The Aromantic Guide To Making Your Own Skin Hair and Body Care Products - 4th Edition - Ebook-1 PDF
The Aromantic Guide To Making Your Own Skin Hair and Body Care Products - 4th Edition - Ebook-1 PDF
The Aromantic Guide To Making Your Own Skin Hair and Body Care Products - 4th Edition - Ebook-1 PDF
4th Edition
The Aromantic Guide to making
your own Natural Skin, Hair
and Body Care products
Kolbjrn Borseth
Precaution Disclaimer
The information published here is not This information is provided for our
intended as a substitute for personal customers and is obtained from a variety
medical advice. Before making any of sources, including the research,
decision regarding your personal health, knowledge and experience of Kolbjorn
please consult a GP, Medical Herbalist, Borseth. While we have obviously
qualified Aromatherapist, other qualified done our utmost to provide correct
health practitioner or a recommended information, there may be errors.
reference book before using Herbs,
USA: These statements have not been
Essential Oils or Absolutes. Pregnant
evaluated by the Food and Drug
women, the elderly, those with skin
Administration (FDA). These products
sensitivities or problems, or those with
are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
difficult medical conditions should be
or prevent any disease.
particularly careful when taking herbs
internally, or when applying the Herbs,
Essential Oils, Absolutes and other raw
materials externally. Its a good idea to
let your GP, Medical Herbalist, Qualified
Aromatherapist or Health Practitioner
know that you are considering the use
of Herbs or Essential Oils as some may
cross-react with conventional drugs
you are, or may be considering, taking.
Report any side-effects to your personal
Health Care Practitioner.
Welcome to the updated and expanded
natural cosmetics & skin care products
Fourth Edition of Aromantic Guide to
are made professionally.
making your own Skin, Hair and Body Care
products, specific to your own tastes and
Im very proud to share with you the result
skin care needs, from home - affordably,
of many years of work and dedication.
ethically and naturally.
Originally from Norway, I have 29 years
of experience in complementary health s TO OFFER YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO START
and had the pleasure of opening my first your own successful business, making
natural cosmetics manufacturing company and selling natural cosmetics, bath, hair
in Sweden 26 years ago. After working in or skin care products.
Sweden, often in partnership with leading s TO HELP AROMATHERAPISTS SALON OWNERS
complementary health experts, I decided beauticians and other therapists to tailor-
that I wanted to reveal the secrets of the make natural cosmetics specific to their
cosmetics industry to both professional clients needs. We have a wide range
therapists and lay people. This Guide is of different raw materials that you can
one of the ways I share this knowledge. use to make products for certain skin
Apart from our series of Guides, Aromantic and hair conditions and types, such as
offers this information in a number of essential oils, vegetable oils, vitamins,
other ways: Educational Courses, Recipe minerals, anti-aging and other active
Brochures, Newsletters and our website. ingredients suited to your clients. This is
After learning everything you need to bespoke cosmetology.
know about making these popular, s TO PROVIDE OUR CUSTOMERS WITH THE
natural products, you can then purchase most up-to-date natural raw materials
all of the raw materials and equipment and information as soon as it is possible.
you require from Aromantic. We have
strong ethical and environmentally s TO CONSTANTLY SEARCH OUT DEMAND
friendly policies and endeavour to source and consequently supply more organic
the finest quality natural raw materials. raw materials such as essential oils,
vegetables oils and herbs. This will
We are constantly improving the quality of encourage more growers to produce
what we offer and we hope you enjoy this organic produce and to be more
edition of the Guide and the opportunities ecologically aware.
it offers to you to make your own Natural
Skin, Hair and Oral Hygiene Care products. s THROUGH OUR WORK TO HELP AS MANY
While I recommend that you attend an people as possible with their different
Aromantic Education Course, this Guide is skin conditions and skin problems.
packed with information, recipes and step- s TO SUPPORT ENCOURAGE AND GIVE ADVICE
by-step methods so that you can make your to developers of organic raw materials
own natural, tailor-made products, whether and actives. Aromantic will always
for your friends, family or therapy clients. naturally be at the forefront of natural/
organic skin care progress.
I would like to thank Finn Andersen of Crearome in Sweden, who started me out on
this journey, when I attended one of his early courses in Stockholm in the mid-1980s.
To Lilly Johansson, with whom I worked for 10 years in Scandinavia, where she was
a health icon. Over 30, 000 patients attended her state-funded alternative hospital,
Follingegaarden, over a period of 30 years, from the mid-1960s.
To my wife Helena, and my family, who understand that for me teaching and sharing
this knowledge is not a hobby, or even workbut a mission.
