Present Future Perf Tense

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1. P.Future Perf is a form of the verb used to express that an activity will have been completed at
this point in time in the future.
(+) S + Will/Shall + Have + V3 + O + Adj / Noun / Adv

(-) S + will/shall + not + have + V3 + O + Adj / Noun / Adv

(?) Will/Shall + S + have + V3 + O + Adj / Noun / Adv


(+) S + Will/Shall + Have + Been + O + Adj / Noun / Adv

(-) S + will/shall + not + have + been + O + Adj / Noun / Adv

(?) Will/shall + S + have + been + O + Adj / Noun / Adv



(+) We shall have arrived in School at 10.00 oclock.

(-) We shall not have arrived in School at 10.00 oclock.

(?) Shall we have arrived in School at 10.00 oclock.


(+) I will have been at Grandma House by the end of the week.

(-) I will not have been at Grandma House by the end of the week.

(?) Will you have been at Grandma House by the end of the week?


a. to express an activity that would have been completed or occurred before other activities to
do in the future.
We will gather on the road at 8. We will have gone when you come at 9.
Before he comes, the table will have been prepared.
b. to show that an action will have been completed at some time in the future.
At this time next month, Ill have finished my driving course.
On the 15th of May It will have been two months since we met for the first time.
The mechanic will have repaired my car tomorrow.
c. To show that a job has been done when the work / other events occur.
I am sure that the student will have finished the test before the time is over.
Will you have been there waiting for me before I come?

a. Time : tomorrow, next + time/week/month
b. Specific Time : tomorrow morning, on Saturday at 07.00 oclock, by this time next week, by
the end of this year, tonight, this evening.

6. Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat menggunakan "To Be Going To"

+ Subject + To be + going to + Verb 1 + Object

- Subject + To be + Not + going to + Verb 1 + Object

? To be + Subject + going to + Verb 1 + Object ?

? Question Word + To be + Subject + going to + verb 1 +?

Contoh :

+ I am going to read a newspaper tomorrow.

- I am not going to read a newspaper tomorrow.

? Are you going to read a newspaper tomorrow?

What are you going to read?

? Who is going to come here tomorrow?

1. Present perfect tense is a verb form used to express an action or situation that has started in the
past and still continues today or have been completed at some point in time in the past, but the
effect is still ongoing.
2. FORM:

Bentuk Rumus Contoh

+ Verbal S + have/has + Verb-3 I have told you 3 times.
Nominal S + have/has + been + nominal The storm has gone.
Verbal S + have/has + not + Verb-3 I have not ever gone to Jogjakarta even
Nominal S + have/has + not + been + In 1703, Indonesia has not been a country.
? Verbal Have/has + S + Verb-3 Have you already taken a bath?
Nominal Have/has + S + been + nominal Has she been in school now?

A. To show work recently completed / is over at the present time. Having just finished, then
the effect of the job can still be felt today.
Look! the pilot has made an acrobatic flight on the sky.
The sailors have just come back from the sea.
B. Used to describe a work that have been done in the past with no clear exactly when the
incident occurred.
We have met before, dont we?
She has paid the bill, but he forgets.
C. To describe a work that has been done repeatedly.
I have called him eight times, but he didnt pick his phone up.
My son has woken up for many times tonight.
D. Declaring an activity, an action that just happened that the result or consequence of such
action can still be viewed until now discussed.
I have opened the window.
He has written a letter.
E. Stating an act or event that has been completed at the time which is not certain in the past,
but the time the event occurs does not matter. The most important thing is the result of his
actions now.
He has locked the window, and now we can not open it.
F. Stating an act or event has occurred but the time of the incident have not been exhausted.
At the time of talk time or day is still included in the month in question, so unfinished.
I have written five letters this month.
G. Declaring an activity, action or event that has happened in the past and is still happening in
the present and the future.
I have been here since yesterday.
H. Indicates actions that have been completed in a short time. In general, frequently used
words: at last (finally), finally (finally), just (just).
I have just meet him.
Keterangan waktu yang digunakan untuk Present Perfect tense adalah yang menerangkan
bahwa pekerjaannya baru saja selesai seperti: just now (baru saja), already (sudah), yet (sudah)
dan juga keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan sudah berkali-kali atau pernah walaupun hanya
sekali seperti: ever (pernah), 3 times (3 kali) dsb.

Keterangan waktu yang digunakan sebelum Past Participle (kata kerja

adalah : bentuk ketiga / V3) kecuali kata yet
since... = sejak yang terletak setelah V3.
since yesterday = sejak kemarin occasionally = sekali-sekali
since two days ago = sejak dua hari often = sering
yang lalu usually = biasanya
since last week = sejak minggu lalu always = selalu
for... = selama almost = hampir
for three days = selama tiga hari ever = pernah
for two years = selama dua tahun never = tidak pernah
sometimes = kadang-kadang
Disamping beberapa keterangan waktu already = sudah
di atas, ada juga beberapa bentuk yet = belum
keterangan waktu yang letaknya just = baru saja

a. Dont blame me if he hits you, I have warned you many times not to touch his girl.
b. The show has already started, you will be late if you go one hour later.
c. I have fixed this car three times, but no changes.
d. Roney has ever visited his fans in Indonesia once.
e. Dont worry the snake is death, I have killed it just now.
f. Jessica has passed away five minutes ago when the medical team brought him to the
1. Past Future Perfect Tense is a tenses that describes a job that was originally to be completed in the
past but never happened or is always the opposite of the reality.
Bentuk Rumus

+ Verbal S + would + have + verb-3

Nominal S+ would + have + been + nominal

Verbal S + would + not + have + Verb-3

Nominal S + would + not + have + been + nominal

? Verbal Would + S + have + Verb-3

Nominal Would + S + have + been + nominal

1. To describe an occupation that should have been completed in the past.
I would have caught that thief last night, but he could wriggle out from me.
She would have been a queen, unfortunately she died due to a disease.
2. Used when we want to talk about past events that did not happen but it should happen.
You should have recieved your refund by now.
3. To talk about things to do in the past but was not performed or was not successful.
I could have bought that car, but I prefered to save money and wait for the manual
4. To discuss about the possibility in the past.
The traveler looks far from happy. He might have waited for his flight for hours.
5. Used on a conditional sentence type 3 (sentence modality) to talk about something that does
not happen.
If you had saved your jewelry and foreign currency in a safety deposit box, they wouldnt
have gone.

4. adv of time

at yesterday
By the time
In last year
On last week

5 Example:
I phoned at five oclock since I knew you would have got home by then.
It was quarter pass nine. John would have finished his work.
I thought my mother would have cooked by the time I arrived.
My father would have been very upset if he had saw me out of class.
By the time we got there, the bus would have left for Jogja.
If the car had not crashed the tree, I would not have missed my flight.

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