Profibus Fms User's Guide
Profibus Fms User's Guide
Profibus Fms User's Guide
Revision C
Last Revision: November 2004
All terms mentioned in this documentation that are known to be trademarks or
service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Invensys Systems, Inc.
cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this
documentation should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any
trademark or service mark.
Alarm Logger, ActiveFactory, ArchestrA, Avantis, DBDump, DBLoad, DT
Analyst, FactoryFocus, FactoryOffice, FactorySuite, FactorySuite A2, InBatch,
InControl, IndustrialRAD, IndustrialSQL Server, InTouch, InTrack,
MaintenanceSuite, MuniSuite, QI Analyst, SCADAlarm, SCADASuite,
SuiteLink, SuiteVoyager, WindowMaker, WindowViewer, Wonderware, and
Wonderware Logger are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries and
affiliates. All other brands may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Contents 3
Wonderware Profibus FMS I/O Server...............5
Introduction ............................................................................................ 5
Communications Protocols................................................................. 5
Accessing Remote Items via the I/O Server ....................................... 6
Getting Started Quickly with the I/O Server .......................................... 7
Required Hardware and Software....................................................... 7
Profibus Main Window .......................................................................... 8
View Menu ......................................................................................... 8
I/O Server File Menu.............................................................................. 9
Configuring the I/O Server................................................................... 10
Configuring a Topic Definition .............................................................11
Topic Definition.................................................................................11
Profibus Topic Definition ................................................................. 12
Common Topic Configuration Settings ............................................ 12
Configuring a Siemens Driver Topic................................................ 15
Configuring a Softing Driver Topic.................................................. 15
Selecting Communications Reference (CR) for Softing Driver Topic.
Configuring Communications References (CR) for Selected
PROFIboard...................................................................................... 19
Access Rights ................................................................................... 23
Advanced Communications Parameter Settings............................... 26
Importing Softing Datfiles ................................................................... 29
Import Softing Profibus Configuration............................................. 30
Item Mapping ....................................................................................... 31
Configuring the I/O Server Settings..................................................... 33
Server Settings .................................................................................. 33
Configuring the Logger........................................................................ 35
Setting the Logger Mode .................................................................. 35
Configuring Security ............................................................................ 36
Security ............................................................................................. 36
I/O Server Data Menu .......................................................................... 37
Data Monitor ........................................................................................ 38
View Item States ............................................................................... 38
Dumping Active Data to a File ............................................................ 41
Dumping Active Data ....................................................................... 41
DB Dump.......................................................................................... 42
Dumping Topic Database to a File....................................................... 44
Accessing I/O Server Help ................................................................... 45
Contents ............................................................................................ 45
How to Use Help .............................................................................. 45
About Profibus.................................................................................. 45
Item Names .......................................................................................... 46
Predefined Item/Point Names............................................................... 51
Wonderware Profibus
FMS I/O Server
The Wonderware Profibus FMS I/O Server (referred to as the server through
the remainder of this Users Guide) is a Microsoft Windows application
program that acts as a communication protocol server. It allows other Windows
application programs access to data within other Profibus FMS devices. The
server allows the PC to access other Profibus FMS devices (masters and
slaves). The server works with the PROFIboard from Softing as well as with
Siemens communications processor cards.
While the server is primarily intended for use with Wonderware
FactorySuite, it may be used by any Microsoft Windows program capable of
acting as a DDE, FastDDE, or SuiteLink client.
Communications Protocols
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is a communications protocol developed by
Microsoft to allow applications in the Windows environment to send/receive
data and instructions to/from each other. It implements a client-server
relationship between two concurrently running applications. The server
application provides the data and accepts requests from any other application
interested in its data. Requesting applications are called clients. Some
applications such as InTouch and Microsoft Excel can simultaneously be both
a client and a server.
FastDDE provides a means of packing many proprietary Wonderware DDE
messages into a single Microsoft DDE message. This packing improves
efficiency and performance by reducing the total number of DDE transactions
required between a client and a server. Although Wonderware's FastDDE has
extended the usefulness of DDE for our industry, this extension is being
pushed to its performance constraints in distributed environments.