To all my loyal and hard-working colleagues at Aromantic, who have always
supported me, with special thanks to my right-hand here at Aromantic, Monika
To Mike Harmon, for doing such a good job of teaching courses and doing
consultancies on Aromantics behalf.
To Susan Kemp, who is getting good at reading my mind! Thank you for your
excellent editing, rewriting and proofreading work on this Guide and my other
And last but not least, to my customers. Many of you are my friends; all of you
have inspired me to develop this knowledge further.
Enjoy the adventure!
Precaution ii
Disclaimer ii
Welcome iii
Aromantics Natural, Organic, Ethical and Fairly traded Purchasing Policy 1
Aromantic is certified by Organic Farmers & Growers 2009 2
Sensitivity & Allergy Tests on Raw Materials 3
Essential Oils, Absolutes and Manipulated Oils 3
Aromantics Purchasing & Sales Policy for Essential Oils 4
Vegetable Oils, Fats and Waxes 7
About Double Boilers/Bain-maries 9
Preservatives 9
An Introduction to making your own Creams and Cosmetics 13
Making your own Creams 13
Vegetable Oils and Fats for Health & Skin Care products 16
Natural Moisturisers & Preservatives 21
Moisturisers 21
Preservatives 24
Making Creams 27
Making 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioners, Liquid Soaps and Shower Gels 65
Base Recipes for 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioners, Liquid Soaps and Shower Gels 65
Making Face Masks 69
Clay Face Masks 69
Cream Face Masks 71
Gel Face Masks 73
Making Anti-Aging and Skin Rejuvenation Products 75
soap ingredients. These are by far the most Who are Organic Farmers & Growers
commonly used materials in the cosmetic Ltd?
industry and we want no part of that. The only Organic Farmers & Growers Ltd (OF&G)
animal by-product we stock is beeswax and is one of a number of control bodies
no bees were harmed in the harvesting of this accredited by Defra and is approved
natural product. to inspect organic production and
for cosmetics on animals. Where we are unable OF&G has its national headquarters in
to source raw materials which are not tested on Shrewsbury, Shropshire, and operates
animals we use raw materials that are at least across Great Britain and Northern
guaranteed not tested on animals after 1996, Ireland, as well as the Isle of Man and
thereby operating a fixed cut-off date system. the Channel Islands.
As a leader in organic certification for
based/mineral oils. well over a decade, Organic Farmers
s !ROMANTIC DONT SELL PERFUMES THAT ARE & Growers has turned its expertise in
synthetically produced. We sell only pure essential organic inspection and licensing to this
oils, absolutes, natural organic aromas and sector and has developed its Cosmetic
natural perfume concentrates (which are based on and Bodycare Standard.
whole essential oils and absolutes, fractionated This standard is based on the EU Organic
essential oils and botanical CO2 extracts). Regulation (EC2092/91) and the Nordic
the use of batch numbers, which enable us
What Aromantics organic status means
to trace them internally within the business
to you
from the point of delivery, through storage,
documentation, product information and You can be confident that the organic raw
analysis and externally through to our materials you purchase from Aromantic
customers and retailers. This is important to are indeed organic. It is unfortunate that
ensure the correct information is given and in many raw materials used in the cosmetic
the following up of any customer queries. and beauty industry are marketed as
organic when in fact they are not. More
s )T SHOULD BE POSSIBLE TO CLASSIFY AND IDENTIFY and more consumers are demanding
all raw materials according to their botanical beauty products which are free from
(Latin) name, plant family, part(s) used, country harmful chemicals and that have not been
of origin, method of cultivation, method of genetically modified and Aromantic fully
extraction and any other processes. supports this. Aromantic is committed to
purchasing organic raw materials wherever
Aromantic is certified by Organic
Under EU rules you can call your health
Farmers & Growers 2009 and beauty products organic if the
product contains organic ingredients.
In May 2009, Organic Farmers & Growers Ltd This does not mean that your products
informed us at Aromantic that we have been are certified as organic because
successful in our bid for organic certification. your company has to go through the
We are inspected every year and a new certificate certification process because this process
is issued.
is also about your production methods, wish to test. Leave for 12-24 hours
packing, distribution, etc and not just and then look for any signs of allergic
about the ingredients. reaction. The test may even be repeated
the next day. Signs of an allergic reaction
If your company decides to go through
include red, warm skin, perhaps also
the process of certification, then the
itchy and/or with a rash. When testing
main advantage of Aromantic being
raw materials it is advisable to test
certified organic is that you can be
quantities in proportion to how they
absolutely sure that you are getting
will occur in the finished product. So, for
truly organic products and if you go for
example, to test a Preservative, it should
certification yourself, then you will have
be diluted in water in a ratio of 0.5ml-
Aromantics organic certificate to prove
1ml to 100ml water.
that the ingredients you are using are
really organic.
