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Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016 Print - 0974-2441

Research Article




Laboratory Functional Foods, Faculty of Foods Science and Engineering, Technical University of Ambato, Av. Los Chasquis y Rio Payamino,
Campus Huachi, CP 1801334, Ambato-Ecuador. Email: [email protected]
Received: 29 February 2016, Revised and Accepted: 10 March 2016


Objective: The aim of this study was to separate and identify lysozyme using cation exchange chromatography, evaluate the protein digestibility and
analyze the inhibition lipid peroxidation in the zebrafish model.

Methods: Hen egg white lysozyme was isolate with cation exchange chromatography. Residual muramidase activity was evaluated with the
spectrophotometric method. Isolate lysozyme (ILZ) and hydrolysates were analyzed with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE) electrophoresis and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC).

Results: To identify the protein, the sample was isolated with cationic exchange chromatography, sample was analyzed using RP-HPLC and SDS-PAGE
confirming that the fraction was hen lysozyme egg white. The enzymatic activity of the isolated protein was normal compared to the commercial
lysozyme activity. Hydrolysates had no muramidase activity and were able to inhibit lipid peroxidation in zebrafish larvae.

Conclusions: Cation exchange chromatography is a good method to ILZ from egg white. Hydrolysates of lysozyme were effective to inhibit lipid
peroxidation in zebrafish model.

Keywords: Lysozyme, Cation exchange chromatography, Enzymatic hydrolysis, Muramidase activity.

INTRODUCTION Isolation of proteins from egg white

About 500 ml of egg white treated with ethanol 30% and adjusted
Lysozyme (EC 3.2.17, N-acetyl-muramic-hydrolase) is a globular basic
pH at 5.8 to separate the mucine. The solution was centrifuged at
protein found in nature and is characterized by its high enzymatic activity.
4.000rpm for 30 minutes at 4C. The supernatant was discarded, and
It was first discovered in nasal mucous by Alexander Fleming, who named
the precipitate was adjusted at pH 7.4 with 1 M NaOH and subject to IEX
it Lysozyme as he observed its lytic activity toward bacterial cocci[1].
The egg albumen is known to have an exceptionally high amount of
lysozyme, normally referred to as hens egg lysozyme, representing 3.5%
IEX chromatography
of the egg white protein content [2-5]. The lysozyme is a basic protein
Proteins form egg white were separated by IEX as described by Recio
consisting of 129 amino acids and a molecular weight of 14.3kDa. This
and Visser [22] with some modifications using a fast protein liquid
enzyme acts by lysing the cell walls of certain Gram-positive bacteria
chromatography (FPLC) system with a cation exchange column
such as lactic acid bacteria and Clostridium sp. by splitting (1-4)
HiLoadTM 26/10 SP-Sepharose Fast Flow (Pharmacia) [23]. Solvent
linkages between N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine of
A was 10 mM ammonium hydrogen carbonate acidified to pH 7 with
the peptidoglycan of bacterial cell walls [6-9]. Lysozyme has been
formic acid, and solvent B was 3 M of ammonia solution. The effluent
associated with many biological activities such as antibacterial, antiviral,
was monitored at 280 nm. Each chromatographic run was repeated
immunomodulating, immunostimulating, antioxidant, antiviral, and
10 times, and the collected fractions were pooled, frozen, and
antitumoral activities among others [10-17]. Classical separation
lyophilized. Following these fractions were analyzed with reversed-
methods of proteins are based on the salting out of solution or
phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and sodium
precipitation with alcohol. These techniques have been extended by the
dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).
ion exchange (IEX) chromatography and membrane separation in recent
years. Presently, researchers are looking for separation methods, which
Enzymatic hydrolysis of lysozyme
will be cheap, easy, nontoxic, and maintaining the highest biological
Commercial, ILZ and hydrolysates were initially dissolved at 5 mg/ml
activity of isolated proteins [18-21]. The aim of the study was to isolate
in potassium phosphate buffer 10 mM (pH 1.5). 1 ml of this lysozyme
lysozyme (ILZ) using cation exchange chromatography, evaluate its
solution was mixed with 50 mL of pepsin solution of 200 U/mg
digestibility and then measure their muramidase activity and ability to
(5 mg/ml in solution of 0.035 M NaCl, pH 2.0) to obtain an enzyme-
inhibit lipid peroxidation in zebrafish larvae.
to-substrate ratio of 1:20 w/w. This mixture was incubated at 37C for
1 hr. The reaction was stopped by heating at 80C for 15 minutes, and
the pH was adjusted at 7.0 by addition of 1 M NaOH [7].
Lysozyme and materials
Lysozyme (L2879, chloride form from chicken egg white Grade SDS-PAGE analysis
VI, 40000units/mg protein, EC and pepsin crystalline The samples were dissolved in 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8, 2.5% SDS,
(4500 units/mg obtained from porcine stomach mucus and Micrococcus and 10 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (non-reducing conditions)
lysodeikticus) were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (Saint Louis, or the same buffer containing 5% b-mercaptoethanol (reducing
MO, USA). conditions), and heated at 95C for 10 minutes [24]. Analysis by SDS-
Carrillo et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016, 345-349

