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'AUTHOR __ ~->-"
Number 2

1 The present issue of Ancient India includes a paper to which special editorial
attention may be drawn It relates to a site known as *Ankamedu\ near Pondicherry
on the tropical Coromandel coast, where local French antiquaries have been digging
intermittently in recent years, and where, by generous permission of the French authorities,
the Archaeological Survey of India conducted a short but intensive excavation in the
burning months of April, May and June, 1945 The results of that excavation are of a
potential importance out of all proportion to the extent of the work
2 To appreciate this importance, it is necessary to recall two things* first, the
remarkable extent of the archaeological material recovered during the past century in a
variety of wavs from a variety of pre-medieval sites in South India and secondly, our

abysmal ignorance of the context, cultural and chronological, of the greater part of the
material m question There have been a few industrious pioneers and collectors notably
Rea and Foote \vho have dug from time to time from an honest curiosity or as a mode of
collection But the value still attached to the collectors' catalogues (where catalogues
exist) is a measure no less of our lack of basic knowledge than of an invincible zest for it
For these catalogues, however well mtentioned, do not contain, save in the broadest and
vaguest sense, even the raw stuff of constructive science Their contribution to knowledge
a contribution for which a proper gratitude is due is restricted to the presentation of
disjected phenomena which they neither explain nor correlate It is matter for regret, not
for congratulation, that the Ankamedu excavation of 1945 was almost the first occasion
on which the normal principles of modern archaeological field-technique have been applied
m South India
3 North India has been better served Taxila, Mohenjo-daro, Harappa, Chanhu-
daro are all (or shortly will be) the subject of monographs wiuch record considered field-
work and research during the past thirty years Nothing of this sort is available for the
South And yet historical conjecture, both inside and outside India, has for many years
dwelt upon the possible significance of the 'Dravidians' of the South in the development of
Asiatic civilization of supposed links between them and the Sumenans, with the Brahui
of Baluchistan as an isolated memorial of former movement, one way or the other, between
South India and Western Asia To archaeologists the detailed resemblance of some of the
megahthic monuments of South India to others of Western Asia, North Africa and
Europe has long been an alluring and baffling problem alluring as presenting a possible
link in the early development of human thought am

_ round
the world , baffling because we still know less about * ^ m any
other country It is high time that tropical India ha< ,,

4 In this connection it may here be recorded v -^ em of

the megaliths of South India has now at last been tak DR B R AMBEDKAR OPEN UNIVERSE ogical
i "__._--

Survey An appointed for the specific duty of dealing with the prehistoric
officer, recently
monuments of India, has been given the primary task of investigating and classifying the
megaliths and urn-fields of the South, and has now been at work for several months with
substantial results which will be described here in due course The task is a long and
involved one, but, if earned to its conclusion, will undoubtedly succeed in producing at
least a considerable part of the missing information Meanwhile, in the present number
Mr. Srmi\asan approaches the problem from a study of the ancient Tamil literature bearing
on the subject
5 This brings us back to Arikamedu The special value of the site lies in the fact
that, m addition to being an Indian town and port, it was also a centre of trade with the
Graeco-Roman world, and the relics recovered from it include pottery and other objects
of known origin and date from the much-studied Mediterranean area The associated
Indian culture is thus dated with precision, and thereby achieves the distinction of being
the ancient Indian culture to be dated archaeological ly
first m the Indian peninsula In
effect the siteis culturally a 'bilingual' one, the unknown local culture is dated from the

known foreign culture, just as Egyptian hieroglyphs were partlv deciphered from the parallel
Greek version on the Rosetta stone, or Kharoshthl from the bilingual inscriptions on
the Indo-Bactnan coins It is not, of course, claimed that Ankamedu will in any sense
rival the far-reaching historical importance of the former of these analogues, but in its
way it will have a significance of a comparable kind For the first time it provides a firm
datum-line from which the classification of pre-medieval South Indian cultures can begin
Already sites in the Chitaldrug district of northern Mysore take the Ankamedu chronology
half-way across the peninsula, and incidentally hold out the possibility of stratigraphical
contacts with an adjacent megalith-culture, whilst these sites in turn link up with others
in the southern part of the Bombay Presidency, and so carry the chain of evidence from sea
to sea To J.he north-east, analogies noted at the famous site of AmaravatI bring a capital
city of the Andhra country within our compass It may be prophesied that future work,

planned methodically and executed with discrimination, will quickly establish the wide-
spread usefulness of the three months' digging carried out last year at Ankamedu
6 Another article in this number provides the context for a series of new photographs
of an early medieval sculpture which is familiar to all students of Indian art and iconography
but is peculiarly difficult to illustratem a fashion worthy of its high distinction Set
deeply in their niche within the great cave-temple of Elephanta Island, the gigantic rock-
hewn heads of the triple Siva impend upon the spectator in the dim glow of oil-lamps or in
unalleviated gloom brooding and awesome m a twilight of the gods
, Even the experienced
skill of Dr Kramrisch and Mr Neogy have scarcely succeeded nor would they claim to
have done so in subduing the mechanism of the camera to the mystery of the scene but ,

they have wrought with more success than their predecessors, and their photographs are
the best yet published of this elusive theme Furthermore, the opportunity is taken by
Dr Kramrisch to re-study the iconography of the group
7 For the rest, space has been given to the reproduction of a recent address on the
scientific aspects of modern archaeology At a time when scientific development has become
almost a synonym for 'progress' in the
planning of India's future, it is worth proclaiming
that the study of Man himself is not without its needs in this category Indeed, the old
platitude of the indivisibility of Past, Present and Future has been brought home afresh
m recent years by the scientific investigation of phenomena such as food -plants or blood-
groups studies which are now almost as germane to Archaeology as to Agriculture, Health
or Post-war Planning The modern requirements of archaeology do not of course end
there To-day, dynastic history and legend, language, epigraphy and numismatics, no
longer monopolize the investigation of the human past Vast ages vital m
the development
of the cultures and civilizations of India exclude all these studies Let us not forget the
traditional curriculum, but let us constantly remember the need for enlarging its scope,
for enquiring into the material things climate, geography, the changing courses of rivers,
rocks and their minerals, the soils of varying fertility which have shaped the destiny of
Man and must be understood if we are to understand him Archaeology in India is blest
with a wealth and variety of material unsurpassed elsewhere m the world With a proper
effort,it can rival that of any other country But a primary need is an enlargement of
outlook, a fuller comprehension of the natural sciences as ancillanes to humanistic research
a more sustained urge on the part of our students of archaeology and history to supplement
the study of the great literature which they have inherited by exploring, at first hand, the
Good Earth which is India and is a heritage no less relevant to their enquiry


The great rock-cut Siva temple on Elephanta Island is one of the best-known monuments
of itskind in India, by reason partly of the grandeur of its sculptures and partly oj its
proximity to Bombay Nevertheless the colossal carving of triple-headed Siva which looms
out of the rock in the innermost recess of the cave has never been adequately illustrated
The dim, unemphatic light which gives it an added quality of power ana mystery does not
facilitate the task of the photographer Recently, however, Mr Pnthwish Neogy, one of
Professor Stella Kramrisch's pupils in the University of Calcutta, experimented with sun-
reflectors and artificial light and supervised the taking of a number of new photographs, some
of which are here reproduced (pis I-VII)
The triune head which, with its shoulders, rises to a height of 17 feet 10 inches above a
moulded base, itself nearly 3 feet high, faces the principal (northern) entrance of the temple
at the end of a double row of seven pillars This vista in fact cuts across the major structural
axis, which lies east and west, with the hnga-shnne standing free within the western end (fig 7)
Nevertheless the huge Siva panel is the focus of the whole design Like the doorways
of the shrineitself, it is guarded by d\drapdlas or doorkeepers, each some 13 feet high Behind,
two pilasters flank a recess 10% feet deep, within which the heads emerge cliff-like from
the native rock In the highest relief, they have at the same time a proper attachment to
their material environment and something of the independence and imminent mobility of
sculpture in the round
This is not the conte\t in which to discuss the plan of the temple or the features of the
other sculptures which adorn it Suffice it to say that, though not dated bv inscription,
the type of column used, with amid capital and circular fluted shaft springing from a rectangular
pier, is of a kind which was in use at Bdddmi in the latter part of the sixth century A D
was still in use at Ellora two centuries later On this evidence the cave is ascribed to the
seventh or eighth century A D The more subjective evidence of sculptural stvle may be
thought to point to the earlier of the two centuries Certainly the bold and vital handling
of mass is consistent with the age which, alike in the south and the north of India, saw the
first complete fulfilment of medieval art
The image is that of Siva in the form of Mahesa, the Great Lord In the following article,
Dr Kramnsch re-interprets the iconography of the work

great sculpture of Mahadeva is an image of the fully manifest Supreme Siva In

the middle
The breadth
is the face of
Tatpurusha, the faces of Aghora and Vamadeva are collateral
of the shoulders belongs to the central face , the chest, showing but the
slightest modelling, is smooth and young It is as if breathing and holding the breath,
as is shown by the ebbing curves of the necklace laid on its raised surface It is hemmed
m on the right and the left by the hands , the right hand is raised it is damaged the left,

rests on the base and holds a ripe fruit with its point up The shoulders are also those
of the lateral faces These are turned against them, and it is on their backs that their
hands come to rest The one on the spectator's left, belonging to the wrathful face, has
a serpent rearing its head from between its fingers, while the one on the right, belonging
to the blissful face, holds a lotus flower and is delicately poised on the shoulder Thus
beset with emblems and hands, their fingers pointing upwards in the middle of the bust,

closing m
where they rest upon the shoulders, the broad body fills the width of the recess
like an altar beset with offerings
The middle boldly projecting, the frontal image surges upwards straight and strong
as a pillar, with silence on its face and radiance on its crown The heads on the and right
the repeat the ascent of the central pillar, clinging to it collaterally with their high

curving crowns, and forming with it the outline of a strong triple arch which firmly binds
together the outline of the triple image





The three faces are each steeped in its own mood, a closed world, each silent, unseeing,
each turned away from the other, but each
blossoming in generous curves round the stem
whence they originate and derive their stability They are carved in wideJv sweeping
surfaces which bind the crowned triune head in
depth just as the triple 'arch' binds it
vertically Hands and flowers, hair and jewels are laid against the smoothness
of face and body Each face has its own physiognomy, each crown correspondingly its
own ornaments, the hands their respective symbols, but they are upheld and comprised
by the power and unity of the total image

The Vishnudharmottara speaks of the five faces of &va (&ambhor=vadana~panchakarri)

They are Isana, Tatpurusha, Aghora, Vamadeva, Sadyojata They face the four directions ,

the first face, the highest, is not carved, as a rule, on those images which are known as
pancha-mukha-hnga* the five-faced sign or symbol Pancha-mukha-hngas have four faces,
in the four directions, they are carved against the central linga pillar whose rounded top
surmounts them * Although four faces only are generally carved, they too need not all be
visible three, two or one face only is required to be shown if the innermost sanctuary in

which stands the linga has four, three, two or one door respectively '

The names of the five faces are those of the five mantra :, Sadyojata, etc Mantras 1

are rhythmical formulae, they evoke a supernatural presence, each mantra conjures up a
corresponding vision of that supernatural presence The rhythmic spell compels and
constitutesits 'body' Thus it is said of Siva, the Supreme Spirit (Paramdtman), that his
body is mantra (\idvd) It is made visible in the shape of a sign (linga) The linga is
composed of mantras and is to be regarded as the body of Siva, the place where he is present.
Four of these mantras occupy the four regions of the manifested world and the fifth, Isana
lies beyond them, in the central direction From there, it is at the same time everywhere,
a subtle luminous presence It condenses into a celestial light (divva-hnga) equivalent to
the vibrations released by the recitation of the respective mantras The di\ \a-hnga, which
is Tatpurusha, forms the central 'root pillar' (mula-\tambha) of celestial light, Vamadesa
however is the hnga, installed and consecrated on its base In the 'root pillar everything
has its origin and finally ends in it Thus, it is said, it was called the linga By the
evocative power of the mantras, Siva is realized throughout the universe, the universe is
His body (sarira)* , this body is of pure Energy (saktika <arira), containing all the elements,
itself the primordial substance (pradhana) of the moving universe
The 'body of Siva the sign (linga) of Him who pervades the universe, faces all directions,
is given a face m every direction, the faces are summed up and represented at the cardinal
points and in the Each face conveys a particular aspect of Siva, and its
fifth direction
physiognomy nature Certain signs also of identification are laid down in
indicates its
the texts, Tatpurusha holds the matulunga or bijapuraka, a citron, one hand, and a m
rosary (akshamala) in the other The bijapuraka is full of the atoms of the seeds ol this

I&ina is the first 'form' m the hierarchy of manifestation of the Supreme Si\a Fatpurusha is next and is
followed by \ghora, Vamadeva and Sadyojata, they arc thus also likened to the elements of which the universe
consists, the first
being ether, invisible and everywhere, the others are air, hre, vsater and earth (\i\hnu-
dharmottara, III, xlvm, 1-3)
2 The It was
pancha-mukha-ltnga from the Si\a temple at Nachna-kuthara is the most perfect of as kind
carved in the later Gupta age
Rupamana'ana, IV 94 T A Gopmatha Rao, Elements of Hindu Iconography II (Madras, 1914), 97
A fhaturmukha, etc linga may however also be placed in a shrine with one door only

The five mantra* are given in the Taitnrtya Aranyaka, X, 4V-47

tidnasna-gurudeva-paddhatt, III, v, 1

Cf G
Rao, op cit , p 366
Suprabhedagama G Rao, op cit
Vishnudharmotiara (referred to as V Dh below), III, xlvm, 20
Isanaiiva-gurudeva-paddhati (referred to as IP below), III, xn, 35, Rupamanfana, IV, 12-11 The dhyana-
slokav m
the various texts are not identical in detail There are as many, jf not necessarily the same, variations
there as m
the images The vision held by signs and words is the same different ages and different schools
see it under particular modifications The Vishnudharmottara, III, xlvm, 9, assigns to the face in front
(Mahadeva) the rosary and the water- vessel (kamantfalu) instead of the citron (matulunga or bijapuraka)
To face page 6 PLATE I

The Mahad*. \a oj Elephant a Island

PLATE ft To face Plate III
To face Plate II PLATE HI

\liihadc\a of h.k phuuru Inland

(Scale ot Uci)
PLATE IV To face Plate V

The MaluuU MI of I hphanta / \lnnJ

Jo fate r/tttc /I PLATE V

7/a \ftilul(U\ti of niephatitti I^hnhl Taiputmha

(Scale ot Ivcl)
PLATE VI To fm c Plate \ II

\lahadt\a of hlephunta \\tathjul

To face Plate VI PLATE VII

The \1uhath\tiolEItphantal\lanti I Aniadeiti tin

(Scale ol teet)
universe , the rosary is a symbol of the re-mtegration of this world
In his crown of
matted locks Tatpurusha wears the crescent of the moon ; it is its sixteenth digit (ama-kala\
symbol of perfectedness and the power of the Lord (aitvaryd)
Aghora is fierce, terrific,
like Time (Kdla) itself, serpent and skull belong to him Vamadeva is handsome, he is
'woman's delight' B
The Vnhnudharmottara, moreover, knows the five faces of Siva under a double set of
names The first series, Hana, Tatpurusha, Aghora, Vamadeva and Sadyojata, belongs to
the Supreme Siva in his mental 'body of mantras* they are the faces of the five-faced ,

The second set of names is SadaSiva, Mahadeva, Bhairava, Uma and Nandm *
the face in the middle is that of Tatpurusha-Mahadeva , Aghora-Bhairava is on the one
side and Vamadeva or Uma on the other The latter face, which is that of the Beauteous
God (Vamadeva), is also that of the Goddess Uma, who is Siva's Sakti, inseparably part of
his nature
The second set of names denotes the faces of the Supreme Siva, fully manifest he is the ,

'Great Lord \ Mahesa 7

Thus was carved the image of Mahadeva in Elephanta It is symbol and image,

hn%a and murti, in one, the concrete form of the Supreme Siva, fully manifest Around
this image, in separate panels, are carved his lila-miirtis, the various forms and actions in
which is displayed his divinity But the image of Mahadeva dominates the whole assemblage
It is the concrete form of Siva whose linga is worshipped in the adjacent shrine The
plan of the rock-cut temple and not only the disposition of the iTla-murtn was thus adjust-
ed to the image, the entire hall is laid out in front of it in its deep recess The stage is set for
that form (riipa) of His who is beyond form, and who pervades the universe, \\hich thus
is His visible body
The central pillar, the mulastamhha, rises with the face of Tatpurusha His matted
hair forms his cylindrical crown It is clasped by a diadem of wide curves clear cut The
serpentine locks, the splendour of the jewel crests which has its symbol in the leonine Face
of Glory (kirtnmukha) in front, the crescent moon on its right, the tender, folded awka
leaves of early spring, and their full flower-cups all this precious, delicately caned, inti-

mately agitated coiffure, full of meaning, closely adheres to the shape of the central pillar
and none of its subtle detail is allowed to caress the august serenity of the face The nm
of the diadem with its wide curves tightly fits its planes, no curl transgresses nothing
disturbs its silence The long curves of the ears are set against locks, a closely \vo\en crop
that frames each of the lateral faces, capricious, viciously encircled, tumescent serpentine
on Aghora-Bhairava's face, with drooping elegance they touch the cheek of the face
on the right Within their symmetry, each of these two crowns is truly a part of the nature
of that god whose face bears his name and whose hands hold his insignia Obstinate and
coagulate, skull-adorned, the crown of Aghora-Bhairava ascends, then slopes back in a

V Dh, III, xlviii, 12
2 V Dh , III, xlvi For its resorption by Time (K&la), VQchaspat)a t s v
1 V Dh , III, xlvin, 17
4 IP TIF, xii, 36-17 RUpamanfrna,
, , IV, 5-12
6 IP III, xii, 18, strtMlOsa
8 V Dh TIT, xlviii, 4-6

7 He is the the um\erse and its primordial substance (prakritt)

immanent and primordial cause of
The V Dh , Mahes"vara is white, as white as prakfin
ITT, xlviii, 19, says that The image of MaheSvara
(Mahadeva) must originally have been painted white

steep angle , whereas, above its diadem, the crown of Uma, on the right, is joined in one
ripe roundness to the firm pillar of Tatpurusha's crown
The wrathful aspect of Aghora or Bhairava, his face bulging with the curves of frenzied
life, his moustache like lightning flashing across the full lips, small and young, wrapt in its

bliss, the face of Uma, yet related by a structure of interlaced curving planes ,
deeply silent,
the triune head holds its mystery, vital and deathly on the left, knowing and blissful on the
right, and free of any attribute in the face of the middle Ponderous yet weightless lips,
relaxed in meditation, are the bar, the closed door, whereby the initiate and perfected alone
may pass, and enter the state of Siva


Reference ha? been made above (p /) to the current suney of the megahthic monuments
of South India; and of the urn-fields which appear to be in part contemporary with them
These memorials of 'non- Aryan India (as it would appear} are of more than local interest
In other part? of Asia, in Africa and in Europe are megahthic structures closelv similar to
some of those of the Indian peninsula, and the possibility of an integral unity of ideas and
expression over a large part of the earth's surface from 2,000 to 4 000 years ago lends to the
enquiry an unusual potential importance At present, however, \\e know very little about
the Indian monuments of this class, and, pending the results of field work, information from
anv source, however indeterminate, is worthy of consideration An Assistant Superintendent
in the Archaeological Survey of India who was formerly Curator of the Museum ofPuduk-
kottai State, \\here megaliths are particularly numerous, here draws certain general
conclusions from the evidence of Tamil literature and tradition

an extensive literature has grown up about the numerous megahthic burials

India, we are as yet nowhere near an accurate knowledge of their date or of the
various cultural phases which they seem to represent Their correct interpretation
still awaits the spade of the scientific archaeologist Meanwhile it is useful to know some-
thing of the local traditions about them, and of the references to them in the literature and
inscriptions of the Tamil country where they occur in such profusion,- and where a rich
heritage of literature is extant, ranking in antiquity next only to Sanskrit In the present
paper are collected a number of references traditional, literary and epigraphical which
are difficult of access to scholars not acquainted with the Tamil language and literature

Tradition and epigraphy

Megahthic sites arc locally called kuranguppattadai, which has sometimes been taken
to mean workshop of the monkeys* and associated with a legend relating to the monkey
hordes followed Rama
that A Pandya inscription of the thirteenth century from
Narttamalai,' relating to the endowment to the temple of lands in Taymippatti, on the
other side of the hills, describes an area included within the boundaries a burial site
as 'strewn with large stones and containing kurakkuppadai* Thus the modern name
kuranguppattadai is a corruption of the old name kurakkuppadai or kurakkuppanadai
which means a sepulture or tomb lowered into the earth" This can only refer to the
stone cists 4 The name kalkuttu sometimes given in old revenue registers to these sites

Part ot a paper entitled Indian Megaliths vuth spcoil reference to Pudukkottai read before the
Anthropology and Archaeology Section ol the ^Ist Indian Science Congress, Delhi. 1944
8 The results of the author's
survey of these sites in Pudukkottai State alone (1,178 sq miles)
ha\e shown
that there are more than 80 \illages containing more than 150 groups of these ancient burials in all their variety
There arc at least as many in each of the other districts ot the peninsula awaiting systematic survey
Inscriptions (Texts) of the Pudukkottai State (State Press Pudukkottai, 1929), No 325, p
* 197
4 Kurakku means
'to lower or bury*, pafai may mean a bed on which one rests, the original connotation
of the Sanskrit word smatSna which according to Yaska is a couch of stone (asnta-sa\ana) Patfai is

is clear, meaning places where stones are planted or pitched Since the sites contain
pottery urns, they are also described by the local people as places with madamadakkaitak,
which is a corruption of tnudumakkal-tah, meaning the urns or receptacles (tali) in which
the ancients or ancestors are buried This is the name found in early Tamil works from the
third century B C to the twelfth century AD
The other synonyms found in these are
mudu-makkat-cadi (cadi or y<//-jar) imattali (funerary urn or receptacle) or simply tali
The name tali itself, indicating a large receptacle for burial, is evidently derived from
tal which means 'to lower into the earth' or to bury', and the original sense in which it is
used is of a vessel that is buried An early inscription from Tirukkattalai, near Kalasakkadu
where these urns are in plenty, denotes a certain land as andarat tali punt e\ dry land

with buried funerary urns The stone circles are called karkidai (kidai* circle, of kaL stone)
in a Tanjore inscription which mentions them along with the burning-grounds of the
Vellalar and Parai\ar in the village, and this is noticed by Mr K V Subrahmanya Aiyar

The oldest extant Tamil work, Tolkdppnam (For 60). has nac/ukallhe stone planted over
the grave, the 'menhir' The name pandavakkuji prevalent in some other Tamil districts
may be a corruption of mandavar-kuli the burial-pit of the dead, or of bhandakkuli the
pit in which the pots (bhanda, in Tamil pandam) are buried Or it may be a corruption of
palndavakkuli the burial oi those who performed useless penance, as one of the beliefs
in later times was that the Ajivakas or Jamas, whose penance was 'useless' in the eyes of
the followers of the Vedic religion were buried m such pots The Todd name ularam
means in Tamil the buridl circle (al-aram) The Kdnnadd ndme mornar-nume is difficult
to explain Sewell notices the Telugu names Rak\ha\a gullu or gdli the graves of the
Rdkshasas and derives the name of Goli village from this
Before we proceed to examine the literary references, it is of interest to mention a
few facts about the word tali of the early Tamil inscriptions In the inscriptions of the
early period, ranging from the seventh to eleventh century, when the Pallavas and Colas
ruled the Tamil country and excavated and built stone temples the term tali always
denotes the sanctum of the stone temples Prior to this we ha\e literary and mscnptional
evidences to show that temples were built of brick mortar and timber which perished
The natural caverns in the hills, v\ith drip-ledges, beds and inscriptions, are the earliest
monuments extant These religious resorts were not called tali but pajji or aman-pdli
(Jama cave resorts) since they were mostly associated with the Jama ascetics An early
inscription (ninth century AD) referring to the excavation of a rock-cut shrine, which is
called tali, is published in Inscr of Pudukkottai State, No 18 The chief, who excavated
this Siva cave temple, says that 'having excavated the Tiruvalattur hill m the jorm of a tali,
he installed the god m it' The expression *m the form of a tali' is significant It evidently

probably a derivation from padu, to sleep or die In early Tamil inscriptions of the ninth to tenth centuries the
word is used in the same sense in pulhpptujiui, by which name shrines built over the graves of the C6}a kings are
referred to Patfai also means the whole or part of the strueture or cdifiee buried or overground, patfatfui is
used in the sense padu, lay to rest, or paffu, to die, and atfai (atjakkam or atfakkudal), burial
Ibid, No 18, p 18

South Indian Inscriptions, Archaeological Sur\ey of India, II (1891) Part 1, No 5, p 54


K V S Aiyar, Historical Sketches of the Ancient Dekkhan (\9\7), p 359


4 R
Sewell, List of Antiquarian Remains in the Presidency of Madras (Madras, 1 882), I, Topographical List,
57-58 and 60
Sec my paper 'A note on Ta)i\ Archaeological Society ofS India, Madras, July 1944

M^rali western temple ki["tali
, eastern temple vatfa-tafi - northern temple karrajt (kal-taji)
a temple built of stones, etc


denotes that the structure, a cell, was fashioned m

the form of a pre-existing type called
tali or a rock-excavation This does not occur m
&angam Tamil In our quest of the
origin of this term, our attention is naturally drawn to the rock-cut tombs of Malabar,
which happen to be the only rock-cut monuments prior to these early cave temples in the
South The most famous among them is in Tah-paramba, which is the Malayalam equi-
valent of the Tamil term tali-parambu. and means in both cases 'the hill containing tali
or rock-cut cells' Thus we seem to get here what the term tali originally meant, and the
force of the expression "in the form of a talC in the inscription quoted above becomes clear
Incidentally we have got here the local Tamil or pre-Tamil name for this type of funerary
monument, which is peculiar to the softer latente hills of the west coast

Early literature
The earliest extant works are of the 'Sangam epoch', which was the Augustan age of
Tamil literature They are mainly collections of anthologies of different poets, and the
two epics, Mammckhalat and Silappadikaram, arc said to belong to the close of the period,
or to a period slightlv later The poems of the Sangam age are realistic and prnna facie
trustworthy, they portray a civilization with advanced customs and manners, and relate
anecdotes of the kings their wars and their patronage of literary men The most widely
accepted date for this literature is the first three centuries of the Christian era, though some
of the works or the literary tradition embodied in them may well go back to a century or
two before Christ The sheet-anchor for this chronology is the synchronism of the
Stf/Jtf<//H Cera king Senguttu\an with Gajabahu of Ceylon who according to the

\1ahd\am\a ruled between 13 and 135 A D or 173 and 195 A D


There is perfect concord between the data relating to the Tamil kings and the life of
the Tamils as depicted m the Sangam anthologies on one side and the writings of the classical
authors of the early centuries of the Christian era (notably the compiler of the Periplus
and Ptolemy and the finds of Roman coins of the early Imperial period on the other
) The
earliest stratum of Tamil literature shows the influence of the growing religions of the
North and the date of this active penetration of Brahmamcal, Buddhist and lama religions
into the South may well be placed in the last three centuries before Christ We ha\e Jama
caverns of this date m the Tamil country, literary and other eudences of Buddhistic migration
to the South and Cevlon, and notices of South India and her trade in the 4rthaw\tra of

Kautilya and the Indika of Megasthenes Thus we may take it that what the Sangam
literature portravs is the culture which existed in the extreme South between the third
century B C and the third century A D
The Purananuru* an anthology of 400 verses by different poets composed in different
periods of the early Sangam age, has many references to the burial-ground and to urn-
burials and a few to cremation The general term used for the grave is kadu or pwangadu
which means a waste-land set apart for burial in the wilds near the village It is also called

mudukadu or mudiir which means the place for the ancients or old men after death -
The term mudukaa'u has persisted m later works such as the Tc\aram (7731) and Nalvah
and a Pudukkottai inscription, dated 1237 A D \ refers to the ancestors of the signatories
as mudukkal

See K A N Sastn, The Cofa*. I, 68-70, The P&nfaan Kingdom, pp 16-24 and V R R Dikshitar,
/t s Tamil Lit and Histor\, pp 7^-74
Purum, verses 228, 256, Mammfthalai, VII, line 6^, Pufam, \crsc 156
Op cit No 317


It is only later that one finds differentiating names itfukdfa 'burial-ground',

the two
and tudukadu, 'cremation-ground' In some places the term imam or lmakk&(]iu is also
used* where Imam refers to funeral rituals Later commentators on Tamil works invariably
explain all these terms as the 'burning-ground' They were influenced by contemporary
practices, whereas many of the contexts clearly show that /</wAJ</ alone is meant The
puram gives word-pictures of the grave-yard in many contexts, and all these verses may be

summarized as follows
The grave-yard (kadu\ the place of the ancients, on the outskirts of the town or on
the skirts of the hilly ground, an expanse of brackish or alkaline soil overgrown with the
tree-spurge (Euphorbia antiquontm or kalh) and other xerophytes and many thorny shrubs,
full of buried urns, where, even during da>time, the owl from its hole m
the old tree hoots,
where the red-eared' cock and the paginal bird sit without fear on the conical heap (of
stones) above the hds inverted over the burial-urns, where the vulture descends on its many
foot-paths which cross each other and the strong-billed crow flies as it likes, v\here the
carnon-eatmg jackals abound and the hordes of demons \\ith their teeth defiled by carrion,
grasp the carcases of the dead and eat the white flesh till their mouths reek of the odour,
and where he strewn fragments of white bones and numerous stones concealed by the over-

growth of jungle
Asregards the actual methods of the disposal of the dead there are many references to
burial and some to cremation The epic Mammekhalai* which belongs to the last period
of the Sangam epoch, summarizes the customs, contemporary and traditional, as
&uduvdr-idu\ or-todu kulippaduppdr
Talvayinadaippor-tahyirkavippor (Ch 6,11,66-67)
The context of these lines is the description of the great grave->ard of the famous
Cola capital, Puhar or Kavinppumpattinam It was a cosmopolitan city in the early

centuries of the Christian era, when in the Tamil country the Vedic, Jama, Buddhist and
other cults had more or less taken root These two lines enumerate the different sets of
people who came there for disposing of the dead, wz those who cremated (suduvor). those
who cast away or exposed the dead to the elements or animals (iduvor), those \*ho laid the
body in pits which they dug into the ground (todu-kuli-paduppor)* those who interred the
dead body in subterranean cellars or vaults (tal~va\m-adaippor), and those who placed the
body inside a burial-urn and inverted a lid over it (tdjiyir-kavippdr) The first two methods
hardly need any explanation The third method refers to inhumation, the fourth refers
to vaults or cellars (vaym) let into the ground (/J/), e stone cists and the like, in which

the body or the remains of cremation are interred and the last method, which is brief

and descriptive, refers to the placing of the body (or the remains of cremation) into burial
urns (tali), the mouth of which was covered by inverting a lid (kavi) This is actually what
one finds in the case of urn-burials, which represent by far the most dominant custom as
described in the earlier Sangam works the Narnnai, Padirruppattu and Purananuru
The poet Paranar describes the mental condition of a distracted mother whose daughter
has run away with her lover The mother prefers death to a life exposed to the scandal of
the neighbours and apostrophizes the God of Death as follows
Mayirum-tah-ka vippa-t
Tannru-ka]ika-\er-koM-k-kurre (Narnnai, 271, lines 11-12)

Puram 225, lines 7-8, 218, lines -5, 240, lines 7-9, 244, line 1, 217, line 13, 356, lines 1-4, 359, lines 1-8,

360, lines 15-16, 162, lines 12-21 , 361, line 10, 364, lines 10-13


'Oh powerless Lord of Death, that cannot take away my life so that my body may be
entombed and covered m a big dark urn

The Padirruppattu collection has a verse which describes in one context that the grave-
yard (kadu), where lay the burial- urn (tali) that entombed the king, was the vast expanse
below the vanm (Prosopis spicigera) tree'
Mannar-mafaitta tali
Vanm-manrattU'Vi(angiya-kddc (Padir, 44, lines 22-23 )

This shows both the custom of urn-burial and the manner in which the royal funerals were
performed in those times
On the death of the Cola king Killi Valavan, who died in Kulamurram, the poet Aiyur
Mudavanar addresses the potter who has to make the urn for his burul and pities his plight
as follows


Kodi-nudangu- \ anai-nedu-ma-valavan
Vanaidal- \e\iana\yav\n-enai\ adu-um
Wannaka-vanaidal-ollumo-mnakke (Puram, 228, lines 1-15 )

'Oh potter who makest pots for the burial-ground, sending up such a volume of smoke
from >our kiln that it rises up as a great cloud, gathering as if all the darkness of the world
had concentrated in one spot Oh potter' I wonder what you will do now Your plight
is pitiable The great scion of the line of the &embi>ar (Colas), whose armies are dis-
tributed over the wide expanse of the earth who is praised b\ the learned and is comparable
to the Sun with his far-reaching rays, that great and powerful Valavan (Cola king) whose
elephants carry his unfurled banner waving in the air, has reached the vsorld of gods You
need make a large wide-mouthed urn for entombing such an exalted monarch Could
you do less than use the great earth as your wheel and the great mountain as the clod of

Peruncattanar, another poet, feels that he should not survive his patron Velunan,
and sings


(Puram, 238, lines 1-5 )
'He has reached the burial-ground where the 'red-eared' cock and the poquval sit on the
heap (of stones) outside the lid that covered the red burial urn, the strong-billed crow in
company with the owl revels with the female of the species of demons', etc
Another anonymous verse is that of a bereaved wife appealing to the potter who makes
the burial-urns and pottery *Oh potter that makest the pots, Oh potter that makest the

pottery for the burial-ground' Pity my plight and sho\\ kindness to her who, like a little
white lizard clinging to the spokes of the wheel that turns beside the axle-pin of a chariot,
has m
his (the husband's) company traversed for long the narrow and difficult paths (of life),

and condescend to make the burial-urn large enough to include her too

Puram, 256, lines 1-7


Again another poet, Kukaikkojiyar, sings of the 'great burial-ground (AJ(/w) that is
fullof buried urns, where the owl and the wild-fowl hoot and the crow caws without pause
from their holes in the old tree entwined by bmd-weeds, the numerous roots of which have
begun to shake'
Nilambak a- vi/nda- valangar-pal- ver
Mudu-mara-p-pondir-kadumena- vi vamhum
Kuk ai-k -kali vand-t
Tdliva-perungadu-e\diya-nanre (Puram, 364, lines 10-14)
There are references to cremation in the Purananuru and the following are examples
Verse 231 (lines 1-4) by Auvaiyar on the death of the chief Nedumananji verse 240 (lines ,

7-10) by Kuttuvan Kiranar on the death of the Vel chief. Ay, verse 244 (lines 1-7) by the
Cera king, Ceraman Makkodai, who later died in Kottambalam, on the death of his queen ,

verse 246 by the queen of Bhuta Pandivan on the occasion of her sati on the death of her
lord and verse 363 which says, 'more numerous than the sands on the sea-shore are the

kings who ruled this \ast earth girt by the great sea, who went away as the lords of the
burning-ground without possessing e\en as much as a udai leaf {example of littleness)', etc
Pereyin Muruvalar in his \erse in praise of the Pandyan king Nambi Ncdunjeliyan,
refers also to the different kinds of funerals, though not so clearly as in ih^ Mammekhalai
quoted above
Iduka- venro- wdukavenro
Padu-kuh-p-paduka (Puram, 239, lines 20-21),
where iduka refers to exposure and burial, \uduka to cremation and padukuh-p-paduka*
to inhumation
Chapter 6 of the Mammekhalai has a lengthy description of the cemeterv called
Cakravalakkdnam in Puhar, where were many monumental shrines built of burnt bricks of
various sizes, big and small, distributed in long lines over the burials of saints, kings or
wives who committed sa//" along with their husbands, with indications of their four iaruas,
dsramas and sex sacrificial pillars on which balls were made, and mounds of heaped stones,
probably cairns (mrai-kal-tern) There is also reference to stones m the grave-yard, from
which we have already given a quotation above (Puram< 363, line 19), where the relatives of
the deceased are said to be 'more numerous than the stones in the grave-yard The
Tolkappnam mentions the nadukal (Tol For. 60) which is explained as a tall stone planted
over a grave or as a memorial in the grave-yard (parandalai) and was probably the precursor
of many of the virakkal or hero-stones and ma-wt\-k-kal or the stones over the graves of
sath or the memorials to the patta\ar The Purandnuru verses 221, 223, 232, 260-261,
263-65, 306, 314. 329 and 335, Ahandniiru, 131, and Malaipadukadam, 388-9, give more
information about nadukal

Medieval literature

That by the eleventh or twelfth century A D the ancient custom of urn-burial had become
nothing but a memory is proved by notices in the later literature The Takkaydkapparam
of the poet Ottakkuttar of the twelfth century A D a composition on Dakshas's sacrifice,

associates the *dead bodies' inside burial-urns (taji) with the 'dead bodies' in the natural
caverns (pd/t) where 'useless penance' was performed the latter probably meaning the Jamas

Putfukuh has an alternative reading patfuvaji which is preferred by Dr Swammatha Aiyar, as it

in Yappurungalam When compared with what is said in Mummrkhalai, pa^ukuli is more suggestive

or Ajlvakas whose system of penance was fruitless' m the eyes of the followers of the
Vedic religion
Paliyir-pmangalum-tuhppelap'paduttiyc (Tak 376 )

In his two other compositions, the Vikrama-Co}an- Via and Kulottunga-Colan-Ula* eulogistic
poems on the two contemporary Cola monarchs, he mentions mudu-makkal-cadi, 'the
jar for the ancients' In his Via on Vikrama one of the legendary progenitors of the Cola
king was Tarapati, who designed the jar or urn for the ancients when the 'God of Death
having become powerless to take any life (at his will) fled and hid himself from view'
Odi-marah- \ olippa-mudumakkat
Cadi-vakutta-Tarapativum (Vik Via , lines 14-16 )

In the other Via on Kulottunga one of the progenitors, the twelfth in the line from the Sun,
is said to be the first to devise the *mudumakkat-cddi' for the old and feeble

Kill i- talaip-pandu-k d-n-alwn

Padnmakkada vul-padaip-padai ak -A alia

Mudunwkkatiadi-mudaldn (Kid Via ,

lines 22-24 )

The Sankara-Colan-Ula, another composition of same

class, gives a similar idea
the The
Tiru\enkartupuranam too has a passage where an ancient king is described as one 'who
designed sescral mitdu-nmkkai-(adt for the grand old men at a golden age, when the God
of Death could not take away any life'
&itta~niakilndu-mbamw a- <engd-nadatta-naman
Ultamanam-enrannal-uvir-k odu-pokamai yindl
Movtta-mudi orkku-mudumakkatcadi-pala

Vaitta-kula-dipakane-nmnnako-mannako (Tinven San anal, 9 )

