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More than just dashboards and reports
Much more lies under the surface
Prebuilt best
practice library
One size does
NOT fit all
Many metrics and dimensional attributes
not surfaced by prebuilt dashboards and
Possibilities are endless
Incremental work to build more content
from this foundation
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More than just dashboards and reports
Answers unlocks limitless combinations
Oracle Answers together with prebuilt
Subject Areas = unlimited analytical
Almost limitless combinations of analysis
entities aligned with business objectives
Many metrics and dimensional attributes
not surfaced by prebuilt dashboards and
reports but in Subject Areas simplified
views provided according to usability best
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More than just dashboards and reports
One Subject Area, Unlimited Possibilities
Procurement and Spend Purchase Cycle Lines Subject Area
Same Subject Area, Different Analyses
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Derived calculation in Oracle Answers
One Subject Area, Unlimited Possibilities
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Several additional metrics under the
Metrics used in Not all measures in
presentation layer
Reports & used in reports &
Dashboards dashboards
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Typical Effort & Customization balance
Additional dashboards and
Dashboards & Reports Easy reports, guided and conditional
navigations, iBots, etc.
Additional derived metrics,
OBIEE Metadata Moderate custom drill paths, exposing
extensions in physical, logical and
presentation layer, etc.
Extension of DW Schema for
DW Schema Intermediate extension columns, additional
tables, external sources,
aggregates, indices, etc.
Extension of ETL for
ETL Involved extension columns,
descriptive flexfields,
additional tables, external
Degree of sources, etc.
Level of Effort
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Whats in Procurement and Spend
No. of dashboards 6
No. of dashboard pages 35
No. of reports 421
No. of metrics 616
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Roles Benefiting from Procurement and
Spend Analytics
Spend Analyzer Procurement Supplier Employee Sourcing
Performance Performance Expenses
Primary: Primary: Primary: Primary: Primary:
VP of Procurement VP of Procurement VP of Procurement Line Managers Category Managers
Commodity Manager Procurement Manager Commodity Manager Cost Center Managers Procurement Managers
Business Analyst Procurement Analyst Business Analyst Executives Commodity Managers
Purchasing Lead Sourcing Manager Sourcing Manager
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Procurement Dashboard
The Procurement Dashboard provides patterns of purchasing and savings and process
efficiency trends in terms of time and values.
The Overview dashboard The Savings dashboard page The Buyer Productivity dashboard
page provides various provides various Savings page provides various reports reflecting
purchasing patterns and reports by categories. how Buyer handles requisitions (Only
trends for Fusion Customers)
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Employee Expenses Dashboard
The Employee Expenses Dashboard provides visibility into organizations employee related
expenditures and the overall submission and approval process.
This page provides the This page provides group Item Details page provides
information about the top of reports where the Spend, Performance and trend
spending areas and the measures are analyzed details for the items for the
top savings potential. by the Supplier or specified report filter criteria.
Supplier Geography. This is set up as dashboard
with links from overview
This page provides the group of
reports where the measures are
analyzed by the Category or This page provides group of
Product dimension. New reports reports where the measures
using UNSPSC commodity can are analyzed by the Business
also be created and placed in this Unit, Cost Center, Buying
page, if the external data feeds are Geography, or Buyer
available to populate the UNSPSC dimensions.
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Procurement Performance Dashboard
The Procurement Performance Dashboard can be leveraged to understand Procurement
effectiveness, and monitor the procurement performance on regular basis, to identify the
bottlenecks, and to pro-actively take correct actions before they become issues.
Requisition Procurement PO Price and Receipt Project
Overview Current Status
Processing Effectiveness Contract Leakage Performance Commitments
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Supplier Performance Dashboard
The Supplier Performance Dashboard can be leveraged to understand and track cycle
times, supplier score-carding, price performance, delivery performance, and product receipt
quality performance.
Supplier Quality Delivery Price
Overview Trends Exceptions
Payables Performance Performance Performance
This page provides This page offers analysis This page provides an
trending analysis of on how much as well as overview of how well the
supplier how efficiently payments supplier base has
performance. are made to suppliers. performed in the area of
delivery timeliness.
This page provides a
comprehensive overview of
current supplier base and This page highlights areas This page provides an This page provides
supplier performance. The that are performing out of overview of how well the analysis on how well
insight on supplier the ordinary, and requiring supplier base has suppliers have performed
performance can enable prompt corrective actions performed in terms of in terms of price
strategic actions to better align to bring supplier acceptance and rejection competitiveness, as well
suppliers with corporate performance back in line rates. as the level of spend
objectives to improve sourcing with corporate objectives. incurred across suppliers.
efficiency and reduce spend.
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Sourcing Dashboard
The Sourcing Dashboard provides complete insight into the Procurement Sourcing
Programs of the company and all aspects of the Procurement Negotiations which helps to
systematically identify opportunities for cost-savings and the ability to make effective
sourcing decisions to improve procurement's contribution to organizational objectives.
This page provides This page provides Item Details page provides
overview of the top detailed information on all detailed information regarding
Negotiation measures Award decisions by Average Negotiation Cycle
and their trends Outcome document type, times and the overall
Negotiation type and Negotiation Life cycle trends
Negotiation Revisions across Categories and
Procurement Business Units
This page provides detailed
information about Negotiations
that are on-going and awarded by This page provides detailed
Document type, Negotiation type , information about the
Negotiation Status and Supplier projected savings compared to
Response visibility realized savings for a
Category, Procurement
Business Unit or a Buyer
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Procurement and Spend Analytics
Subject Areas (1 of 4)
Procurement and Spend - This is a summary subject area that provides the ability to do comparative analysis and report on
Procure to Pay requested spend, committed spend and actual spend and receipts across business units, buying
locations, suppliers, products, item categories and associated hierarchies for both direct and
indirect spend (indirect spend being MRO and employee expenses) in detail to allow complete
visibility of spending across your organization.
Procurement and Spend - This is a detailed subject area that combines the information from Purchase Orders, Purchase
Purchase Orders Order Costs and Purchase Schedules with the ability to report on committed spend, contract
compliance and Purchase orders of the suppliers of an organization across suppliers, company,
products, item categories and associated hierarchies at purchase order line level.
Procurement and Spend - This is a summary subject area that provides the ability to report cycle time performance, such as
Purchase Cycle Lines requisition to purchase order lead time, purchase order to receipt lead time, P2P lead time of the
suppliers of an organization.
Procurement and Spend - This is a detailed subject area that provides the ability to report on requested spend and purchase
Purchase Requisitions requisitions (including cyclic requisitions) of the suppliers of an organization across suppliers,
company, products, item categories and associated hierarchies at purchase requisition line level.
Procurement and Spend - This is a detailed subject area that provides the ability to report on actual spend and purchase
Purchase Receipts receipts of the suppliers of an organization across suppliers, company, location, products, item
categories and associated hierarchies at purchase receipt line level, including reporting based on
receiving time.
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Procurement and Spend Analytics
Subject Areas (2 of 4)
Procurement and Spend - Invoice This is a detailed subject area that provides the ability to report on total spend of an organization
Lines across suppliers, products, item categories, business units, cost centers, buying locations,
supplier locations and associated hierarchy. In addition, this subject area also provides detailed
information at invoice distribution level.
Employee Expenses - Overview This is a detailed subject area that provides the ability to report on employee spend of an
organization across employees, company, cost center and associated hierarchies, including
Approvers and cycle time measurements related to Approval, and Employee Expenses by various
expense types.
Employee Expenses Credit This subject area contains Credit Card transactions and the related measures like outstanding
Cards credit card transaction amounts, number of days outstanding analyzed by Business Units,
Employee and Expense type.
Employee Expenses Violations This subject area reports all Expense Violations by Expense status, Employee, Business units
and Violation type
Supplier Performance - Supplier This subject area (built on Purchase Cycle Lines) contains targeted metrics that allow users to
Performance analyze the timeliness, reliability, cost, and quality of goods provided by the suppliers. It helps you
to understand how well suppliers are contributing to success of your organization.
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Procurement and Spend Analytics
Subject Areas (3 of 4)
Supplier Performance - Supplier This is a summary subject area that provides the ability to analyze payment performance and
AP Transactions payment due analysis of the suppliers of an organization across suppliers, company, location,
products, commodities and associated hierarchies.
Procurement and Spend This subject area provides Purchase Order cycle time measures. These measures can be
Purchase Orders BU Summary analyzed by Procurement Business Unit, Requisition Business Unit, Procurement Item and
Suppliers. This subject area is a subset of the Purchase Orders subject area.
Procurement and Spend This subject area provides Requisition cycle time measures. These measures can be analyzed by
Purchase Requisitions BU Procurement Business Unit, Requisition Business Unit, Procurement Item and Suppliers. This
Summary subject area is a subset of the Requisitions subject area.
