�khyad

ballavyo ma it� sphu�am
yad am�su sva-d�ratva�
vyana�ja svayam a�jas�

tata�-then; ca-and ; t��-manifested; prati-to; pr�khyat-said; ballavya�-to teh

gop�s; me-of Me; it�-thus; sphu�am-clearly; yat-what; am�su-for them; sva-d�ratvam-
the state of being Hs� wives; vyana�ja-manifested; svayam-personally; a�jas�-

. . . who (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.6) called the gop�s "My gop�s", and thus
affirmed that they were all His wives, . . .

Text 192

mad-d�ratva� ca t�s�� t��

sad� yasm�n mad-�tmik��
mad-�tmakatvam ��u sy�d
abhed�c chakti-tadvato�

mat-of Me; d�ratvam-the state of being wives; ca-and; t�s�m-of themn; t��-to
them; sad�-always; yasm�n-from which; mad-�tmik��-my self; mad-�tmakatvam-having Me
as their self; ��u-at once; sy�t-is; abhed�t-because of not being different; �akt�-
tadvato�-of the potency and the master of the potency.

. . . who (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.6) said the gop�s were "Like My very Self",
thus affirming that they were His wives and His transcendental potencies, in one
sense not different from Him, the master of all potencies, . . .

Text 193

it� vya�jan man-manask�

ity ukta� n�ty-apaik�yata
na c�nya-vad ih�pek�ya�
anyad ity apy amanyata

iti-thus; vya�jan-manifested; man-manask�-thinking of Me; ity-thus; uktam-

spoken; na-not; aty-greatly; apaik�yata--was considered; na-not; ca-and; anya-vat-
like others; iha-here; apek�yam-consideration; anyat-another; ity-thus; apy-also;
amanyata-is considered.

. . . who (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.4) said, "The gop�s always think of Me.",
and thus showed that the gop�s were very exalted and were not at all like anyone
else, . . .

Text 194

dh�rayant�t� ca procya
praty�gamanam uddi�an
ballavyo ma it� pr�khyat
tasm�d eva nyaj�gamat

dh�rayanti-holding; iti-thus; ca-and; procya-saying; praty�gamanam-return;

uddi�an-indicating; ballavya�-gop�s; me-My; iti-thus; pr�khyat-said; tasm�t-
therefore; eva-indeed; nyaj�gamat-returned.

. . . who (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.6) said, "Because they have heard that I
will return, the gop�s struggle somehow or other to remain alive.", and thus
affirmed they He would return to them, who used the words "My gop�s," and in these
words also affirmed that He would return to them, . . .

Text 195

gamana� mama taj jaj�e

sv�m ava�ya� k�ti� prati
�gamya sv�yat�� t�s��
p�rayi�y�my ad�rata�

gamanam-going; mama-of me; tat-that; jaj�e-manifested; sv�m-own; ava�yam-

inevitably; k�tim-pious deed; prati-to; �gamya-arriving; sv�yat�m-the state of
being His wives; t�s�m-of them; p�rayi�y�my-I will fulfill; ad�rata�-soon.

. . . who promised, "Soon I will return to Vraja. Then I will formally marry all
the gop�s.", . . .

Text 196

yas t�su bahudh�-j��na�

nidi�y�pi mudh� vidan
s�k��d eva nidi��av�n

ya�-who; t�su-to them; bahudh�-many; j��n�m-knowledge; nidi�ya-speaking; api-

also; mudh�-in vain; vidan-thinking; s�k��t-directly; �tm�ya-His own; sampr�ptim-
attainment; s�k��t-directly; eva-indeed; nidi��av�n-indicated.

. . . who, thinking that the message of transcendental knowledge He sent the gop�s
was not successful in appeasing them, decided that He would visit them and teach
them personally, . . .

Text 197

mayy �ve�ya mana� k���e

vimukt��e�a-v�tt� yat
anusmarantyo m�� nitya�
acir�n m�m upai�yatha

mayi-in Me; �ve�ya-placing; mana�-minds; k���e-in K���a; vimukt��e�a-v�tti-

abandoning all other actions; yat-which; anusmarantya�-remembering; m�m-Me; nityam-
always; acir�n-soon; mam-Me; upai�yatha-will attain.

. . . who said to the gop�s, "Because your hearts and minds are fixed on Me, �r�
K���a, because you have renounced everything for My sake, and because you always
think of Me, very soon you will attain My company.", . . .

Note: This verse is a quotation from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (10.47.36).

Text 198

y� may� kr��at� r�try��

vane 'smin vraja �sthit��
alabdha-r�s�� kaly��yo
m�pur mad-v�rya-cintay�

y��-who; may�-with Me; kr��at�-enjoyed pastimes; r�try�m-at night; vane-

forest; asmin-in this; vraje-in Vraja; �sthit��-situated; alabdha-not attained;
r�s��-the rasa dance; kaly��ya�-fortunate; m�-Me; �pu�-attained; mad-v�rya-cintay�-
thinking of My glories.

. . . who said to the gop�s, "Even the gop�s in Vraja village that could not go to
the r�sa dance I was enjoying at night in the forest became very fortunate. Always
thinking of My glories, they attained Me.", . . .

Note: This verse is a quotation from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (10.47.37).

Text 199

yas tad� sandi�an sand�-

pitam etad vinirmame
tad etac ch�nu mac-citta
gupta-vitta� manu�va ca

ya�-who; tad�-then; sandi�an-teaching; sand�pitam-inflamed; etat-this;

vinirmame-created; tat-that; etat-that; ��nu-please hear; mac-citta-My heart;
gupta-hidden; vittam-treasure; manu�va-think; ca-and.

. . . who when He spoke these words became agitated and said to Himself, "O heart,
please listen. Please understand the value of this carefully hidden treasure.", . .

Text 200

v�ttir yad any� nirmucya

mayy �mucya mana�-sthit��
m�m �psyatha druta� tasm�n
mama n�tra svatantrat�

v�tti�-actions; yat-what; any�-other; nirmucya-abandoning; mayy-Me; �mucya-

ataining; mana�-sthit��-staying in the heart; m�m-Me; �psyatha-will attain; drutam-
soon; tasm�n-therefore; mama-of Me; na-not; atra-here; svatantrat�-independence.

. . . who said to the gop�s, "You have renounced everything for My sake. You
always think of Me. You will attain Me very soon. I am under your dominion. I am
not independent.", . . .
Text 201

may�ty anena pr�pte 'pi

k���e k���a-pada� bruvan
anya-r�pa� manyam�n�n
hanyam�n�n vyadh�t prabhu�

mayI-in me; iti-thus; anena-by that; pr�pte-attained; api-even; k���e-K���a;

k���a-padam-K���a's abode; bruvan-saying; anya-r�pam-another form; manyam�n�n-
thinking; hanyam�n�n-being killed; vyadh�t-killed; prabhu�-the Lord.

