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I. Perfection and Imperfection of Metalline Bodies, is the Subject of this present
discourse; and therefore we treat of things
perfecting and corrupting, or destroying, because opposites set
near to each other, are the more manifest.
II. That which perfects Imperfect Metals, is a commixion of Argent
Vive and Sulphur in due proportion, by a due and temperate
decoction in the bowels of clean, inspissate, and fixed Earth,
joyned with an incorruptible radical humidity, whereby it is
brough to a solid, fusible substance, with a convenient fire,
and made maleable.
III. But Imperfect Minerals are made of a coinmixtion of pure
Argent Vive and Sulphur, without due proportion, or a due de
coction, in the bowels of the unclean, not fully inspissated,
nor fixed Earth, joyned with a corrupting humidity, whereby are
brought ~orth Metals of a porous substance, and though fusible,
not sufficiently, or so perfectly maleable as the others.
IV. Under the first definition, are concluded, Sol and Luna,
each according to their perfection: Under the second Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars, and Venus, each according to their imperfection:
in which that which is manifest must be hidden, or taken away,
and that which is hidden, must be made manifest and brought
�1�into operation, which is done by preparing them, by which, their
Superfluities will be removed, and their defects, or
imperfection supplied, and the true perfection inserted into
V. But the perfect Bodies, as Sol and Luna, need none of this
preparation they must have, as may subtilize their parts, and
reduce them from a Corporality to a fixed Spirituality; that
from thence may be made a fixed Spiritual Body, in order to
compleat the Great Elixir, whether White or Red.
VI. In both these, viz, the White and Red Elixirs, there is no
other thing than Argent Vive and Sulphur, of which one cannot
act, not be without the other: It would be a foolish and vain
thing to think to make this Great Elixir or Tincture, from any
thing, in which it is not, this was never the intention of the
Philosophers, though they speak many things by similitude.
VII. And because all Metalick Bodies are compounded of Argent
Vive and Sulphur, pure, or impure, by accident, and not innate
in their first nature, therefore by convenient preparation, �tis
possible to take away their impurity; the end of prepara.tion is
to take away Superfluities, and supply the defects.
VIII. For we have considered the substance of Metaline Bodies,
perfect and imperfect to be one, viz. Argent Vive and Sulphur,
which are pure and clean before their coinmixtion; and by
consideration and experience, we found the Corruption of
Imperfect Bodies to be by accident; but that being prepared and
cleansed from all their Superfluities, Corruption, and fugitive
�2�ness, we found them of greater brightness, clearness, and
purity, than the naturally perfect Metals not prepared, by which
consideration we attained to the perfection of this Science.
IX. The Imperfect Bodies have accidentally Superfluous Humidities, and a
Combustible Sulphureity, with a Primary Blackness in them and corrupting them;
together with an UncZean,
Feculent, Combustible., and very gross Earthiness, impedeing
rngress and Fusion: Therefore it behoves us with artificial
fire, by the help of purified Salts and Vinegars, to remove
superfluous accidents, that the only radical substance of Argent
Vive and Sulphur, may remain; which may indeed be done by
various ways and methods, according as the Elixir requires.
X. The general way of preparation is this. 1. With fire proportional, the whole
superfluous and Corrupt humidity in its
essence must be elevated: and the subtil and burning Suiphureity
removed; and this by Calcination. 2. The whole Corrupt substance
of their superfluous burning humidity and blackness, remaining
in their calx, must be corroded with the following cleansed
Salts and Vinegars till the Calx be White or Red (according to
the nature of the body) and is made clean, and pure from all
Superfluity and Corruption: These Caixes are cleansed with the
said Salts and Vinegars, by grinding, imbibing and washing. 3.
The, whole unclean Earthiness, and Combustible, gross
Faeculency, must be taken away with the aforesaid things, not
having Metallick Fusion, by coinmixing and grinding them
together with the aforesaid Caix, depurated in the aforesaid
manner: For these in the Fusion or Reduction of the Caix,
�3�will remain with themselves the said uncleanness and gross
Earthiness, the Body remaining pure.
XI. Being thus cleansed, it is Meliorated thus. First, This
Purged and Reduced Body is again Calcined by Fire, with the
Salts as aforesaid. Secondly, Then with such of these as are
Solutive, it must be Dissolved. For this Water is Our Stone, and
Argent Vive of Argent Vive, and Sulphur of Sulphur, abstracted
from the Spiritual Body, and subtilized or attenuated; which is
Meliorated, by confirming the Elemental Virtues in it, with
other prepared things of its own kind, which augment the Colour,
Fixion Weight, Purity and Fusion, with all other things
appertaining to the true Elixir.
XII. The Salts and Vinegars for this work are thus prepared and
cleansed. Common Salt, and Salt Gem, as also Sal Alcali, and
Sandiver, are cleansed by Calcining them, and then casting them
into hot water to be Dissolved, which Solution being Filtred is
to be coagulated by a gentle fire, then to be Calcined for a Day
and a Night in a moderate fire, and so kept for use.
XIII. Sal Armoniack is cleansed, by Grinding it with a preparation of Common Salt
cleansed, and then subliming it in an
high Body and Head, till it ascends all pure: then dissolving it
in a Porphyrie in the open Air, if you would have it in a water,
or otherwise keeping the sublimate in a Glass close stopt for
�4�IV. Rock Alums, or Factitious, or other Alums, are cleansed, by
putting them in an Alembick, and extracting their whole
Humidity, which is of great use in this Art. The Foeces remaining in the Bottom,
Dissolve on a Porphyrie, in a moist place, or
in water, and then again extract, and keep it for life.
XV. Vitriol of all kinds is cleansed, by dissolving it in pure
Vinegar, then Distilling and Coagulating. Or first abstract its
Humidity over a gentle fire: the Foeces Calcine, and Dissolve
per deliquium, or in their own water, filtre, and Coagulate (or
if you please, the water,) and keep it for use.
XVI. Vinegars of what kind or how acute and sharp soever, are
cleansed by subtilization, and their Virtues and Effects are
Meliorated by Distillation. With these Salts and Vinegars, the
imperfect Bodies may be prepared, purified, meliorated and
subtilized, by the help of the Fire. Glass and Borax are pure,
and need no preparation.
XVII. Out of the Metalline Bodies we compose the Great Elixir,
making One substance of many, yet so permanently fixed, that the
strongest or greatest force of Fire cannot hurt it, or make it f
lie away, which will mix with Metals in Flux, and flow with
them, and enter into them, and be permixed with the fixed substance which is in
them, and be fixed with that in them which is
incombustible; receiving no hurt by any thing which Gold and
Silver cannot be hurt by.
�5�XVIII. Hence we define Our Stone, to be agenerating or Fruitful
Spirit and Living-water, which we name the Dry-water, by Natural
preportion cleansed and United with such Union, that its principles can never be
separated one from another; to which two
must be added, a third, (for shortning the work) and that is
XIX. The generating or Fruitful Spirit, is White in Occulto, and
Red and Black on either side, in the Magistery of this work: but
in Manifesto, on both sides tending to Redness. And because the
Earthy parts are throughly and in their least particles United
with the Airy, Watery, and Fiery, so that in Resolution, no one
of them can be separated, but each with all and every one is
dissolved, by reason of the strong Union, which they have with
each other in their said least particles, the Compositum is made
one solid, uniform substance, the same in Nature, Properties,
and all other respects as that of Gold.
Geber's hermetic impress
(from Stolclus's Hermetic Garden).
I. SULPHUR iS a Fatness of the Earth, thickened by a temperate
Decoction in the Mines of the Earth, until it be hardened and
made dry, homogeneal, and of an Uniform substance as to its
parts. It cannot be Calcined, (without great industry) but with
much loss of its substance; nor can it be fixed unless it be
first Calcined: but it may be mixed, and its flight in some
measure hindred, and its Adustion repressed, and so the more
easily Calcined.
II. By Sulphur alone nothing can be done, our work from it
alone cannot be perfected, the Magistry would be prolonged even
to desperation: but with its Compere (Arsenick for the White,
and Antimony for the Red) a Tincture is made, which gives
compleat weight to every of the Metals, cleanses and exalts
them: and it is perfected with out Magistery, without which it
performs to us none of these things, but either corrupts or
III. He who knows how to commix and Unite it amicably with
Bodies, knows one of the greatest Secrets of Nature, and one way
to perfection: for there are many ways to that Elixir or
Tincture. Whatsoever Body is Calcin�d with it receives weight:
Copper from it assumes the likeness of Sd. Mercury sublimed with
it becomes Cinnabar. All Bodies, except Sol and Jupiter, are
easily Calcin�d with it, but Sol most difficultly.
�7�IV. The less Humidity any body has, the easier it is Calcin�d
with Sulphur; it Illuminates every body, because it is Light,
Alum, or Salt, and Tincture. It is difficultly Dissolved, because
of its deficiency of Saline parts, but abounding with
Oleaginous. It is easily sublimed because of its Spirit; but if
it be mixed with Venus, and United to it, it makes a wonderful
Violet Colour.
V. That Sulphur is a Fatness of the Earth appears from its easie
Liquefaction, and Inflamability, for nothing is inflamed but
what is Oleaginous, or melts easily by Heat, but what has such a
Nature: yet has it a perfecting middle Nature in it; but this
middle substance, is not the cause of the perfection of Bodies,
or of Argent Vive, unless it be fixed: �Tis true, its not easily
made to fly; (this he means doubtless of its Spirit or Oyl;) yet
it is not perfectly fixed: from whence it is evident, that
Sulphur is not the whole perfection of the Magistery, but only a
part thereof.
VI. Sulphur commixed with Bodies, burns, some more, others
less; and some resist its combustion, and some not; by which may
be known the difference between those Bodies which are wanting
in perfection, tho� prepared for the great work. Sol is not
easily to be burned by Sulphur: The next to this is Jupiter,
then Luna, after that Saturn, then Venus, that is more easily
burnt, which is farther distant from the Nature of the Perfect.
�8�VII. Also from what Radix the imperfect Body proceeded or was
generated, it appears from the diversity of Colours after Combustion: Thus Luna
obtains a black mixt black mixt with Azure:
Jupiter, a black mixt with a little Redness: Saturn a dull
black, with much Redness and a Livid Colour: Venus, a black with
a Livid; if it be much burnt, if but a little, a pleasant
Violet: Mars, a black dull Colour. But if Sulphur be commixt
with Sol, he obtains an Intense Citrine Colour.
VIII. Sol and Luna Calcin�d with Sulphur, being reduced, return
into the Nature of their own proper Bodies. Jupiter, Calcin�d
and reduced, recedes its greater part: Saturn has sometimes a
greater, sometimes a lesser part destroyed. But Saturn and
Jupiter are both preserved, by a right and gentle Reduction, yet
they rather tend to another Body than their own, as Saturn into
a dull Coloured (Regulus of) Antimony, Jupiter into a bright
Coloured (Regulus of) Antimony. Venus is diminished in the
Impressions of Fire in her reduction, but withal ponderous,
augmented in weight, soft, of a dull Citrine Colour, partaking
of blackness: And Mars is more diminished in the Impression of
the Fire than Venus; by which things are found out, the Nature
of all Bodies that are altered.
IX. The Preparation of Sulphur. 1. Take the best Green Sulphur
Vive, Grind it to a subtil Pouder, Boyl it in a Lixivium of PotAshes and Quicklime,
gathering from the Supersities its
Ogliness, till it, appears to be clear. Stir the whole with a
Stick, and immediately decant the Lixiviurn with the pure
�9�parts of the Sulphur, leaving the more gross parts behind: let
the Liquor cool, and pour upon it a fourth part of the quantity,
of Spirit of Vinegar; so will a white Pouder precipitate, white
as Milk, which dry with a gentle Heat, and keep for use.
X. 2. Take of this prepared white Sulphur; Scales of Iron
Calcin�d to Redness, Roch�Alum well Calcin�d ana One Pound,
Common Salt prepared, Half a Pound: Incorporate all these well
by Grinding them together with Vinegar, that the whole may be
Liquid, which then boil, stirring it till it be all very black:
then dry and grind to a fine Pouder, which put into an Aludel of
a Foot and half high, with a large Cover; and let the Cover of
the Alembick have a broad Zone or Girdle, for Conservation of
the Spirits elevated, then sublime according to Art; the light
Flos which adheres to the sides of the Alembick, cast away, for
it is combustible, defiled, and defiling. But the close,
compact, or dense Matter sublimed in the Zone, put by it self
into a Phial, and Decoct it upon an Ash Heat, so long till its
Combustible Humidity be exterminated, then keep it in a clean
Vessel for use: Note, that Sulphur and Arsenick sublimed from the
Calx of Copper, are more whitened, than when sublimed from the
Caix of Iron.
I. ARSENICK, is also a fatness of the Earth, as is afore
declared of Sulphur, having an inflamable substance, and a
subtil matter like to Sulphur; but it is diversified from
Sulphur in this, viz. That it is easily made a Tincture of
Whiteness, but of Redness with great difficulty; whereas Sulphur
is easymade a Tincture of Redness, but of Whiteness, most
II. Of Arsenick, there is a Citrine and a Red, which are
profitable in this art, but the other kinds not so: Arsenick is
fixed as Sulphur, but the sublimation of either is best from the
Calx of Metals: But neither Sulphur nor Arsenick, are the
perfective matter of this Work, they not being compleat to
perfection, though they may be a help to perfection, as they may
be used. The best kinds of Arsenick, are the Scif file, the
Lucid, and Scaly.
III. This Mineral also (like as Sulphur) has a perfecting middle
Nature in it, which yet is not the cause of the perfection of
Bodies, or of Argent Vive; unless it be fixed; but being fixed,
this Spirit is an agent of the White Tincture: What we have said
of Sulphur in the former Chapter, at Sect. 5 may be understood
-11-IV. Because in Arsenick the Radix of its Minera, in the action
of Nature has many inflamable parts of it resolved, therefore
the work of its separation is easie, this being the Tincture of
Whiteness, as $ulphur is of Redness.
V. To prepare Arsenick. Being beaten into fine pouder, it must
be boiled in Vinegar, and all its combustible fatness extracted
as in Sulphur, Chap. 38. Section 9. Then take of the prepared
Arsenick Copper calcin�d ana one Pound: Alum calcin�d, common
Salt prepared, ana half a Pound: Having ground them well
together, moisten the mixture with Spirit of Vinegar, that it
may be liquid, and boil the same, as you did in the Sulphur:
Then sublime it in an Aludel, with an Alembick, of the heighth
of one foot: what ascends white, dense, clear, and lucid, gather
and keep it, (as sufficiently prepared) for the use of the Work.
VI. Or thus: Take of Arsenick prepared by boiling, filings of
Copper, ana one Pound: Common Salt, half a Pound: Alum calcined
four Ounces; grind them exactly with Spirit of Vinegar, then
moisten till they be liquid, and stir them over a fire till the
whole be blackened. Again, Imbibe and dry, stirring as before,
do this a third time, then sublime as above directed.
VII. To fix Arsenick and Sulphur. They are fixed two ways, viz.
1. By manifold Sublimations. 2. By precipitation of them sublimed into heat. The
first way, Reiterate their Sublimations in
the Vessel Aludel, till they remain fixed. This Reiteration is
made by two Aludels, with their two Heads, or Covers
�12�in the following order, that you may never cease from the Work
of Sublimation, until you have fixed them. Therefore to soon as
they have�ascended into one Vessel, put them into the other, and
so do continually, never suffering them long to abide, adhering
to the sides of either Vessel, but constantly keep them in the
elevation of fire, till they cease to sublime.
VIII. The second way. This is by praecipitating it sublimed into
heat, that it may constantly abide therein, until it be fixed:
and this is done by a long glass Vessel, the bottom of it (made
of Earth not of Glass, because that would crack) must be
artificially joyned with good luting; and the ascending matter,
when it adheres to the sides of the Vessel, must with a Spatula
of Iron, or Stone, be put down to the heat of the bottom, and
this precipitation repeated, till the whole be fixed.
IX. To sublime Arsenick. Take Arsenick, filings of Venus ana one
Pound, Common Salt half a Pound: Alum Calcin�d four Ounces,
mortifie with Vinegar, stirring over a fire till all be black:
Again, Imbibe and dry, stirring as before, which repeat again;
the sublime, and it will be profitable.
I. The MARCHASITE is sublimed two ways, 1. Without Ignition.
2. With Ignition, because it has a two-fold substance, viz. One
pure Sulphur, and Argent Vive mortified. The first is profitable
as Sulphur; the second as Argent Vive mortified, and moderately
prepared. Therefore we take in this last, because by it we are
excused from the former Argent Vive, and the labour of
mortifying it.
II. The intire way of the sublimation of this Mineral is, by
grinding it to pouder, and putting it into an Aludel, subliming
its Sulphur without Ignition; always and very often removing
what is sublimed. Then augment the force of the fire into
Ignition of the Aludel. The first sublimation must be made in a
Vessel of Sublimation, and so long continued, till the Sulphur
is separated; the process being successively and orderly
continued, until it is manifest that it has lost all its
III. Which may be known thus: When its whole Sulphur shall be
sublimed, you will see the colour thereof changed into a most
pure White, mixt with a very clear, pleasant, and coelestine
colour: Also you may know it thus: Because if it has any Sulphur
in it, it will burn and flame like Sulphur; but what shall be
secondly sublimed after that sublimate, will neither be
inflamed, nor shew any properties of Sulphur, but
�14�of Argent Vive mortified, in the reiteration of sublimation.
IV. You must get a solid, strong, well baked Earthen Vessel,
about three foot high, but in breadth Diametrically no more than
that a hand may commodiously enter: The bottom of this Vessel,
(which must be made so that it may be separated and conjoyned,
must be made after the form of a plain wooden Dish, but very
deep, viz, from its brim to the bottom about seven or eight
Inches; from that place, or moveable bottom to the head, the
Vessel must be very thickly and accurately glazed within: Upon
the head of the Vessel must be fitted an Alembick, with a wide
Beak or Nose: Joyn the bottom to the middle, with good tenacious
lute (the Marchasite being within that bottom) then set on the
Alembick, and place it in a Fornace, where you may give as
strong fire, as for the fusion of Silver or Copper.
V. The top of the Fornace must be fixed with a flat Hoop, or
Ring of Iron, having a hole in its middle, fitted to the
greatness of the Vessel, that the Vessel may stand fast within
it: Then lute the junctures in the circuit of the Vessel and the
Fornace, lest the fire passing out there, should hinder the
adherency of the subliming flowers, leaving only four small
holes, which may be opened or shut in the flat Ring or Hoop
aforesaid, through which Coals may be put in round about the
sides of the Fornace: Likewise four other holes must be left
under them, and between their spaces for the putting in of
Coals, and six or eight lesser holes, proportionate to the
-15-magnitude of ones little finger, which must never be shut, that
thereby the fire may burn clear: Let these holes be just below
the juncture of the Fornace, with the said Iron Hoop.
VI. That Fornace is of great heat, the sides of which are to
the height of two Cubits, and in the midst whereof is a Round,
Grate, or Wheel filled full of very many small holes close
together, (wide below or underneath, but small above, or in the
superior part,) and strongly annexed to the Fornace by luting,
that the Ashes or Coals may the more freely fall away from them,
and the said Grate be continually open for the more free
reception of the air, which mightily augments the heat of the
VII. The Vessel is of the aforesaid length, that the Fumes
ascending may find a cool place and adhere to the sides,
otherwise was it short, the whole Vessels would be almost of an
equal heat, whereby the sublimate would fly away, and be lost.
It is also Glased well within, that the Fumes may not peirce its
Pores and so be lost; but the Bottom which stands in the fire is
not to be Glazed, for that the Fire would melt it; nor unglazed
would the matter go through it, for that the Fire makes it
rather to ascend.
VIII. Not let your Fire be continued under your Vessel, till you
know that the whole matter is ascended into flowers, which you
may prove by putting in a Rod of Earth well burned with a
�16-Hole in its end, through a Hole in the Head, about the bigness
of ones little Finger, putting it down almost to the middle
there, or nigh the matter from whence the sublimate is raised;
and if any thing ascends and adheres to the Hole in the Rod, the
whole matter is not sublimed, but if not, the sublimation is
IX. That the Marchasite consists of Sulphur and Argent Vive, it
is sufficiently evident; for if it be put into the fire, it is
no sooner Red�Hot, but it is Inflamed and burns: also if mixed
with Venus, it gives it the Whiteness of pure Silver; so also if
mixed with Argent Vive, and in its sublimation it yields a
Coelestial Color, with a Metalick Lucidity.
X. To prepare the Marchasite. Take the fine Pouder of the
Mineral, spread it an Inch thick over the Bottom of a large
Aludel, and gather the Sulphur with a gentle fire. When that is
ascended; take off the Head or Alembick, and having applied
another, augment the Fire, then that which has the place of
Argent Vive Ascends, as we have before declared.
I. The Sublimation of MAGNESIA and TUTIA is the same with that
of the Marchasite, for that they cannot be sublimed without
Ignition, having the same cause, the same Operation, and the
same General method: Likewise all imperfect Bodies, are sublimed
in the same order, without any difference, except that the
Bodies of the Metals must have a more vehement fire than the
Marchasite, Magnesia and Tutia: nor is there any diversity in
Metaline sublimation save, that some need the addition of some
other substance to make them sublime or rise.
II. But in the sublimation of Imperfect Metaline Bodies, no
great quantity of the Body to be sublimed, must be at once put
into the bottom of the Vessel, because much Metaline substance,
holds the parts faster, and hinders the subliming:
also the bottom of the sublimatory should be flat, not Concave,
that the Body equally and thinly spread upon the bottom, may the
more easily sublime in all its parts.
III. Such Bodies as need the admixtion of other substances, are
Venus and Mars, by reason of the slowness of their fusion:
Venus needs Tutia; and Mars Arsenick, and with these they are
easily sublimed, for that they well agree with them. Therefore
their sublimation is to be made as in Tutia, and other like
things, and to be performed in the same method and order, as in
the former Chapter.
-18-IV. Now Magnesia has a more Turbid and Fixed, and less
inflamable Sulphur, and a more Earthy and faeculent Argent Vive,
than the Marchasite, and therefore the more approximate to the
Nature of Mars.
V. But Tutia is the fume of White Bodies; for the Fume of
Jupiter and Venus adhering to the sides of the Fornaces where
these Metals are wrought, does the same thing that Tutia does:
and what a metalick Fume does not, without the admixtion of some
other Body, neither will this likewise do.
VI. And by reason of its subtilty, it more penetrates the
profundity of a Metaline Body, and alters it more than it does
its own Body, and adhears more in the Examen, as by experience
you may find: and whatever Bodies are altered by Sulphur of
Argent Vive, will also necessarily be altered by this, because
of their Unity in Nature.
VII. To prepare Tutia, Pouder it very fine, and put it into and
Aludel and by strong Ignition, or help of vehement fire, cause
the Flowers to ascend or sublime, so is it prepared for use. It
is also dissolved in Spirit of Vinegar, having been first
Calcin�d and so it is also well prepared.
VIII. Also it is certain, that many necessary things for our
purpose, are extracted from Imperfect Bodies, which need yet a
farther preparation, as first Ceruse; which is thus prepared:
Wash it in Spirit of Vinegar, and separate it from
�19�its more gross parts; and the Milk coagulate in the Sun, and it
is prepared.
IX. Spanish White, Tin, Putty and Minium, are prepared after
the same axnnner, by dissolving them in Spirit of Urine, and
then filterating and coagulating in the Sun as before.
X. Verdegrise is dissolved in Spirit of Vinegar, and rubified,
being gently congealed, with the soft heat of a gentle fire; and
then it is prepared, and made fit for the Work.
XI. Crocus Martis is dissolved in Spirit of Vinegar, and
filtred: This Red Water being congealed, yields an excellent
Crocus fit for use.
XII. Aes Ustum, or Copper calcin�d, is to be ground to pouder,
and washed with Spirit of Vinegar, after the same manner as we
taught in the preparation of Ceruse: So in like manner Litharge
of Gold and Silver: You may also dissolve these things again,
and they will be purer: You may also use them either dissolved
or congealed; this is a profound Investigation.
XIII. Antimony is Calcined, Dissolved, Filtred, Congealed, and
ground to pouder, and so it is prepared.
XIV. Cinnabar must be sublimed from Common Salt once, and so it
is well prepared for use.
�20�XV. The fixation of Marchasite, Magnesia and Tutia. You must
after the first sublimation of them is finished, cast away their
foeces; and then reiterate their sublimation, so often returning
what sublimes to that which remains below -f either of them,
till they be fixed, which must be done in proper subliming
I. To prepare LEAD. Set it in a Fornace of Calcination, stirring
it while it is in Flux, with an Iron Spatula full of Holes, and
drawing off the scum, till it be converted into a most fine
pouder: Sift it, and set it in the Fire of Calcination, till its
fugitive and inflamable substance be abolished: Then take out
this Red Calx, imbibe, and grind it often with Common Salt
cleansed, Vitriol purified, and most sharp Vinegar, which are
the things to be used for the Red; but for the White, Common
Salt, Common Alum, and Vinegar.
II. Your matter must be often imbibed, dryed, and ground, till
by the benefit of the aforesaid things, the uncleanness be
totally removed: Then mix Glass therewith, and cause the pure
body to descend, that descending (by means of a vehement heat)
the pure body may be reduced.
III. Calcine it again with pure Sal Armoniack (as you do
Jupiter) and most subtily grind and dissolve it by the way
aforesaid, for this is the water of Argent Vive and Sulphur
proportionally made, which we use in the Composition of the Red
IV. Lead is a Metalick Body, livid, earthy, ponderous, mute,
partaking of a little Whiteness, with much paleness, refusing
the Cineritium, and Cement, easily extensible in all its
�22�dimensions, with small Compression, and very fusible without
Ignition. Yet some Men say, that Lead in its own Nature, is much
approximated to Gold; these judge of things, not as they are in
themselves, but according to sense, being void of Reason, and
not conceiving the Truth.
