Aspects of Orthopedic Implants and Prostheses Materials. Processing Technologies.
Aspects of Orthopedic Implants and Prostheses Materials. Processing Technologies.
Aspects of Orthopedic Implants and Prostheses Materials. Processing Technologies.
Abstract. The goal of this paper is to summarize and present the types of orthopaedic implants and hip prostheses, the biocompatible
materials used and the conventional and unconventional processing technologies used to make them.
Although continuous improvements are made on the Immobilization or surgical fixation is done with screws,
implants design, materials and fastening techniques, the plates with screws, clasps, wire, bindings, stems or any
ideal solution has not been found yet, and the basic other mechanical means of fixation, using compatible
concepts defined by Sir John Charnley (1911-1982), materials (austenitic steels, titanium and titanium alloys
regarded as the father of modern prosthetic arthroplasty that do not corrode).
[2], are still valid. "The design of the single block A. Lambotte performs internal fixation with plates and
banana-type tail stem with a 32 mm femoral head, external clasps and in 1913 he publishes his work -
which is between the 22.2 mm value proposed by "Operative Treatment of Fractures" which highlights the
The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University MATERIALS and MECHANICS Nr. 7 (year 10) 2012
functional principles for the internal fixation of the Fracture fixation plates are devices commonly used in
fractures occurred inside joints. (Figure 2) [7]. the healing of broken bones.
For fixing fractures along the bone there are used
intramedullary devices that are inserted in the
intramedullary cavity.
In comparison with plate fixation, intramedullary
devices can position the bone so as to respond better to
the bending and they are better also for the central-axial
fixation. However twisting resistance is lower than in the
plate fixations case, which is why these devices are used
on a small scale [8]. Figure 5 shows a screw-plate
fixation device, and Figure 6 shows various examples of
nail-plate fixation systems.
The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University MATERIALS and MECHANICS Nr. 7 (year 10) 2012
To achieve implants and orthopedic prostheses, special
materials, known as biomaterials, are used.
Figure 9 Short stem prostheses A biomaterial is an altered synthetic or biological
biomaterial material that is used to make an implant.
Long-stem femoral prosthesis (unipolar, cervico-
cephalic), made of stainless steel (Austin-Moore 1951, A classification of biomaterials can be made on
Thompson 1954), Figure 10 [10]. structural criteria, by the used material classes: metal,
The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University MATERIALS and MECHANICS Nr. 7 (year 10) 2012
ceramic, polymeric, composite and natural origin [7], material removal technology and, more recently, the
[11], [12]. rapid prototyping technology.
Metallic biomaterials are the most used class of materials The processing technology by casting
for implants, prostheses and medical devices, because of
The casting process consists mainly in filling a cavity
its very good mechanical properties, corrosion-resistance
(mould) with metal or a liquid alloy (Figure 13). The
and acceptable biocompatibility.
moulding-casting technological process includes the
Table 1 presents some characteristics of the metallic following operations:
materials used as orthopedic implants.
-the casting technology engineering;
The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University MATERIALS and MECHANICS Nr. 7 (year 10) 2012
-deburring and machining the prosthesis component Another example is the "Titanium Version EOSINT M
(turning, drilling, etc.); 270" equipment (Figure 15) [14].
-performing the thermal treatment operations of
annealing and temper hardening;
-final processing by grinding, marking, sterilization,
packaging [8].
The processing technology by material removal
The processing technologies by material removal start
from an amount of raw material and consist in removing
the excess material by turning, milling, grinding etc. A
modern method of processing by material removal is the
one used by the CNC machine tools.
A CNC (computerized numerical control) machine tool Figure 15 EOSINT M 270 Titanium Version
is made up of the actual machine tool and the numerical Equipment
control equipment (CNC). Selective LASER sintering, known as SLS, uses various
powder materials, from polyamide powders, metal
During processing both the part and the tool can move.
powders, to Quartz or Zirconium based powders etc.,
Unconventional technologies by successive layer which are melted in layers with a LASER beam of
deposition various powers. Based on the variation of the exposure
intensity and the way the material layers are deposited,
The Rapid prototyping manufacturing technology or
the hardness of the processed material may be
Rapid Prototyping (RP) emerged in the '90s and is a
technology based on adding material as much as needed
and where necessary. The working principle of LASER sintering is shown in
Figure 16.
The new rapid prototyping technologies are able to
produce high accuracy models and prototypes in a very
short time, with the advantage of being directly
Rapid prototyping technologies have been developed in
several directions in the recent years, depending on the
material used.
An example of rapid prototyping equipment is "ARCAM
S12" (Figure 14), which uses metal powders (Cobalt-
Chromium alloys, Titanium alloys, stainless steels,
Aluminium, etc.), using an electron stream as melting
The accuracy achieved is + / - 0.1 mm, depending on the
material, the thickness of the deposited layer and the
powder grain. Parts such as the Osteosynthesis implants Figure 16 SLS Working principle
are made ready for use, requiring only sterilization.
1 LASER system,
2 mirror system,
3 powder supply system,
4 mobile platform,
5 part
6 unsintered powder.
The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University MATERIALS and MECHANICS Nr. 7 (year 10) 2012
through the implant to be processed (a 3D implant built same implant / prosthesis with conventional technologies
in SolidWorks and saved as a .stl file. (Standard based on material deposition.
Tessellation Language) or resulting from 3D scanning
The comparative study of the results obtained in terms of
data); after the scanning process, the LASER beam
mechanical strength, surface quality, productivity, and
sinters the powder coating locally. After the scanning of
first layers surface, the working platform (4), lowers by
a distance equal to the thickness of a new layer. The Conclusions on determining the technology to be used,
process is repeated until the implant / part (5) is depending on the nature of the implant to be made.
completed. After the implant is complete, it is covered
up by un-sintered powder (6), which substitutes the
support and is removed only after the implant is cooled REFERENCES:
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