PAGE used PhastSystem Electrophoresis apparatus, precast 20% determined by the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The post hoc analysis
homogeneous gels and PhastGel SDS Buffer Strips (GE HealthCare, was performed by the Tukey test. All tests were considered significant
Barcelona, Spain), following the electrophoretic and silver staining at p<0.05. Statistical analysis was performed using the software
conditions of the manufacturer. package Prism 4 for Windows, version 4.3 (GraphPad Software Inc.,
RP-HPLC analysis
Lysozyme hydrolysates, at a concentration of 2.0 mg/ml, were analyzed RESULTS
using a Hi-Pore RP-318 (250 mm 4.6 mm i.d.) column (Waters,
Hen egg white lysozyme is a protein with high isoelectric point
Milford, MA) in a Waters 600 HPLC system. Solvent A was 0.37%
(pI=10.7) in physiological conditions. At pH 7.0, lysozyme has positive
(v/v) trifluoroacetic acid (Scharlau Chemie, Barcelona, Spain) in
charge but at pH >10.7 has negative charge. The egg white has different
double-distilled water, and solvent B was 0.27% (v/v) trifluoroacetic
proteins such as ovalbumin (pI=4.5), ovotransferrin (pI=6.0), and
acid in HPLC-grade acetonitrile (Lab-Scan, Gliwice, Poland). The
ovomucin (pI=4.1); these proteins have an isoelectric point under 7.0;
chromatographic conditions were as in Martos et al. [25]. Detection
therefore, they have a net negative charge. These charge differences
was at 220 nm, and data were processed using Empower 2 Software
according to pI allow separating the white egg through cationic
exchange chromatography [19]. This fact can be observed in Fig. 1. At
the beginning of the chromatogram, a peak with high absorption can be
Muramidase activity assay
observed at the wavelength used (220 nm), this peak relates to proteins
The lytic activity of lysozyme was determined by monitoring
with negative charge nature, as these proteins are unable to join to the
the decrease in turbidity of a suspension of M. lysodeikticus cell
negative charge of the column, resulting in being eluted with the solvent.
spectrophotometrically at 450 nm at 25C, according to Shugars
While lysozyme was found retained in the column by charge affinity,
method [26]. One unit of lysozyme was defined as a decrease in the
the percentage of ammoniac concentration was increased to gradually
absorbance at 450 nm of 0.001 minutes1. The muramidase activity of
increase pH, when pH overcome the pI of lysozyme, lysozyme changes
each sample was assayed in triplicate.
the charge to become negatively charged and being eluded from the
Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) column, this fact is reflected at the second peak of the chromatogram
with an absorption at the wavelength of 220 nm. To determine if
