The Modern Rationalist October 2017

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Thanthai Periyar E.V.Ramasamy 16. Humanism thy name is Buddhism 10.

1. Periyar on Rural Development 5.00 17. A Concerned Humanitarian Appeal to the
2. Periyar on Family Planning 5.00 World Community! 10.00
3. Untouchability 6.00 18. Periyar and Ambekar 90.00
4. Periyar Declaration of war on Brahmanism 6.00 19. Joy of Living 35.00
5. Periyar on God and man 6.00 20. Saint or Sectarian? 60.00
6. Dear Youths 8.00 21. Lets Listen to Dr. K.Veeramani 60.00
7. Periyar EVR Social Reform or Social Revolution 12.00 22. The Necessity of Scientific Temper 75.00
8. Buddhism 15.00 23. Social Justice 75.00
9. The World to come 20.00 24. The History of the Struggle for Social Justice
10. Why I do not believe in God? 25.00 in Tamilnadu 100.00
11. The Ramayana - A true reading 30.00 25. Bhagavad gita myth or Mirage? 200.00
12. Why Were Women Enslaved? 50.00 26. Lovable Life 50.00
13. Thoughts of Periyar 200.00 Others
14. Collected works of Periyar E.V.R 250.00 1. Periyars Relevance - Sitaramkesari 5.00
15. Golden Sayings of Periyar 50.00 2. Dangers of caste - mark 6.00
16. Inscriptions at Periyar Memorial 30.00 3. Congress and Brahmins - Dr.Ambedkar 15.00
K. Veeramani 4. Waiting for a Visa - Dr.Ambedkar 15.00
1. The Role of DK in protecting 69% 2.00 5. Why the rights for Communal Reservation
2. Humanism 2.00 (The Communal G.O.) 15.00
3. Population Problem 4.00 6. RSS Ideology Technique and Propaganda
4. Secularism Facilitating Secular Perspective 4.00 - Shree Govind Sahai 25.00
5. Mandal Commission Report 4.00 7. Periyar a comparitive study - R.Perumal 60.00
6. The Need for Atheist outlook 8. The Five pronged battle of Periyar for an
Periyars Perspective 5.00 egalitarian society - Justice P. Venugopal 80.00
7. The Need to propagate Atheism 5.00 9. Mirror of the Year - Dr. Sir. A. Ramasamy 100.00
8. Why Reservation? 6.00 10. The Modern Rationalist Annual Number -2012 100.00
9. Periyar and his Ideologies 10.00 11. World Atheist Conference 2011 Souvenir 100.00
10. PERIYAR E.V.RAMASAMY 12. Periyar Feminism 150.00
A Biographical sketch 10.00 13. The Justice Movement 1917 200.00
11. Dravidar Kazhagam at a Glance 10.00 14. The Justice Year Book 1929 500.00
12. Reservation not a Charity but for parity 10.00 15. The Modern Rationalist Annual Number -2013 100.00
13. IHEU-Parris Workshop 10.00 16. The Modern Rationalist Annual Number -2014 100.00
14. March of athesim 10.00 17. Periyar Self-Respect - Prof. A.Ayyasamy 30.00
15. G.U.Pope & Periyar E.V.R. 10.00 18. Periyar Self-Respect Movement 100.00
The Modern Rationalist

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September 2017

Periyar Book House

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02 w w
The Modern

K.Veeramani, M.A.B.L. , D.Litt.
Editorial Board
S. Rajaratnam
Prof. Dr. A. Ramasamy
Prof. Dr. Palany Arangasamy
Prof. SFN. Chelliah
Prof. A. Ayyasamy
V. Kumaresan

Honorary Editors
Norway : Dr. Levi Fragell
Singapore : S. Ratnakumar
USA : Dr. Soma Ilangovan
Dr. Lakshman S.Tamil
Germany : Prof. Dr. Ulrike Niklas
Bhubaneswar :

Prof. Dhaneswar Sahoo
Mysore : he Reserve Bank of India has released its annual
Prof. K.S. Bhagavan report showing that as much as 98.96 per cent of
New Delhi : the demonetised currency had returned to the
Vidya Bushan Rawat central bank. The estimate of the returnable demonetised
Patna :
currency notes was Rs 15.44 lakh crores of which Rs 15.28
Prof. Dr. Ramendra
lakh crores has returned. This has proved that the country
Published by wide exercise of DeMon has totally failed to curb black
The Periyar Self-Respect money. Further it has hampered the economic growth of
Propaganda Institution
the country, as reflected in the GDP growth at 5.7 per cent
Single Issue Rs. 25
Annual Subscription Rs. 300
between April-June (2017-18) which is at the slowest pace
Annual Subscription for recorded in 13 quarters since the National Democratic
Foreign Countries US$ 30 Alliance government, headed by Bharatiya Janata Party
Designed & Printed at : assumed office in May 2014.
Viduthalai Offset Printers
84/1(50), E V K Sampath Salai, The Finance Minister has accepted and attributed the
Periyar Thidal,Vepery, Chennai - 7. dismal performance on GDP by having gone down of
Tamil Nadu - India
Tel : (91) 044 - 266 18 161
manufacturing sector to GST impact.
Fax : (91) 044 - 266 18 866 Manufacturing sector would be promising only if the cash
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Visit our Website at flow is uninterrupted. The shockwaves emanated due to the demonetisation exercise has hindered the sector very
The Views expressed in the articles are much. The FM has acknowledged for the first time that
not necessarily ours.
the growth figures are certainly a matter of concern. The
2017 3
The present rulers are trying to add one way
to arrest population in the form of Check by
Governance causing suicides of farmers and other
common people owing to their economic policies
and prescription of the Government.

slowdown has happened not all of a sudden Delhi at the very nose of Central Governance
but it has been persisting since the financial are not bestowed with due audience and have
year, 2016-17. During the four quarters of the not solved their perennial problems. Now
year, GDP growth has slowed down from 7.9, the growth of the next major sector, of the
7.5 to 7.0 and further to 6.1 per cent. For the economy viz. manufacturing has started to
quarter April-June 2017-18 it has come down slow down due to faulty, emotive and rhetoric
to 5.7 per cent. All these are in monetary announcements of the Union Government
terms. On the other side, how much sufferings and the adamant implementation.
had the public experienced at the time of the The present NDA rule, prior to coming to
demonetisation exercise to spend their hard power, proclaimed that the bringing back of
earned money for their timely and urgent black money from abroad would be distributed
need! The long standing queues in front of at the rate of Rs. 15 lakhs per citizen. The
the bank branches to deposit the demonetised demonetisation measures were implemented
currency notes vindicated the unproductive to curb corruption and black money. Farmers
exercise of demonetisation, with the rhetoric were promised minimum support price for
of breaking the grip of corruption and black their produces would be fixed. Not having
money. Nothing has happened as predicted by kept up the past promises, the rulers have
the rulers at the Centre. It only witnessed the changed their stand that the farmers income
sacrifice of life of about 100 people, who stood would be doubled in 2020. The rulers are
in the queues to exchange their demonetised shifting the goal posts. The prescriptions are
currency notes. The miseries of the common changing times and now. The disease is devoid
mass were hard to fathom. The comment of of its diagnosis. The Malthusian theory of
the former Prime Minister Economist on population says that the natural check in the
demonetisation as monumental disaster form of famines and calamities would be one
has been proved by the latest functional of the ways to curtail the population growth.
parameters of the economy of the country. The present rulers are trying to add one way
The agriculture sector has already been to arrest population in the form of Check by
hampered due to faulty policy formulation Governance causing suicides of farmers and
and the follow-up prescriptions of the other common people owing to their economic
government. The suicidal deaths of farmers policies and prescription of the Government.
owing to indebtedness, caused by the lack of Let the Government admit their own wrong
infrastructure have become a routine affair. decisions and stop playing the blame game
The agitating farmers of Tamil Nadu at New with the tactic of shifting the goal posts!

4 The
(Periyar s Reaction to the Hanging of Bhagat Singh)

here is no one who has not been grieved at the hanging of
Bhagat Singh. There is no one who has not taken to task
the Government for hanging him. Apart from that, we
see many people who call themselves patriots and nationalists
blaming Gandhi for the incident.
If we see what was happening on the other day, we saw the same
people heaping praises on the Viceroy Lord Irwin and eulogizing
Gandhi who had come to an agreement with the Viceroy, without
any condition including the one regarding sparing Bhagat
Singhs life. These people hailed it as a great victory and
were celebrating it. Not only that. Gandhi
had called Lord Irwin a Mahatma and
exhorted his countrymen to designate
The Modern
Modern Rationalist
September 2017
2017 5
I have a slight feeling that there was something wrong
in the way in which he tried to carry it on. All the
same I will never dare to say that his principle was
faulty, because it was in keeping with the principle of
world peace.

