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Ch10-Slope Stability Examples

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Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.


Problem (1): (Ordinary method of slices)

For the slope shown in the figure below, find the safety factor against sliding for the trial slip
surface AC. Use the ordinary method of slices.

Problem (1): Ordinary method of slices.


The sliding wedge is divided into 7 slices.

The weight (W) of each slice and its tangential and normal components are calculated and
tabulated in the following table.

Slice W
No. (kN/m) (deg.) () (kN/m) (kN/m)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 22.4 70 0.94 0.342 2.924 21.1 6.7

2 294.4 54 0.81 0.588 6.803 238.5 173.1
3 435.2 38 0.616 0.788 5.076 268.1 342.94
4 435.2 24 0.407 0.914 4.376 177.1 397.8
5 390.4 12 0.208 0.978 4.09 81.2 381.8
6 268.8 0 0 1 4 0 268.8
7 66.58 -8 -0.139 0.990 3.232 -9.25 65.9
30.501 m 776.75 kN/m 1637.04 kN/m

c L + W cos tan c ( col. 6) + ( col. 8) tan

F. S. = =
W sin col. 7
20 (30.501)+(1637.04) (tan 20)
F. S. = = 1.55
Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

Problem (2): (Fellenius method)

Using the Fellenius method of slices, determine the factor of safety, in terms of effective
stress, of the slope shown in the figure below for the given failure surface
a. using peak strength parameters =10 kN/m2 and = 29o and
b. using critical-state parameter cv = 31o. The unit weight of the soil both above and
below the water table is 20 kN/m3.

Problem (2): Fellenius method of slices.


(a) The factor of safety is given by Eq.:

+ ( )

The soil mass is divided into slices 1.5m wide. The weight (W) of each slice is given by:

= = (20)(1.5)(h) = 30h kN/m

The height h for each slice is set off below the centre of the base, and the normal and
tangential components (h.cos) and (h.sin), respectively, are determined graphically, as
shown in the figure above. Then

cos = 30h cos

sin = 30h sin

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

The pore water pressure at the centre of each slice base is taken to be , where is the
vertical distance of the centre point below the water table (as shown in the figure). This
procedure slightly overestimates the pore water pressure which strictly should be , where
is the vertical distance below the point of intersection of the water table and the
equipotential line through the centre of the slice base. The error involved is on the safe side.
The arc length (La) is calculated as 14.35 m. The results are given in the table below.

cos = 30(17.5) = 525 kN/m

sin = 30(45) = 254 kN/m
( cos ) = 525 132 = 393 kN/m

Slice No. h cos (m) h sin (m) u (kN/m2) l (m) ul (kN/m)

1 0.75 0.15 5.9 1.55 9.1

2 1.80 0.10 11.8 1.50 17.7
3 2.70 0.40 16.2 1.55 25.1
4 3.25 1.00 18.1 1.60 29.0
5 3.45 1.75 17.1 1.70 29.1
6 3.10 2.35 11.3 1.95 22.0
7 1.90 2.25 0 2.35 0
8 0.55 0.95 0 2.15 0
17.50 8.45 14.35 132.0

+ ( ) (10)(14.35) + (0.554)(393)
= = 1.42

(b) In terms of critical-state strength

31 (393)
= = 0.93 < 1.0 therefore the slope is unsafe.

Problem (3): (Bishops simplified method)

Using Bishops simplified method, determine the short term stability of the slope shown in the
figure below. Given that the slope was initially submerged with water and that the water level
has now been drawn down to the level of the top of the sand.

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

Problem (3): Bishops simplified method.
Initially the centre and radius of the failure plane must be assumed. The calculations presented below
are for one such assumption. However, to find the factor of safety of the slope, a number of centres
and radii will be needed to find the combination that gives the minimum factor of safety.