Procurement and Spend Change This subject area contains measures related to Purchasing Change Orders. These measures can
Orders be analyzed by Procurement Business Unit, Suppliers and Procurement Items.
Procurement and Spend This subject area covers Purchasing agreement measures like consumed amount, count of
Purchase Agreements agreements, day to expire analyzed by Supplier, Procurement item and Business Units.
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Procurement and Spend Analytics
Subject Areas (4 of 4)
Procurement and Spend This subject area contains information which can be used to report on the Performance Scorecard
Scorecard of a Procurement Business Unit. This subject areas contains both actual and target values for
each measure.
Sourcing - Overview This is a detailed subject area that provides the ability to report on aspects of Negotiation like
Supplier Responses and Award decisions.
Sourcing - Negotiation This subject area contains measures related to a Negotiation like count of Negotiation or
Negotiation Amount for a particular Procurement item compared with the same measures a year
or quarter ago. This subject area can be analyzed by Time, Procurement Business Unit and
Negotiation Style for e.g. RFP or Auction
Sourcing - Awards This subject area provides information about Negotiation Awards like awarded quantity, awarded
amount compared with the same measures a year ago. This subject area can be analyzed by
Supplier, Procurement Item and Procurement Business Unit
Sourcing - Responses This subject area provides measures to analyze responses received from a Supplier towards a
published Negotiation. The measures covered by this subject area give count of Supplier
participating, count of Negotiation responded by a particular supplier and number of supplier
invited to the Negotiations.
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Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics
Example Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics Metrics
Spend Analyzer Procurement Performance Supplier Performance Employee Expenses Sourcing
# of Suppliers Contract PO Amount Supplier Score Total Expense Amount Negotiation Line Awarded
# of Supplier Sites Off-Contract PO Amount % Received Late Expense Approval Cycle Amount
# of Buyers Contract Leakage % Received On Time Time Negotiation Current
Spend Others Off-Contract PO % Received Early Approved Expense Amount
Year Ago Spend Amount Received Late Quantity Amount Negotiation Projected
Addressable Spend Year Ago Contract PO Received Early Quantity Requested Expense Savings
Non-Addressable Amount Received On Time Amount Negotiation Realized
Spend Year Ago Off-Contract Quantity Outstanding Expense Savings
Chg Year Ago Spend PO Amount % Accepted Amount Approved PO Amount
% Chg Year Ago Year Ago Contract % Rejected Airfare Expense Amount Negotiation Awarded
Spend Leakage Average Purchase Accommodation Quantity
Payables Leakage Year Ago Others Off- Cycle Time Expense Amount Approved PO Quantity
Amount Agreement PO Amount Average Receipt Cycle Meal Expense Amount Average Negotiation Line
Payables Leakage Contract Purchase Rate Time Other Expense Amount Price Awarded
Rate Off-Contract Purchase Average Approval Cycle Total Expense Year Ago # of Suppliers Awarded
Invoiced Amount Rate Time Total Expense YTD # of Business Units
Invoiced Quantity Contract Leakage Rate Cancelled Amount # of Approved Expense Awarded
Invoice Price Variance Others Non-Agreement Cancelled Quantity Reports # of Awarded
Amount (IPV) Purchase Rate Received Quantity Expense Reimbursement Negotiations
Average Invoice Unit PO Matched Spend Approved PO Amount Cycle Time # of Awarded Negotiation
Price Year Ago PO Matched Approved PO Quantity Expense Filing Cycle Lines
Min Invoice Unit Price Spend Time # of Published
Max Invoice Unit Price Avg Purchase Unit Price Mileage Expense Amount Negotiations
Benchmark Price # of Negotiations
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Total Spend,Total Payables Leakage, Off-
Contract Spend and Contract Leakage
Purpose: Location:
Displays the Key Performance Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Indicators such as Total Spend, Off-
Contract Spend, Contract-Leakage Page Overview
and Payables Leakage satisfying the Source:
report filter criteria. Procurement and Spend - Invoice
User Focus: Lines subject area
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
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Spend by Top Categories
User Focus:
Purpose: VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager,
Displays, Total Spend and Total Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Spend % for Top 10 categories and Location:
aggregated spend for the remaining
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
categories into "Other Categories",
segment. This report is not drillable. Page Overview
Please use guided navigation links to Source:
view details or trend. Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines subject area
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Spend by Top Suppliers
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Purpose: Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Displays, Total Spend and Total Spend
Page Overview
% for Top 10 Suppliers, and aggregated
Spend for the remaining Suppliers into, Source:
"Other Suppliers", segment satisfying Procurement and Spend -
the report filter criteria.This report is not Invoice Lines subject area
drillable and follow the guided
navigation links to view further details.
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Savings Potential by Top 10 Items
Supports analysis of spend where an organization
is buying the same item from multiple suppliers at
different prices. Savings Potential by Item
represents the potential savings opportunity to the
company if the organization were to always
purchase the item from the supplier with the
lowest price, or renegotiate contracts with the
higher cost suppliers to the price offered by the
lowest cost supplier.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Page Overview
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines subject
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Top Categories by Supplier Count
Displays the Spend by Top Level
Category and the number of the suppliers
from whom these categories are sourced
from, for the top categories by sorting on
supplier count.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Page Overview
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
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Spend Trend by Top Categories
Displays the sequential Spend trend
by quarter for the top categories
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Page Spend by Category
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
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Spend Year Over Year Trend by Top
Displays the year over year changes
in Spend for the Top 10 Categories
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Page Spend by Category
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
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Off-Contract Spend by Top Categories
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Off-Contract Spend, and Off-
Contract Spend Rate as percentage of
PO Matched Spend for Top Categories
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Page Spend by Category
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
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Contract Leakage by Top Categories
Displays the Spend, PO Matched Spend,
Contract Leakage Amount, and Contract
Leakage Rate as percentage of PO
matched Spend for Top 10 Categories
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Page Spend by Category
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
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Spend Composition by Top Categories
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Purpose: Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Displays the spend and the
breakdown of spend into on-contract Location:
spend, off-contract spend, contract Dashboard Spend Analyzer
leakage, PO not required spend, and Page Spend by Category
payables leakage by the top level Source:
category satisfying the report filter
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
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Invoice Price Variance by Item
Purpose: Location:
Displays the invoice price variance, Dashboard Spend Analyzer
invoice price variance %, and
Page Spend by Category
associated dimension counts by the
item dimension. Source:
User Focus: Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
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Spend Trend by Top Suppliers
Displays the Spend Trend by Quarter Location:
for Top Suppliers satisfying the report Dashboard Spend Analyzer
filter criteria. Page Spend by Supplier
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Year Over Year Trend by Top
Displays year over year changes in
Spend for Top 10 Suppliers satisfying
the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Page Spend by Supplier
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
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Off-Contract Spend by Top Suppliers
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Off-Contract Spend, Off-
contract Spend rate as percentage of Location:
PO Matched Spend for Top Suppliers
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
satisfying the report filter criteria.
Page Spend by Supplier
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Purchasing Lead, Buyer Lines subject area
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Contract Leakage by Top Suppliers
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Contract Leakage Amount and
Contract Leakage Rate for Top 10
Suppliers satisfying the report filter Dashboard Spend Analyzer
criteria. Page Spend by Supplier
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
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Top 10 Savings Potential by Supplier and
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Spend by Top Business Units
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Purpose: Category/Commodity Manager,
Displays, Total Spend and Total Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Spend % for Top Business Unites, Location:
and aggregated spend for the Dashboard Spend Analyzer
remaining Business Units into
Page Spend by Organization
"Others", segment. This report is not
drillable. Please use guided Source:
navigation links to view details for all Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Business Units. Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Top Cost Centers
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purpose: Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Displays, Total Spend and Total Location:
Spend % for Top Cost Centers, and
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
aggregated spend for the remaining
Cost Centers into "Others", segment. Page Spend by Organization
This report is not drillable. Please use Source:
guided navigation link to view details Procurement and Spend - Invoice
for all cost centers. Lines subject area
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Spend Trend by Top Business Units
Purpose: Location:
Displays the Spend Trend for top 10 Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Business Units. Page Spend by Organization
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Year Over Year Trend by Top
Business Units
Purpose: Location:
Displays the year over year changes in Spend Dashboard Spend Analyzer
for the Top 10 Business Units. Page Spend by Organization
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend by Top Business
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Off-Contract Spend and Off-
Contract Spend Rate as percentage Location:
of PO Matched Spend for Top Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Business Units satisfying the report Page Spend by Organization
filter criteria.