him likewise. On the other side Lord Irwin with Gandhi. I am unable to comprehend what
among his own countrymen praised Gandhi benefit will come out of all this.
as a great saint with divine qualities. But very As far as I am concerned, to be realistic, my
soon, the same people have started shouting feeling is that this is a country of irresponsible
Down with Gandhism Down with Gandhi and totally care-free imbeciles who run after
and Down with Congress and have started recognition in some way or the other, least
showing black flag to Gandhi wherever he goes bothering about the consequences of their
and are creating skirmishes in his meetings. action. Instead of living and watching those
When we see these happenings, it becomes things, getting agonized every minute and
impossible to find out the attitude or the policy being constantly obstructed in his task, it is
of people towards politics, or whether people a great relief for Bhagat Singh to have passed
have any such things at all. Whatever it may away. I am only pained that I have not had such
be, even when Gandhi was about to launch a blessing.
his Salt Satyagraha, I repeatedly told him that Because, the real question is whether a person
the struggle would in no way benefit people has discharged his responsibilities or not,
of the country, and it was opposed to the and not about what he accomplishes. I quite
development of the country and the liberation admit that one must discharge ones duties in
of the distressed people. Not only me, even accordance with ones own times and country.
Gandhi himself openly admitted that the very Yet I am sure that the times or the place were not
purpose of his launching the struggle was to opposed to the policy of Bhagat Singh, though
blunt and render inactive the programmes of I have a slight feeling that there was something
Bhagat Singh and people like him. wrong in the way in which he tried to carry it
Further, even the genuine socialists in the on. All the same I will never dare to say that his
neighboring countries were shouting from principle was faulty, because it was in keeping
rooftops that Gandhi had let down the poor with the principle of world peace.
people, he was embarking on such tasks only Yet, in case Bhagat Singh had come to the whole
to destroy the socialistic mindset of the people. hearted conviction that all his principles were
Yet the so called patriots and nationalists of right and the way in which he decided to carry
our country behaved as though they were them on were appropriate, then I will hold
intoxicated and were blinded to realities. that his conduct and methods were certainly
Hence, they courted imprisonment and came correct. I might have suspected his integrity
out like triumphant heroes. They reaped all the if he had behaved in any other manner. When
benefits of their action. And now that Bhagat all is said and done, in my opinion he is a man
Singh has been hanged, they shout Down with of truth. It is my strong conviction India needs
Gandhism, Down with Congress and Down only Bhagat Singhs policies, since as far as I

6 The Modern
Modern Rationalist
September 2017
have learnt, his policies were socialism and communism. In
proof thereof, I present the following sentence from the letter
he wrote to the Governor of Punjab.
Our war will continue until Communist Party comes to Discrimination
power and removes all differences in the status of the people.
The war will not be over with killing being killed. It will
in Women
inevitably continue in public as well as underground. Recruitment
Further I understand that he has no belief in god or his deeds. Recently the Delhi High Court
I assert that his policy cannot be called a crime according to has observed against the
any penal code. I am sure that it will cause no harm to people. gender bias in recruitment in
Even if it were to cause some harm, I will not show any hatred Indian Army. Not recruiting
or contempt towards any individual, country or nation. I will married woman in the Judge
try to carry on the policy without causing the least hurt to any Advocate General (JAG) arm
individual person but are willing to suffer the most with total of the Indian army amounts
self abnegation same principle that makes me work for the to hostile and 100 per cent
eradication of poverty prompts me to work for the removal discrimination, the Bench
of untouchability. said.
Eradication of untouchability involves removal of the notion During the hearing of a
of high or low caste. In the same way, removal of poverty public interest litigation (PIL)
involves eradication of capitalism as well as subjugation. petition by a lawyer claiming
Socialism or communism is nothing but such eradication. that these was institutionalized
Since these were the policies of people like Bhagat Singh and discrimination against
people like him, there is no wonder in people considering married women by not
them just and fair shouting Down the Congress and Down inducting them in the JAG
with Gandhism. What surprise me that people who subscribe service. The court also
to these policies also hail Congress and Gandhi.
questioned the government
The moment Gandhi started saying that he was guided by about its logic behind ousting
God, Varnasrama was good for the conduct of the society and married woman from the
every act is the act of God, I realised that there is no difference JAG, the legal branch of the
between Brahminism and Gandhism and concluded that Indian Army.
nothing good would come to the country unless Congress
is eradicated. Only now, at least a few people have come to Today women are fighter
the realization and have become wise and bold enough to say pilots and you (Government)
Down with Gandhism. It is a success for our policies. say they (married women)
If Bhagat Singh had not been hanged to death, our policies are not fit for the JAG. What
would not have acquired so much of success. If the hanging is the logic behind ousting
had not taken place, the myth of Gandhism would have married women? the Bench
continued. questioned the Government.
Instead of living and dying of some illness, Bhagat Singh When equality of women
got the opportunity for giving up his life in such a way as with men remains as the
to show the way India why, to the entire world the path policy of the Government and
to real equality and peace. This is a blessing no one would the violators are subject to
have thought of. I admire him with all my heart without any enquiry and punishment, how
reservation. can Government Institution
Source: Kudi Arasu-29th March 1931 discriminate against women
as well as among the women?
The Modern
Modern Rationalist
September 2017
2017 7
1. Who created the world is a common question. 11. Nobody can prove that God has created the
That the world was created by God is also a world. The world has evolved and is not
very common answer. created.
2. In the Brahmanic scheme this God is called 12. What advantage can there be in believing in
by a variety of names Prajapathi, Ishwar, God? It is unprofitable.
Brahma or Maha Brahma. 13. The Buddha said that a religion based on God
3. To the question who this God is and how He is based on speculation.
came into being there is no answer. 14. A religion based on God is, therefore, not
4. Those who believe in God describe Him as a worth having.
being who is Omnipotent, i.e., all-powerful, 15. It only ends in creating superstition.
Omni-present, i.e., he fills the whole universe, 16. The Buddha did not leave the question there.
and Omniscient, i.e., he knows everything. He discussed the question in its various
5. There are also certain moral qualities which aspects.
are attributed to God. God is said to be good, 17. The grounds on which he rejected the
God is said to be just and God is said to be all- doctrine were various.
18. He argued that the doctrine of the Existence
6. The question is did the Blessed Lord accept of God is not based on truth.
God as the creator of the universe.
19. This he made clear in his dialogue with the
7. The answer is, No. He did not. two Brahmins, Vasettha and Bhardvaja.
8. There are various grounds why he rejected the 20. Now a dispute arose between them as to
doctrine of the Existence of God. which was the true path of salvation and
9. Nobody has seen God. People only speak of which was false.
God. 21. About the time, the Blessed One was
10. God is unknown and unseen.
8 The
The Modern
journeying through Kosala with a great but blind talk. The first sees not, the middle
company of the brethren he happened to halt one sees not, not can the latest one. The talk
at the Brahmin village called Manaskata and of these Brahmins turns out to be ridiculous,
stayed in the mango grove on the bank of the mere words, a vain and empty thing.
river Akiravati.
33. Is this not a case, Vasettha, of a man falling in
22. Manaskata was the town in which Vasettha love with a woman whom he has not seen ?
and Bhardvaja lived. Having heard that the Yes, it is, replied Vasettha.
Blessed Lord was staying in their town, they
went to him and each one put forth his point 34. Now what think you Vasettha? If people
of view. should ask you. Well ! Good friend ! This
most beautiful woman in the land, whom
23. Bhardvaja said: The path of Tarukkha is the you thus love and long for, who is she ? Is she
straight path, this is the direct way which a noble lady, or a Brahmin woman, or of the
makes for salvation, and leads him, who trader class, or a Sudra ?
acts according to it, into a state of union with
Brahma. 35. With regard to the origin of Maha Brahma,
the so-called creator, the Blessed Lord said,
24. Vasettha said : Various Brahmins, O Gotama, addressing Bhardvaja and Vasettha, Friends,
teach various paths. The Addhariya Brahmins, that being who was first born thinks thus : I am
the Tittiriya Brahmins, the Kanchoka Brahma, the Great Brahma, the Vanquisher,
Brahmins, the Bheehuvargiya Brahmins. the Unvanquished, the All-seeing, the
They all lead those who act according to Disposer, the Lord, the Maker, the Creator,
them, into a state of union with Brahma. the Chief, the Assignor, the Master of Myself,
25. Just as near a village or a town there are many the father of all that are and are to be. By me
and various paths yet they all meet together are these beings created.
in the village just in the same way all the 36. This means that Brahma is the father of those
various paths taught by the various Brahmins that are and are to be.
lead to union with Brahma.
37. You say that the worshipful Brahma, the
26. Do you say that they all lead aright, Vasettha? Vanquisher, the Unvanquished, Father of all
asked the Buddha. I say so, Gautama, replied that are and are to be, he by whom we were
Vasettha. created, he is permanent, constant, eternal,
27. But, Vasettha, is there a single one of the unchanging, and he will remain so forever and
Brahmins versed in the three Vedas who has ever. Then why are we who are created by that
ever seen Brahma face to face. Brahma, have come hither, all impermanent,
28. No, indeed, Gautama. transient, unstable, short-lived, destined to
29. Is there a single one of the teachers of the pass away ?
Brahmanas versed in the three Vedas who has 38. To this Vasettha has no answer.
seen Brahma face to face ? 39. His third argument has reference to the
30. No, indeed, Gautama. Omnipotence of God. If God is Omnipotent
31. Nobody has seen Brahma. There is no and is also the efficient cause of creation, then
perceptual knowledge about Brahma. So because of this man cannot have any desire to
it is, said Vasettha. How then can you do anything, nor can there be any necessity
believe that the assertion of the Brahmins that to do anything, not can he have the will to do
Brahma exists is based on truth ? anything or to put forth any effort. Man must
remain a passive creature with no part to play
32. Just, Vasettha, as when a string of blind men in the affairs of the world. If this is so, why did
are clinging one to the other, neither can the Brahma create man at all ?
foremost see nor can the middle one see not
can the hindmost see just even so, methinks, 40. To this also Vasettha had no answer.
Vasettha, is the talk of the Brahmins nothing 41. His fourth argument was that if God is good
2017 9
then why do men become murderers, thieves, the efficacy of worship and prayer gave rise to
unchaste, liars, slanderers, abusive babblers, the office of the priest and the priest was the evil
covetous, malicious and perverse? The cause genius who created all superstition and thereby
of this must be Ishwara. Is this possible with destroyed the growth of Samma Ditthi.
the existence of God who is good? 50. Of these arguments against belief in the
42. His fifth argument was related to God being existence of God some were practical but the
Omniscient, just and merciful. majority of them theological. The Blessed
43. If there is a supreme creator who is just and Lord knew that they were not fatal to the belief
merciful, why then does so much injustice in the existence of God.
prevail in the world? asked the Blessed Lord. 51. It must not, however, be supposed that he had
He who has eyes can see the sickening sight; no argument which was fatal. There was one
why does not Brahma set his creatures right? which he advanced which is beyond doubt
If his power is so wide that no limits can fatal to belief in God. This is contained in his
restrain, why is his hand so rarely spread to doctrine of Patit Samutpad which is described
bless? Why are his creatures all condemned as the doctrine of Dependent Origination.
to suffering? Why does he not give happiness 52. According to this doctrine, the question
to all? Why do fraud, lies and ignorance whether God exists or does not exist is not the
prevail? Why does falsehood triumph over main question. Nor is the question whether
truth? Why does truth and justice fail? I God created the universe the real question.
count your Brahma as one of the most unjust, The real question is how did the creator create
who made a world only to shelter wrong. the world. The justification for the belief in
44. If there exists some Lord all-powerful to God is a conclusion which follows from our
fulfill in every creature, bliss or woe, and answer to the question how was the world
action, good or ill, then that Lord is stained created.
with sim. Either man does not work his will 53. The important question is: Did God create
or God is not just and good or God is blind. something out of nothing or did he create
45. His next argument against the doctrine of something out of something?
God was that the discussion of this question 54. It is impossible to believe that something
about the existence of God was unprofitable. could have been created out of nothing.
46. According to him the centre of religion lay not 55. If the so-called God has created something
in the relation of man to God. It lay in the out of something, then that something out of
relation between man and man. The purpose which something new was created has been
of religion is to teach man how he should in existence before he created anything. God
behave towards other men so that all may be cannot therefore be called the Creator of that
happy. something which has existed before him
47. There was also another reason why the Blessed 56. If something has been created by somebody
Lord was against belief in the existence of out of something before God created anything
God. then God cannot be said to be the Creator or
48. He was against religious rites, ceremonies, the first Cause.
and observances. He was against them 57. Such was his last but incontrovertible
because they were the home of superstition argument against belief in the existence of
and superstition was the enemy of Samma God.
Ditthi, the most important element in his 58. Being false in premises, belief in God as the
Ashtangmarg. creator of the universe in Not Dhamma. It
49. To the Blessed Lord belief in God was the most is only belief in falsehood.
dangerous thing. For belief in God gave rise to Source : THE BUDDHA AND HIS DHAMMA
belief in the efficacy of worship and prayer and
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches

10 The Modern Rationalist

September 2017
It is paradoxical that in populations supportive of science and democracy scientific issues
have become politicized to the degree that objective evidence is ignored or rejected in
favor of alternative opinions.

Jeanne Goldberg, MD,

Retired Radiologist and Science Writer, Former Chair, Florida Division of the American
Cancer Society Breast Cancer Task Force.
My dear Kepler, what would you say of the respected and was in fact rejected as being
learned here, who, replete with the pertinacity of heretical, in direct opposition of biblical
the asp, have steadfastly refused to case a glance scripture. Galileo was hopeful that if
through the telescope? What shall we make of people who believed in the ancient
this? Shall we laugh, or shall we cry? theory of geocentrism would,
These words of Galileo, written in a letter to paraphrase him, just
to his friend Johannes Kepler, expressed his look through the
frustration related to the fact that evidence lens of his
clearly supportive of heliocentrism was not

The Modern Rationalist

September 2017 11
telescope, they would see evidence to support glass, would they understand the importance of
the theory of heliocentrism (in which the Earth science for themselves and be more accepting
and its planets revolve around the Sun), first of the findings of scientific experts?
contemplated in Hellenistic times and then It is illuminating to step back in history again
later supported by Polish astronomer Nicolaus and consider the important role that philosophy
Copernicuss work On the Revolutions of the played in the ancient world. Philosophy, the
Celestial Orbs, published in 1543. study of the fundamental nature of knowledge,
Aristotles work in physics and astronomy was reality, and existence, is regarded as a distinct
largely respected among astronomers at the academic subject today. Philosophy in the
time Copernicuss book was published, and ancient world, however, represented the
they had difficulty accepting Copernicuss discipline of studying the natural world in a
work. In addition, biblical views were prevalent rational way, as a variety of scientific disciplines
among the population. Galileo was well aware do today. Science and philosophy, considered
of this fact but stated that the Bible is written to be such distinctly different disciplines today,
in the language of the common person who is were in effect one branch of knowledge in the
not an expert in astronomy. He argued that ancient world...
Scripture teaches us how to go to heaven, not A respect for science continued into the
how the heavens go (Van Helden 1995). His Revolutionary Era as the American Founding
discoveries, published in 1632 in Dialogue Fathers demonstrated their support of science
Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, and and reason. Although Christianity was an
those of Kepler further supported the scientific important cultural feature of U.S. history, they
foundation of Copernicuss work, ensuring that embraced the secular values of Christianity in
most serious astronomers subsequently were preference to its dogma. There is a plethora of
Copernicans. quotations to support this fact. In Poor Richards
Galileos book, however, was incendiary by Almanack, Benjamin Franklin stated that The
espousing a world view that contradicted one way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.
long accepted. There are striking similarities of Thomas Paine wrote, To argue with a man
Galileos world with ours today in the twenty- who has renounced the use and authority
first century. Since his time, however, scientific of reason, and whose philosophy consists
research has furthered our understanding of the in holding humanity in contempt, is like
world and led to advances that have transformed administering medicine to the dead (Paine
the lives of billions of global citizens. 1778). (Interestingly, George Washington,
Why, then, have partisan politics permeated John Adams, James Madison, and Thomas
the discussions and decisions related to Jefferson were citizen scientists who found, to
science-based issues such as climate change, quote Thomas Jefferson, supreme delight in
evolution, vaccination, GMO technology, pursuing scientific topics by conducting their
stem cell research, and other topics not only own experiments.)
here in the United States but globally? Is a lack As science became more complex and
of understanding, disinterest, or ignorance of differentiated, the common man began to feel
scientific facts to blame? Is scientific literacy and dependent upon experts, many of whom
research not prioritized in our nation? What were located in coastal eastern urban areas.
threats to peoples lives are posed by accepting Individuals treasured feelings of self-sufficiency
or at least considering scientific evidence? and independence were compromised, leading
If citizens would just look through (Galileos) to resentment. Americans respected intelligence
telescope rather than the proverbial looking but not intellectuals, and they complained that

12 The Modern Rationalist

September 2017
Anti-Science views have been
amplified by the political
wave of populism that is
sweeping not only America
but also Europe.

the value of an idea was governed by its utility recent times as a result of a Lancet medical
it had no value in itself. This belief pervaded journal article that contained fraudulent
the business world as well, creating Americans information indicating that autism could
strong admiration for a self-made man, one result from vaccination (General Medical
whose path led to economic and social success Council 2010). Some progressive Democrats,
without much education, often in spite of it. usually supportive of regulations that they see
Anti-science views have been amplified by the as contributing to public welfare, object to
political wave populism that is sweeping not vaccination on the (faulty) grounds that it may
only America but also Europe. Key elements of result in autism. Some conservatives, mainly
populism are anti-elitism and nativism, which Republicans, object to it because they feel that
can translate into anti-immigrant views (Toker their personal freedom is threatened by school
2016). The role of globalization in the creation requirements for vaccination....
of not only economic but also knowledge
In conclusion, there is no doubt that a threat to
inequality has amplified these feelings of
resentment... our democracy exists when there is scientific
illiteracy, complacency, or extreme polarization
Unfortunately, the publics respect for scientific
regarding scientific issues among the general
developments can be modulated by fear.
public. This is fertile ground for powerful
Progressive Democrats have traditionally been
vested interests to use baseless information
strong supporters of scientific research and
have endorsed the validity of evolution and (i.e., fake news) to lobby for their positions
climate change; nevertheless, some regard GM on issues that threaten or support their views.
foods, vaccination, fluoridation of drinking This constitutes a form of authoritarianism
water, and a variety of chemicals as threatening that can be used to impede scientific progress
developments. Even many scientifically and, in the long run, cause a government to fail.
literate progressive are skeptical about the We have only to look at examples where that
safety of GM foods and are concerned that the has occurred (e.g., China during the Cultural
food industrys vested interests may outweigh Revolution, Nazi Germany, and the Ottoman
safety issues. Conservative Republicans, on and Roman Empires) to see the catastrophic
the other hand, may or may not personally results. We must look through Galileos lens
approve of GM foods, and business interests rather than through an imaginary looking glass
could override their safety concerns (Funk and and respect the power of science to preserve our
Kennedy 2016).... democracy in the Unites States and globally.
The issue of vaccination is complex, involving Courtesy: Skeptical Inquirer,
strange bedfellows. This debate arose in Vol.41, No.5