Problem calculations for slice 6:

xi = 1.0 m measured from the figure

xi = 2.5 m measured from the figure
i = sin-1 (2.5/5.83) = 25.4o or measure from the figure. Note that is positive for slices
giving positive overturning moments

Wi = A = (1)(2)(15) + (1)(0.268)(20) = 35.36 kN/m

Wi sin i = 35.36 sin (25.4) = 15.17 kN/m
ui = Z = (9.81)(0.268) = 2.628 kN/m
cixi + (Wi uixi) tan = (0)(1) + [35.36 (2.628)(1)] tan 30o = 18.9 kN/m Note that it is the
friction angle, not in this calculation
Now assume a factor of safety, say F = 3

Mi = cos i (1 + tan i tan i /F) = cos(25.4) [1+ tan (25.4) tan(30)/3] = 0.986
or read Mi off the chart for = 25.4 and (tan /F = tan(30)/3 = 0.19

The results for all the slices can be similarly evaluated and tabulated as shown below:

Slice x u W Wsin cx T* = cx + (W M T*/M

No. (o) (m) (kPa) (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) ux) tan

1 -25.4 1.0 2.628 5.357 -2.30 - 1.58 0.821 1.92

2 -14.9 1.0 6.227 12.70 -3.77 - 3.74 0.917 4.08
3 -4.93 1.0 7.942 23.69 -2.03 - 9.09 0.980 9.28
4 4.93 1.0 7.942 38.69 3.317 - 17.75 1.013 17.52
5 14.89 1.0 6.227 42.70 10.98 - 21.06 1.016 20.73
6 25.4 1.0 2.628 35.36 15.17 - 18.9 0.986 19.17
7 36.87 1.0 - 24.96 14.98 25.0 25 0.800 31.26
8 50.53 1.0 - 10.62 8.20 25.0 25 0.636 39.30

T /M 143.3
F= = = 3.22
W sin 44.54

Then using the updated F=3.22 re-evaluate M and T /M until the solution converges. In this
problem this gives F = 3.25

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

Problem (4): (Wedge method)

A slope was created by dumping a clayey sand (bulk = 18 kN/m3) onto a soil whose surface
has been softened to create a thin soft clay layer as shown in the figure below. If the shear
strength parameters of the clayey sand are = 0, = 30o, and the undrained strength of the
softened clay layer is 40 kPa, determine the short term factor of safety of the slope (assume
that the failure mechanism is as shown below).

Problem (4): Wedge method.
1. Calculate areas:

A1 = 86.6 m2 and A2 = 115.6 m2

2. Assume Factor of Safety: F=2

3. Calculate c, and parameters:

Weak layer = cu/F = 40/2 = 20 kPa and = 0

tan 1 tan30 16.1o
Clayey sand = 0 and = tan 1 tan
F 2
4. Calculate known forces

W1 = 86.6 18 = 1558.8 kN/m.

W2 = 115.6 18 = 2080 kN/m
C1 = 20 20 = 400 kN/m

5. Draw force diagrams

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

For Block 1: Resolving horizontally gives X1 cos (16.1+30) = C1

X1 = 576.9 kN/m

For Block 2: Resolving horizontally gives X2 cos (16.1+30) = R2 cos (16.1+40)

X2 = 0.80 R2

Resolving vertically gives W2 = X2 sin (46.1) + R2 sin (56.1)

X2 =1186.9 kN/m
Repeat for F = 1.5 ( = 26.67 kPa, = 21.05o)
X1 = 848.5 kN/m
X2 = 0.77 R2
X2 = 1086.6 kN/m

Using linear interpolation / extrapolation: F = 1.18

Problem (5): (Infinite slope)

An infinite slope is shown in the figure below. The shear strength parameters at the interface
of soil and rock are as follows; = 18 kN/m2, and = 25o.
(a) If H = 8 m and = 20o, find the factor of safety against sliding on the rock surface.
(b) If = 30o, find the height, H, for which Fs = 1.0 (assume pore water pressure to be zero).

Problem (5): Infinite slope without seepage.

(a) = . = = 18.64 kN/m3

= +
2 tan

18 25
(18.64)(8) 2 20 (tan 20)
+ 20
= 0.376 + 1.28 = 1.656

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

1 18 1
() = = 18.64 2 30 ( 30 25) = 11.6 m
2 (tan tan )

Problem (6): (Slope stability for = 0 soils)

A soil slope in undrained condition ( = 0) consists of three layers with different strengths
with water outside the slope as shown in the figure below. Determine the safety factor
against failure for the following cases:
(a) A shallow circle, tangent to elevation 2.4m.
(b) A deeper circle, tangent to elevation 6.0m.

