Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

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Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Economic and Social Issues is a subject which is becoming very important nowadays as
many Banking exams are having a section from this particular subject. Like in NABARD
Grade-A and Grade-B Prelims. There will be a section for this subject so it becomes
important to have knowledge of this to score good and for that today we are providing you
with the notes on same.

Introduction of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

In the past 15 years interest in promoting and protecting economic, social and cultural rights
has grown. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academia, Governments and the
judiciary are paying increasing attention to the protection of these rights in their programmes,
policies and case law, and highlighting the need to respect them as a key to ensuring the
greater overall enjoyment of human rights. The Optional Protocol to the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights raises the hope of a renaissance for the
protection of these rights, both nationally and internationally. This is timely, particularly
given that the denial of economic, social and cultural rights continues and is even
intensifying, in wealthy and poor countries alike.

What are economic, social and cultural rights?

Economic, social and cultural rights are those human rights relating to the workplace, social
security, family life, participation in cultural life, and access to housing, food, water, health
care and education. Although economic, social and cultural rights may be expressed
differently from country to country or from one instrument to another. Here is a basic list-

1. Workers rights
2. The right to social security and social protection
3. Protection of and assistance to the family
4. The right to an adequate standard of living
5. The right to health
6. The right to education
7. Cultural rights

These rights are human rights. Like other human rights, they contain dual freedoms:
freedom from the State and freedom through the State. For example, the right to adequate
housing covers a right to be free from forced evictions carried out by State agents (freedom
from the State) as well as a right to receive assistance to access adequate housing in certain
situations (freedom through the State).

They have become increasingly well defined in national, regional and global legal systems,
in laws and regulations, in national constitutions, and in international treaties. Accepting
them as human rights creates legal obligations on States to ensure everyone in the country
can enjoy these rights and to provide remedies if they are violated. As with other human
rights, recognising economic, social and cultural rights together with the principle of non-
discrimination puts the focus on the most excluded, discriminated and marginalised groups in

Why is protecting economic, social and cultural rights important?

Failing to protect economic, social and cultural rights can have very serious consequences.
For instance:
The denial of economic, social and cultural rights can have devastating effects. Forced
displacement or eviction can result in homelessness, the loss of livelihood and the destruction
of social networks, and have devastating psychological effects. Malnutrition has a clear
health impact, particularly on children under 5; it affects all their organs for life, including
their developing brain, liver and heart, as well as their immune system.

Denying economic, social and cultural rights can affect large numbers of people. For
example, diarrhoeal dehydration caused by a lack of safe drinking water claims the lives of
nearly 2 million children every year and has killed more children in the past 10 years than all
the people lost to armed conflict since the Second World War.

Gross violations of economic, social and cultural rights have been among the root causes
of conflicts, and failure to address systematic discrimination and inequities in the enjoyment
of these rights can undermine the recovery from conflict. For example, discriminating in
access to employment, using education as a tool for propaganda, forcibly evicting
communities from their homes, withholding food aid from political opponents and poisoning
water sources are all abuses of economic, social and cultural rights that have fled conflict in
the past.

The denial of economic, social and cultural rights can lead to violations of other human
rights. For example, it is often harder for individuals who cannot read and write to find work,
to take part in political activity or to exercise their freedom of expression. Failing to protect a
womans right to adequate housing (such as lack of secure tenure) can make her more
vulnerable to domestic violence, as she might have to choose between remaining in an
abusive relationship or becoming homeless.

The importance of economic, social and cultural rights cannot be overstated. Poverty and
exclusion lie behind many of the security threats that we continue to face both within and
across borders and can thus place at risk the promotion and protection of all human rights.
Even in the most prosperous economies, poverty and gross inequalities persist and many
individuals and groups live under conditions that amount to a denial of economic, social,
civil, political and cultural human rights. Social and economic inequalities affect access to
public life and to justice. Globalisation has generated higher rates of economic growth, but
too many of its benefits have been enjoyed unequally, within and across different societies.
Such fundamental challenges to human security require action at home as well as
international cooperation.

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