SuiteLink uses a TCP/IP-based protocol and is designed specifically to meet
industrial needs such as data integrity, high-throughput, and easier diagnostics.
This protocol standard is only supported on Microsoft Windows 2000,
Windows XP, and Windows 2003.
SuiteLink is not a replacement for DDE or FastDDE. The protocol used
between a client and a server depends on your network connections and
configurations. SuiteLink was designed to be the industrial data network
distribution standard and provides the following features:
Value Time Quality (VTQ) places a time stamp and quality indicator on all
data values delivered to VTQ-aware clients.
Note Although Softing supports more than four PROFIboards per system, the
Wonderware Profibus FMS I/O Server is restricted to four boards.
Note For the number of supported Siemens boards per system, please refer to
the Siemens documentation.
The current configuration file and its full path are displayed in the main
window title bar.
If any topic is active, it will appear in the client area of this window called
the topic monitor list.
View Menu
The View menu has two options that change the appearance of the main
window. Both options are enabled or disabled by selecting the menu option. A
check next to the option indicates the option is enabled.
The Toolbar option adds (when enabled) or removes the toolbar (small
buttons) located below the menu.
The Status Bar option adds (when enabled) or removes the status
indication bar located at the bottom of the window.
The main window shown above has both options enabled. The main window
shown below has both options disabled.
Clears the internal topic database for a new topic configuration.
This menu is disabled when the server is active (a client is connected).
Replaces the internal topic database with the information contained in the user-
selected topic configuration file.
This file is automatically loaded the next time the server is started.
This menu is disabled when the server is active (a client is connected).
Save As
Saves the internal topic database under a new name.
This command is only needed if you want to save the configuration under
a different name.
If you edit the internal topic database, the data is stored automatically in
the current configuration file.
This menu is disabled when the server is active (a client is connected).
Terminates the server.
Note If any of the options appear dimmed, then these options are not
available with this software version.
Topic Definition
Note Once topics have been defined, their names will be listed in the Topics
section of this dialog box.
1. Click Done to close the dialog box and accept any new definitions,
modifications, or deletions made.
2. To modify or view an existing topic definition, select its name in the list
and click on the Modify button.
The Profibus FMS Server Topic Definition dialog box (described
below) will appear displaying the selected topic definition.
3. To delete an existing topic definition, select its name in the list and click
on the Delete button.
A message box will appear prompting confirmation of the deletion.
1. Enter a unique name (up to 32 characters) for the topic in this text box.
2. Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) that the server will acquire data for
the items/points associated with this topic.
The lowest non-zero value you can enter is 10 ms.
If you enter zero, no items in this topic will be updated.
4. Select this option to allow clients read/write access to the update interval
on this topic using the item name UPDATEINTERVAL.
If this option is not selected, the client can only read the
5. This option allows you to improve the writing of Profibus objects which
are poked only partially (Profibus objects which contain more than one
Profibus objects must be written as a complete entity.
The server retains a copy of the last value read for each Profibus
object containing an item that can be poked.
The server uses the retained object for all values in the object except
the item poked.
If this retained object has not been read recently, some values may
differ from what is now in the PLC.
This means old values could be written to the device for everything
except the poked item.
Select this option to force a read of the Profibus object (gets the latest
values) before modification and writing the object to the device.
Note Poking items in a Profibus object, requires the server to write the whole
object. This could affect the other values contained in the object. If you must
do partial pokes to large objects, select this option to increase data integrity at
the expense of performance.
6. You can also set the updateinterval to zero if you select the check box
Disable Polling.
Do this if this topic points to a communications reference that
supports only information reports.
7. Select the Poke mode for this topic from the drop-down menu.
Control mode - Preserves poke order and poke values. All client poke
values are poked in exactly the same order to the device. Use this
mode for control clients such as InBatch, InControl, and so on.
Transition mode - Preserves poke order but allows the server to fold
poke values to the same item by poking only the first, second, and last
value to an item in one timeslice. This mode "thins out" multiple poke
values generated by moving a slider to the important transition values
(no slider stuttering).
Optimization mode - No preservation of poke order and complete
folding of pokes to transmit the last value of an item only. Use this
mode when performance is critical and poke values of items are
independent of each other, such as recipe downloads.