1 = 22o

2 = 62o
= 18.8 kN/m3
= 30 Kpa 3.6m
Elevation - m

0 = 50o = 16.50 kN/m3

= 20 Kpa 3.6m
Hw = 2.4 m

= 16.50 kN/m3
= 25 Kpa 3.6m


Problem (6): Circle tangent to elevation 2.4m for cohesive soil with = 0.

(a) A shallow circle, tangent to elevation 2.4m.

D 0
d= = =0
H 7.2

Hw 2.4
= = 0.33
H 7.2

Using the charts at the top of Fig.(18), with = 50 and d = 0:

xo = 0.35 and yo = 1.4

Xo = (H)(xo) = 7.2(0.35) = 2.52 m

Yo = (H)(yo) = 7.2(1.4) = 10.08 m
Plot the critical circle on the slope. The circle is shown in the figure above.

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

Measure the central angles of arc in each layer using a protractor. Calculate the weighted
average strength parameter Cavg. using:
(22 )(30)+(62 )(20)
Cavg. =

= = 22.62 kN/m2

From Fig.(20), with = 50 and Hw/H = 0.33 , find w = 0.93.

Use layer thickness to average the unit weights. Unit weights are averaged only to the bottom
of the critical circle.

avg. =

= = 17.65 kN/m3

Calculate the driving force term Pd as follows:

+ (17.65)(7.2)+(0)(9.81)(2.4)
Pd = = (1)(0.93)(1)
= 111

From Fig.(18), with d = 0 and = 50 , find No = 5.8:

Calculate the factor of safety using:

F= = = 1.18

(b) A deeper circle, tangent to elevation 6.0m.

+6 3 =16o
2 =17o

1 = 84o = 18.8 kN/m3

+3 3.6m
= 30 Kpa
Elevation - m

0 = 16.50 kN/m3
= 50o 3.6m
= 20 Kpa
Hw = 2.4 m
= 16.50 kN/m3
= 25 Kpa 3.6m


Problem (6): Circle tangent to elevation 6m for cohesive soil with u = 0.

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

D 3.6
d= = = 0.5
H 7.2

Hw 2.4
= = 0.33
H 7.2

Using the charts at the bottom of Fig.(18), with = 50 and d = 0.5:

xo = 0.35 and yo = 1.5

Xo = (H)(xo) = 7.2(0.35) = 2.52 m

Yo = (H)(yo) = 7.2(1.5) = 10.8 m

Plot the critical circle on the slope as shown in the figure above.
Measure the central angles of arc in each layer using a protractor. Calculate the weighted
average strength parameter Cavg. using:

(16 )(30)+(17 )(20)+(84 )(25)

Cavg. =

= = 25 kN/m2

From Fig.(20), with d = 0.5 and Hw/H = 0.33 , find w = 0.95.

Use layer thickness to average the unit weights. Since the soil below the slope toe is of = 0 ,
the unit weight is averaged only to the toe of the slope. The unit weight below the toe has no
influence on stability if = 0.

avg. =

= = 17.65 kN/m3

Calculate the driving force term Pd as follows:

+ (17.65)(7.2)+(0)(9.81)(2.4)
Pd = = (1)(0.95)(1)
= 109

From Fig.(18), with d = 0 and = 50 , find No = 5.6:

Calculate the factor of safety using:

F= = = 1.28

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

This circle is less critical than the circle tangent to elevation 2.4m analyzed previously.
Problem (7): (Slope stability for > 0 soils-Total stress analysis)
A slope in soils with both c and is as shown in the figure below. The slope consists of
three soil layers with different strengths with no water outside the slope. Determine the
safety factor against failure?

+ 12 2
= 18 /3
= 8o 6m
= 40 /2
Elevation - m

= 17.2 /3
= 6o 6m
= 30 /2
= 18.8 /3
= 0 6m
= 40 /2

Problem (7): Total stress analysis of a toe circle in soils with both c and .