V. It has much of an Earthy substance, and therefore is washed,
and by a Lavament converted into Tin, by which it appears, that
Tin is more assimilated to the perfect. It is also by Calcination made Minimum; and
by hanging over the Vapour of
Vinegar, it is made Ceruse. And tho it is not near to perfection, yet by our Art,
we easily convert it into Silver, not
keeping its Weight in transmutation, but acquiring a new Weight,
which it obtains by our Magistry. It is also the Tryal of Silver
in the Cupel, as we shall hereafter shew.
VI. It differs not from Tin, after repeating its Calcination to
the reduction thereof, save, that it has a more unclean
substance commixed of a more grose Sulphur, and Argent Vive, the
Sulphur being more burning and adhaesive to the Argent Vive. It
has a greater Earthy Faeculency than Jupiter, which appears by
washing of it with Argent Vive; and more Faeculency comes from
it by washing than from Jupiter, and its first Calcination is
easier performed than in Tin, because of its Earthiness: and
because its foulness is not rectified as in Jupiter, by repeated
Calcinations, it is a sign of greater impurity in its
principles, and in its own Nature.
�23�VII. Its Sulphur is not separated from it in fume, but is of a
Citrine Colour, of much Yellowness, the like of which is remaining below at the
bottom, which shews that it has much of a
Combustible Sulphur in it, and because the Odour of Sulphureity
is not removed from it in a short time, it shews that it
approaches to the Nature of fixed Sulphur, and is Uniformly
commixed with the substance of Argent Vive. Therefore when the
fume ascends, it ascends with the Sulphur not burning, whose
property is to create Citrinity.
VIII. And that the quantity of its not burning Sulphur is more
than in Tin, appears for that its whole Colour is changed into
Citrinity, in Calcination, but of Tin into White: Whence the
cause appear why Jupiter in Calcination is more easily changed
into a hard Body than Saturn: the burning Sulphureity being more
easily removed from Jupiter than Saturn, one of the causes of
its softness is removed; whence (being Calcined) it necessarily
follows it must be hardened: but Saturn, because it has both the
causes of softness strongly conjoyned, viz, much burning Sulphur
and much Argent Vive, it is not easily hardened.
IX. Bodies having much Argent Vive, have much of Extension, but
such as have little Argent Vive, have little Extension. Thus
Jupiter is more easily and subtily extended than Saturn.
Saturn more easily than Venus. Venus more easily than Mars. Luna
more subtily than Jupiter. And Sol more subtily than Luna.
�24�X. The Cause of Induration or hardening is fixed Argent Vive, or
fixed Sulphur; but the cause of softness is Opposite. The cause
of Fusion is also twofold to wit, of Sulphur not fixed, and
Argent Vive of what kind soever; Sulphur not fixed is
necessarily a cause of Fusion without Ignition. This is evident
in Arsenick, for projected on Bodies difficult to be Fused, it
makes them of easie Fusion, without Ignition: and the cause of
Fusion with Ignition is fixed Argent Vive. But the Impediment of
Fusion is fixed Sulphur.
XI. From hence it appears, That seeing Bodies of greatest
perfection, contain the greatest quantity of Argent Vive: Those
Imperfect Bodies holding more of Argent Vive, must needs be more
approximate to the perfect whence it follows that Bodies of much
Sulphureity, are Bodies of much Corruption.
XII. From hence it is evident, that Jupiter is near to the
perfect, seeing it participates more of Perfection, but Saturn
less; Venus yet less, and Mars least of all. And as to the
Medicines, compleating them, it is clear, that Venus is the most
perfective of Medicine; Mars less, Jupiter yet less; and Saturn
least of all.
XIII. Thus according to the diversity of Bodies, diversity of
Medicines are found out: A hard Body, that can endure Ignition
requires one Medicine; but the soft, that abides not Ignition
another; that one may be softned and attenuated in its
�25�profundity, and equalized in its substance; but the other
hardned, and its occult parts inspissated.
XIV. There are three degrees which the Imperfect Bodies, chiefly
Saturn and Jupiter must obtain, in order to perfection: First,
Cleanness, or Brightness: Secondly, Hardness, or Dens-ness, with
Ignition in fusion. Thirdly, Fixation, by taking away their
fugitive substance.
XV. They are cleansed (viz. Saturn and Jupiter) in a threefold
manner: 1. By Mundifying. 2. By Calcination and Reduction:
3. By Solution. First, By things purifying they are cleansed two
ways, either by reducing them into a Calx, or into the Nature of
Bodies: reducing into a Calx, they are purified either by Salts,
or Alum, or Glass: Thus, when the Body is Calcin�d put upon its
Caix, water of Alums, or Salts, or Glass mixed with it, and
reduce it to a Body, which so often reiterate till they look
purely clean: For seeing Aluins, Salts, and Glass, are fused
with another kind of fusion than Bodies, therefore they are
separated from them, retaining with themselves the earthy
substance, the purity of the Bodies being only left.
XVI. Or thus. Let Saturn or Jupiter be filed, and mix therewith
Alums, Salts, and Glass, and then reduced into a body, and this
so often to be repeated till they be well cleansed: They are
also cleansed by way of Lavement with Argent Vive, of which we
have spoken before.
�26�XVII. The second way of cleansing Saturn and Jupiter, by Calcination and
Reduction with sufficient fire, whereby they are
freed from a twofold corrupting, substance. 1. One inflamable
and fugitive. 2. Another earthy and faeculent; because the Fire
elevates and consumes every fugitive substance. And by reduction
the same fire, divides every substance of earth, with its
proportion: See Sect. 1, 2, 3. above.
XVIII. The third way of cleansing Saturn and Jupiter by Solution
of their substance, and by reduction of that likewise, which is
dissolved from them; for that solution reduced makes them more
clean, than any other way or kind of preparation whatsoever,
except that by Sublimation, to which this is equivalent.
XIX. Induration, or hardning of their soft substance. This is
done with Ignition in their Fusion, thus. With Saturn or Jupiter
the substance of Argent Vive, or Sulphur fixed, or of Arsenick,
must be mixed in their profundity. Or, they must be mixed with
hard, and not fusible things, as the Calx of Marchasite, and
Tutia, for these are united with, and embraced by them, and
harden them so, that they flow not, till they are red hot. The
same thing is also compleated by our Medicine perfecting them,
of which hereafter.
XX. Fixation, by removal of their fugitive substance. This is
done by calcination in a fire proportional to their substance:
�27�In order to which, 1. All their corrupting adustive substance
must be cleansed from them as aforesaid. 2. Then their earthy
superfluity must be taken away. 3. They must be dissolved and
Reduced, or compleatly washed in a Lavement of Argent Vive. This
is necessary and profitable.
XXI. Saturn is specially hardened by a Calcination with the
Acuity of Salt, and by Talk it is especially dealbated, as also
by Marchasite and Tutia. Calcine Saturn fluxed with common Salt
putrefied, stirring it continually with an Iron Spatula, till it
comes to Ashes. Decoct it for one Natural day, and let it be a
little Fiery hot, but not much; then wash it with pure clean
water, and Calcine it for 3 daies till it be Red both within,
and without. If you would have it to be prepared for the White,
Imbibe it with water of White Alum, and reduce it with Oyl of
Tartar, or its Salt. But if you would have it for the Red,
Imbibe it with the water of Crocus Martis, and of Verdigrise,
and reduce it with Salt of Tartar as before: This work Reiterate
as often as need requires.
XXII. The Calcination of Saturn and Jupiter. Let a great Test
(or Calcining Pan) be placed in a Fornace, and put Saturn and
Jupiter into it, with as much common Salt prepared, and Roch
Alum Calcined: being in Flux, let the Metal be continually
stirred with an Iron Spatula full of holes, till the whole be
reduced to Ashes, which sift, and set them in the Fire again,
keeping them continually Red Fire Hot till the Calx of Jupiter
is whitened or that of Jupiter is rubified as Minimum.
-28-XXIII. The Regimen of Saturn and Jupiter for the White. Take Saturn purified
three Pound, melt or add to it clean or purified Mercury twelve Pound,
stirring the whole that they may be mixed: This mixture put into a Bolt-Head
of a Foot in Length, which place in the Athanor with a gentle Fire for a
week. Take purified Jupiter one Pound, melt and add purified Mercury 12
Pound, doing in all respects as before with Saturn. In this weeks time
you will have a Paste dissolved, fit to be Fermented with the
White Ferment, Thus.
XXIV. Take of the White Ferment one Pound, of the Paste of Saturn two
Pounds, of the Paste of Jupiter three Pounds: These being dissolved, mix
through their least pasts, and set in putrefaction, (in a moderate Fire, like
as in dissolution) for seven daies: Then take them out well mixed and Strain
or Squeeze their more Liquid parts through a Cloth: The thick Matter
remaining, put into a Glass, Seal it well up, and place it in an Athanor for
the time aforesaid, which do thrice, till it has Imbibed all the humidity.
Then put the Vessel with its Matter into a Fornace of Fixation for twelve
daies, which done, take it forth, and reduce it with things reducing; so
will you find that which our Ancestors found not without great
Study, viz. The Generated, generating. Prove this upon the
Cineritiuxn or Cupel with Lead, and you will find the Body
perfect in Whiteness, perpetually generating its like.
XXV. The Regimen of Saturn is also compleated, if being prepared
and dissolved, (I suppose he means in his dissolutive
�29�Water, made of Nitre and Vitriol) it be mixed with a third part
of its Red Ferment dissolved also; and then Distilling off the
Water, and Cohobating seven times. Reduce it to a Body, and
prove it by its Examen, and you will rejoyce in the bountiful
Body which is generated.
XXVI. White Medicines for Saturn: also solar Medicines for
Saturn. Because the Medicines, and the work are wholly or
altogether the same, as for Jupiter; and that in the Chapter of
Jupiter we have explicitely and largely declared the matter, we
shall refer you thither,saying no more thereof in this place.
See Chapter 43 Sect. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. following.
I. To prepare JUPITER. Put it into a fit Vessel, in a Fornace of
Calcinatiori, and make a good Fusion, stirring the melted Metal
with an Iron Spatula full of holes, drawing off the Scum as it
arises, and again stirring the Body, and thus continuing till
the whole quantity is reduced to Pouder or Ashes. This Pouder
sift, and replace it in the Fornace again in the same heat of
Fire, stirring it often, for 24 hours, till its whole accidental
and superfluous humidity is abolished with all its combustible
and corrupting Sulphur. Then often well wash it with common Salt
cleansed, and Alum purified, and sharp Vinegar, and dry it in
the Sun or Air, Grind it again, washing and drying it; doing
this so long till by the acuity of the Salts, Alums, Vinegar,
its whole humidity, blackness and uncleanness is taken away.
This done, add Glass in fine Pouder to it, impaste the whole
together, and with a sufficient Fire make it flow in a Crucible
with a hole in its bottom, set within another, so will the pure
and clean Body descend, the whole Earthy and Faeculent substance
remaining above with the Glass, Salts, and Alums; in which pure
Body is an equal and perfect proportion Argent Vive, and White
Sulphur not burning. Then Calcine this pure Body with pure and
clean Sal Armoniack; till it be in weight, equal or thereabout;
being well and perfectly Calcined, Grind the whole well and long
upon a Porphyrie, and set it in the open Air in a Cold moist
place; or in a Glass
-31-Vessel in a Fornace of Solution, or in Horse-Dung, till the
whole be dissolved, augmenting the Salt if need be. This Water
ought to be esteemed, for it is what we seek for in the whole.
II. Tin, is a Metallick Body, White, Livid, not pure, and a
little Earthiness, possessing in its Root harshness, softness,
easiness of Liquefaction without Ignition not abiding the Cupel
or Cement, but extensible under the Hammer. Therefore Jupiter
among Bodies diminished from perfection, is in the Radix of its
Nature of affinity to Sd and Luna, but more to Luna, and less to
III. Jupiter, because it receives much whiteness from the Radix
of its generation, it whitens all other Bodies which are not
White, but it has a fault, that it breaks or makes brittle all
other Bodies, except Saturn and most pure Sol:
Jupiter adheres much to Sol and Luna, and therefore does not
easily receede from them in the examen or Tryal by the Cupel.
The Magistery of this Art, gives it a Tincture of Redness, that
shines in it with inestimable brightness: It is hardened and
cleansed more easily than Saturn. He who knows how to take away
its Vice of breaking, will suddenly reap the Fruit of his Labour
with joy, because it agrees so well with Sol and Luna, and will
never be separated from them.
IV. In Calcining Tin, a $ulphureous stink arises, from its
Sulphur not fixed; and tho it gives no flame, yet it is not
fixed, for its not flaming is by reason of the great abundancy
-32-of its Argent Vive, preserving from Combustion: So that in Tin
is a two-fold Sulphur, and a two�fold Argent Vive: one Sulphur
less fixed, sending forth a stink; the other more fixed, because
it abides with the Calx in the Fire and stinks not.
V. There is also a two-fold substance of Argent Vive in it, one
not fixed, and the other fixed: because it makes a Crashing
noise before its Calcination, but after it has been thrice
Calcined, that Crashing ceases, which is caused by its fugitive
Argent Vive being flown away. This is evident in Lead being
wash�t with Argent Vive, and then melted in a very gentle fire,
some part of the Mercury will remain with the Lead, you will
give to it this stridor, converting the Lead into Tin.
VI. On the contrary also, Tin may be converted into Lead: For
by a manifold repitition of its Calcination, and a fire fit for
its reduction, it is turned into Lead; but especially when by
subtraction of its Scoria, it is calcin�d with a great fire.
VII. Now after the removal of these two Substances, viz.
Sulphur, and Argent Vive from Jupiter, you will find that it is
livid, and weighty as Lead, yet partaking of greater whiteness
than Lead, and therefore more pure than Lead: In which is the
equality of fixation, of the two compounding things, viz. Sulphur and Argent Vive,
but not the equality of quantity, because
in the Commixtion, the Argent Vive, is super�eminent.
�33�VIII. Now if there were not in its proper nature a greater
quantity of Argent Vive than of Sulphur, Argent Vive would not
easily adhere to it: For which reason it adheres with difficulty
to Venus; but with much greater difficulty to Mars, by reason of
the small quantity of Argent Vive contained therein; the sign of
which, is the easie fusion of the one, and the difficult fusion
of the other.
IX. But the fixation of these two substances remaining,
approaches nigh to firm fixation, yet it is not absolutely fixed,
which is evident from the calcination of its body, and after
calcination, the exposing the same to the most strong fire; for
by that, division is not made, but the whole purified, from
whence it appears, that the burning Sulphur in Tin, is more
easily separated than that in Lead: And that, because its
corrupting Properties are not radical, but accidental, therefore
they are the more easily separated, and its mundification,
Induration, and fixation, the more speedy.
X. And because, that after Calcination and Reduction, we found
in its fume a Citrinity, through the great force of fire; we
judged, that it contained in its body much fixed Sulphur:
By these Operations you may find out the Principles of Bodies,
and the Properties of Spirits.
XI. At Sect. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. of the former
Chapter, we have shewn the farther preparations of Tin,
-34-which because they are so plainly expressed there, are needless
to be repeated here again. Yet there are other special Preparations which are the
following, to wit, by Calcination, by
which its substance is more hardened, which happens not to
Saturn. Also, by Alums, for these properly harden Jupiter. Also,
by Conservation of it in the fire of its Calcination, for by
this it loose its stridor or Grashing, and fraction of bodies
likewise, the which in like manner happens not to Saturn.
XII. Calcine Jupiter (as Saturn at Sect. 21 of the former
Chapter with Common Salt purified) and whiten its Calx for three
days as in Saturn: But see you err not in its Reduction, for
that is difficult unless it be made in the Fornace, by Citteritium or Cement; then
it is done with ease. But that you may
not err, joyn that Body which you would reduce, in equal parts
with that by which you make the reduction, and co-unite the
divided Caix: But in Tinctures there is another consideration,
for the matter tinging must be multplied upon the matter to be
tinged, till the Tincture appear in the Body or Medicine.
XIII. After you have found these two Leads, and found their
color and brightness, with other things according to your
desire; possibly they may yet want Ignition; then you must thus
proceed. Dissolve Tutia calcined, and Tin calcined, mix both
Solutions, and with that water imbibe the Calx of Tin time after
time, until the Calx has imbibed an eighth part of the Tutia,
then reduce it into a Body, and you will find it to have
Ignition, and that good: if not, reiterate
�35�the same labour, till due Ignition be acquired. All Waters
dissolutive of Bodies and Spirits, we shall hereafter shew you
every one of them according to their kind.
XIV. With Talck, or Mercury, or pure Luna (which is more
profitable) deduced to this by calcining and dissolving, you may
acquire the compleat Ignition and hardness of Saturn and
Jupiter, with incomparable brightness; but Speculations in these
things without practise, is not very available.
XV. To Grind, to Decoct, to Inhumate, to Calcine, to Fust, to
Destroy, to Restore or Reduce, and to cleanse Bodies, are
effectuall works: with these Keys you may open the Occult
Inclosures of our Arcanum, and without them, you shall never sit
down at the Repasts of satisfactions.
XVI. A White Medicine for Jupiter and Saturn prepated. Take of fine
Luna one Pound, living Mercury eight Pound, Amalgamate, and wash the
Amalgama with spirit of Vinegar and common Salt prepared, until it acquires a
Coelestial or Azure Colour. Then extract as much of Mercury as you can, by
strongly expressing the mixture through a thick Cloth. To this add Mercury
sublimate, double the wieght of the Luna, grind them well together, then
decoct the mixture in a Bolt-Head, firmly closed for 24 hours: Decoct the
same again, then break the Vessel, and then separate that which is Sublimed
from the Inferior Redish Pouder. But take heed of giving too great a
�36�Fire, for that would cause the whole to flow into one black Mass. Put the
Pouder upon a Porphyrie stone, add to it two parts of Sal Armoniack prepared,
and one part of Mercury sublimed; grind all very well together, and imbibe
the mixture with the Water of Sal Alcali or Sal Nitre, if you cannot get the
other, or Salt of Pot-Ashes: when imbibed, Distil off with a gentle Fire the
whole Water, till that remains in the bottom is melted like Pitch: Cohobate
the same Water, repeating this Work thrice. Then take out the Matter, grind
it on a stone, and dry it very well: Imbibe again with rectified Oyl of Eggs,
or with Sal Alkali, or Oyl or Salt of Pot-Ashes, or of Nitre, or Tartar,
until it will flow with Ingress. Project one part upon five parts of Tin
prepared, and it will be perfect Luna of the second Order, without Error.
XVII. Another White Medicine for Jupiter and Saturn prepared. Take Talk
Calcined, and grind it with as much as it self of Sal ArmoniacJc; sublime it
three or four times; dissolve into Water, and therewith Imbibe: Luna calcined
(as you did in the former) so often as until it has drunk in as much as its
own weight is, and give ingress to it with the Oyls aforesaid, and project
one part upon 10 parts of Jupiter prepared, and it will be all fine Luna.
XVIII. Another White Medicine for Saturn and Jupiter prepared.
Take Luna 1 pound dissolved in its own water (made of Nitre and Vitriol) to
which add Taick calcined and dissolved 1 pound:
�37�Distil off the Water, cohobating 3 or 4 times, congeal and incerate with
Arsenick sublimed, until it flow and have Ingress:
project 1 part upon 8 parts of Jupiter prepared, and �twill
be all fine Luna. These three Medicines you may project upon
Saturn prepared for the White, but then the Saturn must be
prepared for the White, but then the Saturn must be prepared and
calcined for three days, by Sect. 21 of the former Chapter.
XIX. A Solar Medicine for Jupiter and Saturn prepared. Calcine Sol,
amalgating first with Mercury, as in Luna, express the Mercury through a
Cloth, then grind it with twice so much as it self of common Salt prepared;
set the whole over a gentle fire, that the remaining Mercury may receed.
Extract the Salt with sweet water, dry the Calx, from which sublime as much
Sal Armoniack, reverting the sublimed Salt four times; dissolve it in A. F.
made of Vitriol, Nitre, and Alum; dissolve also Crocus Martis made by
calcination, or Copper Calcined red: joyn these Waters in equal parts; draw
off the Water by distillation, and cohobate four times: then dry the matter
and imbibe it with Oyl of Tartar rectified (as heretofore is taught) until it
flows as Wax, and by projection will tinge four parts of Saturn or Jupiter
into Gold Obrizon.
XX. Another Solar Medicine for Saturn and Jupiter prepared for
the Red. It is made of Sol dissolved, Sulphur dissolved, and Verdigrise
dissolved, mixt and prepared (as in the last Sect). and then incerated with
Oyl of Hair prepared; or of
-38-Eggs, (for both are one) one part of this projects upon 10 parts of Saturn or
Jupiter prepared for the red, and it will be most fine Gold according to its
degree, these Medicines only altering in the second Order.
XXII. There is also another preparation of Jupiter by Sect. 22.
of the former Chapter.
XXIII. And in Sect. 23. of the former Chapter, you have the
Regimen of Jupiter for the White, which generates or produces
fine Luna, such as being tryed upon the Test, produces a Body
perfect in Whiteness, and perpetually generating its life.
I. To prepare MARS or Iron. Calcine it as Venus with common Salt
cleansed, and let it be washed with pure Vinegar; Being washed, dry it in the
Sun, and when dried, grind and imbibe it with new Salt and Vinegar, and put
it into the same Fornace
(as we shall direct in Venus) for 3 days. Esteem and value this
Solution, viz. The water of fixed Sulphur, wonderfully
augmenting the color of the Elixir.
II. The whole Secret of Mars is from the Work of Nature, because
it is a Metalick body, very livid, a little Red, partaking of
Whiteness, not pure, sustaining Ignition, fusible with violent
fire extensive under the Hammer, and sounding much.
III. It is hard to be managed by reason of its impotency of
fusion; which if it be made to flow by a Medicine changing its
nature, is so conjoyned to Sol and Luna, that it cannot be
separated by examen without great Industry: but if prepared, it
is conjoyned, and cannot be separated by any Artifice, if the
nature of that fixation be not changed by it, the defilement of
the Mars being only removed. Therefore it is easily a Tincture
of Redness; but difficulty of Whiteness. And when it is
conjoyned, it is not altred, nor does it change the colour of
the commixtion, but augments it in quantity.
�40�IV. Among all Bodies Jupiter is more splendidly, more clearly,
more brightly, and more perfectly transmuted into a Solar or
Lunar Body, than other Bodies, but the Work is of long labour,
though easie to be handled: Next to Jupiter is Venus chosen, of
more difficult handling, but of shorter labour than Jupiter.
Next after Venus comes Saturn, which has a diminished perfection
in Transmutation, and is easie to be handled, but of most
tedious labour. Lastly, Mars among all the Bodies of least
perfection, is in transmutation, most difficult to be handled,
and of exceeding long labour.
V. And the more difficult any Bodies are of fusion, the more
difficult they are in handling in the Work of Transmutation; the
easier to be fused, the easier to be handled: and what diversity
of perfections are found in any particular, in the lesser, or
middle Works; yet in the Great Work all Bodies are of one
perfection, but not all of a like easie handling or labour.
VI. Hence it appears, that Mars or Iron, is a commixture of
fixed Earthy Sulphur, with fixed earthy Argent Vive of a livid
whiteness, the highly fixed Sulphur predominating, which prohibits fusion: Whence
it is evident, that fixed Sulphur hinders
fusion more than fixed Argent Vive: But Sulphur not fixed,
hastens fusion more than unfixed Argent Vive: By which the cause
of speedy or flow fusion in every body is seen.
�41�VII. What has more of a fixed Sulphur is harder to fuse, than
what partakes of a burning fugitive Sulphur; which appears
because Sulphur cannot be fixed without Calcination, and no Calx
gives fusion, therefore in all things it, viz. fixt Sulphur,
must impede the same.
VIII. The causes of the corruption of the Metals by fire, are,
1. The inclusion of a burning Sulphur in the profundity of their
substance, diminishing them by Inflammation, and exterminating
into Fume, whatever fixed Argent Vive was in them. 2. A Vehemency of the Exterior
flame, penetrating, and resolving them,
with it self into Fume, and the most fixed matter in them.
3. The rarefaction of them by calcination, the flame or fire,
penetrating into, and exterminating them. Where all these causes
of Corruption concur, those Bodies must be exceedingly
corrupted. Where they all concur not, they are by so much the
less corrupted.
IX. The causes of the goodness of Bodies, is their abounding
with Argent Vive. For seeing Argent Vive, for no cause of
Extermination, will be divided into parts in its composition
(because it either with its whole substance flies from the fire,
or with its whole substance remains permanent in it;) it is
necessarily concluded to be a cause of Perfection.
X. Therefore Praised and Blessed be the most Glorious and High
God, who created it, and gave it a Substance and Properties,
which nothing else in the World does possess besides; that this
-42-perfection might be found in it, (by the help of Art) as we have
found therein with great power. For it is that which overcomes
Fire, and by Fire cannot be overcome, but in it amicably rests,
and rejoyces therein.
XI. Mars is prepared either with sublimation, or without sublimation, with
sublimation we endeavour to unit it with Arsenick
not fixed, as profoundly as we can, that in fusion it may melt
with the same; but afterwards it is sublimed in a proper Vessel
of sublimation, the which is the best and most perfect of all
other Preparations. Mars is also prepared by Arsenick oftentimes
sublimed from it, until some quantity of the Arsenick it self
remain: For if this be reduced, it will flow out white, clean,
fusible, and well prepared: Mars is also prepared by fusion of
it with Lead and Tutia, for from these it flows clean and white.
