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Single-Axis Positioning Control MCU 172A

Description Edition 03.98
Foreword 1
MCU 172A Single-Axis
Positioning Control
User Guide
Encoders 3
Configuring Guide
Selection, Installation and
SIMODRIVE 611 Connection of 1FK6/1FT6 Motors 4
and SIMODRIVE 611 Components
MCU 172A Single-Axis Configuring Guide
Positioning Control Configuration of the Drive Machine
Data for MCU
available soon
Manual 6
Function Description
Positioning with the MCU 7
User Guide
MCU-PIT Description 8
Function Description
S7 Environment 9
User Guide
Valid for MCU firmware
version 3.x or higher
MPI Communication 10
User Guide
Compatible to
MCU-PIT version 3.x or higher
Unit Operator Panel (UOP)
with OP031 and PP031
SIMODRIVE software version V 3.x
and SIMATIC software V 2.x or higher Description
EMC Guide for MCU 12
Error Messages 13
Edition: March 1998 Tables
Service Information 14

Positioning Control
MCU 172A


Edition March 1998

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please enquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.

BERO, SIMATIC, SIMODRIVE, SINEC, SINUMERIK, STEP are registered trademarks of Siemens.

The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
of which by any third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the copyright holders.

Subject to technical changes within the product.

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents are

not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be made liable
for damages. All rights including rights created by patent or registration of a
utility model or design are reserved.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 Foreword

1 Foreword
1.1 The Purpose of this Documentation

Range of validity This Manual is valid for the MCU 172A Single-Axis Positioning Control in
conjunction with firmware version V3.x.

Purpose of this This Manual covers nearly all standard applications of the MCU172A Single-
Manual Axis Positioning Control in conjunction with SIMODRIVE and SIMATIC.
Information on special applications is to be found in the product-specific
documentation on SIMODRIVE and SIMATIC S7.

Target group This Manual is aimed at:

the planning engineer when planning the system configuration
the commissioning engineer when commissioning the system
the serviceman when eliminating faults on the site.

Required background If special knowledge is required for any part of this Documentation, it is
knowledge mentioned in the beginning of the respective Chapter. The present
Documentation on the MCU 172A Single-Axis Positioning Control is fully
subjected to the general safety standards, the VDE standards, and the national
guidelines and instructions.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-1

MCU (Foreword)
Foreword 03.98

1.2 Information Blocks of this Manual

Guide Section 1.5 Structure of this Manual can be considered as a guide through this
Manual. This Section will tell you in which chapter of this Manual you will
find information on configuring, commissioning, scope of functions, operation
& monitoring, and service.

Aids to orientation The indexes of the individual Chapter, as well as the index of the entire Manual
in the Appendix can be used for your orientation. A contents overview in the
beginning of each Chapter provides you with information on the topics
contained in the respective Chapter. In addition, each main chapter contains a
table of contents.

Changes to the last The structure of the Manual has been kept without changes. Compared with the
edition last edition, the contents of the Manual has been added by the function
extensions for version 4.x. This concerns the following pages:
Register 5 / pages 1-10
Register 7 / 1-4; 2-3; 3-11; 5-11
Register 8 / 4-13; 4-25; 5-2; 5-12
Register 9 / 5-11; 5-12; 5-15; 5-16; 6-10; 6-11 bis 6- 14; 6-17; 7-33 bis 7-39
Register 10 / 5-5
Register 11 / 4-19
Register 13 / 2-27
Register 14 / 4-8; 4-9; 4-16

1.3 Further Information

SIMODRIVE For further information on SIMODRIVE refer to the SIMODRIVE-specific

manuals. The titles and order numbers are to be found in the Documentation
List in the Appendix.

SIMATIC S7 For further information on SIMATIC S7 refer to the SIMATIC S7-specific

manuals. The titles and order numbers are to be found in the Documentation
List in the Appendix.

Cross-references The cross-references to pages or chapters in this Manual are structured as

within the Manual shown in the following examples:
7/3.1 Register 7, Section 3.1
9/5-5 Register 9, page 5-5
4-10 Page 4-10, in the same Register

1-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Foreword)
01.97 Foreword

Online helps The Registers 7, 8, 9 and 13 of this Manual are supplied as HLP files with the
software MCU-PIT. Fast access to the most important topics of this Manual is
thus provided.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-3

MCU (Foreword)
Foreword 01.97

1.4 Safety and Danger Notes

Qualified All persons engaged with the erection, installation, commissioning or operation
Personnel of the product must be trained accordingly. In particular, the personnel must be
familiar with all safety notes contained in this Manual. Siemens offers training
courses providing the required knowledge.

Siemens products shall only be repaired by the SIEMENS Service

Organization or workshops/service departments authorized by SIEMENS.

Use as prescribed The product may only be used for applications prescribed by the Manual.
Commissioning and operation of the product must be carried out in accordance
with the instructions in this Manual. Any devices or components from other
manufacturers may only be connected or installed if recommended or permitted

Warning symbols In this document, important information is specially highlighted.

In order to classify any hazards more clearly, various pictograms have been
used in this Manual, which represent different danger categories. The following
contains a list of these pictograms with their meaning.

Prevent personal injuries!

This symbol warns you of possible danger to people. Follow the information
shown next to the symbol. Inattention might cause personal injuries or loss of

Hazardous electric voltage!

When operating electrical devices, the parts of these devices are necessarily
under hazardous voltage. Touching these parts can endanger your life or health.
Follow therefore the warning notes provided next to this symbol.

Prevent material damage!

This symbol warns you of possible damage to property or material. The

information shown next to the symbol tells you how to avoid damage to your
machine or the workpiece being machined..

1-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Foreword)
01.97 Foreword

Electrostatic sensitive device

This symbol makes you aware of electronic modules which could be damaged
by electrostatic discharging. Provide for equipotential bonding before you
touch such a module.


This symbol draws your attention to an important topic which will help you to
avoid any adverse effects to the production process.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-5

MCU (Foreword)
01.97 Foreword

1.5 Structure of this Manual


Service Configuring


and Commissioning

Scope of Functions

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-5

MCU (Foreword)
Foreword 01.97

1.5.1 Overview Register

General information General information on: 2 9

MCU modules
MCU system elements
Scope of functions, configuration, operation
Fields of application

System network Integration of the MCU 172 A via P/K-bus, MPI, PROFIBUS-DP
concept e.g. with:
(networking) SIMATIC S7
Elements for operating and monitoring

1-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Foreword)
01.97 Foreword

1.5.2 Configuring Register

General rules Mechanical and electrical design 4 90

MCU module Firmly assigned inputs/outputs

2 4 7 14
nputs/outputs that can be assigned via the machine data
Module 9
Mechanical/electrical design
Power supply
Power dissipation, protective circuits, electrical isolation
PLC resources, S7 user programs

Encoders Selection
Incremental encoder (5 V) 2 3
Absolute-value encoder

Motors 1FT6; 1FK6: three-phase a.c. motors for feed drives

Cables 4

SIMODRIVE 611 Power sections, modules 4

Notes 14

Operating / PU/PC 10
monitoring / Operator panel PP031 11
service devices

EMC guidelines Mechanical and electrical design 12

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-7

MCU (Foreword)
Foreword 01.97

Networking / PLC 11
interfaces MPI-network configuration / interface 10
PC user interface (MPI)
Cables PU/PC - MCU (MPI)
Interface modules IM360 / IM361 9
Lines MCU - MCU, MCU - S7
Closed-loop control interface 4

Software STEP 7 on PU (see Catalog ST 70, Users Guide STEP 7)

Features of the integrated S7 - CPU 9
MCU-PIT for : 8
Commissioning / optimization
Data archiving
Service (status display, HiGraph diagnosis screens)
System documentation
Editing of traversing programs etc.
MPI 10
SINUMERIK UOP (unit operator panel) 11

Grounding concept EMC 4 12

Filter modules

Catalogs MCU, operator panels, SIMODRIVE, cables, encoders NC 60.1

Encoders, cables NC Z, NC Z1
PU ST 70

1-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Foreword)
01.97 Foreword

1.5.3 Commissioning Register

Brief overview Connection, commissioning, operation 2

Commissioning Hardware, software 14

sequence Optimization
System configuration
Communication / data transfer / operation

Hardware Preconditions 8
Assembly and connection 4
Rules, standards, etc.
Installation of pulse converter
Installation/ interfaces 10 11
Interference elimination

Software installation Preconditions


Parameterization / Machine data

7 14
optimization by System configuration
means of Encoders
MCU-PIT Closed-loop position control
Drive / axis

Data blocks to be created by means of MCU-PIT

Operation and Unit operator panel (UOP)

monitoring OP 031
UOP software

EMC guidelines Filters


Error messages Positioning control 13

Intelligent I/O blocks
Unit Operator Panel

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-9

MCU (Foreword)
Foreword 01.97

1.5.4 Scope of Functions

Overview Axis positioning

Firmware User interface
Control signals
Acknowledgment signals
Message signals
Operating modes 14
Closed-loop position control / motion functions
Digital inputs/outputs / PLC functions 9

Software MCU-PIT
Start-up (parameterization) 5
Motor, encoder
SIMODRIVE-power unit / modules
Frequency response
Machine data
Service (status, hints)
Current operating data
NC programs
NC machine data
Tool offsets
Control functions
Machine control panel
Drive / axis

1-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Foreword)
01.97 Foreword

1.5.5 Operation and Monitoring Chap ter

Hardware PU/PC 2
Machine control panel PP 031 11
Operator panel OP 031

Software / operation Unit Operator Panel (UOP)

Tool offsets
Axis selection
Alarms / messages

Software / PU / PC MS-DOS
Microsoft Windows
Standard function blocks for
technology functions (SIMATIC S7)

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-11

MCU (Foreword)
Foreword 01.97

1.5.6 Service Register

Resources Hardware: PU 8
Machine control panel OP 031
Software: MS-DOS
Microsoft Windows
UOP (Unit Operator Panel)

Start-up Commissioning sequence

Alarm messages Displays

7 9
Status displays (data, operator, traversing errors)
Positioning control
Alarm code

Error messages Positioning control
Intelligent I/O blocks
Unit Operator Panel

14 5
Machine data Encoders
Positioning control

Training courses Service and configuring course for MCU

1-12 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Foreword)
Suggestion for a New Guideline for the Design of
Safety Instructions

Mr. Brune AUT E 211 Erl F80
Mr. Engeldinger AUT 97 Nbg.-M
Mr. Kaiser AUT 97 Nbg.-M
Mr. Stepper AUT 97 Nbg.-M
Mr. Vorbeck AUT GVA KA Nbg.-M

As far as the design of the safety notes is concerned, I suggest to provide them with new pictograms. By
now, only the general attention sign (DIN 30600, No. 1008) had been used. A graduation of the hazards
had only been performed in accordance with the American classification (using the signal words
Using the new pictograms, the reader can immediately differentiate the kind of impending hazard -
whether the health or life of persons are in danger or material property. Furthermore, special hazards, such
as caused by electric shock, can immediately be recognized.
The aim of the new design is to draw the readers attention more quickly to important safety notes to
ensure that they are followed.

H. Pppl, AUT 97

How to Design the Safety Notes

How to Design the Safety Notes

Contents For legal reasons, the text of a safety note must contain the following three
pieces of information:
a note on the kind of the impending hazard
an explanation on the consequences of the hazard
an information how to avoid the hazard

Marking The safety notes are clearly marked both by pictograms and the signal words
CAUTION, WARNING, and DANGER so that they can immediately be
noticed (conspicuous marking is required according to DIN 8418 and DIN
66055). The pictograms are justified to the right in the marginalia column, and
the related text is arranged on the right next to the pictogram. The signal words
are bold typed above the text.

Pictograms The safety notes are graduated by the kind and severity of the impending
danger. The pictograms and signal words are selected according to this

For Europe, the following practical graduation has been proven:

The Prevent personal damage pictogram is intended to make you aware of

possible hazards for your health and life.
Design acc. to DIN 11042.

The Prevent material damage pictogram is intended to make you aware of the
fact that material damage may result.
Design acc. to DIN 11042.

The Information pictogram is intended to make you aware of the fact that the
normal operation can be affected (design acc. to SN 13390).
If any special notes are required, the warning triangle (acc. to DIN 4844) can
contain an appropriate standardized symbol instead of the "i".

Further information on this graduation are to be found in the Tekom Guideline

"Checking and Evaluating Technical Documentation" and in the Document
Series "Safety at Work" issued by the Federal Institution for Safety at Work.

If any kind of hazard cannot be assigned unambiguously, the pictogram that

warns of the greater hazard will be used. For example, if both material damage
and personal injuries may occur, the pictogram "Prevent personal injuries" will
be used.

How to Design the Safety Notes

When warning of a special hazard for which a standardized pictogram exists

(e.g. acc. to DIN 4844), the standardized pictogram will be used, regardless of
the above graduation. The following hazards will occur especially frequently:

The pictogram Hazardous voltage warns of components being under voltage.

Symbol acc. to DIN 4844.

The pictogram Electrostatic sensitive devices makes you aware of

components which are sensitive to electrostatic charging.
Symbol acc. to DIN 30600.

Signal words Additionally, a graduation as prescribed in the USA will be used:

means that loss of life, severe personal injury or substantial property damage
will result if proper precautions are not taken.
means that loss of life, severe personal injury or substantial property loss
can result if proper precautions are not taken.
means that minor personal injury or property damage can result if proper
precautions are not taken.

In accordance with this graduation, the signal word above the safety notes is
selected. The signal words are necessary, as the major part of the products is
also exported to the USA.

Instead of a signal word, notes will be headlined by the word Note.

Example A safety note should have the following appearance:

Skipping the hardware monitoring functions may result in positioning errors
which may damage your machine. For this reason, the hardware monitoring
functions should only be skipped for testing purposes.

How to Design the Safety Notes

Selection Table

Signal Danger Warning Caution Note

Loss of life or severe Loss of life or severe Minor personal
personal injury will personal injury can injury can result if
result if proper result if proper proper precautions
precautions are not precautions are not are not taken.
taken. taken.

Loss of life or severe Loss of life or severe Minor personal

personal injury will personal injury can injury can result due
result due to result due to to hazardous
hazardous voltage if hazardous voltage if voltage if proper
proper precautions proper precautions precautions are not
are not taken. are not taken. taken.
Substantial property Substantial property Minor property
damage will result if damage can result if damage can occur if
proper precautions proper precautions proper precautions
are not taken. are not taken. are not taken.

Substantial property Substantial property Minor property

loss will result due to loss can result due to damage can result
electrostatic electrostatic due to electrostatic
discharging if discharging if discharging if
proper precautions proper precautions proper precautions
are not taken. are not taken. are not taken.
To ensure safe and Inattention to the
proper operation, the respective note may
specified affect normal
instructions, operation of the
standards and process.
documents must be

How to Design the Safety Notes

Qualified Previous documentation normally used the following text on this topic:
Persons who are familiar with the erection, installation, commissioning and
operation of the product and have a qualification according to their job, i.e.
persons who are
qualified, instructed or permitted to switch on/off, ground and mark circuits
and devices in accordance with the relevant safety standards.
qualified or instructed in servicing and using appropriate safety equipment in
accordance with the relevant safety standards.
are trained in first aid.

This text is only meant as an example!

The text must absolutely be adapted to the requirements of the particular
device. The required qualification must exactly be named and not only outlined
by a general formulation.

Introduction 1

How to Use the MCU


Functions of the
Single-Axis Positioning Part 3
Positioning Control
MCU 172A
Further Questions 4

Technical Data 5

Appendix 6

Edition January 1997

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please inquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.


The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
of which by any third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the copyright holders.

Subject to technical changes within the product.

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not

permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be made liable for
damages. All rights including rights created by patent or registration of a
utility model or design are reserved.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 Introduction

1 Introduction

Table of Contents 1.1 Structure of the manual ...........................................................1-2

1.2 What is an MCU? ....................................................................1-3
1.3 Application of the MCU ............................................................1-7
1.4 Advantages of the MCU ..........................................................1-8
1.5 Terms of MCU .........................................................................1-9

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-1

MCU Description
Introduction 01.97

1.1 Structure of the manual

Guide This description gives you a first insight into the structure and functionality of
the MCU (Motion Control Unit). In addition this description will help you to
decide how to use the MCU for your application. Please read this description,
in order to get an idea of the technology of the MCU, before proceeding to the
other chapters of this MCU manual.

The manual is structured by topic and contains all information you need for
handling the MCU. You will find the answers to your questions in the
respective chapters of this manual.

This description is part of the manual, but is also available as a separate leaflet.
For the ordering data of further MCU documentation, please see the survey on
the cover page of this leaflet.

Further You will find information further to that contained in this leaflet or manual, in
information the standard documentation on the following Siemens products:

A list of the corresponding documentation is to be found in the appendix of this


1-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Introduction

1.2 What is an MCU?

Single-axis MCU ("Motion Control Unit") means "positioning control for one axis". The
positioning control functionality of the MCU is accommodated in a slide-in module without a case
of its own, provided for use in any power module of the SIMODRIVE 611
drive series . Through insertion of the MCU module the power module
becomes a single-axis positioning control.

Fig. 1-1 The MCU as a slide-in module for the SIMODRIVE 611 power module

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-3

MCU Description
Introduction 01.97

New and yet well The Motion Control Unit is a new digital single-axis positioning control for
proven decentralized applications in connection with SIMATIC S7 technology.
Regarding the structures of the MCU, there is no directly comparable product
in the SIMATIC S5 world. The MCU was developed using both proven
positioning functions and new standards such as SIMATIC S7 and digital drive

Concept The MCU is innovative in several fields:

Digital technology instead of analog technology:
The MCU is a control module in digital technology with all advantages
regarding capacity and comfort, such as simple and reproducible
parameterization, higher precision and higher dynamics.
SIMATIC S7 instead of the SIMATIC S5 generation:
The MCU integrates consistent with the FM modules into the new
SIMATIC S7 technology.
Decentralized instead of central control:
Thanks to the integration of PLC and positioning control into the drive, you
can also install the MCU as a decentralized control, requiring little space.
PLC S7-300 integrated:
The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is already integrated in the
MCU: The MCU contains in addition to the positioning functionality the
complete PLC functionality of a SIMATIC S7-300-CPU.
S7-periphery standard:
The MCU contains an interface for the SIMATIC S7 periphery, enabling a
large extension of the periphery.
Communication integrated:
The integrated MPI-interface does not only allow the connection of
programming devices and operation and observation devices, but also a
data exchange among several MCU's or PLC's via global data .
Digital drive control integrated:
The integrated speed and power control offers all advantages of the
SIMODRIVE digital drive series, such as easy commissioning, high
dynamics or transparent diagnostics, even of the drive.

1-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Introduction

Three in one The MCU is the synthesis of three well-known standards in one unit:
SIMATIC-CPU: functionality of the Programmable Logic Controller with
Positioning functionality: functionality of an S7 peripheral module for
closed-loop controlled positioning
SIMODRIVE 611: digital drive control for standard motors type 1FK6 /

Furthermore, the single-axis positioning control can be combined with

communication, operation and diagnostics standards. Siemens offers you an
innovative, comprehensive system solution.

Fig. 1-2 Integration of SIMATIC S7, positioning and SIMODRIVE 611 control in the MCU

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-5

MCU Description
Introduction 01.97

MCU in the In the Siemens system world of automation technology, the MCU covers the
SIMATIC S7 range of decentralized single-axis positioning applications. Depending on the
system world job and the requirement profile, the solution route shows either a system
solution with conventionel technology e. g. S7-300 and FM 354 or
- optically set-off a system solution with MCU and integrated SIMODRIVE

Tasks Positioning /
Measuring Counting

Requirements Independent Synchronism/

individual msster-value
axes/channels coupling axes

Solution Electronic Sensor

control technology

Systems Integrated in the

Integrated automation integrated
in the PLC computer in the drive

Examples S7-300 S7-400

M7 -300
FM module FM module 611 MCU

Fig. 1-3 Integration of the MCU in the system of the MCU

MCU in system In the modular system for transfer lines Transline 2000, the MCU is an
soltions integral component, together with the SIMATIC S7 and NC technology
SINUMERIK 810D and 840D. This overall system Transline 2000 is based on
a uniform concept regarding operation and observation, communication,
control technique, periphery as well as motors and encoders.

Head control S7-300



S7-300 S7 per. S7 per. S7-300


611 611 840D/611

1FT6 / 1FK6 1FT6 / 1FK6 1FT6


PLC unit Single-axis unit Two-axis unit NC unit

independent axes interpolatory axes
Fig. 1-4 Transline 2000

1-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Introduction

1.3 Application of the MCU

Decentralized control The main field of application of the MCU is the decentralized control of
of individual axes independent individual axes.
decentralized control
The MCU is also well suited for tasks requiring PLC functions, in addition to
positioning. The combination of drive and I/O components saves space and
costs regarding structure and wiring.

Planning and commissioning of such a solution are simple and inexpensive.

Branch-specific Table 1-1 Branch-specific examples of application

examples of Examples of application Branch
Dosing devices Plastic moulding

Turning arrangements Presses

Roll feeds

Drilling units Revolving machines

Feed motions Grinding machines, special machines,

welding/cutting, transfer lines, machine tools, rolling

Transport Transfer lines, packaging industry, assembly lines,

handling, automobile industry, printing trade, paper
industry, rolling mills, special machines

Loading/unloading devices Packaging industry, handling devices, revolving

machines, plastics technology

NC auxiliary axes Machine tools, wood working machines

Tool changers Machine tools

Circular tables Machine tools, revolving machines

Shelf-serving devices Materials-handling technology

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-7

MCU Description
Introduction 01.97

1.4 Advantages of the MCU

It saves costs In addition to the positioning functionality, all instructions of a

and space SIMATIC S7-300 CPU are available, so that no separate PLC and FM 354
positioning module are needed. Of course, the wiring of the functional unit is
also reduced.

It minimizes the With the completely digital concept, the system can be commissioned much
expenditure of time more quickly than with analog technology. In addition, safe diagnostics up to
the drive are possible, considerably improving the availability.

As exclusively standards are integrated in the MCU, the planning and training
expenditure is greatly reduced. Thanks to the integration, interfaces, e.g.
between control and drive, are omitted, wich saves planning and wiring

It improves the The digital technology enables higher accelerations, higher KV factors, etc.
Through the commissioning functions integrated in MCU-PIT, the dynamics of
the entire system can be optimized.

It increases The MCU can be plugged in any power module of the SIMODRIVE 611
the flexibility series. Mains connection is effected at choice via an open-loop supply module
or a controlled supply/re-supply module of the SIMODRIVE 611 device series.

Up to 3 MCU's can be operated on one power supply, per additional

monitoring module, another 3 MCU's can be connected.

You can connect peripheral equipment via the S7 periphery bus. The MCU can
be extended by 3 racks with 8 peripheral modules each from the S7 series.

It saves training The available software packages MCU-PIT, STEP 7 and SIMOPRO are in the
Windows standard, so that an intuitive and easy operation is offered.

As a SIMATIC S7 CPU is integrated in the MCU and as SIMATIC is very

widespread, the operator will quickly be familiar with the system.
Communication between the integrated S7-CPU and the positioning part is
effected via the standard software "technology functions", which is based on
the technology functions for FM modules from the S7-300 series.

The traversing programs are written in the NC language, similar to DIN 66025.
This language is known in many branches of technology.

1-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Introduction

1.5 Terms of MCU

1 Axis The MCU is a single-axis positioning control.

Operation The MCU can be operated via visualisation systems, such as OP's with MPI
interface. The user can either use standard displays or configure user-specific

Decentralized The MCU is particularly well suited for decentralized positioning tasks.

Rack The hardware of the MCU is accommodated on a module which is plugged in

any power module of the SIMODRIVE 611 drive series.

Global data Via the service "Global Data", cyclical data are exchanged. In this way MCU's
can easily communicate with each other in a standard manner.

Commissioning Parameterization and commissioning are effected by means of the Windows

tools "STEP 7" and "MCU-PIT". With the commissioning functions, it is
possible to optimize the dynamics of the entire system.

Integration On the MCU, the functionalities of the SIMATIC S7-314, of a positioning

control and of the digital drive control of the SIMODRIVE 611 are integrated.

Periphery The MCU single-axis positioning control possesses an integrated IM 360. to

which up to 24 S7 peripheral modules can be connected.

Degree of protection Alternatively to the structure of the SIMODRIVE components in protection

IP20 the structure can also be protected according to IP65. The Protected
Power Unit (PPU) contains a power supply module (6.5 kW) and a power
module (50 A, 38 Nm) in a housing with protection IP65. In the PPU, both the
MCU and the SINUMERIK 840D with corresponding feed control for one axis
can be used.

Networking The MCU possesses an integrated multipoint interface MPI through which it
can be networked. The connection to the network with the PROFIBUS-DP is at
present effected via the communication processor CP 342-5.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-9

MCU Description
Introduction 01.97

1-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 How to Use the MCU

2 How to Use the MCU

Table of Contents 2.1 Required environmental conditions .........................................2-2

2.2 Necessary components ...........................................................2-3
2.3 Peripheral modules to be connected .......................................2-5
2.4 How to connect the MCU.........................................................2-6
2.5 How to commission the MCU ..................................................2-9
2.6 How to operate the MCU .......................................................2-10

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MCU Description
How to Use the MCU 01.97

2.1 Required environmental conditions

Degree of protection The MCU can be plugged in all power modules of the SIMODRIVE 611
series. In this case, the structure attains the protection IP20. If you want to use
the MCU as a standalone unit and the environmental conditions require an
encapsulation of the entire control unit, you can also use the MCU in the
Protected Power Unit (PPU)in protection IP65. For further details, please see
catalog NC60.



Fig. 2-1 MCU for use in IP20 and IP65

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MCU Description
01.97 How to Use the MCU

2.2 Necessary components

The following is a schematic representation of the entire system:

EBF software package
on OP 031 with MMC 10X
PG 740 and PP 031

EB ER Maschine G rund- Start / Strung

ein stellung Tippen
VK ES beh oben

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

Maschine Alle Vorschub

Einh eiten Halt nach
aus zurck Taktende halt

P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12



with MCU slide-in module with 2 MCU slide-in modules

E/R module

E/R module
3x400 V ~ 3x400 V ~

1FT6 / 1FK6 1FT6 / 1FK6

Fig. 2-2 Overall structure for one or two axes without periphery

Mains supply The direct-voltage intermediate circuit is provided by the mains supply
modules modules. These are offered as open-loop supplies for typical MCU applications
with low power, or as closed-loop supply/re-supply modules. The latter
resupply power into the mains during braking operation. This is useful in case
of higher powers because a braking resistance converting kinetic energy into
heat would generate much heat. Via the so-called device bus, the mains supply
modules also guarantee the electronic power supplies of the MCU modules and
the connected encoders.

SIMODRIVEpower The power module supplies the connected motor via the power line with
module closed-loop controlled sinusoidal current. The power module is selected via the
MCU module. The range of SIMODRIVE 611 power modules are available
graduated according to requirements.

The digital SIMODRIVE 611 drives fulfill high requirements regarding:

Speed adjustment range

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MCU Description
How to Use the MCU 01.97

Motor The MCU is designed for the motors of series 1FT6 and 1FK6. The 1FT6 and
1FK6 motors are synchronous motors excited by permanent magnets and
distinguish themselves by high dynamics.

Motor encoder The MCU slide-in module interprets the optical sine/cosine encoder installed in
the 1FK6 or 1FT6 motor. The signals generated for rotor position, speed and
position actual value are locally processed on the MCU module. The motor
encoder, also called indirect encoder, is connected with the MCU via the
encoder line.

Direct measuring In addition to the encoder, which is integrated in the motor, a second, direct
system position decoding system can be connected to the MCU. With it, the position
actual value can be acquired directly on the mechanics, either incrementally or

MPI Operation is effected via the S7 standard MPI interface. By means of an MPI
cable, the MCU is connected with the device for operation and observation
and/or with the device for parameterization. One differentiates between devices
serving for mere operation and devices with which parameterization and
commissioning are also possible. Furthermore, a communication between
several S7 CPU's is possible with the help of the MPI service "Global Data."

PG or PC Commissioning is effected by means of a portable programming device type

with STEP 7 PG 720 or PG 740. A standard PC, suitable for Windows and equipped with
and MCU-PIT MPI card or MPI adaption cable, can also be used. After installation of the
STEP 7 software, the axis can be commissioned by means of the software
package "MCU-PIT".

Fig. 2-3 Measuring functions with MCU-PIT

2-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 How to Use the MCU

Operator Panels Standard masks are available for the operator panels OP 031. The OP 031 is
with MMC10x used together with a PC-based MMC100 or MMC102 computer in connection
and EBF with the software application EBF (unit operator panel).

The EBF software can carry out, in addition to the visualization of an MCU
module, other operation and observation tasks, such as:
Machine operation with plant survey display
HIGRAPH diagnostics

For the control of the machine, a standard machine control panel PP 031 Push
Button Panel, adapted to the OP 031, can be connected via the MPI interface.
The operating elements can be modified according to the customer's specific

OP5 ... OP45 As a SIMATIC S7 with CPU 314 functionality is integrated in the MCU, you
can connect all OP's to the MCU for visualization. The OP's to the MCU for
visualization. The OP's are configured via ProTool.

Filter modules Pursuant to the law on EMC according to EN 50081-2, filter modules are
available in the SIMODRIVE 611 system. In addition to the use of these filter
modules, an essential prerequisite for keeping the limit values is a structure of
the switchboard which is in compliance with the EMC rules. Please observe the
assembly and connection instructions in the manual "assembly and

2.3 Peripheral modules to be connected

Possible peripheral Thanks to the integrated S7 interface module IM360 up to 24 S7 peripheral

modules modules can be connected to an MCU, for example:
FM 351 positioning module for rapid-motion/creep-speed drives
FM 352 electronic cam controller
SM 321 digital peripherals for inputs from DC 24 V to AC 230 V
SM 322 digital peripherals for outputs from DC 24 V to AC 230 V
SM 331 analog peripherals for inputs of e.g. 4 to 20 mA
SM 332 analog peripherals for outputs of e.g. 0 to 10 V and 4 to 20 mA
SM 334 analog peripherals for inputs/outputs from 0 to 10 V and 0 to
20 mA
CP 342-5 communication processor for connection to the PROFIBUS-DP

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MCU Description
How to Use the MCU 01.97

2.4 How to connect the MCU

Expansion with To explain the connection possibilities, the figure shows the maximum
peripheral units periphery of an MCU:

Slot 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Rack 3 PS IM

24V 8 x periphery
Signal modules (SM)

Device bus

Rack 2 PS IM NE-module

E/R module
8 x periphery

Signal modules (SM)

Rack 1 PS IM Mains

24V 8 x periphery
Signal modules (SM)

Fig. 2-4 Connection of peripheral units

Three racks with up to eight S7 peripheral modules can be connected. The

modules are snapped onto the rails and connected with each other on the back
by a jumper. This jumper provides for the internal power supply of the modules
and for the communication between the CPU and the modules.

Each rack needs a 24 V supply, which is provided, for example, by the PS

modules of the S7. The power supply of the MCU and the drive does not
supply the peripheral modules.

In addition, each rack contains the IM361 interface module and to the right of
it, the peripheral modules required for the individual application.

2-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 How to Use the MCU

Front panel with The following picture of the front panel of the MCU shows the further
connection connection possibilities in detail:

(at present without function) MPI

Indirect measuring system S7 periphery via P/K-bus

(RUN, Stop, Force, SF,
Direct measuring system
3 test hubs PWM-outputs selector switch
B1 Indicator contact
FR ground startup dissable
4 outputs Kl. 663
e.g. RW, VW Enable P24
4 inputs
e.g. ext. start
Memory card
(not necessary
for operation)

Fig. 2-5 Explanation of the connectors of the MCU

MPI The MPI interface serves for the communication of the MCU with other users,
such as:
Programming device PG 740
Operating panel OP 031
S7-300 or further MCU's

The latter is possible with the MPI service "Global Data". This service enables
a simple data exchange between 2 SIMATIC S7 CPU's, each S7 CPU being
able to manage up to 4 GD areas.

Measuring system The indirect measuring system is an encoder integrated in the motor. In
addition, a direct encoder for position decoding can be connected.

S7-Periphery Connection of the S7 periphery via the integrated IM 360.

via P/K-bus

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How to Use the MCU 01.97

LEDs The LED's display the status of the integrated S7 CPU, positioning and drive
Reset control. With the reset push-button, errors of the positioning control, such as
Selector switch operator , machine and data errors, can be acknowledged. With the mode
selector switch you select the operating mode of the CPU, e.g. RUN, STOP.
Do not confuse this with the operating modes of the positioning control, e.g.
set-up, control.

Test hubs The test hubs serve for recording measuring values, with which the (inherent)
dynamics of the systems can be determined (see MCU function generator and
DAU output in the "Description of functions, positioning with MCU").

Terminals The terminal block serves for connecting enable functions or messages and of
the 4 highspeed inputs and outputs, with which the MCU can externally be
influenced, for example by an external start signal.

SIMODRIVE The device bus supplies the electronics with power.

device bus

PCMCIA The PCMCIA memory card serves for updating the module software. The
update is effected by means of a PCMCIA card. During operation, no
PCMCIA card is needed.

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MCU Description
01.97 How to Use the MCU

2.5 How to commission the MCU

Required hardware Programmer PG720 or PG740 or

PC suitable for Windows, with MPI card or MPI adaption cable

Required software STEP 7 (already installed in the PG)

MCU-PIT consisting of:
- PIT-EDIT for data creation and management
- PIT-CONTROL for direct traversing of the axis via PG/PC
- Standard function blocks technology functions

Fig. 2-6 Machine control panel of MCU-PIT

Configuration of the With STEP 7, you configure the system, e.g. rack location and MPI user
system number. In general, the default values can be accepted.

Create and transfer With PIT-EDIT, the necessary data blocks can be created. The default values
data blocks can be used. When inputting the drive machine data, it will normally be
sufficient to input motor type and power module number. This can also be
effected off-line, i.e. without a direct connection with the MCU via the MPI

When editing in on-line operation, existing data can be read out from the
MCU. When the MCU runs up, various data blocks are generated to which
corresponding standard values are pre-assigned. Communication with the
MCU is established via the MPI user number assigned in STEP 7. The data are
transferred to the MCU with the PIT-EDIT software.

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MCU Description
How to Use the MCU 01.97

Traverse axis The axis can be traversed directly via PIT-CONTROL, e.g.:
via an NC program,
with individual blocks,
by a certain distance, in the incremental traversing operating mode,
or in the set-up mode.

Measuring the It is in addition possible, but not necessary, to measure the dynamics of the
dynamics of the entire system by means of the commissioning functions. For this purpose, move
entire system the system periodically, e.g. according to a square function, and measure the
dynamic reaction of the system, e.g. oscillations or differences between
nominal and actual values.

Optimizing controller The controller parameters can be optimized according to the measurement of
parameters the dynamics.

For a detailed description of these functions and the individual operating steps,
please refer to the corresponding chapters of the documentation.

Data saving The data on the MCU can be saved in the on-board FLASH EPROM:
Data to the SIMATIC S7 with STEP 7 only in CPU stop
Positioning data with PIT-EDIT
Drive data with PIT-EDIT

2.6 How to operate the MCU

Once the system is parameterized, there are several possibilities of operation:

Operation via PG/PC with the MCU-PIT software
Operation via an operating device and supply of the SIMATIC part by
means of the MCU technology block

You can also operate the MCU via an OP. This possibility is recommendable if
you operate the MCU without PG/PC of if certain functions of the MCU-PIT
software shall not be available to the operator. Corresponding standard masks
are offered for OP 031 (EBF) and OP7/OP17.

NC traversing programs can in the standard version be input and loaded by

means of PIT-EDIT. Programs are written in a way similar to DIN 66025.

2-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Functions of the Positioning Part

3 Functions of the Positioning Part

Table of Contents 3.1 What does positioning mean? .................................................3-2

3.2 Control and acknowledgment signals......................................3-2
3.3 Operating modes .....................................................................3-3
3.4 Digital inputs/outputs ...............................................................3-4
3.5 Settings/functions valid for several operating modes ..............3-7
3.6 Further functions......................................................................3-8
3.7 Programming .........................................................................3-10
3.8 Diagnostics and error messages ...........................................3-13
3.9 Commissioning functions ......................................................3-13

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-1

MCU Description
Functions of the Positioning Part 01.97

3.1 What does positioning mean?

Definition Positioning means: Moving a load within a certain time to a defined position,
taking into account all acting forces and moments.

Closed-loop controlled positioning means: Moving exactly to the

programmed target position, with the correct velocity and acceleration and
stopping the axis there, in spite of the influence of disturbance variables.

Survey of the The MCU can position feed and rotary axes. In addition, it offers the following
positioning structure/functionality:
Control and acknowledgment signals
Operating-mode control
High-speed digital inputs/outputs
Settings/functions valid for several operating modes
Software limit switch
Diagnostics and error messages

3.2 Control and acknowledgment signals

Communication between the internal S7 CPU and the internal positioning

control is effected via the standard software "technology functions". The data
interface between the S7 user program and the technology functions is located
in the instance DB of the function block FB OP_MCU (see chapter 4.1).

All important control and acknowledgment signals are accessible. Control

signals are, for example, start, stop, R+, R-, axis enable, etc. Acknowledgment
signals indicate e.g. whether the axis is being traversed, which operating mode
is set, etc. Other data, such as actual and nominal values and settings are also
stored. Control is effected from the user program through access to these data.

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MCU Description
01.97 Functions of the Positioning Part

3.3 Operating modes

Survey Do not confuse the operating modes of the positioning part (set-up, control, ...)
with the operating modes of the PLC (run, stop, ...)!
The operating modes of the positioning part, according to which you can
traverse the axis, are as follows:

Table 3-1 Description of the operating modes

Operating modes Description

Set-up Traversing of the axis by means of the direction keys
The axis is in closed- (R+ or R-) with the preset set-up velocity
loop position control
Control Traversing of the axis by means of the direction keys
The control loop is open (R+ or R-) with the preset speed (in % of maximum speed)
Reference-point Positioning of the axis by means of the direction keys
approach (R+/R-) or the start key in a point defined by the machine
data (reference-point coordinate MD16)
Incremental dimension Traversing of the axis by a selectable amount by means of
the direction keys (R+/R-) in the respective direction
Manual Data Input Positioning by means of individual traversing blocks,
(MDI) similar to DIN 66025
Automatic - following Positioning by means of individual traversing blocks,
block similar to DIN 66025
Automatic - individual Like automatic - following block, with the difference that
block each individual block is started
Function generator Presetting of speed or torque setpoint values during
commissioning, in order to adjust and check the dynamics
of the control.
Measuring function Acquire and display step responses or frequency responses,
in order to adjust and check the dynamics of the control.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-3

MCU Description
Functions of the Positioning Part 01.97

3.4 Digital inputs/outputs

Survey For fast process signals four digital inputs and 4 digital outputs are available, to
which the following functions can be assigned via machine data:

Highspeed External start

inputs Enable input
External block change
Flying actual-value setting
Reference-point switch
Reversal cam for reference-point approach
Emergency retraction (self-supporting drive)
Position-controller blocking
Highspeed outputs Position reached, stop
Axis movement, forwards
Axis movement, backwards
Change M97
Change M98
Start enable

Highspeed inputs Through the concept of highspeed inputs, it is possible to automate machines
for process signals requiring very short signal or response times. Via machine data, you can assign
certain functions to the inputs. The inputs are interrupt inputs, with which a
reaction to a process takes place without any delay.

External Start In installations with positioning processes having a traversing time of, for
example, less than 100 ms and positioning processes following each other at
very short intervals, it is not possible to start the positioning axes via the
SIMATIC input. For these and similar cases, the highspeed inputs of the MCU
can be used. The axis is in this case started, as an alternative to the start signal,
on the SIMATIC interface (inclusive OR).

External When executing a traversing program, the blocks are processed one by one "on
block change the fly". That means that for a block change, the axis has to perform several
checks. These checks are not made at the programmed end point, but earlier, at
the braking point.

The braking point depends on the traversing velocity and the braking value
stored in the machine data. The braking point will only be changed when these
parameters are changed.

It is a technological requirement that the block change point is determined by

further parameters.

3-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Functions of the Positioning Part

Example of an Profiled grinding wheel

external block change Tracing roll

W orkpiece

Quick Roughing Finishing Fine-finising

v motion
Block change

N10 N20 N30

Changing Finished size t
starting point

Fig. 3-1 Application for the external block change

On a grinding machine, hardened workpieces are ground by means of a

profiled wheel. The grinding wheel effects all operations from roughing to fine-
finishing to finished size. Therefore, the wheel must execute a fixed velocity
profile. The path positions are defined in the program. As, however, the
diameter of the blank varies, the starting position and, therefore, the change
from quick motion to grinding speed must permanently be changed. Frequent
whetting of the profiled wheel changes the wheel diameter, which means an
additional change of the starting position. A tracing roll senses the blank
diameter and signals via a switching contact that the starting point for the
grinding operation has been reached.

Through the "external block change" function, the axis executes the next block.
The actual value is maintained, and the grinding operation starts, adapted to the
varying blank diameter. Grinding is effected in optimized time, there are no
additional program changes due to the changed diameter of blank or wheel.

Flying actual-value In belt installations, workpieces are identified via light barriers. The following
setting positioning process places the workpiece into working position. The light-
barrier pulse causes an external block change with flying actual-value setting.
In this way, a backlash or slipping of the conveyor belt can be compensated.

a W orking

s2 s1

Light barrier

Fig. 3-2 Application for flying actual-value setting

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-5

MCU Description
Functions of the Positioning Part 01.97

Flying measuring, Via the functions "flying measuring" and "length measuring", the axis can carry
length measuring out measuring tasks.

By mounting a measuring probe on a positioning axis, the depth of a drill-hole

or the length of a distance can be determined with high accuracy. In "flying
measuring", the probe emits a signal which is transmitted via the interrupt
inputs to the MCU. This stops the axis, and the status of the actual-value
storage at the switching moment of the probe is stored. This saved actual value
indicates the exact depth of the drill-hole, referred to the reference point of the
axis and can be read out later.

With the function "length measuring", the distance between the positive and the
negative edge of the highspeed "measuring" input is calculated.

Workpiece Probe

Nominal depth 10,000

Fig. 3-3 Application for flying measuring or length measuring

Position-controller Roll feed axes require a fine positioning of the sheet steel for the cutting or
blocking pressing operation via positioning pins. For this purpose, the feed roll has to be
lifted. When this process is initiated, the control loop of the roll feed axis must
stop working. Therefore, the position controller must be blocked. In addition,
the pulses of the drive are blocked. As this function has to take place very
quickly, a highspeed input of the MCU is used.

3-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Functions of the Positioning Part

3.5 Settings/functions valid for several operating modes

The following is a selection of the most important functions:

Table 3-2 Description of the functions valid for several operating modes

Operating mode Description

Follow-up mode In the follow-up mode, the control releases the axis, so that
it can be moved by hand. Nevertheless, the MCU records the
position, so that the current actual value is always known
Flying measuring When the signal is recognized on a highspeed input, the
current actual value is stored and can be read out, e.g., in the
Parking axis Switching the axis inactive (for exchanging the motor or
Simulation mode The positioning part simulates a controlled system, all
internal functional sequences behave like in normal mode
Automatic block After abortion of a running program, the program can with
search for- this function be continued exactly where it was aborted -
wards/backwards even if in the meantime, other traversing movements have
been carried out
Teach In With Teach In, the current position is taken over as
the preset nominal value in a given block of a given
program. That means that you can, for example, move the
axis in the desired position in set-up mode and then take
over this value in a program.
Actual-value Upon transfer of the position, this value is set as the actual
setting value in the current position.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-7

MCU Description
Functions of the Positioning Part 01.97

3.6 Further functions

Backlash To compensate the mechanical backlash, the control can consider a

compensation compensation value. This is of particular importance for indirect measuring
systems in connection with, e.g., a ball rolling spindle. The compensation value
is taken into account at each reversal of direction.

Jerk limitation Certain positioning tasks, e.g. transport of oscillatory materials, require a
particularly smooth (jerkfree) velocity curve. This will also spare the
mechanical system and in general improve the lifetime of your machine.
By means of a jerk filter, you can define both the acceleration and the
deceleration as a ramp function.

The jerk filter is parameterized through a time indication (jerk time), which
defines how long the jerk shall be active.

Override / By means of the function "override/time override", you can influence the
time override behaviour of the traversing motion. The override is a pure velocity override,
i.e. it influences the velocity curve in percent. The function "time override"
additionally influences the defined acceleration and deceleration ramps.

Acceleration You can easily adapt the system to changing physical conditions by influencing
correction the acceleration behaviour of the axis in percent.

If a transport system transports very heavy parts or liquids, it may be necessary

to reduce the acceleration values. If the transport system moves without the
part, it can be accelerated more quickly.

The axis offers the possibility to effect this adaption via the G-functions G30 to
G39 in the traversing program. Therefore, the system can even be applied when
the mechanical conditions are subject to great variations.

Software limit You can limit the traversing range of the axes by means of software limit
switches switches to avoid collisions. The positions for the software limit switches are
stored in machine data. The limit switches are input related to the defined
coordinate system and are, therefore, in an absolute relation to the machine
actual-value system. Monitoring is effected automatically from the moment
synchronism starts.

The system controls these internal software limit switches upon each traversing
motion and, if necessary, the motion is interrupted. The axis stops at the
software limit switch.

3-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Functions of the Positioning Part

Rotary axis The MCU offers the possibility to change from feed axes over to rotary-axis
operation. The corresponding settings are made via machine data. The
distances are programmed in degrees and the traversing motions, in

The actual-value counter of the axis is reset after one revolution of the rotary
axis, so that the system allows an absolute as well as an incremental angular-
degree programming.

Table of incremental In the incremental operating mode, you can effect individual positionings of
dimensions relative distances. Positioning is in such cases effected at the parameterized set-
up speed. Up to 100 nominal values can be stored on the MCU in a table of
incremental dimensions.

Remaining-time To optimize the relative motion between press and roll feed, you can determine
measuring the ratio between positioning time and feed-angle time.

Switchover Once you have parameterized both measuring systems, you can quickly switch
indirect/direct over from one measuring system to the other during standstill of the axis.
measuring system

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-9

MCU Description
Functions of the Positioning Part 01.97

3.7 Programming

Survey Programming similar to DIN 66025

2 subroutine levels, max. number of loops 250
Up to 199 programs can be addressed
Up to 255 blocks per program
Program store of 14.5 kB
The maximum number of programs and blocks that can be stored on the
MCU module, can be calculated according to the following formula:
14500 = number of programs x 110 + number of blocks x 20

Example 50 programs are needed on the MCU

14500 = 50 x 110 + Number of blocks x 20
14500 - (50 x 110)
Number of blocks = = 450
450 blocks are available for the 50 programs, e.g. 9 blocks per program.

Program structure A traversing program consists of a number of blocks containing the

information for the motion and the velocities of the axis as well as other
determinations for processing the traversing blocks.

The block with the lowest block number is automatically the program start, the
block with the highest block number is the program end. A program is
executed in ascending order of the block numbers.

Block structure The individual pieces of information of a traversing block are called program
words. A program word contains program, geometry or technology information
and consists of an address character and a sequence of numbers with or without

/ N G1 G2 G3 X/t F M1 M2 M3 D P L

/ Identification of a skip block

N Block number
G1, G2, G3 G-function of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd function group
X/t Position/dwell time
F Velocity
M1, M2, M3 M- function of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd function group
D Tool offset number
P Number of subroutine calls
L Call of a program as a subroutine
% Identification for program number

3-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Functions of the Positioning Part

G-functions With the G-functions, the type of movement is determined and offsets are
called. The G-functions are divided into G-groups according to their meaning.
Each G-group contains a turnon state or a basic position, i.e. this G-function is
active without being selected.

The effectiveness of G-functions is either modal or local (block).

G-functions which are effective block by block are only active in the
programmed block. Modally effective G-functions remain active until they are
replaced by another G-function of the same group

G group G No. G function

04 s Dwell time
87 s Deselection of measuring-system displacement for flying
actual-value setting
1 88 s Continuous motion for (-) for flying actual-value setting
89 s Continuous motion for (+) for flying actual-value setting
90 m Absolute dimension
91 m Incremental dimension
30 m 100 % override of acceleration/deceleration
31 m 10 % override of acceleration/deceleration
2 32 m 20 % override of acceleration/deceleration
to to
39 m 90 % override of acceleration/deceleration
43 m Tool offset (+)
44 m Tool offset (-)
3 50 s External block change
60 m Block change exact stop
64 m Flying block change, continuous-path mode

M-functions With the additional functions, it is possible to output specific commands

causing, e.g. technologically necessary actions, e.g. spindle on/off, chip
evacuator, coolant, hydraulics. For real-time applications, separate M-functions
are available, which can be output via the highspeed outputs of the MCU.

The M-functions are output via the acknowledgment signals in the instance
data block. Machine data determine whether the output takes place time-
controlled, reset-controlled, before, during, after the traversing motion or a
highspeed output.

M-functions having a direct influence on the program control of the module,

e.g. M2 program end, are an exception. Therefore, these M-functions cannot
freely be used.

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MCU Description
Functions of the Positioning Part 01.97

Tool offset The tool offset provides the possibility to use an existing machining program
even after a change of the tool dimensions. Normally, programming refers to
the tool zero point. Through wear or exchange of the tool, the position of the
tool tip may change. You can compensate this change through the tool offset,
without having to change anything in the machining program

The MCU possesses an internal tool offset store in which you can store up to
20 different offset blocks, consisting of absolute/additive length and wear
values. Each offset block is addressed with a D-number.

Example of During machining, tool wear DV occurs. This wear is taken into account in
tool offset comparison with the new tool in absolute terms. Any further occurring wear
can be considered additively. It is, however, also possible to consider any
additional wear in absolute terms. The tool offset is additively composed of the
tool length offset DL and the tool length wear DV.

New tool Tool wear a Tool wear b



Fig. 3-4 Tool offset with the MCU

3-12 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Functions of the Positioning Part

3.8 Diagnostics and error messages

Error messages are subdivided into data errors, operator errors and traversing
errors. In MCU-PIT, they are displayed with text and time of occurrence. Via
the help function you get a detailed description of the error with possible
causes and instructions how to eliminate the error.

3.9 Commissioning functions

Survey With the commissioning functions, the system is traversed periodically, e.g.
according to a square function, and the dynamic reaction of the system, e.g.
oscillations or differences between nominal and actual values, is measured in
the speed and current control loop. In this way, it is possible to measure the
dynamics of the entire system and to optimize the controller parameters

Two procedures The commissioning functions include two different procedures:

1. The function generator excites the drive with a periodic signal whose type
can be parameterized. Via the DAU output hubs (3 signal hubs and 1
ground hub), external measuring devices, e.g. oscillographs, record the
reaction of the system. You can freely parameterize which signals shall be
available on the hubs.
2. By means of the measuring functions the two above-mentioned functions -
excitation and recording of the dynamic reaction of the system - are carried
out by the MCU itself. The measuring results can be graphically viewed
and stored or printed.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-13

MCU Description
Functions of the Positioning Part 01.97

3-14 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Further Questions

4 Further Questions

Table of contents 4.1 Which PLC functions does the integrated S7-CPU offer?.......4-2
4.2 In which way are data saved? .................................................4-6
4.3 Which networking possibilities does the MCU offer? ..............4-7
4.4 Which possibilities does the SIMODRIVE 611offer?..............4-8
4.5 In which way are data exchanged between MCU's
by means of "Global Data?".....................................................4-9
4.6 What has to be observed when configuring? ..........................4-9
4.7 Which training help is available? ...........................................4-11

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-1

MCU Description
Further Questions 01.97

4.1 Which PLC functions does the integrated S7-CPU offer?

Instruction set of the As programming language, STEP 7, a further development of STEP 5, is

integrated S7-CPU available.

In addition to AWL, a language similar to assembler with some standard-

language components, STEP 7 offers the possibility to program graphically
with the contact plan method (KOP), the function plan method (FUP) and, in
the status graph, with HIGRAPH. These belong to graphic programming.

The instruction set of STEP 7 includes, for example:

Elementary operations
Setting/resetting of bits
Time operations
Counting operations
Arithmetic functions
Comparing operations
Data-type conversion
Jump operations
Block calls

Call of an FB in FUP FC: RESTART

representation EN ENO

Call of an FB in AWL CALL RESTART(

representation INSTANCE_DB := ,
TFB := ,
TFGS := ,

Instance DB In the SIMATIC S7, each function block is assigned a data block with the
same number, e.g. FB1 is assigned the DB1. In the instance DB, all values of
the parameters, e.g. control and acknowledgment signals, actual values, error
messages, are stored and can be supplied by the user program.

4-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Further Questions

Program structure STEP 7 has a program structure that enables a structured programming.
Programming is effected at different levels:


Instance DB


Instance DB


Fig. 4-1 Program structure levels

For a detailed explanation of the philosophy and procedure, please refer to the
tutorial von STEP 7.

OB Higher-order transactions are processed in organization blocks. Certain

Organization Blocks transactions are assigned defined OB numbers, e.g. OB1 for the main program,
OB40 for process error elimination, etc., and also certain priorities, e.g. error
elimination OB's have a higher priority than the main program. That means that
the main program will be interrupted as soon as an error/alarm occurs and that
then the corresponding error OB is processed.

FB Function Blocks OB's can call soubroutines: Function Blocks (FB) or Function Calls (FC).
FC Function Calls

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-3

MCU Description
Further Questions 01.97

SFB System Function Blocks (SFB) and System Function Calls (SFC) are pre-
System Function fabricated subroutines. FB's and FC's can, in turn, internally call other
Blocks / FB's/FC's, etc.
Input parameters are given to the subroutine, defining which values shall be
System Function
utilized, and output parameters, defining where the results shall be written. In
Calls our case, the input parameters are the control signals and settings, and the
output parameters are the acknowledgment signals and other display data.

This procedure serves for better clarity, but also allows a flexible use of
prefabricated functions.

DB Data Blocks/ In addition to the program blocks (OB, FB, FC, SFB, SFC) there are Data
Blocks (DB) or System Data Blocks (SDB), containing the relevant data. In
our case these are e.g. machine data, nominal-value parameters, tool offsets
System Data Blocks
and traversing programs. The data blocks of the positioning part have numbers
over 1000 and can, therefore, neither be read nor written by the user program.

The communication between the S7 part of the MCU and the positioning part
is also effected via a data block, namely the instance DB. Here, current actual
values are stored, which can be read from the user program. Furthermore,
control signals are set in the instance DB, which are transferred to the
positioning part of the MCU by means of the below-mentioned FC/FB.

For operation and observation, e.g. with an OP device, actual v alues can be
read either from the instance DB or from the system-data block SDB DB1000.

Technology functions The communication between positioning part and S7 part is programmed by
of ther MCU means of the technology function, consisting of three standard blocks.

Table 4-1 Technology functions of the MCU

Block Block name Meaning
FB1 OP_MCU Setting and operating an operating mode and readout of
the current operational status
FC1 RESTART Synchronizing the data exchange between CPU and
positioning part after startup of the CPU or
the module. Setting the TFB bit for operation via
FC2 CONTROL Additional functions MCU: writing setting data into the
MCU and reading current actual values from the module
FC3 STATUS Readout of status information from the MCU in the
process-alarm program

4-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Further Questions

Cooperation of The following block diagram will help you to better understand the cooperation
the components of the individual components and the role of the technology blocks in them:


The instance
DB is accessed
from all blocks FC RESTART


Instance DB FB OP_MCU


The blocks may be called

only once per cycle

Fig. 4-2 Cooperation of the components

As you see, you can traverse the axis by calling FB OP_MCU and FC
CONTROL in the main program (OB1) with the corresponding parameters,
above all through NC program selection and start.

Sample programs The blocks and their parameters are explained in detail in the manual
"Description of functions, S7 environment". This manual also contains sample

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-5

MCU Description
Further Questions 01.97

4.2 In which way are data saved?

FEPROM A FEPROM is integrated in the MCU for saving user data. All DB's can be
saved: NC machine data, drive machine data, nominal-value parameters, tool
offsets, traversing programs. The saving of these data can be triggered via
MCU-PIT, separately for positioning and drive data. In addition, PLC data,
such as OB's, FB's, FC's, and DB's can be saved on this FEPROM via STEP 7.

PCMCIA Saving of the data on the user module (PCMCIA) is in preparation.

DB Flags, counters, timers, and DB areas can also be saved in a special data block
in case of voltage failure. You can freely parameterize via the STEP 7 software
which data shall be saved. Please refer to the corresponding chapter or the
SIMATIC S7 manual.

Internal clock Like the SIMATIC S7, the MCU possesses an integrated internal clock.

4-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Further Questions

4.3 Which networking possibilities does the MCU offer?

PROFIBUS-DP In addition to the communication with MPI, the MCU can also be networked
via PROFIBUS-DP. PROFIBUS-DP is a field bus for decentralized periphery
(DP), working according to the process field bus DP standard (DIN E 19 245,
part 3). It is applied for fast cyclic communication of small data quantities.
PROFIBUS-DP also allows devices of other manufacturers.

Communications The MCU is connected to PROFIBUS-DP by means of the communications

module CP 342-5 module CP 342-5 (IM coupling).

With the CP 342-5, the following communication services are possible:

PROFIBUS-DP as DP-master
S7 communication (e. g. PG-functions)

The CP 342-5 can be operated alternatively as DP-master or as DP-slave. Each

DP-master can reach up to 32 DP-slaves. The size of the DP data areas is up to
24 bytes each for the input/output area. As DP-slave, the CP 342-5 supports up
to 86 bytes for input/output. The baud rate for the PROFIBUS-DP can be
adjusted with the MCM S7-L2 configuring software between 9600 baud and
1.5 Mbaud.

The following figure illustrates the networking environment:



MCU + S7 periphery with CP342-5


E /R
M o du l

PS307 CP342-5 CP342-5




E /R
M o du l


and/or other DP slaves

ET200C ET200B

Fig. 4-3 Networking environment

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-7

MCU Description
Further Questions 01.97

4.4 Which possibilities does the SIMODRIVE 611offer?

Overview The Siemens SIMODRIVE 611 is a converter system with digital control, with
which economic drive systems can be realized, and, if desired, also high
requirements concerning dynamics, speed regulating range and radial running
accuracy are fulfilled.

Modular design Thanks to the modular design of the converter system, drive configurations
with almost any number of axes or main spindles can flexibly be realized. The
modules needed are determined according to the required intermediate-circuit
power and the size of the motors.

Central modules In the SIMODRIVE 611 systems, open-loop supplies, supply/re-supply

modules, monitoring modules and pulse impedance modules are used as central

Heat reduction For the power modules, different types of heat reduction are available, e.g.
internal and external heat reduction. For detailed information, please refer to
the SIMODRIVE 611 documentation.

4-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Further Questions

4.5 In which way are data exchanged between MCU's by

means of "Global Data?"

Global Data (GD) The Global Data (GD) are a communication mechanism which is effected via
MPI and causes the cyclic exchange of up to 22 bytes. Per program cycle, a
user can receive up to 4 GD packages, i.e. up to 4 simultaneous GD areas are
possible. In each of these areas, senders and receivers can be fixed.

Synchronizing With the Global Data, it is possible to synchronize two MCU's, e.g. through
simultaneous triggering of traversing programs or traversing blocks. A
combined or coordinated traversing of the axes is possible. Further functions,
such as synchronism and interpolation of several axes can be solved with the
SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 technology.

4.6 What has to be observed when configuring?

Ordering numbers For ordering numbers for the MCU, please refer to the catalogs of

Which supply module With smaller motor powers (1 to approx. 14 Nm at 3000 rpm), the open-loop
do I need? supply module UE 5/10 kW may be used. A module UE 10/25 kW and
supply/re-supply modules closed-loop with higher capacities are also available.

Which power modules The motor has to be selected according to the power needed for the positioning
and motors can I use? task. The MCU is designed for core types series 1FT6 and 1FK6. Then, you
choose the corresponding power module. In principle, all power module of the
SIMODRIVE 611 series can be applied. The supply module depends on the
power module to be supplied. The SIMOPRO software enables a simple, user-
prompted selection of these components.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-9

MCU Description
Further Questions 01.97

Which encoders can I In principle, the following encoders can be connected:

Measuring systems integrated in the motor (indirect systems)
- ERN 1387 (incremental)
- EQN 1325 (absolute with EnDat interface)
Additional measuring systems mounted on the machine
- Linear scales with incremental sine/cosine signals (1 Vss),
e.g. LS 486
- Rotatory add-on encoders with sine/cosine signals (1 Vss), e.g. ROD
- Absolute rotatory add-on encoders with EnDat interface
Via signal-amplifying electronics, incremental position-measuring systems
with current signals (7 bis 16 Ass)

The indirect (motor) measuring system is necessary, a direct one can

additionally be used, if needed. Note, however, that when using two measuring
systems, only one of them may be absolute.

Which accessories Siemens offers a comprehensive choice of accessories. Please refer to the
can I use? catalogs, e.g. NC-Z, or contact your Siemens agency .

Which clutches can I To avoid oscillation problems, please observe the instructions for the driven
use? clutches in the "Configuring instructions, selection of the 1FT6/1FK6 motors".

4-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Further Questions

4.7 Which training help is available?

Documentation The overview on the cover page gives you a detailed list of the available

Training Service and configuring course for MCU positioning control

Duration: 3 days
Place: Nrnberg-Moorenbrunn
Designation: NC-MCUSIP
MLFB-No.: 6ZB1 410-0FW01
ZP-No.: AD234SN054

Information Training Center Siemens Automatisierungstechnik

Address: Gleiwitzer Str 555, 90475 Nrnberg
Postal address: Postfach 4848, 90327 Nrnberg
Phone: +911 895-3200
Fax: +911 895-3252

Description The training course is meant for programmers, planning engineers and service
experts of machine manufacturers and end users. The participants are imparted
the necessary know-how for handling and commissioning of the positioning
control MCU.

Prerequisites Knowledge of SIMATIC S7 programming as well as basic knowledge of NC

technology and drive technology are required.

Targets/contents System overview and structure of the MCU user interfaces

of the course Parameterization and commissioning of the MCU, consisting of
SIMATIC S7, positioning part and drive part
Parameterization and commissioning with MCU-PIT
On-line and off-line mode via PG/PC
Operator environment on OP 031/MMC 101
Saving data and reading them in again
Interpretation of error and diagnostic displays
Commissioning of technology blocks
Practical commissioning training

Dates and prices For information on dates and prices:

contact the training center of Nrnberg-Moorenbrunn
refer to catalog IT5
refer to the PRODOK information or user information

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-11

MCU Description
Further Questions 01.97

4-12 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Technical Data

5 Technical Data

Parameters of the Traversing range: 100 m

positioning part Traversing speed: 0.01 mm/min bis 500 m/min
Acceleration: 1 mm/s2 bis 100 m/s2
Jerk time: 0 to 100 s
Closed-loop control time: Parameterizable from 2 ms to 10 ms
Encoder adjustment through machine data
2 software limit switches
Rotary axis reconnectable
Scaling factor for gear ratio matching
Backlash compensation
Tool offsets: Length and wear
Override: Feed rate and acceleration
M-functions: Reset/time-controlled or position-controlled
Zero offset
Teach In
Highspeed inputs/outputs, 4 each
(24 V external, max. 500 mA; 24 V internal, max. 100 mA)

Parameters of the Max. motor speed: 7000 min-1

standard control Radial run-out: 0.2 m with 10 mm spindle pitch
Controller dynamics: min. current regulator cycle 125 s
min. speed regulator cycle 125 s
Startup time of speed regulator: 1.4 ms
Characteristic frequency of the closed speed regulator: 550 Hz
Integrated digital drive bus

Drive Open-loop feed 5/10 kW or 10/25 kW

SIMODRIVE 611 Closed-loop supply/re-supply 16 to 120 kW
Power modules with VSA current intensitites from 3/6 A to 70/140 A
Intermediate circuit voltage 600 V in case of closed-loop supply
Digital feed control
Connection voltages
3AC400 V; 3AC415 V
3AC440 V; 3AC480 V; 3AC500 V; 3AC220 V; 3AC230 V via
matching transformer in economizing circuit

Motors 1FT6 Standstill torques from 1 Nm to max. 140 Nm for nominal speeds from
1500 rpm to 6000 rpm
Protection class IP64 to IP67

Motors 1FK6 Standstill torques from 1.1 Nm to max. 36 Nm for nominal speeds from
3000 rpm to 6000 rpm
Degree of protection IP64

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-1

MCU Description
Technical Data 01.97

Measuring system/ Decoding of speed and rotor position

encoder system Optional position decoding: Direct / indirect
Incremental / absolute
Rotary / linear
Input for sinusoidal/cosinusoidal voltage signals (1 VSS)
and/or EnDat interface (RS485)
Encoder limit frequency: 250 kHz

Monitorings System program memory, following error

Voltages, interfaces, encoder line
Motor temperature, limit switch

Application conditions Dimensions of the MCU slide-in module:

304 mm x 114.5 mm x 49 mm (H x D x W)
Degree of protection depending on the application
in modular SIMODRIVE structure: IP20
in PPU (Protected Power Unit): IP65
Up to 3 MCU's on one mains feed, further MCU's via SIMODRIVE
monitoring modules

SIMATIC S7 Programming language STEP 7

76 kByte main memory / 128 kByte loader memory
Maintenance-free buffering 196 bytes of parameterizable counters, timers,
2048 flags, 128 timers, 64 counters
Up to 768 digital or 96 analog inputs/outputs
Up to 24 modules on 3 sub-racks
Block types: DB, OB, FB, FC, SFC
Instruction set of the CPU 314 for S7-300
Initial system start and cyclic operation
Operating-mode selector switch
Status and error displays
Test and information functions
Data backup on FEPROM

Networking MPI-coupling (3 connections per MCU and up to 4 GD areas)

PROFIBUS-DP connectable via CP342-5

STEP 7 / HIGRAPH / Can run on PG 720 / PG 740 or upgraded PG 730 / PG 770 or industry
MCU-PIT standard with MicrosoftWindows 95 TM
Link of PG to MCU via MPI
Transmission rate: 187.5 kBaud

5-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Appendix

6 Appendix

Table of Contents 6.1 Abbreviations ...........................................................................6-2

6.2 Index ........................................................................................6-5

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-1

MCU Description
Appendix 01.97

6.1 Abbreviations
A Output
AC Alternating current
AD Drive data
AF Automatic following block
AG Automation device
AI Analog input
AKKU Accumulator
AO Analog output
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
AWL Instruction list
AWP User program
BA Operating mode
BCD Binary coded decimals
BD Operating data
BG Module
B&B Operation and observation
EC European Communities
CP Communication processor
CPU Central processing unit
D Tool offset number
DAU Digital-analog converter
DB Data block
DB-SS Interface data block
DC Direct current
DIN Deutsche Industrie-Norm: German industrial standard
DI Digital input
DO Digital output
DP Decentralized periphery
DPR Dual-port RAM
DS Data record
E Input
EBF Unit operator panel
EEC Electrostatically endangered components
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EPROM Erasable programmable read only memory:
a memory which can only be erased by UV rays
E/R Closed-loop supply / re-supply module
F Feed
FB Function block
FC Function call: function block in the PLC
FEPROM Flash EPROM: a memory which can be read and written

6-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Appendix

FM Function module: peripheral module of the SIMATIC S7

FUP Function plan
G G-function
GD Global data
GND Signal ground: reference point
HEX Short designation for hexadecimal number
HF High frequency
HSA Main spindle drive
HW Hardware
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IMS / IMR Interface module: send / receive
IP Intelligent periphery / degree of protection
K-Bus Communication bus of the SIMATIC S7
KOP Contact plan
L Subroutine number
LCD Liquid crystal display
LED Light-emitting diode
LTM Power module
M1, M2, M3 M-function 1st group, M-function 2nd group, M-function 3rd group
MCU Motion Control Unit: single-axis positioning control
MD Machine data
MDI Manual data input
HMC Human-machine communication:
operator environment for operation, programming and simulation
MPI Multi-point interface
MSR Grating of the system of measures
MSST Machine control panel
N Block number
NCU Numeric control unit
NE Mains feed
NPV Zero-point offset
OB Organization block
OP Operator panel
P Number of loops
Pa Parameter
PAA Process image of the outputs
PAB Periphery output byte
PAE Process image of the inputs
P-Bus Periphery bus of SIMATIC S7
PC Personal computer
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PEB Periphery input byte
PG Programmer

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-3

MCU Description
Appendix 01.97

PIT Parameterization and commissioning tools

PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PP Push-button Panel
PPU Protected Power Unit
PR Traversing programs
PWM Pulse-width modulation
PS Power supply
R Parameter
RAM Random-access memory: a program memory which can be read and written
RMS Acknowledgment signal
ROM Read-only memory
s Distance
SDB System data block
SFB System function block
SFC System functions
SM Signal module/Incremental dimension
SSI Serial synchronous interface
STS Control signal (also control block for power module control)
SW Software
SYSDOK System-integrated documentation
TF Technology function
TN-S TN-S network
TTL Transistor-transistor logic
UE Open-loop supply
VDE Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker: Association of German Electrotechnical Engineers
VGA Video graphics adapter
VP Traversing program
VSA Feed drives
V24 Serial interface: definition of the exchange lines between data terminal equipment and data
communication equipment
WK/WZ/WZK/ Tool / tool offset
X Position/ dwell time

6-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
01.97 Appendix

6.2 Alphabetical indexs

A Documentation, 4-11
Drive, 4-8; 5-1
Acceleration, 5-1
Acceleration correction, 3-8
accessories, 4-10
acknowledgment signals, 3-2
actual-value setting, 3-7
flying, 3-5
Application conditions, 5-2
Automatic bloc search forwards/backwards, 3-7
AWL, 4-2

Backlash compensation, 3-8
Bloc structure, 3-10
block change
external, 3-4

internal, 4-6
closed speed regulator
Characteristic frequency, 5-1
Closed-loop control time, 5-1
clutches, 4-10
Commissioning functions, 3-13
communication, 4-4
Communication module, 4-7
compensation Backlash, 3-8
configuring, 4-9
contact plan method, 4-2
Control signals, 3-2
Controller dynamics, 5-1
controller parameters, 3-13
counters, 5-2
Course, 4-11
CP 342-5, 4-7

Data Blocks, 4-4
data exchanged, 4-9
Data saving, 4-6
Diagnostics, 3-13
Digita inputs/outputs, 3-4
Dimensions, 5-2
DIN 66025, 3-10

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-5

MCU Description
Appendix 01.97

encoders, 4-10 KOP, 4-2
error messages, 3-13

length measuring, 3-6
feed axes and rotary axes, 3-2 loader memory, 5-2
feed module, 4-9
flags, 5-2 M
Flying measuring, 3-7
Follow -up mode, 3-7 main memory, 5-2
Function Blocks, 4-3 MCU-PIT, 5-2
Function Calls, 4-3 measuring
function generator, 3-13 flying, 3-6
function plan method, 4-2 measuring functions, 3-13
functions Measuring system, 5-2
valid for several operating modes, 3-7 Switchover, 3-9
FUP, 4-2 M-functions, 3-11
Further Questions, 4-1 Montiorings, 5-2
motor, 4-9
1FK6, 5-1
1FT6, 5-1
motor speed max., 5-1
G-functions, 3-11
Global Data, 4-9
Gobal Data, 4-9 N
networking, 4-7; 5-2
number of loops, 3-10
Operating modes, 3-3
Ordering numbers, 4-9
Inputs, 5-2 organization blocks, 4-3
digital, 3-4 oscillographs, 3-13
inputs/outputs, 5-2 outputs, 5-2
Instance DB, 3-2 digital, 3-4
instance-DB, 4-4 Override, 3-8
Instruction set, 4-2
STEP 7, 4-2
Internal clock, 4-6 P
interrupt inputs, 3-4
Parking axis, 3-7
PCMCIA-Karte, 4-6
PLC functions, 4-2
pogramming language, 4-2
Jerk limitation, 3-8 Position-controller blocking, 3-6
Jerk time, 5-1 Positioning
Positioning, 3-2
Positioning functions, 3-2

6-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU Description
Appendix 01.97

Positioning Part, 3-1 V

power modules, 4-9
Press, 3-9 valid for several operating settings/functions, 3-7
Program, 4-3
Program store, 3-10
Program structure, 3-10
Programming, 3-10

Radial run our, 5-1
Remaining-time measuring, 3-9
Roll feed, 3-9
rotary axes, 3-2
Rotary axis, 3-9

S7-CPU, 4-2
Sample programs, 4-5
valid for several operating modes, 3-7
SIMODRIVE 611, 4-8; 5-1
Simulation mode, 3-7
Software-limit swithes, 3-8
speed regulator
Startup time, 5-1
extern, 3-4
STEP 7, 4-2
instruction set, 4-2
System Data Blocks, 4-4
System Function Blocks (SFB), 4-4
System Function Calls (SFC), 4-4
system of protection, 5-2

Table of incremental dimensions, 3-9
Teach In, 3-7
Technical Data, 5-1
Technology functions, 3-2; 4-4
time override, 3-8
timers, 5-2
tool offset, 3-12
tool offset store, 3-12
Training, 4-11
Transmission, 5-2
Traversing range, 5-1
Traversing speed, 5-1

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-7

MCU Description
Range of application of the MCU documentation

Your Siemens agency will give you further information on catalogs, leaflets and training. The following
list shows you the documentation available for the different tasks:

Tasks Installation and Process

Introduction Planning Configuring start-up operation Service



Product Brief


Choice of
1FT6/1FK6 motors

Choice of

Assembly and

Positioning with


S7 environment

Pocket Reference

necessary recommendable

Catalogs NC 60.1, ST 70 and ST 71 give you a survey on all SIMODRIVE and SIMATIC S7 products.
In the catalogs, you will also find the necessary ordering numbers. The ordering numbers of the docu-
mentation are contained in the respective Docu-Directory and in the Info-Pool system. The data
processing procedure Info Pool is permanently being updated, so that you will find there information not
yet included in the current leaflet directory.

The training center offers courses for SIMATIC, SINUMERIK and SIMODRIVE. The MCU configuring
and service course impart both practical and theoretical knowledge. In Catalog IT 5, you find a survey
of the courses offered.
Contents of the MCU documentation

Planning Guide
Product Brief Description
This manual, designed in attractive This manual gives you the answers on, This manual informs you in detail about
colours, gives you concise information e.g., the following questions: the motors. You select the desired motor
on: and configure your machine with it:
 How do I use the MCU?
 Application range  Which functions does the position-  General
 Structure ing, S7 and drive parts offer?  Description of the motors
 Operation  Which possibilities of communica-  Ordering designations
 Entire system tion and operation does the MCU  Technical data and
 Handling/planning have? characteristic curves
Technical data complete this survey on  How do I parameterize and  Dimensional drawings
the MCU. commission the MCU?

Planning Guide Installation Guide Description of Functions

SIMODRIVE 611 Components Assembly and Connection Positioning with MCU
This manual helps you to configure the In this manual, you will learn In this manual, the integrated position
SIMODRIVE 611 components: everything about assembly and control of the MCU is described:
 System structure  Closed-loop position control
 Open-loop mains supply  Assembly instructions  Digital inputs/outputs
 Power module  Earthing concept  Operating modes
 Closed-loop control components  Interference elimination  User interface
 Hardware interfaces  Programming
 Connection survey  Error messages

Users Guide Description of Functions

Pocket Reference
Description of MCU-PIT S7 Environment
This manual describes the scope of This manual describes the integrated Here, you find information on
functions of the MCU-PIT software: S7 CPU of the MCU:
 Data structure
 Structure and installation  Mechanical structure  Control and
 PIT-EDIT  Addressing of the modules acknowledgment signals
 PIT-CONTROL  Structure of the electrical part  Data blocks
 Menu functions  S7 functionality of the MCU  STEP 7 blocks
 Notes on Windows  Technology functions for MCU  Encoders
 Communication MPI /  Start-up sequence
SINEC L2-DP  Error messages
MCU documentation directory

Leaflet Ordering number

Catalog NC 60.1 E86060-K4460-A101-A2-7600

Catalog NC 60.2 E86060-K4460-A201-A2-7600
Catalog ST 70 E86060-K4670-A101-A2-7600
Catalog ST 71 E86060-K4671-A101-A1-7600
Product Brief 6ZB5 440-0WB02-0BA2
Description 6SN1 197-0MA01-1BP0
Complete manual, consisting of: 6SN1 197-0MA01-0BP0
Encoders in preparation
PJ - Choice of 1FT6/1FK6 motors 6SN1 197-0MA01-2BP0
PJ - Choice of SIMODRIVE 611 components 6SN1 197-0MA01-3BP0
IA - Assembly and connection 6SN1 197-0MA01-4BP0
BS - Positioning with MCU 6SN1 197-0MA01-5BP0
BN - Description of MCU-PIT 6SN1 197-0MA01-6BP0
BS - S7 Environment 6SN1 197-0MA01-7BP0
Pocket Reference 6SN1 197-0MA01-8BP0
Encoders in preparation
Communication in preparation
Operation and Observation in preparation
EMC in preparation
Appendix in preparation
Scope of Functions 1

Configuring 2

SIMODRIVE 611 Commissioning 3

MCU 172A
Single-Axis Positioning Control Index 4

User Manual

Edition January 1997

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
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If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please inquire
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01.97 Scope of Functions

1 Scope of Functions

Contents 1.1 Introduction ..............................................................................1-2

1.2 Incremental Encoders..............................................................1-3
1.3 EnDat Absolute Value-Encoders .............................................1-4
1.4 Encoder Supply .......................................................................1-5
1.5 Temperature Sensor................................................................1-6
1.5.1 Description...............................................................................1-6
1.5.2 Machine Data/
Error Messages Regarding the Motor Temperature................1-7

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1.1 Introduction

Tasks Electronic controls require external information regarding the current status of
the units to be controlled.
To position and monitor controlled axis drives, the following information
(actual values) is required:
motor speed,
rotor position, and
axis position.

Measuring point Generally, there is a difference between:

direct measuring and
indirect measuring.

Definition: Measuring of the actual value of the rotary movement of rotary axes, or of the
Direct measuring translatory movement of linear axes directly at the mechanical unit to be

Definition: Measuring of the actual value of the rotary movement of rotary axes, or of the
Indirect measuring translatory movement of linear axes indirectly via mechanical intermediate
elements, such as ball spindle, gearbox, clutches.

Motor speed/ For the controlling of the motor speed/rotor position, highest dynamic
Rotor position characteristics are required. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to use a
motor encoder (built-in type).

Axis position For the controlling of the axis position, either direct or indirect position
measurement can be used; indirect position measurement of the MCU can be
realized by means of the built-in encoder for motor speed/rotor position, or a
built-on encoder can be used.

Incremental encoder It is possible to connect incremental encoders for position measurement with
principle MCU sin/cos voltage signals. The difference signals A A , B B must provide a
peak voltage of 1 Vss, and the zero-pulse track a peak voltage of 0.5 .... 1 Vss.

These signals must be compatible to those of ERN 1387 (see Section 2.2.1).

Absolute-value It is possible to connect EnDat absolute-value encoders with additional sin/cos

encoder principle voltage signals 1 Vss (Incremental track ).

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01.97 Scope of Functions

1.2 Incremental Encoders

Required signals The incremental encoders to be used must provide two sinus voltage signals A
and B offset by 90 degrees, with their negation and with a zero pulse including
its negation. In any case, the commutation signal is provided by the built-in
encoder in the 1FT6-/1FK6 motor.

Signal values Transmission: Difference signals

A, A ; B, B and 0, 0
Amplitude A A 1 Vss 30 %
Amplitude B B 1 Vss 30 %
Amplitude 0 0 0.5 Vss...1 Vss
Voltage supply: 5 V5 % (see also Section 1.4)
Max. supply current: 300 mA
Max. evaluable encoder signal frequency: 350 kHz


At a frequency of 350 kHz, the signal amplitude must be > 60 % of the nominal
amplitude. The phase offset amount shall deviate from the ideal value of 90
between the tracks A and B only by < 30 .

Pay attention to the frequency response of the encoder signals.

Signal characteristic
on clockwise rotation A-A

90 el. 360 el.


Range where the zero

0-0 pulse must be provided

Fig. 1-1 Signal characteristic on clockwise rotation

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1.3 EnDat Absolute Value-Encoders

Absolute In addition to the incremental tracks, EnDat absolute-value encoder systems

actual position provide an information on the absolute actual position. This information is read
out from the encoder by the MCU after Power ON, thus initializing the actual
position. Approaching to the reference point is therefore not necessary.

During operation, the absolute-value encoder works like an incremental

measuring system.

EnDat The Encoder Data Interface is a bi-directional synchronous-serial interface

intended for fast transfer of measured absolute values and further information

Required signal For the signal values required see 2.2.5. EnDat absolute-value encoders do not
values require a zero pulse, and this is therefore not transmitted.

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1.4 Encoder Supply

The MCU module supplies one encoder each with a +5 V, 5 % DC voltage

indirect measuring (built-in encoder via X411), and
direct measuring (built-on encoder via X 421)
The module is operated in the Remote/Sense mode.

Remote/Sense In all encoders providing 1 Vss signals, the lines

+ 5 V (P encoder) with + 5 V sense
0 V (M encoder) with 0 V sense (internally) are bridged.
The aim is to measure the encoder supply voltage and to feed it back to the
voltage regulator of the MCU. This regulator compares the actual-value
voltage fed back with the voltage set and regulates the voltage at the controller
up to + 5 V DC 5 %. In this way, voltage drops along the supply lines up to a
line length of 40 m (in case of precut lines as offered in the Siemens Catalog
NCZ or NCZ1) are compensated.

Overload protection The power supply is protected against

overload > 300 mA and
short circuit.
It is monitored. In the case of error, respective error messages are displayed
(see Error Lists) and/or the axis is stopped.

Data Control range for Remote/Sense 5.1 V ... 5.3 V

Max. ripple 50 mVss
Permissible current loading/encoder conn. 300 mA

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1.5 Temperature Sensor

1.5.1 Description
The 1FT6/1FK6 motors are equipped with a built-in, thermoresistor-based
temperature sensor . The resistance changes proportionally to the temperature
change of the winding.

Motor protection The sensor lines (+temp. -temp.) are lead to the MCU via the encoder line of
the built-in encoder (see Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.3).
The evaluation is carried out in 2 steps:

The MCU responses when the temperature limits set in the machine data are

Additional protection Due to the thermal coupling time of the sensor, high overloads occurring for a
short moment require additional protection measures. If the overload (4 x I0)
lasts longer than 4 sec, an additional protection should be provided.

If the user wishes to carry out an additional high-voltage test, the line ends of
the temperature sensors must be short-circuited prior to testing. Supplying the
test voltage directly to the temperature sensor would destroy the sensor.

The integrated temperature sensor protects the servomotors from overload up
to 4 x I0 60 K
Moreover, a protection by the I2t monitoring of the inverter is provided if I0
motor I nim inverter

Overload protection When using servomotors (axis heights 36 and 48), the temperature sensor
limits protects only up to 2 I0 60 K.
For thermally critical loads, e. g. high overload on standstill of the motor, no
sufficient protection is provided. To provide sufficient protection, a thermal
overcurrent relay must be connected.

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Specifications of the The integrated temperature sensor KTY84 has the following specifications
KTY84 when used in conjunction with 1FT6/1FK6 motors:

Cold resistance at 20 C approx. 580 ohm

Warm resistance at 100 C approx. 1,000 ohm
Connection to the motor via encoder connector
prewarning temp. MD1602 120 C
shutdown temp. MD1607 155 C 5 C

1.5.2 Machine Data/Error Messages Regarding the Motor Temperature

Temperature- The temperature thresholds are set in the following machine data:
MD Value/Description Unit
1602 0 ... 120 C
Motor temperature warning threshold
1603 0 ... 240 s
Motor temperature alarm timer
1607 0 ... 200 C
Motor temperature shutdown limit
1608 0 ... 2.. C
Fixed temperature

MD1602 Input of the thermally permissible stationary motor temperature, or automatic

parameterization by MD1102 (motor code number).

MD1003 If the temperature set in MD1602 is exceeded:

the timer MD1003 is triggered
If the temperature remains above the value set in MD1602 over the time set
in the parameterized timer MD1003, the time elapses until TIME OUT.
After this:
The drive is stopped by means of the generator.
error message 30614

MD1607 The value can be below the value set in MD1602; however, usually, it is
If this temperature limit is reached (for example, before the time set in
MD1003 is elapsed), the following happens:
The drive is stopped by means of the generator.
error message 30613

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MD1608 Entering a value > 0 makes the temperature measurement and thus MD1602,
1603, 1607 ineffective. The entered value imitates the motor temperature. This
makes sense if the temperature sensor is defective. The motor control does not
work without providing the motor temperature.

Hiding the error The following bits can be used to hide error messages:
No. of Hidden
MD Value/Description
Error Message

1601 bit 13 1 hidden

Temperature - motor shutdown directly

1601 bit 14 1 hidden

Timer-controlled temperature shutdown

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01.97 Configuring

2 Configuring

Contents 2.1 Selection of the Encoder .........................................................2-2

2.2 Encoder Data...........................................................................2-4
2.2.1 Incremental Encoder ERN 1381/1387.....................................2-4
2.2.2 Absolute Encoder EQN1325 ...................................................2-6
2.2.3 Incremental Encoder SIMODRIVE Sensor..............................2-8
2.2.4 Linear Scale LS 186 ..............................................................2-10
2.2.5 EnDat Absolute-Value Encoder ROQ 425.............................2-12
2.2.6 Other Encoders .....................................................................2-13
2.3 Machine Data.........................................................................2-14
2.3.1 Prior to Commissioning .........................................................2-14
2.3.2 Parameterizing a Linear Axis by Means of an
Indirect Measuring System (IM).............................................2-22
2.3.3 Parameterizing a Rotary Axis by Means of an
Indirect Measuring System (IM).............................................2-24
2.3.4 Parameterizing a Linear Axis by Means of a
Linear Scale (avail. soon) ......................................................2-26
2.3.5 Parameterizing a Linear Axis by Means of a
Rotary Encoder (DM).............................................................2-27
2.3.6 Parameterizing a Rotary Axis by Means of a
Rotary Encoder (DM).............................................................2-28

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2.1 Selection of the Encoder

Built-in - Generally, speed control and position measurement always require an indirect
motor encoder encoder (built-in encoder).
This is ensured by configuring the 1FT6/1FK6 motors released for work with
the MCU.

The encoder integrated in the motor can additionally be used as an actual-value

encoder for position control. In this case, no further encoder is required.

Selection Configuring Instructions:

of the motor see Chapter 4:
Selection of the motors 1FT6/1FK6.

It is possible to configure the 1FT6/1FK6 with:

a built-in incremental encoder, sin/cos voltage signals 1 Vss
a built-in EnDat absolute-value encoder and additional incremental tracks /
sin/cos voltage signals 1 Vss

Selection of the direct In order to rule out any inaccuracies due to the transmission elements (casing,
measuring system threaded spindle etc. ), a measuring system for acquiring the position directly at
the workpiece can be configured. Depending on the number of produced ma-
chines, either a rotary or a linear measuring system can be used.

Length of lines The max. permissible length of the lines between encoder (built-in or build-on
encoder) and the MCU amounts to 40m.

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01.97 Configuring

Permissible motor / Indirect position measurement Direct position measurement

encoder combinations
Incremental linear scale 1)

Built-in Table
MCU increm. Built-on
encoder Motor increm.
1FT6/1FK6 encoder

Machine axis

Absolute linear scale

Built-in Table
MCU increm. Built-on
encoder 1) Motor absolute
1FT6/1FK6 encoder

Machine axis

Incremental linear scale 1)

Built-in Table
MCU absolute- Built-on
value Motor increm.
encoder 2) 1FT6/1FK6 encoder 1)

Machine axis

1) sin/cos voltage signals ~1 V ss

2) EnDat-absolute value encoder and sin/cos voltage signals ~ 1 V ss

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2.2 Encoder Data

2.2.1 Incremental Encoder ERN 1381/1387

Incremental encoder Type: optical encoder system

ERN 1381/1387
Coupling: on the operating side (built-in in the motor)

Application: tacho for actual speed acquisition

rotor position encoder for inverter control
indirect measuring system for position-control loop

Evaluation: incremental

Output signals: sinusoidal

Connection: by plug

Application: 1FT6, 1FK6

Adjustment: When adjusting the motor, it is driven in clockwise direction, viewed from the
drive side. The encoder is turned such that the passage through zero of the
motor e.m.f. UUY (UUY: phase voltage of U phase to artificial neutral point)
with a rising positive edge coincides with the reference signal of the encoder.
After adjusting, a 6pole motor provides signals having the following charac-
teristic (the reference signal is represented by the wider curve):

U [V] Reference signal

e.m.f. U

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Signal sequence Signal sequence and assignment at positive direction of rotation (clockwise
rotation, viewed from the drive side); C-D signals with ERN 1387 only:

U [V]
360 mech.
360 el. =

45 el.


180 el. 90 el.

U [V]


360 el. = 360 mech.

When changing the encoder, the position of the encoder system must be ad-
justed to the motor e.m.f. (not in case of 1 PH motors).

Technical specifica- Mech. limit speed 12,000 1/min

tions Operating voltage 5V 5%
Current consumption max. 150 mA
Number of graduation marks 2,048
Incremental signals 1 VSS
Accuracy 20"
Vibrational strength
Vibration (552,000 Hz) 100 m/s2 to DIN IEC 6826
Shock (10 ms) 1000 m/s2 to DIN IEC 68227
Operating temperature between 15 C and +120 C
Storage temperature between 20 C and +80 C

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2.2.2 Absolute Encoder EQN1325

Absolute encoder Type: optical encoder system

EQN1325 EnDat
Coupling: on the operating side (built-in in the motor)

Application: tacho for actual-speed acquisition

rotor position encoder for inverter control
indirect measuring system for position-control loop

Evaluation: absolute and incremental

Output signals: sinusoidal and serial interface

Connection: by plug

Application: 1FT6, 1FK6

Adjustment One passage through zero of the e.m.f. UUY (U phase to neutral point) with a
rising positive edge within one revolution must coincide with the falling edge
of the MSB (Most Significant Bit) position word.

Signal sequence and assignment at positive direction of rotation (clockwise

rotation, viewed from the drive side):


e.m.f. U U-Y

When changing the encoder, the position of the encoder system must be ad-
justed to the motor e.m.f.

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Technical specifica- Mech. limit speed 12,000 1/min

tions Operating voltage 5 V 5%
Current consumption 300 mA
Resolution, incremental 2,048 periods per revolution
Resolution, absolute 4,096 revolutions; coded
Incremental signals 1 VSS
Serial absolute-position interface RS 486
Accuracy 20"
Vibrational strength
Vibration (552,000 Hz) 100 m/s2 to DIN IEC 6826
Shock (6 ms) 1000 m/s2 to DIN IEC 68227
Operating temperature between 15 C and +115 C
Storage temperature between 20 C and +80 C

The reduced maximum operating temperature of the EQN 1325 in comparison
with the ERN 1387 results in a reduced nominal motor torque (see Technical
Specifications of the motors).

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2.2.3 Incremental Encoder SIMODRIVE Sensor

Built-on incremental When using motors of the 1FT6 or 1FK6 series, a built-in encoder is in any
encoder rotary case provided so that actual values are available at least for speed control and
rotor position measuring. In this case, a built-on encoder has to provide only
the actual position values. Installing of a built-on encoder makes only sense for
direct position measuring, i.e. without intermediate gear to the encoder.

For direct position measuring, the optoelectronic built-on rotary encoder SI-
MODRIVE Sensor (1 Vss) can be used.

SIMODRIVE Sensor The SIMODRIVE Sensor (1 Vss) provides 3 difference signals:

signals (1 Vss)
Signal Sinusoidal Pulses Actual Value for
Name (Periods)

AA 1,000 position con-

x 1,024
BB 2,500

00 no 1 zero pulse

Signal sequence The Fig. below shows the signal sequence of the SIMODRIVE Sensor at posi-
tive direction of rotation (clockwise rotation, viewed from the drive side).




The difference signals listed below have an amplitude of Vss = 1 V:


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Specifications of the
Incremental signals Difference signals acc. to the EIA Standard
SIMODRIVE Sensor Pulses (periods)/revolution RS 485
Signal voltages 1,000, 1,024, 2,500, 5,000 1)
Accuracy 1 Vss
60 at 1,000 periods/ revolution
30 at 2500 periods/ revolution
Voltage supply 15 at 5000 periods/ revolution
Limit frequency 3 dB DC 5 V 5 %/ max. 130 mA
Light source 200 kHz
Max. mechanical speed
Vibration (10 to 2,000 Hz) 12,000 min-1
Shock (6 ms) 200 m/s2 to IEC 68-2-6
2000 m/s2 to IEC 68-2-29
Degree of protection 0.25 kg
without wave input
with wave input IP65
Operating temperature
Storage temperature between 0 and + 80 C
between -25 and + 80 C

1) other resolutions on request

For further specifications see Catalog NC Z.

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2.2.4 Linear Scale LS 186

Built-on incremental The linear scale LS 186 of Heidenhain Co. can be used for direct translatory
encoder, translatory position measuring.

LS 186 signals The linear scale provides 3 difference signals:

Signal Sinus- Graduation Pe- Actual Value for

Name oidal riod/
AA position control
x 1/20 m
00 no 1/50 mm zero pulse

Signal sequence LS
360 mech.
360 el. =


45 el.


180 el. 90 el.

The difference signals A A,

have an average amplitude of Vss = 1 V.
The useful signal of the zero pulse has an average value of 0.5 Vss.

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Specifications of the
Incremental signals
LS 186 Pulses (periods) 1 per 20 m
Signal voltages 1 Vss
Accuracy, absolute 3 to 5m/m
Repeating accuracy between 0.5 and 1m
Reference marks that can be selected
by solenoids; all scale lengths (25 50 mm
steps) min. 140mm, max. 3040 mm
Max. traversing speed 120/ min
Voltage supply DC 5 V 5 %/ < 150 mA
Light source LED

Vibration (55 to 2,000 Hz) 200 m/s2 to DIN IEC 68-2-6

Shock (11ms) 400 m/s2 to DIN IEC 68-2-27
Weight 0.2 kg + 2.6 kg/m measuring length
Degree of protection
when installed as indicated in the IP63
Mounting Instructions IP64
if compressed air is supplied

Operating temperature between 0 and + 50 C

Storage temperature between -20 and +70 C

For further specifications see Catalog "NC Length Measuring Systems" of

Heidenhain Co.

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2.2.5 EnDat Absolute-Value Encoder ROQ 425

Built-on absolute- The optical built-on EnDat absolute-value encoder (multi-turn encoder of
value encoder, rotary Heidenhain Co.) can be configured irrespective of the used 1FT6/1FK6 mo-
ROQ 425 tors.

If the encoder built-in in the 1FT6 motor is an absolute-value encoder, only an
incremental encoder can be used as external encoder.

The ROQ 425 provides the required position values (signals) for position con-
trol. Approaching to the reference point is not necessary.

ROQ 425 signals Compatible to those of the EQN 1325, see Section 2.2.2

Specifications of the Absolute-value encoder signals Difference signals acc. to the EIA Standard
ROQ 425 Measuring range RS 485
Accuracy 4,096 revolutions
30 angle seconds
Incremental signals
Pulses (periods)/ revolution Difference signals acc. to the EIA Standard
Signal voltages RS 485
Accuracy, absolute 2,048
= 1 Vss for A A , B B
Voltage supply 20 angle seconds
Light source
Max. mechanical speed DC 5 V 5 %/ 300 mA
Vibration (55 to 2,000 Hz) LED
Shock (6 ms) 6,000 min-1
Start-up torque at 20C 100 m/s2 /DIN ICE 68-2-6
Weight 1,000 m/s2 /DIN ICE 68-2-27
Degree of protection acc. to DIN 0.025 Nm
40050 0.5 kg
at the wave input
without wave input IP64
Operating temperature IP67
Storage temperature between -20 and + 80 C (measuring point -
between -30 and +80 C

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2.2.6 Other Encoders

If you wish to configure incremental encoders for direct position measuring

other than the types described, the signals A A , B B , 0 0 must corre-
spond to those of the ERN 1387. This also applies to EnDat absolute-value en-
coders. All signals (data protocol, A A , B B ) must be equivalent to those
of the EQN 1325.


If the encoder built-in in the 1FT6/1FK6 motor is an absolute encoder, only an

incremental encoder can be used as external encoder.

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2.3 Machine Data

2.3.1 Prior to Commissioning

Prior to commissioning, the machine data must be defined or calculated. The

figures provided in the following are examples which are applicable when the
machine data (MD) are directly entered into the data blocks DB 1200 (DB-M)
and DB 1251 (DB-AM). Any entries made by means of MCU-PIT are corre-
spondingly marked "(MCU-PIT)".

Unit system raster Further machine data can only be defined if the unit system raster is set.
MD Designation Entry Value Unit
7 Unit system for linear 1 10-3 mm USR
and rotary axes 2 10-4 inch
3 10-4 degrees
4 10-2 degrees


The unit system raster (MD7) must match with the indicated unit system raster
of the other DBs. If you inadvertently should not have adhered to this note,
carry out the following sequence of operations:
1. Delete all data blocks on the MCU which do not correspond to the unit
2. Change the unit system in the machine data.
3. Modify the remaining data blocks on the PU.
4. Reload the data blocks to the MCU.

Axis distance to be Generally, the following applies to rotary encoders with linear and rotary axes:
encoder revolutions Distance Distance traversed by the linear / rotary axis
s = =
Encoder revolutions 1 x encoder revolution

The following applies to linear scales:

s =
Graduation cycle

s is needed to make entries into the machine data.

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01.97 Configuring

Graduation cycle: Distance between two zero pulses or

distance per spindle revolution or
distance per motor revolution

A summary of the machine data to be used for the encoders (with an informa-
tion on designation, limit value etc.) is to be found in Section 3.3.

The following flow diagrams can be considered either as a sequential unit, but
it is also possible to carry out selective jumps:
Flow diagram:
built-in encoder - MD (must always be processed)
indirect position measurement (IM), linear axis
indirect position measurement (IM), rotary axis
direct position measurement (DM), linear axis with linear scale
direct position measurement (DM), linear axis with rotary encoder
direct position measurement, rotary axis

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Flow diagrams for encoder machine data which can be configured

Motor encoder Built-in encoder MD 1005 = 2,048

(always exists, MD 1011, bit 4 = 0 / OFF
input always required) 5 = 0 / YES
MD 1790 = 0 (display)

in incremental Yes MD 1011, bit 3 = 0 / OFF
encoder (motor
encoder) ?


MD 1011, bit 3 = 1 / ON
EnDat absolute-value enc. MD 1021 = 4,096 (display)
MD 1022 = 8192 (display)

built-in en- Yes
coder for indirect
position meas.
(IM) ?

Indirect position meas. (IM)

Rotary axis ? 1


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Indirect 1
position measure- MD8 = 1 / rotary axis
MD60 bit 0 = 1 / yes
ment, bit 1 = 0 / no
rotary axis Indirect position meas. (IM) MD13 = 2048 = MD1005
rotary axis MD1790 = 1 (display)

Incremental encoder MD10 = 1 / incremental encoder


MD10 = 5 / EnDat encoder

EnDat absolute-value encoder
MD14 = 4096
MD 1790=16 (display)

make sense in the following cases:

MD9 = 36000 at USR: 10 degrees-2
9 = 3600000 at USR: 10 degrees-4
Reversing with MCU-PIT:
rotary axis No MD9 = 360.00 at USR: 10 degrees
MD9 = 360.0000 at USR: 10 degrees -4
n x 360 degrees
? CAUTION! The number n of revolutions of the
rotary axis is only limited when
using an EnDat absolute-value encoder.
Yes -2
MD9 = X00 at USR: 10 degrees
MD9 = X0000 at USR: 10 degrees
End of rotary axis after with MCU-PIT:
x degrees -2
MD9 = X.00 at USR: 10 degrees
MD9 = X.0000 at USR: 10 degrees
The decimale can be unequal to 0.

Calculation of distance/
see Section 2.3.1
encoder revolutions

Unit system raster -4

1) MD7 = 3 / 10 degree
(USR) 10 -4degree 1) Yes -4
2) MD7 = 2 / 10 inch
10 -4inch 2) MD11, 12: see 7/1.2


MD7 = 4 / 10 degree
Unit system raster Yes
(USR) 10 -2 degree MD11, 12 see 7/1.2


MD7 = 1 / 10 mm-3
Unit system raster
(MSR) 10 -3 mm MD11, 12 see 7/1.2

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Indirect 2
MD8 = 0 / linear axis
position measure- MD60 bit 0 = 1 / yes
ment, linear axis MD60 bit 1 = 0 / no
Indirect position meass. (IM)
MD13 = 2048 = MD1005
linear axis
MD1790 = 0 (display)

Incremental encoder MD10 = 1 / incremental encoder


MD10 = 5 / EnDat encoder

EnDat absolute-value encoder
MD14 = 4096

MD7 = 1 / 10 -3
Unit system raster Yes MD11, 12 see 7/1.2
(USR) 10 -3 mm

MD7 = 2 / 10 -4
Unit system raster (USR) MD11, 12 see 7/1.2
10 -4inch

position measurement 3

Direct position meas. (DM)

(in prep.)

Rotary axis Yes



Linear axis (in prep.)

Rotary encoder Yes



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Direct position meas- 4 MD60 bit 0 = 0 / no

urement, rotary axis bit 1 = 1 / yes
MD8 = 1 / rotary axis
Direct position meas. (DM) MD57 = 2048
rotary axis (in prep.) MD1007 = 2048
MD1030 bit 4 = 0 / off
MD1791 = 0 (display)

Yes MD54 = 1 / incremental encoder

Incremental encoder MD1030 bit 3 = 0 / off


MD54 = 5 / EnDat encoder

EnDat absolute-value encoer MD1030 bit 3 =1 / on
MD1011 bit 3 = 0 / off

MD14 = 4096
Multi-turn resolution
MD1031 = entered automatically

Measuring steps of MD1032 = entered automatically

absolute track .
makes sense in the following cases:
MD9 = 36000 at USR: 10 degree
MD9 = 3600000 at USR: 10 degree
with MCU-PIT:
rotary axis -2
No MD9 = 360.00 at USR: 10 degree
n x 360 degree -4
MD9 = 360.0000 at USR: 10 degree
CAUTION: The number n of revolutions
of the rotary axis is only limited when using
Yes an EnDat absolute-value encoder.

MD9 = X00 at USR: 10 degree
= X0000 at USR: 10 degree
End of rotary axis at MCU-PIT:
after x degree -2
MD9 = X.00 at USR: 10 degree
MD9 = X.0000 at USR: 10 degree
The decimals can be unequal to 0.

Calculation of distance/
see Section 2.3.1
encoder rev.

1) MD7 = 3 / 10 degree
Unit system raster -4
-4 1) Yes 2) MD7 = 2 / 10 inch
(USR) 10 degree
10 -4inch 2) MD55, 56 see 7/1.2
? -4
MD1007 = MD57 / 10 degree

MD7 = 4 / 10 degree
Unit system raster
-2 Yes MD55, 56 see 7/1.2
(USR) 10 degree
? MD1007 = MD57


Unit system raster -3

MD7 = 1 / 10 mm
(USR) 10 -3 mm MD55, 56 see 7/1.2
MD1007 = MD57

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Direct position meas- 5 MD60 bit 0 = 0 / no

urement, linear axis, bit 1 = 1 / yes
Direct position meas. (DM), MD8 = 0 / linear axis
rotary encoders
linear axis, MD57 = 2048
rotary encoder (in prep.) MD1030 bit 4 = 0 / off
MD1790 = 0 (display)

Yes MD54 = 1 / incremental encoder

Incremental encoder MD1007 = MD57
? MD1030 bit 3 = 0

MD54 = 5 / EnDat encoder
MD1011 bit 3 = 0 / aus
EnDat absolute-value encoer MD1030 bit 3 =1
MD 1791=16 (display)

MD14 = 4096
Multi-turn resolution
MD1031 = 4096 (display)

Measuring steps of MD1032 = 8192 (display)

absolute track

Unit system raster (USR) MD55 see 7/1.2
10 -3mm/10 -4inch

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Direct position meas- 6

MD60 bit 0 = 0 / no
urement, linear axis, bit 1 = 1 / yes
Direct pos. meas. (DM),
linear scale linear axis, MD8 = 0 / linear axis
linear scale (in prep.) MD1030 bit 4 = 1 / on
MD1791 = 0 (display)

Yes MD54 = 1 / incremental encoder

Incremental encoer
MD1030 bit 3 = 0 / off

MD54 = 5 / EnDat encoder
MD1030 bit 3 = 1 / on
EnDat absolute-value encoder MD1791=16 (display)

MD1031 = (display)
Meas. steps of absolute track
MD1032 = (display)

MD7 = 1 / 10 -3
Unit system raster Yes
MD55/56 see 7/1.2
(USR) 10 -3 mm MD1007 = MD57


MD7 = 2 / 10 -4
Unit system raster
MD55/56 see 7/1.2
10 -4inch
MD1007 = MD57

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2.3.2 Parameterizing a Linear Axis by Means of an Indirect Measuring

System (IM)

Indirect position measuring (built-in encoder) at a linear axis with gearbox and

Motor Gearbox


The unit of measurement for the distance can either be 10-3 mm or 10-4 inch, by
option; the selected unit system is indicated in MD7. The following example
assumes that USR = 10-3 mm.

Spindle revolutions
Given: Gear ratio SG =
Encoder revolutions

Distance [ mm ]
Spindle lead s s =
Spindle revolution

Sought: s =
Encoder revolutions

s = s s . SG

Example 1 20 mm
Given: SG = , ss =
136 rev.
20 mm mm
Sought: s= s = 0.1470588235294
136 rev. rev.

Converted to machine data (with refer to the unit system)

MD11 + MD12 2-32 = s 1/USR
MD11 + MD12 2-32 = 0.1470588235294 1/10-3
MD11 + MD12 2-32 = 147.0588235294
MD11 + MD12 2-32 = 147 + 0.0588235294
MD11 = 147
MD12 = 0.0588235294 232 = 252645135

The machine data are entered by means of MCU-PIT in physical units, i.e. the
machine-internal unit system is considered internally.
MD11PIT = 147 10-3 = 0.147
MD12 PIT = 252645135 10 -3
= 252645.135
From software version MCU-PIT 3.0, the value in the menu "Encoder-related
data" can be entered directly: MD11/12=0.1470588235294

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2.3.3 Parameterizing a Rotary Axis by Means of an Indirect Measuring

System (IM)
Indirect position measuring (built-in encoder) of a rotary axis with gear

Denom. Numer.
Built-in Rotary
Motor Motor
encoder axis

Distance traversed by the rotary axis

s =
Encoder revolutions

The unit of measurement which can be used for the distance is either 10-2 de-
grees or 10-4 degrees, by option also 10-3 mm or 10-4 inch; the selected unit
system is indicated in MD7. The following example assumes that USR = 10-4

Given: Angle for a full rotary axis revolution

Rotary axis revolutions
Gear ratio SG =
Encoder revolutions
Sought: s
s = SG
Rotary axis revolution

Example Given: 360 degrees

= 1 : 136
360 degrees

s = 2.647058823529

Converted to machine data (with refer to the unit system)

MD11 + MD12 2-32 = s 1/USR
MD11 + MD12 2-32 = 2.647058823529 1/10-4
MD11 + MD12 2-32 = 26470.58823529
MD11 + MD12 2-32 = 26470 + 0.58823529
MD11 = 26470
MD12 = 0.58823529 232 = 2526451332

The machine data are entered by means of MCU-PIT in physical units, i.e. the
machine-internal unit system is considered internally.
MD11PIT = 26470 10-4 = 2.647;
MD12 PIT = 2526451332 10 -4
= 252645.133

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From software version MCU-PIT 3.0, the value in the menu "Encoder-related
data" can be entered directly: MD11/12=2.647058823529

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2.3.4 Parameterizing a Linear Axis by Means of a Linear Scale (avail.


Linear scale


Motor Gearbox

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2.3.5 Parameterizing a Linear Axis by Means of a Rotary Encoder (DM)

Direct position measuring (built-on encoder) at a linear axis with gearbox and


Motor box Encoder


The unit of measurement which can be used for the distance is either 10-3 mm
or 10-4 inch, by option; the selected unit system is indicated in MD7. The fol-
lowing example assumes that USR = 10-3 mm.

Distance [ mm ]
Given: Spindle lead ss = = 20 mm
Spindle revolutions

1 spindle revolution = 1 encoder revolution

Sought: s =
Encoder revolution

Example s = ss
s = 20 mm (pay attention to the measuring gear (if any) between encoder
and spindle)

Converted to machine data (with refer to the unit system)

MD55 + MD56 2-32 = s 1/USR
MD55 + MD56 2-32 = 20 1/10-3
MD55 + MD56 2-32 = 20,000
MD55 + MD56 2-32 = 20,000 + 0
MD55 = 20,000
MD56 = 0 232= 0
The machine data are entered by means of MCU-PIT in physical units, i.e. the
machine-internal unit system is considered internally, and the value can be en-
tered directly.
MD55PIT = 20,000 mm
MD56PIT = 0.000 mm

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2.3.6 Parameterizing a Rotary Axis by Means of a Rotary Encoder (DM)

Direct position measurement (built-on encoder) of a rotary axis

The unit of measurement which can be used for the distance is either 10-3 mm
or 10-4 inch, by option; the selected unit system is indicated in MD7. The fol-
lowing example assumes that USR = 10-2 mm.

Example Given: Rotary axis that can be rotated by 90 degrees between the limit
Sought: distance per encoder revolution

s =
Encoder revolution

Converted to machine data (with refer to the unit system)

MD9 = s 1/USR
MD9 = 360 10-2
MD9 = 36,000
(The possible angle of rotation, in this case: 90 degrees, has no influence on

MD55 + MD56 2-32 = s 1/USR

MD55 + MD56 2-32 = 360 1/10-2
MD55 + MD56 2-32 = 36,000
MD55 + MD56 2-32 = 36,000 + 0
MD55 = 36,000
MD56 = 0 232 = 0

The machine data are entered by means of MCU-PIT in physical units, i.e. the
machine-internal unit system is considered internally, and the value can be en-
tered directly.
MD9PIT = 360.00 degrees
MD55PIT = 360.00 degrees
MD56PIT = 0.00 degrees

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3 Commissioning

Contents 3.1 Plug-In Connectors ..................................................................3-2

3.1.1 Built-In Incremental Encoders .................................................3-2
3.1.2 Built-On Incremental Encoders................................................3-3
3.1.3 Integrated EnDat Absolute-Value Encoders ............................3-4
3.1.4 Built-On EnDat Absolute-Value Encoder .................................3-4
3.2 Adjusting the Encoder .............................................................3-5
3.3 Summary: Machine Data of Encoder.......................................3-5
3.3.1 MCU Encoder Machine Data...................................................3-6
3.3.2 Encoder Machine Data ............................................................3-8
3.3.3 Explanations to Selected Machine Data ................................3-10
3.4 Error Messages .....................................................................3-11
3.4.1 Errors in the Encoder Machine Data ....................................3-11
3.4.2 Encoder Faults during Operation...........................................3-11

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3.1 Plug-In Connectors

In the following, assignment and allocation of the encoder plug-in connectors

are illustrated.

3.1.1 Built-In Incremental Encoders

Flange socket at the Signal Name PIN

motor for ERN A 1
1381/1387 A 2
Shield 17 11 1
B 11 12 2
B 12 16 13
0 3 17 3
0 13 15 14
1) 4
C 5 8
C 6 1) 5
D 14 7
1) 6
D 4
+Temp 8
-Temp 9
P-Encoder 10 View of the pins
5 V Sens 16 on motor 1FT6/1FK6
M-Encoder 7
0 V Sens 15

1) with ERN 1381 "not connected"

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3.1.2 Built-On Incremental Encoders

Cable connector 4 connection variants can be configured:

flange socket, axial
flange socket, radial
1 m line with connector and axial line output at the encoder
1 m line with connector and radial line output at the encoder

Signal PIN 1 8
A 5
A 2 10 12
6 7
B 8
B 1 3 6
0 3
0 4 4 5
5V 12
0V 10
5 V Sens 2
0 V Sens 11 View of plug side
Shield Casing of the connector or
flange socket

Cable connector The linear scale LS 186 is provided with a firmly attached special connector.
LS 186 For connection, a precut line (cable module) of a configurable length must be
ordered with Heidenhain Co. Towards the MCU, this cable module has a 12-
pole cable connector (see Table/Figure). The line leading further to the MCU
must be configured using the Siemens Catalogs NC Z and NC Z1.

Signal PIN
A 5 1 9 8
A 6
B 8 2 10 12 7
B 1
0 3 3 11 6
0 4 4 5
+5 V 12
0V 10
+5 V Sens 2
0 V Sens 11
free 9
free 7 View of the plug side
of the cable unit
(external thread)

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3.1.3 Integrated EnDat Absolute-Value Encoders

Cable connector Signal Name PIN

at the 1FT6 motor A 1
for EQN 1325 A 2 11 1
Shield 17 12 2
B 11 16 13
B 12 17 3
Data 3 15 14
Data 13 8 4
Cycle 5 5
Cycle 14 7
+Temp 8
-Temp 9
P encoder 10
5 V Sens 16 View of plug side
M encoder 7
on motor 1FT6
0 V Sens 15

3.1.4 Built-On EnDat Absolute-Value Encoder

Cable connector The rotary built-on encoder ROQ 425 has a fixed connection line of
ROQ 425 configurable length (see Catalog of Heidenhain Co.) provided with a 17-pole

Signal Name PIN 11 1

A 15
12 2
A 16 10
Shield, intern. 11 16 13
17 3
B 12
15 14
B 13 4
Data 14
Data 17 5
Cycle 8 6
Cycle 9
+5 V 7
0V 10
+5 V Sense 1 View of plug side
0 V Sense 4

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3.2 Adjusting the Encoder

Integrated encoder The integrated encoder in the motor is factory-adjusted. In case of repair and
when changing the encoder, the motor should be adjusted at an authorized

EnDat absolute-value After attaching a motor provided with an EnDat absolute-value encoder or an
encoder EnDat absolute-value encoder as direct measuring system, the reference
between the absolute value of the encoder and the machine neutral must be
preset. This is to be done once by "Set reference point" and then saving the
machine data.

3.3 Summary: Machine Data of Encoder

The machine data are entered either by means of MCU-PIT (optional) or into
the machine data block during the commissioning. The encoder machine data
have been selected, defined or calculated during the configuration (see Section

MCU machine data are 2-digit, and drive machine data are 4-digit.

Abbreviations IM indirect position measurement by means of an integrated encoder

DM direct position measurement by means of a built-on encoder
A-MD drive machine data to be entered analogously

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3.3.1 MCU Encoder Machine Data

MD IM/DM Designation Value/Description Unit A-MD

7 IM/DM Unit system raster 1= 10-3 mm

(USR) 2= 10-4 inch
3= 10-4 degrees
4= 10-2 degrees
8 IM/DM Axis type 0= linear axis
1= rotary axis
9 IM/DM End of rotary axis 1 ... 1 000 000 000
End of rotary axis: value for the ?? of the
distance display, no matter whether mm or
degrees USR
integer multiple of
(MD11 +2- x MD12) or
(MD55 +2- x MD56)

10 IM 0= does not exist

Encoder 1= incremental encoder 1011
5= EnDat absolute-value encoder
54 DM 1030
Distance/encoder 1...1 000 000 000
11 IM revolutions Establishing the value:
(=distance/motor calculating the total distance/encoder revolution
revolutions) (motor revolution) USR
For the linear scale also Representing the result in the USR (measuring
55 DM possible: distance between system raster)
2 zero marks or Entering the integer digits (digits prior to the
distance/spindle revolution decimals) in the MD of the DB.
(see examples in Chapter 2)
12 IM Distance to go in MD11 0 ... 2 - 1
Decimals of MD11/MD55 x 232 2- USR
56 DM Distance to go in MD55 (Examples see Chapter 2)

13 IM Increments/encoder or 2... 225 incr./rev. 1005

motor revolutions Entry as per encoder type plate or
Linear scale: Linear scale: incr./dist. 1007
increments/distance (MD MD57 = MD55 (digits prior to the dec. and (dist.: mm,
57 DM
55) decimals) inch)
Graduation period [USR]
Graduation period, e.g. 16 m for the LC 181
(example see Chapter 2)
Number of revolutions 0 or 1 Single-turn encoder 1021
14 2... 2 Multi-turn encoder U 1022
EnDat absolute-value (only numbers to the power of six permitted) 1031
encoder 1032
17 IM/DM Absolute-encoder is entered automatically when setting the reference
adjustment point; cannot be changed by the user. The value
can be saved by means of MCU-PIT "Save to

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MD IM/DM Designation Value/Description Unit A-MD

60.x IM/DM Selection between Bit 0 = 1 IM (indirect measuring system) On

IM/DM Bit 1 = 1 DM (direct measuring system) On
From software version 3.0 up, both measuring
systems can be active at the same time.
The integrated encoder for speed and acquisition of
the rotor position is always active, irrespective of

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3.3.2 Encoder Machine Data

MD IM/DM Designation Value/Description Unit

1005 IM Number of graduation marks 128 ... 8192 Increments (periods)
of motor encoder: per revolution
(increments of incremental
track with EnDat absolute-
value encoder)
1007 DM Increments/encoder revolution 0 = no DM provided increments
or linear scale: 1 ... 65535 (periods)/revolution
increments per distance or
MD55 MD1007 = MD57 increments/distance
(digits before the decimals (distance: mm, inch)
and decimals)
with EnDat absolute-value
encoder, with refer to the
incremental track
1011 Bit 3 IM Configuration of motor 0 = incremental encoder
encoder 1 = EnDat absolute-value
Bit 4 0 = rotary encoder
1 = linear encoder (not
available at the moment)
Bit 5 0 = motor encoder provided
1 = motor encoder not provided
1021 IM Motor encoder: Multi-turn 0 ... 65535 1/min
resolution of EnDat absolute- (value only readable is written
value encoder automatically)
1022 IM Motor encoder: Number of 0 ... 65535 incr./rev.
measuring steps at the (value only readable, is written
absolute track/revolution automatically)
1030 Bit 3 DM Encoder type 0 = incremental encoder
1 = EnDat absolute-value
Design 0 = rotary encoder
Bit 4 1 = linear scale
1031 DM Built-on encoder: Multi-turn 0 ... 65535 1/min
resolution of EnDat absolute- (value only readable, is written
value encoder automatically)
1032 DM Built-on encoder: Number of 0 ... 65535 incr./rev.
measuring steps at the (value only readable, is written
absolute track / revolution or automatically)
with linear scale: incr./distance
number of revolutions of (distance: mm, inch)
absolute track /distance
1790 IM Type of measuring circuit: 0 = voltage raw signals
indirect measuring system 16 = voltage raw signals
1791 DM Type of measuring circuit: 0 = sin/cos voltage raw
direct measuring system signals
-1 = no measuring system
1 = current raw signals
16 = voltage raw signals

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3.3.3 Explanations to Selected Machine Data

End of rotary axis Machine data MD 9 determine the value at which the MCU detects the end of
MD9 the rotary axis.
This value is the theoretically highest value that can be reached by the actual
value. When this value is reached, the actual-value display switches back to
However, the theoretically highest value is never displayed, as its physical
position is the same as that of the beginning of the rotary axis (0).


The following example makes the situation clear.

You set the value 10 000 for the rotary axis.

9 999

5 000

The value 10 000 is not displayed. The display always changes from 9 999 to

In the negative direction of rotation, the display changes from 0 to 9 999.

MD 9 only influences the actual-value display.

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3.4 Error Messages

3.4.1 Errors in the Encoder Machine Data

The Error Description is to be found in Section 13, Chapter 2.6.

Error No. MD Error Description

01287 7 Measuring system raster does not match with the USR
of the DBs: NC, SW, WK
01288 8 No linear or rotary axis parameterized
01289 9 End of rotary axis: value beyond the permissible range
of values
01290 10 Illegal encoder type (IM)
01291 11 Distance/encoder revolution (spindle revolution or
distance between two zero pulses):
value beyond the permissible range of values
01293 13 Increments/encoder revolution (distance):
value beyond the permissible range of values
01294 14 Number of revolutions of the EnDat absolute-value
encoder: value beyond the permissible range of values
01334 54 Illegal encoder type (DM)
01335 55 Distance/encoder revolution (spindle revolution or
distance between two zero pulses): value beyond the
permissible range of values (DM)
01336 57 Increments/encoder revolution (/distance) (DM):
value beyond the permissible range of values

3.4.2 Encoder Faults during Operation

Diagnostic alarms Diagnostic alarms are identified by setting the Faults that can be Hidden
respective bits in the diagnosis data record
Error Description all 8.2 only
24008.0 Cable break incremental encoder
24008.1 Transmission error EnDat
absolute-value encoder MD
24008.2 Zero-mark error =0 MD 20.5 = 1
MD 20.4 = 0
24008.3 Voltage monitoring of encoder

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Data errors Error Error Description


01144 Unit system does not match with the USR of the DBs: NC, SW,
WK (see also F 01287, Section 3.4.1)

Run-up faults Error Error Description

24578 Absolute track of EnDat absolute-value encoder defective
24580 Time monitoring of absolute track exceeded
24587 MD 13 MD 1005 or MD 57 MD 1007
24588 MD 10 MD 1011 Bit 3, MD 54 MD 1030 Bit 3
24589 MD 60 invalid coding
24590 MD 11, 13, MD 1401 do not match with MD 23 (maximum speed)

SIMODRIVE error Monitoring Errors can

messages Error Error Description inactive when occur when
No. MD set to "1" (
^ OFF)
028 Submodule for direct encoder not - -
045 Distance-coded reference mark or 1600.4 Power-on
Bero signal detected during fine
30504 Measuring circuit error: motor 1600.5 Power-on
30507 Synchronization error: rotor position 1600.7 Power-on
30508 Zero-mark error: motor encoder 1600.8 Power-on
30509 Inverter limit frequency exceeded; - -
probable cause:incorrect MD 1005
30609 Encoder limit frequency exceeded 1601.9 Reset
30725 MD 1005 = 0 - -
30737 Two EnDat-absolute-value encoders - -
configured (MD 1030 / 1011 bit 3)

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SIMODRIVE error MD Bit No. Error Description

messages provided by
0 Illumination failure
means of machine
1 Faulty signal amplitude
2 Defective code connection
3 Overvoltage
4 Undervoltage
5 Overcurrent
6 Battery must be replaced
1023 7 reserved
8 reserved
9 C/D track of encoder defective
10 Protocol cannot be aborted
11 SSI level at data line detected
12 TIMEOUT when reading the measured value
13 CRC error
14 reserved
15 Encoder defective
0 Illumination failure
1 Signal amplitude too low
2 Defective code connection
3 Overvoltage
4 Undervoltage
5 Overcurrent
6 Battery must be replaced
1033 7 reserved
8 reserved
9 reserved
10 Protocol cannot be aborted
11 SSI level at data line detected
12 TIMEOUT when reading the measured value
13 CRC error
14 reserved
15 Encoder defective

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MCU (BN - Encoders)
01.97 Index

4 Index

A overload protection, 1-5

Remote, 1-5
Absolute encoder EQN1325, 2-6 Sense, 1-5
Specifications, 2-7 EnDat, 1-4
Absolute-value encoder principle EnDat absolute-value encoder
MCU, 1-2 ROQ 425, 2-12
Absolute-value encoder ROQ 425, 2-12 EnDat absolute-value encoders, 1-2
Adjusting the Encoder, 3-5 EQN 1325
Axis position, 1-2 Cable connector, 3-4
ERN 1387
Cable connector, 3-2
B Error
Data, 3-10
Built-in encoder, 2-2
hiding, 1-8
Built-on EnDat absolute-value encoder
motor temperature, 1-7
rotary ROQ 425, 2-12
run-up, 3-10
Built-on incremental encoder
rotary, 2-8
Error messages, 3-9
translatory, 2-10
Temperature error, 1-7

Cable connector
Graduation cycle, 2-15
EQN 1325, 3-4
ERN 1387, 3-2
LS 186, 3-3
ROQ 425, 3-4 I
SIMODRIVE Sensor, 3-3 Incremental encoder
Commissioning, 3-1 ERN 1381, 2-4
Commutation signal ERN 1387, 2-4
fine adjustment, 3-5 SIMODRIVE Sensor, 2-8
Configuring, 2-1 Incremental encoder ERN 1381
specifications, 2-5
Incremental encoder ERN 1387
D specifications, 2-5
Incremental encoder principle
Data errors, 3-10
MCU, 1-2
Incremental encoders
direct measuring, 1-2
signals, 1-3
EnDat, 1-4
Incremental track, 1-2
indirect measuring, 1-2
Diagnostic alarms, 3-9
Distance to be traversed per encoder revolution,
2-14 L
Linear axis
parameterizing, indirect measuring system, 2-
E 22
parameterizing, linear scale, 2-24
Encoder revolutions, 2-14
parameterizing, rotary encoder, 2-25
Encoder supply, 1-5
Linear scale
data, 1-5

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Index 01.97

LS 186, 2-10 linear scale, 2-24

LS 186 rotary encoder, 2-25
Cable connector, 3-3 rotary axis
Signals, 2-10 indirect measuring system, 2-23
rotary encoder, 2-26
Specifications, 2-11
Plug-in connectors, 3-2

Machine data, 2-14
Remote, 1-5
direct position measurement, 2-18
ROQ 425
linear axis, linear scale, 2-21
linear axis, rotary encoders, 2-20 Cable connector, 3-4
rotary axis, 2-19 signals, 2-12
indirect position measurement Specifications, 2-12
linear axis, 2-18 Rotary axis
rotary axis, 2-17 parameterizing, indirect measuring system, 2-
motor encoder, 2-16 23
temperature error, 1-7 parameterizing, rotary encoder, 2-26
Unit system raster (USR), 2-14 Rotor position, 1-2
MD7, 2-14 Run-up faults, 3-10
axis position, 1-2
direct, 1-2 S
indirect, 1-2
motor speed, 1-2 Scope of Functions, 1-1
rotor position, 1-2 Selection
Motor motor, 2-2
built-in encoder, 2-2 motor/encoder combination, 2-3
overload protection, 1-6 Sense, 1-5
selection, 2-2 Signals
temperature error, 1-7 LS 186, 2-10
temperature sensor, 1-6; 1-7 ROQ 425, 2-12
temperature threshold, 1-7 SIMODRIVE Sensor, 2-8
Motor encoder, 2-16 SIMODRIVE error messages, 3-10
Motor protection, 1-6 SIMODRIVE Sensor, 2-8
Motor speed, 1-2 cable connector, 3-3
Motor temperature, 1-7 signals, 2-8
Motor/encoder combination Specifications, 2-9
direct measuring, 2-3 Specifications
indirect measuring, 2-3 absolute encoder EQN1325, 2-7
incremental encoder ERN 1381, 2-5
incremental encoder ERN 1387, 2-5
O LS 186, 2-11
ROQ 425, 2-12
Overload protection SIMODRIVE Sensor, 2-9
encoder supply, 1-5
motor, 1-6
P Temperature sensor, 1-6
motor, 1-7
Parameterizing Temperature threshold
linear axis Motor, 1-7
indirect measuring system, 2-22

4-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Encoders)
Anhang 01.97

Unit system raster (USR), 2-14

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-3

MCU Beschreibung
Engineering motors 1

Engineering SIMODRIVE 611 2

Installation and connecting-up 3
MCU 172A
Single-axis positioning control Appendix 4

Planning Guide
Selection, Installation and Connection of

1FK6/1FT6 Motors and SIMODRIVE 611 Components

Edition January 1997

For reasons of transparency, this document doesnt include all of the details on all of the
product types. Thus, it does not provide for every possible contingency to be met in
connection with installation, operation or maintenance.

Should further information be required or should particular problems arise, which are not
covered sufficiently in this document, then the local Siemens sales office should be

The contents of this Guide shall neither become part of nor modify any prior or existing
agreement, commitment or relationship. The sales contract contains the entire obligation
of Siemens. The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole
warranty of Siemens. Any statements contained herein do not create new warranties nor
modify the existing warranty.


The other names in this document could be registered trademarks. It may be illegal that third parties
use these names or designations.

Subject to technical changes without prior notice.

Copying of this document and giving it to others and the use or

communication of the contents thereof are forbidden without express
authority. Offenders are liable to payment or damages. All rights reserved,
in particular with regard to the granting of a patent or the registration of a
utility model or design.

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01.97 Engineering motors

1 Engineering motors

Inhalt 1.1 General information ................................................................. 1-2

1.1.1 Electrical data ....................................................................... 1-2 Definitions.......................................................................... 1-2 Rating plate data...............................................................1-10
1.1.2 Mechanical data...................................................................1-11 Definitions.........................................................................1-11 Mounted/integrated components .......................................1-19
1.1.3 Functions - expanded functionality .......................................1-25
1.1.4 Connections.........................................................................1-27 Power cables ....................................................................1-27 Cable types.......................................................................1-29 Actual value cable.............................................................1-31
1.2 1FT6 motors ...........................................................................1-32
1.2.1 Motor description .................................................................1-32 Characteristics and technical data.....................................1-32 Functions and options .......................................................1-35 Interfaces..........................................................................1-40
1.2.2 Order designations...............................................................1-40
1.2.3 Technical data and characteristics .......................................1-41 Speed-torque diagrams.....................................................1-41 Cantilever force/axial force diagrams................................1-60
1.2.4 Dimension drawings.............................................................1-65
1.3 1FK6 motors ...........................................................................1-66
1.3.1 Motor description .................................................................1-66 Characteristics and technical data.....................................1-66 Functions and options .......................................................1-70 Interfaces..........................................................................1-71
1.3.2 Order designations...............................................................1-72
1.3.3 Technical data and characteristics .......................................1-73 Speed-torque diagrams.....................................................1-73 Cantilever force/axial force diagrams................................1-88
1.3.4 Dimension drawings.............................................................1-96

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Engineering motors 01.97

1.1 General information

1.1.1 Electrical data Definitions

Characteristics M
M0 (100 K)
4 Max. mechanical torque
(examples of the winding designs)

M limit M limit
3 M limit

M limit Limiting voltage characteristics

S3 (100 K)-25 %
S3 (100 K)-40 %
10 min
S3 (100 K)-60 %

S1 (100 K) 10 min
S1 (60 K)
10 min
Speed limits max n

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 n [RPM]

Thermal limiting characteristics for

continuous operation
S1 (100 K) and S1 (60 K),
intermittent operation
S3-60 % (100 K), S3-40 % (100 K)
S3-25 % (100 K)
for a 10 min. duty cycle

Fig. 1-1 Normalized speed-torque diagram (also refer to Table 1-1)

100 K, 60 K values 100 K or 60 K is the average winding temperature rise.

105 K corresponds to a utilization according to temperature rise class F.
60 K lies within utilization to temperature rise class B. The 60 K utilization
should only be used, if
the housing temperature is below 90 C for safety reasons
or if the shaft temperature rise negatively influences the mounted

A permissible ambient temperature or cooling medium temperature of 40 C

is generally valid for all data.

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MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

Torque Various armature circuit designs are possible within a frame size. The AC
characteristics servomotors provide a torque characteristic which is constant up to approx.
2000 RPM, and above this, decreases, depending on the motor type. A high
overload capability is available over the complete speed control range.

The following limits are valid for all servomotor-drive converter module

Torque (referred to the standstill torque)

Limited by the PWM converter
3 Limited by the DC
1) link voltage (max.
Limiting volt. possible dynamic
2,5 characteristic torque)

Dynamic limiting range, 200 ms

1,5 M0 (100 K) Winding temperature rise

TW = 100 K
Mrated(100 K)
M0 (60 K)
Winding temperature rise
TW = 60 K
Continuous duty S1

0 Speed
nrated [RPM]

Fig. 1-2 Speed-torque characteristics of AC servomotors

1) Dynamic limiting range 2 * M0 (60 K) corresponds to the standard drive

arrangement. In addition, the drive converter can be
configured/engineered according to the particular drive application. If
required, an additional motor overload protection should be provided; the
mechanical motor limits are 4 * M0100 K.

When the control loop is open, i. e. no closed-loop circuit operation, e. g. an

optical encoder is not connected, with the rated voltage data, the motor can
accelerate to nmax (according to the technical data), and significantly exceed
this value for higher supply- or DC link voltages. In this case, only the
dynamic torque, limited by the limiting voltage characteristic, can be

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Engineering motors 01.97

Thermal limiting Corresponds to the S1 (100 K) characteristic in the diagrams. For intermittent
characteristic duty, the arithmetic average may not be exceeded.

25 %
S3-25 %

10 min. duty cycle

The switch-on duration is normalized according to VDE 0530 for 15 %, 25 %,

40 %, 60 %.
It is 10 min. if a duty cycle is not specified.
Duty cycle 1 min.
S3-25 %

Fig. 1-3 Power-on duration for intermittent duty

Voltage limiting The motor counter EMF increases linearly with increasing speed. The
characteristics difference between the DC link voltage and the increasing motor EMF is
available to impress the current. This limits the magnitude of the current
which can be impressed at high speeds.


Continuous operation at the voltage limiting characteristic in the range above

the S1 characteristic is thermally inadmissible for the motor.

The voltage limiting characteristic of a motor with a 6000 RPM rated speed
lies far above that of the characteristic for the same motor type with a 2000
RPM rated speed. However, this motor requires a far higher current for the
same torque. Thus, it is practical to select the rated speed so that this does not
lie appreciably above the maximum speed required for the particular
application. The converter module rating can thus be minimized (current

Table 1-1 Winding design code

Rated speed Winding design

[RPM] (10th position of the Order No.)
1500 B
2000 C
3000 F
4500 H
6000 K

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MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

Shift in the voltage In order to identify the motor limits at a lower DC link voltage, the voltage
limiting characteristic limiting characteristic shown must be shifted to the left for the particular
armature circuit. A lower DC link voltage is obtained, e. g. for operation from
an uncontrolled supply infeed.

The amount of shift is obtained as follows:

For a DC link voltage of VDC link(new) a shift is obtained along the x axis
(speed) by a factor of: VDC link(new)/600 V


If point (P1) of the specified voltage limiting characteristic is at 3000 RPM,

then the new voltage limiting characteristic at 490 V for (P2) is:
490 V
= 0.82
600 V
3000 RPM * 0.82 = 2460 RPM.

The new voltage limiting characteristic must be drawn in parallel to the

existing characteristic at n = 2460 RPM.

