The Office - I Need An Assistant!: Visit The - C 2008 Praxis Language LTD

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The Office - I need an assistant!


A: I told you before, we just dont have the re-

sources to hire you an assistant.

B: I understand that, but the fact is were under-


A: The timing is just not right. The economy is bad,

and its too risky to take on new staff.

B: Yeah, I guess youre right.... heres an idea, what

if we hire an intern? She would take some of the
weight off my shoulders.

A: She?

B: Yeah, you know, a recent graduate. She could

give me a hand with some of these projects and
we could keep our costs down.

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.
A: That sounds reasonable... let me see what I can

A: Tony, Id like to introduce you to your new assis-


B: OK, great! Lets meet her!

C: Hi, Im Adam.

B: Oh... hi... Im Tony...

Key Vocabulary

resources common money

noun, plu-

understaffed Adjective not enough people to do

the job

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.
the timing is phrase it is not a good time
just not right now

weight off my phrase remove pressure or

shoulders stress

give me a phrase help


that sounds phrase is OK


Supplementary Vocabulary

recruit principle hire

verb, infini-

overworked Adjective working too much

short staffed Adjective not enough people to do

the job

cut costs phrase reduce spending

overstaffed Adjective having too many em-


Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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