User Focus:
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
VP of Procurement, Lines subject area
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage by Top Business Units
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Contract Leakage Amount and
Contract Leakage Rate as percentage Location:
of PO Matched Spend for top Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Business Units satisfying the report Page Spend by Organization
filter criteria.
User Focus:
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
VP of Procurement, Lines subject area
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Compliance - Year Over Year
Performance Trend by Organization
Displays the Spend, PO Matched Spend,
Contract Leakage Amount and Contract
Leakage Rate as percentage of PO
Matched Spend for top Business Units
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Page Spend by Organization
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
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Spend Details by Item
Displays Spend, Invoice Price and
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Contract compliance details for the item
satisfying the report filter criteria. Page Item Details
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Trend by Item
Purpose: User Focus:
Displays the sequential trend, and year VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
over changes for the spend by item Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
satisfying the report filter criteria. This Location:
report support the analysis of spend for a Dashboard Spend Analyzer
given item that includes how the spend is Page Item Details
changing in co-relation to price and
quantity changes.
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
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Spend by Invoice Distribution Type
This report displays Spend
Distribution by Invoice Distribution
Type (Item, Freight, Tax etc).
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
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Spend by Invoice Type
Total Spend includes all the
transactions generated by AP
invoices. This report displays
Spend Distribution by Invoice
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Level 2 Category
Purpose: Location:
Displays the Spend and Spend % for the Level 2 Dashboard Spend Analyzer
categories satisfying the report filter criteria. Level 2 Additional reports in catalog
category is the item category that is set up as part of Item
category hierarchy in the source system. Source:
User Focus: Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Invoice (Non-Item) Distribution
This report displays the Spend
distribution by Invoice Distribution
Type for all the distribution types
excluding the type "item". This
report is used to identify non-
addressable Spend
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Top 10 Suppliers
Displays the Spend and Spend %
for the Top 10 Suppliers
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Distribution By Spend Type
This report displays Spend Distribution by
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Spend Type (Addressable Spend and Non-
Addressable Spend). Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Total Contract Leakage - Year Over Year
Displays year over over changes in Contract
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
leakage amount satisfying the report filter
criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Total Contract Leakage Trend
Displays the trend for Total Leakage Amount Location:
and and Total Leakage Rate satisfying Dashboard Spend Analyzer
report filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Total Off-Contract Spend - Year Over Year
Displays the year over year changes in Total
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Off-Contract PO Amount satisfying the
report filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Total Off-Contract Spend Trend
Displays the Total Off-Contract
PO Amount, Total Off-Contract
PO Amount % for all the POs
whether or not they are Invoice
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Total Payables Leakage Amount Year
Over Trend
Displays year over year changes in
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Total Payables Leakage Amount
satisfying the report filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Total Payables Leakage Rate Trend
Displays total Payables Leakage Rate
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
satisfying the report filter criteria.
Additional reports in catalog
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Purchasing Lead, Buyer Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Total Spend - Trend
Displays the total Spend trend by
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Quarter satisfying the filter criteria.
Additional reports in catalog
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Purchasing Lead, Buyer Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Total Spend - Year Over Year Trend
Displays the year over year changes in
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Spend by Quarter satisfying the report
filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Approved PO Spend Composition by
Category User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Purpose: Category/Commodity Manager,
Displays the Total Approved PO Amount, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Off-Contract Amount, Contract Leakage Location:
Amount, Others Off-Contract Amount for by Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Category satisfying the report filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
Off-Contract PO Amount is sum of Contract
Leakage Amount and Others-Non Contract
Amount. Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Approved PO Spend Composition by Top
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Manager, Purchasing Lead,
Purpose: Dashboard Spend
Displays the Total Approved PO Amount, Analyzer
Off-Contract Amount, Contract Leakage Additional reports in catalog
Amount, Others Off-Contract Amount for Source:
all the Approved POs for Top 10
Procurement and Spend -
categories. Off-Contract PO Amount is
Purchase Orders subject
sum of Contract Leakage Amount and
Others-Non Contract Amount.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Category Spend by Supplier Count
Displays Spend, Supplier Count Count
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
for all the Top Level Categories.
Additional reports in catalog
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager, Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
Purchasing Lead, Buyer subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage by Category
Displays Contract Leakage Amount and
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Contract Leakage Rate by Category
satisfying the report filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage Year Over Year Trend
by Category
Displays the year over year changes in
Contract Leakage amount by the category Dashboard Spend Analyzer
satisfying the report filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Invoice Price Variance by Buyer
Displays the invoice price variance, invoice
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
price variance %, by the Buyer
dimension.This report is only applicable to Additional reports in catalog
spend transactions associated with PO Source:
matched Invoices. Procurement and Spend - Invoice
User Focus: Lines subject area
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Invoice Price Variance by Supplier
Displays the invoice price variance, invoice price Location:
variance %, by the Supplier dimension.This Dashboard Spend Analyzer
report is only applicable to spend transactions Additional reports in catalog
associated with PO matched Invoices.
User Focus:
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Lines subject area
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Invoice Price Variance Trend
Displays the sequential trend and year-
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
over-year changes in invoice price variance
by item satisfying the report filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend by Category
Displays Off-Contract Amount by Category
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
satisfying the report filter criteria.
Additional reports in catalog
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend Year Over Year Trend
by Category
Purpose: Location:
Displays the year over year changes in
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Off-Contract Spend by the Category.
Additional reports in catalog
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager, Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
Purchasing Lead, Buyer subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Payables Leakage by Category
Purpose: Location:
Displays the payables leakage, payables Dashboard Spend Analyzer
leakage %, and associated dimension Additional reports in catalog
counts by the category dimension.
User Focus:
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
VP of Procurement, subject area
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Payables Leakage Year Over Year Trend
By Category
Displays year over year changes in
Payables Leakage amount by the
category satisfying the report filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Category
Displays the Spend and Spend %, and
associated dimensional counts with the drill
downs from item category or dimensional
counts. This report also has a filter that
allows to see top 10 categories, or non-top
10 categories or all categories.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Composition by Category
Displays the spend and the breakdown
of spend into on-contract spend, off-
contract spend, contract leakage, PO not
required spend, and Payables Leakage
by the top level category satisfying the
report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Trend by Category
Purpose: Location:
Displays the sequential trend by quarter for Dashboard Spend Analyzer
the Spend and Change Year Ago Spend
Additional reports in catalog
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity subject area
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top Categories by Supplier Count
Purpose: Location:
Displays the Spend by Top Level Category Dashboard Spend Analyzer
and the number of the suppliers from whom
Additional reports in catalog
these categories are sourced from, for the
top categories by sorting on supplier count. Source:
User Focus: Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Year Over Year Spend Trend by Category
Displays Spend, Year Ago Spend, and year
over year changes in spend for all the
Categories satisfying the report filter
criteria.This report also has a filter that
allows to filter on top 10 categories, non-top
10 categories or all categories.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Approved PO Spend Composition by
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager,
Displays the Total Approved PO Amount, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Off-Contract Amount, Contract Leakage
Amount, Others Off-Contract Amount by
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Supplier satisfying the report filter criteria.
Off-Contract PO Amount is sum of Contract Additional reports in catalog
Leakage Amount and Others-Non Contract Source:
Amount. Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage by Supplier
Displays the Spend, PO Matched Spend,
Contract Leakage Amount, Contract
Leakage Rate by Supplier satisfying the
report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage by Supplier and
Supplier Geography
Displays the Spend, PO Matched Spend,
Contract Leakage Spend, Contract
Leakage Rate by Supplier and Supplier
Country satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage by Supplier Site
Displays the Spend, PO Matched Spend,
Contract Leakage Spend, Contract
Leakage Rate by Supplier Site satisfying
the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage Rate by Supplier and
Supplier Geography
Displays the Spend, PO Matched Spend,
Contract Leakage Amount and Contract
Leakage Rate for Suppliers or Supplier
Geography (Country).
