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5,000 Fathom Race takes place Aug. 28. Register at BodyWorks or the gym.

Vol. 49, No. 10 Serving the Military Community in Southeastern Connecticut since 1918 Thursday, August 19, 2010

CPO Selectees begin their season

New Haven, CT 06511

40 Sargent Drive
By MCC(SW) James O’Donnell

GROTON, Conn. – Chief Petty Officer Selectees perform pushups as part of training to whip themselves into shape, physically as well as mentally, Aug. 16. More than 70 Groton-area First Class Petty


Officer’s were selected for advancement to Chief Petty Officer recently and are taking part in this year’s annual training process.

Canadian sub
completes port call
host submarine.
By Commander Submarine Group Following the visit, Corner
Two Public Affairs Brook will participate in a tor-
pedo exercise with Memphis
GROTON, Conn. – Canadian later this month.
Navy Victoria-class long- “We certainly enjoy com- SUBSCOL
range patrol submarine HMCS ing here [to Groton]” said Sailors
Corner Brook (SSK 878) Lieutenant Commander Alex
arrived at Naval Submarine Kooiman, Corner Brook’s honored
Base New London Aug. 16. Commanding officer. “There
The port call provides an are many things to do in the Page 2
opportunity for both the local area.”
U.S. and Canadian navies to “Experiencing the different
continue to improve their submarines is an important
ability to work together. part of the Navy’s working
During the visit, Submarine relationship with interna-
Development Squadron 12 is tional partners. They help
the host squadron, and USS to enhance friendly, mutual
Memphis (SSN 691) is the cooperation and understand- Photo by MC1(SW/AW) Steven Myers

GROTON, Conn. (August 16, 2010) – Canadian Victoria-class long-range patrol submarine HMCS Corner Brook (SSK 878)
“Experiencing the different submarines is arrives at Naval Submarine Base New London for a port call Aug. 16. The port call provides an opportunity for both the U.S.
Sea Cadets
and Canadian navies to continue to improve their ability to work together.
an important part of the Navy’s working ing between participating Corner Brook last visited HMCS Corner Brook has six conduct
relationship with international partners.” navies by developing interop-
erability in naval operations,”
Groton in May 2009.
HMCS Corner Brook is 231
torpedo tubes and can carry
up to eighteen Mark 48 Mod
Commander Charles Maher said Cmdr. Charles Maher, feet long, 25 feet across the 4 heavyweight torpedoes for Page 8
USS Memphis Memphis’ Commanding beam and has a deep diving use against surface and sub-
Officer. depth in excess of 656 feet. surface targets.

Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits key to recruiting, retention

ferability. It gives career tion payment and transfer-
By Army Sgt. 1st Class
Michael J. Carden
service members who’ve
served on active duty or in
“We believe that every soldier, Sailor, airmen ring unused benefits.
The proposed bill would
American Forces Press Service the selected reserve on or and Marine who chooses to stay should have enhance provisions of the
after Aug. 1, 2009, the option Post-9/11 GI Bill, as well as
WASHINGTON - Proposed to transfer their education the same opportunity to share their earned make improvements in other Men’s softball
changes to the Post-9/11 GI benefits to family members, Veterans Affairs Department
Bill would improve military Clark said. Transferability benefits with their family members.” education programs, Keith champs
readiness, a senior Pentagon was approved in the Post- M. Wilson, director of educa- crowned
official said recently at a 9/11 Veterans Education Robert E. Clark tion service for VA, said at
Capitol Hill hearing. Assistance Improvement Act
we were very pleased to see stay in the military, Clark
the hearing. Page 9
Robert E. Clark, assistant of 2008, which became law The proposed bill also clar-
director for accessions policy in June 2008. the transferability ... to share said. Transferability and the ifies eligibility for reserve
this benefit that [service 9/11 GI Bill will help the
in the office of the defense Panel members are debat- component troops. Troops
undersecretary for person- ing that option for the 2010 members] have earned with Pentagon meet its recruit- activated for training and
nel and readiness, also said bill. Some say transferabil- their family members. “We ing and retention goals, he other purposes in support
education benefits are cru- ity shouldn’t be available did not believe this benefit added. of reserve component forc- Local...................................2
cial to military recruiting and for every service member, for family members was to “There is no doubt that the es or in support of contin- Movies....................................7
retention efforts during his because of budget constraints. be limited to any specific tar- Post-9/11 GI Bill will contin- gency operations qualify for Classifieds...............................13
testimony before the Senate Rather, the option should be geting,” he continued. “We ue to have this impact, and the bill benefits, Wilson said.
Committee on Veterans’ reserved for specific military believe that every soldier, we are seeing that happen Also full-time citizen-service
Affairs. Clark discussed the specialties that are difficult Sailor, airmen and Marine with unprecedented recruit- members and members acti-
Post-9/11 Veterans Education to fill, they said. who chooses to stay should ing success,” he said in his vated for national emergen-
Assistance Improvement Act “We had concerns about have the same opportunity written testimony. cy responses are eligible, he
of 2010 and how it would the generous benefit being to share their earned benefits Other proposed changes added.
affect the Department of more of a draw for first- with their family members.” include new rules for entitle- Individuals released from
Defense. term members to leave [the Money for education ment, modifications of the active duty for medical or
One of the more notable military] in order to use this remains a top reason for amount and types of assistant hardship conditions must be
options in the bill is trans- benefit,” Clark said. “[But] young Americans to join and covered, methods of educa-
See GI Bill on Page 4
2 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, August 19, 2010