XII. To Indurate or harden soft Bodies. Argent Vive precipitated
must be dissolved, and the calcin�d Body (which you have a
design to harden) dissolved likewise: mix both these solutions
together, and the calcin�d body mixed with them by frequent
imbibitions, etc. continually grinding, imbibing, calcining and
reducing, until it be made hard and fusible with Ignition. The
very same may also be compleatly effected, with the Calx of
Bodies, and Tutia, and Marchasite, calcined, dissolved, and
imbibed. The more clean these are, the more perfectly do they
�43�XIII. To soften hard Bodies, as Mars, etc. They must be conjoyned and sublimed
often with Arsenick, and after sublimation
of the Arsenick, assated, or calcined with their due proportion
of fire, the measure of which we shall declare in our Discourse
of Fornaces. Lastly, They must be reduced with the force of
their proper fire, until in fusion they grow soft, according to
the degree of the hardness of their Bodies. All these
alterations are of the first Order,without which our Magistery
is not perfected.
XIV. Medicines dealbating Mars, of the first Order. That which
dealbates it, of the First Order, is that which makes it to
flow: The special fusive of it is Arsenick of every kind: But
with whatsoever it is dealbated and fused, it is necessary it be
conjoyned and washed with Argent Vive, until all its impurity be
removed, and it be white and fusible. Or else let it be red hot
with vehement ignition, and upon it Arsenick projected; and when
it shall be in flux, cast a quantity of Luna thereon; for when
that is united with it, it is not separated therefrom, by any
easie Artifice.
XV. Or thus: Calcine Mars, and wash away from it all its soluble
Aluminosity (inferring corruption) by the way of solution, but
now mentioned (with Argent Vive) then set cleansed Arsenick be
sublimed from it, and reiterate that sublimation many times,
until some part of the Arsenick be fixed therewith. Then with a
solution of Litharge mix, imbibe, grind, and moderately calcine,
several times: And lastly, reduce it with the Fire we mentioned
in the Reduction of Jupiter from its
�44�Calx; so will it come forth white, clean and fusible.
XVI. Or, Only with sublimed Arsenick, in its Calx, let it be
reduced, and it will flow out white, clean and fusible: But here
observe the Caution we shall give in the Chapter of Venus,
concerning the reiteration of the sublimation of Arsenick,
(fixing it self in its profundity) from it. Mars is likewise
whitened after the same manner with Marchasite and Tutia.
XVII. To prepare Mars. Grind one pound of the filings thereof, with half a
pound of Arsenick sublimed; imbibe the mixture with the water of Salt Peter
and Sal Alcali, reiterating this Imbibition thrice, then make it flow with a
violent fire, so will it be white: Repeat this so long till it flow
sufficiently, with a good whiteness.
XVIII. The first White Medicine for Mars and Venus. Take Silver
calcined 1 pound, Arsenick prepared 1 pound, Mercury precipitation 1 pound,
grind them together, and imbibe the whole with water of Salt Nitre, Litharge,
and Sal Armoniack, in equal parts, (I suppose there is mean Aqua Regis) till
it has drunk in its own weight of that water: Then dry, and incerate with
white Oyl (as in others) until it flow, and one part full upon 4 parts of
Mars or Venus prepared.
XIX. The second White Medicine for Mars and Venus. Take Luna
calcined, Jupiter calcined and dissolved, ana: mix, dry, and increase with
double their quantity of Arsenick sublimed, until the Medicine flows well.
�45�XX. The third White Medicine for Mars and Venus. Take Luna
calcined, Arsenick and Sulphur sublimed, and ground with it, and
then sublimed with a like quantity of Sal Armoniack. This
sublimation repeat thrice, and then project 1 pound upon 4 pound
of Mars or Venus prepared.
XXI. A Red, or Solar Medicine for Mars and Venus. Take Tutia 1
pound, Calcine or dissolve it in AF, then with that water imbibe the Calx of
Sol, that it may drink in double its own weight of the same water: Afterwards
by distillation draw off the same water from it, cohabating four times.
Lastly, incerate with Oyl of Han, or Bulls Gall, and Verdigrise prepared, and
it will be excellent. But be sure to pursue the Operation according
to our Directions, otherwise you will labour in vain, and in
your heart understand our Intentions (expressed in our Volumes)
so will you know truth from falsehood.
XXII. To Calcine Mars. Mars being filed, is calcined in our
Calcinatory Fornace, until it is very well rubified, and becomes
a pouder impalpable without grinding. And this is called Crocus
XXIII. The Regimen of Mars. Take of the Paste of Mars 2 pound, of the
Pasts of Venus and Saturn, ana 3 pound, mix these without Ferment, and decoct
the mixture for seven days, and you will find the whole dry. Fix it and add
to it half its weight of Litharge in powder, which put into a Reductory
Fornace, so will you have a Mineral substance very profitable if you be wise.
I. The Preparation of VENUS. Lay thin Copper Plates stratum superstratum
with Common Salts prepared, till the Vessel be full, which cover, firmly
Lute, and calcine in a fit Fornace for 24 hours: Then take it out, scrape off
what is calcined, and repeat the calcination of the Plates with new Salt as
before, repeating the Calcination so often till all the Plates
are consumed. For the Salt corrodes the superfluous humidity, and
combustible sulphureity; and the fire elevates the fugitive and
inflamable substance with due proportion. This Calx grind
to a most subtil pouder, wash it with Vinegar, till water will come from it
free from blackness. Again, imbibe it with more Salt and Vinegar, and grind,
and then calcine again in an open Vessel for 3 days and nights: Take it out,
grind it subtily and long, and wash it with Vinegar, till it is cleansed from
all uncleanness. This done, dry it in the Sun: Add to it half its weight of
Sal Armoniack, grinding it long, to an impalpable substance: Then expose it
to the Air, or set it in Horse�dung to be dissolved: To what is undissolved
add a new clean Sal Armoniack; thus continuing till the whole be
made water. Esteem and value this water, which we call the water
of fixed Sulphur, with which the Elixir is tinged to infinity.
�47�II. Venus is a Metalick Body, livid, pertaking of a dusky
redness, subject to ignition, fusible, extensible under the
Hammer, but refusing the Cupel and Cement. It is in the profundity of its substance
of the color and essence of Gold, and
is hammered being red hot, as Silver and Gold is. It is the
medium of Sol and Luna, and easily converts it nature to either,
being of good conversion, and of little labour.
III. It agrees very well with Tutia, which citrinizes it with a
good yellow, from whence you may reap profit: we need not labour
to indurate it, or make it ignitible, therefore it is to be
chosen before other imperfect Bodies, in the lesser and middle
Work, but not in the greater. Yet this has a Vice beyond
Jupiter, that it easily grows livid, and receives foulness from
sharp things, to erradicate which, is not an easie, but a
profound Art.
IV. Copper therefore is unclean Argent Vive, mixed with Sulphur
unclean, gross, and fixed, as to its greater part; but as to its
lesser part, not fixed, red, and livid, in relation to the
whole, not overcoming nor overcome. Its volatile Sulphur is
evident from its sulphurous fume, and loss of quantity by
frequent fluxing and combustion. Its fixt Sulphur is evident
from its slowness of fusion, and induration of its substance.
And that there is an unclean red Sulphur joyned with unclean
Argent Vive, is evident even to the senses.
�48�V. When the fixed Sulphur comes to fixation by heat of Fire, its
parts are subtilized; but that part which is in the aptitude of
solution of its substance is dissolved; the sign of which is the
exposing it to the vapours of Vinegar, which makes the
Aluminosity of its Sulphur flow in its Superficies. And being
put into a saline liquor, many parts of it are easily dissolved
by Evulition; this Aluminosity by a saline watriness, and easie
solution, is changed into water: For nothing is watery, and
easily soluble, except Alum, and what is of its nature. This
understand also of the body of Iron.
VI. But the blackness in either Venus or Mars, created by the
Fire, is by reason of the Sulphur not fixed, (much indeed in
Venus, but little in Mars) and it approaches nigh to the nature
of fixed Sulphur. Hence it is evident, that fusion is helped,
and partly made by Sulphur not fixed, but hindred from Sulphur
fixed. This he certainly knew to be true, who by no art of
fusion could make Sulphur to flow after its fixation:
But having fixed Argent Vive, by frequently repeating the
sublimation thereof, found it apt to admit good fusion.
VII. Hence it is evident that those Bodies are of greater perfection, which contain
more of Argent Vive, those of lesser
perfection which contain lesser. Therefore study in all your
Works to make Argent Vive to exceed in the Commixtion. And if you
could perfect by Argent Vive only, you would have attained
�49�to the bighest perfection, even the perfection of that which
overcomes the Works of Nature: For you may cleanse it more
inwardly, to which purification nature cannot reach.
VIII. This is manifest; for that those Bodies which contain a
greater quantity of Argent Vive, should be of greater perfection, arises from their
easie reception of Argent Vive into
their substance: and we see Bodies of perfection amicably to
embrace each other.
IX. Out of what has been said it is also apparent, that in
Bodies there is a two-fold sulphureity: One indeed included in
the profundity of Argent Vive, in the begining of their mixtion:
The other supervenient from other Accidents. The one of them may
be removed with labour; but the other cannot possibly be taken
away by any Artifice or Operation of the Fire, to which we can
profitably come, it being so firmly and radically united
therein. And this is proved by experiment; for we see the
aductible sulphureity to be abolished or destroyed by fire, but
the fixed sulphureity not so.
X. Therefore when we say, Bodies are cleansed by Calcination,
understand that to be meant of the earthy substance, which is
not united to the Radix of their nature: For it is not possible
by Art, or force of fire, to cleanse or separate what is united,
unless the Medicine of Argent Vive has access.
�50�XI. Now the separation of an earthy substance from its compound,
which in the root of nature is united to a Metal, is this:
Either it is made by elevation, with things elevating the substance of Argent Vive,
and leaving the sulphureity, by reason of
its conveniency, with them: of which nature are Tutia and Mar�
chasite; because they are Fumes, part of which has a greater
quantity of Argent Vive than of Sulphur.
XII. The proof of this you may see, when you joyn those things
with Bodies in a strong and sudden fusion, for these Spirits in
their flight, carry up the Bodies with them; and therefore you
may elevate them with them. Or else, by a Lavation or Commixtion
with Argent Vive, as we have already said: For Argent Vive holds
what is of its own nature, but casts out what is alien or
XIII. The preparation of Venus. It is manifold; one by Elevation., another without
Elevation. The way by Elevation is, that
Tutia be taken (with which Venus well agrees) and that it be
ingeniously united therewith: Then put it into a Vessel of sublimation to be
sublimed; and by a most exceeding degree of Fire,
its most subtil part will be elevated, which will be of most
bright splendor. Or, it may be mixed with Sulphur, and then
elevated by sub.limation.
XIV. But without sublimation, it is prepared either by cleansing
things in its Calx, or in its Body: As by Tutia, Salts, and
Or, by a Lavament of Argent Vive, as all other imperfect Bodies
-51-XV. The Preparation, or Purgation of Venus, also is two�fold, viz, one for
the White, and the other for the red; for the White it is thus. Take Venus
calcin�d by fire only (as aforesaid) ground fine 1 pound: Arsenick sublimed 4
ounces: Grind them together, and imbibe the mixture 3 or 4 times with water
of Litharge, and reduce the whole with Sal Nitre, and Oyl of Tartar, and you
will find the Body of Venus white and splendid, and fit for receiving its
XVI. The Preparation for the Red. Take filings of Venus 1 pound,
Sulphur 4 ounces, grind them together: Or cement Plates of Copper with
Sulphur, and so calcine: wash the calcin�d with water of Salt and Alum; and
then with things reducing, reduce it into a body, clean and fit for the
reception of the Red Tincture.
XVII. Another Preparation for the Red. Calcine it with fire only, and
then dissolve a part thereof, and likewise dissolve a part of Tutia calcin�d;
joyn both solutions, and with the same imbibe the remaining part of the Calx
of Venus 4 or 5 times: Or, you may make this Imbibition with Tutia alone
dissolved, provided that more of the Tutia (than half of the Calx is) be
imbibed in the said Calx. This done, reduce with things reducing, and you
will have the Body of Venus clean and splendid;
which with a little help may be brought to an higher state, if
you have studiously penetrated into the Truth.
XVII. Another Preparation for the Red. of Venus calcin�d per Se, or
with the fire alone you may make an intense greatness,
-52-called Flos Cupri vel Veneris: Dissolve this greenness in Spirit of Vinegar,
and then congeal it; afterwards with things reducing, reduce the congelate,
which when reduced, will be a Body fit for many Works.
XIX. Medicines dealbating Venus, of the first Order. There is one
Medicine for Bodies, and another for Argent Vive, and of Bodies;
one is of the first Order; another of the second; and another of
the third: and so likewise the first, second, and third, of
Argent Vive. Of the Medicine of Bodies of the first Order, we
say there is one of hard Bodies, and one of soft: of hard
Bodies, there is one of Mars (of which in the former Chapter)
one for Venus, of which in this place; and one for Luna (of
which in the next Chapter.) Of soft Bodies, there is one for
Saturn, and another for Jupiter. That of Venus and Mars, is the
pure dealbation of their substance; but that of Luna the
rubification of it, with citrinity of a pleasing brightness,
which rubification is not given to Mars and Venus, by Medicines
of the first Order: For being totally unclean, they are unapt to
receive the splendor of redness, before they are fitted with a
preparation inducing brightness. There is one Medicine whitening
Venus by Argent Vive, and another by Arsenick. The Medicine of
Argent Vive is thus made. Pirst, Argent Vive precipitated, is dissolved;
then calcined Venus dissolved likewise:
These solutions are mixed and after they are coagulated, they are projected
upon the Body of Venus.
�53�XX. Another way by Argent Vive. Argent Vive and Litharge are
dissolved a part, and the solutions joyned together. Calx of
Venus also is dissolved, and that solution joyned with the former, and then
coagulated together, which projected upon Venus
whitens it. Or thus. A quantity of Argent Vive is sublimed often
from its body, till part thereof remain with it, with compleat
ignition: and this mixture is very often imbibed and ground with
Spirit of Vinegar, that it may the better be mixed in the
profundity thereof, then it is assated, or moderately calcined,
and lastly fresh Argent Vive is in like manner sublimed from it,
and the remaining matter again imbibed, and moderately calcined
as before, which work is so often to be repeated, till a large
quantity of Argent Vive reside in it, with compleat ignition.
This is a good dealbation of the first Order.
XXI. Another way thus. Argent Vive in its proper nature is so
often sublimed from Argent Vive precipitated, till in it, the
same is fixed, and admits good fusion: This fused matter projected upon the Body of
Venus peculiarly whitens it. Or thus. A
Solution of Luna, mixt with a solution of Litharge, coagulated,
may be projected upon Venus; but is indeed better whitened if
Argent Vive be perpetrated in all the Medicines.
XXII. The whitening of Venus with Arsenick of the first Order.
Take Calx of Venus, from it sublime Arsenick by many Repetitions, till it
remains therewith and whitens it; but if you be not well
�54�skilled in the ways of sublimation, the Arsenick will not perservere in it
without alteration: Therefore, after the first degree of sublimation, repeat
the work in the same manner as in the sublimation of Marchasite. Chap. 40,
Sect. 2.10. Or thus. Project Arsenick sublimed upon Luna, and then the whole
upon Venus, it dealbates it peculiarly. Or, first mix Litharge, or burnt
Lead, dissolved with Luna, and cast these upon Arsenick, and project the
whole upon Venus, so will it be whitened; and this is a good dealbation of
the first Order.
XXIII. Another way thus. Upon Litharge alone dissolved and reduced,
project Arsenick sublimed, and the whole upon Venus in flux, it whitens the
same admirably, Or thus. Let Venus and Luna be commixed, and upon them
project any of the above described dealbative Medicines. For Luna is more
friendly to Ar� senick, than to any of the other Bodies, and
therefore takes away fraction from it; and Saturn secondarily,
and therefore we mix it with them. Also we melt Arsenick
sublimed, that it may be all in a Lump, which being broken, we
project piece after piece upon Venus: We do it in pieces, rather
than in pouder, because the pouder is more easily inflamed, than
a Lump, and so more easily Vanishes, before it can fall fiery
hot upon the body.
XIV. In like manner, the Redness is taken away from Venus, and it
is whitened with Tutia: But Titia suffices not, because it gives
only a Citrine colour; which is yet of affinity to Whiteness.
Any kind of Tutia is calcined and dissolved; and the Calx
�54�of Venus, also: These Solutions are conjoyned, and with them,
the Body of Venus is citrinated. If you be well skill�d in this
Work, you will find profit. Or thus. Take Marchasite sublimed,
and proceed with it as with Argent Vive sublimed; the way is the
same, and it whitens well.
XXV. To make the White and the Red Medicines for Venus. They are
exactly made by the Rules of Prescripts delivered in Chap. 44
Sect. 19, 20, 21, 22. aforegoing, to which, I shall here refer
you; for the Operations of those Medicines both for the White
and Red, in the Bodies of both Mars and Venus, are one and the
XXVI. To Calcine Venus. Take Filings of Copper, and put them to calcine
either per se, or with Arsenick poudred, or with Sulphur, being anointed with
common Oyl, calcine 3 or 4 days with a most strong fire: strike what is
calcin�d that it may fall from the Plates, (if you use Plates) which again
calcine. The Calx beat fine, re�calcine it, till it is well rubified, and
keep it for use.
XXVII. The Regiment of Venus and Saturn. Take of the Paste of Venus, 3
Pounds; of Saturn, 2 Pounds; of the Ferment, 1 Pound:
of these, perfectly dissolved, make a commixtion through their least parts,
which keep in sufficient heat, as in the White is said. Extract the Water,
and what remains in the Cloth, put into a well sealed Glass, for 3 Weeks:
Then take it out, and add to
�56�it a third part of its own reserved water, and decoct by Chap. 42 Sect. 23.
aforegoing�, which Work do thrice. When it has imbibed all its proper Water,
put it in Its proper Vessel and Fornace to be fixed. When fixed, with things,
reducing, reduce it into a Body, ready to be reduced and tinged.
XXVIII. We more especially handling the Regimen of Venus, do
declare, that you ought seven times, or oftner to rectifie it,
when prepared and dissolved, distilling off the Water, and cohobating thereon each
time, which being coagulate, thence make a
most noble Greenness, with Sal Armoniack dissolved in Spirit of
Vinegar. That greenness rubifie in a Vessel of Mars, and again
dissolve, it, to which solution adjoyn a third part of prepared
and dissolved Luna; afterwards extracting and cohobating the
water of Ferment 7 times. Then reduce this into a Body, and you
will rejoyce. The Regimen of Mars, is as of Venus, but by reason
of its foulness, no great good arises from
XXIX. Grind Luna, amalgamated with Mercury, with twice so much Metaline
Arsenick (Quaere, Whether Regulus of Arsenick be not intended?) To which
adjoyn a tenfold proportion of Venus amalgamated with Mercury: Grind the
whole, and fix, and reduce into a Body, so will you have a pure White Metal.
XXX. The first Dealbation of Venus. Take Realg-ar 1 ounce, Argent Vive
sublimed 3 Ounces and half, Tartar calcin�d, 1 ounce, grind and incorporate,
put them into a Bolt head, a Foot and
�57�half high, and its Orifice so wide, as two Fingers may go into it: lute it,
and set it over a Fire, covered with a Cloth: First make a gentle Fire for a
quarter of an hour, afterwards augment the Fire underneath, and round about
until the Fornace be very hot with Ignition; when all is cold, break the
Vessel, and take out what you find Metalline; and make of this a great
XXXI. A Second Dealbation, Upon Tutia sublime one part of
Mercury sublimate, and two parts of Arsenick sublimed, until it
shall have ingress. This clearly and very speciously whitens
XXXII. A Third Dealbation, Take Mercury sublimate 3 Ounces, Arsenick
sublimed 2 Ounces, dissolved with Litharge, till they become 8 Ounces: to
these 8 Ounces, adjoyn other 8 Ounces of Arsenick sublimed, grind them
together, and flux them with Oyl of Tartar, and therewith you may whiten
prepared Venus at pleasure.
XXXIII. A Fourth Dealbation, Grind Metaline Arsenick, with as much of the
Calx of Luna, and imbibe the Mixture with the Water of Sal Armoniack, and dry
and grind: then dissolve Salt of Tartar, in the Water of Salt Nitre (some
suppose Spirit of Nitre) with which Oyl imbibe the Medicine: repeat this
thrice, incerating and drying, and you will rejoyce.
�58�XXXIV. A Fifth Dealbation, which is of our own Invention.
Imbibe Jupiter calcined, washed and dryed, so often with metal-me Arsenick,
and half so much Mercury sublimate, as untill it flows and enters Venus,
which, (if first prepared) it whitens speedily.
XXXV. A Sixth Dealbation.upon Tutia calcined, dissolved and Coagulated,
sublime White Arsenick (so that the Arsenick be 3 parts to 1 of the Tutia)
reiterating the sublimation upon it four times; for it has Ingress. With them
mix half as much as the whole is of Mercury sublimate; grinding and
incerating 4 times with the Water of Sal Armoniack, Nitre and Tartar, ana.
(Quere, whether that may not be Aq. Regis) with this when coagulated, cement
prepared plates of Venus, and melt, so will you have a very beautiful
XXXVI. A Seventh Dealbation. Grind Venus, calcined and incerated, adding
to it Arsenick sublimed, and half a part of Mercury sublimate; with which
being well ground and mixed, add a little of the Water of Sal Armoniack
(Quer. if not A.R.) incerating upon a marble; after dry and sublime. Revert
the sublimate upon the Foeces, again imbibing, which do thrice: the fourth
time imbibe with Water of Nitre (Spirit of Nitre) and sublime what can be
sublimed: reiterate this Labour till it remains fluid in the bottom. This in
Copper prepared, will be Resplendent with brightness.
�59�XXXVII. An Eighth Dealbation. Upon the prepared Calx of Venus, so often
sublime Arsenick sublimate, till some part of the Arsenick remaine with it in
the strongest Fire. That imbibed with the Water of Nitre (Spirit of Nitre)
and lastly incerated with Water of Luna, and Mercury precipitate, and in the
end with Oyl of Tartar Rectified, until it flows, wonderfully whetens Venus,
and enters the second order, if you have operated right. For I have else
where said, that if you obtain any part of Mercury precipitated, in the
mixture, your Work will be more splendid:
especially, if the White Ferment, dissolved with the Mercury dissolved, after
a certain fixation of it, be added by the medium of Inceration; by which you
will find you have traced the high way it self.
Geber Author, here saith, that the last 8 Sections are all proved
Experiments: the first 4 of them, being Experiments of the Ancients, by him
again proved; the latter 4, Rectifications of the Practices of the Ancients,
or rather Experiments of his
Own: All which he affirms to be absolutely true, and by him proved so.
I. The Preparation of LUNA. It is subtilized, attenuated and
reduced to a Spirituality in the same manner, as hereafter in
Chap. 47 Sect. 1 we shall teach concerning Sol. Therefore in
all, and every part of the Work, do the same as we shall there
teach with Gold: and this work of Luna dissolved, is the Ferment
for the White Elixir made Spiritual.
II. It is a metalick Body, white, which pure whiteness clean,
hard, founding, very durable in the Cupel, extensible under the
Hammer, and fusible. It is the Tincture of whiteness, hardens Tin
by Artifice, and converts it to it self; and being mixed with
Sol, it breaks not, but in the examination, it perseveres
without Artifice.
III. He who knows how to subtilize it, and then to inspissate
and fix it associated with Gold, brings it into such a State,
that it will remain with 301 in the Test, and be in no wise
separated from it, being put over the fumes of sharp things, as
Vinegar A. F. or Salarmoniack, and it will be of a wonderful
Caelestine Color: It is a noble Body, but wants of the Nobility
of Sol, and its Minera is found determinate; but it has often a
Minera confused with other Bodies, which Silver is not so Noble.
It is likewise dissolved and Calcin�d with great Labour, and no
�61�IV. If therefore clean, fixed, Red and clear Sulphur, fall upon
the pure substance of Argent Vive, thereof is made pure Gold;
then in like manner, if clean, fixed, white and clear Sulphur,
falls upon the substance of Argent Vive, there is made pure
Silver, if in quantity it exceed not: yet this has a purity
short of the purity of Gold, and a more gross inspissation than
Gold hath; the sign of which is, that its parts are not so condensed, as that it
can be equal in Weight with Gold, nor has it
so fixed a substance as that; which is known by its diminution
in the Fire; and the Sulphur of it, which is neither fixed nor
incumbustible, is the cause of that diminution.
V. But it is not impossible or improbable to give Judgment of
the same, as fixed and not fixed, in the respect of one Body to
another: for the Sulphur of Luna compared with the Sulphur of
Sol, is not fixed and burning; but in respect of the Sulphur of
other bodies, it is fixed and not burning.
VI. The Citrinating of Luna, by medicines of the first Order:
This is that which adheres to it in its profondity, and adding
color either by its proper Nature, or by the Artifice of this
Magistery. We declare therefore that Medicine which arising from
its own root, adhers to it; but there are Artifices by which we
make a thing of every kind to adhere with firm ingress. But Our
Medicine we extract either from Sulphur, or Argent Vive, or a
commixture of both: from Sulphur less perfectly; but from Argent
Vive more perfectly. This Medicine may also be made of certain
mineral things, which are not of this kind; as of Vitriol, and
Copperas, (which is called the Gum of Copper.)