10. Select Cancel to exit the dialog box without making changes.
This dialog box is used to set the address and other Profibus
parameters for a communications board.
The Profibus parameters must be consistent with the parameters of the
other active members on the bus.
1. Enter an address the board will use on the Profibus.
If a value less than 126 was defined for the Highest Station Address
(HSA) (see HSA), the maximum local station address is limited by
Note Not all baud rates are supported by all Profibus stations.
8. The Highest Station Address specifies the highest address available on
the Profibus.
All addresses configured in topics that use this board must be equal to
or lower than this address.
9. The Gap Update Factor specifies a number that when multiplied by the
Target Rotation Time equals the Gap Update Time.
The Gap Update Time is the duration of time required to check all
gaps in the station address space for newly activated Profibus devices.
10. The Maximal Retry Limit specifies how often the drivers lower layer
interface repeats a request message getting no response from a known
station in between the Slot Time.
Tip Select Default to get appropriate values for the time-based parameters
configured in this dialog box. The timing parameters are based on baud rate.
Make sure the Baudrate (kBd) setting is correct before selecting Default.
12. Select OK to accept the changes and exit the dialog box.
1. If CRs are configured for the selected PROFIboard, you may select one
from the list.
2. To configure CRs, refer to the following section, "Configuring
Communications References (CR) for Selected PROFIboard".
After CRs are configured, return to this section and select one of the
CRs as described above.
To add, delete, or modify CRs for the selected PROFIboard, use the following
1. Each communications relation is identified by a unique Communications
Reference (CR) (logical address).
(0..126, 255)
2. This value specifies the physical station address of the communications
partner (remote Profibus station).
If a value less than 126 is defined for the Highest Station Address
(HSA) (see Communications Parameter Settings), the maximum
station address is limited by HSA.
(0, 2..62)
4. This value identifies the remote Service Access Point (SAP) of protocol
layer 2.
The Remote SAP is the identification code of the logical channel for
the communications partner.
When the server is the receiver of a broad- or multicast-
communications relation, Remote SAP is irrelevant. The input box
will be disabled.
The Remote SAP value must agree with the local SAP configured in
the communications partner (remote Profibus station) in all other
5. Parallel Requests defines the maximum number of parallel read or write
When the Informationreport option is selected, Parallel Requests
specifies the maximum number of requests the Wonderware Profibus
FMS I/O Server can receive without having to send a transmit
If the FMS services READ and WRITE are used, Parallel Requests
specifies the maximum number of requests the Wonderware
ProfibusS FMS I/O Server may send before receiving a transmit
6. This value specifies the maximum length of the receive or send buffer for
a PDU (Protocol Data Unit).
Generally, the receive buffer of a station must be at least as large as
the send buffer of the communications partner.
(0.. 4294967295)
7. CI specifies the time interval for communication monitoring.
0 No time monitoring
1.. 4294967295 Monitoring interval in units of 10 ms
13. The Advanced button is only available when User Defined is selected in
the Communication Reference Settings dialog box.
14. The selections Broadcast and Multicast are only enabled when Master and
Informationreport are selected.
Informationreport also influences the effect of the parameters Parallel
Requests and PDU Size.
17. Select OK to accept the changes and exit the dialog box.
18. Select Cancel to exit the dialog box without making changes.
Access Rights
The Access Rights dialog box is used to define the access rights for the
1. Enter a Password (other than 0) if desired.
This option is available only if you have chosen the Siemens driver in the
Topic Definition dialog box.
1. Enter the details for the communications via the CP5613/5614 board.
2. This edit box is needed to tell the server the number of available parallel
requests to this connection for the Siemens driver.
Its meaning is the same as in the Communication Reference
Settings dialog box for the Softing driver.
3. Select Read from File to get the value from the current Siemens project
If the current project file is not available, the server will ask you to
specify another project file for reading out the required information.
Note If you are not an experienced user of the Profibus, do not make changes
in this dialog box.
Select Cancel to return to exit the dialog box without storing changes.
This value must be greater or equal the SCC of the remote station.
