OTS Ammonia Urea Profertil Argentina

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The Simulator System for Profertils Fertilizer Plant


Regina Meloni - Snamprogetti S.p.A.

Viale de Gasperi, 16
20097 San Donato
Milanese, ITALY

Paolo Gaffuri - APC Tech, srl

Via Durando, 38
20158 Milano
Web: www.apctech.it

David Pathe - Trident Computer Resources, Inc.

151 Industrial Way East
Eatontown, New Jersey, USA
Tel: (732)-544-9333
Fax: (732)-544-1511
Web: www.tridentusa.com



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The Simulator System for Profertils Fertilizer Plant

Regina Meloni - Snamprogetti S.p.A., Italy

Paolo Gaffuri - APC Tech, srl, Italy
David Pathe - Trident Computer Resources, USA


PROFERTILs S.A. Fertilizer Complex in Bahia Blanca, Argentina is a Fertilizer Plant

designed to produce 2050 MTPD of ammonia and 3250 MTPD of urea. The ammonia
process technology is licensed by Haldor Topsoe, while the urea unit is the worlds largest
single train urea plant, licensed by Snamprogetti. The complex includes a granulation unit,
with two trains (production capacity of 610,500 MT per year, each).

The construction of the Complex was awarded by Profertil, a Repsol YPF and Agrium J.V. to
Snamprogetti & Techint, in a turn-key contract with Snamprogetti as Main Contractor.
PROFERTILs complex, covering 64 Ha, is located in Baha Blanca, a city in the Province of
Buenos Aires, on the Atlantic Coast of Argentina, approximately 700 Km to the South of the
city of Buenos Aires.

The particular size and location of this new, grassroots complex suggested a significant
investment in terms of training because most of the operators and local engineers had little or
no experience with these complex processes and control system technologies.

Classroom and in-the-field training in similar plants in Canada were carried out under the
lead of Snamprogetti and Agrium engineers, but a large portion of the training was conducted
on an Operator Training Simulator (OTS) developed by Trident Computer Resources Inc.
located in Eatontown, New Jersey, USA and their Italian partner APC Tech srl in Milan. The
OTS was commissioned and installed at Profertils site before the commissioning of the real
plant, so that it was possible to train operators and engineers before the actual plant start-up.

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OTSs have long been recognized as the best method of training in the airline, nuclear power,
aerospace and military industries. Other than governmental regulations, an important factor in
using OTSs is the ability to safely train on unusual situations and emergency scenarios that
are seldom encountered in real life. Since the mid-1970s, the Hydrocarbon Process
Industries (HPI) have used OTSs starting with part-scope analog panel board simulators and
digital simulators in the early 1980s. Accident prevention was a major focus in the HPI
during this period, and recent data indicates that overall losses are being reduced (figure 1).

OTSs are now viewed as an important, if not critical training tool for grassroots plants and
process units being revamped or re-instrumented. As the computer power vs. cost ratio has
dramatically improved, there are fewer limitations for developing full-scope, high-fidelity
training models which are now capable of being utilized for engineering applications prior to
training of operators. More and more, OTSs justified for training are now paying for
themselves in engineering benefits prior to operator training. Training budgets and capital
investment costs continue to be the limiting factor in determining the extent of the
simulation scope, but there have been some advances in recent years which have reduced
overall OTS costs yet have maintained the fidelity for training of operators.

On-the-Job training is also an important component of the overall training program, but has
many limitations in training or testing operators on critical or emergency scenarios, use of
ESD/Interlock systems, etc. Site visits to similar process plants have similar limitations and
could also have differences in the control system and equipment configuration. Several
studies have shown that an OTS will give operators the equivalent of 6 years of on-the-job
training and that periodic training, especially on emergency scenarios, will bring operator
skill levels to their highest values (figures 2 and 3).

Real-time dynamic simulators are recognized as the ultimate training tool because they allow
experiencing in a hands-on manner virtually every type of operating condition which can
be encountered including startup, shutdown, normal and emergency / unusual operating
scenarios, etc. In addition, there are now tools for the instructor to develop standard exercises
for testing and evaluating each students performance as well as documenting the training
session results.