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage Year Over Year Trend
by Supplier and Supplier Geography
Displays the year over year changes in
Contract Leakage amount by the Supplier
or Supplier Country.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Invoices Summary By Supplier
Displays the total invoiced amount, total
number of invoices, paid Invoices and open
invoices for each supplier.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend by Supplier
Displays the Spend, PO Matched Spend,
Off-Contract Spend, Off-Contract Spend %
by Supplier satisfying the report filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend by Supplier and
Supplier Geography
Displays the Spend, PO Matched Spend,
Off-Contract Spend, Off-Contract Spend
Rate as percentage of PO Matched
Spend, by Supplier by Supplier
Geography satisfying the report filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend by Supplier Site
Displays the Spend, PO Matched Spend,
Off-Contract Spend, Off-contract Spend
rate as percentage of PO Matched Spend
by Supplier Site satisfying the report filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend Year Over Year Trend
by Supplier and Supplier Geography
Displays the year over year changes in
Off-Contract Spend by the Supplier
and Supplier Country.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Payables Leakage Year Over Year Trend
By Supplier and Supplier Geography
Displays year over year changes in
Payables Leakage amount by
Supplier or Supplier Country
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Supplier
Displays the Spend and Spend %, and
associated dimensional counts with the
drill downs from Supplier or dimensional
counts. This report also has a filter that
allows to analyze top 10 Suppliers, or
non-top 10 Suppliers or all Suppliers.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Supplier Diversity
Displays the distribution of Spend
Amount by Supplier Diversity in
comparison with Total Spend for all the
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Composition by Supplier
Purpose: Location:
Displays the spend and the breakdown of Dashboard Spend Analyzer
spend into on-contract spend, off-contract Additional reports in catalog
spend, contract leakage, PO not required
spend, and payables leakage by the
Supplier satisfying the report filter criteria. Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Summary by Supplier
Displays the Spend and Spend % by
Supplier. This report also has a filter that
allows to analyze top 10 Suppliers, or
non-top 10 Suppliers or all Suppliers.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Summary by Supplier Site
Displays the Spend and Spend % by
Supplier Site satisfying the report filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Trend by Supplier
Purpose: Location:
Displays the Spend Trend by Quarter by Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Supplier satisfying the report filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Year Over Year Trend by Supplier
Displays the year over year changes in
spend satisfying the report filter criteria.
This report also has a filter that gives an
option to analyze top 10 Suppliers, or
non-top 10 Suppliers or all Suppliers.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier Spend Detail
Displays the Spend details by Supplier
and Supplier Geography satisfying the
report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
PO Transaction Details by Item
Purpose: Location:
Displays PO Amount, Contract Amount, Off- Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Contract Amount and Leakage Amount and Additional reports in catalog
other PO details at Purchase Order
transaction level.
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
User Focus:
Orders subject area
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Savings Potential by Business Unit and
Purpose: Location:
Displays the savings potential by supplier and
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
item and savings potential by supplier and
item % by business unit, satisfying the report Additional reports in catalog
filter criteria. Source:
User Focus: Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity subject area
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Savings Potential by Buyer and Item
Purpose: Location:
Displays the savings potential, savings Dashboard Spend Analyzer
potential % and Invoice Price details, by Additional reports in catalog
Buyer and item satisfying the report filter
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
User Focus:
subject area
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Savings Potential by Buying Location and
Purpose: Location:
Displays the savings potential by supplier Dashboard Spend Analyzer
and item and savings potential by supplier Additional reports in catalog
and item % by buying location satisfying
the report filter criteria.
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
User Focus:
subject area
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Savings Potential by Cost Center and
Purpose: Location:
Displays the savings potential by supplier Dashboard Spend Analyzer
and item and savings potential by supplier Additional reports in catalog
and item % by cost center satisfying the
report filter criteria.
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
User Focus:
subject area
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Savings Potential by Item
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Displays Savings Potential and Savings Potential % and Category/Commodity Manager,
Invoice Price details for the all the items.Supports Purchasing Lead, Buyer
analysis of spend where an organization is buying the
same item from multiple suppliers at different prices.
Savings Potential by Item (including multiple Business Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Units and Cost Centers) represents the potential savings Additional reports in catalog
opportunity to the company if the organization were to Source:
always purchase the item from the supplier with the Procurement and Spend - Invoice
lowest price, or renegotiate contracts with the higher cost Lines subject area
suppliers to the price offered by the lowest cost supplier.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Savings Potential by Supplier and Item
Purpose: User Focus:
Displays the savings potential, savings potential % and VP of Procurement,
Invoice Price details, by the supplier and item.Supports Category/Commodity Manager,
analysis of spend where multiple business units within Purchasing Lead, Buyer
an organization are buying the same item from the
same supplier at different prices. Savings Potential by
Supplier and Item represents the potential savings Dashboard Spend Analyzer
opportunity to the organization if they were to align all Additional reports in catalog
contracts with that supplier to the price offered in the Source:
contract with the lowest price. Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Savings Potential by Top 10 Items
Purpose: User Focus:
Displays Savings Potential and Savings Potential % VP of Procurement,
and Invoice Price details for the top 10 items.Supports Category/Commodity Manager,
analysis of spend where an organization is buying the Purchasing Lead, Buyer
same item from multiple suppliers at different prices.
Savings Potential by Item (including multiple Business
Units and Cost Centers) represents the potential Dashboard Spend Analyzer
savings opportunity to the company if the organization Additional reports in catalog
were to always purchase the item from the supplier Source:
with the lowest price, or renegotiate contracts with the Procurement and Spend - Invoice
higher cost suppliers to the price offered by the lowest Lines subject area
cost supplier.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Item
Displays Spend and Spend % by Item
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Transactions
Purpose: Location:
Displays Invoiced Amount, Contract Amount, Off- Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Contract Amount and Leakage Amount, PO Matched
Additional reports in catalog
Amount and other Invoice details at Invoice transaction
level. Source:
User Focus: Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Savings Potential by Supplier and
Purpose: User Focus:
Displays the Top 10 savings potential, savings potential VP of Procurement,
% and Invoice Price details, by the supplier and item Category/Commodity Manager,
.Supports analysis of spend where multiple business Purchasing Lead, Buyer
units within an organization are buying the same item
from the same supplier at different prices. Savings
Potential by Supplier and Item represents the potential Dashboard Spend Analyzer
savings opportunity to the organization if they were to Additional reports in catalog
align all contracts with that supplier to the price offered Source:
in the contract with the lowest price. Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage by Business Unit
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Contract Leakage Amount and
Contract Leakage Rate as percentage of Location:
PO Matched Spend by Business Unit Dashboard Spend Analyzer
satisfying the report filter criteria.
Additional reports in catalog
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
Category/Commodity Manager,
subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage by Buyer
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Contract Leakage Amount and
Contract Leakage Rate as percentage of
PO Matched Spend by Buyer satisfying Dashboard Spend Analyzer
the report filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
Category/Commodity Manager, subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage by Buying Location
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Contract Leakage Amount and
Contract Leakage Rate as percentage of Dashboard Spend Analyzer
PO Matched Spend by Buying Location Additional reports in catalog
satisfying the report filter criteria. Source:
User Focus: Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity subject area
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage by Cost Center
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Contract Leakage Amount and
Contract Leakage Rate as percentage of Location:
PO Matched Spend by Cost Center Dashboard Spend Analyzer
satisfying the report filter criteria. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
Category/Commodity Manager, subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Contract Leakage Year Over Year Trend
by Organization
Displays the year over year changes in
Contract Leakage amount by Business
Unit, Cost Center, Buying Location and
Buyer satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend by Business Unit
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Off-Contract Spend and Off-
Contract Spend Rate as percentage of
PO Matched Spend by Business Unit
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend by Buyer
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Off-Contract Spend and Off-
Contract Spend Rate as percentage of
PO Matched Spend by Buyer satisfying
the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend by Buying Location
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Off-Contract Spend and Off-
Contract Spend Rate as percentage of
PO Matched Spend by Buying Location
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend by Cost Center
Displays the Spend, PO Matched
Spend, Off-Contract Spend and Off-
Contract Spend Rate as percentage of
PO Matched Spend by Cost Center
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Off-Contract Spend Year Over Year Trend
by Organization
Displays the year over year changes in
Off-Contract Spend by Business Unit,
Cost Center, Buying Country or Buyer
satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Payables Leakage Year Over Year Trend
By Organization
Displays year over year changes in
Payables Leakage amount by Business
Unit, Cost Center, Buying Geography
or Buyer satisfying the report filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Business Unit
Displays the Spend, Spend %, and
associated dimensional counts by
Business Unit with the ability to drill
down from the dimensional counts.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Buyer
Displays the Spend, Spend %, and
associated dimensional counts by
Buyer with the ability to drill down from
the dimensional counts.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Buying Geography
Displays the Spend, Spend %, and
associated dimensional counts by
Buying Location with the ability to drill
down from the dimensional counts.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend by Cost Center
Displays the Spend, Spend %, and
associated dimensional counts by Cost
Center with the ability to drill down from
the dimensional counts.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Summary by Business Unit
Displays the Spend and Spend % by
Business Unit satisfying the report filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Summary by Buyer
Displays the Spend and Spend % by
Buyer satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Summary by Buying Geography
Displays the Spend and Spend % by
Buying Geography satisfying the report
filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Summary by Cost Center
Displays the Spend and Spend % by
Cost Center satisfying the report filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Trend by Business Unit
Displays the Spend Trend by Quarter by
Business Unit.It provides aggregated
information by quarter for all the Business
Units or detailed information by Business
Unit and Quarter for a given Business
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Spend Trend of Top 10 Cost Centers
Displays the Spend Trend for top 10
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Cost Centers.