M [Nm]
490 V limiting characteristic
600 V limiting characteristic

Mlimit (P3)

S1 (100 K)
Mlimit (P4) 0.82 Therm. limiting characteristic
P2 P1

nrated n [RPM]
2460 3000
Fig. 1-4 Shift in the voltage limiting characteristic

The new limiting torque with the new limiting characteristic can be
calculated according to the following formula:
VDC link(new) 2 * k E * nrated / 1000
1FT6/1FK6: Mlimit(new ) = * Mlimit
600V 2 * k E * nrated / 1000

kE = voltage constant from the data sheet

Mlimit = limiting torque from the data sheet (P3)
Mlimit(new) = new limiting torque at nrated (P4)
nrated = rated speed from the data sheet
Check: P4 must lie on the new limiting characteristic

Stall torque M0 Thermal limiting torque when the motor is at a standstill, corresponding to a
winding temperature rise of 100 K or 60 K. It is available for an unlimited
time at n = 0. M0 is always greater than the rated torque Mrated.

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MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97

Stall current I0 RMS motor phase current to generate the stall torque.

1FT6 and 1FK6 motors are supplied with sinusoidal currents.

Rated torque Mrated Thermally permissible continuous torque at the motor rated speed.

Rated current Irated RMS motor phase current to generate the rated torque.

Rated output Prated The power which is available at rated speed and rated torque.

Limiting torque Mlimit Maximum torque, which is available at rated speed for acceleration.

Limiting current Ilimit Motor phase current to generate the limiting torque.

Max. current Imax This current limit is defined by the magnetic circuit. The magnetic material is
irreversibly demagnetized if this is even briefly exceeded.

Mechanical limiting The maximum permissible operating speed is nmax. It is either electrically
speed nmax (voltage limiting characteristic) or mechanically (centrifugal forces, bearing
stressing) defined. The lower of the values is specified in the list data.

Maximum torque Mmax Torque, which is generated at the maximum permissible current.

The following maximum accelerating torques are briefly available for

high-speed dynamic operations:
Mmax = 4 * M0 (100 K) for shaft heights 36, 48, 63 (non-ventilated)
Mmax = 4 * M0 (60 K) for shaft heights 71, 80, 100, 132 (non-ventilated)
Mmax = 2.5 * M0 (100 K) for shaft heights 71, 80, 100, 132 (force-

1-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

M Shaft heights
M0 63
36 71 100
48 80 132

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I0

Fig. 1-5 Torque-current characteristic for various shaft heights

The individual characteristics of the 1FT6 and 1FK6 motors are combined in
typical shaft height ranges. The lefthand characteristic can be considered as
the best case and the righthand, as worst case.

Torque constant kT Quotient of the stall torque and stall current. kT = M0/I0. The constant is valid
up to approx. 2 * M0.


When configuring the required rated- and accelerating currents this constant
is not valid (motor losses!). Further, the steady-state load and the friction
torque must also be included in the calculation.

Voltage constant kE Induced motor voltage at a speed of 1000 RPM. The phase-to-phase motor
terminal voltage is specified.

Winding resistance The phase resistance is specified at a room temperature of 20 C. The

Rphase winding is in a star configuration.

Inductance LD The three-phase inductance is specified LD = 1.5 * Lphase

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MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97

Electrical time Quotient of the three-phase inductance and winding resistance.

constant T el Tel = LD/Rphase

Mechanical time The mechanical time constant is obtained by the tangent along a theoretical
constant T mech ramp-up function through the origin.

1FT6/1FK6: Tmech = 3 * Rphase * Jmot/kT2 [s]

Jmot = servomotor moment of inertia [kgm2]

Rphase = stator winding resistance [Ohm]
kT = torque constant [Nm/A]

Thermal time Defines the temperature rise of the motor housing when the motor load is
constant T th suddenly increased (step increase) up to the permissible S1 torque. The motor
reaches 63 % of its final temperature after Tth.

Thermal resistance Defines the power loss through the motor housing under rated operating
Rth conditions.

Braking resistance Ra opt corresponds to the resistance connected externally in series with the motor
Ra opt winding in each phase for armature short-circuit braking. If this resistance value
is specified as zero, then the optimum braking characteristics are achieved
without any external resistors, i. e. the terminals are directly short-circuited.

Braking torque Mb opt Mb opt corresponds to the average optimum braking torque, which is achieved
by adapting the resistance.

Tolerance data (Data specifications extending beyond these are subject to the measurement

Table 1-2 Tolerances of the motor list data

Motor list data Typ. value Theoretical

Stall current I0 3% 7.5 %
Max. speed nmax 3% 7.5 %
Electrical time constant Tel 5% 10 %
Torque constant KT 3% 7.5 %
Voltage constant KE 3% 7.5 %
Winding resistance R 5% 10 %
Moment of inertia JMot 2% 10 %

Core types Core types are a part of the complete motor spectrum. Core types have shorter
delivery times, and are, to some extent, available ex-stock. The number of
options is restricted. The order designation is modified.

1-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

1FK6/1FT6 The motor types essentially differ by the shorter type of construction of the
1FK6 motor with respect to 1FT6 motors

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MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97 Rating plate data

Example from the 1FT6 series:

Brushless-Servomotor H
SIEMENS 1FT6061-1AF71-4AG0
Nr. E 1Q62 7603 01 001
M0 = 3.3/4.0 Nm l0(RMS) = 2.25/2.75 A 60/100 K
Mn = 3.50 Nm S1 3000 RPM Vi(RMS) = 282 V Y
(M = 3.75 Nm S1 1500 RPM Vi(RMS) = 141 V Y)
IEC 63 IMB5 IP 64 I.CL.F VDE 0530 PTC Therm.
Encoder nmax. 4200 RPM
Brake EBD ... 24 V/20 W

Typ EBD holding brake

operating voltage, power drain

Encoder (tachometer, encoder, resolver)

Frame size (shaft height), type of construction,

degree of protection, insulating material class,

thermal protection

Rated torque in S1 duty at rated speed,

induced phase-to-phase, RMS motor voltage

2nd line: Additional operating point (for a 230V converter

input voltage)

Stall torque/stall current

for a 60/100 K winding temperature rise

Serial number

16-position motor Order No.

Balancing type, H = half key balancing

(only specified for shafts with keyway)

1-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

1.1.2 Mechanical data Definitions

Type of construction 1FT/1FK motors are supplied in type of construction IMB5. They can be used
(acc. to IEC 34-7) in IM V1 or IM V3 types of construction without any special order

IM B14
IM V18 IM V19

Fig. 1-6 Types of construction

When engineering types of construction IM V3 and IM V19, the permissible

axial forces (rotor weight) and especially the required degree of protection
must be observed.

IM B5 IM B14

Fig. 1-7 Type of construction IM B5/IM B14 (with threaded gland)

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-11

MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97

Degree of protection The complete 1FT6 motor is sealed using O rings. This conforms to degree of
1FT6 protection IP 67 for the housing.
(acc. to EN 60529)
The motor shaft sealing principle can be taken from the overview, Table 1-3.
All seals are manufactured from fluoride rubber (FPM).

Table 1-3 Overview of the types of protection according to DIN 40050

Degree of protection EN 60529 Shaft sealing using Application
IP 64 Gland Only small amounts of moisture are
continuously permitted in the area of
the shaft and flange.

Rotary shaft seal, DIN 3760 For gearbox mounting (for non-
IP 67 sealed gearboxes) to seal against oil.
(only for 1FT5 and 1FT6) To guarantee functional reliability,
it should be ensured that the sealing
lip is adequately cooled and
lubricated with gearbox oil.
Lifetime, 5000 hours

Selecting the motor degree of protection

Often, protection from water is by itself not adequate, as generally oil-based,

penetrating and/or aggressive cooling/lubricating mediums are used.

The following Table is intended to help you select the required degree of
protection. In addition to the theoretical DIN specifications, experience values
have also been taken into account. If in doubt, then the next higher degree of
protection should be selected.

1-12 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

Degree of protection IP64; an oil-tight flange (IP67) is optionally available.

Table 1-4 Selecting the motor degree of protection

Environment Fluids
General Water; oil, Penetrating oil;
shopfloor general cool- petroleum;
environment ing/lubricating aggressive
medium cooling/lubri-
(95% H2O; cating medium
5 % oil)
Dry IP 64 - -
Wet environment - IP64 (with oil as IP 67
cating medium:
IP 67)
Mist - IP 65 IP 67
Spray - IP 65 IP 68*
Jet - IP 67 IP 68*
Splash; - IP 67 IP 68*
brief immersion,
continuous flooding
*: On request
IP 1st code (0-6): Protection against contact and the penetration
of foreign bodies
2nd code (0-8): Protection against the penetration of water (no
protection against oil)

Cooling Operating temperature range: -15 C to +40 C

All catalog data refer to an 40 C ambient temperature, and a non-insulated
thermal design.

Non-ventilated (9th position of the Order No.: A)

The power losses are dissipated through radiation and natural convection. The
motor mounting must therefore guarantee sufficient heat dissipation.

Servomotors can have high surface temperatures

(> 100 C). When required, provide protection against contact.

Forced-ventilation (9th position of the Order No.: S)

Available for selected types (refer to the Catalog)

for 1FT6 for shaft heights 80, 100 and 132
for 1FK6, forced-ventilation is not provided

For forced-ventilated motors, it is not permissible that the hot air is drawn-in

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-13

MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97

The following features for non-ventilated motors remain unchanged:

encoder system
holding brake
type of construction, flange dimensions
vibration- and shock stressing
oscillation characteristics
moment of inertias
natural torsional- and shaft bending frequencies
bearing design

Degree of protection:

Motors with separately-driven fans fulfill degree of protection IP 64 in

accordance with DIN 40 050. The IP 65 or IP 67 options cannot be fulfilled
using separately-driven fans.

The motor- and shaft-height specific design and how the separately-driven fan
is connected are described in the various motor sections.

Bearing design The bearings are sealed at both sides and are permanently lubricated. The
bearings are designed for a minimum ambient temperature of -15 C.
The specific designs can be taken from the motor data.


We recommend that the bearings are replaced after approx. 20 000 operating
hours, however not later than 5 years.

Motor rotation It is not permissible to rotate the shaft at the motor non-drive end. If the
motor is to be manually rotated, this should be done at the mechanically most
accessible position (e. g. ball screw spindle).

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MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

Radial eccentricity, Table 1-5 Radial eccentricity of the shaft end to the housing axis (referred to
concentricity and cylindrical shaft ends)
axial eccentricity Shaft height Standard N Option R
(acc. to DIN 42955) 36 0.035 mm 0.018 mm
63 0.04 mm 0.021 mm
80 0.05 mm 0.025 mm
100 0.05 mm 0.025 mm
132 0.05 mm 0.025 mm

Table 1-6 Coaxiality- and axial eccentricity of the flange surface to the shaft axis
(referred to the centering diameter of the mounting flange)
Shaft height Standard N Option R
36 0.08 mm 0.04 mm
63 0.1 mm 0.05 mm
80 0.1 mm 0.05 mm
100 0.1 mm 0.05 mm
132 0.125 mm 0.063 mm

Noise The noise specifications are valid for non-ventilated motors when supplied
(acc. to DIN 45635) from a SIMODRIVE 611 PWM inverter, measured at a distance of 1m.

Table 1-7 Noise

Shaft height Measuring surface sound pressure
level under no-load conditions dB (A)
0 to 6000 RPM
36 55
63 65
80 70
100 70
132 70

Vibration severity The specified values only refer to the motor itself. The overall system
(acc. to IEC 34-14) vibration characteristics can increase these values at the motor.

Speeds of 1800 RPM and 3600 RPM and the associated vibration severity
limit values are defined according to IEC 34-14. The speeds of 4500 RPM
and 6000 RPM and the specified vibration severity limit values are defined by
the motor manufacturer.

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MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97

VRMS perm.

Vibration severity grade
2 1.8 1.87
1.12 1.8
1 0.89
R 0.71 0.71

S 0.45
1800 3600 4500
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 n [RPM]

Fig. 1-8 Vibration severity limit value characteristics for shaft heights 36 to 132

Shock stressing (acc. The maximum, briefly permissible radial acceleration values which do not
to DIN 40046, T7) negatively influence the drive, are specified in Table 1-8 (not when the motor
is operational; e. g. during transport):

Table 1-8 Shock stressing

Shaft height Acceleration
36 1000 m/s2
48 1000 m/s2
63 500 m/s2
71 300 m/s2
80 300 m/s2
100 200 m/s2
132 100 m/s2

Vibration stressing The maximum permissible limit values where the motors remain fully
functional are only valid for motors without brake.

10 m/s2 axial (20 Hz to 2 kHz)

30 m/s2 radial (20 Hz to 2 kHz)

Balancing (acc. to For motors with key:

DIN ISO 8821)
1FT6/1FK6 motors: Half key balancing

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MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

Cantilever force The permissible cantilever forces are shown in the diagrams for the
stressing appropriate motors.

Cantilever forces applied to the shaft end

at average operating speeds
for nominal bearing lifetimes of 20 000 hours
FQ x

Fig. 1-9 Point of application of cantilever forces at the motor shaft end

Dimension x: Distance between the point of application of force FQ and

the shaft shoulder in mm.

Dimension l: Length of the shaft stump in mm.

Calculating the belt tensioning force:
FR = 2 * M0 * c/dR
FR [N] Belt tensioning force
M0 [Nm] Motor stall torque (starting torque)
dR [m] Effective diameter of the belt pulley
c Tensioning factor for the accelerating torque
Experience values for toothed belts c = 1.5 to 2.2
Experience values for flat belts c = 2.2 to 3.0
For other designs, the actual forces resulting from the torques which have to
be transferred must be taken into account.
FR Fqper.

Axial force stressing The permissible axial forces are shown in the diagrams for the appropriate


Axial forces are not permissible for motors with integrated holding brake!

When using, for example, helical gears as drive element, in addition to the
radial force, the motor bearings are also subject to an axial force. For axial
forces towards the motor, the bearing contact force can be exceeded, so that
the rotor can move according to the bearing axial play (up to 0.2 mm).

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-17

MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97

The permissible axial force of the 1FT6 drive is calculated, depending on the
mounting position, as follows:

IM B5/B14:
FA1 FA1 = FAD - FC


IM V1:
FA3 = FAD - FL - FC


IM V3:


Fig. 1-10 Permissible axial force corresponding to the mounting position for 1FT6

FA1...6 axial force permissible on operation

FAD permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force
FQ and the average speed
FC bearing contact force, refer to Table 1-30, servomotor 1FT6
FL rotor weight (force) refer to Table 1-30, servomotor 1FT6

The permissible axial force can be approximately calculated using the

following formula:

FA = 0.35 * FQ

More precise information can be taken from the diagrams, taking into account
the mounting position.
1FK6 motor data are provided in Catalog NC60.1.

Rotor weight and bearing contact force

The appropriate values are specified in the motor sections.

Paint finish 1FT6: Grey (SN30901-614) two-component epoxy resin paint;

a special paint finish for tropical climates is not required.
1FK6: Primer, no paint finish

1-18 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors Mounted/integrated components

Effect of mounted By flanging the motor to the mounting surface, some of the motor power
components losses are dissipated via the motor flange.

non-thermally insulated mounting

The following mounting conditions are valid for the specified motor data:

Table 1-9 Mounting conditions, non-thermally insulated mounting

Shaft height Steel plate Mounting surface
width x height x [m]
36/48 120 x 100 x 40 0.012
63 to 132 450 x 370 x 30 0.17

The heat dissipating characteristics are improved for larger mounting

thermally-insulated mounting without additional mounted components
The motor torque must be reduced by between 5 % and 10 %. It is
recommended that the drive is engineered with the M0(60 K) values.

M [Nm]

100 %
Approx. 85 %
to 95 %
insulated mounting


n [RPM]
without gearbox with gearbox

Fig. 1-11 S1 characteristics

thermally-insulated mounting with additional mounted components
- holding brake (integrated in the motor)
no additional torque derating required
- gearbox
the torque must be derated (refer to the diagram above)
Information on the rating plate: reduce rating with gearing

Dimensioning information/instructions for the required motor size are

provided in the following section.

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MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97

The following motor options are recommended:
increased radial eccentricity (R) and flange tolerance
IP 67 (if gearbox oil is present at the motor flange)

Please refer to the gearbox manufacturers Catalogs for technical data.

Dimensioning the gearbox

1. Selecting the gearbox size

The following parameters must be taken into account:
Accelerating torque, continuous torque, cycle number, cycle type,
permissible input speed, mounting position, radial- and axial forces and
the torsional play
We recommend that the motor-gearbox assignment is based on the
Mmax, gearbox M0(100 K) * f * i
Mmax, gearbox max. permissible gearbox drive-out torque
M0(100 K) motor stall torque
i transmission ratio
f factor
S1 duty: f=2 factor for gearbox temperature rise
S3 duty: f = f1 * f2
f1 = 2 for motor accelerating torque
f2 = 1 for 1000 gearbox switching cycles
f2 > 1 for > 1000 switching cycles (refer to the
gearbox Catalog)


Switching cycles can also be superimposed oscillations!

Factor (f2) is in this case, not sufficient when dimensioning the gearbox, and
gearboxes could fail.
The complete system should be optimized, so that superimposed oscillations
are minimized.

1FT nmot
Gearbox i=
nmot nA

Fig. 1-12 Dimensioning the gearbox

1-20 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

2. Selecting the motor rating

The gearbox output torque and speed and therefore the drive-out rating are
defined by the load torque and the required traversing speed.
The required drive power can then be calculated:
Pout [W] = Pmot * G = (/30) * Mmot [Nm] * nmot [RPM] * G
The gearbox restricts heat dissipation to the motor flange and itself
generates frictional heat.
For S1 duty, the torque must be reduced.
dimensioning for S1 duty
The required motor torque is calculated as follows:

M out 2 2
Mmot = ( + Mv ) Mv
i * G

n T
with MV=a*b* mot (1-G) *
60 R

Mv calculated torque loss

a /3 for motors fed from sinusoidal supplies, 1FT6
b 0.5 weighting factor for gearbox losses (no dimensions)
nmot motor speed [RPM]
KT torque constant [ ]

Rph.w motor phase resistance when warm []=1.4 Rphase

Mout gearbox drive-out torque [Nm]
i gearbox ratio (i>1)
G gearbox efficiency
Pmot motor output [W]
Pout gearbox drive-out rating [W]
Mmot motor torque [Nm]
Typical efficiencies:
Planetary gearboxes 0.94 single stage
Pinion gears 0.95
Cyclo gears 0.92 single stage
Harmonic drives 0.7
Worm drives 0.45...0.9
dimensioning for S3 duty
Torque derating is not required.
Mmot = Mout / (i*G)

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MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97

Drive-out couplings After investigating various drive-out coupling systems for servomotors in
conjunction with SIMODRIVE converters, it was identified, that the cause of
vibration problems was in many cases due to drive-out couplings.

Thus, we would like to recommend Rotex couplings, which are sold/marketed

by KTR, so that optimal drive-out characteristics can be guaranteed.

The advantages of Rotex couplings are:

200 to 400 % torsional stiffness of a belt drive
no teeth (contrary to belt gears)
low moment of inertia
excellent control characteristics

As far as mounting is concerned, the clamp connection without key is

considered to be adequate up to the specified torques which can actually be
transmitted. It should be noted, that the frictional torques, according to their
assignment to the actual motor frame sizes, are always adequately
dimensioned. The accelerating torque must also be transmitted.

A clamping hub with keyway could be considered as an alternative or the

special version with two clamping screws.

The vibration/oscillation characteristics were investigated. The couplings

assigned to the motors permit high speed control loop gains and
simultaneously result in possibly higher Kv values and uniform motion.

ROTEX GS is available in three different plastic gear pinions with different

Shore hardnesses:
80 Shore A (soft)
Alternatively: 92 Shore A
Alternatively: 98 Shore A (hard)

The possible adaption to existing machine masses and stiffness must be

calculated in conjunction with the mounted mechanical system.

KTR can provide technical information, delivery times and prices.

The couplings must be ordered through KTR.
Address: KTR
Kupplungstechnik GmbH
Rodder Damm 170; 48432 Rheine
Postfach 1763; 48407 Rheine
Tel.: 05971/798-465(426)
FAX: -400
The assignment of the drive couplings to the motors is provided in the
Planning Guide 6SN1197-OAA20.

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MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

Holding brake Holding brakes are used to hold the axes, without play, at standstill, or in a
(option) no-tension condition. The permanent-magnet single-disk brake operates
according to the closed-circuit principle and is thus fail-safe.


Axial forces are not permissible for motors equipped with holding brakes!
The holding brake is not an operating brake!
Approximately 2000 braking operations can be executed for emergency stops
or power failures (for Jexternal 3 Jmot), without significantly subjecting the
brake armature disks to wear.
Within any one shaft height slight deviations in the holding torques are
possible for motors with low stall torques.
1FT6 motors are longer if they have an integrated holding brake.


A coating appears on the brake assembly and armature disk if the holding
brake hasnt been used for a longer period of time. This can result in a
decrease in the holding torque.

Supply voltage: 24 V DC 10 %
The brake feeder cable must be provided with a free-wheeling diode or a
matched varistor to prevent overvoltages occurring when it is switched-off,
and to prevent it disturbing the system environment. (preferably a varistor, as
a free-wheeling diode extends the closing time)
A Graetz bridge with a 220 F/60 V capacitor is recommended to prevent
noise from the pulsating current after the pull-in point. Depending on the
connected load, the capacitor boosts the voltage, so that the transformer
secondary voltage can no longer be specified as fixed value. Five taps at the
transformer secondary, in 2 V steps, starting from an average secondary
voltage of 29 VRMS AC are used to select the correct voltage.

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Average secondary voltage 29 VRMS AC


Supply C1 K1
~ V S1


C1 - capacitor F - miniature circuit-breaker
K1 - contactor contact M - single-phase line transformer
S1 - holding brake V - rectifier
R1 - varistor (e. g. Q69-X3022 Siemens type 30 V)

Fig. 1-13 Recommended circuit for the external holding brake power supply

Refer to the appropriate motor sections for technical data.


The brake connecting cable is provided in the power cable. The insulation
between the power- and brake connection is designed for the basic insulation
(230 V).
Basic insulation must also be provided between the coil and contact of relay
K1 to protect the internal logic voltage (PELV; extra-low protective voltage).
The holding brake power supply may not be fed from the PELV supply (refer
to the recommended circuit).


It should be guaranteed that the minimum voltage of 24 V -10% is available

at the connector on the motor side so that the brake reliably opens.
In this case, the voltage drop along the brake conductors of the power cables
must be taken into account. The voltage drop for copper cables can be
approximately calculated as follows:
l =cable length in m
q =brake conductor cross-section in mm2
lbrake =brake DC current in A
dV =voltage drop along the brake cable in V

Example: 1FK6101 with brake EBD 3.8B lbrake=0.9A, l=50m, q=1mm2

i. e. the voltage on the supply side must be at least

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01.97 Engineering motors

1.1.3 Functions - expanded functionality

Armature short-circuit Transistor PWM converters cannot be electrically braked when the DC link
braking voltage is exceeded, or if the electronics fails. If the drive, which is coasting
down, represents a danger, the motor can be braked by short-circuiting the
armature. Armature short-circuit braking should be initiated in the traversing
range of the feed axis, at the latest, by the emergency limit switch.

When determining the coast down travel of the feed axis, the friction of the
mechanical system and the contactor switching times must be taken into
account. In order to prevent mechanical damage, mechanical shock absorbers
should be provided at the end of the absolute traversing range.

For servomotors with integrated holding brake, the holding brake can be
simultaneously de-energized, to generate an additional braking torque;
however this is applied with delay.


The drive converter pulses must first be cancelled and this actually
implemented, before an armature short-circuit contactor is closed. This
prevents the contactor contacts from being eroded and the PWM converter
being destroyed.

Operational braking must always be realized via the setpoint input. For
EMERGENCY OFF, braking should be initiated via terminal 64 at the

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Brake resistors The servomotor braking torque in regenerative operation can be optimized by
short-circuiting the armature with an adapted external resistor circuit. The
external resistors available are listed in the tables with the motors.

With external brake resistor Without external brake resistor

Mbr Mbr

Mbr opt
Mbr opt
nrated nrated 0
Speed n Speed n

Ibr Ibr

nrated 0 nrated 0
Speed n Speed n

Speed n Speed n
nrated nrated

Coast-down time
Cost-down time

Fig. 1-14 Armature short-circuit braking



3 ~ 1FT6

Fig. 1-15 Circuit (principle) for armature short-circuit braking

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01.97 Engineering motors

1.1.4 Connections

Pre-assembled cables reduce installation time and cost and increase the
operational reliability. Power cables


Servomotors are not suitable for direct online operation and must only be
operated with the associated SIMODRIVE 611 transistor PWM converters.
Please observe the rating plate data and adequately dimension the connecting
cables (tables are included in the Guide) and ensure that all of the cables are
strain relieved.

For safety-relevant circuits, each individual case should be checked as to

whether the internal control devices in the converter are adequate and suitable
to electrically isolate the equipment from the line supply.
Any work carried-out must be made with the complete system in a no-voltage

Cross-sections The permissible current carrying capability according to

DIN VDE 0113 Part 1/02.86 Electrical equipment on industrial machines
for PVC-isolated cables with copper conductors at an ambient temperature of
40 C must be observed.


Siemens cables are designed and manufactured according to VDE 0250,

0298, 0891. The cables are halogen- and silicone-free (according to
VDE 0472) and have a lifetime of 5 million bending cycles at 60 m/min.
Siemens cables have a PETP conductor insulation and a PUR outer sheath.
This means a higher current-loading capability or a lower cross-section with
respect to PVC-insulated cables!


The screening concept must be harmonized with the overall protective

grounding concept. Open-circuit conductors, conductors which are not used
and electric cables which can be touched, must be connected to protective
ground. If the brake conductors in the power cables are not used, then the
brake conductors and the brake conductor screens must be connected to
protective ground (open-circuit cables conduct capacitive charge currents).

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-27

MCU (Planning Guide)
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Pre-assembled cables with the necessary cross-sections are available for AC


Assignment The motor - cross-section - power connector assignments are listed in the
appropriate motor sections.

1-28 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Engineering motors Cable types


Observe the motor current requirement for your particular application!

Dimension the connecting cables so that they conform to VDE 0100 Part 430,
VDE 0113 Part 1, VDE 0298 Part 4.

Pre-assembled power without braking conductors with overall screen

Order No.: 6FX2002-5CA -0
Smallest bending radius: 12 x D

Servomotor SIMODRIVE
connector sizes 1; 1.5; 2; 3 conductor sleeves
acc. to DIN 46228
1/U U

2/V V

6/W W

with braking conductors, with overall screen

Order No.: 6FX2002-5DA -0
Smallest bending radius: 12 x D

Servomotor SIMODRIVE
connector sizes 1; 1.5; 2; 3 conductor sleeves
acc. to DIN 46228
1/U U

2/V V

6/W W

4/+ Br+
5/- Br-

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MCU (Planning Guide)
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Explanation 6FX2002- -0
Type, cross-section, connector size

Length code Standard lengths: BF0 = 5 m

CB0 = 10 m
CB5 = 15 m
CB8 = 18 m
CC5 = 25 m

The complete order designation and technical data are provided in

Catalog NC Z!

U - Brake
assignment 1 5
Connector size 1: 2 4

+ Brake

+ -
Connector size 1,5:

+ -
Connector size 2:

+ V -
Connector size 3: U W

Fig. 1-16 Connector assignment (when viewing the connector side)

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01.97 Engineering motors

Screening Screened cables are recommended. Unscreened cables can also be used for
standard applications (industrial networks). Screened cables must be used if
there are higher demands regarding the radio interference suppression level.

The screens must be incorporated in the overall protective grounding concept.

Open-circuit conductors, and conductors which are not used/electrical cables
which can be touched, must be connected to protective ground. If the brake
feeders in the SIEMENS accessory cables are not used, the brake conductors
and screens must be connected to the cabinet ground (open-circuit cables
conduct capacitive charging currents!).


EMC information is provided in the Section, Installation and connecting-up. Actual value cable

Rotor position-, motor speed- and position data (for indirect position sensing)
as well as motor temperature are fed via the actual value cable.

In order that noise is not coupled-in, the actual value cable must be routed
separately away from the power cables, and the screen must be grounded at
both ends.
Pre-assembled actual value cables should be used to guarantee noise-free

Assignment The actual value cables used are described for the appropriate

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MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97

1.2 1FT6 motors

1.2.1 Motor description Characteristics and technical data

Applications 1FT6 motors were developed, in conjunction with the SIMODRIVE drive
converter system, for applications on various machine tools, and even special-
purpose machines (general machine construction, wood, glass, presses,
packing- and transfer lines).


The motors are not suitable for direct online supply.

Characteristics Depending on the shaft height, 1FT6 motors have stall torques from 1.0 to
140 Nm at speeds from 1500 to 6000 RPM. They have a high overload
capability over the complete speed control range. The motors are optimized to
have a low torque ripple.

They can be mounted directly onto feed spindles and gearboxes with toothed
wheels or toothed belts.

Standards, The appropriate standards and regulations are directly assigned to the
regulations functional requirements.

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01.97 Engineering motors

Technical features The motors are designed for operation with a 600 V DC link voltage and
impressed sinusoidal currents.

Table 1-10 Standard motors

Features Design
Motor type Permanent-magnet synchronous motor
AC servomotor
Type of construction IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) (according to IEC 34-7 )
Degree of protection IP 64 (according to EN 60529)
Cooling Non-ventilated (according to IEC 34-6)
Thermal motor PTC thermistor (according to IEC 34-11) in the stator
protection winding
Shaft end Cylindrical; without keyway and without key (according to
DIN 748, Part 3); tolerance zone k6
Rating plate A second rating plate is provided for all motors
Radial eccentricity, Tolerance N (according to DIN 42955)
concentricity and axial
Vibration severity Grade N (according to IEC 34-14; DIN VDE 0530, Part 14)
Shock stressing Shaft height 36, shaft height 48: 100g; (according to
(briefly; radial DIN40046, T7)
not in operation] Shaft height 63: 50g
Shaft height 80 30 g
Shaft height 100 20 g
Shaft height 132 10 g
Vibration severity 1 g axial (20 Hz to 2 kHz)
3 g radial (20 Hz to 2 kHz)
Bearings Roller bearings with permanent grease lubrication
Bearing lifetime > 20000 h
Shaft height 36/48: Locating bearing on the non-drive side
Shaft height 63 to 132: Locating bearing on the drive side
Winding insulation Insulating material class F
according to DIN VDE 0530 - permits a winding
temperature rise of T = 105 K for an ambient temperature
of 40 C.
Magnetic materials Rare-earth materials
Electrical connection Connector for power and encoder/sensor signals
Connector socket for screened cables
Connector outlet direction can be selected
Encoder system Integrated optical encoder
Speed sensing
Rotor position sensing
Indirect position sensing

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Options Table 1-11 Options

Features Design
Type of construction IM B14 (IM V18, IM V19) (according to IEC 34-
Degree of protection IP 65, IP67 (only non-ventilated)
Cooling Forced ventilation (according to IEC 34-6)
Shaft end Cylindrical; with keyway and key (according to DIN 6885);
tolerance zone k6, half-key balancing according to DIN
Radial eccentricity, Tolerance R (according to DIN 42955)
concentricity and axial
Vibration severity Grade R (according to IEC 34-14; DIN VDE 0530, Part 14)
Integrated/mounted Fail-safe holding brake;
components 24V 10% supply voltage
(according to DIN 0580 7/79)
Mounted planetary gear
Multi-turn absolute encoder

Technical data The motors listed here are core types of the 1FT6 series. The Planning Guide
SIMODRIVE AC motors for feed- and main spindle drive provides a detailed
motor list
Part 1: 6SN1197-0AA20-0APx motors.

100 K values are specified in the table.

Table 1-12 Overview of motors

Rated M0 Mrated Motor type Motor Rated Prated Conne Cross Cable type
speed 2) curren converter ctor section
1FT6... t current size 6FX2002-
[RPM] [Nm] [Nm] [Nm] [A] [A] [kW] [mm2]
2000 27.0 23.0 23.0 AC7
102- 12.3 18 4.8 1.5 4x1.5 5 A21-10
50.0 38.0 38.0 AC7
105- 22.2 28 8.0 1.5 4x4 5 A41-10
3000 5.0 4.3 4.1 AF7
044- 3.35 3 2) 1.4 1 4x1.5 5 A01-10
4.0 3.5 3.3 AF7
061- 2.75 3 1.1 1 4x1.5 5 A01-10
6.0 4.6 4.4 AF7
062- 4.0 5 1.4 1 4x1.5 5 A01-10
9.5 7.0 6.7 AF7
064- 6.05 9 2.2 1 4x1.5 5 A01-10
13.7 10.3 9.8 AF7
082- 10.65 18 3.2 1.5 4x1.5 5 A21-10
20.0 14.7 14.0 AF7
084- 14.0 18 4.6 1.5 4x2.5 5 A31-10
27.0 18.5 17.6 AF7
086- 17.3 18 5.8 1.5 4x4 5 A41-10
4500 6.0 3.6 3.2 AH7
062- 5.75 9 1.7 1 4x1.5 5 A01-10
9.5 4.8 4.3 AH7
064- 9.05 9 1) 2.3 1 4x1.5 5 A01-10
13 8.5 7.7 AH7
082- 15.3 18 4 1.5 4x2.5 5 A31-10
6000 2.0 1.4 1.2 AK7
034- 2.6 3 0.9 1 4x1.5 5 A01-10
1) With the specified power module, the motor cannot be fully utilized for 100 K
winding temperature.
2) With absolute encoder EQN

Power calculation: P = M * n/9550 P in kW

M in Nm
n in RPM

1-34 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors Functions and options

Armature short-circuit The principle was explained in Section 1.1: General information. The
braking appropriate resistor values are listed here.

Brake resistors
An optimum braking time is achieved by appropriately dimensioning the
resistors. The braking torques obtained are listed in the tables. The data is
valid for braking from the rated speed. If braking is started at a different
speed, the braking time cannot be linearly interpolated. However, longer
braking times cannot occur.

The resistor rating must be adapted to the actual I2t load capability.

Table 1-13 Resistor braking for 1FT6 motors, shaft heights 36 and 48
Motor type External Average Max. RMS
brake braking braking braking
resistor torque torque current
Ropt Mbr RMS Mbr max Ibr RMS
[] [Nm] [Nm] [A]
1FT6034-1AK71 - 1.7 2.9 9.4
6.5 2.3 8.5
1FT6044-1AF71 - 5.9 9.2 11.3
5.1 7.4 10.2

Table 1-14 Resistor braking for 1FT6 motors, shaft height 63

Motor type External Average Max. RMS
brake braking braking braking
resistor torque torque current
Ropt Mbr RMS Mbr max Ibr RMS
[] [Nm] [Nm] [A]
1FT6061-1AF71 - 2.6 4.2 5.4
9 3.3 4.9
1FT6062-1AF71 - 3.7 6.6 8.6
6.4 5.2 7.8
1FT6064-1AF71 - 5.3 10.5 13.1
4.9 8.5 11.8

Table 1-15 Resistor braking for 1FT6 motors, shaft height 80

Motor type External Average Max. RMS
brake braking braking braking
resistor torque torque current
Ropt Mbr RMS Mbr max Ibr RMS
[] [Nm] [Nm] [A]
1FT6082-1AF71 - 4.4 10.4 15.3
3.7 8.2 13.7
1FT6084-1AF71 - 6.3 17.4 23
2.9 13.8 21
1FT6086-1AF71 - 8.7 25 31

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Motor type External Average Max. RMS

brake braking braking braking
resistor torque torque current
Ropt Mbr RMS Mbr max Ibr RMS
[] [Nm] [Nm] [A]
2.4 20 28

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01.97 Engineering motors

Table 1-16 Resistor braking for 1FT6 motors, shaft height 100
Motor type External Average Max. RMS
brake braking braking braking
resistor torque torque current
Ropt Mbr RMS Mbr max Ibr RMS
[] [Nm] [Nm] [A]
1FT6102-1AC71 - 10.7 29 15
2.8 22 22
1FT6105-1AC71 - 16.5 50 42
1.7 40 38

Holding brake Refer to Section 1.1 for a function description: General information.
Holding brakes cannot be retrofitted!

Table 1-17 Technical data for holding brakes used with 1FT6 motors
Motor type Brake type Holding torque Dyn. DC Power Opening Closing Moment
torque current time time of
[W] [ms] [ms] inertia
[Nm] [Nm] [A] [10-4
20 C 120 C 120 C kgm2]
1FT603 EBD 0.15B 2.5 2.0 1.6 0.35 8.2 30 15 0.08
1FT604 EBD 0.4BA 6.5 5.0 3.5 0.8 19.3 30 15 1.06
1FT606 EBD 1.5B 22 19 10 0.7 17 130 20 3.6
1FT6081 EBD 1.2B 15 12 8.0 0.83 21 70 35 3.2
1FT6084 EBD 3.5 36.5 26.5 20 1.3 31.5 110 55 16.0
1FT610 EBD 4B 100 85 43 1.4 32 180 20 32.0
1FT613 EBD 8MF 200 140 70 3.3 78 160 70 75

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Table 1-18 1FT6 motor with planetary gear (alpha company)

Standard motor 1-stage planetary gear
Type Dimensions Type Dimensions Dimensions
k k1 l d F L13 L14 L15 g6 k6 D4 D9 F4 F2 K2 K3
30 14 72 SPG 60-M1 20 28 129 60 16 5.5 68 62 70
1FT6034 260 280 341 361
1FT6034 260 280 SPG 75-M1 20 36 156 70 22 6.6 85 76 80 360 380
228 263 40 19 96 90
1FT6044 278 313 378 413
1FT6044 278 313 SPG 100-M1 30 58 202 90 32 9 120 101 100 392 427
1FT6061 228 258 50 24 116 120 342 372
1FT6062 253 283 367 397
1FT6064 303 333 417 447
58 32 155 SPG 140-M1 30 82 256 130 40 11 165 141 150
1FT6082 246 273 390 417
1FT6084 296 342 440 486
1FT6086 346 392 490 536
1FT6086 346 392 SPG 180-M1 30 82 297 160 55 13 215 182 180
1FT6102 295 341 80 38 192 190 480 526
1FT6105 370 416 555 601

1FT6105 370 416 SP 210-M1 38 105 335 180 75 17 250 212 190 562 608

L14 L13
F2 D4


D1 D3 d

l k=without brake/k1=with brake
K2=without brake/K3=with brake

Fig. 1-17 1FT6 motor with planetary gear (alpha company)

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01.97 Engineering motors

Drive coupling Table 1-19 Assignment of the drive couplings to the motors
Shaft height ROTEX GS Torque which can be transferred with
type the 98 Sh-A-GS pinion
TKN [Nm] TKmax [Nm]
36 14 7.5 15
48 19/24 10 20
63 24/28 35 70
80 28/38 95 190
100 38/45 190 380

Other pinions may have to be used (e. g. Shore hardness 80 Sh-A). The
pinion must be optimized in conjunction with the actual mechanical system.


The accelerating torque may not exceed the clamping torque!

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-39

MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97 Interfaces

Power connection Various types of pre-assembled cables are available (refer to Technical data).
Cables and connector assignments are specified in Section 1.1.4:
The complete program of accessories is provided in Catalog NC Z.


Assignment of the motor-connector size cable cross-section

(refer to Table 1-12).

The cable cross-section is designed for IRMS=100 K (according to

40C ambient temperature
For PVC-insulated cables

Actual value cable The actual value cables used are described for the appropriate

1.2.2 Order designations

Order 1 F T 6 . . . - 1 A . 7 1 - . . . 0
designations Electric motor
core types
Synchronous motor
AC servomotor
Frame size
Core type code
Rated speed
C = 2000 RPM
F = 3000 RPM
K = 6000 RPM

Connector outlet direction

1 = transverse right for frame sizes 08 and 10
3 = axial, non-drive end for frame sizes 03, 04 and 06

A: incremental optical encoder, ERN 1387

E: absolute optical encoder, EQN 1325
G = without holding brake
H = with holding brake
Vibration severity grade N IP64

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01.97 Engineering motors

1.2.3 Technical data and characteristics Speed-torque diagrams

Table 1-20 Standard 1FT6034 motor

Technical data Code Units
- AK7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 6000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 1.4
Rated current Irated A 2.1
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 1.65
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 2.00
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 2.15
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 2.60
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 1.2
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 1.1
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 7000
Max. torque Mmax Nm 8.0
Peak current Imax A 10.5
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 3.7
Limiting current Ilimit A 5.2
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.77
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 50
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 2.6
Three-phase inductance LD mH 14.5
Electrical time constant Tel ms 5.0
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.4
Thermal time constant Tth min 30
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.20
Weight with brake m kg 4.8
Weight without brake m kg 4.4

Fig. 1-18 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT6034

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Table 1-21 Standard 1FT6044 motor

Technical data Code Units
- AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 4.30
Rated current Irated A 2.9
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 4.15
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 5.00
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 2.50
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 3.00
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 6.2
Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 5.1
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 3650
Max. torque Mmax Nm 18.5
Peak current Imax A 11.0
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 10.7
Limiting current Ilimit A 6.8
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.66
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 108
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 3.09
Three-phase inductance LD mH 26
Electrical time constant Tel ms 8.3
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.0
Thermal time constant Tth min 40
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.18
Weight with brake m kg 9.5
Weight without brake m kg 8.3

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Fig. 1-19 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT6044

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Table 1-22 Standard 1FT6061 motor

Technical data Code Units
- AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 3.50
Rated current Irated A 2.6
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 3.3
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 4.0
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 2.25
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 2.75
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 8.0
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 6.0
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 4200
Max. torque Mmax Nm 16
Peak current Imax A 14.0
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 6.9
Limiting current Ilimit A 4.8
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.46
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 90
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 4.8
Three-phase inductance LD mH 30
Electrical time constant Tel ms 5.6
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 4.7
Thermal time constant Tth min 27
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.29
Weight with brake m kg 9.5
Weight without brake m kg 8.0

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Fig. 1-20 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT6061

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Table 1-23 Standard 1FT6062 motor

Technical data Code Units
- AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 4.60
Rated current Irated A 3.4
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 5.00
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 6.00
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 3.40
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 4.00
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 10.5
Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 8.5
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 4200
Max. torque Mmax Nm 24
Peak current Imax A 22.0
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 11.2
Limiting current Ilimit A 7.9
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.46
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 90
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 2.6
Three-phase inductance LD mH 19
Electrical time constant Tel ms 7.1
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.2
Thermal time constant Tth min 30
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.19
Weight with brake m kg 11.0
Weight without brake m kg 9.5

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Fig. 1-21 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT6062

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Table 1-24 Standard 1FT6064 motor

Technical data Code Units
- AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 7.00
Rated current Irated A 4.9
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 7.90
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 9.50
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 5.00
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 6.05
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 15.5
Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 13.0
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 3850
Max. torque Mmax Nm 38
Peak current Imax A 33.0
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 16.4
Limiting current Ilimit A 10.6
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.57
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 97
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 1.42
Three-phase inductance LD mH 13.5
Electrical time constant Tel ms 9.4
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.4
Thermal time constant Tth min 35
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.11
Weight with brake m kg 13.0
Weight without brake m kg 12.5

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Fig. 1-22 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT6064

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Table 1-25 Standard 1FT6082 motor

Technical data Code Units
- AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 10.30
Rated current Irated A 8.7
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 10.40
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 13.00
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 8.20
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 10.65
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 33.5
Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 30.0
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 4700
Max. torque Mmax Nm 42
Peak current Imax A 41.0
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 22
Limiting current Ilimit A 17.8
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.27
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 80.0
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 0.73
Three-phase inductance LD mH 7.2
Electrical time constant Tel ms 8.8
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 4.7
Thermal time constant Tth min 35
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.15
Weight with brake m kg 16.5
Weight without brake m kg 15.0

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Fig. 1-23 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT6082

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Table 1-26 Standard 1FT6084 motor

Technical data Code Units
- AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 14.70
Rated current Irated A 11.0
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 16.20
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 20.00
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 11.30
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 14.00
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 65.0
Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 48.0
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 4200
Max. torque Mmax Nm 65
Peak current Imax A 56
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 33
Limiting current Igren A 24.0
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.43
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 90
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 0.42
Three-phase inductance LD mH 5.4
Electrical time constant Tel ms 11.5
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.5
Thermal time constant Tth min 42
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.09
Weight with brake m kg 24.0
Weight without brake m kg 20.5

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Fig. 1-24 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT6084

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Table 1-27 Standard 1FT6086 motor

Technical data Code Units
- AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 18.50
Rated current Irated A 13.0
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 22.40
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 27.00
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 14.40
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 17.30
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 83.0
Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 66.5
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 3850
Max. torque Mmax Nm 90
Peak current Imax A 72.0
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 40
Limiting current Ilimit A 26.0
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.56
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 98
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 0.32
Three-phase inductance LD mH 4.4
Electrical time constant Tel ms 12.6
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.0
Thermal time constant Tth min 50
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.07
Weight with brake m kg 29.0
Weight without brake m kg 25.5

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Fig. 1-25 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT6086

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Table 1-28 Standard 1FT6102 motor

Technical data Code Units
- AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 2000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 23.00
Rated current Irated A 11.0
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 22.40
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 27.00
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 10.20
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 12.30
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 125.0
Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 99.0
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 2900
Max. torque Mmax Nm 90
Peak current Imax A 59.0
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 45
Limiting current Ilimit A 21.0
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.19
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 137
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 0.45
Three-phase inductance LD mH 7.7
Electrical time constant Tel ms 15.7
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.8
Thermal time constant Tth min 45
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.12
Weight with brake m kg 32.0
Weight without brake m kg 27.5

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Fig. 1-26 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT6102

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Table 1-29 Standard 1FT6105 motor

Technical data Code Units
- AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 2000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 38.00
Rated current Irated A 17.6
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 41.50
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 50.00
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 18.40
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 22.20
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 194.0
Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 168.0
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 2750
Max. torque Mmax Nm 166
Peak current Imax A 103
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 74
Limiting current Ilimit A 34.0
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.25
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 143
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 0.23
Three-phase inductance LD mH 4.7
Electrical time constant Tel ms 20.3
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.4
Thermal time constant Tth min 50
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.07
Weight with brake m kg 44.0
Weight without brake m kg 39.5

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Fig. 1-27 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT6105

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Engineering motors 01.97 Cantilever force/axial force diagrams

Rotor weight Table 1-30 Force due to the rotor weight (FL), bearing contact force (FC)
Motor type FL [N] FC [N]
including brake and
encoder system
1FT6031 10 60
1FT6034 15
1FT6041 20 75
1FT6044 25
1FT6061 25 95
1FT6062 30
1FT6064 40
1FT6081 35 190
1FT6082 45
1FT6084 75
1FT6086 90
1FT6102 100 260
1FT6105 140
1FT6108 190

Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal

bearing lifetime of 20 000 h.

Cantilever force


600 n=1000 RPM

n=1500 RPM
n=2000 RPM
400 n=3000 RPM

300 n=4500 RPM

n=6000 RPM
n=8000 RPM
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 x [mm]

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Axial force 1FT6034 Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force.


n=1000 RPM

500 n=1500 RPM

n=2000 RPM
400 n=3000 RPM
n=4500 RPM
300 n=6000 RPM
n=8000 RPM



50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 F

Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal

bearing lifetime of 20 000 h.

Cantilever force FQAS [N]


n=1000 RPM

n=1500 RPM

n=2000 RPM

n=3000 RPM

500 n=4500 RPM

n=6000 RPM
n=8000 RPM

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 x [mm]

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Axial force 1FT6044 Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force.


900 n=1000 RPM

n=1500 RPM
700 n=2000 RPM

600 n=3000 RPM

n=4500 RPM
n=6000 RPM
n=8000 RPM



50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 FAAS [N]

Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal

bearing lifetime of 20 000 h.

Cantilever force


900 n=1000 RPM

n=1500 RPM
700 n=2000 RPM

600 n=3000 RPM

n=4500 RPM
500 n=6000 RPM
n=8000 RPM
0 10 20 30 40 50 x [mm]

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Axial force Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force.

n=1000 RPM

800 n=1500 RPM

n=2000 RPM

n=3000 RPM
n=4500 RPM
n=6000 RPM


n=8000 RPM

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 F [N]

Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal

bearing lifetime of 20 000 h.

Cantilever force
1FT6082 FQAS [N]
1FT6086 2200


n=1000 RPM

n=1500 RPM
n=2000 RPM
n=3000 RPM
1000 n=4500 RPM
n=6000 RPM
800 n=8000 RPM

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x [mm]

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Axial force Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force.

1FT6082 FQAS [N]
1FT6086 1800
n=1000 RPM
n=1500 RPM
n=2000 RPM
1200 n=3000 RPM

1000 n=4500 RPM

n=6000 RPM
n=8000 RPM



0 200 400 600 800 1000 12001400 1600 1800 FAAS [N]

Bearing lifetime of 20 000 h.

Cantilever force
1FT6102 FQAS [N]


n=1000 RPM

1600 n=1500 RPM

n=2000 RPM
n=3000 RPM
n=4500 RPM
n=6000 RPM
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 x [mm]

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Axial force Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force.



2000 n=1000 RPM

n=1500 RPM
1500 n=2000 RPM
n=3000 RPM
n=4500 RPM

n=6000 RPM

200 400 600 800 100012001400160018002000 FAAS [N]

1.2.4 Dimension drawings

Technical data Additional technical data and dimensions are provided in Catalog NC 60.1
and in the Planning Guide PJ 6SN1197-0AA20.

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1.3 1FK6 motors

1.3.1 Motor description Characteristics and technical data

Applications 1FK6 motors were developed for use with the SIMODRIVE 611 drive
converter system for machine tools and various types of special-purpose


The motors are not suitable for direct online supply.

Characteristics Depending on the shaft height, 1FK6 motors have stall torques from 1.1 to 36
Nm at rated speeds from 3000 to 6000 RPM. They have a high overload
capability over the complete speed control range. The motors are flange- and
shaft-compatible to 1FT6 motors.

Standards, The appropriate standards and regulations are directly assigned to the
regulations functional requirements.

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Features The motors are designed for operation with a 600 V DC link voltage and
impressed sinusoidal currents.

Table 1-31 Standard motors

Features Design
Motor type Permanent-magnet synchronous motor
AC servomotor
Type of construction IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) (acc. to IEC 34-7 )
Degree of protection IP 64
Cooling Non-ventilated (acc. to IEC 34-6)
Thermal motor protection PTC thermistor (acc. to IEC 34-11) in the stator
Shaft end Cylindrical; without keyway and without key
(acc. to DIN 748, Part 3); tolerance zone k6
Rating plate A second rating plate is provided for all motors
Radial eccentricity, Tolerance N (according to DIN 42955)
concentricity and axial
Vibration severity Grade N (according to IEC 34-14; DIN VDE
0530, Part 14)
Shock stressing Shaft heights 36, 48: 100 g; (acc. to
(briefly; radial DIN40046,T7)
but not an operational condition) Shaft heights 80: 30 g
Shaft heights 100: 20 g
Balancing Half-key balancing according to DIN 8821
Vibration stressing 1 g axially (20 Hz to 2 kHz)
3 g radially (20 Hz to 2 kHz)
Bearings Permanently-lubricated roller bearings
(lubricated for their service life - permanently-
Bearing lifetime > 20000 h
Shaft height 36/48:Locating bearing at the non
drive end
Shaft height 80/100: Locating bearing at the drive
Winding insulation Insulating material class F
acc. to DIN VDE 0530 permits a winding
temperature rise of T = 105 K for an ambient
temperature of 40 C.
Magnetic materials Rare-earth materials
Electrical connection Connector for power- and encoder signals
Connector socket for screened cables
Encoder system Integrated optical encoder
Speed sensing
Rotor position sensing
Indirect position sensing

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Options Table 1-32 Standard motors, options

Feature Design
Degree of protection Radial sealing ring (oiltight drive end flange)
Radial eccentricity, Tolerance R (according to DIN 42955)
concentricity and axial
Integrated/mounted components Fail-safe holding brake;
24V 10% supply voltage
(according to DIN 0580 7/79)


For 1FK6 motors with optical encoders, optimum torque utilization is

supported using an automatic identification routine. Typically, the motor
rotates through <+/-5 degrees mechanical. The identification routine is
executed after each power-up.

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Technical data

Table 1-33 Motor overview (100K values are specified in the table)
Rated M0 Mrated Motor type Motor Rated Pcalc Conne Cross Cable type
speed curren motor ctor section
t current size
[RPM] [Nm] [Nm] 1FK6- [A] [A] [kW] [mm2] 6FX2002-
6000 1.1 0.8 032-6AK71 1.7 3 0.5 1 4 x 1.5
5 A01-1 0
6000 1.6 0.8 040-6AK71 2.8 3 0.5 1 4 x 1.5
5 A01-1 0
3000 3.2 2.6 042-6AF71 2.7 3 0.8 1 4 x 1.5
5 A01-1 0
3000 6.0 4.0 060-6AF71 4.3 5 1.3 1 4 x 1.5
5 A01-1 0
3000 11.0 6.0 063-6AF71 7.9 9 1.9 1 4 x 1.5
5 A01-1 0
3000 8.0 6.8 080-6AF71 5.4 9 2.1 1 4 x 1.5
5 A01-1 0
3000 16.0 10.5 083-6AF71 10.6 18 3.3 1 4 x 1.5
5 A01-1 0
3000 18.0 12.0 100-8AF71 12.2 18 3.8 1 4 x 2.5
5 A11-1 0
3000 27.0 15.5 101-8AF71 18 18 4.9 1.5 4x4
5 A41-1 0
3000 36.0 16.5 103-8AF71 23.0 28 5.2 1.5 4x6
5 A51-1 0
Without brake cable: without overall screen A
with overall screen C
With brake cable: without overall screen B
with overall screen D

Standard lengths: 5m - BF0

10 m - CB0
15 m - CB5
18 m - CB8
25 m - CC5

Power calculation: P = M * n/9550

P in kW
M in Nm
n in RPM

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MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97 Functions and options

Armature The principle was already explained in Section 1.1.3 Functions - expanded
short-circuit braking functionality.
The appropriate resistor values are now listed.

Braking resistors

An optimum braking time is achieved by appropriately dimensioning the

resistors. The braking torques obtained are listed in the tables. The data is
valid for braking from the rated speed. If braking is initiated at a different
speed, the braking time cannot be linearly interpolated. However the braking
time does not increase.

The resistor rating must be adapted to the actual It load capability.

Table 1-34 Resistor braking for 1FK6 motors, shaft heights 36 to 100
Motor type Ext. Average Max. RMS
braking braking braking braking
resistor torque torque current
Ropt Mbr RMS Mbr max Ibr RMS
[] [Nm] [Nm] [A]
1FK6032- K71 - 1.3 1.8 5.3
6 1.4 4.9
1FK6040- - 2.3 2.9 4.4
K71 4.1 2.4 4.2
1FK6042- F71 - 4.5 6.1 9.8
2.5 4.9 9.1
1FK6080- F71 - 4.9 9.8 12.4
5.1 7.9 11.2
1FK6083- F71 - 7.9 2.0 24.1
3.0 16.1 21.6
1FK6100- F71 - 12.3 28.6 36.2
1.9 23.0 32.0
1FK6101- F71 - 16.4 43.8 52.9
1.4 35.4 47.4
1FK6103- F71 - 25 67.1 80.9
0.9 54 72.5

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Holding brake Refer to Section Mounted/integrated components for a function


Table 1-35 Technical data of the holding brakes used with 1FK6 motors
Motor type Brake type Holding torques Dyn. DC Power Opening Closing Moment of
[Nm] torque current time time inertia
[Nm] *) [A] [W] [ms]] *) [ms] *) [10-4 kgm2]
20 C *) 120 C 120 C ca.
1FK6032 EBD 0.13B 1.5 1.1 0.8 0.4 9.6 30 7.5 0.04
1FK604 EBD 0.3B 4.5 3.2 2.5 0.6 13.4 0.21
1FK606 EBD 0.8B 12 10 6.5 0.7 15.6 55 15 0.6
1FK608 EBD 1.4B 23 18 11 0.6 13.5 150 30 2.3
1FK6100 EBD 1.4B 23 18 11 0.6 13.5 150 30 2.3
1FK6101 EBD 3.8B 50 36 25 0.9 22.3 180 25 10.8
*) according to the type test

Forced ventilation not provided Interfaces

Power connection Various types of pre-assembled cables are available (refer to technical data).
You will find cable- and connector assignments in Section 1.1.4:
The complete program of accessories is listed in Catalog NC Z.


Motor-connector size-cable cross-section assignment (refer to

Table 1-33 Motor overview (100K values are specified in the table).

The cable cross-section is dimensioned for IRMS=100 K (in accordance

with VDE0113).
40C ambient temperature
For PVC-insulated cables

Actual value cables The actual value cables used are described for the appropriate

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1.3.2 Order designations

Order designation 1 F K 6 . . . - . A . 7 1 - 3 . . .
Electric motor
Synchronous motor
AC servomotor
Frame size

No. of poles
Rated speed
F = 3000 RPM
K = 6000 RPM

Connector outlet direction

Optical encoder
A incremental ERN 1387
E reserved

Shaft end1) Radial eccentricity Holding brake

G= b N without
H= b N with
K= b R without
L= b R with
Degree of protection
0 = IP 64
2 = Radial shaft sealing ring (oil-tight drive end flange)

1) b = shaft end: smooth shaft, without keyway

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1.3.3 Technical data and characteristics Speed-torque diagrams

Table 1-36 Standard 1FK6032 motor
Technical data Codes Units -6AK7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 6000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 0.8
Rated current Irated A 1.5
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 0.9
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 1.1
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 1.4
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 1.7
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 0.67
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 0.63
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 9000
Max. torque Mmax Nm 4.1
Peak current Imax A 6.6
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 2.5
Limiting current Ilimit A 4.3
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.64
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 42
Winding resistance Rphase Ohm 7
Three-phase inductance LD mH 15
Electrical time constant Tel ms 2.2
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.8
Thermal time constant Tth min 25
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.1
Weight with brake m kg 3.04
Weight without brake m kg 2.9

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Fig. 1-28 Speed-torque diagram, 1FK6032

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Table 1-37 Standard 1FK6040 motor

Technical data Code Units -6AK7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 6000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 0.8
Rated current Irated A 1.75
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 1.3
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 1.6
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 2.2
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 2.8
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 2.08
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 1.87
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 7500
Max. torque Mmax Nm 5.7
Peak current Imax A 10
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 4.9
Limiting current Ilimit A 8.8
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.17
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 37.5
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 2.65
Three-phase inductance LD mH 7.5
Electrical time constant Tel ms 3.0
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 4.8
Thermal time constant Tth min 25
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.3
Weight with brake m kg 4.1
Weight without brake m kg 3.7

Fig. 1-29 Speed-torque diagram, 1FK6040

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Table 1-38 Standard 1FK6042 motor

Technical data Code Units -6AK7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 2.6
Rated current Irated A 2.4
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 2.65
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 3.2
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 2.2
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 2.7
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 3.68
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 3.47
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 5200
Max. torque Mmax Nm 11.4
Peak current Imax A 10.5
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 10.3
Limiting current Ilimit A 10.2
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.18
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 76
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 3.6
Three-phase inductance LD mH 13
Electrical time constant Tel ms 3.6
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.6
Thermal time constant Tth min 35
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.2
Weight with brake m kg 5.4
Weight without brake m kg 5

Fig. 1-30 Speed-torque diagram, 1FK6042

1-76 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Engineering motors

Table 1-39 Standard 1FK6060 motor

Technical data Code Units -6AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 4.0
Rated current Irated A 3.1
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 5.0
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 6.0
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 3.6
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 4.3
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 9.2
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 8.6
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 4400
Max. torque Mmax Nm 22
Peak current Imax A 16
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 12
Limiting current Ilimit A 8.8
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.39
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 90
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 2.3
Three-phase inductance LD mH 14
Electrical time constant Tel ms 6.1
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.1
Thermal time constant Tth min 30
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.2
Weight with brake m kg 9.6
Weight without brake m kg 9





S1 (100K)
S1 (60K)

0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800
Fig. 1-31 Speed-torque diagram, 1FK6060

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Table 1-40 Standard 1FK6063 motor

Technical data Code Units -6AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 6.0
Rated current Irated A 4.9
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 9.1
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 11.0
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 6.6
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 7.9
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 16.7
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 16.1
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 4400
Max. torque Mmax Nm 40
Peak current Imax A 30
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 30
Limiting current Ilimit A 22
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.39
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 90
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 0.8
Three-phase inductance LD mH 6
Electrical time constant Tel ms 7.5
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2
Thermal time constant Tth min 35
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.15
Weight with brake m kg 13.8
Weight without brake m kg 13.2





16 S3-40%


4 S1 (100K)
S1 (60K)
0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800
Fig. 1-32 Speed-torque diagram, 1FK6063

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01.97 Engineering motors

Table 1-41 Standard 1FK6080 motor

Technical data Code Units -6AF7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 6.8
Rated current Irated A 5.3
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 6.6
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 8.0
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 4.8
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 5.7
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 18.4
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 16.1
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 4200
Max. torque Mmax Nm 27
Peak current Imax A 21
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 14
Limiting current Ilimit A 11
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.4
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 90
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 1.5
Three-phase inductance LD mH 14
Electrical time constant Tel ms 9.3
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.7
Thermal time constant Tth min 30
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.2
Weight with brake m kg 13.7
Weight without brake m kg 12.5



10 S3-40%


6 S1 (100K)

2 S1 (60K)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Fig. 1-33 Speed-torque diagram, 1FK6080

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Table 1-42 Standard 1FK6083 motor

Technical data Code Units -6AK7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 10.5
Rated current Irated A 7.5
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 13.3
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 16.0
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 8.5
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 10.2
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 29.4
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 27.1
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 3850
Max. torque Mmax Nm 54
Peak current Imax A 40
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 30
Limiting current Ilimit A 21
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.56
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 100
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 0.55
Three-phase inductance LD mH 7.6
Electrical time constant Tel ms 6.7
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.6
Thermal time constant Tth min 35
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.15
Weight with brake m kg 18.2
Weight without brake m kg 17

1-80 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Engineering motors

Fig. 1-34 Speed-torque diagram, 1FK6083

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Table 1-43 Standard 1FK6100 motor

Technical data Code Units -6AK7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 12.0
Rated current Irated A 9
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 15
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 18.0
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 10.2
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 12.2
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 68.3
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 57.5
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 4000
Max. torque Mmax Nm 59
Peak current Imax A 48
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 32
Limiting current Ilimit A 24.5
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.48
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 95
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 0.4
Three-phase inductance LD mH 3.6
Electrical time constant Tel ms 9
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.2
Thermal time constant Tth min 35
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.12
Weight with brake m kg 22.5
Weight without brake m kg 21

1-82 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Fig. 1-35 Speed-torque diagram, 1FK6100

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Table 1-44 Standard 1FK6101 motor

Technical data Code Units -6AK7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 15.5
Rated current Irated A 10.4
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 22.4
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 27.0
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 14.4
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 17.3
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 100.3
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 89.5
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 3850
Max. torque Mmax Nm 88
Peak current Imax A 67
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 46
Limiting current Ilimit A 31
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.56
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 100
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 0.23
Three-phase inductance LD mH 2.6
Electrical time constant Tel ms 11.3
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.5
Thermal time constant Tth min 40
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.12
Weight with brake m kg 28
Weight without brake m kg 26

1-84 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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M [Nm]


80 F





30 S3-40%


S1 (100 K)
S1 (60 K)
020 .ds4 n [1/min]
1F K6101 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Fig. 1-36 Speed-torque diagram, 1FK6101

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Table 1-45 Standard 1FK6103 motor

Technical data Code Units -6AK7
Engineering data
Rated speed nrated RPM 3000
Rated torque Mrated (100 K) Nm 16.5
Rated current Irated A 11.6
Stall torque M0 (60 K) Nm 30
Stall torque M0 (100 K) Nm 36.0
Stall current I0 (60 K) A 19
Stall current I0 (100 K) A 23
Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 132.3
Moment of inertia (without Jmot 10-4 kgm2 121.5
Limiting data
Max. speed nmax RPM 3850
Max. torque Mmax Nm 118
Peak current Imax A 90
Limiting torque Mlimit Nm 57
Limiting current Ilimit A 35
Physical constants
Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.56
Voltage constant kE V/1000 RPM 100
Winding resistance Rph. Ohm 0.15
Three-phase inductance LD mH 1.7
Electrical time constant Tel ms 11.3
Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3
Thermal time constant Tth min 45
Thermal resistance Rth Ohm 0.07
Weight with brake m kg 32
Weight without brake m kg 30

1-86 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Engineering motors

Fig. 1-37 Speed-torque diagram, 1FK6103

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-87

MCU (Planning Guide)
Engineering motors 01.97 Cantilever force/axial force diagrams

Cantilever force, Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal
1FK6032 bearing lifetime of 20 000 hours.

Axial force, 1FK6032 Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force


n [RPM]

400 n=1000


100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 FAZ [N]

1-88 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

Cantilever force, Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal
1FK6040 bearing lifetime of 20 000 hours.






n=500 RPM
700 n=1000 RPM

n=1500 RPM
600 n=2000 RPM

500 n=3000 RPM

n=4500 RPM
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 x [mm]

Axial force, 1FK6040 Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force


n [RPM]
1000 n=500

800 n=1000
600 n=2000


50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-89

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Cantilever force, Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal
1FK6042 bearing lifetime of 20 000 hours.



n=500 RPM
n=1000 RPM



700 n=1500 RPM

n=2000 RPM
n=3000 RPM
500 n=4500 RPM

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 x [mm]

Axial force, 1FK6042 Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force


n [RPM] n=500
800 n=1500
600 n=3000


50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

1-90 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

Cantilever force, Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal
1FK6080 bearing lifetime of 20 000 hours.





1800 n=500 RPM


1400 n=1000 RPM

n=1500 RPM
n=2000 RPM
n=3000 RPM
n=4500 RPM
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x [mm]

Axial force, 1FK6080 Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force

FQAS [N] n=500

n [RPM]
1200 n=2000




200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 FAZ [N]

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-91

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Cantilever force, Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal
1FK6083 bearing lifetime of 20 000 hours.




n=500 RPM


n=1000 RPM
n=1500 RPM
1200 n=2000 RPM

n=3000 RPM
n=4500 RPM
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x [mm]

Axial force, 1FK6083 Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force


n [RPM] n=500

1250 n=2000
1000 n=4500




200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 FAZ [N]

1-92 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

Cantilever force, Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal
1FK6100 bearing lifetime of 20 000 hours.





n=500 RPM
n=1000 RPM
1500 n=1500 RPM
n=2000 RPM
n=3000 RPM
1000 n=4500 RPM

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 x [mm]

Axial force, 1FK6100 Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force

n [RPM]

1500 n=1500


1000 n=4500




200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 FAZ [N]

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-93

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Cantilever force, Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal
1FK6101 bearing lifetime of 20 000 hours.




n=500 RPM
n=1000 RPM
1500 n=1500 RPM
n=2000 RPM
n=3000 RPM
1000 n=4500 RPM

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 x [mm]

Axial force, 1FK6101 Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force

n [RPM]
1250 n=3000





200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 FAZ [N]

1-94 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Engineering motors

Cantilever force, Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal
1FK6103 bearing lifetime of 20 000 hours.




n=500 RPM
n=1000 RPM
n=1500 RPM
1500 n=2000 RPM
n=3000 RPM
n=4500 RPM
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 x [mm]

Axial force, 1FK6103 Permissible axial force as a function of the cantilever force

FQAS [N] n=500

n [RPM]
1250 n=3000





200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 FAZ [N]

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1.3.4 Dimension drawings

Technical data Additional technical data and dimensions are provided in Catalog NC 60.1
and in the Planning Guide PJ 6SN1197-0AA20.

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2 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611

Contents 2.1 Engineering steps .................................................................... 2-2

2.2 System configuration ............................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 Specifications ....................................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Mechanical specifications ..................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Electrical specifications......................................................... 2-4
2.2.4 Connecting to the supply through a transformer .................... 2-6
2.2.5 General information .............................................................. 2-7
2.2.6 Ambient climatic conditions................................................... 2-9
2.3 Supply infeed (NE)..................................................................2-12
2.3.1 Uncontrolled supply infeed (NE)...........................................2-12
2.3.2 Function overview and settings ............................................2-13
2.3.3 Technical data .....................................................................2-13
2.3.4 Data of the supplementary components ...............................2-17
2.3.5 Interface overview, UE module 10/25 kW ............................2-17
2.3.6 Interface overview, UE module 5/10 kW ..............................2-17
2.3.7 Line fuses ............................................................................2-18
2.4 Power modules .......................................................................2-19
2.4.1 Technical data .....................................................................2-20
2.4.2 Load duty cycle definitions, drive modules ...........................2-21
2.4.3 Interface overview, power module........................................2-22
2.4.4 Cable cross-sections of the motor feeder cables ..................2-22
2.5 611 control components..........................................................2-23
2.5.1 Mode of operation ................................................................2-23
2.5.2 Interface overview of the MCU.............................................2-23
2.6 Recommended circuits and EMC measures............................2-24
2.6.1 Timing diagram 6SN11 ........................................................2-26
2.6.2 Three-conductor connection (standard circuit)......................2-27
2.6.3 Power failure back-up with the UE module ..........................2-28
2.6.4 Start inhibit in the drive modules..........................................2-30
2.6.5 Application examples...........................................................2-36
2.6.6 EMC measures ....................................................................2-41
2.6.7 Filter module (FIM) ..............................................................2-43
2.7 Dimension drawings................................................................2-43

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2.1 Engineering steps

Procedure The procedure to configure a SIMODRIVE drive group has been sub-divided
into simple, basic steps.
Motor selection
Selecting the supply infeed
Selecting the power module (alternatively, the Protected Power Unit)
EMC measures (when required)
The SIMOPRO PC tool is also available to configure the 6SN series. Please
contact your local Siemens office for further information (e. g. Start-up
guides, SIMODRIVE 611 and SINUMERIK 840 C/D as well as detailed
ordering information).

2.2 System configuration

The single-axis positioning control MCU 172A can be used in various

versions depending on the particular positioning task and the application. The
configuration can either be modular as a group with the supply infeed (NE),
power module and MCU module as well as the monitoring- and pulsed
resistor module.

The MCU 172A can be used for distributed positioning tasks in a single-axis
module, IP65 degree of protection with the designation PPU (Protected Power

Drive group

Fig. 2-1 Configuration types

2-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611

Procedure In a drive group, the power supply of an NE module can supply a maximum
of three MCU axes. A monitoring module must be used for larger drive
groups. However, the required DC link power must be supplied from the NE

Note The PPU description is provided in the Planning Guide 6SN1 197-0AA00
from Edition 12.94 onwards.

In this documentation, the description of the supply infeed modules (NE

modules) is restricted to the description of the uncontrolled infeed (UE). More
detailed information is provided in the Planning Guide 6SN1 197-0AA00.

2.2.1 Specifications


The components are insulated in accordance with DIN VDE 0160 / 05.88 and
DIN VDE 0110 / 01.89.
Overvoltage category III
Degree of pollution 2
Installation altitude up to max. 2000 m above sea level
Neutral point of the supply is directly grounded; the module housing is

2.2.2 Mechanical specifications

Vibration stressing in according to

DIN IEC 68-2-6
IEC 65A (Co) 22-I
Severity level according to SN 29010/Part 1

Table 2-1 Vibration stressing in operation

Severity level Frequency range Constant Amplitude of the

deflection acceleration
[Hz] [mm] [m/s] [g]
Class 12 10 - 58 0.075 9.81 1
above 58 - 500

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2.2.3 Electrical specifications

Supply specifications Supply

for NE modules

To additional loads

Supply point A
Fuses Supply point A
Communication reactor Fuses

NE module Transformer
(refer to text)

Communication reactor

NE module

Fig. 2-2 Supply specifications for the NE module

Transformer If an isolating transformer is used, and this is exclusively used to supply a

subsequently connected I/R module, then it can be designed/dimensioned
differently than specified in the engineering information for transformers for
I/R modules (refer to Section 3.4.3).

The isolating transformer must have the following specifications:

Short-circuit voltage in %, uk 3%
Transformer rating:
Srated must be 21 kVA for 16/21 kW I/R modules
Srated must be 46.5 kVA for 36/47 kW I/R modules
Srated must be 70.3 kVA for 55/71 kW I/R modules
Srated must be 104 kVA for 80/104 kW I/R modules
Srated must be 155 kVA for 120/156 kW I/R modules
Isolating transformer vector group
Recommended: YYN0, i. e. the star circuit configuration on the primary
side, star circuit configuration on the secondary side with accessible
neutral point.

Commutating reactor External commutating reactors are only required for I/R modules.

Supply point A In order to ensure perfect system functioning, the system fault level (SKsupply)
at the supply point must be 100 (30) x greater than the rated output Pn of the
connected NE module.
SKsupply = 100 x Pn (I/R module) SKsupply = 30 x Pn (UE module)

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2.2.4 Connecting to the supply through a transformer

For transformers with separate windings,

M600 must be grounded at the UE module
using the connecting lugs supplied.

Fig. 2-3 Connecting to the supply through a transformer

A transformer (Catalog type) must be provided if the converter is to be fed

from supplies with voltages other than those specified.

When disconnecting the transformer, it must be ensured that the drive

converter is first isolated from the transformer using a contactor (due to the
induced voltage).

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01.97 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611

2.2.5 General information

Supply types The equipment can be connected and operated from various supply types
according to VDE 0100 Part 300
1. Three-phase supplies with grounded neutral point
TN supplies (TN-C supplies, TN-S supply, TN-C-S supply)
Possible configurations:
Directly connected
Connected through an autotransformer
Connected through an isolating transformer


Autotransformer 1) The neutral point of the autotransformer

can be connected, if required when fed
from a TN-S supply

2) The commutating reactor is only used

NE module for I/R modules.

Fig. 2-4 TN-S supply with autotransformer


1) The secondary neutral point of the auto-
transformer can be connected, if required
when fed from a TN-S supply.

2) The commutating reactor is only used for

NE module I/R modules.

Fig. 2-5 TN-S supply with isolating transformer

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2. Three-phase supplies with ungrounded neutral point

e. g. TT supply, IT supply

Possible configurations: Connected via an isolating transformer



1) The commutating reactor is only

used for I/R modules.
NE module

Fig. 2-6 TT supply with grounded neutral point and isolating transformer



1) The commutating reactor is only

used for I/R modules.
NE module

Fig. 2-7 IT supply with isolating transformer

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01.97 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611


It is not permissible to connect SIMODRIVE equipment to a supply with e.l.c.b.s

(this restriction is in accordance with DIN VDE 0160 / 05.88 Section 6.5).

When operational, protection against direct contact is provided in a form to

allow the unit to be used in general equipment rooms (DIN VDE 0558 Part 1 /
07.87, Section

In compliance with DIN VDE 0160 / 05.88, all SIMODRIVE units are subject to
a high-voltage test at the time of routine testing. If the electrical equipment of
industrial machines is subject to a high-voltage test, all connections must be
disconnected so that sensitive electronic components in the SIMODRIVE unit are
not damaged (in accordance with DIN VDE 0113 / 06.93, Part 1, Section 20.4).

2.2.6 Ambient climatic conditions

In operation according to
DIN IEC 68-2-1
DIN IEC 68-2-2
DIN IEC 68-2-3
DIN VDE 0160, Section
SN 26556

Temperature range Upper/lower limiting temperature: 0C/+55C

For power modules (100% load): +40C
De-rating above +40C: 2.5%/C

Dew point Annual average: U=75%

temperature td, td=17C
relative air humidity U
On 30 days (24h) per year: U=95%
These days should be naturally distributed over the year.
On all other days (<24h): U=85%
But still maintaining the annual average.

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Temperature change within one hour: max. 10 K

within 3 minutes: max. 1 K

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01.97 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611

Moisture not permissible.


Air pressure [mbar] min. 860 mbar (86 kPa)

max. 1080 mbar (108 kPa).

Damaging gases according to DIN 40046, Part 36 and Part 37

hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
sulfur dioxide (SO2)

Table 2-2 Damaging gases

Gas Concentration Temperature Relative air Test duration

SO2 10 cm/m 25C 2C 75% 5% 4 days
0.3 cm/m
H2S 1 cm/m 25C 2C 75% 5% 4 days
0.3 cm/m

Foreign bodies and according to

protection against
IEC 529 / EN 60529 / VDE 0470
DIN VDE 0106, Part 1
DIN 40050
DIN 40053, Part 4

Module, internal cooling IP20

Module, external cooling

Heatsink in the cooling area IP54
Electronics area IP20

Module with pipe cooling

Heatsink in the cooling area IP54
Electronics area IP20

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2.3 Supply infeed (NE)

The supply infeed modules (NE) are available as controlled

infeed/regenerative feedback modules (I/R module) and as uncontrolled infeed
modules (UE). They supply the necessary operating voltages and the power
for the particular system in various output stages.

Using the I/R modules, excess DC link power (e. g. during braking) can be
fed back into the supply. UE modules dissipate the braking energy in a pulsed


The supply infeed with infeed/regenerative feedback modules (I/R modules) is

described in the Planning Guide 6SN1 197-0AA00.

2.3.1 Uncontrolled supply infeed (NE)

The uncontrolled infeed (UE module) is used to feed power into the DC link.
Further, the NE- and monitoring module also provide the power supply for
the operating functions of the connected modules.

For UE modules, when the motors brake, the energy of the axes, fed back into
the DC link, is converted into heat in the integrated brake resistor and
dissipated to the environment. When required, one or several pulsed resistor
modules can be used.

The NE module is located as the first module to the left in the drive group.
The pulsed resistor module is located in the drive group to the left of the
modules to be supplied.


After all of the voltages have been powered-down, a hazardous voltage level is
still present for approx. 4 minutes.

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2.3.2 Function overview and settings

NE module settings Table 2-3 NE module settings

Parameters Value range Setting element

Fault message Changeover between ready/fault message Switch S1.2
depending on the operating status, the
relay terminal either signals ready or no
Regenerative Pulsed resistor enabled/inhibited for 5/10 Switch S1.3
feedback kW NE module
Signaling functions It alarm and motor overtemperature for
via relay/contactor the NE- and drive module
contact CLOSE internal line contactor
start inhibit
LED displays Ready, DC link pre-charged, 15V fault,
5V fault, line supply fault, DC link

2.3.3 Technical data

Table 2-4 Technical data, supply infeed modules, internal cooling (resistor braking)

Designation Pn/Ps6/Pmax Pn/Ps6/Pmax Input Max. cross- Module Energy of the

for supply for UE via current [A] section 2) width [mm] pulsed resistor for
infeed [kW] internal for 3-ph. [mm] 1 x braking
pulsed 400 V AC operation
resistor 540 V DC
[kW] Pn/Ps6/Pmax
Losses [W] Output Weight [kg]
PVtotal current [A]
Monitoring module - - - 16/10 50 -
70 - 5 -
Pulsed resistor - 0.3/-/25 1) - 16/10 50 internal: Emax=7.5
module kWs
310 - 5 ext.: Emax=180 kWs
NE module 5/10 kW 5/6.5/10 0.2/-/10 12.5/16.5/25 6/4 50 internal: Emax=13.5
270 9.3/12/18.6 6.5 -
NE module 10/25 10/13/25 0.3/-/25 24/32/60 16/10 100 internal: Emax=7.5
kW kWs
450 18.5/24/46.5 9.5 -
The motor braking energy is converted into heat in the integrated pulsed
The 1st number is valid for cable lugs, the 2nd number, for finely-stranded
conductors without connector sleeve.

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Definition of the Pn, Ps6, Pmax Data is valid for the total, permitted voltage range of the I/R
powers modules.
Pn Continuous output of the NE module.
Ps6 Output for max. 4 min for an S6 duty cycle.
Pmax Peak output.
Refer to the following load duty diagrams for the duty cycle .
PV tot Total module power loss.

Supply voltage and 3-ph. 360 to 440 V AC/45 to 65 Hz at 600 V DC:

This is valid for all UE modules up to Pn 10 kW

UE modules can be connected directly to the line supply.

If an isolating or an autotransformer is used, this can be dimensioned

according to the following formula:

PD transformer 1.4 x Pn UE module

Cooling type All UE modules, monitoring modules as well as the pulsed resistor modules,
are non-ventilated.

Nominal load duty

cycles for NE
modules Pmax Pmax

Ps6 Ps6
P P 10 s
n n
0,4 Pn 0,4 Pn
t t
10 min 60 ms
S6 load duty cycle with pre-loading Peak power load duty cycle with
condition pre-loading condition
Pmax F*Pn

P P 10 s

n n 4s
t t
10 s 10 s
Peak power load duty cycle with pre-loading condition Peak power load duty cycle without
pre-loading condition
F: For all NE modules up to Pn 80kW, F=1.6

Fig. 2-8 Nominal load duty cycles for NE modules

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De-rating dependent All of the technical data are valid for ambient temperatures up to max.
on the ambient 40C.
For ambient temperatures > 40C, the outputs must be linearly reduced. For a
maximum ambient temperature 55C: De-rating to 60% of the 40C value.



025.ds4 0 C 40 C 55 C Ambient temperature

Fig. 2-9 De-rating dependent on the ambient temperature

Current de-rating All of the specified load currents are valid up to an installation altitude of
dependent on the 1000 m. For installation altitudes > 1000 m, the load currents must be
installation altitude reduced according to the diagram below.

100 %

80 %

60 %

40 %

20 %

0 1000 2000 Installation altitude in [m]

Fig. 2-10 Current de-rating as a function of the installation altitude

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Engineering Des. Units

information, pulsed Explanation
resistor module E Ws Regenerative feedback energy when a motor is braked from
n2 to n1 (speed)
f Hz Frequency with which braking is repeated
J kgm Axis moment of inertia (including the motor moment of inertia)
M Nm Braking torque
n RPM Speed

0.12 s 0.12 s

Fig. 2-11 Load duty cycle for a pulsed resistor integrated in the 10 kW UE module and
PW module (pulsed-resistor module)

Pulsed-resistor E = J * [2 * * (n2-n1)/60] / 2;
The following conditions must be fulfilled: Pmax M * 2 * * n/60
For a single braking operation: E Emax (Emax = max. pulsed resistor
energy for one braking operation)
For periodic braking operation: Pn E * f.
Operation with internal pulsed resistor (as supplied), a jumper is located
between 1R and 2R.

Operation with external pulsed resistor:

1. Mount the external pulsed resistor with the open side placed downwards
on a sheet metal surface (e. g. mounted on the cabinet).
2. Remove the jumper between 1R and 2R.
3. Connect the housing of the external pulsed resistor with PE.
4. Connect the external pulsed resistor via terminals 1R and 3R
Cable cross-section: 2.5 to 4 mm
Length of the connecting cable: < 10 m
Number of pulsed-resistor modules connected to the same DC link, refer
to Catalog NC 60.1.

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Data of the internal Continuous power Pn = 300 W

pulsed resistor Peak power Pmax = 25 kW
For one braking operation: Emax = 25 kW for 0.3 s = 7.5 kJ

Data of the external Continuous power Pn = 1500 W

pulsed resistor Peak power Pmax = 25 kW
For one braking operation: Emax = 25 kW for 7.2 s = 180 kJ


The possible number of pulsed-resistor modules depends on the magnitude of

the DC link capacitance. One pulsed-resistor module may be used for each
1.0 mF.

2.3.4 Data of the supplementary components

Table 2-5 Data of the supplementary components

Components Component Order No. Comments

Heatsink 6SN1 162-0BA01-0AA0 Required for UE modules when the pulsed resistor is utilized
to the maximum (> 200 W) (refer to Catalog NC 60.1
Dimension sheets)

2.3.5 Interface overview, UE module 10/25 kW

A detailed overview of the interfaces is provided in Section 3 Mounting and


2.3.6 Interface overview, UE module 5/10 kW

A detailed overview of the interfaces is provided in Section 3 Mounting and


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2.3.7 Line fuses

The following line fuses can be used: NH, D, DO gL according to VDE 0636,
VDE 0641

Table 2-6 Line fuses

UE module 5/10 kW UE module 10/25 kW

Irated = 16 A = 25 A
Ifuse > 70 A > 100 A
0.2 s
Ifuse > 50 A > 80 A
Ifuse > 42 A > 65 A
10 s
Ifuse > 30 A > 40 A
240 s
Recommended fuses
Nominal 16 A D01 Neoz./B.No. 5SE2116 1) 25 A D02 Neoz./B.No. 5SE2125 1)
voltage 415 V
Nominal 16 DA DII Diazed/B.No. 5SB261 1) 25 A DII Diazed/B.No. 5SB281 1)
voltage 500 V
Nominal 16 A Gr. 00 NH/B.No. 3NA3805 1) 25 A Gr. 00 NH/B.No. 3NA3810 1)
voltage 500 V
The Order Nos. are valid for 5 fuses in a package.

The fuses used must fulfill the conditions of the values in the table.

The table values must be compared with the values obtained from the current-
time characteristic of the fuse used. If the currents from the current-time
characteristic are always greater than the table values at the times specified in
the table, then this means that the fuse can be used.

The maximum fuse rating which can be used (Irated fuse), is specified by the
maximum conductor cross-section which can be connected at the terminals.

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2.4 Power modules

The current rating specified on the power module corresponds to the

appropriate rated transistor currents. The output currents can be limited by
the plug-in control module. When the MCU 172A single-positioning module
is inserted, the mounting screws on the front panel must be tightened-up
(electrical connection to the module housing).

Power module,
internal cooling

MCU plug-in module


Order No.

Type plate/
Order No.

Fig.-2-12 Power module


After all of the voltages have been powered-down, hazardous voltages are still
available for approx. 4 minutes.

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2.4.1 Technical data

Current de-rating All of the technical data are valid for ambient temperatures up to max. 40C.
dependent on the
ambient temperature For ambient temperatures > 40C, the currents for UE supply infeed must be
linearly reduced as for the UE supply infeed. For a maximum ambient
temperature of 55C: Current de-rating to 60% of the 40C value.

Current de-rating All of the specified load currents are valid up to an installation altitude of
dependent on the 1000m. For installation altitudes > 1000 m, the load currents should be
installation altitude reduced according to the diagrams for the UE supply infeed.

Current de-rating The current de-rating as a function of the clock frequency is defined in the
dependent on the Planning Guide SIMODRIVE 6SN1 197-0AA00.
clock frequency

Supplementary Refer to the Planning Guide SIMODRIVE 6SN1 197-0AA00 for the
components supplementary components required.

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2.4.2 Load duty cycle definitions, drive modules

Nominal load duty

cycles, feed drives

0.25 s

Fig. 2-13 Peak current load duty cycle with pre-load condition

2.65 s

Fig. 2-14 Peak current load duty cycle without pre-load condition

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2.4.3 Interface overview, power module

Table 2-7 Interface overview, power module

Terminal Designation Function Type Typ. voltage / Max. cross-section

No. limit values
U2 Motor O 3-ph. 600 V AC Refer to Section 4.1
V2 connection SIMODRIVE 611 Planning Guide
W2 6SN1 197-0AA00
PE1 Protective I 0V Stud
PE2 conductor
X151/X351 Protective I 0V Stud
Equipment bus I/O Various 34-core ribbon cable
P600 DC link I/O +300 V Busbar
M600 DC link I/O -300 V Busbar
O = Output; I = Input; NC = NC contact (normally closed contact)


Only motors may be connected to SIMODRIVE 611 power modules, which

have safe electrical isolation between the motor winding and the coupled
encoder systems (integrated encoder system, temperature sensor). This is
implemented for the 1FT and 1FK motor series.

2.4.4 Cable cross-sections of the motor feeder cables

The cable cross-sections required in accordance with VDE 0113 can be taken
from Section 1.1.4.

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2.5 611 control components

The integrated digital axis control on the MCU board is designed for
operation with 1FT6/1FK6 motors.

The MCU board allows an indirect measuring system (motor measuring

system), as well as a direct position measuring system with sinusoidal voltage
signals to be evaluated (also refer to Encoder).

2.5.1 Mode of operation

General information The integrated SIMODRIVE 611 drive system includes the following function
Speed- and position sensing
Speed controller
Current controller
Monitoring functions

The modules are centrally supplied with the electronics power supply via the
equipment bus system, whereby the NE unit provides the electronics power
supply for the DC link- and central electronics power supply.

Only the following interfaces are involved: Terminal 663, terminal AS1,
terminal AS2, terminal 9, BERO, ground, encoder, test sockets.

Closed-loop control The closed-loop control is completely digital. The closed-loop position- and
speed controllers operate as P- or PI controllers. The closed-loop current
control is realized in the fixed flux space-vector coordinate system (dq
system). The current controller (PI) evaluates the phase current actual values
iR and iS and calculates three-phase voltage values with the rotor position.
This results in pulse-width modulated control signals for the power

2.5.2 Interface overview of the MCU

A detailed overview of the interfaces is provided in the Section Mounting

and connecting-up.

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2.6 Recommended circuits and EMC measures


Terminal 63 (pulse enable) and/or terminal 48 (start terminal, contactor

control) should be disconnected before the equipment is powered-up or
powered-down (shutdown) using the main switch or a line contactor!

If the NE module is used in a 6-conductor connection configuration, the

jumpers, which are inserted as standard in connector X181, must be
The drive group power circuit must be electrically disconnected (isolated)
from the supply through terminals NS1, NS2.

The line contactor can be reliably opened by disconnecting the coil circuit
when a fault develops, via terminals NS1, NS2.

In operation, the terminal must always be jumpered! The DC link is not

pre-charged if the jumper is not inserted when the equipment is powered-

The connection between NS1, NS2 may only be interrupted in conjunction

with the safe operating stop function (this function is not a safety function
in the sense of the Machinery Directive 89/382/EEC), or if the line
contactor has dropped-out as terminal 48 was de-energized.

The connection between NS1, NS2 must be established before the enable
voltage is connected to terminal 48.

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Axis-specific pulse enable, terminal 663 (MCU/X431):

The inverter of the axis is enabled when this terminal is energized. If the
terminal is de-energized when the motor is rotating, the inverter is inhibited
and the motor coasts-down unbraked.

Start, terminal 48 (UE/X161):

This terminal has the highest priority. A defined power-on or power-down

sequence is initiated via terminal 48. If terminal 48 is used, terminal 63 and
terminal 64 can be directly connected to terminal 9.

The internal pre-charging sequence is initiated when terminal 48 is

energized. After the DC link is charged-up, the pre-charging contactor is
opened and the main contactor pulls-in. The internal enable signals are then
output. If terminal 48 is de-energized, the internal pulse enable signals are
inhibited, and the DC link is electrically isolated from the line supply by
opening the internal line contactor.

If terminal 48 is inhibited when charging, this is first completed, and terminal

48 is only inhibited after charging has been completed.

Pulse enable, terminal 63 (UE/X121):

This terminal has the highest priority for pulse inhibit and enable. The power
modules for all of the axes are enabled via this terminal. The enable and
inhibit functions act instantaneously (without any delay), and simultaneously
for all modules. The drives coast-down unbraked when this signal is

Drive enable, terminal 64 (UE/X121):

The drive modules are enabled using terminal 64. The enable signal acts
instantaneously and simultaneously for all modules. When the signal is
withdrawn, the speed setpoint for all of the axes is set to zero. For the feed
modules, all of the controllers and module pulses are inhibited, for each
individual axis, after the individually set time stages have expired (these are
approximately set to 200 ms when the equipment is shipped).

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2.6.1 Timing diagram 6SN11

Shutdown using the main switch, external

line contactor or other switching elements.

Power failure Supply

Supply voltage Supply voltage voltage
Load supply






T.72 ... 74

Fig. 2-15 Timing diagram

A) The ready relay can only pull-in if the charging sequence has been
completed and the internal line contactor has pulled-in.
B) The axes are not inhibited when the power fails. However, the ready relay
drops-out after the power failure identification time, tN OFF, approx. 30 ms.

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2.6.2 Three-conductor connection (standard circuit)

X111 Ready signal

X121 Enable group signals, It
X141 Power supply
UE module X161 Line contactor/setting-up operation signals
X171 Coil contact, line pre-charging contactor
X172 Signaling contact, start inhibit
X181 Supply

LED supplies
1 Electronics power supply faulted
2 Enable missing (terminals 63, 64)
3 Supply fault
4 5V fault
5 Equipment ready (DC link charged)
6 DC link overvoltage


Internal line contactor

To the axis modules

equipment bus

To the axis modules

1. Signaling contact, internal line contactor

Terminals 111/113 NO contact
Line fuses for the Terminals 111/213 NC contact
UE module Terminals 111/213 positively-driven to the load contacts
2. The jumpers are inserted when supplied
Leading 3. Max. cable length for 1.5 mm cross-section:
contact Main switch 50m (2-conductor cable)
For lower cross-sections, decrease linearly.

! Important ! Terminal 48 must be disconnected (de-energized) > 10 ms

beforehand, before the line contacts of the main switch open.
This means, e.g. leading contact.


Fig. 2-16 Three-conductor connection

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2.6.3 Power failure back-up with the UE module

MCU axis MCU axis Pulsed-resistor

Ready relay

UE module
Pushbutton contact

NE module
Axis 1 Axis module

Auxiliary power

Main switch

External brake resistor

! Important ! Terminal 48 must be de-energized > 10 ms beforehand, before the line

contacts of the main switch open. This means e.g. leading contact.
Leading contact Supply

Fig. 2-17 Power failure back-up with the NE module

1. The connection between the DC link and ground via the internal
resistance should be inserted.
2. Jumpers inserted as standard
3. Auxiliary power supply connection to the DC link, to maintain the
auxiliary power supply even after a power failure.
The 2x1.5mm cable must be routed so that it is short-circuit proof.
4. If terminal 72 and terminal 73.1 are looped into terminal 9 and terminal
64, S1.2 must be set to ON = fault signal, and then ready (terminal 72,
73.1, 73.2 and 74) is independent of terminal 63 and terminal 64.

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Procedure Set switch S1.2 in the UE module (if present, also in the monitoring module)
to ON = fault signal (the ready relay is then independent of terminal 63 and
terminal 64). When the ready relay drops-out during supply failures, a zero
setpoint is entered via terminal 64, and the axes can be braked down to
standstill. In this case, the auxiliary power supply, terminal P500 and
terminal M500 of connector X181 must be connected to the DC link terminals
P600 and M600 of the UE module. The electronics power supply for the
control is maintained as long as the auxiliary power supply can be

When a UE module is used, the internal brake resistor can be used and still
remains active during power failures. If the internal brake resistor isnt
adequate (the braking energy is too high), then an additional pulsed resistor
module must also be used here.

Refer to the Section Technical data 2.3.3 when dimensioning and engineering
the pulsed-resistor module and the external pulsed resistor.

The energy content of the DC link which can be actually used is limited. At
the supply failure instant:
for UE modules: EDC link = 70 CZK - 14

EDC link in Ws, CDC link in mF,

CZK = sum of all the DC link capacitances in the system

Refer to Catalog NC 60.1

A supply failure identification time tN OFF of approx. 30 ms expires before

supply failure is indicated by the ready relay.

The power is down during this 30 ms. However, the drives could be in a load
duty cycle by taking power from the DC link. The maximum power drawn
during the most unfavorable load duty cycle must be specified for this drawn

The following is valid: Pmax drawn [W] * 0.03 s < EDC link .

If this condition is not fulfilled by the time that it has been identified that the
supply has failed, the DC link voltage may have fallen to < 290 V. At this
voltage level, the pulse enable for the axis is withdrawn and the drives coast


In order that the drive brakes to standstill in a controlled fashion when the
power fails, terminals 48 and 63 must be kept energized until the drive comes
to a complete standstill.

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2.6.4 Start inhibit in the drive modules


The Start inhibit and Setting-up operation functions are not safety
functions in the sense of the Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC. They only
support the measures which have to be undertaken by the user himself.

The use of the start The start inhibit function prevents the drive unexpectedly starting from
inhibit function standstill. This circuit macro can be used in the Safe stop machine function.
However, the machine must have come to a complete standstill and this must
be ensured using the external machine control. The start inhibit interrupts the
power feed from the drive converter to the motor (motor rotation).

The remaining risk, is in this case, if two errors/faults occur simultaneously in

the power section; the motor rotates (jolts) through a small angle (1FT
motors: 4 pole 30, 6 pole 20, 8 pole 15).

The start inhibit function neither provides electrical isolation nor does it
provide protection against electric shock.

The complete machine must always be electrically isolated from the

supply through the main switch during production stops, or when
carrying-out maintenance-, repair- or cleaning work on the machine or
system (EN 60204/5.3).

The start inhibit function, when correctly used, must be connected to the line
contactor circuit or the EMERGENCY OFF circuit with the positively-driven
signaling contact AS1/AS2. The drive must be electrically isolated from the
supply if the start inhibit relay function is not plausible, when taking into
consideration the machine operating mode; e. g. via the line contactor in the
infeed module. The start inhibit and the thus associated operating mode may
only be used again after the fault has been rectified.

TheMachinery Directive 89/392/EEC and EN 292; pr EN 954; pr EN

1050 specifies that a hazard analysis/risk evaluation must be carried-out;
the machine manufacturer must therefore design the safety circuit for the
complete machine, taking into account and incorporating all of the
integrated components for his machine types and versions; these also
include the electric drives.

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Mode of operation of The inverter power section controls the current through the individual motor
the start inhibit windings. The motors are fed with sinusoidal current.

A pulse generating logic circuit clocks the power transistors in a rotating field
pattern. An optocoupler to provide electrical isolation is located in every
transistor branch between the gating logic and the power section gating

The start inhibit acts individually for each module. The circuit uses a TV-
tested relay and acts on the input circuit of the optocoupler. A relay contact
interrupts the power supply for the optocoupler input so that it doesnt
transfer any signals. The pulse-generating logic is inhibited through an
additional electrically isolated arm. These two circuits are controlled in
parallel by the machine control via terminal 663 (motor start inhibit), for the
drive modules, or via terminal 112 (step-up controller start inhibit) for the
supply infeed modules. The status of the relay contact, located in the pulse
power supply circuit, is signaled to the external adaption circuit via a
positively-driven NC contact. The signaling contact is accessible at module
terminals AS1 and AS2, and the user can interlock it with the safety control.
The user must ensure that EMERGENCY OFF is initiated if the start inhibit
relay goes into a non-plausible condition.

If the start inhibit circuit is activated, it is no longer possible to control the

power transistors. If two power transistors are destroyed in the most
unfavorable constellation, this results in the remaining risk, described in
Section 2.6.4.


When the start inhibit is activated, the motor can no longer generate a torque.
Axes which are not self-locking (e. g. hanging axes) must be locked using a
mechanical brake.

Connecting-up the The start inhibit is controlled in the drive modules via terminal 663. The start
start inhibit inhibit relay is controlled using the internal 24 V enable voltage
(FR+terminal 9; FR-terminal 19). When the relay has dropped-out (terminal
663 open) the start inhibit relay activates the start inhibit function.

AS1/AS2 closed means that the Start inhibit is effective. Terminals AS1
and AS2 signal the start inhibit status (this is a floating signal).


The start inhibit relay has maximum pull-in and drop-out delay times of.
25 ms. The external wiring connected at terminal AS1/AS2 must short-circuit
proof, and have a two-channel configuration.

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Application, mode of The infeed modules have a standard line contactor, integrated in the module
operation and itself. These contactors are dimensioned to be able to conduct and disconnect
connecting the line (interrupt) the maximum permissible peak current of the infeed module. The
contactor line contactors are electronically controlled via terminal 48. For safe, reliable
electrical isolation, the coil power supply must be interrupted in the direct line
contactor coil circuit, accessible externally (via terminals NS1 and NS2) using
electro-mechanical switching elements. Thus, the influence of the electronic
control has no effect when the unit is disconnected with electrical isolation.
The line contactor must always be de-energized via terminal 48 before the
NS1/NS2 connection is interrupted.

Sequence when using The drives must be shutdown before terminal 663 is energized, which
the start inhibit initiates the start inhibit. Otherwise, the motor coasts-down unbraked as
function the drive converter pulses are inhibited. The motor is not able to generate
a holding torque, so that mechanical transmission elements which are not
self-locking must be locked into position using a brake.
The speed setpoint input can be externally disconnected and a 0 speed
setpoint entered as an additional safety function.
If a fault condition develops, all of the drives, machine, system, must be
shutdown and disconnected.
In order that the power DC link is reliably isolated from the supply, it
should be ensured that all connections in parallel to the power infeed are
electrically isolated through switching contacts. In this case, possible user-
specific external connection between the electronics power supply and the
power DC link must be taken into account. To shutdown the drives in a
controlled fashion when the supply fails using the DC link power, there
could be a connection, for example, between terminals P500/M500 and
This connection between the power supply and the power DC link must be
safely and reliably isolated and remain isolated, as otherwise the power
DC link could be charged-up via the auxiliary DC link power supply. It is
not permissible to have a connection between the power supply and the
power DC link if the drive is operated with a reduced DC link voltage.
When using a monitoring module, which is connected to the power DC
link via P500/M500, and also to the line supply, when a fault occurs,
either the connection between the supply and the monitoring module must
be interrupted or the connection between P500/M500 and the power DC
link must be reliably and safely isolated.
If a fault occurs when the start inhibit is activated, then this fault must be
removed, before the protective devices of the machine or system are moved
aside (i. e. personnel enter the hazardous zone). After the fault has been
removed, the start inhibit sequence must be repeated to ensure that it
functions correctly.

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01.97 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611

Only suitably qualified personnel may operate the drive with a reduced DC
link voltage; the safety devices, provided by the machine OEM, must also
always be activated. As the protective devices are cancelled in this
operating mode, and the axis start inhibits are de-activated, it may only be
selected using a lockable mode selector switch. The machining area may
only be accessed using a safety switch. Otherwise, all of the drives of the
machine and system must, in this case, be automatically isolated from the
supply. For hanging axes, it should be ensured that the axis is reliably
locked in place so that power cannot be fed into the DC link (regenerative

The relevant regulations must be observed.

The protective devices for the restricted hazardous zone of the drive can
now be moved aside (i. e. personnel can enter the hazardous zone).
If one of the following faults occurs with the protective devices disabled,
then EMERGENCY OFF must always be immediately initiated.
In this case, all of the drives of the machine and system are isolated from
the supply through the line contactor.
The acknowledge contact remains open and the start inhibit is not
- There is a fault in the external control circuit itself.
- There is a fault in the signal lines of the acknowledge contact.
If all of the previous steps have been correctly executed, all of the drives in
the restricted working zone are locked-out to prevent them starting
accidentally. Personnel can now enter or access the restricted hazardous

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Engineering SIMODRIVE 611 01.97

Checking the start The following checks must always be made when the equipment is first
inhibit commissioned and when possible must be repeated at certain intervals during
the plant lifetime.
A check should also be made after longer production standstills. In this
check, every individual axis drive as well as the NE module must be
It should be checked that the power module and motor match.
By removing the voltage at terminal 663, the axis drive pulses must be
inhibited. Further, the acknowledge contact of the start inhibit must close.
The drive then coasts down.
Disabling the protective devices, e. g. opening the protective doors while
the drive is running. If this represents an inadmissible hazard, a check can
be made as follows:
The signal line to door contact TK is disconnected while the drive is
running to investigate what happens. In this case, the line contactor must
isolate all of the drives of the machine and system from the supply.
All possible fault situations which could occur, must be individually
simulated in the signal lines between the acknowledge contacts and the
external control as well as the signal evaluation functions of this control.
The line contactor must isolate all of the drives of the machine and system
from the supply in all of these fault situations.
In the setting-up mode, connect voltage to terminal 112 (terminal 9). The
line contactor must then isolate all of the drives of the machine and system
from the supply.
For all of the test points, where the line contactor isolates the drives from
the supply, the connection between the power supply and the power DC
link must be instantaneously and reliably interrupted.
This connection is not permissible in the setting-up mode.

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01.97 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611

Comment The line contactor in the UE module is used when the drives of the machine
and system are to be isolated from the supply when a fault condition occurs.
In this case, the power DC link is isolated from the supply. The power supply
in the UE module always remains connected to the supply. All externally
wired bypass connections from the supply to the power DC link must also be
electrically isolated (refer to the text previously: Sequence when using the
start inhibit function).

In the setting-up mode, when using an isolating transformer, the isolating

transformer secondary may not be grounded.

When using an autotransformer in the setting-up mode, the user must monitor
the DC link voltage, and if a fault occurs, which results in an increase in the
DC link voltage, all of the drives of the machine and system must be isolated
from the supply.

In the setting-up mode, when a hanging axis drops, it is possible that the
motor can feed power into the DC link, even when the pulses are inhibited,
thus increasing the DC link voltage.

When changing-over from standard- to setting-up operation, the DC link first

remains at 490 V. The voltage difference between 490 V and the rectified
voltage in the setting-up mode, represents a residual amount of energy, which
must be taken into account in the particular application. A fault analysis must
always be executed before using the start inhibit function.

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2.6.5 Application examples

The application examples (Fig.) provided here are exclusively used to explain the
Start inhibit function, included in the SIMODRIVE 611 product, and the
Setting-up mode which is possible with some restrictions. The recommended
external circuitry used directly with the SIMODRIVE 611 is shown in the
following application examples. Machine controls and interlocking functions
extending beyond this are not taken into account in the application examples
illustrated here. The user must change, adapt or expand the circuit macros
explained here to adapt them to his individual machine type.


The machine manufacturer (OEM) must always execute a hazard analysis and
risk evaluation for the complete machine and its safety control, according to the
EEC Machinery Directive and the Equipment Safety Law. The machine
manufacturer (OEM) or the sales/marketing party, resident in the EEC, or their
representative must ensure that the complete machine fully conforms to CE.

An excerpt of the circuit macro to protect two separate working zones, which
are equipped with one or two drive axes, is illustrated in the following
application examples.
The block diagram of the system to be protected is illustrated in the following

Application examples 1 and 2 show recommended circuits to protect the

system with changeover between standard- and setting-up operation.

The following is valid for all circuits:

Only switching contacts may be located between terminals NS1 and NS2.
These contacts must be floating.

Working zone 1 Working zone 2

Door inter- Door inter-

locking locking

Access door Access door

Danger zone limit Danger zone limit

UE module MCU axis 1 MCU axis 2 MCU axis 3

T.112 T.663 T.663 T.663

Fig. 2-18 Block diagram of the system to be protected

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01.97 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611

The following explanations are valid for both application 1 (Fig.) and for
application example 2 (Fig.).


1) The safety relay drop-out time is 25 ms.

2) The contactor drop-out time to brake the feed drive can be up to 200 ms.
3) Signals the emergency trip to the PLC.
4) If the machine may only be entered in the setting-up mode, contact S1
(key-actuated switch) must be additionally incorporated.
5) When using the safety switch by itself, it is not permissible that commands
may be issued which could initiate or result in a hazardous status (VDI
2854 3.3.6).
6) Key-actuated switch S1 is only required for setting-up operation with
reduced DC link voltage.
7) Redundancy according to the machine manufacturers fault analysis. Fault
analyses must always be made.
8) The number of times the machine can be powered-up is limited according
to the Planning Guide, Section 9.3.1.
9) The individual drives are switched via terminal 663.
10) Can be used to reduce the contactor deadtimes.
All contacts are illustrated in the quiescent setting.
In this case, the protective barrier is closed, TK1; TK2
The start inhibit is activated AS1/AS2
Key-actuated switch S1 has been used to select setting-up operation.

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example 1
Machine and drives

Safety button

10) (MCU axis 1)

(MCU axis 2)

Safety button
(MCU axis 3)


Key-actuated Setting-up operation

switch Standard operation

(UE module)


Machine and drives



Only floating contacts may be located between NS1 and


T.9 T.9


T.64 T.48 T.63
UE module MCU board

Fig. 2-19 Application example 1

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01.97 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611

example 2
Machine and drives

Safety button
10) (MCU axis 1)


6) (MCU axis 2)

Safety button
4) 10)
(MCU axis 3)

T.9 6)
actuated Setting-up operation
switch Standard operation
(UE module)







Only floating contacts may be located between NS1

and NS2.
T.9 T.9

T.64 T.48 T.63 T.663
UE module MCU board

Fig. 2-20 Application example 2

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Block diagram 1

T.9 T.112 T.19 T.48 T.9 T.9

T.663 T.663

Power supply

Logic con- Logic Logic
control troller control control


Power Power
Pre- controller controller
contactor T.213 charging

UE module MCU axis MCU axis



Main switch Working zone 1 Working zone 2

Axis locked Axis locked

T. ... T.663 T.663 T.663

Terminal for user

Fig. 2-21 Block diagram 1; valid for UE modules 5/10 kW to 10/25 kW

K1, pre-charging contactor contact, positively-driven
K2, line contactor contact, positively-driven
Terminal 111, 213 NC contact, positively-driven to the NO power contacts
Terminal P500, M500 power supply connecting terminals for the
connection to the power DC link.
Only floating switching contacts may be connected between terminals NS1
and NS2.

2-40 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611

2.6.6 EMC measures

Installation The modules should always be mounted on the bare metal of the rear cabinet

Connecting-up cable The screens of all the screened cables must be connected at the module
screens through the largest possible surface area.
The screens are connected at the top of the module. A screen plate can be
screwed to the existing threaded holes.

Connecting-up the In order to ensure a good connection between the front panel and the housing,
screen to the front the front panel screws must be correctly tightened-up.

Additional measures All of the measures described here are only valid for supply networks which
are not compatible with VDE! In standard industrial supply networks, it is
guaranteed, without having to use any other measures, that the disturbance
and noise values remain below the permissible limits, thus ensuring
disturbance-free operation.

Fig. 2-22 Additional EMC measures

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The drive converters are designed for use with industrial supply networks
according to VDE 0160. A ratio of PN/PK of 1/100 is assumed. Under this
assumption, the series reactor limits the supply voltage dips to permissible
values so that loads connected to this supply network can still operate.
Further, additional effective measures are included in the unit as standard in
order to prevent noise and disturbances influencing other equipment.

However, for unfavorable line supply- or grounding conditions at the actual

installation, in exceptional cases, cable-borne disturbances can occur, which
are the result of an excessive line supply reactance. In cases such as these, the
line commutating reactor must be adapted by connecting a second reactor of
the same type in series, thus reducing the voltage dips.

As the dynamic performance of the line supply converter is thus restricted

(motor/generator transition time) it may be necessary to use a pulsed resistor
module. In order to dimension this, the most unfavorable dynamic operating
situation in the system should be selected to check whether the DC link
voltage reaches inadmissibly high values (when as many axes as possible
brake simultaneously) (fault message VDC link>>).

If a second reactor is still not sufficient to eliminate the noise, three capacitors
(10 F/450 V MKV) can be connected-up in a delta configuration in front of
the reactor. This particular measure can also result in resonance effects which
could increase the disturbances and therefore it must be carefully checked on
a system to system basis.

Resistors R1 to R3 (G307, 13 W) must have values of 180 k to 330 k to

discharge capacitors C1 to C3.


We recommend that pre-assembled encoder cables are used, as correct

screening is necessary to establish an EMC-proof connection.
Further, for optimum signal transfer, appropriate cable parameters are
required. A guarantee for the correct functioning is only given when the
original manufacturers cables are used.

2-42 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Engineering SIMODRIVE 611

2.6.7 Filter module (FIM)

A filter is available instead of individual components, which provides an

effective noise interference suppression. This filter should be mounted close to
the infeed.

Technical data Degree of protection IP20

Line supply
voltage 3-ph. 360 V...456 V AC/45 Hz...66 Hz
3-ph. 480 V and 440V AC, 10% /60 Hz 10%
via the adaption transformer according to the power of the
supply infeed module.
3-ph. 220 V AC 10%/60 Hz 10% via the matching
transformer according to the power of the supply infeed
Power loss 800W

Table 2-8 Filter module terminals

Terminal Function Type Typ. voltage Max. cross-

No. section
Line L1
L2 Direct line supply Input 3-ph. 400V AC 16 mm, 50 mm
Load L1
L2 Connection to the UE module Output 3-ph. 400V AC 16 mm, 50 mm
PE1 Protective conductor connection Input 0V Clamping bar
PE2 Screen connection Input 0V Screw

2.7 Dimension drawings

Technical data Additional technical data are included in Catalog NC60.1.

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2-44 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Installation and connecting-up

3 Installation and connecting-up

Contents 3.1 Installation instructions............................................................. 3-2

3.1.1 Handling modules and boards............................................... 3-2
3.1.2 Installing the PWM drive converters...................................... 3-2
3.1.3 Connecting the PWM drive converter.................................... 3-3
3.2 Interfaces of the MCU board .................................................... 3-5
3.2.1 Interface overview of the closed-loop control ........................ 3-5
3.2.2 Interface overview, measuring systems................................. 3-6
3.2.3 Interface overview, communications ..................................... 3-7
3.2.4 Interface overview, inputs/outputs......................................... 3-7
3.3 Connection diagram, NE module and MCU.............................3-10

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3.1 Installation instructions

3.1.1 Handling modules and boards


The boards have components and devices which can be destroyed by

electrostatic discharge (ESD). The human body must be electrically
discharged before touching or coming into contact with an electronics board.
This can be simply done by touching a conductive object immediately
beforehand (e. g. bare metal cabinet components, socket protective contact).

The ESD measures in accordance with Section 12 of the Manual must be

observed when handling modules and boards.

3.1.2 Installing the PWM drive converters

SIMODRIVE 611 transistor PWM drive converters are designed for cabinet
mounting. Please refer to the dimension drawings for the mounting
dimensions and the position of the mounting points.

The mounting points of the modules, which can be mounted next to one
another, are always in a 50 mm grid pattern.

A minimum clearance of 100 mm must be maintained above and below the

PWM drive converter to permit unrestricted air intake and discharge. Please
mount the PWM drive converters so that they are protected from conductive
dust deposits and vapors.

If several units are mounted one above the other, the hot, discharged air must
be kept away from the top transistor PWM converter or the unit should be de-

When mounting the units, it should be observed that the I/R module and the
UE module must be always be mounted to the left, and if required, should be
followed by one or several power modules with MCU. A monitoring module
must be provided after a maximum of 3 MCU modules.

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01.97 Installation and connecting-up

3.1.3 Connecting the PWM drive converter

PWM drive converters are connected to the supply through commutating

reactors (for uncontrolled infeeds, the commutating reactor is mounted
internally). The infeed modules have, as standard, an inrush current limiting
function. The bus link on the infeed module can be closed to connect the
M600 DC link to ground potential. However, it must be ensured that the
protective ground of all modules is connected to the central protective ground.
The motors must also be individually grounded. Protective ground must be
connected through the motor feeder cable. Connect-up the PWM drive
converters according to the recommended configuration (refer to Fig. 1-2
Grounding concept).

The relevant regulations must be observed when engineering and integrating

the drive converter system with motor into the complete machine installation
and when connecting it to the supply. In addition to the general regulations in
Germany, this involves the following standards.

Generally VDE 0160, VDE 0113/EN 60204, VDE 0100,

VDE 0100 Part 300, VDE 0100 Part 410, DIN 2853, DIN 2854.

It is not permissible to
connect the drive
converter through an

In accordance with VDE 0160 Sections 5.5 and 6.5, it is not permissible to
operate drive converters having a B6 supply configuration from line supplies
where the only protection against indirect contact is an e.l.c.b.

If a drive converter having a B6 circuit configuration is electrically connected

to several other parallel circuits from a common e.l.c.b., when a fault
develops, the e.l.c.b. may not respond so that shock protection is not provided.

Another protective measure for rotection against dangerous currents

flowing through the human body according to VDE 0100 must be

EMC SIMDORIVE 611 drive converter systems have been designed in accordance
with the relevant standards, VDE 0160/05.88; VDE 0558. For operation with
industrial supply networks and in industrial environments. When used in
mixed environments (industrial and residential), additional external measures
may be required to fulfill the relevant EMC level. The EMC Law specifies the
requirements. The user is responsible in ensuring that the specified line
supply conditions at the point of installation are maintained.

For cabinets and machines, the recommendations, specified in Section 12 of

this Manual must be taken into account.

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MCU (Planning Guide)
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Standards and The SIMODRIVE 611 drive converter system was designed and manufactured
regulations taking into account the following standards (excerpt of the most important):
DIN VDE 0100 Regulations for electrical power equipment
with voltages up to 1000 V
DIN VDE 0113/02.86;EN60204 Electrical equipment on industrial machines
DIN VDE 0558 Regulations for semiconductor drive
DIN VDE 0106 Protection against dangerous currents
flowing through the human body
DIN VDE 0109 Air- and creepage distances
DIN VDE 0110 Insulation classes
DIN VDE 0160/05.88 Electric power systems with electronic
DIN 40050 IP degrees of protection
VBG 4 Accident prevention regulations Electrical
systems and equipment (German
Regulatory Body)

Power connections The motor outlets at the PWM drive converter can be directly connected at the
power modules. The terminals provided allow cable cross-sections according
to DIN VDE 0113 to be connected in accordance with the module currents.
The cable cross-section must be dimensioned according to the power module
used, the motor, the ambient conditions (temperature) and the protective
devices (refer to Section 1.1.4).


Cable screens and conductors of power cables which are not used (e. g.
braking conductors) must be connected to PE potential in order to dissipate
charging effects caused by capacitive coupling.
Hazardous contact voltages could occur if this is not observed.

Encoder cables Encoder cables must be routed separately away from power cables and
contactor cables. Contactor coils without quenching elements can generate
electrical noise. Thus, it is recommended that the contactor coils are provided
with quenching or damping elements.

S7 connection Please refer to the S7 documentation for information regarding the

installation/mounting and connection of S7 boards as well as the peripheral

Connection diagram Refer to Section 3.3 for the connection diagram Connection diagram, NE
module and MCU

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01.97 Installation and connecting-up

3.2 Interfaces of the MCU board

The connections and position of interfaces are provided in Section 3.3
Connection diagram, NE module and MCU

3.2.1 Interface overview of the closed-loop control

Table 3-1 Closed-loop control interface

Term. Designa- Function Type Typ. Max. cross-
No. tion 1) voltage/maxi section
mum values
AS1 X431 Relay, start inhibit (checkback signal, T. 663) 3) O 250 V AC/1A 1.5 mm
AS2 X431 Relay, start inhibit (checkback signal, T. 663) 3) NC 50 V AC/ZA 1.5 mm
663 X431 Pulse enable 2) I +21 V...30V 1.5 mm
The start inhibit relay is switched using
terminal 663; when the relay opens, the gating
pulses are inhibited and the motor is switched +24 V
9 X431 into a torque-free condition. O 1.5 mm
Enable potential 2)
B1 X432 Input, external zero mark (BERO) E +13 V...30 V 1.5 mm
19 X432 Reference ground, enable potential O 0 V+24 V 1.5 mm
9 X432 Enable potential 2) O 1.5 mm
1 X35 Test socket DAU1 which can be parameterized O 5 V 2mm socket
2 X35 Test socket DAU2 which can be parameterized O 5 V 2mm socket
3 X34 Test socket DAU3 which can be parameterized O 5 V 2mm socket
M X34 Reference potential for test socket M O 0V 2mm socket
1) I = input; O = output; NC = NC contact; NO = NO contact
2) Terminal 19 is the reference terminal (this is not connected with the
general reference ground, terminal 15).
3) It is only permissible to connect circuits which are not associated
with the line supply.

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3.2.2 Interface overview, measuring systems

Motor measuring Indirect measuring system (motor measuring system)

Connector designation: X411
Connector type 25-pin D sub connector
screw locking, UNC thread
Max. cable length 50 m for 0.3 A
Application: Connecting the position encoder integrated in the motor


We recommend that pre-assembled encoder cables are used as perfect screening

is necessary to establish an EMC connection. Further, the cables must have
certain characteristics and parameters to permit optimum signal transfer. Correct
functioning can only be guaranteed when Siemens original cables are used
(ordering data is specified under the Section Product designation).

We recommend that VDW connectors are used to provide a harmonized

screen concept for rotary measuring systems. The complete spectrum of pre-
assembled cables is available for these connectors. Additional information can
be taken from the specific encoder catalogs.

Position measuring Direct measuring system

Connector designation: X421
Connector type 15-pin D sub plug connector
screw interlocking, UNC thread
Max. cable length 40 m for 0.3 A

Note Only insert and withdraw connectors when the equipment is in a no-voltage

Application: Optional connection of an additional position measuring



We recommend that pre-assembled encoder cables are used as perfect screening

is necessary to establish an EMC connection. Further, the cables must have
certain characteristics and parameters to permit optimum signal transfer. Correct
functioning can only be guaranteed when Siemens original cables are used
(ordering data is specified under the Section Product designation).

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01.97 Installation and connecting-up

3.2.3 Interface overview, communications

MPI interface Multi-point interface

Connector designation: X20
Connector type 9-pin D sub socket connector
Max. cable length 11 m
Application: Networking the MCU board with operator control-
and start-up components (commissioning

P/K bus Peripheral/communications bus

Connector designation: X30
Connector type 25-pin D-sub socket connector
Max. cable length: 10 m
Special features: Non-floating, no protective separation, excludes
the use as connector for 12I/8O
Application: Is used to connect the S7-300 periphery via
IM361 subrack in the expansion subrack (ER)

3.2.4 Interface overview, inputs/outputs

Integrated I/O There are 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs on the MCU board. The I/O
functions are selected with the machine data (refer to the function description
Positioning with MCU)
Connector designation: X431
Connector type Phnix-Contact

Term. Loca- Function Type Typ. voltage / Max.

No. tion 1) max. values cross-
E24 X432 24V ext. for digital output I 1.5 mm
9 X432 Positive enable voltage O 1.5 mm
O1 X432 Digital output 1 O Refer to the 1.5 mm
O2 X432 Digital output 2 O technical 1.5 mm
O3 X432 Digital output 3 O data 1.5 mm
O4 X432 Digital output 4 O 1.5 mm
9 X431 Positive enable voltage O 1.5 mm
I1 X431 Digital input 1 I Refer to the 1.5 mm
I2 X431 Digital input 2 I technical 1.5 mm
I3 X431 Digital input 3 I data 1.5 mm
I4 X431 Digital input 4 I 1.5 mm
O: Output I: Input

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Technical data
Digital outputs X432

No. of outputs 4 digital outputs

Electrical isolation yes
Supply voltage ULAST
nominal value 24 V DC
permissible range 20 V to 30 V
(ripple included)
Signal level of the outputs
for 0 signal open circuit
for 1 signal ULAST - max. 250 mV
Output load dependent on whether 24 V is input internally or
for I signal (nominal value) externally:
ohmic load external internal
lamp load 500 mA 100mA
inductive load 5W 1W
500 mA 100 mA
Power loss at 30 V max. 3,8 W
Short-circuit protection yes
Switching frequency for
ohmic loads 100 Hz
lamps 11 Hz
inductive load (at the nominal load; higher values 2 Hz
are permissible for lower loads)
Total load capability at 55C 50%
Delay time for tpLH tpLH=max. 0.5 ms
Delay time for tpHL tpHL=max. 0.5 ms
Max. cable length 25 m


Under fault conditions, initiated by an overcurrent condition or short-circuit,

the outputs are re-energized after the fault/error has been removed. When an
output is short-circuited, the three additional outputs can also be shutdown.
Normally, with currents < 0.7 A, there is no mutual influence. For inductive
loads, voltage spikes at switching can be quenched using external quenching

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Technical data
Digital inputs X431

No. of inputs 4 digital inputs

Electrical isolation yes
Supply voltage ULAST
nominal value 24 V DC
permissible range 20 V to 30 V
(including ripple)
Input voltage (nominal value) 24 V DC
Short-circuit protection yes
Input voltage
for 0 signal -3 V to +5V
+15V to +30V
for 1 signal
Input current for 1 signal +2 mA to +5 mA
Delay time for tpLH tpLH=max. 10 ms
Delay time for tpHL tpHL=max. 1 ms
Max. cable length 25 m

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3.3 Connection diagram, NE module and MCU

NE-Modul1) extern Modul intern MCU1)

73,2 X10 X20 MPI
Meldung 73,1 reserviert
Sammelmeldung 5,3
I t-, Tempe- 5,2 X411 X30
raturberwachung 5,1
Impulsfreigabe 9 P/K-Bus
9 FR+
19 FR- grn RUN
7 rot STOP
5kW X141 P24
Variante2) 45 X421 gelb FORCE
P15 rot SF
N15 Direktes gelb DIAG
10 N24
10kW 15 Mesystem rot FLTD
Variante M
15 M
1 2
X161 9 FR+ 01
Einrichten X35 S1
112 3
Schtz X34

48 3 M
Meldekontakt 213 B1 X431 AS1
Netzschtz 113 19 AS2
24V DC E24 663
9 9
X171 O1 I1
NS1 X432
NS2 O2 I2
Meldekontakt O3 I3
O4 I4
X172 AS1
AS2 Anlaufsperre

X181 M500 X151
P500 X351 MEMORY
2V1 Zwischenkreis P600
2W1 M600

U1 V1 W1 PE U2 V2 W2 PE1 PE 2

L1 M
L2 3 DMS G

1) links der gezeichneten Klemmen-externe Anschlsse/Elemente

rechts der gezeichneten Klemmen-interne Anschlsse/Elemente
2) 5kW Variante (gestrichelt)


If a power contactor is used between the motor and MCU module, then it
must be ensured that this contactor is only switched in a no-current condition
(before de-energizing, the pulses must first be cancelled (terminal 663), and
then the contactor can be opened 40 ms later).

3-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
01.97 Appendix

4 Appendix

Ambient climatic conditions, 2-8 Effects of the mounting position, 1-18
Ambient conditions, 2-3 e.l.c.b.s, 3-3
Ambient temperature, 1-2 Electric time constant, 1-8
Armature short-circuit braking, 1-24; 1-33 EMC measures, 2-39
Axial eccentricity, 1-14 Encoder cables, 3-4
Axial force stressing, 1-16
Axial force diagrams, 1-48; 1-72 F
B Filter module, 2-41
Balancing, 1-15 G
Brake torque, 1-8
Brake resistor, 1-8; 1-25; 1-33; 1-58 Gearbox, 1-19

Cantilever force stressing, 1-16 Inductance, 1-7
Cantilever force diagrams, 1-48; 1-72 Installing the PWM drive converters, 3-2
Coaxiality, 1-14 Integrated I/O, 3-7
Communications bus, 3-7 Interface overview MCU, 2-21
Communitating reactor, 2-4
Configuring steps, 2-2 L
Connection-up, 3-1
Connecting diagram, 3-4 Limiting torque, 1-6
NE module and MCU, 3-10 Limiting current, 1-6
Configuring Line contacts, 2-30
Motors, 1-1
Control interface, 3-5 M
Cooling-medium temperature, 1-2
Cooling type, 2-12 Maximum torque, 1-6
Core types, 1-8; 1-32 Maximum current, 1-6
Order designation, 1-37 MCU
Cross-sections, 1-26 Connection diagram, 3-10
Current de-rating, 2-13, 2-18 Mechanical limiting speed, 1-6
Mechanical time constant, 1-8
D Message functions, 2-11
Message system
DC link power, 2-3 Direct, 3-6
Degree of protection, 1-13
Indirect, 3-6
Digital outputs X432, 3-8
Monitoring module, 2-2
Digital inputs X431, 3-9
Drive couplings Mounting, 3-1
Assignment to the motors, 1-36 Motors
Drive enable T.64, 2-243 1FK6, standard version, 1-55
1FK, 1-54
Configuring, 1-1

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MCU (Planning Guide)
Appendix 01.97

Standard version, options, 1-56 S

Motor measuring system, 3-6
S7 connection, 3-4
Motor degree of protection
Screening, 1-29
Selection, 1-12
MPI interface, 3-7
Motor degree of protection, 1-12
Multi-point interface, 3-7
NE module, 2-11
N Shock stressing, 1-15
NE module Stall current, 1-6
Connection diagram, 3-10 Stall torque, 1-5
Settings, 2-11 Standards, 3-4
Standards and regulations, 3-4
P Start, T.48, 2-23
Start inhibit, 2-28
Pulse enable, T.63, 2-23 Supply infeed, 2-2
Pulse enable. T663, 2-23 Uncontrolled, 2-10
Position measuring system, 2-2; 2-27 Supply point, 2-4
Pulsed resistor module, 2-2 Supply specifications, 2-4
PWM converter
Installation, 3-2
Technical data of the holding brakes, 1.34; 1-59
O Test socket which can be parameterized, 3-5
Operation Thermal limiting characteristics, 1-4
Vibration stressing, 2-3 Thermal resistance, 1-8
Operation from an uncontrolled infeed, Three-conductor connection, 2-25
Time constant
Electric, 1-8
Order designation
Mechanical, 1-8
Core types, 1-37
Thermal, 1-8
P Constant, 1-7
Peripheral bus, 3-7 Characteristic, 1-3
Planetary gearbox, 1-35 Torque-speed diagrams, 1-38; 1-61
Power failure buffering Transformer
UE module, 2-26
P/K bus, 3-7 U
R UE module
Power failure buffering, 2-26
Rated torque, 1-6 Uncontrolled supply infeed, 2-10
Rated output, 1-6
Rated current, 1-6
Regenerative feedback, 2-11
Resistance Vibration severity, 1-14
Thermal, 1-8 Vibration stressing, 1-15
Operation, 2-3
Voltage constant, 1-7
Voltage limiting characteristic, 1-4
Shift, 1-5

4-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Planning Guide)
Appendix 01.97

Winding resistance, 1-7
Winding temperature rise, 1-2

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-3

MCU (Planning Guide')
Motor- and power module

Monitoring- and limiting data 2

SIMODRIVE 611 Message data 3

MCU 172A
Single-axis positioning control Measuring system data 4

Planning Guide
SIMODRIVE controller data 5
Drive machine data

Status- and diagnostics data 6

Appendix 7

Edition January 1997

For reasons of transparency, this document doesnt include all of the details on all of the
product types. Thus, it does not provide for every possible contingency to be met in
connection with installation, operation or maintenance.

Should further information be required or should particular problems arise, which are not
covered sufficiently in this document, then the local Siemens sales office should be

The contents of this Guide shall neither become part of nor modify any prior or existing
agreement, commitment or relationship. The sales contract contains the entire obligation
of Siemens. The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole
warranty of Siemens. Any statements contained herein do not create new warranties nor
modify the existing warranty.


The other names in this document could be registered trademarks. It may be illegal that third parties
use these names or designations.

Subject to technical changes without prior notice.

Copying of this document and giving it to others and the use or

communication of the contents thereof are forbidden without express
authority. Offenders are liable to payment or damages. All rights reserved,
in particular with regard to the granting of a patent or the registration of a
utility model or design.

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01.97 Motor- and power module data

1 Motor- and power module data

Contents 1.1 Motor data; overview ...............................................................1-4

1.2 Power module data..................................................................1-9
1.3 System data...........................................................................1-11

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
Motor- and power module data 01.97

In this This Section provides you with an overview of the drive-machine data to
Section be configured.

Classification The drive-machine data are in data block DB-AM (DB 1251) in the
of the drive- number range MD 1000 to MD 1799. They are sub-divided into
machine data
motor- and power module data,
monitoring- and limiting data,
message data,
measuring system data,
SIMODRIVE controller data and
status- and diagnostics data.

Generating Select your SIMODRIVE 611 D power module and your feed motor
drive-machine data using the MCU-PIT software package (parameterizing and start-up
tool). Using this information, the MCU-PIT calculates the
machine data for the motor (e. g. rated current, armature resistance
and moment of inertia),
machine data for the power module (rated- and limiting currents) as
well as the
control parameters of the SIMODRIVE section

and assigns the optimum pre-setting for the appropriate machine data.

A detailed description of the parameterizing- and start-up tools are

provided in the User Guide Description, MCU-PIT.

Optimizing Generally, an optimum configuration is obtained by pre-assigning the

drive-machine data machine data standard values. Only a relatively small proportion of the
many machine data, relevant for feed drives, must be manually
assigned or optimized, to adapt the drive configuration to the specific
application and situation (gearbox, external encoder etc.) of the drive

Note Machine data, which are simultaneously assigned to several sections,

are highlighted. Example: MD 1012 .

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
01.97 Motor- and power module data

Overview The following machine data are under the section Motor- and power
section data:
motor data,
power section data and
system data.

Motor data The following machine data contain the specific characteristic quantities
of the AC servomotors:
MD 1102 (motor code number)
MD 1103 (rated motor current)
MD 1104 (maximum motor current)
MD 1112 (motor pole pair number)
MD 1113 (torque constant)
MD 1114 (voltage constant)
MD 1115 (armature resistance)
MD 1116 (armature inductance)
MD 1117 (motor motor of inertia)
MD 1118 (motor standstill current)
MD 1146 (maximum motor speed)
MD 1400 (rated motor speed)
MD 1401 (speed for the maximum useful motor speed)
For SIMODRIVE 1FT6/1FK6 motors, these machine data are
automatically and optimally pre-assigned using the code number, stored
in MD 1102, when the motor MLFB is entered (machine readable
product designation = Order No.).
It is not practical to subsequently change these standard values.

Power section data The following machine data contains specific characteristic quantities of
the SIMODRIVE 611 D power module:
MD 1106 (power module code number)
MD 1107 (transistor limit current)
MD 1108 (power module limit current)
MD 1111 (rated power module current)
These machine data are automatically and optimally pre-assigned using
the code number stored in MD 1106 when the power module MLFB
(Order No.) is entered. It is not necessary to subsequently change these
standard values.

System data These machine data contain system parameters of the SIMODRIVE
MD 1000 (current controller clock cycle)
MD 1001 (speed controller clock cycle)
MD 1002 (monitoring clock cycle)
MD 1100 (frequency, pulse-width modulation)
MD 1101 (computation deadtime, current control loop)

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
Motor- and power module data 01.97

1.1 Motor data; overview

MD 1102 Motor code number

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 65 535 Power

When the MLFB of the 1FT6-/1FK6 motors is entered, the
corresponding motor code number is transferred to the drive. The user
does not have to enter any data (also refer to MD 1106). The following
motor data are automatically transferred by the motor code number
from an internal table:
rated motor current (MD 1103)
maximum motor current (MD 1104)
motor pole pair number (MD 1112)
torque constant (MD 1113)
voltage constant (MD 1114)
armature resistance (MD 1115)
armature inductance (MD 1116)
motor moment of inertia (MD 1117)
motor standstill (stall) current (MD 1118)
maximum motor speed (MD 1146)
rated motor speed (MD 1400)
maximum motor temperature (MD 1602)

MD 1103 Rated motor current

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 500.0 A Power


Enter the rated motor current (RMS) when operated at the rated torque
and rated speed. Automatic parameterization with MD 1102 (motor
code number).

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
01.97 Motor- and power module data

MD 1104 Maximum motor current

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 500.0 A Power


Enter the maximum permissible motor current (RMS value).
Automatic parameterization with MD 1102 (motor code number).