3. Max. SAC: (0...255)
This value specifies how many unconfirmed services the PROFIboard
could process as a client on this CR without getting a LLI(lower level
interface)-receipt from the server.
This value must be lower or equal the RAC of the remote station.
4. Max. RAC: (0...255)
This value specifies how many indications of unconfirmed services
the PROFIboard could accept as a server on this CR without sending
an LLI-receipt to the client.
This value must be greater than or equal to the SAC of the partner.
This value is equal to the Parallel Requests entry in the
Communications Reference Settings dialog box if
Informationreport is the selected Communications Type.
6. Specify which features the server should supply as client and as server.
FMS 0, 1, and 2 are for the client features, whereas FMS 3, 4, and 5
are for the server features.
Note Refer to the DIN 19245 Part 1 and Part 2 to get information of the
meaning of these hexadecimal values.
The Profibus FMS server directly supports only a few FMS features.
1. This box shows you which library is loaded into the server.
Papi50 shows that you are using the old Softing libraries.
Papi is displayed if you are using the new PROFIboard libraries and
None indicates that these libraries were not loaded.
If you use a Papi50, only Buspar0.dat and Kbl0.dat are needed.
2. Using this button you can browse for Buspar.dat files and copy them into
your configurations directory with the name shown on the button.
3. Clicking this button allows you to browse for Kbl.dat files and copy them
into your configurations directory with the name shown on the button.
4. Select Done to exit this dialog box and load the imported files into the
servers memory.
Note The BusparX.dat and the KblX.dat must be in the same directory as the
configuration file. If they exist in another directory, you can import them to the
same directory where the server is. If you finish this dialog box with the Done
button, the locally copied files are scanned and loaded into the server. If
something goes wrong, WWLogger shows you which files were corrupted.
Item Mapping
This feature is supported for upward compatibility to the former Softing
Profibus FMS DDE Servers.
1. From the Configure menu, select Item Mapping.
The Item Mapping dialog box appears:
2. You will be asked whether you want to use the feature of reading
substituted itemnames from a former Profibus.ini file.
The server reads from this ini-file the key <itemname> out of the
section Items and uses this setting to advise the associated itemname.
If this itemname is not configured in the ini-file, the server tries to use
this itemname as is to advise a valid item.
You can use this replacement in all configured topics at the same time.
For example:
4. Manually enter the path and filename of an ini-file you want to check for
symbolic itemnames.
This option is available only if the Use Item Mapping check box is
This button is disabled if the Use Item Mapping check box is not
Note Since the itemnames (see section "Item Names") are very cryptic most
times, use this feature to make the items better understandable. This makes it a
lot easier to use Profibus FMS items in a FactorySuite client.
When the Server Settings option is selected, the Server Settings dialog
box will appear:
Server Settings
1. Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) that the server is to check for data to
This should be approximately two to four times faster than the fastest
rate desired to update data from the equipment.
Note The default protocol timer tick value will vary between servers.
2. To create a new default configuration file, enter the complete path for the
directory in which the file is to be saved in this box.
This new path will automatically be written to the WIN.INI file and
the server will use this path to load its configuration file the next time
it is started.
4. Disable this option and restart the system for the server to run as a
Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 2003 application program once
Note To uninstall the server while the server is in Windows Services Enabled
mode, deselect the Windows Services check box, restart the computer for the
changes to take effect, and only then uninstall or reinstall to the same or
different location.
Note You must restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
Note The options controlled by this dialog box are NOT retained in the
configuration file.
Note Each time the server starts, the logger mode will default to Errors.
Configuring Security
Use the Security option from the configure menu to control server
configuration changes.
When the server is not active (no clients connected), all server configuration
options are available for modification.
The default setting for Allow configuration while topics are active is
Note When disabled, all topics are viewable but locked against changes while
the server is active (a client is connected).
1. Enable Allow configuration while topics are active to allow write access
to some parameters of the topic configuration while the server is active.
This server supports write access to Polling Interval, Enable access
to update interval, and Disable Polling.
You cannot add, delete, rename, or change other parameters of a topic
2. Click OK to save changes and close the dialog box.
3. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving changes.