Additional reports in catalog
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Year over Year Spend Trend by Business
Displays the year over year changes in
Spend by Business Unit.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Year Over Year Spend Trend of Top 10
Cost Centers
Displays the year over year Spend
Dashboard Spend Analyzer
Trend for the Top 10 Cost Centers.
Additional reports in catalog
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
<Insert Picture Here>
Procurement Performance
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Procurement Performance - Key Performance
Shows the Key Performance Indicators for a given combination of filter criterion
(e.g. Business Unit, Product, Time etc) that provides overall performance of the
organization related to Procurement.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Page Overview
Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders subject area
Report PO KPI
Procurement and Spend - Purchase Cycle Lines subject area
Report - Cycle Line Based KPI
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
PO Amount Trend
Shows monthly trend of PO purchase
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Overview
Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Trailing 12-month Trend of Requisition
Lines Fulfilled Past Expected Date
This report enables users to evaluate if
requisitions are are being filled on time.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Overview
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Non-Agreement Rate and Agreement
Leakage Rate Trend
Trailing 12-month trend of Non-
rate and Agreement leakage rate.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Overview
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
PO Amount, Non-Agreement Amount and
Leakage Amount Trend
Trailing 12-month trend of PO amount,
non-agreement amount, and agreement
leakage amount. Use this to identify rogue
buying and its impact.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Overview
Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Line Status Report
This report provide details to identify the
requisition lines that require immediate
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Current Status
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Outstanding POs by Purchase
This report provides the details to identify the
PO's that are outstanding.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Current Status
Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 20 Outstanding Quantities by
Purchasing org and Purchase Category
Displays the Top 20 Outstanding
Quantities by Purchasing org and
Purchase Category.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Current Status
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Lines by Status by
Purchasing Organization
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Page Requisition Processing
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Amount by Status by
Purchasing Organization
Requisition Amount by Status by
Purchasing Organization. Use this
report to determine the amount of
requisition by stages of requisition.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Requisition Processing
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Processing Age by
Purchasing Organization
Requisition Processing Age by
Purchasing Organization. Use this
report to analyze how fast requisitions
are being processed by the
purchasing organizations.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Requisition Processing
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Past Expected Date Requisition
Processing by Purchase Organization
Past Expected Date Requisition
Processing by Purchase Organization.
Use this report to identify requisition
lines that are late.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Requisition Processing
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Manual Requisition Processing by
Procurement organization
Manual Requisition Processing by
Procurement organization. Use this
report to identify what percent of
requisitions are processed manually.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Requisition Processing
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Fulfillment Rate by Purchase
Requisition Fulfillment Rate by
Purchase Organization. Use this
report to determine if purchasing
organizations are keeping up with
procurement deadlines.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Page Requisition Processing
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
PO Amount Compared to Year Ago by
Purchasing Organization
PO Amount Compared to Year Ago by
Purchasing Organization.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Page Procurement Effectiveness
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
PO Input Ratio by Purchasing
PO Input Ratio by Purchasing
Organization. Use this report to assess
what fraction of PO's are generated
through requisitions.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Page Procurement Effectiveness
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Monthly Trend of Non-Agreement
Amounts Compare to Year ago
Monthly Trend of Non-Agreement
Amounts Compare to Year ago.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Page Procurement Effectiveness
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Non-Agreement and Leakage Amounts
and rates by Purchase Organization
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Page Procurement Effectiveness
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Change in PO Amount Compared to Year
Ago by Item Category
Change in PO Amount Compared to
Year Ago by Item Category. use this
report to assess if you are buying
more or less compared to previous
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Page PO Price and Contract
Leakage Procurement and Spend -
Purchase Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Non-Agreement rate and Leakage Rate by
Purchase Organization
Non-Agreement rate and Leakage
Rate by Purchase Organization. Use
this report to identify leakage rate.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Page PO Price and Contract Leakage
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Non-Agreement rate and Leakage Rate by
Item Category
Non-Agreement rate and Leakage
Rate by Item Category. Use this
contract to identify items that are
most frequently bought outside of
available purchase agreements.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Source:
Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders subject area
Page PO Price and Contract
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Non-Agreement rate and Leakage Amount
by Purchase Organization
Use this report to identify
purchasing organizations that are
not using available purchasing
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Page PO Price and Contract Source:
Leakage Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
On-time receipt performance by purchase
This report shown % distribution of
on-time receipt performance by
purchase organization. This report
can be used to identify which
organizations are not receiving
goods/services on time.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Procurement and Spend - Purchase Cycle Lines
subject area
Page Receipt Performance
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Late Receipt Performing Purchase
This report identifies top 10
purchase organizations that have
the worst on-time receipt
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Performance Source:
Page Receipt Performance Procurement and Spend - Purchase Cycle Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Late Receipt Performance by
Product Category
This report identifies top 10 on-time
delivery delinquency by Product
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Page Receipt Performance
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Cycle Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Project Commitments Summary
Purpose: Location:
Displays the Summary of Commitments by Dashboard Procurement
Project. This report includes aggregated Performance
amount from all Open Requisitions, all Open
Page Project Commitments
Purchase Orders and all Open Purchase
Invoices satisfying the report filter criteria. Source:
User Focus: Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders, Purchase Requisitions,
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Invoice Lines subject areas
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Project Commitments Details
Displays the all the open POs, open
PRs, and open Invoices by Project Dashboard Procurement Performance
satisfying the report filter criteria. Page Project Commitments
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders,
Category/Commodity Manager, Purchase Requisitions, Invoice Lines subject areas
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
All Purchase Requisitions by Project
Displays the summary of
requisition amount, number of
requisitions for all the requisitions
by project satisfying the filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Source:
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Page Project Commitments Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
All Purchase Orders by Project
Displays the Summary of
Purchase Order Amount and
number of POs for all the
Purchase Order transactions by
Project satisfying the report filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Location: Source:
Dashboard Procurement Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Performance Orders subject area
Page Project Commitments
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
All Invoices by Project
Displays the summary of
requisition amount, number of
requisitions for all the requisitions
by project satisfying the filter
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Source:
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
Dashboard Procurement
Page Project Commitments
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Monthly Trend of Purchase Order Amount
Purpose: Location:
Provides monthly trend of PO amount, and Dashboard Procurement
the % change in the amount from a year ago Performance
for the last 12 months. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend -
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Purchase Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Past Expected Date Requisition
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
PO Amount Monthly Trend
Displays the Monthly Trend of PO
Purchase Amount.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Processing Trend
Purpose: Location:
Displays the trailing 12-month trend of requisitions Dashboard Procurement Performance
that have remained unprocessed, or were
Additional reports in catalog
processed past their expected date.
User Focus:
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager,
Requisitions subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Unfulfilled Requisition Lines by Purchase
Category Location:
This report helps you to identify the Dashboard Procurement Performance
requisition lines that are unfulfilled past Additional reports in catalog
required date. Source:
User Focus: Procurement and Spend - Purchase
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Requisitions subject area
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Unprocessed Requisition - Urgent by
Purchase Category
This report helps to identify requisition
lines that require urgent attention.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Line Detail report: Lines
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Line Detail report: Lines
Pending PO Approval
This report details the list of requisition lines Location:
pending PO approval. Dashboard Procurement Performance
User Focus: Additional reports in catalog
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Source:
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Line Detail report: Lines
Pending Sourcing
Purpose: Location:
This report details the list of unprocessed Dashboard Procurement Performance
requisition details pending sourcing. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Line report: Unfulfilled
This report details the list of Unfulfilled Location:
requisition lines, that are not canceled, Dashboard Procurement Performance
rejected, returned and or not fully received. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Line report: Unfulfilled Past
Expected date
Purpose: Location:
This report details the list of Unfulfilled Dashboard Procurement Performance
requisition lines past expected date. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Line report: Unprocessed
Requisition - Urgent
Purpose: Location:
This report details the list of unprocessed Dashboard Procurement Performance
requisitions that needs immediate attention. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Unprocessed Requisition Line Status
Report Location:
Purpose: Dashboard Procurement Performance
This report helps you to identify the Additional reports in catalog
bottleneck stages in requisition processing. Source:
User Focus: Procurement and Spend - Purchase
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Requisitions subject area
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Processing Age: Monthly
This report displays the monthly
trending of requisition Processing Age.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Unprocessed Requisition Lines Detail
This report displays the list of Location:
requisitions that require immediate Dashboard Procurement Performance
attention. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Category/Commodity Manager, Requisitions subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Agreement Leakage Detailed Report
This report displays the Agreement Location:
Leakage Details. This report can be
Dashboard Procurement Performance
used to identify PO's that have
contributed to the leakage. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Category/Commodity Manager, Orders subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Non-Agreement Purchase and Agreement
Leakage by Buyer
This report displays the Non-Agreement Location:
Purchase and Agreement Leakage by Dashboard Procurement Performance
Buyer. This report can be used to identify Additional reports in catalog
rogue spend by buyer.