Crew reunites for students’ graduation

By MM3 Sean Phillips

GROTON, Conn. – The flags

were awash in a deep blue light,
and the reflected light on the
Dealey Theatre ceiling undulat-
ed like the ocean as seventy-five
This newspaper is an authorized publication for personnel of the Sailors from classes 10360 and
Department of Defense and their families. Contents of The Dolphin are not 10370 eagerly awaited gradua-
necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the tion. Basic Enlisted Submarine
Department of Defense or the Department of the Navy. School (BESS) partnered with the
USS George Washington Carver
Commanding Officer Naval Submarine Base New London Reunion Association to give
Capt. Marc W. Denno
Executive Officer Naval Submarine Base New London
Sailors and their families a gradu-
Cmdr. Daniel M. Rossler ation ceremony to be remem-
Command Master Chief Naval Submarine Base New London bered, August 13.
CMDCM(SS) Ray Powell Retired Admiral Thomas Fargo,
Public Affairs Officer - Christopher Zendan a Sailor whose 35 years of service
Editor - Sheryl Walsh included tours as Commander
Editorial Assistant - Christina Lough U.S. Pacific Command, and
Public Affairs Staff - MCC(SW/AW)Evelyn Haywood, Commander-in-Chief of the U.S.
MCC(SW) James O’Donnell, MC1(AW) Peter Blair, Pacific Fleet delivered the keynote
MM3 Sean Phillips, SN Joshua Hirschfeld Photo by MM3 Sean Phillips
and SN Michael Henderson
“There is no warship better GROTON, Conn. - The USS George Washington Carver SSBN 656 Reunion Association honors the USS George Washington
• NEWS - The editorial content of this newspaper is prepared, edited able to operate in the contested Carver classes 10360/10370 during their graduation ceremony in Naval Submarine Base New London’s Dealey Center
and provided by the Public Affairs Office of the Naval Submarine Base New littoral regions of the world today, Theater, Aug. 13. Seventy-five Basic Enlisted Submarine School students graduated to the applause of family members and
London. News items and photos must be received by 4 p.m. the Friday than a submarine,” said Admiral friends last Friday. The graduation’s guest speakers were retired Admiral Thomas Fargo, former Commander-in-Chief of the
before publication. News ideas and questions can be directed to Christopher Fargo who was a recipient of U.S. Pacific Fleet, and retired Captain 1st Rank Dmitry Zubkov, of the Russian Navy.
Zendan at 694-5980. Readers can e-mail us at [email protected]. Log the Vice Admiral James Bond
onto the Web site at www.dolphin-news.com. Stockdale award for Inspirational
• ADDRESS - The Dolphin staff can be reached at 694-3514 or write to: ceremony where you are pro- Award to Seaman Peter Kvellums the class and Seaman Recruit
Leadership in 1989
The Dolphin, Naval Submarine Base New London PAO, Box 44, Groton, CT moting seventy-five young Sailors for his academic efforts. Miles Simpson was presented the
Also in attendance was retired
06349-5044. All news releases should be sent to this address. into the ranks of Submariners in Del Core reminded the classes Class Honorman Award with a
• ADVERTISING - Advertisements are solicited by Shore Line Russian Navy Captain 1st Rank
Dmitry Zubkov, whose family the United States Navy,” Captain about the importance of team- 97.95 grade point average.
Newspapers and not the editorial staff or Public Affairs Office. Inquiries Zubkov greeted the assembly. work. “Teamwork is the fuel that With the closing of speeches,
regarding advertisements should be directed to the Display Advertising or has served Russia for several gen-
Classified Advertising departments. erations. J.J. Del Core of the USS George allows common people to obtain the new submariners stood at
Display Advertising, Laura Carpenter at (203) 752-2704, Betsy “It is a great honor for me to Washington Carver Association, uncommon results.” attention to the Sailors’ Creed
Lemkin at (203) 752-2706 and Mercy Mosher at (203) 752-2702 be invited by crewmembers of and Representative of the Eastern Seaman Apprentice James as they gave voice to their
Classified Advertising (in Conn.) (800) 922-7066 the George Washington Carver Connecticut council of the Navy Millard was awarded the dedication to be “committed to
Classified Advertising (outside Conn.) (203) 789-5200 to take part in their reunion and League, congratulated the class Submarine League Award for his excellence, and the fair treat-
to take part in this sovereign before presenting the Navy League academic improvement through ment of all.”
The Dolphin is published every Thursday by Shoreline Newspapers,
40 Sargent Drive, New Haven, CT 06511. Telephone (203) 752-2701.
Minimum weekly circulation 10,000.
John Slater, General Manager
Shore Line Newspapers
The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility of the Naval
Derrow visits
Submarine Base New London Public Affairs Office.
The Dolphin is published by Shoreline Newspapers, a private firm in no
way connected with the Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy under exclu- Photo by MM3 Sean Phillips
sive written contract with the Naval Submarine Base New London.
The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts of
supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense
or Shoreline Newspapers of the products and services advertised.
Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for pur- GROTON, Conn. - Shoshana
chase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national Derrow, a legislative assistant
origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other
non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. to Senator Joseph Lieberman,
tours Naval Submarine Base New
This newspaper is printed on recycled newsprint. Please help conserve our London’s Fleet and Family Support
resources and recycle this paper when you are finished with it. Center (FFSC) with Trisha Hoskins,
FFSC Work Life Supervisor, Aug.

News in your community 11. Derrow, a counsel to Sen.

Lieberman on health care issues
and legislation, received a tour of
Thrift Store Tobacco Cessation SUBASE last Wednesday with a
focus on healthcare and quality of
needs volunteers classes offered life programs.
The Navy-Marine Corps There will be two sessions
Relief Society’s (NMCRS) of Tobacco Cessation classes
Thrift Store, in Building 108, in September. Group one will
will be closed on Wednesdays meet on Tuesdays from 11 a.m.

