Effect of Yeast Extract On Alpha-Amylase Synthesis by Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens

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Effect of Yeast Extract on a-Amylase

Synthesis by Bacillus am yloliquefaciens

Shahriar Alam, Juan Hong,* and William A. Weigand

Department of Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology,
Chicago, Illinois 60616
Accepted for publication March 7, 1988

INTRODUCTION by B . amyloliquefaciens. The purpose of this study was to

investigate the effect of yeast extract on a-amylase synthe-
Rapidly metabolizable complex medium containing high
sis by B . amyloliquefaciens F under controlled and uncon-
levels of yeast extract (i.e., 5 g/L) are widely used for
trolled pH conditions. In addition the by-product formation
studying growth and product formation characteristics of
during fermentation and its influence on a-amylase is also
microorganisms in the laboratory. Yeast extract provides a
cheap source of various amino acids, vitamins, minerals,
and other growth factors to sustain a good growth of the
microorganisms. Nutritional requirements for a-amylase MATERIALS AND METHODS
synthesis by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens have been studied
by many investigator^.^-^ The a-amylase synthesis by B . Microorganism and Culture Medium
amyloliquefaciens has been correlated to the presence or
The a-amylase producing strain, Bacillus amyloliquefa-
absence of various amino acid^,'.^,^ complex nitrogenous
ciens F (ATCC 23350) was used in the study. The stock
sources,8-10and most importantly, the rate of growth of the culture was maintained in litmus milk added medium at
microorganism on various carbon Starch sup- - 80°C.
ported the highest doubling time for B . amyloliquefaciens The composition of the medium for innoculum prepara-
followed by glycerol and glucose re~pectively.~ The rate of tion was 10 g glucose, 5 g yeast extract (Difco) and 2 g
a-amylase synthesis was found to relate inversely with the NaCl in 1 L water. The modified' a-amylase fermentation
growth rate in these batch experiments. In continuous cul- medium consisted of 9 g K,HPO,, 3 g KH,PO,, 5 g
ture, a-amylase synthesis followed essentially the same (NH,),SO,, 1 g Na3C6H50,. 2H,O, 0.2 g MgSO, . 7H,O,
pattern." The lower a-amylase synthesis rates in the pres- 0.14 g FeC1, . 6H,O, 0.05 g CaCl, . 2H,O, 0.01 g
ence of high glucose concentrations were accepted as evi-
dence of catabolite repression for B . amyloliquefaciens by
MnSO, 4H,O, 0.01 g FeSO, 7H,O, 0.001 g ZnSO, .
7H,O, and desired amounts of glucose and yeast extract in
Ingle and Boyer.6 In Bacillus fermentation the majority of 1 L water.
the carbon is directed to the formation of carbon dioxide,
butanediol, glycerol, ethanol, acetate, and lactate depend-
ing on the species. 12213 Bacillus arnyloliquefaciens mostly Fermentations
produces carbon dioxide, butanediol, acetate, and a small Fermentations were carried out in a l-L Bellco fermen-
amount of lactate.', The medium composition, mostly the tor with a working volume of 750 mL at 37°C. The agita-
carbon and nitrogen sources, is known to influence the tion and air flow were maintained constant at 500 rpm and
metabolite formation in B . amyloliquefaciens, l 5 which in 1.8 vvm. The pH was controlled by the addition of acid
turn can have a modulating effect on a-amylase synthesis (5N HCl) or alkali (5N NaOH) as required. One con-
by changing the pH of the system. Most of the previous trolled pH experiment was carried out in a 20-L New
studies on a-amylase fermentation ignored the role of Brunswick microprocessor-controlled fermentor with a
these metabolites on the synthesis of this enzyme and have working volume of 8 L. Agitation and aeration were kept
scarcely reported the concentration levels of the various the same as in the preceding.
metabolites present.
In a recent study,' the concentration of yeast extract was
found to be an important factor in the a-amylase synthesis Amylase Assay
Spectrophotometric liquefying a-amylase activity assay
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. New address: Bio-
chemical Engineering Program, School of Engineering, University of (at pH 6.8) of Miles Laboratories was used in this investi-
California, Irvine, CA 92717. gation. One liquefying a-amylase unit (LAU) is that activ-

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 33, Pp. 780-785 (1989)