This accounts for the tradition in later times that very old people, who had lived their
'four-score and twentv' and were decrepit were placed inside large urns until their death,
to avoid discomfort This accounts aKo for the quotation of a late commentator,
Naccmarkmi>ar (c fourteenth century), in his commentary on the earliest extant Tamil
work Tolkappnam. attributing to the Ajlvakas the practice of 'entering the tab for penance
until death*

Valiya-nonana-malvarai) e

If we accept the postulate that the literature of a people of a particular period not
only portrays contemporary life and events but may also embody in it earlier traditions,
and that the advanced state of civilization which we find in the Sangam period probably
had its origin much earlier, we may place the earlier limits of the megahthic and urn-field
culture, which seems to have been a dominant factor of early Tamil civilization, in the pre-
Sangam epoch, i e earlier than the last three centuries B C and earlier, too, than
effective 'Aryan* contact with South India
The gradual percolation of 'Aryan' ideas into the Tamil culture is noticeable m the
different strata of the Sangam literature, and as we approach the close of the period the
influence of these ideas gets more and more marked until the two cultures become

thoroughly intermingled when we hear of the Tamil kings performing and protecting

Vedic sacrifices, and find cremation according to Vedic rites taking precedence over the
more ancient customs of burial By about the fifth century A.D comes a dark chapter in
Tamil history, synchronizing with the Kalabhra interregnum, and when we see light again
in the sixth to seventh centuries AD we have a literature totally different from the Sangam
works in vocabulary, diction and metre, and predominantly devotional in nature This,
taken together with the misconceptions about the burial-urn enumerated above from the
literature of the eleventh century and after, indicates the later limit of the megahthic
and urn-field bunal customs in South India as the beginning of the fifth century A.D or

To face page 17


By R E M WHEELER, with contributions by A GHOSH and KRISHNA DEVA
Ankamedu, the special importance of which in South Indian archaeology has been
stressed on p 1 of this Number, represents the site of a considerable buried town on
the Coromandel coast Two sectors (Northern and Southern} excavated in 1945 and
partially uncovered by previous excavators were found to have been occupied in the
firstand second centuries A D and to have been extensively despoiled for bricks in the

middle ages and later The Northern Sector contained the remains of a substantial structure
upwards of 150 feet long, built about AD 50 on the former foreshore above vaguer vestiges
of earlier occupation extending perhaps over half a century The building, from its site and
charac ter identified as a warehouse, must from the outset have been liable to flooding, and
was abandoned at an early date The Southern Sector, on the other hand, comprised a site
which stood some 10 feet above flood-level, and was occupied for a hundred years or more from
the middle of the first century A D onwards Its principal structures consisted of two walled
courtyards associated with carefully built tanks supplied and drained by a series of brick
culverts It is conjectured that these tanks and courtyards were used in the preparation of
the muslin cloth which has from ancient times been a notable product of this part of India and
is recorded by classical writers as an Indian export Amongst the other industries of the town
was that of bead-making Gold, semi-precious stones and glass were used for this purpose,
and tno gems, carved with intaglio designs by Graeco-Roman gem-cutters and in one
instance untrimmed, suggest the presence of Western craftsmen on the site Numerous
sherds both of a red-glazed pottery known to have been made in Italy in the first centuries
B C -A D and of the two-handled jars or amphorae characteristic of the Mediterranean
wine-trade of the period, together with Roman lamps and glassware, combine to indicate that
Ankamedu was one of the regular Havana'' or Western trading-stations of which both Graeco-
Roman and ancient Tamil writers speak As the first of these stations actually identified
by excavation in India, Ankamedu will hold henceforth a distinguished position in the history
of the economic relations of India with the outside world And the discovery has other features
of interest A Roman market on the Coromandel coast implies a knowledge of the south-
western monsoon, which the historian may now suppose to have been in regular use at an
earlier date than was previously conjectured The epigraphist and the palaeographer will find
amongst the some of the earliest dated fragments of the Tamil language To the
geographer, the very considerable rise in water-level shown to have occurred hereabouts within
the last two thousand years, though due at least in part to local causes, is perhaps of incidental
note But the most significant result of these excavations is that, by establishing at last the
precise chronological position of an extensive South Indian culture, the archaeologist has
provided a new starting-point for the study of the pre-medieval civilizations of the Indian

1 The site and its historical background 1 8
2 The chronology of the site 22
3 The structures 24
Notes Dimensions of bricks 32
Use of tanks m the textile industry 34
4 The pottery
A Wares imported from the Mediterranean
(i) Arretme ware 34
Imported amphorae
(11) 41
(m) Rouletted black ware 45
B Local wares 49
C Chinese celadon ware 91
D Addenda to the pottery
(i) Comparison with North Indian wares 93
(n) Chemist's notes 93
5. Other small finds
E Beads 95
F Gracco-Roman gem 101
G Roman lamp 101
H Roman glass bowls 102
I Terracotta objects 102
J Metal objects 103
K Stone objects 104
L Wooden objects and ropes 104
M Miscellanea

N Coins 108
Pictorial graffiti on potsherds 1 08
P Inscribed potsherds 109
Q Bones 1 14
6 Appendices
I Roman coins found in India and Ceylon 1 16
H Semi-precious stones 121
III The ancient name of Ankamedu 124


geographers and the Tamil literature of the 'Sangam' age have familiarized
historians with the outlines and some of the details of Indian trade with the West
in and after the first century At its prime, the trade was extensive It
included as Indian exports pepper, pearls, gem-stones, muslin, tortoise-shell, ivory and
silk , and as imports from the West coral, lead, copper, tin, glass, vases, lamps, wine and,
at first, coined money
By the latter part of the first century AD
the literary evidence makes it clear that
* 1
this trade was organized on lines not unlike those of the European factories established
m India from the sixteenth century onwards The Penplus of the Erythraean Sea (c A D
The best reviews of Indian trade with the Roman Empire are by M
P Charlesworth, Trade-routes and
Commerce of the Roman Empire (Cambridge, 1926), and E H Warmington, The Commerce between the Roman
Empire and India (Cambridge, 1928) See also H G Rawlmson, Intercourse between India and the Western
World (Cambridge, 1916), K A Nilakanta Sastn, The Cdfas, I (University of Madras, 1935), and P T Srmivas
lyengar, History of the Tamils from the earliest times to 600 A D. (Madras, 1929).

To face page 18 PLATE IX

Arikatnedu Northern Sector in middle distance, Southern Sector in background

PLATE X To face plate XI

\ -\nkanieihi from the vu\/ Southern Sutor in n^ht

B Ankumcdu wall\ projecting from rner hank

To face plate X PLATE XI

B Poiii'i \
ilepo \tfid /or e \annna' ton in ^quart's numbered \\itli the honzontal and Mttual lotation\

oj \tmtti
PLATE XII To face page 19

60-100) speaks of IpndQUx. v6fit/i(x. the unqualified IpndQux. of Ptolemy (c A

150), D
which may fairly be described as treaty-ports That is to say, permanent lodges of Western
traders were settled in them under formal agreement with the appropriate Indian ruler,
and were visited at the proper seasons by convoys of deep-sea merchantmen And just
as the agents of the Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, French or British establishments in the
days of the Companies travelled widely in the interior to circumvent the middlemen, so
we may with probability recognize in some of the Roman coin-hoards far from the sea
(fig 48) the penetration of earlier Western traffickers with similar intent
On the scale indicated, this organized interchange implies a knowledge of the periodi-
city of the monsjoons Without that knowledge, which, according to Pliny, 3 could restrict
the crossing of the Indian Ocean to forty days, the laborious coastal voyage to India or
the still more precarious overland routes must have prevented the development of regular
and direct trade with southern or eastern India The establishment of permanent agencies
in those parts must therefore have post-dated the discovery of the so-called 'Hippalus' or
south-western monsoon a discovery of unknown date but appreciably earlier than Pliny

and the Penplus, and possibly, though not certainly, earlier also than r AD
21, when
Strabo speaks of 120 ships sailing for India from Myos Hormos on the Red Sea 4 On
the other hand, there is no hint that the monsoon was familiar to Mediterranean merchants
before the time of the Roman pnncipate The unification of the western world under
Augustus (23 B C -A D 14) and the recorded reception by him of at least tv\o Indian
delegations (c 25 B C and 21 BC) provide an obvious context, if not for the actual

discovery, at least for its diffusion beyond the corporations of Arab sailors and other agents
who had jealously monopolized the Indian traffic thitherto
Further than this the literary evidence fails to carry us Warmmgton conjectures
from it that the direct route from the Red Sea to the Malabar coast, i e the full use of the
k * '

monsoon, was introduced soon after 41 Archaeology now indicates a rather earlier
date Some considerable time prior to the abandonment of the manufacture of Italian
red-glazed pottery (Arretme and related fabrics} an event which is unlikely to have been
later than A D 50 a Roman emporium is now known to have been firmly established
far up the eastern coast of India, near Pondicherry. We may infer that at least as early as
c AD 30, and possibly before the death of Augustus, regular monsoon-trade had been
established between the Mediterranean and western India, with a coastwise or overland ex-
tension to the Coromandel coast Whether at this early date the route was carried to its
logical conclusion in Malaya and China is at present unknown By the second century, at
any rate, Antonine coins would appear to have penetrated to Long Shuyen and the
peninsula of Cochin China, where they were dug up by Mr L Mallaret in 1945

Before we turn to the Pondicherry site, the literary picture of these trading-cities may
be completed in outline by reference to one or two familiar passages in the Tamil literature
This literature is very insecurely dated, but the relevant passages, which are numerous,
may be ascribed on general grounds to the early centuries AD
It was probably in the
second century, for example, that the city of Puhar or Kaverippattmam, at the mouth
of the Kaverl river 60 miles south of Pondicherry, was thus described in the epic
Silappadikaram ('The Lay of the Anklet') 'The sun shone over the open terraces, over
the warehouses near the harbour and over the turrets with windows like the eyes of deer

Warmmgton, p 107
2 At Muzirii (Cranganore, Cochin State) the Peutmger Table, second to third century A D marks a 'temple

of Augustus'
VI, 104 II, V, 12
The Monumentura Ancyranum states that such embassies came 'frequently'
Op cit.p 45
Information from Mr H Gcnais, of the 6cole Francaise d'Extrfime-Onent
too so o IPO aoo 300 +00



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irf" ( O

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FJG. 1


In different places of Puhar the onlooker's attention was arrested by the sight of the abodes
of Yavanas [men from the Graeco-Roman world] whose prosperity never waned At
the harbour were to be seen sailors from distant lands, but to ail appearance they lived
as one community ... .' In another poem, a Pandya prince is exhorted to drink the
cool and fragrant wines brought by the Yavanas m
their vessels
Again, 'agitating the
white foam of the PSnyaru, the beautifully built ships of the Yavanas came with gold
and returned with pepper, and Muzins resounded with the noise' 3 And Tamil rajas
employed bodyguards of western mercenaries, 'the valiant-eyed Yavanas whose bodies
were strong and of terrible aspect' and who, equipped with 'murderous swords', were
'excellent guardians of the gates of the fort-walls' In this capacity they are said to have

been employed at Madura Yavana craftsmen were also sought after in southern India,
especially for the manufacture of siege-engines
In one way and another, the Yavana
in partibus enjoyed a considerable prestige whether as trader or as settler

Twomiles south of the centre of Pondicherry, the capital of French India, a former
outlet of the Gmgee or VarShanadi river forms a lagoon locked to day, save m
full flood,

by a sand-bar from the Bay of Bengal The lagoon, known as the 'Anyankuppam river'
from the name of the largest adjacent village, is fringed by cocoanut-palms which, with a
belt of sand-dunes, shelter it mostly from the sea In the vicinity of the little village of
Kakkayantoppu, the eastern bank of the lagoon stands some 20 feet above the water and
from the scarp project the jagged ends of successive brick buildings to which the mound
or mcdu owes its being (pi XB) To the villagers the site is known as Ankamedu, and,
though no more formal origin for the name has been discovered, it will serve as well as
any other
Destruction of the buried buildings by the river in flood has been accompanied by
extensive destruction from other causes Tree-planting and, above all, brick-robbing
have combined mthe work As far back as 1734 there is record of the latter process, 7
and fragments of Chinese celadon ware of the ninth to twelfth centuries found 'robber-m
trenches' throughout the excavated site indicate a similar process as early as the Middle
Ages To-day, the nucleus of the site is protected by the French Government 8
In the eighteenth century the visible remains were described by Le Gentil, who
incidentally remarks upon their destruction by the river But archaeological attention
was first directed to the site by Mr G
Jouveau-Dubreuil who, in and after 1937, made
a collection of beads and gems found on the surface by the local children One of
the gems is reported to bear a head of Augustus in intaglio, and this induced Mr Jouveau-
Dubreuil to exclaim 'Nous avons la une veritable ville romaine' 9 In the sequel, excavations
were carried out mand after 1941 by Brother L Faucheux of Pondicherry in collaboration
with Mr R
Surleau, then Chef des Travaux Publics The excavators ignored stratification

The &ilappadik&ram> trans V R Ramachandra Dikshitar (Oxford, 1939), p 110
2 K Pillai The Tamils eighteen hundred years ago, pp 12 and 37 lyenger, op at p 312
, ,

* Ib 5
lyenger, p 312 , p 313, and Warmmgton, p 80 I>cnger, pp 313ff*
Mr K R Snnivasan has suggested that the name may be Arukkume'a'u, meaning 'mound of ruins'
(arukku=to destroy or rum), or it may be Arukume'a'u, meaning 'mound on a river bank' (aruku, according
to old usage still surviving in Pondicherry see Tamil Lexicon under Aruku-Kollai and Arukadigam signifies
the neighbourhood or bank of a river)
7 L
Faucheux, Une vieille citt indienne (Pondicherry, 1945), p 2.
Voyage dans les mers de VInde (Paris, 1779-81), I, 542-5
9 Bulletin de rfccole
Franfaise d'Extrtme-Orient, XL (1941), 450 Mr Jouveau-Dubreuil's collection was
sent to the French School museum at Hanoi, Indo-Chma, and I have not seen the Augustus gem


and no accurate plan was prepared, but the work had the primary merit of proving m
bulk the real importance of the site and of revealing the presence of pottery from
the Mediterranean An untnmmed intaglio representing Cupid and an eagle, of classical
workmanship, was also found (pi XXXIIIB, 11)
On a visit to Pondicherry in 1944 I observed several sherds of Italian red-glazed ware
(the so-called Arretine) amongst the proceeds of the excavations exhibited in the town
Since this ware can be dated with some precision, it was evident to me that
here we had for the first time what had long been sought in vain, namely, a firm datum-
line in pre-medieval South Indian archaeology For with the imported material was an
Indian culture which necessanly shared its date It remained to define that association by
careful digging
Accordingly, through the British Consulate at Pondicherry I approached the French
authorities for permission for the Archaeological Survey of India to carry out a restricted
excavation H E the Governor (Mr L Bonvm) readily granted the request, and the
work was earned out in Apnl, May and June, 1945 From Brother Faucheux and from Mr
G Julia, now Chef des Travaux Publics, and his staff the most generous help was received
throughout the proceedings The work was directed by myself as Director General of
Archaeology in India, with the assistance of Mr A Ghosh, Superintendent of the
Excavations Branch of the Archaeological Survey, Mr Krishna Deva, Pottery Assistant
to the Survey, and the following senior students of the Survey S C Chandra, S R Das,
D P Guha, B B Lai and B ThaparK About twenty-five students and attaches from
the Indian universities and States also took part in the work


The imported pottery which dates the site consists of (a) Arretine ware from Italy, and
(b) amphorae from Italy or elsewhere in the Mediterranean Since the occupation was
manifestly continuous through the period when Arretine ware was reaching the site
into the period when the importation ceased, it is reasonable to regard the disappearance
of the ware as due to stoppage at source rather than to any local condition at Ankamedu
It is inferred therefore that the Arretine imports belong to the last phase of the industry,
and the three decades A D 20-50 are here suggested as a liberal estimate of the period
covered by them
Below the lowest Arretme-producmg stratum on AK
II, however, were 8 feet of sandy

deposits representing mainly the accumulation of estuanne silt but nevertheless containing
relics (fig 2) All save the lowest of these deposits (which contained very little) yielded
sherds of Mediterranean amphora It may be affirmed therefore that a reasonably regular
trade with the West was maintained substantially from the beginning of the occupation, but
that, on present showing, the finest foreign ware (Arretine) did not appear at once upon
the scene
At this point we fall back upon the support of historical probability
less certain The
historical indications are that the consolidation and development of Roman trade with
the East was a product of the unification of the western world under Augustus (23 B C -
AD and it is reasonable to suppose that previous trade with eastern India, if it existed
at all, was of a spasmodic and indirect kind unlikely, for example, to have produced a
continuous supply of amphorae at Ankamedu On historical grounds, therefore, the
Roman occupation of this site is unlikely to have antedated the pnncipate of Augustus ;

i e unlikely to be earlier than 23 BC

R E M Wheeler, 'Virampatnam', /OM/TI of the Greater India Society, XI (1945), 91ff


Thus from a convergence of evidence it is here inferred that the riparian sites excavated
in 1945 were first occupied at the end of the first century B C or beginning of the first
century A D with an inclination towards the later date

The duration of the occupation is more in doubt. Almost all the buildings excavated
were constructed after the cessation of the importation of Arretme ware The large
building, here called a warehouse, m the Northern Sector was built on and into the main
Arretine-producmg layers, and only a few stray sherds occurred in the contemporary
'make-up' or subsequent spoliation In the Southern Sector all structures, save two
fragmentary walls, also post-date the cessation of Arretme In other words, the intensive
structural development of these two areas belongs to the end of the 'Arretme period \ here
ascribed to c AD 50 (before rather than after that date) This
helps, incidentally,
to drag
down the initial phase into the first century AD m, preference to the preceding century
Subsequently to our date AD 50 there were, in the Southern Sector, several successive
stages of construction and reconstruction, accompanied by some modification of the
associated Indian pottery These developments were controlled by two unifying factors,
a general continuity m
the main units of the plan, and the occurrence m
all strata of sherds
of Mediterranean amphora It is evident that the function and contacts of the site remained

Within these general limits, the duration of the occupation of the site m
years is
anyone's guess Aminimum of a century would appear to be required by the changes
indicated, but there seems to be no good reason for allowing more than two centuries
A terminal date m
the neighbourhood of AD
200 would be a reasonable supposition
The great 'warehouse' m the Northern Sector had vanished long before this date, and a
pit, full of potsherds of the first to second centuries A D
had been cut into the remains

of one of its walls The reason for the doom of this building is not far to seek it lies at

the lower end of the site, its foundations are at the present mean sea-level, and, although
its floor was, from the outset, raised to a height of 4J feet above them, it must have been
liable to flooding even on the necessary assumption that in the first century A D
relative level of land and sea here differed considerably from that of the present time
It is noteworthy that no coins have been found in the ancient levels of the site Only
m the extensive areas of late disturbance, due to systematic brick-robbing m
medieval and
modern times, do Cola coins occur with fragments of the Chinese celadon ware which is
almost universal m
Asia in and after the ninth century A D
In summary, the site generally is assumed to have been occupied during the first two
centuries A D and to have been despoiled for its bricks in the Middle Ages and later

The 'warehouse*
Of the two mamSectors excavated, the Northern was an amplification of an area
cleared by the French excavators in and after 1941 These earlier excavations had
disclosed the south-eastern angle of a large brick building and the remains of a ring-well
or soak-pit (R W. 1) built of potter v rings apparently at a somewhat earlier period. A
second ring-well is said to have been found but has not been seen by the present excavators
Two more (R.W. 2 and 3) were found to the north and west respectively of the building m
1945, and a few feet to the south or south-west of the former the French claim to have
discovered a brick-lined well in 1944


As now revealed the building, largely destroyed by brick-robbers and curtailed by the
river, was a featureless structure upwards of 150 feet long (pi XIII) Traces of a single
partition-wall were found, but, apart from a side-chamber towards the east, the building was
substantially an oblong shell, massively built and with all the appearance of a warehouse,
which it is presumed to have been Its brickwork had been rendered externally by its
builders with a tough plaster, apparently intended to keep out water on this low-lying
site, at least, elsewhere at Ankamedu lime-mortar or plaster was only used when it was
desired to waterproof walls or floor, as Tank m on Site A AK
IV The bricks themselves
were mostly held together with a mud-mortar devoid of lime
The date of the building was reasonably clear and has been discussed above, p 24
It was approximately the middle and second half of the first century A D
No later structure was found here or hereabouts It is evident that the 'warehouse'
was built on a site which was as near to water-level as was feasible, and that the latter
was already rising The main walls were built on rough foundations of bricks which had
been sunk on a rubble bottoming into the soft sand, and the floor-level was 4 feet 6 inches
above the lowest course of built brickwork
For the most part the walls did not remain to a sufficient height to indicate doorways,
but a former entrance was identified in the eastern wall of the side-chamber by a gap, at
which a thick layer of concreted sand and broken bricks probably represented a street
approaching from the east To the north of this gap, a rectangular mass of brickwork
partly covered with concrete suggested the former existence of a ramp or staircase here
Below sea-level, abundant pottery and fragments of cut timber were found to a depth

of no less than 10 feet, but these lower deposits, with two possible exceptions at the top,
gave the impression of being estuarme slime into which the objects had sunk, rather than
submerged occupation-layers In other words, the building was erected actually on the
foreshore of the estuary, on which apparently timber buildings had already stood and
into which the debris of the port had penetrated it was floored at a level high enough to

escape normal flooding, and its external walls were specifically reinforced to keep out
water but, after an occupation which does not appear to have been extensive, it \vas disused,

its bricks were largely removed, and the water-logged site was abandoned, whilst the higher

ground to the south (at and around AK IV) remained in use At a reasonable guess,
the abandonment of the Northern Sector may be supposed to have occurred before the
end of the first century A D e within little more than a generation of the date of

construction Evidence of occupation in the 'warehouse' is slight, and, although superficial

disturbance of the area robs this negative evidence of certainty, it is significant that Pit 1
of AK VIII, containing a great quantity of potsherds of first to second century types, was
cut into the southern wall of the eastern side-chamber of the building after its demolition


The site known as AKIV lay along the edge of the river to the south of the second
of the two mam areas already explored by the French Whereas in the Northern Sector

1 Our excavationin loose sand and clay down to a depth of 1 3 feet below sea-level was fraught with
which were overcome by fencing the area with planks, driven lower and lower as the excavation

proceeded, and by pumping out water constantly with an excellent pump lent by the Travaux Publics of
report is contributed by Mr A Ghosh
* This section of the

To face page 26 PLATE XIII



x \
LIMIT C > /'
AREA C x x

evidence of occupation penetrated to a depth of 9 feet to 10 feet 6 inches below sea-level,

here the natural soil was found at an average height of 10 feet above sea-level On this
higher site, less accessible for the work of the port but out of reach of flood, the evidence
of pottery indicates that occupation began a little later than on the foreshore but continued
after the foreshore was abandoned It falls into three mam Phases,
Early, Middle and
Late, with sub-periods, but it should be emphasized at once that there was no break in its
continuity, unless between the Middle Phase and the very slight remains constituting the
Late Phase
Early Phase
The Early Phase may be divided into three sub-periods
Sub-period 1 The earliest structures were separated from the natural sand by a deposit
of greenish sand 3 feet thick, rather poor in pottery and other small finds The remnants
of this sub-period were very few and did not yield any structural plan They consisted of
(1) a fragmentary wall carrying three square blocks of brickwork which doubtless supported
wooden posts (2) a ring-well (R
1) near the southern end of the wall, and (3) a patch of
brick floor (Floor A) near by, all the three were to the south of Tank A of the next sub-
period and (4) a wall in the open space between Tanks A and B, entirely over-built by a

wall of the next sub-period An important feature of this wall was that it contained five
irregular vertical chases in its eastern face, showing that it was built against wooden posts
and roughly cut to fit them This method of reinforcing an essentially timber structure
by a brick 'skin' was repeated m
later buildings in the Sector
At the end of this sub-period a shallow but wide pit was cut into the ground imme-
diatelv to the west of the wall first mentioned above This pit yielded a very large quantity
of pottery (Group A), which included several interesting sherds, notably a fragment of
stamped Arretme several pieces of amphora, and a sherd with a Prakrit inscription (see
below, pp 36, 43 and 111)
Suh-penod 2 This sub-period witnessed brisk building activity The mam feature
was the construction of two complexes of pavements called Tanks A and B each with an
adjacent room of uncertain purpose Both continued to be repaired and restored till the
last sub-period of the Middle Phase Throughout their existence they seem to have lain
at the edge of two large and apparently unroofed quadrangles They had a close family-
likeness to each other and must have been used for similar purposes The extensive use of
drams or conduits and substantial pavements of large bricks apparently made for the purpose,
and the absence of domestic features, indicate the probability that the site was used for
industrial purposes involving a constant inflow and outflow of water It is likely enough,

though not proved, that the tanks were used as cisterns or vats for dyeing the muslin1
which formed one of the most important exports of this part of India m ancient times
The yards may have been used for drying the cloth
Tank A (fig 4 and pis XXA, XXIA) was originally paved with bricks four courses deep
and plugged with clay and had a doorway in its eastern wall The portion of the wall to the
north of this doorway had an irregular outer face, having been built against wooden posts
resting on a single course of bricks The western and part of the southern walls had an
irregular footing, indicating that a part of the tank had been built against the sides of an
excavation below ground-level There is no evidence as to how water was drained out
of the tank in this period

i For the use of brick tanksm m

the present muslin industry the Madras Presidency, see p 34 For Indian
muslin exports in classical times, see Warmington, op cit , pp 210-12







5 I 194-5

FIG. 4
To face page \ PLATE XVI














the southern half of the quadrangle of which the tank formed

Only part was traceable,
the northern half having been entirely eroded The southern wall of this enclosure, which
partly overlay the earlier ring-well (R WI), had the same feature as the discarded wall of
the earlier penod (No 1 above), in that it supported two square brickwork bases for posts
Tank B (pis XVI, XXB), in addition to an unpaved square or oblong chamber to its
south, had a paved verandah to its east. The western and northern enclosing walls were
built against wooden posts indicated by the semicircular chases cut in their outer faces
Near the junction of the northern and eastern walls there was a doorway opening into the
verandah The partition-wall between the verandah and the tank also had a doorway,
flanking either *side of which were two holes cut into the floor which were no doubt meant
to receive wooden posts forming door-jambs
A rectangular portion of the north-eastern corner of the tank was left unpaved and con-
tained a platform edged with fragmentary bncks and 9 inches higher than the floor of the
tank (pi XVI) If the conjecture that the two tanks were used for dyeing muslin is
correct, this platform may have been used to support a vat
The tank was drained by two channels m
its western wall
Between Tanks A and B there was a long but fragmentary and unconnected wall,
built upon an earlier wall (No 4, above) and sharing with it the characteristic of having
irregular chases in its eastern face and having therefore been originally built against rough
wooden uprights The chases in this wall, however, did not tally m detail with those of
the earlier wall, and it is thus evident that a complete reconstruction was involved It is

likely that this new wall served as the western compound-wall of the quadrangle of which
Tank B formed part
Against the outer face of the wall was Conduit A
built of two rows of bricks on edge,
placed 10 inches apart and capped by horizontal bncks This is the earliest remnant of the
system of drainage which was to become a distinctive feature of the site
In the French excavation at the northern end of the site, a fragmentary square or
oblong structure of uncertain purpose, seven ring-wells (R W
2 to 8), and a patch of brick
floor (Floor C on plan) may be ascribed to this penod on general considerations, although
no stratigraphic evidence is preserved
Of the other extremely fragmentary structures of this period, viz a brick floor (Floor B)
and an isolated wall in the southern extremity of the explored area and two walls in the
eastern portion, no coherent plan could be traced, owing to extensive brick-robbing

Sub-period 3 The only structure of this sub-penod was a wall immediately to the
west of the earliest ring-well (R.W 1) The southern end of this wall overlay the southern
wall of the earlier quadrangle As it was thus later than sub-period 2 and was stratigraphi-
cally earlier than the Middle Phase, it has to be regarded as an unconnected structure of the
last days of the Early Phase.

Middle Phase

Subsequently to the last penod of the Early Phase the site underwent considerable
devastation at the hands of brick-robbers, as underlying the structures of the Middle Phase
were found four large pits full of bnck-fragments (indicated on the plan as Quarry Pits A,
B, C and D, cf. pis. XVII1B, XIXA). This, however, does not imply a general abandon-
ment of the site and its occupation by new settlers. On the contrary, as has been said
above, the continued use and elaboration of the two tanks and the renewal of old walls
built against wooden posts by similar walls in the Middle Phase indicate a persistence of
the essential structural features through the subsequent periods.
The Middle Phase consists also of three sub-periods

Sub-period 1 This sub-period became known to the excavators as the 'Drain Period',
since it was characterized by the construction of an elaborate system of drainage, sloping

north towards the river In construction all the new drains or conduits, unlike Conduit A
of the Early Phase, were constructed by means of corbelled walls (not single bricks on
edge), floored and roofed with horizontal bricks
Conduit B, built upon the ruined top of the eastern wall of the quadrangle of Tank A,
first discharged itself into Tank A, whence the water was emptied by another conduit built
in line with it through the opposite wall. The end of the inlet was rebated and its side-
walls were provided with slits for a wooden sluice-gate (pi XXIA)
From the extant fragments of the southern end of Conduit C it seems that it had first
a northern course then, after a short turn to the east, it turned again to the north and

overlying the earlier Conduit A ran approximately along the median wall between Tanks A
and B, which was built upon the earlier wall with chases for timbering and itself had the
same characteristic (pi XXIIA) In fact, this wall and Conduit C were essentially restora-
tions of the corresponding earlier structures
Conduit D, originating like the others somewhere outside the excavated area, ran
through the eastern portion of Tank B, utilizing the earlier floor of the tank as its floor
and proceeded northwards till it reached the northern terminal wall of the quadrangle
within which Tank B was situated Beyond this point it continued with a slightly different
orientation (as Conduit E), till, crossing a probable street, it discharged itself into a wider
cross-drain (Conduit F) which came from the east and probably formed of the mam
drainage-system of the town The point of junction with the mam dram was indicated
by a gap in the latter (pi XIXB) It is likely that further west Conduits B and C

similarly joined Conduit F

The relation of Conduit B with Tank A has been described above The floor of the
tank was now raised by 1 foot 4 inches over the earlier floor, the intervening space being
filled up by debris The new floor was drained by a branch-culvert, the entrance to which
was stopped by a small square brick plug
The southern, western and northern walls of the tank were now rebuilt upon the
corresponding earlier walls The outer face of the last wall contained two chases,
indicating the position of posts against which it had been built The eastern wall was
missing it is likely, however, that it too followed the alignment of the earlier wall
In Tank B, the eastern wall was replaced by a new wall with practically the same
alignment and the northern wall was thickened The partition-wall between the tank and
the southern room continued without alteration
Within the walls of the tank important changes were effected The partition-wall
between the tank and the verandah was discarded, and a new east-to-west wall was erected,
partitioning the room into two long strips Both strips were floored with bricks,
the new floors being separated from their predecessors by a deposit of brick-bats and earth
The floor of the northern strip was 8 inches higher, indicating that it now took the place
of the earlier platform
The northern strip itself was divided into two halves by a cross-wall, through which
ran a subsidiary dram or conduit taking off from the western half and joining Conduit D
through a hole made into one of its cap-bricks It holds the same position as the branch-
culvert in Tank A The history of the two tanks is thus mutatis mutandis identical
A paved floor outside the eastern wall of the tank, made of fragmentary bricks and
edged with bricks on edge, also belongs to this sub-period
Though the fragmentary remnants render the reconstruction of a complete plan of
the sub-period impossible, the general lay-out is fairly clear Tank B seems to have formed
part of a large quadrangle, the wall against which Conduit C was built forming its western
To face page SO PLATE XIV


uill llMldJlil

wall This wall had two corner projections against its eastern face, indicating the existence
of a few small rooms within the quadrangle
The inner (southern) face of the northern wall of the quadrangle was very rough and
was doubtless built against timbering The eastern wall had regular outer and inner faces,
against the latter of which Conduit D
was built The entire length of the southern compound
wall was missing, but its position could be guessed from a corner projecting from the
western wall
Flanking the northern wall of the quadrangle was probably a street, with Conduit F
running through it

Urtlike B, no quadrangle could be ascribed to Tank A in this period, though

it may be assumed from the fact that there was one both in the preceding and the
succeeding periods Three rectangular blocks of brickwork near the eastern face of
Conduit B may represent the remnants of a series of piers or posts holding a roof or pent
The open space between Tank A and the western wall of the quadrangle of Tank B
might naturally have been regarded as a street meeting the mam east-to-west street mentioned
above but for the fragmentary corner of a structure standing mits middle
In the French excavations immediately to the north of the site, the only buildings of
this period were a square structure (Lined Pit A), 9 feet 5 inches deep, gradually narrowing
towards the bottom, and a dram (Conduit G) taking off from its lip The pit is similar in
construction to another one (Lined Pit B) found by us and belonging to the next sub-

Sub-period 2 In this sub-period, Tank A was provided with a still higher floor, which
finally sealed the opening of the outlet-drain of the previous sub-period There is no
evidence as to how water was drained off the floor
The tank had now a quadrangle round it, as may be surmised from the existence of
two walls to its south and west, at a distance of 19 feet respectively from the corresponding
walls of the tank The former had a door near Us western end, and the latter was again
built against wooden posts driven into holes cut into the ruined top of the wall of the
Early Phase (pi XV11IA)
To the south of this quadrangle was a square structure, called Lined Pit B, 5 feet 9 inches
deep Its outer face was roughly built against the earthen sides of the pit , the smooth
inner face had an inward batter, so that at the top the structure was 5 feet square and at
the bottom only 1 foot 6 inches square (pi XXIB) It seems likely that this pit as well as
the somewhat earlier one in the French excavation (Lined Pit A) were used in connexion
with the same industry as Tanks A and B (see above, p 27)
The northern and western walls of Tank B, to judge from the fragmentary remains,
were made thicker, a thick wall was also raised upon the ruined top of the earlier wall
dividing the tank into two strips The space between this and the northern wall was paved
with brick-bats and provided with a dram, the outlet of which, however, was not clear
The other unconnected and fragmentary structures of this period were a thick wall
with semicircular recesses in its western face and a part of a small rectangular room of
unknown purpose, both mthe French excavations

Sub-period 3 The main building-activity of this sub-period was confined to the area
beyond the southern wall of the quadrangle of Tank A Along the outer face of this wall
a west-to-east dram (Conduit H) was added. The source of the dram was uncertain but ,

after a breach of 15 feet it reappeared, utilizing one of the earlier walls and a floor
(Floor E) built against it as one of its side-walls and floor, a new wall forming its other
side It sloped to join Conduit C of the 'Dram Period' at a point where the latter turned

Some brick floors of this period deserve mention Floor F lav immediately to the
north of Conduit H
near its lower end It was built of complete bricks, its sides consisting
of bncks on edge G
On the other side of the drain was Floor built of brick-bats. Further
west it seems to have been continuous with Floor H, which was similarly built against the
same drain, and which, along with two walls of the same period meeting each other at an
acute angle, overlay the top of the Lined Pit B of sub-period 2
There is no evidence that the two tanks remained in use in this sub-period, on the
other hand, there is no evidence to the contrary.

Late Phase
All the periodsfrom sub-period 1 of the Early Phase to sub-period 3 of the Middle
Phase were connected with one another by structural links, such as similarity of alignment,
the continued utilization of older drains, etc But the last phase of occupation on the
site revealed no such connexion with the earlier episodes It was essentially a period of

decay, when a few stray structures, lightly and clumsily built of brick-bats, took the place
of the earlier tanks and drains At the same time, there was very little accumulation of
material between the Middle and Late Phases, and there is no good reason for assuming a
wide divergence of date between them
Besides stray walls, three ring-wells (R W
9, 10 and 11), all m the southern portion of
the belonged to this Late Phase
site, It is likely that all the ring-wells were originally
surrounded by brick-floors, R W
9 by Floor I, superimposed upon Floor H of the earlier
period, and R W
10 and 11 by Floor J, only a small patch of which was found near by

Unlike the other excavated areas, AFC I was situated inland, being at a distance of
about 60 yards from the river-bank (pi VIII) Here an area of 40 feet by 40 feet was
partially excavated to the natural soil, which was reached at an average depth of 9 feet
from the surface Slight traces of structural remains belonging to three phases were found
The area had, however, been so thoroughly disturbed by brick-robbers at various periods
that the trial was not extended
An interesting feature of this otherwise unpromising site was the discovery at a low
level of a cluster of eight pointed-bottom jars (type 75 below, p 77, and pi XXXIIIA),
irregularly distributed within an area of 4 square feet Some of them were fitted into
the broken remains of others

A very large number of bncks was measured, and the appended chart gives the dimensions in inches of
those used in walls, drams and pavements of different periods Besides the maxima and minima of the three
dimensions, the chart gives the normal size of bricks in each case A mathematical average is liable to produce
an entirely artificial figure and has been avoided
Hasty conclusions as to chronology have often been based upon brick-measurements, but, until large
numbers of bricks have been carefully measured on a large number of dated sites and the results critically
considered, these conclusions are invalid The tables here printed may perhaps serve as a fresh starting-point
It will be seen that in the middle of the first century AD at Ankamedu (Northern Sector), the normal
size was 2
5* to 2 9' thick, 14 0* to 15 0' long and either 8 0' to 8 5' or 10 5* to 1 1 0* broad The earliest bricks
m the Southern Sector, which probably originated a little later in the first century, arc 2 T x 13 0* to 13 5* x 9 0'
and are evidently a different batch Thereafter there is no appreciable change until sub-period 2 of the Middle
Phase (probably second century AD), when there is a tendency for the bricks (perhaps re-used) to grow rather
larger again, with superficial dimensions 14-0* to 15 5* x 9 0* to 9 5* or 10 5* to 11 -0*. Pavement bricks had
already msub-period 2 of the Early Phase been 2-7' to 3 0' x 15-0' to 16 0' x 10 5" to 1 1 0*
To face page PLATE XV

I - 00 - j
O O C i


:' x |
o {


In all these measurements every possible care has been taken to exclude obviously re-used bricks, but the
risk of 'dilution' from this cause m
the later periods is always present The only bricks which were certainly
and uniformly new at the time of construction are those of the Northern Sector of the Southern Sector,

Early Phase, sub-period 1 , and of the pavements of Southern Sector, Early Phase, sub-period 2.

