Flowstone Manual

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Ve r s i on 1 . 0

CHAPTER 1 1 Introduction 3

ABOUT THIS GUIDE......................................................................................... 4

THIS TUTORIAL.......................................................................................................
PROJECT OUTLINE..................................................................................................5
WHAT'S COVERED..................................................................................................5
SOURCE FILES.......................................................................................................6

CHAPTER 2 2 The Tutorial 7

THE ENVIRONMENT.......................................................................................... 8
SCHEMATIC WINDOW.............................................................................................10

STEP 1 - THE COUNTER................................................................................ 12

STEP 2 CONTROLLING COUNTER SPEED......................................................... 14

STEP 3 SPLITTING THE COUNT & BUSSES...................................................... 16

STEP 4 CREATING THE LEDS...................................................................... 19

STEP 5 ARRANGING THE GUI..................................................................... 21

STEP 6 FINALIZING THE GUI......................................................................22

STEP 7 MAKE AN EXECUTABLE APP........................................................... 23

PROJECT EXPANSION..................................................................................... 27

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1 Introduction

About This Guide

This guide takes you through the process of creating an example schematic using FlowStone.

For information about individual components and modules that ship with the software, see the
Component Reference and User Guide guide. These documents can be found on the Manuals section
of our web site at:

Additional information and articles about the software can be found at:

If you have any comments about this guide please email them to [email protected].


This Tutorial

In this tutorial we are going to take you through a step by step guide on how we built the Knight Rider
LED example FlowStone project that is included with the FlowStone install.

Project Outline

This project displays 8 LEDs on a custom GUI (Graphical User Interface) that switch on and off in
sequence. The speed of the LED sequence is to be controlled by a graphical slider. Finally a stand
alone EXE application (app) is to be made and run.

What's Covered

During the course of the tutorial we are going to cover:

IDE Layout (Integrated Development Environment)

Components (The building blocks of FlowStone)

Modules (Groups of components)

Links (Connecting Modules and Components)

Ticks and Triggers (Creating events)

Busses (Multiple links in one wire)

Wireless Links (No Wires)

Data Types (Different types of numbers and strings etc.)

Synchronized Modules (Modules that maintain the same structure when any one is edited)

Creating a GUI (Graphical User Interface)

Creating an app. (Making an EXE files that runs independently of FlowStone)


Source Files

For each step in the tutorial we've created a schematic (.fsm) file. These are stored in your FlowStone
Install folder in a sub folder called tutorial.

Usually this folder is located here:

C:\Program Files\DSP Robotics\FlowStone

You also access these files easily from the Help menu under the Help | Tutorial sub menu by selecting
Show Schematic Files.


2 The Tutorial


The Environment

Before we start we'll take a quick look over the FlowStone user interface. Open FlowStone and
familiarize yourself with the IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

To start a new project, select New from the File Menu - a new blank schematic will be created.



Running down the left-hand side of the application is the Toolbox.

The main part of the toolbox is the Component Browser. This
shows every component and it's name. You can scroll through the
components by clicking on the page buttons.

You can also scroll by clicking on the arrows to the left and right of
the page buttons or by pressing the PGUP and PGDN keys.

Typing in the search box will make the browser only show
components containing the search text.

On the far left side is the Filter Bar (starts External, Element, Math
etc.) This also filters the browser making it only show components
that match the group or data types you select.

Have a click around and see how the browser changes.



Across the top of the window is the Navigator. As its name suggests, this is used for navigating
through your schematic. Youll find this invaluable once once you start delving deeper inside modules.

Schematic Window

Underneath the Schematic Navigator is the Schematic Window. This is where you create your
program by dragging components in from the Component Library and connecting them with links or

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Step 1 - The Counter


In order to select each of our 8 LEDs we are going to use a simple up/down counter that counts from
0-7 (8 steps) and 7-0 , controlled by a timing tick.