Stand Down for homeless, needy veterans scheduled

and Fridays in August, due to to 12:30 p.m. Group two will
a lack of volunteers to operate meet on Thursdays from 2 to
the store. 3:30 p.m. Call (860) 694-4446
Members of the Naval Branch or (860) 694-3104 for more
information. on-hand to offer services and 3802/3803 or by visiting www. tance in one place in one day.”
Health Clinic Groton’s First By John T. Wiltse assistance in one central loca- ct.gov/ctva. However, pre-reg- Stand Down is a term used
Class Petty Officer Association Evening, weekend Deputy Commissioner tion. istration is not required to par- during the Vietnam War which
have volunteered to operate Connecticut Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs Services to be offered include ticipate in Stand Down. referred to an area behind the
the store on Tuesdays, from courses at Avery Point health and dental screenings, Free transportation will be front lines that was safe and
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the The University of Connecticut ROCKY HILL, Conn. - Stand Veterans’ Affairs (VA) benefit provided from locations through- that afforded battle-weary sol-
remainder of August. at Avery Point in Groton has a Down 2010, a day-long pro- assistance and information, job out Connecticut. Veterans who diers a place to relax and attend
Normal hours of operation number of evening and Saturday gram of support services to counseling, housing referrals, pre-register will be provided to personal needs such as show-
will resume in September; courses to fit the schedules of assist Connecticut’s homeless social service and financial information about the closest ers, haircuts, hot meals and
Tuesdays and Fridays from working adult students dur- and needy veterans regain their assistance, and disposition of pick-up locations (see separate minor health care issues.
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and ing the fall semester, which independence in the communi- misdemeanor and motor vehicle transportation schedule). Businesses, veteran service
Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to begins Aug. 30. Evening cours- ty, will take place Sept. 10 from court cases. There is no charge “If you are a veteran in need, organizations or individu-
2 p.m. es include four courses meeting 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., on the campus to veterans who participate in Stand Down is an excellent als interested in contributing
on Mondays and Wednesdays of the State Veterans Home, Stand Down. way to spend a day getting the resources to help support Stand
If you’d like to volunteer
from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m., and two located at 287 West Street in Veterans in need who are help you deserve,” said state Down 2010 are asked to contact
to help operate the NMCRS interested in attending Stand Veterans Affairs Commissioner the Connecticut Department of
Thrift Store, contact them at classes meet on Tuesdays and Rocky Hill, Conn. More than
Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:45 50 government agencies and Down are encouraged to pre- Linda S. Schwartz. “Nowhere Veterans’ Affairs at (860) 616-
(860) 694-4774. register by calling (860) 616- else can you get so much assis- 3605.
p.m. Many courses will meet private organizations will be
Looking for former once a week in the evening anf
crewmen of Trepang
Crew members of USS
Saturdays during the day.
Registration for non-degree
students is open and classes
Commissary case lot sales offer massive savings
Trepang (SSN 674) are being begin Aug. 30. For additional or more. products, and pet supplies to opportunity to stock up at savings
sought after. Contact Gary information on the actual class- By Cherie Huntington There are 330 items available produce, fresh meat and seafood, beyond our normal 30 percent or
Theriault at gterio@bellsouth. es or to register, students can DeCA public affairs specialist for the sale this year and store and bakery products. Club pack more,” said Dowlen. “More than
net or Ed Rabbitt at visit http://takeaclass.uconn. staffs decide which items they items are also used extensively half of the items are sold in ‘club
edu or call the Avery Point FORT LEE, Va. – Whether will feature in their sales. They in this sale and include plenty of pack’ product packages similar to
[email protected]
Office of Continuing Studies at you’re packing your pantry for also supplement these items items that fit the bill for back-to- the oversized packages or mul-
with your e-mail and postal with local direct-store-deliv- school eating “on the go,” as well tiple products bundled together
(860) 405-9190. school-day meals and munchies,
mail address. ery items such as soda, chips as products useful for hurricane that are found at commercial
or just staying “hurricane ready”

School physical until the official season ends Nov.

30, the Defense Commissary
Agency’s (DECA) case lot sale
and baked goods, said Charlie
Dowlen, DeCA promotions
manager. Selections range from
and tornado preparedness: food
and beverages that don’t require
refrigeration, flashlights, lanterns
warehouse club outlets.”
The Naval Submarine Base
New London Commissary will

day at NBHC Groton

in September can help you do so canned goods, beverages, paper and emergency candles. host their case lot sale Sept. 3-5
with savings of up to 50 percent products, cleaning and laundry “Case lot sales provide a great during normal hours.

Naval Branch Health Clinic

Groton will be performing school
Keep your children hydrated during outdoor activities
practice. tant to teach older children to monitor their hydration levels
physicals, Aug. 28 by appointment By Carol Allen
NBHC Groton Health Promotions
Of all sports injuries, dehy-
dration is the one that is most
follow this protocol for them-
selves. Many children do not
by looking at the color of their
urine. If the urine is the color
only. Call (860) 694-1471 or (860) GROTON, Conn. - This is a
preventable. The solution is to
consume water, which is the
feel thirsty until they are already
dehydrated. Following a drink-
of lemonade, they are probably
appropriately hydrated; if the
694-7519 to make your appoint- reminder for parents, coaches,
and playground supervisors/
best hydrator. While getting
ready for outdoor activities or
ing schedule can ensure that
children get enough fluids, but
urine is the color of apple juice,
they need to drink more fluids.
ment today! workers to help prevent children
from experiencing dehydration
sports, parents should remem-
ber to pack unbreakable water
not too much. Overdrinking flu-
ids can also cause medical prob-
Below is a fluid example chart
for children published by the
on the playing field. bottles with the sports equip- lems, so balance is important. “Defeat the Heat Campaign.”
Volunteers needed at When they are active, chil-
dren are more apt to suffer from
ment before heading to the field
or playground. It is also impor-
A good precautionary tech-
nique is to teach your child to
The ‘rule of thumb’ is that one
ounce = two kid-size gulps.

Rocky Hill Veterans Home dehydration and heat illness,

more so than adults, especially
in hot weather. This information When to drink and how much
The annual Stand Down for rough areas, etc. is important for all activities,
homeless and needy veterans * Sept. 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 whether structured or not. When Kids under 90 pounds Kids over 90 pounds
will take place Sept. 10 at p.m. to erect two medical tents During a two-hour soccer
the Veterans Home campus and set up 600 chairs and 80 practice a child can lose up to 1 hour
in Rocky Hill. Volunteers are tables a quart of fluid through sweat. before consume 3-6 oz. of fluid 6-12 oz. of fluid
needed for several parts of the * Sept. 10 from 1:30 to 4 Being hydrated is every bit as activity
preparation and take down. p.m. - Day of Stand Down - to important as their sports hel-
mets or shin guards. If the fluids During activity- consume 3-5 oz of fluid 6-9 oz of fluid
Fifteen to twenty volunteers disassemble two medical tents,
are not replaced, children can Every 20 minutes
will be needed at any of the fold chairs and tables follow-
times listed below: ing the Stand Down event become dehydrated, which can
cause very serious consequenc- After activity consume up to 8oz fluid up to 12 oz fluid
* Sept. 2 or 3 from 8:30 To volunteer and for more Replace fluid per ½ lb lost weight per ½ lb lost weight
a.m. to 2 p.m. to prepare the information, contact Lena es. It has been found that two-
thirds of youngsters were dehy- lost (sweat)
grounds - raking, leveling of Blanch at (860) 694-4779.
drated before they even started
Thursday, August 19, 2010 • THE DOLPHIN • 3
4 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, August 19, 2010