The factor of safety for a toe circle is calculated as follows;

Use layers thicknesses to average the unit weights from ground surface down to the toe of the
slope, since the unit weight of the soil below the toe has no effect on stability in this case.

avg. =

= = 17.6 kN/m3

Since there is no surcharge, = 1

Since there is no external water above toe, = 1
Since there is no seepage, = 1
Since there is no tension cracks, = 1
Calculate the driving force term Pd as follows:

+ (17.6)(12)
= = (1)(1)(1)
= 211.2 kN/m2

Calculate Pe as follows:

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

+ (17.6)(12)
= = (1)(1)(1)
= 211.2 kN/m2

Estimate Cavg. = 35 kPa and avg. = 7o, and calculate as follows:

= = = 0.74

From Fig.(22), with b = 1.5 and = 0.8:

xo = 0.6 and yo = 1.5

Xo = (H)(xo) = (12)(0.6) = 7.2 m

Yo = (H)(yo) = (12)(1.5) = 18 m

Plot the critical circle on the slope as shown in the figure above.
Calculate Cavg. , avg. , and as follows:

(20 )(40)+(31 )(30)+(44 )(40)

Cavg. =

= = 37 kN/m2

(20)(tan 8)+(31)(tan 6)+(44)(tan 0)

tan avg. =

= = 0.064

= = 0.4

From Fig.(22), with b = 1.5 and = 0.4:

xo = 0.65 and yo = 1.45

Xo = (H)(xo) = (12)(0.65) = 7.8 m
Yo = (H)(yo) = (12)(1.45) = 17.4 m

This circle is close to the previous iteration, so keep = 0.4 and Cavg = 37 kN/m2

From Fig.(22), with b = 1.5 and = 0.4: Ncf = 6

Calculate the factor of safety using:

= = (6) (211.2) = 1.05

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

Problem (8): (Slope stability for > 0 soils-Effective stress analysis)

A slope in soils with both and . The effective strength parameters are shown in the figure
below. If water is outside the slope and seepage within the slope, determine the safety
factor against failure using effective stress analysis?

+ 12
= 18.0 /3
= 35o 6m
= 5 /2
Elevation - m

= 18.0 /3
= 9m = 30o 6m
= 3m = 7.5 /2
= 18.8 /3
= 10o 6m
= 35 /2

Problem (8): Effective stress analysis of a toe circle in soils with both and .

Use layer thickness to average the unit weights. Unit weights are averaged only down to the
toe of the slope.
avg. =

= = 18.0 kN/m3
For this slope:
Hw 3
= = 0.25
H 12

Hw 9
= = 0.75
H 12

Since there is no surcharge, = 1

Using Fig.(20) for toe circles with Hw / H = 0.25 and = 33.7o : = 0.96
with Hw / H = 0.75 and = 33.7o : = 0.95
and since there is no tension cracks, = 1
Calculate the driving forces terms Pd and Pe as follows:

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

+ (18.0)(12)+ 0 (9.81)(3)
= = (1)(0.96)(1)
= 194 kN/m2

+ (18.0)(12)+ 0 (9.81)(9)
= = (1)(0.95)
= 134 kN/m2

Estimate Cavg. = 6 kPa and avg. = 33o, and calculate as follows:

= = = 14.3

From Fig.(22), with b = 1.5 and = 14.3:

xo = 0 and yo = 1.9

Xo = (H)(xo) = (12)(0) = 0 m
Yo = (H)(yo) = (12)(1.9) = 22.8 m
Plot the critical circle on the slope as shown in the figure above.
Calculate Cavg. , avg. , and as follows:

(19 )(5)+(42 )(7.5)

Cavg. =

= = 6.72 kN/m2

(19)(tan 35)+(42)(tan 30)

tan avg. =

= = 0.62

= = = 12.4

From Fig.(22), with b = 1.5 and = 12.4:

xo = 0.02 and yo = 1.85
Xo = (H)(xo) = (12)(0.02) = 0.24 m
Yo = (H)(yo) = (12)(1.85) = 22.2 m
This circle is close to the previous iteration, so keep = 12.4 and Cavg = 6.72 kN/m2

From Fig.(22), with b = 1.5 and = 12.4: Ncf = 35

Calculate the factor of safety using:
= = (35) (194) = 1.21

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

Problem (9): (Taylors Stability Chart for = 0 )

A slope has an inclination of 30o and is 8 m high. The soil properties are cu = 20 kN/m3, u = 0o,
bulk= 15 kN/m3. Determine the short term factor of safety if the clay deposit overlies rock
which lies 2 m below the base of the slope.