User Focus:
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Orders subject area
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Non-Agreement Purchase Detailed Report
This report displays the Non-Agreement
Purchase Details.This report can be used Location:
to identify PO's that have non-agreement Dashboard Procurement Performance
purchases. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
PO Amount Compared to Year Ago
Detailed Report
This report displays the details of the
year over year changes in PO Amount.
This report can be used to identify how
purchase amounts have changed
compared to year ago.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
PO Detail Report
Purpose: Location:
This report displays the details of the Dashboard Procurement Performance
Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Category/Commodity Manager, Orders subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Suppliers and Agreement by Purchasing
This report displays the # of Suppliers
and # of Agreement by Purchasing
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Leakage by Buyer
This report displays the Purchasing Location:
agreement leakage by Buyer.This report
Dashboard Procurement Performance
can be used to identify the buyers who are
not using available purchase contracts. Additional reports in catalog
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Orders subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Non-Agreement Purchase Details By
Purpose: Location:
Displays the details of Agreement Leakage Dashboard Procurement Performance
by Buyer. This report can be used to assess
Additional reports in catalog
how non-agreement and leakage rates have
changed compared to previous year. Source:
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
User Focus:
Orders subject area
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Open Purchase Requisitions by Top Cost
This report details the open
requested spend for all approved
requisitions by top Cost Centers.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Requisitions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requested Spend, Committed Spend and
Actual Spend by Top Categories
This report provides analysis of
Purchase Requisition, Purchase
Order, and Invoices amounts by top
suppliers, top categories and top
buying locations. Report is filtered on
Invoice amount.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Location: Source:
Dashboard Procurement Procurement and Spend - Procure to Pay subject
Performance area
Additional reports in catalog
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requested Spend, Committed Spend and
Actual Spend Trend
This report provides trending analysis
of spend categories by Quarter or by
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Procurement Performance
Additional reports in catalog
Procurement and Spend - Procure to
Pay subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Requisition Activity By Top Cost Centers
This report details Requisition Activity by Location:
top 20 Cost Centers, and allows user to see Dashboard Procurement Performance
the volume of the requisition processed and Additional reports in catalog
pending to be processed.
User Focus: Procurement and Spend - Purchase
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Requisitions subject area
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
<Insert Picture Here>
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier Performance - Key Performance
Shows the Key Performance Indicators for a given Source:
combination of filter criterion (e.g. Business Unit, Product,
Time etc) that provides overall performance of the Supplier Performance - Supplier Performance
organization related to Procurement. subject area
User Focus: Report Supplier Performance Key
Metrics -1
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer Supplier Performance - Supplier Performance
subject area
Report - Supplier Performance Key
Dashboard Supplier Performance Metrics -2
Page Overview
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier Scorecard - Top 20 Performing Suppliers
Shows the performance of the
organization's Top 20 suppliers in
terms of adherence to quality,
scheduled delivery performance,
lead time, and the overall score that
is computed for each supplier
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Overview
Supplier Performance - Supplier
Performance subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Current Total Supplier Base
Shows the current supplier base in its
entirety, by product type or by purchasing
organization. This provides insights for
opportunities to either reduce or expand the
supplier base
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Overview
Supplier Performance - Supplier
Performance subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Average Receipt Cycle Times By Supplier
Purpose: Location:
Provides the details of those suppliers that Dashboard Supplier Performance
have a high receipt cycle time Page Overview, Delivery Performance
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Supplier Performance - Supplier
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Performance subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier Performance Trends
Provides analysis of supplier performance across
multiple metrics over time. Provides the ability to select
the analysis for the metrics such as Supplier Score, %
Received on Time, % Received Early, % Received Dashboard Supplier Performance
Late,% Accepted, % Rejected, % PO Cost Variance, Page Trends
and Average Receipt Cycle Time.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager,
Supplier Performance - Supplier Performance
Purchasing Lead, Buyer subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Off-Contract Spend by
Displays the top 10 Off- Contract Spend by
supplier satisfying the report filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Location:
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Dashboard Supplier Performance
Source: Page Exceptions
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Rejection Rates by Supplier
Provides the details of the top 10 suppliers with the
highest product rejection rates. This report is useful
to identify potentially problematic suppliers whose Dashboard Supplier Performance
products have consistently high quality issues Page Exceptions, Quality Performance
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Supplier Performance - Supplier
Performance subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Bottom 10 Received On Time Rates By Supplier
Dashboard Supplier Performance
This report details those suppliers that
have the 10 worst received on time rates. Page Exceptions, Supplier Payables
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Supplier Performance - Supplier
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Performance subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Outstanding Payments To Suppliers
Provides the details of the suppliers that
have the top 10 outstanding invoice
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Supplier Payables
Supplier Performance - Supplier AP
Transactions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier Payment Analysis
Provides the analysis of the past payments
to suppliers, and the number of payments
made with and without invoices.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Supplier Payables
Supplier Performance - Supplier AP
Transactions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
AP Aging Analysis
Provides the analysis of the supplier
payment aging analysis
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Supplier Payables
Supplier Performance - Supplier AP
Transactions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Payment Amounts By Purchasing Organization
Provides the analysis of 10 highest supplier payment Location:
amounts made by purchasing organization Dashboard Supplier Performance
User Focus: Page Supplier Payables
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager, Source:
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Supplier Performance - Supplier AP Transactions
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Numbers Of Supplier Payments
Provides the analysis of the suppliers with 10
highest numbers of payments
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Supplier Payables
Supplier Performance - Supplier AP
Transactions subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Order Acceptance Rates By
Purchasing Organization
Provides the analysis of the purchasing
organizations or the suppliers with best order
acceptance rates
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Quality Performance
Supplier Performance - Supplier
Performance subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 On Time Performance By Supplier
Provides the analysis of the suppliers who have the best PO on-time delivery rate
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Delivery Performance
Supplier Performance - Supplier
Performance subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Late Purchase Order Deliveries
Provides the analysis of the
purchase orders with the 10 most
late receipt quantities. This
information is listed by receiving
plant or supplier and is useful to
identify potential disruptions to an
organization's business process
due to the lack of required
User Focus: Location:
VP of Procurement, Dashboard Supplier Performance
Category/Commodity Manager, Page Delivery Performance
Purchasing Lead, Buyer Source:
Supplier Performance - Supplier Performance
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 5 Products That Have Been Delivered
Early By Supplier
Provides the details the top 5 products that were delivered early, as well as the suppliers
responsible for selling the products. This report will tell us any problematic issues in the
supply chain such as the build up of inventories in a location
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Delivery Performance
Supplier Performance - Supplier
Performance subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Invoice Price Variance (IPV) by Top
Displays invoice price variance in
Dashboard Supplier Performance
percentage by top products satisfying
the filter criteria. Page Price Performance
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Invoice Price Performance by Top
Displays the comparison
of invoice price
performance for top 10
suppliers for satisfying
the filter criteria.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Manager, Purchasing
Lead, Buyer Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Price Performance
Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
PO and Receipt Amount Comparison by
Top 20 Suppliers
Displays year over year changes for PO
Amount and Receipt Amount by To 20
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Price Performance
Procurement and Spend - Procure to Pay
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Purchase Order to Purchase Receipt
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Manager, Purchasing Lead,
Dashboard Supplier
Page Price Performance
Purpose: Procurement and Spend -
Provides the details of the variance between what was committed toPurchase
be Cycle Lines
purchased by a given Purchasing Organization through and what was
actually received from the Supplier
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier Scorecard - Bottom 20 Performing
Purpose: Location:
This report details the performance of the Dashboard Supplier Performance
organization's supplier base in terms of Page Overview
adherence to quality, scheduled delivery Go Navigation Link from Supplier
performance, lead time, and the overall score Scorecard - Top 20 Performing Suppliers
that is computed for each Supplier. report
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Supplier Performance - Supplier
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer Performance
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier Payment Performance
Supplier Performance - Supplier AP
Provides analysis on amounts paid
as well as number of payments made
to suppliers and helps to monitor
timeliness of payments to suppliers
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Trends - Go Navigation Link
from Supplier Payment Trends report
Page Supplier Payables - Go
Navigation Link from Supplier
Payment Analysis report
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Payment Amounts By Supplier
Provides the analysis of the 10 highest
amounts paid to suppliers.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Supplier Payables
Go Navigation Link from Top 10 Payment
Amounts By Purchasing Organization
Supplier Performance - Supplier AP
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Invoice Price Performance by Supplier
by Item Category
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Displays the comparison of invoice
price performance for all suppliers for Page Price Performance
a selected top level item category Go Navigation Link from Invoice
satisfying the filter criteria. Price Performance by Top Suppliers
User Focus: Source:
VP of Procurement, Procurement and Spend - Invoice
Category/Commodity Manager, Lines subject area
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
PO Amount by Top 20 Suppliers by Product
This report details an organization's top 20
PO spend by Supplier and the top
products that are being purchased from
that supplier. This report is useful to
identify areas where it could be possible to
consolidate purchases.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Page Price Performance
Go Navigation Link from Invoice Price
Performance by Top Suppliers
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 PO Lead Times By Supplier
This report details those suppliers that
have a high average PO lead time. This
report is populated only with SAP data.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Additional Report in Catalog
Supplier Performance - Supplier
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Current Supplier Base By Purchasing
Provides the details of the number of
suppliers that are currently used by
purchasing organizations
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Additional Report in Catalog
Supplier Performance - Supplier
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 5 Rejection Rates By Supplier
Provides the details of the top 5 suppliers with
the highest product rejection rates. This report
is useful to identify potentially problematic
suppliers whose products have consistently
high quality issues
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Additional Report in Catalog
Procurement and Spend - Purchase Cycle
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Early Purchase Order Deliveries By Plant
Purpose: Source:
This report details, by receiving plant, all Supplier Performance - Supplier Performance
purchase order deliveries that are early. It
is useful to use this report to identify
problematic vendors and potential
disruptions to internal business processes
(e.g., not having the warehouse space to
store the early received materials, etc.)