. . . who said to the gop�s (�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.47.36), "Because your hearts and
minds are fixed on Me, �r� K���a, because you have renounced everything for My
sake, and because you always think of Me, very soon you will attain My company.",
who with these words affirmed that the gop�s would attain His abode, the abode of
�r� K���a, and they wold attain the company of �r� K���a Himself, not another form
of the Lord, . . .

Text 202

may�ty eva� m�m it� ca

procya m�m ity avocata
tac c�v�tty� d��h�-k�ty�
mata� parid��h�-k�tam

mayi-in Me; iti-thus; evam-thus; m�m-Me; iti-thus; ca-and; procya�saing; m�m-

Me; ity-thus; avocata-said; tat-that; ca-and; �v�tty�-returning; d��h�-k�ty�-making
firm; matam-opin�on; parid��h�-k�tam-made firm.

. . . who, speaking the word "Me" again and again in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam, Canto 10,
Chapters 46 and 47, made it very clear that the gop�s would attain His company, . .

Text 203

k���e it� pada� labdhe

may�ty asya vi�e�a�e
m�� dvaye 'py apalabdh� s�
tad-vi�e�a�at� svata�

k���e-K���e; iti-thus; padam-word; labdhe-attained; may�-in Me; iti-thus;

asya-of Him; vi�e�a�e-modifying; m�m-Me; dvaye-two; api-also; apalabdh�-attained;
s�-that; tad-vi�e�a�at�-modifying that; svata�-personally.

. . . who said to the gop�s (�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.47.36), "Your hearts and minds
are fixed on Me, �r� K���a," who thus idenified Himself with two words (Me and
K���a), . . .

Text 204
may� k���e 'tra m�� k���a�
m�� k���am it� sidhyati
kaly��ya it� sambodhya
prabodhya� k�tav�n idam

mayi-in Me; k���e-K���a; atra-here; m�m-to Me; k���am-K���a; m�m-to Me;

k���am-K���a; iti-thus; sidhyati-established; kaly��ya�-O fortunate ones; iti-thus;
sambodhya-addressing; prabodhyam-awareness; k�tav�n-did; idam-this.

. . . who by again and again speaking in these verses the word "for me, K���a,"
and "to me, K���a," and by describing the gop�s as "fortunate," made the the gop�s
aware of the actual truth, . . .

Text 205

na t�s�m iva mat-pr�ptir

deha� va� param �hate
ity evam anyad apy atra
manyam�na� mana� kuru

na-not; t�s�m-of them; iva-like; mat-pr�pti�-the attainment of Me; deham-the

body; va�-of Us; param-then; �hate-endeavors; ity-thus; evam-thus; anyat-another;
apy-also; atra-here; manyam�nam-considering; mana�-the mind; kuru-do.

. . . who said the gop�s that were stopped from going to the r�sa dance and at
that moment died did not give up their bodies and attain new bodies, but rather in
their very same bodies attained Him, who therefore urged the gop�s to think of Him
always, . . .

Text 206

ya� �r�-r�me�a sandi�ya

priy�su nija-h�d-gatam
yath�vad vyaj�ay�m �sa
�r�-par��ara-g�r yath�

ya�-who; �r�-r�me�a-with Lord Balar�ma; sandi�ya-instructing; priy�su-His

beloveds; nija-h�d-gatam-to His own heart; yath�vat-as; vyaj�ay�m �sa-manifested;
�r�-par��ara-g��-the words of Par��ara Muni; yath�-as.

. . . who sent with Lord Balar�ma a message to the gop�s, a message explaining the
feelings in His heart, a message described by Par��ara Mun� in the Vi��u
Pur��a, . . .

Text 207

sande�ai� s�ma-madhurai�
prema-garbhair agarvitai�
r�me��sv�sit� gopya�

sande�ai�-with a message; s�ma-consoling; madhurai�-sweet; prema-garbhai�-

creating love; agarvitai�-humble; r�me�a-by Lord Balar�ma; ��v�sit��-comforted;
gopya�-the gop�s; k���asya-of Lord K���a; at�-manoharaih--very beautiful.

. . . who sent with Lord Balar�ma a sweet, humble, beautiful, comforting message
that greatly consoled the gop�s, . . .

Text 208

ya� kuruk�etra-y�tr�y�
vyajan m�tr�dik��� cir�t
santyajy�m�n vis�jy�ny�n
saha-v�sa-muda� dadhe

ya�-who; kuruk�etra-y�tr�y�-the pilgrimage to Kuruk�etra; vyajan-manifesting;

m�t�-His mother; �dik�n-beginning with; cir�t-for a long time; santyajya-
abandoning; am�n-them; vis�jya-abandoing; any�n-others; saha-with; v�sa-residence;
mudam-happiness; dadhe-placed.

. . . who on the pretext of going on a pilgrimage to Kuruk�etra slipped away from

the Y�davas and visited His mother and the other people of Vraja, bringing them
great happiness, . . .

Text 209

ya� sura-ghn�n vraje gantu�

vighn�n hantu� vraje�itu�
vraje gamanam �carya
dv�rak�-gatim �dade

ya�-who; sura-the demigods; ghn�n-destroying; vraje-in Vraja; gantum-to go;

vighn�n-obstacles; hantum-to destroy; vraje�itu�-of Vraja's king; vraje-in Vraja;
gamanam-going; �carya-doing; dv�rak�-gatim-the destination of Dv�rak�; �dade-

. . . who killed the demons that prevented His return to Vraja, returned to
Nanda's Vraja, and then went to Dv#rak�, . . .

Text 210

ya� kr�madbhi� su-d�rghe�a

su��hu kro��u� vraja� prati
�mukta� pa�a-sa�k��a-
manas� vraja-v�sibhi�

ya�-who; kramadbhi�-walking; su-d�rghe�a-very long; su��hu-nicely; kra��um-to

forcibly bring; vrajam-Vraja; prati-to; �mukta�-freed; pasa-sa�k��a-by ropes;
manas�-the mind; vraja-v�sibhi�-by the people of Vraja.
. . . whose thoughts the Vrajav�s�s captured, bound, and forcibly dragged to the
land of Vraja, . . .

Text 211

ya� prak��a� mah�-r�ja-

sampada� dadhad �k�ita�
vraj�ya vraja-r�j�dyen-
�h�ta� p�rvavad gir�

ya�-who; prak��am-manifestation; mah�-r�ja-O great king; sampadam-opulence;

dadhat-placing; �k�ita�-seen; vraj�ya-for Vraja; vraja-r�j�dyena-headed by the king
of Vraja; �h�ta�-called; p�rvavat-as before; gir�-with words.

. . . who, even though he had riches greater than the greatest kings, felt drawn
to Vraja by the calls of Nanda and the others, . . .

Text 212

yas te��� su��hu nir�inye

yan-mana� sv�gati-sp�hi
ten�nta�-kar�a�a� pr�pta�
kar�am anyena n�rhati

ya�-who; te��m-of them; su��hu-nicely; nir�inye-was led; yan-mana�-whose mind;

sv�gati-own abode; sp�hi-desiring; tena-by that; anta�-within; kar�a�am-
attraction; pr�pta�-attained; kar�am-happiness; anyena-by another; na-not; arhati-

. . . whose thoughts were captured and drawn away only by the people of Vraja and
by no one else, . . .