The Modern Rationalist

September 2017 13
Dr. K. Veeramani

umans are of superior order, with used by the privileged masses were not allowed.
special traits, different from other To eliminate the inhuman practices and to
living beings. One among such special enable the enslaved people to enjoy the human
traits, genetically evolved is Self-Respect. right of getting education, which was denied to
Humanism must flourish for the betterment them due to social discrimination, some sort of
and progress of humankind. But throughout awakening was required.
the world, humanism is inadequate among Periyar chose the weapon - Self-Respect,
the humans in varied degrees. This has created launched a movement in the name of Self-
divisions and hierarchies in the society. Even Respect Movement in 1926. Periyar, in public
social segregations and divisions created by life achieved very much to inculcate a sense of
the birth based discrimination prevail in humanism in those people and to bring equality
many countries. In India, such birth based and equal opportunities to all. For the success
discriminations have been created in the of the movement, reminding the Self-Respect
name of god and religion. When the issue of among the people and to make it meaningful
social discrimination, thereby inequalities of very much, Periyar adopted only the mode of
permanent nature are promoted by god and propaganda. The social revolution took place
religion, the discrimination and inequalities very silently, devoid any form of violence in the
are strengthened deriving unquestionable propaganda activities. The social and political
anchorage. The deep rooted discrimination fabric of people in Tamil Nadu got changed
exists in India for many centuries. The social with distinct features, different from the rest of
slavery, caused by birth based discrimination is the States in the country. The impact of Self-
inhuman where the enslaved people, coming in Respect Movement extends beyond Tamil
contact with the physical touch, in the vicinity Nadu creating many progressive changes in
and these persons accessing the public pathway the form of legislations for the practice of the

Human Freedom, Dignity and Self-Respect are the

components of the philosophy of Self-Respective
Humanism which is gaining momentum transcending
the boundaries of religion, language, politics, under
the mission of globaling Periyar.

14 The Modern Rationalist

September 2017
advocacy to establish egalitarian
The raison-detre of establishing
Self-Respect Movement may
be warranted due to the social
conditions prevailing in India and
the impact it created in the social
life of Tamil Nadu, where the
functioning of the movement was
intense in practical terms. But the
principle of Self-Respect to inculcate
humanism viz. Self-Respective
Humanism among the humans is not
confined to any particular territory.
Self-Respective Humanism has got
universal relevance and application.
The half of human population viz.
women folk does not get equal
status with men. Periyar induced
reasoning faculty of women on the
ground of Self-Respect, which is
relevant practically throughout the
world. Only the application part of
it has to be modulated according to
the social requirements prevailing in
the respective territory.
Periyar was revolutionary with
a difference.Periyar would not
call himself a philosopher or an Periyar, while explaining the Genesis of Self-respect
ideologue. He considered himself a Movement says, the philosophy of Self-Respect
social worker, social revolutionary. Movement is known to the world. The cause and effect
He claimed himself a revolutionary theory is accepted by the wise world. The human being
and not a reformer, because a social seeks the reasons for everything. He has begun to conduct
reformer is one who reopairs and research of nature. A life with ignorance is considered as a
renovates the existing tradition. slaves life. This is the doctrine of Self Respect Movement.
Periyar, on the other hand, a Before doing anything, one should think whether it is right
revolutionary bulldozed and or wrong, see the causes, analyse things, do research, and
falttened the existing cidadel and respect the truths. This is what the Self-Respect means.
built a new one in its place. Freedom and Self-Respect are closely related.
Let us listen to Periyar, Because Humans must be free to think and act. All the obstacles in
I am alive my life must have some the society against humans have to be removed. Human
purpose. There is no life without Freedom, Dignity and Self-Respect are the components
purpose. My mission was decided by of the philosophy of Self-Respective Humanism which
me. I resolved to eradicate the evils is gaining momentum transcending the boundaries of
of caste system. I decided to crusade religion, language, politics, under the mission of globaling
against god and superstition...... Periyar.

The Modern RationalistThe Modern Rationalist
September 2017 September 2017 15
Arignar Anna
(The following is the text of the Message of Greetings by Anna for
the 89th Birthday of Periyar.)

here was a spring for me. Today, after in those woods and the mountains. I saw their
a long time, I summon the smile not fragrance spread all over.
possible in my present worry-filled Then, if a meeting could be conducted without
days-by recollecting that spring time. any disturbance-it would be deemed a success
Periyar is aware of that spring time; he would and a sense of pride would rise.
well understand the worry connected with my Before we would start, we had to read missives
responsibility (as chief minister). that threatened to heave off the head, the beard,
I mentioned a spring time; during that time the staff (Periyar carried a staff and wore a
after graduating from college, I had walked beard) and life (itself). Annadurai! Did you
along with Periyar in the woods and the see this (?) Periyar would shove a letter in
mountains. When I served along with him, I my direction (and) I would respond with a
saw a riot of colourful flowers blossom happily meaningless yes Ayya (sir). He wouldnt ask

16 The Modern Rationalist

September 2017
There were many who had served along with
Periyar. More than the others, I had the
opportunity to serve with him continuously.
Those days are very sweet for me. Even now
when I remember them, I sense sweetness.

me if I would join him as he was well aware He also gave me the opportunity to learn
that I would! We would join him as he was that one should have a heart that endures
well aware that I would! We would set out everything.
and Periyars speech would be made. If the He saw to it that one had enthusiasm and
originator of the threat or the fear inflicting derived happiness and fulfillment in public
letter was part of the crowd he would definitely service.
attend the next meeting with a garland in his I have seen him speak angrily at many, to scold
hand for Ayya. The speech would contain such them; I have heard him saying I know you! in
clarity and argumentative eloquence. a raised voice to people. He hadnt even a single
It is not just that many among the Tamils day behaved that way with me. He always had
reformed after such explanation but an exclusive affection for me. He considered
Tamizhagam (Tamil Nadu) itself has seen a me a child of his family born without.
change. I had seen and accepted that leader alone.
Nowhere else except here has history been made He was my present age now when I joined him
thus where one began and labored tirelessly, thirty years ago.
spoke his heart freely, worked fearlessly and
succeeded in getting a society awakened and He had served for thirty years
enthused. prior to that.
I was a little boy when that history began. Those years are very important
in the history of the Tamils.
When chapters of fame were added to that
history in those days I joined him at one part He shocks! It is surprising!
to serve along with him. I had mentioned He annoys! He mentions
those days as my spring. all sorts of things they
opined. We should not let
There were many who had served along him (get away). Need to
with Periyar. More than the others, finish him. I will finish
I had the opportunity to serve
with him continuously.
Those days are very sweet
for me. Even now when I
remember them, I sense
Many an idea flowed
from him during (our)
The Modern Rationalist
September 2017 17
him myself many a person in Tamizhagam When confronted by evil most people would
spoke thus. They abused him, opposed, consider prevention, protecting themselves
ridiculed and demurred. But they kept listening from its attack and steering clear. The intent to
to his speeches in hiding or from a corner. That challenge does not arise easily.
speech continued for more than fifty years. Periyar wherever he saw evil, whatever its
Those who opposed, ridiculed were indifferent, magnitude, its shape, its support had never
found their positions automatically change. hesitated to fight it.
Those who were agitated calmed down, those He saw many a battlefront, had many a success.
who threatened submitted and those who were The struggle that he had begun continues. He is
indifferent began to show interest. His speech eighty-nine but still in the battlefield.
continued without (any) interruptions
and speed piercing the mountains, rolling In that war, the opportunity to be with him at
the stones, turning woods into fields with its one stage is what I have termed as spring.
elegance of sound and style! He is speaking He should live many more years with us, for
there! He is speaking here! He is talking about us, for the betterment of the life of the Tamils.
that, he talking about this Tamizhagam has for There is no doubt that to eradicate the age-old
fifty years said so (about his ceaseless activity). evils his service would continue to be available.
Let me tell you what comes to my mind. (In) Translation Courtesy:
the struggle for rights whatever happens Anna - His Life and Times by R. Kannan ,
during his entire lifetime the success that he Published by : Penguin UK
reaped (is phenomenal) that is why I usually The English translation of Tamil article of
describe Periyars great work as not one mans Arignar Anna is published commemorating
history but an era, a period, a watershed. 109th Birthday of Anna 15th September 2017.

Arignar Anna (C.N.Annadurai), an ardent He went and stayed for one hour, wrote the above
disciple to Thanthai Periyar was elected the Chief special article and sent it to the editor through a
Minister of Tamil Nadu in 1967 general election, personal messenger from Madurai to Chennai to
as D.M.K. won 134 seats, unseating the congress. our Editor K.Veeramani.
He was a popular Chief Minister. Hence, his He thanked the C.M. Anna. Thanthai Periyar was
responsibility to the public was enormous. He out of Chennai on that day. Editor K.Veeramani
could not spare time to write special article read Annas special article to his mentor Periyar.
on Periyar owing to the heavy administrative
Periyar was immensely happy to hear it and
appreciated Anna for his love and affection.
Our Viduthalai Editor K.Veeramani requested
That Spring mj trj in Tamil conveys many
him to contribute an article to be published
in Viduthalai Special Souvenir to mark 89th lessons to public workers:
birthday of his mentor leader, Thanthai Periyar. Sticking on to political power is not the spring
In the meanwhile whenever C.M. saw Editor for a person with a real service motto of a
K.Veeramani, he used to assure him to send the public worker.
article in time The adage, uneasy lies on the head that
As a C.M., he was to visit Madurai. When his wears the crown is the in Annas case.
convoy was going to circuit house, he broke the Real enjoyment and pleasure is being derived
protocol to be away for some time. out a voluntary service encountering stiff
S.B.Aditanar who was the speaker of the State opposition and winning the hearts of the
Assembly had a house at Thirunagar (Madurai). people.