The thiobarbituric acid reactive species method was used as described
lysozyme was effectively separated, the collected FPLC fraction was
by Westerfield, 1995 [27]. The zebrafish colony was established in the
subject to RP-HPLC with the aim of confirming with its time retained
laboratory, in an environmental growth or glass aquarium, provided
compared to the time retained of a standard of commercial lysozyme
with internal filter and aerator activated carbon for water oxygenation.
(CLZ), to confirm whether or not effectively is lysozyme.
The population of animals was fed three times a day with food chips
for fish. Adult fish were kept on 16 hrs light and 10 hrs dark cycles.
Fig. 2a shows 38 minutes retained time for a standard lysozyme at the
Embryos were obtained by photo-induced spawning over green plants
concentration of 2 mg/ml; it was then observed the same retained time
and were cultured at 28C in fish tank water. Larvae of 5 dpf were then
for the fraction obtained through fast protein liquid chromatography
incubated in 24-well plates, 30 larvae per well for each 100 mg/ml
(FPLC) (Fig. 2b). Both CLZ and the fraction of FPLC were subject to
of lysozymes and hydrolysates. Lipid peroxidation was initiated by
hydrolysis with pepsin at pH 1.2; and it was observed the same behavior
adding 1 ml 500M H2O2 and incubated for 24 hrs at 28C. Groups
for both of them. Pepsin hydrolyzes protein completely at this pH. The
from 30larvae/well in aquarium water were used as controls. Then,
products of the hydrolysis are identical in the CLZ and the isolated
it was removed the H2O2, and it was added 500 l of Tween 0.1%.
lysozyme (Fig. 2c and d).
Each group was mixed and homogenize with a T25 ultra turrax IKA
after the absorbance was measured at 532 nm, and the decrease of
The fraction obtained through FPLC was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. In
absorbance indicates an increase of antioxidant activity. Values of
Fig.3, it is shown that lane 2 reflects the CLZ, lane 3 to the purified FPLC
antioxidant activity were expressed as the percentage inhibition of lipid
lysozyme, both bands being at the same height of retain in the gel.
peroxidation in larvae homogenate as follows: The total antioxidant
activity % inhibition of lipid peroxidation=[(AbAs)/Ab100] where Using data of lane 1, which corresponds to the molecular weight
Ab = absorbance of control and As= absorbance of sample. The test marker, we can see that both bands are at 14.400 Da. Confirming the
larval was monitored using a microscope with a Motic Moticam580, molecular weight of the purified protein in the FPLC obtained fraction.
5MP. In lanes number 4 and 5, two bands below 14.400 Da can be observed;