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In addition to the above advantages, simulator training is also one of the most cost-effective
tools for operator training. An OTS allows the student to experience more operating
situations in a relatively short period of training time, usually just before the plant is
commissioned. An OTS thus represents the best method for conducting carefully supervised
training exercises that will help to reduce personnel errors, and consequently maximize plant
availability and, thus, increase plant productivity and improve product quality. Training
sessions can be easily repeated to monitor and prove operator improvements.

In recent years, high fidelity simulators used for operator training, plant design and control
strategy evaluation have become less expensive. This is due in part to improved computer
price/performance ratios but some of the biggest savings are achieved by using software
emulation of the operator station and control systems. In todays OTS, the most expensive
hardware component is usually the DCS operator stations, the interface to the simulation
computer, and associated control equipment. High-fidelity simulated or Emulated operator
stations can significantly reduce the overall OTS cost without sacrificing realism at the
operator station, while at the same time, greatly increasing the training capabilities of the
system. These will be discussed later in this paper.

Lastly, the engineering labor needed for the development of detailed dynamic simulations has
been streamlined by the advent of user-friendly model development languages and tools.
Other benefits from development of the OTS and dynamic process models during the Project
Engineering Phase will be highlighted later.

Profertil Training Goals and Simulator Justification

The key justifications for Profertils OTS investment included the following:
To have Safer Plant Operations
To avoid Unnecessary Plant Trips
To have Better Plant Performance and Maximizing Urea Production.

These are some of the foremost concerns due to the limited experience of the operators
combined with the complexity of the process, controls, and ESD, plus the relative newness of
the DCS. Additional justification included Profertils awareness of possible plant pollution
problems; justifications that are difficult to quantify but must be considered in the OTS
benefit calculations

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Profertil had a total of about 40 operators to train using a variety of methods, including
classroom and site visits to similar Agrium plants in Canada. Direct costs as well as travel
and living costs for Operator Training in Canada were also considered for the initial OTS

Time and schedule constraints were also a factor as there were a large number of candidates
to be trained in a relatively short period of time prior to the plant commissioning.

At the beginning of the OTS project, Profertil did not quantify their expectations for
achieving specific training goals, however, their intention was that the OTS would be one of,
if not the most important tool used in the overall operator training program.

In addition to training, there were some known engineering benefits / justifications which
Profertil expected to achieve. Since the OTS would be the first tool to integrate the plant
design in a dynamic process model, the plant controls, the ESD system and the DCS
configurations into one system which could be operated over a wide range of conditions,
there were expectations that certain engineering benefits would be achieved.

During the OTS Factory Acceptance Test the simulator system was used by Snamprogetti
engineering personnel to evaluate and verify plant operating procedures, process controls,
ESD Interlocks, and DCS configurations / graphics. The functionality of the graphic pages
was thoroughly tested and checked before the commissioning of the DCS by performing all
of the start-up and shut down procedures and also by testing some process malfunctions and
equipment failures. As a result, Snamprogetti engineers suggested modifications to the
original DCS displays in order to improve the functionality of the system. Also the DCS
database was tested before commissioning and again corrections were suggested and
performed. Specifically, some mistakes were discovered for configurations of split-range
control loops which were resolved prior to the OTS being delivered to site.

The Advanced Process Control (APC) and logic were considered in the OTS as simplified
algorithms for Operator familiarization and training. As a result, the APC Operator interface
in the DCS was also improved.

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Using the OTS in this manner saved time and money since it was possible to make changes to
the DCS and test other parts of the control system well before the DCS was commissioned at
Profertils site.

Snamprogetti Support for OTS development

Snamprogetti, as Process Licensor and Main Contractor, was fully involved in the OTS
development, primarily during the plant model definition and during the OTS Factory
Acceptance Test (FAT). Snamprogetti discussed the details of the project and process model
definition with Trident/ApcTech and fully verified the simulation results as part of the FAT.
The Licensors process know-how and involvement at the key stages in the project improved
the quality of the mathematical model, resulting in a higher level of fidelity in the OTS.