Type counter into the search bar on the Toolbox. You will see several components displayed that are
relevant to counters. If you hover your mouse over each component you will get a text bubble popping
up with a further explanation of what that component does.

We want to use the Counter Advanced for this project. Left click on this component and drag it to the
Schematic window.

Next type tick into the search bar and drag the Ticker 100 into your project. This component outputs
a timing tick 100 times a second and the output type is Trigger (Indicated by the upside-down T
symbol). This is a little too fast for our project so we need to slow it down. To do this we use a Trigger
Div (Type Trigger Div into the search box), add one of these to your project and connect the output of
the Tick 100 to the Trigger input of the Trigger Div (same Symbol). To do this Click and drag with the
left mouse from the output of the Tick 100 to the trigger input of the Trigger Div, a stretchy wire will
follow the mouse until a connection is made.

Next we want to tell the Trigger Div how much to divide by, to do this we need to connect an Integer
(Whole Numbers, 0,1,2,3, -1,-2,-3 etc) input value to the I or Integer Input. You can search for
Integer in the toolbox or simply click once on the schematic window where you would like the
component to appear and press D for the keyboard short cut. An Int (Integer) edit box will appear,
then connect the I output to the I input of the Trigger Div. To give it a value type say 5 into the Int

Now connect the output of the Trigger Div to the Step input on the Counter Component.

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For our counter we dont need to set a value to every input on the module as the default values will do
in most cases. The only two inputs we need to set are the Max input and the Type input. Add two
more Integer boxes and set the Max to 7 and the Type to 2 (Up/Down).

All done! To test our counter add a further Int Box to the I output on the Counter Module and you
should see the count value going up and down.

Our counter all wired up!

Well done, youve now created your first working FlowStone program! There is no compiling necessary
with FlowStone, all projects run in real time all of the time so your program is now running!

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Step 2 Controlling Counter Speed


To be able to dynamically control the speed of our counter we are going to add a graphical slider to the
project. To do this, type Slider into the Toolbox Search Bar and drag the Horizontal Slider Module into
your project. You will see that the output type of the slider component is F or Float (Meaning Floating
Point numbers : 0.01, 10.75, -5.23 etc.).

By default the output of our Slider is between 0 and 1 in thousands of little steps. To test this connect
a Float component to the output of the Slider (press F or drag a Float component in from the toolbox).
Moving the slider you can now see the output value.

For our project we need an output value of between 1 and 10, to edit this value on the Slider
Component click on the small P button on the bottom-right side of the Slider module. This will open
the Properties for the Slider module. Change the Max value to 10 and the Min Value to 1, leave the
rest as it is. Now close the Properties by clicking on the X button again on the bottom right. Moving
the slider will now output values from 1 to 10.

Now Connect the output of the Slider to the Int box connected to the Trigger Div. Doing this
automatically converts the Float output of the Slider into Integers (Whole Numbers) in the Int Box. This
can be seen now when you move the Slider the values in the Int box are 1,2,3,4, etc.

Slider Control of the counter speed

If you move the slider you will see the speed of our counter now changes with the slider value. There's
just one final thing we need to add, and that's a Label. This will be used to tell user what the Slider is
controlling i.e. Speed.

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To add a Label, type Label in the toolbox search bar and drag in a Label Module. To change the label
text, open the properties panel for the label (it's the small P button again). Change the text to say
Speed. You can also change the colour here, so change it to White by clicking on the Colour well. The
physical position of the graphical components doesnt matter at this stage as they can be arranged
later when we make our GUI (Graphical User Interface).

- 14 -

Step 3 Splitting the Count & Busses


We now need to split our count into 8 separate pulses. To do this we can just use an Int Equals
Module to test what value the counter is at. In fact we are going to need eight of these to test for our
eight values.

Type 'Int Equals' into the toolbox search bar but this time click on the module in the toolbox 8 times in
succession. You will see a small number increment on the module. This means that now when you
drag the component in to your project it will create eight instances of that component in one go.