Data Monitor
This option is used to display current information for an active topic and its
corresponding items/points.
When this command is selected, the View Item States dialog box appears:
This box displays the current configured update interval of the topic.
This value changes whenever the value is poked.
This box displays the current update interval of the slowest item of the topic.
This value is measured for each poll cycle and each received cyclic service
If this value drastically differs from the desired update interval, the
communications media is not fast enough to satisfy the load.
Note Both values (update interval and longest interval) are accessible. You
can create a Wonderware FactorySuite client performance meter by displaying
these values graphically for each topic. If access is enabled, you can even tune
the bus performance conveniently from a FactorySuite client by poking new
update intervals.
This box displays the maximal requests which can be sent parallel on the topics
communications reference.
This box displays the number of active items and the number of items with
errors (in parenthesis).
If you check the box, only the items with errors will be displayed in the
Item Data list box.
The Item Data list box displays information about each item per row. The box
is divided into 6 columns:
Index(Sub.) shows the index of the Profibus object which contains the
item. (with the subindex of the message in parenthesis).
Quality displays the items quality.
Time displays the items timestamp.
Type displays the items Profibus object data type.
Value displays the items data in hexadecimal notation. If the data is larger
than 4 bytes (as in the case of strings or data blocks), it will be indicated
by dots. For example, AB0102FF.. . Strings are displayed as string values
and reals are displayed as real values.
Name contains the item name.
Clicking on an item line generates a dialog box showing the item name and a
In the case of an error, a dialog box with an error message describing the
error appears.
Choose Dump to dump the contents of the monitor window into an ASCII text
You can load this file into Excel or any standard text editor.
All columns are separated by tabs.
Set the tabs width of your editor appropriately.
After the dump is completed the server displays a message box confirming the
name of the file the data was dumped to:
DB Dump
This option is used to dump the topic configuration into a .CSV (Comma
Separated Variable) file which can be loaded through the DbLoad utility into
When this menu command is selected, the DB Dump dialog box appears:
1. Select the mode for loading the .CVS file to the FactorySuite client
2. Select this check box if you want to read the remote object dictionary of
all configured topics and let the server automatically generate items for
this topics.
Note This feature is only available for topics using the Softing driver.
Multiple objects like bit strings or array objects create only items for
the first element so you can easily create more items for this object in
MS Excel.
The array for this object is dumped to the comment field of the first
This option is used to display the table of contents for the Help file.
About Profibus
This option is used to access miscellaneous information regarding the server,
such as the software version, the copyright information, license information,
and so on.
Your FactorySuite system license information can be viewed through the
license viewing utility that is launched from the About dialog box.
For more information on the license viewing utility, see your online
FactorySuite System Administrators Guide.
Item Names
The item name defines the object of the communications partner, which is
accessed by the Wonderware Profibus FMS I/O Server.
Each item accesses exactly one object in case of a simple variable, or parts
of an object, if elements of a variable (Profibus-data types Array, Record,
or Variable-List) are accessed, for example, one bit of an object of data
type Bit-String.
The object definition (data type, length) is stated in the object dictionary
of the communications partner.
The item name (item syntax) consists of key letters (O, A, R, V, T, L, N, B, S,
F) and the corresponding parameters. In the following, both statements are
named "parameter" for short.
The description of the item syntax is divided into items for access to
simple variable objects, array variable objects, record variable objects, and
variable list objects.
Simple variable:
O<object index> T<data type> [L<length> [N<element index>]]
Array variable:
A<object index> [B<block size>] S<subindex> T<data type>
[L<length> [N<element index>]]
R<object index> [B<block size> F<offset>] [S<subindex>] T<data
type> [L<length> [N<element index>]]
Variable list:
V<object index> B<block size> F<offset> T<data type> [L<length>
[N<element index>]]
The parameters can be combined in an arbitrary order.
T<data type>:
range: 1..10, 12..14
Data type describes the Profibus data type of the object as configured in the
object dictionary of the communications partner.
The values for data type correspond to the data-type definition of the
Profibus standard.