Snamprogetti has extensive experience in fertilizer plants so, for the Profertil Project, the
OTS didnt provide any new process feedback to Snamprogetti, however it served to confirm
and verify the correctness of start-up/shut-down procedures and the operability of the plant
during malfunction and emergency scenarios.

However, in other situations (mainly for new or unproven types of process plants), dynamic
simulation is an important tool for identifying plant deficiencies and troubleshooting the
design (e.g. bottlenecks, control problems, etc.). The identification of problems in the
engineering / design phase of the project allows early problem resolution, thus minimizing
the cost and the impact on the project design schedule and also during the plant
commissioning phase.

In general, these engineering benefits are difficult to predict and quantify, but considering the
potential delay and consequent cost due to design mistakes encountered during
commissioning and start-up period, the cost of the dynamic simulator is more than justified.

Brief Process Description

An ammonia / urea process represents a very complex combination of sophisticated process
equipment, controls, ESD/Interlock logic as well as extreme operating conditions (1000 degF
to 30 degF) in addition to interesting process interactions (figure 3).

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Ammonia is produced from a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen. The source of hydrogen is
the process steam and the hydrocarbons in the feed natural gas and the source of nitrogen is
the atmospheric air.
The natural gas is desulphurized and then is reformed with steam and air into the raw
synthesis gas. The gas contains mainly hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide
and steam. In the gas purification section CO is converted to CO2 and H2 with steam (shift
reaction) in order to increase the H2 yield. Then CO2 is removed in the CO2 removal section.
The remaining CO and CO2 are converted into methane by reaction with H2 (methanation)









Figure 4 Overall Ammonia and Urea Process Areas

before the synthesis gas is sent to the ammonia synthesis loop where it is converted into
ammonia. The CO2 separated in the CO2 removal section is sent to the compression section
of the urea plant and then to the synthesis reactor together with ammonia. Downstream the
urea synthesis, the decomposition and relevant recovery of unconverted chemical reagents is

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carried out in three subsequent steps: High Pressure Decomposition, Medium Pressure
Decomposition, and Low Pressure Decomposition. Urea is then concentrated in the Vacuum
Concentration section before being fed to the granulation unit. The process condensate is
treated in the waste water treatment section and is sent to battery limit.

What is important to consider for operator training is that the process contains many fast-
moving unit operations (ie compressors) coupled with interactions between the process and
the steam which is generated from the excess heat of the process. Every action taken by the
operator will have multiple effects in different parts of the process. Some equipment failures,
such as an air compressor trip, can be recovered by quick operator action, thus saving a plant
trip and a much greater amount of lost production.

System Architecture
The Profertil OTS consists of the following major components (figure 5):
Simulation Computer
Dynamic Process Models
Instructor Station
Emulated Operator Stations
Field Operator Station

The hardware consists of a Simulation Computer (Compaq Workstation) and Instructor

Station (monitor, keyboard, mouse), while the Emulated Operator Stations, and Field
Operator Station are standard PCs networked to the Simulation Computer. A printer
provides hardcopy documentation of the training session with various printouts such as files
from instructor sessions with process reports, alarms logging, and a log of events that
occurred during the training session, both instructor and operator actions.

The Compaq Simulation Computer is the heart of the system where the simulation executive,
simulation models, instructors software, and the operator station interface or emulation runs.

The instructor can control the session, monitor all the process variables, insert malfunctions,
override instrument signals, change battery limit conditions, measure the student's
performance, and record the results of the training session. A user-friendly interface
minimizes the need of instructors computer knowledge and allows the instructor to be

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focused only on the training session. In addition the instructor can change the time scale from
0.1 times to 10 times the real time. With this training feature the instructor can run faster
operations that have been already examined or operations that need long time (filling of
tanks, heating and pressurizing phases) or he can run the process slower than the real time to
allow the student to carefully observe critical situations. More sophisticated instructor
functions include creation of training scenarios, sending text or audio or video files to the
student, and management of the students training. Some typical windows and menus of the
instructor station are shown in figure 6.