Do not reduce this machine data for reasons of safe monitoring and
limiting (refer to MD 1105).
The limiting current is entered when the motor is selected.The limiting
current is the current which can be impressed at rated speed. Thus, the
drive can operate with constant acceleration over the complete speed
If a reduced torque at higher speed is adequate (reduced speed range
or jerk limiting), the current can be increased up to the peak current
(from the data sheet).
If the maximum motor current is increased, the torque limit
(MD 1230=MD 1104/MD 1118 * 100) and the power limit
(MD 1235=MD 1104/MD 1118 * 100) must be adapted.
This machine data is included in the controller calculation.

MD 1112 Motor pole pair number

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 6 Power

Enter the motor pole pair number. Automatic parameterization with
MD 1102 (motor code number).

MD 1113 Torque constant

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 5.0 Nm/A Power


Enter the torque constant. Automatic parameterization with MD 1102
(motor code number). The torque constant is the quotion of the rated
torque/rated current (RMS) for permanent-magnet synchronous motors.

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Motor- and power module data 01.97

MD 1114 Voltage constant

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 300.0 V Power


Enter the voltage constant. Automatic parameterization with MD 1102
(motor code number). The voltage constant is measured as induced
voltage (EMF) under no-load conditions at n = 1000 RPM as RMS value
of the motor terminals (phase-to-phase).

MD 1115 Armature resistance

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 20.0 Power


Enter the ohmic armature winding resistance (phase value). Automatic
parameterization with MD 1102 (motor code number).

MD 1116 Armature inductance

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 100.0 mH Power


Enter the armature three-phase inductance. Automatic parameterization
with MD 1102 (motor code number).

MD 1117 Motor moment of inertia

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective
0.0 0.0 32.0 kgm Power

Enter the motor moment of inertia. Automatic parameterization with
MD 1102 (motor code number) for motors without holding brake.

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
01.97 Motor- and power module data

MD 1118 Motor stall current

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 500.0 A Power


Enter the motor stall current. Automatic parameterization with MD 1102
(motor code number). The machine data corresponds to the thermally
permissible continuous current when the motor is a standstill with an
overtemperature of 100 Kelvin.

MD 1146 Maximum motor speed

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Power


Enter the maximum motor speed. Automatic parameterization with
MD 1102 (motor code number).

MD 1400 Rated motor speed

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

1 500.0 0.0 25 000.0 RPM Power


Enter the rated motor speed. Automatic parameterization with MD 1102
(motor code number).

MD 1401 Speed for the maximum motor useful speed

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

1 500.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Power


This machine data defines the maximum operating speed of the motor.
It is used as reference value of the speed setpoint interface and for
MD 1405 (motor monitoring speed). The pre-assignment is calculated
with the rated motor speed using the calculate contr. MD.


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Motor- and power module data 01.97

The speed of a feed axis is adapted using the NC machine data 23

(maximum axis velocity). The motor speed, corresponding to this
maximum value must be entered in machine data 1401. The spindle
leadscrew as well as possible gearbox ratios are entered in the ratio of
NC-MD 23 to drive MD 1401.

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
01.97 Motor- and power module data

1.2 Power module data

MD 1106 Power module code number

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Power


When entering the MLFB of the SIMODRIVE power module, at the first
start-up, the corresponding power module code number is determined
on the MMC side. The user does not have to make an entry (also refer
to MD 1102). The following power module data are automatically
transferred by the power module code number from an internal table:
transistor limit current, power module (MD 1107)
thermal limit current, power module (MD 1108)
rated power module current (MD 1111)

MD 1107 Transistor limit current

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

200.0 1.0 500.0 A Power


Enter the maximum transistor limit current of the power module (peak
value). Automatic parameterization with MD 1106 (power module code

The machine data is used as normalization basis of the current actual
value sensing and may not be changed after automatic pre-assignment.

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
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MD 1108 Thermal limit current, power module

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

200.0 1.0 500.0 A Power


Enter the maximum thermally permissible current (RMS current) of the
power module. Automatic parameterization with MD 1106 (power
module code number).

The machine data is used as the upper limit of the thermal load and
may not be changed after automatic pre-assignment.

MD 1111 Rated power module current

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

200.0 1.0 500.0 A Power


Enter the maximum permissible continuous current (RMS value) of the
power module. Automatic parameterization with MD 1106 (power
module code number).

The machine data may no longer be changed after the automatic pre-

1-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
01.97 Motor- and power module data

1.3 System data

MD 1000 Current controller clock cycle

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

4 2 4 31,25 Power
s On

The basic module clock cycle is derived from the current controller
clock cycle of the axis (current controller clock cycle = basic module
clock cycle). Possible input values are:
2 (for 62.5 s)
4 (for 125.0 s)

Intermediate values are not admissible (parameterization error). It is not
admissible to exceed the computation time in the level of the current
controller clock cycle; this will switch off the drive (system error).

MD 1001 Speed controller clock cycle

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

4 2 16 31,25 Power
s On

The speed controller clock cycle is derived from the current controller
clock cycle of the axis (current controller clock cycle speed controller
clock cycle). Possible input values are:
2 (for 62.5 s)
4 (for 125.0 s)
8 (for 250.0 s)
16 (for 500.0 s)

Intermediate values are not admissible (parameterization error). It is not
admissible to exceed the computation time in the level of the speed
controller clock cycle; this will switch off sthe drive (system error).

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
Motor- and power module data 01.97

MD 1002 Monitoring clock cycle

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

3 200 128 3 200 31,25 Power

s On

The interrupt clock cycle is used for high-priority monitoring. When
setting the clock cycle it should be observed that the input value must
be a integral of 4 ms (parameterizing error): m 128 31,25 s (m = 1,
2, 3 ... 25).
The standard value 3200 corresponds to 100 ms.

It is not permissible that the computation time is exceeded at the
interrupt level as this would cause the drive to be shutdown.

MD 1100 Frequency, pulse-width modulation

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

4 000 2 000 8 000 Hz Power


Enter the frequency of the sampling signal (ATD) in the PWM inverter.
The standard assignment is configured by the drive configuration at

For induction motor- and V/f operation, only 4 kHz and 8 kHz are

1-12 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
01.97 Motor- and power module data

MD 1101 Computation deadtime, current control loop

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

62 0 124 s Power

The computation deadtime is the time between the start of a current
controller clock cycle (current setpoint input) and the activation of the
actuating voltage setpoints on the gating unit ASIC. The standard pre-
assignment is made at the first start-up, and with the calculate contr.
MD function using the particular configuration by entering MD 1102
(motor code number).

Computation deadtime limits:

MD 1101 < MD 1000 31,25 s(= current controller clock cycle)
MD 1101 < 1/(MD 1100) (= TPBM, synchro. clock cycle periods)

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-13

MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
01.97 Monitoring- and limiting data

2 Monitoring- and limiting data

Contents 2.1 Motor monitoring ..........................................................................2-2

2.2 Controller monitoring....................................................................2-7
2.3 Limit values ..................................................................................2-8
2.4 Setting-up operation...................................................................2-14
2.5 Alarms........................................................................................2-15
2.6 Emergency retraction.................................................................2-20

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MCU (PJ - Drive machine data) 2-1
Monitoring- and limiting data 01.97

2.1 Motor monitoring

MD 1105 Reduced maximum motor current

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100 0 100 % Immediate

Enter the reduction factor for the maximum permissible motor current. The
maximum motor current (MD 1104) is the reference value for the percentage

MD 1147 Speed limiting

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

7 000.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Immediate

Enter the maximum permissible motor speed. Automatic parameterization
(initialization) using the calculate contr. MD function and the rated motor
speed (MD 1400) 120 %. If the speed actual value exceeds the set limit by
more than 2 percent, the motoring torque limit is internally set to zero thus
preventing further acceleration. The speed controller at limit monitoring
may respond depending on the setting (response threshold MD 1606 <
MD 1147 and response time MD 1605 short).
The standard pre-assignment is parameterized by the drive configuration at

The minimum of the entered value and motor-dependent specified value are the
only values which are effective.

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MCU (PJ - Drive machine data)
01.97 Monitoring- and limiting data

MD 1403 Shutdown speed, pulse cancellation

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 7 200.0 RPM Immediate

Enter the shutdown speed for pulse cancellation. If the absolute speed actual
value falls below the specified speed threshold when the controller enable is
withdrawn when powering-down, then the pulses are cancelled per software
and the drive is shutdown until it is enabled again using SERVO. The pulses
are also cancelled if the controller enable is withdrawn before the time set in
MD 1404 (timer stage for pulse cancellation) and the speed threshold has still
not been fallen below.
The standard pre-assignment is parameterized at start-up by the drive
configuration. A 0 means that the machine data has been de-activated. In this
case, the pulses are exclusively cancelled via MD 1404 (timer stage, pulse
The functionality of this machine data is required, to suppress overshoot when
zero speed is reached after controller enable has been withdrawn, must be

Controller enable

Case 1

MD 1403 = 0 t

Case 2

Motor coasts down

MD 1403 = X t

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Monitoring- and limiting data 01.97

MD 1404 Timer stage, pulse cancellation

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100.0 0.0 100 000.0 ms Immediate

Enter the timer stage for pulse cancellation by the drive. Under fault conditions
(when braking regeneratively or controller inhibit), the gating pulses of the
power module transistors are cancelled by the drive after the selectable timer
stage time has expired. The pulses are cancelled earlier, if the speed threshold,
set in MD 1403 (shutdown speed, pulse cancellation) was fallen below prior to
The standard pre-assignment is parameterized at start-up by the drive

MD 1405 Motor monitoring speed

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

110.0 100.0 110.0 % Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, Nr. 23003.11

Percentage input of the maximum permissible speed setpoint as limit value for
the speed setpoint monitoring. MD 1401 is used as the reference value (speed
for the maximum useful motor speed). When the monitoring speed is exceeded,
a ZK3 message is output. The standard pre-assignment is parameterized using
the calculate contr. MD function when configuring the drive.

MD 1602 Motor temperature alarm threshold

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

120 0 200 C Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, Nr. 23002.14

Enter the permissible thermal steady-state motor temperature. Automatic
parameterization with MD 1102 (motor code number). The motor temperature
is sensed using a temperature sensor and is evaluated in the drive. When the
alarm limit is reached, a signal is output to the SERVO (also refer to MD 1603
and MD 1607).

2-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (PJ - Drive machine data)
01.97 Monitoring- and limiting data

MD 1603 Timer stage, motor temperature alarm

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

240 0 600 s Immediate

Enter the timer stage for the motor temperature alarm. When MD 1602 is
exceeded (motor temperature alarm threshold) a signal is output to the SERVO
and a time monitoring function is started. If the timer stage time expires and the
motor temperature still has not fallen below the temperature limit, the drive
initiates regenerative braking and cancels the transistor gating signals for the
individual axes after MD 1404 (timer stage, pulse cancellation) in conjunction
with MD 1403 (shutdown speed, pulse cancellation).

A time monitoring function which has already been started (the counter is
already running) is not influenced when the timer stage is changed. It only
becomes valid if the motor temperature lies below the alarm limit (MD 1602).

MD 1607 Shutdown limit, motor temperature

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

155 0 200 C Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, Nr. 23000.0

Enter the motor temperature shutdown limit. The motor temperature is sensed
using a temperature sensor and evaluated in the drive. When the shutdown limit
is reached, the motor is regeneratively braked, and a ZK1 signal is output to the
SERVO (also refer to MD 1602 and MD 1603).

The temperature monitoring functions (alarm + timer stage and
unconditional shutdown) are not subject to any mutual restrictions, i. e.
MD 1607 < MD 1602 is permissible. In this case, the drive is shutdown
without any prior alarm.
The temperature sensing accuracy lies in the range from 3...5 %.

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Monitoring- and limiting data 01.97

MD 1608 Fixed temperature

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 200 C Immediate

Enter the fixed temperature. The temperature measurement is no longer
effective for a value greater than 0. The fixed temperature is used.

The motor temperature monitoring functions, set in MD 1602 (motor
temperature alarm threshold) and MD 1607 (shutdown limit, motor
temperature) are no longer effective.

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MCU (PJ - Drive machine data)
01.97 Monitoring- and limiting data

2.2 Controller monitoring

MD 1604 DC link undervoltage alarm threshold

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

200 0 680 V Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, Nr. 23002.0

Enter the DC link undervoltage alarm threshold. When this limit is fallen
below, a signal is input to SERVO (DC link OFF).

MD 1605 Timer stage, speed controller at fixed stop

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

200.0 20.0 10 000.0 ms Immediate

Enter the timer stage, speed controller at fixed stop. The speed controller
output (= torque setpoint) is monitored. If the output is at its limit for longer
than the time in the timer stage, and if the absolute actual speed is lower than
the value set in MD 1606 (threshold, speed controller at fixed stop), the ZK1
error signal speed controller at fixed stop is output and the motor pulses are

With the setting MD 1605 < MD 1404 (timer stage, pulse cancellation)
regenerative braking can be interrupted with the fault message speed
controller at fixed stop; the drive then coasts down.

MD 1606 Threshold, speed controller at fixed stop

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

8 000.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Immediate

Enter the speed threshold for the alarm speed controller at fixed stop (also
refer to MD 1605). The standard pre-assignment is parameterized by the drive
configuration at start up.

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MCU (PJ - Drive machine data) 2-7
Monitoring- and limiting data 01.97

2.3 Limit values

MD 1146 Maximum motor speed

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Power On

Enter the maximum motor speed. Automatic parameterization with MD 1102
(motor code number).

MD 1191 Adaption, servo limit torque

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

1.0 0.0 100.0 Immediate

From drive software 1.00 to 2.00, with the combination of feed drives and main
spindle drives, the interface of the torque setpoints has been standardized to 8 x
standstill torque. In order to be compatible to earlier feed drive software for a
particular application, an adaption factor was inserted into the torque limit
value interface. This allows the previous normalization to be kept when
upgrading the feed drive software, and is determined as follows:
MD 1107
MD 1191 =
8 2 MD 1118

Do not change this value for the MCU.

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MCU (PJ - Drive machine data)
01.97 Monitoring- and limiting data

MD 1230 1st torque limit value Md1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100.0 5.0 900.0 % Immediate

Enter the maximum permissible torque referred to the normalized motor
torque. As the power is limited (MD 1235, MD 1236) in the upper speed
range, this machine data is only of importance in the lower speed range. The
pre-assignment is realized so that the accelerating torque is effective up to the
rated speed and then the power limiting function is activated.
The standard pre-assignment is realized using the calculate contr. MD
The value is obtained as follows:
MD 1104
MD 1230 = 100 %
MD 1118
As the current limit (MD 1104) also limits the maximum torque which can be
specified, a higher torque limit can only result in more torque if the current
limit can also be increased.

If the motor is overloaded for a longer period of time, this can result in an
inadmissible temperature rise (the drive is shutdown as result of motor
overtemperature), and could also destroy the motor. MD 1104 and MD 1231 to
MD 1239 are the corresponding machine data.

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MCU (PJ - Drive machine data) 2-9
Monitoring- and limiting data 01.97

torque limit value

Power limit

Torque limit

MD 1230
When selecting the M = M N*
2nd torque limit, n
reduction factor
MD 1231
In regenerative
operation, reduction
factor MD 1233

For setting-operation, MD 1235

additional limiting
When selecting the 2nd power
by MD 1239
limit, reduction factor MD 1236
In regenerative operation, additional
limiting by MD 1237

Constant torque Constant power

range range


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MCU (PJ - Drive machine data)
01.97 Monitoring- and limiting data

MD 1231 2nd torque limit value Md2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100.0 5.0 100.0 % Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS8, No. 20200.10

When entering the 2nd torque limit value, this is a reduction factor referred to
the 1st torque limit value (MD 1230). It only becomes effective, if the 2nd
torque limit value is selected via the PLC control word (DS8) and the motor
speed exceeds the value set in MD 1232 with hysteresis (MD 1234).

MD 1232 Changeover speed from Md1 to Md2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

6 000.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Immediate

Enter the changeover speed above which, it is possible to changeover to the
2nd torque limit value (MD 1231). A selectable hysteresis (MD 1234) is
effective at the changeover. The 2nd torque limit value is only effective, if the
motor speed exceeds the speed threshold with hysteresis and the 2nd torque
limit value was selected via the PLC control word (DS8).

MD 1233 Regenerative limiting

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100.0 5.0 100.0 % Immediate

Enter the torque limit when braking (regenerative torque limiting). It is referred
to the maximum torque when motoring. If the 2nd torque limit is active, the
reference value comprises machine data MD 1230 and MD 1231, otherwise
only MD 1230 (1st torque limit value).

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MD 1234 Hysteresis for the changeover speed MD 1232

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

50.0 5.0 1 000.0 RPM Immediate

Enter the hysteresis for the changeover speed set in MD 1232 (changeover
speed from Md1 to Md2).

MD 1235 1st power limit

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100.0 5.0 900.0 % Immediate

Enter the maximum permissible power referred to the normalizing motor
power. The pre-assignment is realized for new start-ups or using the calculate
contr. MD function. The value is obtained as follows:
MD 1104
MD 1235 = 100 %
MD 1118
The pre-assignment is made, so that above the rated speed the following is
Motor_ speed
accelerating torque = constant
Rated_ speed

If the motor is overloaded for a longer period of time, this can result in an
inadmissible temperature rise (the drive is shutdown as result of motor
overtemperature), and could also destroy the motor. MD 1104, MD 1145 and
MD 1231 to MD 1239 are the corresponding machine data.

MD 1236 2nd power limit

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100.0 5.0 100.0 % Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS8, No. 20200.10

When entering the 2nd power limit, this is a reduction factor referred to the 1st
power limit (MD 1236). It only becomes effective, if the 2nd torque limit is
selected via the PLC control word (DS8) and the motor speed exceeds the
value set in MD 1232 (changeover speed from Md1 to Md2) with hysteresis
(MD 1234).

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01.97 Monitoring- and limiting data

MD 1237 Maximum regenerative power

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100.0 0.3 500.0 kW Immediate

Enter the maximum regenerative power. The machine data allows the power,
fed back for the infeed/regenerative feedback module to be limited. Especially
when using an uncontrolled rectifier/regenerative feedback unit, an
appropriately lower value must be entered here.

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2.4 Setting-up operation

MD 1239 Torque limit, setting-up operation

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

1.0 0.5 100.0 % Immediate

Enter the torque limit for setting-up operation referred to the rated motor
torque. The machine data is not effective under normal operating conditions. In
setting-up operation, the maximum from the limit values in normal operation
and the value set in this machine data, act as torque limit value. Setting-up
operation is selected via terminal 112 of the rectifier/regenerative feedback

MD 1420 Maximum motor speed for setting-up operation

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

30.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, No. 23003.11

Enter the maximum motor speed for setting-up operation. For setting-up
operation, the absolute speed setpoint is limited to the specified value. If the
speed setpoint is limited to MD 1420, a ZK3 signal is additionally output.

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01.97 Monitoring- and limiting data

2.5 Alarms

MD 1012 Power-on functionality, SIMODRIVE 611 D

Bit 4 (function switch: ZK2 parameterizing error)
Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0004 0000 7FFF Hex Immediate

Enter the configuration for the power-on functionality referred to the
SIMODRIVE system 611 D. Bit 4 controls the ZK2 parameterizing error:
0 = ZK2 parameterizing errors are not supported (pre-setting).
A fault/error causes the drive to be shutdown (controller inhibit).
1 = ZK2 parameterizing errors are supported.
A fault/error results in an alarm message being displayed on the screen.

MD 1600 Power On alarms which can be suppressed

Bits 0, 1, 4-9, 15
Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS1, No. 24008.4

Power On alarms (ZK1 faults) of the SIMODRIVE 611 D system can be
suppressed using this machine data. The appropriate monitoring function is
active, if the associated bit = 0 (refer to the table).
All 611D monitoring functions are active as standard.

Bit Power On alarm

0 Internal fault/error (cannot be suppressed!)
1 Vector monitoring
4 Measuring circuit, motor measuring system
5 Monitoring, absolute track
6 Not assigned
7 Synchronizing error
8 Zero mark monitoring, motor measuring
9 AC drive converter frequency too high
15 Temperature monitoring, power module

SIMODRIVE 611 D Power On alarms can only be acknowledged using
a hardware reset.
The power module could be destroyed if the Power On alarms are

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When the Power On alarm is suppressed, the drive does not transfer the
appropriate ZK1 alarm (DB1000, DS1, No. 24008.4), however ZK2 alarms
(warnings) are transferred (e. g.: DB1000, DS36, No. 23002.15).

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01.97 Monitoring- and limiting data

MD 1601 Reset alarms which can be suppressed

Bits 7, 8, 14
Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

Reset alarms of the SIMODRIVE 611 D system can be disabled using this
machine data. The appropriate alarm is active, if the associated bit = 0 (refer to
the table). All 611D alarms are active as standard.

Bit Reset alarm

6 Flux controller at its limit
7 Current controller at its limit
8 Speed controller at its limit
9 Encoder frequency exceeded
12 Maximum speed = f(UZWK)
13 Temperature, motor trip (temperature)
14 Temperature, motor trip (timer stage)

SIMODRIVE 611 D Reset alarms can be acknowledged using a software
The power module or motor could be destroyed if the Reset alarms are
Reset 611D alarms can be changed-over to 611D alarms using MD 1012 bit
4. In this case, suppression has no effect.

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MD 1612 Configured shutdown response Power On alarms

Bits 0, 8, 9, 15
Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0DBC 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

Input bit field to changeover the particular 611D Power On alarm (refer to
the table). Either the shutdown response, pulse inhibit (bit = 1) or controller
inhibit (bit = 0 nset = 0 regenerative braking) can be selected. The
controller inhibit is de-activated when pulse inhibit is selected. The standard
pre-assignment is parameterized at start-up by the drive configuration.

The alarms can be disabled or suppressed using MD 1600 (Power On alarms
which can be suppressed ). In this case, the alarms are not active.

The standard values are highlighted in the table.

Bit Power On alarm Value

0 Pulse inhibit for internal error 0 = off
1 = on
1, 6, 12-14 Not assigned
2-5, 7, 10, 11 Reserved
8 Pulse inhibit, zero monitoring 0 = off
1 = on
9 Pulse inhibit, drive converter limiting 0 = off
frequency 1 = on
15 Pulse inhibit, heatsink temperature 0 = off
1 = on

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MD 1613 Configurable shutdown response Reset alarm

Bits 0, 9, 13, 14
Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0100 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

Input bit field to changeover the particular 611D reset alarm (refer to the
table). Either the shutdown response, pulse inhibit (bit = 1) or controller inhibit
(bit = 0 nset = 0 regenerative braking) can be selected. The controller
inhibit is activated when the pulse inhibit is selected. The standard pre-
assignment is parameterized at start-up by the drive configuration.

611D messages/signals can be changed-over to reset alarms using MD 1012
bit 4 (function switch).
The alarms can be disabled or suppressed using MD 1601 (reset alarms
which can be suppressed). In this case, the alarms are inactive.

The standard values are highlighted in the table.

Bit Reset alarm Value

0 Pulse inhibit for a configuration error 0 = off
1 = on
1-7, 10-12, 15 Not assigned
8 Reserved
9 Pulse inhibit for encoder limiting frequency 0 = off
1 = on
13 Pulse inhibit, motor encoder temperature 0 = off
1 = on
14 Pulse inhibit, for motor temperature alarm 0 = off
1 = on

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2.6 Emergency retraction

MD 1161 Fixed DC link voltage

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

600 0 700 V Immediate

When a fixed DC link voltage is entered which is > 0 V, the DSP-internal DC
link measurement is de-activated, i. e. the MD 1701 (DC link voltage display)
is inactive (display: *). The voltage reference value is then included in the DC
link adaption instead of the measured value.

Emergency retraction is only possible with active DC link measurement (MD
1161 = 0). Emergency retraction is only possible, if the emergency retraction
enable = ON (DB1000, DS8, No. 20200.4).

MD 1630 Response threshold, only DC link monitoring

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

550 0 680 V Immediate

Enter the response threshold of the DC link voltage, which, when fallen below,
only the DC link voltage is monitored, and no longer the motor temperature.
The normal functionality is re-established if the response threshold is exceeded

MD 1634 Response threshold, emergency retraction

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

400 0 660 V Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, No. 23002.1

Enter the shutdown threshold of the DC link voltage. When this is fallen below,
emergency retraction is initiated corresponding to MD 1636.

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MD 1636 Emergency retraction, mode 4

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 7 Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, No. 23002.2

The emergency retraction mode 4 (immediate emergency retraction with
subsequent regenerative braking) is set, when the MCU runs-up by transferring
MD 1636, if a terminal (I1 to I4) is assigned the emergency retraction
function. This operating mode can be changed in operation via the operator
control interface, but data saved in the onboard FEPROM is overwritten the
next time the system runs-up.
Under fault conditions, the axis travels at the emergency retraction speed
(MD 1639) and maintains this over the emergency retraction time (MD 1638).
After this, the axis brakes regeneratively. Under fault conditions, this response
is autonomous (without the MCU intervening).
A ZK2 bit is used to indicate that the autonomous emergency retraction
function is active (DS 36, status class 2, bit 2: Emergency
retraction/regenerative operation active).

The MCU must be reset after an emergency retraction (power-on reset or
software reset).

MD 1638 Emergency retraction time

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 10 000 ms Immediate

Enter the time, where the emergency retraction speed (MD 1639) should be
entered as speed setpoint under fault conditions.

MD 1639 Emergency retraction speed

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0040 0000 0040 0000 FFC0 0000 Hex Immediate

Enter the speed, which should be entered as speed setpoint for the emergency
retraction time (MD 1638) when a fault/error condition occurs. The
hexadecimal value 400 000 corresponds to the maximum operating speed of
the motor, specified in MD 1401.

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01.97 Message data

3 Message data

Overview These machine data are used to output messages:

MD 1012 (power-on functionality, SIMODRIVE 611 D)

MD 1417 (threshold speed nx for the nact < nx message)
MD 1418 (threshold speed nmin for the nact < nmin message)
MD 1426 (tolerance bandwidth for the nset = nact message)
MD 1427 (delay time for the nset = nact message)
MD 1428 (threshold torque Mdx)
MD 1429 (delay time for the Md < Mdx message)
MD 1620 (bits, variable message function)
MD 1621 (signal number, variable message function)
MD 1622 (address, variable message function)
MD 1623 (threshold, variable message function)
MD 1624 (hysteresis, variable message function)
MD 1625 (pull-in delay, variable message function)
MD 1626 (drop-out delay, variable message function)

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Message data 01.97

MD 1012 Power-on functionality, SIMODRIVE 611 D

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0004 0000 7FFF Hex Immediate

Enter the configuration for power-on functionality referred to the SIMODRIVE
system 611 D. The standard values are highlighted in the value column. Value

Bit Function Value

0 Ramp-function generator 0 (off) = not active
tracking 1 (on) = active
2 Drive ready, 0 (off) = drive ready, if there is no ZK1 alarm
terminal-dependent 1 (on) = drive ready, if the following conditions
are simultaneously present:
no ZK1 alarm
terminal 63 = 1
(infeed/regenerative feedback module)
terminal 64 = 1
(infeed/regenerative feedback module)
terminal 663 = 1 (drive module)
4 ZK2 parameterizing error 0 (off) = ZK2 parameterizing errors are not
supported (pre-setting). An error causes
the drive to be shutdown (controller
1 (on) = ZK2 parameterizing errors are
supported. An error results in an alarm
message being displayed on the screen.
7 No effect: 0 (0) = the drive immediately accelerates the
Pre-assignment motor to the setpoint speed
pre-control speed (IM) 1 (nset) = the drive brakes the motor towards 0
when the drive pulses are speed and then accelerates it to the
cancelled and the drive is setpoint speed.
enabled with the motor
still rotating

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MD 1417 Threshold speed nx for the nact < nx message

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

6 000.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, No. 23003.3

Enter the threshold speed for monitoring purposes. If the actual speed falls
below the absolute speed threshold which has been set, a signal is sent to the

MD 1418 Threshold speed nmin for the nact < nmin message
Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

5.0 0.0 25 000.0 RPM Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, No. 23003.2

Enter the threshold speed for monitoring purposes. If the actual speed falls
below the absolute speed threshold which has been set, a signal is sent to the

MD 1426 Tolerance bandwidth for the nset = nact message

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

20.0 0.0 10 000.0 RPM Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, No. 23003.4

Enter the response value for the tolerance bandwidth of the PLC status
messages nact = nmin and ramp-up completed . The nset = nact message
becomes active, if the speed actual value enters the tolerance bandwidth which
has been set around the speed setpoint, and remains within this bandwidth for
at least the delay time (MD 1427). If the tolerance bandwidth is exited, the
message immediately becomes inactive. The delay time is only used if the
ramp-function generator changes the edge, from active to passive.
The ramp-up completed message is simultaneously active with the nset =
nact message; however it is latched in the active setting up until the next
setpoint change, even if the speed actual value exits the tolerance bandwidth.
The ramp-up completed message becomes immediately inactive, if the
setpoint changes.

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Message data 01.97

MD 1427 Delay time for the nset = nact message

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

200.0 0.0 500.0 ms Immediate

Enter the delay time where the nset = nact message should respond when it
leaves the tolerance bandwidth (MD 1426).

MD 1428 Threshold torque Mdx

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

90.0 0.0 100.0 % Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, No. 23003.1

Enter the percentage setting for the threshold torque machine data. This
machine data defines the torque limit value where the ZK3 message Md<Mdx
should become inactive. The entered value refers to the actual torque- and
power limits.
The Md<Mdx message is latched into the active condition as long as the
ramp-up completed message is not active. If ramp-up completed is
active, then the delay time (MD 1429) must first expire, and then the
Md<Mdx message can become inactive.

MD 1429 Delay time for the Md < Mdx message

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

800.0 0.0 1 000.0 ms Immediate

Enter the delay time which must first expire before the Md<Mdx message can
become inactive after the ramp-up completed message. As long as the
ramp-up completed is not active, or the delay time has still not expired, the
Md<Mdx message is latched in the active condition.

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MD 1620 Bits, variable message function

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS36, No. 23003.5

Input bit field to control the variable message function. Value table:

Bit Function Value

0 Variable message function 0 (off) = not active
1(on) = active
1 Segment, variable message 0 (X:) = address area X
function 1 (Y:) = address area Y
2 Comparison, with sign 0 (off) = comparison without sign
1 (on) = comparison with sign

Bit 1 is only effective, if the signal number 0 is selected in MD 1621 (signal
number, variable message function).
With the variable message function, a memory location from address area X or
address area Y in the data RAM is monitored against a threshold which can be
entered. A tolerance bandwidth can be set for this threshold, which is
calculated-in when scanning as to whether the threshold has been violated. This
message is realized via the operating message ZK3 (status class 3) with bit 5
and can be logically combined with a pull-in delay or drop-out delay. The
message function runs in a 4 ms clock cycle.
The quantity to be monitored can either be selected by entering a signal
number or a physical address, whereby the physical address is only relevant for
Siemens service work.

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The following are the corresponding machine data:

MD 1621 (signal number, variable message function)
MD 1622 (address, variable message function)
MD 1623 (threshold, variable message function)
MD 1624 (hysteresis, variable message function)
MD 1625 (pull-in delay, variable message function)
MD 1626 (drop-out delay, variable message function)
When input changes are made in the machine data MD 1621 to MD 1624 while
the monitoring function is already active (MD 1620, bit 0 = 1), this does not
automatically result in the ZK3 message bit 5 being re-initialized, i. e. reset to
0. If this is required, after the machine data has been changed, bit 0 should be
switched-out and in again using MD 1620.


Tolerance bandwidth

Signal ZK3

Pull-in delay time Drop-out delay time

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01.97 Message data

MD 1621 Signal number, variable message function

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 100 Immediate

Enter the signal number of the memory location which is to be monitored using
the variable message function. Value table:

Signal Signal designation Normalization

No. (corresponds to the
0 Physical address
2 Current IR MD 1710
3 Current IS MD 1710
4 Current Id MD 1710
5 Current Iq MD 1710
6 Current setpoint Iq (limited after the filter) MD 1710
7 Current setpoint Iq (in front of the filter) MD 1710
8 Speed actual value, motor MD 1711
9 Speed setpoint MD 1711
10 Speed setpoint, reference model MD 1711
11 Torque setpoint (speed controller output) MD 1713
12 Torque setpoint limit MD 1713
13 Utilization (mset/mset, limit) 8000H = 100 %
14 Active power 0,01 kW
15 Rotor flux setpoint MD 1712
16 Rotor flux actual value MD 1712
17 Quadrature-axis voltage Uq MD 1709
18 Direct-axis voltage Ud MD 1709
19 Current setpoint Id MD 1710
20 Motor temperature 0,1 C
21 DC link voltage 1V
22 Zero mark signal, motor measuring system
23 Bero signal
24 Absolute speed actual value MD 1711
25 Slip frequency setpoint 2000 2
800000H1s 1
26 Rotor position (electrical) MD 1714
27 Torque setpoint, speed controller MD 1713
28 Pre-control torque MD 1713
29 Actuating voltage Q injection MD 1709
30 Actuating voltage D injection MD 1709

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MD 1622 Address, variable message function

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

Enter the address of the memory location which is to be monitored using the
variable message function.

This machine data is only effective if the signal number is set to 0 (refer to
MD 1621).

MD 1623 Threshold, variable message function

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

000000 000000 FFFFFF Hex Immediate

Enter the threshold for the address of the memory location, entered in
MD 1622 (address, variable message function), which is to be monitored via
the variable message function. The actual value to be checked is obtained
together with MD 1624 (hysteresis, variable message function).

The numerical value entered in MD 1623 is interpretted as a function of
MD 1620 (variable message function bits) without sign (bit 2 = 0) or with sign
(bit 2 = 1).

MD 1624 Hysteresis, variable message function

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

000000 000000 FFFFFF Hex Immediate

Enter the hysteresis (tolerance bandwidth) for the address of the memory
location entered in MD 1622 (address, variable message function) which is to
be monitored using the variable message function. The actual value to be
monitored is obtained together with MD 1623 (threshold, variable message

The numerical value entered in MD 1624 is interpretted as a function of
MD 1620 (variable message function bits) without sign (bit 2 = 0) or with sign
(bit 2 = 1).

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01.97 Message data

MD 1625 Pull-in delay, variable message function

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 10 000 ms Immediate

Enter the pull-in delay time to set the signal if the threshold is exceeded (with

A time monitoring function which is already running is influenced when
machine data MD 1625 and MD 1626 are changed (drop-out delay, variable
message function). The monitoring function is initialized with the newly
entered times.

MD 1626 Drop-out delay, variable message function

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 10 000 ms Immediate

Enter the drop-out delay time to reset the message, if the threshold (with
hysteresis) if fallen below.

An already running time monitoring function is influenced when machine data
MD 1625 (pull-in delay, variable message function) and MD 1626 are
changed. The monitoring function is initialized with the newly-entered times.

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Message data 01.97

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MCU (PJ - Drive machine data)
01.97 Measuring system data

4 Measuring system data

Overview The following machine data include specific motor encoder parameters:

MD 1005 (encoder pulse number, motor measuring system)

MD 1007 (encoder pulse number, direct measuring system)
MD 1008 (encoder phase error correction)
MD 1011 (configuration, actual value sensing, motor measuring system)
MD 1021 (multi-turn resolution, motor absolute value encoder)
MD 1022 (measuring steps of the motor absolute track)
MD 1023 (measuring circuit, motor absolute track)
MD 1030 (configuration, actual value sensing, direct measuring system)
MD 1031 (multi-turn resolution, absolute value encoder, direct measuring
MD 1032 (measuring steps of the absolute track, direct measuring system)
MD 1033 (direct measuring circuit, absolute track)
MD 1790 (measuring circuit type, indirect measuring system)
MD 1791 (measuring circuit type, direct measuring system)

MD 1005 Encoder pulse number, motor measuring system

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

2 048 128 8 192 Incr/rev Power On

Enter the encoder increments per motor revolution of the motor measuring

The indirect measuring system must always be configured.

MD 1007 Encoder pulse number, direct measuring system

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 65 535 Incr/rev, Power On


Enter the encoder increments per revolution for a linear or a rotary direct
measuring system.

A 0 in the display indicates that a direct measuring system is not available.

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MD 1008 Encoder phase error correction

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 -20.0 20.0 Degree Immediate

This machine data is used to compensate phase errors. Phase errors can occur
between the A- and B tracks of raw signal encoders (e. g. ERN 1387). They are
noticeable as the speed actual value is more noisy, i. e. double the encoder
pulse frequency is superimposed on the actual value. Especially for toothed-
wheel encoders, phase errors can occur which can even effect the control
quality (acoustic).

This machine data is activated with bit 1 of the MD 1011 (configuration, actual
value sensing, motor measuring system).

MD 1011 Configuration, actual value sensing, motor measuring system

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Power On

Enter the configuration for actual value functions referred to the
SIMODRIVE 611 D system.
Value table:

Bit Function Value

0 Actual value inversion (change is not 0 (off) = not active
permissible for MCU)
1 Phase error correction 0 (off) = not active
1 (on) = active
2 Reserved
3 Incremental encoder = (off) 0
Absolute value encoder with EnDat = (on) 1
4 Rotary measuring system = (off) 0
Linear measuring system = (on) 1
5 Motor measuring system available 0 (yes) = yes
1 (no) = no
6-15 Not assigned

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MD 1021 Multi-turn resolution, motor absolute value encoder

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

4 096 0 4 096 Power On

Number of revolutions of the motor measuring system absolute value encoder
which can be displayed. The value can only be read (measuring range).

MD 1022 Measuring steps, motor absolute track

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

8 192 512 32 768 Power On

Number of measuring steps per mechanical revolution when the absolute
position value of the motor measuring system is serially transferred. The value
can only be read (resolution).

MD 1023 Measuring circuit, motor absolute track

Standard value unt. Ausgabegrenze ob. Ausgabegrenze Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Power On

Diagnostics, absolute value encoder, motor measuring system.

Bit Fault Recommended counter-measure

0 Opto system failed Replace encoder
1 Signal amplitude too low Replace encoder
2 Code connection erroneous Replace encoder
3 Overvoltage Power-down/power-up, replace
4 Undervoltage Power-down/power-up, replace
5 Overcurrent Power-down/power-up, replace
6 Battery change required Change battery
7, 8, 14 Reserved
9 Defective C/D track for ERN 1387 Power-down/power-up, replace
encoders encoder
10 Protocol cannot be interrupted Power-down/power-up, replace
11 SSI signal level identified at the data Check the encoder type, replace the
line hardware
12 Read TIMEOUT for measured value Repeat, replace the hardware

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13 CRC error Replace the hardware

15 Defective measuring encoder Replace the encoder

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01.97 Measuring system data

MD 1030 Configuration, actual value sensing, direct measuring system

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Power On

Enter the configuration for the actual value functions referred to the
SIMODRIVE 611 D system, direct measuring system.

Bit Criterium Value

0-2, 5-15 Not assigned
3 Encoder type 0 (off) = incremental encoder
1 (on) = absolute encoder with EnDat interface
4 Mechanical design of the 0 (off) = rotary measuring system
measuring system 1 (on) = linear measuring system

MD 1031 Multi-turn resolution, absolute value encoder, direct measuring system

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

4 096 0000 4 096 Power On

Number of revolutions of the absolute encoder, direct measuring system which
can be represented. The value can only be read. (measuring range)

MD 1032 Measuring steps of the absolute track, direct measuring system

Standard value unt. Ausgabegrenze ob. Ausgabegrenze Units Effective

8 192 0 8 192 Power On

Number of measuring steps per revolution when the absolute position value,
direct measuring system is serially transferred. The value can only be read.

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MD 1033 Direct measuring circuit, absolute track

Standard value unt. Ausgabegrenze ob. Ausgabegrenze Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Power On

Diagnostics, absolute value encoder, motor measuring system.

Bit Error/fault Recommended counter-measure

0 Opto system failed Replace encoder
1 Signal amplitude too low Replace encoder
2 Code connection erroneous Replace encoder
3 Overvoltage Power-down/power-up, replace
4 Undervoltage Power-down/power-up, replace
5 Overcurrent Power-down/power-up, replace
6 Battery change required Change battery
7, 8, 9, 14 Reserved
10 Protocol cannot be interrupted Power-down/power-up, replace
11 SSI signal level identified at the Check the encoder type, replace the
data line hardware
12 Read TIMEOUT for measured Repeat, replace the hardware
13 CRC error Replace the hardware
15 Defective measuring encoder Replace the encoder

MD 1790 Measuring circuit type, indirect measuring system

Standard value unt. Ausgabegrenze ob. Ausgabegrenze Units Effective

0 0 32 767 Immediate

This machine data shows the measuring circuit code number of the indirect
measuring system (motor). Value table:

0 Raw voltage signals

1-7 Reserved

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01.97 Measuring system data

MD 1791 Measuring circuit type, direct measuring system

Standard value unt. Ausgabegrenze ob. Ausgabegrenze Units Effective

0 0 32 767 Immediate

This machine data indicates the measuring circuit code number of the direct
measuring system if it is inserted. Value table:

-1 Measuring system not available

0 Raw voltage signals
1 Raw current signals (not for MCU)
2-7 Reserved

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01.97 SIMODRIVE controller data

5 SIMODRIVE controller data

Contents 5.1 Speed controller...........................................................................5-2

5.2 Speed setpoint filter .....................................................................5-4
5.3 Speed controller adaption ..........................................................5-15
5.4 Reference model, speed control loop ........................................5-18
5.5 Current controller .......................................................................5-19
5.6 Current setpoint filter..................................................................5-20

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5.1 Speed controller

MD 1407 P gain, speed controller

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.3 0.0 100 000.0 Nm*s/rad Immediate

Enter the P gain of the speed control loop in the lower speed range (n < lower
adaption speed MD 1411) or automatic parameterization (initialization via the
calculate contr. MD function. The gains in the lower speed range (MD 1407)
and in the upper speed range (MD 1408) are not mutually restricted.

Before entering a P gain of 0, the associated integral component (MD
1409) must be inactivated due to controller stability.
MD 1407 is active over the complete speed range when speed controller
adaption has been cancelled (MD 1413 = 0).

MD 1409 Integral action time, speed controller

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

10.0 0.0 2 000.0 ms Immediate

Enter the integral action time of the speed control loop in the lower speed
range (n < lower adaption speed- MD 1411) or automatic parameterization
(initialized via the calculate contr. MD function. The integral action times in
the lower speed range (MD 1409) and in the upper speed range (MD 1410) are
not mutually restricted.

When 0 is entered for the integral action time, the I component for the
speed range is disabled (the integral gain and the integrator contents are
deleted, i. e. torque jumps cannot be excluded (also refer to the
information in MD 1410).
When the speed controller adaption (MD 1413 = 0) is cancelled, MD 1409
is active over the complete speed range.
If the adaption is activated, the integral component should not be de-
activated for only one speed range (MD 1409 = 0 and MD 1410 0 or
vice versa) (otherwise a problem could develop due to torque jumps when
the integral value is reset at the transition from the adaption- to the
constant range).

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MD 1421 Time constant, integrator feedback

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 1 000.0 ms Immediate

The integrator of the speed controller loop is reduced to a low-pass 1st order
characteristic with the configured time constant via a weighted feedback.

The output of the speed controller integrator is limited to a value proportional
to the setpoint-actual value difference (steady-state proportional behavior).

Motion at zero position reference value and dominant stiction can be
suppressed (however a position reference value-actual value difference
Preventing tension for axes or spindles which are rigidly mechanically
coupled (synchronous spindle).

The integrator feedback becomes active above MD 1421 1.0.

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5.2 Speed setpoint filter

MD 1500 No. of speed setpoint filters

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 2 Immediate

Cross-reference: DB1000, DS8, No. 20200.11

Enter the number of speed setpoint filters. Bandstop and low-pass filters
(PT2/PT1) can be selected which are set via the machine data type speed
setpoint filter (MD 1501).

Selecting the number of filters:

0 No speed setpoint filters active

1 Filter 1 active
2 Filters 1 and 2 active

If filter 1 is parameterized as bandstop filter, this can be switched via the
user program (control word 1, data set 8).
Before activating the filter, the filter type as well as the appropriate filter
machine data must be assigned.

MD 1501 Speed setpoint filter type

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 0303 Hex Immediate

Enter the configuration of the 2 speed setpoint filters. Bandstop and low-pass
filters can be selected (PT2 or PT1). The filter parameters which can be set are
entered in the associated machine data.

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The bandstop speed setpoint filter type is used to dampen axis-specific
resonant frequencies in the position control loop.

Depending on the particular requirement, the bandstop function can be

set in three configurations:
basic bandstop, MD 1514/MD 1517 and MD 1515/MD 1518
bandstop with adjustable damping of the amplitude characteristics, in
addition to MD 1516/MD 1519
bandstop with adjustable damping of the amplitude characteristic and
increase or decrease of the amplitude characteristic after the block
frequency, additionally MD 1520/MD 1521
interpolation with speed setpoint steps - the speed setpoints are output in
the position controller clock cycle which can be select far higher than the
speed controller clock cycle (low-pass).

Low-pass/bandstop 1st filter, bit 0 0 Low-pass

(refer to MD 1502/1506/1507)
1 Bandstop
(refer to MD 1514/1515/1516/1520)
2nd filter, bit 1 0 Low-pass
(refer to MD 1502/1508/1509)
1 Bandstop
(refer to MD 1517/1518/1519/1521)
PT2/PT1 for low- 1st filter, bit 8 0 PT2 low-pass
pass (refer to MD 1506/1507)
1 PT1 low-pass
(refer to MD 1502)
2nd filter, bit 9 0 PT2 low-pass
(refer to MD 1508/1509)
1 PT1 low-pass
(refer to MD 1503)

Before configuring the filter type, the appropriate filter machine data must be

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MD 1502 Time constant, speed setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 500.0 ms Immediate

Enter the time constant for the speed setpoint filter 1 (PT1 low-pass). The filter
is de-activated when a 0 is entered.

MD 1503 Time constant, speed setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 500.0 ms Immediate

Enter the time constant for the speed setpoint filter 2 (PT1 low-pass). The filter
is de-activated when a 0 is entered.

MD 1506 Natural frequency, speed setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

2 000.0 10.0 8 000.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the natural frequency for the speed setpoint filter 1 (PT2 low-pass). An
entry with a value < 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low-pass filter
initializes the filter independently of the associated damping as proportional
element with gain 1. The filter is activated via MD 1500 (number of speed
setpoint filters) and MD 1501 (speed setpoint filter type).

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MD 1507 Damping, speed setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.2 5.0 Immediate

Enter the damping for speed setpoint filter 1 (PT2 low-pass). The filter is
activated via MD 1500 (number of speed setpoint filters) and MD 1501 (speed
setpoint filter type).

MD 1508 Natural frequency, speed setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

2 000.0 10.0 8 000.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the natural frequency for speed setpoint filter 2 (PT2 low-pass). An entry
< 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low-pass filter initializes the filter
independently of the associated damping as proportional element with gain 1.
The filter is activated via MD 1500 (number of speed setpoint filters) and
MD 1501 (speed setpoint filter type).

MD 1509 Damping, speed setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.7 0.2 5.0 Immediate

Enter the damping for speed setpoint filter 2 (PT2 low-pass). The filter is
activated via MD 1500 (number of speed setpoint filters) and MD 1501 (speed
setpoint filter type).

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MD 1514 Block frequency, speed setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

3 500.0 1.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the block frequency for speed setpoint filter 1 and parameterize as basic
bandstop filter. The filter is activated via MD 1500 (number of setpoint filters)
and MD 1501 (speed setpoint filter type). MD 1516/MD 1519 (bandwidth
numerator, speed setpoint filter) and MD 1520/MD 1521 (bandstop natural
frequency, speed setpoint filter) keep their standard values.

1+s(2fbz / (2 fz ) 2 )+s 2 1 / (2fz ) 2
H(s) =
1+s(2fbn / (2fn ) 2 )+s 21 / (2fn ) 2

fz = MD 1514/1517 block frequency, speed setpoint 1/speed setpoint 2
[Hz], (resonance position)
fbn = MD 1515/1518 bandwidth denominator, speed setpoint 1/speed setpoint 2
fbz = MD 1516/1519 bandwidth numerator, speed setpoint 1/speed setpoint 2
fn = MD 1520/1521 bandstop, natural frequency, speed setpoint 1/speed setp. 2
[%] percentage referred to MD 1514 or MD 1517
MD 1520 ( MD 1521)
fn = MD 1514 (MD 1517) [%]

When entering the block frequency, the upper value is limited due to the
sampling frequency of the control (MD 1001) (parameterizing error).
SYNTHESIS Polynomial

fz = 900 Hz MD 1514/1517
fbn = 600 Hz MD 1515/1518
fbz = 0 Hz MD 1516/1519
(standard value)
fn = 100 % MD 1520/1521
(standard value)





5 Log Hz 4k

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MD 1515 Bandwidth, speed setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

500.0 5.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the -3dB bandwidth for speed setpoint filter 1 (bandstop). The filter is
activated via MD 1500 (number of speed setpoint filters) and MD 1501 (speed
setpoint filter type).

When a 0 is entered for the bandwidth, the filter is parameterized as
proportional element with gain 1.

MD 1516 Numerator, bandwidth, speed setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the numerator bandwidth for the damped bandstop filter. The ratio
between the bandwidth numerator to the bandwidth denominator defines how
significantly the amplitude decreases at the block frequency. For fbz < fbn, the
amplitude is reduced. It is also conceivable that fbz > fbn, in which case the
amplitude would be increased. However, this is not realistic, as this would
result in a increase in the frequency characteristic and would therefore cause
the controller to oscillate.
For fbz = fbn, the amplitude remains constant over the complete frequency

1+s(2fbz / (2 fz ) 2 )+s 2 (1 / (2fz ) 2 ) 1+s(2( D z / 2 )fz )+s 2 1 / (2fz ) 2

1+s(2fbn / (2fz ) )+s (1 / (2f n ) )
2 2 2
1+s(2(D n / 2)fz )+s 21 / (2fn ) 2

fz block frequency MD 1514/1517
Dz damping, numerator
fbz = 2 Dz fz bandwidth, numerator MD 1515/1518
Dn = MD 1520/1521 damping, denominator
fbz = 2 Dn fn bandwidth, denominator MD 1516/1519
fn = 100 % BSP natural frequency MD 1520/1521 (standard value)

The value in MD 1516 (bandwidth numerator, speed setpoint filter 1) may only
be a maximum of twice that in MD 1515 (bandwidth, speed setpoint filter 1).

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fz = 900 Hz
fbn = 1800 Hz (Dn = 100 %)
fbz = 180 Hz (Dz = 10 %)
fn = 100 %







fz = 900 Hz
fbn = 900 Hz (Dn = 50 %)
fbz = 180 Hz (Dz = 10 %)
fn = 100 %





1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz

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fz = 900 Hz
fbn = 1800 Hz (Dn = 100 %)
fbz = 36 Hz (Dz = 2 %)
fn = 100 %





1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz

MD 1517 Block frequency, speed setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

3 500.0 1.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

The description of this machine data is identical with that for MD 1514.

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MD 1518 Bandwidth, speed setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

500.0 5.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the 3dB bandwidth for speed setpoint filter 2 (bandstop). The filter is
activated via MD 1500 (number of speed setpoint filters) and MD 1501 (speed
setpoint filter type).

If 0 is entered for the bandwidth, the filter is parameterized as proportional
element with gain 1.

MD 1519 Numerator, bandwidth, speed setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

The description of this machine data is identical with that of MD 1516.

MD 1520 Bandstop, natural frequency, speed setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100 1 141 % Immediate

Enter the bandstop natural frequency to increase or decrease the amplitude
characteristic after the block frequency (MD 1514/MD 1517).
MD 1520 and MD 1521 are used to harmonize different axis dynamic
characteristics to provide a unified dynamic performance (low-pass). The
unified dynamic performance is oriented to the axis with the lowest resonant

1+s(2fbz / (2 fz ) 2 )+s 2 (1 / (2fz ) 2 ) 1+s(2( D z / 2 )fz )+s 2 1 / (2fz ) 2

1+s(2fbn / (2fn ) 2 )+s 2(1 / (2fn ) 2 ) 1+s(2(D n / 2)fz )+s 21 / (2fn ) 2

fz block frequency MD 1514/1517
Dz damping, numerator
fbz = 2 Dz fz bandwidth, numerator MD 1515/1518
Dn = MD 1520/1521 damping, denominator
fbz = 2 Dn fn bandwidth, denominator MD 1516/1519

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fn = MD 1520 [%] fz bandstop natural frequency MD 1520/1521 (standard


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dB fz = 54 Hz
Dz = 10 %
fn = 40 Hz
Dn = 70 %





0 Hz 1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz


dB fz = 900 Hz
fbn = 900 Hz (Dn = 50 %)
fbz = 180 Hz (Dz = 10 %)
fn = 100 %





1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz

MD 1521 Bandstop, natural frequency, speed setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100 1 141 % Immediate

The description of this machine data is identical with that of MD 1520.

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5.3 Speed controller adaption

MD 1408 P gain, upper adaption speed

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.3 0.0 100 000.0 Nm*s/rad Immediate

Enter the P gain of the speed controller loop in the upper speed range (n >
upper adaption speed - MD 1412) or automatic parameterization (initialization)
using the calculate contr. MD function. The gains in the lower speed range
(MD 1407) and in the upper speed range (MD 1408) are not mutually

Before entering a P gain of 0, the associated integral component
(MD 1410) must be de-activated due to controller stability.
MD 1408 is not active when speed controller adaption is cancelled
(MD 1413 = 0).

MD 1410 Integral action time, upper adaption speed

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

10.0 0.0 2 000.0 ms Immediate

Enter the speed control loop integral action time in the upper speed range (n >
upper speed threshold MD 1412). The integral action times in the lower speed
range (MD 1409) and in the upper speed range (MD 1410) are not subject to
any mutual restriction.

When an integral action time of 0 is entered, this de-activates the integral
component for the range, which is greater than MD 1412 (adaption, upper
speed threshold) (also refer to the information in MD 1409).
MD 1410 is not active when speed adaption is cancelled
(MD 1413 = 0).
When the adaption is active, the integral component should not be de-
activated for one speed range (MD 1409 = 0 and MD 1410 0 or vice
versa) (problem: Torque jumps could occur when resetting the integral
value at the transition from the adaption- to the constant range).

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MD 1411 Lower adaption speed

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Immediate

Enter the lower speed threshold to adapt the speed controller machine data.
When the adaption is active, for speeds n < MD 1411, the controller data
MD 1407 and MD 1409 are active. A linear interpolation is made between the
two controller data sets in the adaption range MD 1411 < n < MD 1412.
K P , TN

MD 1410
Upper speed range
MD 1407 with constant
P gain/integral
Lower speed range action time
with constant
P gain/integral
action time
MD 1408
Adaption range

MD 1409

MD 1411 MD 1412 MD 1401

MD 1412 Upper adaption speed

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Immediate

Enter the upper speed threshold to adapt the speed controller machine data.
When adaption is active, for speeds n > MD 1412, controller data MD 1408
and MD 1410 are active. A linear interpolation is made between the two
controller data sets in the center range MD 1411 < n < MD 1412.

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MD 1413 Select speed controller adaption

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 1 Immediate

This machine data can be used to adapt the speed controller machine data as a
function of the speed.
0: Adaption is not active. The settings of controller data MD 1407
and MD 1409 are valid over the complete speed range. Control
data MD 1408 and MD 1410 are not taken into account.
1: Adaption is active. For a description refer to machine data
MD 1411 and MD 1412.

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5.4 Reference model, speed control loop

MD 1414 Natural frequency, speed reference model

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 8 000.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the natural frequency for the speed control loop reference model. The
filter is de-activated when a value < 10 Hz is entered (proportional element
with a gain of 1).

MD 1415 Damping, speed reference model

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

1.0 0.5 5.0 Immediate

Enter the damping for the speed control loop reference model. It involves a
reference model (PT2) for the speed control loop for a PIR controller type. The
damping increases with increasing value (value which is entered).

MD 1416 Balancing, speed reference model

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 1.0 Immediate

Enter the balancing possibility for the reference model, speed control loop.
This machine data simulates the computation deadtime of the speed control
loop. The simulation is in this case calculated as an approximation of an
interrupted deadtime. Thus, the characteristics of the reference model can be
adapted to the loop characteristics of the P-control speed control loop.

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5.5 Current controller

MD 1120 P gain, current controller

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

10.0 0.0 10 000.0 V/A Immediate

Enter the proportional gain of the current controller or automatic
parameterization (initialization) via calculate contr. MD.

MD 1121 Integral action time, current controller

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

2 000.0 0.0 8 000.0 s Immediate

Enter the current controller integral action time or automatic
parameterization (initialization) via calculate contr. MD.

It is possible to disable the integral component by entering TN = 0.

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5.6 Current setpoint filter

MD 1200 Number of current setpoint filters

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

1 0 4 Immediate

Enter the number of current setpoint filters. Bandstop and low-pass filters are
available which can be set via the machine data MD 1201 (current setpoint
filter type). Selecting the number of filters:

0 No current setpoint filter active

1 Filter 1 active
2 Filters 1 and 2 active
3 Filters 1, 2 and 3 active
4 Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 active

Before activating the filter, the filter type as well as the appropriate filter
machine data must be assigned.

Example, low-pass filter:

Low-pass filters and bandstop filters are used when damping resonance effects
above or at the stability limit of the speed control loop.
Input: 500 Hz natural frequency with 20%, 50% and 100% damping.

dB 0.0

Natural frequency




1 Log 10 100 500 1k 10 kHz

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Example, bandstop filter:

Input: 1 kHz block frequency with 1 kHz bandwidth, 0 Hz bandwidth
numerator (damping).


Inhibit frequency



1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Input: 1 kHz block frequency with 500 Hz bandwidth, 0 Hz bandwidth

numerator (damping).

dB 0.0

Inhibit frequency



1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

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Input: 1 kHz block frequency with 500 Hz bandwidth, 0 Hz bandwidth

numerator (damping).

dB 0.0


Inhibit frequency



1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

MD 1201 Current setpoint filter type

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

Low-pass Low-pass Bandstop Immediate

Enter the configuration of 4 current setpoint filters. Bandstop- and low-pass
filters are available. The filter parameters which can be set are entered in the
associated machine data. Value table:

1st filter Bit 0 0 Low-pass (refer to MD 1202/1203)

1 Bandstop (refer to MD 1210/1211/1212)
2nd filter Bit 1 0 Low-pass (refer to MD 1204/1205)
1 Bandstop (refer to MD 1213/1214/1215)
3rd filter Bit 2 0 Low-pass (refer to MD 1206/1207)
1 Bandstop (refer to MD 1216/1217/1218)
4th filter Bit 3 0 Low-pass (refer to MD 1208/1209)
1 Bandstop (refer to MD 1219/1220/1221)

Before configuring the filter type, the appropriate filter machine data must be

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MD 1202 Natural frequency, current setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

2 000.0 0.0 8 000.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the natural frequency for current setpoint filter 1 (PT2 low-pass filter). If
a value < 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low-pass filter is entered, the
filter is initialized independently of the associated damping, as potential
equalization element with a gain of 1. The filter is activated via MD 1200
(number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201 (current setpoint filter type).

Current setpoint filter 1 is pre-assigned to dampen the natural encoder torsional
frequency for a current controller sampling time MD 1000 = 125 s. For a
current controller sampling time MD 1000 = 62,5 s, it is recommended that
the natural frequency is changed to f0 = 3000 Hz so that the control dynamic
performance can be optimally utilized.

MD 1203 Damping, current setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.7 0.05 5.0 Immediate

Enter the damping for current setpoint filter 1 (PT2 low-pass filter). The filter
is activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201
(current setpoint filter type).

0.7 corresponds to 70 %
1.0 corresponds to 100 %

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MD 1204 Natural frequency, current setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 8 000.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the natural frequency for current setpoint filter 2 (PT2 low-pass filter). If
a value < 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low-pass filter, the filter is
initialized independently of the associated damping, as proportional
equalization element with a gain of 1. The filter is activated via MD 1200
(number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201 (current setpoint filter type).

MD 1205 Damping, current setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

1.0 0.05 5.0 Immediate

Enter the damping for current setpoint filter 2 (PT2 low-pass filter). The filter
is activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201
(current setpoint filter type).

MD 1206 Natural frequency, current setpoint filter 3

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 8 000.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the natural frequency for current setpoint filter 3 (PT2 low-pass filter). If
a value < 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low-pass filter, the filter is
initialized independently of the associated damping, as proportional element
with a gain of 1. The filter is activated via MD 1200 (number of current
setpoint filters) and MD 1201 (current setpoint filter type).

MD 1207 Damping, current setpoint filter 3

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

1.0 0.05 5.0 Immediate

Enter the damping for current setpoint filter 3 (PT2 low-pass filter). The filter
is activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201
(current setpoint filter type).

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MD 1208 Natural frequency, current setpoint filter 4

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 8 000.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the natural frequency for current setpoint filter 4 (PT2 low-pass filter). If
a value < 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low-pass filter, the filter is
initialized independently of the associated damping, as proportional element
with a gain of 1. The filter is activated via MD 1200 (number of current
setpoint filters) and MD 1201 (current setpoint filter type).

MD 1209 Damping, current setpoint filter 4

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

1.0 0.05 5.0 Immediate

Enter the damping for current setpoint filter 4 (PT2 low-pass filter). The filter
is activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201
(current setpoint filter type).

MD 1210 Block frequency, current setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

3 500.0 1.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the block frequency for current setpoint filter 1 (bandstop). When
entering block frequencies < 10 Hz, the filter is de-activated (proportional
element with a gain of 1). The filter is activated via MD 1200 (number of
current setpoint filters) and MD 1201 (current setpoint filter type).

The maximum block frequency which can be entered is limited by the control
sampling time (MD 1000) (parameterizing error).

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MD 1211 Bandwidth, current setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

500.0 5.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the -3dB bandwidth for current setpoint filter 1 (bandstop). The filter is
activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201
(current setpoint filter type).

When 0 is entered for the bandwidth, the filter is parameterized as proportional
element with a gain of 1.

MD 1212 Numerator, bandwidth, current setpoint filter 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the numerator bandwidth for the damped bandstop. If 0 is entered, the
filter is initialized as non-damped bandstop. The filter is activated via
MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201 (current setpoint
filter type).

The value of MD 1212 (bandwidth numerator, current setpoint filter 1) may
only be a maximum of twice that of MD 1211 (bandwidth, current setpoint
filter 1).

MD 1213 Block frequency, current setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

3 500.0 1.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the block frequency for current setpoint filter 2 (bandstop). The filter is
de-activated when block frequencies < 10 Hz are entered (proportional element
with a gain of 1). The filter is activated via MD 1200 (number of current
setpoint filters) and MD 1201 (current setpoint filter type).

The maximum block frequency which can be entered is limited due to the
control sampling frequency (MD 1000) (parameterizing error).

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MD 1214 Bandwidth, current setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

500.0 5.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the -3dB bandwidth for current setpoint filter 2 (bandstop). The filter is
activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201
(current setpoint filter type).

When a value of 0 is entered for the bandwidth, the filter is parameterized as
proportional element with a gain of 1.

MD 1215 Numerator, bandwidth, current setpoint filter 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the numerator bandwidth for the damped bandstop. The filter is
initialized as non-damped bandstop filter when a value of 0 is entered. The
filter is activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and
MD 1201 (current setpoint filter type).

The value of MD 1215 (bandwidth numerator, current setpoint filter 2) may be
a maximum of twice that of MD 1214 (bandwidth, current setpoint filter 2).

MD 1216 Block frequency, current setpoint filter 3

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

3 500.0 1.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the block frequency for current setpoint filter 3 (bandstop). The filter is
de-activated when block frequencies < 10 Hz are entered (proportional element
with a gain of 1). The filter is activated via the machine data MD 1200
(number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201 (current setpoint filter type).

The maximum block frequency which can be entered is limited by the control
sampling frequency (MD 1000) (parameterizing error).

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MD 1217 Bandwidth, current setpoint filter 3

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

500.0 5.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the -3dB bandwidth for current setpoint filter 3 (bandstop). The filter is
activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201
(current setpoint filter type).

When 0 is entered for the bandwidth, the filter is parameterized as proportional
element with a gain of 1.

MD 1218 Numerator, bandwidth, current setpoint filter 3

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the numerator bandwidth for the damped bandstop. When a value of 0 is
entered, the filter is initialized as non-damped bandstop filter. The filter is
activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201
(current setpoint filter type).

The maximum value of MD 1218 (bandwidth numerator, current setpoint filter
3) may be twice as large as that of MD 1217 (bandwidth, current setpoint filter

MD 1219 Block frequency, current setpoint filter 4

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

3 500.0 1.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the block frequency for current setpoint filter 4 (bandstop). When block
frequencies < 10 Hz are entered, the filter is de-activated (proportional element
with a gain of 1). The filter is activated via MD 1200 (number of current
setpoint filters) and MD 1201 (current setpoint filter type).

The maximum block frequency is limited by the control sampling frequency
(MD 1000) (parameterizing error).

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MD 1220 Bandwidth, current setpoint filter 4

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

500.0 5.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the -3dB bandwidth for current setpoint filter 4 (bandstop). The filter is
activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201
(current setpoint filter type).

When a value of 0 is entered for the bandwidth, the filter is parameterized as
proportional element with a gain of 1.

MD 1221 Numerator, bandwidth, current setpoint filter 4

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 7 999.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the numerator bandwidth for the damped bandstop. When a value of 0 is
entered, the filter is initialized as non-damped bandstop filter. The filter is
activated via MD 1200 (number of current setpoint filters) and MD 1201
(current setpoint filter type).

The maximum value of MD 1221 (bandwidth, numerator, current setpoint filter
4) may be twice as large as that of MD 1220 (bandwidth, current setpoint filter

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MD 1245 Threshold, speed-dependent torque setpoint smoothing

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 50 000.0 RPM Immediate

Enter the speed, above which the torque setpoint smoothing, switched-in with
the 2nd order filter (low-pass/banstop filter) MD 1201 (current setpoint filter
type) is activated. The user can reduce the speed ripple at higher speeds using
this speed-dependent torque setpoint smoothing.
If a threshold value of 0 is entered, the filter remains active as low-pass filter
over the complete speed range. If other values are entered, two changeover
speeds are calculated from machine data MD 1245 (threshold, speed-
dependent torque setpoint smoothing) and MD 1246 (hysteresis, speed-
dependent torque setpoint smoothing):
ntop = nthreshold + nhysteresis
nbottom = nthreshold - nhysteresis

The changeover from straight through to low-pass is realized if the absolute
actual speed exceeds ntop (nact ntop). Vice versa, the filter changes over
from low-pass to straight through if the absolute actual speed is less than nbottom
(nact < nbottom). Both changeover speeds are the same if a hysteresis of zero is

Filter type 2nd filter Low-pass 2nd filter

2nd current setpoint filter
2nd filter active

Speed n

n threshold + n hysteresis
MD 1246

n threshold
MD 1245

n threshold - n hysteresis

MD 1246 Hysteresis, speed-dependent torque setpoint smoothing

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

50.0 0.0 1 000.0 RPM Immediate

Enter the hysteresis for the switched speed, set in MD 1245 (threshold, speed-
dependent torque setpoint smoothing).

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
01.97 Status- and diagnostic data

6 Status- and diagnostic data

Contents 6.1 MIN/MAX memory .......................................................................6-2

6.2 Monitor function ...........................................................................6-5
6.3 Motor encoder diagnostics...........................................................6-7
6.4 Actual values................................................................................6-9
6.5 Status register............................................................................6-11
6.6 Status displays ...........................................................................6-12
6.7 Influence, normalizing 611 actual values ...................................6-14
6.8 V/f operation...............................................................................6-15

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6.1 MIN/MAX memory

MD 1650 Diagnostics control word

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

Select various diagnostic functions.
Value table:

Bit Function Value

0 Activate min/max memory 0 (off) = not active
1 (on) = active
1 Min/max memory segment 0 (X:) = DSP address name X
1 (Y:) = DSP address name Y
2 Comparison, signed 0 (off) = unsigned
1 (on) = signed

Bit 1 is only effective, if the signal number 0 is selected in MD 1651 (signal
number, min/max memory).
Diagnostic function, min/max memory
This function allows the value range to be determined by moving a
specific memory location over a longer period of time. The function runs
in the current controller clock cycle (fastest clock cycle) in order to be able
to reliably acquire all of the system quantities. The quantity to be
monitored can either be selected by entering a signal number or by
entering a physical address (refer to MD 1651).

The value can be compared with the minimum- and the maximum value
using either a signed or unsigned bit (bit 2).

The corresponding machine data are:

diagnostics control (MD 1650 bit 0, 1, 2)

signal number, min/max memory (MD 1651)
memory location, min/max memory (MD 1652)
minimum value, min/max memory (MD 1653)
maximum value, min/max memory (MD 1654)
This machine data is only relevant for Siemens internal purposes and may
not be changed.

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MD 1651 Signal number, min/max memory

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 100 Immediate

Enter the signal number of the memory location which is to be monitored via
the min/max memory function. Value table:

Signal Signal designation Normalization

No. (corresponds to LSB:)
0 Physical address
2 Current IR MD 1710
3 Current IS MD 1710
4 Current Id MD 1710
5 Current Iq MD 1710
6 Current setpoint Iq (limited after the filter) MD 1710
7 Current setpoint Iq (in front of the filter) MD 1710
8 Speed actual value, motor MD 1711
9 Speed setpoint MD 1711
10 Speed setpoint, reference model MD 1711
11 Torque setpoint (speed controller output) MD 1713
12 Torque setpoint limit MD 1713
13 Utilization (mset/mset, limit) (refer to MD 1621) 8000H = 100 %
14 Active power 0,01 kW
15 Rotor flux setpoint MD 1712
16 Rotor flux actual value MD 1712
17 Quadrature-axis voltage Uq MD 1709
18 Direct-axis voltage Ud MD 1709
19 Current setpoint Id MD 1710
20 Motor temperature 0,1 C
21 DC link voltage 1V
22 Zero mark signal, motor measuring system
23 Bero signal
24 Absolute speed actual value MD 1711
25 Slip frequency setpoint 2000 2
800000H1s 1
26 Rotor position (electrical) MD 1714
27 Torque setpoint, speed controller MD 1713
28 Pre-control torque MD 1713
29 Actuating voltage Q injection MD 1709
30 Actuating voltage D injection MD 1709

This machine data is only relevant for Siemens internal purposes and may not
be changed.

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MD 1652 Memory location, min/max memory

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

Enter the address of the memory location which is to be monitored via the
min/max memory function.

This machine data is only effective if the signal number is set to 0 (refer to
MD 1651).
This machine data is only relevant for Siemens internal purposes and may
not be changed.

MD 1653 Minimal value, min/max memory

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 0000 0000 FFFF FFFF Hex Immediate

Output the display value of the minimum value, min/max memory.

MD 1654 Maximum value, min/max memory

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 0000 0000 FFFF FFFF Hex Immediate

Output the display value of the maximum value, min/max memory.

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01.97 Status- and diagnostic data

6.2 Monitor function

MD 1655 Segment, memory location monitor

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 (X:) 0 (X:) 1 (Y:) Immediate

Using this machine data, the segment for the memory location for the motor
function is addressed.

Value table:

Value Segment
0 (X:) DSP address space X
1 (Y:) DSP address space Y

The DSP address is obtained together with the offset address (MD 1656). The
contents of the DSP address can be displayed via the machine data, value
display monitor (MD 1657).

This machine data is only relevant for Siemens internal purposes and may not
be changed.

MD 1656 Address, monitor memory location

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

The offset address of the memory location for the motor function is addressed
using this machine data. The DSP address is obtained together with the
segment of the memory location (MD 1655). The contents of the DSP address
can be displayed via the machine data, monitor value display (MD 1657).

This machine data is only relevant for Siemens internal purposes and may not
be changed.

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MD 1657 Value display, monitor

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 0000 0000 FFFF FFFF Hex Immediate

Outputs the monitor function display value. This machine data displays the
contents of the address which is obtained from the segment (MD 1655) and the
offset (MD 1656).

MD 1658 Value input, monitor

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 0000 0000 FF FFFF Hex Immediate

A 24-bit value can be entered in this machine data. The value is written in the
monitor function at the address, specified by the segment (MD 1655) and the
offset (MD 1656). The value is only written in, if the machine data, value
transfer monitor (MD 1659) is set to 1.

This machine data is only relevant for Siemens internal purposes and may not
be changed.

MD 1659 Value transfer, monitor

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 (aus) 0 (aus) 1 (ein) Immediate

The value (MD 1658) is written into the addressed memory location (MD
1655, MD 1656) using this machine data if the write operation was initiated
with 1. The machine data is automatically set again to 0 after the write
operation has been executed.

This machine data is only relevant for Siemens internal purposes and may not
be changed.

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01.97 Status- and diagnostic data

6.3 Motor encoder diagnostics

MD 1610 Activate diagnostic functions

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 (aus) 0000 (aus) 0001 (ein) Hex Power On

Diagnostic functions can be activated using this machine data. The function is
active if the appropriate bit = 1.
The standard pre-assignment is dependent on the drive type (feed drive (VSA)

Value table:

Bit Function Value

0 Load test monitoring = dn/dt monitoring 0 (off) = not active
1 (on) = active
1 Smooth running monitoring 0 (off) = not active
1 (on) = active

The 611D diagnostic functions are not active as standard.
The monitoring function is independent of internal operating modes (pre-
control, function generator etc.)
This machine data is only relevant for Siemens internal purposes and may
not be changed.

MD 1611 Response threshold dn/dt

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

800 0 1 600 % Immediate

Enter the response threshold of the dn/dt monitoring.

This machine data is required for the load test, and is only relevant for Siemens
internal purposes and may not be changed.

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MD 1721 Diagnostics, speed actual value

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

Displays the monitoring machine data diagnostics, speed actual value. If an
excessive speed difference occurs during the run time, then the machine data
value is incremented. It is not significant if the function sporadically responds
by several increments, as the speed controller is not influenced. If the contents
of MD 1721 are continually increased by several increments, then there is an
increased fault level.

The causes could be:

Encoder screen not grounded
Defective encoder
The entered motor moment of inertia is too high
Evaluation electronics

The function is switched-in with MD 1610 bit 0 and the threshold specified
with MD 1611.

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6.4 Actual values

MD 1701 DC link voltage

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 32 767 V Immediate

The machine data is used to display the voltage level of the DC link under
normal operating conditions and during setting-up. The DC link voltage VDC link
is continually measured if MD1161=0.

MD 1702 Motor temperature

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 32 767 C Immediate

The machine data is used to display the motor temperature. The motor
temperature is measured using a temperature sensor and evaluated in the drive.

MD 1706 Speed setpoint

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 100 000.0 RPM Immediate

The machine data is used to display the speed setpoint. There is no time-
synchronized unlatching (scanning) of machine data MD 1706, MD 1707 and
MD 1708. Unlatching is realized by a read request of the non-cyclic
communication protocol.

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MD 1707 Speed actual value

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 100 000.0 RPM Immediate

The machine data is used to display the speed actual value. It represents the
unfiltered speed actual value. There is no time-synchronized signal unlatching
(scanning) of machine data MD 1706, MD 1707 and MD 1708.

MD 1708 Smoothed current actual value

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 100 000.0 % Immediate

The machine data is used to display the smoothed quadrature-axis current
actual value. The torque-generating current actual value is smoothed with the
coefficients (MD 1250) using a PT1 element. The smoothed current actual
value is displayed as an absolute value in percent. 100 % corresponds to the
maximum power module current (e. g. for an 18/36 A power module 100 %
= 36 A RMS).

MD 1722 Utilization
Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 100 000.0 % Immediate

Display machine data for the drive utilization. The ratio between the torque
setpoint Md and the actual torque limit Mdmax is displayed. Values less than 100
% indicate the system reserve.

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6.5 Status register

MD 1731 Image ZK1 PO register

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

This machine data is used to display the internal ZK1 power on register. The
machine data, suppressible interrupts (power ON-MD 1600) is not taken into
account for this diagnostics data.

This display value is reset after power-on (hardware reset). Refer to drive MD
1600 for the bit assignment.

MD 1732 Image ZK1 RES register

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

This machine data is used to display the internal ZK1 reset register. The
machine data, suppressible interrupts (reset-MD 1601) is not taken into
account for this diagnostics data.

This display value is only reset by a reset on the NC side (software reset).
Refer to drive MD 1601 for the bit assignment.

MD 1733 NPFK diagnostics counter

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 32 767 Immediate

This diagnostics machine data provides information as to how often the motor
temperature- or DC link measurement through the low-priority frequency
channel was erroneous. Thus, the machine data is indirectly a hardware
indicator (hardware diagnostics indicator) for the low-priority frequency

This machine data is always reset when the drive is powered-up.

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6.6 Status displays

MD 1700 Status of the binary inputs

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 7FFF Hex Immediate

The machine data is used to display the status of the binary inputs.

Value table:

Bit Status
0 Gating unit enable (inside the module), 0 = off
including marking according to MD 1003, bit 5 1 = on
1 Pulse enable (terminal 663, module-specific pulse cancellation)
2 Pulse enable (terminal 63/48) of the infeed/regenerative feedback unit
(central drive pulse cancellation)
3 Group signal, hardware pulse enable:
stored hardware group signal
axial pulse enable through the PLC using the 611D control word
4 Heatsink temperature monitoring responded
5 Setting-up operation (terminal 112) of the infeed/regenerative
feedback unit (signal, setting-up operation)
6 Drive enable (terminal 64/63) of the infeed/regenerative feedback unit
(central drive enable setpoint = 0)
7 Not assigned
8 Motor- and power module temperature pre-alarm

MD 1720 CRC diagnostics parameter

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0000 0000 FFFF Hex Immediate

The machine data is used to display the identified CRC error (cyclic
redundancy check). The 5-bit counter information is updated at every read
request (bit 4 ... bit 0 and counter status 0 ... 31).

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01.97 Status- and diagnostic data

MD 1797 Data version

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 32 767 Immediate

Outputs the actual data version (machine data list).

MD 1798 Firmware data

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 32 767 Immediate

Outputs the coded software release. The decimal notation is used. The
configuration is as follows: DDMMY, whereby DD = day, MM = month and Y
= the last number of the year.

An example: 01.06.1996 corresponds to 01066dec

MD 1799 Firmware release

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 32 767 Immediate

Outputs the current software release. The decimal notation is used, e. g. 30012.
This corresponds to version 3.00/12.

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6.7 Modification control, normalizing 611 actual values

MD 1250 Transition frequency-current actual value smoothing

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100.0 0.0 8 000.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the -3dB transition frequency fo of the quadrature-axis current actual

value smoothing (PT1 low-pass filter) for display. The time constant T1 of the
PT1 filter is obtained from the formula T1 = 1/(2fo). The display is realized in
the machine data, smoothed current actual value (MD 1708). The smoothed
quadrature-axis current actual value is also transferred to the PLC data channel.
This machine data has no influence on the control.


The filter is de-activated when values < 1 Hz are entered.

MD 1252 Transition frequency-torque setpoint smoothing

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

100.0 0.0 8 000.0 Hz Immediate

Enter the -3dB transition frequency fo of the torque setpoint smoothing (PT1
low-pass filter) for display. The time constant T1 of the PT1 filter is obtained
from the formula T1 = 1/(2fo). The smoothed value is transferred to the PLC
data channel. This machine data has no effect on the control.


The filter is de-activated when values < 1 Hz are entered.

MD 1725 Normalization, torque setpoint interface

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0.0 0.0 100000.0 Nm Immediate

This machine data contains the reference value of the torque setpoint- and
torque limit values transferred from the NC to the drive.


This machine data is only calculated from power-on data once at run-up.

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6.8 V/f operation

MD 1014 Activate V/f operation

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

0 0 1 Power On

Activates V/f operation. The frequency setpoint is entered as speed setpoint via
the digital setpoint interface. MD 1400 must be sensibly pre-assigned.

MD 1125 V/f operation: Run-up time 1

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

5.0 0.01 100.0 s Immediate

When V/f operation is selected (MD 1014) this is the time in which the speed
setpoint should be changed from 0 to the maximum motor speed (MD 1146).

MD 1126 V/f operation: Run-up time 2

Standard value Lower input limit Upper input limit Units Effective

5.0 0.01 100.0 s Immediate

For MCU, run-up time 2 cannot be activated.

V/f operation can only be used for service purposes.
V/f operation cannot be used in the closed-loop controlled operating modes
(closed-loop position control). V/f operation can be used in the open-loop
control mode. However, in this case, oscillations can occur at the end
position due to the activated closed-loop holding control at standstill.
The speed setpoint is displayed in MD 1707 (speed actual value).

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6-16 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
01.97 Appendix

7 Appendix

7.1 Machine data list

1000 Stromreglertakt, 1-10 1200 Anzahl Stromsollwertfilter, 5-19

1001 Drehzahlreglertakt, 1-10 1201 Typ Stromsollwertfilter, 5-21
1002 berwachungstakt, 1-11 1202 Eigenfrequenz Stromsollwertfilter 1, 5-22
1005 Geberstrichzahl Motormesystem, 4-1 1203 Dmpfung Stromsollwertfilter 1, 5-22
1007 Geberstrichzahl direktes Mesystem, 4-1 1204 Eigenfrequenz Stromsollwertfilter 2, 5-23
1008 Geberphasenfehlerkorrektur, 4-2 1205 Dmpfung Stromsollwertfilter 2, 5-23
1011 Konfiguration Istwerterfassung, 1206 Eigenfrequenz Stromsollwertfilter 3, 5-23
Motormesystem, 4-2 1207 Dmpfung Stromsollwertfilter 3, 5-23
1012 Einschaltfunktionalitt 1208 Eigenfrequenz Stromsollwertfilter 4, 5-24
SIMODRIVE 611 D, 2-14; 3-2 1209 Dmpfung Stromsollwertfilter 4, 5-24
1014 U/f-Betrieb aktivieren, 6-15 1210 Sperrfrequenz Stromsollwertfilter 1, 5-24
1021 Multiturn-Auflsung Absolutwertgeber 1211 Bandbreite Stromsollwertfilter 1, 5-25
Motor, 4-3 1212 Zhler Bandbreite, Stromsollwertfilter 1,
1022 Meschritte der Absolutspur Motor, 4-3 5-25
1023 Mekreis Motor Absolutspur, 4-3 1213 Sperrfrequenz Stromsollwertfilter 2, 5-25
1030 Konfiguration Istwerterfassung, direktes 1214 Bandbreite Stromsollwertfilter 2, 5-26
Mesystem, 4-4 1215 Zhler Bandbreite, Stromsollwertfilter 2,
1031 Multiturn-Auflsung Absolutwertgeber, 5-26
direktes Mesystem, 4-4 1216 Sperrfrequenz Stromsollwertfilter 3, 5-26
1032 Meschritte der Absolutspur, direktes 1217 Bandbreite Stromsollwertfilter 3, 5-27
Mesystem, 4-4 1218 Zhler Bandbreite, Stromsollwertfilter 3,
1033 Direkter Mekreis Absolutspur, 4-5 5-27
1100 Frequenz Pulsbreitenmodulation, 1-11 1219 Sperrfrequenz Stromsollwertfilter 4, 5-27
1101 Rechentotzeit Stromregelkreis, 1-12 1220 Bandbreite Stromsollwertfilter 4, 5-28
1102 Motor-Codenummer, 1-4 1221 Zhler Bandbreite, Stromsollwertfilter 4,
1103 Motornennstrom, 1-4 5-28
1104 Maximaler Motorstrom, 1-5 1230 1. Drehmomentengrenzwert Md1, 2-9
1105 Reduzierung maximaler Motorstrom, 2-2 1231 2. Drehmomentengrenzwert Md2, 2-10
1106 Leistungsteil-Codenummer, 1-8 1232 Umschaltdrehzahl von Md1 auf Md2, 2-10
1107 Grenzstrom Transistor, 1-8 1233 Generatorische Begrenzung, 2-10
1108 Thermischer Grenzstrom Leistungsteil, 1-9 1234 Hysterese fr Umschaltdrehzahl MD 1232,
1111 Nennstrom Leistungsteil, 1-9 2-11
1112 Polpaarzahl Motor, 1-5 1235 1. Leistungsgrenzwert, 2-11
1113 Drehmomentkonstante, 1-5 1236 2. Leistungsgrenzwert, 2-11
1114 Spannungskonstante, 1-6 1237 Generatorische Maximalleistung, 2-12
1115 Ankerwiderstand, 1-6 1239 Momentengrenze Einrichtbetrieb, 2-13
1116 Anker-Induktivitt, 1-6 1245 Schwelle drehzahlabhngige Momenten-
1117 Motortrgheitsmoment, 1-6 sollwertglttung, 5-29
1118 Motorstillstandsstrom, 1-7 1246 Hysterese drehzahlabhngige Momenten-
1120 P-Verstrkung Stromregler, 5-18 sollwertglttung, 5-29
1121 Nachstellzeit Stromregler, 5-18 1250 Eckfrequenz-Stromistwertglttung, 6-14
1125 U/f-Betrieb Hochlaufzeit 1, 6-15 1252 Eckfrequenz-Momentensollwertglttung,
1126 U/f-Betrieb Hochlaufzeit 2, 6-15 6-14
1146 Motormaximaldrehzahl, 1-7; 2-8 1400 Motornenndrehzahl, 1-7
1147 Drehzahlbegrenzung, 2-2 1401 Drehzahl fr maximale Motornutzdrehzahl,
1161 ZK-Festspannung, 2-18 1-7
1191 Anpassung Servo-Grenzmoment, 2-8 1403 Abschaltdrehzahl Impulslschung, 2-3

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
Appendix 01.97

1404 Zeitstufe Impulslschung, 2-4 1408 P-Verstrkung obere Adaptionsdrehzahl,

1405 berwachungsdrehzahl Motor, 2-4 5-14
1407 P-Verstrkung Drehzahlregler, 5-2 1409 Nachstellzeit Drehzahlregler, 5-2
1410 Nachstellzeit obere Adaptionsdrehzahl,
1411 Untere Adaptionsdrehzahl, 5-15
1412 Obere Adaptionsdrehzahl, 5-15
1413 Anwahl Adaption Drehzahlregler, 5-16
1414 Eigenfrequenz Referenzmodell Drehzahl,
1415 Dmpfung Referenzmodell Drehzahl, 5-17
1416 Symmetrierung Referenzmodell Drehzahl,
1417 Schwellendrehzahl nx fr Meldung
nist < nx, 3-3
1418 Schwellendrehzahl nmin fr Meldung
nist < nmin, 3-3
1420 Maximale Motordrehzahl fr Einricht-
betrieb, 2-13
1421 Zeitkonstante Integratorrckfhrung, 5-3
1426 Toleranzband fr Meldung nsoll = nist,
1427 Verzgerungszeit fr Meldung
nsoll = nist, 3-4
1428 Schwellenmoment Mdx, 3-4
1429 Verzgerungszeit fr Meldung
Md < Mdx, 3-4
1500 Anzahl Drehzahlsollwertfilter, 5-4
1501 Typ Drehzahlsollwertfilter, 5-4
1502 Zeitkonstante Drehzahlsollwertfilter 1, 5-6
1503 Zeitkonstante Drehzahlsollwertfilter 2, 5-6
1506 Eigenfrequenz Drehzahlsollwertfilter 1, 5-6
1507 Dmpfung Drehzahlsollwertfilter 1, 5-7
1508 Eigenfrequenz Drehzahlsollwertfilter 2, 5-7
1509 Dmpfung Drehzahlsollwertfilter 2, 5-7
1514 Sperrfrequenz Drehzahlsollwertfilter 1, 5-8
1515 Bandbreite Drehzahlsollwertfilter 1, 5-9
1516 Zhler Bandbreite Drehzahlsollwertfilter 1,
1517 Sperrfrequenz Drehzahlsollwertfilter 2,
1518 Bandbreite Drehzahlsollwertfilter 2, 5-12
1519 Zhler Bandbreite Drehzahlsollwertfilter 2,
1520 Bandsperre Eigenfrequenz Drehzahlsoll-
wertfilter 1, 5-12
1521 Bandsperre Eigenfrequenz Drehzahlsoll-
wertfilter 2, 5-13
1600 Ausblendbare Power On-Alarme, 2-14
1601 Ausblendbare Reset-Alarme, 2-15
1602 Motortemperaturwarnschwelle, 2-4
1603 Zeitstufe Motortemperaturalarm, 2-5
1604 Zwischenkreis-Unterspannungs-
warnschwelle, 2-7

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MCU (PJ - Drive-machine data)
Appendix 01.97

1605 Zeitstufe n-Regler am Anschlag, 2-7

1606 Schwelle n-Regler am Anschlag, 2-7
1607 Abschaltgrenze Motortemperatur, 2-5
1608 Festtemperatur, 2-6
1610 Diagnosefunktionen aktivieren, 6-7
1611 Ansprechschwelle dn/dt, 6-7
1612 Projektierte Abschaltreaktion Power On-
Alarme, 2-16
1613 Projektierte Abschaltreaktion Reset-
Alarme, 2-17
1620 Bits variable Meldefunktion, 3-5
1621 Signalnummer variable Meldefunktion, 3-7
1622 Adresse variable Meldefunktion, 3-8
1623 Schwelle variable Meldefunktion, 3-8
1624 Hysterese variable Meldefunktion, 3-8
1625 Anzugsverzgerung variable
Meldefunktion, 3-9
1626 Abfallverzgerung variable Meldefunktion,
1630 Ansprechschwelle nur ZK-berwachung,
1634 Ansprechschwelle Notrckzug, 2-18
1636 Notrckzugs- Betriebsart 4, 2-19
1638 Notrckzugszeit, 2-19
1639 Notrckzugsdrehzahl, 2-19
1650 Diagnosesteuerwort, 6-2
1651 Signalnummer Min-/Max-Speicher, 6-3
1652 Speicherzelle Min-/Max-Speicher, 6-4
1653 Minimalwert Min-/Max-Speicher, 6-4
1654 Maximalwert Min-/Max-Speicher, 6-4
1655 Segment Speicherzelle Monitor, 6-5
1656 Adresse Speicherzelle Monitor, 6-5
1657 Wertanzeige Monitor, 6-6
1658 Werteingabe Monitor, 6-6
1659 Wertbernahme Monitor, 6-6
1700 Status der binren Eingnge, 6-12
1701 Zwischenkreisspannung, 6-9
1702 Motortemperatur, 6-9
1706 Drehzahlsollwert, 6-9
1707 Drehzahlistwert, 6-10
1708 Gegltteter Stromistwert, 6-10
1720 CRC-Diagnoseparameter, 6-12
1721 Diagnose Drehzahlistwert, 6-8
1722 Auslastung, 6-10
1725 Normierung Momentensollwertschnittstelle,
1731 Abbild ZK1 PO-Register, 6-11
1732 Abbild ZK1 RES-Register, 6-11
1733 NPFK-Diagnosezhler, 6-11
1790 Mekreistyp indirektes Mesystem, 4-5
1791 Mekreistyp direktes Mesystem, 4-6
1797 Daten-Version, 6-13
1798 Firmware-Datum, 6-13
1799 Firmware-Stand, 6-13

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 7-3

MCU (BN - Beschreibung MCU-PIT)
Position Control 1

Digital Inputs/Outputs 2

SIMODRIVE 611 Operating Modes 3

Single-Axis Positioning Control
MCU 172A Interface to the User 4

Functional Description
Positioning with the MCU
Programming 5

Appendix 6

Valid for: MCU 172A V 3.x or higher

Edition March 1998

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please inquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.


The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
of which by any third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the copyright holders.

Subject to technical changes within the product.

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not

permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be made liable for
damages. All rights including rights created by patent or registration of a
utility model or design are reserved.

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01.97 Position Control

Position Control

Contents 1.1 Components of the Position Control .............................................................. 0-2

1.1.1 Software Limit Switches ................................................................................ 0-5
1.1.2 Interpolator .................................................................................................... 0-8
1.1.3 Jerk Filter ...................................................................................................... 0-9
1.1.4 Jerk Limiting at Acceleration Limiting........................................................... 0-10
1.1.5 Override ...................................................................................................... 0-11
1.1.6 Positioning................................................................................................... 0-13
1.1.7 Following Error Monitoring........................................................................... 0-15
1.1.8 Position Controller ....................................................................................... 0-16
1.1.9 Backlash Compensation .............................................................................. 0-17
1.1.10 Adaptation of Direction ............................................................................... 0-17
1.2 Position Encoder ......................................................................................... 0-19
1.2.1 Incremental Encoders (sin/cos, 1 V ss) .......................................................... 0-21
1.2.2 Absolute Encoders (EnDat) ......................................................................... 0-22
1.3 Drive Machine Data ..................................................................................... 0-23

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Components of the Position Control

Tasks The position controller has the following tasks:

true-to-speed guiding of the drive during the movement

true-to-target approaching of the axis to the programmed position

stopping the axis in a certain position in case of interference

Functional units and The position controller is designed as a P controller. Different functional units arranged in its
machine data environment perform special tasks in the complex of motion control. Adaptation to the
particular axis conditions is provided by various machine data:

MD40 MD42 MD38 MD60

MD37 MD41 MD30,MD31 MD19 MD34,MD35

Set Pos. Adaptation Load gear Nom.

Interpolator Jerk filter
position contr. of direction adaptation speed
ll t -
MD21 MD23
MD22 Adaptation Following error Errors and
MD19 of direction monitoring messages

Actual pos. MD24 MD26

MD25 MD39

MD19 Adaptation of direction MD34 Denominator of load gear

MD21 Software limit switch beginning MD35 Numerator of load gear
MD22 Software limit switch end MD37 Servo control signal
MD23 Maximum velocity MD38 Loop-gain coefficient
MD24 Target range (PEH) MD39 Minimum following error, dynamic
MD25 Monitoring time (PEH) MD40 Acceleration
MD26 Zero-speed range MD41 Deceleration
MD30 Backlash compensation MD42 Jerk time constant
MD31 Direction reference of backlash MD60 Encoder setting

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01.97 Position Control

Machine data cross MD Designation Page

references 5.X Process interrupt generation 2-5
6 Axis name 13/1-1, 14/3-25
7 Unit system 3/2-14, 1-15
8 Axis type 5-11
9 End of rotary axis 5-11
10 Encoder type (IM) 1-17, 1-18
11 Path/encoder revolution (IM) 1-17, 1-18
12 Distance to go/encoder revolution (IM) 1-17, 1-18
13 Increments/encoder revolution (IM) 1-17, 1-18
14 Number of revolutions of EnDat encoder 1-18
16 Reference-point coordinate 3-14
17 Absolute-encoder adjustment 3-5
18 Type of reference-point approach 3-14
19.X Adaptation of direction 1-14
20.X Hardware monitoring 1-16
21 Software limit switch beginning 1-4
22 Software limit switch end 1-4
23 Maximum speed 1-6
24 Target range (PEH) 1-11
25 Monitoring time (PEH) 1-11
26 Zero-speed range 1-12
27 Reference-point offset 3-14
28 Referencing velocity 3-14
29 Reducing velocity 3-14
30 Backlash compensation 1-14
31 Direction reference of backlash 1-14
32 Output type of M function 5-16
33 Output time of M function 5-16
34 Denominator of load gear 1-13
35 Numerator of load gear 1-13
36.X Input adaptation 2-2, 3-7
37.X Servo control signal 1-10
38 Loop-gain coefficient 1-13
39 Min. following error, dynamic 1-12
40 Acceleration 1-6
41 Deceleration 1-6
42 Jerk-time constant 1-7
46.X to Digital inputs (I1) to (I4) 2-2, 3-7, 3-14, 3-25
50.X to Digital outputs (O1) to (O4) 2-2
54 Encoder type (DM) 1-17, 1-18
55 Path/encoder revolution (DM) 1-17, 1-18
56 Distance to go/encoder revolution (DM) 1-17, 1-18
57 Increments/encoder revolution (DM) 1-17, 1-18
60.X Encoder setting 1-16
61 Position controller cycle 2-2
63 Drive activation 1-19, 3-6
64 Drive number 1-19
65 Drive power section code 1-19
66 Drive module type 1-19

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MD Designation Page
67 Drive type 1-19

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MCU (BS - Positioning with the MCU)
01.97 Position Control

Software Limit Switches

Software limit switches v Traversing rate

and brake threshold v3

Brake threshold point +

MD21 Limit switch MD22

Depending on the traversing rate (v1, v2 or v3), the interpolator calculates the brake threshold
point such that the axis is stopped by means of the brake ramp function exactly at the software
limit switch.

To limit the working range, beginning and end of the software limit switches are defined by
entries in the machine data MD21 and MD22. The value entered in MD21 must always be
smaller than the value entered in MD22. These software limit switches become active when
the axis is being synchronized. The software limit switches refer to the machine-oriented
coordinate system.

If the software limit switches are not needed (for example, with a rotary axis), either values
outside the possible working range must be entered into the machine data MD21 and MD22,
or the monitoring must be switched off.


The software limit switches do not replace the hardware limit switches for EMERGENCY
STOP reactions.

MD21 M Designation Value/description Unit

MD22 D
21 Software limit switch -1 000 000 000...< [MSR]
beginning MD22
Rotary axis: 0 ... <
22 Software limit switch end > MD21...+1 000 000 [MSR]

The software limit switches are switched off by MD21 = -1 000 000 000 and MD22 = 1 000
000 000.

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When using EnDat encoders, change the machine data for the software limit switches off-line,
as an on-line modification may lead to the error message "End of range exceeded".

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01.97 Position Control

Special cases are listed in the Table below:

Special cases

Occurrence Explanation
Controlling mode If the actual value is outside the limit position, the
traversing movement is stopped, and an error is signaled.
The limit switch position is overtraveled by the amount
of the required brake distance.
Modes The axes are already in the stop position or do not start if
"Incremental the set position is outside the working range when
mode, relative", reading in the set position. An error message is provided.
Endless traversing G88 see Chapter Programming
(-) for flying
Endless traversing G89 see Chapter Programming
(+) for flying
Follow-up mode If the actual value is outside the limit position, an error
message is provided.

Response after error Leaving the limit position or traversing into the working range after error:
1. Acknowledge the error message.
2. Use either the Setting-Up, Controlling, Incremental Dimension or MDI mode to traverse
into the working range.

Hints DS11 can be used to bridge (deactivate) the software limit switches.

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MCU (BS - Positioning with the MCU)
Position Control 01.97


Overview The maximum traversing rate is set by means of machine data MD23. The acceleration and
deceleration when starting and stopping the axis is preset in MD40 and MD41.

Velocity v MD23

Time t

Acceleration a

MD41 Time t

MD23 M Designation Value/description Unit

MD40 D
23 Maximum 10 ... 500 000 000 [MSR]/min
40 Acceleration 0 = without ramp 10 [MSR]/s
1...100 000
41 Deceleration 0 = without ramp 10 [MSR]/s
1...100 000

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01.97 Position Control

Jerk Filter

Overview The jerk filter can be used to smooth the ramp speed characteristic both during acceleration
and deceleration. This provides a particularly smooth, jerk-free acceleration and braking
process when performing special positioning tasks, e.g. when transporting liquids.

The jerk time constant as parameter of the jerk filter can be set in MD42.

Velocityt v

Time t
Acceleration a

Time t

Jerk r

Time t

MD42 M Designation Value/description Unit

42 Jerk time constant 0...10 000 ms

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MCU (BS - Positioning with the MCU)
Position Control 01.97

Jerk Limiting at Acceleration Limiting

Overview Under certain circumstances, positioning is considerably decelerated by the jerk filter
described in Section 0. Alternatively, the jerk can be limited during the start. This function is
activated by bit 1 in MD37.

Effects Any traversing movement is first started with a ramp-type acceleration. The slope of the
acceleration ramp (jerk) can be parameterized and adapted by MD42 (jerk time constant).
When the acceleration parameterized in MD40 is reached, the axes are constantly accelerated
up to the velocity indicated in the traversing block.

Limitations To ensure an optimized positioning behavior, jerk limiting is active only when starting a
traversing movement, not when braking and not when accelerating from a lower to a higher
velocity in the Automatic/Subsequent Block mode.

Velocity v

Accelera- Time t
tion a
MD 40

MD 42 Time t

MD37 M Designation Value/description Unit

MD42 D
37 Servo control signal Bit 1=1jerk limiting at
.X acceleration
Bit 7=1Time override
42 Jerk time constant 0...10 000 ms

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01.97 Position Control


Overview The override influences the behavior of the traversing movement with refer to the axis speed
and the duration of the movement. In the Controlling mode, the override is not active.

Velocity override In the range between 0 and 255 %, the velocity is controlled in percentage.

Example: Velocity Doubling of the override from 100 % to 200 %:


Doubling of the velocity v

There is no influence on acceleration and deceleration values.

vprog override
vact =
The positioning time is not divided in half.

Time Override If you activate the Time Override function in MD37, there are two ranges:
Range from 100 to 255 %: The velocity override is active.
Range from 0 to 100 %: The time override is active.
The characteristic of both the velocity and acceleration/deceleration are modified such that
the time required for the traversing movement is in direct relation to the override value.

Condition for time The time override can only be considered if the following additional condition is met:
override If a traversing movement consists of several positioning blocks with flying block change (the
axis is not stopped between the blocks), changing the override value will only have influence
on the velocity. The additional influence on acceleration and deceleration is considered only
after standstill of the axis (e.g. reversal of direction).


The time override is active in MDI and Automatic Subsequent/Single Block modes only.

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Example: Time override Dividing of the override from 100 % to 50 %:

Dividing the velocity v in half

Dividing velocity and deceleration into four

vprog override a override 2 t 100

vact = aact = tact =
100 100 2 override
vact active velocity

aact active acceleration

tact active time

The positioning time is doubled if no jerk filter (MD42 = 0) has been parameterized.

MD37 M Designation Value/description Unit

37 Servo control signal Bit 1=1Jerk limiting at
.X acceleration
Bit 7=1Time override

Due to the interrelations between acceleration and positioning time which are now no longer
linear, it is not possible to indicate an exact factor for the influence of the override.

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MCU (BS - Positioning with the MCU)
01.97 Position Control


Overview Positioning is illustrated in the Fig. below:

Path s Target range (PEH) MD24

Upper limit
of position to be approached
Lower limit

a b
Time t
Monitoring time MD25
t1 t3

t4 t5

Set characteristic Actual characteristic tr Jerk time

Actual characteristic The Table below explains the actual movement characteristic for a, b and c.
By approaching the programmed position, the monitoring time is activated:

Time Position monitoring

t1 After the interpolator has reached the target position with delay by
the amount of the jerk time constant (MD42, tr), the monitoring time
(MD25) is started.
t2 (a) Before the monitoring time is elapsed, the actual position reaches the
target range. Positioning is completed, PEH signaled, and the
position controller performs exact adjustment.
t3 (b) After the monitoring time has elapsed, the actual position is not in
the target range (PEH) - error message: 00832 "PEH time
t4 (c) The axis leaves the target range.
t5 (c) The axis remains outside the target range (t > MD25); error message:
00832 "PEH time monitoring"

MD24 M Designation Value/description Unit

MD25 D
24 Target range 0...10 000 [MSR]

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Position Control 01.97

25 Monitoring time 1...100 000 ms

(PEH) 0 = no monitoring
rounded to multiples of the
position controller cycle

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01.97 Position Control

Following Error Monitoring

Axis standstill When the axes are on standstill, they remain in their current position, and a respective
message is provided when the axis is forced to leave its position by mechanical influences.
When the axis control is active, monitoring for the PEH range is carried out, and when the
axis control is inactive, monitoring for zero speed is carried out. When exceeding the tolerance
window for standstill with the axis control inactive, error message 00268 "Zero speed
monitoring" is provided from the MCU.

MD26 M Designation Value/description Unit

26 Zero speed 1... 10 000 000 [MSR]

Axis movement To provide following error monitoring during the movement, the MCU calculates the
permissible following error for the current traversing rate from the parameterized closed-loop
amplification (MD38). The comparison with the following error actual value is carried out
above the parameterized "Minimum following error, dynamic" (MD39).

Calculated characteristic of
following error (scalc)


(Idealized) characteristic
MD 39 of following error
Real characteristic
vmax = MD 23 V

MD39 M Designation Value/description Unit

39 Min. following error, 0...100 000 [MSR]

When the calculated following error is exceeded, the MCU provides error 00834 "Following
error too high". The dynamic following error monitoring is switched off by MD39 = 0.

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Position Controller

Closed-loop The closed-loop amplification (Kv factor) defines the following error at a certain traversing
amplification rate of the axis:

traversing rate v [m / min]

Kv = =
following error s [mm]

Quantity characteristics The closed-loop amplification (Kv factor) influences the following important quantity
characteristics of the axis:

positioning speed and stop control

continuity of movement

positioning time

deviation from contour

Dependency of the The better the design prerequisites of the axes are, the higher will be the Kv factor that can be
quantity characteristics reached, and the better will be the axis parameters, from the technological point of view. First
of all, the value of the Kv factor is influenced by the time constants such as backlash and
spring elements of the controlled system.

MD38 is entered with the 10fold FUnit in rpm, for example:

m / min 1
Kv = 1 MD38 = 1000
mm min

MD38 M Designation Value/description Unit

38 Kv factor 1...10 000 1/min

Load Gear The load gear (if any) has to be considered in the machine data MD34 (denominator of load
gear - number of motor revolutions) and MD35 (numerator of load gear - number of load
revolutions) so that the Kv factor entered in MD38 sets.

MD34, MD35 M Designation Value/description Unit

34 Denominator of load 1...1 000 -
35 Numerator of load 1...1 000 -

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01.97 Position Control

Backlash Compensation

Overview Generally, mechanical drive elements have a certain backlash (play). MD30 is used to
compensate this mechanical backlash.

Direct arrangement With the position encoder arranged directly at the machine part to be positioned, e.g. slide, the
Kv factor is affected by the backlash.

Indirect arrangement Using an indirect measuring system (position encoder at the motor) provide a high closed-loop
amplification (Kv factor). However, during each reversal of direction, first the mechanical
backlash comes into effect prior to starting any axis movement. The consequence will be
positioning errors.

Compensation Any backlash value entered in MD30 is corrected by the position controller depending on the
current preset traversing direction of the axis. This provides compensation of the backlash
value during positioning.

If both measuring systems are parameterized, the backlash compensation has influence on the
motor system. If only one measuring system is active, the backlash compensation influences
the parameterized measuring system.

"Backlash-free" The "backlash-free" traversing direction of the axis, i.e. the traversing direction corresponding
traversing direction to the measured value, is parameterized in MD31. MD31 = 0 defines the direction of
reference-point approach as a backlash-free direction of traversing.

MD30 M Designation Value/description Unit

MD31 D
30 Backlash -10 000...+10 000 [MSR]
31 Reference of backlash 0 = as reference-point approach -
direction 1 = positive
2 = negative

Adaptation of Direction

MD19 MD19 can be used to set the direction assignment of actual position and nominal speed value
so that when pressing the + button, the axis moves to the direction defined as the positive

M Designation Value/description Unit


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19 Adaptation of Bit 0 = 1 Invert direction of -

.X direction measured value (IM)
Bit 1 = 1 Invert direction of
measured value
Bit 2 = 1 Direction of measured
value (DM)

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01.97 Position Control

Position Encoder


For more information on encoders refer to the Documentation Encoders.

Overview Generally, the integrated encoder of the motor (IM = indirect measuring system) is sufficient.
This can either be an incremental or an absolute encoder. For the machine data of the
incremental encoder, default data are provided. In addition, a position encoder can be
connected to the measuring-system interface of the MCU (permissible types see
Documentation Encoders).

The position resolution of the machine axis which is provided by the encoder is calculated
internally in the MCU from the machine data MD11 through MD13 and MD55 through

Distances and positions are represented either in 10-3 mm, 10-4 inch or 10-4 degrees what can
be selected in machine data MD7.

MD7 M Designation Value/description Unit

7 Unit system raster 1 =10-3 mm -
2 =10-4 inch
3 =10-4 degrees
4 =10-2 degrees

Changeover If both measuring systems are parameterized in MD60, after starting up the MCU, the motor
direct/indirect measuring system (indirect measuring system) is active. Changing between direct and indirect
measuring system measuring system is possible by means of DS11 (bit-coded settings) during axis standstill.
Furthermore, it must be made sure that no traversing program is executed when changing over.

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MD60 M Designation Value/description Unit

60 Encoder setting Bit 0 = 1 IM (indirect -
.X measuring system) ON
Selection between
IM/DM Bit 1 = 1 DM (direct
measuring system) ON
The integral encoder for speed
and rotor position acquisition is
always active, irrespective of

The indirect and/or direct measuring system for the actual-position acquisition is activated by
machine data MD60. The direct measuring system on the drive side is always activate for the
acquisition of rotor position and speed.

Monitoring Entering MD20.4 = 1 and MD20.5 = 1activates all monitoring functions for the measuring
functions / system needed for positioning. The individual monitoring functions are deactivated either by
error diagnosis entering 0 into the respective bit of MD20 or by parameterization in MCU-PIT.

It is also possible to suppress the error messages using the function Parking Axis (see Chapter
2 Digital Inputs/Outputs).

MD20 M Designation Value/description Unit

20 Hardware monitoring Bit 4 =1 zero monitoring
.X (incremental encoder) -
Bit 5 =1 encoder error
(incremental encoder)
Entry for the monitoring
functions to be activated

Prevent material damage!

Decativate the monitoring functions for testing purposes only, as positioning errors may
damage the machine.

Pulse monitoring for encoders with non-cyclic zero mark.

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01.97 Position Control

Incremental Encoders (sin/cos, 1 Vss)

Overview Incremental encoders are used for the acquisition of the actual position; sinus periods are
provided which are digitized in the MCU and added to an absolute value. After switching on
the MCU, there is an offset between the internal position value and the mechanical position of
the axis which cannot be calculated in advance. For this reason, to obtain position reference in
a certain axis position, the internal value must be set to a default value stored in the machine
data as reference-point coordinate (MD16) (see Chapter 3.4 Reference-Point Approach

Integral encoders As position encoder, the integral rotary encoder in the motor (IM) can be used. The data of
this encoder are default standard values in the machine data.

Additional The MCU has an additional measuring system input (DM) for the following applications:
measuring system
rotary incremental encoders at linear axis
Encoders that provide one zero mark per revolution can be used. The number of pulses
output by the encoder must be an integer multiple of ten or correspond to a power of two.
rotary incremental encoders at rotary axis
Encoders that provide one zero mark per revolution can be used. The number of pulses
output by the encoder must be an integer multiple of ten or correspond to a power of two. It
must be guaranteed that the revolution of the rotary axis is divided by the cyclic zero mark
by an integer number.

Function parameters The Table below shows how to adapt the position encoder to the machine:

MD10, MD11, M M Designation Value/description Unit

MD12, MD13 D D
(I (D
MD54, MD55, M M
MD56, MD57 ) )
10 54 Encoder type 1 = incremental encoder -
11 55 Path/encoder 1...1 000 000 000 [MSR]
revolution (integer component)
12 56 Distance to 0...2-1 [2-
go/encoder (fractional component) ]MSR
revolution decimal places
13 57 Increments/encod 2...25 -
er revolution Entry acc. to encoder type

The driver machine data 1011.3/4 and 1030.3/4 must correspondingly be parameterized (all
bits = 0: incremental encoders selected). The value entered in the machine data MD13 and
MD57 must correspond to the respective drive machine data MD1005 and MD1007.

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Absolute Encoders (EnDat)

Overview The MCU can be used to evaluate an absolute encoder. Such an encoder is, by option, either
the EnDat encoder integrated in the 1FT6 motor, or a second encoder installed at the machine.
Please also refer to the Documentation Encoders. The main advantages of EnDat encoders are:
The transducer need not be synchronized.

Thanks to the additional incremental tracks, dead times resulting from serial data transfer
are eliminated. For the incremental track, multiplying by factor 8 is also applied.

Linear/rotary axes Absolute encoders at linear axes

It must be ensured that the value range of the encoder corresponds at least to the distance to
be traversed by the axis.

Absolute encoders at rotary axes

It must be ensured that the absolute value acquired by the encoder corresponds exactly to
one revolution of the rotary axis.

Function parameters The Table below shows how to adapt the position encoder to the machine:

MD10, MD11, M M Designation Value/description Unit

MD12, MD13, D D
MD14 I D
MD54, MD55,
MD56, MD57 10 54 Encoder type 5 = absolute encoder EnDat -
11 55 Path/encoder 1...1 000 000 000 [MSR]
revolution (integer component)
12 56 Distance to 0...2-1 [2-
go/encoder (fractional component) ]MSR
revolution decimal places
13 57 Increments/encod 2...25 -
er revolution Entry acc. to encoder type
14 14 Number of 0 or 1 Single-Turn encoder -
revolutions of 2...2 Multi-Turn encoder
EnDat encoder Power of 2 only are

The drive machine data 1011.3/4 and 1030.3/4 must correspondingly be parameterized.

The absolute encoder is adjusted via DS22 (reference-point setting).

The number of revolutions of the absolute encoder (MD14) must correspond to the respective
drive machine data MD1021 (IM) or MD1031 (DM).

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01.97 Position Control

Drive Machine Data

Overview MD64, MD66 and MD67 are default, MD65 is assigned automatically.

MD63 can be used to activate/deactivate the drive.

MD63 M Designation Value/description Unit

63 Drive activation 0 passive -
1 active

MD63 is active only after Power On. "0" will change the drive to the passive condition. In this
way, operation without motor and encoder is possible. The actual values of the encoder are
simulated so that traversing programs etc. can be tested. See also Section 3.1.4.

MD64 M Designation Value/description Unit

64 Drive number 1 -

MD64 cannot be changed by the user. The drive number of the digital drive is a fixed value
and set to 1.

MD65 M Designation Value/description Unit

65 Drive power section Drive machine data 1106 -

MD65 is active after Power On only. This value is automatically entered during the
commissioning via MCU-Edit (selection of motor/power section). These data should not be
changed by the user. This value must always correspond to the drive machine data 1106.

MD66 M Designation Value/description Unit

66 Drive module type 1 1-axis -

MD66 is fixed to the value 1, since the MCU supports only the 1-axis module.

MD67 M Designation Value/description Unit

67 Drive type 1 VSA -

MD67 is fixed to the value 1 (VSA). The MCU supports only feed drives (VSA), not main
spindle drives (HSA).

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01.97 Digital Inputs/Outputs

Digital Inputs/Outputs

Contents 2.1 Function Parameters ..................................................................................... 1-1

2.2 Function Description of Digital inputs............................................................. 1-3
2.2.1 Start, Externally ............................................................................................. 1-3
2.2.2 Enable Input .................................................................................................. 1-5
2.2.3 External Block Change .................................................................................. 1-5
2.2.4 Flying Actual-Value Setting............................................................................ 1-5
2.2.5 Measuring...................................................................................................... 1-6
2.2.6 Reference-Point Switch ................................................................................. 1-7
2.2.7 Reversal Cams for Reference-Point Approach .............................................. 1-7
2.2.8 Emergency Retraction ................................................................................... 1-7
2.2.9 Position Controller Inhibit............................................................................... 1-7
2.2.10Direct Input .................................................................................................... 1-7
2.3 Function Description of Digital Outputs.......................................................... 1-8
2.3.1 Output of PEH, FR+, FR- and SFG ............................................................... 1-8
2.3.2 Output Alter M97 and M98............................................................................. 1-8
2.3.3 Direct output .................................................................................................. 1-8
Function Parameters

Overview Four digital inputs/outputs each of the MCU can be used for particular user applications. They
are parameterized the by machine data MD46 to MD53. The signals are processed during the
position controller cycle (MD61).

MD46 to MD53 MD46 to MD53 are used to assign the digital inputs/outputs the respective functions. To
provide this, the respective bit must be set:

M Designation Value/description Unit

46 Digital inputs Bit 0 = Start, externally
.X (I1) to (I4) Bit 1 = Enable input
to Bit 2 = External block change
49 Bit 3 = Flying actual-value setting
.X Bit 4 = Measuring -
Bit 5 = Reference-point switch
Bit 6 = Reversal cams for
reference-point approach
Bit 7 = Emergency retraction
Bit 8 = Position controller inhibit
50 Digital outputs Bit 0 = Position reached, stop
.X (O1) to (O4) Bit 1 = Axis movement, forward
to Bit 2 = Axis movement, backward
53 Bit 3 = Change M97 -
.X Bit 4 = Change M98
Bit 5 = Start enable
Bit 7 = Direct output via DS16

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Digital Inputs/Outputs 01.97


Only one function per input/output can be assigned.

Position controller cycle M Designation Value/description Unit

MD61 D
61 Position controller 2 ... 10 ms

Level adaptation MD36 M Designation Value/description Unit

36 Input adaptation Bit 8= Digital input (I1)
.X inverted
Bit 9= Digital input (I2)
Bit 10 = Digital input -
Bit 11 = Digital input

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03.98 Digital Inputs/Outputs

Function Description of Digital inputs

Standard defaults In default, the inputs I2 and I3 are not used.

As standard, input I1 is used as "Reference-point switch". Input I4 is generally used as
"Enable input".

Status display The current logic status of the digital inputs is provided in the check-back signals (S_I1, S_I2,
S_I3 and S_I4).

Masking of inputs The machine data for parameterization of the digital inputs (MD46 to MD49) are active only
after Power-ON or RESET. By setting the respective bits (bit 10 to bit 13) in DS11, each input
can be deactivated separately. In this case, any level change is ineffective even if the input is


Masking of the inputs is not active for the functions "Length measuring" and "Flying
measuring". These functions can be activated/deactivated by the bits "Length measuring" and
"Flying measuring". Masking of the reference-point switch does not make sense and has
therefore no effect.

Behaviour with inactive input:

The logical state takes the value FALSE. The checkback signals or the DS 16 still show the
state of the input. That means that you cannot recognize whether or not the input is active. If
the input is switched, there will be no reaction (and switching functions will not be saved).
When the input is selected afterwards, the logical state of the input will take the current value.

Start, Externally

Overview The control signals of the axes contain the start signal that initiates positioning in the modes
Reference-Point Approach, MDI and Automatic Subsequent Block. A logic OR operation is
carried out by means of the digital input "Start, externally" and Control Signal (Start).

Response time: max. 2 position controller cycles as set in MD61

Example Start, ext., is connected to the digital input I2 (MD 47.0 set).

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Control signal (Start) 3
>1 Start of positioning
Digital input "Start, ext."

Input I2 not inverted (MD36) Input I2 inverted (MD36)

1 1

2 2

3 3

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01.97 Digital Inputs/Outputs

Enable Input

Overview For positioning /movement/output of M functions of the axis, the enable input has to be set if
this has been parameterized with MD46 to MD49. Resetting stops the movement.

Setting-up and In the modes Setting-Up and Controlling, the axis is moved as long as the AND operation of
controlling modes the control signal (R+/ R-) and the enable input are active.

Example The enable input is connected to the digital input I3 (MD 48.1 set).
Control signal (R+ or R-) 3
& Start of positioning
Digital input enable

All modes except for In all operating modes, except for Setting-Up and Controlling, the following has to be
setting-up and observed:
controlling If the enable input is not yet set after a starting edge, this starting edge is internally stored and,
in addition to "Waiting for enable", indicated in the check-back signals. By setting the input,
the movement starts, and the stored starting edge is deleted (Stop also deletes the stored
starting edge).

External Block Change

Only in conjunction with This function can only be used in conjunction with a traversing program (see Chapter
the traversing program Programming).

Flying Actual-Value Setting

Only in conjunction with This function can only be used in conjunction with a traversing program (see Chapter
a traversing program Programming).

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Overview The functions "Length measuring" and "Flying measuring" are mode-independent, can be used
optionally, and require the same digital input "Measuring". In contrast to "Length measuring",
during "Flying measuring" the movement of the axis is stopped, and the distance to go of the
interrupted block deleted, or a flying block change carried out.

Length measuring Length Measuring On (DS 11.2)

Measuring input

Process interrupt

Measuring completed (RMS ME)

"Length measured

Length measuring is activated by setting bit 1.2 in DS11 (set data with execution instruction).
During each edge change at the digital input, the current actual position is entered in DS30
(actual position of front edge / actual position of rear edge). At the end of measuring, i.e. when
the rear edge comes, the measured value is calculated and entered in DS30 (measured value)
and the check-back signal "End of measuring" [ME] output. In addition, a process interrupt
(OB 40) is triggered if parameterized in MD5.

Process interrupt M Designation Value/description Unit

generation MD5 D
5. Process interrupt Bit 0= 1 Position reached
X generation Bit 1= 1 Length measuring -
Bit 3= 1 Flying block change
Bit 4= 1 Flying measuring

Flying Measuring
Flying Measuring On (DS11.9) The measuring function is activated
by setting bit 0.1 in DS11 (set data
Measuring input
with execution instruction). During
Process input each edge change at the digital input,
the current actual value is entered in
Start of measuring
This value is read "Length value, flying measuring"
from the MCU (DS30), and the axis brakes

Measuring completed (RMS ME)

to standstill along its parameterized ramp. At the end of measuring, a process interrupt is
generated if this is parameterized in MD5. In addition, the check-back signal "End of
measuring" is output.


Max. two digital inputs can be assigned the Measuring function.

Exception: If a method of reference-point approach using the reference switch

(MD18=4, 5, 8 or 9) is parameterized in MD18, only one input can be used
for the Measuring function.

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01.97 Digital Inputs/Outputs

Reference-Point Switch

Only in conjunction with This function can only be used in conjunction with reference-point approach (see Section
reference-point Reference-Point Approach).

Reversal Cams for Reference-Point Approach

Only in conjunction with This function can only be used in conjunction with reference-point approach (see Section
reference-point Reference-Point Approach).

Emergency Retraction

Overview This function is described in Section Chapter 3.1.5.

Position Controller Inhibit

Overview Activating a digital input changes the system to the follow-up mode. In addition, controller
enable is deleted so that the axis can be turned by hand. The response time amounts to 1 .. 2
position controller cycles.

Limitation This function can only be activated with the axis not moving. In the case the axis is moving
when activating the input an error message is provided.

Direct Input

DS16 (O/I) The respective inputs can be read via DS16 (O/I). See also Section 4.1 Data / Signals MCU.

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Digital Inputs/Outputs 01.97

Function Description of Digital Outputs

Signals The signals of the MCU are described in Chapter. Interface to the User.

Standard default In the standard defaults, the outputs are not used.

Output of PEH, FR+, FR- and SFG

Overview In addition to the output via the interface, the check-back signals Position R, Stop (PEH),
Axis Movement Forward (FR+), Axis Movement Backward
(FR-) and Start Enable (SFG) can be output via digital outputs. The parameterization of the
output assignment is carried out by means of MD50 to MD53.

Output Alter M97 and M98

Overview The check-back signal Alter M Function (AMF) for the M functions M97 and M98 is output
via a digital output. This ensures that these M functions (switching signals) can be used by the
user cycle time without delay.

Direct output

DS16 (O/I) Writing data into the respective outputs is possible via DS16 (O/I).
See also Tables Chapter 3 Data.

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01.97 Operating Modes

Operating Modes

Contents 3.1 Functions Applicable in Several Modes of Operation..................................... 2-3

3.1.1 Zero Offset .................................................................................................... 2-5
3.1.2 Actual-Value Setting ...................................................................................... 2-6
3.1.3 Reference-Point Setting................................................................................. 2-6
3.1.4 Changing the Drive to the Passive Condition................................................. 2-7
3.1.5 Emergency Retraction (Drive-Independent)................................................... 2-7
3.1.6 Measuring the "Relative Positioning Time" .................................................. 2-12
3.1.7 Slip Monitoring (Relative Path Difference IM-DM/DM) ................................. 2-13
3.2 Setting-Up ................................................................................................... 2-14
3.3 Controlling ................................................................................................... 2-15
3.4 Reference-Point Approach .......................................................................... 2-16
3.5 Incremental Dimension ................................................................................ 2-20
3.6 MDI (Manual Data Input) ............................................................................. 2-21
3.7 Automatic Subsequent Block....................................................................... 2-24
3.8 Automatic Single Block ................................................................................ 2-27
3.9 Function Generator, Measuring Function..................................................... 2-27

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Operating Modes 01.97

The following modes of operation are realized in the MCU:

Setting-up (ER)
Controlling (ST)
Reference-point approach (REF)
MDI (Manual Data Input)
Automatic Subsequent Block (AF)
Automatic Single Block (AE)
Function generator (FG), measuring functions (MF) only via MCU-PIT

Selecting the operating The operating mode (BA) is transferred from the user program (AWP) via the intelligent I/O
modes module or from MCU-PIT to the MCU.

Check-back signal Provided the preset operating mode is permitted, the MCU signals the preset operating mode
of operating mode back to the user program. If the preset operating mode corresponds to the mode signaled back,
the mode will be active.

Changing the operating When changing the operating mode during an active traversing movement, the operating mode
mode is changed only after standstill of the axis. Then, the mode is signaled back.

When changing between the modes Automatic Single Block and Automatic Subsequent
Block, the new operating mode is immediately taken over, i.e. without axis standstill.

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01.97 Operating Modes

Functions Applicable in Several Modes of Operation

Overview The individual modes of operation provide the following functions:

Technological Selec Activation/ Operating Mode [BA]

Function ted
by Execution Criterion E S S M A A R F M
Direct measuring DS11 Write data record, x x x x x x x x x
system applicable only if BL=0
Follow-up mode DS11 Write data record, function x x x x x x x x x
activated only if BL=0
Software limit DS11 Write data record x x x x x x x x x
position monitoring
Parking axis DS11 Write data record, function x x x x x x x x x
activated only if BL=0
Simulation DS11 after axis standstill, function x x x x x x x - -
activated only if BL=0
Flying measuring DS11 Edge at the input x x x x x x x x x
Length measuring DS11 Edge at the input x x x x x x x x x
Retrigger reference DS11 1st positive edge of zero x x x x x x - x x
point mark
Delete distance to go DS12 Write data record and Stop - - - x x x - - -
Undo actual-value DS12 Write data record and x x x x x x x - -
setting Processing Running [BL]
Zero offset DS13 Write data record and axis x x x x x x x x x
standstill (not when
interrupted by Stop [STP])
Actual-value setting DS14 Write data record and axis x x x x x x x x x
Flying actual-value DS15 Edge at the input and x x x x - - x - -
setting Processing Running [BL]
Flying actual-value G- Edge at the input - - - - x x - - -
setting funct
Digital output DS16 cyclically x x x x x x x x x
Teach In DS20 Write data record x - x x - - - x x
Automatic block DS12 Start [ST] - - - - x x - - -
search forward
Automatic block DS12 Start [ST] - - - - x x - - -
search backward
Change drive to MD6 Power ON x x x x x x x x x
passive condition 3
Set reference point DS22 Write data record with the x x x x - - x x x
axis on standstill

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Emergency retraction DS8 - Digital input x x x x x x x x x

- Sign-of-live failure
- Intermediate-circuit low
Measure "relative - Edge at the input "Start, - - - x x x - - -
positioning time" externally"
Slip monitoring MD6 Edge at the input "Start - - - x x x - - -
0 externally" or Start if both
measuring systems active

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01.97 Operating Modes

Zero Offset

Overview The zero offset is active only on standstill of the axis. Zero offset will cancel the current offset
of the coordinate system (if already active) and the set offset (relative) executed. The actual
position is always indicated in the machine-oriented coordinate system and not influenced by
the zero offset. All position data indicated in the traversing programs refer to the workpiece
coordinate system and are updated in accordance with the respectively active zero offset.

Zero offset - an example

- +
Software limit switch Machine-oriented Workpiece Software limit switch
beginning coordinate system coordinate system end

Zero offset (DS13)

The zero offset is deleted by:

transferring the offset value = 0

taking over the reference point in the mode Reference-Point Approach

Reference-Point Setting (DS22)

Limitation with For rotary axes, the following limitation is applicable:

rotary axis

Zero offset < rotary axis range. The actual value is normalized.

Example: Zero offset for after offset value = -50

a rotary axis
end of range 0/360 Actual value 40
Actual value 350
end of range 0/360

Range beginning/range end are shifted by -50.

Exceptions In the modes Incremental Dimension Relative, MDI and Automatic Subsequent
Block/Single Bloc, zero offset is possible only after block execution (PEH).

Not in the case of interruption by Stop and following axis standstill.

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Operating Modes 01.97

Actual-Value Setting

Overview By transferring the coordinate, the actual value is set to the desired value if the axis is on
standstill (after program selection "Processing running " = 0). The coordinates of the software
limit switches remain as they are.

Example Working range Working range

Zero point beginning Actual position Target position end
0 20 100 120 200

Machine axis

setting to 150

0 20 120 150 200

Zero point Working range Target Actual Working range
beginning position position end

Resetting Reference-Point Approach and Reset Actual-Value Setting reset the coordinate to its original

Reference-Point Setting

Overview The axis can be synchronized without approaching to the reference point. When doing this,
the position value entered in data record DS22 is taken over as actual value in the current

For axes with an absolute encoder, the position reference is entered into MD17. The known
position value of the unit system is transferred to MCU in a known axis position by
Reference-point setting. This value is set as the actual position of the axis. To make this
position reference retentive, the NC machine data must be saved by means of MCU-PIT.

2-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Operating Modes

Changing the Drive to the Passive Condition

Overview For testing purposes, it is possible to operate the MCU without motor and encoder. This
function is activated by MD63=0.

CAUTION: Although the drive runs up, access to the drive machine data, diagnosis data etc. is not
All hardware monitoring functions are internally switched off.
Within the system, it is changed to "Simulation".

M Designation Value/description Unit

63 Drive activation 0 = passive -
1 = active

Emergency Retraction (Drive-Independent)

Scope of functions The function "Drive-independent emergency retraction" is intended for separation of
workpiece and tool as fast as possible in the following cases:
signal level at a digital input
sign-of-life failure on the MCU side
intermediate-circuit low voltage

The integrated drive is fixed to this emergency retraction mode (immediate retraction with
following generator braking). Both the emergency retraction time and the emergency
retraction speed are parameterized by means of the drive machine data. Their activation via a
digital input is paramaterized by means of MCU-MDs. This function can be switched on/off
by an enable in a data record (either by the user program or the operator interface). After any
emergency retraction, the MCU has to be reset (Power-On-Reset or SW-Reset).

Overview The emergency retraction mode 4 (immediate emergency retraction with following generator
braking) is fixed during the run-up of the MCU by transferring the drive machine data 1636.
Even though this mode can be changed via the operator interface during operation, but any
data back-up in the onboard-FEPROM is overwritten during the next run-up of the MCU.

In the case of error, the axis speed is slowed down to the speed n-notr (A-MD 1639) and keeps
this speed over the time t-notr (A-MD 1638). Then, the axis brakes by means of the generator.
This reaction is carried out by the drive automatically in the case of error (not controlled by
the MCU).

A warning that the autonomous emergency retraction is active is provided via an ZK2 bit: DS
36, status class 2, bit 2 "Emergency retraction/generator mode active"

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Operating Modes 01.97

Level adaptation MD36 M Designation Value/description Unit

36 Input adaptation Bit 8= Digital input (I1)
.X inverted
Bit 9= Digital input (I2)
Bit 10 = Digital input -
(I3) inverted
Bit 11 = Digital input
(I4) inverted

MD46 to MD49 MD46 to MD49 are used to assign the digital inputs the respective functions. To this aim, the
respectively indicated bit must be set:

M Designation Value/description Unit

46 Digital inputs Bit 0 = Start, externally
.X (I1) to (I4) Bit 1 = Enable input
to Bit 2 = External block change
49 Bit 3 = Flying actual-value setting
.X Bit 4 = Measuring -
Bit 5 = Reference-point switch
Bit 6 = Reversal cams for
reference-point approach
Bit 7 = Emergency retraction
Bit 8 = Position controller inhibit


Only one function per input can be assigned! When assigning a function twice, error 01314
"MD46... MD49 Inputs allocated twice" is provided.

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01.97 Operating Modes

Drive machine data - M Designation Description Value

emergency retraction D
11 Intermediate-circuit Emergency retraction is 0
61 fixed voltage possible only with intermediate-
circuit measuring active
16 Response threshold Intermediate-circuit voltage 0-600 V
30 for intermediate- threshold at which, when the
circuit monitoring actual value is lower the
only threshold, only the
intermediate-circuit voltage and
not the motor temperature etc.
is monitored
16 Emergency retraction Intermediate-circuit threshold at 0-580 V
34 response threshold which, when the actual value is
lower the threshold, emergency
retraction is initiated
16 Emergency retraction Time for which the emergency 0-10000
38 time retraction speed is preset as ms
nominal speed in case of error
16 Emergency retraction Speed that is preset as nominal FFC0000
39 speed speed for the emergency 0H-
retraction time in case of error 400000H
(Standardization: 400000H
corresponds to A-MD 1401)

Emergency retraction The function can be switched on/off by an enable in a data record either by the user program
enable or via the operator interface. This can be used, for example, to lock an automatic traversing
movement of the drive in certain ranges (protection from personal injuries ...). DS 8, control
word 1, bit 2 "Emergency retraction enable"

General traversing The input "Enable input" (MD46.1 to MD49.1) is active provided it has been parameterized
enable and is not switched off.

Enable efficiency Both enables are linked by an AND operation, i.e. both enables must be active to enable the
emergency retraction; an active emergency retraction can be interrupted by canceling one of
the enables.

Release, response When releasing the emergency retraction, the drive response will be as follows:
Any external setpoints are ignored, only drive setpoints are generated.
The external controller enable is ignored, the drive automatically generates its controller
The pulse blocking remains active (externally or by the internal intermediate-circuit

Digital input Emergency retraction is released if a digital input parameterized for emergency retraction
responses. After emergency retraction has been initiated by the input, the emergency retraction
can no longer be controlled by the input. The response time amounts to max. 2 controller

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Sign-of life failure Emergency retraction is released if the drive detects sign-of-life failure of the NC. Sign-of-life
failure is only monitored if the speed controller enable is set. The response time amounts to
max. 2 position controller cycles.

Intermediate-circuit low Emergency retraction is released if the drive detects that the actual value of the intermediate-
voltage circuit voltage is lower than the threshold value. If the function is switched off by canceling
the emergency retraction enable, only a warning is output triggered by a ZK2 bit:
DS 36, status class 2, bit 1 "Intermediate-circuit voltage - emergency retraction"

Monitoring of The intermediate-circuit voltage is monitored by a U/f converter using the multiplex principle.
intermediate-circuit To provide low-delay monitoring, it is necessary not to change over the multiplexer any more
voltage after the actual value has been lower than the threshold voltage (A-MD 1630) but to monitor
only the intermediate-circuit voltage. Monitoring of the motor temperature is switched off for
the time of the intermediate-circuit error. Thanks to this measure, the threshold can be
detected after max. 1.5 ms.