The following table displays all valid object data types with their mapping
on the I/O data types:
<data ProfibusData I/O Data <length> index>
type> Type Types Definition Definition Range
1 BOOL IO Discrete No No 0 or 1
2 INT8 IO Integer No No -128 127
3 INT16 IO Integer No No -32768 32767
4 INT32 IO Integer No No -2147483648
5 USIGN8 IO Integer No No 0 255
6 USIGN16 IO Integer No No 0 65535
7 USIGN32 IO Integer No No 0 2147483647
8 Float IO Real No No -3.4E+38
9 Vis-String IO String Yes Possible ASCII-7
character set
10 Octet-String IO Integer Yes Yes
12 Time-Of-Day IO String Possible No
13 TimeDifference IO String Possible No
14 Bit-String IO Discrete Yes Yes 0 or 1
range: data-type-dependent, specification: data-type-dependent, unit: byte
The parameter length must be entered for objects of the data type "Vis-Str"
(T9), "Octet-Str" (T10), and "Bit-String" (T14).
Length is defined in "byte".
For objects of the data type Time-Of-Day (T12) and Time-Difference (T13),
the length specifier is used to decide between the short form (L4) and the long
form (L6).
If no length is specified, the server uses the short form.
The parameter length must be entered as configured in the object definition in
the object dictionary of the communications partner.
For objects of any other data type, the length is implicitly enclosed in the
data type.
The following table displays the range of the parameter length for the
different data types:
Length More
Than Defined Length Less Than
in Object Defined in Object
<data type> Range Dictionary Dictionary
Vis-Str (9) 1..231 bytes Filled with Truncated to length
blanks up to
Octet-Str (10) 1..231 bytes Don't care Error on receiving the
message (buffer to small)
Time-Of-Day (12) 4 or 6 bytes Error Error
Time-Difference (13) 4 or 6 bytes Error Error
Bit-String (14) 1..231 bytes Don't care Error on access to the
(8..1848 bits) element > length
N<element index>:
range: data-type-dependent (Bit-String: 0..8*length-1, Octet-String and
Vis-Str: 0..length-1), specification: data-type-dependent
This parameter must be entered for data type "Bit-String" (T14) and "Octet-
String" (T10) and optionally can be entered for data type "Vis-Str"(T9).
With element index in an object the requested element (bit, octet, or
character) is addressed, the discrete value of this element is mapped to an
I/O variable (IO Discrete, IO Integer, IO String).
B<block size>:
range: object dependent
With specification of the parameter block size, the access mode is set to block
In block size the size of the complete object (in bytes) must be entered as
in the object dictionary OD of the other Profibus node configured.
You do not have to use block size for simple variable objects.
Rule for array and record objects:
If not specified, the access mode is set to "no block mode," that means
access by subindex.
Rule for record objects:
The specification of the parameter block size always requires the
specification of the parameter offset!
Rule for variable list objects:
The parameter block size must always be entered!
With the parameter subindex a single element of a object can be selected.
The valid range depends on the data type and the amount of user data
which can be transferred in one telegram (maximum 231 bytes); the
subindex may not be greater than the maximum number of elements,
configured for the record object in the object dictionary of the
communications partner.
The first record element is addressed with subindex 1 (not 0!).
Rule for array objects:
range: object dependent
The parameter offset defines the start address (zero-based) of the requested
element within the object.
To calculate offset the bytes of all elements, which are configured before
the requested element, are accumulated.
Rule for record objects:
The parameter offset may only be entered if the parameter block size
is specified!
Exemplification: To access a record in block mode it is not sufficient
to specify the subindex to address a specific element, since the size of
the elements configured at addresses before the selected element are
unknown. (The record definition in the object dictionary of the
communications partner is unknown in the Wonderware Profibus
FMS IO Server).
Rule for variable list objects:
The parameter offset must always be entered!
The UPDATEINTERVAL item is used to access the currently set update
It is the same value displayed in the monitor window of the server.
It indicates the current requested update interval in milliseconds.
If the corresponding topic is configured for Enable access to update
interval, a client can poke new values to this item.
In any case the value can always be read through DDE or SuiteLink.
The range of valid values differs with respect to the topic settings.
The value of zero indicates that no items on that topic are updated.