-62-VII. The method by Argent Vive. Take Argent Vive precipitated,
viz, mortified and fixed by precipitation, put it into a Fornace
of great Ignition, (after the manner of Conservation of Calces) until it be
red as Usifur, (Cinabar.) But if it be not red, take a part of Argent Vive
not mortified, and with Sulphur reiterate the sublimation thereof: The
Sulphur and Argent Vive must be cleansed from all impurity: Repeat the sublimation
of it twenty times upon the praecipitate, then dissolve it with
dissolving water, and again calcin and dissolve, till it be Exuberally done.
Then dissolve a part of Luna, mix the Solutions, and coagulate them, and
project the coagulated matter upon Luna in flux, and it will colour it with a
peculiar Citrinity. But if Argent Vive be in its precipitation Red, the
aforesaid Administration, without commixtion of any thing tinging it, is
sufficient for the compleatment of its perfection.
VIII. The Method by Sulphur, is difficult, and irnmensly laborious. It is
Citrinated with a solution of Mars, but then you
must first calcine it, and then fix it with abundance of Labour,
then administer it with the same preparation, and the same
projection upon the Body of Luna: But hence results not a
splendid bright colour, but a dull, and livid, with a
mortiferous Citrinity.
IX. The Citrinating of it with Vitriol, or Copperas. Take of either of
them, q.v. and sublime as much thereof as can be sublimed, until the fire be
increased to the highest degree.
�63�Then sublime this sublimate, with a fit fire, that of it, part after part may
be fixed, until its greater part be fixed. Afterwards warily calcine it, that
a greater fire may be administred for its perfection: This done, dissolve it
into a most red Water, (which has no equal) and so operate, that you may give
it ingress into the Body of Luna. These three last Sections, are all
Medicines of the first Order.
x. We thus seeing things of this kind, profoundly, and amicably
to adhere to Luna, have considered, (and it is certain) that
these are from its own Radix; and thence it is, that Luna is
altered by them. It is also to be noted, that Medicines of
Argent Vive, if they alter Luna with more than one only difference, in order to a
total Compleatment: They are not of the
first Order.
XI. A Lunar Medicine of the third Order for the White. It is as well for
perfecting imperfect Bodies, as for coagulating Mercury it self
into true Luna: And is thus made. Take Luna
calcined, dissolve it in solutive water (Aqua fortis,) then decoct it in a
Phial with a long Neck, the Orifice of which must be left unstopt, for one
day only; until a third part of the water be consumed: Then put the vessel
into a cold place, to convert into fusible Crystals, or Vitriol. This is
Silver reduced to our Mercury, fixed, and fusible. Take of this
4 Ounces, of White Arsenick prepared 6 Ounces, Sulphur prepared
�64�2 Ounces; mix altogether well grinding them with Nitre and Sal Armoniack; put
the mixture into a Bolt-heat, keeping the same in heat for a Week, that the
matter may be hard as Pitch. This take out, and again incerate the third
time, and in 3 days you will find it an Oyl in flux: when the vessel is cold,
break it, and take what you find therein, which will be in a lump fixed, and
flowing as Wax. This is the first degree. Again, Take of new
Matter, as much as before; and joyn the same with this ferment,
and do as before; and consequently, a third, and a fourth time.
Thus doing, you will find a Medicine, which is great and
excellent in goodness; for 1 part falls upon 10 of any other
Body, or of Mercury, and converts it into true Luna. Keep this
Stone, and considerately luminate upon the things we teach, and
you will attain unto higher things.
XII. A Lunar Medicine of the third Order for the White. Take the
known Stone of it, and by way of separation, divide its most pure substance
and keep it apart. Then fix some of that part, which is most pure, leaving
the remainder, and when it is fixed, dissolve what is soluble of it; but what
is not soluble, put to be calcined, and again dissolve the calcinate, until
again what is soluble of it be altogether dissolved. Continue this process
until the greater quantity be dissolved. Then mix all the solutions together,
and coagulate them; this done, gently decocting, keep the coagulate in a
temperate fire, until greater fire may be fitly added for its perfection.
Therefore reiterate all these Orders of Preparation upon it 4 times; and
lastly, calcine it by its own way; for thus administring you
-65-have sufficiently governed, the most precious Earth of the
Then subtily, and ingeniously conjoyn a quantity of the part reserved, with
part of this prepared Earth, through its least Particles, then sublime by way
of sublimation, until the fixed with the not fixed, be wholly, elevated;
which if you see not, again add a quantity of the not fixed part, until
enough be added for elevation thereof. When it is all sublimed, repeat the
sublimation, until be repetition of this OperatiQn, it be wholly fixed. Being
fixed, again imbibe it with quantity after quantity of the not fixed, after
the same manner, till the whole shall be again sublimed, then again fix it,
until it have easie fusion with Ignition. This is the true Medicine
which transmutes all imperfect Metals, and every Argent Vive
into most fine and perfect Luna.
XIII. The Regiment of Luna. Dissolve and Coagulate it 7 times,
or at least 4 times; and to it dissolved, adjoyn the fixed
Rubifying Waters, which we shall declare, and you will find the
body aptly solar, for it agrees with Sol, and remains quietly
with it. In this, Venus admirable well purged and dissolved, may
be a great help to you, because a most clean, tinging, and fixed
Sulphur may be extracted from it. And I tell you, that Mercury
purified and fixed, has power to palliate, or illustrate the
foulness of imperfect Bodies; and fixed Sulphur extracted pure
from Bodies, to tinge them with splendor.
XIV. Hence you may gather a great Secret, viz. That Mercury and
Sulphur may be extracted as well from imperfect Bodies, as from
perfect: For purified Spirits, and middle Minerals are an help,
and very peculiar for deducing the Work to perfection.
-66-XV. Another Regiment of Luna. This is to reduce it to a more noble state.
Take Luna dissolved 3 Pounds, of Venus dissolved 4 Pounds, of Ferment
dissQlved 1 Pound; conjoyn the dissolutions decoct them for 7 days, with
gentle fire, in a sealed glass, as in Mars, with their whole water; then
augment the fire leisurely for other 7 days, and let it be as a fire of
Sublimation. For other 7 days give it fire yet stronger, that the whole water
may be fixed with it. This pouder reduce in a small quantity; and if it
retains with it self part of the Mercury, (which you will easily perceive if
you know how to calcine). it is well indeed; but if not put it again to be
fixed, until it is sufficiently
fixed. This must be reduced with red reducing Medicines, so will
you find your Luna, tinged, transmuted, and fixed.
XVI. The Ferment of Luna for the White. It is made by dissolving
Luna in its own Corrosive water, and then boiling this water away
to a third part, it is to be exposed to the Air, or set in B. M.
or in Dung for certain days; so will it be Oyl of Luna, and
Ferment, which keep for the White Work.
XVII. The Ferment of Ferments upon Mercury for the White. Take of the
Ferment of Luna, which is its Oyl; add to it twice as much of Arsenick
sublimed, and dissolved in water, (Quaer. what Water?) then to both these add
of Mercury dissolved, as much as of the Arsenick: mix the Waters, set them
over the fire for one day to be incorporated, then draw off the water by an
�67�and cohobate fifteen times; so incerating, it will be fluid as fusible Wax.
Add to it as much Virgin-Wax melted; commix them, and project the mixture
upon Mercury washed, (Quaere, What is meant by washing here?) according as
you see fit: for that resolved, is augmented in Virtue and Weight.
XVIII. A Work upon Luna and Mercury. Take Litharge, Salt of Pot�Ashes, mix
and make a Cement: Put the Cement first into a Crucible an Inch thick, upon
which put a Ball of the Amalgamation of Mercury and Luna; upon which, put the
remainder of the Cement, that the Ball may be in the middle: Dry, lute, and
set the Crucible in a gentle fire half a day, leisurely, augmenting the fire
and so continue its leisurely increase, from the Evening unto the dawning of
the day, with moderate Ignition at last; then take it out, and prove it by
Cineritium, and it will be Luna in weight and surdity, and much better in
XIX. Another Work. Amalgamate Luna with Mercury, to which add as much
Saturn, as there is Luna; put it into such a Crucible that a fourth part of
it may be empty: Assuse on it
Oyl of Sulphur, and decoct it unto the consumption of the Oyl:
Afterwards keep it for two hours in a moderate fire; and there will be
generated a black Stone, with a little Redness. This Stone prove by
Cineritium., and you will find your Luna augmented in Weight, Surdity, and
XX. Another Work: Take Luna amalgamated with Mercury. Grind it with twice
so much Metaline Arsenick, to which a tenfold
�68�proportion of amalgamated Venus, (viz. That the Amalgamation of Venus,
may be 10 times as much as the whole Amalgama of Luna and
Mercury mixed, with the duple quantity of Arsenick) grind
the whole and fix: Then reduce it into a Body, and you will find a good
XXI. Of the Citrination of Luna, or tinging its Body yellow.
Dissolve our Philosophick Zyniar, (which is Verdigrise) deduced from Venus
prepared, in the water of the dissolution of Luna, (Aqua Fortis) to which
adjoyn half so much as its self is of Mercury rubified by sublimation, and in
some sort fixed, and dissolved; to these add, as much of Luna dissolved, as
the Zyniar (Verdigrise) is; from which (fermented for one day) extract the
water by distillation, and cohobate 10 times, then coagulate and reduce into
a body, and you will find it a good Work.
XXII. Or thus.Dissolve Zyniar 1 Ounce, and our Crocus prepared with Mercury,
sublimate till it wax red 1 Ounce; add as much Sal Armoniack, and sublime it
thrice from that Crocus, which dissolve: To which add of Luna dissolved 2
Ounces: Then do as in the former, incerating and reducing, and you will find
XXIII. Or thus. Take of Crocus and Zyniar dissolved ana; add as much Sol
dissolved, incerate as before, then coagulate; to the coagulate add a fourth
part of its weight, of the Oyl of Salt-peter; and project upon so much of
Luna, and will be a Tincture of a Citrine aspect.
�69�XXIV. Or thus. Make a Water of our Zyniar, and of our said Crocus, and
imbibe the Calces of Sol and Luna, of each equal parts, therewith, until they
have drunk in their own weight of it; Then incerate with the Oyl of Sal
Armoniack, and Nitre, and reduce the Mass into a Noble Body.
XXV. Or thus. Sublime Sal Armoniack from our greenness, to which add Crocus
and Zyniar; from which well commixed, sublime the Sal Armoniack, and repeat
it twice or thrice. Then dissolve the whole, to which add a third part of
Gold dissolved; incerate as before and congeal; then project upon Sol 1
ounce, Luna 2 Ounces, mixed together, and it will be good.
I. Perfect Bodies (as Sol is) need no preparation, in relation
to their farther perfection; but that they may be more subtilized and attenuated,
we give you this Preparation. Take
Leaves of fine Sol, which lay stratum superstratum, with common Salt well
prepared, in a Vessel of Calcination; Set it into a Fornace, and calcine well
for 3 days, until the whole be subtily calcined: Then take it, grind it well,
wash it with Vinegar (Quaer. Whether Spirit of Vinegar, or some other acid
Spirit?) and dry it in the Sun: Then grind it well with half its weight of
prepared or purified Sal Armoniack, and set it to be dissolved, until the
whole (by help of the Common Salt, and Sal Armoniack) is reduced into a most
water. This is the pretious ferment for the Red Elixir, and the
true Body made spiritual.
II. Gold is a metalick body, citrine, ponderous, mute, fulgid,
equally digested in the Bowels of the Earth, and very long
washed with mineral water; under the Hammer extensible, fusible,
and sustaining the tryal of the Cupel and Cement.
III. From this definition you may conclude, That nothing is true
Gold, unless it has all the Causes and Differences of the
definition of Gold: Yet whatever Metal is radically Citrine, and
brings to equality, and cleanses, it makes Gold
�71�of it; from whence we discern, that Copper may be transmuted
into Gold by Artifice. For we see in Copper Mines, a certain
water, which flows out, and carries with it thin scales of
Copper, which by a long continued course it washes and cleanses:
But after such water ceases to flow, we find these thin scales,
with the dry Sand, in 3 years time to be digested with the heat
of the Sun; and among those Scales the purest Gold is found.
Therefore we judge, that those Scales were cleansed by the help
of the water, but equally digested by the heat of the Sun, in
the dryness of the Sand, and so brought to perfection.
IV. Also Gold is of Metals the most pretious, and it is the
Tincture of Redness, because it tinges and transforms every
Body. It is calcined and dissolved without profit, and is a
Medicine rejoycing, and conserving the Body in Youthfulness. It
is most easily broken with Mercury, and by the Odour of Lead.
There is not any Body that in Act more agrees with it in their
substance than Luna and Jupiter; but in weight, deafness, and
putrescibility, Saturn, and in colour Venus:
But indeed Venus in Potency is nearer Luna than either Jupiter,
or Saturn, then Saturn, lastly Mars, Spirits are also commixed
with it, (viz. Sol) and by it fixed, but not without great
ingenuity and industry, which the floathful Artist shall never
attain to the knowledge of.
V. Of the Nature of Sol. It is created of the most subtil
substance of Argent Vive, and of most absolute fixedness;
�72�and of most small quantity of Sulphur, clean, and of pure
redness, fixed, clear, and changed from its own nature, tinging
that. And because there happens a diversity in colours of that
Sulphur, the Citrinity or Yellowness of Gold, must needs have a
like Density.
VI. That Gold is of the most subtil substance of Argent Vive, is
most evident, because Argent Vive easily retains it; for Argent
Vive retains not any thing which is not of its own Nature. And
that it has the clear, and clean substance of that, is manifest
by its splendid and Radiant brightness, manifesting it self not
only in the Day, but also in the Night. And that it has a fixed
substance, void of all burning Sulphureity, is evident by every
Operation in the Fire, for it is neither diminished, nor
VII. And that it is tinging Sulphur is manifest, for being mixt
with Argent Vive, it transforms the same into a Red color: And
being sublimed with strong Ignition from Bodies, so that the
substance of them ascends, with them it creates a most Yellow
color; and that it is yellow, is evident even to the sence it
VIII. Therefore the most subtil substance of Argent Vive brought
to Fixation, and the purity of the same, and the most subtil
matter of Sulphur, fixed and not burning, is the whole Essential
matter of Gold.
�73�IX. But in it is found a greater quantity of Argent Vive than of
Sulphur: Therefore Argent Vive has greater ingress into it. For
this cause, whatsoever body you would alter, alter them
according to this Exemplar, that you may deduce them to the
equality thereof. For Gold having a subtil and fixt part, those
parts would in its Creation be much condensed; and this was the
cause of its great weight. Now by great decoction made by
nature, a leisurely and gradual resolution of it was made,
together with good inspissation, and its ultimate mixtion, that
it might melt in the fire.
X. From what has been said, it is evident, that a large quantity
of Argent Vive, is the cause of perfection; but much of Sulphur
is the cause of Corruption. And uniformity of substance, which
through the mixtion, is made by a natural de� coction is cause
of perfection; but diversity of substance is the cause of
imperfection. Also Induration, and Inspissation, which is made
by a long and temperate decoction, is a cause of perfection, but
the contrary, of corruption and imperfection. Therefore if
Sulphur shall not duly fall upon Argent Vive, diverse
Corruptions must necessarily be inferred, according to the
diversity of it, as if it be all, or part of it fixed, or not
fixed; all, or part of it adustible, or not adustible; all
clean, or half unclean, or it be much or little in quantity,
exceeding, or being diminished in proportion, neither overcoming
nor overcome, White or Red, or between both: From all which
Diversities, divers Bodies were generated in Nature.
�74�XI. A Solar Medicine of the Third Order. It is made by the
Additament of Sulphur, not burning, by way of fixation, and
calcination prudently and perfectly administred, and by manifold
repetition of solution, until it be rendered clean: For by the
perfect doing of these things, its cleansing by sublimation will
be compleated, Thus. Reiterate the sublimation
of the not fixed part of the Stone, with this said Sulphur, conjoyning them
according to Art, till they be first elevated together, and then fixed so, as
to abide in the heat of the
fire without ascension. The oftner this Order of compleating the
Exuberancy, shall be repeated, the more will the Exuberancy of
this Medicine by multiplied, and the more its goodness
augmented, and the augmentation of the perfection thereof highly
multiplyed also.
XII. The whole compleatment of the Magistery is thus. By the way
of sublimation, the Stone and its Additament may most perfectly
be cleansed, and then by the Laws of Art, the fugitive must be
fixed in them: And in this order is compleated the most pretious
Arcanum, which is above every secret of the Sciences of this
World, and a Treasure inestimable. Dispose your self by exercise
to it, with great industry and labor, and a continued Depth of
Medition; for by these you will find it, and not otherwise. And
indeed, in the preparation of the Stone, the reiteration of the
Goodness of Administration upon this Medicine, may with
industrious wariness be so far available, as to enable it to
change Argent Vive into an infinite true Solisick, and Lunisick,
without the help of any thing more than its Multiplication.
-75-XIII. The most high Gold the maker of all things, blessed and
Glorious, be praised;who has revealed to us the series and order
of all Medicines, with the Experience of them, which through his
goodness, and our incessant Labor, we have searched out; which
we have seen with our Eyes, and handled with our Hands, even the
whole compleatment of the Magistery. But if we have concealed
any thing, ye Sons of Learning wonder not; for we have not
concealed it from you, but have delivered in such Language, as
that it may be hid from evil Men, and that the unjust and Vile
might not know it. But ye Sons of Doctrine, search, and you
shall find this most excellent gift of God; which he has
reserved for you. Ye Sons of folly, impiety and prophaneness,
avoid you the seeking after this Knowledge, it will be Enimical
and destructive to you, and precipitate you into the State of
Contempt and Misery. This gift of God is absolutely, by the
Judgment of the Divine providence, hid from you and denyed you
for ever.
XIV. A solar Medicine of the third Order. It is made of Sol
dissolved and prepared after the manner of Luna, in Chap. 46.
Sect. 11 aforegoing, to which you must add of Sulphur dissolved 3
parts, of Arsenick one part (as afterwards is shewed) through
all things doing, as in the place now cited is directed; and it
will be a Medicine tinging every Body, and Mercury it self into
true Sol, or better, according to the way now shewed. Read and
peruse what we shall direct, and thereby you will be able to
tinge to Infinity, if you have understanding, and erre not by
the ambiguous sayings of the Philosophers.
�76�XV. The Ferment of Sol for the Red. The Ferment of Sol is made
of Gold, dissolved into its own Water (Aqua Regis) and
decocted and prepared by the directions in Chap. 46. Sect.
16. aforegoing: So will you have the Ferment of Sol for the
Red, which keep for use.
XVI. The Ferment of Ferments upon Mercury for the Red. Dissolve
Sal in its own water (which we shall hereafter teach) (i.e. Aqua Regis)
to this Gold dissolved 1 ounce, add Sulphur 2 ounces, dissolved in the
same Water together with it, Mercury 3 ounces, also disolved. Let all
these be truly dissolved into most clear Water, which being mixt,
decoct for one day, that they may be Fermented then draw off the Water
15 times, each time cohobating. Incerate with Yellow Virgins Wax, that
is with half its Weight of Oyl of Blood, or Oyl of Eggs: then project
up on crude Mercury, as you see
requisite. Here note, that if you perfect this Medicine, as
we teach in our third Order, in Chap. 47, Sect. 21. 22, etc
following, of the Congelative Medicine of Mercury, you will
find by Reiteration of the Work, and by Subtilization
thereof, that one part, will tinge infinite parts of
Mercury into most fine and high Gold, more Noble than any
natural Gold whatsoever.
I. Argent Vive, which is also called Mercury, is a Viscous Water
in the Bowels of the Earth, by most temperate heat United,
in a total Union through its least parts, with the
substance of White subtil Earth, until the humid be
contemperated with the Dry, and the Dry with the humid
equally. Therefore it easily runs upon a plain Superfices,
by reason of its watery humidity, but it adhers not,
although it has a Viscous humidity, by reason of the
dryness, of that which Contemperatesit, and permits it not
to adhere.
II. This is also as some say, the matter of Metals with
Sulphur, and easily adheres to three Minerals, viz, Saturn,
Jupiter and Sal, but to Luna more difficultly, and to Venus
more difficultly than to Luna; but to Mars in no wise but by
Artifice. Hence you may collect a very great Secret. For
it is amicable and pleasing to the Metals, and the Medium
of conjoyning Tinctures; and nothing is submerged in
Argent Vive, unless it is Sol. Yet Jupiter, and Saturn,
Luna and Venus, are dissolved by it, and mixed; and
without it, can none of the metals be gilded. It is fixed,
and the Tincture of Redness of most exuberant perfection
and fulgid splendor; and receeds not from the Commixtion,
till it is in its own nature. But it is not our Medicine
in its Nature, but it may sometimes help in the Case.
�78�III. Of the Sublimation of Argent Vive. This Work is coinpleated with its
Terrestreity is highly purified, and its
Aquosity wholy removed. We remove it not by adustion, because it
has none, so the Art of separating its superfluous Earth is to
mix it with things, where with it has not Affinity, and often to
reiterate the Sublimation from them. Of this kind is Talck, and
the Calx of Egg-shells, and Calx of white Marble, as also Glass
in most subtil Pouder, and every kind of Salt prepared, for by
these it is cleansed; but by other things having affinity with
it, (unless they be bodies of perfection) it is rather
Corrupted, because all such things have a Sulphureity, which
ascending with it in Sublimation, corrupt it. And this you may
find to be true by Experience, because, when you sublime it from
Tin, or Lead, you find it, after Sublimation, infected with
blackness. Therefore its Sublimation is better made by those
things which agree not with it; but it would be better by things
with which it does agree, if they had not Sulphureity. Wherefore
this Sublimation is better from Calx, than from all other
things, because that agrees little with it, and has not Sulphureity.
IV. But the way of removing its superfluous aquosity, is, that
when it is mixed with Calces, from which it is to be sublimed,
it be well Gound and coxnmixt with them by Imbibition, until
nothing of it appear, and afterwards the Wateriness of
Imbibition removed by a most gentle heat of Fire, which
receeding, the Aquosity of Argent Vive receeds with it; yet the
Fire must be so very Gentle, as that by it, the whole substance
of Argent Vive ascend not.
�79�V. Therefore from the manifold reiteration of Imbibition, with
Contrition, and gentle Aflation, its greater Aquosity is abolished, the residue of
which is removed, by repeating the Sublimation often. And when you see it is most
white, excelling Snow
in its whiteness, and to adhere (as it were dead) to the sides
of the Vessell; then again reiterate its Sublimation, without
the feces, because part of it adheres fixed with the Feces, and
can never by any Art or Ingenuity be separated from them. Or,
afterwards, fix part of it as we shall teach you; and when you
have fixed it, then reiterate Sublimation of the part remaining,
that it may likewise be fixed.
VI. Being fixed, reserve it, but first prove it upon Fire; if it
flow well, then you have administred sufficient Sublimation; but
if not, add to it some small part of Argent Vive sublim�d and
reiterate the Sublimation till your end be accomplished: for if
it has a Lucid and most white Color, and be porous, then you have
well sublimed it; otherwise, not therefore in the preparation of it
made by Sublimation, be not negligent, because such as its
cleansing shall be, such will be its Perfection, in projecting of
it upon any of the imperfect Bodies, and upon its own Body
VII. Yet here note, that some have by it formed Iron, some Lead,
others Copper, and others Tin; which happened to them through
negligence in the Preparation; sometimes of it alone, sometimes of
Sulphur, or of its Compeer Arsenick, mix with it.
�80�But if you shall by Subliming, directly cleanse and perfect this
Subject, it will be a firm and perfect Tincture of Whiteness, the
like of which is not in being besides.
VIII. Of the Coagulation of Mercury. Coagulation is the reducing
a Liquid body to a solid Substance, by privation of the humidity: and
is of Service. I. For Indurating Argent Vive, which needs one kind of
Coagulation. 2. For freeing dissolved Medicines from their watriness, which
requires another. Ar� gent Vive is coagulated two ways: One by
washing away its whole innate humidity from it: the other by
Inspissation, till it be hardned, which is a laborious work.
Some thought the Art of its Coagulation was to keep it long in a
temperate Fire, who when they thought they had coagulated it, after
removal of it from the Fire, found it to flow as before; whence
they judged the work Impossible.
IX. Others, from natural principles, supposing that every
humidity must necessarily by heat of Fire be converted into
Dryness, indeavored by Constancy and perseverance, to continue
the Conservation of it in the Fire, till some of them converted
it, into a White-Stone; others into a Red; others into a
Citrine; which neither had Fusion nor Ingress; for which cause
they also cast it a way.
X. Others endeavoured to coagulate it with Medicines, but effected
it not and so were deluded for that, 1. They either coagulated it
not. 2. Or else it was insensibly extenuated.
�81�3. Or the Coagulation was not in the form of a body: the reason
of which things they knew not.
XI. Others compounding Artificial Medicines, coagulated it in
projection; but that was not profitable, because they converted
it into an imperfect Body, the cause of which they could not see.
The reason and causes of these things therefore we think fit to
declare, that the Artificer may come to the knowledg of his Art.
XII. Now, as the substance of Argent Vive is Uniform, so it is not
possible in a short time, by keeping it constantly in a continued
Fire to remove its Aquosity; so that too much haste was the cause of
the first Error. And being of a subtile substance, it receeds
from the Fire; therefore excessive Fire, is the cause of the
Error of those Men, from whom it flies.
XIII. It is easily mixed with Sulphur, Arsenick, and Marchasite, by
reason of Community in their Natures: therefore it appears to be
Coagulated by them, not into the form of a Body, but of Argent Vive
mixed with Lead; for these being fugitive, cannot retain it in
the Contest of Fire, until it can attain to the nature of a Body;
but through the Impression of the Fire, they fly with it; and
this is the cause of the Error of them who so Coagulate.