Essential Oils, Absolutes
Another advantage to you is that you
will be now using certified organic and Manipulated Oils
ingredients and can show Aromantics
Essential Oils
certificate to prove it. Aromantics
Certificate of Compliance is available for
Essential Oils are volatile, aromatic
downloading from our website.
substances, which have a long tradition
of use in natural medicine, perfume,
Sensitivity & Allergy Tests incense, skin and health care. Using the
Essential Oils of plants for therapeutic
on Raw Materials purposes is known as Aromatherapy
and has been practised for thousands
It is impossible to create Skin Care of years.
products which everyone will tolerate,
particularly in view of the fact that Essential Oils are mostly produced in
peoples sensitivity have increased. three ways:
Through testing Raw Materials and 1) Water/steam distillation from seeds,
Ready-Made Products on the area of roots, wood, leaves and flowers. This is
skin in the crook of the elbow where the most common method.
the skin is thinner and more sensitive 2) Pressing of the peel of citrus fruits.
youll be able to determine whether Citrus Oils are the only ones produced
or not you are likely to have an allergic in this way. These can also be produced
response to what you have applied. This, through distillation.
of course, can be done with any product
you purchase and it is particularly 3) Supercritical CO2 Extraction is
important to do this with anything you becoming popular now for producing
intend to use on your face. Essential Oils. The advantage of CO2
Essential Oils is really in their purity as
How to test yourself for an Allergy this extraction method provides a high
level of the active constituents of an
Choose an area in the crook of your Oil, and as so has a much cleaner and
elbow of a few square centimetres and purer aroma and improved therapeutic
apply the product or raw material you benefits.
The delicate nature of many flowers This means that many of the Essential
means that steam distillation, the usual Oils on the market today are
method of making Essential Oils, cannot Manipulated Oils, produced by mixing
be used to extract the Oil because the Oils from different plant sources or
intense heat destroys the flowers, causing by mixing Oils with synthetically
them to become compacted into a solid produced aromatic chemicals. These
mass that the steam cannot penetrate. Oils may be good for the purpose for
which they were made to provide a
Therefore, a special process using solvents pleasant fragrance or aroma. You should
has been developed to capture the more be aware that many of these oils are
delicate fragrance without causing any sold under the guise of being genuine
damage to the fragrance. This process Essential Oils derived from a particular
does not use any heat or water so none of plant and therefore with particular
the water-soluble aromatic compounds therapeutic properties. This is simply
are lost the way they are in steam not true and they will not have any of
distillation. When an Oil is extracted this the desired effects of a genuine Essential
way, it is referred to as an Absolute rather Oil. In fact, if sold and used in this way,
than an Essential Oil. they may even do more damage than
good. Rest assured that Aromantic takes
Diluted Essential Oils and Absolutes
the quality of its Essential Oils as an
utmost priority.
Some of the Essential Oils and Absolutes
that Aromantic stock are diluted in either
alcohol or Vegetable Oil. This is because Aromantics Purchasing &
some Absolutes or Essential Oils, such
as Rose or Jasmine, are very concentrated Sales Policy for Essential
and have an overpowering aroma. Just
one drop in a pot of Cream can be too
much. They are also very expensive, so
diluting them makes these high quality Aromantics policy on purchasing
Absolutes more affordable for you too. essential oils is the same as our policy
on purchasing all of our raw materials,
Manipulated Oils which is based on a holistic perspective,
which considers the products we source
The trade in Essential Oils over the past and stock in relation to nature and to
100 to 200 years has modified its product people. We believe that we can make
to suit its customers the perfume, a difference in the world by sourcing
cosmetics, pharmaceutical, confectionery products and raw materials that nourish
and sustain both the producers and building up this direct contact with
our customers and to contribute to smaller growers and producers, whose
the demand for products that conserve methods are documented carefully,
our precious resources and are as either the distributors, or we at
environmentally friendly as possible. Aromantic, are able to guarantee where
the oils come from, what growing
In order to be part of a positive cycle of
methods have been used and how the
change that respects nature and people
oils have been produced.
and improves the ability of future
generations to sustain themselves, we 2) The main supplier of our organic
give priority to raw materials that have essential oils has direct contact in many
been fairly traded or ethically sourced. cases with the communities and projects
Most of our organic essential oils are that our organic essential oils are sourced
sourced from: from and personally visits these small
communities and projects around the