With reference to the suggested use of Tanks A
and B (above, p 27) for the preparation of muslin cloth,
the following answers to inquiries are worthy ot record
1 Extract from letter dated the 22nd September, 1945, from the Business Manager, Handloom
Weavers' Provincial Co-operative Society Ltd 21 Sunkurama Chetty Street, G-T Madras
, ,

Masonry tanks were considered to have no reaction to acids and salts in those days for indigenous
dyeing, and they are in existence even now in some parts in South Arcot and Chmgleput Districts
in cases where much boiling is not required The tanks may be square or rectangular m shape and
the size will generally not exceed either 3x3x3 feet or 3 x3 feet so as to bt easy for the workmen
to do the work
2 Extract from letter dated the 24th September, 1945, from the Principal, Government Textile
Institute, Washermanpet, Madras
Masonry tanks or cisterns are used for storing water or for dyemg by cold process when there is no
need to heat the dye-bath by means of firewood
3 Extract from letter dated 22nd September, 1945, from the Secretary, All-India Spinners*
Association, Andhra Branch, Masulipatam
For printing and dyeing blue colour, masonry tanks are used The size ot these would be generally
4 to 6 feet in length, 1\ feet in width and about 3 tcct in depth They will be rectangular in shape
4 Extract from letter dated 13th September, 1945, from the Curator, State Museum, Pudukkottai
(S India)
'Water and large vats or tanks were necessary (1) m the bleaching process for the production of
bleach liquor for soaking the fabric and washing, (2) m sizing and starching, for the boiling of the
starch gruel from millets or rice and soaking the fabric (3) m dyemg or printing, for the boiling of
the dye and mordants, steeping the material and for washing it


Upon the imported Mediterranean wares the whole chronology of the site, and its
special importance therefore to Indian archaeology, depend Although the apparatus for
an analytical and comparative study of these wares does not exist at present India, m
their general significance is sufficiently familiar to enable them to be used immediately
with adequate precision They fall into three categories (i) 'Arretine' ware, with imported
copies, (11) amphorae, and (m) rouletted black ware, which, whether actually imported
or not, shows foreign influence
(i) Arretine ware

This is a red-glazed ware, the glaze varying from a sealing-wax colour through 'Indian
red' to something approaching a deep orange-red; occasionally, in the first half of the
first century A.D , the glaze is yellow with red veins, the so-called 'marbled ware Arretme
ware belongs to a class of ware known as terra sigillata ('stamped pottery') from the fact
that some of it is decorated by being pressed into a stamped mould Terra sigillata belongs
in origin to the eastern Mediterranean area, especially to the environs of the Aegean Sea,
and assumes a number of forms and varieties of fabric and glaze which have not yet been
It seems to emerge in the second century B C and its derivatives
adequately systematized ,

survived mthe Near East widely into the Byzantine period as late as the seventh century









A.D according to J H Iliffe, who has made a useful preliminary study of these provincial
At Ankamedu, however, we are concerned primarily with the highest category of
metropolitan namely, that which was produced in Italy, at Arezzo, Puteoli and
elsewhere, and has been named 'Arretine' from the Latin name of Arezzo (Arretium).
This Arretme sigillata originated at an undetermined date probably in the first century
B C By c A D
25 it was confronted in western Europe by rival potteries established in
Gaul, in some cases by the Italian potters themselves, and, though it lingered on until
after the Roman invasion of Britain in A D 43, it was driven from the western market
by AD 50
In the East, where provincial rivalry may not have been at first so acute, it is possible
(though not proved) that Arretine ware lasted a little longer It is conceivable (though

again not proved) that, in its simpler forms such as are normal at Ankamedu, the ware
may even have been retained specifically for export-trade, like the celadon of medieval
China (see below, p 91) In the absence of alternative evidence, however, we must assume
the general validity of the results of detailed study m
western Europe, and must suppose
that no Arretine pottery reached India after A 50 D
The literary record makes it clear that Romano-Indian trade remained brisk until
long after the middle of the first century A D
There is furthermore no break the m
occupation of Ankamedu at the moment when Arretine ware ceased to arnve there It is a
fair inference therefore that the latest Arretme on the site belongs to the last phase of the
production of the ware, i e c A 45-50 and D m
considering the initial moment of Roman

contact,we may reasonably argue backwards from that date Such argument is necessanly
somewhat subjective, but in the cutting where the evidence was clearest (AK II, see fig 2)
only four layers, all of them of sandy estuanne mud likely to have been deposited quickly,
contained Arretme sherds, and little more than thirty years might be regarded as sufficient
for their accumulation
So far as it goes, the character of the pottery itself is consistent with this Save for
one probably of Dragendorff's form 11, with leaf-pattern (fig 7, 32 and
tiny fragment,
pi XXIV, 4), the sherds represent undecorated cups and dishes, in some cases even without
the normal roulettmg These negative features may be regarded as symptoms of lateness ,

although it may also be supposed that only the cheaper products of the kilns were used for this
overseas trade, particularly since the fabnc was in any case technically superior to that of
the Indian pottery of the period and would therefore find a ready market
I have proposed therefore A D 20-50 as the inclusive period for the Arretme pottery
at Ankamedu
The stratum which produced most of the sherds of Arretme ' on site
II (thirteen AK
out of a total of eighteen from the cutting) is shown as 7 Ar on the section, fig 2,
and was approximately at the present mean sea-level Below it, a succession of sandy
deposits contained pottery to a further depth of 10 feet, beyond which clean sand, devoid of
relics, was encountered Of this further 10 feet, only the uppermost 2 feet (layers 8A, 8
green, and 1 1C) yielded sherds of Arretme, to the total number of four There were thus
still 8 feet of accumulation, the pottery from which did not include Arretine

'Sigillata in the Near East', Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities
wares in
Palestine, VI
(19^8), 4ff
* vasa arretina (Arretine pottery) was retained by the Romans
The phrase m
the sense of pottery de luxe
even after the actual potteries of Arretium had ceased production Standard references to this ware include
H Dragendorff, Banner Jahrbuther, XCVI-XCVII (1895-6), S Loeschcke,
'Keramische Funde in Haltern',
Mitteilungen der Altertwns-Kommission fur Westfalen, V (Munster i , W
1909), E Ritterlmg, 'Das frUhrOmische
Lager bei Hofheim im Taunus', Annalen des Veremsfw nassauische Altertumskutule (Wiesbaden, 1913) , F Oswald
and T Davis Prycc, Terra Stgillata (London, 1920)


7 Ar only one sherd of Arretme was found in an undisturbed deposit

Above stratum
in stratum 5, which formed a part of the make-up of the floor-level of the warehouse', a
brick building constructed on and into stratum 7 Ar
Otherwise, the most significant occurrence of sigillata was on the mam southern site,
AK IV, where a stamped sherd immediately underlay a brick wall of the Early Phase
By sites, the Arretine ware found during the present excavations was as follows (all
from the Northern Sector except AK
IV), together with some sherds from the previous


(a) From the make-up of the floor of the 'warehouse'

Fragment of flat base of dish (AK II, 589 )

(b) From stratum 7 Ar

2 Fragment of rouletted rim of Loeschcke type 2A (AK II, 342 )
3 Flat base of dish possibly of similar type, stamped VIBIE (see p 39) Indeterminate graffiti on under
side of base (AK II, 266)
4 Fragment of similar dish (AK II, 312 )
5 Fragment of cannated side of very thin, fine fabric, variant of Dragendorff type 8 or Loeschckc type 5 1

Approximates to a stamped example of Claudian date (AD 41-54) from Mainz (Oswald and
Pryce, op cit pi XXXIX, 14)
, (AK II, 311)
6 Minute sherd with internal groove, possibly fragment of Loeschcke type 10A, but too small for
reasonable conjecture (AK II, 344 )

7 Fragment of flat base of dish (AK II, 343 )

8 Fragment of rouletted nm of Loeschcke type 2A or similar (AK II, 314)
9. Fragment of base-ring of dish (AK II, 298 )' '
10 Indeterminate fragment of marbled ware (yellow with red veins) This type of ware was being produced
by Arretine potters at least as early as the beginning of the first century A D (see p 14) (AK II,
506) Not illustrated
1 1
Fragment of Dragendorff type 17 or Loeschcke type 3B (AK II, 587 )
12 Fragment of flat base of dish with ring of fine rouletted pattern on upper surface (AK II, 587 )

13 Fragment of variant of Loeschcke type 3B (AK II, 530 )

14 Fragment of flat base of dish of 'marbled' ware See above, under No 10 (AKII.4IO)

(c ) Layer 8A (prior to 7 Ar)

15 Fragment of flat base of dish with incised line on interior (AK II, 397 )


(d) Layer 11C (cut into and therefore later than layer 8 green')
16 Fragment possibly of variant of Loeschcke or Dragendorff type 8 Orange-red glaze (AK II, 517 )

(e) Layer 8 green (lowest Arretine layer)

17 Fragment of flat base of dish (AK II, 550 ) Not illustrated

(f) Pottery Group A (earlier than the earliest, save one, of the brick structures on the site)
18 Base, form indeterminate, stamped ITTA (see p 40) Fragmentary graffito (svastika ) on under side
The glaze is of mediocre quality and is orange-red (AK IV, 54 ) 1

AK y
(g) Pit 7, high up outside S wall of warehouse
19 Fragment of dish-like bowl, variant of Dragendorff type 24 Red glaze on exterior of nm, yellow
glaze on interior, and possibly on exterior below nm (AK V, 61 )

To face page 36 PLATE XVIII

A 1A l\ }\a/l of / nrl\ t, \\ith ami \upenmpo\ul all \fuUllc Phase

po\t-hole* \\

B AK IV H<///
of Middle Phase built o\er r
To face plate XX

-JA 1\
ualhof Mid/It pl, int hmlt

To face plate XIX PLATE XX

\ (A li lank \ \ho\\inz i\\o main puiod\ of fhni i

B AK 7^
/tfwA, B E P = fiir/y P/JflVf , V^ P = A//J<//e Phase, LP = Late Phase
PLATE XXI To fat e page 37



22 C L--"-==~.-J
FIG 5 Arretme pottery from stratified layers, 1945. \ (potters' names m 3, 18 and 21,


AK Vll
(h) Pit 24 (high up. cf AK \\ Pit 7)
20 Rim of Loeschcke type 2A or variant (AK VII, 14 )

21 Base possibl) of Loeschcke type 8 or Ritterlmg type 5, with stamp CAMVRI (see p 40)
(AKVU, 15)



FlG 6 Arretme pottery from mixed la} er&, 1945 \

AK Vlll

(i) Pit J, cut into *all

of warehouse, and therefore subsequent to it

22 Variant of Dragendorff
type 16 or Loeschcke type 3 (AK VIII, 49 )


2T Variant of Loeschcke 2A or Dragendorff type 17 Cf Oswald and Pryce, op tit, pi XLII, 9-11
(Tibeno-Claudian, c A D 25-50) (AK II, 452 )
23a Sherd of imitation or provincial terra sigillata, of reddish
grey fabric with light red glaze and very
rough external roulettmg (AK II, 399 )
24 Fragment of flat base of dish (AK II, 482 )
25 Fragment of base of dish with incised line on interior (AK II, 503 )
26 Fragment of base of dish with two concentric incised lines on interior (AK II, 602 )
27 Fragment of rim of Loeschcke type 4B or Ritterlmg type 1 (AK IV, 187 )
28 Rim of Loeschcke type 2 (AK X, 2 )

To face page 38 PLATE XXII

A 1A II it nil of qmulninali of lank K \ho\\ in% Lai h and \1uidh Plui\i \\iih <. /wu'v for limbering

B T\pe /, rouletted norc

PLATE XXIII To face page 39

A irutint Wt;/>//>
I MIL or \ Hill

B \tnitnt \nm,/> C l\fl HI

C Arretine stamp ITT I

Scale 2 1
29 Variant of Locschckc type 2 (AK X, 3 )
30 Fragment of rouletted nm of Loeschcke type 8 or Ritterlmg type 5 (AK X, 4 )

31 Rim of Ritterlmg type 5 No roulcttmg (AK X, 1 )



, 32
34 '

39 .- A f"">E:j . '. : i
I IG 7 Arretine potter\ from the previous (French) excavations %

These sherds are unstratified, but Nos 37 and 38 are said to have been found at a depth which would equate
them with our Arretme-producing lajers on AK II
32 Fragment of hne ware with leaf-pattern impressed from a mould The sherd is too small to indicate
form possibly DragendortT type 1 1
, PI XXIV, 4
33 Fragment of large dish, Locschtke type 2A
34 Fragment of dish, Loeschcke type 3B
35 Ditto PI XXIV, I

36 Base of dish
37 Base of cup, with indeterminate fragment of potter's stamp
38 Base of cup, probably Loeschcke type 8 or Ritterlmg type 5 On the under side of the base is a

graffito k or, more probably, BrShml a PI XXIV, 3

39, 40 Cups of Loeschcke type 8 or Ritterlmg type 5 PI XXIV, 2, 5


I VIBII {probably VIBIE, possibly VIBIF) On the interior of the flat base of
a dish, form uncertain Found on Site II, layer 7 Ar AK
There seem to have been
two families of Arezzo potters, the Vibu and the Vibiem, to the latter of whom
this stamp would appear to belong, but no attempt has been made to distinguish their
respective work and date Miss M
V Taylor, to whom I have referred the problem, has
very kindly spent much time m
looking up the appropriate literature at Oxford, and the
following is a summary of her report The first and perhaps best account is by Gamurnm
in Notizie degh Scavi, 1 883, pp 45 Iff He says that the pottenes of the Vibiem at Arezzo
were near those of M
Perenmus and P Cornelius by S Maria in Gradi, and worked both
before and after them. On the death of C. Vibienus, his sons succeeded to the industry.

What their relation was with the pottery of "Vibius" is not clear, or which employed the
other, but the Vibieni and Vibii descended from an ancient Etrurian family, the Vibia,
whose name is still preserved in Bibbiena. In any case, north of Arezzo, close to
S Domemco, was the pottery of A(ulus) and C(aius) Vibius who, according to coins found,
worked in the second and first centuries B.C. After the death of C
Vibius, the industry
was carried on by his workers, Athemus and others The names of workers with the
Vibn include A Vibius, C
Vibius and L. Vibius (Corpus Inscnptionwn Latmarum, XI,
6,700, 765ff ; XV, 5,750-60 , XIII, 10,009, 290-300)
'Loeschcke, m Mitteilungen der Altertums-Kommission fur Westfalen, V (1909), 186,
says that, since the Vibn are found at Mont Beuvray, Neuss, Tnon, Vechten and Xanten
but do not occur at Haltern (occupied 11 B C-A D
16), they evidently flourished before
the latter dates He does not, however, distinguish between the two families of Vibii and
Vibieni, and most of his evidence appears to relate to the Vibii T Kmpowitsch, Die
Keramik romischer Zeit aus Olbia (1929), 9, No 3, Abb 2 and p 12, gives VIB1E (might be
VIBIF), and, basing on Loeschcke, dates it to the last years of the first century B C The
collection however has no independent documentation Ihffe (op cit on p 35, above)
records VIBI and C VIBI on dishes from the agora at Athens, but again there is (at present)
no independent dating On the other hand, F Oswald in his Indet of Stamps on Terra
Sigillata ascribes C Vibius of Montans, in southern France, to the period Claudius-
Vespasian (c AD 41-79)

It would appear therefore that members of the Vibia family were producing Arretme
or related pottery from the beginning of the first century B C until after the middle of the
first century A D though in the latter stages only denvative provincial wares are in question

The evidence is consistent with an earlier initial date for the Ankamedu series than I have
suggested above (p 22), but is far too confused to be determinate
2 CAMVRI On the interior of the flat base of a cup, probably Loeschcke type 8
or Ritterlmg type 5 Found on AK
VII in Pit 2A, probably contemporary with the
'warehouse' The stamp is somewhat blurred, but the cross-stroke of the A appears
to have been amalgamated with the right instead of the left half of the M
The stamp of Gams Amunus occurs on Arretine at Olbia (Knipowitsch, as cited above),
at Beisan m Palestine, at Alexandria, and m
the Athens agora See Iliffe, as cited above
In at least three instances it is recorded on dishes of Dragendorff 's form 1 8 this form is

characteristic of the last phase of Arretine production, but the date of its introduction is
unknown It occurs also on the dish known as 'Ritterlmg 5 which is found at Hof heim
m the Claudian period (A D 41-54)
3 ITTA On the interior of the flat base of a dish, form uncertain, with an orange-
red glaze Found on AK IV in Pottery Group A
which just antedated the earliest,
save two, of the brick walls on that site
Possibly a retrograde stamp of the Augustan potter P Attms It is uncertain where
he worked ( 9 Puteoh or Arezzo) Ilifle records his stamp from the Athens agora, and
it has been found (ATTI) at Mainz on Arretine of
Ritterlmg type 5 in 'marbled' ware (Behn,
Romische Keramik, Abb 10, 1 whence Oswald and Pryce, op cit pi XXVIII, 1), and at
, ,

Haltern (Loeschcke Nos 117 and 118) His wares were therefore in use within the period
1 1 B C -A D 16, the period of the occupation of Haltern


Close copies of Arretine forms at Ankamedu are restricted to Dragendorff type 24/25,
a small bowl with rouletted nm The copies are of a hard greyish buff ware with polished
surface, and differ in fabric sufficiently from the local wares to make it reasonably certain
that they are imports Two examples were found in the recent excavations, one of them in
a layer which also produced Arretme pottery Other examples, of which two are illustrated
(fig 8, 44-5 and pi XXIV, 6), were found previously by the French excavators

43 I

FIG 8 41-2 and 44-5, copies of Arretme form* , 43, similar fabric %

Occasional sherds of similar fabric but less distinctive form probably also represent
imported wares
41 From AK II, level 8A, which also produced Arretine sherd No 15 Copy of Dragendorff t\pe 24/25
(Loesthcke t)pe 12 or Ritterling type 6) Rouletted rim Hard, polished greyish buff ware, grey
below (AK II, 456 )

42 From AK VII level 3AN, contemporary with warehouse' Fragment of bowl with rim rebated for
lid Not an Arrctint form, but of the same foreign fabric as Nos 44-5 (AK VII, 31 )
41 From a layer immediately overlying No 42 Fragment of rouletted nm, probably of imitation of
Dragendorff type 24 Grey ware, reddish buff surface (AK VII, 34 )
44 and 4S From the French excavations of 1943, said to have been found at 60 metres below sea-le\eF,
e at approximately the same horizon as the lowest Arretine sherds from the present excavations

C opics ot Dragendortt type 24/25 Hard polished greyish buff ware.

(u) Imported amphorae

Sherds of amphorae of Mediterranean type and fabric were found on all the excavated
sites in every significant stratum, with the exception of the lowest (layer 15) on II This AK
layer probably represents the old foreshore, and did not yield much pottery of any kind
The exception is not therefore of importance and it may fairly be said that, unless for a

few superficial and fragmentary walls built of re-used brickbats largely disturbed soil, m
the importation of amphorae continued throughout the occupation of the town, as
The function of the amphorae was doubtless that for which these vessels were com-
monly used in their lands of origin namely, to contain wine or oil Reference has already
been made (above, p 21) to Tamil records of the ancient importation of wine into India
from the West, and many of the sherds of amphora from Ankamedu, including the earliest
stratigraphically, preserve an internal incrustation which, on analysis, is found to contain
resin, a common constituent of Mediterranean wines

A majority of the sherds is too fragmentary for a reconstruction of the types represented.
But a number of them are of a pink fabric with yellow slip which, in Europe, is commonly
of a date before rather than after the middle of the first century A D
and some of the

handles are of the rectilinear and high-shouldered profile to which a similar dating applies
Stratigraphically it would appear that the arrival of amphorae preceded that of Arretine
ware (notably on AK 11 see above, p 22), and amphorae continued to be imported or

at least used for a considerable time after the introduction of Arretine ware had ceased.
Thus on site AK IV, the earliest, save two, of the brick walls overlay a sherd of Arretine
(which in turn overlay a stratum containing amphorae), but amphora-sherds are found in
all strata which can be related to the subsequent structural phases

Information from the Chemist of the Archaeological Survey of India.


In the course of the 1945 excavations, 116

amphora sherds, representing approximately
the same number of vessels, were found. All sherds showing any part of the shape of the
vessel are here illustrated
(figs. 9 and 10).

47 -
TT'/- 149


Fio 9 Imported amphorae from stratified layers, Northern Sector


(a) Stratified amphorae from the Northern Sector

From pre-Arretine layers
46 From AK II, stratum 14 (the lowest save one 6 feet below present sea-level) Rim of pinkish buff ware

47 Cannated shoulder, pink ware with yellow slip From AK V, stratum 11 A, underlying the wail of
the 'warehouse and equivalent to strata 13 and 14 on AK II

48 Rim of yellow-slipped buff ware, same type as No 46 From AK V, stratum 11, a pre-Arretine layer
immediately below present sea- level
From Arretine layers

49 Fragment of handle of gritty pinkish buff ware from AK II, stratum 8A, which also contained a sherd
of Arretine (above, p 36)
50 Bluntly pointed base, of pink ware with yellow slip, from AK n, stratum 10A, which immediately
overlay 8A
51 Part of straight handle from AK II, stratum 7 Ar, which yielded most of the Arrctine sherds from
the site Yellow ware
52 From AK VHIA, stratum 7, which equates with the Arretme-produung layer 7 Ar of AK II Pinkish
buff ware with yellow slip
53 Angular shoulder from AK VIII, stratum 5, which equates with the Arretine layer 7 Ar of AK II
Pink ware

From post- Arretine layers

54 Bluntly pointed base from Ak II, stratum 7H, contemporary with the construction of the warehouse'
Pink ware, yellow slip
55 Rim and straight high-shouldered handle, of pink ware From AK
II, stratum 9, immediately over-

Ivmg 7 Ar and equivalent to 7H (No 54) The straight, high-shouldered handle is characteristic
of the first half of the first century A D (Loeschcke type 66, Rittcrlmg tvpe 73)
56Angular shoulder, of pink ware with yellow slip From the same stratum as No 55
57Angular shoulder, pink ware with vellow slip, from AK II, stratum 7A, equivalent to that of
Nos 55 and S6
58 Straight handle, pinkish ware with yellow slip, from Ak If, stratum 7D, make-up of floor of warehouse
59 Bluntly cannated shoulder, pinkish ware with yellow slip From \k II, stratum 6, make-up of floor
of 'warehouse
60,61 Short handles, pink ware with yellow slip, from \k V, Pit 1, subsequent to destruction of warehouse
This stump) type of handle is
contemporary with the tall straight ivpe, No 5\ but also long out-
lived it

(b) Stratified amphorae from the Southern Sector (AK IV)

62 Rim, pink ware, from Pottery Group A
(with sigillata base stamped IITA), immediately underlying
the earliest-but-onc of the britk structures
63 Angular shoulder, fine pinkish buff ware, dating from the beginning of the Dram Period' mam
64 Stumpy handle, pinkish buff ware, from the same layer as No 63
65 Fragment of straight handle, from a slightly later structure of the same phase as Nos 6"M Pmk
ware with yellow slip
66 Pointed base, pink ware with yellow slip Late Drain Period'
67. Fragment of handle of gritty pink ware Late Phase
68 Fragment of handle of fine yellow clay Late Phase
69 Fragment of straight handle, gritty pink ware Late Phase

(c) From mi\ed deposits of the Northern Sector

70 Fragment of handle, pink ware with yellow slip (Ak II )

71. Straight handle, pink ware (AK II )
72 Rim, buff ware (AKII)
73 Part of straight handle, pink ware with buff slip (AK II )

74. Rim, pink ware (AK II )


FIG 10 Imported amphorae 62-69, from stratified layers. Southern Sector , 70-84t from mixed layers

75 Curved handle, fine pink ware with yellow slip (AK VITI )
76 Rim, pinkish ware with yellow slip (AK VIII )
77 Bluntly pointed base, pink ware with yellow slip (AK VIII )

78 Bluntly pointed base, pink ware (AK Vin )

79 Straight handle, pinkish ware with buff slip (AK VII )

(d) from mi\eil deports of the Southern Sector

80 Fragment of handle, pink ware with yellow slip (AK IV )

81 Sharply shouldered handle, fine pinkish ware with yellow slip This type of handle occurs at Haltern
early in the first century A D and is found rarely at Hofheim towards the middle of the century
It is exceptional after A D 50 (AK IV )
82 Rim of pink ware, traces of yellow slip (AK IV )

(e) From the prewous (French) e\cavation<>

83-84 Necks of amphorae of light pink ware, 83 with buff slip

Note an amphora from Ta \ila

The only other Indian site known to have yielded an amphora of Mediterranean type is Taxila (Punjab),
where an example (fig 1) was found at a depth of 7 feet 4 inches in the Parthian city of S'irkap, and is dated by

Sir John Marshall to the first centuries B C -A D Now in the Taxila Museum Unlike the Ankamedu
amphorae, which must represent maritime trade, the Taxila example is on general grounds more hkeh perhaps
to have travelled overland from western Asia

FIG 11 Imported amphora from Ta\ila Punjab t $

(in) Rouletted black ware (Ankamedu Type 1)

characteristic pottery-type of Ankamedu is a dish (Type 1) sometimes more than
12 inches in diameter, with an incurved and beaked rim which usually has a facetted edge
The ware has a remarkably smooth surface, is thin, brittle and well-burnt, and has an almost
metallic ring The flat interior is normally decorated with two, occasionally three, concentric
bands of rouletted pattern (fig 12 and pis XXIIB, XXV, XXVI) This pattern is not an
Indian feature and may be regarded as an importation from the Mediterranean region, but
it has not yet been possible to ascertain whether the type itself is of similar origin It may

This and the following sections on the pottery are contributed by Mr Krishna Deva


in any case be presumed that the varieties with distinctly inferior fabnc and degenerate
rouletted pattern were manufactured locally
Sherds of the rouletted black ware are present in all strata of all excavated sites at
Ankamedu Thus on AKII, which is the representative site of the Northern Sector, this
ware occurs from the topmost to the lowest stratum,
immediately overlying the natural
soil, and thus appears to have come into vogue even earlier than the imported amphorae,
which are found m
all layers save the lowest With this exception (which may be accidental,
see p 22), the ware is seen to be stratigraphically and chronologically co-extensive with
the amphora, though it is found in much greater abundance It both preceded and out-
lasted the Arretme ware by an appreciable margin It is, however, noteworthy that the

type is relatively more abundant in the pre-Arretme and Arretme layers of the Northern
Sector, uhich signifies that the type became less popular after the middle of the first century
AD Similarly, in the Southern Sector (AK IV) it is seen to be commoner in the earlier
than in the later deposits The first appearance of the rouletted pattern at Ankamedu
is therefore as early as the end of the first century B C or beginning of the first century AD ,

the approximate date of the lowest layers of AK

H, while its terminal date is determined
by the latest occupation in the Southern Sector of the town, attributable to c AD 200
The ware was carefully potted on a quick wheel from a fine well-levigated clay which
burned grey or, more often, greyish pink, the grey colour being due to the reducing condi-
tion under which the pot was fired Before firing, it was usually treated inside and outside
with a slip which, on being subjected to an inverted firing, turned black inside and showed
variegated shades of grey, black, yellow or brown outside Occasionally both faces are
covered with black slip and rarely with brown The different shades of the slip occur in
the following order of frequency
1 Greyish pink ware, grey slip inside, brown to sepia outside
2 black brown outside
3 Grey ware, black slip inside and out
4 brown
5 black slip with magnetic lustre (below, p 94)

Of these, the first four are of universal occurrence, while the last is confined to the pre-
Arretme layers of the Northern Sector with an overlap in the lowest Arretme-producing
layer of AK II
The was often burnished while the exterior seldom received this
interior surface
attention In some
cases the polish is high, though inferior to the lustre of the *black
polished pottery' of northern India (Ancient India, No. 1, 1946, p 55) The specimens
from the pre-Arretme strata are marked by a generally brighter polish than those from
later deposits The best-finished example of this type, with a remarkably high polish
on both faces, comes from an early layer of AK
V (Northern Sector) immediately under-
lying the south wall of the 'warehouse' and ascnbable to the second quarter of the first
century AD
A varieties of the mam type may be distinguished by diversity of shape, fabric
and rouletted design (fig 12) \a has a more incurved nm and is characteristic of the Early
Phase (mid and late first century A D ) of the Southern Sector, while \b has the same form
as 1 save for the external ribbings, which are absent in the pre-Arretme layers but are of
occasional occurrence in later deposits Variants \c-d, distinguished by a very pronounced
inward projection or beak, are confined to the pre-Arretme layers, although a blunter form,
\e, occurs rarely in these layers and survives occasionally (I/-/) throughout the occupation,
associated sometimes with high external grooving One or two of the latter were shallow
bowls rather than dishes and may have lacked the internal roulettmg
To face page 46 PLATE XXIV

/ 5, 4rretine potier\ , 6, oj 4rretinc Jorni

PLATE XXV To face plate XXVI

A T\pe /, \anetit"* of rvuletnn%

B T\pc /, varufies oj rouletting

To face plate XXV PLATE XXVI

A T\pe I \arieiu s
of r

B T\pe /, tourw rouletiing

PLATE XXVII To face page 47

A Rouletteii \\ure /, from Cluindru\a{li, \f\sort' , 2 anil J, from 4marCi\iHi

B. Base of pre-Arretme pot sho\\ mg basket 'impression



The roulettmg also shows a variety of forms (pis XXV and XXVIA), consisting of
minute triangles , diamonds or parallelograms wedges or uprights crescents ovals or dots
, , , ,

or an eye-shaped device which is only an attenuated diamond Of these, the triangles are
the most common and occur in all strata The other patterns also have a long vogue
with the exception of the eye-shaped device (pi XXVA), which is peculiar to the pre-
Arretine layers of the Northern Sector, with an overlap in the lowest Arretine-producing
layer of AK II
we may notice varieties of this type in an unmistakably inferior, usually thicker,
fabric which is commonly left unslipped and unpolished The rouletted pattern, too, shows
deterioration on these varieties, which appear to have been locally manufactured One
variety, of a thick gritty blackish grey ware with shallow rouletted design (pi* B, 5), XXVI
occurs only in the Southern (later) Sector A
solitary specimen from an Arretine level
of the Northern Sector V, 8N) shares all features of this variety but differs from it
inhaving a polished black slip Another variety consists of thick gntless grey ware with
poor roulettmg, and a third shows a scattered and rough rouletted pattern (pi XXVIB, 2-4)
It is significant that while these varieties are absent (with one exception from AK V just

mentioned) from the pre-Arretme and Arretine layers of the Northern Sector and occur only
sporadically in the later layers there, they are fairly common m
the Southern Sector (AK IV)
through all phases of its more prolonged occupation There are also some rare examples
of rouletted red wares of thick coarse fabric from AK IV (all periods), which are doubtless
of local origin (pi XXVIB, 6-8)
Elsewhere in India only three sites are at present known to have yielded sherds of
rouletted black ware Chandra valli and Brahmagm (both Chitaldrug District), m the
northern part of Mysore State and Amaravatl (Nellore District) in the Madras

Presidency The Chitaldrug sherds found m

excavation have not been published but are
preserved in the Museum of the State Archaeological Department at Mysore, and others

have been picked up on the two sites (pi XXVIIA, ) A sherd from Chandravalli is said to

have been derived from a stratum which produced two denarii of Tiberius (A D 14-37)
and two fragments of imported red-glazed ware of Arretine type This is consistent with
the Ankamedu dating From the same site come fragments of dishes with bevelled nms
also analogous to the Ankamedu type These fragments include examples with yellow-
painted patterns on a russet ground (fig 13, and n) a type of decoration widespread

in southern India and now seen to be, at least m

part, contemporary with the Ankamedu

iv VI
FIG 13 I-H, from Chandravalli, Mysore Slate tn-iv, from
, BairSt, Jaipur State, v-vi,from Amar&vati,
Madras Presidency $
For a preliminary account of the Chandravalli excavations, sec Excavations at Chandravalli ', Supplenn
he Annual Report of the Mysore
Archaeological Department for the year 1929 (Bangalore, 1931)
to i


occupation From Amaravati are derived two sherds of rouletted ware of Ankamedu
Type 1, now in the Government Museum, Madras (pi XXVIIA, 2 and 3), and rims of the
same type have recently been picked up on the Amaravati town-site (fig 13, v and vi)
In North India, in Jaipur State, a fragment of a dish with an mturned beaked nm
generally approximating to the Ankamedu type and with a hard grey fabric and polished
brown surface, also analogous, was found at Baira{ and is preserved in the Archaeological
Museum at Jaipur (fig. 13, in) The fragment is too small to indicate whether the base
was rouletted, and this feature must not be assumed The rim, unlike the Ankamedu
type, is upturned, as is that of a further example of similar ware from Bairat (fig 13, iv)
For other resemblances between northern wares and those of Ankamedu, see p 93
The following are selected examples of Type 1 and its variants (fig 12)
1 Polished grey ware of fine fabric with black slip inside and on outer base, and light brown on outer
nm This is the arch-type The specimen illustrated has, however, individual features an inconspicuous m
external cannation near the rim and a groove below, which runs less than half-way round the pot Like a
majority of the type, it bears two rows of fine roulettmg From a pre-Arretine layer (AK V, 1 1
A) early
, first

century AD
\a Polished grey ware with pink patches on exterior and black-slipped interior, and two rings of rouletted
pattern Similar to 1 but with a more pronounced inward curve From Pottery Group A, Early Phase of
AK TV, containing an Arretme sherd stamped ITTA, mid first century AD
\b Similar to 1 but with ribbings on the exterior From the 'Arretme' horizon, V, 8N AK
IcVariety with unusually prominent beaked run projecting inward, and a series of external grooves
Fabnc as I From a pre-Arretine layer (AK V, 1 1 A)
Id Smaller and thinner variety of Ic with a more incurved side Polished grey ware of fine fabric, greyish
nm From a pre-Arretine layer (AK V, 1A)
blue slip inside and on outer base, and light brown on exterior 1

\e Rim-fragment of polished greyish brown ware of fine-grained fabric with a blunt but prominent notched
beak and external groove From a pre- Arretme layer (AK II, 14)
If Fine grey ware, polished black slip inside and brown outside From a layer containing Arretme ware
(AK II, first half of first
1 1C), century A.D
\g Fine grey ware with pink patches Shape similar to If Traces of greyish black slip svastika A
cut on the outside after firing From the Late Phase of AK
IV , probably second century D A
l/i Similar but slightly inferior ware, black internally and brown externally, with blunt beak and high
external grooving This example represents a small bowl rather than a dish, and ma) not have had internal
roulettmg From Pottery Group on A AK
IV , approximately mid first century AD
U Similar ware to la Blunt beak and high external grooving, former presence of internal roulettmg
uncertain From Southern Sector, 'Main Drain' Period, first-second century AD


Introductory note
Previous sections of this report have dealt mainly with imported wares or motifs
But by far the greater mass of the Ankamedu pottery consisted of local wares, to which
the imported material now for the first time gives an approximate chronology
With a few exceptions, the local pottery was turned on the wheel The exceptions
include a class of portable ovens, rings of 'ring-wells ', some large troughs and storage jars,
and conical jars of Type 75, the last being partly wheel-turned and partly hand-made The
normal d6graissants are sand and grit, but mica and straw or husk are occasionally used for
this purpose. The fabric was usually a porous clay containing a fair amount of sand,
which burned pink or greyish red to light red under oxidizing conditions of firing and dull
grey to greyish black under reducing conditions in the kiln For a special class of grey or
greyish pink wares a superior quality of clay, free from grit and remarkably fine-grained,
was employed. Slips are fairly common, and a fair percentage of the pottery was either

salt-glazed (below, p 93) or treated with a burnished slip. The vast majority of the types
are plain and utilitarian in character. Decorated types are rare, and decoration is generally
simple and primitive in character, the commonest being finger-Up ornament
A small percentage of Arikamedu pottery was subjected to inverted firing, i.e. was
placed upside-down in the kiln with a fair quantity of carbonaceous matter stuffed inside
As a result of this firing, the whole of the interior and the portion of the exterior (usually
the nm) which came into direct contact with the fuel turned jet black, and the remaining
outer surface became red under oxidizing conditions and grey under reducing conditions
in the kiln For the sake of brevity we shall refer to the former as black-and-red ware and
the latter as black-and-grey ware The effect was strikingly picturesque if the pots were
treated with a slip and salt-glazed (below, p 93) in course of firing, a feature which is
characteristic specially of the 'Arretine' period of the Northern Sector (first half of first
century AD)
For purposes of classification, the local pottery is divisible into two broad groups,
the first coming from the Northern Sector and the second from the Southern The wares
from the earliest layers of the Northern Sector are predominantly grey, with a sprinkling
of red wares mostly painted with haematite or bright red slip In later deposits of this
Sector there was a progressive increase in the quantity of red ware, until it assumes panty
with the grey and finally outnumbers the latter as the top layers are reached In the
Southern Sector, the occupation of which began later and lasted later, a crude type of
pottery overwhelmingly red in colour is predominant Though many types of the Northern
Sector are present here, some new varieties of familiar types and a number of altogether
new types are in evidence , whilst the fabric, even in the earliest layers, is generally inferior
to that of the Northern Sector, and becomes increasingly degenerate towards the top layers
The conclusion is that the pottery of the Southern Sector represents in the main a continued
process of devolution already incipient in the later layers of the Northern Sector The
occasional introduction of new types in the Southern Sector seems to indicate, however, that
other influences were at work alongside the normal processes of evolution or devolution
For the convenience of study, the local pottery and other finds from Arikamedu may be
divided into the following chronological classes, corresponding with the stratigraphical
A Northern Sector (first century AD)
(1) 'Pre-Arretme', le finds from the layers underlying those which yielded
Arretme pottery and ascnbable to the end of the first century B C. or the
beginning of the first century AD ,

(2) 'Arretine', i e finds from the layers yielding Arretine pottery, and other equivalent
layers of the first half of the first century A D
(mainly c A D 20-50) ,

(3) 'Post-Arretine', i e finds from all the upper layers, which in the absence of any
significant sub-division will be dealt with together They are of the mid or
late first century AD
B Southern Sector, mostly AK IV (mid first-second century AD)
(1) 'Pre-structural', shortly before the middle of the first century AD ,

(2) 'Early Phase', mid or late first century AD ,

(3) 'Mam Dram Period', i e finds contemporary with the elaborate system of drains
and connected walls of Middle Phase, sub-period 1; first-second century
(4; 'Late Dram Period ', i e. finds contemporary with the additions and restorations
to the mam dram and other connected walls of Middle Phase, sub-periods 2
and 3 , second century AD.,
To face page 50 PLATE XXVIII

\ho\\mg basket-impression and graffito decoration

B Decorated sherds from pre-Arretme lay ers

PLATE XXIX To fac e plate XXX

A De<. orated s/jm/s from prc- \ rrcttnt In

B Decorated sherd from pre- irretme la\ ers

To face plate XXIX PLATE XXX

\ Dei orated \herds ftom Arreime la\ers

B Dei orated sherth fiom Southern Sa tor, Pre-Vructural Phase

PLATE XXXI To face plate XXXII

Graffito So {them Set for, B Pre~ 4rrelme sherd,

MttMlt Pha\t \
\ortlnrn Sector \

C Painted and incised sherds , Southern Sector, Earl \ Phase

To face plate XXXI PLATE XXXII

A Pu\l-4rrctini \heid, \itrtliern bettor

/)<< orated \herd\ ,

Southern Set lor Laic Drain Pha\c

(5) 'Late Phase', i e finds belonging to a period when the earlier structures were
entirely discarded and their place was taken by a few isolated and fragmentary
walls here and there second century
, AD , or later