The response time is:

with the multiplexer switched off: max. 1.5 ms + 1 position controller cycle

with the multiplexer not switched off: max. 6.5 ms + 1 position controller cycle

The hardware of the drive is switched off by the supply/energy recovery unit, when the
intermediate-circuit voltage is lower than the threshold value and amounts to 280 V, or when
the actual value is higher than the intermediate-circuit threshold and amounts to 680 V.
Amongst others, the discharging time of the intermediate-circuit depends on the power and/or
load and amounts to only a few msec.

Method Set drive machine data 1161 to 0.

Set drive machine data 1634, 1638 and 1639.

Configure fast input Emergency retraction' MD46-MD49 and MD36.

Save drive data and machine data on FEPROM.

Switch the MCU off and then on again.

The function is released by DS8.

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Measuring the "Relative Positioning Time"

Overview In order to optimize cyclic movement sequences, it is necessary to use the time available for
positioning as best as possible. To this aim, in the operating modes MDI and Automatic, the
"relative positioning time" is measured. The calculated value is made available in DS26. The
"relative positioning time" can also be output via DS19 or DS29 (application data) or via

Application example In order to optimize the movement sequence between a press and a roller feed, the "relative
positioning time", i.e. the ratio between positioning time and feed angle, is determined.

START (externally)


Feed angle time

Positioning time

Residual time

positioning time
Relative positioning time = 100% 100
feed angle time

Interrupting the If a running positioning process is interrupted by STOP, mode change, enable cancellation or
positioning process error, measuring of the "relative positioning time" is aborted. In this case, 0 is entered in

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03.98 Operating Modes

Slip Monitoring (Relative Path Difference IM-DM/DM)

Overview At the end of a traversing movement, the difference of the path traversed between indirect
(IM) and direct measuring system (DM) is determined as percentage value with refer to the
direct measuring system and made available in DS33. The relative path difference IM-
DM/DM can also be output via DS19 or DS29 (application data) or via DACs.

Calculation The difference of the path traversed is calculated between the positive and the negative edge of
the start signal ([ST] or Start, externally). If the [PEH] signal is not yet set when the falling
edge comes, the relative path difference is calculated only with the rising edge of [PEH].

Path difference IM - path difference DM

Relative path difference = 100% 100
Path difference DM

Examples Fall 1:
(externally or [ST])

Duration of measuring

Fall 2:
(externally or [ST])

Duration of measuring

Fall 3:


START (externally)

Duration of measuring

Limitation The calculation of the relative path difference is only carried out in the operating modes MDI
and Automatic if both measuring systems are parameterized.

Special cases Traversing block with G91 and path 0:

As relative path difference, the value 0 is output.
The DM does not provide actual values:
No calculation is carried out, the path difference IM is entered in DS33.
The IM does not provide actual values:
No calculation is carried out, the path difference DM is entered in DS33.
The relative distance difference exceeds the maximum value (double word):
The double word maximum value is output as the relative distance difference.

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Interrupting the An interruption of a positioning process by operating mode change, canceling an enable or by
positioning process an error results in abortion of measuring. In this case, the value 0 is entered in DS33. An
interruption of a positioning process by STOP does not entail an abortion of measuring.


Overview In the Setting-up mode, the traversing movements of the axis are preset by means of the
direction keys (R+ or R-) and by the setting-up velocity.


The Setting-up mode has nothing get to do with terminal 112 at the power supply module.

Setting-up velocity Before the axis can be moved, first the setting-up velocities have to be transferred to the MCU
via data record 2. Two velocities (step 1 and step 2) can be selected via the operating mode
parameters (BAP) independently of each other. The values of the velocity steps can be
changed during the movement.

Table 3.1 Setting-up velocities in DS2

Designation Lower input Upper input Unit

limit limit
Velocity step 1 1 500 000 000 [MSR]/min
Velocity step 2 1 500 000 000 [MSR]/min

The velocity can additionally be influenced via override (see Section 5.2.5 Override).

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Overview In the Controlling mode, different speeds are preset which are used to realize a controlled
movement. The movement direction is determined by the direction keys (R+ or R-).

The actual value of the axis is a follow-up value. (Follow-up mode).


When the speed is being output, the position control loop is disconnected. After deactivating
the direction keys (R+ and R-), the regulation refers to the new actual position and used after
standstill of the axis again.

Speed steps It is possible to choose between two speed values (step 1 and step 2) independent of each other
by means of operating mode parameters (BAP). The new value refers to 0.01% of the max.
useful motor speed (MD1401), generally, this corresponds to the nominal speed. For example,
entering 1,000 means 10% of the nominal speed.

The values of the speed steps can be changed during the movement:

Table 3.2 Speed steps in DS3

Designation Lower input Upper input Unit

limit limit
Speed step 1 0 10000 0,01 % x
Speed step 2 0 10000 0,01 % x

MD1401 see Tables Section 3.2.2 SIMODRIVE 611 Machine Data

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Reference-Point Approach

Overview In the operating mode "Reference-point approach", the axis is positioned to a fixed point
preset by the reference-point switch (and, in some cases, by the zero mark of the encoder)
either using the direction keys (R+ or R-) or by Start. This is necessary to synchronize the
axis. After synchronization, traversing along the reference-point shift (MD27) is carried out.
The position reached then is assigned the value of the reference-point coordinate (MD16). The
override is limited to max. 100 %. Any active zero offsets or actual-value setting are reset and
become not active during reference-point approach.

Reference point The reference point should be selected such that it can easily and quickly be approached after
turning on the control system.

Reducing velocities If you operate the system manually when approaching the reference point, preselect the
velocities such that your reaction time will not have any negative effects in case of error (if
necessary vary the preset override values).
Recommendation: Reducing velocity = 150 mm/min

Machine data The Table below lists the machine data which are important for reference-point approach:
MD18 M Designation Value/description Unit
MD27 D
16 Reference-point -1 000 000 000...+1 000 000 000 [MSR]
MD46 to MD49
18 Method of reference- 0 = + direction, zero pule, right
point approach 1 = + direction, zero pulse, left
2 = - direction, zero pulse, right
3 = - direction, zero pulse, left -
4 = + direction, reference-point
switch, center
5 = - direction, reference-point
switch, center
8 = + direction, reference-point
switch, edge
9 = - direction, reference-point
switch, edge
27 Reference-point shift -1 000 000 000...+1 000 000 000 [MSR]
28 Referencing velocity 10...vmax (MD23) [MSR]/
29 Reducing velocity 10...vmax (MD23) [MSR]/
46 Digital inputs Bit 0 = Start, externally
.X (I1) to (I4) Bit 1 = Enable input
to Bit 2 = External block change
49 Bit 3 = Flying actual-value setting
.X Bit 4 = Measuring -
Bit 5 = Reference-point switch
Bit 6 = Reversal cams for
reference-point switch
Bit 7 = Emergency retraction
Bit 8 = Position controller inhibit

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User handling When using an absolute encoder (EnDat), in the operating mode Reference-point Approach,
only the reference point of the axis is approached which is defined as fixed point.

When using an incremental encoder, the user has two possibilities to determine the reference

with the reference-point switch (RPS) connected

with the reference-point switch (RPS) not connected

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With reference-point To this aim, the reference-point switch must be connected to a digital input and be
switch (RPS) parameterized via MD46 to MD49.

Initiation of Method of Sequence of movements (reference-

movement, reference-point point shift = 0)
direction approach VA - referencing velocity
towards VR - reducing velocity
1. vA
Zero pulse right
from RPS v

_ +


2. vA
Zero pulse left
from RPS v

_ +


R+ 3. vA
("edge- RPS centrally
controlled") (no zero pulse v
or Start required)

_ +


RPS edge vA
(no zero pulse
required) v

_ +


see 1) (sequence of movements mirrored)

see 2) (sequence of movements mirrored)
see 3) (sequence of movements mirrored)
R- RPS edge vA
("edge- (no zero pulse v
controlled") required)
or Start
_ +


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Without reference-point The Table below describes how approaching the reference point is carried out without
switch (RPS) reference-point switch.

Synchronizing Sequence of movements

R+, R- 1. The current position is defined as reference point
("edge- (reference-point coordinate)
controlled") or
2. Traversing along the reference-point shift value

Using a reversal switch When starting approach to the reference-point and the axis is already behind the reference-
point switch, a reversal switch causes the axis to return to the direction of the reference-point
switch. The reversal switch is to be installed at the axis end before the emergency limit switch.


Axis position when starting approach

to the reference point Approach direction
as set in MD18

Reversal Emergency
RPS Stop switch
Reference point

Reference-point shift The reference-point shift is the path difference between synchronization point and reference

The reference-point shift serves

for numerical measuring system adjustment when changing the encoder.

as path reserve to brake the drive after overtraveling the synchronization point.

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Incremental Dimension

Overview In the operating mode "Incremental Dimension", it is possible to carry out single positioning
of relative path amounts in a freely selectable incremental dimension.

The traversing movement is started by pressing the direction keys (R+ and

Position setting There are the following possibilities for presetting the incremental dimensions:

Start of Selection of incremental Position,

movement, dimension incremental dimension to
direction be traversed
R + or R- BAP = 254 via user program, DS4
"edge-controlled" BAP = 1...100 acc. to Incremental
Dimension Table

Table 3.3 Incremental dimensions

Designation Lower input Upper input Unit

limit limit
Incremental dimension 0 1 000 000 000 [MSR]

As velocity setpoint, velocity step 1 (Setting-up mode, DS2) is used. It can be changed during
the movement.

Flying position change for example, changing the position setpoint during the movement, is
not possible.

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MDI (Manual Data Input)

Overview In the operating mode MDI, it is possible to carry out single positioning via traversing blocks
(F values, G functions, M functions). These traversing blocks are made available by the user

MDI block The MDI block has the same structure as the traversing-program block
(DS7) (see Programming).

The user program provides the MDI block to the MCU where it can then be started for
execution. It can be executed several times. The feedrate depends on the override (see Section
5.2.5 Override ).

The MDI block remains as long as it is overwritten by a new MDI block. Exception: "Flying
MDI block".

MDI Table 3.4 MDI block (DS7/DS17)

block information
Designation Lower input Upper input Unit
limit limit
Position X/ -1 000 000 + 1 000 000 [MSR]
dwell time t 000 000 ms
2 100,000
Velocity F 1 500 000 000 [MSR]/mi
G function group 1 G04 Dwell time -
G90 Absolute dimension
G91 Incremental dimension
G function group 2 G30 100% Override: -
G31 10% Acceleration/
to deceleration
G39 90%
M function groups 1, 2, 3 M1...17 User -

M97,98 Change signal

programmed as digital output

For a rotary axis n with absolute-value programming, the commands R+ or R- are defined as
direction presetting. They must be provided prior to starting positioning; otherwise, the MCU
approaches the position on the shortest possible way.

Flying MDI block (DS17) "Flying MDI block" output by the user program aborts the MDI block which is now being
processed. The new block is immediately processed without restarting it. "MDI block, flying"
is not stored in the MCU.

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Block structure The Table below shows the structure of an MDI block.

X/t Position/dwell time programmed (uses value 1)

G1...G2 G function group 1...2
M1...M3 M function group 1...3
F Velocity programmed (uses value 2)

Byte Data Bit

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Byte 0 Reserve
1 Byte 0 Reserve
2 8 x bit 0 0 0 X 0 0 G G
/ 2 1
3 8 x bit 0 0 0 0 M M M F
3 2 1
4 Byte G function 1
5 Byte G function 2
6 Byte 0 Reserve
7 Byte 0 Reserve
8 DINT 32-bit value 1
12 DINT 32-bit value 2
16 Byte M function 1
17 Byte M function 2
18 Byte M function 3
19 Byte 0 Reserve

Example: G1=90; X=100 mm; F=1 m/min; M1=35

Byte Data Bit

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Byte 0
1 Byte 0
2 8 x bit 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
3 8 x bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
4 Byte 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
5 Byte 0
6 Byte 0
7 Byte 0
8 DINT 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 DINT 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
14 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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16 Byte 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
17 Byte 0
18 Byte 0
19 Byte 0

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Automatic Subsequent Block

Overview In the operating mode Automatic Subsequent Block, the MCU autonomously executes
traversing programs. These programs can be created by means of MCU-PIT and stored as data
blocks. The traversing programs contain information about movement sequences and outputs
(see Programming).


To obtain identical position values when repeating the program, the 1st block should be
programmed in absolute dimensions (G90).

Program selection Program selection is carried out via the user program by presetting a program number and, as
an option, a block number and the direction of processing. Program selection is possible only
with a program interrupted or completed (DS18).

A selected program remains active as long as it is deactivated by preselecting program no.=0

or another program is selected.


The contents of the selected or active program cannot be edited.

Processing Processing always starts at Start with the first block and is carried out by rising block
forward numbers.

When starting processing in any point of the traversing program, the desired block number
must be preset. Processing is carried out with Start in the block search mode forward to this
block up top the end-of-program command.

Processing Processing always starts at Start with the last block and is carried out by falling block
backward numbers.

When starting processing in any point of the traversing program, the desired block number
must be preset. Processing is then carried out with Start in the block search mode backward to
the beginning of the program.

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If backward processing is desired to perform the same sequence of movements as the forward
movement, the effect of the respective commands have to be observed when programming, for
Any M function outputs in a block should be written separately; it should be paid attention
to the type of M output (MD32) and G60/G64.
Pay attention to changing between G60/G64 and G90/G91.

Pay attention to beginning and end of the tool offsets.

M18 is not carried out.

M02 and M30 at the end of the program are not processed.

Block search The program including tool offsets is prepared up to the end point of the destination block. M
forward/backward commands and dwell times are output, and the traversing movements suppressed.

When running the traversing programs using block search forward/block search backward,
there are different special cases:
Blocks with external block change (G50) are skipped.

Endless traversing with flying actual-value setting (G88, 89) or cancellation (G87) are not
carried out.
Blocks following after G50, G87, G88, G89 (in processing direction) should include an
absolute dimension.

Automatic block search After interrupting an active program in the Automatic mode (by operating mode change), it is
forward / possible to continue the program in the respective processing direction from the break point
backward up.

With block search forward, the interrupted program must have been processed in the forward
direction prior to the interruption. With block search backward, the interrupted program must
have been processed in the backward direction prior to the interruption.

The command for automatic block search forward or block search backward is evaluated when
the MCU starts, and block search forward or backward to the breakpoint is initiated.
Positioning to the breakpoint is carried out (if positioning has been carried out in another
mode of operation), and the interrupted block including the respective output (if any) is

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User handling The Table below lists the parameters to be set in DS18.

Data format Description

Byte Program number
Byte Block number
Byte Processing 0 = processing direction forward
direction: 1 = processing direction backward

Handling when selecting The Table below shows what you have to do when selecting a program.
the program

Initiation Program selection Type of movement

of movement Block Processing (acc. to the blocks
No. direction programmed)
Start 0 forward Start at program beginning,
processing by rising block no.

0 backward Start at program end,

processing by falling block
e.g. forward
30 Block search forward by
rising block no., from block
backward no. 30 output of traversing
e.g. movement
30 Block search backward by
falling block no., from block
no. 30 output of traversing
Start with forward 1. automatic block search
automatic block forward to the breakpoint
search forward
2. positioning up to the
breakpoint (if a movement
has been carried out in any
other mode of operation)
3. execution of the interrupted
block and continuation of
Start with backward 1. automatic block search
automatic block backward to the breakpoint
search backward
2. positioning to the
breakpoint (if a movement
has been carried out in any
other mode of operation)
3. execution of the interrupted
block and continuation of

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Automatic Single Block

Overview Whereas in the Automatic Subsequent Block mode, the MCU automatically starts the next
following block for execution, after a block has been executed, in the Automatic Single Block
mode, after each block which contains a distance to be traversed, a dwell time or M
commands, the axis waits for a new start signal.

Changing between Automatic Single Block and Automatic Subsequent Block can be carried
out at any time and does not result in stopping the movement or canceling the outputs.

Function Generator, Measuring Function

Overview The functions Function Generator and Measuring Function are mainly used during the
commissioning in order to set and check the dynamics of the regulation. Both functions are
effective either in the speed or in the current-control loop.

Mode 20 = function The function generator can be used to preset speed and torque setpoints.

Mode 21 = measuring The measuring function can be used to record step responses or frequency characteristics and
function then to display them.

Axis behavior By selecting mode 20 or 21, the Setting-up mode is selected internally, i. e. first, the axis is in
"position control".

With the functions When the functions are started, it is changed to follow-up mode internally so that no position
started control interrupts occur due to autonomous axis movements of the drive. The software limit
switches remain active.

The check-back signals FR+, FR- will not be set, as the drive is moving autonomously and the
position control is switched off by the follow-up mode. The function status is indicated in data
record 36, status word 1, bit 4 and 5.
Bit4 FFT analysis On
Bit5 Function generator On

In contrast to other modes of operation, the machine data can be changed, despite of an active
traversing movement, in order to optimize the axis without stopping the function.

To start an axis movement, the enable input is used provided it has been parameterized and is
not switched off.

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MD46 to MD49 M Designation Value/description U

D nit
46 Digital inputs Bit 0 = Start, externally
.X (I1) to (I4) Bit 1 = Enable input
to Bit 2 = External block change
49 Bit 3 = Flying actual-value setting
.X Bit 4 = Measuring -
Bit 5 = Reference-point switch
Bit 6 = Reversal cams for reference-point setting
Bit 7 = Emergency retraction (drive-
Bit 8 = Position controller inhibit


Only one function per input can be assigned!

Start prerequisites If one of the following start prerequisites is not met, a respective error message is provided to
the user interface:
Error-free parameterization of inputs
DB interface active (STS: TFB=1)
No alarm provided (RMS: FS=0, BF=0, DF=0)
Axis on standstill (RMS: FR+=0, FR-=0)
Processing not running (RMS: BL=0)
Axis not parking (DS 11, Bit 14=0)
Axis enable (AF=1)
Controller enable (RFG=1)
Pulse enable (IF=1)
Follow-up operation (NFB=0)

Cancellation conditions The following conditions result in canceling the function and in a respective error message
displayed at the user interface:
Changing the DB interface from active to inactive (STS: TFB 1->0)
Operating mode change (RMS: BAR)
Canceling the external enable input (I1-I4 see above)
Canceling the axis enable (STS: AF 1->0)
Canceling the controller enable (STS: RFG 1->0)
Canceling the pulse enable (STS: IF 1->0)
Alarm does not occur (RMS: FS, BF, DF 0->1)
No check-back signal from drive (DS 36, status word 1, bit4 or bit5)
Buffer overflow (measuring function only)
Function generator failure (measuring function only)

Operation display see Operation Guide MCU-PIT; Chapter 5.1.5

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01.97 Interface to the User

Interface to the User

Contents 4.1 Data / Signals to the MCU ............................................................................. 3-4

4.2 Data / Signals from the MCU ....................................................................... 3-12
4.3 User Handling.............................................................................................. 3-17

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This Chapter describes the scheduled data, display data, as well as the control and check-back
signals from and to the MCU. For further information, refer to the publications "S7
Environment", "MCU-PIT", and the "Tables".



Data to
DB1000 DB-
user DB-BD
programs operating
data DB1200
User data DB-
Standard software

for technological



DB DB1251


DB-NC Traversing programs DB-SM Incremental dimension parameters

DB-MD Machine data of the position control DB-AM Drive machine data
DB-WK Tool offsets DB-AS Drive service data

Fig. 4-1 Overview of control signal and data flow

Description of bits The interrelation between the SIMATIC bits and the PIT-EDIT bits is explained in the
following Table. This Documentation uses the same notation as used for the SIMATIC

Bit number
SIMA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
PIT- 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

3-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Interface to the User

EDIT 5 4 3 2 1 0

Example: Bit 9 (PIT-EDIT) corresponds to bit 0.1 (SIMATIC).

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Data / Signals to the MCU

Control signals The operation /control of the axis is provided by means of control signals. Control signals are
set either by the user program (AWP) or via the MCU-PIT software according to the desired

The Table below describes the control signals and their functions.

Table 4-1 Control signals

Symb Name Val Function

ol ue
TFB Operation via 0 Controlling the MCU via the user program
MCU-PIT 1 Controlling the MCU via MCU-PIT
BA Operating 1 BA "Setting-up" see Section 3.2
mode (BA) 2 BA "Controlling" see Section 3.3
3 BA "Reference-point approach" see Section 3.4
4 BA "Incremental dimension" see Section 3.5
6 BA "MDI" see Section 3.6
8 BA "Automatic Subsequent Block" see Section 3.7
9 BA "Automatic Single Block" see Section 3.8
20 BA "Function generator" see Section 3.9
21 BA "Measuring function" see Section 3.9
BP Operating 1 or In the modes Setting-up or Controlling, select velocity or speed steps.
mode 2
1... In the Incremental Dimension mode, select incremental dimension
100 according to the Table (value = table index).
254 For the incremental dimension refer to DS4.
R+ R Plus 1 Axis movements in positive direction.
In the modes Setting-up and Controlling, move the axis in positive
direction (depending on the level).
In the modes "Incremental dimension" and "Reference-point
approach", start movement in positive direction (edge-controlled).
In the modes "MDI" and "Automatic Subsequent Block", preset the
direction of movement for rotary axes (evaluation at block beginning)
R- R Minus 1 Axis movements in negative direction.
In the modes Setting-up and Controlling, move the axis in negative
direction (depending on the level).
In the modes "Incremental dimension" and "Reference-point
approach", start movement in positive direction (edge-controlled).
In the modes "MDI" and "Automatic Subsequent Block", preset the
direction of movement for rotary axes (evaluation at block beginning)
ST Start 0 Start of movement
1 (edge-controlled, depending on the mode of operation, see Table 4-7).
STP Stop 0 Interruption of movement or of program (edge-controlled, depending on
1 the mode of operation, see Table 4-8).
IF Pulse enable 1 Drive enable.
1 When resetting the signal, the drive coasts.
SA Skip block 1 In the operating mode "Subsequent Block", the blocks marked in the
program are skipped.

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Symb Name Val Function

ol ue
EFG Read-in 1 Read in the next block in the mode "Automatic Subsequent Block".
QMF Acknowledge 1 M function is acknowledged "acknowledge-controlled" when the M
M function functions are output, and the next block executed.

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Symb Name Val Function

ol ue
OVE Override 0 The behavior of the traversing movement is controlled in the range from
RR ... 0 to 255 %:
255 Velocity override
Range: 0 to 255 % percentage velocity control
Time override
If you parameterize the Time Override function in MD37, there are
two ranges:
- Range 100 to 255 %: The velocity override is active.
- Range 0 to 100 %: The time override is active.
In the Controlling mode, the override is not active.
FSQ Acknowledge 0 When the edge changes from 0 1, the error message is reset. Prior to
operator error 1 acknowledging the error, the cause must be removed.
BFQ Acknowledge 0 When the edge changes from 0 1, the error message is reset. Prior to
operator error 1 acknowledging the error, the cause must be removed.
AF Axis enable 1 Movement enable.
1 The movement is quickly decelerated with the parameterized
0 deceleration (MD41). Program execution or movement, resp., is
aborted, and the distance to go cleared.
RFG Controller 1 Braking at the parameterized torque limit.
enable 0
DIQ Acknowledge 0 When the edge change from 0 1, the error message is reset.
data error 1
NEUS Acknowledge 1 Acknowledge restart (is automatically acknowledged by FC1 after
TQ restart restart).

Scheduled data Scheduled data are data/parameters needed for the respective operating modes. The Table
below describes the scheduled data and their functions.

Table 4-2 Scheduled data

DS Name Value Function

DS2 Velocity steps 1 ... active in Setting-up and Incremental Dimension mode (see
1 and 2 5000000 Section 3.2 and Section 3.5).
DS3 Speed steps 0 ... active in the Controlling mode in 0.01% of MD1401
1 and 2 10000 (see Section 3.3).
DS4 Scheduled data 0 ... active in the Incremental Dimension mode (see Section 3.5).
for incremental 1000000
dimension 254 000
DS7 MDI block - active in MDI mode (see Section 3.6).
DS8 Scheduled data - Preset scheduled data for SIMODRIVE 611
611 (see Tables Section 3.1).

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Scheduled data with Scheduled data with an execution instruction activate settings/functions applicable to several
execution instruction modes of operation. The Table below describes the scheduled data with execution command
and their functions.

Table 4-3 Scheduled data with execution instruction

Symb Name Function

DS11: Bit-coded settings
Bit Flying measuring One of the 4 digital inputs (I1 to I4) can be parameterized as measuring
0.1 function. Bit 0.1 activates the function (see Section 2.2.5). Flying
measuring can be used only as an alternative to length measuring.
Bit Digital input (I1) By setting bit 0.2, the digital input 1 can be deactivated. By resetting the
0.2 On/Off bit, the input is reactivated.
Bit Digital input (I2) By setting bit 0.3, the digital input 2 can be deactivated. By resetting the
0.3 On/Off bit, the input is reactivated.
Bit Digital input (I3) By setting bit 0.4, the digital input 3 can be deactivated. By resetting the
0.4 On/Off bit, the input is reactivated.
Bit Digital input (I4) By setting bit 0.5, the digital input 4 can be deactivated. By resetting the
0.5 On/Off bit, the input is reactivated.
Bit Parking axis can be switched on/off during "Processing running" = 0
0.6 deletion of encoder synchronization (SYN = 0)
deletion of existing error messages and no triggering of new error
messages (including diagnosis alarms)
encoder cable can be disconnected
Bit Simulation can be switched on/off if "Processing running " = 0
0.7 To avoid axis movement, PLC Pulse Enable must be Off.
When switching off, an internal restart is initiated.
All digital inputs are evaluated (CAUTION: If you wish all processes
using such signals to be simulated they must be connected to the inputs of
the MCU, for example, for reference-point approach).
Positioning section simulates controlled system, Controller Ready is not
necessary for this.
All internal function sequences are carried out as in the normal mode.
Bit Direct measuring Setting bit 1.1 in DS 11 activates the direct measuring system. Resetting
1.1 system (DM) the bit activates the indirect measuring system. The machine data MD10 to
On/Off MD13 (indirect measuring system) and MD54 to MD57 (direct measuring
system) must be respectively parameterized for both encoders during the
commissioning, and the direct measuring system must be parameterized in
MD60. Changing between the two measuring systems is possible only on
standstill of the axes and if no program is running. The error message
"Change Unit system not permitted" is output if the unit system has not
been successfully changed.
Bit Length measuring One of the 4 digital inputs (I1 to I4) can be parameterized as measuring
1.2 function. Bit 1.2 activates the function (see Section 2.2.5). The length
measuring can be used only as an alternative to flying measuring.
Bit Retriggering the active in all operating modes, except for Reference-Point Approach.
1.3 reference-point Not active in Flying Actual-Value Setting.
The axis is synchronized at each first positive edge of the zero mark and
after leaving the reducing cam in the direction of the zero mark position.
This is carried out only in the parameterized reference-approach direction.
Independently of the current velocity, the current actual value is assigned
the reference-point coordinate with consideration of an active shift. When
retriggering at a velocity higher than the reducing velocity during
reference-point approach, a displacement to the position reference made in
the Reference-Point Approach can occur. This displacement depends on

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the velocity.

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Symb Name Function

DS11: Bit-coded settings
Bit Enable input Off One of the 4 digital inputs (I1 to I4) can be parameterized as enable input.
1.4 Bit 1.4 switches the function of the enable input off (see Section 2.2).
Bit Follow-up mode Controlling of the axis is canceled.
1.5 can be switched on/off if "Processing running" = 0
With external axis movement, the actual value follows.
active only on standstill of the axis.
Bit Software limit Switches software limit switch monitoring off; active in all operating
1.6 switch monitoring modes (see Section 1.1.1).

Symb Name Function

DS12: Bit-coded commands
Bit Delete distance to active only in the modes "Incremental dimension", "MDI", "Automatic
1.1 go Subsequent Block" after Stop.
With Start in the MDI mode, the active MDI block is processed from the
With Start in the modes "Incremental dimension" and "Automatic
Subsequent Block", processing is continued with the next block.
Bit Automatic block Activate automatic block search forward (see Section 3.7)
1.2 search forward
Bit Automatic block Activate automatic block search backward (see Section 3.7)
1.3 search backward
Bit Restart Resetting of the axis:
1.5 Setpoint output and output of controller enable are interrupted over one
position controller cycle.
The current status of processing is aborted, and, when using incremental
encoders, the synchronization is deleted.
Active compensations are deleted.
Bit Undo actual-value The coordinate modified by "Actual-value setting" and "Flying actual-
1.6 setting value setting" is reset to its original value (during "Processing running").

Symb Name Function

DS13 Zero offset Zero offset is carried out on when the axis is on standstill.
In the modes "Incremental dimension", "MDI" and "Automatic
Subsequent Block/Single Block", zero offset is possible only after block
execution ("Position reached, Stop" set).
Not in case of interruption by Stop and following axis standstill.
DS14 Actual-value setting When transferring the coordinate, the actual value is set to this value on
standstill of the axis. The coordinates of the software limit switches remain
unchanged. (see Section 1.1.1).

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Symb Name Function

DS15 Flying actual-value Transferring the coordinate (new actual value) activates "Flying actual-
setting value setting" (not in the Automatic Subsequent Block mode").
However, actual-value setting is initiated only with the edge of the
respective digital input if "Processing running" = 1.
Repeated "Flying actual-value setting" has to be activated by repeated
transferring of "Flying actual-value setting".
"Reference-point approach" and "Undo actual-value setting" reset the
coordinate to its original value.
"Flying actual-value setting" in the Automatic Subsequent Block mode by
means of G88, G89 (see Section 3.7).
DS16 Digital The outputs O1 ... O4 parameterized by "Direct output" using MD50 to
inputs/outputs MD53 can be controlled by means of the user program. The signal status of
the digital inputs I1 ... I4 parameterized by MD46 to MD49 can be read by
DS17 MDI block flying see Section 3.6
DS18 Program selection see Section 3.7
DS19 Application data Selection of max. four display data. The respective data are in DS29
request "Application data".
Code Table:
Code Description
0 No parameter request
1 Actual position
2 Actual velocity
3 Distance to go
4 Set position
5 Zero offset
6 Speed (rotary axis)
7 Relative positioning time
17 Encoder actual value (motor encoder)
18 Missing pulses
19 KV factor
20 Following error
21 Following error limit
22 s overshoot amount/switch adjustment value in the Reference-
point Approach mode
23 Drive approach time /drive time constant in the Controlling
30 Actual position (IM)
31 Actual position (DM)
32 Relative path difference (IM-DM/DM)
40 Capability utilization
41 Active power
42 Nominal torque
43 Smoothed actual current
44 Actual speed
45 Nominal speed
DS20 Teach In possible only in the modes Setting-up, Incremental Dimension and MDI
In a program block selected by program and block number, the current
actual position is entered as set position (CAUTION: absolute-dimension
DS22 Reference-point The axis can be synchronized without reference-point approach

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setting (see Section 3.1.3).

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Data / Signals from the MCU

Check-back signals The check-back signals indicate the processing status of the axis and signal it back to the user

The Table below described the check-back signals and their functions.

Table 4-4 Check-back signals

Symb Name Val Function

ol ue
BAR Active 1 ... The selected operating mode is signaled back only if it is internally
operating mode 9 active. For example, when changing the operating mode, any
movement must first be stopped before any other operating mode can
be activated (not applicable when changing between Automatic
Subsequent Block and Automatic Single Block mode).
FR+ Traversing plus 1 The axis moves to the direction of rising actual values or speed
setpoint output "+" in the Controlling mode.
As soon as a traversing movement is active, the messages (FR+) or
(FR-) are output in accordance with the traversing direction. Only
one of the two messages can be provided.
"Traversing plus" or "Traversing minus" is selected already in the
beginning of the acceleration phase and remains until standstill of the
FR- Traversing 1 The axis moves to the direction of falling actual-values or speed
minus setpoint output "-" in the Controlling mode.

PEH Position 1 After the target position has been reached, PEH is selected. PEH
reached, stop; remains until the next axis movement is started.
Exact stop
SFG Start enable 1 Start enable signals readiness for positioning and readiness to output
O1 to O4.
"Start enable" is set:
- if no static stop, operating error, operator error or restart are
- if mode presetting and mode check-back coincide (after mode
- if no axis functions (including M functions, dwell time) are
active or after the functions have been completed.
Resetting of the signals (ST), (R+) or (R-) that activated the
function or movement
- to continue a function interrupted by Stop
- in the Automatic Subsequent Block mode after program
preselection has been carried out (one program active) and after
M0, M2, M30 or in Automatic Single Block mode at the end of
the block
Without Start Enable, functions that can be activated by Traversing
Plus, Traversing Minus or Start are not carried out.
WFG Waiting for 1 The signal is active only if a digital input has been parameterized by
external enable means of MD46 to MD49 (see Section 2.1).

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Symb Name Val Function

ol ue
BL Processing 1 It is indicated that a function has been started by Start or Traversing
running Plus/Minus and is active.
"Processing running" is set in the following cases:
- in the modes "Setting-up", "Controlling" during the movement
up to standstill
- in the mode "Reference-point approach" during approach up to
the synchronization
- in the modes "MDI", "Incremental dimension" during
positioning or when functions of the MDI block are carried out
- in the mode "Automatic Subsequent Block" when running a
traversing program up to program end
"Processing running" is deleted:
- by operating error, operator error and Restart
- by mode change
- by canceling axis enable
T-L Dwell time 1 active only in the modes "Automatic Subsequent Block" and "MDI".
running As soon as a traversing block with dwell time is executed, (T-L) is
output during the programmed period of time.
PBR Program 1 If a program is executed in the reverse direction, in the mode
execution "Automatic Subsequent Block", PBR is set after Start.
AMF Alter M 1 If M functions are programmed in a traversing block, they are
function signaled when being output by setting "Alter M function".
"Alter M function" remains as long as:
- the preset time is elapsed for time-controlled M functions
- acknowledgment by the user is carried out for acknowledgment-
controlled M functions
MNR M function No. 0... M command 0...99
TFGS Acknowledgme 0 Controlling by the user program
nt TFB 1 Controlling via MCU-PIT
FS Operator error 1 Any operator/controlling error of the controlling interface is signaled
to the user. The respective error number is to be found is diagnosis
block 162.
BF Operating error 1 Any operator/controlling error of the controlling interface is signaled
to the user. The respective error number is to be found is diagnosis
block 164.
PARA Positioning 1 The integrated positioning control has valid MDs.
NEUS Restart 1 Restart has been carried out.
IFR Pulses enabled 1 Check-back signal of pulse enable.
DF Data error 1 An error has been detected during the data transfer. The respective
error number is to be found in diagnosis block 163.
DI Data 1 A transferred data record is interpreted.
ME End of 1 Check-back signal "End of measuring" if a digital input (I1 to I4) is
measuring parameterized as measuring function.
SYN Axis 1 Approach to the reference point of the axis concerned has been
synchronized carried out (for incremental encoders/absolute encoders always "1").

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Symb Name Val Function

ol ue
S_I1 Digital input 1 0 Digital input I1 is active.
S_I2 Digital input 2 0 Digital input I2 is active.
S_I3 Digital input 3 0 Digital input I3 is active.
S_I4 Digital input 4 0 Digital input I4 is active.

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Display data Display data are data/parameters that are signaled back from the MCU. The Table below
describes the display data and their functions.

Table 4-5 Display data

Symb Name Function/Description

DS26 Operating data Actual position
Actual velocity
Distance to go
Set position
Zero offset
Actual speed (rotary axis)
Relative positioning time
DS27 Active NC block see Section 5 or Tables Section 3.1.1 or 3.5
DS28 Next NC block Structure as active NC block (see Section 5, Tables Section 3.1.1 or 3.5).
DS29 Application data The display data selected via DS19 "Application data request" are output
via DS29.
DS30 Length measuring, Values of length measuring if MD46 ... MD49 are respectively
flying measuring parameterized and the respective enables in DS11 are set.
Actual position of front edge (s1)
Actual position of rear edge (s2)
Measuring value (s = s2 - s1)
DS31 Actual value With G50, G88 or G89 are programmed, the actual values are output
Block change (see Section 5)
DS32 Service data Nominal speed value
Encoder actual value
Missing pulses
Kv factor
Following error
Following error limit
s overshoot amount/switch adjustment in the reference-point Approach
Drive approach time /time constant of drive in the Controlling mode
DS33 Service data 1 Actual position (IM)
Actual position (DM)
Relative path difference (IM-DM/DM)
DS34 Operating data 1 Override
Program number
Block number
Number/counter of subroutine calls
Active G90/G91
Active G60/G64
Active G43/G44
Active D number
Limiting of max. velocity
Limiting of max. nominal speed value
Limiting of max. acceleration
DS36 Actual data 611 Output actual values of SIMODRIVE 611 (see Tables Section 3.1.1).
DS16 Error message Error number, automatically updated.
2 Operator error
DS16 Error message Error number, automatically updated.
3 Data error
DS16 Error message Error number, automatically updated.

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Symb Name Function/Description

4 Operat./traversing
DS23 Information data is read by FC RESTART once during running-up.
5 record

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User Handling

Overview The Table below provides an overview which data/parameters can be accepted or processed in
which operating mode.

Table 4-6 Assignment of system data to the operating modes

D Function Setti Cont Refere Incr Man Automati Function Meas

S- ng- r. nce em. ual c generator ur.
N up point dim Dat Subseque Funct
o. appro . a nt/ ion
ach Inp Single
ut Block
Scheduled data
2 Velocity steps x - - x - - - -
3 Speed steps in - x - - - - - -
4 Setpoint for incremental - - - x - - - -
7 MDI block - - - - x - - -
8 Scheduled data 611 x x x x x x - -
Scheduled data with
execution instruction
1 Bit-coded settings x x x x x x x x
1 Bit-coded commands x x x x x x - -
1 Zero offset x x - x x x x x
1 Actual-value setting x x - x x x x x
1 Flying actual-value x x - x x - - -
5 setting
1 Digital outputs/inputs x x x x x x x x
1 Flying MDI block - - - - x - - -
1 Program selection - - - - - x - -
1 Application data request x x x x x x - -
2 Teach In x - - x x - - -
2 Reference-point setting x x x x x - - -
Display data
2 Operating data x x x x x x - -
2 Active NC block - - - - - x - -
2 Next NC block - - - - - x - -
2 Application data x x x x x x - -
3 Length measured value, x x - x x x - -
0 flying measuring

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3 Actual value - block - - - - - x - -

1 change
3 Service data x x x x x x - -
3 Service data 1 x x x x x x - -
3 Operating data 1 x x x x x x - -
3 Actual data 611 x x x x x x - -
1 Error message Operator x x x x x x - -
6 error
1 Error message Data x x x x x x - -
6 error
1 Error message x x x x x x - -
6 Operating/traversing
4 error

x Data/parameters essential for the operating mode concerned

- Data/parameters not essential for the operating mode concerned

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Notes for the user In the following, some notes for starting a movement and the behavior of the MCU when the
integrated S7-CPU changes its condition are provided:
First, an operating mode must be set. Then, the data can be transferred. To prevent the axis
from uncontrolled traversing, controller enable should not be set.
Starting a movement is possible only with Start Enable provided (mode active, no Stop,
Drive Enable).
A static Stop signal (STP) will prevent any movement or block execution.
Edge formation of Start or Direction Plus/Minus:
These signals should only be reset after deleting Start Enable.
Before starting any movement in any mode of operation, first the respective scheduled data
have to be transferred.
Behavior of the MCU during the transition of the S7-CPU from the RUN to the STOP
condition: as described under "Restart".
Behavior of the MCU during the transition of the S7-CPU from the STOP to the RUN
- A restart of the positioning module is carried out internally.
- Activate the MDs.

Controlling the module The Table below lists the data/parameters for starting a movement.

Table 4-7 Starting a movement

Mode BA- Operating mode Command / Activation of movement

(BA) No. parameters (BAP) signal status
Setting-up 1 Velocity step R+, R- / level R+ or R- with "level" = 1
1 = Step 1
2 = Step 2
Controllin 2 Speed step R+, R- / level R+ or R- with "level" = 1
g 1 = Step 1
2 = Step 2
Reference 3 - Start, R+, R- / edge Direction acc. to MD18
-point R+ or R- = 0 1 or
approach Start = 0 1
(velocity acc. to MD)
Increment 4 Setpoint No. 1...100, R+, R- / edge R+ = 0 1 or R- = 0 1
al 254 (velocity step 1)
MDI 6 - Start / edge Start = 0 1 (R+, R- only
important for rotary axis with
preset absolute dimension for
direction selection)
Automatic 8 - Start / edge Start = 0 1 (after program
Subseque preselection)
nt Block
Automatic 9 - Start / edge Start = 0 1
Function 20 - Start (via MCU- -
generator PIT only)
Measurin 21 - Start (via MCU- -
g function PIT only)

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The Table below lists the data/parameters for interrupting/completing a movement.

Table 4-8 Interrupting/completing a movement

Mode BA Interrupting the Continuation of Interrupting/completing the

(BA) No. movement movement movement, Stop
Setting-up 1 Stop = 1 or Stop = 0 and Start = 1 or R+ or R- with "level" = 0 or
enable input) = 0 enable input) = 1 mode change
Controllin 2 Stop = 1 or Stop = 0 and Start = 1 or R+ or R- with "level" = 0 or
g enable input) = 0 enable input) = 1 mode change
Reference 3 - - Stop = 0 1 or
-point reference point acquired or
approach mode change or
enable input) = 0
Increment 4 Stop = 1 or Stop = 0 and R+ or R- or Position reached or
al enable input) = 0 enable input) = 1, mode change
dimension with Start = 0 1
MDI 6 Stop = 1 or Stop = 0 and Start = 1 or Position reached or "block"
enable input) = 0 enable input) = 1, executed or
with Start = 0 1 mode change
Automatic 8 Stop = 1 or Stop = 0 and Start = 1 or Program end or
Subseque enable input) = 0 enable input) = 1, mode change
nt Block with Start = 0 1 program re-selection at Stop
Automatic 9 Stop = 1 or Stop = 0 and Start = 1 or Program end or
Single enable input) = 0 enable input) = 1, mode change
Block with Start = 0 1 program re-selection at Stop
Function 20 Stop (via MCU-PIT Start (via MCU-PIT only) Stop (via MCU-PIT only)
generator only)
Measurin 21 Stop (via MCU-PIT Start (via MCU-PIT only) Measuring function carried
g function only) out
Stop (via MCU-PIT only)
1) Prerequisite: digital input parameterized in MD46 ... MD49, see Section 2.1

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Contents 5.1 Fundamentals................................................................................................ 4-2

5.2 Traversing Blocks .......................................................................................... 4-3
5.2.1 Block Structure .............................................................................................. 4-3
5.2.2 G Function Group 1...3 .................................................................................. 4-4
5.2.3 Dimensional Notation .................................................................................. 4-10
5.2.4 Axis as Rotary Axis ..................................................................................... 4-11
5.2.5 Acceleration Override .................................................................................. 4-12
5.2.6 Tool Offset................................................................................................... 4-13
5.2.7 Position and Velocity ................................................................................... 4-15
5.2.8 M Functions................................................................................................. 4-15
5.2.9 Subroutine Call............................................................................................ 4-18
5.3 Flow of Programs and Direction of Processing ............................................ 4-19
5.4 Block Transitions ......................................................................................... 4-19
5.4.1 Exact Positioning G60 ................................................................................. 4-19
5.4.2 Flying Block Change G64 ............................................................................ 4-21
5.4.3 Influence of M Functions on the Flying Change ........................................... 4-23

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Overview To execute the desired operations of the machine axis (sequence, position, etc.), the MCU
requires certain information. This information is programmed by means of MCU-PIT
(traversing program development) as a traversing program (oriented to DIN 66025).

Traversing programs Each traversing program is stored under a program number. A traversing program consists of
max. 255 traversing blocks. Program number and traversing blocks are converted into an
internal format (Traversing Blocks) and transferred to the module where the program is
managed. Max. 199 programs (depending on the memory capacity) can be programmed.

Program name Each program can be assigned a name (optionally). The program name has max. 18 characters
and is stored in the program.

Program number Program numbers from 1 to 199 are possible.

Traversing block A traversing block contains all data required to execute an operation.

Program structure A program consists of several blocks. Each program number exists only once. A program is
executed in the rising sequence of block numbers.

In the following, an example of program structure:

N5 G90 X500000 F100000 M10 program beginning = lowest block No.

N6 G91 ...
N7 ...
N45 ...
N46 M2 Program end = M2 or M30

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Traversing Blocks

Block Structure

Overview The Figure below provides an overview of the structure of the traversing blocks.

/ N G1 G2 G3 X/t F M1 M2 M3 D P L

/ Marking of a skippable block

N Block number
G1 G function of 1st function group
G2 G function of 2nd function group
G3 G function of 3rd function group
X/t Position/dwell time
F Velocity
M1 M function of 1st function group
M2 M function of 2nd function group
M3 M function of 3rd function group
D Tool offset number
P Number of subroutine calls
L Call of a program as subroutine

Skippable blocks"/" Program blocks not to be executed in each program cycle can be marked as skippable blocks
by the symbol "/". During program execution, it can be decided by means of the control signal
"Skip block" to sip skippable blocks. The last block may not be skipped.

Block number N Block numbers N from 1 to 255 are possible. The program is executed in rising sequence of
the block numbers or, with backward processing, in falling sequence.

Comments Comments can be entered in brackets. The comments are not entered in the module but in a
file created by and saved under of MCU-PIT. After reading out a traversing program from the
MCU, the comments do not exist any more.

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G Function Group 1...3

Overview Only one G function of each G function group can be entered per traversing block, for

N10 G90 G34 G43 X1000000 F40000 M10

G functions The Table below lists the possible G functions of the individual G function groups:

Table 0-1 G functions

G G Function G Function
No. Group
04 Dwell time
87 Canceling of measuring-system offset for flying actual-
s value setting
88 Endless traversing (-) for flying actual-value setting 1
89 Endless traversing (+) for flying actual-value setting
90 Absolute dimension
91 Incremental dimension
30 100 % override acceleration/deceleration
m 10 % override acceleration/deceleration
31 20 % override acceleration/deceleration
m . 2
32 .
m .
. 90 % override acceleration/deceleration
43 Tool offset (+)
44 Tool offset (-)
50 External block change 3
60 Block change - exact positioning
64 Flying block change, continuous-path control operation

G30, G90 and G64 are the default settings after starting the program. G functions active block
by block are marked with an s, and modally active G functions by an m.

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The use of the G function numbers partly differs from the current DIN 66025.

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Dwell time G04 Except this G function and indication of time, a block with dwell time can only contain M
functions. For the dwell time, the following is applicable:

Designation Lower input Upper input Unit

limit limit
Dwell time 2 100000 ms

Input values are internally rounded to multiple of the parameterized position controller cycle.
Dwell times are active only block by block.

Example: G04 X1000, whereby X is the axis name.

Block change With G60, the programmed position is exactly approached and the feed motion stopped (block
G60, G64 change - exact positioning). G64 causes the following block to be executed immediately when
(approach reaching the brake threshold (flying block change). G60 and G64 exclude each other and are
conditions) self-maintained commands. M commands have influence on the G64 mode (see 0 Flying
Block Change G64).

External block The function "External block change" triggered by a digital input carries out a flying block
change (G50) change. To this aim, the fast input must be parameterized with the function "External block
with deletion of distance change" via the machine data MD46 (I1) to MD49 (I4).
to go

The function is active only block by block (no influence on G60 and G64).

Example "External block The Figures below illustrate the program structure and the program run of an example for
change" "external block change":

N10 G50 X100000

N20 ...

Velocity v
N10 N20

time t

Digital input I

time t


The external block change is also carried out when the read-in enable (EFG=0) is not

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Explanations on the The axis moves as long as a signal change from 0 to 1 is carried out at the digital input. This
example "External block initiates the following two reactions:
Flying block change and thus immediate execution of block N20

Storing of the actual position at the time of abovementioned signal change as "Actual value
- block change". This position is also the starting position for any following programming
in incremental dimensions.

Depending on the situation, N20 is executed as follows:

If the block position in N20 is smaller than the actual position at the time when the digital
input is provided (reversal of direction), the movement is stopped to approach then position
in the opposite direction.
If no position is programmed in block N20, the movement is stopped, the functions
programmed in N20 executed and continued with the next block (except if M0, M2, M30 is
provided in the block)

If the programmed path in N20 is smaller than the braking distance, the programmed
position is overtraveled and then positioned by reversal of direction.

If no block change is carried out at the digital input, the target position of N10 is approached
with further following behavior:
On reaching the target position, the error message "Digital input not selected" is output.

In this case, program execution can be continued from block number N20 by Start after the
error has been acknowledged.
If program execution is desired to start at the beginning, program preselection is to be

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Flying actual-value The function "Flying actual-value setting" is programmed and triggered by a digital input;
setting block change is carried out flying, and at the same time the actual value is set to a new
G87, G88, G89 dimension (programmed coordinate). The digital input must be parameterized with the
function "Flying actual-value setting" via the machine data MD46 (I1) to MD49 (I4).

Example "Flying actual- The Figures below show the program structure, program flow and actual-value characteristic
value setting" of an example for "flying actual-value setting":

N10 G90 X100 F400000

N15 G89 (G88) X50 F200000
N20 G90 X300 F400000
N25 G87 X400 F400000

Velocity v
N10 N15 N20 N25

Time t
Digital input I of direction

Time t

Unit system normal

N10 N15 N25

Position X
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Unit system Position X

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

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Explanations on the Flying actual-value setting from N10 to N15, with G89 resulting a movement in positive
example "Flying actual- direction, and G88 resulting a movement in negative direction with the velocity programmed
value setting" in N15. The axis will now move to the preset direction until a positive edge change is carried
out at the digital input. This will result in the following responses:

Flying block change and immediate execution of block N20

Flying actual-value setting to the block position of N15 and thus shifting of the coordinate

Saving of the current actual value

The programmed position in block N20 refers to the shifted coordinate system.

By the block change from N20 to N25, G87 cancels the shift of the coordinate system and
causes an absolute-dimension programming to the block position of N25.

The saved actual value can be read out via "Actual value - block change".
The shift of the coordinate system remains as long as it is canceled either by G87 or by mode
change. it is possible to use the existing shift of the coordinate system in different programs.
The coordinate system can be shifted without first canceling any existing coordinate system
G88, G89 can be programmed several times. The shift always refers to the original condition.
The software limit switches are also shifted together with the coordinate system.

If the signal change of the digital input fails, the axis moves until the limit switches are


The G functions G87, G88 and G89 are active only block by block and must be reselected if

After a block with G87, G88 or G89, G90 or G91 must be reselected.

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Dimensional Notation

Dimensional notation The traversing movement to a certain position can be described by:
G90, G91
Absolute dimension input (absolute position data input) G90 or

Incremental dimension input (relative dimension input) G91

It is possible to change between absolute dimension input and incremental dimension input at
the block limits as desired. The condition when the system is switched on is absolute
dimension programming G90. G90 and G91 are maintained commands.

Absolute dimension Absolute dimension inputs are absolute dimensions referring to the coordinate system:
input G90
Programmed Actual position
N10 G90 X20 F100 position

0 10 20 30 40 50

Incremental dimension Incremental dimensions refer to the last actual position.

input G91
Programmed Actual position
N10 G91 X-30 F100 position

0 10 20 30 40 50

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Axis as Rotary Axis

Adaptation of measuring When operating the axis as rotary axis, the measuring system should be adapted such that the
system dimensional scaling refers to the full circle (e. g. 0 and 360).

Absolute dimension With a full circle of 360, the particularity of absolute dimension programming (G90) is that
input G90 there are always two possibilities to reach the set position.

N10 G90 X315 F100

Possibility 1 Possibility 2
when presetting directionR+

Set position Actual position Set position Actual position

0 0
315 45 315 45

270 90 270 90

225 135 225 135

180 180

With G90, the axis always The desired direction of the axis can be enforced
automatically selects the shorter by means of the control signals (R+) and (R-). In
way to reach the set position of this example, from 45 via 180 to 315, (R+)
45, via 0 to 315. and (R-) must already have been provided when
positioning (Start) is activated.

The direction (R+) or (R-) must be preset in time. It is not possible to enforce the currently
active traversing block the traversing direction later.

Incremental dimension With the incremental dimension programming G91, the direction of rotation of the rotary axis
input G91 results from the sign of the position setpoint. It is possible to program several revolutions by
entering a value larger than 360 as position setpoint.

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MD8, MD9 M Designation Value/description Unit

MD21, MD22 D
8 Axis type 0 = linear axis -
1 = rotary axis
9 End of rotary axis 1 ... 1 000 000 000 [MSR]
End of rotary axis: overflow
value of distance indication
integer multiple of
(MD11 +2- x MD12) or
(MD55 +2- x MD56)
21 Software limit switch -1 000 000 000...<MD22 [MSR]
beginning Rotary axis: 0...<MD22
If you wish to travel across the
value of MD9 (end of rotary
axis), MD21 and MD22 must be
set to the maximum value.
22 Software limit switch > MD21...+ 1 000 000 000 [MSR]
end If you wish to travel across the
value of MD9 (end of rotary
axis), MD21 and MD22 must be
set to the maximum value.

From firmware version V3.20 on, MD9 can be entered for the configuration below, regardless
of MD11/MD12 or MD55/MD56:
incremental encoder (see MD10 or MD54)
referencing by means of the reference-point switch (see MD18)

However, it should be considered that the values in MD9 can only be entered with the
accuracy of MD11 and MD55, respectively.

Acceleration Override

Overview The acceleration override can be used to influence both the acceleration and the deceleration
behavior of positioning. The acceleration and deceleration values are set by machine data. G30
to G39 can be used to obtain a percentage reduction of both values in the traversing block.
These functions are maintained functions. Changing of the acceleration override in the
program prevents flying block change. The consequence is that G60 behavior is enforced in
the previous block.

G Function 30 100 % Override acceleration/deceleration

31 10 % Override acceleration/deceleration
39 90 % Override acceleration /deceleration

Cancellation The acceleration override is canceled in the following cases:

operating mode change
resetting the axis by the control signal (RST)
program change and program end

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Tool Offset

Overview The tool offset (WZK) provides the possibility to reuse an existing machining program also
after changing the tool dimensions.

G43 and G44 The tool offset is selected by G43 or G44 with indication of the tool offset number D1...D20.
D0...D20 The tool offset is canceled by G43 or G44 with indication of the tool offset number D0.

Totally, 20 tool offset memories and tool wear memories are available. The offset values must
first be loaded into the module. Any values not agreed have the value 0. The values are loaded
into the module via the DB-WK and stored as retentive data. Both with selection, reselection
and canceling, the tool offset is considered only during the next following positioning.

Cancellation Any selected tool offset remains as long as it is either canceled or replaced by a new one. Just
as well, a mode change, program change or program end results in canceling of the tool offset.

Variants of tool offset The tool offset consists of tool length compensation and tool length wear:
Tool length compensation
By tool length compensation, the real tool length from the tool zero point to the tool tip is

Tool length wear

The tool length wear can be used to compensate the tool length change due to wear by using
two methods:
absolute: defining a fixed wear value
additive: An "offset value" is added to the current contents of the tool length wear.

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Tool offset represented Tool, new Tool wear a Tool wear b

as a Figure


Vabs V

D = DL - DV D Tool offset
DL Tool length offset (positive or negative)
DV = DVabs + DVadd
DV Tool length wear (positive or negative)
DVabs Wear, absolute (positive or negative)
DVadd Wear, additive (absolute amount)

Programming and In order to program a tool offset in a traversing block, as least the tool length offset must be
deleting the tool offset entered. If despite of the selection, no offset is to be calculated, "0" must be preset for tool
length offset and tool length wear.

The tool length wear is deleted by absolute entering of 0.

Direction of tool offset The functions G44 (-) and G43 (+) are used to correct the positional value such that the tool
tip reaches the programmed set position.
Tool offset negative G44
Usually, the tool points in negative direction to the workpiece. When feeding the tool, the
positional value is getting smaller.
Referred to the measuring system, the following position is approached:
Xms = Xset + (D) Xms Position of measuring system
Xsoll Programmed set position
D Tool offset

Tool offset positive G43

When feeding the tool, the positional value is getting larger. The positional value is
compensated by:
Xms = Xset - (D)

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Position and Velocity

Position Positions can be entered either with a negative or a positive sign. When entering positive
values, the sign can be omitted.

Designation Lower input Upper input Unit

limit limit
Position - 1 000 000 000 + 1 000 000 000 [MSR]

Velocity The entered velocity is included in the calculation with the override. If the velocity value is
entered larger than the maximum permissible velocity, the value is limited to the value set in
machine data 23. The velocities are maintained and must only be re-entered if any changes
have been done.

Designation Lower input Upper input Unit

limit limit
Velocity 10 500 000 000 [MSR]/min

M Functions

Overview Max. three M functions can be programmed in a traversing block whereby M1, M2 and M3
can be used in any way. The output sequence of the M functions is always:
M1M2M3 (explanations on output see Section 5.4).

In the following, an example:

N10 G90 G34 G43 X100000 F40000 M10 M11 M12 D1

Table 0-2 M functions

M M function M Function
No. group
0 Stop at block end 1
2, Program end 1
1... User functions 1, 2, 3
18 Endless cycle (jump to program beginning) 1
19.. User functions 1, 2, 3
97, Change signal can be programmed as digital input 1, 2, 3
99 User functions 1, 2, 3

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M0, M2, M18 and M30 are always output at the end of the traversing movement. M0, M2,
M18 and M30 in a block exclude each other.

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Stop at block end M0 If M No. 0 is programmed in a traversing block as M function, execution of the traversing
block stops at the end of the block, and M0 is output. The program is only continued when a
new START edge is provided.

Program end M2 and M30 have the same function. If M2 or M30 are programmed in the same block, the M
M2, M30 function is output with following program stop and jump to the program beginning after
positioning. The program can be restarted by the start edge. M2 and M30, respectively, is
always the last output in the block.

After the program has been called as subroutine, jump to the main program is carried out. In
this case, M2 and M30, resp., are not output.

Endless cycle M18 M18 is always output as the last M function in the block. The following cases are differed:

M function M18 is output as any other M function. Only after the block has completely
been executed (including M18), return to the program beginning is carried out.

If the M function M18 is programmed alone in the last block of a traversing program, the M
function is not output, but an immediate return to the program beginning is carried out
(jumping axis).

M18 in a subroutine is not permitted.

Change signal as digital If M97 or M98 are programmed in the same block, the M functions are output via the digital
output M97, M98 outputs according to the entry in the machine data MD50 (O1) to MD53 (O4), analogously to
the output at the signal interface.

M functions in blocks In a block with G50, G88 or G89, no M functions marked with "after positioning" are output.
with G50, G88 and G89

If the following block contains M functions marked with "prior to positioning", the movement
is stopped to standstill, the M functions output and then the remaining distance positioned.

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MD32, MD33 MD32 defines the output type of the M functions:

prior to, during or after positioning, time-controlled or acknowledgment-controlled. With
time-controlled output, the output time of the M functions is set by MD33.

M Designation Value/description Unit

32 Output type of 1 =during the positioning, time-
M function controlled
2 =during the positioning,
3 =prior to positioning, time-
4 =prior to positioning,
5 =after positioning, time-
6 =after positioning,
33 Output time of 1 ... 100 000 ms
M function

Subroutine Call

Subroutine call P, L A block containing a subroutine call (L is the "program number", P is the "Number of calls")
may not contain any other information.

In a program, max. 20 different subroutines can be called.

Designation Lower input limit Upper input limit

P = Number of subroutine calls 1 250

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Flow of Programs and Direction of Processing

Processing forward Usually, the programs are processed in rising sequence of the block numbers.

Processing backward When processing programs backward, the effect of the commands must be observed during
The commands are maintained (G90, G91, G60, G64, G30...G39).

Active tool offset (G43, G44, D0...D20)

Change of the coordinate system via G87, G88, G89

For these reasons, forward processing can differ from backward processing both in geometry
and in the block transition behavior.

Block Transitions

Overview This Chapter describes the influence of certain commands on block transitions.

Exact Positioning G60

Exact positioning G60 G60 operation is overlaid by G50, G88 to G89 (enforce flying block change). Block changing
is carried out when reaching the exact-positioning window. MD32 determines the output type
of the M functions: prior to, during, or after positioning, time-controlled or acknowledgment-

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Output of M function Velocity v

prior to positioning N Block number
Ni Ni+1

Time t

Time t

Output of M function Velocity v

during the positioning
Ni Ni+1 N Block number

"Long block"

Time t

Time t

Velocity v
Ni Ni+1

"Short block"

Time t

Output of M function Velocity v

after positioning Ni Ni+1 N Block number

Time t

Time t
Exact positioning

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Flying Block Change G64

Overview Changing from one traversing block to the next is carried out without stopping the axis. With
the G64 function programmed, the acceleration and braking function is calculated for several
blocks. 3 blocks are prepared in advance.

Feed change during block change is carried out such that in the path section of a block in no
case a higher velocity of an "adjacent block" becomes or remains active. That means any
acceleration starts at the starting point of a block whereas a deceleration to a lower velocity of
a subsequent block is initiated as with G60. When reaching the velocity of the following
block, the distance to go of the active block is traversed with the feed of the following block.

Standard case The Figure below shows a programming example with program flow for the standard case:

N5 G90 G64 X10000 F10000

N10 X20000 M10 M11 M12
N15 X30000 F20000
N20 X40000 F15000
N25 G64 X30000 F10000

Velocity v
N5 N10 N15 N20 N25

1 2 4

Time t

1 In the brake threshold point of N5, block N10 is started.

2 In the brake threshold point of N10, N15 is started. Once the set position of N10 is reached,
acceleration to the higher traversing speed is carried out.
3 In the brake threshold point of N15, N20 is started at a lower traversing speed.
4 When changing the direction of traversing, the axis brakes to standstill and waits as long as
the actual value of the position encoder has reached the exact-positioning window.
5 Once the exact-positioning window is reached, acceleration to the opposite direction to the
traversing speed of the new block is carried out.

To approach a position correctly, the axis has to calculate the brake threshold point. The
parameters required for the calculation are the distance to go, the deceleration value and the
current traversing speed.

The brake threshold point is at the same time the earliest possible block change moment.

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Deceleration There are different conditions decelerating or preventing the flying block change. in this
context, it must be made a difference whether the flying block change is deliberately
prevented, or whether the selected function does not permit the flying block change.

Preventing the flying block change

- Canceling the control signal "Read-in enable" stops program execution at the end of the
current block. To continue the program, it must be re-entered.
- by outputting the M function prior to or after positioning.
- by the M function M0 (stop at block end). To continue the program, the control signal
START must be re-entered.
- by a block with dwell time.
- by program execution in the Automatic Single Block mode. Each block must be
activated separately by START.
- Change of acceleration override

Functions preventing the flying block change by themselves.

M functions (during the positioning)

Velocity v 1 Because the M output is completed at the

brake threshold point, a flying block change
is carried out.

Time t

Time t

Velocity v 2 At the brake threshold point, the M output is

not yet completed. The axis starts braking.
At the end of output of the M function, the
axis starts (flying transition from the
deceleration ramp to the acceleration ramp).
Time t

Time t

Velocity v 3 The axis comes to full standstill and waits

for the end of the M output.

Time t

Time t

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Influence of M Functions on the Flying Change

Influence of M functions The output time of the M functions can be set by means of machine data:
on the flying change -
machine data M function output prior to or after positioning with block change
M function output and positioning alternate with each other.
- M function outputs prior to positioning result in exact positioning behavior in the
preceding block.
- M function outputs after positioning result in exact positioning behavior in the block.

M function output during the positioning

M function output and positioning are carried out at the same time.

Program example The Figure below shows a program example with M function output during the positioning.

N5 G90 X10000 F10000 M10

N10 X20000 M20
N15 X30000 F20000 M30 M40
N20 G60 X40000 F15000 M97

Velocity v
N5 N10 N15 N20

1 2 3 4

Position X

10 20 30 40 97
Time t

1 The output of M10 is not path-dependent, as no relevant position exists for the path-
dependent M function.
2 The block change from N5 to N10 prepares the output. However, the M function is carried
out only after the actual position has reached the programmed position of N5.
3 If two functions are programmed in a traversing block, the first M function is output path-
dependent and then the second M function.
4 The change signal for M97 and M98 is output with G64 block transition (digital output)
after the actual position has reached the programmed position of the block. The actual
position follows the set position (difference = tracking distance).

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01.97 Appendix

6 Appendix

brake threshold points, 1-10

Absolute data input, 5-24
Absolute dimension input, 5-25 Cancellation, 5-37
Absolute encoders, 1-64 Changing the drive
Acceleration, 1-16 to the passive condition, 3-14
Acceleration beginning, 1-20 Check-back signals, 4-11
Acceleration override, 5-32 Closed-loop amplification, 1-44
Acknowledge data error, 4-5 Comments, 5-13
Acknowledge M function, 4-5 Control signals, 4-4
Acknowledge operator error, 4-5 Controller enable, 4-5
Acknowledge restart, 4-5 Controlling, 3-38
Actual data 611, 4-14 Controlling speed steps, 4-6
Actual position, 1-53 Controlling the module, 4-18
Actual value, 4-14
Actual-value setting, 3-12; 4-9
Adaptation of direction, 1-53 D
AF, 4-5
Alter M function, 4-12 D0 to D20, 5-36
AMF, 2-24; 4-12 Data error, 4-12; 4-14
Application data, 4-9; 4-14 Data from the MCU, 4-11
Automatic Single Block, 3-67 Data interpretation running, 4-12
Automatic Subsequent Block, 3-58 Data record
Axis enable, 4-5 2, 3-37
Axis standstill, 1-36 36, 3-72
Axis synchronized, 4-12 Data to the MCU, 4-4
Axis type, 5-31 Deceleration, 1-16
Delete distance to go, 4-8; 5-18
DF, 4-12
DI, 4-12
Digital input, 4-7; 4-12
BA, 4-4 Digital inputs/outputs, 2-1; 4-9
Backlash compensation, 1-47; 1-52 Digital output, 5-48
BAR, 4-11 Dimensional notation, 5-24
BF, 4-12 DIN 66025, 5-3; 5-15
BFQ, 4-5 DIQ, 4-5
Bit-coded commands, 4-8 Direct measuring system, 3-30
Bit-coded settings, 4-7; 4-8 Direct output, 2-25
BL, 4-11 Direction keys, 3-36; 3-38; 3-40
Block change, 4-14; 5-17 Direction of processing, 5-52
Block number, 5-12 Direction of tool offset, 5-41
Block search backward, 4-8 Display data, 4-14
Block search forward, 4-8 Distance to go/encoder revolution, 1-63; 1-66
Block search forward/backward, 3-63 Drive activation, 1-68; 3-14
Block search forward/block search backward, Drive Machine Data, 1-67
automatically, 3-64 Drive machine data - emergency retraction, 3-18
Block structure, 5-10 Drive module type, 1-71
Block transitions, 5-55 Drive number, 1-69
BP, 4-4 Drive power section code, 1-70

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Drive type, 1-72 FSQ, 4-5

DS 36, 3-15 Function generator, 3-68
DS11, 1-14; 1-56; 2-6; 2-14; 2-16 Functions applicable in several modes of
DS16, 2-21; 2-25 operation, 3-6
DS18, 3-59; 3-65
DS2, 3-37; 3-51
DS22, 1-66; 3-9; 3-13 G
DS26, 3-27
DS3, 3-39 G functions, 5-15
DS30, 2-14; 2-16 G04, 5-16
DS33, 3-30 G30 to G39, 5-32
DS7, 3-53 G43, 5-36
Dwell time, 5-16 G44, 5-36
Dwell time running, 4-12 G50, 5-18; 5-49
G60, 5-17; 5-56
G64, 5-17; 5-60
G87, 5-21
G88, 5-21; 5-49
EFG, 4-4 G89, 5-21; 5-49
Emergency retraction, 2-19; 3-15 G90, 3-58; 5-24
Emergency retraction response threshold, 3-18 G91, 5-24
Emergency retraction speed, 3-18
Emergency retraction time, 3-18
Enable input, 2-6; 2-8
Enable input Off, 4-8 Hardware limit switches, 1-10
Encoder setting, 1-57
Encoder type, 1-63; 1-66
End of measuring, 4-12 I
End of rotary axis, 5-31
IF, 4-4
EnDat, 1-64
IFR, 4-12
Endless cycle, 5-47
Incremental Dimension, 3-50
Error diagnosis, 1-58
Incremental dimension 254, 4-6
Error message, 4-14; 4-15
Incremental dimension input, 5-26
Exact positioning, 5-17; 5-56
Incremental encoders, 1-60
Exact stop, 4-11
Increments/encoder revolution, 1-63; 1-66
External block change, 2-11; 5-18
Indirect measuring system, 3-30
External enable, 4-11
Information data record, 4-15
Input adaptation, 2-5; 3-16
Inputs, 2-1
F Interface, 4-1
Fast inputs/outputs, 2-1 Interference, 1-4
Flying actual-value setting, 2-12; 4-9; 5-21 Intermediate-circuit fixed voltage, 3-18
Flying block change, 5-18; 5-60 Intermediate-circuit low voltage, 3-25
Flying MDI block, 3-55 Interpolator, 1-15
Flying measuring, 2-13; 4-7; 4-14 Interrupting/completing a movement, 4-19
Following error, 1-41
Following error monitoring, 1-35
Following error, dynamic, 1-39 J
Follow-up mode, 3-38; 4-8
Jerk filter, 1-17
FR-, 2-23; 4-11
Jerk limiting, 1-20
FR+, 2-23; 4-11
Jerk time, 1-19; 1-24
FS, 4-12

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Appendix 01.97

K MD26, 1-37
MD27, 3-43
Kv factor, 1-41 MD28, 3-43
MD29, 3-43
MD30, 1-52
L MD31, 1-52
MD32, 5-50
L, 5-51
MD33, 5-50
Length measuring, 2-13; 4-7; 4-14
MD34, 1-46
Level adaptation, 3-16
MD35, 1-46
Linear axes, 1-65
MD36, 2-5; 3-16
Load Gear, 1-45
MD37, 1-24; 1-28; 1-31
MD38, 1-44
MD39, 1-39
M MD40, 1-16
M function MD41, 1-16
after positioning, 5-59 MD42, 1-19; 1-24
during the positioning, 5-58 MD46 to MD49, 2-2; 3-17; 3-43; 3-45
prior to positioning, 5-57 MD46 to MD53, 2-3
M function No., 4-12 MD5, 2-15
M functions, 5-44 MD50 to MD53, 2-2; 2-23
Influence on the flying change, 5-65 MD54, 1-63; 1-66
M0, 5-45 MD55, 1-63; 1-66
M18, 5-47 MD56, 1-63; 1-66
M2, 5-46 MD57, 1-63; 1-66
M30, 5-46 MD60, 1-57
M97, 2-24; 5-48 MD61, 2-2; 2-4
M98, 2-24; 5-48 MD63, 1-68; 3-14
machine data, 1-5 MD64, 1-69
Material damage, 1-59 MD65, 1-70
Maximum velocity, 1-16 MD66, 1-71
MCU-PIT, 4-4 MD67, 1-72
MD 1638, 3-15 MD7, 1-55
MD 1639, 3-15 MD8, 5-31
MD10, 1-63; 1-66 MD9, 5-31
MD1005, 1-63 MDI, 3-52
MD1007, 1-63 MDI block, 3-53; 3-56; 4-6; 4-9
MD1021, 1-66 MDI block information, 3-54
MD1031, 1-66 ME, 4-12
MD11, 1-63; 1-66 Measuring, 2-13
MD1106, 1-70 Relative positioning time, 3-27
MD12, 1-63; 1-66 Measuring function, 3-68
MD13, 1-63; 1-66 Measuring system, 1-56; 4-7
MD14, 1-66 MNR, 4-12
MD16, 1-60; 3-43 Mode change, 3-5
MD17, 3-13 Mode check-back signal, 3-4
MD18, 2-16; 3-43 Mode selection, 3-3
MD19, 1-53 Monitoring functions, 1-58
MD20, 1-59 Monitoring time, 1-34
MD21, 1-11; 5-31 Movement, 1-4
MD22, 1-11; 5-31
MD23, 1-16; 5-43
MD24, 1-34
MD25, 1-34

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-3

MCU (BS - Positioning with the MCU)
Appendix 01.97

N Processing forward, 3-60

Processing running, 4-11
NC block, 4-14 Program
NEUST, 4-12 end, 5-46
NEUSTQ, 4-5 Flow, 5-52
Nominal speed value, 1-53 Name, 5-5
Number of load revolutions, 1-45 Number, 5-6
Number of motor revolutions, 1-45 Structure, 5-8
Number of revolutions of EnDat encoder, 1-66 Program execution backward, 4-12
Program selection, 3-59; 3-66; 4-9
Programmed position, 1-4
O Programming, 5-1
Programming and deleting the tool offset, 5-40
Operating data, 4-14
Pulse enable, 4-4; 4-12
Operating error, 4-12; 4-15
Operating mode parameters, 4-4
Operating modes, 3-1; 3-68; 4-4; 4-11; 4-16
Automatic Single Block, 3-67 Q
Automatic Subsequent Block, 3-58 QMF, 4-5
Controlling, 3-38
Emergency retraction, 3-15
Incremental Dimension, 3-50
MDI, 3-52
Reference-point approach, 3-40 R -, 4-4
Setting-up, 3-36 R +, 4-4
Operator error, 4-12; 4-14 Read-in enable, 4-4
Output time of M function, 5-50 Reducing velocities, 3-42
Output type of M function, 5-50 Reducing velocity, 3-43
Outputs, 2-1 Reference of backlash direction, 1-52
OVERR, 4-5 Reference point, 3-41; 3-49
Override, 1-25; 4-5; 5-32 Reference-point approach, 2-18; 3-40
Reference-point coordinate, 1-60; 3-43
Reference-point setting, 1-66; 3-13; 4-10
P Reference-point shift, 3-43; 3-49
Reference-point switch, 2-6; 2-17; 3-45; 3-47
P, 5-51 Referencing velocity, 3-43
P controller, 1-5 Relative dimension input, 5-24
PARA, 4-12 Response threshold for intermediate-circuit
Parking axis, 4-7 monitoring only, 3-18
Path difference, 3-30 Restart, 4-8; 4-12
Path/encoder revolution, 1-63; 1-66 Retriggering the reference-point, 4-7
PBR, 4-12 Reversal cams, 2-18
PEH, 1-34; 2-23; 4-11 Reversal switch, 3-48
Position, 5-42 RFG, 4-5
Position control, 1-1 Roller feed, 3-28
Position controller, 1-4; 1-40 Rotary axes, 1-65
Position controller cycle, 2-2; 2-4 Rotary axis, 3-10; 3-54; 5-27
Position controller inhibit, 2-20
Position encoder, 1-54
Position reached, stop, 4-11
Positioning control parameterized, 4-12
Positioning time, 3-27 S_I1, 4-12
Press, 3-28 S_I2, 4-12
Process interrupt generation, 2-15 S_I3, 4-12
Processing backward, 3-61 S_I4, 4-12

6-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Positioning with the MCU)
Appendix 01.97

SA, 4-4 Traversing plus, 4-11

Scheduled data, 4-6 Traversing program, 5-4
Scheduled data 611, 4-6 Traversing rate, 1-41
Scheduled data with execution instruction, 4-7
Service data, 4-14
Service data 1, 4-14 U
Servo control signal, 1-24; 1-31
Setting-up, 3-36 Undo actual value setting, 4-8
Setting-up velocity, 3-37 User program, 4-4
SFG, 2-23; 4-11
Signals from the MCU, 4-11
Signals to the MCU, 4-4 V
Sign-of life failure, 3-24
Variants of tool offset, 5-38
Simulation, 4-7
Velocity, 5-42
Skip block, 4-4
Velocity override, 1-26
Skippable blocks, 5-11
Velocity step, 3-37
Slip monitoring, 3-30
Velocity steps, 4-6
Software limit switch beginning, 5-31
Software limit switch end, 5-31
Software limit switch monitoring, 4-8
Software limit switches, 1-9 W
Speed steps, 3-39 WFG, 4-11
ST, 4-4 Working range, 1-10
Start, 3-40; 4-4
Start enable, 4-11
Start, externally, 2-7
Starting a movement, 4-18
Stop, 4-4 Zero offset, 3-8
Stop at block end, 5-45
STP, 4-4
Subroutine call, 5-51
SYN, 4-12
Synchronization point, 3-49
System data, 4-16

Target range, 1-34
Teach In, 4-9
TFB, 4-4; 4-12
TFGS, 4-12
Time override, 1-28
Time override active, 1-31
T-L, 4-12
Tool length compensation, 5-38
Tool length wear, 5-38
Tool offset, 5-35
Tool offset negative G44, 5-41
Tool offset positive G43, 5-41
Traversing block, 5-7
Traversing blocks, 5-9
Traversing error, 4-15
Traversing minus, 4-11

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-5

MCU (BS - Positioning with the MCU)
Appendix 01.97

6-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Positioning with the MCU)
Preface 1

Introduction 2

SIMODRIVE 611 Set-up and Installation 3

Single-Axis Positioning Control

User's Guide
Description MCU-PIT

Hints on Windows 6

Appendix 7

Valid for:

Technological Functions V3.x
MCU 172A V3.x
STEP 7 V2.x

Edition January 1997

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please enquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.


The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
of which by any third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the copyright holders.

Subject to technical changes within the product.

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not

permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be made liable for
damages. All rights including rights created by patent or registration of a
utility model or design are reserved.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 Preface

1 Preface

What does MCU is the abbreviation for Motion Control Unit.

MCU-PIT mean? PIT stands for Parameterizing and Commissioning Tool. In other words, the
MCU-PIT software package can be used for the complete parameterizing and
commissioning of the single-axis positioning control MCU 172A.

What does This MCU-PIT Documentation describes the installation and the necessary
this description hardware and software conditions. Various screen forms are presented as
contain? examples to explain operation.

The scope of application, contents and target group of the overall

documentation on the single-axis positioning control MCU 172A are to be
found on the cover pages.

For whom is This MCU-PIT Documentation is aimed at software project designers, and
this description commissioning and service technicians. All target personnel must possess the
intended? qualifications specified under the definition on page 1-2.

Is previous General safety regulations, VDE regulations and specific local regulations
knowledge retain their full validity alongside this Description.
Good knowledge in working both with Windows and with the single-axis
positioning control MCU 172A are prerequisites for work with the MCU-PIT
software package.

Finding your This Documentation is divided into the sections:

way about design

In addition you will find an overview of functions, hints on working with

Windows and lists of the individual functions available in the menus.

Would you Please write and tell us, if there is any part of this Documentation you are not
like to see any fully happy with. We look forward to receiving your suggestions for
improvements? improvements and have included a form at the end of this Documentation. We
will try to take your proposals into account in future editions.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-1

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
Preface 01.97

Qualified personnel Persons who are conversant with the setting up, assembly, commissioning and
operation of the product, and who possess qualifications appropriate to their
field of work. For example:
Training, instruction or authorization to switch, to ground and to mark
circuits and devices in accordance with recognized standards for safety
Training or instruction in the maintenance and use of appropriate safety
devices in accordance with recognized standards for safety equipment.
Knowledge of the functioning of the MCU, especially the positioning
functions and their operation via a PLC program or via MCU-PIT.

Warning symbols Your particular attention is drawn to important information in this

Documentation. The following warning symbols are used:

Prevent personal injury!

This symbol warns you of possible dangers for personnel. Pay particular
attention to the information given alongside this symbol. Improper actions may
endanger life or health.

Prevent material damage!

This symbol warns you of risks of material damage. The information given
next to this symbols informs you on how to avoid damage to your machine or


This symbol is used to indicate other particularly important information. This

information helps you to prevent disturbances to the proper operating process.

1-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 Introduction

2 Introduction

Scope of application The MCU-PIT software serves to parameterize and commission the single-axis
positioning control MCU 172A from the SIMODRIVE 611 family. It supports
the simple programming and planning of data blocks. The software furthermore
assists you during commissioning and servicing. MCU-PIT comprises two
mutually complementary applications: PIT-EDIT and PIT-CONTROL. The
MCU-PIT software also includes an online help system in the form of a
paperless documentation SYSDOK-MCU.

PIT-EDIT The project tool PIT-EDIT offers a simple and fast way to create and save data
blocks, which can then be made available rapidly and independently for
commissioning or service purposes.

PIT-CONTROL The functions "Machine control panel" and "Drive commissioning" are
available in PIT-CONTROL for the positioning, diagnosis and optimizing of
the axes.

Features The MCU-PIT software offers you the following advantages:

simple handling through user guidance on the basis of Windows95
fast and flexible project planning and commissioning through offline
planning in the office
optimum control both with the mouse in the office and without a mouse at
the machine
fast command selection by way of context menus (via the right mouse
simple handling thanks to syntax checks, status lines and info windows
high degree of reliability in the case of defects in individual modules
through central archiving of data on the PG/PC
simple and fast drive commissioning thanks to special commissioning
functions and through selection of the motor type, power unit and encoder
flexible user interface with user-configured displays
fast standard system start-up through automation with job lists
flexible project planning through availability of various units of
effective project planning through open structure with copy-and-paste
easy servicing thanks to fast visual comparisons of data on the screen
(windows technique)
optimization of the machine through monitoring of dynamic performance,
e.g. frequency response analysis
clearly readable data blocks with option for user-specific annotations
complete system documentation
additional information through the electronic, paperless documentation

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-1

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
Introduction 01.97

Design and structure With MCU-PIT you can create and manage various data blocks of the single-
axis positioning control MCU 172A. The data blocks of an MCU are best
grouped together, for example in a directory. For each data block you can add
comments, indicated through special comment fields or enclosed in brackets,
and can thus store notes and information specific to the plant or machine.

The data structure of the MCU-PIT software provides for the editing and
administration of the data blocks NC and drive machine data, operating data,
positioning programs, tool corrections and increment parameters. The standard
system start-up can be automated by means of job lists using a simple batch

The data blocks can be read out from the MCU 172A single-axis positioning
controls, sent to these controls or archived centrally on floppy or hard disk.
MCU-PIT provides a clear listing of the existing files in order to simplify file
selection (see Chapter 4.1.3).

Overview of MCU
positioning and drive

NC In crem ent
m achine param eters
data D B 1230
D B 1200 D rive T ool
m achine com pensation data
data D B 1220
D B 12 51 P ositioning O pe rating
program s data
D B 1001...1 199 D B 1000

Handling Handling of the MCU-PIT software is windows-oriented. The editing windows

provide guidance to assist you in your work. You can choose to display or hide
the toolbar and status line. You can make use of the toolbar as a shortcut to
various recurring functions.

Programming/ The data blocks are edited using a table editor, while positioning programs can
project planning be created using an ASCII-format text editor. Both editors (table and text
editor) incorporate a range of text operations such as copy, delete, find and
insert. They are able to exchange data with other Windows applications (e.g.
Word or Excel) via the clipboard. Syntax errors, e.g. in positioning programs,
can be recognized by the function "Edit/Check Data".

The choice of online and offline operation lends flexibility to your project
planning. The data blocks can be created offline during the project planning
phase and transferred to the MCU module as part of initial commissioning. In
this way the commissioning time can be reduced.

2-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 Introduction

Icons The icons are used as shortcuts for quicker selection of various recurring
functions. If you leave the mouse pointer over an icon for a short time, a small
window will appear with a description of the function assigned to the icon. The
individual icons have the following meanings:

New file

Open file

Save file

Search keys

Search forwards

Search backwards

Move selected block to the clipboard

Copy selected block to the clipboard

Insert the contents of the clipboard

Check data

Start communication

End communication

Open alarm window

Display info dialog

Data views Data views permit function-oriented structuring of the data necessary for
parameterizing the MCU 172A. When a view is activated, you will only be
shown the data which are relevant for the parameterizing of a particular
function or function group.

User displays User displays can be used to create your own screens or data lists for the
inputting or outputting of data. In this way it is possible, for example, to
display machine data and operating data together in a window or list. MCU-
PIT can thus be adapted very flexibly to a wide variety of commissioning and
operation scenarios.

Job lists Job lists are used to simplify standard system start-up. All actions which are
required for the standard system start-up can be summarized in a job list and
then carried out automatically, i.e. without further intervention, by executing
the job list.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-3

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
Introduction 01.97

SYSDOK-MCU The Electronic Documentation SYSDOK-MCU assists you in your search for
specific information. SYSDOK-MCU is the paperless documentation for the

With SYSDOK-MCU you still have at your disposal the aids usually found in
paper-based documentations, such as tables of contents and chapter overviews.
An important search tool is a list of key words. When you select the desired
key word, SYSDOK-MCU presents a list of the topics dealing with this key
word. The required screen can be brought to the display at the press of a
button. If, for example, an error occurs, it can be selected in the list of key
words, and SYSDOK-MCU will provide you with a detailed description of the
error, indicating the cause, the effects and means for elimination.

Electronic bookmarks and notes further simplify your work and permit you to
add to SYSDOK-MCU in accordance with your personal requirements.

2-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 Set-up and Installation

3 Set-up and Installation

Contents 3.1 System Overview.....................................................................3-2

3.2 Hardware and Software Conditions .........................................3-3
3.3 Installation................................................................................3-4
3.4 Notes on Use...........................................................................3-4

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-1

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
Set-up and Installation 01.97

3.1 System Overview

H IG R AP H /S T E P 7
E B F -S oftw are-P ak et
(components) auf O P 031 m it M M C 1 0X
PG 740 und P P 031

EB ER Maschin e Grund- Start / Strung

ein stellung Tip pen wird
VK ES behoben
P o we r on

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

Maschin e Alle Vorschub

Einheit en Halt nach
aus zurck Taktende halt

P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12


S IM O D R IV E -G ert
m it M C U -E inschub

P /K -
Bus IM361 C P34 2 -5


IM 361
S7-3 00

E/R M o d ul
IM3 61

3 x4 0 0 V ~

1F T 6/1F K 6

Software PP031 MCU-PIT



Data to
D B1000 DB-
user DB-BD
programs operating
data DB1200
User data DB-
Standard softw are

for technological



DB DB1251


3-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 Set-up and Installation

3.2 Hardware and Software Conditions

Hardware Programming unit PG720, PG740, PG760 or industry standard PC with

configuration Intel 80486 processor (or higher), a recommended RAM memory of at least
8 MB and MPI board;
Hard disk requirements:
- approx. 9 MB for MCU-PIT and technical help
- approx. 30 MB extra, if STEP 7 is not yet installed
MPI connection cable
SIMODRIVE components
- stabilized or non-stabilized supply
- power unit
- single-axis positioning control MCU 172A
- motors 1FT6 or 1FK6
Optional: printer (see Windows95)

Software Operating system Microsoft Windows95

Firmware MCU 172A v3.x
Standard software for technological functions (SIMATIC S7) from v3.0

If STEP 7 is already installed on your computer, you can begin with the
installation of the MCU-PIT software (see also chapter 3.3), otherwise you
must begin by installing STEP 7.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-3

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
Set-up and Installation 01.97

3.3 Installation

Preparation If the necessary hardware and software conditions have been satisfied, you can
install the MCU-PIT software on the hard disk of your PG or PC.

SETUP.EXE 1. Start Windows.

2. Insert the MCU-PIT installation disk (Disk 1) into the disk drive.
3. Start the installation program SETUP.EXE on the MCU-PIT installation

On-screen information will guide you through the installation program.


Important information on the current software is to be found on the disk in the

file "README.WRI".

3.4 Notes on Use

You have acquired the right to use the MCU-PIT software through purchasing:
a single license,
a corresponding copy license,
an UPDATE or


Any other use of this software is not permitted and will result in criminal

3-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 PIT-EDIT


Contents 4.1 General Dialogs .......................................................................4-2

4.1.1 Start Screen.............................................................................4-2
4.1.2 File/New...................................................................................4-4
4.1.3 File Selection ...........................................................................4-5
4.1.4 Saving Files .............................................................................4-6
4.2 Communication Dialogs...........................................................4-7
4.2.1 Communication........................................................................4-7
4.2.2 Copying Files ...........................................................................4-9
4.2.3 Saving Data in FLASH-EPROM Memory ..............................4-12
4.3 ASCII Editor ...........................................................................4-13
4.3.1 Positioning Programs.............................................................4-13
4.3.2 Job Lists ................................................................................4-15
4.4 Table Editors..........................................................................4-17
4.4.1 Online Data............................................................................4-17
4.4.2 User Displays ........................................................................4-18
4.4.3 Tool Compensation Data .......................................................4-21
4.4.4 Increment Parameters ...........................................................4-22
4.4.5 NC Machine Data ..................................................................4-23
4.4.6 Operating Data ......................................................................4-26
4.4.7 Machine Data for Drive..........................................................4-28
4.5 Technical Help SYSDOK-MCU .............................................4-32
4.6 Menu Functions .....................................................................4-34
4.7 Working with PIT-EDIT ..........................................................4-40

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-1

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
PIT-EDIT 01.97

Overview The MCU-PIT software serves both for the parameterizing and commissioning
of the single-axis positioning control MCU 172A. The program PIT-EDIT
supports both simple programming and project planning, and the archiving and
documenting of files. Assistance during commissioning of the axes and in case
of service work is provided by the program PIT-CONTROL.

The program PIT-EDIT permits the comfortable inputting and outputting of

drive and NC machine data , operating data, positioning programs, tool
compensations and increment parameters. You can use the program PIT-EDIT
either in online mode on the MCU 172A or in offline mode, for example in the

4.1 General Dialogs

4.1.1 Start Screen

Overview When you call up the program PIT-EDIT, you see the start screen with a button
for the dialog "Safety Information".

Figure 4-1 PIT-EDIT start screen

Remove/ The start-up window is removed by pressing the Return key or by clicking with
skip screen the mouse on the button <OK>.

4-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 PIT-EDIT

Safety By activating the button <Safety Information> you can call up information
information necessary to ensure the safe handling of the PIT-EDIT software.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-3

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
PIT-EDIT 01.97

4.1.2 File/New

Overview The menu function "File/New" is used to create a new file or a new data block.
After selecting the menu function, you will be offered a selection window in
which you can define the file type.

Figure 4-2 Creating a new file

4-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 PIT-EDIT

4.1.3 File Selection

Overview When you select the menu function "File/Open", the "Open" dialog appears
with a list of the files available in the current directory.

Figure 4-3 Selecting a file

Drives Select the drive on which the desired directory is to be found.

Directories Select the desired directory. To open a directory you must double-click on the
directory name. The currently open directory is indicated under "Directory".

File format Select the data type (file type).

File name Enter the name of the file you would like to open, or select a name from the list
of files. The list shows all the files in the current directory with the selected
extension. Any file name conforming to the Windows95 conventions can be
used as a file name.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-5

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
PIT-EDIT 01.97

4.1.4 Saving Files

Overview A data block can be saved in a file by means of the menu functions "File/Save"
and "File/Save As". You can also reach this dialog via an appropriate
information window when closing a new or modified file.

Figure 4-4 Saving a file

Drives Select the drive on which the desired directory is to be found.

Directories Select the desired directory. To open a directory you must double-click on the
directory name. The currently open directory is indicated under "Directory".

File name Enter the name of the file you would like to open, or select a name from the list
of files. The list shows all the files in the current directory with the selected
extension. Any file name conforming to the Windows95 conventions can be
used as a file name.

4-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 PIT-EDIT

4.2 Communication Dialogs

4.2.1 Communication

Overview You reach the dialog "Communication" via the menu function
"Online/Communication". The dialog enables you to establish or end
communication between the MCU module and the programming unit with the
MCU-PIT software. A necessary condition for this communication is the
proper connection of the user via an appropriate MPI cable. Further
information on the MPI interface is to be found in the SIMATIC S7 Unit

Figure 4-5 Communication

MPI users Select the MCU with which data communication is to take place by means of
the MPI address. Enter "2", for example, if the MCU has been assigned the
MPI address 2. The list which can be opened up contains the addresses of all
active users on the MPI bus.

Start/end Activating the button <Start Communication> establishes communication

communication between the PG and the corresponding MCU. Disconnection is achieved in a
similar manner with the button <End Communication>. The dialog disappears
from the screen automatically once the selected action has been executed

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-7

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
PIT-EDIT 01.97

L2 users If the connection is via L2-DP, it is necessary to enter the CP address, rack
number and slot number. For example: "2,0,2", corresponding to "CP address,
Rack (MCU always 0), Slot (MCU-CPU always 2)".

4-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 PIT-EDIT

4.2.2 Copying Files

Overview The dialog "Blocks" enables you to copy files in the form of data blocks
between the MCU 172A module and the PIT-EDIT software. It is also possible
to use the dialog to delete data blocks on the MCU and to compress the
memory. This feature is only available via an online connection. You reach the
dialog "Blocks" via the menu function "Online/Blocks".

Figure 4-6 Copying data blocks

Drives Select the drive on which the desired directory is to be found.

Directories Select the desired directory. To open a directory you must double-click on the
directory name. The currently open directory is indicated under "Directory".

File format Select the data type (file type).

File name Enter the name of the file you would like to open, or select a name from the list
of files. The list shows all the files in the current directory with the selected
extension. When copying data from the MCU to the PG/PC you must specify a
file name. Any file name conforming to the Windows95 conventions can be
used as a file name.

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Block name Specify here which data block is to be copied. When copying data from the
PG/PC to the MCU it is not possible to enter a DB number - the DB number is
assigned automatically. In positioning programs the DB number is formed from
the program number:
DB number = Prog-no. + 1000.
The program number is entered in the first line of the positioning program, for
example %100.

Copy to Activating these buttons starts the copying of the data blocks. When copying
MCU data from the PG to the MCU, the contents of the selected file are first checked
Copy to and, if found to contain no errors, then copied to the MCU. If the check reveals
PG/PC an error, an appropriate message will be displayed and the copying process will
not be initiated.

Delete block With this button you can delete the selected data block in the memory of the

Delete file(s) With this button you can delete the selected file or files from the hard
disk/floppy disk.

Memory The button "Memory Allocation ..." opens a dialog displaying the current
allocation EPROM load memory, RAM load memory and user memory. The button
"Compress" in the memory allocation dialog activates the function "Memory
Compression", which clears the gaps in the block memory of the MCU left
behind through the deleting of individual blocks (FM-POS and drive; not
STEP 7).


To achieve optimum utilization of the available memory capacity, you should

carry out the function "Memory Compression" at regular intervals and after
deleting any blocks.

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4.2.3 Saving Data in FLASH-EPROM Memory

Overview The MCU provides a flash EPROM memory for the maintenance-free
buffering of user data. With the commands "FEPROM Save FM-POS" and
"FEPROM Save Drive" you can copy your data from the RAM user memory
into the FEPROM memory. When the power supply is restored, the user data
are written back from the FEPROM memory to the user memory. You can call
the commands "FEPROM Save FM-POS" and "FEPROM Save Drive" via the
menu "Online".

Saving SPS data The SPS data are saved using STEP 7 (copying RAM to ROM).

NC data on FEPROM onboard


S 7 data

P ositioning
D ata

S IM O D R IV E 611
drive data

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4.3 ASCII Editor

Overview With the ASCII editor you can enter the various positioning programs and job
lists in ASCII format. The editor permits free input and syntax checking. After
creating your program you can use the function "Check Data" to check the
integrity of your entries. You reach this function via the menu "Edit/Check

4.3.1 Positioning Programs

Overview The ASCII editor for positioning programs is available offline via "File/New"
or "File/Open" or in online operation with the MCU via "Online/Positioning

Figure 4-7 Output of positioning programs in ASCII format

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Positioning programs Comments must be enclosed in round brackets. The data must be structured as
%y Program number
/Ny Skippable block
Ny Block number
Gy G function
Xy Position X, Y, Z, A, B, C, ... / dwell time
Fy Speed
Ly Subprogram number
Py Loop number for subprograms
My M function of group 1, 2 or 3
Dy Tool compensation number

More detailed information on programming can be found in the Function

Manual Positioning With MCU, the Booklet of Tables or the Technical Help.

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4.3.2 Job Lists

Overview The ASCII editor for job lists is available offline via "File/New" or

Figure 4-8 Creating job lists

Executing By selecting the menu function "Edit/Run" you start the execution of a job list.
job lists During the execution of a job list the current command is marked with a bar.
The successful completion of a job list is reported in a message window. If an
error occurs during the execution of a job list, you can choose whether to
continue or quit execution.

Comments Comments are enclosed in round brackets.

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Commands CONNECT <MPI address>

This command establishes the MPI connection to the MCU module with the
MPI address <MPI address>.

This command terminates an MPI connection established with CONNECT.

COPYFILE [CF] <File name>

This command copies the file <File name> to the MCU module. [CF] is an
optional command parameter which asks for confirmation by the user before
carrying out the copying.

COPYBLOCK [CF] <Block name> <File name>

This command copies the data block <File name> (e.g. file name =DB1100)
from the MCU module to the PG/PC and saves it under the name <File name>
in the current directory. [CF] is an optional command parameter which asks for
confirmation by the user before carrying out the copying.

DELETEBLOCK [CF] <Block name>

This command deletes the data block <File name>. [CF] is an optional
command parameter which asks for confirmation by the user before carrying
out the deletion.

This command compresses the user memory available in the MCU 172A.


This command saves the contents of the data blocks 1200, 1220 and 1230, as
well as all available positioning programs (DB1001 to DB1199) in the
FEPROM of the MCU module.


This command saves the drive machine data in the FEPROM of the MCU

The variable SKIPCMDERR determines the procedure during the execution of
a job list. If SKIPCMDERR is set to OFF, the execution of the job list will be
stopped should an error occur, indicating the fact with an appropriate error
message. If, on the other hand, SKIPCMDERR is set to ON, the command
which led to the error will be ignored and the execution continued with the next
command. Furthermore, when SKIPCMDERR = ON, a so-called log file will
be created with the name <Job list name>.log. All errors which occur during
execution of the job list are recorded in this file. The log file is stored in the
same directory as the application P7SKEDIX.EXE. The default setting of the
variable SKIPCMDERR is OFF.

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4.4 Table Editors

Overview Machine data, tool compensation data and operating data, etc. are entered by
means of a table editor. You can use the search facilities of the menu function
"Edit/Find" or the toolbar function to search for numbers and texts.

A check is made during input to ensure that only permissible values are

4.4.1 Online Data

Overview The DBs which are active in the MCU are generally available through the
menu "Online". These data are continually read from the MCU when the dialog
is open and the updated values displayed.


During online operation the following convention must be observed: The

copying of modified values is initiated either by pressing the Return key or by
moving out of the corresponding row of the table.

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4.4.2 User Displays

Overview The user interface for data input and output can be adapted very flexibly to
your personal requirements. You can create a customized window to
summarize the specific data necessary for the parameterizing of a certain
function or in a certain operating situation.

You are allowed to combine data from different data blocks in a single display.
The following data blocks are available as data sources:
Machine data (DB1200)
Operating data (DB1000)
Drive machine data (DB1251-DB1258)
Drive operating data (DB1260)

Figure 4-9 Defining a user display

Creating You can define a new user display with the menu function "File/Create User
user displays Display". You enter the user display name and a short form in a dialog. The
user display name is limited to alphanumerical characters and the - symbol. It
may be up to 40 characters long. The short name must be unique and identifies
the dialog of the user display. If you enter a valid name and complete the

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dialog with <OK>, an empty user display will be opened. You can then edit the
user display.

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Editing By using the menu function "User Display/Line" you can add new data to a
user displays user display. In the dialog you first select the data block from which the data
are to be included in the user display, and then the data themselves. Multiple
selections are possible, i.e. you can mark several data items at once. When you
quit the dialog with <OK>, all the marked data will be accepted into the user

The menu function "User Display/Delete Line" is used to delete data/lines from
a user display. The data item or line in which the cursor is currently positioned
is deleted.

The two menu functions "User Display/Shift Up" and "User Display/Shift
Down" permit you to move individual data items/lines up or down by one line
in the user display.

Deleting The menu function "File/Delete User Display" serves to remove user displays
user displays currently available on the PC/PG. Multiple selections are possible.

Online With the menu function "Online/User Displays" you open a dialog showing a
user displays selection list containing the names of all available user displays. Select a user
display name and confirm your selection to open the corresponding user
display in online mode.

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4.4.3 Tool Compensation Data

Overview The table editor for tool compensation data is available offline via "File/New"
or "File/ Open", or when working in online mode with the MCU via
"Online/Tool Compensation Data".

Figure 4-10 Tool compensation data

WZ No. This column indicates the tool number.

Tool length Enter here the value for the tool length compensation.

Wear abs. Enter here the absolute wear value.

Wear add. Enter here the additive wear value.

Comment In this column you can store project-specific remarks for each tool number.

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4.4.4 Increment Parameters

Overview The table editor for increment parameters is available offline via "File/New" or
"File/Open", or when working in online mode with the MCU via
"Online/Increment Parameters".

Figure 4-11 Increment parameters

SW No. This column indicates the parameter (setpoint) number.

Setpoint Enter here the value for the increment parameter.

Comment In this column you can store project-specific remarks for each parameter

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4.4.5 NC Machine Data

Overview The table editor for NC machine data is available offline via "File/New" or
"File/Open", or when working in online mode with the MCU via
"Online/Machine Data".

Figure 4-12 Editing of machine data

No. This column indicates the machine data number.

Machine data This column shows the identifier of the machine data item.

Value Enter the value here. For machine data with several possible selections, you
can scroll through the possibilities by pressing the space bar or "5" on the
numerical keypad.

Unit This column indicates the appropriate unit of measurement.

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Empty/ The additional columns for the effectiveness of the MDs, standard values of the
effectiveness/ MDs, upper and lower limits for the MDs and access rights can be activated or
standard values/ deactivated via the menu function "Settings/Use 5th Column".
limits/access rights

Comment In this column you can store project-specific remarks for each machine data

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Encoder-relevant data When you edit the machine data, you can use the menu function "Edit/Encoder-
relevant Data" as a comfortable means to parameterize the machine data for the
measuring systems.

Figure 4-13 Comfortable parameterizing of the measuring systems

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4.4.6 Operating Data

Overview The table editor for operating data is available offline via "File/Open", or when
working in online mode with the MCU via "Online/Operating Data FM-POS".

Prevent material damage!

If release signals are set and operation is enabled, the axis can be moved by
means of DB-BD. In view of the technological implications of these data, and
in particular the control signals, we recommend that the user takes appropriate
precautionary measures before making use of this possibility during the project
planning or commissioning phases.

Figure 4-14 Operating data

No. This column indicates the operating data number.

Operating data This column shows the identifier of the operating data item.

Value Enter the value here. For operating data with several possible selections, you
can scroll through the possibilities by pressing the space bar or "5" on the
numerical keypad.

Unit This column indicates the appropriate unit of measurement.

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Empty/ The additional columns for the effectiveness of the BDs, standard values of the
effectiveness/ BDs, upper and lower limits for the BDs and access rights can be activated or
standard values/ deactivated via the menu function "Settings/Use 5th Column".
limits/access rights

Comment In this column you can store project-specific remarks for each operating data

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4.4.7 Machine Data for Drive

Overview The table editor for drive data is available offline via "File/New" or
"File/Open", or when working in online mode with the MCU via "Online/Drive

A fast and simple method to create machine data for the drive is to use the
menu "Edit":
1. Set the standard values using the menu "Edit".
2. Select your power unit with the function "Power Unit Selection" (see
Figure 4-15).
3. Select your motor with the function "Motor Selection" (see Figure 4-16).
4. The control parameters of the SIMODRIVE unit will be preset in
accordance with your selected motor and power unit. Typically you will not
need the variety of setting possibilities for the SIMODRIVE unit. If
necessary, however, you can further optimize the parameters, for example
by adjusting the P amplification of the speed control with MD1407 (see
Figure 4-17).

Figure 4-15 Selecting the power unit used

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Figure 4-16 Selecting the motor used

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Figure 4-17 Machine data for the drive

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No. This column indicates the drive machine data number.

Drive data This column shows the identifier of the drive data item.

Value Enter the value here. For machine data with several possible selections, you
can scroll through the possibilities by pressing the space bar or "5" on the
numerical keypad.

Unit This column indicates the appropriate unit of measurement.

Empty/ The additional columns for the effectiveness of the ADs, standard values of the
effectiveness/ ADs, upper and lower limits for the ADs and access rights can be activated or
standard values/ deactivated via the menu function "Settings/Use 5th Column".
limits/access rights

Comment In this column you can store project-specific remarks for each drive data item.


The motor type is selected by marking the motor and activating the button
<OK>. The controller data for the selected motor will then be calculated
automatically. If, however, you select "Other Motor", you must enter the power
unit and motor-dependent data manually and then select the menu function
"Edit/Calculate Controller Data".

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4.5 Technical Help SYSDOK-MCU

Overview SYSDOK-MCU is the paperless documentation for the MCU. SYSDOK-MCU

can be called up alongside the MCU-PIT software, i.e. you can switch quickly
and simply between the two. SYSDOK-MCU, however, can also be used as an
electronic reference work without MCU-PIT.

The handling and the functions of SYSDOK-MCU are similar to those of the
Windows help system. For further information please refer to the Online Help
or your Microsoft-Windows Manual.

Figure 4-18 Start of the technical help system SYSDOK-MCU

Definitions Definitions are normally displayed in green and with a dotted underline.

Links Links are normally displayed in green and with a solid underline.

Search/ With "Search" you can select topics and keywords to jump to the
notes corresponding chapter. With "Edit/Remarks" you can store your own personal
notes on each topic. Existing notes are then indicated by means of a green
paper clip alongside the topic heading.

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4.6 Menu Functions

Overview In the PIT-EDIT menus the functions displayed in gray (dimmed) are inactive
and cannot be selected. The selectable functions may also change in
accordance with the data currently being processed.

File Edit UserDisplay Settings Online Window Help

New Open a new page for input either in ASCII format or table format, depending
on the data type. You specify the data type in a dialog box.

Open ... Load an existing file for editing. A dialog box permits you to select the file
type, the file to be opened, the directory and the drive.

Close Close an open file.

Save Save the current editor window under the existing file name. The editor
window remains open.

Save As ... Save the current editor window under a new file name. The editor window
remains open.

Print ... Print the contents of the current window.

Print Preview Display the current window as it will be printed.

Printer Setup Configure the current printer.

1 to 4 Select one of the last four files to have been edited.

Create Create a new user display. Enter the user display name in a dialog box.
User Display

Delete Delete an existing user display on the PC/PG.

User Display

Quit Quit the PIT-EDIT program. If data blocks are still currently being edited, a
message will be displayed asking whether you would like to save the data
before quitting.

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File Edit UserDisplay Settings Online Window Help

Undo Cancel the last action to be carried out.

Cut Delete the selected block from the ASCII editor or the table editor and move it
to the clipboard.

Copy Copy the selected block from the ASCII editor or table editor to the clipboard.

Paste Insert the block in the clipboard at the current cursor position.

Paste Cells This function can be used with tables to replace a certain range of cells with
cells from the clipboard. When you have marked the cells in the destination
document, the software checks whether the range has the correct number of
rows and columns; if no cells are marked, the cells will be replaced to the right
of and below the current cursor position.

Find Open a dialog box in which you can enter the search item.

Find Next Repeat the search for the specified search item.

Standard Value Preset or define standard values for the open data block.

Power Unit Selection Open a list box in which you can select the power unit used by means of its
order number or designation.

Motor Selection Open a list box in which you can select the motor type used by means of its
order number or designation.

Calculate Controller Calculate the controller data from the specified motor data (third-party
Data suppliers).

Check Data Check the syntax of the data block in the current window.

Encoder-relevant Data Parameterize measuring systems (IM and DM).

Run Start the execution of a job list.

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File Edit UserDisplay Settings Online Window Help

User Display Open the dialog to edit the user displays.


Select Line Select the line in which the cursor is currently positioned.

Delete Line Delete the line in which the cursor is currently positioned.

Insert Line Add new data to a user display. In a dialog you first select the data block from
which the data are to be included in the user display and then specify the actual

Shift Up Move the data in the user display up by one line.

Shift Down Move the data in the user display down by one line.

Save Format Save the contents (format) of the user display.

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File Edit UserDisplay Settings Online Window Help

Symbol Bar Show/hide the symbol bar.

Status Line Show/hide the status line.

MPI Connection Display the currently selected MPI connection in the second status line at the
bottom of the screen.

MCU Version and Display and set the versions for the MCU.

PBL Version Display the versions for the parameter base lists.

1st parameter record In the drive machine data offer only the parameters from the first parameter

All Parameter Blocks Offer all the parameter blocks in the drive machine data.

mm Input/output values using millimeters as the unit of measurement.

inch Input/output values using inches as the unit of measurement.

degrees Input/output values using degrees as the unit of measurement.

2 Decimal Places Display values with 2 places after the decimal point.

4 Decimal Places Display values with 4 places after the decimal point.

MCU Filter Set the view for the data list. The views available are: General machine data,
Basic machine data, Monitoring/limits, Measuring system data, Controller data
or All Data.

611D Filter Set the view for the data list. The views available are: Controller data,
Monitoring/limits, Status data/diagnosis, Motor/power unit data, Measuring
system data or All data.

Use 5th Column Select additional information for each item of machine data, e.g. empty,
effectiveness, standard value, limits and access rights.

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File Edit UserDisplay Settings Online Window Help

Communication Open the dialog to establish communication.

End Communication End the existing MPI connection.

Blocks Open the dialog for copying and deleting data blocks (MCU PG, PG
MCU), including a facility to display the memory allocation of the MCU.

Machine Data Read out and display the data block with NC machine data from the MCU.

Tool Compensation Read out and display the data block with tool compensation values from the
Values (DB1220) MCU.

Increment Parameters Read out and display the data block with increment parameters from the MCU.

Operating Data Read out and display the operating data of the positioning unit from the MCU.
FM-POS (DB1000)

Positioning Program Read out and display a positioning program from the MCU.

User Displays Open a dialog box to select the desired user display. The user display is then
opened in online mode with the current values.

FEPROM SAVE Save all data of the positioning unit from the user memory (RAM) of the MCU
FM-POS onto the integrated flash EPROM.

Drive Data (DB1250) Read out and display data blocks for drive machine data online.

Drive Operating Data Read out and display the operating data of the drive unit from the MCU.

FEPROM Save Drive Save data blocks of the drive from the user memory (RAM) of the MCU onto
the integrated flash EPROM.

Alarms Display the alarm list.

Load to MCU Copy the currently open data block into the memory of the MCU.

Reset Carry out an online reset. This function permits the activation of power-on
machine data through the software.

Update Rate Define the time interval for the screen update of operating data, machine data,
drive data and drive operating data (shortest interval 100 ms).

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File Edit UserDisplay Settings Online Window Help

Cascade Arrange several editor windows as layers.

Vertical Split Arrange several editor windows as columns on the screen.

Horizontal Split Arrange several editor windows below one another on the screen.

Arrange Symbols Arrange the icons at the bottom of the screen.

Close All Windows Close all open windows.

1 to 9 with other Select a window which is already open.


File Edit UserDisplay Settings Online Window Help

Online Documentation Call up SYSDOK-MCU.

Safety Display information on the safe handling of the PIT-EDIT software.


Info Show information such as the version information of MCU-PIT, MCU and
drive, and the amount of user memory available.

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4.7 Working with PIT-EDIT

Offline operation 1. Select the menu function "File/New".

2. Select the data type (machine data, tool compensation data ...).
3. Carry out editing in the file.
4. Select the menu function "File/Save As".

For information on the dialogs and editors please refer to the corresponding

Establishing 1. Select the menu function "Online/Communication".

communication with 2. In the dialog enter or select the desired path and MPI user number as
MCU entered in STEP 7 and activate "Start Communication". The window will
disappear automatically once the connection has been established.

Copying a file File is already open:

as DB to MCU, online 1. Click on the file window.
2. Select the menu function "Online/Load to MCU".
If the online DB happens to be open, it will be updated automatically.

File is not open:

1. Select the menu function "Online/Blocks".
2. Select the file in the dialog and copy the block.
3. Save the data in the MCU.


1. The header of each DB / file contains the unit of measurement defined in

MD7 (mm, inch, degrees). The measuring system increment must
2. It is never possible to copy a DB to the MCU, if it uses a unit other than
that currently active in the MCU. The appropriate PBL version (parameter
base list) can be set with the menu function "Settings/MCU Version and

Saving DB as a file on Online DB is already open:

the hard disk, online 1. Click on the file window.
2. Select the menu function "File/Save As".

Online DB is not open:

1. Select menu function "Online/Blocks" to open the dialog.
2. Enter or select the name of the file in the dialog and copy the data block to
the file.

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Creating positioning 1. Select the menu function "File/New".

programs 2. In the dialog select positioning programs.
3. Create the program in accordance with the DIN standards, e.g.:
(Program number, permissible from 1 to 199)
N1 G90 X499 F500
N2 X400 F700 M2

Enter the program as text, whereby PIT-EDIT does not distinguish between
upper and lower case characters.
Use a new line (Return key) to separate blocks.
4. It is recommended to carry out a syntax check after editing: menu function
"Edit/Check Data".
5. Save program: select menu function "File/Save As".
6. Copy to the MCU if necessary: select menu function "Online/Load to

Accessing the DB 1. Select the menu function "Online/Operating Data".

interface (operating 2. Not all data of the data block interface (DB-BD) can be edited.
3. In order to be able to write control bits and thus control the drive, it is
necessary for operation via the DB-BD to be enabled (control bit TFB = 1).
This can be provided for by means of a STEP 7 program.

Prevent material damage!

If release signals are set and operation is enabled, the axis can be moved by
means of DB-BD. In view of the technological implications of these data, and
in particular the control signals, we recommend that the user takes appropriate
precautionary measures before making use of this possibility during the project
planning or commissioning phases.

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Change unit The standard value 10- is provided in MD7. When changing this setting to 10-
system (MD7) degrees, for example, the ranges tool offset values, incremental dimension
parameters and traversing programs have also to be changed.


If the error message "Deviating unit system raster" occurs, different unit system
are parameterized. Check this in the Settings menu and make sure that the same
unit system is set in all four ranges (machine data, tool offset values,
incremental dimension parameters, and traversing programs).

1. Toggle MD7 to 10- degress
2. Select "Online/Blocks" from the menu
Check the "Tool Offset Value" option in the "Data Format" menu,
check then block DB1220 in the "Data Block" option and click the
"Delete Blocks" button.
Check the "Incremental Dimension Parameters" option in the "File
Format" menu, check then block DB1230 in the Data Block menu and
click the "Delete Blocks" button.
Check the "Traversing Program" option in the "Data Format" menu,
check then the blocks DB1001 to DB1199 (if any) and click the "Delete
Blocks" button.
3. Select "Online/FEPROM-Save-FMPOS" from the menu in order to save the
changes you have made in 1) and 2).
4. Turn the MCU off and on again or select "Online/Reset" from the menu.
The blocks DB1220 and DB1230 (tool offset values and incremental
dimension parameters) are recreated (empty tables), and the unit system is
taken over by MD7. Any traversing programs ((DB1001 to DB1199) do not
exist any more.

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Contents 5.1 Dialogs.....................................................................................5-3

5.1.1 Start Screen.............................................................................5-3
5.1.2 Communication........................................................................5-4
5.1.3 Machine Control Panel ............................................................5-6
5.1.4 DAU Output .............................................................................5-8
5.1.5 Commissioning Functions .....................................................5-10 Function Generator ..........................................................5-11 Measuring Functions ........................................................5-12
5.1.6 Alarms....................................................................................5-13
5.2 Menu Functions .....................................................................5-14
5.3 Working with PIT-CONTROL.................................................5-17

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-1

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

Overview The MCU-PIT software serves both for the parameterizing and commissioning
of the single-axis positioning control MCU 172A. The program PIT-EDIT
supports both simple programming and project planning, and the archiving and
documenting of files.

Assistance during commissioning of the axes and in case of service work is

provided by PIT-CONTROL, the program described below.


If PIT-CONTROL is used to traverse the axis (e.g. in the Automatic mode), no

axis standstill is provided in case of cable break. The user can change to the
PLC interface at any time either by FC-RESTART or directly by resetting the
TFB bit. To this aim, safe shutdown must be provided by the user.

5-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

5.1 Dialogs
5.1.1 Start Screen

Overview When you call up the program PIT-CONTROL, you see the start screen with a
button for the dialog "Safety Information".

Figure 5-1 PIT-CONTROL start screen

Remove/ The start-up window is removed by pressing the Return key or by clicking with
skip screen the mouse on the button <OK>.

Safety By activating the button <Safety Information> you can call up information
information necessary to ensure the safe handling of the PIT-CONTROL software.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-3

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

5.1.2 Communication

Overview You reach the dialog "Communication" via the menu function
"Online/Communication ". The dialog "Communication" enables you to
establish or end communication between the MCU module and the
programming unit with the MCU-PIT software. A necessary condition for this
communication is the proper connection of the user via an appropriate MPI
cable. Further information on the MPI interface is to be found in the SIMATIC
S7 Unit Manuals.

Figure 5-2 Communication

MPI users Select the MCU with which data communication is to take place by means of
the MPI address. Enter "2", for example, if the MCU has been assigned the
MPI address 2. The list which can be opened up contains the addresses of all
active users on the MPI bus.

Start/end Activating the button <Start Communication> establishes communication

communication between the PG and the corresponding MCU. Disconnection is achieved in a
similar manner with the button <End Communication>. The dialog disappears
from the screen automatically once the selected action has been executed

5-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

L2 users If the connection is via L2-DP, it is necessary to enter the CP address, rack
number and slot number. For example: "2,0,2", corresponding to "CP address,
Rack (MCU always 0), Slot (MCU-CPU always 2)".

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-5

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

5.1.3 Machine Control Panel

Overview You reach the machine control panel via the menu function "Online/Machine
Control Panel". From here you can control positioning travel (condition:
"TFB" at FC1) and monitor the current status of the MCU.

Design The machine control panel can be divided into four sections:
In the upper part you see a display of the last error to have occurred, and
the types of errors still present. Error messages can be acknowledged and
canceled with the button <Ack.>.
On the left is the status display with current values and status signals.
At the bottom left is a display to enter or indicate the data relevant to the
selected operating mode. This section of the window changes in accordance
with the operating mode, as soon as mode switching has been successfully
On the right you find the input fields and buttons available to the operator
in all operating modes.

Figure 5-3 Machine control panel

Example 1. Set external enables: terminal 663 (MCU); terminal 48; terminal 63 (UE
2. Select operating mode: e.g. Setting up

5-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

3. Select traversing speed: e.g. step 1 active, 100 mm/min

4. Set enables: Pulse enable PLC, axis enable, controller enable
5. Enter Override: e.g. 20%
6. Start traversing speed activating either of the buttons R+ or R-

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-7

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

5.1.4 DAU Output

Overview You obtain this window via the menu function "Commissioning / D/A
Converter". Here you define which signals are to be available at the three test
sockets of the MCU (output range 0 V to 5 V; the zero line is at 2.5 V).

Figure 5-4 DAU output

Start With this button you route the set signals to the test sockets.

Stop With this button you remove the signals from the test sockets.

Load Loads the settings from the memory.

Save Saves the current settings in a file.

Signal Select from this list the signal which is to be available at the test socket. You
can also specify that a socket should remain inactive.

Offset [V] Enter the offset in volts by which the signal is to be increased.

Shift factor You can here stretch or compress the measurement along the Y axis. The value
entered is interpreted as an exponent in base 2. Entering "2" causes the output
to be stretched by the factor 4, while "-2" compresses the output to a quarter.

5-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

NC-Adr./X-Adr./Y-Adr. For service purposes only: You can output the status of certain memory
addresses of the positioning unit (NC-Adr.) and drive (X-Adr./Y-Adr.) by
entering the physical address.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-9

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

5.1.5 Commissioning Functions

Overview There are two methods available to determine the dynamic response of the
control and carry out optimization:
The function generator activates the drive with special parameterized test
signals. External measuring devices, e.g. oscillographs, can monitor the
reaction of the system by means of the signals available at the DAU output
sockets (3 signal sockets, 1 ground socket). The signals which are to be
available at the sockets are defined in the dialog "DAU Output" (menu
function "Commissioning/D/A Converter").
With the measuring functions the MCU is able to carry out the two above
functions - activation and recording of the dynamic response of the system -
independently. The results of the measurement can be viewed with the
menu functions "Commissioning/Trace1" and "Trace2" and subsequently
saved to a file.

These functions can be used to optimize the dynamic response of the axis by
modifying the controller parameters.

Figure 5-5 Measuring functions

5-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 PIT-CONTROL Function Generator

Overview With the aid of the function generator it is possible to specify torque and speed
setpoints. The function generator is used primarily during initial
commissioning, in order to adjust and check the dynamics of the axis control.

The function generator mode is selected from the mode selection list of the
machine control panel. The operating elements necessary to parameterize the
function generator are displayed in the lower section of the machine control

Selection list With this selection list you determine the point of the axis control to which the
"Signal" signal generated by the function generator is to be applied. The choices
available are:
Torque setpoint
Interference torque
Speed setpoint

Selection list "Signal With this selection list you define the form of the signal to be generated by the
type" function generator. The following signal forms are available:
Rectangular signal
Noise signal

Edit field In this edit field you can enter a value between 0 and 100% for the scaling of
"Scaling" the signal amplitude. Changes to the value are effective after activating the
button "Start".

Button "Parameters" With the button "Parameters" you open the dialog to enter the signal
parameters. The parameters available vary according to the selected signal and
signal type.

Button The current parameter settings of the function generator can be saved. The
"Save" button "Save" opens a file selection dialog, where you can select the file to
store the current parameter settings and then start the saving of the data.

Button To simplify the parameterizing of the function generator, you can load
"Load" parameter settings stored in a file. The button "Load" opens a file selection
dialog, where you can select the file with the desired parameters and the start
the loading of the data.

Button "Start/Stop" The two buttons "Start" and "Stop" are used to activate and deactivate the
function generator. While the function generator is active, the message
"Function generator active" will be displayed in the alarm line.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-11

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
PIT-CONTROL 01.97 Measuring Functions

Function description By using the measuring functions it is possible to check the dynamic response
of the axis control. By recording step and frequency responses it is possible to
observe the dynamics of the torque, current and speed control of the axis over
time and frequency ranges.
MCU-PIT treats the measuring functions as an additional operating mode;
consequently, the measuring functions are selected via the mode selection list
of the machine control panel. The operating elements necessary to
parameterize the measuring functions are displayed in the lower section of the
machine control panel. The measurements can be evaluated with Trace1/2.

Selection list With this selection list you select the measurement to be carried out. The
"Measurement" following measurements are available:
Torque step response
Torque frequency response
Speed step response
Speed frequency response
Speed interference response
Speed interference frequency response

Button "Parameters" With the button "Parameters" you open the dialog to enter the measurement
parameters. The parameters available vary according to the selected

Button The current parameter settings of the measuring functions can be saved. The
"Save" button "Save" opens a file selection dialog, where you can select the file to
store the current parameter settings and then start the saving of the data.

Button To simplify the parameterizing of the measuring functions, you can load
"Load" parameter settings stored in a file. The button "Load" opens a file selection
dialog, where you can select the file with the desired parameters and the start
the loading of the data.

Button "Start/Stop" The two buttons "Start" and "Stop" are used to activate and deactivate the
measuring functions. While the measurement is active, the message
"Measurement active" will be displayed in the alarm line. When measurement
has been successfully completed, the message "Measurement complete" is

5-12 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

5.1.6 Alarms

Overview You obtain the alarm list via the menu function "Online/Alarms".

This window contains a list of all alarms currently awaiting acknowledgment,

with the error number, error message and the time of occurrence.

Figure 5-6 Alarms

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-13

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

5.2 Menu Functions

Overview In the PIT-CONTROL menus the functions displayed in gray (dimmed) are
inactive and cannot be selected. Online windows, for example, cannot be
opened until communication has been established with the MCU.

File Edit Settings Online Commissioning Window Help

Open Open a diagram stored in a file.

Save As ... Save the current diagram window in a file. The diagram window remains open.

Print ... Print the contents of the current window.

Printer Setup Configure the current printer.

1 to 4 Select one of the last four files to have been edited.

Quit Quit the PIT-CONTROL program. If positioning movements are still active,
you will receive a message before quitting the program.

File Edit Settings Online Commissioning Window Help

X Markers Activate or deactivate X markers to read certain values of the displayed curve.

Y Markers Activate or deactivate Y markers to read certain values of the displayed curve.

Zoom Enlarge sections of the curve.

Scaling Carry out manual scaling of the Y axis.

File Edit Settings Online Commissioning Window Help

Symbol Bar Show/hide the symbol bar.

Status Line Show/hide the status line.

MPI Connection Display the currently selected MPI connection in the second status line at the
bottom of the screen.

5-14 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

File Edit Settings Online Commissioning Window Help

Communication Open the dialog to establish communication.

End Communication End the existing MPI connection.

Machine Open the machine control panel to positioning the axes or carry out diagnosis.
Control Panel

Alarms Display alarm list.

Update Rate Define the time interval for the screen update of the machine control panel.

File Edit Settings Online Commissioning Window Help

D/A Converter Parameterize the signal output via the 3 available D/A converters.

Trace 1 Open diagram 1.

Trace 2 Open diagram 2.

Trace 1/2 Open diagrams 1 and 2 and display both diagrams together.

File Edit Settings Online Commissioning Window Help

Cascade Arrange several open windows as layers.

Vertical Split Arrange several open windows as columns on the screen.

Horizontal Split Arrange several open windows below one another on the screen.

Arrange Symbols Arrange the icons at the bottom of the screen.

Close All Windows Close all open windows.

1 to 9 with other Select a window which is already open.


File Edit Settings Online Commissioning Window Help

Online Documentation Call up SYSDOK-MCU.

Safety Display information on the safe handling of the PIT-CONTROL software.


Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-15

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

Info Show information such as the version information of MCU-PIT, MCU and

5-16 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

5.3 Working with PIT-CONTROL

Establishing 1. Select the menu function "Online/Communication".

communication with
2. In the dialog enter or select the desired path and MPI user number and
activate "Start Communication". The window will disappear automatically
once the connection has been established.

Positioning Recommendation: You should monitor the positioning range limit switches.
axes with Necessary condition: Operation via DB-BD must be enabled (control bit TFB
PIT-CONTROL = 1). This can be provided for through the standard software (Technology
functions FC-RESTART).
1. Select menu function "Online/Machine Control Panel".
2. Set enable signals: Axis enable, controller enable and PLC pulse enable.
3. Select the desired operating mode, enter appropriate parameters and initiate
positioning ("Start" or "R+" / "R-").

There are various ways in which you can position the axes, for example:
Positioning program:
Automatic: Select the program and block number and then activate "Start"
An individual positioning block:
MDI: Enter the block and then activate "Block on Fly" or "Copy" and
By a certain value:
Increment: Position with R+, R- after defining the increment
At a certain speed:
Set-up, Control: Position with R+, R- after defining the speed

See also the Chapter Operating Modes of the MCU in the Function Manual
Positioning with MCU.

Axis diagnosis 1. Establish communication with the MCU: Menu function

with PIT-CONTROL "Online/Communication"
2. Open the machine control panel: Menu function "Online/Machine Control
3. Carry out the desired operations or diagnosis of the axis status.
4. The last alarm to have occurred is displayed in the alarm line of the
machine control panel. A list of all alarms currently awaiting
acknowledgment can be accessed via the menu function "Online/Alarms".

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-17

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)

Outputting Menu function "Online/Alarms". The alarms currently awaiting

current errors acknowledgment are displayed.

Selecting DAU output 1. The menu function "Commissioning/D/A Converter" opens the
signals corresponding dialog.
2. You can now select the desired signal and the output at which it is to be
made available.
3. When you activate "Start" at the top of the screen, the desired signals are
available at the sockets on the front plate. You can now connect measuring
devices to monitor the dynamic response of the system.

Ending With the "Stop" button at the top of the DAU window you can remove the
DAU output signals from the output sockets.

5-18 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 Hints on Windows

6 Hints on Windows

Contents Here you will find a list of the Windows commands you need to work with

The most important When working with MCU-PIT you need only the following Windows
Windows functions commands :

Function Key(s) used

Activate menu bar <ALT>
Confirm <Return>
Cancel <ESC>
Move to next button or input/output field <TAB>
Select item from the current menu <>;<>
Open system menu <ALT/Space>
Select help texts <F1>
Activate or select functions <Space>
Start menu <Ctrl/ESC>
Move to next window <ALT/ESC>

Activating functions Press the underlined letter in combination with the <ALT> key.

Inactive Inactive functions cannot be selected from the current menu; the menu items
functions are dimmed.

Input Inputs are always assigned to the currently active window. The active window
is normally indicated by a color-highlighted title bar.

Selection A window is selected by pressing the <Ctrl> and <Tab> keys at the same time
or by positioning the mouse pointer and clicking with the left mouse button.

Colors The currently set colors and many other features can be modified with the aid
of Windows functions.

Windows For further information on Microsoft Windows please refer to your Windows

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-1

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
Hints on Windows 01.97

6-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
01.97 Appendix

7 Appendix

A Hardware, 3-2
Help, 4-31; 5-12
Alarms, 5-10 Hints, 6-1
Archiving of data, 2-1
ASCII editor, 4-10
C Icons, 2-3
Improvements, 1-1
Clipboard, 2-2 Increment parameters, 4-18
Command selection, 2-1 Info window, 2-1
Comment, 2-2 Installation, 3-1; 3-4
Commissioning, 2-1; 5-12 Introduction, 2-1
Commissioning functions, 5-7
Communication, 4-6; 5-4
Comparisons, 2-1
Components, 3-2
Condition Job lists, 2-1; 2-3; 4-12
Hardware, 3-3
Software, 3-3
Configuration, 3-3 M
Context menu, 2-1
Machine control panel, 5-5
Machine data, 4-2; 4-22
Mouse, 2-1
Data selection, 4-4
Data type, 4-3 N
Data views, 2-3
DAU output, 5-6 Notes on Use, 3-4
Design, 2-3
Drive, 4-22
Online data, 4-14
E Online functions, 5-12
Edit, 5-11 Online/offline operation, 2-2; 4-2
Editors, 4-14 Operating data, 4-2; 4-21
Electronic documentation, 2-4 Operating system, 3-3
Operation, 1-1
Overview, 3-2
Features, 2-1 P
File, 5-11
Firmware, 3-3 Parameters, 4-2
qualified, 1-2
target, 1-1
Handling, 2-2 PIT-EDIT, 4-1
Hard disk requirements, 3-3 Positioning programs, 4-2; 4-10

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 7-1

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
Appendix 01.97

Preface, 1-1 V
Previous knowledge, 1-1
Process selection, 4-4 VDE regulations, 1-1
Programming, 2-2
Programs, 4-10
Project planning, 2-1; 2-2 W
Warning symbols, 1-2
Window, 5-12
Q Windows, 1-1
Qualified personnel, 1-2 Windows commands, 6-1

Regulations, 1-1

Safety information, 4-2; 5-3
Safety regulations, 1-1
Save, 4-5
Saving data blocks, 4-5
Saving processes, 4-5
Scope of application, 2-1
Settings, 5-11
Set-up, 3-1
Software, 3-2
Start screen, 4-2; 5-3
Status line, 2-1; 2-2
Structure, 2-2
Syntax checks, 2-1
SYSDOK, 2-1; 4-25
System documentation, 2-2

Tables, 4-14
Target group, 1-1
Technical help, 4-25
Technological functions, 3-3
Text editor, 2-2
Tool compensation data, 4-17
Tool compensations, 4-2
Toolbar, 2-2

User displays, 2-1; 2-3; 4-15
User interface, 2-1

7-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Description MCU-PIT)
Introduction 1

Planning the Mechanical


Addressing of Hardware
SIMODRIVE 611 Modules
Positioning Control Planning the Electrical
MCU 172A Installation

Functional Description
S7 Functionality of the MCU 5
S7 Environment

Technological Functions for


Description of Data Transfer


Appendix 8

Valid for: MCU 172A V 3.x or higher

Edition March 1998

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please enquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.

BERO, SIMATIC, SIMODRIVE, SINEC, SINUMERIK, STEP are registered trademarks of Siemens.

The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
of which by any third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the copyright holders.

Subject to technical changes within the product.

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents are

not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be made liable
for damages. All rights including rights created by patent or registration of a
utility model or design are reserved.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 Introduction


Contents 1.1 Functionality of the MCU With Integrated S7-CPU ........................................ 0-3

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 0-1

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Introduction 01.97

Guide This Documentation contains information about the integrated SIMATIC S7 functionality of
the single-axis motion control unit MCU. It will assist you with the configuration of SIMATIC
S7 in connection with the single-axis motion control unit MCU.

Inter alia, you will find detailed information about:

mechanical assembly

electrical installation


S7 functionality

standard function blocks "Technological Functions"

For information about PG/OP connection refer to Chapter 10 Communication

Further For further information which would go beyond the scope of this Documentation or this
Information Manual please refer to the respective Standard Documentation for the following Siemens

1FT6 motors

1FK6 motors




You will find a list of the respective Documentation in the Appendix to the Manual.

0-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Introduction

Functionality of the MCU With Integrated S7-CPU

Overview Due to the required combination with the positioning function as a result of the S7-CPU being
integrated into the MCU, there are certain differences compared with the similar S7-CPU-314.
The principal characteristics are given below.

Features of the
Integrated S7-CPU

Rated voltage 5 V / 24 V internally, by means of power supply module SIMODRIVE

(UE or E/R)
Weighting factors
for internal 24 V supply
to the 4 high-speed outputs EP 3.2 AP 2
for external 24 V supply
to the 4 high-speed outputs EP 2.25 AP 2
Power consumption of the
4 inputs / 4 outputs Max. 2 A (24 V externally)
Power consumption of the S7 I/O Refer to ST 70
External protection Refer to 611 configuration
WxHxD 50 mm x 316 mm x 115 mm
Weight 0.7 kg
Back-up No back-up battery, data back-up by means of integrated flash EPROM
- S7 blocks Back-up by means of STEP 7 (Copy from RAM to ROM)
- S7 runtime data Automatic back-up in case of power failure
(Configuration by S7 config.)
S7-CPU instruction set Similar to SIMATIC S7-CPU 314
Instruction execution times
- 1 K bit instructions Approx. 0.5 ms
- 1 K instruction mix Approx. 1.0 ms
Memory For 512 KB FEPROM
- User memory 76 KB
- Load memory (EPROM) 128 KB
- Load memory (RAM) 128 KB
Technological Functions
Standard FBs Approx. 8 KB
MPI station (PG/OP) Max. 3
MPI station (global data) Max. 4
- On Board 4 inputs / 4 outputs
- S7 I/Os Connection by means of IM361

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 0-3

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Introduction 01.97

0-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Planning the Mechanical Assembly

Planning the Mechanical Assembly

Contents 2.1 Product Range .............................................................................................. 1-2

2.2 Mounting Dimensions for an MCU System With S7 ....................................... 1-3
2.3 Arrangement of Hardware Modules
in a System Comprising Several Racks ......................................................... 1-4

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-1

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Planning Mechanical Assembly 01.97

Product Range

This Chapter This Chapter will inform you about the most essential components available to set up an MCU
with integrated S7-CPU.

