Fire Seminar (Print Quality) 21-09-2010

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Dudley Sandwell & Birmingham Fire Protection Association

West Midlands Fire Service


21st September 2010
Handsworth Community Fire Station
41 Rookery Rd, Handsworth, Birmingham. B21 9QU

Who should attend?

Anyone who runs a business, no matter how large or small, professionals, consultants and business advisors.

Purpose of seminar:
To provide a good understanding of the legal requirements, and ways in which you can help protect your
business against the effects of fire.

£10.00 - With an option to pay an extra £15 to become a member of the: Dudley, Sandwell
& Birmingham Fire Protection Association

Booking: Respond to: Dev Masih - 07908 383570, email: [email protected] (or fax on next page)

Seminar Content:
10.30am: Registration & coffee

11.00am: Seminar - Welcome - John Wood

John has been involved with the insurance industry for over 50 years. He is the current Chairman of Dudley,
Sandwell & Birmingham FPA .

11.05am: Insurance requirements - John Wood

Fire insurers are challenging payment of claims far more than was previously done. John will look at fire
safety from an insurer’s perspective, outlining the requirements that are expected from a policyholder.

11.45am: Arson - the increased threat - Phil Butler

Phil worked in the Fire Service for 8 years. In 2009/10 arson increased by 16% in non residential properties.
Phil will look at the increasing problem of arson, and the protection measures that should be considered.

12.30pm: Lunch provided

1.00pm: The legal viewpoint - Colin Whittington

Watch Commander Colin Whittington is currently a Legal Support Officer for WMFS.....Colin will provide a
user friendly explanation of the responsibilities placed upon those persons who are listed as having duties
under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

2.00pm: Fire safety concerns & solutions - Clive Raybould

Clive worked in the West Midlands Fire Service for 30 years. Fire losses have increased by 25% during the
last 12 months. Clive’s presentation will look at two recent incidents and he will also highlight potential
problem areas and solutions.

3.45pm: Questions & Answers & 4.00pm: Close

Dudley Sandwell & Birmingham Fire Protection Association
West Midlands Fire Service
21st September 2010

FAX BACK SHEET - Fax No: 01384 890992

(use fax if not responding by phone or email)

Please reserve [ ] (number of spaces ) for me at the above seminar

Name: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Position:.. ..............................................................................................................................................................................

Company: ...........................................................................................................................................................................

Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................



Telephone: ......................................................................................................................

Fax: ....................................................................................................................................

email: ...............................................................................................................................

Are you a member of Fire Protection Association - YES or NO

Payment for the seminar is £10 (for Non Members)

But there is an option to upgrade to full
membership to the
Fire Protection Association
by paying an additional £15)

Send cheque made payable to:

Dudley & Sandwell Fire Protection Association.

Send cheque to: Miss Sam Canty,

1 Southcott Avenue,
Brierley Hill.

Handsworth Community Fire Station - Entrance marked by Purple Arrow

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