Don’t labor over your Earn your Workforce Education Degree

used car, let it work for you Southern Illinois University
(SIU) is now enrolling for Fall
resources, training & devel-
opment, vocational-techni-
personal growth and variety
in your future plans weather
on prior military and civil-
ian credit, you may be able
If you are tired of constantly Teach for America, the Cancer Term, beginning Aug. 28. This cal instruction, production or it be advancement within the to complete your bachelor’s
fixing your car, its time you Research Institute, the Asthma & accelerated weekend Bachelor project management, technical military community or in the degree with SIU in as little as
let your car do something for Allergy Foundation of America, of Science degree program pre- writing, etc. civilian job market. one to three years.
you. It will get you a tax deduc- and state charities like VNA pares students to train, devel- Southern Illinois University Southern Illinois University’s Phone SIU at (860) 446-9900
tion of at least $500 when Health Care of Connecticut and op, and manage people within offers a Bachelor of Science 36 semester hours towards the for a no-obligation credit eval-
you donate your car to char- the Ronald McDonald House of their own occupational spe- Degree in Workforce Education professional major can be com- uation or stop into Building
ity. Cars4Charities will gladly Connecticut, and many local cialty. Students enter career & Development that can help plete in just 16 class week- 83, Room 148 for more infor-
handle the entire car donation charities in Connecticut like the fields in areas such as: human you attain personal freedom, ends or one year. Depending mation.
process for you, have your car Bridgeport Rescue Mission, the

GI Bill ...
picked up fast and free and Food Bank of Lower Fairfield
send the proceeds to the char- County, Operation Hope, etc.
ity you select from their exten- Cars4Charities even allows
sive list. Their list of charities you to donate your car online Continued from page 1
includes national ones such at your convenience through released under honorable would include out-of-state tuition, ing and apprenticeships and flight methods VA uses to pay various
as the American Foundation their Web site, http://www. conditions, Wilson contin- as well, Wilson said. schools. Stipends are based on the institutions and training facilities.
for the Blind, The American cars4charities.org/. The online ued. For foreign or private institu- area’s housing allowance rates for Although VA supports the intent
Autoimmune Related Diseases option lowers expenses and “The amendments regarding tions, VA would pay fees accord- an E-5 with dependents, Wilson to improve the Post-9/11 GI Bill,
Association Foundation, Prevent is better for the environment qualifying Title 10 service and ing to statistics obtained from the said. the department does not support
Cancer Foundation, Freedom because it reduces the use of extending coverage to Guard mem- Department of Education. The fig- VA supports streamlining the some of these provisions, Wilson
From Hunger, the Brain paper and other consumables. bers ... would be consistent with ures used would be of the “aver- tuition-and-fee benefits for stu- said.
Trauma Foundation, Autism If your car is in poor condition, qualifying active service under age of established charges at all dents attending public institutions These provisions would
Speaks, Food for the Poor, Cars4Charities will make sure it the Montgomery GI Bill and the institutions in the U.S. for a bacca- and establishing a maximum pay- “severely hamper” payment meth-
Partners in Health, the National is properly recycled. Reserve Educational Assistance laureate degree for the most recent ment cap private school students, ods, Wilson said, as the bill’s
Coalition for the Homeless, the Complete details on how to Program,” he explained in his year,” Wilson explained. he said. amendments would take effect as
Fund for Peace, the Diabetes donate a car are available at written testimony. “The proposed Meanwhile, he said, the hous- “The manner in which institu- if the 2008 bill never existed. VA
Research Institute Foundation, http://www.cars4charities.org/ amendment clarifying that certain ing stipend will be calculated tions assess charges varies widely proposes to postpone “significant
National Association for Down or (866) 448-3487 (GIVE-4- service must result in an honor- based on attendance in school. from state to state and from school changes” to the law until Aug.
Syndrome, Cancer Navigators, US). able discharge is similar to the This means, for example, students to school,” Wilson said. “VA also 2011 to ensure the improvements
honorable discharge requirements enrolled in 50 percent of a full does not object to expansion of the don’t have negative impact on ser-
applicable to other covered indi- course load will receive 50 percent program to permit payment for vice delivery, he explained.
viduals.” of the stipend. vocational, flight, correspondence Since the inception of the 2008
Regarding tuition payment Also, housing stipends under ..., subject to Congress identifying legislation, VA has awarded near-
under the proposed bill, VA the proposed 2010 bill will expand appropriate [cost savings].” ly $4 billion to more than 295,000
would pay fees based on charges to vocational schools, correspon- Additional amendments in the veterans and their education insti-
reported by the institution. That dence training, on-the-job train- proposed bill include the types of tutions, Wilson said.
Thursday, August 19, 2010 • THE DOLPHIN • 5

Iwo Jima Survivors gather

for remembrance ceremony
Photo by Lena Blanch

NEWINGTON, Conn. – Members of the Iwo Jima Survivors Association came together Aug. 14, during a Candlelight Ceremony
of Remembrance at the National Iwo Jima Memorial Monument and Park, in Newington/New Britian, Conn. The event also
marked the official reunion of the Iwo Jima Survivors Association in Connecticut. The ceremony was held to remember the
100 Connecticut men who died at Iwo Jima during World War II.