A(l) Pre-Arretine (latefirtt century BC

or early first century AD)
The pre-Arretme or earliest group of
pottery from Ankamedu comes from the lowest layers of the Northern Sector which are now submerged from
2 feet to 10 feet below mean sea-level The pottery from the following layers are included in this group
r layer 12 (underlying the lowest Arretme layer)
(A-P) 1 14
L 15 (overlying the natural soil)
AK II a-X) layer 12
K r layer 9N = 1 1

1 ION = 1 1 A (These layers are equivalent respectively to 13 and 14 of AK II )

The pottery from predominantly grey and of a coarse to medium fabric, usually treated
these early layers is

with a greyish chalky slip which is not infrequently polished or salt-glazed The only exception occurs the m
lowest layer of AK II which has yielded more red than grey ware, but, as little pottery of any kind was found in
this layer, which presumably represents the old foreshore, the exception cannot be stressed
The distmctiNc feature of this group is the occasional use of a bluish chalky slip, which is absent on pottery
from later deposits It occurs on a fair number of common
grey-ware pots belonging to Types 3, 4, 8, 9, 11,
21, 24, 28, 30, 31, 43, 48, 59, 74, 93 and 101 Analysis shows that the chalky matter consists of an aqueous
suspension of kaolin, while the bluish shade is due to traces of ferrous oxide

Salt-glazed bowls of Types 9, 9d and 9h-m of a polished black-and-grey fabric are also characteristic of
this group Another feature peculiar to it is a black slip with magnetic lustre (magnetic oxide of iron) which
occurs occasionally on Types 1, 2 and 9 (below, p 94) A majority of the characteristic types of Arikamedu
are already present in this group These include Types 1-4, 8-12, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 34, 42-45, 48, 54,
55, 59, 60. 70, 72, 74-76, 82-84, 87-88, 93, 97 and 101
Ornamentation is rare on the pre-Arrelme wares and comprises, besides finger-tip ornament, simple incised
and applied designs and patterns impressed deliberately or accidentally from mats or baskets (pis XXVIIB and
XXVIIIB, 4-5) A black-and-red ware dish of Type 6 is remarkable for the mat-impressions on its exterior base,
which is further embellished with a lotus design incised after baking (fig 1 5, Type 6 pi XXVIIIA) , Other
devices are a row of oblique wedge-shaped slashes on a fragmentary vessel of buff ware (pi XXXIB), incised
herring-bone patterns on a number of storage jars (pi XXIX A, 1-2, 10-11), incised zig-zags on the neck of a
basin (pi XXVTIIB, 3), raised bands with cross-hatched pattern on storage jars and basins (fig 30, Types 83 and
83J>, pi XXIX A, 7-9), and indentations within incised horizontal and vertical grooves (pi XXIXB)
A(2) Contemporary vuf/i Arnnne (t 20-50) ADThe pottery contemporary with the Arretine
wares is distinguished from the prc-Arretine groups by the absence of the markedly bluish chalky slip,
the only exceptions occurring occasionally in the lowest Arretme-producmg layer (AK II, 8 green), which
yielded eleven sherds with this slip Of these, six belong to Type 9, four to Type 8 and one to Type 9/i as against
fifteen, thirty-four and ml respccti\cly with other varieties of slip from the same stratum Other overlaps from
the previous groups consist of two examples of black slip with magnetic lustre (below, p 94) and two fragments
of polished black-and-grey ware bowls of Type 9h These overlaps confirm the general continuity of culture
on the site
The pottery of the Arretine phase, like that of the pre-Arretme, is predominantly of a coarse grey fabric
and is usually treated with greyish (not bluish) chalky slip which is often salt-glazed (below, p 93) or polished
A trend however, noticeable towards a gradual increase in the frequency of red ware throughout the phase,
until we and grey ware in approximately equal quantities in the latest Arretme-produung strata.
find the red
Many types survived from the preceding period into this, but some new forms such as Types 18, 18o, 49,
61, 69 and 73 were introduced now for the first time
Mottled ware is also peculiar to this group A small number of slipped and salt-glazed pots of Types 4, 8
and 24 exhibit patches of pink colour variegated with greenish grey, with striking effect On a dish of Type 8

1 Information from the Chemist, Archaeological Survey of India


occurs an irregular scaly design in greenish line on a background of salt-glazed chalky slip It is, however,

difficult to ascertain whether the mottling was merely accidental or deliberate*

Black (as distinct from dark grey) ware is represented in this period by half-a-dozen specimens belonging
to Types 8, 9 and 43, as against a solitary example in the pre-Arretine group
Ornamented pottery is even rarer in the Arretme phase than in the pre-Arretine Of painted decoration
there is a single fragmentary specimen, too minute for illustration, showing faint bands in black on a light red
ground Of incised ornament, the most noteworthy is the svasnka scratched after baking on two fragmentary
bowls of Type 9 (pi XXXA, 2-3) A variety of basket-impression is an innovation of this period (pi XXX, 1)
All other patterns are survivals from the preceding phase.
A(3) Post-Arretine (second half of first century A Z>)~In the post- Arretme penod of the Northern
Sector the principal types and fabrics remained substantially the same as in the preceding periods The only
difference occurs in the relative incidence of the red and grey wares, of which the former now becomes

predominant, thus indicating a change m

technique The muffled kiln, or firing under reducing conditions,
appears to have lost favour with the potter of the post-Arretme period, who developed a growing fondness for
the open kiln or firing under oxidizing conditions
Another change m this period consisted of a diminution of the vogue for burnishing and salt-glazing
Such utilitarian devices as spouts and handles are now in greater evidence, though they are still far from
common Spouts and lug-handles, of which there are two varieties, are innovations ol this period, and are
continued in the Southern Sector
New forms introduced in this period were Types 5, 8^ SA-H, 9f-g, 29, 32, 33, 38, 41, 53, 71, 78, 80a, 113
and 116
Some of the old types undergo a slight modification in this period or produce new varieties Thus we get,
besides the normal form, a thicker variety of Type 9w in red ware with a roughly finished surface on which no
care has been taken to obliterate the corrugations produced by the wheel This new variety continues in the
Southern Sector and gets progressively more degenerate there Further, a highly burnished variety of Type 4,
with a distinct ware and fabric, is
peculiar to this period
Haematite slip is rare in this as in the Arretme class and occurs only on a few sherds of Types 9h-i and 42
Most of the decorative motifs of the preceding periods survived in this phase The only innovation is a
stamped design of rosettes occurring on a red-ware fragment (pi XXXIIA)
B(l)-(5) Pottery from the Southern Sector (late first-second century The AD) two sites excavated in the
Southern Sector, AK I and IV, both showed extensive disturbance at the hands of brick-robbers, and only
AK IV produced significant layers (above, p 26)
This Sector represents an essentially red-ware culture which contrasts with the grey-ware culture of the
Northern Sector As we have seen (p 50), the transition from grey to red ware was achieved by slow stages,
which were all traversed in the Northern Sector, so that the monopoly of red ware in the Southern Sector does
not indicate a cultural intrusion there The essential continuity of the two Sectors is corroborated by the
survival of most of the characteristic types of the Northern into this Sector In the latter the pottery tends to
degenerate in course of time, becoming progressively coarser and more devoid of slip in the upper levels The
retrograde tendency is noticeable as early as the Early Phase and becomes a regular feature of the later wares
from the Late Dram Period onwards
Towards the close of sub-period 1 of the Early Phase a large heap of pottery was dumped
a sealed pitm
and is called Pottery Group A' This Group contained an Arretme bowl stamped ITTA (above, p 40), half-a-
dozen pieces of imported amphora, the base of a pot bearing a Priknt graffito, and a large number of familiar
types with variants
Ornamentation is as scarce in this Sector as m
the Northern, and is indistinguishable from it From the
Pre-structural Phase of this Sector, three sherds bear incised criss-cross patterns (pL XXXB, 2-4), two are deco-
rated with oblique slashes (pi XXXB, 5) , the base of a grey- ware bowl is stamped on the interior with a row
of lotus petals comparable with those on fig 36, Type 141 (pi XXXB, 1) , while a rouletted sherd (Type 1) bears
a graffito of lotus stalks (pi XXXB, 6) From the Early Phase comes a small carmated vessel of thin fabric,
decorated with slanting rows of dots m
white paint on a red-slipped surface (pi XXXIC, 1) Another sherd, of
Type bears deep slashes on the interior (pi XXXIC, 5)
8, Mat-impressions are still frequent (pi XXXIC, 2-4)
To the Mam Drain Period belongs a sherd bearing a graffito of a double svastika (pi XXXIA)
The decorated sherds from the Late Dram Phase include a fine grey-ware bowl stamped on the interior of
the base with conventional lotus petals similar to Type 141 (fig 36, pL XX
XII B, 3) , a jar-fragment bearing
incised palm-leaf
pattern (pi. XXXIIB, 1) and a sherd with criss-cross pattern (pi XXXHB, 2)







Fio 14 Types 2-5


Fio 15 Types 6-8

It may be added that a number of superficial and disturbed layers
yielded sherds of Chinese celadon ware,
evidently deposited during the spoliation of the site in the middle ages (below, p 91)

Types 2-148
a dish identical in fabric with Type 1 (p 46) but lacking the inward
projection or beak at the
rim Like Type 1, it has a sharply incurved side and the lip is usually facetted at the edge, but, unlike Type 1,
it constitutes one of the minor
types of the site The arth-type and the variant 2a with a slightly thicker nm
arc occasionally found throughout the occupation of both Sectors, though they arc relatively more abundant in
the pre-Arrctme and Arrctine layers of the Northern Sector Variant 26, with a thinner and more pronouncedly
incurved side and a larger number of facets at the nm, is peculiar to the prc-Arretmc layers Though of a
markedly coarser fabric, variant 2c shares all the other features of the type, including its polished surface it is ,

confined to the post-Arrctme strata of the Northern Sector

Type 3 is a dish with a beaked rim similar to Type 1 but, like the majority of the local types, is of an inferior
and coarser fabric also it is invariably devoid of rouletted decoration
, This is another of the minor types of
the site, though it is found in all periods of the two Sectors Variant 3a deviates from the mam type in the
decoration of the inside of the base with rows of roughly incised concentric circles This feature is peculiar
to the pre-AjTctmc and Arrctme layers Variant 36, with an almost can na ted profile, is a unique specimen
from an Arretine stratum (AK VIII, 5) Variants 3c, 3d and 3/, which are invariably grey wares, belong to the
prc-Arretine strata while 3c occurs occasionally from the pre-Arretme period to the Late Phase^of
, IV, AK
exclusive!) in red ware
Type 4 a simple dish with an incurved rim and a rounded base and, amongst dish-forms, is next to Type 1

in frequency This type is of similar fabric to Type 3, and occurs in a variety of colours such as grey, red, black-
and-red, or black-and-grev. due to differential firing Variant 4a, having an internally clubbed rim, is a unique
pot from a mixed group (AK VIII, pit 1 ), while 46 with a sharply incurved side is remarkable as much for its shape
as for its whitish fabric Only two examples of the latter are known, both from the Late Phase of the Southern
Type 5 is a carmatcd dish with an almost straight side and is of the same coarse fabric as Type 3 This is
a very rare type and does not occur earlier than the post- Arretine period in the Northern Sector and the Early
Phase in the Southern Variant 5a differs from Type 5 in having a slightly concave profile, while 56 is a dish
of finer grey fabric peculiar to the Early Phase of AK
IV, including Pottery Group A
Type 6 is a rare dish with an incurved rim and flattened sagger base The arch-type comes from the pre-
Arrctine layers and is only found in black-and-red ware of coarse fabric The specimen illustrated has, however,
individual features in being decorated with mat-impressions (pi XXVIII \) over the exterior of the base, which is
embellished with a large lotus flower incised after baking Variants 60-6 are grey wares occurring exclusively
in the pre-Arreune layers and are even rarer than the main type Variant 6a with a lip thinner than the arch-

type, is incised with numerous concentric grooves on the ulterior of the base, while 66 is distinguished by a slightly
concave base Variants 6c -d are unique miniature dishes of fine grey ware (the former from Pottery Group A',
i e Early Phase, and the latter from the Main Dram Phase of the Southern Sector), which ha\e similar profile
as 6a but show a pronouncedly concave base Variants 6f-/are thicker grey-ware dishes of fine-gramed fabric,
and occur at all periods in the Northern Sector and in the Pro-structural and Early Phases of the Southern Sector
Type 7, a dish with a rounded base, is distinguished by a clubbed and externall) grooved nm
Variant la
is larger in size and has a deeper groove than the mam
type, while 76 has a smaller
nm and more rounded profile
The type is extremely rare and belongs to the post-Arrelme period, while its \anants come from the Mam
Drain Phase of the Southern Sector The arch-type is of coarse greyish buff ware, black inside and on outer rim,
and greyish buff on the exterior of the base Variant la is of black-and-red ware of coarse fabric Variant 76 is
of greyish buff ware of a fine-grained fabric with grey core and smoothed buff-slipped surface inside and out
Type 8 is a dish distinguished by a sagger base and constitutes one of the most characteristic types of
Arikamedu It is of a coarse fabric and is generally grey in the pre-Arretme and Arretine layers and red in the
post-Arretme period of the Northern and all periods of the Southern Sector Some of the grey examples are
salt-glazed (see below, p 93) Though it was primarily a dish, some pots of this type may also have been used
as lids The arch-type and all its variants save 8/-, 8y, 8/ and 80-z are found in abundance from the earliest
to the latest occupation of both Sectors Variants $a-e and the miniature variety 8 have a similar base to the
arch-type but differ from it in rim-form Variants 8/and 8/ are peculiar to the Arretine layers of the Northern
Sector, while 8$ and8; arc confined to the
pre-Arretme layers Variants 8/1-1 form a class by themselves by
reason of their distinctive sharpened nm-fonn Similarly variants 8m-/> constitute
a homogeneous group in


Fio 16 Types 8 (contmued)-9


PHI: 17*
the pronounced sag of their base Again, variants %q-u have a sharp carmation as their common characteristic,
while SHKK, with roughly finished corrugated surface, belong to a separate sub-group which is characteristic of
the later phases of the Southern Sector, though it starts in the post-Arrctme period of the Northern Some of
the variants differ in their distribution Thus 80 is found in the post-Arretme layers of the Northern Sector and
throughout the occupation in the Southern, while 8$- arc confined to the post-Arretme period of the Northern
Sector; 8* to Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of AK IV 8v and 8r to the Early Phase and Mam Dram Period of

AK IV and 8jr, with an internally beaded rim, to the Late Phase of AK IV A remarkable feature of variant

8v is that it is usually found in black-and-red ware, while a unique specimen of this in a smaller size occurs in
the lowest Arrctmc-producmg layer (AK II, 8 green) in polished black-and-grcy ware

Type 9 is a simple bowl with a rounded base and constitutes one of the major types of Arikamedu It is
of a coarse fabric and is generally grey (sometimes salt-glazed) in the pre-Arrctmc and Arretme layers, but is
normally red in the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector and is always red in the Southern Sector It
is invariably treated with slip both inside and out Variants 9a~c, which are found throughout the occupation
of both Sectors, slightly deviate from the arch-type in the form of the rim Variant 9a has a thick and nearly
straight rim, while 9b has an internally thickened nm, and 9c a similar but sharper one Variant 9d is a unique
bowl from the Mam Drain Phase of AK IV with grooves below the nm and a slightly concave base, while 9et
from a pre-Arretine stratum (AK II, layer 13), resembles the arch-type in all respects save the base, which is
markedly concave or omphaloid Variants 9f-g arc thicker wares with roughly finished surface on which no
care has been taken to obliterate the corrugations produced by the wheel These are characteristic of all phases
of the Southern Sector, though they also occur occasionally in the Northern Sector, particularly in the post-
Arretine period Variants 9h-l, with pointed rims having a concave profile, form a group by themselves and,
in addition to the standard grey and red colours, occasionally occur also in black-and-grey (confined to the pre-
Arretine layers) and black-and-red
While 9h-i and 9A are found in all periods of the Northern Sector and from the Pre-structural to the Main
Drain Phase in the Southern Sector, the deeper bowls 9j and 91 are confined to the pre-Arretine layers of the
Northern Sector Variants 9m~o have taller sides, but, while 9m is peculiar to the pre-Arretine layers, 9n-o
occur exclusively in the Arrctme layers of the Northern Sector Variant 9p is a unique little bowl from the
Late Phase of AK IV, while 9r represents the tiny bowls which frequently occur throughout the occupation of
both Sectors, usually in coarse grey or red ware and occasionally in fine greyish pink ware Vanants 9q (coarse
grey ware) and 95 arc unique bowls from the post-Arrctme layers of the Northern Sector, while 9t-v having
rims with a slight inward projection form a distinctive sub-group Of the latter, 9u is represented by only three
examples of which two, with bluish slip, come from the pre-Arretine layers and one in black-and-grey ware from
a post-Arrctmc layer of AK II, while 9t in black-and-grey ware and 9v in common red ware are unique and
belong respectively to an Arretine and a post-Arretinc layer of the Northern Sector
Type 10 represents a special form of cup or small bowl of grey, greyish pink or black-and-red ware of fine
fabric, usually with a black slip inside and pink outside It has a flat base and tapering profile, and is
ornamented on the interior of the sides with a row of stamped medallions between two bands of multiple incised
grooves, with a further band of concentric grooves on the inside of the base The medallions represent fish or
birds, including apparently the peacock This is one of the characteristic shapes of the site and is occasionally
found throughout the occupation of both Sectors The only piece without stamped decoration is 10A (from the
lowest Arretine layer of AK II), which is also the smallest example and may have been left unstamped as being
too thin to bear the impact of the stamp
1 1 is a tall bowl with an incurved nm and a flat base This is one of the principal types of the site
and is found in fair abundance throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of a coarse fabric and is

generally grey (sometimes salt-glazed) in the pre-Arretine and Arretine layers and red in the post-Arretme period
of the Northern Sector and all periods of the Southern It is usually treated with slip both inside and
out The
arch-type is found in varying sizes of which the largest is illustrated The next in popularity is 1 \a which slightly
deviates from the mam type in the form of the nm The specimen illustrated bears a graffito inscription (see
pill) Variants lib and 1 \d (the latter also with a graffito) have sharply incurved rims and are very common
in the pre-Arretine layers, though they are occasionally found in all periods of both Sectors Vanant He is a
unique specimen from a pre-Arretine stratum (AK V, 9N) in that it has a concave base Variant lie from a
a corrugated exterior, while 1 If from the
pre-Arretine stratum (AK n, 14) is a small thick-walled bowl with
Main Drain Phase of the Southern Sector is another small thick bowl with a slight concavity at the base The
last variant, 1 Ig, with a flat-topped rim, is from an Arretine stratum (AK VIII, 5)


Type 12 is a bowl with a wide mouth and small flat base and is distinguished by a corrugated tapering body.
This type occurs throughout the occupation of both Sectors, but is relatively rare in the Northern Sector. It is
of a coarse fabric, usually devoid of slip, and is generally grey in the pre-Arrctme and Arretine layers and greyish
red in the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern Yanant \2a is an
extremely rare type characterized by an oblique-edged nm and slightly concave tapering sides It is of a coarse

grey or greyish buff fabric and occurs only in the pre- Arretine and Arretine layers of the Northern Sector.
Type 13 is a
grey-ware bowl of fine fabric with an externally beaded rim. This is an extremely rare type,
the arch-type being represented by only three examples, all from the Southern Sector, and the variants by a
single specimen each One example of the arch-type comes from Pottery Group A
(Early Phase), the second
from a later layer of the Early Phase and the last from the Late Phase of AK
IV Both 13a and 136 the latter
a very small example are greyish pink wares of fine fabnc, from the Arretine horizon (AK VIII, 5 , AK II, 8A)
Variant 13c from a post- Arretine layer and \3d from a pre- Arretine stratum (AK II, 14) are deeper bowls of fine
grey ware, the latter having a flat base and an inconspicuously beaded rim Variant 13* is a deep red-ware
bowl from the Pre-structural Phase of the Southern Sector, while 13/ from a mixed group (AK VIII, pit 1) is
also red ware but, unlike other examples of this type, has an internally beaded rim
Type 14 is a shallow bowl with an everted run and is another rare type The arch-type is peculiar to the
Arretine layers of the Northern Sector, while 14a and 146 are unique variants in fine grey ware, respectively
from an Arretine stratum (AK II, 1 1C) and from Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern Sector
Type 15 is represented by a unique example It has a rounded base and convex run, and is of a light black-
and-red ware. It comes from an Arretine stratum (AK II, 7 AT )
Type 16 is a bowl distinguished by a flaring run It is represented by only two examples, of which 16a is
coarse black-and-red ware from an unstratificd deposit (AK I) of the Southern Sector, while 166 is of a greyish
buff fabnc with polished black slip inside from the post-Arretme Phase of the Northern Sector.
Type 17, a bowl with a flaring nm, is a rare type in polished black-and-grcy ware and is confined to the
Arretine layers of the Northern Sector Variant \la is a unique specimen in fine grey ware from Pottery Group A
(Early Phase) of the Southern Sector The shape of the bases of these bowls is unknown
Type 18 represents a special class of fine grey or pinkish grey bowls of thin and well-burnt fabric It is
distinguished by a beaded nm, cannated waist and foot-ring, and has a grooved shoulder It is noteworthy

both for its rarity and for its careful potting It is absent from the
pre-Arrctine layers of the Northern Sector
and from the Late Phase of the Southern, but occasionally occurs mthe Arretine and post-Arretine layers of
the Northern Sector and in the Pre-structural to the Late Drain Phase of the Southern Sector Variants 186
and 18c are unique examples, the former being from a mixed group (AK VHI, pit 1) and the latter from the
unstratified French excavations, while 18</, which is nearly double the size, is peculiar to the post-Arretine period
of the Northern Sector
Type 19 is a unique bowl combining the profile of Type 9 with the foot-nng of Type 18 It is of a thick
coarse greyish red fabnc, and comes from the Main Drain Phase of the Southern Sector
Type 20 is another rare type, representing a series of corrugated bowls which come exclusively from the
Southern Sector The mam type is of thin black-and-red ware from the Pre-structural Phase, while variant 200
is a thicker greyish buff ware with an mturned nm from the Early Phase of IV AKThe shape of the bases of
these bowls is unknown
Type 21 is a tiny globular bowl with a beaked and flattened rimThis is one of the minor characteristic
types of the site and is occasionally found throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of a coarse fabric

and is generally grey in the pre-Arretine and Arretine layers and red both in the post-Arretine period of the
Northern Sector and in all periods of the Southern Variants 2\a-b t in coarse greyish red ware, are thicker and
squatter than the arch-type and occur exclusively in Pottery Group A
(Early Phase) of the Southern Sector
The shape of the bases of these bowls is unknown
Type 22 is a lamp It is characteristic of the site and occurs throughout the occupation of both Sectors
It is of a coarse fabric and is generally grey in the pre-Arretine and Arretme layers and red in the post-Arretine

period of the Northern Sector and all periods of the Southern Variant 22a is of a larger and relatively leas
popular size , while 226 is a shallow red-ware lamp peculiar to the Late Drain Phase Variant 22c, distinguished
by a pinched soot-stained lip, is a rare variant, confined to the Late Phase of the Southern Sector. Variant* 22d
and 22e are solitary examples respectively from the Main Drain Phase of the Southern Sector and an Arrctine
layer (AK II, 7 AT ) of the Northern.
Type 23 is a unique lamp with a flanged collar which is ornamented with slanting applied ridges and incised
It is of coarse greyish black ware, and comes from a mixed
strokes. group (AK VII, pit 2A) which yielded an

7 247- >*(
^ = ,'

FIG 19 Type 24

FIG. 20 Type 24 (continued)

Arretmc bowl stamped CAMVR It is not sufficiently well preserved to indicate the presence or absence of a
pinched lip for holding the wick
Type 24, which is the most popular type of Arikamedu, served as a cooking vessel, as is evident from its
It has a convenient carmated
usually soot-stained exterior shape and a prominent flanged run which afforded
an easy grip Like the majority of the local types this is of a coarse fabric and is generally grey (sometimes
pre-Arretme and Arretme layers and red in the post-Arretine period of the Northern and in all
salt-glazed) in the
periods of the Southern Sector It is usually treated with
slip on the exterior surface The arch-type is the
most abundant, though variants 24a-l and 24u are also found in fair profusion throughout the occupation of both
Sectors Of numerous variants of the type, 24a-u are carmated and 24v-z are uncannated, the remaining
varieties being too fragmentary to show the presence or absence of carmation
Of the carmated varieties, 24a-l deviate slightly from the parent type in the form of the rim, while the
remainder differ also in other details Variants 24m-/>, which are appreciably smaller vessels, are very rare
Thus, while 24n-o occur sporadically in the Arretme layers of the Northern Sector, 24/7 is a unique find from a
pre- Arretme layer (AK V, lla) and 24m (a diminutive of 24/) from the Late Phase of the Southern Sector
Variants 24o-t, distinguished by a series of ridges at the shoulder, just above the point of carmation, form a
sub-class by themselves Of these 24q with a groove on the top of the nm occurs occasionally in all phases of
the Southern Sector, while 24r-t are unique examples respectively from a post- Arretme layer of the Northern
Sector, Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern and from an Arretme layer (AK V, 8N) Variant 24u,
with d thick wall and a groove on the top of the nm, occurs frequently in all periods of both Sectors
Of the uncannated varieties, viz 24v-z, the first and the last represent unique specimens with an elliptical body
and distinctive rim-forms , derived from pre-Arretme layers (AKV, ION and AK II, 14) Variant 24* is a large
vessel with a pronouncedly bulging profile, also from the pre-Arretine level (AK II, 14), while varieties 24aa
(from the same layer), 24 v (ornamented with a row of slanting incised strokes on the shoulder, from the Main
Dram Phase of the Southern Sector) and 24ee (from the Arretme layer, AK II, 8A) exhibit a profile analogous
with 24u, though they are fragmentary and have different rim-forms Variant 24 v, which is peculiar to the
earliest layer of the Pre-structural Phase of the Southern Sector, is a red-ware vessel with a globular body, originally
covered with a lid, Type 28/ Variant 24bb is a red-ware pot peculiar to Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the
Southern Sector, but deviates very slightly from 24aa which is of a coarse grey fabric, from a pre-Arretme layer
Variant 24cc is a thicker derivative of the same in coarse red ware and is a solitary specimen from a mixed group
(AK V, pit 1 ) 24dd and 24hh are two other unique red-ware variants, peculiar to Pottery Group A (Early Phase)
of the Southern Sector Variants 24ff-gg on the other hand, are fairly common shapes and occur throughout
the occupation of both Sectors Variant 24, however, is a unique red-ware vessel from the Early Phase of
the Southern Sector, while 24jj in red ware and 24kk in grey ware are connned respectively to the Late Phase of
the Southern Sector and the lowest Arretine layer (AK 11, 8 green) of the Northern

Type 25 is a shallow carmated frying pan, its function usually being indicated by a charred exterior Like
the cooking vessel (Type 24), this has a prominent flanged run to afford an easy grip It is of a coarse fabric

and is generally grey in the pre-Arretme and Arretine and red in the post-Arretme period of the Northern
Sector andall
periods of the Southern Variants from the arch-type, are occasionally
25<j-/, slightly deviating
found throughout the occupation of both Sectors Variants 25g and 25A,-/, distinguished by thick bodies with
short rims, are peculiar to the pre-Arretine layers, while 25/t is confined to the Arretme and post-Arretme periods
of the Northern Sector Variant 25/ is a solitary red-ware pan of thick gritty fabric from Pottery Group A
(Early Phase) of the Southern Sector, while with a double cannation is a unique specimen from the post-
variant from the Main Dram Phase of the
Arretine period of the Northern Sector Similarly 25m is a solitary
Southern Sector, and 25n from a pre-Arretine layer (AK V, ION) of the Northern Handled frying pans are
extremely rare, with only four fragmentary examples, 25o-r, which differ from each other in shape and

Variant 25o, of a coarse greyish red fabric from the Late Phase of the Southern Sector, has a horizontal loop-
handle, while the variants have vertical handles of similar shape Variant 25p of greyish red ware is
from a mixed group (AK VIII, pit 1), while 25q~r are of coarse grey ware, the former with greyish pink slip
the latter with chalky slip, respectively from the Arretine horizon (AK III, layer 6) and from near the surface
of the handle a nail-like pro-
of the Northern Sector It is
noteworthy that 25p and 25r have on either flank
jection, presumably a copy of a metal prototype
occurs in grey ware of
Type 26 is a
pan distinguished by a beaded rim This is a rare type and invariably
It comes from the It has two variants, 26a and 26ft,
fine fabric
post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector
both from a mixed deposit


FIG 21. Types 25-27.

FIG. 22. Types 28-31.

Type 27 is a unique pan with two flanges in coarse grey ware, from a pre-Arretinc layer (AK V, 9N)
Type 28, with a pronounced flange at the waist and a sagger base, functioned as a lid for the cooking vessel
Type 21, a variety of which, actually covered with a lid of this type (280, was found in one of the earliest pre-
structural layers of AK IV This is one of the principal types of the site and is present in fair quantity throughout
the occupation of both Sectors The type is of a coarse fabric and is generally grey m the pre-Arrelinc and
Arretme layers and red in the post-Arretmc period of the Northern Sector and all periods of the Southern The
slip on this type is normally applied on the portion above the flange, the lower portion being left plain The
arch-type is the most popular, though variants 2^a-d occasionally occur throughout the occupation of both
Sectors The arch-type deviates but slightly from the variants, among which 28c-/and 28g- h form analogous
pairs Variants 28t% 28A and 28/arc peculiar respectively to the prc-Arrctmc, Arretme and post- Arretme periods
of the Northern Sector, while 29g is a unique specimen from the Late Phase of the Southern Sector and 28/ from
one of the earliest pre-structural layers of the same Sector Variants 28/-/C, the former from the posl-Arretine
period of the Northern and the latter from the Late Dram Phase of the Southern Sector, are rare vaneties of
this type

Type 29 another hd-type which shares the fabric and sagger base of Type 23 but differs from it in being

rimless and in having a less prominent flange Its arch-type partially resembles Type 28;, though it is much

larger in size and has a different form of flange This type is absent from the prc-Arrctmc and Arretme phases
of the Northern Sector, it occasionally occurs in the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector and at all
periods of the Southern This is also true of variants 29a~b Variants 29r-J and 29/ are peculiar to the post-
Arretme period of the Northern Sector, while 29? is a unique specimen from the Early Phase of the Southern
It is of a fabric identical with that of
Type 30 is a carmated lid-type, sometimes with a thickened rim
Types 28 and 29 and has an analogous base form It is fairly popular and, together with variants 3Qa-b and

30, occurs in all periods of both Sectors Variant 306, also with a thickened rim but with a wider angle of
carmation, is a unique variant from Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern Sector The thickened nm
is absent from the
remaining varieties, of which 30y, representing a small lid, is occasionally found throughout
the occupation of both Sectors, while 30/, which is even smaller than 30y, is peculiar to the post-Arretmc period
of the Northern Sector Variants 3Qc-d and 30e-/ form analogous pairs, the former having an unusually pro-
nounced sagger base and the latter a prominently concave profile above the cannation Oi these, variants 10J
and 30farc peculiar to Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern Sector, while 3Qc and We, the former of
a coarse red fabric and the latter of coarse grey ware with chalky slip, are unique examples respectively from a
post-Arretine layer and a mixed group (AK VIII, pit 1) of the Northern Sector
Type 31 is a lid in the form of a deep cup with a rounded base and flanged rim Like lid-types 28-30, it is
of a coarse fabric and is generally grey in the pre-Arretine and Arretme layers and red in the post- Arretme period
of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern The arch-type and variant 3 la, which is closest to it,
occur in fair quantity throughout the occupation of both Sectors Variant 316, also with a prominent flanged
rim, is peculiar to the Late Dram Phase of the Southern Sector The remaining variants are all shallow with
different rim-forms and are extremely rare Variant 3k with a short heavy flange is confined to the Pre-
structural Phase, while 3\d with a heavier flange is a unique example from the Late Dram Phase of the Southern
Sector Variants 31e-/, the former distinguished by a thick clubbed rim and the latter by a nm showing both
inward and outward projection, are solitary specimens belonging to the post-Arretine period of the Northern
is a lid in the form of a shallow dish with a rounded base and internally beaded nm
Type 32 It is
of a grey fabric, though two specimens are known also in coarse greyish red ware from the Southern Sector
It is a rare type but
appears sporadically in the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector and all phases of

the Southern This is also true of variants 32a-6, while 32c, representing a small lid, is a unique example from
a mixed group (AK III, pit 2)
is a
Type 33 very rare type of lid with base similar to Type 32 and a thick rim showing an inward projection
It isof a coarse greyish red fabric, though a solitary example of it is known also in fine grey ware from the Late
Phase of the Southern Sector The main type and variant 33a occur sporadically in the post-Arretine period
of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern, while 336 is a unique variety of larger size from Pottery
Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern Sector
Type 34 is another lid-type in the form of a dish, distinguished by a sagger base and inverted nm It occurs
occasionally throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of a coarse fabnc and is generally grey in the pre-
Arretine and Arretme and red m the post-Arretine penod of the Northern Sector and all penods of the Southern


FKJ 23. Type 32-41 J


Usually treated with a slip on the interior face but never on the exterior
it is Variants 34o-c, the first two
showing slight deviation from the arch-type and the last having a clubbed rim, are peculiar to the Arrctine layers
of the Northern Sector, while 34J is a unique specimen from a pre-Arretinc stratum (AK II, 14)
Type 35 is a lid distinguished by flanges at the run and the waist and represented by only two specimens,
which are illustrated (Types 35 and 35j) Both are of a gritty micaceous buff fabric, the former coming from
Pottery Group A (Early Phase) and the latter from the Late Phase of the Southern Sector
Type 36 is a saucer-shaped lid with a sagger base and thick solid knob-handle in the middle This type
is very rare and the few examples of it vary in regard to the shape of the knob and rim and are
consequently all
illustrated Variant 36o is a fragmentary coarse grey-ware lid from a pre-Arretme layer (AK V, ION), while
366, representing the only complete piece, is of a cruder grey fabric from the Arretme horizon (AK VIII,
layer 5) Variant 36c, from a mixed deposit (AK VIII, spoil trench 3), is a thick grey-ware lid with smooth
chalky slip on both faces and has a long fragmentary knob, while 36d is of a coarse greyish red fabric with
haematite slip on both faces from Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern Sector Variant 36* is of
greyish buff ware, knob missing, from an Arrctine layer (AK II, 10A)
Type 37 is another dish-shaped lid, characterized by a groove below the point of carmation It is of a fine

grey fabric, and is represented by only two specimens, one from Potter) Group A
(Early Phase) of the Southern
Sector and the other from a mixed group (AK VIII, pit 3)

Type 38 is a combined cup-and-saucer shaped hd with a rounded or sagger base, and is represented by four
fragmentary examples all of which have unique features and are illustrated as variants They arc of coarse
greyish red ware with red slip inside and, except 38i, come from the post- \rretme period of the Northern Sector
Variant 38a is in the form of a thick large saucer with the central cup broken off, while 386 is a smaller lid with
a rounded base and preserves only the lower portion of the cup Variant 38r from an unstratified deposit
(AK I) of the Southern Sector shows a wide flaring rim and well-preserved shallow cup, while 3&/ is a thick
deep rimless saucer with only the stump of the cup remaining
Type 39 is a hd characterized by a hollow knob with a neck Like Type 38, it probably had a saucer-shaped
body which is missing Only two fragmentary examples of it have survived Variant 390 is of a coarse greyish
red fabric with red slip on the upper face and comes from the post- Arrctine phase of the Northern Sector, while
variant 396, from a mixed deposit (AK VIII, pit 1), is squatter in shape and of coarse grey ware with a chalky
slip on the upper

Type 40 is another lid-type with a hollow knob-handle, which, unlike Type 39, is conical in shape This
occurs exclusively in the post-Arretine layers of the Northern Sector and is represented by three fragments of
varying shapes which are all illustrated Variant 40a, the best-preserved, shows a complete knob and is of
greyish buff fabric with chalky slip, while 406, of which only the lower half of the knob remains, is of coarse
greyish red ware with red slip Variant 40c is a fragment of a coarse grey fabric with chalky slip
Type 41 is a carmated lid or dish with a sagger base and is distinguished by a thick body, beaded rim and
It is of a coarse greyish red fabric, sometimes with a red slip on the outer face, and
externally grooved neck
occasionally occurs in the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern Variant
4la resembles the mam
type m
respects save that the angle of the rim is oblique This variant is peculiar
to the Southern Sector but occurs throughout the occupation of that Sector

Type 42 is a small pot with a flaring run, narrow neck and globular body It probably functioned as a water-
vessel, a similar shape both in pottery and metal being still used in many parts of India for this purpose This
is of a coarse fabric and is
type generally grey in the pre-Arretme and Arretme layers and red in the post-
Arretme period of the Northern Sector and at all periods of the Southern The main type and variants 426-c
occur occasionally throughout the occupation of both Sectors Variant 42a, a solitary tiny model of the arch-
type, is of red-slipped coarse red ware and comes from Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern Sector
Variants 426-</ deviate from the arch-type in exhibiting a progressively increasing bulge at the belly Variants
42d-e are peculiar to the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector, the former being of a coarse grey fabric
with polished chalky slip and the latter of coarse greyish red ware with a slight rib at the shoulder and above
the neck Variant 42/ represents a diminutive vase, of a shape approaching 42i, of chalky slipped thin coarse
grey ware, from a mixed deposit (AK VIII, pit 3) Though fragmentary, vanant 42g appears to have a pear-
shaped body with an unusually long neck, while 42/r shows a still longer neck Variant 42g is of a coarse greyish
red fabric with red slip and is a solitary example from Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern Sector.
Vanant 42/t occasionally occurs throughout the occupation of the Northern Sector and is grey in the prc-
Arretine and Arretme layers and red in the post-Arretme Variants 42ty are rare, they are of a red-slipped

FlO. 24 Types 42-47.