ACCESS: READ, WRITE (if configured)
RANGE: 0..2147483647 (0 means polling is disabled and items are
updated via information report (if configured in the
The MAXINTERVAL item is used to access the measured maximum update
interval in milliseconds of all items for the corresponding topic for the last
completed poll cycle.
It is the same value displayed in the monitor window of the server under
"Longest Interval."
This item is read-only.
RANGE: 0..2147483647
The STORESETTINGS item is used to make the temporary update interval
changes via DDE or SuiteLink permanent.
If the client pokes a value of 1 to the STORESETTINGS item, the
current set update interval is written to the server's configuration file.
If the update interval has been changed via DDE or SuiteLink and
STORESETTINGS is not poked to 1, the server will use the original
update interval for that topic the next time it is started.
Reading the item will always return 0.
RANGE: 0, 1
Note Use this item to conveniently store your optimized configuration via
DDE or SuiteLink.
The ITEMCOUNT item is used to access the number of active items in the
corresponding topic.
It is the same value displayed in the monitor window of the server under
This item is read-only.
RANGE: 0..2147483647
Note Use the ITEMCOUNT item to monitor the number of currently active
The ERRORCOUNT item is used to access the number of active items with
errors in the corresponding topic.
It is the same value displayed in the monitor window of the server under
"errors ( ) only."
If the communications status of a topic is bad, all items have errors (item
count equals error count).
This item is read-only.
RANGE: 0..2147483647
Note Use the ERRORCOUNT item to check for badly configured items or
invalid item values. This is the case if the topic status is 1 and
ERRORCOUNT is not zero.
The WRITECOMPLETE item is used to access the state of pending write
activities on the corresponding topic.
If the topic is opened the value of the WRITECOMPLETE item is
initially 1 indicating all write activities are complete - no pokes are
If values are poked into any items of the topic the value of the
WRITECOMPLETE item changes to 0 indicating write activity is
currently in progress.
If the server has completed all write activities the value of the
WRITECOMPLETE item changes to 1 if all pokes were successful or to
-1 if at least one poke has failed.
If the value of the WRITECOMPLETE item is not zero the client can
poke 1 or -1 to it ( poke a 1 to clear errors or a -1 to test a client reaction on
write errors).
RANGE: -1,0,1
In this example, each time the value of O100T1changes in the PLC, the server
will automatically send the new value to the cell containing the formula in
Note Refer to the Microsoft Excel manual for complete details on entering
Remote Reference formulas for cells.
POKEs the value contained in the Data_Reference to the specified item name
(actual location in the PLC) via the channel number returned by the previously
executed INITIATE function.
Data_Reference is the row/column ID of the cell containing the data
Closes the channel at the end of the macro.
Some applications have a limited number of channels therefore, they
should be closed when finished.
Channel is the channel number returned by the previously executed
INITIATE function.
Marks the end of the macro.
Note Refer to the .XLM sample Excel poke macro provided on the server
program disk. Also refer to the Microsoft Excel manual for complete details on
entering Remote Reference formulas for cells.
Note This is a general troubleshooting guide and for the sake of brevity we
cannot cover every possible source of communications problems.
Note All Wonderware version 7.0 or later servers support both DDE and
SuiteLink. However, the SuiteLink protocol is only supported on the Windows
2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 operating systems.
Note It is highly recommended that you start all the servers required by the
InTouch application before starting WindowViewer. InTouch (versions prior to
7.0) will display the Initiating DDE Conversation message box for each
uninitiated conversation.
For example:
If you start up WindowViewer and cannot successfully establish a
conversation with a server, the following Initiating DDE Conversation
dialog box will appear:
The information in the second line indicates that you have at least one I/O
type tagname defined in your Tagname Dictionary that is associated with
an Access Name that defines OMRONFO as the Application Name, and
HLPLC as the Topic Name.
Make note of exactly how the application and topic names are spelled.
Note This example only applies when using a version of InTouch prior to
InTouch 7.0.
If the I/O Server is running, verify the I/O Server's program name is
correct in all WindowMaker Access Name definitions.
1. Switch to (or start) WindowMaker.
2. Select Access Names from the Special menu
The Access Name Definitions dialog box appears listing all Access
Names defined in the WindowMaker.