XIV. Also Argent Vive has much humidity joyned to it, which cannot
possibly be separated from it, but by Violence of Fire warily
adhibited, with conservation of it in its own Fire; and
�82�they by augmenting this its own Fire as far as it can bear, take
away the humidity of Argent Vive, leaving no part sufficient for
Metalick Fusion, which being taken away it cannot be Melted, which
is the cause of their Error, who coagulate it into a Stone not
XV. In like manner, Argent Vive has Sulphureous parts naturally mixt
with it; yet some Argent Vive has more, some less, which to
remove by Artifice is impossible. Now seeing it is the property
of Sulphur mixt with Argent Vive, to create a Red or Citrine Color
(according to its measure) the ablation of that being Made, the
property of Argent Vive is by Fire to give a white Color. This
is the cause of the variety of Colors, after its Coagulation
into a Stone. Likewise it has the Earthiness of Sulphur mixt with
it, by which all its Coagulations must necessarily by infected. And
this the cause of the Error of those who coagulate it into an
imperfect Body.
XVI. Therefore it happens from the diversity of the Medicines of
its Coagulation, that divers bodies are Created in its
Coagulation; and from the Diversity of that likewise, what is to
be coagulated. For if either the Medicine, or that, has a Sulphur
not fixed, the body created of it, must needs be soft: but if
fixed the body must necessarily be hard. Also, if White, White;
and if Red, Red; and if the Sulphur be remiss from White or Red;
the Body likewise must be remiss; and if Earthy, the body must be
imperfect; if not, not so. Also every not fixed
�83�Sulphur creates a Livid body; but the fixed, as much as in it
lies, the Contrary: and the pure substance of it creates a pure
body; the not pure, not so.
XVII. Also the same diversity doth in like manner happen in
Argent Vive alone, without the Conmiixtion of Sulphur, by reason of
the diversity of Purifications and Preparations of it in Medicines.
Therefore an Illusion happens from the part of the Diversity of
the Medicines; so that sometimes in the Coagulation of it, it is
made Lead, sometimes Tin, sometimes Copper, sometimes Iron; which
happens by reason of Impurity. And sometimes Silver or ~GOld is made
thence, which must needs proceed from Purity~, with consideration
of the Colors.
XVIII. But Argent Vive is Coagulated by the frequent precipitation of it with
Violence, by the forceable heat of strong
Fire. For the Asperity of Fire easily removes its Aquosity, and
this Work is best done by a Vessel of a great length, in the
sides of which it may finde place to Coole and Adhere, and (by
reason of the Length of the Vessel) to abide, and not fly till
it can again be precipitated to the Fiery Bottom of the same; which
must always stand very hot, with great Ignition: and the same
precipitation be continued, till it be totally fixed.
XIX. It is also Coagulated, with long and constant retention in
the Fire, in a Glass Vessell, with a very long Neck, and round
belly, the Orif ice of the Neck being kept open, that the
�84�humidity may vanish thereby. Also it is coagulated by a Medicine
convenient for it, which we will shew anon: which Medicine is of
it, and is that, which most nearly adheres to it, in its
profundity; and is commixed throughly in its least parts, before
it can fly away. Therefore there is a necessity of collecting
that, from things convenient to it, or agreeing with the same:
Of this kind are all Bodies, also Sulphur, and Arsenick.
XX. But because we see not any of the Bodies in its nature to
coagulate it; but that it flys from them, now neerly soever they
agree together; we have therefore considered, that no Body
adheres to it in its inmost parts. Wherefore, that Medicine must
needs be of a more subtil substance, and more liquid fusion than
Metals themselves are. Also by Spirits, remaining in their
nature, we see not a Coagulation of it to be made, which is firm
and stable; but fugitive, and of much infection. Which indeed
happens by reason of the flight of the Spirits; but the other
from the commixtion of the Adustible and Earthy substance of
XXI. Hence then it is manifestly evident, that from whatsoever
thing the Medicine thereof is extracted that must necessarily be
of a most subtil and most pure substance, of its own nature
adhereing to it; and of liquefaction most easie, and thin as
water; and also be fixed against the violence of fire. For this
will coagulate it, and convert the same either into a Solar
�85�or Lunar nature: Studiously exercise your self upon what we have
spoken, and you will find the Mystery out.
XXII. But that you may not blame us, as if we had not
sufficiently spoken thereof, we say, that this Medicine is
extracted from Metalick Bodies themselves, with their $ulphur, or
Arsenick prepared: Likewise from Sulphur alone, or Arsenick prepared;
and it may be extracted from Bodies only. But from Ar gent Vive
alone, it is more easily, and more nearly, and more perfectly
found; because nature more amicable embraceth its proper nature,
and in it more rejoyces than in any extraneous nature; and in it
is a facility of extraction of the substance thereof, seeing it
already hath a substance subtil in Act. Now the ways of acquiring
this Medicine, are by sublimation, as is by us sufficiently
declared: And the way of fixing it follows. But the way of
Coagulating things dissolved, is by a Glass in Sand, with a
temperate fire, until their aquosity vanish.
XXIII. The way of fixing Arqent Vive, is the same with the way of
fixing Sulphur and Arsenick and these waies differ not, unless that
Sulphur and Arsenick cannot be fixed if their most thin
inflamable parts, be not separated from them, with the subtil
Artifice of dividing, by this ultimate way of fixation. But
Argent Vive has not this consideration, therefore in this
method, they need a greater heat than Argent Vive. In like
manner they are diversified, because these (Sulphur and
Arsenick) must be elevated higher by reason of their slowness
than Argent Vive; and also because they require a longer time to
be fixd in, and a longer Vessel for their fixation.
�86�XXIV. Of the Medicine Coagulating of Argent Vive. It is
taken from such matter, as the matter it self is (viz, as we
have before declared) and that is, because Argent Vive, (seeing
it is easily made to fly, without any Inflamation,) may suddenly
adhere to it, in its profundity, and be conjoyned with it, in
its least parts, and likewise inspissate, and conserve it in the
fire by its own fixation, until it be better able to sustain the
force of Fire, consuming its humidity; and convert it by the
benefit of this, in a moment, into true Solisick and Lunisick,
according to that for which the Medicine was prepared.
XXV. But seeing, we find not any thing more to agree with it,
then That, which is of its own nature, therefore by reason of
this, we judged, that with That, the Medicine thereof might be
compleated; and we endeavoured by Art to make the Form of the
Medicine agreeable to the same, viz. That it be prepared in the
method and way now mentioned, with the instance of long
continued labour; by which all the subtil and most pure
substance of it, may be rendred perfectly White in Luna, but
intensly Citrin in Sol.
XXVI. Now this cannot be compleated, so as to create a
Citrine Color, without the mixtion of a Thing tinging it, which
is of its own nature. But with this most pure substance of
Argent Vive, the Medicine is perfected by this our Art, which
most nearly adheres to Argent Vive, and is most easily fluxed,
and coagulates it, for it converts it into a true Solisick and
Lunisick, with Preparation of that always preceeding.
�87�XXVII. The Grand Question is, from what things this substance of
Argent Vive may best be extracted? To which we Answer: It must
be taken from those things in which it is: But according to
Nature, it is as well in Bodies, as in Argent Vive it self,
seeing they are found to be of one Nature: In Bodies more
difficultly; in Argent Vive more nigh, or easily, but not more
perfectly. Therefore of what kind soever the Medicine is to be,
the Medicine of this Pretious Stone, must be as well sought in
Bodies, as in the substance of Argent Vive.
XXVIII. But as to the Fixing of Argent Vive, you must know, that it
may be done, without being turned into Earth, and likewise fixed
with conversion of it into Earth. For by hastening to its
fixation, which is made by precipitation it is fixed and turned into
Earth. Also by the successive sublimation of it often repeated, it
is fixed likewise, and not changed into Earth, but gives
Metallick fusion. This is manifest to, and proved by him who has
experienced both fixations thereof, even to the Consummation of
the Work; both by the hasty precipitation; and also by the flow,
with continually repeated sublimations.
XXIX. This therefore is because it has a viscous and dense
substance, the sign of which is the grinding of it by Imbibition, and mixtion with
other things. For Viscosity is manifestly
perceived in it, by the much adherency thereof. That it has a
dense substance, he that has but one Eye, may manifestly see by its
aspect, and by posing the vast Weight thereof.
�88�For while it is in its own Nature, it exceeds Gold in weight,
being of a most strong Composition. Whence it is manifest, that
it may be fixed without consumption of its humidity, and without
conversion of it into Earth.
XXX. For by reason of the good adherency of parts, and the
strength of its mixtion; if the parts of it be any wise
inspissate by Fire, it permits it self no farther to be
corrupted; nor suffers it self (by the Ingress of a furious
flame into it) to be elevated into fume; because it admits not of
Rarefaction, of its self, by reason of its density, and want of
Adultion, which is made by combustible suiphureity, which it
hath not.
XXXI. Hence is seen; First, The Causes of the Corruption of
every of the Metals by fire, which is, 1. From the Inclusion of a
burning suiphureity in the profundity of their substance,
diminishing, them by Inflamation, and exterminating them also
into fume, with extream consumption of whatever Argent Vive, is
in them of good Fixation. 2. From a multiplication upon them, of
an exterior flame, penetrating, and resolving them with it self
into fume, of how great fixation soever, that which is in them
is. 3. From the Rarefaction of them by Calcination, for that the
flame or fire, does then penetrate into, and exterminate them.
Therefore if all Causes of Corruption concur, such Bodies must
needs be exceedingly corrupt: But if not all, the corruption is
according to the number and proportion of the Causes which
�89�XXXII. Secondly, The Causes of Goodness, and Purity of each
Metal. For seeing that Argent Vive, for no Causes of Extermination, permits it self
to be divided into parts in its composition, (because it either with its whole
substance receeds from
the fire, or with its whole remains permanent in it) there is
necessarily observed in it a cause of perfection: For it is that
which overcomes Fire, and by Fire is not overcome, but it amicably rests, rejoycing
therein, possessing Perfection, as we
have found, with an Approximate Potency.
XXXIII. Of the Putrifaction of Argent Vive. It is cleansed two ways,
either by sublimation, of which we have shewed the way already;
or by way of a Lavament, of which the way is this. Put Argent Vive
into a Stone, or Earthen Dish, and pour upon it as much Vinegar,
as is sufficient to cover it: Set it over a gentle fire, and let
it heat so far, as you may well hold your Fingers in it, and no
more. Then stir it about with your Fingers until it be divided
into most small Particles, in the similitude of Powder; and
continue stirring it, until all the Vinegar be wholly consumed:
After which wash-away the Earthiness remaining with Vinegar, and
cast it away: Repeating this washing so often, till the
Earthiness of the Mercury ~S changed into a most perfect Coelestine
colour, which is a sign that it is throughly washed.
XXXIV. Of the Nature of Argent Vive. There is a necessity of
removing its Superfluities, for it has Causes of Corruption,
viz. an Earthy substance, and an adustible watriness without
Inflamation. Yet some have thought it to have no superfluous
�90�and Uncleanness, but that is vain, and not true: For we see it
to consist of much lividness, and not of whiteness; we see also
a black and Feculent Earth, to be separated from it, with easie
Artifice, by a Lavation, as abovesaid. But because we are by that
to acquire a two�fold perfection, viz. 1. To make a Medicine. 2. To
perfect it. Therefore we must necessarily prepare the same by the
degrees of a two-fold purification for two cleansing of Mercury, are
necessary. One by Sublimation for the Medicine, which shall be
here shewed: The other by a Lavament for coagulation, which we
have shewed at Sect. 33 above.
XXXV. For if we could make a Medicine of it, then there is a
necessity to cleanse it from the foeculency of its Earthiness by
sublimation, least it create a livid color in projection; and also
to remove its fugitive watriness, lest it make the whole
Medicine fugitive in projection, and to keep safe the middle
substance thereof for Medicine; of which the Property is not to be
burned, but to defend from combustion, and not to fly it self,
but to make fixed, which is a perfection by manifold
Experiences. For we see Argent Vive more nearly to adhere to Argent vive, and to be
more beloved by the same; but next to it Gold
has place, and after that Silver.
XXXVI. Wherefore hence it follows, that Argent Vive iS more friendly
to its own nature; but we see other Bodies not to have so great
conformity to, or unity with it; and therefore we find them in
very deed, less to partake of the nature thereof. And whatsoever
Bodies we see more to defend from adustion, those we
�91�judge to partake more of the nature of it; therefore it is
manifest, that Argent Vive is the perfective and salvative from
Adustion, which is the Ultimate of Perfection.
XXXVII. The second degree of its Purification, is for its
Coagulation: And the washing away of its earthiness, for one day
only is sufficient for it; the method of which washing we have
largely declared, at Sect. 33. aforegoing: Being therefore so
throughly washed, project upon it the Medicine of Coagulation,
and it will be coagulated into a Solifick or Lunifick substance,
according as the Medicine was prepared. From what is now said,
it is manifest, that Argent Vive is not perfective in its
nature; but that matter is, which is produced of it by our Art.
And so likewise, it is in Sulphur and Arsenick. Therefore in
these it is not possible to follow nature, but by our natural
XXXVIII. It is also undeniably manifest that bodies containing
the greatest quantity of Argent Vive are Bodies of perfection.
Wherefore it is to be supposed, that those bodies are more nigh to
perfection, which more amicable imbibe Argent Vive. The sign of
this is the easie susception of Ar gent Vive by a Solar or Lunar body
of Perfection. For this same reason, if a body altered do not
easily receive Argent Vive into its Substance, it must needs be
very remote from this perfection spoken of.
XXXIX. The preparation of Argent Vive. Take of it one pound:
Vitriol Rubified, two pounds: Roch Alum Calcin�d, one pound:
Common Salt, half a pound: Nitre, four ounces: Incorporate all
together and sublime. Gather the white and Dense, and ponder�
-92-ous, which will be found about the side of the Vessel, and keep
it for use. Now, if in the first Sublimation, you shall finde it
Turbid or Unclean (which may be thro Carlesness) sublime it
again, with the same Foeces, and reserve it as before.
XL. The Regiment of Mercury. It is done two ways. 1. You must
Amalgamate it, well washed and purified as under directed.
2. You must Distill it and thence make an Aqua Vitae or Spirit
of Wine. The first way. Take of Mercury 40 Ounces, of Sol, of Luna, of
Venus, of Saturn, ana one Ounce, melt these bodies first the Venus and Luna,
secondly the Sol, thirdly Saturn:
Take all out of the Fire; having melted them in a large Crucible, and your
Mercury in readiness, made hot in another: and when the said Metals begin to
harden, pouer in the Mercury Leisurly, stirring the mixture with a stick,
setting it again on the Fire, and taking it off, untill they be all
amalgamated, with the whole Mercury. This Amalgama put to be dissolved for
seven days, Extract the water with a Cloth, make the residue Volatile, giving
Fire of Ignition. This again imbibe with its whole water, and put it to be
generated, and again to be dryed for forty days, and you will finde a Stone,
which put to be fixed, so will you have a Stone augmentable to Infinity. In
this Book we have expounded all things which we have written in
divers Books.
XLI. The Sublimation of Mercury. If you would perfectly sublime
it, you must add to every pound of it, common Salt two pound and
a half, Salt-Peter half a pound: mortify the Mercury
�93�wholly, grinding it all together with Vinegar, until nothing of
the Mercury appear living in the mixture, then sublime it
according to Art. It is a thing profitable.
XLII. The Sublimation of Red Mercury. Take one pound of it, mix and
perfectly grind it with Vitriol, Nitre, ana one pound, and sublime it from
them Red and splendid.
XLIII. Out of all that has been said it appears with evident
Demonstration, that our Stone is procreated out of the substance
of Argent Vive: But to unlock the Closure of Art, you must study
to resolve Luna or Sol into their own dry water, which the
vulgar call Mercury: And it is so, that a duodenary proportion
(of the solutive water) may contain only one part of the perfect
body. For if with gentle fire, you well govern these, you will
find (in the space of 40 days) the body converted into mere
water: and the sign of its perfect dissolution is blackness,
appearing on its Superfices.
XLIV. But if you endeavour to perfect both Works, the White and
the Red, dissolve each of the ferments by themselves, and keep
them. This is Our Argent Vive extracted from Argent Vive, which
we intend for Ferment. But the Paste to be fermented, we extract
in the usual manner from imperfect bodies. And of this we give
you a general Rule, which is, That the White
Paste is extracted from Jupiter and Saturn; but the Red from Venus and
Saturn: But every Body must be dissolved by its self in the Ferment.
�94�XLV. Sulphur we have proved is corruptive of every kind of
Perfection: But Argent Vive is perfective in the Works of Nature, with compleat
Regiment. So we, not changing, but imitating
Nature, (in Works possible) do likewise assume Argent Vive in
the Magistery of this Work, for a Medicine of each kind of
Perfection, viz, both Lunar and Solar, as well of Imperfect
Bodies, as of Argent Vive Coagulable. And seeing there is a two�
fold difference of Medicines, one of Bodies, but the other of
Argent Vive truly coagulable, we shall here discourse it.
XLVI. The matter per so, of this Medicine of every kind is one
only, already sufficiently known. Take therefore that, and if
you will work according to the Lunar Order, learn to be expert
in Operating, and prepare that, with the known ways of this
Magistery. The intention of which is, That you should divide the
pure substance from it, and fixt part thereof, but leave a part
of cerating; and so proceeding through the whole Magistery, till
you compleat its desired fusion. If it suddently flows in hard
Bodies, it is perfect; but in soft Bodies, the contrary. For
this Medicine projected upon any of the Imperfect Bodies,
changes it into a perfect Lunar Body, if the known Preparations
have been first given to this Medicine: But if not, it leaves
the same diminished, yet in one only difference of Perfection it
perfects, as much as depends on the Administration of the Order
of a Medicine of this kind. But this due Administration not
preceeding, according to the third Order, it perfects in
projection only.
-95-XLVII. A Solar Medicine (of the Second Order) of every of the
imperfect Bodies, is the same matter, and participates of the
same Regiment of Preparation. Yet in this it differs, viz, in
the greater subtilization of parts, by proper ways of digestion,
and in the cominixtion of subtil Sulphur (under the Regiment of
Preparation administred) with the addition of the matter now
XLVIII. The Regiment of it is the fixation of pure Sulphur, and
the solution thereof: For with this the Medicine is tinged, and
with it projected upon every of the Bodies diminished from
perfection; it compleats the same in a Solar Complement, as much
as depends upon a Medicine of the Second Order, the known and
certain preparation of the imperfect body preceeding. Also the
same projected upon Luna, perfects it much, in a peculiar Solar
I. There are two things to be determined, viz, the Principles of
this Magistery, and the perfection of the same. The Principles
of this Art, are the Ways or Methods, of its Operations, to
which the Artist applys himself in the Work of this Magistery:
These ways are divers in themselves: As, 1. Sublimation.
2. Descension. 3. Distillation. 4. Calcination. 5. Solution.
6. Coagulation. 7. Fixation, 8. Ceration. All which we shall with much
plainness declare.
II. The perfection consists 1. Of those things, and from the
consideration of those things by which it is attained. 2. From
the consideration of things helping. 3. From the consideration
of the thing which lastly perfects. 4. And from that by which it
is known, whether the Magistery was in perfection or not.
III. The consideration of those things by which we attain to the
Compleatment of the Work, is the consideration of the Substance
manifest, and of manifest Colors, and of the weight in every of
the Bodies to be changed, and of those Bodies that are not
changed, from the Radix of their Nature, without that Artifice:
and the consideration of those likewise that are changed, in the
Radix of their Nature by Artifice: with the consideration of the
Principles of Bodies, according as they are profound, occult, or
manifest; and according to their Natures, with or without Artifice.
�97�IV. For if Bodies and their Principles, be not known in the
profound or manifest properties of their Natures, both with and
without Artifice, what is superfluous, and what is wanting or
defective in them, cannot be known; and our not knowing those,
would of necessity hinder us, from ever attaining to the perfection of their
V. The consideration of things helping Perfection, is the consideration of the
Nature of those things, which we see adhere to
Bodies without Artifice, and to make Mutation: And these are,
Marchasite, Magnesia, Tutia, Antimony, and Lapis Lazuli. And the
consideration of those which, without adherency, cleanse Bodies;
such are Salts, Allums, Nitre, Borax, Vitriol, and other things of like
nature,: And the consideration of Glass of all sorts, and things
cleansing by a like nature.
VI. But the consideration of the thing that perfects, is the
consideration of chusing the pure Substance of Argent Vive: and
it is the Matter, which from the Substance of that, took beginning, and of which it
was created. This Matter is not Argent
Vive in its Nature, nor in its whole Substance, but it is part
of it: nor is it now, but when the Stone is made for that
illustrates and conserves from Adulation, which is a signification of Perfection.
VII. Lastly, The consideration of the thing, or certain Tryal
and Examination, by which it is known, whether the Magistery be
in Perfection or not; arises from the consideration of 1. The
�98�2. Cement. 3. Ignition. 4. Exposing it to the Vapours of Acid
Things. 5. Extinction. 6. Commixtion of Sulphur burning Bodies.
7. Reduction after Calcination. 8. Susception of Argent Vive.
All which with the former we declare, with their Causes from
Experiences, by which you may certainly know, we have not erred.
I. The cause of the Invention of Sublimation, was to unite
Bodies with Spirits, (since nothing can possibly be united with
a Body but a Spirit.) Or to find something that can contain in
its self the nature both of Body and Spirit, which being cast
upon bodies, (without being first purified,) either give not
perfect Colors, or else totally corrupt, blacken, defile, and
burn them, and this according to the diversitie of the same
II. For Sulphur, Arsenick, and Marchasite, are burnings and
wholly corrupt: Tutia (of every kind) burns not, yet gives an
imperfect Color, 1. Because its adustive Suiphureity, which is
easily inflamed and blackens is not removed. 2. Because its
Earthiness is not separated: for Adustion may create a Livid
Color, and Earthiness may form it.
III. These things therefore we are constrained to cleanse from
their burning Sulph�riety or Unctuosity, and Earthy superfluity,
and this can be done by no Artifice but by Sublimation: for when
Fire elvevates, it makes ascend always the more subtile parts,
leaving behind the more Gross.
IV. Hence it is manifest that Spirits are cleansed from their
Earthiness by Sublimation, which Earthiness impeded Ingress, and
�100�gave an impure or diminished Color: from which being separated,
they are freed from their Impurity, and are made more splendid,
more pervious, and more easily to enter and penetrate the
density of bodies, with a pure and perfect Tincture.
V. Adustion is also taken away by Sublimation; for Arsenick
which before Sublimation was apt to adustion after Sublimation,
will not be Inflamed, but receeds without Inflamation; the same
you may find in Sulphur. And because in no other things than in
Spirits, we saw an adherency to Bodies with Alteration, we were
necessitated to make choice of them, and to purifie them by
VI. Sublimation then, is the Elevation of a Drything by Fire,
with adherency to its Vessel but is done diversly according to
the diversity of Spirits to be sublimed: for some are Sublimed
with strong Ignition, others with moderate, and some again with
a remiss heat of Fire.
VII. Arsenick, and Sulphur, are Sublimed with a remiss Fire; for
otherwise, having their most subtil parts uniformly mixt and
conjoyned with the Gross, their whole substance would ascend
black or burnt, without any Purification: therefore you must
find out the proportion of the Fire, and the Purification, with
commixtion of the Feces or Gosser parts, that they may be kept
deprest, and not suffered to ascend.
�101�VIII. In Sublimation a three fold degree of Fire is to be
observed. 1. One, so proportioned, as to make to ascend only the
Altered, more pure, and Livid parts, till you manifestly see
they are cleansed from their Earthly feculency. 2. Another
degree is, that what is of the pure Essence remaining in the
Feces, may be sublimed with greater force of Fire, viz, with
IgnitIon of the bottom of the Vessel, and of the Feces therein,
which you may see with your Eye. 3. The other degree is, a most
weak Fire, which is to be given to the Sublimate without the
Feces, so that scarcely any thing of it may ascend, but that
only which is the most subtil part thereof, and which in our
work is of no value, for that it is a thing by help of which
Adustion is made in Suiphurs.
IX. The whole intention therefore of Sublimation is, That 1. The
Earthiness being removed by a due proportion of Fire. 2. And the
most subtil and fumous part, which brings Adustion with
Corruption, being cast away, we may have the pure Substance,
consisting in Equality, of simple Fusion upon the Fire, and
without any Adustion, or flying from the Fire, or Inflamation
X. Now that that which is most subtil is adustive, is evident,
for that Fire converts to its own nature, all those things which
are of affinity to it: it is of affinity to every adustible
thing; and every thing the more subtil, the more adustible,
therefore Fire is of most affinity to what is most subtle.
�102�XI. The same is proved by Experience; for Sulphur or Arsenick not
sublimed, are most easily inflamed, and of the two, Sulphur the more
easily: but either being sublimed, are not directly inflamed,
but fly away, and are extenuated without Inflamation, yet with a
preceeding Fusion.
XII. Now the proof in the administration of Foeces, with their
proportion, is, that such Matter be chosen, with which the
Spirits to be sublimed may best agree, and wherewith they may be
the more intimately mixed: for that Matter with which they are
or may be most united, will be more potent in the retention of
the Foeces of the Matter to be sublimed; the reason of which is
XIII. But the addition of Foeces is necessary, because Sulphur
or Arsenick to be sublimed, if they be not conjoyned with the
Foeces of some fixed thing, would necessarily ascend with their
whole substance not cleansed, which thing we know by experience
to be truth: this is proved, because, if the Foeces be not
perinixed with them thro� their least parts, then the same
happens as if they had not Foeces, for their whole Essence will
ascend without any cleansing.
