Expat Guide India

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A Guide For Expats in India


Located in South Asia, India is the seventh largest country in the world. Its the worlds second
most populated country and is the largest democracy. It has many different religious and
ethnic groups. The most followed being Hinduism, which comprises of around 80% of the
population followed by Islam 12%, Christianity 2% and then there are other religions such as
Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

The country is known for its culture, Today, India is home to around 30,000
customs and mannerisms which are very expats, and the number is constantly on
different from those in the west and, at the rise.
rst, might seem overwhelming to
Indias expat community are in a wide
foreigners. However, India is a rapidly
range of professions such as teaching,
developing country with ample job
marketing, sales etc. They are also
opportunities in industries such as IT,
artists, spiritualists, CEOs and executives
pharmaceutical, telecommunications,
in international corporations.
nancial services etc. creating work and
thus, an increasing demand for expats. As the opportunities to relocate to India are
increasing, here is an informational guide to
make your transition seamless and easy.


Types of Visas
There are mainly 3 types of visas - A tourist visa, employment visa and business visa. People may
apply for one of them depending upon their purpose of visit. Writer Relocations provides visa and
immigration services for India along with many other countries across the globe. You can get in touch
with us for further assistance.

Tourist Visa Employment Visa

Expats may apply for a tourist visa when Foreign nationals may apply for an

they simply want to visit a friend or when employment visa when they are hired to work
for an Indian registered organization or when
planning a vacation. They are generally
theyre transferred internally by a company to
granted a six-month visa. Most foreign
India. They are granted this visa only when
nationals can apply for their visa at a VFS
they produce a proof of a job offer. They may
Application Centre in their home country.
also have to produce a proof of their
A few countries are also granted visa on
arrival under Tourist Visa on Arrival
Scheme started by India to promote Business Visa
tourism in the country.
This visa is granted to those who wish to
start a business in India. Its generally
issued for a period of six months.


Registering at FRRO

An expat has to register with Foreigners Regional Registration Oce if their visa is valid for
more than 180 days. This is one of the rst things they need to do as they require to register
within 2 weeks post their arrival. The documents expats will need to include are application
forms, passport copies, passport-size photos, a copy of their visa, a letter of guarantee from
an Indian host or sponsor, and proof of residence.

Climate in India Languages Spoken in India

India is a vast country and the weather Hindi is the most widely spoken language
varies from region to region. However, in India. About 30% of Indians nationwide
there are 4 main seasons: Summer which speak Hindi. As India was a British colony
lasts from March to May, Monsoon from English is one of the ocial languages
June to October, Post-monsoon from here and is commonly spoken at work.
October to November and Winters from There are more other regional languages
November to February. Cities like New spoken in different parts of India. Also,
Delhi face an extreme climate of 40 to 45 due to tourism shopkeepers, drivers also
degree celsius in summer whereas in have started speaking English.
winter the climate drops to below 10
degree Celsius. Cities like Mumbai face
relatively less extreme climate but a very
heavy rainfall.


Cost of Living

The cost of living varies from one city to another. Cities like New Delhi, Mumbai are much
more expensive as compared to Bangalore and Kolkata. According to Mercer Cost of Living
Survey Mumbai and New Delhi were ranked at 57 and 99 respectively, out of 209 cities studied
which make them quite costly. But Majorly expats have a good standard of living here, as they
can afford servants and chauffeurs unlike in the west. Also, the cost of most things, including
entertainment, education, housing, and food is lower than that in western countries.

Finding an Accommodation

Ideally, your employer should arrange your But insist on a proper agreement as youll
stay. But, if this isnt the case then you have need them for future paperwork.
to look for a property agent who could help Landlords may also ask for a security
you nd a house. Once you shortlist a deposit, which could be of about two or
property dont forget to make a lease three months rent. An Agents
agreement with your landlord. They will often
commission could be half a months rent.
try to convince you to unocially rent the


Dealing with Taxation

Taxation in India depends on the residential status of a person. The residential status is
determined completely on his or her physical presence in India regardless of the purpose of
stay. As per their stay in India during the nancial year, Expats fall into three tax categories
which will determine their taxable income. The three categories are:

- Resident and Ordinarily Resident (ROR)

- Resident but Not Ordinarily Resident (RNOR)

- Non-Resident (NR)

How to Determine Which Category They Fall Into?

Rule 1 Rule 2

An Individual is a resident of India if he/ An Individual who is a Resident is a RNOR in

she: Is in India for a period of 182 days or India if he/she Has been a NR in India for

more, or within four years preceding that nine out of ten years preceding that year, or

year has been in India for 365 days or Has been outside of India for 729 days or
less during the seven previous years
more and is in India for a period of 60
preceding that year.
days or more.
Foreign nationals who work in India at a
If the individuals stay does not satisfy the
stretch are considered RNOR for the rst
above requirements then they are considered
as a non-resident. Alternatively, if by the two years and ROR from the third year

above rule, individuals prove to be residents and will be taxed in India on their
than they are further categorized as ROR or worldwide income.
Also, depending on whether they fall into

To determine whether the individual is RNOR, ROR, NR category accordingly their

Resident and Ordinarily Resident (ROR) or portion of income is taxed.

Resident but Not Ordinary Resident

(RNOR), we need to apply the following


Job Opportunities

India is one of the largest economies in the world. Especially the IT sector in India is a fast-
growing industry, creating a lot of job opportunities. Even though thousands of students
graduate every year, there is still a lot of requirement of skilled professionals in booming
sectors like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals research, manufacturing, aeronautics and
consumer electronics. This gives expats the opportunity to work in India. On the other hand,
foreign companies are outsourcing work to India creating senior level opportunities for expats.

Healthcare Facilities Travelling and Transportation

Due to change in climate, expats tend to fall Finding public transport in India is not really
sick more often. They are suggested to an issue. People mostly use taxis, auto
always carry their own drinking water, as rickshaws, public buses and local trains as
having water outside can lead to an upset their mode of transport in cities. Introduction
stomach or fever. They should also be careful of metro trains and radio taxis in most major
with eating out. Indian food is very spicy and cities has made travelling a lot more
oily compared to most other cuisines. convenient and simpler these days. With
Foreigners might take some time adjusting to increasing job opportunities, authorities are
this, and the sudden change in taste of food constantly looking for better ways to develop
might result in falling sick more often. and thus make lives simpler for locals as well
as expats.
Public hospitals in India are slowly, but rapidly
developing. Private hospitals, too, have grown
in the last few years.


What We Do

Writer Relocations is one of India's oldest Do read our Blog for tips and articles on
moving company. For 60+ years later, we how to make your moving experience
have been Indias premier moving smoother.
company handling all types of moves -
local relocations, commercial moves, For more information about our
office relocations, and international relocation services, contact us toll-free @
removals. 1800-1230-077
or Request a quote.
Writer Relocations can help you plan and
execute your move efficiently. We'll do You may also want to check out theCase
everything to make sure you have a Studies on International Relocation,
stress-free moving experience. along with theFAQs, andDestination
Guidesthat we have put together for the
Not just that, our specially designed best moving and packing experience.
Orientation Services also help you settle-
in at your new place with ease.

Move with Writer Relocations


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