Text 213

ya� sv�ya-�obhitas te���

sv�ya-k�m�n ap�rayat
k���e kamala-patr�k�e

ya�-who; sv�ya-own; �obhita�-made glorious; te��m-of them; sv�ya-k�m�n-own

desires; ap�rayat-filled; k���e-K���a; kamala-lotus; patra-petal; ak�e-eyes;
sannyasta-abandoned; akhila-all; r�dhas�m-possessions.

. . . who is all-attractive, who has lotus eyes, who is glorious in the company of
His devotees, who fulfills the desires of the devotees that have given up
everything for His sake, . . .
Note: the last two lines of this verse are a quotation from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam

Text 214

�gami�yety ad�rghe�ety
���-labdha� yad-ipsitam
tad-artham eva t�n arth�n
ye sv�-cakru� par�n api

�gami�yaty-will return; ad�rghe�ety-soon; ���-labdham-attainment of desire;

yad-ipsitam-what is desired; tad-artham-for that purpose; eva-indeed; t�n-those;
arth�n-purposes; ye-who; sv�-cakru�-accepted; par�n-others; api-also.

. . . whose promise, sent through Uddhava, that "K���a will return very soon," was
accepted, with other promises, by the people of Vraja, . . .

Text 215

ya� sv�gamana-mary�d��
preyas��u nija� vyadh�t
m�ra�a� sarva-t�ra�am

ya�-who; sv�gamana-mary�d�m-return; preyas��u-to the beloved gop�s; nijam-own;

vyadh�t-placed; dantavakra-with Dantavakra; anta-ending; �atr���m-of the enemies;
m�ra�am-the death; sarva-t�ra�am-resvuing all.

. . . who, after He had killed the enemies of whom Dantavakra was the last,
returned to Vraja, . . .

Text 216

�pi smaratha na� sakhya�

sv�n�m artha-cick�r�ay�
gat��� cir�yit�n �atru-

api-whether?; smaratha-you remember; na�-us; sakhya�-O friends; sv�n�m-own;

artha-cick�r�ay�-for the purpose; gat�n-gone; cir�yit�n-for a long time; �atru-
pak�a-enemies; k�apa�a-destruction; cetasa�-mind.

. . . who said to the gop�s, "Friends, do you remember Me? I was gone for a long
time, My heart intent on protecting My relatives and killing the demons.", . . .

Note: This verse is a quotation from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (10.82.41).

Text 217
may� bhaktir h� bh�t�n��
am�tatv�ya kalpate
di��y� yad �s�n mat-sneho
bhavat�n�� mad-�pana�

mayi-to Me; bhakti�-devotional service; hi-certainly; bh�t�n�m-of the living

entities; am�tatv�ya-the eternal life; kalpate-brings about; di��y�-by good
fortune; yat-which; �s�n-was; mat-for Me; sneha�-the affection; bhavat�n�m-of all
of you; mat-of Me; �pana�-the attaining.

. . . who said to the gop�s, "Devotional service rendered to Me by the living

entities revives their eternal life. O My dear damsels of Vraja, your affection for
Me is your good fortune, for it is the only means by which you have attained My
favor.*", . . .

Note: This verse is a quotation from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (10.82.44).

Text 218

yas tat-k�lika-��nty-arthe
tath�pi j��nam �di�at
�hu� cety �dike padye
pr�rthitas t�bhir anyath�

ya�-who; tat-k�lika-of that time; ��nty-arthe-for peace; tath�pi-still;

j��nam-knowledge; �di�at-taught; �hu�-they said; ca-and; iti-thus; �dike-beginning;
padye-in the verse; pr�rthita�-begged; t�bhi�-by them; anyath�-otherwise.

. . . who tried to pacify the gop�s by teaching them transcendental knowledge,

although they themselves asked (�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.82.49) for something other
than what He taught them, . . .

Text 219

tatr��ghri-sm�ti-y�cn� tu
lak�yam eva vinirmame
s� tu paryavas�yate

tatra-there; a�ghri-feet; sm�ti-memory; y�cn�-request; tu-indeed; lak�yam-to

be considered; eva-indeed; vinirmame-made; tat-praty�gati-His return; t�tpary�-the
meaning; sa-that; tu-indeed; paryavas�yate-is completed.

. . . who heard the gop�s request that they may always remember His lotus feet,
who heard the gop�s request that He return to Vraja, . . .

Text 220
may� t�� prey�s�m ity �dy-
ukta� tena svaya� yata�
tasm�t tac-cintan�sakty�
vyakty� tad-dar�an�rthit�

may� t�� prey�s�m ity �dy-uktam-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.5; tena-by Him;

svayam-personally; yata�-from which; tasm�t-from that; tac-cintan�-meditating on
Him; �sakty�-attachment; vyakty�-manifest; tad-dar�an�rthit�-to see Him.

. . . who in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.5 described the gop�s constant meditation on

Him and their yearning to see Him, . . .

Text 221

tath�nug�hya bhagav�n
gop�n�� sa gurur gati�
ity anena muni� procya
t�s�� v��chita-p�ra�am

tath�-so; anug�hya-being kind; bhagav�n-the Lord; gop�n�m-of the gop�s; sa-He;

guru�-the guru; gati�-the goal; ity-thus; anena-by him; muni�-the sage; procya-
saying; t�s�m-of them; v��chita-the desire; p�ra�am-fulfillment.

. . . whose fulfillment of the gop�s desires was described by the sage �ukadeva in
the words (�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.83.1), "Then Lord K���a, their master, teacher, and
goal, gave His mercy to the gop�s.", . . .

Text 222

may� bhaktir h�t� k���a-

proktam eva nyaj�gamat
mayy �ve�ya mana� k���a
ity ady�pi ca tad-vaca�

may� bhaktir h� iti-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.82.44; k���a-by Lord K���a; proktam-

said; eva-indeed; nyaj�gamat-returned; mayy �ve�ya mana� k���e ity �dy-�r�mad-
Bh�gavatam 10.47.36; api-and; ca-also; tad-vaca�-His words.

. . . who in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.82.44 and 10.47.36 promised that He would return

to Vraja, . . .

Text 223

ya� p�thivy� gu�a-stome

satyen�d�v abhi��uta�
satya� vidh�tu� satya� tan
n�vrajet ki� vraje bata

ya�-who; p�thivy�-of the earth; gu�a-stome-full of good qualities; satyen�d�v-

beginning with truthfulness; abhi��uta�-requested; satyam-truth; vidh�tum-to do;
satyam-truth; tat-that; na-not; �vrajet-returned; kim-how?; vraje-in Vraja; bata-

. . . who is full of good qualities beginning with truthfulness, who is true to

His promise, about whom how could it be said that He did not keep His promise and
return to Vraja?, . . .