coarse greyish red fabric from the post-Arretme phase of the Northern Sector, the former being distinguished
by a grooved shoulder and the latter by a short rim and a rib at the shoulder Variant 42k is a unique little
pot of buff ware, from an Arretine layer (AK II, 8A)
Type 43 is a larger water-vessel than Type 42, usually with a recurved or thickened rim, short neck and
globular body, and is doubtless a ghafa (i e vessel for fetching and keeping water) as used down to modern
times in many parts of India This is one of the principal types of the site, occurring throughout the occupation
of both Sectors It is of a coarse fabric and is generally grey in the pre- Arretine and Arretine layers and red in

the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector and all periods of the Southern Variants 430, 43d-/, 43A-/
and 43* occasionally occur through all periods of both Sectors Variants 43-c have an exceptionally recurved
or hooked nm, the former being of coarse grey ware from a pre- Arretine layer (AK V, 1 1 A) and the latter of
coarse red ware from the Pre-structural Phase of the Southern Sector Variants 43g-/c are distinguished by an
internally beaded rim Of these, 43# in coarse grey ware is peculiar to a pre- Arretine layer (AK II, 14), while
43; is a unique piece in black-slipped coarse grey ware, decorated on the neck with irregular rows of pm-pnck
ornament, from an Arretme layer (AK V, 8N)
Type 44 is of black-slipped grey ware of fine fabric, and has a distinctive flaring high neck and everted nm
The rarity of the type combined with its careful potting shows that it belonged to a superior class of vessel The
arch-type, which is figured from the best preserved specimen, has a series of fine grooves on the shoulder The
body of this type is either round or elliptical, probably the latter, but the shape of its base is not known Its

variants, which arc very fragmentary, deviate from the arch-type in the form of the rim While variants 440-c
occur sporadically throughout the occupation of both Sectors, variants 44d-t are peculiar respectively to the
pre-Arretine and post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector, and 44/ to Pottery Group A (harly Phase) of the
Southern Sector
Type 45 is a fragmentary vessel of a ware identical with that of Type 44 It has a neck similar to that of
Type 44 but with a distinctive knobbed rim This type is extremely rare, and together with variants 45a-b
occurs sporadically throughout the occupation of both Sectors
Type 46 is a neck-fragment of a jar with an everted nm It is of a thin greyish red fabric with red slip, and
comes from the Pre-structural Phase of the Southern Sector
Type 47 is represented by a solitary complete specimen from the French excavations (Northern Sector,
approximately mean sea-level, equivalent to our Arretine levels) and is roughly assignable to the earlier half
of the first century AD It is a coarse greyish red-ware pot of an ovoid shape, but smaller in size than

Types 43-44, and has a distinctive grooved nm

Type 48 represents a large storage jar with a wide mouth and flaring nm, but otherwise of an unknown shape
This is one of the characteristic types of the site and occurs occasionally throughout the occupation of both
Sectors It is of a coarse fabric and is usually
grey in the prc-Arretme and Arretine layers and red in the post-
Arretme period of the Northern Sector and all periods of the Southern It has invariably a slip on the outer

face Its variants (48a-c) have the same fabric and distribution

Type 49 is a rare jar-type with a wide neck and short flaring rim, akin to Type 48, which it also resembles
in fabric It occurs
sporadically in the Arretme and post-Arretme layers of the Northern Sector and through
all phases of the Southern It
invariably shows a slip on the outer face, and is generally grey in the Arretine
layersand red elsewhere
Type 50 is a very rare type of jar with a flaring and thickened nm Its size is smaller and neck relatively
narrower than that of Types 48-49 This type invariably occurs in coarse greyish red ware with a red slip
outside, and is confined to the pre- Arretine layers of the Northern Sector
Type 51 is another rare type of jar distinguished by thin walls, a small nm and hardly any neck The
complete shape of the type may be visualized from its two diminutive variants, 5\e-f, both of coarse grey ware
with chalky slip from the Arretine layers (AK II, 7 AT and 8A) of the Northern Sector The main type with
a rolled rim occurs exclusively in the Pre-structural Phase of the Southern Sector and is of a red-slipped coarse
greyish red fabric, while variant 51a, with a sharp externally beaked run, shares the fabric with the main type
and is a unique piece from the Late Dram Phase of the same Sector. Variants 5\b-d, like 5\e-f are chalky-t

shpped coarse grey wares, occurring exclusively in the Arretine layers of the Northern Sector
Type 52 is a large jar with a wide flaring neck and externally clubbed rim The type is rare but occurs
sporadically throughout the occupation of the Northern Sector It is of a coarse fabric treated with slip outside,
and is generally grey in the pre-Arretine and Arretine layers and red in the post-Arretine, though exceptional
red examples occur in the pre-Arretme and grey in the post-Arretme period Of the variants, 52fl is

48 b T



Fio 25. Types 48-53


FIG 26 Types 54-59

an occasional overlap into the post-Arretme phase, while 526-*, the last
characteristic of the Arretine layers with

showing a slightly recurved rim, are peculiar to the post-Arretme phase A solitary specimen of variant 52c is
of coarse greyish black ware with black slip
Type 53 represents a small water-vessel, characterized by a spherical body, narrow neck and pronounced
rim with an internal groove It is a rare
type but occurs sporadically in the post-Arretme period of the Northern
Sector and all phases of the Southern The type is of a coarse greyish red fabric, usually treated with red and
sometimes with haematite slip A freak variant of this type, 53e, is of a coarse greyish black ware with black
slip from the lowest Arretme layer of the Northern Sector (AK II, 8 green) Variant 5 la, which is closest to
the mam type, is peculiar to the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector, while 53b and 53d are confined
respectively to the Pre-structural and Early Phase of the Southern Sector Variants 53t and 53/ are neck-
fragments of larger jars, the former coming from a mixed group (AK VIII, pit 1) and the latter from the Late
Phase of the Southern Sector
Type 54 a medium-sized jar with a narrow neck and thick out-turned rim
is The shape of its lower part is
not known This type is occasionally present throughout the occupation of both Sectors It js of a coarse

fabric, usually treated with slip outside, and is generally grey in the pre-Arretine and Arretme layers and red in
the post-Arretine layers of the Northern Sector and all periods of the Southern, though red examples occur
exceptionally in the prc- Arretme layers and grey in the post-Arretine Variants of this type arc rare Variant
54a, of a chalky-slipped coarse grey fabric, is peculiar to the post-Arrctmc phase of the Northern Sector, while
54/j, of red-slipped coarse greyish red ware, is a unique piece from a prc- Arretme layer (AK II, 14) Variant
54r is of red-slipped coarse red ware and comes from the Pre- structural Phase of the Southern Sector
Type 55 is a rare jar with a high neck and flaring rim, occurring sporadically throughout the occupation
of both Sectors It is of a coarse fabric treated with slip outside, and is generally grey in the prc-Arretine and

Arretine layers and red in the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern The
shape of this type below the shoulder is unknown
Type ^6 is the
upper part of a fairly large jar distinguished by an undercut rim and a series of grooves on
the shoulder It is a type confined to the post- Arretme phase of the Northern Sector and is m\ anably of a coarse

greyish red fabric with polished red slip (often of haematite) Variant 56a, of coarse gre)ish buff fabric with
pale red slip, is dewed from an Arretine layer (AK II, 7 AT )

TV pe 57 is the upper portion of a large jar with obliquely flanged rim, wide neck and ledged shoulder This
is a
very rare t)pe, represented b) a few examples of light red or chalk) -slipped coarse grey fabric, from the
Arretine and post-Arrctine phases ot the Northern Sector Variant 57d, represented by a solitary specimen from
the Late Dram Phase of the Southern Sector, is of a red-slipped coarse greyish red fabric and shows a sharper nick
at the shoulder than the main type

Type 58 is a jar of thin ware, with a flaring rim and ledged shoulder This is another rare type, occurring
sporadically throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is generallj grey in the pre-Arretine and Arretine

layers and red in the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector and all periods of the Southern Variant 580,
of a thin micaceous buif fabric and with a more flaring rim than the arch-type, is peculiar to the \rretine layer*
of the Northern Sector, while variants 58/>-f, with more splayed rims and sharper shoulder-ledges, arc of a hnc
light red fabric and occur in the Earl) Phase of the Southern Sector, including Potter) Group
A Variant 58J,
from the Late Phase of the same Sector, shares the shape of 586-c but is of a thicker and coarser gre)ish red
fabric with red slip

Type 59 represents one of the largest and most characteristic storage-vessels of the site, with a wide flaring
mouth, thickened rim and one or more ridges on the shoulder It is present in fair quantit) throughout the

occupation of both Sectors It is of a thick coarse fabric, treated with slip outside, and is generall) grev in the

prc- Arretme and Arretine layers and red in the post- \rretine period of the Northern
Sector and all periods of
the Southern This is also true of variants 59a and 59c-/, which occur everywhere Variant 59/> vv ith a thicker
and blunter rim is of a red-slipped coarse greyish red fabric and is peculiar to Potter) Group A (Early Phase)
of the Southern Sector The shape of the base of this type is unknown
Type 60 is a large storage-jar with wide mouth, sharply everted rim, short neck and multi-ridged shoulder
This is one of the characteristic types of the site and occurs in fair quantity throughout the occupation of both
Sectors It is of a thick coarse fabric, treated with slip outside, and is generally grey in the pre- \rretme and

Arretme layers and red in the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern
Variants (fia-b share the range of fabric and distribution of the arch-type, while variant 60c, of a red-slipped
coarse greyish red fabric, is peculiar to Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern Sector The specimen

FIG 27. Types 60-68.

FIG 28 Types 69-73.


illustrating variant
606 has an individual feature in bearing a row of oblique slashes as decoration on the inside
of the neck
Type 61 is a jar of a size smaller than Type 60, with a wide mouth, clubbed rim and hardly any neck This
type occurs occasionally in the Arretme and post-Arretine phases of the Northern Sector and throughout the
It is of a thick coarse fabric, usually treated with slip outside, and is
occupation of the Southern generally
grey in the Arretine layers of the Northern Sector and red elsewhere Variants 6\a-b share the range of fabric
and distribution of the mam type, while variants 6lc-d are of a coarse greyish red fabric The former, with
red slip outside and a secondary perforation on the shoulder, is a unique piece from the Late Phase of the
Southern Sector, while the latter is a solitary variant from Pottery Group A
(Early Phase) of the same Sector
Type 62 is a fragmentary jar with a funnel-shaped neck This is a type confined to the Southern Sector and
occurs sporadically throughout its occupation It is of a coarse greyish red fabric, treated with red slip Variants
62a-c have the same fabric and distribution as the arch-type, from which they slightly deviate in the form of
the rim

Type 63 is a very rare jar-type with a fairly long straight neck and hardly any rim at all This type, if such
it can be called, is represented by only three examples, of variant shapes which are all illustrated Variant 63a
is of chalky-slipped coarse grey ware with a row of roughly incised impressions on the exterior of the lip, from

an Arretine layer of the Northern Sector (AK V, 8N) Variant 636 has ridges on the neck and is of coarse
greyish red fabric with pink slip outside from a pre- Arretine layer (Ak II, 13) Variant 63c is distinguished by
a groove below the neck and a ridge on the shoulder, and is of gritty greyish red fabric, from the Mam Drain
Phase of the Southern Sector.
Type 64 is the neck-fragment of a small jar with a rolled rim It is invariably of a fine grey fabric, usually
treated with black slip and is confined to the Southern Sector, where it occurs through all phases except the

Type 65 is a jar with an incurved rim This type is peculiar to the Southern Sector and is occasionally present
It is invariably of a coarse greyish red fabric treated with red or haematite
throughout its occupation slip
Variant 65a, which is larger in size but of similar ware and provenance, occurs less frequently
66 is the neck-fragment of a large vessel with an inward thickening of the rim It is of a coarse
Type greyish
buff fabric, treated with red slip, and comes from Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern Sector
Type 67 is the upper pan of a jar with a sharplv everted and slightly concave rim It is of a coarse
buff fabric and is represented by only two examples, of which one is from Pottery Group A (harly Phase) of
the Southern Sector and the other from the unstratified French exca\ations
Type 68 is an extremely rare jar-type with a wide mouth and out-turned rim, occurring sporadically
throughout the occupation of the Northern Sector It is
invariably of a thick coarse grey fabric treated with
chalky slip outside Variant 68a shares the ware and provenance of the arch-type, from which it deviates
slightly in shape
Type 69 a fairly large jar distinguished by a grooved or flanged rim
is It is one of the minor
types, confined
to the Arretine and post-Arretine phases of the Northern Sector The type is of a thick coarse fabric and is
generally grey in the Arretine and red in the post-Arretine phase Its shape below the shoulder is unknown
Variant 69a has an analogous shape but is smaller in size, it is peculiar to the post-Arretine phase Variant 696,
of a chalky-slipped coarse grey fabric, comes from an Arretine layer (AK II, 7 Ar ) All other variants are of
red-slipped coarse greyish red fabric and, save for 69c/ (from the Early Phase of the Southern Sector), belong
to the post-Arretine period Unlike the type and other variants, 69c and 69e are ornamented, the former with
a row of applied cable and the latter with incised slanting strokes
Type 70 is a very rare jar with a wide neck and thickened rim It is of a shape similar lo
type 52 but
is thicker and larger m
size This type is of a coarse fabric, treated with slip outside, and is generally grey in
the pre- Arretine and Arretine layers and red in the post-Arretine phase of the Northern Sector and all periods
of the Southern The same is applicable to variant lOa
Type 71 is again a rare jar characterized by a thick rolled rim This type occasionally occurs in the
Arretine and post-Arretine phases of the Northern Sector and throughout the occupation in the Southern It
is of a thick coarse fabric,
usually treated with slip outside, and is generally grey in the Arretine layers of the
Northern Sector and red elsewhere Variant 7 la, of a gritty grey fabric, is peculiar to the pre-Arretme horizon
of the Northern Sector, while variants 716-r, of a red-slipped coarse greyish red fabric, arc confined to the post-
Arretine and Arretine phase respectively of the same Sector The last variant, 71</, is a derivative of the type
in gritty greyish red ware and comes from
Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the Southern Sector


Type 72 represents a jar distinguished by a thick voluled nm It is one of the minor types,
occurring occasionally throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of a coarse fabric,
usually treated
with slip outside, and is generally grey in the pre-Arretme and Arretine layers and red in the post-Arretme period
of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern Variants 72o, lie and 12f share the ware and distribution
of the main type, while 726 occurs in chalky-slipped coarse grey or greyish buff wart and is peculiar to the
Arretme and post-Arretme periods of the Northern Sector Of the remaining variants, lid is of a coarse grey
fabric from a prc-Arretme layer (AK V, 9N), while 72/, of a coarse greyish red wart, is confined to an Arretme

layer (AK II, 8 green)

Type 73 is a jar with a narrow high neck and thickened nm, resembling Type 53c It is a rare type but
occurs sporadically in the Arrctme and post-Arretine phases of the Northern Scctcr and throughout the
tion of the Southern It is of a thick coarse fabric, treated with
slip outside, and is generally grey in the Arretme
layers of the Northern Sector and red elsewhere Variants 13a-b have shorter and broader necks than the arch-
type, the former being of a gritty micaceous greyish red fabric from the post-Arreime phase of the Northern
Sector, and the latter of haematite-slipped coarse greyish red ware from a mixed deposit (AK VIII, pit 1) Variant
73c is represented by a solitary example of a coarse grey fabric with chalky slip from the lowest Arrctmc layer
(AK II, 8 green) Like most of the jar-types, Us shape below the shoulder is unknown
Types 74-75, both fragmentary, appear to be the upper and lower part respectively of the same type, but,
until this is proved by the recover) of a complete section, it is better to regard them as different types Type 74
represents the head of a large vessel distinguished by a narrow aperture and thick lip with an inward slope The
largest fragment, which is 7J- inches deep, shows a tendency to taper downwards Type 75, on the other
hand, is the lower part of a tall conical vessel tapering down to a point at the base which was obviously meant
to be buried in the ground indeed, many were found so buried (pi XXXIHA)
, The largest fragment of the
latter is 29 inches from point to break

Types 74 and 75 are both characteristic shapes of the site and occur in fair profusion throughout the occupa-
tion ol both Sectors They are identical in ware, being of a thick coarse labnc v\hich is generally grey in the
pre-Arrctme layejs of the Northern Sector and greyish red with grey core eUewhere Type 75 has no slip at
all, while Type 74 occasionally has a slip which is invariably confined to the portion above the shoulder While
Type 74 is completely wheel-turned, a remarkable feature of Type 75 is that it is hand-made up to a certain height
from the base, above whieh it is wheel-turned Put together, the two types would constitute a tall conical
vessel, upwards of 35 inches high, which presumably functioned as a container of wine or oil like the imported

amphorae, to which it bears a partial affinity It

may be noted that a group of eight jars of this type, some
lilted into the broken remains of others, were found within an area of four square feet in a deep level ol AK I
of the Southern Sector
Variants 14a-d arc as common and widely distributed as the mam type from which they deviate very
slightly in the form of the lip Variant 74t', with an unusually pronounced beak, is confined to Pottery Group A
(Early Phase) of ihe Southern Sector, while 74/*, characterized by a multi-facetted lip, and 74g-// by drooping
arc peculiar to the pre-Arretme layers of the Northern Sector Variants 74*-/ show relatively wider mouths,
and all save the last arc distinguished by thick clubbed lips Of these, 74; is peculiar to the pie-Arretme and
74/-/ to the post-Arrctmc phase of the Northern Sector Variant 14m is a diminutive of thiu type and occurs
fairly frequently throughout the occupation of both Sectors
Variants of Type 75 may be distinguished by a slight diversity of base-forms Variants 15a-b, distinguished
by solid and more pointed base-forms, are peculiar to the Main Drain Phase of the Southern Sector, while 75r
is a
unique variant with a flat base from an unst ratified deposit of the Southern Sector (AK I)
Type 76 is the largest storage-jar of Ankamedu, with a thick out-turned rim It occasionally occurs
throughout the occupation of both Sectors Its fabric is thick and coarse, treated with slip outside, and is

generally grey in the pre-Arrctmc and Arretme layers and red in the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector
and all phases of the Southern Variant 76o, distinguished by ridges on the shoulder and a slightly different
rim-form, shares the range of fabric and distribution of the arch-type
Type 77 is a somewhat smaller jar than Type 76 and is distinguished by an out-turned rim and more
drooping profile It is confined to the Southern Sector and occurs occasionally throughout us occupation

It is invariably of a thick coarse greyish red fabric, which is rarely treated with slip

Type 78 is a large jar-type characterized by thick ware and a heavy roll rim It occasionally occurs in the
post-Arretmc phase of the Northern Sector and throughout the occupation of the Southern
of a coarse greyish red fabric with grey core, and is treated with red slip on the exterior
FIG 29. Types 74-75

It is of gritty greyish red fabric and comes from

Type 79 is a unique jar-fragment with thick flaring rim
a mixed deposit (AK VIII, pit 1)
Type 80 is very rare, it is a large jar with high neck and internally hollowed run It is of a thick light-red
fabric, and occurs exclusively in the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector Variant 800, which combines
in its nm an external beak with an internal roll, is relatively more abundant than the arch-type but is represented

only by minute fragments, it occurs occasionally in the post-Arretme period of the Northern and all phases
of the Southern Sector It is invariably of a micaceous gritty greyish buff ware

Type 81 is a large jar with a high neck analogous with Type 80 but shows a different rim-form It is
represented by a solitary specimen of thick gritty grey ware from the post-Arretine phase
of the Northern
Type 82 probably represents a large basin with a clubbed rim It occurs occasionally throughout the

occupation of both Sectors, and is of a thick coarse fabric treated with slip It is generally grey in the pre-

Ar re tine and Arretine layers and red in the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the
Type 83 apparently represents a somewhat similar vessel but is characterized by a raised ornamented band
below a heavy nm It occurs in
quantity throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of a thick coarse

fabric treated with slip, and

generally grey in the pre-Arretme and Arrctine layers and red in the post-Arretme

period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern Variants 830-6 share the range of fabric and
distribution of the main type, from which they slightly de\ late in shape Like the arch-type, the variants also
bear a band of decoration, which was either incised or impressed on an applied band of clay The normal
patterns are close cross-hatching as on the mam
type, large cross-hatching as on 836 and finger-tip ornament
as on 830

Type 84 is a large basin with a clubbed nm and corrugated body This is one of the principal basin-types
and occurs throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of a thick coarse fabric, usually treated with slip

on both faces, and is generally grey in the pre-Arretme and Arretine layers and red in the post-Arretme period
of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern Variant 840, with sides tending to taper downward,
is of a coarse grey fabric and occurs exclusively in the Arretine layers of the Northern Sector Variant 846,
which has an almost straight side, shares the fabric of the arch-type and is occasionally found in all periods of
both Sectors The specimen illustrated has an individual feature in the band of slashed ornament below the nm
Type 85 is a large shallow basin marked by an inconspicuous nm This type is confined to the Southern
Sector and occurs sporadically throughout its occupation It is invariably of a coarse greyish red fabric treated

with red slip on both sides Variants 850-6 are exceptional in having handles, the former a loop-handle flanked
by nail-like projections possibly copied from a metal prototype, the latter a lug-handle While 850 is a fair-
sized basin of coarse greyish buff ware from the pre-Arrctme phase, 856 is a small basin of a coarse greyish red
fabric from a mixed group of the Southern Sector

Type 86 is a basin with a flaring nm Like Type 85, it occurs exclusively in the Southern Sector and is of
a coarse greyish red fabric treated with red slip on both faces Variant 860 is a black-and-red ware basin from
the Late Dram Phase of the Southern Sector, while 866 shares the fabric with the arch-type but has a slip only
on the interior faceand is peculiar to the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector
Type 87 is a basin distinguished by a simple incurved rim This is a rare type, occurring sporadically
throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of a coarse fabric and is generally grey in the pre-Arretme
and Arretine layers and red in the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern
Variant 870, with an internally expanded nm, is a unique example in red-slipped coarse greyish red ware
from the Pre structural Phase of the Southern Sector
Type 88 is a normal type of basin, characterized by a clubbed rim This type, together with variant 880,
occurs m fair quantity throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of a coarse fabric, usually treated with

slip inside, and is

generally grey in the pre-Arretme and Arretine layers and red in the post-Arretinc period of
the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern Variant 886, with a heavy bead-nm, is confined to the post-
Arretmc period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern and is invariably of a coarse greyish red
ware The specimen illustrated bears a large perforation
Type 89 is a unique basin with a pronounced rim and angular shoulder. It is of a coarse greyish buff fabric
with polished chalky slip on both faces, and comes from the
post-Arretine phase of the Northern Sector
Type 90 is a rare type of bowl, invariably of coarse greyish red ware. It is peculiar to the Main Drain
Phase of the Southern Sector



92d 84b


T FIG 31
Types 84-92.

Type 91 is a bowl distinguished by an internally hollowed thick rim It is characteristic of the Southern
Sector and occasionally occurs throughout its occupation It is invariably of a coarse greyish red fabric, with
red slip inside Variant 91a shares the fabric and provenance of the arch-type, from which it slightly deviates
in shape
Type 92 is a bowl with a thickened or rolled run It occurs m fair quantity in the post-Arretme phase of
the Northern Sector and throughout the occupation of the Southern It is normally of a red-slipped coarse

greyish red fabric Variant 92a shows a cavity in section where the rim has been rolled, it is from the Pre-
structural Phase of the Southern Sector Variants 92b-c share the fabric and provenance of the arch-type, from
which they slightly deviate in rim-form
Type 93 is the commonest shape of basin and is distinguished by a flanged run like that of Type 21, wide
mouth and rounded base It is one of the characteristic shapes of Ankamedu and is found in profusion
throughout the occupation of both Sectors The type is of a coarse fabric, usually treated with slip both inside
and out, and generally grey in the pre-Arretine and Arretine layers and red
is m
the post-Arretine period of the
Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern Variants 93a-c show very slight deviations shape m
93d isof a coarse reddish fabric and is a unique piece from the post-Arretme phase of the Northern Sector it ,

has a cannated shoulder, and is treated with pinkish chalky slip on both sides Variant 93/with a thickened
rim and 93g-y with curved rims occasionally occur throughout the occupation of both Sectors Variants 93e
and 93w, both of a red-slipped coarse greyish red fabric, are unique examples respectively from Pottery Group A
(Larly Phase) and the Pre-Structural Phase of the Southern Sector The former has a grooved rim, while the
latter shows a rim resembling a golf-club Variants 93k-l, of a red-slipped coarse greyish red fabric, have
distinctive hammer rims, the former being peculiar to the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector and the
latter to the Late Drain Phase of the Southern

Type 94 is a large cannated basin with a distinctive grooved rim and ridges on the shoulder It is of a coarse
reddish grey fabric with a chalky wash, and occurs exclusively in the post-Arrctme phase of the Northern Sector
Type 95 is a large bowl with a thickened rim, almost straight side and sagger base It occurs occasionally
throughout the occupation of the Southern Sector and is invariably of a coarse greyish red fabric with red slip
inside and out
Its fabric and distribution are identical
Type 96 represents a similar bowl but with a pronounced flat rim
with those of Type 95
It is one of the
Type 97 is a bowl distinguished by a bulbous profile and pronounced bead-rim
characteristic types of the site and occurs throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of a coarse

fabric, treated with slip oubidc, and is generally grey in the pre-Arrctine and Arretine layers and red in
the post- Arretine period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern Variants 91a~d slightly deviate
Irom the arch-type m shape, while 97e has the same profile as the arch-type but shows a clubbed rim and is
confined to the Southern Sector through all phases of its occupation
Type 98 is a larger bowl than Types 95-97 and is characterized by a thick out-turned nm and multi-ridged
protilc It is rare but occurs
sporadically in the Arretine and post-Arreune phases of the Northern Sector
It is invariably of a coarse greyish red fabric with red
slip on both faces Variant 980 has a more emphatic
nm and is peculiar to the post-Arretme period
Type 99 is a large bowl with an oblique rim It is a rare
type but occurs sporadically throughout
the occupa-
tion ot both Sectors It is of a coarse fabric, treated with
slip outside, and is generally grey
the pre-Arretine
and Arretine layers and red m
the post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern
Variant 99a has a slightly more everted nm
Type 100, with a concave upper profile and grooved shoulder, occurs exclusively m
the Arretine layers of
the Northern Sector and is invariably of a coarse grey fabric with polished brownish chalky slip inside and out

Type 101 a bowl characterized by an everted nm and a rounded profile and base
is It is the principal

It is of a coarse fabric, treated with a

type of bowl and is found
throughout the occupation of both Sectors
slip outside, and is generally grey in the pre-Arretine and Arretine layers and
red in the post-Arretme period of
the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern
Type 102 is the upper part of a small bowl with a flaring nm and straight side This is a rare type, occurring
sporadically throughout the occupation of both Sectors, and is invariably of a fine grey fabric with black slip
Type 103 is a bowl with a thickened and out-turned rim It is a rare type, occurring sporadically in the
Arretinc and post- Arretine phases of the Northern Sector and throughout the occupation of Southern It is

of a coarse fabric, treated with slip both inside and out, and is generally grey in the Arretine phase and red



\ 103 b

FIG 33 Types 94-103

FIG 34 Types 104-121

elsewhere It also occurs in black ware or black-and-rcd ware (i e black inside and red outside) due obviously
to differential firing

Type 104 is a large bowl with a hammer-headed rim It is one of the principal bowl-types and
occurs throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of a coarse fabric, treated with slip, and is
grey in the pre-ArreUne and Arretme layers and red in the post-Arrctme period of the Northern Sector and all
phases of the Southern Variant 1040 has a more bulbous profile
Type 105 is a rare type of bowl with a heavy rim It is of red-slipped coarse greyish red ware and comes
from the Early Phase of the Southern Sector, including Pottery Group A
Type 106 also a rare type, occurring sporadically throughout the occupation of both Sectors
is Its fabric
and range of distribution are similar to those of Type 104
Type 107 is a bowl with an out-turned flattened rim and angular shoulder It is a rare type, confined to the
post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector, and is of a coarse greyish red fabric
Type 108 is distinguished by a multi-ridged shoulder and is represented only by the two specimens, here
illustrated Its fabric and provenance are similar to those of Type 107

Type 109 is a shouldered bowl with a high rim It is of a coarse

greyish red fabric and comes from a mixed
deposit (AK VIU, pit 1) Variant 109a with an angular grooved body is unique it is of a coarse grey fabric with

chalky slip on both faces, and comes from the same mixed deposit A tiny variant of I09a, of a coarse greyish red
fabric, comes from an unstratified deposit (AK I) of the Southern Sector

Type 110 is a bowl with a prominent flanged shoulder It is represented by two specimens from the
post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector
Type 1 1 1 is the upper part of a small vessel with a beaded nm The type is invariably of a coarse greyish
red fabric and occurs occasionally in the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector and relatively more
frequently in the Southern Sector throughout its occupation The shape of the lower part of the type is
unknown, though the extant fragments bear partial resemblance to Types 74 and 112-13
Type 1 12 is a tiny vessel of flat globular shape with a narrow mouth and beaded rim, somewhat analogous
with Type 111, and of a coarse greyish red fabric It is a rare type, but occurs
sporadically in all phases of the
Southern Sector
Type 113, the upper part of a small globular vessel, is another rare type, occurring sporadically in the post-
Arretme period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern It is of a coarse fabric, treated with

slip outside, and is either greyish red or grey in the Northern Sector and greyish red elsewhere
Type 114, a small vessel with an oblique rim, is also an extremely rare type, represented by four varying
examples of a coarse grey or greyish red fabric, which are all illustrated Variant 1 14a comes from the Late Phase
of the Southern Sector, while variant 114/, of larger size, and 114c, with a more pronounced nm, belong to the
post-Arretme period of the Northern Sector Variant 114J has an angular profile, a flattened nm and grooved
shoulder It comes from an unstratified deposit of the Southern Sector

Type 1 15 is a jar with a blunt rim and ridged shoulder It is of coarse greyish red ware with red slip, and
comes from an unstratified deposit of the Southern Sector
Type 116 represents a bowl of coarse greyish red ware, occasionally found in the post-Arretine period of
the Northern Sector and throughout the occupation of the Southern
Type 17 is the upper part of a bowl with a rim rebated for receiving lid Only two examples of this type

are known, both made of a fine-grained pink fabric with red slip outside Variant 1 1 la is a large bowl with
grey interior from a mixed deposit (AK VII, pit 2A), while 1176 is a small brittle bowl from the post-Arretine
phase of the Northern Sector
Type 1 8 is the upper part of a fairly large perforated vessel with an open mouth, bluntly beaked rim and

probably pear-shaped body This type occurs sporadically throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is of
a coarse fabric and is
generally greyish red in colour but is occasionally grey in the pre-Arretine and Arretine
layers of the Northern Sector Variants 118a-e illustrate the range of type It is difficult to say
what the function of these vessels was That they were not heaters is clear from the absence of soot-stain on
their exterior It is likely that they were used as colanders or strainers

Type 19 represents other perforated vessels, of which 1 19a is of chalky-slipped greyish buff ware resembling

Type 24, and 1 9b is of chalky-slipped grey ware resembling Type 101

1 Variant 1 \9b comes from the Arretme
horizon (AK VIII, 5) of the Northern Sector
Type 120 is a perforated vessel bearing partial affinity in shape to lid-types 34-35 It is represented
by only two fragmentary examples, of which 120a is of a greyish buff fabric with pinkish chalky slip from the
French excavations, and 1206
unstratified is
black-slipped coarse grey ware from a pre-Arretme layer of the
Northern Sector (AK V, 1 1 A)
Type 121 is a unique haematite-slipped greyish red-ware bowl resembling Type 8fc, with large triangular
perforations in the base,
and comes from the Late Drain Phase of the Southern Sector
Type 122 is the upper part of a large jar decorated on the shoulder with two bands of alternating nicked
and finger-tip pattern It is of a coarse red fabric with a distinctive
polished bright red slip outside and comes
from the disturbed area of AK I in the Southern Sector Variant \12a is of smaller size but has the same
provenance Similar ware distinguishes a fairly large class of vessels (comprising Types 123-34) characterized
also by grooved rims

Type 123 is the upper part of a unique ornamented ghafa (water- vessel) with an externally grooved rim
It bears on the shoulder a band of stamped concentric circles and another of incised Its ware
oblique strokes
and provenance are similar to those of Type 122
Type 124 is the upper part of a jar with a distinctive internally grooved and flanged rim It is of a coarse

greyish red fabric which is usually treated with bright red slip but in one case with yellowish red slip It is a
rare type, confined to the Late Drain and Late Phases of the Southern Sector Variant 1240 is represented by
a solitary specimen from the post-Arrctine phase of the Northern Sector
Type 125 is the upper part of a large jar with a run having one external and many internal grooves, which
also occur on the exterior of the shoulder It is of a coarse
greyish red fabric, treated with red slip outside,
and is represented by only two examples, of which one is unstratified, and the other comes from the Late Phase
of the Southern Sector
Type 126 is a pot with an angular profile and an externally grooved nm, represented by only two examples,
one unstratified and the other from the Early Phase of the Southern Sector It is of a coarse greyish red fabric

painted with red slip outside From their soot-stained exterior it is evident that these vessels functioned as
cooking-vessels Variant 1260 with a nm
thicker than that of the arch-type is a solitary fragment from the post-
Arretine phase of the Northern Sector
Type 127 is a cannated vessel with a grooved rim It is of a fabric identical with that of Type 126 It
occurs sporadically in the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector and all phases of the Southern
Variant 1270, with a sharper cannation, comes from an unstratified deposit, while 1276 is represented by only
two examples, one from a mixed deposit of the Northern Sector (AK II, pit 3) and the other from the Late
Phase of the Southern
Type 128 is the neck-fragment of a unique vessel with a broad nm
having one external and numerous
internal grooves It is too fragmentary to show the shape of the body It is of a coarse red fabric with
burnished bright red slip and comes from the disturbed area of AK
I in the Southern Sector

Type 129 represents the fragmentary narrow neck of a jar with an externally grooved nm It is a unique
specimen from the Pre-structural Phase of the Southern Sector and is of a red-slipped coarse greyish red ware
Type 130 is the fragmentary narrow neck of a jar with a rim having an internal and external groove It is
of a coarse greyish red fabric treated with red slip and occurs sporadically in the post-Arretine period of the
Northern Sector and in unstratified deposits of the Southern
Type 131 is a fragment of a unique jar with a grooved rim It is of a red-slipped coarse greyish red fabric
and comes from the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector
Type 1 32 represents the upper part of a unique bowl having an externally grooved nm It is of a red-slipped
coarse greyish red fabric and comes from the Early Phase of the Southern Sector
Type 133 is the nm fragment of a jar showing an external groove It is a unique piece, of light red ware,
and comes from the Late Drain Phase of the Southern Sector
Type 134 is the upper part of a jar with an externally grooved run From the fragmentary tapering profile
It is of a coarse
appears to have had a base resembling Type 138, but this possibility cannot be stressed
greyish-red fabric with haematite slip, and comes from the post-Arretine phase of the Northern Sector
Type 135 is the upper part of a jar with a profile similar to that of Type 134 but with a grooveless rim Its
It is of
shape is analogous with that of Type 118 which, however, belongs to the perforated class of vessels
coarse greyish red ware with haematite slip, and occurs rarely in the post-Arretine period of the Northern
Sector The specimen illustrated has an individual feature in bearing an incised zigzag ornament
Type 136 is the upper part of a basin decorated with two rows of incised zigzag below its thick hammer-
It is a unique piece, m coarse
greyish red ware, and comes from the Late Phase
head run of the Southern

FIG 35


Type 137 is a fragment probably of a basin It is of a gritty greyish red ware, and occurs rarely in the
ft invariably bears a row of applied
Late Phase of the Southern Sector finger-tip ornament just above the base
Type 138 is the lower portion of a vessel possibly of Type 134 Like Type 137, it is of a gritty greyish red
ware and always has a band of applied finger-tip ornament It is a rare
type, occurring sporadically mthe Late
Drain and Late Phases of the Southern Sector
Type 139 represented unique cannatcd vessel with a basket- impressed base With a soot-stained exterior
it was evidently a cooking vessel It is of red-slipped thin light red ware and comes from Pottery Croup A

(Early Phase) of the Southern Sector

Type 140 represents the upper part of a small bottle-necked vessel It is a very rare type, confined to the
It is of a coarse fabric and occurs both in grey and
pre-Arretine and Arrctine layers of the Northern Sector
red wares, the former being covered with bluish chalky slip and the latter with haematite slip The actual
bottle-neck is represented by \4Qa-b, the former coming from the pre-Arreline and the latter from the Arretine

141 &

FIG 36 T}pe 141

Type 141 is a rare type of dish with a flaring rim and a foot-nng, and is ornamented on the interior face
with a row of nicks at the rim and a stamped floral pattern on the base It is of a fine grey fabric and occurs

sporadically in the Arretine and post-Arretine layers of the Northern Sector and throughout the occupation of
the Southern Variant 1410 comes from the Arrelmc layers, while 1416 is peculiar to the post-Arretme phase
of the Northern Sector
Type 142 represents the hollow pedestal base of a pot, the full shape of which is unknown Jt is invariably

of coarse greyish red ware and occurs occasionally in the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector and
throughout the occupation of the Southern The specimen illustrated has an individual feature in a row of
slashed decoration both on the exterior and the interior and comes from Pottery Group A (Early Phase) of the
Southern Sector Variants \42a-b come from the post-Arretine phase of the Northern Sector, while 142c comes
from a disturbed deposit of the Southern
Type 143 apparently represents the bluntly pointed base of a large storage jar It is of a thick coarse fabric,

and occurs occasionally throughout the occupation of both Sectors It is generally grey in the pre-Arretine


layers and red elsewhere Variant 143d is confined to the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector, while
\43b~c are peculiar to the Southern Sector and occur occasionally through all its phases Variant 1434 is a
unique specimen of a coarse grey fabric from the pre-Arretme phase of the Northern Sector

FIG 17 T\pes 142-144

Type 144 represents the upper part of a unique vessel with a prominent flange below an incurved nm It
is of a coarse greyish buff fabric and comes from a mixed deposit of the Northern Sector (AK. VIH, pit I)


FIG 38 Types 145-148.