0 1989 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0006-3592189/060780-06$04.00
ity that will hydrolyze 1 p g soluble starch/min under the Other Methods
conditions of the assay. The glucose concentration was measured by a YSI
model 27A automatic glucose analyzer. The acid and sol-
Protease Assay vent analysis were carried out by a Waters HPLC system
in an Aminex HPX-87H organic acid analysis column
Detergent alkaline Protease activity assay (at PH 8.5) of (Bio-Rad). Cell concentration was determined from the
Miles Laboratories was also used. One detergent alkaline turbidity measurement at 620 nm.
protease unit (DAPU) is that activity that will liberate
four nmol tyrosine/min under the conditions of the assay.
Batch experiments were carried out with several initial
Amylase Deactivation Study
glucose concentrations of between 0.20 to 20.0 g/L and
The a-amylase deactivation studies were carried out by yeast extract concentration of 1 g/L. Figure 1 represents a
measuring the activity of the enzyme solutions kept at typical batch fermentation for the initial glucose concentra-
40°C over an interval of several hours. The systems stud- tion of 19 g/L, characterizing an enzyme synthesis in the
ied were as follows: system A, centrifuged broth from exponential phase that continued at the same rate even in
1 g/L yeast extract fermentation with a-amylase present; the death phase before reaching the plateau. The enzyme
system B, centrifuged broth from 5 g/L yeast extract sys- productivity with various initial concentrations of glucose
tem and "system A" in equal volumes; system C, cen- is given in Figure 2. The enzyme productivity is defined as
trifuged broth from 5 g/L yeast extract fermentation added the amount of enzyme produced per unit time per unit cell
to this was a-amylase from Sigma Chemical Co; sys- mass (LAU/hr g). Here the cell mass represents the maxi-
tem D, fresh medium containing a-amylase from Sigma. mum cell mass produced during the exponential phase of
Levels of enzyme used were 10,000 LAU/mL in all experi- growth. The productivity was found to decrease with in-
ments except system B. The level of enzyme in system B creasing initial glucose concentration.
was -5000 LAU/mL as broth from 5 g/L yeast extract To investigate the effect of yeast extract, we varied its
fermentation contained a negligible amount of the enzyme. concentration in the fermentation medium between 1 and

Figure 1. Effect of yeast extract on a-amylase fermentation by B . urnyloliquefu-
ciens. Open and filled symbols represents fermentation in 1 and 5 g/L yeast extract,
respectively (see text for medium composition). Symbols: a-amylase fV,V); biomass
(A& glucose (El,=); pH (0,O).



. V

175 -

150 -

125 - \
I00 -
\v . W

75 -

Figure 2. Change in overall productivity with increasing glucose concentration
in batch fermentation with 1 g/L yeast extract.

5 g/L keeping the glucose concentration constant around thesis but may stimulate a-amylase synthesis .' Commer-
19 g/L. Figure 1 represents a typical batch fermentation cially complex nitrogenous sources are used to sustain
data with 1 and 5 g/L concentration of yeast extract in the synthesis of both a-amylase and pr~tease.~." A complica-
medium. In presence of 5 g/L yeast extract the a-amylase tion concerning the effect of complex nitrogenous sources
activity in the medium was found to be extremely low is the likelihood of a-amylase destruction by inducible
(hereafter to be referred to as the nonproducing system). pro tease^.^ The protease synthesis characteristics were
Analysis of batch data with 1-5 g/L yeast extract concen- thus studied in a medium containing 1 g/L yeast extract
tration in the fermentation medium shows that the overall at a constant pH of 7.0 (in the New Brunswick fermentor).
productivity of fermentation initially increased slightly be- The protease production was found to be concomitant with
tween 1 and 2 g/L yeast extract concentration and then fell the a-amylase synthesis but reached a plateau in 10 h
very rapidly beyond this point. The results are shown in compared to 28 for a-amylase. About 2000 DAPU/mL
Figure 3. To further investigate if the cells had lost their alkaline protease and 6500 LAU/ml a-amylase were syn-
ability to produce a-amylase in the medium containing thesized from 10 g/L glucose. The a-amylase produced
yeast extract at 5 g/L, a 10-mL sample was withdrawn during the fermentation may be degraded by this protease.
from the fermentor after 18 h (shown by the arrow in The possibilities of the protease degradation of a-amylase
Fig. 1) and was incubated in a medium containing 1 g/L will be discussed later.
yeast extract without any glucose. In 12 h, the cell concen- The effect of enzyme deactivation in the fermentation
tration increased by 164%, with enzyme production level systems were investigated next. The strain B. amylolique-
reaching 1647 LAU/mL. This indicates that the cells faciens is known to produce considerable amounts of 2,3-
grown in the medium of yeast extract at 5 g/L were not butanediol, acetate, and lactate.I4 Under uncontrolled pH
physiologically different from the cells grown in the experiments, increasing the yeast extract concentration re-
medium containing yeast extract of 1 g/L. sults in increased acid production. The total acid produc-
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens F is known to produce tion in 5 g/L yeast extract fermentation was 4 times higher
mostly alkaline protease in addition to a-amylase and in the uncontrolled pH system over the same fermentation
small amounts of neutral p r ~ t e a s e . The
~ . ~ activity ratio of at a constant pH of 7. The levels of acid and solvent pro-
alkaline protease to neutral protease produced by the duced in various experiments are presented in Table I.
present organism was reported to be over 111.6 It is well These metabolites are likely to deactivate the a-amylase
established that free amino acids repress protease biosyn- produced in the system. Hence, deactivation of a-amylase


L '



90 :

80 :

70 :

60 :

50 :

40 :

30 :