Texts 224 and 225

sambh�van� mamaiveya�
it� n�tra vic�ryat�m
vraja-sth�n�� vraja-pr��a-
varyasy�py avadh�ryat��

k���a-k�nt�-ga�asya ca
uddhava� prat� g�r �d�g
d��yat�� da�am�di�u

sambh�van�-thought; mama-of Me; eva-indeed; iyam-this; iti-thus; na-not; atra-

here; vic�ryat�m-should be considered; vraja-in Vraja; sth�n�m-of they who stay;
vraja-of Vraja; pr��a-the life; varyasya-best; api-also; avadh�ryat�m-is
determined; �r�mad-vraj�dhir�jasya-of the king of Vraja; k���a-k�nt�-ga�asya-of
Lord K���a's gop� beloveds; ca-and; uddhavam-Uddhava; prati-to; g��-words; �d�g-
like this; d��yat�m-may be seen; da�am�di�u-in the Tenth Canto and other places.

. . . who spoke to Uddhava words recorded in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam's Tenth Canto and

in other places of the scriptures, words that said, "Please deliver this message to
the people of Vraja, the king of Vraja, and the gop�s.", . . .

Text 226

yas tu yarhy ambujak�eti

stavadbhir dv�rak�-janai�
kad�cid vrajam �g�d ity
abhyadh�y� kad�cana

ya�-who; tu-indeed; yarhy ambujak�a iti-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 1.11.9; stavadbhi�-

by the prayers; dv�rak�-janai�-by the people of Dv�rak�; kad�cit-at a certain time;
vrajam-Vraja; �g�t-went; ity-thus; abhyadh�yi-is explained; kad�cana-at one time.

. . . who returned to Vraja, as the people of Dv�raka� explained in the prayer

recorded in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 1.11.9, . . .

Text 227

yas tath� �ruyate padmo-

ttara-kha���d api sphu�am
ad�d vraj�ya sva-pr�pti-
ma�gala� nityam ity api

ya�-who; tath�-so; �ruyate-is heard; padma-from the Padma Pur��a; uttara-

kha���t-Uttara-kha��a; api-also; sphu�am-manifested; ad�t-gave; vraj�ya-to Vraja;
sva-pr�pti-His own attainment; ma�galam-auspiciousness; nityam-always; ity-thus;

. . . who grants His auspicious presence to the people of Vraja eternally, as is

described in the Padma Pur��a, Uttara-kha��a, . . .

Text 228

dattv� tat k�ta-k�tya� san

pr�durbh�v�ntara� gata�
jag�ma dv�rak�m ity apy
a�r�v�ty api yuktimat

dattv�-having given; tat-that; k�ta-k�tya�-successful; san-being so;

pr�durbh�va-manifestation; antaram-another; gata�-attained; jag�ma-went; dv�rak�m-
to Dv�rak�; ity-thus; apy-also; a�r�v�-is heard; iti-thus; api-also; yuktimat-

. . . who, staying in Vraja, assumed another form and went to Dva�rak�, this
action clearly recorded in the scriptures, . . .

Text 229

�gami�yaty ad�rghe�ety
uddhav�d buddham anyath�
yath� na sy�t tath� bh�vya�
kath�ny� vitath� mat�

�gami�yaty-will return; ad�rghe�a-soon; iti-thus; uddhav�t-from Uddhava;

buddham-understood; anyath�-otherwise; yath�-as; na-not; sy�t-is; tath�-so;
bh�vyam-will be; kath�-words; any�-other; vitath�-untrue; mat�-considered.

. . . about whom Uddhava said, "K���a will soon return to Vraja" (�r�mad-
Bh�gavatam 10.46.34), who must have returned to �raja, for otherwise Uddhava had
spoken a lie, . . .

Text 230

yas tyajann api g�m �khyat

tam uddhavakam utsuka�
r�me�a s�rdham ity �dya�
t�s�� k�mita-lambhanam

ya�-who; tyajann-abandoning; api-also; g�m-the land; tam-to him; uddhavakam-to

Uddhava; �khyat-said; tam-to him; uddhavakam-Uddhava; utsuka�-eager; r�me�a-with
Balar�ma; s�rdham-with; ity-thus; �dyam-beginning; t�s�m-of them; k�mita-desired;

. . . who, as He was about to depart, eagerly described (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam

11.12.10) to Uddhava the nature of the gop�s desires, . . .

Text 231

r�me�et� dvayen�ha
viyuktair yad-vyat�tat�m
tena n�st� viyukti� s�
tad�n�m it� bh�vyate

r�me�a iti-beginning with the word "r�e�a; dvayena-two verses; �ha-said;

viyuktai�-separated; yad-vyat�tat�m-passed; tena-by Him; na-not; asti-is; viyukti�-
separation; s�-that; tad�n�m-then; iti-thus; bh�vyate-will be.

. . . who (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 11.12.10-11) described the gop�s sufferings in

separation from Him, who after speaking these words explained that the gop�s were
never actually separated from Him, . . .

Text 232

may� t�� prey�s�� pre��h�

it� pr�ktana-v�g-dvaye
viyukter vartam�natva�
d���v� ni��a�kyat�m idam

may� t�� prey�s�m� pre��h� iti-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.5; pr�ktana-v�g-dvaye-

previous two statements; viyukte�-of separation; vartam�natvam-being in the present
time; d���v�-seeing; ni��a�kyat�m-is guessed; idam-this.

. . . who in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.5-6 explained the gop�s feelings in

separation from Him, . . .

Text 233

svena t�s�� puna� sa�ge

yad-v�tta� prathame 'hani
tad apy atitar�ty �ha
pr�ty� sandadhad uddhavam

svena-own; t�s�m-of them; puna�-again; sa�ge-in the company; yad-v�ttam-whose

actions; prathame-in the first; ahani-on the day; tat-that; apy-also; atitari-
passed; iti-thus; �ha-said; pr�ty�-with love; sandadhat-placed; uddhavam-Uddhava.

. . . who had Uddhava, on the first day of his meeting with the gop�s, speak His
mesaage of love for them, . . .
Text 234

t� n�vidann it� proce

yatra t�s�� mad-�tmat�m
babh�va sa� mah�-bh�va�
sarv�s�� parata� para�

t� n�vidann iti-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 11.12.12; proce-said; yatra-where; t�s�m-of

them; mad-�tmat�m-My self; babh�va-became; sa�-He mah�-bh�va�-great love; sarv�s�m-
of all the gop�s; parata�-than the greatest; para�-greater.

. . . who in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 11.12.12 explained that the gop�s were rapt in

meditation on Him and their love for Him was greater than the greatest love, . . .

Text 235

tata� ca n�ma-r�p�tmany
udbh�te sv�ya-vaibhave
pravi��� iva na spa��a�
pravi��� gaty-abh�vata�

tata�-then; ca-and; n�ma-names; r�pa-forms; �tmany-in the Self; udbh�te-

manifested; sv�ya-vaibhave-own potency; pravi���-entered; iva-like; na-not;
spa��am-clealry; pravi���-entered; gaty-abh�vata�-because of not moving.

. . . into whom the gop�s, rapt in meditation, seemed to enter with their names
and forms, although they did not actually enter but kept their individuality
(�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 11.12.12), . . .