Test of toxicity in the model of zebrafish

Zebrafish of the AB strain (wild-type, wt) embryos were obtained from
natural spawnings. Embryos were raised and fish were maintained as
described by Westerfield [27]. After collection and disinfection, eggs
were reared in 24-well microplates with 1 ml of water.

Fish embryo toxicity (FET) test

The assay was based on the OECD draft guideline on FET test [28] and
is described in detail by Domingues et al. [29]. 10 eggs per treatment
(3 replicates) were selected and distributed in 24-well microplates.
The test started with newly fertilized eggs exposed to the nominal
concentrations of 0; 2.5; 5; 25; 50; 100 mg/ml of lysozymes and
hydrolysates run for 2 days. Embryos were observed at 24 and 48hrs
under a stereomicroscope (magnification used for observations
was40). The following parameters were evaluated as an endpoint
and considered lethal if one of them is detected egg coagulation, lack of
development somites, lack of tail detachment, and lack of heartbeat[30].

Statistical analysis
Results are presented as meansstandard deviation from three Fig. 1: Separation of lysozyme of egg white by cation exchange
replicates of each experiment. Differences between mean values were chromatography using ammonia 3 M

Carrillo et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016, 345-349

those lanes relate to peptides resulting of the product of the hydrolysis are not meaningful differences when they are analyzed statistically.
with pepsin. No intact lysozyme can be observed at this hydrolysis pH. The zebrafish larvae after 24 hrs of the assay when were examined no
show obvious morphological abnormalities as crooked bodies, spinal
We finally evaluate the enzymatic activity of the lysozyme of white egg deformities, and not exhibit any significant effects on the growth of the
or also called muramidase activity. White egg lysozyme has the capacity body zebrafish larvae (Fig. 5b).
of hydrolyzing the walls of bacteria Gram-positive. For this test,
lyophilized walls of Micrococcus lysodeikticus ATCC 4698 were used, the As shown in Fig. 6a, the mortality of the Zebrafish egg when they were
decrease of observance at 450 nm was measured. In Fig. 4, it can be treated with different concentrations of lysozymes and hydrolysates.
seen that the FPLC purified lysozyme presented 97% of muramidase No significant effect on the survival rate was observed for all treatments
activity, the CLZ hydrolyzed only kept 1.7% of said activity and the groups. When the morphologies of these lysozymes treated were
FPLC purified lysozyme hydrolyzed presented only kept 2.0% of said examined, no show obvious morphological abnormalities such as egg
enzymatic activity, this data indicate that the active site of lysozyme was coagulation, lack of development somites, lack of tail detachment, and
reduced to small fragments, which have no muramidase activity. lack of heartbeat. The embryos were normal (Fig. 6b).
These results are in agreement with different studies where has been
described hydrolyzed lysozyme with no muramidase activity [4,31].
Hen egg is one of the most common foods that induce hypersensitive
In Fig. 5a, it can be seen that CLZ and the isolated lysozyme through reactions in young children. Egg white contains more than 20 kinds
chromatography were only able to inhibit the lipid peroxidation in of proteins. Ovomucoid (Gal d 1), ovalbumin (Gal d 2), ovotransferrin
zebrafish larvae 21% and 23%, respectively, whereas hydrolyzed (Gald 3), and lysozyme (Gal d 4) have been identified as main allergens
presented a high activity, being able to inhibit 82% for the hydrolyzed in the egg white. Hen egg white lysozyme is a potent allergen named Gal
of CLZ and 84% for the isolated hydrolyzed lysozyme through cationic d4 with resistant at hydrolysis with pepsin. It is known that lysozyme
exchange chromatography. Both hydrolyzed were effective, and there

a c

b d
Fig. 2: Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
of lysozyme, (a) commercial lysozyme (CLZ), (b) isolate lysozyme Fig. 4: Residual muramidase activity of commercial lysozyme
(ILZ), (c) hydrolysate of CLZ, (d) hydrolysate of ILZ (CLZ), isolate lysozyme (ILZ), hydrolysate of CLZ and hydrolysate
of ILZ. The decrease in turbidity of a cell suspension of
Micrococcus lysodeikticus was determined at 450 nm in phosphate
buffer at pH 6.24 and 25C. Data were analyzed by analysis of
variance (GraphPad Prism), and the means were separated by
Tukeys multiple range test. The significance was defined at

a b
Fig. 5: (a) Thiobarbituric acid reactive results of lysozyme. Data
are expressed as % thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
Fig. 3: Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis inhibition compared to a negative control (error bars expressed
analysis of lysozyme. Lane 1: Weight molecular, Lane 2: as SD). n=30 zebrafish larvae. Commercial lysozyme (CLZ),
Commercial lysozyme (CLZ), Lane 3: Isolate lysozyme (ILZ), Lane isolate lysozyme (ILZ), hydrolysate of CLZ and hydrolysate of
4: Hydrolysate of CLZ, Lane 5: Hydrolysate of ILZ. Coomassie- ILZ, (b) Morphologies of zebrafish larvae after incubation with
stained polyacrylamide gel lysozymes

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Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016, 345-349

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