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Additional report in catalog
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Late Purchase Order Deliveries By Purchasing
Provides the details of all purchase
order deliveries that are late listed by
Purchasing Organization. It is useful to
use this report to identify problematic
vendors and potential disruptions to
internal business processes
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Additional Report in Catalog
Procurement and Spend - Purchase
Cycle Lines
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier Payment Trends
Provides analysis of supplier payment performance
across multiple metrics over time. Provides the
ability to select the analysis for the metrics such as
AP Times Paid Before Due, AP Times Paid After
Due, AP Average Invoice Days Overdue, AP
Average Supplier Payment Days.
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Additional Report in Catalog
Supplier Performance - Supplier AP Transactions
subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier On Time Performance
Provides the details of all suppliers and
their PO on-time receipt rate
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Additional Report in Catalog
Supplier Performance - Supplier
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier Payment Performance
Provides the analysis of the timeliness of Location:
payments to suppliers Dashboard Supplier Performance
User Focus: Additional reports in catalog
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity Source:
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Supplier Performance - Supplier AP
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top 10 Outstanding Supplier Balances
Provides the analysis of outstanding
balances to suppliers. This additional
information, together with DPO analysis, can
help the organizations to maintain good
credit ratings with suppliers
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Additional report in catalog
Supplier Performance - Supplier AP
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Supplier Rejection Rates
Provides the details of the monthly product
rejection rates listed by Supplier. This report
is useful in identifying potentially problematic
product quality and source of supply issues
User Focus:
VP of Procurement, Category/Commodity
Manager, Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Additional Report in Catalog
Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Early Purchase Order Deliveries By Purchasing
Purpose: Source:
Provides the details, by purchasing Supplier Performance - Supplier Performance
organization, all purchase order
deliveries that are early. It is useful to
use this report to identify problematic
vendors and potential disruptions to
internal business processes (e.g., not
having the warehouse space to store
the early received materials, etc.)
User Focus:
VP of Procurement,
Category/Commodity Manager,
Purchasing Lead, Buyer
Dashboard Supplier Performance
Additional Report in Catalog
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Bottom 10 Received On Time Rates By Supplier
Provides the details of those products
Dashboard Supplier Performance
that have the 10 worst received on
time rates Page Exceptions
User Focus: Source:
Procurement Manager, Supply Chain Supplier Performance - Supplier
Executive, Supplier Performance Performance subject area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
<Insert Picture Here>
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Total Expenses Trend
Displays the last 6 months of total
expense compared to the year ago
six month period.
User Focus:
Executives / Finance & Accounting
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Overview
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top Cost Centers by Expenses
Displays Top 10 Cost Centers Total
Expense , Year Ago Expense and
directional change.
User Focus:
Executives / Finance & Accounting
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Overview
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Expense Breakdown by Type
Displays the Employee Expense by
Type as compared to the Year Ago
Expense by Type
User Focus:
Executives / Finance & Accounting
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Overview
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top Employee Organization by Expenses
Displays Top Employee
Organizations Total Expense ,
Year Ago Expense and
directional change.
User Focus:
Executives / Finance &
Accounting Managers
Dashboard Employee
Page Overview
Employee Expenses Subject
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top Operating Unit by Expenses
Compares the Top 10 Operating Unit
Total Expenses with the Year Ago
Total Expenses.
User Focus:
Executives / Finance & Accounting
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Overview
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Expenses Exposure
Displays the Total Outstanding
Expenses by Month
User Focus:
Executives / Finance & Accounting
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Overview
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Number of Expense Reports by Business Unit
Compares the Number of Expense
Reports and Total Expense by Business Dashboard Employee Expenses
Unit. Page Overview
User Focus: Source:
Executives / Finance & Accounting
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Number of Expense Reports Filed Late by
Business Unit
Compares the Average Expense
Filing Cycle Time, Number of
Expense Reports and Number of
Late Expense Reports by Business
User Focus:
Executives / Finance & Accounting
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Overview
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Team Total Expenses Trend
Compares the Total Expense vs.
the Total Expense Year Ago for a
User Focus:
Executives and Managers
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Manager - Expenses
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Recent Employee Expense Reports
Displays the 15 most recent
Expense reports submitted for a
User Focus:
Executives and Managers
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Manager - Expenses
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Expenses by Type
Shows the Breakout of the Teams
Employee related expenses by
User Focus:
Executives and Managers
Dashboard Employee
Page Manager - Expenses
Employee Expenses Subject
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Top Spenders
Lists the top 10 Employees by
Total Employee Expense. The
report shows totals for each
Expense Type.
User Focus:
Executives and Managers
and Executives
Dashboard Employee
Page Manager - Expenses
Employee Expenses Subject
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Open Expense Reports
Purpose: Location:
Shows all of the open Expense Dashboard Employee
Reports for team members. Expenses
User Focus: Page Manager - Expenses
Executives and Managers Source:
Employee Expenses Subject
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Most Expensive Employee Expense
Purpose: Location:
Highlights the top 10 most Expensive Expense Dashboard Employee Expenses
Reports for the Team. Page Manager - Expenses
User Focus: Source:
Executives and Managers Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Number of Expense Reports Filed Late by
Employee Location:
Displays the number of Expense Dashboard Employee Expenses
Reports Filed Late and The Average Page Manager - Expenses
Filing Cycle time by Employee Source:
User Focus: Employee Expenses Subject Area
Executives and Managers
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Total Expenses Trend
Displays the last 6 months of total
expense compared to the year ago
six month period for a selected Cost
User Focus:
Cost Center Owners / Managers
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Cost Center - Expenses
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Highest Expensing Cost Centers
Purpose: Location:
Shows the top 15 Cost Dashboard
Centers by Total Employee Expenses
Expense Page Cost Center -
User Focus: Expenses
Cost Center Owners / Source:
Managers Employee Expenses
Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Average Expense Cycle Times by Cost Center
Compares the Number of Expense
Reports and associated Cycle
Times by Cost Center.
User Focus:
Cost Center Owners / Managers
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Cost Center - Expenses
Employee Expenses Subject Area
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.
Cost Center Year over Year Comparison
Compares the top 15 Cost
Centers Total Expense vs. The
Prior Year Total Expense.
User Focus:
Cost Center Owners / Managers
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Cost Center - Expenses
Employee Expenses Subject Area
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Open Expense Reports by Cost Center
Shows all of the open
Expense Reports by Cost
User Focus:
Cost Center Owners /
Dashboard Employee
Page Cost Center -
Employee Expenses Subject
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Number of Expense Reports Filed Late by Cost
Compares the Number of Expense
Reports Filed Late with the Number
of Filed Expense Reports and the
Average Expense Filing Cycle Time
by Cost Center.