Type 145 represents the top apparently of a large storage-jar It is hand-made, of a thick coarse fabric
which generally grey in colour in the pre-Arrctme and Arretine layers of the Northern Sector and greyish

red elsewhere It bears an applied band of finger-Up ornament The type occurs throughout the occupation
of both Sectors In one instance the upper part of a vessel of this type was used as the top ring of a 'ring-well'
or soak-pit
Type 146 is a fragment probably of a fimal, with numerous flange* It is of a coarse fabric, generally
grey m the pre-Arretine and Arrctmc layers of the Northern Sector and red elsewhere The majority of its
examples arc made of two sections which are subsequently luted together, while a few (variant 146o) are potted
in a single operation It occurs occasionally throughout the
occupation of both Sectors
Type 147 is a cylindrical pipe of uncertain use It is of coarse greyish buff ware, and occurs sporadically
in the Arretine and post- Arretine phases of the Northern Sector

Type 148 is a portable hand-made oven of horse-shoe plan The type is invariably decorated with an
applied band of finger-tip ornament on the exterior and a row of finger-nail impressions or punched circlets on
the flanges of the opening It is of a thick coarse fabric and is
usually grey in the pre-Arrctme and Arretine
layers and greyish red in the post-Arretine period of the Northern Sector and throughout the occupation in the
Southern Normally it is of a crude workmanship but sometimes its exterior is smoothed and slipped


Sherds of celadon ware can be picked up occasionally upon the surface of the site,
and fourteen were found during the excavation These occurred invariably m mixed
deposits and spoil-trenches It is likely that the numerous Cola coins, of the eleventh

or adjacent centuries A D found previously should be ascribed to similar superficial


deposits, as was a copper com of this period found in 1945 Coins and pottery alike
clearly relate, not to the occupation of the site, but to its spoliation in the middle ages
The ware is greyish white in section but assumes a dull pink surface where (generally
on the underside of the base) it has been exposed directly to the heat of the kiln For the
mpst part it iscovered with a jade green glaze, usually crackled (For chemical analysis,
see below, p 94 ) The shapes, so far as they can be reconstructed, indicate bowls and
dishes, all with foot-rings, to one of which sand adheres The bowls are usually fluted or
Celadon ware was made principally in the Chekiang province of China, notably at
Yuen Chou, Lung-Ch'uan and Ch*u Chou, where its kilns are known It was already
m production before the end of the Tang dynasty (A D 618-906), but it is specially
characteristic of the Sung and Yuan dynasties (A D 960-1368) when its manufacture
centred first round Lung-Ch'uan and later round Ch'u Chou Much of it was made
specifically for foreign trade, and its distribution began before A D 883, the date of the
abandonment of Samarra (on the Tigris), where typical Yueh Chou wares, characterized
sand adhering to the foot-ring, have been found This ware occurs in fair quantity
also in the mounds of Fostat (Old Cairo)
The export trade in celadon became brisk m
the Sung period (A D 960-1279) and
reached its peak under the Yuan dynasty (AD 1280-1368) Plates of this ware have
been found extensively over Asia and East Africa It occurs, for example, in Persia at

Rhages which was destroyed in A D 1256 In India, in addition to Ankamedu, it has

been picked up at Brahmmabad in Smd and at Kayal on the banks of the Tamraparni m
the Tmnevelly District
In the Yuan period (A D 1280-1368) the manufacture was extended to Siam, but the
products of the Siamese kilns do not appear to have attained the standard or volume of
the establishments in China
The archaeological evidence is supported and supplemented by historical notices.
Albiruni (A D 973-1048) refers to the export of these wares to India, Ceylon and Persia.

SalSdra of Egypt have made a gift of several examples to Nur-e-dln, Sultan of

is said to
Damascus, 1171 ADMarco Polo (A D. 1288) describes the route of their export from
the Chinese port of Ch'u Chou by way of Cochin China and Sumatra to Martaban in
Burma, whence it was transhipped to Ceylon and to Coilam or Quilon (Malabar Coast),
Gujarat, Cambay and Malwa in India, and across the ocean to Zanzibar The ware was
in great demand throughout the ancient orient as much for its supposed medicinal properties
as for its aesthetic quality

FIG 39 Chinese celadon *are $

The reference to Coilam or Quilon on the Malabar Coast as a port of call assumes
added significance in the light of allusions to this coastal town as a medieval settle-
ment of Chinese merchants 2 The discovery of celadon at Ankamedu shows that the
eastern coast of India not unnaturally had also ports of call for ships engaged in the
China trade
The celadon wares found at Arikamedu have all the characteristics of the Sung and
Yuan Lung-Ch'uan wares meant for export trade As the plain wares are earlier in date
than the decorated ones, the Ankamedu specimens (which are invariably plain) may perhaps
be ascribed to circa tenth-twelfth centuries AD
An early date is also suggested by the
recovery here of a fragment of a typical Yuen foot-ring with sand adhering to it.
The following examples of this ware from Arikamedu are here illustrated (fig 39)
1 fabric, from the unstratified French excavations
Bowl of thin
2 Rim
of a bowl with fluted and ridged body From a sandy layer immediately underlying a 'spoil-
trench' in the Northern Sector (AK VI)
3 Fragment of a dish with hollowed nm for receiving a lid From an unstratified deposit of the
Southern Sector (AK I)
4 Fragment of a plain bowl From a superficial deposit of the Southern Sector
5 Base of fluted bowl with foot-ring From a spoil-trench of the Southern Sector
6-7 Fragments of thick-walled dishes showing foot-ring From an unstratified deposit of the Southern
Sector (AK I)

1 The transhipment at Martaban was responsible for the popular Persian designation of this ware as
2 See K P P Menon, History of Kerala, ed by T K Krishna Menon (Cochin Government Press), I
(1924), 270ff


W B Honey, The Ceramic Art of China (London, 1944)

A L Hcthcnngton, The Early Ceramic Wares of China (London, 1922)
L Ashton and Basil Gray, Chinese An (London, 1935)
R L Hobson, 'Potsherds from Brahmmabad', Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, 1928-30, p 21
E H Hunt, Old Hyderabad China (Bombay, 1916)


(0 Comparison of the Arikamedu pottery with North Indian wares

Although the available evidence for comparison is at present far from extensive, a
provisional comparison may be offered between the Ankamedu pottery and that of a
few approximately contemporary sites in northern India The northern sites in question
are Taxila (Punjab), Ahichchhatra (U P ) and Mahoh (U P near Mathura) ,

The comparison reveals very few affinities between the northern and the southern
series The general run of the southern wares is of somewhat coarser fabric than the
northern, a difference due in part, perhaps, to the varying qualities of the clay, but em-
phasized in the South by a generally less sophisticated range m design Even utilitarian
devices such as spouts, handles and pinched lips are very rare at Arikamedu, although
fairly abundant in the North
Two or three types, however, appear to indicate a certain elementary community of
tradition between the two regions The dishes with convex bases and incurved sides,
grouped as Type 2 both at Arikamedu and at Ahichchhatra (Ancient India, No 1, p 45),
show a resemblance not merely in form but sometimes also fabric and, although the m ,

type not highly specialized, it is possible that the Arikamedu series represents the culmina-

tion of a widespread form which, m

the North, goes back at least to the fourth century B C
On the other hand, the very highly polished fabric used for some of the northern dishes
and christened Northern Black Polished Ware (ib p 55) is not found m the South The
nearest approach to it at Arikdmedu is the occasional use of a magnetic lustre (see pp 51 94), ,

but this is very rare and constitutes a different technique Possibly a more significant analogy
is presented by the Arikamedu Type 12, which is identical with Ahichchhatra Type 29

(dated A D 100-350) and a Kushana type at Mahoh (Journ Hist Soc XV, 1940, UP ,

pi 1), but this type has a wide range in time and space m
India and must not be held to
imply close cultural or other links The same reservation applies to Arikamedu Type
Via, which resembles a type found at Taxila (Sirkap) and there datable presumably to the
first centuries B -A C D
(11) Chemist's notes

Salt-glazing (see above, pp 50, 51, 52, 55)

Several specimens of pottery found at Ankamedu in the (earlier) Northern Sector are glazed, showing the
characteristic crackled surface or 'crazing' under the microscope The coating of glaze, however, does not
stand out as a distinct layer, and the glazed effect is only superficial It is therefore highly probable that these

specimens were salt-glazed In the process of firing, when the fuel has almost burnt out in the kiln and the
pots are still red-hot, moist salt is thrown into the kiln Under the intense heat the salt volatilizes and, by
reacting chemically on the surface of the pots, produces the glaze

Supplied by the Chemist of the Archaeological Survey of India


Black v///>
\\ith lustrous
finnh (see above, p 51)
few potsherds, confined to the prc-Arretme and the lowest Arretme layers of the Northern Sector, show
a black slip with a striking metallic lustre The particles of the black film are magnetic, and chemical analysis
shows that the black substance consists largely of magnetic oxide of iron, which is black in colour There is
no doubt that amorphous carbon in the form of soot or smoke also contributes to the black colour Graphitic
carbon is absent The black substance on the other potsherds sent for comparison from the same site is not
magnetic, and thus the difference in lustre and tint must be attributed to the finely divided magnetic oxide of
iron The presence of soot indicates that a smoky fire was used for baking the ware at a moderate temperature
On removing the shiny film a dull black surface is exposed This black is due to the penetration of fine
particles of carbon into the pores of the sherd, and also to the presence of iron in the ferrous condition It appears
that a slip of ferruginous clay was applied to the ware and it was then baked at a moderate temperature in a

smoky fire

Haematite slip

polished bright red slip is occasionally found at Arikamedu in all periods and is identified as haematite
At ordinary temperatures the following oxides of iron are known to have a deep red to light red colour
(1) Anhydrous sesqui oxide of iron, known as haematite This does not contain any chemically com-
bined water ,
Hydrated oxide of iron, known as hmomtc,
(3) Hydrated oxide of iron, known as gocthitc

Nos 2 and 3, natural hydrated ferric oxides, have 9 9 to 13 2% of water of hydration This chemically
combined water is driven off by heating the oxides to dull red heat Dehvdration experiments on goethitc at
different temperatures show that us complete dehydration and conversion into haematite take place at about
380C Furthermore, the finer the gram-size, the faster the dehydration It is clear, therefore, that whatever

be the form of the oxide present in the original slip, baking at 600~700C would convert it into anhydrous sesqui
oxide of iron or haematite During the operation of firing, any water present in the oxide of iron will be com-
pletely driven off because the temperature of the kiln is likely to be much higher than the dehydration-temperature
of the oxide The presence of goethite or any other hydrated oxide of iron must be ruled out in view of these
facts In order to settle the point, however, surface scrapings of the red slip were heated to dull red heat (700-
800C ) and loss in weight determined The loss in weight was inappreciable, whereas if the red material were
goethite or hmonite, roughly a loss of 10% should have been observed There is, therefore, no doubt that the
red substance present as slip is anhydrous sesqui oxide of iron or haematite
It is clear from the above that there is no means of finding out whether the original slip was powdered

goethite or haematite, for, even if goethite were used in the slip originally, the temperature required for baking
and glazing would be sufficiently high for its complete dehydration and conversion into haematite

Chinese celadon ware (above, p 91)

The composition of the body of the sample submitted is

given below
SiO 2 7367"
A1 2 O 8 19 15/
FegOs 1 41 %
FeO 243%
CaO 327%
MgO 1 02';,,
MnO in traces
Alkalies in traces

TOTAI 100 95

Copper, lead, cobalt and phosphate are absent The body is dense and greyish green in colour
Chemical analysis of the sample shows that the colour of the body is due to iron compounds A very high
temperature must have been used for firing and porcelaimzing the clay Microscopic examination of the body,
however, shows that vitrification is very imperfect and coarse grams of quartz and iron oxide are occasionally
observed Next, the analysis of the body and the glaze was undertaken This course had to be adopted because
very minute quantities were involved and the marked hardness of the sample made it difficult to separate
the glaze completely from the body The results of quantitative analysis are as follows
SiO, 7232%
A1.0, 1927%
Fe.0. 191%
FeO 220%
CaO 399%
MgO 089%
MnO traces
Alkalies . traces

TOTAL 100 58

The sample is free from copper, lead, cobalt and phosphate

The above analysis leads to the conclusion that the greyish green colour of the glaze is due to the presence
of ferrous iron The compound which imparts the characteristic colour to the glaze may be a ferrous silicate or a
solid solution of oxide in the complex alumina-silicates present The results, however, leave no doubt as to
the technique of the glazing When the two analyses are compared, it becomes evident that the compositions
of the glaze and the body are quite similar This accounts for the remarkable freedom of the glaze from crazing*
or 'crackling* 'Crazing' is primarily due to difference in the dilatabihty of the body and the glaze when
exposed to changes in temperature When the body and the glaze are similar m
chemical composition, there
is little difference in the rate of expansion and the glaze may not show any crazing' When, however, there
is a wide divergence in the rate of expansion owing to difference in chemical composition, the glaze is often
crackled or crazed The body and the glaze seem to have been fired in one operation
the glazed surface, as shown b) the microscope,
The presence of a large number of bubbles or spherulites in
suggests that the glazing was imperfect owing to incomplete vitrification of the constituents of the glaze Its
freedom from alkalies and lead would require a very high temperature of firing for complete vitrification, when
the easily fusible ferrous silicates and complex iron-alummo-sibcates would combine with the more refractory
clay and produce the glaze An application of extremely finely levigated ferruginous clay to the dried ware
of the same type of clay, followed by drying and polishing to level the coating, and subsequent firing at a very
high temperature in a reducing atmosphere, would be the necessary condition for the formation of the glazed
ware under investigation


The chronological scheme into which the other small finds (equally with the pottery)
are fitted has been detailed above, p 50 Finds from strata, mostly late, which could
not be equated with any building-period or significant sequence, together with those from
AK I, a much disturbed site in the Southern Sector, are grouped as ^stratified'

More than two hundred beads of various materials were found the excavations, m
besides a number of
unfinished ones and fragments of semi-precious stones doubtless
intended for the industry It is evident that beads were manufactured on a large scale at
Arikamedu. 1

Besides the semi-precious stones mentioned below, several pieces of obsidian and green jasper have also
been found, together with much glass-slag.


The materials used for the manufacture of beads fall under the following heads:
Semi-precious stones Chalcedomc quartz, including agate and carnehan.
(b) Crystalline quartz, including crystal and amethyst
the semi-precious stones, amethyst and carnehan account for ten beads each,
crystalline quartz eight, and agate, banded or plain, four Though amethyst occurs even in
the post-Arretine deposits in the Northern Sector there is only one specimen of it in the
Southern Sector, found in mixed soil a few inches below the surface It is therefore possible
that the stone fell into disuse as a bead-making material in the latter part of the life of the
Carnehan is distributed in all the periods with a fair uniformity Agate and quartz-
crystal are absent in the pre-Arretme and Arretme strata of the Northern Sector Whether
this phenomenon is due to their late
appearance as a bead-making material in this part of
the country or to the limited area in which the pre-Arretme and Arretme strata were touched
cannot be said
Shell, on the'other hand, is^not represented in the collection from the Southern Sector,
though thirteen shell beads were found distributed at all levels in the Northern This again
may be an accidental feature, as the fishing of shell is a long-established industry on the
southern coast of India Bone beads are rare, there being only two specimens, one each
from the Arretine and the post-Arretme levels in the Northern Sector
Three gold beads have been found at Ankamedu
1 From an Arretme-producing layer (AK II 8A) of the Northern Sector barrel-
shaped in elevation and scalloped or fluted in cross-section Comparable
with fluted gold beads from Taxila (Bhir Mound), dated to the end of the
fourth century B C ,* but the type is of much earlier origin, occurring, for
example, in the temple of E-anna at Uruk at the end of the third millen-
nium B C (Iraq Museum, Baghdad) Fig 41, 40, pi XXXIVA, 1
2 From a post- Arretine deposit of the same Sector (AK II, 4) short-barrel circular
Fig 41, 41 pi XXXIVA, 2

3 From the previous excavations, and now m the Pondicherry Bibhotheque

long-barrel circular PI XXXJVA, 3

Faience is rare, being represented by one bead from a post-Arretine layer in the
Northern Sector, and another from near the surface in the Southern
There are sixteen terracotta beads from all levels of both the Sectors They show little
variation of shape, being always either pear-shaped or spherical the latter are found only
in the Southern Sector, along with the pear-shaped ones These objects are very common
on all ancient sites and have often been described as spindle- whorls, which indeed some
of the larger specimens may have been
A majority of the beads is made of glass The range of colour is limited shades of
blue and green are the most popular colours throughout, followed by copper-red, less
common colours being white and black, whilst yellow, violet, brown and grey are rarely
represented The material is generally opaque but sometimes translucent , transparent glass
Ancient India, No 1
(1946), p 32

is absent A
few very tiny glass beads, spherical or spheroid in shape, have been found in
all periods of the
site Some glass beads from the later strata in the Southern Sector are

misshaped m
manufacture (Cf fig 40, 33 and 34 )
The range of bead-shapes is not very large, nor can it be affirmed that any particular
shape, unless possibly the lug-collared type (see below), was restricted to any period or
material The mam
shapes represented are- spherical, spheroid, pear-shaped, cylindrical,
barrel, truncated bicone, oblate and collared Some of them may be divided into sub-
types, such as circular, square, hexagonal, etc , according to their cross-sections
The spherical and spheroid shapes continued to be the most common throughout the
occupation of the town The more specialized shapes may also be said to have continued
generally throughout It is true that the shapes represented in the pre-Arretine and Arretine

periods are much more limited in number than in the later penods, but this is probably
due to the relatively small area in which these levels were excavated On the whole, it may
be held that there is no marked disappearance of old shapes or sudden emergence of new
ones in the later penods
The only possible exception to these generalizations is presented by a class of beads
known as 'collared beads, which are generally barrel-shaped in elevation with an attachment
at either end These attachments may be inconspicuous, being merely formed by shallow
incisions near the ends which hardly disturb the profile of the bead, or may be in the form
of prominent lugs The class may thus be divided into 'groove-collared and 'lug-collared*
Of the five groove-collared beads in the present collection, one each comes from the pre-
Arretme, Arretine and post-Arretine deposits of the Northern Sector , the fourth and fifth
ones are from the Southern Sector, found very near the surface, and are of no stratigraphic
consequence The lug-collared beads first make their appearance in the 'Arretine' period
(first half of first century AD), and continue throughout the post-Arretme layers of the
Northern Sector to the latest period of the Southern (second century AD) A
may be hazarded that on this site the groove-collared beads antedate the lug-collared ones,
but the inference must be checked by a study of this class of beads from other stratified
sites The Pondicherry Bibhotheque contains three new types of collared beads found
previously at Ankamedu, besides those found in the present excavations (I) a barrel
roughly elliptical groove-collared bead of amethyst (fig 41, 50), (2) a barrel plano-convex
lug-collared bead of glass (fig 41, 57), and (3) a cornerless cube lug-collared bead of
amethyst (fig 41, 58)
Collared beads have a ver) wide distribution in India and outside In India, apart from a sort of prototype
(third millennium B C ), they are known to occur at Chandravalli (Mysore State) in a stratum
at 8
which produced two denarii of Tiberius (died A D 37), Kontfapur and Maski (Hyderabad State) m
strata said

to be of the Andhra period, isupSl near Bhubancswar (Onssd), Kau&mbi (United Provinces), PSfahputra
(Bihar), DurgSpur (Bengal), and in both the two city-sites, Bhir Mound and Sirkap, at Taxila
* As
(Punjab) the chronology of Taxila has been fixed with fair accuracy, it may be helpful to analyze the

The three smallest ones measure OS, 06 and 08 inch respectively


The method of classification adopted here is that of H Beck, 'Classification and Nomenclature of Beads

and Pendants', Archaeohgta, LXXVI1 (1928), Iff, and is as follows Hold a bead with its hole in the horizontal
position and parallel to the eye The elevation thus obtained is its primary shape The cross-section through
itscentre, cutting the hole at right angles, gives its secondary shape
J Marshall, Mohenjodaro and the Indus Civilization (1931), IU,
pi CXLIX, fig 5
DurgSpur collection of Mr Apt Kumar Mukerji, there are two collared beads, one of each variety
4 In the

In all other cases the lug-collared type is predominant, though the other type is not unknown These details
are derived from the drawings of Chandravalli beads kindly supplied by the Director of Archaeology, Mysore,
photographs of Kontfapur and Maski beads by the Superintendent of Archaeology, Hyderabad and drawings ,


occurrence of these beads there The Bhir Mound, believed to have been deserted m the second century B C
after an existence of about three hundred years, yielded five groove-collared and throe lug-collared beads, while
Sirkap, which had been founded at the time of the desertion of the Bhir Mound and continued in occupation
until the end of the first or beginning of the second century AD
, yielded only one groove-collared and seven

lug-collared beads One more lug-collared bead comes from Jauliftn, a late monastic settlement The priority
of the groove-collared beads over the lug-collared ones is therefore fairly established at Taxila but the occurrence

of the latter in the Bhir Mound suggests that it was a known type by the second century B C
Outside India, collared beads at Gezer in Palestine have been dated B C 1000-500 Ribbed gold beads

with a collar at each end have been found in late Mycenaean tombs at Lnkomi and Curium in Cyprus *
Collared beads have also been produced from other graves Cyprus m
dated to the first half of the sixth
BC* Beck one groove-collared bead from Ur (before B C 600) and three lug-collared ones from

Egypt (Xllth Dynasty), Praeneste (B C 800) and Cumac (B C 500) respectively


In the Pondicherry Bibhotheque are the following shapes, derived from the previous
explorations but not represented those of 1945 m
(1) A
short-barrel gadrooned bead of carnehan comparable with the gold bead, fig 41,
41, and pi XXXI VA, 1, and doubtless denved from a metal prototype (fig 41, 61), (2) a
barrel (almost plano-convex) tabular bead of banded agate (fig 41, 59), (3) an eye-bead of
banded agate (fig 41, 63), (4) a double-eye bead of the same material (fig 41, 62), and
(5) a frog-bead of light green glass 6 (fig 41, 60)

List of selected beads (figs 40-41)

1 Carnehan spherical Unstratified (AKIV-206)

2 Glass spheroid Unstratified (AKIV-99)
3 Glass spheroid Unstratified (AKI-188)
4 Glass spheroid Arretine (AK 11-244)
5 Glass spheroid Arretine (AK 11-275)
6 Glass spheroid Arrctine (AK 11-459)
7 Glass spheroid Post-Arretme (AKVI-13)
8 Glass spheroid Unstratified (AKI-97)
9 Glass spheroid Post-Arretine (AKII-10)
10 Shell spheroid Post-Arretme (AK 11-389)
11 Glass truncated bicone circular Post-Arretme (AK 11-501 )
12 Glass truncated bicone circular Post-Arretme
(AK 11-406 )
12A Glass truncated bicone circular Unstratified (AK IV-294 )
13 Glass short-oblate circular Post-Arretme (AK 11-463)
14 Glass short-oblate circular Post-Arretme (AKV-106)
15 Glass short-oblate circular Arretine (AK 11-407)
16 Glass barrel circular Arretine (AKH-407A)
17 Glass barrel circular Arretine (AK 11-401 )
18 Glass barrel elliptical Post-Arretme (AKVH-17)
19 Faience long-barrel circular Post- Arretine (AKIH-37)

of Kau&mbi and Pajahputra beads in the Patna Museum and photographs of Durgftpur beads by the
Archaeological Survey of India, Central and Eastern Circles respectively
S Macahster, The Excavation of Gezer (1912), II, p 112, CXXXVII, 60
Walters, Excavations in Cyprus (Bnt Mus , 1900), pp 65, 81 and pis VIII and XIII
Murray Smith and
Ohnefalsch-Richter, Kypros, the Bible and Homer (1893), pis LXVII, 7 , CXLIV, 2 and 5 , and pos-

sibly pi XXV, 7, and p 208, fig 170

H Beck, op clt , p 15, fig 16 , p 4, fig 8 , p 15, fig 16 and p 67, fig 74 ,

Frog-beads have been found also at Taxila H Beck, 'The Beads from Taxila ', Memoir of the
Archaeological Survey of India, No 65 (1941), pi VII They also occur at Kau&mbl (UP) , specimens in
the Allahabad Museum For eye-beads, see Beck, op cit., pi. I


Q 10

Q 12 13 14 15
12 &

O 16
17 19
18 20

22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31

33 34 35
Fie 40



46 47 48

51 52 53 54


60 61
FIG 41 f

20 Carnelian long-barrel hexagonal UnstraUfied(AKIV-113)

21 Agate long-barrel elliptical Late Dram period (AK.IV-266)
22 Agate long-barrel roughly circular. UnstraUfied (AK 1-161 )
23 Amethyst long-barrel tabular Arretme (AKn-545)
24 Glass tabular circular. Arretine. (AKH-490)
25 Glass cylindrical circular Arretine (AKVI-10)
26 Glass cylindrical circular Unstratificd (AKIV-125)
To face page 100 PLATE XXXIII

i ;


PLATE XXXIV To face page 101

\ Gold heath Scale 2 1

B Roman glass }
27 Glass long-cylindrical circular Unstratified (AKI-93)
28 Agate long-cylindrical circular Post-Arretine (AKII-487)
29 Glass long-cylindrical circular Post-Arrctme (AK.V-39)
30 Glass long-cylindrical circular Unstratified (AKM08)
31 Glass- long-cylmdncal circular. Arretme (AKH-315)
32 Glass long-cylindrical circular Post-Arretine (AK 111-65 )
33 Glass long-cylindrical circular (misshaped) Unstratified (AK IV-25 )
34 Glass long-cylindrical circular (misshaped). Unstratified. (AKIV-146)
35 Agate cylindrical circular Post-Arrctme (AK 11-221 )
36 Amethyst cylindrical hexagonal Arretme (AK 11-238)
37 Amethyst truncated bicone hexagonal Post-Arretine (AK 11-453 )
38 Crystalline quartz truncated bicone hexagonal
Unstratified (AK 1-27 )
39 Glass toggle (AKVH-20)
40 Gold long-barrel fluted Arretme (AK U-359 ) (See also pi XXXIVA, 1 )

41 Gold circular Post-Arretine (AK 11-596 ) (See also pi. XXXTVA, 2 )

42 Terracotta pear-shaped Pre-Arretine (AK V-90 )
43 Terracotta pear-shaped Prc-structural (AK IV-300 )
44 Terracotta pear-shaped Early Phase (AKIV-232)
45 Glass barrel circular groove-collared Pre- Arretme (AK 11-558 )
46 Glass barrel circular groove-collared Arretine (AK II- 548 )

47 Glass barrel circular groove-collared Post- Arretine(\K 11-483 )

48 Glass barrel elliptical groove-collared Unstratified (AK 1-29 )
49 Quartz-crystal unfinished barrel groove-collared Unstratified IV-48 )
50 Amethyst barrel roughly elliptical groove-collared Pondicherry Bibliothe"que
51 Shell barrel circular lug-collared Arretine (AK 11-390)
52 Amethyst barrel circular lug-collared Post-Arretme (AK 11-544 )
53 Glass barrel circular lug-collared Post-Arretme (AK 11-125)
54 Amethyst barrel tabular lug-collared Post-Arretme (AK VII-38 )

55 Crystalline quartz barrel elliptical lug-collared Unstratified (AK 1-5 )

56 Glass barrel circular lug-collared Unstratified (AKIV-108)

^7 Glass barrel plano-convex lug-collared Pondicherry Bibhothlque
58 Amethyst cornerless cube lug-collared Pondicherry BibliotMque
59 Agate barrel (almost plano-convex) tabular Pondicherry Bibhothe'que (See also pi XXXIII, 10 )

60 Glass frog-bead Pondicherry Bibliothique

61 Carnelian barrel gadrooned Pondicherry Bibhothe*que
62 Agate elliptical plano-convex double-eye Pondicherry Bibliothdque
63 Agate spherical single eye Pondicherry Bibliothdque


Reference has been made to the casual discovery of a gem said to bear the head of
Augustus in intaglio (above, p 21) The Bibhotheque at Pondicherry also contains a
quartz intaglio of Graeco-Roman workmanship representing Cupid and a bird, apparently
an eagle The gem is untnmmed and may therefore have been made locally by a Medi-
terranean craftsman It was found on the site but there is no record of the circumstances

G. ROMAN LAMP (no 42, 1)

Fragment of the disc and side-volute of a Roman

lamp, here restored in accordance
with the normal form of the Augustan period (early first century Of fine red ware AD)
Found in the spoil-trench over the principal wall of AK
II , not stratified Another fragment
of a Roman lamp was found in the previous excavations.


Fragment of pillar-moulded bowl of whitish iridescent glass. Northern Sector,

post-Arretine Bowls of this type originated apparently in Italy, and spread throughout
the Roman world from the end of the first century B C to the end of the first century A D.
In Germany, they occur at Haltern (11 B.C.-A.D. 16) and are very common at Hofheim
(A D 40-51), but are almost completely absent from the forts of the German Limes, dating
from the end of the first century A D onwards. 1 Fig 42, 2, also pi XXXIVB, 1. Frag-
ments of four or five similar bowls were found at Ankamedu by the French excavators.

l$$i ,'\
* -

i \ * ;; ;
'* '
i v /' .

FIG 42 /, Roman pottery tamp , 2-3, Roman glass bowls $

(2) Fragment of bowl of blue glass with horizontally ribbed side Northern Sector,
pre-Arretine Doubtless also of Mediterranean origin Fig 42, 3 ; also pi. XXXIVB, 2.

Compared with the prolific sites of northern India, the terracotta objects found at
Ankamedu are surprisingly few in number Nor can these few be put in their proper
places among analogous finds from South Indian sites, as very little terracotta material from
South India is at present available for study The following objects, together with the
beads mentioned above (p 96), comprise the whole of the terracotta from the present
excavation .

Torso of a female figure in the round

(1) The right arm hangs down and touches
the hip, while the left is placed akimbo, holding a basket of seeds or fruits. The figure is
heavily draped, the right end of the sdri being tucked up and wound round the waist
(pi XXXVA, 1) Northern Sector, pre-Arretine (end of first century B.C. or beginning
of first century A.D.)
(2) Torso of a female figure in the round. The left hand hangs down and touches the
hip, while the right is probably held akimbo. The figure is also heavily, but somewhat
differently, draped. The upper garment, starting obviously from the right shoulder, passes
below the left arm; the folds of the lower one are depicted by oblique parallel lines A
long raised tassel hangs throughout the centre of the lower portion of the body (pi. XXXVA,
2) Northern Sector, Arretine period (first half of first century A.D.).
1 See E Ritterling, Das Frtihromische Lager bet Hofheim, pp 371-2.
To face page 102 PLATE XXXV

A Tirra<ofta\ found in 194*

B. Gaming pieces, etc



\ II <Hi<J( n nuilk f
pn - A ml me


B Rope, pre-Arretme
PLATE XXXVIII To face page 103

Sections of \\ood from pre-4netine lu\cri 1-2, tro^-\e(tion\ of 4K //, 552, 3, tangential scition of
AK //, 552, 4, tro^-wtion of AK //, 55^, \\ell-pre\er\ed portion , row-set tion oj
5, i AK //,

55^, bad\\ tuistetl portion 411 niaqni/ieiJ 10 lnne\, c\u'pt No 3 wluth /s

magnified 50 time*

(3) Left upraised hand of a human figure with a bangle, the fingers clutching what
seems to be the stalk of a flower (pi XXXV A, 4). Northern Sector, post-Arretine (second
half of first century A.D )
(4) Fragment of a sauare or rectangular slab of the SySgapafa type The portion
round the centre seems to have been undecorated Beyond are concentric circles, followed
in the extant corner by a conventional honeysuckle design The edges are decorated by
oblique hatching (pi. XXXVA, 3) Southern Sector, Late Phase

(5) Irregularly shaped fragmentary object, possibly

of the votive tank' type. The
field is decorated with short notches (pi XXXVA, 5) Southern Sector, unstratified
(6) Object similar to the above, but more fragmentary Southern Sector, unstratified
(7) Crude shapeless model of an animal a lump on the back may indicate that it was

intended to represent a humped bull (pi XXXVB, 2) Southern Sector, unstratified

(8) and (9) Two gaming pieces, one depicting a human head with a projecting snout
(pi. XXXVB, 3 and 4) Southern Sector, unstratified
(10) Cylinder, probably also a gaming piece (pi XXXVB, 1), Southern Sector,
(11) Pear-shaped object with projecting knob or foot, probably a top (pi XXXVA, 6)
Southern Sector, unstratified
A large number of terracotta discs were found from all deposits in both the Sectors
except the pre-Arretine (an exception which may be accidental) Some of these pieces are
only potsherds made into a roughly circular shape by rubbing, but there are a few which
are deliberately moulded to shape Some of the former class have one or two perforations
at the centre, and one is decorated with rough scratches All these may be regarded as
gaming pieces PI XXXVB, 5-11
The following terracottas found during previous excavations and now in the Bibliotheque
at Pondicherry may be added They are not independently dated
(1) Torso of a male figure, nude
or more probably with The pendant right hand
diaphanous drapery
holds a hook-like object, and the left a large indistinct object against the hip The figure wears a thick necklace
of cabled design, ending in two large rosette-shaped pendants and a girdle of pellets (pi XXXVIA, 1)
(2) Head of a male figure, evidently &va The high conical mass of matted hair is entwined by a serpent,
and its forepart bears a crescent The eyes are half-closed (pi XXXVIA, 2)
(3) Head of a male figure, much defaced The hair is curled and hangs below the ears (pi XXXVIA, 3)
(4) Fragment of a female figure The drapery is somewhat similar to that of No 1 of the 1945 series
(pi XXXVIA, 4)
(5) and (6) Lower portion of two female figures standing on round pedestals They are clad in loose skirts,
which cover part of the feet, only the toes being visible (pi XXXVIA, 5 and 6)


FKJ 43."" 1-4, iron objects , 5, copper rattle , 6, quartz ring , 7, ivory handle


Besides a number of shapeless lumps of iron found almost everywhere, the following
objects may be recorded :

(1) Iron ring (fig 43, 4). Northern Sector, post-Arretine.

(2) Fragmentary iron blade, tanged (fig 43, 1) Southern Sector, unstratified
(3) and (4) Two iron nails, one of them with a round head (fig. 43, 2-3). Southern
Sector, Early Phase, and unstratified respectively.
(5) Copper rattle with a slit and a loop for suspension (fig 43, 5). Southern
Sector, Late Drain Period (second century AD)
The following stone objects deserve mention
(1) Short cylindrical object of sandstone, possibly a weight Northern Sector,
(2) Fragmentary gnndmg-stone of sandstone Northern Sector, post-Arretmc
(3)-(6) F
ur fragmentary cylindrical pestles, two of granite and two of sandstone
Southern Sector, unstratified
(7) Complete celt of trap (fig 44, 4) Southern Sector, pre-structural
<8) Fragmentary celt of sandstone Southern Sector, near the surface
(9) Knob of the steatite hd of a casket Southern Sector, unstratified


The water-logged sand and slime below sea -level in the Northern Sector preserved a
number of pieces of wood, mostly unfashioned but in some cases shaped, together with a
cocoanut shell and a few pieces of palm shell and rope, all in the pre-Arretme layers (late
first century B C or early first century AD)
Of the wooden objects the following deserve mention
(1) Roughly fashioned block of wood, with its central portion scooped out,
resembling a cumbrous shuttle, possibly a toy-boat (ng 44, 1)
(2) Leg of a cot or stool, roughly carved, with two rectangular mortices cut into
its upper portion to receive the wooden bars forming the frame (fig 44, 3)

(3) Cylindrical piece of wood, carved into zones with shallow incised lines, possibly
a toggle
(4) Mallet, handle broken (fig 44, 2; also pi. XXXVIIA)
Of numerous pieces of rope the longest had a length of about nine inches and a
diameter of about one inch Like all the other pieces it was made of three strands of
cocoanut fibres twisted together (pi XXXVIIB)
K A CHOWDHURY and S S GHOSH, Forest Research Institute, Deltra Dun
1 Material

Six specimens of wood and two pieces of fruit shells, collected from Ankamedu (near Pondicherry) from
about 4 below the sea-level, were received for identification and report
feet On first examination the
wood specimens were found to be in a late stage of deterioration All attempts to cut clean surfaces with a
sharp pocket-knife met with failure The tissues got crushed by the action of the knife and came out in a
powdery form This so obliterated the anatomical structure that it was not possible to hazard even a guess
as to the identity of these specimens



Fro 44 1-3, objects of wood. 4, stone axe


2. Method of study
The wood samples were embedded in cclloidin Small pieces, | inch to } inch square, were cut with a sharp
hacksaw and put in 70 % alcohol overnight Air was drawn out with the help of a vacuum-pump and the speci-
mens were passed through 90% and absolute alcohol giving two changes in each daily They were then put into
alcohol-ether solution twice for twelve hours The samples were then put through the celloidin solution of 2 % to
4 % to 6 % to 8 % to 12 % to 16 A pressure cylinder was used to expedite the process of embedding l Each
stage lasted for 24 hours under pressure of 80 Ib per inch. At the last stage the samples with a thick coating
of celloidin on them were put into chloroform for four hours for hardening The material was next transferred
to tubes containing 30 % of alcohol A few drops of chloroform were added later, as it was noticed that the blocks
were turning gradually spongy Sections were then cut with a Jeffrey-Thomson Microtome, IS to 30 /* thick
Difficulty was still experienced in cutting these specimens as they were breaking into pieces To get over this,
a thin coating of 2% celloidin solution was applied to keep the tissues intact while cutting The sections were
then cut from all the three surfaces, and put into 50% alcohol They were then stained in Haidenhain's
haematoxylin and Bismark brown Due to the delicate nature of the sections, it was necessary to handle them
carefully for staining and dehydrating Before permanently mounting them in Canada Balsam, they were passed
hurriedly through a mixture of absolute alcohol and ether to remove the celloidin Sometimes this step had
to be omitted because, on dissolving, the celloidin sections broke into pieces To overcome this, sections were
passed through 90% alcohol and absolute alcohol, adding a little chloroform m each Even then, some sections
were not found satisfactory for detailed study under microscope In the case of AK 11-535 and AK 11-554, the
cells were pressed so much that it was not possible to make out the diagnostic features of these Umbers Fresh
sets of blocks were, therefore, prepared and put into hot KOH (5%) solution for about two hours They were
then washed thoroughly in hot water, passed through the alcohol series and finally embedded in celloidin By
this method sections showing better details were obtained except one sample of AK. 11-554, which still appeared
to be greatly twisted (pi XXXVIII, 5) It was not possible to obtain good transverse sections of this piece, but

tangential and radial sections were fairly good and showed all the minute details required for definite identification

3 Results

The microscopic slides prepared were first examined under lower-power microscope It was noticed that

the six samples of wood actually came from three different trees Two pieces marked by the Archaeological
Department as AK 11-552 and the piece marked AK 11-535 came from one tree, one piece marked AK 11-552
from a second tree and the two pieces marked AK 11-554 from a third tree Detailed anatomical report on
their examination is
given below

Specimen Nos AK 11-552 (two pieces) and AK 11-535

Gross feature of the wood The biggest of these three specimens was 4 inches x 3 inches and the smallest
about 2 inches x $ inch Specimen Nos AK
11-552 were from a branch, for both the pith and the bark were
noticed m
them The colours of all the specimens were dirty brown to blackish brown, and some parts appeared
to be charred It is a
diffuse-porous wood with faint growth marks Vessels very small, just visible with a lens,

scanty, often arranged in radial chains Soft tissues in fine tangential lines, often forming net-like structure
with the rays Rays are extremely fine and equidistant
Microscopic structure of the wood growth-rings are delimited by thick and flattened fibres Vessels are

single or in radial pairs These have been tangentially pressed often beyond recognition and look like radial
grooves Only m
well-preserved portions the true size and distribution of the vessels
could be seen Pits on
the vessel walls are noticed with difficulty, as the majority of the vessels are crushed When distinct, the pits
are minute, round to oval and crowded Tylosis has not been noticed Parenchyma cells are usually well
preserved They are prominent against the background of the wood and are abundant Their distribution
varies from diffuse to reticulum with the rays, to almost concentric lines (piXXXVm, 2)These are mostly one
cell wide ,
crystals m some cells conspicuous m vertical sections Pith flecks presentm one place Rays mostly
1 -senate (rarely 2-seriate), heterogeneous, upright cells are long and form the major part of the umsenate rays ,