18 The Modern Rationalist

September 2017
Prof. A. Ayyasamy

P eriyar has picturised a new world in an interesting article

written by him in 1944. On the face of it, it looks unusual
that Periyar should have a vision, what with his down to
earth thinking and stark realism of approach. But his vision is
based on the very realism of his approach, derived from the
march of time as witnessed in his days.
Periyars prediction is based on two factors: one is the
triumph of reason and the other is the development of
technology, the progress of both of which are visible all
around. He need not dream. He need not have a vision.
The making of a world is there, for everyone to see.
Hitherto unknown principles like liberty, fraternity,
equality, human rights and socialism have caught
the imagination of the people and are being put into
practice everywhere. Kingdoms have been falling
and monarchies have been given the go by. The
people of Russia have boldly risen against every
value that has been cherished for ages and
have established a world of equals, a world
without any division between the ruler
and the ruled.
Just as human thinking has been
widening, touching new horizons,
science has been throwing open a
new vista everyday. Technology, the
The Modern Rationalist
September 2017 19
Periyar concludes that only those who are not
conditioned by preconceived notions about God, religion,
social mores, or political theories are good enough to do
free thinking and find ways and means for establishing a
world not fettered by traditions and conventions.

wonder working offshoot of science, has been there are a good many people who are steeped in
making tremendous progress, making real what misery without even their bare needs being met.
has been possible only in the world of Aladdin. After listing out the woe and the misery seen
Seeing all this, Periyar comes to the inescapable everywhere around him, Periyar poses some vital,
conclusion that the future world is for the and relevant, questions.
intellectuals alone. The veils that are presently Are these conditions in any way connected
covering human intelligence will be torn as under with God? Are they in any way connected with
and all the beliefs and values which have been religion? Are those who believe in any God or
products of ignorance will disappear in the dawn any religion free from wants? Can it be said with
of reason. any certainty that those who do not care about
A rationalist can easily perceive this fact which will religion or God are not intellectually equipped to
be all but obvious to those steeped in ignorance free themselves from this misery?
and superstition fostered by religion with all its Pondering in these lines, Periyar concludes
written and unwritten codes. At present, says that only those who are not conditioned by
Periyar, Tamil scholars on one side (Periyar calls preconceived notions about God, religion, social
them pandits) and religious preachers on the mores, or political theories are good enough to
other, continue to hold tremendous sway over do free thinking and find ways and means for
the thinking of the public. The pandits, who have establishing a world not fettered by traditions
fallen into the mire of myths and legends, are and conventions. There are many in the Western
unable to come out of it and enjoy the breeze of world, assures Periyar, who devote their time
reason, as they are rendered helpless, surrounded and energy for this purpose. Their quest will
by the poisonous serpents of religion. They still certainly lead to a revolutionary change, which
live in the past and admire everything about it. will create a world without property and money,
Driven by an unnatural nostalgia, the pandits governments, social hierarchy, slavery and
want to go back by many centuries. The priests menial jobs, dependence of anyone on someone
and the preachers, on the other hand, want to go else or the need to offer special protection to the
back by a few eons. These groups are certainly not womenfolk.
to be trusted with the founding of the new world. How can this happen? What will be responsible for
To further clarify his contention, Periyar gives this transformation? Technology, assures Periyar.
an account of things as they exist at present, with With the giant leaps being made by technology,
selfishness and mindless exploitation reigning man will be able to satisfy all his needs with
everywhere. Even after toiling ceaselessly, working working for just as an hour or two per day. This
people get very little returns, not sufficient to freedom from wants will lead to co-operation
keep their body and soul together. Whereas food and harmony, evoking a feeling of brotherhood
and all the comforts are available in plenty, few of man. The entire mankind will get united in
people can afford them, resulting in widespread mitigating the distress of a single individual, as if
hunger and poverty. Even with abundance of all of them are affected by it, and find the remedy
raw materials and the know-how to utilize them, as quickly as possible.
20 The Modern Rationalist
September 2017
to be continued in the next issue.....
Dr. Priyadharshini Rajendran
Periodontist, Chennai.

(International Essay Competition for youngsters was conducted by Periyar

International, USA, commemorating the 91st anniversary of Self-Respect
Movement, founded by Periyar in 1926. The winners of the competition
were announced on 29th July 2017 at the International Conference of Periyar
Self-Respect Movement held at University of Cologne, Germany. The excerpts
from the essay, which secured the First Prize, are published.)

eriyar EVRs staunch conviction in National Congress, he had ordered to fell
humanism led him to join Indian 500 coconut trees in his own farm to uphold
National Congress in 1919. This stand the prohibition policy despite incurring huge
was the outcome of Jallianwala Bagh massacre financial losses.
carried out by the bullets of Gen. Dyer of then In 1924, Kerala State Congress Committee for
Imperial army. During his tenure as Chairman Untouchability had organized an agitation for
of the Erode Municipality, he had fearlessly the entry of backward castes and untouchables
handled the disastrous plague epidemics in and into the public roads surrounding the
around the district. When municipal workers Vaikcom Mahadevar temple. Accepting the
were unwilling to dispose of human carcases call from the organizers of the agitation, he
during that epidemic, he himself had carried spearheaded the agitation in Vaikom along
the dead bodies to the burial sites. It thus reveals with his wife Nagammal, sister Kannammal
his own characteristic style of functioning in and two of his colleagues. In spite of rigorous
a critical situation and his unflinching faith in imprisonment and hardships to Periyar and
humanism. his colleagues the agitation had a successful
As an ardent follower of Gandhi in the Indian end. Thereby, the public roads were opened to
The Modern Rationalist
September 2017 21
all communities. This was the first successful tribes and allotment of free lands to scheduled
event in the history that had challenged the class, were some of the most progressive policy
caste orthodoxy, broken the stronghold of caste resolutions passed in the conference.
supremacy and created a humane approach in Later he strongly opposed Gandhis views
the worship places of Hindu temples. on Varnasrama Dharma which is based
Continuing his battle against injustices, on hierarchical caste order and placing the
inequalities, irrational beliefs and dogmas in majority of working people as Sudras and
all forms, he fought for social equality and untouchables, as serfs in the socio-economic
gender rights to establish a social order with order. This order violates all aspects of
fraternity and universal brotherhood. Periyar humanism. Therefore, Periyar EVR confronted
organized the first self-respect conference in Gandhi in 1927 and explained to him the evil
February 17-18, 1929. This conference passed nature of Hindu dharma. Periyar had always
34 resolutions which can be called as Magna argued that by using this varnasrama dharma
Carta of Dravidian Movement and humanism. code, the brahmins undermined the majority
Abolition of untouchability, promoting of non-brahmin communities. This order
equality of all irrespective of caste, colour denied the concept of equality and virtually
and creed, enforcing medium of education in made the majority of non-brahmins as slaves
mother tongue, equal property right to women, and servants only to work for the interest of the
increasing the eligibility age for marriage, upper castes. Periyar argued that Hinduism
education and employment to women, right should be abolished.
to divorce, widow remarriage, free education The science and technology have created
to the later classified scheduled castes and a revolution and we are living in an era of
information science. Today we could exchange
views across countries and continents. In spite
of this knowledge revolution, India witnesses
religious fundamentalism and violent attacks
on social and religious minorities. The Hindu
fundamentalists compel the people not to eat
beef and interfere in the food and cultural habits
of vast majority of the different nationalities
and communities. Daily media reports on the
murders on Dalilts and Muslims for the above
said purpose in the name of nationalism.
Periyars unique approach to humanism has
been highlighted by an eminent historian,
Ramachandra Guha. Guha Published a book on
Makers of Modern India in 2010. While writing
the introduction in the Part I of the book, Guha
has raised an important issue by stating that the
question is: Can mankind fulfil its destiny without
a fundamental revolution in the social state of
Asia? This question is yet to be answered. If it is to
be answered, Periyars yeomen contribution and
service could be the answer.
Another interesting incident occurred in

22 The Modern Rationalist

September 2017
If you want to respect money, you have to respect
Reserve bank, If you want to respect knowledge,
you have to respect library, If you want to respect
wisdom, you have to respect encyclopedia. Then
what else left in the society to respect? It is only
humanism.... Periyar once said.