Text 236

d����nta-yugala� tat tu
n�vidann it� kevale
avedana� nad�-pak�e
'py abdhy-anya-rasat�-hati�

d����nta-yugalam-the pair of examples; tat-that; tu-indeed; na avidan iti-

�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 11.12.12; kevale-in monism; avedanam-without awareness; nad�-
pak�e-in the river; api-also; abdhi-of the ocean; anya-other; rasat�-kind of water;

. . . who spoke in this verse (�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 11.12.12) two examples: the

example of the great sages and the example of the rivers entering the ocean,
examples that do not confirm the impersonalist theory because the river water is
very different from the water in the ocean, . . .

Text 237

samadh�v it� d����ntasy-

sy�d a�ga� tad-bhid� dvayo�

samadhau-in trance; iti-thus; d����ntasya-of the example; a�ga-limb; r�patay�-

as the form; �ritam-is said; da����ntikasya-the example; anusa�ga�-the relation;
sy�t-is; a�gam-the limb; tad-bhid�-different; dvayo�-of both.

. . . who spoke in this verse the example of the great sages in spiritual trance,
an example that also does not prove the impersonalist theory because a single limb
can never equal the whole body, and therefore the limb and the body are
different, . . .

Text 238

mat-k�m� rama�a� j�ra�

asvar�pa-vido 'bal��
brahma m�� parama� pr�pur
it� padye tu tat-pare

mat-k�m�-desiring Me; rama�am-handsome; j�ram-lover; asvar�pa-vida�-not

knowing the true nature; abal��-women; brahma-the Supreme Personality of Godhead;
m�m-Me; paramam-the Supreme; pr�pu�-attained; iti-thus; padye-in the verse; tu-
indeed; tat-pare-the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

. . . who said, "Desiring Me as their handsome lover, and unaware of My true

identity, the gop�s attained the company of Me, the perfect Supreme Personality of
Godhead.", . . .

Note: This verse is a quote from �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (11.12.13).

Text 239

pacyant�� vividh�� p�k�

itiv�tr�rthika� krama�
ta brahma pr�pur ity eva�
t� ity asy�tra c�nvaya�

pacyant�m� vividh�� p�k� iti-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.24.26; v�-or; atra-here;

arthika�-the meaning; krama�-sequence; t��-they; brahma-theSupreme Personality of
Godhead; pr�pu�-attained; ity-thus; evam-thus; ta-they; ity-thus; asya-of Him;
atra-here; ca-and; anvaya�-the meaning.

. . . whose true nature the gop�s did not understand, as is seen the �r�mad-
Bh�gavatam 10.24.26 and other verses, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
attained by the gop�s, . . .

Text 240
k�d�g brahmet� bodh�ya
yat pr�ha parama� padam
tatr�py aka�k�ay�v�d�n
m�m it� sva� puna� prabhu�

k�d�k-like what?; brahma-Brahman; iti-thus; bodh�ya-for understanding; yat-

what; pr�ha-said; paramam-supreme; padam-aqbode; tatr�py-nevertheless; �ka�k�ay�-
with desire; �v�d�t-said; m�m-Me; iti-thus; svam-own; puna�-again; prabhu�-the

. . . about whom the question is asked, "What is the nature of the Supreme?",
about whom the answer is given, "The Supreme is the supreme abode," who affirms
that He is Himself the Supreme, who uses the word "Me" to describe the Supreme, . .

Text 241

may� bhaktir h�t� v�kyad

�ha pr�g etad eva hi
dh�rayanty ati-k�cchre�ety
ukty� vy�nag ida� pur�

may� bhaktir h� it� v�kyat-from the words of �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.82.44; �ha-

said; pr�g-first; etat-this; eva-indeed; hi-indeed; dh�rayanty at�-k�cchre�a it�
ukty�-by the statement of �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.4; vy�nak-manifested; idam-this;

. . . who, speaking �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.82.44 and 10.46.6, revealed that He is

the perfect Supreme Personality of Godhead, . . .

Text 242

pr��a-ty�gena mat-pr�ptir
n�nyavat t�su man-mat�
mat-k�m� it� p�rv�rdhe
c�khy�t pr�pti-vibhaktat�m

pr��a-life; ty�gena-by giving up; mat-pr�pti�-attinment of �e; na-not;

anyavat-another; t�su-them; man-mat�-thinking of Me; mat-k�m�-desiring Me; iti-
thus; p�rv�rdhe-in the first half; ca-and; �khy�t�said; pr�pt�-vibhaktat�m-the

. . . who, saying, "Giving up their lives thinking of Me, the gop�s attained Me,"
"The gop�s thought of Me alone and no one else," and "The gop�s desired me as their
lover," described how the gop�s attained Him, . . .

Text 243

asvar�pa-vida� satya�
pr�pur j�ra-dhiyety avak
svar�pa� h� tad�yakam

asvar�pa-vida�-unaware of the true nature; satya�-saintly girlsd; pr�pu�-

attained; j�ra-dhiy-thinking as a paramour; iti-thus; avak-said; nitya-eternal;
tat-His; preyas�-beloveds; r�pa-svar�pam-nature; hi-indeed; tad�yakam-His.

. . . whom the saintly gop�s, unaware of His true nature and thinking Him to be
their paramour, attained, who is the eternal lover of His eternally dear gop�s, . .

Text 244

yat p�rva� bh�vayan bh�va�

bhavin�n�m am�d���m
mat-k�m� it� nik�ipya
j�ratve 'sthairyam ak�ipat

yat-who; p�rvam-before; bh�vayan-manifesting; bh�vam-love; bhavin�n�m-of the

beautiful gop�s; am�d���m-them; mat-k�m�-desiring Me; iti-thus; nik�ipya-placing;
j�ratve-in the status of a paramour; asthairyam-instability; ak�ipat-discarded.

. . . who described in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 11.12.13 the nature of the gop�s'

passionate love for Him, . . .

Text 245

may� k�ma� sad� y�s��

ta mat-k�m� it�ritam
k�ma� ca rama�atvena
sp�h�tra pratipadyate

mayi-for Me; k�ma�-desire; sad�-always; y�s�m-of whom; ta-they; mat-

k�m�desiring Me; iti-thus; �ritam-said; k�mas�-desire; ca-and; rama�atvena-as a
lover; sp�h�-desire; atra-here; pratipadyate-is established.

. . . who in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 11.12.13 spoke the word "mat-k�m��", which means

"as girls passionately desire their lover, so the gop�s desired Me.", . . .

Text 246

asminn api batety �di

�r�-r�dh�-g�r ali� prati
vivicyat�� tata� sarva�
anyad anyad vivicyat�m

asmin-in this; ap� bata it� �di-�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.47.21; �r�-r�dh�-g��-the

words of �r� R�dh�; alim-a bee; prati-to; vivicyat�m-should be considered; tata�-
then; sarvam-all; anyat-another; anyat-another; vivicyat�m-should be considered.
. . . who thought again and again about the words R�dha� spoke to a bee (�r�mad-
Bh�gavatam 10.47.21), . . .