K A Chowdhury, 'An unproved method of toftening hard wood-tissues in hydrofluoric acid under pressure,' Ann
Bot , XLVOI, 1934

horizontal cells small and difficult to be distinguished Fibres individually unrecognizable, small, rather thick-
walled and packed in groups in between the parenchyma bands and
rays They are non-septate From the
nature of the structure, it appears to be a fine-textured, hard and toughtimber
Identification From the above it will be noticed that these ancient timbers m
cross-section resemble
Excaecarta agallocha, Mallotus spp , Trewia nudiflora, Sapium spp Diospyros and Maba spp
, But of these, only
Diospyros and Maba spp show the greatest affinity in all respects, e g. fibres, parenchyma cells, vessels and rays ,
Moreover, the pits are also similar The ancient timber specimens are, therefore, identified as Diospyros and
Maba spp
Specimen No AK 11-552 (one piece)

Gross feature of the wood The specimen is about 3 inches x 2 inches in size and rather irregular in shape
Its colour is dark brown It is a
diffuse-porous wood Growth rings indistinct Pores hardly visible to the eye
but distinct with a lens, small, m
radial pairs of 2-5 (mostly 2-3) Soft tissues hardly to just visible with a
lens, scattered m
the fibrous tissues Rays visible with a lens, fine and equidistant

Microscopic structure of the wood growth rings indistinct , there is, however, a suggestion of growth marks
at places due to flattened fibres and scanty pores Vessels small, mostly in radial pairs of 2-3, thick-walled ,
vessel perforation plate simple , pits on the walls small, numerous, round to oval and crowded tyloses absent

Tracheids present close to the vessels, heavily pitted Parenchyma cells distinct, well-preserved, wider than fibres,
generally scattered, also form irregular reticulum with the rays (pi XXXVTIT, 1) Fibres non-septate, narrow but
thick-walled, lumen almost closed, closely packed Fibres are not always well preserved and often the thickening
of the cell wall difficult to determine, inter-fibre pits scanty or not seen Rays well preserved, closely spaced,
1-4 seriate (mostly 2) and heterogeneous, (a) uniseriate type consists entirely of upright or high cells, and
(b)multisenate type consists of both upright and horizontal cells, sometimes alternately arranged forming very
deep rays (pi XXXVIII, 3)
Identification The arrangement of vessels indicates affinity to Sapotaceae, Ebenaceae, Apocynaceae and
Rubiaceae But in the dense nature of the wood, small and very thick-walled fibres and the heterogeneous
rays, it resembles most
closely Sapotaceae All the timbers of this family have been compared and the structure
of the ancient wood shows greatest affinity to Mimusops It has, therefore, been identified as Mimusops spp

Specimen No AK 13-554 (two pieces)

Gross feature of the wood The specimens are fairly large (4 inches x 2 inches) and appear to be portions
of a large tree The colour of the wood is dark red Growth rings indistinct // is a diffuse-porous wood
Pores fairly large, visible to the eye, single or in radial pairs, uniformly distributed Soft tissues indistinct to the
eye Rays only visible with a lens, fairly broad
Microscopic structure of the wood growth rings inconspicuous Vessels medium-sized, round to oval,

uniformly distributed, perforation plate simple, pits distinct, roundish and crowded Parenchyma cells con-
spicuous by their uniform distribution and heavy deposits, often forming net-like structure with the rays,
tangential band of parenchyma (2-3 cells) noticed in one place (pi XXXVUI, 4)
Fibres narrow, thick-walled,
small lumened In some portions fibre walls have been dissolved away, and cells have collapsed Rays fine to
broad. 1-8 cells wide, sometimes twisted, showing up prominently due to profuse reddish-brown deposits
Rays two types the short type is of equal height and forms irregular ripple-marks, the other very deep and
broad. Ripple-marks inconspicuous Gum canals found in two places In one place large canals are of irregular
shape and occur m
three adjacent rows In another specimen they are small in size embedded in the tangential
band of parenchyma
Identification This timber apparently belongs to the group Malvales, le Sterculiaceae, Tihaceae and
Malvaceae On comparison it shows most affinity with Heritiera having dense structure, parenchyma network
with heavy deposits Rays are of two types high and low the former forming the ripple-marks and the latter
very deep and wide The timber is, therefore, identified as Heritiera spp

4 Fruit shells

The pieces of fruit shells sent have been examined and identified as probably portions of cocoanut (Cocos
nucifera) and palmyra (Borassus flabellifer)


5 General remarks

The wood specimens examined show that they represent portions of wood from three different trees, viz
Diospyros spp (including Maba spp ), Mimusops spp and Hentiera spp All these trees at present produce
well-known commercial timbers Diospyros and Maba, the former containing some very important and large
forest trees, occur chiefly in South India, Ceylon, Bengal, Burma and the Andaman Islands , only a few species
extend to northern India From a commercial point of view the wood is important and is commonly used for
turnery and carving walking sticks, umbrella handles, inlay for furniture and fancy articles Moreover, the
well-known black ebony comes from one of the timbers belonging to this group Mimusops are evergreen
trees and are found on the east coast from the Kistna river southwards, in the Carnatic, mravines and hills , on the
west coast from Bombay to Travancore and also in Burma and the Andaman Islands. The timber is strong and
durable and is commonly used for oil presses, tool handles, piles, ploughs, harrows, carts, boats, rice pounders and
also for building and constructional purposes. Hentieras are usually associated with tidal and delta forests of
India and are well represented in the Sunderbans, Chitlagong tidal forests, coast forests of Burma and
the Andamans In South India the distribution is rather local they are found on the west coast of Cochin,
Tmnevelly, Travancore and perhaps also in the east coast in southern districts The Umber samples of Merit tera
which we have examined appear to come from a fairly large tree From this one is inclined to think that the
wood may not have been locally obtained This umber is extensively used for boat-building, agricultural
implements, carts, constructional purposes, and fuel
Our thanks are due to Messrs K. NTandon and Damar Singh of the Wood Technology Section, Forest
Research Institute, for their help
The post-Arretme layers in the Northern Sector yielded a very large number of sawn
conch-shells, possibly unfinished bangles, although no finished bangle was found few A
pieces are crescent-shaped and may have been used as ear-ornaments (pi XXXIX)
A fragment of a bangle of amber-coloured glass, with lozenge-shaped impressions,
alternately filled with dots and an oblique line, constitutes the only glass bangle found in
1945 It is from a superficial and unstratified deposit in the Southern Sector, and may

post-date the urban occupation In the Pondicherry Bibhotheque are fragments of two
other glass bangles from the previous excavations (pi XXX
II IB, 8-9)
The following objects are of uncertain use
(1) A
flat ring of crystalline quartz (fig 43, 6) Northern Sector, post-Arretme
(2) A
long piece of ivory, elliptical m
section, divided into zones with parallel incised
Northern Sector, pre-Arretme
lines (fig 43, 7)
(3) Fragment of an ivory handle (?) of plano-convex section, divided into zones
by raised bands, the sides containing at least two mortices, the intervening
space decorated by rosettes (pi XXXV1B) Found in the previous excavations,
now in the Pondicherry Bibliothque.
N. Corns
coins were found in late post-structural deposits m
the Southern Sector (AK IV).
One of them is corroded and without any details , the other one belongs to a well-known
type of Rajaraja Coja (A D
third com, utterly defaced, was unstratified.


The showing svastika pattern have already been noticed above (pp 49,
graffiti 52).
Ankamedu has also yielded the following pictorial graffiti, all on sherds of pottery Type 1 :

Cf W
Elliot, Corns of Southern India, London, 1B86, p 133 and pi iv, 166 The Superintendent,
Government Museum, Madras, informs me that coins of this type are exceedingly common m the southern districts
of the Madras Presidency.

To face page 108 PLATE XXXIX

Unfinished s/ir// handles

e 109
To face />flg

Standing human figure carved in intaglio From the post-Arretme phase of the
Northern Sector (middle or second half of first century A D )
2 Male figure standing facing with arms extended The figure is draped a m
loose garment (dhoti) and is apparently holding a bow From an unstratified deposit of
the Northern Sector
3 Geometrical representation of a fish From Pottery Group A (Early Phase)
of the Southern Sector (mid first century AD)

The present excavations yielded eighteen potsherds bearing graffiti The opportunity
is taken to publish also two graffiti found previously by the French excavators

1. Date
Their associations indicate clearly that these graffiti belong to the first and second
centuries AD
2 Language
All save two of the graffiti which are capable of reconstruction are m Tamil, and are
amongst the earliest known examples of that language Unfortunately their limitation to
names and a few Tamil words robs them of value as a contnbution to the study of linguistic
development So far as can be determined, their language is akin to that of some fifty
short epigraphs found engraved on rocks at natural rock-shelters in South India, especially
in the Districts of Madura and Tmnevelly 2 The exact nature of the language of these
inscriptions is still open to question, but they appear to be in Early Tamil (as distinguished
from the Tamil found in the early Tamil literature, as well as modern Tamil), with a
sprinkling of Prakrit They have been dated to the third and second centuries B C but on
grounds which are largely theoretical, in contradistinction to the dating of the Ankamedu
sherds which is objective and secure
Dr N P Chakravarti adds the following comment:
At first sight the script found on the graffiti from Ankamedu appears to belong to the
first or second century B C when compared with the script of other Brahmi inscriptions,

particularly those found in the north On the other hand, the date of the pottery as indi-
cated by its association with dated antiquities, is of the first century A D or near
date The reason for this discrepancy is not, however, far to seek The script of the
Ankamedu pottery and the early rock-shelters of the Madura and Tmnevelly Distncts
seems to be more akin to the ancient Dr5vi<JI script than the regular Brahmi as found in
the edicts of ASoka and other early inscriptions We also know that the Dravnji scnpt
must have separated from the main stock of Brahmi much earlier than the time of ASoka,
at the latest in the fifth century BC
(Buhler, "Indian Palaeography", Indian Antiquary,
XXXIII, appendix, undoubtedly the reason why so many archaic forms are
p. 8) This is
noticed in the few inscriptions so far known in the Dravi<J! scnpt The development of
forms after separation could not be so fast in Dravi<}T as in the regular Brahmi, which
continued to be used throughout the whole of India If we bear this point in mind it would
not be unreasonable to assume that, though the script of the Ankamedu graffiti appears
to be similar to the script of Brahmi inscriptions of the first and second centuries B C it ,

based upon reports from Dr fl C Chhabra, the Government Epigraphist, Dr N P
This section is

Chakravarti, his predecessor in the office, Mr K V Subrahmanya Aiyer, and Mr N

Lakshmmarayan Rao
* H
Krishna Sastn m
Proceedings and Transactions of the All-India Oriental Conference, 1920, pp 327-48 ,
K V Subrahmanya Aiyer, iforf, 1924, pp 275-300
Fio 45

actually should be relegated to a later period If this assumption is correct then the so-
called discrepancy between the palaeographic and the archaeological evidence would seem
to disappear."

3 Palaeography (see table, fig. 45)

(i) Comparison with the Mamandur inscription (ascribed conjecturally to the third
century B C.) shows a general similarity in the characters.
In this inscription, ma is of the angular variety, but at Ankamedu it is a loop with a
cross-bar, as in the &ittannav5&al and other cavern inscriptions The letter ra is a mere
straight line at Ankamedu and in the cavern inscriptions of Madura and Tinnevelly districts,
but in the Mamandur record it is a slightly zigzag line The other letters have practically
the same shape in both
(11) The characters of the Ankamedu graffiti closely resemble the cavern inscriptions
(pi facing page 57 of the Annual Report on South Indian Epigraphy for 1912, pi facing
p 86, ibidem for 1915; pi facing p 7, ibidem for 1918), with the following exception the
letter la has a more circular form in the cavern inscriptions, whilst at Ankamedu it has
the almost modern open form This is a point in favour of a later date for the Ankamedu
(in) The Ankamedu characters are closely comparable with those of the Bhaftiproju
(Kistna District) Brahmi inscriptions, which' are conjecturally dated by Buhler to the tune
immediately after As"oka or about 200 B C (Epigraphia Indica, II, 329)
(iv) The Ankamedu inscriptions may further be compared with the HathibSda and
Ghosuno'! mscnptions (Epigraphia Indica, XXII, 199ff , and XVI, 25ff), attnbuted by
Dr D R Bhandarkar to the beginning of the first century B C
* '

Slight differences are

In the Hathib5<Ja and Ghosun<JI mscnptions the arms of a on the left are a little
round, while in the Ankamedu mscnptions they are angular
In the former the cross-bar of ka is drawn above the centre of the vertical line, but
in the latter it is at or a little below the centre
In the former the bottom of pa is a little angular, while in the latter it is fully round
In the former the letter ma has a more developed shape than m the latter
The letter va has a flattened base in the former.
4. Transliteration (see figs. 46, 47 , pi XLI)
1 AK 1-67 contains traces of six letters which are broken and cannot be definitely
made out
2 AKI-127 Reading isclearly OBpiyamakar, meaning 'the dear son of . n\
3. AK IV- 198 This is one of the two PrSknt mscnptions It reads Yokhamitasa,

meaning *of Yakhamita

(Skt. Yakshamitra)'
4. AK 1-168 Two inscribed pieces, which do not dovetail into each other but may
be portions of the same inscription The smaller piece contains four letters from the
beginning and reads Stanka, which cannot be interpreted The third symbol, which also
occurs at the end of the bigger is read as ga by Dr. Chhabra, while Mr Subrahmanya
Aiyer takes it to be an earlier form of na
The bigger piece consists of nine symbols which may be read as cha na cha na te no ba t&
(or ti) ga but cannot be interpreted. Dr. Chhabra reads the fifth letter as fa, but thatm
case the horizontal stroke occurring on the top of this letter will be superfluous and has to
be explained. This symbol as well as the last three letters of this fragment are all new to
the southern Brahmi scnpt, and their exact phonetic value must await determination
5 AK11-69. Mr. Aiyer reads as TavapiQlar, which appears to be a personal name
f 10


FIG 46 Graffiti on pottery.


FlG 47 Graffiti on potter\ $

6 AK 11-432 Mr
Aiyer reads these two letters as <zvi, which indicates a personal
name The vowel a here has a cursive form
7 AK
11-533 contains four symbols which appear to be only potter's marks
8 AK
11-562 reads Aman, which is a
personal name
* AK
11-571 Reading is Chattan Avi ifi koti Ichan Aditaipap The word koti
seems to denote some relationship (Skt
jotrm ?) which is preceded and followed by a proper
name and may be translated as Ichan Aditaipan, a relation of Chattan Avi' This record
introduces a new form of f and also shows a mark of punctuation at the end
10 AK
11-576. The extant portion reads -ttaa and indicates the end of a personal
11. AK 111-67 contains remnants of three or four letters too fragmentary to be made
out. Not illustrated
12 AK 111-89 Mr Aiyer reads this as ra chntam and Dr Chhabra as ra chinabhama.
No sense can however be made of either reading
13 AK IV- 120 Reading is $a ra ti ka fa ka ka Except the two kas the other
letters are doubtful, but this
inscription has its value as the final symbol showing kka would
certainly suggest that the language is Tamil
14. AK IV- 194 contains two crude symbols which may be potter's marks
15 AK IV- 199. Reads MutikuluraQ akal, meaning 'the wide-mouthed pot of
16. AK IV-277. Reading is -n kaikolar, meaning '. .. n the weaver*. -^

17. AK VII-27. Reading is -ittirQma or -Hirami, the end of a personal name. "*v t **
18 AK V-117. Three letters reading butta, i e. the Tamil form of Buddha, Hir
name of a woman * -

19 Found in the French excavations, and now in the Pondicherry Bibliotheque

Reading seems to be ..... ntva vaittatai kotn rdalu ( ) and may mean 'having carved that

which was bestowed by gteva '. The sense is not certain though the language is decidedly
20. in the French excavations, and now in the Pondicherry Bibliotheque.
Found 4

Reading YaduC^-valabhutaya pan and the

meaning seems to be. (This is) the platter
(p&tri) of Yaduvalabhuta (Yadubalabhuta) PGtri (Skt ) or pdtti (Pali) means *a shallow
vessel', and the shape of the inscribed sherd is in conformity with this
Prof Nilakantha Sastn, who has published this inscription in the Journal of the Madras
University (XIV, 3-4), takes pan in the sense of 'husband' or a contracted form of pantha'vita
('established ') But the sense here suggested by Dr Chhabra is perhaps correct
The second letter in this inscription is not certain but the language is decidedly Prftknt.
It is not certain whether the name of the lady was 'Yadubalabhuta' or 'Balabhuta of the
Yadu family *.
The Northern Sector, particularly the deposits of estuarme slime below the Arretme-
producmg strata (see above, p 22), yielded a large number of bones, including three
human ones A report on their examination is given below


B K CHATTERJEE and H K BOSE, Anthropological Survey Laboratory

As the gallery specimens and disarticulated bones of different animals of various ages preserved in the Indian
Museum, Calcutta, were not available for comparison due to war conditions, a thorough examination of the
bones submitted for report was not possible, and the work had to be restricted to the identification of individual
bones with their respective Order and Species
The degree of mineralization of the bones vanes in the individual specimens Thus, in specimens 13, 33, 34
the process of mineralization has gone to a considerable extent, m
8, 10, 11 and 12 it is appreciably less,
whereas in the rest it has only commenced The full extent of mineralization, however, can only be determined
by thorough chemical examination
Apart from human relics, the animals identified include the following (1) fowl, (2) turtle, (3) boar, and
(4) cow, all edible animals, but it is difficult to determine the extent to which they were used as such In some
cases, however, there arc marks of a sharp implement on the bone
Most of the long bones such as femur, humerus and tibia, and other smaller bones such as mctacarpaJ,
metatarsal, phaliange and calcanmm, were found intact, the reconstructed skull of a boar (No 4 below) and a
few others, together with all the human bones, were fragmentary

of bones
Class Aves
Order Gallmae
Genus Callus ferrugmeus *
1 Left femur of a fowl, complete

All the bones enumerated below were from the pre-Arretinc layers of the Northern Sector, unless otherwise specified
i W T Blanford, The Fauna of Brituh India, Birds (1*9*), IV, 75


Inscribed pot \herds

Class Reptilia
Order Cheloma
Family Tnonychidae
Genus Lisscmys punctata (Bonnaterre)
Small fragment of the carapace of a turtle

Class Mammalia
Order Carnivore
Family Sudae
Genus Sus cristatus *

3 Fragment of the right side of the From a post-

mandible of a boar with two molars and one premolar
Arretinc layer
4 Mandible of a boar almost complete with two incisors, three premolars and three molars on the left side
and one incisor and a portion of a canine and three molars on the right From a post-Arretme layer
5 Portion of the left side of the lower jaw with two molars From an Arretine-producing layer
6 Small fragment of the lower jaw with impressions of the roots of teeth From a post-Arretme layer
7 Portion of the right side of upper jaw with two molars and one premolar

Class Mammalia
Order Ungulata
Family Bos mdicus hnnaeus
8 Complete right humerus
9 Fragment of the distal end of humerus
10 Complete humerus
1 1
Complete humerus of a young individual
12 Almost complete humerus of a young individual From an Arretme-producing layer
13 Almost complete left scapula after reconstruction From an Arretme-producing layer
14 Fragment of the head of a scapula From a post-Arretme layer
1 5 Fragment of a scapula of a very young mdi\ idual From an Arretme-producing layer
16 Fragment of the proximal end of the third and fourth metacarpal
17 Almost complete third and fourth metacarpal of a young individual From a post-Arretme layer
18 Portion of the third and fourth metacarpal of a young individual
19 Almost complete right femur after reconstruction From an Arretme-producmg layer
20 Almost complete left tibia
21 Complete third and fourth metatarsal
22 Almost complete third and fourth metatarsal of a young mdiv idual
23 Second phallangc of the hind leg
24 Premolar tooth with broken roots
25 Molar tooth, roots partially broken From an Arretme-producmg layer
26 Almost complete incisor tooth From a post-Arretme layer
27 Incisor, roots broken
28 Calcanmm of a very young individual
29 Almost complete vertebrae of the hinder part of an adult individual From an Arretme-producmg layer
30. Small fragment of a vertebra
31 Fragment of a rib of an adult individual From an Arretine-producing layer
32 Fragment of a pelvis (?) Mark of a sharp implement present

G A Boulcngcr, The Fauna of British India, Reptilia

and Batrachia (1890), p 17 , B Prashad, "Animal Remains from
o&\ Memoirs of tit Archaeological Survey of India,
No 51 (Delhi, 1936), p 14 , R B S Sewell and B S Guha in Moken-
Jodaro and tht Indus Civilization II (London, 1931), p 663
* W T Blanford, The Fauna of British India, Mammalia (1888-91), I, 560
Ibid ,
p 483

Class Mammalia
Order Primates
Sub-Order Amhropoidae
Family Hommadae <4-

33 Fragment of a human mandible of an adult with two canines, four incisors, two molars and one m6T *
with its cusps highly eroded From an Arretine-producing layer
34 Fragment of a left human mandible with two prcmolars and two molars of a young individual From a
post-Arretine layer
35 Fragment of the shaft of a human fibula Both ends broken From an Arretine layer


Roman coins, first century BC to fourth century A D , found m

India and Ceylon

Opportunity is taken to print a revised list of identified Roman coins found in India
and Ceylon, and to add a map (fig 48), on which Ankamedu is also indicated although
no Roman coins have yet been found there The map emphasizes afresh the remarkable
extent of the contact of South India with the western world during the Roman pnncipate,
implying incidentally a full use of the south-western monsoon It would appear that the

Roman traders found the smaller South Indian kingdoms more amenable or accessible
than the large and powerful Andhra kingdom of the centre, although the latter, with its
abundant mineral resources, may be supposed to have taken some part in the business,
and indirect cultural contacts with the Mediterranean (notably in the form of clay or
metal bullae based vaguely on Roman coinage) are discovered there from time to time
A notable feature of the map is the great cluster of coins, particularly hoards, of the
firstcentury AD
in the Coimbatore district of the South This may be partially explained
by the ancient beryl mines in the district (p 123), but it is probably more significant that
at this point the Eastern Ghats swing westwards and terminate upon the line of the Western
Ghats, and that the valley of the Ponnani carries a natural trans-peninsular highway
immediately south of the abutment This highway must have provided a useful alternative
to the long coastwise route between the Malabar and Coromandel ports, although the
numerous coin-hoards suggest that it was not free from peril m
the broken country of the


1 BamanghatI, Smgbhum Dist (between Chaibasa and Balasore, on the mam road
running W
from the port of Tamluk on the Hughli) Hoard of gold coins, including
Gordian (d A D
244). A Cunningham, Archl Survey Rep , XIII (1882), 72
Bombay Presidency
2 Dharphul, Sholapur Dist 18aurei,Commodus Severus(</ A 211). Nwn Chron. D
1st S ,V (1843), 202, Bombay Gazette, Jan 31, 1842, W. Elliot in Madras Journ. of
Lit andSc, XIII (1844), 215

WT Blanford, The Fauna of British India, Mammalia, I (1889-91), 3, Reynolds, The Vertebrate
Skeleton (Sidney, 1913), p 47
* 1
gladly acknowledge help from Mr T G Aravamuthan m the revision of this list


3 Nagdhara, Jalalpur Tk , Surat Dist. Aureus of Lucius Verus (A

Codrington in Journ. of the Bombay Branch of the Roy. Asiatic Soc ,
4. Waghoda, Raver Tk., East Khandesh Dist. Aureus of the Seven (A.0.
Codnngton in J.BB.R.A 5., XVIII (1890-4), 38

Central Provinces

5 Chajerbedha, Bilaspur Dist 2 aurei of Commodus (d AD 192) Information

supplied through Mr. T G Aravamuthan

Madras Presidency
6. Athirala, Pullampet Tk , Cuddapah Dist Aureus of Trajan (d A D 1 17) W Elliot
in Madras Journ of Lit. and Sc 1844, pp 214-5, and in Ind Ant
, , 241-2
II (1873),
7. Coimbatore Dist Denarius of Augustus (d AD 14) W Elliot in Madras Journ
ofLit andSc XIII (1884), 214 Num Chron
, , ,
I (1843-4), 162 , J Bird mJBB.RAS 9

1 (1883), 293ff
8 Counbatore Dist. 2 denarii of Tiberius (d. A D 37). Madras Mus A Rep 1912, ,

PP 4, 9.
9. Gumada, Jeypore Tk, Vizagapatam Dist 23 Roman gold coins, ending with
Constantine the Great (d A.D 337) Madras Mus A Rep 1928, p 4 9

10. Kahyamputtur, Madura Dist (near boundary of Madura and Coimbatore Dist )
63 gold coins in a pot, Augustus Nerva (d A D 98) Madras Journ of Lit and
Sc XVII (1856-71 114, and XIX (1857-58), 157-8

11. Kanvalamvandanallur, Sankaran Koyil Tk , Tinnevelly Dist Six aurei, latest of

Hadrian of A D 118 Madras Mus A Rep 1933, p 5 ,

12. Karur, Tnchinopoly Dist About 500 coins, Augustus-- Tiberius (d A D 37) a m
pot m
H Little Madras Christian College Mag, I (1883), 219-26; Madras Mus
A Rep , 1893, pp 6-7
13 Karur, Tnchinopoly Dist 5 aurei, including one of Claudius (d A D 54) W. Elliot
in Madras Journ of Lit andSc , XIII (1884), 214
14. Karur, Tnchinopoly Dist Aureus of Marcus Aurehus (d A.D 180). R Sewell in
JR .4 S, 1904, p. 617
15. Karuvur, Coimbatore Dist Hoard of aurei, Augustus Claudius (d A 54). D
Thurston, Madras Gov Mus. Cat Coins No 1 (1874), p 1 No 2 (1888), p. 8 ,

Madras Journ of Lit andSc XIII (1884), p 214.,

16 Karuvur, Coimbatore Dist Large hoard of denarii, Augustus Tiberius (d A 37), D

in a pot Thurston, Madras Gov Mus Cat Coins No 2 (1888), p 21 Madras ,

Christian College Mag October, 1883, pp 219ff


17. Kattanganni, Dharapuram Tk., Coimbatore Dist 233 denarii, Augustus Tiberius
(d AD 37) Madras Mus A Rep , 1913, pp 4, 8
18. Kotpad, Jeypore Tk Vizagapatam Dist. 4 Roman denarii, Augustus Tibenus (d

A D. 37) Madras Mus. A Rep , 1915, pp 5, 6.

19. Kottayam, Malabar Dist Large hoard of aurei, Augustus Nero (d. A D. 68)
J.ASB,XX (1851), 371-87; R. Caldwell, A Description of Roman Imperial Aurei
found near Calicut, Trivandrum (1851); Madras Mus. A. Rep., 1882, p 5.
20. Kulattuppalaiyam, Dharapuram Tk., Coimbatore Dist Aureus of Theodosius
(d AD 395) Madras Mus A. Rep. t 1934.
21 Madura town 11 Roman gold coins ending with Nero, dated A D. 61-2. Madras
Mus. A Rep, 1917, pp. 4, 5, 8.

Stray finds of copper coins, including Hononus and Arcadms (c
R Sewell, List of the Antiquarian Remains in the Presidency of Madras, I

Dist Aureus of Domitian (d A.D 96) Madras Gov Mus Cat. Coins,
o.2(1 894), p 29
MahSbahpuram, Chmgleput Dist Com of Theodosius (d A D. 395) J PnnsepF in
25. MahSbahpuram, Chmgleput Dist. Com possibly of Theodosius, late fourth century.
Arch Sur India, Southern Circle, A Rep , 1888, pp 2-4, 5
26 Mallayapalem, Guntur Dist 4 Roman aurei, ending with Antoninus Pius (d.
AD 161) Madras Mus A Rep 1915, pp 4, , 5, 6
27. Mambalam, Madras city Com of Augustus (d A D 14) Madras Mus A Rep ,

1930, p 6, and 1931, p 2

28. NagaTjunikono'a, Palnad Tk Kistna Dist. Gold com of Hadrian (d A D. 138).

Arch Sur India A Rep 1936-7, p 61 ,

29 Nandyal, Kurnool Dist Upwards of 52 gold corns, ending with Antoninus Pius
(d A.D 161), in a pot Madras Mus A Rep 1935, p 5 ,

30 Nellor Hoard of Roman coins in a pot, latest recorded a com of Antoninus Pius
(d A D 161) Davidson in Asiatic Researches, II (1790), 331-2
31 Ongole Tk Guntur Dist
, Hoard of coins of which two gold sohdi of Nero and
Hadrian (d A D 138) are recorded Madras Mus A Rep 1905, pp 5 and 8 ,

32 Pennar, Coimbatore Dist Denarius of Augustus Elliot in Madras Journ of W

Lit and Sc XIX (1888), 228

33 Pollachi, Coimbatore Dist Hoard of denarii in a pot, said to be Augustus Tiberius

(d AD 37) Indian Antiquary, IV (1875), 302, F Buchanan, A Journey from
Madras, II (1807), 318-9
34 Sahhundam, Chicacole Tk Vizagapatam Dist ,
11 denarii of Tiberius (d AD 37).
Madras Mus A Rep 1899, pp 5, 9 ,

35 Tanjore. Silver-washed com of Diocletian (d AD 305) Madras Mus A Rep ,

1937, p 7
36 Tondamanathan, Cuddalore Tk South Arcot District ,
6 Roman gold coins,
Tiberius -Nero (d A D 68) Madras Mus A Rep 1918, pp 3, 7 ,

37 Vellalur, Coimbatore Dist A find of silver denarii', Madras Mus A. Rep 1891,

p. 8, E Thurston in Num Chron 1891, pp 199-202 Madras Mus Catalogue of

, ,

Cows No 2(1894),p 24
38. Vellalur, Coimbatore Dist 121 denaru of Augustus (d A D 14) Madras Mus.
A Rep., 1932, pp 8, 9
39. Vellalur, Coimbatore Dist 522 denarii, Augustus Claudius (d A D 54) in a pot
W. Elliot in Madras Journ ofLit andSc XIII (1844), 212-4 J Bird in / B B R A S ,
, ,

I (1843), 294.
40. Vidiyadurrapuram, Bezwada Tk Kistna Dist Denarius of Tiberius (d
AD 37)
Arch Sur of India, Southern Circle, A Rep 1888, pp 2-^, 5 ,

41. Vinukonda, Guntur Dist. 15 Roman gold coins, ending with Caracalia (d AD 217).
Num. Chron 3rd S , IX (1889), 325-8

Punjab, N-W Frontier Province and Afghanistan

42. Jalalabad, Afghanistan In the Ahin Posh stupa, with Kushan coins, were 3 Roman
aurei, the latest of Antoninus Pius (d 161) AD
Waterhouse in Pr of the Asiatic
Soc. of Bengal (1879), pp 77-9, F A
Hoernle, Ib., pp 122,134-5.R
43. Mamkyftla, Rawalpindi Dist Punjab. 5 aura, latest of A.D. 158-9.

in Pr. A.S.B , LIII (1886), 86-9.

44. MaiukySlft, Rawalpindi Dist, Punjab. 7 worn Republican denan
century B C, with Kushan corns of first-second century ADA. Cou
of the Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, III (1834), 558-9 , J. Pnnsep, Ib., 564-5 ; A. Cunnin
Ib , 635-7.
45 Pakli, Hazara Dist ,
-W Frontier Hoard of denarii, the latest known being one of
Hadrian (d A.D 137). Num Chron 3rd S XIX (1889), 263. ,

46 Taxila, Rawalpindi Dist., Punjab Denarius of Tiberius (d A D

37) Arch Sur
India A Rep , 1935, pp 29-30, 83

United Provinces

47 Allahabad Coins of Diocletian (A D 283-93) J Pnnsep m

J A S B , I (1 832), 476
48. Chunar, Mirzfipur Dist Copper com of Numenanus (A.D 283) J Pnnsep in
JASB,l (1832), 392-408, 476
49. Kanauj, Kanauj Tk Farrukhabad Dist
, Copper com of Diocletian (A.D. 283-93)
H H Wilson in Asiatic Researches, XVII, 561 J Pnnsep in J A S B., I (1832), 476

50 Mathura (Muttra) Gold com of Caracalla (d A D 217). Information from

Curator of Curzon Museum, MathurS
51 Mirzapur Com of Carinus, minted A D 283-4 J A S B I (1 832), 392-408, 476

Cochin State

52 Eyyal, 22 miles N -W
of Tnchur. Found on the slope of a hill east of the village
m an earthenware pot, 1 945 12 gold coins of Trajan (Cos II), 1 Nero, 2 ; Claudius,

1 , Tibenus, 8 About 50 silver coins, late Republican Augustus Also about

12 silver punch-marked coins, with some unstamped pieces of silver Date of
deposit, c 100 A D
, the Roman silver and the punch-marked coins are much worn,

whereas the aurei are fresh Information and photographs from the State
Archaeologist, Cochin State-

Hyderabad State
53 Gaiparti, Sunapet Tk , Nalgonda Dist 3 Roman gold coins, latest of Antoninus
Pius and dated AD 140-4. A. Report of Arch Surv of the Nizam's Dominions,
1933, pp 7, 39

Mysore State
54 Chandravalh, Chitaldrug Tk Denarius of Augustus (d A.D. 23) Arch. Surv. Mysore
A.Rep,\W9,p 30
55. Chandravalh, Chitaldrug Tk. At least two denarii of Tiberius were found here in
'Excavation 15' in 1929 and are now m
the Mysore Museum They have not been
published, but there is apparently a reference to one of them m
Excavation at
Chandravalh, Supplement to the Annual Report of the Mysore Archaeological Depart-
ment. 1929 (pub. 1931), p. 25
56. Yaswantpur, Bangalore Dist. 163 denarii, Augustus Claudius (d. A.D 54), in a pot.
L Rice, Find of Roman Coins near Bangalore (1891), and E Thurston, Madras
Govt Mus. Cat. Coins No. 2 (1894), pp 26-8.
Pudukkottai State

:unochi, Alangudi Tk Hoard of aurei, ending with Vespasian (d AD 79)

Hill in mmChron , III, XVIII (1898), 304-20, G G Rodgers, Ib , III, XIX
Travancore State
58 Poonjar, about 150 miles north of Tnvandrum Gold com of Augustus, found 1945
Early first century AD
59. Ampitiya Com of Arcadius (d A D 408)
60 Anuradhapura. Coins of Theodosius, Arcadius and Indo-Roman coins in various
61 Attikuh, m
Mannar Dist Constantius, Theodosius and Arcadius
62 Badulla Coins of Aurehan and Arcadius
63 Balapittya
Hoard of fourth century coins down to Arcadius
64 Batticaloa 5 coins of Arcadius and Hononus (d
423) AD
65 Boragoda 40 coins, Constantius II Hononus
66 Colombo Many coins, Constantme II Hononus
67 Gmtota 6 of Constantme II, Arcadius and Hononus
68 Hikkaduwa 17 coins, Constantius II Arcadius
69 Kalmunai, Eastern Provinces Arcadius or Hononus
70 Kalpitiya Com of Hononus
71 Kantarodm, m Jaffna peninsula 150 fourth century bronze down to Hononus
72 Kitalagama Coins of Theodosius and Arcadius
73 Kolugala, in Turpana 220 coins, Constantme I Hononus
74 Kurunegala Dist Coins of Nero and Vespasian
75 Mantota Antonine coins
76 Matara Com of Maximian II
77 Pandmppu, Eastern Province. 1 fourth century com
78 Pidankulam, Giant's Tank Coins of Gratian and Valentmian II or Theodosius I
79 Siginya 1,675 fourth century corns Hononus
down to
80 Udappu. Coins of Theodosius and Arcadius or Hononus

Semi-precious stones

(Map, fig 49)

precious stones, diamonds, rubies and sapphires were obtained in India for the
Roman market the first presumably from the Cuddapah and Kuraool system of the
Deccan and the Vmdhyan system of the centre rubies probably from Ceylon, Salem and

Mysore m
southern India, and possibly Rewa m
central India sapphires also from Ceylon,

Salem and the upper Godavarl More extensive was the trade Indian pearls, fished m
chiefly in the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar,
between Ceylon and the mainland, where
the port of Kolkhoi served as a primary depot.