XIV. Experience also proves this to be true, because when we
sublime from a thing forraign to the nature of Bodies, we sublime in vain, so that
they are found in no wise purified after
the ascension: but subliming with the Caix of any Body, the
sublimation is well, and with facility it is perfectly cleansed.
�103�XV. The intention of Foeces then is, that they be administred or
taken from the Calxes of Metals; for in them the work of
sublimation is easie, but in other things most difficult; for
which cause there is nothing than can be instituted in their
stead; for that without the Caixes of Bodies, the Labor will be
long, tedious, and most difficult, almost to desparation.
XVI. But in this there is some benefit, for what is sublimed
without Foeces or the Calces of Bodies, is of greater quantity,
but with Foeces of lesser: So also, what is calcined with the
Calces of Bodies is of least quantity, but of easiest and most
speedy Labor.
XVII. However every kind of Salt prepared, and things of like
nature to it, excuses us from using the Foeces of Bodies, for
that with them we make sublimation in a greater quantity; for
separation of things to be sublimed from the Foeces, is easily
made by solution of the Salts, which happens not in other
XVIII. But the proportion of Foeces is, that it be equal to the
quantity of the matter to be sublimed, in which you cannot
easily err: Yet if the Foeces be but half the weight, it may
serve with care, to an experienced Man: For the less the Foeces
are, the greater will be the Exuberation of the sublimate,
provided, that according to the Subtraction of the Foeces, an
abatement of the Fire be in proportion thereto: For in a small
quantity, a small fire serves for perfection; in a great, a
great; and in a greater quantity, a greater fire is required.
�104�XIX. Now because fire is a thing which cannot be measured;
therefore it is, that error is often committed in it, when the
Artist is unskilful, as well in respect to the variety of Fornaces, as Woods and
Vessels to be used, and their due joyning.
XX. Therefore in things to be sublimed, you must remove their
wateriness only, with a very finall Fire which being removed, if
any thing ascend by it, then in the beginning, this Fire must
not be increased, that the most subtil part may (by this most
weak fire) be separated, and put aside, which is the cause of
XXI. But when little or nothing shall ascend (which you may
prove by putting a little Cotton Weik into the hole in the top
of the Aludel) increase the fire un~der it; and how strong the
fire should be, the Cotton Weik will shew: For if little of the
sublimate comes forth with it, or it be lcean, it shews your
fire is small, and therefore must be encreased: But if much and
unclean, that it is too great, and must be diminished.
XXII. When then you find your sublimate to come forth with the
Weik Clean, and much, you have the due proportion of your Fire,
but if unclean the contrary: For according to the quantity of
cleanness, or uncleanness of the sublimate adhereing to the
Cotton, must you order your Fire in the whole sublimation: by
this means you may bring it to its due height without any error.
�105�XXIII. Yet the way of Foeces is better, viz. To take Scales of
Iron, or Copper calcined: these indeed by reason of the Privation of an Evil
humiditity, do easily imbibe Sulphur or Arsenicck, and Unite them with themselves;
the method of which the
experienced only know.
XXIV. It is fit therefore, that we should rightly inform you in
the sublimation of these two Spirits (Sulphur and Arsenick)
least you should erre through Ignorance: We say then, that if
you put in many Foeces, and augment not the Fire proportionally,
nothing of the Matter to be sublimed will ascend.
XXV. If you put in a small quantity of foeces, or none of the
Calx of Bodies, and have not a fit proportion of Fire, the
matter will ascend with its whole substance: So likewise by
reason of the Fornace, you may err: For a greater Fornace gives
a greater heat of Fire; a small Fornace, a small, if the Fewel
and Ventholes be proportionate.
XXVI. If you sublime a great quantity of matter in a small
Forance, you cannot make a fire great enough for Elevation: If a
small quantity in a great Forance, you will exterminate the
sublimation by excess of heat. Again a thick Fornace gives a
condensate and strong Fire: A thin Fornace, a rare and weak
fire, in both which you may easily err.
�106�XXVII. So also, a Fornace with large Vent-holes, gives a clear
and strong fire, but with small Vent-holes, a weak fire: And if
the distance of space between the Fornace and the Vessel be
large, the fire will be the greater, but if small, the less; in
all which, without care, you may easily also err.
XXVIII. You must therefore build your Fornace according to the
strength of the Fire you would have, viz, thick, with free Vent�
holes, so as there may be a good distance between the Vessel,
and sides of the Fornace, if you would have a great fire: But if
a mean fire, in all these things you must find a mean
proportion: All which we shall teach you.
�107�XXIX. If you would elevate a great quantity of matter to be
sublimed, first be provided of a sublimatory of such a capacity,
that it may contain your matter to be sublimed, the height of
ones hand breadth above the bottom: To this fit your Fornace, so
as the Aludel, or Sublimatory may be received into it, with the
distance of two Fingers round about the Walls, or Sides of the
Fornace; which being made, make also to it ten Vent-holes, in
one proportion, equally distant, that there may be an equal�
lity of the fire in all parts thereof.
XXX. Then put a Bar of Iron into the Fornace transverse, which
fasten at each end in the sides of the Forance, which Bar let be
distant from the bottom of the Fornace about a Span, or 9
Inches: About an Inch above it the Sublimatory must be firmly
placed, and inclosed round about to the Fornace.
XXXI. Now, if your Fornace can well and clearly dischange it
self of the Fumosities, and the Flame can freely pass through
the whole Fornace in the circuit of the Aludel, it is well
proportioned; if not, it is not so. Then you must open its Ventholes, and if by
that it it is mended, all is well; if not, you
must necessarily alter it, for the distance of the Vessel from
the sides of the Fornace is too small: Wherefore enlarge the
distance, and try it, continuing these Tryals, till it can
freely quit it self of the smoak, and the flame is bright and
�108�XXXII. But as to the thickness of the Fornace, if you intend a
great fire, it ought to be about 5 or 6 Inches; but if a moderate fire, 3 or 4
Inches; if a lesser fire, 2 or 3 Inches thick
will be sufficient.
XXXIII. Then as to the Fewel, solid Wood gives a strong and
durable fire: lighter Wood a weak fire, and soon ended; dry Wood
gives a great fire and short; green Wood a small and long
lasting. From the consideration of all these things, the
diversity of Fires may easily be found out.
XXXIV. In the sublimation of Sulphur, the cover of the Sublimatory must be made
with a great and large concavity within,
after the manner of an Alembick with a Nose, for otherwise the
whole sublimate may descend to the bottom of the Vessel, through
too great heat, for that in the end of the sublimation, the
Sulphur ascends not, unless with force of fire, even to Ignition
of the Aludel: And if the Sulphur be not retained in the Concavity above, seeing it
easily flows, it will descend again by
the sides of the Vessel, to the very bottom, and nothing will be
found sublimed.
XXXV. The Aludel is to be made of thick Glass, for other matter
is not sufficient, unless it be thick, and of the like substance
with Glass; because Glass only, or what is like to it, wanting
Pores, is able to retain Spirits from flying away: For through
Porous Vessels, the Spirits would pass and vanish.
�109�XXXVI. Nor are Metals serviceable in this case, because Spirits
(by reason of their Amity and Sympathy) penetrate them, and are
united therewith: Therefore in the Composition of your Aludel,
let a round Glass, or Concha, be made with a flat round bottom;
and in the middle of the sides thereof, a Zone, or Girdle
surrounding the same; and above the Girdle, cause a round Wall
to be made, equidistant from the sides of the Concha, so that in
this space, the sides of the Cover may freely fall without
XXXVII. But the height of this Wall (above the Girdle) must be
according to the height of the Wall of the Concha, little more,
or less. This done, let two Covers or Heads be made equal to the
measure of this Concavity of the two Walls the length of the two
Covers must be equal, and each a Span, or 9 Inches. The Figure
of one of them also Pyramidal, in the superior parts of which
Covers, must be two equal holes, one in each, so made that a
Hens Feather may conveniently be put in.
XXXVIII. The intention of this Concha is, That its Cover may be
moved at pleasure; and that the juncture might be ingenious, so
that through it, though without any luting, the Spirits might
not pass. But if you can better contrive this Vessel, you may do
so, notwithstanding this our description.
XXXIX. Yet in this we have a special intention, that the
interiour Concha, with its sides, should enter half way within
its Cover, for seeing it is the property of Fumes to ascend, notto descend, by this
means they are kept from vanishing:
Also that the Head of the Aludel should be often emptied, lest
part of what is sublimed (being over much) should fall down to
the bottom again.
XL. Another intention is, that what ascends up in the form of
pouder, near the hold of the head of the Aludel, be always kept
apart, from that which is found to have ascended fused and dense
in small lumps; porous and clear at bottom thereof, with
adherency to the sides of the Vessel; for that it is known to
have less of AdustIon, than what is found to ascend nigh to the
hold of the Head: Now the sublimation is well performed, if it
be found clear and lucid, and not burnt with inflammation: This
is the perfection of the subliming of Sulphur and Arsenick:
And if it be not so found, the Work must so often be repeated,
till it is so.
I. There is a three fold Cause of its invention. 1. That when
any matter is included in that Vessel, which is called, a
Chymical Descensory, that after its fusion, it may descend
through the Holes thereof, by which descent, we are assured, it
has admitted a fluxing.
II. 2. That weak Bodies may be it be preserved from Combustion,
after reduction from their Calces: For when we reduce weak
Bodies from their Calces, we cannot reduce all their whole substance at one time:
If then that part, which is first reduced
into a body, should lie while the whole is reduced, a great
quantity would vanish by the force of the Fire; so that it was
necessarily devised, that one part so soon as it is reduced, may
fall from the Fire, through this descensory.
III. 3. That the Depuration of Bodies might be so excellently
performed, as to be freed from every extraneous thing: for the
body descends in a Flux clean, and leaves every thing which is
alien thereto, �in the Concavity thereof.
IV. Therefore as to the way or method thereof, we say, that the
form of it must be such as its bottom may be pointed, and the
sides of it without roughness, equally terminating in the
aforesaid Acuity, or point of the bottom: And its cover (if any
-112-be needful) must be made in the likeness of a plain or flat
Dish, and well fitted to it, and the Vessel with its Cover, must
be made of good firm Earth, not easie to break or crack in the
V. Then put in the matter which you would have to descend, upon
round Rods or Bars made of like Earth, and so placed, as they
may be more nigh the top than bottom of the Vessel. Then
covering the Vessel, and luting the juncture, set it into the
fire, and blow it until it is in Flux, and the whole matter
descend into a subjacent Vessel.
VI. But, if the matter be difficult fusion, it may be put
upon a Table plain, or of small Concavity, from which it may
easily descend by inclining the head of the Descensory when it
is in Flux; for by this means Bodies are purified.
VII. But they are yet better purified by Pastils, which method
of Purification is of the same force, with the way of purifying
by descension: For it holds the foeces of Bodies as well as a
Descensory and better the way of which is thus.
VIII. Take the body which you intend to cleanse, and granulate
it, or file it, or reduce it into a Caix, which is yet better,
and more perfect: Mix it with some other Calx, which is not to
be melted, and then make the body to flow.
IX. By this method, often repeated, Bodies are cleansed, but not
with a perfect Mundification, which is to perfection; yet it
-113-a profitable purifying, that Bodies capable of perfection, may
the better and more perfectly be transmuted.
X. For there is an Administration always to be before, and to
proceed such a Transmutation, all which shall be declared in its
proper place.
XI. The Descensory Fornace is made, as before described, and is
wonderfully useful to the melting of Metals by Cineritiums and
Cements. For all Calcined, Combust, Dissolved, and Coagulated
Bodies, are reduced by this Fornace into a solid Mass, or Metal.
XII. Cineritiums also, and Cements, and Tests, or Crucibles, in
which Silver is often melted, are put into this Fornace, for the
recovering the Metals imbibed.
I. Distillation is the elevating of Aqueous Vapours in their
proper Vessel; and is of divers kinds. 1. Either with fire, or
without fire. Those made by fire is also two-fold. 1. Ascending
by an Alembick. 2. Descending by a Descensory.
II. The Cause why Distillation was invented, was the purif ication of a liquid
matter from its filth, and conservation of it
from putrefaction. For we see things distilled (by what kinds
soever of Distillation) are made more pure, and more easily to
be preserved from putrefaction.
III. But the special cause of Distillation by Ascent, or an
Alembick, is the separating of a pure Water, without Earth or
Foecs; for water so distilled has no feculency: And the Cause of
the invention of such pure water, was for the Imbibition of
Spirits, and of clean Medicines, left by the feculency of the
Water, our Medicines, or Spirits might be defiled or currupted.
-115-IV. But the cause of the Invention, which is made by Descent, or
a Descensory, was the extracting its Oyl, pure in its Nature;
because by Ascent, Oyls are not so easily had in their combustible Nature.
V. And the Distillation, which is made without fire, or by
Filter, was invented for this cause sake, to clear water
(whether distilled, or not distilled) from all manner of Impurities whatsoever.
VI. Distillation by Ascent is two�fold. 1. In Ashes, or Sand.
2. In Balneo, without Hay, or Wool in its proper Vessel, so disposed, that the
Cucurbit, or Vesica may not be broken before the
Work is finished.
VII. Distillation by Ashes or Sand, is done with a greater,
stronger, and more acute fire: But that by Balneo, with a mild,
soft, or gentle and equal fire; for Water admits not the Acuity
of Ignition, as Ashes or Sand do.
VIII. Therefore by that Distillation which is made in Ashes,
colours, and the more gross parts of the Earth are elevated; but
by that in Balneo, the parts more subtil, and without color, and
more approaching to the nature of simple Water, only arise. So
that a more subtil separation is made by distillation in Balneo,
than by a Distillation in Ashes or Sand.
�116�IX. This is evident; for Oyl distilled by Ashes, is gross,
thick, and foetid: But that being rectified in Balneo, the Oyl
is separated into its Elemental parts; so that from a most Red
Oyl, you have another most limpid, white, and serene, the whole
redness remaining in the bottom of the Vessel.
X. By this Operation, we come to the determinate separation of
all the Elements of every Vegetable; and of that which from
Vegetables proceeds to a Being, and of every like thing. But by
that which is made by Descent, we attain the Oyl of every thing
Vegetable, determinately, and of their like; and by Filteration
we accomplish the clearness of every liquid thing.
XI. To Distil in Ashes. You must have a strong earthen Pan, and fitted to
the Fornace, like to the aforesaid Fornace of Sublimation, with the same
distance from the sides of the Fornace, and with like Vent-holes; upon the
bottom of which Pan sifted Ashes must be put to the thickness of one Fingers
breadth (length almost) and upon the Ashes, the Retort, or Distillatory must
be set, and covered round about with the same Ashes, almost as high as to the
neck of the Alembick. (Retort, or Distillatory.)
XII. This done, put in the matter to be distilled, cover the Vessel with its
Alembick, the neck of which must inclose the neck of the Cucurbit, or Vesica,
lest what is to be distilled should fly away: Then lute the juncture, and
begin the Distillation:
But the Vesica, Cucurbit, Retort or Distillatory, with the Alembick Head, or
Recipient, must be both of Glass, and the fire
-117-must be of strength, according to the exigency, or nature of the matter to be
distilled, and to be continued till all that should be distilled is come off.
XIII. To distil in Balneo, is like the former, in a Cucurbit and
Alembick; save that you must have an Iron or Brass Pot fitted to
the Fornace: Upon the bottom of the pot within, must be laid a Bed of Hay
or Wooll, or other like matter, to the thickness of 3 Inches, that the
Cucurbit may not be broken; and with the same the Cucurbit must be covered
round about, almost as high as the neck of the Alembick, upon which lay
sticks cross, and upon them stones, to hold the Cucurbit to the bottom of the
Pot, and keep it firm and steady, that it be not raised by the Water, nor be
broken by its moving up and down. Lastly, Put in Water till the Pot be full,
which done, kindle the fire, and distil off the matter.
XIV. To Distil by Descent. You must have a Glass Descensory, with its
Cover, and that put in which is to be Distilled, and then the Cover luted on,
and fire made on the top, or over it that the Liquor may descend.
XV. To Distil by Filtre. Put the Liquor to be Distilled, into an Earthen,
Stone, or Glass Concha, under which set another Vessel to receive the
Distillation: The larger part of the Filter put into the Liquor, even to the
bottom of the Concha, leting the narrower part hang over the side thereof,
and over
�118�the under Vessel; so will the Liquor fall down through the Filter in the
lower Vessel, without ceasing, to the last drop. Where
note, That if the Liquor be not clear enough the first time, it
must be so often repeated, till it is as you desire it.
XVI. The Distillatory Fornace, is the same with the Sublimatory:
But Fire must be administred according to the exigency of things
to be Distilled: The way of doing which we have just now taught.
I. Calcination is the bringing of a thing to Dust by Fire,
through an abstraction of its humidity, holding the particles of
the Body together.
II. The cause of the invention thereof, is, that the Adustive,
corrupting and defiling sulphureity, may be abolished by Fire;
and it is manifold, according to the diversity of the things to
be calcined: for Bodies are calcined; and Spirits are calcined; as
also other things foreign to these, but with a divers intention.
III. And seeing there are imperfect bodies of two kinds, viz, Hard
as Venus and Mars; and Soft, as Saturn and Jupiter; all which are
calcined; there was a necessity of calcining them with a several
intention, viz., General and Special.
IV. They are calcined with one general Intention, when that
their corrupting and defiling Sulphureity may be abolished by
Fire: for every adustive Sulphureity, which could not be removed
without Calcination, is thereby abolished from every thing
V. And because the body itself is solid, and by reason of that
solidity, the internal Sulphureity concealed within the continuity
of the sustance of Argent Vive, is defended from Adustion;
therefore it was necessary to separate the Continuity
-120-thereof, that the Fire coming freely to every its least parts,
might burn the Suiphureity from it, and that the Continuity of
Argent Vive might not defend it.
VI. The common intention also of CALCINATION, is the Depuration
of the Earthiness; for it found that Bodies are cleansed by reiterated Calcination
and Reduction as we shall hereafter show.
VII. Special Calcination is of Soft Bodies, and with these two
intentions, that through it there may be an intention of Hardening and Fixing,
which is accomplished by an Ignitious repition
of Calcination upon them; and this is found true by Experience.
VIII. But why the Calcination of Spirits was invented, is, that
they may be the better fixed, and the more easily dissolved into
Water; for that every kind of thing Calcined is more fixed, than
the not Calcined, and of easier solution: and because the
Particles of the Calcinated, more subtilized by Fire, are more
easily mixed with Water, and turned into Water.
IX. The Calcination of other things, is subservient to the
Exigency of the Preparation of Spirits and Bodies, of which
Preparation we shall speak more at large in the following: but
these are not of Perfection.
X. The way of Calcination is divers, by reason of the diversity
of things to be Calcined for Bodies are otherwise calcined than
Spirits or other things. And Bodies divers from each other, are
diversly Calcined. Soft Bodies have one general way, according to
the intention, viz, That both may be Calcined by Fire only,
�121-and by the acuity of Salt prepared or unprepared.
XI. The first Calcination by Fire is thus: Have a vessel of Iron
or Earth, formed like a Porringer, which let be very strong and
firm, and fitted to the Fornace of Calcination, so that under
it, the Coles may be cast in and blowed.
XII. Then cast in your Lead or Tin (the vessel being firmly set
upon a Trivet of Iron or Stone, and fastened to the walls of the
Fornace, with 3 or 4 Stones being thrust in, stiff between the
Fornace sides and the Vessel, that it may not move:
the form of the Fornace, must be the same with the Form of the
Fornace of Great Ignition, of which we have spoken and shall
speak more in the following).
�122�XIII. And the fire being kindled, sufficient for the fusion of
the Body to be calcined, a skin will arise on the Top, which
continually rake together, and take off with a Slice, or other
fit Iron or Stone instrument, so long till the whole body is
converted into Pouder.
XIV. If it be Saturn, there must be a greater fire till the Calx be
changed into a compleat whiteness.
XV. Now understand that Saturn is easily reduced again into a Body
from its Calx:but Jupiter with most difficulty:Therefore, be
carefull that you err not in exposing Saturn after its first
Pulverization to too great a Fire and so reduce the Calx into a
Body, before it is perfected: In this you must use temperance of
Fire, and that leisurely augmented by degrees with great
Caution, till it be confirmed in its Caix, and is not so easily
reducible, but that a gentle fire must be given to the last
compleating of the Calx.
XVI. Likewise be careful that you err not in Jupiter, by reason of
its difficult reduction, for that intending to reduce it, you
find it not reduced but a Calx still, or turned into Glass, and
so then conclude its reduction impossible.
XVII. Now we say, that if a great Fire be not given in the reduction of Jupiter, it
reduceth not: and if a great Fire be given,
sometimes it reduces not, but possibly may be converted into
Glass: the reason of which is, because Jupiter in the profundity
of its nature has the fugitive substance of Ar gent Vive included:
which if long kept in the Fire flies away; and leaves
-123-the Body deprived of humidity, so that it is found more apt to
Vitrifie, than be reduced again into a metallic Body.
XVIII. For everything deprived of its proper Humidity, gives no
other than a Vitrifying Fusion, whence it naturally follows, that
you must hasten to reduce it with the speedy force of a Violent
Fire; for otherwise it will not be reduced.
XIX. The Calcination of these Bodies by the Acuity of the Salt,
is, the quantity after quantity of Salt be very often cast upon
them in their fusion, and permixed by much agitation with an
Iron Rod, while in fusion, till by the mixtion of the Salt, they
be turned into Ashes: and afterwards by the same way of perfection, the Calces of
them are perfected, with their considerations.
XX. But herein also is a difference in the Calces of these two
Bodies: for Lead in the first work of Calcination is more easily
converted into Pouder or Ashes than Tin; and yet the Calx is not
more easily perfected than that of Tin. The cause of which
diversity is, that Saturn has a more fixed humidity than Jupiter.
XXI. The Calcination of Venus and Mars is one, yet divers from the
former, by reason of the difficulty of their Liquification. Make
either of these Bodies into thin plates, heat them red hot, but
not to Melting: for by reason of their great Earthiness, and
large quantities of Adustive flying Sulphur, they are easily
thus reduced into Calx: for the much Earthiness being
-124-mixed with the substance of Argent Vive, the due Continuity of the
said Argent Vive is frustrated.
XXII. And thence comes their porosity, through which the flying
Sulphur passes away, and the Fire by that means having access to
it, Burns and Elevates the same; whence it comes to pass, that
the parts are made more rare, and through discontinuity
converted into Ashes.
XXIII. This is manifest, for that plates of Copper exposed to
Ignition, yeild a Sulphureous Flame, and make pulverizable
Scales in their Superficies; which is done, because from the
parts more nigh, a more easy combustion of the Sulphur must be
XXIV. The form of this Calcinatory Fornace is the same with the
form of the Distillatory Fornace, save only, that this must have
one great hole in the Crown of it to free itself from
Fumosities: and the place of things to be Calcined must be in
-125-the midst of the Fornace, that the fire may have free access to
them round about, but the Vessel must be of Earth, such as are
XXV. The Calcination of Spirits. You must give Fire to them
gradually, and leisurely increase it, that they may not fly,
till they be able to sustain the greatest Fire, and approach to
Fixation: their Vessel must be round, every way closed, and the
Fornace the same with the last mentioned. But you need not use
greater Labour than what is to prevent their flight.
XXVI. Or thus, As to the form of the Fornace, Let it be made
square in length Four feet,and in breadth three Feet, Luna,Venus
and Mars, or other things must be calcined in strong Dishes or
Pans made of Clay, such as that of which Crucibles are made,
that they may endure the strongest force of the Fire, to the
total combustion of the matter to be Calcined.
-126-XXVII. Calcination is the Treasure of the Thing, be not weary therefore,
for imperfect Bodies are cleansed by it, and by reduction of the
Calcinate into a solid Body or Mass of Metal a-gain: then is our
Medicine projected upon them, which is matter of Joy and
XXVIII. The Ablations of the Calces. Have a large Earthen Vessel,
full of pure, fresh hot Water, with this wash the Calx stirring
it often, that all the Salt and Allom may be dissolved (with
which they have been Calcined) then being settled, decant the
Water gently: put the Calx again into hot Water and do as before,
till it be perfectly washed, then dry and keep it for
XIX. The Incineration of Calces washed. Take the former Calx, dissolve it
in Spirit of Vinegar, 2 pounds of Common Salt, Roch Allom, Sal Gem, ana 2
ounces, in this water imbibe 4 ounces of the aforesaid dryed Calx till it
has drank in all the said Water, then dry it and keep it for use.
XXX. The Reduction of Calces into a solid Mass. Take the former incinerated
Calx, wash it with distilled Urine, till you have extracted all the Salts
and Alums, with the filth of the Calcined Body, which being dryed, imbibe 4
pounds of this Calx with Oyl of Tartar 1 pound, in 1 pound of which
dissolve Sal
Armoniack 2 ounces, Salt Peter 1 ounce: This Imbibition do at several
times, drying and imbibing.Lastly dry it, and make it descend through a great
descensory, and reduce it into a solid Mass, being purged from its
Combustible Sulphureity by Calcina-
-127-tion; and from its Terrestreity by its Reduction, so have you it purified
from all accidental Impurities and defements, which happened to it in its
XXXI. But its mate foulness, which dwells in the Root of its
Generation, must be obliterated or done away, with our Medicine,
the greater part of which contains in it self the substance of
Argent Vive according as the necessity of the Art requires.
XXXII. Again you must note, that Bodies are found to be of Perfection, if in the
reiteration of their Calcination and Reduction, they loose nothing of their
Goodness, in respect of Color,
Weight, Quantity or Lustre, (of which great care is to be taken
in the manifold reiterations of these OPerations) if therefore
by repeating the Calcination and Reduction of altered Metals,
they loose anything in their differences of Goodness, it is to
be supposed you have not rightly persued the Art.