Calculate depth factor D from DH = 10 m, H = 8 m. giving D = 1.25

From Taylors chart, Fig.(24), for D =1.25 and = 30o , N s 0.155 and hence F
= 1.075
Note that if = 0 and D = then N = 0.181 and F = 0.92
This indicates that for a deep seated failure, reductions in the depth of soil below the bottom of
the slope result in increases in the factor of safety.

Problem (10): (Taylor Chart c )

A slope has an inclination of 30o and is 8 m high. The soil properties are cu = 20 kN/m3, u =5o,
bulk= 15 kN/m3. Determine the short term factor of safety if the clay deposit is infinitely deep.


From Taylor stability chart, Fig.(25), for i = 30o and = 5o: 011
c 20
Hence F 1.5
H N s 1580.11

However, for the correct solution a factored tan-1[(tan /F] should be used. So having
determined F.O.S. an iterative procedure is required using the updated * to determine the
correct factor of safety.
Regions on the chart indicate that the failure in this problem is a deep-seated failure mode.

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

Problem (11): (Taylors Stability Chart for = 0 )

A cut 9m deep is to be made in a deposit of a highly cohesive soil that is 18m thick and
underlaid by rock. The properties of the soil to be cut are, c = 36 kN/m2, = 0 and = 18.86
kN/m3. If the factor of safety against slope failure is equal to 1.25, estimate the slope angle
() at which the cut should be made.


D H = 18m and H = 9m, so D = 18/9 = 2.0 9m

= ?
(Taylors stability number) =

Cohesive soil
36 c = 36 kN/m2
= = 0.17 9m
= 0
= 18.86 kN/m3

From Fig.(24) with = 0.17 and D = 2.0; = 25o.

Problem (12): (Taylors Stability Chart for = 0 )
A cut 7.5m deep is to be made in a stratum of highly cohesive soil as shown in the figure
1. The slope angle is 30.
2. Bedrock is located 12m below the original ground surface.
3. The soil has a unit weight of 18.86 kN/m3; cohesion = 31.1 kN/m2 and angle of internal
friction = 0. Find the F.O.S. against slope failure.

7.5m Cohesive soil

o c = 31.1 kN/m2 12m
30 = 0
= 18.86 kN/m3

Solution: Rock

D H = 12m and H = 7.5m, so D = 12/7.5 = 1.60

From Fig.(24) with = 30o and D = 1.6; Ns = 0.17

cd 31.1
(Taylors stability number) Ns = ; F = (18.86)(7.5)(0.17) = 1.29

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

Problem (13): (Taylors Stability Chart for = 0 )

A 15 m high embankment is inclined at 40o to the horizontal. If =10o, = 1.75 gm/cm3,and
c = 0.275 kg/cm2, determine its F.O.S. against slope stability failure.


From Fig.(25) for = 30o and = 10o; Ns = 0.09

(Taylors stability number) Ns =

cd (0.275)(1000)
F= = (1.75)(15)(100)(0.09) = 1.16
H Ns

Problem (14): (Infinite slope analysis)

A slope where a relatively thin layer of soil overlies firm soil is as shown in the figure below.
Determine the safety factor against failure using the infinite slope stability charts.

= 18.8 kN/m3
c = 15 kN/m2
= 30o
tan = 0.577
= 20o
2.4m tan = 0.364
3.4m cot = 2.75

Problem (14): Infinite slope analysis.