Sec H. Ceylon Coins and Currency (Colombo Museum, 1924)
W. Codnngton, and J Still in the Journ

of the Royal Soc (Ceylon Branch), XIX (1907)

Information from the Geological Survey of India, and from J Coggm Brown, India's Mineral Wealth
(Oxford, 1936), pp 283ff


FlO 49
Hu these precious materials have not yet been recorded
Bu There, apart
rllay, the substances most extensively used for the manufacture of beads
and crystalline quartz Beryl, though mined anciently and within easy

dually been identified at Arikamedu, but the omission may be accidental

cur in a number of sub-varieties, of which agate, caraehan, onyx,
[id amethyst are the commonest They are of widespread occurrence in
India but, save for a prolific area in Gujarat, tend to concentrate on the eastern
and foot-hills of the great central massif, and may thus have been a factor in the extension
of Roman trade up the east coast The pnncipal source of beryl was at Padyur in the
Coimbatore District, which lies conveniently near the divide between the eastern and
western coasts Indeed the valley of the Cauvery or Kaveri river, listed by Ptolemy as
the Khaberos, links it directly with his 'Khabens emponon', identifiable with Kaverip-
pattmam or Puhar, at the mouth of the river some 60 miles south of Arikamedu It is
probably significant that more early Roman Imperial coins have been found in the
Coimbatore District than in any other part of India (see p 1 16)
The main sources of these semi-precious stones are as follows

1 Chalcedonic quartz

Agate, carnehan, onyx and jasper occur largely in the amygdaloidal lava flows of the
Deccan and Rajmahal Trap The most important centres are in Gujarat, but the stones
occur also m Kathiawar, Kashmir, Bihar, and near Guntur in the Madras Presidency
The pnncipal sites are
Cambay and Ahmedabad
Rajpipla State
KathiSwar (Tankara, Morvl State, Khokhri, Latipur, Badampur, Khakra)
Kashmir (Kyamgo Traggar)
Hyderabad State (freely in the Deccan Trap)
Madras Presidency (alluvium of Kistna river near Guntur, and in the Godavari
near Rajahmundry).
Sunder State (Jaipur near Timappaghur)

2 Crystalline quartz
and amethyst occur notably as follows
Rock-crystal, cairngorm, cat's eye
Punjab (Aurangpur, Mianwah, KalSbagh and Bashahar)
Katniawar (Tankara, MomState)
Jaipur State (Nawai).
Tonk State (Hathuna)
Rajpipla State.
Onssa (Sambalpur)
Central Provinces (Chindwara, Khairi).
Hyderabad State (Warangel).
Madras Presidency (Godavari near Rajahmundry, Vizagapatam, Tanjore, Sanda-
3. Beryl, which, with its bluish-green variety, aquamarine, may be ranked above the
quartzes as a gem-stone, was, as mentioned above, long mined near Coimbatore in the
Madras Presidency. It occurs also elsewhere, notably in mica-bearing pegmatites at

Govmdsagar, Kishangarh State, in Rajput&na, near Nellor (Madras Presi

Melkot (Mysore State)

The ancient name of Ankamedu

^4fci**T *
The Penplus of the Erythraean Sea, after referring to Kolkhis or
Kprkai, 4*& aflcient
pearl-port near the southern end of India, mentions the three principal marfots and
anchorages to which resorted the merchants of 'Limunke', probably the region otherwise
known as 'Dammka' (the Peutmger Table) and Dimirica" (the Ravenna Geographer)
and etymologically equivalent to the Tamil-land The three ports,
the order m m
which we have named them' (from the context, south to north), are Komora, Podouke,
and Sopatma. Ptolemy (VII, 1, s 14), after referring to 'the mouth of the river KhabSros',
clearly the Kaveri, and Khabens emponon, which may safely be identified with K&veripatnam
or KSverippattmam, the modern Tranquebar, familiar in Tamil literature as a port fre-
quented by foreign merchants (see above, p 19), mentions Sabouras emponon (unidentified)
and Podouke emponon He also is working northwards, so that Pddouke must be some-
where to the north of Kaveripatnam Whether, as Muller suggested, Ptolemy's Khabe'ns
should be equated with the Kamara of the Penplus is less certain but the Sopatma of the

Penplus has with some plausibility been identified with the So-paftmam of Tamil literature,
the modern Markanam, on the coast between Pondicherry and Madras 1
All that can be inferred from this is that the geographical position of Ankamedu
(Pondicherry) is consistent with the general indications given for Podouke or Podouke by
the Penplus and Ptolemy The site lies 60 miles north of Tranquebar and 20 miles south of
Markanam. Moreover, Pondicherry is a European corruption of Pudu-chche'ri* meaning
'Newtown', and it can at least be claimed that the Greek Podouke is as near to this as is the
modern French Pondichery
There the evidence at present ends But the new identification of a Roman emporium
in the immediate vicinity of Pondicherry gives a fresh and perhaps conclusive weight to the
equation of Podouke with Pondicherry which has already been suggested by more than one

K ANilakanta Sastn, The Cdfas (University of Madras, 1935), I, 30
Hobson-Jobson cites an English reference to the place in 1680 with the spelling' Puddtcherry'
8 See W H Schoff, The Penplus of the Erythraean Sea (London, etc , 1912), p 242

Address given by the Director General of Archaeology in India to the
ology and Archaeology at the Bangalore meeting of the Indian Science
ry 1946 y and here reprinted by permission, deals briefly with certain of the
factors wn^^all for consideration in the planning of archaeology as an organized science
in India. Although the ideal solution of the problem would be the establishment of a properly
equipped Indian Institute of Archaeology on the general lines of some of the American
institutes, much could be done by the coordination and development of existing facilities
Until one or other of these advances has been achieved, it will not be possible for archaeo-
logical research in India to attain the high international position which the astonishing wealth
of India's cultural heritage both justifies and demands
A congress of scientists such as that which has brought us together
has diverse duties and uses
this room to-day
It is a focus of academic gossip, a bazaar of ideas and

aspirations, a shop- window of recent achievement But if it is to fulfil its task

worthily, it is at the same time something more than that It is above all a representative

planmng-committee To-day, the world is full of planning-committees Few of the many

plans will achieve actuality, and, of those that do, fewer can be expected to achieve their
real intention Let us not on that account cease to plan A mountain which produces
only a mouse is livelier than a mountain which produces nothing at all
I ask therefore that for the next three-quarters of an hour we indulge in a little serious

planning The other day I had occasion to remark to a committee of the Central
Legislature that, as an archaeologist, 1 was concerned with the future rather than with the
past I was gently corrected, but my words were correct In India, archaeology and
anthropology have admittedly all too little behind them There have been archaeologists
and anthropologists in this country, but no coherent science of archaeology and anthropology
has ever been established here, such as has been partially established m western Asia, m
Europe and in America or such as was growing up in China before the barbarous devastation
of that country in the name of progress Indian humanistic science has been relegated
largely to the future But the future of India is now close upon us It is time not only

to plan but to act

If we are to plan and to act with a whole mind and heart, we must begin from an
unreserved conviction that what we are doing is really worth while To narrow the issue,
are archaeology and anthropology worth while 9 What indeed is the function of these
sciences 9
The answer is not They are sciences of interpretation What then do

they interpret? They an endless succession of unique achievements of the

human brain, unique reactions of the human consciousness to a multitude of combining or
conflicting circumstances Let me emphasize that word 'unique' History never repeats
itself. Its are, each of them, the product of momentary conditions imposed by
geographical and geological environment, climate, 'race', tradition, 'accident', a hundred
and one factors which, added to the incalculable qualities of the human spirit itself, can
never be expected to recur m
identical form in the lifetime of mankind They are each of
them unique. The Altamira cave-paintings, the Parthenon, Chartres Cathedral, the
Aiantii caves, the great temple of Tanjore, the Taj Mafcai, are each expressions of a Zeitgeist
which is insusceptible to repetition, unique.
But there is more to it than that. I have just spoken of 'episodes' <

That is a convenient but misleading word. The term ^episode* sug_

incidental detachment which does not in fact exist. The episodic treat mef-j
necessary artifice in the educational curriculum, but requires constant and spti
Without its context, the episode lacks perspective and significance At the^'i
the obvious, I suggest a simple analogy. Suppose that all the words y. ^ '

book were loose, and that by shaking the page I could shake them into a/ ,
1** fl
** vwu
All the words, the 'episodes', would be there, but their sequence and the
be completely lost
Some system, some discipline, is required to rearrar^S *?iin their
significant sequence and so to restore their meaning In the tumbled episooes of human
history and prehistory that is the task of the humanistic sciences of the historian, the

archaeologist, the anthropologist Their final function is the coordination of the works
of man and the interpretation of these as an articulated and significant entity their task,
or a part of it, is to restore the fallen words to the page of the book, so that he who runs
may read
Thus it may, I
suppose, be said that we, in our study of the works and days of man,
have a twofold mission to fulfil We must first set ourselves to analyze the individual
works themselves with the patient objectiveness of the scientist, and secondly, we must
attempt to interrelate them, place them in their wider human context, and re-endow them,
in short, with something of the three-dimensional vitality which created them In the
one role we are cold and calculating scientists, in the other we have or should have some-
thing of the imaginative comprehension of the artist But let it be emphasized that the
sequence of thought and effort is strictly in that order first analysis, secondly reconstruction,
the former always leading and controlling the latter
Now this dual task is a complex and exacting one That it is nevertheless ' worth
while' cannot be doubted by anyone who has sufficient respect for man to value the faculty
which exalts him above the other animals Let us remember again that the subject-
matter of history, archaeology and anthropology is the expressed reaction of the human
brain, in a succession of manifestations which cannot recur, to the physical and spiritual
problems of existence To exclude these reactions and manifestations from our thoughts
is to deny a great part of our manhood and to become, however disguised, little more than
human piedogs scrounging perennially for the next meal
The three sciences which I have named are not, therefore, mere academic luxuries
They are basic necessities in any society which has sufficiently emerged from the animal-
stage to expenence a sense of intelligent curiosity about itself They are, above all, not
merely the prerogative of a few specialists and cranks whose enthusiasms are private to
themselves they are, or should be,
, m some degree a part of the intellectual equipment of
every educated man and woman I would beg those of us who are professed archaeologists
or anthropologists to bear this constantly in mind Our duty is not restricted to a narrow
circle of professors we shall fall sadly short of that duty if we do not interpret also for the

lay folk who are, equally with us, the co-heirs of the same inheritance.
On the present occasion, however, we are a congress of scientists, and for the most
part indeed I have referred to archaeology and anthropology as sciences True, a few
moments ago I suggested that we should in some degree aspire to be artists also. But
to-day science is more fashionable than art We are inclined to use the word science freely
and sometimes rather loosely, and it is perhaps as well, before we consider the question of
future planning, to determine a little more precisely the category of learning with which
our special subjects are to be grouped
It is fair to say that modern archaeology and
anthropology are on the one hand
increasingly employing the methods of natural science, and on the other hand increasingly

atural sciences themselves. Whether it is altogether true to say, quite

j are themselves sciences in the normal sense of the term, I am less certain
Tbest, inexact sciences For the mind can never wholly comprehend itself,
in objectify his rock and (within the far-off boundaries of ultimate causes)

^ncompass it. The astronomer can even reduce the universe to objective
d chemical formulae. But it is inevitable that to the mind, dealing with
abjective element shall always be present There is on earth no impartial
my. Humanistic science is fated to be an inexact science
us regrettable conclusion, we need not as scientists despair of our estate.
Tvery long way to go before, in our human studies, we attain the limits of
objective truth and impend unsupported upon the abyss of subjectivity Our discipline is
primarily a science Or, rather, it is a synthesis of sciences and in our planning, at which

I have now at least arrived, that is the controlling and informing factor The problem
to-day is primarily and urgently this how are we in India to harness the natural sciences

in the service of the study of man 7 How are we to create or coordinate the academic
apparatus necessary for the analysis and objective understanding of his variegated achieve-
ment and environment through the ages 7
Let us glance at the dimensions of our problem In reconstructing the reactions of
man to circumstance and experience, we have first to set the stage, to reconstitute the physical
environment of his thoughts and deeds The plan of his environment is the province of
geography , the cross-section of his environment is the province of geology The changing
climate which apportions his working year and may involve vast movements of population
make climatology an essential study The plants which obstruct or aid his progress, feed
or warm him, bring botany largely into the picture The baffling but crucial problem of
human races*, and of the sequence of faunas which have in varying degree conditioned
human economy, introduce biology into our day's work And now chemistry and physics
have become our handmaids and will have an increasing share in certain of our studies
A formidable gathering of natural science has rallied round the science of man and without ,

it to-day the science of man has no meaning Let me stress this with ail possible emphasis ,

archaeology and anthropology can no longer be fobbed off with an odd lecture here and
there in the arts curriculum They have become faculties rather than departments of
knowledge This is a basic factor in our planning, and, before going further, I will pause
for a moment to amplify a little the actual contributions which natural science makes
to-day to humanistic science
First, let us take geography In India, the study of what may be called human
geography has not begun Years ago attention was drawn to the subject in an excellent
short paper in the Indian Antiquary, but this momentary lead has not been followed

And yet, of all regions of the world, India, with its combined continental and peninsular
characters, its alluring coastal tracts, its great rivers, its vast plateau and vaster plains,
and the mighty barrier of mountain which canalizes its landward approaches, cries
aloud for the geographical study of its human history It is now long since Sir Cyril

Fox, Mr. O
G. S. Crawford and others began the detailed analysis of European geography
from this standpoint Fox's famous book on The Personality of Britain' set the standard
for this type of research as long ago as 1932, and that book was but the climax of much
previous effort. What a fascinating task awaits the Indian scholar or group of scholars
who may feel moved to produce an equivalent 'Personality of India*'
And then geology. The mineral wealth of India is a familiar fact, and has been a
constant stimulus to foreign trade which has, in turn, reacted upon Indian history. But

F J Richards, 'Geographical Factors in Indian Archaeology', Indian Antiquary, LXH (1933), 235-43.

m dealing with generalities I would not insist unduly upon that aspect oi
geology'. Civilizations of a high order have subsisted
with astonishing
wealth ; the Indus valley civilization of the third millennium B C. is an examj
upon geology as a localizing factor that I would dwellboth in the form* <

varying tractability, and in the form of surface-soil of varying fertility.

which the builder has constructed his tombs and temples and palaces, and j

partly VS^hed the

massive medieval temple-architecture of the same region The Deccan
can Trap ot the centre
provided a tempting medium for the cave-cutter of the Buddhist penod And, on the
negative side, m
the north the scarcity of rock in the great plains encouraged there the
development of the brick-building which informed the evolution of the Northern school
of architecture Or again, the fertile alluvium and loess of the Punjab and its Sind extension
induced that amazing development of prehistoric urban life to which I have referred,
whilst the Jumna-Ganges Doab needs no archaeologist to proclaim its civic fame
Integral with the geographical and geological factors is that of climate, which may
either enhance or neutralize other advantages, and may stimulate or narcotize human
effort. In Asia, with its enormous terrain, a few inches variation m
the rainfall will mean
the life or death of millions of human beings, the migration of vast populations, the nse
and decline of empires The rhythm of invasion m
and from central Asia has indeed been
attributed unreservedly to rhythmic changes of climate, and, although the problem is
a complex one still far from solution, there can be no doubt that the theory contains an
important element of truth It is manifest, for example, that the derelict cities the desert m
of the Negb of southern Palestine flourished less than fifteen centuries ago in a climate
considerably more equable than that which ill-sustains a few wandering Bedouin at the
present day The same phenomenon is apparent in northern Afghanistan, where Balkh,
the Mother of Cities, the ancient meeting-place of routes from China, the Mediterranean
and India, now as a chaotic rum dominates a scene of almost utter desolation Or, to

come nearer home, the desert of Sind where the gaunt walls of Mohenjo-daro have re-
emerged from the sand must, in the third millennium, have been nourished by cyclones that
have long receded northwards, thereby not only depopulating the flanks of the Indus valley
(save where modern irrigation has intervened) but at the same time placing a natural and
significant bulwark between southern Iran and Rajputana It was, for instance, this
bulwark of desert, more than any other factor, that barred the eastward penetration of
Islam after the Arab conquest of Sind in A 712D
The part played by botany in the reconstruction of human environment is obvious,
dealing as it does with food-plants and their cultivation, the character and distribution of
forest and jungle, and the influence upon plant-life of geographical, geological and climatic
factors But there are three points which I would emphasize in connection with botanical
research First, there is the great importance to our studies of further work in connection
with the ecology or distribution of food-plants. Whatever be our definition of the term
civilization, there can be no doubt that stability of food-supply is a necessary premise,
and that agriculture therefore is an essential factor. Thus, in tracing the early diffusion
of civilizations, we have constantly to consider the distribution of cereals, notably wheat
and nee, without one or other of which human progress beyond a certain point would
scarcely have been possible Here in recent years the Russians have contributed interesting

Mr Evert Barger has recently re-directed attention to this site and to the climatic and other
which its
exploration should help to solve The Geographical Journal, CHI (London, 1944), Iff


K amplified and verified, will have far-reaching implications our recon-m

prehistory Working from the axiom that the original home of a plant
region where its most numerous species are found, the Russian Vavilov
an early home of the bread-wheat l This is, for us in India,
It is remarkable indeed how often our
' paths of research lead us
that unknown country We may trust that the time is now not distant
in neighbours may open their gates freely to the scholars of the world.
ul signs.
point isthe importance of the recovery from ancient soils of the evidences
of the pianr-nfe which was contemporary with them and with the human evidence which
they may contain It is over twenty years since this matter first received systematic
attention in connection with humanistic studies ; and now, under the lead in Britain of the
University of Cambridge, the analysis of soils for the recovery and identification of plant-
seeds has become a matter of routine as a sequel to archaeological excavation in the West 2
In favourable conditions, by pollen-analysis it is now possible to recover the essential
elements of the vegetation, and therefore of the climate, of remote and alien phases of the
world's history or prehistory. The process is as indispensable for our studies India as m
it is in Europe But at the present time there is no laboratory m
India to which we poor
archaeologists can, as a matter of routine, send soil-samples for pollen-analysis In other
words, a whole avenue of research is closed to us
My third point under the heading of botany really comes under the sub-head
'dendrology % and relates to the study of the growth of trees Here the lead has been taken
by an American, A Douglass, who has successfully applied the data of tree-growth to
the prehistory of man a
The principle is a simple one, although its accurate application
involves a number of complexities As every schoolboy knows, a section across a tree-
trunk reveals a number of concentric rings of varying width, each ring representing a year's
seasonal growth, which will be extensive in a wet year and restricted a dry one m
m western America upon trees up to 3,000 years old, and cut down at a known date, Douglass
has shown the possibility of producing backwards a tree-ring time-table and climate-chart,
m which can be recognized a rhythm or periodicity as shown by the varying size of the
growth-rings These periodical fluctuations approximate closely to the cycle of sun-spots,
and reflect directly the fluctuations of climate which are related to that factor In
trees that have grown up in a climate with marked seasonal changes, which produce clear
and accurately measurable rings, a considerable degree of precision m
this tree-chronology
can be achieved , to such an extent that, in a given region, it is possible to correlate the
inner rings of young trees with the outer rings of old trees, and to place trees used ancient m
structures into their proper place m
the time-scale Thus, though the written history of
America does not begin until the end of the fifteenth century, it has been possible, by
tree-ring analysis, to date a prehistoric pueblo in Arizona to A D 1185
How far this remarkable method may be applicable to India I do not know it has
not been tned out, although useful basic studies in the formation of growth-rings have been

N I Vavilov, 'Studies on the Origin of Cultivated Plants/ Bull Appl Botany and Plant- Breeding, XVI
J B S Haldane, 'Prehistory
(Leningrad, 1926) , Harold Peake, The Origins of Agriculture (London, 1928) ,

m the Light of Genetics *, The Inequality of Man (London, 1932), pp 70ff A E Watkms,J>> The^Ongin
^ ^
, of
Cultivated Plants ', Antiquity, VTI (Gloucester, 1933), 73ff r-::5=iist
2 For a
general account of pollen-analysis in northern Europe, see JG D Clark,
of Northern Europe (Cambridge, 1936)
8 Summarized
by F. Martin Brown, 'Dendrochronology', Antiquity, XI (1937).


carried out here by the Forest Research Institute

There is some evident
workable in West Africa, and before the war were beJ
its possibilities
Europe though there the seasonal changes are probably not sufficiently cle/nr
accurate results In India, it is at least worth a serious trial. na
Here, then, are three ways in which the botanist can help the arena ]

not exhausted the possibilities, but have probably said enough to show that!
an essential member of our team
Biology, whether human or animal, touches our studies at many pS maitfcto^ are
familiar to us all No sustained attempt has yet been made to traOB oj>pecific
variations of the Indian fauna in relation to human chronology, anomuch work
will, it is to be hoped, be done in this matter when the fieldworker is able to produce
adequately classified matenal Meanwhile there is a perennial biological problem on our
door-step, whether we be archaeologist or anthropologist: the problem of the definition
of the term Race The need for an objective definition of this ill-used word is as insistent
as are the difficulties in the way of solution A quarter of a century ago the problem seemed
to have been settled The criteria of race were primarily skull-measurement, stature and
coloration. The measurements of bones were standardized with great precision, and,
though the recording of the colour of skin, eyes and hair remained somewhat subjective,
a general all-round agreement was reached on this composite basis I need not take you

further over the well-trodden ground But more recently these criteria have been widely
questioned. There has been an increasing tendency to affirm the control of environment,
not merely upon coloration, but even upon skeletal form And alongside this growing
scepticism, the value of blood-groups as race-indices has been acclaimed with a somewhat
rash optimism Here, m the composition of the blood, we have a phenomenon susceptible
to objective classification, a genie character determined by heredity and not, so far as is
known, affected by environment Four main blood-groups have been isolated and labelled
internationally A, B, AB and O, with a number of sub-groups The scope of this classi-
fication is not yet sufficiently clear for final judgment by the anthropologist the task of ,

collecting accurately grouped data is a huge one, and vast regions of Asia which are
important in this context are difficult of access But it is already apparent that blood-
groups alone cannot supply the need vaguely indicated by the word Race For instance,
as Dr. D N Majumdar pertinently observes, 'the predominance of B in India and Mongolia
inhabited by different racial stocks requires explanation'. Furthermore, the speed and
conditions of mutation are unknown and perhaps variable factors And the knowledge
that the higher apes possess the same blood-groups as man raises a doubt whether these
mutations are sufficiently modern and sufficiently sensitive to assist the explanation of
any significant human groupings within our reach We do not at present know It is
possible that a combination of skeletal and blood-group data may eventually give us the
nearest approximation to a scientific definition of Race. The problem is full of interest ;

more so perhaps in India than in most other parts of the world, for the variety and rigidly
cellular structure of Indian society, with its traditional endogamy, offers a special scope for
trying out the validity of blood-group analysis in a relatively restricted field. Exactness
in the classification of data, and plenty of them, are the first requisites of this study
Lastly mmy list of sciences I come to our old friends, chemistry and physics Old
friends but ma new guise The scientific analysis of soils and gravels has, in recent years,

K Ahmad Chowdhury, 'The Formation of Growth Rings in Indian Trees*, Indian Forest Records
(New Series), Utilization, U, Nos 1-3, 1939-40
* J B S Haldane, op at , pp 63ff , J. Millot, 'Blood-groups and Race', Antiquity, IX (1935), 399ff
Races and Cultures of India (Allahabad, N D ), p. 54.


\ to a stage where
it has become no longer a luxury but a
necessity to
Many have contributed to this study, but the protagonist
Zeuner, a refugee from Germany under the Nazi regime and now a
itam There, at the British Museum (Natural History) and the University
of Archaeology, he has developed analytical technique and collected

bearing upon the environment and chronology of man from the earliest
nparatwely recent periods By mechanical analysis he separates sands,
and other soils into individual grains and so determines their different

The method is based upon the suspension of a certain quantity of the

matenaHn^ater, the coarser and heavier grains settling down more rapidly than the finer
ones In many cases it is possible to find out in this way whether the grains were deposited
originally by wind or by water a vital factor in the reconstruction of climate For instance,
comparative analyses of wind-blown dust deposited on snow, on the one hand, and of
apparently identical dust from river-silt, on the other, have shown that 80-97% of the
wind-blown grains are as small as 007-001 mm. or even less, whereas only about 66%
of the water-deposited grains are of that minuteness On this basis it is possible to
determine by analysis the general conditions of climate, etc under which ancient soils ,

were laid down, e the conditions of climate under which man contemporary with these

soils lived
Furthermore, by analogous methods (including chemical analysis) which I need not
attempt to describe to you now, it is possible to determine whether a deposit has been
subjected to secondary weatherings In other words, it is possible to reconstruct objectively
a climatic sequence, important not merely in itself but as facilitating a comparison between
analyses from different regions and so producing a chronological relation between those
regions the essence of the comparison being that an extensive and complex sequence of

climatic changes occurring at similar intervals in two regions may be taken to imply approxi-
mate contemporaneity for the two series of deposits
Similar to mechanical analysis is gravel-analysis It is common knowledge that the
earlier phases m
the story of man are interleaved or punctuated by the emphatic incidence
of climate of arctic or pluvial type, which may itself be diversified in a multiplicity of ways.
The most informative index of these climatic variations and sub- variations is provided by
successive river-beds or terraces, and the analysis of samples of gravels from the different
terraces of the same river is capable of producing a remarkable body of information The
gravel is passed through a set of sieves of graded mesh and is thus itself graded according
to size Each grade of the gravel is then sorted into the different varieties of rocks and
minerals composing it, and the result is usually represented in percentage figures These
figures may yield the following information :

(1) Any alteration of the catchment area, and the relative period of each alteration
(2) The date of volcanic events m
relation to the sequence of terraces
(3) The relative age of glaciations which invaded, or touched, the river area , detected
by the introduction of the pebbles of foreign rocks
is of a vaned character, the composition
(4) In certain river areas, where the gravel
of the gravel can be reproduced in the form of a curve showing the respective
frequencies of the components in the various grades. The form of the curve
is influenced by climate during the deposition of the gravel a dry climate m
hard but chemically little resistant rocks (like felspar) survive even into the
I am abbreviating from F E Zeuner, First Annual Report of the University of London Institute of
Archaeology (London, 1937), p 42. See also same author, Dating the Past an Introduction to Geochronology
(London, 1946).


small grades, whereas m a wet climate chemical action is

and rapid destruction ensues.
When studying systems of river-terraces hi this way, we may expect to j

sequence of climatic events, with (in favourable circumstances) fossil

closely correlated with them And this evidence has in a number of ca
with the parallel evidence of soil-analysis; so that, in the aggregate, a
climatic phases and human cultures has been worked out in those regions '

But the marvels of Geochronology, as this new application of chemic
analysis to humanistic science has been called, do not end there I have spoken so far

only of the relative chronology which the study of these sequences has produced.4
however, this technique is reaching beyond the relative to the absolute The climatic
fluctuations which have been established, based on the work of a great number of authors
on loess-sections and river-terraces, have surprisingly been found to agree closely with
certain fluctuations of the intensity of solar radiation, calculated on an astronomical basis
This enables one to arrive at probable approximate dates for the palaeolithic cultures
By dates in this context are meant absolute dates, a fixed chronology Thus it has been
deduced provisionally that the oldest palaeolithic culture of Europe flourished approximately
from 550,000 to 470,000 years ago, and an absolute time-table for the later cultures, in
relation to glacials and inter-glacials, has also been worked out The method is still
the m
experimental stage, but it represents a line of advance which deserves further exploration
Nowhow does India come into all this 9 At present not at all But the raw material
is here in abundance We
have great rivers, rivalling those of Europe have ancientWe
industries, often resembling closely those which, m
Europe, Dr Zeuner and others are
beginning to put into a time-scale If we have not the same wealth of glacial material
which sub-Arctic Europe accumulated, we have evidences of pluviation which await
analytical correlation with the pluvials of Africa and, indeed, with the glaciations or mter-
glacials of Europe itself Meanwhile, m
the absence of geochronological research here,
we have no right to apply to India, even provisionally, the results of European investigation
We must stand upon our own feet or, rather, we must get going upon our own feet
prepared for the possibility that India may extract from these methods a different answer
altogether Be that as it may, the roots or mankind in this sub-continent, extending down-
wards probably for hundreds of thousands of years, can never be studied adequately
until somewhere in mdia we set up a geochronological laboratory and tram some of our
best young scientific brains to work it
Well, there we have an imposing array of sciences, all of which contribute to our special
studies, and, furthermore, none of which can nowadays be neglected in them. I have
said nothing of what may be called the more domestic technique of archaeology itself,
and I am not sufficiently experienced as an anthropologist to venture into the special
problems and methods of that sister-science In archaeology, much could be said nowadays
of the increasing subtlety of the technique of excavation and much, above all, of the essential

value of air-observation and in archaeological fieldwork, particularly in a

country such as India with its vast spaces, often difficult of approach on the ground Who
knows what a systematic air-survey of the Thar or Indian Desert might reveal, or of the
great plains themselves with their teaming vestiges of age-long habitation? The time has
come for something more than attractive obliques of the Tfii Mabfil. The taking and
interpretation of air-photographs is today in itself an evolved technique. In the north-

F E Zcuncr m The Geological Magazine, LXH (London, 1935), 361ff.


al Indian Air Force has already taken a number of excellent

* photographs
Once more, the ability is there, but it needs stimulus and coordination,
rs since the Germans led the way in this archaeology from the air ',
ars since air-photography was first generally recognized as a necessary
aeological research in Great Britain In Palestine and Iraq the most
e been yielded by this method of detection and correlation Let us
going in India, not in the opportunist fashion in which it is on very
erated at the present time, but on an organized, carefully thought-out
basis we may I from the Survey of
reasonably expect, think, cooperation
rR I F., and also before long, it is to be hoped, from Indian civil aviation
n, in the barest outline, are the main factors for consideration in planning the
_ 'study of the material heritage of India. The problem is a formidable one
^^^ Kpbssible of solution It is evident, as I remarked earlier, that the primary need
is n3PR scattered lectureships of a more or less amateur kind sprinkled broadcast over the
academic landscape, though these might ultimately have a certain utility in a secondary
sense The real need is for a centralized school of archaeology of a highly specialized kind
Without that we cannot hope to raise humanistic science in India to the international level
which is its rightful place But let us not despair before the prospect of so much con-
centrated specialization, or the immense budget which that might seem to imply At the

present time one of the more popular slogans is 'coordination All over the world we
find coordinating committees, with super-committees to coordinate them in turn And
now, in our particular need, coordination supplies a great part of the answer Most (not all)
of the sciences to which I have referred are already being taught and studied in many of
the Indian universities What is needed is that in some one of our universities these
departments of science shall be in a measure adapted specifically to the requirements of
humanistic research that geologists, for example, may be persuaded to give more attention
than at present to tertiary and quaternary geology, even though it be of less immediate
economic value and, incidentally, more elusive and difficult in itself; that botanists may
develop the technique of pollen-analysis and the further investigation of plant-ecology in
relation to human problems that somewhere in a physical laboratory a section may be

set aside for the analysis of soils and gravels All this can be achieved by a relatively
slight expansion of present equipment and enterprise. But behind it all must be the
trained archaeologist busy in the blessed act of 'coordination'; stimulating, inspiring,
driving, even wheedling, his fellow-scientists into a combined concern in this great central
study of mankind, Man The modern archaeologist and I have no doubt that the same
thing applies to the modern anthropologist must be as much a diplomat as a scientist.
He must be a scholar, he must be an organizer amongst busy men, he must be a leader
and not least, his directed enthusiasm must be such as to ensure the cooperation of his
colleagues and the creation of a following of worthy shape and size He must be employed
by a university equipped with scientific departments and sympathetic to humanistic studies
He must obviously for a while be sent abroad for such technical training as his country
may not yet be in a position to provide In due time he will require the assistance of a
small departmental staff These various desiderata are easy to set down on paper , but they
are also not difficult or disproportionately costly to realize in fact Amongst the youth
of India there is, as I well know, the zest to learn and the ability to achieve It is for us
of an older generation to provide the essential apparatus and the necessary opportunity.
Let us not fail. Now, I submit, is the time to act.
R. E. M. W.

unnecessary to stress the high importance of good scientific pi
// is
.^^ 4_,
theless, inadequate photographs are excessively abundant in archaeological *ken so fauid
these notes may be of use as a reminder of some of the essential factors involved Already/}-
Leader Cookson has had many years' experience as a photographer to aK? climatu// '

expeditions and as an instructor in archaeological photography. mthc

1. To-daycameras and material can be accepted as almost perfect
lenses, The standard of photography
depends therefore upon the knowledge and judgment of the individual photographer more than upon his equip-
ment We may have complete confidence in our materials , it remains to understand fully how much can be
done with them, i e in what way we can press these tools into the fullest service Accepting that camera-
manipulation is now automatic, then the whole of the mind can be given to the production of a photograph
which (a) is a good, sharp, clear record, (b) tells at a glance what has happened m the archaeological sequence,
(r) has artistic merit, and (</) having all these things becomes, on reproduction m
the final report, a piece of work
to which to turn with pride.
2 Assuming that the finished photograph has all these things, let us look back and see how the result
was achieved It was not done alone it involved co-operation with site-supervisors, knowledge of the site and

all its peculiarities, the maintenance of photographic site-notebooks for personal reference, and keeping up-to-
date with work The notebooks will also provide data for future photographs and possible retakes, since it
will contain all details relating to time, position, exposure and niter used Thus

Ranch i
Site E Sect X South face
1 1 45 hrs Strong sunlight
10* lens Red filter F 22 3 sees

3. The archaeological photographer m the field needs the following equipment
1. Stand camera (for full plate, half plate and quarter plate)
2 Four lenses (short, middle and long focus, and telcphoto)
3 Three filters
(green, yellow and red).
4 Bubble-level
5 Assorted scales, including two or three small scales divided into inches and centimetres
6 Pair of scissors
7. Lump of plasticine
8 Exposure metre
9 Pocket camera and spare films
1 Sheet of glass for photographing small finds.
11 Sheet of black velvet for ditto.
12 Notebook.


ease of access to negatives, and, to this end, all

negatives made and approved should
vial No , orientation, the page in the site-supervisor's notebook, and, if possible, the
the general plan or the Drawing No (see below) It is
quite simple to do all this in the
the dark slide, and the work should be carried out with
w yy waterproof ink and a mapping
ivelopes are used for storing negatives, then the same details will be added to the envelope,
of printing paper used in the print Thus, if the Negative Register is ever lost
ils would still be available In the same manner the
keeping of a Negative Register is
o receive all the foregoing details but with an added 'Remarks* column in which notes
matters as the existence of lantern-slide
Lf negatives of the same subject, or whether the negative
ntion, the date and reference of publication being given



DRWG No 15




5 Exposure It is
preferable to over-expose
a plate or film rather than to under-expose it
Except for a highly experienced photographer, it
wrong to under-develop, because a fully-exposed negative,
fully developed, can be reduced chemically,
or a different speed of printing paper may be used to correct a dense

6 The quality of the negative decides the type of printing paper to be used There are
Printing paper
four kinds of printing paper, and their use is as follows

grade paper, used for hard, somewhat dense negatives in which

the high lights are clogged or
(1) Soft
dense and the shadow-detail obscured
(2) Normal grade paper, used for a normal negative
with average tone-values
(3) Contrast grade paper, used when negatives lack adequate contrast between high lights
and shadows.
(4) used with thin, weak negatives, or for printing photographs of outline plans
Super-contrast paper,
and drawings.
7. Glazing For purposes of reproduction, prints should be glazed This can be done by (a) hardening
them in a saturate solution of alum or a 20% formalin bath, (6) then rewashmg them in water, (c) then placing


them face-down on a clean and well-polished sheet of glass until dry If they stick to
be removed without damage by soaking the back in water , this will save the print but will r,

8 Halation When photographing within 45 degrees of the sun, it is essential to*

exposure to avoid halation A
hat or book or sheet of cardboard will serve the purpose.
9. Levelling It is important that, before
exposure, the base of the camera shoul,
in both directions with a bubble-level

10 There a general tendency to use lenses with too wide an angle or too short a

lenses facilitate the inclusion of the subject within the limits of the plate, but only by
sacnlfcjM* \
perspective A wide-angle lens will flatten and distort the subject, and so falsify it and g* *J
" 1

The golden rule is to use a lens with as narrow an angle as possible, i e with a& long a focal lei .

It is recommended that not less than three lenses be included in the

* reaa v
equipment of the archJ

grapher for a whole-plate camera, eg (1) 7 to 8 inches focal length (wide angle), (2) 9 to 7f Climati;,a i
length (medium angle) , 12 to 14 inches focal length (narrow angle) A telephoto lens is a useful idi iutho


11. The photographer must be preparedto use filters or colour-screens to emphasize certain groups of
colours, e g in photographing a stratified deposit The use of filters necessitates a longer exposure according
to the colour used The following filters should be included in the equipment
(1) Green filter, necessitating an exposure 6 tunes as long as the normal
(2) Yellow filter, necessitating an exposure twice as long as the normal
(3) Red filter, necessitating an exposure 4 tunes as long as the normal
The above multiplying factors apply only when panchromatic or red-sensitive plates are used With ortho-
chromatic or yellow-sensitive plates, only green or yellow filters are effective, and the multiplying factors are as
follows with green filter, the exposure will be 9 times the normal with yellow filter it will be 5 times the normal

The general effect of the green filter with panchromatic and orthochromatic plates is to eliminate greens
and yellows and thus to emphasize reds and blacks The yellow filter with panchromatic plates will reproduce
colours with the tone-values observed by the naked eye With orthochromatic plates it will lighten yellows up
to light orange, and will darken all blues The red filter (used only with panchromatic plates) will lighten all
reds and yellows, darken all greens and blues, and will separate red from black


12. The importance of a scale or scales in

photography cannot be over-emphasized Whether the photo-
graph be a general view or a 'close-up' for minute detail, a scale should always be added, placed in such a manner
that it is unobtrusive, yet there when
required A formula for scaling cannot be laid down, but there are one
or two points which should be observed

(i) A large general view of the site may require three survey poles, placed respectively in the foreground,
the middle distance and the far distance, in order that each portion of the photograph may have
own appreciation of size, according to its distance from the lens

(11) A
close-up or a small area will require only one survey pole
(in) 'Finds' such as pots in situ, small ironwork and other small objects will require only a small scale
(iv) The scale can be easily constructed of wood painted alternately black and white, carefully sectioned
in inches or feet, centimetres or metres
(v) It is important that an upright scale should appear vertical in the photograph. If the camera is tilted

the scale will have to be tilted

It remains then that each
photograph must have a scale, and that the scale should be suitable to the type of
photograph, the guide being common sense and a sense of what looks correct Should the human figure be used,
IT MUST HAVE THE APPEARANCE OF BEING EMPLOYED, ic should not be staring at the camera
but should be posed in the action of
doing something. Neither should it be exactly in the centre of the picture,
but slightly to one side In all cases there MUST
be a scale, whether human or linear.


taken in making a negative or a print, even greater care must be taken m

making lantern-
very great enlargement which takes place in their showing A
lantern-slide may be
iic on but the actual size is now only 3$ inches, whilst its ultimate
print glass, projection
on the screen or at least 40 diameters The slightest dust-spot or pinhole is therefore

methods of making lantern-slides from ordinary negatives; either to re-photograph a

slide negative, or to reduce the original negative to lantern-slide size in an enlarger.
made from book illustrations, etc , by photographing on a lantern-slide negative.
B-stram and keep attention, the tone of the slides should not be kept to black and white,
f the type of picture, brown or sepia being used for suitable subjects
alar slide is required more than once during the same lecture,
it is preferable to have

in the correct places to enable the lecturer to proceed smoothly without waiting or
:>us slide

^ .,
MPHT* snouldcanbe viewed, if possible, through the lantern before being handed overato the lecturer
1 o* r|R|eltegaUves always carry the original negative number, and an indication that slide has been
made should be included in the negative register.

19 In the foregoing notes the importance of the work of the photographer has been stressed Almost
everything depends on good craftsmanship and pride m
the production of first class photographs The final
photograph appears in published form and may go into every corner of the scientific world , therefore it has
to be perfect It must tell its story at a glance, it must be technically correct, it must be a first-class
print from
a first-class
negative A good clear record, if possible with artistic merit, can only be obtained by constantly
watching the site, the changes made by a changing light on the subject, absolute cleanliness, and care and attention
to small details , precision, fidelity and sincerity in all work, and justifiable pride m
the knowledge that your photo-
graph is an essential factor in the science which you serve


Published by the Manager of Publications, Delhi, and Printed by Norman A Ellis, Baptist Mission Press,
41 A Lower Circular Rotd, Calcutta
_ ributions dealing with the archaeology of India and
iapJni4fecent lands are invited to Ancient India. They should
be cott&se and adequately documented, and should include new
matter or a new treatment of old matter. Articles merely
reproducing familiar facts or views will not be accepted.
Illustrations may be either photographic or in pen-and-ink,
but must be of high quality.

Typescript (on one side of the page only) and illustrations

should be submitted to
The Director General of Archaeology in India,
Archaeological Survey of India*
Central Asian Antiquities Museum,

Repairs to the Taj Mahal
By MS. Vats .. . . . 4
The Chronology of Prehistoric North-West India
By Smart Piggott . . . . 8
A new Hoard from Taxila (Bhir Mound)
By G. Af Young . .. . , 27
Pottery of Ahichchhatra (U.P.)
By A Ghosh and K. C. Panigrahi . ..37
Adilabad -
A Part of the *
Fourth* I>elhi
By H. Waddington . . .60
Technical Section. Notes on the Preservation of Anti-
quities in the Field
By Khan Bahadur Mohd. Sana Vllah . 77

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