I. Solution is the reduction of a dry thing into Water: and
every perfection of Solution is compleated with subtile Waters
such especially as are acute and sharp and Saline, having no
Feces, as Spirits of Vinegar, of sower Grapes, of acid Pears, of
Pomegranates, and the like distilled.
II. The case of this Invention, was the subtilization of those
things which neither have Fusion nor Ingress, by which was lost
the great advantage of fixed Spirits, and of those things which
are of their Nature. For everything which is dissolved, must
necessarily have~ the nature of Salt or Alum, or their like.
III. And the nature of them is that they give Fusion before their
vitrification; therefore Spirits dissolved will likewise give
Fusion: And since they in their own nature agree with Bodies, and
each with other, Fusion being acquired, they must by that of
neccessity penetrate Bodies , and penetrating them, transmute them.
IV. But they neither penetrate nor transmute without our Magistery
or Art, viz, That after Solution and Coagulation of the Body,
there be added to it some one of the Spirits purified, not
fixed; and then to be so often sublimed from it, till it remains
with it, and gives to it a more swift Fusion, and conserves the
same in Fusion from Vitrification.
V. For the nature of Spirits is not to be vitrified, but to
preserve the mixture from Vitrification, as long as they are init: Therefore the
Spirit which more retains the nature of Spirits,
defends or preserves from Vitrification: And a Spirit only
purified, more preserves than a Spirit, purified, calcined, and
dissolved: Therefore there is a necessity of mingling such a
Spirit with the body; for from these there results good Fusion and
Ingress, and true Fixation.
VI. Now we can demonstrate by natural operation, that things
only holding the Nature of Salts, Alums, and the like, are
soluble: For in all nature we find no other things to dissolved
but them; therefore, what things soever are dissolved, must of
necessity be dissolved by their nature or property.
VII. Yet since we see all things truly calcined, to be dissolved, by reiteration of
Calcination and Solution; therefore we
by that prove, that all Calcinates approach to the nature of
Salts and Alums, and must of necessity be themselves, attended
with these properties.
VIII. The way of Solution is two fold: By hot Dung, and by
boiling or hot water; that is, in Balneo; of both which there is
one intention and one effect.
IX. To dissolve by Dung, is, That the Calcinate be put in a
Glass Vessel, upon which must be af fused Spirit of Vinegar, or
the like, double its weight: Then the mouth of the Vessel must
be so closed, or stopt, that nothing may go forth, and the
matter with its Vessel set in hot Dung to be dissolved, and the
Solution afterwards filterated.
X. But that which is not yet dissolved, must be again calcined,and after
Calcination, in like manner dissolved, until by repeating the labour, the whole be
dissolved as before which also
XI. The way of dissolving by boiling water is more speedy, thus:
Put the Calcinate in like manner into its Vessel, with Vinegar
poured on it as before; and the mouth being well closed, that
nothing expire, set the Vessel, buried in Straw, into a pot full
of water, as in Distillation in Balneo, then kindling the fire,
make the water boil for an hour: which done, decant the Solution
and filtrate.
XII. And that which is undissolved, let it again be calcined;
and then again in the same manner dissolved; which Work so often
repeat, till the whole is finished.
XIII. The Dissolutory, or dissolving Fornace, is made with a pot
full of water, with Iron Instruments, in which other Vessels are
artificially retained that they fall not: These are the Vessels
in which every Dissolution is made.
-131-XIV. Bodies are in a two fold way brought to perfection, either
(1) By the way of Preparation or (2) By commixtion of Perfect
Bodies with the Inperfect, i.e., by Medicines prepared for
the purpose.
XV. Now we say that the Body cleansed by the way of Calcination
(as a�fore said) and Reduced, must either be filed or Granulated
thus; being melted, we pour it upon a Table-Board full of small
holes, over cold water, the water being well stirred while this
is doing.
XVI. The body thus granulated, we put into our Dissolving Water ( or
AF., made of Nitre and Vitriol) as to one halt thereof; or dissolve
the filings of the same body in the said AF. into a limpid
water; then add to it of Ferment prepared, to a third part of
its own weight: Abstract the water and revert, or, cohobate it,
and repeat this 7 times. After it is reduced into a Body, prove it
in its Examen, and you will rejoyce for the Treasure you have
XVII. And because we have treated of the perfect administration of
Imperfect Bodies, we should now give you the special,true and
certain Rule for every particular body; but that being done
already for Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Luna, in their respective
Chapters aforegoing, where we treat of their Regiment, we shall
refer you thither.
XVIII.Mercury also purified and fixed, has power to take off or away
the foulness of imperfect Bodies, and to brighten them or
illustrate them. And Fixed Sulphur extracted from bodies, to
-132-tinge or color them with splendor. Hence you may learn a great
Secret, viz, That Mercury and Sulphur may be extracted as well from
imperfect bodies rightly prepared, as from the perfect.
Purified Spirits also, and middle Minerals, are a great help,
and very peculiar, for bringing on the Work to perfection.
XIX. The Dissolving Water or AF. Take Cyprus Vitriol 1 Pound, Sal�
Nitre,half a pound, Roch�Alum, a fourth part, Distill of f the water with
a red hot heat, for it is very solutive; and use it as we have before in
several places taught. This may be made more acute.
I. Coagulation is the Reduction of a thing Liquid to a solid
substance, by deprivation of its moisture; for which there is a
two�fold Cause; one is the Induration of Hardening of Ar gent Vive
(of which we have already treated, Chap. 48, Sect. 8, ad 23).
II. The way of Coagulating things dissolved, is by a Glass
placed in Ashes up to its Neck, and an equal Fire, not too hot
put under it, and to be continued till the whole Aquosity is
III. Now seeing it is not possible to remove the true Essence of
any thing in nature, the thing itself remaining, therefore it is
said to be impossible to separate these corrupt things from
them: for this cause some Philosophers have thought this Art not
possible to be attained, and We, and indeed other Searchers in this
Science have been brought to this very State of belief.
IV. By reason of this, we as well as they, were driven to amazement, and for a long
space of time la� under the shade of Desparation, yet returning to our selves, and
being perplexed with
the immense trouble of dispairing thoughts and meditations, we
considered Bodies diminished from Perefection, to be foul in the
profundity of their Nature, and nothing pure or clean to be
found in them, because it was not in them according to Nature;
for that which is not in a thing cannot be found there.
V.Seeing then nothing of perfection is found in them, therefore
necessarily also, in the same nothing superfluous remains to be
-134-found, in separation of the divers substances in them, and in
the profundity of their Nature, therefore by this, we found
somewhat to be diminished in them, which must necessarily be
compleated, by matter fit for it, and repairing the defect.
VI. Dimunition in them is the Paucity of Argent Vive, and not right
Spissation or Coagulation of the same, therefore to compleat
them, you must sufficiently augment the Argent Vive: Then rightly
Inspissate or Coagulate; and lastly induce a permanent fixation.
(of which we shall speak in the next Chapter)
VII. But this is performed by a Medicine created of that: And
this Medicine when brought forth into being from Argent Vive, by
the benefit of its brightness and splendor, it hides and covers
their Cloudiness, draws forth their Lucidity, and converts the
same into Splendor, Brightness and Glory.
VIII. For which Argent Vive is prepared into a Medicine, and
cleansed by our Artifice; it is reduced to a most pure and
bright Substance, which being projected upon Bodies wanting of
perfection, will illustrate or Tinge them, and by its fixing
power perfect them: which Medicine we declare in its due time
and place.
I. Fixation is right disposing a Volatile or Fugitive thing to
abide and endure in the fire: The cause of the Invention thereof
is, that every Tincture, and every Alteration may be perpetuated
in the thing alteredm and not vanish. -
II. It is manifold according to the diversity of things to be
fixed, which are all the Bodies diminished from perfection, as
Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus; and according to the diversity of
Spirits also, which are Sulphur and Arsenickin one degree, and Argent
Vive in another; Also Marchasite, Tutia, Magnesia, and such like in
the Third.
III. Therefore, those bodies diminished from perfection, are
fixed by their Calcination, because thereby they are freed from
their volatile and corrupting Sulphureity; the which we have
sufficiently declared in the Chapter of Calcination. Also the
manifold repititions of sublimation, more swiftly and better do
abbreviate the time of the Fixation.
IV. For this cause there was a second way of fixation found out,
which is by precipitating of it, sublimed into heat, that it may
constantly abide therein until it be fixed.
V. And this is done by a long Glass Vessel, the bottom of which
(made of Earth, not of Glass, for that it would crack), must be
artificially connexed with good luting; and the ascending matter
-136-when it adheres to the sides of the Vessel, must with a spatula
of Iron or Stone be thrust down to the heat at bottom, and this
precipitation repeated until the whole matter be fixed. How Sulphur, Arsenick,
Argent Vive, Marchasite, Magnesia and Tutia,are to
be fixed, we have taught in their proper Chapters aforegoing.
VI. The Fixatory Fornace or Athanor. It must be made after the manner
of the Fornace of Calcination, and in it must be set a deep Pan
full of ashes. But the Vessel, with the matter to be fixed,
being firmly sealed, must be placed in the middle of the Ashes,
so that the thickness of the Ashes underneath, and above in the
compass of the Vessel, may be about four inches, or according to
that which you desire to fix: Because in fixing One, a greater
fire is required than in fixing another.
VII. By this Fornace, and this way the Ancient Philosophers
attained to the work of the Magistery; which to men truly
Philosophizing may be easily known, from what we have more than
enough demonstrated in these our Books. And by those especially
who are real searchers out of the Truth; we have given you the
figure of the Athanor, yet let not this stop your further invention, if you can
possibly find out anything more fit and
�137�nearly; but more nearly in Argent Vive: Whose humidity we see not to
leave their Earth, by reason of the strong union which they
have, and which nature has bestowed upon them in the Work of
their Mixture.
VI. But in all other things having humidity, you may find by experience, that the
same is separated in Resolution from their
Earthy substance; and after separation thereof, that they are
deprived of all humidity: In Spirits aforesaid, it is not so; so
that we cannot omit taking them into the Work of Ceration.
VII. The way of Ceration by them is thus: You must sublime them so
often upon the thing to be Cerated, until remaining with their humidity in
it, they give good Fusion: But this cannot be effected before the
perfect cleansing of them from every Corrupting thing.
VIII. And it seems better to me that these should be first fixed
by Oyl of Tartar, and every Ceration, fit and necessary in this Art
be made with them.
IX. Our PHILOSOPHIC CERATIVE WATER is thus made: Take Oyl distilled
from the White of Eggs: Grind it with half so much of Sal Nitre, and Sal
Armoniack, ana, and it will be very good.Or, Mix it with Sal Alkoli, and
distill as before. And the more you reiterate this labour, the
better it incinerates.Or , Conjoyn the aforesaid Oyl, with Oyl of Tartar,
and thence Distil a White Incinerative Oyl.
X. A Red Incinerative Oyl is thus made: Take Oyl of Yolks of Eggs, or of
Humane Hair, to which adjoyn as much Sal Armoniack; mix and distil: Repeat
this distillation three times, and you will have a most Red Incinerative Oyl.
I. Ceration is the mollification or softening of and hard thing
not fusible, unto Liquification: Whence it is evident, that the
cause of the Invention of it was, That the matter which had not
ingress into the Body for Alteration (by reason of Privation of
its Liquefaction) might be softened, so as to flow, and have
II. Wherefore some thought Ingress was to be made with liquid
Oyls and Waters, but that is error, and wholly remote from the
Principals of this Natural Magistery, and denied by the manifest
Operations of Nature.
III. For we find not, in those Metallick Bodies, that Nature has
placed and humidity soon, or easy to be taken away, but rather
one of long duration, for the necessity of their Fusion and
Mollification: For had they been replenished with an humidity
easie, or soon to be removed, it would necessarily follow, that
the Bodies would be totally deprived of it, in one only Ignition,
so that none of the Bodies could afterwards be either hammered
or melted.
IV. Therefore, imitating the operations of Nature, we follow her
way in Cerating. Nature Cerates in the Radix of fusible things,
with an humidity, which is above all humidities, and able to endure the heat of
fire: Therefore it is necessary for us also to
Cerate with the like humidity.
V. But this Cerative Humidity is in nothing better, more
possibly, or more nearly found than in these, viz, in Sulphur, and
in Arsenick,
-139-XI. Oyl of Verdigrise is thus made: Dissolve Verdigrise in water
of Sal Armoniack, with the same Coagulated, mix Qyl of Eggs,
anddistil the mixture, which Distillation repeat thrice; so
shall you have Oyl of Verdigrise, fit and profitable for
XII. Oyl of Gall; its made by distilling an oyl from the Gall, as
from human Hair; doing in all things as in the former.
XIII. I do not say that these Oyls can give a Radical Mineral
Humidity, as in Sulphur and Arsenick, but they preserve the
Tincture from Combustion, until it enters, or makes an Ingress;
and afterwards they fly in the Augmentation of the fire.
XIV. After the matter is Incinerated, it may be necessary to melt
it, which you must do in a Fusory, or Melting Fornace. This Fornace is
that in which all Bodies are easily melted by themselves:
It is a Fornace much in the use among Melters of Metals: Also
Aurichalcum is melted in this Fornace, and tinged with Tutia or
Calaminaris as is known to such as have made a Tryal.
I. We Demonstrate that Spirits are more assinuated to Bodies,
than any other thing in nature; for that they are more United,
and more friendly to Bodies, than all other things; so that we
affirm, that these alterations of Bodies in the first Invention,
are their true Medicines.
II. And as we have been exercised in all kinds, in the transformation of imperfect
Bodies, with firmutation into a perfect
Lunar and Solar Body, so we find that the Medicine for them must
be divers according to the intention of the Bodies to be transmuted.
III. And since Metals to be transmuted are of a two-fold kind,
viz. Argent Vive Coagulable in Perfection, and Bodies diminished
from Perfection: and these again manifold, some being hard, sustaining Ignition, as
Mars and Venus; others soft, not enduring
it as Saturn and Jupiter; the Medicine perfective must also be
necessarily manifold.
IV. And altho Mars and Venus be of one kind, yet they differ in
a certain special property, the one being not Fusible, the other
fusible; therefore Mars is perfected with one Medicine, and
Venus with another: The first indeed is totally unclean,
-141-but the other not: the former has a Dull whiteness; the latter
that of Redness and Greenness: all which force a necessity of a
Diversity in the Medicine.
V. Also the soft Bodies, Saturn and Jupiter, seeing they less
differ, do necessarily require also a Divers Medicine: the first
of them is indeed Unclean, the latter Clean; and they are all
rendered more Mutable, now made Lunar than Solar Bodies; therefore the Medicine for
each of them must be two-fold: One White,
changeing into a White Lunar Body: and one Citrine, changeing
into a Citrine Solar Body.
VI. Since then in every of the Imperfect Bodies is found a two�
fold Matter, Solar and Lunar; the Medicines perfecting all
Bodies, will be in number Eight.
VII. So also Argent Vive is perfected into a Lunar and Solar
Body; therefore of the Medicine altering or perfecting it, there
is a two-fold difference: so that all the Medicines which we
have invented, for the Compleat alteration of every imperfect
Body, will be in number Ten.
VIII. However, with constant and continued Labor, and great
search and invention, we have been desirous to exclude the Use
of these Ten Medicenes, by the Invention and advantage of One
Only Medicine: and with our long and very Laborious search, by
certain Experience, we have found One Medicine, by which the
hard was softned; the soft Body hardned; the fugitive fixed, and
�142�the Soul illustrated with Splendor or Brightness ineffable, and
beyond Nature.
IX. Notwithstanding, it is here expedient, that we should particularly speak of all
these Medicines with their Causes, and
the evident experiences of their probations. We will first then
declare the series of the Ten Medicines, fitted to all the
Bodies, then to Argent Vive, and lastly proceed to the Medicine
of the Magistery, perfecting all Bodies; yet with the preparation imperfect Bodies
X. And least we should be carped at by the Envious, as Writing
an insufficient Treatise of Art, We here first of all present
the preparation of all the imperfect Bodies, assigning the
Causes of the necessity thereof, by which (in Our artifice) they
are made apt to receive the Medicine of Perfection, in every
degree of Whiteness and Redness, and to be perfected by the
same: and after these a Narration of all the Medicines before
mentioned, themselves. The Preparations of Saturn, Jupiter,
Mars, Venus, and Argent Vive here mentioned. See Chap. 42. Sect.
14. ad 20. Chap. 43. Sect. 11. Chap. 44. Sect. 12, 13, 14. Chap.
45. Sect. 12, 13. Chap. 48. Sect. 33. The preparation of the
Medicines, see Chap. 44. Sect. 15, 16, 17. Chap. 45. Sect. 18 ad
23. Chap. 46. Sect. 6. Chap. 48. Sect. 33. etc.
XI. From what has been said, �tis evident, that what Nature left
Superfluous or deficient in every of those Bodies that are
-143-imperfect; has been in part declared: and since it happens that
the mutable Bodies of Imperfection, are of a two-fold kind, viz.
soft and Ignible, as Saturn and Jupiter; and hard and not
fusible with Ignition, as Mars and Venus, the first indeed not
fusible, but the other fusible with Ignition; Nature has taught
us, That according to the diversity of Essences in the Radix of
their Nature, divers Preparations, according to their Wants,
must be administred to them.
XII. There are two Bodies of Imperfection of one kind, viz.
Lead, which is Black, or Saturn; and Tin, which is White, or
Jupiter; which from the innate Root of their nature, are divers
each from other, in the profundity of their hidden parts, as
well as in those which are outward.
XIII. For Saturn is cloudy, livid, ponderous, black, without
stridor or crashing, totally mute: But Jupiter is white, a
little livid, crashing much, a little sounding, and something
bright; Of the Differences of which we have already spoken in
their particular Chapters aforegoing.
XIV. From which Causes of Difference, according to more and
less, you must collect the order of the Preparations; wherein we
have shewed, first, The Preparation of Bodies; afterwards of
Argent Vive coagulable. Now in the preparation of Bodies,
nothing of Superfluity is to be removed from their profound, or
inward Parts, but rather from their manifest or outward.
1. The five different Properties constituting this Medicine.
I. Unless every thing superfluous be taken away, either by
Medicine or preparation from imperfect Bodies, viz. Every superfluous Suiphureity,
and every unclean Earthiness, they cannot be
purified, so, as that in Fusion they be not separated from the
Commistion after projection of the Medicine altering them:
when you have formed this you have found one of the five differences of perfection.
II. Also, if the Medicine do not illustrate, and alter and alter
into a White or Citrine Color (according to what your intention
is) inducing a splendent brightness, and admirable Lucidity;
Bodies diminished from perfection are not perfected to the
III. So also, if it abides not Lunar or Solar Fusion, it is not
changed into perfection; because it abides not in the Tryal; but
is altogether separated, and receeds from the Commixtion; which
you may more amply determine by the Cineritium, of which we
shall speak hereafter.
IV. If likewise the Medicine be not perpetuated with a firm
alteration, so that the Impression of Tincture, and Finity is
not permanent but vanished in the Fire upon probation.
�145�V. If it attains not to the weight of Perfection, (having the
true ponderosity of Luna and Sol,) it is not firmly changed to a
perfect compleatment of Nature: for this weight is one of the
signs of perfection. Seeing therefore these differences of perfection are five,
there is a necessity that our Medicine should
exhibit these Differences in Projection. Also it is evident from
hence, That this Medicine must be prepared from Things having
Affinity to Bodies, readily altering, and amicably adhering to
them in their profundity: But searching through Universal
Nature, we have found nothing which can do all this so well as
Argent Vive prepared, according to our Directions, of which the
true Medicine is made to the highest Perfection.
2. The Preparations of the Medicine, that it may give the aforesaid different
VI. Now since it changes not, without the alteration of its
Nature, therefore it ought necessarily to be prepared, that it
may be mixed even in the profundity of Bodies, viz. That its
substance may be made such, that it may be mixed even in the
profundity of the Body alterable, without separation for ever.
VII. But this cannot be done, without it be very much subtilized
with certain and determinate sublimations, as we have taught in
Chap. 48. Sect. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. aforegoing: Likewise its Impression cannot be
permanent, unless it be fixed, nor can it
illustrate, unless its most splendid substance be extracted from
it according to Art, with a fit fire.
�146�VIII. Nor can this Medicine have perfect Fusion, unless great
Caution be used in its fixation, that it may soften hard Bodies,
and harden the soft. And it can only do that, when a sufficiency
of its humidity is preserved, proportionate to the necessity of
the Fusion desired.
IX. Whence it is evident, that it should have such a Preparation
as may make it a most sulgent and purely clean substance, and
fixed also; but these things must be done with such great
Caution, (in respect to the regulation of the fire, and way of
fixing) that in removing its Humidity, so much may be still
left, for compleat and perfect Fusion.
X. If by this Medicine, you would soften Bodies hard of
Fusion; in the beginning of its Preparation, a gentle fire must
be adhibited: For a soft fire is Conservative of Humidity, and
Perfective of Fusion.
XI. There is also many other Considerations of the Weight, with
their Causes and Order. This Cause of great weight, is, the
subtilty of the substance of Bodies, and uniformity in their
Essence: By which the parts of them may be so condensed, that
nothing can come between. And the Density of Parts, is the
encrease of weight, and the Perfection thereof.
3. The Six Properties of things from which the Medicine is extracted.
�147�XII. First, They have in themselves an Earth most subtil and
incombustible, altogether fixed with its own Proper Radical
Humidity, and apt for fixing.
XIII. Secondly, They have an airy and fiery Humidity, so uniformly conjoyned to
that Earth, that if one be Volatile, so
is the residue: And this same Humidity abides the fire
beyond all Humidities, even to the cornpleat termination of
its own Inspissation, without Evaporation, inseparable from
the Earth annexed to it, with a compleat permanency.
XIV. Thirdly, The Disposition of their Natural Humidity is such,
that by help of its own Oleaginity in all differences of
its Properties, it contemperates the Earth annexed to it,
with such an Unctuosity, and with such a Homogene and equal
Union, and bond of inseparable Conjunction, that after the
degree of final Preparation, it gives a good Fusion.
XV. Fourthly, The Oleanginous Property, is of so great purity of
Essence, and so artificially cleansed from all Combustible
matter, that it burns not any Bodies with which it is
conjoyned through their least parts, but preserves them
from Combustion. Hermes. Chap. 12. Sect. 5. aforegoing.
XVI. Fifthly, It has a Tincture in it self so clear and
splendid, White, or Red, clean and incombustible, stable and
fixed, that the fire cannot prevail against it to change
it: Nor can Suiphurous, Adustive, or Sharp, Corroding
Bodies, Corrupt and Defile the same.
-148-XVII. Sixthly, The whole Compositum, incerated with its final
Compleatment, is of so great Subtilty and Tenuity of Matter,
that after the end of its Decoction, it remains in Projection of
most fusion like water, and is of profound Penetration, to the
greatest perfection of the Body to be Transmuted, how Fixed so
ever it be; adhering thereto with an inseparable Unity or
Conjunction, against the force of the strongest Fire; and in
that very hour, by virtue of its own Spirituality, reducing
Bodies to Volatility.
4. The Seven Properties of the Medicine it self.
XVIII. First, Oleaginity, Giving in Projection Universal
Fustion, and Diffusion of the Matter; For the first thing after
Projection of the Tincture, is the sudden and due Diffusion of
the Medicine it self, which is perfected and rendered Viscous,
with a Mineral Oleaginity.
XIX. Secondly, Tenuity of Matter, or the Spiritual substance
thereof, flowing very thin in its Fusion, like Water, Penetrating to the Profundity
of the Body to be Transmuted, for that
immediately after Fusion, the Ingression thereof is necessary.
XX. Thirdly, Affinity, or Vicinity, between the Elixir or Tincture, and the Body to
be Transmuted, giving adherency in
Obviation and Retention of its like; because immediately after
Ingress of the Medicine, Adherency is convenient and necessary.
-149-XXI. Fourthly, Radical Humidity, Fiery, Congealing, and Consolidating the
Parts retained, with adherence, to what is
Homogene to it, and the union of all its said Homogene parts,
inseparably for ever. Because after Adherency, Consolidation of
the parts by a Radical Viscous Humidity is necessary.
XXII. Fifthly, Purity and Clearness, giving a manifest Splendor
in the Fire, but not burning: for after consolidation of the
purified parts, it is left to the actual Fire to burn up or
consume all extraneous Superfluities not consolidated: wherefore
purification is necessary.
XXIII. Sixthly, A fixing Earth, temperate, thin, subtil, fixed,
and incombustible, giving permanency of Fixation, in the solution of the Body
adherring to it; standing and persevering
against the force of the strongest Fire: for immediately after
Purification, fixation necessarily follows of course.
XXIV. Seventhly, Tincture White or Red, giving a splendid or
perfect Color White, or intensly Citrine, viz, the Lunif ication
or Solification of the Bodies to be transmuted; for that after
fixation a pure Tincture or Color tinging another Body; Or a
Tincture, tinging the Matter to be transmuted into true Silver
or Gold, is absolutely necessary.
1. Of Medicines of the first Order.
I. Subtilty of the matter -is necessarily required, as well in
the preparation of Bodies, as in the perfecting of the Medicine;
because of how much the greater weight, Bodies to be transmuted
are, so much greater is the perfection they are brought to by
Art; for which reason we shall here declare the differences of
all Medicines, which is three fold, according to three Orders.