Periyars long journey of social emancipation. that the priests in the Hindu temples should
During 1970, the family planning was insisted at not be appointed based on birth. Therefore, he
all India level. All the states were asked to seriously had pleaded for the appointment of Archakas
pursue family planning policy. Dr. Chandrasekar, (temple priests) from all communities and
world famous demographer and Union Minister Tamil language should be made as a medium
for Family Planning had sought the co-operation of worship instead of Sanskrit. This was his last
of religious leaders and reformists in India. Dr. clarion call before his death in 1973.
Chandrasekar met Periyar and asked his opinion If you want to respect money, you have to
on family planning. During their meeting, Dr. respect Reserve bank, If you want to respect
Chandrasekar had wondered how Periyar was knowledge, you have to respect library, If you
able to preach for a small family as earlier as 1930. want to respect wisdom, you have to respect
Periyar reply to that was, women are not encyclopedia. Then what else left in the society
childbearing machines. Periyar had quoted to respect? It is only humanism.... Periyar once
the 1921 population census and lamented said.
about the thousands of young female children Unfortunately, the world is surrounded
becoming widows. He also said that it was by regional wars based on religious
very atrocious and intolerable for a rational fundamentalism, armed violence, deterioration
society. Women were subjugated and not of the environment and crime against women.
allowed to go to educational institutions and The Human Development Annual Report by
join employments. They were treated worst UNIDO states that growth should enhance
than animals. As a rationalist, concerned with human development. Hence, a prolonged
the health of the women he pleaded for family strategy has to be adopted across continents to
planning in 1930s. sustain a peaceful and sustainable world.
Periyar felt that even in the worship of idols, Humanism should be placed above all other
a blatant discrimination and communalism interventions for an inclusive growth. In this
were accepted in the theory and practice context, Periyars approach to humanism should
of Hinduism. The communities other than be recognised universally. Acknowledging
Periyars immortal contribution to the
brahmins are not allowed in the sanctum and
humanity, the UNESCO conferred an award in
sanctorum of Hindu temples. As an atheist, he
1970 and cited Periyar the prophet of the new
had put forth logical arguments against the
age. The Socrates of South East Asia. Father of
concept of god. Periyar believed that brahmins
the social reform movement and arch enemy of
treated god and religion as a trade and earned ignorance; superstitions; meaningless customs
money and vital positions. He had expressed and base manners
The Modern Rationalist
September 2017 23
Mrinal Pande

F olks with infantile minds keep laying

down laws for what is dharma and the
true path and what is holy or unholy, says
Matsyendranath (the guru of Gorakhnath who
laid the foundations for the Nath sect in North
gain true knowledge (siddhi), one needs to find
and straddle a dead body at a masan (cremation
ground, a spot where all lives have been reduced
to ash) and then meditate, shutting out everything
around him. It is a long and tedious process
India), in his seminal treatise Akulveer Tantra during which evil forces try their best to distract
(78-87). One doesnt know if his present-day the seeker with half-truths, but if he can remain
follower, the newly incumbent chief minister detached and focused, at some point the head of
of Uttar Pradesh, Adityanath, would agree, but the corpse will turn completely around and as it
according to Guru Matsyendranath, to gain true faces the constant sadhaka, address and explain
knowledge is to rise above various petty rules and the quintessential wisdom, setting all his queries
definitions propagated in the name of dharma. at rest. Picture this: pure knowledge being passed
Kaulopanishad, the shorter but even more on through an inert form with the head at an angle
intense treatise of the Kaul Siddhanta (yes, the of 360 degrees, offering no attachment either to
Kashmiri surname derives from it), goes a step the old or the new, the traditional or the practised
further and says the only thing that is forbidden forms of life. This, Hazari Prasad Dwivedi writes,
is badmouthing others (lok ninda). Real self- is knowledge that sets one free?
knowledge, adhyatma, means observing no It is only against this rather long philosophical
fasting, feasting or rules thereof and no desire for context (the Sanskrit for philosophy is darshan,
founding a sect. All are created equal and one who meaning to see) that the highly incendiary subject
realises this becomes truly free (mukt). of the long history of meat eating in India can be
The present-day political dispensation, blinded as understood properly.
it is by its politicised and reductive vision of things, History of meat-eating
including vegetarianism, would do well to look There is enough historical evidence by now that
towards the true Indian culture foreign to its lunatic Indians since the days of the Indus Valley have
fringes, and one that they are unable to absorb. indulged in dishes made with meat and poultry:
My mothers teacher, the great scholar Hazari zebu cattle (humped cattle), gaur (Indian bison),
Prasad Dwivedi, once used a wonderful term sheep, goat, turtle, ghariyal (a crocodile-like
from the Shakta Tantra for a true understanding reptile), fish fowl and game. The Vedas refer to
of history. He called it shav sadhana, a term used more than 250 animals of whom about 50 were
by a tantrik sadhaka to explain to him that to deemed fit to be sacrificed and, by inference,
24 The Modern Rationalist
September 2017
for eating. The marketplace had various stalls
for vendors of different kinds of meat: gogataka
(cattle), arabika (sheep), shookarika (swine),
nagarika (deer) and shakuntika (fowl). There
were even separate vends for selling alligator
and tortoise meat (giddabuddaka). The Rigveda
describes horses, buffaloes, rams and goats as
sacrificial animals. The 162nd hymn of the Rigveda
describes the elaborate horse sacrifice performed
by emperors. Different Vedic gods are said to
have different preferences for animal meat. Thus
Agni likes bulls and barren cows, Rudra likes
red cows, Vishnu prefers a dwarf ox, while Indra
Brahmin priests were killing the goat as sacrifice to appease the
likes a bull with droopy horns with a mark on its god through the performance of rituals.
head, and Pushan a black cow. The Brahmanas
that were compiled later specify that for special hard working and those convalescing from a long
guests, a fattened ox or goat must be sacrificed. illness. The Jains, of course, remained totally averse
The Taittireeya Upanishad praises the sacrifice to devouring any form of life. But the Buddha did
of a hundred bulls by the sage Agasthya. And the not forbid the eating of meat if offered as alms to
grammarian Panini even coined a new adjective, Buddhist bhikkus, provided the killing should not
goghna (killing of a cow), for the guests to be thus have happened in the presence of the monks. It was
honoured. the responsibility of the giver of the alms to ensure this.
The meat, we learn, was mostly roasted on spits No inhibitions down south
or boiled in vats. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Down south, the inhibitions against eating
has reference to meat cooked with rice. Also the meat and fish are rare. In the earliest writings
Ramayana, where during their sojourn in the on food dating back to 300 CE, pepper (kari) is
Dandakaranya forest, Rama, Lakshmana and Sita described as the main spice for flavouring meat.
are said to have relished such rice (with meat and Fried meat had three names and meat boiled
vegetables). It is called mamsambhutdana. In the with tamarind and pepper was called pulingari.
palace at Ayodhya, during the sacrifices performed It was occasionally ground to make a sort of
by king Dashratha, the recipes described are far pasty relish. Kapilar, the famous Brahmin priest
more exotic with acid fruit juices being added to of the Sangam age, speaks with a certain relish of
mutton, pork, chicken and peacock meat and consuming meat and liquor. Old Tamil has four
cloves, caraway seeds and masur dal also being terms for beef: valluram, shushiyam, shuttiraichi
added to various dishes. The Mahabharata has and padithiram. There were 15 names for pork,
references to rice cooked with minced meat a special favourite, we learn, among the wives
(pistaudana) and picnics where various kinds of of traders in the coastal region. There are also
roasted game and game birds were served. Buffalo references to wild boar, rabbits and deer being
meat was fried in ghee with rock salt, fruit juices, hunted with hunting dogs. Captured boars were
powdered black pepper, asafetida (hingu) and fattened with rice flour and kept away from the
caraway seeds, and served garnished with radishes, female to make their flesh tastier. Among more
pomegranate seeds and lemons. exotic meats were porcupines (a favourite of
Then come the Buddhist Jatakas and Brahtsamhita the Kuruvars) and fried snails (favoured by the
(6th Century CE) that maintain the list of non- Mallars). Down south, there was also no taboo
vegetarian food items, adding some more species. on eating domestic fowl (kozhi). Fish and prawns
All in all, meat till then appears to have been deemed were greatly relished all along the coastal region,
a nourishing food. It is even recommended by the so much so that the word for fish, meen, also
famed physician Charaka for the lean, the very entered the lexicon of Sanskrit as the north learnt
to relish this fruit of the seas.
The Modern Rationalist
September 2017 25

T he chief of Dera Sacha Sanda at Haryana,

the god-man, Gurmeet Ram Rahim
Singh has been convicted in a rape case
by the Punjab and Haryana High Court and
sentenced to 20 years imprisonment and a fine
of Rs 30 lakhs.
God-men, getting arrested is very common
in the country and they are being glorified for God-man, Asaram Bapu and the deeds
divinity and spirituality; in fact it has become spread throughout the state and even beyond
either routine or a seasonal occurence. To bridge it in Punjab and Delhi. The Dera violence in
the reading/hearing gap between the Vedas and Haryana itself claimed the death of 31 persons
Dharma, Puranas were created. Similarly to and injuring many, besides causing damage to
bridge the gap between the concept of god and public properties. The court has pointed out
the worshipping devotees, god-men are being that Haryana Government surrendered to the
created. The god-man trend is mushrooming violent mob. Politics played a supportive role
owing to the sheep- yard like congregation of and froze the state administrative decision
gullible devotees, falling at the feet of god-men to prevent and contain the mob. The Bench
with financial offerings, enabling them to amass observed, It was a political surrender to
enormous wealth for them. Usually the capital allure the vote bank. During the special
for many ventures is finance but in case of god- hearing the Bench further stated, There is
a sea of difference between administrative
manship only god is the capital. and political decisions; administrative
The background of activities of god-man, decisions were paralysed because of political
Gurmeet Ram Rahim has the support of consideration.
the saffron rulers of Haryana State. The The Bench then said, the Chief Minister and
verdict of the court has been delivered in the Prime Minister represent the State and
two stages viz. conviction and punishment the country and not a political party. The
with the sentencing. Knowing fully well the Chief Minister of Haryana stated that some
followership strength of god-man Gurmeet, anti-social elements had mingled with Dera
the State Government did not take any followers and were behind the violence. The
preventive measures against the gathering Bench observed, It appears to be an intelligent
of hundreds of his followers at the court way to say that Dera had not done anything.
venue on the day of the judgment. This has Your (Haryana) CM is also the home minister
resulted in rioting, immediately after the of the State If he could find out that some
pronouncement of the court verdict, which anti-social elements were involved in the