The MCU The MCU with integrated S7-CPU is a complete position control system with integral
programmable controller.

Structure of an MCU The SIMODRIVE compound drive with MCU comprises the following components:
NE module

Power module

MCU with integrated IM 360 (P/K-bus)

Interconnecting cable 368

IM 361

S7 I/O modules (see Table 0-1)

Motor 1FK6/1FT6 with integral encoder

Motor line

Encoder line

Several MCUs can communicate with each other by means of the MPI interconnecting cable.

For programming the integrated S7-CPU you need a programming unit (PG). Link the PG
with a PG cable to the MCU.

Components of an MCU For setting up a programmable controller and putting it into operation there is a range of
With Integrated S7-CPU components at your disposal. The following list shows the most essential components with
their functions:
The mounting channel to carry the racks of S7 I/O modules.

The MCU with integrated S7-CPU executes the user program and communicates by means
of the MPI interface with other CPUs or a PG/OP.

The signal modules match the different process signal levels with the S7-300.

The optional passive terminal for hard-wiring the signal modules.

The communication processor CP 342-5 for linking with other components by means of

1-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Planning the Mechanical Assembly

Mounting Dimensions for an MCU System With S7

Mounting Dimensions of The following table provides an overview of the mounting dimensions for S7-300 modules.
Hardware Modules
Table 0-1 Mounting Dimensions for S7-300 Modules

Hardware Modules Module Module Maximu

Width Height m
Power Supply PS 307, 2 A 50 mm 125 mm 130 mm
Power Supply PS 307, 5 A 80 mm 125 mm or 180
mm with
Power Supply PS 307, 10 A 200 mm 125 mm open IM
361 front
Digital Input Module SM 321 40 mm 125 mm
Digital Output Module SM 322 40 mm 125 mm
Relay Output Module SM 322 40 mm 125 mm
Simulator Module SM 374 40 mm 125 mm
Analog Input Module SM 331 40 mm 125 mm (or
Analog Output Module SM 332 40 mm 185 mm
with Shield
Analog Input/Output Module SM 40 mm Bearing
334 Element)
Interface Module IM 361 80 mm 125 mm
Communication Processor CP 342- 80 mm 125 mm
Positioning Module FM 351 for 80 mm 125 mm
Rapid/Creep Feed Drive
Electronic Cam Module
FM 352 80 mm 125 mm

Lengths of Mounting Depending on your S7-300 configuration, you can use the following mounting channels:

Mounting Channel Effective Length for Module

160 mm 120 mm
482.6 mm 450 mm
530 mm 480 mm
830 mm 780 mm

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-3

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Planning Mechanical Assembly 01.97

Arrangement of Hardware Modules in a System Comprising Several Racks

Introduction The subsequent section describes the rules to be followed for arranging the hardware modules
if you want to install several racks.

Slot 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Interface Module (IM)

Rack 3 PS IM Power Supply (PS) not

absolutely necessary
24V 8 x I/O Modules
Signal Modules (SM)

Rack 2 PS IM

24V 8 x I/O Modules

Signal Modules (SM)

Rack 1 PS IM

24V 8 x I/O Modules

Signal Modules (SM)


Unit Bus

NE Module

PG 740



Figure 0-1 Overview of a Hardware Configuration Including one MCU and 3 Racks

1-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Planning the Mechanical Assembly

Arrangement of When arranging the hardware modules, observe the following rules:
Hardware Modules
Assign the interface module always to slot 3 and always to the left of the first signal

A maximum of 8 signal modules may be plugged into one rack. The signal modules are
always located to the right of the interface modules.

The number of signal modules possible is limited by the maximum permissible current
drawn from the S7-300 backplane bus. The current consumption per rack must not exceed
1.2 A.
(see Table 4-1 or 4-2 and Specifications of Hardware Modules).

Interface Modules for For a system including additional I/O modules you need interface modules. It is the purpose of
Installation of 1 to 3 these interface modules to interconnect the S7-300 backplane bus and the racks.

The following table shows the interface modules for installation of one to three racks.

Table 0-2 Interface Modules IM 360/IM 361 for Installation of Several Racks

Interface Module Usable for Rack

IM 360 Integrated into MCU (rack 0)
IM 361 Racks 1 to 3

Interconnecting Cable For connecting the interface modules there are interconnecting cables of 1, 2.5, 5 or 10 m
for Interface Module available.

Maximum Configuration The maximum configuration is shown in the Figure Hardware Configuration. It comprises one
MCU and 3 racks with S7-300 modules.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-5

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Planning Mechanical Assembly 01.97

1-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Addressing of Hardware Modules

Addressing of Hardware Modules

Contents 3.1 Slot-related Address Assignment for Signal Modules .................................... 2-2
3.2 Addressing of Signal Modules ....................................................................... 2-4
3.3 Addressing of Onboard Inputs and Outputs of MCU ...................................... 2-6

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Addressing of Hardware Modules 01.97

Slot-related Address Assignment for Signal Modules

Introduction The subsequent section describes the interrelation between slot and address assignment. You
need this information to determine the module start addresses of the signal modules used.

Slots for Signal Modules Signal modules may be plugged into slots 4 to 11 of every rack. With reference to the
respective slots and rack, every signal module has been assigned its individual module start
address. This address cannot be changed.

Maximum Configuration Figure 0-1 shows a system comprising one MCU with 3 racks and the slots possible.

Rack 3

Slot 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Number IM 361
Interconnecting Cable 368

Rack 2

Slot 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Number IM 361
Interconnecting Cable 368

Rack 1

Slot 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Number IM 361
Interconnecting Cable 368

Rack 0

Figure 0-1 Slots of MCU With Integrated IM 360

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01.97 Addressing of Hardware Modules

Address of S7 The S7 I/O modules are connected with the integrated peripheral bus interface of the MCU by
I/O Modules means of IM 361. A maximum installation of 3 racks (1...3) is possible here. Up to 8 I/O
modules may be plugged into each rack. Addressing is slot-related as for CPU 314.

Table 0-1 Slot-related Digital Addresses

Rac Slots / Digital Addresses

No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 internally assigned
1 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60
2 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92
3 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 124

Table 0-2 Slot-related Analog Addresses

Rac Slots / Analog Addresses

No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 256 internally assigned
1 384 400 416 432 448 464 480 496
2 512 528 544 560 576 592 608 624
3 640 656 672 688 704 720 736 752

Rack 0 Rack 0 is utilized for the integrated positioning functionality and is not useable for other S7
I/O modules. The MCU occupies 16 bytes from address 256 in the analog address space.

Overwriting of internally occupied memory locations may cause malfunctions of the control
system (valid up to and including V2.3 only).

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Addressing of Signal Modules

Introduction The following section describes with various examples how to address the signal modules.
You need this information to be able to address the signal module channels in the user

Addresses of Inputs and The address of an input or output is composed of byte address and bit address.
Outputs of e.g. E32.0
Digital Modules
E = Input
32 = Byte Address is related to the respective module start address
0 = Bit Address indicated on the respective module

Figure 3-2 illustrates the pattern how to make up the individual channel addresses of the
digital modules.

Byte Address:
4 Module Start Address

4 Byte Address:
5 Module Start Address +1
Bit Address

Figure 0-2 Input and Output Addresses of Digital Modules

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01.97 Addressing of Hardware Modules

Example for Digital SM (Digital Module) The opposite diagram shows an

Modules example for addresses of a digital
module plugged in slot 4 of rack 1,
0 Address 32.0
which means that the module start
1 Address 32.1
address is 32. Slots 1 and 2 are not
2 occupied because it is an expansion
3 rack.
7 Address 32.7

0 Address 33.0
1 Address 33.1
7 Address 33.7

Addresses of Analog The address of an analog input or output channel is always a word address. The channel
Modules address is related to the module start address. If the first analog module is plugged in slot 4 of
rack 1, it will have the default start address 384. For the start addresses of the analog modules
please refer to Table 0-2.

Example for Analog SM (Analog Module) The opposite diagram shows an

Modules 1 + 24 V example for addresses of an analog
Inputs: module plugged in slot 4. You can
Channel 0 see that for an analog input / output
3 Address 384 module the addressing of both the
4 analog input and output channels
5 starts from the same address, which is
6 Channel 1 the module start address.
7 Address 386

9 Channel 2
10 Address 388

Channel 3
Address 390
14 Outputs:
15 Channel 0
16 Address 384
Channel 1
Address 386
20 M

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Addressing of Onboard Inputs and Outputs of MCU

4 Inputs / The MCU provides 4 onboard inputs

4 Outputs and 4 onboard outputs. These
integrated inputs and outputs can be
connected with 8-pin Phnix
connectors. The input and output
functions are selected by means of
Terminal Block
the MCU machine data. Direct access
on the S7 side of the MCU is not
possible if the inputs and outputs are
used, because these are only useable
B1 AS1 for special functions.
19 AS2 (Refer to Function Description:
E24 663 Positioning With MCU).
9 9
O1 I1
O2 I2
O3 I3
O4 I4

It is not allowed to set the outputs from the S7, if the outputs O1 to O4 are used for the
positioning functionality. Access to the inputs and outputs is possible by means of the
technological function FC CONTROL (Data Record 16 Digital Inputs / Outputs).

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01.97 Planning the Electrical Installation

Planning the Electrical Installation

Contents 4.1 General Rules and Regulations for Operating an S7-300 ............................. 3-2
4.2 Power Consumption and Power Loss of an S7-300....................................... 3-3
4.3 How to Operate an S7-300 With Process Peripherals
on Grounded Power Supply........................................................................... 3-5
4.4 Installation of an S7-300 With Isolated Modules ............................................ 3-9

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General Rules and Regulations for Operating an S7-300

Introduction Being an integral part of a plant or system and depending on its particular field of application,
the operation of an S7-300 requires special rules or regulations to be observed. This chapter
provides an overview of the most essential rules that you have to obey when integrating an S7-
300 into a plant or system.

Specific Event Please observe the safety rules and regulations for the prevention of accidents, such as the
machine safety standards, which apply to specific events.

Emergency OFF Devices Emergency OFF devices according to IEC 204 (corresponding to VDE 113) must remain
effective in all operating modes of the plant or system.

Restarting the Plant The following table shows things you must pay attention to when restarting the plant after
After Specific Events specific events.

If ... make sure that ...

restarting after voltage dip or failure no dangerous operating conditions
Possibly Emergency OFF should
be forced!
restarting after resetting of the plant will not start up in an
Emergency OFF device uncontrolled or undefined way.

Mains Voltage The following table shows things you must observe in connection with the mains voltage.

For ... make sure that ...

stationary plants or systems without there is a mains switch or circuit
all-pole mains switch breaker included in the building
load power supplies, the adjusted rated voltage range
power supply modules corresponds to the local mains
all S7-300 circuits the mains voltage
fluctuations/deviations do not exceed
the permissible tolerance range for the
rated voltage
(see Specifications of S7-300

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01.97 Planning the Electrical Installation

DC 24 V Supply The following table shows things you must pay attention to in connection with the 24-V

For ... pay attention to ...

buildings external lightning Take lightning
protection protection
measures (e.g.
DC 24-V supply lines, signal leads internal lightning
24-V supply unit reliable electrical separation of low

Protection from External The following table shows things you must pay attention to in connection with the protection
Electrical Interferences from electrical interferences or failures.

For ... make sure that ...

all plants or systems, where an S7-300 the plant or system is connected to
has been installed grounding conductors for diverting
electromagnetic interferences!
connecting and signal leads the wiring arrangement and
installation are correct!
signal leads cases of line or strand breakage will
not lead to undefined plant or system

Power Consumption and Power Loss of an S7-300

Introduction The S7-300 hardware modules draw the power required for their operation from the S7-300
backplane bus and from the external load power supply.

Power consumption and power loss of the respective hardware modules are important data for
planning the configuration of an S7-300.

This chapter provides a list of the power consumption and power loss data for S7-300
hardware modules. An example will demonstrate to you how to calculate power consumption
and power loss for an S7-300 system.

Maximum Power The total power consumption of the S7-300 modules from the S7-300 backplane bus must not
Consumption exceed 1.2 A per phase!

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At DC 24-V Load Power The following table lists the power consumption and power loss values for the S7-300
Supply modules with 24-V load power supply.

Table 0-1 Power Consumption and Power Losses of S7-300 Modules (DC 24-V Load Power Supply)

Hardware Module Power Power Power

Consumption Consumption Loss
from S7-300 from 24-V (Nominal
Backplane Load Power Operation)
Bus Supply (At
(Maximum) No Load )
Interface Module IM 361 supplies 0.8 0.5 A 5W
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 16 DC 24 V 25 mA 1 mA 3.5 W
Simulator Module SM 374; 16 Input/Output 80 mA - 0.35 W
Relay Output Module SM 322; DO 8 AC 230 V 40 mA 75 mA 2.2 W
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 16 DC 24 V/0.5A 70 mA 100 mA 4.9 W
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 8 DC 24 V/2 A 40 mA 55 mA 6.8 W
Analog Input Module SM 331; AI 8 12 Bits 60 mA 200 mA 1.3 W
Analog Input Module SM 331; AI 2 12 Bits 60 mA 200 mA 1.3 W
Analog Output Module SM 332; AO 4 12 Bits 60 mA 240 mA 3W
Analog Output Module SM 332; AO 2 12 Bits 60 mA 240 mA 3W
Analog Input/Output Module SM 334; AI 4/AO 2 40 mA 100 mA 2.6 W
8/8 Bits
Communication Processor CP 342-5 80 mA 250 mA
Positioning Module FM 351 for Rapid/Creep-Feed
Electronic Cam Controller FM 352

At AC 120/230-V Load The following table lists the power consumption and power loss values for the S7-300
Power Supply modules with 120/230-V load power supply.

Table 0-2 Power Consumption and Power Losses of S7-300 Modules (AC 120/230-V Load Power Supply)

Hardware Module Power Power Power Loss

Consumptio Consumptio (Nominal
n from S7- n from AC Operation)
300 Load Power
Backplane Supply (At
Bus No Load)
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 8 AC 120/230 V 22 mA 6.5/11 mA 4.8 W
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 16 AC 120 V 3 mA 6 mA 4.0 W
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 8 AC 120/230 V 200 mA - 9.0 W
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 16 AC 120 V 200 mA - 9.0 W

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Power Losses of Power The following table lists the power losses of the power supply modules
Supply Modules
Table 0-3 Power Losses of Power Supply Modules

Module Power Loss

(Nominal Operation)
Power Supply Module PS 307; 2 A 10 W
Power Supply Module PS 307; 5 A 18 W
Power Supply Module PS 307; 10 A 30 W

How to Operate an S7-300 With Process Peripherals on Grounded Power


Introduction This section provides information about the complete configuration of an S7-300 on a
grounded power supply unit (TN-S system). The subjects treated herein are:
Interrupting devices, short-circuit and overload protection according to VDE 0100 and
VDE 0113
Load power supplies and load circuits.

For further information please refer to the Documentation: Installing and Connecting an

Definition: Grounded A grounded power supply includes a grounded neutral conductor of the system. A simple
Power Supply ground fault caused by a live conductor contacting the ground or a grounded part of the plant
will activate the safety devices.

Components and The installation of a complete system requires various mandatory components and protective
Protective Measures measures. The type of components and the degree of compulsoriness of the protective
measures depend on the VDE standard valid for your system.. The following table refers to
Figure 0-1.

Table 0-4 VDE Standards for Installation of a Control System

Refer to ... VDE 0100 VDE 0113

interrupting device for control ... Part 460: ... Part 1:
system, transducers and Main Switches Disconnectors
short circuit and overload ... Part 725: ... Part 1:
protection: Protect one pole of - if secondary
in groups for transducers and the circuits circuit is grounded:
protect one pole
- otherwise:
protect all poles
load power supply for AC load Electrical isolation Electrical isolation
circuits including more than by means of by means of
five items of electromagnetic transformer transformer

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equipment recommended necessary

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Features of Load Power The load power supply unit feeds the input and output circuits (load circuits), as well as
Supply Units transducers and actuators. Below you will find the features of load power supply units which
are required for the particular application.

Features of Load required for ... Remarks

Power Supply
Reliable modules to be fed with The power supply units PS
separation voltages of  DC 60 V 307 ands the Siemens load
or  AC 25 V. power supply units of the
6EP1 series provide this
DC 24-V load circuits
Tolerances of If the tolerances of the
output voltage: output voltage are exceeded
20.4 V to 28.8 V DC 24-V load circuits it is recommended installing
a back-up capacitor.
Rating: 200 mF per 1 A of
40.8 V to 57.6 V DC 48-V load circuits
load current (for bridge-
connected rectification).
51 V to 72 V DC 60-V load circuits

Rule: Ground Load Load circuits should be grounded.


The signal common (ground) ensures a high functional reliability. You should provide the
load power supply unit (terminal L- or M) or the isolating transformer with a detachable
ground terminal (Figure 0-1). This provision will help you to locate more easily ground faults
in cases of power distribution trouble.

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General Layout of an S7- Figure 0-1 shows the general layout of an S7-300 (Load Power Supply and Grounding
300 Concept) fed from a TN-S system.

Note: The arrangement of the supply terminals depicted herein does not reflect their
real arrangement; it has been selected for the sake of clarity.

Slot 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
IM361 Mounting Channel

Rack 3

M L+ M

24 V
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Slot IM361 Mounting Channel

Rack 2
M L+ M

24 V
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
IM361 Mounting Channel

Rack 1 M L+ M

24 V
Filter NE MCU
Module Module

3 AC 400 V 10% 50/60 Hz

3 G

Central Machine Base
Power Supply Unit

0V 24 V

The grounding bar must have a low-resistance The wire ranges are predetermined by the max. connectable
connection to the rear panel of the switchgear cubicle. . wire range of the terminals..

Figure 0-1 Signal Modules Fed from Grounded Power Supply

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Installation of an S7-300 With Isolated Modules

Definition When installing a system including isolated modules, the reference potentials of control circuit
(Mintern) and load circuit (Mextern) will be electrically isolated.

Field of Application Use isolated modules for:

all AC load circuits

DC load circuits with separate reference potentials
Examples of load circuits with separate reference potentials:
- DC load circuits with encoders of different reference potentials (e.g. if grounded
encoders are installed at long distances from the control system and no equipotential
bonding is possible)
- DC load circuits with grounded plus poles (L +) (battery circuits).

Isolated Modules and You can use isolated modules regardless of whether the reference potential of the control
Grounding Concept system is grounded or not.

Further For further information please refer to Chapter 13 -EMV Guide to MCU - Chapter 3 and to
Information the S7-300 Manual.

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01.97 S7 Functionality of the MCU

S7 Functionality of the MCU

Contents 5.1 Hardware....................................................................................................... 4-2

5.1.1 RESET Button ............................................................................................... 4-2
5.1.2 Mode Selector Switch.................................................................................... 4-2
5.1.3 LED ............................................................................................................... 4-5
5.2 Software ........................................................................................................ 4-7
5.2.1 Features of the Integrated S7-CPU ............................................................... 4-7
5.2.2 Integral Clock ................................................................................................ 4-9
5.2.3 Blocks of the Integrated S7-CPU ................................................................. 4-10
5.2.4 SFCs in the Integrated S7-CPU................................................................... 4-13
5.2.5 Extension of the SFC 20 to 22 for the integrated FM ................................... 4-17
5.2.6 Data Saving................................................................................................. 4-18
5.2.7 Running up .................................................................................................. 4-19
5.2.8 Executing the S7 User Program .................................................................. 4-20
5.2.9 Response Times ......................................................................................... 4-22

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RESET Button

Overview Clear drive alarms by means of the

RESET button.
For resetting Power-On alarms,
switch respective module OFF/ON or
acknowledge alarm by MCU PIT (in
menu function ONLINE/RESET).

Mode Selector Switch

Overview The switch positions of the MCU

correspond to those of the S7-CPU-
314. The functions are identical with
those of the S7-CPU. When the MCU
is switched to STOP, the control
function is blocked by cancellation of
the enables. The other MCU switch
F 0 1 positions which are adjustable do not
E 2
D 3 have any function.
C 4
B 5
A 6
9 8 7

Mode Selector Switch

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Positions of the Descriptio Position of Explanation

Mode Selector Switch n Mode
and Their Description Selector
Mode Run-P 0 - MCU executes S7 user program; positioning is
Run possible.
Program - Access to full PG functionality.
Programs can be transmitted from and to CPU.
Mode RUN 1 - MCU executes S7 user program; positioning is
RUN possible.
- Programs can be read out from CPU, but load
memory cannot be edited.
Mode STOP 2 - MCU executes stop loop. The S7 user program
STOP is not executed.
- PG functions are accessible without restrictions.
- Enables are blocked; positioning is not possible.
MRES 3 for special functions
4 to F without function for MCU


Overall reset cannot be performed on MCU. Switch position 3 leads to an undefined MCU
state, which is visible by the flashing of all LEDs. This state can be reset by POWER ON.

Transitions Between Switching Operations Explanations (System Responses)

Operating Modes by Mode Selector Switch
RUN-P RUN 0 none
RUN RUN-P 1 none
RUN STOP 1 - Interrupts execution of S7 program and inhibits
2 command output.
- Cancels enables and axis brakes with max.
- Entry into diagnostic buffer is made.
- Updating of actual values continues.
STOP RUN 2 - Exits stop loop after error check.
1 - Erases times and flags and resets counters.
- Calls OB100.
- MCU resumes cyclic program operation.
STOP MRES 2 none
MRES STOP 3 none

Erasing of MCU Switching Operation Explanation (System Responses)

and Loading
MRES+POWER 3+O The MCU erases the S7 program from the RAM
Standard Data
ON N and rearranges the data blocks DB1000-1251. All
RAM data are erased and the standard data are

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Only Switching Operation Explanations (System Responses)

Authorized Staff: Save all MCU data on PG/PC before. Then switch MCU
Update power OFF and insert update PCMCIA CARD.
MCU Firmware
When switching on, the firmware starts
being loaded.
RUN-P MRES 0 1/2 LED RUN and STOP flashing
MRES RUN-P 3 LED RUN and STOP flashing
RUN- 3 2/1 LED RUN and STOP flashing
RUN-P MRES 0 1 After faultless programming, LED RUN
0 lights steadily. In case of error, the error
0 1/2 code will be indicated by the LEDs
After having loaded the firmware, load data
from PG/PC and save in FEPROM.


Mains Off

Insert PCMCIA Card

BA Sw itch=0 (RUN)

Mains On


PCMCIA Y flashing slow ly


flashing at 3 Hz frequ.

Load FW update
sw itching cycle
0 3 0 1 0 3

switching cycle N


Error-code indication
Programming by respective LEDs:

RUN LED is on

Mains Off

Pull out PCMCIA Card


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Overview The MCU has been provided with

several LEDs. As for the MCU
various components are
incorporated in one module, some
indicator functions are combined.
green RUN
red STOP
yellow FORCE
red SF
yellow DIAG
red FLTD

Description LED S7-CPU Positioning 611

RUN -S7 executes - Positioning is - Speed controller is
cyclically the S7 possible. active.
user program. - Setpoints are - Power will be
-The interface transmitted to supplied to motor,
services are active controller 611. if enables are
(MPI). released.
STOP -S7 runs in stop - Positioning is not - Speed controller is
(steady) loop. possible. active.
-MPI services are - Regulation to
executed. Nrequ = 0; if
STOP Module Failure
SF An internal error has occurred.
For detailed information refer to S7 diagnostic buffer or MCU-PIT.
FORCE Inputs/flags or
outputs are - -
DIAG In positioning section or 611 control section
have occurred errors:
- - in running up
- reset alarm
- info in diagnostic buffer of S7-CPU
- DIAG-LED lights in case of POWER ON

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FLTD 611 control

function not
- - possible:
- internal and
external errors
- Info in diagnostic
buffer of S7-CPU

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01.97 S7 Functionality of the MCU


Features of the Integrated S7-CPU

Introduction Table 0-1 shows the main features of the integrated SIMATIC CPU.

Table 0-1 Features of the Integrated S7-CPU

Feature MCU With Integrated S7-CPU

Load Memory (RAM)
with 512 KB FEPROM 128 KB
with 128 KB FEPROM 80 KB
Load Memory (EPROM)
with 512 KB FEPROM 128 KB
with 128 KB FEPROM 80 KB
User Memory 76 KB
Speed Approx. 1 ms for 1 K instructions (mixture
of binary and word instructions)
Digital Inputs / Outputs 384
Analog Inputs / Outputs 64
Flag Retention adjustable (max. 15 flag bytes)
From STEP7 stage 2 preset: 16 (0 ... 15)
Preset value must be changed for MCU!
Counter Retention adjustable (max. 4 counters)
Times Retention adjustable (max. 4 times)
Data Storage Area Retention adjustable: max. 2 DB of max. 64
bytes (2 x 32 bytes)
Timing Flag Flags which can be used for clock-pulse
generation in the S7 user program.
Number: 8 (1 flag byte); can be randomly
Local Data 1536 bytes total;
256 bytes per priority class
Area of Process Image From 32 to 127
Digital Inputs: from E 32.0 to E 127.7
Digital Outputs: from A 32.0 to A 127.7
Nesting Depth 8 per priority class; 4 additionally within a
synchronous fault OB
OBs 13
FBs 128
FCs 128
DBs 127
SDBs 9
SFCs 37

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SFBs -
Clock Software clock, not backed-up
Run-Time Meter Cannot be saved

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01.97 S7 Functionality of the MCU

Integral Clock

Overview The MCU includes a software clock. However, since the MCU has no back-up battery, time is
reset during the run-up stage.

Setting the Clock After running up the system, time and date must be set again. You can set the time in 2 ways:
By means of SFC 0 "SETCLK" you can set the time of the block. For reading the time in
the S7 user program, it can be read out with the help of SFC 1 "READ_CLK" (see
Reference Manual STEP 7 System and Standard Functions)

Using the STEP-7 configuration package on a PG or PC, you can set the time by means of
the S7 Information.

Run-Time Meter The MCU includes an integral run-time meter. It can count the elapsed operating hours of the
integrated S7-CPU or of an apparatus. The counter can be programmed by means of SFC 2, 3
and 4 SET_RTM, CTRL_RTM and READ_RTM. Upon switching the system off, the counter
is reset and must be reprogrammed.
(see Reference Manual STEP 7 System and Standard Functions)

The run-time meter cannot be installed to a retentive data storage area.

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Blocks of the Integrated S7-CPU

Organization Blocks The operating system of the integrated S7-CPU has been designed for an event-controlled S7
(OB) user program execution. This chapter tells you upon which event the operating system will
automatically call which organization block (OB).

Description of the OBs For detailed description of the various OBs and their applications please refer to the Manual
STEP 7 Designing User Programs.

Size of an OB An OB may have a maximum size of 24 KB.

OBs for Cycle and Start- The following table lists OBs determining the MCU action during cycle and start-up.

Cycle and Start-up OB Called Preset

OB Priority
Cycle OB 1 Lowest Priority
Start-up (STOPRUN Transition) OB 100 -

OBs for Internal and The following table lists OBs determining the MCU action upon interrupt events.
External Interrupts

The OB priority cannot be changed.

Interrupts (Internal and External) OB Called OB Priority

Time-of-day Interrupt OB 10 2 (low)
Time-delay Interrupt OB 20 3
Range: 1 ms to 60000 ms
(adjustable in steps of 1 ms)
Time Interrupt OB 35 12
Range: 1 ms to 60000 ms
(adjustable in steps of1 ms)
Process Interrupt OB 40 16
Diagnostics Interrupt OB 82 26 (high)


With shorter prompting times (less than 5 ms), a cycle -time monitoring may occur. In this
case, the prompting time or the limit for the cycle-time monitoring must be increased.

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S7-CPU in STOP The integrated S7-CPU switches to STOP, if a

time-of-day interrupt

time-delay interrupt
process interrupt

diagnostics interrupt
occurs, but the respective OB has not been programmed.

S7-CPU not The integrated S7-CPU will not switch to STOP if a time interrupt occurs and OB 35 has not
in STOP been programmed.

OBs for Error Reactions The following table lists OBs determining the action of the MCU with integrated S7-CPU in
the event of an error.

The integrated S7-CPU switches to STOP, if an error occurs and the respective OB has not
been programmed (except for OB 81).

Error OB Called Preset

OB Priority
Time Error OB 80 26
(e.g. initiated by the scan time monitor)
Power Supply Error OB 81 26
One of the following errors has OB 85 26
Event (e.g. time-delay interrupt) has
occurred, but respective OB cannot
be executed
Process image update error (Module
not installed or defective)
Communication Error OB 87 26
Faulty message identifier for
reception of global data
Data block for global data status
does not exist or is too short
Programming Error OB 121 Same priority as
(e.g. addressed timer does not exist) the OB, in which
the error occurs
Error in direct peripheral access OB 122 Same priority as
(Module defective or not installed) the OB, in which
the error occurs

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Function Blocks (FB) Number: 128

Range from 0 to 127
An FB can have a maximum size of 24 KB.

Functions (FC) Number: 128

Range from 0 to 127
An FC can have a maximum size of 24 KB.

Data Blocks (DB) Number: 127

Range from 1 to 127; 0 is reserved
A DB can have a maximum size of 16 KB.

System Functions (SFC) SFCs are system functions integrated into the operating system.
Number: 37
For detailed SFC description please refer to the Reference Manuals STEP 7 Statement List
(AWL) or. STEP 7 Ladder Diagram (KOP) and STEP 7 System and Standard Functions.

System Data Blocks The system data blocks contain the parameters of the integrated S7-CPU. Entries are made by
(SDB) means of the STEP 7 Tool System Configuration or Define Global Data (see Manual
STEP 7 Application of the Tools).

SDB Contents
SDB 0 Parameters of the integrated S7-CPU
SDB 1 CPU automatically enters the actual configuration of the
integrated S7-CPU.
SDB 2 Default parameters of the integrated S7-CPU
SDB 5 Communication parameters for MPI nodes within an MCU
SDB 100 none
SDB 101 Parameters for the I/O modules of rack 1
SDB 102 Parameters for the I/O modules of rack 2
SDB 103 Parameters for the I/O modules of rack 3
SDB 210 Parameters for communication by means of global data


If CPU settings for the system configuration are changed or GD tables compiled, STEP 7 will
generate the respective SDBs and store them under SDB in the AP-off area. This SDB
container must be loaded to the integrated S7-CPU and saved on FEPROM. The new settings
are activated after module start-up.

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MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 S7 Functionality of the MCU

SFCs in the Integrated S7-CPU

Introduction The integrated S7-CPU offers you diverse integrated functions, e.g. for program processing or
diagnostics. You can select these integrated functions from your S7 user program with the
help of the respective SFC or SFB number.

For a detailed description of all integrated functions please refer to the Reference Manual
STEP 7 Standard and System Functions. There you will find information about how to select
the integrated functions and which parameters to be passed on.

Clock Function The integrated S7-CPU provides the following functions as clock functions.

SFC Name Description Execution

No. Time
0 SET_CLK Setting time of day 120 s
If the clock to be set is a master clock,
time synchronization will
simultaneously be initiated. If the clock
to be set is a slave clock, only time of
day will be set.
1 READ_CL Reading time of day 190 s
2 SET_RTM Setting run-time meter. 65 s
You can set a run-time meter in the
integrated S7-CPU.
3 CTRL_RT Starting or stopping the run-time meter 55 s
4 READ_RT Reading run-time meter 90 s
64 TIME_TIC Reading out system time 45 s
K You can read out the system time with
an accuracy of one millisecond.

Block Functions The following table shows integrated functions for copying and presetting variables of a field.

SF Name Description Execution

C Time
20 BLKMOV Copying variables of any type 90 s
(see also Sections 5.2.5 and 5.2.6) + 2 s/byte
21 FILL Presetting a field 90 s
(see also Sections 5.2.5 and 5.2.6) + 3.2

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With the help of SFC 22 CREAT_DB you can generate a data block.
Generating a Data Block

SF Name Description Execution

C Time
22 CREAT_D Generating a data block of a 110 s
B predetermined length within a defined + 3.5 s
area (see also Sections 5.2.5 and 5.2.6). per DB

Time-of-day Interrupt You can use the time-of-day interrupts for program processing controlled by the internal MCU
Functions clock.

SF Name Description Execution

C Time
28 SET_TINT Setting time for time-of-day interrupt 115 s
29 CAN_TINT Canceling time for time-of-day interrupt 50 s
30 ACT_TINT Activating a time-of-day interrupt 50 s
31 QRY_TINT Querying status of a time-of-day 85 s

Time-delay Interrupts The operating system starts time-delay interrupts after a certain time has elapsed.

SF Name Description Execution

C Time
32 SRT_DINT Starting time-delay interrupt 85 s
33 CAN_DIN Canceling time-delay interrupt 50 s
34 QRY_DIN Querying time-delay interrupts started 80 s

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01.97 S7 Functionality of the MCU

Interrupt and Error/Fault The integrated S7-CPU provides the following functions to react on interrupts and
Processing errors/faults.

SF Name Description Execution

C Time
36 MSK_FLT Masking synchronous faults 150 s
37 DMSK_FL Demasking synchronous faults 160 s
38 READ_ER Querying and deleting occurred and 160 s
R blocked programming and access errors
39 DIS_IRT Disabling processing of new interrupts 215 s
40 EN_IRT Enabling processing of new interrupts 305 s
41 DIS_AIRT Delaying processing of interrupts 35 s
42 EN_AIRT Enabling processing of interrupts 35 s
43 RE_TRIGR Retriggering scan time monitor 30 s
44 REPL_VA Copying default value to AKKU 1 of 45 s
L error-causing level

Operating Mode With the help of the following integrated functions you can influence the operating mode
Transitions transitions.

SF Name Description Execution

C Time
46 STP Transferring the integrated S7-CPU into -
the STOP mode
47 WAIT Observing waiting times 200 s

Diagnostic Functions You can use the following integrated functions for reading and writing of diagnostic

SF Name Description Execution

C Time
51 RDSYSST Reading out information from the 280 s
system status list. +10
SFC 51 will not be subject to interrupts. s/byte per
data block
52 WR_USMS Writing optional items of diagnostic 110 s
G information into the diagnostic buffer

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Functions for Module The integrated S7-CPU provides the following functions for reading and writing of module
Parameterization parameters.

SF Name Description Execution

C Time
55 WR_PAR Writing of dynamic module parameters 1.6 s
56 WR_DPAR Writing of predefined dynamic module 1.75 s
M parameters
57 PARM_M Parameterizing a module 2.2 s
58 WR_REC Writing a module-specific data record 1.4 s
+ 32
59 RD_REC Reading a module-specific data record 0.50 s

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03.98 S7 Functionality of the MCU

Extension of the SFC 20 to 22 for the integrated FM

Overview The following SFC's were extended for the DB number range 1001-1249 of the integrated FM:
SFC20 BLKMOV Copy variable

SFC21 FILL Pre-occupy field

SFC22 CREATE_DB General data block

The extensions are used for changing tool offsets, machine data, traversing programs, etc.,
initialization of DB's and generaton of the OEM-DB.

The functionality of these SFC's for the DB's 1001-1249 corresponds to the standard
functionality (see STEP7, Reference Manual, System and Standard Functions). The DB can
also be accessed by symbols (symbol table for DB's > 1000).

The change in DB's can also be saved from the user program in the FEPROM. An entry in the
machine data DB header (DB1200.DBD 4 = 100) activates the saving of the DB's 1001-1249
in the FEPROM (see Section 0).

Any DB access errors are signaled as FM data errors, but the SFC is exited with a positive
return value (RET_VAL = 0). Upon DB access, the following actions take place:

before access: -> DB-specific test of write admissibility

-> FM data error 1151 "Data: writing not possible"
after access -> DB-specific value test, activation ...
-> AM data error, e.g. 1320 "MD40 acceleration"

When accessing the DB, note that DB's 1000 to 1249 possess an internal FM header of a
length of 24 bytes.

Particularities of the DB1001-1249 as a "non sequence-relevant source" (key word UNLINKED) is not admissible
SFC 20 (RET_VAL=8x32).

Particularities of the In this number band, only the following DB's are admitted:
SFC 22
DB1001-1199 (NC programs)
Data errors may occur due to missing initialization of the net data.

DB1245 (OEM data)

This DB is reserved for the user as an OEM-DB.
Contrary to PLC-DB's 1-127, the DB's can also be saved in the FEPROM. The DB's must
have a DB-specific minimum length (FM header ...)

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Data Saving

Data saving FM-POS A write access to the DB-MD (through SFC20 or BUB) activates the function "Data saving

Activation of the function:

DB1200.DBD4 = 100 job

After successful data saving, the value 100 is deleted by the FW:
DB1200.DBD4 = 0 positive acknowledgement

In case of faulty data saving, the firmware returns an error number in the DB:
DBD1200.DBD4 = 100001 saving error
(insufficient storage capacity for FEPROM)
DBD1200.DBD4 = 100002 fatal error (FEPROM defective ...)

Data saving Drive A write access to the DB-AM (through BUB only) activates the function "Data saving drive".
However, this does not save the drive MD's which are effective on-line, but only the binary
dump of the drive MD's in DB1250.

DB1250 is only updated in case of the following actions:

Data saving through operating surfaces (MCU-PIT, EBF, OP17)
Loading of DB1250 through STEP7

Activation of the function:

DB1250.DBD4 = 100 job

After successful data saving, the value 100 is deleted by the FW:
DB1250.DBD4 = 0 positive acknowledgement

In case of faulty data saving, the firmware returns an error number in the DB:
DBD1250.DBD4 = 100001 saving error (insufficient storage capacity for DB's in
DBD1250.DBD4 = 100002 fatal error (FEPROM defective ...)


Data saving may only be triggered anew after the value has been deleted (otherwise, the new
request will be lost). Write access to data saving must not be made together with other write
accesses (otherwise data in the saving might be lost). Data saving must not be triggered
cyclically (FEPROM lifetime)

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01.97 S7 Functionality of the MCU

Running up

Overview Mains ON MCU-PIT-EDIT

MCU Fct .: Online/ Reset

Initialization of MCU
0: RUN-P
2: Stop

Mode selector N
sw itch position
Load data from
- 6 11 MD
Load standard - FM DBs
data for: - PLC user blocks
- 6 11 MD
- FM DBs

Y Sw itch
position = 3

Boot 6 11 firmware

Load drive data

Check NC MDs

Parameterization N
A bort running up

Y Identify error cause

w ith MCU-PIT
drive acceleration

Positioning section
ready for cyclic operation

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S7 Functionality of the MCU 01.97

Executing the S7 User Program

Overview When executing the S7 user program with the MCU, time differences compared with the
normal S7-300 CPU may arise. Within 5 ms, the S7 processes 15 KB of the S7 user program.
Since one processor carries out both the S7 functions and the position control, the S7 user
program has to be interrupted by the position control. The time reference of the interruption
can be selected in the machine date MD61 (clock pulse setting).

According to this preset time reference, the cyclic program processing will be interrupted and
the position control program executed. After completing the position control program, the S7
user program will be resumed from the point of interruption.

Process Interrupts /
Time Interrupts


Process interrupts or time interrupts are included in the S7 user program and, therefore, will
also be interrupted. It is absolutely necessary to take this into consideration in connection with
the configuration and the process interruption response time.

The speed and current control section of the overall control system will not be affected here,
because this part of the MCU is processed by its individual processor.

MPI Services The MPI services increase the processor workload of the MCU. However, they will not be
interrupted by the position control section, because this communication service is executed by
means of its own ASIC.

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01.97 S7 Functionality of the MCU

Sequence Time for interrupt, e.g. 5 ms 2)

Time for processing

Read PAE positioning control
max. 1,3 ms t
2) LR
5 ms
Operating system
MPI etc.
User programm
U E 1.0
= A 4.0 1)
. 2)
. 5 ms
Call FC 80
L MB 100 1) Speed
. control
2) Current control
. 5 ms
L MD 200 611 Function
L ED 32 1)
. 2)
. 5 ms
Call FB100
Input:= E 1.0
Output:= A 4.0
u M 100.0
. FB 100

5 ms
Write PAA

1) tLR = Time for position control processing

2) tInterrupt = Time for position control interrupt (MD61)
Residual Processing Time TR = tInterrupt - tLR

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S7 Functionality of the MCU 01.97

Response Times

Overview The response time for the MCU to react on an event is influenced by the scan time and the
delay times of the I/O modules. Response times are of decisive importance for the
configuration of a system and the structures defined in the S7 user program.

Definition The scan time is the time that the integrated S7-CPU needs for executing the S7 user program
in one cycle.

Scan Time of the The scan time of the integrated S7-CPU includes the following components:
Integrated S7-CPU
Process Image Transfer Time (PAE and PAA)

Operating System Run Time

S7 User Program Processing Time

MPI Communication Times

Number of Position Control Steps

Response Time Since some of the factors influenced by the scan time are not permanently effective (e.g. MPI)
and the S7 user program is not constantly processed in the same way, the response time varies.
In order to avoid trouble with a system, you should consider the maximum response time
possible, e.g. for cut-off functions.

The maximum response time possible is calculated as follows:

Maximum Response Time Possible = 2 x Scan Time Measured

+ 10% Safety Allowance (at least 1 ms)

The safety allowance of approx. 10% of the S7 user program scan time - at least 1 ms - is due
to the communication load.

For example, in order to determine the lengths of a switch-off cam for stopping a motion, this
maximum response time possible must be taken as a basis.

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01.97 S7 Functionality of the MCU

A slide travels at a velocity v of 9 m/min. The motion of the slide shall be stopped at its initial
position by a limit switch. The scan time measured is 25 ms.

Response Time tmax = 2 25 ms + 10 % Safety Allowance = 55 ms

Velocity v

9 m/min

Cam Signal
Response Time Time t

At a maximum response time possible tmax of 55 ms, the slide keeps traveling during this time
without being slowed down. This equals a travel distance s of:
s = v tmax = 9 m/min 55 ms = 8.25 mm

Therefore the cam must be 8.25 mm longer than the deceleration distance of the slide.

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MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Technological Functions for MCU

Technological Functions for MCU

Contents 6.1 Data Interchange Between Integrated S7-CPU

and Positioning Section ................................................................................. 5-2
6.2 Intelligent I/O Blocks of MCU......................................................................... 5-5
6.2.1 Intelligent I/O Block RESTART ...................................................................... 5-8
6.2.2 Intelligent I/O Block OP_MCU ..................................................................... 5-10
6.2.3 Intelligent I/O Block CONTROL ................................................................... 5-15
6.2.4 Intelligent I/O Block STATUS ...................................................................... 5-20

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Technological Functions for MCU 01.97

In addition to the drive control system for 611, a positioning section and an S7-CPU have
Data Interchange
been integrated into the MCU. In order to interchange data between the positioning section
by Means of
and the integrated S7-CPU, you can make use of so-called technological functions. These are
Technological F nction
S7 blocks, which must be called in the S7 user program.

These S7 blocks contain parameters. With the help of these parameters you can control the
position control system of the MCU by the S7 user program.

Data Interchange Between Integrated S7-CPU and Positioning Section

Positioning Section
User Data Areas
Instanz-DB S7 Address
PEB/PAB Reading 0
Technological 256 :
Function W riting 0 :
MB 10 ST Signals : 15
. RM Signals :
. Parameters 15
Data Records
SFC 58/59

Figure 0-1 Data Interchange With Positioning Section

The data interchange with the positioning section is possible by means of the I/O bus of the
integrated S7-CPU. The signal interface occupies for this 16 bytes of peripheral input bytes
(PEB) and 16 bytes of peripheral output bytes (PAB). Hence, from the point of view of the
integrated S7-CPU, the positioning section acts in the same way as an analog I/O module on
address 256.

The technological function (S7 block) transmits data and control signals to this area or reads
from this interface data and feedback signals.

Transfer interface for the user are the parameters of the technological functions or the existent
instance DB.


Direct access of the user to the peripheral interface of the positioning section is not allowed.

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01.97 Technological Functions for MCU

EB ER Maschine G rund- Start/ Strung

ein stellung Tppen
VK ES behoben
Power on

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

Maschine Einheiten Halt nach Vorschub
a us zurck Taktende halt

P7 P8 P9 P10 P 11 P12

Drive Section

Figure 0-2 Data-Flow Chart

Data Diagram of MCU The diagram shows the data flows of the MCU in a schematic way. The complete data
interchange between integrated S7-CPU and positioning section passes through the data
interfaces integrated into the positioning section.

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Technological Functions for MCU 01.97

PG with MCU-PIT The PG loaded with the commissioning software MCU-PIT and connected with the MPI bus is
able to read and write the traversing program, tool offsets , operating data and machine data in
the positioning section by means of the system services incorporated in the integrated S7-

Since the complete control signal image is stored in DB-BD, axis and drive can be
commissioned with the help of MCU-PIT, even if the user program has not been completely
implemented yet. For moving the axis by PIT, the TF bit (parameter of the block RESTART)
must be set before.

OPs As well as the PG, the connected OPs also use the system functions of the MPI services.
Therefore all data of the positioning section may also be used by the OPs. Data source and
target depend on the OP software configuration.

PP031, MSST Machine control panels are connected to the MPU bus like the PGs/OPs. However, the user
must configure the data storage of these operating devices in the integrated S7-CPU memory
by means of the STEP-7 tool Defining Global Data. These control signals may be stored in
the process image of non-connected I/O modules or in flags or data blocks (see Users Manual
STEP 7 Chapter 9).

Technological Technological functions are those S7 standard function blocks, which execute data
Functions interchange and control functions from the integrated S7-CPU to the positioning section.
These blocks transfer the control signals and data of the S7 user program to the positioning
section or read the feedback signals or required data from the positioning section. Data
interface to the positioning section are system functions (SFCs). User interface are instance
DB and block parameters.

S7 User Programs The S7 user program controls all MCU system functions. In the user program, the intelligent
I/O blocks are called up and the parameters assigned. The instance DB is utilized for
interchanging data. The transfer data are stored in this DB and can be used for system
operation. The combination of S7 user program, standard program and functionality of the
MCU positioning section makes up the overall function of the system.

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MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Technological Functions for MCU

Intelligent I/O Blocks of MCU

Instance DB Positioning

Figure 0-3 Intelligent I/O Blocks

For controlling the positioning section from the S7 user program, the intelligent I/O blocks
must be called in the cyclic program section of the S7 user program.

Instance DB The instance DB of the technological function is the central data memory in the integrated S7-
CPU. All intelligent I/O blocks access this DB. The assignment of the DBs is described in the
Tables. The instance DB is also of significance to the S7 user program. It stores the data to be
transferred to the positioning section and the actual values called up by the S7 user program.

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Technological Functions for MCU 01.97

Overviews For controlling the positioning section from the integrated S7-CPU, 3 standard blocks are
required. These blocks must be called up by the S7 user program and linked to the cyclic

Table 0-1 Standard Blocks of the Cycle and Their Description

Block Block Description

Number Name
FB1 OP_M Executing the entire control functionality and
CU indicating the actual states
FC1 RESTA Synchronizing the data interchange between CPU and
RT positioning section after CPU or module start-up
FC2 CONT Additional MCU functions: Writing setting data to
ROL MCU and reading actual values from the module.

Per S7 cycle the blocks may be called up only once. Calling up an intelligent I/O block
several times is not allowed and may cause faulty termination of jobs.

The block STATUS makes it possible to read back status information in the process interrupt
program. The information read back is provided at block parameters.

Table 0-2 Standard Blocks in the Process Interrupt Branch and Their

Block Block Description

Numb Name
FC3 STATU Reading out status information from the MCU in the
S process interrupt program.

Data Blocks For storing its working data, the MCU creates data blocks in the work memory (not S7 user
memory). The control interfaces and all data are stored in these data blocks. The MCU
operates from these data stores. An S7 program does not have direct access to the data blocks
with DB numbers > 1000.

The DB-BD is the control interface and the data store for the actual
operating data. The entire functionality of the positioning section is
DB controlled by means of this data block. The DB-BD is served by the
BD technological functions. MCU-PIT has direct access to this data store.

DB 1000
The DB-NC are used for storing the traversing programs, which can be
entered with MCU-PIT.
A maximum of 199 DBs is possible.


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01.97 Technological Functions for MCU

The DB 1200 (DB-MD) stores the machine data of the positioning section.
The data are entered with MCU-PIT. When restarting an erased MCU,
standard data are loaded to the DB-MD.

DB 1200
The DB-WK stores tool offset values of the positioning section. This block
can be read and written with MCU-PIT.

DB 1220
The DB-SM stores the distances for the incremental mode. This block is
supplied by MCU-PIT.

DB 1230
The DB-AM stores the drive machine data. These data are determined with
MCU-PIT and depend on the installed motor and power section. When
DB-AM restarting an erased MCU, this data store is also supplied with standard

DB 1251
The DB-AS stores the actual state of the drive system.


DB 1260

All data blocks are automatically created and fed during the MCU start-up stage. After
commissioning with MCU-PIT, the data determined can be saved in a flash-EPROM.
(Exceptions: DB-BD and DB-AS are not saved). During every restart, these data are
transferred to the created DBs. Saving of the data is initialized with MCU-PIT (drive and
positioning sections) and STEP 7 (PLC).

Flash-EPROM Load Memory User Memory
of S7-CPU of S7-CPU
Load Memory
of S7-CPU
RAM * DB-BD cannot be saved
Saved Data DB * DB
DB 1001 - 1250 BD ... MD

Drive Data RAM Run-up

DB 1251 Copying RAM

Figure 0-4 Saving Data

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Technological Functions for MCU 01.97

Intelligent I/O Block RESTART

Description The intelligent I/O block RESTART synchronizes the data interchange between integrated S7-
CPU and positioning section. When the RESTART function recognizes that a restart was
executed, initialization begins. This requires the bit CPU_NEUST be set in the instance DB in
OB100. Due to this bit, the other intelligent I/O blocks also set themselves to their initial

The input parameter TFB controls the switching of the right to axis travel of the positioning
section from P bus to K bus and back. When the TFB has been set (TFB=1), the intelligent I/O
block allows testing with MCU-PIT. The testing mode may be canceled with TFB = 0 at any
time. During the testing mode communication between technological functions and
positioning section is inhibited (Exception: TF bit).

Call This function must be called up in the cyclic S7 user program. Note that the block RESTART
in OB1 of the S7 user program must be called up before the technological functions OP_MCU

AWL Representation CALL RESTART(

TFB := ,
TFGS := ,

Parameter Description

Name Par Dat Description Block will...

a- a
met Typ
er e
INSTANZ_DB E BLO Number of instance DB scan it
TFB E BO 1 = Switching to testing mode (PG operation) scan it
OL 0 = Switching to normal mode
TFGS A BO 1 = Testing mode activated set / reset it
OL 0 = Normal mode activated
ANZEIGENWO A WO Block status, Error number enter it

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01.97 Technological Functions for MCU

Specifications Designation Value

Block Number FC1
Block Name RESTART
Version V3.0
User Memory 728 bytes
Load Memory 940 bytes
Nesting Depth 1
System Functions of the operating system
(SFCs) are called up
Data Area Allocation See Instance DB of FB OP_MCU
Local Data Area Allocation 50 bytes
Flag Area Allocation -
Blocks Called SFC58, SFC59


Before calling the block, enter module address and channel number to the instance DB.

Faulty presetting of data in the instance DB or parameters may lead the stop state of the
integrated S7-CPU. Since the block cannot be displayed, accurate parameter assignment is an
essential precondition for faultless operation.

Example for parameterizing the MCU address in start-up block OB100:

Instance DB
Variable: BG_ADR_EIN

Example: Instance DB being the MCU-DB

L 256 Address 256
T MCU_DB.BG_ADR_EIN after variable
L 1 channel number
T MCU_DB.KA_NR after variable

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Technological Functions for MCU 03.98

Intelligent I/O Block OP_MCU

Description The technological function OP_MCU controls all functions of the positioning section. By
means of the block OP_MCU you can select the operating modes and transfer the control bits
necessary for the operating mode to the positioning section. The block reads the actual
operating states and makes them available to the user for evaluation at the output parameters.

Call Call this function in the cyclic S7 user program. Note that the block OP_MCU must be called
up after the block RESTART.

AWL Representation CALL OP_MCU(

R_PLUS := ,
R_MINUS := ,
START := ,
STOPP := ,

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03.98 Technological Functions for MCU

SW254_S := ,

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MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Technological Functions for MCU 03.98

The E parameters will cyclically be transferred from the intelligent I/O block to the MCU. In
the A parameters the MCU resignals its actual status; the entries are made cyclically.

The E/A (I/O) parameters initialize jobs for transferring data to or from the positioning
section. Setting of the bit represents the starting edge for the function. Resetting the same bit
by the block is the confirmation for the user that the job has been completed. If several jobs
are started at the same time, the block will process them in sequence. For description and
functions of the individual bits please refer to the "Description: Positioning with MCU".

Name Par Dat Description Block will...

a- a
met Typ
er e
BETRIEBSART E BY Select operating mode transmit it to positioning
TE software
BA_PARAMETE E BY Additional operating mode parameter transmit it to positioning
R TE software
OVERRIDE E BY Override value transmit it to positioning
TE software
R_PLUS E BO Direction positive transmit it to positioning
OL software
R_MINUS E BO Direction negative transmit it to positioning
OL software
START E BO Start certain operating modes transmit it to positioning
OL software
STOPP E BO Stop certain operating modes transmit it to positioning
OL software
EINLESEFREIG E BO Enable input of next block transmit it to positioning
ABE OL software
SATZ_AUSBLE E BO Skip marked blocks transmit it to positioning
NDEN OL software
QUITTUNG_M_ E BO Acknowledge M function transmit it to positioning
FUNKTION OL software
ACHSFREIGAB E BO Positioning enable transmit it to positioning
E OL software
REGLERFREIG E BO Closed-loop controller enable transmit it to positioning
ABE OL software
IMPULSFREIGA E BO Pulse enable transmit it to positioning
BE_PLC OL software
AKTIVE_BETRI A BY Feedback active operating mode enter it
FAHREN_PLUS A BO Travel in positive direction set / reset it
FAHREN_MINU A BO Travel in negative direction set / reset it
STARTFREIGA A BO Start release set /reset it
WARTEN_EXT_ A BO Axis waiting for external release set /reset it
BEARBEITUNG A BO Machining in progress set /reset it
POSITION_ERR A BO Position reached / Stop set /reset it

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03.98 Technological Functions for MCU

Name Par Dat Description Block will...

a- a
met Typ
er e
VERWEILZEIT_ A BO Dwell time active (programmed interval) set /reset it
PROGRAMM_R A BO Reverse program processing set /reset it
AUSGABE_M_F A BO Feedback M function active set /reset it
M_FUNKTIONS A BY Number of active M function enter it
BEDIENFEHLE A BO Non-reset operator error set /reset it
BETRIEBSFEHL A BO Non-reset operating error set /reset it
ACHSE_SYNCH A BO Axis has been synchronized set /reset it
IMPULSE_FREI A BO Pulses have been enabled set /reset it
ANTRIEB_BER A BO Drive is ready set /reset it
ANZEIGENWO A WO Block status, error number enter it
BEDIENFEHLE E/A BO Acknowledge operator error scan it, transmit it to
R_QUITT OL positioning software and reset it
BETRIEBSFEHL E/A BO Acknowledge operating/traveling error scan it, transmit it to
ER_QUITT OL positioning software and reset it
BETRIEBSDAT E/A BO Read operating data. The data are stored scan and reset it
EN_L OL in structure BRT_DAT of instance DB.
BEZUGSPUNKT E/A BO Set reference point. The data are scan and reset it
_SETZEN OL transferred from structure BZPKT_SET
of instance DB.
SW254_S E/A BO Transfer setpoint 254 to module. The scan and reset it
OL data are transferred from structure
SW254_SM of instance DB.
GESCHWINDIG E/A BO Transfer velocity steps to module. The scan and reset it
KEITSSTUFEN_ OL data are transferred from structure
S V_1_2 of instance DB.
DREHZAHLSTU E/A BO Transfer speed steps to module. The data scan and reset it
FEN_S OL are transferred from structure U_1_2 of
instance DB.

Specifications Designation Value

Block Number FB1
Block Name OP_MCU
Version V3.0
User Memory 2948 bytes
Load Memory 4548 bytes
Nesting Depth 1

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-13

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Technological Functions for MCU 03.98

System functions of the operating system

(SFCs) are called up
Data Area Allocation See instance DB
Local Data Area Allocation 50 bytes
Flag Area Allocation -
Blocks Called SFC58, SFC59

Instance DB of FB Designation Value

Block Number DB1
User Memory 610 bytes
Load Memory 1892 bytes

5-14 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Technological Functions for MCU

Intelligent I/O Block CONTROL

Description The technological function CONTROL writes selected data blocks to the positioning section
or reads actual data requested by the user. The data are stored in the instance DB and can be
selected with the help of job numbers at the parameter JOB SELECTION. If several jobs are
initiated, they will be processed in sequence.

Call Call this function in the cyclic S7 user program after FC_RESTART. Calling several times or
from any other program processing level than the cyclic level is not allowed.

AWL Representation CALL CONTROL(

DA_DE_L := );

Parameter Description

Name Par Dat Description Block will...

a- a
met Typ
er e
INSTANZ_DB E BLO Number of instance DB scan it
MESSUNG_EN A BO Bit for end of length measurement or flying scan / reset it
DE OL measurement. The data are stored in the instance
DB in structure MESSWERTE.
FLIEG_ISTWER A BO Flying setting of actual value executed. scan / reset it
ANZEIGENWO A WO Block status, error number enter it
AUFTRAGSAN E/A INT Job number for writing job scan and delete it
WAHL Allowed job numbers are 7, 8, 11-20

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-15

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Technological Functions for MCU 03.98

Name Par Dat Description Block will...

a- a
met Typ
er e
BETRIEBSDAT E BO Triggering bit for reading operating data. The data scan / reset it
EN_ZUS_L OL are stored in the instance DB in structure
AKTIVER_NC_S E BO Triggering bit for reading the active NC block. The scan / reset it
ATZ_L OL data are stored in the instance DB in structure
NAECHSTER_N E BO Triggering bit for reading the next NC block. The scan / reset it
C_SATZ_L OL data are stored in the instance DB in structure
APPLIKATIONS E BO Triggering bit for reading the application data. The scan / reset it
DATEN_L OL data are stored in the instance DB in structure
ISTWERT_SATZ E BO Triggering bit for reading the actual-value block scan / reset it
WECHSEL_L OL change. The data are stored in the instance DB in
SERVICEDATE E BO Triggering bit for reading the service data. The data scan / reset it
N_L OL are stored in the instance DB in structure
SERVODATEN_ E BO Triggering bit for reading the servo data. The data scan / reset it
L OL are stored in the instance DB in structure
ISTDATEN_L E BO Triggering bit for reading the actual drive data. The scan / reset it
OL data are stored in the instance DB in structure
DA_DE_L E BO Read digital inputs /outputs scan / reset it

Description of the N Description Comment

Parameter o
Data are transferred from instance DB
7 Transfer MDI block from structure MDI_SATZ
8 Drive setpoint data from structure SOLLDATEN
1 Bit-coded settings from structure BIT_EINST
1 Bit-coded commands from structure BIT_KOM
1 Zero shift from double word NULLPKTVER.
1 Setting of actual value from double word IW_SET
1 Flying setting of actual from double word IW_FL_SET
5 value
1 Setting of digital inputs / from structure DA_DE
6 outputs
1 Flying transfer of MDI from structure MDI_SATZ_FLG
7 block

5-16 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Technological Functions for MCU

1 Program selection from structure PRG_ANWAHL

1 Request application data from structure ANF_APP_DAT
2 Teach in from structure TEACH_IN
2 Servo data from structure SERV_DAT_EINL

When initiating another job number in parameter AUFTRAGSANWAHL, the MCU will
indicate an error in ANZEIGENWORT.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-17

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Technological Functions for MCU 03.98

Functions This block allows the user to transfer data by means of the job numbers from the integrated
S7-CPU to the positioning section. The user must first store the data in the instance DB of the
respective structures. By entering the job number in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, transfer can be
started then. When the transfer is completed, the block CONTROL will delete the entry from
AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Data which are read from the positioning section are transferred to
the structures of the instance DB by the intelligent I/O block CONTROL. This is initiated by
setting the corresponding job bits. CONTROL will delete these job bits when the job is

Specifications Designation Value

Block Number FC2
Block Name CONTROL
Version V3.0
User Memory 2763 bytes
Load Memory 3266 bytes
Nesting Depth 1
System functions of the operating system
(SFCs) are called up.
Data Area Allocation See instance DB of OP_MCU
Local Data Area Allocation 50 bytes
Flag Area Allocation -
Blocks Called SFC58, SFC59

The indicator word is used by the technological functions RESTART, OP_MCU and
CONTROL for indicating the status of the technological functions. The errors occurring
during data transfer will be displayed in ANZEIGENWORT.

Structure of Bit 1 8 7 0
e. g. MW 10 X X 0 0 X X X X Error Number
Status (read only) Additional Information
X = Bit used

Status Description
8 Processing of technological functions in
9 Processing of technological functions
10 Group error
11 Reading error (FC CONTROL)
12 -
13 -
14 Testing mode active
15 Start-up in progress

5-18 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Technological Functions for MCU

Description of Error H Description Remedy

Numbers EX
00 No error
0B When calling up blocks FC RESTART and Indicate correct DB
FC CONTROL, the data block indicated at
parameter INSTANZ_DB does not match the
technological function (DB is not the
instance DB of FB OP_MCU).
0C Channel number for MCU invalid Enter correct channel
number in instance DB
to word KA_NR (In
example via OB100)
0E Error when calling SFC RD_REC. The See error description of
return value RET_VAL of the SFC will be SFC RD_REC
indicated in the variable SFCERR_TFNAME
for the user to evaluate.
0F Error when calling SFC WR_REC. The See error description of
return value RET_VAL of the SFC will be SFC WR_REC
indicated in the variable SFCERR_TFNAME
for the user to evaluate.
10 Module not ready for operation or module Parameterize module by
not parameterized means of the tool AS-
11 Time-out error. An expected module Carry out a restart.
response is missing. While the TF is waiting
for a response, every TF call increases
internally the counter by one step. When this
counter reaches the value MAX-AUFRUF,
this error message will be indicated.
12 Data error. This error is normally recognized Correct data in instance
by the module and the TF is transferred to be DB
passed on to the user(storage in data block).
3E Job number invalid (FC CONTROL) Enter valid job number

Additional Information List of additional information (error numbers), which are stored in the data words

H Description Remedy
0E Error when calling SFC RD_REC. The See error description of
return value RET_VAL of the SFC will be SFC RD_REC
indicated in the variable SFCERR_TFNAME
for the user to evaluate.
11 Time-out error. An expected module Carry out restart
response is missing. While the TF is waiting
for a response, every TF call increases
internally the counter by one step. When this
counter reaches the value MAX-AUFRUF,
this error message will be indicated.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-19

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Technological Functions for MCU 03.98

Intelligent I/O Block STATUS

Description The technological function "STATUS" is used to read the status information of the digital
inputs I1 to I4 from the FM-MCU in the process interrupt program. The read status
information is made available by output parameters.

Call Call this function only in the process interrupt branch (OB40). Module address and channel
number must be entered to the instance data block before calling this block.

AWL Representation CALL STATUS(

S_I1 := ,
S_I2 := ,
S_I3 := ,
S_I4 := ,

Parameter Description

Name Par Dat Description Block will...

a- a
met Typ
er e
INSTANZ_DB E BLO Number of instance DB scan it
S_I1 A BO Status information of digital input I1 set / reset it
S_I2 A BO Status information of digital input I2 set / reset it
S_I3 A BO Status information of digital input I3 set / reset it
S_I4 A BO Status information of digital input I4 set / reset it
ANZEIGENWO A WO Block status, error number enter it

Specifications Designation Value

Block Number FC3
Block Name STATUS
Version V3.0
Length During Run Time 144 bytes
Length in Memory 260 bytes
Nesting Depth 0

5-20 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Technological Functions for MCU

Data Area Allocation See Instance DB of FB OP_MCU

Local Data Area Allocation 2 bytes
Flag Area Allocation -

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-21

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Technological Functions for MCU 01.97

Structure of Bit 1 8 7 0
e. g. MW 10 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 Error Number
Status (read only) Additional Information
X = Bit used

Status Description
8 -
9 -
10 Group Error
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 -
15 -

Additional List of additional information (error numbers) which may be indicated by FC STATUS.

H Description Remedy
00 No error -
0B When calling up block FC STATUS, the data Indicate correct DB
block indicated at parameter INSTANZ_DB
does not match the technological function FB
OP_MCU (DB is not the instance DB of FB
0C Channel number for MCU invalid. Enter correct channel
number in instance DB
to word KA_NR

5-22 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

Description of Data Transfer

Contents 7.1 General Information About Data Transfer ...................................................... 6-2

7.2 Sequence of Data Transfer............................................................................ 6-4
7.3 Data Records ................................................................................................ 6-5
7.3.1 Transfer of DS7 MDI Block ............................................................................ 6-7
7.3.2 DS8 Drive Setpoint Data.............................................................................. 6-11
7.3.3 DS11 Bit-coded Settings ............................................................................ 6-15
7.3.4 DS12 Bit-coded Commands ....................................................................... 6-17
7.3.5 DS13 Zero Shift.......................................................................................... 6-19
7.3.6 DS14 Setting of Actual Values.................................................................... 6-20
7.3.7 DS15 Flying Setting of Actual Values ......................................................... 6-21
7.3.8 DS16 Digital Outputs/Inputs ....................................................................... 6-22
7.3.9 DS17 Flying MDI Block............................................................................... 6-23
7.3.10DS18 Program Selection ............................................................................ 6-26
7.3.11DS19 Request Application Data ................................................................. 6-27
7.3.12DS20 Teach In ........................................................................................... 6-30
7.4 Configuring MCU Projects ........................................................................... 7-24
7.5 Copy Intelligent I/O Blocks to the Project Created ....................................... 7-26
7.6 Call Example for Process-related MCU Blocks ............................................ 7-29
7.6.1 MCU Start-up by Means of OB100 .............................................................. 7-30
7.6.2 Instance DB of FB1 ..................................................................................... 7-31
7.6.3 Cyclic Operation in OB1 .............................................................................. 7-32
7.6.4 Call Example in FB100 ................................................................................ 7-33

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-1

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

General Information About Data Transfer

Schematic Diagram User DB Instance DB Int. Data Memory

of MCU (e.g. DB-BD)

User Program Standard Program


Data Source Temporary Memory Data Target

Instance DB In order to transfer data to the MCU positioning section, the user program must buffer them in
a temporary memory. This temporary memory (instance DB) defines the data formats and the
source for the standard program. Data source for the user program may be a user data block or
flag, inputs or outputs. Data transmission and scaling are executed by the user program.

Instance DB and Having stored the data in the instance DB, the user program instructs the standard program to
Positioning Section transfer the data from the instance DB to the positioning section. After completion of the
transfer, the user program can initialize the respective function for processing the data. The
data transfer from the MCU positioning unit works in an analogous way.

Purpose of the User It is the purpose of the user program to:

read from the data source
scale the date properly

store the data in the instance DB correctly

initialize the transfer
verify faultless transfer

trigger data processing

check for correct processing, if necessary

6-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

Variables of In order to facilitate the entry to the instance DB, the transfer areas of the instance DB are
Instance DB combined in data records DS2 to DS235. Every data record contains variables. The variables
may be addressed by the S7 program with the help of variable names. The variables of a data
record DS are combined in STRUCTs.

Structure In order to make flexible and easily legible programming possible, the instance DB was
STRUCTs subdivided into structures. One structure can combine different variables - the so-called
elements - under one collective term. These can be addressed by indication of the STRUCT
and element names without knowing the absolute data address. This ensures a system of
programming which is essentially easier to understand than the system using absolute data

A precondition required here is to assign a variable name to the instance DB in the symbol
list. For the examples given in this Chapter: MCU_DB.

Selecting Data for With the help of parameter AUFTRAGSANWAHL you can select the data to be transferred to
Transfer the positioning section. The parameter AUFTRAGSANWAHL is of the integer data type
(INT). The entry of the data record number to AUFTRAGSANWAHL will start the data
transfer to the MCU positioning section. The job data must be entered to the MCU instance
DB before. When the data transfer is completed, the technological function CONTROL will
delete the value entered in AUFTRAGSANWAHL.

Data Transfer Error If a data transfer error occurs, an error code will be entered to ANZEIGENWORT.

Res./Reserved You must not write into the variables labeled res. or reserved.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-3

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

Sequence of Data Transfer

Flow Chart START


A NWA HL = 0? <> 0, so ist eine bertragung noch nicht
N abgeschlossen.

Enter data to DSxx Bevor eine Datenbertragung gestartet

of instance DB wird, mssen die zugehrigen Daten in
den Instanz-DB der MCU eingetragen

Enter j ob number to Durch Eintrag der DS-Nummer in

wird die Datenbertragung gestartet.


A NWA HL = 0? sind die Datenbergaben beendet.

Nachfolgend mu geprft werden, ob
ein Fehler aufgetreten ist. Ist die Daten-
Error bertragung fehlerfrei beendet worden,
detected ? kann die Funktion freigegeben werden,
Y z.B. nach "MDI-Satz bertragen" Start
des MDI-Satzes.

Enable function Error processing


Conversion into STEP7 The sequence shown in the flow chart has to be converted into a STEP7 program.

6-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

Data Records

Instance DB: It has been assumed that the variable name MCU_DB was assigned to the instance DB in the
MCU_DB symbol list for these examples.

Res./Reserved You must not write into the variables labeled res. or reserved.

Variable AUFTRAG The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Check AUFTRAGSANWAHL for 0 before (no job running). The
indication [MCU_DB] is the absolute address of the MCU_DB - the instance DB of the

For example DS7:

L 0; // Check
<>I; // If not zero
[Enter data to STRUCT MDI_SATZ]
L 7; // Load DS No. 7
T AUFTRAG; // Load to

Note The variable AUFTRAG corresponds to MW50. MW50 must be declared in the symbol list
and must be of the INT data type. Upon calling the FC CONTROL, the variable AUFTRAG is
transferred to AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Due to the above-described variable format in the
STEP7, you can access the instance DB in any block.

Upon calling the FC CONTROL, it must be parameterized with the variable AUFTRAG to
AUFTRAGSANWAHL, in order to ensure that the transfer from AUFTRAGSANWAHL
works in the way as described by the example. After completion of the transfer, check whether
the value transfer to the positioning section was executed faultlessly.


L 0; // Check
<>I; // If not zero
SPB ENDE; // go to ENDE


L W#16#0400; // Load mask
UW; // Demask group error
L 0;
<>I; // Has group error been set?
= FEHLER; // Indicate error

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-5

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

U FEHLER; // If error
= STARTVERRIEGELUNG; // inhibit start

The error occurred has been recorded as error code in ANZEIGENWORT

(see Chapter 6.2.3).

6-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

P Number DB-BD P numbers are the parameter numbers of the data records in the operating data DB (DB-BD),
which are displayed in MCU-EDIT.

Transfer of DS7 MDI Block

Function The operating mode MDI (Manual Data Input) allows you to transfer an NC block to the MCU
positioning section. The block is initialized with the help of the start signal and executed by
the positioning section.

When the execution of the block is finished, you can transfer a new NC block to the
positioning section or restart the current block (see Functional Description Positioning with
MCU, Chapter 3.6).

Before initializing the transfer to the positioning section, enter the MDI block to data record
DS7 in the instance DB.

Structure of an MDI The structure of an MDI block corresponds to that of a normal NC block of a process program.
Block Before transfer, make sure that not only the required data have been entered to DS7, but also
values which are no longer needed have been deleted.

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P

Interface DB Number
Instance DB-BD
Reserved 62
Reserved 63
re R re X re re G G 64
s. e s. _ s. s. _ _
s. T 2 1
re R re re M M M F 65
s. e s. s. _ _ _
s. 3 2 1
G Function 1 66
G Function 2 67
Reserved 68
Reserved 69
Value 1 X/T 71 20100
Value 2 F 75

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-7

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

M Function 1 78
M Function 2 79
M Function 3 80
Reserved 81

6-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

Variables of the System Symbol Name

G_1 G function of group 1
G_2 G function of group 2
X_T Position/dwell time programmed
F Velocity programmed
M_1 M function of group 1
M_2 M function of group 2
M_3 M function of group 3

Example With Absolute The following MDI block shall be stored in the instance DB in DS7:
Data Addresses G1=90 X10.000 F1000.00 M1=4

AUF DI1; // Open instance DB

L W#16#1103; // Load bits
T DIW64; // and set
L 90; // G90
T DIB66; // Write in 1. G function
L DW#16#00002710; // Value 10 000
T DID70 // Write in X_T
L DW#16#000186A0; // F100 000
T DID74; // Write in F
L 4; // Write M4
T DIB78; // in M1

Variables of Name Description Data Type

G_1 G function group 1 valid BOOL
G_2 G function group 2 valid BOOL
X_T Position/dwell time valid BOOL
F F value valid BOOL
M_1 M1 valid BOOL
M_2 M2 valid BOOL
M_3 M3 valid BOOL
G_FKT1 G function group 1 BYTE
G_FKT2 G function group 2 BYTE
WERT1 Position/dwell time DWORD
M_FKT1 M function 1 BYTE
M_FKT2 M function 2 BYTE
M_FKT3 M function 3 BYTE

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-9

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

Example With STRUCTS The following example shall demonstrate that this method of programming generates a
program which is easy to understand. It reduces the amount of additionally necessary

Example: G1=90 X10.000 F100.000 M1=4

Instance DB is MCU_DB.

SE // Set VKE to "1"

S MCU_DB.MDI_SATZ.G_1; // Set active bits
CL // Clear VKE
R MCU_DB.MDI_SATZ.G_2; // Reset inactive bits

L 90; // G90

L 10000; // Position values


L L#100000; // Velocity

L 4; // M4

L 7 // Transfer DS7

The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter AUFTRAGS-

ANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure that no job
is running.

6-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

DS8 Drive Setpoint Data

Function With the help of DS8 "Drive Setpoint Data" you can influence the action of the digital drive
directly from the STEP7 program. The data record DS8 comprises 2 structures and one single
variable: STEU_LOW, STEU_HIGH and MOM_GRENZ. When the data record is transferred
to the positioning section, it includes the structures and the variable. Therefore, it is absolutely
necessary to ensure that all variables of the structures have been set to the correct values.
Disregarding this aspect may lead to undesired actions of the driving system.

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P

Interface DB Number
Instance DB-BD
Control Word 1
res. res. res. res. DZSF1 MGLG HLGSS res. 82
_AKT 2
HLG_ res. BIT5 res. res. NRZ_F BIT1 ZK1_R 83 20200
Control Word 2
BIT res. res. res. res. res. BIT9 BIT8 84
BIT7 INT_S res. res. res. SP_SG SP_SG SP_SG 85 20201
PERR _3 _2 _1
Torque Limit 86
87 20202
Reserved : 20203

Variables of System The 611D control words 1 and 2 appear in DB-BD, in DB-AS and in the instance DB. Only
Data Interface the bits printed in italics are legible.

Symbol Name
Control Word 1
ZK1_RESE ZK1 Reset: Resetting/acknowledging of drive alarms; level 1
T must remain active for at least one LR cycle
BIT1 Parking axis; setpoint matches DS11 bit 14 parking axis -
Function internally selected
NRZ_FRG Enable bit for emergency retract:
0: Emergency retract locked
1: Emergency retract released
BIT5 Function generator setpoint: Function generator activation in

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-11

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

Symbol Name
HLG_AKT Speed ramp setpoint:
0: Limit signals: |Md| < Mdx active, Nact = Nrequ active
1: Limit signals: |Md| < Mdx = 1, Nact = Nrequ = 0
Acceleration process finished = 0
HLGSS Speed ramp quick stop setpoint:
0: No effect
1: Drive quick stop
nrequ = 0
no pulse suppression after standstill
MGLG2 2. Torque limit setpoint:
0: Torque/power limitation
by drive MD1230/1235
1: Torque/power limitation
by drive MD1232/1236
DZSF1_AK Speed setpoint smoothing setpoint:
T 0: No speed setpoint smoothing
1: Speed setpoint smoothing active (only effective when low-pass
filter has been parameterized by means of drive MDs 1500 etc.)
Control Word 2
SP_SG_1 Setpoint parameter block
SP_SG_2 Parameter block setting in drive
SP_SG_3 (Switching of speed controller parameterization)
INT_SPERR Integrator lock setpoint
0: Integral component of speed controller on
1: Integral component of speed controller off
BIT7 PLC pulse enable setpoint: Pulse enable (by means of S7 user
BIT8 Current controller enable setpoint: Current Controller Enable
BIT9 Speed controller enable setpoint: Speed controller enable
BIT15 Signal of life: for service only

Torque Limit After balancing with machine-specific limits derived from the motor and power section
installed, this value serves for the dynamic limitation of the torque setpoint formed of the
speed controller output and the pilot control value. The minimum value formed of motor
torque, motor output power section current and limit value is internally effective for the drive.
Only positive limit values must be preset which, in addition, have to be limited to 7FFFH.

Unit: [incr]
Format: signed integer
Scaling: 1000H = Mrequ; MD 1725 = 8 x Mrequ
Mlimit [incr]=Mlimit [Nm] x 8 x 1000H / MD1725 [Nm]

Variables of Name Description Data Type


6-12 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

HLGSS Speed ramp quick stop BOOL

MGLG2 2. Torque limit BOOL
DZSF1_AKT Speed setpoint smoothing BOOL
HLG_AKT Speed ramp setpoint BOOL

Variables of Name Description Data Type

STRUCT STEU_HIGH SP_SG_1 Setpoint parameter block bit1 BOOL
SP_SG_2 Setpoint parameter block bit2 BOOL
SP_SG_3 Setpoint parameter block bit3 BOOL
INT_SPERR Integrator lock BOOL

Variable Name Description Data Type


Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-13

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

Example The following example illustrates the transfer to the variables of DS8.

Instance DB is MCU_DB.

CL // Clear VKE
R MCU_DB.STEU_LOW.HLGSS; // Delete inactive bits

SE // Set VKE to "1"

S MCU_DB.STEU_HIGH.MGLG2; // Set active bits

U E 1.0; // Set integrator lock


L 80; // Set torque limit

T MCU_DB.MOM_GRENZ; // to 80

L 8; // Transfer DS8

The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running.

6-14 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

DS11 Bit-coded Settings

Function The "Bit-coded Settings" of DS11 influence directly the positioning section with MCU
position control. The bits activate or deactivate several MCU functions. The positioning
section will not react until changed DS11 bits have also been transferred.

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P Number

Interface DB DB-BD
SI PA I4_ I3_ I2_ I1_ FL res. 100
EI _A AK AK AK AK M 20210
res. S N FR RE LA D res. 101
W AC G_ F_ E_ M_
_E H_ N_ TR M AK
D_ N W S

Variables of Name Description Data Type

PARK_ACHS Parking axis BOOL
I4_INAKT Digital input I4 ON/OFF BOOL
I3_INAKT Digital input I3 ON/OFF BOOL
I2_INAKT Digital input I2 ON/OFF BOOL
I1_INAKT Digital input I1 ON/OFF BOOL
FLG_MESS Activate flying measurement BOOL
SW_END_A Software end position monitoring BOOL
NACH_EIN Follow-up mode ON BOOL
FRG_N_AW Switch OFF enable input BOOL
REF_TRIG Retrigger reference point BOOL
LAE_MESS Activate length measurement BOOL
DM_AKT Direct measuring system ON/OFF BOOL

Example Instance DB is MCU_DB.

CL // Clear VKE
R MCU_DB.BIT_EINST.FLG_MESS; // Delete inactive bits

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-15

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

SE // Set VKE to "1"

S MCU_DB.BIT_EINST.LAE_MESS; // Set active bits

L 11; // Transfer DS11


The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running.

6-16 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

DS12 Bit-coded Commands

Function Just like the "Bit-coded Settings" (DS11), the "Bit-coded Commands" are also transferred to
the MCU positioning section. The "Bit-coded Commands" might by required for the operation
of the axis. For making the commands effective, DS12 is to be transferred to the positioning
section. The DS12 transfer can always be performed upon any status change.

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P Number

Interface DB DB-BD
reserved 104
res. IW RE res. A A RE res. 105 20220

Variables of Name Description Data Type

STRUCT BIT_KOMM RESTW_LOE Delete residual distance BOOL
AUT_SVORL Automatic block search forward BOOL
AUT_SRUCK Automatic block search reverse BOOL
IWS_LOE Cancel setpoint setting BOOL

Example Instance DB is MCU_DB.

U E 1.1;
U E 1.2;
U E 1.3;
U E 1.4;
U E 1.5;
L ALTSTRUCT; // Stored Struct value
XO // Exclusive OR detects

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-17

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

L 0; // alteration
==I; // No ->End
L 12; // Yes ->Transfer data

L 12;
T AUFTRAG; // Transfer DS12

The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running. The indication [MCU_DB] is the absolute address of MCU_DB, the
instance DB of the MCU.

6-18 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

DS13 Zero Shift

Function A zero shift can be transferred to the positioning section. The zero shift is activated after
transfer. The zero shift can be canceled by the bit command IWS_LOE (DS12).

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P

Interface DB Number
Instance DB-BD
32-bit value Zero Shift 109 20230

Variable Name Description Data Type


Example Instance DB is MCU_DB.

L DW#16#FFFEFFC0; // Write value -65600

T MCU_DB.NULLPKTVER; // in variable

L 13;
T AUFTRAG; // Transfer DS13

The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-19

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

DS14 Setting of Actual Values

Function The data record DS14 for the function of "Setting of Actual Values" is to be handled in the
same way as "Zero Shift" (DS13). The setting of actual values can be canceled by the bit
command IWS_LOE (DS12).

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P

Interface DB Number
Instance DB-BD
32-bit value Setting of Actual Values 113 20240

Variable Name Description Data Type

IW_SET Value Setting of Actual Values DWORD

Example Instance DB is MCU_DB.

L L#123456; // Write value 123456

T MCU_DB.IW_SET; // in variable

L 14;
T AUFTRAG; // Transfer DS14

The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running.

6-20 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

DS15 Flying Setting of Actual Values

Function The "Flying Setting of Actual Values" is transferred in the same way as "Setting of Actual
Values" (DS14). Unlike the "Setting of Actual Values", the "Flying Setting of Actual Values"
is only activated by a hardware input of the MCU.

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P

Interface DB Number
Instance DB-BD
32-bit value Flying Setting of Actual Values 117 20250

Variable Name Description Data Type

IW_FL_SET Flying Setting of Actual Values DWORD

Example Instance DB is MCU_DB.

L L#678912; // Write value 678912

T MCU_DB.IW_FL_SET; // in variable

L 15;
T AUFTRAG; // Transfer DS15

The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-21

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

DS16 Digital Outputs/Inputs

Function The 4 onboard inputs or outputs, respectively, can be read or set with DS16. Due to the
transfer of DS16, the outputs not used for MCU functions (O1...O4) are set to the status of the
variables. By setting of the bit DA_DE_L at FC CONTROL, you can read the status of the
inputs (I1...I4).

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P Number

Interface DB DB-BD
res res res res D D D D 120 20300
. . . . E4 E3 E2 E1
res res res res D D D D 121
. . . . A4 A3 A2 A1

Variables of Name Description Data Type

DE1 Digital input 1 BOOL
DE2 Digital input 2 BOOL
DE3 Digital input 3 BOOL
DE4 Digital input 4 BOOL
DA1 Digital output 1 BOOL
DA2 Digital output 2 BOOL
DA3 Digital output 3 BOOL
DA4 Digital output 4 BOOL

Example The outputs O1 and O4 shall be set and O2 and O3 be reset.

Instance DB is MCU_DB.

SET; // Set VKE to "1"

S MCU_DB.DA_DE.DA1; // Set variable
CLR // Clear VKE
R MCU_DB.DA_DE.DA2; // Reset variable

L 16;
T AUFTRAG; // Transfer DS16

The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running.

6-22 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

DS17 Flying MDI Block

Function Transferring DS17 "Flying MDI Block" serves the MCU to reject immediately an MDI block
that has already been started. The MCU starts immediately processing the flying MDI block.
The data of a flying MDI block correspond to those of a normal MDI block (DS7). Transfer of
DS17 is performed in the same way as of DS7. The STEP7 programming for entering the data
differs only in the indication of the structure name from that of DS7.

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P

Interface DB Number
Instance DB-BD
Reserved 122
Reserved 123
re re re X re re G G 124
s. s. s. _ s. s. _ _
T 2 1
re re re re M M M F 125
s. s. s. s. _ _ _
3 2 1
G Function 1 126
G Function 2 127
Reserved 128
Reserved 129
130 21000
Value 1 X/T 131
Value 2 F 135
M Function 1 138
M Function 2 139
M Function 3 140
Reserved 141

Variables of Name Description Data Type

G_1 1. G function valid BOOL
G_2 2. G function valid BOOL
X_T Position/dwell time valid BOOL
F F value valid BOOL
M_1 1. M function valid BOOL
M_2 2. M function valid BOOL

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-23

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

M_3 3. M function valid BOOL

G_FKT1 1. G function BYTE
G_FKT2 2. G function BYTE
WERT_1 Position / dwell time DWORD
WERT_2 F value DWORD
M_FKT1 1. M function BYTE
M_FKT2 2. M function BYTE
M_FKT3 3. M function BYTE

6-24 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

The transfer shall be performed in the STEP7 program.


Instance DB is MCU_DB.

SET; // Set VKE to "1"

S MCU_DB.MDI_SATZ_FLG.G_1; // Set active bits
CLR // Clear VKE
R MCU_DB.MDI_SATZ_FLG.G_2; // Reset inactive bits

L 4; // G04
L 1000; // Dwell time

L 17;
T AUFTRAG; // Transfer DS17

Please refer also to the example in the Functional Description: Positioning with MCU in
Chapter 3.6: Transferring MDI Block.

The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-25

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

DS18 Program Selection

Function The MCU can store traversing programs for the automatic mode. For processing the traversing
programs, select the required program number before starting. This is done with data record
DS18. If you try to interrupt a program that has already been started by selecting another
program number, the MCU will ignore this selection. (see Functional Description Chapter

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P

Interface DB Number
Instance DB-BD
Program selection (Program No.) 142 21100
Program selection (Block No.) 143 21101
Program selection (Direction) 144 21102
Reserved 145 21103

Variables of Name Description Data Type

PROG_NR Program number 0...199 BYTE
SATZ_NR Block number .0...255 BYTE
BEARB Direction of processing traversing BYTE
0 = forward / 1.=.reverse

Example Instance DB is MCU_DB.

L 167;
T MCU_DB.PRG_ANWAHL.PROG- // Program number 167
L 0;
T MCU_DB.PRG_ANWAHL.SATZ- // Start at beginning
T MCU_DB.PRG_ANWAHL.BEARB; // Processing forward

L 18; // Transfer DS18


The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running.

6-26 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

DS19 Request Application Data

Function The "Request Application Data" allows the user to read out information data of the positioning
section. The MCU can provide the user with up to 4 different data. The data will be cyclically
updated, if the bit APPLIKATIONSDATEN_L is permanently set.

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P

Interface DB Number
Instance DB-BD
Code Application Date 1 146 21200
Code Application Date 2 147 21201
Code Application Date 3 148 21202
Code Application Date 4 149 21203

Variables of Name Description Data Type

CODE_APP1 Code Application Date 1 BYTE
CODE_APP2 Code Application Date 2 BYTE
CODE_APP3 Code Application Date 3 BYTE
CODE_APP4 Code Application Date 3 BYTE

Code Values For requesting the data, you must enter a code value to the variables.

Code Description

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-27

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

0 No parameter request
1 Actual position
2 Actual velocity
3 Residual distance
4 Required position
5 Zero shift
6 Speed (rotary axis)
7 Relative positioning time
17 Actual encoder value (motor encoder)
18 Slipped cycles
19 Kv factor
20 Following error
21 Following error limit
22 s-Overshoot value / switch adjustment value in
BA "Search for Reference"

23 Drive approach time / drive time constant in BA "Controlling"

30 Actual position (IM)

31 Actual position (DM)

32 Relative path difference (IM-DM/DM)

40 Utilization

41 Active power

42 Required torque

43 Smoothed actual current

44 Actual speed

45 Required speed

6-28 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

The code values are transferred to the positioning section. By setting the bit
Variables of
APPLIKATIONSDATEN_L at FC CONTROL, the data are put out in data record DS29. Just
like the STRUCT ANF_APP_DAT, the structure of DS29 includes four variables in which the
requested values will be stored.

Name Description Data Type

APP1 Value application Date 1 DWORD
APP2 Value application Date 2 DWORD
APP3 Value application Date 3 DWORD
APP4 Value application Date 4 DWORD

For the output of actual position and residual distance, the variable must be initialized as
described in the following example.

Example Instance DB is MCU_DB.

L 1;
L 3;

L 19;
T AUFTRAG; // Transfer DS 19

The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-29

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

DS20 Teach In

Function The positions of the traversing programs can be preselected at the MCU with the help of
"Teach In". For this you must communicate the program and block numbers to the positioning

System Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address P

Interface DB Number
Instance DB-BD
Teach In (Program-Number) 150 21300
Teach In (Block Number) 151 21301

Variables of Name Description Data Type

PROG_NR. Program number BYTE
SATZ_NR Block number BYTE

Example The actual position shall be transferred to block number 10 of program 132.

Instance DB is MCU_DB.

L 132;
L 10;

L 20;
T AUFTRAG; // Transfer DS 20

The variable AUFTRAG must be transferred to FC CONTROL in parameter

AUFTRAGSANWAHL. Before transferring AUFTRAG in AUFTRAGSANWAHL, make sure
that no job is running.

6-30 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

Configuring MCU Projects

Configuring and Create the project structure: Go to the SIMATIC Manager, click on the File menu and select
Parameterizing of the New Project or click on the respective icon on the tool bar. Select the directory in which
Integrated S7-CPU you want to create your project from the next dialog box and enter a name for your project.
Click on Save to create the project.

Insert a station into the opened project by clicking on Insert Hardware SIMATIC 300
Station. Select the SIMATIC-300 Station 1 in the left window. The System Configuration
icon will then appear in the right window. Double-click on the icon to open hardware
configuration. Click on View Catalog to open the hardware catalog. Select the MCU
module from the hardware catalog by clicking on: SIMATIC 300 RACK 300
MCU172A and drag and drop it into the first line of the configuration table (Precondition:
MCU-PIT has been installed).

Open line 0 by clicking on + in the configuration table. Select the required interface module
from the catalog by clicking on SIMATIC 300 IM300 IM360 IM S and drag and drop
it into slot 3. Now line 0 has been parameterized (slots 5 to 11 are not permitted). If you want
to modify the adjustable CPU parameters, double-click on line 2. The CPU configuration table
will be displayed.

6-24 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

You can enter three more lines if required. Select a rack from the catalog by clicking on
SIMATIC 300 RACK 300 Mounting Channel and arrange it in the lowest (free) line
of the configuration table. Open the line (clicking on +) and enter the required modules with
the help of the hardware catalog, e.g. function modules. There must always an interface
module be installed to slot 3. Save the overall configuration of the project by clicking on: File
Save and load it into the MCU by clicking on: Target System Load to AS, (CPU must
be in Stop status).

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-25

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

Copy Intelligent I/O Blocks to the Project Created

Copy intelligent The MCU-PIT software comes with a companion diskette with the intelligent I/O blocks.
I/O Blocks These blocks are contained in the STEP7 program folder. Copy this program folder into the
MCU project. To make copying easier, copy the data provided with the companion diskette to
a new directory using the Explorer.

Open then the project you have created for the MCU using the S7 manager (Open File).
Repeat the Open File operation but select now the Search button. Go to the new directory
with the intelligent I/O blocks and press OK. Call the Arrange Window - horizontally
command to see the window arrangement illustrated below.

The data on your companion diskette can now be copied into the CPU314 of your MCU
project by drag and drop. Any existing S7 programs will be replaced.

6-26 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer


During this process, any existing S7 blocks will be deleted. In this case, copy the blocks
separately from the AP-off folder.

After all data have been copied, start creating your STEP7 program. You can also use the
source blocks in the SO container. To assist you in programming, this container provides the
following blocks:

example blocks to select the MCU

sources for the data blocks

helps for program development

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-27

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

Sources for the Sources for the data blocks provides access to the structures by means of icons. This can be
Data Blocks helpful in the following cases:

When projecting an image of an OP using ProTool V3.0, access to the variables can be
configured such that icons can be used; ProTool will use the data blocks stored in the

Programming and commissioning under STEP7 by means of icons

Addressing of the MCU-DBs in DS7 variable tables for Status and Controlling by means of

The following name conventions are used when configuring:


DBs without fixed structure: DB_MD.MD_5.MD_5_B1

DBs with fixed structure: DB_WK.WK_WERT[10].WK_LEN_KOR

Drive machine data must be addressed absolutely in accordance with the following
DB number = 1250 + parameter record no. (1-8)

DB offset = MD no.

Data typ = see Documentation

Drive machine data may not be mixed with other DBs. It is not possible to address a single bit
of the drive machine data.

All data blocks to be addressed by means of icons have to be entered in the icons list, and the
related sources from the container have to be translated.


Any translated DB numbers over 1,000 must not be transferred to the MCU; otherwise, the
data on the MCU are set to standard values.

6-28 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

Example for Call of Intelligent I/O Blocks of MCU

Objective It is the objective of this call example to help you perform the STEP7 block calls required for
the MCU in a simple way. This example provides the basic functionality for controlling the
positioning section. This example is included in the standard diskette containing the
intelligent I/O blocks.

Symbol List The program contains a symbol list which defines the variables for the call example. Only
reference to this symbol list allows a correct compilation of the program. The program parts
described in the Documentation can be entered in the STEP7 program editor and compiled.
After correct compilation, the programs can be executed in the MCU.

Note! For the safety-relevant parts of a system, this program will have to be expanded and
completed. All effective safety regulations have to be obeyed. This example program does not
claim to be complete and reliable for all applications possible.

Rights This example may be modified, copied and passed on to a third party without license for the
purpose of putting a system into operation. However, this does not involve the acquisition of
any rights.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-29

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 01.97

Starting up the MCU by Means of OB100

Overview In order to ensure the appropriate start-up of the MCU, the user must perform some basic
settings in the MCU instance DB. These basic data must be entered to the instance DB before
calling the intelligent I/O blocks. OB100 is scanned before OB1 during acceleration. The
basic settings can be made in this organization block.

Module Address 256 and The intelligent I/O blocks require the logical module address 256 and the respective channel
Channel Number 1 number 1. These data are fixed for the MCU.

Restart With the help of bit CPU_NEUST you must communicate to the intelligent I/O blocks, if a
restart has to be performed.


TITLE = Start-up program
AUTHOR: Siemens
NAME: Restart

OB100_EV_CLASS : BYTE ; //16#13, Event class 1, Entering event state,
Event logged in diagnostic buffer
OB100_STRTUP : BYTE ; //16#81/82/83/84 Method of startup
OB100_PRIORITY : BYTE ; //27 (Priority of 1 is lowest)
OB100_OB_NUMB : BYTE ; //100 (Organization block 100, OB100)
OB100_RESERVED : BYTE ; //Reserved for system
OB100_RESERVED : BYTE ; //Reserved for system
OB100_STOP : WORD ; //Event that caused CPU to stop (16#4xxx)
OB100_STRT_INFO : DWORD ; //Information on how system started
OB100_DATE_TIM : //Date and time OB100 started


6-30 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
01.97 Description of Data Transfer

TITLE = Set restart bit


L 256; //Enter module address 256

T MCU_DB.BG_ADR_EIN; //to instance DB

L 1; //Enter channel number 1

T MCU_DB.KA_NR; //to instance DB


Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-31

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 03.98

Instance DB of FB1

Overview In order to store the basic settings in OB100 during start-up, the instance DB must be set up
and loaded to the MCU before starting up the MCU.

For compilation of the program described herein, the STEP7 compiler will create a data block
DB1 with the variable structure of FB1 (OP_MCU).This DB must be loaded into the MCU
after successful compilation. Additionally, this DB must be assigned FB1 as data type in the
symbol list. When this entry in the symbol list is missing, the STEP7 compiler will signal an
error when indicating the DB as instance DB.

The DB number 1 was selected as an example, which can be altered at any time.

Instance Data- DATA_BLOCK DB 1

Block DB1
FB 1

6-32 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Description of Data Transfer

Cyclic Operation in OB1

Overview Organization block OB1 contains the program organization. In this example, program inputs
are loaded to input flags and outputs supplied with output flags. There are often different input
and output assignments in different MCUs. By reloading them in OB1, these can very easily
be adapted to the call example.

TITLE = Cyclic program
AUTHOR: Siemens
NAME: Cycle

OB1_EV_CLASS : byte; // Bits 0-3 = 1 (Coming event), Bits 4-7 = 1 (Event class 1)
OB1_SCAN_1 : byte; // 1 (Cold restart scan 1 of OB 1), 3 (Scan2-n of OB 1)
OB1_PRIORITY : byte; // 1 (Priority of 1 is lowest)
OB1_OB_NUMBR : byte; // 1 (Organization block 1, OB 1)
OB1_RESERVED_1 : byte; // Reserved for system
OB1_RESERVED_2 : byte; // Reserved for system
OB1_PREV_CYCLE : int; // Cycle time of previous OB1 scan (milliseconds)
OB1_MIN_CYCLE : int; // Minimum cycle time of OB1 (milliseconds)
OB1_MAX_CYCLE : int; // Maximum cycle time of OB1 (milliseconds)
OB1_DATE_TIME : // Date and time OB1 started

TITLE = Copying of inputs


TITLE = Call of intelligent I/O blocks

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-33

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 03.98

TITLE = Copying of Outputs


6-34 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Description of Data Transfer

Example for Call in FC100

Overview FC100 calls the intelligent I/O blocks FC RESTART, FB OP_MCU and FC CONTROL in
their correct sequence. In addition, it supplies and verifies some of the I/O variables.

Network 1 In the first network FC1 (FC RESTART) is called. Any errors that might have occurred must
be analyzed after the execution. The network provides the framework for adding the
appropriate error indicators. In order to perform a test run with MCU-PIT, set the TFB bit
before execution of the FC RESTART.


TITLE = Calling of intelligent I/O blocks
AUTHOR: Siemens

TITLE = Calling of FC

U TFGS; // If testing mode active,

SP NW1E; // then network 1 end



S SF_RESTART; // Set error bit

L FC_RES_ZUSATZINFO; // Read additional error information

// Other error reaction

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-35

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 03.98

SP NW1E; // Error analysis end

RK U SAMMELFEHLER_LOES; // Acknowledge error

R SF_RESTART; // Reset error bit

SP NW1E; // Resume normal program execution
NW NO //
1E: P 0;

6-36 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Description of Data Transfer

In the second network FB1-OP_MCU is called. Job processing cycles are checked and edge
Network 2
evaluations for data transfer are set up before the actual call.

TITLE = Calling of FB
L AKTIVE_BETRIEBSART; // Feedback from module
L BETRIEBSART; // Defined by user
L BA_FB_MCU; // Input parameter FB OP_MCU
U BA_UEBERNAHME; // Defined by user
U BETRIEBSDATEN_L_FB_MCU; //-----------------------------
N U;
N U;
U // No job processing
L W#16#0;
); //-----------------------------
SPB ALBA; // Previous operating mode

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-37

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 03.98

L BETRIEBSART; // Defined by user

T BA_FB_MCU; // Parameter at FB OP_MCU
T BA_PARA_FB_MCU; // Parameter at FB OP_MCU
AL O BA_AENDERUNG; // In case of change of operating mode or
O FB_MCU_BEARB_TF_LAEUFT; // job execution in progress,
S C_FB; // no job will be transferred to FB OP_MCU.
U BETRIEBSDATEN_L; // Defined by user

U BEZUGSPUNKT_SETZEN; // Defined by user


U SW254_S; // Defined by user

S SW254_S_FB_MCU; // Parameter at FB OP_MCU



U DREHZAHLSTUFEN_S; // Defined by user


6-38 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Description of Data Transfer

FB1 is called after editing of the parameters. The parameter transfer is performed by means of
Call of FB1
additional variables. This transfer is also possible by direct entry into the instance DB (see
Example Programs in Chapter Data Transfer). In this case parameter assignment must be

SW254_S :=SW254_S_FB_MCU,

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-39

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 03.98

6-40 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Description of Data Transfer

The calling of FB1 OP_MCU must be followed by an error analysis. You can program the
Error Analysis
evaluation of the signals in the program section for normal program processing. For example
after Execution of decoding of the M functions is often required. This decoding must be executed by the user
FB OP MCU program.

SPB MKFE; // No error FB OP_MCU

S SF_MCU; // Set group error indication

L FB_MCU_ZUSATZINFO; // Read additional error information

// Other error reaction
SPA NW2E; // Error evaluation end

MK U SAMMELFEHLER_LOES; // Acknowledge error

R SF_MCU; // Reset error bit

SPB NW2E; //
. // Continue normal program execution
2E: 0;

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-41

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 03.98

The third network calls FC CONTROL. Before calling, the input parameters must be edited.
Network 3
Especially when starting a new reading or writing job, you must make sure that the previous
job has been processed completely.

TITLE = Calling of FC

U BA_AENDERUNG; // In case of change of operating mode,

SP FCAU; // no job will be transferred to FC CONTROL.
U SCHREIBAUFTRAG_C; // Triggering of writing job
L B#16#0; // No new writing job,
L SCHREIBAUFTRAG_FC_CO // if the previous one has not yet been processed
N; completely.

L AUFTRAGSNR_SCHREIBE // Defined by user


L B#16#0; // No new reading job block,
L LESEAUFTRAG_FC_CON; // if the previous one has not yet been processed
L AUSWAHL_LESEAUFTRA // Defined by user



6-42 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Description of Data Transfer


Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-43

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 03.98

After execution of FC CONTROL you must check whether any error occurred during data
Error Analysis
transfer. If any error is detected, the user program will have to make sure that the system is
after Execution of brought to a safe operational state. It might be necessary to block motions.


SPB LEFE; // Jump to evaluation of reading errors

S SF_CONTROL_SCHREIBE // Set writing error indication

L FC_CON_ZUSATZINFO; // Read additional error information

// Other error reaction
SPA NW3E; // Error evaluation end



S SF_CONTROL_LESEN; // Set reading error indication

L MCU.READERR_CONTRO // Additional error information READERR_CONTROL

L MCU.ME_ERR_CONTROL; // Additional error information ME_ERR_CONTROL
// Other error reaction
SPA NW3E; // Error evaluation end

CK U SAMMELFEHLER_LOES; // Acknowledge error


6-44 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Description of Data Transfer

SPB WEI3; //
R SF_CONTROL_LESEN; // Reset error bit
R SF_CONTROL_SCHREIBE // Reset error bit

SPB NW3E; //
// Continue normal program execution
NW NO //
3E: P 0;

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-45

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 03.98

In the final FC100 network, the diagnostic interrupt is deleted.

Network 4

TITLE = Clearing of diagnostic
interrupt indication

U DIAGNOSEANZ_LOES; // Input for clearing


// The diagnostic indication is set by OB82 upon occurring of an error.
TITLE = Diagnostic
AUTHOR: Siemens
NAME: Diagnosis

OB82_EV_CLASS : BYTE //16#39, Event class 3, Entering event state, Internal fault
; event
OB82_FLT_ID : BYTE //16#XX, Fault identification code
OB82_PRIORITY : BYTE //26/28 (Priority of 1 is lowest)
OB82_OB_NUMBR : BYTE //82 (Organization block 82, OB82)
OB82_RESERVED_1 : BYTE //Reserved for system
OB82_IO_FLAG : BYTE //Input (01010100), Output (01010101)
OB82_MDL_ADDR : INT ; //Base address of module with fault
OB82_MDL_DEFECT : BOOL //Module defective
OB82_INT_FAULT : BOOL //Internal fault
OB82_EXT_FAULT : BOOL //External fault
OB82_PNT_INFO : BOOL //Point information
OB82_EXT_VOLTAGE : BOOL //External voltage low

6-46 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
03.98 Description of Data Transfer

OB82_FLD_CONNCTR : BOOL //Field wiring connector missing

OB82_NO_CONFIG : BOOL //Module has no configuration data
OB82_CONFIG_ERR : BOOL //Module has configuration error
OB82_MDL_TYPE : BYTE //Type of module
OB82_SUB_NDL_ERR : BOOL //Sub-Module is missing or has error
OB82_COMM_FAULT : BOOL //Communication fault
OB82_MDL_STOP : BOOL //Module is stopped
OB82_WTCH_DOG_FLT : BOOL //Watch dog timer stopped module
OB82_INT_PS_FLT : BOOL //Internal power supply fault
OB82_PRIM_BATT_FLT : BOOL //Primary battery is in fault
OB82_BCKUP_BATT_F : BOOL //Backup battery is in fault
LT ;
OB82_RESERVED_2 : BOOL //Reserved for system
OB82_RACK_FLT : BOOL //Rack fault, only for bus interface module
OB82_PROC_FLT : BOOL //Processor fault
OB82_RAM_FLT : BOOL //RAM fault
OB82_ADU_FLT : BOOL //ADU fault
OB82_FUSE_FLT : BOOL //Fuse fault
OB82_HW_INTR_FLT : BOOL //Hardware interrupt input in fault
OB82_RESERVED_3 : BOOL //Reserved for system
OB82_DATE_TIME : DT ; //Date and time OB82 started

S DIAGNOSE_ANZ; // Indicate diagnostic interrupt
BE; // Indicate diagnostic interrupt

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-47

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Description of Data Transfer 03.98

6-48 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - S7 Environment)
Installing an MPI Network 1

Network Components 2

SIMODRIVE 611 Linking a PU with the MCU 3

MCU 172A
Single-Axis Positioning Control MPI Addresses 4

User Manual
Communication and Data

Appendix 6

Valid for: MCU 172A V 3.x or higher

Edition March 1998

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please inquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.


The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
of which by any third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the copyright holders.

Subject to technical changes within the product.

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not

permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be made liable for
damages. All rights including rights created by patent or registration of a
utility model or design are reserved.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 Installing an MPI Network

1 Installing an MPI Network

Contents 1.1 Fundamentals..........................................................................1-2

1.2 Rules for Installing a Network ..................................................1-3

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-1

MCU (BN - Communication)
Installing an MPI Network 01.97

Definition: Multi-point The interface at connector X20 on the MCU is a multi-point interface. Using
interface MPI this MPI interface, several devices have access to the MCU. This multi-point
interface allows networking without any additional hardware.

1.1 Fundamentals

Segment A segment is a bus line between two terminators, which can contain up to 32
stations (nodes). Furthermore, a segment is limited by the permissible line
length of 50 m (when using isolated interfaces).

Baud rate The baud rate in the MPI network is fixed to 187.5 kBaud.

Connectable stations The following stations (devices) that exchange data with each other can form
an MPI network:
Programming unit (PU/PC)
Operating and monitoring device (OP)
MCUs or S7-CPUs
S7-300 / M7-300
S7-400 / M7-400

Prevent material damage!

The MPI can be damaged by interference voltages provided to the MPI!

Never link an ungrounded S7-300 with a grounded MCU or a grounded PU

through the MPI.

1-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Installing an MPI Network

1.2 Rules for Installing a Network

Rules The following rules must be observed for interlinking the network stations:
Prior to interlinking the individual stations of a network, each station must
be assigned both an individual MPI address and the highest MPI address.
Exception: Stations automatically assigned the MPI address from the MCU
when the system is booting, such as CPs, as well as RS 485 repeaters not
requiring their own MPI address.
Hint: The addresses of all network stations should be indicated on the cas-
ing so that it is always visible which station is assigned what address.
All stations of the network should be linked in a row, i.e. the PUs and OPs
fixed in place must be integrated in the network directly, and only the
PUs/OPs needed for commissioning and maintenance work are attached to
the network through connecting cables.
If more than 32 stations are installed in a network, the bus segments must
be coupled by means of RS 485 repeaters.
Up to 10 segments can be arranged in a row.
Ungrounded and grounded repeaters are coupled by means of RS 485 re-
It should be considered that an RS 485 repeater is also included in the total
number of stations to be linked and is also counted as a station in the seg-
ment even if it has no MPI address of its own.
Before a new station is integrated in the network, the supply voltage of the
station concerned must be switched off.
Individual stations should be linked with each other by bus connectors and
by the PROFIBUS bus cable. The stations should be provided with a bus
connector having a PU socket to which a PU can be connected if required.
The segment end of the line must be terminated by its characteristic wave
impedance. To this aim, the terminator at the first and last station of a seg-
ment (in the connector, bus terminal or repeater) must be turned on.
Make sure that the stations at which the terminator is turned on are always
supplied with voltage both during run-up and operation.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-3

MCU (BN - Communication)
Installing an MPI Network 01.97

Example of an MPI The Fig. below illustrates the schematic design of an MPI network installed
network acc. to the rules above.

S7-300** S7-300 S7-300 S7-300 CP

OP 25**
2 1 3 4 5 6 7

S7-300 S7-300 S7-300 FM

OP 25 OP 25

13 12 11 10 8 9

* connected upon commissioning/maintenance work only by connecting cables (with default MPI address)
** later installed firmly in the MPI network (with default MPI address)

0 ... x MPI adresses of the stations

terminator switched on

1-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Network Components

2 Network Components

Contents 2.1 Bus Connector .........................................................................2-2

2.2 RS 485 Bus Terminal RS 485 .................................................2-4
2.3 RS 485 Repeater .....................................................................2-5
2.3.1 General ....................................................................................2-5
2.3.2 Electric Isolation by means of the RS 485 Repeater ...............2-6
2.3.3 Exceeding the Maximum Line Length of a Segment...............2-7
2.3.4 Terminator of the RS 485 Repeater ........................................2-8
2.4 Taps.......................................................................................2-10
2.5 Connection Cables ................................................................2-11

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-1

MCU (BN - Communication)
Network Components 01.97

Application Network components are needed ...

Application Components
... to build up a network PROFIBUS standard line
... to attach stations to the network Bus connector
... to amplify the signal RS 485 repeater
... to couple segments
... to galvanically isolate the segments
... to network systems Bus terminal RS 485
... to attach PUs/OPs to the network PU connecting cables (taps)

2.1 Bus Connector

Application of the bus The bus connector is intended to attach the PROFIBUS cable to the MPI.
connector Linking to further stations is carried out as follows:

The following bus connectors are used:

Bus connectors without PU socket. This bus connector is intended to
attach the PROFIBUS line to the MPI (left Fig.).
Bus connector with PU socket. This PU socket on the bus connector can be
used to connect a PU to the networked MCUs (right Fig.).

The Fig. below shows examples of a bus connector:


Bus connector without Bus connector with

PU socket PU socket

2-2 Siemens AG 19976 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Network Components

Disconnecting the bus Bus connectors with bus cable looped through can be disconnected from the
connector interface at any time without interrupting the data transfer along the bus.

Terminator The segment end of a line must be terminated by its characteristic wave
impedance. If the bus connector is at the beginning or the end of a segment, the
terminator must be turned on (switch position ON).

The Figure below shows an example in order to demonstrate how to turn

on/turn off the terminator.

not turned on

(bus not

turned on
(bus terminated) on


Bus segments must always be terminated at both ends.

Make sure that the stations at which the terminator is turned on are always
supplied with voltage.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-3

MCU (BN - Communication)
Network Components 01.97

2.2 RS 485 Bus Terminal RS 485

RS 485 bus terminal The RS 485 bus terminal can be used to connect an MCU, S7300 or a PU to
RS 485 the PROFIBUS line. To operate the bus terminal, a 5V supply voltage is

To terminate the segment end of a line by its characteristic wave impedance,

the terminator at the first and last RS 485 bus terminal each of a segment must
be turned on. To this aim, set the switch on the SIMATIC NET bus terminal to
"Bus terminated" (see Fig. below).

Detail explanations on the SIMATIC NET bus terminal are provided in the
PROFIBUS/L2FO Network Manual.

Wiring The following Figure shows the principle how to connect the PROFIBUS lines
to the bus terminal, and where the terminator is turned on.

Terminator Terminator
turned on not turned on
(bus terminated) (bus not terminated)


Why bus terminals? The RS 485 bus terminal is exclusively intended for use as connector
substitute. For certain applications (e.g. for cabinet entries), it is recommended
to use an RS 485 bus terminal instead of a bus connector. The cable of the bus
terminal is more flexible and can therefore easier be laid than the relatively
inflexible bus cable to which the bus terminal is attached.

2-4 Siemens AG 19976 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Network Components

2.3 RS 485 Repeater

Application of the RS The RS 485 repeater amplifies data signals on bus lines and couples the bus
485 repeater segments.
An RS 485 repeater is required if:
a grounded signal is coupled with an ungrounded segment,
the maximum line length of a segment is exceeded, or
more than 32 stations are installed in a network.

2.3.1 General

Description of the A detailed description, as well as the technical data of the RS 485 repeater are
RS 485 repeater provided in the Reference Manual Module Data.

The RS 485 repeater can be installed either at an S7300 mounting bar or a 35

mm standard top-hat rail.
To install the repeater at an S7300 mounting bar, the slide on the rear side of
the RS 485 repeater must be removed:

The following Figure shows how to remove the slide of the RS 485 repeater.

After removing the slide, the RS 485 repeater can be mounted on the mounting
bar as the other S7300 modules.
To connect the DC 24 V supply line, flexible lines with a cross section between
0.25 mm and 2.5 mm (AWG 26 to 14) are used.

DC 24-V supply lines The DC 24-V supply lines are wired according to the wiring rules provided in
the Chapter Power Supply.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-5

MCU (BN - Communication)
Network Components 01.97

Connecting lines The connecting line must be a two-core, twisted and shielded cable. The
PROFIBUS lines listed below are used as connecting lines. See also Catalog
SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication Networks Volume IK - PROFIBUS
& AS Interface:
PROFIBUS line with PE jacket
PROFIBUS cable for burial in the ground
PROFIBUS trailing cable
PROFIBUS line for festoon installation

Terminal M5.2 Terminal M5.2 may not to be wired, as this connection terminal is used for
servicing only. Terminal M5.2 provides the reference potential measuring the
voltage curve between the connections A1 and B1.

Baud rate The baud rate of 187.5 kBaud required for the MCU is set in switch position 4.
If you wish to set another baud rate, use the rotary switch on the front side of
the RS 485 repeater and set the respective baud rate by means of a screw

2.3.2 Electric Isolation by means of the RS 485 Repeater

Ungrounded The RS 485 repeater is delivered for ungrounded operation. If the voltage
operation of the RS supply of the RS 485 repeater is also ungrounded, it is possible to network a
485 repeater grounded MCU with an ungrounded S7-300.

The electric isolation by the RS 485 repeater is carried out between segment 1
and segment 2. The electric potential for the programming unit is linked with
segment 1.

Grounded operation If grounded operation is required, a jumper can be inserted at the upper side of
of the RS 485 repeater the RS 485 repeater. However, it is better to connect the voltage supply to
ground in order to facilitate grounded operation in this way.

2-6 Siemens AG 19976 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Network Components

2.3.3 Exceeding the Maximum Line Length of a Segment

Larger line lengths If the maximum line length of a segment is exceeded, the line length can be
enlarged by connecting several RS 485 repeaters in series. A maximum of 9
repeaters can be connected in series. For electrically isolated interfaces, the
maximum line length between two RS 485 repeaters amounts to 1,000 m.
When using this max. line length, no further station may connected between
the two RS 485 repeaters.

The Fig. below shows the principle of line elongation for the MPI by means of
RS 485 repeaters.

RS 485

50 m

50 m 1,000 m

PROFIBUS bus cable

Bus segment 1 Bus segment 2

Potential conditions Bus segment 1 and bus segment 2 are electrically isolated. The PU/OP
interface is internally linked with the connection for bus segment 1. This
means: The bus signals are amplified between the connection for bus segment 1
or the PU/OP interface and the connection for bus segment 2.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-7

MCU (BN - Communication)
Network Components 01.97

2.3.4 Terminator of the RS 485 Repeater

RS 485 repeater at To provide error-free data exchange, the following must be ensured prior to the
segment end data exchange: At least one station at which the terminator is turned on must be
attached to the network.

The terminator of the respective bus segment must be turned on at the end of
the segment. The Fig. below shows the RS 485 repeater at the end of bus
segment 2 and at the end of bus segment 1. In the example, the RS 485 repeater
is used as amplifier between 2 bus segments. The terminators are turned on.

Bus segment 2 Bus segment 1

/E C S7-300


ON = terminator turned on

2-8 Siemens AG 19976 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Network Components

RS 485 repeater in the The terminator within the segment may not be turned on. The following Figure
bus segment shows the RS 485 repeater within a bus segment. In the example, the RS 485
repeater is used as amplifier between 2 bus segments. The terminator for bus
segment 1 is turned on, and that for bus segment 2 not turned on.

Bus segment 1
turned on



Bus segment 2


U /E

not turned on
Cable shield must
be blank on A2B2A2B2
metal guide


Bus segment 1 is grounded if a PU is connected to the PU/OP socket of the RS

485 repeater. Grounding is provided, because the MPI in the PU is grounded
and the PU/OP socket in the RS 485 repeater internally linked with bus
segment 1.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-9

MCU (BN - Communication)
Network Components 01.97

2.4 Taps

If you do not attach the bus cable directly to the bus connector (e.g. when using
an RS 485 bus terminal), consider the maximum possible length of the taps.

The Table below shows the maximum permissible tap length per bus segment:

Baud rate Total of lengths of tap Number of stations with

per segment a tap length of...
1.5 m or 1.6 m 3m
187.5 kBaud (MPI) 75 m 32 25

Taps and terminators The Fig. below shows a possible structure of an MPI network in order to
in the MPI network demonstrate how to connect a PU by means of a tap, and in which position the
terminators must be turned on. The terminators connected at the taps must only
be turned on if the tap is at the same time the end of the segment.

S7-300 PG

S7-300 S7-300 S7-300

OP 25 RS 485 OP 25



* for for commissioning/maintenance work only connected through taps

Terminator turned on

2-10 Siemens AG 19976 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Network Components

2.5 Connection Cables

The following cables can be used to link a PU with the MCU, or from MCU to

Connection cables Length Special features Figure Link between ...

PU cable, short 5m - MCU PU
MCU S7300

PC/MPI cable 5m with 24 V for the MCU PC


PROFIBUS line - Line must be MCUPU

and bus connector made by the user MCUS7300
and RS 485 bus terminal

MMC cable 5m Line must be MCUMMC

PP 031 and OP 031 are connected to the /10 m made by the user (PP 031)
MCU by means of an MMC cable

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-11

MCU (BN - Communication)
Network Components 01.97

2-12 Siemens AG 19976 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Linking a PU with the MCU

3 Linking a PU with the MCU

Contents 3.1 Connecting a PU to the MCU ..................................................3-2

3.2 Connecting a PU to Several MCUs
Networked with each other ......................................................3-3
3.2.1 Connecting the PU by means of a Bus Connector ..................3-3
3.2.2 Connecting a PU by means of a Bus Terminal........................3-3

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-1

MCU (BN - Communication)
Linking a PU with the MCU 01.97

3.1 Connecting a PU to the MCU

Connecting a PU to The PU is linked with the MPI interface of the MCU by means of a connection
the MCU line.

The Figure below shows the components required to link a PU with the MCU.

Communication The following conditions must be observed for communication between PU
and MCU:
You need a PU with STEP 7 V2.1 and MCU-PIT
The MCU can communicate with the PU in the following modes: RUNP,

Operation The operating facilities for the communication between MCU and PU are de-
scribed in the manuals STEP 7 Using the Tools and STEP 7 Designing User


MCU-PIT can also be used for operation. To use MCU-PIT, STEP 7 must be
installed on the PU. In order to build up a link by means of MCU-PIT, STEP 7
must be authorized. Further information is provided in Chapter 8.

3-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Linking a PU with the MCU

3.2 Connecting a PU to Several MCUs Networked with each


Networked MCUs The MPI can be used for the communication of several MCUs or S7-CPUs
having different addresses. To this aim, the MCUs / CPUs must be linked with
each other by means of PROFIBUS lines. This Chapter describes how to net-
work the MCUs with each other and with a PU.

Networking possibili- The PROFIBUS line can be used for networking of the individual MCUs or
ties S7CPUs. The MCU or CPU can be connected to the MPI network by the
following means:
MPI bus connector
Bus terminal RS 485

3.2.1 Connecting the PU by means of a Bus Connector

Connecting a PU to The following Fig. shows an MCU network consisting of 2 MCUs. The 2
the MCU network by MCUs are linked with each other at the MPI interface by means of bus con-
means of a bus con- nectors.
At least one bus connector should have a PU socket. A PU can be connected to
this bus connector for communication with the networked MCUs.

PU cable



3.2.2 Connecting a PU by means of a Bus Terminal

As an alternative to the bus connector, the PU can also be connected to the
MCU by means of an RS 485 bus terminal. The bus terminal serves as con-
nector substitute.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-3

MCU (BN - Communication)
Linking a PU with the MCU 01.97

3-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 MPI Addresses

4 MPI Addresses

Contents 4.1 Assigning MPI Addresses........................................................4-2

4.2 Modifying the MPI Address of the MCU...................................4-4

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-1

MCU (BN - Communication)
MPI Addresses 01.97

4.1 Assigning MPI Addresses

General For communication of the individual stations in the MPI network, they must be
assigned both an individual MPI address and the highest MPI address.

If not assigned automatically by the MCU, each individual station must be

assigned these MPI addresses separately by means of the PU.
For further information read the STEP 7 User Manual or the ET 200 Manuals.


The RS 485 repeater is not assigned an MPI address.

Default MPI addresses The following Table lists the default MPI addresses of the devices. The
permissible MPI address range is between 0 and 126.

Station (device) Default MPI address Default highest MPI

PG 0 15
OP 1 depending on the OP
CPU 2 15

Rules for assigning Before assigning the MPI addresses, pay attention to the following rules:
MPI addresses All MPI addresses in a network must be different.
The highest MPI address must be the largest real MPI address and
therefore the same for all stations. For the highest MPI address, only the
values 15, 31, 63 or 126 are permitted.
If, in addition, any FM or CP modules with communication capabilities are
installed in an MCU network, the MCU automatically assigns the MPI
addresses for the fixed FM/CP modules during the start-up. Based on the
MPI address of the MCU, the MCU assigns the following numbers and
stores the MPI parameters. In case of networking or additional extension by
FM or CP modules with a K bus, this behavior must be considered when
assigning MPI addresses.

4-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 MPI Addresses

Recommendation for MPI address

MPI addresses 0 must be reserved for a service PU, and MPI address
1 must be reserved for a service OP,
which can be later attached to the MPI network when required. This is the
reason why the PUs/OPs in the network must be assigned other MPI addresses.

MPI address
2 must be reserved for the CPU.
Double MPI addresses after installing a CPU with the default setting in the
MPI network (for example, when replacing an MCU) is avoided in this way.
For this reason, the CPUs in the network should be assigned MPI addresses
larger than 2.

Special features in the CPs and FMs (with an MPI address of their own) with communication
conjunction with CPs capabilities have one special feature: Their MPI address is automatically
and FMs determined by the MCU and assigned from the first slot, beginning from rack 1
(MCU address + 1, MCU address + 2, etc.).


IM 361 CP342-5 I M 361 CP342-5 CP342-5


S7-300 S7-300 S7-300

MCU assigns MCU assigns MCU assigns

MPI address MPI address MPI address
2+1=3 6+1=7 6+2=8


MCU 1 has the MCU 2 has the



MPI address 2 MPI address 6

(default) (assigned by the user)


If modules (SM, FM, CP) are removed or plugged during data transfer along
the MPI, data can be falsified by interference pulses.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-3

MCU (BN - Communication)
MPI Addresses 01.97

4.2 Modifying the MPI Address of the MCU

Reference The default MPI address can be modified in the STEP 7 Tool Hardware
Configuration. See Step 7 User Manual, Chapter 8.

Special features Because of the FEPROM, modifying the MPI address in the MCU is subject to
special conditions. The modified MPI address is active only after "Copy RAM

Approach Open the off-line hardware configuration in an existing project.

Open the CPU parameterizing data ( rack 0, slot 2).
Press the MPI button.
Enter the new MPI address.
Load the new hardware configuration to the user interface (in the STOP
condition). Make sure that PU and MPI interface of the MCU are linked

The following screen form appears:

Before loading, select Copy to ROM.

The modified configuration must be saved on the PU after loading.
Turn the CNC off/on. The new MPI address is now active.

4-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Communication and Data Exchange

5 Communication and Data Exchange

Contents 5.1 Communication........................................................................5-2

5.2 Data Exchange ........................................................................5-2

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-1

MCU (BN - Kommunikation)
Communication and Data Exchange 01.97

5.1 Communication

PU/OP - MCU In the communication between MCU and PU or OP, one MCU can establish up
communication to 3 on-line links to one or also several different PUs/OPs. 3 of these links are
always reserved for a PU, and one for an OP. This means that one MCU can
with max. 2 PUs and one OP ,or
with max. 2 OPs and one PU

MCU - MCU In addition to the PU/OP communication, different MCUs can exchange data
communication packets with each other using the MCU bus. This data exchange of "global
via GD data" is carried out via independent global data circuits. Each MCU can be an
active station in max. 4 different global data circuits (see also STEP 7 User
Manual, Chapter 9).

5.2 Data Exchange

Global data circuit A global data circuit can be formed as follows:

2 MCUs form a global data circuit. In this case, both CPUs are both sender
and receiver of the respectively other partner.
The global data circuit is formed by more than 2 MCUs (max. 5 stations).
In this case, only one MCU sends a data packet, and the remaining
MCUs/CPUs act as receivers (passive stations).

5-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Communication and Data Exchange

Number of global data One MPI network can contain a maximum of 5 global data circuits. The
circuits following Figure shows an example how to build up a network with global

I M 360






Data exchange Global data CPU 1 MCU 2 MCU 3 MCU 4 PP 031
 SGD 1.1 EGD 1.1
EGD 1.2 SGD 1.2
 SGD 2.1 EGD 2.1
EGD 2.2 SGD 2.2
 SGD 3.1 EGD 3.1
EGD 3.2 SGD 3.2
 SGD 4.1 EGD 4.1
EGD 4.2 SGD 4.2
 SGD 5.1 EGD 5.1
EGD 5.2 SGD 5.2
 SGD 6.1 EGD 6.1
EGD 6.2 SGD 6.2

 EGD 7.1 EGD 7.1 EGD 7. 1 EGD 7.1 SGD 7.1

E receiver
S sender
GD global data
1.1 GD packet no.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-3

MCU (BN - Kommunikation)
Communication and Data Exchange 01.97

The data circuits shown in the Figure above allow data exchange between all
existing stations in the MPI network.
CPU1: CPU1 sends one GD packet each to all MCUs and receives one data
packet each from each MCU and from PP031. CPU1 is station in 4
global data circuits:
,  ,  and 
MCU2: MCU2 sends to CPU1, MCU3 and MCU4 and receives a GD packet
from these stations. MCU2 is also a station in 4 global data circuits,
as the PP031 sends a data packet to all MCUs and to CPU1:
,  ,  and 
MCU3: MCU3 sends to and receives from CPU1, MCU2, MCU4 and
PP031. MCU3 is station in 4 GD circuits:
 ,  ,  and 
MCU4: MCU4 is station in the GD circuits with CPU1, MCU2, MCU3 and
PP031. As the other MCUs, MCU4 is thus station in 4 GD circuits:
 , and 
PU: The PU is an MPI station, too, but does not exchange global data
with the other stations. The same applies to any OPs connected, such
as the OP031. Generally, another OP or max. 2 PUs and 1 OP can
be connected to this bus network. A connection facility for a PU
should always be provided.
PP031 This push-button panel is intended to operate the axes; it is coupled
with all MCUs and with CPU1 through global data. The control key
signals can thus be received and evaluated by all control systems.
OP031 This OP is a fixed, active MPI station and logically coupled with
CPU1 only. There is no global data link with any station.
Furthermore, the possibilities to exchange data with the MPI station
depend on the installation and/or configuration of the user interface
on OP031.

Since one MCU can be station in max. 4 GD circuits only, the MCUs in this
network cannot establish any further GD link.

5-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
03.98 Communication and Data Exchange

Send and receive The communication via global data is bound to the following conditions:
For the sender of a data packet, the following must be true:
for global data
cycle rate of sender x cycle time of sender 60 ms
For the receiver of a GD packet, the following must be true:
cycle rate of receiver x cycle time of receiver < cycle rate of sender x cycle
time of sender.

The cycle rate (step-down factor) can be selected when creating the global-data
table (see User Manual STEP7).
The following values are possible:
Receiver: 1 to 255 (default setting 8)
Sender: 4 to 255 (default setting 8)


With STEP7 V3.1 and MCU firmware V4.0 or higher, the value 1 to 3 can also
be used for the sender. It must be noted, however, that a too low cyle rate is a
too big load for the CPU.

Non-compliance with the conditions mentioned above, e.g. due to errors in the
determination, may cause a loss of the GD packet.

The loss of a GD packet is indicated in the status double-word of the global-

data table. The GD status is defined in the S7 manager "Set-Up GD Table".


Loss of data packets in the MPI network

If an additional MCU is linked with the MPI network during operation, loss of
GD packets and an increase in the cycle time can be the consequence.
1. Make the station to be connected dead.
2. Connect the station to the MPI network.
3. Turn all stations on.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-5

MCU (BN - Kommunikation)
Communication and Data Exchange 01.97

Global data packet The max. size of an effective data packet (net data) of a single data block is 22
size bytes. This maximum size can be reduced by additional header information
regarding data selection and composition. The data can be either bits, bytes,
words, double-words, or fields.

Examples for possible data sets in a global-data packet are:

22 bytes of a complex range (=field) (F, D, I, O)
4 individual double words (F, D, I, O)
6 individual double words (F, D, I, O)
8 individual bytes (F, D, I, O)
8 individual bits (F, D, I, O)

F: flags, D: data, I: inputs, O: outputs

Space requirement The gross space requirement in a global-data packet is:

for a field: number of net bytes + 2 bytes (header information)
for an individual double word: 4 bytes + 2 bytes = 6 bytes
for an individual word: 2 bytes + 2 bytes = 4 bytes
for an individual byte: 1 byte + 2 byte = 3 byte
for an individual bit 1 byte + 2 bytes = 3 bytes

The gross length (=all data blocks in total) of a global-data packet must be 24


A global-data packet can consist of 5 data blocks, for example:

1 field of 3 words 6 bytes + 2 bytes = 8 bytes
+ 1 individual double word 4 bytes + 2 bytes = 6 bytes
+ 1 individual byte 1 byte + 2 bytes = 3 bytes
+ 2 individual bits 2 X (1 byte + 2 bytes) = 6 bytes
= gross length 23 bytes

5-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
01.97 Appendix

6 Appendix

Baud rate, 1-2; 2-6 MCU
Bus connector, 2-2 modifying the MPI address, 4-4
application, 2-2 MCUs
connecting a PU, 3-3 networked, 3-3
terminator, 2-3 MPI
with PU socket, 2-2 definition, 1-2
Bus connector without PU socket, 2-2 MPI address, 4-1
Bus terminal RS 485 assigning, 4-2
wiring, 2-4 default, 4-2
determining automatically, 4-2; 4-3
highest, 4-2
C modifying, 4-4
recommendation, 4-3
Communication rule, 4-2
MCU - MCU, 5-2 MPI network
operation, 3-2 data loss, 5-5
PU - MCU, 3-2 example, 1-4
PU/OP - MCU, 5-2 installing, 1-3
Connection cables, 2-11 rule, 1-3
Cycle rate, 5-5 tap, 2-10
terminator, 2-10

Data N
global, 5-5 Network component, 2-1
Data circuit Networking
global, 5-2 possibilities, 3-3
number, 5-3
Data exchange, 5-3
Data packet
size, 5-6
space requirement, 5-6 Potential conditions, 2-7
Description Programming unit (PU)
RS 485 repeater, 2-5 connecting
Disconnecting the bus connector, 2-3 by means of bus connector, 3-3
to several MCUs, 3-3
to the MCU, 3-2
Global data
loss, 5-5
send and receive conditions, 5-5
global data circuit, 5-2
number, 5-3

Interference voltage, 1-2

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-1

MCU (BN - Communication)
Appendix 01.97

RS 485 bus terminal, 2-4
reason, 2-4
terminator, 2-4
RS 485 repeater, 2-5
application, 2-5
description, 2-5
electric isolation, 2-6
segment end, 2-8
terminator, 2-8
within the segment, 2-9
RS 485 repeater
grounded operation, 2-6
ungrounded operation, 2-6

Segment, 1-2
exceeding the maximum line length, 2-7
maximum line length, 1-2
connectable, 1-2

bus connector, 2-3
RS 485 bus terminal, 2-4
RS 485 repeater, 2-8

6-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Communication)
Overview 1

Configuring the Operating &

Monitoring Components

SIMODRIVE 611 Commissioning of the

Operating & Monitoring
MCU 172A
Single-Axis Positioning Control Operating and Monitoring 4
of the MCU by means of
the UOP

User Manual
Operating and Monitoring
Appendix 5

Edition March 1998

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please inquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.


The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
of which by any third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the copyright holders.

Subject to technical changes within the product.

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not

permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be made liable for
damages. All rights including rights created by patent or registration of a
utility model or design are reserved.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 Overview

1 Overview

About this manual This Manual is part of the Manual Single-Axis Positioning Control for
MCU 172A. This Manual provides information on:
the components required for operating and monitoring the SIMODRIVE
611 Digital Drive System by means of the MCU 172A Single-Axis
Positioning Control,
configuring and commissioning the operating and monitoring components,
the operating and monitoring functions available.

The contents of this Manual is limited to the operation of the MCU by means
of the SINUMERIK Unit Operator Panel (further: UOP) consisting of OP031,
MMC101/MMC102 and PP031, as well as the related standard MCU user

Further information For further information going beyond the scope of this Manual see the
following Siemens Documentation:
UOP Configuring Package
Manual "Operating Components"
UOP Installation Package and
Operating Instructions "SINUMERIK Unit Operator Panel"

This Manual contains relevant chapters of the abovementioned MCU manuals.

Target group This Manual addresses all persons dealing with the planning, configuration,
commissioning, operation and service of the SIMODRIVE 611 Drive System
equipped with the MCU 172A Single-Axis Positioning Control from the point
of view Operating and Monitoring.