In order to keep your schematic window clean and structured we are going to make our first module.
What this means is that we are going to package up some parts into a nice clean single module

To do this, using the left mouse click and drag to

select all eight of our Int Equals components.
Now Click on the Make Module button on the
action panel at the bottom of the selection
rectangle (it's the middle button as shown
opposite). This will now create a single module
containing your components.

Double Click on this module and you will step

inside and see your Int Equals components. You
can step out again by double clicking on free
space on the schematic window, or right clicking
and selecting Move to Parent or by clicking on
Make Module button
the parent module in the Navigator.

So we now need to add some inputs and outputs to our module. Whilst still inside your module search
for 'Input' (or press I on the Keyboard for the short cut) and add a single Input component. Repeat for
the Output (or press O to use the Keyboard shortcut). Connect the Input component to the top Int
input on each of the Int Equals components and add an Int box to each of the other inputs.

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Set the values of these Int Boxes to 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 to detect our eight different values form the
counter. The output of the Int Equals component is a Boolean (Bool) value (0 or 1, or True or False).
We now have eight separate output lines that we can use to control the LEDS.

Count value split into 8 pulses then added to a bus

In order to simplify our design further we are now going to use our first Bus. Busses in FlowStone are
single links that contain multiple links inside them. These can be created and extracted using the Bus
Create and Bus Extract Components. For our project we need to add a Bus Create inside our current
new module.

To create the eight inputs we need to add a Sting component (S Keyboard Shortcut) and edit the
string value to represent our eight inputs, in this case we have used L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8 to
represent the eight LED lines. Connect this string to the string input on the Create Bus component, and
the eight inputs will appear on the component. Connect the eight Bool outs from the Int Equals
components to these eight inputs. Finally we need to add an Output component (Shortcut o) to give
our module an output. Connect this to the Bus output of the Bus Create.

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Example of a Bus (many wires in one)

Step back out of the module and you will see the simple module you have just created. Connect the Int
out of the Counter to the Int In of our new Module and we are done.

Our first Module 'Split'

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Step 4 Creating the LEDs


To create the LEDs start by dragging in an LED Red Module.

Now double click and enter inside the LED module. What we
need to do is add some extra inputs to allow us to connect to our
BUS. Firstly add a Bus Extract Module and connect an Input to
the String input, you can name this Bus Name by clicking on the
N button once the component is selected.

Now add another Input and call this Bus In and an output called
Bus Out. Connect the Bus In to the Bus Out. Now step back out LED Red Module
of this module and make a String called L1 and connect this to
the string Input of your LED module. Go back inside the LED Module and see that now that your Bus
Extract has a single output called L1. Connect this to the Set input on the Toggle Module and you can
delete the other unused Input also connected to the Set Input if you like.

Our Modified LED Module

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So we now have a single LED with a String Input called L1. Connect the Bus from the splitter Module
to the Bus input of the LED. In order to make 7 more of these, select the LED module and the String by
dragging with the mouse. Now right Click and choose Copy. Then right click on some free space and
choose Paste Synchronized, this will make an identical copy of the Module that is Synchronized i.e.
any changes to any of the synchronized modules are reflected in all of the Synced Modules.

Use this method of Synchronizing modules if you are going to have multiples of the same module that
you might edit in the future, so that you only have to edit one module to change them all. Now edit the
names of each LED module to be LED Red1, LED Red2 LED Red8 etc. and connect the bus input to
the outputs so that they are all connected. You should now see all of the eight LEDs flashing in

Our 8 Synchronized LEDs

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Step 5 Arranging the GUI


Now our design is fundamentally working we can turn our attentions to the GUI (Graphical User
Interface). The first step is to make a module out of our whole design. To do this select the entire
design (Ctrl + A) and then click on the Make Module button on the action panel at the bottom left of the
selection rectangle.