II. A Medicine of the first Order is every preparation of
Minerals, which projected upon the imperfect Bodies, impresses
upon them an Alteration, but induces not a sufficient Compleat�
ment; yet the altered Body is thereby changed and Corrupted,
with the total evanishing of the Medicine, and all its
III. Of this kind is every Sublimation dealbative of Mars or
Venus which receives not Fixation: and of this kind, is every
additament of the Color of Sol and Luna, or of Venus commixed,
and Zyniar, and the like set in a Fornace of Cementation.
IV. This Order changes with a mutation not durable, by diminishing it self by
Exhalation or Evaporation. And of this kind are
these described, Chap. 44. Sect. 15, 16, 17. Chap. 45. Sect. 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23. and Chap. 46. Sect. 6, 7, 8, 9. aforegoing.
And the Work of this first Order is called the lesser Work.
-151-2. Of Medicines of the second Order.
V. A Medicine of the second Order, I call every preparation,
which being projected upon Bodies diminished from perfection,
alters them to some certain degrees of perfection, wholly
leaving other degrees of Corruption, as is the Calcination of
Bodies, by which all that is fugitive is burnt away and
VI. And of this Order are the Medicines Tinging Luna perpetually
yellow, or perpetually dealbating Venus, leaving other
differences of Corruption in them.
VII. Now seeing the Medicine of Bodies to be cleansed is one;
but of Argent Vive perfectly Coagulable another, we will first
of all declare the Medicines for Bodies: and then afterwards the
Medicine of the same Argent Vive, coagulable into a true
Solisick and Lunisick Body.
VIII. A Medicine of the second Order is that which does indeed
perfect imperfect Bodies, but with one only difference of perfection. But seeing
there are many causes of Corruption in every
of the imperfect Bodies, as in Saturn a Volatile Sulphureity,
fugitive Argent Vive (by both which Corruption must necessarily
be induced,) and its Terrestreity: therefore Medicines of this
second Order, are such as can only remove one of them, or
covering it, adorn the same, leaving behind it, all the other
causes of Imperfection.
�152�IX. Since then in Bodies, there is somewhat impermutable, which
is innate to them in their Radix, and which cannot be taken
away by a Medicine of this Order: that Medicine, which
totally removes, that from the mixtion, must be a Medicine
of the third and Greater Order.
X. And because we find the Superfluities of things Volatile, to
be removed, by way of Calcination; and the Earthiness, not
innate, abolished by repeated Reductions; therefore there was a
necessity of inventing of a Medicine of this second Order, which
might indeed palliate the innate, soften the hard, and harden
the soft Bodies, according to the perfection of their Natures,
and not Sophistically; but perfectly constitute a true Lunisick,
or Solisick, of imperfect Bodies.
XI. Since then it is manifest, that in Bodies only Soft the
hastiness of Melting cannot be taken away, by the Artifices of
this Work; nor the innate impurity in the Radix of their
principles be removed,the Invention of this Medicine was necessary, which in
projection might Inspissate their Tenuity, and
Inspissating, harden them, to a sufficiency of Ignition with
their Melting.
XII. So also in hard Bodies, attenuating their Spissitude, to
deduce them to a sufficient Velocity, Liquefaction or Melting,
with their own property of Ignition; and palliating them, to
adorn the dowdiness of Bodies of either kind, transmuting the
one into White, the other into Red most perfect.
�153�XIII. This Medicine is differenced from a Medicine of the third
Order, only by Imperfection of a lesser or meaner preparation.
But the Medicine Inspissating the Tenuity of soft Bodies, requires one kind of
preparation with a Consumptive Fire: and that
Attenuating the Spissitude of hard Bodies, another, with conservation of their
Humidity: of which kind are those in Chap. 43.
Sect. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. and Chap. 44. Sect. 19, 20, 21,
22. aforegoing, which are in a mean or middle Order.
3. Of Medicines of the third Order.
XIV. This is every preparation, which when it is projected upon
Bodies, takes away all Corruption and perfects them, with all
the differences or signs of perfection. But this is one only,
and therefore by reason of it, we are not obliged to the use of
the ten Medicines of the second Order.
XV. Of this Order there is a twofold Medicine, viz. Solar and
Lunar, yet but one in Essence, and which have but one way in
Operating; and therefore by our Ancestors, whose writings we
have read; it is called One only Medicine.
XVI. However there is an addition of a Citrine Color, made of
the most clean substance of fixed Sulphur which constitutes the
difference between the one for the white, and the other for the
yellow, viz, the Lunar and Solar Medicine, the latter containing
that Color in it self, but the other not.
�154�XVII. This is called the third Order, or Order of the Greater
Work; and that because greater Care, Prudence, and Industry is
required in the Administration thereof, and the preparation
thereof to perfection, than in any of the former; and also for
that it needs greater Labor and longer time to compleat it for
the highest Purity.
XVIII. Therefore the Medicine of this Order is not diverse in
Essence from the Medicines of the second Order, but only in
respect of Degrees, as being more subtilized, and exalted to a
much higher degree of Purity, Tincture, and Fixity, in the
making and preparation thereof, with a long continued course of
XIX. All which degrees in their proper place are declared with
sincerity of Speech, and the way of preparation Exactly, with
its Causes, and manifest Verity; as also the many degrees by
which it is brought to Perfection.
XX. For the Lunar Medicine needs one way of preparation: but the
Solar another, for the perfect preparation of its Tincture, with
the Administration of Sulphur Tinging it: of which we have
abundantly Spoken Chap. 46. Sect. 11, 12, 13. Chap. 47. Sect.
11, 11, 13. and Chap. 48. Sect. 43, 44. aforegoing.
I. Because it happens that a Medicine will sometimes mix, and
sometimes not, therefore we shall here declare the way of per�
mixing, i.e. how every thing, or each particular Medicine not
entering, may most profoundly acquire Ingress into a Body.
II. The way is by dissolution of that which Enters, and by dissolution of that
which Enters not, and by commixing both Solutions: for it makes every thing to be
Ingressive, of what kind
soever it be, and to be conjoyned through its least parts.
III. Yet this is compleated by Sublution: and Fusion is also,
accomplished by the same, in things not otherwise Fusible:
whereby they are more apt to have Ingress, and to transmute.
IV. This is the cause why we Calcine some things, which are not
of the nature of these, to wit, that they may be the better dissolved: and they are
dissolved, that they may the better receive
Impression from them; and from them likewise, by these be
prepared and cleansed.
V. Or, We give Ingress to these which are not suffered to enter
by reason of their Spissitude, or Thickness, with a manifold
Repetition of the Sublimation, of Spirits not Inflamable upon
them, to wit, of Arsenick, and Argent Vive not fixed; or with
manifold Reiteration of the Solution of that which has not
-156-VI. Yet this is a good Caution concerning theings Impermixable,
viz. That the Body be dissolved, which you would have to be
changed and altered by these: and the things likewise Dissolved,
which you would have both to enter and to alter.
VII. Nevertheless Solution cannot be made of all parts, but of
some; with which this or that Body, not another, must be imbibed
time after time.
VIII. For by this means it has Ingress only into this or that,
necessarily; but this does not necessarily happen into any other
IX. Every thing then must needs have Ingress by these ways; by
the benefit whereof, it depends on the nature of that, to have
Ingress (as we said before) and to Transmute with the Commixtjon
found out.
X. By this precedent Discourse, is compleated our said number of
Ten Medicines, with a sufficient Production of them, (in order
to the Great Work it self.)
I. The Solar and Lunar substance is only permanent in the Tryal
by the Cineritium: Therefore searching out the true Differences
of the Substances of these perfect Bodies and likewise the
Causes of the Cineritjum, we shall make tryal which of the
Imperfect Bodies do more, and which do less endure or abide in
the Examen of this Magistery.
II. But we have already sufficiently declared the Secret of
these two Bodies in the Profundity of their substance, viz. That
their Radix, or first Principle of being, was a large quantity
of Argent Vive, and the purest substance of it; at first more
Subtil, but afterwards Inspissate, till it could admit Fusion
with Ignition.
III. Therefore whatsoever Bodies diminished from Perfection,
have more of Earthiness, the less abide or endure in this
Examen; but what have less Earthiness, do more endure it.
IV. Because these do indeed more adhere, by reason of the Subtilty of their Parts,
closely Permixing and Uniting them: So
likewise, Bodies that are of greater Tenuity, or on the
contrary, of greater Spissitude, than those which are in
Perfection, must necessarily be wholly separated from the
�158�V. For being not of the same Fusion, they are for that cause
sake separated: And indeed Bodies which partake of a lesser
quantity of Argent Vive, are more easily separated from the said
VI. �Tis evident then, that seeing Saturn is of much Earthiness,
and contains but a small quantity of Argent Vive, and of an
easie Tenuity for Liquefaction, which are mostly opposite to a
Cineritious Examen; therefore of all Bodies, by the Artifice of
the Cineritum, it least endures in the Commixtion, yea it is
separated and vanishes most speedily.
VII. Seeing therefore of all imperfect Bodies, it most gives way
and receeds; by that it is more fit for the Examen of our
Magistery, and the reason is, because it sooner takes its
flight, and sooner draws every of the imperfect Bodies with its
self from the mixture.
VIII. Also by reason of this, the greater quantity of the perfect Bodies is
preserved for the strong Combustion, or mighty
devouring force of the Fire of the Examen: and therefore by the
tryal of Lead, it is less burnt, and more easily purified.
IX. And because the substance of Jupiter, consists more of Argent
Vive, and partakes of a lesser quantity of Earthiness, whereby
it is of greater purity, and of a more subtil substance;
therefore it is more safe in the Mixtion, than Saturn and Venus;
because it more adheres in the profundity thereof.
-159-X. And for this cause a larger quantity of the perfect Body is
absurned, before Jupiter conjoyned can be separated from the
Cornmixtion: Venus gives Fusion with Ignition; but because its
Fusion is slower of a perfect Body, therefore it is separated
from the Commixtion, yet more slowly than Saturn, by reason of
the Ignition of its fusible Substance.
XI. But because it contains less of Argent Vive, and has more of
Earthiness, and a more thick Substance, therefore it is more
easily separated from the Mixtion than Jupiter, because Jupiter
more adheres in the profundity than Venus.
XII. Mars has not Fusion, and therefore is not perinixed, which
is caused for want of Humidity: but if it happens that it is
per-mixed with vehemency of Fire; then because it has not
Humidity enough of its own, by imbibing the Humidity of Sol or
Luna, it is united thereto in its least parts.
XIII. Therefore, Tho� it has much Earth, and little Argent Vive,
and wants Fusion, yet it can by no flight Artifice be separated
from them. By this Artifice (i.e. of the Ciniritium) you come to
the true rectification of every Body, if you understand perfectly what we have
XIV. There are two Bodies perfect, abiding this tryal, to wit,
Sol and Luna, by reason of their good Composition, which results
from their good Mixtion, and the pure Substance of them.
�160�XV. The way of working this Tryal is thus, Take sifted Ashes or Caix,
or Pouder of the Bones of Animals Calcined, or a Commixtion of all, or some
of them; moisten with Water, and make the mixture firm and solid with your
hands; and in the midst of it, work it into a round flatish lump; make a
round and smooth hollowness, and upon the bottom of it strew a small quantity
of Glass beaten to Pouder, which lay to dry.
XVI. When dry, Put your Metal into the Hollowness thereof, which you would
try or prove; put Coals of Fire upon it, and then blow with Bellows upon the
Surface, till the Metal flows:
upon which, being in flux, cast part after part of Lead, and blow with a
flame of strong Ignition.
XVII. Whilst you see it agitated with a strong Concussion, it is not pure;
therefore wait till all the Lead, be Exbaled: when that is gon off, and the
Motion yet ceases not, it is not yet pure: cast Lead then again upon it, and
blow as before, until the Lead vanish. If it do not yet rest, repeat the
casting in of more Lead, and blowing upon it, till it be still or quiet, and
you see it clean and clear in its Superfices.
XVIII. This done, take away the Coals, scatter the Fire, and put Water upon
the Test, for you will find it throughly proved: and If while you are blowing
this proof, you cast in Glass, the Bodies will be the better and more
perfectly purified; because that takes away the Impurities, and separates
�161�XIX. Or, Instead of Glass, you may cast in Salt, Borax, or a little Alum:
This Examen of the Cineritium or Test, may in like manner be made
in a Crucible of Earth, if the fire round about it be blowed,
and upon the surface also of the Crucible, that the Body to be
proved, may the sooner flow, and be perfected.
I. We now come to the Examen of Cementand whereas some bodies are
more, and others less burned by the Calcjnatjon of fire, i.e.
they which contain a greater quantity of Sulphur (burning) more,
but they which contain less, less: Therefore seeing Sol,has a
lesser quantity of Sulphur, than other Metallick Bodies, it is
not (in the midst of all Mineral Bodies) burnt by the force of
II. And seeing Luna also, next to Sol, partakes of a less
quantity of Sulphur, than the other four Bodies; yet has more
Sulphur than Sol; therefore it can less bear the strong Ignition
of a violent Fire for a long space of time, than Sol can: And by
consequence, less bear things burning by a like nature, but
Venus less than it, because it consists of more Sulphur still,
and of greater Earthiness than Luna, and so can less bear the
violent force of Fire.
III. Jupiter also less than Sol or Luna, because it partakes of
greater Suiphureity, and Earthiness, than either of them; yet it
is less burnt by violence of Fire than Venus, but more than Sol,
or Luna.
IV. Saturn in its Commixtion by nature, holds more of Earthiness
and Suiphureity, than either of these before named; and
�163�therefore is more burnt, by Inflamation or violence of Fire, and
is sooner, and more easily inflamed, than all the said Bodies;
because it has Suiphureity more nearly conjoyned, and more fixed
than Jupiter.
V. Mars is not burnt by it self but by Accident, for when it is
mixed with Bodies of much humidity, it ixnbibes that Humidity,
by reason of its own want of the same; and therefore being
conjoyned it is neither inflamed nor burned, if the Bodies with
which it is joyned or united, be neither Inflamable nor
VI. But if Combustible Bodies be mixed with it, it necessarily
happens (according to the nature of the Combustion) that Mars is
burnt and inflamed. Seeing therefore, that Cement is made of
Inflamable things, the necessary cause of its Invention is manifest, viz, that all
Combustible things might be burned.
VII. And since there is but one only body incombustible, that
alone, or what is prepared according to the nature of it, is
kept safe in Cement. But which abide more, and which less, are
known with their Causes, Luna abides more, but Mars less, Jupiter yet less, and
Venus less than Jupiter, but Saturn least of
VIII. The way of Examination by Cement is thus. You must compound
it of Inflamable things, of which kind are all blackening, flying penetrating
things, viz. Vitriol, Sal Armoniack, Verdigrise, Alum, or Plumous Alum, and a
very small quantity of Sul-
-164-phur, with Humane Urine, and other like acute, and penetrating things: All
which are made into a Paste, with the Urine aforesaid, and spread upon thin
plates of that Body which you intend to examine by this way of Probation.
IX. Then the said plates must be laid upon a Grate of Iron, included in an
Earthen Vessel; but so as not to touch one another, that the power of the
Fire may have free and equal access to them. Thus the whole must be kept in
Fire, in a strong Earthen Vessel for the space of 3 days, but with this
Caution, That the plates may be kept Red Fire hot, but not melt.
X. After the third day, you will find the Plates cleansed from
all impurity, if the Body of them was perfect; if not, they will
be wholly corrupted and burnt in the Calcination.
XI. Some expose Plates of Metal to Calcination, without a
Composition of Cement and they are purified in like manner, if
the Body be perfect: If not, they are totally consumed: But in
this kind of Examen they must have a longer space of time, (for
that they are purified by the only force of Fire) than if they
were Examined by the help of Cement.
XII. And for that the nature of Luna differs not much from the
nature of Sol, therefore of necessity it rests with it in the
Tryal by Cement, and there is no separation of Bodies one from
another in these two kinds of Tryal, unless that be caused by
reason of the Diversity of the Composition of their substances.
-165-XIII. For from thence results the Diversity of Fusion, and
Thickness, or Thinness or Rarity, which are indeed the causes of
Separation; for that, by reason of the strong Composition of
some, their substance is not corrupted by the substance of the
Extraneous Body, in as much as a mixtion of them, cannot be made
through their least parts.
XIV. Therefore in such a commixture, they must necessarily be
separated each from other, without the total corruption of their
Essences. And the perfecting of imperfect Bodies is discerned,
when they are by Ingenuity of preparation found to be of the
same Fusion, Ignition, and Solidity.
I. Since Bodies of greatest Perfection, with determinate
Ignition, are found to receive the Fire before fusion of them;
therefore we say, if our design is to find out the compleat
alteration of them, there is a necessity to bring such Bodies to
their Fusion.
II. And before these perfect Bodies be Fused, we see them admit
Ignition with Inflamation of a pleasing Celestine Color, and
this before their Ignition comes to the whiteness of Fire, which
by the Eye can in in no wise be discerned.
III. �Tis evident then, that the perfect Ignition of them is
before Fusion, with intense Redness, and not with whiteness,
which the Eye cannot behold; for if the prepared Bodies be
Melted, before they are red hot with Fire, they stand not in
IV. And if they be made Red Fire hot with labor, and great
Violence of Fire, their preparation is not true and perfect; and
this indeed if it happen in soft Bodies, for that the same is
only found in Mars.
V. Because Ignible Bodies do not easily in the way of preparation admit Ignition;
nor Fusible Bodies the right Fusion, which
we find to be in Bodies perfect according to Nature.
-167-VI. If Bodies prepared, in their Ignition, give not a.flame of
a pleasing Celestine Color, their preparation is not compleat.
VII. And if any part of the Weight, Color, Beauty, Ignition and
the like, be found diminished, by reason of the Differences, or
force of the Preparation, you have not rightly proceeded: therefore you must search
again till you find out your Error, and
chance to hit upon the right way through the Divine goodness.
I. Fusion with Ignition is the only Argument of Perfection;
yet not with every kind of Ignition, but with Ignition in which
the Body waxeth not altogether white; and with Ignition in which
is not made a dull paleness of Fire, and in which, the body is
not suddenly Melted, or flowes not immediately after Ignition.
II. For when a body flows with the very small force of a weak
Fire, either without Ignition, or with a pallid Ignition; the
body thus prepared, must needs be still an imperfect body.
III. And if a body after Fusion, be not suffered presently to
coole, and its Ignition be presently turned wholly into blackness, and by reason
thereof, looseth its Ignition, before it becomes hard, it is not a body brought to
perfection, of what kind
forever it be. Now this is from its softness, and is one of the
kinds of imperfect bodies.
IV. If the Ignition of a body before Fusion thereof be made
with great Labor, and Violence of a strong Fire, and with a Ray
of brightness Inestimable, altogether white and shining, it is
not a perfect body, but a body of hardness altered.
V. If also after Fusion thereof, and when taken from the Fire,
it be presently hardned, that it flows not, the fulgent Ignition
-169-thereof yet remaining, it is not a body of Lunar or Solar perfection, but
comes under the nature of the differences of Mars.
VI. By what has been said, then, it is evident, that in bodies
Fusible, a three-fold Ignition may be found before Melting of
their Substances, viz, one Pallid; another Red and clear; and a
third most white, shining with Rays.
VII. The first of these is an Ignition of soft Bodies; the
second of perfect bodies, the third of hard bodies, as is proved
by Reason and Experience.
VIII. If you would find out the Degree of all these
Ignitions, to compleat all Fusible bodies, you must learn the
Compleat sufficiency for the perfection of Fusion; and by
considering, recollect, the difference of all the Signs of the
Degree of Fusion; thus may you find it out, otherwise not.
I. Perfect Bodies exposed over the Vapors of acute things,
viz. things Sharp, Sowre, and Saline, are apt either little or
nothing at all to slower, or to emit a most pleasant Celestine
II. But Sol or Gold flowers not: yet Sol or Luna not pure,
being exposed over the Vapors of the said acute things we find
to Flower, and to yield a most delectable Celestine Flos: of
which, that of Sol is more delightful than that of Luna.
III. We then (from seeing this) imitating Nature, do in manner
produce a Celestine Color in prepared bodies, which Color is
perfected by the goodness of Argent Vive, as we have formerly
IV. Whatever prepared bodies then, being put over the Vapors of
acute things, do not produce a pleasant Celestine Color, they
are not yet brought to the total Perfection of their
V. There are some bodies, which in the Examen of Saline
things, flower in their Superfices, with a dull Red, or dull
Citrine Color mixt with Greenness: of this kind is Mars.
VI. Some flower with a dull Greenness, mixt with a Turbid
Celestine Color; of this kind is Venus. Some are found to yield
a dull white, and of this kind is Saturn: And some a clear
White, of which kind is Jupiter.
-171-VII. Hence it is evident that the most perfect Body flowers
least, or nothing at all; and if it yields any Flos, it is in a
long space of time. And indeed among imperfect Bodies, the Gummosity of Jupiter
most slowly admits any Flowers; whence by the
Exainen of this Magistery, we find Jupiter in the work of the
greater Order, more nearly approximate to perfection.
VIII. And by this Tryal or probation, it may be known, in
what kind of temperament, the proposed Body does consist; if you
rightly conceive the Order of these things here declared.
I. If the Body heat red Fire hot be extinguished in Liquor,
and the Lunar yeild not a white Color, and the Solar a bright
Citrine, but is changed into a Foreign Color, the Body is not,
transmuted into the perfection of a perfect Body.
II. And if in repeating its Ignition and Extinction in the
Waters of Salts or Alums, by whatsoever kind of preparation, it
yeilds, a Scoria, of Affinity to Blackness in its Supersices;
Or, if in the Extinction of it in Suiphurs, and from the
Extinction with often repeated Ignition it vanishes or infects
itself with a fould Blackness, or by force of the Hammer breaks
into peices, the Work is not perfect.
III. Or, if it with Cementation of the mixture of Sal armoniack,
Veridgrise, and Urine, or things of like Nature, be exposed to
the Fire, and after the Ignition and Extinction of it (whether
Lunar or Solar, it totally looses its proper Color, or makes a
Scoria, it is evident, that the Body does remain in
IV. And this we farther give you, as one certain general Rule,
that as well in these present Examens, or Probations, as in the
three Ex�mens following; if among the differences of perfection,
the altered or changed Body shall change any thing of its weight
or color from those of perfection, (and which it ought not to
-173-you have erred in your Work, and the alteration or change made,
is a thing of no good, or profit, but destructive and of
disadvantage rather.
V. There remains yet three other ways of Examination, as
appears by Chap. 49. Sect. 7 aforegoing,~�.hich should here
immediately follow, but that they are treated off in the Chapters, under their
several, and respective Titles, viz. The
Examen by Admixtion of burning Sulphur, in Chap. 38. Sect. 6, 7,
and 8. The Examen by Calcination and Reduction, in Chap. 5;
Sect. 32. The Examen by the easie susception of Argent Vive, in
Chap. 48. Sect. 38. where the matter is explained at large, and
to which we refer you.
I. Having now handled the Experiences and Causes of the power
of this our Magistery, according to the necessity, order and
method of our proposed Discourse, it only remains, that we
should at once declare the compleating of this whole Divine
Work; and in few words contract the dispersed Magistery into one
Sum, in general heads.
II. We say then, that the Sum of the whole Art, and of the
Operations of this whole Work, is no other, than that the Stone,
Magistery, Elixir, or Tincture (declared in its Chapters) should
be taken, and with diligent Labour and Industry, that Sublimation of the first
degree be repeated upon it: for by this it
will be cleansed from corrupting Impurity.
III. And the perfection of Sublimation, is the Subtilization of
the Stone by it, until it can be brought to the ultimate purity
of Subtilty, and lastly be made volatile.
IV. This being done, by the way of Fixation, it must be fixed,
until it can dwell and remain in the highest Violence or Force
of Fire: and herein consists the measure of the second degree of
-175-V. The Stone is likewise prepared in the third degree, which
consists in the Ultimate compleating of the work, or perfection
of the preparation, which is this: The now fixed Stone, you must
make by the way of Sublimation Volatile, and the Volatile fixed.
VI. The fixed you must also dissolve, and the dissolved again
make Volatile; and the Volatile again make fixed, until it flow
and alter or change into Solisick or Lunisick with all the signs
of perfection.
VII. From the reiteration of the preparations of this third
degree, results the Multiplication of the Virtue and Quantity of
the Medicine in goodness and purity to the highest perfection in
VIII. From the diversity then of the Operations reiterated
upon the Stone, Elixir, or Tincture, in its degrees, results the
variety of the Multiplication of the goodness of the Alteration,
and quantity of the Medicine for Transmutation according to
their kind.
IX. So that among the Medicines, some transmute into a true
Lunisick Body of perfection, and some into a true Solisick Body
of the perfection of the Solar kind.
X. And of these Medicines, some transmute an hundred�fold, as
much as their own weight is, some two hundred fold, some three
-176-hundred fold, some a thousand fold, and some to infinity, so
that from hence it may easily be known whether the magistery is
brought up to perfection or not.
XI. Now that the Envious may not Calumniate us, we declare,
that we have not treated of this our Art with a continued Series
of Discourse, but have dispersed it in divers Chapters: and this
was done, that evil men might not usurp it unworthily: Therefore
we have concealed it in its places, where yet we indeed speak
openly, and not under an Aenigma, but in a clear and plain
XII. Therefore let not the Sons of Doctrine despair, for if they
seek it, they may find the same, tho� he who seeks it, following
Books only, will very slowly attain to this most desirable Art.
As for us, we have described it in such a way of speaking as it
submissive to the Will of the Most High, Blessed, and Glorious
God, writing the same as it chanced to be recollected, or was
infused, by the Grace of his Divine Goodness, who gives it to
whom he pleases, and withholds it from the Foolish and Unworthy.
Here is the Sum and the end of all G E B E R� S Works.
F I N I S.

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