Large Loop Antennas

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The document describes several types of large loop antennas including quad loop, delta loop, bi-square loop and two-band compact loop. It provides details on how to calculate the dimensions and impedance matching for these antennas.

The types of large loop antennas described are quad loop, delta loop, bi-square loop and two-band compact loop. The document provides figures and details on the characteristics of each.

The dimensions of a quad loop antenna are calculated based on the overall length and the length of each side. The overall length is four times the length of the individual sides. The length of an impedance matching stub is also provided.

by Joseph J. Carr are: of impedance matching is needed.

251 the best approach is to use the quarter
A (I) wavelength matching stub in series with the
transmission line. The length of the quarter
Or, for the overall length: wavelength stub should be:
998 (2)
246 v
Overall L (3)

where: where:
A and Overall are the L is the length of the matching stub in
Large Loop Antennas lengths in feet (ft) feet (ft)
FMHz is the frequency in FMHz is the frequency in MegaHertz
Mega Hertz.
In this Quad Loop
The overall length is four
month's col- Figures 1 and 2 show the basic times the length of the individ-
quad loop antenna. The antenna ual sides.
umn, we will has been likened to a folded dipole that
has been "pulled open." The nice thing Impedance GUSSET
take a look at about this antenna is that a full perfor- Matching PLATE

mance antenna can be built in a limited

the large loop space . The only thing required is at least The feedpoint im.pedance
a quarter wavelength at the operating of the quad loop is around
antennas such frequency. This antenna has a maximum 100 ohms, with 140 ohms
gain of 1.4 dBd (dB over a dipole) or being given for the free space
as the quad 3.4 dBi (dB over isotropic) . The anten- impedance. The impedance
na has a figure-8 pattern in and out closer to the earth 's surface is
loop, delta loop, of the page as you view Figures 1 probably the smaller number,
and 2. as is the impedance for anten-
and bi-square The quad antenna was original- nas with a large length-to-
ly built as a beam antenna (more diameter ratio . This is not a
loop. These loops later). It was created by engineers good match to either 75-ohm or Figure 1 - Rotatable quad loop antenna.
at radio station HCJB in Quito, 52-ohm coaxial cable, so some sort
share certain Ecuador after they experi-
enced losses to their Yagi Figure 2 BUILDING
characteristics antennas due to corona arc- Fixed quad loop antenna.
ing off the ends. The thin air
in common, in Quito made the use of Yagis
- or any half wavelength anten- MAST
such as the nas - somewhat problematical
because of the arcing at the high
approximate voltage tips of the antenna. The
quad loop solves that problem by
pattern. First, putting the current loops and volt-
age loops (which cause the trou-
let's take a ble) in the center of the radiator
element's vertical and horizontal
look at the sides.
The big loop antenna shown
conventional here consist of one wavelength
of wire formed into a square,
quad loop that is to say it is a quarter EARTH'S SURFACE
wavelength on a side. The
antenna. dimensions of the antenna


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Large Loop Antennas

MOUNTING uses 52-ohm polyfoam coaxial cable with a

measured velocity factor of 0.80. The fre- Construction
quency of operation is 14.25 MHz.
The quad loop antenna can be built in either
Overall Length: a rotatable format such as shown in Figure 1, or
998 it can be built fixed in a manner such as Figure 2.
The advantage of the rotatable version should be
obvious. One can send signals in any direction.
PLATE 998 More to the point, one can null interfering sta-
===~-"----+- LARGE 70 feet tions from any quarter.
U-BOLTS 14.25
The rotatable version shown in Figure 1 is
Length of each side: mounted on a pole or mast that is, in turn, rotat-
ed either by hand or by an electrical antenna rota-
A= Overallf 4 = 70/4 = 17.5 feet tor. The antenna is built using fiberglass (or other
insulating) spreaders connected to a gusset plate.
Length of the matching stub: The spreaders are connected to the gusset plate
by ~ set or two or three U-bolts (Figure 3). The
SPREADER SPREADER L gusset plate is held to the mounting mast by larg-
er U-bolts. The gusset plate is typically 10 to 24
inches square, and made of wood or fiberglass.
(246) (0.80) The mounting version shown in Figure 2 is
13.81 feet
V is the velocity factor of the coaxial cable. 14.25 fixed, but has the advantage of being able to be
installed in an existing location, without the need
The term V in Equation 3 depends upon the Impedance of the matching stub: for a rotatable mast. For example, the two sup-
type of coaxial cable that you use. You can use ports shown in Figure 3 as a building and a mast,
0.66 for standard polyethylene coaxial cable, or ~Zo ZL could be any combination of builqings, masts,
0-78 to 0.80 for polyfoam coaxial cable. Or alter- trees, or other forms. Ropes are used to hold the
~ (52) (140) = ~ 7280 = 85 ohms
natively, you can measure the velocity factor of antenna, which is about in the center of the dis-
the coaxial cable and use that number. I have The impedance of the matching section is tance between the supporting structures.
seen substantial variation in the actual velocity supposed to b~ 85 ohms. One can buy 90-ohm Although it is fed at the bottom in the case
factor, so prefer this latter method myself. coaxial cable but, in
The impedance of the transmission line used practice, the user will be Figure 4 Cubical quad antennas: '
for the quarter wavelength matching stub is able to obtain 75-ohm
found by taking the square root of the product of coaxial cable far more
the impedances: easily. This cable forms a
good match when used
as the matching stub,
where: especially considering
Z1 is the characteristic impedance required of the fact that the anten-
the matching stub na will be used closer to
ZO is the impedance of the feedline to the the ground than the free
receiver or the rig space impedance value
ZL is the load impedance (i.e., the antenna indicates. This means the
feedpoint impedance) impedance of the load
will be closer to 100
Example ohms, an9 that trans-
lates into an impedance A) Reflector style. B) Director style.
Take as our example the case where the feed- of SQRT(52 ( 100) = 72
point impedance is 140 ohms, and the receiver ohms.