The Emulated Operator Stations closely resemble the Foxboro I/A Series DCS including
monitors, keyboards, and touchscreen / pointing devices. The actual keyboards can be used as
well as console cabinetry to maximize control room realism. The man-machine-interface is
faithfully represented for all operator related activities including operating groups, trends,
alarms, graphics, keyboard functions, touch-targets, etc. The graphic displays are exactly
duplicated by using a translator which uses the actual Foxboro configurations and integrates
them into the Emulated Foxboro I/A format with all the functional features such as windows,
control targets, etc. In addition, a significant part of the emulator includes simulation of the
many and various control algorithms and functions available in the Foxboro Control
Processor (CP). Lastly, the emulation software includes a set of utilities which permits the
client to change the DCS configurations and control soft-wiring in a similar manner to how
they are changed using the engineering configuration tools at the real DCS.

The overall result is a very high-fidelity representation of the operator station found in the
control room. This product allows both the operator training to occur with maximum realism
as well as engineering applications since the control algorithms are simulated in detail. The
cost savings from using this approach are significant, both in the initial cost for the OTS as
well as for the ongoing maintenance of the system. Figures 7a thru 7c show emulated
operator stations used for several different OTS projects, and it is difficult if not impossible to
discern which are emulated and which are interfaced to actual DCS. More information about
specific benefits are contained later in this paper.

The Field Operator Station (FOS) was configured to include the remote or field operated
equipment not available from the main DCS operator station and also the ESD/Interlock
functions using graphics instead of the hardwired panel displays in the control room. Field

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equipment includes block and bypass valves, motor starters, local relay and switch controls
and other types of digital and analog devices. The FOS was physically located near the
Emulated Foxboro I/A operator stations to provide the operator more complete control of the
simulated plant. Since the FOS is a subset of the instructor station the same functionality is
also available at the instructor station so that the presence of a field operator is not necessary
to conduct a training session.

Process Model Overview

The single most important component in an OTS is the mathematical model that should
accurately simulate the dynamic behavior of the process.. The overall fidelity of the model
should ensure that operators can be trained to observe and respond correctly to a variety of
operating conditions.

The high fidelity model should be enough accurate to reproduce not only plant responses
due to disturbances around the normal operating conditions, but also the dynamic behavior
for non-design operations including cold start-up, process upsets and emergency conditions.

Models are derived from the First Principles of Chemical Engineering (conservation of mass
and energy), thermodynamic properties, and equipment performance/design data to ensure
accurate responses in all the possible conditions. Differential and algebraic (linear and non-
linear) equations are developed for all plant equipment, which ensures that individual unit
responses as well as complex unit interactions are preserved. Process models are constructed
using the algorithm library of equipment modules. Modules that simulate unit operations
include compressors, distillation sections, drivers, heat exchangers, pumps, valves, and
vessels. Distillation sections available in the simulator are trayed sections and draw trays.
These modules perform VLE calculations on feed streams to determine the distribution of the
components in the vapor and liquid streams exiting each tray. Other modules provide
instrumentation and logic functionality such as control processors, level transmitter and
compressor surge controller. Reactors or specific units, for instance where a reaction can
occur or there are special mass-transfers occuring, are modeled with custom algorithms and
the kinetic equations are sometimes rewritten to satisfy the need for faster than real-time

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TRIDENTs unit operation algorithm library, developed over many years and projects, has
nearly every kind of equipment necessary for developing a custom process model.

For Profertils OTS project, the urea and ammonia process and the steam network sections
were simulated rigorously and in detail, while other auxiliary systems such as lube & seal oil
systems, cooling water and regeneration of catalyst were simulated in less detail since these
areas were not the major focus of operator training.

Malfunctions and their effects were included in the model such as heat exchanger fouling,
plugging, pump failure, electric power failure, cooling water supply failure, steam supply
failure, natural gas supply to primary reformer failure, air to secondary reformer supply
failure. All battery limit conditions such as ambient temperature, cooling water temperature,
fuel gas heating value as well as catalyst activity can be modified by the instructor to enhance
the training session.

The main functionality and effects of multivariable process control implemented in the real
plant have been included in the model although in less detail. The goal was to provide
realistic scenarios for building operator confidence in using the APC application and to
enable monitoring of the main effects of the APC. Also the DCS interface to the APC
modules has been replicated so that the operator functionality (i.e. switching on and off the
APC modules) is exactly reproduced.