26 The Modern Rationalist

September 2017
God-man, Gurmeet Ram Rahim

violence, why could he not prevent such a large man for all the sexual crimes, committed by
gathering from entering Panchkula for the him. Even after the conviction, the god-man
past seven days? You (Haryana Government) raised the cudgels through his cadres with
allowed them to enter, occupy and damage the support of the saffron political heads at
public property. Those responsible for such the State and for the country. The Saffron
loses should be made answerable. rulers have put their political responsibility
What a conscious strictures against the State mandated by the public as secondary. They
Government and the Chief Minister, the have prioritized to safeguard the interests of
Bench has passed! the god-man.
The awkward sexual activities of the god-man, In this connection, it is pertinent to point
the Dera Chief: out the direction of the Supreme Court to
speed up the case against another god-man,
All the women disciples of the god-man Asaram Bapu pending investigation by the
considered him as god. When one of the lady State machinery of Gujarat. The case against
disciples was compelled to satisfy the sexual god-man, Asram Bapu was the sexual assault by
desire of the god-man the disciple appealed him on the two sisters of Surat. When a petition
to him that she considered him as God and with the medical evidences, was filed by the
requested to desist from that. But the god- god-man, Asaram Bapu to release him on bail
man very coolly justified the sexual deeds of the Supreme Court found that the medical
God Krishna with many ladies and seduced evidences were forged. While rejecting the
the disciple at last. Another disciple who was petition, the Supreme Court, passed strictures
considered as the adopted daughter of the god- against the inordinate delay of FOUR years to
man was not exempted from his sexual assault. complete the investigation and directed the
The cause of action to commence the criminal Government of Gujarat to speed up the trial.
proceedings against the god-man originated The sexual crimes of Saffron supportive god-
from the anonymous letter sent by the man are unabated. The efforts of the judiciary
sexually aggrieved lady disciple in 2002 to the to punish the culprits are combated by Saffron
then Prime Minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee. It god-men forces in their own way with the
took about nearly 15 years to convict the god- support of the state machinery.
The Modern Rationalist
September 2017 27
Dr. K. Veeramani
The excerpts from the speech of Dr.K.Veeramani, President,
Dravidar Kazhagam, delivered at the Conference on Retrieval of
the Rights of the States and Condemning the Imposition of Hindi
and Sanskrit, on 25th August 2017 at Periyar Thidal, Chennai.
Dr.K.Veeramani opened his lecture saying that the States rights. Far from it, the first one in
the need had arisen for such meetings to be held the whole of India to raise his voice for the
all over the country, because every day the rights rights of the State was Arignar Anna, who gave
of the States are being eroded. Tamil Nadu had a clear picture of the problem. He spoke on the
a unique history of having endeavoured for the subject off and on both inside and outside the
restoration of its rights since very early days. legislature. He had raised the issue repeatedly

o one should take it that the present in the Parliament when he was the member of
conference is held owing to the the Rajya Sabha. All the leaders of the State
problems caused by the recently held have raised their voice in support of the cause.
NEET examination and the trampling over of Why should the same Constitution require

28 The Modern Rationalist

September 2017
An essential factor to be stressed is that the Parliament
should be restricted from passing a Bill on the concurrent
list without getting the concurrence of the states. If
such concurrence is not obtained from a State, the act
must be inapplicable to the state concerned. This factor
must be subjected to the wide discussion.

two cabinets? It not only causes unnecessary purpose of protecting the rights of the States
financial burden, but creates contradictions and recommending redistribution of powers
too. Anna asked, quoting authorities, Why between the Centre and the States ensuing
should there be two education ministers, one the rights of the States. The Commission was
for the Centre and another for the States? headed by Justice. P.V. Rajamannar, a retired
When Arignar Anna became Chief Minister, Chief Justice of Madras High Court, and had
he convened a State Autonomy Conference in two members of equal eminence. One was Dr.
Chennai in order to underscore the rights of A.Lakshmanasami Mudaliar, six times Vice-
the State. And he had invited many political Chancellor of the University of Madras and
stalwarts, including the then Chief Minister former Chairman of the Madras Legislative
of West Bengal for it. He invited Periyar also, Council, and Justice Chandra Reddy, a retired
who was happy to attend the Conference. justice of Madras High Court.
The youth of today must be aware of such The Rajamannar Commission formed in 1971
happenings. by Chief Minister Kalaignar Karunanidhi,
Kalaignar Karunanidhi continued the efforts gave its report in English which has also been
of Anna when he became the Chief Minister. translated into Tamil. Justice Rajamannar,
As a result many facts were revealed as to in the introductory part of the report hails
how the rights of the States were denied in the political sagacity, impartial approach to
the Constitution which was the guideline national problems and farsighted approach
for the governance of India. Stalwarts like of Kalaignar and his services for establishing
Krishnasami, a Congressman, who was a permanent federal government in the vast
usually soft spoken, emphatically declared country of ours. The recommendations of
in the Constituent Assembly that a strong the commission were widely discussed at that
Centre should not imply weak States. Quoting time. The issue of the rights of the States have
such instances from the deliberation, Anna after been discussed.
affirmed that autonomy was imperative for We must understand that the list is called
the States and it must be asserted at any cost. Concurrent List and not the common list.
When Kalaignar Karunanidhi took over It implies that the concurrence of the states
as Chief Minister of the State, he not only must be obtained before any subject in the list
conducted a Conference for State Antonomy is legislated upon. This has been pointed out
but also took an extraordinary step that was by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
a pioneering effort for the entire India. He When MGR was the Chief Minister, a
formed a Commission of intellectuals for the commission was formed by the Central

The Modern Rationalist

September 2017 29
The book, Trumpet on Language Imposition (in Tamil) was released by the Honble Leader of
Opposition in Tamil Nadu State Assembly Mr.M.K.Stalin (DMK). The prime leaders of various
political parties Prof.K.M.KhaderMoideen (All India Muslim League), Com.G.Ramakrishnan
(CPM), Com.T.Pandian (CPI), Mr.Hidayadullah (Congress), Mr.Thol.Thirumavalavan (VCK),
Prof.Suba.Veerapandian (DTF) along with Dr.K.Veeramani (DK) are on the dais.
Government in 1985 under the Chairman of People in the North will never change their
Justice Ranjit Singh Sarkaria for suggesting views on our language issues, the travails of the
devolution of powers between the Centre Eelam Tamil, the rights of the Tamil fishermen
and the States. On behalf of the Government or a number of other issues affecting us.
of Tamil Nadu, MGR had forwarded the We must enlighten the people on the issue of
recommendations to the Commission, in the rights of the States and make them realize
response to the questionnaire forwarded by that States are not to be treated as puppets
it. All this will bear witness to the fact that the manipulated by strings by the Centre, they
Dravidian Movement has been continually are not mere token players devoid of any
been active on the question. authority.
All this must make everyone understand that A statement made by N.T. Rama Rao, the
irrespective of the changes of Government, founder of Telugu Desam Party is worthy of
rights of the states have consistently been the consideration by everyone concerned.
life breath of the Dravidian Movement. The Where is the Central Government? It is a
present move is only a part of it. legal postulate. Only the States have people
An essential factor to be stressed is that the to govern, Centre can rule them only through
Parliament should be restricted from passing the States.
a Bill on the concurrent list without getting the How are national schemes like national
concurrence of the states. If such concurrence highways being implemented? Only through
is not obtained from a State, the act must be the States, for Centre does not have people.
inapplicable to the state concerned. This factor
must be subjected to the wide discussion. Therefore, you have to keep in mind the fact
the Central Government is a legal postulate.
Again, any Bill passed under Section 31A and There are powers with the Centre. There are
31C by a state legislature must be exempted a lot of factors which point out that it is bad
from judicial review. This enlightened for unlimited powers to be concentrated with
audience must take the matter to the street the Centre.
corners through discussion and issue of
booklets. This is food for thought for all of you.

30 The Modern Rationalist

September 2017
Dr. Deepak Pawar
Department of Civics and Politics,
University of Mumbai, Maharashtra

The following is the excerpts from the speech delivered by

Dr. Deepak Pawar, Maharashtra at the Conference to condemn the
imposition of Hindi-Sanskrit, organized by Dravidar Kazhagam
on 25th August 2017 at Periyar Thidal, Chennai.

his conference is against the domination that it is an old language from where a number
of Hindi and Sanskrit. Tamil Nadu has of other languages develop. It was also suggested
a long history of the struggle for its that if we decide to have Sanskrit as the national
language and against the domination of Hindi language, people from the non Hindi belt will
This can be seen since the time of the have to learn the language afresh and in that
Constituent Assembly. case, learning Sanskrit would not be difficult.
Representatives of people all over India The suggestion was not accepted, but it was
discussed it thoroughly and finally a decided that while developing terminology for
compromise formula called Munshi - Iyengar science and technology an attempt would be
Formula was adopted. made to develop it through the help of Sanskrit
The demand of the Hindiwallahs that Hindi be as far as possible to ensure uniformity.
the national language was squarely rejected and Languages like Marathi took this quite literally
it had to be confined as the official language of and therefore the terminology developed here
the union. is considered to be alien to the Marathi soil to a
So India does not have a national language considerable level.
and if anybody tells something contrary to The message is clear.
this, remind them of the constituent assembly If you wish to develop your language in various
debate. walks of social life, do not depend on Sanskrit
During the debate, it was suggested that beyond a point.
Sanskrit be made the national language, so was In fact, look inwards to the various dialects of
Bangla. your language for the development.
The logic behind the suggestion of Sanskrit was This is natural and logical.
The Modern Rationalist
September 2017 31
Members of the parliament from all the Non Hindi
states have this responsibility to tell the parliament and
through it to the Indian states that the more they
try to push Hindi down the throat of the non Hindi
population, the more they would be paving the way for
Balkanization of this country.