Text 247

atr�rya-putra� �abda� sy�t

paty�v eva prasiddhi-bh�k
tath�pi sve�u kai�karya�
dainya� kany�vad�ritam

atra-here; �rya-putra�-the son of an exalted father; �abda�-theword; sy�t-is;

patyau-for a husband; eva-indeed; prasiddh�-bh�k-appropriate; tath�pi-still; sve�u-
on their own; kai�karyam-service; dainyam-humbleness; kany�-by a girl; avad�ritam-

. . . about whom (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.47.21) �r� R�dha� used the word "�rya-
putra" (son of an exalted father), a word properly used only by a wife addressing
her husband, even though She also referred to Herself and the gop�s as His
maidservants, . . .

Text 248

sa�klpt�� patit� t�bhi�

punar ittham ud�ritam
�y�masundara te d�sya
it� yadvat tatheha ca

sa�klpt��-created; patit�-fallen; t�bhi�-by them; puna�-again; ittham-thus;

ud�ritam-said; �y�masundara-O Lord �y�masundara; te-of You; d�sya-the maidsrvants;
iti-thus; yadvat-as; tath�-so; iha-here; ca-and.

. . . of whom the gop�s affirmed they were the maidservants (�r�mad-Bh�gavatam

10.22.15), . . .

Text 249

�rya-putra� kad�sm�ka�
ki�kar���� tu m�rdhani
bhuja� dh�syaty evam �s��

�rya-putra�-the son of an exalted father; kad�-when?; asm�kam-of us;

ki�kar���m-the maidservants; tu-indeed; murdhani-on the head; bhujam-the arm;
dh�syati-will place; evam-thus; �s�m-of them; tat-patn�-pada-k�mat�-the desire to
become the wives.

. . . whom �r� R�dh�, saying (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.47.21) "When will Lord K���a
place His hand on the heads of us, His maidservants?", yearned to marry, . . .
Text 250

tat-k�mat� h� siddh� cet

tena tad-d�nam avyayam
ye yath� m�� pr�padyante
it� yadvat prati�rava�

tat-k�mat�-that desire; hi-indeed; siddh�-fulfilled; cet-if; tena-by Him; tad-

d�nam-that gift; avyayam-eternal; ye yath� m�m� pr�padyante iti-�r�mad-Bhagavad-
g�ta� 4.11; yadvat-as; prati�rava�-heard.

. . . who, following His promise in Bhagavad-g�ta� 4.11, fulfilled that

desire, . . .

Text 251

ballavyo me mad-�tm�na
it� yat proktam �tman�
sarve��� vacasam �rdhva�
tad �st�� sarva-m�rdhani

ballavya�-the gop�s; me-of Me; mad-�tm�na-the self; iti-thus; yat�which;

proktam-said; �tman�-by the self; sarve��m-of all; vacasam-the word; �rdhvam-above;
tat-that; �st�m-is; sarva-all; m�rdhani-on the head.

. . . who spoke the words (in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.46.6) "ballavyo me mad-

�tmik��", which mean "the gop�s have given their hearts to Me", who with these
words explained that the gop�s stand at the head of all exalted persons, . . .

Text 252

yan mat-k�m� it� proce

t�s�� pr�ptis tath� svayam
tan-may� s�dhu tat prokta�
t�s�� k�mita-lambhanam

yat-which; mat-k�m�-desiring Me; iti-thus; proce-said; t�s�m-of them; pr�pti�-

attainment; tath�-so; svayam-pewrsonally; tan-may�-consisting of that; s�dhu-good;
tat-that; proktam-said; t�s�m-of them; k�mita-lambhanam-the attainment of the

. . . who in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 11.12.13 explained that the gop�s did attain Him
and their desires were all fulfilled, . . .

Text 253

mat-k�m� it� padyasya

t�ry���e t� idam ucyate
para� ca sa�gatas t�s��
pr�pu� �ata-sahasra�a�

mat-k�m�-desiring Me; iti-thus; padyasya-of the verse; t�ry���e-in the fourth

part; tv-indeed; idam-this; ucyate-is said; para�-great; ca-and; sa�gata�-
association; t�s�m-of them; pr�pu�-attained; �ata-sahasra�a�-hundreds and

. . . who in fourth line of �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 11.12.13 said that hundreds of

thousands of gop�s attained Him, . . .

Text 254

ya� �r�-garga-vaca� p�r�a�

t�r�a� cakre svaya� dvayam
e�a va� �reya �dh�syad
ya etasmin mahet� dik

ya�-who; �r�-garga-vaca�-the owrds of Garga Muni; p�r�am-fulfilled; t�r�am-

quickly; cakre-did; svayam-personally; dvayam-both; e�a-He; va�-of you; �reya-best;
�dh�syat-will place; ya-who; etasmin-in this; mah�-Mah�; iti-thus; dik-the

. . . who quickly fulfilled the predictions Garga Mun� made in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam

10.8.16 and 10.8.18, . . .

Text 255

n���d vighnasya ka�s�de�

paty-�bh�s�di-jasya ca
sad� svam adad�d yasm�d
vraje k�nta-vraje�v api

n���t-from the destruction; vighnasya-of the obstacles; ka�s�de�-beginning

with Ka�sa; paty-�bh�s�d�-jasya-beginning with being a paramour; ca-and; sad�-
always; svam-Himself; adad�t-took; yasm�t-from which; vraje-in Vraja; k�nta-
vraje�v-of His beloved gop�s; api-even.

. . . who stopped the troubles caused by Ka�sa and a host of demons, who stopped
the obstruction cause by the gop�s so-called husbands, who gave Himself to His dear
gop�s, . . .

Text 256

ya� pr�d�d vraja-v�sibhya�

p�rva-r�ty� nij�� gatim
v�nd�vana-stha� goloka�
n�mn�� ya� pr�g alokayat

ya�-who; pr�d�t-gave; vraja-v�sibhya�-to the people of Vraja; purva-r�ty�-

before; nij�m-own; gatim-destination; v�nd�vana-stham-in V�nd�vana; goloka-Goloka;
n�mn�m-named; yam-which; pr�g-before; alokayat-showed.

. . . who showed the people of Vraja His abode named Goloka, who gave them Goloka
as their home, . . .

Text 257

ya� �r�-b�had-gautam�ye
pr�ha v�nd�vana� prati
sarva-deva-maya� c�ha�
na tyaj�mi vana� kvacit

yam-which; �r�-b�had-gautam�ye-in �r� B�had-gautam�ya Tantra; pr�ha-said;

v�nd�vanam-V�nd�vana; prati-to; sarva-deva-all demigods; maya�-consisting; ca-and;
aham-I; na-not; tyaj�mi-leave; vanam-forest; kvacit-ever.

. . . who said in the B�had Gautam�ya Tantra, "I, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, the master of the all the demigods, never leave the forest of V�nd�vana. .
. .