User Focus:
Cost Center Owners / Managers
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Cost Center - Expenses
Employee Expenses Subject Area
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Largest Expense Reports by Cost Center
Purpose: Location:
Displays the 15 largest expense reports Dashboard Employee Expenses
and the associated Cost Center.
Page Cost Center - Expenses
User Focus:
Cost Center Owners / Managers
Employee Expenses Subject Area
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Expense Report Submissions by Day of Week
Displays The Number of Expense
Reports Filed and Associated
Expense for each day of the week
for a given month.
User Focus:
Financial Planning / Accounting
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Submissions
Employee Expenses Subject Area
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Expense Report Submissions by Week of
Displays The Number of Expense
Reports Filed and Associated
Expense for each week of the
User Focus:
Financial Planning / Accounting
Dashboard Employee Expenses
Page Submissions
Employee Expenses Subject Area
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<Insert Picture Here>
Sourcing Reports
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Sourcing Key Performance Metrics
Purpose: Location:
Shows the key Negotiation Dashboard Sourcing
metrics Page Overview
User Focus: Source:
Category/Procurement Managers Sourcing Negotiations
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Top 10 Projected Savings by Category
Displays the % share of Projected
Savings by Top categories with
Projected Savings amount
compared with the Projected
Savings from the rest of the
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Overview
Sourcing - Overview
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Top 20 Awards Trend
This report compares the Award
amount till date with Year ago
Award Amount for Awards with
award amounts in Top 20 by
Category, Time , Buyer and
Procurement BU
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Overview
Sourcing - Award
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Top 20 Negotiations by Response Visibility
Display the number of
Negotiations by Response
Visibility i.e. Sealed or Open for
Negotiations with Line Amount in
top 20
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Negotiations
Sourcing - Negotiations
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Top 20 Negotiations by Document Type
Displays the total number of
Negotiations and Negotiated
Amount by Document Type for
e.g. RFQ, Auction etc., for
Negotiations with Line Amount in
top 20
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Negotiations
Sourcing - Negotiations
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Top 20 Negotiations Cycle Time Trend
Displays the Cycle time metrics (in
number of days) for Top 20
Negotiation by Negotiation Line
Amount created in a particular
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Negotiations
Sourcing - Negotiations
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Top 20 Negotiations by Status
Displays number of Negotiations
in a particular status for
Negotiations with Negotiation line
amount in Top 20
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Negotiations
Sourcing - Negotiations
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Top 20 Awards Analysis
Displays Awarded Amount and
number of Awards by Document
Type for e.g. Auction for a
Procurement BU filtered by
Awards with Awarded Amount in
Top 20
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Awards
Sourcing - Awards
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Top 20 Awards by Revisions
Display Amount Awarded by
Outcome document type for a
Supplier by the Auction
Amendment Number for all
Awards with Award Amount in Top
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Awards
Sourcing - Overview
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Top 20 Awards by Outcome
Displays % share of Award
Amounts or number of Awards by
Outcome type for Awards
completed in a Quarter and in top
20 by Award Amount
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Awards
Sourcing - Awards
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Top 20 Awards Negotiation Type Analysis
Displays the % share of number of
Awards or Award Amount by
dimensions like Procurement BU,
Time etc., for Awards with Award
Amount in top 20
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Awards
Sourcing - Awards
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Top 20 Projected Savings
Displays the Projected Savings
and Projected Savings percentage
for awards completed in a quarter
and filtered by Negotiations with
Projected Savings Amount in top
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Savings
Sourcing - Overview
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Top 20 Realized Savings
Displays the realized savings and
realized savings percentage for
awards completed in a quarter and
filtered by Negotiations with
Realized Savings amount in top
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Savings
Sourcing - Overview
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Top 20 Savings Analysis
Compare the Projected Savings
with Realized Savings by
Category, Buyer and Procurement
BU for Negotiations with Projected
Savings amount in Top 20
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Savings
Sourcing - Overview
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Top 20 Savings Share of Auction Analysis
Displays the share of Projected
Savings with Realized Savings
from Auction with the overall
savings by Category, Buyer and
Procurement BU for Negotiations
with Projected Savings amount in
Top 20
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Savings
Sourcing - Overview
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Sourcing Cycle Time
Purpose: Location:
Shows the Average Cycle Time Dashboard Sourcing
for Negotiations created in a
Page Performance
Business Unit
User Focus:
Sourcing - Overview
Category/Procurement Managers
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Negotiation Lines Trends for Top 20
Displays the number of
Negotiation lines by Document
type for e.g. RFQ by category and
Procurement BU
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Performance
Sourcing - Overview
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Supplier Negotiation Activity for Top 20
Displays the share of suppliers
participating per document type by
Category and Purchasing
Business Unit
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Performance
Sourcing - Overview
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Cycle Time Comparison
Compare the Preparation, Bidding
and Award Cycle times by
Document type, Buyer and
Procurement BU
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Sourcing
Page Performance
Sourcing - Overview
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<Insert Picture Here>
Procurement Reports
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Spend by Top Categories
Category wise Spending Amounts
and % of the total
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Overview
Sourcing - Procurement
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Spend by Top Suppliers
Supplier wise Spending Amounts
and % of the total
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Overview
Sourcing - Procurement
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Total Spend Trend
Quarter wise Spending Amounts
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Overview
Sourcing - Procurement
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Total Spend Year over Year Trend
Year Over Year Spending
Amounts comparison
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Overview
Sourcing - Procurement
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PO Purchases Summary
Quarterly Purchases Summary by
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Purchases
Sourcing - Procurement
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Top 10 Agreement Leakage by
Requisitioning BU
Agreement leakage amount and
% by BU
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Purchases
Sourcing - Procurement
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Top 10 Non-negotiated Purchases by
Requisitioning BU
Non-Negotiated Purchases
amount and % by BU
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Purchases
Sourcing - Procurement
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Top 10 Non-negotiated Purchases by
Non-Negotiated Purchases
amount and % Supplier wise.
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Purchases
Sourcing - Procurement
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Top 10 Non-negotiated Purchases by
Non-Negotiated Purchases
amount and % by category.
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Purchases
Sourcing - Procurement
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Non-negotiated Purchases Amount by
Top 10 Category
Non-Negotiated Purchases
amount by top10 category.
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Purchases
Sourcing - Procurement
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Projected Savings Trend
Projected Savings amount and %
by Quarter.
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Savings
Sourcing - Procurement
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Realized Savings Trend
Realized Savings amount and %
by Quarter.
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Savings
Sourcing - Procurement
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Top 10 Projected Savings by Category
Projected Savings % by Category.
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Savings
Sourcing - Procurement
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Year-over-year Realized Savings
Year Over Year Realized Savings
amounts by Quarter.
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Savings
Sourcing - Procurement
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Requisition Average Cycle Time by
Procurement BU
Requisition avg cycle time by BU
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Process Efficiency
Sourcing - Procurement
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Negotiation Average Cycle Time Trend
Negotiation avg cycle time trend
by Quarter
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Process Efficiency
Sourcing - Procurement
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Negotiation Average Cycle Time by
Procurement BU
Negotiation avg cycle time trend
by Procurement BU
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Process Efficiency
Sourcing - Procurement
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Purchasing Documents Average Cycle
Time Trend
Purchasing Documents avg cycle
time trend by Quarter
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Process Efficiency
Sourcing - Procurement
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Purchasing Document Average Cycle
Time by Procurement BU
Purchasing Documents avg cycle
time trend by Procurement BU
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Process Efficiency
Sourcing - Procurement
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Receipt Date Exceptions Trend
Receipt date exceptions trend by
Amounts and % of total by Quarter
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Supplier Performance
Sourcing - Procurement
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Top 10 Receipt Date Exceptions by
Top 10 Receipt date exceptions as
% by Supplier
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Supplier Performance
Sourcing - Procurement
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Top 10 Invoice Price Variance by
Top 10 Invoice Price Variance in
terms of amounts and % by
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Supplier Performance
Sourcing - Procurement
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Requisition Lines in Process by Status
(Only for Fusion Customers)
Number of Requisition Lines for
every Requisition Line Status
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Buyer Productivity
Sourcing - Procurement
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Requisition Lines in Requisition Pool By
Top 10 Buyers (Only for Fusion Customers)
Number of Requisition Lines By Top
10 Buyers
User Focus:
Category/Procurement Managers
Dashboard Procurement
Page Buyer Productivity
Sourcing Procurement
Other Reports (Only for Fusion Customers) :
Unprocessed Requisition Lines by Buyer;
Unprocessed Requisition Lines Aging by Buyer;
Processed Requisition lines by Buyer;
Processed Orders By Buyer;
Requisition Lines in Process by Top 10 Buyers;
Requisition Lines in Process for Kurt Eastin
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error free.