3. In the Access Names list, select the Access Name referencing the server
and click Modify.
The Modify Access Name dialog box will appear.
4. Verify the server's program name in the Application Name box is correct.
5. If it is wrong then correct it and click OK , else click Cancel.
Note The server's exact "executable name" must be typed in the Application
Name box in all Access Name definitions. The ".exe" extension is not used.
Note If you are debugging a remote tagname reference, also verify that the
node name for the remote computer in the Node Name box is correct.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 and verify the server program name is correct in
all Access Names that use it.
Note The data in the servers program window indicates the read and write
messages the server is sending to and receiving from the PLC. These are not
error messages; only status messages are written to the servers program
Try communicating to the I/O Server using the DDE protocol. If this
is not possible, then proceed to the next troubleshooting section;
otherwise continue with the following steps:
1. Verify Microsoft's TCP/IP stack is installed and configured properly.
Note SuiteLink uses the Microsoft TCP/IP stack for its communications even
if the client application and the server reside on the same node.
2. If you do not have an Ethernet card to bind to the TCP/IP stack, install the
Microsoft Loop Back Adapter.
3. Install the Microsoft TCP/IP stack.
Also, during in-house server testing, it has been found that the communications
cards that use the National 16450 and 16550 UARTs seem to be less
susceptible to level and timing problems. Cards based on other chips may
work, but it is recommended that the National cards be used. Some of the
highly integrated UART chips (most notably, Winbond and UMC) have a
tendency for their transmitters to stop responding, requiring re-initialization of
the UART. If this occurs, you may have to restart the server or execute the
Reinitialize I/O command from the Special menu in WindowViewer.
Note If you are using a server that requires a TSR, you will not be able to
verify that the port is functioning properly while the TSR is running. Stop all
TSRs then continue with this procedure. If you confirm that the port functions
properly without the TSR running, change your software interrupt (IRQ) to
another number. For example, change 60 to 62.
Note Also, if you are using an A- type computer, two devices cannot share
interrupts. Verify that the communications port you are using has a unique
interrupt setting.
Note If you do not have two computers and the computer you are using has
another port, start two instances of the HyperTerminal program with each
configured to their own port. Then try communicating between them.
If the PLC or field device has more than one COM port, verify the
connection to the correct port.
The COM port on your computer uses the RS-232 hardware
communications standard and connects the cable from the COM port to an
RS-232-compliant device.
Note To connect to an RS-422 or RS-485 port on the PLC, you need an RS-
232 to RS-422/485 conversion device.
Note Without Administrator privileges, the server and Server Install program
cannot make the necessary edits to the Windows Registry during installation
or board configuration of the server.
3. Open the I/O Server and verify the communications settings are the same.
4. Poke data into the PLC with InTouch or WWClient.
5. Shut down the server and use the programming software to verify that the
values were correctly poked.
Note The performance of this test depends upon the type of PLC you are
Reinstall the I/O Server and verify that you are using the latest
Wonderware is continually improving our servers and using the latest
version will guarantee the best results.
Note New versions of the Wonderware I/O Servers are released regularly on
the Knowledge Base CD. These are available to Comprehensive Support
customers from the Wonderware Web site at:
Note Wonderware server configuration files are typically the exact same
name as the servers executable name with the .CFG extension. For example,
OMRONFO.CFG. Refer to the Configuration File section of the specific
server Users Guide for the exact name of the configuration file.
If you feel you have tested all possible situations that may be
causing your failed I/O communications, contact your local
Wonderware distributor for technical support.
For more information on obtaining technical support, see your online
FactorySuite System Administrators Guide.
Note It is strongly recommended that you do not make any direct changes to
this file. Changes may result in the Profibus FMS server not running properly.
2. Choose Obsolete Ini Files (*.ini) in the Save as type selection box.
3. Browse your workspace for an .ini file of the former Softing DDE Server,
or enter a filename if you know the path to it.
4. After choosing a filename, click on Open.
The file is converted in the new configuration format.
5. Specify a name for the new configuration file in the Save configuration
as dialog box:
Note Refer to the Item Mapping section in this User Guide for more