Text 258

�virbh�vas tirobh�vo
bhaven me 'tra yuge yuge
tejomayam ida� ramya�
ad��ya� carma-cak�u��

�virbh�va�-appearance; tirobh�va�-disappearence; bhaven-is; me-of Me; atra-

here; yuge-yuga; yuge-after yuga; tejomayam-splendid; idam-this; ramyam-beautiful;
ad��yam-invisible; carma-material; cak�u��-to eyes.

. . . who said in the B�had Gautam�ya Tantra, "Millennium after millennium I

appear in V�nd�vana and then again I disappear. V�nd�vana cannot be seen with
material eyes.", . . .

Text 259

tad etad vi��ar�d brahma-

sa�hit�y�� nir�pitam
goloka-n�ma tan-madhye
golok�khya� hare� padam

tad etat-this; vi��ar�t-elaborately; brahma-sa�hit�y�m-in Brahma-sa�hit�;

nir�pitam-described; goloka-Goloka; n�ma-named; tan-madhye-in the middle there;
golok�khyam-named Goloka; hare�-of Lord K���a; padam-the abode.

. . . whose abode named Goloka is elaborately described in Brahma-sa�hit�, . . .

Text 260

na tyaj�m�t� yat tat tu

dvidh�bhipr�yaka� matam
virahe 'p� vraje sphur�y�
p�rty� ��ghr�gater api

na-not; tyaj�mi-I leave; iti-thus; yat-what; tat-that; tu-indeed; dvidh�-two;

abhipr�yakam-meanings; matam-considered; virahe-in separation; api-also; vraje-in
Vraja; sphur�y�-with the manifestation; p�rty�-with the fulfillment; ��ghra-quick;
�gate�-of the arrival; api-also.

. . . whose words, "I never leave V�nd�vana" may be interpreted in two ways:
either, "I am always present in V�nd�vana, even when it seems that I have left," or
"If somehow I leave V�nd�vana I always quickly return.", . . .

Text 261

ya� sva-p�ryor api sthairya�

yat� nitya� yath�ha ca
mathur� bhagav�n yatra
nitya� sannihito hari�

ya�-who; sva-p�ryo�-of His two cities; api-also; sthairyam-steadiness; yati-

attains; nityam-eternally; yath�-as; �ha-says; ca-and; mathur�-Mathur�; bhagav�n-
the Supreme Personality of Godhead; yatra-where; nityam-eternally; sannihita�-
stays; hari�-K���a.

. . . . who eternally stays in His two cities (Mathura� and Dv�rak�), as �r�mad-
Bh�gavatam (10.1.28) explains, "The city and district of Mathura� are very
intimately connected with K���a, for Lord K���a lives there eternally.*", . . .

Texts 262 and 263

dv�rak�� hari�� tyakta�

samudro 'plavayat k�a�at
varjayitv� mah�-r�ja

nitya� sannihitas tatra
bhagav�n madhus�dana�

dv�rak�m-Dv�rak�; hari��-by Lord K���a; tyaktam-abandoned; samudra�-the ocean;

aplavayat-flooded; k�a�at-in a moment; varjayitv�-abandoning; mah�-r�ja-O great
king; �r�mad-bhagavad-�layam-the Lord's abode; sm�tv�-remambering; a�e�a-all;
a�ubha-inauspicious; hara�-remving; sarva-ma�gala-ma�galam-attaining all
auspiciousness; nityam-always; sannihita�-staying; tatra-there; bhagav�n-Lord;
. . . about whose abode of Dv�rak�, �r�mad-Bh�gavatam (11.31.23-24) explains, "O
great king, the moment Lord K���a left, the ocean flooded the city of Dv�rak�,
leaving only the Lord's palace. Lord K���a eternally resides in Dv�rak�. Simply by
remembering Dv�rak�, a person becomes free of all sins and attains
auspiciousness.", . . .

Text 264

yas tasm�d ubhayatr�pi

r�jat�t� �ukena ca
jayat�ty �di v�kyena
var�ita� k�itipa� prati

ya�-who; tasm�t-from that; ubhayatra-in bith places; api-also; r�jati-is

manifested; iti-thus; �ukena-by �r� �ukadeva Gosv�m�; ca�and; jayat� iti �d�-
�r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.90.84; v�kyena-by the statement; var�ita�-described; k�itipam-
the king; prati-to.

. . . who eternally stays in both places (Mathura� and Dv�rak�), as �r�la �ukadeva
Gosv�m� explained to King Par�k�it in �r�mad-Bh�gavatam 10.90.48), . . .

Text 265

ya� camp�-yugala-pr�nta�
�d�k-siddh�ntam �rita�
j�v�ntary�mit�� pr�ptas
t�r�a� p�r�am ac�karat

ya�-who; camp�-yugala-pr�ntam-at the end of the two camp�s; �d�k-siddh�ntam-

the same conclusion; �ritam-spoken; j�va-in J�va Gosv�m�; antary�mit�m-the state of
being the Superosul; pr�pta�-attained; t�r�am-at once; p�r�am-full; ac�karat-made.

. . . and who, as the Supersoul in J�va Gosv�m�'s heart, made the final portion of
�r� Gop�la-camp� present the same conclusion, . . .

Text 266

sa tu harir adhivartma dantavakra�

yudh� samayan vraja-v�sam �sas�da
tam abhiyayur am� vraje�a-mukhy��
�a�inam iva k�udhit�� cakora-v�r��

sa-He; tu-indeed; hari�-Lord K���a; adhivartma-on the path; dantavakram-

Dantavakra; yudhi-in a fight; �amayan-making quiet; vraja-v�sam-residence in Vraja;
�sas�da-attained; tam-that; abhiyayu�-went; am�-they; vraje�a-mukhy��-headed by the
king of Vraja; �a�inam-to the moon; iva-like; k�udhit��-hungry; cakora-v�r��-cakora

. . . killed Dantavakra on the open road, and then returned to live in Vraja. King
Nanda and the other people of Vraja went to Him like hungry cakora birds gazing at
the moon.

Note: The very long sentence that began in Verse 12 ends here.

Text 267

sa ca janaka-mukh�n nir�k�ya �u�k�n

sva-d�g-am�tena s�tena si�cat� sma
pulaka-kula-mi��d yath��kur����
tat�m adadhur bata te 'p� gopa-v�k���

sa�-he; ca-and; janaka-mukh�n-headed by His father; nir�k�ya-seeing; �u�k�n-

dry; sva-d�g-am�tena-with the nectar of His sight; s�tena-flowing; si�cati-
sprinkled; sma-indeed; pulaka-kula-hairs standing erect; mi��t-on the pretext of;
yath�-as; a�kur���m-new shoots; tatim-series; adadhu�-did; bata-indeed; te-they;
api-also; gopa-of the gopas; v�k���-the trees.

Seeing His father and the people of Vraja were withered and dry from not
having seen Him, Lord K���a splashed them all with the nectar of His presence.
Pretending to stand with the hairs of their bodies erect, the trees that were the
cowherd people again and again sprouted new shoots of joy.