Enlisted warfare qualifications

A mandatory requirement
operate in as a Navy and device itself is a symbol that
By MCC(SW/AW) Sonya Ansarov Sailor dictates the need for the Sailors who are wear-
Office of the Master Chief Petty Officer all personnel to have a basic ing it have a basic level of
of the Navy understanding and operating knowledge to ensure they
knowledge of the platform or are capable of fighting the
WASHINGTON - Initial command to which they are ship, saving a shipmate and
enlisted warfare qualifica- assigned. ensuring the safety of them-
tions are now mandatory Warfare programs are selves at all times,” said
for all Sailors per the recent essential in ensuring our Master Chief Petty Officer of
release of NAVADMIN 268- Sailors understand and are the Navy (MCPON), Rick D.
10. able to effectively engage West. “Having every Sailor at
The NAVADMIN announc- a casualty, operate equip- or working toward that level
es the release of OPNAVINST ment or platforms safely and will only strengthen the war-
1414.9, Navy Enlisted ensure backup as needed. fighting ability of that com-
Warfare Qualification Warfare qualifications are mand and the Navy.”
Programs Instruction, which about ship, shipmate and According to the
issues the basic overarching self, and ensure the safety NAVADMIN, qualification
requirements for the qualifi- and safe operation of each and/or re-qualification is man-
cation and designation of all command and platform on a datory for all enlisted Sailors
enlisted warfare programs. daily basis. assigned to designated war-
The arduous and often “It’s a standard every Sailor fare qualifying commands.
unforgiving environment we must achieve. The warfare
See Warfare on Page 13
6 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, August 19, 2010

Students D E F Y drugs

Photo by MM3 Sean Phillips

GROTON, Conn. - Thirteen children and four instructors show their graduation certificates after completing phase 1 of the Drug Education For Youth (DEFY)
program on Naval Submarine Base New London, Aug. 12. DEFY is a free program for children ages 9-12 and teaches team-building, maintaining a healthy
lifestyle, and drug prevention.
Thursday, August 19, 2010 • THE DOLPHIN • 7

Unique therapeutic opportunity for veterans

OLD LYME, Conn. - The mission of High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc., in Old Lyme is to
improve the lives of people with disabilities through the benefits of therapeutic horseback riding
and equine assisted activities.
As part of this mission they have developed a “Horses for Heroes” program to give back to those
who have so selflessly served our country. The various activities associated with the horses can
help wounded service personnel and veter-
ans adjust to their new lives. Other members
of the armed services have found that the
unconditional acceptance of the horse have
fostered an opportunity for healing.
Physically, many people benefit from an
increase in core strength, balance, and coor-
dination. Activities offered include riding,
carriage driving and unmounted interac-
For more information and the opportunity
to let horses into your lives, visit the High
Hops Web site, www.highhopestr.org, or
contact Liz Adams, Program director, at
[email protected] or (860)434-1974,
Ext. 16.

Ballroom dancing offered at Coast Guard Academy

The United States Coast Cha Cha lesson with Greg Duda USCGA cadets, faculty, offi-
Guard Academy (USCGA) Cadet Sept. 24 - American Style cers, staff, families, and friends
International Ballroom Dance Waltz lesson with Marj supporting the Academy are
Club will host ballroom dance invited to the Leamy Ballroom
lessons each month. The fall les- at the USCGA.
sons, which take place from 6:30 Oct. 15 - International Style
Rumba lesson with Greg Duda For more information, con-
to 8 p.m., are followed by a dance tact Alina M. Zapalska at Alina.
from 8 to 10 p.m., and are free for Nov. 12 - American Style
Foxtrot lesson with Marj [email protected].
those attending the dance.
Aug. 20 - International Style Winslow

Dealey Center Theater

Aug. 20 6:00 p.m. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Aug. 21 5:00 p.m. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
7:00 p.m. Inception
Aug. 22 5:00 p.m. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
7:00 p.m. Inception
Aug. 23 6:00 p.m. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Aug. 24 6:00 p.m. Inception
Aug. 25 6:00 p.m. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Aug. 26 6:00 p.m. Inception

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Cast: Nicolas Cage, Jay Baruchel,

Rated: PG, Story Type: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Science
Fiction/Fantasy and Adaptation, Runtime: 109 min.
Inception Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Marion Cotillard,
Rated: PG 13, Story Type: Action/Adventure, Drama, Science
Fiction/Fantasy and Thriller, Runtime: 148 min.
8 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sea Cadets conduct

10th annual field
training exercise
smell. Tuna and tuna juice was
laid along the trail, a blanket
By SN Michael Henderson was hung from a tree, cellphone
lights occasionally glowed in the
VOLUNTOWN, Conn. – distance, and booming firecrack-
Amidst the nightly “insurgent ers sounded ceremoniously to
attacks”, standing three hour keep cadets on their toes. The
sentry and roving watches, and purpose of the exercise was to
daily training exercises and stay as quiet as possible while
tromping through the forest, the acknowledging sounds, sights,
10th annual United States Naval and smells as they made their
Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) Nautilus way along a dark forest trail.
(SSN 571) Division Field Training The third day of the field exer-
Exercise, was full of excitement. cise brought the Sea Cadets’
This year’s field training was training to bear, culminating in
held in Pachaug State Forest, a 3.8 mile hike; quietly navigat-
August 11 – 14. ing forest trails, avoiding enemy
Six United States Sea Cadet sentries and ambushes, manag-
Corps divisions spanning New ing their limited food supply,
England came together to form and crossing a ravine via rope
the biggest of Nautilus Division’s bridge. Sea Cadets also paid a
annual training exercises to visit to Naval Submarine Base
date. Cadets from Maine, New New London on August 14, for
Hampshire, and Connecticut par- virtual firearms training and a
ticipated. During the training, well deserved swim at North
the Cadets formed squadrons Lake. evolutions like this. Whether it VOLUNTOWN, Conn. - Sea Cadet Instructor Larry Wilke briefs cadets on land navigation, Aug. 13. Wilke taught cadets how
with names coined after famous “Some of the kids said it was be handling the lines on board to guide themselves with a compass, as well as plot locations and routes on a map.
military officers in World War the best training that they’ve ever a sailing ship in Great Lakes,
II, Nimitz, Spruance, McArthur, been to,” said Robert Smith, Sea or working with Helicopters
and Patton. Cadet Lieutenant Commander during training evolutions on
Training consisted of evolu- and NSCC Nautilus Division Airstations, or visiting Marine or
tions such as: learning to make Commanding Officer. Navy bases.
a rope bridge, riot control, land That statement glows, given all Anyone interested in learning
navigation, and field medicine that the Sea Cadets and League more about the United States
and first aid. In one particu- Cadets (Sea Cadets age 10-13) Naval Sea Cadet Corps can visit
lar evolution, Sea Cadets had are able to experience through www.seacadets.org, or visit the
to keep their senses keen in the program. Children to teenag- Nautilus Division Sea Cadets Web
the dark of night. This “night ers, ages 10 – 18 are taught dis- site at http://nautilus571division.
training” used sight, sound, and cipline and teamwork through multiply.com.