Previous knowledge This Manual does not require any special previous knowledge. However, it is
helpful for understanding to be familiar with a PU/PC, as well as to have
general PLC and NC knowledge.

Hardware and A ready-to-operate drive configuration consisting of a SIMODRIVE 611 feed

software requirements drive module with MCU module and three-phase servomotor 1FT6/1FK6 is

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-1

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
Overview 01.97

SIMATIC HMI Thanks to the SIMATIC S7 compatibility of the SIMATIC HMI Operator
Operating and Panels, sophisticated operating and monitoring systems for comfortable
Monitoring Devices process operation and monitoring are provided - from the simple line displays
(OP3, OP5, OP15) up to systems with full graphic capabilities (OP25, OP35).

SIMATIC HMI OPs can be connected directly to the MPI of the MCU. When
using the PROFIBUS DP, operation and monitoring is possible also over long

To configure the operator panels, the user-friendly software ProTool running

under Windows can be used.

OP17 and MCU 172A The OP17, in conjunction with the extended ProTool Software, provides
additional functions tailored to the requirements of the MCU, such as:
All data modified in the RAM ( e.g. machine data, NC programs, S7 DBs)
can be saved to the FEPROM of the MCU by pressing one single button.
It is possible to dynamically change between different MCU control
systems in one OP17 user interface, i.e. several control systems can be
connected to one OP.
The integrated STEP7 functionality of ProTool can be used to configure
screens with drive data, machine data and tool offsets in an easy manner by
means of ready-to-use symbol lists.

Predesigned screens Predesigned screens on OP17 provide the following functions for the MCU:
actual-value display
manual MDI block input
program selection
block editor
machine-data editor

The interface can be embedded by the user into the S7 program.

1-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
01.97 Configuring the Operating and Monitoring Components

2 Configuring the Operating & Monitoring


About this Chapter This Chapter provides information on the hardware and software components
required for operating and monitoring of the MCU 172A by means of the Unit
Operator Panel.

Unit Operator Panel The Unit Operator Panel is intended for use at transfer lines, linked systems
(UOP) and special machines, as well as for the following operating and monitoring
MCU operation,
machine operation and
HiGraph diagnosis (not part of this Manual).

A configuring package is offered as an option to extend the functionality of the

Unit Operator Panel software by user-specific operation dialogs and screens.

Operating & The following components are required for operation and monitoring:
configured MCU user interface (included in the scope of delivery of the
Unit Operator Panel)
control panel 031 with MMC module,
PU/PC for configuring the MMC module,
MPI connection line.

To operate the axes, as well as for the EMERGENCY STOP function, the PP
031 push-button panel can be used in addition.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-1

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
Configuring the Operating & Monitoring Components 01.97

Operator panel The flat operator panel OP 031 is intended to operate and monitor the drive
OP 031 system. To this aim, the input keyboard is provided with 40 alphanumeric keys
and 16 softkeys, as well as a flat screen (color or monochrome, by option).

The dimensions of the OP 031 are 483 mm x 307 mm x 60 mm (wxhxd).

The Figure below shows the controls of the operator panel OP 031.
Graphics monitor
Vertical softkey bar



Cursor block

Range selector
Machine range Horizontal softkey bar

Recall Menu extension

MMC module For the communication between operator panel and machine control, an MMC
module is required. This module contains the software for comfortable
operation of the machine tool. The module must be installed on the rear of the
operator panel. MPI interfacing is provided by means of the 9-pole socket
connector X4.

2-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
01.97 Configuring the Operating and Monitoring Components

Push-button panel In addition to the operator panel, the PP 031 push-button panel provides
PP 031 (optional) straightforward and local operation of the machine tool. Apart from an
EMERGENCY STOP switch, it has two direction keys, a selector switch with
four switching levels, as well as 12 slots for signaling lamps and push-buttons,
which can be equipped with different components, and a socket for an external
acknowledgment key. The MPI communication with the machine control is
carried out through the 9-pole socket connector X15 (see Manual "Operating

The dimensions of PP 031 are 483 mm x 155 mm x 100 mm (wxhxd).

The Figure below shows the controls of PP 031.

Power-On LED Socket for external PU interface

Operating mode
ackonowledgement key,
for example

Einheit Grund- Start / S trung

Tippen wird
ein stellung behoben

Ein heit Alle Halt nach Vorschub Zustimm-

Einheiten Taktende taster
aus zurck halt

Emergency -direction Variable components +direction


Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-3

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
Configuring the Operating & Monitoring Components 01.97

PU/PC To configure the MMC module and commission the axes, a portable
programming unit, type PG 720, 740 or 760, with the STEP 7 software
installed is used. Alternatively, it is also possible to use an industrial standard
PC equipped with an MPI card or an MPI adapter cable.

System design The Figure below shows the general design of the system.

Configured MCU MMC module

user interface

EB ER Maschine G ru nd - Sa t rt/
VK ES ein st e lu ng Tippen

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

Maschine Vorschub
aus halt

P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12


SIMODRIVE 611 with

MCU plug-in unit

Three-phase servomotor
1 FT 6/1 FK 6


2-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
01.97 Commissioning of the Operating & Monitoring Components

3 Commissioning of the Operating &

Monitoring Components

Contents 3.1 Loading Master Disks ..............................................................3-6

3.1.1 Installing the Master Disk ........................................................3-6
3.1.2 Installing the Application Master Disk ....................................3-11
3.2 Loading the System ...............................................................3-18
3.2.1 General ..................................................................................3-18
3.2.2 Loading the System Software
to the MMC Destination Hardware.........................................3-19
3.3 Modifying and Loading Texts.................................................3-20
3.3.1 General Approach .................................................................3-20
3.3.2 Modifying and Extending Texts..............................................3-21
3.4 Special Features When Using
SIMATIC S7 and SIMODRIVE MCU .....................................3-24
3.4.1 Contents of DB17 ..................................................................3-24
3.4.2 Contents of DB19 ..................................................................3-25
3.4.3 Setting Up/Checking the Invocation Data Block FB1 ............3-27
3.5 Installation Package and Windows 95...................................3-29
3.6 Example for Connecting Several MCUs ................................3-30

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-1

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
Commissioning of the Operating and Monitoring Components 01.97

About this Chapter This Chapter provides information on the installation and configuration of the
Unit Operator Panel software and shows how to network and commission the
operating & monitoring components.

Prerequisites Before the OP 031 operator panel can be used to operate and monitor the
machine tool, first the software must be loaded to the operator panel MMC
module panel.
The following is required to install the Unit Operator Panel software:
MCU standard user interface for MMC 101/MMC 102, consisting of:
system master disk
application master disk
PU/PC with
floppy disk drive
80386 processor (or higher)
V.24 interface
MS-DOS 6.x operating system
at least 560 KB free working memory
at least 6 MB free space on the hard disk,
V.24 connection line.

3-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
01.97 Commissioning of the Operating & Monitoring Components

Linking The individual components are linked with each other as shown in the Table
the Components below.

from to Note
Device/mod. Conn. Device/mod. Conn.
MPI bus line
MCU unit.. X20 MMC mod. X4 Length: max. 25 m
MMC mod. X4 PP 031 X15 Length: typ. 0.5 m to 1 m
MCU unit X20 PC/PU MPI for commissioning of the axis
Length: typ. 5 m
included in the scope of
delivery of the PU
V.24 line
MMC mod. X6 PC/PU COM1/ for MMC configuration
COM2 Length: max. 10 m

OP 031 X6
with MMC
module X4

EB ER Maschine Gru nd- Start/

VK ES ein stel lung Tippen

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

PP031 Maschine

P7 P8 P9

P10 P11 P12




with MCU plug-in X20


MPI bus line For the MPI line, precut cables of different lengths with connectors are offered.
For adaptation to equipment-specific requirements, the bus connectors 1, 2 and
3 (connector 3 with integrated PU connecting socket) are also available
separately, and the lines are offered as cut goods. For the respective ordering
data, please refer to our Catalog NC 60.1.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-3

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
Commissioning of the Operating and Monitoring Components 01.97

MPI addresses One MCU communicates with a maximum of

2 PUs/PCs and 1 OP or
2 OPs and 1 PU/PC.

The prerequisite for networking of the stations (nodes) through MPI is that
each station is assigned a different MPI address (0...127). The highest MPI
address must be the same for each station.

Default MPI addresses:

PU/PC: 0
MCU: 2

Further information on MPI networking and cutting the cables to size/attaching

connectors to them is provided in Chapter 10 - Extract from the User Manual

OP 031 After turning on the 24V supply, the OP 031 operator panel carries out a self-
test. After the MPI interface has been initialized successfully, the basic screen
defined during the system configuration appears.

PP 031 The data memory of the PP 031 must be configured user-specifically by means
of the Communication Configuration STEP 7 tool. For further information
refer to the STEP 7 Manual "Using the Tools".

In order to provide data exchange of the PP 031 with the control system via the
MPI interface, first the interface parameters defined during the configuration
must be activated. The interface parameters are:
bus address,
baud rate,
sending rate and
parameter block.

3-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
01.97 Commissioning of the Operating & Monitoring Components

To enable this, set the DIP switches S16, S17 and S18 on the device rear side
as indicated in the Table below.

Switch Position Description

S18 4 off not used
3 off parameter block: 2
2 off not used
1 off hardware reset: OFF
S17 4 off baud rate: 187.5 kBaud
3 off cyclic sending raster: 100 ms
2 on
1 off MPI bus address: 6
S16 4 on
3 on
2 off
1 on parameter block: 2

MCU standard user The MCU standard user interface for MMC 101/MMC 102 consists of the
interface following components
system master disk
application master disk

System master disk This diskette can be used to load the user interface (application) to the MMC
module without the need of any other tools.

Application master This diskette contains the operating ranges, texts, and system files. Before the
disk application diskette can be used, the system master disk must already have
been loaded. The application diskette provides the possibility to modify the
software once more (to change over the language, modify the texts etc.).

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-5

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
Commissioning of the Operating and Monitoring Components 01.97

3.1 Loading Master Disks

3.1.1 Installing the Master Disk

Step 1 Insert the system master disk.

Step 2 Call the SYS_INST.EXE.

The following menu appears:
System installation


< 1 > = Install system disk on hard disk

< 2 > = Install system disk on hard disk & to hardware

< 3 > = Select MMC100 files to install

< ESC > = Quit program!

Please make your choice | <F1> - Help

1 Install the system disk on your hard disk (PC/PU).

This menu item can be used to transfer the system software to several
PCs/PUs (with later installation of the system software to the
destination hardware = MMC module).
2 Install the system diskette on the hard disk of your PC/PU and transfer
the current configuration to the hardware. This menu item can be used
to transfer the system software to the hardware of your PC/PU and to
install it immediately after this to the destination hardware = MMC
3 Updating or modifying the DOS/BIOS software
only necessary if explicitly described in software upgrade instructions;
not necessary for normal installation.
ESC cancels the installation and quits the program.
F1 provides help to the currently displayed screen.

3-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
01.97 Commissioning of the Operating & Monitoring Components

Step 3 Modifying the DOS/BIOS software (if necessary).

This step is only necessary if explicitly described in software upgrade
instructions; is not necessary for normal installation.

You install SW 3.3.
The following Table is provided in the upgrade instructions:

System file
Software version by now
3.2 3.1 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.1
VGABIO28 - - - - - -
SYSBIO31 - - + + + +
ROMDOS30 - - + + + +
MCIN_27 - - - - + +

+ The respective file must be selected for transfer to the MMC

module by entering its number.
When entering the number several times, the selection changes
between YES and NO.
- It is not necessary to select the respective file for transfer to the MMC

The necessity to load one or several files indicated in the Table to the MMC
module depends on the software version used until now.

Select Files to Install


< 1 > = VGABIO28.EXE NO

< 2 > = SYSBIO31.EXE NO

< 3 > = ROMDOS30.BIN NO

< 4 > = MMCIN_27.EXE NO

< ESC > = Back to main menu!

Please make your choice

1 Selection whether to transfer video BIOS

2 Selection whether to transfer system BIOS
3 Selection whether to transfer ROMDOS
4 Selection whether to transfer PCIN
ESC return to the installation menu

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-7

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
Commissioning of the Operating and Monitoring Components 01.97

Step 4 Select drive:

Select the drive of the PC/PU to which you want to copy the files of the system
diskette. All hard disk drives and network drives with write access are possible.

Copyright (c) Siemens AG 1996, all Rights reserved

Installation kit version 3.2/03

Install system disk to hard disk


+--- Select drive for installation --+

Drive :


Step 5 Select path:

Select the path to which you want to copy the files of the system disk. If the
path does not exist, it is created. As default value, \MMC100PJ.SYS is

Copyright (c) Siemens AG 1996, all Rights reserved

Installation kit version 3.2/03

Install system disk to hard disk


+--------- Select path for installation ---------+

Path :


If the directory already exists, it is overwritten!

The files will be copied to your hard disk.

If in the first menu the item "Install system disk to hard disk" has been selected,
the installation of the system disk is automatically completed after this, and the
initial menu appears again.
From there, it is possible to install the system software on further PCs/PUs
(network installation). The system software can then be transferred to the
hardware. To this aim, go to the directory where you have installed the system
software and call the file SYS_INST.EXE. The System Installation Menu
The transfer of the hardware configuration is continued as follows:

3-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
01.97 Commissioning of the Operating & Monitoring Components

Step 6 Transferring the software to the hardware:

The transfer menu appears. If the port displayed at "Selected COM port:" does
not conform to the port which is displayed and to which the cable to the MMC
module is connected, press 2. In the following submenu, press the figure which
corresponds to the COM interface used. You will return to the transfer menu,
and your choice will appear on the display.
Prior to activating transfer by menu item 1, you must ensure that the MMC
module is ready for receive and the cable to it is connected.

Transfer software on hardware

Selected COM port : COM1


< 1 > = Install software via serial line

< 2 > = Select COM port
| < ESC > = Quit program

| |

Please make your choice | <F1> Help

Making the MMC module ready for receive:

1. Turn the power supply for the MMC / Unit Operator Panel on or reset the
system by pressing push-button S1 on the rear of your hardware.
2. While the system is booting, hold push-button 6 down as long as the input
screen of the PCIN transfer software appears.

Activating the transfer:

Press 1 in the transfer menu.
The transfer starts, and the progress of transfer is displayed both at the PC/PU
and at the MMC module.
If you have selected YES for VGABIO28, this file is separately transferred to
the MMC module first of all the other files. The following note will then
Transfer of VGA-BIOS successfully finished!

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-9

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
Commissioning of the Operating and Monitoring Components 01.97


On completion of the transfer of VGABIO28.EXE, the MMC module must be

rebooted. In order to make the MMC module ready for receive again, push-
button 6 must be hold down during restart. If you should fail to do it for
reasons of time, the system can be turned off/on again while pressing push-
button 6.

After pressing RETURN, the remaining files are transferred to the MMC

Transfer not o.k.:

If the transfer path is not o.k., first the PCIN mask at the PC/PU appears, and
after some seconds the note:
The program PCIN-Light returned a TIMEOUT error!

Check the cables, the indicated COM port and make sure that the MMC
module is ready. Reactivate transfer after removing the error.

Series upgrade:
If the procedure described above is repeated several times for each module to
be updated, it is possible to update several MMC modules from the transfer
menu. At the end, the transfer menu is left by pressing ESC.

When you have completed the transfer to the hard disk or to both the hard disk
and the MMC module, quit the installation menu by pressing ESC. You are
now in the subdirectory INSTUTIL of your hard disk directory to which the
data have been copied from the system disk. From here, the installation menu
can be restarted.

Start installation from the hard disk:

When starting SYS_INST.EXE, the installation menu appears again. The menu
item "Install system disk on hard disk" (loading from floppy disk to hard disk)
is still hidden, since the transfer has already taken place. The remaining items
are operated as described above.

3-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
01.97 Commissioning of the Operating & Monitoring Components

3.1.2 Installing the Application Master Disk

Prerequisite The MMC system software has been loaded from the system disk to the

Step 1 Call APP_INST.EXE:

Insert the diskette and call the file APP_INST.EXE.

Step 2 Enter drive:

Selection of the drive to which the files on the application disk are to be
unpacked. Any hard disk drives and network drives with write access are

Copyright (c) Siemens AG 1996, all Rights reserved

Installation kit version 3.2/08

Install application disk to hard disk


+--- Select drive for installation --+

Drive :


Step 3 Enter path:

Selection of the path to which the files of the application disk are to be
unpacked. If the does not exist, it will be created.
\MMC100PJ.APP is the default path suggested.
The files are copied to the hard disk and unpacked.
When the installation on the hard disk is completed, the following selection
menu appears:

Copyright (c) Siemens AG 1996, all Rights reserved

Installation kit version 3.2/06

Install application disk to hard disk


+--------- Select path for installation ---------+

Path :

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Step 4 Set configuration:

Install application to hardware MMC100

First language : English Second language : German


< 1 > = Install all modules to hardware

< 2 > = Modify configuration

< 3 > = Select modules to install

< ESC > = Esc to quit!

Please make your choice | <F1> - Help

1 Install the current configuration to the hardware.

If under Item 3 certain modules have been selected for MMC, the
following appears under 1 instead of the default setting:
"Install selected modules to hardware",
i.e. only the modules selected under Item 3 are transferred.
2 Alter the language settings and edit selected ASCII files
3 Select the modules for selective installation (MMC101 only)
ESC cancels the installation and quits the program.
F1 displays the on-line help for the current screen

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Step 4.a Modify configuration (if necessary):

Install application to hardware MMC100

First language : English Second language : German


< 1 > = Change first language

< 2 > = Change second language

< 3 > = Edit ASCII files

< 4 > = Edit text files for first language

< 5 > = Edit text files for second language

< ESC > = Return to previous menu!

Please make your choice | <F1> - Help

1 Change first language.

2 Change second language.
3 Edit the ASCII files of the system and the applications if these
contain ASCII files.
4 Edit the text files for the first language selected.
5 Edit the text files for the second language selected.
ESC Return to the installation menu.
F1 displays the on-line help

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Step 4.a.1 Language selection:

Change first language (actually : English )


< 1 > = German

< 2 > = English

< 3 > = French

< 4 > = Spanish

< 5 > = Italian

< 6 > = Russian

< PgDn > = Next languages

< ESC > = Return to previous menu!

Please make your choice | <F1> - Help

Item 1..6 assigns the first or second language a new language setting
PgDn turns to the next page (if more than 7 languages exist)
PgUp turns to the previous page (if more than 7 languages exist)
ESC quits the menu (irrespective of the current page)
without changing the current language setting.
F1 displays the on-line help

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Step 4.a.2 Editing ASCII files:

Install application to hardware MMC100

First language : English Second language : German


< 1 > = Edit MPI configuration data

< 2 > = Edit Display machine data

< 3 > = Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT

< 4 > = Edit CONFIG.SYS

< 5 > = Edit OEM.BAT

< 6 > = Edit user specific files

< ESC > = Return to previous menu!

Please make your choice | <F1> - Help

Item 1.6Starts EDIT.COM to edit the respective files.

Some items appear only if the files exist.
ESC quits the menu.
F1 displays the on-line help


Proper function of the software cannot be guaranteed if any unauthorized

modifications to the files AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS have been

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Step 5 Transfer the MMC software to the hardware:

Transfer software on hardware

Selected COM port : COM1


< 1 > = Install software via serial line

< 2 > = Select COM port
| |
| < ESC > = Quit program


Please make your choice | <F1> Help

The transfer menu appears. If the port displayed at "Selected COM port:" does
not conform to the port which is displayed and to which the cable to the MMC
module is connected, press 2.
In the following submenu, press the figure corresponding to the COM interface
used. You will return to the transfer menu, and your choice will appear on the

Prior to activating transfer by menu item 1, you must ensure that the MMC
module is ready for receive and the cable to it is connected.

Activate transfer:
Press 1 in the transfer menu.
The transfer starts, and the progress of the transfer is displayed both at the
PC/PU and the MMC module.

Transfer not o.k.:

If the transfer path is not o.k., first the PCIN screen appears at the PC/PU and
then, after several seconds, the note:
The program PCIN-Light returned a TIMEOUT error!

Check the cables, the indicated COM port, and make sure that the MMC
module is ready for receive; reactivate the transfer after removing the error.

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Series upgrade:
If the procedure described above is repeated several times for each MMC
module to be updated, it is possible to update several MMC modules from the
transfer menu. At the end, the transfer module is left by ESC.


When you have completed the transfer to the hard disk or to the hard disk and
the MMC module, quit the installation menu by pressing ESC. You are now in
the subdirectory INSTUTIL of your hard disk directory to which the data have
been copied from the system disk. From here, the installation menu can be

Start installation from the hard disk:

When starting app_inst.exe, the configuration menu appears. Drive and path
need not be selected, as the transfer from the diskette to the hard disk has
already taken place. The remaining items are operated as described above.

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3.2 Loading the System

3.2.1 General

Description The installation procedure transfers

the configuration settings,
the configured user interface, and
the system software

from the update directory to your PC/PU or from an installation diskette to the
MMC/Unit Operator Panel hardware.

The installation can be performed either from the

application diskette
from hard disk, or
directly from SCK after configuration (not part of this Documentation). The
procedure after starting is always the same.

Prerequisites PC with DOS 6.x or Windows 3.1x (SCK runs under DOS Shell) or Windows
95 (SCK runs under DOS Shell)
Cable between the COM1 interface of the MMC module (X6) and the COM1
or COM2 interface of your PC/PU.
Required memory on the MMC/Unit operator Panel hard disk: approx.. 2
Mbytes (standard configuration).


It is recommended to exit Windows for installation, as the transfer times

reached under DOS are by many times higher.

Installation Turn the system on and press push-button 6 until the PC IN software appears in
the Data In mode.

During these 5 seconds, Item 1 can be selected by entering figure 1 or by

means of the cursor key 1 (Install/Update your Software).


If push-button 6 is not pressed on time, the hardware starts with the previous

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When starting from One of the installation options listed below can be selected by means of the
diskette programs APP_INST.EXE or SYS_INST.EXE:
1. Software installation on your PC/PU with following transfer. This makes
sense if you wish to load the same software to several Unit Operator Panels.
2. Transfer directly from the diskette (can only be selected in conjunction with
This makes sense if you wish to install only one Unit Operator Panel.
If you configure systems which exceed a capacity of 1 system disk, they can
not directly be installed from the diskette to the destination hardware. In
this case, the system diskettes must be copied to the hard disk of an
installation PC, and the installation must be carried out from there.
3. Transferring the software to your PC/PU.
This makes sense if the installation on several UOPs is carried out later.

3.2.2 Loading the System Software to the MMC Destination Hardware

At the MMC/UOP 1. Turn the power supply for the MMC / UOP on or press the RESET button
S1 on the rear of your hardware.
2. While the system is booting, hold push-button 6 down as long as the input
screen of the PCIN transfer software appears.

At the PC/PU 3. Start the update procedure by:

SYS_INST.EXE to install the system
APP_INST.EXE to install the application
HG_INST.EXE to install the HiGraph diagnostic files
4. Entries expected by xxx_INST.EXE:
Selection of the software components to be transferred (see above).
For text files: selection of first and second language.
Selection of configuration file(s) to be edited (if necessary)
Selection of serial interface and baud rate for transfer.


When transferring the files APP_INST and HG_INST:

Make sure that the system and application files are of the same software

5. After the respective files have been transferred to the destination hardware,
the MMC hardware will start automatically.

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3.3 Modifying and Loading Texts

3.3.1 General Approach

Alarm and user texts can be modified both in the SCK and from the
application disk.
In these environments, the texts can only be modified by means of the DOS
editor EDIT. This editor opens automatically in order to edit the display
machine data and set the MPI addresses.
The text files that can be modified are saved in the path
and automatically considered by the SCK or the application master disk.
The installation of the MMC hardware is carried out as described in the
Chapter "Loading Master Disks".


In order to be able to modify texts, you must know the structure and principle
of MMC text handling. This is described in the following.

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3.3.2 Modifying and Extending Texts

Languages, The SINUMERIK/UOPs are offered with two languages. These two languages
texts in several are designated as a first and a second language.
languages First and second language of the MMC system can be replaced by other texts
or texts in another language without reassembling the configuration or the
basic system.


The number of texts, as well as their order of translation may not be altered.
This limitation is not applicable to alarm texts (all text files starting with an
"a": alm, aln, ala, alp, alc, alz).

Master language The different forms of the binary text files must match with each other. For this
reason, a master language is always provided for the entire text handling,
which defines the number and the order of the texts.
In the MMC/UOP installation package, English (\proj\text\g) is the master
language, but it can be changed and later in the Default Options menu during
the setup.

Text source files Configuration text source files are in the path
...\proj\text\d, e, f,... (depending on the language).
Text source files starting with an "a" are alarm text source files (PLC alarm,
cycle and compile cycle alarm files).
Text source files always have the extension *.txt.

Text accesses In the text source files, a text is assigned a text symbol.
General principle The text converter uses them to produce
a binary text file for the run-time system, and
a text include file for configuring.

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Syntax of the In the path \proj\text\*\, the relevant source text file is stored for each language.
configuration source A source file (not alarm texts) is structured as follows:
text files
symb_txt_id "text" [// comment]
symb_txt_id Symbolic text identification, must begin with a letter; max. length:
45 characters.
symb_txt_id must be unambiguous over the entire configuration
process (standard and application). For the delivered version of
configuration, this requirement is met by the following convention:
Text identifiers defined in the XY.TXT file always start with
T_XY_ and are therefore unambiguous in the file XY.TXT (to be
ensured by searching in the editor).
Recommendation: Adhere to this convention with text extensions
in the application!
text Text to be displayed, character string included in "".
A line feed within the text to be output is indicated by %n.
Comment possible from the comment identifier // to the end of the line.
Usually, the comment contains the max. length of the text which
can be represented on the screen.

Alarm text files The alarm text files *.txt are in

<destination drive> proj\text\<language directory>
As standard, in addition to the user texts, texts for the following alarm ranges
can be modified:
alc.txt compile cycle alarms
alp.txt machine-specific PLC alarms
alz.txt cycle alarms

Modifying texts 1. Make sure that all language versions of each text file have the same
structure (order of numbers, number of lines etc.) as the respective file of
the master language.
2. The standard texts contained in the *.txt files can be overwritten by user-
specific texts.
3. Furthermore, the files can be extended by new entries.
4. When adding further lines, they must be inserted in the master language,
too, before converting them (see below).

Editor The *.txt files can only be modified by means of the DOS editor EDIT.

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Error in the text Scan: ERROR line 7: symbol <SYMBOL NAME> not contained
conversion in the first language!
Conversion finished
1 error(s)

Remedy: First you must insert the text in the master language and
then generate these binary text files, only then you can insert
the text in further language text source files.

Scan : Instead of a text, only "???" is displayed.

Remedy: You have not generated the texts for the first language.
Files *.sp? are missing in the \bin directory.

Scan: ???? "Wrong command line /S1 or S2".:

Remedy: The file MMC0_TXV.INI does not exist in the directory


Alarm number, For the distribution of the alarm number ranges and the syntax of alarm text
syntax of alarm texts files refer to Chapter 8 of the SINUMERIK 840D Commissioning Instructions.


When modifying the text, pay attention to the following.

1. MMC module: The memory capacity in the flash-file system is limited, and
the configuration on the application diskette can therefore not be modified
any more. For this reason, when extending the text files make sure that the
flash-memory space of 1,280 KBytes which is maximum available for the
application is not exceeded.
2. New texts may only be added at the end of a text file.
3. It is not allowed to delete existing texts or to alter their order.
4. It is not allowed to insert empty lines into the text files, even not at the end
of the file.
5. The file MMC0_TXV.ini must not be modified.
6. When editing files beyond the installation environment, use an editor that
supports the DOS character set,
generates CR-LF after each line, and
does not insert an end-of-file identifier

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3.4 Special Features When Using SIMATIC S7 and


Data blocks When using SIMATIC S7 and SIMODRIVE MCU, the following must be
1. Create the data blocks DB17 (version code) and DB19 (MMC interface).
2. Compile the blocks and load them into the CPU.

3.4.1 Contents of DB17

vers: dword;
gpvers : STRING [54 ] := '@(#)
~program_version_id:V32.03.02*12:03:96 18:00:00~';
//Byte 0: 1-FM-NC ;2-810D; 3-840D

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3.4.2 Contents of DB19

DB19, DBX0.1 Screen dark

The screen turns to dark or bright (for screen saving, for example)
via the keyboard ("automatic screen blanking)
If no button is pressed for a certain period set via MMC-MD:
DISPLAY_BLACK_TIME (default = 3 minutes), the screen automatically
turns to dark (blanks).
Unblanking is performed when pressing any button on the operator panel
(pressing a button for the first time does not activate any operating action)
Prerequisite for automatic screen blanking:
NST "Screen dark" = 0
from the PLC user program via NST "Screen dark"

In addition, blanking (1-signal) or unblanking (0-signal) is also possible by

the NST "Screen dark" directly from the PLC.
As soon as the NST "Screen dark" = 1, the following is applicable:
Unblanking through the keyboard (see above) is thus not any more
Already when pressing any button at the operator panel for the first
time, an operating action is carried out.


If the screen is blanked by means of the NST "Screen dark", the keyboard is to
be locked at the same time by the NST "Keyboard locking" = 1 in order to
exclude any undesired operating actions.

DB19, DBX0.2 Key lock

The NST "Key lock" can be used to lock (1-signal) or enable (0-signal) the
keyboard for the operator.

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DB19, DBX0.7 Activating the WCS display

For actual-value display, two coordinate systems are differed:
Machine coordinate system (MCS)
The machine coordinate system defines the relations of the machine axes.
In the MCS, all machine and additional axes are indicated.
Workpiece coordinate system (WCS)
The assignment of the workpiece to the machine axes is provided by special
transformations (frame definitions, zero offsets). The workpiece is always
imaged in a Cartesian coordinate system. In the WCS, all geometry and
additional axes are indicated.

Selection of actual-value display

Which coordinate system is displayed can be selected
either by the operator using the softkeys "MCS actual values" or "WCS
actual values"
or through the PLC by means of the NST "WCS actual-value indication"
If the NST "Activate WCS display" is set to "1" by the PLC, the actual values
in the workpiece coordinate system (WCS) are always displayed when
selecting the machine range. In the machine range, the operator can change
over the actual-value display between WCS and MCS as he wants using the
softkeys mentioned above.

Actual values in the WCS

When selecting "WCS", the geometry and additional axes, as well as their
actual-value positions and distances to go in the workpiece coordinate system
are displayed in position window.

Actual values in the MCS

When selecting "MCS", the machine and additional axes, as well as their
actual-value positions and distances to go in the machine coordinate system are
displayed in the position window.

When connecting one or several SIMODRIVE MCUs, the system files must be
adapted (see Section 3.6)

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DB19, DBX26.0 MMC software version 3.2

The NST "MMC software version 3.2" can be used to indicate the software
version of the MMC
1 signal SW 3.2 or
0 signal < SW 3.2

3.4.3 Setting Up/Checking the Invocation Data Block FB1

The operations of the SIMODRIVE MCU are always written into the
invocation data block of the technology function block (FB 1).
In order to carry out these operations, the following items must be observed:

The operations entered into the range of the input parameters, must be read,
checked and taken over into the respective transfer parameter of the FB
before calling the technology block.
In some cases, the operations entered into the local range must be
transferred to the MCU by calling FC Control.

The following addresses of the invocation data block are entered by the Unit
Operator Panel:
1. DBB0 BETRIEBSART transfer parameter
2. DBB1 BA_PARAMETER transfer parameter
3. DBB2 OVERRIDE transfer parameter
4. DBX3.5 SATZ_AUSBLENDEN transfer parameter
5. DBX14.5 GESCHWINDIGKEITSSTUFEN_S transfer parameter
6. DBD42 V_1_2.V_1 local range, transferred
7. DBD46 V_1_2.V_2 local range, transferred
8. DBX100.7 BIT_EINST.SIM_EIN local range, via
FC Control (DS 11)
9. DBD108 NULLPKTVER local range, via
FC Control (DS 13)
10. DBD142 PRG_ANWAHL local range, via
FC Control (DS 18)

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Program example: UN BA_UEBERNAHME_GUELTIG // mode change permitted

SPB M001
L DB1.DBB0 // desired mode
T PARA_BETRIEBSART // input parameter mode for FB1
L DB1.DBB1 // desired mode parameter
T PARA_BAPAR // input parameter - mode parameter
for FB1
M001: NOP0

L DB1.DBB2 // desired override value

T PARA_OVERRIDE // input parameter override for FB1

U DB1.DBX3.5 // desired function - skip block

= PARA_SATZ_AUSBL // input parameter - skip block for FB1

U DB1.DBX14.5 // feed steps changed

= PARA_GESCHW_S // input parameter
velocity steps_s for
// FB1
R DB1.DBX14.5

U DB1.DBX100.7 // Simulation ON
UN MERKE_SIM_EIN // Write edge formation for DS11
UN DB1.DBX100.7 // Simulation OFF
U MERKE_SIM_EIN // Write edge formation for DS11
CALL FB1,DB1 // Call intelligent I/O module
UN SCHREIBE_DS11 // Write job for FC_CONTROL
O SCHREIBEN_LAEUFT // Write job being processed
SPB M002
L 11 // DS 11, Write bit-coded settings
T AUFTRAGSNR_FC_CONTROL // Job number for FC-Control
M002: NOP0
.... // Enter or check further jobs
// for FC_Control
SPB M003
M003: NOP0

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3.5 Installation Package and Windows 95

You can also use the tools of the installation package in a DOS box under
Windows 95. In order to load your software from here to the MMC, the
following preparations must be made:
1. Copy the DOS program INTERSRV.EXE to a directory in your search
2. Set the MS-DOS mode in "Features" "Program" - "Extended" as follows.
- Priority: Admit screen saver
- Idle run activity: Low
- Cancellation: Warning if still active
- Further options: To be inserted quickly
- Access keys: All
3. If you want to use the transfer via V.24 or the parallel interface, you must
select the Features menu and there the Other item for the DOS box and set
the idle run activity to "Low".

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3.6 Example for Connecting Several MCUs

On request, the files can be opened for editing and modified by means of the
SCK tool. To this aim, the DOS editor EDIT is activated.

Overview The following files are used to configure the SINUMERIK Unit Operator

NETNAMES.INI Make the communication settings for the MPI bus partner.

MCU.INI The SIMODRIVE MCU user interface can also partially be modified. This is
carried out by means of the file MCU.INI.

You can alter:

the number of the axes
and for each axis:
axis type
link detection
invocation data block number
the access stage

BD.TEA In the file BD.TEA, it is also possible to configure the V.24 interface, for
example. "Display-Machine-Data" means display of machine data; settings of
operating modes by $MM_parameters. The file BD.TEA is processed similar
to the existing file being displayed.

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AUTOEXEC.BAT The file AUTOEXEC.BAT must not be modified. If any drivers are needed,
write a separate OEM-BAT which is automatically called from the existing

The developer of the OEM application must make an entry in the respective
CFG file.

If the files AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS are modified, proper function
of the software cannot be guaranteed.

CONFIG.SYS The file CONFIG.SYS must not be modified.

OEM.BAT The file OEM.BAT is supplied by the OEM manufacturer. It must not be

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Example: The following two files must be adapted according to their configuration and to
1 UOP and their MPI addresses of the individual MCUs. A line with the respective axis
max. 3 MCUs parameters must be indicated in the file MCU.INI for each existing axis. The
number without link identification corresponds to the number behind the
conn_parameter from the file NETNAMES.INI.
ANZ = 3 Number of existing axes
A1 = V,1,1 Parameter of the 1st axis
V = Type of axis (feed axis)
1 = Link connection 1 (conn_1
from netname.ini)
1 = No. of the invocation data
block of the PLC
A2 = V,2,1 Parameter of the 2nd axis
V = Type of axis (feed axis)
2 = Link identification 2 (conn_2
from netname.ini)
1 = No. of invocation data block
of the PLC
LEV = 2 Access level

owner= MMC_1

; Description of possible connections

[conn MMC_1]
conn_1= MCU_1
conn_2= MCU_2

; Description of significant net-parameters

[param network]
bus= mpi

[param MMC_1]
mmc_address= 1

[param MCU_1]
plc_address= 2
name= Master MCU

[param MCU_2]
plc_address= 3
name= Slave MCU 1

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4 Operating and Monitoring of the MCU by

Means of the UOP

Contents 4.1 General ....................................................................................4-3

4.2 Graphical User Interface..........................................................4-4
4.3 Menu Structure ........................................................................4-5
4.4 Machine Range........................................................................4-5
4.4.1 JOG Mode ...............................................................................4-6
4.4.2 Refpos Mode ...........................................................................4-8
4.4.3 Automatic Mode.......................................................................4-9
4.4.4 Modifying the Zero Offset ......................................................4-11
4.4.5 Modifying the Override...........................................................4-12
4.5 The Tool Compensation Range.............................................4-13
4.6 Program Range .....................................................................4-15
4.6.1 Selecting a Program ..............................................................4-16
4.6.2 Creating/Modifying Programs ................................................4-17
4.6.3 Saving a Program ..................................................................4-22
4.6.4 Displaying the Permissible G Functions ................................4-23
4.7 Axis Selection Range.............................................................4-24
4.7.1 Parameterization of User Interface........................................4-25
4.8 Alarms/Messages ..................................................................4-25
4.9 System Range .......................................................................4-26
4.9.1 General ..................................................................................4-26
4.9.2 Alarms/Messages ..................................................................4-27
4.9.3 PLC Status.............................................................................4-28
4.9.4 MMC Version .........................................................................4-28

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About this Chapter This Chapter contains an extract from the SINUMERIK Documentation -
Operating Instructions of Unit Operator Panel. It introduces the MCU-specific
operating ranges of the unit operator panel to you and familiarizes you with the
operating modes and functions provided in the individual operating ranges.

What can be For a maximum of three axes, tool offset data and traversing programs can be
operated? written into the user data block of the STEP 7 user program via the operator
panel and evaluated in the STEP 7 user program.

The UOP software is operated via the horizontal and vertical softkey bar of the
OP 031. The assignment of the softkeys is set during the system configuration
of the MMC module with specific regard of the user's needs.

What can be For a maximum of three axes, messages and data for tool offsets and traversing
monitored? programs can be read and displayed from the data block for status messages
and the respective parameterized data blocks of the MCU module.

Start menu After turning on the supply voltage, the MMC/UOP module carries out a
system test. After the test has been completed successfully, the start menu with
the two menu items
1. Software update and
2. Start UOP

If you fail to decide on one of the two menu items within 5 seconds, UOP is

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4.1 General

The SINUMERIK UOP in the MCU version MCU is operated in the following
operating ranges
in some cases, further customer-specific ranges.
The operating sequences described in the following refer to one axis each.


The MCU entries are not password-protected.

The parameterization of the communication of several MCUs is carried out in

the file MCU.INI during the commissioning and is described in Section 3.6.

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Operating and Monitoring of the MCU by Means of the UOP 01.97

4.2 Graphical User Interface

Screen division The graphical user interface of the SIMODRIVE MCU consists of
a global range (fields 1-4 and 6-10),
the alarm and dialog line,
the vertical and horizontal softkey bar, and
one or several working windows.

1 4 6 7 10
2 8
3 9

12 / 1 12 / 2


12 / 3
12 / 5

12 / 4

11 13 i


1 Ranges: MCU, System, HiGraph

2 State of selected axis
3 Program state of the active program of the selected axis
4 Name of axis
5 Alarm and message line
6 Mode of selected axis (JOG, AUTO, REFPOS)
7 Program name of the active program of the selected axis
8 Process event signals (operator errors, data errors, operating errors)
9 Status display (SKP, PRT, SBL1 only)
10 Reserved
11 Softkey-bar relevant information and RECALL
12 Working window, activation highlighted by FOCUS
13 Dialog line for operator notes
14 Focus, marking of active working window by stronger frame
15 Horizontal softkey bar with 8 softkeys
16 Vertical softkey bar with 8 softkeys
i Appears if operating information is provided for the selected function

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01.97 Operating and Monitoring of the MCU by Means of the UOP

4.3 Menu Structure

Basic menu Since the number, position and names of the softkeys can be projected freely,
only an example for a basic menu which can be confugured is shown.


Example for a basic menu, MCU variant

4.4 Machine Range

Machine The machine screen shows the positions of all existing axes in the operating
modes possible
Setting-up (JOG),
Automatic (AUTO) and
Reference-point approach (REFPOS).
Entries for override and zero offset are possible in all operating modes. in the
JOG mode, the two feedrates can additionally be changed.

Mode selection When selecting an operating mode by means of the SINUMERIK UOP, the
machine basic screen of the machine of the selected mode is displayed.
The machine basic screen contains traversing direction, axis name, actual
position, feed, and mode, irrespective of the current operating mode of all
existing axes.
Select an operating mode from the machine basic screen.
When changing the operating mode, the PLC basic program checks whether
a change is admitted.

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4.4.1 JOG Mode

In the JOG or Set-up mode, the selected axis is traversed manually by means of
the direction keys of the machine control panel or PP031.
To this aim, two fixed speeds can be selected, which can be controlled by the
The currently selected speed is marked by the symbol in the window.

JOG basic screen

Explanation of the Axis Name of axis

basic screen Actual Displays the current axis position.
Set position Displays the set axis position.
Operating Displays the current mode of the axis.
Feed Displays the current feed.

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Modifying the velocity Function:

In the Set-up mode (Jog), 2 velocities can be selected in the feed window.

Modifying the values:

Machine Jog The basic menu of Jog mode is selected.

Feed By pressing the Feed entry softkey, the values of the

entry 2 velocity steps can be modified. The setpoint
indicates the value which you have set, and the actual
value indicates the current value of the respective
velocity step.
Use the cursor keys to select the desired velocity step,
modify the value, and
confirm by pressing the Input key.

Use the RECALL key to close the window.

Modifying the current velocity step:

Machine Jog The basic menu of the Jog mode is selected.

Use the Select key to modify the currently selected


See Section AUTOMATIC mode.

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4.4.2 Refpos Mode

Function When using incremental position encoders, after turning on, there is an
undefined offset between the internal measuring value and the current
mechanical axis position. To provide position reference, the internal measuring
value must be synchronized with the axis position.

Operating sequence Machine

The Refpos mode is automatically selected via the

Use the axis traverse keys to traverse the axes.

+X -X
With Refpos selected, the symbol appears when the
reference point is reached.

Refpos basic screen

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01.97 Operating and Monitoring of the MCU by Means of the UOP

4.4.3 Automatic Mode

Function In the Automatic mode, individual NC traversing programs are executed; it is

not possible to traverse the axes by the direction keys. The NC programs are
started and stopped by push-buttons (on the PP031, for example). Program
selection is carried out in the program directory.

Automatic basic

Explanation of the Axis Name of selected axis

basic screen
Actual position Displays the current axis position.
Set position Displays the set axis position.
Operating mode Displays the current mode of the axis.
Feed Displays the current feed.
Active block The following values and functions of the active block
are displayed as a list:
G functions
M functions
feed value
distance to be traversed /set position
possible dwell time
call of subroutine no.
Current program The window displays program number, block number
and override setting of the current program.
Tool The active tool offset no. is displayed.

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ZOOM+ Function:
Zooms out the actual-position window

Operating sequence:
Zoom Pressing the ZOOM ACT. VALUE softkey
Act. Value maximizes the working window. The remaining
working windows are overlapped.
Press the Recall button to reset the zoom.

Program control Function:

When pressing this softkey, a window appears which lists all possible
commands to control an NC traversing program:
SKP Skip block
PRT Program test, simulation of the NC traversing program without
moving the axes
SBL1 Stop after each machine function block and Automatic
Single Block

Operating sequence:

Machine Automatic
The basic menu of the Automatic mode is selected.

Program Program Control is displayed.


Position the cursor to the desired field.

The desired function is activated/deactivated each

time when pressing the SELECT button.

Use the Recall button to cancel your selection.


Changeover between Automatic Subsequent Block and Automatic Single

Block is carried out by the Program Control softkey. This is only possible on
standstill of the program.

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4.4.4 Modifying the Zero Offset

Function After approaching the reference point, the actual value display refers to the
machine zero point, and the machining program to the workpiece zero point.
The part program execution considers this zero offset.
Depending on the kind and clamping of the workpiece, the dimension between
machine zero point and workpiece zero point can vary.

Operating sequence Machine

The basic menu of
Automatic or
Jog or
Automatic Refpos mode in the Machine range is selected.

Jog Refpos

Zero By pressing the Zero softkey, a window is displayed

in which a new value for the zero offset can be
Press the Input key to confirm the modified value.

Use the Recall key to close the window.


The G functions G54 ... G57 that enable the programmable zero offset are not
realized in the SIMODRIVE MCU. Only a value exists which is considered in
the active tool offset.

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4.4.5 Modifying the Override

Function Use the Override function to modify the feedrate. Both the setpoint and the
actual value are displayed. Entries are possible in all operating modes.

Operating sequence Machine

The basic menu of the
Automatic /
Jog /
Automatic Refpos mode in the Machine range is selected.

Jog Refpos

Override When pressing the Override softkey, a window

overlapping the tool and the program window is
displayed in which the override value can be
Press the Input key to confirm the modified value.

Use the RECALL key to cancel your entry and to

close the window.

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4.5 The Tool Compensation Range

Function The following is represented for each tool:

tool length compensation,
absolute and
additive wear value for max. 20 tools.
These values can be modified by the operator.

Tool Operating Range

basic screen

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Operating sequence Machine

Tool The Tool Compensation basic menu is selected.
Use the cursor and the page keys to select

or change a tool in the Table. Decimals need not be

0 ... 9 entered.

Flash Use the Flash Data softkey to save the modified val-
Data ues in the RAM and store them additionally in the
Save Use the Save Data softkey to save the modified val-
Data ues in the RAM


Any changes not saved by Save Data get lost when turning off the control sys-

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4.6 Program Range

Function Both all existing and the currently selected traversing program are displayed
with their program number and program name.

Program Overview
basic screen

Program can only be selected if the axis is in the STOP condition.


If necessary you can leaf through the displayed program list.

Existing programs can be modified or deleted. This does not apply to the active

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4.6.1 Selecting a Program

Function Programs are selected in the Program Overview.

Operating sequence Machine Program

The Program basic menu is selected.

Programs are selected by means of the cursor keys

Program the Program Selection softkey.
Press the Program Start softkey on the machine
control panel or on PP031.
The PLC program controls whether a program can be


Programs can be loaded into the control system by means of the commissioning
tool (MCU Programming and Commissioning Tool) via the MPI interface.

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0.97 Operating and Monitoring of the MCU by Means of the UOP

4.6.2 Creating/Modifying Programs

Creating a new pro- Function:

The Program Overview can also be used to create a new program by means of
the program editor.
Use the cursor keys to leaf through the program line by line, and the page
keys to leaf through the program page by page. The scrollbar shows the posi-
tion of the block which can be edited.
Any modifications become only active by pressing the Save Program softkey.
Modifications not taken over by Save Program get lost when the control system
is turned off.

Traversing program editor:


Any modifications can only be carried out in one block; and the modified
blocks must then be taken over to the SINUMERIK UOP (not to the MCU) by
pressing the Save Block softkey.
The active traversing program can only be viewed but not modified.

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Operating sequence:

Machine Program
The Program basic menu is selected.

New Press the New Program softkey; the program editor

Program appears.

A Z Enter the respective program data block by block, and

7 ... ;

Save complete each program block by Save Block.

Save When you have entered all blocks, complete the pro-
Program gram by pressing Save Program.


If you do not save your entries prior to leaving the program editor, the cur-
rently entered data get lost.

Deleting a program Function:

Use the Program Overview to delete programs.

Operating sequence:

Machine Program
The Program basic menu is selected.

Use the cursor keys to select a program.

Delete The selected program on the SIMODRIVE MCU is

Program deleted by pressing the Delete Program softkey.

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Saving a program Function:

Use the Program Overview to save programs on the FLASH EPROM of the
SIMODRIVE MCU. If you fail to perform these functions, the modifications in
the programs get lost when turning off the MCU. The contents saved on the
FEPROM is recovered when turning on the control system.

Operating sequence:

Machine Program
The Program basic menu is selected.

Flash Use the cursor keys to select the file which you want
Program to save and press the Flash Program softkey.

I Through saving, not only the programs on the FEPROM are saved, but all
data of the integrated FM-POS (DB 1001 to 1249).

Modifying Function:
Use the Program Overview to view and modify a program.

Operating sequence:

Machine Program
The Program basic menu is selected.

Use the cursor keys to select a program, and

Modify press then the Modify Program softkey or the Input

Program or softkey;
the program editor is selected.
Save Any modifications can only be carried out in one
Block block, and the each modification must be taken over
by pressing the Save Block softkey.
Save After all modifications to the program have been
Programs made, confirm them by pressing the Save Programs


Programs can be loaded into the control system by means of the commissioning
tool (MCU Programming and Commissioning Tool) via the MPI interface.

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Copying a program Function:

The program displayed can be copied to a new program.
However, existing programs cannot be overwritten.

Operating sequence:
The Modify program submenu is selected.

Modify Press the Modify Progr. No. softkey.

Progr. No. The cursor will jump to the Program Number field.
This can now be modified.

Press the Input key to confirm your modification.


If the program number that you have entered already exists, an error message is
provided and the previous program number is entered.

Inserting an empty Function:

It is possible to insert a line before any block as long as the maximum number
of traversing blocks is not reached and the difference of the two block numbers
is > 1.

Operating sequence:

Modify The Modify Program submenu is selected.

Insert Press the Insert Block softkey.

Block A new empty block is inserted. The block number is
already preset, but you can modify it.

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Adding a block Function:

After any block which can be modified a line can be added provided
the maximum number of traversing blocks is not yet reached,
the difference of the two block numbers is larger than 1, and
the block number of the active block is smaller than 255.

If the block that can be modified contains an M30 (program end) or M18
command (program loop) and the block is not a block to be skipped, no more
blocks can be added.

Operating sequence:
Program Modify The Modify Program submenu is selected.
Overview Program

Add Press the Add Block softkey.

Block A new block is displayed in the range which can be
edited; the block number is already preset but can be

Deleting a block Function:

The selected block is deleted without asking the question whether you are sure
to delete the block.

Operating sequence:

Modify The Modify Program submenu is selected.

Delete Press the Delete Block softkey. The selected block is

Block deleted.
The following block is displayed in the range which
can be edited, and the cursor is set to this block num-

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Saving a block Function:

Any modifications that you have made in a block which can be edited must be
saved before leafing through the program display.

Operating sequence:

Modify The Modify Program submenu is selected.

Save After modifying a program block, press the Save

Block Block softkey.
The modifications are saved in the SINUMERIK UOP
(not in the MCU), and the cursor is positioned to the
block number.

4.6.3 Saving a Program

Function Modifications in program blocks become only active if they are saved as a
block and stored as a program. The program that you have modified is trans-
ferred ??? (Reimann) to the SIMODRIVE

Operating sequence Program

Modify The Modify Program submenu is selected.

Active traversing programs can only be viewed.

Save Enter the respective modifications into the program
Block block by block and save each of them separately by
Save Block .

Save After all modifications in the program have been

Program done, confirm them by pressing the Save Program
Quit the program editor by pressing RECALL

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4.6.4 Displaying the Permissible G Functions

Function In the Modify Program menu, it is possible to call all permissible G functions
on the screen.

Operating sequence Program

Modify The Modify Program submenu is selected.

Press the Info key. A list of all permissible G func-

tions appears.

Close the window by pressing the RECALL key.


1. The program editor can only be left by pressing the RECALL key or the
Range selector.
The modifications are only stored if the program has been saved by press-
ing the Save Program softkey.
2. When leafing through the program without saving the modified block, your
modifications get lost.
3. When saving a program, the editor is not left, and you can go on editing the

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4.7 Axis Selection Range

Function The operation can be changed over between the existing axes.
The currently selected axis is represented inversely.

The Axis Selection range can only be selected if at least 2 axes exist.

Operating sequence Machine

Axis The Axis Selection submenu is selected.

Select an axis using the cursor keys and

Axis the Axis Selection softkeyor the Input key.


Press RECALL to close the window.

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01.97 Operating and Monitoring of the MCU by Means of the UOP

4.7.1 Parameterization of User Interface

Function The SIMODRIVE MCU user interface can be partially modified. This is car-
ried out in the file MCU.INI.

In the first step, you can modify

the number of axes
and for each axis:
axis type
link detection
invocation block number
the access stage

4.8 Alarms/Messages

Function Any alarms / messages occurred are displayed.

The numbers of the MCU alarms are in the range from 200000 to 299000.
The MCU alarms are described in Chapter 13 Error Messages.


In conjunction with the alarm description, the following must be observed:

The alarm numbers do not correspond to the numbers which are indicated in
the MCU manual, for example, alarm 200517 is described in the MCU manual
under 517.

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4.9 System Range

4.9.1 General

In addition to the functions described in the following

(alarms/messages, password, PLC status, version), in
the System Range you can change over
Sprachum- the language using the Change Language softkey,.

LCD LCD or set the screen using the softkeys LCD brighter or
brighter darker LCD darker).


With the MMC module and a SIMATIC S7-300 or SIMODRIVE MCU con-
nected, the brightness setting is not saved after PowerOn.

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4.9.2 Alarms/Messages

Function MCU:Any alarms/messages occurred are displayed.

The numbers of the MCU alarms are in the range from

200000 to 299000.
In conjunction with the alarm description, the following must be observed:
The alarm numbers do not correspond to the numbers which are indicated in
the MCU Manual, e.g. alarm 200517 is described in the MCU Manual under
The MCU alarms are described in Chapter 13 Error Messages.
Any alarms/messages occurred are displayed.

Alarm basic screen

Operating sequence System After selecting the System Range, the screen
Alarms/Messages with alarm number, time, deletion
criteria, and alarm text appears.

Press the Messages softkey to view any messages oc-

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4.9.3 PLC Status

Function The PLC status can be displayed by pressing the PLC Status softkey.

Operating sequence System After selecting the System Range and

PLC Status
pressing the PLC Status softkey, the PLC Status
screen appears.

4.9.4 MMC Version

Function The currently installed software in the control system can be displayed by
pressing the Version softkey.

Operating sequence System After selecting System Range and

Version pressing the Version softkey, the MMC Version

screen appears.

All files of the existing operating ranges are listed

with their names, version, output time, and size.

4-28 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
01.97 Appendix

5 Appendix

Alarm, 4-25; 4-27 Inserting an empty block, 4-20
number, 3-23; 4-27 Install system master disk
syntax of texts, 3-23 Select drive, 3-8
text files, 3-22 Select path, 3-8
Alarm texts, 3-20 Installation, 3-18
Application master disk, 3-5 Starting from diskette, 3-19
series upgrade, 3-17 Installation package, 3-29
Axis selection, 4-24 Installing the application master disk, 3-11
activate transfer, 3-16
completion, 3-17
B edit ASCII files, 3-15
enter drive, 3-11
Block enter path, 3-11
adding, 4-21 language selection, 3-14
deleting, 4-21 modify configuration, 3-13
saving, 4-22 set configuration, 3-12
transfer software to hardware, 3-16
transfer with errors, 3-16
C Installing the system master disk, 3-6
activating transfer, 3-9
Change language, 4-26
completion, 3-10
readiness for receive of MMC module, 3-9
axis, 2-4
series upgrade, 3-10
operating & monitoring components, 3-1
transfer not o.k., 3-10
Transferring software to hardware, 3-9
operator panel - machine control, 2-2
linking, 3-3
Configuration L
MMC module, 2-4 Language selection, 3-14
operating & monitoring components, 2-1
D Machine, 4-5
Machine coordinate system, 3-26
Data block, 3-24 Master language, 3-21
MCS, 3-26
MCU, 4-3
E mode selection, 4-5
MCU standard user interface, 3-5
Editor, 3-22
Message, 4-25; 4-27
MMC module, 2-2
making ready for receive, 3-9
G MMC version, 4-28
G Functions Mode
permissible values, 4-23 Automatic, 4-9
Graphical user interface, 4-4 Jog, 4-6
Refpos, 4-8

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-1

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
Appendix 01.97

Modifying the override, 4-12 S

Screen bright/dark, 4-26
Modifying the software Screen division
DOS/BIOS, 3-7 MCU, 4-4
MPI Self-test, 3-4
address, 3-4 System, 4-26
bus line, 3-3 loading, 3-18
System design, 2-4
System master disk, 3-5
prerequisite, 3-4
modify, 3-22
O several languages, 3-21
Text access, 3-21
OP 031, 3-4 Text conversion
Operating & monitoring components, 2-1 error, 3-23
commissioning, 3-1 Text source file, 3-21
configuring, 2-1 Tool compensation, 4-13
Operator panel OP 031, 2-2 Transfer
Overview, 1-1 activate, 3-9; 3-16
with errors, 3-10; 3-16

PC, 2-4 U
PLC status, 4-28 Unit Operator Panel, 2-1
PP 031, 3-4 User interface
Program, 4-9; 4-15 parameterizing, 4-25
copying, 4-20 User texts, 3-20
creating a new ~, 4-17
creating/modifying, 4-17
deleting, 4-18
modifying, 4-19
saving, 4-19; 4-22 Velocity step
select, 4-16 modifying, 4-7
Program control, 4-10
PU, 2-4
Push-button panel PP 031, 2-3 W
WCS, 3-26
Workpiece coordinate system, 3-26
axis selection, 4-24 Z
System, 4-26
Zero offset
modify, 4-11
ZOOM, 4-10

5-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BN - Operating and Monitoring)
Preface 1
Brief Summary
Basic EMC Rules 2
EMI Sources
EMI Victims
Coupling Paths

Equipotential Bonding 4

SIMODRIVE 611 Control Cubicle Design 5

MCU 172A
Wiring, Shielding and Shield
Single-Axis Positioning Control Bonding 6

EMC Installation Guideline for MCU

Installation of Cables 7

Filtering 8
Elimination of EMI-Induced
Malfunctions 9
Handling of ESD-Sensitive
Modules 10
EMC Legislation,
CE Marking and EC Declaration
of Conformity

Appendix 12
Valid for: MCU 172A V 3.x

Edition January 1997

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please inquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.

The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
of which by any third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the copyright holders.

Subject to technical changes within the product.

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not

permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be made liable for
damages. All rights including rights created by patent or registration of a
utility model or design are reserved.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Preface 01.97

1 Preface

1.1 General ..............................................................................................1-2

1.2 Introduction ........................................................................................1-4

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-1

01.97 Preface

1.1 General

What does EMC EMC is the abbreviation for electromagnetic compatibility. EMC is defined as
mean? the ability of a device, unit of equipment or system to function satisfactorily in
its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagne-
tic disturbances to anything in that environment.

What does this This Installation Guideline will provide answers to the following questions:
Why is it necessary to have EMC installation guidelines?
contain? What type of EMI (electromagnetic interference) emitted by external
equipment affects the control ("victim")?
How can EMC-related malfunctions be prevented?
What practical design examples of interference-immune installations are
What are the important points to remember when handling ESD-sensitive
How can malfunctions caused by inadequate EMC be eliminated?

Who should read This document is provided to assist the following staff:
this document?
Configuring engineer (in planning the NC and drive system configuration)
Installation engineer (in installing connecting cables)
Service engineer (in trouble-shooting and fault elimination)

What is the objective This Guideline should not be regarded as a textbook on the subject of EMC. Its
of this Installation purpose is to provide information and instructions to those dealing with the
Guideline? practical aspects of implementing electromagnetic compatibility in electrical
It is necessary to follow the instructions in this Guideline in order to
achieve a minimum degree of interference immunity in equipment so as to
ensure that it functions properly in a rough industrial environment and
protect the operating environment against intolerably high levels of emitted

This Installation Guideline also describes the measures stipulated in the EC

Declaration of Conformity Appendix A (see Section 11) to achieve compliance
with EC EMC legislation or the EC EMC Directive. On installation sites that
are severely polluted with EMI, EMC-related malfunctions may still occur
even when all the recommendations in this Guideline have been implemented.
Such cases are, however, extremely rare.

1-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Preface 01.97

What previous know- In addition to this Guideline, all general safety regulations, VDE specifications
ledge is required? and nationally applicable codes of practice remain fully valid.

An in-depth knowledge of VDE and EC specifications is required to ensure

that safety standards are not undermined when the Guideline is implemented.
The measures described in the Guideline must be implemented by appropria-
tely qualified personnel.

Qualified person The term "qualified person" refers to all staff who are charged with erecting,
installing, starting up and operating the product and who have the appropriate
qualifications to perform such tasks.
The term "qualified" refers particularly to the authorization to connect, earth
and start up circuits and devices according to recognized electrical engineering

Warning symbols Important information is especially highlighted in this publication. The follo-
wing warning symbols are used for this purpose:

Protect personnel against injury!

This symbol warns you about a potential threat to personnel safety. Read the
notes printed next to the symbol. Failure to follow the proper procedure could
endanger the life or health of personnel.

Protect machine against damage!

This symbol warns you about potential damage to machinery or materials. The
notes next to the symbol tell you how to avoid damage to your machine or to
the workpiece on the machine.


This symbol draws your attention to an important item of information. Notes of

this type help you to avoid disruptions to operation.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-3

01.97 Preface

1.2 Introduction

EMC in installations EMC measures must be implemented by both the control system manufacturer
and the user (including machine tool manufacturer) if a complete system
(control system and drive machinery) is to comply with requirements defined in
the EC EMC Directive.

Applies to manufacturer Applies to user

EMC design EMC installation Complete system is

(electrical and + (physical layout and = neither EMI source
mechanical) cabeling) nor victim

Read Planning To ensure satisfactory EMC, you should

observe the product-specific EMC measures described in the Planning
operate only permissible equipment combinations and
always use accessories (e.g. preassembled cables) listed in the product
documentation or accessories of corresponding functionality and quality.

1-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Brief Summary of Basic EMC Rules 01.97

2 Brief Summary of Basic EMC Rules

Earthing of metal All metal parts of the control cubicle must be connected to one another
parts conductively over a large surface area.
The cubicle door must be connected to the cubicle transom by means of
short earthing strips (top, centre, bottom).
The shielding bus and equipotential bonding strip must be connected over a
large area with the cubicle housing.
Connections between metal parts must be permanent. Screw connections on
painted and anodized metal parts must either be made by means of special
contact washers or, alternatively, the insulating layer between the parts must
first be removed.
The use of aluminium parts should be avoided where possible (risk of oxi-

Filters Filters must normally be mounted at the point at which the cable to be filte-
red enters the cubicle.
Specific filters such as the SIMODRIVE filter module or the STEPDRIVE
filter must be positioned, mounted and wired up as specified in the docu-
mentation supplied by the manufacturer.
Filters must be mounted such that they are effectively, permanently and
conductively bonded over a large surface area with the cubicle housing
(mounting plate).
The filter supply cables must be separated from the filter return cables.
Filtered cables must be routed separately from unfiltered cables.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-1

01.97 Brief Summary of Basic EMC Rules

Cable routing Signal cables / data cables must be routed separately from power cables and
power supply cables (to prevent coupling paths). Minimum separating di-
stance in control cubicle: 20cm. Use earthed partition if necessary.
Unscreened cables belonging to the same circuit (supply and return con-
ductors) must be twisted where possible or the distance between the supply
and return conductors kept to a minimum.
Cables must be routed as close as possible to metal housing parts (e.g.
mounting plate, transoms, metal bars).
Signal cables and their associated equipotential bonding lead must be rou-
ted as close as possible to one another.
Signal cables must never be routed past equipment that generates powerful
magnetic fields (e.g. motors, transformers).
Wherever possible, signal cables / data cables should enter the cubicle at
only one level (e.g. only from bottom of cubicle).
Superfluous lengths of cable (including spares) must be avoided.
Signal cables, particularly setpoint and actual value cables, should be rou-
ted without interruptions. A continuous screen connection must be provided
at separation points.

Attachment of cable The screens of data cables, analog signal cables and SIMODRIVE motor
screens cables must be connected to ground at both ends. The connection must be
effectively conductive and with a 360 contact surface.
Cable screens must be attached to a shielding bus immediately after the
cubicle entry point and taken on to the appropriate module. The product-
specific, preassembled cables are designed such that the screen is effecti-
vely contacted once the connector is screwed onto the component housing.
Only metallic or metallized connector housings may be used for screened

2-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Brief Summary of Basic EMC Rules 01.97

Elimination of pos- Contactor coils, relays, solenoid valves and other inductances in the cubicle
sible interference and, where applicable, in the vicinity of the cubicle, must be equipped with
sources suppression elements. The suppression circuit can be constructed, for ex-
ample, of RC elements, varistors, etc. directly on the appropriate coil.
Filament lamps should be used to light cubicles where possible. Fluorescent
lamps must not be used.

Uniform system If components of the SINUMERIK or SIMODRIVE system are installed in

reference potential different housings (cubicles), then these must be connected, for example, by
means of equipotential bonding leads.
Adequately dimensioned equipotential bonding leads must be used to com-
pensate potential differences between different system sections.

Protection against To protect electronic equipment against surge voltages caused by lightening
lightening strikes strikes, measures must be implemented on buildings, operating areas and elec-
trical equipment. In this respect, we would advise you to contact your local
Siemens sales office or appropriately qualified technical consultant.

Handling of ESD- Put on an anti-static wristband before you start work on modules that are
sensitive modules sensitive to ESD.
Use surfaces and packaging made of anti-static material or plain
Protect the module from contact with chargeable and highly isloated mate-
rials, such as plastic foils or clothing made of synthetic fiber.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-3

01.97 Brief Summary of Basic EMC Rules

2-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMI Coupling 01.97

3 EMI Coupling

3.1 Interference sources................................................................3-3

3.2 Victims .....................................................................................3-4
3.3 Coupling paths.........................................................................3-5

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-1

01.97 EMI Coupling

Conditions for EMC- Electromagnetic interference can effect a control system or installation only on
related problems condition that it has the following three complementary aspects:
Interference source
Coupling path
Victim equipment

Interference Coupling path Victim

(emitter) e.g. setpoint cable (susceptible equipment)

e.g. drive unit

e.g. positioning control NC, etc.

3-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMI Coupling 01.97

3.1 Interference sources

Interference sources Equipment/devices that cause interference are referred to as interference sour-
ces. Appropriate measures must be taken to eliminate or at least dampen the
interference emitted by such sources and its effects on other equipment.

Typical interference sources Interference generated by Affects victim due to

Switched inductances, e.g. contactors, Contacts Mains-borne interference
relays, electronic valves Coils Electromagnetic field
Magnetic field
Electric motor Collector Electromagnetic field
Winding Magnetic field
Spark-generating machines, e.g. electric Contacts Electromagnetic field
welding equipment, erosion machines Transformer Mains-borne interference
Transient currents
Magnetic field
Power pack Circuitry Electromagnetic field
Switching components Mains-borne interference
HF equipment Circuitry Electromagnetic field
Radio transmitters Antenna Electromagnetic field
Earth or reference potential difference Voltage difference Transient currents
Operator Electrostatic discharge Electrical discharge currents
Electromagnetic field
Power cables Current flow Mains voltage dips and surges
Blown fuse Electrical and magnetic fields
HV cables Voltage difference Electromagnetic field
Corona discharge Electrical field
Converter, Circuitry Overvoltage/undervoltage
power electronics circuitry Mains harmonics
Atmospheric discharge Potential boost, Overvoltage
Current flow Transient currents

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01.97 EMI Coupling

3.2 Victims

Victims The term "Victim" refers to any device or installation that may malfunction as
the result of the effects of interference.

Typical victims Very sensitive to Reaction

Microprocessor-controlled Pulse-shaped interference (e.g. swit- Sporadic processor crashes, transmission

systems, bus systems ching operations), errors
electromagnetic fields
Analog circuits Low-frequency interference (e.g. Superposition of interference on useful
potential differences) signal (e.g. 50 Hz hum on setpoint)
CRT monitors Low-frequency magnetic fields "Shaky" screen characters or display screen,
(>1.5 A/m) incorrect screen colour shading
Telephones Mains harmonics Audible whistling noise
Fax machines, power packs Mains harmonics Fuse trip or defect in power pack, audible
whistling noise

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EMI Coupling 01.97

3.3 Coupling paths

Coupling paths The coupling path is the route via which interference from an interference
source is transmitted. Such paths allow EMI to spread from the source to
victim equipment. There are various mechanisms by which interference is
coupled into victim equipment:

Coupling mechanism Typical interference sources

Conductive coupling Conductive or metallic coupling Switched-mode devices
always occurs in cases where two (phase effects on system
Source circuits have a common impedance caused by converter or external
(e.g. common grounding cable). power packs)
coupling path
otors during starting
Difference in potential between
component housings with com
mon power supply
Capacitive coupling Capacitive or electrical coupling Interference caused by cable
occurs between mutually insulated routed in parallel
Source conductors that are at different po- Electrostatic discharge from
tentials. operator
coupling path

Inductive coupling Inductive or magnetic coupling oc- Transformers, motors, electric

curs between conductor loops when welding equipment
Source current is flowing through at least one Mains cable routed in parallel
of them. The magnetic flux generated Cable that carries switched
Useful Inductive
signal coupling
by the current causes the induction of currents
path interference voltage in the other High-frequency signal cable
Victim conductor. Coils without suppressors

Radiated coupling Radiated coupling occurs when a Nearby transmitters (radio tele
propagated electromagnetic wave phones)
Source comes into contact with cables. The Spark gaps (spark plugs, collec
wave induces currents and voltages in tors of electric motors, welding
Radiated the cables. equipment)
coupling path


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01.97 EMI Coupling

Examples of coupling

Coupling path Cause

Cables Incorrect or unsuitable cable installation
Shield is missing or incorrectly connected
Unsuitable routing of cables (incl. equipotential bonding lead)
Unsuitable cables
Control cubicle or control Compensating cable is missing or incorrectly connected
system housing Ground connection is missing or incorrect
Unsuitable physical layout
Modules are not fixed in mounting positions
Unsuitable cubicle construction

3-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Equipotential Bonding 01.97

4 Equipotential Bonding

4.1 Equipotential bonding of components inside cubicle...............4-3

4.2 Equipotential bonding of external components........................4-6

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-1

01.97 Equipotential Bonding

Equipotential bonding must not be confused with protective earthing. The
protective earth must be implemented in accordance with relevant standard
and guidelines. It is not dealt with in this EMC Guideline.

Any grounding systems must comply with VDE 0100 and VDE 0141 and be
dimensioned such that the permissilbe grounding voltages, touch voltages and
resistances to ground are not exceeded.

Why is equipotential Control components that are linked by signal connections referred to a
bonding needed potential require equipotential bonding. Component malfunctions are
prevented by providing equipotential bonding between electrical components
and between such components and earth.

Where must Between all control components that are interconnected by signal links and
equipotential bond- the signals refer to a potential
ing be installed?
between control components and the central earthing bar
(The central earthing bar is a busbar for all the grounding, equipotential
bonding and PE conductors in a control cubicle. It is also connected to the
external PE conductor or building earthing system.)

Where is Control compoents with potential-free signal transmission (e.g. via optical fiber
equipotential bonding cables) do not require equipotential bonding and, in many cases, it is even not
not necessary? admitted - see also the product-specific documentation.

Which method is Equipotential bonding is generally provided by the galvanic link of the parts
used to provide with each other. Either the parts are mounted such that well conductive, large-
equipotential surface and permanent contact with the reference potential is ensured, or they
bonding? are linked with each other or with the related reference potential by means of
bonding conductors.

The efficiency of equipotential bonding will be as larger as lower the transition

resistance (Z) between the parts whose potential difference is to be eliminated

4-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Equipotential Bonding 01.97

4.1 Equipotential bonding of components inside cubicle

Equipotential Equipotential bonding between the individual control components with respect
bonding by inter- to one another and the central earthing bar within a metallic housing (cubicle)
connection should be provided by means of the "interconnection" method wherever
"Interconnection" means the creation of a conductive connection between
several components with a direct conductive connection provided between all
components (see Section 4.2, Fig. A).

Please note Components with metal housings must be bolted to the cubicle housing
(mounting plate). The conductive connection must be made over a large
surface area. (see also next Section "Reservations")

The connection between the central earthing bar and the cubicle housing
must be low-resistance, short and over a large area.

All contact surfaces for ground connections must be bare metal. Oxide and
paint must be permanently removed.

The ground connections must be resistant to corrosion, especially with

respect to contact corrosion and resistance to external influences.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-3

01.97 Equipotential Bonding

Reservations It is possible to make this direct conductive connection between the metal
housing and the cubicle rear panel using the component fixing screws only if
the equipotential bonding conductor terminal for the control component
(marked: or ) is designed such that it is conductively connected over a
large area to the component mounting surface.
In the case of control components with insulated housing mountings or with a
mounting surface made of metallized (galvanized) plastic, the connection
between the equipotential bonding terminal of the component and the control
cubicle housing must be made by means of a short equipotential bonding
conductor of 10mm2 (see Figure below, component 3).

Equipotential bon-
ding by
interconnection via Component 1

cubicle rear panel

Component 5
Component 2

Com ponent 6
Component 3

Component 4 Operator panel
cen tral earthing bar

XXX 2)
to motor housing
CPU cubicle

Central earthing connector = Large area conductive

connection to cubicle housing

1) = Short eqiupment bonding conductor

with insulated component housing mountings

2) = PE conductor in motor cable, also used as

equipotential bonding conductor
P = Equipotential bonding conductor

Bild A

4-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Equipotential Bonding 01.97

Equipotential If it is not possible to interconnect the control components with one another
bonding, and with the central earthing bar via the cubicle housing (e.g. because control
point-to-point cubicle has an insulated rear panel), equipotential bonding can be provided by
(as exception) means of bonding conductors between the components and the central earthing
bar (see Fig. below).

Please note Equipotential bonding systems must be star-connected. The neutral point of
the bonding leads can be one of the following:
Central earthing bar or
separate equipotential bonding strip (see Section 4.2, Fig. B)
Equipotential bonding conductors on power components such as drives,
machines, load power supply units, relay adapters, etc. are always
connected to the central earthing bar. It is not permissible to use a common
equipotential bonding lead for power and signal-circuit components.
Keep the equipotential bonding conductor lengths as short as possible.
Cross-section of equipotential bonding conductors 10mm2

Equipotential bonding
by means of bonding
Component 1

Component 2 P
Component 4

Component 3 Component 5 P
(Power component)

1) Equipotential bond. strip

Component 4
Operator panel
Equipotential bond. strip

Central earthing bar

to motor housing

P = Equipotential bonding conductor
Central earthing connector
PE = Protective earth
1) = PE in motor cable, also used as
equipotential bonding conductor

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-5

01.97 Equipotential Bonding

4.2 Equipotential bonding of external components

Control components If the control components (e.g. operator panel, DMP modules) are not located
in different cubicles in the same cubicle as the associated CPU, then it is necessary to connect the
potentials of the cubicles or of the appropriate central earthing bars to one
another, i.e.
by bolting the cubicle housings together, ensuring an effectively conductive
or, if this method is not feasible,
by connecting the relevant central earthing bars by means of equipotential
bonding conductors.

Please note Cross-section of equipotential bonding conductors 10mm2

The equipotential bonding conductor and signal leads must be routed as
close to one another as possible (bundle leads if possible).

Equipotential bon-
ding by means
of bonding Component 1

Component 5
Component 2

Com ponent 6
Component 3

Component 4 Operator panel
cen tral earthing bar

XXX 2)
to motor housing
CPU cubicle

Central earthing connector = Large area conductive

connection to cubicle housing

1) = Short eqiupment bonding conductor

with insulated component housing mountings

2) = PE conductor in motor cable, also used as

equipotential bonding conductor
P = Equipotential bonding conductor

Bild A

4-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Equipotential Bonding 01.97

Equipotential bon-
ding by means
of bonding
Component 1 P

Component 5 P
Component 2 P

Component 6 P
Component 3
(Power component) P
Equipotential bonding strip

Component 4 1) Operator panel

Equipotential bonding strip

Central earthing bar

CPU cubicle
to motor housing

Central earthing connector 1) = PE in motor cable, also used as

equipotential bonding conductor
P = Equipotenial bonding conductor

PE = Protective earth

Layout The distance between signal cables (supply and return conductors) or between
signal cables and the associated equipotential bonding conductors must be
minimized (bundle cables!) so as to reduce the interference area between the
cables as much as possible.

Cross-section Cross-section of equipotential bonding conductors 10mm2


The cross-section of the equipotential bonding conductors must be

dimensioned for the max. output current and also be matched with the
conductor length.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-7

01.97 Equipotential Bonding

Examples of equi- Metall cubicle

potential bonding



M Operator panel

DIN rail Operator



Filter*) 611
Machine base


Filter**) TG



Motor controlled by SIMODRIVE 611A


central XXX Large area, conductive connection to

earthing bar earthed housing
earthing connector
1) PE in motor cable, also used as equipotential
bonding conductor
2) Connection provided interrnally
3) Lead required only if unit has a
frame connection
*) With I/RF module
**) With U/E module

Example 1: Equipotential bonding on SINUMERIK FM NC with SIMODRIVE 611

4-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Control Cubicle Design 01.97

5 Control Cubicle Design

5.1 Design and installation of cubicle ............................................5-2

5.1.1 Grounding of control cubicle components ...............................5-2
5.1.2 Penetrations in cubicle panelling .............................................5-2
5.2 Mounting components in control cubicle .................................5-4
5.3 Cable routing, shielding and grounding ...................................5-6

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-1

01.97 Control Cubicle Design

5.1 Design and installation of cubicle

5.1.1 Grounding of control cubicle components

The following measures improve the shielding effect of a control cubicle:

All metal parts of the cubicle must be connected to one another conducti-
vely over a large surface area.
Cubicle covers such as panels on the sides, rear, top and base must be
contacted with one another at an adequate distance.
Side, rear, mounting and roof panels must be bonded over a large surface
area with the cubicle frame.
The support brackets for subracks must have a metal-to-metal connection
over a large surface area with the cubicle frame.
All screw connections on painted or anodized metal parts must be made by
means of special contact washers. Alternatively, the insulating protective
layer between the parts must be removed before the connection is assem-
If large areas of protective layering must be removed to obtain a good
metal-to-metal contact, long-term corrosion protection (e.g. contact grease)
must be provided by additional measures.
The parts to be connected including the connecting elements (e.g. screws,
serrated lock washers, rivets, etc.) must be made of materials that are clo-
sely related according to the electro-chemical series.

5.1.2 Penetrations in cubicle panelling

The shielding effect of the cubicle is impaired when ventilation holes, inspecti-
on windows, operator elements, etc. are made or mounted in the cubicle body.

If the opening in the cubicle panel reaches the size of half the wavelength of
the interference signal, then the cubicle loses virtually all its shielding effect
because the penetration can act as an antenna.
Example: When EMI signal = 500MHz : 1/2wavelength = 30 cm
When EMI signal = 1000MHz : 1/2wavelength = 15 cm
To maintain the shielding effect of the entire unit, the required opening must
either be small in comparison with the wave length to be shielded, or the
breakthrough must be sealed against HF radiation by additional measures, such
as honeycomb windows or meshed grids.

5-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Control Cubicle Design 01.97

Ventilation slots If ventilation openings must be made in the control cubicle, then staggered hole
patterns or HF mesh are always more effective shields than slots which conduct
high-frequency signals into the interior of the cubicle.
A large number of small holes are better than a few large ones.

Operator elements When operator elements and panels are fitted in the cubicle, it must be ensured
that the metal mounting frames are contacted properly all the way round
(tighten fixing screws with the torque specified in the product

Cable entry points Cable entry points that ensure a good 360, HF-proof contact between the
shield and the housing (cubicle panel) are the best method of grounding shields
without weakening the shielding effect of the overall system.
Where cubicle housings are coated (e.g. painted or powder coated), the insula-
ting protective layer around the penetration must be removed to ensure that the
cable entry can be perfectly contacted. Contact corrosion can be avoided by
selecting suitable metal materials.
The shield braid must be connected to the cable gland and/or the connector
according to the mounting guidelines supplied by the gland or connector
manufacturer. Proper connection of the shield plays an important role in
assuring the EMC quality of the whole system.

EMC cubicles made The Siemens Drives and Standard Products Group (ASI) can supply EMC
by Siemens models of control cubicles. These 8MC cubicles have a shielding efficiency of
approximately 60 dB over a frequency range of 10 kHz to 1 GHz.
Please refer to Catalog NV 21 for more information about EMC cubicles.


We wish to expressly emphasize at this point that it is far more expensive to

upgrade the shielding effect of an existing cubicle than to purchase a new
cubicle with specially integrated EMC.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-3

01.97 Control Cubicle Design

5.2 Mounting components in control cubicle

The following basic rule applies:

The effects of EMI are reduced as the distance between the source and
victim increases.
A further reduction in interference can be achieved through the installation
of shielding plates.
All components must be connected conductively (HF-proof) to one another
over a large surface area.

Modules When components are mounted (modules, submodules, plug-in cards, etc.), it
must be ensured that they are properly secured to the support rail (subrack,
etc.) so that they will operate correctly. The recommended tightening torque
for the fixing screws must be observed.

Operator panels It must be ensured that no lines or devices with coils which produce heavy
with monitors magnetic fields are arranged in the vicinity of monitors , such as power lines,
contactors, relays, solenoid valves, transformers etc.

Power and control Power components (transformers, drive units, load power supply units, etc.)
components must always be installed separately from control components (relay control
sections, numerical controls, PLCs such as SIMATIC etc.). However, this does
not apply to power components that have been designed specially for use in
combination with control components by the manufacturer (e.g. SIMODRIVE
611 and SINUMERIK 840D).

The metal enclosures of all components, especially those of converters and the
associated filter modules, must be bonded in a low-resistance connection with
the cubicle for high-frequency transient currents. Ideally, the modules should
be mounted on a conductive, blank metal plate and bonded with it over a large
surface area. Painted cubicle panels, DIN rails or other mounting equipment
with a small support surface do not fulfil these requirements.

SINUMERIK FM components are attached to the mounting rail of the SIMA-

TIC system S700. This rail must be contacted with the cubicle in a conductive,
large surface area connection.

Filter modules for Filter modules of SIMODRIVE or STEPDRIVE are needed to be able to
converters observe the limit values stipulated by the EC EMC Directive. They prevent
internal converter interference from coupling onto the mains supply cable. For
practical purposes, they are installed directly next to the infeed/regenerative
feedback module (see diagram below). As an alternative, they can also be
installed directly next to the cubicle mains supply infeed.
SIMODRIVE filter modules are designed specially for RI suppression in
SIMODRIVE 611 converters and may not be used on other systems.

5-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Control Cubicle Design 01.97

Additional line filter If it is necessary to install an additional line filter for other loads in the control
cubicle (see SIMODRIVE Planning Guide), the following points must be
Line filter must be mounted near the cubicle mains supply infeed.
Line filter must be conductively bonded over large surface area with cu-
bicle housing.

Mounting example for

filter module and line
filter (diagrammatic

Numerical control
Power section *)
I/RF module *)

Filter module *)
To motor

Encoder Supply Additional line filter

(if required)

*) = SIMODRIVE components

Shielding buses The shielding bus to which cable shields are attached must be connected
(metal-to-metal) over a large surface area with the transoms.

Example: Mounting of
shielding bus

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-5

01.97 Control Cubicle Design

Central earthing bars The central earthing bar or PE conductor bar must be connected (metal-to-
/PE conductor bar metal) over a large surface to the transoms. It must be located in the direct
vicinity of the cable gland. Furthermore, the central earthing bar must be
connected via a lead to the PE conductor system (earth). Only in this way can
fault and transient currents be safely discharged.

Prevent personal injuries!

Dimensioning and installation of the PE conductor system must be carried out

by a specialist according to the relevant VDE and EU guidelines.

5.3 Cable routing, shielding and grounding

Cable routing in Power and signal cables must always be routed separately. For this purpose, the
groups different types of cable are divided into groups. Cables in the same group can
be bundled together. The different groups are then routed at the appropriate
distance from one another (see Section 7, Installation of Cables).

Basic rules for Power cables and signal cables (24 V control signals, data leads and analog
routing cables signals) must enter the cubicle on opposite sides. Power cables must be routed
separately from signal cables in metal ducts.
Install control circuits for contactors (AC 230 V) separately from signal
cables wherever possible.
Route cables as close as possible to the cubicle body.
Cables belonging to the same circuit (supply and return conductors) must
be routed closely together inside the cubicle.
For further information, see Section 7 Installation of Cables.

Basic rules for The shield must be contacted immediately at the point the cable enters the
shielding cubicle unless the product-specific documentation specifies some other
bonding method.
Special shielding buses should be provided for low-impedance shield
The cable clamp must contact the full circumference of the shield braid so
as to ensure an effectively conductive connection between the shield and
the cubicle ground.
Do not interrupt shields.
For further information, please see Section 6, EMC Wiring, Shielding and
Shield Bonding.

5-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMC Wiring, Shielding and Shield Boding 01.97

6 EMC Wiring, Shielding and Shield Bonding

6.1 Rules of thumb for bonding shields of cables

with single shield layer .............................................................6-3
6.2 Supplementary shielding measures ........................................6-5
6.2.1 Measures for power cables (on converters) ............................6-5
6.2.2 Interruption in cable shield.......................................................6-6
6.3 General information .................................................................6-7
6.3.1 Examples of shield bonding methods......................................6-8

Si Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-1

01.97 EMC Wiring, Shielding and Shield Boding

What is the purpose The term "Shielding" refers to any measures taken to decouple critical circuits
of shielding? and conductors from nearby potential interference sources that may couple into
them. Such measures must take account of the shielding effect of cubicles,
metal cable ducts, connector housing and the cable braided shield. Shielding is
therefore a complementary practice to filtering and is applied to eliminate
EMI-related performance degradation in electrical installations.

What additional Optimum shielding is dependent on the provision of conductive bonding

measures are between the shield ends and the cubicle frame or shielding bus.

What is the simplest It is always advisable to use the product-specific, standard original cabling
measure? since this has been verified as complying with EMC legislation and the EC
EMC Directive. Connector types other than those specified in the product
documentation must not be used.
As a general rule, standard cables as well as cables connected to product
components are provided with the required shield termination. The bond
between the shield and the enclosure is implemented at both ends by means of
the connector except in a few cases. The best shielding effect is achieved by
connecting the shield to ground at both ends. Special additional measures are
described in Section 11 "EC Declaration of Conformity" or in the product-
specific documentation.

When is single Cabling with a single shield layer is normally sufficient for EMC purposes in
shielding most industrial plants. Connecting both ends of the cable shield to ground is the
sufficient? most effective shielding measure for such cabling.

When is double shiel- This type of shielding can be of advantage for protecting signal transmission
ding required? cables in particulary highly EMI-polluted environments.

6-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMC Wiring, Shielding and Shield Boding 01.97

6.1 Rules of thumb for bonding shields of cables with single

shield layer

Shield termination at As a general rule, the cable shield must be connected at both ends in a 360,
both ends conductive contact with the enclosure to ensure that the cable is immune to HF
If external equipment (e.g. printers, programming devices, PCs, etc.) is con-
nected to the controls during servicing or start-up, the shields on the connecting
cables must also be connected to ground at both ends. Interference will pro-
bably couple onto the cables if the shield is connected at one end only.

Shield connection
K1 (360) K2

Shield termination In very exceptional cases, the shield may be terminated at one end only (e.g.
at one end purely analog systems with no digital components):
(special case) Cable shields terminated at one end provide only electrostatic protection
against low-frequency, capacitive coupled interference and emission.
In the case of interference caused by external earth potential differences, it may
be necessary in individual cases to bond only one end of the shield with the
enclosure ground even when equipotential bonding is provided between the
components to be connected. To increase the effect of the shield, the open
shield end can be connected capacitively with the enclosure ground.

Shield bonding with The shield must be bonded at the end at which the electronics reference ground
termination at one end is connected to the enclosure.
If both devices (source and receiver) are floating, then the shield must be
connected at the receiver end.
If the source and receiver are both connected to ground, then the shield must be
connected at both ends.

K1 K2
Shield connection
Transmitter (360) Receiver
(with potential (floating)

Potential generation here Potential generation here

Si Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-3

01.97 EMC Wiring, Shielding and Shield Boding

Shield connected at one end with transmitter referred to potential

6-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMC Wiring, Shielding and Shield Boding 01.97

6.2 Supplementary shielding measures

6.2.1 Measures for power cables (on converters)

Shield connection at All cable shields must be connected in a 360 contact that is as close as pos-
control end sible to the terminal in the control unit. On components that have no special
shield termination, the contact must be made by means of conduit clips or
serrated bar on the bare-metal cubicle mounting panel. Whatever method is
chosen, it is absolutely essential to keep the cable between the shield bonding
point and the terminal as short as possible.
Shielded backshells with preassembled clamp contacts and mounting points for
brake terminals are generally available for contacting the shields on shielded

Shield connection at If the motor has a brake, the shield of the brake supply cable must be con-
motor end nected at both ends together with the power supply cable shield.
If no proper shield termination is provided at the motor end, then a screwed
connection that allows a large-area shield-motor bond to be made must be
provided in the terminal box.

Version with A metal duct with a large-area contact cover can be used to shield motor power
comprehensive shiel- supply and mains supply cables. The shield/cable duct must be bonded to the
ding appropriate components (converter module, motor) over a large area at both

Protect personnel against injury!

Unused cores of power cables (e.g. brake conductors) and their shields must
be connected to earthed enclosure potential at one end at least to ensure
discharge of potential caused by capacitive overcoupling.

Failure to implement this precaution might result in potentially lethal shock

voltages on unearthed shields and conductors.

Si Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-5

01.97 EMC Wiring, Shielding and Shield Boding

6.2.2 Interruption in cable shield

Intermediate If it is necessary to interrupt shielded cables, the shield must be continued by

connectors the connector housing at the interruption point. Only suitable connectors (HF-
proof type with good shield bonding) may be used for this purpose.

Shield folded back by 180

and connected to connector

Rubber sleeve

Terminals Normally speaking, only specially designed connectors and connector housings
may be used to continue the shield at points where it is interrupted. However,
in exceptional cases where it is absolutely essential to interrupt the shield and
untwist the cable conductors, the cable must be screwed in a 360 contact to a
shielding bus before and after the connector (terminal).
The following diagram shows the basic layout of a terminal junction point.

Shielding buses Connecting bar


Shield bond

6-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMC Wiring, Shielding and Shield Boding 01.97

6.3 General information

Shielding bus The earthing bar or the equipotential bonding bar (if additionally installed) can
be used as the shielding bus. The earthing bar is the protective earth, the
equipotential bonding bar the functional earth. It is also permissible to provide
just one earthing bar which then doubles as the equipotential bonding bar.

Cable clamping rail The cable clamping rail provides cable strain relief. Two methods of strain
relief are shown in the following diagram.

Strain relief
through comb rail


cable clamping rail

Shield bonding The shield should be connected to a shielding bus immediately after the cable
enters the cubicle and then taken onto the module. The product-specific pre-
assembled cables are designed such that effective shield bonding is provided
when the connector is screwed to the component housing.

Attachment of Metal cable clamps should be used to connect the shield braid to the cubicle
shield braid enclosure wherever possible. The clamps must hold the shield in a 360,
conductive contact.

Si Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-7

01.97 EMC Wiring, Shielding and Shield Boding

6.3.1 Examples of shield bonding methods

Optimum shield The two photographs below show the shield directly bonded to the equipotenti-
bond al bonding bar.

The picture shows terminals on a copper The picture shows bar-mounting termi-
bar. The maximum cable diameter is nals on a copper bar. The maximum cable
15 mm diameter is 10 mm.
Order No. 8US1921-2AC00 (5 mm) Order No. 8HS7104, 8HS7174,
8US1921-2BC00 (10 mm) 8HS7164

Take care not to squash cables by tightening the terminal screws too tightly
(Order No. 8US1921-2AC00 and 8US1921-2BC00).

6-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMC Wiring, Shielding and Shield Boding 01.97

Good shield bond If the cable cannot be connected directly to the equipotential bonding bar, good
shield bonding can also be achieved by connecting the cable shields with a
cable clamping rail.

Connection of cable via U clamp. Clamp and metal counterpart on a cable

clamping rail.
Order Nos. 5VC5540... and 5VC7641...

SIMODRIVE 611 A/D SIMODRIVE 611 A/D motor power supply cable:
motor power supply Shield contacting by means of shield bonding clamp on shielded backshell

Si Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-9

Installation of cables 01.97

7 Installation of Cables

7.1 Cable routing................................................................................7-2

7.2 Termination conditions.................................................................7-3

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 7-1

01.97 Installation of cables

7.1 Cable routing

Basic principle Signal and power leads must be routed at the greatest possible distance from
one another. If it is not possible to adequately segregate the cables, then
shielded cables in shielding, earthed cable ducts (made of metal) must be used.

Cable installation All cables in the control cubicle must always be routed as close as possible to
mechanical housing components (e.g. control cubicle panels, mounting plates,
transoms, metal rails). Interference may couple onto long sections of cable
routed through free space (antenna effect).
Signal and power cables may cross one another if unavoidable, but must
never be routed in parallel.
Signal and data cables must be routed separately from heavy-current and
power supply cables (to avoid coupling paths). Minimum separating
distance in cubicle: 20 cm. Use earthed partition if necessary.
Unscreened cables in the same circuit (supply and return conductors) must
be twisted if possible. If they cannot be twisted, the conductors must be
routed as closely as possible to one another.
Signal cables and their equipotential bonding conductor must be routed as
closely as possible to one another.
Signal cables must never be routed passed equipment that generates strong
magnetic fields (e.g. motors, transformers).
Wherever possible, all signal/data cables should enter the cubicle at the
same level (e.g. at bottom of cubicle only).
Never install extra lengths of cable that are not required (including spares).
Signal cables - particularly those carrying setpoint and actual value data -
must be installed without interruption. At unavoidable points of separation,
it must be ensured that the shield remains intact.
Continuous shield bonding must be provided at interruption points in
shielded cables.
High-current/high-voltage cables that are subject to clocked pulse
phenomena must always be routed completely separately from all other
Always support cables on metal cable bearers.
Ensure that cable bearers are conductively bonded at points at which they
Earth cable bearers.
Provide lightening protection (internal and external) as well as earth protection
inasmuch as they apply to the particular application.

7-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Installation of cables 01.97

Cable length Do not install any unnecessary extra lengths of cable. This will help to
minimize coupling capacitance and inductance.
Keep spare cabling as short as possible.
Connect at least one end of cores of spare cables to a potential, connect
them to earth where possible.

7.2 Termination conditions

Use original cables The pre-assembled original cables recommended by the manufacturer must be
used. Do not exceed the maximum permissible cable length specified for the
application in question. You will find information about cable lengths in the
product catalog or in the product-specific documentation. These lengths refer
to original cabling supplied by the manufacturer.

Protect cables Protect cables and connectors against mechanical damage, e.g. by means of
cable ducts or covers
Take measures to prevent oil, coolant or chippings from penetrating
connector casings.

Contact connectors Attach connectors securely to modules.


Use special cables Special-purpose cables must be used for trailing-cable applications.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 7-3

01.97 Installation of cables

7-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Filtering 01.97

8 Filtering

8.1 Suppression of inductive loads ................................................8-2

8.2 Filters on SIMODRIVE.............................................................8-4

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 8-1

01.97 Filtering

The purpose of filtering is to attenuate interference that is conducted along

connecting cables. For this purpose, filters are inserted in the EMI transmission
path between the emission source and the victim. Filters reduce the conducted
EMI emitted by the source and increase the immunity of potential victims
without having an adverse effect on useful signals.

Filtering and shielding are complementary EMC measures.

8.1 Suppression of inductive loads

Relays, contactors, valves, motor brakes and basically all types of coil
Suppression meas-
(inductances) generate induction voltages when the current through them is
interrupted and must therefore be equipped with suppression elements. 24 V
coils, for example, generate transient voltages of 800 V while several 1000 V
may be present at the switch when the current through a 230 V coil is interrup-

RC suppression circuits are effective in attentuating the very high transient

voltages that switched coils can generate. The suppression circuit sharply
reduces the transient voltage, thus preventing the interference from coupling
onto cables running in parallel to the coil cable.

Free-wheeling diodes on modules are suitable only for suppressing cable
inductance. They cannot replace direct coil suppression equipment.
Coil suppression equipment must be fitted directly to the coil.

Interference suppres-
sion measures

8-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Filtering 01.97

Contactors Relay coils


Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 8-3

01.97 Filtering

8.2 Filters on SIMODRIVE

In order to maintain emitted interference to within the limits specified in basic

technical standard EN50081-2, filter modules must be installed on the SIMO-
DRIVE drive control system. These modules are specifically designed to filter
out the interference generated by the converter. They may not therefore be used
as interference filters for other loads in the installation.
In addition to reducing radio interference voltage to within the 150kHz to
30Mhz range specified in EN50081-2, these filter modules for closed-loop-
controlled mains supplies also attenuate conducted interference in the frequen-
cy range below 150 kHz (thereby reducing phase effects on supply system).

Filter installation in
System-specific filters such as SIMODRIVE filter modules must be instal-
control cubicle
led as required by the system design in accordance with the installation in-
structions in the manufacturer's documentation.
The filters should be mounted so that a conductive contact over a large area
is provided. Painted cubicle panels, DIN rails or similar mounting equip-
ment with a small support surface and inadequate potential bonding are not
suitable as mounting surfaces for converters and filters.

Prevent material damage!

Usually, SIMODRIVE filters heat up heavily in the vicinity of the internal

resistors. To protect the adjacent components (distance < 400 mm), it can be
necessary to install a heat conducting spacer.

Wiring Filter supply and return cables must be routed separately.

Power and signal cables must always be routed separately. The practical
solution in this case is to route the power cables of the converter module
downwards and the encoder cables upwards in order to separate them by the
greatest possible distance - see also Section 5.3, Cable routing, shielding and

To maintain emitted interference to within the limits specified in EN50081-2

all motor and supply cables must be shielded. An earthed metal duct with
large-area, conductive contact cover can be used as an alternative. 360 bon-
ding of the shield to the appropriate components (motor, converter) must
always be provided.

8-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Filtering 01.97

Functional earthing Functional earthing is implemented by installing the filter in the cubicle such
that it is conductively contacted over a large area. If it can only be mounted
such that it is more or less insulated, then functional earthing must be provided
by means of an equipotential bonding conductor.

Protective earthing The existing specifications for protective earthing apply. However, additional
measures are required owing to the high leakage currents caused by converter

VDE stipulates that a PE conductor may only carry currents of a few mA.
Since the interference currents occurring with converter filters are generally
higher than permitted, measures defined in pr EN 50178/94 part must
be implemented, e.g.
Install a second conductor via separate terminals in parallel to the PE con-
ductor. This equipotential bonding conductor must also fulfil the require-
ments of PE conductors specified in IEC 364-5-543,
Use a PE conductor with a cross-section of 10mm2

Protect personnel against injury!

Cable shields and unused cores of power cables (e.g. brake wires) must be
connected to PE potential at one end at least to ensure discharge of potential
caused by capacitive overcoupling. Failure to implement this precaution
might result in potentially lethal shock voltages on unearthed shields and

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 8-5

Elimination of EMI-Induced Malfunctions 01.97

9 Elimination of EMI-Induced Malfunctions

9.1 Trouble-shooting......................................................................9-2
9.2 Elimination of EMI-induced malfunctions.................................9-3

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 9-1

01.97 Elimination of EMI-Induced Malfunctions

9.1 Trouble-shooting

Trouble-shooting is greatly facilitated if malfunctions caused by interference

are monitored and recorded precisely. The more exact the description of the
malfunction, the more targeted and effective the fault correction measures.
Make sure that the description you give is not misleading.

Interference source Localization of interference source

Is the malfunction continuous or occasional?
Is there a connection between the occurrence and frequency of malfunctions
with the operation of other equipment? Do the malfunctions occur in certain
operating modes?
Is it possible to identify the interference source by switching off devices
within the system one at a time?
Check the system supply voltages.

Victim Localization of victim equipment

Is it absolutely certain that the malfunction is not being caused by a
hardware or software error?
Does the system include devices or plant components that are not operating
correctly, but which malfunction in such a way that they can effect the
whole system (e.g. encoder) without the source of the disturbance being
directly identifiable?
Use the diagnostic tools (LEDs, error indicators, error counters, ...)
provided by the systems to determine which device is malfunctioning.
To narrow down the search for the affected device, it is helpful to switch
off / disconnect / replace parts of the system.
Switch off parts, for example, by
changing the operating mode
deactivating functions

Coupling paths Reduction of interference coupling

Once the interference source and victim have been localized, the coupling
paths (see Section 3) must be eliminated in accordance with basic EMC rules.

9-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Elimination of EMI-Induced Malfunctions 01.97

9.2 Elimination of EMI-induced malfunctions

There are three possible approaches to eliminating the malfunctions caused by

inadequate EMC:
Eliminate or reduce the interference emitted by the interference source
(coil suppression elements, filters, shields,...).
Increase the interference immunity of the victim device (filter, shielded
enclosure, ...).
Eliminate coupling paths to remove routes by which interference can be
conducted from the source to the victim (e.g. increase distance between
power and signal cables, install shielded cables, route cables along metal
components, etc. ).
Make sure that you have implemented the measures described in this
Installation Guideline and the product-specific documentation.

Nature of Possible cause Elimination of malfunction

Sporadic failure No suppression equipment on coils of Install coil suppression equipment.
contactors, valves, horns, ...
Spark-generating machines (welding Reroute cables of control system (increase
equipment) near victim distance to emission source).
Radio transmitter, ripple control system Additional shielding
Cables with incorrectly terminated shield, Use original cables, check conductor
incorrectly twisted cables or with assignments.
unsuitable characteristics
Interruption in cable shield (e.g. where Connect cable shields, provide shielding on
cable junction box is inserted) interruption point (e.g. on junction box).
Incorrectly installed equipotential bonding Install bonding lead again (see Section 4).
Clogging/dirt deposits on control Clean control components/modules, make
components sure inlet air is clean.
Permanent axis offset For possible causes, see "Sporadic failure" See "Sporadic failure" for elimination
measures. The actual value lead is likely to
be the victim.
Install equipotential bonding lead between
encoder casing and control housing or
improve equipotential bonding system.
Rough, uneven Inadequate equipotential bond between Provide effective, large-area, bare-metal,
machining surface position encoder and control system corrosion-protected ground connection
between control and position encoder.
(Where bonding lead is used: Increase cross-
section, make direct connection).
High compensating current on setpoint Disconnect shield at control system end.
cable shields (analog setpoint)
Where drive control is supplied by other Modify input circuit on drive control (to
manufacturer: Setpoint input on drive match circuitry of Siemens drive controls)
control is not compatible with Siemens
EMC strategy

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 9-3

01.97 Elimination of EMI-Induced Malfunctions

Nature of Possible cause Elimination of malfunction

"Shaky" screen Monitor is installed near device that Increase distance between screen and
characters or screen generates magnetic field (e.g. transformer, interference source, shield screen or source
display electric motor) or current-conducting with MUMETALL in extreme cases.
Areas of incorrect Magnetic field of a nearby permanent Eliminate interference source, shield source
colour shading of magnet with MUMETALL
screen information and Note:
background Display disturbance does not disappear for
several days after elimination of cause if no
demagnetization measures are taken.
Encoder error Encoder cable shield interrupted, cables Use original cables (for specific product),
with inadequate shielding, encoder cable connect shield at both ends.
shield bonded via separate wire/conductor.
Telephones, fax Short-circuit power of supply system too Increase short-circuit power of supply
machines, copiers low system drastically, connect victim devices to
make "whistling" another supply, install SIMODRIVE filter
noises module.
Blown fuses on small Short-circuit power of supply system too Increase short-circuit power of supply
power packs low system drastically, connect victim devices to
another supply, install SIMODRIVE filter

9-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Handling of ESD-Sensitive Modules (ESD) 01.97

10 Handling of ESD-Sensitive Modules (ESD)

10.1 What does ESD mean?.........................................................10-2

10.2 Electrostatic charging of people and objects .........................10-3
10.3 Packaging and shipment of ESD-sensitive modules.............10-3
10.4 Basic protective measures against electrostatic discharge...10-4

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 10-1

01.97 Handling of ESD-Sensitive Modules (ESD)

10.1 What does ESD mean?

Definition: ESD/ESD- As a result of the technologies employed on electrical and electronic modules,
sensitive components these components are extremely sensitive to overvoltages and thus to any
electrostatic discharge.
Electrostatic discharge is frequently referred to by the abbreviation ESD.
ESD-sensitive devices are labelled with the following symbol:


ESD-sensitive modules can be destroyed by voltages that are well below the
limit of voltage that is perceptible to human beings. If you do not discharge
your body electrically before touching an ESD-sensitive component, you
might be carrying a voltage that will destroy the device. The damage caused
to a module as a result of overvoltage cannot be detected immediately in most
cases, but only becomes evident after it has been in operation for a consider-
able period.

10-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Handling of ESD-Sensitive Modules (ESD) 01.97

10.2 Electrostatic charging of people and objects

Charging People and objects that have no conductive connection to the electric potential
of their surroundings may be electrostatically charged.
The following are examples of such charges:
Plastic covers or insulating foil up to 5 000 V
Plastic-coated books/notebooks up to 8 000 V
Person when
walking on plastic flooring up to 12 000 V
sitting on padded chair up to 15 000 V
walking on synthetic carpet up to 15 000 V

Discharge If, for example, a voltage of 10 000 V is discharged because its carrier
current/energy (person/object) comes into contact with a component, then a discharge current
of 15 A can flow briefly. The electrical energy that the component concerned
must absorb in this case is about 10-3 Ws. This is sufficient energy to destroy,
or at least damage, semiconductors such as integrated circuits, rectifiers and
signal diodes.
Carefully note and apply the protective measures described below to protect
and prolong the life of your modules and components.

10.3 Packaging and shipment of ESD-sensitive modules

Use conductive Use original conductive packaging where possible for single components and
packaging modules that have no enclosure. You can also use metallized plastic boxes or
plain cardboard. Always store ESD-sensitive modules in their high-resistance,
conductive original packaging.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 10-3

01.97 Handling of ESD-Sensitive Modules (ESD)

10.4 Basic protective measures against electrostatic discharge

Prevent electrostatic The best possible protection against the effects of electrostatic discharge is to
charges take measures to prevent the development of electrostatic electricity in the
vicinity of sensitive devices.

Take care when hand- Take particular care to prevent plastics coming into contact with sensitive
ling plastics modules since most types of plastic are easy to charge statically.

Provide effective, When you are handling ESD-sensitive modules, make sure that you, your
reliable earthing workstation and the device packaging are earthed across a high resistance
(200k to 1G).

Avoid direct contact Do not touch ESD-sensitive modules unless it is absolutely essential. If you
must handle them (e.g. to repair them), make sure that you do not touch com-
ponent pins or printed conductors. In this way, it is possible to prevent dischar-
ge energy from reaching and damaging sensitive module components.

Avoid "hard" If it is fundamentally impossible to prevent electrostatic charges, a means by

discharges which these can be discharged "softly, e.g. via a high resistance of R>200 k,
should be provided.

Always use earthed Measurements or soldering jobs may be carried out on ESD-sensitive modules
equipment/ only if
the instrument/tool is earthed (e.g. via PE conductor) or
the probe on isolated measuring instruments is discharged before the
measurements are taken (e.g. by holding it briefly in contact with earthed
metal parts)

Special care with Note the following measures in respect to modules with ESD-sensitive compo-
respect to ESD- nents that are not protected by an enclosure and are labelled accordingly (see
sensitive modules label at the beginning of this section):
Do not touch ESD-sensitive modules unless
you are earthed via an anti-static wristband or
you are wearing anti-static footwear or earth straps when walking on an
anti-static floor
you have removed all clothing made of synthetic materials or are wearing
an anti-static overall.

10-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

Handling of ESD-Sensitive Modules (ESD) 01.97

Discharge your own body before starting work on the module. To do so,
touch an earthed metallic object.
Safeguard modules against contact with chargeable and highly insulating
materials such as plastic foils, insulating table tops or clothing made of
synthetic materials.
Place sensitive modules only on high-resistance, conductive surfaces such
Table with anti-static surface
Conductive anti-static foam or anti-static packaging,
Normal, plain cardboard should be used as a provisional material
when required.
Do not bring ESD-sensitive modules into the immediate vicinity of equip-
ment that generates strong electromagnetic fields such as visual display
units, monitors or TVs (minimum distance from screen > 10 cm).

Protective measures The measures required to protect sensitive components against ESD are illu-
against ESD strated again in the diagram below:

a Conductive flooring
b Table with conductive, earthed surface
c Anti-static footware
d Anti-static overalls
e Earthed anti-static wristband
f Earth connection for control cubicle d
g Earthed chair

b e


Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 10-5

01.97 Handling of ESD-Sensitive Modules (ESD)

10-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMC Legislation, CE Marking and EC Declaration of Conformity 01.97

11 EMC Legislation, CE Marking and EC

Declaration of Conformity

11.1 Information about EMC legislation.........................................11-2

11.2 Information for machine manufacturers ................................11-3
11.3 CE marking / EC declaration of conformity ...........................11-3
11.4 Appendix C to the EU Certificate of
Conformity No. 002 V 27/11/96 .............................................11-5

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 11-1

01.97 EMC Legislation, CE Marking and EC Declaration of Conformity

11.1 Information about EMC legislation

Validity of EMC EMC legislation pertaining to the electromagnetic compatibility of equip-

legislation ment/installations, which implements Directive 89/336/EEC of the Council
dated May 3, 1989, came into force on January 1, 1996. All equip-
ment/installations that can cause electromagnetic interference or which may
malfunction as the result of operating in an EMI-polluted environment are
subject to this EMC legislation.

Marking Devices which

are capable of independent operation or
are commercially available

require the CE marking and its complementary declaration of conformity. The

CE mark is attached to the product itself, or its packaging or included in the
covering documentation.
Devices that are merely supplied to system builders as bought-in or spare parts
do not require a CE mark or declaration of conformity to comply with EMC
legislation. Likewise, no CE mark is required for installations that are assem-
bled at the operating site (e.g. control cubicles).

Conformity of Interference emissions and immunity of installations are dependent both on

installations product-specific properties and on factors such as plant configuration, equip-
ment combinations, cable configuration, cable lengths, etc. To check compli-
ance with the permissible EMC limit values allowing for all these factors and
their variations would involve endless testing. EMC of the complete installa-
tion is therefore measured on representative configurations within the installa-
tion and then verified by the appropriate declaration of conformity.

If the difference between the machine plant configuration and plant configu-
rations that are verified by the declaration of conformity is so great that a
degradation in EMC is likely when machinery is operated, it may be neces-
sary to take EMC measurements on site. In this case, please contact your
local Siemens Sales Office.

11-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMC Legislation, CE Marking and EC Declaration of Conformity 01.97

11.2 Information for machine manufacturers

Introduction The SINUMERIK / SIROTEC control systems and SIMODRIVE drives are
not actually machines as defined by the EC Machinery Directive. The elec-
tronic controls only constitute machines once they are linked with the units to
be controlled. They are not therefore provided with a declaration of conformity
in respect of EC Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC.

EC Machinery The EC Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC defines the requirements that a

Directive machine must fulfill. A "machine" in this case is an assembly of linked parts or
89/392/EEC components (see also EN 292-1, para. 3.1).
The Siemens controls form part of the electrical equipment of a machine. The
machine manufacturer must therefore include them in the declaration of con-
formity certification process.

11.3 CE marking / EC declaration of conformity

CE marking Products that carry the CE mark are certified as fulfilling the requirements of
EC Directive 89/336/EEC "Electromagnetic Compatibility" and the relevant
harmonized European standards (EN). The CE mark is the visible proof that
the product complies with the requirements of the appropriate Directive.
The EC declarations of conformity for these products are kept available to the
competent enforcement authorities by the relevant department of the Siemens
AG Automation Group in accordance with Article 10 of the above EC Direc-

EC declaration of A CE mark cannot therefore be obtained without an EC declaration of confor-

conformity mity. In the case of assembled products or complete installations, the declara-
tion of conformity represents the externally attached CE mark.

All products listed in a declaration of conformity fulfill the requirements of EC

Directive 89/336/EEC "Electromagnetic Compatibility" and the relevant
harmonized European standards (EN) within the specified installation.

The EC declaration of conformity attests to compliance with the required EMC

limit values. A copy of the declaration can be found in this Section and in the
product-specific documentation (Planning Guide in most cases).

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 11-3

01.97 EMC Legislation, CE Marking and EC Declaration of Conformity

Area of application The products listed in the declaration of conformity are EMC-designed for
industrial applications. They fulfill the following requirements.

Area of application Products fulfill requirements

EMI emission EMI immunity
Industry EN 500812 EN 500822

With an individual test certificate for emission characteristics, these products

may also be used in residential areas (residential, commercial and trade areas,
small-scale industry). This individual test certificate must be obtained from a
competent authority or test house. Such certificates are issued in Germany by
the Federal Post and Telecommunications Agency and its branches.

Area of application Products fulfill requirement

EMI emission EMI immunity
Residential area Individual test certificate EN 500822

Observe guidelines The products fulfill the appropriate EMC requirements if:
1. You install and operate them in accordance with the Installation Guidelines
provided in the relevant product documentation,
2. You also follow instructions relating to

installation of equipment

working on control cubicles and

observe information pertaining to individual modules.

3. You always observe the appropriate EMC installation guidelines for the
products concerned.

Certificate of Confor- All components admitted for equipment integration of SIMODRIVE MCU
mity 172A as set forth in the Planning Instructions Part 2, Devices (Order No. 6SN1
197-0AA00-0AP2), in interconnected operation comply with the Guideline

Conformity to the standards, see Appendix C, Section 11.4

EU Certificate of Conformity, see last page of this Chapter

11-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMC Legislation, CE Marking and EC Declaration of Conformity 01.97

11.4 Appendix C to the EU Certificate of Conformity No. 002 V


The compliance of the products with the Guideline of the Council

89/336/EWG has been proved by verification acc. to the Basic Specifications
and the Basic Standards listed therein:

Basic Specification: EN 50081-2 as per 8/93

Basic standards:
EN 55011 1)

Basic Specification: EN 50082-2 as per 3/95

Basic standards: Test item:
ENV 50140 2) Radio-frequency interference
ENV 50141 3) HF interference to lines
ENV 50204 HF interference to lines
EN 61000-4-8 4) Magnetic fields
EN 61000-4-2 5) Static discharge
EN 61000-4-4 6) Fast transients (burst)

Standards that are also complied with:

to 1): VDE 0875 Part 11
to 2): VDE 0847 Part 3
to 3): IEC 801-6
to 4): VDE 0847 Part 4-8
IEC 1000-4-8
to 5): VDE 0847 Part 4-2
EN 60801 Part 2
IEC 801-2
VDE 0843 Part 2
to 6): VDE 0843 Part 4
VDE 0847-Part 4-4
IEC 801-4

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 11-5

01.97 EMC Legislation, CE Marking and EC Declaration of Conformity

EU Certificate of Conformity
No. E002 V 27/11/96

Manufacturer: SIEMENS AG


Frauenauracherstrae 80
91056 Erlangen

Product Designation: SINUMERIK 850, 805M-P, 805M-TW, 810,

810D, 820, 840C, 840CE, 840D,
840DE, FM NC, FM Lage, FM
Schritt, FM Stepdrive

SIMODRIVE 610, 611A, 611D, MCU

The products listed above comply with the standards of the following
European guideline:

89/336/EWG Guideline of the Council to match the legal instructions on

electromagnetic compatibility in the member states (amended by 91/263/EWG,
92/31/EWG and 93/68/EWG)

The compliance with this guideline requires the products to be installed in the
entire equipment according to the relevant EMC guidelines.
For equipment configurations whose compliance with these guidelines has been
proven, as well as standard applied to see:
Appendix A1 - A14 (Equipment Configurations)
Appendix B1 - B7 (Components)
Appendix C (Standards)


Erlangen, Nov 27, 1996

R. Mller K. Krause
Development Dept. Quality Management

Name, Title Signature Name, Title Signature

The Appendix is integral part of this Certificate.

The Certificate is to certify compliance with the abovementioned guideline but is not a warranty
of any characteristics in the sense of product liability.
The safety notes to the supplied products must be followed.

11-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

EMC Legislation, CE Marking and EC Declaration of Conformity 01.97

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 11-7

01.97 Appendix

12 Appendix

Contents 12.1 Index ......................................................................................12-2

12.2 Abbreviations .........................................................................12-5

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 12-1

Appendix 01.97

12.1 Index

Aluminium parts,2-1
Analog signal cables,2-2
Anti-static footwear,10-4 Earth potential differences,6-3
Anti-static packaging,10-5 Earthing,2-1
Anti-static wristband,10-4 Earthing bar,6-6
Area of application,11-4 Earthing strips,2-1
Attachment of cable screens,2-2 EC Declaration of Conformity,11-1; 11-3
Attachment of shield braid,6-6 EC Directive,11-3
EC Machinery Directive,11-3
C Electromagnetic compatibility,1-2
Electrostatic discharge,10-4
Cable clamping rail,6-6 EMC,1-2
Cable entry points,5-3 EMC Legislation,11-1
Cable groups,5-6 EMC measures,1-4
Cable installation,7-2 Equipment,10-4
Cable length,7-3 Equipotential bonding,4-3
CE mark,11-3 Equipotential bonding bar,6-6
CE Marking,11-1; 11-3 Equipotential bonding conductor,7-2
Central earthing bar,4-3; 5-6 Equipotential bonding lead,2-2
Charging,10-3 Equipotential bonding leads,2-3
Coil suppression,8-2 Equipotential bonding strip,2-1
Coils,2-3 ESD,10-2
Conductive surfaces,10-5 ESD-sensitive modules,10-4
Connection of the shield braid,5-3
Connector housings,2-2
Contact points of cable bearers,7-2
Contact surfaces,4-3
Contact washers,2-1 Filter,2-1; 8-2; 8-3
Contactor,2-3 Filter installation,8-3
Contactors,5-6; 8-2 Filter modules,5-4
Coupling path,3-2; 3-5 Filtered cables,2-1
Coupling paths,9-2 Filterung,8-1
Cross-section of equipotential bonding Free-wheeling diodes,8-2
conductors,4-6 Functional earthing,8-4
Cubicle covers,5-2
Cubicle housing,2-1 G
Cubicle housings,5-3
Ground connections,4-3

Data cables,2-2
DIN rails,5-4 Handhabung elektrostatisch gefhrdeter
Discharge current/energy,10-3 Baugruppen,2-3
High-current/high-voltage cables,7-2

12-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 Appendix

I Protective earthing,8-4
Protective measures,10-4
Individual test certificate,11-4 Protective measures against ESD,10-5
Inspection windows,5-2
Interference source,3-2 Qualified person,1-3
Intermediate connectors,6-5
Interruption points in shielded cables,7-2
RC elements,2-3
RC suppression circuits,8-2
Leitungsfhrung,7-2 Relays,2-3; 8-2
Lengths of cable,7-2
Lightening strikes,2-3
Lighting of cubicles,2-3 S
Line filter,5-5
Safety regulations,1-3
Screw connections,2-1; 5-2
Setpoint and actual value cables,2-2
Setpoint and actual value data cables,7-2
Magnetic fields,2-2; 5-4; 7-2 Shield connection,6-4
Malfunctions,9-3 Shield contacting,5-6
Massung von Schaltschrank-Bauteilen,5-2 Shield termination at both ends,6-3
Measuring instrument,10-4 Shield termination at one end,6-3
Minimum separating distance,2-2 Shielding bus,2-1; 2-2; 5-5; 6-6
Monitors,5-4 Shielding buses,5-6
Motor brakes,8-2 Shields,5-6
Motor power supply and mains supply cables,6-4 Shipment,10-3
Mounting rail,5-4 Signal cables,2-2
SIMODRIVE 611 A/D Motor power supply
O SIMODRIVE filter module,2-1
SIMODRIVE motor cables,2-2
Optimum shield bond,6-7 Single shielding,6-2
Original cables,7-3 SINUMERIK FM components,5-4
Original packaging of ESD-sensitive modules,10- Solenoid valves,2-3
3 Spare cabling,7-3
STEPDRIVE filter,2-1
P Strain relief,6-6
Support rail,5-4
Packaging,10-3; 10-4
Suppression circuit,2-3
PE conductor,8-4
PE conductor bar,5-6
Planning Guides,1-4 U
Points of separation,7-2 Unfiltered cables,2-1
Potential differences,2-3 Unscreened cables,2-2
Power cables,2-2; 5-6; 7-2 Unterbrechung der Leitungsschirmung,6-5
Power components,5-4 Unused cores of power cables,6-4
Power supply cables,2-2
Previous knowledge,1-3

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 12-3

Appendix 01.97

VDE specifications,1-3
Ventilation holes,5-2
Ventilation openings,5-3
Victim equipment,3-2


12-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 Appendix

12.2 Abbreviations

Abbreviations Definition
=2f Angular frequency
AC Alternating Current
AG PLC (programmable logical controller)
AUT Automation Group at the Siemens AG
C Capacity
CE Communauts Europens
CPU Central Processing Unit
DA Digital output
DC Direct Current
DE Digital input
DIN German Industrial Standards
E/R Stabilized power supply/recovery module
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EN European standard
ESD Electrostatic Sensitive Device
EU European Union
EWG European Economic Community
f Frequency
FM Function module
H Magnetic
HF High frequency
I Current
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
L Inductivity
L1, L2, L3 Phases
M Ground
MCU Motion Control Unit
MPI Multi-Point Interface
N Neutral (conductor)
NC Numerical Control
NF Low frequency
P Equipotential bonding conductor
PE PE conductor
PG Programming unit
R Resistance
SPS Programmable logic controller
SV Power supply
U Voltage
UE non-stabilized supply module
VDE Association of German Electrotechnical Engineers
Z Impedance

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 12-5

Appendix 01.97

12-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

General 1

Positioning Control
Error Messages: 2

SIMODRIVE 611 Module Error Messages: 3
Single-Axis Positioning Control
MCU 172A Error Messages: 4

Error Messages
Intelligent I/O Modules
Error Messages

Unit Control Panel

Error Messages from MCU 6

Unit Control Panel

Error Messages from MMC 7

Valid for: MCU 172A V 3.x or higher

Edition March 1998

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please enquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.


The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
of which by any third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the copyright holders.

Subject to technical changes within the product.

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not

permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be made liable for
damages. All rights including rights created by patent or registration of a
utility model or design are reserved.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 General


Invocation DB With the exception of the diagnostic interrupts, all error messages of the position control
caused by the user program are provided by the invocation DB, organized by data error,
operator error and operating and traversing error.

Diagnostic buffer All errors, with the exception of the occurring errors, including drive alarms and run-up errors,
of the CPU are entered into the diagnostic buffer of the CPU. The elements of the diagnostic buffer are
structured as follows:

Byte 0/1 (module event number)

Event class Identifiers Diagn.-type class Group-event no.
(4 Bit) (4 Bit) (4 Bit) (4 Bit)
F 1 Error
Module arrived Module-type Class identifier: 1
events 0 Error class: 8 (positioning)
left (FM)
Byte 2/3 (detailed event number)
Error number as described in the Error Lists
Byte 4 (additional information Z4) Byte 5 (additional information Z5)
Axis number Axis name (coded)
Byte 6/7 (additional information Z1)
Additional parameter 1
Byte 8/9 (additional information Z2)
Additional parameter 2
Byte 10/11 (additional information Z3)
Byte 12-19 (time stamp in S7 format)
Time stamp (date/time)

Entry in the Byte 5 (add. information Z5) Value/description Unit

diagnostic buffer
acc. to MD6

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 0-1

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
General 01.97

Axis name (coded) Bit 0 ... 3 axis letter -

0 =X
1 =Y
2 =Z
3 =A
4 =B
5 =C
6 =U
7 =V
8 =W
9 =Q
10 =E
Bit 4 to 7 address extension
0 = no address extension

0-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 General

Indication In MCU-PIT, errors are indicated with text and time of their occurrence.

Diagnostic Diagnostic interrupts are identified by setting the respective bits in the diagnosis data record
interrupts (DS0/1).

Error class Group-error message Coding

Internal errors Bit 0.1 Bit 3.x
External errors Bit 0.2 Bit 0.x
Channel errors Bit 0.3 Bit 8.x

Error Error class Message/ Internal error Error acknowledgment after

processing indication response error removal
Internal errors Diagnostic all OFF none
External errors Diagnostic
interrupt all OFF RESTART
Channel errors LED DIAG -
Operating and Technological Feed STOP or Technological functions
traversing functions all OFF
errors Diagnostic
Operator Technological Feed STOP Technological functions
errors functions
Data errors Technological Technological functions
functions WARNING
Data block Overwriting with the correct
Machine-data Diagnostic Run-up Overwriting with the correct
errors buffer ABORTION data + Power ON
Data block CONTROLLE Overwriting with the correct
Traversing- Technological Technological functions
program errors function
Diagnostic WARNING
buffer Overwriting with the correct
Data block data
Run-up errors Diagnostic Run-up Power ON

Internal error response Internal error Description


Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 0-3

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
General 01.97

Run-up blocking of the positioning functionality

ABORTION no traversing movement possible
drive inactive
all OFF immediate stop of traversing
digital outputs are switched off
controller inhibit
Feed STOP Traversing is decelerated to standstill via a brake ramp
WARNING message only
no influence to traversing or controlling of the axes
CONTROLLER no traversing movement possible
INHIBIT controller inhibit

0-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

Error Messages Provided by the Positioning Control

2.1 Diagnostic Interrupts...................................................................................... 1-2
2.2 Operating Errors ............................................................................................ 2-4
2.3 Operator Errors............................................................................................ 2-10
2.4 Traversing Errors......................................................................................... 2-14
2.5 Data Errors .................................................................................................. 2-20
2.6 Machine-data Errors .................................................................................... 2-29
2.7 Traversing Errors......................................................................................... 2-44
2.8 Run-up Errors.............................................................................................. 2-51

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-1

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

Diagnostic Interrupts

Bit 3.6 Process interrupt lost Bit Internal

0.1 error
Response all OFF
Acknowledg none
Cause Process interrupt could not be processed within a the position-controller cycle
Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or no axis movement possible
Synchronization is deleted
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode. However, should it occur nevertheless,
contact your competent sales department and specify the detail circumstances resulting in
the error.

Bit 8.0 Cable break - incremental encoder Bit Channel

0.3 error
Response all OFF
Acknowledg RESTART
Cause Encoder system cable not plugged or defective
Incorrect terminal assignment
Cable too long

Encoder without inverted track signal (signals A , B missing)

Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or no axis movement possible
Synchronization is deleted
Remedy Check encoder and encoder cable.
Monitoring can temporarily be deactivated on the users responsibility by means of

Bit 8.1 Transmission error - absolute encoder Bit Channel

0.3 error
Response all OFF
Acknowledg RESTART
Cause The telegram exchange between MCU and absolute encoder is faulty or interrupted:
Encoder cable not plugged or defective
Inadmissible encoder type
Encoder provides faulty values
Interference at encoder cable
Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or no axis movement possible.
Remedy Check encoder and encoder cable.
Observe shielding and grounding instructions.

1-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

Monitoring can temporarily be deactivated on the users responsibility by means of


Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-3

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

Bit 8.2 Missing pulses - incremental encoder Bit Channel

0.3 error
Response all OFF
Acknowledg RESTART
Cause Missing pulses detected by the encoder monitoring.
No zero mark has been detected within one encoder revolution after leaving the
reference-point switch in the operating mode "Reference point approach.
Defective encoder
Zero mark defective or missing
Pulse length of zero mark less than 1.25 s
Interference at encoder cable
Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or no axis movement possible.
Synchronization is deleted.
Remedy Check encoder and encoder cable.
Observe shielding and grounding instructions.
Monitoring can temporarily be deactivated on the user's responsibility by means of

Bit 8.3 Voltage monitoring - encoder Bit Channel

0.3 error
Response all OFF
Acknowledg RESTART
Cause Short-circuit in encoder supply
Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or no axis movement possible.
Synchronization is deleted.
Remedy Check the connections.
Monitoring can temporarily be deactivated on the user's responsibility by means of

Bit 8.4 Hardware error - drives Bit Channel

0.3 error
Response all OFF
Acknowledg Power ON
Cause Hardware error signaled by drive (group error)
The number of the error in question is stored in the diagnostic buffer; indication via
Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or no axis movement possible.
Synchronization is deleted.
Remedy depending on the cause

1-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-5

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

Operating Errors

00257 Software limit switch beginning overtraveled

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Limit switch overtraveled either in the controlling or in the follow-up mode.
Scan Axis movement is stopped.
The limit switch position is overtraveled by the required braking distance.
Actual-value setting (if desired) is not carried out.
Remedy After acknowledging the error, traversing into the working range is possible.
Change the value for the software limit switch (MD21).
Switch the limit switch monitoring off. With the limit switches (MD21/22) turned off,
the traversing range limits are determined by the maximum admissible values for the
limit switches.

00258 Software limit switch end overtraveled

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Limit switch overtraveled either in the controlling or in the follow-up mode
Scan Axis movement is stopped.
The limit switch position is overtraveled by the required braking distance.
Actual-value setting (if desired) is not carried out.
Remedy After acknowledging the error, traversing into the working range is possible.
Change the value for the software limit switch (MD22).
Switch the limit switch monitoring off. With the limit switches (MD21/22) turned off,
the traversing range limits are determined by the maximum admissible values for the
limit switches.

1-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

00259 Traversing range beginning overtraveled

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause When traversing in the controlling mode and with the software limit switches off, the
traversing range beginning has been overtraveled.
Scan Axis movement is stopped.
The traversing range limit is overtraveled by the required braking distance.
Synchronization is deleted.
Remedy After acknowledging the error, traversing into the working range is possible.
Switch the limit switch monitoring off. With the limit switches (MD21/22) turned off,
the traversing range limits are determined by the maximum admissible values for the
limit switches.

00260 Traversing range end overtraveled

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause When traversing in the controlling mode and with the software limit switches off, the
traversing range end has been overtraveled.
Scan Axis movement is stopped.
The traversing range limit is overtraveled by the required braking distance.
Synchronization is deleted.
Remedy After acknowledging the error, traversing into the working range is possible.
Switch the limit switch monitoring off. With the limit switches (MD21/22) turned off,
the traversing range limits are determined by the maximum admissible values for the
limit switches.

00267 Direction of rotation of drive

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Drive rotates in the wrong direction.
Scan Axis movement is stopped.
No new traversing instructions possible.
Remedy Check drive.
Check MD19 and correct if necessary.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-5

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

1-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

00268 Zero-speed control

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The zero-speed range has been left without traversing instruction provided.
Scan Measuring-value acquisition is continued.
Remedy Check electrical and mechanical drive switching-off (terminals, cables, actuator
Adapt MD26.

00276 RESET alarm drive

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause An error that can be acknowledged occurred at the drive. The number of the error in
question is provided both from the diagnostic buffer of the CPU and via MCU-PIT.
Scan Axis movement is stopped.
Synchronization is deleted.
Remedy depending on the drive alarm occurred

00277 Emergency retraction cannot be activated

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Emergency retraction enable (data record 8, control word1, bit2) cannot be set, since the
drive machine data (A-MD) 1636 "Emergency Retraction mode" during the run-up could
not be transferred without errors. Any emergency retraction mode can only be selected if
A-MD 1161 "Fixed voltage of intermediate circuit" = 0 (see also Alarm
30764FEHLER30764, 30765FEHLER30765).
Scan The Emergency Retraction function cannot be used.
Remedy Set A-MD 1161 = 0 or do not use the Emergency Retraction function.

00346 System error No. 0

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-7

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

Cause Internal module error

Scan Depending on the severity of the error
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

1-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

00347 System error No. 1

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Internal module error
Scan Depending on the severity of the error
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

00348 System error No. 2

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Internal module error
Scan Depending on the severity of the error
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

00349 System error No. 3

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Internal module error
Scan Depending on the severity of the error
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

00350 System error No. 4

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Internal module error
Scan Depending on the severity of the error

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-9

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

1-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

00351 System error No. 5

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Internal module error
Scan Depending on the severity of the error
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

00352 System error No. 6

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Internal module error
Scan Depending on the severity of the error
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

00353 System error No. 7

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Internal module error
Scan Depending on the severity of the error
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

00354 System error No. 8

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Internal module error
Scan Depending on the severity of the error

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-11

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

1-12 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

00355 System error No. 9

Response all OFF
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Internal module error
Scan Depending on the severity of the error
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-13

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

Operator Errors

00513 Illegal operating mode

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause The selected operating mode is not permitted.
Scan Any active traversing movements are stopped. No axis movement is possible, as long as
no permissible operating mode is selected.
Remedy Select a permissible operating mode.

00516 Invalid operating mode parameters

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause The selected velocity or voltage step in the operating modes Controlling or Setting-Up is
not 1 or 2. The setpoint number in the Jog mode is invalid
(1 to 100 and 254 are permitted).
Scan Axis movement is disabled.
Remedy Set operating mode parameters to a permissible value.

00517 Start enable missing

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause A traversing instruction has been provided with Start Enable missing (Start, Start
Externally, R Plus/ Minus).
Scan Axis movement is disabled and/or stopped.
Remedy Cancel traversing instruction and wait for Start Enable.

00521 Axis not synchronized

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ

1-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

Cause The operating modes JOG, MDI and Automatic require the axis to be synchronized.
Scan Axis movement is disabled.
Remedy Carry out reference-point approach or reference-point setting.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-11

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

00522 No valid MDI block

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause A traversing movement in the MDI mode has been started, with no valid MDI block
Scan Axis movement is disabled.
Remedy Acknowledge error, transfer valid MDI block and restart traversing movement.

00523 Illegal preset direction

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause In the operating modes Setting-up, Controlling or JOG, both the preset direction R Plus/
Minus are active. The preset direction during reference-point approach does not match
with the approach direction set in the machine data.
Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or disabled.
Remedy Remove cause.

00524 Axis movement not possible

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause A traversing instruction has been provided with a fault not acknowledged, drive enable
missing or stop provided.
Scan Axis movement is disabled.
Remedy Cancel traversing instruction and acknowledge error and/or deactivate the Stop
command or provide Drive Enable.

00525 Incremental dimension does not exist

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause The setpoints set with the operating mode parameters are missing.
Scan Start not possible.
Remedy Parameterize and read in setpoint parameters.

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00526 Program selection missing

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause Program not yet selected during Start.
Scan Start not possible.
Remedy First preselect program, then start.

00527 Digital input not selected

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause The programmed set position was reached in a block with external block change (G50).
Scan Axis movement is stopped.
Remedy Check programming of MD46 - MD49 and external elements connected to the digital

00528 Measuring function not defined

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause Both measuring functions Length Measuring AND Flying Measuring are selected.
Scan No measuring function active
Remedy Reselect ONE of the two measuring functions.