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Nuts & Volts Magazine/ DECEMBER 2000 33
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Large Loop Antennas

Figure 6
compact loop
A i



of Figures 1 and 2, giving it horizontal
polarization, the antenna can also be fed
along either vertical wire radiator segment for ver- loop is that it is triangular shaped, which makes

tical polarization. mounting and installation easier in some cases .

Each side of the Delta loop is one-third of a wave-
Quad Beam Antennas length (A./3), but the overall length is found from
Equation 2. The antenna can be fed at any cor- 150-0HMS

The quad loop antenna can be formed into a ner. The antenna can also be inverted (sharp
beam antenna (Figure 4), giving a unidirectional point up) and it will work approximately the same twin-lead is used, then multiply that distance by
pattern . The nice thing about the quad antenna is as for the case shown. the velocity factor of the transmission line.
that close to the earth's surface it behaves better The coaxial line is a Q-section made of 75-
than a Yagi beam antenna. The antenna can be Two-Band Compact Loop ohm transmission line. It is cut to a quarter wave-
built in either of two ways: a driven element and length of the upper band, i.e., twice FMH z used
either a reflector or a director. The driven element Most of the loops discussed thus far are basi- in the calculations above.
overall length is found from Equation 2, but the cally monobanders, unless multiple loops are built
director and reflector element overall lengths are on the same frame and fed in parallel. The loop in The Bi-Square Loop
found from Equations 5 and 6: Figure 6, however, operates on two bands that
are harmonically related to each other. For exam- The bi-square loop in Figure 7 is twice as
Director: 976 ple, if FL is the lower band, and FH is the higher large as the quad loop. The overall length of the
Overall (5) band, then FH = 2 X FL. wire is two wavelengths, so each side is half
FMHz The overall length of the loop is half wave- wavelength long . The overall length is calculated
Reflector: length, _b ut it is arranged not into a square, but from:
1030 rather a rectangle in which the horizontal sides
Overall (6) 1919
are twice as long as the vertical sides, i.e., the feet (10)
FMHz LMeters
horizontal elements are quarter wavelength and FMH-;:.
Spacing (0.13(): the vertical sections are one-eighth wavelength . while each side is:
128 The section lengths are: 480
s (7)
LMeters feet (II)
Horizontal : 246 FMH~
For a spacing of 0.13A., the maximum gain of A f eet (8) The bi-square antenna can be used on its
the two element quad beam antenna is 7.3 dBd, FMH~ design frequency, and also at one-half its design
or 9.2 dBi. At a spacing of 0.13A., the feedpoint frequency (although the patterns change). At the
impedance is about 60 ohms, which is a good Vertical: 123 design frequency, the azimuthal pattern is a clover
B feet (9)
match to either 52-ohm or 75-ohm coaxial cable leaf perpendicular to the plane of the loop, and is
(the VSWR when used with 52-ohm cable is only horizontally polarized. At one-half the design fre-
1.15:1). In both equations, the frequency is the center quency, the radiation is vertically polarized and
frequency of the lower band of operation. the directivity is end fire.
Delta Loop Antennas The vertical stub is made of 600-ohm parallel The feedpoint impedance of the bi-square is
open wire transmission line, although 450-ohm on the order of 150 ohms. This means that some
The Delta loop antenna (Figure 5) gets its twin-lead could also be used . The length of the form of impedance matching will be needed to
name from the resemblance to the Greek upper stub is found from the same equation (above) as match the impedance to 52 or 75 ohms used by
case letter "delta" ~). The characteristic of this the vertical segment if open wire line is used. If most receivers.

RF CIRCUIT ANTENNA The large loop antennas offer gain over a
HANDBOOK dipole, and can be built on smaller sized lots than
DESIGN a host of other antennas. They are easy to build
l'!!:Jrom one of today's .-,iie most popular and use. NV
T most respected elec- , book on an-tennas !.JJJ~~~=
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ing, building, and testing all types of radio fre- This Third Edition is a work for anyone
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jects that demonstrate the principles of RF newest of novices to the most experi-
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vides a handy parts list and sources of com- gives you all kinds of projects and material
ponents. that explains why what you did works.

34 DECEMBER 2000/ Nttts & Volts Magazine

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