VOLUNTOWN, Conn. - Hospitalman Michael Bond, from Naval Station Newport, R.I., briefs the cadets on field training and
first aid, Aug. 13. Bond, known within the camp as “Doc,” covered the use of several types of first aid devices, managed
any required medication within the camp, and gave safety briefs before exercises.

VOLUNTOWN, Conn. – A team of United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) Sea Cadets scout an immobile sentry waiting
for a chance to cross the road without notice, August 14 in Pachaug State Forest during NSCC Nautilus (SSN 571) Division’s
10th annual Field Training Exercise. The team shown (Spruance squadron) was the first of four squads to take on the final
3.8 mile trek through the forest, avoiding sentries, ambushes, and cars along the way.

VOLUNTOWN, Conn. - Sea Cadet Instructor Chris Lingar provides direction to Spruance squadron Sea Cadets after he and
two additional “insurgents” (red taped instructors) ambushed the squad as they travelled down a road in the Pachaug State
Forest, Aug. 13.

VOLUNTOWN, Conn. - Sea Cadets stand in the “on guard” position while holding PVC pipe batons during a crowd control
training exercise, Aug. 13. Not shown, Sea Cadet Warrant Officer Bruce Pendleton, a staff sergeant in the National Guard,
conducted the training, teaching them how to “stomp and drag,” and create different formations to penetrate or corral
would-be protestors.

VOLUNTOWN, Conn. - League Cadet Recruit Isabelle Delgado hangs upside-down on the rope bridge the team constructed,
Aug, 13. A rope fashioned into a “Swiss Seat” carries the weight of the occupant while the carabineer fastens them to the
rope, allowing them to propel down the length of the rope bridge with their arms and legs.
Photos by SN Michael Henderson
Thursday, August 19, 2010 • THE DOLPHIN • 9

Cops fall to

Photo by MM3 Sean Phillips

GROTON, Conn. – The

Juggernauts are presented
the first place trophy in the
company of Captain Marc
Denno, Naval Submarine
Base New London (SUBASE)
Commanding Officer, at the
SUBASE ball fields, August
9. The game was close with
Juggernauts beating The
Cops 10 - 8. This game marks
the second annual Krawczyk
Cup, named in memory of
Chief Torpedoman John G.

TLDR Version
Overall, the game is very, very, solid. It runs well
on middle-class PCs (like mine), only slowing down
at certain areas in certain stages. It’s the perfect party
game. Running around yelling at your friends while
four players fend off hordes throughout different stages; Valve, and by gift, I mean it’s trying not shoot them (unless you’re paying them back
of aliens while they prog- and Medics pretty much hold free. They won’t even expect for welding shut a door before you can get through),
ress through different stages, the team together, and hap- you to do them a favor in
Alien Swarm Review completing objectives. You pen to be one of the only return, or care if you remem-
and fending off hordes and hordes of different types
of aliens that are just “dying to meet you” …I crack
and your friends can select counters to living through a ber their anniversary. Readily myself up. It’s free, it’s from Valve, it’s on Steam, you
By SN Michael Henderson from eight different charac- facehugger’s alien amore. available on the PC through
ters, each boasting their own Players do “level up”, but should probably already own it by now.
Valve’s “Steam” network,
GROTON, Conn. - Anyone
ever play Contra 3D? And by
traits and qualities.
Officer characters like
the process takes maybe a
handful of hours, so it’s pretty
it’s a relatively small game
with released source code
Rating: 8/10
“play” Contra 3D, I mean,
make it to the jungle level
“Sarge” (my personal favor-
ite) have increased health and
negligible. Leveling unlocks and developer kit. What does Facehuggers, go fourth and multiply!
variety of new ways to kill that mean exactly? Valve’s
with the mini-arcade eas- have access to an awesome aliens, increasing your arse- little gift opens up the doors on release, there is very little “Insane” difficulty, (as long
ter-egg and just play “Tank” shotgun; Special Weapons nal of boomsticks, as well as to modders, allowing Alien that I can pick on about this as you bring some friends
because the game was so characters have access to more elaborate devices, like Swarm to perpetuate itself game. There are a couple along.) Buuuuuut, that’s all
terrible. I don’t know why I movement-hindering, but a stationary turret that immo- and evolve into something strange uses of half-speed not- I’m really ‘allowed’ to com-
brought that up. crowd clearing mini-guns; bilizes enemies with a thick much more fun. so-dramatic slow-motion, and plain about, given that the
Alien Swarm is a top- Techs are needed to hack layer of frost. Aside from having only a the game is arguably very, game is free and that Valve is
down shooter where up to some of the computer systems The game is a gift from handful of different stages very easy, even on the most awesome.