00533 No valid MD
Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause No valid MD-DB at the module.
Scan No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Load error-free machine-data DB.

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01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

00534 Illegal input of position controller inhibit

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The digital input Position Controller Inhibit has been activated during an axis
Scan Axis movement is stopped. No axis movement possible as long as the error is removed.
Remedy Cancel traversing movement and acknowledge the error. Prior to restarting a traversing
movement, make sure that the digital input is not activated during an axis movement.
Note from version 3.0

00535 Measuring system changeover not permitted

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Measuring system changeover was activated during program execution (RMS.BL = 1) or
with direct measuring system not parameterized.
Scan Axis movement is stopped. No axis movement possible as long as the error is removed.
Remedy Cancel traversing instruction and acknowledge the error. Only activate measuring system
changeover if RMS.BL = 0 and the direct measuring system is parameterized.
Note from version 3.0

00536 Simulation On/Off not permitted

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.FS, DS162, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Simulation has been activated or deactivated during program execution (RMS.BL = 1).
Scan Traversing movement is stopped. No axis movement possible until error
Remedy Cancel traversing instruction and alter activation bit for simulation; acknowledge error.
Note from version 3.0

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Traversing Errors

00769 Software limit switch beginning

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Limit switch approached either in the Setting-up or Automatic mode, with G88/89 not
provided with the respective switching signal of the digital input.
Actual-value setting causes the axis to leave the software limit switch.
Scan xis movement is stopped at the limit switch position.
Actual-value setting is not carried out.
Remedy After removing the error, traversing into the working range is possible.
Change the value for the software limit switch (MD21).
Turn the software limit switch monitoring off. With the limit switches (MD21/22) off,
the traversing range limits are determined by the maximum permissible values for the
limit switches.

00770 Software limit switch end

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Limit switch approached either in the Setting-up or Automatic mode, with G88/89 not
provided with the respective switching signal of the digital input.
Actual-value setting causes the axis to leave the software limit switch.
Scan xis movement is stopped at the limit switch position.
Actual-value setting is not carried out.
Remedy After removing the error, traversing into the working range is possible.
Change the value for the software limit switch (MD21).
Turn the software limit switch monitoring off. With the limit switches (MD21/22) off,
the traversing range limits are determined by the maximum permissible values for the
limit switches.

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00771 Traversing range beginning approached

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The traversing range beginning was approached with the software limit switches off.
Actual-value setting causes the axis to leave the traversing range beginning
(traversing range: 109 or the range covered by the absolute encoder)
Scan xis movement is stopped at the traversing range limit.
Actual-value setting is not carried out.
Remedy Traversing to the opposite direction.

00772 Traversing range end approached

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The traversing range beginning has been approached with the software limit switches
Actual-value setting causes the axis to leave the traversing range beginning
(traversing range: 109 or the range covered by the absolute encoder)
Scan xis movement is stopped at the traversing range limit.
Actual-value setting is not carried out.
Remedy Traversing to the opposite direction.

00773 Set position not within traversing range

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The programmed position is outside the working range limited by the software limit
On programming the rotary axis, an absolute dimension not within the positive full
circle has been indicated.
Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or disabled.
Remedy Correct the programmed position.
Change the value of the software limit switch (MD21/22)
Turn the limit switch monitoring off. With the limit switches (MD21/22) off, the
traversing range limits are determined by the maximum permissible values for the limit

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00791 Nominal velocity = 0

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause Zero entered for the programmed speed.
No feed programmed for positioning.
Scan Axis movement is disabled.
Remedy Enter a valid velocity value.

00798 Digital input not parameterized

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause The fast input required for traversing with flying actual-value setting (G88,G89),
external block change (G50) or measuring is not parameterized.
Scan The functions are not started.
Axis movement is disabled.
Remedy Parameterization of the fast inputs via MD46 to MD49.

00803 Tool offset value does not exist

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause No tool offset values at the MCU.
Scan Axis movement is disabled.
Remedy Parameterize and read in the tool offset values.

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01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

00804 Incorrect flying actual-value setting

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause Value not within the range 109.
Scan Axis movement is canceled.
Remedy Enter a correct value.

00805 Flying MDI block, incorrect syntax

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Incorrect M or G commands or incorrect block structure
Scan Axis movement is canceled.
Remedy Enter a correct MDI block.

00806 Flying MDI block, velocity

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The velocity is not within the range between >0 and the maximum permissible traversing
speed (500,000,000 MSR/min).
Scan Axis movement is canceled.
Remedy Enter a correct MDI block.

00807 Flying MDI block, position

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Position or dwell time are outside the permissible values.
Position: 109 MSR
Dwell time: <100,000 ms
Scan Axis movement is canceled.
Remedy Enter a correct MDI block.

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00808 Faulty flying MDI block

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause Incorrect block syntax
Scan Axis movement is canceled.
Remedy Enter a correct MDI block.

00829 Controller enable missing

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause Traversing instruction without controller enable
Scan No axis movement
Remedy Set controller enable from user program.

00830 Controller not ready

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause Axis started without readiness message from controller.
Scan No axis movement
Remedy Check drive/cable.

00832 PEH time monitoring

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause The destination range was not reached within the programmed time after the setpoints
have been provided to the position controller.
Scan Position control is continued.
Remedy Check drive.
Adapt MD24 and MD25.

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00833 No drive motion

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause Standstill of axes at max. drive control signal (speed setpoint).
Scan Axis stop
Remedy Check drive.
Check controller enable signal between MCU and drive.

00834 Following error too high

Response Feed STOP
Indication Bit RMS.BF, DS164, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.FSQ
Cause Too high following error during axis movement.
Scan Position control is continued.
Axis movement is stopped.
Remedy Check drive.
Check MD23.

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Data Errors

01025 Data not acceptable in this mode of operation

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause Data not transferred in the mode of operation concerned.
Scan Data are not accepted.
Remedy Transfer data in the required mode of operation.

01026 Velocity step 1 incorrect

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The velocity is not in the range between >0 and the max. permissible traversing speed
(500,000,000 MSR/min).
Scan The velocity does not come into effect.
Remedy Enter a valid velocity value.

01027 Velocity step 2 incorrect

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The velocity is not in the range between >0 and the max. permissible traversing speed
(500,000,000 MSR/min).
Scan The velocity does not come into effect.
Remedy Enter a valid velocity value.

01028 Speed step 1 incorrect

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The preset speed is not in the range between 0 and 10,000 0.01% MD1401.

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Scan The speed step does not come into effect.

Remedy Enter a valid speed value.

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01029 Speed step 2 incorrect

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The preset speed is not in the range between 0 and 10;000 0.01% MD1401.
Scan The speed does not come into effect.
Remedy Enter a valid speed value.

01030 Incremental dimension too high

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The incremental dimension is higher than 109 MSR.
Scan The original incremental dimension remains.
Remedy Enter a valid incremental dimension.

01031 MDI block, incorrect syntax

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause Incorrect M or G commands or incorrect block structure.
Scan The original MDI block remains.
Remedy Enter the correct MDI block.

01032 MDI block, incorrect velocity

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The velocity is not in the range between >0 and the max. permissible traversing speed
(500,000,000 MSR/min).
Scan The original MDI block remains.
Remedy Enter the correct MDI block.

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01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

01033 MDI block, incorrect position or dwell time

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The position or dwell time is across the permissible values:
Position: 109 MSR
Dwell time: <100,000 ms
Scan The original MDI block remains.
Remedy Enter the correct MDI block.

01034 Zero offset incorrect

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The value is outside the range 109 MSR.
Scan The offset does not come into effect.
Remedy Enter a valid value.

01035 Actual-value setting incorrect

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The actual value is outside the software limits positions or outside the range 109 MSR.
Scan Actual-value setting does not come into effect.
Remedy Enter a valid value.

01036 Reference-point setting incorrect

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The value is outside the range 109 MSR.
Scan The reference point does not come into effect.
Remedy Enter a valid value.

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01037 Digital output not possible

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The output is not available for direct output from the user program.
Scan User program is not executed.
Remedy Correct user program.
Correct parameterization of output assignment in MD50 ... MD53 to the desired

01038 Application data request faulty

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause Incorrect request code.
Scan User program is not executed.
Remedy The request code must be in the range 0 ... 6 and 17 ... 23 or 40...45.

01039 Teach In, incorrect program No.

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause Program not parameterized or not read in.
Scan The function concerned is not executed.
Remedy Parameterize and read in the program or correct the program number.

01040 Teach In, incorrect program No.

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The block number does not exist in the selected program.
Scan The function concerned is not executed.
Remedy Enter the correct block number.

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01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

01041 Teach In, no position in block

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The block number does not exist in the selected program, or a wrong block number was
Scan The function concerned is not executed.
Remedy Enter the correct block number.

01042 Teach In, no axis standstill

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause Axis is still moving.
Scan The function concerned is not executed.
Remedy Stop axis and repeat traversing instruction.

01051 Illegal bit-coded setting

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause Undefined settings transferred to the MCU.
Scan The messages do not become active.
Remedy Transfer defined settings only.
Correct user program.

01053 Illegal bit-coded command

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause Undefined commands transferred to the MCU.
Scan The messages do not become active.
Remedy Transfer defined commands only.
Correct user program.

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01064 Non-relevant data to positioning unit

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The data record(s) transferred is (are) unknown to the positioning unit.
Scan The data are not accepted.
Remedy Correct user program.

01074 Torque limit

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The torque limit value indicated in DS 8 is not in the legal range between 0000H and
Scan The data record is not accepted.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01144 Deviating unit system raster

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB concerned
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Cause The unit system in the DBs NC, SW, WK does not match with MD7.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01145 Incorrect DB type

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB concerned
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Cause The wrong DB type was transmitted to the MCU.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.

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Remedy Delete the DB, correct it and restart transmission.

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01146 DB type or DB No. exists already

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB concerned
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Cause The DB type concerned exists already.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Delete the DB concerned prior to the transmission.

01147 NC program No. exists already

Response WARNING
Acknowled none
Cause A DB with a program number that exists already was transmitted to the MCU.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Delete DB with program number.

01148 Parameter back-up faulty

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB concerned
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Cause The coding is not 0 or 1.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct coding.

01149 DB memory full

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB concerned
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Cause Memory exhausted.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.

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Remedy Delete programs (DBs) or compress memory.

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01150 Program length exceeded

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB concerned
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Cause The number of blocks is too high.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct program and restart transmission.

01151 Data: Writing not possible

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB concerned
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Cause It is not possible to write in the selected program (DB 1001 to 1199).
While the axis is moving, machine data cannot be written in the DB 1200.
In the operating modes Automatic Sequence Block and Automatic Single Block, the tool
offsets cannot be written in DB 1200.
In the operating mode Incremental Dimension, the associated distances cannot be
written in DB 1230.
Scan Parameters/data do not come into effect.
Remedy Stop axis.

01152 Module identification incorrect

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB concerned
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Cause DBs not belonging to the module have been transferred (identification 172 missing).
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Transfer DBs belonging to the module.

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03.98 Positioning Control Error Messages

01153 Incremental dimension value error

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB concerned
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Cause The value range is outside 109
Scan The incremental dimension does not come into effect.
Remedy Transfer a valid value.

01154 Tool offset value error

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB concerned
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Cause The value range is outside 109.
Scan The tool offset does not come into effect.
Remedy Transmit a valid value.

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01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

Machine-Data Errors

01285 MD5 Process interrupt generation

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Illegal value for parameterization of process interrupts indicated.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01286 MD6 Illegal axis name

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Illegal value for axis name indicated.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01287 MD7 Incorrect system of measures

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The unit system raster (MSR) indicated does not match with the MSR in the remaining
DBs of the module.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Check MSR and correct if necessary.
After correct entry and prior to restarting transmission, delete the remaining DBs at the

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01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

01288 MD8 Incorrect axis type

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause No linear or rotary axis parameterized.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01289 MD9 End of rotary axis

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01290 MD10 Encoder type (IM)

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Invalid encoder type.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01291 MD11 Distance traversed/encoder revolution (IM)

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.

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Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

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01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

01293 MD13 Increments/encoder revolution (IM)

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01294 MD14 Number of revolutions of absolute encoder

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01296 MD16 Reference-point coordinate

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

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01298 MD18 Method of approach to reference point

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Illegal method of reference-point approach
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01299 MD19 Adaptation of direction

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Illegal coding for adaptation of direction
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01300 MD20 Hardware monitoring

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Undefined hardware switching off.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

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01301 MD21 Software limit switch beginning

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01302 MD22 Software limit switch end

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01303 MD23 Maximum velocity

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

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01304 MD24 Target range, PEH

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01305 MD25 Monitoring time

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01306 MD26 Standstill range

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

1-36 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

01307 MD27 Reference-point offset

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01308 MD28 Referencing velocity

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01309 MD29 Reducing velocity

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-37

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

01310 MD30 Backlash compensation

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01311 MD31 Direction reference of backlash

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Direction reference of backlash not defined.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01312 MD32 Output type of M function

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Output type of M function not defined.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

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01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

01313 MD33 Output time of M function

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01314 MD46 ... MD49 Inputs allocated twice

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The same assignment (function) was indicated for several inputs.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01315 MD50 ... MD53 Outputs allocated twice

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The same assignment (function) was indicated for several outputs.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01316 MD36 Input adaptation

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Undefined input voltage.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-39

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Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

01318 MD38 Closed-loop amplification (Kv factor)

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01319 MD39 Minimum following error

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01320 MD40 Acceleration

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01321 MD41 Deceleration

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
m. If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.

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Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

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01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

01322 MD42 Jerk time

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01334 MD54 Encoder type (DM)

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The encoder type parameterized for the direct measuring system is not permitted.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01335 MD55 Distance traversed/encoder revolution (DM)

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-43

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

01336 MD57 Increments/encoder revolution (DM)

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01340 MD67 Drive type

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Invalid drive type coding.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01341 MD61 Cycle setting

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Illegal position controller cycle.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

1-44 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

01343 MD63 Drive activation

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Illegal coding for drive activation.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01344 MD64 Drive number

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Illegal drive number.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01346 MD66 Drive module type

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause Illegal coding of drive module type.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-45

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

01376 Illegal software limit positions

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The software limit positions are parameterized incorrectly (MD21 MD22).
The software limit positions are not within the rotary axis cycle.
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01377 Limitation of software limit positions of absolute encoder

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The total distance to be traversed and covered by the encoder is smaller than the range
limited by the software limit switches (MD21, MD22).
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

01378 More than 2 measuring functions with MCU

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause More than 2 digital inputs parameterized as measuring input (MD46 ... MD49).
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

01379 Illegal actual-value weighting factor

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The actual-value weighting factor X or 1/X exceeds the permissible value 214.
X = MD11 + MD12 x 2-32 / MD13 x 8
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission, save.

01380 MD34 Denominator of load gear

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range (1 ... 1000).
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.
Note from version 3.0

01381 MD35 Numerator of load gear

Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowledg none
If occurred after turning on: Save correct DB + Power ON
Cause The value is outside the permissible value range (1 ... 1000).
Scan The DB does not come into effect.
Remedy Correct and restart transmission.
Note from version 3.0

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
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Traversing Program Errors

02049 Program selection, subroutine No. does not exist

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The subroutine called in the program does not exist in the MCU.
Scan Program selection is not executed.
Remedy Parameterize and read in the program and correct if necessary.
Select another program.

02056 Program selection, program No. does not exist

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause The program was not parameterized or does not exist in the MCU.
Scan Program selection is not executed.
Remedy Parameterize and read in the program and correct if necessary.
Select another program.

02057 Program selection, block No. does not exist

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause Block number does not exist in the program selected.
Scan Program selection is not executed.
Remedy Correct program.
Select another block number.

02058 Program selection, block No. illegal

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ

1-44 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

Cause Block no. missing or outside the permissible range of numbers.
Scan Program selection is not executed.
Remedy Select a valid block number.

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02059 Program selection, incorrect indication of direction

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause Wrong preset direction.
Scan Program selection is not executed.
Remedy Correct program selection and repeat.

02060 Illegal program selection

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause Another program has been selected during a movement.
Scan Program selection is not executed.
Remedy Stop the active program by STOP or repeat program selection at the end of the program.

02061 Program selection, subroutine nesting not permitted

Response WARNING
Indication Bit RMS.DF, DS163, diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Bit STS.DIQ
Cause a) In a subroutine, another subroutine was called.
b) In main program, the main program number has been called.
Scan Program selection is not executed.
Remedy a) Only use one subroutine level.
b) Correct subroutine no.

02068 Error in program No.

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause Incorrect program numbers in the blocks.
Scan The program is not loaded.

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Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.

Retry transmission of the DB.

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Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

02069 No block
Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause No block exists in the program.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

02070 Error in block No.

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause The value of the block number is not in the permissible range of values.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

02071 Incorrect sequence of block numbers

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause The block numbers are not indicated in rising sequence.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

02072 G function 1 illegal

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
gm. Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause The number programmed as G function 1 is not permitted.
he block with the dwell time (G04) contains also other data, except for the M
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

02073 G function 2 illegal

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
gm. Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause The number programmed as G function 2 is not permitted.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

02074 G function 3 illegal

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
gm. Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause The number programmed as G function 3 is not permitted.
External block change (G50) programmed in a block with continuous traversing for
flying actual-value setting (G88/G89).
A tool offset (G43, G44) was programmed without D number.
The direction of the tool offset (G43, G44) was not indicated when selecting a D
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-49

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Retry transmission of the DB.

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

02075 M function illegal

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
gm. Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause The number programmed as M function is not permitted.
At least two of the M function M0, M02, M18, M30 that exclude each other are in the
same block.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

02076 Position/dwell time missing

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
gm. Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause No dwell time indicated in the block with G04.
Set position missing with external block change (G50).
No new actual value programmed for the function Continuous traversing with flying
actual-value setting (G88,G89).
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

02077 Incorrect D No. (> 20)

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
gm. Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause The number for the tool offset is larger than 20.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-51

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

02078 Subroutine, number of calls

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause The subroutine does not contain any information on the number of calls.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

02079 Velocity missing

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause No velocity programmed.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

02080 Error in subroutine call

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause Incorrect block syntax in the subroutine call.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

02081 D function illegal

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause Incorrect block syntax when calling a D function.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

02082 Too many blocks

Response WARNING
Indication in the DB
If the error also occurs after turning on the MCU, indication in the diagnostic buffer of
the CPU, too.
Acknowled none
Any entries in the diagnostic buffer are, however, only deleted after Power ON.
Cause Max. number of blocks exceeded.
Scan The program is not loaded.
Remedy Correct program depending on the error source.
Retry transmission of the DB.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-53

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

Run-Up Errors

24577 Sensor with SIDA step 0 not possible

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The hardware does not permit the parameterization of digital inputs as measuring input.
Scan nitialization of module aborted.
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Correct MD46 ... MD49 (do not select a measuring function)
Save the corrected machine data.

24578 Measuring circuit error: absolute track (EnDat encoder)

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Defective absolute track of encoder.
Wrong encoder type connected
Scan nitialization of module aborted
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Check encoder type connected for reliability.
Check encoder connector and cables.
Replace encoder if necessary.

24579 v_max (MD23) > 1.25 * v_nom (A-MD1401)

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The maximum velocity parameterized exceeds the permissible value of 125% of the
nominal velocity of the drive.
Scan nitialization of module aborted
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.

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Remedy Adapt MD23 to drive machine data A-MD1401.

Save the corrected machine data.

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24580 Absolute value of encoder during run-up defective

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Timeout occurred when reading out the absolute encoder, or incorrect measured values.
Scan Initialization of module aborted
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Check encoder connection.
Replace encoder if necessary.

24581 Timeout empty during FIFO request

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Hardware error
Scan Initialization of module aborted
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

24582 Firmware update

Response WARNING
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled none
Cause The firmware was updated.
Scan The remanent data backed up during last switching off have been deleted.
Remedy The error is automatically removed when the module is next time switched off.

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

24583 No NVRAM end-of-block identification exists

Response WARNING
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON
Cause The remanent data parameterized in SDB0 could not be saved completely when the
module was last switched off.
Scan The remanent data are deleted.
Remedy Turn the module off/on.
Possible remedy: Reduce number of bytes to be saved (SDB0)

24584 New NVRAM block invalid

Response WARNING
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON
Cause Hardware error
Scan The remanent data get lost.
Remedy Turn the module off/on.
If the error occurs once more, contact the competent sales department.

24585 NVRAM block not found

Response WARNING
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON
Cause It is a brand-new module on which no remanent data have been saved yet.
Scan No remanent data exist.
Remedy Parameterize SDB0.
Turn the module off/on.

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24586 Number of revolutions of absolute-value encoder inconsistent (MD14/A-

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The machine data MD14 do not match with the related drive machine data A-MD1021
(IM) or A-MD1031 (DM).
Scan Initialization of module aborted
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Set machine data MD14 according to drive machine data.
Save the corrected machine data.

24587 Encoder line number inconsistent (MD13/A-MD1005)

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The machine data MD13 do not match with the related drive machine data A-MD1005.
Scan Initialization of module aborted
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Make sure that MD13 matches with A-MD1005, i.e. set MD13 or A-MD1005
Save the corrected machine data.

24588 Encoder type selection inconsistent (MD10/A-MD1011)

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The encoder type parameterized in machine data MD10 does not match with the related
machine data A-MD1011.
Scan Initialization of module aborted
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Make sure that MD10 matches with A-MD1011, i.e. set MD10 or A-MD1011
Save the corrected machine data.

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24589 No measuring system parameterized (MD60)

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause No measuring system parameterized in machine data MD60.
Scan Initialization of module aborted
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Parameterize one or both measuring systems.
Save the corrected machine data.

24590 Velocity overflow (MD11, MD13, A-MD1401 <-> MD23)

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The combination of the indicated machine data results in that the maximum speed that can
be reached exceeds the permissible range of values for MD23.
Scan Initialization of module aborted
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Adapt the machine data.
Possible remedy: Use encoder with smaller number of lines.
Save the corrected machine data.

24591 Encoder line number DM inconsistent (MD57 / A-MD1007)

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The machine data MD57 do not match with the related drive machine data A-MD1007.
Scan Initialization of module aborted.
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Ensure that MD57 matches with A-MD1007, i.e. set MD57 or A-MD1007
Save the corrected machine data.
Note from version 3.0

1-60 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

24592 Encoder type selection DM inconsistent (MD54 / A-MD1030)

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The encoder type parameterized in the machine data MD54 does not match with the related
drive machine data A-MD1030.
Scan Initialization of module aborted.
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Ensure that MD54 matches with A-MD1030, i.e. set MD54 or A-MD1030
Save the corrected machine data.
Note from version 3.0

24593 Two absolute encoders parameterized

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause In the machine data MD10 and MD54 or in the drive machine data A-MD1011 or A-
MD1030, one absolute encoder each was parameterized. However, the MCU has only one
absolute-encoder interface.
Scan Initialization of module aborted.
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Parameterize one of the two encoders as incremental encoder.
Save the corrected machine data.
Note from version 3.0

24595 FIFO error

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Hardware error
Scan Initialization of module aborted.
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-61

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.
Note from version 3.0

1-62 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

24596 Error during absolute-value reading

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause An error occurred when reading out the absolute encoder.
Scan Initialization of module aborted.
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Check encoder connection.
Possible remedy: Replace encoder.
Note from version 3.0

24597 EnDat encoder error

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Either the EnDat encoder is defective, or the wrong encoder is connected, e.g. an
incremental encoder instead of the parameterized EnDat encoder.
Scan Initialization of module aborted.
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy Check encoder connection.
Possible remedy: Replace encoder or correct parameterization.
Note from version 3.0

24598 No EnDat encoder exists

Response Run-up ABORTION
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Software error
Scan Initialization of module aborted.
Blocking of positioning functionality
No traversing movement possible.
Remedy This error should not occur in the normal mode of operation.
However, should it occur nevertheless, contact your competent sales department and
specify the detail circumstances resulting in the error.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-63

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Positioning Control Error Messages 01.97

Note from version 3.0

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Positioning Control Error Messages

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Interface Module Error Messages

SIMODRIVE Interface Module Error Messages

30000 System error [error number/additional information]

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Defective MCU hardware or system software damaged.
Scan Stop of program execution
Remedy Depending on service parameter 1, the following measures have to be taken:
0102: Make a new boot file.
0606: Sign-of-life error 611D - replace the hardware
0638: 611D 1 does not run up - replace the hardware
If these remedies should not help:
Reinstall system software.
Replace hardware.
Contact service.

30001 Configuration error: drive number

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Invalid drive number indicated.
Scan 611D coupling is not established.
Remedy Only 1 possible.
No parameterization of drive number provided at the moment.
If this error occurs, contact service.

30002 Configuration error Module type

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The projected module type does not match with the real module type.
Scan 611D coupling is not established.
Remedy Correct 611D module selection (single-axis module).
No parameterization of the module type provided at the moment.
If this error occurs, contact service.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-1

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Interface Module Error Messages 01.97

30003 Configuration error Bus expansion

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The configured bus expansion does not match with the real bus expansion (more real drive
exist than configured).
Scan 611D coupling is not established.
Remedy Correct 611D configuration; check hardware.

30004 Configuration error: measuring-circuit component placement

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The measuring-circuit modules are defective.
Scan 611D coupling is not established.
Remedy Replace hardware.

30005 Configuration error: drive type

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The drive type configured does not match with the drive type found.
Scan 611D coupling is not established.
Remedy Correct configuration.

30006 CRC error: drive coupling

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Interference at 611D drive coupling
Scan Stop of program execution
Remedy Check control cabinet wiring; observe EMC instructions.

2-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Interface Module Error Messages

30007 Incorrect number of axes, spindles, drives

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The number of axes is larger than 1.
Scan Abortion of run-up
Remedy MCU only single-axis module at the moment. If this error occurs contact service.

30008 VSA software not loaded

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowled Power ON or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause System software faulty
Scan Abortion of run-up
Remedy Reload; contact service.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-3

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Interface Module Error Messages 01.97

2-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30500 System error: drive

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Severe internal 611D error occurred.
Scan a) Error occurs during run-up
Run-up stopped
Pulse or controller inhibit
b) During cyclic operation
With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
Pulse and controller inhibit corresponds to STOP A with Safety Integrated
With VSA:
Controller inhibited, motor decelerated.
Power On error
Generator stop (corresponds to STOP B) with Safety Integrated
From drive software version SW 2, the response can be configured via MD 1612.0.
Remedy Make new boot files; replace hardware 611D if necessary
Note HSA: at the moment not realized with MCU

Error No. 0xF001

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2 Faulty address
Explanation When testing the program memory during the run-up, it turned out that the written bit
pattern could not be read back.
Cause: Hardware error at control-loop module.
Error only at drive software version V1.x (EPROM version). This error message is
replaced in the following download versions by the system errors F034 or F035.
Remedy Replace control-loop module

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-1

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Error No. 0xF002

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2 Faulty address
Explanation When testing the program memory during the run-up, it turned out that the written bit
pattern could not be read back.
Cause: Hardware error at control-loop module.
Remedy Replace control-loop module

Error No. 0xF003

Add. inform. 1 1 = Bit 0 : time dial, level 3 (UEW) (MD 1300)
2 = Bit 1 : time dial 4 msec
4 = Bit 2 : time dial 1 msec
8 = Bit 3 : time dial LR
10 = Bit 4 : time dial NR (MD 1001)
20 = Bit 5 : time dial IR (MD 1000)
40 = Bit 6 : time dial SI (MD 1300)
A0 = Start-up, synchronization
B0 = Background calculation-down time
Add. inform. 2
Explanation The calculating time of the drive processor is no longer sufficient for the selected
functions in the preset cycle times. When using the standard values, this error normally
occurs only in conjunction with the commissioning functions (FFT measuring, step
SINUMERIK Safety Integrated: monitoring cycle too low
Remedy During the commissioning using the FFT method or measuring the step response:
- Switch emergency retraction off (MD 1636)
- Switch pilot control off (MD 1004.0)
. Switch min./max. memory off (MD 1650.0)
- Reduce number of DAC output channels (max. 1 channel)
- Switch variable measuring function off (MD 1620.0)
- Switch encoder phase compensation off (MD 1011.1)
- Select higher position controller cycle of NC
- Set the time dial at which the system error occurred to a higher value, or
- set the cascaded time dials to a higher value
Cancel functions not needed.

3-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

Error No. 0xF004

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation To enable the controller, the NC must update the sign of life in each position controller
cycle. If an error occurred, the sign of life failed at least in two position controller cycles
following one after another.
Causes: NC failure, failure of communication via the drive bus. Hardware error at the
drive module or hardware error at the NC CPU if the error occurs sporadically in intervals
of several hours.
Further causes: ring programming with gear interpolation or Gantry axes.
Remedy Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression measures (check shielding,
grounding). Replace NC hardware, replace control-loop module. Change NC-CPU with
VB version, Replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF005

Add. inform. 1 1A : SZ <> 1 with IZ = 0
2A : SZ <> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2B : SZ-IZ <> 0, 1
2C : SZ = 3 at PO parameterizing error
3A : SZ <> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3B : SZ-IZ <> 0, 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation The run-up of the drive modules is divided into 5 states (steps). The states are preset one
after another from the NC and acknowledged by the drive. In the case of error, an invalid
nominal status has been detected.
Causes: Fault of communication via the drive bus. Hardware error at the drive module,
hardware error at NC
Remedy Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression measures (check shielding,
grounding). Replace control-loop module, NC hardware.

Error No. 0xF006

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation The cycle for communications processing has been left. Probable cause: hardware error at
control-loop module.
Remedy Replace control-loop module.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-3

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Error No. 0xF007

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation During the cycle synchronization between NC and drive, an illegal status has been read by
the hardware. Synchronization could not be carried out.
Remedy Replace control-loop module.

3-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

Error No. 0xF010

Add. inform. 1 1 = Hardware underflow
2 = Hardware overflow
3 = Software underflow
4 = Software overflow
Add. inform. 2
Explanation Limits of processor-oriented hardware stack or software stack in data memory violated.
Probable cause: hardware error at control-loop module.
Remedy Reload drive software.. Replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF011

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation Watchdog timer at control-loop module elapsed. Probable cause: hardware error in the
time basis at the control-loop module.
Remedy Replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF012

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation Basic cycle generated in the NC and provided to the drive via the drive bus cable failed.
Probable causes: NCK reset, EMC interference, hardware error NC, cable break at drive
bus, hardware error at control-loop module.
Remedy Check drive bus cable and plug-in connections, take interference suppression measures
(check shielding, grounding). Replace NC hardware, replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF013

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation The basic cycle generated in the NC and provided to the drive via the drive bus cable
provided a pulse not matching with the cycle raster.
Probable causes: EMC interference at drive bus, hardware error NC, hardware error at
control-loop module.
Remedy Check drive bus cable and plug-in connections, take interference suppression measures
(check shielding, grounding). Replace NC hardware, replace control-loop module.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-5

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Error No. 0xF014

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2 Faulty address
Explanation Processor detected illegal command in program memory.
Remedy Replace control-loop module.

3-6 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

Error No. 0xF015

Add. inform. 1 From version 4.0: start address of faulty code - / data range
Add. inform. 2 From version 4.0: segment of faulty code - / data range, with:
0: P:-memory
1: X:-memory
2: Y:-memory
Explanation During the permanent check of the check sums in the program/data memory, a difference
between set and actual check sum has been detected.
Probable cause: hardware error at the control-loop module.
Remedy Replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF016

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation An illegal interrupt of the processor occurred.
Probable cause: hardware error at control-loop module.
Remedy Check drive bus cable and plug-in connections. Replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF017

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation An illegal interrupt of the processor occurred
Probable cause: hardware error at control-loop module.
Remedy Check drive bus cable and plug-in connections. Replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF018

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation An illegal interrupt of the processor occurred
Probable cause: hardware error at control-loop module.
Remedy Check drive bus cable and plug-in connections. Replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF019

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation An illegal interrupt of the processor occurred
Probable cause: hardware error at control-loop module.
Remedy Check drive bus cable and plug-in connections. Replace control-loop module.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-7

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Error No. 0xF01B

Add. inform. 1 0: Deviations from 0 current
1: Module selection does not match with the existing hardware (from V 2.6)
Add. inform. 2 NC drive number
Explanation When starting the actual current acquisition or during cyclic operation, with pulse inhibit
provided, the current is expected to be 0, since the system ensures that no current can
Deviation from 0 current:
Possible cause: hardware for actual current acquisition defective.
Module selection does not match with the existing hardware:
If a single-axis power section was called via the module selection (software
parameterization of power section) as twin-axis power section, this system error message
is provided from the actual current acquisition, since a current > 0 is measured.
Remedy Deviation from 0 current:
Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections.
Module selection does not match with the existing hardware:
- Change software parameterization of power section (2-axis power section -> 1-axis
power section)
- Deactivate 2nd axis or use a 2-axis power section

Error No. 0xF020

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation With a single-axis module, the NC tried to activate the second axis. Possible cause:
interference in the communication via the drive bus or control-loop module defective.
Remedy Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression
measures (check shielding, grounding).

Error No. 0xF021

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation With a single-axis module, the NC tried to activate two axes. Probable cause: fault of
communications via the drive bus, or control-loop defective.
Remedy Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression
measures (check shielding, grounding).

3-8 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

Error No. 0xF022

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation The motor-measuring system of at least one axis of the drive module is not installed or
defective. Since the number of measuring systems is determined by the NC and
communicated to the drive, a probable cause could also be interference of the
communication via the drive bus.
Remedy Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression
measures (check shielding, grounding).

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-9

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Error No. 0xF023

Add. inform. 1 Read K1C register of the relevant PCU-ASICs
Add. inform. 2 NC drive number
Explanation The motor-measuring system has a motor encoder provided with voltage output. This
requires an IPU sub-module with voltage input. However, another module than expected
has been detected.
Remedy Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression
measures (check shielding, grounding).

Error No. 0xF024

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation During program execution, an illegal internal axis number has been detected. (for 2-axis
modules, only 0 or 1 is permitted).
Probable causes: defective control-loop module, EMC interference
Remedy Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression
measures (check shielding, grounding).

Error No. 0xF025

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation During program execution, an illegal internal physical axis number been detected.
Probable causes: defective control-loop module, EMC interference
Remedy Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression
measures (check shielding, grounding).

Error No. 0xF026

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2 NC drive number
Explanation The NC tries to log on a VSA module as HSA module. Probable cause: interference in the
communication via the drive bus, or control-loop module defective.
Remedy Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression
measures (check shielding, grounding).

Error No. 0xF027

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2 NC drive number
Explanation The NC tries to log on a VSA module as HSA module. Probable cause: interference in the
communication via the drive bus, or control-loop module defective.
Remedy Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression
measures (check shielding, grounding).

3-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

Error No. 0xF028

Add. inform. 1 Read K1C register of the relevant PCU-ASICs
Add. inform. 2 NC drive number
Explanation Only certain sub-modules are permitted for the direct measuring system. An illegal sub-
module has been detected.
Remedy Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression
measures (check shielding, grounding).

Error No. 0xF030

Add. inform. 1 0x01 ;not supported ROSCTR
0x02 ;illegal ROSCTR
0x03 ;job management "defective"
0x04 ;incorrect PDUREF during acknowledgment
0x05 ;acknowledgment not permitted at this moment
0x06 ;acknowledgment not supported
0x07 ;illegal PROTID
0x08 ;illegal PARLG (odd)
0x09 ;buffer management "defective"
0x0A ;illegal PI identifier (internally)
0x0B ;illegal internal condition of PI recommissioning
0x0C ;status switchgear in WRITEDATA "defective"
0x0D ;illegal transfer parameter with REFRESH_PIZUST
Add. inform. 2 NC drive number
Explanation Either non-removable errors in the communication via the drive bus have been detected,
or the drive software does no longer match with the remaining components.
Probable cause: either a defective drive bus interface or a hardware error at the control-
loop module.
Remedy Check drive bus cable and plug-in connections, take interference suppression measures
(check shielding, grounding). Replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF031

Add. inform. 1 0x40 ;illegal PDU length
0x41 ;axes have not the same PDU length
0x42 ;PDU length not a multiple of the word
0x43 ;axes not of the same NC type
Add. inform. 2
Explanation The NC transmitted illegal parameters for communication via the drive bus. Probable
cause: interference at the drive bus or a defective control-loop module .
Remedy Replace control-loop module. Check plug-in connections, take interference suppression
measures (check shielding, grounding).

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-11

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Error No. 0xF032

Add. inform. 1 0x20 ;job management "defective"
0x21 ;illegal condition during RESET_TRANSPO
0x22 ;check sum test more than 3 times completed with errors
0x23 ;receive CPU too long
0x24 ;illegal status 6XX abortion
Add. inform. 2 NC drive number
Explanation Either non-removable errors in the communication via the drive bus have been detected,
or the drive software does no longer match with the remaining components.
Probable cause: either a defective drive bus interface or a hardware error at the control-
loop module .
Remedy Check drive bus cable and plug-in connections, take interference suppression measures
(check shielding, grounding). Replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF033

Add. inform. 1 0x51 ;wrong data format in the list of elements
0x52 ;wrong conversion group in the Refresh indicated
Add. inform. 2
Explanation The drive software does no longer match with the remaining components. Probable cause:
hardware error at the control-loop module.
Remedy Reload drive software. Replace control-loop module.

Error No. 0xF034

Add. inform. 1 0 or incorrect address
Add. inform. 2 0x60 ;illegal behavior of the SERVO during STF handshake
0x61 ;error during RAM check
0x62 ;transfer check sum does no longer match with that of the SERVO.
Explanation Errors detected when loading the drive software. Probable causes: either errors during the
transmission at the drive bus, or a defective control-loop module .,
Remedy Check drive bus cable and plug-in connections, take interference suppression measures
(check shielding, grounding), Replace control-loop module

Error No. 0xF035

Add. inform. 1 0 or incorrect address
Add. inform. 2 0x60 ;illegal behavior of the SERVO during STF handshake
0x61 ;error during RAM check
0x62 ;transport check sum does no longer match with that of the SERVO.
Explanation Errors detected when loading the drive software. Probable causes: either errors during the
transmission at the drive bus, or a defective control-loop module .,
Remedy Check drive bus cable and plug-in connections, take interference suppression measures
(check shielding, grounding), Replace control-loop module

3-12 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

Error No. 0xF040

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation An illegal number of current-setpoint filters has been entered (> 4).
Remedy Correct the number of current-setpoint filters (MD 1200).

Error No. 0xF041

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2
Explanation An illegal number of speed-setpoint filters (> 2) has been entered.
Remedy Correct the number of speed-setpoint filters (MD 1500)

Error No. 0xF044

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2 NC DRIVE NUMBER
Explanation Error during rotor position synchronization (drive software version 2.5 only).
The difference between the first part of the rotor position synchronization (rough
synchronization) and the second part (fine synchronization to the active encoder zero
mark) is larger than 45 electrically.
Too high difference are caused by:
- incorrect adjustment of encoder
- EMC problems with zero mark signal
- voltage level of C/D track too high
Remedy - Check encoder adjustment and/or EMC measures
- Restart
- Check MODE
- Replace motor

Error No. 0xF045

Add. inform. 1
Add. inform. 2 NC DRIVE NUMBER
Explanation Either an encoder with distance-coded reference marks or a BERO switch has been
entered by the NC into the $1D register of the motor-measuring system of the PCU-ASIC.
This is not permitted during fine synchronization which is activated by the run-up, zero-
monitoring errors or by deselecting the parking axis.
Remedy Make sure that nor an encoder with distance-coded reference marks, neither a BERO
switch is entered by the NC/PLC into the $1D register of the motor-measuring system of
the PCU-ASIC after running up, in the case of zero-monitoring errors or after deselecting
the parking axis.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-13

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30501 Current monitoring

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The smoothed absolute value of the current (smoothing time: MD 1254) is larger than or
equal to a current threshold.
A severe error occurred during actual-current acquisition.
Up to drive software version 2.6: HSA only (in addition to alarm 30502 / alarm 30503)
Current threshold = 1.2 * max. permissible power-section current (MD 1107)
From drive software version 3.0: VSA and HSA (replaces alarm 30502 / alarm 30503)
Current threshold = 1.2 * 1.05 * max. permissible power-section current (MD 1107)
Scan Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
Remedy Check max. power-section current MD 1107, replace 611D hardware if necessary.
Note HSA: at the moment not realized with MCU

30504 Measuring-circuit error: motor (inc.)

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Encoder defective
Motor encoder not connected
Motor encoder cable defective
Module defective
Scan Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
Remedy Remove cause; replace motor / 611D hardware if necessary.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

3-14 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30505 Measuring-circuit error: absolute track

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Error at the absolute track or at the measuring-value acquisition of the optical encoder
Absolute-value encoder defective
Motor encoder not connected
Motor encoder cable defective
Module defective
Additional information in MD 1023 (IMS) or MD 1033 (DMS)
Scan Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
Remedy Remove cause; replace motor / 611D hardware if necessary.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30507 Synchronization error: rotor position

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Difference angle between current rotor position and newly calculated rotor position is larger
than 45 degrees electrically. Possible cause: interference at encoder or zero-mark signals.
Scan With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1612.7.
Remedy Cancel reference-point approach using the BERO switch. Check encoder cable, encoder
cable connection and grounding, since a probable cause could be EMC problems.
Replace motor / 611D hardware if necessary.
Note Alarm for MCU cannot be configured.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-15

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30508 Zero-mark error: motor

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Counted line number of encoder incorrect when passing the zero mark.
Defective encoder
EMC problems
Defective IPU sub-module
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1612.8.
Remedy Remove cause; replace motor / 611D hardware if necessary.
Note HSA: at the moment not realized with MCU

3-16 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30509 Converter limit frequency exceeded

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Motor frequency exceeded limit frequency fg (see below).
Probable causes:
Encoder line number set in MD 1005 does not match with real encoder line number.
Speed limitation MD 1147 or motor-pole pair number MD 1112 (VSA) or nominal motor
frequency MD 1134 and nominal motor speed MD 1400 (HSA) are zero or incorrect.
Limit frequency fg:
fg = 1.12 * minimum(1.2*MD 1400, MD 1147) * MD1112 / 60
fg = 1.12 * minimum(MD 1146, MD 1147) * pole-pair number / 60
Pole-pair number = nominal motor frequency (MD 1134) * 60 / nominal motor speed (MD
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
Power On error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1612.9.
Remedy Check MD 1005 with real encoder line number.
If necessary check MD 1147 (speed limitation), MD 1400 (nominal motor speed) and, in
addition, with
HSA: MD 1134 (nominal motor frequency)
VSA: MD 1112 (motor pole number).
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

30510 Error during mid-frequency measuring

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Response all OFF

Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Speed too high during mid-frequency measuring.
Scan Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
Remedy Reduce speed.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

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01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30511 Measured-value memory active

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Measured-value memory active during run-up.
Scan Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
Remedy Cancel FFT.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30515 Heat-sink temperature alarm

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Heat-sink temperature in hot condition and 20 s timer elapsed.
Converter overloaded
Ambient temperature too high
Fan failure
Temperature sensor defective
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
Power On error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1612.15.
Remedy Remove cause
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30606 Flow controller at stop

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The preset nominal flow value cannot be realized, even though the maximum current is
Incorrect motor data (spare wiring diagram data)
Motor data and wiring of motor (star/delta) do not match with each other
Motor pulled out of step, since motor data incorrect
Current limit too low for motor (0,9 * MD 1238 * MD 1103 < MD 1136)
Scan Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
Remedy Remove cause
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30607 Current controller at stop

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The preset nominal current cannot be provided to the motor, even though the maximum
voltage is preset.
Probable causes:
Motor not connected or phase missing
Scan Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
Remedy Check connection line motor - inverter".
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30608 Speed controller at stop

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Nominal torque exceeds torque limit value, nominal speed value is smaller than speed
threshold MD 1606, and the time set in MD 1603 (VSA) is elapsed.
Motor encoder not connected
Motor encoder cable defective
Module defective
Encoder defective
Motor ground not connected
Shield of motor encoder cable not connected
Motor not connected or phase missing
Motor blocked
Scan Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Power On error
Remedy Remove cause
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30609 Encoder limit frequency exceeded

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Response all OFF

Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Actual speed higher than encoder limit frequency:
Wrong encoder
MD 1005 does not match with encoder line number
Encoder defective
Motor encoder cable defective or not correctly attached
Shield of motor encoder cable not connected
Drive module defective
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
Reset error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
Reset error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD1613.9.
Remedy Remove cause
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

3-22 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30613 Motor temperature alarm

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Motor temperature threshold MD 1607 exceeded
Motor overloaded
Machine current too high, e.g. due to incorrect motor data
Temperature sensor defective (motor)
Motor fan defective
Module defective
Short-circuit in motor winding
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD1613.9.
Remedy Remove cause or work at fixed temperature (with HSA)
CAUTION: temperate monitoring not active when working at fixed temperature
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-23

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30614 Motor temperature switch-off limit

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Motor temperature threshold MD 1602 exceeded, and timer MD1603 elapsed
Motor overloaded
Machine current too high, e.g. due to incorrect motor data (P-96/P-238)
Temperature sensor defective (motor)
Motor fan defective
Module defective
Short-circuit in motor winding
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD1613.9.
Remedy Remove cause or work at fixed temperature (with HSA)
CAUTION: temperate monitoring not active when working at fixed temperature
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

30701 Commissioning necessary

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause No valid drive parameter record.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Load initial data via motor selection or copy TEA3 file
Save BOOT data of drive
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30702 Invalid drive basic cycle

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The basic cycle for the drive has been set too high at the NC.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Change basic cycle at the NC.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30703 Invalid current controller cycle

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause A current controller cycle MD 1000 invalid for the drive concerned has been set.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Change current controller cycle.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30704 Invalid speed controller cycle

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Invalid speed controller cycle MD 1001.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Change speed controller cycle.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30705 Invalid position controller cycle

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause An invalid position controller cycle has been set at the NC for the drive.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Change position controller cycle at the NC.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-25

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30706 Invalid monitoring cycle

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Invalid monitoring cycle MD 1002.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Change monitoring cycle.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30713 Invalid position controller cycle shift

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The position controller cycle shift preset by the NC is larger than or equal to the position
controller cycle.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy NC hotline
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30714 Invalid power section code

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The module MLFB entered into the NC is not permitted for the drive.
Additional HSA information (drive software version 1 only):
Illegal power section code
The drive has already been loaded with a module MLFB which does not match with the
current module MLFB entered in the NC.
Additional HSA information (drive software version 1 only):
Current power-section code of HSA and current power-section code of the NC
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Reselect module in NC or undo loading of initial data
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30715 Max. current of power section <= 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The value of the max. current of the power section set in MD 1107 is smaller than or equal
to zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Enter a valid value for machine data MD 1107 "Maximum current of power section".
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30716 Torque constant <= 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The value of the torque constant set in MD 1113 is smaller than or equal to zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Enter a valid value for machine data MD 1113 "Torque constant".
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30717 Motor moment of inertia <= 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The value of the motor moment of inertia set in MD 1117 is smaller than or equal to zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Enter a valid value for MD 1117 " Motor moment of inertia".
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30718 Calculating down-time error I controller

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Input error - calculating-down time timer MD 1101
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove input error in calculating-down time timer MD 1101.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30719 Motor delta not parameterized

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause When the star/delta changeover was activated by drive machine data -MD 1013, the motor
delta (motor 2) has not been parameterized.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Check machine data for motor delta (motor 2) or enter new data.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30720 Maximum motor speed too high

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Value of max. motor speed (MD 1401) or speed controller cycle (MD 1001) too high.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Reduce maximum motor speed MD 1401 or set lower speed controller cycle MD 1001.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30721 I0 of motor > Inom of motor

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The motor no-load current (MD 1136) is larger than the nominal motor current (MD 1103).
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Change motor data.
Save BOOT files of drive.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30722 I0 of motor > Inom of power section

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01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

Response all OFF

Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Due to its no-load current (MD 1136), the motor connected is too big for the power section
used (permanent current MD 1108)
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Change power section or motor.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30724 Invalid pole-pair number

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause VSA: MD 1112 incorrect.
HSA: MD 1134 or MD 1400 incorrect.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the machine data above.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

30725 Encoder line number = 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The value of the encoder line number set in MD 1005 is zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the encoder line number in MD 1005.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30726 Voltage constant = 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The value of the voltage constant set in MD 1114 is smaller than or equal to zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the voltage constant in MD 1114.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30727 Reactance <= 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The stator reactance set in MD 1139 or the rotor reactance set in MD 1140 or the main field
reactance set in MD 1141 is smaller than or equal to zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering MD 1139, MD 1140 or MD 1141.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30728 Adaptation factor torque/current too high

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The adaptation factor (set torque --> cross current) in the speed controller is too high.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the
nominal motor current MD 1103, or the
limit-current transistor MD 1107, or the
torque constant MD 1113.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30729 Motor standstill current <= 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Motor standstill current (MD 1118) smaller than or equal to zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove error when entering the motor standstill current in MD 1118.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30730 Invalid rotor resistance

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Rotor resistance smaller than or equal to zero, or format overflow.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy The value entered into the following machine data can be incorrect:
speed controller cycle MD 1001,
nominal motor frequency MD 1134,
rotor resistance, cold, MD 1138,
stator leakage reactance MD 1139,
rotor leakage reactance MD 1140.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30731 Nominal power <= 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Nominal power (MD 1130) smaller than or equal to zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the nominal power in MD 1130.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30732 Nominal motor speed <= 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Nominal motor speed (MD 1140) smaller than or equal to zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the nominal motor speed in MD 1140.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30733 Invalid motor no-load voltage

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Motor no-load voltage (MD 1135) is smaller than or equal to zero or larger than the nominal
motor voltage (MD 11329 or larger than 450 x MD 1400 / MD 1142.
By means of
MD 1400: nominal motor speed
MD 1142: threshold speed for field weakening.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the
nominal motor voltage MD 1132 or the
motor no-load voltage MD 1135 or the
nominal motor speed MD 1400 or the
threshold speed for field weakening MD 1142.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

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01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30734 Motor no-load current <= 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Motor no-load current (MD 1136) is smaller than or equal to zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the motor no-load current in MD 1136.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30735 Field weakening speed <= 0

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Field weakening speed (MD 1142) is smaller than or equal to zero.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the field weakening speed in MD 1142.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30736 Invalid Lh characteristic curve

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Upper speed of Lh characteristic (MD 1143) is smaller than or equal to the field weakening
speed (MD 1142), or the amplification of the Lh characteristic curve (MD 1144) is smaller
than or equal to 100.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the
upper speed of the Lh characteristic curve (MD 1143),
amplification of the Lh characteristic curve (MD 1144) or the
field weakening speed MD 1142.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30737 Two EnDat encoders configured

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Response all OFF

Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause Both an EnDat encoder for the motor-measuring system (MD 1011)
and for the direct measuring system (MD 1030) has been configured.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the
configuration of the motor-measuring system MD 1011 or when entering the
configuration of the measuring systems (MD 1030).
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30741 AM pilot control amplification cannot be represented

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause The calculated AM pilot control amplification cannot be represented in the internal figure
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Reduce speed controller cycle MD 1001 or work in the pure AM mode.
Reduce the encoder line number (MD 1005) in the AM mode.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

30742 Converter frequency U/f mode

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause In the U/f mode (selected via MD 1014), only converter frequencies (MD 1100) of 4 kHz or
8 kHz are permitted.
Scan Drive runs up only to run-up condition 2
Remedy Remove the error when entering the converter frequency (MD 1100) or
by canceling the U/f mode (MD 1014).
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

30743 This function not with this 611D control module

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause SINUMERIK Safety Integrated requires the 611D Performance Control Module (see
SINUMERIK Safety Integrated). If this hardware is not installed, this alarm is provided.
Further causes:
The motors 1PH2/4/6 are connected and no 611D performance control-loop module exists.
With motor changeover active (MD1013>0) and the 611D comfort control-loop module
connected, MD1100 is not equal to MD2100.
Scan Run-up process are interrupted, pulses remain blocked.
Remedy Replace the 611D control-loop module or cancel the function.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

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MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30750 Speed controller adaptation: n-max < n-min

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The upper adaptation speed (MD 1412) is smaller than the lower adaptation speed (MD
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software version 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4:
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30750
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30850
Remedy Enter a larger value for the upper adaptation speed (MD 1412) than for the lower
adaptation speed (MD 1411).
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU.
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

30751 Speed amplification too high

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01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

Response all OFF

Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The P amplification of the speed controller set in MD 1407 or MD 1408 is too high.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy Enter a smaller value for the P amplification of the speed controller (MD 1407 or MD 1408),
or make sure that the motor standstill current (MD 1118) is larger than zero.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-37

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30752 Invalid cut-off frequency of I-nom filter

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Sampling theorem violated.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy The cut-off frequency (MD 1210, MD 1213, MD 1216, MD 1219) of the current filters
concerned must be larger than the reciprocal value of two current controller cycles (MD
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

30754 Invalid signal number

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Invalid signal number in the variable signaling function or in the min/max memory.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software version 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4.
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30754
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30854
Remedy Enter the correct signal number.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

3-38 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30755 u/f operation: motor turning

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause u/f mode: Motor turning during initialization.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4:
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30755
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30855
Remedy Stop the motor.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

30756 Hysteresis of torque nominal-smoothing too high

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Hysteresis of torque nominal-value smoothing set in MD 1246 is larger than or equal to the
threshold of the torque nominal-value smoothing set in MD 1245.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy Remove the error when entering MD 1246 and MD 1245.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-39

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30757 Torque adaptation factor too high

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The torque adaptation factor set in MD 1191 exceeds the format limit.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy Remove the error when entering MD 1191.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

30758 Upper generator threshold too high

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The upper threshold of the 2-position controller is too high in the generator mode, i.e. the
total of the values of MD1631 + MD1632 is larger than MD1633.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4:
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30758
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30858
Remedy Remove the error when entering the data for MD 1631, MD 1632 and MD 1633.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

3-40 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30759 Generator switch-off threshold too high

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The generator switch-off voltage set in MD 1633 is larger than or equal to the response
threshold for the intermediate-circuit monitoring set in MD 1630.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4:
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30759
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30859
Remedy Remove the error when entering MD 1633 or MD 1630.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

30760 Emergency retraction speed too high

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-41

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Response all OFF

Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The emergency retraction speed set in MD 1639 is larger than or equal to the maximum
speed set in MD 1146.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4:
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30760
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30860
Remedy Remove the error when entering MD 1639 or MD 1146.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

3-42 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30761 Generator minimum speed too high

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The minimum speed of the generator axis set in MD 1635 is larger than or equal to the
maximum speed set in MD 1146.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4:
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30761
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30861
Remedy Remove the error when entering MD 1635 or MD 1146.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

30762 Emergency retraction / generator active

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-43

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Response all OFF

Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Emergency retraction or generator already active.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4:
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30762
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30862
Remedy Check parameterization / machine data.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

3-44 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30763 Generator / emergency retraction mode invalid

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The value that is set by means of a G command from the NC must be in the range between 0
and 7.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4:
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30763
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30863
Remedy Check parameterization (G command in NC).
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

30764 No emergency retraction / generator mode possible

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-45

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Response all OFF

Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause Emergency retraction/generator mode possible only with the intermediate-circuit measuring
active (MD 1161 = 0). With old hardware versions, intermediate-circuit measuring is not
possible; for this reason, alarm 30765 is additionally provided in some cases if MD 1161 = 0
is set with an old hardware version.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4:
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30764
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30864
Remedy Enter zero into machine data MD 1161 or replace the old hardware version by a new one
(HW component: Order drive control MLFB 6SN1 118-0Dx1x-0AA0).
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

3-46 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30765 No intermediate-circuit measuring possible

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause If the fixed voltage MD 1161 = 0 intermediate-circuit measuring is not possible due to a
wrong hardware version.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
From drive software 3, the message output can be activated via MD 1012.4:
MD 1012.4 = 0: alarm 30765
MD 1012.4 = 1: alarm 30865
Remedy Enter a value larger than zero into the fixed voltage machine data MD 1161 or order the new
hardware version (HW component: drive control MLFB 6SN1 118-0Dx1x-0AA0).
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU
Message output: at the moment, cannot be configured with MCU.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-47

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30766 Stop frequency higher than Shannon frequency

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The band-stop frequency of a current or nominal-speed filter is higher than the Shannon
sampling frequency of the sampling theorems.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy The band-stop frequency of a current-setpoint filter must be smaller than the reciprocal value
of two current-controller cycles.
Current-setpoint filter 1:
MD 1210 < 1 / ( 2 * MD 1000 * 31.25sec.)
Current-setpoint filter 2:
MD 1213 < 1 / ( 2 * MD 1000 * 31.25sec.)
Current-setpoint filter 3:
MD 1216 < 1 / ( 2 * MD 1000 * 31.25sec.)
Current-setpoint filter 4:
MD 1219 < 1 / ( 2 * MD 1000 * 31.25sec.)
The band-stop frequency of a nominal-speed filter must be smaller than the reciprocal value
of two speed controller cycles.
Nominal-speed filter 1:
MD 1514 < 1 / ( 2 * MD 1001 * 31.25sec.)
Nominal-speed filter 2:
MD 1517 < 1 / ( 2 * MD 1001 * 31.25sec.)
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

3-48 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30767 Self-generated frequency higher than Shannon frequency

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The self-generated frequency of a nominal-speed filter is higher than the Shannon sampling
frequency of the sampling theorem.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy The self-generated frequency of a nominal-speed filter must be smaller than the reciprocal
value of two speed-controller cycles.
Nominal-speed filter 1:
MD 1520 * 0.01 * MD 1514 < 1 / ( 2 * MD 1001 * 31.25sec.)
Nominal-speed filter 2:
MD 1521 * 0.01 * MD 1517 < 1 / ( 2 * MD 1001 * 31.25sec.)
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-49

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30768 Numerator of bandwidth larger than the double of the stop frequency
Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The numerator of the bandwidth of a current or nominal-speed filter is larger than the double
of the stop frequency.
This error message is provided for the general band stop only if:
Nominal-speed filter 1:
MD 1516 > 0.0 or
MD 1520 <> 100.0
Nominal-speed filter 2:
MD 1519 > 0.0 or
MD 1521 <> 100.0
Current-setpoint filter 1:
MD 1212 > 0.0
Current-setpoint filter 2:
MD 1215 > 0.0
Current-setpoint filter 3:
MD 1218 > 0.0
Current-setpoint filter 4:
MD 1221 > 0.0
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy The numerator of the bandwidth must be smaller than the double of the stop frequency.
Current-setpoint filter 1:
MD 1212 <= 2 * MD 1210
Current-setpoint filter 2:
MD 1215 <= 2 * MD 1213
Current-setpoint filter 3:
MD 1218 <= 2 * MD 1216
Current-setpoint filter 4:
MD 1221 <= 2 * MD 1219
Nominal-speed filter 1:
MD 1516 <= 2 * MD 1514
Nominal-speed filter 2:
MD 1519 <= 2 * MD 1517
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

3-50 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30769 Denominator of bandwidth larger than the double of the self-generated


Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-51

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

Response all OFF

Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The denominator of the bandwidth of a current-setpoint or nominal-speed filter must be
larger than the double of the self-generated frequency.
This error message is provided for the general band stop only if:
Nominal-speed filter 1:
MD 1516 > 0.0 or
MD 1520 <> 100.0
Nominal-speed filter 2:
MD 1519 > 0.0 or
MD 1521 <> 100.0
Current-setpoint filter 1:
MD 1212 > 0.0
Current-setpoint filter 2:
MD 1215 > 0.0
Current-setpoint filter 3:
MD 1218 > 0.0
Current-setpoint filter 4:
MD 1221 > 0.0
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy The denominator of the bandwidth of a current-setpoint or nominal-speed filter must be
smaller than the double of the self-generated frequency.
Nominal-speed filter 1:
MD 1515 <= 2 * MD 1514 * 0.01 * MD 1520
Nominal-speed filter 2:
MD 1518 <= 2 * MD 1517 * 0.01 * MD 1521
Current-setpoint filter 1:
MD 1211 <= 2 * MD 1210
Current-setpoint filter 2:
MD 1214 <= 2 * MD 1213
Current-setpoint filter 3:
MD 1217 <= 2 * MD 1216
Current-setpoint filter 4:
MD 1220 <= 2 * MD 1219
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

3-52 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30770 Filter coefficient cannot be represented

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The calculated filter coefficients of a bandstop filter cannot be represented in the internal
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy Change filter setting.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

30771 Converter frequency AM mode

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause In the AM mode (selected by MD 1465 < MD 1146), only converter frequencies (MD 1100)
of 4 kHz and 8 kHz are permitted.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
Response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy Remove the error when entering the converter frequency MD 1100 or
by canceling the AM mode (MD 1465 > MD1146).
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-53

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30772 Speed controller amplification for AM mode too high

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause The P amplification of the speed controller set in MD 1451 is too high.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
Response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy Enter a smaller value for the P amplification of the speed controller (MD 1451) or set MD
1118 > 0.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

30773 No pilot control structure in AM mode

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause In the AM mode (selected by MD 1465 < MD 1146), no pilot control structure (MD 1004,
bit0 = 1) possible.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
Response can be configured via MD 1613.0
Remedy Remove the error either when entering the pilot control structure (MD 1104) or by canceling
the AM mode (MD 1465 > MD1146).
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

30774 Asynchronous mode: Illegal switching speed HSA / AM

3-54 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

Response all OFF

Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause In the mixed mode HSA/AM (MD 1465 > 0), only the controlled AM mode is permitted
(MD1466 <= MD1465).
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
Response can be configured via MD 1613.0
Remedy Remove the error either by working in the pure AM mode (MD1465 = 0) or by canceling the
AM-controlled mode (MD1466 < MD1465).
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-55

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
SIMODRIVE Error Messages 01.97

30776 Measuring circuit monitoring for motor (incr.) active

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Bit STS.BFQ
Cause With the Safety Integrated function (MD 1301) active, the measuring circuit monitoring of
the motor (incr.) must also be active (MD 1600.4).
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
RESET error
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
RESET error
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy Activate measuring circuit monitoring for motor (incr.) MD 1600.4 = 0.
Note HSA: at the moment, not realized with MCU

30799 Save and boot necessary

Response all OFF
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg Power On or RESET via MCU-PIT
Cause After automatic calculation of the control parameters, saving of the machine data and starting
up are necessary.
Scan With HSA:
Pulse deletion, motor coasts
With VSA:
Controllers inhibited, motor decelerated
From drive software version 2, the response can be configured via MD 1613.0.
Remedy Carry out the above measures.
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

3-56 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

30850 Speed controller adaptation: n-max < n-min

Response Alarm indication disappears when removing the alarm cause
Indication Diagnostic buffer of the CPU
Acknowledg none
Cause The upper adaptation speed set in MD 1412 is smaller than the lower adaptation speed set in
MD 1411.
Scan Set n-max = n-min.
Error remains statically until correction of machine data.
Message output can be activated via MD 1012.4=1.
Remedy Enter a larger value for the adaptation speed (MD 1412) than for the lower adaptation speed
(MD 1411).
Note Alarm for MCU from V2.0

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-57

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Intelligent I/O Module Error Messages

Intelligent I/O Modules Error Messages

Structure of Indication - Bit not used

Word X Bit not used (read only)

1 8 7 B
5 i

X X - - X X X X
Status Additional information (error number)
(read only)

Description of Status Bit Status bit Description

Bit 8 Processing of the technological function running
Bit 9 Processing of the technological function completed
Bit 10 Group error
Bit 11 Read error (FC Control)
Bit 12 -
Bit 13 -
Bit 14 Test mode active
Bit 15 Start-up running

Additional Information Listing of the additional information (error numbers) which generate the function blocks by
ANZW themselves and output them at the parameter ANZW.

H Description Note
00 No error
0 The data block indicated when calling the blocks FC RESTART, FC Enter correct DB
B CONTROL and FC STATUS at the parameter INSTANZ_DB does not
match with the technological function (DB is not the invocation DB of
0 Illegal channel number for the MCU Enter correct channel number in
C invocation DB in the word
KA_NR (in the example via
0E Error when calling SFC RD_REC. The return value RET_VAL of the See Error Description of the
SFC is provided to the user in the variable SFCERR_TFNAME for SFC RD_REC
0F Error when calling SFC WR_REC. The return value RET_VAL of the See Error Description of the
SFC is provided to the user in the variable SFCERR_TFNAME for SFC WR_REC

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-1

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Intelligent I/O Module Error Messages 01.97

10 Module is not ready for operation or not parameterized. Parameterize module using the
11 Timeout error - an expected module reaction did not come. If the Restart
technological function waits for a reaction, an internal counter is
increased whenever a technological function is called. If this counter
reaches the value MAX-AUFRUF, this error message is provided.
12 Data error. This error is normally detected by the module and Correct data in the invocation
transferred to the technological function for passing to the user (storing DB
in the data block).
3E Illegal job number (FC CONTROL) Enter a valid job number

4-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Intelligent I/O Module Error Messages

Additional Informat. Listing of the additional information (error numbers) which are stored in the data words

H Description Note
0E Error when calling SFC RD_REC. The return value RET_VAL of the See Error Description of the
SFC is provided to the user in the variable SFCERR_TFNAME for SFC RD_REC
11 Timeout error - an expected module reaction did not come. If the Restart
technological function waits for a reaction, an internal counter is
increased whenever a technological function is called. If this counter
reaches the value MAX-AUFRUF, this error message is provided.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 4-3

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Unit Control Error Messages from the MCU

Unit Control Panel Error Messages

from the MCU

200001 Power On alarm Bit Channel error

Response all OFF
Acknowled Power ON
Cause Hardware error signalled by drive (group error)
The respective error number is stored in the diagnostic buffer, indication via MCU-PIT
Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or no axis movement possible.
Synchronization is deleted.
Remedy depending on the cause

200002 Voltage monitoring Bit Channel error

Response all OFF
Acknowled RESTART
Cause Short-circuit in encoder supply
Scan Hardware error signalled by drive (group error)
The respective error number is stored in the diagnostic buffer, indication via MCU-PIT
Remedy Check connections.
Monitoring can temporarily be turned off by means of MD20 on the user's

200003 Missing pulses from encoder Bit Channel error

Response all OFF
Acknowled RESTART
Cause Encoder monitoring detected missing pulses.
In the operating mode "Reference-point approach", no zero mark has been detected
within one encoder revolution after leaving the reference-point switch.
defective encoder
faulty or no zero mark
pulse length of zero mark smaller than 1.25 s
interferences at measuring cable
Scan Hardware error signalled by drive (group error)

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-1

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Unit Control Panel Error Messages from the MCU 01.97

The respective error number is stored in the diagnostic buffer, indication via MCU-PIT
Remedy Check encoder and measuring-system cable.
Observe shielding and grounding instructions.
Monitoring can temporarily be turned off by means of MD20 on the user's

5-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Unit Control Error Messages from the MCU

200004 Error: absolute-value encoder Bit Channel error

Response all OFF
Acknowled RESTART
Cause Telegram exchange between MCU and absolute-value encoder faulty or interrupted:
Measuring-system cable not plugged or defective
Illegal encoder type
Encoder provides incorrect values
Interferences at the measuring-system cable
Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or no axis movement possible.
Remedy Check encoder and measuring-system cable.
Observe shielding and grounding instructions.
Monitoring can temporarily be turned off by means of MD20 on the user's

200005 Encoder cable break Bit Channel error

Response all OFF
Acknowled RESTART
Cause Measuring-system cable not plugged or defective
Incorrect pin assignment
Cables too long

Encoder without inverted track signals (signals A , B missing)

Scan Axis movement is stopped and/or no axis movement possible.
Synchronization is deleted.
Remedy Check encoder and measuring-system cable
Monitoring can temporarily be turned off by means of MD20 on the user's

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 5-3

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
01.97 Unit Control Error Messages from MMC

Unit Control Panel Error Messages from MMC

No. Description
81000 Error OB event
81000 Synchronous error
81000 Asynchronous error
81000 Stop/abortion event
81000 BZ process event
81000 Error: communication event
81000 Error: H/F system event
81000 Error: diagnostic data of modules
81000 User -diagnosis-event

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 6-1

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Unit Control Error Messages from MMC 01.97

6-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (BS - Error Messages)
Data Structure 1

Control and Check-Back



STEP 7 Blocks 4
MCU 172A
Single-Axis Positioning Control Encoders 5

Tables Commissioning Schedule 6

Error Messages 7

Appendix 8

Valid for: MCU 172A V 3.x or higher

Edition: March 1998

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please inquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.

The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
of which by any third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the copyright holders.

Subject to technical changes within the product.

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not

permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be made liable for
damages. All rights including rights created by patent or registration of a
utility model or design are reserved.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 Data Structure

1 Data Structure

Contents 1.1 Invocation DB and OD-DB.......................................................1-2

1.2 DB-NC, DB-MD, DB-WK, DB-SM, DB-AM and DB-AS ...........1-3

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-1

MCU (TH - Service Information)
Data Structure 01.97

1.1 Invocation DB and OD-DB

MCU memory (RAM) Invocation DB (Invocation DB)

DB 1
Control signals The invocation DB is the interface between the S7
Invoc. user program and the intelligent I/O blocks. The
DB Check-.back s.
Declaration invocation DB can freely be assigned by the user in
DB 127 Data record 2 the range from DB1 to DB127.

Control signals see Chapter 2

Data record 235
Check-back signals see Chapter 2
DB 255 Data records see Chapter 3.1
DB 1000 Control signals
DB- Check-back s.
Data record 2

DB 1001
Interface DB (DB-BD)
DB- Data record 235
NC The DB-BD (operating data - the original German
1 DB- abbreviations are used for all data blocks) is the
NC interface between the positioning unit and the
DB 1199 199
DB 1200 monitoring and operating device (OP/PU). This data
block contains the control/check-back signals, as well
MD as all MCU data records. With the user program
active, i.e. the TFB bit on FC Restart is "0", the data
DB 1220
can only be read by the OP/PU. If TFB=1 (test mode
active), the user has only write access to the data
DB- either by means of MCU-PIT or via his own
application on the OP, for example.
DB 1230 Control signals see Chapter 2
DB- Check-back signals see Chapter 2
SM Data records see Chapter 3.1

DB 1251

DB 1260

1-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Data Structure


MCU data memory The MCU data memory (from DB 1001 on) contains the traversing programs,
the machine data of the positioning unit, the tool offsets, the incremental
dimensions, the machine data, and the operating data of the drive.

MCU memory (RAM) DB header

DB 1 Record 1 Traversing programs DB-NC
DB Record 2
Record 3
Structure of the traversing
DB 127
programs see Chapter 3.5
Record 255

DB header
MD5 Machine data of the position control DB-MD
DB 255
DB 1000 MD6
DB- MD7 Machine data of the MCU see Chapter 3.2.1
BD .

DB 1001 DB- DB-Kopf
NC Tool offsets DB-WK
1 DB- Werkzeug 1
NC Werkzeug 2
DB 1199 199
DB 1200 Werkzeug 3 Input limits see Chapter 3.3
MD Werkzeug 20

DB 1220
Schrittma 1 Incremental dimension parameters DB-SM
DB- Schrittma 2
Schrittma 3
: Input limits see Chapter 3.4
DB 1230
Schrittma 100
SM DB-Kopf
MD1000 Drive machine data DB-AM
DB 1251 MD1001
DB- MD1002
AM Machine data
MD1799 SIMODRIVE 611 see Chapter 3.2.2
DB 1260
AS MD11030
MD11031 Service/drive DB-AS
Drive operating data see Chapter 3.6

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-3

MCU (TH - Service Information)
Data Structure 01.97

1-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Control and Check-Back Signals

2 Control and Check-Back Signals

Control signals Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

in the invocation DB Byte
0 BA Operating mode
1 BAP Operating-mode parameter
2 OVER Override
4 reserved IF RFG
5 reserved

Check-back signals Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

in the invocation DB Byte
6 BAR Mode check-back signal
8 reserved AMF
9 MNR M function number
10 reserved ABR IFR SYN BF FS
11 reserved
12 Indicator byte
13 Indicator byte

Control/check-back Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
signals in the Byte
invocation DB 14 res. N_S F_S SW254 BZPkt BD_L BFQ FSQ
_S _S
15 reserved
16 reserved

Operating modes Operating mode (BA) BA No.

Set-up mode 1
Control mode 2
Reference-point approach 3
Incremental dimension 4
Automatic Subsequent Block 8
Automatic Single Block 9
Function generator 20
Measuring function 21

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-1

MCU (TH - Service Information)
Control and Check-Back Signals 01.97

Function of the Symbol Name

control signals AF Axis enable
BFQ Acknowledge system error
DIQ Acknowledge data messages
EFG Read enable
FSQ Acknowledge operator error
IF Pulse enable
NEUSTQ Acknowledge cold start
QMF Acknowledge M function
RFG Controller enable
R+ Positive direction
R- Negative direction
SA Skip block
ST Start
STP Stop
TFB Operation by means of MCU-PIT (1= operation via DB-BD)

TFB By setting the interface bit TFB=1 as an alternative to the TFB parameter in the
intelligent FC CONTROL I/O block (see Section 4.2.3), the operation and
control of the MCU are no longer carried out via the user program/invocation
DB but via the data block DB-BD and the software MCU-PIT installed on the
programming device.

Function of the check- Symbol Name Symbol Name

back signals PARA Positioning control FR+ Traversing plus
NEUST Cold start FR- Traversing minus
DF Data error ME End of measuring
BF Process error SYN Axis synchronized
FS Operator error AMF Change of M function
TFGS TFB Check-back signal IFR Pulses enabled
DI Data interpretation running FSQ Acknowledge operator error
PBR Program execution backwards BFQ Acknowledge process error
T-L Dwell time running N_S Set speed steps
WFG Waiting for external enable F_S Set velocity steps
BL Processing running SW254_ Set incremental dimension
S (SW254)
SFG Start enable BZPkt_S Set reference point
PEH Position reached, stop; exact BD_L Read operating data
positioning stop
ABR Drive ready

2-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Data

3 Data

Contents 3.1 Data Records...........................................................................3-2

3.1.1 Interface System Data .............................................................3-4
3.1.2 Interface Diagnosis Data .......................................................3-21
3.1.3 Interface Process Alarms ......................................................3-22
3.1.4 Operating Data FM-POS DB 1000 ........................................3-23
3.2 Machine Data.........................................................................3-29
3.2.1 Machine Data of MCU ...........................................................3-29
3.2.2 Machine Data of SIMODRIVE 611 ........................................3-32
3.3 Tool Offsets ...........................................................................3-42
3.4 Incremental Dimension..........................................................3-42
3.5 Traversing Programs .............................................................3-43
3.6 Drive Operating Data .............................................................3-46

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Data 01.97

3.1 Data Records

Overview of data DS No. Function Direction Note

records for E: Reading in
channel 1 S7-CPU
DS0 to DS235 * pos. unit
A: Reading out
pos. unit
System data interface
Scheduled data
2 Velocity steps E 1 and 2
3 Speed step of controlling E 1 and 2
4 Setpoint (No. 254) for E Set position
incremental dimension
7 MDI block E Traversing block
8 Scheduled data 611 E Set values 611
Scheduled data with command
11 Bit-coded settings E
12 Bit-coded commands E
13 Zero offset E Value
14 Actual-value setting E Set position
15 Flying actual-value setting E Set position
16 Digital inputs/outputs E
17 Flying MDI block E Traversing block
18 Program selection E
19 Application data request E Display data selection
20 Teach In E Changing of set values
in the traversing
22 Reference-point setting E during reference-point
approach mode
Display data of positioning
26 Operating data A
27 Active NC block A
28 Next NC block A
29 Application data A
30 Length measuring value, flying A
31 Actual value - block change A
32 Service data A
33 Service data 1 A
34 Operating data 1 A
36 Actual values 611 A Actual values 611
Interface diagnosis data
0 Diagnosis (system) A in DB-BD only
1 Diagnosis (channel) A in DB-BD only
162 Operator error A
163 Data error A
164 Traversing/system error A
235 Information data block A in invocation DB only
Interface process alarms
- Process alarms A in DB-BD only

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01.97 Data

see MD5

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3.1.1 Interface System Data

Data block 2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Velocity steps DB Address DB-BD
32-bit value - velocity step 1 43 20060
32-bit value - velocity step 2 47 20061

Data record 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Speed step of DB Address DB-BD
controlling 50
32-bit value - speed step controlling 1 51 20070
32-bit value speed step of controlling 2 55 20071

Data record 4 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Setpoint (No. 254) for DB Address DB-BD
incremental 58
dimension 32-bit value - setpoint for incremental dimension 59 20080

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01.97 Data

Data record 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DB Invocation P Number

MDI block Address DB-BD
reserved 62
reserved 63
res. res. res. X_T res. res. G_2 G_1 64
res. res. res. res. M_3 M_2 M_1 F 65
G function 1 66
G function 2 67
reserved 68
reserved 69
Value 1 X/T 71 20100
Value 2 F 75
M function 1 78
M function 2 79
M function 3 80
reserved 81

Symbol Name
G_1 G function of group 1
G_2 G function of group 2
X_T Position/dwell time programmed
F Velocity programmed
M_1 M function of group 1
M_2 M function of group 2
M_3 M function of group 3

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Data record 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Scheduled data 611 DB Address DB-BD
Control word 1
res. res. res. res. DZS MGL HLG res. 82
F1_A G2 SS
HLG res. BIT5 res. res. NRZ BIT1 ZK1_ 83 20200
Control word 2
BIT res. res. res. res. res. BIT9 BIT8 84
BIT7 INT_ res. res. res. SP_S SP_S SP_S 85 20201
SPER G_3 G_2 G_1
Torque limit 86
87 20202
reserved : 20203

The 611D control words 1 and 2 occur both in DB-BD, DBAS and in the
invocation DB. The bits represented in Italic letters can only be read.

Symbol Name
Control word 1
ZK1_RESET ZK1 Reset: Reset/acknowledgment of drive alarms; level 1
must be provided for at least one position control cycle
BIT1 Parking axis setpoint corresponds to DS11, bit 14; parking axis -
function selected internally
BIT5 Setpoint function generator: Activation of function generator in the
HLG_AKT Ramp-function generator setpoint:
0: limit-value messages: |Md| < Mdx active, Nact = Nnom active
1: limit-value message: |Md| < Mdx = 1, Nact = Nnom = 0
run-up process completed = 0
HLGSS Ramp-function generator fast stop setpoint:
0: no effect
1: fast stop of drive
nnom = 0
no pulse deletion after standstill
MGLG2 2. Set torque limit:
0: Torque /power limitation
by drive MD1230/1235
1: Torque/power limitation
by drive MD1232/1236
DZSF1_AKT Smoothing of speed setpoint:
0: no smoothing of speed setpoint
1: smoothing of speed setpoint active (only active if low-pass filter
parameterized via drive MD 1500 and following)
NRZ_FRG Emergency retraction

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01.97 Data

Control word 2
SP_SG_1 Setpoint parameter record
SP_SG_2 Parameter block setting in the drive
SP_SG_3 (changeover of speed controller parameterization)
INT_SPERR Setpoint integrator inhibit
0: Integral portion of speed controller active
1: Integral portion of speed controller switched off
BIT7 Setpoint pulse enable PLC: Pulse enable (by S7 user program)
BIT8 Setpoint current controller enable: current controller enable
BIT9 Setpoint current controller enable: speed controller enable
BIT15 Sign of life: for service purposes only

Torque limit

After accounting it with machine-specific limitations due to the employed

motor and power section, this value is used for the dynamic limitation of the set
torque formed by the speed controller output and the pilot control value. The
minimum of motor torque, motor power, power section current and limit value
are active in the drive. As limit values, only positive values can be preset,
which, in addition, must be limited to 7FFFH.

Unit: [incr]
Format: signed integer
Standardization: 1000H = Mnom; MD 1725 = 8 x Mnom
Mlimit [incr]=Mlimit [Nm] x 8 x 1000H / MD1725 [Nm]

Data record 11 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Bit-coded settings DB Address DB-BD
SIM_E PARK I4_IN I3_IN I2_IN I1_IN FLG_ res. 100
res. SW_E NACH FRG_ REF_T LAE_ DM_A res. 101

Symbol Name
SIM_EIN Simulation
PARK_ACHS Parking axis
I4_INAK Digital input (I4) ON/OFF (0=ON)
I3_INAK Digital input (I3) ON/OFF (0=ON)
I2_INAK Digital input (I2) ON/OFF (0=ON)
I1_INAK Digital input (I1) ON/OFF (0=ON)
FLG_MESS Flying measuring
SW_END_A Software limit switch monitoring ON/OFF (0=ON)
NACH_EIN Follow-up operation
FRGN__AW Enable input OFF
REF_TRIG Retrigger reference point
LAE_MESS Length measuring
DM_AKT Direct measuring system ON/OFF

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Data record 12 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Bit-coded commands DB Address DB-BD
reserved 104
res. IWS_L REST res. AUT_ AUT_ REST res. 105 20220

Symbol Name
RESTW_LOE Delete distance to go
AUT_SVORL Automatic block search forward
AUT_SRUCK Automatic block search backward
IWS_LOE Undo actual-value setting

Data record 13 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Zero offset DB Address DB-BD
32-bit value - zero offset 109 20230

Data record 14 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Actual-value setting DB Address DB-BD
32-bit value - actual value setting 113 20240

Data record 15 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Flying actual-value DB Address DB-BD
setting 116
32-bit value flying actual-value setting 117 20250

Data record 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Digital inputs/outputs DB Address DB-BD
res. res. res. res. DE4 DE3 DE2 DE1 120 20300
res. res. res. res. DA4 DA3 DA2 DA1 121

Symbol Name
DE Digital input
DA Digital input

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01.97 Data

Data record 17 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Flying MDI block DB Address DB-BD
reserved 122
reserved 123
res. res. res. X_T res. res. G_2 G_1 124
res. res. res. res. M_3 M_2 M_1 F 125
G function 1 126
G function 2 127
reserved 128
reserved 129
130 21000
Value 1 X/T 131
Value 2 F 135
M function 1 138
M function 2 139
M function 3 140
reserved 141

Symbol Name
G_1 G function of group 1
G_2 G function of group 2
X_T Position/dwell time programmed
F Velocity programmed
M_1 M function of group 1
M_2 M function of group 2
M_3 M function of group 3

Data record 18 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Program selection DB Address DB-BD
Program selection (program number) 142 21100
Program selection (block number) 143 21101
Program selection (direction) 144 21102
reserved 145 21103

Data record 19 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Application data DB Address DB-BD
request Code of application data 1 146 21200
Code of applications data 2 147 21201
Code of application data 3 148 21202
Code of application data 4 149 21203

Data record 20 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Teach In DB Address DB-BD
Teach In (program number) 150 21300
Teach In (block number) 151 21301

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Data record 22 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Reference-point DB Address DB-BD
setting 152
32-bit value - reference-point setting 153 21400

Data record 26 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Operating data DB Address DB-BD
32-bit value - actual position 173 21600
32-bit value - actual velocity 177 21601
32-bit value - distance to go 181 21602
32-bit value - set position 185 21603
32-bit value - zero offset 189 21604
32-bit value - actual speed (rotary axis) 193 21605
32-bit value - relative positioning time 197 21606
reserved : 21607

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01.97 Data

Data record 27 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

active NC block DB Address DB-BD
NC program number 212
NC block number 213
/ UP P X_T res. G_3 G_2 G_1 214
res. res. res. D M_3 M_2 M_1 F 215
G function 1 216
G function 2 217
G function 3 218
reserved 219
220 22000
Value 1 X/T/UP 221
Value 2 F/P 225
M function 1 228
M function 2 229
M function 3 230
D function 231

Symbol Name
G_1 G function of group 1
G_2 G function of group 2
G_3 G function of group 3
X_T Position/dwell time programmed
P Number of subroutine calls programmed
UP Subroutine call (subroutine number)
/ Skip block
F Velocity programmed
M_1 M function of group 1
M_2 M function of group 2
M_3 M function of group 3
D Tool offset value programmed

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Data record 28 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

next NC block DB Address DB-BD
NC program number 232
NC block number 233
/ UP P X_T res. G_3 G_2 G_1 234
res. res. res. D M_3 M_2 M_1 F 235
G function 1 236
G function 2 237
G function 3 238
reserved 239
240 22100
Value 1 X/T/UP 241
Value 2 F/P 245
M function 1 248
M function 2 249
M function 3 250
D function 251

Symbol Name
G_1 G function of group 1
G_2 G function of group 2
G_3 G function of group 3
X_T Position/dwell time programmed
P Number of subroutine calls programmed
UP Subroutine call (subroutine number)
/ Skip block
F Velocity programmed
M_1 M function of group 1
M_2 M function of group 2
M_3 M function of group 3
D Tool offset value programmed

Data record 29 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Application data DB Address DB-BD
32-bit value - application data 1 253 22200
32-bit value - application data 2 257 22201
32-bit value - application data 3 261 22202
32-bit value - application data 4 265 22203

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Data record 30 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Length measuring, DB Address DB-BD
flying measuring 268
32-bit value - front edge actual position (s1) 269 22300
32-bit value - rear edge actual position (s2) 273 22301
32-bit value - length measuring value 277 22302

Data record 31 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Actual value - block DB Address DB-BD
change 288
32-bit value - actual value - block change 289 22310

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01.97 Data

Data record 32 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Service data DB Address DB-BD
32-bit value - setpoint value of speed 293 22400
32-bit value - encoder actual value 297 22401
32-bit value - missing pulses 301 22402
32-bit value - loop-gain coefficient 305 22403
32-bit value - follow-up error 309 22404
32-bit value - follow-up error limit 313 22405
32-bit value s-overshoot range/ 317 22406
switch adjustment. (in reference-point approach mode 318
only) 319
32-bit value - drive approach time / 321 22407
drive constant (Controlling mode only) 322

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Data 01.97

Data record 33 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Service data DB Address DB-BD
32-bit value - actual position (IM) 337 22500
32-bit value - actual position (DM) 341 22501
32-bit value - relative distance difference 345 22502
(IM-DM/DM) 346
reserved :

Data record 34 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Operating data 1 DB Address DB-BD
Override 368 22600
Program number 369 22601
Block number 370 22602
Numerator of number of subroutine calls 371 22603
active G90/91 372 22604
active G60/64 373 22605
active G43/44 374 22606
active D No. 375 22607
res. res. res. res. BEG BEG BEG res.
R_A_ R_N R_V 376 22610
reserved 377 22620

Symbol Name
BEGR_V_MAX Limitation v_max (MD23)
BEGR_N_SOLL Limitation n_nom
BEGR_A_MIN Limitation a_min

3-16 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Data

Data record 36 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Actual values 611 DB Address DB-BD
Status word 1
res. res. res. res. DRZ MG2 HLG ERB 382
res. res. BIT5 BIT4 P_A res. ZK2_ ZK1_ 383 23000
Status word 2
E_B res. res. U_F_ res. FGR RFG RFG_ 384
IFG INT_ ANT res. res. SP_S SP_S SP_S 385 23001
SPER R_B G_3 G_2 G_1
Status class 2
KUE MOT res. res. res. res. res. res. 386
res. res. res. res. BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 ZWI_ 387 23002
Status class 3
res. res. BIT BIT BIT res. BIT9 BIT8 388 23003
13 12 11
Capability utilization 390
Set torque in percent of Mnom_limit 391 23004
Unit [incr]
Format unsigned integer
Standardization 7FFFH = 100%
Effective power 392
Unit 0.01[kW] 393 23005
Format signed integer
Set torque 394
The set torque is smoothed by a PT1 filter. This filter 395 23006
can be set by means of MD1252. The value specified
here is an effective value.
Unit [incr]
Format signed integer
Standard. 4000H[incr] = Mstand[Nm], MD1725
Actual current value (smoothed) 396
The actual current value is smoothed by means of a PT1
filter. This filter can be set by means of MD1250. The
value specified here is a peak value. 23007
Unit [incr]
Format signed integer
Standard. 4000H = imax_LT[A], MD1107 397
Actual speed value 398
Unit [incr] 399 23008
Format signed integer
Standard. 4000H = nmax, motor[rpm],MD1401
reserved : 23009

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Data 01.97

Symbol Name
Status word 1
ZK1_MELD Message ZK1: Drive alarm occurred
ZK2_3_MELD Message ZK2/3: Event of class ZK2/ZK3 occurred
P_ACHSE Parking axis - actual value: Axis parking
BIT4 FFT analysis running (for diagnostic purposes only)
BIT5 Function generator running (for diagnostic purposes only)
ERB Set-up mode - actual value: Set-up mode activated (available soon)
HLG_SS_I Ramp-function generator fast stop - actual value: Fast stop active
MG2_I 2nd torque limit - actual value: 2nd torque limit active
DRZSWGL_I Drive MD for smoothing of speed setpoint signal - actual value:
MDs for smoothing of speed setpoint value active (MD1500 and
0: low-pass filter active and "Smoothing of speed setpoint signal
active" (control word 1.11) = 1
1: other (also default value)
Status word 2
SP_SG_2 Actual parameter record: Actual parameter record of drive
ANTR_BER Drive ready: Drive ready for traverse
INT_SPERR_I Integrator inhibit - actual value: Integrator in speed control loop
IFG Pulse enable - actual value: Pulses enabled
RFG_IR Current controller enable - actual value: Current controller enabled
RFG_NR Speed controller enable - actual value: Speed controller enabled
FGR Reference input variable - actual value:
0: torque-controlled operation
1: speed controlled operation
U_F_BETR U/f mode: U/f mode active
E_BR_EING Automatic braking initiated: Drive brakes with max. permissible
torque (response after cancellation of controller enable and active
pulse enable)
Status class 2
ZWI_KREIS Intermediate circuit ("ZWK")
0: Uzwk > MD1604
1: Uzwk < MD1604
BIT1 Emergency retraction intermediate circuit
0: Uzwk > MD1634 (if emergency retraction activated) and
1: Uzwk < MD1634 (if emergency retraction activated)
BIT2 Emergency retraction/generator mode active
0: default
1: emergency retraction/generator mode active
BIT3 Generator speed < min. speed
available soon for the Emergency Retraction function
0: default
1: nact < MD1635 (if emergency retraction activated)
MOT_WARN Motor temperature warning
Motor temperature warning threshold exceeded or temperature
sensor broken. When the time set in MD1603 is elapsed, the
device is switched off.
Remedy: Check load play, check setting in MD1602. Check
encoder cable.

3-18 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Data

Symbol Name
KUEHL_WARN Heat sink warning
Max. power section temperature exceeded. The device is switched
off after 20 sec.
Remedy: Check load play.

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Status class 3
BIT0 Run-up process completed
0: Ramp-function generator active: Limit value messages |Md| <
Mdx and Nact = Nnom switched off
1: Ramp-function generator inactive: limit value messages active
BIT1 /Md/ < Mdx Mdx MD1428
Delay time MD1429
BIT2 /nact/ < nmin Nmin MD1418
BIT3 /nact/ < nx Nx MD1417
BIT4 nnom = nact Tolerance band MD1426
Delay time MD1427
BIT5 Variable signaling function
Threshold value monitoring of drive signals.
Parameterization by MD1620 ... 1626
BIT6 (nnom - nact) < Delta (-): for service purposes only
BIT7 (nnom - nact) > Delta (+): for service purposes only
BIT8 Actuating voltage /u_actuat_g/ > u_max: for service purposes only
BIT9 Current set value / i_set/ > i_max
i _max Minimum of MD1104/MD1105, MD1107, MD1108
BIT11 Setpoint value of speed /n_nom/ > n_uewa_mot
n_uewa_mot MD1405
BIT12 Actuating voltage /u_actuat_d/ > u_max: for service purposes only
BIT13 Set torque /mnom/ > mlimit: for service purposes only

3-20 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Data

3.1.2 Interface Diagnosis Data

Data record 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Diagnosis (system) DB Address DB-BD
Diagnosis 0
res. res. res. res. BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 BIT0 - 24000
Diagnosis 1
res. res. res. res. res. BIT2 BIT1 BIT0 - 24001
Diagnosis 2
res. res. res. res. res. res. res. res. - 24002
Diagnosis 3
res. BIT6 res. res. res. res. res. res. - 24003

Diagnosis 0
BIT0 Module error, group error
BIT1 Internal error (see Diagnosis 2,3)
BIT2 External error
BIT3 Channel error (see Diagnosis 8)
Diagnosis 1
BIT0-2 Type class of module
Diagnosis 2
Diagnosis 3
BIT6 Process alarm lost

Data record 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Diagnosis (channel) DB Address DB-BD
Diagnosis 4 (MCU identification) - 24004
Diagnosis 5 (length of information) - 24005
Diagnosis 6 (number of channels) - 24006
Diagnosis 7 (channel vector) - 24007
Diagnosis 8
res. res. res. BIT4 BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 BIT0 - 24008
Diagnosis 9 - 24009
reserved - 24010

Diagnosis 8
BIT0 Cable break (incremental encoder)
BIT1 Absolute encoder fault
BIT2 Missing pulses from encoder, zero mark missing
BIT3 Voltage monitoring of encoder
BIT4 ZK1 error (drive POWER-ON alarm)

Data record 162 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Operator error DB Address DB-BD
Operator error (number) 406 24100
Operator error (source) 408 24101
Operator error (further error numbers) 409 24102

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Data record 163 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Data error DB Address DB-BD
Data error (number) 410 24110
Data error (source) 412 24111
Data error (further error numbers) 413 24112

Data record 164 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Traversing/process DB Address DB-BD
errors Traversing error (number) 414 24120
Traversing error (source) 416 24121
Traversing error (further error numbers) 417 24122

Data record 235 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

Information data DB Address DB-BD
record Type ID and extension ID 418 -
419 -
Module ID 420 -
421 -
Module extension ID 422 -
FW version high byte 423 -
FW version low byte 424 -
Number of channels 425 -
Number of process inputs per channel 426 -
Number of process outputs per channel 427 -
428 -
reserved 429 -

3.1.3 Interface Process Alarms

MD5 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Invocation P Number

process alarms DB Address DB-BD
res. res. res. BIT4 BIT3 res. BIT1 BIT0 - 25000

BIT0 Position reached

BIT1 Length measuring completed
BIT3 Flying block change
BIT4 Flying measuring

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3.1.4 Operating Data FM-POS DB 1000

P-No. Bit Description Refer to Invocation

DB-BD Document. DB Address
20030 STS: Control signals 0 -
0 Acknowledge data interpretation -
1 Operation via DB interface -
2 Acknowledge operator error (FSQ) 7/4.1 -
3 Acknowledge system/traversing error (BFQ) 7/4.1 -
6 Acknowledge cold start (NEUSTQ) 7/4.1 -
20031 STS: Control signals 1 7/4.1 -
0 Program start (ST) 7/4.1 -
1 Program stop (STP) 7/4.1 -
2 Negative direction (R-) 7/4.1 -
3 Positive direction (R+) 7/4.1 -
4 Acknowledge M function (QMF) 7/4.1 -
5 Read-in enable (EFG) 7/4.1 -
6 Skip block (SA) 7/4.1 -
7 Axis enable (AF) 7/4.1 -
20032 STS: Operating mode (BA) 7/4.1 -
20033 STS: Operating-mode parameters (BP) 7/4.1 -
20034 STS: Override (OVERR) 7/4.1 -
20035 STS: Control signals 5 -
0 Pulse enable PLC (IF) 7/4.1 -
1 Controller enable PLC (RFG) 7/4.1 -
20040 RMS: Check-back signals 0 -
0 Data interpretation running 7/4.2 -
1 DB interface active -
2 Operator error 7/4.2 -
3 System/traversing error 7/4.2 -
4 Data error 7/4.2 -
6 Cold start 7/4.2 -
7 FM parameterized -
20041 RMS: Check-back signals 1 -
0 Start enable (SFG) 7/4.2 -
1 Processing running (BL) 7/4.2 -
2 Wait for release for machining (WFG) 7/4.2 -
4 Change of M function (AMF) 7/4.2 -
5 Dwell time running (T_L) 7/4.2 -
6 Program execution backward (PBR) 7/4.2 -
20042 RMS: Mode check-back signal -
20043 RMS: Check-back signals 3 -
0 Channel synchronized -
1 End of measuring -
2 Negative direction -
3 Positive direction -
7 Position reached, stop -

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Data 01.97

P-No. Bit Description Refer to Invocation

DB-BD Document. DB Address
20044 RMS: M function number -
20045 RMS: Check-back signals 5 -
0 Pulses enabled (IFR) 7/4.2 -
1 Drive ready -
2 Status of digital input 1
3 Status of digital input 2
4 Status of digital input 3
5 Status of digital input 4
20060 DS2: Velocity step 1, Set-Up 7/3-12 42-45
20061 DS2: Velocity step 2, Set-Up 7/3-12 46-49
20070 DS3: Speed step, Controlling 1 7/3-13 50-53
20071 DS3: Speed step, Controlling 2 7/3-13 54-57
20080 DS4: Setpoint for incremental dimension 7/3-18 58-61
20100 DS7: MDI block 7/3-19 62-81
20200 DS8: Control word 1 3-5 82, 83
0 ZK1 Reset 3-5 83
2 Emergency retraction enable 3-5 83
7 Ramp-function generator setpoint 3-5 83
9 Ramp-function generator fast stop setpoint 3-5 82
10 2nd torque limit setpoint 3-5 82
11 Smoothing of speed setpoint 3-5 82
20201 DS8: Control word 2 3-5 84, 85
0-2 Scheduled parameter block 3-5 85
6 Integrator inhibit setpoint 3-5 85
20202 DS8: Torque limit 3-5 86, 87
20210 DS11: Bit-coded settings 7/4-5 100, 101
1 Direct measuring system (DM) ON/OFF 7/1.2 101
2 Length measuring 7/2-5 101
3 Retrigger reference point 101
4 Enable input OFF 7/2-4 101
5 Follow-up operation 101
6 Software limit position monitoring 101
9 Flying measuring 7/2-5 100
10 Digital input (I1) 100
11 Digital input (I2) 100
12 Digital input (I3) 100
13 Digital input (I4) 100
14 Parking axis 100
15 Simulation 100
20220 DS12: Bit-coded commands 7/4-6 104, 105
1 Cancel distance to go 105
2 Automatic block search forward 105
3 Automatic block search backward 105
5 Restart 105
6 Undo actual-value setting 105
20230 DS13: Zero offset 7/4-6 108-111

3-24 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Data

P-No. Bit Description Refer to Invocation

DB-BD Document. DB Address
20240 DS14: Actual-value setting 7/4-6 112-115
20250 DS15: Flying actual-value setting 7/4-7 116-119
20300 DS16: Digital outputs / inputs 7/4-7 120, 121
0 Digital output 1 7/2.1 121
1 Digital output 2 7/2.1 121
2 Digital output 3 7/2.1 121
3 Digital output 4 7/2.1 121
8 Digital input 1 7/2.1 120
9 Digital input 2 7/2.1 120
10 Digital input 3 7/2.1 120
11 Digital input 4 7/2.1 120
21000 DS17: Flying MDI block 7/3-9 122-141
21100 DS18: Program selection (program No.) 7/3.7 142
21101 DS18: Program selection (block No.) 7/3.7 143
21102 DS18: Program selection (direction) 7/3.7 144
21200 DS19: Code of application data 1 7/4-7, 9/7-21 146
21201 DS19: Code of application data 2 7/4-7, 9/7-21 147
21202 DS19: Code of application data 3 7/4-7, 9/7-21 148
21203 DS19: Code of application data 4 7/4-7, 9/7-21 149
21300 DS20: Teach-In (program No.) 7/4-7 150
21301 DS20: Teach-In (block No.) 7/4-7 151
21400 DS22: Reference-point setting 7/4-7 152-155
21600 DS26: Actual position 7/4-10 172-175
21601 DS26: Actual velocity 7/4-10 176-179
21602 DS26: Distance to go 7/4-10 180-183
21603 DS26: Set position 7/4-10 184-187
21604 DS26: Active coordinate offset 7/4-10 188-191
21605 DS26: Actual speed (rotary axis) 7/4-10 192-195
21606 DS26: Relative positioning time 7/4-10 196-199
22000 DS27: Active NC block 7/4-10 212-231
22100 DS28: Next NV block 7/4-10 232-251
22200 DS29: Application data 1 7/4-10 252-255
22201 DS29: Application data 2 7/4-10 256-259
22202 DS29: Application data 3 7/4-10 260-263
22203 DS29: Application data 4 7/4-10 264-267
22300 DS30: Front edge actual position (s1) 7/4-10 268-271
22301 DS30: Rear edge actual position (s2) 7/4-10 272-275
22302 DS30: Length measuring value 7/4-10 276-279
22310 DS31: Actual value - block change 7/4-10 288-291
22400 DS32: Setpoint value of speed 7/4-10 292-295
22401 DS32: Encoder actual value 7/4-10 296-299
22402 DS32: Missing pulses 7/4-10 300-303
22403 DS32: Loop-gain coefficient 7/4-10 304-307
22404 DS32: Following error 7/4-10 308-311
22405 DS32: Follow-up error distance limit 7/4-10 312-315
22406 DS32: s-overshoot/switch adjustment 7/4-10 316-319

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MCU (TH - Service Information)
Data 01.97

P-No. Bit Description Refer to Invocation

DB-BD Document. DB Address
22407 DS32: Drive approach time 7/4-10 320-323
22500 DS33: Actual position (IM) 7/4-10 336-339
22501 DS33: Actual position (DM) 7/4-10 340-343
22502 DS33: Relative path difference (IM-DM/DM) 7/4-10 344-347
22600 DS34: Override 7/4-10 368
22601 DS34: Program number 7/4-10 369
22602 DS34: Block number 7/4-10 370
22603 DS34: Numerator of subroutine calls 7/4-10 371
22604 DS34: Active G90/G91 7/4-10 372
22605 DS34: Active G60/G64 7/4-10 373
22606 DS34: Active G43/G44 7/4-10 374
22607 DS34: Active D No. 7/4-10 375
22610 DS34: Status messages 7/4-10 376
1 Limitation v_max (MD 23) 7/4-10 376
2 Limitation n_nom 7/4-10 376
3 Limitation a_min 7/4-10 376
23000 DS36: Status word 1 3.1.1 382, 383
0 Message ZK1 3.1.1 383
1 Message ZK2/3 3.1.1 383
3 Parking axis, actual value 3.1.1 383
4 FFT analysis, actual value 3.1.1 383
5 Function generator, actual value 3.1.1 383
8 Set-up mode, actual value 3.1.1 382
9 Ramp-function generator fast stop, actual value 3.1.1 382
10 2nd torque limit, actual value 3.1.1 382
11 Smoothing of speed setpoint, actual value 3.1.1 382
23001 DS36: Status word 2 3.1.1 384, 385
0-2 Actual parameter record 3.1.1 385
5 Drive ready 3.1.1 385
6 Integrator inhibit, actual value 3.1.1 385
7 Pulse enable, actual value 3.1.1 385
8 Current controller, actual value 3.1.1 384
9 Speed controller enable, actual value 3.1.1 384
10 Reference input variable, actual value 3.1.1 384
12 U/f mode 3.1.1 384
15 Automatic braking initiated 3.1.1 384
23002 DS36: Status class 2 3.1.1 386, 387
0 Intermediate circuit 3.1.1 387
1 Intermediate circuit - emergency retraction 3.1.1 387
2 Emergency retraction/generator mode active 3.1.1 387
3 Generator speed < min. speed 3.1.1 387
14 Motor temperature warning 3.1.1 386
15 Heat sink temperature warning 3.1.1 386
23003 DS36: Status class 3 3.1.1 388, 389
0 Run-up process completed 3.1.1 389
1 /Md/ < Mdx 3.1.1 389

3-26 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Data

P-No. Bit Description Refer to Invocation

DB-BD Document. DB Address
2 /nact/ < nmin 3.1.1 389
3 /nact/ < nx 3.1.1 389
4 nnom = nact 3.1.1 389
5 Variable signaling function 3.1.1 389
6 (nnom - nact) < Delta(-) 3.1.1 389
7 (nnom - nact) > Delta(+) 3.1.1 389
8 Actuating voltage /u_actuat_q/ > u_max 3.1.1 388
9 Current set value /i_set/ > i_max 3.1.1 388
11 Set speed /n_nom/ > n_uewa_mot 3.1.1 388
12 Actuating voltage /u_actuat_d/ > u_max 3.1.1 388
13 Set torque /mnom/ > mlimit 3.1.1 388
23004 DS36: Capability utilization (7FFF=stop) 3.1.1 390, 391
23005 DS36: Effective power 3.1.1 392, 393
23006 DS36: Set torque 3.1.1 394, 395
23007 DS36: Actual current value 3.1.1 396, 397
23008 DS36: Actual speed value 3.1.1 398, 399
24000 DS0: Diagnosis 0 -
0 Module fault, group fault -
1 Internal fault (see Diagn. 2,3) -
2 External fault -
3 Channel fault (see Diagnosis 8) -
24001 DS0: Diagnosis 1 -
0-3 Type class of module -
24003 DS0: Diagnosis 3 -
6 Process alarm lost -
24004 DS1: Diagnosis 4 (FM pos. ID) -
24005 DS1: Diagnosis 5 (length of information) -
24006 DS1: Diagnosis 6 (number of channels) -
24007 DS1: Diagnosis 7 (channel vector) -
24008 DS1: Diagnosis 8 -
0 Cable break (incremental encoder) -
1 Error: absolute-value encoder -
2 Missing pulses from encoder, zero mark miss. -
3 Voltage monitoring of encoder -
4 ZK1 error (drive Power-On alarm) -
24100 DS162: Operator error (number) 406, 407
24101 DS162: Operator error (source) 408
24102 DS162: Operator error (further error numbers) 409
24110 DS163: Data error (number) 410, 411
24111 DS163: Data error (source) 412
24112 DS163: Data error (further error numbers) 413
24120 DS164: Traversing error (number) 414, 415
24121 DS164: Traversing error (source) 416
24122 DS164: Traversing error (further error numbers) 417
25000 PAL: Process alarms -
0 Position reached -

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MCU (TH - Service Information)
Data 01.97

P-No. Bit Description Refer to Invocation

DB-BD Document. DB Address
1 Length measuring completed -
3 Flying block change -
4 Flying block change -

3-28 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Data

3.2 Machine Data

3.2.1 Machine Data of MCU

MD Designation Value/Description Unit Docum.

5.X Process alarm generation Bit 0 = 1 Position reached - 7/2-5
Bit 1 = 1 Length measuring completed
Bit 3 = 1 Flying block change
Bit 4 = 1 Flying measuring
6 Axis name 1st character = initial letter - 13/1-1

2nd character = address extension

7 Measuring system 1 = 10-3 mm - 7/1-15
2 = 10-4 inch
3 = 10-4 degrees
4 = 10-2 degrees
8 Axis type 0 = linear axis - 7/5-11
1 = rotary axis
9 End of rotary axis 1 ... 1 000 000 000, in integer multiples of - 7/5-11
(MD11 +2_ x MD12) or (MD55 +2_ x MD56) 3/3-6
10 Encoder type (IM) 1 = Incremental encoder - 7/1-17,
5 = Absolute encoder (EnDat) 7/1-18
11 Distance/encoder revolution 1...1 000 000 000 [USR] 7/1-17,
(IM) (integer component) 7/1-18
12 Distance to go/encoder 1...2-1 2-[USR] 7/1-17,
revolution (IM) 7/1-18
(fractional component), decimals
13 Increments/encoder revolution 2...25 - 7/1-17,
(IM) 7/1-18
Entry as per encoder type plate
14 Number of revolutions of 0 or 1 Single-Turn encoder - 7/1-18
EnDat encoder
2...2 Multi-Turn encoder
Only numbers to the power of 2 are permitted
15 Reserved - - -

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-29

MCU (TH - Service Information)
Data 01.97

MD Designation Value/Description Unit Docum.

16 Reference-point coordinate -1 000 000 000...+1 000 000 000 [USR] 7/3-14
17 Absolute-encoder adjustment 0...2-1 - 7/3-5
is entered automatically when setting the reference
point; cannot be modified by the user and is not
displayed in the standard setting.
18 Kind of reference-point 0 = + direction, zero pulse right - 7/3-14
approach 1 = + direction, zero pulse left
2 = - direction, zero pulse right
3 = - direction, zero pulse left
4 = + direction, reference-point switch, middle
5 = - direction, reference-point switch, middle
8 = + direction, reference-point switch, edge
9 = - direction, reference-point switch edge
19.X Adaptation of direction Bit 0 = 1 Invert direction of measured value (IM) - 7/1-14
Bit 1 = 1 Invert setpoint
Bit 2 = 1 Invert direction of measured value (DM)
20.X Hardware monitoring Bit 4 =1 Zero monitoring (incremental encoder) - 7/1-16
Bit 5 =1 Encoder error (incremental encoder)
Entry for monitoring functions to be activated!
21 Software limit switch -1 000 000 000...< MD22 [USR] 7/1-4
beginning Rotary axis: 0 ...< MD22
22 Software limit switch end > MD21...+1 000 000 000 [USR] 7/1-4
23 Max. velocity 10 ... 500 000 000 [USR]/min 7/1-6
24 Target range (PEH) 0...10 000 [USR] 7/1-11
25 Monitoring time (PEH) 1...100 000 ms 7/1-11
0 = no monitoring
rounded to a multiple of the position-control cycle
26 Standstill range 1...10 000 000 [USR] 7/1-12
27 Reference-point offset -1 000 000 000...+1 000 000 000 [USR] 7/3-14
28 Referencing velocity 10...vmax (MD23) [USR]/min 7/3-14
29 Reducing velocity 10...vmax (MD23) [USR]/min 7/3-14
30 Backlash compensation -10 000...+10 000 [USR] 7/1-14
31 Direction reference of 0 = the same as reference-point approach - 7/1-14
backlash 1 = positive
2 = negative
32 Output type of M function 1 = during positioning, time-controlled - 7/5-16
2 = during positioning, acknowl.-controlled
3 = prior to positioning , time-controlled
4 = prior to positioning, acknowl.-controlled
5 = after positioning, time-controlled
6 = after positioning, acknowl.-controlled
33 Output time of M function 1 ... 100 000 ms 7/5-16
34 Denominator of load gear 1 ... 1000 - 7/1-13
35 Numerator of load gear 1 ... 1000 - 7/1-13
36.X Input adaptation Bit 8 = Digital input (I1), inverted - 7/2-2,
Bit 9 = Digital input (I2), inverted 7/3-7
Bit 10 = Digital input (I3), inverted
Bit 11 = Digital input (I4), inverted
37.X Servo control signal Bit 1=1 Jerk limitation only at acceleration - 7/1-10
Bit 7=1 Time override active
38 Loop-gain coefficient 1...10 000 1/min 7/1-13

3-30 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Data

MD Designation Value/Description Unit Docum.

39 Minimum follow-up error, 0...100 000 [USR] 7/1-12
40 Acceleration 0 = without ramp function 10 7/1-6
1...100 000
41 Deceleration 0 = without ramp function 10 7/1-6
1...100 000
42 Jerk-time constant 0...10 000 ms 7/1-7
43 Reserved - -
44 Reserved - - -
45 Reserved - - -
46.X Digital inputs Bit 0 = Start, ext - 7/2-2,
to (I1) to (I4) Bit 1 = Enable input 7/3-7,
49.X Bit 2 = External block change 7/3-14,
Bit 3 = Flying actual-value setting 7/3-25
Bit 4 = Measuring
Bit 5 = Reference-point switch
Bit 6 = Reverse cams for reference-point approach
Bit 7 = Emergency retraction (drive-independent)
Bit 8 = Position controller inhibit
50.X Digital outputs Bit 0 = Position reached, Stop - 7/2-2
to (O1) to (O4) Bit 1 = Axis movement, forward
53.X Bit 2 = Axis movement, backward
Bit 3 = Change of M97
Bit 4 = Change of M98
Bit 5 = Start enable
Bit 7 = Direct output via DS16
54 Encoder type (DM) 0 = not available - 7/1-17,
1 = Incremental encoder 7/1-18
5 = Absolute encoder (EnDat)
55 Distance/encoder revolution 1...1 000 000 000 [USR] 7/1-17,
(DM) (integer component) 7/1-18
56 Distance to go/encoder 0...2-1 2-[USR] 7/1-17,
revolution (DM) 7/1-18
(fractional component) decimals
57 Increments/encoder revolution 2...25 - 7/1-17,
(DM) 7/1-18
Entry as per encoder type plate
58 Reserved - - -
59 Reserved - - -
60.X Encoder setting Bit 0 = 1IM (indirect measuring system) ON - 7/1-16
Bit 1 = 1DM (direct measuring system) ON
61 Position controller cycle 2 ... 10 ms 7/2-2
62 Reserved - - -
63 Drive activation 0 = passive - 7/1-19,
1 = active 7/3-6
64 Drive number 1 (fixed) - 7/1-19
65 Drive power section code is automatically entered during the drive - 7/1-19
66 Drive module type 1 = single-axis (fixed) - 7/1-19
67 Drive type 1 = VSA (fixed) - 7/1-19

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MCU (TH - Service Information)
Data 01.97

3.2.2 Machine Data of SIMODRIVE 611

MD Designation Min. Standard Max. Eff. Unit S7 Data Doc.

1000 Current controller cycle 2 4 4 PO 31.25 s WORD 5/1-10
1001 Speed controller cycle 2 4 16 PO 31.25 s WORD 5/1-10
1002 Monitoring cycle 128 3200 3200 PO 31.25 s WORD 5/1-11
1003 STS configuration 0x0 0x330 0xFFFF PO - WORD -
1003.4 Super sine 0=OFF 1=ON 1=ON PO - -
1003.5 Pulse deletion masking 0=free 1=masked 1=masked PO - -
1003.6 Time base TBSYN 0=synchron 0=synchron 1=asynchron PO - -
1003.7 Time base ATD 0=synchron 0=synchron 1=asynchron PO - -
1003.8 SYNO synchronization 0=free 1=synchron 1=synchron PO - -
1003.9 Time base EX_TBYN 0=synchron 1=asynchron 1=asynchron PO - -
1003.10 Division ratio 0=1:1 0=1:1 1=2:1 PO - -
1004 Structure configuration 0x0 0x0 0x7FFF PO - WORD -
1004.0 Pilot control structure 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - -
1004.2 Higher dynamics (single- 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - -
axis module)
1005 Encoder line number of 128 2048 8192 PO - WORD 5/4-1
motor encoder
1007 Encoder line number of 0 0 65535 PO - WORD 5/4-1
direct measuring system
1008 Encoder phase offset -20 0 20 immed. degrees REAL 5/4-2
1011 Configuration of actual- 0x0 0x0 0xFFFF PO - WORD 5/4-2
value acquisition
1011.0 HSA only: inversion of 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - 5/4-2
actual value
1011.1 Phase offset 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - 5/4-2
1011.2 Speed acquisition with 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - 5/4-2
measuring-time register
1011.3 Absolute encoder (EnDat 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - 5/4-2
1011.4 Linear measuring system 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - 5/4-2
1011.5 Motor encoder provided 0=YES 0=YES 1=NO PO - 5/4-2
1012 Function switch 0x0 0x0 0x7FFF immed. - WORD 5/3-2
1012.0 Ramp-function generator 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/3-2
1012.2 Drive Ready terminal- 0=OFF 1=ON 1=ON immed. - 5/3-2
1012.4 ZK2 - error in 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/2-14
parameterization 5/3-2
1012.7 HSA only: AM actual 0=Nnom 0=Nnom 1=0 immed. - 5/3-2
speed value after pulse
1014 Activate U/f mode 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - WORD 5/6-15
1021 Multiturn resolution of 0 4096 65535 PO - WORD 5/4-3
absolute motor encoder
1022 Measuring steps of 0 8192 65535 PO - WORD 5/4-3
absolute track of motor

3-32 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Data

MD Designation Min. Standard Max. Eff. Unit S7 Data Doc.

1023 Diag. of meas. circuit of 0 0 65535 immed. - WORD 5/4-3
absolute track of motor
1023.0 Illumination failed 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1023.1 Signal amplitude too low 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1023.2 Code connection faulty 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1023.3 Overvoltage 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1023.4 Undervoltage 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1023.5 Overcurrent 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1023.6 Replace battery 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1023.9 CD track of ERN1387 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
encoder defective
1023.10 Protocol cannot be 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1023.11 SSI level at data line 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1023.12 TIMEOUT when reading 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
the measured value
1023.13 CRC error 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1023.15 Measuring encoder 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-3
1030 Configuration of actual- 0x0 0x0 0xFFFF PO - WORD 5/4-4
value acquisition DM
1030.3 Absolute encoder 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - 5/4-4
(EnDat interface)
1030.4 Linear measuring system 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - 5/4-4
1031 Multiturn resolution of 0 4096 65535 PO - WORD 5/4-4
absolute encoder DM
1032 Measuring steps of 0 8192 65535 PO - WORD 5/4-4
absolute track DM
1033 Diagnosis dir. measuring 0 0 65535 immed. - WORD 5/4-5
system of absolute track
1033.0 Illumination failed 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1033.1 Signal amplitude too low 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1033.2 Code connection faulty 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1033.3 Overvoltage 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1033.4 Undervoltage 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1033.5 Overcurrent 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1033.6 Replace battery 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1033.10 Protocol cannot be 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1033.11 SSI level at data line 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1033.12 TIMEOUT when reading 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
the measured value
1033.13 CRC error 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1033.15 Measuring encoder 0=NO 0=NO 1=YES immed. - 5/4-5
1100 Frequency of pulse-width 2000 4000 8000 PO Hz REAL 5/1-11
1101 Calculation dead time of 0 62 124 PO s INT 5/1-12
current control-loop
1102 Motor code number 0 0 65535 PO - WORD 5/1-4
1103 Rated motor current 0 0 500 PO A REAL 5/1-4

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-33

MCU (TH - Service Information)
Data 01.97

MD Designation Min. Standard Max. Eff. Unit S7 Data Doc.

1104 Max. motor current 0 0 500 PO A REAL 5/1-5
1105 Reduction of max. motor 0 100 100 immed. % INT 5/2-2
1106 Power section code 0x0 0x0 0xFFFF PO - WORD 5/1-8
1107 Transistor limit current 1 200 500 PO A REAL 5/1-8
1108 Power section limit 1 200 500 PO A REAL 5/1-9
1111 Rated current of power 1 200 500 PO A REAL 5/1-9
1112 Pole-pair number 0 0 6 PO - WORD 5/1-5
of motor
1113 Torque constant 0 0 5 PO Nm/A REAL 5/1-5
1114 Voltage constant 0 0 300 PO V REAL 5/1-6
1115 Armature resistor 0 0 20 PO Ohm REAL 5/1-6
1116 Armature inductivity 0 0 100 PO mH REAL 5/1-6
1117 Motor moment of inertia 0 0 32 PO kgm REAL 5/1-6
1118 Motor zero-speed current 0 0 500 PO A REAL 5/1-7
1120 P amplification of current 0 10 10000 immed. V/A REAL 5/5-18
1121 Reset time of current 0 2000 8000 immed. s REAL 5/5-18
1124 Balancing of current 0 0.5 1 immed. - REAL -
reference model
1125 Start-up time 1 during 0.01 5 100 immed. s REAL 5/6-15
U/f mode
1126 Start-up time 2 during 0.01 5 100 immed. s REAL 5/6-15
U/f mode
1146 Max. motor speed 0 0 50000 PO 1/min REAL 5/2-8
1147 Speed limitation 0 7000 50000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/2-2
1161 Intermediate circuit 0 600 700 immed. V WORD 5/2-19
fixed voltage
1190 Evaluation of torque limit 0 100 10000 immed. Nm REAL -
1191 Adaptation of servo limit 0 1 100 immed. - REAL 5/2-8
1200:8 Number of current- 0 1 4 immed. - WORD 5/5-19
setpoint filters
1201:8 Cur.-setpoint filter type 0x0 0x0 0x7FFF immed. - WORD 5/5-21
1201.0 1st filter: low-pass / 0=low pass 0=low pass 1=band stop immed. - 5/5-21
band-stop filter
1201.1 2nd filter: low-pass / 0=low pass 0=low pass 1=band stop immed. - 5/5-21
band-stop filter
1201.2 3rd filter: low-pass / 0=low pass 0=low pass 1=band stop immed. - 5/5-21
band-stop filter
1201.3 4th filter: low-pass / 0=low pass 0=low pass 1=band stop immed. - 5/5-21
band-stop filter
1202:8 Self-generated frequency 0 2000 8000 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-22
of current-setpoint filter
1203:8 Damping of current- 0.05 0.7 5 immed. - REAL 5/5-22
setpoint filter 1
1204:8 Self-gen. frequency of 0 0 8000 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-23
current-setpoint filter 2

3-34 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Data

MD Designation Min. Standard Max. Eff. Unit S7 Data Doc.

1205:8 Damping of current- 0.05 1 5 immed. - REAL 5/5-23
setpoint filter 2
1206:8 Self-gen. frequency of 0 0 8000 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-23
current-setpoint filter 3
1207:8 Damping of current- 0.05 1 5 immed. - REAL 5/5-23
setpoint filter 3
1208:8 Self-gen. frequency of 0 0 8000 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-24
current-setpoint filter 4
1209:8 Damping of current- 0.05 1 5 immed. - REAL 5/5-24
setpoint filter 4
1210:8 Stop frequency of 1 3500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-24
current-setpoint filter 1
1211:8 Bandwidth of current- 5 500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-25
setpoint filter 1
1212:8 Numerator of bandwidth 0 0 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-25
of current-setp. filter 1
1213:8 Stop frequency of 1 3500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-25
current-setpoint filter 2
1214:8 Bandwidth of current- 5 500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-26
setpoint filter 2
1215:8 Numerator of bandwidth 0 0 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-26
of current setp. filter 2
1216:8 Stop frequency of 1 3500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-26
current-setpoint filter 3
1217:8 Bandwidth of current- 5 500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-27
setpoint filter 3
1218:8 Numerator of bandwidth 0 0 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-27
of current-setp. filter. 3
1219:8 Stop frequency of 1 3500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-27
current-setpoint filter 4
1220:8 Bandwidth of current 5 500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-28
setpoint filter 4
1221:8 Numerator of bandwidth 0 0 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-28
of current-setp. filter 4
1230:8 1st torque limit value 5 100 900 immed. % REAL 5/2-9
1231 2nd torque limit value 5 100 100 immed. % REAL 5/2-10
1232 Switching speed from 0 6000 50000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/2-10
MD1 to MD2
1233:8 Limitation by means of 5 100 100 immed. % REAL 5/2-10
1234 Hysteresis P:1232 5 50 1000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/2-11
1235:8 1st power limit value 5 100 900 immed. % REAL 5/2-11
1236 2nd power limit value 5 100 100 immed. % REAL 5/2-11
1237 Max. power of generator 0.3 100 500 immed. kW REAL 5/2-12
1239 Torque limit in set-up 0.5 1 100 immed. % REAL 5/2-13
1245 Speed-dependent thresh- 0 0 50000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/5-29
old, smoothing of Mnom
1246 Speed-dependent hystere- 0 50 1000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/5-29
sis, smoothing of Mnom
1250 Transition frequency of 0 100 8000 immed. Hz REAL 5/6-14
actual-current smoothing
1252 Transition frequency of 0 100 8000 immed. Hz REAL 5/6-14
set torque smoothing

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MD Designation Min. Standard Max. Eff. Unit S7 Data Doc.

1254 Time constant of current 0 0.5 2 immed. ms REAL -
1400 Nominal motor speed 0 0 25000 PO 1/min REAL 5/1-7
1401:8 Speed for max. useful 0 0 50000 PO 1/min REAL 5/1-7
motor speed
1403 Switch-off speed for 0 0 7200 immed. 1/min REAL 5/2-3
pulse deletion
1404 Pulse deletion timer 0 100 100000 immed. ms REAL 5/2-4
1405:8 Motor monitoring speed 100 110 110 immed. % REAL 5/2-4
1406 Speed controller type 1 1 1 PO - WORD -
1407:8 P amplification of current 0 0.3 100000 immed. Nms/rad REAL 5/5-2
1408:8 P amplification of upper 0 0.3 100000 immed. Nms/rad REAL 5/5-14
adaptation speed
1409:8 Reset time of speed 0 10 500 immed. ms REAL 5/5-2
1410:8 Reset time of upper 0 10 500 immed. ms REAL 5/5-14
adaptation speed
1411 Lower adaptation speed 0 0 50000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/5-15
1412 Upper adaptation speed 0 0 50000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/5-15
1413 Selection of speed 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - WORD 5/5-16
controller adaptation
1414:8 Self-gen. speed of speed 0 0 8000 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-17
reference model
1415:8 Damping of speed 0.5 1 5 immed. - REAL 5/5-17
reference model
1416 Balancing of speed 0 0 1 immed. - REAL 5/5-17
reference model
1417:8 nx for 'nact < nx' message 0 6000 50000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/3-3
1418:8 nmin for 'nact < nmin' 0 5 25000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/3-3
1420 Max. motor speed in Set- 0 30 50000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/2-13
up mode
1421:8 Time constant of 0 0 1000 immed. ms REAL 5/5-3
integrator feedback
1424 Balancing of speed pilot 0 0 50000 immed. s REAL -
control channel
1425 Balancing of calculating- 0 0 1 immed. - REAL -
down time error of
current controller
1426:8 Tolerance band for 0 20 10000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/3-3
nnom=nact message
1427 Delay time nnom=nact 0 200 500 immed. ms REAL 5/3-4
1428:8 Threshold torque Mdx 0 90 100 immed. % REAL 5/3-4
1429 Delay time 'Md < Mdx' 0 800 1000 immed. ms REAL 5/3-4
1500:8 Number of speed- 0 0 2 immed. - WORD 5/5-4
setpoint filters
1501:8 Type of speed-setpoint 0x0 0x0 0x303 immed. - WORD 5/5-4
1501.0 1st filter: low-pass / 0=low pass 0=low pass 1=band stop immed. - 5/5-5
band-stop filter
1501.1 2nd filter: low-pass / 0=low pass 0=low pass 1=band stop immed. - 5/5-5
band-stop filter

3-36 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Data

MD Designation Min. Standard Max. Eff. Unit S7 Data Doc.

1501.8 1nd filter: PT2 / PT1 0=PT2 0=PT2 1=PT1 immed. - 5/5-5
with low-pass filter
1501.9 2nd filter: PT2 / PT1 0=PT2 0=PT2 1=PT1 immed. - 5/5-5
with low-pass filter
1502:8 Time constant of speed- 0 0 500 immed. ms REAL 5/5-6
setpoint acquisition 1
1503:8 Time constant of speed- 0 0 500 immed. ms REAL 5/5-6
setpoint acquisition 2
1506:8 Self-generated frequency 10 2000 8000 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-6
of speed-setpoint
acquisition 1
1507:8 Damping of speed- 0.2 0.7 5 immed. - REAL 5/5-7
setpoint filter 1
1508:8 Self-generated frequency 10 2000 8000 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-7
of speed-setpoint filter 2
1509:8 Damping of speed- 0.2 0.7 5 immed. - REAL 5/5-7
setpoint filter 2
1514:8 Stop frequency of speed- 1 3500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-8
setpoint filter 1
1515:8 Band width of speed- 5 500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-9
setpoint filter 1
1516:8 Numerator of band width 0 0 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-9
of speed-setp.
filter 1
1517:8 Stop frequency of speed- 1 3500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-11
setpoint filter 2
1518:8 Band width of speed- 5 500 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-12
setpoint filter 2
1519:8 Numerator of speed- 0 0 7999 immed. Hz REAL 5/5-12
setpoint filter 2
1520:8 Self-generated frequ. of 1 100 141 immed. % REAL 5/5-12
band-stop filter / speed-
setp. filter 1
1521:8 Self-generated frequ. of 1 100 141 immed. % REAL 5/5-13
band-stop filter / speed-
setp. filter 2
1600 Power-On alarms that 0x0 0x0 0xFFFF immed. - WORD 5/2-14
can be masked out
1600.1 Current vector 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - 5/2-14
1600.4 Measuring circuit of 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - 5/2-14
motor measuring system
1600.5 Monitoring of absolute 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - 5/2-14
1600.7 Synchronization error: 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - 5/2-14
rotor position
1600.8 Zero mark monitoring - 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - 5/2-14
motor measuring system
1600.9 Inverter limit frequency 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - 5/2-14
too high
1600.15 Temperature monitoring 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - 5/2-14
of power section
1601 RESET alarms that can 0x0 0x0 0xFFFF immed. - WORD 5/2-15
be masked out
1601.6 Flow controller at stop 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - -
1601.7 Current controller at stop 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - 5/2-15

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MD Designation Min. Standard Max. Eff. Unit S7 Data Doc.

1601.8 Speed controller at stop 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - 5/2-15
1601.9 Encoder limit frequency 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - -
1601.12 Max. speed = f(UZWK) 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - -
1601.13 Motor switch-off (temp.) 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - -
1601.14 Temp. motor-switch-off 0=ON 0=ON 1=OFF immed. - 5/2-15
1602 Motor temperature 0 120 200 immed. degrees WORD 5/2-4
warning threshold Celsius
1603 Motor temperature alarm 0 240 600 immed. s WORD 5/2-5
1604 Intermediate circuit 0 200 680 immed. V WORD 5/2-7
undervoltage warning
1605 Speed controller 20 200 10000 immed. ms REAL 5/2-7
timer at stop
1606 Speed controller 0 8000 50000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/2-7
threshold at stop
1607 Motor temperature 0 155 200 immed. degrees WORD 5/2-5
switch-off limit Celsius
1608 Fixed temperature 0 0 200 immed. degrees WORD 5/2-6
1610 Activate diagnostic 0x0 0x0 0x3 PO - WORD 5/6-7
1610.0 dn/dt monitoring 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - 5/6-7
1610.1 Smooth running 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON PO - 5/6-7
1611 Response threshold dn/dt 0 800 1600 immed. % WORD 5/6-7
1612 Configuration of switch- 0x0 0xDBC 0xFFFF immed. - WORD 5/2-16
off response of PO
1612.0 Pulse blocking in case of 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/2-16
internal fault
1612.8 Pulse blocking - zero 0=OFF 1=ON 1=ON immed. - 5/2-16
1612.9 Pulse blocking - 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/2-16
converter limit frequency
1612.15 Pulse blocking - heat sink 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/2-16
1613 Config. of switch-off re- 0x0 0x100 0xFFFF immed. - WORD 5/2-17
sponse of RESET alarms
1613.0 Pulse blocking - 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/2-17
configuration error
1613.9 Pulse blocking - encoder 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/2-17
limit frequency
1613.13 Pulse blocking - abs. 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/2-17
motor temperature
1613.14 Pulse blocking - motor 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/2-17
temperature warning
1615 Tolerance for smooth 0 2 100 immed. 1/min REAL -
running monitoring
1620 Bits for variable 0x0 0x0 immed. - WORD 5/3-5
signaling function
1620.0 Variable signaling 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/3-5

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MD Designation Min. Standard Max. Eff. Unit S7 Data Doc.

1620.1 Segment of variable 0=X 0=X 1=Y immed. - 5/3-5
signaling function
1620.2 Comparison, with sign 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/3-5
1621 Signal number of vari- 0 0 100 immed. - WORD 5/3-7
able signaling function
1622 Address of variable 0 0 0xFFFF immed. - WORD 5/3-8
signaling function
1623 Threshold of variable 0 0 0xFFFFFF immed. - DWORD 5/3-8
signaling function
1624 Hysteresis of variable 0 0 0xFFFFFF immed. - DWORD 5/3-8
signaling function
1625 Pick-up delay of variable 0 0 10000 immed. ms WORD 5/3-9
signaling function
1626 Dropout delay of variable 0 0 10000 immed. ms WORD 5/3-9
signaling function
1630 Response threshold for 0 550 680 immed. V WORD 5/2-18
monitoring only
1631 Response voltage of 280 450 650 immed. V WORD -
generator axis
1632 Voltage excursion for 0 30 300 immed. V WORD -
generator control
1633 Switch-off threshold in 0 510 660 immed. V WORD -
generator mode
1634 Response threshold of 0 400 660 immed. V WORD 5/2-18
emergency retraction
1635 Min. speed of generator 0 0 50000 immed. 1/min REAL -
1636 Operating mode of emer- 0 0 7 immed. - WORD 5/2-19
gency retraction/
generator mode
1637 Delay time of generated 0 0 10000 immed. ms WORD -
1638 Emergency retraction 0 0 10000 immed. ms WORD 5/2-19
1639 Emergency retraction 0xFFC00000 0 0x400000 immed. - DINT 5/2-19
1650 Diagnosis control 0x0 0x0 0xFFFF immed. - WORD 5/6-2
1650.0 Min./max. memory 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/6-2
1650.1 Segment of min./max. 0=X 0=X 1=Y immed. - 5/6-2
1650.2 Comparison, with sign 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/6-2
1651 Signal number of 0 0 100 immed. - WORD 5/6-3
min./max. memory
1652 Memory cell of 0 0 0xFFFF immed. - WORD 5/6-4
min./max. memory
1653 Min. value of min./max. 0 0 0xFFFFFF immed. - DWORD 5/6-4
1654 Max. value of min./max. 0 0 0xFFFFFF immed. - DWORD 5/6-4
1655 Segment of monitor 0=X 0=X 1=Y immed. - WORD 5/6-5
memory cell
1656 Address of monitor 0 0 0xFFFF immed. - WORD 5/6-5
memory cell
1657 Value display on monitor 0 0 0xFFFFFF immed. - DWORD 5/6-6

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Data 01.97

MD Designation Min. Standard Max. Eff. Unit S7 Data Doc.