In summary, the quality and accuracy of the process model depended primarily on the
experience of the simulation engineers implementing the dynamic model as well as the
involvement of the process licensor during testing of the OTS.

Case study - Urea start-up

Start-up is one of the most difficult and critical operations of the plant, and training in the
field could not allow new operators to witness or practice these operations. The only feasible
way to build the operators confidence is by intensive and repetitive hands-on training that
could be performed on an OTS with realistic, high-fidelity models.

Particular attention was paid in the development and testing of the models in these areas of
operation. Close cooperation between Snamprogettis process engineers with deep experience

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of the plant start-up and the Trident/ApcTech simulation engineers was the key point for
obtaining of a high-fidelity model which would respond faithfully over a wide range of
conditions. All the steps of a cold start-up are reproduced, with the only assumption that all
the pre-start operations have been completed, such as testing, washing and purging of lines
and equipment.

To perform start-up from empty and ambient conditions, first the medium pressure section,
isolated from the rest of the plant, is pressurized. This is done charging ammonia and then
heating and evaporating it. The same operation has to be done in the low-pressure section.
The reaction zone is then heated with steam to 160C before introducing process fluid and
then pressurized with ammonia. During the ammoniation period, the CO2 compressor, driven
by a steam turbine had to be put in service. Once all these conditions are reached it is possible
to feed NH3 and CO2 to the reactor. From the moment the overflow of the reactor occurs the
operator has to be skillful to quickly stabilize the plant condition and reach the design
operating setpoints.

All these operations should be done within the ESD/logic sequence and bypassing some
interlocks, so it is very important that the model exactly reproduces also the logic and that the
hardwired panel functions are available. Figure 8 shows a screen display with some
operations of the start-up in high-pressure section of the urea plant are shown.

This section is heated and pressurized acting on the steam and condensate local valves (from
the FOS) and then drained. The DCS operator should follow and guide the field operator
through the measurement on DCS of the reactor temperature.

Case study Disturbance from normal operating condition

Operators needed to be trained to react quickly and properly on possible malfunctions or
equipment failures. It was important to define all the possible scenarios to be taken into
account and simulated in the model. This was done during the development of the Functional
Design Specification between Snamprogettis process engineers and Trident / APC Tech
simulation engineers.

An example of a possible disturbance that occurs in a urea plant is condenser fouling. The
presence of CO2 in the upper section of the M.P. absorber is very dangerous because it reacts

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with ammonia to form ammonium carbamate and as a result the downstream ammonia
condenser will be plugged.

The instructor can monitor the CO2 content since he has the full visibility of all the model
variables, while the operator does not have any indication of the overhead composition.
When the CO2 content reaches the high critical value the instructor can decide to plug the
ammonia condenser. This effect was not automatically included in the model since the
instructor has more flexibility to enable this malfunction.

In order to avoid plugging it is very important to control the temperature at the top of the
absorber to inhibit the reaction; this variable is the only key variable that the operator can see
as an index of CO2 content.

A possible exercise to test the operators ability to react fast to possible disturbance is to
increase the fouling of the M.P. condenser upstream the absorber or to increase the cooling
water supply temperature. The temperature at the top of the absorber increases and the
operator should increase the reflux of fresh ammonia from the ammonia receiver to maintain
the desired value. The DCS display with the absorber top temperature trend is shown in
figure 9 for this kind of test where the operator increases the reflux flow rate to control the

Cost Benefits & Discussion of Emulated Operator Stations

Profertil had a choice of operator stations for the OTS: using emulated Foxboro I/A operator
stations or having the OTS interfaced to real Foxboro I/A DCS equipment. Emulated
Operator Stations were chosen for a number of reasons, including:
Very realistic representation of the Foxboro MMI and controls,
Lower initial investment cost and reduced longer-term maintenance costs,
More functionality (multi-user capability, engineering applications)
The only way to truly evaluate if the emulated approach has sufficient realism for the OTS is
to actually see the product. The keyboard and pointing device usage, screen displays, etc.
should be nearly identical to the actual DCS. The emulation should preferably be
configurable with utilities for both translating the graphics from the real DCS configurations
as well as entering and modifying the basic DCS database. Of equal importance and often
overlooked, the control algorithms should be included in as much detail as possible.