20 7 v\ V

10 r


Figure 3. Effect of yeast extract concentration on productivity of a-amylase

was studied in the cell-free fermentation broth (systems A , the cell-free broth from the 5 g/L yeast-extract-containing
B, and C) as well as fresh medium (system D). Details of system (system C) was higher compared to the deacti-
these systems are given in the Materials and Methods vation in the broth from 1 g/L yeast extract fermenta-
section. The results of the stability tests are presented in tion (system A), it is obvious that it cannot account for
Figure 4. It appears from Figure 4 that the extent of de- lower levels of a-amylase synthesis in high-yeast-extract-
activation in 25 h was between 20 and 30% in all four dif- containing systems ( 5 g/L yeast extract).
ferent systems studied, indicating that the deactivation of The mode of glucose utilization in the a-amylase pro-
a-amylase by the metabolites cannot account for the al- ducing and nonproducing systems was essentially the
most zero level of a-amylase in the medium with yeast ex- same, except the presence of additional yeast extract in the
tract at 5 g/L. It also indicates that the degradation of nonproducing system supported a somewhat higher growth
a-amylase by protease produced in the medium containing rate. The higher growth rate with increasing yeast extract
yeast extract at 5 g/L (systems B and C) was not signifi- concentration was associated with a more rapid fall in the
cant. Even though the rate of deactivation of a-amylase in pH of the system, as shown in Figure 1. The decrease in
pH was the result of high acid concentration in uncon-
Table I. Production levels of acids and solvents." trolled conditions. For this reason we further investigated
Yeast extract Hours of Acetic acid Butanediol the effect of keeping the pH constant throughout the fer-
(g/U PH fermentation (g/L) (g/L) mentation (5 g/L yeast extract). The fermentation data is

given in Figure 5. Under a controlled pH condition the a -

1.o uncontrolled 48.0 0.75 6.61 amylase synthesis was found to revive but the total enzyme
2.0 uncontrolled 50.0 0.67 5.99
3.0 uncontrolled 50.0 0.82 6.86 synthesis was less than the total enzyme produced in the
4.0 uncontrolled 50.0 1.28 7.54 fermentation containing 1 g/L yeast extract. It should be
5.0 uncontrolled 48.0 2.99 6.30 noted that the a-amylase synthesis under the uncontrolled
1 .o 7.0 48.0 0.59 5.84 pH condition was completely repressed with yeast extract
5.0 7.0 48.0 0.70 6.16 at 5 g/L. On the other hand, for medium with yeast ex-
a Initial glucose concentrations of glucose in these experiments were tract at I g/L, a strict pH control did not result in a signifi-
between 19 and 20 g/L. Levels of lactate produced were very low (cO.01). cant increase in the enzyme synthesis.





GLUCOSE x g/l u? m u 03 cc
0 0 0 0 0

CONCLUSIONS 2. G. Coleman, J . Gen. Micrbioi., 49, 421 (1967).
3. N. E. Welker and L. L. Campbell, J . Bacteriol., 86, 681 (1963).
In previous studies yeast extract was found to be essen- 4. G. Coleman and M. A. Grant, Nature. 211, 306 (1966).
tial to obtain a good growth of B . amyloliquefaciens. Our 5. Q. Zhang, N. Tsukagohi, S . Miyashiro, and S . Udeka, Appl. Envi-
studies indicate that there is an optimum yeast extract con- ron. Micrbiol., 46, 293 (1983).
6. M. B. Ingle and E. W. Boyer, in Microbiology, D. Schlessinger,
centration for a-amylase production. For uncontrolled pH
Ed.,Washington D.C. (American Society of Microbiology, 1975),
fermentations, increasing the yeast extract concentration to p. 420.
a level of 5 g/L lowers the pH significantly. This results in 7. W. M. Fogarty and C. T. Kelly, in Microbial Enzymes and Biocon-
the complete repression of the enzyme synthesis. Under versions, A. H. Rose, Ed. (Academic, New York, 1980), p. 115.
controlled pH condition, the a-amylase synthesis with the 8. B. K. May and W. H. Elliot, Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 157, 607
medium containing yeast extract at 5 g/L was comparable
9. Y. J. Yoo, Ph.D. Dissertation, “Kinetics and Optimal Control of
to that with yeast extract at 1 g/L. This study suggests that a-amylase Production from Bacillus arnyloliquefaciens” University
a strict pH control is required in complex media containing of Maryland, Maryland, 1986.
high levels of yeast extract for studying the a-amylase syn- 10. L. Nyiri, Inr. Chem. Eng., 11, 447 (1971).
thesis by B . amyloliquefaciens. 1 1 . F. G. Heineken and R. J. O’Connor, J . Gen. Microbiol., 73, 35
The authors would like to thank Mr. John Ponzo for valuable dis-
12. A. C. Blackwood, A. C. Neish, W. E. Brown, and G. A. Ledingham,
cussion on culture maintenance.
Can. J . Res., 25B, 56 (1947).
13. E. T. Papoutsakis and C. L. Meyer, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 27, 50
References 14. S. Alam, Ph.D. Dissertation, “Fermentation and Separation in Aque-
ous Two-Phase System,” Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago,
1. T. Maniatis, E. F. Fritsch, and J. Sambmok, Molecrrtar Cloning,Cold IL, i988.
Spring Harbor, N.Y., (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1982). 15. R. J. Magee and N. Kosaric, Adv. Appl. Microbiol, 32, 89 (1987).


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