For seepage parallel to slope:

X = 2.4 m and T = 3.4 m
(2.4) (9.81)
= 2 = 2 20 = 0.325
(3.4) (18.8)
From Fig.(26), with = 0.325 and cot = 2.75: A = 0.62 and B = 3.1
Calculate the factor of safety using:

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

F = + = 0.62 0.364 + 3.1 (18.815
= 1.67

For horizontal seepage emerging from slope, = 0o

1 9.81 1
= = = 0.52
1 + 18.8 1+(0.364)(0)

From Fig.(26), with = 0.52 and cot = 2.75: A = 0.41 and B = 3.1
Calculate the factor of safety as:

F = + = 0.41 0.364 + 3.1 (18.815
= 1.33

Problem (15): (Strength increasing with depth)

A submerged clay slope with = 0 and strength is increasing linearly with depth is shown in
the figure below. Determine its safety factor against shear failure?

= 4.5m

7.5 kN/m2
H = 30m
=15.7 kN/m3
b =5.89 kN/m3

57.5 kN/m2

Problem (15): Clay slope with = and strength increasing with depth.

The factor of safety is calculated using the slope stability chart shown in Fig.(27).
Extrapolating the strength profile up to zero gives Ho = 4.5 m.
Ho 4.5
Calculate M as: M = = 30 = 0.15
From Fig.(27), with M = 0.15 and = 45: N = 5.1
From the soil strength profile, cb = 57.5 kN/m2
cb 57.5
Calculate the factor of safety as: F = N = (5.1) (5.89)(30+4.5) = 1.44
(H+Ho )

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

Problem (16): (Single Slice on a Planner Surface)

Find the Factor of Safety of the slope cut shown in the figure below. Given that c = 7.2
kN/m2, = 25 and = 16.50 kN/m3.
Permeable Soil
= 16.5 kN/m3

3m 1
4.5m 30o

D 3
L= = = 6m Problem (16).
sin sin 30

D 3
h= sin( ) = sin(45 30) = 1.1m
sin sin 45

Lh (6)(1.1)(16.5)
w= = = 54.45 kN/m
2 2

c L + W cos tan (7.2)(6) + (54.45)(cos 30)(tan 25)

F. S. = = (54.45)(sin 30)
= 2.39
W sin

Problem (17): (Culmanns method)

A 1.8 m deep vertical trench wall is to be dug in a soil without shoring. The soils unit weight,
angel of internal friction, and cohesion are 19.0 kN/m3, 28, and 20.2 kN/m2 respectively.
Find the Factor of safety of this trench using the Culmann method.

Note: This method assumes that sliding would occur along plane passes through the toe the slope

[1( )]
Try a F.S.

tan tan 28
tan d = = = 0.532
F.S. 1.0
Therefore, d = 28 and = 90for a vertical wall.

Soil Mechanics Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafi' M. S.

(4) (cd ) sin 90 cos 28

1.8 = ; cd = 5.14 kN/m2
19 [1cos(9028)]

c 20.2
F. S.c = = = 3.93 kN/m2
cd 5.14

Since [F.S.c[ F.S.another trial factor of safety must be attempted.

Try a F.S.
tan tan 28
tan d = = = 0.265
F.S. 2.0

Therefore, d = 14.89 and = 90for a vertical wall.

(4) (cd ) sin 90 cos 14.89

1.8 = ; cd = 6.57 kN/m2
19 [1cos(9014.89)]

c 20.2
F. S.c = = = 3.07 kN/m2
cd 6.57

Since [F.S.c[ F.S.another trial factor of safety must be attempted.

Try a F.S.
tan tan 28
tan d = = = 0.177
F.S. 3.0

Therefore, d = 10.04 and = 90for a vertical wall.

(4) (cd ) sin 90 cos 10.04

1.8 = ; cd = 7.17 kN/m2
19 [1cos(9010.04)]

c 20.2
F. S.c = = = 2.82 kN/m2
cd 7.17

Since [F.S.c[ F.S.the

correctfactor of safety has not yet been
found. Rather than continue the trial and
error procedure, the values of F. S.c and
F. S. are plotted in figure, from which the
applicable factor of safety of about 2.84
can be read.


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