NBHC Petty Officer is on his way to Special events at the SUBASE Library
APA National Team Championship Playoffs
By Kathy MacKnight

GROTON, Conn. - A Naval

Branch Health Clinic (NBHC)
Groton, Conn., Petty Officer
is headed to Las Vegas for
the American Poolplayers
Association (APA) National
Team Championship playoffs
starting Aug. 19 and running
through the 28th.
Ship’s Serviceman 2nd Class
Brian Namulik and his team
of seven players from the
Norwich, Conn., area won the
Division Team Championship
for Connecticut in the fall
of 2009, and advanced to
the State Playoffs in June
of 2010, winning the State
Team Championship for 8
Ball, which set the team up
for the trip to Las Vegas. Both
Pirates take over library in adventure
championships were well Photo by MM3 Sean Phillips
played out with Petty Officer GROTON, Conn. - Electrician’s Mate 3rd Class Jay Wyma, dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow, poses for a picture
Namulik winning both of his during a Summer Reading Program event at Naval Submarine Base New London’s library, Aug. 6. During the event,
matches and the team pulling children learned pirate facts, played games and went on a scavenger hunt for “treasure” in the library.
in a 2-2 tie to put both cham-
pionship matches into sudden
death, making the winning
titles even more appreciated.
Namulik picked up his first Photo by Kathy MacKnight
cue about 25 years ago, at 10 GROTON, Conn. - Ship’s Serviceman (SH) 2nd Class Brian Namulik will compete,
years of age, when he started along with his team, in the American poolplayers Association’s National Team
playing pool with his grand-
Championship playoffs in Las Vegas, Aug. 19 - 28.
father at a fishing club on the
Niagara River in upstate New the Nationals in Las Vegas, Namulik’s love of the game
York. He really couldn’t even they will play individually, has extended to thoughts of a
see over the table, he says, matched against another retirement career or hobby of
but remembers the fun and team’s player who has the building his own cues in the
enjoyment it brought to him. same or different skill rating. future.
His best friend’s grandfather, This skill level rating is taken “It’s an amazing craft
Edwin H. Banck, gave him from what each player has and it is an exact science
his first cue, a Meucci Jimmy done throughout the season when building them,” says
Rempe 2, at the age of 12. with safety shots, innings, Namulik. “I’m having a cue
After learning the game and break and runs, 8 on the built now by Mike Webb,
playing in pool halls back brake, and wins and loss- who is an amazing cue build-
in his home town of Buffalo, es. Members of Namulik’s er, but Webb just says, ‘I am
N.Y., he knew that he would team are rated 7-3 (seven just building wood puzzles.’”
always love this game. being the highest rating) with The process can take two to
Namulik has acquired more Namulik’s skill level rated three years from start to fin-
cues through the years, but at 5. ish, or more. The wood has
that first cue Banck gave him They will have three and a to cure and be treated with
holds a sentimental place in
his heart. Recently, Namulik
half hours to get through five
matches as a team.
feeling. There is no rushing
the process.
Children taste fruits of the tropics
had that cue restored by “No individual wins this. Namulik currently shoots Photo by MM3 Sean Phillips
Meucci, and it is a work of It is 100 percent team effort. pool with two APA 8 ball GROTON, Conn. - Children try different tropical fruits as part of a Summer Reading Program event at Naval Submarine
art. If one member fails, the next teams, playing at the Norwich Base New London’s (SUBASE) Library, Aug. 13. Program events take place every Friday at the SUBASE library during
Although the team of one needs to pick up the Bowling Alley and the the summer. The library will host a Neverland themed craft day featuring Captain Hook and Tinker Bell, Aug. 20.
eight players is headed to slack,” said Namulik. Basement Café in Norwich.
10 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, August 19, 2010

Groton’s Fall Submarine crafting with crayons and cardboard

Festival 2010
is coming
It’s time to mark your calendar and save
the important date of Oct. 9. That’s the date Photo by SN Michael Henderson
for Groton’s Fifth Fall Festival. This is a
special community event created and spon-
GROTON, Conn. - Kids piece together
sored by the Groton Business Association
(GBA) of the Greater Mystic Chamber of and color paper towel-tube subma-
Commerce. rines, Aug. 14, at Naval Submarine
Groton’s Fifth Fall Festival runs from 10 Base New London’s Submarine
a.m. to 4 p.m. and is a rain or shine event. Force Library and Museum (SFLM).
You can obtain full information on all Saturday’s paper towel-tube sub-
events and how to register for a booth by marine construction was part of the
going to the GBA Web site at grotonbiz.com SFLM’s summer calendar of events
or calling the Chamber at (860) 572-9578. for younger guests at the museum.
For businesses, this is an opportunity to The next event will be showing chil-
connect with your current customers and dren how to use “Sound-Powered
attract new ones. For artists and crafters Phones,” Aug. 21.
it gives you access to thousands of new
customers. For non-profit organizations it
is an opportunity to promote your message
to thousands in person.
The primary site is Poquonnock Plains
Park, centrally located in the middle of
Groton. This will be the site of an Arts and
Crafts Show, business displays, exhibits
and food vendors. The other festival site
is Sutton Park (across the street), the loca-
tion for the car show and the skate board
Thursday, August 19, 2010 • THE DOLPHIN • 11
12 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, August 19, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010 • THE DOLPHIN • 13

VA eases claims process for veterans with PTSD

erans receive the benefits and more veterans with PTSD to “This is good news for
By Elaine Wilson services they need.” “This nation has a solemn obligation to come forward, particularly those America’s veterans; in fact, it’s
American Forces Press Service The new rule, to be published who have been deterred by a a historic day,” Petzel said.
in the Federal Register, will relax the men and women who have honorably seemingly time-consuming and President Barack Obama called
WASHINGTON - The Vet- the evidence requirement if the sometimes frustrating process. the changes a “long-overdue
erans Affairs Department pub- PTSD stressor claimed by a vet- served this country and suffer from the More than 400,000 veterans step” in his weekly address.
lished a final regulation last eran is linked to “fear of hostile currently are receiving com- “I don’t think our troops on
month intended to ease the military or terrorist activity and often-devastating emotional wounds of pensation benefits for PTSD, the battlefield should have to
claims process and improve
access to health care for veter-
is consistent with the places,
types and circumstances of the
war.” VA officials said. And of the
nearly 400,000 veterans treat-
take notes to keep for a claims
application,” Obama said.
Eric K. Shinseki
ans with post-traumatic stress veteran’s service,” a VA news Veterans Affairs Secretary ed at VA facilities for PTSD in “And I’ve met enough veter-
disorder (PTSD). release said. fiscal 2009, nearly 70,000, or ans to know that you don’t
“This nation has a solemn obli- Currently, VA decision mak- of hostile military or terrorist tion, we are acknowledging the 19 percent, were veterans of have to engage in a firefight to
gation to the men and women ers are required to confirm that activity if a VA psychiatrist or inherently stressful nature ... of operations Iraqi Freedom and endure the trauma of war.”
who have honorably served this a noncombat veteran actually psychologist can confirm that military service in which the Enduring Freedom. The new regulation not
country and suffer from the often- experienced a stressor related the experience recalled by a vet- reality and fear of hostile or ter- However, the new regulation only will help veterans of the
devastating emotional wounds of to hostile military activity, the eran supports a PTSD diagnosis rorist activity is always present,” has the potential to benefit all Afghanistan and Iraq wars,
war,” Veterans Affairs Secretary release said. and the veteran’s symptoms are said Michael Walcoff, VA’s act- veterans regardless of their peri- but “generations of their brave
Eric K. Shinseki said in a state- Under the new rule, VA no related to the stressor, a VA ing undersecretary for benefits. od of service, Walcoff noted. predecessors who proudly
ment. “This final regulation goes longer will require substantia- release said. The regulation will eliminate Dr. Robert A. Petzel, VA’s served and sacrificed in all our
a long way to ensure that vet- tion of a stressor tied to fear “With this new PTSD regula- the need to search for records to undersecretary for health, said wars,” the president said.