Text 268

atha harir hari��-d��a� ca tarhi

sphura�am iva pratipadya p�rva-tulyam
nayana-gatatay�nyath� ca matv�
muhur agaman bhramam abhrama� ca tatra

atha-then; hari�-Lord K���a; hari��-d��a�-doe-eyed girls; ca-and; tarhi-then;

sphura�am-manifestation; iva-like; pratipadya-showing; p�rva-before; tulyam-equal;
nayana-to the eyes; gatatay�-the state of having gone; anyath�-otherwise; ca-and;
matv�-considering; muhu�-again and again; agamat-went; bhramam-wandering; abhramam-
not wandering; ca-and; tatra-there.

Then Lord K���a, showing the same features as before, approached the doe-eyed
gop�s. Wondering whether Lord K���a had actually come before them, the gop�s were
bewildered, not bewildered, and bewildered again, moment after moment.

Text 269

vrajam atha vi�ata� sa-ratnam �r�t-

rikam anulabdhavata� ca tasya loka�
kusuma-kula-sahodara� vitanvan
jaya jaya gho�am uv�ca bhadra-v�cam

vrajam-Vraja; atha-then; vi�ata�-entering; sa-ratnam-with a jewel; �r�trikam-

arati; anulabdhavata�-attained; ca-and; tasya-of Him; loka�-the people; kusuma-
kula-sahodaram-many flowers; vitanvan-showering; jaya-Glory; jaya-Glory; gho�am-the
sound; uv�ca-said; bhadra-auspicious; v�cam-words.
As He entered Vraja the people offered arat� to Him with many jewels, showered
Him with flowers, called out "Glory! Glory!", and greeted Him with auspicious

Text 270

vrajam atha sukhayan vin�ta-v�c�

kramam anulabdha-tad�ya-sa�gama� ca
druta-gat� janan�� sukhena sektu�
g�ham adas�yam iy�ya k���acandra�

vrajam-Vraja; atha-then; sukhayan-pleasing; vin�ta-v�c�-with humble words;

kramam-grqadually; anulabdha-atained; tad�ya-of Him; sa�gama�-the association; ca-
and; druta-gati-quickly going; janan�m-to His mother; sukhena-with happiness;
sektum-to sprinkle; g�ham-to His home; adas�yam-who was there; iy�ya-went;
k���acandra�-Lord K���acandra.

Pleasing them with graceful and humble words, Lord K���a gave His association
to the people of Vraja. Then, to shower His mother with happiness, He quickly
entered His home.

Text 271

ciram api viracayya �arma tasy�s

tad anumati� pratilabhya tat-tanuja�
saha-sakhi-nikare�a divya-�ayy��
sukham adhi�ayya ni��-vir�ma-d���a�

ciram-for a long time; api-also; viracayya-making; �arma-happiness; tasy��-of

her; tat-that; anumatim-permission; pratilabhya-attaining; tat-tanuja�-her son;
saha-sakh�-nikare�a-with His friends; divya-�ayy�m-on a slpendid bed; sukham-
happily; adhi�ayya-lying; ni��-night; vir�ma-stopping; d���a�-seen.

For a long time He pleased her. Then, with her permission He lay down on a
splendid bed and, surrounded by all His friends, slept at night.

Text 272

punar api nija-v�nda-saukhya-v�nda�

vidadhad uditya sa nitya-citra-mitra�
nija-mukha-kamala� vik��ya netra-
bhramara-madh�tsavam �tat�na tatra

puna�-again; api-also; nija-v�nda-saukhya-v�ndam-the happiness of His friends;

vidadhat-doing; uditya-rising; sa-He; nitya-citra-mitra�-with His eternal and
glorious friends; nija-mukha-kamalam-His own lotus face; vik��ya-making blossom;
netra-eyes; bhramara-bees; madhu-of honey; utsavam-a festibal; �tat�na-did; tatra-
Rising from bed, glorious K���a brought great happiness to His eternal
friends. His lotus face blossoming with happiness, He began a great festival of
nectar for the bumblebee eyes of His friends.

Text 273

ahar ahar idam eva tatra p�rva�

pratinava-bh�vam av�pa kevala� na
jana-samuditir apy ad���a-p�rva�
vapur anuk�ntim iy�ya �a�vad eva

ahar aha�-day after day; idam-this; eva-indeed; tatra-there; p�rvam-before;

pratinava-bh�vam-newer and newer love; av�pa-attained; kevalam-exclusive; na-not;
jana-of the people; samuditi�-multitude; apy-also; ad���a-p�rvam-not seen before;
vapu�-form; anuk�ntim-handsomenss; iy�ya-attained; �a�vat-eternal; eva-indeed.

Day after day the people of Vraja loved K���a with a love greater than before.
Day after day they saw that K���a's handsomeness was greater than they had seen

Text 274

divasa-katipaye tad�tiy�te
nija-ratha-taras� nin�ya go��ha�
saha-janan�-kavala� tam uddhava� ca

divasa-katipaye-some days; tad�-then; atiy�te-passed; pa�upat�-p�laka-of the

king of the gopas; d�ptat�-glory; d�k-sight; icchu�-desiring; nija-ratha-taras�-
with His swift chariot; nin�ya-taking; go��ham-to Vraja; saha-with; janan�-His
mother; kavalam-multitude; tam-that; uddhavam-Uddhava; ca-and.

Yearning to see King Nanda after some days, Lord K���a took Rohi��, Uddhava,
and many others and quickly went by chariot to Vraja.

Text 275

agharipu-su-d���� dhav�bhim�ni�v
ak�ta tanu-pratima� pur� tu m�y�
sarabhasa-madhun� sma ta vibhajya
prak�ta-tanus tanute pram�spad�ni

agharipu-of Lord K���a; su-d���m-beautiful eyes; dhava-as their husband;

abhim�ni�u-considering; ak�ta-made; tanu-of the form; pratima�-a statue; pur�-
previously; tu-indeed; m�y�-maya; sarabhasa-madhun�-with sweet honey; sma-indeed;
ta-they; vibhajya-worshiping; prak�ta-natural; tanu�-form; tanute-manifests; prema-
of love; aspad�ni-abodes.

Goddess Yogam�ya� created a Deity form of K���a. The beautiful-eyed gop�s that
yearned to marry K���a worshiped that Deity with the honey of their passionate

Text 276

atha gatavat� m�rti-bheda-r�ty�

yadu-puram atra ca r�jam�na-dh�mni
matir udiy�t tava citta gopa-k���e

atha-then; gatavati-went; m�rt�-bheda-r�ty�-with adifferent form; yadu-puram-

to the city of the Y�davas; atra-here; ca-and; r�jam�na-splendid; dh�mni-in the
abode; vraja-bhava-jana-m�tra-d��ya-r�pe-in a form visible only to they who are
like the people of Vraja; mati�-idea; udiy�t-may arise; tava-of you; citta-O heart;
gopa-k���e-for the gopa K���a.

When Lord K���a asumed a different form and went to the city of the Y�davas,
His original form was visible only to the people in the glorious village of Vraja.
O mind, please always think of that form of the gopa K���a.

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