Tamil Nadu state has seen anti-Hindi agitation Hindi -Hindu-Hindustan dispensation coming
in 1965 when the Government of India decided to power at the Centre.
to change the status quo and declared that The focus is on increasing the sphere of
Hindi will replace English. influence of Hindi and treating it as a global
I was in Chennai in 2015 when the golden language. No harm in doing this, if in the same
jubilee celebration of those agitations was breath they speak of the development of other
organized. We have come a long way from 1965. Indian languages. They are not doing it because
The department of official language under the they fear that linguistic diversity will destroy
Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India the unity and integrity of the country.
is supposed to look after the development and Let us set the record straight.
promotion of Hindi.
India is a multinational state with various
It is strange that the department is under the linguistic communities as nationalities. We
ministry of home affairs, because language is are actually united states of India. And we will
not a law and order question. remain united as long as the linguistic identity
Secondly, when Schedule VIII of the is not jeopardized.
Constitution has 22 languages and by the Having said this, let me say something about
report of the Sitakant Mahapatra committee, what we can proactively do for the development
more than 35 languages wanting to be in that of our language.
schedule, it would have been ideal to have a
The least one could do is to send your children
ministry for Indian languages looking after
to the mother tongue schools and provide best
Indian languages.
quality education to children in mother tongue.
In the absence of such a fair and inclusive
We must have a full fledged department of the
approach, the union government thinks that its
official language in every state of the country
only constitutional responsibility is promotion
with adequate skilled manpower and funds.
of Hindi.
It is only then that we can develop a constructive,
Members of the parliament from all the Non
deadline based agenda. We have to ensure that
Hindi states have this responsibility to tell the
we can talk directly with each other without
parliament and through it to the Indian states
the barrier of an interpretation by the third
that the more they try to push Hindi down the
language. Let us use all our energies for this
throat of the non Hindi population, the more
cherished goal.
they would be paving the way for Balkanization
of this country. I hope that this conference will pave the way for
concrete language planning agenda in Tamil
The focus on Hindi has increased after the
Nadu duly followed by other states.

32 The Modern Rationalist

September 2017
Periyar Self-Respect Movement is a compilation
of resolutions, articles and excerpts connected
with the First Madras Provincial Self-Respect
Conference, 1929, excellently documented in
Revolt an English weekly published by Periyar.
It appropriately opens with Periyars address,
wherein Periyar asserts with his characteristic
forthrightness that social reform as it is talked
about would be of little use to the society which
has degenerated into an abyss, in a system which
nurtures evil in the name of god and religion. He
cites a number of reformists who appeared on the
scene throughout history and achieved very little
despite their best intention and dedicated work.
Periyar is emphatic that to succeed under the
circumstances the paramount duty of the social Periyar Self-Respect Movement
reformers is to abolish and destroy the religion compiled by Dr. K.Veeramani
which have caused the downfall of man. The Periyars Self-Respect Propaganda
The draft constitution of the Self-Respect League Institution, Periyar Thidal, 50, E.V.K. Sampath
(as it was called in the beginning) says that one Road, Vepery, Chennai-600 007.
who becomes a member thereof should not hold Pages : 80 Rs. 100/-
or exercise religious, social or political privileges
attached to birth, and he should not be a priest law, godmade as well as manmade, at affording
not born in a priestly community. the freest and fullest scope for self development to
The write up on Work Ahead presents an one and all .. at creating a sense of oneness so
exhaustive and demanding agenda which, if that all may share alike in the joys and sorrows,
implemented, would bring about appreciable and be animated by the ideals and hopes of the
transformation in the social, political and nation.
economical texture of the country. In his analytical and comprehensive inaugural
P.T.Rajan, who unfurled the flag of the conference, address, Dr.Subbarayan lists out all the social ills
after enumerating the evils of the existing social the Movement has sworn to fight and makes out a
system, assures that the Self-Respect Movement convincing case that as long as those ills continue
aims at giving equal opportunities to all, at there will not be true democracy wherein total
making men and women all equal in the eye of equality will take root. He is also happy that the
The Modern Rationalist
September 2017 33
Following the epoch making Chinglepet Self-Respect
Conference, Justice, the official organ of the Justice
Party, while mostly praising the resolutions, had also
expressed its dissent on some of them. The Revolt
had taken the trouble to give proper replies to the
dissentions, giving ample information.

Self-Respect League has been properly organized rather guarded in their approach to social
with a constitution and regular meetings. problems.
W.P.A. Soundarapandian, President of the An article in the Sunday Times weekly, titled
Conference, points out that ancient Tamil Society Self-Respect Movement Will and Must
was free from such ignominious blots like caste Triumph, has been reproduced. The article
distinction and religious dissentions and were brings out the shameful way in which Brahmins
leading a life of utter simplicity resulting in true chose to treat Non-Brahmins at dinner time, by
happiness. He then lashes out at the Aryans and making the latter wait for them to finish their
the Northern whose banal customs vivisected the meal, even when they were invited guests. This
Dravidian Society while making them willing and has happened even in Congress Conferences.
complying slaves. There is a well documented article on temple
He concludes his address with this inspiring call. entry by K.M.Balasubramaniam. An article
We are living in stirring times. Tremendous by Viswanath emphasizes birth control. Dr. S.
changes are taking place all around us in the Muthulakshmi Reddy has advocated the need
world today. Let us take advantage of the world for raising the marriageable age of girls through
forces functioning for progress and let us advance legislation in a heart rending article. And T.S.
to the first place in the vanguard of nations. Kunjitham has lamented the position of Indian
women who are not given even freedom to
The resolutions are epoch making and
breathe fresh air.
comprehensive. They touch every aspect of
social and political life besides ensuring equality The compilation fittingly concludes with a
and protecting human rights without any speech delivered by Justice Govindan (Retired),
reservation. That the party has given such in- General Secretary of SNDP Yogam who unveiled
depth consideration to every aspect of social life a portrait of Periyar at Kottayam in July 1929,
as early as 1929 when concepts like democracy and paid rich tributes to Periyar with whom he
and equality had not been fully grasped by a vast had been acquainted during the historic Vaikom
majority of people, even intelligentsia, is indicative Satyagraha of which Periyar was the life and
of the wide sweep of Periyars thinking which has soul.
been successfully passed on to his comrades- Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani, President, Dravidar
in-arms. There is a concerted attempt to free Kazhagam, who has brought out the book
the society from the stranglehold of religion deserves a word of praise for the care and
and priestcraft on one side and from the vicious dedication with which he has chosen the
The Modern Rationalist

traditions and superstitions on the other.

Periyars starting of the Self-Respect Movement This book is a must for everyone who is interested
September 2017

signified his partying ways from the Justice Party of in the uplift of the society and the progress of
which he was a frontliner for years. Unfortunately, humankind.
most of the leaders were conservative and were -Leslie Amarson

34 34 September 2017
The Modern Rationalist
Printed, published and edited by Dr. K. VEERAMANI, M.A.,B.L., on behalf of The Periyar Self-Respect Propaganda Institution,
Published from Periyar Thidal, No.84/1, EVK Sampath Salai, Vepery, Chennai-600 007 and printed at Viduthalai Offset Printers,
Periyar Thidal, No.84/1, EVK Sampath Salai, Vepery, Chennai-600 007.
n those days, in our country, there were so well known outside. These parents, after
institutes in the name of orphanages by the having been exploited completely, have no
Government or the private Trust.Agencies other choice than seeking the asylums.
were run to take care of the deserted children.
Whom shall we blame? It is not enough to
But nowadays, when illiteracy is reduced much
show sympathy for such old people who are
and education has increased so much resulting
so skilfully exploited even the pittance of their
in a lot more earning and money in our hands,
old age pension so crafty taken away in the
we face a strange contradictory situation in
robbery, that turns these hapless ones into
our country. It has become very necessary
beggars in a day, but they need empathy. Can
to start- old age asylums which have increased
there be a greater duty for us than this? For
now to look after and protect the deserted,
many day they have lived as friends with us,
humiliated and those at the very end of their
now pining in great pain for redressal? We
lives yearning for support and care both men
should find sufficient means of solace, just as
and women.
we would console children in distress in terms
In the joint families, the children come up in of specific action. Mere sympathy is not
life, utilizing their sacrifice and hard work.Then, enough. With rational thinking, there is nothing
once they are stabilised, they care a hoot for that is impossible. Everything is possible. We
the aging parents ill treating them, humiliating must take all efforts to get at the toy that
them and abusing them with no conscience offers them comforts and hope and give it to
what so ever. On hearing such sad tales, tears them to really alleviate their pain. Find out
roll down our eyes. This story has become, their addresses at once, my dear Friends and
not a rare one but a common occurrence. A start at once your remedial work for such
human birth has become no more a rare persons. Service should transcend ones own
blessing! We have to revise the old saying as, wife and children and should be extended to
it is rare to be born with gratitude to parents. all those who need. Can we not feed the living
In many of our families known to us, the human beings? The energy pills of love and
children these days employ very scientific care will surely enthuse them to live happily.
The Modern Rationalist

methods to torture the unwanted parents in Relationship does not end with our kith and
September 2017

such a way that the parents themselves opt kin, but it is in heart, available throughout the
out, not being able to bear the inflictions not world.

Translated by : Prof. S.F.N.Chelliah


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