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While realism and robustness of the operator station is important, the amount of training on
the DCS usage represents only 20-30% of the total training on the OTS, with a far greater
amount of training focused on the process model (ie startup, shutdown, emergency scenarios,
etc.). From a cost / benefit basis, it makes sense to use emulated operator stations and invest
the cost savings into the dynamic model.

The cost savings from use of emulated operator stations is significant, depending on which
DCS and the availability of interface products. For example, a typical set of Foxboro I/A
DCS hardware costs about $100,000.USD plus (depending on the specific interface approach
used) an additional $100,000 to $200,000 for communication software and software CPs.
The total cost for two (2) Emulated Operator Stations is about $30,000 to $40,000. so the cost
comparison is easy for Foxboro I/A as well as for most other major DCSs.

Occasionally buyers will have concerns regarding future updates of the DCS and
incorporating the same into the OTS. Ironically, the emulation has far less to be updated
primarily because so few of the DCS releases actually impact the operator interface. On the
other hand, an update to the DCS version / software could require extensive software updates
to the interface software.

Many benefits were achieved with this OTS project which included both operator training
and engineering.

The operator training simulator was successfully utilized to teach operators how to operate in
critical conditions and to run the plant in a safe manner. It was also used to continuously test
the operator performances in critical plant conditions, such as plant start-up, normal and
unscheduled shut-down that otherwise with traditional on the field training are seldom tested.
The results achieved were significant and could only be obtained through the intensive use of
the OTS. As part of the training program, operators were trained in 8-hour shifts over a 24-
hour period to simulate actual plant operations and shift changes.

Plant engineers practiced and witnessed many different plant scenarios, conducting what if
analysis and monitoring the dynamic process behavior.

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While it is difficult to quantify the exact savings, typically one unscheduled shutdown, trip,
or plant upset can be avoided each year. On this basis, the OTS essentially pays for itself each
year. If a serious event or equipment-damaging accident can be avoided, the simulator pays
for itself many, many times over.

Results from several OTS users show that simulator training greatly accelerates the real-
plant experience levels of new operators. Several studies show that new operators gain the
equivalent of six (6) or more years of process experience from OTS combined with O-T-J.
Snamprogetti also achieved benefits from their involvement in the OTS development.
Changes were made to the DCS configuration before the DCS commissioning thanks to the
use of the OTS. Engineers discovered, through the DCS emulation, minor deficiencies or
inefficiencies in the DCS that were not identified during extensive testing carried out at the
DCS Factory Acceptance Test. This experience was also important for Snamprogetti Licensor
know-how and familiarization with dynamic simulation tools.

Future Developments
As the cost / benefit ratio for OTS continues to improve, there will be additional emphasis on
OTS, both from cost-justification to safety to government regulation. Instructors will have
more tools to conduct training and objectively measure operator performance. Models
developed for training will be used for multiple applications including expanded
engineering applications, control studies, and plant design. In addition, actual plant data can
now be used to initialize the OTS to previous plant conditions for training.

Additional data on training benefits, resultant cost savings and improved plant performance
criteria from all OTS users would greatly help others to evaluate and quantify the specific
benefits which can be obtained from an OTS.

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1. Chemical Manufacturers Association, A Managers Guide to Reducing Human

Error, July 1990

2. Hydrocarbon Processing, Major Fires and Explosions Analyzed for a 30-Year

Period, W.G. Garrison, September 1988

3. Hydrocarbon Processing, Loss Prevention What it is and isnt, September 1997

(ref. Large Property Damage Losses in the HCI A 30-Year Review, J&H Marsh
& McLennan, 1997)

4. Power Engineering, Simulator Reduces Cogen Plants Start-up and Training Costs,
J.H. Brewer & C.T. Gaines, Westinghouse Electric Corp, May 1992

5. NPRA Computer Conference, Dynamic Model Supports Control, Engineering, and

Training for Crude Unit Operations, Gary Reiley, et al, November 1995, Raytheon
Engineering & Constructors

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