Elimination of field
verify veterans’ accounts, “often the regulation will be particu- “It’s a step that proves
a very involved and protract- larly beneficial for veterans America will always be here
ed process,” Walcoff said, and who have had their military for our veterans, just as they’ve
enable VA officials “to move records damaged or destroyed, been there for us,” he said.
more quickly to award more female veterans whose records “We won’t let them down.

service record approaches

benefits to veterans suffering don’t specify they have com- We take care of our own. And
from PTSD.” bat experience, and veterans as long as I’m commander in
Walcoff said he hopes the who have experienced combat chief, that’s what we’re going
new regulation will encourage but have no record of it. to keep doing.”

Warfare ...
any other record such as available at www.bupers.
By MC1(AW)LaTunya Howard reenlistment contracts, award navy.mil/AboutUs/NPC/
Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs certificates, designation let- Information+Management.
ters, etc.,” said B. J. Price, This access provides the user Continued from page 5
MILLINGTON, Tenn. - Navy Records Management Policy “view only” capability for all Warfare sponsors (Type motion recommendation may pin of the command to ensure
Personnel Command (NPC) is Branch, NPC. “The Sailor’s ESR accounts within their Commanders) will establish be restored with a special the integrity and strength of
reminding Sailors that paper ESR cannot be updated with- unit identification codes. specific qualification and performance evaluation when the existing programs.
enlisted field service records out appropriate source docu- All commands responsible re-qualifying timelines how- qualification is achieved. - How will Sailors stand-
(FSR) will closeout Sept. 30. mentation.” for service record entries are ever, the maximum allow- - Will a Sailor be penalized out amongst peers if every-
Service record information As the Navy moves forward required to initiate updates able time for initial qualifi- if their command doesn’t one is required to have a
will be generated and main- with plans to eliminate the in NSIPS/ESR. Sailors are cation of all enlisted Sailors offer the opportunity for war- warfare pin? According to
tained electronically through enlisted FSR, nearly 60,000 ultimately responsible for the assigned to designated war- fare qualification? According West, Sailors stand out every
a secure Internet connec- Sailors still need to establish accuracy of their ESR and fare qualifying commands to West, Sailors without the day. Performance and the
tion to the Navy Standard a self-service ESR account must contact the servicing will not exceed 30 months. opportunity to qualify in a Sailor’s overall command
Integrated Personnel System that will allow them anytime personnel office if any infor- Timelines for warfare quali- warfare specialty will not be support should be the big-
(NSIPS) Electronic Service access to their records. mation is incorrect. fications are set by the Type penalized. However Sailors gest factors to “break out”
Record (ESR). Self-service accounts can The Navy began elimi- Commander’s instructions should look for follow-on individuals.
Chief of Naval Personnel be created at https://nsips. nating enlisted FSRs in and each TYCOM will have opportunities to obtain a “I often highlight efficient
announced in 2009 the nmci.navy.mil or on the January 2010. Officer ser- oversight of their programs. warfare device when able. manning and future plat-
requirement for all active- Navy Standard Integrated vice records were eliminated According to West, some - Will having mandatory forms such as LCS as exam-
duty and Reserve personnel Personnel System (NSIPS)/ in 2000. Personnel Support of the biggest questions he qualifications water down ples of the need to ensuring
to establish and maintain ESR server on board ships. Detachment Memphis began hears from Sailors are: the existing programs? West our Sailors have a good, basic
a self-service ESR account. Commanding officers, closing out records for Sailors - What happens if a Sailor stated, quite the contrary; by understanding of the systems
These accounts allow Sailors executive officers and com- at Navy Personnel Command doesn’t qualify in time? West mandating warfare qualifi- and fighting capabilities of
to review all personnel, train- mand master chiefs can (NPC) last year as part of a stated that failure to qualify cations for all enlisted per- the command to which they
ing, and awards data. Sailors obtain command-level “view successful field test. in the specific warfare pro- sonnel, it will significantly are assigned,” said West.
also have limited self-ser- only” access by completing For more information on gram within the prescribed “raise the bar” across the For more information see
vice update capability within the NSIPS/ESR system access the elimination of FSRs read time requirements shall command regarding level of NAVADMIN 268-10.
their ESR. authorization request, or NAVADMIN 040/10 or visit immediately result in a spe- knowledge of the command For more news from Master
“Sailors should maintain a SAAR, and forward it to NPC’s https://nsips.nmci.navy.mil cial performance evaluation and the systems our Sailors Chief Petty Officer of the
hard copy of all documents Record/Data Maintenance or call NPC Customer Service that removes promotion rec- operate. It is incumbent on Navy, visit www.navy.mil/
used to update their ESR or Quality Division. They are Center at 1-866-U-ASK-NPC. ommendation, but the pro- those that wear the warfare local/mcpon/.
14 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, August 19, 2010

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