GPU Grant Program - NVIDIA Developer

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GPU Grant Program

Home (/) > ComputeWorks (/computeworks) > Academic Collaboration (/academia) > GPU Grant Program

NVIDIAs Academic Programs Team is dedicated to empowering and collaborating with professors
and researchersat universities worldwide. We aim to inspire cutting-edge technological
innovationand to nd new ways of enhancing faculty research as well as the teaching and learning
experience. We achieve thisthrough a variety of initiatives and programs including:

Small scale GPU grants

Graduate Fellowships (
Providing free teaching materials and GPU cloud resources through ourDeep Learning Institute (DLI)
Teaching Kits (/teaching-kits)
Providing access todeveloper forums (, pre-released tools and drivers
through theAccelerated Computing Developer Program (/accelerated-computing-developer)

GPU Grant Requests

Professors, Researchers and Advisors should complete the online GPU Grant Request Form
( request a GPUfor research purposes for
themselves and/or their teams. In order to review your request, we require a statement of research
and CV. Additional materials should not be used to attach a full proposal in lieu of a statement of
research. Your statement of research must include the following:

contact information
a short description of your research project(s)
how you and/or your team will use the GPU
list of recent publications

GPU Grant Requests are reviewed ever two weeks and notication are sent as soon as the review is
nal - this process could take up to three weeks from the time of submission.There is a limit of (1)
GPU grant per person, per year and per project. Please provide an accurate and complete
FedEx/DHL acceptable shipping address and phone number in the form. The address provided will be
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GPU Grant Program | NVIDIA Developer

EXACTLY where the GPU grants are shipped. No special characters, only enter address details for the
elds presented {ie. don't add country to the street address, don't add university to the street
address), only enter details for one street address per line {ie. don't put the entire street address, City,
State, Zip on one street address line} and no + in front of the phone #. If this information is incomplete
in any way, the submission will be declined or delayed - double check for accuracy!

We currently offer Jetson TX1/Jetson TX2 Developer Kit {if available in your region}, GeForce Titan Xp,
and Quadro P5000 {if available in your region otherwise M5000}. We do not have a Tesla option - Tesla
should not be selected in the drop down.

Students,including PhD student/candidates, should not submit GPU Grant Requests for themselves or
on behalf of their professors. All submissions must come from a Professor, Researcher or Advisor. If
you have multiple students interested in using GPUs for their research, one submission should be
made for your group keeping in mind the overall goals for the next year. Sharing resources is
encouraged. All information should match the professor, researcher and/or advisor information and
the log in email should be the same as the email listed in the form. Any misinformation or
applications submitted by students for their professors will result in automatic decline.

NVIDIA Academic GPU grants are small "seeding" gifts intended to enable researchers to begin a new
project and/or gain the preliminary results to support a larger proposal to other funding agencies.
Our goal is "breadth-rst" seeding and grants are for (1) GPU. Since NVIDIA does not make complete
computer systems, we do not donate them. We also do not grant large quantities of equipment or
server rack mountable GPUs. We only donate workstation GPUs with onboard cooling. If you request
more than one GPU for your research or your team, be sure to clearly explain why multiple GPUsare
needed in your proposal.

Keep in mind draft submissions are deleted periodically.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]).

**NVIDIA can modify, put a hold on or cancel programs at any time.






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