You now have a very small module with nothing showing. To make the graphical parts visible select the
module and then click on the G button at the bottom to enable the module GUI. Now if you pull the
bottom right corner of the module to enlarge the size you will see some of the graphical components
that we put inside. Since we copied all of the LEDs they are actually all on top of each other.

Our basic GUI Note 'G' is selected and the padlock is open

To move the graphical components around you need to unlock the graphics. This is done by clicking
on the lock symbol again on the action panel at the bottom of the selection. Once unlocked you can
drag the components around. This is where the naming of the eight LEDs comes in handy as they all
look the same so you can use the names to identify them to put them in sequence.

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Step 6 Finalizing the GUI


Now we have a basic GUI, we can add some final details to enhance the appearance and give it a
custom feel. To do this we're going to add the Module GUI (MGUI) component inside our top level
module. This does exactly the same thing as the 'G' button that we used previously in that it gives the
module a GUI. However, by using a component we get access to the drawing surface (provided by the
View connectors) so that we can apply low-level drawing functions.

We'll paint the background black. Add an Area component and a Filled Round Rectangle (FRRect).
Connect the V (View) out of the MGUI to the V in of the FRRect and also to the V in of the Area
component. This calculates the area of the module GUI. Next connect the A (area) out of the Area
module to the A in on the FRRect component.

We now need to give our background a Colour, to do this we can use the Colour component which
has a colour palette to select or make custom colours. Connect the C (Colour) out of the colour
component to the C in on the FRRect. We can also specify a rounded corner for our background, so
add a Float input to the Corner input and specify a value of 1.5.

Finally we need to add our first Wireless Link to filter down the graphical hierarchy to the other
graphical components (using the 'G' button method previously this was automatically created behind
the scenes). To do this we add a 'Wireless Output component and connect it to the V output of the
MGUI component. If you want to use wireless links, they simply connect points together with the same
name and type running down the module hierarchy always. We also added a graphical label for fun
that you can use in your own projects.

Our finished GUI

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Step 7 Make an Executable App


Once you are happy with your program and the GUI is finished you can turn your work into an
executable application (app). These are called EXE files and are the heart of any PC system. EXE files
are programs that can be run as standalone applications. They can be distributed freely without any
reference to FlowStone they can even be sold!

To make your first EXE all you need to do is select your top level module click and click on the Make
EXE button on the action panel at the bottom of the selection.

Click the make EXE button

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The Create Standalone Application Windows opens and you can name your application, LED say. You
can also select a different Icon for your app and choose its destination folder etc.

Create Standalone Application Window

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Now Click Create; in FlowStone Enterprise or FlowStone Pro you can make as many EXEs as you
like, but in FlowStone FREE there is a restriction. You can still make EXEs from FlowStone FREE but
you need to use Credits to do this. With every download of FlowStone FREE we add a couple of
Credits to your online account so you can play with this tutorial. If you enter your Username and
Password and click Update you will be able to proceed using these free credits.

Export using Pay As You Go Credits

Further Credits can be purchased by using our Pay As You Go (PAYG) system, by clicking on the Buy
Credits Button.

To complete making your EXE click on the 'Export Using 1 Credit' button then proceed with export etc.

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Proceed with Export

Thats it, you have created you first application using FlowStone, check in the folder where you
exported your EXE file and you will see Led.exe double click on this and the program will run!

The EXE file with your icon can be seen in the Windows Explorer

The running standalone file!

Congratulations you have completed the FlowStone Tutorial!

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Project Expansion

If you'd like to expand on this project , why not add a FlowBoard DAQ Pack with an LED board so that
you can see the real LED's flashing in sync? The FlowBoard DAQ is a low cost Data Acquisition (DAQ)
system developed by DSPRobotics specifically for the use with the FlowStone programming language.

For more information see:

http://www.dsprobotics.com/ flowboard.html

You'll find the completed project file for the FlowBoard version here:

FlowBoard LED board

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For more examples of FlowStone projects

that you can learn and copy from go to :


or visit:


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