1658 Value entry on monitor 0 0 0xFFFFFF immed. - DWORD 5/6-6
1659 Monitor value takeover 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - WORD 5/6-6
1665 Run-time factor IPO/ 0 2 20 immed. - REAL -
NREG cycle for HLG
1700 Status of binary inputs 0x0 0x0 0x7FFF immed. - WORD 5/6-12
1700.0 Control block enable 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/6-12
1700.1 Pulse enable (Kl.663) 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/6-12
1700.2 Pulse enable (Kl.63/48) 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/6-12
1700.3 Cumulative signal of 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/6-12
hardware pulse enable
1700.4 Temp. monitoring of heat 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/6-12
sink responded
1700.5 Set-up mode (Kl.112) 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/6-12
1700.6 Drive enable (Kl.64/63) 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/6-12
1700.8 Motor and power section 0=OFF 0=OFF 1=ON immed. - 5/6-12
temperature prewarning
1701 Intermediate-circuit 0 0 32767 immed. V WORD 5/6-9
1702 Motor temperature 0 0 32767 immed. degrees INT 5/6-9
1703 Set-up time for conv. 0 0 32767 immed. s WORD -
'motor-measuring system'
1704 Set-up time for conv. 'dir. 0 0 32767 immed. s WORD -
measuring system'
1706 Setpoint value of speed -100000 0 100000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/6-9
1707 Actual value of speed -100000 0 100000 immed. 1/min REAL 5/6-10
1708 Smoothed actual current -100000 0 100000 immed. % REAL 5/6-10
1709 Weighting of voltage -100000 0 100000 immed. - REAL -
1710 Weighting of current -100000 0 100000 immed. A REAL -
1711 Weighting of speed -100000 0 100000 immed. 1/min REAL -
1712 Weighting of rotor flow -100000 0 100000 immed. Vs REAL -
1713 Weighting of torque -100000 0 100000 immed. Nm REAL -
1714 Weighting of rotor -100000 0 100000 immed. degrees REAL -
position representation
1720 CRC-diagnosis 0 0 32767 immed. - WORD 5/6-12
1721 Actual-speed value 0 0 32767 immed. - WORD 5/6-8
1722 Capability utilization -100000 0 100000 immed. % REAL 5/6-10
1723 Run-up time diagnosis 0 0 32767 immed. ms WORD -
1724 Smooth-running 0 0 32767 immed. - WORD -
monitoring diagnostics
1725 Standardization of torque -100000 0 100000 immed. Nm REAL 5/6-14
setp. interface
1730 Indication of operating 1=VSA 1=VSA 0x1000= immed. - WORD -
mode u/f mode
1731 Image of PO register in 0 0 32767 immed. - WORD 5/6-11
interm. circuit 1

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01.97 Data

MD Designation Min. Standard Max. Eff. Unit S7 Data Doc.

1732 Image of RES register of 0 0 32767 immed. - WORD 5/6-11
interm. circuit 1
1733 NPFK diagnostic counter 0 0 32767 immed. - WORD 5/6-11
1790 Measuring-circuit type of 0 0 32767 immed. - INT 5/4-5
indirect measuring
1791 Measuring-circuit type of -1 0 32767 immed. - INT 5/4-6
direct measuring system
1797 Data version 0 0 32767 immed. - WORD 5/6-13
1798 Firmware date 0 0 32767 immed. - WORD 5/6-13
1799 Firmware version 0 0 32767 immed. - WORD 5/6-13

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MCU (TH - Service Information)
Data 01.97

3.3 Tool Offsets

Input limits and units Designation Lower Input Limit Upper Input Limit Unit
Tool offset No. 1 20 -
Tool length -1 000 000 000 + 1 00 000 000 [USR]
Wear value, -1 000 000 000 + 1 00 000 000 [USR]
Wear value, 0 + 1 00 000 000 [USR]

Tool offset D0 is used to cancel the active tool offset No.

3.4 Incremental Dimension

Setting of incremental Initiation of Selection of Incremental Position/Incremental

dimension Movement/Dir. Dimension Dimension to be Traversed
R + or R- BAP = 254 via user progr. DS4
"edge-controlled" BAP = 1...100 as per Incremental
Dimensions Table

Input limits and units Designation Lower Input Limit Upper Input Limit Unit
Incremental 0 1 000 000 000 [USR]

Velocity steps 1 (DS2) is used as the velocity setpoint. It can be modified

during the movement. Changing the position on the fly, e.g. during a
movement, is not possible.

3-42 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Data

3.5 Traversing Programs

/ N G1 G2 G3 X/t F M1 M2 M3 D P L

/ Skip block identifier

N Block number
G1 G function of 1st function group
G2 G function of 2nd function group
G3 G function of 3rd function group
X/t Position/dwell time
F Velocity
M1 M function of 1st function group
M2 M function of 2nd function group
M3 M function of 3rd function group
D Tool offset number
P Number of subroutine calls
L Calling a program as subroutine
% Program number identifier

Note: The program number of the traversing program is set by entering %100, for
To run a program, this number must be specified during the program selection.
The traversing program is stored under the DB No. Program No. +1000.

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Data 01.97

Program number Designation Lower Input Limit Upper Input Limit Unit
Program number %1 %199 -

Skip block Designation Input Unit

Skip block / Activation via control bit (SA) -

Block number Designation Lower Input Limit Upper Input limit Unit
Block number N1 N255 -

G function In the initial position, active G functions are represented in bold type.
G functions that are active block by block are marked with an s, and modal G
functions are marked with an m.

G Function G-No. G Function

04 s Dwell time
87 s Cancellation of measuring system offset for flying actual-
value setting
1 88 s Endless traversing (-) for flying actual-value setting
89 s Endless traversing (+) for flying actual value setting
90 m Absolute dimension
91 m Incremental dimension
30 m Acceleration/deceleration override 100 %
31 m Acceleration/deceleration override 10 %
32 m Acceleration/deceleration override 20 %
33 m Acceleration/deceleration override 30 %
2 34 m Acceleration/deceleration override 40 %
35 m Acceleration/deceleration override 50 %
36 m Acceleration/deceleration override 60 %
37 m Acceleration/deceleration override 70 %
38 m Acceleration/deceleration override 80 %
39 m Acceleration/deceleration override 90 %
43 m Tool offset (+)
44 m Tool offset (-)
3 50 s External block change
60 m Block change - exact positioning stop
64 m Flying block change - continuous-path control mode

3-44 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Data

Position/dwell time Designation Lower Input Limit Upper Input Limit Unit
Position X- 1 000 000 000 X1 000 000 000 USR as per MD7
Dwell time with X2 X100 000 ms
G04 is rounded to
integer multiples of
MD61 (position-
controller cycle)

Velocity Designation Lower Input Limit Upper Input Limit Unit

Velocity F10 F500 000 000 USR as per

M function M Function M No. M function

0 Stop at block end
2. 30 Program end
1...17 User functions
1. 2. 3 18 Endless loop (jump to program beginning)
19...96 User functions
97. 98 Alteration signal can be programmed as digital input
99 User functions

Tool offset No. Designation Input Unit

Tool offset No. D0 Cancellation of tool offset
No. -
D1 to D20 Selection of tool offset

Subroutine calls Designation Lower Input Limit Upper Input Limit Unit
Number of P1 P250 -
subroutine calls
Program number L1 L199 -

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MCU (TH - Service Information)
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3.6 Drive Operating Data

P-No. Bit Description Unit Doc. P-No. MD

11030 Drive condition
The drive condition parameter describes the run-
up and operating conditions of the digital drive.
0 = OFF Drive OFF
1 = ON Drive bus initialized without
2 = online Drive ready to establish
3 = bootstrap
loading initial drive data have to be
loaded (commissioning
4 = connected Drive run up completely to
condition 5
5 = ready Drive ready for control.
No error. Power connected
11031 Run-up condition (set/act.)
The parameter "Run-up condition (set./act.)"
contains the control word for the run-up control
of the drive. In the high byte, the setpoint of the
run-up condition (0...5) is represented by the
servo, and the condition acknowledged by the
drive is represented in the low byte (0...5).
0...7 Run-up condition, actual value
0 Booting of drive firmware acknowledged
1 Drive configuration acknowledged
2 Downloading of drive machine data
3 Drive DPR changeover acknowledged
4 Activation of drive synchronization
5 Drive synchronization of cyclic operation

8...15 Run-up condition, setpoint

11040 Capability utilization % 3-15 23004 1722
11041 Effective power kW 3-15 23005
11042 Set torque Nm 3-15 23006
11043 Actual current value A 3-15 23007
11044 Actual speed value rpm 3-15 23008
11050 Status word 1 3-15 23000
0 Message ZK1 1731
1 Message ZK2/3
3 Parking axis, actual
4 FFT analysis, actual
5 Function generator, actual
8 Set-up mode, actual
10 2nd torque limit, actual 1231
11 Smoothing of speed setpoint, actual 1500

3-46 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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01.97 Data

P-No. Bit Description Unit Doc. P-No. MD

11051 Status word 2 3-15 23001
0...2 Actual parameter record
5 Drive ready
6 Integrator inhibit, actual
7 Pulse enable, actual
8 Current controller enable, actual
9 Speed controller enable, actual
10 Reference variable, actual
12 U/f mode
15 Automatic braking initiated
11052 Control word 1 3-5 20200
0 ZK1 Reset
1 Parking axis, setpoint
5 Function generator, setpoint
7 Ramp-function generator, setpoint
9 Ramp-function generator fast stop, setpoint
10 2nd torque limit, setpoint
11 Smoothing of speed setpoint, setpoint
11053 Control word 2 3-5 20201
0...2 Scheduled parameter record
6 Integrator inhibit, setpoint
7 Pulse enable PLC, setpoint
8 Current controller enable, setpoint
9 Current controller enable, setpoint
15 Sign of life
11054 Status class 2 3-15 23002
0 Intermediate circuit 1604
1 Intermediate-circuit voltage - emergency
2 Emergency retraction/generator mode
3 Generator speed < min. speed
14 Motor temperature warning 1602
15 Heat sink temperature warning
11055 Status class 3 3-15 23003
0 Run-up process completed 1426
1 /Md/ < Mdx 1428
2 /nact/ < nmin
3 /nact/ < nx 1417
4 nnom = nact 1426/27
5 Variable signaling function 1620/21
6 (nnom - nact) < Delta(-)
7 (nnom - nact) > Delta(+)
8 Actuating voltage /u_actuat _q/ > u_max
9 Current set value /i_nom/ > i_max
11 Setpoint value of speed /n_nom/ >

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P-No. Bit Description Unit Doc. P-No. MD

12 Actuating voltage /u_actuat_d/ > u_max
13 Set torque /mnom/ > mlimit
11060 CRC error
The parameter "CRC error" contains the CRC
error counter OFF, the DCM. DCS- and PCU-
The error counters are deleted during the run-up
of the drive coupling.
0...3 Error counter PCU(0) - total of CRC
errors when writing
4...7 Error counter PCU(1) - total of CRC
error when writing
8...11 Error counter DCS - total of CRC
error when writing
12... Error counter DCM - total of CRC
15 errors when writing

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MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 STEP 7 Blocks

4 STEP 7 Blocks

Contents 4.1 Blocks of Integrated S7-CPU...................................................4-2

4.1.1 Organization Blocks (OB) ........................................................4-2
4.1.2 Function Blocks (FB) ...............................................................4-3
4.1.3 Functions (FC).........................................................................4-3
4.1.4 Data Blocks (DB) .....................................................................4-3
4.1.5 System Functions (SFC) .........................................................4-4
4.1.6 System Data Blocks (SDB)......................................................4-6
4.2 Intelligent I/O Blocks ................................................................4-7
4.2.1 Function Block OP_MCU.........................................................4-7
4.2.2 The RESTART Function Block ..............................................4-12
4.2.3 The CONTROL Function Block .............................................4-14
4.2.4 Intelligent I/O Block STATUS ................................................4-17
4.2.5 Data Blocks ...........................................................................4-18
4.2.6 Example for Calling Intelligent I/O Blocks..............................4-18

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STEP 7 Blocks 01.97

4.1 Blocks of Integrated S7-CPU

4.1.1 Organization Blocks (OB)

Size The max. size of an OB is 24 kbytes.

OBs for cycle and Cycle and Start-Up Called OB Preset OB Priority
start-up Cycle OB 1 lowest priority
Start-up (STOPRUN transition) OB 100 -

OBs for internal and The priority of the OBs cannot be modified.
external interrupts
Interrupts (Internal and External) Called OB OB Priority
Real-time interrupt OB 10 2 (low)
Delay interrupt OB 20 3
Range: 1 ms to 60,000 ms
(adjustable in steps of 1 ms)
Time interrupt OB 35 12
Range: 1 ms to 60,000 ms
(adjustable in steps of 1 ms)
Process interrupt OB 40 16
Diagnostic interrupt OB 82 26 (high)

CPU CPU changes to STOP, ... CPU does not change to STOP, ...
in STOP/ if a real-time interrupt, delay if a real-time interrupt occurs and
not in STOP interrupt, process interrupt, or OB 35 has not been programmed.
diagnostic interrupt occur, but the
respective OB has not been

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OBs for error The CPU changes to the STOP condition if an error occurs but the
response respective OB has not been programmed (except OB 81).

Error Called OB Preset OB Priority

Timing error OB 80 26
(e.g. released by cycle time
Power supply fault OB 81 26
One of the following faults occurred: OB 85 26
Event (e.g. delay interrupt) is
provided but the related OB cannot
be executed
Error during process image update
(module not available or defective)
Communication fault OB 87 26
wrong telegram identifier when
receiving global data
the data block for the status of the
global data is not available or too
Programming error OB 121 the same priority as
(e.g. addressed timer not available) the OB, in which
the error occurs
Error during direct access to periphery OB 122 the same priority as
(module defective or not available) the OB, in which
the error occurs

4.1.2 Function Blocks (FB)

Overview Number: 128
Range: from 0 to 127. The max. length of an FB is 24 kbytes.

4.1.3 Functions (FC)

Overview Number: 128
Range: from 0 to 127. The max. length of an FC is 24 kbytes.

4.1.4 Data Blocks (DB)

Overview Number: 127
Range: from 1 to 127, 0 is reserved. The max. length of a DB is 16
Example: Invocation DB

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4.1.5 System Functions (SFC)

Overview Number: 37
SFCs are system functions integrated in the operating system.

Time-keeping function SFC Name Description Execution

No. Time
0 SET_CLK Setting of real time 120 s
If the clock to be set a master clock,
real-time synchronization is triggered at
the same time. If the clock to be set is
a slave clock, only the time is set.
1 READ_CLK Real time reading 190 s
2 SET_RTM Setting of the hours meter. 65 s
In the CPU 314, 1 hours meter can be
3 CTRL_RTM Starting/stopping of the hours meter 55 s
4 READ_RTM Reading of the hours meter 90 s
64 TIME_TICK Reading of the system time 45 s
The system time can be read exactly to
the ms.

Block functions SFC Name Description Execution

No. Time
20 BLKMOV Copying variables of any type 90 s
+ 2 s/byte
21 FILL Loading the default value of a field 90 s
+ 3,2 s/byte

Creating a data block SFC Name Description Execution

No. Time
22 CREAT_DB Creating a data block with a given 110 s
length in a given range + 3,5 s
per DB in a
given range

Time-interrupt SFC Name Description Execution

functions No. Time
28 SET_TINT Setting the times for the time interrupts 115 s
29 CAN_TINT Deleting the times for a time interrupt 50 s
30 ACT_TINT Activating a time interrupt 50 s
31 QRY_TINT Requesting the status of a time 85 s

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Delay interrupts SFC- Name Description Execution

No. Time
32 SRT_DINT Starting a delay interrupt 85 s
33 CAN_DINT Canceling a delay interrupt 50 s
34 QRY_DINT Requesting started delay interrupts 80 s

Interrupt and error SFC Name Description Execution

processing No. Time
36 MSK_FLT Masking real-time deviation events 150 s
37 DMSK_FLT Enabling real-time deviation events 160 s
38 READ_ERR Requesting and deleting occurred and 160 s
blocked programming and access error
39 DIS_IRT Blocking the processing of new 215 s
interrupt events
40 EN_IRT Enabling the processing of new 305 s
interrupt events
41 DIS_AIRT Delaying the processing of interrupt 35 s
42 EN_AIRT Enabling the processing of interrupt 35 s
43 RE_TRIGR Retriggering the cycle time 30 s
44 REPL_VAL Copy spare value to AKKU 1 of the 45 s
level which caused the error

Mode transitions SFC Name Description Execution

No. Time
46 STP Changing the CPU to the STOP -
47 WAIT Realization of waiting times 200 s

Diagnostic functions SFC- Name Description Execution

No. Time
51 RDSYSST Reading out the information from the 280 s
system status list +10 s/byte
SFC 51 cannot be interrupted. of a data
52 WR_USMSG Writing selectable diagnostic 110 s
information to the diagnostic buffer

Reading and writing SFC- Name Description Execution

parameters of a block No. Time
55 WR_PARM Writing dynamic parameters to a block 1.6 s
56 WR_DPARM Writing predefined dynamic parameters 1.75 s
to a block
57 PARM_MOD Parameterization of a block 2.2 s
58 WR_REC Writing a block-specific data record 1.4 s
+ 32 s/byte
59 RD_REC Writing a block-specific data record 0.50 s

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4.1.6 System Data Blocks (SDB)

Overview The system data blocks contain the parameters of the S7300. The
parameters are loaded with values by the user either by means of the
STEP7 tool "System Configuration" or by "Define Global Data".

SDB Contents
SDB 0 Parameters of the CPU 314
SDB 1 The CPU automatically enters the actual configuration of
the S7300.
SDB 2 Default parameters of the integrated S7-CPU
SDB 5 Communication parameters for MPI stations in a S7300
SDB 100 not available
SDB 101 Parameters for the periphery in rack 1
SDB 102 Parameters for the periphery in rack 2
SDB 103 Parameters for the periphery in rack 3
SDB 210 Parameters for communication via global data

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4.2 Intelligent I/O Blocks

Overview For the communication between the integrated S7-CPU and the
positioning unit, the standard software "Intelligent I/O Blocks of MCU" is

The following further blocks are available:

FB/FC Designation Name

FB1 OP_MCU MCU controlling
FC1 RESTART Synchronization after CPU or block start
FC2 CONTROL Additional functions of MCU
FC3 STATUS Status bits in the process interrupt program

The intelligent I/O blocks can be run in the S7 sequencing control of the

4.2.1 Function Block OP_MCU

Function The technological function OP_MCU is intended for mode setting and
operation. In addition to the operating mode, process data and control
parameters are transferred. Furthermore, the current operating
conditions are read and provided to the output parameters of the
respective block.

Block number FB1

Designation FB1 is intended for the setting and operation of operating modes:
transfer of control and check-back signals
reading the error data record in case of operator errors
reading the error data record in case of data errors
reading the error data record in case of system/traversing errors
reading the modes
reference-point setting and service data reading
writing of setpoint SW254
writing of velocity step
writing of speed step

Calling the block FB1 (OP_MCU) must be called in the cyclic program after FC1

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Function block KANAL_1

represented in the FB: OP_MCU
form of a ladder EN ENO

Parameter function
block: OP_MCU

Name Para- Data Description is...

meter Type
BETRIEBSART I BYTE Mode selection transferred by the block
to the positioning
BA_PARAMETER I BYTE Additional mode parameters transferred by the block
to the positioning
OVERRIDE I BYTE Override-value transferred by the block
to the positioning
R_PLUS I BOOL Positive direction transferred by the block
to the positioning
R_MINUS I BOOL Negative direction transferred by the block
to the positioning
START I BOOL Start of certain operating modes transferred by the block
to the positioning
STOPP I BOOL Stop of certain operating modes transferred by the block
to the positioning
EINLESEFREIGABE I BOOL Read enable of the next block transferred by the block
to the positioning

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Name Para- Data Description is...

meter Type
SATZ_AUSBLENDE I BOOL Hide marked blocks transferred by the block
N to the positioning
QUITTUNG_M_ I BOOL Acknowledge M function transferred by the block
FUNKTION to the positioning
ACHSFREIGABE I BOOL Enabling of positioning transferred by the block
to the positioning
REGLERFREIGABE I BOOL Controller enable transferred by the block
to the positioning
IMPULSFREIGABE_ I BOOL Enable pulses transferred by the block
PLC to the positioning
BEDIENFEHLER_ I/O BOOL Acknowledge operator error polled, transferred to the
QUITT positioning software and
BETRIEBSFEHLER_ I/O BOOL Acknowledge system/traversing polled, transferred to the
QUITT errors positioning software and
BETRIEBSDATEN_L I/O BOOL Reading of operating data. The data polled and reset
are stored in the invocation DB in the
structure BRT_DAT.
BEZUGSPUNKT_SE I/O BOOL Reference-point setting. The data polled and reset
TZEN are transferred from the structure
BZPKT_SET by means of the
invocation DB.
SW254_S I/O BOOL Setpoint 254 transferred to the block. polled and reset
The data are transferred from the
structure SW254_SM by means of
the invocation DB.
GESCHWINDIGKEIT I/O BOOL Transfer of the velocity steps to the polled and reset
SSTUFEN_S block. The data are transferred from
the structure V_1_2 by means of the
invocation DB.
DREHZAHLSTUFEN I/O BOOL Transfer of the speed steps to the polled and reset
_S block. The data are transferred from
the structure U_1_2 by means of the
invocation DB.
AKTIVE_BETRIEBS- O BYTE Check-back signal of active mode entered
FAHREN_PLUS O BOOL Traversing in positive direction set /reset
FAHREN_MINUS O BOOL Traversing in negative direction set/reset
STARTFREIGABE O BOOL Start enable set /reset
WARTEN_EXT_FRE O BOOL Axis is waiting for external enable set/reset
BEARBEITUNG_ O BOOL Processing running set/reset
POSITION O BOOL Position reached / Stop set/reset
VERWEILZEIT_ O BOOL Dwell time active (programmed time) set/reset
PROGRAMM_ O BOOL Program execution backward set/reset
AUSGABE_M_ O BOOL Check-back signal "M function set/reset
FUNKTION active"

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Name Para- Data Description is...

meter Type
M_FUNKTIONSNUM O BYTE Number of active M function entered
BEDIENFEHLER O BOOL Operator error set/reset
BETRIEBSFEHLER O BOOL Process error set/reset
ACHSE_SYNCHRO O BOOL Axis synchronized set/reset
IMPULSE_ O BOOL Pulses enabled set/reset
ANTRIEB_BEREIT O BOOL Drive ready set/reset
ANZEIGENWORT O WOR Block status, error number entered

Parameter types: I/O = through parameters

I = input parameters
O = output parameters

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Technical data Designation Value

Block number FB1
Block name OP_MCU
Version V3.0
Work memory 2.948 bytes
Load memory 4.548 bytes
Nesting depth 1
System functions of the operating
system are called (SFCs).
Assignment in the data range see Invocation DB
Assignment in the local data 50 bytes
Assignment in the flag range -
Called blocks SFC58, SFC59

Invocation DB of FB Designation Value

OP_MCU Block number DB1
Work memory 610 bytes
Load memory 1,892 bytes

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4.2.2 The RESTART Function Block

Block number FC1

Function This block is intended for the synchronization between the CPU and the
positioning unit, as well as to changeover between active operation
(MCU-PIT) and S7 user program by means of the TFB block parameter.
During the active operation, communication from the S7-user program
is not possible.

Before calling the Before calling FB1, block addresses and channel number must be
block specified in the invocation data block.
Block address: Invocation DB; DW24=100HEX
Channel No.: Invocation DB; DW26=1

Calling the block FC1 must be called in OB1 prior to OP_MCU and CONTROL.

Function block FC: RESTART

represented in the EN ENO
form of a ladder INSTANZ_DB TFGS

Parameter function
block: RESTART

Name Para- Data Description Is ...

meter Type
INSTANZ_DB I BLOC Number of invocation DB polled
TFB I BOOL 1 = changing to the test mode (PU polled
0 = changing to normal mode
TFGS O BOOL 1 = test mode active set/reset
0 = normal mode active
ANZEIGENWORT O WOR Block status, error number entered

Parameter types: I = input parameters

O = output parameters

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Technical data Designation Value

Block number FC1
Block name RESTART
Version V3.0
Work memory 728 bytes
Load memory 940 bytes
Nesting depth 1
System functions of the operating
system are called (SFCs).
Assignment in the data range see invocation DB of FB OP_MCU
Assignment in the local data 50 bytes
Assignment in the flag range -
Called blocks SFC58, SFC59

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4.2.3 The CONTROL Function Block

Block number FC2

Function The technological function "CONTROL" can be used to write setting

data to the positioning unit and to read current actual values from the
module. The data to be transferred are selected by means of input
parameters. Data that are to be written to the module must be stored in
the invocation DB before calling the function. Data that are to be read
are available in the invocation DB after the respective function has been

Calling the block The block provides the user with various additional functions on the FM
module. However, many users do not need these functions. In such
cases, the block can completely be omitted. However, if the user wants
to use one of these functions, the block must be called absolutely in the
cyclic program (CALL). Calling one and the same block in several
program execution levels is not permitted.

Function block FC: CONTROL

represented in the EN ENO
form of a ladder INSTANZ_DB MESSUNG_ENDE

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Parameter function
block: CONTROL

Name Para- Data Description Is...

meter type
INSTANZ_DB I BLOC Number of invocation DB polled
AUFTRAGSANWAH I/O INT Job number of write job; job polled and deleted
L numbers permitted are 7, 8, 11-20
BETRIEBSDATEN_ I BOOL Trigger bit for reading the operating polled / reset
ZUS_L data. The data are stored in the
invocation DB in the structure
AKTIVER_NC_ I BOOL Triggering bit for reading the active polled / reset
SATZ_L NC block. The data are stored in the
invocation DB in the structure
NAECHSTER_NC_ I BOOL Triggering bit for reading the next NC polled / reset
SATZ_L block. The data are stored in the
invocation DB in the structure
APPLIKATIONSDA- I BOOL Triggering bit for reading the polled / reset
TEN_L application data. The data are stored
in the invocation DB in the structure
ISTWERT_SATZ- I BOOL Triggering bit for reading the block reset / reset
WECHSEL_L change actual value. The data are
stored in the invocation DB in the
SERVICEDATEN_L I BOOL Triggering bit for reading the service polled / reset
data. The data are stored in the
invocation DB in the structure
SERVODATEN_L I BOOL Triggering bit for reading the servo polled / reset
data. The data are stored in the
invocation DB in the structure
DA_DE_L I BOOL Reading the digital I/O polled / reset
ISTDATEN_L I BOOL Triggering bit for reading the actual polled / reset
drive data. The data are stored in the
invocation DB in the structure
MESSUNG_ENDE O BOOL Bit for the end of length measuring of set / reset
flying measuring. The data are
stored in the invocation DB in the
structure MESSWERTE.
FLIEG_ISTWERTSE O BOOL Flying actual-value setting carried set / reset
ANZEIGENWORT O WOR Module status, error number entered

Parameter types: I/O = through parameters

I = input parameters
O = output parameters

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Technical data Designation Value

Block number FC2
Block name CONTROL
Version V3.0
Work memory 2,763 bytes
Load memory 3,266 bytes
Nesting depth 1
System functions of the operating
system are called (SFCs).
Assignment in the data range see invocation DB of OP_MCU
Assignment in the local data 50 bytes
Assignment in the flag range -
Called blocks SFC58, SFC59

Write jobs in the No. Description Comment

PARAMETER The data are transferred by the invocation
" 7 Transfer of MDI block from the structure MDI_SATZ
8 Drive setpoint data from the structure SOLLDATEN
11 Bit-coded settings from the structure BIT_EINST
12 Bit-coded commands from the structure BIT_KOM
13 Zero offset from the double word NULLPKTVER.
14 Actual-value setting from the double word IW_SET
15 Flying actual-value setting from the double word IW_FL_SET
16 Setting of the digital I/O from the structure DA_DE
17 Transfer of flying MDI block from the structure MDI_SATZ_FLG
18 Program selection from the structure PRG_ANWAHL
19 Application data request from the structure ANF_APP_DAT
20 Teach In from the structure TEACH_IN
23 Servo data from the structure SERV_DAT_EINL

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4.2.4 Intelligent I/O Block STATUS

Function The intelligent I/O function STATUS is intended to read the status
information of the digital inputs I1 to 14 from the FM-MCU in the
process interrupt program. The status information read is made
available at the output parameters.

Calling the block The function may only be called in the process alarm branch (OB40).
Before calling the block, module address and channel number must be
entered in the invocation data block.

Intelligent I/O block FC: STATUS

represented in the EN ENO
form of a statement INSTANZ_DB S_I1
list: STATUS S_I2

Parameters of the
intelligent I/O block:
Name Para- Data Description Is...
meter Type
INSTANZ_DB I BLOCK Number of the invocation DB polled
S_I1 O BOOL Status information of digital input I1 set / reset
S_I2 O BOOL Status information of digital input I2 set / reset
S_I3 O BOOL Status information of digital input I3 set / reset
S_I4 O BOOL Status information of digital input I4 set / reset
ANZEIGENWORT O WORD Block status, error number entered

Technical data Designation Value

Block number FC3
Block name STATUS
Version V3.0
Work memory 144 bytes
Load memory 260 bytes
Nesting depth 0
Assignment in the data range see invocation DB of FB OP_MCU
Assignment in the local data 2 bytes
Assignment in the flag range -

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4.2.5 Data Blocks

Overview DB No. Designation Name

1 Invocation DB Invocation data block User
1000 DB-BD Interface data block internally
1001- DB-NC NC traversing programs internally
1200 DB-MD Machine data of position control internally
1220 DB-WK Tool offset internally
1230 DB-SM Incremental step parameters internally
1251 DB-AM Drive machine data internally
1260 DB-AS Drive service data internally

4.2.6 Example for Calling Intelligent I/O Blocks


triggered by the MCU
Loading the invocation DB
with module addresses OB 40
and channel numbers, e.g.
in OB100

FC Restart FC 3
Loading the mode for the
positoning control in the
invocation DB Evaluation of status bits


Loading the setting

parameters to be written
into the positioning control

FC Control

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01.97 Encoders

5 Encoders

Contents 5.1 ERN 1387 ................................................................................5-2

5.1.1 Drive Machine Data .................................................................5-2
5.1.2 MCU Machine Data .................................................................5-2
5.2 EN-DAT Absolute-Value Encoder EQN 1325..........................5-4
5.2.1 Drive Machine Data .................................................................5-4
5.2.2 MCU Machine Data .................................................................5-5

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5.1 ERN 1387

Overview The incremental position encoder ERN 1387 is integrated in the motors of the
1FT6/1FK6 series as single-encoder system even in the standard version. In
addition to the position information, the encoder provides the information on
the rotor position and the speed information.

Due to the high accuracy requirements, the ERN 1387 can also be used as an
indirect measuring system, i.e. in this case, the position information is provided
by this encoder directly attached to the mechanics.

5.1.1 Drive Machine Data

MD Designation Unit Standard Minimal Maximal Data Effect

1005 Encoder line number of Incr/rev. 2,048 128 8,192 WORD after Power On
motor measuring system
1007 Encoder line number of Incr/rev. 0 0 65,535 WORD after Power On
direct measuring system
1008 Error correction of degrees 0.0 -20.0 20.0 FLOAT immediately
encoder phases (IM) DWORD
1011 Configuration of actual- - - - - WORD after Power On
value acquisition (IM)
1011b0 Inversion of actual - OFF OFF ON - after Power On
1011b1 Phase offset - OFF OFF ON - after Power On
1011b2 Speed acquisition with - OFF OFF ON - after Power On
measuring time register
1011b3 Absolute encoder - OFF OFF ON - after Power On
(EnDat interface)
1011b4 Linear measuring - OFF OFF ON - after Power On
1011b5 Motor measuring - NO NO YES - after Power On
system provided

The encoder parameters of the integrated indirect encoder are set using the data
of the selected motor type. The parameters of the direct measuring system must
be parameterized by the user.

5.1.2 MCU Machine Data

see Function Description "Positioning with the MCU", Section 1.2.1

Note The encoder values in the MCU machine data may not deviate from the values
in the drive machine data.

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The encoder parameters of the integrated encoder are set using the data of the
selected motor type. The parameters of the direct measuring systems EQN
1325 must be parameterized by the user.

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5.2 EN-DAT Absolute-Value Encoder EQN 1325

Overview The absolute, rotary position encoder EQN 1325 of Heidenhain Co. can be
used both as a single-encoder system in motors of the 1FT6 series and as a
direct rotary position encoder.

When used as an integrated encoder, the encoder provides - in addition to the

absolute position - the position information, the rotor position and the speed
information exactly to the increment after switching on. When used as direct a
measuring system, it provides the absolute position information, the rotor
position and the speed information.

CAUTION: It should be considered that absolute EN-DAT encoders shall never be

operated at the same time both as indirect and direct measuring system, since
this could damage the module.

5.2.1 Drive Machine Data

MD Designation Unit Standard Minimal Maximal Data Type Effect

1023 Diagnosis of - NO NO YES WORD immediately
measuring circuit
Absolute track of
motor encoder
1023b0 Illumination failed - NO NO YES - immediately
1023b1 Signal amplitude - NO NO YES - immediately
1023b2 Code connection - NO NO YES - immediately
1023b3 Overvoltage - NO NO YES - immediately
1023b4 Undervoltage - NO NO YES - immediately
1023b5 Overcurrent - NO NO YES - immediately
1023b6 Replace battery - NO NO YES - immediately
1023b9 CD track of ERN1387 - NO NO YES - immediately
encoder defective
1023b10 Protocol cannot be - NO NO YES - immediately
1023b11 SSI level at data line - NO NO YES - immediately
1023b12 TIMEOUT when - NO NO YES - immediately
reading the measured
1023b13 CRC error - NO NO YES - immediately
1023b15 Measuring encoder - NO NO YES - immediately
1030 Configuration of - - - - - after Power On
acquisition DM
1030b3 Absolute encoder - OFF OFF ON - after Power On
(EnDat interface)
1030b4 Linear measuring - OFF OFF ON - after Power On

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MD Designation Unit Standard Minimal Maximal Data Type Effect

1031 Multiturn resolution 1/min 4096 0000 65535 WORD after Power On
of absolute encoder
1032 Measuring steps of incr/rev. 8192 0000 65535 WORD after Power On
absolute track (DM)
1033 Diagnosis of direct - 0000 0000 65535 WORD immediately
measuring system
1033b0 Illumination failed - NO NO YES - immediately
1033b1 Signal amplitude too - NO NO YES - immediately
1033b2 Code connection - NO NO YES - immediately
1033b3 Overvoltage - NO NO YES - immediately
1033b4 Undervoltage - NO NO YES - immediately
1033b5 Overcurrent - NO NO YES - immediately
1033b6 Replace battery - NO NO YES - immediately
1033b10 Protocol cannot be - NO NO YES - immediately
1033b11 SSI level at data line - NO NO YES - immediately
1033b12 TIMEOUT when - NO NO YES - immediately
reading the measured
1033b13 CRC error - NO NO YES - immediately
1033b15 Encoder defective - NO NO YES - immediately

5.2.2 MCU Machine Data

see Function Description "Positioning with the MCU", Section 1.2.2

Note The encoder values in the MCU machine data may not deviate from the values
in the drive machine data.

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01.97 Commissioning Schedule

6 Commissioning Schedule

Contents 6.1 Installing MCU-PIT under Windows ........................................6-2

6.2 Commissioning of the MCU (FM-POS, drive) ........................6-3
6.3 Commissioning of the MCU (S7) .............................................6-6
6.4 Adapting / Optimizing the FM-POS-Machine Data ..................6-7
6.5 Traversing the MCU Axis (PIT-CONTROL).............................6-8
6.6 MCU Data Back-Up S7 (V 2.x) ..............................................6-10
6.7 MCU Data Back-Up FM.........................................................6-10
6.8 Replacing MCU Modules .......................................................6-11
6.9 Firmware Update ...................................................................6-11
6.10 S7-Update Blocks..................................................................6-11

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6.1 Installing MCU-PIT under Windows

Check the software configuration:

- Microsoft Windows 95
- STEP 7 from V 2.1
- Software: Intelligent I/O blocks V 3.0
- MPI card/cables
see Description of MCU-PIT, Section 3.2

Use the EXPLORER of Windows 95 to select the file SETUP.EXE.

Call the file from the supplied program diskette (1/3).
The further steps are menu-assisted.

Notes a) PLC mode selector switch

0: RUN-P - The CPU executes the user program.
- Blocks can be transferred to the CPU.
1: RUN - The CPU executes the user program.
- Blocks cannot be transferred to the CPU.
2: STOP - The CPU does not execute a user program.
- Blocks can be transferred to the CPU.
3: MRES - Bootstrap loading possible by special sequence of operations
(function not blocked at the moment).
- The Onboard FEPROM is not read when being in this switch
position at least 3 sec. during Power-On.
b) Data back-up
Data back-up of the MCU is possible selectively for PLC, FM-POS and drive.
PLC under STEP 7 / Program Editor / File / Manage Project / Online
New / Copy RAM to ROM (in STOP only)
FM-POS under PIT-EDIT / Online / Save FEPROM FM-POS
(also in RUN)
Drive under PIT-EDIT / Online / Save FEPROM Drive
(also in RUN)

If one of the three components (PLC, FM-POS, drive) is not saved to the
Onboard-FEPROM during the next start, the old FEPROM data are active after
the following Power-On (without switch position 3). This makes a selective
commissioning (PLC, FM-POS, drive) possible.

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6.2 Commissioning of the MCU (FM-POS, drive)

Before you turn on the equipment:

Check the connections according to Wiring Diagram and configuration.
Disconnect or switch off all enables on the NE module (Kl.63, Kl.64) and
on the MCU module (Kl.663).

For example, use the WIN 95 EXPLORER in the STEP7-V2
path in the P7MCU folder.
Call the file "P7SKEDIX.EXE".

Commissioning switch (S1) to position 3, 1 RUN

switch the MCU on (Power On) 0 STOP
The DBs for FM-MD (standard data) 0 FORCE
tool offset, incremental dimension, FM operating data, 0 SF
drive MD (standard data) 1 DIAG
and drive operating data are set up. 1 FLDT

Bring the commissioning switch (S1) to 0 position.

STOP-LED goes out, RUN-LED lights.

After the run-up, the LEDs 1 RUN

DIAG and FLDT are on. 0 STOP
The RUN or STOP-LEDs display an S7 condition which 0 FORCE
is not relevant for the commissioning
of the MDs. 0 SF
See commissioning of the PLC. 1 DIAG

MCU-PIT Online: Communication

Enter the MPI-station number,
e.g. "2" ("2" is the default setting)

Establish the link

Online Alarm: com
issioning required

Selection: Online:
Drive data (DB 1250)
Edit: Selection of power section (pulse enable: Kl.663 to X431)

Read power section data out and select them in the selection list
Press OK to confirm.
see Description MCU-PIT, Section 4.4.7

Message: No motor has been selected yet.

Press OK to confirm.

Read out the motor MLFB and use the Select Motor command to select
the motor. Press OK to confirm. (controller data are calculated)
see Description MCU-PIT, Section 4.4.7

Message: Already enter encoder data ?

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Press OK to confirm.

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Online: Machine data (DB 1200)

Edit = encoder-related data
Press OK to confirm.

Enter encoder configuration

Press OK to confirm.

Edit: Check data record

Correct the error accordingly.

Online: Save FEPROM of FM-POS

Online: Save FEPROM of drive

Message: Data back-up succeeded

Switching mains ON/OFF of the MCU in commissioning switch position

S1 = 0 or Online = Reset
Power-On or Reset after the commissioning is necessary in order to
ensure that
a) the machine and drive data come into effect "after Power On";
b) FM-POS and the drive run up to the cyclic mode

The LEDs DIAG and FLTD should no longer light after 0 STOP
run-up. 0 FORCE
In case of error (LEDs are still lighting) read the Online 0 SF
alarms out. 0 DIAG

It is essential to observe the order of the commissioning. The drive machine

data have to be created first. Then, the FM machine data can be created.

The information of the drive machine data are entered in the FM machine data.
If any errors in the order are detected, this is reported as 'inconsistency'. After
Mains OFF/ON, online alarms are provided. The LEDs DIAG and FLDT are
still lighting.

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6.3 Commissioning of the MCU (S7)

Bring the commissioning switch to position 3 to turn the 0 FORCE
MCU on (E/R module). S1=3 0 SF
No PLC program active when the switch is in position 3. 1 DIAG

After run-up of the MCU, bring the commissioning 0 FORCE
switch (S1) to position 0 or 2. 0 SF
S1 = 0 represented on the right 1 DIAG

Copy the S7 blocks from the supplied diskette 3/3 to the S7 user project
(intelligent I/O blocks FB 1, FC 1, FC 2, FC3, FC100, OB1, OB100). Copy
the S7 blocks from the user project to the PLC.
If the PLC is not in the Stop condition (S1=0),
adhere to the order when copying.

Please note when configuring the MCU hardware: Rack 0 has no

mounting channel. Instead of the mounting channel, select "MCU 172A".
In addition to CPU 314, an IM 360 IM-S is integrated in the MCU. The
MPI address of the MCU is always equal to the MPI address of the CPU!

S7-program test in the RUN mode (S1=0).

Fault localization via respective S7 tools.

In order to make possible traversing by means of PIT-CONTROL, the TFB

FC1 (RESTART) must be loaded with a logic "1"
(loaded with M 2.6, as per 02.96).
Follow the safety notes !
see Function Description "S7Environment", Section 6.2.1

Use the SIMATIC-Manager to save the S7 blocks. 0 RUN

Use the function Copy RAM to ROM to save the 1 STOP
that can be reached, MPI=2, target system. 0 FORCE
Note: To this aim, MPI=2 must be marked, and the PLC 0 SF
in the Stop condition (S1=2). DIAG
(default: MPI=2) FLDT

Note: The SDBs are only active after Power On.

This is also applicable when the MPI number is modified ('launching').

Mains OFF/ON or
Reset via MCU-PIT-EDIT

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6.4 Adapting / Optimizing the FM-POS-Machine Data

Detailed description of the machine data see Function Description "Positioning

with the MCU".

MDs that are to be set before moving the axes:

MD7: unit system

see Function Description "Positioning with the MCU", Section 1.2

MD8 = 0 linear axis MD8 = 1 rotary axis

MD9 = 1 MD9 = multiple of MD11
see Function Description
"Positioning with the MCU",
Section 5.2.4

MD23 Max. speed results from

MD11 / 55 and the max. motor speed
e.g. 3,000 rpm X 10.000m = 30.000 mm/min
see Function Description "Positioning with the MCU",
Section 1.1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2

Denominator / numerator of load gear

MD 34/35 if both measuring systems are used
see Function Description, Section 1.1.8

MD38 loop-gain coefficient, MD40 Acceleration and MD41 Deceleration

result from the mechanical design or the weight conditions.
see Function Description "Positioning with the MCU", Sections 1.1.8, 1.1.2

MD61 Position Controller Cycle, default setting 4 ms

see Function Description "Positioning with the MCU", Section 2.1

MD21 and MD22 Software Limit Switches are only active after picking up
the reference point. For the commissioning, small traversing ranges are
see Function Description "Positioning with the MCU", Section 1.1.1

Further optimization of the machine data makes only sense after traversing the

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6.5 Traversing the MCU Axis (PIT-CONTROL)

Make sure that the machine data suit with the mechanical conditions.

Call PIT-CONTROL under Windows 95.

For example, use the EXPLORER to call the file P7SKCTRX.EXE in the
path STEP7_V2\P7MCU.
Follow the safety notes !

Set the TFB input on FC 1 to 1-signal to facilitate PIT controlling

(S7-user program).
see Function Description "S7 Environment", Section 6.2.1

If TFB is set to 0, the message

"Error when writing a variable" is provided.

PIT Online: Communication

see Description "MCU-PIT", Section 5.1.2

Enter MPI-station number:

e.g. "2" ("2" is the default setting).

Establish link.

MCU-PIT Online: Machine control panel

see Description "MCU-PIT", Section 5.1.3

Set-up mode
Override >< 0
Pulse enable
Axis enable
Controller enable
External pulse enable; connect (Kl.663) to enable voltage
Acknowledge faults (if any)
Select velocity step 1 or 2

Check-back signals:
Set-up mode
Drive ready
Pulses enabled
Start enable

If no Start enable (SFG) provided:

- Stop signal provided when the TFB signal in the PLC was changed
- Errors occurred > ACKNOWLEDGE

MD19 Adaptation of Direction - if the axis moves without control

or pressing the desired Plus Traversing button on the mechanics results
in a negative direction of traversing.
see Function Description "Positioning with the MCU", Section 1.1.10

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The unit system is synchronized by Reference-Point Setting. The software

limit switches are active provided they have not been switched off via
DS11 (S7) or "SW limit switches OFF" (PIT-CONTROL). Make sure that
the software limit switches are within the mechanical traversing range!
IMPORTANT: Reference-point setting moves the unit system!
During the first movements, it is recommended to select a low traversing
Reference-point setting for Endat encoders is an encoder adjustment.
(Do not forget Data Back-Up / Save FEPROM FM-POS!)

The R+ and R- buttons are of a self-locking type. After activating the R

buttons by clicking with the mouse on them, the Stop function can be
selected by the spacebar provided no new function has been activated by
another mouse click. Any axis movement started by pressing one of the R
buttons must be stopped by pressing the Stop button.

When traversing the axis by PIT-CONTROL, make sure that an enable

button is connected to the input (I4) of the MCU
Any axis movements are only enabled after pressing the button!
see Description "MCU-PIT", Section 5.1.3

Now, the MDs can be optimized accordingly.

When controlling the axis by means of PIT-CONTROL it must be made sure

that an enable button is connected to the input (I4) on the MCU. Any axis
movements are only enabled after pressing this button. Furthermore, the
EMERGENCY STOP button should be arranged in the immediate vicinity of
the operator.

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6.6 MCU Data Back-Up S7 (V 2.x)

Set the commissioning switch S1 either to 0 or to 2.

Use the SIMATIC Manager, menu item Selectable Stations, to determine

the MPI number of the MCU-CPU. If several MPI stations exist, the MCU-
CPU address can be determined by disconnecting the remaining MPI bus
lines or the P/K bus line (of course, in the dead condition only).
Use File > New > Project > File Name: XY.S7P > Save to create a
An XY (OFFLINE) Project window appears.
Use > Paste > Hardware to enter a > 2 SIMATIC 300 Station.
Open the hardware configuration in the SC icon in the Project window
under SIMATIC 300 Station.
Press F4 in the Hardware directory to select SIMATIC300/RACK-
300/MCU172A (by double-clicking). Now, in rack 0, a CPU 314 and a
MCU are set up. Rack 0 is opened by clicking on "+". Open CPU 314 on
slot 2.
Check the MPI...Address in the Properties window under Stations. If the
address is the same as the previously determined address, it is not
necessary to alter the address.
If not set the correct number in the MPI ... box and press O.K. to confirm
(if necessary twice).
The MPI address of the MCU on slot 4 is automatically adapted by Open
and O.K. Close the Hardware Configuration item by > Station > Save.
The PLC blocks can be displayed using the ONLINE Project window
under SIMATIC 300 Station > CPU 314 > S7-Program >AP-ON.
Save by > Target System > Load to PU.

6.7 MCU Data Back-Up FM

Set the commissioning switch S1 either to 0 or 2.

Start MCU-PIT-EDIT under Windows 95.

Use the EXPLORER, for example, to start the file P7SKEDIX.EXE under
Safety Notes > OK
Online > Communication
Connect the MPI cable directly to the MCU connector X20.
Select the MPI number > Establish the link.
Should several MPI stations exist, determine the CPU-MPI number.
See S7 Data Back-Up.
Online > Blocks...
Save all data blocks to the PU (Select All *.*) if possible to an empty
MCU data saved.
see Description "MCU-PIT", Section 4.2

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6.8 Replacing MCU Modules

Prerequisite: The saved data must suit with the new firmware / module.

S7 and MCU data back-up as described.

Commission the new module as described under MCU Commissioning

(FM-POS, drive).

Important: If the MPI address of the module to be replaced has been

the MPI address of the new module has also to be altered accordingly.
(see Register 10, Section 4.2).

Transfer the saved data from the PU/PC to the MCU.

Save all data to FEPROM (see MCU-IB FM-POS, drive) and

copy "RAM to ROM" in S7.

6.9 Firmware Update

S7 and MCU data back-up as described.

Insert the PCMCIA card when the device is switched off (card stands off).
After Power-On, the two bottom LEDs should light. The two uppermost LEDs
flash at a cycle of 3 Hz.

Actuating S1 loads the firmware to the MCU.

Switching sequence: 0 > 3 > 0 > 1 > 0 > 3
If the switching sequence is correct, the two uppermost LEDs turn dark.

Updating is completed when the top LED (RUN) lights again.

Remove the PCMCIA card when the device is switched off.

PS: Make sure that no voltage failure occurs during the UPDATE, as in this
case, the MCU will not have data to detect the PCMCIA card.

6.10 S7-Update Blocks

The latest intelligent I/O blocks of the S7 (supplied on diskettes) must be

transferred to the user project (FB1, FC1, FC2, FC3, DB1). The calls of the
blocks FB1, FC1 and FC2, FC3 must be revised in the user program (FC3 only
if required) Check the calls in the statement list source code and generate >
Source. If compiling has been completed without errors, the blocks can be
transferred to the MCU!
If no error occurs: RAM to ROM

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01.97 Error Messages

7 Error Messages

Contents 7.1 Positioning Control Error Messages ........................................7-2

7.1.1 Diagnostic alarms ....................................................................7-2
7.1.2 Operating Errors ......................................................................7-2
7.1.3 Operator Errors........................................................................7-3
7.1.4 Traversing Errors.....................................................................7-3
7.1.5 Data Errors ..............................................................................7-4
7.1.6 Machine Data Errors................................................................7-5
7.1.7 Traversing Program Errors ......................................................7-6
7.1.8 Run-Up Errors .........................................................................7-6
7.2 SIMODRIVE Interface Error Messages ...................................7-8
7.3 SIMODRIVE Error Messages ..................................................7-8
7.4 Intelligent I/O Blocks Error Messages ...................................7-11
7.4.1 Indicator Word .......................................................................7-11
7.4.2 Additional Information READERR_CONTROL and
ME_ERR_CONTROL ............................................................7-11
7.5 Unit Control Panel Error Messages from the MCU ...............7-12
7.6 Unit Control Panel Error Messages from the MCU ...............7-12

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Error Messages 01.97

7.1 Positioning Control Error Messages

7.1.1 Diagnostic alarms

Bit Acknowl. Explanation Bit Explanation

3.6 none Process alarm got lost 0.1 Internal error
8.0 RESTART Cable break - incremental 0.3 Channel error
8.1 RESTART Transmission fault - absolute 0.3 Channel error
8.2 RESTART Missing pulses - incremental 0.3 Channel error
8.3 RESTART Encoder voltage monitoring 0.3 Channel error
8.4 Power ON Drive hardware error 0.3 Channel error

7.1.2 Operating Errors

No. Ackn. by Bit Explanation

00257 STS.BFQ Software limit switch beginning overtraveled
00258 STS.BFQ Software limit switch end overtraveled
00259 STS.BFQ Traversing range beginning overtraveled
00260 STS.BFQ Traversing range end overtraveled
00267 STS.BFQ Direction of rotation of drive
00268 STS.BFQ Standstill monitoring
00276 STS.BFQ RESET alarm of drive
00277 STS.BFQ Emergency retraction cannot be activated
00346 STS.BFQ System error No. 0
00347 STS.BFQ System error No. 1
00348 STS.BFQ System error No. 2
00349 STS.BFQ System error No. 3
00350 STS.BFQ System error No. 4
00351 STS.BFQ System error No. 5
00352 STS.BFQ System error No. 6
00353 STS.BFQ System error No. 7
00354 STS.BFQ System error No. 8
00355 STS.BFQ System error No. 9

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7.1.3 Operator Errors

No. Ackn. by Bit Explanation

00513 STS.FSQ Illegal operating mode
00516 STS.FSQ Illegal operating mode parameter
00517 STS.FSQ Start enable missing
00521 STS.FSQ Axis not synchronized
00522 STS.FSQ Illegal MDI block
00523 STS.FSQ Illegal preset direction
00524 STS.FSQ Axis motion not possible
00525 STS.FSQ Incremental dimension does not exist
00526 STS.FSQ Program selection missing
00527 STS.FSQ Digital input not selected
00528 STS.FSQ Measuring function not activated
00533 STS.FSQ No valid MD
00534 STS.FSQ Invalid position controller inhibit input
00535 STS.FSQ Measuring system changeover not permitted
00536 STS.FSQ Simulation ON/OFF not permitted

7.1.4 Traversing Errors

No. Ackn. by Bit Explanation

00769 STS.BFQ Software limit switch beginning
00770 STS.BFQ Software limit switch end
00771 STS.BFQ Traversing range beginning approached
00772 STS.BFQ Traversing range end approached
00773 STS.BFQ Set position not in traversing range
00791 STS.FSQ Set velocity = 0
00798 STS.FSQ Digital input not parameterized
00803 STS.FSQ Tool offset value does not exist
00804 STS.FSQ Incorrect flying actual-value setting
00805 STS.BFQ Flying MDI block, incorrect syntax
00806 STS.BFQ Flying MDI block, velocity
00807 STS.BFQ Flying MDI block, position
00808 STS.FSQ Faulty flying MDI block
00829 STS.FSQ Controller enable missing
00830 STS.FSQ Controller not ready
00832 STS.FSQ PEH time monitoring
00833 STS.FSQ No drive motion
00834 STS.FSQ Follow-up error too high

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7.1.5 Data Errors

No. Ackn. by Bit Explanation

01025 STS.DIQ Data not acceptable in this mode of operation
01026 STS.DIQ Velocity step 1 incorrect
01027 STS.DIQ Velocity step 2 incorrect
01028 STS.DIQ Speed step 1 incorrect
01029 STS.DIQ Speed step 2 incorrect
01030 STS.DIQ Incremental dimension too high
01031 STS.DIQ MDI block, incorrect syntax
01032 STS.DIQ MDI block, incorrect velocity
01033 STS.DIQ MDI block, incorrect position or dwell time
01034 STS.DIQ Zero offset incorrect
01035 STS.DIQ Actual-value setting incorrect
01036 STS.DIQ Reference-point setting incorrect
01037 STS.DIQ Digital output not possible
01038 STS.DIQ Application data request incorrect
01039 STS.DIQ Teach In, incorrect program No.
01040 STS.DIQ Teach In, incorrect block No.
01041 STS.DIQ Teach In, no position in block
01042 STS.DIQ Teach In, no axis standstill
01051 STS.DIQ Illegal bit-coded setting
01053 STS.DIQ Illegal bit-coded command
01064 STS.DIQ Non-relevant data to positioning unit
01074 STS.DIQ Torque limit
01144 none Deviating unit system raster
01145 none Incorrect DB type
01146 none DB_type or DB_No. exists already
01147 none NC program No. exists already
01148 none Parameter back-up faulty
01149 none DB memory full
01150 none Program length exceeded
01151 none Data: Writing not possible
01152 none Module identification incorrect
01153 none Incremental dimension value error
01154 none Tool offset value error

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01.97 Error Messages

7.1.6 Machine Data Errors

No. Acknowl. Explanation

01285 MD5 Process alarm generation
01286 MD6 Illegal axis name
01287 MD7 Incorrect system of measures
01288 MD8 Incorrect axis type
01289 MD9 End of rotary axis
01290 MD10 Encoder type (IM)
01291 MD11 Distance traversed/encoder revolution (IM)
01293 MD13 Increments/encoder revolution (IM)
01294 MD14 Number of revolutions of absolute encoder
01296 MD16 Reference-point coordinate
01298 MD18 Method of approach to reference point
01299 MD19 Adaptation of direction
01300 MD20 Hardware monitoring
01301 MD21 Illegal software limit switch beginning
01302 MD22 Illegal software limit switch end
01303 MD23 Maximum velocity
01304 MD24 Target range, PEH
01305 none / MD25 Monitoring time
01306 if MD26 Standstill range
01307 occurred MD27 Reference-point offset
01308 after MD28 Referencing velocity
01309 switching MD29 Reducing velocity
01310 on: MD30 Backlash compensation
01311 save MD31 Direction reference of backlash
01312 correct MD32 Output type of M function
01313 DB MD33 Output time of M function
01314 and MD46...MD49 Inputs allocated twice
01315 Power On MD50...MD53 Outputs allocated twice
01316 MD36 Input adaptation
01318 MD38 Closed-loop amplification (Kv factor)
01319 MD39 Minimum follow-up error
01320 MD40 Acceleration
01321 MD41 Deceleration
01322 MD42 Jerk time
01334 MD54 Encoder type (DM)
01335 MD55 Distance traversed/encoder revolution (DM)
01336 MD57 Increments/encoder revolution (DM)
01340 MD67 Drive type
01341 MD61 Cycle setting
01343 MD63 Drive activation
01344 MD64 Drive number
01346 MD66 Drive module type
01376 Illegal software limit positions
01377 Limitation of software limit pos. of absolute encoder
01378 More than 2 measuring functions with MCU
01379 Invalid actual-value weighting factor
01380 MD 34 Denominator of load gear
01381 MD 35 Numerator of load gear

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7.1.7 Traversing Program Errors

No. Ackn. by Bit Explanation
02049 STS.DIQ Program selection, subroutine No. does not exist
02056 STS.DIQ Program selection, program No. does not exist
02057 STS.DIQ Program selection, block No. does not exist
02058 STS.DIQ Program selection, block No. illegal
02059 STS.DIQ Program selection, incorrect indication of direction
02060 STS.DIQ Illegal program selection
02061 STS.DIQ Program selection, subroutine nesting not permitted
02068 none / Error in program No.
02069 however, No block
02070 any Error in block No.
02071 entries Incorrect sequence of block numbers
02072 in the G function 1 illegal
02073 diagnostic G function 2 illegal
02074 buffer G function 3 illegal
02075 (if M function illegal
02076 made) Position/dwell time missing
02077 will Incorrect D number (> 20)
02078 only Subroutine, number of calls
02079 be ON Velocity missing
02080 deleted Error in subroutine call
02081 after D function illegal
02082 Power On Too many blocks

7.1.8 Run-Up Errors

No. Acknowl. Explanation
24577 Sensor with SIDA step 0 not possible
24578 Power On Meas. circuit error absolute track (EnDat encoder)
24579 or. RESET v_max (MD23) > 1.25 * v_nom (A-MD1401)
24580 via MCU-PIT Absolute encoder during run-up defective
24581 Timeout empty during FIFO request
24582 none FW update
24583 Power ON No NVRAM end-of-block identification exists
24584 Power ON New NVRAM block invalid
24585 Power ON NVRAM block not found
24586 Number of absolute-value encoder revolutions
inconsistent (MD14/A-MD1021/A-MD1031)
24587 Encoder line number inconsistent (MD13/A-
24588 Emcoder type selection inconsistent (MD10/A-
24589 Power ON No measuring system parameterized (MD60)
24590 or. RESET via Velocity overflow (MD11, MD13, A-MD1401 <->
24591 Encoder line number DM inconsistent (MD57 / A-
MD 1007)
24592 Encoder type selection inconsistent DM (MD54 / A-
24593 Two absolute encoder parameterized
24595 FIFO error
24596 Error when reading the absolute value
24597 En-Dat encoder error

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24598 No En-Dat encoder exists

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7.2 SIMODRIVE Interface Error Messages

No. Acknol. Explanation

30000 System error [error number / additional information]
30001 Configuration error: drive number
30002 Configuration error: module type
30003 Power ON Configuration error. bus expansion
30004 or RESET Configuration error: measuring-circuit component
30005 via MCU-PIT Configuration error: drive type
30006 CRC error: drive coupling
30007 Incorrect number of axes, spindles, drives
30008 VSA software not loaded
30100 Drive coupling OFF
30300 Drive coupling OFF

7.3 SIMODRIVE Error Messages

No. Acknowl. Explanation

30500 System error: drive [error number / additional
30500 [Error number/additional information]
F002 Faulty address
F007 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F01B NC drive number
F020 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F021 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F022 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F023 NC drive number
F024 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F025 Power ON Joker for diagnostic purposes
F026 or RESET NC drive number
F027 via MCU-PIT NC drive number
F028 NC drive number
F031 NC drive number
F033 Error detection
F034 Faulty address
F035 Faulty address
F003 Time disk
F004 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F005 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F006 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F010 1: Hardware underflow, 2: Hardware overflow,
3: Software underflow, 4: Software overflow
F011 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F012 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F013 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F014 Faulty address
F015 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F016 Joker for diagnostic purposes

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01.97 Error Messages

No. Acknowl. Explanation

F017 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F018 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F019 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F030 NC drive number
F032 NC drive number
F040 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F041 Joker for diagnostic purposes
F044 Power ON NC drive number
F045 or RESET NC drive number
30501 via MCU-PIT Current monitoring
30504 Measuring circuit error: motor (inc.)
30505 Measuring circuit error: absolute track
30507 Synchronization error: rotor position
30508 Zero mark error: motor
30509 Converter limit frequency exceeded
30510 Error during mid-frequency measurement
30511 Measured-value memory active
30515 Heat-sink temperature alarm
30606 Flow controller at stop
30607 Current controller at stop
30608 Bit Speed controller at stop
30609 STS.BFQ Encoder limit frequency exceeded
30613 Motor temperature alarm
30614 Motor temperature switch-off limit
30701 Commissioning necessary
30702 Invalid drive basic cycle
30703 Invalid current controller cycle
30704 Invalid speed controller cycle
30705 Invalid position controller cycle
30706 Invalid monitoring cycle
30713 Invalid position controller cycle shift
30714 Invalid power section code
30715 Power ON Max. current of power section <= 0
30716 or RESET Torque constant <= 0
30717 via MCU-PIT Motor moment of inertia <= 0
30718 Calculating-downtime error I controller
30719 Motor triangle not parameterized
30720 Maximum motor speed too high
30721 I0 of motor > Inom of motor
30722 I0 of motor > Inom of power section
30724 Invalid pole pair number
30725 Encoder line number = 0
30726 Voltage constant = 0
30727 Reactance <= 0
30728 Adaptation factor torque/current too high
30729 Motor standstill current <= 0
30730 Invalid rotor resistance
30731 Nominal power <= 0
30732 Rated motor speed <= 0
30733 Invalid motor no-load voltage
30734 Motor no-load current <= 0
30735 Field-weakening speed <= 0
30736 Invalid Lh characteristic curve
30737 Two EnDat encoders configured
30741 AM pilot control amplification cannot be represented

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Error Messages 01.97

No. Acknowl. Explanation

30742 Converter frequency U/f mode
30743 This function not with this 611D control module
30750 Bit Speed controller adaptation: n-max < n-min
30751 STS.BFQ Speed amplification too high
30752 Incorrect cut-off frequency of I-nom filter
30754 Invalid signal number
30755 U/f-operation: motor turning
30756 Hysteresis of torque nominal-value smoothing too
30757 Torque adaptation factor too high
30758 Upper generator threshold too high
30759 Generator switch-off threshold too high
30760 Emergency retraction speed too high
30761 Generator minimum speed too high
30762 Emergency retraction / generator active
30763 Generator / emergency retraction mode invalid
30764 Bit No emergency retraction / generator mode possible
30765 STS.BFQ No intermediate-circuit measuring possible
30766 Stop frequency higher Shannon frequency
30767 Self-generated frequency higher than Shannon
30768 Numerator of bandwidth larger than the double of the
stop frequency
30769 Denominator of bandwidth larger than the double of
the self-generated frequency
30770 Filter coefficient cannot be represented
30771 Converter frequency AM mode
30772 Speed amplification for AM mode too high
30773 No pilot control structure in AM mode
30774 Asynchronous operation f. switching speed of
HSA/AM not permitted
30776 Meas. circuit monitoring for motor (incr.) inactive
30799 Power ON or Save and boot necessary
30850 none Speed controller adaptation: n-max < n-min

7-10 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Error Messages

7.4 Intelligent I/O Blocks Error Messages

7.4.1 Indicator Word

15 8 7 0
X X - - X X X X
Status (read-only) Additional information
(error number)

Status Bit Description

8 Processing of technological function is running
9 Processing of technological function completed
10 Group error
11 Error during reading (FC Control)
14 Test mode active
15 Start-up running

Additional Information
HEX Description Note
00 No error
0B The data block specified when calling the blocks FC RESTART, FC Specify the correct DB
CONTROL and FC STATUS on the INSTANZ_DB parameter does not suit
with the technological function (DB is not the invocation DB of FB OP_MCU).
0C Invalid channel number for the MCU Enter correct channel number in the invocation
DB in the word KA_NR (in the example through
0E Error when calling SFC RD_REC. The return value RET_VAL of the SFC is See Error Description of SFC
made available to the user for evaluation in the variable SFCERR_TFNAME. RD_REC
0F Error when calling SFC WR_REC. The return value RET_VAL of the SFC is See Error Description of SFC
made available to the user for evaluation in the variable SFCERR_TFNAME. WR_REC
10 Module is not ready for operation or not parameterized Parameterize the module by
means of the tool AS-PARAM
11 Timeout error. An expected reaction of the module did not come. While the Restart
technological function is waiting for a reaction, a counter is internally increased
whenever the technological function is called. If this counter reaches the value
MAX-AUFRUF, this error message is provided.
12 Data error. Normally, this error is detected by the module and provided to the Correct the data in the
technological function to be transferred to the user (stored in the data block). invocation DB
3E Invalid job number (FC CONTROL) Enter a valid job number

7.4.2 Additional Information READERR_CONTROL and


HEX Description Note

0E Error when calling SFC RD_REC. The return value RET_VAL of the SFC is See Error Description of SFC
made available to the user for evaluation in the variable SFCERR_TFNAME. RD_REC
11 Timeout error. An expected reaction of the module did not come. While the Restart
technological function is waiting for a reaction, a counter is internally increased
whenever the technological function is called. If this counter reaches the value
MAX-AUFRUF, this error message is provided.

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 7-11

MCU (TH - Service Information)
Error Messages 01.97

7.5 Unit Control Panel Error Messages from the MCU

No. Explanation
200001 Power On Alarm
200002 Voltage monitoring
200003 Missing pulses from encoder
200004 Error: absolute-value encoder
200005 Cable break of encoder

7.6 Unit Control Panel Error Messages from the MCU

No. Explanation
810001 Error: OB event
810002 Synchronous error
810003 Asynchronous error
810004 Stop/abortion event
810005 BZ process event
810006 Error: communication event
810007 Error: H/F system event
810008 Error: diagnostic data of modules
810009 User-diagnosis-event

7-12 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Error Messages

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 7-13

MCU (TH - Service Information)
01.97 Appendix

8 Appendix

A operating data (BD), 1-2

position control machine data (MD), 1-3
Actual value - block change, 3-12 service/drive (AS), 1-3
Actual values 611, 3-15 tool offset (WK), 1-3
Actual-value setting, 3-7 traversing program (NC), 1-3
Application data, 3-11 Data blocks (DB), 4-3
Application data request, 3-8 Data error, 3-19
Data errors, 7-4
Data record
B 0, 3-18
1, 3-18
Bit-coded settings, 3-6; 3-7
3, 3-3
Block function, 4-4
4, 3-3
7, 3-4
8, 3-5
C 11, 3-6
Channel 1, 3-2 12, 3-7
Check-back signals 13, 3-7
function, 2-2 14, 3-7
in the invocation DB, 2-1 15, 3-7
Commissioning, 6-4 16, 3-7
MCU (FM-POS, drive), 6-3 17, 3-8
MCU (S7), 6-5 18, 3-8
Communication fault, 4-3 19, 3-8
CONTROL 20, 3-8
parameter, 4-14 22, 3-9
representation in the form of a ladder 26, 3-9
diagram, 4-13 27, 3-10
technical data, 4-15 28, 3-11
write jobs, 4-15 29, 3-11
Control signals 30, 3-12
function, 2-2 31, 3-12
in the invocation DB, 2-1 32, 3-13
CPU 33, 3-14
Blocks, 4-2 34, 3-14
Stop/not in Stop, 4-2 36, 3-15
Creating a data block, 4-4 162, 3-18
163, 3-19
164, 3-19
235, 3-19
channel 1, 3-2
Data back-up, 6-2 Delay interrupt, 4-2; 4-5
MCU (FM), 6-9 Diagnosis
MCU (S7), 6-9 channel, 3-18
Data block system, 3-18
2, 3-3 Diagnostic alarm, 7-2
Data block (DB), 4-17 Diagnostic function, 4-5
drive machine data (AM), 1-3 Diagnostic interrupt, 4-2
incremental dimension parameters (SM), 1-3 Digital inputs/outputs, 3-7
invocation, 1-2 Drive machine data, 1-3

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 8-1

MCU (TH - Service Information)
Appendix 01.97

Drive operating data, 3-41 SIMODRIVE interface, 7-7

DS0, 3-18 traversing errors, 7-3
DS1, 3-18 traversing program errors, 7-6
DS2, 3-3; 3-37
DS3, 3-3
DS4, 3-3 F
DS7, 3-4
DS8, 3-5 Fault
DS11, 3-6 communication, 4-3
DS12, 3-7 power supply, 4-3
DS13, 3-7 Flying actual-value setting, 3-7
DS14, 3-7 Function, 4-3
DS15, 3-7 Function block, 4-3
DS16, 3-7 CONTROL, 4-13
DS17, 3-8 OP_MCU, 4-7
DS18, 3-8 RESTART, 4-11
DS19, 3-8
DS20, 3-8
DS22, 3-9 I
DS26, 3-9
Incremental dimension, 3-37
DS27, 3-10
Incremental dimension parameters, 1-3
DS28, 3-11
Incremental position encoder, 5-2
DS29, 3-11
Indicator word, 7-10
DS30, 3-12
Information data record, 3-19
DS31, 3-12
Intelligent I/O block
DS32, 3-13
STATUS, 4-16
DS33, 3-14
Intelligent I/O blocks
DS34, 3-14
error messages, 7-10
DS36, 3-15
example for calling, 4-17
DS162, 3-18
Interface DB, 1-2
DS163, 3-19
Interface diagnosis data, 3-18
DS164, 3-19
Interface process alarm, 3-19
DS235, 3-19
Interrupt and error processing, 4-5
Invocation DB, 1-2
EN-DAT absolute-value encoder, 5-3 L
Length measuring, flying measuring, 3-12
direct access to periphery, 4-3
programming, 4-3
timing, 4-3
Error messages M
data errors, 7-4 Machine data
diagnostic alarm, 7-2 adapting / optimizing (FM-POS), 6-6
from MCU, 7-11 errors, 7-5
from MMC, 7-11 MCU, 3-25
intelligent I/O block, 7-10 SIMODRIVE 611, 3-28
machine data errors, 7-5 MCU-PIT
operating errors, 7-2 installing, 6-2
operator errors, 7-3 MDI block, 3-4
positioning control, 7-2 MDI-Flying MDI block, 3-8
run-up errors, 7-6 Mode transition, 4-5

8-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
Appendix 01.97

N Reference-point setting, 3-9

Replacing MCU modules, 6-10
active, 3-10 parameter, 4-11
next, 3-11 representation in the form of a ladder
diagram, 4-11
technical data, 4-12
O Run-up errors, 7-6
Invocation DB, 4-10
parameter, 4-8 S
representation in the form of a ladder Scheduled data 611, 3-5
diagram, 4-8 Service data, 3-13; 3-14
technical data, 4-10 Setpoint for incremental dimension, 3-3
Operating data, 3-9 SIMODRIVE
Operating data FM-POS DB 1000, 3-20 error messages, 7-7
Operating errors, 7-2 SIMODRIVE interface
Operating mode, 2-1 error messages, 7-7
Operator error, 3-18 Speed step, 3-3
Operator errors, 7-3 STATUS
Organization block, 4-2 parameters, 4-16
for cycle and start-up, 4-2 representation in the form of a statement list,
for error response, 4-3 4-16
for internal and external interrupts, 4-2 technical data, 4-16
size, 4-2 System data block, 4-6
System function, 4-4

Parameterizing a block T
writing and reading, 4-5 Teach In, 3-8
PLC mode selector switch, 6-2 Time interrupt, 4-2
Position control, 1-3 Time-interrupt functions, 4-4
Positioning control Time-keeping function, 4-4
data errors, 7-4 Timing error, 4-3
diagnostic alarm, 7-2 Tool offset, 1-3; 3-37
error messages, 7-2 Traversing error, 3-19
machine data errors, 7-5 Traversing errors, 7-3
operating errors, 7-2 Traversing program, 1-3; 3-38
operator errors, 7-3 block number, 3-39
run-up errors, 7-6 G function, 3-39
traversing errors, 7-3 M function, 3-40
traversing program errors, 7-6 position/dwell time, 3-40
Power supply fault, 4-3 Program number, 3-39
Process data 1, 3-14 skip block, 3-39
Process error, 3-19 subroutine call, 3-40
Process interrupt, 4-2 tool offset number, 3-40
Program selection, 3-8 velocity, 3-40
Programming error, 4-3 Traversing program errors, 7-6
Traversing the MCU Axis, 6-7

Real-time interrupts, 4-2

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 8-3

MCU (TH - Service Information)
Appendix 01.97

Unit control panel
error messages, 7-11

Velocity step, 3-3

Zero offset, 3-7

8-4 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (TH - Service Information)
Documentation index 1

Alphabetical index 2

SIMODRIVE 611 Abbreviations index 3

Positioning Control
MCU 172A


Edition March 1998

In order to maintain clarity, this Documentation does not contain all details on all types of
the product described herein. It cannot therefore consider all possible cases of erection,
operation and repair.

If you require additional information or should any special problems arise, please enquire
for further information to your nearest Siemens branch office.

The contents of this Documentation are not part of any earlier or existing agreement,
commitment or legal undertaking, nor are they intended as an amendment thereto. All
responsibilities on the part of Siemens shall result only from the respective Purchase
Contract, which also contains the complete and solely binding warranty regulations. The
warranty provisions laid down by the Contract shall neither be extended, nor restricted by
this Documentation.

BERO, SIMATIC, SIMODRIVE, SINEC, SINUMERIK, STEP are registered trademarks of Siemens.

The remaining names and designations used in this Documentation may also be trademarks, the use
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Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

01.97 Documentation List

1 Documentation List

Further information Further information going beyond the scope of this Manual is to be found in
the following manuals/documentation:

Topic Title MLFB Edition

SIMODRIVE 611-A/611-D 6SN1 197-0AA00-0AP2 11.95
Configuring Instructions
Transistor Pulse Inverters for
Three-Phase Feed Drives and
Three-Phase Main Spindle Drives
Configuring Instructions
Three-Phase Motors for Feed and
Main Spindle Drives
SIMODRIVE 840C 6FC5 197-5AA60-0AP1 09.95
Commissioning Lists
Commissioning Instructions
SIMODRIVE 840C 6FC5 197-5AA50-0AP1 09.95
Commissioning Instructions
Commissioning Instructions
SIMODRIVE SINUMERIK 840D, 6FC5 297-3AA50-0AP0 09.95
Operating Component PP031
Operating Components Manual
SINUMERIK MMC100 / EBF 6FC5 297-3EA00-0AP0
Function Description
Configuring Kit
SINUMERIK MMC100 / EBF 6FC5 297-3EA10-0AP1
Function Description
Installation Kit: Software Update
and Configuration
SINUMERIK EBF 6FC5 298-3AA60-0AP0 09.95
Operating Instructions
Automation System S7-300 6ES7 030-0AA01-8AA0 01.96
How to Configure a S7-300
Automation System S7-300 6ES7 032-0AA00-8AA0 01.96
Integrated Functions CPU 312
Documentation Package 6ES7 810-4BA01-8AA0 01.96
STEP 7 Basic Knowledge
Documentation Package 6ES7 810-4BA01-8AR0 01.96
STEP 7 Reference Manuals

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 1-1

MCU (Appendix)
Documentation List 01.97

1-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Appendix)
03.98 Index

2 Index

A Anti-static packaging, 12/10-5

Anti-static wristband, 12/10-4
Absolute data input, 7/5-24 Application conditions, 2/5-2
Absolute dimension input, 7/5-25 Application data request, 14/3-8
Absolute encoder EQN1325, 3/2-6 Application data, 7/4-9; 7/4-14; 14/3-11
Specifications, 3/2-7 Request, 9/7-21
Absolute encoders, 7/1-64 Application master disk, 11/3-5
Absolute-value encoder principle series upgrade, 11/3-17
MCU, 3/1-2 Archiving of data, 8/2-1
Absolute-value encoder ROQ 425, 3/2-12 Area of application, 12/11-4
Acceleration beginning, 7/1-20 Arrangement
Acceleration correction, 2/3-8 Hardware Modules, 9/2-4
Acceleration override, 7/5-32 ASCII editor, 8/4-10
Acceleration, 2/5-1; 7/1-16 Attachment of cable screens, 12/2-2
Accessories, 2/4-10 Attachment of shield braid, 12/6-6
Acknowledge data error, 7/4-5 Automatic bloc search
Acknowledge M function, 7/4-5 forwards/backwards, 2/3-7
Acknowledge operator error, 7/4-5 Automatic Single Block, 7/3-67
Acknowledge restart, 7/4-5 Automatic Subsequent Block, 7/3-58
Acknowledgment signals, 2/3-2 AWL, 2/4-2
Actual data 611, 7/4-14 Axis enable, 7/4-5
Actual position, 7/1-53 Axis position, 3/1-2
Actual value - block change, 14/3-12 Axis selection, 11/4-24
Actual value, 7/4-14 Axis standstill, 7/1-36
Actual values 611, 14/3-15 Axis synchronized, 7/4-12
Actual-value setting, 2/3-7; 7/3-12; 7/4-9; Axis type, 7/5-31
Flying, 2/3-5
Adaptation of direction, 7/1-53
Analog Module, 9/3-5 BA, 7/4-4
Assign, 9/3-2 Back-up, 9/1-3
Digital Modules, 9/3-4 Backlash compensation, 2/3-8; 7/1-47; 7/1-
Rack 0, 9/3-3 52
S7 I/O Modules, 9/3-3 BAR, 7/4-11
Adjusting the Encoder, 3/3-5 Baud rate, 10/1-2; 10/2-6
AF, 7/4-5 BF, 7/4-12
Alarm texts, 11/3-20 BFQ, 7/4-5
Alarm, 11/4-25; 11/4-27 Bit-coded commands, 7/4-8; 9/7-13
Number, 11/3-23; 11/4-27 Bit-coded settings,
Syntax of texts, 11/3-23 7/4-7; 7/4-8; 9/7-12; 14/3-6; 14/3-7
Text files, 11/3-22 BL, 7/4-11
Alarms, 8/5-10 Bloc structure, 2/3-10
Alter M function, 7/4-12 Block change, 7/4-14; 7/5-17
Aluminium parts, 12/2-1 External, 2/3-4
AMF, 7/2-24; 7/4-12 Block function, 9/5-11; 14/4-4
Analog Modules Block number, 7/5-12
Address, 9/3-5 Block search backward, 7/4-8
Example, 9/3-5 Block search forward, 7/4-8
Analog signal cables, 12/2-2 Block search forward/backward, 7/3-63
Anti-static footwear, 12/10-4

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-1

MCU (Appendix)
Index 03.98

Block search forward/block search Function, 14/2-2

backward, automatically, 7/3-64 In the invocation DB, 14/2-1
Block structure, 7/5-10 Clipboard, 8/2-2
Block transitions, 7/5-55 Clock Function, 9/5-11
Block, 9/5-6; 9/5-8 Clock, 9/5-6
Adding, 11/4-21 Integral, 9/5-7
Data Block, 9/5-10 Internal, 2/4-6
Deleting, 11/4-21 Closed speed regulator
Function Block, 9/5-10 Characteristic frequency, 2/5-1
Functions, 9/5-10 Closed-loop amplification, 7/1-44
Organization Block, 9/5-8 Closed-loop control time, 2/5-1
Saving, 11/4-22 Clutches, 2/4-10
System Data Block, 9/5-10 Coil suppression, 12/8-2
System Functions, 9/5-10 Coils, 12/2-3
BP, 7/4-4 Command selection, 8/2-1
Brake threshold points, 7/1-10 Comment, 7/5-13; 8/2-2
Built-in encoder, 3/2-2 Commissioning functions, 2/3-13; 8/5-7
Built-on EnDat absolute-value encoder Commissioning, 3/3-1; 8/2-1; 8/5-12; 14/6-4
rotary ROQ 425, 3/2-12 Axis, 11/2-4
Built-on incremental encoder MCU (FM-POS, 1drive), 14/6-3
rotary, 3/2-8 MCU (S7), 14/6-5
translatory, 3/2-10 Operating & monitoring components,
Bus connector without PU socket, 10/2-2 11/3-1
Bus connector, 10/2-2 Communication Error, 9/5-9
Application, 10/2-2 Communication fault, 14/4-3
Connecting a PU, 10/3-3 Communication module, 2/4-7
Terminator, 10/2-3 Communication, 2/4-4; 8/4-6; 8/5-4
With PU socket, 10/2-2 MCU - MCU, 10/5-2
Bus terminal RS 485 Operation, 10/3-2
Wiring, 10/2-4 Operator panel - machine control, 11/2-2
PU - MCU, 10/3-2
PU/OP - MCU, 10/5-2
C Commutation signal
fine adjustment, 3/3-5
Cable clamping rail, 12/6-6 Comparisons, 8/2-1
Cable connector Compensation Backlash, 2/3-8
EQN 1325, 3/3-4 Component, 8/3-2
ERN 1387, 3/3-2 linking, 11/3-3
LS 186, 3/3-3 Condition
ROQ 425, 3/3-4 Hardware, 8/3-3
SIMODRIVE Sensor, 3/3-3 Software, 8/3-3
Cable entry points, 12/5-3 Conductive surfaces, 12/10-5
Cable groups, 12/5-6 Configuration, 8/3-3
Cable installation, 12/7-2 MMC module, 11/2-4
Cable length, 12/7-3 Configuring, 2/4-9; 3/2-1
Cancellation, 7/5-37 Operating & monitoring components,
CE mark, 12/11-3 11/2-1
CE Marking, 12/11-1; 12/11-3 Connection cables, 10/2-11
Central earthing bar, 12/4-3; 12/5-6 Connection of the shield braid, 12/5-3
Change language, 11/4-26 Connector housings, 12/2-2
Changing the drive to the passive condition, Contact plan method, 2/4-2
7/3-14 Contact points of cable bearers, 12/7-2
Channel 1, 14/3-2 Contact surfaces, 12/4-3
Channel number, 9/6-9 Contact washers, 12/2-1
Charging, 12/10-3 Contactor, 12/2-3; 12/5-6; 12/8-2
Check-back signals, 7/4-11 Context menu, 8/2-1

2-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Appendix)
03.98 Index

Control signals, 2/3-2; 7/4-4; 9/6-4 Data blocks, 2/4-4; 14/4-3

Function, 14/2-2 Data cables, 12/2-2
In the invocation DB, 14/2-1 Data circuit
CONTROL, 9/6-13 Global, 10/5-2
Call, 9/6-13 Number, 10/5-3
Description, 9/6-13 Data error, 3/3-10; 7/4-12; 7/4-14; 14/3-19;
Parameter, 9/6-14; 14/4-14 14/7-4
Representation in the form of a ladder Data exchange, 2/4-9; 10/5-3
diagram, 14/4-13 Data from the MCU, 7/4-11
Specifications, 9/6-15 Data Interchange, 9/6-2
Technical data, 14/4-15 Data interpretation running, 7/4-12
Write jobs, 14/4-15 Data packet
Controller dynamics, 2/5-1 Size, 10/5-6
Controller enable, 7/4-5 Space requirement, 10/5-6
Controller parameters, 2/3-13 Data Record, 9/7-5
Controlling speed steps, 7/4-6 0, 14/3-18
Controlling the module, 7/4-18 1, 14/3-18
Controlling, 7/3-38 2, 7/3-37
Counter, 2/5-2; 9/5-6 3, 14/3-3
Coupling path, 12/3-2; 12/3-5; 12/9-2 4, 14/3-3
Course, 2/4-11 7, 9/7-6; 14/3-4
CP 342-5, 2/4-7 8, 9/7-9; 14/3-5
CPU 11, 9/7-12; 14/3-6
Blocks, 9/5-8; 14/4-2 12, 9/7-13; 14/3-7
Speed, 9/5-6 13, 9/7-14; 14/3-7
Stop/not in Stop, 14/4-2 14, 9/7-15; 14/3-7
Creating a data block, 14/4-4 15, 9/7-16; 14/3-7
Cross-section of equipotential bonding con- 16, 9/7-17; 14/3-7
ductors, 12/4-6 17, 9/7-18; 14/3-8
Cubicle covers, 12/5-2 18, 9/7-20; 14/3-8
Cubicle housing, 12/2-1; 12/5-3 19, 9/7-21; 14/3-8
Cubicle, 12/4-3 20, 9/7-23; 14/3-8
Cycle rate, 10/5-5 22, 14/3-9
Cyclic Operation, 9/7-9; 9/7-32 26, 14/3-9
27, 14/3-10
28, 14/3-11
D 29, 14/3-11
30, 14/3-12
D0 to D20, 7/5-36 31, 14/3-12
Data back-up, 14/6-2 32, 14/3-13
MCU (FM), 14/6-9 33, 14/3-14
MCU (S7), 14/6-9 34, 14/3-14
Data block, 9/5-10; 9/6-6; 11/3-24; 14/4-17 36, 7/3-72; 14/3-15
2, 14/3-3 162, 14/3-18
Drive machine data (AM), 14/1-3 163, 14/3-19
Generating, 9/5-12 164, 14/3-19
Incremental dimension parameters (SM), 235, 14/3-19
14/1-3 Channel 1, 14/3-2
Invocation, 14/1-2 Example, 9/7-5
Operating data (BD), 14/1-2 Data saving, 2/4-6
Position control machine data (MD), 14/1- Data selection, 8/4-4
3 Data Storage Area
Service/drive (AS), 14/1-3 Retentive, 9/5-6
Sources, 9/7-5 Data to the MCU, 7/4-4
Tool offset (WK), 14/1-3 Data Transfer, 9/7-2
Traversing program (NC), 14/1-3 Instance DB, 9/7-2

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-3

MCU (Appendix)
Index 03.98

Sequence, 9/7-4 Direct measuring system, 7/3-30

Data type, 8/4-3 Direct output, 7/2-25
Data views, 8/2-3 Direction keys, 7/3-36; 7/3-38; 7/3-40
Data-Flow Chart, 9/6-3 Direction of processing, 7/5-52
Data Direction of tool offset, 7/5-41
global, 10/5-5 Discharge current/energy, 12/10-3
DAU output, 8/5-6 Disconnecting the bus connector, 10/2-3
DB 1000, 9/6-6 Display data, 7/4-14
DB 1001-1009, 9/6-6 Distance to be traversed per encoder revolu-
DB 1200, 9/6-6 tion, 3/2-14
DB 1220, 9/6-7 Distance to go/encoder revolution, 7/1-63;
DB 1230, 9/6-7 7/1-66
DB 1251, 9/6-7 Documentation, 2/4-11
DB 1260, 9/6-7 Drive activation, 7/1-68; 7/3-14
DB, 9/5-6; 9/5-10 Drive machine data - emergency retraction,
DB-AM, 9/6-7 7/3-18
DB-AS, 9/6-7 Drive machine data, 7/1-67; 14/1-3
DB-BD, 9/6-6 Drive module type, 7/1-71
DB-MD, 9/6-6 Drive number, 7/1-69
DB-NC, 9/6-6 Drive operating data, 14/3-41
DB-SM, 9/6-7 Drive power section code, 7/1-70
DB-WK, 9/6-7 Drive Setpoint Data, 9/7-9
Deceleration, 7/1-16 Drive type, 7/1-72
Definition Drive, 2/4-8; 2/5-1; 8/4-22
Direct measuring, 3/1-2 DS0, 14/3-18
EnDat, 3/1-4 DS1, 14/3-18
Indirect measuring, 3/1-2 DS2, 7/3-37; 7/3-51; 14/3-3; 14/3-37
Delay interrupt, 14/4-2; 14/4-5 DS3, 7/3-39; 14/3-3
Delete distance to go, 7/4-8; 7/5-18 DS4, 14/3-3
Description DS7, 7/3-53; 9/7-6; 14/3-4
RS 485 repeater, 10/2-5 DS8, 9/7-9; 14/3-5
Design, 8/2-3 DS11, 7/1-14; 7/1-56; 7/2-6; 7/2-14; 7/2-16;
DF, 7/4-12 9/7-12; 14/3-6
DI, 7/4-12 DS12, 9/7-13; 14/3-7
DIAG DS13, 9/7-14; 14/3-7
LED, 9/5-5 DS14, 9/7-15; 14/3-7
Diagnosis DS15, 9/7-16; 14/3-7
Channel, 14/3-18 DS16, 7/2-21; 7/2-25; 9/7-17; 14/3-7
System, 14/3-18 DS17, 9/7-18; 14/3-8
Diagnostic alarm, 3/3-9; 14/7-2 DS18, 7/3-59; 7/3-65; 9/7-20; 14/3-8
Diagnostic function, 9/5-13; 14/4-5 DS19, 9/7-21; 14/3-8
Diagnostic interrupt, 9/5-8; 14/4-2 DS20, 9/7-23; 14/3-8
Diagnostics, 2/3-13 DS22, 7/1-66; 7/3-9; 7/3-13; 14/3-9
Digital input, 7/4-7; 7/4-12 DS26, 7/3-27; 14/3-9
Digital inputs/outputs, 2/3-4; 7/2-1; 7/4-9; DS27, 14/3-10
14/3-7 DS28, 14/3-11
Digital Modules DS29, 14/3-11
Address, 9/3-4 DS30, 7/2-14; 7/2-16; 14/3-12
Example, 9/3-5 DS31, 14/3-12
Digital output, 7/5-48 DS32, 14/3-13
Digital Outputs/Inputs, 9/7-17 DS33, 7/3-30; 14/3-14
Dimensional notation, 7/5-24 DS34, 14/3-14
Dimensions, 2/5-2; 9/1-3 DS36, 7/3-15; 14/3-15
DIN 66025, 2/3-10; 7/5-3; 7/5-15 DS162, 14/3-18
DIN rails, 12/5-4 DS163, 14/3-19
DIQ, 7/4-5 DS164, 14/3-19

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DS235, 14/3-19 Equipotential bonding lead, 12/2-2; 12/2-3

Dwell time running, 7/4-12 Equipotential bonding strip, 12/2-1
Dwell time, 7/5-16 Equipotential bonding, 12/4-3
MCU, 9/5-3
E ERN 1387
Cable connector, 3/3-2
Earth potential differences, 12/6-3 Error Analysis, 9/7-13; 9/7-36
Earthing bar, 12/6-6 Error diagnosis, 7/1-58
Earthing strips, 12/2-1 Error messages, 2/3-13; 3/3-9; 7/4-14; 7/4-
Earthing, 12/2-1 15
EC Declaration of Conformity, 12/11-1; Data errors, 14/7-4
12/11-3 Diagnostic alarm, 14/7-2
EC Directive, 12/11-3 From MCU, 14/7-11
EC Machinery Directive, 12/11-3 From MMC, 14/7-11
Edit, 8/5-11 Intelligent I/O block, 14/7-10
Editor, 8/4-14; 11/3-22 Machine data errors, 14/7-5
EFG, 7/4-4 Operating errors, 14/7-2
EG-Konformittserklrung, 12/11-1 Operator errors, 14/7-3
Electrical Installation, 9/4-1 Positioning control, 14/7-2
Electromagnetic compatibility, 12/1-2 Run-up errors, 14/7-6
Electronic documentation, 8/2-4 SIMODRIVE, 14/7-7
Electrostatic discharge, 12/10-4 SIMODRIVE interface, 14/7-7
EMC Legislation, 12/11-1 Temperature error, 3/1-7
EMC measures, 12/1-4 Traversing errors, 14/7-3
EMC, 12/1-2 Traversing program errors, 14/7-6
Emergency OFF, 9/4-2 Error/Fault Processing, 9/5-13
Emergency retraction response threshold, Error
7/3-18 Communication, 9/5-9
Emergency retraction speed, 7/3-18 Data, 3/3-10
Emergency retraction time, 7/3-18 Direct access to periphery, 14/4-3
Emergency retraction, 7/2-19; 7/3-15 Direct Peripheral Access, 9/5-9
EMERGENCY STOP, 7/1-10 Hiding, 3/1-8
EN-DAT absolute-value encoder, 14/5-3 Internal and External, 9/5-5
Enable input Off, 7/4-8 Motor temperature, 3/1-7
Enable input, 7/2-6; 7/2-8 Power Supply, 9/5-9
Encoder revolutions, 3/2-14 Programming, 9/5-9; 14/4-3
Encoder setting, 7/1-57 Run-up, 3/3-10
Encoder supply, 3/1-5 SIMODRIVE, 3/3-10
Data, 3/1-5 Time, 9/5-9
Overload protection, 3/1-5 Timing, 14/4-3
Remote, 3/1-5 ESD, 12/10-2
Sense, 3/1-5 ESD-sensitive modules, 12/10-4
Encoder type, 7/1-63; 7/1-66 Exact positioning, 7/5-17; 7/5-56
Encoders, 2/4-10 Exact stop, 7/4-11
End of measuring, 7/4-12 Example for Call, 9/7-6; 9/7-29
End of rotary axis, 7/5-31 Example
EnDat absolute-value encoder, 3/1-2 Data Records, 9/7-5
ROQ 425, 3/2-12 DS8, 9/7-11
EnDat, 3/1-4; 7/1-64 DS11, 9/7-12
Endless cycle, 7/5-47 DS12, 9/7-13
EQN 1325 DS13, 9/7-14
Cable connector, 3/3-4 DS14, 9/7-15
Equipment, 12/10-4 DS15, 9/7-16
Equipotential bonding bar, 12/6-6 DS16, 9/7-17
Equipotential bonding conductor, 12/7-2 DS17, 9/7-19

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Index 03.98

DS18, 9/7-20 Function Calls, 2/4-3

DS19, 9/7-22 Function generator, 2/3-13; 7/3-68
DS20, 9/7-23 Function plan method, 2/4-2
External block change, 7/2-11; 7/5-18 Function, 14/4-3
External enable, 7/4-11 Functional earthing, 12/8-4
Functions applicable in several modes of
operation, 7/3-6
F Functions, 9/5-10
Valid for several operating modes, 2/3-7
Fast inputs/outputs, 7/2-1 FUP, 2/4-2
Fault Further Questions, 2/4-1
communication, 14/4-3
power supply, 14/4-3
FB, 9/5-6; 9/5-10 G
FB1, 9/7-8; 9/7-31
FB100 G functions, 2/3-11; 7/5-15
Example for Call, 9/7-10; 9/7-33 Permissible values, 11/4-23
FC, 9/5-6; 9/5-10 G04, 7/5-16
Feature, 8/2-1; 9/1-3 G30 to G39, 7/5-32
S7-CPU, 9/5-6 G43, 7/5-36
Feed axes and rotary axes, 2/3-2 G44, 7/5-36
Feed module, 2/4-9 G50, 7/5-18; 7/5-49
Feedback signals, 9/6-4 G60, 7/5-17; 7/5-56
FEPROM, 2/4-6 G64, 7/5-17; 7/5-60
File, 8/5-11 G87, 7/5-21
Filter installation, 12/8-3 G88, 7/5-21; 7/5-49
Filter modules, 12/5-4 G89, 7/5-21; 7/5-49
Filter, 12/2-1; 12/8-2; 12/8-3 G90, 7/3-58; 7/5-24
Filtered cables, 12/2-1 G91, 7/5-24
Firmware, 8/3-3 General Layout, 9/4-7
Flag, 2/5-2; 9/5-6 Global data circuit, 10/5-2
FLTD number, 10/5-3
LED, 9/5-5 Global data, 2/4-9; 9/1-3
Flying actual-value setting, 7/2-12; 7/4-9; Loss, 10/5-5
7/5-21; 14/3-7 Send and receive conditions, 10/5-5
Flying block change, 7/5-18; 7/5-60 Graduation cycle, 3/2-15
Flying MDI block, 7/3-55; 9/7-18 Graphical user interface, 11/4-4
Flying measuring, 2/3-7; 7/2-13; 7/4-7; 7/4- Ground connections, 12/4-3
14 Guide, 9/1-2
Flying Setting of Actual Values, 9/7-16
Follow-up mode, 2/3-7; 7/3-38; 7/4-8
Following error monitoring, 7/1-35 H
Following error, 7/1-41
Following error, dynamic, 7/1-39 Handling, 8/2-2
FORCE Hard disk requirements, 8/3-3
LED, 9/5-5 Hardware limit switches, 7/1-10
FR+, 7/2-23; 7/4-11 Hardware Modules
FR-, 7/2-23; 7/4-11 Arrangement, 9/2-5
Free-wheeling diodes, 12/8-2 Mounting Dimensions, 9/2-3
FS, 7/4-12 Start Address, 9/3-2
FSQ, 7/4-5 Hardware, 8/3-2; 9/5-2
Function block, 14/4-3 Help, 8/4-31; 8/5-12
CONTROL, 14/4-13 High-current/high-voltage cables, 12/7-2
OP_MCU, 14/4-7 HIGRAPH, 2/4-2
RESTART, 14/4-11 Hints, 8/6-1
Function Block, 2/4-3; 9/5-10

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I Completion, 11/3-17
Edit ASCII files, 11/3-15
I/O Modules, 9/2-5 Enter drive, 11/3-11
I/Os, 9/1-3 Enter path, 11/3-11
Icons, 8/2-3 Language selection, 11/3-14
IEC 204, 9/4-2 Modify configuration, 11/3-13
IF, 7/4-4 Set configuration, 11/3-12
IFR, 7/4-12 Transfer software to hardware, 11/3-16
IM 360, 9/2-5 Transfer with errors, 11/3-16
IM 361, 9/2-5; 9/3-3 Installing the system master disk, 11/3-6
Improvements, 8/1-1 Activating transfer, 11/3-9
Increment parameters, 8/4-18 Completion, 11/3-10
Incremental dimension 254, 7/4-6 Readiness for receive of MMC module,
Incremental dimension input, 7/5-26 11/3-9
Incremental dimension parameters, 14/1-3 Series upgrade, 11/3-10
Incremental dimension, 7/3-50; 14/3-37 Transfer not o.k., 11/3-10
Incremental encoder ERN 1381 Transferring software to hardware, 11/3-9
Specifications, 3/2-5 Instance DB, 2/3-2; 2/4-4; 9/6-5; 9/6-9; 9/7-8;
Incremental encoder ERN 1387 9/7-31
Specifications, 3/2-5 Data Transfer, 9/7-2
Incremental encoder principle Variables, 9/7-3
MCU, 3/1-2 Instruction Execution Time, 9/1-3
Incremental encoder, 7/1-60 Instruction set, 2/4-2; 9/1-3
ERN 1381, 3/2-4 STEP 7, 2/4-2
ERN 1387, 3/2-4 Integrated S7-CPU, 9/1-3
Signals, 3/1-3 Data Interchange, 9/6-2
SIMODRIVE Sensor, 3/2-8 Instruction Execution Time, 9/1-3
Incremental position encoder, 14/5-2 Memory, 9/1-3
Incremental track, 3/1-2 Scan Time, 9/5-20
Increments/encoder revolution, 7/1-63; 7/1- Intelligent I/O Block, 9/6-5; 9/7-3; 9/7-6; 9/7-
66 26; 9/7-29
Indicator word, 14/7-10 CONTROL, 9/6-13
Indirect measuring system, 7/3-30 Error messages, 14/7-10
Individual test certificate, 12/11-4 Example for calling, 14/4-17
Inductances, 12/2-3 Instance DB, 9/6-5
Info window, 8/2-1 OP_MCU, 9/6-10
Information data record, 7/4-15; 14/3-19 RESTART, 9/6-8
Information, 9/1-2 STATUS, 9/6-17; 14/4-16
Input adaptation, 7/2-5; 7/3-16 Interconnection, 12/4-3
Inputs and Outputs, 9/3-7 Interface DB, 14/1-2
Integrated, 9/3-7 Interface diagnosis data, 14/3-18
Onboard, 9/3-7 Interface Modules, 9/2-5
Inputs, 2/5-2; 7/2-1; 9/5-6 Interface process alarm, 14/3-19
digital, 2/3-4 Interface, 7/4-1
Inputs/outputs, 2/5-2 Interference source, 12/3-2
Inserting an empty block, 11/4-20 Interference voltage, 10/1-2
Inspection windows, 12/5-2 Interference, 7/1-4; 12/3-2
Install system master disk Intermediate connectors, 12/6-5
Select drive, 11/3-8 Intermediate-circuit fixed voltage, 7/3-18
Select path, 11/3-8 Intermediate-circuit low voltage, 7/3-25
Installation package, 11/3-29 Internal clock, 2/4-6
Installation, 8/3-1; 8/3-4; 11/3-18 Interpolator, 7/1-15
Starting from diskette, 11/3-19 Interrupt and error processing, 14/4-5
Installing the application master disk, 11/3- Interrupt inputs, 2/3-4
11 Interrupt Processing, 9/5-13
Activate transfer, 11/3-16 Interrupting/completing a movement, 7/4-19

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Index 03.98

Interruption points in shielded cables, 12/7-2 Specifications, 3/2-11

Introduction, 8/2-1
Invocation DB, 14/1-2
J M function No., 7/4-12
M function, 2/3-11; 7/5-44
Jerk filter, 7/1-17 After positioning, 7/5-59
Jerk limitation, 2/3-8 During the positioning, 7/5-58
Jerk limiting, 7/1-20 Influence on the flying change, 7/5-65
Jerk time, 2/5-1; 7/1-19; 7/1-24 Prior to positioning, 7/5-57
Job lists, 8/2-1; 8/2-3; 8/4-12 M0, 7/5-45
M2, 7/5-46
M18, 7/5-47
K M30, 7/5-46
M97, 7/2-24; 7/5-48
KOP, 2/4-2 M98, 7/2-24; 7/5-48
Kv factor, 7/1-41 Machine control panel, 8/5-5
Machine coordinate system, 11/3-26
Machine data, 3/2-14; 7/1-5; 8/4-2; 8/4-22
L Adapting / optimizing (FM-POS), 14/6-6
Direct position measurement, 3/2-18
L, 7/5-51 Errors, 14/7-5
Language selection, 11/3-14 Linear axis, linear scale, 3/2-21
Layout Linear axis, rotary encoders, 3/2-20
S7-300, 9/4-7 MCU, 14/3-25
LED, 9/5-5 SIMODRIVE 611, 14/3-28
DIAG, 9/5-5 Machine, 11/4-5
FLTD, 9/5-5 Magnetic fields, 12/2-2; 12/5-4; 12/7-2
FORCE, 9/5-5 Main memory, 2/5-2
RUN, 9/5-5 Mains Voltage, 9/4-2
SF, 9/5-5 Malfunctions, 12/9-3
STOP, 9/5-5 Master language, 11/3-21
Length measuring, 1flying measuring, 14/3- Material damage, 7/1-59
12 Maximum Configuration, 9/3-2
Length measuring, 2/3-6; 7/2-13; 7/4-7; 7/4- Maximum velocity, 7/1-16
14 MCS, 11/3-26
Lengths of cable, 12/7-2 MCU Projects, 9/7-1; 9/7-3; 9/7-24; 9/7-26
Level adaptation, 7/3-16 MCU standard user interface, 11/3-5
Lightening strikes, 12/2-3 MCU, 11/4-3
Lighting of cubicles, 12/2-3 Components, 9/2-2
Line filter, 12/5-5 Erasing, 9/5-3
Linear axis, 7/1-65 Mode selection, 11/4-5
Parameterizing, indirect measuring sy- Modifying the MPI address, 10/4-4
stem, 3/2-22 Networked, 10/3-3
Parameterizing, linear scale, 3/2-24 Starting up, 9/7-7; 9/7-30
Parameterizing, rotary encoder, 3/2-25 Structure, 9/2-2
Linear scale Technological Functions, 9/6-1
LS 186, 3/2-10 MCU-PIT, 2/5-2; 7/4-4
Load Gear, 7/1-45 installing, 14/6-2
Load Memory, 9/1-3; 9/5-6 MD5, 7/2-15
Loader memory, 2/5-2 MD7, 3/2-14; 7/1-55
Local Data, 9/5-6 MD8, 7/5-31
LS 186 MD9, 7/5-31
Cable connector, 3/3-3 MD10, 7/1-63; 7/1-66
Signals, 3/2-10 MD11, 7/1-63; 7/1-66

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03.98 Index

MD12, 7/1-63; 7/1-66 ME, 7/4-12

MD13, 7/1-63; 7/1-66 Measuring function, 2/3-13; 7/3-68
MD14, 7/1-66 Measuring instrument, 12/10-4
MD16, 7/1-60; 7/3-43 Measuring system, 2/5-2; 7/1-56; 7/4-7
MD17, 7/3-13 Switchover, 2/3-9
MD18, 7/2-16; 7/3-43 Measuring, 7/2-13
MD19, 7/1-53 Axis position, 3/1-2
MD20, 7/1-59 Direct, 3/1-2
MD21, 7/1-11; 7/5-31 Flying, 2/3-6
MD22, 7/1-11; 7/5-31 Indirect, 3/1-2
MD23, 7/1-16; 7/5-43 Motor speed, 3/1-2
MD24, 7/1-34 Relative positioning time, 7/3-27
MD25, 7/1-34 Rotor position, 3/1-2
MD26, 7/1-37 Mechanical Assembly, 9/2-1
MD27, 7/3-43 Memory
MD28, 7/3-43 Load, 9/1-3
MD29, 7/3-43 User, 9/1-3
MD30, 7/1-52 Message, 11/4-25; 11/4-27
MD31, 7/1-52 Minimum separating distance, 12/2-2
MD32, 7/5-50 MMC module, 11/2-2
MD33, 7/5-50 Making ready for receive, 11/3-9
MD34, 7/1-46 MMC version, 11/4-28
MD35, 7/1-46 MNR, 7/4-12
MD36, 7/2-5; 7/3-16 Mode change, 7/3-5
MD37, 7/1-24; 7/1-28; 7/1-31 Mode check-back signal, 7/3-4
MD38, 7/1-44 Mode selection, 7/3-3
MD39, 7/1-39 Mode Selector Switch, 9/5-2
MD40, 7/1-16 MRES, 9/5-3
MD41, 7/1-16 Positions and Description, 9/5-3
MD42, 7/1-19; 7/1-24 RUN, 9/5-3
MD46 to MD49, 7/2-2; 7/3-17; 7/3-43; 7/3-45 Run-P, 9/5-3
MD46 to MD53, 7/2-3 STOP, 9/5-3
MD50 to MD53, 7/2-2; 7/2-23 Mode transition, 14/4-5
MD54, 7/1-63; 7/1-66 Mode
MD55, 7/1-63; 7/1-66 Automatic, 11/4-9
MD56, 7/1-63; 7/1-66 Jog, 11/4-6
MD57, 7/1-63; 7/1-66 Refpos, 11/4-8
MD60, 7/1-57 Modifying the override, 11/4-12
MD61, 7/2-2; 7/2-4 Modifying the software
MD63, 7/1-68; 7/3-14 DOS/BIOS, 11/3-7
MD64, 7/1-69 Module address, 9/6-9
MD65, 7/1-70 Module Parameterization, 9/5-14
MD66, 7/1-71 Modules
MD67, 7/1-72 Interface, 9/2-5
MD1005, 7/1-63 Isolated, 9/4-8
MD1007, 7/1-63 Monitoring functions, 7/1-58
MD1021, 7/1-66 Monitoring time, 7/1-34
MD1031, 7/1-66 Monitors, 12/5-4
MD1106, 7/1-70 Montiorings, 2/5-2
MD1638, 7/3-15 Motor brakes, 12/8-2
MD1639, 7/3-15 Motor encoder, 3/2-16
MDI block information, 7/3-54 Motor power supply and mains supply
MDI block, 7/3-53; 7/3-56; 7/4-6; 7/4-9; 14/3- cables, 12/6-4
4 Motor protection, 3/1-6
MDI, 7/3-52 Motor speed max., 2/5-1
MDI-Flying MDI block, 14/3-8 Motor speed, 3/1-2

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MCU (Appendix)
Index 03.98

Motor temperature, 3/1-7 Number of loops, 2/3-10

Motor, 2/4-9 Number of motor revolutions, 7/1-45
1FK6, 2/5-1 Number of revolutions of EnDat encoder,
1FT6, 2/5-1 7/1-66
Built-in encoder, 3/2-2
Overload protection, 3/1-6
Selection, 3/2-2 O
Temperature error, 3/1-7
Temperature sensor, 3/1-6; 3/1-7 OB, 9/5-6; 9/5-8
Temperature threshold, 3/1-7 OB1, 9/7-9; 9/7-32
Motor/encoder combination OB100, 9/7-7; 9/7-30
Direct measuring, 3/2-3 Onboard Inputs and Outputs
Indirect measuring, 3/2-3 Addressing, 9/3-7
Mounting Dimensions, 9/2-3 Online data, 8/4-14
Mounting rail, 12/5-4 Online functions, 8/5-12
Mouse, 8/2-1 Online/offline operation, 8/2-2; 8/4-2
Movement, 7/1-4 OP 031, 11/3-4
MPI address, 10/4-1 OP_MCU, 9/6-10
Assigning, 10/4-2 Call, 9/6-10
Default, 10/4-2 Description, 9/6-10
Determining automatically, 10/4-2; 10/4-3 Invocation DB, 14/4-10
Highest, 10/4-2 Parameter, 9/6-11; 14/4-8
Modifying, 10/4-4 Representation in the form of a ladder
Recommendation, 10/4-3 diagram, 14/4-8
Rule, 10/4-2 Specifications, 9/6-12
MPI network Technical data, 14/4-10
Data loss, 10/5-5 Operating & monitoring components, 11/2-1
Example, 10/1-4 Commissioning, 11/3-1
Installing, 10/1-3 Configuring, 11/2-1
Rule, 10/1-3 Operating data FM-POS DB 1000, 14/3-20
Tap, 10/2-10 Operating data, 7/4-14; 8/4-2; 8/4-21; 14/3-9
Terminator, 10/2-10 Operating error, 7/4-12; 7/4-15; 14/7-2
MPI Services, 9/5-18 Operating mode parameters, 7/4-4
MPI Operating mode transitions, 9/5-13
Address, 11/3-4 Operating mode, 2/3-3; 7/3-1; 7/3-68; 7/4-4;
Bus line, 11/3-3 7/4-11; 7/4-16; 9/6-10; 14/2-1
Definition, 10/1-2 Automatic Single Block, 7/3-67
MRES, 9/5-3 Automatic Subsequent Block, 7/3-58
Mode Selector Switch, 9/5-3 Controlling, 7/3-38
Emergency retraction, 7/3-15
Incremental Dimension, 7/3-50
N MDI, 7/3-52
Reference-point approach, 7/3-40
NC block, 7/4-14 Setting-up, 7/3-36
Active, 14/3-10 Operating system, 8/3-3
Next, 14/3-11 Operation, 8/1-1
Nesting Depth, 9/5-6 Operator error, 7/4-12; 7/4-14; 14/3-18; 14/7-
Network component, 10/2-1 3
Networking, 2/4-7; 2/5-2 Operator panel OP 031, 11/2-2
Possibilities, 10/3-3 Optimum shield bond, 12/6-7
Prerequisite, 11/3-4 Ordering numbers, 2/4-9
NEUST, 7/4-12 Organization block, 2/4-3; 14/4-2
NEUSTQ, 7/4-5 For cycle and start-up, 14/4-2
Nominal speed value, 7/1-53 For error response, 14/4-3
Notes on Use, 8/3-4 For internal and external interrupts, 14/4-
Number of load revolutions, 7/1-45 2

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MCU (Appendix)
03.98 Index

Interrupts, 9/5-8 Position control, 7/1-1; 14/1-3

Size, 14/4-2 Position controller cycle, 7/2-2; 7/2-4
Original cables, 12/7-3 Position controller inhibit, 7/2-20
Original packaging of ESD-sensitive modu- Position controller, 7/1-4; 7/1-40
les, 12/10-3 Position encoder, 7/1-54
Oscillographs, 2/3-13 Position reached, stop, 7/4-11
Output time of M function, 7/5-50 Position, 7/5-42
Output type of M function, 7/5-50 Position-controller blocking, 2/3-6
Outputs, 2/5-2; 7/2-1; 9/5-6 Positioning control parameterized, 7/4-12
Digital, 2/3-4 Positioning control
Overload protection Data errors, 14/7-4
Encoder supply, 3/1-5 Diagnostic alarm, 14/7-2
Motor, 3/1-6 Error messages, 14/7-2
OVERR, 7/4-5 Machine data errors, 14/7-5
Override, 2/3-8; 7/1-25; 7/4-5; 7/5-32 Operating errors, 14/7-2
Overview, 8/3-2; 11/1-1 Operator errors, 14/7-3
Run-up errors, 14/7-6
Traversing errors, 14/7-3
P Traversing program errors, 14/7-6
Positioning functions, 2/3-2
P controller, 7/1-5 Positioning Part, 2/3-1
P, 7/5-51 Positioning programs, 8/4-2; 8/4-10
Packaging, 12/10-3; 12/10-4 Positioning Section
PARA, 7/4-12 Data Interchange, 9/6-2
Parameterizing a block Positioning time, 7/3-27
Writing and reading, 14/4-5 Positioning
Parameterizing Positioning, 2/3-2
Linear axis Potential conditions, 10/2-7
Indirect measuring system, 3/2-22 Potential differences, 12/2-3
Linear scale, 3/2-24 Power cables, 12/2-2; 12/5-6; 12/7-2
Parameters, 8/4-2 Power components, 12/5-4
Parking axis, 2/3-7; 7/4-7 Power consumption, 9/1-3
Path difference, 7/3-30 Of an S7-300, 9/4-3
Path/encoder revolution, 7/1-63; 7/1-66 Power Loss, 9/4-5
PBR, 7/4-12 Of an S7-300, 9/4-3
PC, 11/2-4 Power modules, 2/4-9
PCMCIA-Karte, 2/4-6 Power supply cables, 12/2-2
PE conductor bar, 12/5-6 Power Supply Error, 9/5-9
PE conductor, 12/8-4 Power supply fault, 14/4-3
PEH, 7/1-34; 7/2-23; 7/4-11 Power Supply Modules
Penetrations, 12/5-2 Power Loss, 9/4-5
Peripherals Power Supply, 9/4-4
Grounded Power Supply, 9/4-5 Grounded, 9/4-5
Personnel PP 031, 11/3-4
Qualified, 8/1-2 Preface, 8/1-1
Target, 8/1-1 Press, 2/3-9; 7/3-28
PIT-CONTROL, 8/5-1 Previous knowledge, 8/1-1; 12/1-3
PIT-EDIT, 8/4-1 Process data 1, 14/3-14
Planning Guides, 12/1-4 Process error, 14/3-19
Planning, 9/2-1; 9/4-1 Process Image, 9/5-6
PLC functions, 2/4-2 Process interrupt generation, 7/2-15
PLC mode selector switch, 14/6-2 Process interrupt, 9/5-8; 9/5-18; 14/4-2
PLC status, 11/4-28 Process selection, 8/4-4
Plug-in connectors, 3/3-2 Processing backward, 7/3-61
Pogramming language, 2/4-2 Processing forward, 7/3-60
Points of separation, 12/7-2 Processing running, 7/4-11

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MCU (Appendix)
Index 03.98

Product Range, 9/2-2 Axis selection, 11/4-24

PROFIBUS-DP, 2/4-7 System, 11/4-26
Program control, 11/4-10 Rated voltage, 9/1-3
Program execution backward, 7/4-12 RC elements, 12/2-3
Program selection, 7/3-59; 7/3-66; 7/4-9; RC suppression circuits, 12/8-2
9/7-20; 14/3-8 Read-in enable, 7/4-4
Program store, 2/3-10 Real-time interrupts, 14/4-2
Program structure, 2/3-10 Reducing velocity, 7/3-42; 7/3-43
Program, 11/4-9; 11/4-15 Reference of backlash direction, 7/1-52
Copying, 11/4-20 Reference point, 7/3-41; 7/3-49
Creating a new ~, 11/4-17 Reference-point approach, 7/2-18; 7/3-40
Creating/modifying, 11/4-17 Reference-point coordinate, 7/1-60; 7/3-43
Deleting, 11/4-18 Reference-point setting, 7/1-66; 7/3-13; 7/4-
Modifying, 11/4-19 10; 14/3-9
Saving, 11/4-19; 11/4-22 Reference-point shift, 7/3-43; 7/3-49
Select, 11/4-16 Reference-point switch, 7/2-6; 7/2-17; 7/3-
Program, 2/4-3 45; 7/3-47
End, 7/5-46 Referencing velocity, 7/3-43
Flow, 7/5-52 Regulations, 8/1-1
Name, 7/5-5 For Operating, 9/4-2
Number, 7/5-6 Relative dimension input, 7/5-24
Structure, 7/5-8 Relays, 12/2-3; 12/8-2
Programmed position, 7/1-4 Remaining-time measuring, 2/3-9
Programming and deleting the tool offset, Remote, 3/1-5
7/5-40 Replacing MCU modules, 14/6-10
Programming error, 9/5-9; 14/4-3 Request Application Data, 9/7-21
Programming unit (PU) RESET Button, 9/5-2
Connecting Response threshold for intermediate-circuit
By means of bus connector, 10/3-3 monitoring only, 7/3-18
To several MCUs, 10/3-3 Response Time, 9/5-20
To the MCU, 10/3-2 Restart, 7/4-8; 7/4-12
Programming, 2/3-10; 7/5-1; 8/2-2 RESTART, 9/6-8
Programs, 8/4-10 Call, 9/6-8
Project planning, 8/2-1; 8/2-2 Description, 9/6-8
Protective earthing, 12/8-4 Parameter, 9/6-8; 14/4-11
Protective measures against ESD, 12/10-5 Representation in the form of a ladder
Protective measures, 9/4-5; 12/10-4 diagram, 14/4-11
PU, 11/2-4 Specifications, 9/6-9
Pulse enable, 7/4-4; 7/4-12 Technical data, 14/4-12
Push-button panel PP 031, 11/2-3 Retriggering the reference-point, 7/4-7
Reversal cams, 7/2-18
Reversal switch, 7/3-48
Q RFG, 7/4-5
Roll feed, 2/3-9
QMF, 7/4-5 Roller feed, 7/3-28
Qualified person, 12/1-3 ROQ 425
Qualified personnel, 8/1-2 Cable connector, 3/3-4
Signals, 3/2-12
Specifications, 3/2-12
R Rotary axis, 2/3-2; 2/3-9; 3/2-17; 3/2-19; 7/3-
10; 7/3-54; 7/5-27; 7/1-65
R +, 7/4-4 Indirect position measurement
R -, 7/4-4 Linear axis, 3/2-18
Rack 0, 9/3-3 Motor encoder, 3/2-16
Radial run our, 2/5-1 Parameterizing, indirect measuring sy-
Range stem, 3/2-23

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MCU (Appendix)
03.98 Index

Parameterizing, rotary encoder, 3/2-26 Scheduled data, 7/4-6

Temperature error, 3/1-7 Scope of application, 8/2-1
Unit system raster (USR), 3/2-14 Scope of Functions, 3/1-1
Rotary encoder, 3/2-25 Screen bright/dark, 11/4-26
Rotary axis Screen division
Indirect measuring system, 3/2-23 MCU, 11/4-4
Rotary encoder, 3/2-26 Screw connections, 12/2-1; 12/5-2
Rotor position, 3/1-2 SDB, 9/5-6; 9/5-10
RS 485 bus terminal, 10/2-4 Segment, 10/1-2
Reason, 10/2-4 Exceeding the maximum line length,
Terminator, 10/2-4 10/2-7
RS 485 repeater, 10/2-5 Maximum line length, 10/1-2
Application, 10/2-5 Selection
Description, 10/2-5 Motor, 3/2-2
Electric isolation, 10/2-6 Motor/encoder combination, 3/2-3
Grounded operation, 10/2-6 Self-test, 11/3-4
Segment end, 10/2-8 Sense, 3/1-5
Terminator, 10/2-8 Service data 1, 7/4-14
Ungrounded operation, 10/2-6 Service data, 7/4-14; 14/3-13; 14/3-14
Within the segment, 10/2-9 Servo control signal, 7/1-24; 7/1-31
Rules Set-up, 8/3-1
General, 9/4-2 Setpoint and actual value cables, 12/2-2
Run-P Setpoint and actual value data cables, 12/7-
Mode Selector Switch, 9/5-3 2
Run-Time Meter, 9/5-6; 9/5-7 Setpoint for incremental dimension, 14/3-3
Run-up errors, 14/7-6 Setting of Actual Values, 9/7-15
Run-up faults, 3/3-10 Setting-up velocity, 7/3-37
RUN Setting-up, 7/3-36
LED, 9/5-5 Settings, 8/5-11
Mode Selector Switch, 9/5-3 Valid for several operating modes, 2/3-7
Running up, 9/5-17 SETUP.EXE, 8/3-4
LED, 9/5-5
S SFB, 9/5-11
SFC, 9/5-6; 9/5-10; 9/5-11
S_I1, 7/4-12 in Integrated S7-CPU, 9/5-11
S_I2, 7/4-12 SFG, 7/2-23; 7/4-11
S_I3, 7/4-12 Shield connection, 12/6-4
S_I4, 7/4-12 Shield contacting, 12/5-6
S7 I/O Modules Shield termination at both ends, 12/6-3
Address, 9/3-3 Shield termination at one end, 12/6-3
S7-300 Shielding bus, 12/2-1; 12/2-2; 12/5-5; 12/5-6;
General Layout, 9/4-7 12/6-6
S7-CPU, 2/4-2 Shields, 12/5-6
Features, 9/5-6 Shipment, 12/10-3
SA, 7/4-4 Sign-of life failure, 7/3-24
Safety information, 8/4-2; 8/5-3 Signal cables, 12/2-2
Safety regulations, 8/1-1; 12/1-3 Signal Modules, 9/3-2
Sample programs, 2/4-5 Addressing, 9/3-4
Save, 8/4-5 Slot, 9/3-2
Saving data blocks, 8/4-5 Signals from the MCU, 7/4-11
Saving processes, 8/4-5 Signals to the MCU, 7/4-4
Scan Time, 9/5-20 Signals
Scheduled data 611, 7/4-6; 14/3-5 LS 186, 3/2-10
Scheduled data with execution instruction, ROQ 425, 3/2-12
7/4-7 SIMODRIVE Sensor, 3/2-8

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MCU (Appendix)
Index 03.98

SIMATIC CPU, 9/5-6 Status line, 8/2-1; 8/2-2

SIMATIC S7, 2/5-2 STATUS, 9/6-17
SIMODRIVE error messages, 3/3-10 Call, 9/6-17
SIMODRIVE 611 A/D Motor power supply Description, 9/6-17
cable, 12/6-8 Parameter, 9/6-17; 14/4-16
SIMODRIVE 611, 2/4-8; 2/5-1 Representation in the form of a statement
SIMODRIVE filter module, 12/2-1 list, 14/4-16
SIMODRIVE interface Specifications, 9/6-17
Error messages, 14/7-7 Technical data, 14/4-16
SIMODRIVE motor cables, 12/2-2 STEP 7, 2/4-2
SIMODRIVE Sensor, 3/2-8 instruction set, 2/4-2
Cable connector, 3/3-3 STEPDRIVE filter, 12/2-1
Signals, 3/2-8 Stop at block end, 7/5-45
Specifications, 3/2-9 STOP, 7/4-4
Error messages, 14/7-7 Mode Selector Switch, 9/5-3
Simulation mode, 2/3-7 STP, 7/4-4
Simulation, 7/4-7 Strain relief, 12/6-6
Single shielding, 12/6-2 Structure, 8/2-2
SINUMERIK FM components, 12/5-4 Subroutine call, 7/5-51
Skip block, 7/4-4 Support rail, 12/5-4
Skippable blocks, 7/5-11 Suppression circuit, 12/2-3
Slip monitoring, 7/3-30 Symbol List, 9/7-6
Slot, 9/3-2 SYN, 7/4-12
Software limit switch beginning, 7/5-31 Synchronization point, 7/3-49
Software limit switch end, 7/5-31 Syntax checks, 8/2-1
Software limit switch monitoring, 7/4-8 SYSDOK, 8/2-1; 8/4-25
Software limit switches, 7/1-9 SYSDOK-MCU, 8/2-4
Software, 8/3-2; 9/5-6 System data block, 2/4-4; 9/5-10; 14/4-6
Software-limit swithes, 2/3-8 System data, 7/4-16
Solenoid valves, 12/2-3 System design, 11/2-4
Sources for Data Blocks, 9/7-5 System documentation, 8/2-2
Spare cabling, 12/7-3 System Function Blocks (SFB), 2/4-4
Specifications System Function Calls (SFC), 2/4-4
Absolute encoder EQN1325, 3/2-7 System function, 9/5-10; 9/5-11; 14/4-4
Incremental encoder ERN 1381, 3/2-5 System master disk, 11/3-5
Incremental encoder ERN 1387, 3/2-5 System of protection, 2/5-2
LS 186, 3/2-11 System Responses, 9/5-3
ROQ 425, 3/2-12 System, 11/4-26
SIMODRIVE Sensor, 3/2-9 loading, 11/3-18
Speed regulator
Startup time, 2/5-1
Speed step, 7/3-39; 14/3-3 T
ST, 7/4-4
Standard Data T-L, 7/4-12
Loading, 9/5-3 Table of incremental dimensions, 2/3-9
Start enable, 7/4-11 Tables, 8/4-14
Start screen, 8/4-2; 8/5-3 Target group, 8/1-1
Start, 7/3-40; 7/4-4 Target range, 7/1-34
Extern, 2/3-4 Teach In, 2/3-7; 7/4-9; 9/7-23; 14/3-8
Start, externally, 7/2-7 Technical Data, 2/5-1
Starting a movement, 7/4-18 Technical help, 8/4-25
Starting up Technological functions, 8/3-3; 9/1-3; 9/6-1;
The MCU, 9/7-7; 9/7-30 9/6-4
Stations Technology functions, 2/3-2; 2/4-4
Connectable, 10/1-2 Temperature sensor, 3/1-6

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MCU (Appendix)
03.98 Index

Motor, 3/1-7 Skip block, 14/3-39

Temperature threshold Subroutine call, 14/3-40
Motor, 3/1-7 Tool offset number, 14/3-40
Terminator Velocity, 14/3-40
Bus connector, 10/2-3 Traversing range, 2/5-1
RS 485 bus terminal, 10/2-4 Traversing rate, 7/1-41
RS 485 repeater, 10/2-8 Traversing speed, 2/5-1
Text access, 11/3-21 Traversing the MCU Axis, 14/6-7
Text conversion
Error, 11/3-23
Text editor, 8/2-2 U
Text source file, 11/3-21
Text Undo actual value setting, 7/4-8
Modify, 11/3-22 Unfiltered cables, 12/2-1
Several languages, 11/3-21 Unit control panel
TFB, 7/4-4; 7/4-12 Error messages, 14/7-11
TFGS, 7/4-12 Unit Operator Panel, 11/2-1
Time Error, 9/5-9 Unit system raster (USR), 3/2-14
Time interrupt, 9/5-8; 9/5-18; 14/4-2 Unscreened cables, 12/2-2
Time override active, 7/1-31 Unused cores of power cables, 12/6-4
Time override, 2/3-8; 7/1-28 User displays, 8/2-1; 8/2-3; 8/4-15
Time-delay Interrupt, 9/5-8; 9/5-12 User interface, 8/2-1
Time-interrupt functions, 14/4-4 Parameterizing, 11/4-25
Time-keeping function, 14/4-4 User Memory, 9/1-3; 9/5-6
Time-of-day Interrupt Function, 9/5-12 User program, 7/4-4; 9/5-18
Time-of-Day Interrupts, 9/5-8 S7, 9/6-4
Timers, 2/5-2 User texts, 11/3-20
Times, 9/5-6
Timing error, 14/4-3
Timing Flag, 9/5-6 V
Tool compensation data, 8/4-17
Tool compensation, 8/4-2; 11/4-13 Valid for several operating settings/functions,
Tool length compensation, 7/5-38 2/3-7
Tool length wear, 7/5-38 Valves, 12/8-2
Tool offset negative G44, 7/5-41 Variables of Instance DB, 9/7-3
Tool offset positive G43, 7/5-41 Variants of tool offset, 7/5-38
Tool offset store, 2/3-12 Variants, 9/2-2
Tool offset, 2/3-12; 7/5-35; 14/1-3; 14/3-37 Varistors, 12/2-3
Toolbar, 8/2-2 VDE 113, 9/4-2
Training, 2/4-11 VDE regulations, 8/1-1
Transfer of MDI Block, 9/7-6 VDE specifications, 12/1-3
Transfer VDE, 9/4-5
Activate, 11/3-9; 11/3-16 Velocity override, 7/1-26
With errors, 11/3-10; 11/3-16 Velocity step, 7/3-37; 7/4-6; 14/3-3
Transmission, 2/5-2 Modifying, 11/4-7
Traversing block, 7/5-7; 7/5-9 Velocity, 7/5-42
Traversing error, 7/4-15; 14/3-19; 14/7-3 Ventilation holes, 12/5-2
Traversing minus, 7/4-11 Ventilation openings, 12/5-3
Traversing plus, 7/4-11 Victim equipment, 12/3-2
Traversing program errors, 14/7-6 Victim, 12/9-2
Traversing program, 7/5-4; 14/1-3; 14/3-38
Block number, 14/3-39
G function, 14/3-39 W
M function, 14/3-40
Position/dwell time, 14/3-40 Warning symbols, 8/1-2
Program number, 14/3-39 WCS, 11/3-26

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MCU (Appendix)
Index 03.98

Weight, 9/1-3
Weighting factors, 9/1-3
WFG, 7/4-11
Window, 8/5-12
Windows commands, 8/6-1
Windows, 8/1-1
Working range, 7/1-10
Workpiece coordinate system, 11/3-26
Workstation, 12/10-4

Zero offset, 7/3-8; 14/3-7
Modify, 11/4-11
Zero Shift, 9/7-14
ZOOM, 11/4-10

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MCU (Appendix)
03.98 Index

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 2-17

MCU (Appendix)
01.97 Abbreviations

3 Abbreviations

f Angular frequency
A Output
AC Alternating current
AD Drive data
AF Automatic Subsequent Block
AG PLC (programmable logical controller)
AI Analog input
AKKU Accumulator
AM Drive machine data
AMF Alter M function
AO Analog output
AR Working guideline
AS Drive service
ASCII American standard code for information interchange
ASIC Application specific integrated circuit
AT Advanced Technology
AUT Automation Group at the Siemens AG
AUTO Automatic mode
AWL Statement list (STL)
AWP User program
B&B Operation and monitoring
BA Operating mode
BCD Binary coded decimals
BD Operating data
BG Module
BL Processing is running
C Capacity
CE Communauts europennes
CP Communication processor
CPU Central processing unit
D Tool offset number
DA Digital output
DAU Digital analog converter
DB Data block
DB-SS Interface data block
DC Direct current

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-1

MCU (Appendix)
Abbreviations 01.97

DE Digital input
DI Digital input
DIN German Industrial Standards
DO Digital output
DP Distributed periphery
DPR Dual-port RAM
DS Data record
E Input
E/R Stabilized power supply/recovery module
EBF Unit Operator Panel
EGB Electrostatic sensitive devices /modules
EMV Electromagnetic compatibility
EN European standard
EnDat Encoder Data Interface (bi-directional synchronous-serial interface)
EP Electronics evaluation factor
EPROM Erasable programmable read only memory
ESD Electrostatic Sensitive Device
EU European Union
EWG European Economic Community
f Frequency
F Speed
FB Function block
FC Function
FC Function call: Function blocks in the PLC
FEPROM Flash EPROM: read-write memory
FFT Fast Fourier Transformation
FM Function module: Periphery module of the SIMATIC S7
FR +/- Drive +/-
FUP Sequential Function Chart
G G function
GD Global data
GND Signal ground: reference potential
H Magnetic
HEX Abbreviation for hexadecimal number
HF High frequency
HSA Main spindle drive
HW Hardware
I Current
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IFM Integrated function modules

3-2 Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

MCU (Appendix)
01.97 Abbreviations

IFR Pulse enable

IMS / IMR Interface module: send / receive
IP Intelligent periphery / protection type
JOG Jogging
K-Bus Communication bus of SIMATIC S7
KOP Ladder Diagram
L Inductivity
L Subroutine number
L1, L2, L3 Phases
LCD Liquid crystal display
LED Light emitting diode
LME End of measurement
LT Power section
LTM Power module
M Ground
M1, M2, M3 M function of 1st group, M function of 2nd group, M function of 3rd group
MCU Motion Control Unit: Positioning control for one axis
MCU-PIT Parameterizing and commissioning tool
MD Machine data
MDI Manual Data Input
MMC Man-machine communication: User interface for operation, programming and simula-
MPI Multi-point interface
MSR Unit system raster
MSST Machine control panel
N Neutral (conductor)
N Block number
NC Numerical Control
NCU Numeric Control Unit
NE Mains supply
NE-Module Power supply module
NEUST Restart
NF Low frequency
NPV Zero offset
OB Organization block
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OP Operator panel
P Number of loops
P-Bus Periphery bus of SIMATIC S7
Pa Parameter

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-3

MCU (Appendix)
Abbreviations 01.97

PAA Process image of outputs

PAB Periphery output byte
PAE Process image of inputs
PBL Parameter basic list
PBR Program execution backwards
PC Personal computer
PCMCIA Personal computer memory card international association: memory card standardiza-
PE PE conductor
PEB Periphery input byte
PEH Position reached and stop
PG Programming unit
PIT Parameterizing and commissioning tools
PLC Programmable logical controller
PP Push-button panel
PPU Protected power unit
PR Traversing programs
PRT Program test
PS Power supply
PW-Module Pulse resistance module
PWM Pulse width modulation
R Resistance
R Parameter
RAM Random Access Memory
REFPOS Reference-point approach
RMS Check-back signal
ROM Read Only Memory
s Path, distance
SCK System configuration kit
SDB System data block
SFB System function block
SFC System functions
SFG Start enable
SKP Skip block
SM Incremental dimension / signal module
SPS Programmable logic controller
SSI Serial synchronous interface
STEP 7 Programming software for SIMATIC S7
STS Control signal (also control block for triggering LTM)
SV Power supply

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MCU (Appendix)
01.97 Abbreviations

SW Software
SYSDOK System-integrated documentation
TB Intelligent I/O modules
TB Intelligent I/O modules
TFB Operation via PIT-Control (control signal)
TFGS Operation via PIT-Control (check-back signal)
T-L Dwell time running
TN-S TN-S network
TTL Transistor transistor logic
U Voltage
U/f-Umsetzer Voltage/frequency converter
UE non-stabilized supply module
UE-Module Supply module with non-stabilized intermediate circuit voltage and pulse resistance
W-Module Monitoring module
V24 Serial interface: Definition of exchange lines between data terminal equipment and
data-circuit terminating equipment
VDE Association of German Electrotechnical Engineers
VGA Video graphics adapter
VP Traversing program
VSA Feed drives
VSA-Module Feed module
WFG Waiting for machining enable
WK/WZ/ Tool/tool offset
X Position/dwell time
XT Extended Technology
Z Impedance
ZK, ZWK Intermediate circuit

Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved 3-5

MCU (Appendix)
Abbreviations 01.97

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MCU (Appendix)
MCU 172A
Single-Axis Positioning Control

Version 4.0

MCU 172A
Single-Axis Positioning Control

Version 4.0
6SN1 197-4MA00-0BP0

MCU 172A
Single-Axis Positioning Control

Version 4.0
6SN1 197-4MA00-0BP0

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